Interesting and Entertaimim
AUthe Ntws *i; interest • f to
entered as ccuood-clnss mail matter OD J a i pt>«toffice Rt Oraaha. Nepraskii. under the dcr
CHARGES DRAWN BY LARGE OPPOSITION GROUP Mismanagement, Demoralization . and Disorganization Alleged In Manifesto. OPSKY ACCUSED. W&shington—(J.. T. A.)-^A determined effort to bring about "by parlikraentary_procedure at the forthcoming Zionist. ,convention an overthrrv^al of the present administration will be made by the opposition leaders as a result of decisions adopted Jid action taken a t "the Z. .0. A. .reorganisation conference held here all day Sunday a t the Hotel -Hamilton! AT fund of 525,000 to prosecute the campaignwill be raised'arid a committee of twelve ur more with the power to adopt other members -will he appointed by/Judge Julian W. Hack, chairman of the conference, to put into effect the decisions of the opposition, conference. About '125 individual Zionists were present arid listened to strong charges brought" against the Iipsky ad—ministration of the Zionist Organization of America. The charges, some general and. some of a specific nature, related to the entire period of seven years since the administration came into The indictment of the administration was embodied in a manifesto ad•dressed to- the Zionists of .America, which was passed'as a resolution with only three dissenting votes, 'xne resolution was-presented to the conference by Prof. Felix Frankfurter of Harvard university, who headed-a committee on resolutions consisting of-eleven members appointed'by "Judge Mack, who was •tmanimoiisly 'chosen chairman of the conference. Subscriptions of S7,600 as a nucleus for the $25,000 fund was announced, anonymous contribution of SI'IOOO, §500 by Judge Mack, §500 by Robert Sz'old, §500 by Louis Kirshein of Boston.-and others. By a decision of the conference, a committee of • twenty-five called on Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis to bring to him the greetings of the gatherhrg. Justice•• Brandeis received the committee' at his home at Florence Court at -2:15 Sunday afternoon. No statement was issued, after the reception. The manifesto, which complements the resolution introduced by Mayor Julius L Peyser that it was the "sense of this conference for a to be made in the administration of the Zionist Organization of America," declares that "with all due allowance for the practical difficulties of statesmanship and the special difficulties inherent in the task, committed to the : administration of the American Zionist Organization, truth compels the registration of the fact that the. prese t administration has brought the Zionist organization of America to a condition of disorganization, both moral and material." The manifesto, (Continued on Page 2)
3. 1S5U.
-Neza> Talmud
A rab Killed Fighting \ Mrs. J.ti.KulakofsJcy FQURTY-SEVEN MOTHER-DAUGHTER Plague of Locustsl Slated for Council Head ToraH CHILDREN WILL BE WEERCEIPRATE0 CONFIRMED IN MAY BY JEWISH GROUPS
Twenty students enrolled' in the new Dundee branch of ;the Talmud Torah' on Mondayy the "opening day of classes. It is. expected that the number will soon double. aiie new-looms -were opened in a public reception Snnday afternoon. Speakers were Henry Monsky, J>r. Philip Sher, Judge Irvin Stahnaster and Judah Wolfson.' S~. Ravitz presided.
H)OCifflONTOBE CHIEF TOPIC AT SECRETARffiS'MEET Cincinnati Conference to Hold Symposium, on Special - Subject^: MORGAN TO SPEAK New. York—The National Association of Jewish Community . Center Secretaries, including on "-•"roster x jrcsentatives of center", settlements, Y. M. H. A.'sand Y. W. H. A.'s from forty-one states and in Cuxx.da, will hold its annual conference at Jt ie Hotel Sinton; in Cincinnati, fror- May 9 to May 13, it was' announced yeniarday by Harold H.-Levin of I Tew York pity, secretary-treasurer of the association, which . is affiliated with the Jewish Welfare BoardFollowing a meeting of the executive committee of the organization at noon on the opening day of the conference, there wfll be an afternoon session presided over by Judge Alfred Cohen of Cincinnati, '•resident of the Independent Order B'nai B'ri+>- -id member of the-National Executive Council of th.: Jewish .Welfare Board, At a Ixmcheo" ^meeting cr, Thursday, May 10, Dr. Arthur Ernest Morgan, j-esident of Ahtioch /coil^ge Yellow adult education.; During the afternoon session that will follow the luncheon,, another symposium on educational courses in the Jewish Center will be held with t> Seman, _ superintendent of the Jewish? People's Institute of Chicago, as the - director and the following other -community center workers taking part: Bernard Fischlowitz, educational director St. Louis Y. M.-Y. W. H. A,; Samuel Gerson, executive director Jewish Community Center;. Omaha; JSaxold H. Levin, assistant., execu^-- director Ninety-second street (New York) Y. M. H. A.; "William Kolodney, educational director of the PittsburghY. M.-Y. W. H. A.j L. G. Nichols, director educational branch Y. M. C. A. of Cincinnati and Hamilton county, and Miss I—:—• H. Young, general secretary -•* the Young "Women's Christian association of Cincinnati.
Einstein Suffers Severe Heart Attack Berlin. (J. T. A.) Prof. Albert Einstein was taken ill with an attack of heart trouble. He has Tjeen ordered to bed by his physicians with instructions "to ^remain under care -until the middle of May.
Psychology Is Basis of New Morality, Says Rabbi Newman New York—A defense of the newon the stcLIe basis of hum~n happipsychology as-a force- in i l ^ refdrging ness. The teachings of Freud, Adler, of morality, was given by'Rabbi Louis "Watcon and other?" are not responsiL Newman of Temple Emanu-El, San ble for the breakdown of traditional Francisco, in an address at the Free Standards nnd the rise.of .a new PaSynagogue Sunday ganism. But when properly under<r We can- take from the new psy- stood, the new psychology brings chology whatever we wish to find in about a clearer appreciation of the it," Eabbi Newman declared. "The basic* fundamentals of religion and a immoral, will "ofess to find sar.."-n vigorous defense of normal human for their -"-"cicusness; the n c - ' will conduct. discover proof of their vicv~rir.t. The "Normality in* niind emotion -id acfor a rcirtcrprctation tion is the major interest of the new time has of the. findings of the new school of schools of psychological thought. Uppsychological thought in terms of con- on the cornerstone 'of man's love for structive, affirmative influencD upon woman, of woman's-love for man, and their joint lc™ for their child, the human behavior." Rabbi Newman> continued: psychologists are attempting to re"The chief contribution of religion' construct a sound ethical system. "When young people beg^n. to apin its promptings to emphasize and underscore the . emancipating, preciate that the new psychology does stabilizing, inspiring aspects of the j not sanction sslf-indulgence, hysteria, new psychology. The last word con-! luxury of xne senses and r-"*—rial cfirning human conduct was spoken pleasure they will probe deeper into moTal appllcr/.'-n. The neither- at Cinai, Vienna, or New - - . -ieart o2 Yor7-. We are still learning the mes- emotional abandon and madness which sage of trutl confident that it will have followed the vrorid war, exacting I-in.1, not destroy, the rightful" foun- a neavy psychological toll, is neither normal nor product' of abidlng»happidations of human happiness. "The New Psychology, whatever its ness. Freud does not seek to break vorie'd forms, •- not destructive of in- down the "7.iou Shalt Not" •-" the ^ l and- social - morality, "but is J Commandments and "to substitute the bulliihs: individual and sooui -^Itb.1'1 wish' of unsupprfissed desire."
Mrs. Harry Kuialofsky has been nominated for the presidency of the Omaha Council of Jewish Women,
Temple Sisterhood to Combine Observance With Sisterhood Sabbath FEDERATION HAS AFFAIR
it --was announced TVfidnesday by Mrs. L Bosenthal, retiring president, following- 2. meeting of the nominating committee of the Council. •;-- _ : ;.i; •- • • •. Other noroinatidns are: Mrs. Henry Rosenthal,: S-ice president; "JLcs. L. B. Goldmsn^secretary; Mrs. Leo Rosenthal, treasurer; Miss Hazel Degen, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. H. Z. Rosenfeld, auditor."
Center and Temple Announce Names of Confirmants in 1928 Classes PREPARE PROGRAMS
Jerusalem.—An Arab member of the field company organized to combat the locusts in the Jericho area was instantly killed yesterday by one of the' flame grins used in combatting the pest. A Jewish member of the company was seriously injured by one of the guns. He was taken to the hospital, his condition being declared very grave.
i i j
-No. 16
SPEAK HERE Zionist Organisation Will. Bring Jewish Scholar Here for • Mass Meeting, PALESTINIAN EDITOR.
The season of confirmation for JewOmaha Jewry will have as their in conjunction with Mother and guest, lttamar Ben Avi. one of the ish Sunday school students brings anDaughter week, which is being given foremost Hebrew' publicists in the nouncements • of confirmation plans city-wide observance, Temple Israel •world, on Monday, Mar 14. During his made by -Omaha's Jewk. Sunday Sisterhood will observe Sisterhood sabvisit. Mr. Ben Avi will address si mnss schools. Temple Israel will confirm 28 bath at the Temple at 10:30 a. rn. meeting1 "of Jews Rt the .Ipvrish ComElection will take p l i : i at a meet- DOTS and girls on Sunday morning. Saturday, May 12. .The service will he read by Mrs. W. ing to be held late in May. Mrs. May 27,. a t .10 o'clock. The Jewish ' C M t M~"";' ' ^ " s X. Holzman. Eabbi Frederick Cohn Cora "Wolf was chairman of the Community Center "Sunday School will Mr. Ben Avi is coming here under hold its confirmation on Sunday, May will give a short talk. A full chil- nominating committqge. the axispices of the Zionist organiza20. Nineteen' students will be in the dren's choir will sing. • • ' . "Cannot Live by Philanthrophy i tion. He is making a tour of every Center's confirmation class. At the conclusion of the service, a • • Alone," Says Speaker • j large city in the United States. •'• The Temple Sunday school will conMothers' and .Daughters' lunchc.n will A native of Palestine, Mr. "Ben Avi. firm the following children: Morton J. be. the Temple vestry. Mrs. Adler,'Council Bluffs; Gerald Batt, PRESIDENT REFLECTED received his early' edu&.'Uon in the Leo Blank and Miss Laura Goclr will Holy Land and later in the universiHelen Beeson, Rae Bci,.stein, Council be in charge of the community singBluffs; Anna Fellman, Marion Fonaing. Mrs. Harry Z. Rosenfeld will give Chicago.—Need of the synagogue ties of Berlin and Paris, He is at the row, Council Bluffs; Laurence A. as the dominates influence in Jew- present time editor of the Dear Haa talk for the mothers, and Miss Louise Ziegler will spr'* for the New Magistrate Receives Trib- Green, Henry Greenberg. Rosella ish life was the theme of Sunday's yeam," the Hebrew Daily paper of Handler, Loyal . Katskce, Frances session of the Sixteenth annual con- j Jerusalem, and is also the editor of "daughters. Mrs. Joseph Eosenfeld < f utes and Congratulations Kort, -Ida Krasne, Council Bluffs, Har- vention of the United Synagogue of • the Palestine Weekly, fen English Council Bluffs. is in charge of the Upon Taking Office vey R. Leon, Henrietta Leah Meyer, luncheon. Gwendolyn Meyerson, Council Bluffs; Reservations are being taken by OTHER JUDGES PRESENT Jeanette Moskovitz, Bernice PerlMrs.- Sam Robinson. Mrs. Holzman, attended. meter, Marvin L Pizer, Ernest Priesgeneral chairman, urges all who are A complimentary. dinier_ honoring A empaign to raise $500,000 for' £ oirn j impression on the numerous auman, Carolyn N. - Rosenfeld, Council interested to attend. Judge Irvin Stalmaster, brou^' ' toBluffs; Harriet Rosenfeld, Robert Ja- a three year program was launched ! 45 e n c e s which he lias addressed i gether 250 of bis friends at the Blacky i cob Rosenfeld, Council Bluffs; David at the banquet which was tendered: The Jewish Women's Welfare or- stone hotel Monday evening. h S out-of-town delegates at the Stevens M. Saxe,Sonia Saks, Council Bluffs; ganization combined its Mothers' and The other district judges, Rait, Daughters'^ day with the annual Fed- Troup, Day, Crawfotd • - •" Dineen, James Saltzenstein, Bernice Sherman, hotel Monday nightDiscussing modern trends in eration day, Tuesday afternoon at the and Bob Smith, isecreiiry: of the ^-ourt, •Sarah" Tuchman, and Bernice Ycuse'Ji. Students in the Center's confirma- American Jewish life, Judge Harry Jewish •Community Center. were guests at the ,i banquet, which Members of all the Jewish women's celebrated JudTe.Stalmastei'j appoint- tion class are: Stanley Adler, Edna Fisher of Chicago dwelt on the feet organizations of the city were guests, ment to the district* jut^nship made Chiff, Sylvia Falk, Wffliar Flax, Ben J t h a t g 0 m a n y j e v r e t h i n t they are and were represented by a s p r i e r vacant, by the death of the late Judge Zion Gershafter,.- Sally GreenbeT-,1 from their, groups. 1 Speakers were Arthur Wakeley, Sadie Kohlberg, Bluma Neveleff, Ruth V Mrs. Barry Hosenfeld,-.Temple SisterRomnv Isabel Rosenblatt, Annie Tre"Judge Stalmaster's apprlntment hood^ Mrs. Max. Fromkin, Deborah Sotiak, Sylvia Weiner, labby Dolgoff, -' ability and was a tribute to ciety; Mrs. I. Rosenthal, C-tmcil of Ethel Green, Rosella • Ferfis, Marion 4sciared;ra Avy. Jewish Women fHrs^S. Cahn, Daugb*. Weinberg, Evelyn ZweiVack, Minnie | iJera^oTZionf'SIrs;:M.^GL-Coiteii, Ladies' IJovey ~ina. Leonard Nat Jan.."- '•' ''j-Somewhere we 'have lost the sense p" Rabbi Frederick Cohn raidr The. president of the fraternity is Free -Loan society;: Mrs.- S. Ravits, The Center has a .toys'-erataaatuKM^j o u r ^responsibility and we have "With only one consideration 1 Cohen of Omaha. Other H a class, taught by Miss .Esther Faier, Daughters of Israel Aid society; Mrs. mind, that of his fitness fcr 'Its of- and a girls' class taught by Mr. Jack . " A. Romm, Senior Hadassah, and Mrs. fice, .intellectually and morally, Gov- Marer. The confirmation exercises.-Kill ing school at the University of N ^ William Perlmari, Golden Hill society. erncr McMullen selected this ' fine be coincident -with the las+ cession of our children are not growing up, braska this year are Herbert NevfeMrs. A. Greenberg, ireddent of the young man against all. religlcv preju- the Sunday school. Original essays as Jews. Unless we head the call j loff, Albert Batt, Edward Albert*, Jewish Women's Welfare organization, dice. His act will help stren~then-our •will be read by a number of the stu- of the United Synagogue, the time} and Arthur Eomm. Active members gave the addr-ss of welcome. Harry is near when vre -will not have even j love for the great American ideals of dents, and i.rizes.and diplomas will be philanthropy and the Jews will have | of the fraternity are Devid FellH. Lapidus spoV^ of the Jew.. Comdemocracy. Judge. Stalma=: is a man. Jerome Daimond, Louie awarded. This ceremony will u s : ! : no social view-point." • n-unity Center and W. L. Holzman for • j man full of kind words, backed up Daimond. Elmer Greenberg, Sam the closing of the school for the sumthe Jewish "Welfare Federation. The convention closed on Tuesday j Bender, Carl Sokolof, find David TTVCh kind de?'-. and deccrvlag all the mer. Mrs. David Sherman spcl:2 for the afternoon. During its final session j Wohlner, all of Omaha. honor bestowed upt -dm. mothers and Miss Pearl Monsky for it adopted a series of resolutions j Sigma Delta Tau Sorority at the Judge Stalmaster acknowledged the Ihe daughters. Miss. Ida-Lust^crtan intended to carry out the purpose University of Nebraska was award-i tributes paid him and expressed his and Mrs. Hen—; Monsky played a twofor which the convention was called, ed third place in scholarship »t j eagerness to be found \ rthy of the piano selection.. Margarette Margolin, that' is, "Reunite Synagogue and Pan-Hellenic banquet for all soror* hor he had received. accompanied by Margin-- Hurwitz, Life." These resolutions provided ities held Tuesday night. The award "I hope that nothing will ever transrendered a few musical selections. pire while I am incumbent, to Teflect j The enlargement and refurnishing that the educational committee of I wa? given for the work done the Mrs. Henry Monsky vr..- .."-ilrr^n discredit upon those who have been of the Hill hotel, purchased Tuesday the United Synagogue devise means > last semester of last year, and the of the program committee. Mrs. F. J. kind enough t - place trust and con- by Sam Josephson, Kansas City and •whereby the Synagogue and their first semester of the present year, Alberts and Mrs., J. Malashock were fidence in me," he said. "My hope is Excelsicr Springs hotel man, was an- schools be brought into closer conin charge of the tea Inat followed the that there nev— be an accudr- "_nger, nounced "Wednesday by Mr. Joseph- tact; to acquaint the youth of the j ending February 1P28. Four awards •were given to the four sororities program. Synagogue with and encourage themj leading in scholarship. Last year •with any justification, printed at me son. during my term. My aim •will be to The plan is to add 56 new rooms to to participate in the social welfare j the Sigma Delta Taus were awarded communities, first place. The same group ranked maintain the high standard of the the hotel, install a large dining room institutions of their that the currieulae of the Jewish first in 1926. but did not receive an bench in this district." in the basement, and completely reschools be extended to provide for i sward due to the fact that tliey W. L. Holzman was toastmaster. furnish the establishment. Mr. Josephson is the third pur- advanced school study; that regional I had not been on the campus long An eighty-six page book, the chaser of the hotel within the last educational conventions he held at! enough. The chapter was founded report of the Jewish Welfare Federayear. It was sold at a sheriff's sa1. .• frequent intervals; that a national j in Mar, 1P25. engaged;! tion and -the Jewish Community Cenfor 8141,275.90, which represents ih-- educational director be The president of the Sigma, DeltR that a National committee on Boy j ter, is off the press this week-and by valuation of the real estate and perTau Sorority is Miss Kate GoldMr. B. Blend, who for year<; oper- sonal property, and is above, a first Scouts be appointed to co-operate! early next week will be in the offices stein. Alumni members of Omaha with the National 'officers' of -the i of every Jewish1 federation and every at-* the Sanitary Bakery at Seventh i -ortgage of ?4D3,847.50. are Mrs. Irvin Stahnaster, Mrs. Jack Community Center iij the United and Broadway, in Council Bluffs, has It is expected that the work of re- Boy Scouts of America for the pur-| Mirviss, Mrs. .lack Ctesert, and Mise States and Canada besides receiving reopened the West Dodge bakery that modeling \rill begin at once. Mr. Jo- pose of carrying on Je-wisti religious j Ida Lustgrarten. Active, members has been closed for several months. wide distribution-here. sephson expects to spend ?l00,000 -.a activities for the benefit of Jevrish {of the sorority are Lillian Lipaey, Mr. Blend believes that the Jewish improvements. When finished, the lads-who belong to the Boy Scouts,: " This is the most elaborate report Frances Simon, Betty Steinberg, residents of Dundee will be Interested hotel will have 256 rooms vrith bath. which has ever treen -made her;; conMr. S. Herbert Golden of N. T.j and Ida Tenenotrom, all of Omaha. taining the two reports, ~ Ties of all i knowing that they can purchase Mr.' Josephson is very active in -was reelected president of the The pledges of the sorority are officers and workers, annual messages any kind of Jewish pastries and bread Jewish affairs in Kansas City. United Synagogue of America for Grace Bosenthal, Sylvia Wohlner, OJ. the two presidents: and of the chair- in their- own neighborhood and can and Jeanette Levingon, ail of Otnahft. the ensuing year. man of the Federation's executive at fjjy time n - n e the bafaery and COUNCIL B L U F F S BOY A W A R D E D SCHOLARSHIP committee, financial.statements, sep-i have bakery goods delivered to their ." — . «*. -v^-m arate report of the Jewizh Free Loan1 homes at no extra cost. . Harold Saks, senior at Abraham society, and the names aZ contributors and all donor, active and senior n e n Lincoln high school at Council Bluffs, bers. ; _ < Iowa, spent a busy day last Friday 'ine book has been in- prepcratica but was awarded a 4-year scholarMiss Faye Klein, a member of the ors whose talent hap been discovered several months, and is attractively ship to the .University of Iowa for Center Players' Guild, lias been chosen and developed by Mrs. Herman Jahr, Two additional gifts for the special planned, with many illustrations of for one of the princ. parts in the director of the Center Players Guiid. his wonderful efforts. fund of the Jewish Free Loan- society Center and Federation activities. Brandeis Players' production of the Mrs. Jahr has conducted the Guild, Young Saks'left last Thursday for -rare announced Wednesday by Dr. Iowa City to represent the South- musical comedy, "No, No, Nanette," organised rnly this year, as a. school Philip Sher. " western Iowa District in. the. State to be presented at the Brandeis the- of the theater, teaching its Tnemt><s*8 One hundred dollars has been given a.a. essentials of dramatics, includater the week of May IS. by ',Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Kubin in Extemporaneous speaking contest, This will Le Miss Klein's first ap- ing the nse of voice tnd movement, and also to participate in the State memory of their mother, Mrs. Mollie Mr. M. Katz, who just arrivedfrom Euhin. A gift of §5Q has '•' -en made debating tournament. First on the pearance on the profczcional stage, the Importance of the pause, transiRussia, will deliver a lecture at the by Mrs. S ah Farber in memory of program was a debate in the morn- and is the result of her outstanding tion of mood, and makeup. The atmosphere of the Guild's productions Labor Lyceum, Twenty-second and her husband, Abrarn Farber. ing, followed by the choosing of a work with the Center ttc^rzrs' Guild. has been very near that of th" tuttt* Having been cast for "Nora" in the Clark, on Tuesday, May 8, at iS:15 topic for the Extemporaneous content fessional company, as a repult of M t i Guild's recent production of Ibsen's p. m. • Mrv Katz has been in Russia which was held early in the afterJahr's ovm experience in profession*! for the last foar years. Besides being noon, and then another debate, this "The Doll's xx-use," Miss Klein inter- work. a well-known Jewish journalist^ he is time the final one ,to determine the preted this diiiicult role admirably. Miss Klein has also been promised secretary of the Gazar committee for state champions. But despite the This was her first part of any consea r---* in the Brandeis Players' quence. More recently, she has been Jewish colonization in Russia. • Mr.. Paul Fitch, 68 years old, died fact of everything crowding so close lf He has 'travelled tJirougu all the at his home Wednesday c-r~r'ng, after together, young Sales won first honors seen as the "Scrubwoman's Soul," in ing production of The Bachelor." colonies. All those interested in the 3 lingering illness which "kept him aa- in both, the Extemporaneous contest "Three Pills in a Bottle," which the Two other member* of the Guild Guild performed dyring1 the reception new colonization plan at Beiro-Bidjon irivalid for several years, and the debate. have. played with Mr. Boyd ' at the Jewish Community Center last -.ritn intentions of building a Jewish ' Mr. Fitch is survived by his "widow, He is. the son of Mr. and Mrs. unit should be there. .There will be and three children,- Mrs. H.- Bendarin Philip Saks of Council Bluffs and T ;ek, and again in the Oniih^ PaMic company this year, Mise Batt t.ein and Mrs. Sidney Wintroub. The*'s no collections made. This lecture is of Sioux City, Bernice Fitch «f Omaha grandson of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kula- library on Saturday morning. were in "The Famous Mrs. * Mies Klein is' one of the Y>-"~r -actarransred bv the Icor of Omaha. , and Leo Fitch of Council Bluffs, kofsky of Omaha.
• • m mm HONORS
Mr. Blend Purchases West Dodge Bakery
Two Gifts Made to Special Loan Fund
Jewish Journalist to Address Labor Group
Paul Fitch Dies After Long Illness
Faye Klein to Have One of Principal Roles at Brandeis
TOE JEWISH PRESS Published, every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by 1 THE "JEWISH PRESS-PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlanticT 1450 / JEANETTE GLICK GERSON, EDITOR. DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. Subscription Price, one year „ ..$2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application CHANGE OF APPRE§S-r-Please/give both the old and new address; be : . '•;-'-'". •>:•'- i sure to give your name/ . .
JEWISH CALENDAR — 5G88-1927-28 Lag b*Omer ~............—~.. Rosh Chodesh Sivan «~~ 1st Day Shabuoth *Rosh Chodesh Tatramiw -....« Fast of Tammuz Rosh. Chodesh Ab Fast of Ab -.— •Rosh Chodesh Ellul
.......Tuesday, May 8 -..-..Sunday, May 20 ...Friday, May 25 —..Tuesday, June 19 ..Thursday, July 5 , Wednesday, July 18 ..-Thursday, July 26 Friday, August 17
Golf Season to Open With Big Tournament
social room, and the steward's quarters. Highland now has 186 members.
STUDENTS WIN MEDALS The golf "season' at the Highland IN TYPING CONTEST, Countrjr dub will be inaugurated next Four -Jewish students had the; Sunday all day. with an eighteen-hole honor of winning four cf the five j medal and handicap tournament. The club will put up three prizes to be places won by Central high school in played for, one in each of three the state commercial contest held at classes. Handicaps are so arrayed York, Saturday, April 28. Ruth that the Class C man will have just White won in junior shorthand and, as good a chance as the Class A man Leah Oberman won in champion Both will receive medals. to win first prize. Mr. George Miller, type. pro, says the course "will be in fine Fannie Lerner and Lillian Jonisch condition for the opening tournament placed fourth in champion and. and the club looks forward to its big- junior shorthand respectively. gest golf year.
PAXTOM-MITCHai CO. : t h am) Martha Kin. HArncy 1662 OMAHA, MCISUASKA Soft gcay. iron. :' l>rns$. h,ron7,e find g $. Sd , d t t iiliiinhiuni Stnnd.ird sixes bronze uruf iron frfishtnps liolos. cisiern rintrs mill covers, and I'lemi-otit doors in stock..
THE SUNSET TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge CANDYLAND 16th and Faraam
FRIED'S The new wing of the tlub house is KOSHER DELICATESSEN ruider roof and will be completed in ipulating the incomes of the U. P. A.SPECIAL SERVICE PLANNED time for the formal opening on Sat1MB So. 2ith St. "Manufactured in Omaha" BY PI TAU PI CHAPTER and the Z. O. A., citing one instance VVe liaudle a full line of Imported fish— -. . Jay, May £3. The new addition will Spratts. Sprjitteu — Bismark Herring, of $5,000, which came from Chicago; house a dance floor of over twice the BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. English Kippers. said to be Z. O. A. dues, which was "Mothers' day will be observed in area of the old one, a large bridge and l.ter proved to be; fore the United Temple Israel Friday evening, May Palestine-A'ri:cal. When questioned by 11, with a special service under the "QUALITY JEWELERS" the Chicago delegate, Mr. Zeldin was auspices of Pi Tau Pi fraternity. The s MALASHOCK JEWELRY unable to state in what year's budget members of Sigma Eho chapter will Si ANNOUNCEMENT this occurred, but quoted Emanuel attend in a body. Wholesale and Retail Jewelers Neumann, former director of the U. The president's proclamation will be 213-16 ©ity National Bank read by Mr. Edward Rosenthal, presiMy telephone number has been changed to P. A., ss his authority. Bldg JA. 5610 dent of the local chapter. Talks wilt Lipsky Attacked. . JAckson 4811 last June. • • • -: •,:-.:•:_/:-:\'r:----] • - — - — • ' • . • •• •. . \ Direct charges against Louis Xipsky be given by Rabbi Frederick Cohn and ISADORE ABRAMSON Known to Jewry mainly for his work in the development of were made by Lawrence Berenson and one of the chapter. members. Every Let the liberal Judaism,;he vis admired and^-respected;;alike;by the most Samu'" Rostnsohn. Mr. Berenscn lady.attending the service will receive ABRAMSON AUDIT COMPANY conservative and the rabsHibefal Jewish, #rbups|. He'has supported stated that they resigned from the Ad- a flower in honor of J'r^herc' day. 475 Brandeis Theater Bldg.Russian colonization and lent ar vigorous opposition to Zionism, yet ministrative Committee because of Mr. Be Your Baker early organization of the crpcsitloilfcl Lipsky's campaign to undermine their the supporters ^of Russian colonization and the'Zionists have both QUAKER BAKING CO. influence and to interfere with their forces for the convention. a tremendous respect .for Mni." In reply to a question by Rabbi . Here is a man /whose help is an inspiration, whose opposition effort to place the organization on a is a tonic bracer-e-whose' righteousness and .faith, stand unques- so ind financial basis in balancing the Norman Salit whether it was advisIN OMAHA tioned. His private; life has been called saintlike. - In - broad hu- budget. He charged that Mr. lipsky able to make public the resolution manity he stands besides Nathan Straus. His Jewish scholarship' had endorsed a note for. the common- containing grave charges, Judge Mack places him in a unitpie1 position among modern ,• philanthropists. wealth with the Central Mercantile stated that ho sees no objection to 250 Rooms—200 Baths Best of all, he says and does what he believes, a great sincere Jew, bank for the amount of $285,000 with- the publication, that a house cleaning Good Kooms for $1.50' will do the movement good. "We have out any authorization from the. admin' —-Jeanette Gerson. Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. leen silent long enough," he declared. istrative committee. The Zion Commonwealth, against which bankruptcy! Lawrence Berenson; "who; however, was proceedings have already, been filed Jerusalem. (J.T. A.) Two Jewish interrupted by the.chairman, Judge in, Palestine, has liabilities -nunting tourists were refused permission by Barry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas Mack, who declared that he will "never to §;,76O,00Ct Its assets areionly $400,- the authorities to settle permanently i : he president of the Zionist Organiza- 000 of outstanding accounts in the in Palestine. The tourists are British tion, of America," This statemei-t United States and the land,-the value The visions of Bible daya are sung called forth many exclamations in the of which is undetermined'. "When Lip- subjects and had with them £$1500 and £700 each, sums which would in this poem by Abram S. Isaacs: audience of "We: will draft you.'* The CTT speaks of sacrifice and devotion permit them to enter the country. COMPLETE STORE and OFFICE conviction that. Justice Louis D. Branr it means only, self-devotion," he stated. Pillow and Stone. OUTFITTERS deis will not under any circumstances Upon a stone in olden time We Oecupy A wanderer sank to. rest. accept office either in the American Mr. Rosensohn stated that he and Free Violin Case and Bow Over 70.000 Square Feet Berenson • had' intended "to" resign :ifi : What wondrous vision, soothed his or the WorldZionist Organization was with term of lessons Southwest Corner heart, December,- but they waited for the firm in weU-informed circles. How strangely was he blessed! Progressive Violin School Eleventh and Douglas Streets end of'the U. P. A. campaign. Mr. Your Telephone Has Passed ; 309 Crounse Blk.—117% No. lCth St. Phone JAckson 2724 Roseiisohri added the charge that the Mismanagement Char-ad. • Phone JAckson 5SSa The arched sky was his coverlet, the Most Rigid Tests of Science * Omaha, Nebr. Class Lessons, 51.00 per boor The night wind cra,dlersongj . . - The charger- made against the ad-U. P. A. campaigns were deliberately Private Lessons, $1.00 per half hour ministration were contained in the postponed in order to .prevent the A ladder mounted heavenward materials used to make your telephone Which bore an angel throHg. . addresres of M< A. Zeldin, former diare frozen, soaked and steamed. These rigid rector of the United Palestine Appeal ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Ah, in these sober days of ours tests give assurance that it will serve yoa best. campaign- in New York, who reiterWhen we soft close our eyes,., . Almost fifty years of patient study hare made ated Jus accusations'made at the AtNa lofty ladder climbs at5bve? No angel hosts arise. . " .yoa. a, telephone which is complete in itself and lantic City convention, Lawrence Bethe ljest science can design. Appliances of any rens.on. and, Samuel Rosensohn, farmer An tho' our bed is richly draped,. kind which are attached to the telephone do not members-of thsr Administrative comAnd royal fare's 'our own, improve but impair your serrice. mittee. .Mr. Berenson and Mr, RosepToo oft we waken unrefreshed, The pillow'8 changed totetone. sohn made their first public stateVinegar, Pickles, Olives, Pcvices supposed to eliminate noise, make secret ments since their resignation. conversation possible, destroy germs; and t j * Catsup, Mustard, Etc like, should not be attached to your telephone. . • -Mr. Zeldin" charged that the adminGuaranteed Every istration "for the- past two years had NORTHWESTERN BELL. TELEPHONE CO. diverted the amount -of $500,000 Irbm Hiarman Visegar & Pickle Co. the U. P. A. for saving the -interest BELL, SYSTEM OMAHA of the- Zipn" Commonwealth, which is - On* Sftem • Cnt~nmlSn*io» a private company. He charged that J (Continued from Page X) the publication expenditures, particularly ' those of the "New Palestine," citing1 as instances the American Zion amounting this year to $111,000, and At Your , Commonwealth, the Palestine Securi- "Dos Yiddishe Folk," $30,000, are Grocer's ties, failure to remit the monthly con- mounting from year to. year. He tributions- to the Palestine budget, charged the administration with -r-nn.And failure to exercise a constructive influence on the economic policy in A alestine and failure to utilize "availFOR SALE. At All Grocers able resources," declares that "there Made By Two Houses in Benson. Corner 13 no remedy for the depressed state of Zionism in America or for the se- location. On two car lines; Undf Sim Breakfast feed Co, rious setbacn which Palestine has suf- double garage. Must sell. — Omaha, Ncbr. Walnut 1341. ' fered except in replacing the present incompetent American' Zionist Administration wifh one that shall'1 think in FANNING'S terms of Palestine and of its economic upbuilding." ; FOR SALE,; Judge Slack Proposed. The name of Judge Mack as the op- New Upholstered Suite. Very cheap; call after 6 p. m. ATposition's choice for the presidency of 9489;" '2419. Woolworth ave. Tho test of tliene war-tweet the Zionist Organization, of America, plcfcles t»n» !>*«>« m««h Imiwas mentioned for the first time by tatetl, but never <Hiuale<i, V Honored not only in his own country, but wherever there are Jewsj Mr. Claude G. Montefibre, the father of liberal English Judaism,"wiH <J^lebrate-liis s.eyentieth birthday jn June, Mr. MontefiQT.ejs such a unique personality and the object of so mucfc respect, and lovert tfciat a fund is being formed by an international committee, to present to him on that occasion, to be u s e d f o r s o m e p u r p o s e d e a r t oh i s h e a r t , b ei t c h a r i t y o r s c h o l a r ship. '•••. ' ' '.:VV '•'-' ••"• ': . •.'; -•"• '•"•'. " '" ' '•"• .A. nephew, of t h e great Sir JVIoses Monteftare, Mr. Claude Montefiore.has earned^an international reputation, in several fields. He 'is a leading1: English authority on education. He has made the emancipation of women loce of the great passions of his life, and was. president of the Jewish international Conference for the Suppression of Traffic: in Girls arid Women, which was held in London
Jewish Verse
Iten's Whole Wheat FigB in handy 2-lb. caddy
BREADandBUTTER PICKLES except In tho good o
Men—Your Money's Worth in Clothes! HTHE NEBRASKA backs its promises with *• real performance. Every year more men learn that for real money's worth in clothing, The Nebraska's system of year 'round valuegiving offers to every man—Incomparable Values In America's Standard Quality Clothes THE NEBRASKAN GROUP
used to pat up. Bwy tn jar from your Rrro^er today, and treat your famil?
Advo Quality Foods
to tills crisp, ta»ty rtPHrncy. VIKI—They Are NOT EXPENSIVE Distributed by
Costs Less Than You Expect to Pay You've read about the luxury, cleanliness, convenience and healthfulness of Kelvinator . . . and you have said: "I wish I could afford one, but it costs too much."
The Sign of a QoodQrocev
Kelvinator costs a great deal less than you expect. As low as $210 for a de luxe model. Then, too, the cost of operating Kelvinator is surprisingly low. It's certainly worth looking" into — now. See it at any of our "ELECTRIC SHOPS."
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2&I4M Street
Nebraska Power Courtesy - Service • low Rates
r™LTON 1 | COAL CO. 22nd and Nicholas WEbste,
"Electric Shops"
17th and Harney Sts.
. t
1313 Howard St,
5 4
Low Terms, Too
Thomsei-Sialer Butter
i \
PAGE S^-THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 3,1928 ert Batt, son of'Mr.'and Mrs. J. P.!Regional Oratorical Contest which is Batt, Harry Altfehuler," son of Sam, to be held in Omaha on June 3. A Altshuler; Mr. Sol Lessor of San' committee was appointed to make Francisco, Mrs. H.. B. Milder, Paul the plans for a picnic which is to be Bernstein and Mrs. Mary Forcnon. given for entertaining the out-oftown girls. A' committee was also The Deborah society vnll meet Tues- appointed to make all the arrangeday, May 8, at 2:30 p. m. in the Jew-1 m e r i ts for the club's booth at the ish Community- Center. Junior Council Carnival which is to be held at the Jewish ommunity Mrs. M. F. Levenson, president of Center on June 10. the southwest region of Hatlasrcii, Mr. and firs. H. Shampanier of who has been attending the conference of the Hadassah National board in Paterson, New Jersey, arrived WedNew York, will return early next nesday morning to spend several Mr.-and Mrs. Harry Reuben announce the engagement of their •wV*-. Mrs. Levenson is also the gen- weeks with Mr. and Mrs. S. Handler ^aughtei?rBarothy, to Mr. Clyde A. Krasne, son of Mr. and Mrs. eral chairman of arrangements for and family of Omaha, and Mr. and L Krasne of Council Bluffs. The redding will be a midsummer the Hadassah convention to be .held in Mrs. J. Verbin and Mr. end Mrs. A. event. Omaha May 28, 29. She will announce Krupinsky" of Fremont, Nebraska. Miss Reuben is a graduate of Central High school and the details of the convention progrc— im-.University of Omaha. Mr. Krasne attended the University of Ne- mediately upon her return. The local chapter of hte Order of ibraska and was a member of the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. Both Aleph Zadik Aleph will entertain it's are popular members of the younger set. . „,. _ , ,. , ,„. •.», . . members with a hay rack party this Miss Cel Tiisrx and Miss Marjorie _ , , • !.«.» n _*• • / -n ~ T . T. . ... • « xv v Saturday night. All participants -will Fink of Lincoln will spend the week-! ' . . . --. . f . ^, - Word has 'been received of the engagement of Miss Dorothy .•.. _ » .,, . . , assemble at the Center no later than . .,._. ,, . , ,, _. Rosen, daughter of Mr. M. Rosen of Akron, O., to Mr. Melvin end m Omaha with friends. • nine thirty o clock for the party. Meyers of Greeley, Colo. The wedding will take place* in August Joe Cohen, Dave. Bishoff and. Bud Mrs. Louis Fichtenberg and son of u Miss" Rosen has visited in Omaha as the guest of h^r aunt, Chicago are the guests of her daugh- Levin are the. members in charge Mrs. Dave Rosen. ter, Mrs. Ben E. Kubby and Mr. Kub- of arrangements. by of -Council Bluffs, la. The May (kids), party given by Dri and Mrs. B. M. Kully will sail; COMING EVENTS the Center Players. Guild for memJune.9> on the "Columbus" for Bre^ A card party benefit for the Jewish bers only will be held at the Center men. "They -will go directly to Ber- Monday— National Fund .will be" given Wednes- the nite of May 8. . All members lin, where Dr. Kully will engage in Temple Israel Sisterhood, elec- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. must be in appropriate costumes else iEtudy,f Later in. the.summer they will tion of officers. at the • Temple. Lann, 115 South Forty-second street. they will not be admitted to the gala -visit" jPrajjoe :and ; Vienna,; retur/iing The public is invited. Prizes will be affair. A fine • menu and games will J ! Tuesday— lAugust 25, "by -way of Quebec. - given at each table. Reservations may be among the numerous attractions Deborah Society. be made by calling Harney 4530. for the entertainment of the Players. .- JSIiss Isabel .Graetz, daughter of Mr. i&nrsday— ' Plans are feeing made- -for. a Prizes will be awarded for the best and::Mrs. Leon Graetz, has chosen B*nai Brltn, in bazaar to be given by the" Daughters costumes by the committee. The •Thursday, May 21, as the date for her inanity Center. of Zion for the Jewish National new Guild pins will be presented to marriage to Mr. Samuel Theodore, son Fund, at the Jewish Community the members and the newly elected of Mr-land Mrs. Arthur Theodore. The Miss Gertrude Tatle entertained a Center on June 2, 3 and 4. The officers will be installed. wedding -will take place at the home a luncheon and bridge -" the Fon- bazaar will close Monday afternoon. „ of the;bride's parents in the presence Mrs. Fred E. Goldstein of Chieago, tenelle hotel on: Saturday, April 29, Mrs M. Braude is the general chair• of the members of ' the immediate in honor of Miss Bess Horn, Miss man of the affair, and Mrs. A. I. ILL, is -visiting with her parents* Mr. and Mrs. J. Buback. Mrs. Goldstein families. Rosaline Goldstein, Miss Ann Fanger, Kulakofsky is the treasurer. was formerly Miss Miriam Ruhaek. and Miss Lottie Alpirn, all of whom Donations for the bazaar may be Mr. Herman Auerbach and Mrs. J. are brides-to-be. sent to Mrs. J. Tretiak, 3004 Iincola Election of officers of the Temple" H. Kulaiofsky have returned from a Blvd.; Mrs. J. B. Rohinsin, 3316 Israel Sisterhood will take place on week'sjvacation in Excelsior Springs. A formal dinner dance will be given Lincoln Blvd.; Mrs. K Weinberg> Monday, May 7, at 2 P. M. in the Sunday, May 6, at the Elks club by 358 No. 41. St-Vand Mrs. J. Kula- Temple Vestry room. The board of Wise Memorial hospithe Kappa chapter of Theta Phi Sig- kofsky, 2105 So. 10. St. tal wfll hold its monthly meeting ma sorority. Sponsors for the affair It only takes a little twig to poke Tuesday evening. The Daughters of Zion will give will be Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherniss out the eye. •-••* of Council Bluffs and Mrs.* Louis a card party for the Jewish National^ Mrs. Harry Reuben returned TuesFichtenberg of Chicago. The commit- Fund Wednesday, May 9, at the day morning from a 10-days' visit tee in charge of the affair is Miss home of Mrs. J. Ban, 115 So. 42. with her daughter, Mrs. Charles , J. Anne Joniscn, Miss Ruth Green and Street. Greenblatt and" Mr. Greenblatt 'of Mrs. Ben Kubby! The floral decoraThe Daughters of Israel Aid SoMuscatinei la., and her son,. Mr. Al tions will Le made in the shape" of the Reuben, who is a student at the State ciety will have a card party for Greek letter initials of the sorority. university- in Iowa City. the Jewish Old Peoples Home, A very novel affair is planned. Wednesday, May 16, at the home, of • Mrs. K&beriT Marer left Tuesday Work for the Geverkshaften cam- Mrs. S. Ravitz, 720 So. 37. Sreet. •with HeE.son, Haroldj for a.(visit in paign will be continued until Sunday, Friends are invited. . Indianapolis. May 6. Headquarters.--^ atthfi.X,abor Mrs. Leon. IL-Nogg win leave far *-\; Lyceum. All friends 6f theCHaiutzim Detroit May 20, to visit relative^. Mr. and": MtSi; Maomfe Finkenstein, of Palestine are asked to co-operate She will be joined later by her husformerly of Omaha, now residents of with this effort. band. Los Angeles, are .-visiting here with At the Henrietta Szold Girls' relatives. Among those who are ill in Wise Memorial hospital are; Mrs. E. Ger- meeting, which was held April 29, • Mrsv Isa3ore Abranjson entertained stein of Lincoln, Mrs. W. Hahn, Rob- there was much discussion about the at a'ljridgenarty Sunday afternoon, JLprii 29, in honor of Miss Bess Stock and Miss Ida Shafton, who 'will be summer brides.
j Mr. and Mrs. Saul Suval6ky *nter- Saturday. morning - he will speak on • tained thirty-five guest at - their "What Is Holiness?" {home Sunday evening in celebration | of the "Pidyon Ben" of thsir infant j j son, Selirin Sam. Rev. E. Fleish- [ I A number of students from the • man of Omaha spoke. Council Bluffs high schools . ., , j • r*-*. 4. Mrs. Louis Fichtenberg and son, spent the week-end m TIowa City to! T . ,,-,,. • J u Tn
Council Bluffs News
. . . . «., . . „ . . J a c k , of Chicago, 111., arrived here participate in the oState Musical • &» , Saturday by motor to visit Mr. and Contest. Amond those who leave
*' **; Mrs, Ben ELubby, for about ten days. Friday morning for Iowa City t O i " - - - - - - —•" ' ., , . , , . . M r s . Kubby will accompany her T represent Abraham Lincoln high! , ," , *", * r. , , , , , , . .7 | mother and brother when they leave school band and orchestra in the ., . . . _. .' • . Louise ... . ,,-, , the early part of next week for T state contest are; Louise Fitch,I-,. _f , . . Gwendolyn Meyerson, Helen Stein- •Chicago. She plans to be gone for two weeks.
berg, Florence Whitebook, Bernard Balaban, Leo Meyerson, Joe Solomonbw, and Yale Meyerson. Miss Helen Whitebook, student a t the Thomas Jefferson high school, left Wednesday morning f o r Iowa City. She represents t h i s district in the State Piano Contest which is being held t h e r e Thursday afternoon. . -
Mr. Harry Kubby returned home Sunday after spending the past two weeks in Excelsior Springs, Mo.
Miss Rose Blend has returned from Tolsa, Okla., after spending a month there with relatives.
r's Day Sunday, May 13th
The Re-Opening
! West Dodge Bakery | |
107 No. 40th
= = •= =
We will handle, fresh daily a conqplete Ene of Jewish pastries, Jewish rye and white bread—at the same prices you pay elsewhere. Free delivery anywhere. • • •
T I 7 H A T a wonderV V. ful idea to glad* den Mother's own day with a gift of bright blossoms! She has done so many tender, thoughtfellime things for. us. Now- comes our opportunity to surprise and deliji.t her.
5"i5 "Broadway,' Council Bluffs, Iowa j Phones 41-42 '
Recommended by Doctors and Rabbis
lUbfcl E. Goctman, •ppomred hr Rafcbi M. S. ll»rilli i,» #nntn» cm t i e Mfefof Ike cndoai • > • •
YOU can obtain zwieback that is parve and kosher . . . zwieback that is made with a shortening of pure vegetable fat, not lard. Sunshine Kosher Zwieback is healthful and finetasting. Thonghtful mothers will find it excellent as Baby's first solid food. If you want zwieback that is guaranteed "kosher" by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, be sure to say . . Sunshine . . . to your grocer.
Sunshine Kosher Zwieback liOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO.
. A DELICIOUS shortcake all ready to • Z^C4j£r?e in less than 15 minutes from the time you enter your kitchen ? Easy as anything, if you make it this way: ^ust step to your telephone . . . ask . youa^grocer to send you a Hostess Desert Sponge Cake. You'll find it ideal for strawberry shortcake . . . just what you: would like to bake yourself if you had the time. There's nothing else to do but add the berries and whipped cream. You escape the hard work . . . yet have the fun of creating a marvelous dessert. You can depend on Hostess Dessert Sponge as you never could^ on cakes baked at home. It's always a success. " *"&ways wholesome, too . . » for the. materials used in Hostess Cakes are even better than most women can use! Finest pastry flour . . . and pasteurized milk. Fresh-baked cakes reach you delicate and tender.. . . ready for your own deft, last touches . . . or delicious- just as they are. Just ask your grocer today"!
Friday and Saturday The Last Two Days
Brandeis Week Hundreds of Bargains
Every nest needs new feathers in the spring. With birds it is a twig, a thread, a bit of eloth and clay. With us it is a rug here, a table there, a downy living-room suite or possibly a lamp. Each little bit of bright new home furnishing does its part toward, completing your home.
Every Department
Come in at 9 A. M* When the Store Opens
flarimavLA Fred R, Shaw
You'll travel a long way to find such Yalu*—such a complete assortment of styles, so varied a collection of fabrics and patterns. See these wonder values in our windows today.
The Independent Order of the B'nai Brith, Lodge No, 688, will hold a regular meeting next Wednesday evening, May 8, at lie Danish Hall.
Mr. Herman Meyerson h a s r e tained home after spending ten days iB Excelsior Springs, Mo.
Hostess ij£5 Cake
Mrs. Sara Snyder returned home Tuesday after spending about three Michigan, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Sidney lightstone, and family.
Mr. Ben GOinsky of Portland, arrived Monday to visit his parents, Mr. aad Mrs. E. GiKnsky, for about ten days.
g required for this kious shortcake «.... read the secret
Mrs. Ike Kramer recently donated a pure linen table doth to the "Do Jews Neea t o Be Converted to Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud Torah. This was raffled off at the Christianity?" will be the subject of meeting which was held Wednesday Rabbi Frederick Cohn's. Friday evening sermon at Temple Israel. On afternoon t" i&e horns of Mrs. H. Trochtenberg, nd ws voa by Mrs. Julius KalelmaiL
Shortcake made
The weekly meeting of :the Junior Classical club was held at the Jewish Community Center*Sunday. The club has decided to meet every other Sunday. Rose Blend, was taken in as a new member. .<•
Wonder Value
Feather Your Nest
Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where e c o n o m y is watched. A luxury within the reach of alL Its high reputation recommends that yon try it.
Xr. '
• - " - * > ; * . - •
«*' . PAGE 4—THE-JEWISH PR^SS/THURSDAYi MAY 3; 1928 fcjis that sa.' the exhiiiti<m game Sunday afternoon that tWey'were real champs .when they .took lr - £ity4.doubles champs Into camp two gjames out of three." Altshuler'and'Rich "sKould Sixteen teilrii& have'the sec- be right among the topnotciiers, 'as ond annual/j.'C. C. handball doubles, well as the Segelman brothers. •* to be placid at r ^he Jcnter starting Rochman and Katlema. continue to Wwinesday. - The present 'A. A. U. lead the'Sunday handbair 1=^-ue. They cnamps arc entered and look as though have won eleven games and lost none. thfe£.ought to cop the verdict ?•>- tlje Two more gai -;s remain on the scheddoubles. 'They-showed the .handful pf ule. • '
' "750-pmshiv "Nnt'l PuTifeTJiag.' MSOTtlQfi BY PUBLICATION ON PETITION -TOR.SETTLEMENT- OF' FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County.Court ofr: DooElas-X'ounty, JJcbmska. '• :i^j:-.{'-'.-T^-.7.;-:..-..* • l o the-Mattel;, o f the Estnte; VtfJEDWIN EWGEJfBWEIGHT. iDoeeased: 'All' perBous interested i n said matter - are. hereby] notified that on the 25th day of "April, 1028, Mabel Wright: filed* a petitioiu in; said County Court, praying thnt 'ier -flnolt administration., account filed Uereln be Settled , ami aUosred, -ana_t$at ^sUerbe, discharged fjpnwher trnet5-atf-pxecntrlxTaiid"-that a hearing;-will;he^had- on said petltion'befofce: B«ldiiCo»rt..«j!n t|remth.aay t .of Jklny; 1828, and appear before:Bald Cyurt.on thfcisaMjlJth day qfMay, 1028, at- Sf-.-oJclock A. Mi1; and contest said -petition, the Court umay,"-grant^the prayer of said ^petition,,: enter -a, decree, of vhelrshlp, and make such Lother and farther orders, allowances- and decrees, as~ to~tnls" Court may seem proper,; to, the end- th'at all matr ter» pertaining-,to said estate .aiay^be,flnally.fettled->and.determined.. 1 ' ;••'; ?• ."•:". . •--.,.. . - B&XCE CRATWEOMV v 4-2&—2T.-
••'•••> - - ~ C o n n t y J n d g e i
Pearl .-Marcus Lhas been engaged ,to assist in the swimming paql. Classes will start in full blast May "• If you can't swim, vre want to see you in our pjol. We will teach yoT.'tO'Svri in eight lessons^ No extra d j.rge if you are;s member. Special lessons if you desire. xGet in touch with the swimming coach. Twenty junior boys have been practicing every Tuesday; Thv :ds.y from 6-7^ and on ^Sunday morningi;l^§012. Looks as though we will nave^a real junior«tearii r^piescnting tne 'Geri' .
• • : .
• . '
« ? • > •
• - ' • > " .
.v,.. v > »-•.•.
• • • •
Thef junior track meet is scheduled Jor 6:30 Wednesday,: May 9. Six events will be on the program. The senior field meet will be held outsideon; the ;•«—^rmfrlot Sunday^ afternoon at 3:30, May 13.
Dated * &
The gymnastic class meets every Strildng out nine batsmen, M. Ep- Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30-9.:30.
a & GROPINSKT Attprneys, '- ; * \ lia Nationil- Bank Bids, AMBNt>4tEKT 9O -ABTICI.ES
itONSKT, KATLEMAN & GRODINSKX Attprneys- 3 • -" - ' 730 Omaha National Bank NOTICE OF AS£ENI)StEHT TQ OF TNCOKPOnATlOU OF COBI.. MEttCIAIi BJEAXTV COSUPA»TC At a special meeting of'the'ttockholders o£_ the COMMERCIAL -REALTY COM^A>'Y, held on the ?lst day-of April, lt>28, pjitsnant to proper notice,1 a resolution, was unanimously adopted to amend 'Article IV, of tht Articles of Incorporation tq- increase th* capital stock from $560,000.00 to fTOO.00ft,0(V so- that said capitol stock -will now consist'-.- of. 5400,000.00 common stock and 5500,000.00 preferred stock, all-stock having sar ralne of 5100.00 • The-voting power is lodged in the holders of the Common stock .only. Jfrelerred stock is.'entitled to C% annual cumulative dividends only and - is preferred as to both dividends and assets. "THe preferred Stock": may lie- retired, as the Articles. Dividends cannot •he;,paid «n the common - Stock until all dividends due" on the :preferred'stQck have been* paid In. full. -. '. COMMERCIAL REALTY COMPANY, ~ " " ' " By A. H.-WOLt, President. • Attest: H_ IL AII12RBACH. S3ecretary. 4-27-4T ' " ' ". r KA37LE5IAN-&' GBODINSKY.
' Attorneys. 73) Omaha National Bank BIdg. , NOTICE OF AMENDStENT OfO-ARTICLES • ' OF* INCORPORATION OF THE ' - . 8ILK8HOP, Inc. •.'•NOTICE i s hereby StVen/that^nt, the -Annual meeting of .the stoekljolders' of '£HB SILK SHOP, IXC; at which 'meeting all the- stockboUIera were .psesent, AH ani«Ddment to tjie; Articles- ot- I ncorpora-_ tion. was nnahimoualy adopted, 'increasing &ik authorlzeil capital stock from' CO ^100,000.00. The nuthoriwa capital stock ,n<Jw will epnsist of Jt'O.OOO.OO preferred and ijtt.O00.00 common stock, all stock having .par yalne of MW.OO. ' Dated March SOth/'KKiR. _^. . _ ( H E ' S I L K SHffP, INC: , :» T B y .ABE. GOLDSTEIN, PresWeat,' 1 ' _ HIKAMT. JONES, Secretary. 4T ' " O STAtAIASTBK & BEBEU Attorneys 300 fetetf; Trust - CPJBOBAf -B 3 J O I B Matte*-of the lifetate o£ REBECCA KATLEMAS.i'iWceusea. , A N g j i d NOTICE" is hereby given: That the creditors of said 'deceased will meet the rfdfiiniistrntb* of said eatnte, Jiefore me, -etoroty Judge' ol WuglaS-Cinmtyr-Irtbrasit-Jhe County;"-Court Uioom, in- said
OBTICERS AND DIRECTORS OCCIDENTAL BLDG. & LOAN ASSOCIATION Kirk Grlggs L W. Carpenter Ford Hovey J. E. Davidson • W. R. MacFarland Geo. T. Morton T. T. Brownlep. are, wondering vphy. ybuir home does pbt appear as good to you as. when you..first bought i t ' . " . . or, maybe, you think you are not getting enough rent from your tenant . . . or, perhaps, you . w.ould like to sell your home. There is but one thing to your 4do rp. remodernize 1 home. Repair, repaint, in'stall a "new heating plant, remodel in every way. It will not take any large lump J of r money : out of your pocket, for we" will loan the money on a first mortgage; This is springtime1—the time to remodernize your liome. •
Let Us Explain Our Savings Plans to You
-W —
^ 1^
*- .
BUILDING &UOAH m ASSOCIATION ASSETS- OVER $ 1 9 , O O P v O O O Home Office, 18th and Harney. South Oinaha, 2314 L St.
UtTIcioo motet.
Japan Tea .IQreenl:
Oran&jPekoeTea [Black] ,
North Oinaha Furnace Co.
Certified Public Accountants "^ '
'"e38' Securit3ei Bids. AT. 4451
~~ '
jr Street The Most Popular Cafe in Omaha
Appropriate for After-Theater Gatherings
Auto lops & Accessories
Contractors r
National, 'Accessories, Inc.
Spring Me,ans Building v Building Means •
You should patronize our advertisers and mention the '• JEWISH PRESS when you do.
. v 1517 No. iMtb-St.— WE. (1300
..Reliable," Reasonable, Expert ' . Auto Repair Service -
DUTCH CLEANERS 204-« Soutb.24th St.—AT. H00
'• - 1>E t C X E SERVICE Entire family wash finished ready to wear. Wearing appnrel ALL hand ironed reitdy to wear. Only 14c per .pound dry -weight. SANITARY LAIXDRI W. II. OSTEXBEKG. l'res. 2S1D Farnam ATlantic 2S1S
Serve Himelbloom's new pumpernickle bread with your next meal.
.Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant
1722 NO. 24tt» St.—WE. 0S89
Try a loaf of our Whole-Wheat Bread with your next meaL.
4420 Florence Blvd., KE. 1500 THE HOUSE WITH A REPUTATION
Drug Stores
Lumber Go's.
10th and Davenpon Street O.-.UAN08, Propr. 6 FRIENDS 5at J6T"YOK
. OBERTY DRUG CO. 1004 No. 24th St.— \\B. 03S6" B. ROBINSON. Mgr. Two experienced registered pharmacistK at your serrice. Prompt free delivery anywhere in the c!fS\"
SUN PRINTING CO. \ AT. SS32—504 So'-. 13 'I Get Our Prices aod Save' Honey '
—JOB 819 No. lfith St.—riionv rl.\ck«on \ We 6peci»liie In form printing and 1 solicit your patrohnse[
. J A . IC14
Estimates Gladly, Furnishej
Harnejr $i\
Suite 5,Wead Bldg-., IS and Fsrnam - - —Telephone AT. 8162— - . -1
'" 1707-17 Oass—AT.;3533
Beg-inaers and advanced students accepted.
For any kind of service on your automobile call the Cass Garage, no matter, when, where, or why. —24 HOUR-SERVICE—
—GENERAL. CONTRACTOR— f40!) Hospe Bldg. "
"Eyerytkin^^ For The Auto" AUTO
1411 No. SMtb St.—WE. CU53 Installation and Ue pairing ol Tin Work. Furnaces. SkyJightS, Ventilating. Gutters ami sponting. Agents tor Nesbtt Furnace
•402 Brandt»| 'I'hea. Bids-—AT. 1450
Piano Teacher
We suggest you send your laundry to
WE. 1029 All Type of Laundry
MICKLIN LUMBER CO. 24th and Burderte—WE. 0B02 20tb and Nicbolas—JA. WOO
"Everything Under Cover"
iiETAJL—<JLASS— tl'OOfJ—FATER f CLOTH—SUO-CAKDS I HA. 4209 C49 J>o. Sath Are., j
Tailors Master Tailor Service 215
S o . t i l t h — I ' t i u i i u A T . it<W
Refitter of Ladies and Mens Oothing A. BERNSTEIN. Crop.
Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality
It's the advertiser that makes the publishing of this paper possible.
15UU Mo. 24th St.—WE. i'lTU Specializing in denning, Pressing and Uelining Men nnd Women's Appnrel
Beauty Parlors
Mtisic Teachers
Wallin-Holmgren Elec. Co.
15th and Douglas—113 So. 15tb
Personal Service You will Appreciate
1023 Clark St.—WE. OHO
Herzbergs Marluello 1310 Uouclas SOU Brandels Thtr. AT. 3703 Bldg.—J A. 3460 Fonteneile, JA. 2(H3 All Denuty •yrorfc—Moles removed
605 Electric Bldg.—J A. 1045 -All Kinds of Electric Wiring-
.Dependable for correct instruction. Progress of studious pupils puarnntGHPtl. Each pupil given Jndlvfflunl attention ot the highest possible degree. Prague Conservatory Method Tnught. Flattering comments on results from instructors nil over the country. Instruction Fees With Prof. Much S100 per linlf hour. With cnpnble nsslstnnts Class A „Jfl.00 per half hour. .Clnss B S1.00 per hour lessons. Stndlo 111^ No. 16 St.—Phone .IA. 19M
Paxton Billiard Parlors
The utmost in Photographs
1510 jfannun—JA. uVil
"The Best Place To Buy Your Flowers
Branciels Stores . . JA. 2507-AT. 8C66 Dundee Parlor . . . . . . . . . W A . 8014 Specialist's tn PEltMANBNT WAVING
. 1 . . .
t a samfe aii88rnn«ftd paid-estate tollrviu Stnlw S m e other suitably person nnd to'tt settlenlent tlivreof.' ' / ' E A ^ O i a ) Cgunty Judffo.
r ••
Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events - j
-?T?rJMiTlpE- C K A W T F O U D ; County" Judge. "*-lU-*T ' *' '" -A ^ . SAM BBBtflt. Attofney1 • 7 300 Peters .Trust OF
Drive into the nearest U. S. Oil Service Station and fill up your tank with Phillip's "66." It's a new, better gasoline — the kind Boeing, airplanes use. • ...-... Phillip's "6G" has a gravity of "66" compared to 58 to 60, the average gravity of the. gasoline of' today. A tank full of this gasoline will prove ttt that there is none better in all the world.
Save a Percentage • of Your Income Regularly
Sfcir c?nTms. from the 12th day ot May,
—the new, better gasoline—
582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg.—AT. 3160
'1511 No. 2-tth— WE. CBS4
?ori- the 15th Uny tff August, 102B, a t - a "•.o'tfJoclf-At-JI^^acli day;for th.a pnrnose of jiffcBentlne^tlieli; cinims for esaminntion. "adiustmint and "allowance. Three months »'*?&. itllowed --lor- the creditors , to present
^?"i?f ' "o«BPH LVNCW, deceased. Interested ln>-salu^#8tate nre 1hat n petition Uns l)fen
Phil-Up with Phillip's "66"
—yre will loan you \ ":-;•>•;;. the money
,tJ . TIDSAXBf COBIFASX- - , . .. At a 'special 'nfee'tinB ol 'the stod:holders or*the- irtJNDfeK W E A T R B ' COMPANY, heid on the 8th 1day of-Jannnryrl928, pursUihrt "to-proper .notice, a resolution was unanimously adopted to-amend Article 1 tif^th* Articles ot Incorporation to read aa follows: ..if.1 Article I. Xame ^ The same of•'• Oils corporation 'is "VENETIAN COURT BEAI/EY COil-
A savings aceoun* for your baby coinbihed with Life Insurance protection.
man and two stolen bashes gave the other team its trio of counters. Herman Levinson, Sam Ban and Dave Franks carried the heavy "war clubs: for the losers, -while Mush Givot contributed to the cause when he caught a fast ball on the side of his skull* The entire A. Z. A. squad, consisting of Is Bogdanoff, Dave Franks, Her^ •man Levinson, Bill Gerelick, £taniej| Shapiro, Mush Givot, Max Givot, Af Fiedler, Harold Barrish, Milton Altv shuler, Sam Ban, Jack Ban and Syd Epstein saw service at one time or other. Coach Joe Turner and Manager Stanley F. Levin had charge of the team.
I Tennis, girls. Get busy and practice./ Tournament is coming soon. j
,8:30:&. Sunday morning, 11:30-12:30.
Muddy." Bertha Shifton and Rose They were the.Malashoc.l Jewelr-, Pormari, who were • thosen: by Miss the Kaiman! Insurance, the Empire Greenberg to lead the group, planned j Cleaners and the Glazer Clothing coma very interesting program, to enler- pany teams. tain the girls. A picnic is coming May Over 100 guests attended the ban13. Save the date! quet, which was followed by a variety of entertainment, and by adek-r-ess Two more games have been played made by Judge Irvin Stalmaster and in the Girls' - Baseball league. On, Harry Lapidus. April 26, the Cricket Juniors won an. exceptionally close game from the The A. Z. A. ball nine lost a closely River Rats. The. score was 18 to 17. contested practice game last Sunday On May 1, the Rinkydinks won from morning by the score of 3 to 2. Bill the Cricket Juniors, 18 to.2. Shafton '"erelick pitched for the fraternity and Segal of the former team dis- men and allowed his opponents only two hits. A couple of errors combined played some Alice Buckman hits. with an overthrow to the third base-
Four bowling, teams received prizes for the season's highest standings, at the final banquet of the "Business " All boys under 1'4" interested' in a .' Nineteen junior physical department Men's Bowling league, which was held ia^blte ^•tournament plczre get in l made merry on Sunday, April Tuesday evening at the Blackstone touch' wittitiie physical ^director. 29, at a hike all around the "Big hotel. The fish, club^is cominc; along, in great style.t Their first ex",— r :^ was a grand'-success*' If you are over 17 andvcan swim' get in touch with Ted Turner or Dave Chesneau. Swimming meets with other clubs will" be held in the .near.future. - , . ; A girls' swimming club will be formed. 'Get in touch with Pearl Marcus. ' • '. • • • ' , . ; '' ..'.-.• -;;•'•
MOSSKT, EATIiEMAN *fr G&ODINSKY '.:— ;.. " ••'••••-.'; ; Attorneys.: v1-'.'-.":-'-^' C "jrHXrOnialia National Bank Bills. •. - A. senior men swimming class will SOTICB-OF INCOBJEOKATIOX- OE THK be held.every Monday arid Wednesday, V H H E B ^ N P E G E , EEED iC3B.W^iereby;gtT?n'- that Ae.Tmtler sl^twd have forajea a corporation pursuant to. the. laws" of 'the State of .Nebraska.. The name" i s iVWertheIiner>& TJegen Peed- XardB, Inc-V^-withtlts principal-place of" bustaieBS iri'tfte'CltyVof Omaba. Theicjaiporation i s z e i to: establish,' own anil" operate Hsesft>el?.'fteainfe. yarcls, buy, sell,-lease, encumber and convey all kinds of real and personal property. Authorized eitplt&l stock igJ.$10g'00O'.00,.tcpnslBtinK or"l,000"8hares of tbe^pnr. Talue.of ,'?100.00 each. AH Common. Stock and shall -be .fully paid •H¥jjien.Vissued and non-assessnble. The cor-"**auoijiv shall .commence '-business when _ie;3lrtieles ar<5 filed \rith .the. County frfc and continue until January-1,, 1080. ^Je'Mffhest'.-amount of Indebtedness shall niot.-eiceed -twd-tWrda ot-the -capital .stock. The affairs of the corporation snail be administered by a -board of - five--directors, •who stfnll-elect a-President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurers All except Secretary must be-members of board; Directors shall be elected at annual meetinjr of stockholders to be'held.op the secoijd •"Wednesday In 'January of each year. Immediately thereafter the directors shall meet ,and elect , the officers. Tp.e Articles may be amended... The corporation Shalt have a
stein kept the B'riai Anii in the The greatest circus In. the -r—'c! is J, C. C. indoor baseball, league by beat- c'omingi to Omaha. Yeirc-ae, and ^ght ing the Psi Hu,,Jr., with Zerinsky in to the J. C, C. gymnasium. Ask;aoout; " the' box and'Hemelstein-catching for the circus. ' • the Psi Mu, Jr., by a' score of 16-0. Tfte-'Olympians beat the Boy *"—-ls, '.Have you noticed the handball 4-2. The Bbbcats' beat the B'hai Ab- medals in the lobby? They're real rahams,-26 to 10. " • • medals. '•" Standing of the league: G. W. L AU members who wish-to particiB'nai Ami'.: 5 5 pate 0 in the circus may do so by —tting Olympians 5 3 2 in touch with the physical director. rsi Mu, Jr. .*.....'-..'—L5 3 2 Bobcats .\ i _:~~5 2 3 B'nai Abraham ..-5 1 j4 .It's time to don knickers and spend Boy.; Scouts ..................i....-5 1 4 a, day in the park/: for the glorious weather is here. The senior girls of All candidates for the varsity ten- the physical department "o planning nis team please; hand in your name to a springtime outing for Sunday, May tin Physical .Director. The pre-season 6. All members desiring to join grpup tennis itbufnainent will start May 27. for this picnic are requested to meet Sign, up for the tournament on the at the Jewish Community Center at bulletin board. •9 a. m. Bring some-food, for sure.
FOR.75C A WEEK Your ad in this directory, reaches \ -practicaUy every Jewish -home;' in Omaha
502 So. 13th St.—JA. 6032
New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders
230S NorCfc'2-Jttt St.—Phone WE UOR"
A. D. Ferguson" The Florist fiOtJ, »nd Araes Ave.—KE. 8UDU
"Flowers For All Ocassions"
No. i!4rh«-
WHITE STUDIO ' ii512 UoUElas—J A. 33G6
Photographs of Distinction
Tent & Awniog Co?s Tents, Awnings, Covers, Camping Equipments, Auto Awnings and Tourist Supplies. NEBK. TENT & AWNING CO. 1808 Farnamt JA. For space in this directory cal the
Tire Shops NATIONAL TIRE SHOP BATTERY STATION Cor. 17th snrt Cneitol 4 w . - 4 ' l tH'.i GOOIIVB.4K KEKVICE ST.4T1OJH i'tres. Tubes. Accessories. Kourt nnd Oeiiecal
Only 2 different business houses allowed under each classification ":~ in this directory.