October 19, 1928

Page 1

Interesting and Entertaining

All the News of Interest to Jews

< • • ? » - -*"•

Entered as eo£

poatofflce at Omi r

, maQ matter on January 27, 1921. at • under the Act of Xlarcli 3, 1879.

Creighton Medical Frat for Second MRS. G. Gv| 1 SMITH Tryouts ZIONISTS VOTE FOR Celebrates Anniversary Center Play Sunday $500,000 BOND TOCIVEl ORESS ON NOVeMR 26 ISSUE ROTATION To Speak Under Auspices of Council of Jewish Women ANNOUNCE SEASON PLANS

Tryouts for the second Center Players' Guild production of the season will be held at the Jewish Community Center at 2:00 o'clock Sunday, October 21. Mrs. Herman Jahr will again be in charge of the play. She has announced that the next play will be Oscar Wilde's famous drama, "Lady Wlndermere's Fan." The tryouts will begin at 2 o'clock sharp. After 2:15, no one will be admitted to them. Participation in the tryouts is open to all persons interested in dramatics.

VOL. VII.—No. 40


Money Needed to Straighten Out Affairs of Zion Commonwealth. TO WIPE OUT DEFICIT


On Friday evening^ October 12, Alpha Chi chapter of .$>e Phi Delta Epsilon, national medical fraternity, at Creighton University, celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the national fraternity with a banquet at the Elk's Club. David Gross served as toastmaster and short talks were given by Dr. Victor E. Levine and Samuel Z. Faier. consul. The following men were formally pledged at tbe banquet: Maurice Miller and Hyman Riklin of Omaha, and Irving Bosenstein and Norman Sehaeffer of New York City.

GROCERS ATTENTION! With this issue, T H E JEWISH PRESS is inaugurating a new feature, called " T H E GROCER'S NOOK," which we hope will be o£ great interest and benefit to all Jewish grocerymen. THE JEWISH PRESS is received by all o£ the large number of Jewish grocers in the city, and for their benefit we are providing this opportunity to exchange ideas and thoughts that they think may be of value to each other. Any-suggestions for or contributions to the column will be appreciated. These items will be supplemented with latest grocery news gleaned from the leading trade journals of the country as well as from local sources.

NATIONAL HEAD OF A. Z. A. PUBLICITY Appoint? Omahsn to Represent Central Region on Committee. HAS



- Mrs. George Goldsmith, of Los New York (J. T. A.)—Palestinian Nathan E. Green of this city was Angeles, president of the Los Anand American problems vitally afappointed National Publicity Digeles section and member of the fecting the Zionist movement in the rector of the Order of Aleph Zadik national board of the Council of United States were discussed and Aleph at a conference of the execuJewish Women, will come to Omaha action taken at the meeting of the tive committee following the recomto address the November meeting of National Executive Committee of mendation of the Supreme Advisory the Omaha Council of Jewish the Zionist Organization of AmerCommittee of the Order. Women, according to the announceica, held all day Sunday at the Wal"The office of Publicity Director ment of Council programs just made dorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City. was created at the last convention Items for " T H E GROCER'S NOOK" should by Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, president Elihu D. Stone, Assistant United of the Council. be phoned or written to T H E JEWISH PRESS, States Attorney of Boston, presided, 490 Brandeis Theater building, AT. 1450. Programs for five of the year's and 115 members of the body which eight monthly meetings have been has legislative- power between con- Immigration Act Amendment arranged. The first will be held Put Into Effect by Jack Marer Sponsor of Group; ventions were present. Monday, October 29, at the Jewish Official Order. The floating of a $500,000 bond J. M. Malashock One Community Center at 2:30 P. M. issue to straighten out the affairs of Advisors. The constitution-and by-laws of the of the American Zion CommonCONSULS INFORMED Omaha section will be voted upon. wealth, a protest against the WailPLAN INSTALLATION There will be the election of direcing Wall incident, the adoption of a Washington (J. T. A.)—Steps to tors. Chairmen of the standing comAt an organization meeting held balanced budget, the raising of a expedite the entry into the United mittees will announce their plans t ^ J e w i f i h C o m m n n i t y center special fund to wipe out the deficit States of the wives and children of for the year. A social hour will fol- Sunday afternoon of the Sain Be- of the Z. O. A. and the filling of aliens who have been legally admitMrs. Judith Epstein to Speak League of Nations Commission low. " ber Chapter No. 100 of the A. Z. A., vacancies were the major measures ted to this country for permanent Selects Institutions for Under Auspices of Mrs. George Goldsmith of Los An- Frank R. Ackerman was elected to passed upon. residence have been taken in an orResearch. Local Chapter geles will speak at the meeting on bead tbe fraternity as Aleph Godol, The ?500,000 bond issue, accord- der issued by the Commissioner GenNovember 26. On December 31, Mrs. or president. ing to the authorization given the eral of Immigration, Harry E. Hull, TO BE HERE OCT. 20-21 HADASSAH PRAISED Eva Morse, of the adult education The other officers elected are as Administrative Committee, is to be under the Immigration Act of 1924, department of Omaha public schools, follows: Sam Greenberg, Aleph interest bearing, guaranteed. It is as amended by the Joint Resolution The Malaria Commission of the Mrs. Judith Epstein of New York, will speak on "Parent Education." Segan (vice-president); Ephraim amortized over a period of ten years. of Congress approved May 29, 1928. League of Nations, in connection : prominent Hadassah official, will deThe meeting on January 28 will The order, which was made pubThe consent of the World Zionist with the study of certain phases of liver an address on the subject, be a peace program. Milton Abra- j Executive will be required before the lic by Commissioner General Hull, "Zionism With Relation to Hadas- the malaria problem, has endorsed hams, Omaha attorney, will speak issue may be floated. The resolu- provides that such aliens may have sah," at the Jewish Community the methods of controlling this dison "International Arbitration." A tion was proposed by David Frei- their entry into the United States Center on Sunday evening, October ease worked out by Dr. 1. Kligler, pageant of peace adapted from the berger. Harry Sacher of the Jeru- verified in order to aid American 21, at 8:30 P. M. Consulting Bacteriologist of the Nathan E. Green playlet, "When? 1 by Mrs. A. S. Kohsalem Zionist Executive, Louis Lip- consuls abroad in passing upon apHadassah Medical Organization in Mrs. Epstein has been active in ler, will be presented. The pageant sky and Morris Rothenberg urged plications of the aliens' wives and Zionist work since the age of fifteen Palestine. Malaria is one of the l*eceuse of tbe growth of the Orwas written and will be directed by the action to save the Zion Common- children for immigration -visas. and is now national secretary of the three subjects adopted for interna- der," said S&m Beber, president of Mrs. Isidor Ziegler, assisted by Mrs. wealth holdings. The full text of the order follows: women's Zionist organization. Her tional study by the Health Section the Supreme Advisory Committee. Philip Bbmonek and Mrs. Harry Z. «^3*sneral-Order- Nor-$3S. -Subject: extensive- experience in this work of the League. For this they have "Mr. Green was selected for the "~Kosenteld."'"~A^ program7'of Jewish' Verifications of arrival of lawfully qualifies her as an expert on it and selected six laboratories in various position as head of this department tember 1, 1928, until August 31, music will be given at the February resident aliens for information of local members of the society are countries, that of the Hebrew Uni- because of his years of experience 1929, calling for the expenditure by meeting. Plans for the March, April the Zionist Organization of America consuls in considering applications looking forward with anticipation to versity, which works in conjunction «nd because of his knowledge of the and May meetings will be tfnnounced with Hadassah, being chosen in Pal- work of the A. Z. A. He hag been of $254,17&50, including periodicals, of certain relatives for immigration hearing her message. later. associated with newspaper work for visas. was adopted at the recommendation The officers and chairmen of the estine. Rabbi Frederick Conn of Temple the past seven years and is at presof Dr. I. M. Rubinow, National ExHadassah, the Women's Zionist The Immigration Act of 1924, as local chapter will have luncheon Israel will conduct a course on curent with the Omaha World-Herald." ecutive Director, of the Z. O. A. and with Mrs. Epstein on Saturday noon, Organization of America, devotes itamended, provides in part: rent topics the first and third TuesU. P. A. The estimated income from (1) That a status as nonquota im- and in the afternoon, Mrs. A. Romm, self to the health problems of Pal"Since the founding of the A. Z. day mornings of the month, beginall sources was set at $209,500, makA. the organization has grown rappast president of the board, will enestine and the work already done migrant extends to the wife and unning Tuesday, November 20. Course ing a deficit of $44,676.; This deficit idly and now has more taan 2.600 tertain at her home in honor of the by them in the special field of mamarried children under 18 years of tickets may be had from Mrs. Harry will be made up by a general ap- age of ministers and professors, who distinguished guest. members with 84 chapters in the laria control was highly commendA. Wolf, Blackstone HoteL As a Frank B. Ackerman Mrs. Epstein is on a speaking tour ed in the Commission's report last United States and 4 in Canada," special feature of activities this Marks, Aleph Mazkir (secretary) ; propriation from the United Pales- were admitted as such, if following tine Appeal of the amount of $40,and wiil include several neighboring year. The figures then showed that said Phil Klutenick, executive secto join them. year, course tickets for this course Irving Perimeter, Aleph Gisbor 000 for general propaganda work, in cities in her itinerary. fatal cases of the disease had been retary." The work of the A. Z. A. (2) That a preference in the iswill be offered at a reduced rate to (treasurer); Ralph Gross, Aleph addition to the $60,000 paid by the wiped out in tbe large cities and the will soon be of international interest suance of immigration visas to permembers in good standing. Shotare Godol (senior sergeant-at- United Palestine Appeal to the Zionproportion of severe cases cut down and. through the office of publicity The lecture course given each year arms); Dave Greenberg, Aleph Sho- ist Organization of America for thir- sons skilled in agriculture extends even in the outlying districts below director, a complete program of at the Jewish Community Center |tare Kotone (junior sergeant-at- ty thousand copies of the "New Pal- to their wives and dependent chilthat for any other country where events will be Bimounced to the pubwill this year be sponsored by the arms); Morris Blacker, Aleph So- estine," which is sent to the U. P. A. dren under 18 years of age if folmalaria was as great a scourge as lic." lowing to join them. Council of Jewish Women. The pher (reporter), and Henry Sterling, contributors. "1 am pleased to be associated it has been in Palestine. The Com(3) That a preference extends to first lecture will be given some time Aleph Kohen Godol (chaplain). With these appropriations and the wives and unmarried children | mission reported that the methods with the A. 2. A.," mid Mr. Green, in January. A committee, consisting of Frank with the conversion of "Dos Yidused by Hadassah were the finest "because 1 know the work that this Additional committee appoint- R. Ackerman, Ephraim Marks and dishe Folk," the Yiddish organ of under 21 years of age of alien resThe Omaha Daughters of Zion, and most scientific in use anywhere. order has done for the betterment of ments which have been made by Irving Perimeter, was appointed to the Zionist Organization, from a idents of the United States who who have already transmitted two They noted especially the efforts Judaism amongst the ycmth of this Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky are as fol- secure the three advisors necessary weekly into a monthly, the budget have been lawfully admitted for per- thousand dollars to the Jewish Namade to clear and drain infected dis- country." lows : Mrs. Isidor Ziegler, courtesy; to fill the quota of five. Mr. Jack would show a possible surplus of manent residence. tional Fund, have been notified by tricts before allowing new colonies The regional members of the PubMrs.. Sam Beber, membership co- Marer is sponsor of the group and, $3,250 for the coming year, Dr. Ruthe headquarters of the organization to settle there. licity Directors' office will be: Cenchairman; Mrs. Philip Romonek, with Mr. Jay M. Malashock, is on binow explained. that their money is going to the purThe control of malaria has been tral. Irving Perimeter. Omaha; peace; Miss Hazel Degen, printing the Advisory Board. chase of land for the Hebrew Teach- one of the larger fields of prerenta- Southern. Julian Berner, St. Louis, In response to an appeal by Louis and stationery; Mrs. Sam WertElaborate plans for the formal iner's College in Jerusalem. A stretch tive medicine developed by Hadas- Mo.; Western. Harry Hoffman. beimer, sub-committee on the hos- stallation of the new chapter are Lipsky, the members of the Execuof 30 dunams is to be acquired at tive Committee and others present How a poor family was helped up a cost of three thousand dollars. sah. Particular attention was given Stockton, Calif.; Eastern. Monroe pital. being made and will be announced Pittsburgh, Pa. contributed the amount of $15,000 j the steps to a happier life is shown this work by Dr. Kligler, whose mon- Fruchthantller, Home making classes at the Jew-: soon. toward a special fund for the wiping in a window display at the Ne- This land will be used by the insti- ograph on the subject will shortly These men will work under the suish Community Center will begin | Meetings of the chapter are to be out of the deficit and for providing braska Clothing Company this week, tution to build a boarding house be printed by the Health Section of pervision of Mr. Green. soon under the auspices of the Coun- held on alternate Tuesdays, startfor the special appropriations for in connection with the Community on for its students and to provide the League of Nations. Dr. Kligler The annual A. Z. A. tournaments cil. A general meeting of women ing next week, at the J. C. C. land for them to learn practical is now on leave in this country, cultural work and the publications. Chest campaign. will be held at Memphis, Tenn., in interested in the classes was held , —. ———• methods of farming and gardening This, it was declared, will be the Wednesday afternoon, when regis. GIRL SCOUTS MEET The display represents the com- on. The land will be named after where he is studying the newest de- February and the national convennucleus for a nationwide effort to trations for cooking, sewing, and — bined work of the Jewish Welfare the Omaha group furnishing the velopments in American public tion will be held at Pittsburgh, Pa., wipe out the deficit. health education at the John Hop- in July. According to reports from home nursing were taken. Mrs. Eva The first Girl Scout meeting of the Federation, the Associated Charities money. kins University School of Public these cities, the respective convenAlthough the referendum now be- and the Catholic Diocesan charities. Morse, supervisor of this work for year was held on Monday, October The local organization very recent- Health, Yale and Harvard Univer- I tions promise to l»e the most interesting taken among the Hadassah chapthe board of education, described 15, at the Jewish Community CenOn the lower level of the window ly sent in five hundred dollars to the ing ever held by the A. E. A. the classes and the aim of the work. ter. Miss Rose Fiedler, the new lieu- ters as to whether or Bot the Ha- are dolls representing the family as Jewish National Fund, which, with sities. dassah is to join the United PalesMrs. Grace Henderson, who will tenant, spoke on attendance - at it was found by the case worker, the $1,900 that they had previously tine Appeal this year is not yet comteach the sewing class, told of her meetings. destitute, sick and none too clean. transmitted, made the total of two plans for that class. Registrations Bluma Neveloff, Zerline Somberg, pleted, indications show that the de- A flight of five steps, representing thousand dollars. They have a may still be made for the classes Shirley Fiedler, and Josephine Lipp cision will be in the affirmative, assistance given In health, finances, thousand dollars yet to raise to comat the office of the Center. Sewing were elected patrol leaders. Zerline it was reported to the meeting. employment, the strengthening of plete their present project. They By HILLEL, the Observer class will meet at 1 P. M. next Tues- Somberg and Sadye Kohlberg were family ties and recreational oppor- expect to accomplish this during the day, and cooking at 5:30 P. M. selected as representatives to the ANNETTE RIKLIN TEACHES tunities given, leads to. A higher coming year. Junior Club Council. Bluma Neve- CENTER DANCING CLASSES level, in which you see the same Thursday. -_.-.-. The Daughters of Zion have raised Nowadays when you drive up once the residence of I/ortl Beading, family rehabilitated, clean, prosper- much of their funds from the pro- Massachusetts Avenue you reach a former British Ambassador to the Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky has issued loff was designated as alternate. Plans are being made for a Halan appeal to Jewish women to beA dancing class for children be- ing and happy. point in the 2300 block where yon United States. The Jewish diplomat ceeds of card parties. come actively interested in the work loween parry. The next meeting will tween the ages of 4 and 10 years imagine that there must have been was sent here by England in 1918 of the Council, which is developing be held Tuesday, October 30. All wiil be held in the Jewish Commun- PIONEER WOMEN'S CLUB an accident or some exciting adven- and served till the following year, COUNCIL MAKING PLANS ture to attract large crowds of an- during which time he entertained many varied fields of activity and girls desiring to join are invited to ity Center each Friday at 4 P. M., TO SPONSOR PROGRAM which will offer some work of in- attend. beginning Friday, October 26. FOR DEBATE SEASON toaobiles and passersby, but you are lavishly at the present headquarters terest to every Jewish woman. Miss Annette Riklin, who had The program of the Pioneer At the last meeting of the Senior quite mistaken if you make such an of Mr. Hoover and established a JEWS NOT ALLOWED IN charge of the dancing classes last Women's Organization at the Labor Council of the Jewish Community assumption, for the building around further reputation among America's HENRIETTA SZOLD GIRLS KOVNO MEDICAL SCHOOL season, will again teach the class. Lyceum on Sunday evening, October Center, plans were formulated to which the crowds have assembled is leading diplomats as the great inKovno ( j ; T. A.)—Not a single Miss Riklin spent the summer in 21, features dancing by the Rothkop promote debating at the Center. De- simply the present personal cam- ternational leader of British policy. The Henrietta Szold girls held Jewish student was admitted to the Chicago, studying with Adolph Bohm sisters, piano solo by Miss Marguer- bates have already been arranged paign headquarters of Herbert Hoo- During Lord Reading's stay in the and Arthur Katlow. She attended ite Hurwite, vocal solo by Mrs. Mar- with Kansas City, Mo., and with St. ver. Photographers, reporters, cu- United States he made several imtheir last regular meeting at the Kovno Medical College this term. home of Miss Ida Bercovici on The University dean, in a state- classes in ballet, toe, tap and Span- garet Margolin Bellman, and a one- ' Louis, Mo., and prospects are bright riosity seekers and just hangers-on portant speeches at private and public gatherings which promoted corWednesday, October 10. An inter- ment to the representative of the ish dancing. net Yiddish play to be enacted by for arranging debates with Sioux are always there. esting program was given, and Miss Jewish Telegraphic Agency, gave as Miss Riklin will be accompanied Mrs. J. Resnick, Miss Roseline . City, Des Moines, and Chicago. The palatial residence which the dial relations between Great Britain and the United States. Martha Lippett gave a report of the an explanation the lack of space in by her sister, Miss Sarah Riklin. Richmond, Joseph Morgenstern, In order to promote interest in Republican candidate nas now conNational Young Judea convention the laboratories. In other depart- Registrations for this class should • Harry Blacker, Harry Krantz, Earl debating, a club is to be organized verted into his home office is the We are wondering whether the held in Long Branch, N. J.. during ments of the University, Jews are be made at tbe Jewish Community . Goodbinder, Mary Kaplan, and Es- •for this purpose in the near future. property of an Irish lady, but it is former Rnfus Isaacs', presence still | ther Welnzwelg. June. well represented, he said. Center at once. interesting to us to recall that it was I Mr. Ephraim Marks is in charge.






Welfare Work Shown in Window Display

The Washington Jewish Mirror


{Continued on Page 2)


:i *!'




Heads Moon Agency

Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic < 1450


fill, if indeed, he considers himself climbing up the ladder of America as did his Jewish predecessor in the gray stone Renaissance building at 2315 Massachusetts Avenue.



FOSTER f°''-District


hovers about the Massachusetts Rev. Shaia Kahanowiten, Cantor Avenue mansion and whether the HEBREW UNION COLLEGE EXPERIENCED in judicial OPENS WITH 132 PUPILS work. Formerly Omaha of the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel candidate for the highest office withpolice judge and Doug] M in the gift of the American people Synagogue at 19th and Burt streets, County deputy county at.$2.50 Cincinnati (J. T. A.)—With a recSubscription Price, one year ••• torney. Capable, honest, • has just completed his third year realizes that there is a similarity Advertising rates furnished on application fearless. between his own picturesque career ord enrollment of 132, the Hebrew as Cantor in the City of Omaha. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be Rev. Kahanowitch has been suc- and that of the Jewish boy brought Union College held its fifty-fourth sure to give your name. . ••.-... annual opening exercise here. cessful in organizing a choir of 14 up in London. NOn-POLiTlCAL In his address Dr. Julian Morgenmale voices that assist him in the There has been much exaggeration ' I c e t I'O n N o \ . (~> t i services during the high holidays. about Lord Reading's humble be- stern, president of the college, said ; His excellent rendition of the serv- ginning, as if he had been the son"It is high time that we produce Paxton-Mitchcll Co. ices during these high holidays have of a poor shoemaker. The fact is modern Jewish biblical scholars who can interpret the Bible objectively n t h and Mni-th* 8t». HArney lw? created an unusual interest with that his father was a wealthy city OMAHA, NEBRASKA and scientifically, but also with proTo the tune of roaring motors and whistling winds, Omaha Jewry and have been so merchant and his xincle, Sir Henry Soft pray, iron, brass, bronse and aluminum Standard glies a giant bird of the air spanned the Atlantic and nestled well received that it is estimated Isaacs, a former Lord Mayor of the found knowledge, understanding and bronze andcastings. iron bushings,newer mansympathy." hole*, cistern rings and covers and that approximately 3,000 people vis- City of London. Tet Lord Reading's down to a well-earned if not lengthy rest this week. F o r clean-out doors in stock. AH ktndu ited the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel own youth was sufficiently unsettled of wood and metal patterns. 6,500 miles, from Germany to the United States, the "Graf Cape Town (J. T. A.)—Yidel Synagogue during the past holidays. to make one marvel at the heights Zeppelin" had majestically soared through calm and The Cantor's interpretation of theof eminence to which he has climbed. Schwartz, Zionist leader in South storm; scorning alike the foaming waves below and the IN OMAHA Africa and member of the Zionist Hebrew traditional prayers have As a youngster he ran off to sea General Council, died here. treacherous gales around. And finally the aerial colossus, been especially interesting and in-and it was as a ship's boy that he unsullied by its long fight with the "elements, pointed its structive to -the younger members first saw from the masthead the ap250 Rooms—200 Baths of Omaha Jewry and there has been proaching shores of India which he nose earthward, closing a memorable chapter in the world's FOR RENT Good Rooms for $1.50 noticed an unusually large attend- was a half a century later to rule history and marking a scientific achievement whose glory Four Unfurnished Rooms, well Operated by Eppley Hotels Co. ance on the part of the Jewish as Viceroy. Lord Reading has will never die. • Sam Blown decorated. Heat furnished. young men and women at the Syna- climbed up the English ladder as Rent reasonable. Apply 2106 With fast-beating hearts and credulous eyes, the world S. Bloom, president of the Bloom gogue, as well as the older mem- high Miami St. or call We. 5256 as he possibly can, but Herbert will listen to the epic of this Odyssey of the air. With Auto company, has completed the bers*. "QUALITY JEWELERS" Hoover still has one ambition to fulloud acclaim they will greet Dr. Eckener, his crew, and remodeling of his showrooms at 2204 Rev. Kahanowitch received his MALASHOCK JEWELRY the brave passengers, and with commendation, they will Farnam street. The Bloom Auto early training as a boy in the choir POLITICAL APVEHTISKMKXT POLITICAL. ADVERTISEMENT Wholesale and Retail Jewelers talk of the builders of the mammoth airship. With rev- company has the sole agency for theof one of the most prominent Ortho213-16 City National Bank automobile in Nebraska and dox Cantors in Russia, the Rev. erence they will speak of Count Zeppelin, in token of rec- Moon Bldg.—JA. 5619 Zadel Rovner, and later studied as adjoining counties of Iowa. ognition of whose contributions to dirigible-building the C. L. Zeller, wholesale district a dramatic tenor under Professor present champion of the skies is named. But few will be manager, has been with the Bloom Bironbon at Warsaw, Poland, where the souls who will pay tribute to an obscure person named firm the past two weeks, helping the he received his technical voice culDavid Schwartz. The world has forgotten that a Jew-organization of the local agency. ture. Baker Ice Machines Rev. Kahanowitch during his The Moon Aerotype is being featured invented the dirigible! training received many offers of en"Manufactured in Omaha" the showrooms. This Jugo-Slavakian genius who gave his fortune, his at The gagements on the stage as a Jewish public is invited to inspect the energies, his very life to the development of the airship, late models BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. of the Moon car. Sales- artist, but having sprung from an lies forgotten and unmourned in the hour of his triumph. men are always at the service of Orthodox religious family, he fol% lowed his work as a Cantor. BeDuring his lifetime he had not only conceived but built visitors.. ~ airships that he flew successfully. But the long years of According to Mr. Bloom, the Moon fore coming to America, he served years as Cantor in one of the disappointment during which he strove to interest the sales are mounting .rapidly, and hetwo ICE large synagogues at Winnipeg, Canexpects to increase his output in German and Russian governments sapped the life-blood CREAM ada, from which point he was called from him. When the belated recognition finally came from the immediate future. to the synagogue at Omaha. Since his appointment as Cantor of - the the German government in 1897, the shock was so great WE. 3260 Omaha Synagogue, the membership that he dropped dead. But ironical fate not only insisted HABIMAH CELEBRATES TENTH ANNIVERSARY has increased and he has been inon depriving him of his recognition, but with characterin arousing a great dea istic injustice showered it upon another. Count Zeppelin Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The tenth strumental Refresh Yourself of interest and enthusiasm on th DRINK had seen great possibilities in Schwartz's fragile airship anniversary of the founding of the part of Omaha Jewry for the syna and lost no time in purchasing the plans and rights to Habimah, Hebrew theatre, will be gogue. the invention from the widow of the martyr to science celebrated here on December 15. jubilee committee is headed by and gathered to himself all the credit for it. I t is true The Many a man fails to become a Chaim Nachman Bialik. Honorary IN BOTTLK8 that the German nobleman is deserving of much credit chairmen of the committee are Dr.thinker for the sole reason that his memory is too good.—Nietzsche. for the work he accomplished in developing the sky-cruiser, Ohaim "Weizmann, Stanislavsky, bnt is it asking too much to beg an iota of praise for theStephen Szeig and Mr. Simon, edHarry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas. man whose brain conceived it, for the genius who sacri- itor of the "Frankfurter Zeitung." WANTED—Sleeping room with Omaha Fixture and - The Habimah troupe will proceed ficed his all for it? -"£••• respectable family in west part to Europe in January for a tour in Supply Co. of city by Jewish young lady. various countries. Write to THE JEWISH city. He was one. of the first to orCOMPLETE STORE & OFFICE Judge Foster Active PRESS, Box 24. ganize a Boy Scout troop in Omaha OUTFITTERS Patronize Oar Advertisers .- in Humanitarian Work and was on the first executive scout Present Presiding Judge of.the council. Up until the time of the Onr 7«.tM gqaare Feet 8««thweat Cvrner Very few men in the state of Ne-world war he was a scoutmaster. Fourth Judicial District braska can claim such a large part Judge Foster assisted in organizEleventh and Douglas Streets in the organization of welfare and ing the Masonic Home for Children Phone JAckson 2724 humanitarian groups as can Charles and also the Girls' Home operated Omaha, Nebr. E. Foster, candidate for district by the Y: W. C. A. He is chairman judge of the Fourth Judicial Dis- of the Shrine Hospital Committee trict, which comprises Burt, Doug- for crippled children. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR las and Washington Counties. Judge Foster's humanitarian work Judge Foster was one of the first has stamped him as a leader in chilto help put into operation the play- dren's activities. The present juveground system used in Omaha and nile court was organized by Judge was active in this work until the Foster with the assistance of the late playgrounds were taken over by theGeorge A. Day. DAVID BLACKER, BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR IRVING PEBLMETER - - - .- • • • - EDITOR





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Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Co. Omaha, Nebr.

Thomson's Tip-Top



Is Red Hot the year 'round because only pure horseradish roots and pure grain vinegar are used in its manufacture. You will find it at your procer's, even during the summer months. IMntributod bj-

Thonisen-Slater Butter Co. | 1315 Howard St.

An r i s t


AT. 84851







313 S0.I4 TH.ST.OMAKA.


THREE—THE JEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19,1928 Mr. S. Kesselman left Monday evening for New York City, where be will join Mrs. Kesselman, who is visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Irving Sehneiderman.

The wedding of Miss Lottie Zavett, daughter of Mrs. Bertha Zavett of Omaha, and Lee Bograd of Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bograd of Kansas City, will take place December 23. It is not yet decided whether the ceremony will take place in Omaha or Kansas City. Miss Hazel Zavett will be her sister's attendant.

Council Bluffs News

Presents a vast array of

LECTURE Mrs. Abe Bear of Leavenworth, Kansas, arrived Sunday and is spending the week here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katefman.

Know all and you will pardon alL -Thomas a' Kempis.


Rummage Sale —BY—

Ladies' First Presbyterian Church

~TvMaftdWednesday October 23 and 24

1712 Howard Street

To The


Patron and Patroness Dance!

Sunday Nite, Oct.28

Brandeis Theatre WEEK OF OCT. 21st. Boyd Irwin, presents •


The Brandeis Players in the Seasons Comedy Hit-

Alias The Deacon Boyd Irwin as

"THE DEACON" Nights, 25c-5Oc-75c-$l-8 row* $1 Matinees, 25c-S0c

'RANDALL'S ROYAL ORCHESTRA" Main Ball Room—Jewish Community Center

Tickets Are $1.50 Per Couple .


at a money saving price


Lavish fur cuffs Slenderizing lines New winter colon


Dress coats

18th Anniversary Sale

Sport coats Rich fabrics Expert tailoring Beautifully lined

Smart features fine fur collars

in JPf^r^ssl


You Are Cordially Invited—

Mrs. A. S. Bubnitz entertained twenty-eight ladies at a beautifully appointed buffet luncheon-and bridge at her home on Thursday, October 12, for the benefit of the Hadassah. Prizes were won by Mrs. Sam "Wolf, Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. Mark Leon, Mrs. A. Theodore, Mrs. Jos. Rosenberg, and Mrs. J. Idntzman. Mrs. B. A. Simon had eight ladies for bridge ana tea at her home for the: same benefit. Mrs. J. B. Robinson entertained

Dr. Katherine M. Hunt will give a lecture at the Labor Lyceum at 22nd and Clark streets on Tuesday evening, October 23, at 8:30. The program is being sponsored by the Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Daduff entertained their evening bridge club The opportunity is often lost by at their home Wednesday evening. deliberating.—Syrns.

light. Add sugar, heat again and •nnn In honor of Miss Tillie Zusman's forty ladies at bridge at her home on add butter and liquid. Sift dry inengagement to Mr. Isaac Dloogoff of Tuesday,. October 9, for Hadassah. gredients and add to first mixture. Kansas City, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. A.' Additional affairs planned for the Lastly fold in whites of eggs, ponr Zusman are giving an engagement same organization are a large-bridge batter in a pitcher. Bake in waffle reception at their home, 2865 New- party by Mrs. E. Weinberg and Mrs. iron which has been pre-heated for port Ave., from 2 to 5 and from 7 to Sam Bobinson at the home of Mrs. 5 minutes. For an exceptionally U P. M. on Sunday, October 28. Weinberg on Tuesday, October 23, nice waffle, substitute 1 small can All friends and relatives are -cor-and a luncheon for board members shredded pineapple for the milky dially invited. No cards will be only to be given by Mrs. J. J. Fried- Add % cup grape-nuts to plain batman at her home on Wednesday, ter for a change. issued. October-24.

Plans for the annual Junior Hadassah dance to be given October 28 -are rapidly nearing completion, according to Miss Mary Claire Shames, chairman of the committee in charge of the affair.


the Western States Division daring the sixty-day Testimonial Campaign recently held in honor of K. A. LuMr. and Mrs. H. E. Sorensen have ther, Vice-President of the Aetna returned from Quebec, Canada, Life Insurance Co., vrho has heen By F. R. K. where Mr. Sorensen attended the in the service of the Aetna for thirJUDGE DAY CAJTOIDATE Mr. ana Mrs. Robert I. Marer and Conference of the General Agents of | ty years. Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7, OrFOR SUPREME COURT son, Harold, left for Xios Angeles, der of Aleph Zadik Aleph, will hold the Aetna Life Insurance Company. Calif., where they will make their its fourth anniversary dance NoMr. Sorensen brought home with j TTe almost always get bored by Judge L. B. Day, for eight years futnre home. vember 11th at Hotel Chieftain. on the district judicial bench, the him a silver trophy awarded him \ those whom we bore.—I,a BochefouPlans are being made to make this last five as Judge of the Domestic for the largest quota production in ! cauld. The next card party of the Daugh- dance the outstanding social func- Relations and Juvenile Courts, adters of Zion will be held at the Jew- tion of Council Bluffs this season. mitted by lawyers generally as the j ish Community Center on Monday, Entertainment and novelty events most difficult assignment of the nine November 5. The proceeds go to will feature the special program at District Court dockets, is candidate the Jewish National Fond. The host- the dance. Tickets, at $ 1.25 per cou- for Judge of the State Supreme ple, will be placed on sale by A. Z. Court at the coming election. esses will be announced soon. A. members next week. Evidence of his success in this work is attested by the fact that in The rummage sale which was held The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Omaha's Style Center this week by the Hadassah was con- of the B'nal B'rith will hold a meet- the last general election and in the primary this spring, he led the disducted under the direction of Mrs. ing next Wednesday evening, Octotrict judicial ticket by substantial Herman Silvennan and was pro-ber 24, at the Danish HalL margins. He has written a number nounced by the members of the organization a complete success. Harold Saks, who enrolled at the of articles for magazines on domestic Those who assisted in the project University of Iowa at Iowa City relations work, and several of these were Mrs. R. Bleicher, Mrs. Maxlast month, was chosen president of have virtually become textbooks for Goldberg, Mrs. Julius Stein, Mrs. the freshman class of liberal arts social and welfare workers throughMax Lerner, Mrs. Harry Cronnse, during the past week. He was un-out the country. His thoughts about Mrs. Bolker, Mrs. J. J. Friedman, opposed. He is taking an active part "The Ideal Family Court," gained and Mrs. E. Weinberg. in debating, also. He is the son of from his experience on the bench, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Saks of Coun- have been published nationally. nnuumiuniDininiiiniuiimimniiniitna cil Bluffs.

The marriage of Miss Jeanette Weinstein, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Weinstein, to Mr. David Mark, of Rock Island, HI., was solemnized Sunday evening, at 6:30, at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue. Rabbi H. Grodinsky officiated in the presence of one hundred friends and relatives of the bride and groom. Cantor H. Kohanowitch assisted Rabbi Grodinsky. The bride's attendants were the.Misses Sylvia Olander, as maid-of-honor, and Rose Kurs, as bridesmaid. I KITCHEN CHATS | Mr. Sam Mark, of Rock Island, brother of the groom, was S ' by = the best man, and Mr. Arthur Pfegler was groomsman. 2 Mrs. David M. Newman 5 Master Herman Weinstein, nephew of the bride, was ring- •luiiuiiatuiuiiiiuaiiiinnniiniuintniua bearer, and little Miss Ethel Weinstein, niece of the bride, WAFFLES was the little flower girl. teaspoons baking powder, Following the ceremony, a dinner was served for the 2 Three cups flour, 3 tablespoons sugar, wedding guests. . . % cup melted butter, *4 teaspoon Mr. Mark and his bride aremaking their home with salt, 2 eggs, 1 cup milk. Separate eggs. Beat yolks until the bride's mother.

' Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Meyerson Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herzberg are .'Announce that the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Julius, will take place on motoring to Excelsior Springs. They Saturday, October 20, at the South will Teturn the latter part of next Omaha Synagogue. A reception in w e e k . ' ' "'.. " ' '""'-' ..-' "'" •' * *' *." '.'••'•••• . honor of the.event win be held Miss Ida Daytch will leave SunSunday from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 10. All friends and relatives are day on a trip to New York, where she will spend the winter months cordially invited. with relatives and : friends. En Miss Kate Goldstein i s leaving route she will stop in Chicago; Can'Thursday evening for Minneapolis ada, Buffalo, and* EhiladelphJa for to install a newly-organized chap- brief visits with*'friends. ter of the Sigma Delta Tan SororMrs. David -M. Newman left Tuesity at the University of-Minnesota. She will be accompanied on the trip day, October 16, for Lincoln, where by Mrs. :Noah Davis of Cincinnati. she will spend the week with friends. Ohio, who Has been visiting at the Sigma Delta Tan honse in Lincoln, Xeb. Miss Goldstein is a graduate of the University of Nebraska. Mrs. Davis was the guest of honor at a dinner party given Thursday by the Sigma Delta Tau alumnae at the Brandeis Hestaurants. The other members of the sorority present at the affair were Miss Kate Goldstein of Omaha, Miss Helen Tucker, formerly of Cleveland, Ohio; Miss Elsie Poska, formerly of Lincoln; Miss Ruth Riseman, formerly of Elk Creek, and Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, Miss Ida Xiustgarten and Miss Ida Tenenbanm of Omaha. Mrs. Davis is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and is now a regional advisor of Sigma Delta Tan.

Mr. Al Friedman of Chicago, Illinois, returns home today, after a week's visit here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Tudelson.

The appro* rhinc cald weather bMrid find you ready wiik ef these coats. Such fine terials, socn for trims as fox, onossran, French bower, seal, caracul, mannink and wolf yon will seldom end In coats so low in price!

Once a Year Values Are Featured in Every Department Throughout The ; Store

Order Carton of \ew Edison Mazda Lamps

Unquestionably the year's greatest saving opportunity in Women's and Misses' Coats, Dresses, Shoes, Hats, Accessories—and in wearables of all kinds for children and babies. Saturday is your last opportunity to share the values.

Newest 1929 A. C. Model

Atwater Kent Radio 1

Omaha's Dominant Women's Store

Complete—as Pictured

i •nironmionninnmonnfnnnionnininnoifftiintitioiHunnnioinE

Including Atwater Kent Model 40 set, 7 Cunningham tubes, Atwater Kent speaker, table and bench: complete, ready to operate. Greatest radio value in Omaha.


IlartmartJ A National Institution—Everything for,the Home

413-15-17. S. 16th Streetj

ar wonder our

Choice of the -finest homes. The favorite where e c o n o m y i» watched- A luxury within the reach of aHIts high reputation recommends that yon try it.

Cozy Glow Heaters Bring Cozy Comfort On , Chilly Fall Days— •* When the leaves begin to fail, and the first frost gives faiT warning of the winter's cold, have an electric room heater in your home for cozy warmth when and where you want it. Just plug into your light socket, or flick a switch, and fill a chilly room with glowing warmth. The cost is little. You can operate an electric room heater four hours for the cost of a shovelful of coal. See a Cozy Glow Electric Heater at any of oar "Electric Shops"-—or ask any of our employes.


'A Good Citizen Wkerever We Serve"

Nebraska Power Courtesy - Scrfke • Lew tests

FOUR—THE JEWISH PHESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1928 desire. And here's the place to do ' largely responsible for its huge suc- I have ever seen.' final round brought out some of the it. Get to thinking about raising cess. Sam Rosenblum is a member Mr. Clifford was recently transbest handball seen on the Center of the general committee also, and ferred to the Omaha plant from the that profit percentage and watch courts. this column for ideas. Don't be a host of other Jewish grocers are Kansas City office of the Standard Only one upset occurred, and that, bashful about giving us your own helping put over the food show. Bakeries Corporation, where, during FRANK B . ACKERMAN strangely enough, was the only scufideas, either. Maybe you've hit on bis long period of service to the fle which was not close. Dave a stunt or a scheme that can help company, be established an enviable The Omaha Retail Grocers' AssoAccording to present indications, Franks, the youngster who was fifty your fellow grocers. Let's hear record. He not only comes highly ciation promised us the best Food A survey of the state of Nebraska from you! there will be no paucity of Jewish per cent of the winning doubles recommended from Kansas City, but Show that we'd ever seen. Those combination in the Midwest A. A. U. has shown that grocerymen have had diamondeers In the big leagues next who have seen the elaborate exhi- is spoken of in a highly compliyear. Even if only fifty per cent of tourney, pulled a surprise by down- a net profit of 1.27% over and above We have stock and grain ex- bitions will agree that they have mentary manner by Mr. Laugblln, ing Abe: Myers, one of the heavy their normal salary allowance and the lads.of Hebrew origin who have favorites, 21-9; 21-4. This south- interest on investment during the changes, so why not have an idea more than made good on their prom- the manager of the local branch. been signed fail to make the steep ise. exchange for grocers? paw has been making rapid prog- past- year. grade, still. they will have broken ress on the courts and has a bright Grocers might be interested in a Good news! But it could be betany. previous records. future. • The present political campaign is Mr. James T. Clifford, who Is the new venture just begun in the theatter. If grocerymen will co-operate Besides the two already in big Champion Herman Segelman, top- a little more and take advantage of proving more than satisfactory to new sales manager of the Standard rical district of New York City. league naiforms, at least seven othheavy favorite to retain his laurels, the ideas that experience has taught the individual groeers of the coun- Bakeries Corporation, says he is G. V. Quinlan has opened a five and ers will don major loop toga next disposed of Sammie Kateman, 21-15, some they can raise that percentage try, with both candidates openly looking forward to meeting every ten cent grocery store designed espespring. Ike Danning will report to 21-16. He meets Leon Mendelson, to almost any reasonable figure they pledged to support of the interests groveryman in the city. "Those 1 cially for those who do not want the St. Louis Browns, and Sol llishwho outplayed Sam Rocbman in a of the individual retail merchant. have already met," he said, "are as anything left over from meal to kin and Jimmy Reese will appear hard tussle, 21-8, 18-21, 21-13. The shock Jewelry lost three to the Emlive and progressive merchants as meal. A full meal for 25 cents, inwith the world champion New York fourth man to survive is Max Altpire Cleaners. Yanks. Then there's M a i RosenThe end of the 23rd annual Food shuler, another of the favorites. He Jack Alberts, in an attempt to Show is rapidly approaching, and all field, coming to the Brooklyn Robwon from Morris Bloom in a torrid HIMELBLOOM BAKERY The utmost in ins from Birmingham, and Jonah strengthen the Wardrobe, has signed Omahans having an interest in the match, 21-8, 16-21, 21-16. 1511 N. *Uh—WB. «SM Photographs Goldman, who will knock down the H. Winer and A. Bercu. value of calories are advised to visit The doubles start Nov. 5, entries Serve Himelbloom'ts new Russian pellet in the Cleveland infield. Ike the auditorium before closing time pumpefnickle DAVIS LAKE STUDIO bread with your Goldstein from Wheeling will report closing on Nov. 1. The Midwest A. Elmer Greenberg, star linesman on tomorrow. The present mammoth next meal. 2506 N. 24th—WE. 6311 A. tF. titlists, Leon Mendelson and the University of Nebraska eleven, food show is the largest and most to the Detroit Tigers for spring pracDave Franks, are among the particiis rapidly recuperating from his diversified in the history of Omaha. tice. Levy, a twirler, seems likely to pants. wrenched shoulder, and will soon be be recalled by the Giants. What's more, the food exhibition OMAHA KIRROB * ART GLASS CO. Psxton Billisrd Parlors cavorting against the enemy again. has more or less of a personal touch Manufacturers of These, added to Andy Cohen and Mirrors, Art Glass. WUdcw <UMR 1516 Farnem—JA. 9721 Cage practice for the varsity hoopElmer played practically the whole Moe Berg, who are already under to Omaha Jewry. Louis Sommer is Besilrerlng—Pietar* M d Mlrrar sters will be held this Sunday from Direct Wire Service on All game against Ames and last SaturFraming the big tent, explain why Jewish chairman of the general committee Latest Sport Events AT. «K5 ball players will be in abundance 3 to 4 Games are being scheduled day saw a little action, but was in charge of the exposition and is 1*14 Caminr St. with Kansas City, St. Louis, Des forced to retire due to his Injury. in the majors next season. Moines, the Portis Dynamos of Portis, Kans., Avoca, Creighton FreshNebraska University J Although there are few Jewish men, Omaha University and many players in professional hockey, we Lincoln, Neb.—When Nebraska j other Omaha teams. now have a Jew as owner of one of and Syracuse meet at the UniverRrasne is negotiating for a game the big league teams. Benny Leonsity of Nebraska Memorial Stadium with Chicago, also. ard bought the Pittsburgh Hockey Saturday, October 20, It will be the Club of the National Professional sixth time the Cornhuskers and Junior leaders will have class on Orange have met on the gridiron. Hockey I<eague and Intends to deFriday at 4:30. vote the winter In sponsoring that The count now stands three victories sport. In his spare time he will profor the Orange and two for the Business Men's Bowling League Cornhuskers. mote boxing bouts for the sportsmen standings: of Pittsburgh. A crowd of 25,000 people witnessed Won Lost Pet. the Cornhusker 21-0 triumph over 3 .750 Syracuse last fall and the business The Center handball tournament Kaiman Insurance... 9 3 .750 manager of athletics anticipates anGesundheit Malts 9 has reached the semifinal round 5 .583 other great throng this season. Tousem Tires . . . . . . 7 with the weekly contest being clicked 5 .583 Empire Cleaners ...: 7 off as never before. The qaarterHal Baysinger, who thrilled the 6 .500 middle west fans here last fall, capOmaha Tobacco Co... 6 Cleaners Accountants Furnaces 7 .415 tains the team this season. BaysinGlazer. Clothing :5 M6NSkY.,KXTTi.EMAN &GRODINSKT 9 .250 ger, Syracuse ace, is hailed as the Malasbock Jewelry... 3 Attorneys For Service Call TOO Omaha Nat'l Bank Bid*. J. RAZNICK ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. Wardrobe 2 10 .165 greatest forward passer In college NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. THE BEE HIVE CLEANERS Sheet Metal and Furnace Works In the County Court of Douglas Coun475 Brandels Theater Bid*.—JA. M i l Considerable enthusiasm was dis-football ranks and when he left the ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the ee-" TINWOBK, GCTTEKS, SPOUTING Under Management of H. Marcus tate of Grace t e e . deceased. • • . •played as a result ; of several close game last fall Nebraska fans gave AUDITS SYSTEMS ITrianaiiaTiln Pilees All persons interested in Baid estate INCOME TAX are hereby notified that a petition has contests among the teams. him one of the greatest ovations 1941 Vinton St. JA. 1440 15tS North S « a WE. SMS been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will Nate Schlaifer of the Glazer Cloth- ever accorded a visiting player at and praying for administration upon her estate, and that a hearing will be bad ing captured the= high honors dur- the Memorial Stadium. on said petition before Bald court on the I. SWARTZ The football record of SyracuseWM. BRYDEN & CO. PEERLESS CLEANERS 3rd day of November, 1928, and that if ing the evening with a 588 total, Installation and repairing of Tin they fail to appear at said Court on toe which included a 258 single game. Nebraska games: Certlfled Pubtie Aeeauntanu 4420 Florence Blvd. said 3rd day of. November, 1828, at 9 Work—Furnaces—Skylights— o'clock A. M. to contest.said petition, the Lester Simon, Bud Fischer and 1917—Syracuse, 10; Nebraska, 9. 638 Securities Bldg. KG. 1500 Ven tile ting—Gutters—Spouting Court m a y grant the same and grant administration of said estate to John W. Marvin Trailer of Gesundheit Malts 1919—Nebraska, 3 ; Syracuse, 0. AT. 4451 The Hesse With a Deputation 71? N«rt* 'Mtfc. AT. tSSS Yeager or some other suitable person pounded the maple pins for some 1920—Syracuse, 9 ; Nebraska, «. and proceed to a settlement thereof. . •" ; BRYCE CRAWFORD. nifty totals and the Yousem Service 19,23—Syracuse, 7; Nebraska" 0. County Judge, Contractors Auto Tb|)8——Accessories Furriers . ' Oct.l2-3t boys became the victims by drop1927—-Nebraska, 20; Syracuse, 0. ping three in a row. LEON & WHITE, ATTYS. The Kaiman Insurance five were BIYFIISfreittaFiiilEi Patronize Our Advertisers. CITX NATIONAL BANK BI>DG. A. H. BRODKEY NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF toppled from the first position by NICHOL. MANUFACTURING COM2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 We carry everything in quality the Omaha Tobacco Company. Leon PANY. GENERAL furs at lowest prices in the city. Notice la hereby given that a Corpora- Mendelson and Dave Cohn were "Everything for the Auto" tion has been formed under the laws CONTRACTOR mainly responsible for the victory. of the State of Nebraska. • Remodeling Repairing The same of the Corporation is "NICHOL MANUFACTURING COM- The Glazer Clothing won two games 409 Hospe Bldg. Auto Top sod Glass Service PANY." from the Wardrobe and the MalaSAMPLE FUR SHOP

Sport Splinters

The Grocer's

eluding bread, can be bought at this novel grocery, with quality and variety guaranteed. It's the man with novel, original ideas who gets ahead nowadays. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT

fr Frmsfc S. Mo well ha« the approval of hie lei I'm judges of the Supreme Court i M t!t« endoriwment •f the Omaho Bar ansaciativn, receiving- 202 votes to hl« epnonent's S3.

Faithful, Fearless Experienced in AH Forms of Legal Work Non-Folitic&l Ballot He has practiced law 36 year* in Nebraska, served five vcars as United States district attorney am! has •erven on the Supreme Bencn fay anpointntent to fill the vacancy caused tiy the death «f the late Judge George A. Day.

Vote for

Judge frank S. Howell



Rational accessories, Ire

The principal place of transacting its bat1oes« ia the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The. general nature of the business to be transacted by the Corporation is to manufacture, purchase, sell and distribute agricultural, industrial and mechanical implements: to purchase ox otherwise acquire patents, Inventions, licenses, processes and trade-names; to purchase, deal in, sell and mortgage real estate; to draw, accept and execute promissory notes or other negotiable Instruments. The authorised capital stock of the Corporation is S2S.00o.O0, with shares of the par value of $100.00 each, all of such •tock being non-assessable. Said stock uatT be paid for in cash or property or such other things or value as shall be determined upon by the Corporation. At least S2.600.00 shall be paid in for capital stock prior to the commencement Of business by the said Corporation. The Corporation shall commence business on the filing of its Articles with the. County Clerk of Douglas County,




Ask Your Grocer

Jackson 5752

With the


Enchanting Aroma of the Orient

Awnings, Canvas Covers, Tents, Camp Supplies, All Kinds 1Kb and Howard AT. 1403

Combined with the

Irresistible Flavor of Brazil


District Judge 8 Years




Judge Day is capable, effi- . dent and satisfactory.

AT. 5454


IDEAL rrsGOODIDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY Soda Water, Near Beer and Gtngerftle


Kosher Delicatessen


Fresh Corned Beef cooked dally. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meals. Home-made pickles. All kinds of Bakery Goods, Picnic Lunches.

If your laundress does not satisfy, try us. SANITARY UWNDBY

WE. 142S

1513 North 24th St.

1823 Clark St.—"WE. 0410 -

Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality

D. RESNICK EXPERT DYER (32 Years Experience) Do not throw away your faded garments; have them re-dyed by an expert. Formerly a sample Dyer at the Pantoriom and Dresher Bros. Prices reasonable.

REALTORS 416 Medical Arts Bldg.

W. H. OSTENBEKG, Free. Farnani Atlantic *«15

1M« V. t*th St.

Laying, Sizing, Fringing. Binding 51ie Military AT*,

WA. Meg

FOR 75c A WEEK Tour ad in this directory, reaches

practically every Home in Omaha


Mattresses OMAHA BEDDING CO. Mattresses and Pillows Made Over in New Ticks 1317 Cumlng AT. 5983 HARRY KRANTZ, Prop.

OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1901 Cumins gt.


JA. s « 7

Music Teachers

Tire Sfaopg



PIAN1ST-INSTKUCTOR Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted Suit* 5. Wead Bid*., 18th £ Famam Telephone ATlaatic S16S

"That Little Extra Service" Mriier C«anM*-t«-elM>-R«Mg Tlr«#


Phone JA. 1!*3

Play the Violin Correctly



Cor. 17th and Capitol AT«.—AT. 6427 GOOPTBA* 8JSRVXC1S STATION Tire«, Tubes, Acc««Rories, R«a«t Service, Vulcanising. Qeaeml Repairing



Towel Supply


When Ton Need a Plumber, Can




191719 Clark St.

WE. 1119


JA. 3573


Blended. Roasted, Ground and Packed by McCORD-BRADY CO., OMAHA


All Family services, from Wet W H I te FimlS.r FinUfa l l t b and DoacU« g«s.


General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders s o d Body Repairing

Dougiw* Washington and Sarpy Counties.



SINCE 1876

Batteries and Garages

Service Our Motto

"Famous for Flavor"

Heyn-Kennedy Co.



in this directory call the

Bottlers First Class Grocer*

Giving Special Attention to Apartment and Business Properties



Battery and Tire Service

Ask for it Insist on Advo

We Specialize in the

Management of Property


Made From Tour Own Feathers Re-made or made to order. All band-filled. We call and deliver.

18th and Davenport

Sold byail



PRESCRIPTION EXPERTS 2U Tears' Service with Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. 1519 Parnam St. AT. 1131

Koad Service



504 S, 13tn

JA. 2100


2602 St. Mary's

There is no other Coffee to be compared with it


SAtksea 1132



Stimulating for Dinner


Estimates Gladly Furnished


. For space


169-11 North 18th

2nd Floor Securities Bldg.

Drug Stores

1H Block* Sooth of J. C. C.

Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch


JAckson 1614

Barber Shops 227 South 20th Street Satisfied Customers Our Greatest Desire

and Scientifically Blended in Omaha


JA. 4102

Walter C Roessig & Co.


Non-Politieal Ballot

2026 Farnam

Awnings and Tents

Advo Coffee




Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of fifty years. _ The highest amount of indebtedness to which the Corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not exceed twothirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the Corporation shall be conducted by a Board'of Directors composed of two members. ORR T. NICHOI-. JESSE MEBRETT, Incorporators. Dated this 1st day of October. 1928. In presence of S. J. Leon. Oct. 5—4 times.

Sunkist Flour


403 Hospe BIdg.



Oar Specialties

2009 Farnam St.

AT. 5757

THE WEIS FLOWER SHOP "The Best Plaee to Buy Tour Flowers", 2308 North 24th St.—Phone WB. 2067

Prof. Seveik and other world renow&ed teachers recommend my method very highly. Conocrt Violinist and Instructor Studio 117% >\ 16th St. . JA. 1«»


AT. 6281 J. M.

609 North 16th


PLUMBING AND BEATING CONTRACTOR Quality Ii Remembered Ixrni: After the trice Is Fonrottea St. ATIaaUe.tMM



Towel Supply C*»p«a T Blac* ltf


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