- Interesting and Entertaining
All the News'. Oj interest ' to Jczcs
Entered BB second-class mail matter «n January 27, IU21. at nosl office ,nt Oinnfca. Nebraska. unOer the AcTrfJ^aTeb'3..1STO..
Herzl Aniversary Is ' -4 Observed by Zionists
S i r
VOL. VII—No. 26
Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—The 'twentyLondon.—(J. T. A.)—The appointfourth anniversary of the death of ment of Sir John Robert Chancellor as Theodor Herzl, founder of the: World High Commissioner of Palestine to Zionist Organization and creator of succeed Lord Herbert C. Plumer, was political Zionism was observed here announced today by the Colonial Office. Installation Held Last Sunday The King approved the appointment. Fourteen Hour Program of Fun Quota Restrictions Removed July 8. Delegates Refuse to Believe~Charges of Opposition Sunday, From Families of at Jewish Community Lord Plumer, who will take a and Play Each Day A huge mass demonstration which Citiums Center months leave beginning this month, And Return Nearly Whole Administration : lasted four hours took place. The will retire at the end of his vacation. Zionists including many delegations COMPETE FOR PRIZES to Office FARMERS FAVORED During his absence H. C Luke, the from Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Jugo- COMMITTEES APOINTED new Civil Secretary, will be acting s slavia and Roumania marched to the 'Thirty-two boys left the world be- Washington.—(J. T. A.>—The JenkThe Omaha jgebrew Club held its High Commissioner. "* Jewish cemetery and laid wreaths on hind morning and motored ins law, granting a measure of relief ORGANIZATION CHANGES ARE MADE the grave of the Zionist leader. The installation of officers Sunday after- Sir John, who is now Governor and out toMonday Camp Morris Levy in quest of for separated families, has been put League of Zionist Revisionists and thpnoon, July 8, s t the Jewish Community Commanderrin-Chief -of Southern Rho- health and happiness. The boys, with into operation. Center. Max FroJiikin, retiringpresl-r desia, held the same post for Mauri- Ca-mp Director Sogolow and his ablej Section 4 and 6 of the Immigration Pittsburgh.—(J. T. A.)—Swept by emotion bordering on hero Trumpeldor Youth Organisation took dent, conducted *he ceremony. tius from 1911-16 and for Trinidad assistants arrived at their destination Act of 1924,, as amended, provide in worship, a majority of the delegates to the thirty-first; annual con- a leading"3>art in the procession. The new. administration is as fol-i and .Tobago, 1516-21.. He was Staff a r i l o'clock and proceeded to get ac- part for the classification of certain vention of the Zionist Organization of America, ignoring the oppolows: Marks Larig, president; Sam: Captajp of the Intelligence Oepart- quainted with their summer lodging's, aliens as follows: sition charges and overlooking the recommendations of the judges' Swartz, vice-president; Sol Rosenberg, ment of the War Office in l&>?.. As- Since then, the boys have led a Jife commitee, returned to office the Zionist administration, with, Exempt from quota restrictions: re-elected secretary; John Feldman, sistant Military Secretary to the Cona- ol-undulterated bliss. From the time.; 1. Alien -vive* f United States slight modifications, headed by Louis Lipsky as president. The P re-elected treasurer; ant} Mark Poirm- mittee-of Imperial Defence in 1904 and they "arLe"at 7~ inThe morna^'tilT'the presidential office unter the newly amended constitution is shorn sky, Abraham Richards, and Sam Ait- Secretary to the Colonial Defence time they go to bed at 9 in the eve- 2.. UnmEiried alien children (under of administrative duties, it being confined only to the shaping of Committee in 1905. He holds the mili- ning, they, cram some form of fun or the &ge of 21 years) of United States chuler, trustees. the organization policies. The program of the meeting was [tary title of lieutenant-Colonial, work into the fast disappearing min- citizens. An organization budget for : a.* featured by a talk by Judah Wolf son! utes. They start out with .c&listhent- S. Alien husbands of United Statei period of sixteen months was adoptPre-Tournament Stag Frolic Is on Dr, Theodore Herzl, the father of ics and a dip in the morning. Then citizens, ; where marriage occurred Announced For Wednesday ed;. calling for the expenditure of the;-Zionist movement. Sunday Was after a day of full of study and games, prior to June 1, 1S2S. ?1SO#66. A resolution submitted by the aniversary of the death of the Evening they wind tap with -some form of 4. Women who v.-ere citiaens of the a.gtoup of delegates to encourage great Jewish leader. After the ta'k, camp fire -entertainment. On Mon- United State* and who prior to Sept. the work of various women's groups Mr. At Monsky conducted vceinoriai days and Wednesdays they are treated 22, 1522, lost their citizenship by 32 PLAYERS FOR SALE along other lines than those of the services in honor of Dr.'HerzU to moving pictures. With radio con- reason of urmrriRg'e to u'iens, but at Thirty-two ambitious golfers will be Hadaseahmedical work was tabled on the recommendation of the resol- Annual Conference Asks Various -auctioned off.at the annual tournament Cigars and refreshments were Attach Measure Limiting Land certs, story telling, and songs, the the time of application for iTrm>igT»other evenings also fade into Ttdghts tion Vises are unmarried. -• -• • Changes In Jewish Agency stag to be held at the Highland served after the meeting. utions committee. of sound sleep. Owning by Jewish Country Oub on Wednesday evening, Given .preference status: Marks Long, ^the new enqamhent-of Program rAn administrative committee of 40 To rdate, there have been -no- cas- 1. Fathers, brothers. or husbands July 18, according to announcements the presidency,announced-his~ selecmembers, which will, according to Farmers ualties. Every one is so healthy and by marriage ocevning: after May SI, the amended constitution, elect, a ADVISE LARGER BUDGET made by the -entertainmentcommittee.. tion, of committees as follows: COlfPLAIN CONFISCATION happy that health director Slutsky is 1928, of •citiz-ersF of the United States, Morris Ferer, the auctioner who pre- EXECUTIVE: — Max FromMn, governing council of seven "was chosen. Fifteen members of the ad- London.—(J, T. A.)—Electing Lord sided "at the hammer" last year' will Chairman; N . S. Yaffe, Ben Minkin, Budapest (J. T. A.)—The govern- thinking of resigning. However, he who ere ZT years of ape or over. insists that he is enjoying himself BO Judge Irvin Stal2. Immigrants skilled in agriculministrative committee were elected Melchett (Sir Alfred Mond) as presi- again conduct the sale. The sums Fred White, and ment bill which wouid introduce a much that hell stay anyways. :; ture, the wives, »Tui dependent childas members, of a finance committee, dent of the English Zionist Federation, collected through the sale of the play- master. munerus dausus, limiting the right The camp program has been given ren under the ape of 18 years, of puch •with, representatives from all parts the English Zionists at their annual ers will be "placed into one fund which BUDGET^—Dr. A. A. Greenberg, of Jews to acquise real property, was W added interest since prominent Om£ha immigrants skilled in conference held here Sunday, July 8, Chairman, Harry. Lapidus, Ben Civin, will, become the possession ,of the of 1&e country, headed by Abraham debated in the Hungarian parlia- Jews have donated prizes to be given! accompanying- or follov-jng1 to adopted a number of resolutions conJ. J. Friedman, Fred White. member owning the winning golfer. Iiebowitz of New York. At the ment. demand "of the opposition delegates, cerning the recommendations of the The thirty-two men to be auctioned JUDIC1ABT: — Max Polonsky, The Christian clergyman, Deputy to the boys who excel! in various lines. I them. End unmarried childthe vote on the administrative com- Jewish Agency Commission's report. off will be the members who qualify Chairman, Sain Altchular, M. Percov- Josef Csik, protested against Tel- Each week, an election is held to de- -. S. The termine the best athlete, the best years of age. of alien icy-" j-en under 21 Though expressing agreement with mittee members was taken on each for the Championship and President's igious discrimination in the right to v :npminee separately. The opposition, the Tnain policy outlined by the Jewish flights- in. the annual tournament. The INTELECTUAL ADVANCEMENT: purchase land, demanding that Jew- sport, the most courteous camper, the residents la-w-fully and permanently including Dr. Stephen S. Wise, voted Agency Commission in its report made classifications will be made from the .—Sam Swartz, Albert Kaplan, Judge ish agriculturists and Jewish -war most modest camper, and other such admitted to the United States. titles. The prizes are s&o awarded : For the purpose of securing nonagainst -the election of Maurice Sa- public two weeks ago, the Federation scores turned in during the qualifying Irvin StalmaBter. • for the earning of merits. Each quota or preferential classification in INYESTIGATION:— .M. Zwefback, invalids be given land. Abraham Goldberg tend other of English Zionists went on record as Tound as follows: Fabian complained camper earning 80 merits is given a 1 behalf of their-wives, huebands, un.Chairman, W Blank, WiHism Swarta. outstanding members- of the Xdpsky demanding important changes in the Sixteen low men to constitute t h s -SIC3L:—^au*i Swarti,-~: Cfaairmaii, y,Monogram, t -of £1 tin* rinWmn wider thm £••_ ""•re^fi6e:'^*MF BbTmnses- were 'elected Championship nTght; 'Second "sixteen Mark Polonsky, Sam Altchular, Albert confiscated '"the The other prizes have been donated y'esrs, fathers or mothers—Htise-np of of Jewish by a majority. These -TesolutTons" stressed the low men, President's flight; 'Third Kaplan, Abraham Richard, and Morris owners, even when their area did by the following men: Maurice Mick- the United States -should mibmft petiopinion that it is essential for both sixteen low men, Vice-president's Schiff. The members elected to ihe finance not exceed five 'joch. Deputies Ras- lin, Lewis Sogolow, Robert Koopei, tions for the issuance of immigration "'•' : committee are Abraham Iiehowitz, the Jewish Agency and the Palestine flight; Fourth sixteen low men, Di- WAYS AND MEANS: — Fred say, Baracs and Broday, as well as Sam Schwartz, Moe Linsman, Robert visas to this Bureau for consideration. Chairman Philip J. Schdtland, New- -administration -to encourage Jewish rector's flight; All others to play in A new petition need not be filed in i Chairman, John Feldman, Max Socialist deputies, protested against Glazer and Joe Himmelstein. flight. • ••.•''• ar:; I. D. Morrison, New York; immigration into Palestine by provid- Surprise Mrs. Sam Nathan is earning the behalf <>f children who were over t'.ie FromMn, Sol Kosenbergi Harry Lapithe provisions in the bill which would Phffip Wattenberg, New York; Ir- ing a special, adequate ite'm in their matches will be eighteen Holes dus, J4. Blank, Ben Handler. of~}8 and-wider the ape of £1 permit the Minister of Agriculture everlasting thanks of the boys in the budgetsfor this purposeT While enving Boseazweig, New York; Morris^ except the championship match. The TALMUD • TORAH:—M; Komanek to allow land acquisition only to capacity of camp cook and camp moth- years when and if a previous petition "Weihberg, . New York; Jacob H. dorsing-the policy of cohsblidatidn in qualifying round, will be finished by Rev., E. Fleichman. er. She is the most popular person was approvefi in their behalf, not is it "patented patriots". Cohen, Brooklyn; Max Teicher, New the Jewish, colonies already existing1 July 15. • \." r / •'" The Democratic deputy, Gaal, in the camp especially at mess time. necessary "that a nev.- petition be subin Palestine, the English Zionists in. mitted for an alien husband in respect York; Shoolman, Boston; B. their resolution dedare4that" they con-! H. Delrogh has assumed,charge of speaking against the bill, stated that Horowitz, Chicago; I. E. Goldberg, sider the temporary cessation of new the club Testaurant. MrsY StUfler of whom E petition for a preferential Hungarian anti-Semitism has lately Hartford; Louis Toplris, 'Wilmington; colonization work .in ^Palestine as un- who formerly managed it was recently classification filed by this citizen wife put on the mask of liberalism, which has been approved prior to May 2f>, Nathan Goldstein, Springfield; Oscar desirablel Such a move would be "de- seriously injured in an automobile acis more dangerous th&n opan hostili1928. The necessary adjustment will Berman, Cincinnati. trimental to obtaining financial sup- cident and rendered unable to continue ty. It is inconceivable to limit The administrative committee inr port from the Jewish people." her work. Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Bismarck, the in proper cases be made by United Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Fearing that the property rights of the country's dudes, besides the above members of Iron Chancellor who cemented the States Consuls abroad, to whom all he would be branded as a capitalist own citizens, he declared.. Regarding the land reserve which communications on the subject should •file, finance committe, William B. the Jewish Agency is to acquire to and lose his job in a Soviet institu- This elicited » reply from the gov- German monarchy, and Ferdinand be addresred. Leaf, Philadelphia; Louis E. Levin- enable the colonization, of settlers on tion, a Russian Jew, winner of the ernment party member, Zsilinsky, Lassalle, the Jewish labor leader in thai, Philadelphia; Mrs. Archibald the basis of private ownership, in ad5,000 rouble prize in the Ozet lottery, that in the last few years Hungarian Germany who was one of the founders Cases of wives, end unmarried childSilverman, Providence, R. I.; Prof. dition to the Keren Kayemath plan, refused to sign his name to the receipt Jews have acquired more property of the Socialist movement, bitter foes, ren under 11 years of ag-e of alien Gustave Klausner, St. Louis; Harry the conference of the English Zionists for the money, preferring to forfeit than have Christians. The Minister were in correspondence on ways andi residents who were lnwfully and permanently admitted to the United Medinets, Perth Amboy, N. J.; Harry urged that this land should not be re- Cincinnati, Ohio. — Expressions oi the prize money rather than disclose of Agriculture stated that the bill means of reconciliation. States, .and of immigrants skilled in Friedberg, Kansas City; Morris Co- sold by the Jewish Agency to the pri- appreciation, by the hundred, have his identity. This sensational discovery has purposes protection for the nation hen, New Britain, Conn.;"* Eabbi vate settlers without such safeguards been reaching the office', of the B'nai The winner refused to give an ex- and not anti-SemrtiBrn. gripped the entire German press, after | agriculture, their wives and James G. Heller, Cincinnati; Dr. A. as would ensure its remaining in Jew- B'rith from parents and children who planation of his action to the Ozet Hungarian Jews still continue to the documents came to light due tot children under the age of 18 years, u Cknralnik, New York; Jacob Fish- ish hands and preserve the interests have received books during recent-con- cashiers, but confided his fears to the suffer disabilities and" discrimination the collapse of an old filing case in the accompanying' or following to join -man, New York; Abraham Goldberg, of the Jewish National Home. firmations and bar mitzvohs. Close to correspondent of the Jewish Tele- by the force of administrative or- Prussian Ministry of State. The case s u c h immigrants skilled in agriculture, New York; Jonah J. Goldstein, New The resolution of the English Zion- 600 books have been distributed all i graphic Agency correspondent who dinances, Deputy Berki, agrarian rep- broke down in close proximity of the j vr{\} y>e handled exclusively by AroeTtYork; 'Herman G. Bobbins, New ists also declares that the annual min- over the country. These books-deal was present in the Ozet office to wit- resentative, admitted during the desk of Prussian Prime Minister! c £ m Consuls abroad, to whom ffll corBraun. The correspondence between respondence in respect thereto should York; t)r. Israel Goldstein, New imrafi budget of £1,000,000 contemp- •with Jewish subjects and bring added ness the distribution of the prises. debate on the government bill. Bismarck and /Lassalle, which was be addressed. York; Dr. Abraham J. "Eongy, New lated in the Agency report, for the interest in Jewish literature to these The winner was finally paid the sum It cannot be denied, however, that York; Dr. David J. Kaliski, New next five years is."inadequate and dis- boys and girls. without having to sign the receipt and Hungarian Jews- find themselves in Stored away in the case, shows that Bismarck sought the acquaintance York; Maurice Samuel, New York; proportionate to the magnitude of the Many lodges use the occasion of the he departed happy. Before confiding ance of] oij . Dr. Nathan Eatnoff, New York; Da- task and the hope reposed in the ex- presentation of these gifts for special to the correspondent, he was careful a better economic situation. The Jews Lassalle and took action on several | Annual Omaha constitute on« of the one pervid Freiberger, New York; Morris tended Jewish Agency." receptions to the confirmants tpui their to assure himself that the correspond- cent of Hungary's population which occasions to protect the labor leader j Hebrew Club Picnic Eisenman, New York; Max Blumber, parents! Appropriate addresses are ent was an American and not a Rus- can. weQ aSord to lead a" carefree from police persecutions. The correspondence further shows that BisNew York; Nelson Ruttenbefg, New Program Arranged -delivered impressing upon the 1 boys sian. life, he stated.- • marck and Lasalle were debating for York;_ Max Perlman, New York; Jewish Children Hold and girls the importance of ^Jevrish The Annual Omaha Hebrew Club many hours on the joint interests of "Herman Bernstein, New York; Judge culture and the value of Jewish tradiPatriotic Celebration Picnic will be held this year at Tovthe monarchy and the proletariat, on Budapest (J.'T. A.)—An appeal to Gustave Hartman, New York and tions. With each gift goes a personal 350 To Attend A. Z; A. the Social Kingdom against the Midtenelle P*rk on Sunday, July 29. the leading Jewish communities in Adolph Edlis, Pittsburgh. A unique "and impressive celebration letter from Hon. Alfred M. .->k_Cohen, , Convention in Denver the world to support the plea of die class Democracy. The premature An ambitious program has been ar3 An executive committee of 150 of American independence, marked by| president of the Independent Order of Hungarian Jews for the revision of death of Lassalle prevented the con- ranged for the S ala event. There members, headed by Elihu D. Stone, a blending of American and Jewish B'nai B'rith to the celebrant. These Seventy-five A. ZL A. and B'nai the Peace Treaty which curtailed "summation of the plans discussed be- will be '.game* in the afternoon startUnited States District Attorney at patriotism, was observed July 4th by letters are generally preserved by the B'rith men bound for Denver will have Hungary's territory will be issued in tween him and the Chancellor, the let- ing et 3 P. M. and.also various races. -Boston, as chairman was elected. children of the New York and Phila- children as a precious moment© of an passed through Omaha before Satur- the name of the Budapest Kehillah. ters show. A man's.wrist watch and other valdelphia Talmud Torahs in a program 7unforgettable occasion.. • - ' *-, day evening. Two Special Cars will This decision, givin expression to liable prizes -will' be given away, Al a of exercises that extended all the way The gift distribution by B'nai B'rith leave on the Union Pacific system at Hungarian Jewry's patriotism, FORMER QMAHAN ATTENDS 6 P- *.- there will be a baBehall was from the Pennsylvania Depot, New Districts is as follows: District. Np. 4:25 P. M. carrying delegates and adopted at the annual meeting of the Sixty-Four Graduate winner of which will receive T>. B'NAI BUXTH CONVENTION the. 1, 28; District No. 2, 209; District No. visitors from Omaha -and eastern York, to Independence Square, Philasilver loving cup donated by th" Yeshivah High School delphia. The events were under the, 3, 61; District No. 4, 90; District No. 5, points to the Fifth Annual Interna- Budapest Kehillah members. Arthur Rosenbhim formerly of Omaha Redrew Club. Omaha and now residing at Los The dey'F activities will be finished ..The graduation exercises of the joint auspices of the Jewish Education 28; District No. 6, 60, and DistrictNo. tional Convention of the A. Z. A. Angeles, California, has just returned oft appropriately with a dance in the Among the officials of the organiza- MRS. NATHAN BftODSKY, Talmudieal Academy High School de- Association of New York "and the As- 7,108. to tion fromOmaha that will attend are: The method of obtaining these gifts PIONEER SETTLER, |§|ES his home after attending the Con- evening^ Ed Iv&hn and hie orchestra partment of the Yishiva (The Rabbi sociated Talmud Torahs of Philadelvention of District Grand Lodge No, 4, Sam Beber, President of the Supreme furnish the music. The riandnj; for children of B'nai B'rith members phia. --'•• Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary start. »t G P, M. „ the. high _ spots _ of the day as who are confirmed or who are bar Advisory Council; Harry Lapidus, Mrs. Nathan Brodsky, pioneer Jew- of the Independent Order of B'nai! &rid Yeshiva College), were held July Among ldt, at.3 p. m. at the Kehilath Yesh- events were the presentation. of jmitzvoh is simple. The secretary of treasurer, who will be accompanied by j ish settler of Omaha, died Monday, i B'rith, at Spokane, Washington, as a urun Synagogue, 117 East 85th Street, parchment scroll containing a trans- • the Lodge is notified by the parents of his wife; and Phil Klutznick, executive Burial took place Tuesday at the! delegate form Los Angeles Lodge. CORRECTION Last year he also attended the conGolden Hill cemetery, New York. Sixty-four diplomas were lation into Hebrew of the Declaration • b ut the coming eventsecretary. In the last week'a article a O g Ome c a s e s t n e j^bbis notify the • About 350 boys and men will be She is survived, by. her husband, vention at Long Beach, California, as I ie B'nai Brith election of officers, H awarded to this year's graduates. of Independence to a representative k Cit nment asj ^ [ s e c r e t ary or the president of the York City government h lodge, l d ' present at the conclave in Colorado's Nathan Brodsky, and a son and a a delegate. Mr. Rosenblum has trans- was incorrectly stated that; Dove Several Trf the graduates are winners of the Hew Y well as the Philadelphia miiiucipahty; | w h o . ^ ^ daughter, Mr. N* C. Brodsky, of Kan- ferred his membership to LOB Angeles, Greenberf wns elected as a trustee. n o t i f i e s Dr. .Boris p . capitol city. of State and other scholarships. About thirty members of the grad- the, principal address at Independence j Bogen, Executive Secretary-of the In- The members of the Omaha frat- sas City and Mre. F. J. Welcher of and is active in the affairs of the lodge there, being at the present 1 uating clasu were chosen to be among Square by Bernard Semei, Honorary j dependent Order of B'nai B'rift ind! ernity that will leave are as follows^ Chicago, Secretary of the Jewish Education' , _ • . , • , . the sent. The B'nai B'rith is 1 Morris Givot, official delegate; Hymanj j ^ . E n d Mrs. Brodsky were among time Chairman of the Initiation Com- j students in the new Yeshiva scenQy organized, and chart- Association; and -the presentation of desirous of" reaching the Jewish, boys nRiklin, Joe L. Cohen, Sam Freggor, the firgt Jewish families to ccxne to mittee, and a member of the Initiation •| The older the ignoramus grows, the State University, which 'messages from... president Calvin and girls amf in this way help spread Max.Riekes, Leo Felhnan, Sidney Ep- Omaha. They came here thirty-seven Team, which has recently conferred i ' more foolish he becomes. open in the fall, in the new Yesh- Coolidge, Governor Alfred E. Smith of the message of Israel and foster .Jew- stein, Max Altshulerr Sam Zacharia, years |go. Mr. Brodsky has been en- the initiation at Long Beach, Sanj IB food for the wise. How Va>,buildings, on Amsterdam Avenue New York, and Governor John S. Fish- ish culture among the Jewish youth in Louis Riklin, Norman Green, and' Mil- gaged |nthe grocery business since ids Diego and other points in the vicinity j er of Pennsylvania. America. arrival here. am 186th to 188th Streets ton Altshuler. of Los
•will be checked twite to forestall posSavage and Gaskiil JEWESS' LIFE sible errors in compounding. Announcing Open New Drug Firm A delivery service to every part of IN RUSSIAN POGROM the city is another feature of the new One of the most exclusive and up-organization. This service will be Exclusive I BY GENTILE SERVANT to-date prescription drug stores in available at all times of the day and
Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
FRIDAY, JULY-18, 1928
-THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater. Building—Telephone: ATlantic 145Q;
VPith the death of Yehoash, greatOmaha was opened Friday, July 6, at est of modern Yiddish poets, in the DAVID BLACKER, BUSINESS and MANAGING.EDITOR, By the arrival of Mrs. Sarah Divin- 1519 Farnam street by Gilbert L. may be obtained by calling ATlantic squalor of a New York garret, the 1131. IRVING PERLMETBK - - - - - - - - EDITOR ' world has lost an artist who felt skaya, 51 years of age, and her ser-Savage and D. L. Gaskill, who w"ej-e ..$2.50 sensitively each throb of life's pulse. vant, Martha Gushine, on the SS. for more than 20 years associated Subscription Price, one year , Moscow.—<y. T . A.)—The TchernAlthough he wrote in Yiddish, his Lithuania on June 2$th, there was un- with the Sherman and McConnell and Advertising rates furnished on application folded a story going back to the teromorie district Soviet liquidated the the Liggett drug store chain of this works have been translated by Marie CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address;, be rible pogrom days at Kiev in 1919. medical Soviet in the eitjr of Tuapse city. Syrkin into English, a language in ' sure to give your name. x because of the anti-Semitic practices Sarah Divinskya lived in that city "A drug store that really specializes which they still express t h e deep being carried on. The Jewish doctors •with her servant, Martha, a Gentile ,77. in drugs" is the boast of the owners feeling, of the author. One of the Jf and medical workers were hampered best of his poems is called "Watch- •woman. The pogrom broke out andof the new venture. They intend to in their Work and not permitted to standing Sy the window, Martha saw handle the most complete and the best man, what of the night". • ••*'. the rioters coming down the street. procurable line of drugs, hospital and pursue their activities. CHEERING NEWS Quickly she hid her mistress in the sick room supplies, and ..abdominal History and literature teach us that the dove is the traditional "Watchman, what of the night," big stove in the living room and then belts and trusses in Omaha. people's keeper, anxl take care. Berlin. — (J. T. A.) — Professor bearer of tidings of good-will.* However, this feathered messenger •Look, What do you see from your towettd stood guard. The rioters rushed in Moritz Sobernheim was appointed ActBoth of these men have personally not only to plunder the house but to has recently acquired a serious rival for its position m the form of height? >.•.,;• , ing Consul Genera] in Naples by 'the supervised the compounding of more awaken and gleam soflle- kill Mrs. Divinskya as well. They the postman. For, in this week's mail, came two of the most de- Did_ dawn . where, , ' ~ : •••- demanded of Martha the whereabouts than a million prescriptions ^ in their German Foreign Office. lightful pieces of news that one could desire. Two small items A shimmer of mottling light? of her mistress. Martha replied that careers as druggists. Each is equipped This is stated to be the first instance came, bearing not a symbol of good-will, but positive, proof of the Watchman, what of the- time1?"*" she had left the house. The hooligans •with the knowledge and experience of a German Jew being given a high spirit of brotherhood that is being generated throughout the world! Into the darkness cast your eyes. • refused to believe her and ransacked necessary for high class and. depend- position in the foreign diplostatic powers fail, our ^courage die*. the house but never looked into that able prescription work. Prescriptions service. The first story is that.of the Jewish congregation,.pf twenty Our Say, doe& riot', in some .distant clirae big stove. Angered at not having families in the small town of Williamson, West Virginia, that re- .At last a savior" arise.? found their victim they shot Martha cently built a beautiful synagogue costing twenty-five thousand 1 The watchman from the tower speaks and as a consequence her leg had to be dollars. Of this amount, twenty-five per cent was contributed by amputated. plain: ••/•-.:' , : '"-.. Christians of the community. Think of it! Gentiles paying one-" There was a shimmer of light arid From that time on the two -women : morn, \ ' " ' fourth of the cost of a House of Worship for the supposedly hated became inseparable companions. The And then the" night- «ame, on agaifi. American relatives of Mrs. Divinskaya J e w ! ' . ' . ,. • • . . • . : ' • . : : • • .' . ;'• The hahd, my folk, to heal yottr pain. sent • enough money e© that MaWha ; The second tale is an appropriate companion for the first, for T"^o help has not been barn. could get ati artificial leg and so martit is the narrative of the Jew extending his strong arm in support- The fight, is, hard; the way is Ions, Veious is that, artificial limb that those your battle gear; of the weak and needy of the Gentiles. It is the story of how the; Prepare Heart, head of steel, and courage •who do not know the story couldf.nev.er Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society has played the role of belief actor tell that it is artificial. • ; strong, —is a high-grade knockless gasoline. inj sacrijidar throng: to two gentile orphans stranded in Bucharest. These Americanr ;Advanc* Mrs. Divinskaya has a brother in St. Until the light appear,.. —will reduce carbon-cleaning bflis. born children of Roumanian parents had been left to wander friendPaul, Minn., who sent for her but she —does give added mileage, would not go without Martha who had less and without means of subsistence in the streets of the -rdoes oot cost more than ordinary gfiHulinev 'almost sacrificed her life so that her Roumanian capitol by the sudden death of their father and mother. •mistress mignt be spared. Passage Try a TANKFUL today. You'll never be satisfied As eitizens of the United States, they had been turned oye^io the '• with snyothftr gaa. • money, was sent for Martha as well American Consul by the police. Knowing t^e philanthrppicvand Philip Mincowsky, an elderly watch- and the two women arrived on the benevolent character of Jewish institutions,, the diplomatic agent maker, was.carrying a large grand- Lithuania having travelled second clock from his store to an cabin. They were met by the Hias told the details of the tragedy to a representative of the H/T. Ai;S.." father's antique shop". As he walked along the representative who •;brought them -to and added, "If these unhappy children had had the good fortune to street, the dock happened to bump the Bias home, 425 Lafayette Street, be Jewish, I would hand'them over the H. I. A. S. with the cer- against a- passing little boy, New York City, from which they left "Foolish old man," shouted the little for St. Paul. tainty that they would be saved." '....' boy, don't you wear a wrist Unhesitatingly, the Jewish welfare worker replied that his watch"why like everyone else?" organization was always ready to render service to any needy —B'nai B'rith Magazine. :
Dances Parties Swims Picnics For Mondays
All other days open to public cwi Atlantic
Third Liberty Loan Bonds Th* frtasutjr dffen a ne#
3M pn cent. 12-15 ytar Treasury bond in exchang* for Third Liberty Loan Bonds. The n«w bonds will b«ar interest frfim ]uly 16 I92i. latertst c* Third tiberty Loan Bonds surrendered for exchange win be paid in full to September IS, 1928. Holder! should consult the* banta at once for further doOils ol th» offering.
The Different Gasoline
wanderers regardless of creed or nationality. He took charge of the children and has since united them with relatives in Detroit. Pointing to a blue vase on the parlor How splendid and inspiring these two news items must: be to table, Mrs. Applebaum admonished her every reader! Jew and Gentile alike must thrill at the thought maid to be veuy carefut not to break of the new era of love and kindness that is dawning upon the it. "Why do you take such particular world. Both must heave sighs of relief at the sight of patches of care with that vase/jiadame?" asked blue gleaming through the firmament that has-long been becloudecf the maid, "it it-then so expensive?": with storms of bigotry and prejudice. Surely both must turn and "Yes," replied Mrs. Aflplebaum, "niy husband spent $200 at a charity affair give thanks to God for his blessings. To perpetuate and to increase those blessings is the problem winning.it," —B'nai-B/rit jaaine. that now confronts us. The press can do ite pS*t by painting the lilcture of life as it really finds it. But it remains for the individual "But surely," Urged Jones, "seeing to see to it that each masterful stroke of the brush depicts kindljy is'beiieving."v; *"* *' deeds worthy of our traditions and history. I t is for the individual - "Nofc BecdJJsarUx,? replied Brown, istgncej I see^you every day.". which is to carry on the good work that has been startedand M - - - -^IntermouBEtidn Jewish Press plified in the two stories recited above. above rrha is^cast! cmplified The * »»*«••**' must perfect that picture! It was Meyer Lefkovitch's first morning as a farm hand.
As he
Jewish population of Palestine consists walked out to the. barn with the owner JEWISH CENSUS IN of about 150 to 160 thousand persons. of the farm, the latter said to him: PALESTINE IS TAKEN
In April 1927 the Zionist Executive Enrico Glicenstein, the Italian .'!NQW .Meyer, 111 show you how to undertook a census of the Jewish sculptor, is working on a bust of milk a cow. ; And after you've learned, i f .trill- be" one of your duties every rural population. The figures have Mayor Walker of New York. day." . recently become available. This cenShe was only an artist's daughter, "But," asked the boy, "hadn't I betsus shows that about onerfifth of the total Jewish population in Palestine but—oh, what crowds she could draw. ter learn to milk" a calf first?" —Intermountain Jewish Press —B'nai B'rith Magazine. lives on. farms—30,500 persons in all. Of these close to 14,000 persons live on their own land (about 10 dunams or over per family), about 9,000 live on farms less than 10 dunams in extent while the remainder have no land of their own. The present figures show that the rural Jewish population has more than doubled since 1922, when the last government census was taken. As to the city population the number of Jews living there has not been acDon't worry about the ••Dry" curately ascertained. It is estimated Country. Drink ADVO Coffee to be anywhere between 120 and 130 and you will never miss "hard" thousand people, so that the entire
All the "Kick" You Need! liquor.
The utmost in Photographs DAVIS LAKESTUDIO
Adyo Coffee is Stimulating, Refreshing and Exhilarating
2506 No. 24th-iWE;
Paxton Billiard Parlors 1516 Famam-sTA. 9721 Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events
OMAHA 3IIBBOR & ART GLASS CO. • Manufacturers of Mirrors, Art-Glass, Window Glass Ilesllrcrlns—P.cture and 3Ilno* . 1'ramlns 1014 Cumins. St. . AT. 6533
Ask for Accept No Other
412-17. Paxton niocli
. - ,IA, 310D
LILLIAN'S Permanent Waving Shop •
308 So. ISth St.—AT. 5267
Secretary el the T Washington, July 5, 1928.
213-1© City National Bank Bl«lg.—JA. 6G19
THE SUNSET f £A ROOM 49 and Dodge CANBYLANB and Fah>ain
wb serve our customers -' - -
"Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.
well, and at the lowest tales commensurate withahiqh standard of senice, to HairmaR Vinegar & Pickle Co. conduct our business with UNCLE SAM courtesy, efficiency and LAXATIVE ASK YOUR GUOCEK FOK
Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, Catsup, Mustard, Etc. .Every
McCord-Brady Go* OMAHA
to treat om .
Okay Bran Hakes At AH <*n>cers .
Made By
Uflde Sm Breakfast Tcsd Ci.
and without discrimination i**+ deal frankly and openly with the public at all times
Omaha, Nebr.
Thomsen's Tip-Top
HORSERADISH is Red Hot the year 'round because only pure horseradish roots and pure grain vinegar are use*! in its manufacture.
i I
Blended, Roasted, Ground and Packed ,, • . . - b y — \ ;:
Wholesale and ftetfiil jewekfft
Hemstitching • Alterations and Dress Making THE MODE
Pleating and Buttons ;.—Oil! For I'ricos—
Third IiberQr Loan Bonds mature on September IS, 1028, and wfll ce»»e t# btist intefftst dti tbst wkft
Nebraska Power Counety « Service « Low ftttev
You will find it at your grocers even during the summer months. by
Thomsen- Slater Butter Co> 1315 Hovatd St,
AT. AT. 8485 84
PnorieATLANTIC 0 ^ 5 9 3!3
"Mia» lUteatfne" Kohn is visiting friends in Travers Gity, Mich., and ,liter "will, visit Miss Ludlle Stern in Xansas City, Mo. She will be gone for two •weeks. " •
| Mx. and Mrs. Jules ? Sholder of After tire meeting • party was [ | Chicago, Illinois, arrived Sunday to given in honor of the members who i spend the. week here visiting- Mr. and are leaving to attend the ceSventioo WHISTLE — BLUE B I R D Mrs. Max Steinberg, Mrs. Steinberg in Denver. GREEN RIVER entertained at four tables of bridge Soda Water ByF.R.K. at her home Wednesday evening in FRANCES FISH ACCEPTS WHISTLE BOTTLING CO. Ufs. Philip Pine and 'her daughter, 11F>1 No. 18th LOCAL BUSINESS POST WE. 2131 Rose> returned last week' from-a two \ : The Agudes Achim Society held a hohor of her niece, Mrs. Sholder. week stay in Excelsior Springs, and meeting Monday evening at the Mrs. Ben Boss and daughter, Syl- Mies Frances Fish, talented violin Legion Hall at which, time installaKansas Gity, Mo. • DON KIPLINGEIt via, left Wednesday for Excelsior artist, has been placed in charge of tion of the officers for the ensuing Sells Springs, Mo. the leather goods department at i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashock and term took place. The following were Goldstein-Chapman's. sons, Lloyd Gordon and.Irving, left installed: Sam Rosenthal, president; Abe L. Kattlemann, delegate, acThe young lady has made quite a Tuesday morning for an extended Sam Steinberg, vice-president; Hariy companied by. Max Kramer, Leo WITH reputation for herself in the musical visit with friends in California. Kubby, recording secretary; Maurice Meyers&n, and; Joseph Solomonow, NEBR. BU1CK AUTO CO. field. She recently retired from en- AT. VBOS L and Mrs. Samuel Levy of Chicago announce the engage- Mrs. Nathan Brodsky, wife of Brandeis, financial secretary; Sani left Thursday for Denver, Colorado, gagements lies. HA. 6209 on the Orpheam circtrit as mfent of their daughter, Alma, to Harry N. Rosenstein, son of Mr. Nathan Srodsky died Monday. The Friedman* treasurer, and trustees, to attend the fifth annual convention a member of the Sito Mario tuw) later Ben Kubby, Charles Saltzman and of the A. 2. A. and Mrs. Max M. Rosenstein of this city. The wedding will take funeral took place Tuesday. • of the Ben light Revues. On Jane IT, IN OMAHA Max Steinberg; and guardian, Abe pipce-the latter.;part of this month in Chicago. she was the soloist on George JohnBromberg. • 5 Henry Rosenstein has been attending the University of Sam Zacharia and Dr. David Gahn The Council Bluffs A. Z. A., chapter Nebraska, where he was very active in art circles. He wast Platt h»ve i left for Denver, Colorado, Discussion was held concerning the No. 7, installed its new officers before son's Russian melody program at the 260 Rooms—200 Baths for a ten day -«aeatioa.i* While in Agades Achim annual picnic widen the B'nai B'rith meeting ifi the Dan-Riviera theater. Good Rooms for §1.50 Denver they will be visitors at thewill be held soon. Further announce- is& Hall Wednesday evening. Patronise Our Advertisers. Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. ments will be made in the "Presk" tC6rp. At present he is connected with one of the" prominent ad- A. Z. A. convention. vertising concerns of Chicago. later. Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer and son, Wrigfct-David Beanty Parlors Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Smith of Grand" Rapids, Michigan, an-Sidney, and Mr. afid M*s. Harry Mrs. Abe Leibovitz and daughter, Perlick will leave Sunday en a motor 716 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. nounce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn, to Samuel GuttMaxine, have returned home from a AT. 4333 trip" to Yellowstone National Park. three weeks' visit.in Chicago, 111. man, Jr., of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Guttman of Omaha. The Specialists all lines Beauty Miss Smith is a graduate of Michigan State College. No date y_ «P e c t t o ** s° ne a b o u t . a month. Mrs. Perlick was formerly &6ih at Farnam Culture. Permanent Waves and has been, set for the wedding*Mrs. S. Goldberg and son, Jay, of Gladys Meyer. ' • . ' '• • '•-• v ' . . . • • •' . Sytnmetrizer Reducing Machines Chicago, 111., arrived Friday to visit Mrs. Ferdinand Adler will leave Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Zeitzer anher daughter; Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, Mr. and Mrs M. Finkel and liounce^the birth of a son last Fri- Sunday for a three inonths- trip to children ;returoed home Wednesday and Mr. Suvalsky. Alaska. day morning at the Wise Memorial frtm a three'.weeks visit with friends Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherniss, Mrs. Hospital. ~ V' Miss Rose Grodinsky,is spending* in Kansas City, Mo. ' and Martha St*. Nathan Adler, and Miss Helen CherOMAHA, X1SBKAPKA the summer in New York City, where Soft gray, iron, brnss, bronzp nnd alumniss of' Council Blduffs, and Mrs. Mrs. Clara Tretiak 'entertained she is taking special education WC-TIC, Miss. Annette Rftlni will leave Friinum fastings. Stanflard sizes bronze Cherniss' sister, Miss Bessie Lipp, \ and iTOD tiushinps. Fewer mnnholes, day for Chicago, where she will about one- hundred guests at her at Columbia University. <Sstern rinps and corprs and olonn-out -m& leave Monday vreamg for a trip | spend t h e S«BMMW st«4yiny with ft home last-Sunday evening in'lionor do«re In Etock. AH kinds or wood Biul Mrs. Dave Neveloff, Sani Neveldff, noted dancjng master. She will be to New York City and Niagara Falls. I metal pntt'erns. of the engagement of her daughter, and Mrs. A. Chapman are the guefets They expect to be gone abeafe two -Anna/ to Nathan Gitnick. by heir sister, of Mrs. L. Neveloff of Omaha. They weeks. Mrs. P&vi& Newman returned MonFRIED'S Philip Mandel, who recently re- are staying in Omaha a week, havday from a-. weekend visit with ing stopped enroute on a motor trip tufhedl to Omaha from New York KOSHER DELICATESSEN her sister, Mrs. Dave A. Hexter, arid friends in Lincoln. for a~ short visit, entertained about to California; 1508 No, 8+*h Bt. Mr. Hexter. Mrs/ Hexter was foirseventy -friends at the home of . his W e handle « full line of Imported fish— Mr. Edward H. Glnck left Friday merly Miss Yetta Nathan of this Mrs. John Gidinsky of Kansas ft Spr«f<CB — Bisuiark Herriug. parents at 1919 Burt last Friday City is the guest-of Joseph- Free- for ft month's stay in - Chicago, De-city. Kippers. evening. Mr. Mandel made a present troit, -and Canada. , ,:. >r.. Miss Mollye Grossman * his reof a ^eheck for one hundred dollars man' of this city. She will be- in Omaha for about two weeks. Miss-Esther Nathan left Saturday turned from her two weeks visit wifii to. his mother during the affair.* Refresh Yourself Cards have been received by for Chicago where she will visit with relatives in St. Louis, Mo. DKJXK Miss Pauline Rosenberg of Newfriends from Rabbi Frederick Conn, York City arrived in Omaha last Mrs. Gohn and family fr«m liverSunday to visit her cousin, Leon pool, England. Hirsch and "family. Mr. and Mrs. George Sherman «f X BOTTLES Miss , Hel§n Markman of Des Tulsa, Okla., formerly of Omaha, Moines is in Omaha visiting her announce the birth of a baby girl grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.EU born on July S. - „_... A.'Bfcore--wide deaztuaee of all floor sample lamps, strange* Weiserman. jfor easiest selection ia^cor gr<rap& : Piano Moving a Specialty Miss Esther Blumerithai returned i Mrs.-A.** E. Goodson and her twoMonday, from aj Jwo jippntbA^ visit S.|:.1Cor. loth St. and Capitol Ave. sons, Mark and Elmer Goodson of with friends and; xelatftes in" Kansas : Group A^Office, AT. 1200 Res., WE. 274" Sacramento, Calif., are the guests City, Mo., and Tutsa and Muskogee;• Affto Vans and Autos for Quick Yonr choice . . . ' . of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eothkop and Okla. Delivery Vakies to $15 Mr." and -Mrs. D. B. Gross. Many social events, have been planned to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sherman HODGE ELECTRIC CO. honor the visitors. Mrs. Leo Krasne have as their guest Mrs*. Sherman^s Group B— • • - - S*rr; entertained.. 50 tguests at luncheon at eister, Mrs. A Gorod of Chicago. She l t d <tf WOODROW WASHERS, Your choice ....« Murphy's chicken hut on Thursday, will bs in Omaha for a month. and Values to $20 of last week. Messrs. Harry Perimeter and Julius Rebuilt Washers of All Makes Samuelson left Friday evening on a Mrs. Sadie Mayer left last Sunday buying trip in New York City. t N.'Wth. Opp. Fostoffice. AT 4SS0 Group C— -jevenirig-for-Chicago, where she will Your choice visit friends. From there she intends Mr. Harry Blacker has just,.re-' of 'materials used earlier in the teases Talues to $25 to'go to Atlantic City. She will be turned from a four week vacation in higher priced dresses. away for. about six weeks. spent in * Los Angeles, Calif. ICE
Council Bluffs News
Clearaway of Lamps
F«Tm Vai ^Storage Co.
Shown for theFirst Time Friday
New "Forest McniT'
Your choice ,. .Values to $45
413-15-17 South 16th St.
A glorious treat!
UNSHINE Kosher Biltmore Crackers delight guests and family whenever they are served . ^ . with tea •'or coffee, at parties, with refreshments and desserts.
Sunshine Bakers take two, dainty kosher cookie-cakes and join them together with: a generous layer of velvety cream . •-. . Mm-m-m! You are assured that Sunshine Biltmors Crackers axe kosher and parve because of Mashgiach of the Union of Orthpdqx Jewish Congregations of America is always in attendance at the bakery. Kosh'ruth.and quality go hand in hand.
Week's Hostess Special
styles make their-first p p r n y Dainty m their fashioiung—is t i t and trimmings chosen, they cOafer youth upon their wearers. Of dotted toilt, eoin dot lawns, figured dimity with dainty trimmings of sheer organdie; pipings in similar or contrasting color. Basque models with Bouffant skirts aad slenderizing straight-lin* dresses.
Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas
We Occupy 'Orer 70,000 Square F w l Sonttawest Corner
EJeveiith and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
U Will Serve Yjmt Bmt Without
ati traJe unlrr tfW supcrvbim of Ae Vtuaa of Onhodox JnrQ|i Oj^reytkira oC America, vhcae KpRsaittdvc, Riltfci E Coetman; ^rifbtnted' by Rxbfat U S Mvflolta, it rfwntf j*e* tnt at the Iwlunc of the ciackra to ice tKat they <te kosher in every R^cct. TScse kaiher eracUn am be useij wtdi meat or dsry/dohex.
phocolate ~ Nut Delight A DEVILS FOOD LAYER CAKE, made , ,c±%- ./rom, the devils food dough-—Icfed "with White; RicK Cream Icing and heavily •" topped with Chopped Nuts. At
Choice of the finest homers. The favorite where e c o n o m y is •watched. A luxury vrithin the reach of all. Its high reputation recommends that you fry i t
Groccr s
S6tttt devices are sold which »re, intended to utilize the telephone for purposes other thari f6r which it is intended. Otbrtwr.dcvices are advertised to eliminate noise or otfierwiseasaist in hearing. AH such equipment is' unnecessary and usaaHy inter* fere# with the service. In .order to protect the service, the contract every telephone "subscriber signs provides that no equipment or appliar»ce of any kind shall be attached to the instrument. The co-operation e / eCert/ telephone user is essential to satisfactory service. NORTHWESTERN BEU. TELEPHONE CO. BELL. SYSTEM '
MICKLIN LUMBER CO. 24tlt and Burdettc
—• WE. 6362
Standard Shoe 1 Repair Co* k SHOP NO. 2
-•-*• t w
Open for Business To better accommodate our growing clientel we have opened Shop No. 2, located conveniently on 16th f.treet —3 doors north of Pouglas.
d i e Policy -One SgmZeni - VaiBtraal Service
TWO SHOPS 1619 Farnam St. 119 S. 16th St. l»»»l-B*tVi-i—£ Iloors No. of l><>ucli>« J. I.. KKA(a:. Trap.
" \
*-' -> - I
WE. 3260
Kosher Biltmore
fASE-4-r-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY .IS," 1928 played each Sunday morning on Central high school grounds. For information get in touch with the physical director at the J. C. C.
Local Sports By M. KUASNE,' Physical
After .losing the first two .games played in the J. C. C. baseball league, the B'nai;; Aini boys upset the dopeami knocked off the PsIMu club by a score of 5-1.- Aaron Epstein pitched for th> B'nai Anil boys, while Sam Epstein pitched for the Psi Mu.! Both brothers put up a real battle with Sam getting the edge of the pitching. - '. .,, The J. J. Smblie House dropped their first game of the season to the Kaiman Insurance, 7-3 in an exciting game at Elmwood park " Sunday afternoon. Ostennan allowed * the Smoke House fellows four hits while his team mates gathered eight. Lineups of the teams..B?nai Ami: Kovitz,iBogdonoff, Weiner, Adler, Epstein, Seigel, Frisk and- M. Epstein. •'••"'•• .. . ; ; Phi Mii: Brown, S. Epstein, Seigel, Handler,- Chesneau, Kasow^ky, Mandel uncf Giller. •• ' J. J.X- Smoke House: "Franklin, Franks)*. Giventer, Bercd, Zweiback, Pollack^ Smith, Levinson and Tucker. Kaiman Insurance: Greenbergr, Stoler f J. Schreibman, Bloom, Stoler, Bourroughs,; Bernstein, ' J. -'• Schreibman and Ostennan. . .-.-- •; *-•-. -. Bourroughs and S. .Epstein each connected for two hits Sunday afternoon. • .-;'••• Standing^of l e a g u e : Tf 7
3 _3 J. J. Smoke.House __ 3 Psi Mu . , , ••..; i _ 3 B'nai Ami .
W 2 2 2 1
L 1 1 1 2
Entries for t h e second annual golf tournament closes J u l y 19. L a s t year, N a t h a n Fine captured the title. Sam Green will have charge of ; t h e tournament. H a d your swim today?''More and inore m e n a r e being attracted to t h e 5:15 swim.' Planned to furnish t h e busy man^'with a n hour of cool relaxation, th'e session j u s t , t o p s off thei b u s i n e s s \ d a y . . . nicely. ...Monday, Wednesday and Friday, a t 5.15/ Come on in—the w a t e r is fine. - *
The seniors' "advanced" swimming classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30 till 9:30. . No. home . runs in games. Hoy? come?
LotB of spirit has been shown in the Sunday baseball league. Two teams are tied for first and two teams are tied for second. ;. The schedule for n e x t ElmwoOd is a s | follows: Smoke House a g a i n s t the 3;30, Kaiman Insurance i MU: .-,;. : : .
Sunday a t 1:30, J . j . B'nai A m i ; against the
ARTHUR GROSSMAN TO HEAD PSI MU JUNIORS "Arthur N. Grossnjan was elected president of the Psi.Mu Juniors at the last roefitingr of the dub held last Sunday at the Jewish Community Center. He.succeeds Harold Barish. ....!'.' ,'' ;. The other officers ?ure .as. follows: Max Turner, vice-president; Joe Feldman, secretary; -Parry. Rosenstein, treasurer; Albert Werner, seargent-atarins;and Jack Adter,.reporter. ; Plans for a tennis tournament have been.drawn.up. It will start soon. Haifa.—(J. T. A. >—A convalescent home, to be named Brochoy, . was opened on Mount Carmel by the Kupath Cholim, •workmen's; sick benefit fund. The maintenance of the institution has been undertaKen By the American Jewish National Arbeiterverband. : ; " ' '
about bicycles is a song and the six J day races, but in-France, they are an J institution. The most popular roan in By CEOKfrE JOBL | France is a bicycle rider whose name I is unknown in" this country. Each Seligson Wins Tennis Crown ' __ , , ^ , | year all the star peddlers of France The most cherished wish of your p a r t i c i p a t e ^ a r o ^ d r a c e a r o u n d t h e collegiate tennis player j S to have his geographical .Uwijta of .France. It name uiscnbed on the.cup that, goes; s t e t t s - i n , June and ends in August. to the winner of the Intercollegiate R i d e r s f r o m e gection of F r a n c e singles Tennis Tournament; In the e n t e r t h e r a c e a n d each group has its two score year* that this event has distinguishing m a r k in the form of taken place annually many are t h e . m a n y h u e d s w e a t e r s . A s ^ home famous stars that first were seen > b o y s a s s t h h their own towns you shone there. This is the first time that. ^^ that b b ee tt that they, receive a hearty a Jewish boy has ever gamed the hon- w e l c o m e . ^ r a Jewish team This or and to make the victory doubly sat- f r o m p a r i s h a s e n t e r e d t n e r a c e . I t ^factory to our race, Julius Seligson ^ ^ of four men> p i e r r e Charles, was forced to meet Ben Gbrchakoff in, J a c o b Epstein, Jacques Emanard and the final rounds. The scores were H y i n i e T ! o s e n b l o o m w h o c o m e s from 11-9; 6-0; 9-7. ( N e w y ^ C i t y > T h e t e a m co i O rs are To watch the chunky little star of a n d white and each rider has a the Bronx, but now of Lehigh College, outhit, outplace and outthink the tall star from Occidental College was to believe in miracles. The physical characteristics of Seligson are ifc dirfect contrast with those qualities tha$ the • perfect tennis player is supposed t o ' possess. He is short, stocky and unorthodox in his stroking. Others be; sides myself .have .always doubted his ability to win high honors. Yet he not only won this title but alBo" the Metropolitan which brings together the best players in the East. There-is no doubt that when Sejigson is ' | r i g h ' he is one of the best tack coiirt play-' ers in the game. Why he did not re-., ceive some consideration for the Pavis Cup Team i» becoming- more and morer of a mystery.
Bicycle Riding in France In America, the only thing we
SAVAGE-GASKUL DRUG COMPANY AnnouncesThe opening of an Exclusive Prescription Drug Store—Featuring Personal -: Service, Highest Quality -. Drugs and. L,ate§t\
Careful Prescription J . Work Call Us \ , JDetfvefy Service Jjny&hkre. \
Auto Top$~- Accessories
National Accessories, Inc. 2026 Famaro
JA. 4102
You No More
Walter C. Roessig & Co. JA. SO82
S i n A H L PRINTING CO., -Ralston S» Ralsten, Nebr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SUN PRINTING CO., -AT. S8S2 BOO So. 13th St. TADCLAB PltlNTING CO., 1M9 Harney St. ' «74« UNIONIST PUBLISHING CO SIS 8O. IStb 8t. UNIVKKSAX, PRINTING CO 'AT, 28CS. • 206 Bromley Bldr. : W-5STBR5 STAR/ . : MA. Ifl8» 6029 So. 24th St.N PRINTING CO., U0 No. 14th St. : JA, 1029 HAKKT C. WltSON CO., AT. B538 112 No. 14th St. „ TAFFEE PRINTING CO., 118 So. 11th St. ...JA. 0170
Phone JAckson 3632
P. O. Box 794
• . '
109-11 North 18th
2508 North'2ttb St.—Phone WE. 2057
SUN PRINTING CO. AT. 3832 504 So. 13th Get Our Trices and SaT« Money '
Sheet Metal and Furnace Works
TINWORK, GETTERS and SrOCTINO Beasonablt Trices IBS9 North 8 « » WK. B365
AT. 6«77
Th« IIOHB« With a Reputation
I. SWARTZ Installation and repairing of Tin W«ffr-*|Purnaces^-4Sk3^ieb*fi— Ventilating—Gutters and Spouting. 717 N»rtta 18th
vi we
IT I ill'" T>
Do\rn and -Wool Comforters, BaUi^ Robing or Anything You - <. - W i s h Quilted. ;j . AT 6855, Not^Jocation, 1805 Dod»« MISS HAKA,
AT. S830-
..We Specialize in the. . Management of ^Property, Giving Special Attention to Apartment and Business Properties . , HEYN-KENNEPY CO,
Wholesale and Retail
GENERAL/ CONTRACTOR 409 Hospe Bldg. JAckson. 1614
' "The Best Place to Buy Your Flowers"
Estimates Gladly Furnished
ADLER'S KOSHER DELICATESSEN Fresh Com Beef cooked daily. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meals. Home made pickles. All kinds of Bakery Goods, Picnic Lunches. WE. 1428 1513 North 24th St.
FURRIERS Lowest Prices in the City '
FUR STORAGE 2d Floor Securities Bldg.
JA 1132
REALTORS 416 Medical Aftfi 'Bldg. J A . L'100
16th and rnmani Sts.
Rug Cleaners
SINCE 1S7U All Family Services, from Wet Wash to Family Finish 11th and Doaglaa Sts.
JA. 0243
SrECIAI, NOTICE We are offering 10 per cent discount-on nil roiiKh dry Imndles piched op Friday for Tuesdny delivery.
\V. 11. pSTKNUlSUCi, 1'res. ZSir> Fnrnani .VTlantic 281$
LayinR, Sizing, Fringing, Binding JO1« Military Ave.
WA. *••»
For Service
THE BEE HIVE CLEANERS Cuder Mniiifcemont-of tl. Marcus
1941 Vipton St.
Barber Shops
Drug Stores
Sign s
1923 Clark St.—WE 0410 -
Satisfied Customers Our , -Greatest-Desire
Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality.
IVi Blocks S#uth of J. C. C.
PBE8CBIFTI0S EXPERTS 'Jo Xears ServlCP iritfr ,s5jernian*& McConneJJ _L»rug Co. 1519 Farnam St. ' '"- .:- .:.-."AT.-.llSl
Batteries and Garages
2602 St. Mary's
Battery and Tire Service Road Service
AT. 5454
Service Our Motto General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing
Mattresses and Pillows Made . ... Over in New Ticks 1917 Cuming •> AT. 598S I>rop. Mattreinn made over in new ticks trt half price of new beds. .P.llons renovated and made -up~ In JI«W featherpraot tickmp.,
•OMAHA PILLOW CO1907 Cnmirjg St. .
Beauty Specialists All Types of Beauty Work Expert Haircutter
Expert Permanent Wavers JSO Medical Arti Bids-'
GENERAL Olff DOOR " ADVERTISING CO. Harney BEN PRIESfttAN, Mgr. Commercial Dept.
JA. 2167
Tire Shops
Piano Teacher
EXPERT DYER (32 Years Experience) We specialize in Sample Dyeing, Rug Cleaning, Overstuffed Suites Cleaned, Steamed and Demothed. 1917-19 Clark St. WE. 1119
Pianist-ln stru ctor Studio Will Be Open All Summer
THE MILLER TIRE SERVICE COMPANY "That Little Kx(ro Meryiw" M'ller Oenred-to-thr l?«nd Tl»?»
Phone JA. n«S
Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted Suite 5, Wead Bldg. 18th & Farnam Telephone ATlantic 8162
Towel Supply
When "You Need a Plumber, Call
18th ana Davenport „ '..- — JA. 3573
Medical Arts Beauty Parlor ....
AT. 5757
PARAMOUNT SSS 123 So. 21tl» 8t. ._.. IUHA PRINTING CO^ • , . _AT. 6884 1417 So. 13th. St. .* (Narodnl Pokrok) RONCKA BROS. PRINTING CO., ..JA. 3301 1417 Davenport St. . '. 1.. J A . U83 Bnss-HAz.Zr PitixTrsa co.v - SEIBOUG PRINTING 1020 Capitol Ave. CO.,
TVEbster 8043 1808 No. 30th St.
Be Your Baker
Any One of These Firms Will Gfadly Have a Representative Call Upon You
XORHAN PRINTING CO., 2{04 Ame» Av?. .-•--• • • JSB. l l l l (Benson Time*—North' Omaha Booster) iSZJL
Soda Water, Near Beer and Gingerale
4420 Florence Blvd.KE. 1500
2301 Harncy 8t.
2009 Farnam St.
227 South 20th Street
AMEBICAN PRINTtNG CO., .JA. 4253 2111 Cuming Bt* AUTOMATIC PRINTING CO., Wit Camlng St. .—. : i___AT, Z&61 BEACON PRESS, 1S10-Howard St. : • , ftT, 1650 BEE-NEW9 JOB WEPT., 19th and Jackson 8ts. ™__.™-..^T. 1000 COtONIAt FBESS, . , 17th and W«botcr St». __A.T. 0030 FONDA PRINXlNO CO^ . SOe Patterson Block JA. SOU "FOSTER PRINTING & I.ABEL WORKS 3W 80. Wth St. .. , CO., AX. 857S 113! No. 14th Bf. -JA. 8050 INTERSTATE PRINTING CO., . AT. 8OS8 1807 Howard St. (Omgha Tribune) JOXJIINAi-STOCKStAN, ..MA. 0573 8jock Yards,.__-.-. -JA. 1630 MeGAPFIN PnlNTlNG CO., JA. 2828 ifc No. Utb St.
Oar Specialties
Serve Bimelbloom's new Rushian pumpernickle bread with your next meal. •
It (Josts
Auto Top and Glass Service
15U No. 241 h—WE. 'JUii4
7908 Farnam
EWS as a class are friendly to organized labor. That is why we ask to demand the Allied Printing Trades > Union Label, on all your printing.
582 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg.—AT. 3160
478 Brnndela Theater Bids.—J A. 48U A U D I T S ' - . 8TSTEMS INCOME TAX
A soft ball league will be-formed for junior .boys. Games .will, be
If you interrupt your studies for one day, it will take you two to regain what you have lost. -•
1 • Awnings and Tents "IN BUSINESS FOA YOtfRHEALTH"
"Everything For The Auto"
.Eight matches were played in.the opening rounds of the J. C'C. tennis tourney last week. Results of k the first round were: S. Epstein defeated Fornian, 'tevih defeated Finklestein, Acliermah defeated Chesneau, Handler defeated Seigel, Grossman won by default from:" Perimeter, :C&hen'defeated Bender, and Shamburg. defeated Franks.
• '
star of D&vid sewn on his sweater WOMEN ZIONISTS dertaken to raise £21/)00 for the fnii front So far there have been no race Beriin.r-(J. T. A.)—The sessions of tenance of the agricultural school riots but the. Jewish team is far in the the Women's International Zionist Or- Ness Zionah for training girls. rear of the leaders. ganization Council were concluded here yesterday. When shopping mention "The Andy Cohen Learning the Language The Roumanian federation has un- Jewish Press." The latest gag about Andy Cohen is to the effect that the Jewish baseball star is learning to speak Yiddish. McGraw better be careful or the first thing he knows Andy will refuse to play ball on Saturday and other Jewish holidays. The Jewish baseball fans • would feel • terrible. Saturdays A savings account for your baby comand* Jewish holidays are always good for a big Jewish turnout at the Polo bined with Life Insurance protection. Grounds. -
HARRY M. BINDER 605' Electric Bldg.—J A. 1045 All Kinds of Electric Wiring—
GAMBLE ELECTRIC CO. Electrical Contracting and Repairing 4184 J»». 2 « h St.
KE. 3424
609 North 16th
E. L. RODWELL PLUMBING AND HEATING _t CONTRACTOK Quality Is HeinemliprtHl Long After ••-•^v.-1-" the Price Is Forgotten 486ft Farnaro St. ATlantlc 19»4
Cor. 17th ami Capitol Ave.—»AT. (Hi!< <JOODYEAK SEKVICK STATION : Tires, Tubes, AcceeBorit-s, Road »erviee. Vulcanizing mid tienernt Kepairiug
."• »*«««*!«