Interesting and Entertaining
All the News of Interest to Jews
Entered as second-class man matter on J poatoffice at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act
y, 27. m at March 3, 1879.
VOL. VIL— No. 48
Successor to Barondess Has Been in Zionist Work Over 15 Years.
Socially minded Omahans will again gather at the Jewish Community Center" this year for a series of lectures oir subjects of community interest. The series this year will consist of eight lectures by men and women from all parts of tbe JJnited States, experts in the fields of race relations, probation, social work and industry family welfare, child welfare and community organ- Above is represented the first of the buildings of Yeshiva College, being ization.• ' Dr.;H. von W. Schulte, president erected at a cost of $2,500,000 in of the Omaha Council of Social New York, which was dedicated last Agencies, wiH be chairman of the Sunday. Yeshiva College, the first Jewish course. W. C. Fraser and Henry college of arts and sciences in the Monsky, vice presidents of the ComUnited States, began classes this fall munity Chest, will be vice chairmen. in temporary quarters. Its curricuSamuel Gerson is chairman of the lum consists of the usual subjects program committee, -whose members found in American colleges, besides are: Mrs. Carrie Ada Campbell, Rev. James F. Borer, 0rville Robertson and John F. HalL • The first meeting of this series was held in connection with the Nebraska Conference for Social Work* in November, when Eugene Kinckle Jones of New York spoke on "Race Relations." The second lecture will Special Song for Occasion Is be given Thursday, December 20, by Written by Sam Charles L. Chute, general secretary Gerson. of the National Probation Association. Mr. Chute has traveled exten- TO COLLECT 1928 DUES sively to study the work of juvenile courts and probation associations, Members of the local Zionist Disand has held a number of important trict were feted at a Chanukah raloffices. He -will speak on "Proba- ly held Tuesday evening, December tion." ••-;'• - . ;yy- : . ; . . 11, at the Jewish Community CenWhiting Williams, widely famed ter. -Thftvineeting was featured by as ^a^speaker^on the_ relation of so- .the installation of. cial work and~ industry, will speAk The ceremony was conducted by Mr. on January 15. Years ago he gave J. J. Friedman, retiring president. up his position as vice president of The Hadassah women, under the a Cleveland steel plant to don over- chairmanship of Mrs. M. F. Levenalls and work in the mines of the son, arranged the program and United States and a number of Eu- served refreshments afterwards. ropean countries. Last summer he Community singing occupied a promattended the International Labor inent place on the entertainment proConference in Geneva. gram, especially the singing . of a Rev. John O'Grady, secretary of new Zionist song whose words were the National Conference of Catholic written by Mr. Sam Gerson, J. C. Charities, will speak January 21 on C. executive secretary, to the tune "Family Welfare." Miss Mary P. of "Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here.v Wheeler, general secretary of the The composition is as follows: United Charities of St. Paul, will Hail, Hail the Zionists, speak on the same subject on Wednesday, February 13. Kattleman and Feldman, Robinson and Freedman, The coming of Paul Kellogg, editGendler Cohen will do. or of the Survey and Survey GraphEomm and Kulakofsky, too. ic, on February 18 -will he one of the outstanding events of the course. Sing all ye Zionists Allen Burns, executive director of At our installation, the Association of Community The talk of all the nation, Chests and Councils, will speak on Put lots of pep in this, "Community Organization," and Dr. Or—lots of fun you'll miss. C. C. Carstens, executive director of the Child Welfare League of AmerJewish Agency, ica, will speak on "Child Welfare" What a stroke of genius, at two March meetings, for which Greatest credit to us, the exact dates will be announced Best thing we ever did, later; For good will we bid. This course is open to the general So, Hail, Hail, ye Zionists, public. Course tickets may be purKattleman and Feldman, chased at the Jewish Community Robinson and Freedman, Center or any other social agency. Gendler Cohen will do. Romm and Kulakofsky, too!
a number of Jewish courses. The architecture of the Yeshiva College buildings is of a distinctive Jewish type. According to Mr. Henry Beaumont Herts, designer and consulting architect of the structures, considerable research on the findings of archeaological ^experts has been Conducted in order to determine what might be called a Jew. ish type of architecture.
Rabbi Cohn's Current Topic Talk Tuesday The third of Rabbi Frederick Cohn's current topics series being given under the auspices of the Council of Jewish Women will take place next Tuesday at 10:30 a. m. in the Jewish Community Center. Rabbi Cohn's talks so far have dealt with "The Arrest of the Atheist" and "Bergson, Nobel Prize 'Winner." This series is proving to be one of the most popular of the Council's educational activities.
M. G. Cohen, John Feldman, A. B. Gendler, J. J. Friedman, H. Freeman, C. I>. Mendelson, M. V. Levenson and E. Weinberg volunteered to meet Sunday morning, December 16, at the J. C. C, from where they will go out and collect dues owed to the Zionist organization for 1928.
Students of both the Central and Dundee branches of the Talmud Torah participated Sunday afternoon in a Chanukah program held at the Twenty-first and Burt Streets school. PSI MU-j. C. C DANCE Before a crowd of parents and relAT CENTER DEC. 16 atives that filled the meeting place, the youngsters gave recitations in The Psi Mn Club and the Jewish Yiddish and Hebrew, gave monoCommunity Center are sponsoring logues and dialogues in Hebrew, and the dance to be given Sunday night, many other entertainment features. December 16, in the J. C. C. ballroom. DR. JAHR HONORED Ralph Farrell's seven-piece orchesDr. Herman Jahr was elected seetra has been engaged to furnish the music. "According to Irvin Iievin, retary-treasurer of the Douglas sponsor of the Psi Mu, the arrange- County Medical Association at the ments for this dance are among the election of officers held Tuesday most elaborate ever planned for a night at the Medical Arts Building. Center dance. "It will be one of the Dr. Jahr succeeds Dr. Earl Sage to outstanding social events of the sea- this important post in the local organization. son," he said.
Chapter to Conduct Jewish National Fund Drive Dec 16. PLAN OPEN MEETING The Omaha Chapter of Junior Hadassah at its last meeting decided to retain its present list of officers for another six months in order to facilitate co-operation of the local offirfys_Mth_ the vnatiOTal_organ tion whose administration has a year's tenure of office. From now on all local officers will be elected for a whole year's term. The officers are as follows: Rose Fine, president; Ula Alberts, vicepresident; Sylvia Bernstein, secretary; Ida Dayteh, treasurer; Sarah Morgan, recording secretary, and Sarah Kurtzman, reporter. Among the activitifseoOBuMl@ Among the activities of the national organization are the maintaining of an orphan's colony and a nurses training school and furthering education in Palestine. The local Junior Hadassah is in charge of the local Jewish National Fund Drive, which will be held on Sunday, December 16. Sylvia Bernstein is chairman of the campaign. An open program meeting will be given by the organization on December 20 at the J. C. C. This will be open to the public. Another feature planned by the club is a "Chummy Get Together Dinner," to be held early in January as a means of enabling the older members of the chapter to become better aeauainted with the thirty new members recently secured at the "Manless Cabaret,"staged by the club at the J. C. C. on December 1. ,
Sam Cutler Passes Away After Sudden Illness Sam Cutler, 21, died Friday, December 7, after a sudden attack of pneumonia. He was a graduate of Technical High School and a member of the Psi Mn Club. He is survived by bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Cutlery two sisters, Ann and Mary Cutler, and two brothers, Nathan and Louis Cutler. The funeral was held Tuesday, December 11, interment taking place at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel Cemetery.
HENRIETTA SZOLD GIRLS At a meeting held at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday, December 9, the Henrietta Szold Girls laid plans for the raffle of a picture on some date in the near future. Miss Elsie Lazarus entertained the members with some piano selections following the meeting. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.) — T h e amount of $3,000 was received here from the Canadian Hadassab, women's Zionist Organization. The fund is earmarked for enlarging the labor sanatorium at Motza, near Jerusalem.
Emanuel Neumann, one of the organizers of t h e Palestine Foundation Fund in 1921, and associated with every phase of the Zionist movement for more than fifteen years, was unanimously elected Chairman of the Jewish National Fund of America, the Jewish landbuying agency in Palestine, at the last meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fund. The new Chairman of the National Fund, who succeeds the late Joseph Barondess, has been prominently identified with every activity associated with the upbuilding of Palestine as the Jewish National Homeland. As far back as 1910 Mr. Neumann was among those who organized Young Judea/, the national Jewish youth organization, which has proved to be a very important influence on the life ^of AmericanJewish youth, and is now a member of its National Administrative Committee. ••--;
Phil Klutzniek and Ben Kazlowy both former lettermen of Creighton University debate teams, have been selected to represent the Omaha Jewish Community Center in an inter-city debate with the St. crowd an exhibition of how guardLouis Y. M. H. A. on December 23 at the Missouri metropolis. The men were selected in tryouts held last Thursday evening at the Center.- The judges were Rabbi Frederick Conn, Judge Irvin Stalmaster and Marks Lorig. Phil Klutzniek was on both of the Center teams last year which met and defeated Brooklyn and St. Louis in Omaha. Kazlowsky, besides his collegiate experience, previously debated for the Omaha Y. M. H. A. and was a member of the A. Z. A. No. 1 team that won the national A. Z. A. championship two years ago. The tryouts were held under the direction of Ephraim Marks, president of the J. C. C. Debate Club, which has full charge of all debating in the Center.
Omaha Jewish Group Becomes the First National Social Fraternity of Any Kind on Creighton University Campus LOUIS E. LIPP CHAPTER CHIEF COUNSELOR According to official announcement made by the Executive Committee of Pi Lambda Plii, a charter has been gTanted to Pi Delta Sigma, Creighton social fraternity. The acceptance of Pi Delta Sigma into the national order culminates four years of planning, investigation and negotiation on the part of the local men and brings to Creighton University as its first national social fraternity of any kind, the oldest Jewish fraternity in the country and the one considered ranking highest in inter-fraternity circles. In consideration of this lack of
7 A Mil 11WI ^MflSf PH .L.R, Wll. iUw U I H U J U J I I
other national social fraternities on the Creighton campus and the fact
that Pi Lambda Phi has the most conservative expansion policy of any of the national fraternities, since it limits its growth to a maximum of new chapter a year, the granting Chapter to Be Officially In- one of the charter to Pi Delta Sigma is stalled on Decemconsidered a high tribute to the inber 23. dividuals comprising that organization. TRIBUTE PAID TO BEBER Pi Lambda Phi is the oldest Jewish fraternity in existence, having Sam Beber Chapter No. 100 of the been founded in 1895 at Tale. DarIn 1921 Mr. Neumann helped to Bess Weinstein and Mary Claire Shames Outstanding A. Z. A. was host to aboiit forty ing its thirty-two years of activity organize the American branch of in Performance. young men Wednesday evening, Dethe Palestine Foundation Fund „_, . , its men hare established sn enviable cember 12, at a smoker and get, , iV . ,, , , , (Keren Hayesod), of which he was , . . , „ _ !L I record both m collegiate and proLARGE AUDIENCE ATTENDS acquainted partv at the J. C. C. The i fessional circles. It numbers among evening, which was occupied by enits alumni some of the nation's most The Center Players' Guild, present- tertainment and speeches and cliing their second production of the maxed by refreshments, was consid- prominent men, notable among whom current season, "Lady Windennere's ered to be a great success, accord- are: Albert Ottiager, attorney genFan," a four-act drama by Oscar ing to the officers of the organiza- eral of New York State and Republican candidate for governor in the Wilde, scored a great hit last Sun- tion. last election ; Max Loewanthal,noted day night before one of the largest The main speech of the evening audiences ever to witness Jewish was delivered by Sam Beber, found- electricist and inventor; Sidney Her"Community Center plays."- •• • • = er of the order and man after whom man, philanthropist snd president of Bess Weinstein, playing the part Chapter No. 100 was named by its the Union National Bank of New of Mrs. Erlynne, and Mary Claire members. Mr. Beber, who is pres- York City: Major John F. W. MeaShames, portraying the part of Lady ident of the Supreme Advisory Coun- gher. alienist: Louis I. Harris, comWindermere, were outstanding for cil of A. Z. A., related reminiscences missioner of health of New York their artistic presentation of the of his experiences in A. 55. A. work City, and Louis K. Anspacher, wellauthor and playwright. dramatically intense scenes. Mar- and told of the successful idealism known T h e loca} chapter tha Himmelstein and George M. Co- of the order. A stirring tribute to eigMeenth to be chartered by hen drew frequent and hearty the speaker was paid when those laughs from the audience, while Earl present rose spontaneously to their national fraternity, others being loSiegaL playing the male lead, re- feet to applaud his words after h e !cated at. Yale, Columbia, New York rniTers tv Cornell Pennsylvanla> ceived recognition for his interpreta- had concluded his speech.. ; pi M i c W g a n ttBDOTpn> tion of the dignified character of ste. The entertainment was featured Lord Windermere. The supporting by John McLoone, Creighton law vens Tech, Chicago. McGill, Toroncast of Irving Perimeter, Leo Brown, i to. West Tirginia, Dartmouth, Johns Emannel Hascall Cohn, Al Fiedler, Gwendo- stndent and master of singing, to the jH o p k i n g . Wisconsin and Amherst. the Secretary for the first four years lyn Wolf, Hilda Gilinsky, Cyril accompaniment of a ukulele, and Pi Delta Sigma came into existof its existence. It was due to his Leon, Toby Flax, Ida Minkoff and Miss Rose Brick, "blues" singer. ence in January, 1925, when it reinitiative that the United Palestine Ann Linsman also did meritorious Both entertainers were applauded ceived official sanction from the enthusiastically and were forced to Creighton University faculty board. Appeal, now in the fourth year of workits career, was organized. At one That the success of the play was give encores. Miss Brick was ac- Since its inception it has attracted ftctive time he was Chairman of its Exec- a tribute to the efficiency of the di- compamed on the piano by Miss | m&ny o f t h e c a m p i l g , m o g t utive Committee. rection of Mrs. Herman Jahr was Anne Ruback. Readings and ex- ji men «nd has in its ranks men who Mr. Neumann has been equally the general concensus of opinion. temporaneous speeches furnished lead toe university in scholarship, prominent in world Zionist affairs. The play was presented under the more diversion. debate and various other activities. Besides Mr. Beber, other addresses The charter members of the new He was Chairman of the Budget sponsorship of the Senior Council. were given by Frank Ackerman, chapter of Pi Lambda Phi are: Committee at the last two World president of the Chapter, and Jack Frank R. Aekerman, Maurice AlZionist Congresses, directing the W. Marer and Dr. Dare Cahn Platt, perin, Samuel Faier, Daniel Greenmost important committee of the advisors of the group, and Abe L. house, Sam Greenberg, Ben KasslowCongress in fixing the financial alK&fcelman of Council Bluffs, Nation- sky, Justin Levey, Louis E. Lipp, locations for the various activities al Junior Deputy of this A. Z. A. ^ r a ' j ~ M a r ^ " ^ Mo~rgan, DITTO of the World Zionist Organization. Mr.. Neumann's rise to leadership in District. Robinson. Albert Shrier, Hymen the Zionist Organization was due, Sam Beber Chapter No. 100 will Shrier, Edward Shafton, Ben Sluts, in large measure, to his thorough The Jewish Community Center's be officially installed Sunday after- ky, Henry Sterling and Sam ZachJewish background. Mr. Neumann Chanukah celebration reached its noon, December 23, in connection aria. Pledges to the organization is also a noted student of Hebrew, climax Thursday evening with a sen- with National A. Z. A. Day celebra- are Harold Kendis, Frank Lipp, having written several volumes on ior rally for which an elaborate pro- tions. The ceremony will be con- Maurice Steinberg anfi Bernard the subject. For a time he taught gram was prepared. Miss Grace Ko- ducted by Omaha Chapter No. 1 and White of Omaha; Israel Snyder of Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of A. Sidney, Nebr., and Harold Wohlner in "the New York City high schools. senstein was chairman. Following the ceremonial lighting Z. A- It will take plaee at a ban- of Tabor, Iowa. of the candles by Louis M. Shanok, quet to be given at tbe Elks Club The Jewish National Fund, the Tbe officers of ttie Iocs? fraternity agency which buys Palestine land as Miss Annette Riklin presented a solo in honor of the new chapter and are: Louis Lipp, chief counselor; Rabbi Rabinowitz and Edward Ba(Continued on Pace 2) dance, accompanied by Miss Sarah Sam Zacharia, vice-counselor; EphRiklin. Philip Klutzniek, the speak- ron of Sionx City, la., who will be raim Marks, clerk of the rolls; of the evening, expressed the feel- the principal speakers at National Louis Shanok Is' Friday er Frank Ackerman, clerk of tbe exA. Z. A. Day programs to be held ing of the Jew toward Chnnnkah Evening Service Speaker and its meaning. in the evening in Omaha and Coun- chequer ; Edward Shafton, crier; Hymen Shrier. chaplain; Dave RobA medal which Miss Martha Lip- cil Bluffs, respectively. These pro- inson, inner guard, and Ben Slutssky, grams will be open to the public. In a well prepared and delivered pett won last season in the national outer guard. talk on "Whither, Jews?" Judge Ir- Xoung Judea oratorical contest was J. C C DANCE ORCHESTRA vin Stalmaster told of the inherent formally presented to Miss Lippett The Jewish Community Center WOMEN'S COUNCIL AIDS beaaty of Jewish culture that should by Mrs. M. F. Levenson. announces that a dance orchestra draw one to Judaism without the inTUBERCULOSIS SOCBETY Louis M. Shanok was the author will be organized in the Center. It fluence of accidental birth into the of a one-act play, "She Saved IsThe social service committee of fold in the sermon at the Friday rael," presented under the direction will be a non-sectarian organization, evening service at the J. C. C. last of Faye Klein. The cast- included for either amateur or professional the Council of Jewish Women, beadmusicians who have the necessary ed by Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, has week. Ruth Fox, Martha Lippett, Goldie The Senior Council, which, is spon- Baduaan, Ann Zwieback and Israel experience. S. Maurice Goldenberg been assisting the Nebraska Tnbersoring these services, reports that it Cohen. A second one-act play was will be in charge. The orchestra culosis Association in its campaign is now assured of their success, large given by the Xoung Poale Sion. will meet every Wednesday evening. for the sale of Christmas seals attendances having marked all of Those who had parts in this play, Registration for the organization which each year provides famls for the meetings so far. An elaborate which was presented in Yiddish, may be made at any time at the the fight against tuberculosis. list of speakers for the future is be- were Ryvke Saffer, Laura Leafshitz, office of the J. C. C. Mrs. Knlakofsky's committee, coming planned. posed of Mrs. Sam Nathan, Mrs. H. Joseph Sakss, Anna Sakss, Paul NeTO GIVE YIDDISH PLAY Tonight's talk will be delivered by renberg, Irvin Soiref, Frances BlumThe Omaha Pioneer Jewish Wom- H. Lapidus, Mrs, A. S. Rubnits, Mr. Louis Shanok, assistant execu- Mn, J. Novak, Morton Soiref, Har- en's Organization will present a Mrs. H. L. Abrahams and Mrs. Mantive secretary of the Center. Mr. riet Rifkin and Pauline Rifkm. four-act Yiddish melodrama, "Jew- uel Grodinsky, had charge of the Shanok, a Yale graduate and also a, Others who had parts in the pro- ish Hearts," at the Jewish Com- distribution of posters. graduate of the School for Jewish- gram were Ida Jacobson, Mrs. Mar- munity Center on Sunday, DecemSocial Workers in New York, -will' garet Bellman, Margaret Httrwitz ber 30. The perfornaance will be for He cannot be gtriet in judging, deliver a message on some Jewish and the Center Symphony Orches- the benefit of the Chalutzes in Pal- who does not wish others to tie topic. tra. estine. strict in judging him,-HDieero.
TWO—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1928 her deep brown eyes was a glow bow. "You know, Miss Gold,—Ann. much about which they had to talk that i t is seldom given a third per. I always buy two chickens on Fri- As the door closed behind them, ttu> son to witness. day. Abie likes only the white meat. foxir women looked at each other "Where's mama, girls? Where's And where, I ask you, can I getIn every loyal heart was one quesPublished every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by mama?"* enough white meat for him on one tion—would she be good to him? THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY "Oh, Abie, mama's mad because chicken'!" Would she be able to look after him Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 you're late for supper. Friday night. Miss Gold gazed into her plate. as they hart? She's praying. She'll be through in Engaged two hours, she was not With four women hovering m-<<r DAVID BLACKER, BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOB Short Story—by NINA KAYE a minute, and won't you get it!" quite prepared to learn what kind of him. caring for his every need. rh> IRVING PERLMETER - - - - - - - EDITOR ( They laughed, a fond, possessive chicken Abe liked. possibility of Abe's wanting to u,.| .$2.50 laugh, pulling off his coat and mufSubscription Price, one year.. Aunt Hannah, her Quick bright married had not occurred to them. Advertising rates furnished on application Abe Shindel was late for supper. right we should be good to Abie.fler. In their attentiveness to their eyes piercing the guest, was the only Now. they did not know how r<> t»k<CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be Friday night supper. His mother, He's still like a boy. Every morn- brother, they forgot his guest. one who Bought out details of the it. Unconsciously, they tried r<i sure to give your name. "This is Miss Gold." Abe took her engagement. "How long yon -work- think of things going on jtist sis !„• his two sisters and his aunt avoided ing, when he gets up he hollers. 'Maeach other's anxious eyes and busied ma, where are m.v socks?' And I arm. bringing her into the group. ing for Abe?" she 'demanded. fore, casting about for a Mich,., j , , themselves at imaginary tasks. Onecome and give them to him and he"These are my two sisters. The fat "Oh, Aunt Haimah. Miss Gold their liven in which to put Ann. < ,,„. went into the kitchen to bring in puts them on in bed. When a man one's Rose. The other is. obvionsly, doesn't work for me. She works* for tent to have things as they wvw. YtiSHIVA COLLEGE the salt cellar, though it had long works hard downtown in the office, Helen. Come on. girls. Take Miss the boss, same as 1 do." they would have, agreed to admit been on the table. Another squared it is right we should do everything Gold's coat and bat." Ann to the charmed circle of their "But she's your, your—" ..With the dedication last Sunday of the first group of the napkins at the side of each plate. for him when he gets home. What Th two led Miss Gold into their "Yes. she's my decretar.v. Has family life that they had drawn and stood in the doorway been for two years." the buildings of the Yeshiva College in New York, one of His mother hovered at the window, if we have to wait for supper? Then bedroom about Abe. Instead of four women while she divested herself of coat surreptitiously peering beneath the we wait. Helen, did you call for "Two years. Mmm. And just on to care for him, he would have live the most poignant needs of American Jewry came nearer and hat. She paused for a moment Friday night you pick out. "When In the weeks that followed. Al.e appeasement. For the first time in the history of Newblind. At last a sigh escaped her. Abie's suit by the tailor?"' at the mirror, running her fingers "Now, mama," her elder daughwe're all waiting for you for supgave them no opportunity to make "Yes. mama. I got it on my way World Jews, we now have a satisfactory training ground ter, Rose, chided her. "Can't Abe through her soft brown hair. per." even a suggestion. He was full of home from school. One of the other for Jewish students, where they can pursue their secular have been kept downtown?" "You're not Miss Gold, Abe's .secAl»e laughed, n boyish, prowl plnns. definite, final plans worked was with me and she retary, are you?" Helen asked. courses together with appropriate Jewish studies. At' "But he never stays late at the of- teachers laugh. out. in the long, endless evenings he laughed because I had to carry a last the munificence of some of our people has provided a fice on Friday," her mother whined. man's suit. She said I might as well "Yes." the young woman answered, Not long nfler supper, he took now spent away from home. her voice low with a timbroiis qnal haven for the Jewish student who is proud of his heritage "Maybe it's a special order he has be married." When the wedding was over, n priity. "Yes." she repeated. "I'm his Ann home. There wa? her family vate wedding with only the two famyet to 1K< told. and who would prepare himself for the world without los- to get. out," Helen, the younger, vol- "What did you say to her, Helen?" secretary." unteered. ing contact with Jewish culture. The Shindel** were not sorry to ilies present—Mrs. Shindel standing "I fold her I couldn't treat my "And the chicken "will be dry and husband any better than I do my Helen took her arm and the three HiH' her go. They could not restrain up proudly, proud of her son. and Today, the universities all over the country, regard- the soup overcooked." went into the dining room. Helen paused, a flush of themselves much longer. There was (Continued on Page 4) less of church affiliations or the lack of it, are crowded with "Mama. Come away from the brother." At the door. Abe cjinie toward embarrassment flooding her pallid them. "Well. Ann. I don't .s'poxe we the education-hungry Jewish youth. But although these window. Light the candles." face. "You know what else.she said? can keep it any longer without bustsearchers for wisdom secure the knowledge they desire, "Before Abie comes? No." She said, 'Oh. I suppose you ShinMama. Aunt Hannah. Girls. they receive it in an atmosphere so barren of possibilities The aunt, who had kept silent, dels are another of those female ing. Meet future wife." Quickly he of developing their own race consciousness, that they slid into her place at the table. families that walk around on their tilted the her head and bent to kiss her. "Come on. let's eat. I'm hungry. knees for the man of the house.' " emerge without the preparation necessary to fit them for Maybe he won't come for an hour "Now you know why 1 was late toRose brought a sturdy fist down night. I was busy, busy getting enleading their own people. Menorah Soeietiea and Hillel yet." the table, rattling the silverware gaged." Foundations are doing good work in trying to solve this "Eat without Abie?" "Eat with- on which danced at the blow. "I hope problem, but they are limited in the scope of their activity. out Abie?" The mother and daugh- you told her what you thought of When the smoke of surprised exclamations, cries and kisses had The problem, and we believe there is one, must be solved ters were astounded at such heresy. her." Suggests the Importance the family was seated at by some more fundamental formula. The Jew must en- Aunt Hannah nibbled a piece of "Well, I didn't want to get into a cleared: the table. Abe at the heatl. Ann on twist. "What is wrong with his quarrel," Helen was the meek one. of Selecting "His" Gift dow his own educational institutions to produce his owneating his right. An empty place on his alone?" "I just said maybe we were glad to lay and clerical leaders just as every other denomination "Why he wouldn't enjoy his meal." left which should. have been his do all we could for our brother." has already done. This is the task of Yeshiva College. "After a hard day at the office, Mrs. Shindel peered again from mother's, but she. busy serving, Yeshiva College, now safely ensconced in its beauti- we, we who live here and he's sothe window and with a sigh of resig- never sat until the family had finful buildings, is indeed a tribute to the foresight and wis-good to us, we should eat before he nation, lit the candles. While she ished. dom of those men who have sponsored its growth. May gets home!" was bent in prayer over them, there "Have another piece of chicken. "Besides, he might come in while was a noise outside the door, a key Abie?" His mother was at his eltheir reward be the success of their- invaluable contribu- we're Its Only a Few Days eating. And he wouldn't let rattled in the lock and the»girls flew tion to the Jewish life of America! us get up to wait on him. You know to the door. "Here's Abie. Here's Until CHRISTMAS! Abie. Just think, we couldn't wait Abie, mama." estine as the Jewish National HomeA dozen great gift landland. In making the announce- on him." Flinging open the door, just as The Heater "Yes," his.mother stood behind the he pushed it* from the outside, the s t o r e s in one for ment of the purchase, Mr. Neumann chair at the head of the table. "It is girls tumbled over each other. When "Him." stated: Cleans and Reblocks "The significance of this acquisi- that the Jewish National Fund have they were righted, Abie came into Hats, 50c; Caps, 35c tion can hardly be overestimated. a preponderating influence as to the the room. Not only has a very considerable use made of this valuable industrial, Why Pay More? (Continued from Page 1) But he was not alone. the inalienable property of the Jew- area been added to the common pos- urban and suburban and agricul- Behind him, stepping a little shy1612 HARNEY ST. ish people, now has 33,000 dunams session of the Jewish people in Pal- tural territory." ly into the confusion, came a young estijne, but in view of its situation of land in the valuable Haifa Bay The price involved in the purchase woman, younger than Helen by per- Satisfactory Work Guaranteed CORRECT APPAREL FOR KEN AND WOMJBN region in Palestine, according to an the possibility has been secured of of the Haifa Bay land is stated to haps two years. On her lips was a or Money Back influencing the most important ecoannouncement made by Mr. Emanuel be in the neighborhood of $750,000. radiant'If "embarrassed smile and in ' Neumann, President of the "Jewish nomic development of the country. "Within a few months the work on National Fund of America. giiiinniiiiaiiiiiiniiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiuiiainiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiii the harbor of Haifa will commence, In addition to the 11,000 dunams and other important public works in which were previously acquired, the this vicinity.are planned. National Fund has just now purchased 22,000 dunams of the 27,000 : "In view of the expansion which unsold dunams of Haifa Bay land, ia inevitable in course of time in and the rest of it going to the Palestine around the port area, the Jewish Economic Corporation, which' is • National Fund decided that it could working in co-operation with the Na- not permit this land to pass into tional Fund. private hands with all the dangers of The purchase of the valuable tract speculation and of exploitation at:©f land is considered of great im- tached thereto. The highest interportance for the rebuilding of Pal-ests of the Jewish people demanded
The Brandeis Store
On Your 1929 Subscription
By Sending in Your Check Before January 1st, 1929 i
Keeps on Giving! An Orthdphonic Victrola and All Electric Radiola 18 Combination . . . Not only is it a flawless medium of'the world's music, but a piece of furniture to grace any home. It is a gift which keeps on giving happiness year after year. You have your choice of listening to an entire program presented by your favorite recording artists, or tuning in on the best of the radio programs. Just ping in.
Only $
TfouT check for $2.00 will bring to your door 52 weekly, stimulating and informative issues of
JEWISH NEWS •^Mi^Mt^V''•••-.-
" ' . a n d
Our Special Christmas Club plan places this marvelous instrument in your home for only a nominal sum now, and the balance monthly.
I Brandeis Offers Everything to Say "Merry Christmas" to the Children....
| ^ i | W 1 5 H VIEWS; ; f
together with our own
and up
Come in and let us explain how easily you may surprise your family with this gift of gifts on Christinas. -
Social and Organization Activities
Toys from foreign ports as well as from our own markets . . . Dolls... Games... Toys of all kinds
LIBERAL TERMS A Selection of Victor or Columbia Records Makes an Ideal Gift
The JEWISH PRESS 490 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.
AT. 1450
I Everything Any Child Could Want!! 8th Floor
THREE—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1928 past week-end in Leavenworth, Kansas, where she visited her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear.
Christians, and 217, Moslems. The which developed into profanity and population includes 600,000 Moslems, slurs on Jolson's racial origin. 150,000 Jews and 85,000 Christians. When shopping, mention the "JewJews have the lowest birth and JOLSON WALLOPS MAN ish Press." death rates in Palestine, the Moslems WHO SLURS JEWS the highest in each case and the Los Angeles. (J.T.A.)—Because he Christians hold the middle ground, YOU ARE ALWAYS according to 1927 statistics of theresented expressions of profanity WELCOME AT Health Department of the Govern- and slurs on his racial origin, Al ment of Palestine just received in Jolson pave a black eye to a man New York by the national office of who sat at an adjacent table to Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Or- that of the Jolson party at a hotel here ganization of America. CHICKEN SHACK Kmployees at the hotel stated that The birth rate of the "Jews is 35a hotel steward moved a table close 54lh and Cerater Sts. per thousand; Christians, 39, andto that of the man who made the Entertainment Moslems, 56. Adult mortality is 13disparaging remarks, to accommoChicken Dinners per thousand among the Jews; 20 date Al Jolson and his wife, Ruby among the Christians, and 33 among Keeler, and their guests. Jolson's Chicken Sandtviches the Moslems. Infant mortality is 115 opponent, they said, objected and per thousand among the Jews; 187, 1 began to make disparaging remarks.
Youthful Artists Present BIRTH AND DEATH RATES Successful Concert LOW IN PALESTINE JEWS
By Hayes Koenig A very successful* concert was Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Marienthal of given by two young artists last Chicago, 111., spent a few days here Tuesday evening at the Knights of this week visiting Mrs. Marienthal's Columbus Auditorium. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fried- Betty Fellman, age 13 years, man. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Fellman, 4860 Cuming St., "played with The Ladies' Aid Society will hold musical insight and technical facila meeting next Tuesday afternoon, ity a number of very taxing composiDecember 18 at the home of Mrs. tions, which rank among the instruLouis Cherniack, 152 West Wash-ment's best literature. Her playing - Mrs. Joseph Marcus announces the ington Avenue. reflected great credit, both to herself engagement of • her daughter, Lu- man, will meet Wednesday, Decemand her instructor, Harry Braviroff, cille, to Mr. William Bush of Sioux ber 19, at the home of Mrs. Leon Mr. and Mrs. S. Shyken enter- pianist, with whom she began her City, lav' No date has been set for Mayer, 1714 Sahler Street. tained at a surprise party at their studies five years ago. Miss Fellthe weddfng. The Daughters of Israel Ladies' home Monday evening for their man possesses rare talent for one so daughter, Ruth, the occasion being The Wedding of Miss Ethel Robin, Aid Society will hold open house her sixteenth birthday. The evening young and, with her unaffected perTuesday, December 18, from 2 to 6, sonality and sincerity, the future daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Robin was spent playing bridge. at the newly remodeled Jewish Old holds much for her. of Sioux City, la., to Mr. Joe. A. People's Home a t 2504 Charles. Theodore Kowalski, age 13 years, Krestful, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Tea will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler enson of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kowalski, KrestfuT of Omaha, took ptoce Suntertained their Evening Bridge Club 4002 Id St., played each number witti day, December 9, in. Sioux City. artistic finish worthy of one of more Many Omabans attended the cere- The Daughters of Zion will hold at their home Monday evening. mature years. Adequate resources their next regularmeeting Wednesmony. of technic are his. He has a fine day afternoon a t 2:30 at the Jewish Community Center. Members and Convert Deserts Judaism feeling for nuances, for color and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Forbes an- their friends are urged to attend. After Jewish Wife Dies shade, a direct certitude in follownounce the birth of a son on Satur- A program, including a * prominent ing the melodic line and a firmness day, December 8, at the Swedish speaker, has been arranged. Re- Warsaw. (J.T.A.)—The call of his and power of tone. He has studied Mission HospitaL freshments will be served following Cossack blood, seldom, if ever, about four and one-half years with the meeting. peaceful and tolerant in particular Frank Mach, violinist and well Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson returned in reference to Jews, was given as known instructor, who has produced Sunday from Kansas City, where the reason for Stefan Gorkotschen- many artists, including Olga Fitner, they -were visiting their children, ko's inability to tolerate his Jewish Clara Schneider Tesar, Fanny Fish, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg. mother-in-law and his stepson after Leon Katz and many others, who are creating a decided stir in muhis Jewish wife died. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stoller entertained Gorkotschenko, a former member sical circles. a number of friends and relatives at Betty Feilman and Theodore KoBy F . R. It. of the Petlura pogrom bands, settled a Chanukah party-at their home on in Warsaw five years ago, when he walski were enthusiastically re"Wednesday evening. Those who atembraced Judaism and married a ceived and vociferously applauded tended were: Mr. and Mrs. N. Wein- The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 Jewish widow, who was the provider by a large audience, who look forof the A. Z. A. held a meeting on Stein and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wednesday evening to discuss their of the family, earning her living in ward to their future appearance. Stoller and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. arrangements for the National A. Z. a grocery store. During the five Civin and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Day, which will be celebrated years of his marital bliss, GorkotKaplan, Miss Sylvia Goffstein, Miss with an entertaining program to be schenko severed his connections with Betty Tregger of Chicago, Miss held on Sunday evening, December his past, being a peaceful husband, Ethel Stoller, Jack and Harry Miller 23, at the Danish Hall. Mr. Ed Bar- and a pious observer of Jewish traof Chicago and Max Stoller. WEEK OF DECEMBER 16th ron of Sioux City, la., will be theditions and customs. ^Bridge and dancing followed the principal speaker. Harold Saks, Now, when his wife died, the prosBoyd Irwin presents supper. . president of the local chapter, who elyte declared that his Cossack blood is now attending the University of Mrs. A. Monsky is confined to her Iowa, is expected home soon and will has reawakened and for this reason home at 3553 Davenport due to in- also speak at this affair. The pub- he cannot any longer bear the pres-IN— ence of his Jewish mother-in-law, juries sustained in an accidental fall. lic is cordially invited. an aged woman, and young step-son. Miss Mary Ann Glick will arrive Philip Krasne, senior at the Uni- He summarily ejected them from his December 20 from Rockford College versity of Southern California, ar- household. The story is made the to spend the holidays with her par- rived here Monday evening to spend most of in the daily chronicles of ents, Mr. arid Mrs. Samuel Glick. his vacation with his parents, Mr.the Warsaw Yiddish press. and Mrs. Herman Krasne. He will One means very effectual for the with Ruth King Mrs. Sam Altshuler is in'the Wise return to Los Angeles shortly after preservation of health is a quiet and and Charles Harrison Memorial Hospital, where she is con the first of the year. cheerful mind, not afflicted with viovalescing from, her illness. lent passions or distracted with imMATINEES- SUN,,WED., SAT. __ Mrs- Julius- Katehsan spenfc^ the moderate cares.—-Ray. - Mrs. H7'Joseph "Cbhn of Chicago has arrived to remain until after the holidays as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moritz Meyer.
Council Bluffs News
Brandeis Theatre
The Brandeis Players
Paxtou-Mf chell Co. 27th and Martha Sta. EArney IMS OMAHA, NEBRASKA
Soft pray, iron, brass, bronm and aluminum castings.
Only at Hartman'8
HOTEL ROME 250 Rooms—200 Baths Good Rooms for f 1.50 Operated by Epplejr Hotels Co.
Coxwell Chairs with Frames of Solid, Genuine Mahogany Large, roomy Chairs with frames of mahogany, upholstered in choice covers, fringe trimmed. Web base and back. Loose cushion seat. Delivered -upon a down payment of as little as $1.
Misses Leona Levitch and Rose Feigenbanm of Kansas City will arrive in Omaha this week-end to be the guests of Miss Celia Wolk. Mr. Harry Ferer, 3028 Seward Street, is recuperating from his illness at the Wise Memorial'Hospital. Mesdames Max Goldberg, Abe Greenspan, Charles Levinson arid Henry Newman will entertain at. a card party to be given Wednesday afternoon, December 26, at the J. C. C. for the benefit of the Hadassah Medical Organization; The party is being given as a means of raising the $25 which each board member is expected to raise during the present club year. The Hadassah sewing circle, under the direction of Mrs. J. J. Fried-
U. P . Assurance Co. Pays First Death Loss The Union Pacific Assurance Co. of Omaha paid its first death loss claim last week to Mrs. Rose Cutler, mother and beneficiary of Sam Cutler, who died last Friday, December 7. According to anntfucements made public by Mr. H.,A.)Wolf, president and founder of the local organiza. • tion, it has already sold in its mere year and a half of existence over four million dollars worth of insurance. The rapid growth of the organization has been the cause of con siderable complimentary comment on the part of those who hare watched its development. " The Union Pacific Assurance Co was founded in May, 1927, by Mr, H. A. Wolf and associates.
Baker Ice Machines "Manufactured in Omaha"
or worn fWMw<mito
11(11 tilHI IIS
WE. 3260 Refresh Yourself
413-15-17 South 16th Street
Common Clay
The Bar Mitzvah of Sidney Chait, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chait, took place Saturday, December 8, at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel Synagogue, Cantor S. Kahonowitch conducting the services. An informal reception was held on the first floor of the Synagogue for the members of the congregation after the ceremonies. . Sunday" evening Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chait entertained for fifteen couples in honor of their son. Cantor Ka. hanowitch sang several selections, which were enthusiastically received, and Mr. L. Harris gave a speech that was likewise appreciated.
Standard aiaaa
bronze and iron bushings,gewer manholes, cistern Tings and cornrt and clean-ont doors in stock. All kinds of wood and metal patterns.
Visit theNew
Malashock's Jewelry Store 16th and Howard Si. Hill Hotel Building
Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices It Will Pay You to Inquire
16th at
Harry H. Lapidus, Pres.-Treas.
Special Feature Selling Saturday
Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.
More Than SOO Lovely New , Mid-Season
What a Difference! Christmas dinner with an electric stove! What a difference it makes. Electric cooking retains all the natural flavors which are lost in all other types of stoves.
At savings seldom obtainable in styles and colors of such advance fashion.
Electric Cooking Is Cheap In addition to the cleanliness, comfort and convenience of an electric stove, electric cooking is better and quicker cooking. Best of all, it is very inexpensive. Visit Any "Electric Shop' or Ask Any of Our Employes
Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
Uncle Sam Laxative Food And
Okay Bran Flakes At All Crowns Made by
Uncle Sain Breakfast Food Co.
17th and Harney
Manufacturers co-operate with us to the fullest extent for this event, in many instances giving us beauti*ful dres.«es actually at cost and lower.
We Oeenpy Over ?f,000 Square Feet
2314 M St
Nebraska Power
Omaha, Nebr.
Thomsen's Tip-Top
' Courtcty • Service « Low %ssm
Is Red Hot the year 'round because only pure horseradish roots and pure grain vinegar are used in its manufacture.
Dresses for Every Type Styles designed to meet the needs of the various types of figure, the slender youthful of the dignified woman, the medium and larger woman in both youthlul and more . matronly styles.
Distributed by
Thomsen-SIater Butter Co. Japan Tea
Chiffons Frost Crepes Fine Satins Satin Crepes Romaines Cantons Georgettes
All Sizes
You will find it at yow grocer's, even during the summer months.
3rd floor
11315 1315 Ho' Howard St.
AT. 8486
Good Products
<Att are Delicious
313 S0.l4TH.ST. OMAHA
Sport Splinters By FRANK R. ACKERMAN Plans now being pushed forward by Dare Chesneau, If consummated •will spell the realization of a dream of long standing at the J. C. C. The p o p u l a r basket-room guardian schemes to convert the now useless dining room adjacent to the billiard room into a boys' recreation room. By a simple process of mathematics be deduced the fact that with regular ping pong, cue roque tables, reading and chess and checker facilities, beside a comfortable lounging room, the Center can attract the younger boys of thecity at an early age and get them started right. In years to come this would mean that our Twentieth street institution would have the proper kind of material to base its future hopes on. Well, as far as we're concerned, we don't feel at all necessary to comment on the proposition. It's so good that it speaks for itself. It's a real investment that will pay big • dividends. More power to you, Dave. Fast games marked basketball play at the Jewish Community Center Wednesday night. A. Z. A. defeated the Brodkeys, 27 to 14, the Peerless Cleaners vanquished the Psi Mu five, 21 to 11, and the Thorpelans were victorious over the Kaplan Bargain Center entry, 19 to 10. Kaufman and Gerelick, with their brilliant passing and shooting, stood
oat in the Thorpeian victory, in which the Thorps overcame a lead at the last minute and rolled up a nine-point advantage. The j . C. C. basketball quintet is still on its rampage, with an unbroken string of five victories. This evening at eight o'clock they clash with the Omaha University five at the Cardinal institution, and Saturday night the same two teams will meet at the Center gym. Last Saturday the Center aggregation annihilated the White House Grocery five, 38-14. Sammy Kaufman and Phil Gerelick gave the ing should be done.
well in its practice tilts and will play its first real game in the very near future. Minnie Flax was re-elected captain of the group. At the same time they received their new outfits, light blue in color and nifty in style. Physical Director Marcus Krasne will stage the city handball tournament at the J. C. C. some time next month. Herman Segelman, pinner extraordinary, will defend his laurels against the cream of the city. In the doubles, Franks and Mendelson, Midwestern A. A. U. champs, will bear the Center's standard. Business Men's Bowling League Won Lost Pet. 9 .727 Kaiman Insurance. .24 12 .636 Omaha Tobacco Co. 21 15 .583 Gesundheit Malts . .21 18 .500 Empire Cleaners... .18 19 .424 Glazer Clothing 14 23 .303 Wardrobe . . . . .10 With the return of several bowlers who had been absent on account of illness enthusiasm was evident again and the evening was enlivened by some close contests among the
PIH THE MAN (Continued from Page 2) Mrs. Gold meeting pride with pride, pride in her lovely soft-eyed daughter—Ann and Abe did not come to live with the Shindels after their ten-day honeymoon, as four forlorn hearts had hoped. Busy buying furniture, fixing up their apartment, they had little time to visit the Shindels, where supper without the flurry over Abe's comfort and likes and dislikes, ceased to be a function. Helen took a bite when she came in after school and was not hungry at supper time. Aunt Hannah nibbled all day, without having an actual meal. Her mother served Rose on the end of the kitchen table. And the old "woman seemed not to eat at all. Without Abe to wait on, life, for all of them, had lost its purpose.
On the rare occasions when Abe and Ann ran in to see them, at his mother's anxious inquiry he answered, "Oh, Ann's learning to cook tine. Of course, she's a much better stenographer. But give her time." Came the day when Abe and Ann teams. were all "fixed up" and Mrs. ShinThe Kaiman Insurance held to del, Aunt Hannah and the girls were their lead with a victory over the invited to dinner, Sunday dinner. Empire Cleaners, while the Omaha With hearts, heavy of late, deckeTobacco Company gained a notch by out in an artificial gaiety for the sweeping the series in opposing the occasion, the four women rode bv Wardrobe five. > : trolley to the other side of the town Joe Stern and Leo Chaiken were the new part of town, where apartin good form and they accounted for ment houses stood high above the a victory against the Glazer Clothstreet and neat young couples starting. Ben Tousem and Ab Kaiman reg- ed life in bright, three-room homes. istered high single games, with 213 Abe and Ann's was on the seventh and 205 counts. Tousem rolled high floor and they took the elevator, total for the evening with a score which Helen proudly operated by a touch on the button marked 7. of 547. Tuesday, December 17, will mark • They were greeted at the door by the final competition for the first half Abe, his coat off and a large bungaof the split season, which was re- low apron covering him! cently adopted by the League. "Hello, Mom. Hello, girls. Hello, Games scheduled for December 24 Aunt Han. Ann's getting dressed, and December 31 have been can- so 111 take your coats and put them celed. right here. Afterward we'll tuck 'em A mid-season stag banquet will be away in the bedroom. How do you held shortly before the second half like our place? Did you have any of the season, which is trouble finding it? I wanted to come start on Tuesday, January 8, 1929. down and wait for you so X could run you up in the elevator, but—as When shopping, mention the "Jew- you see, I'm terribly busy." He looked down at his apron and ish Press."
Marcus Krasne is still adding headliners to his already formidable bill of fare for his hoopsters. New games include Fremont, Sionx City and Blkhorn. The Plattsmouth Athletic Club will play here December 22. The melee will be followed with a dance. A new orchestra will be engaged. The Omaha Athletic Club will be played the latter part of February. According to present indications of the basketball weather vane, this tilt will in all probabilities be for the city title. Incidentally, Joe Prerost, barricader nonpareil and former Tech High all-state star, is refereeing all Saturday evening games. The Junior League at the Center will open with a bang this Sunday, with six teams fighting It ont for the gonfalon. The first game will be at 1:40, when the Bobcats meet the Malashocks. This tussle will be followed by two more games. I/asfc year .the Psi Ma Juniors copped the championship, with the B'nai Ami Juniors second. This year's loop will be still faster than last season's. Krasne can already pick out future luminaries from the youngsters' ranks.
~,^ wonder
Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where e c o n o m y is watched. A luxury within the reach of alL Its high reputation recommends that you try it.
laughed. "You know," he spoke rapidly, forcing his mother into a • deep chair, setting out another for his aunt, "you know," he went on, • "by a series of experiments, Ann and I arrived at the rather surprising discovery that I'm a much better cook than she is. Why, I hardly The North Carolina Supreme ever burn the steak. And she al- Court recently knocked out the chain ways does. Of course, she's much store tax law passed at the last sesbetter at making up the bed," he de- sion of the state legislature. It was fended his wife. "I have to run an effort to impose a tax of $50 on around the bed ten times to get thf* each unit of chains above five, and sheet straight." He laughed at him- the court held it to be unconstituself. "Now, girls, make yourselves tional. at home. Turn oh the radio. Ann'li The state has collected about $ out in a minute. I've got work to 000 under this law, and it will have do in the kitchen—if we want to to be refunded. The act was passed eat today." at the behest of the North Carolina He went out of the room, leaving Merchants' Association, which confour startled women staring at each tended that the local stores were in need of and entitled to protection other in speechless surprise. from the encroachments of the chain stores.
The Grocer's 11 Nook \
Phil Ringle, Creighton Pharmacy A market reported in operation in '28, has received his pharmacist's li- Louisville. Ky., is so arranged that cense, having successfully passed the a motorist can drive through and examination of the State Board. Mr. Eingle is manager of the Hingle Drug Co. at Twenty-fifth and Paxton Billiard Parlors Davenport. He is a member of a 1516 Farnana—JA. 9721 family of druggists, his brother, Direct Wire Service on All Louis, and his father also being of Latest Sport Events the same profession.
Combined with the
The girls' basketball team is emulating the example set by the men's varsity squad by giving promise for an extraordinarily promising season. The feminine sextet has shown up
Irresistible Flavor of Brazil
Now is the time to start" saving for your nex;t year's Christmas gifts. Save a few dollars a week or month and you will have-no difficulty meeting your Christmas budget for 1929.
There is no other Coffee to be compared with it
Insist en Advo
'Famous for Flaror"
Blended, Roasted, Ground and Packed by McCORD-BRADY CO., OMAHA
1611 N. S4th—WE. eSU Serve Himelbloom's new Russian pumpernickle bread with your next meal.
For Service Call
Printers ."
Metal aztd Furnace Works
Under Management of H. Marcns 1941 Vinton 8L JA- 1440
TtNWOBE, GtJTTEKS, SPOUTING Reasonable JE*ricee 1530 North 24th WE. 5565
109-11 North 18th
National Accessories, Inc
We Specialize in the
2051 Farnam—AT. 5524
"Everything for the Auto" Ant© Top and Glass Service BODY REBUILDING
JA. 4102
Awnings and Tents Walter C Roeesig & Co. JA. 36S3
SCOTT OMAHA TENT AND AWNING CO. Awiling!, CanvM Cover*. Tenta, Camp SappUes, All Kinds 15th and Howard AT. MM
GENERAL CONTRACTOR 415 Hospe Bldg. JAckson 1614
Installation and repairing of Tin Work—Furnaces—Skylights— Ventilating—Gutters—Spouting 717 North 16th
AT. £835
We carry everything in quality furs at lowest prices in the city.
AT. SS32
504 S, 13th
Management of Giving Special Attention to Apartment and Business Properties
Meyn-K.enn.edy Co. REALTORS 416 Medical Arts BIdg.
Estimates Gladly Furnished
Rtsg Cle&raers
ADLER'S Kosher Delicatessen
SINCE 1876
Fresh Corned Beef cooked daily. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meals. Home-made pickles. All kinds • of Bakery Goods. WE. 142S 1513 North 24th St.
Wet Was*, to Family Finish
11th and 3>OOI;1M S*B.
If your laundress does not satisfy, try us. SANITARY LAUNDRY
6116 Military Are.
1823 CUrk St.—WE. 0*10
Mattresses and Pillows Made Orer in New Ticks l$n Craning AT. 5983
Laying, Sizing, Fringing, Binding
W. E. OSTENBERG, Pres. «S15 Farmm ATlantie *83S
Careful Prescription Service Merchandise of Quality -
JA. 2100
Your ad in thie directory, reaches* practically every Home in OtnsbA
Drag Stores
227 Sooth 20th Street
Made from your own feathers. Warm in winter; cool in summer. Cost less end last longer than cotton. Phone us for samples of ticking: and estimates.
Batteries and Garages
Music Teachers
Tire Shops
Battery and Tire Service Road Service
AT. 5454
Service Our Motto Genera] Repair Shop—-Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing
EXPERT DYER (32 Years Experience) Clean Cleaners And Live Dyers If it's Good We Did It Give Us A Trial
IDEAL BOTTLING COMPANY Soda Water, Near Beer and Gtngerale WSbster 30*3 1808 K. setb St.
BEN PKIESMAN, Mgr. Commercial Dept.
Jackson S4S7
PIANIST'INSTRUCTOB Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted Snfte 5, Wead Bide., IBtfe « FarnoiB Telephone ATlantie 81CC P l a y t h eViolin C e r Prof. Sevcik and other world re nowned teachers recommend my method very highly.
"That Little Wlxtm Service" M i l l e r G«e.<r*di-t<5-.i*ie-)R-»«M8 T i r e s
Ftrotte <5A. U<8
Cor. lT£h and CapUot AT*.—AT. «48? TO1 Tires, Tnbeg, Acc*mori«a, R«ei5 UerrIce, Vulcanising, General Repairing
Towel Supply
When You Need a Plumber, Call
9 Clark St. WE. 1119 "CAUL PS PIBST"
JA. 3573
ISO: Ccmlne St.
PEESCKIPTIOJT KXPKETS 20 Tears' Service n-ith Sherman 6 McConnell Dins Co. 15M Fanuua St. AT. 1151
2602 St. Mary's
2nd Floor Securities BIdg. JAcksen 1133
Barber Shops Satisfied Customers Our Greatest Desire
11111111111111111 11111111
First Class Grocers
18th and Davenport
Ask for it
Swengii & Hahn, Props,
Sold by all
20th and Nicholas-- Ja. 6655
Auto Tops—-Accessories
JOIN OUR Christmas Club
AT. 6525
4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 The House With a Reputation
For space
Stimulating for Dinner
1614 Coming: St.
Certified Pnblic Accountant* 638 Securities BIdg. AT. 4451
in this directory call the
Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch
Jacbon 5752
m Blocks South of J. C. C.
and Scientifically Blended in Omaha
403 Hespe BIdg.
SMS Fsnuun
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient
Manufacturers of Mirrors, Art Glass. Window doss R i l l P i c t u r e and Mirror
The floor inside the "U" is higher than the auto driveway so that the basket level is handy and the pedestrian carries his basket just as in any self-serve store. Four men and a boy are required to operate the store which is reported to be doing a business of about $2,000 a week, with motorists the principal customers.
With the
buy a complete line of groceries, vegetables, fruits, and fresh meats, without leaving his seat behind the driver's wheel. The door opens automatically as a car approaches it. A long, narrow basket for the customer's purchases is attached to the car door and runs along on ball bearing rollers as the car moves forward. A patented rotary type of shelving is employed to reduce the necessary display space. As the customer approaches the exit, the purchases are taken from the basket and sacked, and, the bill paid, the cashier presses a button and the exit door rises and permits him to drive on, the door closing automatically behind him. In addition to the "U"-shaped auto path, a central entrance is provided for pedestrians.
THE WEIS FLOWER SHOP "The Best Place to Buy Your Flowers'* 2508 North 24th St.—Phone WE. 2057
Concert VloJlslst and Instructor Studio ixrVs. K. 16*h St. JA. 1S52
JA. 1813
AT. 6281 J. M. JENSEN
609 North 16th
Quality le Remembered Long After the Price Is Forgotten £Se< F m a a St. ATIsatlc
Towel Supply Company Since 187«