Interesting and Entertaining
All the News of Interest to Jews
Entered as seconu-clasK mail matter on -Tantiary 27. 1021, Jit pcmtofflce ut Omaha. Nebraska, \inder the Act of March «, 1871).
SOLDIERS ATTACK JEWS IN SLOYAKIAN TOWN Budapest (J. T. A.)—Anti-Jewish riots were perpetrated in the Slovakian town, Vagujhely, by Czechoslovak army officers during military maneuvers there, states a dispatch to the "Pester Lloyd," The officers molested Jewish guests at the cafes. Shouting, "Shut up, you Jews," they fell upon the Jewish persons and beat them. An investigation was ordered by the authorities at Pressburg.
Prague (J. T. A.)—The amount Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The creaof 1,900,000 Czech Tn-onen (approxtion of an Industrial Bank in Palesimately $57,000) is provided in the tine may be the result of efforts now 1929 budget of the Czechoslovak govundertaken by leading financial inernment for Jewish reHgious needs. stitutions in the country. The same budget contains an allotOn the initiative of several JewHarry Schneiderman Is Editor Prompt Government Investi- ment of 88,000,000 kronen for the Noted Rabbi Becomes Chair- ish banks and other institutions ex- C T. Kountze Sees Industrial man of Ruling Body of minorities' schools. No specification Opportunities in the tending industrial eredit, a meetgations Prevent Serious of Annual Publication \ Organization. is made as to how much of this Proposed Fuel. ing was held, where it was decided Results. for This Year. amount will be allotted for Hebrew to co-ordinate their activities. The FEATURES INTERESTING Z. O. A. IS LAUDED action is regarded as a prelude to BOND VOTE ON SEPT. 25 TROOPS PROTECT JEWS or Yiddish schools. the establishment of an industrial The 1928 budget contained an apDr. Mordecal M. Kaplan, noted bank. The American Jewish Tear Boot, "The introduction of natural gas Warsaw (J. T. A.)—A second proximation of only 80,000 kronen rabbi and Jewish communal leader, edited for the American Jewish in Omaha would be the most imporMendel Beilis case was prevented by for Jewish religious needs. was elected Chairman of the AdCommittee by Harry Schneiderman, tant opportunity for the developa prompt investigation made by the ministrative Committee of the Zionhas just been published by the Jewment of Omaha since the coming of Polish police in Zaklikow, disprovist Organization of America by the ish publication society. The presthe Union Pacific K&ilroad," C. T. ing a ritual murder tale which unanimous vote of that body at its ent volume represents the thirtieth Kountze, Vice-President of the First spread among the villagers. meeting on September 12 at the 01yearly publication since its first isNational Bank, said today. The peasants who assembled in_ cott Hotel. The Administrative sue of 1899. It opens with an exHundreds of other Omaha men the village on market day suddenly Committee, composed of forty memhaustive review of the year 5688 and women are volunteering to the Teacher Who Visited Palestine discovered that a three-year-old son bers, is the ruling body of the nai (1927-1928) by the editor. The reof one of the villagers named Smoto Speak at October Almanac Describes Palestinian Citizens Natural Gas Committee tional Zionist Organization. view gives the most significant statements of their experience with lach was missing. Immediately wit- $3,500,000 Needed to Carry 24 Meeting. Work During Past events of interest to Jews during As founder and leader of the Sonatural gas in other cities and on nesses were found who swore that Year. On Relief Program the period from April 1, 1927, to the ciety for the Advancement of Judainformation written to them by they saw a Jew named Mendel, the PLAN BENEFIT FUND This Year. middle of July, 1928. This period, ism and as Professor at the Jewish friends or relatives now using this son of Belly, kidnap the boy. - The BOOKLET COPIES FREE fuel. Through these statements the the editor states, was in a general Theological Seminary, Dr. Kaplan tale spread among the mob, causing Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, president way a fairly normal one insofar as SUMMER TOTAL LOW has been an outstanding champion of committee has accumulated a mass wide excitement and instilling fear Continuing a custom inaugurated Jewish life is concerned. With the of the local chapter of Hadassah, the Zionist ideal and has been idenof evidence that is available to perin the hearts of the Jewish populaexception of those of Hungary, Lith- and the board of directors met last The sum of $3,500,000 will be tified for many years with the some years'ago, the Jewish National sons remaining in doubt about the tion. A search of Mendel's house Wednesday evening and formulated uania, Turkey and for a time Kouneeded by the Joint Distribution movement for the rebuilding df Pal- Fund of America has just issued its efficiency, cleanliness and cheapness was immediately undertaken by the mania, the governments in power in plans for the activities of the comCommittee to continue its program estine as the Jewish National Home- Jewish, almanac and calendar for of the gas that would be supplied to police. Later the child was found the year 5689, beginning with Septhe various countries with which ing season. of relief and constructive work land. Omaha under the arrangement to be wandering near the railway station tember 15th, the first day of Bosh Under the leadership of Mrs. B. the Jewish question in an acute form abroad up to the end of the year, several miles from the village. No In commenting upon Ms election Hashonah. The announcement of voted tipon September 25. - has. been associated, were liberal in A. Simon, each member of the board and the collection of this fund must action was taken against the witat the meeting of the Administrative publication of the almanac invites Jflany of those supplying the statecharacter and there was no official decided to pledge herself to raise be made immediately, according to a nesses who swore falsely. Committee, Dr. Kaplan referred to all Jews to obtain copies of the book- ments have said they are so deeply oppression or discrimination. Also twenty-five dollars for activities in call issued on the eve of Bosh Hashthe recent controversy in the Zion- let, which are free, either from the interested in obtaining natural gas unofficial anti-Jewish propaganda Palestine. The money is to be onah by Mr. David A. Brown, Naist movement and declared that the national offiees, 3LJ.1 Fifth Avenue, for Omaha that they will gladly give Belgrade (J. T. A.)—Forty per- tional Chairman of the United Jewand outbreaks of a violent nature raised by a series of chain parties Zionist Organization was now mak- New York City, *or from local their time to answering telephoned sons accused of'spreading anti-Seagainst Jews dwindled in number to be given by the individual memish Campaign. ing every effort to create peace and inquiries regarding their knowledge and intensity. The Jewish commun bers of the board and their friends mitic propaganda, inciting the popEarly in May of this year Mr. unity among the various factions. branches of the Jewish National ulation in connection with the ritual Brown made an appeal for the colFund, -which are located in every of the fuel. The committee points ities were free to—turn their atten Mrs. Herman Silverman is chairDr. Kaplan said, in part: community with any substantial out that under these conditions notion and to apply their energies to man of the rummage sale, which murder tale, were arrested by the lection of an emergency fund of "I have always been a loyal mem- Jewish population throughout the body need go to the special election communal problems, religious, cul- will be held during the hitter part Jugoslavian authorities in the Prov- $3,000,000 to cover the work of the polls without definite information tural and educational interests and of October. The sale of the kosher ince of Banat. Joint Distribution Committee dur- ber of the Organization. I have al- country. on every phase of the natural gas ways believed in the Zionist Organto international Jewish, questions cookbook, gotten out by the organThe arrests followed the events in ing the summer months. This apThe almanac contains a compresuch as immigration, economic re- ization last spring, is being super- Zentar, where the rumor was spread peal was the result of an Emergency ization. If now and then I have ex- hensive account of the objects of the proposition. construction and the restoration of vised by Mrs. A. Eomm. Among those who are urging their that "in every Jewish synagogue a Conference held in New York City pressed myself in criticism of some Jewish National Fund in Palestine, Palestine. After an exhaustive reChristian child is immured." follow- on April 30th, and its purpose was of its men and measures, it has al- as well as a snecinct story of what neighbors to vote for natural gas is Mrs. A. S. Bubnitz is still acceptview of the most significant events ing the temporary disappearance of to safeguard the Committee against ways been in a spirit of constructive the National Fund has already ac- Mrs. Mary Swarrz, 2050 North Nineing checks for one dollar, due from of Jewish interest in the United Marguerite Takatch, fifteen-year-old the experience of former years when conciliation. If I ever had any complished toward the reconstruc- teenth Street, whose eon, Arthur States, the review takes up happen- each member, for the summer emer- servant girl, who was found in a the slowing up of collections during doubts as to the capacity of the Or- tion of the Jewish National Home- Swartz, has been a natural gas conings in other western countries, in gency fund. neighboring village suffering from the summer months ..threatened the ganization to rise to higher levels land. The booklet also contains va- sumer at Laredo. Tex., for several The organization of sewing cireastern countries and in Palestine. exhaustion- The court authorities collapse of the most vital recon- than those of a looney-eollec-ting rious items of interesting informa- years. A daughter formerly used cles is again in the hands of Mrs. There is appended to the Review of yesterday published the opinion of structive activities abroad. Up to agency, T must admit that they were tion about ^Palestine, covering its the same fuel in Oklahoma. the Tear full lists of the most im- J. J. Friedman. These circles have the official physician that the girl September 12 the actual amount col- dissipated by what happened at the geography, population, customs, in"From what my children tell me portant anniversaries, appointments done splendid work for the past two was the victim of assault, which lected and turned over to the J. D. last Convention. I have become con- stitutions and colonies. about it. I believe natural gas would years. Mrs. Julius Stein and Mrs. and honors, special bequests and brought about her exhaustion. This C. was $1,454,888, less than half of vinced as a result of my reflections In a brief review of the past year be a fine thing for Omaha, and I tell upon what occurred (and I have had gifts and necrologies for the period E. E. Bleicher are planning a series fact was not made known before. the budget requirement. in Palestine, the almanac points out my belief to everybody who talks to a good deal of time to think since from April 1, 1927, to June 30, 1928. of affairs for the Infant Welfare Speedy steps were taken by the While the Joint Distribution Com- the Convention) that the Zionist Or- that "the Jewish National Fund ac- me about the election." she says. fund which supplies milk for the A special feature in this volume authorities to restore tranquility and mittee has tried during the summer ganization is exceptional among Jew- quired a further 18,000 dunams of Eighteen years of experience with is an article by Dr. H. S. Xdnfield Palestine babies. to bring about a pacification of the months to carry out its program with ish organizations in harboring with- land and entered into negotiations natural gas is the background on At the next meeting of the organ ' on the Jewish population of the minds of the villagers. Couriers the limited funds at its disposal, the in itself the power of self-criticism, for the purchase of a stretch of 50.- which Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. BeuUnited States, based upon informa- ization, which will take place Octo- with trumpets were sent by the Baoffices both here and in Europe have self-correction and self-purification. 000 dunams, the means for which are tell. 2304 North Fiftieth Street, base ber 24, Mrs. M. F. Levenson, chair tion gathered by; him as director of nat authorities to the villages of the been flooded with many new appeals In my opinion, the step that was being raised by the Jews of Canada, their approval of the fuel. Their the Statistical' Department of the man of the Cultural Committee, will province to proclaim to the entire for help from all parts of eastern taken in the reorganization of the following the visit there of Mr. Us- use of p«s was in Cleveland. Ohio, introduce Miss Marie Gordon, a loAmerican Jewish Committee. Dr. population that the tales of Jewish Europe. cal school teacher who visited Palesmovement is an evidence of an earn- sishkin. It carried out important whence they recently came to Omahn, Idnfield's study shows that there are ritual murder are a silly invention The United Jewish Campaign, est desire, on the part of both the amelioration works on its land, intine this summer and was very much ''We never used anything but gan now in the United States 4,228,000 and that every person responsible which in most communities was con- leaders and the rank and file of our cluding the drainage of the River in the furnace of the hot water plant Jews, widely distributed throughout impressed with the work of Hadas- for spreading anti-Jewish agitation ducted on a three-year collection organization to do whatever will re- Kishon area. Many water supply that heated our home." Mrs. Beutell the country in both urban and rural sah. She has an interesting mes- will be severely punished. basis, still has over seven million dound to the highest interests of the stations were installed in new vil- said. "The supply always wns plensage to deliver' to the members of places. There are Jews in all cities dollars outstanding in the form of movement, regardless of the sacri- lages and an additional 50.000 trees tiful, the price was low. and gus, of of the country having.a population the organization. Belgrade (J. T. A.)-T-Strong de- pledges. A great part of this money fices involved. No institution is per- planted." Mrs. Levenson will also announce course, is the cleanest and most of 25,000 or over. But it is interher plans for study circles for the tachments of police and gendarmerie is due by the end of the current year. fect, but as long as there is a desire The almanac also reveals that easily handled furnace fuel iu the (Continued on Page Five) were despatched by the Jugoslav disyear. to keep on improving and that desire nearly 8,000 people live in 42 villages world. 1 can assure every Oinahft trict authorities at Osijek to Petrovo AFTER YOM KIPPUR is acted upon as earnestly and as on the soil of the Jewish National woman thnt natviral pas. properly Selo in connection with the antizealously as it was at the last Con- Fund. This land has been drained adjusted, does NOT blacken kitchen DANCE AT J. C. C Jewish agitation which arose there vention, I feel that the Zionist Or- of marshes by the Fund, which has utensils. I'm really so enthusiastic due to the spreading of a ritnal The first after-Yom Kippur dance ganization has a right to come be- also provided 34 villages with direct about it thnt I would like to be help-. murder tale. The troops were in- will be given by the Jewish Com- fore the Jewish people and demand water supply. A half million trees ful in aiding Omaha to pet its supstructed to keep watch over the Jew- munity Center" and Omaha Chapter of it that adherence which the cause have already been planted by the ply. I'm always glofl to answer By HILLEL, the Observer ish houses in the town day and night. No. 1 of the A. Z. A. on the evening it represents so well deserves. questions about my Cleveland expeFund. Simultaneously, Judge Novak of of Monday, September 24, in the rience with the gas." "By reason of the new situation Did you notice that President the Vacation State, thus comes in Novi Sad and the official psychiatrist ballroom of the Center. M. V. Schafer, 3018 Webster which we "will naturally have to Coolidge came home from his vaca- for a measure of praise from th Annan were sent to Petrovo Selo to Damon's Harmonians, rated as Street, a former resident of Kansas confront as a result of the negotiation just in time for Bosh Hash- newspaper considered most niggard complete the investigation. one of the best local orchestras, City, is another enthusiastic booster tions pending with regard to the onah? Truth to tell, his arrival in in praise. His latest name, by the A number of the rioters were ar- will furnish the necessary music for for natural gas. Jewish Agency, a new future is openthe Capital made much less impres- way, is Bimwewegijig. Did you rested. It is stated that they have the gala occasion. ' "I'll be very much disappointed," ing up before our Organization. I sion than ever before; but among know he was again made an Indian admitted that they had every intenAccording to present plans, this he said, "if Omnha passes up this think the time is coming when our Jews, with their minds fixed on the Chief and had the above name be- tion to murder all Jewish inhab- dance will be an anual event. Alopportunity to get the best domestic Organization will have the opporstowed on him—simple name, means New Tear festival of the next day, itants of Petrovo Selo. An official most every Jewish Community CenAmong the local organizations who fuel there is." the "wise crack" was frequently Soaring Sky. Sol was thus adopted announcement declares that during ter in the country sponsors similar tunity to demonstrate to our people Mrs. Thonms Spinus, 1424% Sherthat it can function as the chief reare doing much to dispel the idea by the Chippewas after having been the shooting Wednesday in Petrovo affairs every year. heard: generative influence in our life here that interest in serious endeavors | wood, is doing all she enn to make adopted by the Winnebagos three "Well, I see Calvin came back to Selo no one was injured. No tickets are being sold for this in America; that it has within its among young members of the com- votes for natural gns, she says. She us just in time for our Bosh Hash- months ago. We are sorry we did dance. Admission charges will be power to bring a new spirit into all munity is decreasing is the Center used it in Buffalo. N. T. not see the jolly little "yiddel" fitonah. We must give him a Sholom levied only at the door of the ballJewish institutions, insofar as it is Players' Guild. The members of this ted out with a cap of porcupine fur YOM KIPPUR SERVICES Aleichem." room on the night of the dance. served seats. the one institution which stands for organization produced a number of and a deer tail from which an €agle's AT TEMPLE ISRAEL The cast for the play, which is a conception of Jewish life that successful plays last season and have The primary elections in President feather stuck up. We hear he was rapidly rounding into the final stage* KOL NIDRE SERVICES insists upon that life being viewed mapped out for themselves an am- of preparation, is one of the best Services for the eve of Tom KipCoolidge's vacation state—Wiscon- also presented with two handsome and lived organically, steadily and bitious program for the coming year. sin—were watched with eager eyes woven bags and a birch bark bas- pur will be held Sunday evening, i ever assembled at the Center. In it. The Kol Nidre services at the in every part of • the country. It ket (to hold the state's money?). September 23, at 8 o'clock. Dr. Cohn Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel synagogue whole. With that opportunity be- An example of the excellent work Fnye Klein ift found portraying the fore us, and with men such as yon being done by the youthful Theswas a foregone conclusion that Washington is watchfully watching will speak on "The Perfect Life." will begin on Sunday evening, Sep- on the Administrative Committee. pians is the production of "Mam- role of a lass whose touching devoThe morning service for Tom Kip- tember 23, at 6:00 p. m. They will young Bob LaFollette would be suc- old Sol. tion to her mother, played by Bess pur will begin at 9:30 Monday, Sep- be conducted by Cantor S. Kahan- and with the backing that I am sure ma's Affair," a three-act comedy, Weinstein, is so great: that she has cessful and all of Washington rewe shall get from the membership which is to be presented October 3 joices in his newest achievement, Ernest Bamberger may come to tember 24. Dr. Cohn will speak on owitch,- accompanied by his trained almost ruined her health. Dr. Janbody of the Organization, we have and 4 at the Jewish Community Cenfor the youthful senator is extreme- Washington in the next Congress as "The Social Ideal." sen, in the person of Irving Perlchoir. good reason to believe that we are ter. The preparation of such plays meter, tries to cure the girl. He ly popular with politicians, writers senator from Utah if the Bepublican There will be a Children's Service According to estimates, over two and private persons alike. The race ticket is strong enough to oust Wilt on Tom Kippur at noon, conducted thousand persons visited the Beth headed for a year of unprecedented necessarily entails considerable sac- meets with marked success until she rifice of time and efforts. Not only contracts an affliction of the heart for the gubernatorial nomination, liam H. King from his seat in the by Mr. Wm. L. Holzman. The chil- Hamedrosh Hagodel on Bosh Hash- achievement." do the players deserve credit for that means his downfall. The rewas the most exciting in /Wisconsin north wing of the Capitol. dren of the Sunday School will at- onah to hear the services. Cantor Dr. Kaplan, who has gained a and LaFollette's candidate—BepreErnest is not the first Bamber- tend in a body and will be addressed Kahanowitch has aroused much fa- wide reputation as a Jewish edu- what they give to this worthy cause, luctant practitioner's succumbing sentative Bode—was decisively beat- ger to rise to prominence in the Salt by Mr. Holzman. The parents are vorable comment by his beautiful cator, received his training at the but also the director, Mrs. Herman to the pointed barbs of Cupid is en. . Lake State, Simon Bamberger hav- invited to remain for this service. rendition of traditional Hebrew College of the City of New York and Jahr. is deserving of a lion's share largely responsible to the efforts of The Memorial Service will be held melodies. at Columbia University. He gained of the glory that has so far sur- his housekeeper, a kindly sonl who The New Tork Times commented ing been governor and one of the his rabbinical degree from the Jew- rounded the activities of tbe Center is more commonly known as Mareditorially: "It remains a mystery, most notable figures in that province. Tom Kippur afternoon, Monday, Nor is this the present candidate's September 24, at 3:30 o'clock. Those ish Theological Seminary in 1902. Players' Guild. why the party selected as its candi| tha Himmelst'ern. All this proves CORRECTION Dr. Kaplan is noted for his advodate for Governor, Bepresentative first attempt, for he/was Republican desiring the names of loved ones The forthcoming production is be- rather satisfactory to all the charIn the New Tear greeting ad of the cacy of liberal Judaism,' and was ing sponsored by the Omaha Chap- acters mentioned so far. But George Bock, not -well \known in the State, nominee, for the same position six who have passed away during the and tried to force him on an un- years ago, and was beaten by the year to be mentioned at this service Union Pacific Assurance Co., in last the first rabbi to help establish and ter No. 1 of the A. Z. A. Tickets M. Cohen anfl Toby Flax, representwilling party. State Treasurer Le- "Jewish senator," who is really a will kindly hand in their names in week's JEWISH PRESS, the names himself headed the first Jewish cen- for the play are being put on sale j ing the girl's fiance and his mother, of Dave Sherman and L. Frank ter in the United States. Dr. Kap- this week by the members of the lo- respectively, are less satisfied, and vitan, whose department is a model Mormon. There are very few Jews writing to Rabbi Cohn. Members are requested to remain were omitted. They, too, on behalf lan founded the Society for the Ad- cal fraternity. The tickets, which very properly show their indignaof efficiency and economical admin- in Utah—too few to influence the istration and who is widely popular, election either way, but we will wa- for the short Memorial address fol- of the Union Pacific Assurance Co. vancement of Judaism for the pur- are fifty and seventy-five cents, may tion. Much of the comedy Is prowas not acceptable to the oligarchy." ger that King is better known among lowing the Kaddish. Dr. Cohn will 'and the H. A. Wolf Co., wish you a pose of reinterpreting Judaism as a be exchanged at the office of the vided by the bellboy, simulated by (Continued on Page Five) happy and prosperous New Tear. speak on "Sacred Seed." modern Teligious civilization. Jewish Community Center for re- Benny Blatt. Sol Levitan, most popular Jew in
The Washington Jewish Alirror
TWO—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1928 Warsaw (J.T.A.)—The Chassidic is not in any sense an exaggeration to say that had it not been through an unconscious process, the best minds among Rabbi of Radzymin, near Warsaw, for the foreefulness and persistence with which he advocated our people now conceive to be the conscious aim and with a large following among Polish his idea, both in this country and in Europe ,the multilateral goal of the modern Jew. The program and platform of Jews, left today for Palestine. Many Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by treaty renouncing war would not, today, be on the road to certhe modern Jew as regards his position which he is to Chassidim gathered at the station THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ,.; tain ratification. to bid him farewell. occupy in the world at large may, in fact, be summed up An interesting thing about the Levinson campaign to get this .Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: "ATlantic 1450 idea before* the world is the fact that it has been largely a oneas a conscious effort and determination to adapt himself The rabbi will remain in Palestine DAVID BLACKER, BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR man campaign. Most men, when they get an idea that they think for three months. in detail without sacrificing essentials. If anyone were IRVING PERLMETER - - - "-• - - " EDITOR importance to their fellows, either write a book about it or to ask how it comes that the Jew, who is known to be of form a propaganda organization. Mr. Lievinson has done neither. .$2.50 most liberal in thought, progressive and ready to change Subscription Price, one year .... ...... Others have written books about the Levinson idea, and organiEmployment and hardships pre1 Advertising rates furnished on application and modify religious beliefs, customs andceremonies, is zations already existing have helped in a small way to promote vent melancholy.~Jobn.8on. CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be nevertheless so seriously and strongly set against mere it; but Salmon O. Levinson has been his own book and his own i. sure to give your name. organization. He has spent his own time and his own money for quibbles which are apparently of purely academic imthe last 10 years and more in reaching the ears of the underportance such as to whether or not a certain person standings of key men. He has raised no funds, invited no subexisted many .centuries ago, whether or not one can be scriptions, enrolled no members, subsidized no agencies and Paxton-Mitchell Co. 21th and Martha 8t». HArney IMS three or three one, whether or not a man fell thousands launched no magazines. But he has been, in the capitals of YOM KIPPUR OMAHA. NEBRASKA Europe. He has talked with statesmen and publicists. He has of years ago, whether or not a Mr. Messiah came or will Soft gray. Iron, brans, bronxe nml aluminum castings. Standard sie*>n •commuted between Chicago and Washington. Come—^-if such a question were asked, the correct answer bronze and Iron btmhiugR,sewer manholes, cistern ringg and covers and We venture to say that there are few, if any, parallels in Sunday, with the singing of the stirring strains of would be that, while the Jew is willing to adapt himself clean-out doors in stock. All kinds <4 history to this remarkable development of one man's ideas of wood and metal patterns. Kol Nidre," the most solemn holy day of the Jewish and is adapting himself in detail, he stoutly and stubthrough one man's effort. calendar will be ushered in. Yom Kippur, the Day ofbornly refuses to sacrifice essentials. If the question We want the able and unselfish Chicagoan who, more than Atonement, the Day of Reckoning, stands out in Jewish were asked why it is that the modern Jew, who freely any other one man, is responsible for it, to have the honor, which . IN OMAHA religious observance as the one day in the year when mingles with his fellows of other faiths, who is ever is his due, but •which he will never seek for himself. HOTEL ROME every Jew can be expected to prove his birthright. Per- ready to be helpful and beneficial to all people regardless In view of the fact that a Jew has played such a 250 Rooms-200 Baths haps it is. fear of punishment that on this day brings of creed and color, is nevertheless so firmly set against Good Rooms for $1.50 leading part in the framing of a pact for the outlawry the Jew to the synagogue, perhaps it is contrition and the intermarriage between his children and those of of war, it is no wonder that opposition to the Kellogg Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. remorse that cause him to display his Jewishness on other faiths, the correct answer would again be, because Peace Pact should have developed in anti-Semitic quarthat day if on no other. But, it is nevertheless true that the modern Jew. is only too glad to adapt himself in this is the effect that the "Sabbath of Sabbaths" has detail, but, in justice to his own faith, to his people and ters. The German anti-Semites, who would go as far as "QUALITY JEWELERS" to remove the J and the E and the W from the alphabet on the race of Israel. to his past history of idealism, martyrdom, he must re- because they spell JEW, now charge that the Kellogg MALASHOCK JEWELRY The observance of Yom Kippur is inextricably in- fuse to sacrifice essentials. Pact, having been inspired by a Jew, is only a Jewish Wholesale and Retail Jewelers volved with the idea of sacrifice, and the most common Psychologists say that the characteristic mark of instrument. The Voelkische Boecachter labels the peace 213-16 City National Bank one is a twenty-four hour fast. The psychology of this Bldg.—JA. 5619 genius is the ability to concentrate upon essentials. plan "The Jewish Kellogg Pact," and feeds its readers is most interesting. Some persons who do not even chant with the following gospel: the traditional prayers on this holy day, do fast. That Here, then, is a hint as to the secret of Israel's survival. The pact is intended to bind Germany while leaving aU our is. because the fast is a more tangible means of display- It is the Jewish genius which shows a special capacity enemies a free hand. We are dealing here, therefore, with an for adaptation in detail without sacrifice of essentials.— ing loyalty to the faith. It is a sacrifice that, they can Baker Ice Machines all-Jewish money policy, which is understandable when one feel, and one that is real and vivid to them. It is a TheNew Orleans Jewish Ledger. knows that every third person in New York today is a Jew and "Manufactured in Omaha" more concrete method of showing fealty to Judaism, for when it is remembered that American Jews have, during the past 10 years, spent for Jewish welfare purposes 8500,000,000 there is no stronger test of devotion than the willing- THE PEACE PLAN—THE WORK OF A JEW BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. and have erected in one year 37 new synagogues. ness to sacrifice for the .sake of that cause. This one test during the year is sufficient to disprove whatever Considering the source, this silly twaddle is to be To the credit of a Chicago Jewish lawyer be it accepted as a compliment rather than the reverse, and happens during the other odd 364 days. That "Island Within" the Jew may slumber or only feebly exercise recorded that the multilateral treaty renouncing war, is additional evidence of recognition for Mr. Levinson. ICE its functions all year. But on Yom Kippur it once more better known as the Kellogg Peace Plan, signed in Paris —California Jewish Review. CREAM takes the ascendancy and soars to the heights of the recently, was the work of his brain. Salmon O. Jew's consciousness. The mere fact that he is willing Levinson not only fathered the idea and ideal for the WE. 3260 to sacrifice to the extent of suffering from pangs in theoutlawry of' war, but single-handedly labored for its 2429 WEbster abdominal regions for twenty-four hours in accordance acceptance. For many years prior to its being spon- Decatur St. 3527 sored by Secretary Kellogg, and finally endorsed by the with the most ancient traditions of his race is absolute Refresh Yourself I have just received direct from Palestine a very nice stock of most leading nations of Europe and Asia, this Jewish idealist DRINK proof of the fact that he recognizes the faith of his beautiful Esrogim and Lulovim for Sucoth. Anyone desiring to buy propagated for that which has been called the mission, of one will please let me know now so that P can have it ready for him fathers. If this were not true, he would not fast, for for Yontif. he could not solace himself with the thought that the Israel—Peace. We want to call to the attention of the Jewish public that we are getting in now a new supply of the seasonable religions articles. Maetasselrlm with In justice to Mr. Levinson, an important Chicago Jewish sacrifice was worth the price if he did not believe in and English translations, prayer books, Toleoslm silk and wool of the IN BOTTLES those time-worn tenets of Judaism that promise him a newspaper is ready to give Mr. Levinson the credit that best kind, etc. A full line of New Year's Cards in Jewish and English is rightfully his. The Chicago Evening Post, in appredeserved reward, lenient judgment at the hands of Him Remember our famous Kosher shop. On the demand of a few customers I ciation of Mr. Levinson's efforts, even goes so far as to ordered the following articles of pare silver and plate stiver: candle sticks, who is our father. Harry H. Lnpidus, Pres.-Treas. Kodnsh caps, Hadeses, etc. Everyone who is interested in baying one of them suggest that he receive the Nobel Peace, Prize at its next should be so kind and let me know ahead of time, so I can nave it ready Above, we have described sacrifice as the barometer for them. Omaha Fixture and of love and devotion. So has it ever been in the history awarding. This newspaper asks whether the prize should Supply Co. of the Jewish people. For the sake of his faith, the Jewgo to M. Briand, Secretary Kellogg, President Coolidge has at various times sacrificed position and public honor. or Senator Borah, and offers the following reply to its COMPLETE STORE & OFFICE OUTFITTERS For those doctrines and traditions, he has worn badges own question: We Oocupy of shame, dwelled in miserable hovels in unhealthy In our belief the award should be, made to none of these, Owr 19.000 Square Feet commendable and essentially valuable as their efforts have been. Ghettos, and even, at times, made the supreme sacrifice Southwest Corner It belongs, justly, if it be made on the basis of this treaty, of life itself in order to prove his beliefs. The memory Eleventh and Douglas Streets to the able and indefatigable Chieagoan with whom the idea of of those martyrs whose faith netted them a robe and Phone JAckson 2724 outlawry originated whUe the great war was still in progress. crown of fire with ignited faggots for a throne is suffiOmaha, Nebr. Salmon O." Levinson should have the Nobel Peace Prize. It Ir-SS cient to tell us that we are doing no injustice to ourselves when we give up so little as a few-crumbs for one day.. But we of the modern day need not judge ourselves ASK YOUR GROCER FOR too harshly. We have also made sacrifices on other days besides Yom Kippur. Money may be a modern obsession, but it can also be an agency for good. And that is what many of us have made it. Especially in this land ,_--*_--=:a The Sweater World's Standard Quality of affluence have the Jews tapped their coffers and given until it hurt in order to support starving brothers Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, Catsup, Mustard, Etc. in other lands, in order to establish a homeland to serve Every Package Guaranteed as a cultural and spiritual ideal for the race, and to build splendid communal institutions for our own peoHaartnan Vinegar & Pickle Co. ple. On this Yom Kippur, when making the minor sacOMAHA Men's Sport Coats Glare and Gloom—the two rifice of food, we can still more add to the personal most destructive elements satisfaction that accompanies that act by thinking ahead "V" Neck Styles—Heather, Plain and Fancy of good eyesight—can be and planning how we can also do pur bit to prove the eliminated from the home Uncle Sam $4.00 tO $8.00 vitality of Judaism on some of the other days of the by good, efficient lighting. year. It is a notable fact that no one is known to have MenV'V'iNeck Laxative Food Men's All Wool ever really suffered financially because they gave to Heavy Shaker Strictly All Wool Jin ample supply of wellAnd charitable causes. What more proof is needed Sweater Coats Slip-Over Sweaters diffused light o b t a i n e d it is a real atonement that brings merciful judgment Okay Bran Flakes All Wanted Colors Plain and Fancy through the use of good fixfrom God almighty! ; tures and the proper size of At All Grocers
THE SECRET OF JEWISH SURVIVAL President Coolidge once said that *' the capacity for adaptation in detail, without sacrifice of essentials, has been oneof the special lessons, which the marvelous history of the Jewish people has taught." This indeed epitomizes and admirably characterizes the history and experiences of the Jew among the nations. The misunderstanding of the Jew by the nonJew is due for the most part to a failure to grasp this truth. As a rules, the Jew is misjudged and criticized either because the world begrudges him his special capacity for adaptation in details or because it demands of him the sacrifice of essentials. The whole lesson that this special capacity teaches is but seldom appreciated. In European countries his adaptation in the details of commerce and industry, of political and social science is strenuously resented because he stoutly refuses to sacrifice the ideals of his faith. Even in this country the Jew has often been censured for being outwardly like his fellowrcitizens of other faiths, while clinging fast to the higher ideals of-home life. If. however, the. world would learn to place the proper valuation upon the capacity for adaptation;in detail without sacrifice of essentials, the misunderstanding and misjudgment of the Jew would soon, disappear. . I t may be truly said, also, that the adaptation in detail without sacrifice of essentials is what the Jew consciously strives for today. His special capacity in this direction, which in the past, operated
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YODNG JDDEA BEAD TO BE HONORED AT TESTIMONIAL DINNER Dr. Israel Goldstein to Be the Guest of Honor at Banquet STRAUS TO PRESIDE Nathan Straus, Dean of American Jewry, has accepted the Honorary. Chairmanship of the Committee tendering a testimonial dinner to Dr. Israel Goldstein of New York. President of Yonng Judaea, national youth organization, according to an announcement issued this week by Mr, Samuel J. Borowsky, Executive Chairman of Young Judaea. Final arrangements, the announcement states, have also been made as to the details of the dinner. It will : be held on Sunday, October 14th, at the Hotel Aetor, New York City, and its attendance will be national : in character. A committee representing religious, educational and social leaders in Jewish life throughout the conntry is now being formed under the chairmanship of Mr. I. D. Morrison, New York attorney -and philnnthrol>ist to honor t)r. Goldstein for his outstanding services in promoting the interests of Jewish youth, particularly through his excellent work in developing Young Judaea. Mr. Morrison expects the dinner to Dr. Goldstein on October 14th to be one of the most widely-attended affairs ever tendered to a Jewish leader. On his return from an extended stay in Palestine this week, Dr. Goldstein issued a message to Young Jndaeans, in which he emphasized the opportunities for Jewish education in this country, saying in part:: "The year 5089 will round out two decades of Young Judaea's existence. Young Judaea is therefore a pioneer among the national Jewish youth movements in America. The Yonng Judaeans of today are heirs to the fine traditions of yesterday, and must create worth-while precedents for the Young Judaeans of tomorrow. "I have jast returned from a visit to Palestine, which is the mainspring of Young Judaea's ideal. There I had the joy and the privilege of witnessing the new life and f' new hope of the Jewish people. "The most heartening sight in Palestine is its Jewish youth. - The elders may at times feel weighted down by temporary' difficulties, but the boys and girls in Palestine know only the Songs of Zion. Many of them work hard in their studies; others are doing strenuous work in the actual cultivation of the soil; some are engaged in both. All of them, however, seem happy. They are the Young Judaeans of Palestine. Between them and the Young Judaeans of America there is a bond of fellowship which should become stronger as the years go on. I bring to American Jewish youth the greetings of the Jewish, youth of Palestone."
Naturalization Meeting To Be Held on Sept. 2 1 State Director S. R. Elson of the Department of Adult Immigrant Education announces the 24th quarterly Naturalization meeting and reception to be held for new citizens by the Council of Americanization under the general auspices of the State Department on Friday evening at 8 o'clock,' September 2lBt, in the Douglas County Court House. Major General Harry A. Smith, commanding 7th Corps Area, United States Army, is to be the speaker, who will be accompanied l)y his staff. The meeting will be under the direct sponsorship of the Reserve Officers, Omaha Branch, of the United States Army, with the American Legion and other civic and patriotic organizations. The class of new citizens is composed of 74 men and 39 women, representing 17 nations, including 7 repatriated American women. This class of 113 represents those who passed out of the total group of 149 applicants, 16 of which were continued for further study. During the past year in Nebraska, excepting the 12 western counties under the Denver jurisdiction, 1,081 new citizens were admitted, 62 applications were denied for various reasons and 174 applications continued for further citizenship training. Warsaw (J. T. A.)—Five young Jewish workers were wounded and ten were arrested by the police when the Communist Youth Organization attempted to hold a street demonstration late "Monday evening on the occasion of, the convention of youth organizations here. Libraries are the wardrobes of literature, whence men, properly informed, might bring forth something for ornament, much for curiosity and more for -use.—-"Dyer.
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'Tor fifty y e a r s Chamber of Commerce meetings have been held to get cheap fuel for Omaha. This is our chance to get it and build a Greater Omaha."
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Here Factories Here "Omaha will get new industries, more fac.tories, and Omaha will have more lobs if we vote for Natural Gas." BRUCE J. NEWLON President, Miller Park Improvement Club.
FOUR—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1928 body, we recognize -the Arab leaders as the legitimate representatives of the people, which we must not do. The differences between Jews and Arabs can in no way be bridged. The only way out is to have a Jewish defense force. Dean Among Jewish Cultural Leaders Declares War. Against The Zionist Revisionists have By A. GIDONI Indifference to Synagogue on His 65th . dealt seriously with this question of Birthday Anniversary. : the proposed formation of a repre$'There . has been a good deal of he said, is worse than the political sentative Assembly in Palestine, and By DAVID J. GALTER talk in Palestine /lately about the difficulty which it appears to cause. not very long ago the League of possibility of a legislative Assem- Dr. Bergmann concluded by calling Zionist Revisionists, at its headquarwell as the figures compiled for the "What is the immediate task of the.duty of the duty-conscious Jew American Jewish Committee, places bly being convoked. The recent Sev- on the executive to begin immedi- ters in Paris, issued a memorandum the number of'Jews in America at enth Palestine Arab Congress put ate negotiations with the Arabs. of America? on the subject signed by Mr. VladThis question the writer put to upward of four million,—4,288,029, forward a demand for parliamentary Dr. Abraham Katznelsohn drew imir Jabotinsky for the Central the man pre-eminently qualified to to be exact. As I see it, the problem government through a representa- attention to the fact that a few years Committee. Jewry throughout the give answer, Dr. Cyrus Adler, na- is this: compare the number of heads tive Legislative Assembly in all ago, when the Arabs were aggres- world, it said in this memorandum, tionally recognized for his univer- of Jewish families with the number parts of the country, and in the He- sive and won success after success, feels seriously alarmed at the evisality in scholarship, his wealth of of those belonging to congregations brew Press the demand has aroused the (Yishub ?was prepared for any dence of renewed attempts to bring information on all matters pertain- —and I am suflieiently old-fashioned a great deal of discussion. An in- concession. Jabotinsky himself, un- about the formation in Palestine of ing to the well-being of the Jewish to maintain that it is the duty of teresting feature of this activity der the pressure of the political sit- a representative body. While no depeople, for his vision and his un- the Jew to be afiBliated with the syn- has been a public meeting in Jeru- uation, was compelled to sign the tails of the new scheme have as yet agogues—and you will find the num- salem, convoked by the local branch White Paper. Such a situation, Dr. been divulged, it is known to pre.daunted optimism. Yesterday marked the 65th anni- ber to be alarmingly small. Our of the Hapoel Hazair, at which the Katznelsohn said, must never recur, sent three essential features. The versary of the birth of the genial duty, therefore, is quite clear. We question of the Legislative Assembly that we, through our indolence and Assembly is to deal, no doubt, with scholar and dean among the Jewish must go out and enlist the interest figured as the principal subject. short-sightedness in the Arab ques- important functions, partly legislacultural leaders in this country. of the majority in the synagogue. Speeches were delivered by Dr. Hugo tion, should allow matters to come tive, partly advisory. It is to inBorn September 13, 1863, in Van These people must be made to real- Bergmann and Dr. Abraham Katz- to grave political complications un- clude an elected section conspicuous Buren, Arkansas, Dr. Adler came ize that their place is in the syna- nelsohn. Dr. Bergmann said that der the pressure of which we must enough to be considered as the moeast at an early age, and soon fa- gogue and that they are not fulfill- before the war Palestine was a con- be ready to agree to any concession. rally predominant part of the whole miliarized himself with his people ing their functions as Jews unless stitutionally governed country. He We must take the initiative in the institution and the Assembly as a • and their needs. Without ever un- they are an integral part of the syn- recalled the jubilation with which matter. If any retarding policy is whole, and its elected section, in parder-estimating the'physical respon- agogue, actively participating in all the victory of the Turkish revolu- adopted, it will have to be paid for ticular, is to contain only a small sibility of the American Jewish com- the synagogue represents. That tion and the proclamation of the very dearly. * The unfortunate part minority of Jewish members, the munity—caring for the sick, the or- there should be so many unafflliated Turkish Constitution was received about it is, he said, that not a sin- bulk of the elected representatives phan, the under-nourished, provid- Jews in this country is regrettable in the streets of Jerusalem. He gle one of our political groupings being Arabs. ing food and comfort for smitten —regrettable, but no reason for de- quoted the enthusiastic words with takes up a definite attittide on the* It is not suggested, the memoIsrael overseas, the cultural needs spair. Those who are now within which Ben Jehuda had at that rime question, with the sole exception of randum says, that His Majesty's were ever uppermost in his mind. the synagogue must give meaning to hailed in the "Hazewi" the opening the Revisionists, who would setGovernment have in any way auof the Turkish Parliament. He reThese always had his interest. To their affiliation. The synagogue these he devoted the major portion must wield a greater influence on called that immediately after the tle it with arms. Colonel Wedg- thorized or encouraged the reopenof his time. Today at the ripe age their lives. They must become more war the Arabs had made attempts wood, Dr. Katznelsohn went on, is ing of this question. There is, on to take up anew the parliamentary rendering a bad service to our cause the contrary, some evidence that of three score and five it would be deeply attached to it. tradition which had been broken by my strengthening the Revisionists in London official circles do not for the difficult to find one who is more alert, "We of the United Synagogue of whose mind is more attuned to the the war, and that the Syrian Na- their stand. We have to reckon with present consider sueh activities op-, America view this condition as a tional Congress convoked by King a natural Arab increase in Palestine portune. But the fact remains that needs of his fellow Jews. signal for war. We intend to declare Feisul had decided in favor of the which will give us in ten years a these activities enjoy in Palestine Dr. Adler belongs to the conserv- war. If you must know it, we are adoption of a Constitution on mod- million Arabs in that country. It the unconcealed backing of persons ative- wing in American Jewry. In now mobilizing our forces. We be- ern lines. was a grave-mistake'to ignore this of high official standing. Even when his home town, in Philadelphia, he lieve that every Jew should be affact. Dr. Katznelsohn said that he they act in a private capacity their It would be dangerous for us, he was nevertheless opposed to a Leg- rank is enough to justify on the part is a member of the historic Mikve filiated with the synagogue. The Israel Congregation. As one of the synagogue should be the centrifugal said, to stand out- unconditionally islative Assembly, which would, as of their Arab disciples the assumpfounders of the United Synagogue of force of individual and cbmmunal against the demand for a Legisla- a natural consequence, have to set tion that the attempts to revive the America, he believes that Judaism Jewish life in this country. The tive Assembly and allow it to he up a responsible ministry. Neither Assembly scheme bear the hall-mark in America must strike a happy me- United Synagogue of America is en- forced upon us, while today, if we the Jews nor the Arabs, he said, of authoritative, even if semi-official, dium between extremists on both gaged in an effort to bring the syn- meet the Arabs half way, we shall were today capable of governing origin. It should, therefore, be imsides. His most salient character- agogue into the life of the people, be able to obtain certain guarantees themselves. This was shown in no pressed on all friends of the Palesistic is-his abiding faith in the fu- and the people into the synagogue. which will not diminish our rights small. degree ill' the experience of tine Mandate that the menace to ture of his people and his impa- The United Synagogue, stands for and aspirations in a Legislative As- the Jewish municipal bodies. At the Zionism contained in the Assembly tience with those who would barter traditional Judaism and and tradi- sembly. Dr. Bergmann deplored same time, an advisory Assembly scheme is both real and urgent. Its their religion for some new-fangled tional Judaism is a way of life the fact that the labor organization was most urgently desirable, an As- gravity bears much more on the inidolatry. Years may have mellowed which governs the relationship of of Palestine had taken up an atti- sembly which would adopt no deci- tensity with which the scheme is behis "attitude towards man and move- man to God, and of men to each tude at the British Commonwealth sions, but would have an authorita- ing promoted in Jerusalem than on ments generally, it' has not lessened other. It- has furnished, the. basis Labor Conference in London, in op- tive influence on the budget and on the coolness with which it may at his ardor, nor weakened his aggres- for western civilization, and for a position to the establishment of a legislation. He pointed out, for in- present be viewed in London. siveness in his attitude towards the good part of eastern civilization, Legislative Assembly within the near stance,, that the Government had in It can hardly be affirmed that the synagogue. If there is one thing the particularly in the domain of mor- future. The hatred which we pro- the new budget put the entire burestablishment of. an Assembly at the voked in Palestine by .such a stand, Jews of America should, must fight als. It is a great distinction of the den of the defense of. the country present juncture constitutes an obfor, it is for the perpetuation of tra- people of Israel to have given the on the Palestine taxpayers, without - ditional Judaism, with the synagogue Bible to the world. We must see to over, .• feuds and controversies are anyone having asked why Palestine ligation under Article 2 of the Manas its rallying center. it that they do not lose it themselves. only productive of bitterness and should hav^ -to. pay out for frontier- date for Palestine. The Mandate-obPresident of the Jewish Theolog- The belief in the one God is our strife, whiehV^we are anxious to guarding, police and prisons 000,000 viously leaves it to the Mandatory ical Seminary of America, Dr. Adler fundamental doctrine; justice and avoid. , They.would result in more pounds and only 300.000 pounds for to determine at its own discretion is not a rabbi. It would be dif- loving kindness spring therefrom. negative work, whilst the work be- agriculture, health-work and educa- the time when self-governing instificult, however, to find one more in- These doctrines the synagogue teach- fore tts is. of 'a distinctive positive tion. In an advisory body the rep- tutions should be initiated as well resentatives of the Jewish and the as their character arid scope. The :timately familiar with the problems es us. It is the effort of the.United nature.'" confronting Jewish spiritual leader- Synagogue of America to njake them Arab taxpayers would be able to very term "development** in the "Why, in your opinion, did so ship in this country. As bead and real in the life of the Jewish people. find themselves in agreement on Mandate suggests that the principle many people remain outside the syn- many points and there would be the should be applied gradually. guiding spirit of that rabbinic in"We do not mean to come to the stitution—not to mention Dropsie Jews of America with any new pan- agogue?" the writer ventured. opportunity for the Arab represent- Apprehensions concerning the As"In the first place," Dr. Adler an- atives to realize the advantages of College for Hebrew and Cognate aceas. We are Jews, descendents of sembly scheme center round the Learning in Philadelphia, where he Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The^tra- swered, "we did not have enough Jewish immigration in concrete dis- elected section, which, under presis also president—Dr. Adler is ded- ditions of our religion are sacred to synagogues to accommodate all who cussion. Alsb, the question of im- ent conditions, is expected to have icating his life to the rearing of a us—they should be sacred to all come to our shores. It was purely a migration should be subject to the an overwhelming Arab majority. physical, problem. Were half the advice of this body. There was no generation of Jewish leaders who Israel. One may hope that the bulk of Pal number of Jews in America to apply need to shrink from this. will be equipped with a thorough estine's native inhabitants will evenknowledge and a sympathetic under- "Fifteen years ago, Dr. Schechter, for admission in the synagogues we tually realize the benefits accruing standing of the problems confront- the founder of the* United Synagogue would not be able to admit them— A representative of the Revisionto them through the immigration'of - ing American Jewry as well as a of America, put it quite clearly when we have no room for them. This ists, Mr. Lebanon, spoke in opposi- Jews. Yet it would be useless to proper approach to their- solution. he said: 'This United Synagogue is also one of the reasons for the tion to the views put forward by the ignore the presence among the Arabs has not been called into life with existence of the so-called 'mushroom' I said that Dr. Adler is not a any purpose of creating a new divi- congregations. We must provide a speakers. If we agree to such a of an anti-Zionist fraction whose inrabbi. One does not have to engage sion. * While it will, as its name implace for the people and bring them him in conversation for any length plies, unite us for certain purposes, back into the synagogue. The Unitof time to realize this fact. There which we deem sacred and, indispened Synagogue of America is facing is nothing of the mind or the method of the preacher in him. If there is sable to the welfare of Judaism, it a new world. It is endeavoring to • such a thing as a practical mind he is not our intention to enter into a combine decorum with the life of the - h a s it developed to its finest, to its feud with the existing parties. Life synagogue as the rallying place.for -most serviceable form. Applied to is too short for feuds, and the task the Jew. The United Synagogue of a discussion of the task of the Jew before us is so great and manifold, America stands for a living solemn in America the result is as interest- that we must spare all our faculties service, in keeping with the tradiand save all our strength. for the tions of our faith and inspiring to ing as it is novel. . The future of Judaism in America work of a positive nature. More-! the worshippers." —the form, the character it will asEWS ARE scattered in communities in sume, the media through which it every part of the world. Your knowledge of will express itself—has been agitatwhat takes place in remote regions is simpliing the minds of the leaders in the fied by the Jewish Daily Bulletin. Whether American Jewish, community. UnOrthodox or reformed, Zionist or anti-Zionist, like the proverbial beggar sitting on we all are agreed that a knowledge of the Jewa bag of gold, the Jews of America ish present is essential for people who are in seem suddenly to have awakened to touch with Jewish affairs. Knowledge of Jewa realization of the fact that they ish history teaches that centers of Jewish life are an important segment of the in the past 2,000 years have shifted from emworld Israel and that the turn Jewpire to empire, from state to state with trends ish life will take in America, the of mankind's history. In the pages of the Jewmanner in which it will adjust itish Daily Bulletin cable dispatches from Buchself definitely to the life in this counarest, Warsaw, Moscow, Vienna, Buenos Aires, try,: inay affect vitally the rest of Johannesburg, Winnipeg, Los Angeles, Boston, the Jewish people wherever they Mexico Gity, Shanghai, Melbourne, give the may be. Many have expressed themhistory of each preceding 24 hours of Jewish selves on this subject in recent activities. The only daily Jewish newspaper ' months. published in the English language without editorials or expressions of opinion, dedicated solely, Several weeks ago—it was the hotto the bringing of facts of Jewish activities and test day in August, but that did not leaving to the reader the formation of opinion, prevent Dr. Adler from attending to C U.NSHINE Kosher Primrose Crackers is the function of the Jewish Daily Bulletin. his duties as usual—the writer V savei time, worry and work. They are all ready to serve. . chanced to meet Dr. Adler in one of ' A generous layer of luscious cream is imthe corridors of the Jewish Theoprisoned between two, chocolate, kosher logical Seminary of America. This cookie-cakes. They are so delicious, they I You may enter my subscription for the JEWISH DAILY | meeting ended in an invitation to his are sure to' win the hearts and appetites ofoffice, where the writer, made bold guests and family when served at--parties, with tea and coffee, with ice cream and I BULLETIN' for months (x) for which I I to pop the question: "What is the :.year...desserts. ,'-. \ immediate task of the duty-conSUNSHINE KOSHER !•-,' I "Koshrutfr" is guaranteed by the Union of \ PRIMROSE CRACKERS scious Jew of America?" Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. 1 arc made mitt ihewpenrfeion of die "I do not share-the feeling of the am enclosing check for $ A Mashgiaclj. is always present at. the Union of Qttlrafax .kMihCoogns*. lioM of America, whole representative. pessimists," Dr. Adler dectared. "I bakery. ' - . . - . - " . - ; ' ' • . -. - , • » - • "... ' i ••••-. Rabbi E Gocfaian, appointed b7 am not .worried . over , the. future of Rabbi M. S. Mumllei. b i k q i pro. . 12 monjfts $10.00 Signed — ----- . In ordering these and other kosher cracktut u the biking of ihc crackm to fee ers, be sure to say . . . Sunshine . ; . t o the Jew in America, or the world that thrr «* kosher In every icfpccc your grocer. over ifor that" matter. I am much 0 months 0.00 Address i 'Thtae Lotner crjdcen caa be uied with neat or diiry duhei. more concerned about our duty as Jews. • City -State _ j :v ' "The figures published recently by the United States Census Bureau, as LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO.
Doctor Cyrus Adler Defines Shall Palestine Have a the Task of the American Jew Legislative Assembly ?•
The Problem of KeepingInformed J
baking cakes
Sunshine Kosher Primrose Crackers
fluence, so far, has always been paramount. There is no telling which of these two tendencies is destined to dominate among the elected members of the Assembly, and for how long. Experience, however, does not encourage any too sanguine forecasts ; and in the case, which is not improbable, of the elected Arabs belonging to the anti-Zionist fraction, the Assembly would inevitably become a powerful instrument for obstructing the progress of what is the essence of the Jewish National Home—Jewish immigration and settlement. Against sueh obstruction, no precautionary measure in the constitution of the proposed Assembly would be of any positive avail. It would be useless to require from the Arab organizations a "recognition," silent or even explicit, of the Balfour Declaration. In politics it is a usual maneuver to grant a principle lipservice in order to fight it afterwards on points of restrictive interpretation. Equally useless would prove the exclusion of matters "concerning immigration of Jews" from the statutory powers of the Assembly. The* absorbing capacity of a country is least of all determined by regulations directly affecting the admission of immigrants. As to the partly advisory character of the proposed Assembly, or to the presence of official members counter-balancing the elected element, -neither feature would prove an effective safeguard against obstruction. Representative institutions of this kind are not created for the purpose of constantly overriding the elected section; on the contrary, the main purpose of the scheme is to conciliate the local population. The logic of this purpose must unavoidably handicap the Government in passing through the Assembly, or carrying out in practice, measures objected to by the majority of elected representatives; in other words—-measures intended to help Jewish colonization. It might be contended that these apprehensions, based on the assumption oi an anti-Zionist bias, would prove futile, if, among the Arab electors, the pro-Zionist section -should prevail. Whilst hoping that such may be the case some day, one should avoid reliance . on sanguine anticipations never, so far, confirmed by experience. Yet, in any case, the Mandatory's obligation to further the establishment of the Jewish National Home should be kept above all such guesswork, optimistic or otherwise. Great Britain has accepted the Mandate of her free will; its execution cannot be subordinated to the chance of elections held in an Oriental atmosphere of
excitement and uncertainty. The above considerations express the practically unanimous feeling, not only of the Palestinian Jews actually engaged in the work of reconstruction", but also of those Jewish multitudes at large whose financial contribution constitutes one of the important sources of Palestine's wealth. That contribution, totalling under various forms at least ten million pounds between 1920 and 1920. does not compare unfavorably with the total revenue of the Palestine
Goveratnent, for the same period, from actual taxation of the country's inhabitants and resources (11% million pounds). World. Jewry act as though many of them were, virtually, "taxpayers" of the Holy Land: "taxpayers" whose concern, and whose claim to be heard, in questions affecting the future of that country should not, in justice, be disregarded. Moreover, any measure so profoundly endangering the prospects of Zionism as the 'one objected to above, would produce among all sections of the Jewish people a most unhappy effect, would shake their faith in the great pledge given them in 1917. and would lead many of them to the conclusion that further effort to assist in the Palestine reconstruction work might no longer be of any practical value. Objection to the scheme here discussed and opposed does, of course, not imply any disrespect of the principle of self-government. But, however valuable the principle, it is only fair to demand that its application to a country intended to absorb immigrants should be either so adapted or else so timed as not to interfere with the main purpose of the Mandate. Adaptation may not be impossible : modern statesmanship may prove able to evolve a system under which both the interest of the population on the spot, and that of the colonizing community as a whole, would be justly represented and balanced. So long, however, as no such scheme has been authoritatively proposed, the introduction of institutions purporting to represent all those entitled to call Palestine their Home should be postponed. Its time will come when such a body will be likely to bear, in Its very composition, a safe guarantee of helpful co-operation with the Mandatory and the Jewish Agency for the fulfillment of the purpose laid down in the Preamble of the Palestine Mandate. (Copyright, 1928, by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
DR. OSCAR S. BELZER OPENS NEW OFFICE Dr. Oscar S. Belzer, a recent graduate of the Creighton University Dental College, has opened his office in 902-908 Medical Arts building, being associated with Drs. A. Greenberg and M. Grodinsky. Dr. Belzer came to the United States seven and a half years ago and has since graduated from Central High School and the Creighton Dental College.
CHARLES FOSTER Charles Foster, candidate for district judge, is well known in Omaha Jewry as a friend and counsellor. "Judge" Foster, as he is known to everyone, was formerly municipal judge and deputy county attorney. Judge Foster has always been a leader in children movements in this city and has taken an active part in the work of the juvenile court and in playground work. He is known as a fearless and faithful justice, with ability and a keen understanding of the law.
With the
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient Combined with the
' Irresistible Flavor of Brazil * and Scientifically Blended in Omaha
Advo Coffee IS
Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch and
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Sold by all First Class Grocer*
Ask for it Insist on Advo Famous f»r Flavor"
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JEWISH CALENDAR—5689-1928-1929
(Continued from Page One)
1928 Yom Kippur 1st Day Snceoth Shwnin; Atzeretti Sunchath Torah . •Bosh Chodesh Oheshvan . . . •Bosh Chodesh Kislev 1st Day Chanukah *Bosh Chodesh Tebeth Fast of Tebeth
Jews throughout the United States than is Bamberger, for the Mormon has spoken before hundreds of Jewish audiences and for dozens of causes in the last ten years. King's son married a- Jewish girl a few years ago, and the Senator claims he is proud of it. Bamberger is a mining engineer, graduate of Williams College and Columbia University and has been Republican National Committeeman Mr. and Mrs. I. Hurwitz and Mr. and Mrs. L. Mar-for eight years. the war he golin announce the marriage of their daughters, Elsie was chairman ofDuring the Draft Board and Margaret, to Mr. Louis Fogel and Mr. Hyman Bel- and head of the Chemical Section man in a double ceremony on September 8. Material Department, foreign and The two couples reside at the Harriet Court Apart- united Air Craft Production. He was Regent of the University of ments, 137 North Thirty-third street. Utah until a few years ago and a member, of the Agricultural Loan Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards of ChiCommittee for Utah and War Ficago announce the birth of a daughnance Corporation. ter on September 17. Mr. Richards Watch Utah's ballot on November is a son of Mrs. A. Perimeter of sixth. Omaha. By F. R. K.
Bnai Brith, Lodge No. 688, will hold Mr. H. A. Wolf and son Justin left a meeting next Wednesday evening. Sunday for the east, where Justin September 26th, at the Danish Hall. will enroll at Harvard. Miss Libble Freiden of Chicago, David Sher has left for Cam- 111., arrived here last Friday to visit bridge. Mass., where he will take her mother, Mrs. Anna Freiden. She accompanied her sister, Mrs. Louis up his law studies at Harvard. Heeger, and family of Sioux City Miss Helen Grodinsky of St. Paul when they left for their home, after is visiting her parents, Rabbi and a week-end visit here. Miss Freiden will return here to spend a. few days Mrs. H. Grodinsky. next Week prior to her departure for Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Morris and young daughter, Patricia Susan, of The Council Bluffs Chapter No. San Francisco, CaL, will arrive Saturday evening to visit Mrs. Morris' 7 of the A. Z. A. will hold a meetparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Rosen. ing next Wednesday evening, SepMrs. Morris was formerly Miss tember 26, at the Danish Hall. Irene Eosenof Omaha.
Mrs. Etta Cherniss and daughter, Pearl, will leave next Wednesday The Daughters of Zion will hold for a several months' stay in St. their next card party on Halamoid Paul and Minneapolis, Minn. Succoth, October 2. Prizes will be given at each table. Mrs. W. Solomonow is convalesThe hostesses for this affair, be- cing at the Edmundson Hospital, sides those already publicly an- following an operation for appendinounced, ~ are: Mrs. S. Oronrieh, citis last week. Mrs. L. Lustgarten, Mrs. J. Bloch, Mrs. S. Batt, Mrs. N. Jacobow, Mrs. JUDGE L. B. DAY L. Brookstein, Mrs. L. Friedman, Judge L. B. Day, candidate for the Mrs. A. Hartz and Mrs. J. Baker. office of Judge of the Supreme Court of the State of Nebraska, has had a The Jewish Pioneer Women's record of success seldom seen in pubOrganization will give their first lic office. concert on Sunday, October 21, at Appointed by the governor over . the Labor Lyceum at Twenty-second eight years ago to fill a vacancy on and Clark streets. The program will the bench, Judge Day has made an consist of a one-act playlet in Yidenviable record. His experience has dish, ae well as many other features, been obtained in various capacities, presented by local talent. such as Judge of the juvenile, domestic relations, criminal, equity, BOWLING LEAGUE TO and civil courts, as well as in the , START naturalization court of this District. The Business Men's Bowling . League will swing into action on Tuesday evening, September 25, at 9 P. M. at the Francisco alleys. All maple smashers will be assigned to their teams on Tuesday evenings, when the loop gets under way. The teams entered and first round matches are: • Sherman Mercantile vs. Malashock Jewelry, Kaiman Insurance vs. Wardrobe. Glazer Clothing vs. Yonsem Tires. Omaha Tobacco vs. Empire Cleaners. ••' ;. :' •';- : r."-..••••'. /•' '..•••
TO LECTURE HERE • Dr. Morris Margolin will speak on a subject of interest to all Jewish women at the literary and musical, evening of Jewish Pioneer Women's Organization which will be held Wednesday, October 3, at the Labor Lyceum. Refreshments will, be served free after the meeting.
Center Music Classes Getting Under Way Instruction in vocal, violin and orchestral music will be included in the Jewish Community Center department of music for the season 1928-29. Rudolph Seidl, whose work in the building up of orchestras is well known, will again have charge of the orchestra. Mr. Seidl is the director of the Omaha Little Symphony Orchestra, a member of the Omaha Symphony, and director of the Symphony Orchestra of Lincoln. Orchestra meetings win be held at 7:30 p. m. on Tuesday evenings. J. E. Brill will conduct the violin classes, which will meet at 4:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. on Wednesdays. Mr. Brill received his education at the Royal Conservatory of Music at Stuttgartt, Germany, and as the pupil of A. J. Marchot, in Brussels. He completed his training under Emile Sauret, the famous French violin master. He has been teacher of violin at the Municipal Conservatory of Music at Hanover, director of the Conservatory of Music, Eisenach, Germany, and head of the violin department, Conservatory of Music of Drury CoUege, Springfield, Mo. Florence Basler Palmer wUl hold her class in voice, culture at 7:00 p. m. on Wednesdays. Mrs. Palmer has been a faculty member of the Haywood Institute,-New York City.
Center Sunday School to Open October 14
Jewish children is not conducted by 5689 EDITION OF congregations only, the information regarding the religious AMERICAN JEWISH gathered schools maintained by the congregais nevertheless interesting. YEAR BOOK IS OUTtions Only 1,185 congregations reported (Continued from Page One)
on this point, 554 stating that they maintained Sabbath Schools, having esting to note that Jews do not live only in the large cities, for they are an enrollment of 69,439 pupils, and also to be found in over 80% of the 631, that they maintained week-day cities of 2,500 to 25,000 population, schools in which 70,429 pupils were in over 30% of incorporated villages enrolled. The two studies revealed of less than 2,500 population and in the fact that Jews are slowly but 7% of rural unincorporated areas. steadily settling in rural territory, In all, there are over 9,000 places and that in 93 rural places Jewish and rural areas throughout the coun- congregations have been established. Another special feature of the voltry which have Jewish inhabitants. The new estimate of the Jewish pop- ume is a biographical sketch of the ulation of the United States is re- great Jewish thinker, essayist and flected in the total of the Jews of leader, Asher Ginzberg, better the world, which is estimated by Dr. known as Ahad Ha'Am, who died Linfield in the article Statistics of on January 2, 1927. The biography Jews to be 15,324,515. is written by Leon Simon of London, England, one who has devoted Included in the volume is a study of the Jewish congregations in the himself to a study of the man and United States made by Dr. Linfield his works. as Special Agent of the United In the appendices to his Review States Bureau of the Census, in con- of the Tear, Mr. Schneiderman lists nection with the Census of Religious twenty important anniversaries and Bodies undertaken by that Bureau. celebrations in our country and It was found that there are approx- abroad. In another appendix he imately 3,000 permanent Jewish con- lists seventy noteworthy appointgregations in the country. Ten years ments, honors and elections of Jews ago only 1,900 were recorded, and in the United States and abroad durtwenty years ago only 1,700. Dr. ing the year. Among these are inLinfield's study also indicates that cluded the appointment of Irving I, the sum invested in synagogne prop- Goldsmith as Supreme Court Justice, erty must be considerable, for the State of New York; the election of 1,130 congregations which reported Leon Schwarz as Mayor of Mobile. the value of their property pos- Ala., and of Murray Seasongood as sessed buildings worth over $100,- Mayor of Cincinnati; the appoint000,000. The same remark may be ment of Dr. Pollak as Judge of the applied also to the annual expend- Supreme Court of Netherlands; the itures of the congregations. Only election of Chayim Solomon as Vice1,235 of the 3,000 responded to the Mayor of Jerusalem, and of Alexaninquiry on this particular point, and der Israel to the Senate of France these reported an annual expendi- the appointment of Joseph Weshi to ture of approximately $16,500,000. the House of Magnates in Hungary Although the religious education of the award by President Coolidge to
113 by Louis S. Brush to the Jewish Theological Seminary of AmerJUNIOR HADASSAH ica for the Louis S. Brush EducaThe .Junior Hadassah will hold tional Fund and for the Louis S. its first meeting of the season on Brush Memorial; $3,000,000 by Fred Thursday evening, Septeml>er 27, at L. Lavanbnrg to the Lavanburg the Jewish Community Center, nt Foundation and $500,000 to the Han8:15 sharp.
Selling Coat Newness For Women and Misses
$39 $59.50 $69.50 Richly befurred in marmink, martin, civet cat, baby seal, pointed wolf, fox and Manchurian wolf.
Fashionable Coaling Materials In black, navy, brown, tans, green, mode with novel sleeve trimmings, new large standing convertible collars, shawl collars and featuring the most recent wraparound effects. Each piece represents a definite saving.
Sizes 14 to 56
| Post Yom Kippur Dance jj
the Fashion Value of $10 Assumes New Importance
—of the—
In This Specially Purchased Group of Stylish Dresses
Jewish Community Center
Monday Evening, Sept. 24th
§ Community Center Ball Room 1
Aleph Zadik Aleph •• I Obviously they are of the higher priced type/ Their
§ Admission, $1.OO per Couple { •HiininiiiamiiniinirjniHnnniainiunnucsiiiiHinuiaHnniinnpsiinnnniannniiHna
' styling is of the newest. Materials include satin-faced crepes, georgettes, velvet with georgette and velvet in combination with silk.
In Every Popular Fall Slisde
Saturday Last Day
Smart details of flared skirt, coat effects, boleros and straightline styles . . . ruffled, pleated, shirred and tiered.
An Exceptional Sale Friday
National Hartman Weeks
Boyd Irwin presenting
The Brandeis flayers
World's Greatest Furniture Sale
in Geo. M. Cohan's Brilliant Comedy
Nights, 25c-50c-75c Boxes and first 8 rows, $1.00 Matinees, 2Sc-S0c
Saturday, January 12 Sunday, February 11 .Tuesday, March 26 Thursday, April 11 Thursday, April 25 Wednesday, May 1 Saturday, May 10 Tuesday, May 28 Sunday, June 9 Friday, June 14 Tuesday, July 9 Thursday, July 25 Wednesday, August 7 .. .Thursday, August 15 Friday, September 6
•Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh.
Week of September 23rd.
It was a hit on Broadway and it will be the same here
The Jewish Community Center Sunday School will open on Sunday morning, October 14. Opening was delayed this year on account of the Jewish high holy days and the early date of the Jewish harvest festival, Suecoth. • The school will be in charge of giuinnuiiaiiiuiinuiDimiainuaiuiniHuiDiHiiinussainiiiniuiaiiuiiiuniDiuiuiiiiiig William Stalmaster, with Miss Elsie Poska, of the Center staff, as associate. Teachers will be Jack Marer, Ruth Pollock, Leona Pollock, Grace Rosenstein, Elsie Stalmaster,.Mary Claire Shames, Elsie Poska, and Mrs. William Alberts. This will be the second season of the Center Sunday school, which I was established in 1927 following a survey which revealed that a large number of Jewish children were receiving no Jewish education. The To Be Given in the 5 school offers graded instruction for children from kindergarten age to confirmation age. Registrations for classes will be taken in the Jewish Community Center oflice at once. Sponsored by Omaha Chapter No. 2,
Braodeis Theatre
1929 Bosh Chodesh Shebat *Rosh Chodesh Adar Purim Bosh Chodesh Nissan 1st Day Passover. 7th Day Passover •Bosh Cbodesh lyar Lag b'Omar Bosh Chodesh Sivan 1st Day Suceofli. *Eosh Chodesh Tanunuz Fast of Tanunuz Bosh Chodesh A b . . . . Fast of Ab. •Bosh Chodesh Ellul
Council Bluffs News
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Wohlner "With the Holidays upon us, few announce the birth of a daughter, social events are taking place, with Phyllis Lee, Wednesday, September the exception of family affairs, as 12, at the Methodist Hospital. some members come home to. spend the holidays. Among those who are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen anspending the holidays here visiting nounce the birth of a son at tho relatives are Mr. and Mrs. J. BarSwedish Mission Hospital on Sepron and son of Shenandoah, Iowa; tember 13. •••.'•• Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohen and children and Mr. and Mrs. Abe FriedMr. and Mrs. Joe Levinsky anman and family, all of Harlan, Iowa; nounce the birth of a son on SepMr. and Mrs. Joe Gilinsky of Woodtember 16 at the Methodist Hospital. bine, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Shulkin and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heeger and Miss Merriam Martin, daughter of family of Sioux City, Iowa; Mr. and Mr. and Mre. Harry Martin, left Sun- Mrs. Ben Gershun and family of day for Lincoln, where she will at- Sohuyler, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. tend the University of Nebraska. Abe Cohen and Corpal Cohen of Gretna, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bosenbaum Louis Wohlner of Tabor, Iowa. . of Chicago have motored to Omaha to be the guest of Mrs. Rosenbaum's Samuel Solzman, 89 years old, parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bezman. Mrs. Rosenbaum was formerly Miss passed away Saturday evening, SepEose Bezman of Omaha. Her mar- tember 15, at the Edmundson Hospital, after an illness of several weeks. riage to Mr. Bosenbaum took place He is survived by- one brother, Pein Chicago last May. She is a gradter, of Council Bluffs; three sisters, ; uate of Omaha Technical High Mrs. Sarah Rips of Omaha, Mrs. K, I School. Pollack and Mrs. Bessie Rips of Tulsa, Okla., and five daughters in Miss Annette Riklin, Omaha dancthe east. Funeral services were ; ing teacher, has returned from Chiheld Monday afternoon, with burial cago, where she spent the summer at the Oak Hill Cemetery. Pallstudying dancing. bearers were Messrs.: I. Gilinsky, Julius Katelman, H. Saltzman, Sam Miss Alice Adler will return Fri- Friedman and G. Whitebook of day from Houston, Texas, where she Council Bluffs, and Rev. E. Fleischhas been visiting for several weeks man of Omaha. with her sister, Mrs. Will Rips, and Mr. Rips. • The Independent Order of the
Monday, September 24 Saturday, September 29 Saturday, October 6 .Sunday, October ~ . .Monday, October 15 Wednesday, November 1 Saturday, December 8 Friday, December 14 Sunday, December 23
Maxwell Weinstein of Brooklyn, N. nah Lavanburg Home for Immigrant Y., of the Soldier's Medal for hero- Girls, and $500,000 by Henry Sterne ism in Tientsin, China; the award of New York to charities. In the final appendix to his reof the Order Polonia Restituta to Mendel Rutstein in Poland; the elec- view the writer notes the death of tion of Eli Berkovici, Horia Carp, 113 famous rabbis, Jewish scientists, William Filderman, I. Niemerower Jewish authors and artists and Jewand,Dr. Weisselbergher to the Sen- ish leaders? in onr country and abroad. Among these are included ate of Rotsmania. In the third appendix to his re- Nathan Barnert. former mayor and iew, Mr. Schneiderman lists fifty- philanthropist of Paterson, N. .7.: three special gifts of $100,000 or Josepb Baronfless. labor and commore each, or bequests of 125.000 or munal leader, Brooklyn. N. Y.; Maumore each. These include the dona- rice Bloomfield, orientalist and aution of $500,000 by Max Adler of thor, ana professor at the Johns Chicago, 111., to the city of Chicago Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.; for the construction of a planeta- j Herman Conheim, merchant and rium; $750,000 by Maurice and Leon j Zionist leader. New Tork City; JuFalk to the University of Pittsburgh lius Drachsler, sociologist and aufor a modern clinic and dispensary; thor. New Tork City; Rudolph $625,000 by Henry Kaufman of Pitts- Grossman, rabbi, New York City; burgh to the Irene Kaufman Settle- Hanau "W. Loel). physician and aument ; $1,000,000 by Albert Lasker j thor, St. Louis. Mo.; Jacob Da Silva as the Lasker Foundation for re- Solis-Cohen, professor of laryngolsearch into causes, nature and cure ogy, surgeon, author and communal of degenerative diseases of middle worker, Philadelphia, Pa.; Abraham life; $5,000,000 by Julius Rosenwald Zhinper. bacteriologist, New York for Jewish agricultural settlements City; Hirscli Perez Chajes, chief in Russia, and $2,000,000 to the Ju- rabbi and author, Vienna ; Joel Blau, lius Rosenwald Fund ; $1,000,000 by rabbi and author, I/ondon: Louis Felix M. Warburg for Jewish agri- Montagu (Lord PwnytMing), financultural settlements in Russia. cier and communal leader, London; Among the bequests are listed that Abba David Citron, chief rabbi of of $700,000 by Nathan Barnert. Pat- Petach Tikvah. Palestine; Paul Axerson, X. J., as a trust fund for Jew- elrod, labor leader, Berlin; Ruth ish charities; $1,000,000 by Robert Lazarus, aiithor, Berlin ; Jacob KomRube Fogel (New Tork City) to the j berg. Hebrew lexicographer, JerusaPacific Jewish Orphan Asylum in lem ; Moses Frostig. journalist, edSan Francisco; $1,550,000 by Mrs. itor, member of the Sejm, Poland; Minnie Hayman of New York to the Ch. D. Namnherg. novelist and jourMontefiore Home for Chronic Inva- nalist, "Warsaw; Felix Perl, labor lids, Hospital for Joint Diseases of leader and editor and member of the the City of New York, the North Sejm, "Warsaw; and Sholom Joseph Woods Sanitarium for Tuberculous Friedman, Hassidxe rabbi of Milnitz. and other Jewish charities; $1,467,- Czernowitst, Roumania.
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The Extra Value Omsr Bakery puts into its bread, calces and pastries has brought as thousands of customers. Women ell over Omaha are talking about it. Yon can get Omar from most groceries or the Omar wagon that comes to your neighborhood.
FRESH At Your Grocer's •jf There's only one FAIRY Cracks* -baked fresh daily in Omaha's Snow White Bakery
A National Institution—Everything for t h e Home
413-15-17 S. 16th Street
SIX—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1928 was the outstanding performance of 1 to 2 P . M.; swimming, Monday 7:15 to 8:15 P. M. Women's gym class, special reMrs. P. Wintroub, winner of the and Wednesday from 7:30 to 8 P. • feminine water splashing prize. M. and on Sunday from 1 to 2 P.-M. ducing class: Gym, Monday and Junior A and Junior A employed Wednesday a t 9:30 to 10 A. M.; Mrs. Wintroub shattered two recboys: Gym, Monday and Wednes- swim,. Monday and Wednesday at ords for the pool; She negotiated FKANK B. ACKERMAN the 50-yard dash in 36 4/5, besting day a t 7:30 to 8:30; open gym, Sun- 10:30 to 11 A. M. Special activities (Juniors and {the record made in the same pool in day a t 4 to 5 P. M.; swimming, MonRemember—you are only off your the A. A. tr. mid-west meet by 4/5 day and Wednesday a t 8:30 to 9 P. Seniors) : game when you are playing good. of a second. She swam the hundred M. and Sunday from 5 to 5:30 P. M. Girls' athletics: Tuesday and Save your alibis till then'. in 1:31, the time made in "the A. A. Senior men: Gym, Monday and Thursday at 7:15 to 8:15 P. M.; U. being 1:37. She will bear watch- Wednesday at 8:30-to 9:30 P. M.; open swim, > Sunday, 3 to 5 P. M. If tbe early bird gets the worm, ing in the future, for she's a real games and gym Sunday morning a t (junior and .senior girls) ; open gym 10 to 12 A. M.; swimming, Monday Sunday a t 3 to 4 P. M.; open gym then the Community Cb<jst basket- comer. . and Wednesday a t 9:30 to 10 P . M. Saturday at 6:30 to 8 P. M. ball five is going to have a whole .diet of worm. Marcus Krasne h a s Speaking of swimming, Professor and Sunday a t 12 to 12:30 P . M. Bed Cross life saving training: .already issued first call for his hoop- Schiff of Berlin seems to be raising Professional Men's Gym, Monday, Team practice, Tuesday a n d sters. All aspirants for tbe varsity quite a bit of dust in navigating cir- Wednesday and Friday, 12:10 to 1 Thursday at 8:15 to 9 P . M.; trainbasket ball quintet a r e to Report this cles. Dr. SchifFs latest feat worthy P. M. ' ing in the standard events used in Tuesday evening a t 9:15. Marcus of mention was his swimming Special activities (men) : swimming competition. Life saving. is getting together a foreboding war around the entire island of HeligoMen's . athletics: Tuesday and Established A. K. C. tests. .menu, Including melees with Kan- land in 4 % hours, faster than any- Thursday, 8:15 to 9:15 P . M.; Buddy d a y : First Tuesday of sas City and several other out-of- one has previously done. leagues, Sunday a t 10 to 12 P . M.; each month a t 4 to 5 P. M. aggregations. Wednesday a t 7:30 P . M. Super- plimentary to friends of Junior memThe initial gong for varsity gymJoshing a loser seems to have be- vised competition in the seasonal bers. Each member bring one buddy nastics will also be sounded on come a popular pastime among a sports. as her guest. .Tuesday, candidates to report a t goodly share of the sport followers. Varsity basketball practice: Sun8:15 on the gym floor. When a man has done bis best these ; day a t 5 to 6 P . M.; Tuesday and Moscow (J. T. A.)—A stretch of jeers should change to cheers—be- Thursday a t 9:15 to 10 P . M. Andy Cohen, McGraw's Jewish cause it requires a copious abund350 hectares of land was allotted by Open gym Saturday a t 8 to 9:30 diamond find, has been warming the ance of grit to come back after beSoviet authorities in the Sotchi ReP. M. ' • ; •• " • / • / • • • . ; ,. - . ' -. bench for quite a while lately. Andy ing hammered off the sportive map. gion, in the" Caucasian mountains. Open swim: took a slump in his game and has It requires plenty of courage to rise Three hundred Jewish families Junior A and m e n : Friday a t 4 been forced to look on while his sub after the fifth knockdown and keep from Georgia will be settled on this to 5:30 P . M. is making good. coming, with only a Chinaman's Red Cross life saving training: land, states , a report of the Ozet, Young America, reading fiction, chance of slipping over the winning Aquatic club: Tuesday a t 9 to soziety for Jewish land settlement. yearns to be a substitute, for only a punch. 9:30 P. M. (boys and men). Trainsub ever wins a game. After all, a loving caress by a ing in the standard test for prospec-i sledgehammer may fail to add to the The all-J. C. C. swimming meet joy of life but, peering a t it from tive Junior and Senior life saver. : Buddy D a y : First Monday of last Thursday was the most success- another angle, it is likely to make each month for boys a t 4 to 5 P. M.; ful ever staged In the Center nata- a more lasting impression than conComplimentary to friends of Junior torlum. The loving cup for the best tact with a puff ball, A bad beating B boys. all-around male swimmer went to is frequently of more moral and eduFree periods: Men a r e allowed, Ted Turner, who easily outdistanced cative value than empty victory. free use of the gymnasium except You know, you never heard of the during scheduled classes or games. : his opponents. The feature of the meet, however, true hiker who asked for a lift. Women and girls:
Sport Splinters
Juniors: Gym, Tuesday a n d Gym classes for ladies, business Thursday, 4 to 5 P . M.; swim, Tues-; girls, and junior girls a t the J . C. day and Thursday a t 5 to 5:30 P . MJ Attorneys C will begin in full blast next week. 301 Peters Trust Bldg. Business girls: Gym, Tuesday XOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETI- There has been a change in schedTION FOB SETTI^KMKNT OF FINAL and Thursday a t 6:15 to 7:15 P. M.;; ADMINIBTBATION ACCOUNT. ule, Junior girls meeting on Monday In the County Court of Douglas County, and Wednesday from 4 to 5, and swim, Tuesday and Thursday a t Nebraska. Junior bbys on Tuesdays and ThursIn the matter of tbe estate of Mary ' Kaiman, deceased: All persons interest- days a t the same time. ed in said matter are hereby notified A new class, the Busy Men's Gym Accountants that on the 28th day ol August, 1028, Abner H. Kaiman filed a petition in said class, will be started, meeting at County Court, praying that his final administration account tiled herein be set- 5:15 on Mondays and Wednesdays. ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. tled and allowed, and that he be disThe schedule: No Job Too Large—No Job 475 Brandeis Theater Bide.—JA. 4811 charged from his trust as administrator and that a bearing will be had on said Junior B boys: Gym, Monday Too Small for Us to Handle AUDITS SYSTEMS petition before said Court on the 14th day of September, 1028, and that if you and Wednesday from 4 to 5 P . M.; • ' INCOME TAX 'fail to appear before said Court on the games, Sunday from 1 to 2 P . M.; said 14th day of September, 1028, at 9 T'Cantmctors o'clock a. m., and contest said petition, swimming, Monday and Wednesday tbe Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of helrshlp, and from 5 to 5^:30 P . M. aria on Sunday "make such other and further orders, al- from 2 to 2:30 P . M. WM. BRYDEN & CO. lowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all Junior B employed boys: Gym, Certified Public Accountants matters pertaining to said estate may be Monday and "Wednesday from 6:30 403 Hospe Bldg. -finally settled and determined. Jackson 57S2 6.18 Securities BMg. BHYCB CBAWFORD, to 7:30 P. M.; games, Sunday from AT. 4451 Aug. 30—2t. County Judge.
are now alumni members. Al Fiedler and Milton Altshuler will also be gone from the squad, as they are seeking berths on the Central High first team. The team will be bolstered by Bud Levin, 1927 Central High star lineman; Oscar Mayerowitz, 200-pound South Omaha lad, and several dark horses whose identity cannot be divulged at the present time. The Athletic Director of Omaha Chapter is desirous of co-operating with the other clubs in the Center, with the object of forming a fourteam league such as that of last season.
Stanley F. Levin, Athletic Director of the Omaha Chapter of the Order of A. Z. A., announces that the local chapter football team will again be coached by Ben Sied and that practices will be held at Gifford Park as in the past years. The first practice will be held the Sunday after the "Holidays," Sept. 23rd. The A. Z. A. eleven last year won the Community Center league championship, having the distinction of being unscored upon. Lincoln Chapter held the Mother Chapter scoreless while they themselves tallied a lone touchdown. Des Moines Chapter tied the Omahans in a tight Sin has many tools, but a lie is struggle, 6 to 6, here. the handle which fits them all.— Return games will be played this Holmes. season with both Lincoln and Des Moines on the latter's field. The utmost in The Chapter 1 aggregation will be Photographs weakened by tbe loss of Sam Ban, Captain Max Altshuler, Marion DAVIS LAKE STUDIO Graetz and Max Riekes, all of whom ! 2506 N. 24th—WE. 6311 OMAHA MIRROR ft ART GLASS CO. Manufacturers of Mirrors, Art Glass, Window Glass R«Hllverins'—Picture and Mirror Framing 1614 Cumins St. AT. 6585
DR. DAVID CAHN PLATT ON CREIGHTON FACULTY Creighton University has anked Dr. David Cahn Plart, 201 Baldrige Building, to join the faculty of the Creighton Dental College as professor of Exodonlin. He has the distinction of being the only Jewish and also the youngest professor in the history of the Dent«l
Warsaw (J. T. A.)—"lla'Zefirah," the only Hebrew daily published in Europe, has suspended publication. The publishers declared that, the paper had been temporarily discontinued because of financial difficulties and the illness of the editor, J. Heftman.
HIMELBLOOM BAKERY 1511 N. 84th—WE. «884
Serve Himelbloom's new Russian pumpernickle bread with your next meal.
Paxton Billiard Parlors
1516 F a r n a m ^ J A . 9721 Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events
605 Electric Bldg.—JA. 1045 —AH Kinds of Electric Wiring—
Let Us Figure on Your Next Building Plans
Size 29x4.40 29x4.75 30x4.50 30x4.75 30x5.00 31x5.25 30x6.00 31x6.00 . :
Tires $ 5.98 8.95 6.98 '.;»... 9.15 ,.........;... 9.75 .-. 10.95 ;............. 14.45 :'...'.':.•::.:'. 14.95
1941 Vinton St.
JA. 1440
PEERLESS CLEANERS 4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 The HODM With a Kepntation
TIKWORK, GUTTERS, SPOUTING Reasonable Prices 1530 North 84th WE. 5S6S
I. SWARTZ Installation and repairing of Tin Work—Furnaces—SKylignts- 1 Ventilating—Gutters—Spouting 111 North 16th
2026 Farnam
JA. 4102
Awnings and Tents AWNINGS and CANVAS SPECIALTIES 2908 Farnam
JA. 3682
SCOTT OMAHA TENT AND AWNING CO. Awnings, Canvas Covers, Tents, Camp Snpplips, All Kinds 15th and Howard AT. 1492
Accessories -•• at Low Cost Ames Auto Horns, each
Defiance Cords Tubes $ .98 .98 .98 L39 1.39 1.39
Brandeis Batteries Guaranteed ll-plate, heavy duty, for light cars and radio, trade-in price $5.95 13-plate, heavy duty, trade-in price... 6.45 15-plate, heavy duty, trade-in price... 7.95 Dodge special, trade-in price 10.95 Cadillac special, trade-in price 17.75 Hot Shots, Franco 1.79 Battery testers, each ,49c
HIPPLE'S SERVICE 2602 St. Mary's
Battery and Tire Service Road Service
AT. 5454
Service Our Motto General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing
DAVENPORT GARAGE 18th and Davenport
IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY Soda Water, Near Beer and Gingerale WEbster 3043 1808 N. «0tH St." -
Heyn-Kennedy Co.
ADLER'S Kosher Delicatessen
SINCE 1876
Fresh Corned Beef cooked daily. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meals. Home-made pickles. All kinds of Bakery Goods, Picnic Lunches.
If your laundress does not satisfy, try us. SANITARY LAUNDRY
WE. 1428
\V. H. OSTEXBERG, Pres. 3815 Farnam ATlaiitlo 2815
Tour nd in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omnhn
Careful Prescription -Service Merchandise of Quality
- PRESCRIPTION EXPERTS 20 Years' Service with Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. 1519 Farnam St. AT. 1131
All Family services, from Wet Wash to ily Finish Hth and Douglas Sts.
Laying, Siting, Fringing. Binding 5116 Military Are.
WA. 5»O8
Mattresses made over in new ticks at half price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made up in new featherproof ticking:.
JA. 246;
1907 Coming- St.
Tire Shops
(32 Tears Experience) Do not throw away your faded garments; have them re-dyed by an expert. Formerly a sample Dyer at the Pantorium and Dresner Bros. Prices reasonable.
Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted Suite 5, IVend Bid*., 18th * Parnam Telephone ATlnntlc 8162
-That LKUe Extra Service" Miller (ieared-fb-the-Road Tires
Phon? JA. llflS
Play the Violin Correctly
Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave.—AT. B427 ftOOIJVBAK SKKV1CE STATION TireR. Tubes. Accessories, Kond Service, Vulcanizing. General Repairing
Towel Supply
When You Need a Plumber, Call
WE. 1119
1917-19 Clark St. "CAM- us
Onr Specialties
2009 Farnam St.
AT. 5757
THE, WEIS FLOWER SHOP "The Best Place'to Buy Tour Flowers" 2508 North 24th St.—Phone WE. 2057
Mattresses and Pillows Made Over in New Ticks 1917 Cuming AT. 5983
Music Teachers
JA. 3573
Giving Special Attention to Apartment aiid Business Properties
Batteries and Garages
We Specialize in the
Management of Property
Rug Cleaners
1513 North 24th St.
504 S. 13th
2nd Floor Securities Bldg.
Ford Transmission Lining, . per box 43c Fabric Leather Wedge Back Cushions, each . . . . . . 85c Al Smith and Hoover Booster Plates, each. 17c Spotlights 79c Top Dressing, U. S., per pint . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 c Top Dressing, Duco, per pint . . , 79c Fo'rd Fan Belts, each.. .19c Kozak Dust Cloths, ea/. .$1 Shaler 5-min. Tube Vulcaiiizers, complete ...95c Cold Patch, Goodrich or Firestone; per c a n . . . l i e Steel Tool Boxes, 22x9x7, each .... ...$1.89
AT. 3832
1923 Clark St.—WE. 0410
JAekson 1132
in this directory call the
Estimates Gladly Furnished
227 South 20th Street Satisfied Customers Our Greatest Desire
For space
REALTORS 416 Medical Arts Bldg. JA. 2100
JAckson 1614
1% Blocks South of J . C. C.
109-11 North 18th
We carry everything in quality furs at lowest prices in the city.
Barber Shops Tubes $1.19 1.39 1.29 1.39 1.39 1.49 1.95 1.95
A T . Z835
Walter C. Roessig & Co.
Cord Tires—Tubes Size Tires 30x3j4 Cl $ 5.45 30x3*4 Giant 5.75 30x354 S. S : . . . . ........ . . 6.99 31x4 9.50 32x4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.65 33x4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.95
Under Management of H. Marcus
Defiance Balloons
Sheet Metal and Furnace Works
National Accessories, Ire
Balloon Tires—Tubes
Auto Top and Glass Service
Defiance tires and tubes are sold only by the Brandeis Store in this state and are the only tires and tubes sold at these prices with a 16,000-mile guarantee— backed by the Brandeis Store and the manufacturer. A tire cover with each purchase of two tires.
For Service Call
"Everything for the Auto'
The Kind That Gives Service
Auto Tops—Accessories 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524
Defiance Tires
Prof. Sevcik and other world renowned teachers recommend my method very biphlv. Concert VioliniNt and IiiBtnictor Studio 117% If. 16th St. .JA. 1952
JA. 1913
609 North lGtta
E. L. RODWELL PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR Quality Is Remembered Long After the Prioe Is Forgotten S888 Fanuun St. Atlantic 1984
AT. G201 •T. M. J R N S E N
Tow«l Supply Company Stn<« 18T«