May 17, 1928

Page 1

Interesting ' and Entertaining I

4 the Nezvs Of Interest •


Entered as second-class mail matter-2. Cost office nt Omaha. Kehraskn. imder',5.

:auary 27, 11)21. nt ' Of March 3. 1S7U.


Philip S. Mandel Elected Head of Club of K Y.

SPEAK HERE MAY 21 <JediIia Bnblick, Famous Crusador of Orthodox Relegion, Is Prominent Jew. MIZRACHI HERE MAY 21-22.

Results of the election of the Omaha club of New York show that Philip S. Mandel, son of Mr. and.Mrs. S.Mandel, 1919 Bart street, Omaha, Neb., •was elected president of the organization on May 6. Other officers that •were elected are the following: Dora Abi-ams, vice president; BessHaspel, corresponding secretary; Morris A. Golden, treasurer, and; Harry Grossman, social director. Mr. Mandel was active in Jewish worlc while he.was Omaha. He was scoutmaster of Troop 61. which consisted entirely of Jewish boys, and he was also a member of the Y. M, H. A. of Omaha.



National Order of Ivre To Hold Meet in June

The seventh "annual ccnclave of the national order of Ivre will be held in Omaha on June 2 and 3. Seventy-five visitors are expected from the chapin Lincoln^ Neb., Sioux City and New Dance Hall, Redecorated ters Des Moines, la. Rooms Features of ReMr. Herbert ;Go!dsten is the chairmodeling Plan. man of the ^enclave. The lyre is a socir' organization consisting of young MONTE CARLO NITE MAY 19 m- from various cities.-

JEWISH STUDENTS IN SfflOGL ACTIVITIES Central High Leads list of Outstanding Jewish Students; Tech Second. WEST OUTSTANDING STAR



Samuel Z. Faier Elected Consul of Medical Frat Alphi Chi chapter of the Phi Delta Epsilon, Creisrhton university national medical fraternity, announces the election of officers for the year 1928. Those elected Ere ss follows: Samuel Z. i aier, consul; David Gross, vice-consul ;Ben Slutzky, chancellor; M. H. Brodkey, scribe, and H, Melvin Radman, historian. The fraternity will hold its annual banquet Saturday night, May 19. Installation of officers will be held, and a farewell will be given to Dr. Maynard Greenberg, who will leave for Portland, Ore., vrhere he will interne at the St. Vincent's hospital.

m No. 18

BE fffiLD MAY27 TO 29 Means of Raising Money to Carry on Hadassah Work to Be Discussed, MRS.


Leadership in all fields of scholarWhen the doors swing open for the Plans for raising: money for carryship and • activities has been attained formal opening of the Highland ing on the Hadassah work will be the by the Jewish students of the various Country club on May 26, new features most prominent question that will conOmaha • high schools, according to in the form of beautifully redecorated front the 200 delegates and visitors word given out by school officials. rooms and a newly constructed dance who are expected to attend the "lire! Highest honors were achieved by the pavilion will greet the many members annual Junior and Senior Hadassah Jewish' students at Central high who- are planning to attend the inconference of the southwest, which school. • augural opening. Ho expense is being will be held from Mry -27 to 29 at the Outstanding among all students of spared to make this year's affair.the §4,000,000 Spent on Agriculture Jewish Community Center. Purposes—Educational, Immi- Omaha high schools is Joseph West most elaborate ever presented. The delegatcE will also pass resolugration'Over $6,000,000 of Central high, who recently won the Dean. Nordin's nine-piece orchestra tions on the recent Zionist controvhas been engaged to play for the U. S. GIVES 70 PER CENT. oratorical contest of the west and ersy. • • southwest part of the United States. opening night in the enlarged ballDelegates are expected ftctn KanNew Yor:.—Congregation B"nai Joseph was also elected to the Naroom, which was built to accommodate New. York.—$20,000,000 have been tional Honor society for his outstand- Jeshurun, the second oldest Jewish i sas, Missouri, Colorado, Oklahoma *md, the increasing membership. The same expended and invested in Palestine by The efforts of the Histadruth ing work in scholarship; was awarded congregation in New York, will Nebraska, with the larpest delegation (Workers' Federation in Palestine) to orchestra will also play at the Satur- the World Zionist Organization in the a membership to the Quill and Scroll celebrate the completion of its Com- probably coming1 from the latter state. nine years since the British occupaeliminate unemployment in Palestine day evening dances at the club. The principal speaker of the confraternity for outstanding work in! munity House. by dedication exer1 Mrs. S. Stiefler has been appointed tion, ending September 1927, a reference w4il be Mrs. Frieda >Silbert have at last been crowned" with succises and a banquet to be held Sunjournalism, and was a member of the port'just the treasurer of Ullian of Detroit, Mich., who -is a cess. Plans" presented by the Hista- cateress for the dub for this year. In order, to tune up the members the Palestine Zionist executive shows. Central debate team for the past two day evening-, May 20, 1928, at its •member of the national board of Hadruth to the Zionist executive were reyears, being captain of the team this newly completed building, 264,274 dassah, and for several years had been peatedly objected. The executive seem- for the grand opening night, the This report was. made public yester- year. "West Eighty-ninth street. Women's division of the club are stag- day by Louis Lapsky, president of the the national president of the Junior ingly resigned itself to the notion that Justin Wolf is the second outstandThe Community House, which ading an. elaborate affair, known as the Zionist Organisation of America, a Hadassah, Mrs. Ullian, Viho trap sn nothing can or should be done. It was Monte Carlo night, which will take constituent body of the World Zionist ing boy of all the Jewish students of joins the rear of the synagogue, is a honor student at. Welipley, is a p-ovei-only after the Histadruth has sucplace at the Omaha Athletic club grill Organization* It is estimated that the Omaha. Justin was accorded the high- magnificent seven-story structure. ful speaker, and hap a magnetic perceeded in inducing the English govest honors attributed to any high erected at a cost of SS50,000, '-eluding on Saturday, May 19, at 8 p. m. ernment, to assume responsibility in Thrills, mysteries, frolicking and United States contributed more than school student by being elected presi- the land, buildings and furnishings, sonality. helpingto liquidate the unemployment, magic intrique are in store for all 70 per cent of the §20,000,000. dent of the. Central Student associa- The architects are. Mr. Henry B. Mrs. M. F« Levenson, president of The §20,000,000 is exclusive of an- tion. His most outstanding work was Herts, Jr., architect, and Mr. Louis B. the region, and general chairman of that the Zionist executive was forced those who attend. other 5,000,000 expended for land purGedalia Bublick to take a hand in the situation. And The ladies will do* all. the serving, chasing during this period. More than ! performed as member r' the debate! Abramson, consultant. The builders t! 3 conference, announces the followthat the revive! of the Jewish life in now, after months of heart-breaking and- have provided wonderful eats, one-fifth per cent of the ?20,000,000| team for the past three years. Justin j are the Lustbader Construction com- ing chairman of committees who are assisting her with the preparations: their land cannot be accomplished dickerings, the program of the His-' prizes galore and lots of entertain- was invested in agricultural settle- was honored with the captaincy of the pany. debate team this year. It provides the follov.-ing facilities: Sire. A. Eomm, reception committee; ment of an unusual order. J ments. without the revival of the Jewish re- tadruth was at last accepted. He is one of the two commissioned The two upper floors are devoted to Mrs, B. A. Simon, luncheon committee; According to final*. arrangements ligion and that true Tiatiorclism can Mrs. ;Cora Wolf is chairman of the j The educational item for the period j officers of the cadet regiment, holding classrooms for the religious school, in- Mrs. M. Frorakin, prog-ram c mmittee; work for the amout of §145,800 was : not be perfect with the revival of the affair, and is assisted. by the follow- beginning April, 1918, exceeds by i land and the language only, but it to start by April 30i Building opera- ing: Mrs. Sam Appleman, Mrs. Abe more than $100,000 the agricultural^ the office of first lieutenant and adju-1 cluding a school "library and the su- Mrs. H. Silverman, registration commust be accompanied also with the tions amounting- to §84,1^" are to i crsberg, Mrs. Morris Milder, Mrs. item. The educational expenditure in-j tant. Justin's name was connected i perintendent's office. The fifth floor mittee; Mrs. K. Trustin, ticket selling revival-of all that is dear and holy in twenty-four agricultural cen- Harry Kulakofsky, Mrs. Manuel Han- eludes the cost; of maintaining the net- with practically every activity of Cen- consists of an auditorium seating- 450 committee; Mrs. J. J. Friedman, sewt) the Jewish people since it became ters. Water supply is to t~ furnished dler, r llrs. Harry. Rachman,' Mrs. wozk of Zionist schools, as well as | tral. In scholarship, Justin was in up- persons, and equiped -with a spacious ing exhibition committee; Mrs. J. _a_ natioxu. The, address .'will _ be deliv- [ to six -places-at a cost of §43,500. Louis Hiller, -Mrs. Harry. Rosenf eld, special, grants ^t?s^jthe_-^ebrew univer- I per seventh in junior and senior years. stage and dressing: rooms. The. third Rosenberg, publicity committee. : : Among the prominent outside memered'at the' Beth"Hamedrosh syna- ThVi"' iafkg"wIflZfiiriushWork •Mrs. Sam HerzbergV MrsV~ Sajh Eobin- sity and library, and the Haifa Tech- . . The "other, outstanding members of and fourth floors consist of a.banquet Central" high who went off with the] hall seating abotit 450 persons and bers who are expected to attend the for 500 workers who were heretofore gogue, Ninetoenth and Burt streets, son, .Mrs. Lillian Lew, Mrs. Ben nical institute. majority of the school honors are the L'tchen and service On the sec- conference will include Mm, S. Wilunemployed. The Zionist executive has Friedman, Mrs. Abe Greenherg, Mrs. on Monday, May 21. The cost of immigration for the pe- following: Paul Grossman, managing ond floor are located the rabbi's office lens, president of the Denver chapter - Mr. Bublick was bom in 1875 in moreover agreed to devote §17,000 to Dave Feder, Mrs. Ben Danbaum and riod was about $2,400,000, exceeding editor of the school weekly, member £-id study, the library and conference of Hadassah, and founder of the Denaid 300 woikers who are physically Grodno, and received a thorough eduMrs. Clarence Bergman. by about $400,000 the expenditure on of the O-Book staff, and member of room, to be used also as the board of ver National Home for Jewish Chilcation in Cheder and Lomze and Mir incapable of hard labor. A special The public is invited to attend. labor and more than double the trade the National Honor society; Morris] r trustees' room, the administrative of- dren; Mrs. OUCKT Leonard, prominent Yeshivoth. In 1904 he carne to the: medical commission of the labor or- Everyone is welcome, '•'.•• Blacker, managing editor of the school j and industry expenditurefice, a women's social room and sew- in B'nai E'r.ith work, and Rabbi and ganization will determine on each case. United States and joined the staff | T annual, sport editor and copy reader ii-U room provided with adjoining Mrs. Cohn of Kansas City. ami will -recommend suitable occupa-j of the Jewish Daily Nev, s. as chief! of the school weekly; -Grace Dansky, 1 "tchen facilities, and a men's club editorial writer, becoming its editor- tions. In addition there is the govern-! member of the National Honor so-i room together 'with a billiard room. in-chief in 1915. Mr. Bublick is i.he ment work at Kalkeliah, which sup-j cietr and copy reader of the weekly Among the speakers vrho will parplies work to 400. The buflding of the! author of ssveral interesting volumes, paper. ticipate, in addition to Dr. Israel Goldone of which "Min Hamezar," has at- Haiffa port, the erection of Keren j Boselme Pizer, advertising manager] stein, rabbi of the congregratiork, and Haysod and Zionist executive build- j When the two Council Bluffs high tracted much public attention. . The first of the Senior Gub schools present their senior class of the Register; Adelle Wilinsky, tea-1 Mr. Charles W. Endel, president of ings in Jerusalem, and a number of Mr. Bublick was one of the. original Henrietta Sr-oW ehib won first Council debates on, "Resolved, That plays this week, Jewish students tare editor of the O-Book and edi-j the congregEtior., will be Dr. Cyrus place in thp dramatic contest held other undertakings contracted is. -ill. founders of the Misrachi organization u Conservative Judaism Should Be En r torial writer of the Register; Tobie Adler, Dr. Stephen S, Wise, Mr, Sol in America, to which he has always create a demand for - i- --' " will will take important roles. Weclnesdaj' evening in the H eouraged In Preference To Orthodox Goldstein, advertising m.'tnr ~2r of the M. Stroock, Commissioner Louie L, warrant a new influx of Chalutzim Max Kramer -will have .the leadbeen devotedly attached. Mr. Bublick Community Center, Thp content • [ ing part in "Merchants of Glory", and Reform Judaism" will be held O-Book and member of the Register; j Harris, Mr. Samuel Blumberg and sponsored by the Junior Club council. : has traveled extensively through .tin into Palestine. senior class play of the Abraham Monday evening, May 21, in the Sam Fregger, member of the school j Mrs. Louis Schlechter, president of It is interesting to note that of the different European countries, visiting The plsj* with which, the HenLondon, Basel, and Karlsbad on sev- 7,500 xmemployed'workers, only about Lincoln high school, which will be lodge room of the Jewish Commun- debate team in 1927; Frank Lipp, the sisterhood. The musical part of rietta • Szold girls ^or. was "At member of the school debate team, the religious service -will be conducted eral occasions in connections with 500 left the ^country. The rest were presented Friday afternoon and eve- ity Center. and Arthur Lerner, first lieutenant in by Rev. Jacob Schwartz, cantor of the the Movies," The club mow rtands ning; May 18, at the Broadway Frank Ackerman and Irving Perldetermined* to stay, in•" Palestine in Zionist World congresses. the cadet regiment. These people congregation, together with the B'nai second •with 14 points. Thp ftivl In 1920 Mr. Bublick paid Ms.first, spite of most trying hardships. In the Theatre in Council .Bluffs. Sal mutter of the Psi Mu club will meet Scouts with 11 points arc in third make up the outstandir- students of Jeshurrai choir. visit to Ereta Israel, and wrote a se- face of hunger they displayed pluck Michnick will play a character role Sylvia Bernstein and Mary Claire place. ries of articles on the political, eco- and discipline that called forth; ad- and Harold Saks will also be in the Shames of the Junior Hadassah. The Central high schooL The Hertz* club won second place Psi Mu club will present the arguMost of the honors at Tech high play. David Bishoff and Ruth Eofner nomic and cultural aspects of Erotz miration on the part: of all. intelligent cast of "Merchants of Glory." •with "Casey - Never Tells." The Helen Whitebook, senior at the ments on the affirmative side and were also monopolized by the Jewish are the other Jewish students who Israel and Judaism. In 1925 he again observers. About 45,000 were evenZionali Girls were third -with "Hangthe Junior Hadassah •.."ill defend students. Benny Freshmen is perhaps I have leads in the Senior play. Selma went to Palestine to attend the open- tually absorbed in various industries Thomas Jefferson- high school, will ing Out 'the Wash," orthodoxy and reform Judaism. the outstanding Jewish student at! have an. important part in •"OatLevin has been appointed associate and the employment problem of the ing of the Hebrew University of Competition -for" the all round Jerusalem, as representative of Am- remaining 2,000 lias now, thanks to ward; Bound", which will be presentThe second debate on the same Tech. He is a member of the school cater of the Quadrant. David Lazarus erican Koron Hayesod. • the foresight and persistency of the ed Friday at the Thomas Jefferson subject will be held in the lodge debate team and is managing editor •vra.s a member of the state champion championship' will be awarded on honors night to the club which will auditorium. room Tuesday, May 22, when the of the Tech Quadrant, which is thej quartet. Mr. Bublick was elected preddeif of Histadruth, at last been solved. ^ Tvirs the most points . in the Junior school bookpublished by the senior Fa Hons and Tanku-Goda clubs will the Mizrachi Organization in li>2&- . Council activities.. The Hertzl club class. Life is a very curious thing. One uphold the. negatrre and affirmative T h e Jew is a patriot everywhere, Junior baseball practice every TuesThe public is invited to attend the cannot ask one person to meet an- haK manrtaljned the-lead since it won Niomi Cohn stands out for her speech. A meeting of the Mizrachi or- day and Thursday -on Central high a Jew everywhere, and an anti- sides of the subject respectively. The ganization will be held on May 21 and school grounds from 6 to 7. Every semite everywhere—three in one, and finals will be held some time in as a member of the debate team and other "without going through a sum first jtlave in the Ptodent rally. They now have 16 points. junior boy will be given a chance. one in three. —ZangwilL June. is also -one of the leads in the senior of moral arithmetic 22. Omaha Jewry will have the opportunity i e a r Mr. Gedalia Bublick, president of the Mizrachi organization of America and editor of the Jewish Daily .News,' express his philosophy




Council Bluffs Students Take Important Roles


Henrietta Szold Girls Win Dramatic Contest

AN INQUIRY INTO; THE JEWISH ATTITUDES OF THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES SENATOR R U B AND THE PICTURE ON Tffi WAI1; HOOVER A D HIS JEWISH SECRETARY; LOW0EN AND AARON SAPIRO; GOVSMHAND MRS. MOSKOWITZ By David Schwartz. "Mr. Chairman, I rise to offer in nomination as the standard bearer of this party of the plain people, a man •who cannot be bought or ' bribed—a servant of the people whose record is •unsullied, untarnished, unbesmirched, unparalleled and a few other 'nns."' We shall hear sentences of ibis type in great profusion as y?& tune in this summer to the big quadriennial bouts to be staged in Kansas City and Houston,-when the nominees for the juiciest plum within the gift of the American electorate are to be decided, upon. No Jewish iiaines will be presented despite aliss Hurst's and other fictional auguriss of Jewish presidents. Indeed, it may be said that if these predictions of a Jewish president ever eventuate,

it "will not be the result of Jewish support.: •. Two Catholics are now being seriously considered for the nomination, but the Catholic in America possesses a cohesiveness -which the Jews entirely lacks. Kecent writers or "gangs? in America avier that even*. the. Jewish street loafers of the big cities have not; that aptnesi for the gang, ^hich the Irish and other newer ingredients of the American melting pat possess. From the days of the Bible of old, we have been . described • as aji "am Kashnay oref," a stiff-necked people, and stiff-necked folk do not constitute very good building blocks for the gang or group .machine* With, no candidates of our oivn, we

may do the next best thing, and inquire as to the Jewish attitudes and relationships of the candidates, "Whose names -will be presented. All of them, it should be said, at the outset, are entitled to quote that classic phrase, which has become ridiculous from overuse. "Some of my best friends are Jews." Even Senator Keed, and I am making this statement in no facetious Tein, nor am I voicing any special plea for the Missouri senator. P^rankly, I jnay add, that he will not Teceive -my vote. 1 regard him as a splendid senator, but not of the temperament that befits a president. I have watched Eeed from close range. I think I "know thoroughly his feeling as to the Jew. On his wall, in the senate office building at Washington, hangs the portrait of Sam Lazarus, a Jewish railroad man and financier of SUssourL Eeed and Lazarus u-ere the dearest of "friends. Even now, years after the death of Lazarus, his portrait still graces the most private sanctum of the Missouri senator. Moreover, I believe, if the entire

Moreovcr, when Herbert Hoover piro, Laster, Baruch and others, who story of the confirmation of the appointment of Mr. Brandeis to the Su- was in charge of the food administra- were alleged to be striving for the preme court were unfolded, the part tion during the world war, his private ruination of the tiller of the soil. Regarding- Senator-Walsh, another played by Eeed vrould be shown to be secretary was a young Jew, Levds aspirant for presidential honors, it will distinctly creditable to Mm, undoubt- Strauss. suffice to point out that Walsh was Hoover, too, is a close friend of edly so from a Jewish angle. Keed, it may be recalled, was at that tinje Frederick William Wile, the Jewish one of those most active in the senate chairman of the senate judiciary sub- newspaper correspondent of Washing- in behalf of the confirmation of the committee, before whom those who ton, He is also an intimate friend of appointment of Mr. Brandeis to the fought the Brandeis appointment, Emile Berliner, the Jewish inventor, Supreme Court. and the preface to Wile's biography ; "We come now to the governor of made their last stand. - As regards Herbert Hoover, any of Berliner is written by Herbert New York, whose Jewish associations and intimacies have doubtless exceedidea that he may harbor prejudice is Hoover. manifestly absurd. Eacial bias is someAs regards Mr. Lowden as the for- ed that of any of the others, whose thing: utterly alien to his spirit So mer governor of the state of Illinois, "yamelkes" have been cast into the much indeed, is this true, that he has with its large. Jewish population, proverbial ring. To say this, is not to gone as far as to eliminate even the Lowden naturally came into close con- argue for Smith's -election. In the first white and black distinctions in the tact with many Jews. But perhaps, in i place, coming- from New York, with census enumeration, for which he Te- a Jewish way, the name of Lowden its large Jewish population, it is only cently has been castigated by the fire- was most conspicuous, by reason of natural chat he should have been eating statesman from South Carolina, his sympathy and support given to thrown into closer contact -with Jews. the honorable Cole Blease. j Aaron Sapiro in his -work for co-op- Secondly, it of course, makes no difIt will be ference to any intelligent voter, Mr. Hoover's intimacies with Jews erative farm marketingrecalled by erstwile readers of a de- whether the candidate has more or commenced as far back as his student days at LeJand Stanford university. ceased .Dearborn Journal, that before less Jewish*associations. That does not There Hoover and a Jewish student, Mr. Ford saw the error of Ms ways, affect his fitness to occupy the White whom his biographer calls Zion, to the aforesaid journal of opinion was House. in considering A3 Smith's Jewish conceal his present identity, were dose in the habitof bracketing Mr. Lowden with the names of such Jews ^is Sa- associations, the name of a Jewess, campus ehums-

Mrs. Henry Moskowitz, -comes first to the mind. Mrs. Moskowitj: has bppri described &E the "Colonel House" of Governor Smith, and her .influence on •Smith's career has probably exceeded that of any other sing-le individual. In a small office, within severs I blocks of the Grand Central station, sits Mrs, Moskowitz, the wife of the head of the Madison Street Settlement house, and directs the efforts to pave the road for Al from Albany to Washington. To her office, come and -go, ail seeking to know Smith's attitude on this and that—-all those who peek to come in contact with the New York governor. And every Friday night, Mrs, Moskowitz- takes* the train to Albany for • her week-end conference with the governor. Hardly a message has come from the governor in recent years, over which Smith has not first conferred with Mrs-. JJ|oskowit2. She has beer, the "ghost writer" of many of his magazine articles, she {Continued on Page 4}


63rd Anniversary Bargain Carnival \-r Opens

Saturday, May 19 , at 9:00 A.M.

Really tne Season's Greatest Furniture Bargain Event

f AGE 8—THE JEWISH FBSSS, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1926 panied by Mr. Itrasne, who left here? Saturday evening to join his family there.

Council Bluffs < News


wise in slices, three-fourths of an inch The only requirement is that you in thickness. Dip in beaten egg, then belong to the J. C. C. roll in cocoanut. Fry in deep fat until light brown. Drain and serve hot If Epeech is a silver monument, then as dessert. silence is a golden one.

Mrs. Abe Bear of Leaven worth, Mrs. David M. Newman. Kansas, spent the past week-end The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah here visiting her parents, Mr. and Strawberry and Rhubarb Pie. Sunday School -will hold their Con- Mrs. Julius Katelman. One pint strawberries, 1 cup rhufirmation serviceB on. Sunday afterbarb, 1 egg white, 1 cup sugar, J,i cup noon, June 3, at the Hafer's HalL Mrs. W. Solomonow entertained flour. Measure strawberries after hullMr. I. Morganstern has announced twenty-four children at her home ing and washing, then combine" with that thirteen pupils will be confirmed Saturday afternoon honoring the rhubarb, which has been cut in %-inch •at this time. They are: Sadie En- sixth birthday of her nephew, Wil- pieces, line pie plate with crust and delman, Rose Fox, Louise Fitch, lard Fonarow. About ten mothers brush over bottom with white of egg. Add flour to sugar. Sift several times; Bessie Perlmutter, Helen Mae Saltz- also attended the party. spread over the bottom of the lined man, Florence Steinberg, Bernard — Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Fleishman of Palm Beach, Fla., Balaban, Jake Fox, Jake Gordon, Alpha Beta Sigma to Hold Hike pie plate 1-3 of the mixed fruit; over formerly of Omaha, announce the bethrothal of their daughter, Donald Bernstein, Meyer Maltz; In celebrating the second birthday this 1-3 of the sugar until each is all Harriette, to Mr. Meyer Shuman of Washington, D. C. Collman Yudelson and Ernest Ross. since the organization of the frater- used up. End by having sugar on top. Cover with a top crust which has been - Mr. and Mrs. M. Horn are leaving for California on May 20, The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 nity two years ago, the Alpha Beta perforated to let steam out. Bake to' attend the marriage of their daughter, Bess, to Mr. Sylvan of the A. Z. A. held an important Sigma is to hold a truck hike on Sun- first 15 minutes at 400 degrees, then Hersh.-son of Mr. and Mrs. David Hersh of San Francisco, CaL, meeting during:, the. past week. Abe day, May 20. AH members will meet decrease heat and bake 20 minutes which will take place on June 3. Miss Gertrude Tatle, cousin of Katleman, president of the local! at7o'clock. Those living on the south more at 350 degrees, or until well the bride-to-be, will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Horn to California. chapter, was elected as a delegate! side 'Till meet*at the home of Mau- browned. for the -Fifth Annual Convention riCe Kate, 4514 South Twenty-fifth Spring Salad . Miss Ann Keiser, a bride-to-be of this summer, was honored which will be held in Denver, Colo., street. Those residing on the north Take 1 package of Enox's gelatine side will meet at the home of Annette a t a. beautifully appointed tea last Sunday afternoon, May. 13, by on July 13, 14 and 15. and soak in % cup of cold water. Also The A. Z. A. will hold their next Bender, 2228 Burdette street. Miss Eva Niehols. A dainty color scheme of pink and white was 2 cups of boiling water, juice of 1 At a former meeting of the club, carried out. The centerpiece consisted of tall candles and sweet meeting Wednesday evening, May lemon, and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Sanf ord Kaplan and Maurice Myerson peas. Those assisting-.the hostess were Mrs. Sam Kaplan, Miss 23rd, at the Danish HalL When gelatine begins to congeal, add were voted in as full-fledged memLillian Keiser and Miss Frances Fish. . 1 cup grated carrots, 1 cup shredded The Independent Order of the bers. cabbage, i& cup chopped cucumber. Mr. Paul D. Woolfson, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Nate Siporin of J_3nne- B'nai Brith, Lodge No. 688, will hold Pom* in a mold. Serve with cooked their nest meeting Wednesday eveJ>y his mother, Mrs. M. L. "Woolfson, apolis, Minn., returned.home Wednessalad dressing. ning, May 23, at the Danish Hall. Order of B'nai B'rith of Hollywood, Cal., formerly of day, May 9. Bsnana Wonder. Omaha, will arrive Thursday, Ma- 24, Organizes Chapter . Mr. L. S. Braunstcin and nephew, Three bananas, 1 egg, cocourat, to be the guests of Miss Eeva Ziev : The Pioneer. Women's organization •Aaron Braunstein, of Pittsburgh Pa., In China Feel the bananas and eat them cross$he fiancee of Mr. "Woolfson, and her will give a bazaar for the Pioneer left Sunday evening after spending parents, Mr. ar. Mrs. Louis Zievi Mrs. Women in Palestine on Sunday, May _ few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ziev will be at home on Saturday, 27, >t the Labor Lyceum, Twenty-sei- Joseph. Scharf in Council Bluffs and Another country was added to the May 26, from 4 to 6 in honor of Mrs. bndand Clark streets. The Pioneer •Mr.- and Mrs. Hymart: Milder of international scope of the order by WANTED the administrative committee which Woolfson. No cards are being sent. Women's organization pledged $35,- Omaha., To rent 4 rooms with Jewish granted a charter to a recently or000 to the women of Palestine fof family — must have - separate •Mr. Julius V. Newman returned their noble work, the work r* building Miss Minnie Friedman returned ganized B'nai B'rith lodge in China. kitchen accommodation. AtThis is the first B'nai B'rith lodge from Los Angeles, CaL, on Monday, a homeland for the Jews. They give home Friday after spendingr the past 2565; evening We-2749. organized west of. the Pacific ocean. May 13, after spending four months everything and ask little. We ask few months in Chicago, HHnois. Its membership, includes practically with friends and relatives. every Jew in Omaha to coma to oar L=sar. Manyy beautiful articles ~" be Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershun and every important personality of the ,Miss Rose'Brick spent the week-end on sale. The committee in charge of famfly of Schuyler, Nehr., spent the Jewish, community of what is regarded as China's leading commercial cenin Lincoln visiting with friends. the bazaar consists of ?lr&- 3. Zeld- past "week-end here at the home of ter. Mr. and Mrs. JW. Solomonow. man, Mrs. C. Herwitz, Mrs. S. Barsocr A' report on the war-orphan care The SeTeih Tah sorority: entertain- Mrs, J . Baker, Mrs. M. MmTriri, and woTk of the order was to the effect Mrs. Philip Friedman has returned nine couples at a treasure hunt on Mrs. H. Okun. ed home from a ten day visit .in that of the thousand children •whom Saturday night, May 12. M*. and Mrs. Harry Sutzky enters Hampton, Iowa, where she. was called it took under its protection after the The Misses Rosaline Pizer, Jose- tained at a bridge party at their home when -her mother, Mrs. J. Levy of world war, 740 have attained matuphine Monheit, Hermine G-sai, Doro- on Sunday evening in honor of her Chicago underwent an 'operation rity. The balance, 260, will remain the thy Muskuvand Toby Goldstei. will brother, Joe Finkenstein of Chicago, there." Mrs. Levy is now conva- wards of the B'nai B'rith until they spend the r—'-end i t Lincoln, and formerly of Omaha, and for her cou- lescing at the home of another bAome of age. wHle there they will attend the Zeta sins, Mr. _nd Mrs. E. M. Finkelstein daughter, Mrs. Henry Nathanson in I. Beta Tan fraternity dance. of Los Angeles, CaL Prizes were yron iEstherviUe, Iowa. by Mrs. J. Finkenstein, Mrs. H. WANTED Mrs. Millard Krasne and baby Miss Ruth~_aex.wilL._peoi._he week-, by Sellable business man as partFranklin; Mrs. F. Siporin and Mr. J. daughter, Thama Lee, and sister, end in Lincoln. .. • ner in growing business. $4000 Miss. Ruth Riseman, left last week Finkenstein. *. to $5000 caihr required. Box • . , _ __.. Uo visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. David Potash is ill at the^Wise 15, Jewish P*ess. : Elk rCreek, The Misses Florence and Josephine. •£ R ^ - ^ , • • iin w * ^Nebr. -ht l -Rft. returned home Tuesday accomKalis of Kansas City, Mo., are visitMiss Sylvia. Abrahan«son> ^ i o has ing their aunt and; oncie? Mr. jand been; spending-.;•;&• •fej'jri'months in Mrs. Sam Appleman. Omaha, will return to _er home in FEDERATION DIRECTORS Los Angeles. \ TO CONVENE SUNDAY The Omaha chapter of Hadassah will hold' a "iegufar meeting Wednes- The directors of the Jewish Welfare day, May 23, at the Jewish Community. Federation will meet at the Jewish Center "at" 2:30 p. m. TSlection of offi- Community Center at 10:30 a. m. cers will be held, and final plans fc. Sunday. Reports of National Jewish! Social Service conference held last the conference will be discussed. week in Cincinnati will :be given- byMrs. "i Sam ' Siporin,- who -has been Mr. Samuel Gerson, who returned' visiting her/son and daughter-in-law, Thursday morning.

W h y bother bakinir cakes

UNSHINE Kosher Primrose Cracktrs S save time, worry and -work. They are mil ready to serve.

SUNSHINE KOHt£_ PRIMROSE CBACKEKUntao ef Onhnin Ja-Mh O ~ c - f

t BiMri - Gothun. npoiiuei by ~ — M. _ M-r_v _ >h~i - » . m m - W-i«f <l- mu\m »«•» -at Am « I n i a t to «M>1 MfKt.

A generous layer of luscious cream Is imprisoned between two, chocolate, kosher cookie-cakes. They are BO delicious, they are sure to win the heartE and appetites of guests and family "when served at parties, with tea and coffee, with ice cream and desserts. "Koshnith" is guaranteed by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. A Mashgiach is always present at the bakery. In ordering these and other kosher crackers, be sure to s&y . . . Sunshine . . . to your grocer.

Sunshine Kosher Primrose Crackers LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO.

THE BRANDEIS STORE Saturday's Special Prices on

This Weeks Yfostess Special Fresh Crushed Strawberry Layer

CAKES '&. two-layer white dough cake filled and covered with a rich butter cream icing chock full of Fresh Crushed Strawberries. This "cake can be obtained the balance of this week and all of next. Be sure and enjoy this splendid cake.

At All Groceries

25C E

$1 Houbigant Ideal Ti

125 Coty Body Powder, " all odors __________98c Edna Wallace Hoppers Cold Cream *w V T Cream .______49c 1.75 Peacock Bleach and Powder ___79c 2,50 Azurea or La Trefle Toilet Water _ _ _ _ 1 . 7 9 Coty Face Powder, special a t ,. '..-,



35c Marrow Trim Oil for Cuticle . 29c 50c Henna Foam Shampoo ________ _37c $l;Blondex Shampoo _79c: 50e Heck Colorless Deodorant ,.....:.....:./.; ,39c €0c Amolin Powder Deodorant ________ _42c Johnson's Baby Powder '


3.50 Houbigant's Bath ' Salts :^ Butterfly or Amami Talc $1 Ambre Royal Talc 69c 50c Ipana Tooth Paste _




Dartie Nature Skin Improver ____. _44c 50c 4711 Bath Salts _ .39c 50c .Milk of- Magnesia _33c Pepsodent or Pebeco Toothpaste ; ___ D'jer Kiss Bath Salts and - Body Powder T.9*

Brandeis Hardwater S o a p , d o z . i ••'., _69c 15c Peterman's Liquid JLlc Discovery 4>0c Pond's Cleansing _39c ••_- Tissues 40c Castoria _____ _29c 60c Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin _49c 75c Lady Esther Cold Cream 59c 51 Jergen's Hand Lotion


60c M a n z a n P i l e Ointm e n t .-•• • • -- • _47c 49c Rubbing Alcohol, pint bottle __35c | 1 Arabian Cold Cream _85c 1.50 Eoger Gallett Dusting Powder . 98c $1 Mello Glo Face Powder 69c Palm Olive Soap, dozen cakes

8-wKeel brakes for your safety!

Four-wheel brakes, which bare been feceaHy s&rot-secl by antomrobQe manufacturers, have been used on street cats since 1888. Now, it is the eight--wkeel brakes which are making street cars the safest iorj$ of transportation in the city. The brakes on the eight wheels of the street ears SN controlled "by air. To further safeguard passengers, each street car is provided with an emergency hand brake. Motormen are required to use the emergency brake at least once each day to check it, so that in case of emergency they will be certain of its effectiveness. Street cars are safe—and more, they are dep_ft4*_l« and economical.


50c Boncilla Rouge Set _39c $1 Dr. Turner's Face Cream 85c 50c Frostilla 25c Brandson Cold 19c Cream Soap


Williams Shaving Cream and Aqua Velva __42c

Economical Transportation

50c Orchard White . 39c Camay Soap, 3 bars __.20c §1 Enoz Moth Spray _ _ 7 9 e 23c Hinkle Tablets ____16c 1.25 Co-co Cod _________ 89c S5c Rocky Mountain Tea . 23c, 25c Zonite ___________ 19c




PAGE-4—THE JEWISH PRESS, ^THURSDAY, MAY ,17,-1923 Smith,chewing at the end of his cigar.!

The J. C.-C. juniors captured their posal that every member be a swim- I Boost your team, girlsr We're going Soc'cers, Greenberg was the most outmer and every swimmer a life saver. to organize one good baseball team standing. There's a class for all, and the cc*t to represent the J. C. C. And games is so small. For further information, | with K. C. and Y. W. C. A. are going Otherwise; his political death was; was. a tough boy to beat.- Epstein has inquire at the physical director's of- j to be arranged for, according to Miss maybe "juggle a few cups of tea" inevitable, they said. Only one, Mrs.everything.a youngster;heeds to be-fice. ,(• Continued from Page 1) Bertha Shafton, who is in charg-e dur with the good women. HArney I«G2 come a great pitcher. The following ing the absence of Miss Greenberg, i7th anil Martha Sts. Henry Moskowitz, encouraged Smith O5L4HA, XBBRASKA has helped him edit his speeches, and "That wouldn't do at all," Mrs. MosThe junior A handball tournament boys, are members of th e squad: A. director. Soft gray. iron,, brass,, bronze mid gy. it has been.her influence, which has kowitz-appraised the governor. He i n h i s adamant refusal. • Epstein, M. Epstein (c), Frisk, "Win- will start this Saturday night. Sixteen aluminum castings. Stundnrd "111 not run with Hearst, that's largely been responsible for moulding must make a serious speech, not jokes The Einky Dinks won from the bronze enfi iron busbmg'B. pevrer manberg, Adler, £cgel, Covetz, Wintroub, juniors are entered. holes, cistern rinprs nnd covers. «u<1 fihaVwas the final refrain theTiger Smith's reputation for liberalism in but, "reason why copy" as they say Soc'cers by tne score of ^-3. The out- ele:in-out doors In stock. Zerinsky, Bogdonoff, Sokolof, CoodSend your kiddies to the summer i standing players of the Rinky Dinks such matters as child labor, mothers' in the advertising world. That was got of Smith. Then the Tiger began binder and Kaiman. play school.: Gym, swimming and class were Marcus ind Shafton. Of the pensions, minimum-wage laws and the the first lesson the Irish truck man's to get scared. Hearst without Smith might not be so gtsod, nor prove so l i k e . "'. ; .', . " • ' • '•" .'. / • ' • ; • - . } • • -: son learned from the Jewish watchwork will be on the programm. PATRONIZE strong a ticket, and Hearst oil the Our summer schedule will go into . '•'But I do not have to edit his maker's daughter. effect June 10. Another successful camp will be ticket with Smith going.about goingabout the speeches, as much as before," she is Taking Mrs. Moskowitz's advice, Al ticket, held this year. Yes sir, right in the quoted as having recently said. In Smith spoke for over an hour to the state attacking. him, might be alto- Fighting with determination and TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge same spot. Nathan's lake will again gether fatal to Tammany. Smith, Mrs. Moskowitz saw a man. of women, in a serious analysis of the CANDYLAND nothing but victory on their minds t'. • Hearst, too, realized that without Psi Mu, jr., scored 11 runs in the fifth be the scene of plenty of fun. Send strength of will> of unusual sharpness issues of the campaign. He came, he Over 4 Karat pure white 16th and Farnam Smith,, he might not prove such a, inning in the indoor baseball league your boy to camp and let him enjoy of mind, a man of wit, and she hasspoke, he conquered. . . / . , . ' " . the open air twenty-four hours of the Diamond Solitaire — will helped to supply those polishing inMrs. Moskowitz became a more fre- drawing card. The result was, that defeated the Boy Scouts, 18-16, day. There's nothing better on earth |f fluences, which the sidewalks of New quent visitor., at Albany. , • •' Hearst sent-a wire, withdrawing his IN OMAHA show Saturday by appointv j in one of the greatest rallies eyerseen than • fresh air and sunshine. York failed to give. Let us turn the clock forward a few name. I in an indoor baseball game at the J. ment. — Price $1,300.00. Instead, Al Smith .was nominated j c Q The Olympians found thei : Mrs. Moskowitz's maiden name was years. It is 1922. "Smith is back in The tennis.tournament is scheduled If interested address, Box Belle lander. Her father was a Har- private life. Chairman of the fcoard for governor again, with Copeland and ran '•-; a score of 30 runs to the for June 17. Sign up on the bulletin 250 Rooms—200 Baths of directors of the United States named for United States Senator. , ; lem-watch-makerl ^ After completing B'nai Abrahams 3 in a losely played board. 169, Jewish Press. Good Rooms for $1.50 It was "the triumph of Smith's life. game. Epstein kept the B'nai Ami her public school education,' Belle Lin- Trucking company. Smith said he Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. der matriculated at Teacher's .college, would remain in private life. Mrs. He had defied Hearst. He had defied at the head of the league by beating Roehman and Katleman won the Columbia, majoring in literature and Moskowitz told the governor it was Tammany. He; had defied even the the Bobcats, 16-7.. Sunday handball league by winning psychology. After graduation,, she en- unthinkable. He musf get' back into allmighty Murphy. And won! all of their games. Mendelson and tered social work, later specializing in the political field. And beside him, in this battle for' xhe Psi Mu boys are getting their Franks won second place. They lost Came summer, and'.the Tammany this political life, stood only one, .-a! baseballteam in working order. They one game during the 13 weeks of play. theatrical coaching at ; settlement house, in particular, assisting in the hosts gathered at Syracuse to form woman—Mrs. Henry Moskowitz.; played a practice game last Sunday The senior clubs will hold their dou " ' ; amateur theatricals of the Educational their slate. Besides Mrs.-Moskowjtz,-probabaly( afternoon, bles handball tournament in the near A l l i a n c e . '• ~-•'. " ; ' . ' • • . . '.'•'.'• Murphy arid Tammany generally the most influential Jewish advisers future. About this time, the daughter of jeame forward with the plan of nom-, are Judge Joseph Mi Proskeur, Judge This summer there' will be classes A savings account for your baby comthe' watchmaker.: met Charles rH. Is- iriatihg William Randolph Hearst for Irvin Lehmarband Rpbert Moses. And in swimming for ages from 9 to— A close • and exciting game was rael, "nationally-known architect, and governor and Smith for United States if the fates have written it, by anywell, they don't get too old to learn played by the Cricket, Jr., versus the bined with Life Insurance protection. scion of 'Jewish aristocracy/ They were senator. ' : ••••'••.. • ' ; chance, that Smith should be elected to swim—and with"such clean, spark- Soccers of the Girls' Indoor Baseball married;, . Some years, later,. Israel Tammany was afraid of H e a r s t - president; probably one or the other ling, inviting-water, one swim and j league. Although;Greenberg and Bishdied, and the widowed^ Mrs.. Israel even Murphy sought to conciliate him. of these three would most. naturally you will wonder why you have put it off of the Soccers made a home run married an old-time friend—a settle- This ticket of Hearst. for governor 582 Saunders-Kennedy BIdg.—AT. 3160 be .favored for national .political pre- off so long. Every club at the Jewish apiece, their opponents won by the ment worker, Dr. Henry.Moskowitz. and Smith for senator, the Tiger be-' ferment. ' ,.-':•• Community Center should make a pro- score of 17-15. . " . Mrs. Moskowitz's entry into the po- lieved would turn the trick. Hearst litical arena first occured -when at s willing. He would even run with the recommendation of I. Elthe same Smith whom" his kus; she was selected to- organize the papers had denounced as a "baby democratic women voters for a state itilTer" and what-not. ' campaign. It was then that Al Smith By MarcuB Krasne. met his "Colonel House." Mrs. Mos- Hearst was willing. Murphy came The work oT the para lar'artists kowitz obtained the consent of Smith to Smith's room to tell Smith Hearpf was willing. Everything was okay, to address a meeting of women. big circus that will take place at the Suffrage was a new-thing to the Hearst would run for governor ana J. C. C. gym in June. Several memladies in those days, and it is said bers are displaying excellent form in.j that Smith had no very exalted idea difficult stunts on the parallels. Miss 1 "of feminine political judgment. He damned if I run with Hearst. ^ Greenberg has.a number of excellent • told Mrs. Moskowitz that he would wus at his wits'end. He sen itiints to spring for the coming cirnot attempt to make a serious speech, influential leaders, arid"th?y all, ^ough^ cus. Watch for the big circus. '^ above the head of women voters, but to get Smith to see the light.. Keep cool in the J. C. C. pool. would contend himself with telling a .••"I'll not run with Hearst,','" .said few jokes, congratulating the women on the; splendid way in which they were exercising the privilege of the Piano Teacher franchise, and then shake hands, and Furnaces Cafes Accountants More leaders came in.- and coaxed,-first victory!of the season by beating AN INQUIRY INTO THE JEWISH ATTITUDES cajoled, begged and.threatened Smith!the California Street Sluggers, 5-2. A. : ! < E THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE to W a n t before 'it was; too late, j Epstein had wonderful control and







Local Sports


Hi the-laws'of the State of Nebraska. The name is."\V«theimer •£ Degen Feed Yards, Ini-.," with its principal place of business in the City of Omaha. The corporation is autliorized to establish, own and operate livestock feeding yards, buy, sell, lease, i'iiL-iitnber nud convey nil kinds of real and Personal property. Authorized capital stock is $100,000.00. consisting of 1,000 shares of the par value of §100.00 ench. All stock is Ciimmon Stock and shall be fully paid when issued and non-assessable. The corporation shall commence business when these Articles • are filed with the, County Clerk and- continue until-January 1, 19S0. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds or. the capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be adlhinistered by a board of flvb directors. who shall elect a President, Vice-President Secretary and Treasurer. All except Secretary must be members of board. TJirectors shall be elected at annual meeting of stockholders to be held on the second Wednesday in Jnnnary ot each year. Immediately thereafter the directors shall meet and elect the ofheers. The Articles' may be ^mended. The corporation shall have a

WM. BRYDEN & COMPANY 4.:Certified

-Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where e c o n o m y is watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high reputation recommends that you • try it.


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At a special moetiiis of <he stofilibiJlders Of the COMMERCIAL REALTY COSIr A N I , held on the iUst day of Apni. 10^3, pursuant to proper notfetva resolution1 wlis unanimously adopted tQ amend Article IV, of the Articles of Incorporation to increase the capital stock froni $500.<KX).oo to ^700.000,00 so that said capitol stock will now consist of >i00.000.00 common stock and 5300,000.00 preferred stock, all stock having par value of -$100.00 The vpting pow«r is lodged In the holders of the Common stocli, only. Preferred stock .is entitlfd to G% annual cumulative <liviaends only and ia preferred as to both dividends and assets. The preferred stock may "be retired as provided In the Articles, Dividends cannot l>e paid on the common stoeli until all dividends due on the preferred stock have been paid in full. COMMERCIAL RBAJ.TY .'COMPANY. liy A. H . W O L 1 \ Presldenl. A t t e s t : 11. U. AUEUBACH. S e t r y : 1-S7—4T

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SAM- CEBHlt; Attorney 30^ Peters Trust BIdg. OF N In the County Court of Uoiifrlits County, Nt-lir-Kl-.i- In '&'• watlor of I he estate ot MK'HAEL J O « E I J " LVKCH, deieased. AHperBon*'interested iu said estate aw h.>rib\? Sot Hed that it T<;titiQ.» has, i,e.-u Slnsed i l t d IW'Vi'ig no UM'W.H and pr.iyM - f o / a d m i iaiLihou n;mn Uls i;.'aH>. mi.l tli'it -i hiMrinp v.,11 In- IJ-<1 on s.iid !»-:iti»'>

I.rfore SiliT "Hnrr ot. tl».> 'i'tU d.n of May.

•loVIot'U \ M fo<oiH«'hl Fij.l (i-iitiini. iluj ' l J l i r t T11.IV " ' . . ' " I t''' u S l l l m ' " n i 1 K r i l I l t l l ' 1 '

minwlration of *n"» fSliH.. to I r v n S-«lmasfpr or hOim- other biiltiib!* persosi mul nroppi>il t'> -1 fc'ltlemcitf HiiTCOf ' UBYCK CHAWFOIU).> j.t-JX

"FAMOUS FOR FLAVOR" Sold by All Grocers



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Omaha . f

Estimates Gladly Furnished

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DUTCH CLEANERS . 204-U South \iith

•1511;NO.'a-ltb-WU. CfiH

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Serve Himelbloobl'S new pumpernickle bread with your next meal.

Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled. Workmen in Our Own Plant -



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Reliable, Reasonable, Expert Auto Repair Service

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Laundries 1>E IX'XE SERVICE W. H. Ostenberg1 snrs a practical way to remember Mother is oy relieving her ot the family wash each week. SANITARY LAL'XWKY \\\ H. OSTENHEKCJ, l*rcs. 2Sl,"i Farnam ATlnntic :S13


METAL—GLASS— CLOTH—SMO-CA RT>8 HA. « 0 9 349 y». SSth Are.




We sucgest you send your launrtry to

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Barber Shops

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Refitter of Ladies and Mens Clothing

Ititli uml-Uiiyeiipori Street


tiyH .No. 2Mb St. —WE. <i:iS6 B ' KOHINSON Mgr. T\vo experienced regrisfereil pharmacists at j o u r Eervlce. Prompt fr*>e delivery 'nnywliere in tue ciiy.



LUSTGARTEN No. 4 UVJ3 Clsirli St.—WE. ouo

Personal Service You will Appreciate .

Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality

Beauty Parlors



Wallin-Holmgren Elec. Co.

Bmmleia Slulfa . JA STiO7-AT. SiUOU I'midee Parlor \VA. S014 Specialists in HKUMANKNT WAVINO

H«»rxln»rijs Mnrintllo loli) DUMBUIB M'1*! liramlels Tntr. AT. 37tK3 B l d g . - J A . 34C0 Kotitelielle, JA. 'Mt'A All lieautv wiirK— Moles reinoved

sua' So. isii> st.—iA. ai;a

New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders

vHARRY M. BINDER 605 Electric Bldg.—J A. 1015 —AH Kinds of Electric Wiring—

"Everything Under Cover"

REMEMBER! It's the advertiser that makes the publishing of this paper possible.

Master Tailor Service

A. BBKNSTEIN, l'rop.


loiw Nil. -^4tt! St.—win. vs'u Specializing in Cleaning, Pressing

and Uelicing Men and Women'* Aal

Music Teachers

Tent & ' Awning Co*s


Tents, Avmings, Covers, Camping Equipments, Auto Awnings and Tourist Supplies. NEBR. TENT & AWNING CO. 1808 Farnam JA. SS29

Uepeiidntilt- for i-orrecl Instruction. Progress ol studious pupils guarniiteea. Each pnpil given imlivi<lu:il attention of the highest possible degree. I'rague Conservatory Method Tuught. Flattering comments ou results from instructors nil over the country. Instruction Fees With t'rof. Mach 5-'.W» P e r b a i l b o u r Will) capable assistants Class A «-W P e r b a l , f h m i r Clnss l i SI.00 per hour lessons. Stadia UT% No. 16 St.—Phone JA. 1953

For space in this directory cal the





Tire Shopg

Paxton Billiard Parlors


The utmost in Photographs


1.11 n Kuriium— J A U"U1

McCord^Brady Co.

—GENERAL CON'tUACTOB— 400 Hospe Bide. JA. IC14


Beginners and advanced students accepted. You should pitronize our advertisers and Suite 5,Wead Bldg., 18 and Farnam mention the —Telephone AT. 8162— JEWISH PRESS when you do.

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141S Douglas Street Most Popular Cafe in Omaha

Appropriate for After-Theater Gatherings

)KS Securities Bldg. AT. 4451

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Public Accountants


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ilONSKT, KATLEMAX & GRODINSKY. Attorneys 750 Omaha National BanU Bldg. NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO AtfTIcr,ES OF INCOEPO1JAT1ON OF DUNHUo THEAIKU CO31FAN\. _ ." . . At a special raeetiiiK of the stockholders of the DBNDEI3 THEATRE GOMPASV, . held on the Oth day of January,rll)-ii, pursuant to proper notice, a resolution- was -unanimously adopted to ameud Article 1 of the Articles of Incorporation to read as follows: Article I. Name The name of this corporation ' is "VENETIAN. COURT ' XIEAJL.TY COM-


475 BrandeU Theater Bldg.—JA. 4811

NOTICE is hereby given that the under-r.lsnod have formed a corporation pursuant

!bated March 24, 1028. • , ~ SOL, Xi. DEGEN. SAM WERTIIEIMBR, MOKTON L. llEOEN. FRANK P. TY.LKU, JAilES J.-..REGAN. 4-27—4T. . ;-

Nbrth Omaha Furnace Co.



Direct Wire Service on AH Latest Sport Events

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*Nortt> 2-Jtb St.—Phone WE. S057



A. U. Ferguson The Florist

Your ad in this'directory, reaches practically every Jewish home in Omaha .

.11)1 h uiid Amos Aw.—Kit 3U'.iy

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Photographs of Distinction

Cor. l"tb and Cnpito) Aw.^A'l. HiZl r.OOnYKAK SEKVK'K MTAT1ON t'ires. Tubes. Accessories, liosuf VuIcnnlzi7iK pud Oenernf H

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