July 20, 1928

Page 1

Interesting ^...,'- and Entertaining

AU the News. Of interest' to Jctvs

~i^* >•*" " " " u - v w a o MIIHit leaner QIJ Jflnusry 27 11121 st potiufflee at Umnfra. NebraBfca. under the Act of March 3\ ISTO;



VII.—No. 27

Saves Jew's Camp Levy Boys A re WORK IS STARTED Nobile "\ ~'j£ Italia Observations Sir Alfred Mond Becomes Lord Melchett Treated to Circus ABE SHAW GRAND ON JEWISH ORPHAN ALEPH English Zionist President Elevated to Peerage; London Correspondent DisHOME BUILDINGS cusses Political and Jewish Careers of Jewish h

(J. T. A.)-^Despite the cata^ end of thVatalia" expedition t° I I .TOrticregfari, science -will be enrid in 3- lje to the observations made Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver Gives on fL* ight by the Italian Jewish scie^ Aldo Pontremoli, a member Principal Addres' of t \\ Nobile's party. The observ made by" Pontremoli, proGRADS HOLD REUNION fesst _;he Milan Polytechnic Insti. sixtieth raniversary of the tute, who was invited by General founding of the Jewish Orphan Home Nobile to participate in the expedition, in: Cleveland by the Independent Order were rescued, although grave fears are of B'nai B'rith, over a thousand grad- entertained for the scientist, who is uates of the home" and officials of the counted among ;those lost, General Organization gathered to attend the Nobile stated in a message to the • •• laying of the cornerstone for new j Italian press. : • building? being added to the institu- Berlin. (J. T. A.) •' Professor Samoilowitch, leader of the Krassin rescue tion. . IVed Lazarus, Jr., of Columbus, expedition which saved 8 stranded Ohio, president of the home, set the members of Nobile's crew, is a Russtone •with • a .silver trowel presented sian Jew. ' '• '•"''. to" ;hlm. by the Jewish Orphan Home This statement -was made to the Alumni Association. This society is Berlin press and to the Jewish Telecomposed of . the graduates of the graphic Agency here by the jourhome, and they have, to date, -raised nalist Wolkowyski, former editor of in excess of $150,000 for their alma the Russian newspaper "Rannyeno mater. They are giving to it the new Utro." recreation building to be known as Alumni Hall. In presenting the main speech of the ceremony, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland praised the Orphan Home for, its carrying out of Jewish philanthropical ideals. "The ' greatest treasures," said he, "are held for Internationally Famous Talmuthose who care for the helpers dic Authority Passed Away orphan." Last Week Building construction is rapidly proCALLED MODERN GAON gressing for the new Home which is being built on the cottage plan, each New York.—(J, T. A.)—A huge cottage accommodating twenty-five throng estimated by police to number children tinder the care of the cottage fifteen thousand faced a two hour wait mother. The new Home is situated in the •glaring sun to pay a last imon a. thirty acre site in .University pressive tribute to Rabbi Solomon Heights, a suburb of Cleveland. The Poliatchek, internationally famous new institution is to be completed by Talmudic authority, Tuesday, July 10. Angust ist, 1929. Rabbi Poliatchek, who was dean of Pledges totalling $1,103,000 toward the Talmudic Department of the Rabbi thei?l;600,000 -qnota asked of the Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, states in Districts ?-and 6,1. O. B. B. and an internationally known author-* •were announced atthe annual meeting ity on Halacha, Idjed July. 8 after a. of itoe:board^ District No. 2, with a brief illness at the Sydenham Hospiquota ol one- miflibn dollars, has sub- tal; New "York. "•' ^ j ; ; ;^ ; ' : ' r •;-;" stantially completed its campaign and ••• Tuneral serviced' were, conducted the 'public appeal for $600,000 was from the sfeps"of-the Rabbi Isaac launched in District No. 6 in April. .ElchananYeshiva,'3Ql East Broadway, November ,1st next has been fixed as where for "the" last" seven years Rabbi the'.'•date. for the completion of the Poliatchek' had been' dean of the Talcampaign in both districts. President -mudic Department, while the huge Lazarus ..announced _. that this is the thrqrifir'stbod in silent tiributei" first public • appeal- for capital funds Following the simplicity of the Orin the history of the Home and will thodox" ritual-, the "services' "were •undoubtedly be,"the last in the life marked by the intense personal greif time of living generations. of those who participated. Speaker Graduates now residing in every after speaker broke off in the midst 1 state-in the union attended their an- of his tribute/ while Dr. Bernard nual reunion in connection with the Revel, head of the Yeshiva collopsed, sixtieth anniversary celebrationafter insisting upon completing his "Farewell to his friend, associate and teacher." Throughout the ; ceremony which continued- for an hour and a half, the bier stood on a black covered dais surrounded by a guard of honor consisting of students of the Yeshiva. Dave Goldman, of Philadelphia, in As the coffin was transferred from the Omaha-Monday on his transcontinen- hearse to the dais a group of twelve tal hike, recited his story to newly- boys, pupils of the elementary classes nade friends at the J. C. C. The of the Yeshivah, recited the psalms. thing that impressed him most on his - Rabbi P'olitchek, who came to the trek from Philadelphia to San Fran- United States seven years ago at the cisco and back was the Jewish hos- invitation of the Yeshiva, was counted tility that he encountered in his trav- as one of the Gaonim of the present els. •••-.••• age. He was born 51 years ago, in "Some of the Jewish families that I Meitshet, Lithuania, and started his -met would hardly let me go," he said. Talmudic training at the age of 12 m The youthful traveler was partic- the Yeshiva of Wolozhyn. He soon ularly astonished to find such a beauti- acquired fame as the "Ului of Meitful -. and well-equipped Community shet," by which name he was called up ' Center such as Omaha's in a commun- to .the day of his death. He was the ity of such relatively small size. To most beloved pupil of l^abbi "Chaim of the resident of a city, in "which there Brest-Ldtovsk. He held the position toe over 250,000 Jews, Omaha seemed of Rabbi in Brest. Later, he was inpretty small., vited to become the dean of the Talf Goldman left Philadelphia on June mudic school of the "Yeshiva in LSda, 17. armed.with nothing but a letter of district .of Vima, where he "remained introduction from the mayor of thej until the outbreak of the "World War. metropolis and enough money to cover MB expenses. Detained enroute in the In the New York Yeshiva he inhomes of Jewish families for days structed students in the Talmud four because they became attached to him times weekly and attracted a large he was slowed up in his progress number of pupils, enjoying the great somewhat*, but managed to reach San respect of Orthodox rabbia for the ^tsatasco about a week and half later. depth of his Talmadic expositions. He immediately turned about and set He was the autho* «f a number of out f o* home. During the trip he saw works. many beautiful sights, especially in Internment took place at Beth Judah Cemetery. the Rocky Mountains. • The youth, only 20, claims that the only time that he got homesick was ZIONIST IMMIGRATION when he heard an orchestra in a St. POLICY IS CRITICIZED Louis theater play "Back in Your Own Riga.—(J. T. A.)— A protest Backyard." against the attitude of the Zionist This is the first time that Goldman has ever tried hiking like this and he Executive on the question of immigraasserts that despite the fun he has tion to Palestine was expressed in a had,-that he don't care to do it again. resolution adopted at a mass meeting here last night. The meeting was He is a student at Temple College. called by the Central Committee for ^'Working Palestine. : • Whosoever tries to make gain by The resolntion also demanded the the crovm of learning perishes. resignation of Albert Hyumson from Culture in a woman is better than his post as director of the Palestine



Jjnjn.!irT-«i.tion Dana/rtnient.

Peerage of England

Through the generosity of several Omahans the whole Camp Levy party motored to Omaha Thursday to attend the Sella-Floto circus. Leaving at noon, the boys and their y, counselors Bet out for the city. After Supreme Council Officers Are AI! Rctcmed to an' afternoon of wondrous sights inOffice cluding trained elephants, funny clowns, and the other usual parts of a ACTIVITIES PLANNED circus, the party immediately went back, to camp. They got back about The A. Z. A, in its international 5 o'clock. of rather Radical imputations, convention held in Denver, Colorado, All reports from camp show that trader of the matt stern and wtbendthis week, elected Abe Shaw of Kaning character. His Jewishnets wms at the success with •which it started con-l sas City, Kansas as its Graml Aleph that time not very evident. Indeed, tinues. Last Sunday over a hundred! Go<iol. The new head of the org-anitavery few were aware that he was a visitors came to see the boys in their tion succeeds; Max KrolofT of Sioux Jew and less regarded him *s one. summer home. A still larger crowd! City. His father was not very much identi- of visitors is expected this Sunday! In the election of the officers of the fied with Jews in his latter days. His and preparations arc being made to Supreme Council, there were no wife, Lady Mond, is a Catholic, and accomodate and entertain all that changes. They arc as follows: Sam his children are all Christians. Sir! come. The boys don't care to leave Beber of Omaha, president; Ja«ob J. Alfred gave away his daughters at! yet, but they do enjoy seeing their Lieberman of Los Angeles, first, vicetheir marriage in church and even his friends come out to the camp. president; Julius J, Cohn, second viceone Jewish son-in-law, Viscount Erpresident; Joseph Herhaeh of Phllaleight, Lord Reading's heir, waa mardejphla, third vice-president; I. F. ried to Sir Alfred's daughter in Gopdnian, of Omaha, Fecretary; Harry church. The malicious have said that LapufUB of Omtiha, treasurer; anH Phil Sir Alfred's i»t«rest in things Jewish Klutfnick, executive secretary. is to be traced back to the war period, The n«xt convention to be held next when his enemies attacked him as a summer will be in Pittsburgh. The German, and he found a way out by tournament .-will be held in Memphis. rediscovering hi* Jewishness prefer- Prominent Business Man Trys The.program outlined includes errnring to be a Jew rather than a GerCamp Life For A structive religious and social work. man, which was then a thousand times Day Th*y plan programs fep-twring Jewish woraa. ni«$0ry, %rt, and literature. The rePRAISES CAMP STAFF vival of Hebrew ie hoped for by enStill that is now past history. TocoyrRging its study thrmiyh contests. day Lord Melchett is one of the great William L. Holzman, speaking of Encouragement of sabbath observalights of the Zionist movement, one of hi« experiences during a short visit tion 16 «1BO planned. the outstanding figures in the Pales- to Camp Levy last week, summed up Over three hundred young- men from tine work, the largest single contrib- his idems of the boys' haven as "a all partii of the country attended th« utor, perhaps, to the Jewish National perfect pasture of health and content- convention. Besides the regular deleFund, the President of the Non-Par- ment." gates there were rrmrsf visitors from tisah Jewish Agency Commission, an Whci approached by the interview- the A. £. A. chapters aid from the investor of much capital in Palestine,- er, t"ie prominent business head, was B'nai B'rith. and what is most important of all, a for ^d in a lightly depressed mood big business man with, txemendoe* b Jugfet on by the unbearable heat, authority in the business. -world -who at at the mention of Camp Levy, & spreads optimism about Palestine's gleam crept into his eyes and a smile economic prospects, thus encouraging' enveloped his countenance as he exinvestments which will be of help in • claimed, "It's great," (J. T, A.)—The Nationthe upbuilding of the country. Sion- There was a touch of vristfulness in istic Jews -in their, enthusiasm Uxjk Ms voice .as he recited _the story of al federation of Roumanian Stud«n»s upon him as one of the great states- how he had lived the life of the beys •will meet in Paris during Augur*!, men and politicians of England. at camp for almost a day. Eating the states *i despatch of tlie Hungarian Some have even spoken of him as a SBTne."grub," playing the same games, Telepruph Apencv. second Beaconsfield, greater than B«a- and singing the same songs. Mr. "The motion to expel the Rovim&niru consficld. There is jn this something Holsman found himself in the midst Federation TPili he m«de by the Enjrof the wish being father to the j of a scene of nothing but happiness lisYi student body and will have the support of the leftilinR- ptutient delei-a^ thought. The new peer has not madej and contentment. a success pf political life in the sense j "To sho-w you how satisfied the tions from Western Countries. Tli« which Beaconsfield did. His present | boys are," he said, "I offered to take basis for thJR proposal will be the parstatus i* rather that of one of the any of them home in tny car but not ticipation of UrrVimanJari students in thf £Tlti-*frwisb pogrom in Orndeaa single one would go." (Continued on Page 2) msre in Pacsember, j?S7. Mr. Holzman praised the manner in * » • •which Morris Sogolow and his cblo Bucharest.— (J.T. A.)—The Nationassistants and.Dr. Slutsky are carin£ al Unioe cf Christian Student? was for the boys. "Do you know." he notified by the Internationa! Students asked, "that the boys gain, an average CongTess th«t at its meeting in Paris of about three and a half pounds a it will discussion the exclusion the week out at camp." Roumanian student* federation from "Every Jew in Omaha should go tmt the International students Confedera150 Rabbis Ask For liberal there some evening or on a Sunday tion bscEUae of thf TranpyJvaninn PMand see what is being done for the cejjses. Giving on Holiday boys. It •would surely open their The Roumanian union appealed to eyes," he concluded. the g-overnment for assistance -find REBUILD PALESTINE Other members of the camp com- fvmds to cnnble it to pay its duet ami mittee, all of whom have been out to send a strong" <iple^stion to the ConA plea to the Jews of America, ask- the camp, and who voice the same gress, but the government refused asing that Tiaha B'Ab, eccurrmg this sentiments, are I>r. Philip Sher, sistance. It is probable that the Union year on Thursday, July 26th, be util- Harry Lapidus, Henry Mrmskey, will Rend no delegation, but will inised for the rebuilding ot Palestine, Wolf, Harry Wolf, Harry E, ZI struct Roumanian students living- in has been issued by one hundred and Paris to represent it at the Congress n u , A. Goldstein, and A. Herxberg. fifty rabbi? from all parts of the counand if the raptjlsiOTi if unavoidable, try, through the Jewish Kational they should, withdraw befrrre thp deFund's national headquarters in New Annaul Highland Fling1 cision is taken, suggesting voluntary York. In their plea, the rabbis ask on the part of the RouSlated for Wednesday retirement that Tisha B'Ab, the day when Jews msnian Union. mourn the destruction of the Tranple, On Wednesday, July 25, the mem- The expwlsiemjwili be urged by the be turned into an occ&Sion for buildbers «f the Highland Country Club British Students Union, supported liy ling the Jewifh Homeland anew, by giving contribution* to the Jewish Na- and their guests •will join in the big- thp deleffatiottf! from Italy, Hunparj , tional Fund, th« agency., which buys gest fun event of the year. On that Jufoslevffi, Switzerland unri America., land in Palestine in the name and &s date, the second annual Highland while the Roumanian Union will be BGpported fcy the representatives of the inalienable property of the Jewish Fling -will take place. Starting at one o'clock and ending France, Poland, €?,echwlova1d«. Bulpeople. at any time dictated by the conscience garia, Turkey, Greece, Portugal an.!. Taking as their keynote the appeal of the individual, each participator will Eflthoni&, If the Rovimanian Union is , it ie possible that the Btwto "turn the sorrow of destruction in- have s full program to occupy bis federations In Poland and C*««hto the joy of rebuilding," the on= hun- time. Reports from the clubhouse dred and fifty rabbis, representing al- state that there will be everything oslova!4& will algo withdraw from the most the sajne number of cities, point from a Mammoth Side Show, World's out th« opportunity Jews now hav« to flasst Menagerie, Colossal Five-Ring make Tisha B'Ab one of the zoost im- CSrcos, and Wild West Show to a free- SABBATH OBSERVER? portant days of the yaar in its sub- for-all competition for ir«valoable CONGRESS IN EERLIKstantial effect on the rebuilding of prixes. There will be twelve real Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—A world con•worth-while golf prizes awarded to the Palestine. press of Sabbath observers vnli be. Tisha B'Ab has always been the oc- winners of the following events: Low held in one of the principal cities of casion for those who come to the' eyna- Gross, Second Low Gross, Low Net, Europe, oLow Net, Blind Bo^ey, Three gogue to contribute to some charity or Seoid The initiative for convoking the con1 Blind Holes, Low Gross f>otjtfc-parw, other "worthy purpose. In making Least Strokes on any hole, Greatest ference WES t&ken Y>$ *. Berlin JewipH this nation-wide appeal, the rabbis be- number of strokes on ar.y hole, High Pro-Sabbath committee and it is lieve the sums of money usually do- Gross score, Driving contest, and Ap- planned to create s. world wide allinated on this day can serve, a very ef- proaching -and putting contest. ance of strict Sabbath observers and to seek waye at«3 means of reviving fective purpose if contributed to the Jewish National Fund. The Jewish Dinner will be served at seven-thirty the old Sabbath tradition in Jewish National Fund is the oldest Palestin- Tickets for the gala event can be obian fund-raising institution, and the tained from Manny Handler, Dave At a meeting: of Sabbath observers; only one which emphasizes the small, Feder, or Jerry Heyn. called on the initiative of H. Fsrbstein voluntary contributions. It has been president of the Warsaw Kehillah this aspect Of its work Which has The door which is not opened for Council, it waa decided that a PnJst«hmade the National Fond the most pop- charitable -urposes will have to open Jewish delegation participate in thj ular of the fund-raising agencies. congws; for ttw iphysickm, (Cant. R.V1, 11),

EVEN ROYAL FAMILY HAS JEWISH BLOOD IN ITS VEINS By JONATHON HOLLAND . The American Jewish Press jumped too soon. Sir Alfred Mond has not become Lord Mond, as they insisted on referring to him as «opn as the am nouncement -was made that the King had conferred a barony upon him. | The English papers, as. Is customery, \ recorded the conferment of the. barony and went on calling him Sir, Alfred. Mond, until the new title was \ gajetted. Yet the American Jewish I press -was, in a sense, expressing the J feeling of many people who \LZA hoped that the elevation to the peerage would not extinguish the name of Mond, grown rich by association. It need not have been. Lord Balfour, Lord Kitchner, Lord Haldane, all.re tained their names. And among JewLord "Melchett ish peers Lord Rothschild and Lord Jessel prefered to continue to be le demi-monde, bat what is le Alfred known by the names they bore as com- Mond? Well, le Alfred Mond has moners. Lord Melchett has followed gone now and we must learn to speak the example of those other Jewish of his Lordship, the Baron Melchett. peers, Lord Bearsted, Lord Beading, Put the story with its association of and Lord Swaythling, and has. sunk Mond with Lloyd George recalls the his name in a territorial t'tle, (and in unexpected outburst into which the passing it may be mentioned that! new Peer betrayed his former leader Melchett Court, his country estate! when he turncoated from the Liberal from which he has taken his title, is! to the Conservative Party. It was the but a stone's throw from Swaythling, j first, and I think the only public anthe place which gave the Lords Sway-! ti-semitic utterance of the Premier, thling their name.) who was head of the Government But Lord Melchett may have chosen i which issued the Balfour Declaration. wisely. Sir Alfred Morits Mond was I Sir Alfred Mond, he said, in his anger not a particularly loved name in Eng- was a Judas like aH Jews. It staglish political life, however much pres-' gered people at that time, and it was tige and authority attached to it.! quickly explained away, but when one Lord Melchett has a mellower eoundl rwadls Lord Oxford and Asquith's reabout it and he would seem to be a! cent suggestion in his diary that Lloyd kindlier man. j George "does mot care a damn about Yet~\Mond was a name that h&dLj the-'Jews," it gives ©nefariously to re.grown to stand for something dis-j flect. tinctive. There wae a story, told at ( It was expected at the time that Sir the iime of the Peace Conference in ] Alfred went over to the Conservative Paris, when Sir Alfred was "beginning I Party that a peerage would follow. to,, emerge into political importance j It has taken longer than the prophets .as the confident of Lloyd George, that { thought, but it has come. Yet it has Cle^nenceaar the Tiger, sitting with] come to a different man than the Mond Lloyd -George one day, asked him who entered British politics twentyabout this mysterious Mond of which odd years ago. It was in 1906 that he heard so much. I know a lot about Mr. Alfred Mond was first returned le monde he said, and a little, too, of to the House of Commons as a Liberal

More Siberian Land For Jews Allotted

JEWISH NATIONAL FOND CAMPAIGN TO Moscow.—(J. T. A.—By a decision BE ON TISHA FAB OFFICE \H JAMAICA Of the Far Eastern Central Executive


Former President of Synagogue Chosen Custos Rottullorum IN PUBLIC LIFE 20 YEARS Kingston, Jamaica.—(J. T. A.) — Altamond E. Da Costa, former "president of the synagogue in Kingston, Jamaica and an active worker in the Jewish community, has been appointed by His Excellency the Governor to be Custos Rotullorum for Kingston. Mr. Da Costa, who has served-three terms as Mayor of Kingston thus receives the honor of appointment to the highest position in the colony of Jamaica. . ^ office' of Custos Rostulorum is an old and ancient dignity. . The Cus£os is the keeper of the English county records' and by virtue of the office is the highest civil officer in the country. Until 1545 the appointment lay with the Lord Chancellor, but it is now exercised by the Crown and is usually held by a person of rank, most frequently the Lord Lieutenant. He is responsible to the Governor for the due preservation of lav and order. Itfr. I>a Costa has been identified for more than twenty years with the pu&f lie life of Jamaica. There is hardly a public body on which he -has not served. -He has also been- vice-president of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce. During Ms term of office as Mayor of Kingston he received the Duke and Duchess of York on their official visit to Jamaica.

Committee, the Bureya region in Siberia allotted for Jewish colonization will be extended northward, making a total area of 3,895,000 hectares available for Jewish settlement. The new area consists mainly of cedar forests and is watered by rivers. Six hundred and forty settlers arrived at Tichonkoye to settle on the new lands. One hundred and sixty proceeded immediately to EkaterinaNikolsk where they will -work on the rice plantations. Tractors and ploughs from America have begun to arrive. Cultivation will be started the end of June. It is planned to build large factories for cleaning the rice and extracting the oil.


Washington, D. C.—(J. T. A.)— Martin Kochman, a Jewish boy, was awarded a gold medal by La Salle Institute, for the best essay on ~a Catholic subject, according to a despatch from Cumberland, Md., issued by the National Catholic Welfare Council News Service here. Last year, his brother Leon, a inem"ber of the graduating class of La Salle Institute was awarded a similar medal for the best paper on the subject, "Catholicity in the United States." The subject of Martin's essay was "The Life of Blessed Brother Solomon, Martyr." Referring to this, the Rev. Albert E. Smith, editor-in-chief of the "Baltimore Catholic Review," in his adKEREN HAYESOD INCOME dress to the graduates of the instiFOR JUNE IS VERY LOW tute, said: "If some of our Catholic people knew their religion as well as Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.}—The income these two Jewish boys know it, there of the Keren Hayesod during the would be no need for non-Catholics month of June amounted to only nine- to declare that they find great difficulteen thousand pounds Sterling, creat- ty in getting clear explanations coning a difficult financial situation for cerning the Catholic Church from the Zionist Executive here,. ' some of their Catholic friends."



occupies a great place in Anglc~Jew-| *ging Director of Marconis, (who by | derive from English Jews who long SIR ALFRED MOND ish life. The first Lord Swaythling j the way died out of the Jewish faith ago adopted the dominant faith. Lord the father of the Hon. Edwin' and was was buried as a Roman Cath- Roseberry, the ex-Premier, married BECOMES LORDMELCHETT was Montague, a brilliant Cabinet Min-! olic) he formed with Lloyd George the one of the Rothschilds, and his son, the

TOE JEWISH PRESS " 'Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

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As the new buildings of.the Jewish Orphan Home rise from the i>arren earth into magnificient structures, the mighty accomplishment of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith becomes more and more evident. For those new buildings are symbolical of the success that has followed the translation into action of-the visions of the pioneers of the Order over a half a century ago. . One of the outstanding parts, of heirphilanthropic program was the foundings of a Jewish Orphan. Home. Inspired by their lofty ideal drawn fromthe history of Judaism which ever teaches that the greatest "mitzvah" is the caring for orphan children, they labored until they saw their dream realized. Sincethen the record of the institution speaks for itself.It was just sixty years ago that through the united .efforts .'of Districts 2 and 6 of the I. 0. B. B., the monumental work was completed in Cleveland. .However with tiie erection of the building, only one phase of the work had been accomplished* Only the sweat of the laborer and-riches of the charitable had been poured into the building; Now-'came the pattering of little feet. Children came, small and big, chubby and lean, all citizens of the future who had been deprived of Support by the death of parents. Thousands of these unfortunates filled the institution and received the benefits of education and clean living. Tliere they lived; until old enough and well enough equipped tfr go out and battle with, the hardships of the world. And what has happened? Those samechildren are today among the finest specimens of Jewish and American citizenry. Today those children are making good on the opportunity given them by Jewish philanthropy. From their ranks, have risen leaders in almost every field. ' In fact, one of them, Joseph L. Weinberg, is the architect for the new buildings. If success can be measured by wealth, they have acquired their share of that. also. In. the campaign for funds for the new buildings^ the alumni of the. Jewish Home have raised in excess of $160,000 and have given to their alma mater the new recreation

y FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1928

ister. He was the \Jather also of thecentre of a big anti-semitic agitation Hon. Neil Primrose was killed fighting Hon. Lily Montague, one of the found- which raged in England over the so- in Palestine at the side of his cousin, ers of the World Union of Progressive called Marconi shares scandal. That Lady Batgreat men in industry.'* The' truth is Judaism, and he was an uncle to Sir stormy period died away long ago and Evelyn de Rothschild, tersea, another of the Rothschilds, that he is not a popular politician, Herbert Samuel (who was offered and today Lord Reading, ex-Lord Chief however much respected and authorit- refused a peerage oh the successful Justice of England and ex-Viceroy, is married the English statesman, Cyril ative he may be in industrial ques- conclusion of his work as Chairman of one of Britain's Elder Statesmen, a Flower, who afterwards became Lord tions. In his own party there are the Coal Commission), and the late man who, though he stands among the Battersea, but she has, despite her a non-Jew, remained those who express their distaste of his Sir Stuart Samuel, President of Jew- leaders of the Liberal Party, is looked marriage to T observant ewess, taking a great innew role as the apostle of Empire and ish Deputies. Now his grandson, the to by all Parties as a great and terest in synagogue life and translatobject to his parading of the Union third Lord Swaythling, has won gold- unbiased statesman. ... ing the Hebrew hymns into English Jade. The Liberal Party will never en honors for his work in the banking for the prayer book. Even the Royal There are many members of the forgive him his turncoating. Labour world, and a few days ago his contriFamily has Jewish blood in its veins British peerage who have Jewish has- always been hostile, to»him, jand bution to the debate in the House of by the marriage of Lord: Mountbatten blood in their veins, mostly* on the &J^one -time when he was" Minister ofLords on the Currency and Bank to the granddaughter of Sir Edward female side, and a number also who Health and responsible for--housing Notes Bill attracted tremendous inconditions, he was the best hated man terest in City circles. in working-class circles. Latterly, his industrial conciliation policy has made Lord_Reading_is famous infiveConhim .more popular-with'the moderate tinents^ There has been much exagLabour elements and it-is possible that geration, of course^ about his "humble Lord Melchett will rise to greater beginning," _as if he-had been the son heights than Sir Alfred Mond. of a poor shoemaker. But although And we. have a - new Jewish peer, his father was a -wealthy merchant, Whether the" peerage will remain Jew- and his uncle, Sir Henry Isaacs, a ish, or, whether as. the "Jewish .Guard-, former Lord Mayor of the City of ian" fears, it will in the .neit.genera- London, his own youth was sufficiently tion, cease to be Jewish, is another unsettled to make one marvel at the ~ i 8 . a hfgfc-gradie fcnbckless gasoline. question. The; oldest, of the Jewish heights of- eminence to which he has. ~ w i l l reduce carbon-cleaning bill*." •"•- . T ( .'.". peerages is that of the Rothschilds,-an climbed. As a youngster he ran off to honorable tradition in Anglo-Jewry. sea .and it was as a ship's boy that he —d«e« give^ added mileage. " The Swaythling peerage now: has its first saw from the mast-head the ap. -~rdoec m t cost mot* than ordinary gasoline. third holder.: It -Was founded by .Sir proaching shores of India which he Try a TAKKFUL today. You'll never be satisfied Samuel Montague, an English. banEer •was a half century later to rule as with any other gas. .; . of importance, who also played a great, viceroy. Ruf us Isaacs became a great part jn Anglo-Jewish history, a man friend and colleague of Mr. Lloyd of extreme Orthodoxy, of whom it is ; George, and by reason of the associa-J said:,that he used to ."dave"r;Minchas: tion with him and the fact that his} in the House of Commons. .The family brother was Godfrey Isaacs, the Man-' (Continued from Page 1)


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Electric CookMg Costs less JFoods do not shrink or lofee aiy oi their ':'•••• -". luatttfal flavor when cooked oti SXf elWJ-:";; trie stove. You save as n\Uch as 48c on * a" 9 pound roast. "Visit" a»y of ottr "Electric Shops." It will

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i The Different Gasoline

Such is the tale of accomplishment of the Jewish Orphan Home. Its simplicity in recital, is however, incomparable with its significance. The institution, the Independent Order of B'nai D'rith that created it, and everyone else who has been connected v/ith it can all proudly boast of-the record; It, if nothing else, should prove to be an incentive to keep up the good work.


Cassel, a Geraan-JeWiah > immigrant who became a convert to Christianity. —Copyright 1928 by Jewish Tebsgraphic Agency, Inc.)

Thomsen's Tip-Top


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the year to-arid beeawse only pure horseradish roots *nd pfir« gtdin v'megat ate used irt its manufacture, T«u' •'friir MA it '•at'-ytWrgrocers eveii during tm e Bidnths. .."

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Telephone AT lantic8028

INTERSTATE PRINTING COIS07-1309 Howard Street, Omaha




313 S0.14TH 5T.OMAHA.

•MGE ft—THE JEWISH PKESS, FRIDAY, JULY 20, W2S Wednesdty for a, "week's trip in would b^ resurfaced for some time, we decided to go ahead with our part of Chicago, Illinois. the weTk^iftmediately," r 'Stfeel tfc be used In the new rails will total ,209 tons. Other material in, The Independent Order of the dttdea-2,000 rail traces, 9,400 pounds B'lisi Brith,-Lodge No. 688, trill &okfc of-spikes, afid:5.600 creospted oak ties. a meeting;; next Wednesday "evening, Patronize July 25,_ai £he Danish Hall; r .'; : '

Council Bluffs News- ••

BerliH.~(J. T. A.)—A budget of $430,000, mainly for carrying on the work in Bussia, was adopted at the three days: session of the Opt Souaeil which wai presided over b$r; former Judge Jacob Panken of.N«w^Yo#ks The budget is to be Eaisedrio thee] United States and in steveral Europfeair countries;::.-:

•• . : : . v . :•• , ~::..:.'z

Mrs. Abe/Bear of .Leavenworth, Kansas, spen^ffie past week-end hem p Visiting ier"parents,JMrr and MrsI J. the Uying of new 'trajeks frmt ^k : Katelman. . Avenue west fa* Tiirty-eigh* «ttr«et ; S, Mrs. Ralph Castle of- Brooklyn, and. ,by repaving, between New York, who. has .been spending starting Mondayt F. S. Welty, assist'. ant general manager, announced.: The, the past month 'jkere; -visiting;v stwm;be:?51^o£:/:\ . , ! . ; ; \ parents, Mr. and 1 M r s , - , E G l There will be no interruption , o left for. her .home-lastfFridajVv; Shi* service as Jthe work will be" done was, accompanied.back by her cister, two sections, by using1 cross ,t$aeks

••;. •!

Pleating and Buttons Hemstitching Alterations and Press Making !

THE MODE S-1? I»«jrt»n Block

OttAR-S. MIBROR « ART G1<A8» CO, Mnn«facturf?rs of Mlrtwrs, Art <Slass, Window G1H»» Vlrtnrf nntt Mirror

"The utmost in Photographs

SJIE !**

DAVIS LAKE STUDIO 2$06 No. 24th—WE. 6311


We Are Headquarters for

Over sixty (60) stylts, constantly on display. Y*u3l-Jwiui-s.]ly vrant to- pick from the largest, mast eFJicprehcnsave ^Sowing in Omaha. All aa«s, jniny finishes, pricings from $9.75 to $ 7 S ^ : Dee ferretl" pey-fiaents if desired. $1 paym«nt delivers .airy chest.

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Paxton Billiard Parlors 15W Faraam—JA. 9721 Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events



413-17 S. 16th Street

~Rn. HA.


Refresh Yourself UK1SK



THE SUNSET TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge CANDYLAND 16th and Faniam




ess Special

r Cttis««—"?<», T » 4riTli»g dows. I need t i e exMtdsel" .•?....".;•. , .._ —Gay R. Spencer ia ' * The Omaha World-Herald

I. Newtmm. j

thj> .appetite._on. holidays as

"And the blistering sun does -not" . .get a chance to beat dovrnTdnTlite family car wnile it is parked down town all day.

Golden. Glow Salad age lemon Jell-o, 1 cup 1 cup pineapple,juice

Fresh Crushed

Red Kaspber: n.




Vinttfar, Pickles, Olives, Catsup, Mustard, E t c

"7 ~—~ ., '-c

Place your order early for Saturday livery for this- delicious, appetising c. ,-

A £>cii:iou< Cake . « . For Entertaining' —.« •-- For-Hom« £ajaym«at —--

"At Your Grocer's

At Your Grocer's


"Ho.tu* Kitchen"


At AH Grocers . Made By

$m Breakfast fmi Co. Nebr.


[venthetokmsntije ofifoul



Shoe' Repair Co. SHOP NO, 2

Open for Business To better accommodate our growing clientel we bav* opened Shop No. 2, locate*! conveniently on 16th street —«8 doors north of Douglasl

Economical Tamspartation



11fckle O-


'[[ TIfa*e read a copy o£ the tentaflve draft of the fnmeWtt.' *"%•• would Ilfce-4o iave every ' voter read a eopy btfotv the election on November ber 6*- You may get copies at the the.Cftr r—HJ». or by 'Bhoj ' " * -the street car offices-^ATlairtlc

r p w O LAYERS OF GOLDEN J- SPONGE . . . filled and Iced ~ with a ricli butter-cream icing and FtfL&of CRUSHED RED'RASP- ' ' BERKtESi

LILLIAN'S "TlPcrmanent Waving Shop 308 So. 18th' St—AT. 5267


You haye a two-cat faauly if you ride the street cars to and from •work a^dleare the atttoliomefojtrt.r^ ; the family. . •-.-.

. . - . WANTED FIRST CLASS " BbOlC--KEEPER Box" 15—Jewish Press


Crowded streets and p a r k i n g spaces fineau' nothing to the business man Who rides to and from trork on the street car.



21S-1G City National Bank . Bids.—J A. 5619

eithen—•"Toi're aot eoadag down ex the street c a n n j


"Continuation of salads next week.

"Manufactured in Omaha"



Ijineapple (djraihed), 1 cup grated raw ! ewrots, 1/3 «U$L pecans, cutfine,and I %' teajgpopo salt. / ., .I piai$v& the:jell-o in boflinr water, • add pfeeap^le--5nlce» - «id -t&en chill. 1 "When sUgi^f •Jhidcene.a, add vinegar, I pineapple^- earj»ts r . pecans and salt. f FOOT in^P-:Jn4fyidu^f molds and ehfll 1 iiitil firmT Serve^in a nest of crisp -lattuca with mayonnaise dressing. Serves six. , "" •— - - - La~f5ulMe Salad • 1 xqp o^ eold chicken cut in cubes, 1 eup' "chopped cucumber, 1 cup diced laoahroo'ins, l'cup diced celery, 1 cup . rfweet breads. (cooked ' until ,_,. with mayonnaise dress^Serve" in a' nest of cfisp^lettuce ^ jrVrnleh >with strips-of pimento ! and* haxd^mlgd .eggs'.cutLJn. quarters.


. Pure, Ingredients—Strictly Kosher MOTHER'S COOKIES A HOME PRODUCT





AT. «3S»


Kosher Homemade Cookies


JA. 8109

MM Cwntef 8*.

. ; The Weekly luncheon a t the Highland Country Club^will be (Moved %ext Tuesday. Mrs. David C. Feder wilt: be t h e hostess.1 Reservations for t h e luncheon should be made with Mr, H. Delrogh,; the caterer, a t WA. 5487. - Those who have made reservations a t t h e bridge and Mah Jong* tables are; a s follows: Mrs. Carl Wolf, Mrs. E . Treller,' Mrs.- ALi Heribferg,'Mrs. M. Mflder, Mrs. Sam Herzberg, Mrs. Sam' Leo] i and single track. ~ • '- " - — Milashock, Mrs. M. Ferer, Mrs. Dave Ferer, Mrs. BenDanThe street car company will lay Julius- Kxoloff of Phoenix, Arizona, ?Sv M. I . Gordon, Mrs. J . Breclmer, Mrs. A. Greenberg, 3,589 feet of double track, which totals 3. A. Goldstein, Mrs. B. Posley, Mrs. B. Freidman, Mrs. Sam who spent a week here visiting his an^Miss Blanche Zimman, Mrs. Max Halzman* Mrs. M. uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. .Louis 14,356 feet of rail, and also a concrete foundation and paving between the |Iandler, x>ave Weinberg, Mrs. Morton Hiller, Mrs. H. Braviroff, Kroloff, has returned home. rails over a 6,870 square yard area. E . JSey«r r Mrs» J . Newman, Mrs. Sam Cohen, Mrs. W. Bush.Miss Sylvia Glinka of New Orleans, Mr. Welty said that the w«rk would _ , Mrl« PanVBlotfcy, Mrs. J. Iipkan, Mrs. H. Rachman, Mrs. L. ler, Mrs. Morton Degen, Louise Degen, Mrs. Saul Degen, Mrs. H. La., arrived .Monday to~ spend two take from six weeks to two month* weeks here visiting Mr. and Mrs.depending upon weather conditions. tosenfeld, Mrs. L . Cohn, and Mrs. L. Livingstone. The construction department of the Sam Lincoln. Mrs. B. Orenstein and children of street railway company only recently, Mr. and Sirs. J. Bernstein, announce Sam Friedman, Jr., motored to completed its Twentieth street project 1 he birth of a baby girl i t Nicholas Minneapolis, formerly of Omaha, are visitingr Mr. and Mrs. L. Wolk of this Kansas City, Mo., Sunday, returning at a cost of $26,000. i enn. hospital on July 9. city. After a week stay, they will gc .home today, accompanied back by his "Providing a smooth riding surface Mr. and Mrs. Max Chasen announce to Kansas City. Numerous affairs sister, Mi:c Minnie Friedman, who is one of our aims in furnishing the i ie birth of a son, J. Joseph, on June hare been given in her honor. spent several' weeks visiting relatives best possible service," said John N. : 2r Mrs. (jhasen was formerly Fanny thre, and niece, Sylvia Zevan, who Shannahann, president of the street Miss Bess Newman .spent the last w i l l s p e n d t h e r e m a i n d e r o f t h e s u m - railway company in reference to the i Wander. week-end at Fort Leavenwortb. as the m e r h e r e ^ • : --- '••••• --•• -•••••• Leavenworth -project, befww teavaig IrTancT Mrs. V. M. Ganx ian3 son guest of Barbara Stoerry, daughter for New York last Tuesday. "This Stewart are' °s$es£&ag Ha. few weeks of Captain and Mrs. Stoerry. -Miss Eudice Eichman returned stretch of track was not in the best of twiSk:. Hr."jana?Mrs. K K i " Smith in fiome" "Friday from Lincoln, Nebr., condition. We usually relay track, a t iGrand Eapids, Michigan. They will PhiUp Mandel left July 13 for hiiwhere she completed a summer course; the same time the city contemplates^ iraoUA baclf, stopping in Chicago and home in New York after a short visit at the University of Nebraska, and resurfacing- streets, but a s it did not jCefla*OKapidsenroute. will spend the remainder of the sum- seem likely that West Leavenworth with his parents here. ; mer with.her paxc-ts, Mr. and- Mrs. I Mr. aniMra. S. Guttman are tour* Mrs, A. Silverman and. her daugh- JM*r;]>. Rkhman. ; ^jgrgrthe" east- They will return" In ters, Elaine and Hadassah, returned fabout J&ree .months. Mr. Ike Krasne left last Thursday this week from a s i x months' trip for New York City on a buying trip, ef Milwaukee will to' California. for a few weeks' Mrs. Julims Katelman and daughMrs. B. Fleiahaaatt left Sunday and relatives. ter, Marian, "left today (Thursday) morning' for a month's stay at Excelfor Excelsior Spriongs, Mo. . ~,,J —•Cohn and dau-ghter, SHHT Spnngs. •- ——~ Harriet I^^iteft^^Satutday for Ex- The, Psi Mu- Jaators wiil -hold -a Mr. ..aijid Mrs. Ben" Qershun. and (C6SU>t Springs,J 1Iov family of_7 Schuyler,. Nebr^,. arrived picnk at Elmwood Park on Sunday, <;r:: . ., Sunday ixr-visit* Mr.- and Mrs. Sam July 22. I Miss Sophia Ferer entertained at a Meyerson. until Tuesday when they Mr. and Mrs. Herman Auerbach returned home accompanied back by ? dinner at the Ad Sell Bestaurant fol\ lowed- byra theater party in honor of left Saturday night.for A.trip to Mrs. W. Solemonow and daughter, I Mrs. Ben. Dreyich and Mrs. Hyman Yellowstone Park and, • the - Black Sara, and nephew, Willawi Fonarow, .ChicagQ. ; Hills. who will spend a week' there, " •i Mr&-Kfelakofsky returned from Patronize Our Advertisers. Mr. and Mrs. George Steinberg left I Chicaai last^Friday. . z&a- daughter, Miss Loraine Kula•kofsky, of -^Chicago, is visiting her for i weeks in Omaha. t MSs~KaiKKen Goldstein GOODEOR : \ /Cbtftrado, fe visiting"Miases Sadie and iCelia >yel3c..F?:oin Omaha she will go |to ^few"\orSf, iwhere she will make v |Kef have Kef Tfo1j^;^toerous "affairs a befi?grmi-ittriier honor. d M. Ravitz of Salt Lake "who"was" formerly Misis ^ Council* Bluffs, is visher nietHeiy Mrs. Jacob Stein, land sifleip Mrs. N. Soniry Eothenand Mr.~ Rothenberg, and- also j|*Zand Mxs»«Sam Ravitz, and^Mr. and iIr*..LouU^Whitebook. A ^ daughters, -Hannah 'and youngest son, Harry,

—Cull F o r I'rices—


STANDARD SHOE REPAIR CO. TWO SHOPS 1«1? Faraam St. 119 S. 16th St. l l a V s — 8

l > w m K t . •* OOORIM

t. 1M KRAUE, Vrmp.

4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1P2& tenelle Pavilion, proved to be a huge) as well as the condemnation by themanian Jewish question wg| treated gt ij In the other tussle the" Bnai Ami it, but take it easy at first. 4. SwimA. Z. A. NEWS success. This dance served both as a Roumanian government and public of the League of Nations Societies' con[neophytes dragged the: crippled J. J. ming,-always have someone with you. The official installation of officers farewell send-off to those members of the Transylvanian outrages, an an- gress. • 5. Sleep, catch up with the past and Smokehousers" from their ihlgh horse, nouncement issued by the Orient was the main business of the last the chapter going to Denver for the stock up for the future. 6. Don't climbing into ra, tie for. second with Radio, official news agency states. A thing to which a foql does not i their opponents by. squelching, them, overeat. 7. Water, if in' doubt, boil meeting of Omaha Chapter No. 1,national convention, and also in FRANK R. AGKERMAN The announcement emphasizes the consent know as the rigY|t thing.— held Wednesday evening, July 11, at honor' of those members newly inJ12 to 6. Erisch and Tucker led the it. 8. Milk, pasteurized is safest. A pale indigo fringe sur- •* bludgeon wielders,"while Epstein and 9. Poison ivy has ruined many a ! the J. C.C. The newly elected officers stalled as officers for the ensuing conciliatory spirit in which the Rou-Talmud. rounded the Olympic tryouts as fai • Block submitted some impeccable vacation. 10. Mosquitos, it is better j were installed by Jack Marer, vice- term. MUJ=JC was furnished by Brodas Jewish fandam is concerned. For, •sharpshooting for the-victors. president of the Omaha chapter Bnai key's Night Club orchestra. There to-screen than scratch. ' - ; although dose to a dozen Jewish Brith, and deputy county attorney. were present at this dance several aspirants were expected to make the ' The Psi Mu racquet wielders meta- INSURANCE AGENTS CALL The following men were taken A. Z, A, members vrom the Kansas grade and a sojourn to Holland morphasized the J. C. C. tennis tourJEWS RECKLESS DRIVERS through the first-degree ritual as City chapter, enroute to Denver also. gratis, all but six fell by the wayside; ney into a friendly tete-a-tete of London.—(J, T. A.)—-The one daynew members: Herman Levinson, Still, this is the largest representa- their own by placing all. four semi- insurance policies issued on hired Julius Goldner, Isador Mann, and GOOD FOR tion our- race has ever had on. tha finalists. Play for this week: L. motor cars are not to he granted to Abe Fellman. After this initiatory SITUATION OF ROUMANIAN JEWS FOUND IMPROVED Olympic. . The stiffegt jolt was ourBrown vs. S. Handler, and F. Acker- Jews, actors and bookmakers, accord- degree, refreshments were served by PICNIC, PARTIES and LUNCHES failure to place anyone, on < the track- man-vs. S. Epstein. the Misses Lillian Freeman, Lydia ing to instructions issued by insurance Bucharest.—(J. T .A.)—The Interand field squadrons.. Al Miller, HarRoss, Niomi Cohen, .and Jeannette brokers here, the "Sunday Express" national Union of League of Nations "Only the game .fish swims upvard sprint ace, wap obliviated.in the Levinson. stated yesterday. ; Societies at their session held at the A HOME PRODUCT stream," and as s. reminder,gamucentury, and Pinkie Sober, of vhora Garage owners were notified to this An .annual summer dance, held Hague noted permanent improvement 1613 Webster S i ness isn't developed by drifting with VISITORS WELCOME •great feats were expected in the 800 effect by the brokers. The paper Thursday evening, July 12, at Fon- in the Jewish situation in Roumania, the current. meters, didn't even finish. The track states that in explaining these inancl field lists have not included a J. C. C-Physical Department Notes. structions the brokers charged. "The Jewish name since Abe Kivot . amij Junior swimming meet on Monday Jew when hiring cars, pack them with Meyer Prinstein strutted their wares. morning, July 23. • : families and.children arid <lrlye off ;for •In swimming two Jews landed j Red Cross life saving class every a joyous outing. irresponsibilityi withberths. George Kojac made the navi- 1 Tuesday and Thursday flight. -'."Gilts out caring about the car because it is gating crew, while R. J. Qreenberg [from 7:80 to :8:30y Boys from 8:30 insured. A. very high number of unexpectedly cashed iir for wator j to 0:30. - . . . - • V ;:•., ^ t Claims have been received from Jews. polo. Fencing is reprepented by Swimming instruction •— at all Therefore the companies must be on-eful." Norman Cohen, captain of the Uni-times. • ' ''• -•'": • ' versity" of Columbia foil and sabre experts. Hymie Miller, Boston, ami Marcus Krasne, the J , C. " C. Poor servants ask advice after a Harry Devine, Worcester, won amonj; physical director, gives the following thing has happened.—Talmud. the boxers by surviving some gruel? summer health hints: 1. Out of doors ling tryouts. The Lacrosse team I as much as possible. 2. Sunburn, get When shopping * n\entio.n "The. numbers Howard Ifaplan as, sub onit gradually.' 3. Exercise, plenty-of Jewish Press." its roster.


Timely Tips: Soreheads hurt a team more than blockheads.


Sid Terris, Jewish lightweight hope took one on the chin in his fruitless effort to stage a comeback, after having recently squashed Ruby Goldstein's try for new laurels. The K. O. was rather strange. The ball for the initial canto had barely dieil away when Ray Miller's whizzing fist crashed into Sid's jaw. The blow threw Miller off balance and, he fell on Sid, who was dropping floorwan}. Both boxers toppled tgethejy. Ray n top. And Sid hit the deck with a resounding smack, knocked cold for ten minutes.

than you are now using You can always tie t^rtain of quality when you insist on genuine Puritan Malt Ejcttact. Your test is our best salesman.


National Accessories, Inc.


,2026 Fsrnarn


tswuti'd to ii'vurr tli«* iiaiiiitmrCufua a l l W >vhU;h there is u linliiULv'ol JVJO mid cosis of tah' due uud unf>ali|,'ii|nl j ; fault Iinviiit; In-cu iu:ule in tlie lutyujfiit ot saiti bum and lio mitt Qf•oilier lifULtHMlings ut law IKIVJIIJ,' Ijwfn luxt'itutrfl-ju- rw«vep b.li<l deln or nnj pjirt thereof;-«•«-yvM gull ibai i«r«H>crty dosi-rihed in th« Said't'llflttcl t lo-wit: One'!Ch«vrolf;tTl<aT!tV8V tv lAcvi'Se :Nuiiili«t;Jr2ail»0, iluitir ' -7iV47Bl». at'piibllc ai(i*t|i>u ul tlie (.apliol <<j:ir:iKt\ aK a K NNjol jil 'l i 110tU Ht>«L>r>

Omaha, NebrusKa, at ll:oo'.o^clQqk.A; M., aj, o y ot.A-i)guS», t A g , J'ndaj, on tlj tlje 10th" day f«r ti tin- purpse purpose of of fort'oloaliig MJIJ IJ niort eulis

"-' : . •: •


•juiy ao-r3X.-

u. r. poxvt

AttorneyB ' 70U Omaba. Natillaut PUOIJATE NOTJCE In the niattor of ttie.pgiatt: of'IHRAKI nAVlI) CKKHKR also- known «ij "JAfUU UKltuyll or J. GliUUKK, dec-eased. NOTIC'U Is hi-rvOy. Sivont 'lhnt the cri'Jltors of;. gaid tleifasj'tl ^yUl'iueet the administrator with will unneicd' of snii) estativ Uefure me,'County Judso of i'vut;las Couniy, Nul)r:iskJi,;ut the Cuuniy t.'ouj-t Jtooui. ill aaitl Count), on ibf I'.itU daj- ol Seplember, 1!)28, and oa Uie lOLh day ol

November, 192H, at s* o'clo«ic A. II., each 44IV for the purpose ot pre«entjntf thaSr eiato» Xor examination, adjuBtment an^ ollo'v?ance> Three months ore allowed foe tlie creditors to preseot their clatmf, trom' tho A » S « & ^ C — F o n i i 1C th.dayof County Judge. July, 20—4X SAM, BKBEB Attornoy

400 I'eters 'Irust lildg.




• •••••••


• -i


tatn^Coimty Court of Douglas- County, l a the mntler of the estate ot JK.NMr.

r S ^ i y s t e d In said rtaMer an 5S^ aoOfled that' ou the Uth day pf

K Jake aln.ou, llled u. jfetlt.ou in o S y'Court', prayins that the couri a decree Cndluj; ine ueirs of the Ac Uearint' wlU b« had on sal., said Court OHI th« -2«O daj .

11u i » t»••sfth« >'ou»<<ia ft^n.. /beVort «iid Court finv rf Atlinist, 10M. at 0 o-olock A. M^ an.. tJ P o t i o n , the Court m..y gran ^ttm>ral saJd peMtlpn, enter a deore.


?rfth1n and ronke auch other mul fur Zt ordiw. «Uowatice8 amr decrees, a s . u t hU Court nu.y ^ ^ ' ^ t A W F O U n , July. » ~ 2 T County

THE WEIS FLOWER SHOP "The Best Place to Buy Your Flowers" 2508 North 2&h St.—Phone WE. 205"!

Mother, Come Out ; of the Kitchen Now

i i

Your ad in this directpry, reaches practically every Jewish hone in Omaha

5 =


J. RAZNICK TEN-WORK. GUTTERS and 8POCTING ' Reiisvaable Frlces

WE, sen

NEW EXCLUSIVE!SHOP ELKS BLDG. Down and Wool Comforters, Bath' Robing or Anything You Wish Quilted. AT 6855. Note location, 1805 Dedft







Lowest Prices in the City

We Specialize in the Management of Property, Giving Special Attention to Apartment and Business Properties HEYN-KENNEDY CO.

Walter a Roessig & Co. Farnam


~' "

JA: softl


15th and - Uanard

,, 409 Hospe Bldg. JAckson 1614 Estimates Gladly Famished


Installation and repairing1 of Tin Work—Furnaces—Skylights— Ventilating1—Gutters and Spouting. I l l North 16th AT. KM

Wholesale and Retail


EXPERT FUR REPA1RINQ.. AND REMODELING 2d Floor Securities Bldg. JA 1132

Serve Himelbldom's nevrRushtah pumpeimickle bread jvith your next meal. LET THE

QUAKER Be .Your Baker



Rug Cleaners



SINCE 1ST« All Family Services, from Wet Waih t» Vamilj Finish l t t h and Honplan St».

KOTICB AVe are offeriiiR 10 I«*T rent discount on fill rough <iry bundles picked up Frldny tor T»ps<!sy deHvory.

Drug Stores



Clark £(,— WR « » o

Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality

Laying, Sizing, Fringing, Binding:

5118 Military Ave.



PAXTOK^BILLIARD 'xi-BAttliBR SHOP; A'tA j & H E S K , •Stgr. al!. « e p f l o « r Y o u " i l



Mattresses etui Pillows Made : Over in New Ticks 1917 Cuming AT. 5983





MAttrpftftfaes made over tn new ticks at halt price ol new bed*. PfllewK renovalPd and made op In new featiierproof tieklnR.

• H a m e y 3800 BEN PKIESMAN, Mg:r.' Comniercial Dept.


St. :


Batteries itlid Garages


Piano Teacher




Battery and Tire Service

Omar Bakery pnts into its bread, cakes and pastries has brought UB thousands of. customers. Women all over Omaha are talking about it. You can get Omar goods from most groceries or the Omar wagon that comes to your neighborhood.

• . PRESCttirTIOS EXFEKTS M0 l'«?ors Herviep with Sherman & SJct'onnWI t'rug Co. • I5t« f »Tfi«m St. , ; A T l

JA. 1440


-•- "tiL

.2602 St. Mary's

The Extra Value



Under Management <rf H. Marc<i»




For Serviee Call

SANITARY LAUNDRY AV. II. OSTK.NBliUC, Pros. Varnnm ' ATlantlc t8I5




JA. 0243

Fresh Corn Beef cooked dally. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meals. Home made pickles. . AH kinds of Bakery •Goods,. Picnic Lunches. WE. 1428 1513 North 24th St.


JA. 2100

16th and Fsrnam St»,


1511 . No./sitfv—WE. G'J>q

REALTORS 416 Medical Arts Bldg.


AT. 1402


MISS BAR.4, Frep.


provide a wide choice of I ten gbod-things«to«eat = for your selection. . s Just come in and see for yourself—or phone | I grocer 6 if if more convenient and your g o c will tell you g h t ' i d t i th § what's nicest and newe&t in the IItten li line.

' '


Awnings and Tents

Vfr Blorhi South «JJ. C.C;


SUN PRINTING CO. AT. 3832 504 So.lSth

Tbf !T*o»e With a Repatattan

Satisfied iCastomers Oar Greatest^ Desire


We Feature


Sheet Metal and Furnace Work* 1KB >»rth t « i



4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500


; and leflten do your cookie baking. iTKere's enough to do in your home, and outside of it, without baking yourself these warm days! By using the ready-to-eat goods whenever you. 5 can, you will save your valuable time for. more, 5 important things and also not run the risk of i becoming overheated. .. -? >5 Frequent deliveries to Your- Grocer of? J&ne Crackers, Cakes and Cookies '


MIPDLE STATES' TOP AND . ... BODY CO. 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524




•'•••' '

AT. 5757




KKu aand saiisiyliig BaiiJ- indcUtc4iic8S

2009 Farnam St,


Auto Top and Glass Service Union!

. • i i i - 4 ' n ^ .

. . ' 4t.h KJoor,.:Ooiirc Ilotisu' : NOTICE 6 1 ' CHATTEL MOUTUAOO SATUK "NOTICE"I«i hereby given fhfrt-\,y rirtnV of a ci-rtalu cuiittt'i inorrgiigi*, tlutcd tUe VMi day of June. JlKIs, and duty ttlt'il for TucorJ lii tlio tmko ill ilieCounty tJhrrk ot Uou^Ias <«[<iify, .VWtntKka, unit fxwuccd by A. L>. MiUor to K. 11. Kiiilth niid'U; V.


„ ,Use swherevar sweetening ••is-


. JACK W.MAHKK. Attorney

ZX. 4102

"Everything For The Auto"

Flaitibtedi with Bohemtan Hops _,

- The Kaiman Insurance diamondeers clambered into the pace-making saddle of the Center.Sunday baseball league by copping a hairbreadth twirlers' duel between Osterrnan, "f the Kaimans and . Lohrman of; the clubm&n, each hurler yielding only. three- bingles apiece..


i COUGLAS 109-11 1 PRINTING North 18th ! COMPANY '


A u t o TopS"*rAccessories

Recommended -and Contributed by

The annual Highland Country club golf tournament is now in full sway. Phil Yousem,^.medalist with a card •of 83, is defending champi and reign3 a top-heavy favorite to repeat.


W E W w S043 18O8 N». loth Si.


of cost of

Soda Water, Near. Beer and Gingerale *

dKttTlFlED P f l l t l C ACCOl'XTAJfTS

And it would be a good idea, to bear in mind that you are off your game only when • you are playing: well. Store your, alibis . away until

lionns, which §uid chattel murttjutt

IF rrs






The all-Jewish tennis team which represents the Sunrise tennis dub of Woodside, Long Island, toppled the Astoria tennis cohorts into' oblivion by a 7 to 0 count. This aggregation is anathema to opponents.


« 5 Brnndeli Theater nidR.—JA. ^ APDITS .SI8TKMS INCOMB TAX


Colonel Hard Luck may be tough, on the short springs, but he's thg majordomo of the trainers for the Marathon - path. . A




to be a



Road Service

AT. 6454

Service Our Motto General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing

DAVENPORT GARAGE 18th and Davenport

(32 Years Experience) We specialize in Sample J>y»ingi ^og Qeaningr Overstuffed Suites Cleaned, Steamed and Demothed.1917-19 dark St. WE. 1119

THE MILLER TIRE SERVICE COMPANY "'That Little Extra t»i.>rviW' M:ller (Jearvd-ln-tbf KoHd Tlrel


Phon? JA. l i



Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted Suite 5, Wead Bldg. 18th & Farnsm Telephone ATlantic 8162



Towel Supply

When You Need a Plumber, Call-


Cot. 17th nnd Capitol Ave.—AT. «*21 COODVEAK SEKTICK STATIOK Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Kond Service, an<l Oenernl UepaJrlng

JA. 3

Beauty Parlors


HARRY M. BINDER 605 Electric Bldg.—JA. 1045 —All Kinds of Electric Wiring--

Beauty Specialists All Types of Beauty Work Expert Haircutter

Expett Permanent Wavers 5Irdtca] Art! BldC

Pianist-Instructor Studia Will Be Open All Sumnser

Tire Shops

J A . ea?«

GAMBLE ELECTRIC CO. ; Electrical Contracting \ and Repairing «0l N». 3«h St.



609 North 16th

E. L. RODWELL PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR liunlity Is ltpmcmbcrwl hong Alter the Price 1» Forcottpn t800 Farnam St. ATlantle 1994






Since 187C

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