Interesting and Entc wing
All the News of Interest to Jews
Entered as seco'^v"1 'e mail matter on January 27, 1021, at postofflce at Onu/jJ' .braskn, under the Act of Marcb 3, 1879.
GIVES $500,000 TO RUSSIAN JEWS Non-Jewish Philanthropist Praises Work of Agro-Joint. LETTER MADE PUBLIC
Junior Hadassah to Give "Manless Cabaret" An outstanding social event of the season will be given Saturday evening, December 1, 1928, at the Jewish Community Center, when the Omaha chapter of Junior Hadassah gives its "Manless Cabaret" for members and new members. This promises to be the most novel event ever given by the local chapter. Some of the best talent in the city is being procured for the entertainment and enjoyment" of the guests. The arrangements for this affair are in the hands of the following committee: Ida Fine, chairman; Pearl Sherman, Lylyan Rosenblatt, Sara Rae Fish, Bess Horwieh, Sybil Adler and Lee Goldberg.
VOL. VII.—No. 44
Somberg Heads Morris E. Jacobs Gives FIRST FRIDAY Zerline U. S. ACCUSED OF Intermediate Council Second J. C. C. Ad Talk EVENING SERVICE NOT PROVIDING CONGREGATION TO IS BIG SUCCESS FOR DEPENDENTS tiEDHERE Rabbi Goldstein Gives First Sermon Before Young Congregation. MONSKY NEXT SPEAKER
At the first.meeting of the Intermediate Council of the Jewish Community Center, held Monday evening, Nov. 12, Zerline Somberg was elected president. The other officers are as follows: Arthur Grossman, vice president, and Ruth Fox, secretary-treasurer. A constitutional committee consisting of Israel Conn, chairman ; Anne Zweibaeb and Mildred Lipsey was appointed. The meeting was presided over by Dr. Dave Cahn Platt, chairman of the committee elected by the Senior Conncil to organize the Intermediate and Junior Councils. The next meeting-will be held on Monday, Xov. 26. All clubs wishing to join are asked to send representatives to this meeting.
Abraham Epstein Tells Social Workers of Need for Old Age Pensions. CONFERENCE AT J. C. C.
"Public Relations'' •will be the subject of the second lecture of the Jewish Community Center Advertising Class, Monday evening. November 19. The speaker of the evening will be Morris E. Jacobs, of Bozell-Jacobs Advertising Agency. Mr. Jacobs is an authority on pnblic relations in advertising. The lecture will begin promptly at 8 :15 p. m. Thirty-five people attended the first lecture last Monday evening. "These lectures will be given every week and each one will deal with a certain phase of advertising," announced Mr. Xathan E. Green, director of the course.
The Friday Evening Services of New York.—(J. T. A.)—John D. The failure of the United States the Senior Council got off to an aus"Kockefeller, Jr., has contributed to provide for its dependent aged in picious start last Friday when a $500,000 toward the fund being raisan efficient and dignified manner crowd of over two hundred filled the ed in this country for the further dewas stressed by Abraham Epstein of lodge room of the Jewish Communvelopment of Jewish farm settleNew York, executive secretary of the ity Center to hear the first service. ments in Russia, according to an anAmerican Association for Old Age Rabbi David Goldstein of New nouncement made this week by Security, in two addresses to the York gave the sermon in which he 'James N. Rosenberg, chairman of delegates of the Nebraska Confermade a stirring plea for traditional the American Jewish Joint Agriculence for Social Work which held its Judaism. "American Judaism is suftural Corporation. annual meeting in the Jewish Comfering from amnesia," he said. "It munity Center Sunday evening, "Mr. Rockefeller's splendid subwas ever the memory" of Jerusalem Monday and Tuesday. scription," said Mr. Rosenberg, "is and all its glory that kept the Jewparticularly noteworthy as coming Mr. Epstein cited figures to show ish people from dying out. But now from a great citizen of non-Jewish the costliness of the almshouse sysJewish education has been so deplorfaith who is a leader in non-sectem, and gave statistics on condiably neglected that even famous "The Current Topic of the tarian, constructive work for social tions in Xebraska. Praises Humanitarian Work Jewish names no longer draw --betterment the world over." Day," Subject of Fjrst "In the United States laws and gleams of recognition when they are of Women's Zionist Lecture. provisions for the relief of the aged Mr. Rockefeller, in a letter to Mr. mentioned." • Organization. poor have not improved since the Rosenberg announcing his contribuRabbi Goldstein was high in his Paul Spor Headlines Features days of Queen Elizabeth," he said. TALKS SEMI-MONTHLY tion, stated that after studying the of Entertainment praise of the initiative of the Senior "Every civilized country except the work of the Agro-Joint, he and his PARTIES YIELD INCOME Planned. Conncil for going ahead with such '•The Current Topic of the Day" United States, China and India have associates have been "impressed projects like the Friday Evening At the last regular meeting of the provided for the aged poor by old will be the subject of Rabbi Fredwith the value* of this activity as a F. WHITE TOASTMASTER age pensions and have found the erick Cohns first telk in the curnotable and creative example of so- Hadassah, Miss Marie Gordon, re- Services. "I must confess that I was genuinely thrilled when I learncent visitor in Palestine, gave her system a vast improvement over the rent topic course which is sponsored cial engineering." Plans have been completed and Mr. Rosenberg gave out copies of impressions of the Holy Land. Her ed that the young Jews of Omaha everything is in readiness for the almshouse system. In China and by the Omaha Conncil of Jewish Mr. Rockefeller's letter, stating that talk, which was high in its praise had alone organized these services," Father and Son banquet to be given India, the young have enough rever- Women. The meeting will be held ence for the aged to care for them, Tuesday. Nov. 20, at 10:30 A. M. at he had permission so to do. This of the humanitarian worlc being the Habbi.exclaimed. The services were read by Mr. at the Jewish Community Center but in the United States it is not the Jewish Community Center. The notable contribution follows a letter done by Hadassah, was received with Sunday evening, Xov. 18. An elabcourse will meet the first and third from Herbert Hoover to Mr. Rosen- great enthusiasm by the members of Louis Shanok, assistant executive orate program of entertainment has so." secretary of the J. C. C. The comthe local chapter. berg, in which Mr. Hoover characMr. Epstein advocated legislation Tuesday mornings of the month. It been mapped out, and has as its featerized this activity as "one of the Miss Gordon told in vivid style of munity singing was lead by Mr. ture offering Paul Spor, popular establishing old age pensions. He is outstanding pieces of human engi- the efficiency of the Hadassah doc- Samuel Gerson, executive director of master of ceremonies at the Riviera the author of a number of books on neering in the world today. The.set- tors, hospitals, clinics, and research the Center. the subject, the most recent being Theater. tlement of over 100,000 Jews on a laboratories. Research is being conr. The service this week will again just off the press. It is "The ChalFred White will be toastmaster million acres of land is a tribute to ducted intensively to find methods be conducted in the lodge room of lenge of The. Aged." and chairman of the evening. the Center. The sermon will be dethe practical idealism of the Jewish of eradicating malaria, treatment of Over a hundred delegates attendJudge Irvin Stalmaster will depeople." trachoma-of the eyes, and other af- livered by Mr. Henry Monsky, ed the conference sessions which prominent local attorney and civic liver an address on "Everybody's opened Sunday evening wittr an adMr. Rosenberg commented that the flictions commonly found in Palesleader. Besides his national as well Son." "My Dad" will be the subject dress by Henry Monsky. Miss Grace sympathy with this "work thus evi- tine. She described the Talmud ias-local-actiyitiesrto-Jewish affairs. of the talk representing .the younger D. Chase of New York, -Eugene denced on 'the part'of two distin- Torahs and Infant ™Welfare* fin* Mr. Monsky is famous for his ora- generation, which will be given by Kinckle Jones of New York, and guished American' citizens, Herbert Milk stations, lavishly praising their David Saxe. Rabbi Frederick Conn tory. Charles E. Miner of Chicago, were Hoover and John D. Rockefeller, Jr. work and the way in which they of Temple Israel will give the invoA social hour, during which rethe leading speakers. Samuel Gerbears striking testimony not only to were conducted. She urged further cation. son -was general chairman of the the soundness of the undertaking support of this kind of work, point- freshments will be served will again Herbert Fischer, magician, will conference. but to the encouraging interest of ing out that despite the tireless work follow the service. entertain the fathers and sons with leading American citizens in the of Hadassah, its budget was not yet tricks and magic A one-act play, plight of the impoverished and un- large enough to adequately d: "Two Crooks and a Lady," will be J. C. C. Orchestra Plans charge the task the organization has happy Jews in Russia and in their given by the Center Players' Guild setfor itself in Palestine. rehabilitation. Membership Campaign under the direction of Mrs. Herman Mr. Rockefeller's letter follows: In telling of her travels through Jahr. 26 Broadway. New York City. No- the Holy Land, Miss Gordon dwelt A year's membership in the JewArrangements for the banquet, vember 5, 1928.—Dear Mr. Rosen- especially on her visit to the Gymwhich will begin at 6:3O p. M., will ish Community Center is the grand berg : The Russian Jewish Agricul- nasia in Tel Aviv. The most interNew York (J. T. A.)—A chair for be in charge of the Jewish Women's prize in the membership campaign tural Activities of your organization esting feature of this visit was the Rabbi Frederick Cohn Welfare Organization. General ar- contest being conducted by the J. C. have had my consideration for some listening to Chaim Nachman Bialik, the study of Jewish history, litera- rangements are in charge of the so- C. orchestra. The contest was inmonths. The matter is one lying famous poet and author, reading ex- ture and institutions will soon be es- cial service committee of the Jew- augurated Tuesday evening, Nov. 13, is under the direction of the educational committee of the Council, of somewhat outside of the general cerpts of his works to the students, tablished at Columbia University,'it ish Welfare Federation of the B'nai at a meeting held at the Center. was announced last week by Dr. which Mrs. H. A. Wolf is chairman. scope-of my philanthropies, but I on a regular Saturday afternoon Miss Hose Lazarus was appointed B'ritb, with Dr. Philip Sher as chairRabbi Conn's course had a large Nicholas Murray Butler, president. am glad to follow the leadership of program. She also spoke with adman. Members of the committee are manager of the campaign. Each my friends, Mr. Julius Rosenwald miration of the hard-working patri- The chair will oe established with Rabbi Frederick Conn, Harry Mal- member promised to bring at least enrollment last year. Each topic was independent, but the course was the proceeds of an endowment fund and Mr: Felix M. Warburg, who otic colonists. ashock, Henry Monsky, Harry Sil- one new member for the next re- unified by the current interest of in the amount of $250,000 provided have contributed so liberally to this verman. Judge Irvin Stalmaster and hearsal to be held Tuesday evening, the subjects. Those considered last Miss Gordon was particularly imcause. I am therefore enclosing my pressed by the modern up-to-date by, Mrs. Nathan J. Miller of New Samuel Gerson. Nov. 20 "V year were "Darwinism." "The RoY o r k . . ..'••. • . . • • " • . • . ' . . . ' . ' •check for $500,000. . The orchestra, which is under the man Question," "Soviet Russia." school system, saying that some of Over 150 reservations have alThe fund for the Jewish chair was The studies which my associates them rivaled American institutions. ready been made and about a hun- direction of Mr. Rudolf Seidl, will "Mussolini." "The Revolt in China." have made of the .various statistics "All in all," she said, "it is a land of the largest of sixty new gifts to Co- dred more are expected. continue its campaign until Decem- "Gandhi and India." "The Pope's and data which your organization youth pulsating with life, song and lumbia University announced by Dr. ber 11. One of the first activities of Latest Encyclical," "The Revision Butler. President Butler declared has submitted to us have impressed the orchestra will be participation of the Church of England Prayer enthusiasm, The children are a joy that "no effort would be spared to BRAVIROFF AND MACH US all with the value of this activity in the general rally to be held at the Book." to behold, so plump, rosy and secure for this chair the most disas a notable and creative example of PUPILS IN RECITAL Center early in December. sturdy." / The lecture will t»egin promptly tinguished scholar available, and social engineering and I hope that The organization is open to all at 10:30 o'clock. Those who have Miss Gordon was introduced by that a special committee of memHarry Braviroff, pianist and in- Jewish boys and girls in Omaha. the effort which your colleagues and Mrs. M. F. Levenson, cultural chair- bers of the University had been en- structor, and Frank Mach, concert not already purchased their tickets you are making will assure a conman, who gave a short program of trusted with the duty- of surveying violinist and instructor, will present are asked to come early in order tinuance of the success which has atJewish current events, a new regular the field at home and abroad and of the following pupils in joint recital New Books Announced that the ticket sale may not delay tended the work up to this time. feature of Hadassah meetings. beginning of the lecture. Admaking a suitable recommendation." at the Hospe Auditorium, Fifteenth Very truly, by Library of J. C. C. the Musical numbers were rendered vance sale is in charge of Mrs. H. A. He pointed out that with the in- and Farnam Streets, on Tuesday JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR. by Miss Beaulah Kay, violinist, and struction, in religion already given evening, Xov. 20: Libby Abramson, Wolf, Blackstone Hotel. Mr. James N. Rosenberg, The library of the Jewish ComMiss Vivian Stien, pianist. at Columbia, with the array of Elinor Cohen, Abraham Dansky, Chairman of'the American Jewish Mrs. J* J. Friedman, chairman of courses in Christian history, litera- Morris Dansky, "Dora Dolgoff, Libby munity Center announces that books Joint Agricultural Corp., CONDITIONS GOOD IN the Sewing Committee, announced ture and theology provided by the Dolgoff, Betty Fellman, Isabelle from its shelves will be allowed to T4 Broadway, circulate from now on. A charge of • RUSSIAN COLONIES that the sewing groups, wouldmeet Faculty of the Union Theological Homer, Doris Knight, Albert "ManoNew York. City. soon. Anyone wishing to join this Seminary, and with the advanced vitz, Anna Pindeero, Ernest Pries- three cents a day on books loaned Moscow (J. T. A.).—An optimistic activity may do so by calling. Mrs. program of research conducted in man, Vivian Stein, Myron Tarnoff, will be made in order to raise funds MIRVISS DIRECTOR report of conditions in the Jewish for the purchase of new books. Friedman at Harney 4028. ~ : Geraldine Strauss, Betty Tarnoff, OF NEW HAVEN "Y" Mrs.B. A. Simon, social chairman, the various religions of the Orient, Genevieve White, Fanny Witkin, Many new books of note have been colonies in the Ukraine and Crimea Mrs. .Miller's gift would enable Corecently received. Some of them was brought back by T. Lubarsky, Mr. Hack Mlryiss, formerly assist- reported a total of $125 had been re- lumbia to make Jiotable progress in Myron Cohen, Libbie Dolgoff, Melba are: Mother India by Katherine head agronomist of the Agrojoint, HaveL Lumlr Ptak. Herbert Rosenant executive secretary of the Oma- ceived so far as the income from a the field of comparative religion. Mays; The Cabala and The Bridge who returned from a tour of the ha Jewish Community Center, has series of chain card parties, being Mrs. Nathan J. Miller, Interviewed thai. Milton Saylan, Frank Serpan, of San Luis Bey by Thornton Wil- colonies. given by the members of the execbeen appointed executive director of last week at her home, declared that Solomon Susman. Annie Tretiak, Isa der; The Canary Murder Case, The Conditions are better in Crimea, the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. in New utive board. Each of these has the endowment rfund was made by dore White. Accompanists will be good in the Krivoy Rog region, and Greene Murder Case ,and The BenHaven, Conn. The Community News, pledged to raise $25 for the Emer- her in memory of her late husband, Elsie Ptak, Anne Kuback. Dora Dolfair in Cnerson, he stated in an inson Murder Case by S. S. Van Dine; gency Fund. Those who have alhouse organ of the Institution, who took an active part in com- goff, Ernest Priesman, Libby Serpan I Am A Woman—And A Jew by terview with the Jewish Telegraphic ready given luncheons or card parspeaks highly of Mr. Mirvisa' record munal affairs. Mrs. Miller is a and Sara Tretiak. Leah Morton; A Lantern in Her Agency correspondent. The winter in Omaha and other places prior to ties are Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. A. S. member of Temple Emanu-El. This Hand by Bess Streeter Aldrich; seeding has been completed and the Rnbnitz, Mrs. J. B. Robinson, Mrs. his coming to New Haven. is the second chair for Jewish his- NEW HEBREW HYMN Caste by Cosmo Hamilton; Royal outlook for the crop is good. J. J. Friedman, Mrs. E. Welnberg, During Mr. Mirviss' stay in Omatory and literature established by a The survey of the 10©,000 hectares Road to Romance and Glorious AdMrs. S. Robinson and Mrs. B. A. SUNG BY POLISH JEWS ha, he was responsible for the ormember of .that congregation, the recently granted for Jewish colonizaventure by Richard Halliburton; ganization of the Senior Council, the Bleicher. first being the chair endowed for Warsaw (J. T. A.).—"No despair" Upstream and The Island Within by tion in Crimea is proceeding with Junior CbunciL the Jewish CommunHarvard University by Lucius N. is the name and the refrain of a Ludwig Lewishohn; Show Girl by the participation of Agrejoint agroity Center Sunday School, and much HEBREW UNIVERSITY Littaner. new hymn of Orthodox Jews sung J. P. McEvoy; The Children by nomists. They expect that a large of the other educational and organEXTENDING ACnvmES for the first time recently at the Edith Wharton; The Matriarch by proportion of the land is fertile. ization activity of the center. opening session of the Agudath G. B. Stern; Blades by George BanPLAN BALL Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The deIsrael all-Polish conference. One McCutcheon; Immortal Adventure The Daughters of Zion are laying TEMPLE ISRAEL tailed program of the extended scope HENRIETTA SZOLD GIRLS hundred and thirty-five delegates, by Irma L. Lindheim; Trader Horn Rabbi Frederick Conn's Friday At the last regular meeting of the of the courses to be offered by the plan's for a ball to-be given at the Lewis; Sorrell and Son and Old evening sermon this week at Temple Henrietta Szold Girls, held WedneS; humanities department of the He- City Auditorium on January 13, representing 100 cities and a memPybus by Warwick Deeping; My ' Israel will be on "Science and Rebership of 25,000, were present. Dr. 1929. Officials of the society are rebrew University during the year day, Nov. 7, at the home of Miss Ida (2 volumes) by A. A. Horn and E. ligion." Saturday morning, his topic Pinchas Kohn of Germany, internaBlacker, Ruth Fox and Anne Zwie- 1929-29 was made public this week questing other local organizations to Portion by Rebecca Kohnt; and Sa- , will be "Two Types of Men" (Father tional president of the organization, by Dr. Judah L. Magnes, Chancellor co-operate by not planning other afbach were elected representatives fari by Martin Johnson. arrived for the conference. j and Son Week talk). of the University. fairs on this date. for the Intermediate Council.
Mass Meeting Votes in Favor of Immediate Action on Project. $3,000 IN DUES PLEDGED By unanimous decision of a large mass meeting of Omaha Jews held Monday evening at the Jewish Community Center the immediate organization of a modern orthodox congregation and the hiring of a rabbi for the congregation were authorized. In one of the most enthusiastic meetings held in Omaha for years, a crowd of about two hundred and fifty persons jammed the lodge room of the Center to hear Rabbi David Goldstein of New Xork speak upon the necessity of a modern orthodox congregation in this city. After the inspiring oratory of Rabbi Goldstein. The enthusiasm of the assemblage voiced itself in the resolutions fa\Toring immediate action on the organization work. About «eventy-five of those present signed membership cards at once pledging annual dues totaling about £3,000. All dues are to be used for the support of a rabbi. For the purposes of holding services, it is proposed to rent suitable quarters for the time being. The chairman of the meeting was Sam Beber. secretary of the committee of prominent local men who have sponsored the plans for the new congregation and who invited Rnbbi Goldstein to come to Omaha. The principal speakers besides the Rabbi, were A. B. Alpirin. chairman of the above committee: Harry Lapidus. Henry Alonsky, Dr. Philip Sher, A. I. Kulakofsky, Harry Wolf, and J. J. .Friedman.. An effort is l>eing made by the local leaders to secure the services of Rabbi Dnvid Goldstein for the proposed congregation. He is at present the iiefid of n large modern orthodox synagogue in New Xork. During Ms? star here, he has addressed the Senior Council Friday Evening Services, the B"nai Israel Synagogue and the Board of Directors of the Jewish Community Center. All of his speeches have been enthusiastically received.
SEMI-MONTHLY DANCES TO BE GIVEN AT J. C. C The physical department of the J. C. C, under the direction of Marens Krasne, maestro of Center Rthleties, will again sponsor semimonthly (lance? in connection with the basketball tilts. Last season the games followed by the dances were among the most successful events staged at the J. C, C, and were also well attended. The first combined dance and cage battle of the year will be held at the gymnasium on Saturday evening, November 17. The game that evening will be with the Royal Merchants. A popular orchestra is being scheduled to furnish the tnnsic. One ticket will admit purchasers to both features. The committee in charge is composed of Marcus Krasne, Urgula Fagan and Frank Ackerman. Louis Binstein has charge of publicity.
LETOiE TO SPEAK Dr. Victor E. Levine, professor at the Creighton University School of Medicine, will address the Independent Ladies Club nt the Labor Lyceum on November 21, at 8:30 P. M. He will speak on "Eating for health —simple ways of removing errors in diet."
CAMP FIRE GIRLS The Jecotnter Camp Fire girls held a regular meeting at the Jewish CommiinitT Center Tuesday, Nov. 13. Misses Anns Bnrmnn and .Teanette Herman were voted into the club. Miss Goldie Fish wns elected as reporter of the organization. Aw initiation, planned for next week, will be in ch-fjrge of a committee composed of Anna GoodWnder, Alma Feblowitz and Sara MaVa Katske*1. All girts Wishing to join the club are invited to attend the next meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 20, at 4 o'clock. ••-,1
TWO—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1928 dividual dealer wiU give a square deal and why he deserves confidence, they are squashing chain competition in a manner f a r more effective than injurious statements.
brains and effort there is among you, for you must engage in war, but remember that behind this war there Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by must be something higher and holier THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY than the individual himself. This war. like all wars, must, as they are Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 I - • •••••" 5 The same idea of building confi- claimed to be, be in furtherance of n'liuiniimanmnninniimniiiiiniiinraminmiiniannnmin DAVID BLACKER, BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR dence was stressed a t a meeting of an ideal. IRVING PERLMKTER - - - - ' - - - EDITOR In the Labor D a y edition of the over 500 retail merchants in St. Paul "You should realize that in engagMilwaukee Leader, there appeared a ing in this war you are at a disadrecently. Judge John A. Cunning$2.50 Subscription Price, one year :. . - • • • full two-page ad bearing the mes- ham of Dubuque, l a . , told t h e men vantage. For instance, you have Advertising rates furnished on application sage of the Independent retail gro- that the public h a s lost confidence been referred to as parasites, midCHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be cers of the city to the working man. in the Individual retail merchant. In dlemen, hold-up people, etc., until : , . sure to give your name. ,The main idea stressed in t h e ad asking the question. "Is the great with such slanderous propaganda w a s t h e fact that ".you always get independent merchant-class worth many of the public have lost conyour fnil dollar's worth a t your preserving?" he has this to s a y : fidence and esteem in the individual neighborhood grocer." "If you are to answer this last retail merchant. You must re-estabThese grocers who financed the ad question it must be by demonstrating lish this confidence. How best to do are solving their problem in the only your superiority, your integrity and it is a question to be answered by Omaha Jewry is rousing itself! No longer are we to sensible manner. They are building unity of individual purpose a s essen- each respective community. It canbe content with the tragic lethargy which has dulled our confidence in t h e individual retail tial to the maintenance and identity not be done without remedying the race consciousness and sapped our religious energies. Two merchant. With slogans like the one of the individual in the business faults which the public had to find significant events in Omaha this week and last week dealt1 mentioned above and with a real world. To demonstrate that yon de- with your business orsystem and in stinging refutations to the gloomy forecasts concerning sales argument showing why the in- serve to survive will require the best every other possible way again securing this confidence—and after the certain doom of Judaism in America, especially in having secured it, proving that you them, they must lend countenance to this desire on the Omaha. First, young Omaha Jewry came to the fore and part of young Jews to absorb the teachings of Judaism in are worthy of it." lUiUBIUlBUBUUlUUUHlHBUUHU
| I !
The Grocer's \ Nook !
covered themselves with glory /by inaugurating Friday evening services. Then their elders, moved by a genuine modern fashion. When one stops to consider how identical They take the grocery business ambition to restore the synagogue to its rightful place in the ends toward which both groups are working, one can pretty seriously in England. Just Jewish life, united to organize a modern orthodox syna- find no excuse for opposition or competition. like lawyers go to a law school to Many and varied are the reasons given for the present study for their profession, in Enggogue. Both elements together show that Judaism in America has not been dying, but only sleeping. Awake! condition of Judaism in America. But the essential thing land the prospective grocer attends grocery school in order to prepare Awake! is the battle cry. We cannot let our glorious heri- is that the trouble must be cured. Modern Jewish youth ahimself his profession. The Initself is clamoring for its heritage, and will not be denied. stitute for tage slip from our grasp! We must cany on! of Certified Grocers, Inc., The old orthodox synagogue, despite its ages of serv- If the older heads refuse to give them the benefit of their was founded in 1909 in London, and ice and inspiration, no longer attracts the younger gen- wisdom and experience, they will dash headlong onwards, has since turned out thousands of eration. But this does not mean that the young folks are regardless. This indomitable spirit has been demon- efficient, well-trained grocerymen and women. Last year they conno longer interested in religion. If this were the case, the strated many times before in Jewish history. In this ducted over a hundred classes in dif-' Senior Council, an organization of young men and women land of opportunity there is nothing to curb it. And if ferent places. between the ages of eighteen and about twenty-five, would such a feeling pervades the young Jews, the older Jew The curriculum of the school innever have on its own initiative started its Friday eve- who stands idly by without doing his share is scarcely cludes not only ordinary knowledge of the grocery business but also inning services. Its action is a direct answer to those who worthy of the scorn that might be heaped upon him. cludes bookkeeping,, business law, It is true that Omaha was complimented when the claim the modern problem lies in the modern people and business methods and principles, beorganization of the above mentioned movements betokened not in the system. side a number of other minor studies The organization of the new congregation is a fitting a faith in the loyalty of local Jews. But it is also true like neat wrapping, cheese cutting, complement to the action of the Council. It is the solemn that Omaha Jewry was challenged as it has never been and taking orders. duty of Omaha Jewry to provide for the future and that is challenged before. The question now is, "Will we finish what these organizers are doing. Without a modern ortho- what we have started?" We've made a splendid start, When shopping, mention the 'Jewish Press." dox congregation in Omaha, local Jews are confronted and we must go on! with the possibility of slipping into oblivion as a race. Rabbi David Goldstein, in Ms sermon at the Council servFURNISHED ROOM Lower Prices FOR RENT Buy For Cash ices Friday, said that American Judaism is suffering from amnesia, snowing how our co-religionists in this country For young couple or two boys. for and have forgotten the glorious past of our race. It is hardly Board if preferred. Call Atlantic CASH PAY LESS necessary to add that such a condition of living death can 5645 or Kenwood 1099. easily pass into actual death. It is this realization that Petroleum Coke Texas Petroleum Coke is spurring local leaders on to promote the new congreLarge Lump Hie Better Grade Petroleum The utmost in gation. . Photographs $12.50 Per Ton $14.00 Per Ton But the task is not for the hands of a few. All Omaha DAVIS LAKE STUDIO must put their shoulders to the plow. Every man, woman The Ashless—Smokeless—Sootless Fuel 2506 N. 24th—WE. 6311 and child owes the movement his support. Not only those Semi-Anthracite . Orienta) who are incMnedtp. modern orthodoxy, but even the orthoSemi-Anthracitedox Jews themselves owe it to their religion to aid the Mine Run, $8.50 A High Grade Fuel work. After all, modern orthodoxy is nothing more/ than Forket^Lump, $10.50 Per Ton, $12.50 the precepts, the traditions and laws that orthodox Ondaism has taught for centuries, being taught in accordance High Grade Illinois Franklin County with present-day conditions. Unless the orthodox Jews Lump Illinois' Best Coal are willing to abide and see the Torah and all the rest of 403 Hospe BIdg. Jackson 5752 Per Ton, $7.50 their priceless heritages go down to lonely graves with. Per Ton, $9.00 auHuniniaiuiiuiiiiiaiiiiiiuiiiiaiiiuiiiiiiiaiuiuRiiuannnniiiiannniniiiDiiiiiimiHC LITHUANIAN JEWISH BANKS ENDANGERED Fine for serving with
Soup, Salad or Cheese
Kovno~ (J. T. A.).—Eighty-two financial institutions, created after the world war with the aid of American Jewish relief funds to aid in the rehabilitation of the impoverished masses, are threatened with ceasing operations due to a government ordinance. - -. The Lithuanian Ministry of Finance issued a regulation this week aiiiHiiiiiiiDiniiiiiiiiiaiinuniiiiaiuiuniiiiniiiumniiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiuiiiiiiiiiaiinnaiiiio making it obligatory for every banking institution, to .conduct its accounts in the Lithuanian language. This is a technical impossibility, since the ' number of bookkeepers and clerks familiar with the newly resurrected language is : few. The administrations of the eighty-two branches of the Jewish People's Bank, a co-operative association, made representations to the Ministry without success. •
PUBLIC COAL YARD 20th and Nicholas Sts.
JAckson 6655
POLAND SUPPORTING ANTI-JEWISH LIBEL PALESTINE INDUSTRIES APPEARS IN PALESTINE Jerusalem (J. T. A.).—The PolJerusalem (J. T. A.)—The llbelish government recently cabled a ous falsification, the "Protocols of purchase order to the syndicate of the Elders of IZion," has now made Jewish tobacco growers of Galilee, its appearance in Palestine. The taking their whole stock at six "Aljamea," organ of the Moslem zlotys a kilo. The Polish govern- Supreme Council, has commenced ment also intends to buy the total publication of the protocols. future production of the tobacco growers and to send an expert to London (J. T. A.).—The London Palestine to aid in improving the "Jewish Chronicle," leading British growing and packing of the tobacco, Zionist weekly, which has consistit was learned. ently opposed the extension of the The commercial attache at the Jewish Agency, publishes in Its curPolish consulate in Haifa, Hausner, rent issue a leading editorial in received a cablegram from the Pol- which the results of the non-Zionist ish government granting permission Conference on Palestine held in New for the importation into Poland of I York on Sunday, October 21, are Palestine wines, oranges, bananas sharply criticised. and almonds. •
The heart is its own Fate.—Bailey. When shopping, mention the "Jewish Press."
Patronize Our Advertisers
The Brandeis Store f t The Last Big Value-Days
v Week November 12 to 17
Now Is the Time to Save On Home and Personal Needs
at Thanksgiving Dinner
in Every Department!
Your Specific Size and Individual Clothes Model npHERE'S a great difference between
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Paxton Billiard Parlors 1516 Farnam—JA. 9721 Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events
-I- merely "your size" and your exact model in your size. Every little variation of the build of man is provided for in The Nebraska V vast range of special clothes models in aU size ranges from 33 to 54 chest measure:
Serve Himelbloom's new Russian pumpernickle bread with your next meaL OMAHA MIBBOB * AKT OUkSB CO. - Manufacturers of Mirror*. Art GIui. Window GlMs Bwllverlnf—FJctore and Mirror 1«1* Cnmlnjr St.;
Shorts, Longs, Stouts, Short
Long Stouts, Short Half Stouts. Young Stouts, Tall and Portly Models
AT. C5S5
Jewish Book Store M. SOMIT 2 « 9 Decatur Street WK. 3587 We call the attention of all who are interested in buying any religious articles that we handle everything the very best and we sell It at very reasonable prices. Besides tne regular stock of Taleslm, silk ana wool,, tfeeltn, mestizos, prayer books and Bibles witlf English and Jewish translation. We are' going to have Chanuka lamps, copper and silver; plated and pure ones, also Chanuka candles and' silver Sabbath candles. j!
Other Smart Suits $21.50 to $75
Other Overcoats $21.50 to $125
Delicious Coffee! With an electric percolator you don't have to have a special knack for making coffee. Put the coffee in, leave it for twenty minutes . . . and it will be done to a king's taste. You can get an electric percolator and any other electrical appliance you wish at any of our "Electric Shops."
Lowest Terms "ELECTRIC SHOPS" 17th and Harney
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2314 M St
Failure to Hang Up May Block Your Telephone Door When your telephone receiver is off the hook, your "telephone door" is blocked and people calling cannot reach you. If the receiver remains off the hook for some time the operator will conclude that- your line is out of order and will switch it from the regular switchboard to the testboard for inspection. NORTHWESTERN BEU.
During this time you will be unable to receive or make calls, thus causing inconvenience to yourself and those who wish to call you.
You will help in our effort to provide you with the best possible service by always hanging up the receiver when through talking and making sure that it is all the way down. I TELEPHONE COMPANY
Council Bluffs News By F. R. K. MABIENTHAL—FRIEDMAN Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Friedman, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, announce the marriage of their daughter, Minnn, to Mr. Hugo I \ Marienthal of Chicago, HI., Trhich took place on Thursday, November 8, in the presence of only the immediate family. Rabbi Frederick Conn of Omaha performed Mr. and Mrs. EL J . Abrahams of Omaha announce the the ceremony. Mr. Marienthal and marriage of their daughter, Charlotte, to Mr. Jay Cher- his bride left Thursday evening for niaek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cherniack of Council a three weeks' honeymoon trip in the east, after which - they will make Bluffs, in Chicago, HL, on Tuesday, November 13. pre-nuptial affairs have been given their home in Chicago. Numerous Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hermanson jtmmniiinnniiuHiinituiiininniiiiiiniia honoring this bride .announce that the marriage of their daughter, Eureka, to Mr. Daniel The Ladies Auxiliary of the TalBezman, son of Mr. and Airs. A. Bezmud Torah of Council Bluffs will by man. will take place on Sunday, give a benefit bridge party next NOT. 25. auiuiiiiaiiuuiiimcuiiiiiHioiaiuiuuniii
Sunday for Sioux Falls and will be eluded to increase the amount of gether the fruition of so many enaccompanied by her mother, Mrs. I. your offer to $5,000,000, being one- terprises born of a realization that irandeis, who wiU make her home half of the total to be raised here. the welfare of other human beings
there "with her.
"That is indeed a princely bene- is the concern of all of us, can enterfaction and 1 believe I fenow some- tain no misgivings for its ultimate Mr. and Mrs. Saul Suvalsky had thing of the great heart and the success." is their guest during the past week- willing hand with which it is given. end Mrs. Suvalsky's mother, Mrs. L The dedication of that wealth to CORRECTION Goldberg of Chicago. HL make it possible for a people -who The benefit movie that was given have been starving as petty trades- Monday evening at the Corby TheDr. and Mrs. I. Sternhill enter- men, to return to their ancient call- ater by the Independent Workmen's ained their Evening Bridge Club at ing and become producers of the ne- Circle was for the benefit of a colony :heir home Tuesday evening. cessities from the soil, is a great ex- in Soviet Russia and not in Palesperiment in human engineering, and tine as was incorrectly stated in last Mr. Philip Saks will spend this you and I, who have watched to- week's Jewish Press. ;veek-end in Iowa City, where he irill visit his son, Harold Saks, stuent at the University of Iowa.
"Manufactured in Omaha"
Omaha's Greatest Tea Set Bargain Regular $^98 $5.95 Only
WE. 3260
Genuine China'-Cafe Color
Refresh Yourself
TfartmanlS 413-15-17 S. 16th Street
if re. S. M. Clayman entertained three tables of bridge Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 14, in honor of Mrs. L. Katz of Atlanta, Ga., who was formerly Miss Mollie Corenman of Omaha. Prizes were won by Mrs. S. Brown and Mrs. A. Beber.
The Daughters of Israel Ladies Aid Society of theJewish Old Peoples Home will bold their next regular meeting at the Home at 2504 Charles Street on Tuesday, Nov. 20, at 2:30 P. M. AH members are urged to attend and to bring their friends.
H01 Hotel Brildhtc
Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices It Wai P«y You to Inquire
Harry H. Lapidns, Pres.-Treai,
Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.
.On election day by a vote of 60,600 to tl 7,348, you gave us a Franchise to continue ,to do business in the streets of •••*•-.
T h e Franchise was necessary for us to - -continue in business. The Company's -Jl,100 employes, and the Company itself• ftiow acknowledge in this advertisement their deep gratitude to the people of Omaha. ,,-.... However, we regard the fine vote as more than a vote for the Franchise. We regard it as a vote of confidence in the Company and its employes. It is and will be our purpose to prove ourselves worthy of this confidence. We have been, and are, to the best of our lability, giving efficient and courteous ^.^transportation service- Our purpose is to make this service constantly better. We "welcome suggestions from the -people of Omaha.
with RUTH KING as "Judy11 Nights, 25c-50c-75e—16rows$1 BugnD Matinees, Snn-Wed-SaL, 25c-50c 1
Caning—"The Woman of Bronze *
•war M M £«•«•• T—t
Klerenth and Douglas Streets Pbone JAckBon 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
Vinegar, Pickles, Olives, Catsup, Mustard, Etc. Haarman Vinegar & Pickle Co. OMAHA
Uncle Sam Laxative Food And
Okay Bran Flakes At All Orneen Mede by
Uncle Sam Break!ast Food Co. Omafaa,Ncfer.
Horseradish Is Red Hot the year 'round because only pare horseradish root* and pure grain vinegar are nmA in its manufacture.
Judy Drops to
Thomson** Tip-Top
Brandeis Theatre The Brandeis Players
Visit the New
16th and Howard St.
The thoughts that often come unsought, and as it were, drop into the mind, axe commonly the most "valuable of any we have, iand theref ore they seldom return again.—Locke.
Jewelry Store
People of Omaha
A National Institution—Everything for the Home
Baker Ice Machines
Miss Betty Rosenblatt is conva
OMAHA, NEBRASKA Soft gray, Iron, brass, bronae and aluminum castings. Standard aiaM tmmse and iron bushings, sewer mmholeii, cistern rings and. COTCTB anil clean-out doors in stock. AH kinds of wood and metal patterns.
Operated by Eppley Holds Co.
Piixton-MitdieH Co.
tiih mni Mutki Sta. tiArney lMt
250 TloomB—200 Baths Good Rooms for $1.50
New York (J. T. A.)—Julius RoMrs. M. Newman 9 Thursday evening, November 22, at senwald, leading American Jewish SOFTDavid GINGER BREAD the Danish Hall, Park Avenue and Mr. and Mrs. "William J. Bushman One cup brown sugar, % cup Karo Broadway. Hostesses for this affair ihilanthropist, was highly commendannounce the birth of a boy on Xo- syrup, 2 eggs, 1-3 cup butter, % cup ed by Herbert Hoover, presidentTember 13 at the Nicholas Senn Hos- black coffee. 1 teaspoon baking soda, will include the Mesdames George elect of the L'nited States, for his Krasne, Simon Whitebook, A. L. pitaL teapoon salt. 2 caps flour, 1 tea- Cohen, Harry Krasne, Harry Cohen $5,000,000 subscription towards the spoon ginger, 1 cup raisins, % cup and M. Passer. The public is urged 510,000,000 fund which is now being Mr. ana Mrs. Samuel Swartz an- chopped walnuts. to make plans now to attend this ?ompleted for the purpose of extendnounce the birth of a son on Novem- vSift dry ingredients. Add raisins card party. ing Jewish colonization work in So: ber 13 at the Omaha Maternity Hos- and nuts. Stir, cream butter and viet Russia. pitalsugar. Add beaten eggs. Combine James N. Rosenberg, New York coffee and syrup. Add to creamed The Fourth Anniversary dance of ittorney and chairman -of the AgroMr, and Mrs. Abe Sherman an- mixture, and lastly the dry ingre- the Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of ioint, made public last week the text nounce the birth of -'a igirt on Nodients. Bake in shallow pan in a the A. Z. A_ which v a s held Sunday >f a letter under date of February yember 13 a t the Wise Memorial slow oven for 45 minutes. When evening at the Hotel Chieftain, was L3, 1928, addressed by the then Seccold, cover with cream icing and cut a great success, both socially and retary of Commerce to Mr. RosenHospital. financially, according to Abe L. Katin squares. elman, general chairman for this af- wald. The letter, which was made Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richman anfair, who wishes to thank all who inblic through the Jewish Telenounce the birth of a son on NovemAPPLE SAUCE CAKE graphie Agency, read: ber 9 at the Wise Memorial Hos- One and one-half sauee helped make this dance a, success. 'When Lewis Strauss was here a Maxine Leibovitz, 10-year-old daughpitaL sweetened, 1 cup sugar, % cup but- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Leibovitz, short while ago he recalled the eveter, 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons soda, entertained the crowd with several ning at Mr. Warburg's house in New Mrs. A. Perimeter and son, Morteaspoon cinnamon, % teaspoon York where we heard you make your ton A. Kfchards, returned Wednes- mace, % teaspoon nutmeg, and 1 cup solo dances which proved a huge suc- inspiring contribution to the work cess. day from Lincoln, Neb., where Mr. chopped raisins. >f the Joint Distribution Committee. Richards has been ill for the past Cream butter and sugar, dissolve He then told me that you bad contwo weeks. He will return, to his soda in 1 teaspoon hot water, add • The Ladies Aid Society "wUl hold studies at the "University of Nebras- soda and apple sauce tofirstmix-a meeting next Tuesday afternoon at ka in Lincoln next week. ture. Add dry ingredients which the home of Mrs. H. Trochtenberg. have been sifted together. Bake at 911 First Avenue. The Bar Mitzvah of Louis Soskin, 350 degrees for thirty minutes. If Mrs. Herman Handler of Sioux son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Soskin, tube pan is used, bake 1 hour. Cover Falls, S. D., is spending the week took place Saturday at the Beth with chocolate icing. here at the home of her sister and Hamedrosh Hagodel synagogue. A speech in English by Louis was well Obedience is the key to every door. brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Steinberg. Mrs. Handler will leave received. "~ -MacDonald. following the ceremonies, a dinner in honor' of the event was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Soskin The services were conducted by Cantor S. Kahanowitch.
Mrs. Max Fromkin arid son Bobby, I who have been visiting with Mrs. Fromkin's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rubin at San Antonio, Texas, are expected home Sunday. Mrs. Fromkin has been one of the most extensively entertained guests at that city for the past seven weeks. During her visit in San Antonio, Mrs. Fromkin was the guest speaker at a luncheon given by the .Council of Jewish Women, and also principal speaker at the Armistice Day celebration siren by the Hadassah. Her snbjeet was "Chaluzim in Palestine." Her addresses have been most graciously received. . . _ . Master Bobby Fromkin. who.celebrated his fourth birthday in San Antonio, entertained thirty-six of his little friends a t a birthday party Wednesday, Nov. 14.
One of two furnished modern rooms in privntp home, Onti at 2230 So. 31st St. or phone Harrier 2554.
lescing from her illness Itttfie Memorial Hospital.
Flour Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where economy Js. watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high reputation recommends that you try it.
hen thefokui* anile atijou!
You will find it s t your grocer's, ereii <3nrJnf the summer months, Dlateibated by
Thomsen-Slater Butter Co. 1315 Hewurd Si.
AT. 8485
PnoneATLANTIC O639 3!3 SO. 14 TK.ST. OMAHA .
Sport Splinters By FRANK E. AOKBRMAN
A Modest Proposal SHORT STORY
BO The first cage game and dance of on OD ao the season under the sponsorship of the.physical department will be held Saturday evening. Sperry's Night Club orchestra will furnish the mu"If you COUld Just to mind the don't want her to think I'm shy, I sic for the shuffle which will follow want—" tore—" the basketball tilt. "Tulips, maybe?" "No, Hyman, already I'm dressed The feature game of the day will "No, they are too stiff." •be the clash between the J. C. C. and I'm going to the movies." "Say, boy, don't you know what "But the boy is but, Rachel, and varsity and the All-Stars. The kind of a flowers you want?" just got to deliver this bunch of Center hoopsters ate a fast aggrega"Well, I tell you, ma'am. My tion and seem headed for their most •oses." sweetheart, she's in the hospital and "Well, If you got to, you got to, successful year. The girls' eagers I want to send her some flowers." will play an outside team in the pre- iut I'm already dressed." , "Yes." ' • •••.•• "Just to stand here in the door, liminary, starting at 8 o'clock. "And I want her to know by them that's all you have to do." that I love her." "And if a customer comes?" Jimmy Murphy's boxing class is -"Don't she know already you love "If a customer comes lei him look coming along in great style. Among her?" the leading maulers are Corenman, inly at the flowers. By then, I'll be "No, you see-^- No, you wouldn't Ferer, Sax, and Rosenblatt.- Murphy mcfc." see." "Nu, go already, I don't want to plans to enter two or more of his "But maybe if you tell me, maybe miss any of the feature. Go already disciples in the Nebraska state boxI could suggest some nice flowers." Ing championships at the Elks' d u b and come back." "Well, you see, I—I can't afford to As if he feared his wife would on Dec. 14. The outstanding men at tell her I love her. Not yet." withdraw her reluctantly given aspresent are "Pug" Ferer and Coren"Oh, I see." sent, Hyman KassofC—-Cut Flowers, man. "And she's in the hospital and I •ent quickly into his little two-bywant to send her some flowers." Three of the four semiflnalists in four flower shop, took his hat and "Well, you say roses ain't good, coat from behind the white ice-box the Center handball doubles are and violets, and tulips. Let's see, Segelman-Katzman, Meyers-Altschu- lot-house and tucked a box under now." Mrs. Kassoff was warming to ler, and Mendelson-Franbs. The lat- his arm. With a parting peck on her task; she thrust open her fur ter combination is favored to cop the recently massaged cheek of his coat and took off her gloves. elegant spouse he hurried around the title. "You see, she lives near here, and the corner and out of sight. I thought she would like to have the Of course, ho sooner had he gone, The Junior Boys' basketball team flowers from here. She says she alwhich caused such a splurge with" its nd his wife, Rachel, had established ways looks in your window." lerself heavily on an upturned box unbroken string of victories has got"Yes, we got nice flowers," Mrs. ten down to regular practice under >utside the store—she exhaled a Kassoff agreed. "Ain't we got no sense of well-being there in the sunthe tutelage, of Marcus Krasne. light, enveloped- in her mink coat, kind for her? Better you should the,window \ofl-flowers and ferns wait till my husband comes back, BUSINESS MEN'S making an exotic.frame behind her maybe he—" BOWLING LEAGUE -ho sooner had she settled herself, "No, I want to send them now so ' W. L. AY. than a customer came up. If there they'll be there when I go to see her Salman Insurance. _19 5 .792 tiad been no customer, there would tonight, and I'm in a hurry now. Gesundheit Malts..— 15 9 625 tave been no story. Say, what do you call them, those Omaha Tobacco Co~ 14 10 .583 Well, this customer was a most little bluish ones in the window?" Empire Cleaners—..._._13 11 .542 jxacting one. He looked at the roses. "Oh, that's forget-me-nots, do you Glazer Clothing ..—10 14 .417 No, they were too dignified. No, like Tousem Tires „._„....—.9 1 5 .375 "she wouldn't like roses," he assur"The very thinr!. W Malaschock Jewelry........ 9 1 5 .375 ed the indifferent Mrs. KassoftV * iip 7i Fnneh of those and send them .292 Wardrobe . _.._ . 7 17 "Violets, too, is nice," she sug- to the City Hospital? I'll just put The rush of the Wardrobe Five ;ested. In my card. So." was temporarily halted by the Kal"No, no,-' violets are too shy. I "Why not? Sure. Three eixtyman Insurance bowlers, who' won five." the entire series from Moe Lins- efeated by the Glazer Clothing The young man poured the change man's hirelings. Company. . Eddie Meyer and Leo Weitz vied The Gesundheits won the series into Mrs. KassofFs chubby hand and went out, again urging her to send for honors with 590 and 586 total 'rom the Malashock Jewelry. scores and their pin smashing acIn order to equally balance the the flowers at once. As be left the counted for the victory. trength of the league and to avoid store the errand boy stumbled in. "Here, EouejS" Mrs. Kassoff callThe Yousem Service forfeited frequent absentees, it was decided ed,"take these right away, to the three games to the-Omaha Tobacco to cancel the franchise held by the City Hospital. Ain't that a fine Co. and the Empire Cleaners J were Malashoek Jewelry and the Yousem bunch"now? I made it myself." Service. Beginning next Tuesday the bowl- . Feeling very proud of herself, Mrs. SAM KEBEB £ DAVID BEBEB, ers who formerly represented the Kassoff put the money into her Attorney* above teams will be assigned to pocket and went out again. She 300-Petera Trust Bldgr. NOTICE <W ADMINISTRATION. other teams, and the schedule will be ensconced herself on the box and sat In the County Court of Douglas County, I gleefully jingling the money in her continued with a six-team league. • Nebraska. Moe Katleman created considerr pocket. Presently her .husband came In the matter of the estate of Ida Mazy, deceased. ..AU persons interested able attention when he began with a back. .in. said estate are hereby notified that • "Wha^ Ad you know, Kachel, the a-petltlon has i e e n -filed -in-Bald Court 209 and 225 count. His hopes for a alleging that said deceased died leavold lady where I took the flowers, ing no last will and praying for admin- record breaking total "went astray istration upon, .and -that a when he secured but 136 in the final she'gave me a tip." And he exhibithearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 30th day of game.. Although they do not possess ed a shiny nickel. November, 1928, and that if they fail to "I made some money, too. Look, appear at said Court on the said 30th mposing averages, Ben Glazer and day of November, 1928, at 9 -o'clock A. Max Fleisher are a pair' of accom- Hyman<-a bunch of those yesterday M. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant adminis- modating young men. They have on forget-me-nots for three sixty-five. tration of Bald estate to David E. Beber or some otner suitable person and pro- many: occasions assisted the various Ain't I a good saleslady?" ceed to a settlement thereof. "Oy, I should have you for a salesteams: in the league when weakened BBYCE CRAWFORD, Nov.9-3t County Judge. lady all the time, you would be wearby absentees. .
JT. J* FBIEDMAJJ Attorney 634 Peters Trust Bldg. NOTICE OF ADMXXISTKATZON. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Verald Alexander, deceased. All persons interested in Bald estate are hereby notified that- a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying tor cdsilniatratlon npon ht« estate, and that a hearing will be had on Bald petition before said court on the 30th day of November, i828, at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Ada Alexander Hamilton or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. •BBYCE CBAWFOBD, Nov. 9-3t County Judge. MON8KT.KATTLEMAN ft GBODINSKY 730 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. PKOBATE "NOTICE. • In the matter "of the estate of Grace L«e, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, In Baid County, on the 11th day of January; 1029, and on the 11th day 6 March, 1929r at 9 o'clock A. iL, eac! day, for the purpose of presenting thei claims for examination, adjustment an< allowance. Three months are aHowec for the creditors to present'their claims front the-8th day of December, 1928. BBYCE CBAWFOBD, Nov. 9-4t County Judge .
Attorneys 750 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Notice 1B hereby given that the undersigned have formed a corporation. Name, Omaha Garment Company, Inc. Principal place' of business In the City o' Omaha. Corporation is authorized ti manufacture, lob and sell men's an< women's clothing of all kinds and t buy, sell, lease, encumber, any and al kinds of real or personal property, Capital stock is $25,000.00, consisting o] SHSO shares, par value $100.00, all com< mon, fully paid when issued and non assessable. Corporation shall commence business August Sltst, 1928, and continu to January 1st, 1979.- Highest amoun of Indebtedness shall not exceed two thirds of capital stock. Affairs of thi corporation aiiaU be administered by i board of directors of not less than tw< -nor more than five. Directors shall elec from their number President, "Vice-Pres ident, Secretary and Treasurer. Annual meeting shall be held the second Mon day In January of each year, at whlcl meeting directors shall be elected, and -immediately thereafter the directors shall meet and elect their officers. Busi ness of the corporation shall be conducted by the officers and directors. The corporation shall have a seal. Articles-may be, amended. • * (Signed) J. W. MARBR. N0V.8-4t H. MABQUABDT
"Hyman, don't." The woman was crying and even her gorgeous mink coat hung limply dejected. "Don't. I made up the bouquet over there by the table, look there." She sank down on a stool, while he rummaged on the table, in the waste basket where the clipped leaves had been thrown and then again turned over the flower pots, the bouquets, and the baskets. "It ain't here, that's all. It ain't here." He ran his grimy fingers through his close-cropped red hair. "Where's Louey?" "He went with the bouquet to the—"
"Oy, you sent out the bouquet already? So that's where it must be, sure.** "Yes, I sent the bouquet with Louey to the hospital." "Stay here, Rachel, stay by the store. Til go to the hospital and take back the bouquet. It must be there." "No, no. Hyman, don't leave me here. No. You stay here. 1 will go for the bouquet. I will go/' She was out of the store before he could remonstrate. Wobbling on her shaky, spindle heels, she ran one block, two blocks. Then she broke into a panting walk. By the time she reached the hospital, nine blocks away, she was no longer the pompons lady exuding well being. Her heavy ankles sagged to her heels, her hat was askew; she was a tired woman, so tired. She met Lone.v af the door of the hospital. "Say, Mis' Kassoff, they let me take the bokay right in to her. She ain't so sick and she's so pretty. Say, you oughta heard her squeal." '•Go back. Louey, go back. I'm comin' right away.'" They made her wait minutes that were years in the white, white waiting room. Then a white-capped nurse led her along white corridors and into a room. In a high, high
bed with pillows propped about her was the little telephone operator who often passed the store, pausing more than once before the window of Hyman Kassoff—Cut Flowers. "Why, how do you do. You're from the florist's, sren't you? How good it is of you to come. Although I'm much, much better now," the sweet voice was very thin. "Ha tl'ya do," Mrs. Kassoff pauteiL "Aren't these flowers heavenly? They came from your place, didn't they. Forget-me-nots. Forget-menots. Corae over here, won't yon? TJP close to the Iwl. Rpp whnt was inside the bouquet. Walter's card, and this, too." The girl held x\p her loft hand. "Walter." she whispered, "isn't be the bashful dear?"' For a moment Rachel Kassoff stared silently at her glistening solitaire on the girl's hand. She gasped, and then in a voice carrying a memory of yonng hope and pride, "My. ain't it a fine big stone? Such a ring conlrt cost a lot of money. Even four hundred dollars, no? Ton could
For Service Call
Sheet Metal and Furnace Works
ing ermine, not mink, and more diamonds. Say, why is it I buy you diamonds you should keep them In the vault? Ain't it mink is good enough for such diamonds?" "Hyman, what are you talking? I put on my solitaire today. So many years I waited, I should have a engagement ring, and now I shouldn't wear it? I remember I met Fanny and she said what a big stone." "Maybe it came off when you took off your glove, look. Quick." Feverishly the woman turned the fingers of her gloves inside out, although on first feeling them it was certain no ring was inside. "I didn't go no place, Hyman, only I sat here." "But the box, the box Is over the grating. Let's go down in the cellar. Hurry, hurry." Hyman climbed down the narrow stairs to the cellar, while Rachel held a caudle over the grating, although in the ~ broad daylight the flame flickered ineffectually. "No, no. it ain't down here. Oy, Rachel. I should spend four hundred dollars for a diamond ring . . ." "Oy, and I should let you buy me, just because I should want a engagement ring, when already I'm married." "Don't talk now, Rachel. Come.
We must look around. Did you go inside?" "Yes, I went in. I went in with the customer." "Somewhere's it should be in the store. Come." Silently, grimly now, with the same feeling that comes to rescuers digging away at a caved-in mine, they sought about the store. Every flower pot was upturned, every bouquet and basket moved. The ice box was rummaged, the damp, fern lined sink. "Ton made up the bouquet yourself? The one that cost fonr hundred dollars, less three dollars and sixty-five cents?"'
475 Brandels Theater Bid*.—JA. 4811
Certified Public Accountant* 638 Securities Bldg. AT. 4451
4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 The Home With a Reputation
Auto Tops——•Accessories
Rational Accessories, Inc
2051 Farnam—AT. 5524
"Everything for the Auto" Auto Top and Glass. Service
409 Hospe Bldg.
Heyn-Kennedy Co. REALTORS 416 Medical Arts Bldg.
SINCE 1876
Kosher Delicatessen Fresh Corned Beef cooked daily. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meals. Home-made pickles. All kinds of Bakery Goods, Picnic Lunches. WE. 14SS
•TA. £100
All Family
1513 North Uth St.
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If your laundress docs not satisfy, try us.
227 South 20th Street
1923 d i r k St.—WE. 0*10
Satisfied Customers Our Greatest Desire
Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality
Mattresses and Pillows Made Over in New Ticks 1S17 Cumins AT. 59SS
Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch
2602 St. Mary's
Battery and Tire Service Road Service
AT. 5454
and . Service Our Motto General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing
DAVENPORT GARAGE 18th and Davenport
EXPERT DYER (32 Years Experience) Do not throw away your faded garments; have them re-dyed by an expert. Formerly a sample Dyer at the Pantorlum «nd Dresher Bros. Prices reasonable.
-IF nrs
IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY Soda Water, Near Beer and Glngerale TTEbrter 3043 1808 N . tOth St.
Madt from jour own leathers. Warm in winter; cool in summer. Cost less and last longer than cotton. Phone us for samples of ticking and estimates.
OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1907 Cumins St.
HArney 3800 BEN PRIESMAN, Mgr, Commercial Dept.
Jackson 8467
Music Teachers
Tire Sfaopg
PIAMST-WSTBCCTOR Beginners and- Advanced Students Accepted Suite 6, We*d B3<2r.. 18th « F«ra«at TelepkcM ATlwitie 8162
"That I,Ktle Extra Service" Miller Ci«*,r«.d-*«-«i.-R«MS Tfcraa
Fhane JA. U«$
Plaj the Violin Correetiy
Concert Violinist »nd Instructor Studio 117% N. l « h »*• -» A - » »
Cor. 17th ana CnpltoS AYS.—AT. #42? M'ATION Tires, Tnbes, Accessories, Re*«t Service, Vulcanising, General R i i
Towel Supply
When Ton Need a Plumber, Call
1917-19 Clark St.
WE. 1119
JA. 3573
V,A. B*M
6116 KlJitarjr Are.
Tour ad in tbie directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home i
Drug Stores
Laying, Sising, Fringing, Binding
W. H. OgTENBEKG, Pres. SS15 F a r u a ALTlMrticMie.
Barber Shops
Blended. Roasted, Ground and Packed by McCORD-BRADY CO., OMAHA
Giving Special Attention to Apartment and Business Properties
"Famous for Flavor"
We carry everything in quality furs at lowest prices in the city.
Reg Cleaners
We Specialize in the
Management ©f Property
Walter C. Roessig & Co.
2009 Farnam St.
AT. 5757
V- \ \
504 S. 13th
Batteries and Garages
Insist on Advo
Awnings and Tents
Advo Coffee
Fint Class Grocers
JLAcksen 1132
Ask for it
I IS.-. •-'
a Remodeling
Estimates Gladly Furnished
PBESCBIFTION EXPERTS 20 Te»r«' S«rvlce witk Sfcermmn & McConnell Drur Co. 1S1» Faraant St. AT. 11S1
Sold by all
AT. S83S
2nd Floor Securities Blif.
For space In this directory call the
There is no other* Coffee to be compared with \it ,
711 North 16th
JAckson 1614
1H Block* Sooth of J. C. C.
Stimulating for Dinner
I. SWARTZ Installation and repairing of Tin Work—Furnaces—Skylights— Ventilating—Gutters—Spouting
When shopping, mention the "Jewish Press."
Awnin*s, Caavu C o n n , Tentt, Camp guppUei. All Kind* Utb and Howard AT. 1*W
and Scientifically Blended in Omaha
TIKWOBE, GPTTEKS. SPOCTIJfG Reasonable trice* 15*0 >-orth S*th WE. 6565
be proud!" ( Copyright, 1928. by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
JA. 1440
Combined with the
Irresistible Flaypr of Brazil
1941 Vinton St.
B R Y D E N &C O .
With the
Enchanting Aroma, of the Orient
Under Management of H. Marcus
Prof. Sevcik and other world renowned teachers recommend my method very highly. ___
60S North
AT. 6291
J. M. JENSEN ,.Mt\
THE WEIS FLOWER SHOP "The Best Place to B u y '•'••'- Your Flowers" 2508 North 24th St.—Phone WE. 2067
CONTRACTOR Quality Is Remembered Long After the Price Is Forgotten St. ATlw*to tm*
Towel Supply Compnsy Sine* 1878