July 27, 1928

Page 1

Interesting 'and Entertaining

AUthe News Of interest to Jews

Entered as -second-class mail matter on Jann- *i ooBtofflce at Omnha, Nebraska, under tbe Act c"

1921. at 3. 1S79.



to High Emotional JEWISH POPULATION Cupid's Arrows Have Telling Effect YIDDISH CHAIR AT DelegatesWrought Upon Staffs of Community Center HEBREWlVERSin Pitch by Scenes at A. Z* A, Convention IN UNITED STATES TO BE ESTABLISHED BYCHAI1WEIZMAN OVER FOUR MILLION

The returning delegates and visitThe significance that the A. Z, A, Extra! A new port on the sea of.and copied the splendid example of ors to the International Convention of has assumed to some stirred the delematrimony h a s been discovered! his predecessor. the Aleph Zadik Aleph held last week gates assembled in the final banquet However, after Cupid realized that From a certain well-known building at Denver, Colorado, are bearers of of the convention to the extent that the new director was so capable that Figures Are Made Public In in our majestic metropolis, a goodly he might stay for a. real long time, he David Shapiro Will Raise Fund stories of stirring seenes. • there were actually tears shed in sheer Speaks Before General Council of $100,000 For Of World Zionists Department of Commerce number of couples have fared forth decided that he could not -wait so The one which seemed to impress joy. m in Berlin Course Census of 1926 them most was the luncheon held one long for another opportunity to to face life together. w a s proceeding ^ a T hh ee ^ T shoot his infectious arrows* So he fashion m t i l M a x day a t the National Jewish Hospital. m a t t e r o f "Where do you ask?,.Why its our OPPOSITION OVERCOME PLAN PALESTINE BANK FEW JEWS ON FARMS The scene was one of greatt festivity. proceeded to throw all restrictions to Th f f t i i t r e t i r i n g Qtm& Alepll own Jewish Community Center. This 35Q boys were yelling, cheering, and the winds and declared the whole &n i m p r o n 5 p t o a d . Berlin.— (,T, T. A.)—The General Jerusalem.—(3*% A.)—The Yid- singing. In the midst of the excite"Washington, D. C — ( J . . T . A.) — particularly interesting edifice seems field of. staff employees fit subjects ^ ^ ^ tt 00 tt ee ll ]]hh jj ss f r a t Ccnmcil of t h e Zionist "tt'orld Organid r e s g _ ^ ^ ^ ^ dresg The Department of Commerce- has to be one of Cupid's favorite hiding of his whims. With the new resolve dish chair a t t h e Hebrew University snade public the following release con- places. Only this week* he caused u s in mind, the curly-headed, messenger of Jerusalem, for. vtMck David Shap- ment, about twenty of the tots receiv- e r n i t y b r o t h € r s a b o u t ^ t i m e t h a t h , zation, knowu. as thf Actions Commitiro, publisher of tfe£;Kew York Yid- ing treatment at the Hospital walked h a d fe^ ^ ^ finals o f the national tee, was asked by Dr, Chaim Weizcerning its findings a s to the number to be treated to an announcement of love turned his attentions to dish daily "The "Then," marji, President of the World Zionist has undertaken in. Despite the hardship that * high sdhool OT&toTV contest. of Jewish, congregations in the United that Miss Ethel Greenberg, women's Marcus Krasne, new physical wrought on their weak lungs, the kid^ j the" s a i d l o o k e d a b o u t M ea n d Organisation, to welcome the report to provide a fund of $100,000 and to States a n d t h e approximate total of physical' director, and Morris Sogdies raised their feeble voices in a and senators on of the Jewish Agency Commission a t director. That worthy athlete went saw congressmen which opposition was Taised in Hethe Jewish population on. in the coun- olow, the director of Camp Levy, song of thanks to the boys who have side of me, when I saw thethe first session held here Thursdayt r y on the basis of figures gathered have agreed to "stroll the lane- to^ down without a fight when he metbraist circles, may be set up and be- contributed considerable t o the upkeep Pevery res5dent of t h e United s~ t a t e s and evening. Forty-five members of the Martha Cohen,* and in response to gin to function within a year, it was for the year 1926 in the census of re- gether." of. the institution. Some of the hundreds of other famous personages Actions Committee End all the mem:; ' his i anxious query, s h e murmered, learned following the Return here from ligious bodies: Omaha fellows willingly admitted that ^ j j ^ ^ y ^ j hear me, I thought I had bers of the" Zionist Executive were Nobody is willing to admit how it "yes". London of Dr. Judah 1 L. Magnes, lumps rose in their throats and tears t > i p big-cest "The Department of Commerce an- happened that such a romantic n my life. But theJ present at the meeting which w a s By this time Mr. Jack Merviss had Chancellor of -the Hebrew University. nounces that, according to the returns glamour came to surround our beauother day when I opened the conven- presided over by Dr. Leon Motzkin. come to Omaha a s educational direc-. The proposal to accept the publishthe half-naked children smile and Teceived, there were in t h e United tiful building, but, at any rate, t h e f ^ ^ g ^ V t h e ; £ £ " £ > Parted The first session was occupied With er's offer for the-establishment of the laugh as if they were7 free from the tion of this great organization, I saw States in- 1926, 2,948 congregations first one to succumb to its influence P r e s i d e n t t reports submitted by I>r. Chaim Wei&Yiddish chair was accepted a year ago work a t the Center, unaware of horrors of the "white plague." Cav^ ^ and 4,087,357 persons of the Jewish was Mr." William Blumenthal, the r did ^ 350 mann, Nathan Sokolow, and Dr. Eder meQ.& n d faith living in t h e cities and the vil-first director of the Center. He the certain fate that awaited him. by. Dr. Magnes during; his visit to New orting about in practically no clothes t h i g for the London Zionist Executive and York. Hebraisms opponents of the j I t happened that Lillian Margolin so that as much as possible of their w a g i n d e e d t h e • g t e B t e g t t l i r i U i n lages in which the congregations were inscribed the. first page of the 1 Harry Sacher and Miss Henrietta jwas also working there and Cupid plan argued that t h e creation of a bodies might be exposed to t h e benelocated. Because these datasfor 1916 Center's amatory history when h e ' r u b b e d h i s hands in high glee. chair for the instruction of the YidSzold for the Jerusalem Executive. ficial rays of the sun they taught a were not collected on the same basis dish language a n d literature a t the Dr. Weizmann, in his report on the "popped the question" to Miss•• i t h e r needed their glasses^ to see N e lesson of patience and endurance to Abe Shaw, the new Grand Aleph no comparable figures are available. political activities of the Executive Sophie JofPee, also a member of the the love-Ught burning in each others Hebrew University, a t this time, beGodol, and Sam Beber of Omaha, the every visitor. The total expenditure for 1926, asCenter staff. stated that the relations between the eyes, so-^the marriage license bureau fore the other departments are fully The climax of this scene w a s ' n e x t two speakers were so overcome reported by 1,335 congregations, established and equipped, would be Zionist Executive and the Mandatory had a\ customer. Cupid originally intended to. save reached when Harry Lapidus^ treas-j with emotion that neither could hardly amounted to $16,445,235, including power have been cordial and assumed : Then, bringing the story up to the premature. talk. By the time Shaw, finished such romances for only directors of urer of the organization, rose to pre$13,294,953 for current expenses and present, Morris and1 Ethel just The Jewish Telegraphic Agency sent a check for five hundred dollars Beber was entirely bereft of words for a more intimate character during the improvements, §1,131,719 for benecol- the institution, so Mr. Samuel Gercouldn't help, it; learns that these objections have been to the secretary of the Hospital; Then a moment. He turned to award the period of. the cricis in Palestine. The ences, etc., and §2,018,563 not classi- son, the nest and present head, came overcome by-the decision of the Uni-the 350 A- Z. A. boys rose as one man Grand Aleph Godol jewel to Max Krol- Zionist Executive was duly informed fied. The value of synagogue build- to be second in the matrimonial line. : Well, that's all so far. But we versity authorities to proceed with the to cheer. I t was many minutes be- off and struggled to find appropriate of the - forthcoming appointment of ings (including furniture and equip- He brought Miss Jeanette Glick to won't write "finis", well jusf hope establishment of t h e Yiddish chair fore they could be quieted because language. Instead he patted him onSir John Robert Chancellor to the post ment), as reported by 1,131 congrega- Omaha after his assumption of duties its "To Be Continued". Slowly, preceding it by solving the they were so overcome with emotion a t the cheek, while the recipient of t h eof High Commissioner of Palestine. tions for 1926 was $100,890,669. problems of the chairs for Philosophy, the knowledge that they were giving token turned away slightly to conceal Palestine is assuming increasing importance in the British Imperial sysOf the 2,948 congregations reportHistory* Bible and Semitic Philology. money to such a worthy cause. the tears in his eyes. tem. The prospecte for obtaining- an ing in 1926, 2,855 were located in urUnder this plan tfie Yiddish chair international loan for the Zionist ban territory (incorporated places of may begin to function within a year's World Organization are good. Dr. 2,500 inhabitants or more) and 93 time. Leo Brown" was Elected president a t Weismann stated. were in rural areas. Of the total T the quarterly elections of the p s i Mu The Hebrew University is now in number of Jews living in the places With regard to the report of the Wednesday night.at the Jewish Com- search in the United States and having congregations 4,071,889 were Jewish Agency Commission, the PreEurope of a suitable candidate for an Reports from Camp Morris Levy in urban territory and 15,468 in rural Nathan Desatnick Pays With munity Center, He succeeds Irving sindent of the World Zionist Organshow that the enthusiasm and pep of incumbent of the chair. A meeting Life For Crime; Recites erlmeter. areas; and of the total expenditures, ization told the members of the Ac<jf the Board of the Institute of Jew- the boys continues unabated. The Prayers },202 urban .congregations reported tions Committee that the CommiiiBiOTiThe other officers elected were as ish Studies, of which the Yiddish program i s being carried through with j Valuable Prizes T o B e A w a r d e d ers were imbued vrith m tieep desire r $16,334,214 and 33 rural coiigregaqllows: Nathan_ Mandel, vice-presi: 4&e greatest of success*-' — -_••_ *-••_ /' « •--:.—< * In Attdte&enai Dancing be hel4~at PRAYS IN HEBREW " t l b i i B T i i i r i O ^ - T h e valne of synafor extending the Palestine upbuilddent;vMax Goffstein, secretary; Sam chair will b e a Elections among the boys resulted^ Contests the end of August, If a suitable cangogue buildings reported by 1,100 u r ing work. Whatever the decisions of Berman, "treasurer; Philip" Schulti, in the following awarding of titles ban congregations was $100,317,169 Boston, Mass. (J. T. A.)—Reciting reporter; and'Barnet Abrams, searg- didate is found and the recommenda- and prizes: Best All-ro-und Camper, the Actions Committee may be conPLAN FUN FOR ALL tion is accepted by the Board, the and that reported by 31 rural congre- the Shma Israel in the ancient Heb- ent-at-arms. cerning the report of the Agency Comprofessor of Yiddish might be invited Harry Adelman received the loving rew and in the presence of state gations was $573,500. The elections were characterized by The thirty-fifth annual picnic of mission, they 'will be transmitted to to come to Jerusalem in about- a year. cup awarded; Best Athlete, Henry witnesses who wore their, hats, Riekes, won a league baseball; Best the Omaha Hebrew Club will be held the members of the Commission. Sabbath schools were reported by Nathan Desatnick, 25, died in the enthusiasm <on the part of t h e memB54.congregations in 1926, with 4,247 electric" chair a t the state prison in bers to keep up the good work that Swimmer, Phil Lazerowitz, Won a this Sunday a t Fontenelle Park. Ex- Whatever may be decided by thip meeting, the principle of the exhas been done in the past.' SOUTHERN ZIONISTS officers and teachers and 66,439 Charleston^ after midnight last night stick pin j Best Physique, Jake Temin; tensive arrangements for the event tension of the Jewish Agency should pupils; and 631 congregations report- for the drowning of his four months The new officials will be installed FORM REGIONAL UNIT Most Popular, Max Garelick; Most indicate that this year's outing will ed week-day schools with 2,183 officers old baby. He was the first Jew in next Wednesday. This meeting will not be affected in view of the Courteous, Ben Blatt; Camp Baby,' be the best yet. For the first time m the history of Abe Kraft; .Funniest, Irving Block; .through •which the Palesand teachers and 70,429 pupils. According to John Feldman, chairbe one of further importance iri that crisis the history of Massachusetts- to meet All figures for 1926 are preliminary his fate in the electric chair. me of the biggest entertainment Americatt..Zionism-the States in the'and Camp, Pest, Louis Lipman. man of the arrangements committee, tine work has just passed. Tins if Southern part of the United States and subject to correction. Those who have been awarded the there will not be a minute of time in the only way to g»in further support >rograms of the year will be held. Accompanied by' Moses Seder, the have organized a Zionist Regional Camp Levy Monogram are as follows: ! which there will not be some form for the xesuTnption of p, large immiThe census for religious bodies is Reports on the baseball t^am and gration to Palestine, which is depend.taken every ten years. The last cen- Jewish chaplain, who was reciting the club; tennis tournament occupied Unit, which includes Alabama, Ar- Harry Adelman, Henry Keikes, Ben > o f entertainment or activity. kansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Blatt, Collman Yudelson, Sam Colick, JJ -j-h sus was taken in 1916. Dr. Murphy, the twenty-third psalm of David in f. t j h ee rrss thing on the program ent on the co-operation of the Governthe rest of the meeting." Mississippi; and Tennessee.. The pre- Jake Temin, Hyman Temin, in charge of the Division of Census of Hebrew, Desatnick marched to t h e Louis j sa series of races and games, start- ment and on the increase of fitifmciBl paratory steps for the formation of Lipman, Max Garelick, Ernie Ross, ' ^ g support. . The co-operation of thr Religious Bodies explained that the chair in prayer. As he concluded t h e a t 3 o'clock. At six o'clock there the Unit were taken a t the Pittsburgh Phil L&zerowitz, Morris Lerner, Marv-' Government is assured, Dr. Weizmann actual Work of collecting the informa- passage with the chaplain "Hear O a baseball game between two Zionist Convention, on the initiative in Fitch, E i r a Gersatu, Louis Slutz- f ^ teams tion about Jewish religious bodies has Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord in the Jewish Commun- stated. • "Let your decision on this o t e of Dr. Leo J. Frachtenberg, Director ity, and Mebrin Brown. be a frank on«," Dr. .Weizbeen conduted on behalf of the De-is One", he Mssad t h e hem of t h e j Oe te league. The winner will Of the United Palestine Appeal for the One of the things planned for this i t y i n a r silver loving cup. To the urged the mem'bers oi the Genpartment of Commerce by Dr. H. S. tallis worn by Seder, repeating the rece ve London.—(J. T. A.)—The opinion South. The purpose of the newly or- week are special services to be held ^ ^ j ^ eral Couneil. Linfield, head of the Bureau of Statis- sentence several, times in tones that many valuable tics of the American Jewish Commit- were heard all over the death house that t h e non-Jewish population .should ganized Regional Unit is not only to in honor of Mr. Morris Levy Friday' p ^ ^ g of t h e Mr. Harry Sacher, reporting; fr»r awarded. This has tee, New York. Dr. Linfield-some Robert Elliot, who executed- Sacco receive the opportunity through, wide conduct Zionist affairs, but also to pro- night The camp was named after 'been made the Palestine Zionist Executive, paid possible through the time ago was appointed special agent and Vanzetti, was ordered to put o n propaganda of learning the -value of mote Zionist propaganda and to in- this Jewish philanthropist of Omaha. > tribute to the attitude of the retired e e n e r o s i t y o f the following" Marks of the Census Bureau of the Depart- the switch. The last words Desat- the Jewish religious laws: concerning crease membership the Zionist High Commissioner of Palestine, Lovd Over a hundred visitors are expect-. JevrelrjCo., Lorig} S a m Swarte ment of Commerce in order to carry nick uttered were "The Lord is One",family life and sex hygiene, was throughout the South. A provisional Plumer. Miss Henrietta STKAA irei J o h n Feldman, Omaha Fixture and voiced a t t h e International Cancer organization has been effected, which ed Sunday. out this work. He was assisted by and he was put to death. ported on thfe health and education Henry Eeikes and Jake Temin have S u p p l y c Wo]fe BrotherSf Brod. Congress in session here, following will prepare plans for the final forseveral prominent Jewish leaders and work in Palestine. Hundreds of people, including many the presentation of a paper by Dr. been elected captains of the Red and k e y Jewelry COf The Wardrob€ was compensated and provided with a mation of the Region. The resolution';'also Jays empha'siP White teams respectively. The two . Clothing Co., The Glazer Clothing Co., clerical staff by the Department of Jews, were outside. the prison gates Moses Sourasky on the "subject of on the necessity of raising immedteams compete for various athletic and moans could be heard from the cancer" diseases among Jews. • The Dave Clothes Shop, The Fair Commerce for tihs purpose. iately the'.nedessary funds for continand other activity honors. silent thongs as the witnesses and Clothing House, The Eagle Jewelry uing the upbuilding :work on the basil? Dr. Sourasky maintained that the Dr. Linfield is now preparing a de-j score of reporters marched out b low incidence of cancer of the sexual Co., Julius Chait. M. Bercovici, and of a 'unified' and coordinated economic tailed survey of the results of h i s ; CHINESE OFFER LAND i Harry Crounse. , v u V i v K P W " r i " : the grim prison. Up to the last hours organs among Jewish women is due but adds that the integrity of work which will be published in-thei o f t °h e . * . . •** o f t h e FOR JEWISH HOMELAND j The athletic event, will be con- plan, execution, efforts were mad execution made to the fact that the observance of the the .Jewish-National Fund and HP near future in a bulletin by the D e -|| the partment of Commerce, This Bullet-j ™ * Governor Fuller to save. Mm. religious laws of purity act a s a of system of leasing land to settlers, reLondon—(J.T.A0—An o p p o r t u n i t y ' d u c t e d The Omaha Chapter of the HadasMarcus Krasne. in will include a description of the ^ newspaper report appeared today disease-preventing factor. M main unaffected. . The resolution calls s,ah will give an outdoor picnic for to build a Jewish national home in c!imax to **« day's activities for the immediate creation of a bank China to supplement the one in Pales-! various forms of Jewish activities car- that two Jewish newspaper-men 'o members, their families, and their CoL Freemantle, M. P., presiding at be accomplished when Ed. liehn with s capital of one million pounds, New. York arrived in the city to ofried on in the United States. the session, declared after t h e paper friends on Wednesday, August. 8, at tine was offered by the Minister of the fer, new evidence but this provet Interior a t Peking, a despatch from and his orchestra start off the free for. the purpose of providing comOne'of the results of this census had been submitted, that Dr. Sourasky 2 o'clock, a t Elmwood Park. Peking to the London Daily Express dance in the Fontenelle Park Pavil- mercial credits and furthering the dehas been a compilation. by Dr. Lin-false, in spite of the fact t h a t FuIIe for, the first time demonstrated that Games, races, and eats,- wHl be the 8 o'clock. Special prizes of velopment of industry in Palestine, field's staff of a card index of syna- was a t his. office ready to receive the Jews, a s a race have• neither ; im- order of the day. Ice cream will be states today. The offer was made as a result of a unusual beauty and value have been Koeues, rabbis and other Jewish com-! * e m . The presence, of the represen munity n o r a predisposition to cancer. free and prizes will be given to both misunderstanding by the Chinese set aside for the couple winning the munal leaders and Jewish organiza- tative of the Jewish Telegraphi "The fact that Jewish women have the ladies and the kiddies. ASK FOR JEWESS' ENTEY tions in various paxts of the country Agency with another reporter a t t b such low incidence of cancer because . Sandwiches, cake, pop, and water- authorities of the ' application of a prize waltz contest. Zionist delegate who arrived in Pek| prison, it is believed, was the caus •TO-OBTAIN CHALITZA of the observance of -religious purrity melon will be on sale -for those who which Dr. Murphy considers will be ing and requested permission of the unfounded rumor. colTOTAL OF ZIONIST LAND do not wish to pack a basket. laws may be an important d e w to a source of invaluable information. INVESTMENT MADE PUBLIC Warsaw.—{J. T. A.)—President finding the cause of cancer," he Stated. • This picnic is being given for thelect funds for Palestine. Dr. Murphy was high in his praise of Coolidge will be asked by the Rabbinbenefit of Hadassah's Summer EmergThe Minister of the Interior a t Pekthe work done by Dr. Linfield and his BURIAL OF HERZL IN ate of Warsaw tc grant permission ency Fund, for which a nation-wide ing thought the Zionist wanted to pur-! Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—A total associates. PALESTINE DEMANDED PROHIBITION OF CHILD appeal has been broadcast from the chase land in China for the purpose of amount of £841,966 was invested by to a Jewish woman whose husband settling Jews there and proirdsed a the Zionist World Organization in died childless to come to the United1 MARRIAGES IS ASKED Hadassah national office. Lemberg.— ( J . T. A.)— Criticism o States for the purpose of obtaining CHARGE I. O. B. B. PLANS Through this picnic every member special treaty if the Zionists would i land settlements in Palestine, accord- through the ceremony of Chnlitea, rethe World Zionist --Organisation fo: to figures made known here today. TO KILL LUDENDORFF failure to transfer the remains o: Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The Pal- in the Omaha Chapter is given a indicate the site for the proposed ingThese figures include the coloniza- lease from her brother-in-law tor rehomeland and the approximate area estine Government was asked t p prochance to share personally in conBerlin.—(J. T. A.)—Members of Theodor Herzl to Palestine, notwith mulgate a law prohibiting the mar-tributing to this most imperative need required. tion activity of the Zionist Organiza- marriage. The Rabbinate applied to the United the Independent Order B'nai B'rith in standing the fact; that resolutions t< riage of girls ijelow the age of 16, tion up to October, 1927. An addiand it is sincerely hoped that all will The Director of Lands had already Germany have evil designs against this effect were adopted by theZibnStates Consul her* to grant & vtsa to tional amount of a half million pounds proceeded with drafting and agroea memorandum submitted by the Jew- ( reS pond. the woman, whose husband died seven the life of the former German w a r ' ist Congress, was voiced by Dr. Bingel ment, when, through the British Min- will be necessary to consolidate the Friedman is chairman ish Women's Equal Rights AssocjaMrs. J. J. years Ego but who could not marry lord and present leader of the anti- in. connection with the twenty "fourth 40 Zionist colonies established so far, of the Emergency Fund committee ister a t Peking, the delegate managed tion. . • • --' • .- •-.: because of the fact that her brotherSemitic- forces, General von Luden- anniversary of the; Zionist leader's The action was the result of the re- and Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz is treasurer. to explain he only required permission it was stated. dorff.* This is in all seriousness told death, commenorated "recently. in-law, who is to effect her release by The following ladies are in charge to raise funds among Jews in China in an ; inciting article published by the Writing in the "Lemberger Morgen" cent agitation in Palestine over the Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—A municipal'_ Chalitza, is a resident of the United of the picnic: Mrs. A. Roam, Mrs. for the Palestine upbuilding work. case of a Jewish girl of Acre, aged 10, Yiddish daily, D j y Kingal asks why "Deutsche Wochenschau," the organ clinic for psycoanalytical treatment i States. The Rabbinate pointed owt the Zionist Executive has ignored the who was given in marriage to an Arab 0 . C. Goldner, Mrs. Harry Tnistin, This permission was granted. of General von Ludendorff. will be established here by a decision j that m & similar case the repreient*1 The paper asserts that a t a confer- Congress resolutions to this effect, and by her aged father notwithstanding Mrs. Robert Bleicher, Mrs. J. B. Rob- Moscow.—(J. T . A.)—The region of the City Government. The clinic tive of the Soviet Goverttlhettt ence held in Marienbad of the B'nai why the Executive' took no steps to the protests of her elder brotherB. In inson, Mrs. Julius Stien, Mrs. Maxof Tcherkass was proclaimed a Jew- will bear the name of Dr. Signvand granted permission t o enter th# B'rith lodges a s well as the Freema- secure a t least the placing of a mem- government circles it w a j declared Lerner, Mrs. Max Goldberg, Mrs. J. J . ish militia district. . I n that region Freud, in whose honor it is being try. The Consul declined to ***»* sons in Germany, the decision to "lull orial tablet on the Paris house' where that the petition willl be given sym- Friedman, Mrs. A- S. Rubnitz, a n d Yiddish will be t&e official language. erected, the Mrs. E. Weinberp r. Herd wrote his "Jewish State." pathetic' consideration. T-udendorff" was taken.


Honors Awarded at I OMAHA HEBREW CLUB Camp Morris " ™ Levy " HOLDS ANNUAL PICNIC ON SUNDAY, M Y 29

Praise Religious Laws Of Jews for Health




THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

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THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brarideis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 .'


_$2.50 Subscription Price, one year Advertising rates furnished on application CHANGE OF ADDRESS^-PleaSe give both the old and new address; be

Council Bluffs News •

WE AMERICANS Scene from v,/*AGEO&G& SIDNEY A vmvtJtsAt.eitoout.Tioi*

The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud Torah will hold a meeting next Wednesday afternoon, August 1, at the home Of Mrs. H. Saltzman, 742 : Mynster Street.

The Bar Mitzvah of Bernard -Balaban, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Balaban, sure to give your name. ••-'••. •• ••'•:•:•'•. '<,--'will take place Saturday morning, July 28, at the Chevrja, B'nai Yisroel Synagogfue^ 618; Mynster Street. _On Saturday afternoon, Bernard Balaban will entertain about twenty of his Sotaiewhere beneath the breast of every Jew there glows a. young friends at a theatre party at spark of Jewish consciousness, an inspiring light that may dim but "the Broadway Theater. Mr. and Mrs. never fail. I t is the vague unknown quality inherent in the Jew Balaban have issued about-fifty inthat has enabled him to survive the greatest of trials. When vitations" for a supper to be given hostile peoples have trampled upon and degraded him, when merci- at their home*. Sunday- evening, in less bigots have slaughtered and burned him, when hope seemed honor of "their son's Bar Mitzvah.



At the last meeting of thtf Fa Hon Club held last Wednesday at the Jewish Community Center, officers were elected for the new term beginning this week. Sarah Pollay was elected president to succeed Toby Hertzberg. The other officers are as follows: Rose Stein, secretary; Minnie Zwieback, treasurer; Toby Hertzberg, reporter; and Marion Brookstein, chairman of the entertainment committee. :: A barn dance was given last Sunday in honor of the new officials. Children are keen observers, and by the time hey are ten they know almost ae much as their parents.

"We Americans," one of the greatest pictures of the year, opens at the extinguished, this same power enabled him to suffer and survive. World Theater Friday, July 27. It is an unusual picture in many ways. In Abe L. Katelman and Joseph SoloThen when reaction set in, causing laxness.of religious observance, the first place, it brings George Sidney in a dramatic role. Sidney is too <this quality once more protected the Jewish race from slipping into monow returned home- Monday from great an actor to stay always in the comedies which have brought him so oblivion. . , ' ' • : , 'Denver* Colorado where they attended many screens. portrays his role in "We Americans" with rare discrimination; he The exact nature of this ;wqnderful quality js not a matter for .the• fifth• annual National-A. Z. A . ''neverHe overacts, and proves himself capable of rare emotional depth, including : Convention. Max • Kramer-, and Leo conjecture. It cannot be analyzed and classified in a cut and dried honest tears. . ; v Meyerson, who also attended the conmanner. • But a little about the story: Three families emigrate to New York from The only way to obtain an understanding of it is to watch it vention, returned home. Saturday. Russia, Germany, and Italy. The parents retain all they loved of the old country, making no effort to become Americanized, while the children grow up work. This is what Ludwig Lewisohn, famous Jewish author, While there, young Katelman, who to typical young Americans, incapable of understanding their parents, who, tries to do in his recent novel, "The Island Within." To Lewisbhn, was the official delegate from the in be turn, are incapable of understanding their children. that unknown quality can be pictured as a detached, separate part Council. Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the . But the war comes along for a brief moment and their children enlist. To of the spirit of the Jew. He calls i t an island because it js the only A. Z. A-, was presented with a silver go.further would spoil your enjoyment of this masterpiece but you can see possibilities. The ending is of rare beauty and happiness, raising thfe part of his mental processes that has not undergone considerable medal, his award for his essay on the to the heights of art. chancre throughout his adventurous years, and must, therefore, the "Future of Judaism", which picture Especial credit goesto Sidney, Beryl Mercer, Eddie Phillips, Albert Gran havelleen isolated from tjieresj; ofthem. recently won second place in thei In- and Daisy Belmore; and to Edward Sloman goes the directorial laurel wreath. When reading the book, one is carried through the lives of ternational Essay Contest of the The World also offers a six act Vaudeville bill and movietone features. four generations of a Jewish family. At the beginning, one sees Aleph Zadik Aleph. a humble and devout Russian "melamed." He is a man to whom Mr. aad Mrs. B. Balabun will, have buying trip to be gone about two mere study of the Talmud and similar holy works is almost suffi- Mrs. ~ L. Meyerson' and daughter, weeks. - , :* as their house guest for •' the weekcient to sustain him. Hunger and poverty mean nothing to him Mrs. Morris Grossman, returned because of his intellectual satisfaction. His descendants, however, home Friday from a four weeks* stay The Grossman Department Store end their' brother-in-law, Rabbi i Robert Rubensky of Haverhill, Mass.! growing up in countries in which the Jew was allowed more free- in Excelsior1.' entertained their employees and their dom, become lax in the practice of their religion. Arthur Levy, of Rabbi Rubensky will also spend a the fourth generation progeny, has strayed almost entirely from Jake Whitebook of Philadelphia, families at their second annual picnic week visiting in Omaha. " the path. To him, his Jewishness is deplorable; if anything. He Pa., is spending ten days- here visit- -which was held Tuesday evening. . iinds i t a hindrance in his studies and in the cultivation of friends ing his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. G. and in the making of a success at his profession. But in the end, Whitebook. "The Island Within/'asserts itself and the young physician "comes Mrs. B. Markovitz of Council hoirie"ft>his people. Bluffs and daughter, Mrs. J. Barren The value of this book is hot that it expresses any new idea or theory* for it is merely reiterating what the Jew has known for and young son of Shenandoah, Iowa, thousands of years. However, the idea's vivid picturization by are spending a couple of weeks in Lewisohn brings home to the Jew stronger than ever the actual Excelsior Springs, Mo.. YOU can obtain force of his.Jewish consciousness,. I t once more reminds him that zwieback that is parve the only solution to his problem is the becoming more actively Jew- .__Mrs. S. Goldberg^and.son, Jay, of and ko^hier . • ••• zwieback ish. . Because of this noble influence, the novel deserves to be read Chicago, 111., who have been spending the past three weeks here visiting that is made with a shortenby every Jew. I t will surely open his eyes. her daughter, Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, va.% of pure vegetable fat,

by Doctors and Rabbis

and Mr. Suvalsky, left Monday for which valuable prizes will he. given their home. to young and old,, male and female. Remember, Sunday, at the Fontenelle Mr. and Mrs. Simon. Steinberg By '-, kiosk. and daughters, Florence, and Esther, • FBANKR. ACKERMAN Sam Handler and Sam Epstein will motored to Excelsior, Springs, Mo. Andy. Cohen, the answer to Mc-dash for titular honors in the J. C. Mr. Steinberg returned home Tues^GrawV $100,000 prayer, fooled the C. tennis tourney.. Handler, a former day while the others, will remain -wiseacres. His fielding is above par, Tech high champ; entered the finals there for two weeks. .and instead of slumping in his bat-with a brilliant repertoire of strokes .Mrs. I. Kramer and sons, Max .ting .as the prognosticators predicted, by, defeating Leo Brown, 6-0. 7-5. and Hymie, .left -Monday for a motor 'the ^ Giant infielder-is now swatting Epstein, defending champion, took trip to Chicago, 111., to be gone the horsehide at a .290 gait and has Frank Ackerman into camp, 7-6; (5-4? about- two, weeks. a good chance t o finish in the elite in a sizzling, whirlwind match. .300. circle.. , Lawrence Krasne will, leave Saturday night; for New York C$ty 6n : .a Patronize Our Advertisers. This Sunday, from 5 p. m. to 6 a father and son swim" will be staged* thVboya having the privilege of-inviting- their' dads down. The embryo tTeismullera are training for an allJ. C; C. ineet scheduled for September, at which time the Red Cross club will give exhibitions. Mrs. P« Win-' troub, TJave Shurket, Al Fiedler, and Jack Epstein are passing the Red Cross life saving test at the present time. ' ' ' -•'


| r f s Tip-Top







the year 'round because only pure horseradish roots and pure grain vinegar are used jn. its-, manufacture.

'.YpU Will find it at your " grocers ''even during" the J »summer months. by 5 J T^bmsen-Slater j Now J - Blitter Gov | at the 9 -1315 Howard St. ^

AT. 848o





24th and Burdette—WE. 6362


X5i!e$s Clearance Dresses Sold to $39.50 Dresses Sold to$5950 Alt Fabrics—AH * hlms Second Floor



K.bbi E. Goclnin. appoinm! ky Rabbi M. S. Mvjolio. i> «!-«T. P » •m K it* ballaf <i< the cnclten K> « that iljiy i n kaiha Id tmt rafMct Ttxtt ib&tr r«iA«i o i l t t ' a i s l wi* IMX or daiti dbSe^


M the "Kick" You Need! Don't worry about; the "Dry" Country. Drink ADVO. Coffee . and you will never miss "hard". tiquor. .

Advo Coffee is Stimulating, - Refreshing andExhilarating

That's t h e w a y women of today do the difficult tasks of the home. It's a magic word> spelling ease and leisure to hundreds of housewives. Old-fashioned backbreaking methods oi d o i n g housework have gone with the horse and buggy.

Easy Terms "Electric Shops' 17th and Harney Sts.

2314 M St.

Ccsmesy • Service • Low Rate*


is Red Hot

Get Our Free Estimates

u« wade under the tap€rritioa.Bixht

"The screen sensation that ran at the Colony Theatre, New York for 3 months at $2.00- admission. NOW AT POPULAR PRICES FOB THE FIRST TIME

Modern children—old fashioned parents—then the war—then reunion and wonderful happiness—shows the patriotism of the Jew in America —one of the big pictures of all time.



Reroofing and Complete Remodeling From Basement to Attic

Sunshine Kosher Zwieback is healthful and finetasting. Thoughtful mothers will find it excellent as Baby's first solidfooC If you want zwieback that is guairanieed "kosher" by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, of America, be sure to say . . Sunshine . . . to your r grocer. »

The Different Gasoline

—is a high-grade knockless gasoline. —will reduce carbon-deaning bills. —does give added mileage. —does not cost more than ordinary gasoline. Try a TANKFUL today. You'll never be satisfied with any other, gas. " "" '

Permanent Garages

n o t lard. • •

Sport Splinters

• Kaiman Insurance - nine clung to <&e topmost rung of the Center Sunday league ladder by nosing out BogdonoffV Enai Ami bat tpters, 8 to 7. The : losers seemed to have the tiff salted away with a one-run lead in the last, inning and two out, but a four bagger by Harry Stoter with a man.-:on: changed the complexion of affairs. Although practically ousted from the race,: the/youngsters deserve an oversized chunk of credit for their inspired play, against their opponents. The J. J. Smokehouse! outfit kept within shouting distance of the loop loft by. tripping the Psi Ma bunch in a free-hitting swatfest. The J. J.s came from behind to win, in spite'of the timely'batterings of Handler and Epstein, . The nightcap of next Sunday's bill of fare, Psi Mu vs. Bnai-Ami, has been transfered to Fontenelle where their fracas will top" off the Hebrew Club athletic program. To the victor goes a loving cup.- Marcus Krasnehas charge of the sport events, for

Beware of the man who looks like a near-genius.

^L- wonder

Ask for Advo, Accept No Other


Blended, Boasted, Ground and Packed —by—

Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where e c o n o m y is watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high reputation recommends that you try it.

McCord-Brady Go. OMAHA


FRIDAY, JULY 27,1928

Miss Min Nodler of * Philadelphia, on Tuesday, July 31, at 2 P . M . Mrs. \ Mrs. Joseph Rubin and son, J. Mrs. Nate Sherman, MisBes Ann and Penn., is the guest of Miss Ruth Bar- Charles Nathan wilj assist the host- Lewis, ^of San Antonio. Texas, who Fay Gerelick, Mrs. Dave Greenberg,) H A r n r y t«S» ish. She will be in Omaha for about ess. _ __ . j have been visiting with her parents, Mrs. Harry Malashock, and Mrs. J. j n t h .«nil Mart tin St». OMAHA NKHIIASKA two weeks. All the proceeds of the parties wiil Mr. and Mrs. B.. Weinstein, and sister W. Erman. rtoX! ifruy, iron, lirnss, lirtmstr IIIHJ iiluKi11111m n i s t i n p s stiiiuliiril SITOB l<ron«e be donated to the building fund for and brother-in-law, Mr; and Mrs. mill ttoLi Imsliinns, F r a n tntnihiilvs, Mrs. David Ravitz, and daughter, the new South Omaha Synagogue Mrs. H. B. Weinstein entertained cislurn rinjJB 11111I rovt-rs tun! I'U-nti-ont Max Fromkin, for the past nine Jours hi tioi-k. At' KIIHIB «f \\n<»\ «\nl Hannah, of Salt Lake City were the •which is in the course^ of construction, j weeks wiH leave for home Sunday. 15 guests at a picnic dinner at Elm- j guests of honor at a tea grven last wood Park, having her daughter j Mrs. Joe Margules. entertained at Sunday by Mrs. Dave Ravitz of Mrs. Rubin has been extensively and grandson, Mrs. Joseph Rubin and a theater party Saturday- afternoon' entertained. Among her recent hos- J. Lewis Rubin of San Antonio, Tex., Omaha. • DRINK Mrs. W. Levy, Mrs: - Leo Milder, in honor of her niece, Mrs. Maurice tesses are Mrs. -Max Fromkin, Mrs. as guests. '1 ' WHISTLE — BLUE BIRDEsther Terer, and Rufh Wintronb aid- M. Shapiro of -Duluth, M"imy J. M. Malashoek, Mrs. Henry NewGREEN RIVER Miss Bertha Greenhouse is spending ed the hostess. .Miss. Sophia Ferer entertained at a men, Mrs. ;E. Meyer, Mrs. Abe a month in Chicago and Detroit with Soda Water Mrs. A. Louis And daughter, Joseph- bridge party and dance in honor of Greenberg,- Mrs. Jack Alberts, Mrs. friends. WHISTLE BOTTLING CO. Jules Newman, Mrs. 1. Weis, Mrs. her sister, Mrs. Maurice .M. Shapiro ine, left for Kansas City, Mo, SunWE. 2181 1131 No. 18th t6>edding of Miss Ida Shaf ton, aiughter ofMr. arid Mrs. day morning. She intends to spend of Duluth, Minn., who is now visiting Harold Brandt, Mrs. Victor Shapiro, (Continued on Page 4) Benjattsin Shaf ton, and Morris Arlrin, son of Mrs. Sarah Arkin will two-weeks with her daughter, Mrs. H. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mrs, Jules Gerelick, Mrs. E. O. Weinv-take place Sunday at the Blackstone Hotel. Kabfci Grodinsky and DOM Ferer. : Mrs. Shapiro was formerly stein, Mrs, Jay Wright, Mrs. D. RiseWienshienky. . • -..-.,. :•••-•-. •^Mr, L. Harris will officiate. SelU man, Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, Mrs. Leo LILLIAN'S \-y x Miss -Bess Stock and Mr. Julius J. ArMn/brother, of the groom, Mrs.^ J. Kreizeiman" of "Chicago is Miss Esther Ferer of Omaha. Krasne, Mrs. Phil Schwartz, Mrs. H. qrilibemaid of honor and best man respectively. visiting wiQi~Mr.~and MrsT H. Mill- "Mrs! 'Francis Whalen, entertained B. Weinstein, Mrs. S. Frohm, Mrs. Permanent Waving Shop WITH u^JLfter the ceremony, the young couple will leave on a western man. She "intends to 1>e: Sere -for two Monday afternoon at a'lvmcheon and WaiiamBoasberg, Mrs. Meyer Freidel, So. 18th St.—AT. S267 NEBR. BUICK AUTO CO. for several weeks. bridge in honor of Mrs., Maurice M- Mrs"; H. fiSrschman, Mrs. R. Kooper, AXi 308 SXSmS Ol- BEAtTTT CILTIBE Res. HA. «SM Shapiro, of Duluth Minn. Mr*. M. Yann, Mrs. Harry Ferer, The engagement of Miss Ethel Greenberg, daughter of Mr. and The Pioneer Women's Organization s. Alexander Greenberg and Mr. Morris Sogolow, son of Mrs. wiU^veiarRuntHiage Sale in -the near Mr. and Mrs. Siporin have as their ^ n a Sogolow, was announced at a luncheon given Saturday at the future. .Those who have old clothes, guests Mr. and Mrs. Louis Slutzky : ICE vEflacijstorie Hotel by Miss Anne Greenberg, her sister. Twenty furniture, or household articles can and daughter, Lillian, and «m, Merle.' •aoests attended the luncheon which was given in honor of Mrs. A. call the following members of the com- !of Tulsa, Oklai, ind Mr. and Mrs. inittee in charge .'of the sale:' Mrs. Archie Cohen of Los Angeles, CaL Jjozgar who is leaving Omaha to make her home in Lincoln. m , | I j CREAM si Miss Greenberg is the women's physical director of the Jewish Max Minkin, -WE. 3903; Mrs. H. Mrs; Coben was formerly Miss FraniGommunity Center, and an. assistant in the physical education de- Okun, WE. 1642; Mrs. J. Feldman, cis Siporin of this city. WE. S260 ^mrtment of the Y. W. C. A. She is a graduate of Central High JA. 5533; and Mrs. J. Kaplan, WE. Mrs. Harry Ferer was entertained OTpheum Opposite 5454. Stehool and the Chicago Normal school of physical training. a surprise party at lier new home, Refresh Yourself, Mr. Sogolow is an instructor at the School of Athletic Coaching The Ladies Auxiliary of the7 South at eseUorth 57 St.* en Thursday afterPKINK ;«| the University of Illinois, and during the summer months is Omaha Congregation will hold its noon. Covers were laid for twentyOMAHA'S Jdirector of Camp Morris Levy, the boy's camp of the Jewish Wel- next series of card parties at the home four guests. The guests presented STYLE f jure Federation at Nathan's Lake. He is a member of the Delta of Mrs. A. Kewmari, 5441 So. 24 St., Mrs. Ferer with a gift. CENTER




?Theta Epsilon and Sigma Delta Tau fraternities. > The marriage will probably be an autumn event.


i:r Mrs. Bertha Zavett announces the engagement of her daughtvtr, Lottie, to Mr. Lee Bograd of Kansas City, Mo. < • A reception in honor of the couple will be given Sunday, July iS,:from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 9 at the home of the bride. All friends are invited. ; Mr-and. Mrs. William Swartz announce' the engagement of their daughter, Mollie, to. Mr. David C. Fogel.- Both Miss Swartz and Mr. ?Fogel attended Central High school. :The wedding will take place sometime after the first of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin and , Bobby, will leave Tuesday morn-. ing on a motor trip. They will visit Chicago, Milwaukee, and will spend a week at Elkhart Lake. Wis.


THE SUNSET TEA ROOM 49 and Dodg* CANDYLAND 16th and Farnam

Mr. and Mrs. L. Raduxiner announce the birth of a son, Bennett Lee, at the Maternity Hospital on July 12. Mr. and Mrs. F. Weindruch of Rock Island, HI., left Tuesday, morning "for their home after visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Geifman. A number of affairs were given for the visitors. Mrs. Geif man' entertained at a one o'clock luncheon at the Elks /: club in honor of her guest. -'•••.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slutxky gave Sirs. Ni Sonny Rothenberg will Wfcertain at the Elks Club on Wed- a big party last Wednesday in honor nesday afternoon, August 1, at a of Mr. and Mrs; Louis Slutaky and bridge tea in honor of her guests, daughter, Lillian, and son, Merle, of Mrs. David M. Ravitz and daughter. Tulsai; Oklahoma, and Mr. and M i i Hannah, of Salt Lake City, and Mr&.Archie Cohen of Los Angeles,; Calif. I . Samuel Schlaifer, of Los Aiige^s, ^Prizes, were woa=-by. -Mrs. J. Batt^ Al Cal, Mrs. Rothenberg is a sister of Batt; Joe Batt, and Mrs. Herman Mrs. Ravitz and Mrs. Schlaifer. Mrs. Franklin. Schlaifer and children expect to The mirror that was- given away: at leave for their home about Aug. 10. the picnic of the Jewish Women's i Mr. Jacob Wolk of Minneapolis, Pioneer Organization on Sunday, July Minn., formerly of Omaha,vis Visiting 3 at Elmwood Park was won by Paul Rume, 2523 So 31st St. •• here with friends and-relatives. •


BAKER ICE "Manufactured 113 Omaha"


Just 3 of These Suites Left Just As



Pieces Shaded .enamel finish, with cheerful TrovdS- cretonne backs and? seats. Cushions are spring^type and are reinbTaTjle; ior easy-cleanirig. ^ you'll not excel, nor indeed, equal.

MALASHOCK JEWELRY Wholesale and Retail Jewelers 213-16 City National Bank Bldg.—JA. 561» IN OMAHA

HOTEL ROME 250 Rooms—200 Baths Good Itooms for $1.60 Operated by Eppley Hotels Co,

JnJtUutum-Gwu/thuy fortke Home 413-15-17 S. 16th Street, Omaha

This Week's YLostess special



Saturday Special Clearaway o/

Lovdy chiffon velvets and printed velvets with that touch of style individuality which lends personality to the wearer. These exquisitely styled frocks are cool enough to wear during the remaining warm weather. The swirling skirts, the side drapes, the soft neckliness and the beautiful colorings lend charm to this newest offering from the fashion world.

Men's Shirts About 2,500 All Standard Makes from Our Own Good Lines

Prices from $59*75 to $125

All to Sell at One Loiv Price Saturday


'"*," T

Bonthwest. Corae*

Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.




inegar I Fickle €t. OMAHA


r p WO layers of the most delicious yellow X sponge dough—filled and iced all over with the ever popular Butter-Cream Icing and

with a high rate of interest accruing daily. That's what Neat, Tasty

Crushed Loganberries •

A cake with the most delicate flavor, and one that will fairly melt in your mouth.


At Your Grocer's X

Rayon Striped Madras New Prints Novelties Neckband Styles Sizes lSVz to

BRANDEIS Haberdashery—Mam Flosr

Harry E. Lapidus, Pres.-Trea#


85c Broadcloths Silk Stripes Printed Madras Collar-Attached Styles

1MB N». Mth B*. We hnnfll* * full line of Import** flf SprnttB, Spratten — Biamwrfc Herring, English Ea

Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, Catsup, Mustard, E t c


nationally known mnkeys. supplied us with these shirts—they " •' •_ are all excellent quality, full-cut,. -, ' ; J well-made shirts. But because the assortments are broken and the shirts are mussed or soiled from handling, the prices hav£ been - - greatly reduced.


means to you. I t costs no more — it's worth money in actual dollars and cents—and can be obtained quickly by asking for our representative.

Place your order early for Saturday delivery

"Ho»te«» Kitchen"


At Al! liroccrs Made By

At Your Grocer's


UNCLE SAM LAXATIVE Okay Bran Flakes Unck Sam Breakfast Food C*. Omaha, Nebr.



Telephone AT lantic 8028 INTERSTATE PRINTING C O . •

1307-1309 Howard Street, Omaha "When Jewish


mention "The



SAM BBDEB AND DAVID E. BEBBB Martin, Ida Babior, Ida Cahn, Lillian Attorneys Keiser, Anne Ruback, Esther Elman, 300. Tetera Trust Blilg. and Soph Reznick. (Continued from page 3.) NOTICE OF ABTICtES OF SOTICB INCORPORATION OF THE HANATo Zenovexo.. Boot, whose pipe* at resiPHONK CORPORATION Mrs. Sarah Kohn spent the weekMiss Sybil H. Adler wjjU leave for dence is unknown, and upon'whom, persoual Know all men by these presents that the service.o£ summons cannot be brnl, tfeiendwith her undersigned have formed a corporation Ijos Angeles, Sunday, July 29, to visit" end in Lincoln visiting a n t ; - • • > ; : < • - : - • ' '••','"• .. the laws of the. state of Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs.; A. Adler, her aunt and( daughter, Roseline, ! whb is taking a Yon are. hereby notiiltad that.'fn.-tho nine- under The name of this corporation shall be "The teenth day of April, W28,' John Kogt, as Hanaphohe Corporation" with its principal uncle. She will stop enroute- at Den-1 summer course at the University of plaintiff, filed his petition oguinst you iu place of-business Omaha, Nebraska, 'Xhe the District Court uf Dougloa County, Ne- general nature piat the business tp be trans- yer, Salt Lake City, antj San Fran-' Nebraska. briefca, Docket 247, Page JK.', th?object acted and the-.object .-and .purposa for and prayer,of which petition Is to Obtain which this corporation Is organized and I cisco.- She will be gone for about a divorce from you on the stoumU ot "Ue- established Miss Henrietta Silverman of SeatShnll b'e to buy, Bell and dissertlon, . . • y • . • .-,••: . . . „ • :• talking picture devices Including two months. tle, Washington, is the house guest of You ore inquired to answer saW petition tribute, all accessories for the same and all litms on or before the <3rd . day, of September, records pertaining- thereto;, to buy, Mrs. S. J . Cohen of Minneapolis,' her cousin, Miss Annette Newman. 1028, ot said petition will be taken as true und' ell and distribute theatrical supplies, 11 xr and a decree token accordingly. ;• ,urea and equipment "of nil. klmls; to sell Minn.K is in Omaha, visiting her JOHN HOOT, Plaintiff. and distrlbute-nlotlon i>tcture iUlns nnd .to Mrs. David M. Newman left SunBy MII/EON K. ABKAHAMS, any and all. things pertaining to the^parents, Mr. and iMrs. J.; Lieb. July 27—3iv : ••-.-. . His;Attorney. do day for Denver, Estes Park, and carrying on of. said business Including the right to owu and hold -real estate. TlieMr. and Mrs. Joe Wolf and Troutdale-in-the-Pine a t Evergreen, organlzed capital, stock shall be $10,000.00 JACK WV MAREB, Attorney and all of said stock shall be common nnd children; Gwendolyn and Frank, left Colo. She will be gone for several • 4th i'loor, Court Houee the pnr'value of ?100.00 per share,aud XOTICE OF CHATTEL MOBIOAG0 SALE of all of said stock shall be fully paid up nndTuesday on a motor trip; to New weeks. NOTICE is heirebr given, that by virtue non-assessable.. Said stock may be issued York and other ,eastern points/ They Mr. and Mrs. Sam Soref and family of a certain chattel mortgage, Uttteii the for- cash, real estate, jrersonnl property or 12th day o£ June.. 102», and-tlutyflleU'for personal services.. The corporation shall will, be gone, for about fpiir weeks. : have .motored to New York where record In the Ofllc'e of the County ClerS ot commence doing business upon the fliing they will.make their home and estabDouglas County, Nebraska, and executed of- Its' articles with the County, Clerk ot by A. P. Miller to E. JJ.Smith, and U. 1'. Douglas,County, Nebrnsk'a, and shall "coiv- . Mrs. J. A. Gross has as her guest lish their business. tinlie for a period of nfty years from said Bonus,-•which said chattel" mortgage- was executed to secure the payment; of JoOO.00, date. <Fhe highest amount of indebtedness Mrs. Pen Tatle of AUentoYm,, Pa., ou jill of which't&erfe is a balancevof $500.00 shall not exceed i!/3 of its capital stock formerly -of Oniah'a. Mrp. Gross and nnd costs of sale due and unpaid, and, '.de- but this restriction, shall" not apply to infault havirig been miido in the payment of debtedness secured by mortgages' or liens her daughter recently retyrnedfroni said sum and no suit Or other proceedings' upon; any of - the corporate .property. The a four-weeks jvisit witli 4JTS. Tatle at - law: having been" Instituted to' recover affairs of this corporation shall ut> managed said debt or any part thereof, we will sell by a. Board of Directors consisting of notin.her eastern homer Mrff. Tatle will] the property described.la. the?»ald- Chattel less than two memliers. The annual meetjnortgage, to-wlt:.1' One" Chevrolet Landau jtig of the. corporation shall be held on 1.the remain here for several "weeks. j Automobile. License- Numberl-Si^OO,' Motor first week day of Jauuary of each yenr at Number 275476!),- at 'public * auction at thowhich meeting, the stockholders shall elect Capitol Garage, -.202 North; 10th Street, a Board of Directors and thereupon the Mrs. H. ,R.. Milder and sonj Edwin Omaha, Nebraska, at 1.1:0ft o'clock -A. :$£., Board shall elect a 1'resident, a Secret nry I'riaay, on the 10th day of ^AuffustMOaSj and a. Treasurer; Any two of said offices Esar, left last week for a i^vp weeks lor the purpose of foreclosing, said- mort- may be held by "one and the same person. vacation in Excelsjor Springs, Mo> gage and satisfying said indebtedness and These-.-articles may be amended at any cost of. sale. - - ' ' regular or special meeting of the stockholders by a 2/3 vote of the outstanding Miss Pansy Brown entertained a t a stock:. • July. 20—3T , « . ¥ . BONUS bridge party Tuesday at her- home in In witness whereof' the parties hereto honor of.her guests, Esther Elman of i MONSKI, KATTLBMAN &, GBQDINSKX have hereunto- subscribed their names this •;." :• " • A t t o r n e y s •• •• • 23rd day of July, 1028. " . Des Moines and Soph Bexnick of j X L . STEBNt ••75» Omaha Nat'rBanfcBIdg:. jr. L. STEBN; •' Sioux .City. In the presence of SAM BEBEB. The guests for the- Tuesday party] In the matter Of tho'•estate-, o t ISRAEL July 27—4T. DAVID GEBBEB alsc»'i£nown as JACOB were as follows: Hermine Green, GEBBBK or. J.GEKBBU, deceaBed. • When shopping/ mention "The Freda Bolker, Rose Brick, Jeanette NOTICE is hereby glyea:. That the creditors of said" deceased will meet the •Levinson, Lillian Freeman, Merriam - ' .. : administrator, with will annexed of ..said Jewish Press." estate, before me, County Judge ol.Douglas County, Nebraska, at the: County Court Itoom, in said County, on- the; 10th. day of September, 1028* nnd on the ,10th day; of ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. November, 1928,- at 9 ,o'clodtiA; M., each 415 Bntndeh Theater Bide.—JA. 4811 «lay, for the- purpose of. presenting their claims,for examination, a.dJustineqt,and alAUDITS SXSTEMS lowance. . TKree'inonths-are allowed for thff INCOME TAX creditors' to present their claims, from the 10th day of August.^1028.-. .;••• BBYCE CBAWFOBD, f BotlcrNut H July 2(Kr«r / ''.. • ,.., _ County Judge, MILTON B. AUBAHAM8. •"


1 SEVENTH GRADE PUPIL ! Warsaw.—(J. T." A.)—Dr. Meir Balaban, well-known Polish Jewish MEBITS HIGH RANKING scholar, was appointed by the Minister of Education to fill the post of inGenevieve Byrne, a seventh grade structor in the chair for Jewish hispupil at St. John's grade school, which tory and literature at the University is taught by the Sisters of Mercy, was of Warsaw. given the highest grade in an intelligence test conducted by Professor Leo Kennedy of the education department The utmost in of the Creighton University summer Photographs school Monday. The intelligence test was a part of DAVIS LAKE STUDIO the course for teachers taught by Mr. 2506 No. 24th—WE. 6311 Kennedy in the summer school and those enrolled in the course, many of whom, are • experienced teachers, corPleating and Buttons rected the test papers. Hemstitching Seventh and eighth grade pupils of Alterations and Dress Making Central grade school and St. John's —Call F o r Prices— parochial school took place in the test. THE MODE ;








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AT. 94X5

Paxton Billiard Parlors 1516 Farnam—JA. 9721 Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events

Wright-David Beauty Parlor* 716 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. AT. 4333 Specialists all lines Beauty • Cu&ure. Permanent Waves ami Symmetrizer Reducing Machine*




SAM BEBKR AND DAVID B. BEBEB . Attorney ; 400 Peters Trust Bldg. . In the County Court of Douglas County Nebraska. ': ' In the matter ot the estate o£ JENNIE SIMON, deceased:.



038 Securities Bldg. AT. 4451







2009 Farnam St.

Soda Water, Near Beer and Gingerale Wmister 30*3

THE WEIS FLOWER SHOP "The Best Place to Buy Your Flowers"

1808 No. 20th St.

2S03 North 24th St-—Phone W E . 3057


dpmTe Igreen]

OransePekoeTea [Black)

Good Products


Patronize Our Advertisers.

• / • > ' - » * : : »

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National Accessories, Inc.


J . RAZNICK Sheet Metal and Furnace Works


2026 Farnam JA. 4102 "Everything For The Auto"

- Auto Top and Glass Service - r.OUX



Your, ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish home in Omaha

PEERLESS CLEANERS j 4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 Th« House With a Reputation

» ; ' "Wiiethep the investor has $1.00 of $5-(KK^0a in ] '.;.'v--|b9-.'aBisociation,;.ais investment is ahyays wortli :jjust that much, nothing less, nothing more. ";'When an investor wants his money he goes l™i-through the? technical procedure of selling, his ^ i s t o c k back to the association. He files notice ^bfehis desire to. withdraw his money, which is ;,; ^teehiiically a desire, to sell Ms stocky and, he re- ? : : J cejves his money, in 30 days. He receives fOE: this stock exactly what he paid into the assodav;^tion,-nothing less, nothing more. ;; : Always a t par! . And 'without cominissioni:2-^'iny of the associations,.merely as a courtesy;: ^, pay back small amounts, up to $100.00 without ^requiring the stockholder,to wait for 30 day3 r.i(Trhiph is a suggestion set forth in the'state : ; , : ; : l a w ) . . .


'_• . . • ' : .


' '-• •'•• •'

- , " : . ' - i s : ^



W-Every^ other general security, even to,;^hec -highest grade government bonds, alwaysfesaK ""^"7-spe'culativa character. : •;

BUILDING 6-LOAN ^ f ASSOCIATION ASSETS - OVER § i q , O O O , OOO Officers and Directors Occidental BuiUlins & i<oan Aasociationj Kirk Gripg-s, I. \V. Cnrpcntor. Ford. Hpvoy. X E. Davidson, W. II. JIcFailaiid, Geo. T. Morton, J. T. Brow-nice.

.Ofiicex lSth and Harney — South Omaha: 2314 L St.

T i l N o r t h 16th


Down and Wool Comforters, Bath Robing or Anything You Wish Quilted. AT 6855. Note location, 1805 Dodgf SUSS HA It A, l>r«p.

A T . 28SS



Walter C. ftoessfg & Co. AWNINGS! and CANVAS SPECIALTIES





We Specialize in the Management of Property,Giving Special Attention to




J A . 3C8Z

409 Hospe Bldg. JAckson 1614


Estimates Gladly Furnished





1311 S o . 24tH—\VK. eiSM

Serve Himelblbom's ne-w Rushian pirmpemickle bread with your next meaL

' '..'•• , - . • : • • ' • ' . ' v ' " , ~ - ' • • • - : r ' ' -

ofr a'penny above.

• • ' - I. SWARTZ ^ Installation and repairing of Tin Work—Furnaces—Skylights— Ventilating—Gutters and Spouting.





TIXWORK, GfTTEKJS and SPOUTING Reasonable Prices 152« K«rth Z4tb WE. 6S6S

Awnings and Tents


* ^Th!s:5tock is always- at par. Not i^pimnybeiovr:-

504 So. 13th



JiThestoek of'theOccidental Building and Loan. ^^Association,' and of all .'other' building and loan. :'^associations in. Nebraska, has absolutely no. ^speculative value, .".':'. r • > : : ; - ; l : ' r ^;*. It




THEORY which" is universally, acceptedfaai1;; ^agreed t o : As the character "of an Investment'* improves, its speculative value decreases. ./••'••


Auto Tops^*Accessories

?908 r « r n « r o 3

109-11 North 18th

AT. 5757


' All persons interested ;1n said matter are hereby notified.' that on the ^lSth day of July. 1928, Jake Simon," flled-.a petition iu said County Court, praying .that the court enter a decree finding the heirs of the deceased, that a Bearing •will-be had.on said petition before-said Court.on the 2nd day of Angnst. 102JB, and tHat i r you fall to appear liefore "said Court, on the> snid 2n«J day of August,^0'£i. at 0 o'clock. A..Ms,: oni\ contest s.-iid petition, the Court Jnay^ijrnnt fheprnyer of snid petition, ente^' a~"flecree of lK'lrshiij, anQ make such, other nrid furtKer ordered allowances nnd-aecrees,' aB. to this Court may geem proper.' " "*. ' BRYCE CBAWFOBD, Jnly 20—2T .. . • ' . . . 'County Judge

•.•ii'i^./i;- -•-




Barber Shops BEARD'S BARBER SHOP • £K * Sooth 5»tb St reef Satisfij&i ^Customers Our -v- Gjrfeat*est: Desire IVi Blocks (South of 4 . C. C.

f A T t i ^ BILLIARD ' BARBERSHOP ^ ^MK^. Personal '^e'rvicfl i ' o u \VI1I Appreciate

Batteries and Garages HIPPLE'S SERVICE 2602 S t Mary's f Battery and Tire Service .Road Service AT. 5454

Service Our Motto General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing DAVENPORT GARAGE

Wholesale and Retail Lowest Prices in the City EXPERT FUR REPAIRING AND REMODELING FUR STORAGE Floor Securities Bldg. JA 1132

Apartment and Business Properties HEYN-KENNEDY CO. REALTORS 416 Medical Arts BWff.

16th a n d T'urmini S t s .


Rug Cleaners


S1XCG 1ST« All Family Services, from Wrt Wash to Family Finldh

JA. 0243

11th and Donrlns Sts.


Laying, Sizing, Fringing, Binding

MIS Military Ave.

\VA. «m

Fresh Corn Beef cooked daily. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meals. Home made pickles, AH kinds of Bakery Goods, Picnic Lunches. WE. 1428 1513 North 24th St.

NOTICE We nre offering 30 Per cent discount on all ronph tiry Imndlcs picked np Fridaj' tor Ttiesdny delivery.



Under Mriiinsomont of 11. Mnrcim

Drug Stores


Sign s

OMAHA BEDDING CO. Mattresses and Pillows Made ; Over in New Ticks 1917 Cumin g AT. 5983


LUSTGARTEN NO. 4 11K23 Claris -.St.—WK.0UO

Carefijl Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality

SAVAGfi-GASKILL DRUG' CO. 30 Years Str\1c<> with Sherman & McConnell D m g ; Co. 1518 F a r n a m S t . AT. H 3 t

\V. II. O S T K N B E K U , l'res. Pnrnnm ATlrentic 3815

IIAUUX KKA.VTZ. Prop. Mattrenscn niude over i n now ticks at hftH prlee o t npw beds, t a l l o w * r c n oraf^d and miiiir

^p^oof tlcWinK.

up in oew

Cnming St.

Piano Teacher





(32 Years Experience)

Studio Will Be Open AH Summer


JA. 1440


.JA. 2407


We Specialize in Sample Dye~ inff, Rug Cleaning, Overstuffed Suites Cleaned, Steamed and Demothed. 1917-19 Clark St. WE. 1119

1941 Vinton St.



For Service -Call

Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted Suit* 5, Wead Bldg. 18tb & Farnam Telephone ATlantic 8162

Tire THE MILLER TIRE SERVICE COMPANY "That (Jfffe I'.stra Scrvitv" S i l l e r Gpuri'rt-io-thc Uoml Tlre»



r b o n r .JA. U<

NATIONAL TIRE SHOP AND BATTERY STATION Cor. 17tli titul Capitol Avt>.~-AT. W£i fiO«»VJ5.1B SKHV1CE STATION fires, Tubes. Accessories, Koncl Service VulcniiSzing nnd tSencml Hepniriilg

isrb « n d K.tvfniiort _ __ _ J . I . 3X73


Beauty Parlors


Medical Arts Beauty Parlor



605 Electric Bltig.—JA. 1045 ~-All Kinds of Electric Wiring—

Beauty Specialists AH Types of Beauty Work Expert Haircutter

Expert Permanent Wavers 330* Sledlca) A r U B i d s -

J A . «W74

GAMBLE ELECTRIC CO. Electrical Contracting : and Repairing 1104 STO. 54th S t .

KE. 3424

When You Need a Plumber,Call JOE BERNSTEIN PLUMBING CO. 609 North 16th JA- 1913

E. L. RODWELL ' PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR Quality 18 Kenwmbfmi Uong After tfce I'rice Is Forgotten

2868 Farnara S t .

ATlantir l »

Towel Supply, F R O N T I E R TOWEL & LINEN SUPPLY AT. 6291 J. M. J UN SEN





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