interesting and ^Entertaining
Of Interest ' to Jews
Entered as eecoud-class mall matter on January 27, ll>21 i t S poUuJBce nt Onjalm. Nebraska; under tbeftctr of March 3. 187!^ 2:css
GREAT AT CAMP LEVYTHISYEAR Appointment of Morris Sogolow as Camp Director Announced ^
for the opening. of . Camp Mornfe'Levy are being completed, and snnouncement vras made this week that the camp season will open July 9, at Nathan V Lake. ^ Moms Sogolow, who was at Camp Morris Levy last year,; wiU be in " charge this year, and has planned an extensive program, suited to the needs and tastes of boys.' '";'V7 ':* x tEa& nealth and safety of the hoys Morris Sogolowr -wfllTje the first consideration. A ^anip Morris Sogolow, instructor at the doctor'will be on hand to give physical School of athletic coaching, University v. examinations-and look, after the general health of the camp. Boys in need of Illinois, has been appointed director - "oi-speeial*wnTective exerciBes*will re- of Camp Morris Levy, hich will open ceive them. The camp's excellent liv- July 9. ing conditions, and the high quality and abundance of food which will be prepared in -strictly kosher kitchens under the direction of Mrs. S. Nathan, camp .mother, make it a good place to which parents may send their boys. Athletic activities will include swimming, boating, football, basketball, Perform Weird-Rite Described baseball, playground ball, soccer, In Famous7 Ansky Drama track, boxing, wrestling, tumbling, handball, and calisthenic. Mr. SogoGIRL DECLARED CURED low has planned to give instruction in Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The weird sports'inthe morning and provide for scenes of "The Dybbuk," the internapractice in the afternoon. --- The .program•}will also- include na-. tionally known drama of Jewish life tare -study of-plans, animals, and by S. Ansky, were enacted in real life geology, hiking, fishing, civic'training, in Jerusalem on Thursday when ten and camp fires_ at which talks and dis- rabbis of the Yemenite Jewish comcussions onjmorai and character train- munity performed the H^remony of ll ing will be^arrafliged. The camp fires casting out a Dybbuk. : A Jewish girl, Miss Mazli; who was i will have" entertainment features such born in Bagdad and is now_a resident -as shows,rstu^ts,| songs- and yells. of Jerusalem, was the heroine of this There will be a rglipous program with drama.^^:The •.parents,p^: thfevgirl, who Frid^reyenin^giwyices
lias become mentally unbalanced since
hqufie Jon'^'ISunSa^1 during the ca"mp the-death^-bf fa^sjoung' inajF; *fize]i3Jelf se&8_6nl. arid .preparations for that pro- their neighbor, _applied»t<>*t!!e*~11bbis to cure their daughter. On Thursdays gritd^fll made farly. Mr.'Sogblow is assistant freshman the rabbis, after a full day's fast, ascoacK in football, basket ball and base- sembled in the Yemenite synagogue ball; SXL6. supervisor of student coaches to perform the., ceremony which lasted '..,•'•• in the- School of Athletic Coaching, several: hours* -Black candles .were lit, the Shqfar University of Illinois. ' He is well; known' to Omaha, being was blown and the prescribed texis rea graduate of Kellom school, 1915 and cited, invoking, the Almighty's name, of Central High School, 1919. This ordering the evil spirit of the dead summer he is playing baseball with man to "leave the body of the virgin." The girl had repeatedly complained, the s'Murphy Did It" team. Further announcements of staff and her parents asserted, that "the soul of EzeMel, the youthful neighbor, had activities will be made soon. settled in my body, causing me torture." Following the ceremony the parents declared that their daughter no longer suffers from the evil spirit, and that she is now cured. New York.—(J; T. A.)—Mrs. Irma L. liindheini, national president of vhe Hadassah, women's Zionist organisation and a leading figure in the present ^ionistcontroversy sailed on the steamer Caronia on Friday night, for At a recent meeting of the Europe where she is expected to re- United Palestine Appeal Mr. M. main until the fall:- The Haiassah Kulakofsky was elected treasurer convention will take place in Pitts- for the city of Omaha and the state burgh on June 27, it was officially an- of Nebraska, following the resignanounced. tion of Mr. J. B. Robinson. In a statement to the representative • Books of the United Palestine of the Jewish.Daily Bulletin, Mrs. appeal have been audited by the AbRobert Szold, secretary of the organi- ramson Audit company and found to zation, declared:; "Mrs. Lindheim has be correct. Remittances may fee sent gone abroad on the-advice of her to;'the financial secretary, Mrs. Max physician, she Having' suffered a Shapiro, 542 Peters Trust cdmpany. nervous breakdown almost immediate-^ ly following her husband's death. due KLUTZNICK TO HEAD to the fact that after the shock she SENIORrCLUB COUNCIL persisted in her work for the United Philip Klutznick of the A. T5. A. wks Palestine Appeal. "Following the meeting of the elected president of the Senior club National Board of Hadassah on April council of the*Jewish Community 21 Mrs. Lindheira was completely Center, to succeed Irvin Levin,-at a eveprostrated," Mrs. Szold declared. meeting of the Council Tuesday ; ning in the Center. "Her doctor ordered her to disconOther officers are: Irving Perimetinue her work for six months, saying it would be absolutely suicide for her- ter, Psi Mu, vice-president, Rebecca to attend the Zionist convention. Seagal,-Junior Hadassah, secretary, When she: p r e s e n t this angle to the and Stanley Levin, A* Z. A., treasurer. National -Board,; we, of course, re- At an executive meeting which folcognized the seriousness of the situa- lowed the elections, Frank-Ackerman tion. ; Mrs. Lindheim expects to re- of- the Psi Mu, was. chosen program turn in the fall when she hopes to re- chairman for the coming year; . sume her work."JUNIOR COUNCIL TO HAVE Asked whether Mrs. Lindheim FINAL HONOR RALLY would be a candidate for reelection as The Junior club Council of the JewHadassah's national president,. Mrs. ish Community Center will close the Szold said that depended on the con- season with a final honor award and vention. Mrs. Lindheim had not in- rally, at 3 p. m. Sunday in .the Jewish dicated, th&t she would not accept re- Community Center. tif -stated. Honors will go to the clubs winning Winners of the three prizes of the the highest number of points in the biographical contest for juniors spon- season's activities. They are: Hertzl sored by the Young Judaea of Region club, first, Henrietta Szold girls, sec12, were announced this week by Mr. ond, Girl Scouts, third, and fourth, Jacob Mirviss, acting regional secre- Camp Fire Girls. The .Camp Fire girls tary. They are Paul Kwartin,.Bessie came'within ne -point of equalling the Gordon, And David Allen, all of Girl "Scout record.' * -A movie will a feature of the rally. Denver.
VII—No. 22
The Omaha Junior Haddassah has for all good Jews to come to the aid of an enlightened Jewishselected Mary Claire Shames to atness. Jewish interests are manifold and complex. Jewish tend the national convention of opinions are diverse. Junior Hadassah as local delegate. The convention will j#ke place in With this issue, THE JEWISH PRESS ^inaugurates Rabbi Wise Warns Members 'Even if I Am No Ziqnist, He Pittsburgh, June 27 to 29. the policy of printing "Letters To The Editor," hoping that That Congress Is In Danger Says On Landing:': This is the first year that an offrom this column which will appear from time to time, will develop an open forum for the diiscussion of Jewish affairs. ficial delegate has-been sent to the FINANCIAL TROUBLES PRELIMINARY SESSION national convention^; -according to Owing to the nature of the column, greater freedom for Jvew York. (J. T. A.) The appointLondon—(J. T. A.)-—"I have come Miss Rose Fine^ president of the expressing personal opinion is allowable, than may be perment of a commission of twenty-five, . to dp my best to help -the;Jews in local chapter. ..%*£$ mitted in the news columns of a paper. . Palestine as elsewhere, even-.if •whose function it will be to formulate Letters to the Editor, signed with the name and address no' Zionist," Loui Marshall, president the program and purposes of v the ' of the writer, will be welcomed. What you think of Jewish of. the American. Jewish Committee American Jewish Congress with a life, its ideals and organizations, will be of interest to others. declared *6n" landing at Southampton •view to revitalizing1 the movement Form intelligent opinions, and WRITE THEM TO THE on the steamer "Majestic'' was authorized at an extraordinary JEWISIFPRESS. Mr. Marshall who arrived with Dr. conference of the American Jewish • Lee K.. Frankel 2nd Dr. Maurice ^ Congress held all day Sunday at the Hexter were met.'at the pier by Felix Hotel Pennsylvania. The president, • M. Warburg and "Dr. Judah L. Mag- B'nai Israel and Beth Hamedrosh Dr. Stephen S. Wise, was authorized < nes. From Southampton the - \rty Hogodel MayV^nite to Engage to appoint the commission to ^vork in Modern Orthodox Rabbi proceeded to Lord! Mond's country cooperation with the administrative house, Melchet, . near .'. Southampton. and executive committees of.the COD-. MEETING SUNDAY Dr. Chaim Weizmann laft for Melchet gress.. The definite couree of action to join the other guests. ; , \ for the future will be decided upon . A merger of the two largest Omaha by the commission, which is also\ewisynagogues, the -B'nai Israel, Eight- Chicago, HI.--(J. T. A.)—A gift of New York.—(J. T. A.)—Emphatic pewered to call the next Congress London.—(J. T. A.)—At a brief eenth and Chicago, streets, and Beth session of the Executive of the World Hamedrosh Hogodel, is being discussed $500,000 from Max Adler, former' denial that the Greek Government tiqt later than December SO, 1928. Zionist Organization* which took place by leaders of the two congregations vice-president of Sears-Roebuck and authorities could have sanctioned the Elections of delegates would be held Thursday night, the impending pro- in a series of preliminary-meetings in Co., and brother-in-law of Julius discrimination against American citi- in Octoiter. Over 100 representatives ceedings of th<£ Jewish Agency Com- the Jewish Community Center and in. Uosenwald, for the construction of a zens of the Jewish faith to land at the of affiliated organizations were presplanetarium on the lake front island port, of Piraeus, near Athens Greece, mission were discussed. It was re- the synagogues. ~~- T ~ " east of the Field Muse was made •was made by A. C. Macheras, Consul ent at Sunday's session, ported that the" Executive adopted a The effect of'the merger would be known by President Edward J. Kelly J| General of Greece in New York. The "It would be 8. tragedy in Amerresolution stating that it takes cogni- the uniting of the two congregations ican Jewish life if the Congress were Government of Greece has nothing but of the South Park Board of Chicago, j zance of the fact that Dr. Weizmann into a single and more powerful group, will represent ihe-World Zionist Or- and the bringing;to'Omaha.-of a mod- The apparatus and instruments of the friendliest regard for the Jews to cease work now after ten years' perfected; within and "without her borders, he existence," Dr. Wise declared in his ganization at the conferences and that ern orthodox rabbi to.befits leader. the planetarium, which were f address. by Carl Zeiss of Jena, \ -many* and declared. the conclusions of the non-Partisan The congregation of B'nai Israel, at Unless the Congress receives imPalestine Suvey Commission will be a meeting held last Sunday, night, de- whicli were first established in Munich i To the representative of the Jewish submitted to the Executive and to the cided to engage a modern orthodox two years ago, will be installed in a Daily Bulletin the Consul stated that mediate financial aid to clear its inj he would institute an investigation in- debtedness of $40,000, and sufficient Zionist General Council (Actions Com- rabbi, and to talk' avsr wtih the Beth domed building. fin giving the planetarium to Chimittee) which is to meet the middle Hamoddrosh Hogodel; the' possibilities to the treatment accorded American moral and numerical strength to cago," Mr. Adler said, "I have a three-1 of July in Berlin. • passengers aboard the steamer Sinaia justifp its continued existence as a of uniting with Ihem^itnder his direcfold conception: scientific, popular who were refused permission to land democratic body, Dr. Wise will resign tion . A decisioa: has not yet been London.—(J. T. A.)—As the final reached by the twa groups. Another and philosophical. One is to further! at Piraeus because they were Jewish. from the presidency and the organL.eps toward the consummation of the meeting is scheduled Jor next Sunday, the progress of science. The second j The story of the occurence was made ization. ' would face dissolution, it was Jewish Agency plans are being made during whichc definSe: arrangements is to enable the people to observe the' known upon the return to this country brought out-during the discussion. with; the arrival ;of"the American non- may be arrived at, according to J. action of the heavenly bodies as here- j on Thursday of Professor Leo S. "The question before the JewisJ) Zionist leaders, Vlariiiair Jabotinsky, Jtatleman, chairman of the B'nai Israel tofore only astronomers have been Honor of the Teachers Institute of the people,is: 'Do you Tvant to give up leader of the Zion|£t Bevisiinists who p oriong on .thfe;/plan;;: A;_ ••"$. able to do. The third is to emphasize Jewish Theological Sejninary of Amer- the one institution which holds itself ihit all."miiikind,- rich and poor,, ica «£hQ. wa»-subjected t© the discrim.--. free, to ppss OR t%e merits of th.3 n as wnsisfa?rttityjopppispi;j&e ioCTatign powerful and- weak, i s well as aE na- inatiori on" the part of <5reek port Jewish • Agency t " Kabbl Wiws said, of"tfici; Agency tinder t i e J^eizmam? tions, here and abroad,>ep|istitult^^art Authorities-. pi&if reasserted his position at "a congregation. . "There 'is g reign of $ev?teh terror of one universe, and that under the large mass meeting held Thursday in Jewish life, invoked % the voices Dr. Honor declared that upon argreat celestial firmament there is no night-at Memorial. Hall. of -wealth, substance and power. A division or cleavage but rather inter- rival at Piraeus the passengers were reign of.terror on the part of thosn •'"•Mr, Jabotinsky warned against the divided into two classes. Those with dependence and tuiity." • admission .of professed no'n-Zionists vises were permitted to land at once who control. Jewish life and have into the Jewish Agency as the factor without question. Thereupon native deactened the Jewish soul," he concontrolling the political fate of the born American passengers were given tinued. "I'd 'like to see some represZionist movement. Party to Raise Funds the privilege of landing upon the pay- entative of two two thirds of the "A misunderstanding prevails that Boston ( J . T . A.) — Cantors in For Burned Synagogue ment of $1.25 for visas. This priv- world: at the conference of the the mandate obliges Zionists to intro- Massachusetts will no longer be conilege was denied to naturalized Ameri- 'Gedolim' in London. Instead, what duce the rion-Zionist cooperation, not sidered proper persons under the The Ladies auxiliary of the South can citizens of the Jewish faith whose have we? One or two or three or their joining the Agency. The non- law of the commonwealth to perform Omaha Synagogue will sponsor a passports gave as the lands of their four rich Jews. That is pi-eciBely the Zionists would be welcomed to eco- the marriage ceremony, according to card party for the benefit of the birth Poland or Russia. The officials nomic cooperation, but the political an official letter issued by the Sec- synagogue, to be held Wednesday, at the port refused to divulge the rea- situation the Congress is fighting. "If you let the Congress come to responsibility must remain with the retary of State, it was announced to- June 20, at the home of Mrs. F. sons for their stand. Mrs. Kleigler, an end, we will be smothered by Zionists Congress." * day. According to the definition of Katzman, 2414 F street. wife of Dr. Kleigler, professor of Bac- those whe will decide without taking: Mr. Jabotinsky suggested the estab- Rabbi as reported to the Secretary The affair has been planned to teriology of the Hebrew University lishment of a Supreme Economic of State by a committee of rabbis, raise money for the rebuilding of the persisted in demanding an answer and counsel with the Jewish people," was Council, CQmprising Zionists and non- cantors who' heretofore performed synagogue which was destroyed by finally received the follo\dng reply: his warning. The proposal for the formation of Zionists, or a two-chamber Agency, marriage ceremony will now be fire several months ago. Since the "Well Madame, if you insist, it is beone dealing with finance and construc- prohibited from doing so under the fire there have been no services and cause you are an Israelite," To her a commission came from Louis Lipstive work and the other the Zionist the children have been unable to at- further expostulations, he declared, ky, president of the Zionist organMassachusetts statutes, chapter 207, ization of America, who was given chamber, entitled to advise the govtend their Talmud Torah. "Madame,11 have no ears." the floor with the following preface ernment and the League of Nations section 37 to 40. The Ladies auxiliary has been According to Dr. Honor, this is not by Eabbi Wise, "I give the floor to This issue has been the subject on all matters affecting the Jewish of debate for many months. It was formed to meet this need. Officers of the first incident of its kind in recent the president of the Zionist Organnational home in Palestine. believed that an amicable arrange- the organization are Mrs. M. Meyer- months. ization of America, in the hope that ment had been reached, until the of- ovitch, president; Mrs. F. Katzman, An inquiry on the subject will be he will accord me a similar privilege ficial letter instructing town clerks vice; president; Mrs. E. V. Lorig, addressed to the State Department at in Pittsburgh." David Sher Awarded check all Jewish ceremonies -with. treasurer, and Mrs. Charles Nathan, Washington. This action was authorHarvard Scholarship to The principles of popular rule . . . . their records was issued by Secre-: secretary. ized by the Administrative Committee which would1 be embodied in a reof the American Jewish Congress at e constituted , Congress vere outlined David Sher, son of Dr. and Mrs. tary Cook. meeting held on June IT. Dr. Honor by, Bernard G. Richards*, executive • ..Former representative .Bernard Philip Sher, who received his described his experiences at Piraeus •secretary -of the Congress, bachelor's degree at Harvard this Ginsburg -was retained as counsel a.t a special conference of the Amerifor the Jewish Ministers. Cantors year, has been informed that he was can Jewish Congress held at the Hotel Association to fight the issue in the awarded-a scholarship in recognition The stag affair held at the High- Pennsylvania. courts, following a meeting of leadof his high standing in his studies. land Country Club Thursday, June 7, Sher, who has distinguished himself ing- cantors held at the home - of was the occassion for< several anCantor I. G. Glickstein, vice-presboth in the elementary schools and in nouncements of importance to the Otto Kahn Assists college, in scholarship,, was .graduated ident of the association. -In a statement to the Jewish members of the organization. London.—(J. T. A.)—Sir Alfred from Harvard, "cum laude." He will Telegraphic Agency correspondent, Mr. A. Herzberg reported that Yiddish Art Theater Mono, former Cabinet Minister, Chairreturn next fall to enter the Harvard Mr. Ginsburg stated that he intends all. of the money for the new wing man of Imperial Chemicals, Limited, law school. to bring the issue before the of the club house had been collected New York. (J. T. A.) Otto H. Kahn and one of the Commissions of the Sher was graduated from Central Supreme Court as a test case under except four hundred dollars. subscribed $1,000 toward the fund Non-Partisan Palestine Survey Comhigh school in 1924, at the age of the present statute. Announcement was made by the being raised for the continuance of mission ; of • the Jewish Agency, was 16 years, and has now finished his chairman, Mr. Holzman, that ar- the Yiddish Art theater under the made a baron in the honor; conferred arts course when only 20 years old. on the King's sixty-third birthday. rangements had been made for danc- direction of Maurice Schwartz. Throughout his high school and Ida Babior Wins ing at the club house every Saturday In his letter accompanying the subA dinner in honor of Felix M. Warcollege years he has interested himscription, Mr. Kahn stated: (A Yidd- burg, who ^arrived 'here in connection night. World Herald Prize self" in debate. In high school he . The meeting was well attended ish theater which merely imitates the with the forthcoming sessions of the was active in interscholastic debates. Miss Ida Babior was awarded the and was reported to have been one Broadway theater serves no useful Survey Commission, will be given toAt the University of Nebraska, where World-Herald scholarship for $200 of the gayest affairs ever held by purpuse and promotes no artistic in- night by Lord Alfred. James de he took the first two years of his •given at the commencement exercises the club. terest. A Yiddish theater which Rothschild will be among the promincollege work,, he ~.?as the youngest at Technical high school last week. draws its inspiration from the soul ent g-uests. Don't forget, every Wednesday student to win a place on the Ne- Miss Babior was graduated from night is reserved for bridge for the and traditions of the Jewish race, ; braska varsity debating team. Technical high school last September ladies and gentlemen. which aims mainly to depict its Frank Walton Dies: While at Harvard, Sher has been and • is at present a student at \ mentality, feelings, problems and constantly on the "dean's list," a list Creighton. She is the second Jewish Funeral in Bluffs •ways of living, its humor and pathos, of students who, on account of their girl to receive this honor. The first Mrs. Rose Cohn ,Long is entitled to sympathy and respect high degree of scholarship, are given was Miss Anne Eothenberg. A Resident Here, Dies and should mean in its -way and in Frank Walton, 88 years old, died special privileges of reinaining away Thursday afternoon, June t, fttld wAh Miss Babior is the daughter of its effect a genuine contribution to buried in Council BluSs Sundfty, j»*. from classes when they wish to do Mr. and Mrs. S. Babior, 3523 Daven- Mrs. Rose C, ohn, a , resident of : American art. ; Walton had been a resident of Oman! so. The list also permits students on port Street. Omaha for about 30 years, died Fri"I have used the term 'aims mainall his life. it to take longer vacations than are day, June 8, at the age of €2 years. ly' in the preceding sentence because ordinarily allowed by the college. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Burial was Friday afternoon. Martha Lippett will leave Sunday Mrs. Cohn leaves three children and it seems to me that part of the func- Bertha Hollander, and thj-ee sistefd for New York, where he will particiThe unsuccessful have the common pate in the semi-finals of the Young eight grandchildren. Her children are tion of the Yiddish theater should be and "one brother, Mrs, Sarah Gerber, delusion' that" the successful^ in any Judaea oratorical contest to be held Max, Cohn, of .Council Bluffs, Mrs. to present to its audiences from time Kansas City, Mrs. 1. Gilinsky, Omaha, department can pull the rope? ift June 20 in the building- of the Society Herman Zuber, Hastings, and Mrs. to time, masterpieces of English Mrs. Betty Hambeiger, Chicago, Nathan Walton, Chicago dramatic literature " evsrv other. -' " * for The Advancement of Judaisms _ Dave Manvitz, Omaha.
A men's Teachers Seminary of one hudred and thirty students, a Women's Teachers Seminary of one hundred and TO THE EDITOR twenty-two students, and a high school Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by M. 'SOMIT EDITOR"!* NOTE: Letters to the editor of seventy students are also supported THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY signed with the name and address of the 2429 Decatur We-3524 writer, are welcomed by The Jewish by the World Mizrachi Organization. Rosh Chodesh Taminuz Press, and will be published from time Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantte 1450 We are calling the attention of all to time on the Editorial page. The Jew- Rabbis in seventeen cities and colonour customers, that we are now in n London.—(J. T. A.)—The Hebrew .ish Tuesday, June 19.. JEANETTE GL1CK GERSON, EDITOR. Press assnmes no responsibility for ies, and Schochetim in twenty-two position to offer all llokench's KoshUniversity on Mount- Scopus, Jeru- - opinions expressed in this column. er Products nt both Wholesale and Fast of Tammuz DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. cities and colonies are maintained by Uetnil prices, nlso that we just resalem, which up to now has been only j ceived a ne.w stock of the Tollowine 42.50 THE MIZRACHI WORK Subscription Price, one year , Thursday, July 5. the Mizrachi. A Workers Organizaarticles: Tiileisim, wool and silk of a post graduate research institution,. Advertising- rates fUriilsKed-on- application the best quality, sidurim, maehzerim tion of orthodox Halutzim numberingTO THE EDITOR:— Rosb. Chodesh AB ' will open its doors to undergraduates, j and Bibles will) Jewish and English translation. Remember nlso our own CBLANdE U F ADDRESS—PIease give both the old and new address; be Wednesday, July 18. candidates for degrees in the liberal' The recent visit and address by over three thousand members is foundmake Kosher Soap that is one of the ing and operating Mizrachi colonies. Gedalia Bublick, President of the MIzbest on the market. Fast of Ab arts and sciences. j Thursday,. Jtily 26 A decision to this effect was taken | rachi Organization of America, has The Miztachi founded the colony by the Board of Governors and thegiven much impetus to the Mizraiiri Chiftin near Tiberius and the garden Rosh Chodesh Ellul - . DON KIPMNGER Academic Council of the Hebrew Uni- Zionist-work ia On aba. city, Nevei Jacob, near Jerusalem. A Friday, August 17. Sells versity which concluded its sessions Many Jews support the" Zionist new Mizrachi colony is now being ZIONISM IS A GRIME IN RUSSIA movement without inxnring much here today, with the participation of found in the Emek. Dr. Ghaim Arlazaroff* representative of the Palestine Jewish about the actual work and policies of Felix M. Warburg of New York who Labor? federations has presented to Senator Borah a memorandum Synagogues are also being promoted WITH has established a $500,000 trust fund the Organization. regarding the treatment of Zionist Jews in Russia. • and built in the more radical colonies Ihe Mizrachi Organization of the NEBR. BUICK AUTO CO. for one of the institutes of the UniThe Memorandum states that more than seven hundred JewRes. HA. 6209 versity, and Dr. Judah L. Magnes, World is not a distinctly separate or- which have. now excepting the Miz- AT. 9903 ish young men and women have been deported to Siberia and other formerly of New York, Chancellor of ganization but only a party in therachi standards. distant parts, only because they were avowed Zionists. World Zionist Organization with a An important venture of the Mizthe University. "QUALITY JEWELERS"1 platform of its own. The Mizrachi rachi was the establishing of a bank Whether or not we ard individually ardent Zionists, we cannot In adopting this decision, which was sit by and see our fellows dragged off into exile because they hap- London.—-A resolution to grant advocated in many quarters in Europe had 259c of the total delegates in thein 1925, to promote ventures, such as MALASHOCK JEWfcJLKY pen to be such,*-and os the flimsy pretext that Zionism is a men- women the-right to vote-in the syna- and the United States, the Board of last World Congress. In its platform colonies and industries which otherWholesale and Retail Jewelers gogue administration was deferred by it heartily supports the Basle pro- wise could not receive financial help. ace to the welfare of the land. Governors and the Academic Council 213-16 City National Bank a vote of 211 to 167 at a meeting of gram of the Zionist movement, but it This state of affairs, hinted at by others, is brought vividly the Stipulated that the introduction of supplemented the Zionist programme It incorporated with a capital stock of Bldg.—JA. 5619 members of the United Synagogue before he minds of American Jews by Dr. Arlazaroff's authorita- Council and representatives of the undergraduate courses is to be effected £50,000 and has lent more than $300,tive Statement. These facts should be made clear to us, who are synagogue affiliated with the United gradually and that proper safeguards of "BuiWmg a Jewish National Home" 000 to colonists. The Mizrachi Sank with, "upon the basis of the Jewish has declared a 3Vo dividend in 1926 pouring money into Russia in the belief that the Soviet government Synagogue-held yesterdaybe taken that only such students who Law and traditions. '. PATRONIZE is honestly cooperating with us in improving the conditions of Despite the plea of the chairman, are fully qualified to undertake an in- The Mizrachi is not satisfied -with and a 4% dividend in 1927 to its stockholders. declassed Jews. • THE SUNSET Sir Robert Waley Cohen,! that the tensive course of studies be admitted. mere Nationalism and Hebrew as ihe We are beginning to understand that the policy of the Soviet granting of; the vote to women ^would The undergraduate courses are to beofficial The Mizrachi movement is growing language in Eretz Yisroel, but TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge is to give with one hand and'to Withhold with the other. Having not'undermine traditional Judaism and started first in the.field of the human- it wants Eretz Yisroel to be the far and wide, as it is generally being CANDYLAND come into power under the banner of internationalism, the present that, on the contrary, the admission ities. The Institute of Jewish Studies garden where Judaism and Jewish cul- accepted by the redeemers of Efetz regime is fostering an inflamed nationalism which is in spirit more of women to the administration would and the School for Oriental Studies, ture will again blossom out. The Yisroel that, we cannot build our land 16th and Farnam akin to the Daughters of the American Revolution than to thestrengthen jJewish observance^ the which have been functioning since the Mizrachi does not only take care of oh mere Nationalism, bat that It has opening of the University, will be con- the spiritual upbuilding of "Ereta: Yis- also to revive and Uphold the ancient liberalism of a supposedly advanced political thought. nne£sure~ Tfrasf defe&ted. l ;; :; ' -i .• as departments of the under- roel, but it has also formed successful traditions and Laws of the Philosophy There is probably little that Senator Borah can do" about it, The opponents of the resolution stituted graduate institution. of Judaism, —H. G. K, colonies, . • • ' since the United.States has no diplomaic relation with the Russian urged that the United Synagogue must . The courses leading to degree? will "Manufactured in Omaha" government. Yet Dr. Arlazaroff's memorandum will do its work, not follow Reform tendencies. , The be introduced only Sixty-three schools -with an enrollin those subjects do fop it will inform Jew and non-Jew of an intolerable situation," and women in the orthodox synagogue ment of ifiWk children have been BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. not want the vote," they : declared, for which the University is adequately established. The Mizrachi school one which public opinion may do its part to remedy. Bcfresh Yourself equipped, with a teaching staff and stating that those who seek to bring Taehkemoai in Tel Aviv with a Btudart; Dttrsnt —Jeanette Gerson. . women within the administration, de- with facilities for postgraduate re- body of 1100; has just dedicated its search. grade womanhood. , first story of the new building which i Barry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treaa D. Resnick Opens was built at a cost of $110,000. This; Moscow (J. T. A.)—Leningrad, de- Arthur Schnitrier has come into school is the largest educational insti-] Cleaning Business signated IK MWTU8 as the only emigration the literary spotlight with a full tution in Eretz Mr. D. Resnick announces to the port in the Union of Socialist Soviet Humbert Wolfe is a poet for con-public the opening of his t)yeing, Republics, was opened today by thelength novel, "Theresa", the nrst in twenty years. The translation from COMPLETE STORE and OFFICE firmed readers of poetry, «live to Rug Cleaning and Demothing Plant Soviet flest authorities. OUTFITTERS the German is the work of William the in.triea.te counterpoint which, 'the at 1917-19. Clark Str. A. Drake. We Occupy printed •word may have. This is one Mr. Resnick has. had 32 years of Let thy house be open wide, and Over 'So.ooe Square Frtt of the simplest'of his poems: experience in ^European- and Amer- let the poor be the members of thy Soatltweat Corner The feathers in a fan • . ' ican countries. He was" -connected household. (Aboth I, 5s, Eleventh and Douglas Streets DAD'S COOKIES are not so frail as man; -, with Dresher Bros, for five*" y£ars, Phone JAckson 2724 the green embossed leaf t " "HKAirrHFEI. AN» DELICIOUS" and -just recently', left Pantorium darker garments and dyed them -than man is •no more brief. Omaha, Nebr. Known from Coast to Coast where he -was .employed, as a sample lighter shades with .good results. • His life is not so loud . at . as" the passing, of a • cloud; AT A l X GKOGBB8 dyer for. almost five -years. " * In, .view of his "?w overhead, he his": death is quieter - Mr. Resnick will bd ?glad to an- is in a position to offer his services 16th and Locust St. WE. 3328 /than harebells, -when-they stir. swer any questions ^'-regarding dyeASE YOUR GROCER FOR at very reasonable . puces. The years that have no form ing. - Jf others' have ttumed down and substance are as Warm, and, space has hardly less any particular job: of Eyeing, he will supreme an emptiness. .} be glad to give, his opinion—or •-And- yet man being frail ]'A<>'e& now himself prevail, " .should Sns^srirvf the garment be spoiled he will try and improve and -with a single thought - Splendid productions of a leading same. In many instances . he - has can bring the world to naught. Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, 'As being brief he still t£ocMor4.fectory; priced lower for the striped the _ original color from Catsup, Mustard, E t c bends to his "fleeting will quality than you would have believed all. time, and makes of it ' .' Every Package Guaranteed possible. <fWe invite your inspection. A savings account for your bahy com• the shadow of his .wit. .- • DRINK Soundless in life and death. \ bined- Avith Life Insurance protection. Human Vinegar & Pickle Co. although he vanisheth, WHISTLE — BLUE B I R D OMAHA the echo of a song GREEN RIVER KL A. WOLF COMPANY .makes all the stars a gong. : Soda Water Cold, void, and yet the grim 582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg.—AT. 3160 4arkness is hot with him, WHISTLE BOTTLING CO. and space is but the span WE. 2131 1131 No. 18th 413-17 So. 16TH ST. "of the long love of man.
JEWISH CALENDAR 5688-1927-28
Just arrived— Three Rockfotd
DINING ROOM SUIIS $675-00 #750.00 $82^.00
^Phillip's66" TRIPLE FEATURE OXFORD r 1 * Black KH Tan Kid
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Courtesy Always
U. S. He Who Can Run Usually Wears
is Red Hot
NE6. '
the year 'round because only pure horseradish roots and pure grain vinegar are used in its manufacture. You -will find it at your grocers even during the summer months.
CUSHIONSHOES J. P. Smith Shoe Co., Chicago, Makers and he who can read only has himself to blame if he can't walk —er run. Reed Cushion Shoes are built for rapid foot action/ for good appearance — for comfort never known in any other shoe. We'll be glad to show you—you'll be glad to be shown. Ask today. REED CUSHION SHOES SOLD IN OMAHA ONLY' AT THE N E B R A S K A . -
A Safe Deposit with a high rate of interest - accruing daiJv. That's what
.Neat, Tasty'
—is a low cost helper on hot days. You can let Kelvinator pay for itself in food saved.,; See it at any of our "Electric Shops."
PRINTING , means to you. It costs no .more — it's worth money in -actual dollars and cents—^and can be obtained quickly by asking for our representative.
Easy Terms
Thomsen* Slater Butter Co. 1315 Howard St.
AT. 8485
m Washed Clean Guaranteed Against Shrinkage 65<£ to jgl.O© Each Rcthndinff Like New If Desired
Omaha Phone AT. 0280 Council Bluffs, 5473
"Electric Shops'
Greater Sboc Section—3InIn floor—Kortli
Telephone AT lantic 8028 INTERSTATE PRINTING COA1M>A.U£l, VOW MKKJ 'A>«>
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Cold drinks for hot days are extra delicious when they're just out of the Kelvinator electric refrigerator. Crystal-like cubes of ice tinkle against tiie aides of the glass . . . chilled goodness awaits that first tempting sip. Keeps refreshing beverages ready all the time.
- 1307-1309 Howard Street, Omaha
2314 M St.
-.1 Sts.
Nebraska Power Courresy - Service • Lew R«e>
< T
315 SO. | 4 TH. ST. OMAHA-
J>AGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1928 Catholic to the pre»day, on "Should a Roma* Catholic? vindioate this belief. be Elected Prsiddent?" Dr. Holmes So would the electian of a Jew." declared: "The test of oar democracy is not Frances Fish, talented violinist, words but deeds. We say. that we In politics, as in business, honesty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fish, believe in religious liberty. The is the slowest policy. -—ZangwilL The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah 2318 Charles St., will be featured as Sunday school will hold their annual i one of the solists at the Riviera picnic next Wednesday afternoon, Theatre when she will assist George at Fairmont park. Everyone is in- Johnson, Organist, in his weekly Sunby I vited to attend. Games and amuse- day noon program. This program will ments are bing arranged for the be devoted exclusively to Russian Mrs. David M. Newman. | children. Each family is requested to music Miss Fish whose parents were Potato Puffs with Rarebit Sauce: bring its own lunch basket. Ice cream born in Russia, has appeared on the 3 cups potatoes, mashed without sea- •will be served by members of the Orpheam Circuit with Kita Mario and soning or milk, 3 eggs well beaten, Ladies later with the Ben light Revue. Also Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Holzman, Mr. Max Holzman, and Mr. Wil- } i teaspoon pepper, 2 teaspoons salt, Torah. auxiliary of the Talmud on many programs with marked suciiam FeUer, will leave Saturday, for Lexington, Kentucky, where, 2 tablespoons butter, 3 tablespoons cess. She is a pupil of Prof. Frank On Wednesday, June 20, Miss Sarah Louise Weil, daughter of Mr. milk. Mrs. Ralph Castle, of Brooklyn, Mach, Concert Violinist and Instructor, and Mrs. Jonas Weil, will become the bride of Mr. Max Holzman., Add milk, beaten eggs, butter and N. Y., arrived Sunday morning to The marriage will take place at six o'clock in the home of the seasonings to the mashed potatoes, visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E . bride's^ parents, in he presence of the immediate families. Mr. and beat vigorously until well blend- Gilinsky, for the remainder of the ed and fluffy. Fill Lito greased muf- month. She came to attend the William Feiler will be Mr. Holzman's best man. fin pans, and place in a hot oven for funeral of her brother-in-law, Frank Mrs. Morris Levy, Mr. Holzman's grandmother, will go to 35 minutes. Remove to a hot platter Walton. Lexington for the event. Other guests will include Mr. and Mrs. and New York 13. T.. A.)—The elecserve with rarebit sauce garDaniel L. Korn, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Holzman, and Mr. and Mrs. nished with pimento'and parsley. tion of a Catholic or a Jew as the Milton Marcos, student at the Oscar Lowinson and their daughter, Miss Maxine Lowinson, all of next; president of th* United States University of Illinois at Urbaaa, is\ New York City. Rarebit Sauce. 3 ' cups milk,. 6 expected to arrive home Friday to was advocated by Dr. John. Hayes After the ceremony, the young e»uple will go on an eastern tablespoons UNSHINE Kosher Primro»e Crtckem flour, 4 tablespoons but- spend the summer vacation With, bis Holmes to provide » test of Amersave time, worry and work. They are wedding journey, and on their return, will reside a t the Blackstone ter, 1% teaspoons ican "religious liberty. In ME sersalt, % teaspoon parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lotos Marcus. all ready to serve. • h o t e l . • • •• V : • • • • . • • - > • • : : & • • " •:••.•:. ; ' ? '•'• . . _ ' mon at Community Church on SHHpepper, % cup grated cheese.. A generous layer of luscious cream is imprisoned between two, chocolate, kosher Melt butter and remove from fire. The Daughters of Israel Ladies Mrs. A. Brinn left Monday for a Sir. and Mrs. Joseph Batt ancookie-cake*. They are BO delicious, they Add flour and seasonings and mix are sure to win the hearts and appetites of visit at Estfaervflle and Sioux City, the engagement of their Aid society of the. JewiBh. Old; well, working to a smooth paste. guests and family when served at parties. daughter, Miss Jeanette JBatt, t o Peoples Home, will Sold^ thfir: r«|g« Add the rest of the milk, -retain to Iowa. With tea and coffee, with ice cream and Mr. liOuis Bordy, Bon of Mr. Simon ular meeting at 2:30f £1; m., "Tues- fire and heat, stirring; constantly undesserts. SUN6HJNE KOSHER Miss Fannie Katelman left TuesBordy of Columbus, Nebraska. The day, Juhe 19, i t the bime, 2504 til mixture thickens. ' Add grated "Kadiruth" is guaranteed by th* Union of PRIMROSE CRACKERS " wedding date has not been set. Mr.Charles Str. Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. tor the } cheese and cook in double: boiler 15 day for Kansas City and Leaves^ worth, Kansas, to visit her sister, A Mashgiach is always present at the and Mrs. Batt will receive In their Mrs. S. Lipp has" r e t t e d from j minutes, bakery. Mrs." Abe Bear and Mr. Bear. horns Sunday in honor of their^ : Sweet Potato Puff: To 12 sweet In ordering these and other kosher crackan extended trip to New, York City* daughter. ers, toe (rare to say . . . Sunshine . . . to where, she visited . her daughter, potatoes cooked, peeled and mashed, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seldin and famyour grocer. The marriage. of Miss Gertrude Gertrude, and relatives. On h e r add % cup maple syrup, and ?£• cup ily returned herae Friday from a melted butter. Potmixture" in a. casMoskovitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. return trip, she stopped in Detroit^ week's visit in New Raymere, Colo., Louis Moskovitz, and; Mr. Corpal and with her son, Morris, in Chicago^ serole, covertop^vrith marshmallows, with Mrs. -Seldin'B brother,. Mr. E . D. and bakei 15 minutesat 375 degrees. 545 BjtSadway—Phone 41,Cohen, of Gretna, Nebraska, was Seldin and famBy. Council Bluffs; la. The Daughters of Zion will-meet solemnized: Wednesday evening, June LDOSE-WH-ES BISCUIT CO. A-Z. A. NEWS. •6, by Rabbi Frederick Cohn of at 2:30 p. m. Wednesday June 20, -Among the Council Bluffs represenat the Jewish Community Center. The first summer-meeting of the tatives at the A. Z. A. tournament held Temple Israel. This will be the bast meeting of the A. Z. "A. fraternity was held Wednes- in Lincoln Sunday were Mr. Louis H . • •• A reception honoring the young Braude, chairman dap evening, June 13, at the Jewish Katelman, advisor of the Council season. Mrs. couple will be held at the home of : ..-\ Bluffs chapter,, and the following the bride's* j>arents, Sunday, June of the bazar committee reports that Community Center. Plans are being formulated for a members: the: affair was a great success and Abe L Katelman, Max 17, from 4 until 9 o'clock. wishes to thank all who helped for Bummer dance which is to serve a Kramer, Harold Saks, Salwyn Mkb> two-fold purpose: First, as a send- nick, Sam Shyken, and Harry TrochMr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Dobrin, their assistance. off to those members going to the tenberg. 5 Lincoln boulevard, announce the Mrs. M. Lederman and daughter national convention at Denver, July 'birth of a son, Arnold,, on June 6. M|E. Dobrin was formerly Miss Florence have returned to their 18, 19 and 20; and second, to honor home in Waterloo, Iowa, after s. those members who are receiving Wright-David Beauty Parlors Eiiiel Abrahamson. two months' visit with Mrs. Leder- their diplomas from high schools and 716 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Siegel of Los man's parents, Mr." and Mrs.' B. universities. AT. 4383 Angeles are the guests of Mr-, and Bosenbaum. Specialists all lines Beauty Flowers were sent to one of the Mrs. Morris Green and Mr. ana Mrs. Culture. Permanent Waves and , Mrs. A. Nachschoen' and daughter, members, Max Givot, who is in' the Meyer Green. They ar* on their Symmetriser Reducing Machines St. Joseph hospital recovering from Lillian, left Tuesday for a -motor "way' to Europe. trip to Kansas City and Excelsior an operation. Kully left Tuesday Springs. They expect t o be gone-for j Los Angeles and San Francisco the 'remainder of the month. "where she Tfrill spenoMhe summer. In Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rosenblatt the fan,'-Khe~w2I Resume her studies of Salt Lake City, are the guests at Mills -college. of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Appleman. Mrs. Herman Cohen and her twoMr. and Mrs. Rosenblatt are enroute children, -of Kansas City, is spend- to Minneapolis to attend the Rotary; ing two .weeks with her relatives in convention. j Oinaha. , Miss Harriet Greenblatt, of Minne\TJ& street ear tokens, Tesembling a . " Mrs. 'A. Shafton and Mrs. S. apolis, is visiting, her grandparents, smiling face, indicate our attitude A HOME PRODUCT Mandell left Tuesday for Excelsior Mr. and Mrs. A. Monsky. A_namber toward our 'patrons'. Springs. of affairs are being given for her. . I Mrs. TJfedl Ginsberg of Des Mornes, Miss Ethel Greenberg .visited .her! ' We are making an honest effort to , is spending the week with her sister Mrs. J. R. Bushman and Mr. { give excellent service tothe public and She was formerly Miss Bushman during her recent trip to , to giveHmt service with a smile. Bjanna Filbin. Chicago. : - * 1 .'Hyman S. Shrier left Wednesday Harry Blacker ' left Thursday We sell transportation. And we *u»; far Denver^ "where he will visit his morning by motor for Los Angeles;, thankful for every lide we sell, Just t*Hum, ' Harry Bubenstein, formerly Calif. He will be gone about of Omaha. He -will remain until as any other business institution » ,i month. after the national A. Z. A. conventhankful every time it makes a tale* tion in July. Mrs. Morris L Pickua -and daughter Dona, accompanied by her - sister Janet Katleman, who has been spending several weeks, i n Chicago, arrived' Thursday morning to spend about three weeks visiting friends and relatives.
Council Bluffs News
Frances Fish to Be Soloist at Riviera
Holmes Wants Election of Jew or Catholic
y bother baking cakes S
June Bride
Sunshine Kosher Primrose Crackers
f redt. Stow Riwer
Ask for-
HappyHbllow Coffee
B E S T I N T tt E W E S T
This Weeks Hostess Special
In ©nr efforts to give .good service and to give i t with1 a smile, we are merely complying -with what we believe should l?e-the first rule of every business which comes in contact with £he pub* Ha
:, >
June Clearance of
Coas—Coats—Coats! All redueed for clearance. Now is the time to buy your little • coats—for travelling wear, and for wear next season. Savings have never Tseen so great.
Three Drastically Reduced Groups Including Every Coat in Stock Values to $10.75
Sizes 8 to 14
Values to $19.75
Values to $35
CksntpliMentary letters, telephone messages and personal comments made t© our officials and conductors indicate that our patrons appreciate our efforts.
We are performing a service which everyone knows is necessary to the life and progress of a «* I t is, however, a" privilege for us to perforsa this fterrice. We want the people to know that we are grateful for the privilege- We want the character of our service to be such that our patrons will continue to give us the right to do business with them.
GAIN we are giving you this deliciously wonderful two-layer white cake flavored with almond. Filled and iced with a butter-cream icing and full of chopped nuts and candied cherries. A wonderful cake at a popular price. Do not delay ordering one or more of these cakes.
Said a -woman the other day, noted for the delicious foods 6fi£ served r "You, too, and youT who!e family will enjoy these finely textured cakes with their rich creamy icings."
At Your Grocer's
25 e
Al Your Groter's
"Elsie Dinsmore" Dresses 3§L •;• ••;' Vahiz$if>$3M % I Prints. Voiles — cool -*';^ cash,dresseslin clever little s-;:^ siytei—siaei 14. &V^j"•"%-{•':'-
"'h> Fifth Floor "• '
STANDARD BAKERIES CO. ; "The Wonder Bakery"
PAGE 4—rfe JEWISH PRESS,- FRIDAY,1 JUNE 15,* 1928 Moscow (J. T. A.)—Moses Gur- appointment of Admiral Horthy^ ^Abrahams upset the strong Psi Mu ' Twenty-five hundred persons used Shannahan Addresses 18,000 Mfles to Vote Aria, a shocbet, was sentenced by a Regent of Hungary. f the Physical Department during the juniors, 9 to 7, and B'nai Ami beat the Kansas City Meeting Jewish Communist court to five ,month of May. The^attendance showed Boy Scouts 11-to 1.' - 1 months imprisonment at hard labor. Standingr of -the indoor basAall iari increase of over two hundred com- ""Few, if any, economists or stuHe was charged with conducting a pared to May, 1927. league: FOR RENT Marcus Erasne dents of modern transportation in secret Jewish religious school in a G W L 5-Room kitchen equipped -With fCMt teams entered in the J. synagogue. Special beginners' classes have been cities believe, that the elctric railB'nai Ami 11 10 1 way can be wiped out, except with C. C. baseball loop, play will begin apartment, close in, must started. The Red Cross life saving Psi Mu Jr. 11 9 2 Vilma <J. T. A.) — John GalsSunday afternoon on the Elnvwood '•': Olympians .U ~11 6 5 class meets every- Saturday night 7r8. disastrous results ~ t o . the communibe seen to be appreciated. worthy, as president of the Interties, which they serve," was a statediamond*" "The ffijst game will be Bobcats ^...._.l.—11 5 : 6 Reasonable rent. AT. 7019. national P. E. N. Club, addressed an called at 1:30,between the Omaha A. Morris Sogolow has a sore arm.; ment by John "N. Shannahan, presB'nai Abrahams -.11 3 9 appeal. to the Yiddish section of the Z. A* and therKairaan Insurance while -Better get in'to condition next, Soggy. ident of the Omaha & Council Boy Scouts .....11 1 10 P. E. N. Club, urging the members thevPsu-Mu .will .tangle at 3:30 with Bluffs Street Railway company, in to present the plight of the victims the-J..J. Smoke house. Both games an address delivered before the conKeep tool in the J. C. C; pool. Games in the indoor baseball league of the Bulgarian earthquake. Will be; ^ seven .inning affair. Paul vention of the American Electric NEAT ROOM FOR RENT Grossman- has been appointed presi- will be played on Monday and Wed- The Girls Physical department held Railway association last Tuesday in Can be used by a couple Budapest (J. T. A.)—Herr Veszi, their hike last Sunday. Twelve girls Kansas City. dent of- the league. Tha paptaiiis-for' nesday. The indoor baseball will . • : editor-in-chief of the Pester-Lloyd, finish June 27. ,. • > or single. HA. 7316. 3101 donned;.knickers and hiked through ' "Electric cars operating on rails the teams arj&as follows:"J. J. Smoke was made life member of the hills to!JElmwood parfc Lincoln Blvd. rHousfej lilsx.fAhshiiler, ICaiman Insurwill, in my opinion, continue to be Pester-Lloyd, was made life member ance, Jake Stolerr Psi Mn. Sam : The junior outdoor baseball league the backboneof local transportation of the Hungarian upper house, by Handler and the Omaha A. Z.-A., will begin Sunday morning, July Isti- r Don't forget the girls' tennis tour- in the modern American city. I Four teams will enter the league. The aamefit; which begins Tuesday, June '"Place your cards face up on the! Stanley Levin. Both games will be hot affairs so come early and; be assured newly organized newsboy club is ex:7 f9.~" Entries "close June 14. Sign with table. One false move, one instance( pected to enter, a team." ' Miss "Greeriberg. • of room to watch the gamesi ; of corrupt use of money, and years of straight dealing'go by the board. A five->run. rally in. the, last inning Max-Franks, was high 5^nt ; |S. ; ' " I believe in the .essential fairness LlloBR TEACHER • gave the Olympians a 21-to-20- victory in the grade schoorswimmi^^ra^.-;.j;. b£ the American people. and that over the Bobcats';in the JVC'C. indoor HAVE CLASS HERE tHey can be depended upon to decide baseball league Monday.. The'B'nai • Sixteen entries have been; received for the Ji C. C. tennis tournament. ,. HarryjKononpyitch, jteacher of justly and fairly any question with MONSKT; KATTMMAN & GRQDINSKT Play will begin Surfday.' Sani fipstem vioHn7 "in,' the WteiropoUtan opera r\*&ich they are confronted.". ; . .752 Omaha. Nat'L Bani-JBMg. house. New iYorJt. City, has arranged |=Mr. Shannahan in his address is the J. C. C. tennis champ. 'NOTICE- OF. JPBOBATB -OF ffllX to tearfl'iri :Omaha:fo'r the summer. urged the street railway companies In uie County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska.* . '" , Louis • Binstein and Sam Rochnian, Mr. Kononovitch has arranged to to render*efficient service and to be In-the matter of the estate .of JSBAEL, DAVIp GBRBEtt also known as JACOB? consolation champs of the J. C. C. will teach at the Tunberg studio. He has honest in their dealings with the ready for you in or JV <SEKBER, "deceased-. ••-- - ;. • presented a very successful rcommunities. All persons Interested la said estate are leave for a two weeks vacation to just hereby, v^otifieft-. that, a; .petition-hak "*eeir Eansas:Cfty> DesrMdines andi Lake -C.'D.'-Borter, general manager, Theobald Diehl, above, traveled fii New "York.: handy 2-lb. Caddies fil€tt'iji saif? Ooirrtv^-praylng'rfop'tjifi'prpDatfl read the -address in the" absence of 18,000 miles, to serve as a delegate of -a'cartainVlnstrinDent'now^oBi.'ajafta';saw.Cojirt; E'arporfelag'-tO" pa -the-Iasfc will and: .T'Sharinahah, who was called to at the Republican national conventestament o t "said'deceased,*. uhU "tfiat -a at your Grocer's Just as "Easy. tion at Kansas City. His home is -in hearing wilL be-had on said petition before on the N. 1Y.,.by the death of his Manila. , mother said'tCoigrt--o"*^the"/6th'j day-> otJToJSs,. 102H, Meyer Cjreenberg. Miss -Herriet Deane. and-that if ",'4fies.!*fnH to~oippear\at'6aidr Consolation tournament —a healthful sweet Jifir daily Ufe and: teaches it to .Court" on* the"i(Jthf:-dEa^-of July,V-1928,'-at ^ m " a t w o ;5reefe-mffiiHeks When a poor man stands at, thy 9 o'doVt-AizMlitpyconteat the probate;of children.'-'^One day s&s: had con.from |cMcag«j.; M e ^ says _he •Biderable difficulty^ in • getKng^. herj-H Whenv ?shoppmg-^mention "The door the Holy One stands at his right hand. (Lev. R. XXXIV, 9). efltate'to-Hyman-GerBerot-Bome-other^snit-. likes his home town, the best. small son to take a spoonful of castor ^pwish Press:" • able person ancUpxoceed to a settlement oil. . -i ere ° ' ^ --^BRXGB CEAWFOKD, Harry Stoler will spent three weeks "Now Johnnie," she reminded him, June 1&—3T- • County Judge. to Canada. Wow, what a time Harry "all you have to do is to keep on sayX FBOMKIN, Attorney will have. ing to-yourself. *This_iastes good, this 628 Peters Trust BWg. "~" tastes good," and you won't mind itPROBATE NOTICE College students returning home at all.'5 • ~ 1 ; _; ; 'In the matter - of : the estate o£ ANNA FKIEDEL, deceased. —; - - . . . . for the summer vacation will be given NOTICE is hereby giTen: That the the opportunity to join the Physical ..; Joiinnie, ^Mr,h~esitating to creditors of, Bald deceased, will meet the dose, suddenly had an inspiration.' | administrator of said estate; 'before irie^ Education Department and: enjoy all "Mother,", he cried, "I'm going tp County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska,'at the County Court Boom, in Bald its privileges. The membership will say: Tye already taken it, I've alCounty, on the'3rd day of August, 1028, and on the 3rd day "of October,r1928, at begrnTtJSSe^B. A membership card ready taken it,''and then I won't neejd 9-o'clock:A, SL, each day, for the purpose will entifle' the ;_ beare? -6v the'|use of to take it at -dl!»• ' J of "Presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance.- Three months the Gymnasium, handball courts^ and are' allowed for the creditors 'to present their claims, -from the 30th day of "June, is 'only: by being misunderstodd 1928. BBYCB CBAW FOR P.June 1—4T County; Judge. a:.great man can_ have any inice ~ :iQnithis kind... ,i; SAM BEBER. Attorney -
• •
300 Peters Trnst Bids. • . PROBATE NOTICE •.. . • In the County Conit of Douglas County,
N e b r a s k a .
•• -
. . " • ' . '
June 1—3T
475 Brandels Theater Bide-—JA. 481]
1411 ^ o . a4ib st.—WE. caoi Installatioi. nud Repairing of TiD Wort, ^uraaces Skylights. Ventilating. GutfeiS and Spouting. • ; .', aients lor Nesbit Fcrnace
lllS Douglas Street The Most Popular-Cnfe-in
. Certified Public Accountants U38 Securities
"XfiSice of*'^e7ffilest~ iomes. K *TEe favorite. where -.e,c o £ o m y is watched. A luxury within the reach of alL Its high reputation recommends that you try it.
8AM BEBER, Attorney .'" 300 Peters Trust Bldg. PBOBATE NOTICE "In the matter of the estate of MICHAEli JOSEPH LYNCH, deceased. ..-. .•; .NOTICE Is hereby given: . That -the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before-me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, In Baid County. on the 3rd day of August, 1028, and on the 3rd day of October, 1928, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose,of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to .present their claims, ^ m ^ h ^ S O ^ O a y ^ o f to, June 1—4T
North Omaha Furnace Co.
County. Judge.
Appropriate for After-Theater -r... .-.-.Gatherings._.,,.;„,.. ._..-,
You should patronize our advertisers and mention the • JEWISH PRESS1 when you do.
.Spring Means, Buildjng .»-' Bjailding
aai--v^uii^-cttT. S524
Ebr i^he
' Estimates Gladly Furnished .
Harnejj 3*11
•Don^t w«ry; about the y Country. Drink ADVO Coffee and you will never miss liquor; • '> • -
Advo Coffee isr Stimulating,, Refreshing and Exhilarating:
24th and Burdette " — " WE. 6362
Let the
FRIED'S KOSHER PElilCATESSEN |«I3 No.-*Jtb St. htllldle a full line Ot Jmported fish—
tt* «|.w»ten - W"mnrk H.-rrinc
-MITCHELL CO. HArnex ices
Jiruuzp'on't DlllniVitsiiiulftra-siws
Blended, Roasted, Ground and Packed —by—
MeCord-Brady Co< OMAHA
—Studio Will Be Open All Summer—
21M-U South 24th St.—AT. 1400
Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our Own Plant
Printers -SUN PRINTING ^
; ^ 0 7 g ; 7 Gass—AT. 3533
H OMAHA GARAGE .\1517 N-o, 2?th St.—WE. U3O0
AT. 3832—504 So.?13 Get Onr Pricea and Save &loney
STANDARD PRINTINCi CO. „ ,. —JOB PRINTING-^ 819 No. 10th St.—Phone JAcksun S6JW We spociallie In form printing and
Reliable,. Reasonable, Expert. i- A u ^ Repair Service
Laundries SPECIAL NOTICE We nre offering 10% discount on all ir*H£tr <3ry~birntHes picked up Friday for Tuesday delivery. SANITARY tACNBUT ' "**Wt*-H.- OSTEN15EUCJ. Pres. 2S15 Ttrnam ATIantlc 2815 We suggest yon send yoor laundry to
": 4420*lorence Blvd., KE- 1500 THE HOUSE WITH A REPUTATION
WE. 1029 Ail Type of Laundry
solicit your patronage
METAl,—GLASS—WOOD— CI.OTH—SMO-CARDS '. HA. 4309 i ' S49 So. S5t»
Lumber Co's.
215 So. lUtb — 1'lione. A'L. NIU*
16th aad Davenport Street tL MANOS, Propr. TOD'LL IIEETrlODB FK1ENOS ....... AT HAKKT'S i
1904 No. 24th St.—WE. O3S6 B. ROBINSON Ugr. Two experienced ; registered pharmacists at your service. Hrompt free delivery anyfwhere in the city'.
No. 4 1023" Clark St.—WE. 0410
Personal Service Yon will Appreciate
CarefurPrescfiption Service 'Merchandise" of Quality
Beauty Parlors
WalUn-HolmgTen Elec Co.
Brandeis Stores . . JA. 2507-AT. 8G06 Dundee Parlor ffi. 8014 I Specialists In PERMANENT WAVING
New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders
Ask for Advo, Accept No Other
Suite 5,Wead Bldg., IS and Parnam —Telephone AT. 8162—
Drug Stores
15tb and Douglas—115 So. lotb
Beginners and advanced students accepted.
BatBer Shops
2£ Rooms—200 Baths Good Rooms for 51.50 Operated,by Eppley Hotels Co.
1511 N«. nth—\VB.
! QUAKER Be Your Baker \
S*». '
HIMELJBLq©M BAKERY Serve Himelbloom's new pumpernickle bread with your next meal.
TFor ^Siy kind of service on your automobile call the Cass Garage, no matter, when, where, or why. —24 HOUR SERVICE—
County Judge.
All the You Need!
Auto Tops & Accessories National
Piano Teacher
In the matter ot the estate of ZiOIHSA HAKENHOLZ. deceased. . . . All persons interested in said estate nrc hereby notified that a petition has heen fited-ln said Coutt, praying for the p.rounte of a certain instrument now7 on file m eaid Court, -purporting tQ, be-the Ia« .•mill'-ana testament ox said.deceased^ ariS,Uiat.a;hear* ing will be had on said petitiph beforepalir Conrt, on Oie-22nd day; of June,. ^928; and that if they fail, to appear atsaM Coorton the said 22nd day of Jnne^l82S, nt 9 tfcloclt A. M. to contest the probate of-said will; tbp Court may allow and probate said-will and.erant administratidn of said estate to HERMAN -, OTTO HAKENHOI/Z or some other' suitable person and proceed to a settlement tliereot.
502 So. ISth St.—J A. 5032
24tb and Burdette—WE. «3C2 2ptb tfnd~Nicholas—JA' 5000
Under Cover"'
It?s tthfi;v advertiser: that, -mates •fhe'publishing of this paper ." I" : possible.
"Mtisic Teachers R1ACH VIOLIN SCHOOL Dependable tor correct Instruction. Progress ot studious pupils punrnnteed. Each pupil given individual attention of the highest possible degree. Prngue Conservatory Method Taught. Flattering comments on results from instructors all over the country. Instruction Fees With I'rof. Mnch :.....S'J.OO per half hocr. With capable assistants Class A —.- $1-00 per half hour. .Class B $1.00 per hour lessons. Studio » * H So. 16 St.—Fhone JA. 1953
Herzbergs MarineUo 131U UouRl 1U UouRlas 5WS Brandeis Thtr. AT. 3T(3 BIUg.-JA. 3460 Fonteneile, JA. LtH3 All t>ea»ty work—Moles removed
605 Electric Bldg.—J A. 1045 -All Kinds of Electric Wiring-
Paxton Billiard Parlors
THE WEIS FLOWER SHOP "The Best Place To Buy . . Your Flowers
The utmost in Photographs
1510 t'ariiaiii-rJA. U721
•; Direct Wire Service on All Latest ^Sport Events
230S Nortn 2itb St.—Phone WE. 2057
DAVIS LAKE STUDIO 2506 No. 24th—WE. 0311
AT D. Ferguson The Florist
Your ad in this directory, reaches -. practically every Jewish home in Omaha
5t)th »n<l Aims A v t - K E . SSH)!t
UH2 Douelas—JA. 33i;e
"Floorers For All Ocassions"
Photographs of Distinction
Master Tailor Service Refitter of Ladies and Men£ . ' .. . Clothing ••f , . -AT'BEKNSsTElN.
Prop.'--.. •
• mini JVO. a-jtb si.—WB. anu ' Specializing in Cleaning. I'reBBtng and Uelinine Men and Women's Appnre! •
Tent &--Awhing"Co?s Tents, Avmings, Covers, Camping i Equipments, Auto Av.Tiings and • Tourist Supplies. j NEBR. TENT & AWNING CO. j 1808 Famara JA. 3329 i For space in this directory cal the
Cor. Htb and Cnplto) &ve.- &'! «42"i \ fiOODVRAK SERVICE Tires, Tubes. Accessories, Hon<i Vulcanizing nnfl Genern! Only
2 different business houses allowed under each classification ; in this directory. •