December 7, 1928

Page 1

Interesting and Entertaining

All the News of Interest to Jews

Entered as second-class mail matter on January 27. 1921 at poBtoffice at Omaha,-Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

ENGLAND'S STAND ON WAILINGWALL INCIDEN Jews Blamed Bi Access To S- .„ » SUGGEST ARBIT. Lonaon ( J . T. A.)—Asserting that the status'quo, as established under the Turkish regime, was infringed by the Jewish worshipers at the Jewish Holy Site on September 24, the Day of Atonement, the White Paper of the British government concerning the Wailing Wall incident made public this week, contains a statement of the facts and a declaration that the administration of Palestine intends to maintain the established Jewish right of access to the Holy Site. The White Paper, written by Col. Leopold H. Amery, Secretary of State for the Colonies, refers to the' communique of the Palestine govei'nment dated the 26th of September and explains that the intervention of the police was caused, as the Jewish action constituted an infraction of the status quo of the Wall. The paper further explains the Jewish rights to the Wall during the Turkish regime, underlining the ruling of 1912 prohibiting Jews to erect a screen, on the Wall pavement. The White Paper emphasizes this year's innovations at the" Wall on Yom • Kippur were made the cause of the complaints of the mufti in charge of the, Wakf (Moslem religious prop. erty) to' the Palestine government, / necessitating : immediate action according to the practice not to create precedent, contradictory to the status quo the ^Palestine•••• government -la obliged to maintain under the terms of the mandate.


VOL. VII.—No. 46

Jewish Community Center Announces Centet Players Guild Presents "Lady SAM SWARTZ Windertnere'sFan "as Second Treat of HEADS OMAHA Engagement of Prominent Speakers For Coming Year's Lecture Course Season at J. &C. This Sunday Night



Famous Oscar Wilde Drama Being Staged Under Sponsorship Norman Hapgood, Anna Louise Strong, Scott Nearing, Rabbi of Senior Council; Sumptuous Settings and Organization Begins ThirtyCandles To Be Lit In Lobby; Nathan Krass, Another Famous Speaker and Costuming Add Color To Performance Sixth Year Of Rally To Be On Concert Make Up Course Activity Dec 1.3 MRS. HERMAN JAHR DIRECTS PRODUCTION COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN AND J. C C. SPONSORS SUCCEEDS MARKS LORIG OTHER AFFAIRS PLANNED performance. The development of "Lady Windermere's Fan," Oscar Wilde's contribution to the world's really great plays, presented by the Center Players Guild Sunday evening, December 9, in the J. C. C. auditorium at 8:30 P. M.

. Long weeks of strenuous preparation under the able directorship of Mrs. Herman Jahr have rounded the production into a stage of dramatic

the-plot, with its maelstrom of conflicting emotions and wills, with its

vivid characterization of piquant lore transformed into blackest hate by hasty judgment, with its picturization of the agony of a mother over the imminent ruin of her daughter through her own unintentional actions, and the triumph of reason over impetuosity is so powerful and stirring that one leaves the performance with a feeling of. great satisfaction "and moral improvement. : .;.-.-•

A series of six lectures and one tional lecture here last year attract-

At the semi-annual elections of concert, all by internationally fa- ed wide attention, has been asked to the Omaha Hebrew Club held last mous men and women, will open in return to open the coxirse. This is Sunday afternoon at ithe Jewish January at the Jewish Community the result of many requests by those Community Center, Mr. Sam Swartz was elected president tar the ensuing term. He succeeds Marks Lorig, retiring president. The other officers are: Vice president, Jake Biklin; » secretary, Sol Rosenberg re-elected; treasurer, John Feldman, re-elected; and trustees, M. Polonsky, Max Fromkin and A. Richards.

The newly elected administration The play, serious though it is in will be installed at the next meettheme, is replete with laughs. The ing. When taking office, they will oast, all of whcta have had previous inaugurate the thirty-sixth year of experience, is headed by Miss Bess activity of the Omaha Hebrew Club. Weinsteiri, veteran of the principal A pioneer organization Jjiere. the soplays previously presented at the ciety now boasts of almost eight Center. She has also carried roles hundred members and a long record in Brandeis Theater presentations. of service. Mary. Claire Shames and Earl SieStanding committees for the new gal portray the other two major term will be announced by Mr, characters. The cast is as follows: Swartz at an early date. j Lady Windermere, Mary Claire Fiedler; Mr. Dumby, Hascall Cohn; Cecil Graham, Leo Brown; Lady Shames; Lord Windennere, Earl stein; Lord Augustus Lorton, George M. Cohen; Lord Darlington. Irving Perimeter; Duchess of Berwick, Martha Himmelstein: Parker. Al Hadassah, Women's Zionist organSiegal; Mrs. Erlynne, Bess WeinMrs. Herman Jahr Agatha Carlisle, Gwendolyn Wolf; ization, will sponsor Penny LunchLady Plymdnle, Hilda r Gilinsky; eon Day on Sunday, Dec. 9. On this excellence never lief ore witnessed at Lady Stuttfield, Sara Leon; Lady day the children of the Jewish rethe Center. Added to the perfection Jedburgh, Sadie Beber; Rosa-Be, ligious schools are given an opportunity to. .help .. their .^Palestinian of.vocal interpretation., pantomime, -AEnXinsman, ,an<l Ladv^ fiaisley^~i&ac "brotfiers and sisters by contributing in cos- 'V ifAimff T Z : ^ " ' v''V.'V--.^'••'•".."~~'"and "general stagecraft", care in Miiikoff. pennies to the Hadassah Fund. The tuming will make the play a gorThis second, production of the curConcerning the complaint that no geous spectacle of fashion. The rent season of the Center Players latter organization furnishes hot Jew was among .the police execut- characters, being representative of Guild is being sponsored by the Se- lunches to thousands of school chiling the order, this happened be- the English nobility, will all portray nior Council of the Jewish Com- dren in the Holy Land at a cost of cause, upon the urgent request of the the latest and most correct modes of munity Center. Proceeds will be de- about ten cents per child, although Chief Rabbinate, all Jewish police- society. voted to maintaining and improving the children only pay one cent for men had been released from service Splendor in staging, however, is the Friday Evening Services being them. for the Tom Kippur holiday. In fu- only one of the minor virtues of the held by the Council. Children who do not attend any ture, steps will be taken, ensuring a religious schools, but who wish to Jewish officer's presence at the Wall contribute to the fund may mail on all such occasions. The further their pennies to Mrs. A. Romm, 101 complaint that the Palestine govSo. 55th street, or give them to some ernment should have consulted JewSunday school teacher, at the Chaish authorities before taking action nukah celebration which will take is not.substantiated, because if the place on Sunday. infringement, of the status quo was Mrs. A. Romm will make a per' committed with the knowledge of Stipulates That Money Must Seven Non-Zionists Appointed sonal appeal to the children of the Be Spent Within 3 3 By Marshall For Same these authorities, - they were aware Talmud Torah, and Mrs. Louis Shaof the possible consequences from Years nok will speak to the children of the Purpose the experience on Yom Kippur 1925. Center Sunday School. Mrs. Stella GROUPS TO CO-OPERATE Abrahamson is in charge of the $4,000,000 FUND GOAL If, however, the Jewish authorities were ignorant of the innovations inTemple Israel Sunday School coltroduced, they cannot reasonably exNew York (J. T. A.)—A commit- lections. Cincinnati (J. T. A.)—Julius Rospect the Palestine government's enwald presented a gift of $500,000 tee of seven prominent American countenancing the unauthorized act to the Hebrew Union College of this Zionists to deal with questions perof subordinates. city on November 27. This is the taining to the organization of the The British government regards it largest gift in the institution's his- Jewish Agency and other problems as their duty and have the intention tory and comes within three weeks concerning Palestine during the peJudge Irvin Stalmaster -will be to maintain the established Jewish after the completion of the?250.tKK) riod preceding the formation of the the speaker of. the evening at the right of access to the pavement In campaign for « new library building Jewish Agency was appointed by Dr. Senior Council's Friday Evening s •Chaini Weizmann, president of the front of the Wall for the purposes at -the -college. • Service tonight at the Jewish ComWorld Zionist Organization, before of devotion. They are also entitled Air. RosenwaW -offered the $500,- his departure for Europe last week, munity Center. His subject has not tobring appurtenances as permitted 000 Rift to Adolph S. Ochs, chairman the Jewish Telegraphic Agency been announced. nnder the Turkish regime. It is inDespite adverse weather condiof the College's Endowment Fund learns. - .. < . consistent, however, with the duties tions, a good sized attendance apCampaign on November 10, Ludwig of the mandate, to endeavor to comVogelstein, chairman of the exec- , The committee which was ap- peared at last week's service. In a pel the Moslem owners to accord exutive board of the Union of Amer- pointed to work in conjunction with talk on "Thanksgiving." Irving Perltended privileges. ican Hebrew Congregations, an- a committee of «even prominent meter expressed the idea mat the .non-Zionists named by Louis Mar- annual American festival should not The chances are also lessened for nounced. shall consists of the following mem- be the day of giving thanks, but a mutual arrangement between Jews The terms of Mr. RosemvaW's do- bers : Dr. Mordecai M. Kaplan, Isi- should be the climax of a whole . and Moslems because public opinion in Palestine has removed the i n d - 1 n a t i o n re<l«lr« that, the endowment dore D. Morrison, Morris Kothen- year's appreciation of God's bless-. ^ .- ». . _ .. . . * fimrl m n s f h f l m i»iinr»he»#l « t lonct- £'^ berg, Julius Simon, Jacob Fishman, ings. dent from the religions orbit into, a fund must have reached at least political and racial question, which 500.000 besides his own $500,000 by Mrs: Zip Szold, Judge William M. hag intensified the difficulties. Nev- Jnly 1, 1929. Of the total J$4.000;000. Lewis, Philadelphia, and Louis Lipertheless, the Palestine government the sum of $3,000,000 shall be avail- sky. ex-offlc36 as president of the has approached the Zionist execu- able in cash or in pledges of not Zionist Organization -of America. tive as well as the Moslem council more than ten annual installments. The non-Zionist <Kimmittee of The Jewish Women's Welfare Orsuggesting that they agree on a muEmphasizing his opposition to seven is headed by Felix M. -Warganization were entertained at their tual protocol regulating the conduct "frozen assets" such as perpetual enburg, as chairman, and includes Dr. meeting, Tuesday, Dec. 4, at the J. of services in a manner satisfactory dowments, Mr. Rosenwald stipulatLee K. Frankel, Dr. Cyrus Adler, C. C with an elaborate program preto the normal liturgical require- ed in effect that this $3,000,000 must Philadelphia", James H. Becker, Chi- sented under the direction of Mrs. ments without prejudice to the legal be used entirely within 25 to 33 cago, David A. Brown, Detroit, Col. Herman Jahr. rights of the Moslems. In this con- yeavs or be removed from the en- Herbert H. Lehman, New York, and Miss Helen Tucker, dramatic star nection the government has also in- dowment trust into an available surr Dr. Julius Morgenstern, Cincinnati, of the Brandeis Players, favored the structed the senior officer to feel out pins and reserve fund. The $3,000,- with Sir. Marshall as ex-officio memgroup with two readings, and sang the ground with both parties as to 000. shall be donated, he said, with ber. . Eli Eli. Ida and Dorothy Lustgarwhether an arrangement is possible the distinct understanding that in The Zionist committee of -seven is ten rendered piano and violin solos, which, if achieved, the British gov- addition to the annual income from respectively. The program was enernment would cordially welcome ay interest, from 3 to 5 per cent of the subject to instructions from l i e thusiastically received. preventing a recurrence of the un- capital shall be set aside annually Zionist Executive in London. Mrs. Philip Romonek spoke in fa. fortunate incident, the White Paper by the trustees of the fund to be vor of the multilateral peace treaty declares. used by them at their discretion for Mr. Rosenwald. Mr. Vogelstein also now under consideration for ratificurrent expenses or. placed into a Dependence Is a perpetual call) s u r p l U 8 o r r e s e r v e £ u n d t 0 b e rtraWD announced that Henry Morgenthau, cation by the United States senate. former United States ambassador to The organization voted its endorseupon humanity, and a greater inciteupon for budget or other require- Turkey, has volunteered to tour the ment of the pact. ment to tenderness and pity than ments.. United States to assist Mr. Ochs in Mrs. Greenberg presided over the any other motive whatsoever.—AdIn revealing the $500,000 pledge of completing the endowment fund. meeting. dison. " ' -



Judge Stalmaster Speaks at Tonight's Service

Helen Tucker Entertains Women's "Welfare Group

Rabbi Nathan Krass

Anna Louise Strong

Chanukah candles will be lighted in the Jewish Community Center each night next week, beginning Friday evening and continuing through Saturday, Oecember 15. and a number of gain affairs have been planned for the Center during the Chanukah season. The triumph of religious freedom over intolerance and bigotry is celebrated during Ohamiknh, the Feast of Lights. After the division of the empire of Alexander the Great, following his death. Palestine came into the possession of Ptolemy of Egypt and later passed under Greek influence as spoils of wnr. Hellenism of Greek culture was being accepted by many .Tews who assumed Greek names and customs, and indulged in excesses bringing about moral and religions degeneration.

Center, it was announced this week. who heard him last your to be enAntiochns, who ascended the The series this year, more brilliant abled to hear him again. He will throne in 175 B. C, persecuted the Jews and tried to force them to worship Greek idols. He had altars erected in every city.

Norman Hapgood

Scott Nearing

llatfathins raised the flag of rebellion, and after his death his five sons carried on the war until Jerusalem was recaptnred. Then the Jews rededicated the Temple, which the Syrians had polluted with their heathen ceremonies. A small cruse of oil wns found which is said to have burned miraculously for eight days, and for this reason the festival lasts eight days. The elders •of Israel instituted "Chanukah" to be celebrated each year with mirth and joy in memory of the rededication of the altar and the purification of the sanctuary.

than any previous one, will be spon- speak on "The American Mind Tosored jointly by the Jewish Com- day," Wednesday, January 23. munity Center and the Omaha CounMr. Hapgood is a diplomat, cil of Jewish Women. scholar, journalist and lecturer. He Xorman Hapgood, whose excep(Continued on Page 2)

The great significance of Chanukah is that it was a war not for political advantage but a struggle for Jewish ideals as against the Greek. Channkah Rffnirs nt the Center will include a basket ball game and dance, Saturday. Dec. S: n Sunday school Chanukah entertainment at 11 a. m. Snnday. Dec. 0: and a Channkah rally, nt 8:15 p. m., Thursday. Dec. IS. Philip Klutznick will $250,000 Sent to Palestine to he the speaker at the senior rally, which will have an elaborate proRe-establish Credit of gram of entertainment. One of its Organization features will he a one-act play, "She Saved Israel." written by Mr. Louis LAND TITLES SECURE Shanok and directed by Miss Faye Klein. New York (J. T. A.)—The problem of the American Zion CommonIn the Sunday school entertainwealth, a land-buying and land-de- ment, there will be a "trendel" tourveloping agency in Palestine, which nament for each olass and questions has threatened the progress of the on Channkah will he asked. Those Zionist Organization of America for who will have part in the assembly the past two years, and which was program will be Judith Levenson, largely responsible for the contro- Dorothy White, Lottie Hips, Dorothy versy in the American Zionist move- Camel, Helen Smith. Idn. Epstein, ment last year, has been solved, ac- Zelda White, Ettn <0nmel, Tina cowling to an announcement issued White and Bertha Giwnherg. by Louis Lipsky. president of the The prize winning «Chnnukah esZionist Organization of America. say will be read. A surprise feature The difficulties in which the Am- will follow the play, "Because t i e erican Zion Commonwealth was in- Loved David So."


Henri Bergson. Nol>el Prize winner by a recent announcement, is the world's greatest living philosopher, Rabbi Frederick Cohn told his current topics class which met under the auspices of the Council of Jewish Women Tuesday morning at the Jewish Community Center. "Bergson's greatest conception is that of creative evolution." Rabbi Cohn said. "He has carried Darwinian evolution further, and, rather than merely describing the mechanism, he goes behind it to the life stream, the 'elan vital.' " Rabbi Cohn said that Bergson volved arose out of over-expansion places intuition higher than intel- in Palestine and the economic crisis lect, believing that inner knowl- which has lasted for two years. edge is the most direct means of Land purchased on contract could gaining knowledge. For that reason, not be sold, mortgages due conld not he said, his philosophy should ap- be paid and deeds to land already peal especially to women, who have paid for conld not he issued, which long been known as experts in in- in turn brought about a discontinuance of payments on the part of the tuition. "To the Bergsonian. life is always American land purchasers. As a reinteresting ami surprising." he con- sult of the efforts of a numlter of tinued. "Life is ever changing:, never j leading American Zionists, the sum the same. One can never repeat an of f250.000 in cash has just been desexperience, because conditions never patched to Palestine, which is to be used to re-establish the credit of the stay the same." American Zionist Commonwealth. Rabbi Cohn praised the concepThe title to all the lands purchased tion of history maintained by Proby the Commonwealth is now secure fessor Fling of the University of Nebraska. He has defined history as as a result of this remittance, which "the gradual development of a spir- has been placed in the hands of the Palestine Zionist executive to be itual content." used in such a manner as to assure The speaker traced the influence the speedy issuing of deeds to nil of Bergson upon the literary men. of American purchasers. the day. especially Bernard Shaw and Eugene O'Neill. that will celebrate Maccabean Day on Snnday, Dec. 11. This is an anJEWISH NATIONAL FUND FLAG DAY DECEMBER 11 nual flag day conducted by the Jewish National Fund for the purpose Omaha is one of one hundred and of soliciting contributions for Palesninety cities in the United States tine.

Natelgon'§, New Shop

for Women, Opens Giving promise of becoming one of Omaha's smartest shops for feminine apparel and modes. Xateteon's, located at 1517 IHmglns street, -opened to the public Thursday morning. Occupying five floors, bnsement and mezzanine, the first floor houses departments handling accessories and shoes; the second floor, a complete millinery department: the third floor, coat, dress, and fur departments. Unique in its equipment, this floor gives the impression of n drawing room leather than a sales floor. Upholstered furniture and drapes add to the air of luxury and comfort. Fourth and fifth floors nre given over to receiving department, alterations, decorators and stock rooms. Associated with R. W. Natelson will be Louis Somberg. Both Mr. Xatelpon and Mr. Somberg recently returned from a New York buying trip.


Leaves for Havana

THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

T H E JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450

Temple Emanu-el In New York, one ment of the Jewish Community Cen- nok. assistant executive secretary of J.C.C. ANNOUNCES of the most^ influential religious ter will be held every Monday eve- the Center, and instructor of the communities in the world. After ning at 8:15, according to an an- course. The class is open to all perSPEAKERS FOR the war, he went abroad as special nouncement made by Mr. Louis Sha- sons sixteen years or over. of the Joftit DistribuLECTURE COURSE commissioner tion committee and gained interna-

(Continued from Page 1) has see the American mind in action over a long period of years and in all classes of society. He knows Subscription Price, one year •" $2.50 how it works and what its possibilAdvertising rates furnished on application ities of influence are. CHANGE O F ADDRESS—Please give both t h e old a n d n e w a d d r e s s ; be Anna Louise Strong comes to us s u r e to give your n a m e . . . . . . . . : as an authority on what is happening in China- She has just completed a journey round the world. She landed in "Shanghai in May, proceeded to Hankow, joined Borodin's caravan across the Gobi desert, Tonight, thousands of tiny candles in as many Jewish interviewing many Chinese generals as well as spending two months in homes will flicker their messages of happiness. And the company of Mrs. Sun Yat Sen, strange though it may seem, these rather minute flames widow of the "Washington of cast a glow so-friendly'.and: so bright, that one begins to China," whose ideas are stirring wonder about the source of theii* wondrous light. four hundred million people. She is It is true that the lighting of the Chanukah candles is the author of two books on China, and many articles appearing in Harreminiscent of the day over two thousand years ago when J. Neal Clemmer pers, Asia, Woman Citizen, Survey, Judaism's stalwart sons wrested their holy temple from J. Neal Clemmer, export e , and other periodicals. She will speak the talonous'grasp of the Syrians, and were greeted by Baker Ice Machine Company, 6c this Monday, Feb. 5, on "China Aflame." the miracle of the one day portion of consecrated oil that city, has left for Havana. Cuba, in A lecture which will be one of the burned for eight days. But something far more signifi- the interests of the company's ex- outstanding ones in the course will cant and symbolic seems to emanate from the tiny lights. port trade. Mr. Clemmer sailed from be given Monday, Feb. 25. The lecAs they flicker brightly and in so cordial a manner, they New Orleans December 1 and will turer will be announced later. seem to intimate that they have a great secret they are spend several weeks in Cuba during "Where Is Civilization Going?" time visits will be made to will be the subject of an address anxious to divulge. What that story is can only be guessed which important clients in the interior o* Monday, March 11, by Scott Nearfrom the history of Chanukah and the Jewish race. the island and a closer, personal ing. Nearing is known the country When the crafty King Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria relationship wiU be developed with over as a challenger of existing soconquered the defenseless Israelites; he was clever enough the Havana representatives. cial conditions. He is a sociologist, to realize that as long as Judaic idealism existed, his hold Due to the semi-tropical climatic lecturer and teacher. He has been which constantly prevail secretary of the Pennsylvania Child over its disciples was precarious. So, with demonaical conditions in Cuba it is a particularly favor- Labor committee and instructor in cunning, he planned to impress Hellenic culture upon the able market for the sale of ice mak- a number of large universities. The Jews. Had the latter beeh the dreaming kind of idealists ing and refrigerating plants and Mr. last six months have been spent by only, their fate would have been sealed. But theirs was a Clemmer's knowledge of the Span- Dr. Nearing in Europe and Asia, practical idealism. Their faith translated itself into action ish language should prove advan- where he made a close study of conand caused them to brazenly defy the mighty monarch, to tageous in the promotion of friendly ditions. endure the ravages of war that followed, and to finally relations and a spirit of co-opera- Rabbi Nathan Krass will speak tion. Wednesday. March 20, on "What Is triumph. Wrong With the Ten CommandIt is twenty centuries since the Jews and the Syrians ments?"' Dr. Krass is the leader of Patronize Our Advertisers DAVID BLACKEB, BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR IBVING PERIiMETER EDITOR


stopped battling, but the essential spirit of that encounter still exists. Practical idealism and materialism are still gripped in the throes of unrelenting war. However, throughout all the onslaughts, idealism, especially the kind embodied in Judaism, still lives and waxes stronger every day as enlightenment encircles the globe. Perhaps that is what the Chanukah candles are trying to tell us. Per-

haps their message is that, as right triumphed two thousand years ago, so will it in the future, and that the increasing of the number of candles from one to eight on the successive nights of Chanukah bespeaks a promise of the growing strength of the purifying influence of Judaistic ideals.

tional fame for his work. He is Known as a brilliant speaker. The concert will be given in April, date and artist to be announced. Plans are being made for the engaging of a musician of wide repute. Tickets for this series may be secured at once at the Jewish Community Center, Jackson 13G6. or from Mrs. H. A. Wolf, chairman of the educational committee of the Council of Jewish Women. Blackstone hotel. Harney 0945.

HARRY STOLER CHOSEN NATELSO1VS AD MANAGER Mr. Harry Stoler has been appointed advertising and display manager for Natelson's, Omaha's new women's appareal shop, which opened Thursday, Dec. 6. Mr. Stoler has been in advertising and display work for the past six years, and has been with Carman's since its opening.

"HIS GIFT STORE" SMART SHIRTS Never before such complete selections of such superbly smart styles—collar attached and collar to match shirts. "His" favorite makers—Manhattans, Eagles, Yockes and Nebraska Special Shirts.

$1.50 to $10.00 SILK NECKWEAR "Gentlemen Prefer Blends," they say, and every conceivable color combination and effect is obtainable in The Nebraska's neckwear sections, from finest imported silks to the cream of American scarf creations.

$1.00 to $5.00

JEWISH HISTORY CLASS The Jewish History classes being offered by the ^Education depart-

Brandeis Theatre WEEK OF DECEMBER 2nd.

Boyd Irwin presents

QUALITY GLOVES $1.50 to $10.00 THE SWEATER STORE $7.50 to $15.00


PAJAMA NEWNESS $2.00 to $20.00

"Lombardi Ltd"

LOUNGING ROBES $9.50 to $50.00

The Brandeis Players

with Ruth King and Boyd Irwin SPECIAL STYLE PROMENADE Staged by Florence LaBoschin MATINEES- SUN., WED., SAT.


Come and See the Famous Stage Success BY OSCAR WILDE

To Our Patrons:



The Center Players Guild At the


feJA..''\ '

The play, "Lady Windermere's Fan," is one of the outstanding stage successes.

Don't forget the date, Dec. 8, at 8:30 P. M. sharp; every seat a good one.

It is-a human interest story that you will never forget.

Get up a party, or, if yon have to^ come alone, but by all means don't miss this treat.

The December issue of the Omaha telephone directory has just been delivered. Prior to this issue the alphabetical and classified lists of South Omaha, Bellevue and Ralston subscribers were given in a separate South Omaha section of this directory. Effective with this issue of the telephone directory, the South Omaha, Bellevue and Ralston subscribers' listings are consolidated with the general list of Omaha subscribers. This consolidation was made in order to make the use of the directory more conTenient to our patrons. It was suggested by the Omaha Chamber of Commerce and the South Side Merchants9 Association. This change is in line with our policy of providing telephone service which is best adapted to the needs of our patrons. Suggestions as to ways in which we can Improve our service are always welcome. There is no change in the zone service arrangement or in the charges for service in connection with this directory consolidation. However, we have undertaken a thorough study of the present service plan to determine whether it is still meeting the best interests of our patrons, as a whole, or whether some other plan would be more appropriate. There are many factors involved in this consideration, snch as the proportionate use of this service by various groups of our subscribers, our obligation to secure «n equitable distribution of the charges for service in accordance with our patrons' use of it, and the effect on our revenue requirements of any change in the present plan. This study will take some time to complete, but we shall then be able to determine whether any further changes are warranted. This announcement is made in accordance with our policy of keeping our patrons informed of our efforts to furnish the best possible telephone service. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.







THREE—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7,1928 iting here with Dr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. Jack Mirriss of New Haven, reenberg, has returned to her home Conn. Mrs. Mirviss was formerly in Minnesota. Miss Lillian Margolin of Omaha. Grandfather Margolin received The Temple Israel Sisterhood many gifts." luncheon scheduled for this Monday has been indefinitely postponed. A. Z. A. NO. 100 SMOKER


nukah Means To Me" being conduct- ber 8, at 9: 30 r . M. By this time ed by the J. C. C. Sunday School all contributions must be turned in. The essay contest on "What Cha- will close Saturday evening, DeeemThe Tremlel tournament will be held in the classrooms at 10 P. M. Sunday.



Mrs. H. Gerber is convalescing from her illness at the Wise MeSam Eeber Chapter Xo. 100 of the morial hospital. A. Z. A. is staging a smoker and "get acquainted" night Tuesday evening, Miss Ceceile Louise Cohen, daugh- Dec. 11. at the J. C. C About one ter of Mr. and Mrs. David E. Cohen, hundred of the Jewish young men of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Knlakofsky announce the mar- entertained several of her friends the city have been invited to attend week at a party celebrating her the funfest. riage of their daughter, Miss Reva Kulakpfsky, to Mr. this third birthday. ' According to Frank Ackerman, Aaron A. Richards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Richards of Aleph Godol of the chapter, the purSan Jose, Cal. The ceremony took place Tuesday, Dec. 4, The Daughters of Israel Ladies pose of the affair is to interest the in Hollister, CaL, and was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Sea- Aid Society will hold open house on Jewish youth of Omaha in the work Tuesday, Dec. 18, at the Jewish Old of the Jewish Community Center man Kulakof sky also of San Jose. Mr. and Mrs. Seaman Kulakofsky are brother and People's Home, at 2504 Charles St. and its activities, especially the A. sister of bride and groom, respectively. They were mar- The affair, which takes the place Z. A. of the regular meeting on this date, Ephraim Marks, general chairman ried this September. is open to the public. It will start of arrangements, has announced an . Mr. and Mrs. Richards are honeymooning in the Yo- at 2 o'clock. A program has been ar- unusual program of entertainment, semite valley. They plan to make their home in San Jose. ranged, and tea-will be served. and assures "eats" in superabundMr. 3£ichards is to be graduated this spring from the law ant quantities. school of JSanta Clara College. His bride is a graduate of The Deborah Society will bold its Omaha Central High School and Michigan University. next regular meeting on Tuesday, ZIONISTS PLAN CHANUKAH 11, at 2:3Q o'clock at the Jewish PROGRAM FOR TUESDAY She has been doing recreational Avork at the Portala Com- Dec. Community Center.

The marriage of Miss Gertrude White, daughter of Mrs. M. White of Omaha, and Mr. Abe J. Solomon -of Minneapolis, son of Mr. and Mrs. J . Solomon of Chicago, HL, was solemnized Thursday, Nov. 29. After -a short honeymoon in Chicago as the guest of Mr. Solomon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon will - make their future home at 3310 T*icoUet Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. The yonng couple plan to spend New Tears as the guests of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. White, and brother, Fred S. White. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ginsberg announce the engagement of their daughter, Rose, to Mr. tiouis FeUman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fellman, 3552 Cass street. No date has been set for the wedding. Cards have been received announcing the engagement of Mr. Aaron Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Davidson of Omaha, to Miss Sylvia Jacobstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jacobstein of New York CityMiss Jacobstein is a member of a pioneer Xew York family, and is a cousin of UnitecL States Congressman Meyer A. Jacobstein of Eochester, N. Y. Mr. Davidson, known to Omahans for Wa special sport ar tides appearing in a local paper, is tbe editor of The Restaurant Man, a trade journal of New York. The marriage of the couple will probably be a May affair. The Daughters of Zion will bold a Chanukah card party at the Jewish Community Center on Wednesday, Dec 12. Hostesses for the af-

Jewish Book Store JBC. BOMIT 34Z9 JJecatnr Street

W E . 38M

We call t h e attention o f all -who .are interested In buying a n y religious articles that w e handle, everything the very best and -we. Bell It a t very reasonable prices. Betides t h e regular Btock o l Taleaim, Bilk and wool, tfeelin, meznzos, prayer books a n d BibleB -with English and Jewish translation. W e are going to have Cnnnnka lamps, copper and silver plated and pure ones,- also Chanuka candles and silver Sabhath dlm

under joint auspices of



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The local Zionist District, headed by Mr. Louis Katelman of Council Bluffs, announces a Chanukah entertainment to be given Tuesday evening. Dec 11. at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. M. F. Levenson of the Hartassah is in charge of program arrangements. Beside musical and other entertainment features, Mrs. Louis J. Margolin .left Nov. speeches in English and in Yiddish fair will be the Mesdames S. Mono23 for New York City to spend the will be given. Refreshments will vitcb, E. Gorelick, J. Karblassky, B. holidays with relatives. also be served. Gross, J. Brookstein, J. Hahn, K. Silverman, H. Schwengle, A. D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph • Margolin ivot. M. Hahn, M. Kosenstein, M. were honored with a surprise party Baker, H. Delrough, S. Solomonow, H. Osoff, H. Arkin, J. Ban, A. Shaf- last Sunday evening in honor of Mr. :on, Meyerson, Epstein and Cher-^ Margolin's T7th birthday given by his children and grandchildren. niack. . Among those who attended were Prizes will be awarded at each Mr. Louis Margolin and family, Mr. tabla and refreshments will be and Mrs. Gail Margolin and famserved. Gift for the Home ily, Dr. and Mrs. Morris Margolin Plans for the ball to be given by he organization on January 13 at and family, Mr. and Mrs. I. Hurat City Auditorium are being com- witz and family, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Call Us for a Free DemonYaffe and family. Mr. and Mrs. Abpleted. stration of the Best Radio ner Margolin. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sets an the Market Cutler, Mr. Milton Margolin and Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Coren anfiancee, Miss Ann Cantor, and Mrs. nounce the birth of a son, Sheldon Ruth Sterling. Leon, on Nov. 22 at the Omaha MaCongratulatory telegrams were reernity Hospital. Mrs. Coren was ceived from Mr. and Mrs. Ben Marformerly Miss Dora Spiegal. Jewelry and Music golin of Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. 1804 No. 24th WE. 2042 Mrs. M. Kogan, who has been vis- Max Mozer of Lincoln, and Mr. and

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munity Center in San Francisco since last June. She has also done post-graduate work at the University of Cali- The Bikur Cholim Society will meet Monday, Dec. 10, at the Synafornia. Mrs. Louis Richards, mother of the groom, who was gogue at 25th and Seward Streets formerly Miss Sarah Lesser of Omaha, and Mrs. Reuben at 2 o'clock. • Kulakofsky, mother of the bride, have been devoted friends Miss Bertha Abrams is in the since childhood. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Richards plan to Wise Memorial hospital where she visit in Omaha in January following a tour of the Panama is recuperating from her illness. Canal Zone and a trip to New York City. In the presence of only the immediate family, the marriage of Miss Marion Soref, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Soref, to Aaron H. Tawitz, of SL Louis, Mo., was solemnized at one o'clock Sunday afternoon, December 2, at the home of the bride's parents. Itabbi N. Feldman, assisted toy Cantor A. Schwarzkin, performed the ceremony. Folio-wing the ceremony a dinner was served. From 6:30 to 10:30 a reception was held for friends in honor of the young couple. Mr. Xawitz and his bride left Tuesday evening for St. Louis, Mo, where they will make their come at the Mayfair Hotel.

Paxton-Bfitchel! Co,

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EWS ABE scattered in communities in every part of the worid. Your knowledge of what takes place in remote regions is simplified by the Jewish Daily Bulletin. Whether Orthodox or reformed, Zionist or aati-Zlomst, we all are agreed thai a knowledge of the Jewish present is essential for people who are in touch wifli Jewish affairs. Knowledge of Jewish history teaches that centers of Jewish life in the past 2,000 years have shifted from empire to empire, from state to state wi& trends of mankind's history. In the pages of the Jewish Daily Bulletin cable dispatches from Bucharest, Warsaw, Moscow, Vienna, Buenos Aires, Johannesburg, Winnipeg, IKS Angeles, Boston, Mexico City, Shanghai, Melbourne, ^ire ti»e history of each preceding 24 hours of Jewish activities. The only daily JewMi newspaper published in the fSngPffr language withoct editorials or expressions of opinion, dedicates solely to fiie bringing: ef facts of Jewish activities anil leaving to the reader the formation of opinion, is the function of (he Jewish Daly BaSetiis.

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Sport Splinters By FBANK K. AOKEBMAN

Highland Club New Year Affair at Blackstone Invitations have been.sent out for the annual Highland Club New Year affair. The whole eighth floor of the Blackstone hotel has been secured for the occasion. Music will be furnished by Dean Nordin's Highland Club orchestra. All reservations must be made by Saturday, December 29. Members are privileged to invite local and out-of-town non-members as their guests. The committee in charge recommends that members make up their parties and secure their reservations early, as only a limited number of people will be able to be accommodated. • Morris Milder is.general chairman of the arrangements and is assisted by Ed Treller.

Basketball^ activity at the J. C. C. started in earnest Wednesday, with the inauguration of toe Commercial league. The fast and furious play indicated that the loop will be the best yet. .: - Plenty of scoring from the field featured each of the three games. In the feature game of the evening, the A.-.Z. A. No.-l came from behind in the last minutes of the game to pull'out a 16 to 12 victory at the expense of the Psi Mu club. The all-around team-play of.-James Burroughs and the basket shooting of Bagdonoff featured the winners' play. • In the other two games, the Peerless Cleaners trampled on the Kap- THORPEIANS PREPARE lan Bargain Store, 30 to 12, with FOR NEW YEAR DANCE Goldberg and Altshuler leading the The Thorpeian Athletic Club, at a assault, and the Thorpeian A. C. meeting held Wednesday evening, trounced the Brodkey Construction Co., 30 to 11, with Forward Sammy December 5, at the J. C. C , made Kauffman sparkled for the winners. final plans for their annual New Year dance to be given at the Castle hotel New Year's Eve. The affair, To add to an already formidable always one of the best of the year, array of cage scuffles, Marcus Krasne has signed on the dotted line will be better than «ver this season, for a tilt with the Grand Island according ;to members of the organ• ' '. ' Athletic Club, here, December 17. ization. This makes three outstanding oppoan outside feminine sextet. The nents for the semi-monthly dances chief athletic feature will he -a game and basketball games combinations. between the Center varsity team Flattsmouth plays here Dec. 22 and one of the strong independent while Lincoln will be entertained in groups of the city. . Omaha on January 5. This trio of These contests will be followed by tussles marks anew climax for Cena dance in the gymnasium, to the ter basketball, as they represent three of the strongest teams in the tnne of music furnished by Sperry's state. Among the other games are Night club orchestra... those with Papillion, the famed Trulock Motors.of Northboro, 7a., and Millard, Neb., not to forget the two awaited treks to Kansas City and S t Louis. Incidentally, both the O w l Semi-Anthracite L u m p boys* and girls' teams have new outBlack Gold O4A A A fits. :; ' Semi-Lump '...... V JLv«VV

Council Bluffs News By F. R. K. The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah Sunday School will hold their annual program next Sunday afternoon, December 9, at 2.-30 o'clock at Hater's Walnut" Hall, 137 West Broadway. The program will include the play, "By the Lights of Chanukah,". the lighting of the Chanukah Lights, and several musical numbers.' Mr. Morris Grossman, president of the local Talmud Torah Society, will be chairman. Mr. I. Morganstern, principal of the Sunday School, has announced that no regular classes will be held on Sunday morning, but all the children are urged to come to the program in the afternoon, bringing their parents and their friends. Everyone is invited to attend. Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7, of the Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph, will observe National A. Z. A. Day on December .23 by holding an open meeting and program with Ed Barron of Sioux City, la., as the main speaker. Various entertaining numbers will be presented, as well as the presentation of the Judas Maccabeus degree of the initiatory ritual Of the A. Z. A. Abe L. Katelman. chairman in charge of the National A. Z. A. Day program, announces that plans are being promulgated to make this affair worthy of a large attendance.

iliary of the Talmud Torah, will hold a Chanukah Rally and celebration next Thursday evening. December 13, at the synagogue at 618 Mynster street. This affair will also be in celebration of the enlargement of the rooms for the Hebrew classes. Rabbi Jolt of Lincoln, Xeb., who is known to be a brilliant speaker, will address the audience cm a timely subject. Mr. Dan Hill, also of Lincoln, will also speak. Many special features for the program hare been arranged, which will begin promptly at 8:30 o'clock. Refreshments will lie served later. Admission 'will be free and there will not be any collections. This affair is arranged for the benefit of the local Jewry and everyone is urged to attend.

is the national junior deputy of the A. Z. A.

Prague (J. T. A.)—The famous TO GIVE YIDDISH PLAY FOR PALESTINE BENEFIT Jewish archives of the city of

The Council Bluffs Agiules Achim Society will hold an important meeting next Monday evening, December 10, at the Legion Hall. Nominations of officers will take place.

"Jt?wish Hearts," a four-act melodrama in Yiddish, will be presented for the first time in Otnaha, Sunday, Dec. .30, at the Jewish Community Center by the Pioneer Jewish "Women's Organization. The production will be a benefit performance for the Chalutzes in Palestine.

Mr. and Mrs. David Kiibby an. nounce the birth,of a son, born Oil Thanksgiving day, November 29. at the Methodist .hospital in Omaha. Mrs. Kubby was formerly Miss Sophie Steinberg of Council Bluffs.

A regular meeting of the Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7. of the A. Z. A., will be held next Wednesday evening, December 12, at the Danish Hall. Tryonts for debate and oratory teams will be neld.

Abe Katelman had as his guests for Thanksgiving day, Messrs. Sam Rubinson, Louis Garsh and Frank Shames of Des Molnes, la. Sam Rnbinson is the national senior deputy of the A. Z. A., while Abe Katelman

The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah Society, "assisted by the Ladies Aux-

Speaking of Saturday-dance and cage combinations, tomorrow night is the time of the next: affair. Krasne has been negotiating- with the Benson team who will probably be the Center's opponents. The girls will as usual play the preliminary, while Sperry's Night Club orchestra will again furnish the melody for the shuffle. . In the feature basketball .nielee, Krasne's varsiety will attempt to make it four straight. Last Saturday, they trounced the Cudahy- Rex, state colored champs, 44 to 41, in a weird set-to. Thirty fouls were called, and the colored boys cashed in on thirteen of them. For a while it looked like the game would be lost on the gift shots. Captain Phil Gerelick and Johnny Rosenblatt were the : Center's luminaries, Rosy caging eight baskets. Martin Thomas was head over heels star of the Rex.

Black Gold Kline Run



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The second semi-monthly combination basketball game and dance of the Jewish Community Center physical department will be held Saturday night, December 8. The program will open with a preliminary cage contest between the J. C. C. girls' basketball team and

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in this directory call the

We have a club plan that will fit your pocketbook.

OMAHA MIRROR & ABT GLASS CO. Manufacturers of Mirrors, Art Glass, Window Gia»g ResUverinr—Picture Mid Mirror Frunint 1614 Cumin* St. AT. 6525

Accountants 475 Brandeis Theater Bid*.—JA. 4811

and Scientifically Blended in Omaha

Open an account in our Christmas Club now, and be prepared, to meet your budget next Christmas.

The Council Bluffs Lodge Xo. 688, of the B'nai Brith, will hold an important meeting next AVednesday CAMPFIRE GIRLS evening, December 12, at the Danish The Jecomter Campfire girls at a Hall. meeting held Tuesday, Dec. 4, at the J. C. C. laid plans for making and Mr. J. 3. Brown returned home distributing fruit baskets among the Sunday after spending the past poor during Chanukah. month in New York City where he The next meeting will be held Dec. 403 Hospe Bid*. visited relatives. 11. All girls 11 years or over are invited to attend.

$ 1 2 . 0 0


Junior league starts Dec. 16 with six teams entered, games to be played every Sunday. Physical Director Krasne plans to inaugurate a new idea for handball, a pyramid—something like a ladder. Play will consist of challenge matches with the on top of the pyramid.

. -.'•{ . . . . . . . . . V .

If little labor, little are our gains ; Man's fortunes are according to his pains. —Herrick.



Prague will be transferred to the city archives. Hitherto, the Jewish records were kept in the Jewish community building'.

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