Interesting and .Entertaining
All the News Of Interest to Jews
Entered as second-class mall matter on January 27, 1U21. at poctofflce at Omaha. Nebraska, coder the Act of March 3. 1879.
^ T O \ J . T. A.)—General Nobile, Ieade|p3g--^e "Italia" polar expedition whidg... J. in disaster and the loss of eijSf tnbers of the crew, visited the i • of the Aldo Pontremoli, 5 Settlers Initiative Inspired Him 'the'« " scientist who is among to Do Philanthropic the missing members of the expediWork tion. ' • • • • - . . General Nobile expressed the hope OPTIMISTIC FOR FUTURE that the party which was lost" in the r New York.—(J. T. A.)—Baron E s - "Italia s" gondola when, the top part mond de :Rothscbild, vho invested mil- of the'airship was carried away, may lions in • Jewish settlement work in still be alive. * ••/ He described to Madame Pontremoli, Palestine resulting in the creation of who is the daughter of the late Italian some of the most prosperous Jewish Jewish statesman, Lugi luzzatti. the colonies in Judea, would never have last days spent with her son in the dared to; take upon himself the reairship*. General. Nobile displayed sponsibility of sending out colonists grief at-the feared'loss of the party, •were it not for the .initiative taken by the. first settlers coming irom Russia and explained to the-seientist's moth.--and Roumania, prompted by thetire- er how .fortunate it-was that the valuable work- .of. observations -on the to Palestinermovexnent."~ T- '-•Baron Edmond, whose Palestine flight nijJde- by* Pontremoli had" been ~ --•work for the past fifty years has saved; :" :
The Washington Jewish Mirror By H I I X E L , the Observer
VOL, VIL—No. 32
Renews PREJUDICE VIEWED Ludendorff BOWMAN TELLS Anti-Jewish Charges AS PRESERVER OF ESFROM RACE DISTINCTIONS O S USE Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—General Eric von Ludendorff, former German warlord, apparently affected by the heat wave which has visited Central Europe this summer, has renewed his anti-Jewish campaign with scandalously ridiculous charges against the Jews. In his weekly paper, "Deutsche Wochenschau," he declares that the recent increase in railway accidents in Germany is to be attributed to the "machinations" of Jewish manufacturers of aeroplanes and automobiles for the purpose of furthering their industries. In another article in the same issue, Ludendorff terms himself the "field marshal of the army of enlightement" against Judaism and asserts that because of his being in this position "Jewry has decided to do away with me."
Not in a long time have political proportion of-defectives.is lower. Between the scientists and the policorrespondents in Washington been Opportunity For Industrial Ex* taken by surprise as by -Mr. Hoover's ticians some standpatters may yet be Attitude Expressed at Conference for Christian-Jewish pansion And Savings To convinced that we non-Nordics have a paragraph on Immigration in his Reconciliation Consumer Stressed Speech, of Acceptance at Palot Alto. little intelligence and social value; Even at this date the journalists are Certainly there ought to be sufficient NDEBUHR VOICES IDEA ASKS VOTERS' SUPPORT still trying to figure out just why that pressure at this time to repeal the declaration was included in the presi- National Origins Act. Milwaukee.—(J. T. A.)—Race preOpportunity, clothed in Natural Gas, dential candidate's much-discussed ad-J is knocking- at Omaha's door, accord"Williamstown'! is frequently no- judice is not an unmitigated evil. It 1 dress.- Does Mr. Hoover favor letting has its values, as a preservative of ing to Cyrus Bowman, a.former comdown the bars? Is he trying to-ap- ticed on the J race distinctions. This was emphabustion engineer for a large coal comnewsdispatches during, those hot peal to the more recent immigrants sized at the Jewish-Christian conferpany, who now resides in Omaha, looksommer days. W^liamstown is the who might otherwise lean towards Al ence in Racine, under the auspices of ing after property interests. Mr. Smith? _: ; center of the greatest political and the Fellowship of Reconciliation. The Bowman was educated at Armour lninternational conference in America The reason for .the surpise and extitute of Technology, and his offices and is now. frequently called the conference was called for the promocitement among the correspondents is tion j<rf better -understanding between are at 310 South Eighteenth Street. "summer Washington". that an Acceptance Speech usually in-. therpeoples -of the worW. ••-. -i "The railroads and • the coa! men Bernard M.. Baruch is the father eludes. only,the leading issues which The conference devoted one session have combined to fignt naturRl ga? beof the Williamstown Institute of Inare really recognized as issues- .Procause they think they will lose busiternational Politics and on his account especially to the consideration of the hibition, water-power, agricultural reproblems of the Jew. ness," Mr. Bowman said. "I am an lief, tariff, national defenser-*fiese are j (Continued on page 2) ardent advocate of natural gap bpThe opinion of the majority at the and have'been the basis of all.argu- [ cause it has beers my business to meeting was voiced by Reinhold Nieearned him the affection of Jews ment on behalf of or against a candistudy fuels of all kinds. I hope that buhr, of Detroit, lately pastor of Beththroughout the world, who refer.to date. Suddenly comes Herbert Clark the people of Omaha will not miss the el Evangelical church and soon to him as the "Nodiv Ha'yadua" (The Hoover and declares, "I favor the" re-: opportunity of saving 8500,000 a year take up a professorship at the Union famous philanthropist), gave an ex~| peal of the National Origines basis in! in their gas bills and also give Omaha Theological Seminary of New York. planation. of the motives which the restriction of immigrants!"' \ a chance to expand as an industrial Mr. Niebuhr said: "Let us supprompted him to undertake the work Only a blind and unwise citizen sees ; city, meaning mo-re prosperity for all." '-"••'-'•V t pose for .a moment, that a broadly in a communication dated July 6,1928 Joseph Rosenberg Heads:j Mr. Bowman listed the following imany possibility of doing away with im-' tolerant majority in this country ac- Mrs. to David Druck, New York journalist Reform Movement's Strength cepted the Jewish group with comOrganization As portant points in regard to natural and .author of the recently published Believes in Spending of Gifts migration restrictions in our time. And Progress Described President Congress will not stand for it coming plete harmony and absolute lack of gas: . HVithin 25 Years of Death work, "Baron Edmond de Rothschild, by Enelow from anybody! It is therefore foolish social distinctions. How is this or 1. It will bring- a saving- of 30 ppr . " of Donor ' "The Story of a Practical Idealist." "."•* to imagine that Mr. Hoover favors or COMMITTEES APPOINTED cent to the gas users of Omaha—-a. any other group to preserve its group The text of the letter was made pubMONTEFIORE PRESIDES integrity except by the development can hope for much change in that ditotal saving of more than $500,000 a lic by-Mr. Druck. CELEBRATES 66th YEAR The Hadassah will hold its first year. rection any more than Governor Smith of a highly tolerant superiority comBerlin.—(J. T. A.)—Liberal JudaBaron Edmond writes: "You have Chicago, 111.— (J. T. A.)—"Being an has hopes for such an accomplishment. ism, more widely known as Reform plex? Otherwise they would in time meeting of the season on Wednes2. It will give Omaha industries n certainly understood the predominant optimist, I have confidence in the The Californian's National Origins Act Judaism, the movement within the be completely assimilated, and their day, August 29, at the J. C. C. at chance to expand. With natural pap idea which has guided my actions. It future," Julius Rosenwald declared in is the basis of'- what we believe is dis- Synagogue to readjust the teachings racial distinctions would entirely dis- 2:30 P.M. As this is also the first this city will be able to meet competiwas not a simple act of charity, but meeting since the election last May, tion of other cities that enjoy cheaper a birthday message given to the As- crimination against us among other and practices of Judaism to modern appear." an undertaking of quite a different installation of officers will take coal, especially those cities located sociated Press on the occasion of his non-Nordicsl We resent the stigma It is desirable that each race retain conditions, was submitted to scrutiny nature from the moral point of view. sixty-sixth anniversary. "I believe attached to all descendants of east- and discussion by its own spokesmen its distinctive characteristics, declared place. The new officers are: Mrs. near coal fields. Natural gas v/il! be At that time I felt grave anxiety reWe consider ourselves the large gifts should not be re- Europeans. and leaders in the country where the Haridas. T. Muzumdar, of Bombay, Joseph Rosenberg, president Mrs. B. a great factor, also, in inducing inguarding the future of Judaism. Our stricted and that under no circum- publicly insulted by the inference of movement was born about eighty India, who is an author of books on A. Simon, and Mrs. J. J. Friedman, dustries to locate here. This will unfortunate coreligionists of Eastern stances should funds be held in per- this act to the effect that east-Europ-j years ago. vice-presidents; Mrs. Harry Trustin, mean more employment and more Mahatma Ghandi, and a fellow of so•-Europe, where they are so numerous petuity. Having confidence in trus- eans are lessi desirable as immigrants financial secretary; Mrs. Max Gold- j prosperity for Omaha. ciology at the University of Wisconwere suffering tinder the most crushWith the American group constituttees, I am not opposed to endowments than west-Europeans. j berg, recording secreary; and Mrs. S. Every gas customer will have ing oppression and were beginning to ing the largest delegation, eighty del- sin. for colleges or other institutions which Max Lerner, treasurer. Hoover's • declaration is therefore' Rabbi George G. Fox, of the South constant pressure and good gas sergive way to the" deepest despair. egates of; .Liberal, Jewish congregarequire continuity of support, pro- welcomed by. all Jews, and if his efThe chairmen and members of the vice. Every engineesing improvement * "I was constantly talking over this tions in Germany, France, England, Shore Temple of Chicago, suggested vided permission is given to use part forts in behklf. of the removal of,this distressing question. with that high Sweden, "Belgium, Austria and what be characterized as the best pos- various committees that have been will be used to assure good service foi of the principal" from time to time as stigma are successful they w^ill doubly Omaha. Mr. Bowman said that ,711st minded^ and- great hearted man,, the ^ t h e r e d today in sible way of teaching the races great- appointed so far are as follows: needs arise. This does* not" 'mean Chief Rabbi Zadoc Kahn, who has dewas' formerly r the" Prussian er tolerance of tsae fOTrthe^otherr* - Th*" *'~Pei5-iiy—Luncheon Fund: Mrs. A. «*-great-imprcreftwrtt-in the natnrsl profiligate spending. ; : did Mr. Hoover make the statevoted his, whole life to the defense of Lords, Leipziger Strasse 3, Rabbi would teach in the schools a Romm, chairman; Mrs. Meyer Friedel gas industry has taken place during ment? Because he earnestly believed) *"It is simply placing confidence *in the past five years as in the automoof Jewish interests, and I finally came to attend the opening session of the more respectful Attitude toward the and Mrs. Charles Levinson. The.' International Conference of the World religion and culture of all races. This Cultural: Mrs. M. F. Levenson, bile, radio, and electrical induptriep. to the conclusion that we must look living trustees; it prevents control by it, say most of the journalists. 4. The fact that, the natural ga? towards Palestine to save Judaism, by the 'dead hand'; it discourages, the claifn-that Hoover is seeking foreign- Union for Progressive Judaism. Dr. he believes would reach the root of the chairman. 1 creating over there centers where the building up of bureaucratic groups of born-citizens' vote is false on the facet Claude G. Montefiore, leader of Liber- matter and form the basis for mutual Courtesy: Mrs. J. B. Robinson, company which will furnish Omaha with natural gas is investing- §30,000,Jewish moral and intellectual culture men, who tend to become overconsery- .of it because Mr. Hoover is already.! al Jewry in Great Britain, presided at respect. chairman. ative and timid in investment and dis- exceedingly popular among this ele-1 the opening session tonight. could be fully developed. The question whether the economic Milk Fund: Mrs. Julius Stien, 000 in the Omaha pipe line and $t,V bursement of trust funds. . I have ment which appreciates his European] A report on the progress of Reform success of the Jew had definitely in- chairman; Mrs. O. C. Goldner, and 000,000 at the source of supply, or a "But, in view of the uncertainly I total of $45,000,000, is the best indibeen gratified to read a recent state- relief work; and he ' could hardly i Judaism in America was presented by creased the prejudice toward him, also Mrs. Robert Bleicher. felt with regard to their future, I strengthen himself with this group.] Dr. H. G. Enelow, Rabbi of Temple was asked. In the opinion of the macation that the project is sound. ment of Mr. Rockefeller' approving Finance: Mrs. J. J. Friedman, would never have dared to take upon His paragraph on Immigration may,' Emanu-El, New York City, and presi- jority of those present, the economic chairman; Mrs. A. S. Rabnitz, and 5. Natural gas is the cleanest fuH myself the responsibility of sending the principle*tha't a trust fund be. enon the other hand, cost him many dent of the Central Conference of success had been a very definite fact- Mrs. M. D. Brodkey. tirely expended -within twenty-five in the world. It is at the same time out colonists. The return to Palesvotes of "hundred-percent-Americans" American Rabbis. or contributing toward it. Junior Hadassah: Mrs. Max From- cheap and efficient. No pots, pans or tine feeling," inspired by the Hoveve years of the death of the donor. He, who feel that he is too lenient with other kitchen utensils will be blackIcin, chairman. "Some affirm that Reform Judaism Zion, prompted a number of Russians as well as I, seems to have confidence "foreigners." • ' . . . , . ened with the use of natural gas, that future generations will meet their in America has gone backwards in Social: Mrs. B. A. Simon, chairand Roumanians to establish themown needs wisely and generously,". Mr. "For years Omaha lias been talkrecent years," Dr. Enelow stated. man; Mrs. Abe Somberg, Mrs. H. selves in the country and to form * As -if .one blow at a time for the-j "However, this gloomy view is incor. . small Jewish colonies, which, owing to Rosenwald stated.' Newman, Mrs. Abe Greenspan, and ing- about nattirs' gas and what it wil) Nordics in America is not enough, the rect. Reform congregations are mulmean if it can be brought here," sain inexperience-and to the many difficulMrs. Herman Silverman. Olympic Games have been the cause tiplying and extending their work and "Now we have the ties, they had to face, soon found them National Fund. Mrs. E. Weinberg, Mr. Bowman. of another smash on the heads of membership, although it is true that Danzig.—(J. T. A.)—The world chairman Mrs. S. Robinson, and Mrs. chance of getting- it. It would be a selves in dire distress. Chief Rabbi those blue-eyed and' blond superior they are "not as conspicuious- on the conference of the Mizrachi, Orthodox gTeat misfortune for Omaha if we Kahn informed me of their sad plight, A. I. Kulakofsky. Westerners. It is curious that just at American horizon as twenty years Zionist organization, will open here Just figure and in agreement with him, I deterSevring: Mrs. J. J. Friedman, miss our opportunity. the time that Hoover's address was ! your saving in lower gas bills in OTIP Saturday night. Representatives from chairman. mined to -come to their assistance, year and you can readily (?ee that it New York.—(J. T. A.)—Paul M. delivered in California the famous, Rabbi Vogelstein gave an historical many countries will be present. which was moreover in accordance Council Bluffs: Mrs. I. Krasne, will pay you to go to the polls and I t was7nTy~after j Warburg, American financier who Marathon Race of The Olympic Games survey of the development of Liberal The American organization is rep- Mrs. S. Meyerson. was being off in Holland. The Maravote, 'yes,' " said Mr. Bowman, A report of the national conventhis ' decision had been taken that' I j took a leading part in the organization thon - was won by a brown-skinned Judaism during the periods of ra- ! resented by Gedaliah, Bublick, presireceived the representative of the of the Federal Reserve System and Algerian. • A dark-skinned "African tionalism, romanticism and material- d e n t , Rabbi Wolf Gold of Brooklyn, tion in Pittsburgh recently will be brother of; Felix M; Warburg-, celeism. He emphasized the necessity of vice-president; Rabbi Aaron Teitel- given and interesting topics perRishon-le-Zion colonists. was the second. The yellow-skinned brated his sixtieth birthday on Aug. providing a theological background baum, Rabbi Charlap, Boruch Schwarz taining- to Zionist affairs will be dis- WOMAN LOSES MIND . "Perhaps I ought to mention that, Japanese finished fourth and t sixth. t o . " -• •••"• . . - • • . ._. ' ;• ; AFTER VISA'REFUSAL for the principles of Liberal Judaism and Mr. Dauber, who have already ar- cussed. "with theexception of Chief Rabbi ZaBorn in Hamburg-August 10 1868, The best the White Race could achieve in order to avoid the danger in which rived here. doc Kahn and a very small number of Eiga.— (J. T. A.)—A tragic case was third and fifth places. What a Special services will be held in the other-persons, almost" everybody and the son of Moritz and Charlotte Esth- shock to those who commonly attri-', Liberal Judaism would find itself bedemonstrating the hardships caused er (Oppenheim) Warburg, he was Bucharest.—(J. T. A.)—Seventy | cause of lack of clarity. Great Synagogue of Danzig, prior to especially the Jewish notables looked by the immigration restrictions sepeducated in Germany. Formerly a bute to ?'l Nordics a biological.superi-j Rabbi Vogelstein demanded that the opening of the conference. Jewish families remained roofless as j * with misgivings upon the establishority!. (We're.not even mentioning] arating families has attracted wide member of Kuhn, Ix>eb and Company; Liberal Jews define their attitude The.League of Nations High Com- a result of a fire which broke out! attention here. ment of Jews in Palestine and be-, he resigned all directorships, trustee- what others of East Europe and the ] toward the Zionist movement. "This missioner for the Free City of Danzig, Thursday night in the center ofi Chasia Einbinder, an emigrant from lieved my endeavors doomed to failships, etc., on his appointment by South did in athletics—let alone Jew-1 should not be done by newspapers and Van Hammel, will attend the opening Galatz. Twelve houses were totally j Russia who arrived here with fivt • " tire. President Wilson as member of the ish prize-winners.) polemics, but through scientific objecsession at the invitation of a special destroyed. "My own -opinion, on the contrary, small children, applied to the Carm • Federal Reserve' Board for 1914-1918. In Washington, Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, tivity, because Zionism, by offering a delegation headed by Rabbi Sagalowas that if the colonization were to lian Consul here for a visa that sh* In 1917 he was appointed a member famous anthropologist, offered a state- j tangible ideal in our materialistic age, witz of Danzig and Mr. Segal, presisucceed \t would have an enormous Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—One hundred might join her husband in Canada, of the United States Section of the ment commenting on this unexpected ] exercises great attraction for the influence on Judaism in general, dent of the Danzig Zionist Organiza- Jewish youths, sent to work in the When the visa was? refused, the womresult at the Olympics and his declar-j International High:Commission and is Jewish youth,'"' he through the Tespect which the Jewish tion. Donetz coal mines, have found difficul- an took it so much to heart that PVIP now a member of the board of the In- ation apparently agreed with the Recenters established in Palestine would A conference of the Mizrachi youth ties in the way of their working there. lost her mind. Having no relatives publican presidential candidate's pro-' ternational Acceptance Bank, Inc. inspire throughout the world. organizations, including the Halpeal The majority of them have returned here the mother and the five children on Immigration.Thus He is a trustee'of the National "Today, to my great joy, colonizaHa'Mizrachi, Zeiri Ha'Mizrachi and because of their physical inability to were placed at quarantine headquartChild Labor Committee, the Institute! the; most renowned scientist in the j tion has entered into a new phase o f Chaluzii Ha'Mizrachi, was held here do the -work. ers. u « Jewish ocmou National „ » „ „ „ Home has Economics, Tuskagee Normal and' nation's Capital gave support to onej isince u l , e the of the most famous politicians of our I Nancy.—(J. T. A.)—Alfred Blum, with 36 delegates in attendance. The been recognized by the great powers Industrial Institute and treasurer of Hrdlicka said: "There is no' an American Jew, has established conference decided to name the new of Musical Art. He is a day. of Europe and America. For so] t ^ Institute F Institute of Musical Art\ 'He is a Mizrachi labor colony in the Valley of director-of; many, leading companies scientific basis for the oft-heard in-1 three annual prizes of 10,000 francs many centuries, Eretz Israel has been Jezreel after Samuel Landau, late herent superiority of, theNordic including the Baltimore and Ohio each at the University of Nancy, to be a dream, always alive in the heart of To attribute to any human distributed within three years. One member of the Mizrachi World ExecuRailroad, the Western Union Tele- people. every Jew; it has maintained in them graph Company, .the Farmers Loan group an inherent superiority of brain prize is to go to a professor in the tive. the wonderful spirit which has helped and Trust Company. He is vice-pre- or finer blood is a proposition which faculty of science, one in the Institute them to bear the most awful persecusident of the Federal Advisory Council could only be established bj the most' of Chemistry and one in the faculty FA HON OPEN BIEETING tions. Today Eretz Israel is a reality convincing scientific proofs. Such of Medicine. of the Federal Reserve Board. You can wish everybody A Happy New The Fa Hon girls club will hold an and I have complete-confidence in the prominence as the Nordics have at- • Mr. Blum, of Alsatian origin, was a open meeting Sunday, September 9, Year—all your relatives, friends, end assofuture of Judaism," Baron Edmond SOLDIERS FURLOUGHED tained is seen on closer view.to be due student at the School of Chemistry in at the J. C. C. at 2:30 P. M. concludes. ciates, by inserting your greeting in the anHe is President of the Washington.—(J. T. A.)—In order to a series of favoring conditions and Mulhouse. An interesting and educational promay prove not lasting. The torch may Federation of Alsatian and Lorrainers nual Rosh Hashonoh Number of to permit soldiers of the Jewish faith gram has been arranged that will apin fact have .already passed into the in the United States, President of the KEREN HAYESOD INCOME to participate in the celebration of the hands of some new world giant," ! Executive Committee of the Alliance peal to both young and old. Jerusalem.— (J. T. A.)—The United; High Holidays,. Secretary of War Dr. Hrdlicka commented on the Francaise and. vice-president of the States again appears on the income! Davis has directed commanding offiTel-Aviv.—(J. T. A.)—Ninety-five theory that the world's geniuses have French Chamber of Commerce in New : Keren Hayesod for the jeers to grant furloughs to permit 490 Brandeis Theater B3dg\ !&' •'•.:-; .;liJit^^,it, famous Palestine landscapes, photobeen blue-eyed. "That, of course, is Nobody can chide yoE for forgetting them on Rosh fBiSt month of July. The June list showed them to be at their.homes, or at places Through Mr. Blum's gift, several graphed and artistically finished by Hashonoh if your greeting m published in The Jewish Press where celebrations are held, from noon not true." There are no indications 'fj',i\^ ' no receipts.from America. j of material advantages among blond teachers at the University of Lorraine Joseph Schweiz, a TvJi-Aviv photo'Phone or mail yonr order to Esther Potash, AT. 1450, H?fThe income of the Keren Hayesod of Sept. 13 to noon Of Sept. 18, and grapher, will be presented to King evenings WA, 5818 [ 5 ^ i X ~ _ : . f o r t h e month of July was £40,686 of from the evening of Sept. 22 to noon j peoples showing that their social and will be able to devote themselves to •George-V-, in a parchment album. scientific research. ' . • . •-• Sent. 26. ' • ' ; 'political values are -higher, thattheir '!;?/which £21,000 came from America.
Alfred Prizes at University
New Year' Qreetings Are Expressive ef t k lesl lasloiol Spirit
THE JEWISH PRESS PubHshedeverjnThursclay at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER, BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR IRVING PERLMETER - - - - - - - - EDITOR •j. $2.50 Subscription Priqe. one year Advertising rates furnished on application CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be sure to give your name.
THE NEW SOUTH OMAHA SYNAGOGUE Each day, as the first beams of the gUinmeririg dawn fall upon "«ae new synagogue now in construction in South Omaha, they reveal a beautiful edifice just a little nearer completion. At an early hour, the workmen stream to the place from all parts of the city, to take up their task of finishing the building before Rosh Hashoriah. And then through the day the noisy work continues, the structure assumes a; shape more akin to its final form, and becomes a more fitting monument to the faith and piety of the South Omaha Jews. As each brick is cemented in place, and as each board is driven home, they proclaim to the world the living vitality of the Judaism of the Congregation of Israel. For untold ages, self-appointed prophets have successively and dismally foretold the decline and decay of Judaism. Even today they cry out their ancient warning, but to what point? Congregations large and small still give praise to their God as their Fathers did of yore. They still expend thousands of dollars and utilize countless hours in planning in order to provide for themselves and for their prosterity appropriate Houses of Worship. Witness the accomplishment of the small South Omaha community* and then, need you question the fate of-Judaism ? No, as long as Jews feel the need for synagogues, which are, after all, the very heart and cornerstone of Judaic civilization, we can rest assured that the gross materialism of the age has not defiled our spiritual instincts.
Jewish, National Fund Active on High Holidays Continuing with the practice inaugurated several years ago, the Jewish National Fund is now making nation-wide preparations for using the high holidays as a means for Palestinian propaganda and for increasing the income for Palestine land-buying.
Smaller Gas Bills *
By E. A. BENSON In order to get first hand the best and most reliable information I could concerning the use of natural gas, I wrote to the President of Chamber of Commerce, and also to the President of Real Estate Board in each of the following cities: Topeka, Kansas City, Mo., Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Houston, Dallas, Denver, Pueblo, Kansas City, Kan., Sail Antonio .. : and asked if the- use of natu|a|"gas iiad proved Batisfactoiry. I asked the Kansas City, Mo., correspondent to explain the reports about shortage of gas at times in that city. The, following are exderpts from the replies received: KANSAS CITYV MO.: ;•' "Several years ago Kansas City was confronted during the periods of peak load, with shortage of gas. Since that time, however, additional fields have been opened up, additional pipe lines, provided; so we are assured of adequate supply for » long time in the future." "As to the quality of gas, ther<* has never been any criticism." "In regard to the use of natural gas in this city, I am pleased to say that it is entirely satisfactory;" KANSAS CITY, KAN.: ; "Our natural gas has always pfoVen sat* lisfactory." TOPEKA: " "Natural gas has been a great advantage to the citys , ''A large number of gas furnaces were installed in the last two years, and the service seems very satisfactory." "The city Just gave a franchise to the Industrial Gas Company who are coming in to sell gas for industrial ug^only." :
New Year Cards Printed at
Broadway at 7th St. Council Bluffs; Iowa Phone 5495
T U L S A :
"The existence and ample supply of nat. ural gas at reasonable rates is one of the outstanding advantages of our city. I t assures us of a clean, convenient fuel for both household arid industrial uses at reasonable rates.*' "We do not have the usual soot and grime • that goes with the coal burning communities. For this reason the maintenance of buildings, that, is cleaning and painting, is reduced to a minimum." "At this time, office buildings, manufac tuKiig plants, apartmennt houses, mercantile ehtablishments, and private residences are using gas as fuel almost without exception." "Your community would undoubtedly be exercising the very best of judgment to Vote favorably upon a proposition to bring an adequate supply of natural gas to your city and render it available both tot domestic and industrial use."
Nora ivax-torapped, keeps moisture out, keeps. crispness inl
\! uit Ox
of Palestine.
Louisville, Ky.~(J. T. A.)—Alfmi Brandeis, a brother of Justice Louis For the first time in the history of, D. Brandeis of the United States Su the state of Kansas, a rabbi was in-i preme Court, died here on Wednesday vited to offer prayer in the State Leg-' at the age ot 74. He was president islature, when that honor was extend-! of A. Brandeit and Son* a Cincinnati ed to Rabbi Israel J. Sarasohn of' grain firm. He was chief of a diviTemple Bnai Jeshurun of Leaven-! sion of the United States Food Adworth, Kansas, on July 29. I ministration during the World War.
SUlg I t fuel- More Employment - No Taxes
;. When the question of natural gas was first discussed for Omaha, ;' E. A. Benson, pioneer ciffeen and city builder, wrote letters to representative citizens n ^ using natural gas. . As a good citizen he Vv*ant^d to know whether natural gas would • . be a good thing for Qaiaha; The answers he received are listed below* The natural gas question's of vital importance to every citizen^ Please take the time now to read what Mr* Benson found out
(Continued from Page 1) hundreds of the leading diplomats, amDill . Pickles 1 qt. vinegar, 2 gallons water, bassadors, lawmakers, scientists, and 1% cups salt; bcil all together. professors gather each summer to air Gcrub pickles and pack in. quart or their views on important international pint jars. As they are packed in questions." There is a rumor among cdd dill, a few whole spices, grape political writers that the local auth'.hare's,'-one or two bay leaves^ and orities of Williamstown are so apa small piece of garlic. Seal and preciative of the world-wide publicity l:sep in a cool place. These1 may be they receive through the initiative of used after two -, weeks.. ,• The.-. spices the Jewish banker that they may change the name of their town to be omitted. "Baruch." We ourselves admit that ^Baruch" will not sound as graceful as Street Pickled Pears .; 2 lbs. or 4. cups sugar, V,i pts. ''Williamstoivhi" nevertheless, every.vinegar, 1 dozan whole cloves, 1 one familiar with the Institute realizes dozen whole allspice, 2 sticks of that Baruch has been a real benefactor of humanity and has stimulated intercinnsmen, 1 tsaspoon mace.. ; Make a syrup by cooking together national understanding to great exsugar, vinegar, and spice tied in a tent. President Wilson was of course hag. Bring to the boiling point:and. the spiritual father of this famous incook slowly 8 minutes. Sslect large stitute which Bernard M. has taken 4n3.jp.ear5. . .Wash, jand.; pare^ X}\em' under his wing. Some day this pet but ido not remove stems, add to | project of the Wall Street iew ^Will bailing syrup and cook until fruit is, be his own Memorial to his master tender. Do not cook too many pears and frfend, Woodrow Wilson. at or.ca. Drop pears as they are Hamashbir is the central cooperacooked in sterilized jars. Cook syrup ton minut?3 longer and fill hot jars j tive store of the organized Jewish workers in Palestine. It is affiliated to overflowing. Seal at once. with the international cooperative ',- ~ •_ Tomato Catsup • • movement. In the early part of July, 4 quarts sliced tomatoes, 1 quart it received an order for 32,000 boxes vinegar, 4 tablespoons salt, i table- of oranges from the central cooperaspoon allspice, 2 : tablespoons white tive of Great Britain. This order is pepper, 3 tablespoons mustard. one of the many, others that mark Cook tomatoes with vinegar and recent expansion in the business acsalt until tender. Itub- through a tivities of the Hamashbir. sisve passing through all the pulp pjusiblc. Add spices and seasoning Patronize Our Advertisers. and boil all slowly .for 3 hours. Bottle and seal when cdld. New York (J. T. A.)—Judge Julian Vfi Mack, honorary chairman of the newly organized Association for Z. O. A. Reorganization, the opposition body, has tendered his resignation from the United Palestine Appeal, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency learns Judge Mack held the position of Honorary -Vice-Chairman of the U> P. A., the fund raising agency of the Zionist Organization and affiliated bodies. ' - •
interest in the redemption of the Boil
Is a Decided Advantage
Mrs. David M. Newman.
and Yom Kippur, the Jewish National Fund has prepared booklets of National Fund stamps -which are being disposed of to individuals. The individuals then dispose of these stamps on letters and other material. This method not only provides a substan* tial means of income for the Jewish National Fund, but it has also been a most important means of stimulating
In many cities, synagogues have pledged ten per cent of the receipts from the sale of synagogue tickets to the Jewish National Fund. In other synagogues, National Fund stamps are being placed oh every seat ticket disposed of, the income from which accrues to the Fund. In addition to the utilization of synagogues during Rosh Hashonah
OKLAHOMA CITY: "Natural gas has been one of the great . assets here. We do not see how we could get along without i t It is dean, economical, and satisfactory in every way. Pi-acticfcily all of our heating is done with the use of natural gas*" "We have found the use of natural gas very satisfactory in Oklahoma City for the reason that it is clean, easily handled, and as economical as any class of fuel available. We do not hesitate to HOUSTON: "There is universal satisfaction to the people in the use of natural gas. The - quality is better, the price is lower, and the pressure more regular and dependable than the artifical gas With which we were formerly supplied." "The change made a year ago from artifical gas has proven entirely satisfactory.'* DALLAS: "This rare and superlative fuel makes possible great economy in some instances, while it is almost indispensible in others. Another advantage of the general use of natural gas as in Dallas is the resultant cleanliness due to smokeless furnaces in homes and factories." "Natural gas has proven to be satisfactory in Dallas. Dallas is a smokeless city. Those of us who live in Dallas would certainly think a long time before we would move to a city that did not have natural gas." SAN ANTONIO: *'San Antonio has enjoyed natural gas for a number of years. It has never failed us yet. It is absolutely dependable."; "It is more efficient and cheapo: than manufactured gas." DENVER: "The Denver Post conducted an investigation at the end of the first 30 days' use, and reported that the majority of the persons iherviewed were more than satisfied with the use of natural gas." "I have talked with a number of property managers and the change over from artificial gas to natural gas seems to be meet, ing. with universal approval." PUEBLO: "A survey made at the end of the first month shows that natural gas is costing industrial customers from 50 to 75% less than artificial gas.'* "Natural gas has been in our mains for only a month, and thus far has been very satisfactory. Our steel works have contracted for an immense supply. It seems that everything that has been said about it is true." "It is mUch hotter than manufactured gas and cleaner, snd we figure -it will cost Us much less."
For more than forty years Mr. Benson has been one of Omaha's civic boosters. To him is credited the remark: " Men build cities; cities grow where men build them." He is the founder of Benson. In his efforts to make Omaha a bigger and better city, he has made many personal sacrifices.
Natural Gas Means Smaller Gas Bills Hattiral users a in their $500,000
gas will bring to Omaha gas decrease of at least 80 percent gas bills —a total saving of a year.
Cleaner Gas Natural gas is the cleanest fuel ever produced. It will do everything artificial gas will do, and do it better. 15% of the gas consumed in the United State* is natural gas.
More Employment Because of the low rates of natural gat it will be used generally by industries. It will give Omaha industries an opportunity to expand by eliminating Oie obstacle of high fuel costs. It wiH aJso be an important factor in inducing other industries to locate in this city. This means more employment—more prosperity for Omaha.
Will Not Increase Taxes One Penny
VOTE YES on September 25
CITIZENS NATURAL GAS COMMITTEE Interested in Lower Qas Bills and a Greater Omaha
Z—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1928 visit in Denver, Colorado. They are visiting Mrs. Handler's sister, Mrs. Herman Meyerson, in Council Bluffs, and -her sister, Mrs. A. Perimeter, in Omaha.
He will receive the amount of Berlin (J. T. A.)—Herr Gattere*,; VINDICATED 6000 Pound Sterling- in compensation. editor of ah anti-Semitic newspaper,] was sentenced by the Frankfurt London (J. T. A.)—Oscar Slater, r court to two months imprisonment vindicated of the charge of having * Advertisers. for publishing a libeltms article murdered an aged Glasgow woman By P. R, K. against Rabbi Salzbergei. for which he served eighteen years Mr. Joseph Scharf and daughter,! The attack was made upon the DRINK' in Peterhe&d prison before he was " • •-: : A. Z. A. AND AGUDES Marian, and Mr. Frank Krasne and] occasion of Rabbi Salzberger's ad] released, has accepted the offer of ACHIM PICNIC TO BE HELD WHISTLE BLUE BIRDdaughter, Lucille, left Saturday for a j AT CLARK'S FARM SEPT. 2nd. motor trip to St. Paul and Minneapolis, dress at services commemorating the the British government to compensate GREEN RIVER him for his wrongful convictionSOIIH U;:ter Minn. Mr. Krasne returned home war dead. Plans are Hearing; completion for the Tuesday, while the others are expected WHISTLE BOTTLING CO. annual picnic which will T>e sponsored home Sunday. WE. 21SI 1J81 No. 18th by the Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 Omaha's Style Center of the A. Z. A. and the Agudes Achim Miss Clara Leibovitx of Chicago,' Society. The event, which will be on Illinois, arrived Sunday to visit her Cards were received this week from Mr. and Mrs. David Soref Sunday, September 2, wOl fee held at brothers and sister-on-law, Mr. and Mtb nnd Miirtltn S««. HArnpj- 166'i announcing the engagement of their daughter, Marion, to Mr. Clark's Farm. O M A H A KKliUAKKA j Sofl sru.v. iron, iirnea. h r o n i c Mini iiliiinAaron I t Yawitz, of St. Louis, Mo. The wedding -will take place Mrs. Abe Leibovitz, for two 'weeks. UUllli rnKtinRs Mnmliinl s i z e s broiine Arrangements have been made to this winter. s l i d iruD titiBhUifZS. R*>WCT m.'inhiiloft, mark the road leading to the picnic c i s t e r u r i n e e nnd i^ivers nncf cJrnn-oiit Miss Soref is now visiting in St. Louis, at the home of her place with special signs in order to Marian, Bernice, and Leo Fonarow, 3OOf« in EtOCK AH K-IIHIS o f wnoil »|.r! fiance, She is expected to return home about September 1. who have been making their home • make it easy to find lot those who are here with relatives for the past year, Orpheufli Opposite not familiar with it to locate the left Wednesday for San Antonio, - The engagementof Miss Jeanette Weinstein, daughter of Mrs. place. "QUALITY JEWELERS" H. Weinstein, to Mr. David Mark, of Rock Island, HL, was an- Races, games, and many other feat- Texas to join their father, Mr. L Fon-1 MALASHOCK JBWKLKY nounced this week. Although ao definite wedding date has as yet ures have been planned and prizes will arow, where they will make their future home. been set, it will be an event of the early fall. Wholesale and Retail Jewelers be awarded to the winners of the 213-16 City National Bank Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fellman, Mrs. H. lippett entertained six- events. Everyone is Invited to attend. Mr. Herman Marowitz is expected Bidg.—JA. 5619 teen girls at her home Sunday, 4860 Cuming Street, announce home Friday from a four -weeks trip! Mr. L. Wolfson of Palestine arrived marriage of their daughter, Sara, August 19, in honor of Jier daughter, in Los Angeles, California, Salt Lake to Mr. Harry Saltzman of Harlan, Martha's, birthday, - and return from in Council Bluffs Friday to make his City, and Denver. : PATRONIZE la., son of Mr. and MTB. Bernard an eastern trip during which she future home, here. He is at present won a gold medal in the national visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Mr. Lawrence Krasne left Sunday Saltzman of Council Bluffs, la. Beautifully irimmed THE SUNSET fierman Fried, and Mr. Fried. -• Babbi Grodinsky and Cantor A. Young Judea oratorical contest. for Manitou, Colorado, to be gone TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge •witk luxurious Bchwartzkin performed the marriage Prizes were won by Misses Sarah about three weeks. Eighteen friends of Mr. and Mrs. '. * ' CANDYLAND in the presence of the immediate Malashock, Margaret Hurwitz, and FaUfuts Ktblofi honored them at a Sur- Mrs. Sam Lincoln entertained 16 family-and relatives at. four o'clock Ida Blacker. i6th and Farnam prise Party last Thursday evening, last'Sunday, afternoon at the B'fiai young friends at her home Thursday Israel Synagogue. The Icor (for the Jewish colon- the occasion being their Silver Wed- evening in honor of Miss Rose GoldA Dinner was, berg of Chicago, HL, who is visiting The "briffe and groom's osly atten- ization in Soviet Russia) of Omaha ding Anniversary. dants -were Miss Dorothy Saltzman, will give their annual picnic at given at the Chieftain Hotel, followed j her sister Mrs. Saul Suvalsky of Counaiste* of the groom as maid of Elmwood Park, Sunday, August 26. l>y cards at the home of Mr. and Mrs. cil Bluffs. "Manufactured in Omaha" honor, and Louis Fellman, brother A bridge lamp will be given away^ Kroloff. They received a Sterling Patronise Ouf Advertisers. of the bride as best man. Miss All members are requested to bring Silver Dish as a gift from those presBAKER ICE MACHINE CO. .'•••. Betty Fellman, sister of the bride, their baskets. Many interesting ent. Mr. Abe Fellman, a cousin, games have been arranger for both Miss Esther daks left Saturday eveplayed the wedding march -while chilren and adults. ning for a visit to St. Paul, MinneapRebecca Kirschenbaum sang Made In Mrs. Nathan H. 'Sherman and olis, and Excelsoir, Minnesota. She ?'At Dawning". ICE . Following the ceremony the guests daughter, Sarita, are in Chicago expects to be gone for two -weeks. OMAHA g I * CREAM were entertained at dinner ath the where they are -visiting. Mrs. Sherman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. It, Mrs. W. S. Handler and daughter, jbride, Dorothy, of, Oskaloosa, Iowa, are WE. 3260 : The; young couple left the same Groawitz. spending about ten days here en route evening for Denver, Colorado Coats Fur Springs,.and Estes Park, where they Misses Lee and Bertie Berge and to their home following a month's Ask Your are now honeymooning. Upon their BOBS Shapiro were the ' weekend of Refresh Yourself Trims return, they will make their home guests of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Lip- the rummage .sale will go to the DRINK schwitz of Sioux City, la. Broadcloth Badger Pioneer Women's Organization of in Harlan, la. Palestine. Wolf Norma in;tu;if.r.mtni»»n»r Mr. and Mrs. Ben F» Daribaum Mrs. Nathan Baumer left Omaha Fox Vehma announce the birth of a baby daugh- Wednesday afternoon for Denver, Marmink TS BOTTI.ES Malina ter at the Nicholas Senn hospital Colo., •where she will make her Caracul Marie future home. Mrs. Leo Fox and Mrs. Just 5 More Days in Our Friday, August 17. Beaver S. Canar entertained in her honor. Tweeds Harry H. Lapidus, PreB,-Trea* Seal Mrs. Michael Kattteman gave Mixtures Mrs. Harry Rose of St. Ioseph, birth to a nine pound baby boy at the Nicholas Senn hospital Sunday Mo., arrived Saturday evening to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. morning, August 19. Kneeter for^a^few weeks. ^COMPLETE STORE and OFFICE A son >was born August 16 to OUTFITTEES Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Malashock Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Zadwick of We Occupy Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Zadwick and sons, Edward Marvin and T h i s August ' : ' O « » 70.080 Sqaare F « * Stanley Joel, left Monday by motor Sontbwest Corner was formerly Miss Ruth Herman of Fur Sale offerfor Kansas City where they will Omaha. "Eleventh and Douglas Streets ing is unusual visit with their sister and brotherPhone JAckson 2724 in quality, deMr. and Mrs. Sam L. Kaplan an- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rosehblum. Omaha, Nebr. sign and worknounce the birth of a son at the They will remain in Kansas City for Nebraska, Methodist hospital on a few days and then drive on to the manship* August .ID. Mrs. Kaplan was for- Ozarks. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR merly Miss Pauline CacTdn. Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Holzman $8.50 Bassinettes $22.50 Carriages Miss Nellie Ferer, daughter of have left on a two week trip which Baby bassinettes of unusual Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ferer, is on will include Toronto, Montreal, and Buff colored carriages with design, with turned posts Quebec, and a motor trip around full repp lining. Windows and swivel wheels. Coman extended eastern trip. Boston and vicinity. Upon their plete with springs Mr. and Mrs. Abe Somberg and return next Sunday, they will be 'Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, accompanied by Mrs. Holzman's daughter, Zeriine, and Mrs. Sam Catsup, Mustard, E t c STOtUS Of HOMt Berkowitz and family, and MiBS sister, Miss Esther Weil of Lexington, Ky., who will visit them here Every Package Guar Bertha Newman have returned after for a few weeks. a two weeks motor trip to Lake Haarnsn Vinepr I Fickle Cc Minnetonka. OMAHA Mr. and Mrs. William A. Raeusin Mr. and Mrs. S. Kiizelman are motored to Sioux City where they having, as their house guest their will spend a week with their mother, sister, Mrs. Harry Novey of Chicago. Mrs. A. Maude. They entertained in honor of their guest' last. Saturday mghfcrat bridge. Mrs. A. Rips and children have MrsrS. Canar entertained at three returned from their trip to Calitables -of "bridge Tuesday-afternoon fornia. And tat Mrs. H. Mayerowitch-,; of Sioux City, la. On Thursday afternoon, The rummage sale of the Jewish Mrs;- Leo Fox entertained: at a Pioneer Women's Organization will At All theatre party complimentary", to Mrs. be held soon after the holidays. By Those who have old clothing, Mayerowiteh. Electric cooking is furniture, and household goods may Uncle Ssm Breakfast Four Cc. The Ladies Auxiliary of the South call the tollovang committee in cheap. You can •OmSha, Nebr. Side . Congregation will hold their charge: Mrs. J. Kaplan, We. 5454; hake two-thirds of Mrs. H. Okun, We. 1642; Mrs. Feld nest series of card parties Wednesthe time on stored day afternoon, August 29, at the man, Ja. 5533; and Mrs. Max Minheat. home of Mrs. H. Kazlowsky, 4327 kin, We. 3903. The proceeds from So. 22. Street. Mrs. Goodman Meyerson will asYou Wouldn't sist the hostess. Prizes will be. Keep Her Waiting awarded at each table.
Council Bluffs News
Cloth Coats
Sunkist Flour Grocer
Furniture Sale
Cook with the Skill of a French Chef
Okaj Braii Flakes
Thomseifs Tip-Top
Mrs. A. Maizie of Sioux City spent the week-end in Omaha with her children. Mr. David R. Cohn of GoldsteinChapman has just returned from a buying trip in New York.
Jewish Book Store 2429 Decatur St.
WE. 3527
We wnnt lo call to tbe attention of the Jeirislr pnhJlt thhf we riiv. setting iii i t f «t -new supply of the seasonable s •• sirlii'lcs. Mttfhzpifim with nntf Riipllsh tnuiBlntions, prayer Monks. ToleoHhn silk and wool of the ln-st Wnrt •"!<•.
A full line of New Years Cards in Jewish and English
Uemt'mliLT our Miiioiis Kosher sbop. Oii \\\*> tleinmjil of u few customers 1 unified t"be following iirticlcs of pure silver, JIIKI plate .isilvrr- camllf sticks. KmliiRli X-SIIIS. llicdisi's. »-ie. Evcryimc. who is inipiesleil in IniyiiiR one nX them. Klionl'l 'Vi*- so kiiul :n:il let tne know 11 hen<1 «f iiim>_ on . l /•.•in lmve it'ready f-ir tV '
N.S.YAFFE Wishes to announce to his friends and patrons that a beautiful selection of
Jewish New Year Greeting Cards Are now oil display at his printing establishment 118 So. 17th Street
at Your Door
When the doorbell rings you answer it promptly because you don't like to keep people waiting. It is even more important that your telephone callers are not kept waiting. Calls are often lost because the person at the other end of the line thinks there is no one at home and hangs up. Answering the telephone promptly helps us to provide you with the best possible service.
Practicing the golden rule when using the telephone makes the service
more valuable to all.
the year 'round because only pure horseradish roots nnd pure grain vinegrar are used in its manufacture. You will find it at your grocers even (luring the summer months.
Food cooks automatically. The temperature remains the same while food cooks thoroughly. And there, you have the secret. Order a new Hotpoint Automatic Electric stove and be the best cook in your community.
"Electric Shops* 17th and Harney *>_._
Courtesy • Service
Thomsen- Slater Butter Co* 5 Howard St.
is Red l o t
Your cooking will rival the skfll of a I^rench chef, if you use an electric stove . . . and your work in the kitchen will be cat in half.
2314 M St.
/AGES 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The Pales! a trophy vrfll he presented to the beBt' this type, so all barnyard golfers bet- ena Mayer, Olympic fencing -champ pete in the 25-yard free style for and one of the greatest women foil boys under 10. tine Electric Corporation, which is ter enter with Krasrie now. all-around boy and girl swimmers. and saber experts the world has now erecting its power houses on the banks of the Jordan, is to include in Robert Zupke, renown grid mentor known, is a Jewish woman. Germany, EXTREME ANTI-SEMITES An Alleged Fable % by the way, has produced a leader its electrification work also the cities at Illinois, once startled a complaisORGANIZE IN VIENNA Once upon a time there was a boxer among the weight throwers in Hershof Transjordania. ant sportdom by. unequivically sfcatVienna.—(J. T. A.)—An organiza-who '"was being beaten into a pulp. Simpering. Susie says* Success His foe was pummeling him into a ing that "A good loser is merely a enfield. tion "to defend Austria against Judabrings poise, especially advordupois. shapeless mass. His features were piecex>f camouflage. The'team that! ism" was called into being here for I Anyway, as far as I can see, golf the purpose of fighting not only Jews OMAHA M1KEOK * ART GLASS CO. unrecognizable and his erstwhile nas- hasn't-an alibi is Jhopeless." When the J.- J r Smokehouse and al organism was spread all over his Now, don't be too rash or too acerb- ^ s a f e f o r a whi le—neither Mr.Vol- but "even Christians who do not take Manufacturers ot Mirrors, Art Glass, Window aiass TC«JTnnr> Insurance nines met for-the battered face. Never had he seen so ous in your denunciation. A hard s t ( ? ^ d ~n~~ the program of the anti-Semitic parKesllverlng—Picture and Mirror Madame w c Tv have championship of the J. C.J.C. baseball many gloves at one time. Wouldn't loser may have his faults, but there's ties seriously. Framing loop last Sunday, excitement reigned, that bimbo's arms ever get tired of n 0 fun in laying low a jellyfish or In an announcement issued by the 1614 Cnming St. AT. 6333 And. so-did. the J» J. Smokehouse. squeezing a sponge dry. Of course,' » • . » founders of the new organization it is this flailing? Still the blows rained the next time somebody tells you they' The J. C. C. will be represented at stated that not even the introduction . The Smokehouse aggregation gained down. the league parapet by eking out a 4-1 The flimflam's manager was going don't mind losing, believe them—Just' the Mid-Western A.A.U. swimming of a numerous clauses limiting the ^ctoyrOTpp^M v = ^^ dnto^hysterics^JHe^ould have wildly like you believe they'd like to drink a ' meet on August 28 a t the Omaha number of Jewish students in all eduPaxton Billiard Parlors they make any bones about their in- torn his hair except foiTihefacTtfiat offtthej Country Club by a group of stellar cational and vocational institutions in 1516 Farnam—JA. 9721 tentions* Eight in the initial period he was bald-headed. Finally, his ex- Woolworth building or read this ^pTasfiefMnffs. P. =Tvuitroabv=E"e3yn= Austria would-satisfy ,its_sponsors. A Direct WJr*HSey™ce sn Ail Franklin made first on an error, Dave asperation leaped beyond the limit, colyum. Zwieback and Rebeccah Kirshenbaum permanent fight must be waged until Latest Sport Events Frank doubled, and Harry Smith and he bust forth: of the Red Cross life saving class are . "Judaism is driven out of the body crashed out a home run. The rest of StiU Another Fable i entered, while Al Resnick will com-1 politic in Austria. the tilt was mediocre, with the twirl- "For heaven's sakes, why don't you More than once upon a time there ing of Altshuler of the -winners and stop some of those blows?" was a pugilist who announced that; he Osterman of the losers. ~ featuring. "Stop 'em?" returns his shock-absorb- was going to quit fighting and get Both allowed five.hits. Last season er of a pug, "Stop 'em? Do you see married. Which is the same, as say- ] the Kaiman bunch, under the cogno- any of them getting through me?" ing in one breath that Solomon yras men of the B'nai Israel, also finished Moral: We shall now sing the tune wise and had a thousand wives, ' entitled, "When I saw I picked a in the runner-up position..: Moral:' Some of thesefightersare In the other tiff the B'nai Ami and lemon, I called him Sunkist." gulttons for punishment. the Psi Mu fought it.out for the coveted cellar berth, and they are still The Center golf aureola will change When Tex Richard starts his pettifighting it but to see who won.'. In a hands this year as a result of Sam foggy eliminatiop tourney to decide perfect exhibition of how thenational Zlotsky's triumph over Nathan Fine, who should succeed Tunney to the pastime should not be played/ the last year's titular winner. Second heavyweight throne, among the contwain,didn't know and didn't care who round matches: Harold Farber vs. tenders will be the Jewish Jwon., Ani'the-same. applies'ta=iiie^ ~ Jack^Marer;::I.^F^Gbodmaii vsl Sam Annand EmanueU Histopponfnts Which, ocwssibn^" "tSe"'remark: Green; Sam Zlotsky vs.'. Abe Bercu; have not.as yet been chosen, bu't,rre"Three cheers for the rational;:'pes- Jack Batf vs. Chet Rosenberg; Hichard gardless, he has as much chance a s ' time' of the year." , \ ' ; ': ^ HUler vs; winner of Joe Stern-Leo has a barber,in. Russia. Weitt; Dave. "Beber ys. Sam Beber; Accountants Bottlers Tlorists The water - ducks. are-given fair Max Biekes vs.- Dr. Lazerowitz; Mor- Simpering Susie rises to- remark warning for the' mainmoth'Swim-.GarV ris Givot vs. tester Lapidus. " r ' that the freshest <op ahe-ever saw frits RIVIERA FLORISTS nival to be staged by. Director.Marcus Among the . favorites are Green the one that told her he would arrest ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. -iprrs DESIGNING SPRAYS AND Krasne on Thursday evening, Sept. 13. Zlotsky, Bosenberg, Hiller, and Beber. her if she didn't take that bathing suit 475 Brandels Theater Bide JA. 4811 PARTY DECORATIONS IDEAL AUDITS SXSTEJIS Krasne is planning a-gigantic-jamOni Specialties IXCOJ1B TAX boree with prizes for all.-*-In addition When Irving Kuklin of Lincoln reIT'S GOOD" 2009 Farnam S t AT. 5757 cently tested the lightnings of his And my comment is that some, of IDEAL BOTTLING HAM BEBEB & DATED B. : BEBER racquet against the most blistering the players in the Center baseball COMPANY Attorneys ' Sol. Peters ODrast Bldg. strokes of the best juniors of the state quartet ought to join pne of the WM. BRYDEN & COMPANY THE WEIS FLOWER SHOP Soda Water, Near Beer NOTICE BT MTBIilCATIOS ON and garnered the state Junior tennis Twenty. Thousand Leagues under the CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS and Gingerale MBTITION FOB SETTLEMENT OF "The Best Place to Buy MNAI, ADailNISTBATION ACCOUNT championship, he was the first Jewish WEbster SIMS 6S8 Securities Bldg. Yoar Flowers" 7 In the County Court ol Douglas Conntr, youth to tarn the trick since Al Finkel 1808 So. SOib St. AT, 44M ' 230S North 24th St.—Phone WE. 3Bi N Word comes from Berlin that Heiln r th^natter of the estate of BEBECCA held sway over the junior domain. KALEMAN, deceased: All perBtraB.i4nter- Another Lincoln youth who wields a ested in said matter are herel,yn notified i Cleaners that on the 21st • day ot August, US^g^m mean racquet is Chick Heller.' Auto Tops--Accessories Furnaces o f f .
S e a .
fild titi in said Cohen filed a petition in Cou said County.Court, ou praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled and ^allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator and that a hearing will Ce had on said petition before said Court on
o'clock A. M-, and conteBt saia-petition, tne Court may grant the prayer of said petiiion, enter a decree of heirship.nnd make such -other and further orders, allowances and decrees, a s t o this Court may seem proper, to the end that all .matters pertaining t o said estate may be finally settled and determined. B R X C E C R A W P O R I ) j 24 2 T ••'"•• .County Judge. SAll BKBEB AKU UAVID E. BEBER. Attorneys - ,
300 Peters Trust-Biag.
PBOBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate ot IiOtFISA HAKENHOLZ, dGceaeeU. NOTICE is hereby &™*'-... T nat tho creditors o£ said deceased will .meat the executor of said estate, before me, Cptinty Judge of Doaglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Boom, to said County, on tfie 4th day of October, 1028. and on the 4th day of December, 1828, at; ,0, o'clock A. M., eacn day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 1st day of September. 1028. iro BRXCE CBAWTOBD, Aug. 2—4T " County Judge.
There is nothing new, they whisper, under the sun. How, then, can you label the J. C. C. horseshoe tourney to be held in the near future. It's the first time they have tried anything of
with name printed
^ ' .
. - •
•• "•
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COMPLETE SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR Phillips "66" gasoline—Top Notch 100% Pure „Pennsylvania- Oil-r-Fisk Tires—Nationally Advertised Accessories —Washing—Greasing—Oiling—Battery Service.
Phone JA 1724 for Road Service Courtesy Always
Going LT. Omaha . . . 7:00 p. m, Lv. CoundlBlufifs. 7^0 p. nv Earir-mornioe afriral on Mlchigaa Bonlevird at Central Station. Choice of any train to and including Special Exconion T n i a I vJn^ Chicago S:OO p. m. (6:0Op. m. Chlcato t i m e ) Monday «»enia«—arrjyjn* Council Bluffs 6:15 a. m., Omaha 6:4t a. m., Tuesday, Sept. 4th.
Walter C. Roessig & Co. AWNINGS and CANVAS SPECIALTIES 290B Farnam
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient . . . . .
Irresistable Havot f Brazil ...„.;;." :
A. J. Iightfoqt-D.^r.Ca»ady 513 City National Bank Bufldin*;, Phones Jack»on 0264-0561 Vtdoa Ticket Office Vmon Sntiop 311 So. 16th St. " A gndMarcy Stt. Phone Atlantic 9888 Phone Jackson 5 S70
Illinois Central
PEERLESS CLEANERS 4420 Florence Blvd. - KE. 1500 Tbe House With a Kepntation
1. SWARTZ Installation and repairing of Tin Work—Furnaces—Skylights— Ventilating—Gutters and Spouting. 717 North 16th
HOTEL ROME 250 Rooms—200 Baths
for Operated by Eppley Hotels Co.
Printers 109-11 North 18th
SUN PRINTING CO. AT. 3832 504 So. 13th
QUILTING NEW EXCLUSIVE SHOP ELKS BLDG. Down and Wool Comforters, Bath Robing or Anything Yeu Wish Quilted. AT 6855. Note location, 1805 Dodge MISS HA It A, ITop.
AT. S8S5
We Specialize in the ' Management of Property, Giving Special Attention to Apartment and Business Properties HEYN-KENNEDY CO. REALTORS
the largest selection of quality furs at the lowest prices in the city. A small • deposit -will • hold FURS until wanted.
2nd Floor Securities Bldg., JA. 113a
416 Medical Arts Bldg. JA. moo *-
Rug Cleaners
4WNINGS, CANVAS COTEKii, TESTS. CAMP strprr.iES, ATLX. KINDS 15th and Dounrd A T . 2403
Mo. 24th— WE. (TJiU
Advo Coffee IS
Exhilarating for Breakfast "..Refreshing for Lunch and
Stimulating for Dinner' , There is no other Coffee to be compared with it
Blended. Roasted, Ground and Packed by McCORD-BRADY CO., OMAHA
JA. 0243
Barber Shops
Drug Stores
For space in this directory call the
•£rt South "JOth Strwt
lU23-CJatt St.—\VKtJ4TO
Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality
0?ONX MAKCUKSK. &lgr. I'orsonal S^ei-vice You .Will l
PKKSCUIPTION EXl'KKTS •Jt) Yi'iirs sServiiv ^I'itli Sherman & MfConnell Drug Co. lulB Parnam St. * AT. 11S7
Batteries and Garages
- HIPPLE'S SERVICE 2602 St. Mary's
Battery and Tire Service Road Service
AT. 5454
Service'Our Motto Genera; Kepair Shop—Kadiators( Fenders and Body Repairing
GARAGE ISthDAVENPORT mill Onwnpon _ JA. Ask for It Insist on Advo 'Famous for Flavor"
SINCE 1870 All Family Services, from Wet Wash to Family Finish l l t h and Dongla* Stg.
Fresh Corn Beef cooked daily. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meaJs. Home made pickles. All kinds of Bakery Goods, Picnic Lunches. WE. 1428 1513 North 24th St,
Satisfied Customers Our - Greatest Desire
in Omaha
Sold by all First Class Grocers .Everywhere
JA. 1440
TIXYFORK. GtJTTEi:)*'and STOl^TINti Keaitonablr Prices 1530 North «4tb WE. S565
2506 No. 24th—WE. 6311
409 Hospe Bldg. JAckson 1614 Estimates Gladly Furnished
Duncing- Enroule Five-piece orchestra and separata •musement car. Lunch car terviof undwiches. coffee, soft drinks and pastries. PflJows pvaflaWcs pUatr of tests for all. Children half fate.
Under Mnungement ot H. Marcus
1941 Vinton St.
JA. S68S
Serve Himelbloom's new Rushian pumpernickle bread with your next meal.
With the
Labor Pay
J. RAZNICK Sheet Metal and Furnace Works
Awnings and Tents
Combinedwith the
f a i t , special t t a l a o f chair c»r» and coaches leaving Omaha Saturday «rr«> dinar, Sept. l»t, ntatniagfrom Chicago Monday ereaing.Sept. 3rd.
Main Floor—West
2051 Farnam—AT. 5524
"Everything For The Auto"
For Service Call
The utmost in Photographs DAVIS LAKE STUDIO
Braadeis Printing Dept
National Accessories, Inc. BODY REBUILDING
Many Beautiful Designs
to Chicago
Auto Top and Glass Service
Have Your
. • ; •\ - • _ •
Meals antj room for the Jewish Holidays by appointment. MRS. S.MANDEL 1919 Burt.St.. AT, 5440
Jewish New Year Greeting Cards
Vienna—(J. T. A.)—Arthur Schnttv ier, famous Austrian Jewish writei. suffered a breakdown following the tragic death of his nineteen year old daughter, Lilly, who was killed in an automobile accident in Venice.
HAUUX K.RANTZ. I'rop. Mattresses made over In new tl^ks at hull price ot now beds. P"llow« renovated ami niiidp <in in new featherproof ticking.
(32 Years Experience)
Studio Will Be Open Ail Summer
Do not throw iiwny your tiided enrmeuts: tswe them re-«lye«l l.v nn expert. Formerly a sample l>yiT at the I'antorram nnd-nrosher r.ros. Prices ren-
1917-19 Claris St.
WE. 1119
605 Electric Bldg.—J A. 1045 -All Kinds of Kl^ctric Wiring—
GAMBLE KLKtg:RlC CO. Electrical Contracting and Repairing 4104 No. i « b SI.
RE. as*
WA. 8062
FOR 75c A WEEK Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish home in Omaha
Wright-David \Beauty Parlors
Mattresses ami Pillows Made Over in New Ticks 1917 Curaing AT. 5983
190T Cnmin* St.
5U6 Military Ave.
710 llwnJeig 'Theatre BlUg.—AT. 4333 SpcclalffrtK all Ifnec Beauty Colture. Permanent Waves and Synunetrlcer Reduclnc Machines
W. 11. OiSTKSBRUU, t'rvs. S815 Parnam ATlantic «81S
Laying, Sizing, Fringing, Binding
Tire Sliops
Piano Teacher
If your laundress does not • satisfy, try us.
THE MILLER TiRE SERVICE COMPANY 1 "Thin ljifrte tOxlrii Strvict''1 Sillier Oenri'd-to-thp Horn! Tires
tO'JS Hnniey f i t .
Beginners and Advanced ' Students Accepted Suite 5. Weatl Bldg. ISth & Farnam Telephone ATlantic 8162
Cot. 17th nuit dipnoi ftvt.— AT. w / s GOOnTEAR 8EKV1CE STATION Tulies, AccessorH-s, l!on<! «ervie^
Towel Supply
When You Need a Plumber, Cali
609 North 16th
E. L. RODWELL PLUMB1WG AND SEATING CONTRACTOR Quality 18 Uememlivrwl i.uug After the Price Is Forgotten 4860 Farnam St. ATlantir 1»