interesting avid, ;.. Entertaining
interest to Jars
Entered as eeeonti-class mall matter on January g j l at poaloffice nt Ojnnba • Nebraska, under tbe Act of Mt o -1870.
Much Being Done to Aid Declassed Russian Jews, .Say Leaders .
- ••
Offer Aid
Calls Action of Zionist Oi"ganization Discreditable and Unlawful
Death Occurs in Kansas City Early Wednesday .. BURIAL IN CHICAGO -
JEWISH SOVIETS BEGUN i Hoscow-(J. T. A.)—The situation of Russian Jewry was the subject of •wide discussion at today's session: of .the conference of representatives of the national minorities in the Soviet Union. ..'. , ;Michael Kalinin, president, of the Union, in addressing the confereneer declared that the . government -us striving to improve the condition of tpe national minorities. However, the difficulty lies in the limited economic possibilities. Dossoff, assistant secretary of the Central Executive Committee, reported on the government's view of "the..national minorities work, em-phasizing especially the work being done to aid the Jewish population. Although the Jews are culturally more developed than the other minorities, he said, their present economic ' condition is poor and- the government is' trying its best to help through colonization and industrialization. The Jews who have been colonized, have succeeded on the land as well as the old peasants. B. Garfinkl reported to the conference that the Jewish population in the Briansk district are being encouraged as workers in the large industries^ In the city Rudnia, Smolensk district, the business . of the jiiunicipality is conducted in
Joseph Stern Joseph Stern," youhg.'Oinaha attorney, has become associated with the law offices of J. J. Friedmaiu Peters Trust building. Stern is a graduate of the University of Nebraska law school. He is a member of the B'nai B'rith, and was for a time field secretary of the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation speakers' bureau. " ••• ' He is at present active in community work in Omaha, and is supervising a newly formed newboys' club in the Jewish Community Center. - •"" •'"-;• •'• :: V-: - • •'••••
Anglo-Jewish Body Has Grievr ance Against League
A= special sun?, to help the de- .'••:-:-^b->:•=•..:• C c a n m i t t e e ^ t •:.
f Ipgggprl jtews. in.ThR_SJn&ll tOWilS of
MotdavisT^will Tie" assigned "by. the Ukrainian gavernnient, it was learnLondon (J. T. A.)—A note of ed. .The' purpose" of this fund will hope for improvement in the Jewish be to industrialize the towns Dubos- situation in Roumania and Hungary sary and Rashkoff and others where was sounded and a grievance against the majority of the. population is a League Committee for its action Jewish, The artisan cooperatives vvill in the matter of the Hungarian be developed and others established Numerus Clausus formulated in the to meet local conditions. report of the Joint Foreign Commits The transfer of unemployed Jew- tee of the Board of Jewish Deputies ish youth to cities where they may and Anglo-Jewish Association. " obtain employment, is also planned. Lucien Wolf, secretary of the. comOthers will fee assisted to settle on mittee, in his report submitted the land in other parts of Russia. yesterday to the monthly session of Some will be assisted to settle in the Board of Jewish Deputies deModavia, credits being granted to clared that "smooth waters have them. been reached, although there are The government also plans the still some rough spots regarding opening of trade schools and the the situation in Roumania and granting of loans to the credit Hungr.ry." kassas. Wherever the Jewish popuNo complaints nave been'received lation is in the majority, Jewish recently from^ Roumania. In " HunSoviets will be created. The soviet gary the numerus clausus is still of Bubossary was instructed to be- connected with certain technical gin immediately the transaction of difficulties, Mr. Wolf stated. The all business in Yiddish. developments in Roumania are A million : roubles is expected to proceeding -in -harmony with _. the be raised for Jewish colonization government's^-pledges. Symptoms of among Jewish and'Russian trorkers anti-Semitic unrest are-: pot wanting, through the new lottery being: COT*.; but -the government . h a s acted ducted by the Ozet The decision to promptly -aadiaainfaiiied, peace*-es-conduct the lottery -was taken, follow- pecially at the universities. All antiing the .success of'the first- lottery1 Semitic student meetings were^pro;wMch brought half^a million roubles hibited by the government. Progress for the Ozet activities. has also been made in reconstructive legislation dealing with the deeply rooted Jewish grievances. However, Stunts to Be Feature owing-/• to the political crisis in of Gym Exhibition Roumania, the situation is not withoutanxiety; he said. ,Members of the physical education 8 of department of the Jewish Community .Concerning "the ' statement Hungarian Minister of Foreign AfCenter will take part in an elaborate display of varied gym stunts at the fairs, Walko, in the Foreign Affairs annual gymnasium exhibition to be Commission of ,the Upper House, held in the gym Thursday evening, that the numerus clausus question before the League is now finished, June 14. Eight events will be on the program Mr. Wolf said that it is very doubtfor the evening. The opening event ful whether the League's committee will be the pyramid building by-the of three acted. within the scope of junior " B " boys of the men stunts its mandate. The committee appears class followed by the Parallel bar to have acted a s . if, having full •work by the senior members. Other power to negotiate understandings events are as follows: Tin Pan Pa- with offending - governments, withrade by junior girls, Spring and Buck out reference to" the League's Counby aenior men, Apache dance by cil. The committee's claim to act Mirian FieddleT and Shirley Weiner, independently of the council does Mat work by senior men, Clog dance not serve public interest. It can by Grace Leviii an asortment of stunts do so still less in the cause of the national minorities, which completes by all" Behior men of the stunt class. The following members will take the system of adjudication. Such part in the gym exhibitions: Manor secret action "undermines the conLieb, Sara Shultz, Evelyn Green, Anne fidence of the minorities in the Bunnan, Anne Silerman, Margaret treaties and may cause a miscarriage Baer, Sally Greenberg, Marion Wefc- of justice. oerg, S. Szwarts, Archie Chesneau, M. Ferer, Harry Goldberg, Myer Ferer, C. Feldman, J. Feldman, Leo Brown,' Abe Smith, G. Smith, L. Seiner, L Novack, C. Slotkins, A. Ginsberg, A. Casniclt and I. Merrian. .
Dr. Ben Greenberg, who was recently graduated from Nebraska University Medical college, has been appointed ,.an interne at -the Unirersity hospital.
_ Injuries- received in an autorooJHe accidentrdtirmg. 3 drive between Kan. St. Louis Sunday reproved ^ Lillian Lew, a well known and much-loved, member of the Jewish Community, who died Wednesday morning in a Kansas City hospital. ; Mrs. Charles Schimmel, Mrs. Lew's sister, ''received slight injuries but was ablelto'Wtuj^toiieriQme Wednesday evening.- -Mrs. i e w ' s daughter, Miss Mildred Lewrand'Mrs. Schimmel's son, Edward, who,-were with them, were unhurt. The accident occured during the last lap of a motor iripfrom Omaha to St. Louis, not far from Kansas City. The cause of the accident has not been definitely fixed, but is connected with an injury to one of-the front tires, according to Mr..A. SchiromeL Mrs. Lew Teceived two hip fractures, injuries to her back, and internal injuries. Her death occured the third day after the accident. Mrs. Lew lived at 4902 Capitol Ave. She is survived by two children, Mis Mildred Lew, and Mrs. Abraham Lincoln Lew, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Israel Levinsonof Chicago, three-sisters, Mrs. Charles Schimmel of Omaha, Mrs; M.Schimmel, of Waukegan, and Mrs. Henry Handelman, Chicago, and one brother, Joseph Levinson, of; Chicago. •- .•-,.".-.";_;•.:: •••"-'•• '.-.'.[• -. Mrs. Lew and her children came to Omaha to make their home, four years ago. Burial wfll be in Chicago, probably on Friday.
.. .New . York — Declaring that the statement contained in the Jewish Daily Bulletin of June 1, that; he had declined to take Hadassafe's case in connection with the election ruling of tae Zionist Organization of America was untrue, Mr. Samuel Unteraiyer issued, a letter through Mrs. Sip E. •Szold,: secretary of Hadassah, saying fhat, OE the contrary, Hadassah had a just grievance and that action of the ffionist Organisation of America was /^discreditable and unlawful." Mr. Untermyer's letter follows: "Dear Mrs. Szold: Since you called my attention to David A Brown, of Detroit, and Dr. Lee K. Frankel, of Kew York, given the degree of Doctor of Hebrew the article in this morning's JewLaw by .the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, "in recognition of their great service to their peopJe and ish Daily Bulletin I have read it to all nianfeind". Mr. Brawn is Chairman of the Board of Finance of the Union of American Hebrew and am amazed that such misinCongregations, which maintains the Hebrew Union College, and Dr.--Frankel is a member o£ the Executive Board of the same organization. " ^ . . formation should have been printed. I note particularly the following statement: "The Jewish Daily Bulletin learns that the Hadassah had attempted to secure the legal services of Samuel Untermyer in its Omaha chapter of Hadassah held fight, against this ruling. Mr. its annual election during the recent tJntermyer has, however, declined Hadassah regional conference, with So Says Official Announcement the following results: Mrs. Joseph. Industry Adopts Forty Hour to take the case." Week, International Garof Colonization Plans ' Rosenberg, president, Mrs. B. A. I t is untrue. I believe, on the ment Union Announces contrary, that Hadassah has a Simon and Mrs. J. J. Friedman, viceDR. ROSEN SAILS just grievance and that the action presidents, Mrs. Harry Trustin, finan-NEW AGREEMENT of the Zionist Org-anization is disciaLseczet&ry, Mrs. Max Goldberg, TeNew York.—(J. T. A.)—The amount" cording secretary, and Mrs. Jfiar X»ercreditable and unlawful Its ef(J-..T. A.)—A five-day of $20,000,000. wilf^be expended in de- ner, treasurer. fect is to disfranchise all members forty hour week will be inaugurated veloping on a large scale Jewish farm in good standing who paid their Appointment of committees will be iitjthe garment industry next Monsettlements in Russia, provided there annual dues between July and Deday,^ according to an announcement is fully subscribed ,in this country; made at a later meeting. cember of last year, although they Through an; error in reporting the issued by Vice president Benjamin before October 30, 1928, the? sum of then paid the full year's dues. $10,000,000, it was announced by elections of the Southwest region last Scblesi^ger "• of the ' International There would have been no objections to the delegates to the Zion'' "TLppi&xmstely "S5,Wp ist Convention being elected on presidents. be affected by the new plan, 7,500 the same basis. tural Corporation (Agro-Joint). of them being employed by members T h i s will constitute the largest I deeply regret this internal disof the Industrial Council, 12,000 by single • enterprise ever launched ..for sension, which is bound to break the American Cloak and Suit forth at the Convention and to /Miss.! Martha Iappett 'won th the promotion of Jewish ^agriculture", Manufacturers' Association and 15,! 1 further injure the cause in which declared Mr. Rosenberg. "I am «£..iiA^rt w%~v*i*Ti.*- Jtjdaeav'TefidMiiv^Bpg Jti f^p 000 by the independents. all of US are FO deeply concerned, happy to announce that the Russian contest at the regional finals held Negotations for a new agreement, and can well nnderstand why your Sunday afternoon in the Jewish authorities .have agreed t o . provide The annual picnic of the Council replacing the one which expires on great patriotic body should be un$10,000,000, on condition that the Community Center, with her oration, of Jewish Women will be held at June 1, will be begun next week by willing to keep silent under such American Jews furnish the other "An Imaginary Trip to Palestine." 1 p . m., Wednesday, June 13, in the local unions of the Amalgamated flagrant injustice. She will go to New York to rep- $10,000,000. The total of $20,000,000 Elmwood park. This is the last Clothing Workers, with the New Before Dr. TVeizmann sailed I will be. expended over a period of resent the region at the preliminaries large affair of this season, and is York Clothing Manufacturers Exspoke to him twice on the subject ten years. of the national contest, to be held open to all friends of the Council. change. One of the demands will be and gathered from him that thfe '"Moreover, it is an undertaking June 20. Mrs. I. Rosenthal is chairman of a forty hour week. The men's clothdifficulty ha?, been adjusted by alinvolving an investment much larger As a regional winner, Miss Lippett the committee for the picnic, and is ing workers will also request the lowingyour org-anization the has her expenses to New York paid than the $20,000,000 to be sub- assisted by Mrs. H. A. Wolf, Mrs. introduction of a system of un- rights to which it is entitled.' by Mrs. Archibald Silverman of scribed _ by- American Jews and the Cora Wolf, Mrs. A. Somberg, Mrs. employment insurance such as has Providence, Rhode Island,. Miss Fern Russian, authorities, because the Harry Rosenfeld, Mrs. Harry Rach- been in practice for five years in Bloom of Denver placed second and Government of Russia has agreed, if man, Mrs. Carl Furth, Mrs. N. Chicago. received honorable mention. Judges the American quota is fully sub- Mantel, Mrs. Sam Robinson, and The substitution of a piece-work were Henry Monsky, Judge Irvin scribed, to provide free of charge Mrs. Lawrence Goldman. " All ar- system instead of the present week land valued at 820,000,000." Stalmaster, and Judah Wolf son. Dr. Saul B. Arenson, formerly on rangements are being made by the pay for the men's clothing industry Dr. Joseph A. Rosen, who has committee. Reservations should be Following Che contest, which was the faculty of the Chemistry Departis also being talked of in labor ir charge of Jacob Mirviss, th- Young been the chief director of the Jewish telephoned to Miss Hazel Degen, circles. ment of the University of Nebraska j r .i-,_ 3a dubs had a luncheon, at which back-to-the-soil movement in Russia, Ha-6342. will not make his usual annual vieit Mrs. M. F. Levenson was the speaker. left yesterday, after a short visit to Lincoln and Omaha on his way here, on' the "Majestic" for Moscow to his home in Portland, Ore., for to complete the negotiations with he sails on the "Dutchess of .Atholl" the Russian authorities for Uae adfor from Montreal on July ministration of tbe new fund. Mark Lorig was elected president seven weeks trip to England, and The $10,000,000 collected in this of the Omaha Hebrew club, at the the continent. country will be administered by "The New York.—Miss Mary Bierman, annual election of the club held SunA constitutional committee to reSince he has been conducting eveorganize the by-laws of the Omaha American Society for Jewish Farm said to be the first blind .girt ever to day in the Jewish Community Center. ning" classes on "Chemistry of LithoOther officers for the year axe: Sam graphy' and "Color and PhotciCouncil of Jewish Women was formed Settlements in Russia." The organ- receive a master's degree from a New at a meeting of the board of the coun- ization will continue the agricultural York college, will be graduated from Swartz, vice-president; Sol Eosenberg, graphy with Keference to I.ithocil at the home of its president, Mrs. work initiated by the Joint Distrib- Teachers' College, Columbia, tomorrow secretary; John Feldman, treasurer; graphy", he is particularly interested ution Committee and carried on with high honors. Miss Bk rman, who Max Polonsky, A. Richards, and Sam J. H. Kulakof sky, Monday. in "Pressa", the International ExThe committee will be composed of during the past five years by its'-sub- is a.member of the New.York Asso- Altschuler, trustees. hibit of Graphic Arts in Cologne. ciation far the. Blir.d, recsived her Mrs. Carl Furth, president of the Mid- sidiary, the Agro-Joint. Although he will visit Germany, A. B. degree last year.. . _ . west conference, and the officers of the England, Trance, Belgium and Miss Bierman helped defray her exlocal Council, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Faye Klein Scores - Switzerland, the major portion of * penses by tsaching aesthetic dancing Mrs. Henry Rosenthal, Mrs. -Leo his time will be spent in Germany Again in "JNanriett^T at the Lighthouse. She -specialized at New York.—A building so serve where Itosenthal, Mrs. Lawrence Goldman, he will visit universities and college in speech education and hopes as national headquarters for the | industrial plants Miss Hazel Degen, Mrs. Harry and s Faye Klein, whose worlr-in to get a position teaching in a college Rosenfeld. He sails from Cherbourg on the cfcamatics has become known through next-winter. She was born in Ger- National Council of Jewish Women Plans for next year's program were the Center Plaj-ers Guild, _ccud anwill be acquired, according to a "Leviathan", just in time to reopen discussed and will be announced later.. other success in the part given her by many and -was brought to this country decision of the board of managers, | his regular day classes at the Uni* One of next year's. projects will be the Brandeis Players in their produc- •when she •was six months old. Her at the annual meeting, hsld at the versity of Cincinnati, where he parents are dead. She is a graduate cheoiieftl the creation of a library for the iise tion of "No, No, Nannette." ~ assistant professor o Of Wadleigh High School and is an Hotel Boosevelt. of patients in Wise Memorial hospital. engineering. The building will house the naMiss Klein sang and acted with viv- accomplished musician.
$10,000,000 FUND
Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg Heads Local Hadassah
Dr. Arenson to Attend International Exhibit
Committee to Write New Council By-Laws
Blind Student Will Get Master's Degree
Mark Lorig Heads Omaha Hebrew Club
National Council to Have Its Own Building
Members and friends are asked to actional offices of this organization in , as the pretty "Winnie," one of WINS HONORS cumulate books during the summer to the three women with whom the erring New York, the department of ImWord has been received that Sol be collected in the fall and given to husband had become involved because New York, the department of im•.. A. Z. A. N E W S Katz, formerly of Omaha and 8 the hospital. migrant aid and immigrant educahe wanted to "make them happy." The A. Z. A. fraternity baseball tion, and the department of farm pubii of South High school, has deIn this part, Miss Klein proved that ceived the • highest grades in MR could take light frivolous role with team will journey to Lincoln, Sunday, and rural work. SAMUEL BEREK RECEIVES she graduating class at the Forest July 10, to encounter, their fraternity The newly latinched department of charm, as well as the serious part for MIDLAND COLLEGE AWARD which she was cast in the Guild's pro- brothers in a baseball and tennis tour- j vocational guidance and employment j avenue hig-h school, Dallas, Texas, was more than S? pernatnent. The following following:men wil] m:ike will begin a study of employment His average av Fremont.—Samuel Berek, son of duction of "A Doll's Hot.2." Mr. and Mrs. J. Berek of Fremont, Miss. Klein looked charming in a the trip: Stanley Levia, manager; problems and conditions as they af- cent. was honored at the Honor Pay exer- dress by Herzbsrg's, one whose color Louis Riklin, Hyman Riklin, Bill Gere- fect Jewish women and girls. It SU." :3K SERVICES cises held at Midland college May 30. suited to perfection her blond type. lick, Dave Franks, Ben Sheanin, Stan- was reported that several thousand During- the pummer brief servicees ley Shapiro, Sam Barish, Al Fiedler, Jewish women and girls are mt of He was inducted into the Blue Key | will be conducted at Temple Israel Max Givot, Julius Goldner, Joe Cohen, employment in New York City. fraternity, in which membership i% APPOINTED INTERNE Farm work will be extended in i each Friday at 7:30 p. m. in the and Sam Bender. based upon scholarship and character. Samuel Z. Faier, a senior at Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. In- j downstairs room. Beginning; with He also Teceived a silver loving cup ,Creighton Medical school, has been for his work in dramatics. During' appointed to an interneship at Joe Cohen, A*..Z.. A. fraternity man, temational work in behalf of im- June 15, and during the absence of the summer session, he will be assist- Creighton Memorial St. Joseph's •»FOB the Omaha University Tennis migrants .will be extended to the Rabbi Cohn, the service will be conant dramatic coach in play production hospital. He will begin his -duties' GhaiDpionship and was -awarded _a border cities of Juarez and" Tia ducted by Mr. Samuel Gerson ot Dlr. Jacob Mirviss. Juana, Mexico "t*?aotiful loving cnp» -•....-.and- acting•there >Tune S. .
Louisville, connection with the new Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—A meteorite Sixty seven American synagogues station. passing over Palestine yesterday was have been Completed or projected in t h e Nebraska Power company will visible from Jerusalem and Jaffa at the last twelve months, according to - Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by spend between $300,000 and $400,000 8:25 p.. in. Splitting into many fireanother issue of "The American on extensions and new construction balls, the meteorite fell into the Hebrew" IB this an outward and THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY in Omaha this year, and approximat- Mediterranean, far out from the visible Sign of an iiiward and Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1460 shore. ely $100,000 in Council Bluffs. spiritual renaissance? Extensive improvements in the .-.'.'"• JEANETTE CLICK GERSON, EDITOR. J. G. G. way of several new power subDAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. The allegiance of the tongue must stations and other equipment for ..$2.50 Subscription Price, one year be pledged to reason. The Pioneer Women's-organization the betterment of service to Omaha Advertising rates furnished on application wish to thank their friends and patrons of the Nebraska Power con> CfiANGE Of ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be sympathizers for their generous pany are included in the company's sure to give your name. support given the bazar which was budget of $1,250,000, which will be Edinburgh.—(J. T. A.)—The trial held Sunday, May 27, at the Labor spent this year in Omaha and sur-of Oscar Slater, who wad released Lyceum. Through their generosity, rounding towns, which the company irom Peterhead Prison after serving Are you positive that every fitbazar was a tremendous success. serves. eighteen years, when the Parliamentting and every movable, wearThe Committee. able part on your car i s being Between $300,00 and $400,000 will ary Committee ruled that the .evidence lubricated and that nothing is be spent on extensions and new against, him had been insufficient, will missed? The attack and defense of youth,—what torrents of language be opened here on July 9. construction in Omaha, while a have overwhelmed pulpit and press since the first publicist decided Does your car drive as easily The hew trial Was ofdered to vindilarge sum will also be spent on a and rule as smoothly as it did that modern youth is going to the dogs and the world lftu&t need cate Slater of the charge that he had new 66,000 volt "feed" line, which when new? be told about it! serve the outlying residency* murdered an aged Gl&rgo* woman, The work of greasing your ear First the attack,—violent, over-generalized, lacking in insight, Louis Ginsberg, a high school ffiBtjf^the city, particula / rly-^« for Which he served eighteen years. is too important to be used as a sensational. Then the defense,-—equally vociferous, injudical. teacher in New Jersey, has been! Boutnern H fi0 in job/' ~yre$£ern^ ^Tarts. Thh; sentimental, dull. Round about and over the heads of the so-called quoted tn these columns before. We line will arid Vienna (J. T. A.)—Rabbi Salomon WE SPECIALIZE modern youth, the conflict has raged,—generaled in the main by are printing two more of his ex- Valley. extend 1 3 far west as Funk, well known Jewish scholar and in thorough chassis lubrication disappointriiehted and timorous middleage. quisite lyrics because he has just! author of many books on Jewish re(Alemite). About $90,000 have been set aside Amid the turmoil, youth has'kept'its way serenely. Except received the first prize in the Abner search, died here. Rabbi Funk was Prices Reasonable. for a few instances, it has not troubled itself with counter-attacks* Kalisch Memorial poetry contest and for the building of new sub-stations 63 years old. — Drive In Today — It has not bothered about defense. It has let its elders argue also the award in a contest recently in Omaha and in additions to existconducted by "Contemporary Verse." ing stations. One of the new stations themselves into futility, and has continued to live as it saw fit. Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—A plan to will be built in Florence, while Should youth care to answer its attackers, it could choose no establish a Jewish municipality in $15,000 will be used for adding new better time than the present,—the season of graduation, when the part of Jerusalem inhabited SONG facilities to the south side station. serious students in schools and colleges are receiving1 recognition. I know that any weed c^n tell 1715 Davenport An addition, costing $25,000, will give Wholly by Jews has been formulated Each day*s news brings us word of the achievements of stu- And any red leaf kno-pes additional space to the company's by the Jewish Communal Council. dents, serious achievements which merit the respect of young and That what is lost is' found again garage at Forty-third and Leavenold. Louis Behr, Jewish student at the University of Winconsm, To blossom in Worth streets, so that more cars can has been awarded the Kenneth Sterling Day, trophy for .Christian; weakest is the strongest, too; be housed," there.. The additional character, distinguished service, and scholarship. Others are tak- The For any moss has shown - : ) autos and trucks, ,Witf assist service ing scholarships for further study both here and abroad. How strong its frailest fingers.are employes to- prtvidfe Wen emergency In our own city and state, recognition is being given youth. To split the biggest stone. " ~ service, as was needed during last Intellectual contests of many kinds are engaging the enthusiasm And so I go my quiet way April's snow storm. of students in high schools and colleges. The Jewish Press has As ahy quiet thing; At Louisville, Nebt., a $75,000 been glad to print recent stories of the accomplishments of young 1 know th« weed and moss to well sub-station will be built this year To be afraid to singt Omaha men and women in their schools. and a 66,000 volt power line will be • • • Thus youth is giving its.answer in deeds not words. And to run from Oreopolis to Louisville to DIRT AND DBITY ,' A HOME PRODUCT all who aag not deafened by the rash philippics-of the oldsters, it care for the needs of the new becomes evident that the youngsters, like Richard Kane, are look- If gutter-puddles after rain cement factory, which Will start Can always look On high; ing at lift," and coming to grips with its ^ g g * operations about January 1. A new And even with a fldo* of mud sub-station is also under construcCan have a roof of sky. tion at. Valley with feeder lines to years cannot be cured now by one I never wonder any more a number of nerby'towns. H«kw man, a pool of bhie,royal decree." The remainder of the budget will Can at tin bottom gather mire And then h e added: . be spent for construction work in And mirror Heaven, too. towns near Omaha and for farm "But, a quoi bon,,.Madame, whom Renee Sttt?£j*s, European journal- will it help if I condemn Roumanian line extensions. ist, has interviewed Prince Carol of anti-semitism ? The whole world Miss Irene Pettis, the representaAnother important project is the Roumania, tot the Seven , Arts knows,—perhaps' only- too well>—that tive of "Pictured Knowledge of Kan- erection of a $75,000 power subFeature -syJksif-ate,—and as they sat ;I am a faithful friend of the Jews." sas City", a reference work used ex- station at Louisville, Nebr., which together in-'.•?&"'•London garden, he clusively fbr children of the. elemen- will provide service for the new looking likri JIMiald Colmah, as befits tary grades, will be in the city for An article in a recent American a short time at her home, 3611 cement factory, which is expected to the most ro»ym8c royal personage Hebrew asks Jewish congregations, Dodge Street. Those, wishing^ an start operating gbout January 1. in the world'.r^she1 asked him: A new 66,000 vo&: power line will "If you. were Tdng of Roumania, "Why don't you sing?" interview may reach her there. carry energy from Oreapolis to The author, styling himself a vrould y*n have permitted these barbarous excesses that have recent- "country rabbi," asks furthermore, ly beeH- coihinitted- agaiwst Jews in "Why, outside the synagogue, dotft you laugh?" your cou/.try?" He thinks it is because the Jew "If I vere king," answered I'rince •C.irol * little Wistfully, thinking of is oppressed, not by inquisitions, but ho x h.> had given up his throne for by business, whose heavy care make a Je>Ssh sweetheart, *T-would not him an Atlas, whose shoulders stoop hava permitted it. But anti-semitic under the burden of the world. He propaganda which has been devel- has become too intense. - He cannot oped and allowed to flourish for relax. •
our customers, that we are now in n position to offer nn KoSeach's KosH^ er Products at both Wholesale and Retail prices, also that we just received a new stock of the following articles: Tnteisim. wool and silk of the best Quality, siiluf ini, mnrhzorlm and Hibles with JcwiBh and English trnnBlnfion, Heinemlur nlso our own maite KoBhet Honp that is oue of the best on the market.
Trial of Oscar Slater Will Open on July 9
Motorists Attention
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The B*st of these goBr-«wpet pickles tiBR l«>en itmch Imitated, but never euunled, except In the good old-fnahloncd pickles your mother used to Out up. Buy m jar from your fcirocer
/'Phillips 66,*' a new, high-powered, knockless premium gasoline is taking Omaha by storm. It's a better gasoline at no extra price. Try a tank of "Phillips 66" today. Boeing airplanes use Phillips gasoline exclusively.
today, and treat your
Thomsen-Skier Butter Company AT 848»
Courtesy Always
to thlB cHnp, tasty rtPlipacy. Anfl—The? Are NOT EXPENSIVE. Dlstriliuted by
Proof of the Pudding
22nd and Nicholas
There is an old saying that "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." Likewise, the test of satisfactory telephone service is that it pleases you. If it does not, we are not contented.
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If your telephone service is not satisfactory in every way, please let us know at once.
With a glats of cold milk
ITEM'S WHOLE WHEAT FIG BARS -„ Fot $ale at all Dealers; , JERPE COMMISSION GO,, Diet.
BELL SYSTEM OatPoGeg - Oat Sgttem -
please ?mtl satisfy you on any vrattn day. Ask your Grocer lor the handy 2-lb. caddy.
A .
PAGE Jfc-'THE JEWISH F&ESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1928 The annual installation of officers T Miss "Ida "Wierizveg entertained the Pioneer Women's organization of of the Pi Delta Sigma fraternity was ' Ladies' Independent club Wednesday, Palestine. held Thursday, June 7, at the Fon- May 30, at her home, in honor of tenelle Hotel. Milton Abraham was | the twentieth wedding anniversary The Bikur Cholim society will toastmaster at the banquet which of her mother and father. Mr. and meet at 2 p. m. Monday at the preceded the ceremonies, and Prof. Mrs. Wienzveg were presented with synagogue, Twenty-fifth and Seward Charles F. Bongardt of the Creigh- a silver service. Thirty five guests Streets. ton Law School was the principal were present. speaker. The officers of the ensuing The Needlework Guild, a non secyear are: Louis E. Lipp, Chief Mrs. Abraham Schwaczkin will tarian organization in: which a Counselor; Sam Zacharia, Vice- leave Omaha Sunday to sail from number of local Jewish women are Counselor; Ephraim Marks, Clerk of New York June 16 on the "Le- active, will entertain ~ Mrs. Wilson, the Eolls; Frank Ackerman, Clerk viathan", Mrs. Schwacaslrin is going national treasurer of the organizaof the Exchequer; Ben Slutzky, to Poland to attend the golden tion with a luncheon for officers at Inner Guard; David Robinson, Outer wedding celebration of her parents. 12:30 p. m. in the Lowe Avenue Mr* and Mi's. Dan Hermanson announce the engagement of Presbyterian church. The luncheon their daughter, Miss Eureka Hermanson, to Mr. Dan W. Bezman, Guard; Edward Shafton, Crier, and Mrs. H. A. Cohen* Miss Ann will be followed by a tea for xaetn* flymen Shrier, Chaplain. son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Bezman. The wedding date has not bers and friends. Cohen, and Miss Hannah RaVis of been set. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakof sky Kansas City were the week-end to Des Moines Tuesday to guests of Mrs. I. M. Weiner. , Joseph Himelrtein is ill in Wise Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Levinson announce the engagement of motored attend the wedding of; Miss- Rose Memorial hospital. their daughter, Miss Fan, to Mr. Hyman E. Greenberg, son of Mrs* Rubinson and Mr. J. Davidson of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Erman ^fjll Fannie Greenberg, formerly of Omaha, now of Los Angeles, No' C h i c a g o . •• ::.:;-';.\ V ' . : • to Minneapolis Sat^pds/'to Miss Laura- Berek of Fremont, date has been set for the wedding. -convention^. of who has been a student at the UniMorris Quaker of Brooklyn,' the American Medical association. versity of Illinois, will return to her 'Mr*- and Mrs. B. Lipman announce the engagement of their N. Mrs. Y., who arrived two weeks ago June 10, after spending ten daughter,' Miss Sadie, to Mr. Philip Kavich, son of Mr. and Mrs. to attend the Theodbre-Graetz nup- A mirror w i l } b e given away at home Sam Kavich of Columbus, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Lipman will tials, is visiting at the home of Mr. a picnic at,, Elm wood park, to be days with sorority sisters in Chicago. receive in honor of their daughter, in their home Sunday, from 4 and Mrs. Leon Graetz. given July 8^ by the Pioneer Women Most people witness not your acuntil 6 p. m. and from 7 until 12 p. m. All relatives and friends for the benefit of the Chalutzes, the tions," but bear your speech. are invited. Dr. and Mrs. B. M.KuHy; hare gone to New YorkVwhence they will Habbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn, The marriage of Miss Isabel Graetz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Madeline Cohn and Miss Char- sajl Friday on the "Cdlumbus'^ for \ Leon Graetz, and Samuel Theodorei lotte Heyn will sail for Europe Bremen. son of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Theor June 16 on the "Doric-'.,from MonMr. and Mrs. W. A. Racusin. have dbre, was - solemnized at a . very treaL /Rabbi Cohn will leave'Omaha moved to their new home, in Cherry pretty -wedding in the home of the Saturday, stopping in Chicago and Garden Court, 818 South Thirtybride's parents, May 31. Rabbi Miss Heyn will leave next Wednesseventh Avenue.- ^>.i'.. ' Frederick Cohn, of Temple Israel, day for Montreal. officiated. Habbi Cohn also per. Mr.i Dave Grodinsky. and Mr. Abe formed the marriage ceremony for Plans are being formulated-by the Grodinsky oF Chicago, *nd"" Miss ! the bribe's parents at their wedding members of the A . Z. A. fraternity Helen Grodinsky o f - S t . Paul, reaearly twenty-three years ago. for a private dance, to be held in turned to idfcieir- homes Sunday eveXfJ ATCH the delight The ceremony was held under a the very hear future in .honor of ning, after having beenLcalled Kit> the with which children eat Sunshine K o s h e r canopy of ferns and flowers. Mrs. the fraternity men who are receiv- bedside of * tiieir mother, Mrs. H. Crackers spread with jam, jellies and butter! Morris Quaker of Brooklyn, N. Y., ing their; degrees from university Grodzmsky,U.wh6 .is now Jmproving ,. . . And they are good for them. They are a cousin of the bride, sang, "O this week. The following men are to rapidly following her serious illness. crammed full of healthful energy. Promise Me", and, "At Dawning". receive their sheepskins:; Isidore It splits in two .They are splendid, too, for sandwiches; without She was accompanied by Mrs. Harry Elowitz, Bachelor of Science; Louis crumbling. Omaha friends of Miss Hortense with soups, salads and cheese; crumbled in Trustin, who also played the wedding Eiklin, Max Givot and Louis B o n - Breckler of New York have received meat; with chopped liver and herring. march. • stein will receive the degree of announcements of. Miss Breckler's Sunshine Kosher Crackers are made with The bride, who was given in mar- Pharmaceutical Chemist; and Dave' marriage to Mr. David Sterns, in a shortening-rof pure vegetable fat. "Koshruth" is guaranriage by her father, and attended by Beber will Teceive the Bachelor of New York, Saturday, June 2. ."'.Miss. teed by the TJnion of OrthoBreckler was in Omaha last winter Miss Janet Graetz, her sister, and Arts degree. dox Jewish Congregations of as field secretary of the National Miss Hose Brodkey, Wore a gown of America. Its Mashgiach is always in attendance at the ivory taffeta. • Her veil was of tulle Flower Bay for the. benefit of the Council of Jewish Womea. bakery. and duchess lace made with cap ef- Jewish National Fund will T>e con-fect. She carried a shower bpquet Of tinned next Sunday, since activities Be sure to: say . . . SunMrs. Dave . Crounse has gone to shine. . . w h e n ordering white rosebuds and lillies of the last Sunday were ;hindered^ by sthfe New York Jto iiaeet* her 'mother, who Wax-vrrapped these and other kosher crackvalley. Mr. Bernard Theodore, brother rain. The?: JfewisbVCentes is the local is arriving from =' London,.: England. . . alicays crispi ers at your grocer's. of the groom, was best man. headquarters. They will visit relatives in the east The young- couple's honeymoon before returning to Omaha. • will take them on a three weeks Phi Delta Sigma fraternity will motor tour of. Colorado, after which honor their graduates at their anMr. and Mrs. S/Iiobinson are goLOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. they will "be^st home in. the.Theodore nual summer party at the Highland ing to Kansas City iFriday to visjt Terrace, thirty second and Jackson. Country Club, on Friday evening, their daughtev Mrs.' B. M. AchtenJune 8. The graduates are:v flerinan berg ~skni -Iflr.; -4*htenberg. The otThe marriage .. of Miss Lillian Corenman, Law; % Izadoris E3ewite, casfon is the bftr mitzvah; of their Bernstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pharmacy; Nathan Reis, Commerce; grandson,'Irving, and the confirmaAbe Bernstein, to Mr. Meyer GoldLouis Lipp, Arts; Bennie Morgan, tion of their granddaughter, Beatrice. berg, son of Mis. Ida Goldberg, will acy. Arts; and Martin Gluckman, They hope also to attend the Repubtake plact Sunday fijternoon in Beth Pharmacy. ;. " ^ lican convention. Hamedrosb Hogode]/ Many social affairs -hive b^en given for Miss Bernstein.
your old ones for sach a nominal QUILTING SfiQP DOES BEAUTIFUL WORK charge; shs finishes the edges free. A perfectly . charming gift for Mother would be a lovely quilt done by Miss F. Hara in her attractive (and incidentally her busy) "Quilting New Exclusive Shop," 180& Dodge Street, in any design you want. Miss Hara makes a specialty of down and wool comforters and too, recovers
A Woman's Exchange is maintained in connection. No other shop like it. AT 6855.
Miss Gertrude Acton of Goldstein Chapman's, has returned from a buying trip in New York where she purchased many of the season's newest and most beaiitifal gowns.
Omaha's StyU Center
Hot Weather
Dresses In Most Attractive of Interpretations
Sunshine Kosher Crackers
Mr. a n i Mrs. David Alpirin announce thj jnaniagft of .their daughter, Miss . Lottie, to Mr. Joseph M. t Fogel of i-heyeaae, \Vyomlng, son of Mr. a n i Mrs. Mai Fogel, of St. Joseph.' the ceremony took place May 29 at the ?iom£ of the bride's parents. 3Jr. and Mrs. Fogel will make, thejjf horns in Cheyenne. Mr. and >Irs. foe Pandy announce the birth >f a son, May 24 at the Evangelical hospital. Mrs. Dandy was formrrly M'^s Ann Uastel. Mr. and Mrs."" H. M. Stein will receive in honor of their eon and daughter, frr.-andt M*s. Irvin Stein, whose marrfage was &n event of last month, in the Lfctoor Lyceum from 7:30 until 10:30 y. nj. Sunday. The host and htstess -will be assisted by Mrs. M. SeUcow, .'Mrs. S. lipp, Mrs. A. Format* Miss Minnie Swibaeh, Miss Hose Fine, and Miss Esther Weiner. Ouv of to-vn guesls. will be Mr. and M's. Joe Shapiro, parents of the bridi\, Mrs. R. 8ernstein, Mr. and Mrs. K i x Laslin^ky, Miss Ann Snyder, and Miss Len.1 Shsipiro. No cards have been isyup-L apman
M. E. a ten days' from a, New York.
Wiight-Dav-d BeauU> Parlors 716 Brand iis Theatf 6. Bid*.
' JT. 4333 Specialists all lines Lbauty Culture. Pamanent Waved and Symmetrizer Reducing Machines
DR. IRVIN H. STEIN, CfitttOPRACTOR, is now associated with The Thomas Chiropractic Offices, Room , Gardner Bldg., 1712 Dodge St. One of the most modern, up to date, Chiropractic offices in Omaha. Nurse in attendance—10 rooms— equipped to make the sick well. , . ^
Try lhe Chiropractic Way for Your Health No Charge for Consultation
DR. IKVIN H. STEIN Room 210 Gardner Bldg. 1712 Dodge St.
Phones ;^-Offlce AT. 1293 Res; JA. 5711
Week's Hostess
During the Vacation Months School Days Will Soon Be Over, Bat Do Not Let Saving Days End. While School Books Are Closed, Keep the Bank Books Open.
anana Cream Layer A TWO-LAYER white dough cake flavored **• with a delicate banana flavoring, iced and filled with a rich butter cream icing and delicious crushed bananas. Think of it! A silver dough with bananas. Place your order early for Saturday's delivery.
returned s trip to
Mrs. M. E. Chapman atid her children, Ben-ard, an i 'tfelen Jane, have returned from a visit wjth Mrs. Chapman's sister,' Mrj. &eon Weiss of St. Joseph.
Reflecting the very, latest in sheer hotweather Dresses, in glorious pastel colorings and summer prints. A collection of unusual summer models, short and long- sleeve styles, for m i s s e s a n d women.
School Children may make ' deposits during the vacation months daily instead of on Tuesdays only, which is the rule during £he school months. Bafikmgjjwirs in the Savings Departmeni>are from 9 a, m. to 3 p. m. daily and until 2 p. m. Saturday,
"Aren't we worth a Kelvinatoir V "Gosh, Mother, aren't we worth a Kelvinator? Isn't pure fresh, sweet milk, and pure wholesome food for us worth the price of a Kelvinator to keep them that way? We think so. Give us a. chance, why don't you?" Kelvinator electric refrigerator keeps food cool and fresh for days. Some say it makes things taste better. It's good health insurance, anyway.
We welcome the children to -come to the bank. Parents v should encourage them to talk to officials of our bank in. regard to their savings accounts.
Kelvinator Cost is Low! It doesn't cost any more for Kelvinator refrigeration than an ordinary method of cooling foods. It pays for itself ift food saved. Think it over.
Serving Omaha Since 1$57
Washed Clean •. - -Guarantee.! Against ;• . Shrinkage G5& lo S1.OO Each Jtebinding Like New . . If Desired
Household Budget Terms
"Electric Shops" 17th and Hamey Sts.
Kimball Laundry Co.
'-Omahft Phone AT. 0fc80 Ctranca Bluffs, 5473
"The Wonder Bakery"
Courtesy • Service
X 2314 flf
V$$Q. spend aTjpit a! tobnth tfiere vis- the University of Nebraska, accom- leave Friday for New Orleans. during the summer vacation, accordJ against the Scouts on Central high' N iting relatives.;4 -•. * v " •* •' panied her sister home for a week- Among others who are making the ing to' E. L. Droste, vice president grounds. , end visit. She has returned to Lin- trip this week are Mr. and Mrs. Samof the First National Bank, who an* coln to take a summer course at the Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fitch, Mr. nounced that the bank has made 1-MrSi Jake Mendelson of Council j Dorothy Corneman's gang now Bluffs, and her daughter, Robert university. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln, and Messrs. arrangements for the children to By Marcus Krasne. I' leads the Business girls volley ball Noddle of Omaha, left Sunday for a Simon Steinberg, Joseph Scharf, bank their savings in the regular Steinberg-Mallen. • The; Psi, Mu avenged its 9 to 7 league. Plans are now being made fox the Mose Bernstein, Nathan Nogg, and savings department daily from &• The marriage of Miss LenaMallen, niotor trip in the East. They will defeat of two weeks ago at the The grade school swimming meet a. m. to 3 p. m., with the exception annual Talmud Torah Sunday school Sam Steinberg. daughter of Mrs. S. Mallen of Kan-! visit their siter, Miss Sara Noddle, hands of ..fhe" Lincoln AZA at Lin- "will be held Wednesday at 4:45 p.m.", of Saturday, when this department picnic which will be held on June 20, sas City, Mo., to Jack Steinberg, son ] wio is spending the year in Trenton, coln by' i&kiiig them into camp to while the employed class will hold Mr. and Mrs. J. Bodin and daugh- closes at 2 p. m. . the tune of jj.Oi.-to \5 at West Elm- their swimming meet Wednesday of M^..^4 Mrs. George S. Steinberg, New Jersey. Their trip will also at the Fairmount Park. Further anof Council Bluffs, Iowa, took place include visits in Chicago, Illinois, nouncements will be made in • the ter, -Zelda, formerly of Sioux City, "We feel that ' this service will wo^^undaY-..TChe sensational pitch- night, June. 13. Tuesday evenings June 5, at the Philadelphia, Pa., New York City Press next week. are now making their home in Coun- allow the children to continue the ing.,of Lohrman of the Omaha bunch AH girls interested in joining the thrift habits that they have 'formed' Ne.wbern Hotel at Kansas .City.: and Washington, D. C. cil Bluffs at 124 South 7th street. •was the outstanding feature of the by possessing a school savings acA number of Council Bluffs Jewish game. The Lincoln boys were able swimming club are urged to meet in Among those from Council Bluffs count throughout thes ummer months) to .garner..very.:few. hits during, the the. swimming pool. Sunday after- •who attended the wedding were the ,- Maurice and Arthur Friedman, people will attend the National Bank to Continue when there is always. a .tendency game, while the^Psi Mu pounded the noon. • A charter and a swimming parents, and his sisters. students at the University of Iowa, Grocerymen's convention which will School Savings Work either to withdraw the account oi threet>I^ncblA .pitchers almost at will. emblem will be decided on. Plans Mrs. David Kubby and Miss Lillian j a t Iowa City, have returned home to be held next week at New Orleans, : for a girls swimming party and a Steinberg. La. Mr. Sam Meyerson and Mr. Ben Omaha school children can con- at least to cease increasing it," sai£ [ spend their summer vacation with The Omaha aggregation -was not swimming meet will: be * discussed. j Mr. S.teinbejjjf and daughter, Lil-j their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kooler, who will be delegates, will tinue their school savings accounts Mr. Droste. so fortunate at tennis. Due to lack The only requirement to ; join 'will be an" home from Kansas •• "P^^WIO*. ••: •• / . " , Man", returned Friedman'". of^tnnei" faH matches could not be to swim 60 feet. .. \ : City, Wednesday, while Mrs. Stein-; played, so the doubles and singles A. Z.X. Chapter No. 7, will only went, one set, while one doubles The Rinky, Dinks • are < still.- leading; berg and herdaughter, Mrs. 'Kubbyjj : meeting next Wednesday-e^ have gone to "Exelsior. Springs, Mo., the girls indoor basebaillleague. , : rpatca only went five games. The June 13, atithe. JDaaish' Hall.\ •where they will spend the summer. . results are:'- ' • : • Mr.Steinberg ^ahtf his bride will -': .._':—iiii.;-'• . - - . - . •• 4 Keller arid "Zellen, Lincoln, 6; : The four 'team "baseball- league fdr Your own experience tells more in a minute r p ^ p ^ ^ O m a h a < . " 2. J. C. C. memberjcwjll. - spring; .Hnoler make their future home in Council;; g Mrs. W. Wold of Minneapolis, than a carload of claims do in a year. Try Puritan Bluffa aSSoneymoon trip. Grossman; aiid Schneider, .Lincoln,.3; way June:4^"-.'A- meeting-wili'j>e ^ . , -krrived Sunday to >Vistb'her g a : Malt Extract. You'll be surprised at the difference. Made Chesnau and Brown, Omaha, 2. held Sunday' "'"'afternoon' /- for' all daughter, Mrs. JosepK, Gilinsky, and Bromberg-Siellar. real barley—allbarley. Richest, strongest, bestby every test because Keller, Lincoln, 6; Epstein, Omaha, 0. managers of their baseball teams. Wkl Gilinsky for, "a ^few "weeks. . .. j I^r. and Mrs. Sam Stellar of DenPuritan spells purity and quality that's mighty unusual. j h e B'nai Ami seven 'had their . Entries for the J. C. C.•. annual) ver, Colo., announce the'marriage of ft Miss Minnie Friedman left WedStrictly Union string of'consecutive victories sullied tennis tournament will close June 10. their daughter, Eva, to Harry Brom- nesday for Kansas City, Mb.", to atwhen the. rejuvented Psi Mu juniors berg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham tend the graduation of. her niece, handed them :a 27 Jx> _%3 .Jtrixaxning _• Ethel _Greenberg . says -she, Jiad. -a Brorabergy of Council Bluffs, Iowa, Sylvia Zevao, from high. school jh^i^Mdoi 3&s3all l ' f ' ti k " i . . on; her. yacatlon. -.'. • ;., ^ p 5 ; afternoon,. June 3, at therhome ^of "the bride's ' games the - Olympians defeated _ the Morris -Sogolpw,, freshman coach of parents in . Denver...; Among those ; Bosalie Eicnmatt returned Boy .Scouts, 16 - to 6, and the ; Bob-; Illinois," is busy lining up his ma- from Council Bluffs who attended'.the home Friday from the University of Flavored with Bohemian Hops cats .trounced *the:B.'nai-< Abrahams, terial for camp. Gee, but its go- wedding was the groom's mother* Nebraska a t 'Lincoln to" spend her ing to be some camp. Tell your • 11 to 9. One more round' remains Mrs. A. Bromherg, and the groom's sSmmer vacation with her parents, friends about our camp director. to be played. " brother, Ben Bromberg, and Mr. and $tr. and Mrs. M, D. Kichman. Mis3 Mrs. -Betv Se^din and family. They JSudieie Eichman,; also a student at . J. : Scltriebman is the junior Class -r* The Junior girls' physical depart- are expected to return home toda$r. % A'handball champion of the J. C.C., ment will sponsor a picnic Sunday, 1 Mr. Broniberg and his bride wiH winning the -title- be defeating M. June 10, at. Elmwood park. The girls Goldberg in the finals of the tourna- j are asked to meet at the Center at make their home in Council Bluffs following a western honeymoon trip. ment Wednesday.' The victory came 9'a.m. and bring their lunches. in straight sets, 21-19 and 21-20. The Independent Order of the B'nrii Scfiriebmari was "down" in the first game, 13-3, but rallied to win out by The long awaited tennis tourna- Brith, Lodge No. 688, will hold a Second g a r n e t June cloS J uJ nu en e the. score 20 all, Schriebman and ! J u n e 1 9 ' EEnnttrriieess w d I cloS Hall. ^^ H IJ 113, 3 tatt the h DDanish i h H l l Goldberg-- required four serves before heicould get the necessary point. :; Miss Greenberg wishes to thank , Mrs. -;M. L; Marks is expected to l v jSdiday^^ for Chicago ftie following for tfieir services dur-! leaver Chicago, Ulino^ With Epstein pitching air tight ing her abscence:: Bertha Shafton, to attend t h e graduation of ball, the J. C. C. juniors t;:!: their Irene Hirsch, Dorothy Corenmipj' d a t i g h t ^ Miss; jTora^ Marks, fourth consecutive game of the Min Flax^;i)orothy Coh.€a^|;'.Saisi «^.TT-&"_ia=_ --an*A.~ , _.i.: which w y l | season by defeating. the Twentieth Mar< Marks will I "" ~ ^ •cus, 'Street Merchants by a score of 14^.6 Sunday. The. junior team has.entered the American , Legjon tournament I to be held in June. Next Sunday the, Piano Teacher Cafes Furnaces --Accountants juniors will play their fifth; game.
Council Bluffs News
You be th
•• ' '"-"-• i MAX FItOMKIN, Attorney G28 Peters Trust Eldg. '" PEOCATE 3fOTI.CE " ' ". In" the matter' of the estate of A N N A 1 F U i E U E L , deceased. . >• . „ .NOTICE i s hereby g i v e n ; That t h e 1 creditors of. Said deceased, .will meet t h e ' administrator of said estate, before me, 1 County Judge of Douglas County, Kcbras- <• • ka, a t the County Court Room, iu saiil County, on the 3rd day of-August, lU'JS.' a n d - o n the Srd. day of-October, 1U2S, dt !> o'clock A. M^ each day, for toe jPJU"iH.'ei!_ of presenting' their claims for- es:irinjiarii>:i, Udiustment ; and allowance. • 'JCUree imiDths lire allowed • for the creditors I o yreseut their -claims, "from the SOth day or Jane. 302S. BBXCB-CRAV»-fOi:o. June 1—4T • . Counry •Judge. I v-
Omar JBakcry' puts^inib iik
1500 No. MCh St. W P Ifiuille a full line ot Imported ftsu^ hpnitlcii - Bfxiimrl; Hi rrini
V "•Spring Means Building Building Means. >
— O E N E K A L C O N ^ ' l t A C T O R — , \ 4 « > H o s p e . p»a * > r -
Eitiniates Gladly.;: Furnished ^
Cleaners BAKERY r
Cultivated .
Serve Himelbloom's new pumperniclde bread with your next meal.
Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant
7 S No. aH.b St_—WE. A LOAF O F OCR HREAI>
Scientifically Blended :
DUTCH CLEANERS 2fM-« South 24tb St.—AT. 1400
1311 Mo. S i t u — W K . G2H
in Brazil cud in.the Orient, and.. . _ .
EDWARDS BARBER SHOP ICtb •unU'-UiivVuvOri •Street
(1 XJA-NOS. Propr. L MKliT YOliK FKIENUS ! AT HAKltY'S •
Prestige \ of Advq Coffee
patronize ttur advertisers and Suite 5,Wead Bidg., 18 and Farnam mention the —•Jelephone AT« 81.62-JEWISH PRKSS' c-heJi you do. —Stndio Will B e Open Aft Summer—
SUN PRINTING CO. *?• T"or ^iy kind of: service on your autoniobile call the Cass Garage, ' no matter, when, where, or why, —24 HOUR SERVICE—
AT. 3832—504 So. 13 Get Our Pricei and Save Money
METAL—GLASS—WOOD CLOTH—SHO-CAKt>S HA. 4309 849 >"o. 83th Ave.
Drug Stores;
Lumber Go's.
; •• ' 1SMM No. "JI4th St.—WE 8 IJOHINSON Two pxp'Tienfed resistpred phnrmaci^tsj ar your etrvicf. Pm>mi)t.,.frve deliverj-j oiii-wliere in'tlie city.
We suggest yon send yoor Innrnfry tb
Master Tailor Service 21fj S o . t i l t h - i ' b o i u s A'l'.' M'i)2
24th anrt Bnrfleffe— «"E <!3fi2 2fttb nnd Nicholas—'A S(100
Refitter of Ladies am' Clothing A. BERNSTEIN. l'<cu
"Everything Under Cover"
_ .-W$i&-THE TAILOR • -/ ;...
\,:iSw S o . vi-itn St.—w b. l i n t UzVrig V in Clenninj;. Ueliulng Men nnd Appnre!
Music Teachers
Tent1 &> Awtiing
Wallin-Holmgren Elec. Co.
Brautlels Sto/us . . JA 3307-AT. W A Dundee t'arlor-i Specialists in PBKMANSNT WAVINO
New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders
Deppndnblo for correct instruction. Progress of studious piipils punrnntped. Each iiupH given individnn! nftention of the highest possihle degree. Prngue Conservatory Method Taught. Flattering: comments on results from Instructors all over the country. Instruction l^ees With ITof. Mnch S^.(K) per hul! hour. With cnpribte rssistnnts CInss A ._..yi-IM> ppr half hour. .Clnss B 51.00 per hour lessons. studio H7Vi No. 1(5 St.—Phone ,IA. 1953
ygs,=Covers, X Equipments, Auto Awnings and Tourist Supplies. XEBK. TENT & AWNING CO. • 1808 Famain JA. 3S29
Laundries SPECIAL KOTICE We are otTorine 10% discount on all rough dry Mmrtles pickea up Friday for Tuesday delivery. SAMTARV LAL'NDRT W. H. OSTRXBEUG. Pres. 2S1S Farnata ATlnntic 2S15
Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality
Persona] Seryife You will ,• •;.,.-'" "Appreciate1^ s
tTierB 1.-.10 UiMiK
Blended, Roasted, Ground and Packed ,
81» No. 16th tit.—Phone .1 Vcknou ; We specialize iri form prtntlliK solicit your patronage
It's the advertiser that makes the publishing of this paper" possible. . . •
Sold by AH Grocers
Reliable;- Reasonable,- Expert Auto Repair Service
WE. 1029 All Tfpe of Laundry
4420 Florence Blvd., KK 1500 THE BOUSE WITH A REPUTATIC)^
1923 C|nrk Sf---WB 0410
•'-"'••' ir»th a m i i i o u R l a s — U."> S o tr>tb
Beginners and advanced students' accepted.
Barber Shops
in Omaha; these are the chief reasons for the v/onderf ul
Yon should
| i | i for ^he Auto'.' • ftEBUILTf
" '3517 reft." l>«h St.—WE. 0300
27th' and Martha Sts. HArncy IC03 OMAHA. NEBBxXSKA Soft gray, iron, hrass^lironsennd 'aluminum castings. Stnndprd gizes Iironzu a n d . Iron bushings, sewer manholes', cistern' rings and rovers nnd clean-out doors In stock. All binds of wood m:il metal patterns. . . . .
.' 250 Rooms—200 Baths Goad kaoms for Sl.50 " Operated by Epp.'ey Hotels Co'.
Appropriate fof After-Theater
BRYCE CltAWFOR, . • . Coutity Judge.
1413 Douglas Street the Most fopnlar Cafe in-Omaha
... Airents tor Nesblt
Auto Tops* & Accessories •-
settlement thereof.
SVM BEBEll, Attorney * 30O Peters Trust BJdK. PROBATE NOTICE •In the matter of the estate 6t MICIIACI, JOSEPH LYNCH, deceased.NOTICE Is hereby given':• - T t a t lln^. creditors of said deceased- will -meet _thc.~ administrator of said estate, - lietore me. County Judge of Douglas Connty,' Siiktas-; fca. at the Connty Court \Kooni. in saiij County, oil the 3rd day of-August. 1!>:£<.and. on. the 3rd day of Octo.ber, I'J'JS, at !l o'clock A. M., eatii day, for the purpose of •presentinff their claims for examination', adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 30th' d:iy"of Tune. 3928. B R Y C E ; CUAWFOIID. June 1—4T County Judge.
•^J.V-j *Jf'L»..'>''* ^ t ^
. .
June 1—3T
".tnc..Gntt«M sna Spouting.
Certified Pob'ic •Accountants eSS Securities
1411 No. 24tb St.—WB^ 6S)5] installatior, and Repairing Of Tin Work. Furnaces Kkyiiprhtk. Ventilat-
and pastries has brought us thousands of customers. Women all oier Omaha airc talking about it. Yon can get Omar goods from^nfosV groceries or the Omar wagorethat cobes to your neighborhood.
SAM BEBER,'Attorney aOO Peters Trust B i d s . P R O B A T E : NOTICE jtn t2ze County Court of Douglas CoiJUty, Kebraskn. ..... In the matter of the estate of .LOUISA HAKBNHOtZ; deceased. • ,A)1 persons interested in said estate arc hereby notified that a petition' Una hwu filed in.said Court, prayiug"fi>r-"th>ji pniliiite o£ a certain instrument now on tile iii s;;id Court, purporting to be the lust will nml testament, of said deceased, and that a he:it> inff will be had on silid iietition before s.-.iil Court on the 22nd day of June, itfis, ami that if they fall to appear at siti'l Court on the said 22nd day of June, 1923, ;it it oVloc. A. M. .to contest the probate of's:i3d will; tne. Court may allow and probate said Will and errant administration of said to UEUMAN OTTO KA.KESHVT.Z or s«nu> other suitable person and proceed 10 n
473 Urnndria Theater Bids-—J A.
North Omaha Furnace Go.
M a r i
l l
502 S o . S t . — J A . 5(i:;'j
For space in this directory cal the
, " ; ° Jhfr. r, , a«i Hramleis Bldg.-JA. o+W) •, A T . 37<W ; JA. ^1H3 ;, All iteniity tvurk—MolfS n-moved
605 Electric Bidg—JA. 1045 All Kinds of Electric Wiring
Tire Shops
Paxton Billiard Parlors
ITilO t f n r i i a n i — ' A MTZi
"The Best Place To Buy Your Flowers
The utmost in Photographs DAVIS LAKE STUDIO
Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events
2509 North 2-*th St.—I'boue « ' E 20T.J
A. D. Ferguson The Florist
Sllth «"<i AOlt'S Av«.— KB. 3!HIU
1(512 Oonelos—JA. 83(10
Your ad in this directory, reaches i -practically: Sfefy. J^xsrisb: home " in Omaha
"Flowers For AH Oea
- ,
- Z i -f
2506 No. 24m—WE.-tarn
Photographs of-Distinction
Cor. t"tb anti Capitol Avt.—& I OOOnVHAK SEK*"1CK tires. Tubes. Accessories, lionrt Vulcanizing nnd Oenern! IFSep
Only , 2 different business houses allowed *« under each classification in this directory.