Interesting and Entertaining
Entered a* secoaa-ciafis mill matter on Jaa poatoffice a t Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act -
t/ie W
Of'Interest to Jews
_ 1U21 a t b 3 . 1STO.
The Wctskington Jewish Mirror By HIL.LEL, the Observer
Bucharest- (J. T. A.)—A party of Jewish agricultural laborers will proceed to Southern France the bexr-^g = sf = Qetohe£ t jghere they will obtain employment as season workFigures Gathered Desclose Fact That One-sixth of Jews ers on the French farms. Reside in Rural Districts and in The party is being organized by the Hias-Emigdirekt. The majority Small Urban Centers of the group comes from the Marmorosh Sziget district and sKbeogk JEWS IN NEBRASKA NUMBER 14409 they are completely trained for agricultural work, became paupers cause of- the lack of land.
There are enough stories Mustrat-' Cattleman ing Calvin Coolidge's silence to fill a four copies. Ten copies were not, . Say New Fuel Unexcelled For five-foot book-shelf. Here is another not enough, Mteen did not appease iris Praises Otto JUbenthal, German Jewish Airplane Heating and Cooking from the mouth of a Jew famous as hunger. He demanded every single Inventor •' :" 'Uses the sculptor of the President's bust, available attack of "that doity Jew hater—we'll show iiim." Moses W. Dykaar. EXPERIMENTED 25 YEARS ECONOMY STRESSED Ford had made another. Jew! The Jewish artist, is quite aceusomed to working on notable-models; Kew York <J. T. A.)—CoL Chas. -i -"Ten yearB \ ago., "when; we lived in for In recent" years he has put -into A. Lindbergfetpaid iribute to th« •Marietta, Ohio, we ised natural gas everlasting marble*the features of the Jewish pioneer-inventor and martyr and found that it was -the-only tiling," most distinguished men and women of New York^— (J. T. A.)—The "United States of America has to aviation, Cmi Lilienthal, in his declared Mrs. Fred Callahan; 721 the nation's Capital-—Speaker Nicho-V 4,228,029 Jews. article on aviation spearing in ; South" Thirty-Eighth* street, Tuesday. las Longwofth; Mrs.'OfVlice Longworth, The common notion that Jews are largely big--dty folk, conSunday's issue of the "New York "Then; we moved to Omaha. Ever daughter of President Roosevelt; the centrated in the large industrial and commercial centers, has no since we moved we have missed nat- late vice-president T. R. Marshall; States American Capital Could Times. foundation in fact; Jews live in a total of 9,712 cities, towns, vil"America has found her wings, ural gas in'; our home." l§ges and rural districts, and about one-sixth of the Jews in the Have Prevented Critical Hudson Maxim; Alexander Graham has awakened to the realization that " I know natural gas cannot be out- Belli President Harding; Eugene VUnited States reside in rural districts and in small urban centers. Condition she can fly," writes: CoL Lindbergh. done when it comes to heating a home. Debs -and "other great persons. '- There are only eleven cities in the United States in which "This. realisation has come so quickSITUATION IMPROVED We have used coal since coming to the number of Jews is 50,000 or more. Dykaar has had his' studio in the ly, that the long process of learning Rabbi GoHman Reports CondiOmaha, but coal is a back-number The rise of the percentage of the Jewish population in the tions Tound on Russian when natural gas is brought into a National Museum at Washington, Geneva (J. T. A.)—The situation to fly has been forgotten, the tech-; country in relation to the total population, which was obsei-vabte Trip where his greatest triumphs of art in Palestine; should be no cause for nical development of the airplane-; city. '...-... during the 19th century and the first two decades of the 20th were achieved. He has offered the. folpessimism; the crisis would • have has been so unnoticed that the labor • century, is on. the decline. ,'% ior".one, certainly hope they, •bring" natural gas into Omaha. It .owing comment on- .Silent Cal's sil- been avoided if Jewish capital was of years seemed to reach its fruition PESSIMISTIC FOR FUTURE , . • These figures and findings were furnished in the proper time, Col. almost overnight. . J cooks wpnderfully and is an all-round ence: iffJIUlV/lTE1 r n M M i e e i f U I | among the important results of « New York. (J. T. A.) — That "After I had completed my bust of George - S. - Symes, former Civil Secasset to the woman in the home." MATtl/AIE, L U M M l j J l U l f (comprehensive study of the Jewish "Forty years ago a man named, ] population of the United Slates made This sentiment was concurred in by the dead President.Harding, his'sister retary -of the Palestine Government, Lilienthal watched the, washing hung Russian Jews are in need of further by Dr. H. S. Linfielri, Director of tht tl E. Cain, 3123 North Forty-eighth suggested to Mrs. Coolidge that I told the Permanent Mandates Com- out on a clothes line. He noticed'. relief and look to American Jews Statistical Department of the Ameriavenue, who resided in Pittsburgh, Pa., make a bust of he.r husband.. This mission of the League! of Nations. that the tablecloth and sheets and for this assistance was the statepleased Mrs.- Coolidge,- and I assume, The minutes of the meeting of other normally flat pieces lifted in ment made by Rabbi -Solomon Goldcan Jewish Committee. This surve> in 1920. , will' be published in the forthcoming "Omaha wiH make a big mistake if the President^since I.was summoned the Permanent Mandates Commis- a strong breeze above the horizontal man of the Jewish Center, Clevesion's' observations which' are to be position which it would be natural land, on his return to New- York British Government Commended volume of the American Jewish Yeat it turns down natural gas," he de- within a very short lapse of time." For Administration of Book, a publication prepared by the clared. "It will do a great deal for "Of course, the fact that my now transmitted to "the Council of the to suppose they would assume when following a- three months trip in Europe. Holy Land Omaha in an industrial way, just as it subject occupied the. presidential chair League of Nations. American tTewish Committee and isblown out by the wind. Then he JSas in Pittsburgh and other cities somewhat awed me. I was assigned sued by the Jewish Publication societyc The minutes disclose many, inter- noticed that the cloth had been] Speaking on conditions in Russia, where it is used. Natural gas is a room in the White House for my esting details. It appears that CoL curved by the : wind and discovered, the Rabbi described the pessimistic DISCUSS JEWISH AGENCY of America. In connection with hi survey of the Jewish congregations in clean. While we lived in Pittsburgh work on the morning of bur first ap- Symes, in reporting the situation in logically, that a curved surface/lifts.; impression which he carried away Geneva. (J.T.A.) The observations the United States, as special agent of we liked it fine." pointment, the President entered and Palestine, explained why the govern- "This was the beginning of the from that country. ""I found, while living- in Iola, stationed himself beside me. . Not a ment of Palestine has not created airplane—the result of the knowledge! "Help us, help us" were the of the Permanent Mandates Commis- the United States Bureau of the CenKans.," said Mrs. E. L. Cain, 6805 word. He was accompanied by the legislative organs. He emphasized Lilienthal gained by patient obser- words that greeted me on all sides." sdon of the League of Nations con- s u s , p r . Linfield, at the same time Boulevard, "that natural mistress of the White... House, and I that there; is little'possibility for vation of such things as washing Rabbi Goldman said. "In a. restau- ceraing the report of the Britieh made for the American Jewish ConiJlinne fas was a cleaner fuel and produced his wife, both of whom I greeted creating, such : organs in the near and the wings of birds. He learned rant in Leningrad, on the Fverskaya- govermnent on the administration of mittee this study of the number ©1 more heat' than- manufactured gas. <i: It with, the customary. "Good morning."/ f uture. The '^government of Trans- that a curved surf ace w^th «. thin. in Moscow, in the synagogue court Palestine, submitted to the cormrus- Jews in the country. The figures cooks better, ^and produces-more heat " H e was to pose a half hour every jordania is free to prohibit Jewish leading edge tike that of a bird of Minsk, everywhere in Russia Jews sion at rtK thirteenth session held in given in connection with the census of ! conprepations, recently published by in a comparatively short -space of morning, and for a similar"periodeyery immigration into the territory from lifted better titaa one with a thin told a tale of misery a»d poverty June, were made pubKc here. time,than manufactured gas." afternoon. During the entire, first Palestine, but cannot prohibit; such1 edge although he did not know why ] and pleaded- for more relief. The • In accepting the report, the com- the United Bureau of the Census, re"Mrs. Cain recently toured the-south, sitting he maintained a "strict silence immigration from countries which this was the case. Now we know it American Jew is still considered the mission declares that it has given ferred only to such cities BE had Jewfull attention to the difficulties in the ish populations large enough to mainand during ibis trip visited several while Mrs. Coolidge chatted pleasant- are members, of? the .League of. Ha* Is due to the greater vacuum pro-! fore-ordained'- Joseph. efforts to make the Jewish settlement t a i « congregations. The present poptowns where natural gas was in use. ly. .At the dose ofthe half hour, the tionpj he sajd. :.;.-:_•. -•'. "If synagogue attendance is any above the wing. is Palestine selfr-sappurtang, -.TChiciL«ul'?tjojs,_ study refers to. &U placet.^.^oand^thatiJiatotal: gasrwafi: the- sp«* president" tufened antt • wflFTdlesaily--feft; •^-MwqoJ^33lssxioH, t&ainiisn of the; *re is' nd^jgreateT1...' rmraflife. formly successful in all of the towns I the room. This' continued for Ithree Commission, asked how long Pal- than the development of the air the Jewish community, then the in- resulted, in the restriction of irams- i throughout the country in which Jew* visited on my^trip,'" she said in com- days—not a word. Yes, 111 admit he's e6tine";will. be' dependent on help plane,'- and it- is a pity that the tegrety of Russian: Jewry remains gration in order to make some pro- l^e, whether conprefrfttions esiBt in t n e m p r not ittenting on her excursion. - ^ ^ J e w i 8 h TeleRiuphiifrom, ibroad., To this question Col. recent flights which have done so unshaken. Bat somehow" ene senses portionate to the economic capacity A not talkative." .~ c v is .™.*..|K>f)tio1' *? T k e p ° b H c Symes "replied that it. is the^aim of much -to extend its use have dimmed little or no future- .for.', minorities of the territory. The Mandates Corn-] fen "I know, too," she continued, "that advance information of the survey, natural gas lights beautifully, besides Harry Houdini has made himself the Zionist Organization to snake -the: a little the less spectacular achieve- under-, the present Soviet regime. mission was interested to receive de- which is the fifth decennial study of being excellent for cooking and in immortal in the nation's "Capital. I t Yisshub £the Jewish settlement) ments of men who began-this evolu-, The Jewish youth is caught up in tailed information regarding the re- its kind made since 1ST?. heating the house." . is not knownto many that the famous self-supporting. Money is- needed to tkm by patient experiments. Many the mealstrom of the proletariat organization of the Jewish Agency. In the present survey of 1927 a deThe commission notes with satisfac- termined Ten years ago Mrs. W. B, Cameron, Jewish magician bequeathed- his.-coin-(increase the Jiuniigration, he -addei of" them^ lost their lives. Lilienthal philosophy, he has turned his back effort was made to find out Gximshaw «sked the-tPal- himself- was the first man to die on the problems of his people. He tion the profits, which resulted from 2852. Bauman Ave., lived in-Elmira, plete' collection of bookson magic and] representative in attempting flight in a heavier- sees no-Jewish people. Inter-marriage the introduction of the hew Palestine c o u n t r y a g a ^ ^ feut R1SO t h c i r . ( , i s . Ohio, and was a constant user of nat- psychical research' to the Library of estme .government is growing by leaps and bounds. The whether it was true that the land than-air machine." oral gas. Congress in Washington. tribution among the large cities, the currencv. With reference to Dr. Weizmann's medium-sized cities and the village.. "When I lived in Ohio,^ she averred, We have" been wondering whether near Beisan, given by the Palestine He -was a member of the German reader • of. Jewish literature and the •my gas bills were a great deal less representatives and,senators will, in government to Arabs, had been sold Society for the Advancement of stndent of Jewish history are hard- letter and the memorandum of the and rural districts of the country. T!v than they are now, in Omaha. This I days to come make use of Houdini's to Syrians and Egyptians and why Aerial Navigation. He was the ly to be found. The children with Zionist Organization, the commission nationwide canvas, a sort of voluntary contribute to. the use of natural gas. remarkable gift and whether they.will' does not the government facilitate author of several works in which he but few exceptions receive no' Jewish repeats the recommendation made census, was carried out in cooperation For cooking I found natural gas per- appreciate that it was gathered to- purchase of this land by Jews. Col. explained the theoretical reasons for education. The Yiddish language is following its ninth session, trusting \w i t J i rahbis, cmmunal. leaders and Jewrapidly losing ground. It is now that every effort will be made to fect. I am sure natural gas is a great gether during a full lifetime of care- Symes replied that the Zionist' Or- the form of his aerial machine. • ish organizations in over 3,150 cities. deal cheaper than the manufactured ful searching and endless investiga- ganization demands special privOtto Lilienthal, German-Jewish csed largely as a vehicle for Bol- hasten the completion of the towns, villages, and rural areas; shevik propaganda. The Russian product." tion. There are over three thousand ileges for the Jews, which conflict mechanical engineer and experminentine land survey which is of the ut-; i^e entire undertaking was financed "I like natural gas because it is books on the psychic and above seven- with the agreement with the Beisan ter in aerial navigation, was born Jew has weathered many a storm. most importance to the general I by the the American Jewish Committee BO handy; for heating," said Mrs. J. W. teen hundred volumes on magic and Arabs. • _• " May 23, 1848, at Anklam. He died Can he save himself now? Only ex- development of the country and psr- and it is under its auspices that the Campbell, 5207 California Street. the occult sciences. Dr. Castell asked why the Jews August 9, 1896 at Rhinow during a treme optimists or pessimists will ticularly to the establishment of the results are published. The nation•*When we lived in Janesville, Ohio, we The Librarian of Congress, noted. get only 20,000 pounds out of the demonstration of his aerial machine. speak with definiteness." Jewish National Home. The commi?-1 wide canvas brought, returns from used natural gas for both heating and Dr. Putman, does not conceal Houdi- education budget of 104,000 pounds His theory was that artificial flight sion also hopes that means will soon j over 3,100 places, giving the actual cooking. I would like to see it ni's religious origin. In fact, he at the time when the number of must follow the principles of birdbe fo\md to utilize the full possibili-j number of Jews in each place based brought into Omaha, particularly be- points out in his Annual Report to pupils in the Jewish schools, amount flight. His aerial experiments, which ties of the land of the Beisan district, j on a local count or estimate. Every cause of the advantages of heating. Congress that the donor of this im- to fifty _ percent of the total. school were made with the assistance of his i estimate was checked by information Of course, I like to use it in cooking, portant collection was a son of Rabbi attendance. Col. Symes explained brother, G. Lilienthal, extended over | available for t h e respective communMeyer Weiss of Appleton, Wisconsin. that the allotment is made, not on a period of twenty-five years. In I too." HOLIDAY SERVICES TO (Continued on page 2) Mrs. T. H. Canon, 2319 North Sixty- We quote Dr. Putman: the basis of the proportion of the the summer of 1891, he made, with .London.—(J. T. A.)—A new fefiniBEGIN .SEPTEMBER ii| -fourth street, asserted Tuesday she "While on tours he seized every op- pupils, but on the proportion of the a pair of curved wings designed for tion of the well kno-wro 'Hebrew term, was strongly 3n favor of natural gas. portunity to study in libraries, to in- general population. soaring/ the first practical demon- Am Ha'Aretz, •usually interpreted as The Beth Hanaedrosh Hagodei terview retired magicians and collectMrs. Canon formerly lived in Wichita, stration of man's ability to fly. He meaning "ignorant" and "unreliable" synagogue will start the holiday Kansas, which has natural .gas as one ors, and to browse in old bookstores CONGREGATION made the flight successfully- several was offered by Dr. Samuel Daiches of services Saturday, September 8, Jrt and antique shops. He searched eatLondon, in a paper he read at the In- midnight with "Slichoth". The servof its advantages. B*NAI ISRAEL times, but finally met death during ternational Orientalists Congress ices will be conducted by Rev. Cantor She, as well as Mrs. Campbell, was alogs assiduously, and often advertisan experiment at Rbinow. • Radio Station "WHT", Chicago, has •which was in session during the week S. Kahanowitch accompanied by a high in praise of natural gas as a ed his wants. For about six years, • The = High Holiday services at the made arrangements to install a microtoward the close of Mr. Houdini's life, synagogue.of the Congregation B'nai Warsaw (J. T., A.)—The Jewish at Oxford. The Congress closed its male choir of 12 voices. furnace fuel; . phone in the Synfigogue of Congregahe was assisted :in/ purchasing his masessions today. The choir is composed of the fol- tion Anshe "It saves so much time and is so Israel at 18th and Chicago will he Student House was raided last week Emss, Pinegrcve Ave, convenient," Mrs. Canon declared^ terial by Professor Becks, who was in conducted by Rev. A; Schwaszkin jind b*', the Polish political police. • According "to. Dr. Daiches, the term lowing: Tenors—Hymie Eothstein, and Grace St., Chicago, on Rosh Hashcharge of the theatrical collection at "Besides, it is so clean: We usednat Ws. well-trained choir and by Mrt The: search lasted four hours. Am Ha'Aretz, meaning literally "the and Aaaron Eiflcin; Sopranos—Gil- onah and YOTTS Kippur. ural gas in Wichita and I learned i Harvard for nearly, ten years." -. Abraham Mbnsky. The synagogue has Nothing of a compromising nature -people of the land" was originally the bert Marks, Leo. Bernstein, Albert The litigy is a traditional one, but has, oh, so many advantages. I'd like been redecorated' in preparation .for was found on the premises .and no equivalent'-of the English expression, Rimmerman, and Moses Shrier; in a beautiful modern setting. For to see it brought into Omaha." Another Soldier-Boy story: This the holydays. landlord. The Jews, in Bible times Altos—Morris Ardel, Louis Soskin, the first time these traditional service? arrests were made. • fellow, David Gittlemen, was also lyhad a constitution similar to that of Dave Bernstein, and Isadore Mittle- will be available to the thousands of ing ill in the famous Walter Reed hosthe English, he stated. The Am Ha'- man. Shut-ins and sick, as well as Jews iv SOUTH OMAHA SYNAGOGUE pital in Washington and was, of Areti then meant landlord, or landed isolated communities. Station "WRT'" OPENING TO BE SUNDAY course, visited by.- the Jewish Welfare. nobility, whose representatives were FA HON OPEN MEETING j Chicago, as well as Congregation Board Federation representative. Git-' seated in a House of Lords. The comSUNDAY AFTERNOONj Anshe Ernes, Chicago, through ifcp The new synagogue of the Congre- tleman just like Greenberg of whom mon people- were called B'nai Adam. Rabbi Philip A. Langh, will be glad to gation of Israel at 25th and J streets 'we wrote, denied he was a Jew and Only after the land aristocracy fell, The Fa Hoti girls club will hold hear of the manner in which these m South Omaha will have its formal told Mr. Cohen not to bother about the Am Ha'Aretz'became a'disreput- their big open meeting Sunday after- radio services are received. opening Sunday afternoon, Septem- visiting him thereafter. But Jiis face able name, Dr. Daiches suggested. noon, September 9, at 2:30 p. m. The following- is the program to b^ ber 9, at 2":30 p. m. An elaborate, and tongue belied the claim. You can wish everybody A Happy Professor A. Karainka of Vienna, in at the J. C. C. A program has broadcasted: Kosh Hashonah Sept. program, has been arranged for the Cohen had patience to. wait until a paper he read, opposed the theory been arranged that includes several loth Central daylight savingsF time Year—all your relatives, friends,- ami assoevent. Speeches will be given by Gittleman was not as TnifFy about his . that Hebrew was originally written in novelty stunts and surprises, as well 10:50 to 11:00 A. M. replacing the ciates, fay inserting your greeting in the anprominent members of the community { goyishness and gradually won" Turn Greek characters, pointing out that as educational features. Torali in the Ark. Cantor Sotjexiklainual Rosh Hashonoh Xumber of and Eev. Cantor S. Kahaaowitcb will o v e r . The .sick Jewish soldier told the the oldest Greek Bible, Septuaginta, The program is in charge of and choir. 11:00 to 11 ;40 Rosh Hai«hsing, accompanied by a male choir welfare-worker that more than cancontains errors due to misreading of Misses Rose Stein and Marian onah message by Rabbi Philip A. of 14 voices and an orchestra of ten dies, ice cream, and pickled herring the Hebrew letters, Daled. and Heigh, Brookstein. They have secured a Langh. 11:40 to 12 noon Hinni and he desired copies of Dearborn- Inde- ! which were confused, thus showing talented young lady of Omaha to Kaddish by Cantor Sonenklar and strings. that the Hebrew alphabet is older than entertain the members and visitors choir. Sunday, Sept, 16th 10:30 A. M. Everyone is invited to attend the pendent containing Ford's- denuncUL- | 490 Brandeis Theater Bldg. tion of the International Jew. "If the Greek. dedicatory exerdres. with dances and songs. A little lad to I0-.45 A. M. blowing of the Shefai Nobody, can chide yon for forgetting them on Rosh you want to do me a real favor get. has also been obtained to grace by H. Simon. ¥om Kippur Sept. 24th, (J. T. A.)—The Kehillah me .them magazines." This was so Hashonoh if your greeting is published in The Jewish Press the program. These are only two 10:50 A. M. up until 11:00. Memorial London (J. T. A.)—London newselections held recently in Vladimir-' long after the publication of the at'Phone or mail your order to Esther Potash, AT. 1450, papers in reporting the death of features of the balanced program sen-ices (Yizkor). 11:30 to 11:10 Volinsk were annulled by the Polish tack that' it was difficult to obtain eveninjrH WA. 5818 replacing the Torah in the Ark. Can Mrs. Hannah Chaplin, mother of that has been planned. Starosta, District Governor,; of copies of the periodicals but somehow COUNCIL BLUFFS—Fannie Katelman, 417 Oakland Ave.. tor Sonenklar and choir. 11:10 to .The meeting will be followed by Charles Chaplin, definiiely states Mr. Cohen managed to lay Ms hands Ttovno. No reason Tor the order 12 Hinni, Cantor Sonenklat- and choi*. Phone 4491 that Mrs. Chaplin was a Jewess. dancinF tjna.few. ' I idven.
New Year Qreetings Are Expressive of Ihe Rosh Hashonoh Spirit
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1928 projects were carried out on the] Eastern and Western Kishon rivers, j Wanted experienced JewIn the f ormer case, the National i ish sale* lady to take charge Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Fund drained the swamps found in j of a Lady's ready-to»weai the bed o£ the river. A canal was \ department. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Inquire c/o dug for a distance of ten kilometers, [ The Jewish Press, Box 25. Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Out of the 3,150 places in which local thus giving the waterf a clear course (Continued from Page 1) DAVID BLACKER, B U S I N E S S and MANAGING EDITOR counts or estimates of the number of Palestine Water Supply Problem and preventing it jfrom forming IRVING PERLMETER - . . - - - - EDITOR Being Solved by ity, and in the case of the largest Jews were made, 1,090 reported ten swamps. In addition, a number of "QUALITY JEWELERS" Organization _S2.50 Jews or less. cities the number of Jews was dewells were dug, the; water from Subscription Price, one year MAJLASBOCK JEWELRY termined chiefly on the basis of the The total number of Jews in the Advertising rates furnished on application which will be used for drinking- *nd MANY WELLS DUG Wholesale and Retail Jewelers number of children who remained country is divided as follows: 109,600 irrigation purposes. The same type CHANGE O P ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be live in rural, areas and in villages of away from the public schools on the 218-16 City National Bank at work was done along the lower sure to •give your name. •• -•' - •'•.'-.;. ,;.-:'" ' Day of Atonement. As for the small 2,500 population or less 185,964 live in j New York.—One of the most im- reaches ol the Kishon river. Bid*.—JA. 5619 ~ * towns and rural areas which were not towns of 2,500-25,000 population, and portant branches of activity of the Palestine has always found its canvassed or from which no adequate 3^32,462 live in cities of 25,000 popu- Jewish National Fund in Palestine is water supply problem most serious. the drainage and sanitation workit lation or over. The last figure inreply was received, estimates were The Jewish National Fund has been PATRONIZE made on the basis known as "sampl- cludes the Jewish population of New :must do in order to make the land a considerable factor in solving this which it acquires habitable. A review To their sorrow, the Hungarians have found put that their ing." Persons of Jewish extraction York City which is 1,765,000. numerus clausus law, by which they had hoped to keep Jews out who had intermarried or who were not The leading Jewish communities in of this type of work, issued by the problem in those villages founded on TEA ROOM 49 and Dodge , of their .institutions of higher learning, is nothing more than "bit- of the Jewish faith were excluded. the United States, that is those with a Jewish National Fond of America, National Fund land. During the last f ing biff their nose to spite their face." This particular instance of The tendency of the Jews to dis-Jewish population of over 50,000 are covering the period of the pa?t year, the National Fund has spent CANDYLAND chicanery provided that the number of students admitted to uni-perse and to move to the small towns New York City with 1,765,000 Jews; twelve months shows that miles of more than $150,000 in completing 16tb and Farnam versities was to be limited, and was to be composed of members of and -to the rural areas has made con- Chicago, 325,000; Philadelphia, 270,- drainage canals have been dog, andwater supply installations for stujh villages at Ataroth, Kiriath Anavim, the different resident nationalities in the proportion in which they siderable headway, the study shows. 000; Boston, 90,000; Cleveland, 85,000; many villages supplied with water Merhavia Mashav, Kf ar Baruch, and existed in the total population of the country. The Jews, being By the end of 1927, Jew£ lived as Detroit, 75,000; Baltimore, 68,000; Los during this time. Hatchia Moshay. only a small minority of the population, would automatically be permanent-residents in 6,420 cities, Angeles, 65,000; Newark, 65,000; Two of the largest sanitation Pittsburgh, 53,000; and St. Louis, 50,towns and villages, and in 3,292 rural almost completely excluded. But 'now, latest dispatches from "Manufactured in Omaha" Hungary inform us that the Hungarian Christians are protecting unincorporated districts, technically 000. the law because it is keeping thousands of their own children from known as minor civil divisions. In The number of Jews by states is as BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. acquiring the education they desire. I t is perfectly all right to every city of 525,000 or over, Jewish follows: Alabama, 12,891; Arkansas, deprive the Jews of these privileges but when the device by which residents were to be found, but even 8,850; Arizona, 1,455; California, 123,Cthis was to be accomplished becomes a boomerang, the case is dif-in the small rural villages of 2,500 824; Colorado, 20,321; Connecticut, population or less, Jews were found to 91,538; Delaware, 5,310; District of ferent. ^.-7. The protest will probably have its effect and the law will be live in 30 out of every 100 villages in1 Columbia, 16,000; Florida, 13,402; ICE chianged or repealed. But, without a doubt, some other means will the country. Particularly interesting Georgia, 23,179; Idaho, 1,141; Illinois, CREAM be found by Hungary's bigoted leaders to discriminate against its is the figure of 109,600 Jews who live 345,980; Indiana, 27,244; Iowa, 16,in rural territory, the vast majority 404; Kansas, 7,792; Kentucky, 19,533; Jews. And with the same certainty, they will do something jthat for Announcement of WE. 3260 :,ftiey will regret. : • . . " : ; > , ^ N ' of whom are undoubtedly engaged in Louisiana, 16,432; Maine, 8,840; Maryagricultural pursuits; This figure, land, 70,871; Massachusetts, 225,634; ;' . r As for the future, the most we can hope for is thai the Balkan however, cannot be regarded as the "state will some day reach a condition of-enlightenment that will total,of Jews so occupied, as there are Michigan, 89,462; Minnesota, 43,197; enable it to see that the best way to avoid the pitfalls of "its doubtless a considerable additional Mississippi, 6,420; Missouri, 80,687;;' Refresh Yourself 'discriminatory schemes is to stop planning them. Instead, they number in small 'towns; of 2,500 or Montana, 1,578; Nebraska, 14,209; Ne*-| DKIXX T^ight solve their problem by taking advantage of some of'that more, who engage in agriculture or in vada, 264; New Hampshire, 2,779; New Jersey, 225,306; New Mexico, education that they are so jealous of.. True education is a refining' 1,052; New York, 1,903,890; North r^aboratpvy that eliminates the poison of prejudice and leaves tol- pursuits connected with it. The Jews in the United States are Carolina 8,252; North -Dakota, 2,749; erance and lofty ideals as the residue. XS BOTTXES not evenly distributed over the coun Ohio, 173,976; Oklahoma, 7,823; Ore"-'-' Napoleon is reputed, to have said, "The civilization of a nation We know you can hardly wait, but we can't tell you gon,13,075; Pennsylvania, 404,976; i^an be measured by the way it treats its Jews." If the great try,- the figures show. The- northern j Rhode Island, 25,003; South Carolina, now! The whole story will be in today's papers. "amperor were alive today, we fear that he would accordingly ad- states lead the. South, and the South, 6,851; South Dakota, 1,584; Tennessee Harry EL Lapidus, Pres.-Treai jtidge some of our modern nations somewhat barbarous despite the West, in' the number of both gen- 22,532; Texas, 46,648; Utah, 2,857; You'll marvel—you'll gasp with astonishment! Wait!! eral and Jewish population. The their educational facilities. northern states have a Jewish popu- Vermont, 2,036; Virginia, 25,666; DEPARTMENT STORES OF HOME FURNISHINGS lation .of.3,82I,045; the South, 226,940; j Washington, 14,698; West Virginia, only agency doing family case work and thje West 181,0.44. From1 the pointf 7,471; Wisconsin 35,935; Wyoming, in all its various phases, in the rural COMPLETE STORE and OFFICE of view of density, the'North again! 1,319. districts. Seventy five rural families OUTFITTERS leads, the Jews constituting 5.25% of are now being served by,the depart- title general population of that region; W« Oecnpr Geneva (J. T. A.)—Senor Aguirre ; Berlin (J. T. A.)—Large numbers ment. •'. • ' Ova* M.000 8«wu« Fett de Career was appointed director o f ] next cornels the'West, where the Jews of the Jewish masses in Eastern Sovthwett Cmrntx A National Institution—Everything for the Home are i'i66#>- of the totals the ; South the League of Nations Section for Europe look to emigration as an abEleventh and Douglas Streets comes last, the Jews in that division National Minorities. solute necessity to escape starvation, HUNGARIAN JEW GIVEN • ' . . . . 413-15-17 S. 16th Street 0 Phone J Ackson 2724 1 comprising only 0.65% of the general The • appointment was made by declared Dr. Meisel, member of the HIGH GOVERNMENT POS Omaha, Nebr. the Council of the League of. Natotal. \ . / V : .. " ; J Latvian' parliament, representing the v The percentage of Jews in relation tions. Jewish Labor party, Bund, at yesterBudapest (J. T. A.)—Geza Desi, day's session of the Interparliamen- Hungarian Jewish jurist, member of to the total f population i s now 3.58% tary Union, attended by parliament the government party, will, be ap-as against 3.27% ten years ago, and members from various countries. pointed;, I Statfr, ^Secretary • in, $# e 0,52% in 1877; but Dr. linfield de" The session 'was devoted to a con- Ministry of' Justice, "it"'was stated clares, in presenting the data on the growth of the Jews: in the country, sideration of /the problem of immi- tioday on good authority. that the figures cannot serve as a gration and, emigration.. Declaring In parlismentary. -circles'-the; anr basis "f for /^determining the rate of that hie speaks in the name-of the nouncement called forth the" cdni- growth of the Jewish population of Jewish "working class, Dr. Meisel ment that Desi'^. appointment was the country;. ;; "The only conclusion stated that the Jewish /masses in a move on the part of the govern-" that we may draw from the data is Easterns Europe are ... now- going Ask Your through a most- difficult economic ment to appease Hungarian Jewry that during 1877-1927 there lias been for the appointment • of Julius Goenv: & continuous rise in' the percentage of process which has all the characteristics of a thqrough-going • social boes, notorious anti-Semitic ; leader, Jews- to the total population of the transformation.: In -this- situation to the position of State -Secretary country, i.'< e., the Jews have been liniinnMtii emigration is a life* necessity for in the Ministry of the. Interior, The growing a little faster than the total a large number of these masses. official announcement , of both ap- population and that this growth is ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Generally the " solution of social pointments is to be made simultane- slowing down," he declares. ;• • -' .Jewish communities; of every size economic complicated problems is ously. unthinkable without the possibility of emigration. There should, for the benefit of mankind, be established the principle of freedom of immigration -for "the entire^ -world- is the Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, homestead of entire humanity", he Catsup, Mustard, Etc urged the representatives front many Package Guaranteed nations.
ranging from one family up to the 4 $ & 0 2 9 JEWS largest Jewish community in the JEWISH NATIONAL that in New York City, are to W UNITED STATES beworld, kcrm w found in the United States. Zap, to a class of towns havSURVEY SHOWS N.ingD.,a belongs SANITATION WORK Jewish population of eleven.
See Friday's World-Herald and Bee-News
Vital Interest to All Homefiirnishers
Congress Told pf Needs | of Large Jewish Masses
Sunkist Floor Grocer
Hairman Vinegar & Pickle &, OMAHA
Social Service Agencies Aiding Jewish Farmers
The Jewish farmer and his family, who are not reached by the social service agencies in the cities are being given, attention by the national department of farm and rural, work of the National Council of Jewish Women, according to Mrs. Elmer "Eckhouse, national chairman of work in this field. A. few years ago the question fac_ Ing the department was: "Whose responsibility is the .Jewish social service case in the rural district?" Today; as a result of the comprehensive program of the Farm and Rural department of. the National Council of Jewish Women, the large city is beginning to extend its welfare pro gram to the rural districts. For nearly two years, the National Council of Jewish Women has been the
Congregation B'nai Israel
Tickets for the High Holiday services can ^he. .obtained .at the synagogue Saturday evening from 8:30 to 12 ,Pl. M-. and during the 'following week -ftom'6-30to9P. M.
Okay Bran Flakes At All Grocers Made By
Uide SUB Breakfat FN4 Ct. Omaha, Nebr.
Thomsei's Tip-Top
is Red Hot the year 'round because only pure horseradish roots and pure grain vinegar are used in its manufacture.
'Kelvinator electric refrigerator pays its way in food saved. It completely eliminates the bother and expense of summer ice and helps to keep your kitchen clean and wholesome.-
You will find it at your grocers even during the summer months.
V.. Our Household Budget payment plan enables ' you to pay for Kelvinator as it pays you. Kelvinator operates cheaply. See it at any of our ^'Electric Shops."
Distributed by
Thomsen-Slater Butter Co* AT. 8485 1315 Howard St.
EASY TER&S "Electric Shops"
17th and Harney Sts.
2314 M Street
Nebraska Power Courtesy• Service • • I*w Ratef :•-:
RnoneATLANTlC 06$$ 313 SO. 14 TM.ST. OMAHA
PAGE S-^-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1928 wedding will take place next spring. affairs w e n gives complimentary to from Chicago Sunday to spend the There is nothing insignificant— Miss Goldberg during her visit. week visiting his parents, Mr. and The Independent Order of the Mrs. Suvalsky entertained at the Mrs. Sapi Friedman. B'nai B'rith, Lodge No. «88, will Chieftain Hotel at a farewell party, hold a 'regular meeting next Wedfollowed by a theater party for her Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen are By P. R. K. nesday evening, September 12, at entertaining their evening bridge^ sister last' Thursday. the Danish Hall. ; ;: club Thursday evening at their FebUtwitx-Cherniso Wedding ' • TEACHEK OP PIANO home. Mr. jand lira. Max Cohn and son, Miss Ruth Krasne returned home Mr. and Mrs. Louis Chernies of Fall term beginning Sept. 3rd Council Bluffs, Iowa, announce the Bobert, returned home Saturday from a month's visit in Colorado. Hiss Helen Ckerniack returned 4122 Florence Blvd.—KE. 0!)f>» marriage of their daughter, Esther, from a week's visit in Chicago, 111. Mrs. Ike Krasne and other members home Tuesday after spending sevof the family who are in Manitou, eral weeks visiting in Los Angeles, to Ike Feblowiti, son of Mr. Louis Mrs. Harry Bromberg is in Den- Colo., are expected home in a few Feblowitz of Council Bluffs, which Calif. took place Sunday, September 2. ver, Colorado, where she will visit days. Have Vour Miss Both Levinwn left Saturday Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Omaha per- her parents for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fiehteaberg Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiss announce the engagement of their formed the ceremony. After a short Mr. and Mrs. Ike Cohen and son,e l Chicago, I1L, will leave for their night for Chicago, HI., to join her daughter, Anne, to Mose Buck of Houston, Texas, son of Mr. andhoneymoon trip, Mr. Feblowitz and Herbert, and Mrs. Al Friedman and home Friday after spending a week parents. Rev. and Mrs. L. Levinson, Mrs. Daye Buck of that jcity. Miss Weiss is a graduate of Central his bride will make their home In young daughter, Shirley, of Chicago, here visiting their daughter, Mrs. former Omahans, to make her future home. HigKSchool. She is at present visiting in Houston at the home of Omaha. 111., are spending the week here Ben Kubby, and Mr. Kubby. her fiance's parents. No date has been set for the wedding. visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. Yudelson. with name printed Announcement war made here this Patronise Our Advertisers. Mr. Herman Friedman arrived Many Beautiful Designs week of the engagement pi Miss Mrs- E. L. Ginsberg of Kansas ---" In the presence of relatives and friends, Miss Ethel Green- Anne Goldberg, formerly of Council City, Mo., arrived here Monday to berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg, will be married to Bluffs, now of Chicago, to Mr. Sa-visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sara fMr. Morris Harris Sogolow, at two o'clock Sunday afternoon, Sept. muel Schwartz, also of Chicago. The Friedman, for about two weeks. Main Floor—West ;9, at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue. Rabbi H. Grodin-
Council Bluffs .. News; -
Jewish New Year Greeting Cards
Visit Our New
fsky wiU officiate. Miss Anne Greenberg, sister of the bride, will Mrs. S. H. Katelman and Mrs. J. be maid of honor, and bridesmaids will be the-Misses Ruth Sher- tend the tri-state B*nai B'rith con- Scharf entertained about thirty-five man, of \ Waterloo, la., and Ethel Riekes. The groom's brother clave in Cheyenne. In Denver she will guests at a Surprise party Sunday visit with her sister, _ Mrs. Frank evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Louis Sogolow, -will be his best man. Madison. She will return Friday. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg will receive Louis S. Braunstein. The evening 1 a t their home from 4 to 6 in the afternoon, and 7 to 10 in the eveMisses Marion and Ann Shapiro was spent playing bridge. ining, for.the young couple. Mr. Sam, Cohen of St. Paul are Mrs. Leo Fitch entertained twenty " Mr. Sogolow and his bride will leave Monday for CKampaigne, and visiting with Mr. and Mnt. J. Faier guests at her home last Thursday .111., where they will make their home. afternoon at a bridge party in honor A number of pre-nuptial affairs were given complimentary to over the weekend. of Miss Bess Stock and Miss Be*> Miss Greenberg. Miss Ethel Riekes entertained at three tables of MKS. Leonard Hoehenberg and son, bridge Wednesday evening, September 5. Miss Lillian Rosenblatt Harlan" David, are visiting in Omaha wee Fitch, two Omaha brides-to-be. entertained three couples at the Athletic Club Saturday evening. with Mrs. M. Zalk. Miss Rose Goldberg and her iLast^ Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Greenberg gave a brother, Jay, of Chicago, 111., left Burner at their home for Miss 'Greenberg and her fiance. Mr. and Miss Helen Swarte of Dallas, Tex., for their home Saturday evening Mrs. Archie Jacobs entertained them at dinner followed by a i s t h e jsuest of her grandparent Mr. after spending several weeks here -theatre party, and Miss Ida Azorin entertained at bridge for Miss and MrsTMichaef Stern. visiting their sister, Mrs. Saul SuGreenberg. valsky, and Mr. Suvalsky. Numerous fo Mrs. A. HayHn have had as their house guest their daughter, Mrs. J. Oherridorfer of Eyansville, 3adT Mrs. Qherodorfer is visiting in Denver and vicinity at present. Upon hex JEtUrn' to Evansville, s h e will be accompanied by her mother, who will visit Vith her daughter and son-inseveral months. Mr. Nathan Bernstein has been ill ,afcibe. Wise Memorial Hospital since August 9. Mrs. Oscar Slutzky and daughter, Bti*rfe r have returned from a trip fo New Yorfc and vicinity. They were , in. Chicago by Mr. Slutzky who i them home.
The .Daughters of Zion will hold their monthly eaid party on Tuesday, Mr. William Alberts has been ill at the Wise Memorial Hospital since September 18t at the J. C. C. Every-, one js invited to attend. The money August 29. received goes to Palestine to buy laed Mrs. Sam Bronatein has been at the for the Jewish National Fund. $1,900 Wise Memorial Hospital since August worth of land have' already beenf 24 where she has been recuperating bought and $600 more will be sent this month. from her illness. There will be 40 hostesses at the. Mrs. Nate Sherman, and daughtei, party'and "prizes' will' be'awarded'at each tablei" " ' Santa, returned home Sunday gffc visiting for two weeks with relatives: Mrs. Sadie Haria and her two sons in Chicago, BL . , of Hollywood^ Cal., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rosenberg $f: her sister, Mrs. A. Rips. She plans to ^remain here for two months. Chicago who have been visiting Rosenberg'* aunt, Mrs.-Sarah Kehn The Young Poale Zion dub wiU of Omaha, returned home' Friday, give" a Yiddish play, "Der Zeldar August 81. Mentch," a t the J. C C. on Oct. 7.
Master Service Station 20th St. at Harney COMPLETE SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR Phililpe "66" gasoline—Top Notch l©0<^ Puns Pennsylvania Oil—Fisk Tires—Nationally Advertised Accessories —Washing—Greasing—Oiling—Battery Service.
Pfeone JA 1724 for Road Service Courtesy Always
o:-J r. —'
GOLDSTCI^ Sixteenth at Farnam
^Moekowits i s recuperating jjf j s illness- at the Wise Memorial Hogpitej, "where he has been since September'4. . "
" Urs.'Jake Lieb and daughter, Merj&uxvJiave returned from a two-week .visit iftr .Minneapolis with their soninslaw' and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. S.'J." Cohn.
"Mrs.' Sam Weinberg of Fremont jtjJSTj at a bridge luncheon at Hotel Pathfinder, honoring her sister ^Dr^Eoafi Jtena Minkin, who arrived ' Monday from Philadelphia. •/i)*. Minkin leaves September 13 for - SatTFrancisco where she will be connected with the St. Francis hospital. ' Prior to this, Dr. Minkin was con' nec&f with the Women's hospital of . Philadelphia. • Jits*'Max Hershorn is recuperating from her illness at tfee Wise Memorial -Hospital,-where she has been since 1 August 19.
IS.YAFFE ' Wishes to announce ',.* .to--his friends and • - patrons that a beau" tilul selection of
Jewish -. New Year Greeting Cards " ' - Are now on display at his. printing; establishment. So. 17th Street THE COST WJJ-.L BE "• - VERY NOMJNALr
A full line of New Years Cards in Jewish and English Remember our fnmous Kosher eliop. On fhe demnncl of n few customers I ordered the following articles of pure silver uml plate silver cnndle »tlek«, Kodush ca|>«, Hiuleses, etc. KveFTone, who in interested in linyinp one of them. Bhonlil be so kind nnd let me know ahead of time, so 1 emi hnve It. ready for them.
RArnef %Wi
Soft gray. Iron, brass, bronie snd slum' Inum castings. StnndHrfl «ise» bronne and Iron bushings, sewer mnnholes, cistern rincs and covers an<1 clenn-o«t doors In stock. All kinds of wood ftttd met At pnttems.
Soda Water WHISTLE BOTTLING CO. WE. 2131 1131 No. 18th
Smart Crepe, Satin and Ve^etFrocks also combinations of these smart materials
»ron raits
e7tb and Martha Htn.
Meals and room for the Jewish Holidays by appoint*ment. MRS. S. MANDEL 1919 Burt St. AT. 6440 EN OMAHA
HOTEL ROME 250 Booms—200 Baths Good Rooms for $1.80 Operated by Eppley Hotel* Co.
For Afternoon, and Pinner wear, we present a fascinating new group of dresses. The latest reproductions from the recent paris openings. Hie larger woman will ifind many particularly smart models.
Miwdlbisaline Cohen* who has been attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln during the summer re{ turned home Wednesday, August 29. *~Trank~"Mach, concert violinist and instructor, has returned from his ' iofxprpfir home at Camp Oma, Cohas(At;-Minn., and has resumed teaching at his' studio in the Crounse block • irith & latge enrollment of pupils.
WE, 352T
We wnnt to onll to tlie ottentlon ot the Jewish pnhllc thnt v.e nre petting )i> now s new supply of Oie ««n««fiflt>h> religious articles. Mncliw>irim with Jewish nn<l English trnnslntions, p r o ^ r hcoka, Toleosim Bilk and wool of Oie heat kind etc.
Jewish Book Store 2429 Decatur St.
,, Mm. TVunri TJp-nrmnn will. Spend the ! •weekend with friends in Lincoln. .,
The Bikur Cholim society will hold . 8 « j e JJosenBteJn. left Saturday Miss Rose Shapiro left last week evening'for a several months stay in for Cheyenne and Denver, Colo.. She its next meeting on Monday afterNew Yor£.' She will visit enroute in will visit with her father, Mr.'Abe noon, September 10, at the synagogue v €hfcsgo, HI., and Cleveland; Ohio. ShapirO^of Cheyenne and will also at- at*25th and Steward. ' ~"V_ *i
| Brandeis Prinliiig Depi. 1
Permit us :to suggest-.that you extend your hpliday G?e£tings bjr the use of appropriate Greeting cards— ' r
Others to $139.75
As tJsual We Have the Largest Variety in the City Beautiful Relative Cafds and Folders-r-for Mother-^ , Father — Sister — Daughter—^ Parents—also Sweethearts. - -
WJvy resort to a Neu> Yedr Xireeltngin a newspaper— Remember your dear friends with G o o d *W i 1 i Holiday Cards , Don't Delay—Time is short— Buy now — Remember — Our ' _Ne_w Location isJ 324 Farnam St., Northeast corner 14th and Farnam St., opposite W. O. W. Bldg.
Meyer CoceoJs BOOK SHOP
Six New Cookies You and Your Folks Will Eiijoy 1 Butterscotch SandwieK — tw ftney biseuit sandwiched together with walnvit-fiavoted sugar creme icing.
Meil Felts 500 Pairs
4. Creme Macaroons—-fancy thin * toasted macaroons covered with wKite sugar creme idng.
Just what you will want for present wear.
$y|85 ^
Black and brown calf, Made and brown imitation Bsard calf. Waek velvet, brown kid; high and medium heels.
Pointed Heels Square Heels
Fudije Stick—an oblong stick of devils food covered witk * chocolate-caramel coating.
Fruit Wafers—made of creamery butter, fresh e^gs, seeded raisins, 'n' spice V everytbin" nice, witK a white sugar top.
Young folks sav, "Every one *' keen cookie."
Fresh from Hen's Famoot Snow White Bakeries
(Silk to the top) The best stocking we know of T| G O for onlv
fey the Pound at Your Groc«*i
Eiffel Chiffon Hosiery for
Creme Fier Ba«—a Kigft-grade Smyrna fig bar covered witK a strawberry-flavored sugaf creme icing.
Charma—«n oblong eoeonu? taffy cake covered witK vKite marshmalSow and sugar ettme icing.
Chic late New York Creations Styles for Miss or Matron in wanted head
A * ^•irs •** $3.85
Every pair first quality; made with trim ankles, sandal soles and slipper toes. Every color is here.
r1AGE f ^ T H E JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1928 °<'ming meet held last Sunday at the!.tives participated. Among these was QUEBEC TO DONATE SUM FOR JEWISH SANITORIUM j v Country Club pool. Al Resnick placed George - Kojac, the schoolboy phenothird in the boys' free style ^vent in menon; who captured two firsts and Montreal ( J . T. A.)—The gova thrilling race, a blanket being ablej broke a meet record. to -cover ;the--fiist three ati-the"cftn£sii.- ' ' For a while during the p a s t year ernment of Quebec will contribute Mrs.. Sid: Wintrouk. finished. thircl i ia^ it looked like the Hakoah, would hit the amount of $125,000 for the rethe women's free style, being- nosed j the rocks due to financial difficulties. construction of Mount Sinai Saniwas the'heavyweight who'asked his out of .second'in the lastVtwd.vyards. That,- however, has been straightened torium, a Jewish institution. The sanitorium was built fifteen •wife if ??he haS seen.'rhis belt around Had she been in better physical trim, out. and t he Hakoah once again the house. ' • she would have cinched the"runner-upy fipurishjesVlihe Hakoah, I believe; has years ago arid is now maintained by position; : j ';:'.• "^.). donermore t o help the Jew than any the Federation t of Jewish Charities The •advance - detonation of the Bebeccah Kirshenbaum und Evelyn other organization. Yet, they almost in Montreal. The structure was cymbals of success resound from the went under because of-money trouble'. found to be unsafe and inadequate Jewish Community Center with Mar- Zwieback finished fourth and fifth, "Money," wrote one who knew the cus Krasne's • first call < for ; football just in time to be out of the runroad, "is the-root of. all evil." But ning. Both, have a promising future candidates.' Krasne plans to -have two he forgot to include the trunk and ahead of them.The utmost in teams, a senior and a'.junior aggregabranches. Incidentally, this same! Evelyn; tion. This coming Sunday a t 3 o'clock Photographs all aspirants for the senior eleven are Zwieback showed up exceptionally .A Jewish bike racer, Herman RubDAVIS LAKE STUDIO to congregate at the physical direc- well in the diving contest a t the audi- instein, pulled a surprise a t the Cen2506 No. 24th--WE. 6311 torium in connection .with the radio tor's office. "••••'"•;.:-. , tury Boad Club, New York* by winexhibit. She, won her division contest Prospects "for a rosy season are ning the ten-mile handicap bicycle bright* even though the' tentative w a r and finished second in the. finals, and raCe with-a three- minute handicap; menu- is anything but a pink tea as a result won a bathing suit and a schedule*. The bill \ of fare for the year's membership to. the J . . C. MINORITIES CONGRESS pigskin will include : combats , witli When Des Mokves sent down their. ..v - , TO LEAGUE amateur and semi-pro outfits, and'if tennisyteam for. j|n i^ter-city Jmatchf the candidates; are. of top. notch* cal»r r with thg» Omaha %qua~d last Sunday,! Geneva; OJ. % A change in her out-of-town melles -will .be. added, the ranking No, f and 2 players on'£ne-'p*r<)<.edure for the submission of ; The" gridiron- gladiators .will have ere hone other than j complaints by national minorities Erasne as their, mentor^. And they | the Beckerman brothers, A. Z. A.: against the violation of their rights, have some preceptor; Marcus was a n ' :ir ^^rantMrf in the international all-state linesman, a t Tech years ago. singles matches, and-paired together .•peace treaties, was demanded by fckd when, he ."matriculated, at Creighton \von wide-spread recognition for in the doubles, swept their opponents the National Minorities Congress in his outstanding ability. A coach that off their feet;. The Beckermans, Louie session here in a resolution adopted can toejthe line and smother the op- and Bennie,- displayed a- blistering today;- The resolution gives expression to position h a s it way over these- side- brand of tennis'while here. the dissatisfaction prevailing among line ,wor^-lashers. If all^)fthe-lumi-J There's, still, room for' a few more the minorities with tb,e. present naries of last year's, four-team id entries in. the horseshoe tourney, procedure which is • termed "ialoop turn.' out,- -the worries • over play-: to bring about spe«dy-| which will get under way. pretty adequate" q e'rs is at an end. Max Altshuler capsoon.. <•; redress arid ^ protection for the tained the A.Z..A. bunch who walked ABKAMSON AUDIT CO. 475 Brandels Theater Bid if.—J A. 4811 off. with .the^ league bunting, but a Classes begin at the Center October tional minorities by the League of AUDITS " SYSTEMS Nationsr' '. •' ^myriad of . A-l gridsters parformed 1} after the.hblydays. INCOME TAS for. t,he,pther squads. . "•• . When, the Hakoah, famous Jewish Every man is the maker of his As has been'previously maintained own .fortune, and must be, in. some athletic organization of Vienna held ib this column, a single team is a couple of oceans ahead of an intra-i their international ^swimming meet. measure, the trumpet of his fame. WM. BRYDEN & COMPANY " t o American mural loop. Krasne is doing^the best [[,n»iny American Olympic Olympic representarepresentaCEUT1F1ED PIBI.IC ACCOUNTANTS thingpossible.-for the Jewry of OmaC38 Securities Bldf. ha--by getting up a Jewish CommunAT. 4431 ity Center .eleven, as only competition can obliterate the poisons of diacorj], make the Jew known athletically, aijd arouse-a spirit of harmony, loyalty, I and cooperation. It may -take years to reach our goal, hut Jhe-prifB at? 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 the top is worth.the arduous climb.' \ j
National Accessories, Inc.
A handball: tourney is. on- the pror ' gram for the J.'C. C. beginhJng-rOcto^ ber 1. The zerd'Tiour for entries is; Septemtier 25.' As .Joe Levey; "wilh be missing from the ranks of the entries, Herman JSegelman, city'charnp, is a decided^ favorite to cop..the-,title without, stiff competition. Among Uie.j favorites ,w"?o. nra in the t running a r e ! Aie j .V.; ^ Mendel v Movers, «n«l *J-*oi.-ch" nioo»».. * is' the red-letter* " Ne2ct: Thursday day for the J;"C. C water splashers} Thatl night the all-around male-an<r female • swimmer?—will -be "determthed;- and * awards given^- to the victors, .Sam' Ziegman has donated all the'prize3, two loving cups for the best malf. and-female, fishes, and medals-to firctplace winners. • The events: Novice-race for bbye 12 or^ under, and same for girls, each tw§nty ^ yards. ; . —QlrarJ.race for bays 15 and under. .L -iv-onts for. bo;-s .10"'and over; style, 100-yard free style, CO-yard breast stroke, 50-yard back stroke, .and fancy diving.: . Events for girls: 50-yard-free style, E0-yard back stroke, 50-yard breast : stroke, and fancy diving1. •. • ' I
"Everything For The Auto"
.the -<le«ght' • children.' •eat
v S u n s h i n e . " K 4 > s h e x • ••••
bakery. •*-'' -"^ ^
JA. 3682
Be sur4- t o ' say "* .*. Sunshine . . . w h e n Ordering these and other kosher crackers* at your, grocer's.
wpp always crisp I
CAMP 8VPVJ.IES, tSth and. Howard
Sunshine Kosher Crackers .'. .
No. . 2 4 t n — W K . (KXH
Serve Himelblbom's new Rushian pumpernickle bread with your next meal.
With the
EncKaiitiiig Aroma of the Orient
For space in this directory call the
^Combined with the • ..
. .
I: Barber Shops
Irresistable Flavor. of BraziL .
and Scientifically Blended in Omalw
BEARD'S BARBER SHOP n . S o u a 2utt». Street Satisfied-Customers Our - Greatest Desire
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l«/4 Block* South; of J. C. C.
MiuCUESK.fMRr. 1 sic!*rlce; Tot). Will dPPfW"infe •
Exhilerating. for Breakfast -Refreshing for Lunch .
. ,C?«nly JU
Stimulating for Dinner
- I S o: YOM BJFPIJR S«pt; 24
There is no other Coffee to be compared with it
A t il»P Coii»r«Batlqn
SHARYZLON 1548 North 20th Si.*
First Class Grocers Everywhere
Battery and Tire Service :
AT. 5454
Service Our Motto General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing
L I L L l A N's •
A«k for It Insist on Advo
*Fanious for Flavor"
.;_ . _- JBlendediiBoasteji, Gmuod.jand facKecl by Mi^0iU}iBRADY€OM OMAHA
Phone 41-42
Council Bluffs, lows
iiADVERTiSERs Florists
Bottlers "IFfFS
20d9 Farnam St,
Soda Water, Near Beer and Gingerale
109-11 North 18th
AT. 5757
"The Best Place to Buy Your Tiowers"
2508 North 24th St.—Phone WE. 205?
SUN PRINTING CO. AT. 3832 504 So. 13th
For Service Call
WEbster SMS 1808 N«. *(Mh St.
Sheet Metal and Furnace Works
Under Management ot U. MarcuB
TUCWOBK, CCTTKR8 and SPOUTING - Reaa«nable Price* U H N»rth S4tb 1ITE. 8B»
1941 Vinton St.
-JA. 1440
QUILTING NEW EXCLUSIVE SHOP ELKS BLDG. Down and Wool Comforters, Bath Robing or Anything You Wish Quilted. AT 6855. Note location, 1805 Dodg« MISS HABA,
The H»us« With a B«pntatl»a
Installation and repairing of Tin Work—Furnaces—Skylights— Ventilating—Gutters and Spouting.
Bay Furs from a Furrier
We Specialize in the Management of Property, Giving Special Attention to Apartment and Business Properties HEYN-KENNEDY CO.
4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 *
GENERAL CONTRACTOR 409 Eospe Bldg. JAckson 1614 . Estimates Gladly Famished
717 North 16th
We carry everything: in quality furs at lowest prices in the city.
JA. 2100
Rug Cleaners
SINCE 1870 AH Family Services, from Wet Waab to Family Finish 11th and Dongla* Sts.
Fresh Corn Beef cooked daily. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meals. Home made pickles. All kinds of Bakery Goods, Picnic Lunches. WE. 1428 1513 North 24th St.
REALTORS 416 Medical Arts Bldg.
2nd Floor Securities Bldg. Jackson 1132
If your laundress does not satisfy, try us.
Laying, Sizing, Fringing, Binding 8116 Military Ave.
W. H. OSTENBEKG, 1'res. 2815 Farnam ATlantlc 3815
Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish horn* in Omaha
Drug Stores
Sign s
W£5 Clark St.— WE
Careful Prescription Serviee Merchandise of Quality SAVAG^-GASRILL DRUG CO. PBEsqBIPTIOS EXI'EETS 20 • l e a n ' S e r r l f f with Sherman & McConneJl Drug Co. L51U Farnam St. . . . AT. UST
Mattresses and Pillows Made Over in New Ticks 1S17 Cuming AT. 5983 "HAIUIT KKANXZ. Prop.
Mattrpssen mu<ie ovpr In new ticks at half price of new beds, pillows renovated and madf up In new featherprnof ticking.
OMAHA PILLOW CO. 19C5 Comlnir St.
BEN PRIESMAN, Mgr. Commercial Dept.
JA. 2467
Piano Teacher
EXPERT DYER (32 Years Experience)
Do noi throw awn; your laded garments; have thrm" re-dj-e<3 by nn expert. Formerly a saini>)« Dyor at the Psintorhim niij Drosher Bros. Prices rcnsoiiahlp
Mill«r Gensrd-to-the l!»«d Tires
Pianist-Instructor Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted
Vhnnr JA. l l «
Suite 5, Wead Bldg. 18th & Farnaro Telephone ATlantic 8162
Cor. 17tb «nfl <Japlto! Ave,—AT. tt42? ) COODVEAU 8BKVICE ISTATION ; L'ires, Tubes. Accessories, IJonrt. Merviee. Vulcanizins and Gonernl Uepalring ;
Towel Supply
When You Need a Plumber, Call
1917-19 Oark St.
WE. 1119
_ JA. 3073
Wright-David Beauty Parlors r
Manufacturers of Mirrors, Art Glass,- Window Glati Kesllvcrlnj—Picture and Mirror framing tSX4 Cumin* St. AT. 0325
2602 St. Mary's
Road Service
SAY IT WITH FLOWERS We can send Flowers by Wire, Fast Mail, or Express anywhere
Beauty Parlors Sold by all
' "
New Year's Greetings"
Batteries &nd Garagjes .'
1516 Farnam—JA. 9721 Direct Wire Service, on All Latest Sport Events
Budapest (J. T. A.) — Adolf Kraus, aged Jewish financier, died here at the age of 103. Mr. Kraus, who was the oldest member of the Stock Exchange, was present at the Exchange daily until his death.
isih nn<l IfavoiiDOri _
For Sale
Paxton Billiard Parlors
half interest in a store in a "countjr seat town in Nebraska. Will invoice about,-$25,000.00, doing about * $150';000.00 year good reason for waging B partser,< I ^ The Jewish Press, box
Will hold services • _ / • ROSH HASHHOKAH Sept, 1»-16 .'.'••::••"
JA. 4102
Walter C. Roessig & Co.
Snnsnine~Kosher Crackers are made with a, shortening.* of pixr* wegetablf tjs.% /'.Kqshruth" is, .gixaranteea"by the' Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations qt• America. Its Mashgiach is V always in ithj? "'S\
2026 Farnam
, In tlie inattpr : of the «»iti»»f> of. ilnry Kaimrfir. dtvcaseil :' AH nt-rsonn InleruWt-d In saitl matter : ore hi'iybjr IMJIIJIIM} that onihf aitU iln>'. of AuRUEt. 1OSK. Atim-r H'. Knin'inn. ftlc<l n petition In. said t'ouii'y «'ourt. praying- rhntllii 1 Tumi nnmin|»tK»tTon 'rfecotin't lilwl .- herein tie sutlli'i), :md alloweil. ami that he l»f "(Hliolulrct'iV IrotJl l i l 1s trust HR aJmliilBtraior m i d tfiar a in ;'.rillU Will tx? timl on. 8iitil neiil.lnn holoresnid Court on the Ut)i dnjr ot'Xi'}*tomUe'r," 192S. and Unit it yon mil to HP•pcar',1 heforn.salrt -Court on. : the • snlij 14(h tiny, of SenicmIier.102R.!it. !(' o'clock a.m.. ami" co'iuesf saiiV |Kftltlon. thp-Court m;ir Ifrant tlw pniyer of. rjilil -pj'titloit. enter n doeree of hi'irshln. nnil ninUt- Ktich o'tiier isiifl further • rtrilerR. nllowntireR ami •l^crws. ns to this Coiirf ;may T!e<«ni rfroivr. to the etui that all maftpTR pottninlnK to said - estate may; be fliiallv settled ami dotorniineil. . . . URYCE C'KAW'FOJtn.
•".-•' '-•'"':• '-
Awnings and Tents
Crackers spread,w^thjam*'jellies.'and butter! '""",- And^they^are, KW«1 f^rtthem... -They: are -' ' ' i full, of. fiealthful energy, -r : •.-.v -
Speaking; of v;ater du:l;s reminds us of the Mid-west A. A. A. •svrint-
In. -th8 Coari of Dongas'
An to Top and Glass Service
for the growing needs. According to pleted will have ft bed capacity of the plan the sanitorium is to be one hundred. equipped with a new building, the erection of which will cost from When things are come to the exe$250,000 to $300,000, and when com? cution, there is no secrecy comparable to celerity.—Bacon.
710 Urainiels ThentPe lildff.—AT. 4333 SprelalUtH aU Iliie* Dranty Cult ore. -. Pfrmanmt VCave» • and Symmetrize*- Redactor
HAKKV M. BINDER 605 Electric BWlg.—J A. 1045 —All Kinds of Electric Wiring—
GAMBLE ELECrRlC CO. Electrical Contracting and Repairing Ht.
HE. J124
609 North 16th
-the friee Is Korgotten Farnam St. 4Ttanrtr tw>4