Interesting v.
interest, -
f&J'exvsButt-red as aecontl-chiBsxf .^_*natter o n January 27, , ,,r s a t Omaha. K e l f i * ^ . -nnder the Act of - March 3. 187J). >,-'
BY CHURCH UvNCfc Rer. Clinchy Selected for Promotion of Jewisft-Christian Co-operation IS PROMINENT MINISTER
World Zionist Council Adopts Large Budget Berlin (J. T.A4r-With the adoption of a budget * approaching $3,000,000. for the 'coming year's Palestine work, the ':'. Zionist General Council closed itasessipn? here early Tuesday ijiorning, Before adjournment the Cotmcfl* decided'to despatch a cable appealing >to all • factions ol American Zionism ' to -seek unity in the coining work. - ^The nesft, session will be called either in "Marca or April, 1929, to "be jyeld in Jerusalem! A message; was -received from .Lord Balfour expressing •- his ' thanks for the congratulations/ of the General Council oa>the: occasion of his 80. birthday celebrated **last week. .';'
DR.LM.RUB1N0W HEAD OF ZIONISTS Also Becomes Business IJireetor of United Palestine .Appeal
Jew Sues Government For. Large Indemnity Budapest (J. T.. AO—$>skar Kassirer, an Hungaria^ Jew, who was sentenced in 1920 ii> five years imprisonment at "hard'-labor, but found innocent by the fiangarian courts following long litigaiaon, has started suit against the. Hungarian government, demanding an indemnity of 80,000 Pengoes. •' , : The indemnity, is demanded for the 33 months h<S~ spent in prisoc. e was sentenced.,on^^ the charge <<t ^edition when he, ? a . victim. of the anti-Jewish terror-^f the -Awakening: Magyars, declared;] in a conversation with another passenger on a street ear, that "the terror of the A^.vakening Magyars mast
VOL, VII.—No. 30
PALESFPf FUNDS MAKE LARGE GAINS Operation of United Palestine AppiklMftkes Increased *• i|ieoine, Possible? GA3|N IS $3,000,000 • n
Palestine B'nai B'rith Celebrates 40th Year Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The Palestine lodge of the Independent Order B'nai Brith, a branch of the American Jewish fraternal order, celebrated its fortieth anniversary yesterday. At the celebration the accomplishments of the lodge were recalled. It was this lodge which established in 1892 the library which later became the National and Hebrew' University Library. The lodge also founded the colony Motza, eight kilometers west of Jerusalem. It established the first Hebrew kindergarten in Palestine in 1903.
Y LIPSKY Declares Extended Jewish Agency Should Be Organized r Before Winter NO-OBSTACLES NOW
New York.—(J. T. A.)—The "movePhiladelphia, Pa. (J. T. X)—Dr. The , inctftne for Palestine Funds London. .(J..T.A.) There is nothment for good will-between Jews and Isaac Max Rubinow, statistician, in t hrr thl«e year? oi the existence ing in the wgy nov for the organizain «e y -Christians' received a fresh impetus authority on social insurance"and A l h tion of the extended Jewish Age of the Unitod Palatine Appeal has in the election of an Executive Secreprominent Jewish social, worker, has it should ".be completed before been increased by, over-three million tary of the Federal Council of the confirmed to a representative <jf the winter passes, Louis LipsKy, pr?^dollars in comparison with a similar Churches of. Christ in America for Jewish. Telegraphic Agency: a report* dent of "the Eionisi Qrg-anizaium of period 1 to .the organization of the special work in the' field of Jewish that he has "accepted the pHer of the United Palestine Appeal, according Christian relationship, an announceAdministrative -Committee ', of . the to an announcement, by Mr. Morris ment by_ the Federal. Council states. Zionist Organization pf jAin'erica to Rothenbergi Chairman. of the Board, The new executive is-Rev, Everett become the- gxecuSve Director of the of Diwctor* of the' United, Palestine Clinchy who for several years has Z. O. A. and the United Palestine Appeal. The'" United ""Palestine Ap.been the minister of the college church AppeaL' • _ ;';-l V. • " peal includes -&e. Keren Hayespd pf "Wesleyan University. Mr. .Clinchy Dr. Rubinow- is now. the Executive is well lmown in religious and educa(Palestine Foundation Fand). "HaDirector of the Jewish* "Welfare: Sotional circles because of the intercoldassah Medical Organization,' Junior Great Sun? Goes Mostly to Jewciety, one of the leading constituent legiate patleys on education which he Hadassah, ':" National Fund^ ish and Catholic developed at Wesleyan and which he Grand Aleph; Godol of Order bodies of the Federation^ of Jewish Sudden Illness^ Takes^ Former Hebrew University, and Mizrachi InInstitutions Charities here. It is not known wjien Visits Omaha This has organized annually during the last stitutions. ; Omaha tV^mM While On The Jewish Welfare Society will Tefive-years. Twenty colleges send rep"In the period beginning October l, BENEFICIARIES NUMEROUS lease Dr. Rubinow frprn his duties Visit Here resentatives to ^hese parleys. 1925, and ending July SI, 1S28," Mr. to enter into his new work in New The Federal Council's Committee on STRESS JEWISH EDUCATION York, but iris-expected that arr&njreRothenber^, *aid, "the United Pal- , New York. (J. T. A.) The largest HAD MANY FRIENDS Goodwill between Christians and Jews, estine Appeal has collected for all of "the $1,305,000 public. bequests ments -will socTri be completed. under which "Mr. Clinchy will do his Abe Shaw of Kansas City, Kans., It was learned;here that the neg- A thousand friendic and. relatives its "conptitnent organisations the sum made by the late Aaron Naumberg future work, represents, one of the newly elected- Grand Aleph Godol of Of f??911,077.59, whereas in a will go to the Federation for the more recent developments in the pro- the A. Z. A. in-Omaha-this week, otations with-Dr. Rubinow were con- paid honor Tuesday ^inoming to the similar period, ending July 31, 1S25,Support of Jewish Philanthropic - g-ram of. this federation of 28 denom- voiced the Tiope and opinion that the ducted by a committee of five.mem- beloved memory of: Mrs. Hannah which"was'pripr to the organization Societies of New York City and the inations, the announcement states. day will come wh^n his organization bers of theJAdministrative Commit- Tatle as the last rites were con- of the United Palestine Appeal, the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocees The Committee was created about four will play an important part in the tee, since The" close of the Zionist ducted from the'home'of her parents, total collections of the various or- of New York.; years ago for the purpose of cultivat- life of every'Jewish-young man in convention in -Pittsburgh, Np such Mr. and Mrs. A. Mashkin. Rabbi ganization* amounted to $6,750,- •-i Mr.' Nauntburg, the president and ofBce-previously existed in the Zion- Herman Cohn, of Kansas City, Mo., ing better understanding between ad- the country. 334.57 thus' showing, an increase in treasurer of Jonas Naumburg Cor:- ' herents of the two faiths and provid- The slender black-haired youth ist Organization- of America and it in his eulogy brought oat the favor of- the United Palestine Ap- poration, manufacturers of hatters' ing practical cooperation in social and carries his honors lightly. His was the feeling of "some of 1the mem- wonderful character, and generous peal of $3,160,743.02." international tasks. Its former F'xe- modest manner of speech and action bers of the Administrative Commit- heart of the deceased and though . While ^11. the . constituent funds furs, died June 29 at Bagsii Montecutive Secretary was John W. Her- do not betray the; fact that ha is tee that in - -order • to remove the she was only thiriy-three years old have made considerable gains through catini, Italy, leaving an estate es- America, in - the . first public statering, who has resigned to take up the head of an organization that ground 'for any further controversy, she had lived a ! fuii life because the operat&TiB ; qf ; the- United Pal- timated at more than $5,000,000, He ment- made since, his re-election ir. work in the general field of adult edu- boasts of eighty chapters and that such as have arisen recently within Jife* is not how long you live but estine Appial, Hadascah was the started to. work 56 years ago, his Pittsburgh. Upon his arrive? in donirom Berlin, Mr. Lipsky rieclarc-d cation. The chairman of the commit- he is also the winner of their inter- the organization, it is necessary to how you have lived it. To help per- largest oen^ficaary. Owing to its first'"week's salary being $3. secure the •service of an. Executive petuate her memory contributions for At the death of the widow, $1,000,in an interview with the representatee is Eev. Alfred Williams Anthony, national oratorical; contest. Director whose administrative abili- local and Palestine charitable insti- affiliation with the United Palestine 000 reverts'to the residue, which will tive • of -<.the ;,Tevdsh TeJegraphic who was chiefly responsible for the Appeal, "it". received for the medical r "It may take considerable time, but ties are' universally recognised, to ••» * ^undertaking of this work by the Fed- eventually an educational, religious, concentrate: in his ; hands the. cotiduct tutions were made by her relatives. work in Palestine a million dollars be divided among relatives and A g e n c y : charities. Interment too place atthe Beth "TheiGeneral; Council, by a vote oi er^f Council. Closely cooperating and social program-like the one we more in th'e . last three years than with the: Federal Council in this pro- are planning w£}I do much to of the business;:affairs of the Ziop- jj'amedrosh Hagodal Cemetery.: .•:-'. :,in'"sthe-corrfspending period when it After deducting $750,000 for van-1 41 to 4, strengthened the hands of •; gram is- r^tie*-National -Conference—of. strengthen; thttlove^for ^hings- Jewish ist Organlzat^i of America. Dr., Mrs. Tatle, -who had- arrived!? sev- eonltfcted .an: independent campaign. ous institutions^ the remainder the Zionist Executive and' fox-ged uv distributed:- among Mr..Nanm- [..important' .chsM:.in_.thfi..policy, repre " " - • AHentown, ~~ ~ la" :-peJi«*?*&5TB Jews.and Christians, a body made up among cur members," he said, v Hubinow was' sTateS" for the post in ago irom Pa4 oi leaders-of^the two groups under ': Looking off into space as if he':saw- $&B;w; of his extensive experience as to visit .with, her parents, was taken Hadassah . reinitte4 .-1, to,.,., Palestine burg's next-of-kin. The Federation sented by the extended Jewish the chairmanship of Roger W. Straus. a vision of a world-widej; fraternal an ^administrator and as a student of suddenly ill Wednesday and died • at ?40o,879.20,' -while" during- tne'-three for the Support of Jewish Phil- ey. 'It' performed the difficult tftsk _ .Mr. Clinchy : enters upon his new boys' organization, the young leader social problems in many fields. T % local hospital Sunday evening. She years .from 102?.. tp_i&2§,_when .the anthropic -Societies, which also re- with-genuine appreciation of Zionist work immediately following his return told of the program of education that -Dr. Isaac Max Rubinow was born had a large circle of friends here United Palestine Appeal was the ceives -$260,000, will get one-half of responsibility. from an extended visit in the Near the A. Z. A. platns for this year. April 19, 1975 in Grodno, Bussian as she lived in Omaha prior to go- central fund-collecting agency for the residuary interest, and the Cath"The resolution on the Agency East, in which he has been studying Encouragement of\ the study of Poland, was, graduated ' from the ing to Allentown a year ago. Palestine, the Hsdassah medical or- olic Charities to which an outright adopted in Berlin clarifies the Zionist e the ways in which the Christian col- Hebrew, of Jewish.,'} history, and of Medical College of the N ^ York Besidfes her parents, she is sur- ganization in Palestine received $1,- bequest of $150,000 is made, receives [p r i n c i p l e s a n d p a v e g t h e Wfl,y ff,r leges in Constantinople, Beirut, Cairo Jewish customs constitute the major "University. In addition to i\i* M, 'D. vived by her husband, Ben Tatle, 407,155.64, r one-fifth. thorough sir4 lasting understanding arid Athens are developing the .spirit he received his Ph. D. degree from two brothers, Arthur, and Dr. Junior Hadassah also gained in part of the schedule, between Zionists and non-Zionists," Five per cent goes to the and practice of cooperative goodwill Columbia University in 1914. ; Nathan Muskin, and four, sisters, receipt* during the United Palestine Women's Hebrew Association and the Mr. Ljpsky continued. "With the ex"Education along Jewish lines is among the members of various, re..During the period 1919-1922, Dr. Mrs. Sam Kaplan, Mrs. J. A. Gross, Appeal, period over $115,000. The ligions and races. He also spent some what Jewish youths-need more, than; Rabinow served as diractor of the Mrs. Harry Malashock, of Omaha, Nation*! F$nd gained about $400,000 remainder in equal shares to the fol- ception, of' the adoption of the p-rirtime in Palestine locking into the ex- anything else; But that work must American Zionist Medical Unit in and Mrs. Max Simon, of Council while fhe increase of Keren Hayesod lowing The John B. Stetson Hos- ciple of settlers' right to self-determpital at Philadelphia, which also re- ination, conditional on economic isting conditions in the relations of be accompanied by-'social and athletic Jerusalem. r Bluffs, la. remittances "^mounted only to $125,- ceives $10,000; the Home for the soundness, the resolutions are interChristians, Jews and Moslems to one events in order to. keep the right .From 1904 to 1907, Dr.; ooo. : g Aged of the Little Sisters of the pretations of the fundament*! prinar- other in that area. spirit and enthusiasm among the served as economist expert. of the A total of §7,264,787.64 was re- Poor which also gets $10,000; the ciples adopted by the Zionist Conboys," explained Shaw. Mr. Clinchy's experience at WesBureau of Statistics of the United mittet to Psleiifine during the three Henry Street Settlement, the Society gress, which have been the basis of Abe is in bis second year at the States Department of Agriculture leyan has already brought him into years exist$tie.e of the United Pal- o£ Friends, the House of the Good the negotiations culminating in tlm intimate contact with problems of co- Kansas City Junior College. He has •and the following year wa? e mero-: estine Appeal, as against $4,833,- Shepherd, Servants of Relief for In- appointment by Mr. Louia Marshall operation among various religious been a member "of'the A. Z. A. for ber of the Bureau of Stat|$tieB of 73C.43 which! -was the total remitted curable Cancer, Hawthorne, N. Y.; and Dr. Chaim Weizrrmnn of tb<=-, : groups. An intercollegiate symposi- three years, having been a charter the United States Department of from J922 t«hl925, before the United the American Museum of Natural Non-Partisan Commission. Monday, August 6, maiked the ' Tim'on religion, held last December, member of hjs home chapter. Commerce and Labor. Ha was ^ Palestine .Appeal came into being. History, the Philharmony Society, close of Camp Morris Levy. It also "The goal the Ai Z. A." he assert- tor of the Bureau of Social Statistics brought to that campus Catholic, Pro"The criticism offered of the repo-'r This represents an increase in funds testant and Jewish representatives for ed, "is to have. a chapter in every of the Department of Public Charities marked the end of the most success- sent to' Palestine during the United the National Urban League, Harvard of the Survey Commission, which in ful summer season ever, held ut me an exchange of experience and a gen- city -with a sufficiently large Jewish in New York City in 1917; Palestine Appeal period of $2,431,- University, to be applied to the pur- frankne'ss'wBP unavoidable and whiok Lake vacation place. poses of the Fogg Art Museum; Tus- if not <"inveri -'would have raissd miseral discussion of religions viewpoints. population. and. toU include in those In 1926 Dr. Rubinow ,;was' ejected Nathan : ' Fifty-seven boys, in all, attended 049.21.' kegee Normal and Industrial Insti- 1 tmderst&iidi.nj?.' le.ter, was expressed Mr-. Clinchy has also become STratly chapters every ypttthij of .eligible age." president'. of the Pennsylvania State -interested m the public forum as a Shaw's titled makes jhjm, the official Conference of Social Welfsrc. Since the Camp during the four week tute,, of Tuskegee, Ala.; the Holy with darity, - dignity and apprecia: method o.f adult education, as a result embassador of the order to all the 1925 he has been editor of tbft Jewish period. Of these, four stayed the Name Mission for the Bowery Dis- tion :of the .importance of the reporlfull time, but most of them came for of his having developed a forum in chapters. One'of ;tHe. tiungs ahead trict, Inc., and the Young Men's Social Service Quarterly, "T-here is-now-nothing in the wa,y two weeks. A few only stayed one Middletown, Conn., which has had as of him is a long trip this fall to a Hebrew Association of New York for the^ organization of the The Russian Minister of Finance week, and a few more three weeks. its speakers outstanding leaders, the large number of the chapters all City. conferred upon Dr. Rubinow Jewish Agency. It should be announcement declares. However, those that did not stay the Nellie Tpledanp, aged 23, coming over the. country. ". 1907 a medal for disinguished Serv- full time expressed regret for their pleted before the winter passes, from Lisbon, - PortuCTl, was among ices to commerce aad agriculture. He inability to do so. owe it to themselves and thf= the hnmigffats. who arrived on the Meyer Braude Goes to is the author of works on social in-they represent to tackle thpii. surance, marketing, sodologic, eco- The accomplishments of the Camp SS. P^triS JtSly 18 from that U. S. Military Academy responsibilities with vigor unabated, ^ y nomic, financial and political topics, have been placed in four groups. port. The, Immigration officials on in order that, during the sensitive Physically the boys were improved Meyer A. Braude, of Omaha, has period of . completion of the r>pw board the steamer could not deteras shown by their gain of weight, been appointed to the United States healthy appearance, better physical mine conclusively the nationality or Military Academy at West Point. responsible Agency and when the religion of the girL Ths manifest Jewish Agency is finally set up, thtcondition, and more erect posture. The appointment was made after the j Zionist Organization shall enter H^ Social improvement was attained by stated thai | teaching co-operation and teamwork Finally she 'was discharged in custody grade of all the contestants of the i new partnership with all ZioiM;*! Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—^Sey«fnty-five. among the boys. Also the quality o± of a jion''J*wijfo organization and National Guard in the Seventh Corps forces consolidated, united in on* 5 » T the advent once more of the High Holidays comes s= per cent of the Jewish pupi|s in Rou- 8 good citizen were stressed in the the official- of which got busy to 5 Z \ the beautiful Jewish custom of sending New Yearns purpose," Mr.^Lipsky declared. = X T L Greetings to one's relatives and friends, "This : manian high schools failed in this Insistence on each camper sharing ascertain to whom the girl belonged, Area. In this examination each of 5 custom, originated by the "Jewish people, is'thousands year's high school examinations, des*. in the camp duties. The boys re- from where sne came and what her seven states presented the young] E of years old. In ancient Judea, the town crier would carry patches received here from Bucharest ceived moral training by being taught racial _ origin was as well as her man who had scored the highest of x ear 5 the message to the dwellers in the villages and /the cities, only spoke gTade in the state's National Guard state. . ' " • • > - • , ; - .^ -, l to play fair, and to conduct them- religion. - Bui Nellie 2 to the country-folk gathered in the towns to celebrate Rosh Highland August 1:~ s Hashbnah in the traditional manner. V^1 -' ••" . According to the reports Qie. same, selves properly. Mental * education Spanish fend 4he worker of that or- companies. Braude, -who is nineteen' years old, ganization ' " did not. \, fate befell the pupils belonging to was gained through the writing of S With the flight of time, the honorable professipn of On August 15., the Highland couiv other national minorities in Roumania, letters- and essays concerning the The representative of the Hebrew attended the University of Nebraska try 4«b will -hold the biggest «n.<: 5 town crier disappeared. But the deeply rooted custom for the past two years, where he Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), as The feeling prevails among the Jewish camp and kindred subjects. 5 among the Jewish people of sending "L'Shono Toyu" grestusual, wagron board and her colleague earned an exceptionally high scholar- roost entertaining stag party of *>•-•' •5 ings remained. And there gradually grew up a custom * of population in Roumania, vjbich is partA certain amount of religious Z personal greeting cards through the mails. Many of these from the Mother organization turned ship record. He was a member of year". The Committee in charge -•< ly given expression in the press, that = cards were works of art, and are treasured as heirlooms training was also givenEvery Frito her for aid.. A thought occurred Company K, the Union Pacific Rail- most secretive concerning the <let*>ilthe flunking of Jewish pupils in the 2 to'this day. *"..".. day evening, services were held and to the Hiss,worker. She drew on a road company, of the Nebraska Na- of affair which suggest* thai high school examinations is a delibbefore each meal the blessings were tional Guards. will be especially original. 5 When cities and towns were small, and one knew piece of paper a "Mogen Dovid" erate move on the part of the RouS one's friends intimately, this system worked" perfectly. But said. • (Star of Psvid) and a Cross and The future army officer Vvill take The event will also be the occasion manian officials to put into effect a = as Cities grew, and one's circle of friends extended, it was numerous clausus practice by milking- One of the most gratifying placing i ppaper before Nellie a course consisting of four years for the presentation of the awat'te S , inevitable that in the hurly-burly of sending Hundreds of it in-jossible for Jewish, high sjhooJ features of this year's camp is that pointedd w|t> finger to indicate of strenous military and academic for tftf golf foumament. The winner 5 cards, some cherished friends were overlooked. The endless of the championship flight will rcs explanations and/heart-burnings caused the development of t-upils to claim the right to entf J cnl- yrhile the boys received 50 much whichh watf the th symboll off her h faith. i h training after which he will receive lovinp: cup, »"'• j5 a new and better system. ~ •' lege. It is reported that members of benefit, they suffered no serious ill- Nellie's eyt-Jighted up as she point- a commission in the United States ceive a I&rge s« * the -examining commission asVed the ness or injuries. ed to the*,Mogea Dovid. The Hias Army. other v.-inncrp will receive Jrvnsh pupils for a statement cwjeern- The boys and the hundreds who worker to MW$ 6U^*» P0"1*6*1 *° t n c j pri?«E of all kinds, § -Extend your NEW YEAR GREETINGS to your relatives ing their racial origin. Jerusalem.—<J. T. A.)—A lean of] Members pi the club have visited-the camp are alike enthusi- Cross &gfin< Ifellie shook her head I and friends through the SPECIAL NEW YEARS EDITION of a road warned to make reservation? for Grave fear is expressed concerning astic over it. Next. year should see and placed fesr. finger Tin the-ifogi •£S@6 -#M--4be-«onstructian f ol THE JEWISH PRESS to be issued Friday, September 14. J the effect of the ma*!- failure •among 9 still larger and better .camp. A Dovid. Th«'iiHmJgrant was thendis- fro3nii*dfa-to Mount Carmel was fur- dinnfr, e«rly. The charge will h*'pkte •**•*• nished by lord li»lchettgirls' camp may also be-held. chargfd t|» the His^s worker. the Jewish hi^h .school students.
TKGUSAND iEiy^p MRS, wmm
in ^.-->
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Three Big Little Wor«Js
| Happy New Yectr |
PRESS TOIJEWISH JE * PubtlshPtl every v e y Thrsday Thursday at Omaha Omaha, Nebraska Nebraska,by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandejs Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER> BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR IRVING PERIAJETER',': "V. - - - - - - - EDITOR Subscription Price, one year rates-furnlfihied onapplicatlon CHANGE OF ADDRESS--PieaS8 give both the old and new address; be sure'to glye yoiir name. - .--, , - -•••,77
AETHUR GROSSMAN HEADS NEW CLUB The first meeting of the XL Club was held Monday, at, t h e f J . C . . C . Officers for the new organization were elected and are as follows: Arthur Grossman, president; Joe FeUman, vice-president; Sam Finkel, secretary; Heihy Goodbinder, treasurer and reporter, and Israel Cphn, sergeant-at-arms. , The club consists-of boys between the ages of 16 and If*".A ping-pong tournament was held and won by Arthur Grossinan and a handjoail tournament is b^ing held at present.
Council Bluffs News By F. R. K. The Agudes Achim Society will hold a meeting next Monday evening, August 13, at the Legion Hall. Further plans will be reported by the committee in charge of their annual picnic. At present the date of the'picnic has been set for Sunday, September 2, and will be held at Clark's farm. A $200,00 Radio will be given away.
;two4 Veeks-
. They all returned .
Mrs. I. Kramer and sons Max and Wilir securities t<.*aling nearly -SP gymie, returned honie Monday after a million dollars in tl,e vaults of trie tWO week's visit with relativesin Chi- , of t'.e W- }]d Life Ins\ ranc?. j cago, Hi. They were accompanied on July 1, records of tve asback by. their cousin, Mrs. L, Ma tanshow a sain in securitie»- for sky, of Chicago who will spend two the Prst six r;onihs of 1928 of apweeks here. They made the trip I»ro:oii"ately W> f.rd one-half rtilUion <lr.ll.iis. overland. For the past six years annual gains ,'" Abe Gilinsky returned home in invested securities for the Woodtoday ..after spending t?n days in men of the World Company have Sioux City, Iowa* where she visited ranged from five to pix million dollars. her daughter, Mrs. Philip Sherman, During 1927 invested securities of the and Mr. Sherman. company were Increased by $5,300,000. The present securities of the assoLouis H. Katelman returned home
Mrs.* Julius Katelman and daughter, Marian, have returned home after spending about three weeks in Excel- Wednesday after spending a few days sior Springs, Mo., and in Leavenwonh, in Kansas City, Mo. DUNDEE BRANCH OF Kansas. While in Leavenworthf they The Council Bluffs Chapter of the i&ited Mrs..|tatelinan's daughter, Mrs. TALMUD TORAH OPEN Abe A. Z. A. met Wednesday evening at Bear, and Mr. Bear. the Danish Hall. Plans were made Dr. Sher, chairman of .'the Jewish Leo Krasne left Saturday night for for their annual picnic which will be Board of Education,.announced that the Dundee brarieh of ths Talmud New York City on a buying trip, to be held, on Sunday, August 26. Torah located in the Snnsti Tea gone about ten days. Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—The demand Room building, is open once nioreBen RQBS is spending this week in that the-Moscow Great Synagogue N. A vacation granted for the summer Chicago/Illinois on a buying trif, converted into a workingrnen's dub r expired August 1. Some of the stuMrs. B. Marko'vitz has returned made }?jr Jewish Communists, was red e n t have not returned yet, probctedrby the "Soviet authorities*. ably being ignorant of Wife-fact that home after spending about three Further, conversion of fyiiag-qgues weeks in Excelsior Springs, Mo. the school has re-opened. - ; into workmen's clubp is considered inNew pupils will also be accepted Kose Brandeig left Saturday for advisable by the authorities, the. corit was announced. " ^ Chicago, 111., for a two weeks* visit respondent of the Jewish Telegraphic ; here learns. •with relative^,
Desolate and unhappy, a poor Christian woman in Vienna faces her future with the Knowledge that she has been robbed of her most precious jewel! * She had toiled until her back ached and her finger? hurt so t h a t her young spn might live happily and not in want. But ttfday, that;fou)pteen year old boy has been taken away from her, killed by thebestifll inhumanity of Austrian antiSemites, The unfortunate incident, which happened last week is '- one that fqr the :#r§ib Uwe «$>£»£<* <&e eyes of thousands, of Christians to the ghastly atrocities that are being encouraged by some of their co-rel^ionists because of a hatred for Jews. According to a"Jewish Telegraphic Agency news dispatch, a Jew was walking along the banks of the Danube last week, when he noticed a boy1 struggling in the swift current. Being unable to swim himself, and seeing some swimmers near the boy, he called to them to rescue the drowning lad. Because the call came from a Jew, the swimnws believed the boy to be Jewish and swam away irom him shouting, "Let the Jewish boy drown. There will be one less/' But when the policy recovered the body of the child, they found him to be the son of a poor Christian working woman. The press and population of Vienna are in a state of bitter CONVERT TO JUDAISM The Meyergon Family held a Picnic HAPPY IN NEW FAITH at Clark's Farm, Sunday afternoon. indignation over the fact that such an affair could happen in a supposed civilized nation. But what is their protest compared to Kishineff.—(J, T. A.)^Alexander Miss Dina Meye.rson of Chicago, HL, the cfciU of fear that jnustf have passed through the heart of every Ciovanu, a Russian whp had embraced who is spending the month here visitJew who heard Qf the disaster? Judaism, was arrested by the police on ing her'cougins, Mr. and Mrs. Herman There is, however, ^ ray of hope that shines through the gloom the charge that he was 'carrying on Meyerson, was an honored guest. cast about by the criitie. For, regardless of the fact that the Jewish missionary - propaganda and About sixty relatives were present. criminals cannot; be brought to justice, they will taste bitterer med- persuading other Russions to embrace Rose Goldberg of Chicago, III., aricine than courts can administer when they find that by their own Judaism. . . . rived Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. act, they have robbed themselves of the support of thousands of In a, statement to the police, Ciovtheir co-rehgionists. Yea, thousands of mothers will crush their anu declared that he was the son of Saul Suvalsky, for about a month. babes to their breasts and curse the inhuman dogs who endanger a Greek Orthodox family." When his Morris Grossman left Sunday evethe lives of all peoples in order to vent their personal prejudice. parents died. h,e -was" adopted by a for New York City on a buying We cannot hejp but pity the poor mother who~ lost her son. Jewish family who reared him. He ning trip, to be gone about three weeks, And the Jews who are subject Of such merciless intolerance are also became so. attached to Judaism that deserving of smypa^hy-; , $ut .fhe ones who ought to be. pitied most he •wishes to convert his former co- Mr* Simon Steinberg motored to Exare the deluded bigots who have cheated themselves out of the religionists, so • that they may enjoy celsior Springs, Mo., Sunday to join blind allegiance of thousands of their own people. Mrs, Steinberg, and daughters, Florsimilar happiness, he declared. How ironical fate can |>e at times! Andhowjust! ence and Esther, "who had been there JUDALIZING SECT WANT OT GIVES SUM TO CHAIRMAN OF CH HEBREW UNION COLLEGE £OMMTTraEB NAMED MogCQW.--(J, T. A.)-—The transmiA contributidn of ^ObQ^ has been A- 5 - "Richardson, cfiairaiah of the ; gration of Jewish groups to settle on contributed to tjie ^ $25^,000 ' l i a next Community Chest campaign, the land in specially assigned} regions fund of the Hebrew Unjon G which will begin October 14, has, an« hgs attracted the interiest p t the Subaccording to announcement made by nounced the following' divisional otnijd, a Judaizirig sect, native RusMr. Ludwig : Vogelstein, chairman' of chairmen for the drive: sians who observe in n strict manner the Executive ; Board of the Union E. A. Van Orsdel, chairman busithe Sabbath as their day" of rest. of American Hebrew Congregations. ness division; H. G. floerner, chairThirty-two families of Subotniki in Mr. Althejjner's gift" was : sent to man industrial division; Miss Belle the Ural region have applied to the llr. Vogelstein. ,-• Ryan, chairman residential division; O?ot, the Society for Settling Jews on A new building will shortly be W. L. Holzman, chairman special' erected in Cincinnati to house l the gifts committee; -.Harry. Bosenthal, valqable library, collections of the chairman foreign corporations; Frank together, with' the Jews," the SubotniHebrew Union. College. The funds C. Builta, publicity chairman; W . . C . kiff pleaded. ": fpr this building were raised through Fraser, chairman speakers bureau; a quiet campaign undertaken by Mr. C. C. George, campaign vice-chair? Marcus Aaron., of Pittsburgh, chair- man. inan of the Library Building ComThe budget committee of the Committee, and Mr. A^olph S. Ofco, munity Chest has completed \ts librarian of tie. College, and ajnong hearing of 1929 budget estimates of the large contrihutqrs are Ben Spi- the 30 organizations supported by ling, of Portland, Oregon; Julius Chest funds. - From the allotments ' Ko^enwald, of Chicago; Ludwig made on these estimates the goal of Vogejstein aijd Adolph S. Ochs of the coming campaign will be New York City. , mined.
For White Frosts
cistern rings nn<] covers nnd clPiin-out doors in EtOCk. metnl pnttfrns.
Jewish New Year Greeting Cards
All kimls of wood nntl
Art now on display at his printing os-
Refresh Yourself UB1NK
118 $9> 17th IN BOTTLES
Harry H. Lspidus, Pres.-Treaa
We Occupy Over 16.0(50 Square F«f< goathweat Corner
Servaiits Do tile Job
- Electricity is not only a skilled laborer, i t is f aist ?m and cheap Qne as well. You can 4o all $aax work with cheap electric servants for ..-less than coolies' wages. • . . „ : . . .
Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, Catsup, Mustard, Etc Every
At All i>n>cevs Made By
Uncle Sam Breakfast Fcod Co. Omaha, Nehr.
Permanent Garages
Oil A Hi
You can get any electrical appliance a t o u r *"Eiectric Shops'' or through any of our employes; If we don't carry it in stack, we?jl get it for you right away.
Biarman Vinegar & Pickle Co.
014 fashioned methods are gone, ©ever to return, like hoop skirts and the horse and buggy.
Visit the "electric Shops'*
Rerooiing and Complete Remodeling From Basement to Attic
"Electric Shops"
17th and Harney Sts.
Nebraska Power
Get Our Free Estimates
Courtesy • Service * low Rates M. 11. M1CK1.IN. I'res
24th and Burdette—WE. 6362
One of Them Latest White, French Gray or Colored Porcelain ,,
A Safe Deposit
Detroit Jewels
with a high rate of interest accruing daily. That's what
During Our August S(xle
means to you. I t costs pa more — it's worth money in actual dollars and cents—and can be obtained quickly by asking for our representative,
Telephone AT iantic 8028 :-'.-. INTERSTATE PRINTING CO,
1307-1309 Howard Street, Omaha
Neat, Tasty
^ .Connections Without Charge
413-15rl7 So. 16th , OMAIJA
Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckaon 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
Soda <*Wat©rWHISTLE BOTTLING CO. WE. 2131 " 1181 No. 18th
tHese better value ranges have heat control , . . porcelain or Toncan linings . . . All solid porcelain handles.. .service compartment under barjiers. . Boltless surfaces. Rigid steel fronts. Patent, even-baling, thermoa-H^e ovens. They wipe , up UHe, fine china, and vise either V„ artificial qr natural gas. .;' .
Actually less than half price. There only s few l«ft <"?t p( a. tremendous purchase. Cases are all ?tee]r insltJe and out, coated i^Jth baked' white enameL 100 pounds capacity. — Finest features throughout. . See them to appreciate the value.' game site with 8 gallon water cooler, ?41.
"Manufactured in Omaha"
Deduct $15.00 for Your Old Range If You
Refrigerator Special $
«7th and Martha 8ts. H.\rn<-y l«K OMAHA. NEUKA8KA Soft gniy, iron, lirnss, lirunze linn nlumlinini castings. Ktnndnrd sizes bronae nnU Iron bushings, sewor tnnnholug,
Wishes to announce to his friends and patrons that a beautiful selection ef
TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge CANDYLAND 16th and Farnam
s hightgrsifc knoekless gasoline. reduce carbon-cleaning bills. —does give-added mileage. not cost more than ordinary gasoline. Try a TAJJEFUL today. y O u«l never be satisfied ynth any other gas.
Wright-David Beauty Parlora 716 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. AT. 4333 " Specialists all lines Beauty Culture. Permanent Waves ana Syminetrizez Reducing Machines
The Different Gasoline
WANTED Young competent saleslady capable of managing a readyto wear and millinery store. Good salary and bonus. Located in a lively Nejorftska town of 8,000 population about 100 miles from Omaha. Box 28, Jewish Press.
9 * HIQW'CBfO|
J elation yield an annual interest income
the year 'round because only pure horseradish roots and pure grain vinegar are used in its manufacture.
You will find it at your grocers even during the summer months.
Ulstrthutrd by
Thomsen- Slater Butter Co. j »
1315 Howard St.
AT. 8485 J
PflorteATLANTIC O 6 3 9 313 SO. 14 TM. ST. OMAHA.
PA<5E S—TOE JEWISH PRESS, PRIUAY, ATJSEST 1©* Mr. Albert Herzoff of Sioux City eegan, and her brother and Is spending a week in Omaha with law, Mr. and Mrs, Mike Bolker, in his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Chicago. and Mrs. Sennan Herzoff, Mrs. David Newman returned home Mrs. Esther Shapiro Brandt of Wednesday from a two week trip to Brandt Inc., accompanied by Mrs, Denver, Estes Park, and Troutdale-inSaul Danziger of San Antonio, Tex., the-Pine at Evergreen, Colo. who was her guest here, have gone for a two months trip to New York Mr. Edward Gluck returned home and Atlantic City. On the return Monday from a month trip to Chicago, trip, they will stop of? to visit Detroit, and various Canadian cities. friends in Philadelphia, Washington The Fa Hon girls* club are conductand Chicago.
Mrs. Adell Bercu of Cleveland, Ohio, formerly of Omaha, an- Misses Eva and Sylvia Lipsman, nounces the engagement of her daughter, Rae Ruth, to Mr. MaxMiss Halterin, and Miss Fanny Ostrovich will motor to Snyder, Nebr., L. Fanger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fanger of Omaha. where they will spend the week-end Sigma Pelta Tau of the Univer-* Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman have at the Lipsman cottage. Prom there, sity of Nebraska is entertaining Sun- returned after a five week trip in New they will motor to . Fremont and day at a swimming and lawn party York City, Atlantic City, Montreal Lincoln, where they will spend a at Fremont, Nebr., at the home of and Toronto; also visited son Bernard week. ' * •'" . ....'.'"..:. Laura Beck. Mrs. Madeline Baer, of who is at Camp Indianola, at Madison, Mr. Sam Seporin, Jr., left Saturday Lincoln, the chapter house mother, Wisconsin. . for Minneapolis, Minn., where he will chaperon the affair. A daughter, Doris Louise, was born will visit with his brother, 2Jr. The put of town guests will inv clude Sylvia Smulian, of Wichita, to Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Levenson Nathan Seporin. Friday August 3, at the Clarkson Kans.; Ruth Berek, Fremont; Bernice Mrs. A. Saxe of Council Bluffs, tieoerman, Lincoln; Sylvia Zevin, Hospital. who has. bees, ill at: the Wise Kansas City; Sara Steinberg, Fort Mrs. L. Cohn and her two sons, Memorial Hospital returned hoi»e Dodge, l a . ; Helen Pesnick and Freda Thursday. Braverman, of Minneapolis, Minn.; of Baltimore, Maryland, are the Esther Urdanger, of Mason City, guests of. Mr. and Mrs. Louis FreedThe Ladies Poale Zion Society have la.; Shirley Harkoway, Ida Green- roan of Omaha. Many social events organized a sewing club for girls. berg, Frances Emlein, Helen Levitt, have been planned to honor the A picnic will be given for the Vivian Hosow, Elsie Brodkey, Han- visitors. children at Elrowood park on Sunnah Rockfin/ of Sioux City, I K , and Miss Ida Freedman entertained day, August 12. The work of the a number of Omaha and Council twenty five guests at a picnic dinner girls will be exhibited and prizes Bluffs- guests. at - Elinwood park last • Sunday at awarded for the best' . pieces. All The out of. town members will in- which Mrs. Cohn was the guest of other organizations are invited to i n s p e c t t h e s e w i n g . ---•—~-•-•••• clude. Sadie Ginsburgr Lucile Kosen- honor. thal and Sara Mosow, of Sioux City, Mr. Reuben Brown has been. »H Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosen of Frela.;, ,Kuth Zolat, Ida Ruth Bogen, at the Wise Memorial Hospital rfnee mont, Nebr., entertained at a delightRuth" and Dorothy Diamond, and Sunday. He is reported to T>e doing ful social Thursday, August 2, at Elsie "Voska,' of Lincoln; Frances well. their home in honer of their cousin Robinsoni of Norfolk; Esther SwisMiss Cathaleen Goldstein of Trinidad y-,-'of 'Columbus and Mary." YabThe.first .card party of the season Colo. Miss Goldstein was the reciproff, of ~ Wichita, Kans., and Mrs. will be given by the Daughters, of ient of a beautiful guest prize. ; Jack.-Ciesen, of Lincoln. Zron on Tuesday afternoon, August Mr. and Mrs. P. Blumenthal and The local membership includes Mrs, 14, at the Jewish Community Center ~" ' Ida Lustgarten, for the benefit of the Jewish Na- Mr. and Mrs.: J." Katlemanr of Omaha Irvin •' -Stalmaster, Lillian Iipsey, tional Fund. Prizes will be given at ^notored to Excelsior Springs, Mo,, Kate" .-Goldstein, Frances ;Simon, Ida Tenenhaum, each table. Among the hostesses for Sunday, to be gone for two^weeks. Ruth Riseman and Betty Steinberg. this affair will be Mesdames J. LinMr.-and Mrs. Dave Epstein an<... ThcNebraska or Theta chapter of coln, A. L Kulakofsky, H. Delrough, nounce the birth pf a 900. a t . the Sigma Delta Tau was organized in J. Rosenberg, M. Brodkey, E. BrodMethodist Hospital on Wednesday; key, L. Swartz, R. Lagman, May, 1925.. . August 8. "• • Smith, J. Morgan, J. Blitz, T. Goodbinder and- children, Melchior, B. Monovitz, G. Goldstein, Miss Bess and Ida .Newman left Harry and Anna,; who "have been E. Steinberg, and R. Vann. Wednesday for DenWr -and Estes visiting with friends in Kansas City, Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Gordon are Park. They will returnlhielatter part Mo., the past 'month Trill return : of-August. , leaving Sunday for Madison, home-next" weelc. . Miss Ida-Newman will resume her where they will visit their Bon, : MtIfend:Mrs.' Trfn"ff: Ackerman. were Jerome, who is spending the summer work in the music department of South'High School September 1. honored $n .their silver wedding at Camp Indianola. anniversary last Thursday by s From tbsre they go to MinneMiss Freida Bolker left Wednesday bridge party given by. Mr. Herman apolis where Dr. Gordon will attend H. White, their son-in-law. A large the -National Dental Convention. for a two week trip to • Waulceegan, number of"fneiTds" ana" relatives".at- Tfiey* plan to return to "OmaKa ~&A' HL, «ad~<3ucago. She *s*ilUorisit with her aunt, Mrs. J. J. Solomen in AVaufctendedctlie .•affair.: :. : . ' August 25. Mrs. Ackernian, her daughter, MrsHe|roan--H. White, and Mrs. A. . Miss Lois Pepper who has been ilj Krestul arrived in Omaha earlier in at the Wise Memorial Hospital, re» the "day "from their three week stay turned home Thursday. in Excelsior-Springs, Mo. The Bikur Cholim Society will hold Mrs." B. Jarrop has returned from a its next meeting Monday at % o'clock seven week trip to Los Angeles,, Holly- at the synagogue at 25th and Seward, wood, San~ Francisco, and Oakland, Mrs. Fish, the chairlady of the comwhere she visited with friends and mittee visiting the sick is leaving for New York Sunday evening. relatives.""":'-" ~. r
Mrs. David M. Newman.
To tempt the appetite on hot days, nothing serves as well as a crisp salad temptingly arranged on plates. Staffed Tomato Salad % cup cream or grated American cheese, H cup diced celery, ^4 cup chopped stuffed olives, 4 medium tomatoes. ing a membership drive in an effort to Hollow out center of firm tomato* fill their maximum quota of sixteen Mix pulp with the cheese and add members. The dub meets every Wed- celery, olives and two tablespoons of nesday evening at the J. C. C. Miss mayonnaise dressing to fill tomatoes. Sophie Ban, its sponsor, is in Chicago, Place tomatoes on nests of lettuce. her place being taken temporarily by Mix 6 tablespoons mayonnaise with 4 Miss Rose Brookstein. tablespoons of whipped cream and dip Mr. and Mrs. H. Noodell announce a spoonful; of this OB top of each This serves fear. the birth of a daughter at the Clark-, Fruit Salad son Hospital on August 1. 1 cup apple diced, % cup celery, FATHER FLANAGAN'S BOYS cup chopped walnuts, 1 cop diced pineMEET CALVIN COOLIDGE apple, and 1 cup white cherries, (pitted). Drain pineapple thoroughly, drain Twenty-two homeless boys who reside at Father Flanagan's Boys cherries, and add celery, apples, and Home had the privilege of personnal- nuts. Mix with mayonnaise dressing ly meeting Calvin Cdolidge at his | an4 serve i n a Best of lettuce. summer executive offices in Superior, One-Two Salad Wis., August 3. Pulp of i large grape fruit, President Coolidge recognized 12 of two oranges cut in cubes, 1 cup of the boys who met him last sum- of California cherries stoned and cat mer in the Black Hills and posed in half. $I£r fruit with %i cap with the boys for a photograph. • pecans chopped fine. Mix While conversing with Father E, French dressing and serve in nest of J. Flanagan, director of the home, lettuce. President Coolidge showed a keen interest in the type of work necesWANTED sary to care for homeless and negTo sell half interest in a g lected children. paying mercantile business in a After the meeting the boys' radio county seat town in Nebraska, deing . two hundred thousand band played several numbers, while dollars business. Reason .for several hundred residents of Superwanting , partner is ill-health. ior stood about the grounds of the Box 21, Jewish Press. Superior high school, where the executive offices are located. : The boys who are on a 2200 mile tour of Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois will return to Omaha about September 1.
"On Omaha's Fifth Avenue"
August Fur Sale Two Outstanding Value Qroups ft-
Muskrat Coats $19875
Rich silky seals trimmed with beautiful collars and cuffs of Jox, .fitch and squirrel.
Northern Seals Dark and silver musVrat coats, plain or luxuriously trimmed \rith contrasting furs. r
A reasonable deposit will hold the coat you select in our fur storage vaults without extra charge, " Fourth Floor
Jewish Book Store 2429 Decatur St.
WE. 3527
We want to call to the attention of the Jewish public that -we a*e getting in. now a new supply of the seasonable religions articles. Mnchzeirim with Jewish and English translations, praywr books, Taleosim silk ami wool of the best kind, etc.
A full line of New Years Cards ia Jewish and English Itemetnber oar famong Kosher shop. On the Remand of a tew customers 1 ordered the following articles of pnre. silver and plate silver candle Bucks, Kodush caps, Hadpses, etc. Jpreryone, vhffl is interested in boring one of them, tshoald be so kind nnd let mlle know ahead of time, E<J.4, c*n Jtuisg. d for them. .,
Tbis Weeks Hostess special
Why bother baking cakes
• •
ROiBOK CRACKERS ra w d m b At upmUon of Ae Uafaft <tf QnlnkB M * Caanp. Salibi E. Qoclm.n, ippointtj bf
tfaft tot ne ioim In OBI mpta. TWm U o cqeba t n l o . 1
Cake ••
C U N S H I N E Kosher Primrose Crackers +* save time, worry and work. They are all ready to serve. , ., A generous layer of luscious cream is imprisoned between two, chocolate, kosher cookie-cakes. They are so delicious, they are sure to win the hearts and appetites of guests and family when served at parties, with tea and coffee, with ice cream and desserts. ••••" ; • "Koshruth" is guaranteed by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregationsrof America,' A Mashgiach is always present at the bakery. In ordering these and other kosher crackers, be euro to say . . . Sunshine . . . to your grocer.
Sunshine Kosher Primrose Crackers
J Tokens o for t.
llou qet 4 4 smile* Employes of tHe OmaHa & Council i Street Bailway Company are trained to be cotntecus . . . to give extraordinary service, and to give that serviee with a smile. When yfou buy three tokens for twenty eents, you get. not only three smilinjr tokens, but also the courteous attention of the conductor. Street cars are essential to the life ot the effy. Without the street cars, many would be without any form of transportation to go to work or to take part in the life of the city.
WO layers of Silver Dough —That Delicious White Silver Dough—filled and iced with butter-cream icing full of FS-.ES H E L B E R T A PEACHES. Do not miss this.
Your Grocer's
[ven the totem smife of you!
At Your Grower's
Place your order today for Saturday delivery
Choice of the finest homes. The favorite
where economy is watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high reputation recommends that you try it.
STANDARD BAKERIES CO. ,-'•*'Haste** KiteW*
; SCIENTISTS HONORED J. J.'s squashed the Bnai Ami under Nathan-EWe, 1927 •«>tier, is defend[Ruby Goldstein, Battling Levinsky, htiardtion, Mi6s E. Steinberg of pering his title, but wit., the galaxy Ko-cow.—^'J. 1. "-)—A nunWj ol a top-heavy 9 to 0 score,' with Max . jand a flotilla of others. Time and many finished t)iird. ' \' of- experts- entered he is expected to Jowish scientists -vill soon be tjrn.l^tl Altshuler being nicked for only two • again renown ^bruisers, have tried to- While on th« enticing topic of h succumb to the keener crmpetition. ofhoinl recogiution t'ci their sciantific safe wallops. Young Epstein of the i come back, and time and again the- feminuuty* if ypu wpnt- my opinion o1 work, tor by th°. Ila^Eian Academj- of a» m' nifty ''«'»•« also *" •turned « — i -in < -ftw twining Pairings:- . • • inevitable result has been unequivicaL —well,. I'm going to' give it any- losers H. Lipp vs. R. Hiller; L. Sog---low failure;- Yet, "they always come back. way—women shpUld not' engage too performance, allowing one lone bingle vs. B. Shapiro; I. F. jfipodman vs. Any d&b can star once in'* a while, f6r more". And, in lieu of the strenuously in ^ports'. What do you up to the sixth. The Psi Mu, last year's penxiant S. Green; R. Cooper vs. H. Farber; OMAHA MIKKOK & AUT GLASS CO. .,. , _ ;.u..- : but itViihe star who qnly dubs once paucity of. infallible prognosticated think? ; winners, continued to flounder in N. Fine vs. S. Zlotsky; M. Wein'^erg Manufacturers of in a while. . " • . iw, the office,. I shoulder the responJ. M. Mslashpck h^ia had- an utter- the mud when the Kaimans staked vs. A. Bercu; B. Berr.u, bye; S. Ulrrors, Art Glass, Window Glass Kesilverlng—Picture and Mirror Although we have inhaled no gift: sibility of "prophesying that if peer- ly, rhocking disregard of Doc Pope the Clubmen's outfielders to a cross- Yaffe vs. C. Rosenberg. Framing le . IJenny Leonard essays his longin mowing .down '.• his ,favored ; opof prophecy nor even visited the country run in a free-hittinsr SVVHI1014 Cumins AT. 6533 heralded, comeback act, even that ponents in . % : Highland Cpqntry fest. The Insurance players, how-; Jerusalem:—(J. T. A.)—A selected Delphian... oracle, we ijeyerthelege maestro of leather pushers will wind club golf tourney and/ cqnsequently, ever, had their hands full, finally Palestine football team will leave here predict that Julius Saligson, the leading Jewish exponentin: ths arf up flat on his back; It's about, time iwill meet San» Yo/usenJ for' 3 the ending-on top,. 12 to 7. Walt Bloom for Englapd j n October to participate that niblick crown, s In ; the semifinals, The utmost in of navigating a tennis, ball, will be that these old timers learn featured vath a timely four-base in matches with . outstanding British there is one game you can't b e a t Yousemoutshot M. -JJonsky, 2 and teams. The organization and general Photographs honored with a Davis Cup": tryput in smash and a circus - catch. expenses rVFJH be paid from the fund the near future.;Young: Season has )*he" game. of. Youth, umpired by 1,. while' Malatjhock set R. If filer DAVIS LAKE STUDIO back by the saifte score; The J. C. C. golf tourney is nowprovided[i^y Lord Melchett, Sir Alfred been burning up-the courts in-tije Time. 2506 No. 24th—WE. 6311 Mond. The team will consist of 20 Harry Trustifl and J . ? . Heyn.will under way with fifteen mashie East, capturing several tournaments, Izzy Swartz, assiduous flyweight sh in the president's'^ight finals players. : . finals, trophy^ : including the Metropbj^an- CJay pt^ swingers in quest of the champ, kept a firm grasp on his clash in the president's Court, the Intercollegiate, and the titular diadem-by slugging Little J eff while - in. the vice^pMfident's ftyght ; I B. B Zimman Zimman ^11 Cfoss sticks lyith Eastern Clay Court Singles. If-this of Baltimore into temporary un- I. Jewish netster continues - at hjis consciousness in the fourth canto of W. Grodinsky. present neck-breaking pace, he wi^l their championship scuffle. Don?t undoubtedly earn a ranking among giggle, but, _ confidentially, I learned While, rummaging.» about the first ten in the U. [S. A. '. • that a few.years ago^Swartz^took a musty tombs of erudition it. In the spring,1 it seems,'-a bpxer's c 6 r r e s p o n d e'n'c-e c o u r s.e in earthed a tale * spm^hVt in :'. ;V fancy . lightly turns to thoughts'-'qt muscle:building. guise:' _ • _ . : y, •;•': ':• I wonder, would you call; his a v -Perspiration »nd Inspiration comebacks. The Jewish professional maulers appear to have .been fleeply "mailed" fist? set put hand in hapd:^n ihe ardi|pus bitten by the (try-again) bug, Among treacherous path^ toward Sacces^ille, A mooted question still eluding the the notables staging an attempted Drie "to niutual jfelp ^pd» untirintf; efperspicacious icerebra of the sport comeback "are, Sid Terris, Kid Lewis, forts, they rapidly.appr^fched ^|ieir sages is: to what.extent do athletics goal. But one ^ay, Pwsp|ration j$aid and brains assimilate? Many,, a SAM BEBER & DAVID E. BEBER . tOjInsBi^^on:. MTO$ '.ifr'f -ft" - * — ;s< pn; jtte field" jthe .. V ; - - ' , - — .Attorneys, '•_, f . , , 4 ••••" to restl--You go-pn ah«sad-to ':.- '.."~.-•;. »SBO Peters^rnst'Bltfjr..'_ •";•* .-"* iintellect of a f kjbj | ttK^ acumen: ''.of; yille. alone, i t ^pn'it^be difficult^ a s NOTICE BY JPlTBticAT^Ojl ON : ^ a. Caesar,, and' theV genius eni b£ a PETITION. JTOK. 8ETTJ,B3JI;NT OF. -FDTAIi 'AI)3II»IST«ATION-rACCOIJIH;. ni yet outside \of Ih^ Ith^ -game does forsaken-ijy Fijfpprrationv Inspiration; In the County Court of Douglas .-County* notrr have enoughi se sense (to; his ( open: p Nebraska* continued the. Toui^cfy;:^ alone., RIVIERA FLORISTS ii U f t Unfortun-In the matter of t h e .estate of B. C. umbrella wJisn it's**raining. DESIGNING SPRAYS AND .SCHKQEl>El£, - deceased: - all persons in- ately, ' a -flood' of1 corrobprative- ex- next, day they fpund Inspiration-dead AUDIT GO. terested-,in-said, luuttor are; JieryUT''notified PARTY DECORATIONS 475 Brandeis Theater Bldff.—JA. 48U that on the 4th' day of August. VS2H, Irvlnamples exude from our ' educational by the wayside.Om Specialties Stalmaster filed a petition iu : mid. County. AUDITS SYSTEMS Moral: Inspiration may be vital, Court, praying that h|s final ndm.uiBtration institutions year in and year out. 2009 Farnam St. AT. 5757 IKCOMB TAX IT'S GOOD" but without Perspiration jt will prove account tiled Herein bq.settloit liltd.ullowea, Contrarily, take. a p4ek at some and that he tie discharged frq):> his trust 7; IDEAL BOTTLING f u t i l e . • ' t ; • ' • ; as administrator and thut a heating will be master dome of thought Diligent, had on said petition "before said Court on COMPANY the 24th day of August, 10:J8, and that if mentally; acute,: and logical off the hf ^Kainian Insurance and J. J. WM. BRYDEN & COMPANY THE WEIS FLOWER SHOP you fail to appear before said Court on tot) Soda Water, Near Beer . said 24th dur of August, ltESS.-pVO o'clock field, he turns out to :tie a' 'bust" 'pi SmokeKPuse|is Jre'mained deadand Gingerale "The Best Place to Buy CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANTS A. M.i nnd contest Baid petition, the Court the field.." He - can - outthink l2-to ~1 r may -grant" the -prayers of~T}til{r~paWH#"n, locked in their jacrfiiipnipus duel for WEbster 8043 Your Flowers" •cater a. deSreo of heirshlp, and ma kit/each the fellow who doesn't know the dif1808 No. 20th St. 3508 North 24th St.—Phone WE. 205? undisputed posggssion of the summit AT. 4451 Hther;"and further orders, aliowanctig 'anjl decrees, as to this. Court woy-sgera-prpper, ference between - Catullus and Cal-of--the J.-Cr C; baseball league. The to the end* lhat all matters. pertaining to sold estate may be finally settled-and de- culus; still, he remains acephalous in termined. '• "•-""" ' -••'••••" action, with boners his";specialty,..AH of which is rather ,fenigmatical. to iny All's. Jndgp. commonplace encephalon, -unless, per_ . _ j . RAZNICK FOR 75c A WEEK Ladies I^ady^tQ-V$ar. Store MILTON It, ABUAHAMB haps, we can solve the^ problem: • by Sheet Metal and Furnace Works a "Nebraska county seat t d j Your ad in this directory, reaches - .-••' Attorney -•-.' TKWOBK, GCTTEUS and SPOCTrNG "Intuition". You a can teach a- bear f»2i Peters Trust doin^ a good j>usine?5>Have th,p 2026 Famam JA. 4102 practically every Jewish home Reasonable Prices best location a t a% very reasonto dance, but When- a certain point • '. "LEGAL JtOTICIJB ...'•• in Omaha "Everything For The Auto" ,1520 North 24th WE. S565 able Msnt. '-Ilj'health rfeksoh f^r '.To, . Zenoveza place o l resl. . - . _ Hoot, whose . „ ,. of perfection is : attained, he'.can 'ga selling. Box 16, Jewish Pres|. •• of summons cannot be "?ad, defeud- no farther in;.:the._ Terpisichorfean; art. aut: Auto Top and Glass Service L SWARTZ •' Von"ure hereby notified that oil-the "nln'e- There is some innate, jifaborn.-ispark PEERLESS CLEANERS tiiMith day of April, 1028, John i^oor, as that bridges the gap • between•: the BODT REBUILDING Installation and repairing of Tin plaintiff, tiled his petition agulnat you in -"'4420 Florence Blvd. parlors Work—Furnaces—Skylights— the District Court ot Douglas County, Nv- star and the near-star. In other MIDDLE STATES TOP AND l>r.uiika. Docket 247, Page 122, v the object words, athletic stars are born, not KE. 1500 BODY CO. Ventilating—Gutters and Spouting. ;::iuil. prayer of which petition IB to. obtain H»a«e With » Repntatlen 717 North 10th AT. 2833 n divorce :from you ou the grounds of Uemade. . ....,.., -> 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 t : uertion. • •..,.-Direct- Wit? Setviee on All 1'pu are required to answer- "sold petition ..v Latest: Sport" Events on or before the 3rd day* of September, Helen Jacobs, incomparable 17-y^ar]02S,.or said petition will be tokeu a s true «ld racquet wielder, continued her - a t d a decree tafcen accordingly. JOUN_BOPT, 1'lalntiff, ' march toward the:, pinnacle /by, winr By UII/TOK « . AII11AWAMS, Walter C. Roessig & Co. J;:l7 27—3T His Attorney. ning the important Seabright. invitaIN OMAHA AWNINGS and CANVAS tion tourney, defeating Marjorie.Gladr. OFFER LIOXSKY, KATTLEMAN & OHODINSKiX SPECIALTIES .'. Attorneys . • man in a superb, sensational .match, . / ^ GENERAL the largest selection of quality .7908 Farnam JA. S68S ,. . 750 Omaha Nat'l Bank BJdg. 9-7, 6-3. Helen, you remember, was furs at the lowest prices in the 250 - Roorns^—80P ,Baths •"'/'.FUOBATE NOTICE ' CONTRACTOR city. A small deposit will one of the mainstays on the U. S. Good - koomi for Sl-50 In the matter of the estate of ISRAEL hold FURS until wanted. Wightman' Cup team. \•• --r DAV'IU UKKBKK also known as JACOU Operated by Eppley Hotels Co, 409 HospeBldg. K ;. UKitUEH or J. UBltUKU, deceased. SCOTT OMAHA •NOTICE i s hereUy given: That' the TENT AND AWNING CO. JAckson 1614 crwlitors said - deceased: will , . , of -•••••••-„. -•--„,— -meet, . - , - thu - , - . Msntion of women athletes* recalls udministrator with will annexed • Of suid , . ' . +, _, v-u ^ 4WNINOS, CANVAS COVBKS, TENTS. JfEWELERS cstuttf, before me, County Judse o* i)ou«-|the news that Fanny Rosenneld ••••ofCAMP syrrxnss, ALI, KIKDS 2nd Floor Securities Bldg., JA. 1132 E»tim»tes Gladly Furnished tos.-County. •Nebraska, at;_the County.Court- Canada d e s e r v e s a goodly share of 15th and Howard ' AT. 1433 itoom, in said County, on the'Itfth day.of M A L A S H q C R J E W Y September. 102S, n'ud on the JUth Uay of the spotlight- An. American defeated Kotember; liKSS, «t f o'clock; 4 , ^ eau?i V</hoiesaU land; Retail Jewelers day, for the -purpose*:of thulr this young lady by a nebulous eyel "' 2fl3-l# City Natjonal i claims for examination, adjustment nnd al- lash in the finals of the women's 100 EVANS-MODEL LAUNDRY lowance. Three monthi nre nllowea for the , , , . , ., , n o o /M • ; BldJABW9 HIMELBLOOM BAKERY SINCE 1S76 creditors to present Ujelr claims, ^rom the me.ter dash of the 1928 Olympic. All Family 1511 No.. 24th—WK. ITJS4 i o ^ d n y p f . A u S u s ^ ^ c i A^ -wF oe i £, . ' r gam^ ^ .&dd further to:the exServices, from July ao—4X Serve Himelbloom's new Rushian Wet Wash to County Judge. pumpernickle bread with your next Family Flnisb BAai BEBEB ATO/ BAVID H. 11th and Douglas Sts. meal. , : : . Attorneys •" ' | j " Fresh Corn Beef cooked daily. , S00 Peters Trust BlUg." JL . We also serve lunches and all ';.'. FKOBATK KQT1CE — SFECIAI, NOTICE kinds of meals. Home made •In the'matter of the estate of LOUISA We are offering 10 per cent discount on IlAKMN'HOliZ, deceased. For space *11 rough ury bundles picked up Friday pickles. All kinds of Bakery " NOl'ICKlB hereby given: That 'the for Tuesday delivery. 1 craditors; of said deceaued will meet thi in this directory call the Goods, Picnic Lunches. executor-of said estate, before me,-County SANITARY LAUNDRY Judge of Douglas County, Kuliragkn, at tUi W. II. OSTENBEUU, I'res. WE. 1428 1513 North 24th St. JEWISH PRESS—AT. 1450 County Court i;oom in Bald County, on the
National Accessories, Inc.
Awnings and Tents
JA. 0243
Specially Cultivated
J815 Farnnm
4th day of October, 1U2S, uud ait the 4tli day of December, 1028, at U o'clock A. M., each day, lor the purpose uf presenting their claims tor examination, adjustment and allowance. Three inunttiB n»« allowudfor the creditors to present their clnim*. .- from Out; 1st day- of- September. IlKftf. VllXCB CHAWFOUD, -;Aug. 2 '" . . . . . .
- :^, . Attorneys
3U0 retera Trust Bldg.-. . KOTICE OP ARTICLES OF
EVCOBPOKATION , OK" THK HANAPHONK COKJOHATJON Kuow all men by these vresgnts, that, the uudersigned have formed a- utU'utfrutlou under tue laws of Iho state of Nebraska. 'j.lie naiiiK of this corporation shall be ""Xhv LlunapIioDe Corporation" with lt^principal place of business at Oiliabii," XelfrasUa. 'l'liigeneral n;itare of. the busiue»s tu be' transacted uud the object' and puciipsu for wlilch this, corporation is organised and established, shall be to- buy, Bail 'mill distribute . talking picture devices Including jill accessories for the same uud ull him* imd records' pertuliilnc thereto; to buy. sell and distribute tuuutricnl mippjles, Ilxtures and equipment- oi all kluuu; to sell • n d distribute motion picturu films uud to do any and all thinea. pertaining tu the currying cu of said business incJuUfuu the right to owu and^ hqld real estate. The organized capital stock shall be ?1U,000.00 and all of said stock - Bhall |M> common ajul of the pur value of flOU.UU pec Bliur« aild all of said stock shall by fully paid up and non-assessable. Said/stock way be issued for'pash, reul estate, personal propurty or licraoual services, i-ha- corjiorutlou sliifll commence doing business upon the ttllutf" of its articles'with' the County Clerk oi Douglas County. Nebraska, ami uhiill continue for a period of fifty yvan-ttom sajd date. 1'lie highest amount of Imlubtudnutis bhnll hot-excee*l 2/3 of itu capital stock but tliis restriction shall not apply to indebtedness secured by niortuiltftiH or Ileus upon, any- of the corporate -property.. The affairs of this corporation shall be maifngvd by a Board of Directors coi|El8tln(i of not less than'two members,•" The annual mevlIn" of-tiie corporation shall be hell} qu ihv tlrst week day of Jannnty of encJi year fit which meeting the. stuckluildrrs «jjall elect u I!o;trd of Directorsi .nnd thereupou tl)e Hoard eball elect n I'reBident, q f<nTetati and a Treasurer., Any two pf gold offices mnv be lieW l>y. one n^d tUc mmv m These iirrtcles . may - bp- juupmlca i)t regular or,special inciirlnp 01! tlip I . - . , . hoTders b y V - / ^ ™ ^ o t *ue~«>"t#fnndl|)(j bt
In VitnoFS .vrliereof the partips heroin h"\e Tiereiuito aubscribed their t»amc« thlH •lia u-y o£ July, 1Q28. 3 ^ a a , H B N M'. L/HTHKN!'
In the presence ot SAM July 27-4T.
in Brazil
Drug Stores
S^mtifieally Blended
. ••• 227 .South 20th Street
' - Satisfied Customers Our Greatest Desire V/t
in Omaha; these are the chief reasons for the won4erful
OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1007 Cumins St.
Pianist-lnsii-uctor Studio WiO Be Open All Summer
AT. 6454
no not throw nwny your faded pannents: have them re-dyed l>y: BJI expert. Formerly a sample Dyer nt the Piintonnm nnd Dresher Bros. Prices rensonahte.
1917-19 CUrk St.
WE. 1119
Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted Suite 5, Wead Bldg. 18th & Farnam Telephone ATIantic 8162
ISIh "and Davenport _ —. — JA. 3573
Beauty Parlors
Medical Arts Beauty Parlor
All Types of Beauty Work Expert Haircutter
Expert Permanent Wavers WO Urdlcal A « i Bide.
605 Electric Bldg.—JA. 1045 -All Kinds of Electric Wiring—
L ELECTRIC CO. Electrical Contracting and* Repairing •104 Ko. SUb St.
KE. 3424
JA. |]M
Printers 109-11 North 18th
JA. 0644
SUN PRINTING CO. AT. 3832 504 So. 13th
ELKS BLDG. Down and Wool Comforters, Bath Robing or Anything You "Wish Quilted. AT 6855. Note location, 1805 Dodge MISS HABA,
Rentals We Specialize in the Management of Property, Giving Special Attention to Apartment and Business Properties HEYN-KENNEDY CO. REALTORS 416 Medical Arts Bldg. •
JA. 2100
Laying, Sizing, Fringing, Binding 61ie Military Ave.
WA. 8M3
For Service Call
THE BEE HIVE CLEANERS Under Mannpement of H. Marcus
1941 Vinton St.
JA. 1440
JA. 246?
General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing
Blended, Roasted,, Grajmd and Packed
Mattresse« made oVet In new ticks at half price ot new beds. Pillows renovated and made op in new featherproof ticking.
Service Our Motto
Road Service
THE MODE 413-17 Fnxton Block
Mattresses and Pillows Made " Over in New Ticks 1917 Cuming AT. 5983
(32 Years
—Cull Kor Prices—
Piano Teacher
2602 St. Mary's
Hemstitching Alterations and Dress Making
Battery and Tire Service ;
ATlantio 2815
Batteries and Garages :
Careful! Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality
PJUSSCBIFT1O.N EXPERTS 20 Tenrs Servlc-e with Sherman & McConneil Drug Co. 1519 Farnam St. AT. US1
TONS MAHCHKSli, Mgr. rersonai:'Service' Ion Will Appreoiafe
of Advo Coffee
. 11)23iciarit.St.—WE « « o
Sold by All Grocers
Blocks South ot 3. C. C.
Pleating and Buttons
Barber Shops
and in the Orient, and ~ •-. [ ,
308 So. 18th St.—AT. 5267 AXI, KINDS OV BGAL'TY CVL.TVKIC
' Furriers
LILLIAN'S Permanent Wa%ing Shop
Auto Tops—Accessories
It became known today that Leonard £ancel?tam, J sop;< Kulisher. \ 1>?'^(JJ L»eb"iin.' Michael Pergamen*. uru! otl.eis,. were pruscTiv.« by the authorities-£.* Candida'-'s f i r life in tl.e Russia'i Academy of
Tire Shops THE MILLER TiKE SERVICE COMPANY "That IiHTle lixtrn Strvlw" Miller <5enre«1-to-the Uo«<J Tlr»»
3038 Hanic; 8t.
NATIONAL TIRE SHOP AND BATTERY STATION Cor. 17th und Oipitol Ave.—A'i W4'< GOODVEAK KKItVlCB STATION Tires, Tulies. Act-pssories. lioncl Servrct Tnlcnnizing nnd «.ien«riH Uepnlring
Towel Supply
When You Need a Plumber, Call
609 North 16th
E. L. RODWELL PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR Quality IB Keinemliwd !'<>ng After the Price Is Rorgotten «8G8 Fnrnora St. ATIantic 1994