the News O/ interest
'f^ 'rand-';.^": Ehteriainins
Entered as seeond-clasa mail matter on Jais§;S£i-T7, ll)2i.-ot post office at Omaha: NebraBkn. under the 4crSr*,*5?;Jcb 3. ISZL.'.._-_
VOLUN1ER WORKERSiiOLL s ONE HUNDRElilW J E # 5 COMMUNin (MI1R MEMBERS Every Available Prospect in City Visited in Single Day by Fifty Campaigners. ENTHUSIASM AND CO-OPERATION
Father to Send Son and Another to Gamp The thrill the camp life can give to a boy is a very real thing to Samuel Vorzimer, 3156 Lincoln boulevard. ; Mr. Vorzimer went to the Jewish Community Center Tuesday to sign up his son for a month at Camp • Morris Levy. He asked about the plans for the camp and heard all about the full-program which is being planned by Morris Sogolow, camp director. •, . He asked about the financing of camp for boys whose parents cannot afford to pay for them. H e was told that-ihere are usually more of such boys making application, than cancrbe accepted, and that they are!1the boya who need camp life the most. Mr. iVorzimer' was enthusiastic. He "Offered to ^finance the sending of one boy besides his own son, to attend camp for a month, T—the boy to be selected by the Federation director from . among those who could not otherwise-enjoy the camp. . And he went away promising to find another man who would do the same. ~ Mr. Vorzimer knows what camp life means to a boy.* .
Mr. and Mrs. Mirviss Resign Positions Here
Mr. Jacob Mirviss, educational director and assistant director of the Jewish Community Center, and Lillian Margolin Mirviss, case Hadassah Stands Aside Saying worker of the Jewish Welfare Its Claims Can Be Settled Federation, tendered their resignaAt Convention tions to the Center and Federation early this week. CHARGES REDUCED TO 3 Mr. Mirviss has been a member of the staff for almost a year, New York (J. T. J~)—Probing inand has done much to build up to the charges recently made by junior and senior club work in the members of'the opposition, particulCenter. Under his direction, the arly those who toofc-'a leading part Junior and Senior club councils in the Washington ,' opposition conference held under the chairmanship were formed, and much new junior of Judge Julian W. Mack, was begun activity stimulated.. He was direcon Sunday by the court of inquiry tor of the Center Sunday school appointed; by Dr. Chaim Weizmann established last fall. Mrs. Mirviss has been case before his departure at .the suggesworker for- the Federation for tion of the Zionist administration. " "The hearings which were held all more than"--a year, and has asday Sunday and continued on Mon- sisted in other activities in the day evening . at the Unity Club, Center. Mr. and Mrs. Mirviss' resignaBrooklyn, were presided over by Justice Edward: Lazansky, presiding tions have been, regretfully acJustice of the. Appellate Division. cepted by the board. Mr. " and Mrs. Mirviss have The other members present were Supreme Court Justice Mitchell May, taken positions for the summer in Federal Judge Glo\er M. Moscowitz, the camp of the Central Jewish General Sessions Judge Otto A. Roz- Institute of New York, at Port alsky and Superior .pourt Judge Jervis, Sf. Y. They will leave Harry M. Fisher of Chfcago. Super- Omaha next Tuesday in order to be in New York in time for the ior Court Judge Samuel Kalisch of opening of the camp on June 29. New Jersey did not attend.
VOL. VII.—No. 23
to Aid Naturalization Children Who AppJifd Before Process and Criminal Reaching 21 to Have Non-. Investigations Quota Status
Washington.—(J. T. .*.)-BeginWashington, D. C. (J. T. A.) — ning July 1, 1928, immigrants enter- "Cabled instructions will be cent to Fifty enthusiastic workers, tinder the generalship of Sam ing at all points will be provided with consuls abroad whereby exemption Beber, chairman of the membership committee of the Jewish Comidentification cards, bearing their from the Quota will be granted to munity Center, conducted an intensive- drive Wednesday for new name, full description and photograph. children who have passed twenty one members for the Center. In the course of the single day, one hunThe cards will be issued by the Amer- years of age provided they were dred names were added to the membership roll. ; ican Consuls at the ports of departure j under twenty one when they applied .:.-. According to Sam Beber, the most gratifying part; of the and when the immigrant is admitted, for visas, it was learned following whole campaign was the enthusiasm and spirit of co-operation exthe identification card will be com- a conference yesterday by Congresshibited by the workers. "Never," says he, "have^ I seeiC such a pleted by the signature of the admit- man Dickstein with immigration ofcommendable spirit shown since the days of the first drives for ting officer. This policy will apply ficials. the Community Center." only to immigrants, but not to those : The law as recently amended by who enter the United States fcr the Congress provided for the exempThe drive was inaugurated early f~ purpose of study. in the morning when the workers tion of children of American citizens assembled at the Hotel Loyal for An order introducing1 the new sys- ap to twenty-one, but was silent, on breakfast. There the plans for the tem, prepared by George J. Harris, the question of the status to be acwork were 'outlined, and the men, acting commissioner of Immigration, corded those who applied before they encouraged in speeches by Sam was approved by W. W. Husband, became twenty one but who since Beber, Harry Lapidus, and Harry Acting Secretary of Labor. have passed . their majority. The inZimman, went out in pairs to work Wins Corpus Juris Prize of A similar system of identification instructions wil] also require the on. every available prospect in the . Senior Class cards has been in use with regard to consuls to grant priority in the order city. These had been listed and the Chinese immigrants to this coun- that applications were filed and to placed on cards which were divided try. Another: step in" this direction issue visas first to parents and ENJOYS NEW WORK among the enthusiastic volunteers. was the order promulgated on April children, deferring visas to the wives At noon another meeting was held "I find it most fascinating," is the 10, 1927, providing for the endorse- of aliens until after parents and for lunch at the Hotel LoyaL With way David F. Beber, new associate ment of the passports of aliens ad- children have first been acted upon. Hadassah Not Implicated results already forecasting the huge in the law firm of Sam Beber, his mitted to the United States as nonAn order putting into immediate Representatives of the three parsuccess, still more pep was acimmigrants. effect the relief measure for septies participating in the controversy, quired preliminary to the final afterarated families was issued by Conn"Under the plan now adopted," Mr. the opposition,- the administration and noon effort. •. . *' Harris said ,in a statement explaining j missioner of Immigration Harry E. the Hadassah, were present. The A.final survey by Sam Gerson and the order, "if the immigrant is admit- Hull and approved by Acting Secspokesmen for tht^. administration Sam Beber disclosed the fact that ted the card will be completed by the retary of Labor, W. W. Husband. were Morris Rothefiberg and Louis the forces had signed up one signature of the admitting officer *md j Commissioner Hull's order stated: Upsky; for the opposition Abraham Rabbi Herman M. Cohen Gives hundred new members. handed to the alien, who will be ad"Subdivision 1—Non-quota Status Tulin and Samuel'J-: Rosensohn.; The Fifty Hoys And Girls Enrolled - Opening Prayer at Those participating in" the drive vised to present it Whenever called Proo£, Paragraph 1—An unmarried Hadassah representatives, Mrs. Eobt. So Far Session were as follows: upon so to do by an immigration ofchild under 21 yea.rs of age, or the Szold, Rose Halperrn, Miss Susan Isadore" Abramson, F . J. Alberts, ficer. It will prove exceedingly val- wife of a citizen of the United VOLUNTEERS OFFER AID Brandeis and Mrs^| Lefkowitz, did DEMONSTRATIONS VIVID David Blacker/ Sapa Bloom, Harold uable to the alien who later seeks Staates shall. not be regarded as a cot participate in tfee hearing as a Farber, John -.. Feldman, David A. And it will greatly non-quota immigrant unless provided With the registration roll increas- naturalization. Hary Lapidus, Harry Malashock, letter addressed to the committee on Freenjan, J. J. ' Friedman, Ben simplify the work of immigration with-an immigration visa designating ing rapidly and plans being rounded behalf of Hadassah declared'that the and Judge Irvin,, Stalmaster have just Glazer», j^fethan; ^ j$.; Greeny ^ J)r. _A. "charges, made. by_Had^ssah_do net into the final stage, the prospects for officers charged with the dutyl of in- the holder as such, and then only TCttatas^;^ t GreenDerg;'''*Sa^d.r'Greenbery,'"\jr'j.' reflect upon the integrity of the ad- 'tEe' Play School "opening Jni5 ^:.&t-t}!-e vesttgs-tlng.;-and.,.appxeh^Hciing • .aliens J w:?ien the citizenship of the .alleged ^ e y w e r t visitors at the national Greeiiberg, Dr. Herman Jahr, "Albert ministration and are not of such Jewish Ccrumurdty Center, -seem ex- unlawfully irf the'United States liable father or husband and his reiatfdiiRepublican Concention. Kaplan,.Sam Klaver, Marcus Krasne, ship to the immigrant are estab• to deportation." a nature that could be taken up for ceptionally bright. They were unanimous in their exRobert Kooper, B. Korney, Sam Leon, lished to the satisfaction of the So far, fifty boys and girls have At the Labor Department, it was review by the court of inquiry. The pression 'of pleasant surprise at the Abe Levey, L Levy; Isadore. Levinexamining immigration officer. signed up for the School. Two hunexplained to the representative of the magnificent spectacle seen there. Zionist convention can" decide on the son, Harry Malaschock, Jack W. dred are expected to attend. Jewish Telegraphic Agency that the Husband of Citizen Their only lament was that words matter." Others who represented the Marer, Ben Minkin, Henry Monsky, The activities of the Play School new system is not the registration of opposition were Lawrence Berenson, "The husband of a citizen of the were wanting to describe some of S. Ravitz, J. B. Robinson, J. J. feature nature study and handicraft. aliens as-generally understood. United States shall not be regarded the scenes. Such demonstrations as Robert Szold, Jacob de Haas and Slosburg, Louis Somberg, Dr. M. E. In carrying out the program of studDavid E. Beber v y, From the legislation which has been as a non-quota immigrant unless those given for Hoover and Curtis M. A. ZsWin. Others who represent- ies, a large number of voluteer teachStein," Dr. A. A. Steinberg, Joe ed the administration were Philip proposed in Congress, but applies only Stern, Sam Swartz, J. Tretiak, Harry brother, described the way- he was stood out amidst the "Vivid action of Wattenburg, Dr. A. J. Kalisky, Judge ers have been recruited. The volun- to the registration of aliens at ports provided with an immigi'ation visa designating the holder as such, and Trustin, Sam Vorzimer, Harry impressed by his initiation into legal the great meeting. teers are Hermine Green, Mrs. Robert "You can't imagine what it feels William M. Lewis of Philadelphia, Kooper, Mrs. Minnie Levey, Mrs. Ruth at the time of entry and really does then only when the citizenship of Weiner, Joe L. Wolf, Harry B. Zim-practice. Mr. Beber just graduated from the like to hear and see 17 thousand Jacob Fishman, Nelson Ruttenberg, Isaacson, Janet Lipsey, Lillian Lipsey, not go beyond the record made or the the alleged wife and lav.-ful marriage man, David E. Beber, Dr. Meyer procedure taken heretofore, except in Beber, Judge Irvin Stalmaster, Harry Creighton Law College this month, people rise up and cheer like mad Freida Bolker, Ida Tennenbaum, one respect and that is that identifica- to her prior to June 1, 1.928, are (Continued on Page 2) receiving his L. L. B. degree. His for a full half an hour," exclaimed Lapidus, I. F. Goodman, Sam Gerson, Sylvia Wohlner, Helen Sherman, tion cards will be issued to aliens as established to the satisfaction of the career at ithe university as well as Mr. Lapidus. Sam Beber, William Stalmaster, and Evelyn Adler, Mrs. Nathan Green, the final step in their admission. examining immigration officer. in public ^schools has always been The visitors were • greatly imBen Yousem. and Mrs. Herman Jahr. Mr. Harold These cards will carry a record of the "A woman seeking admission under marked by a uniformly high; stand- pressed when Rabbi Herman M. Abrahams has volunteered to instruct status under which each alien is ad- Section 4 (f) of the Immigration ard of scholarship. The excellence Cohen of Kansas- City gave the openthe youngsters in toy-making and in mitted, so that he himself will know act of 1924 as amended shall not be of the latter is, attested to by the ing prayer at" one of the sessions. regarded as a non-quota immigrant radio. his exact legal status and will be able unless provided with sn immigration fact that he is the recipient of' the Rabbi Cohen, who is a son-in-law of Marcus Krasne and Ethel Greenberg to prove under what status he was ad- { ~ Philip M. Klutznick is the winner Corpus Juris prize for the senior Mr. arid1 Mrs. M. Kulakofsky of this g the holder as such will have charge of the athletic work. mitted in case of any trouble. of the corpus juris prize for the class this year. and unless she establishes to the city, is the only modern orthodox An interesting series of daily asPleading for the orthodox customs 1 Inasmuch as this card system will Junior law class at Creighton UniThe Corpus Juris prize is awarded rabbi ever to be so honored. semblies, beside the regular curricu- apply only to newly arrived aliens, satisfaction of the exmining immiand forms of worship and belief, versity this year. Scoring the highThe. man who seemed to make the lum previously announced has been there is no intention whatever to re- grtion officer her former American Rose Stein and Marion Brookstein annually to the student in each est grade on the examination in legal greatest impression upon the class receiving the highest gtade in planned, consisting of a different type quire aliens previously admitted and citizenship, the losr- of same toy defeated Frank Ackerman and Irresearch, he thereby earned for himmarriage to an alien prior to Sept. Omaharts was Senator Borah. When of entertainment or lecture every day. ving Perimeter in a debate at the an examination held Upon subjects : self a set of thirty-four law looks On Mondays, the assemblies will con- already residing in the United States 2, 1922 and the fact that she was the; famous legislator rose to defend for legal research assigned" at the Jewish Community Center Thursday valued at two hundred and eighty- sist of community singing and the either to obtain or show a card. The ij wnrnarried at the time of makingnight before an open meeting of beginning of the year. It consists with* a great oration the majority procedure is intended to apply only in a set of twenty-nine law .books report of the platform committee dollars. . viewing of art slides furnished by to newly arrived aliens before they application for an immigration visa.'" the B*nai Brith. The prize is offered annually by Marion Reed.who is Director of Art The debate was the final debate of valued at two* hundred and fifty which- did not. include mention of the leave the port of entry. No alien al- j _ , the American Law Book company to for the Omaha Public* Schools. TuesMcNary-Haugen bilL he won the dollars. Winning of the award is the 'tournament conducted by the ready in the United States will be re- | I O i r t v R e g i s t e r everlasting . respect of everyone one student from each of the three day assemblies will be occupied • with quired to produce a card. Senior Council. Previously the girls,! considered an unusual honor, I classes in the law college. David stunts. Health and Hygiene talks Outside of his . scholastic achiev- there. representing the Fa Hon club had When it was pointed out by the With thirty boys already signed up defeated the Tonku Coda girls. The ments, Mr. Beber has. taken . an The masterly handling of /the Beber won the senior award for this will be given at the Wednesday as- Correspondent that aliens admitted insemblies. On Thursday, the assembly young men, representing the Psi Mu activ part in local and national chairmanship by Senator Moses was year. Last year, Milton Abrahams', to the United States before this new for Camp Levy which is to open at will bring talks concerning Civics. card system was enacted, may meet Nathan's Lake on July 9, the hopes of club, had • taken a decision over the Jewish affairs. He has been one, of another feature that impressed the Milton Mandelson and Sam Zachaiia For instance talks one on Thrift by a were the senior, junior and freshman party. : , the foremost leaders in. the organwith difficulties when they are mistak- the promoters are almost completely Junior Hadassah arguers. • .. banker, Fire Prevention by the Fire en for recent arrivals and required to satisfied. The capacity of tlie camp From the vicitors it was found winners respectively. The subject for debate was, "Re-ization and conduct of the local Chief, and Public Protection by the out:.that there were 'about fifteen The Winning of this prize is. anchapter of the'A* Z.'A. In 1324 he However," of those show cards, the Labor Department is twenty-five. solved, that conservative, Judaism Chief of Police have been arranged. should' be encouraged in preference \ was elected president of the Omaha i Jewish, delegates at the convention other feather in the already wellofficials discounted the suggestion be- signed up, some have signed up for to orthodox Judaism/' The victors , organization.: At:^^ present: -.he-\is aj and many times ttiore visitors. plumed cap of Mr. Klutznick. At The Friday assemblies will "be devoted cause an alien who has been in this periods varying from one to three upheld the negative of the argument.! member of the Supreme Advisory.I Prominent among the Jewish dele- the present time he holds the envi- to miscellaneous programs, exhibi- country for some time is distinguished weeks. Cf these, some have chose!) tions, and story hours. from a more recent arrival. It was to come the earJy part and others the Contending that Judaism as a', Council which is the governing com- gates was William Stern of Fargo, able position of the national secreNorth •'Dakota, who was the leader tary of the A. Z. A. His prowess in J—: special features, outdoor hikes, also stated that no effort will be made latter part of the month. Therefore, "civilization was being confronted with"' mittee of the A. Z. A. nationally, debating was exhibited in Omaha trips to industrial houses and various to compel aliens to produce cards, there is still room for a few more lads different conditions than it. was dur-'He is also a member of the .local of his state delegation. -The concensus of opinion was that when he was a member of both of contests have been planned. Among only in the event that an alien is al- at the camp. ing the middle ages, it must change' advisory council. As a member 'of Archie Chesnau has been selected accordingly/just as Judaism has t h e B'nai Brith, he expects to. find the convention was marked by • the the teams that represented the Jew- the contests to- be held will be Music ready under suspicion will he be asked changed in other periods, the Psi farther outlet for his interest'in efforts of the leaders to do the right ish Community Center in the Brook- Memory, Physical Efficiency, and to show his card. No system of es- as one of the assistants to Morris pionage is contemplated, it was stated j Sogolow, the director cf the camp. A Knowing Omaha contests. thing and to satisfy as many, people lyn and St. Louis debates. Mu orators insisted that conservative . Jewish affairs. "• ' , / V . The course of useful instruction and the entire new procedure has been i few more young men will be chosen Judaism should be therefore- en-j Looking into the future, the-.young as .possible. . Recently, Mr. Klutznick was elected The^ conduct of the convention'was president ,of the senior council of and supervised recreation is open to inauguarated only to maintain a check to aid the director in carrying out the couraged. They also held that cer-•j lawyer expresses a desire -.: to take tain orthodox philosophical concepts post-graduate work at the Univef- found to be very smooth and order- clubs at the Center. He has already j all Jewish boys and girls between the against aliens -who enter illegally. excellent program he is planning for ly. Although the major committees laid plans for numerous worthwhile ages of five and fourteen. For example, heretofore very little the boys. were untenable' in the- light of sity -of C h i c a g o . / ' " , \ ;record was kept "by immigration inhad big controversies to settle, the activities for the council. modern discoveries. ' j . ——;, —— ,-.; ; spectors at the land borders. Here- MARVIN TRELLER WINS were relatively quiet. . Mr. Klutznick's only plans for the • The decision, which was two t o ' _ __ , „ "•:.••"•':•'•'. •:'-.•'main'"sessions . after, all aliens entering at land bordWhile in Kansas City, the three immediate future for himself are t h e , HIGHLAND GOLF MATCH one, was rendered by Mr. Pred M . KulakOTSky fo ers, even if Canadian or Mexican citimen had the good fortune to bei White, Mr. S. Goodman, and Mrs.) Attend Conventions completion of his law studies at Zens, will be given cards and the sys- In matches against par at the introduced to such important person- j Creighton. J. Mirviss. j Harry Hollander, 41 years old, issuance' of cards at all Highland Country Club Sunday, ages as Andrew Mellon, and:Senators I He previously attended Kansas and; M. Kulakofsky, treasurer - of the died Monday afternoon at his home, tern requires Class A. He M v i Treller Trellr won won in in Cla immigration points, whether land or Marvin Bohar, Moses, Fess, Smoot, and Laj Nebraska Universities. His home is JEWISH MEMBER OP United Palestine appeal for Nebras1546 North Eighteenth street. He scored a 90 and with a handicap of sea. in Kansas City, Kansas, • ITALIA CREW LOST ka, will leave Sunday, June 24, for Foliette. 11 was six down to perfect is the owner of the Mineral Springs The youthful secretary of the Bottling Works. In the B class, Jake M Rome. (J. T. A.) Friends and rela- the east, where he will attend two Jerusalem has recently experienced | W 0 T 1 ^ t h a n g 7 . Hi - S handicap tives'of'Aldo Pontremoli, Jewish en- conventions, the rabbinical convenThe Central Hospital of the Work- A. Z. A. is preoccupied at present j Mr. Hollander is survived by his a shortage in experienced masons 112, which put him two down. gineer Who accompanied General tion in Long Branch, N. J., and the ers • in Emek Israel will be built I with plans for the national conven- widow and four children., within the next twenty months. The) tion of the fraternity to be held ?n j Funeral services were held at 2 and brick layers. In building the I n t n e t h i r d c l a R S . H a T r y K u i a . Nobine on the "Italia", are much Zionist convention in' Pittsburgh. He will be gone about two weeks. contract has already been signed and Denver soon. The annual publica- p. m. Tuesday from the Jewish walls of the Jericho highway these k o f s ky was victor. He shot a 100, concerned over his fate Up to date nothing has been heard Mr. Kulakofsky is actively inter- the work will start in the very near tion of the A. Z. A. is also being Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was in workers had to be broueht from w hkh with a handicap of 18 put him ested in Zionist affairs. Completed under his editorship. him. Golden Hill cemetery. Haifa* (six down.
Camp Levy Vacation
Head of BottlingWorks Here Dies
Labor Party Protests JEWISH 'IMPARTIAL INQUIRY Against Prison Evils A(2NCY SUGGESTED OF ZIONIST BREAK Palestine.—A short time ago ago D. i (J. T. A.)—In an attempt BEGINS SESSIONS Ben Guryon, in the name of the to Berlin combat "the decreasing number of
JEWISH CALENDAR 5688-1927-28
Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBUSHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450
For Reht
2 good rooms in Jewish Palestine Federation of Labor, forJewish marriages and the growing warded to Arthur Henderson, leader home. Board if desired. JEANETTE GL1CK GEItSON, EDITOR, Mr. Medinitz, Bernard Rosenblatt of the British Labor Party, a memo- number of mixed marriages, Prof. DAVID BLACKER, Business Manager. • r8ndum"givin"g a'detailed" account of Hanauer of Frankfurt has put forand Meyer Weisgal. .S2.50 Subscription Price, one year _„......——~.~.~the horrible conditions in the Fal- w a r d a P™P°sal for the «stablwhKaplan Intercedes Advertising rates furnished on application The investigation of charges of estinian prisons in which brutality, ment of a Jewish Matrimonial 2031 No. 19th personal dishonesty in financial mat- lack of discrimination and poor sani- Agency. According to hie plan the 'CHANGE-''OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be . Thursday, iTuly^e v WE. 3636 '•''•• •• . . sure to give your name. _^ ters was eliminated after the pre-tation are pointed out as the ehief agency would extend aU over Ger, Chodesh Ellul many. It would have a fund out of liminary proceedings brought out thecauses for complaint. The situation Friday, AiyrusJ; 17. fact, that such charges are not in-in these dungeons is pretty much which to provid* troufiieaus for poor volved. At the opening of the the same as in the days of the Jewish girls to help them to be DON KIPL1NGEK Sells session, Dr. Mordecai M. Kaplan, Turkish regime and includes the married. It would also make it its speaking in behalf of the Citizens leading of the prisoners in chain* business to spread . healthy ideas Wherever it turns, the National Council of Jewish Women Committee on Peace and Reconstruc- to and from the courthouse, without* about marriage generally and would finds work1 for its hands to do,—among the newly arrived immiWITH tion, pleaded that the court of in- regard to the person arrested or the)act as a matrimonial intermediary. The cost o f dminietration of the grants* among the Jewish women and children on far isolated NEBR. BUICK AUTO CO. quiry postpone its work in view of triviality of the crime. farms, among the undernourished children of city and country^ Bes. HA. 6209 the efforts of. the Committee to The memorandum was reprinted in proposed institution is estimated at AX. MM about 5,000 marks annually. among the blind and the deaf. [bring about peace between the war-the form of an article in the official It; has sponsored Americanization work, extension, work, "Man Without A Country" Tells jring groups, after the charge was organ of the Labor Party j The Daily «QU ALITY # EWELERS" l>^niittte^'jsamps-foi' the underprivileged, the translation^!books made at the Washington conference, j Herald, and led to a protest of the -Unto Bratllfe'for the blind, and now it has undertaken to introduce of Expatriation and Attempt Morris Rothehberg and Mr. Lipsky Labor Party against the retention of MALASHOCK JEWELRY to Escape ?Tth end Uartba 8t». HArney 1064 audiometer tests among the children in public schools, so that ear Wholesale and Retail Jewelers in presenting the case of the ad- these barbaric conditions by the OMAHA. STEBRABK& defects Way be detected in sufficient time to save the child's hearSoft £tuy. iron, brnes, bronie and alumPalestine administration. ministration, told of the close relaFINED BY COURT 213-16 City National Bank inum castlngg. Ktandnrd sizes brenae ing. and irou bushings, sewer mnnboles, tion that existed between the Zion Bld£.-*JA, 5619 cistern rings and cover* and clean-out : The Council is a pioneer in the organization of group activities Vienna (J.. T. A,)—The tragedy Commonwealth and the Zionist ordoors In stock, A1J kfadt of worn} find for the adult deaf. Social hours, religious and other educational of many Boumanian, metal patterns. who, ganization and of the moral respon. classes, the arrangement of a prayerbook for the deaf, special though natives of the ^re notsibility which the Zionist Organizah land, l PATRONIZE Seder dinners, are among its projects. ^ ,. ; permitted .to enj^y the gtatus of tion: has always had for the Zion Fremout,T-Tho: death,, of Mrs. This work for the under-privileged is sponsored and led by the citizenship and g.re pot: .given a Commonwealth, involving a vital innational] organization, and carried on by: the local Councils in cities chance to make a living, was force- terest of the Zionist movement both Sarah -Perlman -. secured Mpnday, KOSHER DELICATESSEN TEA ROOM 49 and Podge : . across the landl This is a work which is going on quietly and con- fully, illustrated .in a cas.e: which | | n the United States end Palestine, June 11, in a Fremont hospital. Mrs. CANDYLANB 1309 N o . S4tb S t . : tinuously bringing life to those whose physical defects incapacitate came - u p . before the, Roumanian The guarantee was . issued" by Mr. Perlman, who-had been >a resident of W e ban d i e a full l i n e of Imported fish— 16th and F&raam them for going, out to meet, i t . It gives them neither food nor tribunal at Szatmar. ,...•-,.-•. Sprattpu — B i k H i - ' Lipsky on December 14, 1926 follow- Omaha for 25 years, was buried Spratta. E n g l i s h Kippers. money nor clothing, but something more, the means by which they, The prisoner,, Israel Mendel, 42, ing the adoption of a resolution on from the Jewish Funeral Home in themselves may require them, thereby reinforcing rather ttyan a Jewish artisan without Roumanian December 7, 1926, by the United Omaha, Tuesday, afternoon. She was destroying their self respect. —Jeanette Gerson. citizenship, w^s charged by the Palestine Appeal to secure a credit born in Bralastock, Russia, in 1843. Mrs. Perlman is survived by three authorities with having;;. stolen a not exceeding half a million dollars ian and Mussulman institutions. Two canoe in which he >et put along the to save the affairs, of the Zion Com- children, Meier Perlman of Des • "Manufactured in Omaha" ICE Jewish • students *attend Mussuljnan Danube for the Black Sea eiiroute monwealth. The denial was issued in Moines, Mrs. M. Oberman, of Omaha, CREAM BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. choolsjand 524 (o£- which 389 areto Palestine, H e . \s?as"/airpsted be- response to the charge made by Mr.and Mrs. J. Berek of Fremont. gMs) •/• attend schools of Christian cause he^^ Vas' not^ in'.possession of a Bereneon that Mr. Lipsky had signed missionaries. Eight Christians ;and passport and because it was suspect- notes in the amount of $285,000. The Without knowledge there can be WE. 3260 Isaac Hassler has just published, nine -Mahometans attend the Hebrew ed that-the canoe was stolen prop- existence of the guarantee of $180,~ neither true morality nor piety. Harry H. Lapidus, Fres.-Treai through Sessler of Philadelphia, a S c h o o l s ' . ' ' '. • ; . • ; . • • . erty. : \••;:.,;-.'";•;; •\::'^:: •'•••• •-- 000 was not ^remembered by. Mr, volume- of poems called -"Unhewn Tlie'downer of ^tftB? boatr vim ^ap^ Iipsky- at the-.^me. Stones". Here is his picture of the peared in court asked that no charge No Dishonesty Charge Jewish pedler: . • be pressed against Mendel as the Dr. Kaplan quoted statements by prisoner is, "he stated, a {personifica- Samuel J. Rosensohn and Jacob de This pedler here beside the dusty COMPLETE STORE and OFFICE :. road, a common jack-of-l ^ e Pioneer Women's orga^atiou tion of the tragedy of the " m a n Haas; made at a conference of the OUTFITTERS A broken man, .•-•"I of Omaha celebrated their firstvan- without a country". The^ state attor- Committee on June 14 at the house We Ottnpy trade, ney concurred.; ' ; . l w ."'-••*•••y Over 70.600 Sqnar* Ftwt He lays aside his humbje, trivial niyersary with a dinner for mem- A dramatic scene" was :enacted of the Society for the Advancement Step Into a New World bers, families and guests, at ; the of Judaism to the effect that the load, of Summer Comfort Labor Lyceum, Sunday. About .120 when Israel Mende! took .-the stand word "dishonesty" employed in a N» doubt to count his treasure in Eleventh and Douglas Streets iiuhfe-ideJEense.'He «id^iitt|d tha^ \ie persons., were ipresen't. . '. ':•• . ' the shade. pamphlet describing the proceedings Phone JAokBon 2724 Mrs. J. Badinowski, the chairman had' stolen* tiie canoe* with the inten- of the Washington conference did A man of homely mould, a d o g o f Omaha, Nebr. opened the meeting with a history of tion of sailing for Palestine because not imply the charge against the earth: Croesus, ride by, and throw him m . M A n ' a activities oM-ivitioo rfntinir frnm p^rim trfinv he had "no money to leave Rou- administration members of personal women's dating from : .. scarce a look; . - - itive. tiroes.•'.. She compared other mania, -where I aro prohibited frpm dishonesty in financial matters. Marked you his gloating 6*ver his ASK YOUR GROCER FOR making a living." The Jewish prize of worth?. - women's ^organizations with li.the Following a recess of ten minutes, artisan related moving deteil^flf^is Not gold hef counts; he deeply, reads' Pioneer organization which is i f codaring which the judges conferred g a book, '~:~: j - -•-•ti $jfi<l rductive fgrouef of experiences arising out of ms; legal on the subject, Judge Lazansky operative $jfi<l productive fgrouef of status. ."Although. I was born in declared that the court of inquiry Jewish women in Americ^r for .*the Soumania, :_:my''} citizenship•_ wa» not HEBREW SCHOOLS IN does .not find;it necessary to probft the women workers; of recognized and the' police deported 'And the West's Largest Shotting PALESTINE FLOURISH Chalutzes, Charges of a personal nature in view Palestine. J . ; me twice to Hungary. In Hungary, Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, of the fact that such charges; have in TSvery Price Group Palestine.—-In 1926-27 a number of Those who had a part in^the ] however," the authorities refused to never been made or withdrawn. The Catsup, Mustard, Etc. Arab government "schools were closed c e n s e to seek work as: an Miss B. Kay, Miss A. mee aa. »license Pioneer chorus, Mra. J. 1jS1™ m W> see* wore as, an committee will, however, go into .the s in villages because of lack of pupils. Paokas* Guaranteed ._ T T>^^,;»V M ^ f. 1 artisan because I was an alien there. A few new schools were opened how* Feldman, Mrs. J,., Bajtnick", M r s i C . In Roumania-1 wandered for several general charges formulated by the It only takes a few minutes and a few dollars to make opposition insofar as they will not eveT i n larger-towns and cities.- The Hurowitkr,and Mr. J.-.^az^ick. /Greetings from the, following j or- years from village to village, seek" involve the entire volume of , the the coming sweltering, blisterinif hot 4ay», enjoyable. OMAHA total number of Arab government ing to avoid the eyes of the SigurNow's the time to get ready for comfort schools are now 315 and the total ganizations were received: the Ladies (secret police). Now, floating} a«mimBtration busmen. Judge Laenrollment amounts to 20,079 of Independent club, the Ladies Lyceum down the river I fell into the hands f"f5^^ «^ted the mqmnr to the ;which 3,59J. are girls; Sixty percent club, and the JeWish National Work- of the gendarmerie, putting an end' * o I I o w " * three points: 1. American • ".'<•-..••• . Zion Commonwealth; 2. Palestine of the pupils attend village schools. men's-alliance. The committee in charge of the to my hope of reaching a country Securities, Ine.f 8. The allocation of The enrollment in the non-governwhere I will be welcome", the funds for the,.Zionist publications, ment schools totals 46,481. Of these affair were Mrs. J. Feldman, Mrs. prisoner concluded in tears.' 27,017 attend Hebrew schools and H. Okun, Mrs. J, Kaplan, Mrs/ S. -The court sentenced Mendel to "The New Palestine" and "Dos And 19,824 are enrolled in various Christ- Barson, and Mrs. Rotkoyitz. four days in jail and a fine of 200 Yiddishe Folk". lei for returning to Roumania without permission. As the charge of At All nirucers stealing the boat was not pressed, Made By no sentence was imposed for this. Mendel will be turned over to the Uncle S i n Breekfwt Food Co. Sigurahza for deportnig to HunOmaha. Nebr. gary. (Continued from Page 1)
Fast of Tammuz .i Thursday, July 5•"•"._ Rosh Chodesh Ab •'• Wednesday, July 18. r Fast of Ab •;•'••
Mrs. Perlman Dies June 11, in Fremont
Pioneer Woriien's Club Has Anniversary Affair
Fine Worsted and Tropical Cool Suits
$15 to $35
Human Vinegar & Pickle Co.
Okay Bran Flakes
Ask for-
Happy Hollow Coffee A HOME PRODUCT
Prof. M. Lazarson of Latvia is at present in America on a mission. He is one of the Jewish representatives in the Parliament of Latvia and is highly regarded ir. bis home land.
Ignorance and conceit go hand in hand. .
A savings account for your baby corn--., bined with Life Insurance protection.
582 Saunaers-Kennedy Bldg,—AT. 3160 '
WOOLEN BLANKETS | Washed Clean Guaranteed Against Shrinkage 65<*> to $ 1 . 0 0 Each Relindinp Like Neil) / / Desired
Let the
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MICKLIN LUMBER CO. 24th and Burdettc
— WE. 6362
Thomsei's Tip-Top
the year 'round because only pure horseradish roots and pure grain vinegar are used ui its manufacture.
PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS FILLED WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 25c Marinello Soap 50c Glosso Brilliantine 50c Shampoq 50c Solvent :,.„ 50c Nail Bleach 50c 0 Nail ail Cream 50e Marinello Girl Face Powder ... 50c Lettuee Cream i „ $1 Eye Shadow _, : ..-— 50c Medicated Soap .. ?l Tar Tonfc .^ $1 Astringent Cream _ ?2 Scalp Pomade ........ ....
is Red Mot
Omaha Phone AT. 0280 Council Bluffs, 5473
250 Rooms—200 Baths Good kooms for $1.50 Operated by Eppjey Hotels Co.
KmbaD Laundry Co. 9
You will find it at your grocers even during the summer months. 59«* 59<* 596 9
Distributed by
Tfaomsen - Slater Butter Co. 1315 Howard St.
. AT.
98£ 98c 9S«*
BRAIfDEIS- Main Moor
• M gg M H JK
PAGE A—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1928 ill in Evangelical Covenant hospital for seven weeks, has returned to her, home. , >
Council Bluffs News
\ regular semi-animal election of of- JUNIOR HADASSAH NAMES ] be donated to the Meier Shfeyah {fleers Wednesday evening, at the " . SUMMER COMMITTEES Orphan Home in Palestine. Danish HalL
1 \ They are the younpest club in the ! At the last regular meeting of the Center, the boys averaging about Seymour Conn epent the past week Junior Hadassah, held Thursday, twelve years of age. . Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Greenberg in Hastings, Nebr., as OH, gn<>ct of June 7, at the Jewish Community received in their home Sunday in A rather unusual form of enterhonor of their daughter, - Buta, who tainment will be sponsored by thehis aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Center, the following- committees The Mizrachi society will meet was graduated from Technical high B'nai Brith next Wednesday evening. Zuber. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohn. biswere appointed to serve during the Monday evening in the synagogue, school. More than twenty couples at- Instead of the regular meeting, an parents, motored to Hastings, Thurs- months of July and August. Twenty fifth and Seward streets. tended the affair. Cantor J. Kahon- open card party will take place at day, when Seymour retained with . July: Bess Horwich, chairman; them. •-,•• owitch assisted. Do not be wise in words alone, but Ida Fine, Mollye Grossman, Alice the Danish Hall. Everyone is invited also in deeds, for the wisdom of to come! Miss Flora Marks, daughter of Mmkin, Sarah Kurtzman, Gertrude deeds will be necessary for the world Mrs. K. Kricsfeld gave a party at j White. her home Sunday in honor of her j On account of the abundance of Mr. and Mrs. ML Marks, returned I August: Sylvia Bernstein, chair- to come, while the wisdom of words Joe Kricsfeld, who i s a graduate rain, the Sunday School picnic, ar- home Wednesday morning after her man; on earth. Sally Morgan, Ula Albert, and Mrs. M. D. Brodkey announce the engagement ofson, of Central high school. There were; ranged for last Wednesday, has been graduation from the University of Pearl Brown, Lillian Nachschoen. their daughter, Miss Ruth Brodkey, to Mr. Melvin Jacobs, son of four tables of bridges Prize: were Chicago. Mrs. Marks attended the postponed indefinitely. Farther an- graduation, but has not yet returned. Mra. Julia Jacobs of Chicago. The wedding date has not been set. won by Mrs. F. Robinson, Dave Fin- nouncement will be made in this DAD'S COOKIES I The Herd Crab, recent winner of kel, and Mrs. I. Robinson. ' I paper. An advanced class tor learning the all-round championship of the "HKALTHFl'L AND BE1ICIOP?" £ and Mrs. S. Fellman, 4860 Cuming street, announce the Hebrew and Jewish has been organ- Junior Council at the Jewish Com- Known from Coast to Coast engagement of their daughter, Sara, to Mr. Harry Sattzman of Mrs. S. Bubb and daughter, Edith, ized by Council Bluffs chapter of the munity Center, have announced that Harlan, la., son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Saltzman of Council Bluffs, AT A1X GROCERH and Mrs. A. Leibovitz and daughter, A. 7. A. to be held weekly on Tues- all of the dues collected in the orla; No date for the wedding has been set 16th and Locust St. WE. SS2S Marine, and Mr. L. Weinberg left day evening* at 7:80 o'clock. Any ganization during the past year will Mr. and Mrs. Fellman will receive at home Sunday, June 24, by from 3 to 5 in the afternoon and 7 to 10 in the evening in honor Mrs. David M. Newman, Sunday, by auto, for a two-week visit Jewish boy or girl over fifteen yeaTS in Chicago. i of their daughter and her fiance. Cards have not been issued. of age is welcome to attend. Mr. I. Strawberry Jam: 2 cpjarts strawMorgans-tern will supervise . the A meeting of the Talmud Torah ciasees, which will be held at the As a surprise to relatives and Mrs. I. Kulakofsky is leaving for berries, % cup lemon juice, 4 cups • / • . .:-••." wag held at the home of the presi- synagogue. friends came the announcement of Chicago to spend a few weeks with sugar.. Wash and hull: the strawberries, dent. Mr. Morris Grossman. Plans the marriage of Miss Dorothy Sett- her parents and daughter. cover with sugar and; let stand two for a membership drive were made. hen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Five hundred twelve dollar* woe. Mrs. Joseph Rubin of San. An- hours. Put into a preserving kettle] The sinn of $300 was raised by the Reuben, and Mr. Clyde A. Krasne, collected by the Gewwxfcseliaften son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Krasne of tonio, Texas, formerly Miss Martye and let come slowly to a boiling committee. campaign of Omaha in • its teoeat Weinstein, is being extensively en- point. Let boil slowly for ten Council Bluffs. drive; The committ*e wishes- to Miss Sarah Solomonov entertained The ceremony took place at thetertained during her visit, with her minutes. Add lemon juice and simthank All those who assisted and twelve guests Sunday evening at a home of the hride's parents at twelve parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wein- mer, until thick, about one hoar, supported the drive. bunco party, at her home. o'clock, Sunday, in the presence of stein. Among her! hostesses this turn into sterilized jars or glasses, S. Altshuler, chairman. the two,immediate families. Rabbi week are Mrs. J. M. Malashock, Mrs. and, if jelly glasses are used; cover Messrs. Leo Shapiro and Joe HandH. Grodzinsky, assisted by Mr. A. E. Henry Newman, Mrsv Ernest Meyer, with paraffine when cooL ler of Oscaloosa, Iowa, are spending Mrs. Abe Greenberg, Mrs. Jack Harris, officiated. A wedding dinner Alberts, Misses Ann and Fay Gere- Pineapple-Rhubarb-Strawberry »Jam: a few weeks in this city sis the Wright-David Beauty Parlw« ^followed -the ceremony. 716 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Meyerson. lick, and Mrs. Jules Newman. Mrs. The bride's gown was of flesh-toned Max Promkin entertained at a series 1 large pineapple, equal parts of Jce Handler is the nephew of Mrs. AT. 4383 'gBtini fashioned in the period mode, of parties for her sister last week. rhubarb, 3 quarts of strawberries, Meyerson. Specialists off lines Beauty four pounds sugar. Wash, dry and $ with a close fitted bodice and a bouf- They included a bridge Sunday afterCulture. Permanent Waves arid cut rhubarb to make the same fant skirt of tiered tulle. She wore noon, a luncheon for twelve on TuesSymmetrizer Reducing Machines Council Bluffs chapter No. 7, Order amount as the measured pineapple. a large picture hat and satin slip- day, Wednesdey and- Thursday, and Add three quarts of berries hulled, of Aleph Zadik Aleph, will hold its pers-to match. Her bouquet was of an evening for fourteen on Sunday and then add sugar. Combine all "bride's - roses, swansonia, and lollies last. Mrs. Rubin is here with her fruits and cook slowly, stirring ocof the valley. son, Jay Lewis. casionally until it is the consistency Mr. Kxasne and his bride left for of jam; (about 1 hour). Turn into a short- honeymoon. Early in July sterilized jam and jelly glasses,! •they will make an extensive tour of Miss Bess Haykin will entertain When cold, cover with melted twenty guests at bridge and supper paraffine and seaL • the e a s t . in her home. Mr. and" Mrs. J. W^ Osheroff _anand end Mrs. J. Miller of Seattle, Wash, wmnee the birth of a, son, June 18, At the meeting of the Daughters up is the guest of her daughter, i i r k of Zion;-held'Wednesday » set of »t Wise Memorial hospital. up David Greenberg; silver, which was won by Mrs. Lag-j Miss Evelyn Adler, who nas tieen znan, 1622 2J» Thirty third; street, Mr. and Mrs. M. Yousem and their attending the University of Toledo, was presented. A report of the bazar daughter, Bernice, will leave July 1, has returned to spend the summer with her' parents, Mr.- and Mrs* X for California, to remain until •Sep- revealed that $^50 was cleared. Mrs. Braude "was chairman. Mrs. S. Cohen tember 1..' ••" ' '• ' '•'"' •'•" . '• ' is president of the Dugfaters of Zion. Mrs. Ben Polsky, of Lincoln, forMrs. Harry Trustin "was hostess to Trade in Your Old 'tifpftg- guest* Saturday afternoon at merly Miss Blanche Bessel of OmaMusical Instrument HODGE ELECTRIC CO. » teaJionoring her sister, Mrs. JVH1 ha, has returned to her home .after Get up to — "ISp^^^Diifitntiy-TdaB, -whir jrill •a visit with her sister,;.-Sirs.-^Max -Home of WOODROW WASHERS,' BAniO IXKCTBIC IROKEKS «nd retain toher- home Friday after a Levin. Mrs. Polsky is the president ELECTKICAL SPECIAXTIES of the Lincoln Council of Jewish five feeela? viEit i n Omaha. : Rebuilt Washers of All Makes Women. Miss Sylvia Adler, Mrs. Trustan's US JT. Mth. Opp. TottotOc*. AT .425* ALLOWANCE fdster, poured. She was assisted-by Mrs. Harry Weiner, who has been W&BB Alice Adler, Miss Evelyn Adler Washable crepes, georgettes, print- *••• «nd"Miss Both Brodkey. ed chiffons, tub silks, in maize,
2 7 5
2 7 5
^Wjft i^amie Block and son,. Syl.ygn, have come to" Omaha to spend summer with. Mrs. Block's j»arM 4 Mrs. J. Adler. W. C. dub of Central high iehool' held their annual spring dance Thursday. TJie new officers are Miss :H|3eit ..Sherman, president; Miss Evelyn Chaflrin, secretary, and Miss Elsie Eoinm, treasurer. Betiring of•igueas are Miss Rosaline Pizer, president; Miss-Toby Goldstein, secretary, Miss Josephine Monheit, treasMax;Fromkin was honor g at a surprise birthday party 'given Saturday evening at the home ;?.of yJier %>arenis, Mr. and- Mrs. H. _B. Weinstem; The following guests attended; Mrs, Joseplr\BubiBy San Antonio, Texas, Mr.' and" Mrs. Danziger, San Antonio, Mrr" and Mrs. ErneBt Meyer, Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Malashock, Dr. and Mrs. Abe Greenberg, Mr. and rs. Jack"~Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Braviroff, Mr. and- M*s. Jack Alberts, Mrs. Fnil> Swarter and Mrs. E. O. Wein-
. '
Every Style That is New
Refresh Yourself DUINK
Beauty Parlor 252 Aqufla Court {Second Floor)
n t made under the npavWcn of d « Uofan of Otdntx J M i CMFq>com of America, whan KSlcMnbulvc. lUbbi E. Cocltacn. appoitittd by R«bbi M. S. Mssotlo,fe«hf^l pn* em n d» bikint of tbe cn^im m KS ttat At? "re brter In n t ' The* katta nncbKfc w'.beasaa* «<d> m t « t cWr A l a .
VTOW YOU can obtain """^ zwieback that is parve and, kosher . . . zwieback that is made with a shortening of pure vegetable fat, not lard. Sunshine Kosher Zwieback is healthful and finetasting. Thoughtful mothers will find it excellent as Baby's first solid food. If you want zwieback that is guaranteed "kosher" by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, be sure to say . . Sunshine . . . .to your grocer.
Sunshine >\ Kosher Zwieback
imollcr £ i t o l c rPiono OLDEST
1514-16*18 Podge
I A New Dinner Roll | The Wonderful
6 *
Wonder Pan Roll
by^Dqctors and Rabbis
Saturday—The Floor Beloxv
Furnished room; garage if desired. Bemis Park addition. • ."
greens, rose, orchid, shell beige, navy, white, black.
Trade in Your Old Furniture! Turning in used, no-longer-wanted furniture when buying new things is now regarded as the thing to do whenever the toning up of a room is under consideration. Ifs like trading in your old car as part payment on a car of the latest modeL Everybody does that, and so is most everybody turning in out-of-style furniture. - . "' The appraisal valuation is liberal. The further convenience, of deferred payment costs nothing additional at . , -
Summer Dresses
You cannot appreciate the goodness of these rolls until you try them. These rolls are not baked until 9:30 in the morning, so they are absolutely fresh when your grocer gets them. •
wouldn't be, when Kelvinator Electric Refrigerator g e t s t h e lunch? A chilled salad, frozen dessert and a coolingdrink is a hot weather meal that would tempt anyone.
keeps foods cold and fresh for days. Its dry, frosty cold actually improves the taste of vegetables and salads. It pays its way in food ;saved. f Visit any of our I "Electric Shops"
I Wonder PanRoll | |
Easy Terms
"Electric Shops" 17th and Harney Sts.
2314 M St.
Courtesy - Service - LcwIUtei
' -jt'li. ""f
Junior and Senior Life Saving: The ultimate end of all knowledge Give the wise a hint; give a fool •$ right to meet the Webster Street day. Boyi^will t e given more time nets and losers play '/losers. Girls Saturday, 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. and wisdom is man's inner purifica- the fist. " ;* ;wiil be matched up for singles in the gym^ and',in.: the pool during Merchants,, Thursday night. tion and the performance of good We have no medicine to cure a ; Open Swimming: Sunday, 3:00 to] through a public drawing. the Summer. ; fool of his folly. and noble deeds. A prize m i l be offered to the final 5:00 p. m. Thirty-five members of the physical education department of the Games-that \7ere,-sch'eduled in the-winner of the tournament and the Open Gym: Sunday, 3:00 to 4:00 Sifrnmer Time is Swim Time. post-j runner-up will also receive an award. p. m. Summer is with us in spite of a | Center took part in an elaborate dis- J. j . "c/'C." C.vC. loop last Sunday Sundy were w p •- 'Tain' • •'••••-• • " ' A n . - e n t r y f e eo f 1 0 c will b e required. few days of chilly, wet weather, we play of varied gym stunts at the •"'••"-•••*•• poned on acco&ntr'of and' — will Sunday. The first ;feel it in oiir: bbries. "We • can see. it annual gymnasium- exhibitionv.that be played this S d Th fit Pay your fee to Miss Greenberg im- Ideal Bottling Co. by the number -of-hikes starting was held at the .Center Thursday game scheduled for this Sunday mediately. Gets New Agency from the building on Sunday morn- night. The program -opened with afternoon 1:30 p. m. sharp will be Women's Summer Schedule. cahsensexit,by the ! number tumbling ,, and •pyramid, building by the. 'J. i J. Smoke : House • against the Ray Cohen, manager of the Ideal of jfcem^rs--whoVcan-be seen-playing j junior B: boys. : In the second act B!nai "Ami: '"The second game .Matrons: Monday, open gym, 9 to Bottling Co., at 1810 No. 20 Street, has 10 a. m.; Wednesday, swimming, 10 teahig'uithe paris and the hordes 'the work .by the seniors on -theschedule for'3:30 brings the Kaiman announced that his firm has acquired 1U1 w Hdrew row tthe hfi to 11 a. m. parallel bar . heavy Insurance together with the Psi Mus.j are tnigrating;:toward whb are :toward the vari vari- ' — ' ° the agency for the distribution of DUS. resorts'. .Slimmer; is" swimming applause. Miriam Fiedler and Shir- Games will statit on scheduled timel Grade School: Tuesday, open gym, City Club near beer and Golden Spike ley Weiner gave a • wonderful axand only •" fifteen minutes will be 3:30 to 4:30; Thursday, swimming, time. • At "no time during the whole ginger ale as well as for Nugrape and year is swimming more enjoyable in hlbition of Apache dancing. Miss given as a leeway for teams to be 4:30 to 5:30. Senior Girls: Tuesday, gym class, all other flavors of soda water. . .-.-;•> the J., C, C. pool, than now. Now is Greenberg's junior girls lived up to on the .playing field...... You want flavor 6:15 to 7:0p; Thursday, open gym the time'to come down and get a few their name by reeling off the topsy turyy parade in real fashion. The When shopping mention "The to 8:30; swimming, 6:00 to You want quality lessons. If ..you., can swim, perfect Women's Gym Notes 7:00 Jewish Press." ' -, »9.00.' • four strokes so that you can enjoy clogging exhibition was put on by To avoid disappointsummer_swiinming more. If you have Fae Henderson and Grace Levin; The *' Big Outing;'Ladies' Gym GlasB ment use Puritan Malt stunt class, composed of A. Chesneau, Final arrangements have been frequently ma3e resolutions, come S. .Feldman, C. Feldman, S. Swartz, Extract. The choicest down now and learn how to swim. H.-Coldberg, Leo Brown and M. mode " for the • outing -party for the ^ r barley and nothing else There is a no. finer indoor pool. in Ferer gave" a" thrilling exhibition on Ladies' Health class, which will bfe insures Puritan being theeity that that at the J. C. C , and the horse, mats and flying rings. held at Carter Lake club Wednesday* r its metobers should have a pride of Over two hundred p'eople crowded June 27. richer, stronger, better. Dwnership as well as a sheer joy in the gym to see the exhibition. : -'• .^-Members will meet at the J. C. C. Strictly Use wherever sweetening is ^ "Phillips 66," a new, high-powered, knockless Union the-'pleasure of swimming in the. at 9:45 a. m. Cars for the trip to Made required in the household. prera^T^ri gasoline is taking Omaha by storm. :lear, cool pool these balmy June t«Gar£ei£ Lske. jwill^be provided by ;? The stunt 'class" will- conturae'•• to If s a better gasoline at no extra price. lays. Special; instruction will be meet every 'Tuesday and; Thursday Ijseveral -meineDers Jbf the class. The given to all senior girls on Tuesday from 8 till 9 o'clock. All those inter- recreational program, will consist of Tr^; a tank of "Phillips 66" today. Boeing and Thursday from 6 to 9. Sunday ested in gymnastics and wrestling swimming, bowling, tennis and base1 airplanes 'use Phillips gasoline exclusively. SenitaJ:Sed Cross- mstrjictiaa' are urged' to come on Tuesday and ball. ; Invite your friends and- bring Safiirady. ni^tit^f c to 8.. Senior.-menti Thursday. your ; kiddies .along,; if you wish. •v Courtesy Always -^V be^. mayrcorneSbir -Monday;land 'WedLuncheons, are 65c, and reservations nesday- 8 to -9-:30 and Sunday 10 Sixteen seniors are entered, in the •will tie taken until Sunday, June 24. Flavored with Bohemian Hops to^l2.^\ " / .,:•". - ' . ' • . '•':', " • (second annual tennis tournaments Call Jackson 1366- - -- -a Recommenced and Distributed by S. Epstein, J. C. C. champ, Joe *»» «««*»** Coming from behind the B'nai Ami Cohen, Omaha University champ, GirlsV Tennis Tournament to Start. MAMUFACTURtRS OF HIGH Sixteen entries have been made-for OMAHA. pushed across two runs in the last Archie Chesneau, runner up. at the Girl's Tennis tournament which Omaha University and Hyman Levin, inning to defeat the Bobcats 9 to 7 in the J. C. C. indoor baseball league freshman champ last year at the starts,Tuesday, June 26. Most of the ,at the Center last Monday night. University of Omha. Others entered girls who have entered the tournaScoring in every inning, the B'nai as follows: Paul Grossman, Ralph ment were members of the beginners' Abraham, kept up their good work Finkelstein, M. Franklin, Leo •Brown, tennis;' technique class, which started [ Frank, Frank - Ackerman, in the J. C. C. physical department • and knocked off the Olympians, 13 IDavid ,to 3. In the last game the Psi Mu r v i n P«Imeter, J. :.GoUner Dave the latter part of April. This being i juniors nosed out the Boy Scouts by Forman, Elmer Shamberg and Earl a consolation;tournament, losers a r e ' not eliminated — winners play win- i a score of 14 to 10. The B'nai Ami Siegel. are still two games in the lead. The J. C. C second annual golf tournament will start the second With M.. Epstein pitching great week of July.. WtilSTtE — JBLUE BIRD— ball and the rest of the boys playing fi^ GREEN RIVER like big leaguers, the J. C. C. junior The grade school boys' period, for Soda Water were able to defeat the Mid-City gym and swimming .ha^s been^changed Yanks, 9 to 2, in the American to 3—4 for gym and 4—5' for > •_ WJHSTbE* JBGTTIJNG CO. ' 1131 No. 18th; | Legion baseball tournament. •«.. swimming on Mondajftand The Yanks were able to gather ; only.two hits while our juniors re; ceiyed ah even dozen; The line-up of Piano TeacKer Furnaces Cafes ~T" ~~ the' Juniors:'"JH, Sesgal, ' S.. .Covetz, Accountants I. Green, H. Frisk, K. Jacogson, J. North Omaha Furnace Co. Adler/ J Ay : Weiner, A... Epstein: und H A R R Y BRAVIROFF. Hii Ro. 24tb St.—WB. 6U51 VABRAMSON AUDIX co. Installatioci bad Repairing of Tin M. Epstein. By winning, the first 4W Itmndrl* Tiitatei- Blde.-rJA. Pianist-Instructor Vfo.rk. Purnaces. Stylights. Vcutilatgame the Juniors were given the -Ing, Guttei'B and Spouting. AUDITS yje SYSTEMS Studio Will Be Open All
Local Sports
gPhUlip's66" '•-.
the Netv, Premium Gasoline
L McCord *Brady Co. j
ecially Qultivated
: • • - • • '
y in Omaha; these.^are ~- - -^ the chief reasons for tlie wonderful
•<Eyerythi2g For-Ihe Auto
of Advb Coffee
i i o i i c B . O F PBOBATE" O F ;wkiii,
Auto Tops & Accessories
Barney "S4I2
Spring Mean's Building ' • Building Mfeans "• ... _..
Sold by All Grocers
-\\ ii.the County. Court of Douglas County,
Blended, Roasted, Ground and Packed •
MAX FROMKIN, Attorney V , 828 Peters Trust Bldg. . . . . . . . . . PKOBATB NOTICE ' I n ' the .matter of the estate of ANNA '• '-FUIEDELf, deceased. , > NOTICla l a hereby given: ; That the creditors of-said deceased will meet the administrator of" snid estate, before me. County Judge of .Douglas County, Nebraska at 'the -County Court Room, in said Countyvou'the 3rd day of August, IU2S. "and on the 3rd day of October, 1028,' at " U o'clock M M., each day, for. the' p u r p l e of presenting their claims for nxuruiimrioit, •adjustment^ nnd allowance, 'nircf mciutlis ~~ lire - allowed lot - th« creditors •-• p yrepunt y ftii>Jr claims," from the oOth.-da; of Jniif. ; uJm • - v c C i t Y C E ciiAWt'oitu, •'••••;-
.--. IT£Z NO. 24tli St.— W E .
Titi A LOAF or ocn E U S S I A > F U H P K H N I C ' K L E UlJEAI>
Barber Shops ! EDWARDS BARBER SHOP lUth a n d Davenpori Streei H MANOS. [Topr. a . MEET, V O « K AT I f A K K V S
The Extra Value Omar Bakery puts into its bread, calces and pastries has brought us" thousands of customers. Women all over Omaha are talking about it. You can get Omar goods from meet groceries or the Omar n that comes to your neighborhood.
-"•'• •• SAM BKUiSR, Attorney. j ' 300 Peters Trust BIdg. . ! : : -•-•--'.- - '^ *'. pitoiiATB N O T I C E ''.:..'•• ?'.•".. * '• •l tt -'thei.matter-or«iie.MtiitC:-of.UrcnA-EI.\
Thorough Cleaning and Dying by Skilled Workmen in Our'Own Plant
Drug Stores LIBERTY DRUG CO. 1004 No. 24tb St.—WE. (KS88 B KOblNSON &lpi. Two experienced registered pharmacist at your service, Prompt free deliver anywhere in the cily.
WE. 1029 All Type of Laundry
Lumber p 24ffif a i d i J u n l e i t e — W K .- 2Srb nnd Nicholas—JA
819 No. 16th St.—I'hont- -I/V<;l«Hen S68« We specialise in form printing »nd solicit your putrouage ~-'r
METAL—C.LAS*—tVtKH><-F«APEa CLOTH—SUO-CARDS ! . t . H A . 4209 849 N o . 35th iftve.
215 S o . I!»th-Pb«:ie AT./MliCi,..
H302 W00 .
Refitter of Ladies and Men* ' Clothing
"Everything- Under Coyer" !
A. B E U N S T E 1 N . I'rop.
WOLK-THE TAILOR loDU Kit. Wth St. —WK. 21 Ul..,. Specializing in Cloanins. I'ream and Kelrtiing Men nnd Women A r e l
Personal Service You will Appreciate
Beauty Parlors
Music Teachers
Wallin-Holmgren Eiec Co.
Dependable tor correct instruction. Progress of stndious pupils gunrnnteed. Each pupil given iiidirithwl attention of»<liie higjiest possible degree. Psaitie Ciriiservatory Method Taught. Plattrtjuig comsnents on results from instructors all over the country. Instruction Fees : With Prot. Much S2;IKI per half hour. WI'Mi c/q>nble iissistnnts Class A Sil ^ •..:...?1'.<M) per half hour. .Class B . . . ^ ?1.UO per honr lessons. Studio UTJ4 No. 16 St.—Phone JA. 1952
Tents, Avmings, Covers, C a i n p g Equipments, Auto Awnings jand Tourist Supplies. ... NEBR. TENT & AWMNG CO, 1808 Farnam JA. 444J
Bramleis Stoics . . J i 2."K)7-AT. SOOti Dundee Parlor . WA. 8014 Specinllsts in f'BKMANENT WAVINU
U>23 C!nrfeSt^\WE. 0410
r>IW S o . I3tb St.—JA. fiO32
New, Used Motors, Repairs, Rewinding, Wiring, Mail Orders
Tfc-s M.-iriiifllo lolU UOHKI.18 6(H> Ummleis Ihtr. AT. 37(i:i B l ( l g . - J A . 3460 . Kontenelle, JA. 'SU'A All oeiiuty .witrlc—Mulrs reniOYe<1
605 Electric BIdg.—JA. 1045 —AH Kinds of Electric Wiring—
Paxton Billiard Parlors
The utmost in Photographs S LAKE STUDIO
Furrtaiii—JA. «"-1
Direct Wire Service on All - Latest Sport Events
We susgest yon send your Inundry to
4420 Florence Blvd., K.E. 1500 THE HOUSE WITH A REPUTATION
Get Our Prictoi a n d Snye~
SPECIAL"NOTICE' We nre offering 10% discount on nil rough dry bundles picked up Friday ' for ;3?«resday delivery. ...SANITARY LAUXBKT W. H. OSTENK5UO, Pres. 2M.3 Famsin ; ATlantic
AT. 3832—504 So. i s -
It's the advertiser that makes the publishing of this paper .v possible.
ami 0" Ihr-ir« W} ; f ( j j . | l l t . „„ ,. o f oVloclJ A . M-.. M-.. ee.u it « . i-ininjiintion. iininjiintion. p^sentinf. the»r fm e 8T h ree ree monilis .adjustment ^ p^sentinf.' ami the»r J"£"f Th ^ monilis ore allowed for *)$& a>\y of June. fhPT «Jniins ' « WFORD 1028. _ \;ounly Judco. June 1—*X-
OMAHA GARAGE 1517 No.--24th St.— W E . 0300
Estimates Gladly, Furnished
.For iStiy kind "of service on your .automobile call the Cass Garage, •too niatterif when, where, or why. —24 HOUR SERVICEReliable, .Reasonable,' Expert »\iy Auto. Repair Servicel
-—* - " • —
Careful Prescription Service • Merchandise of Quality
loth a n d - Uoyfcins—U.-i S o Uitu
'..-S;.t7UT-17 Cass—AT.'3533 _
Nebraska• ... ' •. •"• ~' : . . • •;••• l a the matter of the estate of ItSltAEIT! ",DA,YID QBKBEll also known as JACOl^H or J. GEltBEK, deceased, . . ' •'• ' AU persons-Interested.in said estate are hereby notified that a petition .has been Jiled in said Court, praying for the probate of a certain Instrument now on tile.in said I <Jourt, purporting to-be-the last wilj and.| testameiit of said deceased, ' arid that a } •hearing w i l l b e had on said petition before .sold Court on the Oth day of July, nyJH, I and that if ttiey fnil to appear ut said' Court, on :the-t»th day of July, WJS, at 'i o'clock'A* M.: to^ contest the probate o f ! Bald-will, the Court may allow.and probate i ' said will and. grant administration of, said estate to Hyman Gerber or some other suitable person, and' proceed to a settlement thereof. - -.'• • ; ••.:•'"•• BRYCE CRAWFORD. June l*r~3T. . . County Judge.
:es IT s j&^GARAGEi
— G E N E R A L CONTKACTOB - i 403 H08pe. BIdg.
2O4-« Sontb 24th iSt-rvAT, UOO^-^
Serve Himelbloom's nev? pumpernickle bread with your next meal.
You should Beginners and advanced students accepted. patronize oar advertisers and ' v mention the Snite 5,Wead BIdg., 18 and Farnam ' BRESS when you do. —Tetephone A
1413 Donslas Street "».*'. Most Popular Cafe in Omaha
Appropria.p for After-Theater Gatherings
National Accessories,
•&8 iteciffties' BidsAT. 44H1
1 •; aBi'iJfiirnain—AT. 5524
The capital stock of the Corporation
and i n t h e Orierit, arid
Certified PHhJjc. _Accountants :
. Shall consiBt o t T h i r t y - o n e 'j-uousauil DoUara (§31,000.00), d i v i d e d Into 'xhree . Hundred Ten (310) shares, of the. par value of One Hundred .Dollars (,$100.00) each, all ot which shares have been issued and paid for, and shall be deemed ' full paid stock, and the holders of-such : shares shall not ' be liable for any further payment thereon.". ' ' - D a t e d at Omaha, Nebraska, this 20th day of June, 1928. STANDABD REALTY CORPQllATION, ,. .! B y Yv'ALXElt SLTAKlt, •--•.: 6-2L-4T. .;• , ^ • "" . .1'rtsldent. lilONSKX, KATTEEMAN &" GRODINSKX r.i-; 752 Omaha N a f i : ' ;
Z I E G L E B & DUX.N . . r • ' " • , - Attorneys -First Natioual Bunk BIdg. . - . NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO ! AltllCLElS OF 1NCOXIFOBATION -•. •• . o t the STASttATtU BEALIX ;'. COKPOIfc^TIOJi Notice Is hereby given that at a Special Meeting of the Stockholders of the auimlurd. lcealty Corporation, duly called anil held on June 20,'1028, at 52u .first National. liauk. Building, Omaha, Nebraska, at which" meeting all ot the outstanding stock of said Corporation was present and particiIiated therein, the following Resolution and Amendment to the Articles of' lncorpuration was passed and unanimously adopted, reading as follows: . • ' - B E I T KESOX.VED, That the capital stock of the Company be, and it hereby i s reduced to 'xhirty-oue Thousand Dollars ($31,000.00). divided into Three Hundred Ten (310.) snares, of tlie par value of One Hundred jjollars l$10O.00) each; and that Article IV, ot •'' the Articles of Incorporation of said Standard Kealty Corporation be, and the same hereby is amended to read as '••. f o J l o w s ; • ' -.
"The Bast Place To Bay Your Flowers 230t>.'.J>tortb 2-ttn S L - l ' h o t i e W E . urn
25U8 N o .
A. D» Ferguson The Florist
Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish home - in:;Gmaha
"Flowers For AH Ocassions"
m i t t i m i d Allies'Ave. —Kit. 3!RR)_
Photographs of Distinction
ft, /
For space : • in this directory cal the
Cor. I7tb nnd Cnpilo! Ave.—A v ij'tHl'i . : OOOIIVKAK SKKVICE STATION Tires, T u b e s . Accessories. Konri Service V u l c a n i z i n g nnd General Repairing
Only 2 different business houses allowed under each classification in this directory.