June 1, 1928

Page 1

4% the News ' Qf Interest to Jews



Plan Ivxe Conclave


Washington (J. T. A.)—The House Committee on Weights anil Measures at a special meeting convened by Chairman Perkins at the request of Congressman Cohen of New York, Seventy-Five Visitors to Have Hadassah Conference Closes reversed its previous decision and With Urge Palestine Part in Elaborate unanimously voted to favorably reMass Meeting. Program. port the Brookhart bill already passed by th».: .Senate, granting RB-E^ECT MBS. LEVENSON. BALL TO BE CLIMAX. TO BRING RELIEF Congressional 'medals to both ClarURGED TO CONTINUE ence Chamberlaia and Charles A. Approval of the principles of the, Members pf the National order of WMhlnftm (J. T, A.) - The Levine. •';{; platform adopted by the national _vre from. Lincoln, Sioux City and New York (J. T. A.) — The Jtnkini Milt thi only piece of leglsboard of Hadaesah on April 21 was Des Moine* will be the guests of General Education Board, founded j At CongresM£jgm Cohen's request lation •OMtmlfiff Immigration matvoted by the Southwest Region, a representative of the Department .he local chapter this week-end durby John D. Rockefeller, denied UM, from which many separated which held the final business session of Justice was also present at the jng the seventh' annual conclave, through W. W. Brierley, its secrefamilies •xpwttd relief was naved of its convention here Tuesday aftwhich wilt be held here June 2 and meeting, prepared to testify that /rum Uw itiroei of th« Senate AMoriation.8 Unite to Drive tary, that controversy had entered there is nothing tn the war transernoon, lira. S.,L. GoldnYan'of St. into the retirement of Dr. Abraham AllbwWr, whtn th» Senate adopted Joseph,-'one of • the regloWl' vice Charlators From Praying Guests will - be entertained inforFlexner, for fifteen years associated actions claim of the government th« bill which h«it previously been presidents, was selected'to" represent which was in opposition to award- mally at the . Ad-Sell restaurants Desk with the board. pttttd by thi liouM. the region at the national convention, ing the medal to Levine. Saturday -evening, Registration for Dr. Flexner'B retirement goes into Tin Mtion of tht 8«n«U, taken of Hadassah, and - will. go . ."unin-1 TO RAISE STANDARDS ;he formal seestom of the conclave effect July 1 and arises from the ItU Monday night, followed • hurried structed.'f . . . Will begin at. 8 a, nv Sunday in the iMWtlng bMwMn tho conferees of the New York.—A determined effort fact, that the $60,000,000 given by Jlrs. 11, F. Levenson was re-electFontenelle jhotel. ,A{ , U a. m. the Kauto Md Renatt. The conferees has begun to eliminate evils which it Mr. Rockefeller for the advanceed regional president. Other officers grand lodge officers and delegates mooting t u neceaiary due to several Is aaid have degraded the time-honored ment of medical education had been are: Mrs. S. L. Goldman, St. Joseph; will meet in the general conclave used up, it was said. " ' amomlinento msd« In th« bill. Tht calling of Cantor in this country. This Mrs. Louis Goodman, St. Louts; Mrs. headquarters in the Fontenelle. A supplementary explanation isMil h t i now (on* to Preildent effort, led by the United Synagogue Robert Kooper W. P. Witschner, Kansas City, Mrs. A luncheon for men and one for CoolMfo fur ulrnaUre. of America, and .by the two leading sued by Mr. Brierley read; \ .'.• BcBsle VVillens, Denver, and Mrs. "The Board's full statement.leave,! Executive Committee Declares women has been arranged for SunTha bill exempts from thi quota organizations'In this country of reSamuel Schlenlhger, Lincoln, vice day noon, after which the ladles will no room for any such misapprehencogniied Cintors, namely, The Jewish Hadassab Hoa;VioIated unmarried thlldran up to 21 and the presidents; Mrs, J. J. Friedman, sechave rhali jongg and bridge, while sion. As set forth jn that stateAgreement hatbands of American cltlaena. It Ministers Cantors Association and The retary, and-Miss-Dora Cohen, Kansas the men hold their business meeting. ment, the fond of $50,000,000 given tontaini • • H» (hlif provision a pUn Modern Cantors Association, has for City, treasurer. , • A format dinnei will be given in to the board by Mr. Rockefeller SOME WOULD- • whonby the wlvtt and children un- its aim the establishment of the calthe Fontenelle ball room Sunday eveSt. Louis was selected as the next some years ago for the advancement der II and tht hutbamli of aliens ling on a professional basis. DISFRANCHISE GROUP ning, followed by a dance and frolic, meeting place of the Southwest of medical education, the approprliAa a fir«t step, the three organizalawfully admitted to the United the culminating event of the con: Region. New York—( ; . A'.)—The con ttatee (or mldcuct, will be given tions have combined to establish The tion of which Dr. Flexner conceived, clave. A stirring appeal to Jews to give and supervised, has been, practically evar all oth«r Immigrants Cantors' Registry, of the United Synatroversy within 'the ranks of Ameriback devotion to, the Jewish cause, Officers of the grand lodge are exhausted. , • can Zionists haa assumed a new phase, Robert Kooper, president; Jay l i y to tO par cent of iach quota. The gogue of America with headquarters in return for the inheritance they "Months ago Dr. Flexner suggest- which may lead to tnany complications I'olick, Lincoln, vice president; Leon aarmti of American eltliens over at 681 W, 123rd • St. It will be the have received, was made by Mrs. function of the Registry to certify to at the forthcoming convention of th ed that as he was approaching the ill art alto given preference in the Frieda Sllbert UUIan, national HuE. Dobrofaky, Sioux City, secretary congregation! seeking cantors, men retiring age established by the board Zionist Organization of America, with Lester Heeger, SIOUK City, treasurer, ether H par cent of tht quota, along dassah board member, In her adwho are in lta judgment worthy to it would be wiser for, him to with- the authorization granted in the Adwith •kilted africulturitU and their dress to the general mass meeting hold such positions. These men will draw at this time, thus giving op- ministrative Cpffljnittee "to taki and Harry Robinson, Des MoineB, wtvas and children under 18. The which" closed; the convention in the sergeant-alarms. Officers of Comwivaa and chlldrm of alien* will alto be selected only from each as have portunity for such changes in, the steps" in regard to the Hadassah. Jewish Community Center Tuesday : peer chapter are Joe Rice, president The National Eiecutive Committed A. Venger, vice president, and Robba admitted within thi unexhausted been examined and Investigated by character and organization of the evening. > • • • • ' • - • , the committee representing the three of the Zionist Organization, which wn board's work as might seeim proper, ptttlMt of thin tO per cent of the •"' Creating Values,; organizations. Two examining com- When it became known, that Dr. in cession all day Sunday ct the Wai ert Gluzer, secretary and treasurer. The general committee for thi Mrs. Ulllan pled for Palestine as T»ie Jeitklno.bill will have the ef- mittees will nasi on the religious and Flexner waf proposing to , retire dorf-Astoria , Hotd, discussed a' conclave is: HerUert Goldstcn, chairthe place:Where/the,Jew'c»n Hye ft scholarly qualifications of those Who other opportunities for service wert length the attitude of the Hadassah man; Harold Farber, William A, fort of practically cutting off all Imreal, normal.-Ilife," W « Imitative ,of i National vBoard j a nd the:- chargei migration except tht fbore clainea desire to be entered on the Cantors' urged j?P«n.him? but be felt that the. bi-aaght, the livflfri^h<mt him, but creating his ;. against 4t$b»t Iry-its 'recent Levey, Ben; 8.;. ^hapiror;Ciyde.,K,taMie4 Rogbtxy v Uata -and ^>a ;tBm«-musical im>j[eCndw announced. Wpuld' giye'hl|»i ftOW'eatWHw anaU^otaa !•••_ wwJMrtw. hiring hiving ........ -,-...__ ;t o w n - . v a l u e s . ; , . ' . ] ; . , > : • ' '-•'•,'.'. ,'• ••':.•••* f ; actions in the controversy, and by. its Joe Rice, Robert,'H.'''$oope§ JTornTan t t f i T ' T t t ^ T m i ^ ^ ' ^ ' * ' the g | ' Jack Marer itest freedom for the Jeje'ure- acting as a political caucus,pasBinga Harris and jack Marer. Jncit Mnrer far • considerable period, pending "It is the old,, o^hodox, observant 1 T'Bwkerage the reanltlng 6f separated families It of his many, personal ln- resolution of no confidence, the Ha- is master of ceremonies. Mrs. WilRobert Kooper, president of Com- Jew who has survived to pass o.i The establishment of the Cantor's terests. for whose benefit the bill was dassah violated the agrcemimt on th liam Levey ia chairman of the ladles' peer' chapter of Ivrc, and Jack the heritage," she said. "The tlm<< "Dr. Flexner's retirement. Is -wholly, basis of which it has become a pan committee,, whjch consists of thif" Marer, master of ceremonies for the that the J.e\v is most Jewish, is tht! drawn, Tha bill a» pasted carries an Registry of the United States is the amendment made yesterday by the outcome of a long series of confer- voluntary and he leaves the Genera} of the Zionist Organization of Amer- wives of all' married members Ivre conclave which will meet in time that he can be so without cdh' heuH Immigration committee at the ences at which the evils that it aims to Education Board after, inany yes'r* ica. Omaha this Week-end, have prepared BCIOUS effort." ,j Compeer chapter. Instance of Congressman Dlcksteln, eliminate were thoroughly discussed. of remarkably successful service Louis Lipsky presided at the morn, a generous welcome for their visit- "The Z|onUt movement is a maeiempting from tha quota women It was pointed out that whereas the carrying with him the unqualified ing seaaion and Morris Rothenberg ai ing "brothers". terial one," she- continued, "but obdvfc eitiseni of the United States who, free-lance Rabbi has,practically dis- good wishes-of the'members •'•Jfttjio: the afternoon session, when the resoall, it Is cultural and material. Wo prior to Reptember 20,102, lost their appeared from the Jewish pulpit in board and the members'of the staff, lution was adopted. Although the are a cultural people preserved by this country, the selection of cantors dtlfonshlp by reason of marriage to all of 'whom greatly regret his with- committee was in executive session, a school. There Is a spiritual atmosis still a matter of chance, in which drawal." u •lies. phere in the 'Judaean hill*. They are the Jewish Telegraphic Agency learns charlatans and ignoramuses competed hard and stony, and'they challenge that many members of the committee Criticized Ed^ea«on;;.; Hair s Loaf. with men of piety, scholarship and us to dare to make them yield, to The Omaha Mizraehi organization Only * brief debato of 40 minutes muslclanly ability. Often, also, it was An Associated Press despatch demanded that the agreement with the anHf n and Moskowitz Rcelecte overcome 2,000 years of desolation.'1 was reorganized last week when Geunder euspentlon of the rules was asserted, the selection o' a cantor ia from London states that in a lecture Hadassah, entitling the women's or• '• • to Posts • . . , / Struggle! Are Incident*. ganization to representation at the dalia Bubllck, president of the Miz allowed on the bill, tho time being brought about by a ''go-between" by at Oxford University, Dr. Flexner national convention, be abrogated. decried "freak degrees" in American Mrs. Ullian's only reference to the rachi organization of America, lectaken up by Congressman Jenkins some one who had influence with offiOthers demanded that the committee CREDIT CQMPANY FORME tured here on the work of the group, present controversy in the Zionist for the republican majority and cers of congregations. This has re- universities and told' an audience limits its acion only to the issuance Officers are Max Venger, presi- organisation .was that "struggles DMuteln for the democratic minor- sulted in the coming into being of a here that it is not; the art pf a onii of a warning to the Hadassah conNeW York (J; T, A.)—The crei dent; G. Kaplan, vice piesidcnt; N come and go; they are incident to sort of brokerage In cantors positions. versity to turn out '•'seductive; ad* ity. vention that in case the convention ion of the' Ort Credit Corporatio: The Jewish congressmen, Dick Very often these brokers, or "mek- vertisers or plausible bond: sales- fails to censure the national board for o be capitalized at f260,000 whoi Levinson, treasurer and Joe Krlcs- the great flow, of life." She told Of i .:;••;-•• -i'^:.' the 58- Hadassah institutions in : . feld, secretary. atetn, Caller and Sirovlch, all ex- lers" on learning of an existing or im- a i . " ' - • • - ' overstepping the agreement, the con- purpose it will .be to export tools, pressed their dlsiatiifactlon with the pending vacancy, will for a considera- An American university gaVe tract will become invalid. Doubt was agriculturajl machinery,' livestock and Bubllck reported that there are Palestine, and °f the visiting nurse tion, contract with four or five can- credits- toward degrees for, courses low in Palestino 02 schools with an and doctor in every hamlet. Mil because It does not go far expressed whether such action would raw material to,Russia and Eeastern enough and falli to afford sufficient tors to secure the vacant position for in packing house operations, public bar the delegates of Hadassah chapt- Europe wfl dicided.'upon at .the an- nrollment of 6,000 students, under J. 3. Friedman, president of the local Zionist organization, gave an relief to separated families. They them, in such a way that -Without opinion, parental education and ers from the Zionist convention. nual conferepce of; the. American .ho Mizraehi. pointed out that exemption from the making a genuine effort on .behalf of scouting. Another university gives The Mizraehi, he said, stressed re- address of welcome, praising HadasOrt held fiun^ay at the Hotel PennThe resolution, which was unaniquota lnlUid of preference within it any of their dupes, they would receive credit for experience as tus' boy arid ligion and nationalism equally, rather sah-for its great work in FalestiHe .-, • adopted, followed neither pro- i y l v a j i l a . '•:''/'• • • . . ' • ' " . ;.:;•'-, •- :mously ! and for its'service in cementing the ~ fhould havft been provided. How- a fee from the successful candidate. key clerk, he said. \ Tho ?25QJQ0O ig to be subscribed ;han placing air tho emphasis on friendships of peoples throughout- the Instances were given at tnese ctn- -.?"This'.'sort of thing does', not posal, but empowered th' Administraever, th*y voted for the bill because nationalism. tive Committee to follow a course by the prganiiatlons affiliated with world. . - it afford* some, If Inadequate, relief ferences of "meklers" who, ty devious deserve to be called education at.a'lj, which will be deemed necessary to the Ort,. ond other groups and inmethods, caused .cantors to lose their it is an irrelevant and' 'u^wortjiy'A miisjcal .program was,given tby for tie separated families. 1 dividuals, -It was' decided Ihat When bring about HadasBah's "complete adthing for a modern; university. -:^o positions, for the purpose of creating Miss Ida Lustgarten, "JUiss 'Dorothy : the first $100,600Via paid in the herence" to the agreement. The Comvacancies that they; would "peddle" undertake to 'short' . circuit' ''^x* Lustgartcn, and Miss Bertha Greehcredit organization will start to and also to add the. deposed wan to porience," he declared. ;'.•..;...• sii! mittee was also charged with presenthouse. * ' * VC ing a new plan for regulating the re- function, actjng upon the first 1,500 their long list of dupes. At 'the' afternopn session, J. G. lations between the A. Z. A . and other orders it has f already.! for the shipThere are said to be cantors in New Jerusalem—(J. T. A.)—The ruling Masters, .principal 'of Central £ bodies which may.be or desire to be mentibf roachiiierjrl (The.Ort, lUpon school, told of the HebrevV univerYork and elsewhere whose income are affiliated with the Zionist Organization paynient of ffii&ti:cent'bf'the' cost of the Jaffa district court that Jew" • Highland Country club has an- heavily mortgaged to "meklers" and of any;rniplejneijt.hjr-*,a relative or ish municipalities in Palestine can- sity. of America. . :-.: ;-..-" nounced a number of Boclal events who in sheer desperation have resortfriend' here of n, Jew abroad, will not, under tho terms of tho mandate, "This Jewish university, sltusttd for ths near future. Tho first stag ed to various undignified stunts such supply the remaining > 7.6 per cent of enforce Sabbath observance by city on Mount'Scopus', is a marvelous of tht seaion will be held Thursday, as "religious concerts" and vaudeville The fifteenth annual ,1 the cost, acceptlrig a long term note ordinances, was upheld today by the contribution in the way of learning, lore, culture, '• law, history, poetlfy, Palestine supremo court. . Jutlt 7, with dinner at 0:30 p. m. engagements In order.to make both1 held under the auspices of,' •for t h e amoupt'•';'•'•;.'.\":' . ethics • atttl most pf all religion, to It Is for members and out-of-town ends meet. Rosort'to'.the Cantora ish National Fund, .will be observed Ba^ls for tha action'' was the ten- The ruling wan handed down In the world's well being," he Bald. ffueM* only. Unusual entertainment Registry by congregations and cantors throughout the country oh: Bufldjiy', the famous case of a Tel Aviv storetative, : contract, approved at yesterLinens, wearing apparel, beautiful will, it is believed,-eliminate this par- June 3, this year, .according to pn Harry Friedberg, Kansas City It promlted by the committee. keeper, Alt.schuler, who started the the Soviet : handwork of all kinds, bridge lamps, day's cqnjfc^enfip between : announcement issued f this, we,ek ;by action against the Tel Aviv mu- lawyer, addressed the Monday sesTht ladles will have a luncheon, asite. Government and' the European Ort. One of the plans of the committees I. H. Rubin, secretary of t;he fuHd. and many other articles have been Under the terms of the contract tho nicipality because it hadfinedhim sion on* Zionist *ork. Addresses of followed by bridge, Mah Jongg, or Registry is The sale of flowors ojK'thls 'day contributed for sale at the bazai Sovief Government Is to permit the 2 pounds for violating the municipal welcome wore given by MM. A. lotto, every Tuesday, beginning June sponsoring the Cantors' 1 of the Daughters of Zion, to be giv; 9. Reservations should be made with the founding* of a ',conservatory for is one of a number of methods;'fje-. importation d^ty' free' and to provide ordinance by keeping his store open Romirf, president of the Omaha chapcantors In New York City, vised by the Jewish ';rational' Fund en in the Jewish Community Cente warehouses^ for' the"' machinery nnd on Saturday. Mr. Altschuler'a coun- ter of Hadassah, and Harry Lapldus, Mrs. Stlefler, Walnut 6487. to collect money from the mwl«B June 2, 8, and 4.Local guests, including Omaha and toolB until they are distributed. The sel contended that the municipal or- president of the Jewish Community From the sale, the committee hopes of the Jewish people for the purppse Council Bluffs, are admitted to the Ort pledges Vitaelif to import $1,- dinance was illegal, becauso it isCenter. to realize a large sum for the beneof buying land in .Pales club house on Saturday night only 600,000 wjorthy;of- machinery, live- contradictory to Article 16 of the Dorothy Honvltzof St. Louis Was fit of the Jewish National fund. Cononce dating the season, according land is secured in the nv.. r -.-,,.. tributions may be sent to Mrs. J.stock, tools, and raw materials with- mandate, sinco the ordinance estab- elected reflona,! president of Junior lishes a sort of discrimination by Hndaasnh, to succeed Grace Rdsento tht announced rules of the dob. . The Young Judaea oratorical and entire Jewish people. Jewliji children Tretiak, 3004 Lincoln boulevard, in a period of three years. are Usually enlisted, well "ail To meet its budget of $130,000 for prohibiting trading on the Sabbath stpin. SJisa RoeertBteln's annual rebiographical contest will dose Sun-,— — .,..., at F . .,... r. Mrs. J. B. Robinson, 8316 Lincoln port showed n, marked gall, in memto JewH only. ' day, when the district" winners of nien and women, to ^ve ;th'M^jse£vS boulevard; Mrs. E. Weinberg, 35 1929 ( for Ort activities in Europe bership, finances anil activities. 11 -voluntarily fori',_,__.. other than thosd coining under the It was stated that the Palestine Ices r7i| „ the oratorical contest will give their1'" --••-•—•'•• *--' •'•wt-^i': :-J«.i' North Forty-flrat street, and Mrs. J ; orations at the Jewish Community Wearing blue-and-w|i!te ; 'ernblo Kulakofsky, 2105 South Tenth street. head of credit corporation the con- government will in all probability ferenco voted to conduct a drive for appeal the case to the privy council. JEWJSH^CHOLAR litAKJSS these volunteer workers^: dispose j'ojf. Ben E. Kubby is a candidate for the C e n t e r , a t 8 p . m . .'•'•''•-.',' increased <'membership and 'to re NEW KQR AN T R A K S l A Republican nomination for county at- Contestants will bo Forn Bloom the flowers in publia placfm, -;The He who gives charity in secret i quest community chests and Jewish Jewish Community (pen^Br> t»ijjr " ^ ' After the Quarrel. ' and Esther .Wittl" of Denver, Martha torney for Pottawatamlts county. greater, than Moses. (Ib. 9b). : federations in various American "Now let Us' be friends. I wish Althongl^a young man, Mr. Kubby Llppctt, of Omaha, Sylvia.Koff, of the local headquarters.V.*,'|;''•'•§•>*; l'ef\ When Moses asked tho Lord to sho1 The. flower days conducted by W) him "His way," He showed him the cities to consider the Ort us one o yoi';all that you wish mi."' .; / ; has taken an Interest in many nctiyl- Marshalltown;. Iowa, and.-the winner 1 the regular organizations entitled to "Iioishe, are you starting again?1' brfiw.';'vw^g' ^cpijirilottilsb^ pfe v|(iffi)ig of the St.. LouiB -contest Which was .Jewish National v Fqfld tln'iAwertcej treasures of Heaven in store for thos* philanthropic .fS8irtan.ce. The con RivIi^fc^yfl^njo^i^lB^ilMJ: ! for the post fourteen',;; years { Ji^Ve who do works of charity. (Mi^'i.) khown in Jewish circles, held Tuesday evening. • :•":":' ference voted to conduct on intensive •., Stiidy-^hard^^r^'yicii-aic:..:;-; ; i^a -lished;' .^^"-^^liit^irlMiHBffei ibtr of the Council Bluffs Judges are HenfyiMonsky, Judge constituted. an •'. imppri'ant\;lifait&tfai. drive for the shipment of toolB an man to work more intelligent and ef<500,QQQ -h^B Love your,work.-Then you will I B'rith and Agades Achlm so- Irtfn Stalmastir, and Jmlah -Wolf- income,' as more thap : machinery from. America* fectively. ; •; ' •;;':; v''!': .';'• '.; •:.:;:::, pldaBurein mastering ii"•';'.•'<>-. been, collected from this; item alonp. | ciety.. • .'• . ' . ' . • . .'• . • In memory of his late wife, Mrs. Ethel Cohn, Abraham Cohn has contributed the sum of $60 to the Jewish Free Loan society. This gift will become part of the Resignation Has No Connection ri ChlMrtn and Hug- society's revolving fund for the exWith His Criticism of Amerb»n4it Cilrm Preference tending of free loans to those temican Colleges, Statement Within Quote porarily In need of money. Says




Omaha Mizraehi Form New Organization




Bazar to Aid. Land • Fund to Begin June 2

District Orators to Compete Here Sunday


• "








H ' i _ « ' :


, . ;.;g|ppA


PAGE 2-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY,'. jgjfB! 1, « 2 8

THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 JEAN KITE GLICK GEUSON, EDITOU. DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. Subscription Price, one year _ Advertising rates furnished on application


CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be Bure to give your name.

Hideyo Noguchi—Scientist and Humanitarian

PARISJ.T.1WRTIB Former JLove of Prince BROTHER FAILS TO BAR ASSOCIATION Dies a Mad Beggar SAVE GIRL FROM KILLED IN OFFICE SUPPORTS HOWELL Prague—(J. T, A.)—The veil of CHILD MARRIAGE Paris—(J. TV A.)—Jacques GoldMembers of the Omaha Bar A i - mystery surrounding the tragic life

By Samuel Z. Faier. The forces of nature that work against the existence of mankind—storm, disease, plague—are as worthy enemies to contend with as any ever fought with of old. Few, if any, victories ever wrought with brawn and sinew will in the end have done as much to advance the course of the human race as the conquering of the dread diseases to which mankind is susceptible. Dr. Hideyo Noguchi, of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research, New York, recently died, the victim of the fever whose cause he had just identified by studying his own case. Last November he set up his microscopes on the pestilential gold coast of Africa, to discover the relation between African and South American yellow fever. He found success, but in finding it, gave his life, A worthy worker for the cause to which he devoted his heart and brain during his lifetime, he died giving his life blood for the human race. His life was one continuous devotion to science and humanity. His death, during his search to discover the cause and essential nature of yellow fever, probably saved countless other lives. Noguchi's fame rested not in the mere accumulation of wealth nor in the attainment of high social position. He fought battles against disease and death, not for any particular creed or nationality. But his happiness and satisfaction lay in his researches by which all mankind was to benefit. He showed particular interest in the study of trachoma, which is so prevalent in most countries of the world and almost endemic i)i Palestine, and was on the very eve of announcing remarkable new discoveries in this field of medical research when his sudden death occurred. ' Noguchi received high honors in many countries from governments, universities and scientific bodies. The Phi Delta Epsilon national medical fraternity also recognized his greatness by electing him to honorary membership, a distinction enjoyed by few. The world will remember Noguchi and revere his memory long after kings, and princes and multimillionaires have been forgotten. Noguchi, although a Japanese, is to America what Pasteur is to France. Both, through their productive genius which benefited all mankind, belong to np particular group, but are true citi-: zens of the'whole world. ' '•,.'. ... •

PressPoints , These days it isn't possible to write a column without mentioning Andy Cohen, George Joel Is again our iu{hority. It aedmR Hint Andy is {i ventriloquist as well as a second'babeman. When his baseball career Is ovor, he can slfm up with tho vauilevillo circuit and probably produce a fetter act than moat national horocB vho have become stage-struck. In order to combat antl-somltic propaganda, which has been carried on In the German press l.i connection iVith the flight of tho "Bremen," n bcrman paper has printed, the nnnouncoment that Baron Gunther von huenefeld, financial backer and passenger on the "Bremen" is the son of a Jewish mother, This announcement is more likely to set going tho tongues bf those- of 6ur people who like to biag that the Jewj do everything, than ntop the tongues of thoso busy'Jew-batters of Berlin. i Dr. S. M. Melamcd, editor of Tlio Reflex, has written un article for the Jewish Tcbgiaphic Agency, tllscussIng the findings of tho roc-nt health survey of Novi York, published several weeks ago in The Jewish Pros3. Ho attribulca the prevalence of heart disease among New Yorlc 3z to tho rapid transition of the l e s t generation of immigrant Jews fiuin the Idyllic lifo in European lands to the dynamic go-getting mode of tho new world. 4l If the New York Jov Is missing Anything," ho %\rite3, "it is a little Wisdom, the wisdom of tho. ancients r-'io said1; Don't rush so quickly. Take U easier and attain a higher CE:. Be not only a father, but a grpndfathor, too. A t the, rate tho N o v York Jow Js going now, ha cair.iot bo a grand •father, for after 45 ho is dooir.cd." —J. G G

berg, manager of the Parish office Jerusalem—(J. T. A.)—Before the of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, formalities to transfer the guardian- died Friday porning as a result of

Sociatioji Indicated decisively their and death of the'former Austrian preference for Frank S. Howell, who Crown Prince Rudolph was partly Is a candidate for re-election to the lifted with the death of Eleonore supreme bench, in a preferential Kolmann, a Jewish woman who in election held last week under the her youth was an intimate friend of sponsorship of the association. the crown prince. Judge Howell received the votes The object of the crown prince'* of 202 lawyers and judges, who be youthful love died here in one of long to the association, while the t h e municipal parks, mentally unother opposing candidate from balanced and reduced to the state Douglai County received only 83 o f a beggar. Her father, who was a g V°** " | well known Jewish fur dealer here, The association conducted the committed suicide some time ago balloting by mail and a count was w h e n j , e l o g t h i , f o r t u n e . made in county court last Wednes-| l t w a 8 r e i a t e d n e r e t h a t the crown day with George Jlecham, president p r i n c e Rudolph, after falling in love of t h e . Bar association, presiding. w | t h Eleonore Kolmann, believed that Anan Raymond was chairman of the B h e had the makings of a great act"election." committee, while J. C. M B 8 , n e took her with him to Travis, secretary of the a s s o c i a t i o n , ' v i e n n a . providing for her theatrical was the third member of the com- training. • • ~ •• • •' marriage to Following his mittee. Princess Stephanie, daughter of the


he ihip of the 10-year-old daughter ot.W*™* "L c e i v e d , ™hen4 h e "'"" . . . . ., . . . .. , ... ihot in the office of the Agency Aaron Natah, a Jewish blacksmith J T u e S ( j a y

of Acre, from the *ather to her older Jacob Bueger, 18, a native of Riga, brother, the marriage of the child was arrested on the charge of murto a 14-year-old Moslem Arab was der. Bueger, who was a Btarving student, had been employed by Goldconsummated at Acre yesterday. Aaron Natah, who is 90 years old, berg and dismissed ten days later and mentally unbalanced, arranged because of inefflciei.cy. On Tuesday with ; the Moslem storekeeper, AsBadi, Bueger came into the office and fired to sell hi* daughter for 80 pounds four shots, two of which enlered in accordance with the custom pre- Goldberg's body. vailing among Arabs, as a bride, for To slander is to murder. the storekeeper's 14-year-old son.

king of the Belgians, in 1881, Eleonore became a victim of melancholia and returned to Prague, where she sank to a state of dire poverty. After Rudolph's mysterious suicide at London (J. T. A.) — Alfred J. l Mayerling January 30, 1889, she be' Cohen, drama _ critic,_ known under' C am e " me "ntaliy uirtalanced. the name of Alan Dale, died sudden' ly Monday night on a train bound for his birthplace, Birmingham, England. He was 87 years old and had been associated with' the "New York American", almost continuousNew York-rtf, T. A.)—Rose ly for thirty-three years. Resnick, 21, wlio will graduate Born Bay 14, 1861, he was educat- from Hunter College this June, Is ed at king Edward's School and the first Wind girl ever to win a Oxford University. He served as scholarship' in i the' American secretary to Lennder Richardson, the branch of the Fontatnebleau London correspondent of a syndicate School of Music in France. She if American• newspapers and' came will soil on the itochambeau June New York with Richardson, who 16. 'btained for him a position on the Totally blind' since she was 2 flew York Tribune as a reporter. years old, Miss Resnick has workThen Richardson went to the Times ed her way through Bchool and as dramatic critic and editor Dale college, tutoring in French, giving went wjth; him. •_ music lessons, teaching dancing In 1805 he joined the'Hearst orclasses and playing for the vaganixatiimj writing for the Journal rious dances at the Lighthouse. and America, and- with exception of She also w o n ' t h e state scholarone brief interval, his service has ship' for. blind students and the been uninterrupted. • • ; ; ' .-•'•; music scholarship given by the ' New York Association for the Teach thy tongue to say, "I do riot Blind. know." Most of the books Miss Res-

Alan Dale, Dramatic Critic, Dies Suddenly

Jewish BUM Girl Win^-New Honors

The girl's brother sought to prevent the marriage by being appointed guardian of his sister. Before the formalities were completed, however, the marriage took place In the presence of Aaaron Natah and -the parents of the boy. The guardianship was ordered transferred by the Palestine chief rabbinate. nlok used at college wer» translations she made herself In Braille from material read aloud to her. She will continue doing the same at Foutainebleat. •• ' "

Look at her beautiful handiwork: Stitches so small, Exquisite, a l l Stars, holding the clouds together, What are you making, needle moon Sewing all night, With stitches bright. What can you make of clouds, Moon

M. SOMIT 2429 Decatur

We tire catling the attention of nil our cuittoinorB, that we ttre now ID a position to offer all Kokencb's KoBber Products at liotb Wholesale - and ltetail pUeus, nllio.thnt we just received a new stock i)f the following articles: Tnlvlsltn, wool and silk of the bent quullly, sldurlm, niucli%e.rliu and Bibles with Jewish ami English translation. Mcmcnilit'r also our own make Kosher Honp that is one of tlio best on the market.

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ready for you in handy 2-lb. Caddies at your Grocer's »a healthful sweet




Miss Lustgarten to Offer Pupil Recita MUs Ida Lustgarten will present a group of her pupils in a plan recital Tuesday evening, June 6, a< the SchmolW-Muoller auditorium. Those taking part will be: Dorothy Bothwcll, Edna Carlscn, Evelyn Falk Naomi Gross, Virginia Jerome, Luella Kvctonsky, Lillian Leibin, Avrum Lustgarten, Susie Margolin, Pauline Margolin, Albert Stein, Adelino Tatelman, Maurice Tatelman, Dorothy Tuchman, Norman Wohlner of Tabor, Iowa, and Florence Quadow. Assisting in the program will be Dorothy and Avium Lustgarten in two violin groups.

* We-3624


Betty Bochrach, a freshman at Western Reserve University, has been unusually quick to win ft steady place iii Wdergraduate publications. This poom, "Needle Moon," proves her talent for the fanciful: Tonight tho moon is a needle, Skillful and slow, Watch her Bew— She's patching the clouds together,


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The Problem of Keeping Informed J



EWS ARE scattered In communities In every part of the world. Your knowledge of what takfi place in remote regions Is simplified by the Jewish Daily Bulletin. Whether Orthodox or reformed, Zionist or anll-Zlonlst, we all are agreed that a knowledge of the Jewish present Is essential for people who ire In , touch with Jewish affairs. Knowledge it Jew* Uh history teaches that centers of Jewish life In the past 2000 yean have shifted from era*' plre (o empire, from state to state with trends of mankind'* history. In the pages of the Jew* Uh Daily Bulletin cable dispatches from Bucharest; Warsaw, Moscow, Vienna, Buenos Aires, Johannesburg, Winnipeg, Los Angeles, Boston, 'Mexico City, • Shanghai, Melbourne, give the history of each preceding 21 hours of Jewish activities. The only dally Jewish newspaper published in the English language without editorials or expressions of opinion, dedicated sohly to the bringing cf facts of Jewish activities and leaving to the reader the formation of opinion is the function of the Jewish Bulletin.

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PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1928 Mrs. Philip Saks, 120 Third Street of students to whom recognition their daughter, Helen, a graduate of was given at the fourth annual Thomas Jefferson high school. All A program will be given. Honor Day convocation held at the friend* »nd relatives ore invited. Mrs. Victor KirchenBky and her university recently. He is the son Twenty member* of the Council daughter, Molly, of Portland, Ore., of Mr. and Mrs. Louis' Marcus, Mr. and Mrs. I. Chapmen and Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. spent a few days visiting their BLUFFS TALMUD TORAH Mrs. Chapman'B brother, Mr. Jay cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Simon SteinMr. and Mrs. Simon Whitebook attended a stag party Wednesday Cherniack of Council BIUITB, have { TO CONFIRM LARGE CLASS berg. They left Monday to spend the will entertain at a reception in evening, at the home of Harold returned from a motor trip. summer in the east. On Sunday their home, Sunday from I to 6 Saks, in celebration of the fourth By F. K. K. evening they were honored by a p. m. and 7 to 10 p. m., in honor of anniversary of the order. Miss R. Dwarkowits and Mrs. Ben Thirteen children will be con- bridge party given by Mr. and Mrs. Siegel of Kansas City are the guests firmed from the Council Bluffs Tal-! Maurice Brandois in their home. mud Torah Sunday School Sunday of Mrs. Dave Green. afternoon, at the Hafers Walnut hall, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown left Mrs. Will S. Rips and her son, 187 W. Broadway. The ceremony Thursday for Los Angeles to be Alvin Merle of Houston, Tex., are will be at 2:30 p. m. The public gone about two months. the guests of Mrs. Kips' parents, Mr. is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohen and two ConfirmantB are: Bernard Balaban, and Mrs. J. Adler. Donald Bernstein, Sadie Endelman, children of Harlan, Iowa, accomLouise Fitch, Jake Fox, Rose Fox, panied by Mrs. Cohen's mother, Mrs. A birthday surprise party was givJake Gordon, Meyer Maltz, Bessie' B. Saltzman of Council Bluffs, spent en by Miss Mary Bailen Saturday, Perlmutter, Ernest Ross, Helen Mae! the last week visiting in Madison, honoring Miss Mildred Harris. A A HOME PRODUCT They returned home Saltzman, Florence Steinberg, and Wisconsin. Japanese luncheon was served for 12 Tuesday evening, making the trip Collman Yudelson. guests. The hostess presented Miss overland. Harris with a dinner ring in honor Harry Bromberg, accompalned by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershun of of their fifth anniversary of friend- his mother, Mrs. Abe Bromberg, left Schuyler, Nebraska, spent Sunday ship. by motor Wednesday, for Denver, where Mr. Bromberg's marriage with visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson. Mrs. A. S. Mayer is ill in Wise Miss Eva Stellar, of Denver, will They attended the confirmation of their niece, Marion Fonarow. Memorial hospital. take place Sunday. Milton Marcus, a sophomore at the The Ladies Auxiliary of the Tal- University ,of Illinois, has achieved Mrs. H. Smith WBB hostess at three mud Torah society will meet Wed- by his excellent scholarship the die tabjes of bridge in her home Thursnesday afternoon at the home of Unction of membership in the group day, May 24, honoring Mies Anna Kaiser, a bride-to-be. Prizes were won by Mrs. Anna Mitchell and Mrs. For 28 years we've helped Omaha and N. Hips. Council Bluff* home-makers in their homefurnishing problems. Hartmang have Mr. and Mrs. II. Smith were "Feathered many Nests" and so made given a surprise party by their friends Saturday in honoi of their them happier .homes. May we help you eighteenth wedding anniversary. The with yours? ' . party was given in their home, 3103 Nicholas street.

Elizabeth Lambe of Des Moines. She entertained with a bridge {or. them Saturday.

Council Bluffs News

Ask for—

The marriage of Miss Sarah Louise Weil, daughter of Mr. and s. Jonas Weil of Lexington, Ky., and Mr. Max Holzman, son of and Mrs. William Holzman, will be solemnized Wednesday, tie 20, in Lexington. Miss Weil has planned a 6 o'clock wedding in her home. Mr. ilzman will be accompanied by ljis best man, Mr. William Feiler, I Omaha. About one hundred and twenty-five young men and women Dl come from Sioux City, Lincoln, Des Moines, and other cities, [attend the Ivre conclave to be held in Omaha this week. Out-of-town guests will include the following: Mr. and Mrs. William Adleman, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shuman, and Mrs. Leonard Hochenberg, Mr. and Mrs. William Grund, , « l d Mrs. Hyman Grund, Mr. and Mis. Louis Fenberg, Bertha pwsky, Ann Barman, Mollie Leiserowitz, Louise Leiserowitz, Bth Cohen, Jack Aliber, Is Chapman, Joe Cohen, Sol Hochen, Sam Hochenberg, Jack Klimowsky, Sam Lipton, Leo Meisel^ David Miller, Abe Meyers, Harry Robinson, Stanley Robin. Z. W, Rosenbaum, Is Simon, Al Yarowsky, Harry Yarowsky, rthur Rubinson and Ben Hochenberg of Des Moines. Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Bricker, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chesen, Mr. ild Mrs. Ralph Dworsky, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Evnen, Mr. and Mrs. en. Finkelstein, Rebecca Rosenberg, Ella Cohen, Ben Ellis.HerGinsburg, Harry Levine, Joe Levine, Morris Levine, Lou esger; Jay Pollock, Nathan Mozer, Hyman Rosenberg, Morris lineider, William Wolff, David Zolat, Henry Carnovitz and Har' Davidson of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Agranoff, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Grueskin, Mr. kd Mrs, Lester Heeger, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hurwitz, Mr. and Irs. Moe Lazere, Mr. andMrs. John Levin, Mr. and Mrs. Eli S. bbinow, Dr. and Mrs. Sam H. Shulkin, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Slotsky, Tj1, and Mrs. William Mazie, Sarah Mosow, Edith Skalovsky, Fan Bsberg, Merian Ban-ant, Sonai Bloom, Lucille Rosenthal, Lou pesen, Abe Agranoff, Ben Brodkey, Jack Cohen, Leon J L D O ofsky, Barney Dobrofsky, Dave Ginsberg, William Goodsite, Mi Grueskin, Dr. Joe Krigstein, Jack London, Robert Kroloff, |aurice Miller, Reuben Miller, Morris Miller, Is Mosow, Albert dtzman, A. M. Seff, Ben Sekt, Herman Slotsky, Lou Strongin and [Harlow of Sioux City. Nate Levich, Minot, N. D.; Esther Kusmer, St. Louis, Mo.; C. Brody, Chicago, 111.; Lillian Alport, Kansas City, Mo.; Dorthy Friedman, Kansas City, Mo.; Bernice Green, Chicago, 111.; sther Gilerstein, Fargo, N. D.; Jen Edlstein, Hibbings, Minn.; an Krupp, Fremont, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Paleck, Tampa, la. Pi Delta Sigma fraternity will hold its annual innaugural a u e t ^ t the Fontenelle hotel, Thursday, June 7, and on Friday, J it summer frolic at the Highland Country club. Mr. and, Mrs. Meyer Stern an- guests of Mrs. Rubin's parents, Mr. nounce' the b|rth of a son Tuesday and Mro. H. B. Weii.stein, for the nift£rr"*&t>l' MUM)1"'Methodist hospital.? summer. At present they, era, ,vi»ltipg Mrs, Stern Was formerly Miss Eva: Mrs. Rubin's sister, Mrs. Max FromCohen of Council Bluffs. j kin and Mr. Fromkin. Mrs. Rubin was formerly Miss Martye WeinMr. and Mrs, I. Levine announce steln. 'the birth of a son in Wise Memorial hospital May 26. Joseph Himelsteln is ill in Wise Memorir.l hospital. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stein will receive in honor' of Dr. and Mrs. Irvin Mrs. Julius Hayman has as her Stein, whose' marriage took place on May 8.. The reception will be held guest I'.JS. Carl Kaplan and Mrs.

Happy Hollow Coffee


Your Home Should Come First

This Weeks HostessSpecial

Mrs, Joseph Rubin and son, Jay Lqwis, of San Antonio, Tex., are the '~i'Wr|ghr.David Beauty Parlors •716 Brandois Theatre Bldg. ' ' Atf 4333 Specialists all lines'Beauty Culture." 'Permanent Waves and Symmetrizer Reducing Machines


Mrs. A. Theodore will entertain the Hadassah ^ewing circle in her home Wednesday, June 6.

Boy Violinist Plays For Memorial Affair Master Theodore Kowaleki, age 12 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kowalski, 4002 L Str., played for the Omaha Typographical Union last Sunday, for their Memorial piogram and scored another triumph. He has played for many large functions, . including the Womans .Club, Eastern Star, and other societies qf note. He plays with remarkable skill, not only as to accuracy pf technic but gives his colectlons a 'decidedly artistic interpretation, worthy of one of more mature yean. •"Heels'? a pupil of Prof, iYarik Mach, concert violinist and instructor, who has already produced many artists who are on the concert stage. On Sunday, June 8, he will be featured as one of the soloists at the Riviera Theatre, when he will assist George Johnson, organist, in his weekly Sunday noon program. The program will be devoted exclusively to Polish music.

June 10 in the Labor Lyceum, Twenty-second" and Clark streets. No cards have;been issued. All relatives and friends are invited. Tha Deborah society will hold the final meeting of tha season Tuesday iftemoon in the Jewish Community ^rtter.

418-17 So. 16th Street


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McCord-Brady Co. OMAHA

LEARN AT HOME Mtmltti n*w Inmgott the. BBIK»I« • mtliw , »d writing <uy (a bun. Qt&f M l—iatu. Opm tomtnor*rom«o. J l t h I 4 y l l I d r t f i l


i t

PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1928 e Tjaughters of the American White B8 much as their; forefathers used by the company to provide more As a means to better the relations Revolution must look upon ol' Bill | looked iupon a chest of British tog.! rapid service. The question was put between the company and its patrons ''complaint" department has been squarely up to the tram patrons by The girls' track meet hus been : means of a special election, the ex- istablished, whereby tram patrons i postponed till Sunday, June 8. Ten pciibes of which was bome by the may take up directly with the comI events will be on the program; By Murcua Krsroc suggested improvements or discompany. The resultB showed that With the approach of the summer car riders overwhelms g!y favored :u;,s various diti'iculties that may Dorothy Corjieinan and Lena MitA general review of the conduct the present "skip etop" system, arise from time to time. W. C. months it hag been generally assumed b / many aeisocktlons that the tleman's volley bull teams are fcuit of the Omuha & Council Bluffs rather than e return to the old Boughman is in charge of the comprogram of 'activity ir to cease, so evenly matched. Both liuve won four Street Railway Company during the system of stopping at every block. ilaint department. that ne\? energy may be stored up end lost three. Games are played last BIX -months' shows a definite Mr. Shannahan has given much A savings account for your baby com- :' * for the winter season, In many or- every Tuesday and Thursday from and complete change in the Attitude of his time to meeting with civic Truly wise is he who knows that he bined with, Life Insurance protection. ' ~:' of the company towards the public. ganizations this precedent has be-j 6-6:30. groups of Omaha, in order to fairly knows nothing. Tliis six months period, which be- present the problems with which the come a tradition and in Btill others | ! H. A. WOLF COMPANY i it is virtually a law. Upon closer Rochman und Katlemun won the gun December 1, begins with the company is faced. f 582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg.—AT. 3160 ; Ij examination, however, it will be consolation tournament, defeating time that John N. Shannahen be- "All that the company oBks is a found that the J. C. C. does not ful- Binetein and Greenberg two straight came president of the company. A fair deal and we expect to do our fill its obligation to the community games. In the junior A tournament survey of this . six months . record {Sort in return by giving the public Washed Clean unless it operates every day of the J. Schriebman will meet M. Goldberg shows clcarjy that the. new president the kind of service, which they deGuaranteed Against ha a real ' desire to conduct the side," said Mr. Shuinuhan. "Naturalyesr, A summer program is being for the championship. company's affair in such a way, that Shrinkage planned that will attract the attenTell your friend about our big Omaha car riders will have the best ly we want the largest number of tion' of the members and will sus65«* to $ 1 . 0 0 £ a c ' ' people possible to ride the street , •" tain their interest throughout the gym exhibition to be held in the possible service, . Reminding Like New cars and good service will help us warm season. Baseball, ewlmming, J. C. C. gym June 12, Mr. Shannahan's service with the to accomplish thin result." If Desired camp, tennis, golf, hikes and picnics The Psi Mu baseball team will company shows- also the willingness "Chester D. Porter, who came from will be the order of the day. play the Lincoln team this Sunday. of himself and of other members of ^Jewport News, Va., where he wai Omaha Phone AT. 0280 Two weeks ago. the Lincoln and his organization to discuss any street formerly associated with Mr. Shan Council Bluffs, 6473 Morris Sogolow, freshman coach Omaha Pel Mu game was stopped car problem with any ' citizen of |ahan, February 1, to become vie In addition to making ad at the University of Illinois, is to in the fifth on account of rain. Omaha. ,In ad- »(.»"»••> *•—•——, -, — , have charge of the summer camp. ditions and improvements in the President O m B n and general manager o: S t r e Eailwya y Company p Sogolow Is one of the outstanding Joe ltadizlner, Harry Kohn, Ted service, Mr.' Sh Shannshn:. has laid * e O m B n "" Street Choice of the finest coaches of th6j country. Tell your Turner, Frank Ackerman and A. sspecial p e c i a l sstress t r e s s uupon p o n tthe h e nnecessity e c e s s i t y of off "" assisting aassisting i g Mr. Mr Shannahan Shannahan in in seesee t h e I n g t h a t M s policies f courtesy, a nd d friends about ciinip. Everyone had a Chesneau are regular members of e m p l o y e e s b e l r . g c o u r t e o u s t o th homes. The favqrite J camrt*<a n » <*nrlriprl nut b v e v e r v the water polo team. Practice is held real time at vamp la,!* year. public, where e c Q n o rh y,' is ', every Monday and Wednesday from 'The street'car company is a employee of the system watched., A; luxury 8-8.80. Joe Kadiziner will have charge public servant," said Mr. Shannahan •) The Rinky rDinks ,are leading the within the reaehvof all..'.. of the water polo team, soon after coming to Omaha. "We girls' Indoor • baseball league. No Its high'reputation re-i. FOR SALE wonder they are leading the league. BiKershenbaum has nearly passed want the public to know that we ; • comrilends • th^t ybtf Bertha Shaiton is .doitig; all the her junior lied Cross life saving ex- intend to do everything In our New upholstered suits. Very try it. • • '" '!:': .' - v power to give tram patrons the kind " cheap. C a l l ' after 6 P M . pitching. . • • ,.-• j - ; <';'•; aminations, ,; of service they want. Courteous, efAT. 9489—2410 Woolworth. ficient service is the surest way to AVhy not Join the swimming clubs J Helen Whitebook Has satisfied patrons." Taken Many Honors produce The Jewish Community Center One of his first orders to motor-1 junlora chalked up their third vic- Miss Helen Whitebook, daughter men and conductor) was to make tory of the Benson by trouncing the of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Whitebook sure that persons desiring to board I*l(e Street Merchants, 11-4. J. Ad- of Council Bluffs, a graduate of a street car, either at transfer Icr of the Center got a home run. Thomas Jefferson high school, has points, or when 8 short distance I. Green has been appointed man- been awarded some of the highest from a carstop sign, be given every ager of the J. C. C. junlora and will honors that have been given any chance, to do so, direct the team in the American Jewish student in Council Bluffs. "Hold the car, even if it makes Legion tournament. As editor of the high school news- your time schedule a little late, if paper, she received membership in you see, anyone running to catch a The four-team baseball league for the national Quill and Scroll society. car," was the text of the order. J. C. C. members will swing under She received the high school music Recently through Mr, Shannahan's way June 17. The Pel Mu, Omaha trophy when a freshman and again effort the Btate railway commission A. Z. A., J. C, C. jr., and one other in her senior-year. ''Miss Whltcboolc granted the' 'tram company permisteam will compete for the baseball represented Council Bluffs at the sion to sell three token fares for 20 trophy. Last year the Pel Mu wonstate music contest and made third cents, .inste instead of the six for forty first place. W originally originally established. place.1 She is a member <of , 'the "cents'ffdW, e b l h Council Bluffs band and 1B pianist This enabled persons who ddid. not Sixteen members have signed up for the Little Jewish symphony or- care to invest BO much in tokens, a for the annual tennis tournament to change _ to,^ toko advantage of the chestra. date. JOD Cohen,' Omaha university North Omaha Furnace Co. She was ayrard&d a scholarship lowet rate. HARRY 1 BRAVIROFF . champ, and Sam Tpsteln, J, C. 0. and membership in the National 1411 No. 2l\b Ht.-WU. 111)51 On''coming to Omaha, Mr. ShanABUAMSON AUDIT CO. liutollotlot. mid Iteptilrlnit of Tin champ, have already entered. Enlib Drandela Tlitater M<lr JA. tall honorary society, and has received nahan he,ard reports of considerable Work, Vufjaies hkyllslita, VcntllatPianist-Instructor trtes close June'10.'Medals will be latf. Quttuit and tiiiotulne. opposition to the "skip stop" system, nn award in typing/ AUDlTB°i- SYSTEMS given to winner, and runnerup.


first and the Psi Mu, jr., second.




Kinsball Laundry Co.



' AgenU lor Ncilill Furnnc« '


The J. C. C. golf tournament will start July IE. Sam Greene will have charge. ' ' ' * The B'nal Abrahams staged a comeback and defeated the Boy Scouts In the J. C, C. indoor baseba|l.league Monday. The score was 19-0. Tho B'nal Ami beat the Olym_ * *>{ans, 11 to 6, and the Psi Mu, jr., beat the Bobcats' by a score of 17 to 3 . The B'hal Ami .boys ore still

VVM. BKYDEN & COMPANY ' Certified Ri$lic, Accountants 108 Htcurltlca AT. MSI

Now You Can Own It!


• . ! . - , • . . B I I Y C H C l t A W P O I t p . • • ••

. — ; . ; Cwwy. Juflse. BAM BEBErt, Attorney 500 retera Ttuit Bids. rnoBATB HOIICB

In the County Court of Bouglai County, ifpTmgka In U s tnnlter of tho citate ot LUU1SA r

UAKUNHOL-V deconfed: 1 •;All All penons penons,Interested.tn interested In said sald.titnte titato nro ;

• •» hereby notlBed thnt*«"t"tWon"IiBs' heeB filed In laid, Court,-p(ny|ng fpr tli» proluita : of it certain Initrurncnttiow.on tiro in sn)d' : Court, purporting to be the lult.wlll nnd "•••': tcBt»ratut;oI «nia aecenteii; *A<rtUut u-HeuvIng will be had on anld petition botore m i d '••'-: Court; on;th» S2nd-d»y-«i! Jun*."IKS. 4ud - thnt If thoy fall to opjttnr.at en'I Court on tUo naia 22na day ot June, lWa, nt 0 o'clock ~: A. u . to contest th» p r o b a t e u t i a l d 1 will, in« court may nllow nny probnto »aW will anil grant nilmlnlatrntlon of ealiV i'«toto t" IIBRMAN OTX0. H A K B N H O I J K : on some other suitable porton anil. prutMil to -

—We will help you with a Iqan

* ''••>."



Appropriate for After-Theater Gatherings' —'

OBvicana A

UIHECTOnS OCCIDENTAL DLBO. & LOAN ASSOCIATION Kirk arlKgs I. w. Carpenter For* Ilovey J. 13. Do.vldion W. IL McParland tics. T. Morton J. T. Drownleo

"Home, Sweet Home" is raqre than just a song . . . it'rj the password of tho man who ownd hie homo and enjoys that special privilege and good feeling which comes from giving his family the protection of a home.

toil '•

Now it ia possible for everyone to own his homo. If you have not tho necessary amount'to make n* down payment, stnrt in Immediately to save regularly and it will not be long before you have a sufficient amount.


1511 No. 241I1-W1!. <U*H

Serve Hirnclbloom's new pumpernlcklo bread with your next meal.

Our officers will bo glnd to tell you more about buying your homo..

FRipD'S IMO Va t l t h f t , We. handle • full line ot Itnnortld Hi' Huratts. Hpr»ll«u - lllHUiitrll Ifi-tri




dVER$K».OOQvdQO ^ ** *


Home Offjce, 18th and Barney ~ Couth, Qmcbo, S31i L

BPECIIVIJ NOTICK •We i n OITorliiK 10% dlBtouut on nil rough tlry binullca plcUcd up Trlday for Tuesday d e l h c o 8AN1TAUV tAUNDHV W. II. CSTENllKltO. I'tca, 2JS10 Cnrnnm . ATlnntlc l!tll&

Buulll 2Ub St.—AT. MOO

Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Stalled Workmen in Our Own Plant

Barber Shops

Drug Stores

'Lumber C o V



ITU Nu. IHlli 31.—\VU. IWU

EDWAUDS BARBER SHOP llltb und pavuniioh tjtrcol II MAfjpS, Propr. VOU'LL UKET VOUtt tUIE.NUS

AT uanuvs RIALTO BAKBEK SHOP' Personal Strrice You will Appreciate

Beauty Parlors

IRENE GRAY SHOPS Marlncllo llcnlwrits UHlllrundcls'lbtr, tail) Uouiilna 7lU I ) | j g . - J A . 3100 ', AT. 37lU Fontcnellu, JA. '.'UI3 | All ticniity ftork-Moli-B n m o t w t

Coxflfut Prescription Service .Sorchnndise of Quality



Wallln-Holtngren Elec. Co. s tfh t)u' uiti tit.-jA ma New, Used Motors,'Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring,. Miil Orders HARIfY M. BINDER" 605 Electric Bldg.—JA. 1045 - A l l Kinds of Electric Wiring—

METAL—<1I.AMH— WOOD— PAVISlr CLOTH—SHO-CAhlm""" ' DA. 4200 . 840 No. S5tb AT>.


Tailors Master Tailor Service 2la So lUlli-l'liuun »'A. BUW

Uefitter of Ladies and Hens Clothing

"Everything Under Cover"

A. UBHiNSi'ClN. J'reiK 'f


. REMEMBER!/ It's tho a d v e r t i s e that makes tho publishing t>f this paper possible.




Music Teachers

Tent & Awnirjg Co's


Tunts, Av-rungs, Covers, Camping I Equipments, Auto Awnings and I Tourist Supplies, * "• -1 NEBR. TENT & AWNl>lG->€0. 1808 Farnnm , JA. 3?29

Dcpendablo for correct Instruction. I^rosrvaa <o)C'Btudloua puiills sutirantpcd. Kacfi pupil.K^VCII Indlvlduttl attention of tbu htgUcBt ipoB6ltilo degruc. fragile Coneervolorj Method Tnuglit. FluUcrini; comincnta on . miulta from Instructors ull over, the country. .Inbtrucilon Vcvu With fror. Unch _..5-'.0O per half hour. With capUlilo nnslstntita Clam A n m per hnir hour. .Clnas U _ _ _ _ S 1 . U I ) per hour Iraaoua. Studio 117H No. 10 Bt.~rhono JA. 1833

For space • , In this directory cal. the JEWISH PRESS—AT. 1450

Tire Shops;


THE WEIS FLOWEK SHOP ;The utmost in Photographs "Tho Beat Plnco To Buy DAVIS LAKE STUDIO ; Your Flowens, .1508 Nortb 24th St,~l'hoiio WE'M,T)

usiij No."a:)'tu"Ht;-;\/fcra|Wv;;.yi

SpcClail«lng - In CK'nniug,: 1'rt'SHHig ' 'and* ilcllulng Men nud VVuuttO'i ..;•


Direct Wire.Sorvico on All Latest Sport Events



21th oiid l ) o r d ( l t c - W E .(Bia N 20tb aad Nlcholnu—JA MOO •



Paxton Billiard Parlors1311) K a r n n l u — J A



JENSEN LAUNDRY WE, 102!l All Type of Laundry

tyui Nu. iUb t i i . - w i s . tarn 11 UOHlhaON Ugr. Two expurKiued registered iibnrmnclstq nt your aervlcu, i l'toupt f n o <loU\(jEil Ahywlierc In tlic city. •

VOl Clprk B t . - W Q . 0110

Juki P ma No. lotii Ht.—l'bohi. .mtimiii ma \Ya spfclulltu In foritt prhjllni nnd 1 Hollclt your patroWaf © }

Sign Co's.





Get Out Prices and Save;Monc7


We augeeat ron aend jour Inundrj to

Brcntlcls Bloti-a . JA. 1U07-AT. b(!00 Uundco I'arlor .' WA SOU t)jwclnli«t» In I'lIllMANbiNT WAVINU

Let Us Explain Our Savings Plqns to You

inn No/24tb S I . - W E IUOO

Jeliabte, Reasonable, Expert ' Auto- Repair Service



Save a Percentage of Your Income Regularly


Estimates Gladly _ Furnished;.-


SUN PRINTING ^ 0 . AT, 3831^-50^ So.' 13

1707-17 W B S - A T SS33

—GCNUU^L UUN'MtACrOR, 400 Uoape blag • JA.-1014


13th onil UoUulns—IIS Ho. 15m

, ,


I" if or apy kind of service on your' automobile'call the'Cass Garage, no matter, when, where, or why. —24 HOUR SERVICE— -

Building Means (


AOLEtt BAKERY Homo means much more when it is your own;

Spring Means Building *'





Contractors r-1

WM Kfrnaii— A'r. KK*



BAM BKIIER, Attofncy 300 Telcn Trust JJMg, PnODATB NOTICE tn tho matter of the CBtnto of MICIIA^I. JOHBI'H lANClt, doccaacd. KOT1C13 la hereby'given: That tho crtolltors of laid d^ceaecd will meet the odmlnlitrator of ^aald, citate, betoro me bounty Judge of DouaHa county, Nebrai kai at the County Court Iloom, in said County, on the.3rd day ot Auguat, 1W8, nniToit the 3rd day ot October, 1028, at t o'clock A. M., each day, for. tho purpose o presentlni their dnlms for cuiimlnatlon adjustment'find nllowancc, Thnt montbi a n , allontd for tho crodUor* tp nrrmnl tbelr claims, from tht SOth An; of June IKS. . B i m i B ClAWVpnO, IlAWnO 'Jnnal—<T County Judge


"EvcrytBini F6r The Auto"

ItU Curnlutflii. W\ ?'.' ••"•' *u*"it'^

: ^«le^t^^BBTCBcilMVI»OB; . • Jtat>:.trVS.':'•/

National /iwessorics, Ihc

and advanced^ student accepted. ' f • ' '

You should t patronize our' advertisers and Suite G.Wead Bldg., 1& and Tarnam mention tho JEWISH PRESS when you do. —Telephone AT1. 81§2— .

1413 pouKlna Htrcet Slotl I'opulnr, Cat* In Omaha

Auto TQP»& Accessories ]

• •-; •• MAX' F R O U l t m , Attorney V 038 I"etor» Triilt Uldg, " ' '. MtOBATE NOTIfE t I n the matter of the o t o t o of ANNA F1UEDKL, deceased. - • : • ; - • • - ' NOriCH la hereby given: • That the creditors of Bald deceaaed will meet the wJrnlnlstrAtor of aald citate, before me, County j u d g e of Douglas County, Nubraa*», at the County Court Boom, In until County, on the 3rd duy o f . A u j u l t , 1U28, aiid on the 3rd day -of Octobery J828j nt , 9, o'clock A. M., «ach dar,,for,tl)o purpcto! of preacntlng their clotma f o r emmlnaflmi,' •uDuitment and allowance, 'J'urce.mouths' ire allowed for the creditor)'to preient heir clalmi, from the SOth. day of June, their ID<M 1028. June



IKiOtl No. « l b - W I S




A- D. Ferguson The Florist

Your ad In this directory, reaches practically evdry Jewish home in Ornaha

AUlti und «me» A»B.—KB. a i w

1013 U u u a l m - J A . 8300

"Flowers f o r All Ocassiona"

PhotographB of Distinction


Cor. I7tb and Cnuiibl A « . . - A I . w i n ' OOOUYKAII HKUVICIC rCTATION 'fires. Tultea, Acct'isortea, Itond rk*rritit - Vulcnnlcln'e nnd Clcutrol 1{t|iafring ."*

Only 2 dlfTcrcnt business houees allowed under each classification 1 in this directory: •




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