Interesting - *' and - Entertaining
Ofinierist to Jews • ""
Entered as second-class mail nuT> -4r*t January 27, 1921. at oocloffice ot Omaha. Nebraska, un* ^iSX Act of March 3. 1870.
Jew Made Honorary Winnebago Chieftain
VOL. VII.~No.29
The Doom of AVanishing People
Pastor Risks Life To Save Drowning Jew
Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.—(J. T. A.) Klausenburg, Roumania.—(J. T. A.) V**? Solomon Levitan, State Treasurer A German Protestant pastor saved of Wisconsin, became the first Jewish Palestinian Tourist Tells of Sights Seen Among Samaritans; Relates Tale of a Jew from drowning in the river, is Winnebago chief in history at a tribal an incident which has attracted wide Marriage of Chalutzah to Samaritan; Describes ceremony here. attention throughout Transylvania. The pastor, Tlieodor Hermann, Youth Appointed by Senator Joint Palestine Survey Commis- Mr. Levitan's new name is Tchayv Sacrifice of Pascal Lamb Howell After Successful * Ska-Kah, which, translated into Engjumped into the water when he noticed sion Program Adopted With Tests lish, means White Deer. About 300 that a Jewish horse driver, Goldstein, Few Changes Indians attended the ceremony. was drowning. Goldstein was saved Mr. Levitan wore; the magnificent SAMARITANS BELIEVE SELVES MORE JEWISH THAN JEWS by the pastor, but the horse was MAKES VERY HIGH MARKS WEIZMANN UPHELD headdress of Chief White Wings, to drowned. The pastor made a collecAnnouncement was made this week .whom at the conclusion of the ceretion among' his Christian friends and 'By M. UNGER .siers of five and six years, partake Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The Jewish mony he expressed gratitude for the Rending as it is to watch tile dy-j by United States Senator R. B. Howing gasps of a doomed man, it is ten I , -'•-•'.'•', , . lin the holy ceremony. Each child raised the sum necessary to replace ell of Nebraska of the appointment movement for the upbuilding of Pal- honor bestowed on him. the lost horse to the poor Jewish thousand times more torturesome to thread his xog, and knelt ^ Player, j ^ ^ ^ a ^ xa/m of estine as a Jewish National Home, of Earl Lapidus, son of Mr. and S m e forty Sjparitns con Some Samaritns were thus condriver. blazing alonto the look upon the death struggle of a gregated- when the, arrival of the -which, has assumed considerable signiMrs. Harry H. Lapidus of Omaha, to whole people. The last moments of High Priest gave the signal for the tar. The flames lit up an expanse ficance as practical upbuilding work the United States Naval Academy at of pellucid, blue sky so that in the a man's life are filled with pain,' but congregational praying. after the issuance of the Balfour DeAnnapolis, Maryland. distance it seemed to be awaiting it is nothing compared with the pain claration and the formation of the Palof the passing of, a whole people All knelt, and stretch out jtheir the daughter of Jeptha - or another estine Mandate by the League of Nawhich sees other folk growing and hands in spme Egyptian form of wor- human sacrifice. . lions following the dose of the World developing at the very moment when ship. Their chanting is almost iden- When the first half of the ceremoWar, has turned a corner on the road tical with that of the Arabs. Toe to enlisting the cooperation of all Potatoes Found to Be Better it passes into history as one of the young Samaritans are grouped around ny was completed, the tourists scattered to seek acquaintances among Culture Mediums Than vanished Traces.^ Jews, Zionists and non-Zionists, in the the altar, casting in young twigs, the Samaritans. The second half Physical and Spiritual RegeneraGuinea Pigs effort to rebuild the country of JewOne gets this impression in look- coaxing the fire to a brilliant blaze of the Seder did not begin until tion Enabled By Life On ries' origin. ing back upon the history of the so the cauldrons, of water may boil twelve o'clock, in order to give the NEW METHOD ECONOMICAL Farms It is in this light that Zionists and Samaritans of Shechem, to whose ex- more quickly. The lambs are led in. j lambs time to roast well. I too, went Denver, Colo.—The Denver Post re- istence only one hundred and seventy - non-Zionists in Europe view the deThe Head Shochet examines them all, to find some Samaritan acquaintan- ANTI-SEMITISM REDUCED cision adopted by the General Council cently published the following account survivors now bear witness.' It was to make sure they: are perfect, and ces from Jaffe. of the Zionist World Organization to of a new method of detecting tuber- perhaps a "historic oversight" that indeed, two are ruled out, so that Tribute to American Jews for the accept the recommendations - of the culosis, which has been evolved by the Titus failed to send them into exile only seven are deemed worthy of the They are seven brothers, sons of part played by them in the rebuildJoint Palestine Survey Commission in Kesearch Department of the National together with the Jews (although Pascal sacrifice. . ,The area around the Samaritan scribe, who inscribes ing of the physical as well as the which American, British and German Jewish Hospital at Denver. The story they suffered amply at the hands of the altar is carpeted with green books and Torahs. The father is a economic life of Russian Jews, was herewith .reprinted by special per- Vespesian;)- Perhaps, had they been canaille, who truly hates Jews and non-Zionists and Zionists cooperated is grass. The little lambs are unmind- particularly religious Jews. But he paid by the People's Commissar of mission. for the formulation of the five-year scattered across the seas and in all ful of what is about to transpire. lives in peace with the Chalutzim Health, M. Semasko, in an interview Guinea pigs will give way to potaprogram of Palestine work with a transmitted by Miss Betsy Ross, be a They rush to nibble at the grass, lands, they too, today would minimum budget of one million pounds toes as a medium for the diagnosis of world people. For unknown reasons spring back frightened by the blaz- who are not very religious, he has American journalist, to the national sterling annually. The recommenda- tubercolosis as a result of a new meth-^ however, they remained in Palestine, ing fire, nestle close to the High been told. Evidently he considered headquarters of the United Jewish tions "which were drafted with a view od of detecting bacilli recently perfect- ltd see their numbers gradually Priest who is praying with such the writer too, to be a Chalutz and Campaign and released by Mr. David of serving "as a guidance for the en- ed by the laboratory of the National dwindling over a period of two thou- deep reverence. They know him well. received him in friendly fashion. Nev- A. Brown, the National Chairman, larged Jewish Agency" were the Jewish Hospital here. The new meth- sand years, until they are today a Has he not himself tended them for ertheless he delights in discussions on reads as follows: "Jewish colonizacenter of stormy discussions during od was outlined and announced as ef- folk of one hundred and seventy- a full half year on the mountain religious topics, loves to point out tion in Russia is stamping out the the sessions of the Zionist -General fective in a paper read before the representatives. They live in the sides of the Samaritans' habitat? But to me how we have been led astray nervous and other diseases that were Earl Council which lasted here all week. American Medical Association at its Arab city Shechem, and are heard now he has no time for them. He by the Jewish Kings and Prophets, chronic among Jews and is infusing recent meeting in Minneapolis by Dr. and how we have departed from the The acceptance or the rejection of H. In making the announcement, SenaJ. Corper, Director of Kesearch at of but once a year, Passover Eve, must be done with his praying first. true Jewish essence. To Mm the new blood into the settlers which these recommendations was considered the Hospital laboratory. tor Hewell expressed his pleasure ™ will undoubtedly affect the Jews as when they offer up the Pascal lamb Gradually the sun dissolves into! story of King Solomon and his thouas essential in the decision as to making the appointment because of a nation. Centuries of .miserable flame between the mountain peaks, sand wives is as fresh as if it ocThe new use of potatoes as a culture as a sacrifice. whether the enlarged Jewish Agency, the splendid showing- that Earl Lapiexistence in overcrowded ghettoes including Zionists and non-Zionists, medium for the detection of tubercu- The writer was among the hun- Immediately the lambs are caught, cured yesterday. In general, history, under fear and oppression have left dus had made in the preliminary exand contemplated in Article 4 of the losis germs will obviate to a great ex- dreds of tourists and visitors who led to the altar, and one by one for the Samaritans, has not advanced. their traces in the physical and aminations required before acceptance Palestine Mandate, is to be consum- tent the using of guinea pigs, rabbits, attended the cermony. The sun had offered as a sacrifice, to the accom- The" personages of the Bible are so psychic-make-up of the Russian Jews. for the. Naval Academy. The first mated in accordance with an agree- dogs or other live animals in this already set when, after a two-hour paniment of exotic, frenzied' shout- vivid and alive to the Samaritans Now for the first time in their his- of these, examinations was a competi••••- \ > -.- climb, -we reached fhe^top; _of Mount ing that . the -higiiest~psaks-| that'they "could'"moIS you 8" like-" tory the Russian Jews are sapping tive one taken br » ]nrge group '>•' meirfc* concluded between Dr. "<2iaim-j phase of research work,Two methods of detecting the presGefizim where their Temples were of ecstasy and continues for a long ness. This is, particularly true of Weizmann, • president of the World ence of tubercle Tjadlli have been used set up. In "a few moments all astime. After that the praying begins Pinchas, the son of Eliezer, who was physical "strength from the soil," sun-i young men in the state. The « Zionist Organization, and Mr. Louis by scientists, Dr. Corper points out. light and fresh air and we now see | tremely satisfactory marks made Marshall, president of the American One consisted in the use of a stain sembled in one spot facing the East. anew. The faces of the young chil- the son of Aaron the High Priest, or the vital human forces within them this text rendered the young' pchol»v Jewish Committee, representing Amer- smear, which employs the microscopic From the Temples issued forth Sa- dren are smeared with the blood of Joseph, or the other sons of Jacob. renewed and regenerated. The trans- elegible for an appointment should 1'f maritans, tall and slender, prayer the lambs. When night decends, the His effection for the Chalutzim formation is amazing. Happiness and pass the entrance examination n* ican non-Zionists. examination of the sputum of a tuber- rugs slung over their arms. Each lambs are ready for roasting. Young(Continued on page 2) The recommendations formulated at culous suspect. The second was the freedom are erasing the lines of quired at the Annapolis i the recent London conference by Felix injection of tuberculosis germs into suffering from the faces of the aged Here again he came through wiU;i JEWISH SERVICES ARE M. "Warburg and Dr. Lee K. Frankel the bodies of guinea pigs. The formcolonists who find themselves on the flying colors, wiping away the I«; representing the non-Zionists in the er method has been found to be crude HELD ON OCEAN LINER soil after a lifetime of weary buffet- barriers standing- between him »J«i United States; Lord Melchett (Sir Al- and inaccurate and productive of reing about. The new generation that the desired selection as a member '>.' Services were held on board the fred Mond) of London and Oscar Was- sults only when many thousands of moulds itself in the Jewish colonies the Naval Academy. S. S. Berengaria recently by Rabbi sermann, director of the Deutsche bacilli are present in every cubic centiwill suffer no more from rheumatism, Two physical examinations, one *>. Edward Calish, of Richmond, Va. In Bank of Berlin, with suggestions for meter of tuberculous fluid. the Great Lakes Naval. Training report sent by Rabbi Calish to Resolution of Lack of Confidence tuberculosis and other diseases caused School at Chicago, and a final insp?>slight, modifications, were accepted by Commander of Russian Ship by ghetto life. The guinea pig has long been used the Zionist General Council by a maThat Saved Italia Crew Mem- the Department of Synagogue and In Harry Sacher Is Cause Another interview by Miss Eoss tion at Annapolis, were also pn.=s?<' as a medium for the detection of tuSchool Extension of the Union of jority of 41 against 4 votes. bers Sends Message of Crisis with a prominent Soviet official re- without difficulty. bercle bacilli, because of the extraordAmerican Hebrew Congregations he The climax came late'Friday after- inary sensitivity of the animal to this Earl Lapidus was officially states that there were 100 present FEW OPPOSE DRAFT MOVE veals another phase of the aid given into the Naval Academy on Tuesday. noon following a prolonged dead-lock germ. Now, however, it has "been IS NOTED SCIENTIST Russian Jews by their American coat the services, and that pamphlets during which the resignation of the definitely proved that the use of a After four years of training hfirf*. Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The resignation religionists. Weizmann Executive was ctnsidered slice of ordinary potato in a culture The first personal message to come prepared by the Department were he will receive an officer's comniUvThe American Jews leading the . as imminent. At the plenary session tube, when properly treated, will dis- from the Russian icebreaker "Kras- distributed among the congregants. of the Weizmann Executive and the agricultural colonization movement, sion in the United Statse Navy. Diirof the General Council which, was en- play a sensitivity just as great as, and bin." which rescued the Arctic ex- Rabbi Calish is planning to con- almost unanimous decision to draft in Russia are helping to stamp out ing the period of intensive trainiri};. grossed in discussion of organization sometimes greater than the animaL plorer Nobile and the members of the duct services also on board the S. S. him were the two dramatic events anti-Semitism in that country, ac- young Lapidus expects to specials?-*Leviathan on his return to America. which occurred during the week-end questions, the Political Commission apin engineering as much ns possible. The new method, devised in the re- ill-fated dirigible "Italia", was radioat the sessions of the General Council cording to Peter Smidovitch, Vicepeared in the hall declaring that it is search laboratory of the National Jew- graphed directly from the Arctic The future naval officer? successful of the World Zionist Organization, fol- President of the Soviet Union. • ready to report the resolution ou the ish Hospital by Dr. Corper and Dr. relief ship to the Publishers of The attempt to enter the Naval Acadpmy "American Jewish contributions io-wing the adoption by the Council of Jewish Agency. Forty-eight mem- Nao Uyei, research chemist, has the American Hebrew Magazine in. New came as a pleasant announcement to its resolution; concerning the report of help the government to keep the his many friends but did not surbers of the Council were in attend- added advantage of practicability. York on July 26. It came from peace, for then the peasants do not the Jewish Agency Commission. ance. Kurt Blumenfeld of Berlin, The use of guinea pigs has been both Professor Rudolph Samoilovich, the prise them because they were German Zionist leader, read the text inconvenient and expensive. The cost Jewish mining engineer and explorer, For almost twenty-four hours the accuse the Soviet Government of of the '-excellent quality of: his At the Hadassah picnic, which takes granting special privileges to the of the resolution. Minority reports of buying, housing, feeding and caring who is in command of the "Krassin" place at Elmwood Park on Wednesday, Zionist movement was without an ExJews. The tremendous energy and at Omaha Central High School •were also submitted. ecutive and the leaders of the various for the guinea pigs is now eliminated. rescuers. August 8, for the benefit of the enthusiasm of the Jews is overcom- where he . graduated, and his "fiu A resolution expressing lack of conIt is pointed out by Dr. Corper that Bernard Edelhertz, Publisher of Emergency Fund, especial attention factions, assembled at the Berlin meet- ing all hardships. They are being at the University of-Nebraska fidence in the Weizmann Executive an ordinary "potato will furnish enough The American Hebrew Magazine, will be given to the children. Games, ing of the General Council, feverishly handicapped only by the lack of he attended last year. and asking the General Council to re-1 material for a dozen culture tubes, and wirelessed Dr. Samoilovich as foll- races and other features •will predom- sought a solution to the latest crisis means. Financial help from America ject the recommendations of the Joint is equivalent to the use of twenty ows: "The American Hebrew is deep- inate and prizes given to each winning which had resulted in the self-elimina- secures the success of the colonies Camp Morris I^evy tion of Dr. Weizmann from the leaderPalestine Survey Commission, intro- guinea pigs. Considering the cost of ly moved by, and hereby hails -the child. and helps the government to solve duced by Deputy Isaac Gruenbaum of upkeep of the animals, the new potato relief exploits of the "Krassin" as Races and prizes are scheduled for ship. Close On August 6 Warsaw and Dr. Soloveitschik in be- method is about 150 times as econom- a supremely inspiring act of that the ladies also. Ice cream will be dis- At two o'clock Monday morning the the difficulties among the nationalities. Jewish colonization is destrovhalf of the radical Zionists, was de- ical as the guinea pig method. : good-will among peoples which this tributed free, and as an appropriate matter appeared to be settled by an ing the artificial differences between T h e b o v s a t G a m P M o v T i s T ' r v ' feated by an overwhelming majority. The perfection of the new method magazine has espoused editorially accompaniment, delicious home made almost unanimous vote of the General the nationalities and maldng pog- \&re f a c i n £ t h e ! r l a s t w e e k a t The representatives of the labor party came after three years of effort at the cake, provided by the committee, will Council to request the entire-Zionist roms a memory of a discarded s u m m e r vacation place. The « Poale Zion abstained from voting," laboratory of the Hospital. During since the War." be on sale. Executive, including Harry Sacher, regime" On Thursday morning, Mr. Edelf ^ ^ close Monday, August, 6. This resolution received only the four that time thousands of experiments The committee in charge are plan- British attorney who is a member of hertz received the following reply Reports from the large crowd votes of the two radical Zionists and were made in an effort to improve the ning' a good time for everyone and the Jerusalem Executive and around Sunday %-isitors show that the from Samoilovich on the "Krassin" two Zionist Bevisionists. Stain method, to test the efficiency of want each member to feel that for the whom the crisis centered, to remain in FORMER OMAHAN ACTIVE work and enthusiasm with whi.-l: which is lying at Svalbard: "I am the guinea pig method, and finally to donation of one dollar, that each is office. IN DES MOINES I. O. B. R the Camp started still prevail. assure the most perfect technic for tEe happy to receive your kind gratula- expected to give toward the Emerg1 The combined forces of the LaborJEWS BID'ADIEU new method. The potato method, tion. The work of Krassin is a ency Fund, both pleasure and priv- ites and the Orthodox Zionists, 22 Joseph A. Blum, former Omahan, Of those . boys who have or a ", attending the Camp, those intemtint. TO LORD PLUMER which is expected to prove revolution- human duty." 7 ileges will be derived. strong, were unable to form an Execu- is one of the \ ery active members to complete a full four vceek. gtv. Samoilovich was one of the few ary, has the further advantage of proThe following committee will be on of the Des Moines Lodge of the Jerusalem (J. T. A.) — Farewell ducing results in the smallest possible Jews who, nnder the Czaristic hand to greet the picnicers: Mrs. A. tive of their own, although they were I. O. B. B. He has been three times are Max Garelick, Adolph offered the opportunity to do so. VariLouis Kulburg, arid Harry wishes of the Jewish population of time, thus making the treatment more regime, received an education in the Romm, Mrs. O. C. Goldner, Mrs. Harry president of that organization, a Gymnasia and the University of St. Trustin, Mrs. Robert Bleicher, Mrs. J. ous lists of a proposed Executive for trustee for the Leo N. Levi Memorial The rest of the boys signed up fn'Palestine were expressed "to Lord certain and effective. London and Jerusalem were under conPlumer, retiring High Commissioner The evolving of the new process of! Petersburg. He was one of the stu- B. Robinson, Mrs. E. Weinberg, Mrs. sideration, but the leaders of ^he op- Hospital, and has for many years shorter terms, something that mosi by a delegation consisting of Colonel detection is merely one step in the dent rebels who fought - against Max Goldberg, Mrs. Julius Stein, Mrs. positional factions finally declared represented his organization as & of them are sorely regretting, Collman Yudelson won the lovinjr Frederick H. Kish, Eabbis A. J. Kook progress toward the ultimate 'goal of Czaristic tyranny. In 1908 he was Max Lerner, Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz, and that "Because of lack of time" they J delegate at the District Grand Lodge cup last week for being the hi*s< and Jacob Meif, David Yellin and the National Jewish Hospital Research j arrested as a revolutionary and Mrs. J. J. Friedman. were unable to assume the responsi- conventions. all-round camper, Max Garelick u-nd Dr. J. Thon. Department, the finding of a cure for: banished to Archangel. From there Sandwiches, pop, and watermelon bility for the conduct of Zionist affairs Mr. Blum was reared in Nebraska Ernie Ross each won a sweat, shir; he was sent to Piniege, a. remote will also be on sale. The delegation presented the re- tuberculosis. by the formations of their own Execu- City and lived for several years in on being voted the most popular anf.. The Research Department of-the! section of northern Russia, where he tiring High Commissioner with an Mrs. J. J. Friedman is chairman and tive." Omaha. He was vice-president of the best athlete respectively. A fc-^rr album of Palestine pictures, wishing Hospital has, in the eight years it has j devoted his mathematical bent to the Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz is treasurer of the the Nebraska I. O. B. B. twenty- shirt was the prize won by ]W«* him bon voyage in behalf of the /been in operation, come to be known, j pursuit of metallurgy, mining and Emergency Fund. five years ago. Marcus for being- the most <-ourt»«»s Zionist .Executive,', the Palestine Rab- in the world of science, as one of the j polar discoveries. After the revoluDuring the six months ending in Sam Kovitz was designated as <hthe Vaad Leumi, the Na- foremost laboratories of its kind tion in 1917 he returned to Bussia, Jerusalem.—(J. A.)—The de- April of this year, the Central Library o n e havin 5 Odessa.—(J. T. A.)—Yiddish as a i S t h e b e s t P u l q u e of Urf the world. It is the only such departr connected with the Vaad Hatarbuth. tional Council of Palestine Jews. but instead of devoting himself to mand for creating in Palestine a repLord Plumer expressed his satis- ment to be maintained by a private the new politics created by the re- resentative government, calling into (Cultural Department of the Pales- language to be used by the Soviets in j week's campers. faction with his three years of work agency anywhere. " The Hospital it- volution, he buckled down to the existence a Palestine parliament, may tine Federation o f Labor) received the Odessa district was added by a Li Palestine ?j?d his joy at the fact self is the oldest national free tuber- constructive work of rebuilding have the support of various Arab over 1900 'Volumes,. about half of resolution adopted i?y -the 'Central Ex- It's useless to advise people to accept old age gracefully. -were collected in various places. ecutive Committee that peace prevails in the country,- J culosis hospital in the United States. Bussia through science. leaders.
FAGiE-2^-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8,1»28 Samaritan. She did not know what THE DOOM OF A to do, how to break the news to her family. this time, love had VANISB1NG PEOPLE blossomed But between them, and to-
of the Samaritans by one. Let other still threw off sparks. Nevertheless, Chalutzah follow my example, and the fire must die out. the Samaritan people will grow." (Copyright 1928 Jewish Telegraph In the midst of pur conversation Agency, Inc.) - -"PublisKted every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by (Continued from Page 1 ) gether they went to seek the paren- we were interrupted by a call to the -— 4HE- JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY tal . blessing. At first her father Pascal sacrifice. Upon leaving her Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 arises from t h e fact that they no would not hear of such an, alliance. dwelling I was reminded of a legend longer believe in the old traditions. DAVID BLACKER, BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR Later, finding that the affair had related in the Midrash. The legend He favors the marriage of his sons IRVING PERLMETER - - - "•- - - - ~ EDITOR •; with the Chalutzah. Indeed he boasts progressed too far for his interven- has it that God's crown is set with -..$260 Subscription Price, one year In order to increase Pittsburgh's that t w o of his sons have already tion, he acquiesced, believing that in various precious stones; that each Advertising rates furnished on application time he could convert his son-in-law stone represents a different people, contribution to the constructive updone just that. CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be The old scribe led m e into another into a complete Jew. Having won radiating multi-colored rays. And building of Palestine, t h e Pittsburgh ' " sure to give your name. • -.- .'. dwelling where h i s married son lived. over her family, they sought the when, a people vanishes, the stone Zionist District has decided to estabThere falls out of God's crown, and God lish a colony in Palestine to be I did not find his wife a t home, for approval of his father. however, they found a very difficult weepa because the glory of his crown known a s "Nachlath Pittsburgh". For the reason that-r-as the son exnla^ned this purpose no less than $50,000 will —she w a s "outside t h e camp," and task. The father made a single is dimmed. Perhaps, I told myself, Bhe has be given t o t h e Jewish National immediately quoted t h e Biblical pas- condition—that. she be converted— sage which describes how a m a nbecome a member of the Samaritan helped to give a firmer setting to Fund, the land?buying agency which The recent election'of Lord Melchett to the presidency of the should conduct himself with his wife faith. She found it very difficult to the Jewel that is on the verge pf secures the soil of Palestine as the English Zionist Organization marks the climax in one of .the most at certain periods of the month. H e take this step, and the engagement falling frpm God's crown, by em- inalienable property of t h e Jewish colorful careers in the history of English Jewry. This distinction showed me, with pride, his three was on the verge of being broken up. bracing the Samaritan faith. people. This announcement w a s made uoming so close upon his elevation to the peerage, causes him tochildren, and i s overjoyed that t w o During that period,, however, she be- Perhaps, through her, the Samari- bjr Isaac H . Rubin, secretary of the become one of the most impotrant Jews in England. are girls. F o r among t h e Samari- came acquainted with the articles tan people, already dying out, will Jewish National Fund, a s t h e result The color that surrounds the events of his career naturally tns, the majority of children born are of the Samaritan faith. His father have a longer lease of life. Anpther of action taken by t h e Pittsburgh attract considerable attention to him. However, to the Jews of the boys. I wanted .to p a y a. visit, t o Ins related to her the history of the being has been added to the Samari- Zionist District. world, another phase of his life draws more interest. That phase wife. The old man would not per-Samaritans, compared it with Jewish tan ranks. The Pittsburgh Zionists, i n adoptis his Jewishness. In his early years, Lord Melchett seems to have mit it. "It i s forbidden," h e insis- history, and declared that Mount As these thoughts passed through ing the resolution authorizing t h e borne little evidence of his being a Jew. Few of his friends knew ted, and took me instead t o the home Gerizim and not Mount Moriah was my mind, the Samaritans proceeded disbursement « f . t h e money, e x the fact especially since he took to himself a Catholic wife and of his younger son, who only s i x the Holy Mountain. She decided to with their ritual, ate the roast flesh pressed t h e hope that their example allowed his children to grow up as Christians. But later, after he months before had married a Cha-become a convert. Without the knowl- of.the Pascal Jamb, and offered the would be followed by other Zionist -"'• ^ - .•- •'- '.•:< ' had won for himself the title of Sir Alfred Moritz Mond, he began lutzah. edge of her family she went through j-emngnts to the altar flame. Then districts throughout t h e country, so to take a mild interest in Jewish affairs. Then, after he had I found t h e young couple sitting the entire ceremony of conversion, we left Mount Qerisim, the altau- was that the land pf Palestine " might reaped the satisfaction found in those first Jewish contacts, his on the floor conversing. M y entrance which consisted of taking a vow of still burning. A weary flame ac- more speedily become t h e property slumbering Jewishness woke up and became a fountain of love for interrupted conversation. "Don't faith in the Mosaic code on Mount companied pur descent. The altar of, the. Jewish people. his fellow Jews. The chill of emptiness that had surrounded his mind m e . their g o right ahead,'' I Gerizim. After that she married her career despite his success, was soon dispelled with the warmth of urged. "ItJust doesn't matter. W e wer-Samaritan lover. his Jewish consciousness. But the nobleman didn't stop at a mere en't discussing anything o f import The •wedding was a very merry appreciation of his racial heritage. To him, to think was to act. tance,'' the wife answered m e in Yid- one. Her husband's people were bent He tore open his purse-strings and gave freely to Jewish causes. dish." "I w a s only describing t hpspitality. .The ceremony, so she He sacrificed his valuable time and energy to Jewish affairs.- So we celebrate fiie ' Seder' in how t h e persuaded herself, wag half Jewish, sincere were his endeavors to do his bit for Judaism that he won Ukraine." Tn reply t o rny request half Samarjtan. After the wedding the confidence of all of England's Jewry. And now he stands at their head as president of the Non-Partisan Jewish Agency Com- that s h e ' tell m e about herself, she her father discovered how completely declared: ''With pleasure, in order he had been fooled. Instead pf his mission and the English Zionist Organization. : that others m a y take example.'* This son-in-law becoming a Jew, his The satisfaction ftfund in Lord Melchett's success does not so is her story: daughter had become a Samaritan. much lie in his winning of titles, o___ces, of wealth. His dynamic Five years a g o she came t o Pales- "But after a time, he was satisfied ability is universally recognized as capable of procuring these. But tine, worked in different capacities with me," she declared with pride. the thing that shows the real greatness of the peer is the fact that building roads in- the Kvuzoth until "What good did it do him, if I was after he had practically reached the pinacle of success, and found she came t o t h e city. There she called a Jewish daughter and believed his heart crying for Judaism, he put himself to the task of making learned the Arab language, and a c -in nothing set down in the Torah. up for his years of neglect. Throwing all the vigor of his man- cidentally made t h e acquaintance ofi Today I wouldn't think of making a i hood, the wealth of his estate, and the vision of his great mentality the young m a n w h o w a s now herfire on the Sabbath or eating food into the fight for Jewish rights, he has more than won for himself husband. A t first she thought he cooked on the Sabbath." j the title of "A Great Jew." was a Sephardic J e w . and her family "Are you content with your husThe life of Lord Melchett carries with it a great lesson. It had no objections -to her n e w acI asked. | is marked by the progress of its institeaches the great-truth that there is a Jewish consciousness within quaintance. Later, when they be- band?" ••Very much satisfied," she replied.' every Jew that invariably brings him "home" regardless of tempt- came more intimate he told h e r t h e"I am very happy with him and glad, tutions. Fpr sixty-twe years—since ation; or hardship. secret that he w a s not a'Jew, but a:too, that J have increased the numhsr July 2, 1866—THE OMAHA NA-
Pittsburgh Jews Plan Own Palestine Colony
^ '^Strictlv J '.M<xdt:
Why does Puritan sell over a million cans a month? Try Puritan Malt Extract and youil know why. Use wherever sweetening is required in the household.
Flavored with Bohemian Hops ^cpmmonecaana Distributed by
of a Community
TIONAL BANK has participated in the commercial, industrial and financial advancement of its territory. Entering its sixty-third year, this $ank offers greater facilities than eyer before for the satisfactory conduct of bysinegsr entrusted to jJL-
Urging the city qi Omaha t o build u p a reserve during periods of The dauntless spirit of tne Jew, the prosperity t o be used ^or the conspirit that has weathered ages of perr struction of public works during ireeution, is the inspiration for a beau- periods; of depression, Kirk Griggs, tiful poem written by C. N. Bialik in president of the Occidental Building Hebrew and translated into English by and Loan association, addressed memP. M. Raskin. "The Source of bers of-the Kiwanis club at the Rome strength" is its title. hotel Friday noon. "In times of t h e "ups', Omaha has : And shouldst thpu wish to know the done i t s greatest amount of munsource icipal improvemnts. In the times of From which thy tortured brethren the 'downs' w e have suffered through drew • : . , . . the lack of employment. Our governIn eyil days their strength of soul To meet their doom: stretch out ments, national, state, and municipal, so f a r a s laying up a reserve i s contheir necks cerned, live as they go. N o protectTo each uplifted knife and axe, In flames, on stakes to die with joy, ing reserve of employment is built And. with a whisper, "God is one" for use in time of need to guarantee substantial property values t o citizen To close their lips Then enter thou the House of God, home : owners and keep them so busy The House of Study, old and'gray, they do not have time t o destroy Throughout the sultry summer days, values b y unwise and unjustified r e . Throughout the gloomy winter marks, nor t o move away t o avoid their obligations." ' ,: nights, "Omaha, a s well a s the state, can " At 'morning, midday, or. at eve; • Perchance there is a remnant yet, place insurance against the 'downs' P.erchance thy eye may still behold by planning public improvements, in In some dark corner, hid from view, levying for them during the 'ups' A cast-off shadow of the past, and maintaining this reserve work The profile of some pallid face, for the 'downs' period." Upon, an ancient folio bent," "Who Weeks to drown unspoken woes Some of us can be fooled a lot easier In the Talmud's boundless waves. than we can fool others.
McCordBrady Co. Refresh Yourself DK1XK
Vinegar, Pickles, Qliyes,ir Catsup, Mustard, Etc.
The Different Gasoline
—is a high-grade knockless gasoline. —will reduce carbon-cleaning bills. • rr^oes give added mileage. —does, not cost more than ordinary gasoline. , Try * TANKPUL today. You'll lujyer be satisfied with any other gas.
In approaching our own follies most People are interested only in the nf u s find i t pasy t o adopt a broadtroubles of successful people; they find minded attitude. these stimulating whereas the troubles of failures are depressing. Patronize Our Advertisers.
TheOmaha National Bank
Omaha, Nebraska At AH tirocers Made By
Uncle Sam Breslfcst Food Co. Omaha, Nebr. at:
Cultivated Scientifically Blended in Omaha; these are $he chief reasons for the wonderful
eat Sunshine K o s h e r Crackers spread with jam, jellies and butter' • • • And they are good for them. They are crammed full of healthful energy. T aTe ?Plendid!> to u 0 ' f o r sandwiches; m-+h *ZL with soups, salads and cheese; crumbled in meat; with chopped hver and herring. Sunshine Kosher Crackers are made with a shortening of pure vegetable fat. "Koshruth" is guaranteed by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. Itr. Mashgiach is always in attendance at the bakery. Be i sure to say . . . Sunshine . . . w h e n ordering these and other kosher crackers at your grocer's.
Sole} by All Grocers It splits m two without crumbling.
Blended, Roasted, * and Packed BY \/V'as-wrapped . . always crisp I
Sunshine- Kosher Crackers LQCSE-WILES BISCUIT. CO.
The Problem of Keeping Informed
Brazil and in the Orient, and
of Adyo Coffee the delight W. ATCH with which children
Haarman Vinegar & Pickle Co.
i J ( ;
McCord-BralyQp Omaha
TEWS ABB scattered in communities in J every part of the world. Your knowledge of what takes place in remote regions is simplified by the Jewish Daily Balletin. Whether Orthodox or reformed, Zionist or anti-Zipnist, we all are agreed that a knowledge of the Jewish present is essential for people who are in • touch with Jewish affairs. Knowledge of Jew? ish history teaches that centers of Jewish life '•'•}•':.'. '"" in the past 2000 years have shifted from em: pire t o empire, from state to state with trends of mankind's history, in the pages of the Jewish Daily Bulletin cable dispatches from Buch" ' West. Warsaw, Moscow, Vienna, Buenos Aires, Johannesburg, Winnipeg, Los Angeles, Bostan r Mexico City, Shanghai, Melbourne, give the •;':.-i history of each preceding 24 hours of Jewish ; '"'•'• • activities. The only daily Jewish newspaper . published in the English language without editorials or expressions of opinion, dedicated .; solely to the bringing of facts of Jewish ac; , , tiv|tie? and leaving to the reader the formation .--•-. of opinion i s the function of the Jewish Dai'y Balletin. I you may enter my subscription for the JEWISH DAILY "I ".' BULLETIN for.......
ain enclosing check for $
12 months $1C.P 5
....months (x) fer which I
lent wages Rero©!ieg aad Complete .Reiaoddisg From Basemen! to Attic j3ur Free Estimates
M. I). M1CKL1N. 1'res
24th and liurdetie— WE. 6362
Thomsen's Tip-Top Is Red Hot the year 'round because only pure horseradish .roots and pure grain vinegar are used in its manufacture.
You will find it at your grocers even during the summer months.
f t j
Distributed by
S Thomsen* Slater i Butter Co. j ,'" 1315 Howard St.
AT. 8485 I
6 months 6.CD City...._
...313 SO. 14TM.ST. OMAHA.
Mr. and Mrs. A.- Levin have had as Miss Gertrude Tatle will return Mrs. Ben Boss and daughter, Syltheir guest their daughter" Mrs. L. home Sunday from a three months via, have returned home after spendPodrawsky and Mr. Podrawsky and stay in San Frsncjsfio and Los Aning about three weeks in Excelsior, son Chaddy of Chicago. They left geles, Calif., where she visited with Springs, Mo. Monday for a trip to Colorado Springs friends and relatives. Before reB y F . R. K. and Denver. turning home. Miss Tatle will stop Mrs. .Ben Cohen of Harlan, Iowa, off at St. "Joseph, M6v where she l^pii Order of the B'nai and Miss Dorothy Saltzman enterBave Eobinson, Harry Eobinson, and will spend- several days with her ," Lo(!ge : No. 688, will'; "phi a tained tweaty-four guests a$ the J. B. Eobinson have returned from a sister, Mrs.5 Joseph Leibowitz and ^g next Wednesday evening, Saltzman home Wednesday evening firip to South Dakota and to Sioux ME. Leibowitz. = ..:-•, in, honor of Miss Sara Fellman of t 8,~ at the Danish Hall. Pity. Oniaha, whose marriage to Harry Mrs. Joseph .Haykin accompanied Saltzman will take place soon. | Miss Mildred Pressman of New by her daughter, Bess E., are arriv- Mr, and Mrs. Louis Cherniack and daughter, Helen, left Saturday night Yorl? City is visiting her aunt and ing Monday' morning from a five ^ Council Bluffs* Chapter No. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Laytin of weeks' trip in the East. They visited for,. Los jQgeies, California, to be 7 of the A. 2L A. will hold a meetThe weddmg of Miss Ida Shafton, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.uncle, gone thg r<8inainder of the summer. inj next Wednesday evning, August Pnjaraui Shafton, and Morris Arlrin, son of Mrs. Sarah Arkin this city. Miss Pressman is here on with Mrs. Haylrin's son, David I., an extended visit. and Mrs. Haykin, at Jamaica, N. iook place .at the Blackstone Hotel last Sunday. 8th, at t i e Danish Hall. Dr. and Mrs. Isaac SternhiU, who .Rabbi Grodin^cy and Mr. L. Harris officiated at the brilliant Mr. and Mrs, Yale Dubnoff are leav- Y., and with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur have the past year in QeveLook in a man's eyes for honesty;. I affair which was attended by over two hundred friends and rela- ing for Los Angeles about August 15 Garfield, of New York • City. On land, spent Ohio, are now making their around his mouth f OT weakness; at his their way home they stopped off in tives. -"• .•where they will make their future in tize Washington Court, chin for strength; at his hands for - Cantor Kahanowitch sang several selections for the guests home. . Mrs. Dubnoff has tyro sisters Chicago, where they visited with home Apartment No. 8, in Council Bluffs. temperament; at his nails for cleanfriends for several days. $nd Mr. Harris made a speech. in Los Angeles, Mrs. Harry. Kavich liness. —• Qeorge Horace Lorimer in The. pouple left for a several weeks trip in the west im- and Mrs. Al Denels. Morris, Gotediner returned home "Old Gordon Graham." Miss Ethel Greenberg has as her mediately after the ceremony. Miss Bosaline Blumberg of Minne- house guest Miss Kuth Sherman of Monday after spending the * past When shopping mention "The Miss Sarah Fellman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Fellman, apolis, Minn., will arrive next week to Waterloo, Iowa. Miss Sherman is week visiting: friends in St. Paul, .Minneap^o1tfs,: *and^ "Duluth, Minn. Jewish Press." here for an indifinite visit. be the guest of her brother and sister4860'Cuming St., who has set Sunday, August 19, as her wedding gay to Harry Saltzman, of Harlan, Iowa, is being extensively en- in-law, Mr. and "Sirs. David P,Feder. Miss Bea Rickenbetg entertained] Mrs. Feder is-entertaining for her tertained. \ Among her first hostesses was Miss Beulah Mittleman who guest at a dancing party at the_Ath- at a dinner this Monday at the Fo entertained sixteen at bridge Sunday afternoon at her home. Mrs. letic Club Roof Garden Friday, the" tenefie Hotel in honor of Mjss Ethef S. Fellman, 3552 Gass St., was hostess to twenty-five guests at her tenth of August. Many other social Greenberg, whose engagement tq 26th and Fatnam Sithets home; Tuesday-afternoon. Mrs. Ben Cohn, of Harlan, and Miss events have been planned in honor of Morris Sogolow was announced. Miss Blumberg. Mollye Saltzman, entertained jointly at the home.of Miss Saltzman
Council Bluffs News
in Council Bluffs on Wednesday evening. Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. JL Mike, Chassoa and August;5/ Miss Bess Kirschenbaum will give a bridge party at her daughters, Iola and Roberta, former Xpme complimentary to Miss Fellman. There will be a number of residents this city, y, and now residother entertainments honoring Miss Fellman prior to her wedding ing at Garyof Indiana visjpea in Omaha Mr. and Mrs. W. Glick of "Willard, Ohio, and their son Mr. Milton Glick, ,of jdount ^enaon* New York, arrived Tuesday evening to visit their daughti l M and dM g r^Ed ^ - son-in-law, Mr. Mrs.S
Next Sunday Miss Tina Altshuler •will entertain at' a bridge party iii honor of Miss Ethel Greenberg.
Special Saje Friday
The office of the Anaerican Hebrew : x - : ; ^ ^ '•'•. .• ";•;'/ . party for the Jewish National Fund t e n e l l e . agazine^lias issued a warnaig that 'i| will be held Tuesday, August 14, at the Mr. Chasson. is-well known: in 3ias received information that a man Jewish Community Center, in the City, havinjjfeeen^formerly associ {by the name; ojf William Hi Thibaul^ with *he Towl; 3E|Q^^eeringj Omaha Hebrew Club room. {is in the vicmitV of Omaha trying t* | f i Getson. ; There will be' places for forty at and Tiras private secretary ^ e t lake-subscriptions -for-the pemdi! Oh Friday, the whole group of five the card tables. The hostesses are Towl during;}^|e|m of office iiiJ on a motor trip to Colprado. Mrs. ti.; Greenberg, Mrs. J. Bernstein, Commissioner^' has already They-whl be gone about three weeks. Mrs. A. Shafton, Mrs. J . Linsman, Mrs. Celia Kassman Mrs. E. Weinberg, Mrs. L. Hoffner,, of Chicago, Hl&ois, are •out of naqney b^r gelting t these V :Mr; qnd;Mrs; Philip Nathan have as Mrs. D. Welinsky, Mrs; E. Meyer, her parents, Ascriptions. Tfae; publishers of tteir guests Mr. Wiliara Arkin and Mrs. A. Wolf, Mrs. J. Kulakofsky, this city. •American Hebrew magazine dedaif; daughter, Jean, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Mrs. E. Lorig, Mrs. L. Epstein, Mrs. tertained cqn?idf|abJy;<Juring. her stay. ratthey will greatly^ppre'ciale"'It 'if i Thursday to attend the M. Handler, Mrs. L. Sadeck, Mrs. J. B. She will t i i 2 & & ] ^ •tMs-;inan is placed in "the" custody J2-* Eobinson, Mrs. I. Kulakofsky, Mrs. L. Shafton- Afkinjwedding. ;ihe police if encountered. v "''" Janoff, Mrs. J. Tretiak, Mrs. M. Miss Esther Nathan returned Mon- Braude Mrs. S. Cohen, Mrs. E. Green-: >oooo6"(i"oib''do'co'o oooo ooooo ooo o oo ooo poo oooo ooo day* from Chicago, where she spent, berg, and Mrs. L. Gorelick. several we.eks. visiting with her sister, Mrs. Eedcup is chairman of the ar5 f D e A. Hester and Mr. Hexter. rangements committee for South Omaha and Mrs. J. Hahn- is chairman, of Mr. and ..Mrs. Harry Lapidus re- the similar Omaha committee. turned last week from their trip to the Valuable prizes will be given for A. Z.-A. Convention in Denver and a hoped for by the committees in charge. visit to Yellowstone National Park. MVs. S. Novak of Tulsa, Oklahoma Mrs. Reuben L. Goldberg and heris visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Abramson. pistex, Myrile' Letunsky," have" gtriyeti She rwill remain in Omaha for> about -fe from Chicago to visit with Mr. J. Gold- a week. berg 'andrsister Mrs. H. Rochman. They, .will be here about two weeks. Maurice Fine of Chicago is visiting Several affairs have been planned in' his parents Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fine their honor. of this city.
€ap Sleeves Sleeveless Regular and Extra Sizes
A special purchase ot the very same qualities that were :used in higher priced trash froclcs earlier in tile season.
"Manufactured in Omaha"
LILLIAN'S Permanent Waving Shop 308 So. 18th St.—AT. 5267 KINDS Of BEACTX ClLTfBE
««tb and Harthn .Sts. HArncy ICtri OMAHA, NEBKASKA Soft Cray, iron, lirnss. ttronzc and nliiminunj oustinps. ^tnndnrd sizes hnrnw nnd Iron biiFhinps, pnvvr nuiiilioU-s. eisteru rings mid rovers tnui <Uv:m-on( doors In stock. &1I kinds of wood nml metnl
Soda Water WHISTLE BOTTLING CO. WE. 2181 1131 No. DON KIPLIXUEK yells
Re». HA. C209
WE. S260
Two Iayezs-of unusually sponge cake»:. Jcoated wi^i a tasty : butter cream icing and choclcMI of FRESH P U S H E D ^LA6KBSR^
Harry H. Lapi<!us, I'res.-Treas
•W:e*know you'll like itw-
Over 10.000 Kqnure Feet Southwest Corner
• Eleventh and Douglas Streets ' Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
With STANDARD BAKERIES CO. "Hostess KitctenL"
Electric Stove you time for y o u r s e l f . T5me to read— time for the children—time to do those little things which mean so much to a vyoman's happiness. • Klsctnc cooking is vdiat you have wanted for a long time. It is cheap cooking, too. Two-thirds of the time you cook without fuel.
Ask any of OUT employes, or visit any of our "Electric Shops." They'll gladly tell you about electric cooking.
Cold Tvliik and Good
"Electric Shops"
17 th and Hancey Sts.
413-15-17 S. 16th Street
Ifs Good Sense to Attend Hartman's
Wholesale and Retail Jewelers 213-16 City National Bank Bldg JA. 5619
Place your order early for Saturday
$8.95 brown metal beds -with five full length fillers in. head and foot cuds. Full size only
/It Your Grocetig. „«
Typical August Value
1308 No. «4tb Bt. We bandie a full line or imported Bih— Sl>ratt8, Spratten — Bisniork Herring, English Kippers.
Two Layer—
$4.50 Ferneries of fiber in choice of three colors. Looin-woven, very decorative. Complete with pan
TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge CANDYLAND 16th and Farn am
calcg, Gingham: ~~- i & e*uti tolly -trimmed with or. gaadies and' contrasting self materials.
Now 71 Years Old!
Typical August Value
250 Rooms—200 Baths Good Rooms for §1.50 Operated by Eppley Hotels Co.
-Dimities, Per-
, Good design, unquestioned quality and decided re' <3u<?tions, general throughout the store on odd lota ' and many : new; shipments, recommend themselves to your good, sound judgment. __^
This ^Veeks Mosfess special
August Furniture Sale
ing at Gary, Indiana, visjpea in Omaha with friefidsniorl^ fewldays; -While £ere, they'resiaeaWti^^tel^Fonj The daughters of Zion benefit card
On August 1,1857, Kountze Brothers founded a banking house in Omaha City. - That banking house, known as the First , National Bank of Omaha, has grown into one of the most influential banks in the middle west. , "WeTiave served our customers for nearly fhreer quarters of a. century, always aiming to give serv» pins. Many of our depositors have been our .customers for more than fifty years. ,
^ WANTED Good Housekeeper for Jewish Old Peoples Home Call HA. 3074
Courtesy - Scnice - Lew Rates
Sport splinters
f middle-weight ranks, won the right Insurance aggregations are streaking S u n s h i n e K o s h e r C o o k i e s —the finest combination of. quality and the bakery. A pure vegetable fat is your grocer's, always fresh, always de"koshruth." used as shortening. It is therefore licious, always nourishing and always |Jto' battle" Mickey Walker, Wlk incumbent i b n t downrthefhomestretch dihefhomestretch neck-and-neck ^ j
kosher. Qf A v a i j a ble ' SUNSHINE KOSHER CRACKERS kosher and "parve." (-middleweight king, by outpointing in the tight race for the J. C. C. baseare produced in "The Thousand WindAlways use SUNSHINE KOSHER ball gonfalon, r The Smokehouse nine Jack McVey* • dusky bruiser, lin .a : into a 50-50 part- , To be sure that your enjoyment of ow Bakeries" of the Loose-Wiles Bis- CRACKERS in your home to be cerFRANK R. Patronize Our Advertisers. ten-round milL Also; while oil the forced the Kaimans 1 nership Jdf the piniiaclei .by overwhelm- the picnic, outing, basket party, ex- cuit Company under ideally sanitary tain of "koshruth" and quality. And subject of assault and battery, Benny Have you.-- met the golf er . -who Leonard that'peer of peers, has nbt ing'tte^Insutapce players, 14 to 5. cursion or automobile trip, will be conditions. The finest flour and other buy: Sunshine Kosher Biltmore Cracksolemnly, asseverates, "After, getting as yet returned to the squared ring Four-base wallops by Zwieback and complete, don't forget to take along ingredients. are used, and they are ers; Sunshine Kosher Mizrach CrackPaxton Billiard Parlors Smith aided materially in the carnage. SUNSHINE KOSHER CRACKERS made 'by experts, with the aid of the ers; Sunshine Kosher Primrose Cracka 11 on: the first hole, a 14 on the despite his declared intentions. most modern machinery, and by The nightcap of the schedule was for the whole family. There is no ers; Sunshine Kosher Lemon Snaps; 1516 F£.rnam—JA. 9723 second, a 12 oh-the third, and a, 13 on tie ne?tir I then blew up and shot Another Jewish lad is expeditiously dished out at-the Hebrew dub jam-work or trouble' attached to it, as is special processes of mixing, kneading Sunshine Kosher Zwieback; Sunshine Direct Wire Service on All approaching the big league : horizon. boree. In-this bout the'Psi Mu vault- the case with other foods which the and baking. The box now comes in Star Crackers and Sunshine Kosher miserable-golf."' Latest Sport Events wax paper to assure freshness and Lunch Crackers. You get them at Jonah Goldman, owned by Cleveland ed out of the cellar position into a tie The rapid rise of Jews in .athletics and farmed to Decatur, has made for second, and, incidentally, for last, housewife has to prepare, they can be crispness. needs no bugler to blare forth brassy such tremendous strides of progress by outpointing, the Bnai Ami, 4 to 3. used with meat or dairy foods; for The "Koshruth" of SUNSHINE announcement ' of phenomenal prog- that the Indians are thinking of re- The losers fought a game uphill battle sandwiches with cheese, sardines, eggs, KOSHER CRACKERS is guaranteed OMAHA UIRROR * ART GLASS CO. The utmost in all the way, and came near turning tongue, pastrami, etc., and each mem- by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Conress—it speaks loudly for itself. Nor calling him. Manufacturers ot Photographs Mirrors, Art Glass, Window Glass the tables with a Garrison finish. Tlie ber of the family can have what he or gregations of America, of which Rabbi is. this a figment of the imagination. Kesllverlny—Picture and Mirror In 1918 the only way an Ail- Not even a Milton or a Lockhart tussle -was almost a family feud, as she likes best And SUNSHINE Herbert S. Goldstein is President. Its framing DAVIS LAKE STUDIO American all-Jewish football aggre- can drive a one-hoss shay at record- Sam Epstein was the winning slab KOSHER CRACKERS are delicious, Mashgiach, appointed by Rabbi M. S. 1614 Coming St. AT. 652.1 2506 No. 24th—WE. 6311 performer, while the losers' battery gation could be chosen was to pick breaking speed. Margolies, is always in attendance at, was Epstein and ^Epstein.. , • nourishing, wholesome, easy to digest out 11 Jewish-sounding names and label it a team. Now, it requires an No chef, not even a cannibal omniscient, expert to select an eleven culinary cortege, can take some Sam Epstein successfully defended out of the hundreds of stellar. Jewish pengujnes, basilisk, and .other .hodge J i gridiron -gladiators cavorting, in our podge^niix 'well and' then expect' the the brilliant play of Sam Handler, JMJ, college corrals. And, w^th '.the i ex- result^ to be strawberry shortcake. 6-1, in the. finals of the Center tourney. no incipient athlete, ;Bqth nesters djsplayed champiorfehip ception of a few of the. more fustian And likewise, ; games, the same applies throughout not - ^yen another "TKermopylaeaii, caliber* tennis,"' but -E*pst;ein outstea^lied can flippantly flaunt training rules, the former Tech High titlist tat cop sportdom. . . . • ; 1 The Jewish sport constellation imbibe too promiscuously of ""malt the 5 medal/' Entries for a doubles probably glows most luminously in extract", smoke until phthisical, en- tournament are now being signed up. the realm of cauliflower ears.and tin gage ;in other seductive sophistries, noses. Speaking of fisticuffs, Phil and still expect to be turned out a The Highland Country club \ will (K. O.) Kaplan, the pugilistic satel- flawless product of the Character crown a new golf champion this year, ;••... lite who; has graduated, into: the . K i l n . . . . . . . : , ..... '. . . . : , . . ; • . • as PKiTYousem, medalist and sure jbeV Instead, although I : am not "even' to repeat, his-192T triumph, forfeited a mediocre cook, I suggest the fol- his first round match. , ;*.!s MILTON R. ABRAHAMS ifejSA • ' Attorney • lowing ingredients toward a chef. -J£&z.-'. 624 Peters Trust Bldg. I -XEGAX 3TOXICE - d'oeuvre: care of physical condition, Edlin, former .editor of the Bottlers Horists Printers Accountants TO Zenoveza Boot, wfcOSe place-of rest- tenacity of purpose, control; of Day and farvtha past three years^ condeuce Is unknown and upon wbom personal temper, coordination of muscles, RIVIERA FLORISTS service.of summons cannot be had, defendnected with the national office of the "IF IT'S ant:. . .." •.". '. ' ' ' " ' ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. patient endurance, discipline, and Zionist movement as Executive^ SecDESIGNING SPRAYS AND Ion are hereby notified that on the nine109-11 475 Brandels Theater Bldg.—JA. 4811 JA. PARTY DECORATIONS teenth day of. April, 1928, John Root, asinitiative. retary p | the Palestine Foundation AUDITS SYSTEMS North 18th plaintiff, tiled his petition against you in 0644 Out Specialties Would-be stars who insist on Fund (kefen Hayesod), has resigned the District Court of Douglas County, NeINCOME TAX IT'S GOODbraska, Docket 247, Page 122,. tile object something bordering roguishness are 2009 Farnam St. AT. 5757 his position as a paid worker. 'hX a and prayer ot which petition is to obtain IDEAL BOTTLING a divorce from you on the grounds of de- admonished to stick to chewing the meeting of the Board of Directors of sertion. " COMPANY You are required to answer said petition succulent product of the wintergreen the Palestine Foundation Fund,*; held We Feature on or before the 3rd day of September, leaf and rubber plant. THE WEIS FLOWER SHOP BRYDEN & COMPANY Soda Water, NearT Beer on Monday, July 16, Mr. Edlin«sub1028, or said petition will be taken as true QUALITY—PRICE—SERVICE and a decree taken accordingly. d G i ] •* - " T h e Best Place to Buy Time was when the acme of delight mitted his resignation which i was CERTIFIED PCBJJC ACCOUNTANTS JOHN BOOT, Plaintiff, WXbster 3043 SUN PRINTING CO. • < Your Flowers" 638 Securities Bid*. \ By MILTON B. ABRAHAMS, consisted in removing your pedal accepted. 1S08 No. SOtb St. July 27-^-KT ; His Attorney. 2D08 North 24th St.—Phone WE. 2057 AT. 4431 / AT. 3832 504 So. 13th integuments and other miscellanous JACK W.MABER, Attorney impedimenta, jacknife into *the ole "One large room to accomidate 4tb Floor, Court Bouse 1 Furnaces Cleaners NOTICE OF CHATTEL MOE1GAG0 SALE swimrnin hole, .and bellow out; "Oh two or three students. Quilting Private Auto Tops^-*Accessories six 'NOTICE 1B hereby given that by Tirtue Skinriay-y-y. C'mon in!" Nowadays Home. Very reasonable. v of a certain, chattel mortgage, dated the such + amenities have been displaced J. RAZNICK FOR 75c A WEEK 12th .day of June. 1928, and duly tiled for blocks from Nebraska University record in the Office of the County Clerk or by a •:. scientifically-constructed swimSheet Metal and Furnace Works Your this directory, reaches .Campas. Write at once to |Ben Douglas County, Nebraska, and executed TIKWOBK, CCTTKRS and SPOUTING by A. I*. Miller to E. B. Smith and G. X. g p . Sdg oMara 2026 Famam , JA. 4102 ""ElU^iblS %Stt-I5lh";' Nebr. NEW EXCLUSIVE SHOP practically every Jewish home ~ /Bkasonabte EilceB . V. Bonus, which said chattel mortgage was executed "to secure the payment of $500.00, Krasne, the energetic- physical, direcin Omaha "Everythingi For The Auto" 1520 N«rth S4th WE. 8585 on. all of which there is a balance of ?300.00 ELKS BLDG. und coats of sale due aud unpaid, and, de- tor of the J. C. G., the Center.-pool fault having been made in the payment of is aching to become the habitat of Down and Wool Comforters, Bath said sum and no suit or other proceedings •« Pleating and Bujttons . at law having been instituted to recover myriads of human water bugs. And Robing or Anything You . I. SWARTZ «•-.-;•• . You should PEERLESS CLEANERS said debt or any part thereof, we .will sell •••'•' - Hemstitching "Wish QMlted. , the property described in the said chattel the old swimming hole is far outInstallation and repairing of Tin patronize, pur advertisers and 4420 Florence Blvd. mortgage, to-wit: One Chevrolet Landau Alterations and Dress Making by his up-to-the-minute Work—Furnaces—Skylights— Automobile, License Number 1-2&4O0, Motor classed AT 6855. Note location, 1805 Dodge , mention the KE. 1500 r, —Can; t o r I'rlees— Number 2751709, at public auction at the natatorium, where the water is purer, JOSS HABA, Prop. Ventjlating—Gutters and Spouting. Capitol Garage, 202 North 19Uj. Street, JEWISH PRESS when you do. . , i/ THE MODE The House With a Reputation 717 North 16th AX. „ 2835 Uuiahn. Nebraska, at 11:00 o'clock A. M.,the fun is ameliorated, and the perils Friday, on the 10th day of August, 1028, are, palliated. This,, especially for ye 412-17 Paxton Block" " JA. 3100 for the purpose o£ foreclosing: said mortgage and satisfying said indebtedness and with semi-hemispherical paunches. Furriers Rentals AwningS, and Tents Contractors cost of sale. •..-•-'At least the Junior A boys are tak- Wright-Dayi£ Beauty Parlors" • E. E. B.. S S «H . J.qly 20-30? • I BONDS ing full advantage of the pool. DurG.;I. Walter C. >Roessig & Co. We Specialize in the 716 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. ing a swimming meet held last week, AWNINGS, and CANVAS MONSKY, KATTLEMAN & GKODINSKY AT. .4333 Management of Property, OFFER •'•'• '"•'; ' Attorneys I. Novak ran away from-his competi: SPECIALTIES v . Specialists- all kne$ Beauty Giving Special Attention to 750 Omaha.Kat'l Bank BIdg. tion—or rather, swam away from i t GENERAL the largest selection of quality 8908 Farnam ' JA. 8683 Culture^ • Bentianpntjyayps and PBOBAXB KOXICE Apartment and Business furs at the lowest prices in the garnering 21 points "single-handed! : Symmetrizer ReducingMachines CONTRACTOR In the matter of the estate of ISRAEL. city. A small deposit "will Properties DAVID GEBBBB also known as JACOB hold FURS until wanted. The J. J. Smokelhouse and Kaiman UEBBBB or J. GBKBKB, deceased. 409 Hospe Bldg. SCOTT OMAHA HBYN-KENNEDY CO. NOTICE is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the TENT AND AWNING CO. REALTORS'" administrator with will, annexed - of said JAckson 1614 AWNDfGS, CANVAS COVEKS, TENTS, estate, before me. County Judge of X)oug-I 416 Medical Arts Bldg. las County, Nebraska, at the County Court * CAJTP SCPrtlES, AUC KINDS Estimates Gladly Furnished JA. 2100 . 2nd Floor Securities Bldg., JA. 1132 Boom, In said County, on the 10th day of 15th and Howard AT. 1482
National Accessories, Inc.
September, 1028, and on the 19th day of November, 1928, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and al- Io'wance. Three months are allowed for the creditors' to present their claims, from the 16tn day of August, 1028. BKXCB CBAWPOBD, Jnly 20—4T. County Judge;
1511 N o . "24th—WE. tTJS4
Serve Himelbloom's new Kushian pumpernickle bread with your next meal.
5AM. BEBER AND DAVID E. BEBER Attorneys. ..'.•-..' ;.. 300 Peters Trust Bldg. '' In. the matter of the estate of LOUISA HAEMNHOLZ, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the executor of said estate, before me, Comity Judge of Douglas Couiity, Nelirniska, at the County Court Boonw in saJd County, on the 4th . day of. October, 1028, and ou the 4th day of December, lU28,?ftt 9 O'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment .and allowance. Three months are allowed for. the. creditors to present their" datae, from the 1st day of September,' 1028. BBYCIS CKAWPOBD, Aug. 2—4Tr County Judge. • SAM BEBER AND DAVID E. BEBEB Attorneys 300 Peters Trust Bldg. NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF XNCOfiJPORATIOH OF THE HANAPHONE CORPORATION Know all men by these presents that the undersigned" have formed, a corporation -under the laws of the state of Nebraska. The name of this corporation shall be "'The Uanaphone Corporation" with its principal place of business at-Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted and the object nnd purpose for which this corporation is organized and established shall be to - buy,: sell and distribute talking picture devices including all accessories for the same and all films and records pertaining .'thereto; to buy, sell and distribute theatrical supplies, fixtures and equipment of all kinds; to Sell and distribute motion picture films and to do any and' all things .pertaining to the carrying ©a of including the right to own and hold real estate. Theorganized capital stock- shall be $10,000.00 and all of said stock shall be common and' * of the par value of $100.00 per share and all of said-stock shall be fully paid up and' non-assessable. Said stock may be • issued for cash,- real estate, personal property or personal services. The corporation shall commence' doing business upon the filing of its articles with the County Clerk of " Douglas County, Nebraska,, and shall continue for'a period of fifty years from sold date. The highest amount of Indebtedness shall not exceed 2/3 ot its capital stocU but this' restriction shall not apply to indebtedness secured by mortgages or liens upon any of the corporate property. The affairs of this corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors -consisting of not • less than two members. The annual meelJntr of- the corporation shall be held on the first week day of January of each year nt which meeting the stockholders -shall elect a Board-of Directors and thereupon the Board shall elect a.- President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Any, two of said offices may beheld by one nnd the-mme person •These articles mny~be nmemlcd at any reinUiir or-specinl meeting of the stockholders J » t a 3/3 vote of the outstandinK St In fc witness whereof the parties hereto hare hereunto subscribed their names tn!F & uay o f , & . 1028. • M_ L. STERN. In the presence of SAM BEBEB.
with a high rate 6t interest accruing daily* That's what _: Neat, Tasty . ._
Barber Shops
Drug Stores
; means to you. I t costs- no more — it's worth-money in actual dollars and cents—and can be obtained quickly by asking for our representative.
For space in this directory call the
227 South 20th Street
Satisfied Customers Our •,:t3rfejitest Desir1e v * •• IVi Blortts South-of J. C. C.
1307-1309 Howard Street, Omaha'
ia*J3 Clnrk St.—WE (H10 -
-. Careful -Prescription Service• Merchandise of Quality SAVAGE-GASKILL DRUG CO.
Telephone AT lantic 8028 INTERSTATE PRINTING CO.
PKESCRIPTIOJJ EXPERTS 20' Years -TierTice with Sherman & • McConneH'J^rag'Go. , ....•*-*• Fffrnam St. " ?> ':, * i
Rug Cleaners
SIKCE 157U AU Family Services, from
JA. 0243
HIPPLE'S SERVICE 2602 St. Mary's
Battery and Tire Service
The Extra Value Omar Bakery puts-into its bread, cakes •nd pastries has brought us thousands at customers. Women all over Omaha are talking about it. You can . get Omar goods from most groceries or the Omar wagon,that comes to your neighborhood.
Road Service
AT. 5454
Service Our Motto General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing
DAVENPORT GARAGE 18th and Davenport
For Service Call
(32 Years Experience)
Do not throw nway your faded garments; hnve them re-dyed by an expert. Formerly a snmp'e Dyer nt the Pantorium and Dresber Bros. Prices reasonable.
WE. 1119
OMAHA BEDDING CO. Mattresses and Pillows Made Over in New Ticks 1917 Caming AT. 5983 •' ^HARKIKR Trop. kNInttresseH . made over in new ticks at hnlf price ot new beds. Pillows renovated and made up In new leather-^ proof ticking,
,.., OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1907.. Cnminfj; St.
Expert Permanent Wavers medical Art» Bids.
JA. 0974
GAMBLE ELECTRIC CO. Electrical Contracting and Repairing 4104 >"<>. 2 « b -St.
KE. 2424
BEN PRIESMAN, Mgr. Commercial Dept.
Tire Shops THE MILLER TIRE SERVICE COMPANY "That Little Kxtrn Service" Miller Genred-to-the Ronil Tires
Studio Will Be Open All Summer Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted Suite 5, Wead Bldg. ISth & Farnam Telephone ATlantic S162
Phone •!&. U0S
NATIONAL TIRE SHOP AND BATTERY STATION Cor. 17th nnd Cnpito! Ave.—AT. VATi OOODIEAR SERVICE STATION fires, Tubes, Accessories, Road Service. Vulcanizing nnd General Repairing
Towel Supply
When YouNeed a Plumber, Call
Electricians 605 Electric Bldg.—JA. 1045 -AH Kinds of Electric Wiring-
' JA. 2407
JA. 1440
Sign s
1941 Vinton St.
Beauty Specialists '. v All Types of Beauty Work Expert Haircutter
Under Management of II. Mnrcns
W. II. OSTENBERU, Pros. 2815 Farnam ATlantic 8815
Piano Teaclier
WA, 800?
JA. 3573
Beauty Parlors
5118 Military Ave.
We are offering 10 per cent discount on
1917-19 Clark St.
Laying, Sizing, Fringing, Binding
Wet Wash to
nil rough drj" lmndles picked up Friday for Tuesday delivery.
Batteriejg skid Garages"V
Family Finish 11th and Donelas Sts.
Fresh Corn Beef cooked daily. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meals. Home made .pickles. All kinds of Bakery Goods, Picnic Lunches. WE. 1428 1513 North 24th S t
609 North 16th
E. L. RODWELL PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR QoalitT Is Ueraembered Long Alter "the Price Is Forgotten S88« Pmnam S t ATlantic 1994
JA. 0328 IOCK