Interesting and Entertaining
Entered as second-class mall mat.., poatoffice at Omaha, Nebraska, unde
All the News A
of Interest to Jews
«nuary 27, 1921. at t of March 3, 1879.
VOL. VII.—No. 38
Plans for the opening of the JewPrague (J. T. A.)—The Jewish ish Community Center Sunday; population in the town of Vrable, School have been completed. The Slovakia, observed a second Yom first meeting will be held Sunday Kippur on September 25. Conference to Decide Partici- morning, October 14. William Stal- Discussion Is Arranged on The rabbis decreed a fast day bemaster will be in charge of the cause the Torah Scrolls, taken out pation of Non-Zionists in Subject, "Is Man a school and will be assisted by Miss of the Ark for the reading of the Jewish Agency. Machine?" Elsie Poska. appropriate chapfer at the Nefla CONGRESS OCTOBER 20-21 Teachers in ttie school will be DEBATE NOVEMBER 13 services, were accidentally dropped. Jack Marer, Ruth Pollack, Grace Jewish stores were ^closed all day Neve York (J. T. A.)—The na- Rosenstein, Elsie Stalmaster, Mary Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Temple Thursday and a twenty-four hour tional Non-Zionist Conference Con- Claire Shames and Mrs. William Al- Israel and Clarence Darrow, famous fast was observed by the congregacerning Palestine will be held at the berts. yawyer, have been matched in a de- tion. Hotel BUtmore, New York City, on bate on the subject, "Is Man a MaOctober 20-21, according to an anchine?" The debute will be held on nouncement made last week by the evening of November 13 at the Lonis Marshall, president of the City Auditorium under the auspices American Jewish Committee. The of the Ad-Sell League. main purpose of the Conference is Mr. Darrow will insist that man to determine the participation of is a machine—that there is nothing American non-Zionists, in accordance Yiddish, Hebrew and Jewish in man that cannot be bought, at a Public Invited to Visit Home with the terms of the Mandate for History to Be Taught Each chemist's shop for 90 cents. Rabbi on Sunday, OctoPalestine held by the British GovCohn, who is famed not only as the Wednesday Evening. ber 7. ernment, in the enlarged Jewish leader of Temple Israel, but also as Agency. The Conference will act a -philosopher, will maintain that REGISTER NOW OPEN FROM 4 TO 6 upon the report of the Palestine man has a soul. V Survey Commission which was creThe Jewish Community Center's Darrow has twice before debated The Board of the Ha ttie B. Munated by Dr. Chaim Weizmann, presdepartment of Jewish Studies will the subject. Two years ago he dis- roe Home, for convalescent crippled ident of the "World Zionist Organireopen Wednesday evening, Novem- cussed it with Will Durant, in New children, will entertain at a tea and zation, and Mr. Louis Marshall, repber 7, at S :15 P. M. The work will York, and a year later with Bishop open house at the Hdme on Sunday, , resenting the non-Zionist elements, be done under the educational com- Francis J. McConnell of the Meth- October 7, from 4 ta 6 P. M. The for the purpose of framing a com- mittee of the Center, of which Dr. odist Church, in Chicago. public has been invited to grasp this prehensive and systematic program Philip Sher is chairman. Members Each speaker will have an hour, opportunity to personally ' witness for the future upbuilding of Pales- of the committee are Rabbi Fred- Darrow opening and closing the de- the wonderful work "done in the intine and for the guidance of a reor- erick Cohn, Nathan Bernstein, Wil- bate. There will be no decision. stitution. • ganized Jewish Agency. liam L. Holzman, M. Kulakofsky, Mail orders for seats, at 75 cents to The Ha ttie B. Muriroe Home has The commission responsible for Henry Monsky, Leo Rosenthal, Irvin $1.50, are being received at the Au- for some time been one of the most the experts' report submitted in Stalmaster and H. A. Wolf. ' ditorium, and will be filled, Novem- outstanding public institutions in I>ondon hist June was a bi-partisan The faculty which has been en- ber 1, in order of their receipt. the city. It is a place where chilbody consisting of Felix M. "Warburg, gaged consists of Reuben Lackow, dren whose outlook on life is darkLord Melchett (Sir Alfred Mond), I. Morgenstern and Judah Wolfson. ened by deformities and various afDr. Lee K. Frankel and Oscar WasThe schedule for classes' is as folflictions are rescued from the horserman, president of the Deutsche lows: At 8:15 each Wednesday rors of such an existence and are Bank of Berlin. At the forthcom- evening. Beginning Yiddish, includwon back to health and happiness. ing Conference there will be repre- ing reading, writing and spelling: At present there are thirty-seven sented the leading elements of Intermediate Yiddish, including Americanization classes, which children at the Home, all well on the American Jewry not actively identi- Jewish literature, discussion and are the special activity of the de- way to sound physical condition, due fied with the Zionist movement. conversation; Advanced Yiddish, partment of immigrant education of to the care they have received there. Lord Melchett, who arrived in this including Jewish literature and dis- the Omaha Council of Jewish Wom- With bright, friendly smiles, they country, will in all probability at-: cussion. . en, under the direction of its de- greet visitors, showifljg; all that they -tfind the tJonference. Dr. Chaim At 9:05 each Wednesday evening. partment chairman^ Slrs.Isy Bosen- appreciate what a generous commun"Weizmann, president of the "World Beginning Hebrew, Advanced He- thal, will begin next week in the ity Is doing for them. Zionist Organization, is expected to brew and Jewish history. Jewish Community Center. RegisThe Hattie B. Munroe Home is sitarrive here from Europe early in The schedule is arranged so that tration will be held on Monday eveuated at 2824 North 66th Avenue. October and will remain in New students may take one course in ning, and classes will begin WednesYork City during the session of the Yiddish followed by a course in He- day evening, being held each MonConference. . brew. Over 60 students were regis- day and Wednesday thereafter from 4 0 0 Attend Center As, far back as February, 1923, a tered in these classes last season. A 7:30 until 9:30 P. M. Miss ElizaSuccoth Celebration nonpartisan conference to consider larger registration is expected this beth Hart will again be principal of Palestinian problems was held in year. Registration may be made at the department. Over 400 children and their parTeachers will be Miss Hart, Mrs. New. York upon the invitation of once in the Jewish Community Cenents attended the Snecoth rally ter office. • Rosenthal, Miss Marie Gordon, Mrs. (Continued on Page 2)Abe Brodky, Miss Pauline Koppel which was held in the Jewish Community Center Sunday afternoon. and David Newman. An autumn festival atmosphere perThe English classes of the Council have been eminently successful vaded the affair and the sucea, covin other years and are expected to ered with colored foliage and corn By HILLEL, the Observer have a large enrollment this season. stalks and hung with fruit, was The first meeting will be addressed placed on the stage during the proI by Mr. Samuel R. Elson, Director gram. •Mrs. Max Fromkin was in charge Listen to this list of names and ed by Palestinian Jewish artists. of Adult Immigration Education of keep in mind that they have formed The inscription, in raised lettering the State Department of Public In- of the Succoth pageant, assisted by Mrs. William Alberts and Mrs. Elan organization. If we offer you a in both Hebrew and English, reads: stitutions. sie Poska. Irving Perimeter told of few guesses as to what kind of or- "The Lord shall guard thy going out the significance of the holiday. The ganization, you will probably say it and thy coming in from .this time WOMEN'S COUNCIL TO program ended with a comic film and is for the purpose of War Belief, forth and forever." AID IN ELECTION WORK the distribution of treats of fruit to Democratic National .HeadquarPalestine, Jewish Education or a the children: ters broadcast the announcement Seminary Fund: New York City.—The enlistment At the end of the program the Nathan Straus, Morris Rothen- that Abram I. Elkus' daughter was of every woman voter's interest in berg, Meyer Jacobstein, Joseph Gold- to leave for a motor trip into the the approaching elections in Novem- succa was transferred to the Censtein, Leon Savage, Emanuel Celler, Middle West, where she will make ber will constitute one of the major ter entrance hall, and will remain Aaron Jacobl," Adolph Stern, Henry speeches for Governor Smith—not in activities of the Department of Leg- there until the end of Suecoth. halls, but on street corners. The islation and Civics of the National Moskowltz, etc. You guessed wrong! The organi- young Jewish girl announced: "It's Council of Jewish Women, accord"DER VILDER MENCH," zation they created is a Jewish pro-' going to be strictly a soap-box tour; ing to this Department's Chairman, YIDDISH PLAY, AT CENTER Smith group. The prominence of I want to talk to people Informally." Mrs. Sydney M. Cone of Pikesville, each of these notable Jews is bound Oh, yes, she can drive her own car, Maryland. For many years the loThe Poale Zion Clubs will give a to be a guarantee to the Democratic even though (?) she is a graduate of cal Council Sections have partici- four-act Yiddish play, "Der "Vilder party that a certain group of Jews Vassar. pated in "get out the vote" cam- Mench," Sunday evening, October 7, Keep it up, Headquarters! We paigns. The national, state and lowill stand firmly for the election of at 8:30 P. M. at the Jewish ComJews are getting interested. the ever-popular AL cal issues of the approaching elec- munity Center. tions will be considered at Section The story centers around a widThe other side of the story is that No, he's not a laborer, even though meetings and in study circles on leg- ower and his family in Russia. Aftthe Hoover.forces are doing exactly he wears overalls and a blue shirt. islation. er becoming wealthy, the father bethe same thing, bombarding Jewish Well admit he looks like a little During the year a great measure comes an easy target for a social organizations and individuals with "Yiddel" who cleans up the labora- of emphasis will be placed upon the climber who simulates love, but statements by Mortimer Schiff, Dan- tories of the United States Depart- consideration of national legislative thinks of the fortune. Her plans go iel Gugenheim, James N. Rosenberg, ment of Health in Washington, but questions which are now before the awry due to the efforts of a son Felix Warberg and the like. Not so he is Uncle Sanfs "miracle man." public. Informational material will whose strange actions cause him to bad, eh? Both sides are doing their Uncle Sam has a "miracle man" be supplied, as well as discussions be called "The Idiot." best to prove that there is no such who is ridding America of that once of these questions by competent The cast is: The father, J. Sosko; creature as "the Jewish vote," for mysterious and dread disease, pel- speakers. During the sessions of his second wife, Mrs. Kipness; his after all their work is over they will lagra, by the simple expedient of Congress the National Council of children, S. Pollay, E. Katz, P. Kearneutralize each other's efforts prov- administering yeast. Jewish Women, through its member- enberg and I. Soiref; a guest, L. ing conclusively that Jews vote inHe is Dr. Joseph Goldberger of ship on the Women's Joint Legisdependently, whether they are prom- the United States Public Health lative Committee at Washington, r>. Friedman, and the housekeeper. Mrs. Blumkin. inent or insignificant. Service, whose laboratory researches C, seeks to obtain the favorable conThe play is under the direction of here and field investigations in the sideration of measures that have Mr. Kipness. i This week two interesting "hand- south have won him international been accorded the National Counouts'* from the political headquar- renown in the world of medicine. cil's endorsement. ters Of the presidential candidates JEW HEADS LEGION The simplicity of i>r. Goldberger's had a Jewish appeal to them. remedy for pellagra is exceeded only PALESTINE PRODUCTS Ijouis H. Katelman of Council Hoover's publicity writers in- by the homely nature of his prescripThe Jewish National Fund has Bluffs, Iowa, was elected Commandformed correspondents and through tion for keeping cured victims well. 1 them the general public that a shin- This prescription" calls merely for a for sale a number of Palestinian er of the Rainbow Post No. 2 of the ing, polished shell from the sandy regular diet of milk, lean meats, products such as candy, cocoa, tea, ! American Legion at a meeting held soap, art work and perfumes. They .last Thursday evening, September shores of Palestine engraved with eggs and tomatoes. Mogen Dovid and wishing "A bless- _• In other words, it has been found may be obtained from Mrs. J. Lins- 27. He was a former Vice-Coming to our next president, Herbert that persons who eat such dairy man, 3647 California Street, Ha. mander of the American Legion and Hoover," nad been received by the products and vegetables and meats 4229, or direct from the New York has taken an active part in local 'Republican nominee. Rabbi Julius do not get pellagra. The disease office of the Fund. The headquar- j activities. Mr. Katelman is the first Horowitz, donor of the shell, wrote occurs only among persons whose ters address may be obtained from Jewish Commander to be chosen that it was engraved and ornament(Continued on Page 2) Mrs: Linsman. . here.
The WashingtonJewish Mirror
London (J. T. A.)—Bernard Baron, well known Jewish philanthropist, who began his career as a cigar maker in New York, working at the same bench with Samuel Gompers. Organization Votes in Favor has Yeshiva College of Arts and; created a trust fund for his of Friday Evening Sciences Classes charitable contributions. Services. : Begun. With a sum of £500,000 Mr. Baron established the fund 'to make COMMITTEES SELECTED bequests POLICY OUTLINED during the next twenty The Senior Council of the Jewish years. The Marquis of Reading was New York (J. T. A.)—Scholastic Community C e n t e r auspiciously chosen chairman of the board which studies in the Yeshiva College, the opened its second season when it will administer the fund. first college of liberal arts and held its organization meeting Thurssciences under Jewish auspices which combines Jewish and secular day, September 27. In the election learning, were begun Tuesday, Sepof officers, Phil Klutznick, president tember 25th, with the opening of during the summer, was re-elected the freshman year, Dr. Bernard to the executive leadership of the Revel, President of the Yeshiva ColCouncil. lege faculty, announced. The other officers elected were: The Yeshiva College, an integral Irving Perimeter, vice-president: Omaha Council of Jewish part of the Rabbi Isaac -Elcbanan Grace Rosenstein, secretary, . and Women to Sponsor Theological Seminary, authorised Ephraim Marks, treasurer. FollowWork. recently by the Board of Regents ing a decision of the members to of the University of the State of sponsor a Junior Council of Clubs, VARIETY OF STUDIES New York to offer courses leading the following were elected to carry on that work: Dr. David Cahn An enlarged department of home to degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Platt, chairman; Grace Rosenstein economics will be a feature of the Bachelor of Sciences, was opened and Irving Perimeter. winter's activities of the Jewish with an enrollment of thirty-five Upon discussing the prospective Community Center designed' espe- students. For the present, the colactivities of the organization for the cially to interest women. For the lege is open only to the students of coming year, the subject of conduct- first time the department will be the Yeshiva. The Yeshiva College ing Friday evening services was sponsored by the Omaha Council of is and hopes to remain a small colcalled to the attention of, the meet- Jewish Women, under the depart- lege with a body of select students. ing. After a brief debate, a motion ment of social service headed by Dr. Revel explained After the completion of the freshwas unanimously passed stating Mrs. Reuben Kulakotsky. Members of the social service committee are: man year, an additional course will that the Council favored conducting the Services. A committee was ap- Mrs. Sam Nathan, Mrs. Harry H. be added each successive year until Lapidus, Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz, Mrs. the four year course is completed. pointed to arrange details. H. L. Abraham and Mrs. M. Gro- Instruction is temporarily given in Another committee was appointed dinsky. the building of the Jewish Center, to suggest revisions of the constituThe classes will be given by teach- 131 West 86th St., New York City, tion. ers from the public schools under until the new buildings of tup The organization of the Council the provisions of the Smith-Hughes Yeshiva College, now being erected this year differs front the original act. Six courses will be offered: at a cost of two and a half million plan put into operation last year. cooking, home nursing, personal hy- dollars at 180th Street and AmsterThis year the body of two repre- giene, prenatal nutrition, nutrition dam Avenue, nre ready for occnsentatives from each d u b is aug- and the underweight child, and sew- pancy some time in November. mented by six delegates-at-large. ing. If sufficient registration is seThe Yeshiva College being a part These are Phil Klutznick, Dr. Platt, cured, two courses in cooking will of the Rabbi Isaac Elehanan TheoWilliam Stalmaster, Grace- BWK»SP be organized,-«»ea4>egHiaiiig class logleflT seminary, is governed by the stein, Ruth Pollack and Mrs. P. Win- and a second for advanced students. Board of Directors of the institution. troub. Judge Irvin Stalmaster is The cooking classes will be held at In addition, an Advisory Board, to sponsor of the Council. the dinner hour and will include the be known as the Yeshiva College preparation of the meal, serving Council, has been former! and is and instruction in food values. All composed of prominent educators other classes will be given in the and men of affairs, it was stated. afternoon. In a statement issued yesterday. Mrs. Charlotte Whitcomb, who Dr. Revel outlined the policy of the was in charge of the nutrition and college. Miss Sara Rae Fish will be in hygiene classes last year, will again "The Yeshiva College dedicated its charge of the piano classes which teach these classes. Miss Madeline energies to the education of a select will be given this year at the Jew- Marr, who is in charge of the caf- nnmber of Jewish young men of ish Community Center under the de- eterias at North and Benson high promise, introducing them to man's partment of music, which will also schools, will have charge of the ' cultural attainments in the fields of include courses in violin and voice, cooking classes, which will conform j art. and the natural sciences, and the Miss Fish studied with Eleanor Janee , strictly to the Jewish dietary laws. social sciences. It aims to educate Lear in Omaha and, while yet in Mrs. Grace Henderson will give the both liberally and Jewishly young high school, began to teach. After instruction in sewing, which will in- men who have already been imbued being graduated from Central High clude the making of garments for with the spirit and the sanctity of School, Miss Fish went to New York children. Judaism and its teachings, who conA minimum registration of 16 per- sider the legacy of the culture and to continue her studies with Maria Mikova, internationally known pian- sons is required for each class ex- the faith of historic Judaism on ist, formerly of Omaha. Last win- cept the cooking classes, where 12 essential part of the equipment they ter Miss Fish studied with Miss Mi- enrollments are required. Registra- wish to acquire during their college kova in Omaha. Miss Mikova speaks tions for these classes are being years. It seeks to inculcate, in the highly of Miss Fish's ability as a taken now at the office of the Jew- minds and hearts of its students, an pianist and her method as a teacher. ish Community Center. abiding consciousness of the high A beginners' class will be a feaideals and the spiritual heritage of ture of the piano department. Model of Monument to the Jewish people, and to develop Classes for intermediate and adintellect and character through the H. Salomon Approved pursuit vanced pupils will also be held. Beof those humanizing studFinal approval of the model of The ies by which life as a whole may be ginning October 10, classes will be held each Wednesday at 4 P. M. monument to Haym Salomon, the elevated «na enriched, conducted in Register at once at the Jewish Com- Polish-Jewish patriot of the Amer- an environment that is spiritually ican Revolution, has been given by sympathetic, where the intellectual munity Center. the Art Commission of New York and the religious influence interact City, it was announced September to produce a mind consistent in its IMMIGRATION RULES 26 by Benjamin Winter, President and capable of seeing the WAIVED FOR TINY TOT of the Federation of Polish Jews, outlook, essential harmony of life." Contrary to all immigration laws, and Z. Tygel, Executive Director. rules and regulations, a Jewish im- Mr. Winter also announced that BERTHA GRODINSKY migrant'was admitted last week into Park Commissioner Herrick had ap- MRS. DIES MONDAY MORNING this country without a passport. <i proved the site at Broadway and visa and examination. The Jewish West Sixty-sixth St., which has been Mrs. Bertha Grodinsky. 68, wife immigrant was born in mid-ocean selected for the location of the of Rev. IT. Groctinsky, died early on the SS. Ille de France. The par- statue. The monument will follow the de- Monday morning, October 1. ents, Isaac and Chaya Kostman, She i.s survived by ber husband sign submitted by Anton Schaaf, were on their way to this country and four sons, Abe, Dave, Will and New York sculptor. The main figfrom Poland when the happy event Dr. M. Grodinsky, and three daughtook place. Upon their arrival at ure of the memorial will be a lifeters. IlriPii. Anne and Rose. size statue of Salomon. A semi-cirthe pier, an ambulance was ready in Burinl was fit Pleasant Hill wnecular exetera, depicting with six bas waiting, Hias having been informed of the arrival of the little immigrant, reliefs in allegory, the historical pe- tery. and the mother and child were trans- riod in which the American-Jewish ferred to the Jewish Maternity Hos- Revolutionary patriot lived, will WHOLE RUSSIAN SECT complete the figure. CONTESTED TO JUDAISM pital, East Broadway, New York.
The' little immigrant has been named Samuel in honor of "Uncle Sam."
SYNAGOGUE ELECTIONS Harry Kimmenoan was elected president of the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel Synagogue at the meeting held Monday, October 1. The rest of the board of seven commissioners are: Rev. Fleishman, vice-president ; Harry Soskin, Ely Wohlner, Israel Kulakofsky, L. Haris and Max Epstein. -
Riga (J. T. A,)—The entire comB'NAI B'RITH CONDUCTS munity of the Subbotniki, a Russian MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Juilaisdng sect which observes Sat-
Fifty members? of the Lodge of B'nai B'ritti spent Thursday in an intensive campaign to secure 100 new members for the local organization. Starting out from the Jewish Community Center at ft o'clock in the morning, under the leadership of Mr. Jack Marer, chairman of the membership committee, the volunteers visited prospective members in all parts of the city.
nrday as the Sabbath, in Ashenhof. a village near Riga, has decided to embrace Judaism. Many of the Subbotniki in the village have taken up Jewish studies. Warsaw (J. T. A.)—Professor Simon Askenasi, the famous Polish Jewish historian, will be appointed Poland's representative to the Iieagne of Nations.
dairy and farm products to prevent pellagra now is being widely adhered to in the South. The cotton country families are learning that their good Formerly Teacher of Violin at Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by 1928 health and often life itself depends (Continued from Pajre 1) the Municipal Conservator}-, : THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Shemini Atzereth . . . . . . . . . . . -Saturday, October 6 on a proper mixing of eggs and milk Hanover, Germany diet lacks these healthful vitaminSimchatfa Torah Sunday, October 7 Office: ^randeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlahtic 1450 and vegetables with their age-old rarich foods. •Rosfa Chodesh Cheshvan .. Monday, October l a Residence Studio: tions of cornmeal, bacon and moDAVID BLACKER, BUSINESS and MANAGING E D I T O ? •Rosh Chodesh Kislev , -Wednesday, November 141 A characteristic development in lasses. 4219 Farnam Street 1st Day Chanukah ". Saturday, December 8 j:: the disease is undernourishment, illIRVING PERLMETER - - - - " ' " EDITOR Telephone Walnut 564? Dr. Goldberger is known mainly *Bosh Chodesh Tebeth . •. Friday, December 14 :s: ness and a lackadaisical attitude for his researches in preventive med.$2.50 Fast of Tebeth . Sunday, December 23 g Subscription Price, one year V i o l i n Classes a t t h e toward one's existence and work. icine and infectious diseases. He Advertising rates furnished on application 1929 Jewish C o m m u n i t y Center The flood in the southern states has made exhaustive studies of :CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be Rosh Chodesh Shebat , . .Saturday, January 12 Telephone Jackson 1366 brought with it an admirable opporstraw itch, yellow fever, dengue fe•Rosh Chodesh Adar . . . ; Sunday, February 11 sure to give your name. tunity to test' the efiicacy of Dr. ver, measles, typhus fever, cholera Purim • • • • -Tuesday, March 26 Rosh Chodesh Nissan . Thursday, April 11 Goldberger's treatment on a large media, diphtheria carriers and, more 1st Day Passover — . .Thursday, April 25 scale. The Bed Cross and the Rock- notably, peUagra. Paxton-Mitchell Co. 7th Day Passover :..... Wednesday, May 1 efeller Foundation had joined with 27th and Martha 8tn. HArney 1662 •Kosh Chodesh Iyar . . S a t u r d a y , May 10 OMAHA, NEBRASKA the Public Health Service in conLag b'Omar . . -Tuesday, May 28 Soft gray, iron, brass, bronze and PERMISSION GRANTED TO ducting an extensive health crusade aluminum castings. Standard sizes Rosh Chodesh Sivan Sunday, June 9 Omaha Jewry will view with interest the announceand Iron bushings,sewer man1st Day Succoth . . . . Friday, June 14 throughout the stricken valley, and ERECT HEINE MONUMENT bronze holes, cistern rings and covers and ment that Rabbi Frederick Cohn in the near future will *Rosh Chodesh Tammuz , . . Tuesday, July 9 clean-out doors In stock. All kinds here was a chance to preach and of wood and metal patterns. Fast of Tammuz .Thursday, July 25 .debate Clarence Darrow, the renowned criminal lawyer Berlin (J. T. A.)—Duesseldorf, put into practice the new doctrine Rosh Chodesh Ab.: Wednesday, August 7 sand admitted agnostic, on the subject, " I s Man a Ma- Fast of Ab of "vitamins versus pellagra." Thou- Heinrich Heine's birthplace, where • Thursday, August 15 sands of pounds of yeast were doled the erection of' a memorial to the chine?" Although the extraordinary nature of the sub- •Rosh Chodesh EUul Friday, September 6 IN OMAHA out by the Red Cross free of charge, poet was prohibited during the reject would be sufficient to draw attention to the debate, with instructions to use it In mush, gime of Wilhelm II, has today finalone particular angle should appeal to thinking Jews. That S *Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh. cereal or "straight." Since the yeast ly conferred recognition upon its 250 Rooms—200 Baths viewpoint is the place Judaism has in the argument. was extremely unpalatable by itself distinguished son. Good Booms for $1.50 With his denial of man's soul and the God who gives viser to the Amalgamated Clothing it generally was mixed with other The City Council in session today Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. ist Jews of America have been called foods. voted the first allotment toward the that soul, Darrow is directly attacking the most funda- Workers' Union; Prof. Milton J. upon to lend their co-operation in the mental precepts of Judaism. F o r this reason, it is most Rosenau, director of the School of work of rebuilding Palestine. It will As a result of this concerted drive fund necessary for the erection of appropriate that a Jew should be his opponent in this Public Health at Harvard, and the task of the Conference next on pellagra by Federal, State and a Heine memorial in the city. "QUALITY JEWELERS" debate. When the learned legal expert attempts to ex-Charles F. Wilinsky, Deputy Com- month to define our responsibility other interested agencies, the spread MALASHOCK JEWELRY missioner of Health of the City of in unmistakable terms and in accord of pellagra after the flood was ef- Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—-A stretch plain that the body of a man is composed of sundry chem- Boston. with our position as loyal American fectually combated and health con- of 3,000 dunams of land near Haifa icals whose total value is ninety-odd pennies, he over- "This gathering of representative citizens. The Jews of America who ditions in the flood area were more has been acquired by Lord Melchett. Wholesale and Retail Jewelers 213-16 City National Bank looks a great many things. Although he can appeal to non-Zionists from all over the coun- are not Zionists have a right and o encouraging than at any time in the Bldg.—JA. 5619 scientific friends to give the names of the chemicals that try," declared Mr. Marshall, when duty to say what we shall do with past. The beautiful rests on the foundatake part in processes like digestion, he would find it interviewed on the subject of the regard to Palestine and its develop- Dr. Goldberger's prescription of tion of the necessary.—Emerson. "is a momentous event ment, and the Conference next mighty difficult to advise a wondering world which com- Conference, in the history of American Jewry. month will say it with authority," pounds cause emotions, and which fluids or solids or gases It is the culmination of five years of Mr. Marshall concluded. Baker Ice Machines inspire man to ambition for self-improvement and fornegotiations between leading .non"Manufactured in Omaha" Zionists and Zionists. The hour has world enlightenment. Riga (J. T. A.)—L. N. Liadov, come for the Jews of this country There are only about ninety elements altogether, so whose name was formerly MandelBAKER ICE MACHINE CO. to adopt a definite course of action stam, has been appointed Director if man is a machine, it ought not to be difficult to pick out concerning Palestine. The problem a few of these elements, let alone their combinations, that of the Holy Land has long since of Science Museums and Art Instiin the Union of Socialist enter into such things as devotion, love and pity. Per- passed the stage of theoretical dis- tutions Soviet Republics. He was formerly haps when Mr. Darrow comes here, he will tell us what cussion. The status of Palestine has dean of the Suendelov University ICE mechanical or chemical function recently caused a Chicago been politically defined through the in Moscow. . CREAM Mandate and the action of policeman to stop a great stream of traffic in the Loop to British the Great Powers. • It will be rerescue a baby bird whose life was in danger of being called that in 1922 the Congress of History is philosophy teaching by WE. 3260 crushed out by it by the whirring wheels of the passing the United States unanimously en- example.—Dionysius. automobiles when the tiny fledgling became stranded in dorsed the British Mandate for PalNot only the standard quality Topcoats from POLITICAL,' ADVERTISEMENT the middle of an intersection. Or, getting closer to ourestine, favoring the establishment Refresh Yourself Palestine of a national home for America's great specialist topcoat makers— own people, perhaps Mr. Darrow will describe the scien- in DRINK the Jewish people. CHARLES E
JEWISH CALENDAR—5689-1928-1929
TOPCOATS At Any Price Any Man Wants to Pay
tific process that in the past caused Jews to die on flaming stakes in order to prove their devotion to their faith, and "The enlarged Jewish Agency is not a matter of speculation or of maybe he will tell us why thousands of years of persecu- aspiration. The Mandate for Paltion have failed to drive us from the earth. Mere machines estine, provisionally recognizing the are so easy to destroy! And if we chose to consider the Zionist Organization as the Jewish gentleman himself, perhaps he will be sufficiently generous Agency, specifically provides that 'it to tell of the physical process that gave him the incentive shaU take steps in the consultation His Britannic Majesty's Govto study law, or the reaction that gave him the idea that he with ernment to secure the co-operation so defiantly espouses. of all Jews who are wilUag to' asAll these questions must necessarily be answered be- sist in the establishment of the Jewfore we could possibly even begin to consider Mr. Dar-ish national home.' The non-Zionrow's mechanical idea. In the final analysis, we believe that even the superb oratory of a Darrow will fail to resolve man's thinking process into concrete chemical reactions. And if there is anyone whose duty it is to expose the great Darrowian fallacy, it is a member of that race which first taught the world,of the significance of the soul and its master, God.
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not only the largest selections of new patterns, new colors, new 1928 fall models.
Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas.
-—and Better MON'POUHCXL Election-" No\, C>t>
Visit the topcoat store at The Nebraska— a great special section devoted to serving the tremendous demand for the coat of the hour—The Topcoat. SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY
Omaha Fixture and Supply Co. COMPLETE STORE & OFFICE OUTFITTERS We Oeeapy Onr 7»,6OO Square Feet Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
Weizmann and.' Mr. Marshall in June, 1927, of a body of experts under the leadership of four commissioners. The experts who conducted an extensive investigation of the resources and economic condi• (Continued from Page 1) tions of Palestine included Sir John Louis Marshall, Col. Herbert H. Campbell, formerly vice-chairman of Lehman, Dr. Cyrus Adler and Judge the Greek Refugee Settlement. ComHorace M. Stern. That conference mission ; Dr. Elwood Mead, U. S. resulted in the creation of the Pal-Commissioner of Reclamation; Prof. estine Economic Corporation. It J. C. Lipman, director of the N. j . was reconvened early in 1925, atState Agricultural Experiment Stawhich time a resolution was adopted tion ; Prof. Frank Adams of the Unicalling for the creation and recogni- versity of California; Mr. C. Q. Hen, tion of a Jewish Agency pursuant to rlques, late of the Public Works Dethe Mandate, which shall consist of partment of the Government of Ina Council and of an Executive Com- dia, an authority on irrigation; mittee, in both of which bodies there Knowles Ryerson, Horticultural Adshall be substantial non-Zionist rep- visor to the Government of Haiti; resentation of responsible American A. T. Strahorn of the Bureau of Jewish organizations. The next Soil, U. S. Department of Agriculstep was the designation of Dr. ture; Dr. IJCO Wolman, Labor Ad-
Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, Catsup, Mustard, Etc.
James E. Rait
Haartnan Vinegar & Pickle Co.
:e Guaranteed OMAHA
Uncle Sam Laxative Food And
Okav Bran Flakes •
At All Made by
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Co. Omaha, Nebr.
Distributors—Nebraska and Western Iowa
Atlantic 1276
Available Territory for Live Dealers
50-Lb. Felt Mattress, 4-Row Stitch, 802 A. C. A. Tick
$100 Down
: V ' F r i d a y and Saturday Only
: i
A National Institution—Everything for the Home •-
- 413-15-17 Sv 16th Street iejs
for Re-election
Very Special! $22 Value
Thomsen's Tip-Top
Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where e c o n o m y is watched. A luxury within; the reach of all. Its high reputation recommends that you try it.
Present Presiding Judge of the Fourth Judicial District
Horseradish ' Is Red Hot the year 'round beams* only pure horseradish roots and pure grain vinegar are used in its manufacture. You will find it at your grocer's, even during the summer months. Difltrtbntvd by
Thomseii-SIater Butter Co.
Experienced Capable
1315 Howard St,
Reliable Election Nov. 6, 1928 Non-Political Ballot
AT. 8485
THREE—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1928 a regular meeting next' Wednesday I nnnnniinaillHIHHl!E31IHIItIIIIiaiItlHtina Throw away the remainder of the Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Four hunevening, October 10th, at the Danish 2 2 KTPfTFTF'TV C H A T S S skins, as conserve is too strong if dred dunams near the Jewish colis used. Put through colander ony Petach Tikvah have been ac1 by f all or coarse sieve, add pulp and rinds quired for a colony of Canadian Mrs. David M. Newman 5 of oranges, sugar and raisins and Jews. Mordecai Eidelman of CanThe Council Bluffs Chapter Xo. S By F. R. K. 7- of the A. Z. A. will hold a meet- cimnniniiiiiiii!ifK3iniiiiiiiiianiiiiinmO grape skins. Boil mixture for 5 min- ada, who is here to complete arutes slowly. Add chopped walnuts rangements for the establishment of The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah ing next Wednesday evening at 8 SWEET PICKLED PEARS and torn Into sterilized glasses and the colony, stated that forty CanadSunday School will commence its o'clock at the Danish Hall. Two pounds sugar, 1% pints Heinz seal. ian Jews would be organized to setnew semester on Sunday morning, vinegar, 1 dozen whole cloves, 1 tle on the land. Mesdames Herman Krasne and dozen whole allspice, 2 sticks cinnaOctober 14th, at 10 o'clock. All Louis Bernstein entertained at a Poetry, which, by a kind of enthumon. 1 teaspoon mace. children are cordially invited to atMake a syrup by cooking together siasm or extraordinary emotion of ..- There are some men formed with tend these Sunday School classes luncheon-bridge at the apartment of and are asked to be present Octo- Mrs. Krasne in the Oakland Court sugar, vinegar and spice tied in a the soul, makes it seem to us that feelings so blunt that they can hardWednesday in honor of Mrs. Frank bag. v Bring to boiling point and cook we behold those things which the ly be said to be awake during the ber 14th for registration. whole course of their lives.—Burke. Krasne of Los Angeles, Calif. slowly 8 minutes. Select large, firm poet paints.—Dryden. Mrs. Eta Chesneau of New York, formerly of Omaha, pears. Wash and pare them, but do announces the engagement of her daughter, Eve, to Mr. Services for the last two days of The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal- not remove stems. Add to boiling including "Simach Torah," Murray Butler of New York City. No date has been set Succoth, will be held at the Chevra B'nai Yis- mud Torah, at a meeting held syrup and cook until fruit is tender. for the wedding. roel Synagogue at 618 Mynster Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J. Do not cook too many pears at one Street, on Friday evening, Saturday Katelman, decided to hold a rum- time. Drop pears as they are cooked Mr. and Mrs. A. Iapsman, 2507 Q synagogue at 25th and Seward at morning, Saturday evening and on mage sale in the near future. Any- in sterilized jars. Seal at once. Street, announce the birth of a son 2:00 P. M. Sunday morning. Memorial services one who has something to donate for GRAPE CONSERVE on September 30 at the Wise Memowill be held on Saturday morning at this sale should call Mrs. Abe GilinTwo quarts grapes, 2 oranges, 2% The Deborah Society will meet rial Hospital 9;30 A. M. sky, president, or Mrs. M. Gross- pounds sugar, 1 pound seeded raisTuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at man, secretary, and they will call ins, 1 pound walnuts. the Jewish Community Center. Wash grapes, remove stems and , Miss Florence Lewis left Monday Mr. Herman Handler left Wednes- for it. separate skins from pulp. Place evening for a three weeks' visit with The Henrietta Szold Girls' Club day for Sioux Falls, S.D. Mrs. Han- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chernlss en- half the skins in a small amount of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Koolish of Evanhas reorganized under the tempo- dler Will leave about October 15th tertained their evening bridge club water and cook for five minutes. ston, HL rary leadership of Mrs. M. Iieven- for Sioux Falls to join her husband, at their home on Tuesday evening." son. The flrst meeting of the clnb where they will make their future •Mrs. MaxFromkin and son, Rob-was held Wednesday, September 26, •home. Mrs. Edward Ginsberg of Kansas ert, have left for San Antonio, Tex., at the Center. Mias Sara Malashock City, Mo., who has been visiting here where they will be the guests of was elected secretary-treasurer arid Mr. Philip Friedman left SaturMrs. Fromkin's sister and brother-in- Miss Martha Lippett was elected re- day evening for New York City, to for the past month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman, relaw, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rubin. be gone for two weeks. porter. turned to her home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Levensky left The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah Sunday for a visit in Sioux Falls, Michelson Confirms wants all the children who expect Berlin (J. T. A.)—Adolf Hitler, S. D. l i g h t Speed Figures to attend the Hebrew classes every notorious anti-Semitic leader, will day to register at the syna- again have the opportunity of New York (J. T. A.)—The Michel- gogue immediately. Mr. I. Morgan- preaching his gospel of anti-Jewish Mrs. Elizabeth Pearlman, 405 Given by TT$ SLO-BAKED North 31st Street, and daughter, son tests of the speed of light have stern, who is in charge of the He- hatred in Prussia. The government been substantiated in new experibrew School, has announced tbat apMrs. J. D. Kendis of Sedalia, Mo., has lifted the ban against Hitler's have just returned from the Mayo ments just completed at Pasadena, plicants will be received during this public appearance which had been Bros. Clinic, Rochester, Minn., where Calif., Professor Albert A. Michel- month only, and no one will be ad- imposed since 1923. they have been for the past month son of the University of Chicago has mitted during the middle of the and where Mrs. Pearlman under- announced, an Associated Press dis- term. 8:30 P. M. at the The brave and bold persist even patch from Pasadena states. went a serious operation. against fortune; the timid and cowNews of the experiments came as The- Independent Order of the ardly rush to despair through fear H * « * « * > * Michelson prepared to B'nal B'rith, Lodge No. 688, will hold alone.—Tacitus. Mrs. W. Krasne is at the Wise Saturday for Chieago, where Memorial Hospital, where she is reresume his lecture course at covering from her illness. the University of Chicago on October 1. Mrs. Charles H. Biseman is home The speed of light was estimated convalescing from an operation re- by the physicist to be approximatecently undergone at the "Wise Me- ly 186,284 miles a second. Had the morial Hospital. accuracy of the original experiments here two years ago been known then, Mrs. Saul Golden has returned to further tests never would have been her home in Winnipeg, Canada, necessary, Professor Michelson said. from a month's visit with her par- The scientist came here about a ent*, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Stern of month and a half ago to carry on Omaha. Mrs. Golden was formerly new experiments. The exact methMiss Ida Stern of this city. "THE WONDER BAKERY" ods of these tests were not revealed. The original Michelson theory of , Mrs. "William Bichartz of Chicago, the speed of light generally has been I1L, iB visiting, hete_.-?rfth her sister, recognized as the basis for_the. E p 4nd brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. stein theory of relativity. About a Charles H. Riseman. year ago other scientists reported tests which tended to contradict Mrs. William Wintroub enter- Michelson's experiments. tained eighteen guests at a 1 o'clock luncheon and bridge Tuesday at the SITUATION IN RUSSIAN Ad-Sell Restaurants complimentary COLONIES IMPROVED to her sister, Miss Marion Soref, whose engagement to Mr. Aaron The situation in the Jewish coloXawitz of St. Iiouis, Mo., was re- nies in southern Russia, which sufcently announced. Prizes were won fered from drought this past spring, by the Mesdames Ben Minkin, J. has improved somewhat, but the conFalk and Roy Roffman. A number dition of the Jews in the towns is of other afEairs are being planned still very difficult, according to the for this bride-to-be. latest message received from Dr. Joseph A. Rosen, Director of the Mrs. Hyman Schwartz left Satur- Agro-Joint and just released by Mr. day evening for Canada, where she David A. Brown, National Chairman will spend several weeks visiting of the United Jewish Campaign. Dr. Rosen's message reads: "Conwith friends. iditions in our colonies In the CherThe annual fall concert of the In-1 son and Krivoi Rog districts are Glare causes delicate eye dependent Ladies' Club will be held much better now than they were Sunday, October 14, at the Labor several weeks ago. Good August tissues to become irritated Lyceum at 8:30 P. M. Among the rains have greatly improved forage and weakens your eyes. artists that will appear are Misses crops and have made conditions for But you can protect your • Ida and Dorothy Lustgarten and winter seeding very favorable. Planteyes and have a sufficient Mrs. Margaret Margolin Bellman. ing of the winter crops is now comamount of light, too. The concert is open to the public. pleted. However, the general economic conditions of the Jewish town The new Edison Mazda The Ladies' Auxiliary of the South population is still very difficult. Allamps, with inside, frost. Side Congregation will hold their though the situation is by no means give you just the kind of next series of card parties at the hopeless, it requires considerable adlight you need. And you ' home of Mrs. Kate Lazar, 4306 S. ditional effort on our part to extend can use lamps that will give 21st Street, on Wednesday. October the scope of our reconstructive and you the right amount of light without dangerous 10, at 2:30 P. M. Mrs. M. Soor- social activities in all fields." glare. pin will be the assisting hostess. Bucharest (J. T. A.)—A memorial Prizes-will be given at each table. Buy from any of our for the Jewish war heroes in the employes. Roumanian army is being planned The Daughters of Zion will hold their next regular meeting on by the Union of Roumanian Jews. Wednesday, October 10, at the Jewish Community Center. Important communications from Palestine will be read at the meeting.
Council Bluffs News
Der Vilder Mench
The Poale Zion Clubs
Sunday, October 7
The Bikur Cholim Society will meet on Monday, October 8. at the
Brandeis Theatre
Inside Ftost
Why suffer \ with achy feet—
GIARE / carton,
The Home of Spoken Drama
Week of October 30th. Matinees -Sun-Wed-Sat.
Boyd Irwin presents
The Brandeis Players
tventhetoktwsmikatqoii? The Arch Preserv er Shoe stops the aches and pants t
In the Famous Comedy Drams
Abies Irish Rose
A record AbJe«lw»n Rofe lia» * record run of »ix year* in New York City -and ha* earned more than $22,000.00 Seats Now on Sale
Douglas Shoe Store
Nights, 2Sc50c7Sc Boxes $1 Matinees, 25c-50c-7Sc
Nebraska Power 6
117 North 16th Street
Courtesy • Service • Low fUfet
•«ttM THK roonr WEU.*
"A Good Citizen Wherever We Serve"
FOUB—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1928 ber of years as a lecturer present- line between the laboring man and power trust did not come from labor. ing Socialist doctrines to students in the capitalist is one which never can The wisdom of the policy followed colleges and high schools in many be crossed. The class conscious by our unions is summarized in the sections of the country. He knows workingman devotes his thought to recent news items reporting the inthat the power companies did not the millennium when he might be corporation of country clubs by V ; By .'.• Vpresent their case in academic cir- > striving to improve his own condi- union workingmen." FRANK R. ACKERMAN cles until long after the case for pub- tion. Class consciousness discourlic ownership has been presented by ages workers from making any ef- AMERICAN PAYS RESPECTS ical muckraking and in defense of A sinister attempt is being made The player on top often gets advocates of collectivism. He does fort to increase production—for that , to Induce the public to believe that American industry has been thus not believe that the best interests of is supposed to be in the interest of TO JEWS ON YOM KIPPUR credit for the tackle made by the First round winners of the J. C. the electric Industry has been carry- assailed. I have been personally so capital—though it must be apparent man 011 the bottom. Warsaw (J. T. A.)—John t B. C. handball tournament: Herman ing on a propaganda campaign accused, despite the fact that I have this country will be served by hav- from recent American industrial hisSegelman, Jack Ban, A. Bercu, Sam against government ownership in the never received a single dollar, or any ing the coming generation know tory that the most direct and prob- Stetson, Jr., United States Minister only one side of the argument, and Elmer Greenberg, all-state lines- Katzman, Dave Katleman, Sam equivalent thereof, from any utility that the theoretical as opposed to ably the only means by which the to Poland, paid his respects to the man and captain of Central High's Rocbman, IJeon Mendelson, Abe schools and colleges, according to J. corporation, or its agents, directly the tested side. In that view he will standard of living can be improved Jewish community of Warsaw by grid eleven three years ago, is Myers, Irvin Levin, Max Altshuler, E. Davidson, vice-president and genvisiting the Main Synagogue on or indirectly, either for services ren- ]be supported by American labor. is through increased production. making good at the University of Manny Goldberg, Dave Franks, and eral manager of the Nebraska Power Tlomackie during the Yom Kippur dered, support given or for any other j Company. Nebraska. Though only a sopho- Sokoloff. "The American labor movement services. "It is fortunate for this country "The facts do not warrant this purpose whatsoever. I have never has been the despair of academic more and though forced out of the The Minister, accompanied by two The closest match was the Roch- charge," said Mr. Davidson. . "We received pay, directly or indirectly, that our labor movement has never theorists because labor refused to game by a slight injury at the start man-Sam Segelman clash, the forof his secretaries, spent three hours been captured by socialists, as so have publicly stated our position from any utility company or its take any part in supporting the no- in the synagogue during the MIncna of the season, Greenberg is almist mer winning, 8-21, 21-18, 21-20. many of the labor movements in foragents for speaking against public several times and we insist that no certain of winning his "N" this A loving cup is being donated to attempt was ever made by a public ownership. But for many years I eign countries have been. The fact tions of doctrinaires. The impetus and Neilah services. for the inquiry into the so-called ialL H e played a bang-up game i n the winner by the Thorpeian Athutility in Nebraska, or within my did receive pay for speaking in favor that the great majority of our unions the varsity-frosh melee held last letic Club. Herman Segelman is have persisted in confining their acknowledge, anywhere, to spread of public ownership from organiza. .week-end. OMAHA MIRROR * ART GLASS CO. top-heavy favorite to cop the cham- propaganda of any sort in the public tions maintained for that purpose." tivities to their natural function, colThe utmost in Manufacturers of But that i s not the only reason pionship. lective bargaining, has helped to disThe Chicago Tribune, In connecPhotographs schools or colleges." Mirror*. Art Glasa, Window indow Gland Glan Omaha fans are watching the active Resilverlnff-—Picture and d Mi Mirror "The Electric Companies of Ne- tion with Mr. Spargo's letter, said, courage the growth in this country DAVIS LAKE STUDIO Framing ities of the Scarlet and Cream w a r - : Jack Adler was crowned the first of the class consciousness which is braska issued a pamphlet on 'Elec- the following: 2506 X. 24th—WE. 6311 1614 Cumin* St. riors. The Nebraskans have a great | .. C. G. horseshoe champion by outAT. 66*5 "By a fortunate coincidence the the first goal of most of the foreign tricity' which was offered to any team this season, as usual. Coach' tosstng Hymie Riklin, 21-19, 21-9. labor movements. Class consiousteachers of public schools that de- Tribune is enabled today, Labor Day, Ernest E . Bearg is grooming three Young Adler does not restrict his sired them, but there was not one to present to its readers a letter from ness is supposed to make unions HIMELBLOOM BAKERY backflelds for use against Iowa State proficiency to barnyard golf only, Paxton Billiard Parlors bit of propaganda in this pamphlet. Mr. John Spargo dealing with the strong; instead, it makes them weak, 1511 N. *«h—WE. «S84 college i n the opening game at as he was a star on the junior bas1516'Farnam—JA. 9721 It dealt entirely with electricity and senate's inquiry into the so-called for it imbues those who possess it Serve Himelbloom's new Russian Ames, l a . , tomorrow. The Nebras- ketball five, a mainstay of the its many uses. This pamphlet was power trust and its propaganda. with a sense of inferiority. Class Direct Wire Service on All pnmpernickle bread with your ka mentors figure the Cyclones, who B'nai Ami baseball aggregation, and Latest Sport Events not a text book. It was merely a Mr. Spargo writes as a former So- consciousness encourages the belief next meal. held Illinois to a tie score last fall, probably the outstanding all-around paper covered pamphlet or leaflet." cialist who was engaged for a num- that, pending the millennium, the will be one of the strongest op- athlete among the Jewish youngsters Mr. Davidson said that there has ponents t h e Cornhuskers will meet of the city. . , been propaganda in the schools, nor this season, and he is rushing prepissued on the part of< the electric arations to have his squad in top Ursula Fagan is the new women's companies, but issued against tho condition for the game. > athletic director at the Center. A electric Industry and against the The first quartet of ball-toters, graduate of Duchesne, Creighton's American tradition of private enter- j known as t h e Nebraska "power- women's college/ she teaches phys- prise and individual initiative. house," includes Co-Captain Blue ical education at that school also. John Spargo, who for a number of Howell, one of the greatest line Miss Fagan took a summer coaching years was engaged as a lecturer preplungers in collegiate football this course at "Wisconsin, played with the senting Socialistic doctrines to stuseason; Reb-Russell, 205-pound sig- champion K. C. girls' quintet, and dents in colleges and high schools, nal-barker; George Farley, one of has had varied experience along wrote recently to the Chicago Tribthe best blockers on the squad, and gymnastic lines. She will have une saying that the investigation by Clalr Sloan, sensational broken-field charge of all girls'. gym classes.the federal Trade Commission of runner. Classes are now in full blast public utilities has been very unfair. This combination scored three Matrons' morning class started last In his letter he told how he and touchdowns against the varsity in Monday, with slenderizing as the others spread propaganda in the the first ten minutes of play, and main purpose. public schools against private ownlocal boosters rate them as one of ership and for public ownership. Printers Furnaces Cleaners the greatest ground-gaining combiAccountants Mr. Spargo in his statement said: Pre-season basketball starts next nations in Cornhusker history. "Every man/svho is at all familiar Wednesday with eight teams entered. J. RAZNICK For Service Call The second combination lists The quints will be named after the With the facts knows that the Fed- ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. Sheet Metal and Furnace Works THE BEE HIVE CLEANERS "Dutch" Witte, Harold Peaker and nut family, as the Walnuts, Hickory eral Trade investigation would not 475 Brandels Theater Bids.—JA. 4811 TINWORK. GUTTERS. SPOUTING Bud McBride, lettermen, and Harold nuts, etc. It is not, however, going have been ordered by the senate were Under Management of H. Marcus " AUDITS SYSTEMS Reasonable Prices TTrahm, a promising Bophomore., it not that the campaign of maligto be a nutty league. INCOME TAX 1941 Vinton St. JA. 1440 1520 North 24th WE. SS6S The third group of pigskin-car nant abuse and cowardly innuendo riers is made up entirely of sophoThe junior league games will be has caused so many of our servants We Feature mores, with Red Young,. Vic Scher played on Sunday afternoons. The in. office to fear being branded as I. SWARTZ PEERLESS CLEANERS WM. BRYDEN & CO. QUALITY—PRICE—SERVICE zinger, Claude Rowley and C. Nel Midget and Junior teams practice hirelings of the 'power trust.' Every Installation and repairing of Tin Work—Furnaces—Skylights— 4420 Florence Blvd. Certified Public Accountants son getting the call. ; . man who has thus far dared to raise SUN PRINTING CO. Friday afternoons. KE. 1500 • | Ventilating—Gutters—Spouting C38 Securities Bldg. his voice against this sort of politAT. 3832 , 504 S. 13th A T . 28315 The House With a Beputati^n 11?-North l«th The big leagues have closed their j AT. 4451 The Community Center is losing ledgers except for the world series one of its most popular athletes. himself athletically at the Uniyersity Rentals classic, and a dose scrutiny of the Furriers Contractors Archie Chesneau, the smiling basket- of Omaha, being runner-up in the Auto Tops—Accessories lineups reveal the fact that only room guardian, Is leaving this week- tennis tourney and capturing sevtwo Jewish diamondeers performed We Specialize in the end for New York City, probably eral cups for being the best allBOY FURS from a FURRIER regularly in -the big time. These are National Accessories, I c Management of Property A. H. BRODKEY permanently. Archie was an all- round trackman in the school. Andy Cohen and Moe Berg. Moe We carry everything in quality round athlete, captain of the gym2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 Giving Special Attention to Berg, though not much publicity has furs at lowest prices in the city. GENERAL Apartment and Business nastic team, winner of the marathon been heard about him, has been " E v e r y t h i n g f o r t h e Auto" Properties swimming contest, stellar eager, CONTRACTOR Remodeling Repairing backstopper for the Chicago White fly-chaser of note among baseball Sox. Andy Cohen entered the NaHeyn-Kennedy Co. 409 Hdspe Bldg. enthusiasts, and general sport facAuto Top and Glass Service SAMPLE FUR SHOP tional league with a circus star's REALTORS totum. He also made a name for BODY REBUILDING ballyhoo, but turned out to be just JAckson 1614 2nd Floor Securities Bldg. 410 Medical Arts Bldg. MIDDLE STATES TOP AND an ordinary second baseman. JA. 2100 BODY CO. Estimates Gladly Furnished JAckson 1132 Jonah Goldman played with the 2026 Farnam JA. 4102 Cleveland Indians the last two "Contractors -weeks of the season and shows Rug Cleaners Laundries Ask Your Delicatessen Awnings and Tents promise for the future. The day OMAHA RUG CLEANERS after Yom. Kippur, Andy Cohen was EVANS-MODEL LAUNDRY presented w i t h a check for $1,500 by his fellow members of t h e Knights of Pythias, and celebrated with t w o hits. On T o m Kippur, Andy surprised the wise ones by absenting himself i n order to g o to the synagogue.
Sport Splinters
Power Trust Propaganda Charges Branded False
Sunkist Flour
403 Hospe Bldg.
Attorneys 301 Peters Trust BidsKOTICE BY ^UBMCATION OIT PETITION FOB KETTIJ5MENT OF FIJiAI. ADMINISTEATION ACCOUNT. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of .John G. Mueller, deceased: All persons interested In said matter are hereby notified that on the 21st day of September, 11*28, Adolf Mueller filed a petition in said - County Court, praying that his final administration; account filed herein be Bettied and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust aa administrator and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 13th day of October. 1028, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 13th day of October. 1928. at 9 o'clock a. m., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of helrship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally Bettled and determined. BKYCE CRAWFORD, Sept.2S—2t. County Judge.
P A N X .
• Notice Is hereby given that a Corporation baa been formed under the laves of the State of Nebraska. The name of the Corporation Ig ^'NICHOL MANUFACTURING COMPANY." The principal place of transacting Its business is the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. "•• . :• . The general nature of the business to be transacted by the Corporation is to manufacture, purchase, sell and distribute agricultural, Industrial and mechanical implements; to purchase or otherwise acquire patents, inventions, licenses, processes and trade-names; to purchase, deal in, sell and mortgage real estate; to draw, accept and execute romlssojcy notes or other negotiable istruments. The authorized capital stock of the : Corporation is $25,000.00, with' shares of the par value of J100.00 each, all or such stock being non-assessable. Said stock may be paid for in cash or property or such other things of value as.BhaU be determined upon by the Corporation. At least $2,500.00 shall be paid In for capital stock prior to the commencement of business by the said Corporation. • • • . • • • • ...: -. .•..•...•-.•. - The'Corporation shall commence business on the filing of Its Articles with the-County Clerk of Douglas'County, Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of fifty years. . 1 The highest amount of indebtedness to which the Corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not exceed twothirds of Its capital stock. ° , The affairs of the Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors comoosed ot two members. - - i-.' ••••• P9»eo w ON T: NTOHOL. ;; JESSE MBKBETT,
• • -'-•;.•-•'"•.•
I n c o r p o r a t o r s .
-Dated this 1st day of October, 1928. ^ J t t presenceot^..J. ^ o n ^ ^ ^ ^
Jackson 5752
Walter C. Roessig & Co. AWNINGS and CANVAS SPECIALTIES «»08 Farnam
With the
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient
JA. 3682
SCOTT OMAHA TENT AND AWNING CO. Awnings, Canvas Cavers, Tents, Camp'Supplies, AH Kinds 15th and Howard AT. 1483
Barber Shops
Combined with the
Irresistible Flavor of Brazil
BEARD'S BARBER SHOP 227 South 20th Street
Satisfied Customers Our Greatest Desire 1V4 Blocks South of J. C. C.
and Scientifically Blended in Omaha
Kosher Delicatessen
Fresh Corned Beef cooked daily. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meals. Home-made pickles. All kinds of Bakery Goods, Picnic Lunches.
If your laundress does not satisfy, t r y us. SANITARY LAUNDRY
WE. 1438
1513 North 24th St.
Drug Stores LUSTGARTEN NO. 4 1923 Clark St.—WE. 0410
Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality SAVAGE-GASKILL DRUG CO.
For space
Advo Coffee
in this directory call the
Batteries and Garages
PRESCRIPTION EXPERTS 20 Tears' Service with Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. 1519 Farnam St. AT. 1131
Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch and
Stimulating for Dinner There is no other Coffee to be compared with it
HIPPLE'S SERVICE 2602 St. Mary's Battery and Tire Service Road Service AT. 5454 Service Our Motto General Repair Shop—-Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing DAVENPORT GARAGE 18th ; and Davenport
D. RESNICK EXPERT DYER (32 Tears Experience) Ho not throw away your faded garments: have them re-dyed by an expert. Formerly a sample Dyer at the Pantorium and . DreBher Bros. Prices reasonable.
1917-19 Clark St.
WE. 1119
First Cla** Grocers , Everywhere
Blended. Roasted, Ground and Packed by McCORD-BRADY CO., OMAHA
5116 Military Ave.
IDEAL IT'S GOOD" IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY :Soda Water, Near Beer and Gingersler- ~ , WEbftw ?M3 1808 N. SOtta St.
2009 Farnam St.
AT. 5757
W. H. OSTENBERG, Pres. 2815 Farnam ATIantic 2813
Electric and Painted SIGNS
Mattresses and Pillows Made Over in New Ticks 1917 Coming AT. 5983 HAKKY KRANTZ, Prop.
Mattresses made over In new ticks at half price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made up In new featherproof ticking.
BEN PRIESMAN, Mgr. Commercial Dept.
OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1907 Coming St.
JA. 846?
Music Teachers
Tire Shops
"That Little Extra Service" Miller Cf«wre<f-to-t!>€>-BoiM? Tires
Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted Suite 8, Weod Bids., 18th * Farnam Telephone ATlantle 8162
2508 Northr24t6' St.—Phone WE. 2057
Fhon* S\. n«S
Play the VioSin Correctly
Trof. Sevcik and other world renowned teachers recommend my method verv highly.
Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave.—AT. H421 (iOOCVEAK SERVICE STATION Tireo, Tubes. Accessories, Ron<i icp, Vulranlislng, Geneml R
Concert Violinist and Instructor Stadlo 117% N. 16th St. JA. 1952
Towel Supply
When You Need a Plmnber, Call
AT. 6281 ,T. M. JENSEN
609 North 16th e
THE WEJSFLQWER SHOP "The Best Place to Buy . Your, ^flowers"
WA, 5(HK
Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha
Ask for it Insist on Advo "Famous for Flavor"
Laying, Sizing, Fringing, Binding
flO^JLOl service ™rom
• V7*JTt l tF Wet Wa»h to Family Finish 11th and Donplas St«.
-•• JA. 3573
Bottlers Sold by all
SINCE 1876
E. L. RODWELL PLUMBING A N D HEATING CONTRACTOR Quality Ig Remembered Long After the Price Ig Forgotten 2866 Farnam gt. ATUmtks ltM
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Towel Supply Company Since 1876