August 17, 1928

Page 1

Interesting and . Entertaining

dUthe Sex&s Interest to Jcrcs

Entered as eecond-clnss mall matter on January 27, ID; % £>, PQStoffiee at Omaha. Nebraska, under tbe Act of March 8. . » •£•

• = =

VOL, VIL—No. 21




v o r p FAVOR OF

Hungai j&Fascists Will Drop A\ Ik*Semitic Stand

The Washington Jewish Mirror


Bruenn (J. T. A.) — An interBudapest "*T. A.) — AntiBv HILLEL, the Observer national conference of Maccabee Semitism as,, ^3cial plank in the sport clubs, with an aggregate party platform was eliminated by membership of 30,000, was opened the Hungarian Fascist party con- THREE OF OUR Jewish congress- congressional Jewish trio under fire man figured prominently in the news this week, and he, poor fellow, is today. Judge Irvin Stalmaster Performs here William J . Coad Tells of Savings stituted yesterday; hit with his back turned, and nary and literature of the week} one. of Herr Spiegler of Vienna, who Republican Presidential CandiThe elimination- of the antiCeremony Before Crowd Possible From Use of presided, reporting on his American date Also Warns Against Semitic plank caused considerable them engaging in a picturesque. tiff a chance to' retaliate. • Sol is over in of Two Hundred Natural Gas tour, stated that American organizasurprise here as the elements con- with the Ku Klux Klan; another join- Europe just .now, -hobnobbing with Tariff Reduction stituting the (party are known to be ing with "a fellow-congressman in thethe rulers and great ones of the LAProUS MAIN SPEAKER tions have decided for the present SEPTEMBER 25 closely affiliated "pith the Awaken- vital controversy on national; radio continent. It is"-.•hardly fair, is it, not to join the Maccabee, as they do not regard the organization firm- GIVES IMMIGRATION VIEWS ing Magyars, * whose ' rabid anti- problems and adjustmentsi - and:. the to strike hint taps when his bcid; Before a crowd • of two hundred ly lestablished. Natural gas -will bring about an Semitism has made them" notorious. third becoming the butt, of' saresrsm is three thousand and more persons, District Judge Irvin StalNew York (J. T. A.) —- In his immediate saying ~ of more than Speculation was; rife as to the at the hands of an experienced hard- away, and his r m|ad' is certainly jnaster laid the cornerstone of the Representatives from Maccabee address accepting the Republican a^.year to gas users of reason for* this ttedsion. Opinoin hitting Washington journalist.. These heights unmattafnable. Worse |w synagogue of the Congregation sport clubs in Roumania, Poland, presidential nomination, Herbert C "; : .' ,if/the people vote to accept was divided,, some believing it to be are the details: that—the blow-;%as dealt by Israel in Sc-uth Omaha at Lithuania, Austria, Germany and Hoover touched upon the question "-the natural gas proposal, according the result of-the result of the ingentle hand o | ««£-woman! O Cruel "RADIO_ CONTROL", is on' theFate! that Jolly Sol should be thus Twenty-fifth and . J streets, Sunday Czechoslovakia are participating in of immigration and religious tolerto Mr. W. J. Coad, Chairman of the fluence of the Italian»_Fascisti, others the sessions. Greetings were received afternoon. lips of everyone today; for each home Metropolitan Utilities District. maintaining that-the official omis- is faced with difficulties of tuning in maligned and sarcasted. Listen to from Palestine, Switzerland, Jugo- ance in the United States. The new synagogue, which is beSpeaking on tariff imd immigrawhat the unfair lady says in slavia and Hungary. 'This saving", Mr. Coad said, "will sion of the anti-Semitic, plank is to- the favorite station and keeping ing built to replace the old one tion, he said: "The Republican Menken's Green Bible: merely a maneuver in order to gain ixfcend to every user. of gas in the out undesirable programs; and: inter- ; Peering \do-vra. at Mm from the Teceatly seriously •-damaged by fire, principle of an effective control of financial, support from/Jewish circles the :«ity except /those "who - - pay ferences. Congressman Emwiuel Cel- gallery, 1&e .^spectator can hardly will be buiifc .at a cost «f twentyimported goods and of immigration . of /whom -there are a of the Fascist party*; ler has therefore chosen ,•»!•' popular has contributed greatly to the surprised that the beaming sevea- thousand dollars. T ^ old (comparatively small number. cause' intai" which to jump, with, Ja edifice had "been in use by the" South' prosperity of our country. There is gentleman below,'in Ms immaculate *This irill be the minimum saving, controversy* _Se lias his-.."own ideas Omaha congregation for seventeen no selfishness in this defense of our {Cohtinnea on page 2) and practically, all of it applies to the on" the control/of the ether, and that years. The new building will be standards of living. Other countries u s e of gas for cooking. The saving is, now this week, the youtKful-Jewish completed before September 14, in. gain nothing if the high standards •will, be much larger when people berepresentative v from Brooklyn drew time to be used for the Bosh Hasho- Give Names of Departed Friends of America are sunk and if we ate bin to -use gas for house heating. fire from a Tennessee colleague in nah services. prevented from building a civiliza"The saving on each bill, except of Institution to the House, Representative Edwin L. tion which sets the level of hope for Judge Stalmaster made a brief. the minimum- bills, -will be approxBuildings Davis. Judge Davis happens" to be the entire world, A general reductalk in which he beseeched all Jews imately, 30% as soon as natural gas Decide to Support Zionism at the author of the^ famous "equal tion in the would admit a to remain true to the faith of-their is installed. While only half as NEW YORK BRANCH BEGUN flood of goods tariff division- amendment" to the Radio International Congress from abroad, It -would forefathers. much natural gas -will be needed to Law, and therefore he's took it as- a injure every home. It would fill our in Brussels Mr, Harry Lapidus was- the princi- At the last monthly meeting of the do. the •work of manufactured gas, personal insult when Celler declared' streets vrfth idle workers. It would pal speaker of the afternoon. Board of Trustees of the Jewish we axe being liberal by estimating OPPOSITION OVERCOME that the amendment w£s"unwo"rkable. Refuse Invitation to Attend "Any Jewish person who becomes] Consumptives' Relief Society of Den- destroy the returns to our dairythat the saving will be only 30%. Bitterly indeed did he resent the Congress of liberal a traitor to- his religion, also is a ver, Colo, (popularly known as themen, our fruit, flax and live-stock — A pro- claim that it was "obnoxious because In many cases the saving will be Brussels (J. £ . ' A-) 1 traitor to his country and cannot be Denver Sanatorium) a graceful growers, and our other farmers Palestine Committee representing it carried' political and .sectional Jews a true American", Lapidus said. tribute was paid to the memory of "No man will say that any im^Chairman Coad said that natural the trade union movement in Europe elements."" "This synagogue is being built for the late Dr. C D. Spivak, widely migration or tariff law is perfect. MODERN TREND ARRESTED gas ""will also bring about more and the United States; though not This made the dignified judge hot the purpose of keeping the Jeivish known for his accomplishments in We welcome our new immigrant employment, in Omaha by enabling an official part of the Amsterdam under the collar and he shot back: Omaha industries to develop and International, was created here this- "Emanuel ought to be able to give Budapest.—(J, T. A.)—The Reform people • of the community together many fields of medicine, social serv- citizens and their great contribucommunities of Hungary Jewry, in- and teach them the meaning of ice, literature and in particular for tion to our nation; we seek only to •spread out, because natural gas will week. The decision, opposed- originally by expert testimony on 'politics and vited to participate with American, Judaism as our forefathers followed his years of self-sacrificing work in protect them equally -with thr»se fftunish them "with cheaper fuel than some of the * anti-Zionist. Jewish sectionalism' as he is perhaps as British, German <and other representa- it." [they now use. behalf of the tubercular as one ofalready here. We shall amend the much saturated with., both as any of Liberal Jewish congregations the founders of this institution, and Immigration laws to relieve unnecesMr. Coad said also that the people Socialists at the meeting of the man in the country.'" Wow! Thas tives The cornerstone ceremonies -weue in the conference, of tfie World Union 'of Omaha •wilT be assured of an un-Amsterdam International Executive was slainining Manny pretty bard.' for Progressive Judaism -which will in charge of the building committee ior over a quarter of a century its sary hardships upon families, As t> interrupted gas, flow, because the was reached at a special; conference But the genial Brooklyn lawyer has open in Berlin on August 18, have tie- which consists "of the following: M. secretary and chief inspiration. It member of the commission whose source "of supply from the Panhandle .of . forty leading «delegates to the been attached before and <ioes not cliced the invitation, it became known Katzman, chairman; A. Schlaifer, •was fated to rename the post-office duty it is to determine the1 quota i-,of J Texas has adequate gas International Socialist'Congress, rep- shriek before such blows. Every here this week. , . secretary S. Kasmsky, treasurer; A. address of the Society from Sana- basis under the national origin, ; law, presenting the largest countries in tie pipe line -which, -will Lipsman, Harry Dworsky, Herb,Wolf- torinjn, Colo., to Spivak, Colo., and I have found it is impossible to do meefing%"«*icfr. was politician rather expects \thfiinv and ras to Omaha mil ^Europe. The lie. so accurately -and. without'/hardship. "change the son; 'fcikes'.'the' whole procedure,; as'part r •hit the' largest that has ever been initiated l)y the "Zionist LaboT party, of^the game of polifics.:- True, Celler igarian parliament and outstanding and A. Newman. Administration Building to "The C. The basis now in effect carries out the essential principle of the law contracted',-"*.in* the UniteS States. Poale Zion, was convened" by~Eduard has tfiken a special interest 'in radio leader of the Eef orm Jews in Hungary, D. Spivak Building". replying to the invitation trf Miss Lily Every precaution - of ' engineering Bernstein, 'Germany Socialist It is felt by the authorities ofj and I favor repeal of that part of legislation in the last few years tfut science has been taken to' insure a Leon Blunv French?, Arthur- Hender- Davis seems;to feel that the Jewish Montague; * Secretary of the World the Denver Sanatorium that not only the act calling for a new basis of Union, gave several reasons f«r *hsir scn, British, and. Emile yandervelde, continuous j flow of natural gas. will this action serve to perpetuate quotas." congressman;has changed his mind decision. .• . Belgian. , . The- $1JSO'6,OOO gas bond issue On tolerance the candidate dethe name of Spivak in the very too often,' for thus the judge' dewhich will /be necessary to construct The resolution introduced by ^'res:'^ 'j"A -year ago Celler, made Two statements made by Mr. Sandphysical location, where he had soclared. "In this land, dedicated to mains in-Omaha if natural gas isVandervelde "and-, unanimously adopt- some very vicious attacks on the OT are particularly striking, one-to the long worked, and gave- of his best tolerance, we still find outbreaks of brought to the city, will not increase ed expresses • ""recognition . of the radio monopoly but during the effect that the constant persecutions for the cause of the suffering con- intolerance. I come of Quaker stock. taxes one" penny, according to Mr,achievements of • Jthe new Jewish present session he assumed the role of the" Jews in Hungary have brought Official Announcement of Ap-sumptives, but it will also serve to My ancestors were persecuted for commonwealth in . Palestine." The of chief champion of their interests. the assimilationist Hungarian Jewry Coad. keep the name constantly before the their beliefs. Here they sought nnd pointment Was Made -"A Jtunor has been spread that resolution adds that* Zionism "based . . He has < evidently weakened in back to the Schulchan Aruch, Jewishstaff, the patients and the friends of found religious freedom. By blood This Week the issue of the bonds -will increase on work, on Socialist transformation his contention that they have vested religious code, of observances, and the institution, as a reminder to and conviction I stand for religious secondly, that modern Reform leads to taxes", said Mr. Coad. "Such a and international solidarity, deserves rights. If he would only make a real baptism. carry the fight with the same tolerance both in act and in spirit. .• . TO BE EXECUTIVE HEAD energy,oncourage, and unflagging The glory of our American ideals is statement is erroneous. Both the the: assistance 'of .'all^Socialists." The study of the question he will abandon principle and interest on these bonds Pro-Palestine • ;Labpr: ^Committee, such ideas entirely." Come now, "Constant persecutions have re- j New York. (J. T. A.) The official perseverence so displayed by the late the right of every man to worship God according- to the dictates of his -will be paid from revenue obtained composed of . Socialist leaders, will Manny, be a good little boy or I Stored Hungarian Jewry to the Schul- announcement of the appointment of Dr. Spivak during his life. chan Aruch and therefore attendance maintain permanent offices in - Brusera conscience." br the sale of the gas. won't play, with you. At the same meeting another deat the Congress on Liberal Judaism is Dr. Isaac Max Rubinow to the post "The issuance of bonds by the sels under the direction of two secUseless," Mr. Sandor wrote. "More- of executive director of the Zionist parted friend of the Sanatorium -was Utilities District has never increased retaries, Mi Pierard and M. Jarblum. THE KU KLUX KLAN picked over, Hungary Jewry is satisfied with Organization of America and the honored. The late Mr. Max D. Neutaxes.. When we purchased the gasThe office of the committee will be out the wrong congresiinan when the existing three religious tendencies United Palestine Appeal, was made steter was remembered for hi? plant,we had, $5,000,000 -rorth of in permanent contact with the, Poale they tried to disturb a "meeting at and a fourth is unnecessary because this week. splendid work in behalf of the inbonds outstanding. By July 1930, we Zion and -will systematically "inform which Myer Jacobstein Was the modern Teforms lead straight to the As a result of a comprehensive stitution by having the Industrial the Amsterdam International of its - will have paid off $1,500,000 worth main speaker." At a pro-Smith baptismal fount. Sunday services con- program to reorganize "the affairs of Building, which contains the various of these bonds, even though we have activities and atjbut. the work- of gathering in Livonia, New '.York, stitute an introduction to baptism, as the Zionist Organization of America classes for instruction in bookbinding-, Milwaukee, Wis.—(J. T. A.>— SoS decreased the rates of gas and water the labor organization in Palestine. the well-known former professor at witnessed in the sad experiences in and to increase the effectrveness of typing, and other trades suitable for Levitwn, the State Treasurer of Wiswhile paying off. this indebtedness. in the last decades." Rochester University was just about Hungary the work of the United Palestine Ap- discharged patients, renamed "The consin, has been made an Indian chiet : If the gas bonds are approved by the Sacrifices Vacation to Prior to the formal refusal of the warming up in his address when' the peal, the ad interim Zionist Adminis- Max D. Neusteter Building". It was for the second time. voters, our bonded indebtedness will Sometime ago, the Winnebagws, on invitation, Deputy Sandor held the thought fit, inasmuch as during- his unexpected sputtering- of a . ifiery . ibe no greater than when .we bought Aid Camp lieyy Success cross on an adjacent ;MU drew.the matter under advisement, consulting: | trative Committee, acting for the life Mr. Neusteter was a very prom- their reservation, adopted him into summer on behalf of the entire Comjthe gas plant." . attention of his audience- The spec- official Jewish "bodies-as*'to whether mittee of forty, offered the post of inent merchant that &v industrial j their tribe and immediately electee? The close •of Camp Morris . M r . Coad . said that the Utilities tacular sight and bright flame were they regarded Ms attendance at the building be chosen to perpetuate his j him as one of thpir chiefs. District has an excellent contract revealed a. story of_sacrifice - that of course a distracting eiemeift but conference desirable. It was pointed executive director of the Zionist Or- name. Thip time he has been adopted by oat the views represented by the ganization of America and the United The Jewish Consumptives' Relief the Chippewas. The adoption took ?with a natural gas company, and greatly explains why; the Camp Jacobstein did not lose his "grip on; Palestine Appeal to Dr. Rubinow, - i&at lie feels it" is a grand opportun- such a great- success." Mrs. Sam that audience. He strengthened World Union for Progressive Judaism which offer carried with, it full Society is now at work on the great place on tbe Indi&n Teper?sti<Tn at- 1* Nathan, who was responsiblefor the ity for Omaha. himself among them, for they ap- with regard to the use of Hebrew in project of an Eastern Branch in thedu Flambeau, Wise, and it cost the "No. city that has ever been offered boys' meals and ;*was also Camp plauded vigorously when he shouted the services, the holding of Sunday authority to direct the administrative State of New York. A beautiful site new '"Indian" five packages of "eatnatural gas has. turned it down", Mr. Mother, is the heroine of the tale. spontaneously: "That doesn't rep- services arid the right of women to affairs of both bodies, the announce- has already been secured at High- ing- or smoking- tobacco." Chief^RT&g'• anigijip solemnly passed the tobacco Coad said. "The fact that the natural She works ^ hard all the year around resent the; spirit of America to and be elected in the Jewish com- ment states. at the Omaha See-News, but when Dr. Rubinow, heretofore director land Mills, K. Y., and all official around among- the other braves each munal bodies are far more advanced gas people are willing to invest It looks. so far away that I beSociety of permits have been obtained from New of whom as solemnly took a pinch. $30,000.00 in a pipe line to bring she received a two-week vacation, lieve it must be in a foreign coun- than those represented by .the Hun- of the Jewish Welfare ; Philadelphia,;-wUl asrame his duties York State officials. Plans are under she spent it at the.'Camp giving her garian Jewish Community, which beIn preparation for the adoption the natural gas to Omaha, is a good try/' ' _' . ' ' ., ....-•• .' •way for construction of necessary Chippewas fitted out the State Treaspersonal attention" to ffie needs of longs to the , Conservative school the first week in September. assurance that they feel that it will Jacobstein knows his Jewish hisurer with a cap of porcupine fur and making the announcement of buildings. l>e tremendous success", said Mr. the boys. She could easily have in- tory well enough to recall -that his standing midway between Orthodox trusted the work i to /tier cook who and Liberal Judaism. Dr. Kubiaow's appointment, Morris It is expected that the Jewish a deer tail, adorned with heads. From Coad. ancestors were not terrified by a Rothe*&rg, vice-president of the ™™™™*es of this country which it an eagte's feather stuck up si fa The special election on the natural did the work while, she was at work flaming cross even wh.en i t was but her interest' in the success Zionist Organization of America and h a V * S 0 l o ^ " y b e € n supporting the rakish sngle. This was presented t«> gas bond issue will be held on Sept. nearer than on a nearby hill. The the Camp was so great that she chairman of the board of directors W O r k ° f t h l S & r e a t "*«*»«<»» ^ him and in addition also two handsome 25. Everyone is urged to vote. Jewish Army Dead of scorching fire \tquched their wearied sacrificed her vacation to do her bit United Talestine Appeal, said:' over twenty years will not fail to woven bags and a birch bark basket. Britain are Honored of "Itheam in seeing to it-;, .that the boys' had bodies and yet they stood by thejr Mr. Levitars has now a new name, gratified to be able to an- m a i I l t a m t h i S ^PPort in its present JEWISH WAR VETERANS brethren and held fast to their the best time of their lives. necessary work of expansion. one, however, he will Iwxe to practicr * SEEK LAND SETTLEMENT Ypres (J. T. A.)—Memorial serv- nonnce that Dr. Rubinow has accepted a bit to be able to pronounce. It Jp Perhaps she missed a few- days of principles. He also is too keen a our offer to head the administrative fipt'-she did' student of American ajfairs and ices for Jewish soldiers who fell at force of the Zionist Organization and FIFTY JEWISH DELEGATES Binrwewegijig. But the meaning i* Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The Union of -quiet rest or "recreation/ ; knows the story of his country too the front with the British legions Jewish Ex-Soldiers established a lim- win the love of every member of well to forget that no single race were held here in conjunction with the United Palestine Appeal. During AT ESPERANTO CONGRESS much easier. It means Roaring- Skjf ited liability company, with a capital the Camp. the last few years, Zionist adminis- Antwerp.—(J. T. A.)—More than or simply Thunder, or religion dares monopolize pride the British Legion battlefield's pilNow that the '"Camp, is closed, of 20,000 marks. This sum has al-, trative affairs have grown to such fifty of the delegates attending the is available for picnics in this country and its accomplish- grimage. ready been"secured t 0 further Jewish. Na * han 'f an extent that they require the conMOZART FOUNDATION and.outings of all sorts.; ideal- ments. That is why his audience The Reverends Adler, Golloy and tinuous attention of a personaly Intertational Esperanto Congress here land settlement in Germany. applauded even more vigorously and are Jewish. A special service was Sterns chaplains in the British army, Kudolph Mosse andJSerr Sdyk, both ly situated hear a lake that furnishes cheered when he, a Jew, speaking to whose training and experience in held in their honor at the Great Syna- Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—An interr>«> estate owners, were appointed man- swimming and rowing recreation and Protestants in behalf of - Catholic conducted the services at Meningate social and administrative problems gogue. Rabbi Sappra of Germany, a tional music foundation, to be known in memory of 134 Jewish soldiers astnc aging directors and a control commis- near a wood ithat is a paradise for declared at that dramatic moment: Moxart Foundation, was «?tab • •whose names are recorded on the make him-- pre-eminently fit for thedelegate to the Congress, preached the j sion is to be elected. A practical plan bikers and nature , students, responsible position which he is to; non in Esperanto. 1 lished with the gift of 100,000 Schii"Never' forget that this country serr Meningate memorial among 52,000 to obtain an estate and start settle= ; occapy. I'.have fvery reason to be- jjr. Leizerowitz of Lods, Poland,! ling by the Austrian financier, Castig-was built by Protestants, Catholics who fell there but whose graves are ment work is now in preparation, the J Warsaw.—(J. T. ).—"Oneg Sablieve that the Zionists of the country, j delivered greetings to the Congress in ; lioni. directOrS Stated. I bath," the custom "of holding social and Jews working together, and not known. A large attendance of relatives and the iarge body of contributors to | behalf of the Jewish delegates. The' Castiglioni it; the son of & rabbi. A special propaganda organization i gatherings for discussing intellectual America is our joint possession and common pride". Scorekeeper, mark were present and many -wept when the United ..Palestine' Appeal,, will j brother and daughter of Zamenhof, Although he has left the Jewwli Comis to be formed, in which all Germany and literary topics" i n Saturday afteranother touchdown for Meyer. the prayer for the dead was recited. greet with favor the. ^acceptance by J creater of Esperanto, received an ova- munity he often gives sums lor Jefe'» Jewry will be asked to join in order to noon, initiated .in"'"J'eJ' Aviv by the The services were - concraded wQfc Ur. Ephiaow «f" the post which has J tioB from the delegates when they ap- ish csapes, inelsiiing the Keren Hayfcpopularize land settlement for Jews group around Chaim JJachraan Bialik, _ 1 peared in the Congresria*. " SOL BLOOM is the third of ourthe singing of the British, anthem- •been offered him." and to raise funds for this purpose. ' was ^transplanted



















PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PREgS^ FRIDAY,. AUGUST 17, 1928 unfair and conducive to the develop-J Bertrand Russel says the ideal charish youth, it is no more lawless than the other young boys and girls' CONFERENCE AGREES I acter has for its basis: Vitality .courUNFAIR i ment of much bad feeling." of the;land. The chances are that what offends Pr. Reid's eyes is ooncisT .v»m»nwfi ITX age, sensiti/eness, and intelligence. ' The committee also voted to con-' the sight of Jewish youth insisting on their rights as well as the A conference will soon be held Check yourself! duct a National Seminar in the fall ' Published «very Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by" children of any other faith. ren y in New York City under the auspices for the purpose of discussing the' 1 ' THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY But the unkindest cut of all of Mr. Reid's aspersions was his the National Conference of Jews common social' aims of major religOffice: Brandeis Theate> building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 calling the Jew life's supreme egoist. An egoist is one who always of and Christians, to discuss the ques- ious groups. DRINK acts and judges everything according to his own personal stand- tion DAVID BtACEER. BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR of converting Jewish children The Conference is made up of rep- WHISTLE — BLUE BIKD— ards. A thing is good or bad as it effects him regardless of the mVINGPERIJaETiR - EDITOR™: :r Christianity. A meeting of theresentatives of various Jewish and GREEN RIVER rest of the world. Then, is the Jew who has given millions upon to Executive Board of the Conference Christian organizations. The Union •ffqfacription Price; one year ;; Soda Water millions for the relief of the suffering in all parts of the world an was held recently ;;• , , at which time the of American Hebrew Congregations j d i i WHISTLE BOTTLING CO. egoist? If he were an egoist, why would he have spent so much decision" for the conference Advertising frate^ furnished oh application was made. WE. 2131 1181 No. 18th CHANGE OP ADDRESS-rPle$se give' both the old and ne\» address; be. wealth and effort to aid the needy of both his co-religionists and It was agreed at the meeting "that is one of the "members. non-Jews ? No, the Doctor of Divinity must have made a mistake. the attempt to convert Jewish child•;;. : y . , Bvge t o g i v e y o u r n a m e . • •; • • ^ It cannot be true. -• ren to Christianity by the use of all ' Dr. VVilliamJ. Reid would do well to restrain his pen when he manner of social inducements was 27th anri ftlRrtlis Mts. HArnej 10f2 thinks of "Jews. With no-facts- to prove his assertions and only OMAHA, KEBKA8KA with a prejudice, that he accuses the Jews of having, to guide him, Sott gray, irou. brnsg. bronxe anfl alum'•": t)R KEID SPEAKS he presents a sorry spectacle. mum i-nstings. Standard sixes bronw better warn Jimmy Walker anyway, nnd troti bushings, sewer mnnfaoie*. WHen the Department of Commerce published the Cencus of cistern ringB nnd covers and clean-out . "PLEASE WHITE something about Wishes to announce religious Bodies, giving its findings abdut the Jews of the. United doore In stock. All kind* of wood and [invaluable, but unlike most of hisDr. Julius Klein in your interestto his friends and motnl pnttcrng. States, few persons even imagined.thatthe figures would provoke (colleagues he refused to clog up theing column. I consider him one of patrons that a beauany serious, argument or- discussion. . T h e tabulations were inter• Record! One of his bills requires the- greatest factors in Herbert tiful selection of esting.^nd useful, but seemed to convey no deep ulterior meaning "QUALITY JEWELERS" all civilians, to salute the flag when Hoover'a power over the country. to most of us. However, William J. Reid, D; D., writing in an (Continued, from Page 1) it is shown on parade. The most We business men are proud of Dr. MALASHOCK JEWELKY eastern religions weekly, upon observing the fact that most of the amiable of men Sol could not feel Klein and would like to know more Wholesale «nd Retail Jewelers American Jews live in cities' (and almost half of the total in New white vest, his breast kerchief bitter toward anybody. In fact he about him"- These words from s. York) felt the urge to: comment, and here is what he has to say. ' 213^16 City NaMonal Bank his tie • and the stripe in is so gracious that when his guests recent letter will interest other "The Jewish-race isl)ne of the religious minorities in this land matching Bldg.-JA. 661& are Catholics he ? hides Mussolini's readers, too, for many are under the his suit, his patent-leather shoes which has made a deep dent in the public consciousness.. The Jew wenn-polished and his pirice-nez picture and displays one of the impression that Julius Klein is a is intensely race conscious. He cannot be assimilated. He is life's :> dangling on a black ; silk ribbon— Pope. Jew. Hia name . sounds Jewish supreme egoist. His mentality is high. His prejudices are alPATRONIZE The lady writer must have in- enough, but we have investigated most ineradicable. Beligionply, he is a formalist. His trend is that this shining gentleman has vestigated s Are now on display his ownreligion and his dazzled Washington. Sol -has. The toward rationalism^ His tendency in the mass is socialistic and the matter and are convinced that at his printincr csTHE SUNSET revolutionary. .He is invincible in achieving his ends. Where he!Washington society columns, are al-religious practices, for she comDr. Klein is of German descent. tablishment TEA ROOM 49 and ways carrying descriptions, of', Mrs.ments: And difficult as i t may be toSince this column "is limited to predominates,.in a community, he is be intolerable as a! 118 So. 17th Street CANDYLAND neighbor. He ^ offensive in his almost total lack of thoughtful-;Bloom and their- daughter, to1 whom believe, -he is a good- Jew. His comment on the activities of Jews dictation ceases and his cigar is. 16th and Farnam ness^nd consideration of fthe rights of others, f: His children are as,Sol --proudly refers^' as '"the wellin Washington and national politics snuffed, out at .twilight on Friday. known writer Vera Bloom'V When a ruie utterly lawless. A •considerable number: of his race escape we cannot oblige Mr. A. M. with • front-racial and traditional influences and go out to bless all man-'he was recently defrauded1 jof~$600 "Put K. S. V. P . on our wedding an.item on Hoover's righthand man; THE COST WIIX BE kindSvith. a surprising compassion, and they utter words^ worthy of for a lake'"Who's Who' same of invitations"v he told his secretary, Don't stop asking1 questions; please. VERY NOMINAL the jeolous Tammany boys actually "it irieans • Real Silver Vedding in'the writings^the prophet^ pf old;',' . . - . L._; "(Copyright $ ' ; .v-w.:--ilie.-8tatenient5--of::the learned Doctor of Divinity naturally roared. They are even; inclined to Presents/' . . . . His rise has been "Manufacrarcd in Omaha" . ruffle theipride.of ihe Jew, hut on closer examination^ the injured belittle his' friendship with Musso- magnificent save on one occasion. 1 attitttde-may turn-to one of .amusement. The queer mixture of lini. One day, when the Dictator When the -Honorable Mr. Blanton, BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. idea?; conveyed by Dr. Reid show that at the same time he admires was attacked in the House Sol held Texas • wind-machine, attacked him and^condemns.the Jews..:; He has grown up in a world that has aloft two articles,, of Vera's, on Hat a committee meeting he failed to taught him that the Jewjg: subject for humiliation and perse- Duce.. Mr. Boylan of ; New York retaliate. "If only he had socked :• cutipn. But; the worthy-scholar has observed around him large twitted Sol about using only two Blanton in the 'jaw" said Congressnumbers jot jews who, instead of arousing hatred in him, aroused articles of Vera?s when Bhe had the deepest respect. •; Jn intellectual fields, in cultural pursuits, in seven different interviews with the man Loring Black of Brooklyn, "he philanthropy, and in any,number of other commendable lines of Strong Man. of Italy. Sol admitted •wouJd now be mayor of New York". endeavor, he has found Jews whom he could not force himself to that the other articles were also Too bad, say some; but we had WE. 3260 hate. This placed a rather ariomolous position. And now ,' he finds the explajiation.ipf the phenomena in the belief that perhaps^ these leaders' Wefeijkable because they had escaped from the bounds of their religion!. The prejudice of ages has made it im'Refresh Tourself^ pbssjble.for'conceive that such persons could be the products 7 : DBUTK of that faith. We, .who khow a little" more about Judaism, areincu^ed to/belj^ye that perhaps those who Dr. Reid accuses of dese^ing^Keiir:JudafsTniar6;inore typical"of that faith than most of the others. ' . XK BOTTLES This prejudice on the part of the clergyman is something that he must be unaware of. Shpuld he know of the strong prejudices that have influenced his; judgement in thes past, he would not have Harry H. Lapidus, Pxtt.'Tnu, been so>hastyin: saying tha_t the JJew's"prejudices are almost ineradicable. .-., ;-.; ^ ;: : ,, , - "'"-'• . The mds^Mt^st^ccusatiop of the entire tirade is the statement that the •Jev^s^th^oughttessH df the rights of others Land -that his children are |a}vless; Where Dr. Reid gleamed this thought is COMPLETE STORE and OFFICE hard to imagine;'- "At ieastihe did not reveal the source nor did he OUTFITTEKS present any facts to substantiate his argument. If I he had have We consulted criminal statistics/ he would/have been sorely disappointO n t 10.000 Buwf I'M* ed. The percentage of Jewish criminals is very low. As for'JewStmthwest Corner





Jewish 'New Year , Greeting Cards



Sole of




Excellent Values


oh Comfort





,JJNSEp|J Kbsfi^r Biltmore Crackers, delight" guests and family vi'hi&ifver they are, served . . . wjth tea or coffee, at^partie^ with refreshments and desserts. Sunshine -^Bakers? tajre two, dainty kosher cookie-KiaUes ;and-join them together with a* generous .layer of velvety cream . , , Mip-m-jnl.. » .You are assured that Sunshine Biltmore Cracfcer£are kosher and parve because of Mashgiacb of the Union of Orthodox Jewish iCongregaJioijs of America . is always in- attendance ?ai the bakery.: Koshruth and.quality go hand in hand.- '


Suite icnt with th« m p «nd style yoanj men demand — and tailored from good quality woolens to give excellent service. Two or threebutton coats with«ither single or donble-breasted vests right in every detail of style and tailoring — and right in price. -

v, Plug in on comfort with efficient eleetrical servants, which are easy and cheap to operate. -. You can get any electrical appliance at the "Electric Shops" of the Nebraska Power com. pany, or through any of bur employes. . We can get any electrical appliance yo&desire.


Eleventh and Douglas Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.

Two Pair Trousers

UMMER MONTHS are comfort months—when the last thing in the world you want to do is housework. And. whaf s better, you don't have to do it.

.o ct.-yz i


Vinegar, Pickles, OUvei, Catsup, Mustard, E t c Every

Haannan Vinegar & Fielded. OHAHA



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Kosher fiiltihoire

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Look at malt extract labels. Only on the Puritan can' will you find thewords "Pure Malt Extract." Made from choicest Minnesota barley, free from substitutes and adulterants, you can be sure it's pure.

The Extra Value Omar Bakery puts Into ita tread, cake* and pastries has brought us thonaands of easterners. Women all over Omaha are talking about it. Yon can get Omar goods from most groceries or the Omar wagon that cones to your neighborhood.

Use wherever sweetening is required in the household. Stff:1Hf

the year 'round because only pure horseradish roots and pure grain vinegar are used in its manufacture.

Unittn Itintlc

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You will find it at your grocers even during the summer months.


IJlstrtbiitpfl by

! Thomsen- Slater , Butter Co* i \

Recommended 6n«l Distributed by

1315 Howard S t

V. 8485 AT. 8485


Flavored with Bohemian






X V*


PAGE S—THE JEWISH I»RESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1928 Theodore "Seigle of Minneapolis, and Mrs. S. Guller of S t Louie, Mo., home from a five weeks' visit in New Mr. J»Wlip Friedman and son«, arrived this Thursday morning * to York, Atlantic City, and Chicago. Maurice, Arth nr , * n ^ Lester, accomILee' Arkus "of New Yofk. panied -by Hr*. Ben Harding, left The other guests were:"Celia Mos- attend the Saltzman-Fellnian wedMrs. M. L. Wolfson of Los Angeles, last Thursday for a motor trip to kovitz, Faye: Kline, Celia Wolk, Ida ding Sunday. Calif., who has been visiting in th<> Chicago, 111;, to be gon« about ten Gotsdlner, Fannie Gerbery Goldie By F. R. K. Miss Ida Orlikoff of Sioox City, east, arrived here Tuesday to visit days. Shaunbren," Fannie Garbe'r, Eva Iowa, is in Omaha visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. Bernstein en route •Conn,Lillian Rosenblatt, iEUa AltCouncil Bluffs Chapter No. 7, Order to her home. Misses Belle and Gertrude GoldSeymore Cohn end Milton Krasne shuler, Nell Marks, Ruth Hoffner, of the Aleph Zadik Aleph, and the will leave Sunday for Hastings, Neb., Leo Fried, Herman Corenman, Dr. berg. She will be here for a week. Agudas Achim, will hold a jaint picMiss Hortense Adler of San Anwhere they will spend two weeks Dave Calm: Platt, Howard Milder, The first annual picnic of the tonio, Texas, left Wednesday after Sunday afternoon, September 2, f J«ck Milder, Leo Marks, Dave Bern- Daughter of Zion will be held Sunvisiting relatives. visiting for the past ten days with at Clark's Evergreen farm. stein, Stanley Marks, and Sam day, August 19,. at Elmwood Park. A decision to hold the picnics of the Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler. Miss Carrie Steiman of Chicago, Warsaw. • The picnic is free to everyone. There two organizations jointly was reached Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milder chaperon- will be games and prizes for both Tuesday evening between the com- Mrs. Jack Steinberg left Sunday HI., will return home Sunday after for Kansas City, Mo., to visit her spending two weeks here visiting ed the affair. • children and their parents. mittees of the two organizations. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Leibovitz. Mr. an4 Mrs. Abraham Lewis announce the engagement of On August 22, there will be anJJpder the joint arrangement, the parents for about two weeks, while thttedinghter, Miss Ann €anter, toMr. Miltori Margolin, son of Mrs. Joe Batt gave a bridge and important meeting of the organisa- two Mr. Steinberg has gone to Camp in outstanding fraternities of this Amsterdam.— (J. T, A,)—-Chief ; Mr. aneLMrs; Joseph Margolin. No date has been set for theeupper Tuesday evening in honor of tion. Several vital matters will be city will Minnesota. labor as a unit in affording Miss Mildred Pressman of New York Rabbi Onderwyzer received the high; wedding. - c discussed so every member is urged the vicinity of Council Bluffs its most Mrs. B. Balaban anS daughters, est Dutch order, conferred on him by r---' i. to be present. outstanding, unusnal, attractive, and Mildred and Shirley, left Sunday for the government for his forty years oi -Mnur-Abe Shrago and Mrs. SamWisa Memorial Hospital since ThursNoble's take for a two weeks* visit. service as rabbi in Amsterdam Miss Gertrude Gerber has as her The Daughters of Zion wish to entertaining picnic and festival. entertain jointly .at day, August 9, where she is recover^ luncheon and "bridge ing from her illness. house ' guest" Miss Sarah ^Baird- of thank the public for patronizing A large, beautiful floor lamp and their card party held August 14. many minor prizes and awards will * Saturday at Hotel Fontanelle, honorSioux City.' Miss Baird will return Miss Roselle Verbin" of Fremont, in ene week. " xc\£ Mi$j»~)Sara fellman who will be; Eighteen tables of bridge were filled be given away at the picnic and over forty dollars were collected. I com* th« bride of Harry Saltzman of Nebr., has returned from a five week •, Mrs. Harry Cooper entertained at visit in the south. Her trip included Feature Values in the Council Bluffs Chapter Np. 7, Order Harlan, tpwa, Sunday afternoon. r a luncheon at the= Highland Country Mesdames Dave Fox, H. Madoff, stays in Memphis, Tenn^ Tulsa, Okla., of Aleph Zadik Aleph, will hold a and Little Bock, Ark. In the latter Club followed by a theater party in regular meeting Wednesday evening, a^t Abe Marcus" entertained forty by place she attended the Hai Resh honor of Mrs, Maurice M. Shapiro of August 22| at the Danish HalL Exegtoesta last- Wednesday afternoon at Mrs. David M. Newman. National Conclave where she wasDuluth, Minn. farlawn bridge for Miss Fellman. cutive Secretary Philip Khrtratfck of honored by being chosen "Miss Hai Ribbon Sandwiches I Among others who were hostesses Kansas City will address the chapter The Henrietta Szold girls' dub Resh of America". Prior to this, Cut two slices of white bread and on: "Council Bluff a and the District 1 at bridge ,and luncheon in honor of entertained in honor-of Miss Martha Miss Verbin completed, a course, in i this bridge elect are Mrs. Ben Cohn. Lippett at a party given Saturday, iwo of whole wheat or. rye. Butter AZA Tournament." music at Horner Institute, of Harlan, Iowa, Miss Dorothy SeltzAugust A, at the home of Miss Ida •three of the slices and spread three Showing How Hartmmn's Can Save City, Mo.' Mr. George Steinberg and daugh* man of VCoundl Bluffs, Mrs. Sam B e r c o v i d . . \\-.-. ' • ; - " ' ; - - .'-;'•• •'•. tard boiled eggs, finely chopped anil Yon Much Money Fellman, Miss Lena Mittleman, and "Miss Nellie Ferer has left on' an Miss Lippett returned" recently mixed with mayonnaise dressing. ter^ Lillian, and Mr. and Mrs. Max 7 Miss Bess. Eirschenbaum. extended trip in the east. She will from her eastern trip during which Build the slices up, one above the Steinberg and young eon, Lawrence be gone several weeks; "MTssT Ferer she competed in the national. Young other,-< alternating dark and white, Jay, left Tuesday for Chicago, HI., Mr*.-Moe,-Krasne, of Fremont, will is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Judea oratorical contest, winning a and placing the unbuttered slice on for a week's visit. ^antartain at a luncheon and bridge Reueben Ferer. , .» g o l d m e d a l a s o n e o f t h e f o u r final- top. Wrap up before serving, slice i at the Uathfihder Hotel in honor of Mrs. Philip Friedman has returned ists•,-•.:•••• ..'•;-, ' down, as you would layer cake., Mr. and Mrs. Max Dorvun will • her.^ousCn, Mrs, Maurice Shapiro.. Afternoon Bridge Sandwich Prizes were wpn by Misses Sarah Those srho.wiH motor from Omaha entertain at a dinner-dance in honor Malashock, Jeanette Turner,! Rose 1 cup Philadelphia cream cheese, to attend the affair are Mrs. Harry of Mrs. Maurice Shapiro of Dulutb, Shaf er, and Dorothy Margolin. ^4 cup red pimentos, and V» cup •• "•"•and M i n n . *• j White, Kn> Bueben Ferer, chopped walnuts. roar-p«ter Beds ef mahogStorage Cbestg of eater with 2429 Deeatar St. WE. S527 Other hostesses who have enter"dangHte^ Sophia, and Mrs.Joe Miss ROM Ri&e of Sioux City, la., any aad gum. Choice «f walnut finish exteriors, wood Mix all together, and thin out to We w*nt to rail to the attention of the tained in Mrs. Shapiro's honbif'are is visiting with Miss Celia Nitx of M a r g u l e s . " ''J. '"• " "•-. •"•' •Ingle or full size. Regularly pnbllc that we are pettmB in moulding and heavy overlay the right consistency with cream. Jewish now a new supply al the Reasonable 129.50. August <gf Q 7 f t Mrs. Allan Kohan, Mrs. Francis t h i s c i t y . _ panel. August <M O Q Q -; • . / . .-• '••] • • •'. Spread on toasted white bread or reliKiou* articles. Machzeirin* with Sale Prie* Mr.' "and" Mrs. Sam Robinson,' 708 Whalen, ; Mrs. Joe Margules, Miss Sale Price only * 1 O « W Jewish and English translations, prayer fresh whole wheat bread and cot in ttooks, Toleotrfm silk and wool of the ,No.' 38*4 JStr,,, hav« had as their Sophia Ferer, and Mrs. Max Shapiro. Joe Goldware and sotij David, a n d heart, diamond, club, and spade J>est kind, eta q gueste-their two ..nieces, Mrs. S T 0 M 3 Of MONf Abe Pradell are on a fishing trip a t cookie cutter. A f ull line of New Years Cards Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin and vM. -S^Meyer-'and Miss Ethel Bank Excelsior, Minn. . . _ , , , . . ,.,... ; in Jewish and English oiflios Xngeles, Calif. -Many delight- son, Bobby, have" returned ' home Remember our famous Kosher shop. On the demand of • few customers I tul affairs have been given in their after a two week inotbr trip to Elk- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Laytin enterHAVE YOUR ordered the following articles ot pnre hart Lake, Wis. . . tained at a bridge party in honor of honor daring their two week visit. silver and plate silver candle sticks, T Kodnsh caps, Hndeses, e t c Everyone, their niece, Miss Mildred Pressman, Those ^ h o helped to make their who i* interested in bnyinir one of them, ,-Miss Dorothy Ruth Rose of S t of New-Tork fCSty, Sunday evening. should be »o kind and let me know stay a very "pleasant one were Mrs. Joseph, Mo., arrived .Saturday in t ahead of time, so I can hare it ready Saai'_ Leon, Mrs." Arthur .Robinson, Omaha "to visit her grandparents, MR Thirty guests attended the Jiff air. for them. Printed at Mrs. J. Rosenberg,. Mrs* A. • Lazer- ind Mrs. L. Kneeter. ;,-. .-• ai i Mr. krfd Mrs. Morrisr Potash' "and wJtz, Mrs? Herman Morowitz of Co. son, Leonard, leftjthis morning on a 3. MalashockY Mrs. A. Mrs.t-Philip Batt was hostess at *t Broadway a ^ t h S t i B. Alpirirf, Mrs. H. Gross, Mrs. D.luncheon at the Peacoct Inn, follow- motor trip to Excelsior Springs,. Mo. 'They will be gone for ten days. Council Bluffs, Iowa Fedetf Mrs. ^ Mark Leon, Mrs. M. ed by a- theater party in honor of Phone &95 GridffisfcvWrs. D. Frankel, -Mrs. A.Mrs. Maurice Shapiro of Duluth, Dr. -and Mrs. M. G. Wohl have Stieffler, Mrs. E. Krauss, Mrs. Horace Minn., who is the. house guest o£ returned from a year's stay in SEASONABLE RATES tRosenblum, .Mjra. -Eeva-tStems, Mrs. her parents, Mr. and M>6*=-Baebefe Europe. !*T Kate KarU.and Misses Birdie and Ferer. Mrs. "Shapiro was formerly Lea_ Berggr.' Miss Esther Ferer of Omaha.

Council Bluffs News

C i t y .

• - -

- • • - '

• • • • • • : ' ' • - :



August Furniture Sale


Jewish Book Store


lint Intents

New Year Cards


<~ " M « . " M . H. Meyer and Miss Ethel Miss Sarah Yaffe entertained at Bank sare leaving Wednesday for a t, City [where they will be the Bunco party at her home Thursm (gpefts of Mr. and Mrs. B. evening in honor of Miss Sarah jbi -and d wish i h to take k hi this Golder of Sioux City, la. r Prizes were won by the Misses means'~6f bidding their many relFreeda Weiner and Pearl Feldman. atives and friends farewell. Ruth Hofner and Nell Marks entertained at a weiner roast for fifteen couples Saturday night in honor- of Lee Arkus of New York City, who is the guest of Miss Ella Altshuler. The out of town guests included g f Cohn, daughter of Mr. Lee Shapiro, Jules Shapiro, Max andIl£rf4';A»~ Cohn, has been, at theZelen, Charles Keller, of Lincoln,

ft Sipoxin left Wednesday, AagustjB, to jvisit his brother, Nathan < Siporin"ana family in Minneapolis, Minn, He will return in time to ^ ' opening of the fall semestefejat JCentral High School.

This — —,. , Week's Hostess Special

Fresh Crushed Orange Layer



16th at Farnam

You'll Find a Newer Feminine Lovliness In These


on the Foundation of Dollars You Save g dollars is just like layflfg brick for the foundation of your iiome. The dollars you save draw. 5% annual dividends, compoundjed quarterly. In this way you accumulate enough to get a loan {which will enable you to build or buy. \ Building or buying a Eome involves nothing more than regular and systematic saving of acertain percentage of your income teach pay day. Our officers will be glad to disicuss youi:particular problem with' you and give you sound advice .backed by 39 years of Building and Loan Association experience.

The low price will add Ke joy of choosing

Layer Cake Made From . Silver Dough-1; Filled "With Rich Butter Cream Icing Crepe Satin "" Crepe Georgette Combined with velvet Canton Crepe Combined with Satin and Velvet

of Fresh Crushed Oranges An Unusually Nice "Hot Weather" Cake Dainty and Tasty

c-:/ * "•


t"v /'.'Place Your Order Now for ™77 Saturday Delivery ~





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%ostess Kitchen"


Black Cocoa. Wine . : Coppery- shades and autumn tones of green* blue and'tans.

"tEr :

Junior—Misses and Womens Sizes


j i i r ASSOCIATION ASSETS- OVER # I Q , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 -Officers aad Directors Occidental Building & Loan AsaoclatloBI Kirk Griegs, I. 'W. Carpenter, Ford Hovey, J. E. Davidson, TF. R. McFarland, Geo. T. Mortoij, J. T. Brownlee. Home OHicei IStk anft Harney—Sontk Omahai S3U I S t



',Harry Preston, who out-putted Jri, Heyn,,-5 and 4. W. Grodinsky tared first honors in the vice-president's flight with a 5 and 4 triumph: oved I. D. Zinunan. ' ^ *-' "V • •* *"-' Here's'myJweakly contribution to According to all reports emanating the weekly, rib-tickler; While covering a grid mtUfie from from Europe about the results of* the the bench in' my high school days, I Olympic games, which was attracting overheard this one. A player had no more attention than a;snowfall been guilty of a glaring nifpplay and in Hades, the Jewish athltes reprewhen He came benchward the coach senting the U. S. did not fare so bad began ripping it iii for-the faux pas. j badly. l y v The outstanding Jewish per-

Sport Splinters

Another Fable J Our ded uction:- Now wouldn't either • Once upon a. time ther? was a man one of them make a model husband? who had spent his entire lifetime i And conclusion: "Model,"."so Webliving inland. He had one ambition ster's dictionary informs , me, is a —Stcrtake an ocean trip. He yearned j "small imitation of the real thing." >forvi£~'he dreamed of i t ; it wajt his .fetich, _ his obsession, his prayer. Lawyers,'typists, teachers, mothers, Finally, one day, his dream came business men, even writers, profestrue, as all dreams 4°—"> dreams. ' sionel' men, husbands,- laborers, the He set otit],on his ocean trip. Shortly, 1 kind of people the world needs, are he "spent his longed-for trip praying only "half there" today. They keep for the sight of land far more fer- 1 going — by fits and starts — .with vently tlu&i: Columbus ever did. frequent stops for- repairs, running Moral: As, the furnace man said, on two cylinders instead of four, j With spark plugs dirty and cylinders it's a "grate"'* life. •



their work with three-o'clock fatigue. I A good share of our feminine When at the age to begin enjoying clientele Would profit by exerciselife, - they literally fall to pieces. that is, figu-rVtively speaking. Aidermanic. protuberances — bay* * » window rotundities—excessive bilges About the only camping the fellows in the equatorial belt. Or else, 59 do nowadays is on some girl's porch. varieties of pills, bottles of "toneup," dining on Seiltz powders, and punishing themselves with desiccated O.UAKA &HBB.OR & A£T GLASS C0. dieting. Manufacturers ot Fresh Air is free, and Exercise is a better investment than 100 shares of General Motors preferred.

/."But coach" the griditer;. inter- Yf oorrmk e rs c hw0 a0 1s G e o r g e * o j a c > ' t h e N e w il young flayer player try try-1 York s ^ ^ Besides sensation#d;«I^«toly; a i missing, they go coughing through ing to get ahead." ' " •: j a^y breaking the" world's record for, . Our OWTI Johnny Rosenblatt, who life like half-powered engines, Paxton Billiard Parlors : • ' ' • •••'••" - • - • • • - - • — • * • • • was the silencer, ."you t h e 1 0 0 - m e t e r b a c k s t r o k e i n 1 : 9 : 2 , holds an outfielder's .berth on the j Women bulge too fat, or become 1516 Farnam—JA. 9723 he gave Johnny Weissmuller the need one." Murphy-Did-It nine of the Metro- •too thiri in a mad desire to be human fish, a thrilling race in the Direct Wire Service on All politan loop, fs rated by many $o be fashionable. Young men wake with Latest Sport Events .•'=• J. M. OMalashock annexed ithe High- 100-yard free-style sprint, and wasthe leading fly-ch^aer in Omaha 'puffed-up eyes to shut off Big Ben. j land-golf .championship,, blue ribbon an important cog in the- record- amateur ^circles. Johnny was pjenty Workers almost drowse to sleep over classic jofjfte. Country Club,-by; turn? breaking 800-meter relay quartet. • good when cavoj&ng around for the Although they could have reached Community Center p'ennant-wii^ping .i»g-in a -surprisingly :easy 7-.up" and 6,to go victory over Sftin-Yousem. greater heights, the Jewish delega- .outfit, pit. is v eveo A still.better . this The loser "made. a valiant-effort to tion^on tJie ..imbje, d$d £hjt>etter s e a s o n ^ ' % -%", .J . '•' f d ^ keep; the trophy in the. fanjily, as than 'knji£ of theft isied ssora, and Brother Philr copped1 it -last ye'ari btyj; their feats-are a propitious omen Next on the%ill 6^ .fare we present Jay' . was playing a" < championehip for the future. for your approval a skit "entitle^: caliber caliber that that was was riot't'jjw riot'to'jjwdeiid^ ^ But the Malady Lingers on. Ilalashock-.' fought an* up-hill battle The J. J. Smokehouse and the Kai- Two men whose offices were on; the throughout' the. tourney, but came man Insurance aggregations, who are second floor of a skyscraper stood on through with- flying' colors. .*c* saddle to saddle- in their -battle for' the first fioor waiting for an elevator. The president's flight halo^went to the'J. C. C. baseball gonfalon, will "You're not looking extra well. bats Jfor /the title, neart Sunday; ^^t^;"TQ^i';';V gefcsj ;.'. "No, r J a % , % "' •/'•":'•'•' A X t o T h e s t t : '"••;• • / . — an alluring loving rap;; : i: athjetiafclub.. I;n«ed.^ 300 Peters-l'ruk Bldgi ~ J " • The Smokehouse* nine'^tayed in thei ^That|s "a good*Hun<^. St. SOTICK ON •. :PETITION. SOK running-witiiout' lifting; &. bat, as-€fcei Tlimk i% joinvbner too.'*: JttSJflL ^ U by ftoh-appearanca "'in the C&uriity Court of Douglas. County, The Kaimans, oh t h e other hand, did; And, S.TJL1. tHey waited, for thei e b r u s KKu . .. . • . .; ; • - - ' • ••.••-"."•..-••..: - lit" lit" tke .matter-.eC-thts-mattCth t t "of f >'JS.'JS C C. .estate not find it so simple to remain in tKe elevator. CHRQKDEH;..deceased: am'i>?«idns\in.-;-•.terested iu said piunur urp,hereby:; otjnU swim» The " recalcitrant B'nai;, .Ami] id piuHurarpjierIJy ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. that. ou. the 4th day of August, JU28, Irvin "IF Mulmtoster, filed a i>e}jjiuu iu »ajti Couuty diamondeers knocked three twirlers « 3 Brandels Theater Bide—JA. 4811 Court, praying that h|g nuul-mlmMMstraUon p l m n Wright-David Beauty Parlor* effort A0DITS •'- STSTEMS in vtheir from the account BettieU uuif. and he be discharged from his trust to take their opponents down a - i IXCOMB TAX 716 Brandos Theatre Bldg., I T S GOOD* .•is .idmiiiistratorVma Mint it hearing yfiirpe AT. had ou said petition;pffdr«;.»alii"cburtl ou notch. In the sixth with the count 6 IDEAL BOTTLIKG the r 24th • duy oj Auguat, 1U2S,' uild . tltut: U yourfaU to apiiear bejore suld, fourt on the to 9' against 'the Insurance players,Specialists all COMPANY said :«th tiny ol August, 1WM, aV V o'elout Stolerj the youngsters' NemiGiiiture: -Permanent p A. i l . , aud contest en(d {tetltl'un, the-Court WM. BRYDEN & COMPANY Soda Water, Near Beer SytAmetrizer "Reducing Machines sis who broke up their last encounter and Gingerale CKKTUFIKD PPBtlC ACCOUNTANTS cuter; x decree of he(whip, ana , . , ^ . . „ „ other uml .farther orders, ulluwquces nuil with ? four-base blow in the finalWXbster 3C4S 63SVSwnrItlea Bide. decreeu^as to this 1808 No. 2Mb 8 t AT. «S1 t the th .end d th to that alt matters' pCTtnimiig to inning, smashed out- another honier' e t f pCTti suidr-estiite may be llnally settled and de- with two on to knot the tally. A fewi IN OMAHA termined. ., • . •.. , . • _ . . minutes later Joie Binstein's trip^si County Judge. accounted for three runs and a 12 to 10 triumph. t . , __ 250 Rooms—200 Baths 2UHTOH it. A For Service Call Attorney Jakie Adler smackiad i}»e pellet Good t Kpqms; for ' $1.50 ter3-a'rE THE BEE HIVE CLEANERS tt^by Eppjey Hotels Co, hard for the 4psei£,. registering a, 2026 Farnam "" JA. 4102 Onder Management of H. Marcni circuit clout w^^h 3the |>ases. rchokedtrs To -Zraoirezir-lroot, 'whdSe' place of' dem.-e is mikuowu untl upout \va(iom ••Everything For The Auto" 1941 Vinton St. JA. 1440 s e r v i c c o f s u m m o n s i^rfiiTint- -lra t«'nifi ,






Vou are hereby. n»ti|led I hot on thu uiheeutlt day uf April, mai.JoJlM mai.-JoJlM Uoot, as iveutlt. Uled hi titi it inaiutia, .Uled his petition uguittst you IIn rlie Ulstriet Court of Uouglug County, Xeltid»ka. Docket "J47, Page ¥£>, tjiu object and pniyer of ;niliich peUt]ou is to obtain a liivurue from; you .on the grounds of dcsjrtion



Z\:~ •

Top and Glass Service MIDDLE STATES TOP AND BOBYCO. £051 Fargam—AT. 5584


Vou are required to answer sold nutitlau on or before the, ar<|~day of Sepi ember, liT^or said petitiou jvill IHJ tokea^B truu

:n:a a.ileX:ree..(aKen ilct'OrdiiiEU"- * ;uJOHN JtOOlf l'lalritill, AIJKAMAMS, il|> Attorney-.

KATXLEliAN 4 -' -•-Attorneys 730 Omaha Nat'l NOT10B In the matter of'th« estate Qt LSltAEjU l>AVli) UKKlliCU al«u tuowu up JACU15 viiiiunn or J.'GEUUiiu; deceased. NOTICE ia • hereby given: 'rn,ut the creditors of Bald deceased wiH jneet. the administrator with will aunexuiJ of said estate, before me. County Juijge Uf JJuuglas. Couiity, N e b r a s k a , ^ the. County .Court Kotuu. iu said County, 011 iuo ^Vtu day 'bf September, VJZS, and on the Ullb duy'pf Soyember, iii'iS. at 0 o'cioclc A. il., eaah day. for the purpose, of preBenttug tujlf claims for examination, adjustment and qltowauce. Three nionths are u)lo>ved for the creditors to presi-nt tn«ir claim*, from Jne Uith day of August, Wfii. JSIVJCCB CUAWfOUD, July-Jo—i'S County Judge. SAll'BEBEll AN1> OAVIU B. DEBEU " ". Attorneys ; 'r 300 Peters 'Atust Blt}g. : !' PKOBATI3 NOTICP In t i e mutter uf-lue estate of LOUISA HAK35NflpL!i, deceased.' 'XUXiCK is '. hcreUy-. jfiven: That tfce creditors of said. dcctjabvU wl|l Witt the exct'Utor bt'Kiitl estate, beiore me r County Jinlge'.uf Douglas Cuuut)*, Nebruski|, ill tlie Cnuiity.Court Koum, Jn said County, on (}le 4th day of October, JU"A>, and on ibe 4ll» day \\\UU o'fclpr|t A- S[>. d y of TJetember, e c b , lv'fii, vfii, \\ oacli day,, for the purpose of pru«UHtiitlT their . elaims for. esiinilnntlon, ililjUBtum([t aud allowance, Thre^ luontbg are alloweif for" the i-n-dJtors to-preki-ul. tjji'lr cInln(Sv from the. 1st day ot Heptemlier, 1UU8. 'M• GB.XCK U l A ^ ' J i ' U , :;—4T:; ;; • : ; ' county «fudg«=SAir BJEBEB'A-Xl3 PAVUU E, BEIJElt' Attorneys 300-Peters Trust Bidg. ^ ' N O T I C E OF AltTICLES OF INCOKl'OKATION OF TUtJ 41 ANA." ' • FUOXK COHVOUATlOii Know nil men l»y these prea«ntB that the uuuersigjued uuve<£u^'meu u corporation under Uid lavrs'of; the stum of .Nebraska. uaiure o£ the, business to Uu lrau«auU thy object luiii punmeu lor Vllcli tliis cori>urnlion Is orymu^J uuu uBiablislied slinii be. tu'kiiy, null um] (U|trrbute tulking piLtlire devices lucludlll}; aH .avcessoriea fur - CUQ uanie uud (ill ]il(j|x iiud'records i>crtairiUlB tliureto;, to buy. boll uud tlisUJoute tNutrical Bupplltg, Hilures and etiuipmeh^ of uli ktuuit; to 8e)l nnd distrUjnte motiqp picture Dims u)id lo do any and all thliics pertululug to (UK currylug cu.ol said Vuslness tucludiug t]\K ritrht tu .own aud hold real estate. ' Tlje urbanized cupitnl stoijk "shall be $1U,OUUW> and, all" of said stock shall be common mid ot the par vtiluu of 91UO.0O per shpru and all'of sold Block Buulltm fully. i>»|l) i|p uud Koa-asscssabie. SaliJ IftoeU uiny pu tBBHvil for cusb, ruul estate, lieraonal pruuerfy fir iiersonal services. U-'ha vorvoruMuU - abllll couimeiicx- doiag buitltess Upon I be til)np of Jt« articleB with Nie Couuty UJerk til Douglas Couuty. Kuuiuaku, uud Vlltifl vautlnue for a period ol fltty y««r» IWni said date I'he bighebt amuuut of li^atthlvtliivili but this restriction s|M||I \\«t aw)* W[ l«Uebtedness si-cured by 'tnoftunttuB'q* ens upon any of tbe cotuornte VtoMtty, 'OTe affairs of tUJs corpo«Ufou Bhul be Jwannuwl Iiv a 13oard of Uirecfurs coiisljtlnjf (if not less than two meniliH((l, Xhe uniiual |qwfliig of rl"e corporntltiur«lnill bu lit"! oj? (J»e lirst week dar o* Junuiiry ot tavli yenr lit which, meeting the NtuokliiildPn slujll ( f f l n-Uonrd of UiretlorB nlid tqurmipon.ri! |Ue Board shall'eject 11 1'reBldont, n «M' iir>' ami a Treasurer. A«y twg of mi I.I olfltts inajr !«' held hi' on<« IIH<» the ninif.Mripp: Th nrticle» mny. Jip a«neiitlwl nf-«ny o r sppclaJ meeting of tin- «ioi>j[-

—is & high-grade knockless gasoline. -"'-*-• - - ^-will ^educe-*carbon!-ch?aTiing ..blUs.T,t , , o ' t ; - ^ o e s r g i v e . a d d e d .mileage:, J"J 7 , ; -> ,-rddes not CRSt,more(th%n ordinar *•<•• > ,Try a T A N K F U L today. You'll never jaf jaticfled i -.,..,,..'with any other g a s . _. .


Wheroof t h e , pa»t«ii" JXpreio


or Joljt, 10S8. HTKttN, > M. J* »TBRN. In the presence of »ASI UEBiiU. !TT—4T.

Walter C^Roessig & Co. • AWNING& and CANVAS SPECIALTIES Farnani




- Th« House With » Eepot«tl»n


With the

Enchanting Atoiapia of the Orient

For space in call the





SGrelfear Desire

; ' .•

:"Block#^(«mth Block*;B«mt at *.* C. C. 1



Exhiterating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch and

Stimulating for Dinner


'Famous for

SUN PRINTING CO. AT. 3882 504 So. 13th



J. RAZNICK TINWOKKt GUTTERS snd 8POCXING Seasonable Frlccf 15J» Jfortli i « b WE. OHS


North 16th


JA, 2100



Rug Cleaners

ADLER'S DELICATESSEN Fresh Corn Beef cooked daily. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meals. Home made pickles. All kinds of Bakery Goods, Picnic Lunches. WE. 1428 1513 North 24th St.





SINCE 1870 A11 /VO i n Family


llth and Dontlas Sts.


We are offering 10 per cent discount on

Jill rough ury bundles picSea op Friday for Tuesday delivery.

2U MM11.HI A r : l


FOR 75c A WEEK _ .






Carefit Prescription Service,. Merchandise of Quality

Do nor throw awny your faded garments; have them re-dy««i by nn " eipert. Formerty a sample Drcr nt the rnntoriuni nild Prpsher Bros. Prices ren-

1917-19 Clark St. WE. 1119 « ( ! * u us nnsT"

Mattresses and Pillows Made Ovfer in New Ticks 1917 Cumiiig AT. 5983 HARK? KEANTZ. Prop. MatttrPBHen made owr In new. ticks at h«lf price Hi new beds. .Tillowg ten<ivatcd andimmle np In ne-w' featherproof ticking.


HAKKV M. BINDER 605 Electric Bldg.—J A. 1045' -AU Kinds of Electric Wiring—

GAMBLE ELKCTR1C CO. . Electrical Connecting. . . and Repairing tioi >«.

A- -

K E . t424

Pianist-Instructor Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted Suite 5, Wead Bldg. 18th & Farnam Telephone ATlantic 8162

When You Need a Plumber, Call


BEN PRIESMAN,_ Mgr. Commercial Dept.

Tire Stiopg THE MILLER " TIRE SERVICE COMPANY "That Little Extra Service" Miller Genrcd-to-the Band Ti»e»


E. L. RODWELL PLUMBING AND HEATING . - , . . - . CONTRACTOR Ouniny U Uememtiewd U F rSOi,otig AffeT


° i

Thone JA, l l

NATIONAL TIRE SHOP AND BATTERY STATION Cor. lTth and C'npltot Ave.—AT. tWlfi COOBTFAR SEKV1CE STATION Clies, Tubes. AccessositftV Koad S«ir?lc« Vulcnnizing ana General Repairing

Towel Supply FRONTIER TOWEL & LINEN AT. 6291 3. M. JMN8EN

60S North 16th

JA. 1913



JA. 2467





6116 Military .Aye.

Drug Stores


Expe.t Permanent Wavers

Laying, Sizing, Fringing, Binding


W. E. OSTENBEJiU, Jt'res. J815 Farnani ATlantio 281B

_ JA. 3Ti73

AH Types ot Beauty Work Expert Haircutter


Services, from

Studio Will Be Open All Summer



Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish home "in Omaha



MI88 HABA. rr»», ,

2nd Floor Securities Bldg., JA. 1132

(32 Years Experience)

Medical Arts Beauty Parlor

Down and Wool Comforters, B«th Robing or Anything You* ; Wish Quilted. : AT 6855. Note location, 1805 Dodf*

Estimates Gladly Furnished


AT. 5454


• - AT. *8»

..the largest selection of quality, furs at the lowest prices in. the city. A small deposit will .hold FURS until wanted.

Beauty Specialists Blettded. Roasted; Ground and~Packed by McCORD-BRADY CO., OMAHA


Installation and repairing of Tin Work—Furnaces—Skylights— Ventilating—Gutters and Spouting.


Road Service


Sheet Metal and Furnace Work*



Insist op Airo

2508 North 24th St.—Phone WE. 2057

Piano Teacher

Battery and Tire Service


REALTORS 416 Medical Arts Bldg.

Beauty Parlors First Class Grccera

"The Best Place to Buy Your Flowers"


General Repair Shop-—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing

Ask for It


Batteries and Garages

ISIli and Unvenport ._ _

. . Sold by all

AT. 6757

Cnmlrie' St.

2602 S t Mary's

109-11 North 18th!


iO Sears Service with.":SUrennaD *'•>• . ' . - MicConneB prite Go",* '^

Service Our Motto

There is no other Coffee to be compared with it


* ' ~*

vo Goffer IS


2009 Farnam St.


We Specialize in the Management of Property, Giving Special Attention to Apartment and Business Properties HEYN-KENNEDY CO. .

llRfij Clark 'St.-^WK 0410

t j l \ C?




Barber Shops

dTuLScimtificaUy Blended'". . inOmaha



Gambinedr wkh the

"Irresistable ,,of; Brazil



No. Sith—WE. Gian

Serve Himelbloom's new Rushian pumpernickle bread with your next meal. •




—Call For Prices—





409 Hospe Bldg. " ' . JAckson 1614




JA. B682





4420 Florence Blvd. ' • KE; 1500

Awninks- and Tents

T0t>iffkrent Gasoline

by A W vtjtu o | t\K .t.it8t,ni(ljijjr

ftbrtJa'WrnninM m Sm ftibi



Hemstitching Alterations and Dress Making

412-17 Puton Block


National Accessories, Inc.

Pleating and Buttons

2506 No. 24th—WE. 6311


Auto Tops^*Accessories


308 So. 18th St.—AT. 5267




The utmost in Photographs



AT. 65SS


LILLIAN'S Permanent Waving Shop

' - * *




Many people object to canoeing as a form of exercise—because it upsets them so. '

_ Mirrors, Art Glass, Window Glasi Resilverlngf—Picture and Mirror Framing 1614 Cumins St.


The gympasium equipment is frying t o wafite, with the women doing all of their chinning elsewhere.


.14. 0338 SODB



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