'Interesting and Entertaining
Allthg News Of interest to Jews
EutcreU as second-class mail matter on Jan
ootiiofflce HI Omaha. Nebraska, under tbe Act
VOL. All.—No. 17
Louis Lipp won the Thomas McNew York.—(J. T. A.) .—The Board Shane Medal in the finals of the of Trustees of Mount- Sinai-Hospital, Creighton Extemporaneous Oratorical the oldest Jewish hospital in New Contest held at the college auditorium York, has made public receipt .of a last Friday night. Maurice Alperin gift of $103,701 from George BlumenI. D. Morrison, Attorney, Criti- was awarded second honors. Ephriam thal,, president of the hospital- and cizes Judge's Part in Marks was one of the ten finalists Mrs. Blumenthal, to balance the en• Zionist Opposition. who survived the preliminaries in tire deficit of the hospital's operating which fifty orators competed. All account for 1927. Announcement- of the gift was made to the trustees by ASSERTIONS UNFOUNDED. three men. are members of the Pi Delta Sigma fraternity. Mr. Blumenthal in a cablegram from . That Federal'Judge Julian W. Mack j Paris. ' ' •' ' Ms acted in a manner unbecoming C O C n AAA ADADTMEHT Confronted with the prospect of an immediate financial crisis, First hand information on the verbal battle which is now being judicial office id his acts as chairman j 5 Z jl/.UUU ft"A|>{II1L!I I the trustees, directors and officers of the Jewish Community •waged so savagely between the present Zionist administration and oi the conference:in opposition to the] •Center met last night at the Ad-Sell restaurants to discuss and the opposition will be threshed out by Ittamar-Een A v i a t the mass present Zionist admiiiistration, held on i adopt a plan which will enable the Jewish Community Center to meeting which will be held Monday in the«Center auditorium. Mr. Sunday at Washington is the assercontinue the extensive work which was begun this year. Ben Avi is duly qualified to present his views on the controversy tion- made by Isidore D. Morrison, New since he has had his finger on the pulse of the situation "tiirough • It. vas reported' at the meet ing York attorney, who has served at the the Zionist opposition convention. that the present activities of the Modern Conveniences to Feature j bar for thirty-two years. Center would have to be greatly Mr. Ben AvFs tour j -which includes1 Architectural Design Mr. Morrison was the honorary secreduced and some discontinued unPlans for Next Year's Course to every principal city of the Unitedretary of, the first Zionist Organiza-} of Apartment less immediate financial aid was seStates, is sponsored by tiie Zionist orBe Announced at Later tion of America, thirty-one years ago. j - An apartment house on the order cured. ganization for the purpose of securTime. Mr.,Morrison has been associated injof the studio apartments in demand Tbe group who met. resolved to ing Zionist members. "the upbuilding of Palestine for a. great in eastern cities* will be erected in set aside the -week of May 14, degBoston.— (J. T. A.—A change in Classes in" Yiddish, Hebrew and many years, and recently gave $100,- Omaha this summer, according to Joe as "Jewish Community Centhe leadership of the World Zionist. Nathan Straus Deplores Modern Jewish history in the depart- 000 toward reconstruction work in and Sam Wolf, owners of the Elwood, ter eek r Rnd t o ealT Lincoln—A fine life nipped in its ment of Jewish Studies, conducted at Palestine. Organization was again urged as a ! ^" >' >~ <m Dissension Birchmore and Ardmore Terrace prime. There could be no greater re- the Community Center Since January, - In an open letter written to Judge apartments all in Dundee. The new solution to the present Zionist situa- \that w e e k & city-vide campaign for new members and the collection of In reference to Dr. Wise's resig- gird.for rny man than has been felt will come to a «lose Wednesday, May Mack, Mr. Morrison, who is a member apartment building will cost approx- tion by Dr. Stephen S. Wise in his ; f :?r Roy WPepperberg,\who died Satfirst public address on a Zionist topic \ delinquent dues. nation, Mr. Straus said: 23, when the students- and faculty will of the adminisirative-committee of the imately" $250,000 and will adjoin the j K w a s Ported out that the Jew"I am greatly shocked at the un- i^day at 2:50 a. m. after a short ill- meet at an informal socir' leathering. Zionist Organization a£ America, says Efrrood apartments on Forty-ninth since his resignation. - Speaking before the Abukah, Zion-I ish Community Center IF now opcrprovoked disturbance in the press" ness. The last-regular session will be held that in his-capacity as judge, Hon. and Dodge streets. forty-three years were nobly Wednesday, May 16. budge under ict. students RfnHpntK organization, n-rc-H-niratin-n. at the thp. Com- i; ating sting on a minimum budget about Zionism and Palestine. I am The building1, will be a three-story, ist Julian W. Maek should never have m lived, and his deeds ;will ever remain but that the mander Hotel, Dr. Wise characterized ! ost rigid economies thoroughly against the placing of There was a total registration, of permitted the material that was pre- fireproof U-shaped structure, having obstacles at the critical time in the after him. Mr. Pepperberg had lived fifty-four' students, but the average sented at the conference to be brought a frontage on Forty-ninth street of an utterance of Dr. Weizmann in his j income from present membership •way of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, pre- T Lincoln for twenty-five •„--:•_ . before a jury, and nevertheless these 166 feet. It will contain 14 apart- •address before a Detroit gathering as | dues is . insufficient to continue the ~ been sole ownsr -o£ the Pepper- attendance for the season was only "vague assertions were permitted to ments, with a court facing forty- "an unforgivable disloyalty to the j program outlined for this rear. sident of the World Zionist Ois.anthirty-six, which means that only twoand again we have complainization, and Louis Iipsky, president berg Segar company 'at. the time of ninth street The first floor of the Jewish people, if he had been cor-j"Time thirds of those enrolled attended the come before the general press. his death. He wasr born in Plattsr°ctlv quoted. Ie<^ °^ fi^s^ces," said Harry Lapidus of the Zionist Organization of frant wings will have four 6-room Mr. Morrison's letter to Judge Mack classes regularly.' Forty-sin of the America. No man is strong noutb, Neb., ' graduating from the apartments, each composed of a re-] ~Taking as 'his text Dr. Weizmarra's j in addressing: the meeting, "but at fifty-four registered, students were reads, in part: enough to do injury to the cause of Tlattsmouth High "school in 1903, folcation hall, living "and dining roo'nJ alleged phrase "A quarrel with Great | this moment it is not a matter of " I "During my thirty-two- years of Palestine. This attempt will also *•'-•• * by Jus graduation from the Uni- ladies. 1 practice at the bar I have acquired a two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen, I Britain will last for five minutes and I complaint but a question of closing The attempt.to hold all the classes fafl. My Heart is with Zion and versity rf Nebraska with A. B. and maid's room and a maid's bathroom. you won't quarrel again," Dr. Wise j the doors of the Jewish ConrmuTuty on one evening a week proved very profound respect* for our Federal Juwith the present Zionist leader in B. S. degrees i- ; 1907. The following The second and third floors of the declared that Great Britain will not j Center _unless we collect delinquent, diciary. It has been repeatedly assertais great work. he received a masters degree and satisfactory from the students' point ed that the Federal court- are the bul- front wing will have four duplex do more than it will be compelled to j dues arid obtain fit least five hnn; dred additional members," - "That man is not my friend who r fellowship in the department of of view, as well as from the viewpoint wark of our EBertaes and I have apartments, an arrangement popular] do. of the instructors. The department, is against' him, for he has. given his gsology. learned' this to be the fact because in the east. The tenants will havel "The right kind of Zionist leader- | Harry" Malashock, chairman of Uie He was a member of the Jewish however, was disappointed at the lack Federal jjidges are usually not influ- their suites on two floors. The typi-j ship is necessary and a firmer and committee, urged the imlife to the cause. Dissension and controversy are, of course, very Temple, of which he was- president of interest* apd the indiff«rence on. the -eased by the impulses of the mob or cal suite will consist of u -large living j more " figressive * policy toward thej Portance of obtaining new members. from 1922 to 1924. He was brevet part of the young people of the !cdn> detrimental to. the-cause room extending the full height of two mandatory..power is-essential if. the} "We must .have the co-operation of •'courses- wtfe captain of rhe "RDTC at tbe University i 'calmly," judicially • and without stories, giving a studio effect; a din- Balfour Declaration is carried out.[every Jew in Omal.- in order to .offered* • • All who are interested in the wel- of Nebraska. Many other -activities prejudice. I was, there-ore^ amazed to ing room, reception hall, breakfast Unless this-is done the minimum will I maintain the g-ood work that is be-' The students who attended regular- read the account of the proceedings of room, kitchen, maid's roan, maid's be'done'by Great Britain to aid in the j i*£ ^one in the Jewish Community fare of our people should co-operate were his, including the presidency of with the Zionist. organization and the Rotary club in 1919,'life rr'—^cr- ly have alt. expressed their satisfac- the conference at Washington held on bathroom and lavatory on the lower establishment of the Jewish National | Center." give of their means for the restora-i ship in the Chamber of Commerce, tion with-the courses and particularly the 29th of March, over which you floor and three bedrooms, two baths Home. How can any self respected-; The Jewish Community Center isworshipful master of Lancaster-lodge, have they been impressed with the presided. and a gallery on the floor above. Jew speak in the terms attributed to | the only Jewish Educational nnd tidn of Palestine.,, No. 54,: A. F. and A. M."in 1913, and ability of the instructors, Mr. R. LacAll apartments will be equipped the World Zionist leadership?" Dr. | Recreational Institution of its kin 'Tor the past four years I have deA native of" Palestine, he. received meirbership in the University club. He kow, Mr. I. Morgenstern, and Mr. J voted myself assiduously .to the work with modern conveniences, such as Wise asked. "There will be no change in the city. Every Jewish man. his early education in the Holy Land also served as the chairman of Kound- Wolfson. The instructors on their of the Zionist Organization and its electric refrigerators, built-in kitchen or improvement in Zionist, affairs un- woman, and child should take adand later in the universities. of Paris! Up week at the University of Nebras- part are greatly pleased a i d satisfied, subsidiaries. My work has not been cases, monel metal sinks, incinerators, less the Zionist leadership will be vantage of the activities offered. with the progress of the-students. | There - are also numerous org-nniz;,iand Berlin. Since his graduation, Mr. i ka last year. sporadic but continuous and was fre- package receivers for deliveries and changed," Dr. Wise said. All the bathrooms He is survived by his widow, Ruth, Plans for next • year's' courses, to quently done at the sacrifice of my other features. I tions for both young: azid old. Ben Avi has taken an active interest ,in every phase of the Zionist move- a 13-year-old son, Louis, - and two begin in October, will Le made and health. You have done me the honor will have tile floors and walls and the .ment, participating in every enter- Irothers, Leon of Dallas, Tex., and announced sometime this summer. of stating that you believe in my in- kitchen will have tile floors. Oak prise for the establishment of the Abe of Brooklyn, N. Y. tegrity and sincerity of purpose and floors will be used in all other rooms All principal Roy Pepperberg died as \ e lived, a Jewish Homeland. His latest endeavthat you knew "that I had no axe to in the apartments. rooms will have plaster cornices and or is the Latinization of the Hebrew brilliant leader of men, both Jev? ard grind. alphabet in which work he is support- Gentile, and one whose death all Lin"You, as presitling- judge at a trial, the decorative scheme will be in keepBecause of the many celebrations in New York.—In a recent report, j m j h m o r ooff MMootthheerr{{!! , ddaayy>>..tthhee JJiimmiioorr cc hh ]] b ed by Vladimir Jabotinsky and the coln mourns. would not permit such flimsy and un- ing with the type and class of the apartments. nouncement was made of a couno?- c o u n d , h a g p o s t p o n e { 1 t h , ( 3 r a m a t ; c Hebrew poet, Jacob Cohen. Moscow. A ^Russian teacher, Duna- supported evidence to be submitted wide tuberculosis survey of Palestine, p r e l i m i n a r k g f r o m M 1 S t o Wej|_ Plans for the building are being He is ^ t the present -time editor of yevtzi, will be tried for teaching ths to a jury and yet you permitted this drawn by James T. Allen and Noel S. which is being conducted by the Anta- n e s d a y great undertaking of Palestine .•upthe Dear Hayeam, the Hebrew Daily ritual murder tale, at the instigaT b l i L Wallace, architects. Tuberculosis League. paper of Jerusalem, and is also the Each .play is limited to oiw-half tion of the Gepeu, the * political building to be excoriated on such un- • Mr. Wolf is actively identified with editor of the Palestine Weekly, and founded assertions as wer' made at Hadassah has been carrying on-, hour. Ko costumes or scenery are repolice. many Jewish organizations. .English paperi- A powerful orator, in within the frame of its medical work! qUiv-d for the preliminaries. The A recent notice from Young Judaea -'.; The teacher," a non-Jew, told his this lamentable conference." English and Hebrew, a brilliant pub- national headquarters ogives the in Palestine an anti-tuberculosis cam- chibs will present their plays in the that it was possible that Jews) f^ IT i /~e paign. It maintains a special tuber- following order: Hertzl, Gi30 p. m.; licist, Mr. Ben Avi has made a pro- formation that the national Young for the Passover ^wi> ritual. R a r e Volumes G i v e n -..».*— v-tf..™^. found impression .on the numerous O^daea oratorical: contest, will- be held use blood cular vrard in the Hadassali hospital Zion Fairies, 7; Eionah Girls, r/:30; + andianceg which he has addressed in a t the Scarboro hotel, Long Branch, One pupil said in class that he hadj in Safad, which contains 30 beds.! a m p Fire, S: Junior Classics, S:30: a Matza factory which used America. i le A v a u a b N, J., from June 21 to Tune 24. J e r u s a W fjcholastic ratings of Creighton •uni- This ward offers the only hospitaliza- J 2.'.2ier Shfeyah, 0; Girl Sooiits, P:30; 'collection of 4,000 rare volumes has Since Mr. Ben Avi is an ardent At this contest will be lepresented ; collection versity, college of pharmacy, as given tion facilities for tubercular patients j Henrietta Szold, 10. Hebrew Uni- out by the dean of the pharmacy in Palestine. The Safad hospital was Zionist worker, he will, in all prob- the winners-,of,.each. one.r* the twelve The judge? have already been se"I.have also heard of similar hh ee ee nn dd oo nn aa tt ee dd ^ 1 abilities defend the Zionist cause was regions. Headquarters for region^ 12, cases,"-the declared " h teacher h d l d and d re-! ! ^ e r s i t y l i b r a r y "by Marcus Fech- school, show that Louis Burnstein of chosen because of the healthful cli- lected to pick the four best plays the view expressed by Mr. J. J. Fried- which includes. Nebraska, Iowa, Mis- conntedto his class the incidents of h e i m e r ; I n 1925 Mr. Fechheimer £"- Louis, Mo., ranked first among the mate and high altitude of the town. which will be presented on Monda> The Hadassah Medical Organization man, president of the local organiza- souri, North and South Dakota, Kan- the Beilis trial, adding,"So far it is p r e s e n t e d ^ evening, May 21. when the finals will library senior class. He is one of the <mttion. Mr. Friedman went on to say sas* -Minnesota, Colorado and tho Far not: the Jews also provides visiting1 home nursing! be held. t kknown exactly tl whether h t h th J standiirg students of the pharmacy .that the local organization is not ex- West, b ut the OmahY1 Community use blood.". present gift - includes first school and was chosen by the univer- for tubercular patients. In Jerusalem ji pressing any views in regard to the Center. The oratorical contest will be The complaint against the teacher \ editions of the Talmud and Maimo- sity to participate in the Fairchild and Tel-Aviv tubercular clinics are; .present situation until after the Zion,- held here on'Sunday afternoon, June was lodged by the principal df: the nides and a Latin translation of the contest, which is a national pharmacy conducted bj^ the Hadassah Medical! ist convention is held in the early part 3. A number of the Omaha Young schooL Organisation in cooperation with the $100,000 for R ussiffla I Mishna. scholarship contest. of June at which time the'- question Judaea clubs will be'represented with Anti-Tuberculosis League. The Hawill be thoroughly investigate.!. "We orations. The Henrietta Szold club, of dassah Medical Organization supplies' feel that the best policy for us to fol- which Ruth Fox is president, and Dorthe funds to cover the services of; New York—(J. T, A.)—A subscriplow now is to support the present ad- ou'.y Cohen, leader, and the Meier nurses, rent, prescriptions, linens, tion of $100,000 by Louis Marsha!! ministration until the situation is equipment, etc. while the Anti-Tuber- was the first announced toward the Snfeyah club, with Sylvia Barnstein, thoroughly investigated at the conculosis League provides various forms! fund which leading: Jew?, of this counleader, and Sylvia Wiener president; vention," continued Mr. Friedman. of social service. In the Hadassah j try are raising to equal the S5,000,00<! ari making plans for entertaining the Mr. Friedman will preside at the visiting orators and other interested Four distinct departments of' edu- that there might be a helpful xmter- who has reached mental old age at Training School for Nurses courses j subscribed by Julius Eopenwald for thp meeting. An elaborate* program is people who will come here for the oc- cation as it is carried on in the' Oma- change of study between our own the age of thirty. . What we -want and instruction are given in the care j continuance of the Russian Jewish agricultural work. James N. being planned. ha Jewish Community Center were group: and the outer world, to the most, is to keep our hand on the puls-3 of the tubercular patients. casion. ! chairman of the Agro-Joint, tlirof our people, and the change with Mr. lUirviss of the Jewish Commun- described in a paper read by .Dr permanent benefit of both." ; agency of the American Jewish Joint, "A little more than a year has changing needs-swaying sometimes, of ity Center is acting regional secretary. Samuel Gerson at the afternoon ses„ , j Distribution coTn-mitt.ee for its agr>sion of the National Conference of changed the atmosphere of our Cen- course, with the fickle wind of fashion ! Dy X1 T e n c h j cultural activities in Russia, made thr Community Center Secretaries, in ter," he continued. "No longer do 'I —but we hope, in the long and short! j announcement of Mr. Marshall's P\ibCincinnati Thursday. told you soV regret the $400,000 spent of it, moving forward to a greater I Paris (J. T. A.) — Ten Jewish, j SCription yesterday. to provide club and class rooms. They usefulness." Home making courses under . the Igaze upon the seething activity that deputies were elected to the French ! In announcing The Hai Eesh fraternity will hold p g 'Mr. Marshall's conThe symposium was led by Piiiiip provision of the Smith-Hughes federal vitalizes our building any night of the its twenty-first annual conclave at • All plans for the big bazaar, which parliament in the national elections tribution, Mr. Rosenberg- said, "I exLittle Bock, Ark., July 1 to 5, inclu- will be staged at the Jewish Commun- act, the city-wide social service course week, and wonder how long this build- Semaa, superintendent of the Jewish which took place yesterday. Among pect to announce other substantial :F»nples' Institute- of Chicago. The sive. " Delegates from twenty-three ity Center on June 2, 3 and 4, under for training in volunteer service, the ing will be big enough. Jewish deputies elected are subscriptions within a few days, but following other workers took part: the concert series, and the department of Maurice Rothschild and Maurice we still have a long way to po toward ". "We know that we have accom-l chapters in all parts of the United the auspices of the ^Daughters of [the raising- of the S5,O0O,OO0 weeded States will attend the'national meet- Zion, :for the Jewish National Fund, Jewish education • were described, plished at least this much. Yet wej Bernard Fischlowitz, educational di- Bokanowski. unique Omaha features being stressed. have no fixed ideas about educational rector, St. Louis Y. M., Y. W H. A.; Leon Blum, leader of the Socialist to match Mr. Ilosenvalrl'f originnl ing. | are bemg; formulated under the leadHarold E. Levin, assistant executive "In the development of these four curricula. We believe that the whole director of the Ninety Second street party, was defeated by a Communist, subscription. We are confident, howNathan E. Jacobs of Omaha, Goun-| ershipof Mrs. Mv^raude- Mrs. A. I Dudos. Henri Torres, M. Corcos ever, that the leaders of the American plans of educational work in our subject of education in-relation to the Y. M. H. A., New York; cil Chief of the fraternity, will pre-[ Kulakofsiy; is treasurer, trside: at the conclave.- Mr. Jacobs was j Donations, for the fcaiaar tnay,; be Center, we have had in mind a triple Jewish Center is, and properly should Koldoney, educational director of -the and. M. Mirtil, chairman of the Jewry will pive their full si'.nport 1 Jewish National Fund of France, the new €10,000,000 fund an. - h^lp m elected; national president at the TLai sent t o Mrs.NJV Tretialt; 3004 Iincoln aim," he said. "To teach"-our own be, in a state of flux. Pittsburgh Y. M. H. A., and a l settle at least another 100,000 Jevwere also defeated. Eesh; conclave in Pittsburgh last sum- [boulevard; Mrsl J . B; Bdbinson, 3316 people how to live more adequately in "This is not so much a symptom of of others. on land in "Russia, in addition to ibta general way; to pass on to our confusion as a symptom of growtL. Iincoln bouIeva^dy.Mi?; ErWeinbetg, mer. It is nothing for you to know a 175,000 that have been Te-establi*=he<i Dr. Gerson took part in a sympo-Several - members of the Omaha 558 If orth Eoriy-ja^Bt street, and *Mra. people the Jewish heritage that is In a recent number of the New Rething, unless another knows that you and newly 'settled there through-ib.' their's, and thirdly, to develop an sium an educational forces in the J«wchaptw of Hai IUsh3are expecting to' .J. Kulakofsiy, 2105; South Tenth jpublic, Horace M. Kallen scores the +i I offices of tlw Agro-Joint. educational a<" 'vity of citv-wide scope, know it.—Persian Proverb. •somnambulisc' of the average" adult I ish Center, the Rnck meetinjr. . street
Tour Sponsored by Zionist Organization to Encourage Membership.
Sixty Workers Met Thursday Night at Ad-Seli to Make Plans for Drive
Hadassah Launch Fight Against Tuberculosis in Palestine
Teacher to be Tried in Ritual Murder Case
to Hebrew Library
Louis Bumstein Leads Senior Pharmacy Class
Marshall Donates
Agricultural Work
Dr. Samuel Gersori Enumerates Different Phases of Community Work Before National Community Center Secretaries Conference at Cincinnati, Ohio
! Ten Jewish Deputies
Daughters of Zion i o Stage Bazaar at Center
Council Bluff $
. Published every Thursday at Orrtaha-, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY .. Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 JEANETTE GLlCk GERSON, EDITOR. DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager.
Subscription Price* one year . 1 Advertising rates furnished on application
CHANGE O F ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be 1 sure to give your name. ... • - . -. '
- - - - - - - -
TSews The Ladies Auxiliary* of the Talmud Torah of Council Bluffs, will give a benefit card party next Thursday evening, May 17, at the Danish Hall. Hostesses in charge of this affair will be: Mesdames Harry Kubby, E. Gilinsky, H. Saltzman, 0. Hochman, arid M. Hoffman. Everyone is urged to taake plans now to attend this affair.
The Bar Mitzvah of Morton Adler, son of Mi1; and Mrs. Nathan - AHler* May. the thirteenth is Mothers' Day. Each of us will find our; will take place Saturday morning, May 12, at the Chevra B*nai Yisroel way into.our.own memory-field on that day, and walking in and synagogue, 618 Mynster Street. He out along the pathway of the.past, we will gather forget-me-nots will entertain twenty of his young and heartsease. We m y go where we like along the orchard, or friends at a theater, party at the the meadow, or .the'woodland, but in the end we go straight to Broadway Theater Saturday after* mother, whose long absence makes the world a lonesome place for noon. . ' : • .-
us after all these -years. How wonderful?motherhood is! -How may we account for its strength, with~nd~siich^physical orgamzatibn'as that of the man, and yet unmatchedJn strength' of ^gi|g,:.for^carrying love's load, for patient' endurance, for answering';.uncounted calls, for ministries that sixain the soul.'Is there no limit i& the mother's sacrifice? Will her arms never tire? Will her dear iingers never grow w e a r y ?
".:. / '
•.- -. :'•'. - •
Mr. "Morris Grossman was elected president of the Council Bluffs TaU mud Torah Association during the past week. Other officers are as follows: Simon Steinberg, vice-president; E. Michnick, financial secretary; S. Shyken, recording secretary; Sam Kosenthal, treasurer, and the board of directors arei Messrs. A. Diamond, Julius Katelman, Max Cohn, Jake Mehdelson, D. Fox, H. Maduff, B. Balaban, Herman Meyerson, Philip Friedman, B. Saltzman, Sam Meyerson, Harry Krasne, A. L. Cohen, and Morris Hoffman. The society discussed plans for the Confirmation services which will probably be held on Sunday, May 2?.
• How divine motherhood is! We; have seen mothers reach through prison bars rtbiotich her baby's hands; and while ahitgony like that of death gripped her heart, h^-eyes looked into his as they did in cradle days.'- Nothing could-tftahge.her, however he may have changed. He was hers, and in. spite of the tum-rkey's key, she locked him~iiv her heart. We have seen her wait in her home for the boy's long-delayed returns When everyone else has ceased to think.of him, she had ceased to think of every one else. We have seen her eye fill with reminiscent tears as she thought" Miss Marian Scharf, daughter of of the empty cradle and her empty arms, and her lonesome love. Mr. and - Mrs. - Joseph Scharf, will We have heard her sing her crooning cradle song when the child, leave Friday for Des Moinesv Iowa, she will compete in the for Whose soothing she had learned it, had long since been listen-1 where Amateur division in the State Shortt ing to the songs of the angels. hand Contest-which will be i - WTiat response can be made to the mother's sacrifice? Can ing this- week end. She ;is; a senior the children help her carry her load of love? Yes. Their young feet at the; Abraham : Lincoln: High can run many an errand. Their swift hands unravel many a tangle. School, and was ; a-winner . of • a Their strength can lighten "many a task. They can laugh and lift, medal as a reward of taking.dictation at the rate of .125 ' words- 4 and their laughter will lighten the load. Their desire to help will minute in a test. Mildred' Meyerson help more than their effort.; It is not so much, after all, what can and Ruth Shyken, juniors at Abbe done with the hands as what can be done with the heart that raham Lincoln; High School, will helps.
r .
Oh, son and daughter, whoever, you are, wherever you are, thank God Almighty for your^Mother. ; ; ,; - . who • traditionally is supposed to abound in good health, is in great need of the facilities that will be offered by this camp." : : City people probably. have; more £ . G. wrong ideas about country/life than country folk have concerning the city. The Israelites in Egypt did not alCae of the most persistentv of these ter their names—as Rueben and Simeillusions is that in the.country.every- on-they went in and as Rueben and one is well and strong and happy,.and Simeon they went but. This was one nobody has very much work to do. factor in their redemption. -When Miss Ann Cameron, secretary of the Nebraska .Conference of Social Work, spoke to the Center's social service course last winter, she-stressed the need for social service in'.rurJ districts, thus startling the apartment "Manufactured in Omaha" house dwellers into an1 awakening. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO? Apparently, that same awakening has come to the National Council of Jewish Women, for this-week's mail brings the announcement- that . t h e DON KILPINGER Council is establishing the first counSells try camp for rural Jewish children. The camp will be known as the Country Camp for Country Children, ami WITH ; -will be near Newton,C6nn. NEBR. BUICK AUTO CO. Says Mrs. Elmer Eckhouse, in anRes. HA. 6209 nouncing the plan, "The country c:iild AT. 0903
Press Points
Sunday. His .soulful intc.;—:'-:i:n of Hoffman, Gwendolyn tne Hunto?csqtie by- Dvorak wasjgiven L6uise Fitch, Helen Whitebook, in an artistic rijafch&: showing to good Leo Meyerson, Joe Solomonow, Yale] advantage his slpll in technic iind bowMeyerson, and Bernard Balaban. ing. He received a tremendous apThe Council Bluffs •' High School j plauSe. ., Band won first place in the contest Prof Mach has and the local orchestra won second Mrs/Edith Clift Myers, represents Produced cuch arthonors. Miss Helen Whitebook won tive and demonstrator for the' Uni-! i s t * a s 0 1 ^ a E i t n e r ' Frances Fish, third place ih the State Piano! versal Electric Range company o f Leon Katz; Clara Schneider Tesar and Contest. ' New Britain, Conn,, will preside overj m a n y o t h e r s * h ° a r e . creating a dea free cooung school to be held at the c i d o d s t i r i n musical circles. The Agudes Achim Society, will Nebraska Power company, starting hold a meeting next Monday eve- Monday at 2:30 p.m. Free Vtolifi Case and Bow ning, May 14, at the Legion Hall, with term of lessons Mrs. Myers is & graduate of the W. Broadway. National Training School of England Progressive Violin School Blk.—ll'Va No. 10fU St. The Ladies Aid Society will hold and has the past five years been de- 309 Crounse I'hone J Act son SiSl their next meeting next Wednesday monstrating home economics throughClfiss Lessons, ?1.00 per hour Privnte Ijessnns, £1.<>0 per half hour afternoon, May 16, instead of their out the United States, Scotland and regular day of Tuesday, at the home England. At the present time she is working of Mrs. G. Whitebook, 15 South' 8. on a text book which includes her Street. many recipes and methods of easier CTth amJ Mnrflin tils. HAI-ticy 1682 cooking methods, also writing on the OJlAUA. NEBRASKA use of electricity in the home. Soft Efay. Iron, brnss, hronze nn<l
aluminum castings. Stnndnrd stees bronze nnd iron husbmps. Bewpr mnnIIOIPS. rlsierti rhigs mid eovors. mid rlenn-ont ilnors ih work.
Mrs. David M. Newman.
Mach's Piipil to Present
Swedish Clahneter: Beat the yolks Violin Solos at Riviera of three eggs until thick and light ih color. Add, beating- constantly, 1% Jtdward Kutilek, artist-pupil of tablespoons sugar, XVz tablecpccns cream, graced rind of 1 lemon and 1 Prof. Frank Mach, concert violinist instructor, was chosen --; soloist tablespoon of the juite. Fold in lightly and +1 wi other artists for the musical pro* 11-S cups flour. If the mixture can featuring music by Bohemian be. chilled in the ice box f c 20' minutes before rolling, it will be more com-osers at the - Riviera theater en easily handled. After rolling thin, cut with a diamond-shaped cuttc: Make two short;'slJJ- parallel to the tides, with a sharp knife, and fry in deep ] crisco. Drain on paper^ Sprinkle with a little cinnamon and dust with powdered sugar while still hot These are delicious served 'with afternoon tea. "
There is only one road— The road to happiness is a one-way thoroughfare. There are no short cuts once you get started. ;Yt>u can travel steadily on your way to reach the goal. Here is what you have to do—SAVE part of what you earn, spend less^than your income. Then, as your jsa^ings account grows, you can take advantage of good opportunities which . might come your way. ~ Our bank officials' will be glad to advise you in regard to opening a bank account. Also, we invite you to see them in regard to any business problems.
TEA ROOM 49 and podge CANDYLAND 16th and Farnam
HOTEL ROME 250 Rooms—200 Baths Good kooms for Sl.50 Operated by EppSey Hotels Ce.
Barry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas
COMPLETE STOSC and OFFICE OUTFITTERS Ove» 7O.f)iM) Squurr K«n1li«'i>Ht Corner
Elaventh and Douglas Streets . . Phone J A ckson 2724 Omaha, Ncbr.
W A T C H the delight v v with which children eat Sunshine K o s h e r Crackers spread tvfth jain,' jellies and' batter! " . ., ..And they sire good -for them. They are .crammed fulLof healthful energy. They are splendid, too, for sandwiches; with soaps, salads and cheese; crumbled in meat; with chopped liver and -herring. • Sunshine Kosher Crackers are made with a shortening of pure; vegetable fat. "Koshruth" is guaran*; .k. teed by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. ' Its Mashgiach is .always in attendance at the bakery. Be sure to say . . . Sun' shine . . . w h e n ordering • these and other iosher crackers at your grocer's.
Omaha, Nebr.
$7.50 and $10
$15 and $18
Boys' Hats, 95c to §3.50 Boys',Own Store—FonrtU Floor '
Tfeifflsee-Siater Butter"
A T 848ft
iSi'i Hownn! St.
I COAL CO. I "2nd and Nicholas
months (::) fcr vrhich I
I %
I am enclosing check for $ 12 months $10.00 6 months
Foe Sale at all Dealers. JE3RPE COMMISSION CQ., Dist
Thp zest of these cour-sweft pickles liH«t iicett much lint* tilled, lint IH'V<T fiiiirtlftl, evt'ept in the $roy<& ohl-fiiBhioneri pickles jiHir inetlter used to put up.. BUT K Jar from your termer todn.v. Riti! treHt ;otir Inm !jto this c^lsp. tustj- «!rtiraoy, \nd—They Are NOT EXTENSIVE. DlBtriliuted hy
You may enter iny subscription for the JEWISH DAILY ' BULLETIN for....
Unc!c f sm Drcskfcst Feel Cc.
EWS ARE scattered, in communities in every part of the world. Your knowledge of what takes place in remote regions is simplified by the Jewish Daily Bulletin. Whether Orthodox or reformed, Zionist or anti-Zionist, we all are agreed that a knowledge of the Jewish present is essential for people who are in tonch with Jewish affairs. Knowledge of Jewish history teaches that centers of Jewish life in the past 2000 years have shifted from empire to empire, from state to state with trends of mankind's history. In the pages of the Jewish Daily Bulletin cable dispatches from Bucharest, Warsaw, Moscow, Vienna, Busnos Aires, Johannesburg, Winnipeg, Los Angeles, Boston. Mexico City, Shanghai, Melbourne, give the history of each preceding 24 hours of Jewish activities. The only daily Jewish newspaper published in the English language without editorials or expressions of opinion, dedicated solely to the bringing of facts of Jewish activities and leaving to the reader the formation of opinion is the function of the Jewish Daly Bulletin.
Ages B to 14 Years
UNCLE S A i LAXATIVE FOOD Okay Bran Flakes At All viixcets Made By
f The Problem of
2 Long Pants
Saarman Vln^ar & Pickle Ce.
Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, Catsup, Mustard, Etc.
Sunshine Kosher Crackers
Deliberately Underselling
rr.tntJtiaC and Distributed fc*
Flavored with Bohemian Hop*
L McCord-Brady Ca*;
Ages 11 to 18 Years Amazing value can only be offered in boys' clothes by selling as The Nebraska sells^eteilmg standard boys' clothes.at deliberately lower prices-r-compare—see the difference The extra value goes.to yo;i.
Keeping Informed
2JoHJnickCT S U I T S
Try Puritan Malt Extract and you will know why. Use wherever sweetening is required in the household!
A Home Product—
Chocolate- pin Wheels: Cream 4s cup butter^ add gradually "• cup - sugaj. Drop in an unbeaten egg yolk J nd beat mixturej-welL. .Add;3, tablespoons of] Jiriikj l-%.'cup»;flo^^; c ted with % teaspoon^ b^kfog.^Qiwdc % teaspoon salt To;half of this^^ mixture add 1 Isquare xif; chocolate--- which has been melted in -liot -.water. • Roll th.. white dough to a-V '- rectangular eheet, and then.roll.«hocolate-mixture to asheet the. same size, fiace the chocolate dough .over thfe white and roll over also spend the week-end . in<vDes andover into a:ro& of finches in diameter. Chill in_ \& box fcr --veral Moines ; and will participate", in hours to becomB firm, then rcr.-ove, junior division in shorthand. ' cut in thin EliC€Sjj{-r*:d placi on butAmong the Jewish , students^who tered cookie sheet! _ Bake in a moderparticipated in the. State Musical ate oven. - ••••.-: -Contest that was held at Iowa City jduring the past week-end are: Hy. Penitence, jarayer and charity avert Mendelson, Edward" Rosen, Paul the pv.
Why does Puritan sell over million cans a month?
6.00 City
i |
JEWISH PRESS, THBBSDAY, MAY 10, 1928 Miss ISHaa-Gjjeenbsrg: left Tues* South Thirty-seventh street. Friends lipsman, Chester Eosenberg, Jimirie* they will spend the week-end with if, with one leg in the grave, day, May : S, 'ftir New Yotkj after are invited. Eurroughs, Harold Polladc, Jacli Ban, friends and relatives. and no hair on his head, he manages spending^tbree Jnamths--visiting, with Leo Bercnan, Sol Yafie, Artmir Kasto get a-coronet; and a woman dances her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G at A meeting of the Daughters of jowsky and Willie Lipsman. Mr. M. Beitel has left on a buy- a ball -with some young- fellow or berg. i ' ••.*•* Zion -srill be held Monday, May 14, at ing trip to New York, and expects other and pretends she thinks him Z p. m. at the Jewish Community Mrs. Sam Siporin of Minneapolis, to be gone two weeks. charming, and he make? her a peeress arrived Wednesday morning,! on the spot. Mrs. L. Fichtenberg and son, Jack, Center. May 9, to be the guest of her sonj left Monday morning for Chicago, and were accompanied by Mrs. FicbtenMr. and Mrs. Samuel Guttman left and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Women are the only people that get on. A man works all his life, Self-love is more ingenious than the berg's daughter, Mrs. B., E.. Kubby, Tuesday morning and are driving to Nathan Siporin. and thinks he has done a wonderful { most ingenious man in the world. of Council Bluffs, la. Chicago to spend some time with their son, Samuel Guttman, Jr., at the Mr. and Mrs. Lester Meyer have Flora Feldmari is Jil at the Broadview hoteL From there they will moved into their new home at 5568 motor to Milwaukee to visit with tl*ir Mason street. Wise Memorial hospital; other son, Max. They expuct to be 5 RosaUne Goldstem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe GoldMr. and Mrs. 2. P. Louis of Kanstein, became the bride of Louis Somberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Mr. and . Mrs. Nathan. Martin an- gone most of the summer. sas City, Mo., spent last week in Somberg, on Tuesday, May 8, a t the Blackstone hotel. The cere- nounce th& fcirth. of a baby boy; on Miss Bess Haspel returned from Omaha with their daughter, Mrs. ' mony took place at moon, and Rabbi Frederick Cohn re^d the mar- Wednesday, May 2. York City last week after spend- Lester Meyer and Mr. Meyer, while riage EMJKS. .A canopy of pink rosesRanked with palms and ferns several weeks with her aunt and on their way home from California, made an aitar for the marriage service, and a stringed orchestra .Leonard Posley, son of Mr. anding where they have been visiting. uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hertz. played the; wedding marches. Miss Rae Chapman of Genterville, Mrs. Ben Posley, is ill a t the Wise la., wak the bride's only attendant. Mr. Reuben Natelson was the Memorial hospital. Mr. Louis Richards of San Jose, Miss Bess Haspel, who recently reb t J Cal., who spent the past two weeks turned from the east, attended several Following: the ceremony a wedding breakfast was given by the Mr. and Mrs. Jake Robinson are meetings and social functions of the with Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, brideVpareats in the Oriental room of the hotel. Mounds of pink celebrating the Bar Mitzvah of their Cmsha dob of New; York. The Omaha and his sister, Mrs. A. Davidson, roses^re^e iised as a centerpiece, with, tall white tapers at either Son, Milton, at the synagogue at "dub IS composed .jo£ former Omaha and Mr. Davidson, left Tuesday for Twenty-fifth and Seward, on Satur-' end of ^tke^table.; ' .'-•-'-':. girls and boys who are BOW residing Ms home and was accompanied by: Mrs. Davidson. ^i couple left the same afternoon for a honeymoon in day, May 12. Friends and relatives .are j in New York. o will return home by way of Lake"Louise and Banff. invited. No «ards are being issued. Mr. and Mrs. J. Zeligson, and They will Ve^at home a t the Blackstone after June 10. Mr. and Mrs. A. FinienBtein anMilton Robinson, son of .-Me. and daughter Jeannette, left Thursday Many out-of-town guests were present at the wedding, among the Ijlrth of a baby girl on. afternoon for Sioux City, Iau, Where whom were Mr. and Mrs. J. Chesen of Lincoln, Neb. j Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. Robinson, will entertain twelve nounce May 9, at the Melodist Buy Herman, Ed and Al Michaels, Mr. and Mrs. J. Steinberg and daugh- Of his friends at a luncheon and the- Wednesday, hoepitaL ater party on Saturday, May 12, the ter, Mr. and"Mrs. Laz Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Faldberg, all of ChicagOf lU.; Mrs. Chapman and daughters, Fae and Rae, Mr. andoccasion being his thirteenth birthday. FRIED'S Miss Eva Lipsman was hostess at a Mrs^Sanl Rosenbaum of Centerville, la.;,Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gold: KOSHER DELICATESSEN Schusier, Neb., on Sun-' For stein of Beatrice, Neb.; Mrs. f5. J. Gottstein of Los Angeles, CaL; "Mrs,^ Max. Kosen underwent an op-truck hike at 1 1308 No. I«fc St. day morning , May 6. The guests "were Morton Goldstein of Des Moines, la.; Paul Rosensweig of Kansas eration, for appendicitis a t the lord Wt; handle a full line of tmportca fish— Sophie Halpirn, Bess Rubenstein, Eva tspratts. travel lister" hospital Tuesday morning. City, Mo., and Mrs. Abe tJottstein of Denver, Colo. .Spnittcu — Eismurk Herrruc. ILutzman, Dorothy Corenman, E^ta Kngllsh Kipjiers. • Mrs. Chapman, who is the grandmather of the bride, had the wear! pleasure-of being present with all of her 10 children at the wedding. Mrs. M. H. Keick arrived Thursday 1'atelman, Fannie Ostrovieh, Sylvia from Denver to be the guest of her As a surprise to relatives-and friends monies the announce- Bister/Mrs. Philip Nathan and Mr, ment of the marriage of Miss Frances Zeligson, daughter of Mr. Nathan. She will leave Saturday for andMrs. X^eligson of Tulsa, Okla^ to Mr. Ben Wolfe, son of Mr. her home in New ¥ork City.
Clearing the Decks for Summer!
Mr. and Mrs. M. Wolf e of Council Bluffs, la., on Tuesday evening, Mpy 8. The ceremony was performed before the immediate Mrs. David M- Newman .entertained at a bridge party at her home^ on families. Rabbi Grodinsky officiated.
This Week's Hostess
Wednesday, May 9.
Mr. and Mrs. H. SosMn announce the marriage of their daughMiss Lucille Sommcrs of New York ter, Rose, to Mr. Abe MaMn, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mallin of Xansas City, Mo., on Tuesday evening at the Beth Hameoxosh City is the guest -cf her sister anfl Hogodel synagogue. The young couple left last night for a honey- family, Mr. and "Mrs. Jack Sternberg, moon trip in the east. After their return they will make their Miss Fannie Liebenberg of Pittaliome in Kansas City.
Suits Are Reduced
burgh, Pa., is the guest of her brother, Joseph Liebenberg.
H^rzberg $35 Values
Mr. and Mrs. S. Landman announce the marriage of their daughter^ Minnie, to Isadore De Nelsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. F . De Nelsky, of Des Moines, la., on Monday, evening, "May 7, at 8 - Bicor Cholait society will hold a regJL m. Eabbi Feldman officiated. The young couple left for Des ular meeting on -Monday., May 14, a t 2 p. m. at the Adass Yeshuren eynaMonies, where -they wiU make their home. Numerous aSi-izs have been planned for Miss Dorothy Reuben, whose engagemej^io Mr. Clyde A.Xrasne~was recently -announced. Mrs. .Albert Krasne; Mra^fca&aisne^ajid'.dasT^hter, Ruth, will entertain at a luncheon, "bridge, and mabijpngg party a t the Chieftain hotel on Tuesday, May 15, in honor oft Miss Reuben. No date has been set for-'iSie wedding. •
Sunday, May 13th
Perfect fitting1 hand tailored suits — navy blues and hairline stripes, in single and double breasted styles with, rich silk crepe or satin linings. One glance—and you'll recognize their $S5 qualities.
gogue, at Twenty-iifih and Seward Rosenfeld has charge. Mrs. Harry Z. streets. Rosenfeld will talk for the mothers, The Daughters of Iiirarl Aid society and Miss X-onise Ziegler will speak for the daughters. It is urgently re- will have a. card party for the Jewish tliflasted that a large attendance be Oldj ]?eople',s Jaome, Wedae-day, May 16, a t the hdme' of Mrs. 3 . Bavitz, 72Q present.
Ensembles Are Reduced $ $44
Mrs. Herman 2Iiegman and daugh'ter; Miss Pauline •Ziegman, left Saturday for Washington, D. C , where they will "Spend "two weeks with Mrs. 2Segjnan's aon.-in-law and daughter,' Mr. and M*s. S. L. Wasserman. In conjunction with .Mother and Daughter week, Temple Israel will"observe Sisterhood Sabbath on Saturday morning,'May 12, at 10:30 o'clock. Mrs. f William L. Holzman will read part of the service and Rabbi Cohn will deliver the lecture. The service will be followed by a Mother and Daughter luncheon, of which Mrs. J.
Sizes 12 to 20
Values to $49.50
Values to $98.75 1
Ensembles with skirt and blouse, ensembles with, silk dresses—fashioned of tvsills, kasha, bameera and kashema.
A Timely Sale of
250 New Dresses
A BEAUTIFUL three-layer cake, made of speXJL eial white dough, iced all'over, with white butter cream icing, with the word "Mother" •written in pink across the center, placed in a handsome "Mothers Day" special container.
150 New Goafe 1
* •
You remember the cakes Mother baked for you. Why not remember, her this year? See that one of these beautiful, delicious, cakes reaches her on Mothers Day. You know how much she wiH appreciate you thinking of her.
75 New Suits
Rave Veats of Values at STAm>ARD BAKERIES CO. "Tha W
You'll be more than surprised. You'll be astonished at the unusual economy of electric cooking. You 11 be surprised, too, at the huge saving of foods through prevented shrinkage. More, too. Electrically cooked foods are better than anything you have ever tasted.
? I a a e W fid idea toj[l*d. ^denl^o&Bi'i own day
,v -
with a p f t of bwjht blossomtl She £a« dpae BO many tender, thooghtfuliialedilngB for us. Now comet our oppDrti2&st7 to trarpasc and ddrjbt her-
- " •--
Cook Electrically
Foaith Floor
—ask your Grocer for Iten's
A delightful surprise awaits you on each rack. ' For again a tremendously successful purchase has made substantial savings possible.
Dresses for all occasions in every new material. Coats in- wanted colors—with and without fur. Suits in plain colors and mixtures—well tailored.
. -PLOEIST ^Broadway, Conndl Bluffs, Iowa _ ^._- Plumes 4 1 «
Surprising Economy and Unusual Goodness
All combine to make this a shopping occasion which you will long remember.
in handy 2-tb. caddy
Determine today to know the meaning of better, cheaper cooking—done on an electric stove. Visit any of our "Electric Shops". We will be glad to arrange a demonstration for you.
. Easy Terms! "Electric Shops" 17th and Harciey Sts.
2314 M St»
HIPP Courtesy - Setvlcs • Lew Pxtcs
Local Spoirts • First round matches cf. the.J. C..C. handiall doubles -Were played with the foIlQwing- results:- Katzmanr Green beatfcinstein-Grecnberg,"21-10/. 21-17; Altshulei>&eh..beat Feldman-Gerlick, 21-17, 21-18; Myers-Greenberg beat Rosen-Goldberg, 21-19, 21-18; Leveys beat Ackerman-Gross, 21-14, 21-16; Mendelson-Franks"" beat GlUer-Falk, 21-17, 21-8; Ban-Yaffee beat Bochman-Katleman, 21-13, * 17-21, 15-21; Epstein-Mendelson beat Herman and Sammy Segelman-, 15-21, 21-jtO, 21-17. Dr. White of Boston General hospital surprises, all and annoys prohibitionists with a statement'that :fat is more dangerous to the, heart; jthan air coholj,; tobacco and coffe^ combined. MiUions of Americans that know all about[-•_ <m. automobile'" engine know
The memory of noble actions ,is nothing about the. care of £heir own. Coming £foni behind in the fifth in- A,sk Pearl" Marcus abot^ theJ. C.C. - The Psi Mu Jrs. and B«y Scouts across I the center, placed in a handreached' the finals by defeating the some Mothers' Day special con- more enduring than monument*, vt, engine, beating before" .birth and end-ning, tbe-Uobcats nosed at the Olym- ; swimming club. marble. Hertzl and Henrietta Szold Clubs tainer. ing its, work, at death.' ., ,> . pians 13-12, m one of f he most exciting indoor baseb"all 'league games of This is indeed a gift that she will The -, Hertzles and The big circus will be held in the respectively. It is much less for a man's honor Don't wait until it's too late; get the Reason at .the. Jl C C . The P^iJ. C. C. gym June 6. Tell your friends. Henrietta Szold checker players will appreciate. to distrust his friends than to *3 deinto the gym and then take a-refresh- Mu, Jr., took down the B'nai "Abra- Senior baseball players came out Imeet, at the same time to decide hams, 27-9, in a free socking contest, .w e l v.e s t.r n • the third place winner. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ceived by them. ing swim in "the J. C- C. pool: and* the B'nai Ami beat the Boy * ° S f « a practice game park on Sunday, lay 6, An athlete, breaker of recordsr with Scouts, 15-3. Bogd'onoff's Ami team'fte a d -tnwc.d Girls' Baseball League. b y M l S s Grc-.nberg. ^atch for big lungs and chest expansion, was now leads .the league'with six wins. l On Thursday, May 3, the Soc'ers amazed when the life insurance doctor notice of next outing. wo~> a cloge game of baseball from the told him, "You -are a bad risk. We .. Uefore your vacation comes, know Juni<" F" i'ekere—oil your boots. River Rats. The score was 8 to 7. On can't take you." Next to no "exercise, how to swim. When your crowd goes T-esday, May 8, the Rinky Dinks won the dangerous thing is over-exercise. for a swim "in dne of Omaha's manyj Our next outing is scheduled for Sun- a fast game from the River Rats. The You can develop muscles almost with- fine swimming pools, or at the'beach, day, May 13, at Elmwood park. Meet score was 21 to 1. out limit. But you have only one near by, don't be the.oonly land lub- at the Jewish Community Center heart and it will stand only- so much. ber in the party. Be able to make a promptly at 9 a. m. Miss Greenberg .Special Mothers Day Cakes Take.no "chances," get into the pool, good dive. We all adipire the •- -~=ful "is planning a baseball game between and exercise till you get real tired. diver who- can step- out on the r ring th" physical department girls and the Mr. R. A. Laughlin, manager of the Standard Baking Co., in his Swimming is light on your heart. board..and .sp .easily and confidently Camp Fire girls. anxiety to help everyone, show their m e eat °^ The Boy Scouts represented by thoughtfulness on Mothers' Day has Looks as though ' Katleman and perform the apparently 4 Pl ^ A wide selection, swings, couch hammocks, lawn Rochman inYL take first,.and Franks making a", beautiful. dive.- The long Sidney- Cohen and Harold Blumen- ordered his bakery to prepare special swings, complete suites, all most reasonablyarid Mendelson second- i - the Sunday practice that was necessary to acquire thal will play Harry Weinberg and Hostess Cakes for Mother's Day. { priced. Open a charge account. perfect control' of thQ body and to Frank Lerman, of the Psi Mu Jrs. These cakes are prepared with a •handball • league; Only 'one more* round achieve ttie correct -timing iircl ,the ,|br the Junior Club Council checker special white dough iced all over •remains on'the schedule. •?,••••." nerve to attempt the st. t are all for-;Championship, Sunday - afternoon, with a white butter cream icing with -gotten in the enjoyment and thrill y 13, at 3:00 P. M. the word "Mother" written in pink ,v The senior outside track meet has that comes tri^i"'a •••'•finished- perform-? 'been postponed till "May £0. •
torch and Lawn Furniture
The Porch Swing
SOMETHING NEW IN UFE INSURANCE A siavings aecount for your baby combined with Life Insurance protectiotr.
Be Your Baker QUAKER BAKnlG CO; .
baseball game will He played "May the I 4-20—2T. '':.''••'•' !Couuty Judge.' 16th, and the trackmect %ill beheld HOKSKY, KATLEMAN & GHODINSKY May 23. \ ' ' •-: • " .---..' Attorneys'
750 Omaha National Bank Bide. NOTICE; OF IJfCOBPOKAIIOJJ OF-THE 'An indoor,, ba^ebali;. league for "TCTHEIME S » KGEN3TEE i . YABVS"-, ;. JCOTtCE'iB hereby given. tBatr the'•qrider- :Beniors will be foriiied for the su. .naer. sigfied' hare formed a corporation- pursuant If you are interested in playing, in to the- laws of the State* of Nebraska.. The mime Is "Werthelmer &. Degen Feed<Xard8.' the"league, get in-touch with.tj ; , JtyInc.," .with, its principal place of business ^cal; director ,cr sign up. on the bullein the City of .Oraaha^ The corporarton is authorized, to. establish, own aud1 operate tin board. . '<"'•'• r " V i v " livestock , feeding yards, • buy, sell, lease* encumber and convqy aU'kinds.of rfeftfanfi personal property. Authorized capital stock is $100,000.00. consisting of .1,000 ghnres of the par value of $100X0. each. All, stock is Common--Stoclt and shall, l)e -fully" paid' when issued and non-assessnUla.. The cor-, poration shall- commence: business" ~ when: these Articles'>re filed ^itlr tne ~Ccfiiljty Clerk* iind continue until January? lyjlOSO. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not ^sceett two-thlrdfe Of the <!npltnl Itock. The affairs of the corporation shall be administered by a board of five directors, ivJio shall elect TL President, Vicfr>PresIdent.> Secretary nud Treasurer. All except- Secretary must be members of board. IMrectora sua'il lie elected at anniial meeting o r stockholders to be held on. the second Wednes-, tistv In Jftntiary of each yenr. Immediately. - thereafter th« directors shall meet ana oiect the officers. -The Articles may bu imonded. The corporation shall have a
Wholesale and^ Pfetajl 213-16,. Cits N^tionai Bank B t d J A . 5619
•: ' • •
. I-
CAHL. c . K A T L E M A N ,
Securities--Bi4gr AT. 44S1
NaJjjoriaJ Accessories, Inc. "Zan.'traruam—AT. !>521
pursuant to.proper.imtice, a resolution, was. unanimously adopted to tametid Artfelc IV, of the Articlea or Incorporation to Increasothe capital stocls from ?i00,«w.ou to-?«».000,00 so- thnt said cnpitol stock •will-now consist of- $400,000.00 common stock nji(l S300.000.pff preferred stock, an stocK tfrtvipg par value or 51iX)JW The voting power,is lodged in the holders of the Common stock only. Preferred stock 'i» entitled to «% annual cumalaUre dirldeuds only and is preferred as '-to both dividends, and assets. The 'preferredr stock ,raay be -retired as provided in. the Articles. Dividends cannot be paid on tlie common stock until Jill dividends due on the preferred stock Jia-ye been paid in fall, •
Ray Auto TTop' Uarney 3112
DUTCH CLEANERS -2CH-« Soutb « t l j St.—AT.. 1400
Blended, Roasted, Ground and Packed ;
Try a loaf of our Wholes Wheat Bread with your next meal.
4420 Florence Blvd., EE. 1500 THE BOUSE WITH A REPUTATION
Barber Shops EOWARDS BARBER SHOP 10tU aotl^Davenport Street Q. MANOS, Propr. YOU'LL- MEET SOITK FRIENDS* H*KKT'9
McCord-Brady Omaha
Omar Bakery puts into Ha bread, eafces and pastries has brought us thousands of customers. Women all over Omaha are talking about it. You can' get Omar goods from most groceries or the Omar wagon that comes to your neighborhood.
tiny of &n?,;v>!!*. n« snld petition. Die d n \ etnnt
For any kind oX service on your automobile callthe Cass Garage, no matter, when, where, or why. —24 HOUR SERTICE—
Get Our Trices and Save Money
AT. SS32—504 So. 18
.1517 No. £4th St.—WE. 0300
Keliable, Reasonable, Expezt -. i Auto; Repair Service
- J O B PRINTING— 81P 'So. IRth St.—riionc JAck«»n WWJ We specialise In form printlniir «n^ solicit your
Sign Go's*
"-. ' ~- B E M S B SEKTICB W. H. Ostenl>erg- says a practical way Co ;renvePili«r~Mot her is by relieving her of i h e family wash encli veefe. SAKITAKY M t S D R T TT. H. OSTBNBEKG, Pres. Famam ATlnntic 2S15 *VFe suggest you send your (nundry to
K E T A L - GLASS—WOOB CXOTH—EHO-CARDM HA. 4208> S49 No. 8 « h #T«.
, WE. 102S All Type of Laundry
Drug Stores
Lumber Go's.
UKH No. !24tb St.— WE. (UJSB B HOB1KSON Ugr. Two experience^ registered pharinncists at orour service. Prompt free delivery •' anywhere in the city."
24th end Burdette—WE. «8C2 20tb and. Nicholas—J A. 5000
Master Taikwr 215 So. UUh —I'lione AT. »«>S
"Everything Under Cover"
Refitter of Ladies -und Mens Clothing
A. B E U N S T B I J N . Prop.
1SLW N o . i!4tb S t . — W l i . «17W
Personal Service You will Appreciate
Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality
Beauty Parlors
Music Teachers
Tent &. Awning
Tents, Awnings, Covers, Camping1 Equipments, Auto Awnings and Tourist Supplies. NEBR. TENT & AWNING CO. 1808 Farnam JA.
M A 1 S 0 N L O R E N Z O •'.]•
The Extra Value
•* 1707-1" CasB—AT. 3533
It's the advertiser that makes the publishing of this paper possible.
• 15tb and Douglas—115 So. 15th •
Brandeis Stores . . JA. 2507-AT. SGC6 IJuDdee Parlor . . . • - - « r A. 8014 Specialists in PBUMANKNT WAVING
IRENE GRAY SHOPS Herzbergs Marinello L519 DoiiRlas «50 Brandeis Thtr. AT. 37(KJ Bldg.—J A. 3460 Pontenelle. JA. 20*3 All Deauty work—Moles' removed
1023 Ulnrt St.—WE. 0410
Wallin-Holmgren Elec Co. 5()a So. ISth.St.—JA. 50S2
New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding,, Wiring, Mail Orders
HARRY M. BINDER 605 Electric Bldg.—J A. 1045 -AH Kinds of Electric Wiring-
Paxton Billiard Parlors
Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events
0 o'clock
t73J No. -j4iu at.—we. .aaii
1510 u\nrniira—JA- U721
Thorough Cleaning ". and laying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant
" SAM BKHEH, Attorney ' ' 300 l>eters T p i s t Bldg. ' NOTICE OF ADMINISTUATION ' I n / t h e Counts < Court of J>ouglH8 Countyj TC I rnfika. l l i tHc matter of tue -estnte ot
—GENEEAI408 Uospe Bldg. J A," 1014
• • * - •
Spring Means BuildingBuilding Means ,
;Serve Himelbjootn's new piimpernickle bread with your next meal.
"... 7 Garages-
Sold by All Grocers
lly A. U. WOLF, President. Attest-: H. H. AI3KKBACH/Secretary. Attorneys SOU Peters ^^nst Side. • "BBOJBATE NOTICE-"In the Matter of the Estate ot KEBECCA KATLKSIAN, Deceased. • - " - ^. NOTICE is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased Trill meet, *Ue ndndnistratoB .of said estate, before me, County Jud«e of-Douglas County, Nebraska, at the" Counfy Cyiirt itopm, fn* said County, on the.ir»tn day ofjune^ioai/niid oa the 15th dny of AugMst, JU28. at 1) o'clock A. M., each drty, for the purpose of nr^sentinc their claims for -exnmfnntlon, adjustment nnd-nllowance: Thre* months nri nllovved for the creditors to vreseat thflr - c?ata< from the lith day ot Alny, 192S "' BIl^CK" CKAWFOUD, County Judge-
eoMME:uciAi>.RKAJ/rr- COMPANY,
Appropriate -for After-Theater Gatherings
-•• ;v
MONSKX, KATLEMAN & Attorneys , 730.Omnha Natloani Eanfc Bide.' V KOTICK QT A3EEKl>5l*!KT 5CO ARTIC "OI1 INCOKPOBATlON^Ol? COMMEKCIAt KEALTV COMPA^"K AX a. bpecial meetlns.of the sto'cEl\oldefs e COMMKliCIAL COMMKliCL 11EAXT1' EX C of the COM,PAtTY. PAtTY h held l d on- the th 'Ast 'Ast 11 <lof"of lof"of April, April 1828 1828,
"Everything For The"Auto"
You should patronize <yur advertisers and Suite 5,\Yead Bldg., IS and Farnam mention the —Teiephone AT. 8162— "JEWISH "PRESS when you "do."
T413 Do a g i o s . Street Most Popnlar Cafe in Omaha
AutoJi?ps & Accessories
Prestige of Advo Coffee ;
H. H. AUEUBACH, Seiretary. ' '
•— - • - . -
Beginners anci advanced students accepted.
in Omaha; these are " the chief reasons for the wonderful
1411 ?So. 24tb St.—WE. 0053 Instaiiat^dn aud nepiairing of Tin Work, Pftruacea. Skrlights. VentDallus. Gutters and Spouting. Agent* tor Jiestrtt Furnace
Certified Public Accountants
Piano Teacher
North Omaha Furnace Co.
4*5 Brandcfo Thrater Bia?.—JA. 4S11
of the-DUNDEE THEATKE COMPANY, held on the. Oth day of January ,-lU!ai,-pur.Huant to proper notice, a resolution was unanimously adopted to amend Article X. o£. the- Articles of Incorporation fo.reaa as follows: i Article 1, Name i , The name' of this cornorotion Is "VENETIAN COURT ilEALTX' I COM-
Scientifically Blended
582-Saunders-Kennedy Bldg.—AT. 3160
and in the Orient, and
p i \ y "
Specially Gtiltivdted
MONSKT, KAT1.EMAN & GEODINSKY - Attorneys 7.7) Omaha National Bank BWg. NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TQ ARTICLES . IJfCOBPOBATION T U E A T B £ CO3IFAXV OF OF DUNDEE T U E meetlnp-of A T B £ CO3IFAXV • - ~ ~ a t a special -the-stockholders
413-17 So. 16th St. OMAHA
l«t the
said petition, enter, a" ittevre'e- of Ucitshlp, nnd make such other find.- iurtU'or orders, The J. C. C. junior^ indoor" baseball allowances and decrees, a^ !to. this .Court rofly'seem proper, to tjie end that all matters t>ertainmg to salil.estottrnwy *e final- and track teams willj'entertain.the, Y. ly settled and'.tjeternitnedl v ;M. C. A. jun^c^.at'Gentergym. The ...» BKrOE > CKAWFORD,
Made of oak in fumed finish.. 42 inches wide. Complete with chains and hooks.
• •
•; The ^gymnastic class meets every Tuesday; and Thursday from 8:30- The man who plays an occasional 1KWSKX, KATT.EMAN & ; game of tennis; golf, baseball, etci •••:.'• ..•• Attorneys~ 9:30. . ; 7S0 Oroaha Nnt't Bank. pidg. does not. get the right .kind of exer-; ' SfOTICE JBY P U B U C A T I O N / o i J .. PETITION. FQU SISTTJLEMJEXIV 'OF .cise to- relieve :thedi: :-ess. of Sticky Do -yott know. thdt'Morris S . FIXAI. AD3U3ISTKATION ACCOIWT .Tiot ,w^ather. It takes vigorous *y^IJI the- County-* Court of -DOughiB Connty. :is> the :only Jewish boy to every . N e b r a s k a . « .v'-•-"'-."•••.'<'••""-••. , - v - j ••- . . ; "•.•" In the Mntfeir of tie-JIstatd !of. BPWIN vd'o^wn a,coaching:position at th.e__Uni— teniatic "exercise in ojreter to^keep sum-EUGENE WBIJJHT, Deceased: }A1T persons ,versity;t)f BUnois?^ Sogolow coacEea mer fit. Eegular exercise" r., the r fua 'Interested:-In. said; matter are hereby notified that ou the -2otb • Uay-; oC •April,; 1028. the freshinah football ar,.l 'baseball type, a •reviving shower and ;refresn-" Mabel /Wright;, filed _a petltloji in said County Court, praying:, thnth^r llnnl hd- teams. He also; supervise;, the prac- ing plvmge«will wini thai summer vim. ininisi.rati.ou .account: flled herein |je settle?! tice teaching; of the .coaching^ Bchool.: ana ,aUow^sJ,,hu<l"-tliat: she be, diRchnrgetl .Learn to. swim; it's .great sport and; from her trust: as executrix aiid- that» a Morris is, a graduate of Central "highhearing. will be had' on- 6uld. petition liefoie ;fine exercises' !, . ,»V. • -» and was a member, of .the basebalf saitt Conrt. on. the ntb Ovy, of MHJT, 192S, ami-"that .If you fall to-appear before.saftl team for three years. - Ho- will spend Court on.the s a l d l l t b day of-SIny, 1028, at 9 o'clock A. M., and boniest paid petl-- his^ vacation home -this summer..tion,' the Cobrt may jjraijt i the nrnyer of
Vour ad in this* •directory, reachespracticalls every Jewish home ' in Omaha
"The Best Place To Buy '' Your Flowers 250$"tioim 24th St.—Phone AVK 2037
A. D. Pei'giison The Florist;
Dependable for correct instruction. Progress of studious pupils puarnnteed. Each pupil given individual attention of the highest possible degree. Prague Conservatory Method Taught. ' Flattering comments on results from instructors nil over the country. Instruction Fees With Prof. Mach ..™.?'J.O0 per half hour. With capable assistant*! • Class A .... $1.00 per ha!f hour. .Class B S1.00 per hour lessons. Studio 117% No. 16 St.—Phone j A. 1952
~. .Photographers The utmost in Photographs DAVIS LAKE STUDIO : . - 2508 No. 24fb—WE. «KS1]
VVHITE STUDIO 1(512 DoUElas—JA. 8308
"Flowers For All Ocassions"
Photographs of Distinction
Speeiniixing 1n Cleaning. Pressing aad JieliDing Men nnd Women's Apparel
For space in this directory ca! the
Tire ShopsNATIONAL TIRE SHOP AND BATTERY STATION Cot. Utb and CapttoJ Av«.-~.V1. tHS'i OOO01EAK SKKVICB STATION Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Konfl S«rvic«, Vulcanizing nnfi Oetiersi Repairing
Oniy i different business houses under each classification in this d}reetorjT.