Interesting and Entertaining
All the News of Interest to Jews
Entered as second-class mail matter on January 27, 1921, at postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska/ under the Act of March 3, .1879.
LORD ALLENBY IS FETED BY JEWS OF NEW YORK Zionists and Non-Zionists Join in Welcoming Famed ; '.'• General. PRAISES JEWISH SOLDIERS New York (J. T. A.)—A representative audience of Jews, in New York City was present to honor Viscount Field Marshal Allenby a t a reception, tendered to him October 9 at the Ambassador Hotel by the Zionist Organization of America. Zionists and non-Zionists, Reform and, Orthodox, united to pay their
National Secretary of Hadassah Coming . Local officials of the Hadassah have been notified that Mrs. Judith Epstein, national secretary of the organization, will be In Omaha on October 20 and 21. Plans are being made to have the famous woman Zionist .and lawyer deliver an address at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Epstein is a graduate of Hunter College in Worcester, Mass., and is an instructor at the Julia Richmond High School. She was elected national secretary of the Hadassah at the Atlantic City convention two years ago.
CHARTER GRANTED TO SECOND OMAHA ALEPH Bernstein, Chairman for Political Affairs of the Zionist Organization, ZAD1KADELPH CHAPTER
respects to the Conqueror of Jerusalem. In opening the reception, Herman
expressed to Lord Allenby the greetings of .the Zionist Organization of America and American Jewry and said of him: "To the Jews of the world and especially to the Zionists working for the rebuilding .of the Holy Land, General Allenby has endeared himself for all time. The names of Lord Bali our and Lord Allenby are recorded in golden letters in the history of the Jewish people, the veteran of history, whose dream and hope of centuries were realized through Great Britain's act of historic justice, as expressed through the Balfour Declaration and made possible through the genius and heroism of Field Marshal Allenby." Lord Allenby's services were contrasted with Emperor Titus of Borne by Rev. Z. H. Masliansky, who said: "Two thousand years separate the opening of the gates of Jerusalem by •Titos, the Roman,.and the opening of the Agates by-Lord AHenby,the Britisher. The first one brought devastation and chaos to Jerusalem. "With Allenby's coming, Palestine was : restored and revitalized." Nathan Straus, aged philanthropist, and Louis Marshall, .noted jurist, also greeted Lord Allenby. Mr. Straus, despite the advice of his doctor, attended the reception because he wanted to express his admiration for the liberator of Palestine. Mr. Marshall emphasized the important part that Lord Allenby bad played in modern Jewish history and declared that "the names of Lord Allenby and Lord Balfour will be cherished by every rightminded Jew throughout the world, the one for the freeing of the Holy Land from the Turks, the other for the Balfour Declaration, which declared Palestine a National Homeland for the Jewish people." (Continued on Page 2)
Sam Beber Chapter No. 100 Is Accepted Into Order. CHAPTERS CO-OPERATE Omaha, the birthplace of the International Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph, received its second chapter of the famous Jewish fraternity, when the executive committe of the organization at its meeting Sunday decided to grant a charter to the Sam Beber Chapter No. 100. The new group consists of Frank Aekerman, Morris Blacker, Dave Greenberg, Sam Greenberg, Ralph Gross, Sam Handler, Ephraim Marks, Irving Perimeter, Morton Richards, Jake Schreibman, Elmer Shamberg, and Henry • Sterling. Jack Marer and J. M. Malashock i a v e agreed .to sponsor the new Tentative: plans .for the organization include an intensive intellectual program as well as athletic and social activity of various kinds. The organization of this group is concrete evidence of the success of the Jewish youth movement in Omaha. I t is only five years since the "Mother" Omaha Chapter No. 1 was organized, and its envious record presents a mark for the new chapter to shoot at. Members of both societies prophesy newer and greater successes for the Order to arise out of the friendly co-operation of the two chapters. The new group was given the number 100 as an indication of the significance that its organization bears. The ambitious youths composing the chapter decided to name their club the "Sam Beber" Chapter in honor of the founder of the Order.
The Washington Jewish Mirror
CALENDAR REFORM PLAN IS OPPOSED BY DR.DRACHMAN Proposed Scheme Endangers Observance of the Sabbath. CHANGES SUGGESTED In a letter to George Eastman of the Eastman Kodak Co., who is sponsoring the movement for the reform of the calendar, which has also been brought to the attention of the League of Nations, Dr. Bernard Draehman, president of the Jewish Sabbath Alliance, strongly opposes such reform as being highly injurious to the observance of the Seventh Day Sabbath, in the name of the thousands of Seventh Day observing Orthodox Jews of the Americas. In that letter, Dr. Draehman, in proposing his plan, states: "Your plan, as has often been stated, is. to institute a year of 13 months, 28 days each, totaling 364 days in the year. The supernumerary day which thus results from the fact that the ordinary year is composed of 365 days, you propose to consider a sort of "dies-non" and to call the first day of the week, under all circumstances, Sunday. Once in four years, when the year consists of 366 days, you propose to consider two days as such dies-nons. This plan would put the observance of the Jewish Sabbath, which the Jewish people have observed now undeviatingly for more than 3,000 years, into utmost confusion. Our Sabbath is the Seventh Day of the week, commonly identified as Saturday. Through this identification, the Sabbath has a fixed place alike in the minds of Jews and Christians and everyone realizes that Saturday is the Seventh Day. and_the Sabbath. Under your plan, as proposed, this would? be all overthrown. The Sabbath would, so to speak, become a sort of wandering day. In one year, it. might be identified as Monday, in another year as Tuesday, and so on. That is a condition to which observers of the Jewish Seventh Day Sabbath could never consent. "If you would be willing to agree to a plan by which these dies-non would not be observed in individual years, but would be permitted to accumulate until they amounted to seven days, when an additional week could be added to the year, that would obviate the difficulty. If you could consent to such an arrangement, we feel confident that you
would not only not meet with any opposition on the part of Jewish religious leaders, but would gain their hearty co-operation."
Gymn Class at Center Has 2 Grandmothers Two of the most ardent members of the Jewish Community Center's morning gym class for women are grandmothers and are enrolled with their daughters for this gymnasium work. Mrs. Harry Lapidus, who is, as everyone knows, the proud grandmother of little Lynn Stalmaster, and her daughter, Mrs. Irrin Stalmaster, are members. Mrs. F. B. Stafford, who also boasts a grandchild, has joined the class with her daughter, Mrs. G. E. Thompson. Nineteen members are now enrolled in this class, which is held each Monday and Wednesday morning under the direction of Miss Ursula Fagan, women's gymnasium instructor."
MARSHALL PRAISES HOOVER'S STOPPING ANTI-JEWISH RIOTS Jewish Leader Recalls Hoover Humanitarian Work After War. JEWS SAVED BY ACTION New York (J. T. A.)—Louis Marshall praised the action of Herbert Hoover, as head of the American relief work in Europe in 1919, to prevent the repetition of anti-Jewish violence, in a statement he made public this week. Mr. Marshall related details ot Mr. Hoover's intervention in April, 1919, in connection with the murder of thirty-five Jews in Pinsk. The statement declared: "Those who had occasion to see Mr. Hoover in action while he Was" engaged in carrying out the work of the American Relief Administration will never forget the earnestness, the zeal, the enthusiasm for this stupendous task manifested by him. In April, 1919, while in Paris during the Peace Conference, engaged in the formulation of the Minority Treaties, I had an unusual opportunity to judge of Mr. Hoover's marvelous insight and lightning-like promptitude of action. "The news came to me by telegram that at Pinsk thirty-five Jewish young men, while engaged in a work of mercy, the distribution of money and supplies which had been brought there by the representative of the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, an American organization, in aid of the helpless people of that community, were taken out of a public hall where they were so occupied and, without the semblance of a trial or hearing, without even, yes, a drumhead court-martial, were stood up against a wall and slaughtered by the soldiery who were in occupation of that district, at the command of their officer, inspired by religious fanaticism.
"Mamma's Affair," a Harvard By HILLEL, f/re Observer prize play, was given Thursday evening for a second time at the JewWashington points with pride to of the United States during the early ish Community Center by the Cen"I called Mr. Hoover's attention its contribution for the solution of years of the Harding administration. ter Players Guild, for the 600 workto these facts and informed him of ers in. the Omaha Community Chest a vexing problem •" in the Zionist As a bright Jewish lawyer, he speprevious outrages of a similar char: .Organization of America and UPA. cialized in admiralty law matters, campaign. The Center Players Guild acter which had occurred, and exis an activity of the Y. M. and Y. Few realize'that Doctor Isaac M. cases concerned with the Federal pressed the opinion that he was the W. H. A., which receives support Rubinow, whose recent appoint- Reserve System, War-risk insurance, ment as Executive Director of both pensions, the National Bank Act, from the Community Chest through only man in the world who could prevent a repetition of them. In rethese organizations met with such farm loans, and such matters of the Jewish Welfare Federation. Mrs. Herman Jahr is director of sponse to his question as to what approval all over the country, is government finance as would natthe group. Members of the cast are could be done, I said that all that himself a Washingtonian by adop- urally appeal to his Jewish bead. tion.Yes, many great Americans Once Miss Bess Weinstein, Miss Toby he would have to do would be to let Dr. Rubinow spent, a number of lived in Washington and a few are Flax, Miss Faye Klein, Miss Martha it be known that any people guilty j Himmelstein, I r v i n g Perimeter, of such action could not expect asyears in the nation's capital utiliz- still here. George Cohen and Bennie Blatt. The sistance from the American Belief ing his expert sociological. knowledge and scientific experience for President Coolidge may be tired artistic success scored by the group Administration. He asked me wheththe advantage of statistical work of shaking hands with ordinary vis- in their first of the play last week er that meant that I was willing in the Department of Commerce. itors at his daily audiences with was repeated at the Thursday eve- that people should starve. My reply His particular field was the census, tourists anxious to clasp the presi- ning performance. A charming sa- was decidedly in the negative and and he was a familiar figure in the dential grip, but he must have been tirical comedy, it evoked many rip- that all that I meant to convey was bureau. His.friends in the depart- particularly delighted to greet two ples of laughter and was the sub- that if it were understood how he ment who have remained since he colorful Boston girls who appeared ject of much favorable comment by felt with regard to such lawless and left the government service now before him in hiking costume the those who had seen it. inhuman actions as those that had The Jewish Community Center been brought to his attention and point with pride to their former in- other day. timacy with him. They still reThese girls had just completed a was also host to 600 women workers that he would not countenance or member the medal awarded him by 12,000-mile hike that carried them of the campaign Tuesday morning, ignore them, nothing more would be the Russian government while he through 40 states and part of Mex- when the final organization meeting required to be done. At once he recwas still on duty for Uncle Sam iu ico. They were in picturesque cos- for: the women's division was. held ognized the desirability of taking 1907. this course, acted accordingly withtume—leather jackets, stockingless, in the Center auditorium. out a moment's delay, and that was Washington makes, the world knapsack and all—and being on -GIRL-SCOUTS' j the end of these exhibitions of matakes! Be nice to Doctor Rubinow, their way back to the Hub through says Washington to the ZOA. , Washington, they insisted upon pay- . •All girls between, the ages o^JU) levolence which had threatened to ing their .respects"to the^President and 16 that are. interested. in the convert this region into bloody shamAnother Washingtonian who has of the United ; States. Girl Scout movement are. invited bles as the result of an insane and : in the last few days come-into naThey had forgotten the formality to attend a meeting* to be held at malignant prejudice." tional prominence is the new Re- of arranging for their visit: to thU Jewish Community Center, 5Ionpublican candidate for governor of the White Hpnse,, which., must be SayV'OcfoBer 15, at 4 o'clock. Mrs.! -New York (J. T. A.)—-More than New York State, former Attorney- vouched for by some Important per- Neveloff, captain of ther Girl Scouts* 300 carloads of poultry were reGeneral Albert Ottinger. Mr. Ot- sonage in : Washington, but .their will be present to receive applica- quired to supply the demand for the tinger lived in Washington when gracious smiles- and popular story tions for membership In the organ!-,.High Holidays, totalling over 3,750,he was assistant Attorney-General zation. 000 pounds. (Contlnwd on Page 2)
COMMUNITY CHEST CAMPAIGN STARK ON NEXTMONDAY Omaha Asked to Contribute Liberally to Thirty-one Agencies. , 1929 BUDGET LARGER
VOL. VII.—No. 39
Two Jewish Students Honored at Creighton Two Omaha Jewish young men were recipients of high honors at Creighton University during the past week. Frank Ackerman, who last year led the whole university in scholarship, was appointed one of the two assistants to the editor-in-chief of the Bluejay, the university's annual publication. The other young man to be honored at the hilltop institution was Sara Greenberg, who was elected vice president of the sophomore class of the Creighton Commerce College. Both of the students are members of the Pi Delta Sigma, the Jewish social fraternity at the Omaha institution of higher learning.
The Community Chest will launch its sixth annual campaign on October loth, to put a $446,649 feather in Omaha's cap. It expects to place minute replicas of the big feather in the caps of at least 45,000 Omahans to mark them as subscribers. The feather for Omaha is not expensive at its set price. It will mean adequate covering of the social service task in the city for the entire year of 1929. It will mean the bettering of social conditions, and added prosperity to the community in general. For 1929 the Chest is asking $446,649 as compared to $435,000 in 1928, but the reasons for the increase are definite and cogent. Highest State Court Honors One additional agency, the NeYoung Local Jewish braska Children's Home Society, Juror. has been re-admitted to the Chest, thus relieving many contributors of a call during the year from this TESTIMONIAL TO SUCCESS organization. Judge Irvin Stalmaster, the youngThe city is growing and the work est judge ever selected for the disof the agencies increases in propor- trict court bench, has been invited by tion to its growth. School popula- Chief Justice Goss and his associates tion, number of telephone users and to sit on the state supreme bench number of auto licenses, etc., have for a week. The offer, a testimonial all increased in the last five years. to the esteem in which Judge StalThe budgets of the social agencies master is held by his fellow jurists. must increase likewise. was accepted. He will be the youngBusiness conditions resulting in est judge ever to be so honored. considerable unemployment in the Since his selection early this year past few years have left an after- by Governor McMullen to fill a vamath of destitution, broken morale cancy on the district court bench. and ill health among the poorest of Judge Stalmaster has more than our people, which will make the lot made good the most optimistic hopes borne by charitable agencies heav- of his friends. In achieving his sucier for months and years to come. cess he has not only brought much Every dollar requested by the Chest glory to himself, but has reflected this year is even more urgently need- considerable credit to the Jewish ed than money asked for in the community that he represents. The past. success of the youthful juror is testiIn a list of 24 representative cit- fied to by his recent selection for the ies comparable to our own in size post of professor of Constitutional and wealth, Omaha has stood next Law at the Omaha University Night to the last in per capita contribu- Law School, the most difficult positions to the Community Chest. The tion on the legal faculty. increase this year will raise Omaha Besides his professional interests, from 23rd to 20th place. It will Judge Stalmaster is also a promiplace Omaha's per capita figure at nent figure in local and national Jew$2.08. ish affairs. His most recent distincCompare this amount with the fol- tion in these fields is his selection lowing figures of cities: for the sponsorship of the Senior Scranton, $4.01; Dayton, $3.10; Council of the Jewish Community Toledo, $3.85; Grand Rapids, $2.79; Center. St. Paul. $2.67; Denver, $2.51. In Omaha approximately one person in five contributes to' the Chest. In cities where the Chest has been notably successful one person in four is a Chest contributor. Omaha equals other cities in the number and amount of small gifts, but falls below them in gifts of Sammy's father died when Sammy $100 and above. From these figures was eight years old. His mother it would seem that Omaha's crying had an incipient case of tubercuneed is to secure new contributors losis, no money, and four other chilin the $100 and over class. dren. Sammy and his mother and Remember there are 31 participat- J his four brothers and sisters were in ing welfare agencies in the Omaha a bad way,—but they had a friend. Mrs. P. was bed-ridden for years. Chest. "Give not as to one but as to 31" She also had five children, and a should be the slogan of the cam- husband who worked intermittently and took every opportunity to evade paign. the responsibility of his unhappy family. One day, Mr. P. was missing, and it was found that he had taken a train west, thinking onee and for all to forsake the burdens of marriage for a carefree life. Mrs. The local chapter of the Junior P. and her children were destitute.— Hadassah will give their annual but they had a friend. Patron and Patroness dance on SunMr. and Mrs. B. had had a hard day night, October 28, in the main time getting along, what with a ballroom of the Jewish Community large family, a good deal of sickCenter. Randall's Royal Orchestra ness and some unemployment. For will furnish the music. many years,—they also had a friend. The Junior Hadassah is a national This friend was not the kind of organization of about 10,000 girls friend who hears of a needy family, who are aiding financially in main- takes them a basket of groceries, taining the lives of orphans in Pal- orders them a ton of coal and forestine, contributing to the Nurses' gets about them. This friend took Training School, and generally fur- upon herself the burdens of the famthering education in the Jewish ily, relieved their distress and ended homeland. The work is entirely non- by helping them to help themselves. sectarian and is being recognized in- For this friend knew that in the last ternationally. analysis that is the only kind of Miss Mary Claire Shames, who friend worth while being. represented the local chapter at the The Jewish Welfare Federation national convention of the Hadas- was the friend of orphan Sammy, of sah held recently in Pittsburgh, Pa., bed-ridden Mrs. P. and of Mr. and has been appointed chairman of the Mrs. B., -who needed a friend for dance. She will be assisted by a many years. Through the ministracommittee composed of Misses Rose tions of a friendly visitor, whether Fine, TJla Albert, Rose Lazarus, it was the Federation's case worker Sally Morgan, Sarah Kurtman, Ida or the group of men and women who Platt, Toby Steinberg, Grace Rosen- are members of the Federation's restein, and Mollye Grossman. lief committee, these three families
RK TO Samuel Gersois Chairman of Program Committee of State Meet. TWO HUNDRED EXPECTED The Nebraska State Conference of Social Work will be held in the Jewish Community Center November 11. 12 and 13. This is the annual conference of all the professional social workers of the state. It is expected that 200 persons from Omaha and other cities in Nebraska will attend. A number of speakers of national prominence have been secured for the sessions of the conference. Abraham Epstein, executive secretary of the American Association for Old Age Security, an organization that seeks adequate protection for aged dependants by state or federal old age pensions, will come from New York to address the conference on "Social Insurance, and Old Ape." Miss Grace D. Chase, field secretary of the National Visiting Teachers' association of New York City, will spenk on the relation of the school and social work. Miss Chase was formerly field worker for the Federal Child Labor bureau and the National Hygiene society. Samuel Gerson is chairman of the program committee for the conference this year. Orville Robertson, executive secretary of the Associated Charities, is chairman of the entertainment committee. Miss Gladys Shamp oi' the Camp Fire Girls is chairman of membership. Officers of the conference a r e : Jndge L. B. Day, president; Judge Lincoln Frost. Lincoln; Dr. H. von W. Schulte. Omaha; Rev. E. M. Johnson. Fremont; Miss Mary Fuller, Beatrice: Miss Lena Ward, Geneva ; Dr. L. T. Sidwell, Kearney, vice presidents; Dr. C. A. Fulmer, Lincoln, treasurer, and Miss M. Evelyn Meyer, Milford, recording secretary. Miss Anna M. Cameron is executive secretary of the conference. Members of the executive committee at large are Mrs. H. W. Benson. Oakland; Judge Howard Kennedy, Omaha; Miss Annie C. Kramph. North Platte; Dr. Samuel Gerson. Omaha: C. E. Prevey. Lincoln ; Dr. Hattie Plum Williams, Lincoln : Prof. A. A. Reed. Lincoln, ex-ofiicio.
The Jewish Welfare Federation
and scores of others like them were given a helping hand last year. Sammy and one of his brothers were sent to the Jewish orphanage in Cleveland. The oldest child, in his early teens, was helped in getting an after school job that brought in little enough money but helped its little mite. The next oldest boy got a paper route with the help of the Federation. The mother's small income was supplemented until such time as her boys could earn money to support her. She was enabled to go to Denver for treatment which checked the inroads of tuberculosis. Mrs. P. was removed to B hospital and given expert care. Two of her children were sent to Cleveland. The other three were sent to live with relatives who gave them good care. The errant and erring Mr. P. was found, brought back to Omaha, and made to contribute to the support of his family. Mr. and Mrs. B. were aided by the Federation in a hundred ways. They received everything from advice to coal, and from medical attention to a special Pesach gift for the children's clothes. The Federation got Mr. B. a job and taught him to stick to it rather than to float from one job to another. The B. children grew up and finally were able to go to work. Then the Federation impressed these children with the importance of self-respecting work. They had received charity so long that they were used to it. But the friend who had been at their side for these many years made them understand that it had now become their responsibility to help (Continued ~oin~Pag« 4)
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
LORD ALLENBY IS FETED BY JEWS Mr. Nathan Bernstein, prominent OF NEW YORK Omaha educator and communal
Nathan Bernstein, Local Educator, Passes Away
THE JEWISH PRfiSS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 leader, passed away Tuesday, Octo-
(Continued from Pagfe "D
ber 9, at a local hospital. He was In his address, Lord Allenby em flfty-seven years old. phasized the great future which Mr. Bernstein was born and raised looms up for Palestine as a country $2.50 Subscription Price, o n e year ••• • • • in Louisville, Ky. He graduated Commenting upon the Palestine Advertising rqtes famished on application from Central High School of Omaha campaign and the participation of GHANQE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be in 1888 and, from Dartmouth ColJewish soldiers in the liberating of sure to give your-name. lege in 1882. From 1892-97 he was that country, Lord Allenby said: 18 professor of physics in the high "I bad the honor of commanding school in Trinidad, Colo. Returning several Jewish battalions and I also to his high school alma mater in had, before these Jewish battalions PICKING CANDIDATES 1897, Mr. Bernstein assumed thewere raised, many Jewish soldiers post of head of the physics depart- under my command. Judas MaccaOn November 6, 1928, thousands of Jews as well as ment and assistant principal at Cen- beus could not have fought better they did. Their courage and millions of countrymen throughout the United States will tral High, continuing in this capac- than ity until 1914. In that year he be- patriotism to the cause for which answer their country's call and go to the polls to cast came general agent for the National they fought was distinguished; they their ballots. This is a privilege that they have enjoyed Life Insurance Company of Vermont." realized it was not only the cause of ever since their coming to these shores. But this fall, Mr. Bernstein was very prominent Judaism but of humanity." every individual voter, especially the Jew, must cope IH Omaha activities. He was a mem- Lord Allenby concluded by exwith a problem that has seldom been flung to him forber of the local B'nai B'rith Lodge, pressing his appreciation of the corof the reception tendered to decision before. That brain-racking question is the onethe Omaha Hebrew Club, the Mod-diality him by the Zionist Organization of ern Woodmen Camp No. 120 and was of religious intolerance. Knight Kadosh of the Scottish Site America. In" his attempt to make a fair and able choice, he Masons. . • . will have to combat vicious and degrading influences that He is survived by one brother, Mr. are a disgrace to any true American. Despite the revolt- Herman Bernstein of St. Paul, Minn., ing nature of "these pernicious appeals, the citizen who and two sisters, Miss Rose Bernstein fails to watch his step will fall victim to their influence. of Omaha and Mrs. Harry Sunfleld (Continued from Page 1) Chicago, 111. From the Jewish standpoint, the most dangerous of these of The funeral was held Friday, Ocarguments is the ."protest vote" idea. To succumb to tober 12, at the Scottish Bite Cathe- of adventure won them admission this false logic would mean to the Jew grouping a relig- dral. Interment took place at thesomehow. The Jewish girls are sisters; maybe twins. They grinned ious element together politically. But its effect, instead Pleasant Hill Cemetery. all over the White House front of becoming a "protest" against intolerance, would be lawn when a half-dozen photographan act of intolerance itself. It would mean the discard- PI DELTA SIGMA SMOKER ers1 flashed their loaded cameras on ing of all fair methods of choosing candidates and sub- WEDNESDAY AT AD-SELL them. Oh, yes, their names? The Misses stituting appeals to prejudice. The Jew has down The Pi Delta Sigma, Jewish social Evelyn and Grace Wolfe, of Dorthrough the ages suffered indescribable agonies, endured fraternity at Creighton University, chester, if you please! hideous tortures, and has been subjected to shameful will hold their annual smoker for all abuse of the most demoniacal nature because of similar the Jewish students in the Univer- A rose by any other name would prejudices directed against him. He should, then, havesity at the Ad-Sell grill on Wednes- smell just as sweet; and a gentile learned what prejudice means. And having learned this day evening, October 17, at 8 o'clock. with a Jewish name may be brilBesides the cigarettes and refresh- liant and important, but that doesn't lesson, he cannot go!to the polls and vote according to ments, an elaborate program will be make him a Jew. personal religious prejudices. The application of this presented. Boxing bouts, music and principle means that he must vote neither for nor against comedians will headline the entera candidate because of his religion. If Al Smith is tainment. Paul Spor and his funsters will be featured on the proCatholic, that is no reason for voting against him. And gram. ; fur the Jew to vote en masse for him in "protest'
against the Protestant majority would be a display of a religious clannishness and discrimination that .is in vio-S. R. ELSON ADDRESSES lation of every principle that our government is founded AMERICANIZATION CLASS upon. • . S. R. Elson, director of immigrant There is no and never can be a "Jewish vote."education of the state department of Political affiliations, are personal matters -and: must not education, addressed themembers of Americanization classes sponbe made on religioSis lines. A survey of Jewish leaders the. sored by the Council of Jewish shows that they are aligned with both parties. The Women at the Jewish Community Jewish mass is known to have mixed sentiments.' So, Center Wednesday evening. About 20 men and women enrolled in the why this appeal to a "Jewish vote"? Every true American, when he goes to the polls next classes, which held their first meetmonth, will mark his ballot for the man whom he believes ing Wednesday evening. I. Rosenthnl is chairman of best qualified by virtue of his record, ability, and policies theMrs.Immigrant Education Committo guide the destinies of the American Ship of State. tee of the Council. Miss Elizabeth Hart is principal of the faculty, Gathering of Women whose Jewish Girl Soloist members are: Miss Marie GortoBeHeldatJ.C.C don, Miss Rita Mantel, Miss Pauline at Symphony Concert Koppel, Mrs. A. Brodky and David Miss Dorothy JLustgarten, 15-year- A large gathering of women will Newman. old Omaha violinist, has been invit- be held at the Jewish Community ed to be the soloist at the children's Center Wednesday afternoon, OctoPatronize Our Advertisers program of the Omaha Symphony ber 17, at 3 p. m., under the auspices Orchestra to be given October 31. of the Council of Jewish Women. POLITICAL APVBBTISKMBNT An interesting feature of the ar-Mrs. Eva Morse, director of adult rangement is that the youthful mu- home-making education, of the sician is to play the same number Omaha public schools, will be the that will be played by the soloist at speaker. • the regular concert the next night, Home making classes to be ofto be played by Paul Kochanski. fered by the Council at the Center Miss Lustgarten received similar this year will be announced and recognition of her talents during last explained. Members of the social year's Omaha Symphony Orchestra service committee, under which the season. classes will be held, will be hostesses Miss Ida Lustgarten, sister of the They are Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky youthful violinist, also received rec- chairman; Mrs. Sam Nathan, Mrs ognition of her musical ability re- Harry Lapidus, Mrs. A. S. Bubnitz, cently by being elected into the Mrs. H. L. Abrahams, and Mrs. exclusive Matinee Musicale Society. Manuel Grodinsky. Mrs. J. H. KuThis organization is composed of the lakbfsky is president of the Council. foremost musicians and music lovers Jewish women of all groups are of Omaha. Membership in it is only invited to attend this affair, which obtained by invitation. will be followed by a social hour.
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for Re-election
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OMAHA, NEBRASKA Soft gray, Iron, brass, bronie »nd aluminum eastings. Standard sixes bronie and Iron bushings,sewer man boles, cistern ring's and corers snd clean-out doors in stock. All kind* of wood and metal patterns.
Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas.
James E. Rait
at$l Down
Beauty Rest Mattress
This observer long; ago pointed FAMOUS LATVIAN OFFICER out that Doctor Julius Klein, the CONVERTED TO JUDAISM cn\kiis i well-known director of the Foreign Bureau of the Department of Com- Riga {J. T. A.)—The Latvian merce, is not a Jew. We were there- army officer, Shantieker, who re- L " D i s t r i c t -Ju-j^ fore surprised to flnd one of oarceived the highest decorations durdistinguished contemporary column- ing the war for his country's indeEXPERIENCED jedicial ists fall into the error of stating pendence, has embraced Judaism. k Omha that "if President Coolidge had ap- He will soon marry a Jewish girl. nd Douglas county atpointed Klein to succeed Hoover, he During Bosh Hashanah he attendtorney, l h would have been the second Jew toed synagogue here. fearless, sit in a presidential cabinet." Klein is a German, as his name The most plain, short and lawful KGNi-POUIir \ L readily indicates. As to his first way to any good end is more eligible name, Julius, since when have we than one directly contrary in some Jews a monopoly on Roman names? or all of those qualities.—Swift. Paxfon-Mitchell Co. Not every good business man is a n t h and Martha 8U. HArnoy IM? Patronize Our Advertisers Jew, as witness the famous doctor.
Election Nov. 6, 1928 Non-Political Ballot
"A Good Citizen Wherever We Serve"
Nebraska Power Courtesy - Service • low ftttts
AT. 8485
R^^ne A T L A N T f C J06$$ OMAHA.
Council Bluffs News By F. R. K. The Council Bluffs Talmnd Torah Sunday School will start its new classes on Sunday morning, October 14, at the Synagogue, 618 Mynster Street All children who wish to attend Sunday School should be there promptly at 10 o'clock Sunday morning for registration.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Zusman announce the engagement of their daughter, Tillie, to Mr. Isaac Dloogoff, son of Mrs. M. L. DloogofP of Kansas City, Mo. No date has been set for the •wedding.
The 'ladles' Aid Society wiU hold a meeting' next Wednesday afternoon, October 17, at the home of Mrs. Philip Saks, 120 Third Street.
Mr. and Maxlievine annonnce the engagement of their daughter, CeeeKay to Mr. Harry Bush, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bush of this city. The date for the wedding has been set for October 28.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gotsdiner announce the birth of a daughter, bom Thursday, October 4. at the Methodist Hospital in Omaha.
Mrs. Clara Tretiak announces the marriage of her daughter, Anna, to Mr. Nathan Gitnick on Sunday, October 14, at the Adas Jeshuron Synagogue at 25th and Seward. , ; The ceremony was followed by a dinner at 2043 North 20th Street
Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman entertained twenty guests at her home Snnday evening in honor of her father, Mr. M. Marcus, the occasion being bis birthday. The evening diversion was playing bridge.
The Jewish Women's Pioneer OrMr. and Mrs. Irving Schneiderganization will give a concert and a man of New York City announce the one-act play Sunday evening, Octobirth of a son on October 10. Mrs. ber 21, at 8:30 at the Labor Lyceum. Scnneidennan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Kesselman of this city. Tickets may be.obtained from the members. Mr. and Mrs. Weinstein announce The Independent Ladies' Club has the birth of a son on Monday, October 8, at the Methodist HospitaL arranged a program and concert to Mrs. Weinstein was formerly Miss be given Sunday, October 14, at the Labor Lyceum at 8:30 P. M. Helen Levinson. Featured on the program are a musical ensemble by the three JaMr. and Mrs. Ben Hershorn announce the birth of a daughter on cobsen sisters, piano and violin Tuesday, October 9. at the Wise Me- solos by the Misses Ida and Dorothy Lnstgarten and vocal selections by morial Hospital. Mrs. Margaret Margolin Bellman. In addition, several other artists Miss Hhoda Peltz is at the Wise win appear in a one-aet Jewish play, Memorial "Hospital, where she is re- "The Two Fathers." The public is covering from her illness. invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krasne and daughter, Lorraine, of Los Angeles, Calif., left for their home Tuesday, after spending the past few weeks here visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. Bernstein. Mr. Joseph Weitzman and daughter, Sarah, of Chicago, DL, spent the past week-end here visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Steinberg.
Louis, Mo. "WnBe in St. I«raisj he atended the World Series ball games:
Miss Sarah Cohen. - daughter of JOSEPH KRAMER DIES Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen, has left for AFTER MONTH ILLNESS a several weeks* stay in the east. She stopped off for several days in Mr. Louis H. Katelman returned Mr, Joseph Kramer passed away Chicago and-from there she will visit in a Council Bluffs hospital early home Wednesday, after spending in New York with relatives. Monday morning after a month's several days in Kansas City and St. illness. The funeral was held MonMiss. Dorothy Allen of Los An- day afternoon, interment taking geles, Calif., and formerly of Coun- place in the Golden Hill Cemetery in cil'Bluffs, Iowa, is accompanying Omaha. ..:• / • • ••-••' Miss Hope Loring, famous scenario • He* is ^arrived- by-five -daughters,writer for the Lasky studios, to New Mrs. Jake Kramer and Mrs." A. L. York City as her secretary. Cohen of Council Bluffs, Mrs. S. Rips and Mrs. D. Parker of Omaha, Miss Belle Richards is at the Wisei and_Miss Esther Kramer of ChicaMemorial Hospital, where she is con- go ; and by two sons,' Arthur Kravalescing from her illness. mer of California, and Earl Kramer of Omaha. All of the children exThe Kappa- Chapter of the Theta !cept Arthur were with Mr. Kramer Phi Sigma Sorority will give a ben- at his death. efit bridge Sunday, October 14, at 2:30 P. M. at the Blackstone Hotel. We are not so much to strain ourPrizes will be given at each table selves to make those virtues appear for either men. or women. The com- in us which really we have not, as Seats Now on Sale mittee in charge of the affair con- to avoid those imperfections which sists of Misses Ann Jonisch and Bess may dishonor "us.—Dryden. Nights, 25c-S0c-7Sc Boxes $1 Xdpp, the latter having been recently Matinees, 2ScS0c elected president of the sorority. Patronize Onr Advertisers
Abies Irish Rose
The Daughters of Israel Ladies' Aid Society of the Jewish Old People's Home will hold their next regular meeting on Tuesday, October 1C, at 2:30 P. M. at the Jewish Old People's Home. Members and their friends are invited to attend.
The 200 children enrolled in the Jewish Community Center Sunday school will attend their first classes Sunday morning, October 14. Kindergarten chairs are in readiness to receive the newest and smallest members of the school, rooms and curricula are prepared for each of the other classes, which will this season include a post confirmation class consisting of the confirmants When shopping, mention the "Jewof last year. ish Press."
BRANDEIS STORE 1 Mothers! Value on 1
I Peter Pan Boys' Suits
5 3
| a B
The Fa H on girls have planned a Halloween party to be given Sunday. October, 28. The party will be held at the home of JSara Pollay, the president of the organization.
I 1
G-C For Your Entire Wardrobe of |
New Frocks
Regularly $3 Value*
1 Peter Pan suits for the small boy. These are well made = of jersey, tweed and wool flannel. In this group are rep5 2 resented the smart new button-on and flapper styles and = the two-piece suits.
Two floors concentrating on style apparel for every occasion
Frocks to bring refreshing newness to your wardrobe . . . for every hour of the day! Frocks for shopping, for street wear, for business . . . for afternoon teas, bridge, visiting . . . for sports, motoring and club wear . . . for informal or formal dinner wear . . . yes, even for theater and dancing! Frocks of youthful charm . . . frocks of mature sophistication. Gathered in four specialized dress departments.
A financial statement for the past year and »ther reports will be given. Election of officers for the coming year will also take place. Besides the business to be conducts ed, an interesting; program has been arranged
ing powder, % teaspoon salt, 4 tablespoons butter, 1 cup milk, 1 egg, 2 apples, % cup sugar and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Mix and sift dry ingredients. Cut in butter and add milk and egg. Spread on greased shallow pan. Pare cores and cat apples in eighths, laying them in rows on top of the dough, pressing in lightly. Mix % teaspoon cinnamon in % cup sugar and sprinkle over apples and dot with butter. Bake at 400° until apples are tender.
Brandeis Theatre
All Records Smashed Compelled to Hold Over Another Week Week of OcL 14th
MEETING T H I S S U N D A Y The City Talmud Torah.will hold by 1 Mr. Dave Whitebook of CJhieago, its annual meeting on Sunday, OcMrs. David M. Newman 2 111., spent the-past week-end here tober 14, at S o'clock at the Talmud visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Torah building at 21st and Burt G. Whitebook. Streets. AMERICAN COFFEE CAKE Four and one-half cups flour, 4 Mrs. J. J. Brown is confined at teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon the Edmundson Hospital, where she salt, 6 tablespoons butter, 2 eggs, underwent an operation last Friday. 1% cups milk, % cup sugar. Sift baking powder, salt and sugar A Hebrew class will be organized three times. Add well-beaten eggs at the Synagogue on Monday eve- and milk mixed thoroughly and at ning, October 15, at 8 o'clock for melted butter. Turn in square pans anyone between the age of 15 and 21. and spread evenly. Brush over top Anyone interested should be pres- with milk and spread with the folent next Monday evening. lowing: % cup graham cracker crumbs, % cup sngar, 3 tablespoons, Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of butter. Mix cracker crumbs and the A. Z. A. met bast Wednesday eve- sugar, rub butter in until all is ning at the Danish HalL Plans were crumbly. Spread thickly and bake made for a dance to be given No- in moderate oven (350°) for 35 minvember 11 at the Hotel Chieftain. utes. Arrangements for the affair are in DUTCH APPLE CAKE the hands of Abe L. Katelman. Two cups flour, 3 tablespoons bak-
Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Brown announce the birth of a daughter, born Saturday evening, October 6, a t the Edmundson Hospital. Joseph Solomonow, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Solomonow, will have the title role in the Ero-Aristo Societies' play entitled "The Show-OfE," which win be given at the Abraham Lincoln High School on Friday evening, October 12, and Saturday evening, October 13.
OGTOBEB 12,1928
A Special Purchase Sale of
Men's Sample Shirts
for Friday
$2 to $3 Values
5 3 I
A fortunate purchase of these men's dress shirts has 5 enabled us to offer them to you a t this exceptional value. 5 Collar attached styles, assorted patterns and sizes. |
The Extra Value Omar Bakery pats into its bread, cakes and pastries has brought us thousands of customers. Women all over Omaha i n UDdng about it. Yon can set Omar goods from most groceries or the Omar wagon that comes ta jmu aeifldMcboad.
pure irest
Let "Long Distance" Drive More Tacks Into Your Sale* Map Those untouched spots on your sales map reveal prospective markets that can be sold profitably. "Long Distance" is getting business at low cost in this thriving territory for hundreds of other concerns. '_. ,' Our Cocai Manage* will be glad to explain hem tht telephone can help you drive more tacks into your sales map. NORTHWESTERN BEUL TELEPHONE Ccx
BELL SYSTEM . One Sgtsttm - Umtmtmtt Stmim
FOUE--THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1928 thereafter the two were signed-tip This-loop is more or. less a condi- general interest, several entertains able to find a steady job for a year, ents, .'.-.belpS' tfeein solve . their prob- Philip <«a»er, Mrs. Philip; Sh«*v Mrs. for a championship tussle and ittioning process for the winter Com- merits are being planned for thewill easily become a prey- toflejec- lems, and pats them baclc into nor- H. A.-Wolf,. Mrs," K. Kulakofsky, tion, ill health, and mental derange- mal life^ readjusted and reformed. Miss Blanche Zimman, and 8. Kaedification of the bowlers. looked like the dusky battler was mercial League. : ment. The boy or girl, brought up, Children" with mental aM nervous vltz. The Federation is a member Additional' talent is needed to "in" when he decided to pick up ,... . • B y .•.''',•-' some extra dough by meeting] some . The second round results "of theequalize the strength and those who in a home of wretched poverty; -will, difficxilties receive psychiatric exam- of the Community Chest. FRANK B. ACKEBMAN setup. - He- showed poor judgment Center" handball tournament a r e : desire to be assigned to teams are) soon seek an hour "of forgetfulness inations and treattuent, given as a POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT in picking on Fields. If Fields Abe Meyers beat L. Herman, 21-11, requested to communicate with Jack in dance hall and pool room, and will volunteer service by the .leading Chances for a Jewish welterweight keeps up the good work, a Jewish 21-12; Date Franks beat Irving Alberts, President, or Ab. Kaiman, often spend the next morning in specialists of the city. champion rose several notches when juvenile court. fighter is going to ascend to theLevin, 21-3, 21-6; vMorris Bloom beat Secretary of the League. This is not by any means a coinJaefcie Fields pulled a surprise by Archie Chesneau, 21-12, 21-8; Max throne. ! plete summary of the work of the In 1927, 56 child welfare cases punching Jack Thompson all .oyer Altshuler beat I. Sokoloff, 21-12, Federation. It is only a human were cared for. There are now 2S the squared circle in. a.;ten-r«un.d 21-9. In the upper bracket, Segelstory of some of the most appealing Harry Devine, stellar opiate packOmaha children at the Jewish Orbout at San .Francisco* Thompson man plays Ban, A. Bercu plays phases of the work—the story of er on the Olympic boxing team, has phan's home at Cleveland. AH Jewis the coloured mauler' who h i e d Katzman, Kattleman plays Roehhow a complex organization becomes deserted the amateur ranks. In his ish children who have the misforthe title-holder, Joe Danaee, man, and Goldberg plays Mendelson. (Continued from Page 1) to every Omaha Jewish family, a first professional appearance, Detune to appear in juvenile court find ing the welter ting put^n'ttiese support the family. And they acfriend in need. Judge Frank S. HoweH h«» the apvine made an auspicious start a friend even at court, again the ond canto of one of those "no title proval of his fellow judges of the cepted the challenge. The work of friendly visiting in Supreme Court and the endorsement at stake", melees, inimediateiy toward, a propitious career by lam- The handball committee is serious- In three years the number of reg- Jewish Welfare Federation, and of th« Omaha Bar association, rely considering changing the present basting one Tony Santello. 202 votes to his opponent's ular pensioners of the Federation often they are paroled to the Fed-all cases of distress is done by Miss ceiving rule of forty-five minutes reservaS3. eration, with the result that the Elsie Poska, the case •worker, and MONSKY.KATTLEMAN&GRQDINSKY has almost doubled, and intermittent . Attorneys --. , ; . " ' ' When the Army eleven and thetion to a half-hour limit, with singles relief granted has increased nearly friendly visitor calls upon the par-the members of the relief commitFaithful, Fearless 730 Omaha NatU Bank Bids. -.- '• allowed. , NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION. • Boston University pigskin chasers tee: Henry Monsky, chairman; Dr. 10 per cent. Last year, the FederaIn the County Court of Pouglas CounExperienced in All ty Nebraska:- In the matter or. the e s - clashed, eight Jewish gridsters were tion cared for 52 social service tate of Grace Lee, deceased. ; . . . The undefeated, junior hoopsters. Forms of Legal All persons : interested in; said estate numbered among the Boston Unicases, 49 health cases, and 352 HIMELBLOOM BAKERY are hereby notified that a petition has versity luminaries., The Massachu- who won thirteen games without o 1511 N. S4th—WE. 6284 The utmost in transients, a total of 773 active Work been filed in said Court alleging that Photographs said deceased died leaving no last i?M setts aggregation has a promising single setback last year, is practic- cases in the family welfare departServe Himelbloom's new Russian and prayingfor administration upon her Non-Political Ballot ing every Friday afternoon at 5. pumpernickle bread with yonr estate, and that a hearing will be had bnnch and should make a creditable ment alone. DAVIS LAKE STUDIO next meal. He hag practiced law 36 years in Neon sal* petition before said court on the Showing. Their captain, Art Dorfbraska, served five years as United 2506 N. 24th—WE. 6311 3rd day of November, 1928. and that if AH classes are well under way. The primary causes of dependency, State* district attorney and has they fall tor.appear at said Court on the man, is a.Jewish lad who plays topunemployment, ill health, maladjustserved OR the Supreme Bench by apsaid 3rd day of November, 1928, at 0 pointment to fill the vacancy caused o'clock A. M-, to contest said petition, the notch football and who has been Krasne expects a much larger turn- ment, quickly lead to complicated by the death of the late Judge Court may -grant the same and grant a satellite for the past three years. out for the Sunday morning classes George A. Day. administration of said estate to John W. social problems. A young and at- OMAHA MIRROR ft ART GLASS CO. for men starting at 10:30.• Yeager or some other suitable person Paxton Billiard Parlors Manufacturers of tractive girl will easily become a and vproceed-to-a: settlement thereof. Vote for 1516 Farnam—JA. 8721 Art Glass, Window Glass : BRYCB CRAWFORD, mental case, due to worry over her Mirrors, Up at Creighton a Jewish boy is ResIIverinff—Picture and Mirror \- • . County Judge. Marcus Krasne is sending the girl Direct Wire Service on All Framing . • I. Oct.l2-3t making a strong bid for a varsity inability to find a job. The father basketball aspirants through the of eight children who has been un- 1614 Cumlnr St. Latest Sport Events AT. 6525 letter. Leo Fried is the! only Jew SAM BEBEE & DAVID E*. BEBER among the first-stringers, and inpreliminary routine in preparation i Attorneys spite of the competition has a good for the cage season. Veterans in301 .Teters Trust iBIdg. clude Minnie Flax, captain; Bertha NOTICE BE PUBLICATION ON PETI- chance to get his "C." TION FOB i-SETTI«EMKNT OF FINAI» Shafton, Ethel Hurwitz, Grace LevADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. in, Edith Gross, Minnie Sherman. In the Connty Court of Douglas County, When Central squashed Beatrice Madeline Greenberg, Leona Pollack, f Nebraska. last Saturday, three Jewish ball- and Grace Rosenstein. Marcus is In the matter-ol the estate'jdl^Jotri.G.Mueller, deceased: All persons interest- toters broke into-the lineup, and planning a house league for the ed In Bald -.matter are hereby notified that on t h e ? l s t day of September,-1928, the entire trio played during four girls. V-' Adolf Mueller filed a petition in said quarters, turning in a bang-up perCounty Court, praying that his-finaladministration* account filed' herein be set- formance and aiding materially in tled and allowed, and that he be dis- bringing home the bacon. The three Business Men's Bowling League charged from his trust as administrator and that a hearing will be had on said were Hank Weiner, Milton Altshuler petition before said Court on the 13th Considerable activity was eviday of October, 1928, and that if you and Al Fiedler. denced during the evening's playing fall to appear before said Court on the said 13th day of October, 1928, at 9 of the Business Men's Bowling o'clock a. m., and'contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said Both of the Jewish baseball per- League. petition, enter a decree of helrship, and make such other and further orders, al- formers in the big leagues finished A number of new faces graced the lowances and decrees, as to this Court the year with a batting average lineup of some of the teams. Segal may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be below the select .300 class. Moe and Goldberg were added to the finally settled and determined. - ' ; BETCB CRAWFORD, Berg of the White Sox ended up Wardrobe; Erman and Stern to the Cleaners Accountants Furnaces Printers Sept. 28—2t. i County Judge. with a batting percentage of .263, Tousem Service, and Dave Conn For Service Call while Andy Cohen of- the Giants fin-was signed up by the Empire CleanJ. RAZNICK ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. LEON& WHITE, ATTYS. ished with an average of .277, nine ers. CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 109-11 THE BEE HIVE CLEANERS Sheet Metal and Furnace Works 475 Brandels Theater Bid*.—JA. 4811 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF home runs being included in his 137 Marvin Treller, "The Bambino" of North TINWOBK, GUTTERS, SPOUTING 0644 NICHOL -MANOFAOTCRING COMAUDITS SYSTEMS Under Management of H. Marcus 18th PANY. • f, • . . -,•;•• .. "• ••hits. Seasonable Prices the League, crashed the pins for a INCOME TAX Notice Is hereby given that a Corpora1941 Vinron St. JA. 1440 1520 Xorth 24th WE. 5365 598 count, and Eddie Meyers thailed tion has been' formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska. _ behind Treller with 589, securing a Basket ball practice for the J. C. The name of. the Corporation is '•NICHOL MANUFACTURING COM- C. varsity cagers has been delayed single game marker for 232. I. SWARTZ We Feature PANY." WM. BRYDEN & CO. PEERLESS CLEANERS The Omaha Tobacco Company and The principal place of transacting Its considerably by the holidays, but Installation and repairing of Tin QUALITY—rRICE— SERVICE business is the City of Omaha, Douglas will start Sunday afternoon from the Glazer Clothing Company furCertified Public Accountants 4420 Florence Blvd. Work—Furnaces—Skylights— County, Nebraska. SUN PRINTING CO. . The general nature of the business to 5 to 6 o'clock. Marcus Krasne has nished a close contest. The Kaiman 638 Securities Bldg. KE. 1500 \Ventilating—Gutters—Spouting be transacted by the Corporation is to AT. 4481 The HODM With a Reputation manufacture, purchase, sell and distrib- the following veterans who will Insurance took two games from the AT. 3S32 504 S. 13th 717 North 16th AT. 2833 ute agricultural. Industrial and.mechanical implements; to purchase or other- again don a uniform:, Max Altshu- Empire Cleaners. The Wardrobes wise acquire patents,. inventions, li- ler, Johnny Rosenblatt, Jimmy Bur- were defeated by the, Geshundheits, censes, processes and trade-names; to Contractors Auto Tops—Accessories Reist&is Furriers purchase, deal in, sell and mortgage roughs, Sam Liebowitz, Sammie and the Tousems won the series from real estate: to draw, accept and execute Katzman, and Dave Franks. Among the Malashock Jewelry. promissory notes or * other negotiable We Specialize in the instruments. those almost certain to make the National Accessories, Ire Aside from the recreation and BOY FURS from a FURRIER , The authorized capital stock of the A. H. BRODKEY Management of Property Corporation is $25,000.00, with shares of team are Cowboy Sadofsky, a mem2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 the par value of $100.00 each, all of such ber of Tech's team last year, Manny We carry everything in quality Stock being non-assessable. Said stock Giving Special Attention to GENERAL furs at lowest prices in the city. may be paid for in cash or property or Goldberg and -Bennie Rosen. "Everything for the Auto" Apartment and Business such other things of value »B shall be CONTRACTOR determined upon by the Corporation. Properties Remodeling Repairing Made In At least $2,500.00 shall be paid in for capital stock prior to the commenceThe pre-season cage league got 409 Hospe Bldg. ment of business by the said CorporaAuto Top and Glass Service Heyn-Kennedy Co. OMAHA well under way last Wednesday. SAMPLE FUR SHOP tion. . . - . . . • BODt REBUILDING REALTORS The Corporation shall commence busiJAckspn 1614 ness on the filing of its Articles with 2nd Floor Securities Bldg. MIDDLE STATES TOP AND 416 Medical Arts Bldg. the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue for a peestimates Gladly Furnished JA. 2100 JAckson 1132 BODY CO. riod of fifty years. , The highest amount of indebtedness 2026 Farnam JA. 4102 to which the Corporation shall at any
Sport Splinters
Judge Frank S. HoweH |
Sunkist Flour
time subject itself shall not exceed twothirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the Corporation shall be Conducted by a Board of Directors composed of two members. -.".-• ORR T. NICHOL. JESSE MERRETT. Incorporators. Dated this 1st day of October, 1928. In presence of S. J. Leon. Oct. 5—J times.
403 Hospe Bldg.
Jackson 5752
Ask Your Grocer
2908 Farnam
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient Words are just talk. Results are what count Puritan Malt proves itself richest, strongest and best by deeds, not claims. Use wherever sweetening is required in the household.
With the
lei Is the Story
Awnings. and Tents
Combined with the
Irresistible Flavor of Brazil
JA. 3682
SCOTT OMAHA TENT AND AWNING CO. Awnings, Canvas Covers. Tents, . Camp Supplies, All Kinds 15th and Howard AT. 14S2
Advo Coffee
Rug Cleaners
ADLER'S Kosher Delicatessen
SINCE 1876
Fresh Corned Beef cooked daily. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meals. Home-made pickles. All kinds of Bakery Goods, Picnic Lunches. WE. 1428 1513 North 24th St.
Barber Shops
Drug Stores
Stimulating for Dinner There is no other Coffee to be compared with it
1923 Clark St.—WE. 0410
Batteries and Garages
HIPPLE'S SERVICE 2602 St. Mary's
Battery and Tire Service Road Service
AT. 5454
Service Our Motto General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing
Ftaoored with foUwmftm Hop*
McCord Brady Co.
Blended. Roasted, Ground and Packed by
EXPERT DYER (32 Years Experience) Do not throw away your faded garments; have them re-dyed by an expert. Formerly a sample Dyer at the Pantorium and . Dresner Bros. Prices reasonable.
IDEAL ITS GOOD" IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY Soda Water, Near Beer and Gingerale WEbstar SMS U t t K. !«t» St.
Mattresses made over in new ticks at halt price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made tip in new fentherproof ticking-
OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1807 Coming St.
JA. 846?
Music Teachers
Tire Shops
THE MILLER TIEE SERVICE COMPANY "That Little Extra Service" Miller <ieared-te.tfa«-Re«ul Tirec COMPL-ETE TIRE SERVICE
Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted Suite 5, Wead Bid*.. 18th ft Farnam Telephone ATlantic 8162
2038 Hairnej- St.
Phone HA. J1«S
Plar the Violin Correctly
Cor. 17th and Capitol A n . - A T . 6427 GO00TEAK SERVICE STATION Tires, Tubes, Aeeennories, RmUt Serrice. Vulcanising, General Repairing
Towel Supply
When Xou Need a Plumber, Call
1917-19 Clark St.
WE. 1119
JA. 3573
Bottlers A.k for it Insist on AdTo "Fwnmu for FUvor"
Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality
PRESCRIPTION EXPERTS 20 Tears' Service with Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. . 1518 Farnam St. AT. 1131
Satisfied Customers Our Greatest Desire
5116 Military Ave.
W. H. OSTENBEHG, Fres. 2815 Farnam ATlantic £815
For space in this directory call the
Lajing, Sizing, Fringing, Binding
Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha
Mattresses and Pillows Made Over in New Ticks 1917 Coming AT. 5983 HARRY KEANTZ, Prop.
18th and Davenport
Sold brail First C U M Grocer*
If your laundress does not satisfy, try us. SANITARY LAUNDRY
Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch
All Family services, from Wet Wash to Family Finiah 11th and Douglas Sts.
227 South 20th Street
1H Blocks Sooth of J. C. C. •
and Scientifically Blended in Omaha
DESIGNING SPKATS AND PARTY DECORATIONS Oar Specialties' 2009 Farnam St. AT. 5757
THE WEIS FLOWER SHOP "The Best Place t o Buy Tour Flowers" 2505 North 2«h St.r-Plioiie ffR 2067
Prof. Sevcik and other world renowned teachers recommend my method very highly. Concert Violinist and Instructor Stndio 117% Jf. l«th St. JA. 185?
609 North
AT. 6291 J. If. JENSEN
PLUMBING A N D CONTRACTOR Quality Is Rcmembend Lose Attar tfee Prjce Is Ferjotten S|gl r * r M » 8*. A-Tta-Mto MM
Towel Supply C«mpany
H i m