\ \•
Interesting and J \ .Entertaining
News Oft Interest to-Jews
Entered as wcond-class mall matter on Januar uuglofflt-e in Omaha Nebraska, under the Act of
- '^ Karl Marx • - -Xghtas Museum
KELLOGG SAYSES. IS CONCERNED OVER OPPRKSIONOFJEWS Secretary- df State Corrects pression of Previous .. . . . Statement.,
• . at SiO.
'.:. Berlin—,(J. T. A.)—The house where Karl Marx was born has been. 1 purchased by the German Social Democratic party. -; Located at Trier, Rheinland, the Im- house Jias been preserved" in its original condition. It wilT be kept as a socialist museum.
Mary Visits David A* Brown, Quest in Omaha, OMAHA ADDS NEW Princess TALMUD TORAH TO Hebrew University Tells How Tradesmen Are Made VICTORY IN DEBATE; Into Farmers in Rural Russia OPEN BRANCH IN WINS UNANIMOUSLY Detroit Philanthropist Affirms His Interest in Jews cf the World DUNDEE NEXT WEEK Klutznick and Zacharia Defeat St. Louis Speakers in Lively Contest. 400 ATTEND DEBATE.
OMAHA TO ENTERTAIN Another debate victory was chalked up to the honor and glory of Omaha JUNIOR AND SENIOR 3Ionday evening, when Philip Elutzand Sam Zacharia argued three HACASSAH CHAPTERS nick judges to a unanimous decision in
Washington—r(J. T. A.)—Secretary of State" Kellogg at his daily conference with press representatives on MonSay'officially confirmed the report in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on the United States government's atti-, _ . _ • . _, , o _ r t _r., . tude toward the oppression of minori-j L o = a I Group Expects 250 Visi-. tors During :Re£ionai'. ties in -foreign countries--including.| Jews.
' . ' " rJ-<.
• Contention,
VOL. VII.—No. 15
their favor in their debate .with Alvin Wolff and Echael Feinstein of the St. Louis Y. M. H. A., in th.e Jewish Community Center Monday evening.
Jerusalem—(J. T. A)—Princess Mary visited the Hebrew University pn Mount Scopus. In her reply to the message of greeting sent by the :Zionist executive, the princess, expressed her desire to see something of the Jewish work in the country. ,. The princess made a-visit to the pioneer colony, Dilb, where she was presented with gifts of milk and honey and flowers. Tbi* address of welcome was. translated; by Norman Bentwich, Palestine attorney general. Princess Mary replied, declaring she was happy( to s£e the settlement and its work, '
Wherever They Need Help.
New School to Accommodate
"My name • is connected with work "Dr. Rosen is one of the greatest About 50 Stndente from among the Jews of Russia, but do not agriculturists in the world. Under Residential Section. imagine that I am interested only in his direction we have established j them. There are some Jews -who are farming communities, provided them j O P E N RECEPTION SUNDAY. interested in their brothers only if with machinery, and bred for them! —: they live in a certain part of the the finest herds of cattle. We have j A branch Talmud Torah ift Dundee world. I have no use for them." proved that the Jews cai. be good will be opened next week, according to the announcement made WednesIn these vigorous words, David A. farmers." day br Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of Brown, philanthropist and national' Good Farmers. the board of education. The new chairman of the United Jewish Ap-1 ,, . peal, declared his brotherhood with! T Mr. Brown told of;a community of school will be opened in two rooms on Jewish farmers which has been in the Jewry of all'the world, in an in- | existence in Russia for a hundred the second floor of the Sunset. Tea terview for The Jewish Press during!f years, althoug-h other Jews were not Room building, Forty-nintli ah<I Dodge streets, and vrill serve primarily" the his visit here Monday. Mr. Brown: scouted'the idea, that | Permitted to go on. the land. children in the Dundee lo T l estab^sfaed t b ^ f a d by-.one b n e of the tion. The rooms have been lease*! for there is a great rush of Jews to the f^ ^ ^ i Czars, and a good agricultural school three years. land in Russia this spring. Th"e opeiiing" of this branch is a "Of course we have more applica- Was provided for them. Here there tions- than we can accept," he said. grew up a group of Jewish fanners step forward in-, the progress of the "That is true of relief wort in all whose sons, are very skillful agricul- local Talmud Torah, toward which the parts of: the world. We have 50,000 ! turi&ts. These men have become the directors of the institution have baen. for the newly-settled for three years. It is expected applications and the most we can set- finstructors tie on the land in a year are 5,000. | a r o i e r s i n t h e Agro-Joint colonies. that between 40 and 50 students livIt would take $500,000,000 to settle! Dr. Rosen's coming- brings to the ing in that section will attend the hewthem all. But there is no rush to attention of interested Americans the school, of which Judah Wolfson will the land because they are not per- large volume of colonization work be principal and Morris Bloc": teacher. Classes -will be held after school mitted to go into the colonies until done under the handicap of a limited budget. Two hundred thousand acres every day, A few student-, livittg in they are ready." have been prepared for immediate Dundee who are attendi?-^ the central The More the Better. "We are taking them as fast as we settlement, 1,627 houses hav e been Talmud Torah will transfer to the hew can," he continued. "Few as they are, I built, 29 schools have been established. branch. Mr.-Brown'has'not been to Russia The school will be formally opened the more we take, the less hungry since 1925, but plans to go this sum- with a reception to the public, to be mouths there are in the cities. Each family put on a farm is so much to mer. He was in Omaha for only a held at S p. m. Sunday, April 2&. i few hours on his way from the west' Henry M on sky will give a brief adthe good." Mr. Brown referred to the arrival to New York, where he will hold a dress. Dr. Philip Sher, who is in last week in New York of Dr. Joseph special meeting next Sunday. During charge of arrangements for the recepA. Rosen, director of the Agro-Jcint. his visit here, he was guest of honor tion, is also planning a musical proat a dinner at the Blackstone hotel. gram, ' He said, The need for a branch Talmud Torah has been felt by local leaders in Jewish education 'for'several years. Its establishment marks further progress in Omaha's determined effort to provide its Jewish 'children With Jewish •
; , At thfe pregs conference;-a';-corres-y! : -The' siabject, "Resolved, tnat Ours Is JOINT pondent. inquired -whether-in his; recentk an Age of Brassv" aroused a keen indiscussion'of the-minorities in Europe^}' . , J. - . . , . . - . . . terest in the audience': of i about 400 Secretary Kellogg" means that the! About 2oO Hadassah.members from persons, and after the. decision .had United States is not concerned about" this region outside Omaha will attend been given for- the affirmative, the Nathan Straus Defends the -ill-treatment of certain of these t h e third annual conference of the meeting was thrown into an open Mrs. Hadassah in New minorities, including principally the] Southwest Region ..of. Hadassah May forum. A lively discussion, mostly Statement ' Jews in. Roumania. The secretary re- 27, 28 and 29, in. the Jewish Commun- upholding the negative side of the . % ... plied that he had said that the United: ity Center. question, took place from the SOOT. «NO CONFIDENCES tOTED. States could not protest officially to: Five states will be represented by The Omaha speakers contended that Junior and Senior delegates. The foreign -countries against their treatthis is an age primarily of braggadocNew York—(J. T.. A.)—A vote of ment of; the minorities •. in. those coun-! Junior conference will take place Sun- cio," rather than of learning, a period; day, Junior and Senior Monday; and "no confidence" in the present admintries t not citizens of the United States. of hollow insincerity when intellectual He stated that he did not say the the Senior alone on ""-lesday. Twelve attainment is at an ebb. They con- istration of the Zionist ^Organization of America, definitely "aligning the United States was not concerned aboutt chapters will be represented/ trasted it with the Talmudic age, Hadassah leadership with the oppoProminent speakers are being arthe matter, but that.in.fact, he, the; which they referred to as an age of sitional elements within American secretary, had -done everything. he ! ranged for the lunchc _,n on Monday gold. . and the banquet to be? held Tuesday Zionism against the Lipsky adminiscould wilhin(the diplomatic rights arid evening. Men will be guests at the • "Today the Jew is higher socially tration, was passed at the closing sesproperties of this country and that, banquet. • "' " " and economically," Sam Zacharia said, sion of the National Board of Hadasof course, this ^country was concerned Officers in charge'of the Cenior con- "but assiduous devotion to Jewish sah, the women's Zionist" organization about the proper .treatment of minorir ties in foreign countries* although we ference will be Mrs. M. F. Levenson, learningis conspicuous b; its absence. of America, late Sunday-night. About 130 members-of Hadassah, had rio right officially to. protest president; Mrs. S. L. Goldman, St. We hear the chatter of self-praise like Joseph, Mo.; Mrs. G. Klausner, St. the blare of trumpets. Yet; what has including the members of the National against it." Louis; Mrs. A. Markus, Kansas City; tfie Jew. of today contributed to Jew- board and chairmen, of Hadassah Moral Pressure. Mrs. E. Hill, Lincoln, and Mrs. B. Wil- ish-knowledge?" • •••-<--:. chapters and regional units, were The Unite$J_States government has lens, Denver, vice presidents; Mrs. J. Alvin Wolff, speaking for the nega- present at the sessions which began a ground to act in the situation in. J. Friedman, Omaha," secretary, and tivev denied that vainglorious bragging on Saturday night aad ended late Ho'umanid because' of the!" mistreat- Miss Dora- Cohen, Kansas tCity, treasr is predominent, and maintained that Sunday night. The sessions were dement of Jews greater than that which They -will be-" assisted byL-ihe Jewish leaders admit the low standard clared executive and no press repreexisted at the time of abrogation of j of director^ of the Omaha chap- •of modern Judaism and are1 trying to sentatives were admitted. A statement the^Rugsiaji^treaty.isthec^pipioii. 'efr-l Issued-•after..the.^lraej^ the sesScn? "'" i>/tiir : -New York"Times''1 . In vivid, terms, Philip1- Klutznick de- declared that the special" "meeting- of members ; from ^Eulsa^ P,eneditorially on tiie statement of St. Louis, Kansas City* StI Jo- scribed the indifference of the masses the National'board was call d for the Canadian Capitalist Bequeaths Falk Brothers, Merchants, Mak« Secretary Kellogg: The "Times"- deseph, Pueblo and Lincoln will attend of Jewish people to the: summons of purpose of clarifying the position cf clares that the first statement, in this Part of Wealth to Jewish ^5<v to *" TUniversity. ~ ; —" : ^" Gift the leaders. Hadassah toward the present adminthe Sunday and Monday, sessions. matter,, which.was a rejoinder to the Philanthropies. opponents of the policy in Nicaragua, • A talk on the nurses' training ""The Wider Scope movement 1and istration of the Zionist Organization FOR FREE TREATMENT. the Hillel Foundation have failed/ he of America. "was not of the-happiest inspirations." school, a new project of the Junior ESTATE TO BE DIVIDED. said.-'We claim that we were destined In regard to this matter the statePittsburgh—(J. T. A.)—A complete'; i The^Center Players Guild last^week Hadassah, will be given. The •paper' writes: j members to ofto be the moral leaders of humanity; ment quoted the following resolution .Montreal—(J. T. A.)—Four specific modern clinic and dispensary, entirely elected Omaha lias several- regional : offiM ) p •"•The recprd' has now been set Earl S^gel, presiyes^—to teach them a faith that we adopted: ! bequests of ?100,000 each to the Fed-' equipped and furnished, where 750 perstraight. The right to apply moral cers: Grace Rosenstein,-regional-presiJf° 'Brown, vice-president; ourselves do not know. The Talmudic 1 "The National Board of Hadassah, eration of Jewish Philanthropies, the'sons will be treated free of charge pressure in tfie interest of elementary dent; Ann Greenberg , second vice age has given us so much, of wisdom, e.Beber, secretary; Sid Vrmtrottb. despite its criticism of the present adYoung Men's Hebrew Association, the daily and which will cost approxihuman rights and justice, is one we president, and Tina* Altschuler, secre- and we think we can sit complacently have often exercised. Twenty years tary. The chapters will give a report back on our haunches for eternity. We ministration of the Zionist Organiza- Montreal General hospital, and the mately S750,000, has been given to the j mtreasurer and S.anley I•. Levin, chairof the committee,season ago Elihu" Root : as secretary of-state of the year's activities. Rose Fine is build synagogues,- but we forget our tion of America, considc : itself a Notre Dame hospital are the outstand- University of Pittsburgh by Maurice ^n Altho the publicrty Glide's theatrical constituent part thereof, and ha' for- ing donations in the will of the late and Leon Falk, according to an antook open cognizance of the treatment president of Omaha chapter. Jewish souls and hearts." mulated a constructive program for Sir Mortimer Davis. Lady Davis and nouncement yesterday by Chancellor is over and production will not be reof the Jews iri Czarist Russia. We deThere are over 10,000. Junior memSpeaking for the negative, Echael its future policy to be presented to Mortimer Davis, Jr., are to share on; John G. Bowman. It is expected the sumed till September the members of ferred renewal' of a trade treaty with bers in the United States, and, the Feinstein denied the ability of the afan equal basis the net annual revenues [ building will be finished within eigh- the Guild plan to hold «. "get-together" Russia as.a protest against such prac- membership is expected to double in firmative to evaluate the. age, and de- its next annual convention." each month. Mamye Temin is chairj teen months. from the estate. tices. In the case of Roumania today 1929. Hadassah maintains a children's scribed the present period as one of Committee of Seven. man of the May affair which will be The $100,000 donation to the Young j The new building will be located at in the form a a gala jubilee and "kids the United States may be .said to oc- village in Palestine.. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency ""_ transition, in which the germs of a Men's Hebrew association is an extra Fifth avenue and Lothrop street, party." Admission to the party will cupy a moral ground even more solid new growth, a new attitude toward learns unofficially that the Hadassah than the ordinary considerations that i endowment outside of the f 350,000 where the University of Pittsburgh is be limited to members only and the delegates to the forthcoming Zionist religionvand. a renaissance in Jewish enter such protests. To the extent promised by Sir Mortimer to the "Y" ( developing a health center for the peo- tickets may be had from any of the convention will be instructed to suplearning are germinating, that this country contributed to the foT the erection of a new building.: pie of Pittsburgh and western Penn- following members of the committee: port a plan by which the convention • Judge L. B. Day, Judge W. G. HasTictory of the allies in the:war,_.it According to M. H. Weinstein, director sylvania. The center will consist of! Sid Wintroub, Sadie Beber, Anne tings and Frank Fogarty were judges. •is to effect a change in the American has contributed to the present .enof the "Y," the new building will be three medical buildings when wholly Lintzman and Mamye Temin. Zionist Organization leadership by 'Henry Mbnsky was chairman of the hanced position bf Roumania. "When erected as planned by Sir Mortimer completed. So far, one unit of the Appropriate favors and plenty of debate. During the open forum pe- electing a committee of seven to ad- B. Davis. Incorporated ground will be proposed three has been established. the collapse of, the Central Empires ministrate the affairs of the Zionist good eats will be on hand to sat« the riod, David A. Brown, who was in the came, Eournania was overrun by their broken for the new building in May It is the Children's hospital. In addi- jaded appetites of the "kids" as the By Kate Goldstein.' audience*- -was called upon, and gave Organization « America, instead of troops. "Without- an allied victory there and it is expected that the building tion to the Falk clinic, tne medical evening wear,s on, Oother features of choosing, a president and an adminisdefense of the modern certainly would" not have been a great- Iancobi—Lincoln mourns ^he loss of an-impassioned will be completed by January first of center will house the Fresbyterian nos- the program will be the i-nstB.llst.Jor) : ../. , ' '. ' : ' .'•-....,: , er Roumania arid there, might have a pioneer. A man of sterling qualifies J e W . - . next year. j pital of the city. . (Continued on Page 4} 7 of the new officers and the presentacoupled with unusual f xesight was ' After the meeting . had •• dispersed, been no Roumania..at_all. ,•,..• The executors of the estate are! The new Falk center will be closely tion of Guild pins to the members. Ben Simon, whose three-day illness, small* groups •gatheted in the halls to Lady Davis, the Rt. Hon. Lord associated with the new 27 Story Pitt ; Prizes will be awarded to the wearer? which appeared to be.; an inconse- continue the discussion, and only when "League Should "Protest; Shaughnessy, K. C, and A. M. Morti-\ Cathedral of Learning-, now under con- of the best costumes, the cutest "Our efforts in behalf of fair treat- quential need of rest, was cut short the lights were put out at midnight, raer Davis, Inc. The executors are struction in Pittsburgh's educational with death. . v ; did arguments cease. ment for European minorities canand the prettiest- girls. given wide powers, notably in winding center, Schenlcy farms. Ben Simon was \in active charge of not be so direct as those that lie open The St. Louis boys were guests of up the estate, which is to be concluded i Maurice and Leon Falk, brothers, j „, \ \\ to members of the League of Nations. his business until Monday noon, when the Jewish Community Center Monday in fifty years. If in that time Mortimer j have been leaders in Pittsburgh's j J^Ol r i & V l t Z The rights of minorities are embodied he left" the store after complaining of and Tuesday, and a full .program of G r a d u a t e Scholarship The Jewish Community Center and Davis, Jr., dies and Lady Davis dies,' manufacturing- and business for many in the peace treaties and stand under being ilL Tuesday he' remained at entertainment was planned for them. without issue of her marriage to Sir \ years. Their interest in humanitarian • . the Jewish Welfare Federation were the protection of the league.,-These home, but told Ms" sons that he was Mortimer, specific provision is made work has been evidenced through their Word has come from the University at home to approximately 500 persons clauses, courageously and impartially feeling better on' Wednesday"morning. during their reception . "Wednesday for the disposal of the residue under,! donations. They have been associated of Utah that Sol Bflvitz is one ©£ enforced, constitute: one^ of the surest At li:30 he passed: away; with death evening. Many were representatives a plan whereby 75 per cent will be with the Federation of Jewish Thilan- three graduate students of the uniguarantees for the preservation of due to dilation of-the hesrt following ah attack of pleurisy. ' of other social agencies of the Com- used to build a-• general hospital in thropies since its inception, and are versity that have been awarded gradupeace" on the continent. Whatever may ,v Montreal, the majority of whose man-' trustees of this organization. ate-assistantehips for their work-along munity Chest. have been the mistakes committed by For twenty-four' years a business — research lines in the department of The Koda club and Compeer chap-the map-makers at Versailles, no one man in Lincoln, after coming here Guests were given an opportunity agement shall be of Jewish faith. The j chemistry. seriously contends" that it is possible from Washington, .Kans. He, was 65 ter of IvTe have concluded negotia- lo learn the work of the organization, hospital, however, will be open to a n L Ravftz will continue his studies at to draw a set of frontiers in the eth- years of age and was born in Darm- tions for the affiliation of the two through posters displayed, literature sects and creeds. Of the remaining OR Quadrant btal I the California Institute of Technology clubs. The affiliation will bring into given cut, and a tour of the building 25 per cent, half is to go to the Federnological crazy-quilt of - central and stadt, Germany. ation of Jewish philanthropies, and at Pasadena, next year, working in eastern Europe that v/ould eliminate The immediate surviving^relatives Compeer chapter 11 nei men. Clyde •conducted by members of the boards "half will go to non-sectarian charitable j Selma Levin has been made a s s o " j p^vsical chemistry research. He will minorities under foreign rule. But it are his wife\ Etta; one daughter, Mrs. Krasne and Nathan Hoi ./ich are of directors and trustees. : : should not be impossible to inculcate Abe Wittenbergof Lincoln: 'onr sons, members of both. The new club memA gymnasium exhibition tinder Miss institutions in the Province of Que-. ciat* editor of the Technical high j ^ o m e a candidate for Ph. D. The \ school Quadrant, holding the highest j v a | t t e of iTjs scholarship is 1900. The or enforce fair treatment for all races Charles, Harry, Joseph and Samuel; bers will be initiated during • a gala Ethel Greenberg and a swimming ex- bee, as selected "by his executors. The will of Sir Mortimer was drawn ] position on the staff given to a girl. a w a r j estme fct the end of a difficult affair the first week in May, so that hibition directed by Marcus Krasne and creeds within the political fron- four sisters and two brothers. She has been active in journalism national competition. tiers. That is the surest way to mitiFrom a tribute to. the memory of members will be able to participate preceded the auditorium program, up in London, England. in the conclave, which will take placs which included a one-act play, music work during her whole course, and J £ a v ; t K j s *a grandson «f the late gate the menace of, the unredeemed Ben Simon .::'.. ressed before his-burial in Omaha June. 2 and 3. expects to take up newspaper work as! j a c o b stein and Mrs, Stein, and a by the Center orchestra, and a film of lands. Standing outside of the League 1 Dy Rabbi S. E. Starrels: "He leaves her profession. j n e p h e v r of Mr. Sam Ravite. 1 New members are Harold Farber, the Federation activities. of Nations,, we are bound, on our own | behind a rich'an. varied heritage, but Paul Goldstein, Philip Feldman, Harry Benny Freshman was made business; _ Hennine Green, Sid Wintroub, initiative, to take note of the vital im-1 best of all, we honor and love Ben j manager of the Quadrant. portance of the minorities," the Times gimon for himself—"a man of cheer- Ravitz, Abe Markovitz, Dave Ravitz, George M. Cohen, Haskell Cohn, Leo Annur,l elections .at Beth Hame-j ful yesterdays and confident tomor- Lou Rosenthal, Jack Orlichoff, Wil- Brown, Earl Siegel, Bess Wetnstein, concludes. liam Wessly, Ben Ravitz and Sid and Faye Klein were the members of drosh Hogodel. resulted in the follow-f Sofia (J. T. A- —The homes of j rows." Corenman. the cast for "Three Pills In A Bottle," ing staff of officers: I hundreds o Jewish families were j Eabbi Frederick Cohn will discuss Plans for the conclave are progressNathan Levinson, chairman of the' destroyed in the cities of Tchirpan j The Geverkshafter. campaign Of directed by Mrs. Herman Jahr. OutLudwig Lewisohn's latest book, "The Chicago (J. T. A.)—Jacob Franks, ing rapidly, according to Herbert standing work was done by Hermine board of commissioners; L. Harris, and Phiiippopolis; one Jewish child Omaha will hold a Flower Day SunIsland Within,"in his sermon at TemGreen, Earl Siegel, and Bess Wein- president; Harry Soskin, vice presi- was killed in Borissovgrad in the; day, April 28. Headquarters will be ple Israel Friday evening. His Satur- father of Bobbie Franks, for .whose Goldsten, general chairman. death Nathan Leopold and Richard dent; Israel Kulakofsky, chairman of earthquake which roked Bulgaria on j jn the Labor Lyceum, from which stein. . day morning subject will be "The Loeb are serving life sentences in Paris (J. T. A.)—The tenth anworkers will go out at f* :S0 fi. m» the finance committee; Moses Hurwitz, Wednesday, April 18. A group of women of the Center Glory of. Judaism." Joliet Penitentiary,- died yesterday "in niversary of the He'Chalutz, Pal- Were in charge of the refreshments, Harry Rimmerman and Max Venger, j All "friends of the Chalutrlm of - - i" Opposition is the test furnace of bis suite at the Drake Hotel. " He estine Pioneer organization, which were "served at tables" during administrative committee; Sam Ele-' Assuredly to <Jie for a religion is Palestine are asked to co-ojieiatp witJi was iseventv two years' old. * marked at a meeting held here. the program. this effort. *•. • easier than to live for it. witz, secretary new ideas. •
Players' Guild to Have Summer Parties
*** °*
Synagogue Officers Chosen for
er Day to Chaliitzim Planned
CALENDAR — 5688 1927-28
' Published evety Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by - , THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone; ATlantic 1450 JEANETTS GLICK GERSON, EDITOR. DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. ....52.50 Subscription Price, one year Advertising rates furnished on application CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be sure to give your name. ,. . •.....
Tuesday, May 8 Sunday, May 20 —.....Friday, May 25 —.Tuesday, June 19 _, Thursday, July 5 - Wednesday, July 18 ^-Thursday, July 26 ^.-Friday* August 17
Lag b'Omer>-.' . . . ; - ' Rosh Chodesh Sivari —— 1st. Day Shabuoth -—.. •Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Fast of Taramuz .«-~...... Rosh Chodesh Ab — Fast of Ab ~——~— *Rosh Chodesh EUul -----
'•writer says that Andy Cohen is now pil of Prof. Frank Mach, announced New Date Self of : the talk of New York. Not only that she has moved her studio to 309 does he draw 40;000 fans to the ball > , Bo#lirig: Banquet Crounse block, owing to the enlargement. grounds on a cold and wintry afterThe Business Men's Bowilng league Mrs. Goettsche is also director of ; noon, but down in the hat district of the .city so much time is spent dis- stag banquet, which -was scheduled for the Progressive Violin school. ' cussing his exploits, that they are Wednesday evening, was postponed on I saying, "Signs should be placed on account of the public reception held PATRONIZE i the doors, "Closed on account of at the Jewish Community Center that Cohen.'" J. G. G. evening. THE SUNSET The-banquet will be held.Tuesday evening at the Blackstone hotel. ResTEA ROOM 49 and Dodge London (J. T. A.)—Bernard Baron, former Jewish immigrant boy in the ervations for the affair are being CANDYLAND United States, and now leading taken. 16th and Farnam tobacco manufacturer and philanNETTIE M. GOETTSCHE thropist in England, has distributed OPENS NEW VIOLIN rCHOOL up to the present an amount of over FRIED'S 1,250,000 Pound Sterling ($6,250,000) Nettie Meyere Goettsche, member of KOSHER DELICATESSEN for charitable purposes. the Harmony Four, and a fotiner pu-
Two weeks ago the American reading public took a huge enjoyment in the publication of a-story, stranger and funnier than ficJudea, a compensating collective life. tion—the revelation that the Daughters of the American Revolu"The Island Within' is the tale of a tion have a. blacklist containing the names of the most distinguished Jew, manfully, - tragically, withal ana'eai^est "uplifters" in the country. triumphantly facing his innermost '* Unfortunately for themselves,.the ladies;blacklisted.some of problem,—that of belonging to himIn an interview. for . The Day, thVnation's sharpest wits, and the news provoked a loud,chuckle self instead of being possessed by of'amlisfiffient which started in Rabbi Wise's New York an|spread Emit Ludwig tells of a message that the world, which will have him only he sent to Andre Maurois following toTOH&un Allen White's Emporia. Wherever welfare .workers are to break him," ffaitiered; to discuss- the^gpod of the: country,: there^are^represen- the publication of Maurois' biography of Disraeli. • . tates^ol.^rgamzations blacklisted:as radical and. dangerous. It Prayer bqoks for the Jewish blind, has;«dm<fcthe- current jest^among |ocial workers^ We;*re_ on "I am sorry you wrote a biography priiited in braille by the National of Disraeli. I would have liked to theismaeblackfist!" And then somebody relatesiBiU White, s latest Council of Jewish Women, are bedo it myself,"he wrote. epigratti' about' "the tea gladiators of Washington, ing sent free of charge to those who Maurois answered Jiim: ^ t thfef joke- loses ssdme of its^sayor when l|ter.iew!3 dis"I am sorry you did; a life of need them. The free distribution of iell us that ^he^ great, mass of .members of :|his national Goethe. I would have liked to do it a number of copies is made possible & i endorseltherblackUst.: In^eirimsguided, myself," '- ' .-; ;-? .-'yi -r : : by the gifts of Council sections in e Become dominated by the fear of national Tpgnl. ; Here are a; German and a .French whose communities there are no s "peace" is ta:them an:enemy;of nataonaLsecurity. biographer,. both • JewSi and; both Jewish blind. tiilfcje mentions in: the world,: they are pushing the nation into interested in 1 the sanie personalities. preparation for another war. . . . r.:::. Of great value to the student of J . Quixote^ ydu remember;; buried^ himself in fends of Rabbi Stephen Wise characterizes Roumanian conditions is the last l battle.untUrcenturies after the decay^ of knighthood, he Ludwig Lewisohn's '^Island' Within" issue of The Index, the official bulS S i s armor and set forth.to nght the^indmzlls.^hjch he as the third' and last of: a xlassic letin of the executive committee of -as^irienacing giants. In the. same way, ftha-ladies^of.ttie D. trilogy. He sayst .' , the American Jewish Congress. It A%.ha%e read their RevolutionaiThistory until they would turn "Upstream was really the" down- contains a complete record of all stream flight of a "self-pitying ref- recent political occurances affecting ^™ ; Minute Men, ready *P&$*£jg^g&*°> ugee from Israel. 'Israel' was the the Jews in Eastern Europe. summons of a reriascent Jew to hi3 She -whom none could .quite,possess, kind, to build, outwardly, though i n ' George Joel, the Jewish sports Washed-cool with salt and sun, Took the sea like a caress ' When she was done.
1308 No. 84th St. We handle a full line of Imported flsh— Sprntts, Spratten — Bistunrk Herring, English Kippers.
Press Points
Marvelous Value Suits for Men
"QUALITY JEWELERS'' MALASHOCK JEWELRY Wholesale and Retail Jewelers 213-16 City National Bank Bldg.—JA. 5619
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Every Suit Standard FabHcJ ' [ . Every Suit Sirittty New! Spring Patterns and CollotfS: .
Worsted Suits at $21.50 Smart Cheviot Suits at 2 i S Service Twist Suits at $21.50 Novelty Weave Suits at $21.50
Browns, Grays, Blues, Fancy Mixtures, Wood Shades, Stripes, Overplaids Newest 2 and 3Button Models All Sizes S3 to 50
Let the
HOTEL RONE 250 Rooms—200 Baths Good Kooms for S1.50 Operated by Eppley Hotels C».
Endless range tor choice and every salt bears the Nebraska label.—SEE COKKEK WINDOW TODiY.
Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas
Jewish Verse
A "-"Haunting, imaginative* quality expressed in" austere lines, ha8 this IJoe'mby Joseph Auslander, one of the' Vejy best of the contemporary Jewish' p'pets:
Kate Goldstein Wins New Literary Honor;
We Occupy Orer 70.000 8poare Feet Southwest fcorner
Misa Kate Goldstein, ,7hp has been prominently identified with-journalism Water Woman. at the University of Nebraska, has been .made a member of the Nebraska Halving'-lived here so long, she.Betng'trhat she was, the daughter Writers1-Guild. Of- a,"JHanr who • dro"Whed at sea, . She is also the-one'.girl who has lEeU-lite water: " " ' been made contributing editor of the To her speech -water gave Daily Nebraskan, an appointment Something, that "w;ss not in -words: which is made through;style, quality As you hear the lonely -wave and experience. In sea birds. \
On Mother's Day Sunday, May 13th
Om«r Bakery puts Into its bread, takes
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Including table and four fbldingrcnairs of steel Chinese red, or apple green finish, complete for ~.___ i
Every Tacknge Guaranteed
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\\m\ fwi tma v
Davis -*
The Kest of these pickles has been much inii" tated, but never eiiualed, except in the good old-fashioned pickles your mother used to put up.
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7 to 14 Years Canton-Flat Crepe Printed Crepes One and two-piece middies with pleaded skirts Embroidery trims tucks
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Smart Coats
Mts* Jonfes Knows theSecret Mrs. Jones has learned the secret of doing the difficult cooking task to perfection arid still having plenty of time to spend with her children or for doing other household tasks. How does she do it? She lets her automatic electric stove "watch" over the meals being prepared.
Children's Day Saturday Silk Dresses
413-17 So. 16th Street
This ad good for $ 2 . 0 0 on any purchase amounting to $ 5 . 6 0 or over, whether you purchase photos of yourself, baby or the entire family—one ad for each sitting.
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(And at a very reasonable price)
YOUR PHOTOGRAPH No other rememberance could be more expressive of your thoughtfulness. Of all the gifts that you might give a Photograph of you will be cherished %" most because it is the one thing in all the world ' that no one else but you can buy. , ,., Mr. Davis of the Lake Studio with a large airy posing room, all modern equipment, backed by a -: lifetime of experience in photography is ready to - 'help you supply this gift in the best as well as the .'.. : jnost economical way. Mr. Davis has made a special study of Baby; Photography and a trial will convince you that in this line he excels.
Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
The Extra Value
Electric Cooking Is the reason women nowdays can keep up on their housework and yet do things they like to do. Electric Cooking Is Cheap Cooking As Well As Good Cooking. See an electric stove at any of our "Electric Shops." . \ : t ;
Buy a Jar from 3'our todn?-, and trent j-our to this crisp, tasty delieacy. Anfl—They Are NOT E X P E N S I T B
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2314 M St.
Nebraska Power Courtesy - Service • tow Rates
CO. INC. PftoneATLANTIC O 6 j 9 313 SO. 14-TM. ST. OMAHA.
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1528 friends, in New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago.
Council Bluffs
Mr. Paul Bernstein is at Wise Memorial Hospital •where he underwent an operation Wednesday.
application on rare occasions, not cussion in the assembly' on the promore frequent than once in six years. posal of Assemblyman Chamlless of Washington.—(J. T. A.)—The conHarold Saks, son of Mr. and Mrs. ference of the Daughters of the ReDaughters Re-, _ _. Hackensack to amend the marriage Philip Saks, won first place in the laws of the state. During the discusvolution overwhelmingly voted down J e r s e y L e g i s l a t u r e district extemporaneous speaking the resolution against the black list contest held last Friday at Bedford, of the D. A. R. at yesterday's session. Amends Marriage Law sion it was revealed that if the law passed two years a^o wwo strictly inIowa. His topic was "UnemployBy a vote o* 14 to 2,000 the resolu- Trenton—(J. T. A.)—The New Jer- terpreted, rabbis would be included ment." He left Thursday for Iowa tion sponsored by Mrs. Helen Tufts sey legislature has remedied among clergymen without authority to i n e Baillie and M r s / s t O m e r Ro 2*£ ^ w S T U ^ f S S K ^ pro-ition wi:ere;"th;o7gh"a"'stricTi;t;;p;;- perform the marriage ceremony. state contest to be held Fnday He ^ ^ f o r a r e f e r e n d u m a local j tation of a law passed in 1926, rabbis is also a debater, and while m Iowa ^ ^ o n m a t t e r s of policy a n d and other c l e r e y m e n v h o were not FOR RENT Citj, he will take part in the finals leaving to the local chapters the choice regularly ordained, were denied the of the state debating tournament. of- speakers was defeated. •J right to officiate at weddings. An act. arpe room wi h iirivate family. He is a senior at Abraham Lincoln It is understood that the black list, \ has been passed which removes exist- j aree windows facing North and high schooL E ast. Plentv of closet space. which included many Jewish and non-j ing dorsbts concerning the authority; G ai'asre, 3001 Davenport Street, The Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish educators and leaders, also of clergymen not ordained to perform' HA. 5007. Talmud Torah will meet Wednes- contained the name of Susan Brand- the ceremony. The nevr act remove: day afternoon at the home of Mrs. eis, daughter of Justice Louis D. H. Trochtenberg, 911 First avenue.]JBrandeis.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Osadchey are making their home at the Forest Apartments. Mrs. Osadchey was formerly Miss Annette Hurwitz.
Cards were sent to' forty guests for the trousseau tea which Miss Bess Horn, a bride-to-be, gave in her home Thursday afternoon and evening. Many affairs are being given for Miss Horn, who will leave May 4 for San Francisco, which is to be her future home. Among those who-have planned pre-nuptual parties are Mrs. Joe Krasne, Mrs. Lester Meyers, Miss Pauline Herzberg, Miss BerniCe Ferer, Mrs. Nathan Green, Miss Ann Zalk, Miss Eeva Kulakofsky, Miss Alice Adler, Miss Mildred Lew, Miss Gertrude Tatle, Miss Esther Blumenthal, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Krasne of Fremont. : The marriage of Miss Horn and Mr. Sylvan Hersh will be solemnized at the home of the groom's parents at 6 p. m;, Sunday, ifune 3, and will be followed by a wedding dinner. Mr. Justin Hersh willbe best man. The bride will be attended by Miss Rowena Lachmari. Irene IQine and Leroy y Hersh will be flower girl g and ring g M d M H h ' dd ill b 866 F t d ave-bearer. Mn and Mrs. Hersh's address will be 866 Forty-second nue, San Francisco. Sigma Alpha. Muaimonaeearthe initiation • of the. following--Nebraska University students: Classic"Baron of Nebraska1 Ciiy, Sam -.Bender, Elmer Greenberg^ toais - and Jerome Dia"innnffcf Omaha and" Hymon:•.OsEerirff
of ii '{• '• Mta.: S..JE. Staxrels and daughter, : JuditH, of liincoln, are leaving Saturday to visit Mrs. Starrels' mother, • Mrs. ^Elizabeth, at Evansville, Ind. . She* will remain there until June, when -JRabbi S. E. Starrels will visit Evans• >tv31e before they leave for Xiondon, ;where Rabbi Starrels will preach.
Coming Events SUNDAY— . Dundee branch. Talmud * Torah, public reception, 3 p. in., Fortyninth and Dodge streets. T U E S D A Y - ^ -
•• . - • ' .
. •;'•'
Jewish Women's Welfare Tederation, Mothers' and Daughters' Meeting, in the Jewish Community Center. THURSDAY— B'nai B^rith, in the Jewish Community Center.
The largest delegation in the history of the Temple Israel Sisterhood went to Lincoln Tuesday for the annual Sisterhood Reciprocity Day. Among those who attended were Mrs. William Holzman,- Mrs. Nathan Mantel, Mrs. . Sig. Meyers, Mrs. James Goetz, Mrs. Charles Schimmel, Mrs. Morton Degen, Mrs. Henry Rosenthal, Mrs. Bertha Klein, Mrs. Harry Wolf, Mrs. Cora Wolf, Mrs. Ed. Treller, Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld, Mrs. Louis Hiller, Mrs. Carrie. council Bluffs chapter A. A. Livingston,. Mrs. H. J. Abrams, Mrs. and the B nai B nth held a z. A. Legislature Overrides H. L. Abrams, Mrs. Fannie Kuhe, joint ° Governors Veto Mrs. Dave Fedder, Mrs. Sam Robin- meeting Wednesday evening in the Danish Four were son, Mrs» J. V. Rosenbloom, Mrs.led into hall.. the A. Z. men A. by theinitiat-j local' Boston, Mass.—(J* T. A.)—The Sam Appleman, Mrs. H. Koppel, Mrs. president, Abe Katleman. pjjjljp Massachusetts House of Representaj tives, following the action of the senL Rosenthal, Mrs. Leo Rosenthal,' Klutznick of Omaha 'spoke. • ate, over-rode Governor Fuller's veto Mrs. Carl Furth, Mrs. Harry Wilinsky, Mrs. J. Simon, Mrs. Louis Simon, Harry Krasne and Sam Bubb re- of the so-called Rosh Hashona bill by Mrs. Allen Cohn, and Mrs. g a r r y ; turned Sunday from a week's visit a vote of 123 to 10. iin Sulphur Springs. This action was in defiance of GovRachman. ernor Fuller's stand that the selling _ JJ ' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mrs. A. Marcus of Rawlins,^y>., entertained their Mahjongg club in of foods on Sunday was in violation of theSunday tradition. The Governor, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sarah !!th e ir home Wednesday. in the early part of last week, chalFarber. Mrs., MrsM a f l { Marcus was formerly { ; lenged action of the senate quesMiss Bess Farber. Moscow—(J. T. A.)—The demand tioning the the legality of the vote on the that additional synagogues be con- ground that the majority vote oververted into workingmen's clubs was riding his veto was. .not sufficient since LOCAL COMMITTEE WORKS FOR NATIONAL HOSPITAL voiced at a meeting of workers held not enough senators were present-to in Bobruisk. constitute the two-thirds vote reThe local campaign for the National' quired. That the legality of the bill Stockholm—(J. T. A.)—Professor Jewish Hospital of Denver is well! will hot be questioned in spite of the under way and will continue until the Albert Einstein was honored by the governor's declarations is the belief Swedish Academy of Sciences. The Omaha quota has been raised, accord- i of those close to the governor. The ing to Dr. A. Greenberg-, chairman of academy elected Prof. Einstein a for- house debated the bill only a short eign member of its body. the drive. time before the vote. Those who wish to help this insti- Bad self-analysis-is' the foundation The bill, which would permit Jewtution which cares for tubucular childish dealers to sell foodstuffs on Stmof contentment. —ZangwilL ren are asked to send their checks ID Dr. Greenberg." '
-Mr. L. Eichards and Mr* L;-Lesser of San Jose, Cal., are visiting Mr. and MTB. A. Davidson. They expect to xe- sah, the Council of Jewish Womeri jnain. about two weeks. Mrs. Davidson the Deborah society, the Ladies Free Ts Mr. Eichards brother. Loan society, the Daughters of Zion the, Golden Hill society, the Temple Miss Grace Bosenthal, a student at Sisterhood, the ladies of the Old OMAHA A. Z.A* ! the University of Nebraska, spent Peoples home, the Jewish Funeral A regular meeting of the Omaha last week-end with her parents, home, the Orphans' home, the Chapter will be held this Sunday Mrs and Mrs. Leo Kosenthal; Arbiter: Ring, and the South Side afternoon, three o'clock at the Jewish : ' Mrs. M. F. Levenson, president of Talmud Torah. - If any Jewish Community Center. Important busithe Southwest Region of Hadassah, is woman's organization has been oyerr ness will be discussed relative to delein New York attending a convention looked, it was not intentional, and gates'to "the Convention and similar • j jjj all women are asked to «orae, accord matters. Of Hadassali Regional Presidents. Baseball practice will be in charge |jj: ing to Mrs. Greenberg, .president of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kozberg announce the Federation. of Coach Joe Turner, late of the TJni- jjj versity of Ulinois and mil be at 9 jjj the Bar'-Miteron of 4;heir son, Sam Kozbexg. The ceremony jras conducted The Daughters of Israel Ladies o'clock in the hollow at thirty-third jjj and.>CaEs Sts. The chapter nine.wiU |Tin Beth i Saturdays Aid society "of "ifir -jeMshr'; by Cantor Isaiah. Kohanowitch and Peoples' home will meet at the home play, a-team from the Creighton tFni- jjj was followed by a reception for Tuesday, May 15. A card party versity law college at ten o'clock, the ij; friends. benefit for the home will be given same morning at the same place. All |H Wednesday, May 16 at the home of i candidates for the team should be on Hi A special.,service in honor of the the president," Mrs. S. Ravitz, .720 S. Mnd at the appointed h.our with their jjj Bar Mitzvah of Albert George Rim- Thirty seventh street. Meihbefs ar6 gloves and other paraphanalia. merman, son of :Mr. and Mrs. Harry asked to reserve tables Rimmerman, wfll be held in Beth Ravitz, Harney 3074 or. Mrs. /B. A. Hamedrosh Hogodel Saturday. Cantor Simon j Glendale -1028. Afl -are inPORHENT Isaiah Kohanowitch will conduct the vited. Six room all modern home com' .' pletely furnished, centrally loservice. .Albert is a soprano in Cantor cated, reasonable rent to responXohanowitch's choir. : Miss Minnie Haspel returned from sible party. Apply at 2758 i s 1 the east last week after spending Chicago St., AT. 7376. The" Hadassah' sewing circle will seven weeks "with relatives and meet Wednesday at the home of Mrs. D. Brown, 6141 North Twenty-fourth street. The group meets on alternate Wednesdays at the homes of the members. - . ; ' • Mrs. J.^H. Freeman returned Sun-[i day ay after a week's visit in Kansas jjj City, at the home, of her parents, Mr. |; and* Mrs, J. B. Gidinsky. \\ " " Miss Jeanette Katleman is in in'. Wise Memorial hospital. --'Mrs. S,iipp'iJs-visiting"her daugh-;| ter, Miss Gertrude Lipp, in New York ! Ciiy, having been'the guest of her son, Mr. Morris Lipp in Chicago denroute. She plans to speiid a month j | with -relatives and friends in New York. The weekly meeting of the Junior Classical Club sponsored by Mrs. C. Kosenbaum was held at "the J. C. C. Sunday afternoon, April 22, and it was decided that Evelyn, Sweiback and Ann Silvermah will take the affirmative side of the debate, Resolved, that a parochial school system of education for the, Jewish children in America " is undesirable and impracticable, the debate will be held Sunday, May *3, at the J. C. C. Miss.Rosele Verbin will leave Sunday for a two week visit in Tulsa, Okla., before resuming her studies at Homer Institute, Kansas City conservatory, Kansas City, Mo. The Pongo club had its first hike Sunday, April 22. The members had a picnic luncheon, and amused themselves by playing ball and taking i snaps. They reached home about 6} p.
The-Jewish Women's Welfare or-j ganization has invited all the Jewish [ wometfs organizations to meet with-theni at their annual-••Federation -day and Mothers' and Daughters' affair .rt<>-be held, .in the Jewish Community ' .eenter, '"May; 1. '. ' • j ..-"-jnvitstiops. are?.extended, tp^ thei ' Senior Hadassah, the Junior Hadas-
I day when Rosh Hashonah and Yom the word "ordained" from the 192G D. A. R. APPROVES \ Kippur fall on Mondav, has now be- law and gives power to all clergy, oror appointed. USE OF BLACKLIST comealaw ThiEprovision ~mhae dained The matter came up during: a dis-
Wonder Bread
HERZBERG'S Starting Friday—Annual May
Lingerie Sale event of major importance to every woman who thrills to vflue^—variety-and q^jalityi;,: Bandred&<3i^ infinitely lovely garments to choose frfM-^sfll j Herzberg regular stock—some slightly soilecL '
t ; I -
Four Drastically Reduced Groups! Including-r-
Chemise—Step insValues to $ $11.95
5.95 3.95 1.95
For Sale at all Dealers JERPE COMMISSION CO.,
Important Features in May White Sale
Special Purchase of
Values to $ ^3.95
It's slo-baked
a more delicate :
bread flavor/ '"V
25c mid 35c Values I 35c and 39c Values
Size 17x28 extra heavy, white and colored borders. Size 19x36, colored borders.
Excellent food for growing children At yout grocer's
Baked twice daily..".... delivered twice daily
1.10 for half dozen Noto tcax-rorapped, keeps moisture out, keeps crispness in!
Size 22x44, 3-colored or wide colored hems. Size 20x40, borders of lavend; er, gold and blue.
69c Values
Size 24x50, two-band pastel border and wide colored hem of green, rose, lavender and gold. . II.VIX 1-LOOK
PAGEF4-f THE-JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1928 6:30-7:^0, 8.- Senior-men, 8:30-9i:30, and swim, 9:30-10.-This*schedule'is for Monday and Wednesday. On - Tuesday and By Marcus krasne; Thursday,-from 8:30-J)-:30, - -will be Leon Mendelson and Dave Pranks taken, up with apparatus 'work for (Continued from Page 1) . seniors-phly. v:Junior :girJs,.4-5> and swim; 5-5:30.-Swimming *>* high | trative committee of 27. The commit-
tration for having directed affairs "in ly, and conscientiously to meet its Faults or virtues in a man with NATIONAL a manner not conducive to the interest Zionist obligations as voters of the an income become vices in a man of the cause of Zionism in this coun- Zionist Organization of America." without owe. —ZangwiH. BOARD WITHDRAWS try." , Straus, in her statement to SUPPORT OF LIPSKY theMrs.Hadassah board on Sunday, de-
Local Spprts
iLTLtS^fAN '&"GRODINSKY . • ' \ Attorneys' • " • < 730 Omaha Nut'l Bunk B W E . NOTICE BY PCBEICATION" OX PJEWOPJEON*; JTQU SETTLEMENT O F
clared: "My husband and I have but i -ently ascertained that the affairs of ^ ° ™ £ the Zionist Organization of America £ chool^irls^^-5. -Semor^rUreve-\ ^ of s e v e n -stQ -^^ interested'ln .said matter are hereby noti- WeS. last Week from AinSCOW - and xung•class: ^ • • ^ ^ * B-SO-J./itedf, according to the plan, its ownhave, been administered in a manner . fled that on the 23th. day Of April," 1028," Watvfhnmp flamtie nf tha fSmnKw. straight'watkout;. 7-7:30, tennis, and not conducive to the interest of the Wright; . . . . . . . . Mabel aied a that petnion'a»v champs ot the umafta cause.of Zionism in this country. This County. wrigut; Cdiirt.'prayingher "fluol said «d- aawtnorne, from 7j£0-8 will be taken, up with in•Y" two games out of three by a . An. unconfirmed report also stated} condition has prompted me to come winietration account tiled Herein be settled: v and that she be discharged score of 8-21, 21-18 and,21-13. Franks door baseball; Ladies' morning class: that ht a recommendation di i bbe subwill from her trust as executrix ttUd" that n a T 1 r l Menripl^nri lpfl thp rirv 9:30-10:30, and swim,^0:30-11. Red i { u _ u wto me the l o r t n c o n u n g n a t l o n a l to you today as you are about to enana jicnring wtiibe Had on said petition before; Menaeison lea tne. city. Cro^s hfe^av.^xlass^s vrdl^eheld c o n v e n t i o n o f t h e H a d a s s a h t h a t fte gage in a enference, which means so much to the cause dear to all of us, bald Court on the 11th day of May. 1928; composed 'Of Y. M. C. A., K. C. and t h c . a g r e e . in order that I may assure you of the C o n r t " ^ ^ ^ Saturday night, .6:30,3:30:. forj girls, H a d a s s a h s h o u l d R Q t at o o'clock ,4^;M., nnd-..contest: said peti-'tered in the City league. Mendelson and'8:30-10 for men; Sunday.schedule: rhent to enter the' United Palestine support of myself and husband, and said* petition, enter a decree of-heUrBhip,! and Franks won. their way to, the Business. JUen, 11:30-12:30, and ;swim, Appeal for the coming year. also to wish you Godspeed in your ef-' and make such. other and; further'orders,.,. t . ' j - * . _ + j A _ T T'_,.';_ „-,,! A l o . o n +« 1 -r> m - Tuninv Ti- 19-^ft-l--^O* allowances and decrees, as to this Court finals by defeating 1. Levin and A. 12:30 to 1 p . m . Junior x>. l^.ow-i-oV, ' "In addition to voting confidence in forts to aid the movement now being innj-.seein ptoger^to the end i that all roat- Meyers, 20-21, 21-13 and 21-13. .Alt?r.s *pertain&^, • • • •t o; - •said"estatemay ••" • - —be final? ----•--••- - ^ ... junior. A, 1:30^2:80; open .gym for Mrs. Lindheim," the statement given organized to better Zionist conditions Iy• settled' and determined. ._,.^. J .; ., though the Center boys -lost the first out after the session Sunday declared, in our beloved country. BKYCE CKA.VTF.OHD,. •,. game by a big margin, they-came girls-, 3-4,:and;swjmming from 3-5. 4-2G—2T. .. Connty Judge. ..who was recently the subject of critiback to sweep the Omaha "Y" team "I want to indorse not only Mrs. 3IOXSKY, KATI,EMAN & GBODIXSKY .for ^having voiced her personal Attorneys •". • off their feet for the next two games. <A.U-swimming Fine records weremeet-held -made, in at thethe A.cism Iindheim's leadership, but to brand v f he ^ ? ^ p r e s e n t administratirr. of "• '730'Omaha National Community Center pool. T h e | f ^ ?Z l 0^I u s pt r e s administratirr Both boys played head-up ball and Jewish w AND liEGKN S-EED Organ ation of America, as unjust and unfair the criticism inany of their kill shots wei. working NicholasSenn lZ i j swimmers carried off j Nicholas' Senn "swimmers carried off j t h e which has been levelled at her recently allthe honors. Irvin Merrian won s e c -| | National Board reaffirmed its sup- by the present leadership of the ZionXOTICE Is.hereby given that the onder- ip real' style. r blgned have formed a corporation, pursuant bnd in the race' for'boys under l2,!P<? t of the Jewish Agency and of the ist Organization of America, and to to the laws of, the State of Nebraska. The nnme is vwertheimer & Degen Feed Vards, ' ABner Kaiman has been appointed and d AbeAb Bergman B s n d in the Organization" won second the world Zionist Organization." urge the members of Hadassah to Inc.," with its. principal place:of business: Chairman of the Jewish Community breast stroke for boys.'Arthur Gerbcx in the City of Omaha. .The corporation is( Mrs. Straus Speaks. rally and to support the very worthy authorized to establish, own and operate athletic committee. Other won second and -I. Novack -won third I The publicity department of the HaSmger SSSS^rSS WnSs A ^ i members are Jake Isaacson, Harry in the free style for boys under lo. dassah also made public the text of a successor to her very worthy predecessor and the Hadassah leaders in persoual property. -Authorizedjcapitai stock j Trustin, Irvin Levin, Jaka Malashock, £ "RpVipcca Kershenbaum beat, out out Zwci- statement ^^4.«_«_<. ,readJ m J_.. after_r».__ any more they may decide upon in Rebecca Kershenb,aum'beat, t _ oSunday is $100,00a00, c o n s i s t i n g - o f 1,000 s h a r e s o f _ . >-•-••'•. - , • . - • « > • • J •»*• ati xthe tlo. pairvalue $100.00 eachl' -stocfc-is{S. Goodwin, Jack Mirviss and Marcus back in the special'40 for junior jrirls. noon session by Mrs. Lina Straus, wife this conference. Oommo& Stockofand shall, be All Jully" paid when issued and non-assessable.' The cor- Krasne. The committee has decided of-Nathan Straus. It appears from t^c, "We are not quoted correctly in the poration snail commence ibu8iness-:.-v?hen The J.' C. G. handball doubles tour- sfetement, which was in ; behalf of these Articles .are -filed •with the. County to put a team in the jtmior league. Clerk and continue nntH -January 1, 1080. nament- will start- May L At least 32 both Mr. and. Mrs. Straus, that they statement implying that Hadassah is. The highest amount ot indebtedness shall ' The 'biggest event of the year is 'playing' politics.' We see that Hanot exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. comings Watch for the circus. Every- teams will enter. '• are opposed to the-present adminis-i .dassah, on" the contrary,' has been the The affairs of the corporation-shall b^ administered'by. a board of •five, directors, thing will take place ; «•*• the Center victim, and that Hadassah itself'un•who shall elect-a PreaidentrVic^President, gym. Fun for everybody. A baseball league will be organized Secretary and Treasurer. All except Secreder the leadership of its president, i The class is open to both boys and tary roust be members of board. Directors for senior clubs. • girls. For-further information, call Mrs. Lindheim, and the National j shall be elected at annual meeting Of stockholders to be held on the second Wednes- T h e B'nai Ami nosed out the* fast Board, has sought openly, consistent-' Miss Greenberg, Jackson 1366. day in January of each year.. Immediately Olympians, 11 to 10, in the feature Learn to swim; classes for all. thereafter the directors shall, meet and elect officers. The Articles may be amnded. game played in the Jewish Community The senior girls of the physical The corporation, shall have:o seal. Center's indoor baseball league for department took a hike to Hummel . Dated ^ ^ ^ 3uni6r members Monday. M. Epstein SAM WEIlTlIEIirEK, MOKTON L. UE&EJfi knocked in the 'winning1 run in the park April 22.,. Miss Greenberg gave ' FRANK P. T1XEK, last inning. The Psi Mu juniors de- them a workout in the open. '••'••' JAMES J. BEGAN. : l 4-27—tt?.y..:''..-- • .---. ;.:-' -feated the Bobcats, 22 to 5, and the Grade 'school girls will be taken MOXSKT, KATI.EMAN & GRODINSET Boy Scouts finally won a game, de- to Mandan_ park Sunday, April 29, Attorneys feating -the . B'nai Abrahams, 18 to meeting at the Center at 9 a. m. 750 Omaha National Bank BWg. NOTICE OF ASCENDJtBNT TO AKTICIiES 6, in'other games played. The B'nai They will take their lunch. '• • • OF IKCOBPOBATJON. OP DCSDEB Ami now lead the league. Richards . THEATRE COSIPANX : The Rinky Dinks and the Soc'ers At a special meeting of the stockholders pitches for the Ami boys. of the imNl)EE THEATRE COMPANY, played a fast baseball game, the held on.the 9th day of JanuaTy,;1928, pursuant to proper notice, a resolution' was Spring program for the gymnasium Rinky Dinks winning 18-4. unanimously adopted to amend Article 1 : of the Articles of Incorporation to read as of the J. C. C. boys: Junior B, 4-5; follows:, swimming, 5-5:30...Junior A's, 7:30- Miss, GreenbeTg wil organize a Article l.Namo - : v class iti social daiidng to meet once corporation iss 8:30; swim irom-8:30-9. .Employed •The The na name of this M or'twice a week, beginning May 2. ETTI IAN EEALTX CO "VEN NE NS S COUET COUET EEAL.TX C OMPANY".'-
• ••
• •" -=' "
|Gp. |p 8«b aiid Mnrttm StB. HArney 1662 OMAHA. NEBRASKA Soft cniy. Iron, brass, tironze and aluminum "casttngs" Stnntlard -sizes. 'bronze -afld--k«n-t«ishtfig»,worer. manr. h o t e s c i s i A r R r i i y t ^ . and. covers nnfl
- - • • - • -_•
? "^Mipmalnt'National Bank Bldg.NOTICE OT?LASlfeifDMENT T p B b 0 B T N « F CO3IAt n. special meeting at the' stockholders of the. COMJllSKClAIi ' li^KL'tTt 1COM1'A^y.held on ttfe 21st day of'April, 102S, IMirjunnt to'proper notice, aresolution was i nan mously adopted to amend Article IV, ol the Articles.o£ Incorporation to increase r;-.» mpital stpcfc from «500,000.00 to $700,UXMh) so that' said capitol stock will now t oiisist of iHOO.OOO.OO. common stoct- and s>AlO,OL10.00 preferred stock, all Btpck having liar value-of $100.00 -The voting, power is lodged in the holders' of the Common stock only. Preferred .stock is ^ entitled t tp.t>% i'liiitial cumulative dividends only and Is preferred as to both divideuds and assets, 'jbv preferred stock may be retired as provided.in the. Articles. Dividends cannot lie paid on. the common stock..until all dividends due on the preferred stock have betMi paid in foil. •"' COMMEltCIALr UEAI^TT CO5IPANT. B y A. H. -VVOL.F. President. Attest: 1. H. AUEHBACH. Secretary. 1-27—IT : STAtiMASTBH & BEBEB Attorneys "« '-. 300 Peters Trust Bldg." •: iPKOBATE NOTICE, In the Matter of the Estate of KEBECCi. KATl/KMA-N, Deceased. . '• . NOTICE is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the ndminlstrato» of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas .County, Isebras- f lieu at the County Court Koom, In said j i County, on th6 15th day of June, 1028^ and (B 1 on tne the 15th day U of August, at O on IULU uuy JL AU(JW° I . 1028, *v-«, «*• *' ,j ;j o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of I A presenting their claims for examination, V ¥ adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claimB, from the 12th day of May, ' BIIYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. ; 4-19-4T I
S1OSSKY, KATLEJIAX & GBODINSKY Attorneys . 7S) Omaha National Bank Bldg. L N'OTICE OF AMEIO)3£ENX TO ARTICLES * " OF EfCORPOIlATIOV OF THE SILK. SHOP. Inc. * NOTICE i s hereby given that at the annual meeting of the stockholders of THE SILK SHOP, IXC, at which meeting all the stockholders were present, an . .amendment to the Articles .of Incorporation IVfiS unanimously ndopted, increasing Ihu autUorized capital-stock from >$.i0,000.00 to 5100 000.00. The authorized capitol stock now Will consist or 52l>,000.00 preferred nnd 30,000.00 common stock, all stock having par value Of $100.00. By ABE GOLDSTEIN, President, HIKAM T. JOXESj Secretary. 4-12-3T
* -
. . •-.
in stock. '
- •**-• --F;-..-.J-...
« Sells •• ' •- "
BAKES ICE MACHINES i>. ^Manutkcturecl in Omaha."
with term of lessons
Progressive Violin School St.
ClVss tessons; ?1.(HT per hour PMvate*-Ijesson»j $1.00«per- half .hour
492 Braiiclujs Thea. Bids-—AT. 1450
309 C r o u j i s e B l k . — 1 1 7 % N o - N>th '-.•••• P h o n e ' JAckfion CSSSt . •
JVM. BRYDEN & COMPANY Certified^'Public Accountants C3S Securities Uldg. " ' """•'• AT. 4431
Use wherever sweetening is required in the household.
Flavored-with Bohemian Hops • Recommended and Distributor by
^ |
McCord'Brady Co. |
582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg.—AT. 3160 a B mo ••
N..T. Ethyl Gasoline—
Spring Means Building Building Means < .
1707-17 Cass—AT. 3533
,17th and Nicholas St.
Morris Milder. President
For any kind of service on your automobile call the Cass Garage, no matter, when, where, or why. —24 HOUR SERVICE-
1517 No. 24th St.—WE. 0300
Reliable, Reasonable, Expert Auto Repair Service
loll tin. 24tU-\VK. G2S4
204-li South i4th St.—AT. 1400
Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant
We suggest you send your laundry to
1722'No.'S4lh St.—WE. U289
Try a loaf of our Whole-Wheat Bread with your next meal.
4420 Florence Blvd., KE. 1500 THE HOUSE WITH A REPUTATION
WE. 1029 All Type of Laundry
Barber Shops
Drug Stores
ICthaiid Davenport Street Ifc,MANOS. Fropr. YOC'IJI. M E E T VOCR FKIENDS
1004 No. B4tb St.—WE. C3S0 B KUK1KSON Mgr. —Rubber Goods, All K i n d s Best Quality at Lowest Prices
» E IATXE SF/KVICE Entire Family wash finished ready to •wear. Wearing apparel ALL hand ironed ready to wear. Only 14c per pound ttrv weight. SANITARY I/AtTXBUT VT. H. OSTEXBERG. Tres. 2S1S Farnam ATlantic 2S15
Lumber Co's. MICKLIN LUMBER CO. ' i24tfc and Burdette— WE. 6362 20tl>. and Kicholns—JA. 5000
"Everything Under Cover"
SUN PRINTING CO. . AT. SS32—504 S o . ' l S Get Our Prices nnd Save Money
STANDARD PRINTING CO, —JOB PRINTING— : 819 No. 16th St.—rlione JAckson S688 We specialise In foTm printing- »n« solicit your pntronnge
Sign Cofs« B. KORNEY • SIGNS
KET \IJ— G LA SS—\V OOD—rAFfiB' CLOTH—SHO-CARnS HA. 420$ 849 >"«• S5th
Tailors Master Tailor Service £15 So. tilth—1'hone AT. S002
Refitter of Ladies and TVIens Clothing : , ; A. BERNSTEIN. Trop.
WOLK-THE TAILOR 150U No. iHth.st.—Wls. -ji-y . . Specinilzing in Cleaning, I'resslng and Eelining Men snd Women's.: Apparel
Personal Service You will Appreciate
Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality
It's the advertiser that makes the publishing of this paper possible.
Beauty Parlors
Music Teachers
Tent &. Awning Go's
Tents, Awnings, Covers, Campin Equipments, Auto" AyTiings an Tourist Supplies. NEBR. TENT & AWNING CO. j 1808 Fsrnam JA. 3329 i
15tb and Douglas—113 So. I5tb
At Your Grocer's
—GENERAL CONTUACTOR— 409 Bospe Bldg. JA. 1014 •
Estimates Gladly Furnished
Brandels Stores . . JA. 2507-AT. 86CB Dundee Parlor . . . . . . . . . WA. 8014 Specialists tn * PEltMANBNT WAVING
Iten' Whole Wheat Fig Bars in handy 2-lb. caddy
Beginners and advanced students accepted. You should patronize our advertisers and Suite 5,Wead Bldg,, 18 and Faroam mention the —Telephone AT. S162— JEWISH PRESS when you do.
National Accessories, Inc. A T ; Sa'.M i
Appropriate for After-Theater - . Gatherings
1411 No. 24tb St.—WE. 6U51 Installation end Repairing of Tin Work, Furnaces. Skj-liphts, Ventilating. Gutters anti Spouting. Agents for Nesbit Farnace
28U CuratngfSt.
. 1413 Douglas Street 'Che Most Popular Cafe in Omaha
North Omaha Furnace Co.
A savings account for your baby combined with Life Insurance protection.
Eliminates the "knock" under all driving conditions — transforms carbon from a liability into an asset—more power on hills and heavy roads-^quicker acceleration—less gear shifting —reduced vibration — freedom from the trouble and expense of carbon removal. Fill Your Tank With T. N. T. Ethyl Today
Piano Teacher
Auto Tops & Accessories
For The'
MArket 3700 .- KAPLAN .
5-Room modern apartment and garage,1 block from Central High School. Reasonable rent. 416 No. 21st Street
Family Washing
• .
Free yiolin Case and Bow '
—make Puritan Malt Extract the choice, of American millions—buy, try and judge for yourself. You'll find it richest, strongest and best.
'" •••'•' •> • •
All bsrley —no substitutes
Herzbergs Jlarlnello 1519 Poufflns SOB Urantleia Thtr. AT. 3~«S Bldg.—J A. 3460 Fontenelle, JA. UG43 ; All neauty work— Moles rpmoved
1023 Clark St.-WE. <H10
Wallin-Holmgren Elec. Co. WJ2 So. 13(h St.—JA. T>0y2
New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders
HARRY M. BINDER 605 Electric Bldg.—J A. 1045 —AH Kinds of Electric Wiring-
Dependable for correct instruction. Progress of studious pupils punranteed. Kacli pupil given individual aiteution of the highest possible, degree. Prague Conservatory Method Taught. Flattering comments on results from instructors all over the country. Instruction Fees With Prof. Mach 52.00 per half hour. With capable assistants Class A ' . _•S1.00 per lmlf hour. Class B "..,. SI.00 per hour lessons. Sttldio U7>* No. IB St.-Phonc JA. 1952
For space . '.'". m this directory cat the'
Tire Shops:
PaxtDn Billiard Parlors
The utmost in Photographs DAVIS LAKE STUDIO
Barnaul—J A
U7U1 ,., .
Direct Wire Service on AH ,i- Latest Sport Events
"The Best Place To Buy Your Flowers
No. 24tn — W E . <W1
2508 North 24th S t . - r h o n e WE. 20S7
A. D. Ferguson The Florist
Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish home in Omaha.. - -
"Flowers For AH Ocassions"
, « ) t b n o d Ann's Ave.—KK. JJOTU
WHITE STUDIO Photographs of Distinction
Cor. l"tb Blifi CnpiSOS ATC.-A'l «l',f( nOODVKAR HKRVICE MT.ATION 'I'ires, Tubes. Acrcssories. ISonrt Service nnd <5enern1 Bepalfint!
Only i 2 different business houses allowed under each classification • in this directory.