Interesting and Mxiiertaihins
News Of interest to Jews
Entered red as Becohddnss Becohd-dnss mall matter on li 'Si, "W 7, my. at
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p" vh •eh 3 .1870 1870.
VOL. VII.—No. 19
,-f ladam Chairman
Frieda Silbert Ullian Will Speak Twice Diiring Sessions Here
Young Women Have Charge of Special Palestine Work
Chicago. (J."T. A.) A trust fund for §50,000 was provided ^f or the Jewish Charities of Chicago by the will of the late Thomas Susack, a non-Jew. This bequest is one of the largest received by the Jewish Charities. The Illinois Merchants Trust Company is named trustee of the fund.
Heads Council
New Officers Installed For Two Year Terms, by Amendment Adopted
Propose Impartial Investigation of Alleged Misconduct NO ARBITRATION
New York.—(.1. T. A.)—The presMrs. Frieda Silbert TJIlian of; DeMore than 200 are expected to be Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky was elected ent administration of ".e Zionist Ortroit, one of the most prominent of present at the Junior Hadassah president of the Omaha Council of ganisation of America, under attack the •' younger Zionist women in Southwest Regional convention to be Jewish Women at the annual meeting by the recent opposition conference America, will be the principal speakheld at the Omaha Jewish Communof the Council following a luncheon held in Washington, has decided to er a t the Third annual conference of ity Center on May 27 and 28. On at the Blackstone Hotel Monday. call for a thorough investigation of the Southwest Region of Hadassah, Sunday, May 27, the Junior Hadas- Registration to Begin Next Sun- Rosenthal, vice president, Mrs. Lawits acts, to be conducted by an imto be held -May 27 to 29 at the Jewsah will hold its .business session and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky partial body appointed by Dr. Cliaim The other officers are: Mrs. Henry day; For Children of Five ish Community Center. - —TJavis lAke Studio election. This will be followed by a rence Goldman, recording secretary, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky was elected! Weisanann, president of the World to 14 Yea*s Mrs. Ulfisn'E coming i s anticipated 1 o'clock .dinner a t the Elks club Miss Grace Rosenstein Miss Hazel Degen, corre_ponding sec- Monday to guide the destinies of j Zionist Organisation, according to as a "gTeat event by Omaha women. retary, Mrs. Leo Rosenthal, treasurer, the Omaha Council of Jewish Women announcement in the current issue Miss Grace Rosenstein,""president with the afternoon session there. On MANY ACTIVITIES She is widely known as the former and Mrs. Harry Rosenthal, auditor. for. two years. Mrs. Kulakofsky has of "The New Palestine,' official orof the Southwest region of Junior Monday the Juniors will meet" jointpresident of the, Junior Hadassah, an By an amendment to the constitu- been prominently identified with < gan of the Zionist Organization of Hadassah, will preside at the region ly with the Senior Hadassah a t the Registrations for the first summer office -which she. held for four years, convention to be held here this Jewish Community Center for open play school at the Jewish Commun- tion adopted Monday, these officers social welfare work in a number of j America. -and -as national chairman of t h e j The administration's offer to have ity Center will begin Sunday, May will serve for two-year terms. week-end. : . ' . discussion. cities. Jewish National Fund Council -of HaGrace Kosenstein of Omaha, presi- 27. The school will be conducted five | itself investigated by an impartial Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, and Mrs. I. and'as one of the most acdent of the southwest region of mornings a- week during July, for Rosenthal, retiring president, were j body is the result of recent charges tive HadasBah leaders in the country. Junior Hadassah, will preside at the children between the ages of 5 andchosen to represent the local Council and allegations which the adminisMrs. Ullian is a graduate of Eadconvention and will be toastmistress 14tration declares to be unfounded and at the Midwest conference to be held • eliffe college, where she earned the at the dinner. Other officers of the therefore villkjg to have a nortThe aim of the school will be to in Leavenworth, Kansas, in NovemPhi. Beta Kappa key, and later region are Sara Trilihsky of St, Jo-plan supervised recreation,' health, dent of the Midwest conference, will ] partisan inquiry. studied in the Harvard graduate seph, vice president; Anne Greenberg and education work f«r the vacation ber. Mrs. Carl Furth, who is presiThe announcement of the comniisschool of education. After completof Omaha, second vice president; period. Emphasis isvill be laid upon also attend. of inquiry declares that the ing her -coarse a t Harvard, she "or-Report of Local Federation Head Betty Golub of St. Louis, recording recreation, health Jand happiness. Thirty-five Council members attend- Kansas Gity Rabbi to-Give Ad- Z i o n i s t d i s t r i c t a n d Hadassah chapganized the Boston Junior Hadassah ter of Philadelphia first asked the Reflects Leading Addresses secretary; Tina Altschuler of Omaha, The school will (open July 2, with ed the meeting Monday, and heard redress at Center Ceremony. ! Administrative and became i t s first president. corresponding secretary, Mollie Mor- the following daily!,program: 9 a. m., ports of officers and committee chaircommittee of the ris of Kansas City, treasurer, and flag salute; 9:10 aim., classes; 10 to Jman. She was the representative of the Zionist Organization "to arbitrate EDUCATION STRESSED Eise Gold of St. Joseph, reporter. 10:15 a. m., milk and crackers; 10:30 j Junior Hadassah at the world ZionIn her president's report, Mrs. CHILDREN TO PARTICIPATE t h e iSBue6 involved in the controist conference in 1925. After attendThis year's Jewish social service The southwest region includes the to 11 a. m., assembly; 11 to 12 a. Rosenthal said; rr-—. ! versy that has arisen between Haing the congress, she made a trip conference was the most helpful and following units: St. Louis, Mo,; m., classes. I Services of confirmation will be daseah and -the Zionist Organization, "Our Council has prospered in its t o . Palestine, where she, spent two interesting one .which has been held in Kansas City, Mo.; St. Joseph, Mo.; Each assembly: will emphasize held Sunday, both at Temple Israel with Dr. Chaim Weizmann to head rather humble way because of four ! years observing and studying condi- years, according to Samuel Gerson, Denver, Colo.; Tulsa, Okla.; Lincoln, some phase of the vrork: Monday, requisites: service, loyalty, straight and at the Jewish Community Center, the arbitration committee." tions. She is a member of the na-who represented the Jewish Com- Neb., and Omaha. community singing; Tuesday, stunts: thinking and hard work, not only by where the fanpressive ritual by which \ In its reply to the Philadelphia tional board of Hadassah and of the munity Center and the Jewish WelThe 1928 conference is of the ut-Wednesday, health; Thursday, junior most cf the members of my commit- Jewish boys and girls make their. Zionists, the administrative commitiiational .Zionist executive hoard. fare Federation of Omaha, in Cincin- most importance for In addition to civics; Friday, story telling. Jacob tees, Without Whom we could never profession 'of faith wffl be given. \ tee declared that the issues involved ' for the conference nati last week. • the support of over 100 orphans in Mirviss, educational director of the have reached any goal." Eabbi Herman M. Cohen of Ke- \ in the controversy SIT not matters will begin a t 9 a. m. Monday in the Education was stressed in all ses-the "Children's Village" in Palestine, Center, will be : in. charge of the Mrs. Dolly Elgutter reported the nesth Israel-Beth Sholem, • Kansas , for arbitration End that the convenlobby of _the. Jewish Community Cen- sions of the conference, he said. The Junior Hadassah has this year, taken school. It will be open free to all Red Cross and hospital work of the City, will give the confirmation ad- j tion of the Zionist Organisation of ter. The first session will consist of keynote was sounded by Morris D. on a new project, nurses' train- members of the Center, and with a civics and communal department. Last dress at the Jewish Community Cen- j America is the supreme authority on welcoming addresses by Mrs. A."Waldman of Detroit, president of theing school. The various units of fee of $3 to o t h e r | This fee wiil be iex service, which wiil be held st j matters of Zionist policy. The Adi h c h a p t e r ; , National Conference of Jewish "Social Junior " "Hadassafi' th'rdugh'out " the coasted toward a Center meraber- year 8T7 articles were ^tnade . by the 10:30 a. m. I ministrative Committee stated that group. Miss Elizabeth "Hart reportiind Harry Lapiuus, president of the Service, who said: .-".",. , country, aggregating more than 10,* ship. Seven talks on outstanding leadj apart from the issues raised, charge* ed progress in Americanization work. Center, andreports of chapter ac"The trend of American Jewish phil- 000 members, feel the new responsiers of Jewish life will be given by j have been brought against the inGeneral activities will include Mrs. L Rosenthal will be in charge P-ith Eoisiii, Annie Tretiak, Sylvia j tegrity of its membership which arc tivities. anthropy is toward, diminishing em- bility greatly. Plans are being for- playground work, picnics, glee clubs, of a steak roast which the Council Weiner, Isabel Rosenblatt, Sylvia; not by any means subject to arbiphasis on ijrbvision for dependents and mulated to double the membership Mrs. Ullian will address a lunchstunts, health days, community singeon meeting at which Mrs. Joseph delinquents. This does.not mean that and the chapters in the southwest ing, first aid and story telling. will give for members and friends Falk, Bluma Neveleff and William j tration. The Administrative CornEosenherg will preside. Sessions will the Jewish community will cease to region hope to be able to report a Classes will be offered in wax work, early in June. Flax. Others who will have parts j mittee therefore decided snid accordcontinue in the afternoon. At the deal with the problems of disease, de- 100 per cent increase in members nature study, raffia, clay modelling, in the program are Leonard Nathan, | ingly informed the Philadelphia Tuesday luncheon, Mrs. Max From- pendency, and delinquency,- but theat the national.convention at Pitts- doll making, tie dyeing, scrap books, Ethel Green, Sally Greenberg, Libbie • Zionists that it would welcome the .•*•"••. ••''•••'. '-;•*.. Scout lore and drawing. kin will be chairman. J. G. Masters, items for the positive development of burgh. Dolgoff, Evelyn Zwieback and Sadye; appointment by Dr. Weizmann of u principal of Central high school, -win Jewish life will grow larger. Sup- J?pr.those delegates who will arKohlberg. i committee of impartial persons in In addition, there will be offered speak on the Hebrew university. Be- port and encouragement will be given rive Saturday, the Omaha unit will for girls: machine sewing-, hand sewDr. Philip Sher, chairman of the whom the public, would have coniifore t h e opening of the afternoon increasingly to education, primary and entertain Saturday evening with a ing, millinery, cooking, novelty makeducation committee of the Center.' dence, which will be given power session, delegates will be taken on a secondary schools, teachers' training theater party at the Riviera. Over 200 members of Oma f, a I ^jii present the certificates. , and authority to investigate the ing, dancing, gym, swimming and Sight seeing trip. Elections will take schools and theological colleges. JewGrace Rosenstein is general chair- dramatics. lodge , B'nia B'rith, attended xne ^^ T e m p l e s e r ^-i c e will be held' facts end make public its report as ish art "and""music will be permitted man in charge of the convention and place Tuesday afternoon. Special features for boys will be stag Thursday evening m the Jewisii! a t 1 0 ^ ^ E a r r i e t Rosenfeld will ; to whether there is any haBJf for Mrs. Ullian will give a second ad- less frequently to languish in the gar- Anne Greenberg and Tina Altschuler gym, toy making, swimming, dra- Community Center A varied pro- j ^ ^ ^ opening prayer and Helen' charging part of g n g misconduct or, the p Israel assisted by Rebecca Segal and Rose matics, radio classes, camera classes, gram was presented. g dress ' at a" mass meeting Tuesday rets of impoverished artists. : eson the closing prayer. the Administration. To that end, the the closing prayer. Joe West, winner of the south- Beeson evening, a t which J . J. Friedman, in America has come of age and enters Levine bead the dinner committee. basketry, bead making and lantern Confirmants who will have parts Administrative Committee suggested western district oratorical contest, in the sen-ice are Henry Greenberg, to the Philadelphia Zionists that they chairman of the local Zionist dis- upon a new era conscious of strength Rose Fine is president of the Omaha making. and purpose." who is leaving soon to participate in Loyal Katskee, Ernest Sidney Pries- obtain the consent of Dr. Weisimann trict, will be chairman. Junior Hadassah, and Mrs. Max The diminishing... of relief work FromMn is senior advisorthe national contest, gave a ' brief man, Henrietta Leah Meyer, James to take action in accordance with Shebuoth. -will be observed at Beth through the gradual betterment of talk. He was introduced by Justin Saltzenstein, Robert Jacob Rosenfeld, the proposal made." Hanaedrosh Hogodel with services at industrial conditions was stressed by Wolf, who told of the leadership of Morton J. Adler, David M. Saxe, The Jewish Telegraphic Agency 7:30, p . m. Thursday, 8 a. m. F r i -S. J . Hillman, president of the AmalJewish students in the high schools Gerald Batt, Gwendolyn Meyerson, learns that the Commission vouWI day and 8 a.'•xa. Saturday. At 10 gamated Clothing Workers of AmerNew York.—Election of delegates of the state. Although the percent- Jeanette Moskovitz, Strah Tuchman, consist of three well-known Amena. in. Saturday there will be a me- ica, who predicted that when industry to the 31st Annual Convention .of age of Jewish students is small, he Marvin I. Pizer, Bernice Sherman, can Jews held in high esteem by the morial service. Cantor S. Kahano- assumes its proper responsibility for Abe L. Katelman, son of Mr. andthe Zionist Organization of America said, they have many attainments to Anna Fellman, Ida Krasne, Sonia j public, who are not directly affiliated witch will be assisted by his choir. the welfare of its workers, social reMrs. Julius Katelman of Council will be held during the week begin- their credit. Saks. Rae Bernstein, Rosella Hand- with the Zionist Organization of Shebuoth will he observed at the lief work will be put out of business. A colored quartet from the Or-ler, Frances Kort, Marion Fonarow, America. Bluffs, la., was awarded second ning May 27, according to instrucDr. S. Cv Kohs, newly appointed temple with a service on Friday eveplace in the International : Aleph tions issued by the Organization pheum theater was one of the fea-Harvey R. Leon and Bernice Youning, and at 10 a. m. Saturday. Rab- diiector of the Jewish Federation of The reputation of a thousand years Zadik Aleph Essay Contest which Department of the Zionist Organiza- tured numbers. The Bishoff Sisters sem. bi Frederick Cohn's sermon topics Brooklyn, appealed for the reclaiming may be determined by the con.'"1--' of was recently held. His subject was, tion of America. This year's con- and the Rothkop Sisters were also Rabbi Frederick Cohn will give will be "Is the Moral Law Still Bind- of 250,000 rural Jews who are isolated, vention is to be aeld at the William on the program. "Future of Judaism." Young Katelone hour. the address and award certificates. detached, and lost to Jewry. ing?" and "The Grand Climax." Harry Lapidus made a stirring apman is an active member of the A.Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa^ beginZ. A., being president of the Council ning June 29 and running through peal for the Jewish Community Center. Refreshments were served. This Bluffs Lodge No. 7 of the A. Z. July 3. at the present time and he will also According to the rules of the is one of the most successful affairs be the Council Bluffs delegate to theZionist Organization, every Zionist that the local lodge has sponsored. National * A. Z. A. Convention, which District or Hadassah Chapter is alBoston—(J. T. A.)—Morris Sig-1 Harry Wander, also an anti-Sigwill be held in. Denver, Colorado, on lowed one delegate for every fifty Geneva—(J. T. A.)—Through the 1 microphone, the unhooking of which man was unanimously re-elected \ manist, were elected as vice preeiJuly 16., 17. and 18." He will receive of its members. Those districts havingenuity of an American Jewish j brings all parts; of the system into president and Benjamin Schlesinger dents. The first vice president a silver medal which will be present- ing less than fifty are not allowed businessman," the delegates to the operation automatically. a delegate to the convention. All chosen vice president of the Interna- Salvatore Ninfo, who was the leader ed • at the convention. He murmurs his translation into • International Tabor conference which registered members who have paid of Winnipeg, There will be nine Jewish students tional Ladies' Garment Workers'j in favor of the referendum. The will open here on May 30, under the the microphone in a voice so low Irwin Dorfman their dues either annually or semiunion at the concluding session of' other vice -residents elected were auspices of the League of Nations, that it does not disturb the speaker Canada, was awarded the first place annually from January 1, 1928, areamong the graduates • from the the nineteenth biennial convention \ Harry Greenberg, Jacob Halprin, will hear the' speeches in their own or the other interpreters! The voices in this essay contest and he will re- entitled to vote in the forthcoming Council Bluffs high schools next here last night. David Bubmsky, JuliuR Hochman, 1 - ^guages, regardless of what lan- of the interpreters are amplified and ceive a free trip to the A. Z. A. elections. A Board of Election and week. Gingold, Luigi Antonini; for •; Eight students are from the Ab- Through the efforts of a group transmitted., to listeners at their convention. guage the -orator is using. York. Max Armlur and a Nominations Committee elected in headed by Morris Hillquit a comprooutside raham Lincoln high school. They Edward A. Filene, Boston mer- desks over a system of telephone EeiBberg, Philadelphia; Charles every Zionist District and Hadassah are: Marian Scharf, daughter of Mr.mise was effected, ending the strife j E '"-* chant, submitted his plan for doingj wires. Cleveland;, Chapter, supervises the elections. rin, ; Miss Molly y and Mrs. Joseph Scharf; Cecii within the right wing of the union. To translate a speech as it is beaway with the former time wasting Although the election of Sigman was j Freedman, Chicago; rhil Kramet Snyder, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. method whereby addresses were ing delivered requires exceptionally Junior Young Judaea members of BAZAR TO AID JEWISH Sam Snyder; Esther Wolf, daughter never in doubt, following the failure {Boston; Morris Lmlas, Chicago and ^N / made in French or English, inter- quick-thinking and well-trained inNATIONAL FUND PLANNED Galveston, . St. Paul, Minneapolis, of Mr. and Mrs. M. Wolf; Salwyn of the oppositional group to muster Abraham Kiraner, Toronto. Abraham preters taking notes and later trans- terpreters. The league interpreters enough votes to secure elections by Baroff was chosen secretary-trea*Many beautiful things have al- Michnick, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. lating the speech into the various are marvelously efficient as a rule.' Denver, Des Moines and Sioux City referendum to the entire member- urer. languages of the delegates, to In order to develop more <5f them a have already sent in their papers 'for ready been donated for the bazar, Michnick; Max Kramer, son of Mr. ship, danger to the unity of the the Young Judaea national biographA special, constitutional amendwhich will be given in the Jewish 'and Mrs. I. Kramer; Sam Shyken, Thomas A. Edison and General John department for training interpreters union, particularly in New York, was ment, carried by a vote of 116 to icalcontest for which Omaha is son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Shyken; Community Center June 2, 3 and 4 J . Carry. Captain A. Gordon-Finlay in the new technique ".s maintained. | by the Daughters of Zion, according Leopold Marks, son of Mr. and Mrs.feared. At the suggestion of Morn.= ,2 g < w a gn e c e s s a r y to provide the two A trial of the new method was regional headquarters, perfected the new device, which was Omaha Young Judaeans still have M. L. Marks; and Harold Saks, son Hillquit, power and representation ,a d d i t i o n a l p l a c e / o n t h e general exTtc Mrs. J. Kulakofsky. made witfi' about' 150 sets at the infinanced by Mr. "lene. Proceeds from the bazar will be of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Saks. Their were given the Schlesmger group. e c u t i T e ^ ^ ' Each desk the auditorium is ternational labor -conference last an opportunity to win the prizes equipped with earphones of the year. It was so'effective "in reducing offered. The contest closing has been "contributed to the Jewish National Commencement exercises will be held According to the compromise reached, five places on the general execu- j Opinion was divided among the "stethophone" type and with a dial confusion and vasted time that it postponed from May 1 5 to May SO,fund. Mrs. M. Brause is in charge. at the Council Bluffs city auditorium tive board were given to the opposi-' delegates at the end of the elevenswitch on which several languages was decided to make a complete in- The winner of the first'prize for theMrs. A. I. Kulakofsky is treasurer on Friday evening, June 1. tion, Schlesinger wa elected vice- day sessions as to whether the comMiss Helen Whitebook, daughtei regional contest will receive a silver of the group. are marked, so that each listener stallation for this year's- labor conpresident, with supervision over the promise indicated final unity within of Mr. and Mrs. S.-Whitebook, will medal. Winner of second place will ference. If it is as successful this Donations may be sent to Mrs. J . can "tune in" on the interpretation cloak and dress trade of New York the union. Some hailed it as a genuyear, the new system will be used in receive a bronze medal, and the third Tretiak, 3004 Lincoln boulevard! graduate from the Thomas Jefferson ' in his. .own language. City. ine step toward peace, while other* high school, with their Commenceone for each lan- the meetings of the league of na- prize will be a certificate of honor- Mrs. J. B. Robinson, 3316 Lincoln Besides Schlesinger, Joseph Bresexpressed the fear that inttn&d& ment exercises being held at the gVuge» are seated close to the speak- tions. Six hundred delegates are ex-able mention. Further information boulevard; Mrs. EL Weinberg, S58 lau, the bitterest foe of Sigman, istration divided by two strong city anditorium jiext Thursday evepectefi to attend the labor confermay be obtained from M t J.: Mirviss North Forty-first street, and Mrs. J. er, where they can see and hear him. of New York local S5 and tions, peace VMHS not v*t reac|ted. at the Jewish Community Center.Kulakofsky. 2105 South Tenth street. ning, May 31. Each interpreter is equipped with a ence.
• *
•" •—
\J> * Jr. n * ' ' /'H1 ^ " M '
UJL win
Zionist Election to Begin Sunday, May 27
Sigman Re-elected Garment Union President as Session is Ended
American Jew Finds Way to End Language Barrier atQeneva
Nine Jewish Graduates In Council Bluffs
Young Judaeans Send Contest Manuscripts
Bold, Bad Pirates in Revue
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by -
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY • •-Office: Brandeis •.Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 JEANETTE GLICK. GERSON, EDITOR. DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. .....S2.50 Subscription Price, on^year __". — —... Adtii rates furnished on application CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be — ; -;-•',---': i' give your name-..' ' r • ~ -. :
WELCOME HADASSAH There will gather in Omaha next week;, more than 200 leaders of Hadassah in this part of the country, for the Third Annual Junior and Senior Hadassah conference of the Southwest district. Omaha and The Jewish Press welcome these women cordially. The work of Hadassah has gone on quietly and without interruption^ making Palestine safe for colonization. It has brought to he new Palestine the" boon of expert medical service, applying western standards of sanitation' to the east, wiping out epidemics,, fighting the dread trochoma that threatens to blind thousands, waging incessant -warfare against the white plague. •_ • The Hadassah donkey which carries milk m saddlebags between the Hadassah milk stations of Jerusalem is a part of the organization that puts pounds on undernourished children and smiles on faces that have not smiled much before. ' . •. ". ;, Hadassah is necessarily interested in the adimnisteation ot r Zionist affairs, and is taking its own independent part in the present controversy. Yet Hadassah realizes that the one most important thing is that Hadassah work must go on. Nothing must interfere with that. It is to plan the future of the work that conferences such as this are held. Controversies may come and go, but the need of service remains and Hadassah will always answer the call. ; , .... •"•-.. —Jeanette Gerson
WA&STREET BJWERS ABOOT §3,008,080 Lipsky Confirms Report That lifr.Weizmann is Negotiating Large Loans Philadelphia—(J. T. A.)—-Louis Lipsky, president of the Zionist Organization of America, last nigjit officially confirmed reports: that negotiations with Wall street bankers'-I are going forward for a loan to the World Zionist Organization.. -.'- . . •" "I am pleased to announce," Mr. Upsky said, "that our negotiations with several of the leading banking concerns in Wall street for a loan to the World Zionist Organization in an amount running between $2,500,000 and $3,250,000 is making satisfactory progress. Dr." Chaim Weizmann arranging for the details connected with this work. Samuel Untermcyer of New York is representing the Zionist organization in this matter in a legal capacity* ', .. "I may also add that a loan to the Jewish Agency by the League of Nations has reached the state of public discussion in England and France," Mr. Lipsky continued, "The idea is to provide the Jewish Agency -with
means to carry,on.a long.range program of colonization. These loans will in no way, however, lessen the financial responsibility towards- Palestine, which rests upon Jewry the world over. "In order to get a maximum of benefit out of these loans, we, the Jews of America,' will have to make good the quota assigned to us. Thus far, I have every reason to be satisfied with the progress we are making in this direction," he declared. Mr. Lipsky was the .principal speaker at a rally of captains and lieutenants in the United Palestine Appeal campaign which is to be launched in this city on May 6. Rabbi Max D. Klein is chairman of the committee The quota is $300,000. =;
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Courtesy Always
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Two young Jewish musical artists of Omahat will be given a fine opportunity to display their talents Sunday when they assist Organist George Johnson in his weekly Sunday noon program at the Riviera theater. The program will be devoted exclusively to Jewish music. It will start at £2:30 and last until 1 p. m., after which the first complete show of the afternoon will start. Regular matinee tickets admit to both the concert and the show. Miss Dorothy Lustgarten, violinist, jyid Margaret Margolin, soprano will appear . on the' prografm. Mr. Johnson will plsiy the accompaniment at the organ in both instances. He also will" play several" solos'" during the program. The Jewish concert comes as one of a series of nationalistic concerts, each one feature music of a different people.. Sunday's prograir was arranged with co-operation' of Mr. Samuel —Skoglnnd Studio Gerson, head of the Jewish ComThese "bold pirates," Louise Nathan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles munity Center. Nathan; Pearl Lipsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lipsey, and Frances Rosenblatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Rosenblatt, will appear in Miss Annette Riklin's dance revue Wednesday evening, May 30, at the Knights !i of Columbus auditorium. The program will consist of toe, Spanish, character, acrobatic, and musical comedy dances. Miss Riklin will present three interesting numbers, one of which will be "La Dance de l'Oise au Bleu."
Samuel Gerson will go to Lincoln Friday to attend the meeting of' the executive; committee of the Nebraska Conference of Social work, of which he is a member.
Both young ladies have had ex-| RIVIERA TO FEATURE perience in public performance. Miss was featured as soloist! JEWISH MUSIC SUNDAY Lustgarten with the Omaha Symphony orchestra I
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re i ••
S-^THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1928 Chicago, III. issued. "
No cards have been
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Tuchmsnf of • Mrs. Ben Somberg was hostess to 3432 Webster street announce the twelve guests at a luncheon Wednesdaughter, day, honoring Miss Helen Tucker confirmation . of their Sarah Lee, at Temple Israel. They and Mrs. Ben Boasberg.
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Kort of 3668 Eleven Girls Join Davenport street announce the confirmation of their daughter, Frances Center Scout Group Lillian, at Temple Israel. They will Eleven Girl Scouts were invested hold a reception from 3 to 7 p. m. into the ranks of the Tenderfoot Sunday, in their home. class of the Girl Scouts, May 14, at Mr. and Mrs. A. Perimeter of 3151 the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Davenport street announce the con- Isobel Campbell, local director, infirmation of their daughter, Bemice. vested the girls and welcomed them They will receive in her honor from into the sisterhood of scouts. 2 until 5 p. in., and from 7 untQ After the ceremony, which was wit9 p. m. Sunday, in their home. nessed by the mothers of the scouts,
refreshments were served. The new members are Miriam Ar hitman, Ethel Green, Gertrude Stein Ruth Kneeter, Bluma NevelefF, Mil dred Lipsey, Zerline Somber^, Slur ley Fiedlers, Eadie Kohlberg, Jacque line Lipp, and Ell^ Belle Korney.
-will be at. home to friends and relaMrs. J. M. Newman entertained tives from 2 until 5 p. m. Sunday, vrith a beautifully appointed lunch- May 27. . . eon in her home Saturday. Turkish Bill Would Mr. and Mrs. Mose Yousem of Dissolve B'nai B'ritI Miss Ida Stern, daughter of Mr. 3603 Davenport street announce the and Mrs. E. Stern, left for Winni- confirmation of their daughter, BerConstantinople. {J. G. G.) A bill has peg last week to visit Mr. and Mrs. nlce, at Temple Israel. They will rebeen submitted to parliament undei Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Priesman and Mrs. H. Shampanier who are M. Golden and family, and Mr. and ceive their friends from 3 until 7 The opening of the Highland Country Club will be a gala affair Mrs. of 2211 Pratt street announce the visiting from Paterson, New Jersey. which all benevolent socities whict Max Steiman and family." She p. m. Sunday in their home. of Saturday evening, marking not only the beginning of a new will return early in June. have foreign connections wouldd b? confirmation of their son, Ernest Sid-
- season which promises much gaity, but also the enlargement of the club-to include a new dancing pavilion. Two hundred are expected to attend this affair. Many reservations are for parties of several couples. Dean Nordin's orchestra will play. Reservations have been made by: Mr. and Mrs. Jule Rachman, r Julius Orkin, Max OrMn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld, Mr. and Mrs. M. 3J. Cohn, Mrs. L. M. Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wertheimer, Mr. and - Mrs. Henry Rosenthal, Dr. and Mrs. Av Greenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashock, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidus, Mr. and Mrs. Sam " Herzberg, Mr. and Mrs. E. Treller, Donald Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schimmel, Mrs. Lillian Lew, Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Holzman, Mr. and Mrs. Sig Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Milder, Mr. and Mrs. Mi E. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldstein, Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. David Feder, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ferer, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Leon, Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Handler, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cohn, Dr. Nathan Muskin, Arthur Levy, Nathan Jacobs, David Sher, Lester Simon, Bud Wolf, William Degen, Sam Wertheimer, Jr;, Marvin Treller, and Louis Kulakofsky. Carl Fantele of Yankton, South Dakota, and Barney Hubel of Minneapolis, are guests of Marvin Treller. They are here to attend the opening of the country club season. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shapiro of Lincoln announce-the marriage of their ifanghter, Miss Maye Shapiro, to Dr. Irvin H. Stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. JL Stein'of Omaha. ; Dr. and Mrs. Stein were married secretly in Omaha, May 8, in the Study of Ratbi Frederick Cohn. They xeturned to Lincoln for Mothers* day, when they held a reception in the home of the bride's parents. TTheir new residence is 2006 California street, .-Omaha.
tend the B"nai B'rith convention in Columbus, O. Mr. • Achtenberg is president of grand lodge No". 2. They will be accompanied by their daughter, Beatrice, and their son, Irvin. Mrs. Achtenberg was to have come to Omaha to participate in the Hadassah convention, but was prevented by the conflict in convention dates.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greenberg of Mr. and Mrs. S. Canar -were j 3621 South Twenty-sixth street anhonored guests at a surprise dinner nounce the confirmation of their son, given Sunday evening in celebration Henry Morris, at Temple Israel. of their 50th wedding anniversary, They will receive their friends at by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fox. The eve- their home from 3 until-7 p. m. ning was spent in playing bridge. Sunday. Prizes were won by Mrs. Michael Cohen, Mrs. H. Janofiy and Mrs. Mr. and | & s . S. Pizer of 331 Nathan Baumer. Twenty couples North Thirty-Afth avenue announce were present. the confirmation of their son, Marvin, at TemjJe Israel They will be Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Shapiro, at home to friends from 3 until 6 who recently moved to Omaha from p. m. Sunday. Duluth, and have been living at the Lincoln hotel, have taken an apartMr. and Mrs. Joseph Meyer of 137 ment at the "Hollywood." Mrs. Sha- North Thirty-third street announce piro .. was formerly Miss Esther the confirmation of their daughter, Ferer. Henrietta Leah, at Temple Israel. They Will receive their friends in J. M. Baker and family left Sun- their home from 4 until 10 p. m. day for a motor trip to New York. Sunday. The regular, meeting of. the Phi Delta will be held Snnday afternoon,
May 27, at the home- of -Jfiss~Ida Minkoff.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wertheimer an- prohibited. ney, at Temple Israel. They win be In Jewish circles here it is fearec at home to friends from 3 until 6 nounce the confirmation of their son, James L. Salzenstein, at Temple that if the bill becomes law the B'na; p. m. Sunday. * Israel. They will be at home from Brith Lodges in Turkey will be comMr. and Mrs. Dave Green of 4824 S until 6 p. m. Sunday in his honor. pelled to dissolve. Burt street announce the confirmation of their son, Lawrence, at Temple Israel. They will receive in his honor from 3 to 5 p. m. and from Treat the Family with Delicious 7 to 9 p. TO. Sunday, in their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Green of 4824 Burt street announce the confirmation of their son, Lawrence, at Temple IsraeL They will receive in his honor from 3 to 5 p. m., and from 7 to 9 p. m. Sunday, in their home.
Iten's Whole Wheat Fig Bars —at your Grocer's in handy 2-lb. Caddies
Mr, and Mrs. David Sherman of 127 North Thirty-fourth street announce the confirmation of their daughter, Benrice, at Temple IsraeL They will receive their friends from Mr. and Mrs. A. Katskee of 2217 2:30 until 5:30 p. m., in their home. Lothrop street announce the conMr. and Mrs. Sam Nathan of 2120 firmation of their son, Loyal, at Webster street announce the conTemple Israel. They will receive rel- firmation of their son, Leonard, at atives and friends in their home the Jewish Community Cotter. They from 2 to 5 p. m. and from 7 until wiU receive their friends in their 10 p. m. Sunday. home from 3 until 6 p. m. Sunday.
Missv Sophia Ferer Jeft Saturday evening for Chicago, where .she wOl be maid of honor at the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Leon of 505 Miss Rose Bezma- and Mr. Joe North Forty-first avenue announce Kosenbauzn on Sunday, May 27. the confirmation of tL=ir son, HarMrs. L Raznick entertained at a Mr. Herman Ferer of Ottumwa, vey, at Temple Israel. They will be bridge and linen shower in her home la., formerly of Omaha, is visiting at home from 7 until 10 p. m. SunTuesday afternoon, honoring .Miss Ids parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ferer. day. The marriage of Miss Ida Sidman, Lillian Bernstein, who will be a June .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Sid- bride. Miss Esther Blumenthal left Sunman, and Mr. Sam KaimaTi, son of day for Kansas City to be gone sev- ( Mr. and- Mrs. H. Kaiman, will .be Miss Ida Stern is-visiting friends eraT weeks. She will also visit) solemnized -at 1 p. m. Sunday at the in Winnipeg. friends in Tulsa, Okla. 6ynagogue, Eighteenth and Chicago streets. The bride and groom will Miss Gertrude Goldberg was hostMrs. J. Shapiro is ill in Wise receive at the home of the bride's ess at a bridge luncheon in her home Memorial hospital. parents, from 4 until 6 p. m., and Sunday, honoring Miss Lillian Bernfrom 7 until .10 p. m. They will stein. PIONEER BAZAR spend a' month visiting the Pacific coast, and. return to make their Mr. J. Janger and bis daughter, _ .Through, an error in" the last issue home in Omaha. Helen, are visiting relatives in Bos- of The Jewish Press, Mrs. J. Kaplan ton. .During their visit, they attended was omitted from the list of the committee in charge for the bazar, IJernstein, dattghter of the wedding of their nephew and to be given by the Pioneer Women's Miss A. Bernstein, has cousin, Mr. Harry H. Kniznick, and Mr. and Mrs. Organization for the Chalutzim chosen-;Jnne 10- as the date of her Miss Sadie dayman of Haverhfll, (women) in Palestine at the Labor marriage- to -Mr. Meyer Goldberg, Mass. On their return, they will Lyceum, Twenty-second and Clark visit Max and Harry Janger in Chi- streets, on; Sunday, May 27. son of Mrs. Ida Goldberg. cago. We wish to thank Mrs.' K. Bebendt Mrs. Arthur Theodore entertained er for her splendid work in Fremont Mrs. Louis Ziev will be at home 80 guests at her home on Saturday, last week. Saturday afternoon, May 26, from May 19, in .honor of Miss Isabel 3 until 6 o'clock, in honor of Mrs. Graetz, who vrill become the bride M. L. Woolfson, of Hollywood, Cal., Nobody should look anxious except of Samuel Theodore ok Thursday, and of Mrs. Meyer Friedman, of those who have anxiety. May 31. Others who have- honored Miss Graetz are Miss Alice Adler, Miss Ruth JBrodkey, Miss Ruth Wintroub, Mrsl- J. J. Greenberg, Mrs. Harry Perlik, Mrs. Jack Bramson, Mrs; Nathan Sherman and Mrs. Leo MOder. Mrs. J. S&erman and Mrs. Phillip. Rosenblatt will entertain for Mass Graetz on Monday at bridge.
The Time
This Weeks Hosfess Special
Mr. and Mrs. S. Handler announce the confirmation of their daughter, Bosella, at Temple IsraeL They will | be at home from 3 tmtil 6 Sunday in her honor and in honor of
their brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
HEW First Showing Saturday
DRESSES At Kiipcctncks Exclusively >
Come! SATURDAY Brings the most Drastic Price Reductions of the Spring Season
$ 1 6 75 T H E FLOOR BELOW,
"My Such Cooking/"
Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster and Miss Ida Lustgarten went to Lincoln Wednesday-to attend a Founders' day banquet at the university.
Miss Bernice Green of" Chicago arrayed Wednesday to -visit her-sister, Mrs. Joe M. Rice and Mr. Eice.
You never in all your life tasted anything to equal electric cooking". Foods retain all of their natural flavor plus the delicious finishing touch of peiiect cooking. And, it is so easy. Simply put food in the oven, set the controls, and forget them until time to serve. You are free to do the things you like. Weary hours at the cook stove are a thing- of the past with an electric stove.
Mrs. Julius Haylrin and daughter are leaving for Hollywood, CaL, with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Finkenstein and daughter, to-make their future home there. Mrs. Haykin and Mrs. Finkenstein are .sisters. Mr. Haykin- will follow in about a month. Word has been received from Kansas City that Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg will leave Monday toab-
.Program at the
PISTACHIO for the Week-End and Decoration Day
Y PAR the best cake we have ever offered. A two-layer WHITE DOUGH cake flavored with PISTACHIO (love nuts)—filled and covered "with a rich butter-cream Icing mixed with chopped nuts—Sincerely, it is impossible to describe this cake with words. Try one of these cakes today. The iagredicnts our- bakers use are better and fresher than most women nse in their own homes.
At All Grocers Saturday
At All Grocers* Saturday
12:30 to I P . M.
In Springs Best Styles These coats were exceptional values at their original price . . . distinction of style detail . . . beauty of fabric and furs . . .tailoring that characterizes quality coats. They're marked down because style and size ranges are incomplete . . . this may be your opportunity.
Assisting Artists •will, be
Satin, faille, soft-surfaced, lightweight woolens, luxurious furs. In one style or another. Sizes from 14 to 44.
MARGARET MARGOLIN - SOI'llASO Matinee prices will ndmit to both the concert and first afternoon show.
Kiddies 15c
"—And it's so economical** You bake two-thirds of the time on stored heat. This means a saving of two-thirds of the current. Electrically cooked foods don't shrink. As much as 1 pound is saved on a nine pound roast. Visit our Shops."
Easy Terms "ELECTRIC SHOPS 17th and Harney Sts.
2314 M St.
Courtesy • Service • Low Rates
** * •-
Mrs. Herman Meyerson was hostess City, mother of Mrs. Richards, ar- returned from a three weeks' motor which was held in Des Moinesi la. I- Over 40 boyB are entered in the to her afternoon Mah Jong club at rived here Tuesday for a -visit. trip in the east. They visited in employed class track meet. Two Miss Rina Snyder is , expected to her home Tuesday afternoon. New York City, Toledo, Syracuse 'events are held every Wednesday. return home Friday after spending and Cleveland. iXast Wednesday in the shot-put, I. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld have the past. three months visiting in i,.£ 'S"" Byy Marcus .Krasne. Among the Jewish students who i Cohen won first with a heave of 36 Detroit, Michigan and other eastern are members of the Abraham LinBy F < R . K. 'feet, H. Goodbinder second with 31 13ie 3pwisp. Comniun|tyc Center cities. While in Detroit, she visited coln High School Band, which left : Among those who are being con- her sister, Mrs. Sidney : Lightstone -sponsor a 'Water polo /" bail tearrt. feet and Hemlestine third with 29 Y/ednesday: evening for Joliet, 111., £asi$s * .will be^scheduled ; with ;:-*th'fi" feet. In the spring board jump Zu- firmed at Temple Israel in Omana and family. to compete for national honors, are: Omaha;"Y|' and other athletic insti- rinsky won first, place with a jump on Sunday morning, ilay 27, there fciSons v oi "Sie: city. Practice will, be-of 6 feet .10 inches, Temin second .will be several Council Bluffs pupils Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman enter- Helen Steinberg, Jennie Baron, Leo gin-'Monday •evening at 8:30, All and Kovetz .third. Zurinsky: broke the I who will be at home "- to their tained twenty-five children at her Meyerson, Paul Hoffman, and Bernthose: interested in trying: out for the former record of 6 feet 1 set by Relatives and friends later that day. home Saturday afternoon, May 19, ard Balabon. The Council Bluffs ' j Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler, 1027 in honor of the ninth birthday of band recently won first place in the teams please report on time. Archie Hemilstine last year. Business property in heart of city, bringing in |. Fifth Avenue, will be at home to her daughter, Leona, and the sixth state contest at Iowa City. Ch will • have charge. • good income, will sell or trade for stock of Seymore Cohn, sophomore at the all their relatives and friends Sun-: birthday of her son, Milton. General Merchandise. Phone ICE. 1174 or The •.following- junior boys have Thomas Jefferson high school in day /afternoon, May 27, from 2:30 Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Richards Dave Cohn of Chicago, Illinois, write Box 20 Jewish Press. been signed - up for thei American Council Bluffs, Iowa,' was a member until 5.'o'clock, and Sunday evening, announce the birth of a daughter, Legion baseball tournament;- to be of the track team which won first from 7 until 10 o'clock, in honor of •will return home - the latter part of Monday, May 21, at the Edmundson held*;in . 'June.'-. Morris. Epstein, M, honors in the District tournament. the confirmation of their son, Mor-this week after a two weeks' visit Hospital. Mrs. J. Rodin of Sioux Wintroab, Aaron Epstein, W. Sokq- In individual • scores he won third ton Adler. No cards are being issued. •with relatives in "Council Bluffs and lof, Sain. Sorinsky, J. Adler,; 1$. place and. was awarded his second , Mr. and .Mrs. Louis Bernstein, 222 Omaha. Frank. Street, will be at home to ; Twelve friends of Miss Rose Goodbinderxarid W- Sigel. Five morie letter for athletes. ' all-their > relatives and friends on Shyken surprised her .at her home juniors will be added to the. list." A' practice. game will be played SunThe local chapter of the,Order.of Sunday ^afternoon, May 27, from 2 ^ s t Wednesday in honor, of her : day : morning. ./.'..' • Aleph Zadik Aleph will hold base-'' until 6 o'clock in honor of the conbirthday. ,V ball practice this Sunday . morning firmation^v of their daughter, Rae The grocer who recommends Puritan Malt First call lor entrits in the an- at nine o'clock, following which will Bernstein. No cards have been issued. • Mrs. John B. Quigley and baby Extract is trying to give you the best regardnual. J. C C- tennis tournament. The be a five inning game with a local' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson will daughter, Joan, of Kansas City, Mo., less of his' own profit. He knows Puritan tourney is designed to encourage ball -nine.' -All \Ak-;;Z.* A; members are b'e at .Thome, to - all their, relatives are expected to arrive about Wednesbuilds his business by its quality. Puritan requested to be on hand as this will and friends ^Sunday, May 27, from day to visit' her parents, Mr. and competition in all classes. Five defi! prbbkbly be the last game before the is richer—stronger—better. Try it once. 3 until V o'clock: "at their home at Mrs. M. L. Marts, and to attend nite events •will be arranged. The A. Z. A.. .Tournament at Lincoln. 600 Rosevelt Avenue, in honor of the graduation of her brother, LeoYou'll find what you've been looking for. first tennis tournament will be the men's: singles." - Seventeen ~and < ;gyer. Coach Joe Turner will preside over the- confirmation, of .their . niece, t pold Marks,. from Abraham Lincoln the ball sluggers. The chapter will Marian Fpnarow. No cards. are be- high, school on. June 1. Entriesclbse^-June10?" Vv ; at its regular' bi-monthly ing issued. „ . ' . • . - ..'.•..•• , l r . andMrs. Isaac ;Krasne will -Mrs. S. Shyken entertained twenty meeting Sunday^ afternoon, 3 o'clock,, A senior girls'track xneet will be : entertain at t a reception at their guests at her home Thursday afterat the Center; held Sunday, May 27. home, ati? 316 Grace Street on Sun- noon, May 17, in honor of Mrs. Max i •t • London of New Orleans, La., who, * Flavored with Bohemian Hops The gym «lub is coming along in PAIR ELOPE TO PALESTINE;: day .afternoon from 2 until 6 o'clock with her young daughter, Rebecca, in honor of the confirmation of their Recommended > great style,-The following seniors WIFE %SK SEPARATION daughter, Ida Krasne. No cards are is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jake are members of the gym club: Shyken, in Omaha for about a Swarts, • Falk, Feldman, ' Chesneau, New York. (J. T. A.-) Palestine as: a being issued. ihonth. >; . Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson, Brown and M. Ferer. refuge for elopers was. presented in and Distributed by separation proceedings filed- by Mrs. 127 South Eighth Street, will be at The' • junior leader class meets Rose Katz against Morris Katz, a home Sunday afternoon from 3 until every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30» cloak manufacturer. In her applica- 5 o'clock and Sunday evening, from until- 10 o'clock, in honor of the tion asking for $500 monthly alimony -7r Are you ^trying out for one of the confirmation of their , daughter, and $3,500 counsel fees pending her senior club haseball teams? • Gwendolyn. No cards have been is-! suit .for separation, Mrs. Katz charg"By defeating the B'riai Abrahams, [_ed that-her husband had kidnapped Mr. .and Mrs. Philip Saks, 120 20-5, the ,B'nai Ami boys "took a j.their children in 1925 and went with stronger-hald on:the tbiTpositi6ri~of thein to Palestine, accompanied by Third Street, will entertain at a the J. C. € . indooi; "baseball'league. Miss Eethel Busseck, his former reception from 3 until 6 o'clock in j Goodbinder and Kovetz played 'well secretary. They lived in Palestine a hono.r, of. ..the confirmation of their i fort the Aim" boys, - while- -Gerber year in a luxurious home on a orange daughter, Sonia. No cards have been . issued. ..... , ^ . . •. .. . • j played well .for the'Abrahams. By •grove, Mrs. Katz charges. scorings in every inning, the Psi Mu, In 1922 Miss.Busseck sho^ Mr. Katz fifiss '• Ruth .."Shyken, junior at Ab- ; jr., captured a. victory* from." the arid then turned the revolver on her- raham Lincoln high school, recently Olympians by: a sep're of 21-4. Zur'self. Justice Harry E. Lewis reservei! won second place in a novice shortrinsky.: pitched for Psi - Mu' boys, ; dec^io^i'pnVthe* sepa^^tpn suit. hand, division of, the state contest] while Cohen pitched 'for the Olympians.-The Bobcats .defeated the ,.Boy Piano Teacher Furnaces Cafes Accountants Scouts, .20-7, in a fast game,, by scoring all of. their runs in the lajft North Omaha Furnace Co.
Council Bluffs News
Local Sports
For Sale or Trade
i U Brundvlt Theater Uldc—JA. 48U
Two events were, run; off in Junior '^B" track -meet- fev grade school boys in the 4' o'cl&ck-: class. M. Uarcvis captured the-century in 15 flat.. H. Marks was second • with a time of 15 .and - i . a n d - S . Nevelof came in third with .a^tirne" of 15 and 4-5. In long distance" fun^M. Rosed-! b'irg came in first, H. Hikes/second i and S. Nevelof third. 7 ~r ~
» BRYDEN & COMPANY Certified Public Accountants 03S Securities Bids'•-&it.
The Extra Value
250 Rooms-r-2P0 Baths Go'od koom^"fo^ $1.50 Operated by Eppley Hotels Co.
Omar Bakery puts into its bread, eakes «nd'pastries has brought ua thousand* of customers. Women all over. Omaha are talking about it. You can get Omar goods from most groceries or the. Omar wagon that comes to your neighborhood.
FRIED'S ; KOSHER ' : . 15P9 So. «.4tji.8t'j We handle a full line of imported Osh— Spratti, Spratten — PiHDiarJs HcrrlneEnglish Kippers. - ' • -
; . ' " ' WANTED
We are calling the attention of all --^nir cuBtoHiers, thnt we are now in n ' position to, offer, all Itokeach's KosberTroaucts at botb Wholesale nuO Ketail prices, alsothnf "we ju»t received a new stock of the followlnc -articles: Taleiaim, wool and silk of toe best qualitx, slrturim, tnadicerlm and Bibles with Jewish and tjiigllsh -translniion. Kememlier nlgo oujr own make Kosher Sonp tiat Is ono of tbr liest era 'the market. , '
M-SAR-BEK Jwiie 1st to
July 4th
Ray Mvko Top U Cumins St.
Uarnpy 3412
Agh lorious tread OUNSHINE Kosher Biltmore Crackers delight guests O a n d family whenever they are served . . .'with tea or coffee, at parties, with refreshments and desserts. Sunshine Bakers take two, dainty kosher cookie-cakes and join them together with a generous layer of velvety =ream . . . Mm-m-m! You are assured that Sunshine Biltmore Crackers are kosher and. parve because of Mashgiach of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America is always in attendance at the bakery. Koshruth and quality go hand in hand.
Spring Means Building Building Means
1707-i? Cass—AT. 3533
For any kind of service on your automobile call the Cass Garage, no matter, .when, where, or why. —24 HOUR S E R V I C E -
Get Our Price* and Sa-ve Money
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400 Hospe Bldg. JA. U514
Estimates Gladly Furnished
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Serve Himelbloom's new pumpernickle bread with your next meal.
Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant
Reliable,' Reasonable, Expert Auto Repair Service
—JOB PKIXTDTG— 810 No. 16th 8t.—l'hone .JAcksoir SS88 We specialize In form printing and solicit j-oo* patronage
Sign Go's.
SPECIAL NOTICE We are offering 10% discount on all rough dry bundles picked up Friday for Tuesday delivery. SANITARY U C S D B T W. H. OSTKXKEUG. Pres. Farnam ATlnntic HSlo We suggest you Bend your tnnndry to
4420 Florence BIvu., KE. 1500 THE HOUSE WITH A REPUTATION
Barber Shops
Drug Stores
Lumber Co*s.
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B UOH1NSOM Mgr. Two experienced registered pharmacist at your service, l'rompt free deliver; ' anywhere in the city.
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AT. SS32—504 So. IS
1517 Ho. ^4tb St.—WE. 0300
JENSEN LAUNDRY WE. 1029 All Type of Laundry
24th and Hurdette—WE. U302 2Utb OD(J Nicholas—JA.. 6000
"Everything Under Cover"
REMEMBER! ' It's the advertiser that makes the-publishing of-this paper . "" possible.
Tailors Master Tailor- Service £15 SO. l»th —Flione AT.
Kefitter of Ladies and Clothing &, BEllNSTEIN. frop.
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Personal Service You will Appreciate
Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality ,
Beauty Parlors
Music Teachers
Tent & Awning Co^s
Wallin-Holmgren Eiec. Co.
Dept'iiilnblo for correct Instruction, l'rogress of studious pupils guarnuteed. KacJi pup.l given individual attention of the highest possiblu degree. Prague Conservatory Method Taught, blattering comments on results from instructors all over the country. Instruction Fees With Prof. Mnclt $".!.00 per half hour. With capable assistants Class A .Sl.OO I*r half hour.
Tents, Avmings, Covers, Camping Equipments, Auto Avmings and Tourist Supplies. NEBK. TENT & AWNING CO. 1808 Faraara 1 A. 3329
Braudeis stores . . JA., 2">O7-AT. 8008 Uuudee I'arlor VVA. 8014 Specialists In PEUMANENT WAVINU
erburas Uarluello lal'O Uoughig GCli Dnimleis Thtr. . AT. 37(85 Bldg.—JA. 3460 fouteuelle, JA. 2CM»
Kosher Biltmore
Itith anU Daveuiton Street U. MANUS. Propr. YOU'LL UKEI VOGK FUIKNDS AT HAKKV'8
Reliable business man as partoer- in'growing business. ^!40Q0 to $5000 cash required. ' Box 15, Jewish Press. •
2429 Decatur
"Everything; For The Auto"
Beginners and advanced students accepted.
Pianist-Instru ctor
Suite 5,Wead Bldg., IS and Farnam —Telephone AT. S162—
Appropriate for After-Theater , Gatherings . ,."...'
National ^cessories, Inc.
You should patronize our advertisers and mention the JEWISH PRESS when you do.
1413 Douglas Street Tbe Most Popular Cafe in Omaha
r Be Yodr Baker
1411 No. 24tb St.—WE. 61)53 ' Installation and Repairing of ICin Wort,: Furnaces. Skylights. Ventilating. Gutters and Spouting. , Agents tor Nesbit Furnace
work—MoU-s rvmoreil
fMEJ S o . Vilh
S t . — J A . 50&!
New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders
HARRY M. BINDER 605 Electric Bldg.—J A. 1045 —AH Kinds of Electric Wiring-
.Class B IllI__sa.W t*r hour lessons.
Studio 111^4 No. 16 St.—Phone JA. 1952
For space in this directory ca! the
Tire Shops
Paxton Billiard Parlors
The utmost in Photographs
1310 r a r t i a m — J A kCKJl
Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events
•'The Best Place To Bay -' Your Flowers
>ort!l C«h St.—l'hone WE- 3)T.<
H. I). Fergu«»n The Florist
Your ad in this directory, readies practically every Jewish home in Omaha
'•Flowers For All Ocassions"
Photographs of Distinction
IC12 Douslas—JA. 331*
Cor. VJtb aud Ccpttol Aw.— A'l *biZi GOOOVKAB KKKVICC Aetvssories. U nnd General Onij
2 different business houses under each classification in this directory.