July 6, 1928

Page 1

i | $ the News, 0j interest ' :• to Jews- -':

Euti/red a* Wcoud-clasB mall matter on Jannary S ' 011*1 uffire at Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act at Mm


"-. at 38-

Movies and Radio Provided for Camp


VOL. VII—No. 25


Long Branch, N. J.—(J. T. A.)— London.—(J. T. A.)—The retireBoys who go to camp this year will No rabbi has the right to annul- a ment of Lord Herbert S. Plumer from have more facilities for entertainment marriage that has been performed by the post of high commissioner of the than they had last year. Mr. Sam a rabbi, whether orthodox or reform, Palestine government, was announced Vorzimer has arranged to provide and annulment can take place only by movies for the boys on Monday and a rabbinic council, according to a $10,000 Needed for United Jew- by the Colonial office today. Lord Plu- District Convention Delegates Convention Delegates and Ofmer, will retire from his post in the Wednesday evenings. He has also pro- Administration Found Guilty of paper presented by Rabbi Louis M. fleers to Be Honored ish Campaign at Loose Handling of Return With Program fall, following a three months' leave, vided a radio for the camp. Epstein of Boston to the second day's at Dance Once. of Activities Funds. which will begin in July. One of; the thirty boys who will session of the rabbinical assembly of MANY FEATURES PLANNED form the first group to go to Camp ADVISE AGAINST PAYING. the Jewish Theological -Seminary of DAVID BROWN SENDS PLEA- Rumors as to the possible successor OMAHANS B I N OFFICES' for the Palestine high commiasionerMorris Levy has come 275 miles to go America at the.Betel Scarboro here. The Omaha lodge No, S54 of the At the semi-annual election of offi- to this camp. .' - ship are surrent here, the name of Whether gift? JBrom a non-Jew to a $10,000 must be collected by the New York.—(J. T. A.)—The Judges eers held last week, Joe L. Cohen was He is Louis Lipman of Bassett, court of inquiry appointed by Dr. synagogue shoulfi^e. accepted was l i e Jews-of Omaha imsHedistely in order. Sir Gilbert Clayton, former civil sec- I. O. 8. JB. is aJ] prepared for n busy season of activity, hsring elerted its . chosen Ateph Godol (president). He Neb., who is now visiting the family of disenssftin by. the conyen-1-tjjat A g payments on Chaim Weizmann, president of the subject j made retary of the Palestine government, ww administration slate and its succeeds THqrris Givot. being prominently mentioned. of Jack Levinsky, having come to delegates returned with an extensive The other offices were filled as fol- Onjaha for the special purpose of go- world Zionist organization, to investi- tion delegates^ Al.yesolation adopted for the "United Jewish Campaign, in gate charges of mismanagement recommended thalrpich gifts may-be November, 1926, be "bought up to date. program from the district convention lows:' Dave Biahoff, vice -president; ing to Camp Morris,Levy. against the present administration of accepted. This announcement was made by Mr. of Grand Lodge No. 6 held at ElkDavid Brodkey, secretary; Sam Fregthe Zionist Organization of America, Abe Goldstein, city chairman of that gor, reporter; Sidney Epstein, senior hart Lake, Wis. late Sunday night made public its findcampaign, i t a meeting of the execu~:'Shotare; Harry Levinson, junior ShoAt the election held last week, ings in' a ten-page -report after delibtive committee which met to discuss ' ^tare,-and Morris Givot, Alepb. Cohen Max Fromlrin, prominent local atrerations which began-»ni Wednesday waysr -and means of -stimulating «oi-"Godol (thaplain). -. torney, -was chosen t% head the -orafternoon and" continued for more than lections. ~- '." """.""," . / The installation of officers will take : gsudzstion as president He succeeds ten honrs on Thursday,-.. - -.'"During Ute past two -weeks." .stated Full EnroLment •• place ^at the next meeting. The new Maurice Mkklm. "The conclusions reached by the i«g List-Is Mi? Holzman, state chairman of the officials wiQ be honored at a dance to The other officers are as follows: Secured. court are as follows: ., Nebraska United Jewish Campaign, **I Filial Devotion Source of Great be given soon at the new Fontenelle Fall Day Program of Fun and Jack W. IStarer, vice-president; Isahave received numerous letters anfl 1. No reason exists why there Respect From park pavillion- The dance will also Food Is Held dtfre^ Abramspn, secretary; Harry PROGRAM COMPLETED, telegrams urging me to do my utmost should be any loss of public confidence Friends. serve the purpose of giving an approfor Them. Freedman, treasurer: Philip Elot?in stimulating collections during the in Z. O. A., as there is no proof thai priate sendoff to the men of the ornick, guardian; Milton Abrams, Thirty boys have signed up for summer months. I feel, and in this any person has acted or omitted to ganization who are leaving to attend DEATH UNEXPECTED. PRIZES AWARDED. warden, and Dave Freeman, Robert Camp Morris Levy, which will open connection I know I am stating the act for personal financial gain and the national A. Z.~ A. convention in Glazer and Dave Greenberg, trvmtePR, Thirty Jewish newsboys had the there is no proof of any financial loss . One thousand persons, bearing sentiment «f every Jew in Omaha and Monday at Nathan's lake, and a waitDenver "July 16,17 and 18. The party of six delegates to the grief-laden hearts and givingljipiging list of. nine more -boys wishing Nebraska, that having pledged ourv t Those who intend to make the trip time of their life last Sunday at Elm- to Z. O. A.convention, Judge Irvin Stalmaster, nant expression to their sorrow -with to attend camp has been formed. The selves . " to. .pay a certain amount of 2. There ;have been instances of to Denver are Morris Givot, Phil wood park at a picnic made possible moist eyes and- gentle words, braved money at specific times, there is but capacity of the camp is 80 boys. Harry Lapidus, Earn Beber, Henry loose management in the financial afKlutznick, Hyman - Eiklin, Dave by the generosity of a group of the merciless sweltering heat of last the Monsky, Sam Leon, and Dr. Greenone course open to us—we must reM. H. Sogolow, director" fairs of Z. O. A. • • " : Franks, Joe L. Cohen, Sam Freggor, Omaha men. Sunday to pay Jheir last respects to berg, have returned with consideraWe deem those pledges!" camp, and nis counsellors have gone 3. Trust funds have been improperTired but happy was "the unanimous Max Riekes, Leo Feldman, Dave work for the local organization to flo. A total of $55,135.50 was raised in to Nathan's lake, to open the camp Brodkey, Sidney Epstein; Max Alt-decision of-the youngsters after they ly transferred from their proper chanpreparatory to receiving the hoys on the state of Nebraska during the late .Among the activities planned -Pre nels until recently to the ^general schnler, Stanley Levin, Morris Falk, returned from the funfest. The mornfall of 1926, and to date $20,845.31 has Monday morning. -, . . renewed efforts in the conduct of the funds of Z. O. A. However, such sums ing was spent playing baseball. At Max. Givot, Louis Lipp, Sam Zacharia, Boys who are 'going, to, camp are: been collected in cash. In the city, of Wider Scope movement, the raisin? noon they were treated to a "feed" were subsequently applied to their Louis Eiklin and Norman Green. Omaha alone, over §33,000 was raised E. Gershafter,; A. Gerber, J . Gordon, of $750,000 for the new orphan hoine The new Aleph Godol has announced that banished all vestiges of hunger. proper purposes. and a total of over 511,000 collected in E. Ross, M. Fitch, V. Fitch, J. Temin, to be? built in Cleveland, and the rais4. Trust funds should always be The day was concluded with races plans for an official Omaha A. Z. A. cash.. The_ terms of the pledges were H. Temin, A. Vorznner, C. Yudelson, ing of $15,000 for the Leo K. Levi kept separate and Apart, and never day sometime after the convention. and competitions of all kinds.' one-sixth payable with the pledge, the M. Marcus, L. Slutsky, S. Colick, L. hospital at Hot Springs* Arkansas. This Thrill- consist of an all-day outing. The picnic was arranged by Irvin used for general purposes.. balance in semi-annual installments, Kilberg, L Kraft, M. Lerner, H. The nevh- elected officers of the 5. In light of the facts which have The: program will, include champion- Levin and Joe Stem. The latter superand to date 66 2-3 per cent of Reikes, B.'Blatt; A." Katt, M. Brown, district are: Godfried D. Bernstein been disclosed and reported above, it ship golf" and tennis matches, games, vised the activities. He was assisted A. Brown, M.Bachman, B. Silver, B. of Chicago, president; 'Leo Eeitman all pledges should have been paid. is our opinion" that no one responsible •a picnic arul a dance. by Morton Ferer. In explaining the vital need for cash Sekerman, L. Unman, M. Geriick, A. of Milwaukee, first vice-president, The expenses incurred were met by for the irregularities, pointed out at this time, Mr. Holzman quoted from Kraft, A. Kilberg and P. Laserovitz. and William Sultan, seeond vicethe donations of Jules Gerelick, Lester should'be continued as nn officer or,a RABBI B a letter just received from Mr. David Those who are on the waiting list are president. Sam Beber was again deLapidus, Ruben Brown,. Al Franks, member of any committee of the Z. A. Brown,, national chairman of the E. Gerber, B. Lewis, E. Lerner, Isa- signated head of A. Z. A. affairs and HEADS Rip3BI ASSEMBLY Robert Kooper, Dave Gfeenberg, Isa- O. A. §25,000,000 United Jewish Campaign, dora Dorinson, B. White, 1. White, M. Judge Irvin Stalmaster was re-electeci 6. Immediate steps should.be -taken Branch,' N. J.—(J- T. A.)— dore Anratnsqn, TPhll- Klutznick, J. J. ^herein i t was stated that a monthly Kobinson, S. Blick and Sidney Coren. a trustee of the National - Hosntta • •to. install ^ ^ ^ ^§ y ^^ ^^ i 2^ 2 f i t l l ^Friedman,Isador- SokoloS, Duagcx 'of ox fiiwi»™."«> -~ ~ j - "ine-'group JS?St.fefOJE.'iti*_ Jewish -waB-'elected president of the rabbinical in and[ -possible would prevent" future Irregufor Consumptives at Clevelimo, -Hurorder that the work" abroad "be not cur-1 community Center at 9 a. m. Monday, ry Lapiflus v s s elected ee Directmassembly of the Jewish Theological larities, or, in .the event fhaVthey did" Those winning prizes in'the com— tailed. Mr. Brown had recently made Seminary of America at the conclud- petitions were as follows": Dave Rich- -exist, - they would speedily become a nation-wide plea for $3,100,00 in Sunday will be visitors' day ati of Mernebership for the district. ing session of the convention held at ards, Sam Giller, Art Gerber,. Abe -.known. cash in order to carry on the work camp, and parents are invited to come I An interesting feature, of the conthe Hotel Scarboro here for three Bergman, I>IathanSchreibman,-Ernest . Jake Davidson 7. No officer or member of any comthrough the summer months. This to camp -to watch their sons enjoy the | vention wns the A. Z. A.-HOiei pro days. - .-',.'.- ' . ' ' Nogg, Art Werner, Isadorer.Novak .and ^mitfcee should receive any pay or other a true friend as he waslaid to rest amount included'several notes totaling heah;hy activity of camp life. I gram. At this. Max KroloS, Grand . Eabbl I. $L Levinthal of Brooklyn Millard SiegaL' The prizes,- ranging emolument for any services rendered beneath -the azure sky/ -Jake - David$700,000, which a small group of Jews The building up of health habits will j Aleph GodoJ of the A. Z. A,, Sam was" chosen" vice-president, Rabbi from a' vacati'on_at Camp Levy : to to the cause... son, scarcely in the -prime of life, havBeber and Fred Bernstein, chairman endorsed as security for a loan to tide be emphasized in camp construction. J Elias JHargolies' of Mount Vernon, flashlights,-were'obtained through the 8. No future liability by note or ing enjoyed • a mere twenty-six years the Joint Distribution Committee *ver The camp program will also teach the ]of -the Hillel Foundation, were tb>» Criasurer; fiabbi Israel Goldstein of donations of the above-mentioned otherwise, should be executed without of existence, was buried -after simple until collections were received. This boys how to take care of himself, how principal speakers, Louis Behr, winNew York, recording secretary and Goodfellows and the Omaha Bee- the -authority of the administrative ceremonies at the Keasant Hill ceme- note is still unpaid and must be re- to be wide awake mentally, how toner of the Bert Christian scholarship Rabbi Alter Landesman of Brooklyn, committee expressed by the vote of a tery. deemed in the near future. bo morrally straight, how to get along and president of the Hillel Foundacorresponding secretary. (Continued on Page 2) majority of the entire committee The death was most unexpected in""Up to the present time," states Mr. with his fellow campers, how to swim tion of the University of Wisconsin. thereof at a meeting duly held. asmuch as he was thought to be in Brown's letter, "we have received well, to walk straight, to play hard &lso spoke. Miss Rose Gulclstein of 9. In no event shall the credit of such prime physical condition prior Z. O. A. be extended or its obligation to his sudden illness. Late Friday, he $600,000 towards our $3,100,000 emer- and fairly, to bear hard work, to take Atlanta, Ga.. member of the Univergency fund. This includes a check his turn, and to acquire skill in phy- sity of Illinois Eillel debating teftrn incurred for private purposes. "became seriously ill and ."was rushed from you for $5,000 received about a sical undertakings. was also on the program. to a local hospital where he died week ago.. If we are to get the balSaturday. BY- MILTON M-l- SCHAYER ance every city will have to respond, Friends and relatives alike were otherwise we will have no choice but ; shocked by the tragedy, hardly believ- to curtail our activities in Europe, and , Max Adler, -a former vice-president Therei seems to be 'a vi£gs of some ing that they were to be so soon from my intimate knowledge of the kind that attacks Jewish Communists. 6t Seai* Kofebuck and company, has £hren $500,000 for the erection of a It embitters, thenr aga st tii e Jews. Rabbi L. Lazerow will speak on be- denied bis pleasant smile, his gener- situation there, this would be tragic." planetarium in Chicago. It will be It shows again in a determined attack half of the Mizrachi organization osity, his good-natured company. His '•Not for my sake, nor for the sake Ibilt just east of the Field museum. they are now making on non-Com- j Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the Beth touching devotion to his mother was of the United Je-wish Campaign or the Pittsburgh, Pa. (J. T. A.)—The proposal of the Peace Committed. annual without the opposition, together with A planetarium is a device designated munistic Jews who practice "She- Hamedrosh Hogodel synagogue at one of the greatest sources of respect Joint Distribution Committee, do I second day of the thirty-first J o i n t jjisrriDution ./v/uiim***'*'*=^', **~ - i "—*"--— —„• ~,. the sub-committee of the adTOltii to give a view of an imitation of the chita." This means killing animals ac- Nineteenth and Burt streets. He will from his large circle of friends. make this additional plea of you for j convention of the Zionist Organiza- stration, recommending the eliminaFor the last few years Davidson discuss problems .that .-will confrpntheavens showing- more than 4,5001 cording to the Jewish law. What^there fcelp *t-tins time, but for the sate of |:tion of America brought -what was planets, planetoids and stars, in their should be in the humane, sanitary the world convention of the Mizrachi, was in the grocery bosiness. Prior ikose people who are-dependo* upon., considered te; be & complete vindica- tion of the office of president an^ orbital motion. It shows the position method of slaying fowl and beef to which wili convene in .Danzig soon. to that ne was for s x -years a street these funds to carry cm 4s my plea tion and unesjuxvocsl support for the the ejection of a Board of Govcrnor+Ldpsky administration by ETS over- of 9 and a committee of 40, would Hr of the jjlanets on any day or minute, arouse such active opposition, no one Having already introduced: himself circulator .for the Omaha, Warld- to oo. • . accepted, while Louis Lipsky Hexald. to Omaha Jewry by his talks at the whelming majority. can telL They base their propaganda an the old Egyptians saw them four J3r. PHffip Sher, city treasurer of thousand years ago, or as posterity on the expense to .the government, synagogue Saturday and Sunday, Rab- He is survived by his .parents, Mr, -the campaign, announced that he Louis lipBty, wSl most probably be chosen chairman of the J may see them fourteen hundred years claiming that it is a waste of money, bi Lazerow expects a large audience _and Mrs. Max Davidson; two sisters, would immediately start an intensive "be re-elected president «f the Zionist Committee -which is the in the future. and furthermorj;, that it encourages at his lecture Tuesday. The previous Mrs. Rose Richards and Mrs. Esther collection program in order to bring Organization of America it became body * of "the organi^stion ; In speaking of his most unusual and the rabbis and other Jewish function- speeches were attended by large Horwich, both of Omaha; and one Omaha's collections up to date. "I clear as the convention neared its conventions. * __ brother, Dave, also of Omaha. crowds. Mr. • Lipsky time and ag-ain apend. . . . generous gift, Mr. Adler said, "I have, aries. hope every contributor mil co-operate peared before the .die-hardF who inin mind a three-fold conception: scien- . .Again and .again we prove that our Rabbi Lazerow, who is the head of with me and the committee so that our The convention, after the most sisted on drafting him for the pir*»tific, popular and philosophical. One worst .enemies .are within our own one "of the largest congregations in dramatic development in Jewish will be facilitated and that idencr and declared that it is his-. is to further the progress of science. ranks~ ... ' ••• Brooklyn^ is an author and orator of A Day at Camp Levy work Omaha Jewry will redeem every dol- movements in the United States, wish and decision not to run for thgreat note in the east. His-most reThe second is to enable people t o oblax OJ. * w > t"-"s— , voted by a two-thirds majority to lar of its pledges." letters will be Reverend J. A. MacKeller, convener cent work is a revised .prayerbook. serve the action of the heayenly 7:00—Arise. sent to every delinquent, and hope j amend the constitution of the organ- office. At two o'clock Tuesday morfc bodies as heretofore only astronomers of,the Church of Scotland, made a re- The aged orator was last in Omaha Calisthenics. was expressed that the arrear will be, isation to provide for the election of ing a caucus meeting held at th* have been able to dol The third is to port to the general assembly' of that twenty-seven years ago. At that time a president, three vice-presidents, a William Penn Hotel under the ch«.i? Morning dip. met before the first of August. " emphasize that all mankind, rich and church for the* committee on conver- his popularity was so great that he secretary, a groveming council, an manship of Judge Gustave Hartmsiii, Personal hygiene. •p66t, powerful and weak, as well as sion of Jews. He hotly denied the was kept as a guest for seven weeks. administrative committee of 40 andin which about 100 delegates parti.? Hag raising. all nations^1 here and abroad, consti- charge that It cost thirty-seven thouMILLION POLISH J E W S office ipated, was thrown into constw raa 7:30—Breakfast. an n executive execi2 tive committee. The oi tute part of one universe." I do not sand pounds, or §i75,01)0to convert a OVER MILLION RAISED tion, • regeatment and grief when <•' 8:30—Camp duties. GIVEN FINANCIAL AID, of t h e president> however> is t o know what temple, if any, Mr. Adler Jew to (Christianity. He also' stated was reported that Abraham Twlin FOR EUROPEAN AD3 9: IS—Inspection. -• • , , . __ i relieved from t h e duties of t h e a d attends, but his gift indicates that he that one of the reasons "it was so n-trpr 1 0 0 0 000 Polish J e w s h a v e ministration . . . . . „ financial „ . , affairs. _ . „,, counsel of the opposition before t!>s u v e r j.,uuu,uwu x ^ of The 9:30—Educational program. L; a deeply religious man. We need hard to convert the Jews was the The Emergency Fund, for which an judges committee, had stat*<i U; benefited during the year 1927 by the ^ Athletic coaching. & more of the same type. • Eabbi Abba Hillel Silver of 'Cleveprejudice that existed in the Christian appeal was issued early in May by Mr. credit institutions established through^ Nature study. land that the reason why Ltpeky Hetl mind." (This is a strong sentence). He David A. Brown, national chairman of out Poland'at the instigation and with The delegates, tired and exhausted Wood craft. declined to run again for pre«id*«: , the -support of the Joint Distribution One of the most significant state- also said, "Where the Jews are grant- the United Jewish campaign, in order from a sleepless night, accorded a Boating. is because he "does not dare to ru»i, j Confmittee, according to a report subments that I have ever read regarding ed all rights that others ate granted, to enable the Joint Distribution Comdemonstration to Louis 11:20—Swimming. Palestine, .uas just been issued. It is they assimilate. When they are per-mittee to continue its activities unnv ' mitted to Mr. David A. Brown, ky when the vote was annoxmced. for if he rans the judges will h«>«^12:30—Lunch. the district attorney on his trait.*' to the effect that the Jewish Agency secuted, they fall back on exclusive-! terruptedly during fhe sumjner, has tional chairman of the 1:15—-Quiet hour. Commission contemplates discourag- ness and dannishnesa to portect them- on June 29 reached the total of ?1,Campaign by 1 This asserted statement was rvlh'r 2:15—Letter writing. ing the immigration of Jews into selves." The world -war, he said, had 155,000. ; ropesn Director of the ed by Rabbi Silver to .Jacob F»8b.mb«». 2:45;—Athletic games. Palestine for the next ten years. I t given freedom to Jews who, prior to tion Committee. Tears were shed an<l Jament«t.j«»nt: taken, by roIL Dr. Stephen g. Wise -" 4:30—Swimming, boating. In honor of his seventieth birthday, i . said that it will take that long to that time, had not enjoyed those privfilled the haB. After a and Judge Julian W. Mack voted 6:00—Dinner. .' '. assimilate the immigrants now there, ileges. In saying this, he must have Mr. August Keiser of Buffalo, N, T., silence, a committee of three against the motion. Mr. Joseph Stroock of New York 7:00—Evening activities. •and, .to put them in a self-dependent had Russia in mind. He also stated made .a contribution to the Hebrew delegated to Mr, Lipeky V.. wttnt ** This situation, though it appealed City has presented to the Hebrew Organized games. & - financially. Just turn that that if the Jews were left alone, they Union college endowment fund of |10r present the case to him .and to j»«t most unlikely Monday afternoon, w/as j Union college * Magnificent oil paintBoating. S^ffi^fe over in your mind and see would leave Judaism, but if they were 000. The gift will be known as "The of aa dramatic dramatic turn turn which which him whether he would not, iinrtet- t>>i>. Scholar Studying mg called. cauieu. "A .T. uJewish ~—. ~ j, the t e rresult e u t of cw^x ^ Camp fires. what conclusion is forced upon you. not—"Well," he said, "read history." Leopold-Keiser Fund," given in memthe Talmud" bv' Kr. Hermann Strook, > occured in the early hours Tuesday circumKtance, run in order that thr Hiking. ThiB contemplated action is proposed A wise observation. Will we Jews be ory of Mr. Reiser's father. The innoted German painter and etcher. Mr.j morning. AB the session ended Mon- sugpicion. may be dispelled, A rnnK; 8:45—To cabins.: not by anti-Zionists, but by Zionist able to enjoy" all the privileges of come-of the fund is to be usedjfor the Hermann StrOock is a cousin to the .day evening;, it was generally regard-, dramatic scene wa$ enncted wJi?" 9:00—Lights out. leaders, who realize-what a jo*b they citizenships and maintain -onr faith ? legitimate needs and purposes of the donor. ' '~ ' ' ' -v — » e ( ^ ^ '»"£wegw» c»wiHaiwiitoBttfce lipsky gave his consent. •have undertaken.










PRESS - Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska,' by

THE-JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY,. Office:. Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: Atlantic" 1450

Judge Frank S» Howell of the state supreme court had a busy Fourth of July Wednesday, when he .was the

QUARRET OVER BURIAL HONOOR m n i w w ntt • w\m

JEWISH CALENDAR 5688-1927-28


also a grandson of the Sebbe off Beware of an over-pious^ ignoraWorka^. Rebbe Benjamin diefl fifteen- mus and of one badly traSuSa? -, years"ago.



-- K • •

•" :

Thfe'feebbc * ' Skierniewice demanded

the second plot for his only son,

If a/;n)an |does no|'go ifter ,%isdom, wisdom, will,.not rf' birn.

Levi Izchok, iFollpwers of the present Rebbe of OtWock contended, that the* Fast of Tammuz (J. T. A.) — Numerous . . . DAVID .BLACKER, BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR Thursday, Jujy 5. followers of two Chassidic rabbis, plot cai^iot^be accorded to Levi "••-. IRVING PERLMETER - - - - .-.-- - - EDITOR Rosh Chodesh Ab descendents of the noted Chassidjc Izchok, becauBe it is contrary to the YOUNG MAN looking Vor room ..$2.50 . Subscription .Price, one year —,—.•...•..——._-_—.... .— with refined Jewish family. Rebbe of Worka, Rebbe Mendel, who custom i o r ah. unmarried man to be Wednesday, July 18. buried in the RebbeV. chapel. They! - -* ' •-.•'•-•• Advertising rates furnished on application Call AT. 6990 between 1 and died'sixty years ago, were involved Fast of Ab \ demanded, th$t. $ this plot p be kept p in 4:30.vp. m. any day except in a serious quarrel leading to disCHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new gddreao; be Thursday, July 26 ;;: Sunday. turbances pn the Jewish ceraeteiry reserve for ^he present- Rebbe ofV sure to give your name, -_ - _ Rosh Chodesh Ellul here. The fight arose over the Otwock. !; "'- - ' ' . ' . - . , Friday, August 17. question whether the honor of burial The question was submitted to the in the chapel erected over the grave "Warsaw Rabbinate, which has jurisof. the Rebbe of Worka was to be diction over, the cemetery. The accorded one of his grandsons, I^evi Rabbinate ruled that the plot may WHISTLE — BLUE BIRD— The five day work. A few years agoitwas in the realni of Izchok, the twenty year old son,of be accorded to Levi Izchok. GREEN RIVER the Rebbe of Skierniewice. the improbable. Capital looked upon it as a menace to production. Soda Water Learning of this decision .the fol.; The controversy arose whep ar r lowers of the. Rebbe of Otwock ocWHISTLE BOTTLING CO. Labor saw it as a millenium as far from practical life as the Utpoia The New York State Board of rangements were made yesterday 1131 No. 18th cupied the chapel and prevented the W£. 21S1 of Plato. : Health has given formal -permission'' burial by maintaining a continuous Yet the five day week has been granted to the 85,00 workers to the Jewish Consumptives' Relief' the chapel. There is rqom in the watch, throwing stones and pieces Society of Denver, Colo., to erect a IN OMAHA in the New York garment industry. It has been won. peacefully. chapel, which is held in reverence by of wood at all.; who came near. After branch sanatarium in the state of New Industry welcomes it as an elimination of the slack season. Labor York. This decision followed the au-many Chassidim, for two graves,, a long struggle, the zealots were leaders are convinced that it will do wonders for the economic and thority of tKe State Board of Chari- beside f e that of. Rebbe Mendel. One removed from the chapel and the 250 Rooms—200 Baths cultural standards of the working man and woman. The August was accorded to the late, burial too* place at midnight in the ties, which had been obtained earlier ' Good koorns for $1.50 Rebbe of Otwock, Rebbe--Benjamin, presence of 5,000 persons. on April. 17. Wall Street Journal has placed the approval of the financial center Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. A site for the erection of this of America upoij it. . i branch has already been obtained on This is a dry ecphomic arrangement, but there is romance the Lombard farm, near Highland DON KIPSUtNGEK Judge Frank S. behind it. When_ one remembers the sweat shop of thirty years Sells principal speaker at; two public cele- Mais, Orange County, N. Y. The ago. When one remembers that in contrast to the endless week brations and made a brief fejk at an- Lombard farm is ideally situated for of the old garment shop there is now the five day week, that in other meeting. \ the purpose. It is a tract of about 250 : / —Are not expensive 4n the-long WITH contrast to the almost endless dayvtjiere is now the eight hour day. Because of his patriotic tendencies acres, on a high elevation, surrounded . NEBR. BUICK AUTO CO. ,. Tliey are the^ cheapest you can buy. Lby,hflls and mountains, beautiful valAmong those to whom credit i$ due for bringing about the and ableness "as. a speaker, Judge leys and wooded lands. The farm is AT. M03 Res. HA. CALL Howell was invited'by ; the ; various Spot far. from the state highway, and cooaaittees iii charge; of these ^ekbra- pfrom Highland Mills station of the ttong ttf participate in the program. \Erie R. R. and is easily accessible by "QUALITY JEWELERS" I t will b e i n t e r e s t i n g t o , .. :BE£' %as the speaker, o f the day at AT. 1677—206 So. 24th Street d o f o r t h e w o r k e r s . Will t h e r a b b i s ., . . . ^ .• ^ .•*.-...*.. ; automobile and railroad. MALASHOCK JEWELKY She largest celebration in. the city at . The Jewish Consumptives' Relief HAKCFACTCBEI) «OMFLETK~IK OMABA. Wholesale and Retail Jewelers Will the libraries havejnbre readers? WiflthV leafy"walksFoptenelle park. He was also the prin- Society plans to erect as quickly as the Hudson draw a larger throng? Now that they have it, thecipal speaker at a meeting of colored possible 213-16 City National Bank a modern building to house Bldg.—JA. 5619 question becomes, "What will they do with jBaptists held at Jetter's park. At the3.40 men and women, aa well as a South' Omaha Merchants' official cele- > smaller unit of 40 children. for them to make. bration a^BWwn park, the judge also addressed the assemblage. Are this; man's-poyicrT-and. Ws . PATRONIZE ^ ; GOODFOR Judge HowelV is a resident of :*"The wicked flee when no man purOmaha, but is farced to" spend most i sueth; The diver's death becomes his daily of bis time, in Lincoln dueftcThis duties But the righteous are secure as a TEA ROOM 49 and tlodge bread; I- young lion." The smallest of hig opals burn and as a member of the state supreme CANDYLAND Theresa. Helburn is knovvji for her glow court. * -. 16th and Faruam remarkable -work with the Theater With all the stubborn agonies of - Really we may .see the whole bisstrife • . . Guild, but is the author of some poetry You must' associate with children; f tory of mankind pass in our nursery spoke of men \ and hardships. of charm, as is this one, called We "Well,"-he they make you understand nature.— I If we have the wit to use our eyes.-~ said r > "Mother." /' ' , iHenl. "This traveling is the meanest work Herssi. 3104 North 16th A HOME PRODUCT WE. 1429 I know. <• .-- •' I have praised many loved ones in m7 Small towns and sleepers;, i t ' s * dog's song, • "Manufactured in Omaha" own life." f > ~ ; „- ~ " ! And yet I stand Before her shrine, to -whom all; things BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. - belong, *t GOOD FELLOWS GIVE



Denver Jewish Hospital To Build Branch in N. Y.


° *J




Masher Homemade Cookies


^ M ,



Ingredients—-Strictly Kosher MOTHERS COOKIES



With empty handPerhaps the ripening future holds a time For things unsaid; Hot nowj men do not celebrate in ; rhyme Their daily bread. ^ ,, Louis Untermeyer • contributes, the following: gem today: • : Portrait,of .a, jewelry Drummer. Adventure hangs about him like a It friend; ' . Koimance he buys and sells on six .- months' time. • In this small wallet, lust and heedless I crime . . ; - . . - ; :-, Come to a safe and profitable end. Rubies, torn from the eyes of idols, • blend With virgin pearls, fresh from the ageless slime. And lives and hazards, perilous and * sublime,

F%tfaer Your Ntst-

(Continued frcna Page 1) News. The newspaper furnished all tho.prize6-excepJL.the cation^ ThT^o^t bers of a club which meets regularly at the J. C. C. every Sunday at 8 o'clock. Membership in it ia open' to" every Jewjsh newsboy i n Omaha. , "The orgariizatioh is pfanning'inany events in the future. These affairs will be exclusively for members of the club.



We've been at this business of s" for


4302 Nicholas Stree Glendale 1070 Call for Quality Coal at These Low Prices HOW>: * •:•

eustameV confidence'that is the envir of, younger establishments. ,.W&]ve kept in step .with the times^— £~tc bit ahead as a rul£. We're now firtr•"' nishin^ more homes than ever and our list of pleased customers is growing. Let Hartman's Feather Yotlr Nest.

Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, Catsup, Mustard, E t c


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9.50 7.50 _ _ 7.00 "Our Coal Is Crazy With the Seat"

That (Trudel's tear.) is a. complete story, not without a moral; it teaches us how much an adult may learn from a child.—Herzl.

Haarman Vinegar & Fickle Ct. OftlAHA


413-15-17 So. 16th Street—Omaha

SOMETHING NEW IN LIFE INSURANCE 'A savings account for your baby combined with" Life Insurance protection.


At All Grocers Made By

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Thomsen's Tip-Top


,You can always be sure of something good td s e r v | ifl liot weather, if you have a J j^Jyina^or electric refrigerator. Kelviriator; k«*ps ©ool dishes ready to serve, cfl the time.'

582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg.—AT. 3160 *



FOR SALE ^ A SACRIFICE .Well built, 7"rbom modern home; in perfect (iondition; beautiful, woodwork; conveniently ar'ranged; screened in porch; garage; plenty of yard space; well located in Jewish neighborhood*, must; be seen to be appreciated. ' C A t t i W E . 4864 ,




The Different Gasoline






Disiributrd by

Thomsen - Slater Butter Co,


1315 Howarfl St.

N entirely different cake . . . a, yellow, finfr grained cake; just like the silver, except whole eggs; are used . . . not tLsponge cake. Iced all over with a lemon butter ereani icing. 'At. Your CrocerU

25c *


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CoUitcsy • Service


Washed Clean (9 Guaranteed Against M Shrinkage g| 6 5 £ to gSl.OO Each •

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Power €



It -will pay you to visit the "Electric Shops" and.see the many new model Kelvinators. There is a Kelvinator exactly suiting your needs, at a price you can7 EASILY afford.

r ^ ELECTRIC SHOPS 'ilth.aad Harasy

"Hottest Kitchen"

AT. 8485

Visit the "Electric Shops"


-—is a high-grade knockless gasoline. —will reduce carbon-cleaning bills. -r-does give added mileage. - —does not cost move than ordinary gasoline. • Try a TANKFUL today. You'll never be satisfied with any other gas.

You will find it at your grocers ever during the : summer months.

keeps crispy salad greens, makes t>eau«foUy •• mouliled gelatin desserts, ke«ps chilled berries constantly on hand. Its unvarying cold preserves foods perfectly. '

Lemon Cream Layer

IS the year 'round because only pure horseradish roots and pure grain, vinegar are used in its manufacture.








Psi Mu Fraternity Has Musical Treat

Council Bluffs

YOUNG JUDEA^EETNGr budget wffl J ^ m e t by * drive among PLANS NEW AJCTlVlTY club member* > another ' third by drives in the communities where the Long Branch, N. J.—(J. T. A.)— clubs are active and the rest by a The creation of a Department of Edu- campaign conducted in New York as cation for Young Judea was decided heretoibr&r upon at the closing session of the organization at the Hotel Scarboro here Jerusalem.—The income of the Keryesterday. The department is to con- en Hayesod during May amounted to cern itself with literature and books £58,591, according to figures made for the Young Judaea clubs and will public here. be under the supervision of a p*id director. The ideals of the fathers shall not A new financial policy of self-sup- be foisted on the children. Each port was decided upon and a budget generation must live and die for its —Zangwill. of ??6,000 adopted. Qne-third of the own dream.

The last meeting pi the Psi Mu was devoted to a program of varied enterSunday School Picnic To Be Held tainment, rhe program was featured Next Wednesday Afternoon by Leo Marks, crooning banjoist. The The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah young artist presented a series of popSunday School will hold their annual ular songs. He responded to many depicnic next Wednesday afternoon, mands for en«sss. July 11, at the Fairmount Park. , The Fa Hon dub, meeting in the adEveryone is invited to attend. There joining room, was invited in to also , I will be fun for all—especially games receive the benefit of the musical and races for the children. • In case treat. The young ladies showed their appreciation by responding with some of hard rain next Wednesday after•; The marriage of Miss Minette Hermine Gross, daughter of of their own talent. Celia Nitz ren- noon, the picnic will be postponed Mrs.JMalcia Gross, to Sidney Coreman took place Sunday at 12 dered several piano solos that earned until the following day, Thursday, o*doek, at, the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel synagogue. Rabbi Gro- mueh enthusiastic applause. Others tJ u l v 12< diiisky. «ad Louis R. Harris officiated. Members of the im- gave readings. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 d^ present. Miss Thelma Gasper, ^ families and relatives were p The Psi Mu members were so im-of the A. Z. A. will hold their inp , th bride, brid played l d the th wedding ddi marches h on the th violin. i l i Sh niece of the She bued with the spirit of the occasion stallation of the newly elected ofwas^&ccompanied on the p piano by that some of them also gave extem- ficers next Wednesday evening, July p y her mother. Mi Ruth R h Redman Rd P i Me" preceeding the poraneous numbers. Earl Siegal's dra- 11, at the Danish HalL This will Miss sang "00 Promise matic readings brought roars of be followed by a stag party given ceremony. The bride wore a flesh chiffon frock, with a long tulle veil, laughter from the crowd. Max Goff- in honor of the members who plan also of flesh'color. She carried a boquet of butterfly roses, lilies steih and Harry Kohn sang vocal to leave the next day for Denver, of, the valley, and sweet peas. Mrs. H. S. Notivsky, sister of the solos and duets that were well re- Colorado, to attend the National' bride was her only attendant and Herman Cbrenman, brother of ceived. Aleph Zadik Aleph Convention. Those The program was arranged by Sam who will attend the convention are taje groom, was best man. A: wedding breakfast followed at the Fontenelle where 25 Epstein. It was followed by dancing. Abe L. Katelman, official delegate guests; were present. The young couple have gone on a motor trip from the Coundl Bluffs chapter: are staying at the Mandel home, Max Kramer, Leo Meyerson, Joseph to Washington and Oregon, 1919 Burt street A party in honor Solomonow, Harold Saks, and Abe Mrs. Ruth Valdo and daughter, of the two guests will be given this Saltzman. The: Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Turtel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Turtel, Minnie, left for Chicago July 8, Friday evening, July 6, at he above 'will take place Saturday, July 7, at where they will make their home. address. All their friends are cor- Miss Evelyn Marks left last Fri•tiier B*na£- Israel synagogue at 10 day to spend a few days visiting : Sophie Handler returned Sunday dially invited to attend. o'clock. in Chicago-,^ Illinois and Milwaukee, evening from a two weeks visit with Mr. Harry Kononovitch, formerly Wisconsin, before going to Montreal M. E . Gluek left Wednesday ner- sister Mrs. Korbholch in St. JOTof Omaha and now'residing, in New where she will sail on the Cunard on a tonapthat will carry him to sepivMo. Several affairs'were given York City, will arrive'this week to Chicago, Detroit, and Canada. . in -honor of the visitor while there. spend his vacation in Omaha among liner Ascania for Europe on Friday. Miss Marks expects to tour Europe Mrs. R. Kulakofsky is leaving for friends and relatives. Mr. Konono- for the remainder of the summer and Miss Besaline Cohen i s visiting friends, in Traverse City, lOch. After California Tuesday to attend the vitch, who is well-known to Omahans will visit sigths in England, France, a few -weeks- stay, she -will return wedding of Miss Evelyn Richards, has played a very' active part in Germany, Belgium, and Switzerland. the founding of the Omaha Club, of via Chicago. ;where will visit -with daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Ike Gilinsky returned Richards of San Jose, Calif., to New York, having been the first friends," Frances "Wank, which will take place president of the organization. Mr. home Sunday after spending a week Mrs.; Harry Daneky and her July 29. Mrs. Kulakofsky will stop Kononovitch will be at the home of visiting relatives .in Fort Dodge, la. his parents, 2217 Charles street. children, Betty and Alex, of Los off at Yellowstone Park enrovte. Mrs. Jake Mendelson and her Angeles, Calif., formerly of Omaha, Seaman and Reva Kulakofsky, son brother, Robert Noddle, have reMr. Morris Weiner, of New York are viaiting with relatives and and daughter of Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, City, formerly of Omaha, has arrived turned home from a months motor friends- here. Mrs. Dansky was are already in California visiting to spend his vacation with Mr. and trip in the east. - They visited in formerly Eva Spiegal. friends and relatives. Mrs. William Weiner. Morris is an Chicago, HL, Trenton, N. J., PhilaA beautiful buffet mirror will be Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Simon and active member of the Omaha Club of delphia, Pa., Niagara Falls and New York City. given- away at the picnic of the Mrs Ed. Gilbert of Omaha are New York. Pioneer Society, local -women's or- motoring Monday to M n . M. L. Marks returned home Moscow—(J.T. A.)—Thirteen for- Wednesday after spending the past ganization, Sunday, July 8, at Elm- Springs, where they, will spend sevmer members of the pogrom band of few weeks visiting relatives in wood Park. eral weeks. Ataman Shepel were sentenced by the Chicago, HI. . Tbe "Bfltor Cholim ladies' society Messrs. Philip S. Mandel attd district court of Pros'kurow.Tour were will J ^ addressed at their meeting Morris A. Golden,, president^ and sentenced to death, and nine to from Jnly^S l^i jEabbi Lazerow of Brook- treasurer respectively, of the Omaha one to ten years imprisonment. lyn! It will be held at the synagogue Club of New York, arrived in "the by at 25."- and Seward streets at 2 «'- city last week to spend their vacaWhen the ox is down, many are tht clock. Mrs. David M, Newman. tions with friends and relatives. They butchers.—Talmud. ,

HERZBERGS Now in Full Swing—Annual July

~In thfa record-breaking clearaway reductions have not stopped at the cost line-—they have gonefar~-far beloxa it! Our established policy of absolute disposal each sea* son—of keeping two steps ahead of fashion—fot*M us to turn our backs on all thoughts of profit.*

Fruit Punch - Boil four cups water. Add two cups sugar, two cups grated pineapple. Boil for 15 >„ minutes. Add grated rind and juice of four lemons. Add two cups of freshly made tea. Pour over ifee to dffll. Serve with .oranges or lemon* ilices or maraschinno cherries, "



** J*-,

CommitteeJQ^Niiie>^ ^1 P i ^ Z K f i Slate

Formerly Priced to $39.75

DRESSES Formerly Priced to $59.75

DRESSES Formerly Priced to $79 J5

COATS Formerly Priced to $29.75

COATS Formerly Priced to $49.75 V


>• •%. - " " * - v

Formerly Priced to $69.75



30 * * < •




. ' ;

New York-—With Louis Lipsky, who held the leadership of the Zionist movement in the United States since 1921, eliminated by bis own statement from any post in the Zionist organization of America, a state for the new administration was prepared: and i* being suggested by. |he committee of nine, appointed by\,the judges who probed the charges of tbe opposition against the administration. The slate -was agreed upon at a nieeting- of the committee of nine, in which the opposition, the "administration and the Citizens Committee on Peace and Reconstruction, are represented. No official statement was i s sued by the committee as to the cornposition of the slate. It was, however, stated on good authority, that the j committee agreed on the following board of directors who, with an administrative committee of forty and an advisory council of 150, would direct the affairs of the Zionist Organization of America. The following are the. nominees whose names are. to be, suggested to the convention:, Dr.=,Louis I. Harris, New York Health „ Commissioner; Judge William MV; Lewis of Philadelphia, Abrara liebovitz, Judge. Julian: W. Mack, Israel Matz; Dr, Nathan Ratnoff, Samuel Rothenberg of the Brooklyn Jewish-Center, Jacob, SiegeJ and Dr. Israel S.Wechsler;

PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. t7th and Martha St«. IIArney 1082 OMAHA. KEBRASKA Soft sra.v, iron. IITIIBS, i>roj)2(' jmd Blumtniini castings, ^tanilnnl Fizes ITOIITIC find trou buphfnps, fewer mnuhoU'S. cistern rings nud covers and clenn-out doors In stock. A!J kinds ol wood nn«l metal patterns.


"Ghampe Says-"


NOW yon can get Champe's Permanent Waves in Omaha ( , —Champc's new shop in Omaha offers yen a closer service. Champe's, wh» flav* node Uncoln, Nebraska, f n M U *ar BMti M U for permanent waves, have opened •*frr&iKtnew big and boautiful .permanent wavIng ehop-In Omaha—wble* after* ^'closer service tor patron* living in Iowa and Eastern Nebraskn. .. r f . . ..A•...-. ,... , , : Chump*1* are the b t « e s f «ntf buAemt permanent wrven 1» ft* cnttie Wert— TOOT* than 300 permnBent. waves aic giTen every day to Cnampes Lincoln, Nebraska,' shop to •w«Kn*t^fiwn» «'v«ry BectJon of ,lhe Wet*. ,Chainpe • nave given 30 000 permanent -waves in th? Liscbin Unop alone. Tbe eBtablislunent of Cnampe's new Omaha shop it the first Btep In carryjag <rt plans for a chain of permanent ivavins Bhops, based on. the euceeggful record maue in Lincoln, Nebrnska. .;...• . _ At Chsmpe'R yeo learn that it'» not tbe meth»d or machine aacd. net the Drice you par, that assures yon a perfect permanent wvrtr-tta th» operator • experience . . . her BWU . . . her knowledge. All operator* used iB^ChampeB Otnoha shop corot from the Lincoln sbop,'-'ttiiw'-' asaurinfr yoB onTy widely espvrlenced operators. No >-•••<. ^,, .. J s , _,/ . t, matter where von go, who ' .•-•.-..» t.--does It, or what yon pay yon can't get a better permanent wave than •Ciampe'i give yon. Workmanship absolutely ana*- . asteed. Tfc« «»••«» • » • price is no i « c r « t Chanipe's 4 * a big business — large volume and good management always means i w cost twyoTj

1508 No. S4th St. We handle ft full line of imported! flih— Spratts, Sprutten — Eismsrfe Herrliyr. English Kippers.

Refresh Yourself DKIKK



from Coast to Coast AT ALL GKOCEES 16th and Locust St. WE. 3328

Piano Moving a Specialty S. E. Cor. loth St. and Capitol Ave. Office, AT. 1200 Res., WE. 2747 Auto Vans and Antes for Quick Delivery


Rebuilt Washers of All Makes US N. 16th. Opp. PostoMice.


AT 4230


. .

Gity National Bank Bldg.


interesting variation of the ever popular iced-tea i s the spiced ieed-tea. Spiced Tea ••V. cup of sugar placed in water to dissolve, juice of ? lemons, juice of 2 oranges, rind jof ,1 lemon, }/b teaspoon of cinnamon, 2 or 3 whole cloves, 5 teaspoons orange pekoe tea. Heat sugar and water until sugar is dissolved, add lemon juice and rind, orange juice, cinnamon, and cloves. Heat water to boiling, pour over tea und cover. Let stand in a warm place for five minutes to extract flavor. Then strain and combine with above mixture. Chill and serve with orange slices or mint leaves.

Wright-David Beauty Parlors 716 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. AT. 4333 Specialists all lives Beauty Culture. Permanent Waves and Symmetrizer Reducing Machines



WE. 3260

Same Balldlnr as Orpheam Theater OMAHA, ITEBKASKA




Special Rates ON

Wedding Photographs

Opening-Friday Morning—

Open Sunday, 1:30 to 4 T. M. 1S12 Farnam JA. 4562

Sale of

Harry EL Lapidus, Fres.-Trea*

Costarne Slips -


Sybils Has Never



Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Oinahs, Nebr,

I B BeiomOccurredih " H e Majesty'' -costume slips jore produced in Phil-: adelphia by atnaker known for the grood lines, good fit and finish he puts into his garments. The slightest mi^-weave p^ fabric oil'speck, or stain are regarded by him as "seconds." These and other special lots were sold to us at a low flat price.

ORAGES-E?ery Type

1,200 First Quality— iMOO Second Selection Values 1.95,2.95 3.95 and to 6.95

- $ 169


Glistening, Satiny Finish Metallic Cloth Soft, Shimmering Silk Crepe de Chine Hundreds of "Golden Hue" and "Tru-Hue" Silks, Pongee Silks—Flat Crepes—Radiums White Nile




Mlitize Cocoa Tan Copenhagen

** *•:

. . - .

•••••..,•. ISrandeis I j n s r e r i e — T h i r d



24th snd Bnrdcttc

—• WE, 636?

Standard Shoe • Repair Co* 1 SHOP NO. 2

Open for Business To better accommodate OUT growing clientel we have opened Shop No. 2, located conveniently on Ifith street —S doors north of DougJas.


Navy Black Orchid




1619 FarnBtn St. 119 S. 16th St. Floor

Uownstft'rs—8 Uooro No. ot I)ousrln» 3. L. KttAGE, Prop.

PAGE 4—-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY^JULY 6. 19*8 * • - * . » * * * . • - ^ ^ a * ^ * **-««*«*••" - ~%«sw«- ***J?t

. ."

V _

" "*~" ~ J ~ t "

* *


upsetting-things merrily. The tourney is now-in "its fourth round and Mis^ Greenspan has yet to be eliminated; in fact the Jewish girl has not lost a set. She' has ,m(>re than an even chance to win. \ .

ule that goes in effect this week at Irene Hirsdv—Ida Bishoff '. koff, who, will arrive any minute. Both boys are pfayirig unbeatable tennis; the J. C. C. is as follows: Men, Sun- Mary^ Sheanan-j-CIaire Katzman The only threat that might break up day, 10-12, Monday and -.Wednesday] 'Be^s' ISn^enbaum-^Bose Lazar this All-Jewish final is Van Ryne of 5:30-6:30, and 8&; junior boys, Sun- Sara Marcus—Rose, Collide, " Princeton, but if Seligson gets tc him day, 1-2,'Morijlay and Wednesday, 4.-&J. Shafton-rMinnie Flax ^ ^ sluggers junior A and JB employed, Sunday, j^-5, ^ Corneman —there' will be no threat. Very few took a jpeivean^d victory and "this Monday and* Wednesday, 6:3Q.-7:$0; get filial score .of matches other Jewish boys entered the tourna'time . O^E'I "t^sV toiighest ^ a i n in -the business wo®en, Sunday, 3-5, ^lesd'ay, to Miss Greenberg immediately, so ment and those that did have long league/Sie 3Si Mu, winners of last and Thursday, 5:30-7:30; ladies.Mon- •that the second round • may be since,been eliminated. t ' y day and Wedne.4day, 2-3; junior girls7 started." \ •• • Women's Tennis. Monday and Wednesday, 3-4; advance Losers are not put out of the s! in,fo.urv*trips to the and Red Cross life on Tuesday and "gaitiev Any player refusing to chal- 'Miss Clara Greenspan did not have to wait very- long for a tournament to sw4;tW(i runs."J:-;"; Thursday, 7:30-8:30; advanced .men Insurance came to'•. life swimming classes on Tuesday, and &nge to play her match, will forfeit find her out. At Rye, New York, one is' now in progress and Clara has been the B'nai Ami' bpys, 12 Thursday, 8:30-9:30. to^3, in. a: hitting spree. ' J. Stoler ^ .. r•'. SwironiiMg Club p^ehed good ball for the winners. v Swimming is an exhilarating exer- . Have vyoui^ heard about the new, sf|ineup—J. J. Smoke House; Frank- cise. Make use of the pool. "Center Swimming Club" ? Get busyi li££ Frariks; Levinson, Giventer, ZweWe are even going to .buy ice for and learn to swim 60 feet (1 length: Permanent Waving Shop b^k, Smithy Pollack, A. Bercu, Alt- our pool. j~ You bet you'll be cool in tff^J.^.C. C. pool), so that you "may 808 ,So 18th St.—AT. 5267 s ^ e r and: Tucker. --- : the J. C. C. pooL qualify as a . member of this ne'w AIX KINDS v OF BEAtlTK CCLTITRE |§si Mu: Brown, Epstein, Bloom, organization. Sg&'al, Handler (captain), Kasowsky, A special swimming class has been Sl&ltz, Lohrman and Chesneau. started for beginners on Saturday .3§'nai"'Ami: Zorinsky, Dovatz.^Wein- nights for-seniors and juniors. ej^'Adler, Bogdonoff, Frisch, Blo.ck>~A. By GEORGE JOEL , must d M. Epstein. > • ; ; ' r-'To be in «ood condition0 you ;sleep eight h M r e f ^ ^ T ^ 1 1 1 " ^ ^ ^ Fanny Rosenfeld Breaks Record. ,! , Binstein, Eosenberg; Fpr- 'to play baseball. Ask any Psi Mu. enb < _ i?The greatest Jewish'girl athlete or•They ought to knotsr. , >," ? r^ -Stoler,^Osterman this decade added another laurel t6 : Stoler. (cap|ain\. A _hje^i_^eS^ ^igagtic cpltection wh«» Fanny Ko«iifeid %£ Toronto bettered was -elected captain, .of to be a WOW. the United States mark for thiy&ing thtu&'nai Ami baseti&lfteanv * ^ r the discus. Fanny hurled the ancient j fe Greenberg-poled .out the first Women's Gyrn> Notes disc..U08 ceet §k inches. The record; of t h e season; ' •;•••. . : . that .bad. withstood; all: -pri^vi9»s; it Rummer ^ a'aults rsince ^ T n e n began \ The sumnier activity of -the ladies "atPhysical iye^artment «f the j . C. C. went, into e|f€Ct July 1." The schedule The intercollegiate singles chatt-: stands aVftttows: : " : pionship. is liable to hav^ two Jewish A<xountants i:A^ni jujuprs captured the High School Swimming, Monday and firialiits._ Julius Seligsonj who'is, n o * ^ l l Htleof; thexJ. C firs tfp^ "Wednesday, 2—3 p.: m. ;. in the quarter finals and Ben Gofcha^ ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. C. hyrwimiing*thirteen and.losingitwo Grade School Swimming, Monday 475 Brandels Theater Bide.—J A. 4811 gaja?s. XTJt of :fifte.en. '. The.': Psi Mu and Wednesday, 2:45--3:45 . AODITS " SYSTEMS 3uniprs-3s5pii gecond,. while : the' Bobcats Business Girls Swimming;"^^ T^eg INCOME TAX "The utraostin lande'd in thirjlfposition. • <"•..' ; and Thursday, 5:30—6:30 p? n Photographs Businesfe Girls Gym, Tuesday: SundSy afternoon the J V J . Smoke Thursdayj;e.l5—7:0C pKm. ^ > ."! fe LAKE STUfilO House will meet the Kaunan.Insur- Business Girls, Open- Gym, Tuesday; JVIVt BRYDEN & COMPANY 2506 No. 24th—WE. 6311 ance in the first game at 1:80 at ElmCERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOCJJTANTS and Thursday, 7:00—8:30,3n w | wood park, while the Psi Mu buck up Bids. Open Swimming, Sunday ^3-—5 p . i n . ••• against the B'nai Ami at 3:30.- • A'T_ 445! Girls' Tennis Tournantent:, V Billiard Parlors A large crowd attended the baseball The girls scheduled.. t o ' pliay-,-*ln%: - '1*516 Farnam—JA. 9721 Auto Tops-*-Accessories games Sunday afternoon' at Elmwood first round of the tournament are as par.k. ' Direct Wire Service on All follow: , Auto Tops & Accessories . ^ .Latest Sporf ^Events Anne Bish*ff-^TjlUB, Siegaf S'A The new' summer- swimming schedNational Ajtcessories, Inc. ,.JEthel Hurwitz—Tillie" Faier ' 2026 Farnam ,' ' JA. 4102 jjitf.: •>: ZIEGLER & DUNN, t h e

g a m e . :



- . " •-•_.••'




Good eating for the kiddies and grownups, too!

Manufacturers of." ."*!. MlKROTtS - v,. ART GLASS, W i N b O W G t A S S ' •


• '



• R E - S I L T K K

•• '• '•

• 1614 Cummins St.





•• AT. 6385;

lten's Whole Wheat Fig Bars

••_ L ^

Pleating and Buttons

Get them at your Grocer's

Hemstitching ; Alterations and Dress Making :

—Call For Prices—



THE MODE 413-1'] raxton Block

JA. 8100


• •"!•••


First-National Bank -.Bias. • xeTICK* OP AMENDMENT TO ij O F INCOBFOBATJON' Of tUe •" "



' A T . 6«TI


K E . 1 5 0 0 •'•'•

' ••'

717 Xortb 16th

SAMPLE FUR SHOP Wholesale and Retail


409 Hospe Bldg.'* JAckson 1614




QUA KER Be Yonr Baker


Rug Cleaners



SIXCB 1S70 All Family Services, from We* Wash t» Family Finish 11th and Donglas Stg.

JA. 0243


Carifnl Prescription Sendee Merchandise of:Quality * »





HIPPLE'S SERVICE 2602 St. Mary's

Battery and Tire Service



DAVENPORT GARAGE ISth and Davenport. .._


Pianist-Instructor Studio Will Be Open All Summer















. - - \ •



AIL'Types; of Beauty Work Expert Haircuttcr

.Expert Peiriitanent Wavers Medical Aria Bide. ,

•^7;-r,i.._v. _-_-•<•




rhone JA. UW



Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave.—AT iiOODVEAK SERVICE STATION Tires. Tillies. Accessories.- Knad Service. Vulcanizing and Uenerfli Kepi«ir[ng



Towel Supply

When You- Need a Plumber,Call •

' •

605Electr BWe-r-JAi 1045 -:.:. —AH Kinds of 151ectricA _Wiring-^-



-That Little Extra SOTVU'C" M'ller Uearfd-to-tho Ronrt Tir*«



- • , . ' *

Medical AilsBean Bohemian Hopt

1 1 *i-


•••• BegJnners^and Advanced ^-.'Students Accepted Suite 5, Wead Bldg. 18th & Farnam Telephone-ATlantic 8162

Electricians r

• - • • •.

- GENERAL 0 U # 0 0 R CO.

JA. '^>'

Beauty Parlors •

JA. 1440





We specialize in Sample Dyeing, Bug Cleaning, Overstaffed Suites Cleaned, Steamed and Demothed. • 1917-19 Clark St. WE., 1119 "CAti~CS FIRST"

General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing


co, -1

D. RESNICK (32 Years Experience)

AT. 5454

1941 Vinton St.


Mattresses made over in new ticks at halt price of new beds, rillows-^renr' ©VHted and made up .in^ n e > ,* feathe*proof tickiiysi.^ -•-_;; :• \:\. x vV -•»=


saoR'. u


Mattresses and Pillows Matie Over in New Ticks ~ AT. 5983

1925 ciarfc s t . — v m 0410::«-.


For Servi^fMnnngementJ.^Vfi- Mart'llS

•VV. H. OSTENBERG. l'res. Farmni ATlantlc 2S1S

Battened alkl^ Garaged

Omar Bakery puts 4nto its bread, e*fces »nd pastries has brought us thousands of tnstomers. Women all over Omaha art talking about-it. Yon can get Omar goods from most groceries or the Omar wagon that comes to your neighborhood**' •



:51fl .

Use wherever sweetening is required in the household. Strictly Vnlon Made

6116 Military Are.



Service Our Motto

Laying, Sizing, Fringing, Binding'

Sign s

1V4 Blockk'solath'of J. C. C.

The Extra Value



Satisfieli'-eiustoinera Our -Greatest Desire


r EEALTOltS '"416 Medical Arts Bldg. JA. 210a


Drug Stores

227 South-20th Street

.. ..

We Specialize ifi the Management* of Property/ Giving Special Attention to Apartment an^ Business Properties HEYN-KENNEi)Y CCK

SFECIAT* NOTICE We nre offering 10 per cent discount on nil rough dry Jjundles piefced up Friday for Tuesday delivery.


Boad Service

. *,- * . • • . , ;

Fresh Corn Beef cooked daily. We also serve lunches and ail kinds of meals. Home made pickles. All kinds of Bakery Goods, Picnic Lunches. WE. 1428 1513 North 24th St.


O M A H A - &«-•-



16th and Farnam gts.




Robing or Anything-You Wish Quilted. AT 6855. Note ideation; 1805 Dodge

2d "Floor Securities Bldg. JA 1132


No. 24th—WE. 6284



Estimates Gladly Famisted


AT. S833



N E W EXCLUSIVE SHOP Down and Wo,ol CopiforterSij Bath

-Contractors -


Serve Himelbloom's new Rushian pumpernickle ;6read with your next meal.

ElenSed, Roasted, GrokntJ. an^.Pacted '•- *


Installation and repairing of Tin Werfe^Fjirnacesr-jSkylights— . Ventifatiiig^-Gutters and 'Spouting.

The House With a BepntaUon





44?0 Florence Blvd.


Ask for Aclvo, No





Furnaces Sheet Metal and Furnace Works


Walter G»/jRoessig & Co.

- Aav& Coffee gf Refreshing andExhihxruting

Get Our Prices ana ;S&Te Moife? '

TIKWOItK, GETTERS and SFOtTTtKG Reasonable Prices . 1S2O Ifortfc 24th WE. 6565


MIDDLE STATES TOP AND •5, BODY GO. 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524

SUN PRINTING CO. AT. 3832 504So.lSth

,2508 Xorth 2tth St.—Phone WE. 2057

.. .:. .



All barley—no substitutes—make Puritan Malt Extract the . choice of American millions—buy, try and judge for yourself. You'll find it richest, strongest and best.

"The Best Place to Buy Your Flowers"


AT. 5757


Cleaners NEW

109-11 North 18th


2009 Farnara St.

WEbster 3043 1808 Xo. SOth St.


* * •* antf you w liquor.


Soda Water, Ne^r JSeer and" Girigerale

Awnings and Tents the "Dry*

.•- - ~ Don't^w








sss? President



" "Ailto Top and Glass Service

All You Need!



"Everything For The Auto''

. ' A t t o r n e y s

So'tibe Is hereby given that at a Hpeci.il Meeting of the Stockholders of-the-htrtnilard Ilealty Corporation, duly • called and fold on June 20; 10281 atffiH)t'Irst National Uttitk Building, Omaaa.NebraBka, at which meeting all of the -outstanding Stock Of suid Corporation was present aud jpartJci,liated therein; the following Resolution and Amendment to the Articles of. IncorpOrST tlon uiiH bussed ;iu<l upanimoasly aaoptea, raiidinR ns folio-ws: -' -BE IT HESOLVED, That the eapl'tal stock of the Company be, and it Hereby is reduced to 'Jhirty-one Thou'Sima 'DoHnrs ,i?31,(XH).OO). divided Jntp Three Hundred Ten (310) shares. Of the liar value of One Uundrea Dollars (5l0O.bO) 'eadh^^anjl that Article IV,«of thu Articles « i Incorporatfon of- said Standard Kealty Corporation -be, and the same hereby la amended, to read, as follows. Tiie capital stock of the Corporation shall consist of Thirty-one ThouBaml Dollars ($31,«00.00). divided into Three Hundred Ten (310) shares, of the par value of One Hundred Dollars J|100.00) each, all of which shares have been isEned and paid for, and shall be deemed full paid stock, and the .holders of such shares shall' not be liable for any further payment thereon.". Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, this 20th day



- * . . - , . * " . ' > .•*




JA. 1918 V


..-. -609'North 16th

FRONTl%Ei% TOWEL & LINEN;; SUPPLY AT. 6291^ V- \ -J. M.

•:. ,_. '•-'$.•*--'

''.•<": FOR Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish home • "in, Omaha

" E.L. RODWELL PLUMBING AND HEATING ••••,- CONTRACTOR -,. Qnnlitj- Is llpmemlirtwl I^onpr Artcr the I'rioe Is For?;ottt>n St. ATluntlc 1B34


TOWEL SUPPLY COMPANY • « h i c e . . . l S 7 0 •••',':."";•:•••,.,„<.•

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