All the News of Interest to Jews
Entered as second-class man matter on January 27, 1921. at postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act ot March.3, 1879.
of Numerus UNITED PALESTINE Modification Clausus Law Promised APPEAL MEETING TO BE IN BOSTON
The Washington Jewish Mirror
VOL. VII.—No. 37
Budapest (J. T. A.—Another Freeport, L, I. (J. T. A.)—The By H1LLEL, the Observer promise to modify further the prachonor of being the first enlisted man tice of the numerus clausus law in ever chosen to represent the United the colleges of Budapest was made Disagreements between brothers he of the brown derby. Came the States Army on an exploring expeby- Minister of Education Count are not uncommon occurrences in question from a Northern Demo- Harvest Festival Celebration dition has fallen to Staff Sergeant Benjamin Roth of the Sixty-first Says Alien Croups Bring CulNational Conference on Pales- Klebelsberg to the Hungarian Jew- life.. How much more so will this crat : "Has any Democrat the right to Be Held Sunday ish Liberal Deputy, Pakots. Aero Squadron of the United States ture That Must Be tine to Be Held Nov. generalization apply in politics, to refuse to vote for Smith because Afternoon Army Air Service. He has been Saved. Deputy Pakots presented to the which makes strange bedfellows, so he is a Catholic?" Came the an10 and 11. designated by the War Department Minister of Education the unani- they say? Frederic William Wile, swer: "I'd support a Jew for PresSTARTS AT 3--00 P. M. to join Commander Byrd's Antarcmous resolution of the Budapest City genial and skillful political corre- ident, and a Jew is not even a ChrisMELCHETT INVITED Council asking for the repeal of the spondent in "Washington, has been tian—provided he were a good Jew, A Sueeoth program for children tic Expedition and will leave with WARBURG ALSO SPEAKS numerus clausus law and urged that a- good American and a good Demo- will be presented Sunday afternoon, the commander's party on October 1. New York (J. T. A.)—The Na- no discrimination be made on noticing what politics does to fam- crat.'' • September 30, at 3 o'clock, in the Sergeant Roth, -who has been in New Tork (J. T. A.)—"Far from ilies-in-the-corporation as well as tional Conference on Palestine will grounds of religion. Jewish Community Center audito- the army fourteen years, is an ex- regarding the mixed composition of (Continued on page 2) be held in Boston on Saturday eve- The Minister promised to make families-in-the-blood: rium. Sueeoth is a harvest festival pert on air-cooled airplane motors. races in this country as unfortunate. ning, November 10, and Sunday, No- the law less stringent and to insti- Almost every day brings news of and is celebrated for -eight days, I regard it as fortunate and as an vember l i ; according to an announce- • tute an inquiry into the reported another split in the political affiliabeginning Friday evening. The first tions of the big corporations and advantage of which not enough nse ment issued this week by Morris abuses against applicants of the two and the last two days of the has been made," Dr. Abraham FlexRothenberg, Chairman of the Board Jewish faith and to inaugurate lib- their magnates. The latest separafestival season are celebrated as ber, who recently resigned as diof Directors of the United Palestine eral education policy will do away tion is in the film industry. The holidays. The Jewish Community brothers Sehenck—Joseph and Nichrector of the General Educational Appeal, at headquarters at 111 Fifth w i t n tte. n u m e r u s clausus question. Center will be closed from Friday olas—the financial heads of the MetBoard of Rockefeller Foundation, Avenue, New York City. Dr. Chaim evening.until Sunday evening, with ro-Goldwyn-Mayer movie combinatold members of the graduating class Weizmann, President of the World the exception of opening its doors tion, have just taken opposite sides of the Training School for Jewish Zionist Organization, who will come Jewish Consumptive Relief Sofor the 1928 campaign. Nicholas, Center Players to Open Season Sunday afternoon for the Sueeoth Social Work at the graduation exerhere next month for the purpose of ciety to Conduct rally. who succeeded Marcus Loew as head cises. With Three Act forming the Jewish Agency, will be Research. The holiday is celebrated with the of the vast picture organization bearprincipal speaker at the Armistice "Every one of the alien stocks Comedy bringing of harvest fruits to the ing its late president's name, "is a Day meeting, which will devote itbrought to this country their own WORK IMPORTANT temple and synagogue, and the self-styled Tammany man, and sigRESERVE SEATS NOW self to a discussion of the problems native culture. Short-sighted rebuilding of a "succa," a bower of facing the Jews of America in the Action Caused by Storm of nalized his leanings the other day A great deal of interest has been formers think they will help matgrains and fruits, in the yards of by turning in a $25,000 contribution upbuilding of Palestine as the Jew- •ii Criticism From Angloto the Smith cause. Joseph Sehenck The Center Players Guild, pre- Jewish homes. It is one of the aroused throughout the scientific ters if they were to disintegrate : ish National Home. circles by the announcement that the these racial groups as fast as pos; ;: Jewish Press. a little while before invested a sim- senting their first production of the most ancient* of Jewish holidays. It is expected that the Conferseason, "Mamma's Affair," will in- The rally program will -consist of Eastern Branch of the Jewish Con- sible. To destroy their contribution ilar amount in the Republican camence will be of great significance in DISCLAIMS ENMITY paign, identifying, himself as "a augurate 'what promises to be the a Sueeoth pageant, fallowed by a sumptives' Relief Society of Denver, would be to take away something its bearing on the movement in this busiest season of activities ever wit- movie. Refreshments wiS be served. 'Colorado, which will be located at important from our too-barren civcountry. In addition to Dr. Weiz- New York (J. "p.,A,)—Rex. H. KL Hoover Republican." Perhaps the nessed at the Jewish Community All children are Invited to attend. the newly acquired site at Highland ilization. If the folk-lore ana the mann, it is said that Lord Melchett Martin, . editorial writer of the gentlemen of the movies are playing Center. The three act comedy, both ends against the middle. When Those who will take part in the Mills, Orange County, New York, cultures of these races were oblitalready in the final stages of prepwill be guest of honor on the »«»-.-united"Presbyterian," a religious Mayor Jimmie Walker was in Hollyprogram are: Dorothy Zlotkin, win devote itself to extremely im- erated, the country would lose insion. Lord Melchett, who is Presi- we^y published in Pittsburgh, who wood last spring and ran into Hoo- aration, is scheduled tor presenta- Ruth Finer, Irvin Taffe. Isadore portant research work on the influ- stead of gaining. dent of the English Zionist Federa- w a s recently criticised in theAnglo- ver sentiment all through the picture tion on the nights of October 3 Mittleman, Bernard White, Ruth ence of climate on tubercnlars. "Short-sighted people would think tion, is Chairman of the Joint Pal- j e w i s h D r e 8 S f o r unfriendly eom- eolony, he publicly warned the in- and 4. Friedman, \f JTM3» Friedman, Lottie Comparative results will be ob- to Americanize these alien races and estine Survey Commission, which re- m e a t m a d e ^ the « U n i t e d 'jpTesby. dustry that it might some day rue The theme of the play deals with Zlotkin, Dorothy Friedal, Leonard tained by studying the progress of would by their premature dissolution cently rendered an exhaustive report t e r i a n » of August 2, 1928/in con- its folly in becoming too palpably the development of independence of Priedal, Bernice Friedal, Sylvia various types of consumptives, both destroy their" standards of conduct a girl, who has for too long a time Gerelick, Goldie Gerelick, Jerome at the Eastern Branch and at the and picturesqueness. on the situation in Palestine. I n e c t i o n ^th the publication by the partisan. clung to the skirts of her mother, a Marcus, Sylvia Silverman, Bernice parent institution in Colorado. This Harry Sacher, Chairman of the Department of Commerce of the re- Jews are in the picture all right— "There is no subject on the faee Palestine Zionist Executive, who is s n l t s o f i t g c e n g U S o f j e w i s n re- what with the Schencks, Jimmie woman who is so anxious to arouse Silverman, Leo Bernstein, Albert will be the first instance in the his- of the earth about which more nonpity and sympathy in others that in this country for preliminary ne- u g i o u s b o d i e S 5 indicating the nnm- Walker and other Jewish politiRimmerman. Louis Kilberg, Phyllis tory of tuberculosis work that an she fails to give proper attention Green, Pauline Rosenbaum. Avrtun impartial and disinterested research sense has been spoken than tbe subgotiations with regard to the Jew- b e r o f me Jewish population, ex- cians ! to the needs of her daughter. A« Lustgarten and Temette Wright. will be instituted and maintained. ject of racial characteristics," deish Agency, will also be present at p r e s s e a i ^ re grets at the statements the drama progresses, the girl As the Jewish Consumptives' Relief clared Dr. Flexner. I doubt if there the Conference to report on the h e flafl m a a e ^ a communication to The -hurricane in Porto Rico cre- emerges from her neurastnenic conSociety will have sanitoria l>oth in has ever -been anywhere a* NoTtWtf latest conditions in the-Jcwislr t h e ]e^Bh Telegraphic Agency. 1 Colorado and New York, it will harp race on the fnce of the earth. It Homeland. | Replying to an inquiry directed by ated some heroes on that sorely dition and blossoms out into a senis just as absurd to apply the terms stricken island and made at least sible young woman, firm in body and no prejudice in its research. Boston was chosen for the confer- ^ J e w l s h Telegraphic Agency inChristian, Jewish, Protestant, Cathone Jewish boy in the United .-States in mind. However, the process by The relative importance of the va- olic or any such single term to this ence at a meeting of the Board of f o r m l n g him o f tbe criticism his reimportant in "the eyes "of the navy which this metamorphosis is brought Directors off the Palestine rious climates on the arrestment and nation." i th United Uitd P lti m a r k s had called forth in various < about is one that provides a great Appeal, where a delegation from the q a a r t e r s , the Rev. Marlin virtually officials in his nation's capital. cure of tuberculosis has long been Eighteen students received their Nat Pomeranz, operator of what deal of opportunity for laughter as New England States, including Elia , ^ hh i s statements and gave a much discussed and disputed quest certificates in the auditorium of the hu D. Stone, Chairman of the Na- tbe a s s u r a n c e t h a t t ^ generaliza- he characterizes a "junk radio set," well as thinking. among active workers in the antiat Brooklyn, became a commnnica- Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the A. Chairman of department activities tuberculosis field. It has been gen- Federation Building. 71 West 47th i l E t i C i t t th tional Executive Committee off the indulged was a tion ^ w h i c h he tion's link for the Navy Department Z. A. is sponsoring the production. of the Omaha Council of Jewish erally agreed, however, that certain Street. Addresses were made by FeZionist Organization; Louis Sharious mistake which will not be in sending and receiving informa- Tickets may be obtained from mem- Women were announced yesterday climates have particularly beiiefi- lix M. Warburg, chairman of the piro, Chairman of the United Pales- se r e p e a ted. tion about the hurricane in Porto bers of this organization, from mem- by Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, president cient effects on certain types of tu- executive committee of the school, tine Appeal of 'New Hampshire; ^ am" s o r r y T w r o t e that of the Council, following a meeting Alex Wagman, Nathan E. Goldstein. r i a l „ Kev _ M a r l l n mote. «i t w a s Rico on the Saturday night of their bers of the Center Players Guild, of the Council board at the Jewish berculosis. In planning the research vrho presidwl ; Manrice J. Karpf, diChairman of the United Palestine ^vritten in the spirit of sincerity and storm. or at the Jewish Community Center. work at its Denver and Eastern San- rector of the school, and Dr. SoloAppeal for Eastern Massachusetts, ^itiiont a n y fee ling of animosity to Every important official at the They may be exchanged at the Cen- Community Center. The appoint- atoria the Jewish Consumptives' Be- mon Tjowenstein, executive director of the Federation for the Support and Robert Silverman of Boston, t n e J e w i 8 l l r a c e . i T h e Vnited j ^ . ^ Navy Department offices lias heard ter for reserved seats. Many good ments are as follows: Mrs. William Holzman, depart- lief Society authorities feel that they of Jewish Philanthropic Societies. brought a special invitation for the D T t e r i a n i s n o t unfriendly to your the name "Pomeranz" this week, and seats are still available. will be able to make important conUnited Palestine Appeal to hold its p e o p l e . Q n i t e t Q e contrary. In the one of these noted admirals com- The play is being presented under ment of immigrant aid; Mrs. I. tributions in determining;, from Mr. Warburg, addressing the gradRosenthal. department of immigrant conference in Boston from the Commented on Nat's stunt: uating class hi behalf of Louis E. the able directorship of Mrs. Herstudy of actual cases, which clieducation; Mrs. Dolly Elgutter, demonwealth of Massachusetts. Bos- two pages which I have edited for Kirstein, president of the school, who "That Jewish kid will have someman Jahr. The cast includes Misses mates are of greater benefit to variton will open its United Palestine many years in the United Presbyte- thing to remember all his life, real- Faye Klein, Bess Weinstein, Martha partment of community co-opera- ! ous types of consumption and which was absent, declared that the memAppeal campaign on October 28th, rian I have spoken in the highest izing that by a queer quirk of the Himmelstein and Toby Flax, and tion ; Mrs. HL A. Wolf, department climates are to be avoided. bers of the hn.-ii'd of trustees of the which will be in full swing at the terms at various times concerning storm our navy as well as commer- Messrs. Irving Perimeter, George of education; Mrs. Philip Sher, de- The research side of the Eastern school stood for adequate profespartment of membership: Mrs. time the National Conference on the great outstanding characters of cial apparatus was incapacitated— M. Cohen and Benny Blatt. sional recognition nnd dignity for the Jewish people. Harry Malashock, department of Branch was one of the most impor- the work. Palestine opens. he sure did help us out. I wish I Not only are the actors themtant plans of the late Dr. Charles D. I "The editorial of TChich you comThe Boston conference is expected plain is partly complimentary, but were in his boots- at his age." selves being primed carefully for a legislation and civics: Mrs. G. E. Spivak, who was one of the found"We shall strike for this recogniWest, department of peace: Mrs. to take up many important prob- there are some statements there Pomeranz is one of the few whose polished performance, but every postion and dignity in two directions," ers of the institution. Dr. Spivak lems affecting reconstruction work activity was noticed by the Navy sible detail has been given careful Frederick Conn, department of re- was until his death, for almost a said Mr. Warburg. "i>ersonal appreare wounding to the Jewish ligion and religions education: Mrs. • in Palestine. It will also be the and we very much regret them. Department and his important con- attention. Much new scenery has H. Rachman. hospitality; Mrs. A. quarter of a century, its secretary ciation of professions 1 capacity and occasion for the election of a new heart I attempted'a brief characterization tribution points out clearly that been added to the stage equipment, Somberg. motor corps: Mrs. H. Wil- and a tireless worker in its behalf, financial compensation worthy of administration, including a Board o f t h e J e w a s h e i s g e n e r a i i y Tiewed when disaster tears down telephone so that the staging of the play will insky, telephone; Mrs. B. A. ShnoD, and a world known figure in the professional prepiu-ntion and effecof Directors, for the United Pales- , ly G e n t i l e e y e s I t i s n o t w i s e n o r wires and disrupts, commercial com- be of a high caliber. Sol Miroff will ways and means: Mrs. Herbert Arn- field of medicine, social service and tive work. The School will Oo al) tine Appeal. A budget and a quota just to indulge in that sort of gen- munication the outside Is sometimes be in charge of this part of the stein, parliamentarian: Mrs. Goldie literature. The Jewish Consump- it can to foster these two ninis. to work. ••• for the national campaign will also eralization. It was a serious mis- served well by amateurs. Feder, delinquent members: Mrs. tives' Relief Society plans to make the end that o^t of this new profes' be adopted. take and a mistake which will not Reuben Kulakofsky. social .service. the research laboratories as success- sion the Jewish communities of this Invitations to the conference are ,, e m a t l e a second Ume. I Senator Robinson seems to be foland Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld. subscrip- ful as possible as a permanent me- country may receive trained, effecto be issued to all contributors to ^ ^ n o t a n e n e m y o £ t b e J p w lowing the example set by his immemorial to the great work of I>r. tive, intellifrenf and loyal service. tions, "The Jewish Woman." T'nless these things are achieved the the United Palestine Appeal of 5100 T o nQ o t h e r r a c e d o j o w e s o pr0 _ diate chief—-Governor Smith—for "Mrs. Dolly Elgutter. chairman of Spivak. School will he a failure. We recogand over, and to all those who have f o u n d a d e b t a g j o w e tQ . t h e J e w . he has been creating Jewish conthe department of community conize our obligation, we have acceptA man should take care above all ; worked in the interests of the United ish race." tacts in his race for the vice-presioperation, announced that the CounPalestine Appeal throughout the j Eev. Marlin enclosed in his letter dency under the Democratic banner. Hadassah will hold its second an- cil's sewing day at Reel Cross head- things to have a due respect for ed the challenge and we shall look to you to help ns meet them." country. the comment made by him in his , Rabbi A. B. Rhine of Hot Springs nual Rummage Sale during the week quarters is from 10 a. m. until 4 himself.—Pythagoras. j column on the death of Joseph Ba- ! received a good deal of publicity commencing Monday, October 15. p. in. each Thursday. Garments ' rondess in which, after speaking from Democratic Headquarters Mrs. Herman Silverman. 3230 La- are made for the nse of the Red ISRAEL PILL DIES of the life and work of the when he pronounced the benedic- fayette Ave^ is chairman of the sale. Cross society and Wise Memorial IN LOS ANGELES I highly late Jewish labor leader, Zionist and tion at the ceremony notifying the Those desiring to offer discarded ar- hospital. Mr. Israel Pill, a former resi- I welfare worker,. he declares that Arkansas senator of his choice as ticles may get in touch with the dent of Council Bluffs and for the "Surely God has written the name the assistant standard bearer to Al chairman at Harney 4949, or the OMAHA CLUB OF NEW past few years a resident of Los of this Jew, Joseph Barondess. in Smith. This served as a reminder officers: Mrs. Jos. Rosenberg. Jack- YORK TO HOLD REUNION A quirk of Fate can shape man's had no difficulty in successfully saildestiny along unexpected anil un- inp the sea of matrimony. to all faithful Democrats that they son 1042; Mrs. B. A. Simon. GlenAngeles, Cal., died 'Wednesday, Sep- His book of remembrance."' • He then entered his father-in-law's tember 20, in Los Angeles. He was This was typical, he said, of many must maintain their lines intact in dale 1028; Mrs. J. J. Friedman. The Omaha Club of New York dreamed-of channels. editorials he has written in admira- this battle. Jews are not being neg- Harney 4028; Mrs. Max Goldberg. will hold its Reunion and Dance at '. silk imsiness and immediately rose G9 years old. The tale of the rise of Morris said in prominence in this new venture. Jackson 3381, or Mrs. Max Lerner. the Hanna Lavanburg: House. 331 tion of great modern Jews. lected as they sit in the grandstands He is survived by four daughters, Harney 4880. Old clothing, hats, ! East 12th Street, on Snnday after- Herbert Robinson, sons of Mr. and ! As Morris jrrew in im]v>rtan<ie. the watching the tussle. Mrs. Louis Kroloff of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Samnel Robinson. 708 N. 23rd i firm prew in size. Joe Robinson had a Jewish pri- shoes, carpets, pictures, furniture, noon, September 30th, 1928. Mrs. Jake Simon of Omaha, Mrs. BLOOM AUTO CO. St., ontfictions fiction and outdoes dishes and other forms of wearing Meanwhile Herbert had matricuHarry Rosenblum of Los- Angeles MOON CAR AGENTS vate secretary during some of the apparel and household articles are There will be entertainment, danc- Horatio Alger at his best. many years he served his State in lated flt tbp University of Michigan, ing, eats atia fun galore, according jind Miss Anna Pill of Los Angeles, all desired by the committee. A Eight years afro Morris Robinson after graduating from Central High. and four sons. Mr. Goodman Pill The ] Bloom Auto Co., with Sam the Senate Chamber. Through this large committee will be announced to the report given out by the temof pmaha and Mr. Jake PHL Mr. Bloom as president j recently became Jewish person he received a num- soon that will call for such articles. porary Arrangements Committee. left Omaha for a fiinsr at the rou- also his brother's alma mater. LaWhich has been functioning through- lette of life. Fortune smiled and. ter on Herbert was taken into, the Max Pill and Mr. Harry Pill of Los the agency for the Moon automobile ber of invitations to address Jewish in Nebraska and fifteen adjoining audiences in Washington and else- The organization is still asking out the summer. In addition, the as a result, today he ami his broth- business. Now* they are leaders in Angeles. •• . . • where—all of -which does him no for voluntary contributions of one boys will have privileges in the er, Herbert, are potent international the exportation of silk. Interment took place Thursday. counties of Iowa. The Moon car harm at this time of the campaign. dollar for the Summer Emergency House which have hitherto been un- figures in the Pilk industry. These men. born and reared in hasnot bad a branch in this city , September 27, in Los Angeles. Omaha, are continuing to for three years. Fund. Donations' may be made to heard of. There will be swimming After leaving his home town, Mor- their business. A new b r a l Mr. Bloom has^just remodeled his "I'd support a Jew for President, Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz, 5016 Burt Street and gymnastics in addition to a showrooms at 2204 Farnam street and a Jew is not even a Christian!" A list of the donors will be com- well equipped lounge room. The ris wanted to see the world, so he fice has jast been opened at St. VinSUCCOTH SERVICES girls also will have their oppor- joined the navy. One day while cent Cape. Verde Islands, off the and invited the public to inspect Thus proclaimed John Sharp Wil- piled and made public soon. Reverend Cantor S. Kahanowitch them. He is featuring the Moon liams to his fellow Democrats when The Kosher Cook Book, published tunity to make use of all the con- stopping off at New Bedford. Mass.. coast of Portugal, and Herbert will the famous "Wise Man of the South" by Hadassah, is so far enjoying good veniences of the House. . conduct the Snccoth services at Aerqtype. he met an attractive young lady sail from New 1'ork on October 1 'the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel Syn- Mr. Bloom's distribution of the was asked for an opinion oh bigotry. sales. Copies may be obtained from The building boasts a large audi- and, being a sailor, fell in love just on the steamship "Padnsay" to take ' agogne at 19th and Burt streets on Moon in this territory ^is only a step Tbe above statement was contained Mrs. A, Itomm and also at the Book torium with a seating capacity of gobs and gobs. So, naturally, he active charge. During the trip he - Saturday and Sunday, September 29 forward in his plan for future ex- in a letter which Prophet John Department of Kilpatrick's. - The 400, beautifully furnished surround- wooed, won and wed her. And since will visit the "Canary Islands and broadcast in behalf of Brother \ 30, price is fifty cents. .V ' . . ings, modern, up-to-date equipment lie was an experienced eraiaeir,, ^e the Azores. . .... . H : pansion in his business.-
Story of Rise of World Silk Magnates, Former Omahans, Reads Like Fiction.
JEWISH PfcESi^, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1928 have held few interests other than social or athletic are striving for goals that would daunt many of their adult acquaintances. Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Skeptics who have viewed the practice of Judaism in THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY America have long prophesied oblivion for the race that Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 first gave to the people of the earth a code of living, the DAVID BLACKER, BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR Ten Commandments. But as long as young Jewish AmerIRVING PERLMETEB - - - - - . - - EDITOR ica progresses toward a greater willingness to assume its .$2.50 obligations, pessimism is hardly in order. Subscription Price, one year
which he thinks are effective. One of the models is simple to the "nth" degree, consisting only of a tow cable without gears, a steel flexible cable with two and one-half ton capacity. It will be fastened to the front axle of the car. The second device, more efficient, is more complicated. A malleable iron covering incloses a 15-foot cable, attached to a ratchet, which is in turn attached to a lever-like handle. An auger two feet long completes the set. A locking device has been perfect ed so that the car can't back up when the motorist decides to rest temporarily. A wrench is attached to the invention to wind up the cable after it is nsed. When the automobile is 'unable to pull out of the mud under its own power, all the driver must do is place the auger in the men who lived in that structure was ground, place around it a linked Oscar S. Straus. chain to one end of which, by means of an iron hook, the steel cable in turn attaches to the contrivance permanently fastened to the front axle. The chain may also be linked to a fence post or telephone pole. Mr. Jacob Mendelson of Council Anyone, young or old, according Bluffs, Iowa, has invested an auto self device, which Will help any to Mr. Mendelson, will be able to driver pull his car out of the mud. pull a car out of mud with this deHe holds patents on two contrivances vice.
Thus it came about that Oscar Straus and another Jew, later the President of the Jewish Seminary in New York and of Dropsie College in Philadelphia, were the main factors in the spending of $36,734.79 for a cause dear to the heart of Roosevelt and all humanitarians—the prevention of suffering on the part of poor laboring families who are affected by industrial wars. Advertising rates furnished on application We were reminded of this inciCHANGB OF ADDBESS—Please give both the old and new address; be dent the other day while driving SERVICE sure to give your name. past the "Pink Mansion" on SixIt it with a great deal of pleasure that we note that teenth Street. Oscar Straus mainthe author, Reverend Marlin, of the recent editorial in the tained his residence at this notable "United Presbyterian" that made most unjust statements landmark of Washington during his LOOKING AHEAD concerning the Jews, has retracted his accusations. When, membership in President Roosevelt's Cabinet and to this day sightseeing Since its construction, the Jewish Community Cen- several weeks ago, he proclaimed the Jews a lawless race, bus drivers on the "Avenue of the ter has very properly become the hub of activities of a people who refused to assimilate, and life's supreme Presidents" point to the "Pink ManOmaha Jewry. And, what is more important, its excel- egotists, he was answered by a storm of replies from the sion" and recall to the gaping tourlent facilities have caused the springing up of innumer- Anglo-Jewish press. This paper, through these columns, ists that among the distinguished
,able_ new forms of worthwhile endeavors to occupy the was one of the first to register a complaint against the time of and at the same time benefit both young and old.wholly unwarranted aspersions on the fair names of AmerThis progress has not been an irregular change, but has ican Jews. Our answer to the group of unfounded but Council Bluffs Man been noted as a slow but sure improvement that has oc-malicious statements, together with similar replies from Invents Auto Device curred in the life of the Jews of the community. This is other papers, have since caused this public retraction on the part of Reverend Marlin. particularly true of the younger boys and girls. Today a The Anglo-Jewish press can well pride itself on this group of strong, well-organized clubs has displaced the meager mushroom organizations of another day. A Senior occasion, because they have rendered a great service to Council and a Junior Council have been planned and have their people. become .realities linking the various clubs and, through: Lodge No. % Independent Order of the mutual co-operation, accomplishing things undreamt Judge Howell Pleads Odd Fellows. of before. for Respect of Law In all of his speeches he pleaded Special Value* in The steady progression toward nior,e and better activfor more respect for the law and for ity at the Jewish Community Center could no more ap- "The" citizen who evades jury the courts. propriately be proven than by pointing out the prospects duty is, in part, responsible for the where justice miscarries for this year. This very week, the Center Players are instances because of incompetent jurors," THE WASHINGTON inaugurating their season, and incidentally the fall period Judge Frank S. HoweU of the state for the whole Center, by presenting for the benefit of supreme court told members of the rhe kind that circulate heatJEWISH MIRROR ed air of correct humidity to Omaha's drama lovers the three-act comedy, "Mamma's Omaha Lions' Club at their weekly various rooms of the borne. (Continued from page 1) Affair." The play is indeed well chosen, for the theme luncheon last Tuesday noon. Burn coal, wood .or coke. Woe is me! With such standards Hold fire for 36 to 48 hours. of its plot is the change of a modern young lady from a "Yet jury duty is one of the most we wonder how long it will take to important peace-time duties of citinervous, simpering and purposeless miss into a young Many styles and sizes. See get a Jew suitable for the Presiour comprehensive dis^liy. woman with a mind of her own. "What could more clearly zens." $5 allowance for your old Judge HoweU said tiiat the "judi- dency—"a good Jew, a good Amerportray the spirit of the younger clubs at the Center? ciary ican, a good Democrat." Woe is store in trade The style picthe one branch of govtured is— me! They are growing, and in many ways. They have not ernmentwas protected from log-rolling' only become stronger in numbers, but stronger in purpose, tactics and that if the judiciary beWhen President Roosevelt was especially in the desire to do worthwhile things. Seri- comes corrupted the whole structure honored with the award of the Noous endeavors like debates, discussions, dramatics, re- of government will fall." bel Peace Prize in 1907, he refused ligion, Jewish history and kindred subjects are beginning "Bad men make bad judges, bad to accept the accompanying financial to occupy prominent parts in the program of the societies. lawyers, bad witnesses and badju- gift for himself, but asked Oscar Easy Terms he commented. "And that be- Straus, then Secretary of Commerce Some of them, like the A. Z. A., are definitely pledged to rors," cause of such men that bad court and Labor, to help him organize carry out such an educational program. And the others verdicts are sometimes reached. A therewith a foundation which would srifkts tf uom nxmsnmaw are falling in line, too. At least one young club has dis-two-faced lawyer if chosen for the further the cause of Industrial cussed the question of taking the initiative in starting a bench will be a two-faced judge." Peace. Straus in turn sought asnew movement among the young Omaha Jewry to bring Judge Howell also spoke this sistance from Doctor Cyrus Adler, a modern orthodox rabbi to Omaha. The same subject week before the Omaha Chamber of then at the Smithsonian Institution Commerce gobdfellowship commit- in Washington, and this famous Jewis scheduled to occupy much of the attention of the Senior tee and the Co-Operative Club and ish "organizer" formulated a .satisCouncil. Is this not proof of the new philosophy that is= delivered 413-15-17 S. 16th Street the principal address at factory plan which was acceptable pervading our community? Young men and women thai the anniversary dinner \ of Omaha1 to their Chief in the "White House.
IIm Inniii s
J. E. BRILL Formerly Teacher of Violin at the Municipal Conservatory, Hanover, Germany Residence Studio: 4219 Farnam Street Telephone Walnut 5647 Violin Classes at t h e
Jewish Community Center Telephone Jackson 1366
Z7th *nd M»rth» 8t». HArnay 1WK OMAKA. NEBRASKA Soft pray. iron, brass, bronse and aluminum castings. Standard Sims bronise and Iron bushings,sewer manholes, cistern rings and covers and cJean-ont doors in stock. All kind* of wood and metal patterns.
HOTEL ROME 250 Rooms—200 Baths Good Booms for $1.50 Operated by Eppley Hotels Co.
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Refresh Yourself DRINK
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Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, Catsup, Mustard, Etc. Every Pnckare Gaanuitmd
First Again In Serving Their Customers MILK AND CREAM delivered to you in the same bottle, but separated. Pour off the puree, rich cream. The milk stays in the bottle. The Separator, illustrated, retains the milk in'the bottle, while you pour off the cream.
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!jQ£«« AT IA N TIC 0 6 3 9 313 SO.I4TH.S.T.OMAHA
Prize Play Contest Winner Announced
Council Bluffs News
Books Acquired by Local Women's Club | |
b y | Jernsalem {J. T. A.)—Land for The National Council of Jewish The Omaha section of the National S Mrs. David M. Newman Sthe Straus colony, Nathania, named By F. R. K. Women announced this week the Council of Jewish Women has acDimnnianninnniainuiinninniiiiiinnu for Nathan Straus, was acquired winner of the first prize play in the quired a number of books, pamphlets today. The area comprises 3,000 contest sponsored by the Council The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal- and periodicals issued by the CounAPPLES MAPLED dunams near Herzliah and will be mud Torah will hold a meeting next through its Religion and Religious cil Press and made public in their Six large apples, 1 cup light "C" the first colony to be established at Education department. Mrs. Leah Wednesday afternoon, October 3, at recent book list. sugar, 1% tablespoons flour, 1 table- the seashore. The amount of 70,000 Zeve of Dallas, Texas, was awarded the home of Mrs. Julius Katelman Books dealing with the problems spoon butter, y± teaspoon cinnamon. pounds will be invested in establishat 417 Oakland Avenue. All memthe honor for her play, "In the of Jewish life will be used as a ing the colony. The first fifty setBalance." Mrs. Samuel Mantel of bers are urged to be present basis for a number of programs dur- Cream butter, and sugar together, tlers will proceed to the colony add flour and cinnamon. Remove Indianapolis is the author of the ing the coming year. cores from apples and fill centers shortly. The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah second prize play, "Bebecca Graetz." The major interests of the Coun- with the mixture. Place apples in Society will hold a meeting next Kappa Chapter1 of Theta Phi Sigma Sorority has Mrs. I. Bosenthal, ex-president of Tuesday evening, October 2, at the cil will be furthered by its three a deep dish with the rest of the mix- FIND LITHUANIAN JEWS "The Jewish "Woman," ture and add % cup water to OUTJJVE CHRISTIANS elected the following officers for the ensning year: Miss the local Council, was one of the Synagogue. All members are re-publications, the official Council publication, "The moisten the mixture around the apjudges in the contest. It is quested to attend. Bess Lipp, president; MTS. Ben E. Kubby, vice-president; three Immigrant," a monthly bulletin pub- ples. Bake in hot oven until apples Korno (J. T. A.)—The average the plan of the local Council to preMiss Frances Fish, corresponding secretary; Miss Lilyan sent one of these plays during the lished by its department of immi» Ike Solzman returned to Wichita, grant aid and immigrant education; are soft. Keep adding water to pre- longevity of the Jewish population Steinberg, recording secretary; Miss Min Flax, treasurer, coming season. Other plays made Kansas, vent burning while baking. Serve in Lithuania is 58, while the ChrisTuesday, after spending a available by the Council include: few days here visiting his parents, and "The Rural Voice," a bulletin cold with whipped cream. tian population average is 42 years, and Miss Annette Riklin, sergeant-at-arms. issued by its department of farm Council's Everygirl," by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. N. Solzman. according to government statistics The Chapter is planning a bridge party to be given "The and rural work. Elmer Eckhouse; "Dust," a play made public here. The vital statisJELLIED APPLES at the Blackstone Hotel on Snnday afternoon, October 14. dealing with the Jewish farmer, by The prayer books published by the Wash and core 6 tart apples, fill tics also contain figures on illegitServices for Succoths will be held imacy, the percentage among the Mrs. Elmer Eckhouse; "The CounNational Council of Jewish Women Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schiller of St. iurope, is to be given by the officers cil I*ends a Hand," or "1-19," deal- at the Chevra B'nai Tisroel Syna- are designed to meet the special with sugar, place in a deep dish, Christian population being 8, while Ijouis announce the birth of a son of the Temple Israel Sisterhood on ing with immigration problems, gogue at 618 Mynster Street on FrK needs of handicapped men andadding 1 tablespoon sugar and % cup in the Jewish population it is 1%. on September 21. Mrs. Schiller was Sunday evening, October 7, after by Miss Cecilia Bazovsky; and day evening, September 28, begin- women. I t has made available a water. When nearly done add 1 formerly MIBB .Ann Minbin of Oma- which Dr. Conn will give a review of "When?" by Mrs. A. S. Kohler, a ning at six o'clock, and on Saturday prayer book for the Jewish deaf small cup sugar and baste apples his travels. Phone reservations to with juice. When done fill cavities There is no good In arguing with at eight o'clock in the morning and ha. peace play. Mrs. A. Somberg, Ha. 5495. at six o'clock in the evening, and on and one for the Jewish blind, the with juice from bottom of pan. Set the Inevitable. The only argument Sunday morning services win com- latter being printed in braille type. aside to cool as jelly will form. available with an east wind is to Mrs. B. Achtenberg has left for The Council has also issued a Serve cold with whipped cream. put on your overcoat.—I mence at eight o'clock. JUNIOR HADASSAH her home in Kansas City, after a Mr. Nathan Bernstein is at the Course of Stndy on Jewish prayer. T3sit -with Her parents here, Mr. and "Wise Memorial Hospital, where he The first regular meeting of the Among those who spent Tom Kip- Other publications of the Council Mrs. S. Robinson. Mrs. Achtenberg is recuperating from his illness. Junior Hadassah for this season was pur in Lincoln, Nebraska, were Mr. are "An Introduction to Jewish •was formerly Miss Minnie Robinson held on Thursday, Sept. 27th, at and Mrs. Morris Grossman and chil- Music," "Synagogue Service for of Omaha. Governong Council of the Jewish Community Center at 8 dren, Mr. and Mrs. Max Shostak, Friday Evening," "The Harvest Fes, Louis Katelman and Max Kramer. tival,'' "The Tower of David," and Mr. A. Lazerowitz is convalescing Zionists Is Elected o'clock. "Daily Headings in Human Service." Miss Mary Claire Shames,.who from his illness at the Wise MemoA body of nine men, together with represented the Omaha Chapter at Mexico City (J. T. A.)-^Jewish rial Hospital. the officers, will constitute the Gov- the National Convention at Phila- immigration to Mexico continued The most authentic witnesses of daring the months of July and June. any man's character are those who Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bobinson and erning Council of the Zionist Or- delphia, returned with many new In July, 170 Jewish immigrants ar- know him in his own family, and plans and ideas which the eastern childrezr of Walthill, JSebr., 'visited ganization of America, according to rived, while 120 came the preceding see him without restraint or role of •in—here with Mr. Bobinson's parents, an announcement issued this week cities have used. month. The greater number of the conduct, but such as be voluntarily At the executive meeting which Mr. and Mrs. S. Bobinson, over Yom by Mr. Louis Lipsky, President of prescribes to himself.—Johnson. the Organization. These nine men was held last Wednesday plans immigrants came from the Ukraine. Kippnr. are recruited from the larger Ad- were made for many novel affairs. Mr. Nathan Bobinson has left for ministrative Committee of forty, and California for an indefinite stay. will directly manage the affairs of Tael Goldstein, Touth and Education; Irving Bosenzweig, Palestine the organization. 3 acts chock-full of Mrs. Harry Stoler is recuperating The Governing Councfl was made Investments; Dr. David J . Kalisk'i Comedy and Common Sense from hex illness at the Wise Ttfemo- up at the last meeting of the Ad-Hebrew University; Dr. Nathan Batrial HospitaL ministrative Committee, which also noff, Relations with other Organizaelected Dr. Abraham J. Bongy, New tions: Abram J. Liebovitz, Finance; The first Temple Israel Sisterhood York physician, aB Secretary of theWilliam B. Leaf, Publications. Mr luncheon of the season will be given Organization. The Council consists Lipsky is Chairman of the GovernMonday, October 0, at one o'clock in of a series of Chairmen of Commit- ing CottneiL the Temple vestry. Mrs. I. Rosen- tees, as follows: Herman Bernthal and Mrs. H. Bachman will be stein, Foreign Affairs; David Frei- There is an art of reading, as well in charge of the affair, which is to berger, Organization; A b r a h a m as an art of thinking and an art of be followed by the opening meet- Goldberg, Propaganda; Babbi Is- writing.—Disraeli. ing.. A large attendance is expected. Sponsored by Omaha Chapter No. 1, A. Z. A, Reservations should be phoned to Mrs. S. L. Bobinson, Wa. 8506.
| First Offering of Season
Center Players Guild
"Mamma's Affair
Mr. Max Moscovitz is at the Wise Memorial Hospital, where he is re-, covering from his Illness. The Jewish Pioneer Women's Organization has arranged a program to be given Sunday evening, October 21, at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. Miss Margaret Margolin, Mrs. M. Uelman and the Bothkup sisters will feature the entertainment. The-following will appear in a one-act play: Mrs. J. Raznict, Bosaline TMnhT""'", Earl Goodbinder, Harry Blacker, Harry Krantz, Joseph Morgenstern, Mary Kaplan and Esther Weinzweig.
A concert and raffle win be given by the Women's Xabor Lyceum Club on . Sunday- evening, September 30', a t the Labor Lyceum at 22nd and Clark streets. Everyone is invited. . The Jewish Women's Welfare Or ganization win hold their first meeting of the season on Tuesday, October 2, at 3 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. An interesting program has been arranged. All are Invited to attend. Mr. S. Bobinson is convalescing from an operation at the Clarkson Hospital. A Simchas Torah supper, welcoming home Dr. Cohn from his trip to
I .
October 3rd and 4th
at the
Prices to Serve Every Man
Starting Monday, Get, 1
Coat Week Featuring hundreds and hundreds of the most beautiful coats we have ever assembled for this keenly awaited event. Prepared to excel even the prestige of former years— with—
Three Outstanding Groups
$49 . $59 $79
(NLY-ihe Nebraska's system of selHiig develops such values every day in the yew and such vast selections at every price.
Suits, Topcoats Overcoats $21.50/ $25, $30 The Famous
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The outlay in this impressive value groups will surpass anything you may anticipate— Attend early!
BRANDOS STORE Silks and Woolens at Large Reductions
at 3401 "Webster St.
Brandeis Theatre Week of September 30th. Boyd Irwin presents
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"East is West" Nights, 25c-S0c7Sc Boxes and first 8 rows, $1.00 Matinees, 25c-S0c
Quality dress goods at low prices! A wide variety in silk and woolen dress fabrics. Purchase at money-saving prices 1
A glorious treatl Kosher Biltmore Crackers delight guests SUNSHINE and family whenever they are served . . . with tea
or coffee, at parties, with refreshments and desserts. Sunshine Bakers take two, dainty Kosher cookie-cakes and join them together with a generous layer of velvety cream . . . Mm-m-m! You are assured that Sunshine Biltmore Crackers are kosher and parve because of Mashgiach of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America 3 always in attendance at the bakery. Roshruth and quality go hand in hand.
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Kosher Biltmore
TICKETS, 50c and 75c
See Oar Show Windows
Wanted: Board and room with refined Jewish family in vicinity of Creigbtan University by student. Write to the JEWISH PRESS, Box 23.
For Bent: 1 or 2 rooms in very nice home for young couple or gentleman. Call Ha. 1687 or
Jewish Community Center
The Nebraska Special
Novelty Eagle Silk
Remnants 1 . 1 9 Yard The famous Eagle quality! . . . 500 yards of s3k remnants in H.-yard to 3-yard lengths. Flat crepe and crepe-back satin. 40-inch width.'
Hairline Stripes 9 8 C Yard Note the special price on this regular 139 value! 40-inch all wool hairline striped material in all the newest desirable shades.
Woolens Yard All Hie newest weaves for smart fan dresses. 36-inch wool fabrics in plaids, checks, stripes and plain shades. Unusual variety.
Poiret Sheen 1 . 7 9 Yard All wool Poiretsheen, regularly sold at 2J5 a yard! The 54-inca width in all the latest desirable shades, including black and navy.
Is Your Salary Enough for a Vacation? When your next v a c a t i o n comes, will your salary be enough to enjoy yourself? Or will you have to either cut your vacation short or go in debt? * Join our Vacation club in October and you will have enough for your vacation next summer. Following; are our vacation plans: Members paying 2»c a week lor ft» weeks will receive $8.76 Members pajina 50c a week for 85 weeks will receive .v.$17.5© Members paying $1,00 a week for 35 weeks will receive $3646 Members paying $2.00 a week for 85 weeks will receive $70J8 Members paying $5.00 a week for S* weeks will receive $175*0©
—with 3% interest adaefiif all payments are made regularly or In advance.
Serving Omaha Since 1857
Sport Splinters
ciat}on., ~ Be\'is- "an outfielder, and when bought ^y the Brooklyn team ^as batting over ,350 for the University of Alabama in a college league.
The pre-season basketball league • • Some athletes' act like dumbbells; for J. C..C. hoopsters will get under Others doni even have to act. way next month.' Managers of quintets "expecting to enter the Commer" "Quite a'BUDJbet of youngsters are cial loop later In the season are admaking a strong bid for regular vised to start lining up their teams. berths on the various city high school elevens. Men's gym classes begin next SunOver at Tech, Morton Ferer, the day morning at 10 a. m. Marcus gridster who is built like the Rock Krasne, high mogul in the gymnastic •of Gibraltar, looks like a cinch for realms at the Center, urges all to a halfback job. Ferer starred for make the most of their membership the Maroon frosh aggregation last and benefit thereby. season, when he broke up many a The handball meet will start next game with a brilliant performance •for ' the Cuming Street fledglings. Monday evening. Monday a n d Another big boy who looks promis- Wednesday evenings have been set ing for the Techsters is a lad by aside for the tourney. The courts are now as good as new, as they the name of Greenfield. were shut for three days while reThe Central battlefield finds sev- pairs were being made. Courts can eral Jewish pigskin chasers with a now be had by making reservations. show-in. Bank Wiener, a reserve Only that portion of a player's last'year, is going great guns now game which is under complete conand' appears to be a mainstay on trol is worthy of being set forward. the Purple forward wall. Al Fiedler* is another live-wire candidate Control is the keynote to successarid is using his tonnage to good ful work of sportsmen. Suzanne advantage. In the backfleld Milton Lenglen, when a child, used to pracAltshuler has a chance for the pilot tice hitting a tennis ball at a small white handkerchief on the other side post. of the court. Her control was a great help in making her famous A newcomer is causing some cominternationally as probably the prement over at South High. The mier woman racquetter in the world. South eleven is pre-season favorite to cop the city grid gonfalon; yet Blend looks like a comer as wing- PALESTINE HAS AMPLE man. Eddie Rosen is a regular on SUPPLY OF LAWYERS the lino at Council Bluffs for the Jerusalem (J. T. A.^Present day A. L. outfit. Palestine has too many lawyers for The niblick tourney at the J . C . the country's needs. This seems to G. seems to have struck a shag along be the view of leading officials in with the cold weather. Play in the the Palestine government. A report was current today that race for the cup is at a standstill the governmental law schools inauand, unless the combatants speed it up, the tourney is doomed for the gurated several years ago will be discontinued following the coming shoals. . ...'•• graduation. ,.'. V In the upper bracket, Harold Farber meets Sam Slotsky^ while in the. Jerusalem (J. T. A.)-—Demanding lower half Sol Graetz, runner-up a .ten-hour working day,, instead of last year, clashes with Richard Hilthe present fourteen hours, Arab ler. and Jewish bakers declared a citywide strike here. ; "- Another Jewish baseball • player, When strikebreakers were called has a chance to make good in the in, the strikers spoiled the bread Big leagues. Manager Wilbur Robbaked by drenching it with paraffin. inson of the Brooklyn Dodgers has purchased Rosenfleld from the BirThere is not any one vice incident mingham club of the Southern Assoto the mind of man against which the world has raised such a loud - SAM BEBER & DAVID E. BEBER and universal outcry as against inAttorneys gratitude.—South. 301 Peters Trust Bids•
In the matter of the estate of John G. Mueller, deceased: AH persons interested In said matter are hereby notified that on the 21st day of September, WJ8, Adolf Mueller filed a petition <n said County Court, praying that his. final«adminlBtration account filed herein be settled; and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator and: that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 13th dnv, of Octoher. 11128.' ni'd that if you fail, to appear before said Court on the snid 13th day of October, 1928, at 0 o'clock a. m.t and contest said petition, the:Court may grant the prayer of said petitlon,_enter a decree of heirship, and mate such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court , .may seem proper, to the end that ail matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and ' determined. ' BRYCE CRAWFORD, Sept. 28—2t. . • County Judge.
along to the captain at the point of army officer repeated his bea'ing and kicking of Avramovich with the bayonet. After greeting Avramovieh in the greater fury than ever. A passing manner stated above, Captain Baz Roumanian sheep farmer attempted began to belabor him with a stick. to restrain the brutal officer, but the By A. BUKORESTI With blood streaming, the victim of • latter turned upon him savagely, this brutal assault shouted for help, swearing^at the Roumanian peasant "You damned Jews! You have sergeant of the frontier guards, ac- which merely added to the captain's for his intercession on behalf of his penetrated even into these moun- companied by the orderly of Captain : rage. He told the orderly to take Jewish victim : "It is a shame for a tains to suck the blood of my poor Baz, appeared' at the place where Avramovich into another room and Roumanian to do such a thing! It Roumanian brothers!" Such was Avramovicb-was at work and helped . to cut off his beard and ear-locks. is the duty of a good Roumanian the greeting with which Captain Baz himself to a pot of rich, expensive At first the soldier attempted to car- peasant to help exterminate the of the Royal Roumanian Frontier cream for the captain, something' ry out his superior officer's order by Jews," said the captain, "and not to Guards received Israel Avramovieh that was not considered as a serious palling out each hair separately. take their side!" of Mikolapatak, Roumania, when he offense, in vieW of the fact that the When another soldier protested ! Released from the clutches of his was brought before the captain to soldiers, as stated already, were j against this procedure, he consented tormentors at last, Avramovich was j taken to the town of Sziget Maranswer his questions as to the con- given little presents of dairy prod- at last to use his pen-knife. tents of the prayers which the Jew ucts from time to time. About 10 Early next morning, after hours maros, where he bad bis wounds was in the habit of reciting every o'clock in the evening, however, the of torture and indignities of all dressed. At the same time he lodged day. But since the captain consid- captain's orderly appeared again at kinds, the Jew was again led into a complaint against the captain with ered it necessary to administer a se- the same place, this time armed with j the presence of the captain, where the local chief of police. The chief vere beating and other forms of tor- a bayonet, and ordered Avramovieh he was urged to confess that the expressed his indignation at this act ture to Avramovieh, to extract, if to accompany him at once to the prayers which he had been seen repossible, an admission which would captain, who was awaiting him at, citing daily, covered with his prayerThe utmost in confirm the captain's declaration regimental headquarters. The Jew,. shawl, were actually "nothing but Photographs that Jewish prayers contained made uneasy by the peremptory tone ' curses and threats against the ChrisDAVIS LAKE STUDIO "nothing but curses and threats .of the soldier, hesitated; and his j tians." Unable to obtain the de2506 N. 24th—WE. 6311 against the Christians," it may be Roumanian neighbors took his part sired confession, the Roumanian assumed safely enough that Captain and remonstrated with the soldier Baz of the Frontier Guards was by against the idea of driving AvramOMAHA MIRROR & ART GLASS CO. no means certain in his own mind ovieh to regimental headquarters at Paxton Billiard Parlors Manufacturers of that the prayers which his victim such a late hour. Angered at the 1516 Farnam—JA. 9721 Mirrors. Art Glass, Window Glass was wont to recite were really as delay, the soldier struck the Jew sevResilverins;—Picture and Mirror Direct Wire Service on All Framing; eral times in the face with his bad as he asserted. Latest Sport Events 1614 Cumin* St. AT. 65S5 Israel Avramovieh had been em- clenched fist, and finally hustled him
On The Roumanian Frontier
ployed" as a "Mashgiach" to supervise the preparation of "kosher" products by the Jewish dairy farmers in the Carpathian Mountain district of Mikolapatak. The population in this region is a mixed one. the Jews living side : by side with Roumanians and Ruthenians. Most of them are engaged in dairy farming, for which the excellent pastures on the mountain slopes offer a suitable field. Relations between the three nationalities, which have been dwelling together in peace for cen-. turies, attending to their peaceful pursuits in this somewhat isolated mountain area, have continued all this time friendly and often cordial. The milk from their herds is turned into all kinds of dairy products in commonly owned plants, barns and sheds, "the only distinction being in the case of specially prepared "kosher" products, under Avramovich's supervision. The frontiers of Roumania meet here those of Poland and Czechoslovakia, and a Roumanian regiment of frontier guards is stationed in the district. Relations between the soldiers and the rest of the inhabitants have always been smooth, often friendly, and the soldiers are able to supplement their meager army rations occasionally with a gift of dairy products from the farmers. One day in July, as Avramovieh was busy attending to his duties, a
Jackson 5752
Statement of the ownership, management, circulation, .etc., of The Jewish Press, published weekly at Omaha, Nebr.. required by the Act of- August 24, V.)V2. for April 1. 1!)28. Business Slanager, David Blacker. Omaha, Nebr. Known stockholders, mortgagees and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages and other securities: Spne.Sworn to and subscribed before me this •20th day of March, 1928. (Seal). Isadore Abramson. Notary Public. (My commission expires July 1», 1030.).
istFlour Ask Your
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient
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Combined with the
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You can always be certain of quality when you insist on genuine Puritan Malt Extract Your test is our best salesman. Use wherever sweetening is required in the household.
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Ask for it "Insist on Advo "F*mou$ for Flavor"
National Accessories, I c
Management of Property
Auto Top and Glass Service BODY REBUILDING
J A. 4102
Awnings and Tents Walter C. Roessig & Co. JA. 3683
SCOTT OMAHA TENT AND AWNING CO. r , Canvas Covers. Tents, Camp Supplies, All Kinds 15th and Howard AT. 1493
Blended. Roasted, Ground and Packed by
Installation and repairing of Tin Work—Furnaces—Skylights— Ventilating—Gutters—Spouting 717 North 16th
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We carry everything in quality furs at lowest prices in the city.
Rug Cleaners
SINCE 1876
Kosher Delicatessen
Fresh Corned Beef cooked daily. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meals. Home-made pickles. All kinds of Bakery Goods, Picnic Lunches.
If your laundress does not satisfy, try us. SANITARY LAUNDRY
WE. 1428
1513 North 24th St.
All Family services, from W e t Wash to Family Finish 11th and DonglaB Sts.
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Road Service
Service Our Motto
Soda Water, Near Beer ... and Gingerale * <
(32 Tears Experience) Do not throw away your faded garments; have them re-dyed by an expert. Formerly a sample Dyer at the Pantorium and Dresner Bros. P-riees reasonable.
1917-19 Clark St.
WE. 1119
JA. 3573
-IF rrs 1
W E M e r SO4S 1808 >'. 20th St.
Electric and Painted SIGNS
Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality
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227 South 20th Street
5116 Military Ave.
W. H. OSTENBERG, Pres. 2815 Farnam ATlantic 2815
Satisfied Customers Our Greatest Desire
PRESCRIPTION EXPERTS 21) Years' Service with Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. 1519 Farnam St. AT. 1131
Laying, Sizing, Fringing, Binding
Your-ad in this directory, reaehrs practically every Jewish Home in Omaha
Battery and Tire Service
Heyn-Kennedy Co.
Mattresses and Pillows Made Over in New Ticks 1917 Coming AT. 5983
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Giving Special Attention to Apartment and Business Properties
JA. 2100
1923 Clark St.—WE. 0410
We Specialize in the
JAekson 1132
Batteries and Garages
504 S. 13th
Estimates Gladly Furnished
AT. 3832
REALTORS : 416 Medical Arts Bldg.
Drug Stores
in this directory call the
2nd Floor Securities Bldg.
JAckson 1614
Barber Shops
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Bottlers Sold by all
18th and Davenport
First Class Grocers
TtKVORK, GUTTERS, SPOUTING Reasonable Prices 1520 North 24th WE. SS66
with Bohemian Hope
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For Service Call
Auto Tops—-Accessories
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There is no other Coffee to be compared with it
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4420 Florence Blvd. KB. 1500 The House With * Reputation
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Certified Public Accountants 638 Securities Bldg. - AT. 4451 •
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1611 > . S«h—WE. 6284
Serve Himelhloom^s new Russian pumpernickle bread with your nest meal.
8908 Farnam
Malt Extract
With the
"Everything for the Auto"
(Copyright, 1928, by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
2051 Farnam—AT. 5524
403 Hospe Bldg.
of brutality and promised to make a strict investigation of the affair. Meanwhile, Avramovich, who has a family of six to provide for, is confined to his bed, where he has time to wonder who is going to feed the family in his absence. Also,he may be wondering whether he will, perhaps, find the tables turned on him by the time the case reaches th*» bar of Roumanian justice, so that he will find himself a defendant instead of plaintiff—something that is not without precedent in cases of this nature in Roumanian court records in recent years, where a Jew happens to run afoul of the powers that be, and especially of army authorities.
Mattresses made over In new ticks at half price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made np in new fetrtherproof ticking.
OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1907 Cuming; St.
JA. 246}
Music Teachers
Tire Shops
PIANIST-INSTRUCTOR Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted Suite 5, Wead BIdg.. 18tU & Farnnm Telephone ATlantic 8162
Play the Violin Correctly Prof. Sevcik and other woricl renowned teachers recommend my method verv hiphly.
FRANK MACH Concert Violinist smd Inxtructor Studio 117% N- ICth St. JA. 19.12
"That I/ifti<< Extrii Service" Miller (iPiired-to-the-Rond Tires
Phone JA,
NATIONAL TIRE SHOP AND BATTERY STATION Onr. 17th and Cnpitol Ave,—-AT. 0427 CiOODYEAK SERVICE STATION Tirep. Tubes, Accessories, Kond Service, Vulcanizing. General Repairing
Towel Supply
When You Need a Plumber, Call
THE WEIS FLOWER SHOP "The Best Place to Buy Tour Flowers" 250S North 24th St.—Phone WE. 2057
609 North 16th
E. L. RODWELL P W M B I X G A N D HEATING CONTRACTOR Quality Is Remembered Long After the Price Is Forgotten 2886 t-amam St. ATlantle in*
Towel Supply Company Sinee 18T6