December 21, 1928

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1 1 •*,

Interesting and Entertaining

All the News of Interest to Jews

Entered as second-class i ' S a u t t e r on January 27, 1921, at poetofflce at Omaha, NebK ft. « jider the Act ot March 3, 1879.


Inter-City Debate on Jew's Claim to Palestine


VOL. VII.—Xo. 49

Leo Frachtenburg to William Stalmaster to DAWES PRAISES Dr. Return to Omaha Jan. 8 JEWISH EDUCATION Speak at Service Tonight SHOWN TO NEED PHILANTHROPIC CO-ORDINATION SPIRIT OF JEWS


William Stalmaster. junior law Omaha Jewry washost Alonday to Phil Klutznick and Ben Kazlowstudent at Creighton university, will Dr. Leo Frachtenburg, midwest resky, official debate representatives be the speaker of the evening at the gional director of the Zionist Orof the Omaha Jewish Community Friday Evening Service of the Seganization and the United PalesCenter, left today for St. Louis for nior Council at the Jewish Com- Rabbi Krass Asks for Actions Louis Marshall Points Out Economic Development of the first inter-city forensic contest Speaks at National Convention tine Appeal Campaign. munity Center tonight. His subject of Good Will as Well of the season. Dr. Frachtenburg is on a tour of of Jewish Welfare Holy Land Is Purpose of Money Has Not Brought will be "A Jewish Outlook Upon | as Words. his district laying plans for memBoard. Sunday night the two Omaha men Corporation. Sufficient Results. Life/' bership campaigns and subscription will meet representatives of the St. BUY HAIFA BAY LAND Louis Y. M. H. A. in a debate- on WILBUR ALSO SPEAKS drives immediately after the first of NEED MORE FUNDS ALSO Louis M. Shanok. assistant exec- CHURCHES PLEDGE AMITY utive secretary of the J. C C . delivthe year. After conferring with local the subject, "Resolved, that the presered his sermon last Friday on "The Xew York <J. T. A.I—Eight hunZionist officials, he agreed to return Xew York (J. T. A.)—A budget ent-clay Jew has a valid claim to Xew York (J. T. A.)—Jewish eduWashington, D. C. (J. T. A.)— to Omaha on January S to inaug- cation in the United States for Ideal of Jewish Education." In a dred lending representatives of the for further work in Palestine total- Palestine." The philanthropic spirit of the Jew, urate the Omaha district's memberscholarly address, he elaborated Jewish. Protestant and Catholic The contest will be in the nature ing $1,010,000 was anthorized by the which American Jews spend annualto help those who are less fortunate, ship campaign. Plans tire being tenupon the need for and benefits of faiths, meeting Thursday evening, 'executive committee of the Palestine of a return engagement between the ly between four and five million dolirrespective of race, creed or color, tatively laid also for a United PalesJewish education, and made a plea affirmed that .lew and Gentile can Economic Corporation, organized in two organizations. Last year, the lars, suffers from the lack of cowas highly praised by Hon. Charles tine Appeal drive. for support of educational activities meet in amity. Called by the Men's February, .1925, by the Non-Partisan Omaha J. C. C. met and defeated ordination and from insufficient supG. Dawes, vice president of the of the Center. The speaker went on Club of Temple Emanu-El. and held Conference on Palestine, called by St. Louis' orators in a debate here Dr. Frachtenburg's official head- port, was the statement of Louis to point out that while most indi- in the Temple, the meet ins heard a United States, in an address before on the question, "Resolved, that the Louis Marshall. Marshall, president of the American the fourth bi-annual convention of quarters are in Chicago, ami his viduals and organizations admitted pledge of good will from leaders of Jewish Committee, who was the home in Philadelphia.' ' An annpunceinent to this . effect present age is one of brass." the Jewish Welfare Board held at the necessity of such work, they the Christian church in America, as principal speaker at the annual dinThe Jewish Community Center the Jewish Community Center here. iwas made public yesterday by Berneglected to translate their senti- well as prominent laymen, and a ner and Chanukah celebration of the 'nard Plexner, president, in reference Debating Club is negotiating for a Representatives of three hundred ments into action by enrolling in plea on the part of the Jewish Jewish Education Association held series of additional inter-city deto action taken by the executive constituent societies of the Jewish such courses. spokesmen that deeds should follow at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Xew tcommittee of the corporation on De- bates for the current winter season. Welfare Board listened to addresses words in the creation of Rood will. York, last week. , ceinber 4.; The budget, which was and Teports on the progress of the The Knights of Columbus, the InMr. Marshall described his deep ' .adopted following a review of the Jewish center movement and heard dependent Order B'nai Riifu and interest in the problem of Jewish "corporation's, activities in Palestine, pleas from prominent Jewish lay the Masonic Order were represented education, stating that the outbreak ^includes items for land purchase in leaders calling for wider developat the meeting. the World War and the problems V the Haifa Bay region, agricultural ment of the movement. • Gift May Be Enlarged to Full of The keynote sounded by Dr. S. of relief which it brought in its train and industrial credits, • encourageTwo Million Pnrkes Cartnian and reiterated by 'VWhen men associate themselves had interfered with a plan which • ment of the orange growing indusDollars.: all the speakers was that all faiths. in a collective effort to render self? he had been considering for a Rabbi Cohn Discusses History ;' try, housing and the participation in despite their differences, have one sacrificing service to their fellownation-wide movement for Jewish ' t h e construction of a first class ho- Rabbi Rabinowitz and E. Baof Peace Movement in common goal, and that all faiths, men, they are engaging in what is PLAN BUILDING PROGRAM education. He paid tribute to the »•','_ tel in Jerusalem. Current Topic Talk. with due appreciation for the merits ron Speakers in Omaha not, only one of the noblest endeavmen who refused to wait until after .-'.. When the program outlined will and Council Bluffs. of each, can achieve fraternity by ors of good citizenship, but its most Chicago (J. T. A.)—The gift of the war but organized the Jewish be completed, the total of the PalesLAUDS PEACE TREATY uniting against the common foes— effective one," Vice President Dawes $1,200,000 by Julius Roseuwalcl, a Education Association and proceedtine Economic Corporation's "invest-. j the enemies of progress, li^ht and said, adding: "'The record in this member of the Board of Trustees of ed to work in Greater Xew York. :. ments and commitments in Palestine TO INSTALL CHAPTER 100 "The peace movement is as old as justice. Christian and Jewish lendcountry of Jewish philanthropy, so the University of Chicago and one Of the 350.000 Jewish children of the Hebrew prophets who first gave ers alike referred to Jacob Schiffi as ; will reach the amount of $2,300,000. largely non-sectarian, so largely and Sunday, Dec. 23, A. Z. A. chapters of the university's leading benefac- school age among the 1.800,000 Jews the world the ideal of peace.'" said nn eminent example of loynlry to his •-; Bernard' Flexner is president of intelligently covering the succor and all over the United States will partors., was announced this week by of the city, less than one-half, he Rabbi Frederick Cohn. speaking on own faith raid pood will to fellow^ t h e corporation, Louis Marshall vice : encouragement of the man who does President Woodward of the Univer- stated, were receiving any kind of "The Peace Movement" in the third men. and ns an excellent model to '•.... president, Col.: Herbert H. -Lehman, ticipate in the celebration, of Nanot have a fair chance and who is sity of Chicago. The gift was made Jewish education. Mr. Marshall then of liis current topic lectures given ;•' vice.president, Robert Szold, vice tional A. Z. A. Day. The installafollow. Spokesmen of all faiths emdown in the world, and yet, so mindby Mr. Rosenwald -towards a $3.O00,- pointed out that only $250,000 was Tuesday, December IS. at the Jew: president, Walter E. Meyer, treas- tion of several new chapters and offul of those who struggle for an 000 building program. which prob- spent by the federation for Jewish ish Community Center, under the urer, and Joshua Bernhardt, secre- ficers of many chapters, and proeducation to fit them for the higher grams featuring prominent speakers ably will be expanded to $5,000,000. education out of a total income of auspices of the Council of Jewish •'. t a r y , • ". •-.".'• ' -• - - .-• _.. •• . - - . : • : tasks of life, so concerned with a $5,000,000. There was a lack of pro- 'Wonien. Explaining, the Haifa -Bay land from neighboring communities will wide distribution among our people portion in that sum, he declared. be the chief events of the celebra-'•••; purchase, Mr. Flexner stated: "Despite the fact that both the of the benefits of medical science Mr. Marshall praised the work of Jewish and Christian religions al; "More than a ;year. ago the cor£ tion. and invention—this record is so Dp£:S,--Benderly, director of the Bu- ways preached peace, the last mfWV poration e n t e r ^ : into 'negotiations ^•^Jn-Omaha,: Rabbi-Rabinowitz ofmagnificent, while partly due to cerreau of Jewish Education as a pio- years have been filled with wars, -Sioux' City, la., will be the speaker . with' the Haifa "'Bay/Development tain individuals, great and greatneer hi the field. Company for the acquisition of its of the evening at the A. Z. A. promany of them even sanctioned by rehearted leaders in the world whom The $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 spent ligious groups." Rabbi Cohn told the • -. unsold land in .order.-to reserve this gram to be held at the Jewish Comwe all know, is chiefly due to the by Jewish parents for the Jewish meeting. ; important area for the Jewish pub- munity Center at 8:15. Installation fact that behind Jewish philaneducation of their children were not i The leader*of Temple Israel went lic interest and to assist in the de- of the officers of both Omaha Chapthropy is always a collective presbringing adequate results owing to on to trace the history of the peace ..;' velopment of a sound land policy in ters, 1 and 100, will also take place sure. the lack of correlation and coordina- movement, pointing out how it has - i a territory. which may become of as -a part of this program. The pub"It is because your people believe tion. Mr. Marshall stated. The changed from being advocated as a prime importance for the economic lic is invited to attend this meeting. not only that wealth entails an oblimother, he declared, must be inter- religious and moral policy into a future of Palestine. The goveruDuring the afternoon of the same ested in the education of her child, political and social issue. "The na_ment of Palestine has instituted the :lay, a banquet will be given at the gation of service commensurate with the fathers unfortunately being too tions themselves are now behind the work of building a harbor at Haifa. Elks" Club at 2 o'clock by Chapter it, but that those of moderate means Rabbi Nathan Krass busy making money. A Jewish com- movement," he said. "And of those The acting high commissioner re- No. 1 of Omaha and "Chapter No. 7 of should help the less fortunate, and munity as prosperous as that of Xew nations who have worked in its in- phasized that the work of good will cently announced that the prelimin- Council Bluffs in honor of Rabbi that even the poor should help those poorer," Mr. Dawes continued. "This York, he said, was spending a piti- terests, America has always been in should be undertaken in no patronary specifications for the harbor Rabinowitz; Mr. Edward Baron of izing spirit, if it hopes to he sucpressure is not centered upon the fulsum for the Jewish education of the van." have been prepared by the consult- Sioux "City, speaker of the evening cessful. very rich alone, but they feel it and its children. In conclusion, Mr. Mar- Rabbi Cohii was especially high in ing engineers and that the work of in Council Bluffs; and the recently Deprecating uniformity of outshall, referring to the Chanukah fes- his praise of "Woodrow Wilson, callopening up a quarry and the con- organized Chapter Xo. 100 of Oma- g;ive accordingly. It does not center look and practice as inevitably leadupon any class. All classes feel it tival, declared that while our Temple ing the famous president "The modstruction of the harbor would be ha. The latter group will be officialins to mediocrity. Dr. Cndman deand give accordingly. It is not exin this country has not been dese- ern prophet of peace." Discussing commenced at the end of this year ly installed as an A. Z. A. chapter Julius Rosemvald clared that if would have been n erted especially through leaders, crated, it has been neglected. He the League of Xations. in whose oror early in 1929. The railroad ad- during the course of the banquet. preat misfortune to the world if the though they contribute the organizministration of Palestine has decidNational A. Z. A. Day is an an- ing genius which affords it the If the university itself raises an ad- called on the guests to support more ganization Wilson played so import- Jew had been built like other peoed to locate its machine shops on nual event which is designed to emditional $3,000,000, Mr. Rosenwald generously the work of the Jewish | ant a part, the speaker described the ple. Thanks to its difference it has this area of land and has acquired phasize the nation-wide scope of the means of expression. international body as the greatest said he would increase his gift to Education Association. given a contribution to civilization "This collective pressure comes $2,000,000. Construction of dormithe necessary site. A tentative de- movement and to stimulate the efaccomplishment of the present age. that is great beyond words. "To the cision has also been reached to lo- forts of the chapters. Speakers from the heart of the great Jewish tories for 400 men and 3S0 women PRESENT YIDDISH PLAY "Despite its imperfections." he said, House of Israel we owe the moral cate an aerodrome in this vicinity. from neighboring communities are people as a whole—from the heart Will be started as early as possible FOR CHALUTZES' BENEFIT ""the league is on a sound foundaconception of God. ns the creator of "After investigations and negotia^ arranged for by the various groups, of a great people who have suffered in the spring. j tion. It is no longer in the experithe Universe, and the conception of unjustly in their time. We have but tions extending over a year, during and these men deliver talks on the On Sunday evening, Dec. 30. at mental "age, since it will celebrate how we shiill worship that God. We In making the announcement, Actwhich period it was possible, with ideals and purposes as well as the to think—each one of us—of some ing President Woodward predicted the Jewish Community Center, the its tenth anniversary next year." will never be able to pay the debt the assistance of other Jewish in- achievements of the Order of Aleph great personal sorrow to know that the development of a finer type of Pioneer Jewish Women's OrganizaAmong the accomplishments of the j we owe to your little nation." he sympathy comes most surely from stitutions working in Palestine, to Zadik Aleph. student life with the majority of the tion will present the famous Yid- League of Xations. Rabbi Cohn par- said. ""Let us continue to march suffering and the sympathy of your ascertain the facts regarding the ticularly pointed out the opening of students, graduate and undergrad- dish drama, "The Jewish Heart.'" under the banners inscribed with our people is a part of your nature, of condition of the soil, underground Palestine and the impetus given to The drama will be portrayed by uate living in quadrangles on univictories and the same time attack your traditions, of your history and water and other physical factors a seasoned cast of Omaha players the Zionist movement as achieve- the enemies of progress. light mid versity land. it is so broad and great that it and to determine the necessary imments of the Permanent Mandates It was stated that the board of who have scored great hits pre- Commission of the League of Xa- justice." hp urged. knows no sectarian bounds, but has provements for drainage and ameviously in plays at the Labor LyTile work of unification, lip pointenriched the lives of all the people trustees is prepared to take full ad- ceum and at the Jewish Community tions. lioration, the. corporation took an ed out, should be carried on in a vantage of Mr. Rosenwald's offer, option for the acquisition of this The talk closed with a discussion The Jewish National Fund Drive and helped to make this the blessed assuring the $5,000,000 program Center. A four-act melodrama. "The wise, sane, statesmanlike fashion, land of promise for all." hind. I t entered into negotiations in Omaha, which was previously Jewish Heart," is one of the best of the present movement to outlaw ami should affect no patronizing eventually, although only the $3,by Sylvia Silverman, and an aerowith the Jewish National Fund for postponed on account of. illness of war, and an enthusiastic endorse000.000 of building has been author- on the Yiddish stage. It also con- ment of the Briand-Kellogg multi- tone. the purpose of acquiring the: land the workers, will be held Sunday, Secretary Curtis Wilbur spoke at tains several famous Jewish song "Co-operation to the farthest point jointly. Under the agreement ap- Dec. 23. The drive is being con- the afternoon session. He praised ized. lateral treaty as a great step forhits and music. ,* • «,«. t,\ , • I that our respective faiths and di«~ proved by the executive committee, ducted here by the local chapter of highly the work of the Jewish WelAll the proceeds from the per- ward, m this attempt to dpprive war . I ciplines permit in the maintenance this corporation will acquire an area the Junior Hadassah, and officers of fare Board, saying, "T have been DANCE AND BASKETBALL formance will go to a fund for the . . . . . . . of about 5,000 dunams (about 1,250 the organization have issued the greatly impressed by the liberality GAME AT J. C. C. DEC. 22benefit of the Chalutzes in Pales- of its legal status. I of ideals which are common to both acres) in the section likely to be af- statement that it is the duty of all of the Jewish people in their contine. MRS. HERSHORN DIES faiths," should be the goal of the fected by the industrial development members of the Junior Hadassah to tributions and by the loyalty, fldel-' Marcus Kra'sne and his physical AFTER LONG ILLNESS partisans of good will, is the point of Haifa, while the remaining area assist in the campaign. ity and efficiency of the Jewish so- department will stage their next PREDICTS ROSENWALD of view advanced by Dean Robbing. covered by the option agreement, semi-monthly cage and dance featAll the members of the girls' or- cial workers and business men." IN HOOVER CABINET Mrs. Ida Sarah Hershorn. OS, "Good will between Jews and Chris22,000 dunams or about 5,500 acres, ganization are expected t o . meet Benjamin J. Buttenwieser,. treas- ure this Saturday in the Center gym. passed away Tuesday in a local hos- tians has long since passed the stage will be taken over by the Jewish Na- Sunday morning, Dec. 23, at the urer, reported a deficit of $82,481. The feature basketball attraction Washington, D. C. {J. T. A.) — pital after a prolonged illness. of co-operation in philanthropic entional Fund. Since this body now Jewish Community Center at 9:30. The income during the past two will be the first out-of-town contest That Julius Rosenwald, noted ChiShe is survived by her husband, terprises. Our allegiance to the God owns 11,000 dunams in this area, a Miss Sylvia Bernstein, who is years was! $302,770, and expend- of the season, when the the Platts- cago philanthropist, may be a mem- Mr. Max Hershorn: and five sons. we have in common is threatened total of 38,000 dunams or about 9,- chairman of the Drive, has asked itures during the same period were mouth team will attempt to halt the ber of the cabinet to be selected by Bernard. Ben. Leo. Fred and Morris. today by a common enemy, mate500 acres constituting four-fifths of for volunteers to furnish cars for a $350,383, leaving a deficit of $47,612. seven-game winning streak of the Herbert Hoover, president-elect, was The funeral was held Wednesday, rialism, that is laying waste things . the entire original area of the Haifa few hours Sunday morning to fa- This deficit was added to $34,869 Center stars. The undefeated junior the prediction made by Frederick interment taking place at the Golden sacred to both Jews and Christians." Bay Development Company will be cilitate the collection of funds. from two years ago^ making the to- team will play the preliminary to William Wile of Washington. D. C , Hill Cemetery. Doubt that good will was in existin the possession of institutions Those who can aid in this manner tal $82,481. Col. Herbert H. Leh- the main attraction, which will be- noted political authority and newsence and the belief that the Good whose primary aim is the social eco- are requested to inform Miss Bern- man announced that Julius Rbsen- gin at 8:15. paper man, who several years ago A. Z. A. NO. 1 Will Union was a mechanism erectnomic development of Palestine." stein «t WEbster 5094. wald had made a contribution of Krasne has scheduled for the or- predicted the nomination of Smith ed to disguise the void was ex$20,000 toward the deficit, on conIn urging Omaha Jewry to make chestra of the evening the Whirl- and Hoover. With regard to agricultural credOmaha Chapter Xo. 1 of the A. pressed by Rnbbi Nathan Krass. its, the president stated: "A further as liberal. contributions as • possible dition that the full amount be raised winds of Jazz, who claim to play "The cabinet chosen by Mr. HoOr 55. A. will hold its semi-annual elec"Melody that lingers in your heart." verv* said Mr. Wile, "will be made tion of officers Sunday afternoon. Preaching a good sermon, he said, appropriation was made to carry to the Jewish National Fund, Miss by the end of the year. Through an inadvertence the gym- up of men of talent, experts and spe- Dec. 23. at 4 :S0 at the Jewish Cora is not enough to create pood will. forward the long term agricultural Bernstein emphasized the importdo fcwxl. ais good the sermon important Preaching thatthing:. will credit work of the corporation in | ance of the work of the organization Constantinople (J. T. A.)—Ac-' nasium was not well heated at the cialists."1 munity Center. "The Society for Good Will is not which buys Palestinian land as the last dance, but the physical director which It has been engaged since its cording to official statistics publish-! Stanley Levin and Dave BisbofT fin unmixed blessing," he declared. organization and in which field it permanent property of the Jewish ed, the Jewish population in Con- has promised sufficient warmth for All that is human must retrograde are the candidates for Aleph Godol "Its very existence is an indication people. or president. stantinople numbers 46,628. " [ this occasion. if it does not advance.—Gibbon. (Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 4)




- -c " .




TWO—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21,1928 have one to answer the doctor's near home where she would be with He would, of course, take Rose with calls. strangers, while if she went with him. The house was full of talk Rose gave her sister womanly ad- Rose they could have such a good about Europe. Jean listened hunPublished every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by vice. "You know, Jean, a wife can time together. Herbert pointed out grily, but said nothing. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY be harmful to her husband, just to her that she could be away two It was Rose who suggested that Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 when she thinks she's being most weeks longtr for the amount she Jean go, too. "Just think, if I go helpful. I don't know if working would spend for fare to the Adiron- alone with Arthur, I'll-have to stay DAVID B L A C K B B , B U S I N E S S a n d MANAGING E D I T O R hand' in hand is the best plan after dacks, but Jean said she would be in Vienna the whole time. But if IRVING PERLMETER - - - - EDITOR alL Just look at Arthur. I never willing to come home two weeks you come, we can go to Italy and $2.50 ask him whether I can afford this sooner. When, in the middle of Au- Switzerland and France while he's , Subscription Price, o n e y e a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... • . Advertising r a t e s furnished on application or that. I just go ahead and order gust, the entire country lay baking plugging away. Wouldn't it be heavCHANGE O P A D D R E S S — P l e a s e give both t h e oid a n d new a d d r e s s ; be what I want. He never says any- imder a terrific heat*wave. Jean for enly?" thing. And you can bet he would got her promise and stayed on for Jean agreed with her sister. It "•"'.-' • sure to give your name. if he couldn't meet the bills. In the rest of her summer with Rose. would be heavenly. But would Herfact, I think if you'd demand a little They stopped off in New York, bert think so? more, it would spur Herbert on to too, and shopped along Fifth AveAVhen Herbert gave his consent. making more." , NATIONAL A. Z. A. DAY nue, Rose buying with a lavish hand, Jean told herself that at last she Jean bent her head, her fluffy Jean, timidly, covetously, hesitating had learned the secret. One got of blond bob hiding her eyes. Rose and finally succumbing to the soft, one's husband as much as one deThousands of Jewish young men from coast to coast was facing the facts and they hurt. appealing garments which set off so manded. That was Rose's secret of will join this Sunday in celebrating National A. Z. A. Day. "Oh," she defended her husband, her good fortune. Xow it was also On this occasion they will simultaneously pay tribute to "it isn't that Herbert doesn't work well her blond prettiness. She salved hers. her conscience by arguing that it the ideals of their order and pledge themselves to active hard. He does. But it takes longer would be cheaper in the end—she They sent Herbert a cable from for a lawyer to establish himself.'1 wouldn't have to buy a thing all Cherbourg whence they sailed for Efforts in furtherance of those ideals. home after a glorious eight weeks. The A. Z. A. is admittedly a great constructive force "Well, it shouldn't," Rose's deter- winter. mined mouth closed in an uncomTo everyone's surprise, Herbert rein American Jewish life of today, and is to be commended AVhen they reached home, Arthur promising line. "Now, I tell you plied that he would meet them in for its judicious program of education as well as sports, what let's do. You finish your lunch hart a surprise for Rose. He had New York. contests, and social events. But perhaps the greatest and let's go look at the Merriman au opportunity to buy at a bargain "It's too bad we couldn't all four one of the new English garden good that the organization does is something over and be- house again. We can even pay a homes that were the envy of every stop over in Xew York and see the yond these relatively minor activities. What the A. Z. A. deposit." one in town. Arthur was not one to shows." Rose sighed. is doing is uniting the future ranks of Judaism. By in- "But Herbert—" Jean expostulat- overlook an opportunity. The house "Enough is enough." her husband spiring these young men with a spirit of fraternity, it is ed weakly. was his gift to Rose, she was. to have declared. "If I don't get back to .providing the basis for intelligent co-operation of the fu- "Don't you worry about Herbert. an interior decorator in and do the town soon, my patients will forget all about me." thir6 leaders of Jewry. ; He'll find a way to pay, you'll see. thing up in grand style. "Oh." Jean put in. laughing. "HerXow don't worry. You're doing the Jean tried to be happy in Rose's , ' The problems of any people arise out of the inability best thing for him, I tell you." bert won't want to go to the theater. of persons in different situations to appreciate the difficul- Herbert and Jean moved into the good fortune, but the Merriman Wait till he hears all I've spent." house suddenly became to her vast ties of each other. With American Jewry spread out over iferriman house as Kose had fore- and gloomy and drafty. Arthur's Jean stood aghast as she watched millions of square miles, it is not improbable that sec- told. They didn't have nearly car, too. purred with hidden Herbert run up the gang plank to '- tiqnal interests may sometime cause misunderstandings enough furniture to fill the big, strength, while Herbert could not meet her. Was this her husband? of a serious nature. Such a condition can be obviated in sombre rooms. Jean and Rose went coax their second hand one through Was this Herbert? The questions picked out a few extra a second winter. struck at her heart as he came some measure by binding together with fraternity those downtown, chairs and rugs and had the bill nearer. Yes. he held her closely to She spent much time at Rose's boys who will some day compose the rank and file of these sent to Herbert's office. Jean was new house, watching lavish silken him as of old. It was Herbert, her communities. Not only sectional interests, but such prob- surprised when he said nothing, not drapes being hung, new Oriental lems as variations of faith can be more amiably solved if ven noticing the new additions rugs laid tenderly on the polished the antagonists have something in common, like the A. Z. which, she had to admit, improved floors. Often she stayed to dinner A., to instill in them a desire for reconciliation. This he place tremendously. * as Herbert worked much in the evening^ now. Of course, living so close together function of promoting understanding is one for which this now, it was natural the four should Being at Rose's house, she could fraternity is peculiarly fitted, inasmuch as its members Special Engagement uo out together, in Arthur's car. not help hearing the plans that were are too young to have formed very deep-set prejudices be- Jean didn't mind this. After all, it made. Arthur decided it was neces- First Time at Popular Prices fore coming under the enlightening influence of the or- was her sister and Herbert's brother, sary for his practice to go abroad to ganization. . as she pointed out to her husband, study at the great European clinics. STARTING CHRISTMAS NIGHT National A. Z, A. Day, because of its exemplification when in sullen stubbornness, he reof the unifying of all of American Jewry, should be a day belled against going. "All right, hen." Jean taunted, "why don't we "on which every Jewish community in the country should get a car? If you're sick of being rejoice. But here in Omaha, the birthplace and headquar- a poor relation, why don't yon be : The Hatter ters of the order, we should especially join with our youth something else?" in the celebration of this occasion which is a tribute to the By the time Herbert managed to Cleans and Reblocks success of that organization which is one of Omaha's most :>uy a car—a second hand one, at Hats, 50c; Caps, 35c with Ruth King constructive contributions to the national life of our that—the winter had passed and Why Pay More? they were confronted with the probpeople. •. Special Music - Elaborate Scenery lem of where to go for the summer. 1612'HARNEY ST. Augumented Cast Hose " decided on the Adirondacks and as Herbert couldn't get away at Satisfactory Work Guaranteed all, it seemed silly. Jean said, to exor? Money Back n A Vienna student, a rabid anti-Semite, has left his pect her to go alone to some place


Brandeis Theatre


The Bird of Paradise

Herbert .who kissed her. Her heart began to sing again, until she noticed his face. Haggard it was. Lean and long. The picture of health she had left when she went away. And now, this strange person who was her husband. There was little time between their arrival and the departure of their train. In the bustle of claiming their baggage, the two women did not notice a signal between the brothers. Before she knew what had happened, Jean had been whisked by Herbert into a cab. the door slammed and they were starting. "Oh, Herbert, we've left Rose and Arthur. Tell the driver to stop." "Don't worry. They're in another cab. I did this so I could talk to you alone for a minute. Xo, I don't want to know if you've had a good time nor what you saw. I want to talk." "Oh. Herbert, tell me how everything is at home. Did you take care of the house?" He passed a thin hand over his forehead. "I rented the house to the Jonases." "Herbert, they'll ruin the furniture I"

He answered in a leaden voice. "I didn't sublet it to them furnished. I sold them the furniture." "How could you?" She was indignant. "Xow what will we do?' "Well." he spoke slowly, thoughtfully. "I thought since you wanted to be with your sister so much, she must want you, too. I figured ;; would be just ns well for you to p> and live with her." "What nn idea. Herbert Marcus, to think you'd be satisfied with that!" "Oh. I don't count in this." he expliiined. "I've a job here in New York. And I'm studying accountancy. Maybe I can turn a bum lawyer into a good accountant. It has been done. You see. I'm not going back with you." Jean staved in speechless amusement. She had never heard Herbert talk so coolly, so unmoved, yet he (Continued on Page 3)

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hospital cot to return to his home, a sadly disillusioned lad. It had always been his delight to proclaim with all the 'haughty arrogance at his command the superior qualities of the blood of the Aryan race of-which he himself was a ! member. However, unfortunate though it may be, such , healthy imagination does not necessarily betoken sound physical condition. Recently the youthful demagogue ; found himself in the hospital, weak from loss of blood, and in need of a blood transfusion. But, horror of horrors, when the zealot was recovered he found out that he had received the blood of a Jewish boy, whose blood was the only strain in.a whole group of young men whose qualities were exactly like that of the patient's. So now the poor fellow goes about burdened with Jewish blood and shattered convictions. It is a terrible thing to lose one's convictions. Therefore, we might sympathize with the unfortunate youth, and tell him that, after all, there is a very essential difference in the life streams of his own and of the Jewish boy's body. But the distinction lies, not in the material life stream, the blood circulation, but in the more vital flow, the thought system in the mind. Such unprincipled and poisonous hate as the anti-Semite bears in his mind is foreign to the mentality of the Jew.


CO-OPERATIVE Mine to Consumer



H. G. TRESTER, Mgr. PRESTO SEl\nPYROLITESEMI— All Lump, ton . $9.00 High Grade, All Mine Run, 50% Lump Lump . . . $8.00 Mine Run, 50% PETROLEUM Lump COKE . $11.50 Nut Run CHEROKEE NUT-....-.-.$7.00 ILL. LARGE LP KENTUCKY CHUNKS $ 7 . 5 0 ILLINOIS NUT


families, having acquired a car and a mortgage, came to settle in unkempt profusion. During the first months of her married life, it became the sole aim of Jean's life to move to the part of town where Rose lived. Herbert answered her pleas, now stormy demands, now tearful entreaties, by vague promises for the future. Daily, when she .went "to lunch at her sister's—she was lonesome at home and she would not make friends with her neighbors—she and Rose talked over ways and means. When the Merrinian house next to Rose's was empty —a house much too pretentious for their modest needs—Hose suggested action, drastic action. - They sat at the colorful luncheon table on the sun porch and discussed the matter for the twentieth' time, while the maid came and went with dainty salad and dessert. Jean could afford no maid; while Rose had to




$9.00 $7.00 $7.50 $6.75

SAVE 50c On Your 1929 Subscription

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Your check for $2.00 will bring to your door 52 weekly, stimulating and informative issues of


Advo Coffee is

The Solomon sisters, Jean' and Rose, having married brothers, had everx roason; to expect a common fate. Both Herbert -and Arthur Marcus were young professional men, recently settled in town and there was • no reason why they should not equally flourish and prosper. No reason at all, none that Jean Solomon could see. No reason —except that they Just didn't. From the very first it was necessary for Rose and Arthur to lire in a' larger house, since Arthur, the doctor, must have his office at home. And because-he did have his office at Jiome, a thing impossible for Her'bert, the lawyer, they could afford a honse in a good neighborhood. That ".there weren't any smaller houses in the same neighborhood was merely an-accident. But it • meant that Jean and Herbert had to take a bungalow in one of the newer sections, where vrorkingmea's



Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch


JEWISH VIEWS together with our own

Social and Organization Activities


Stimulating for Dinner There is no other Coffee to be compared with it

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The JEWISH PRESS 490 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.

AT. 1450


THREE—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1928 ud Torah, entertained a t a ChaTEMPLE ISRAEL nukah celebration a t the synagogue Rabbi Frederick Conn's subject last Thursday evening. December for Friday evening, Dec. 21, will be (Continued from Page 2) 13, with about 250 guests attending. "An Interpretation of History." SatRabbi Harry Jolt of the Congrega- was saying tremendous things. urday morning, he will speak on tion of Tifereth Israel jtf Lincoln, "It's just this. Jean." Herbert went By F . R. K. Neb., and Mr. Dan Hill of Lincoln, on. "If I'd been smart I would have "The Drama of Israel." The next meeting of the Temple The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 were honor guests and principal moved out of town two years ago. I f the Aleph Zadik Aleph will ob- speakers. Other talks were given should have said I'll give you all I Sisterhood Book Review Club will serve National A. Z. A. Day with an by local members, and an entertain- can afford, all I can. working as be held Wednesday. January 9. interesting and entertaining pro- ing musical program was also pre- hard as I'm able to. Now I say it Rabbi Conn will review Emil Ludgram at the. Danish Hall on Sunday sented. Mr. Morris Grossman, presi- and if that's not enough, well, then wis"s "Goethe." evening, December 23, a t 8 o'clock. dent of the Council Bluffs Talmud —I'll have to give up." Mr. Ed Baron of Sioux City, la., who Torah Society, was chairman for The car rumbled into traffic. s prominent in B'nai Brith circles, this affair. While everyone was Jean's head went around with the Mr. anil Mrs. Eugene Cooper an.will deliver the main address. A de- seated at tables where refreshments wheels. nounce the birth of a sou on Sunday, Memorial Hospital where he is con- gree team consisting of seven mem- were served. Rabbi Jolt lit the ChaA distraught, white faced Jean, Dee. 16. a t the Methodist Hospital. valescing from his illness. bers of the local chapter, will exem- nukah Lights, and later stated that with Herbert grim-lipped and silent IN OUR plify the A. Z. A. ritual, demon- "these are the little lights and let beside her. met Arthur and Rose at The first Hadassah card party of Mr. and Mrs. I. Plotkin announce trating the seven virtues of the or-them burn forever." He spoke of the station and followed them dazed, he season will take place Wednesthe birth of a baby girl on Decemder. A one-act playlet will be given the need of co-operation and said to the train.. The found the car day afternoon, Dee. 26, in the lodge r>y Max Kramer and Sal Miehnieh. that everyone had to put their shoul- number, the seats. ber 10 at the Wise Memorial Hosroom of the Jewish Community CenSeveral other entertaining musical ders to the wheel to help build up a "All set?"' Arthur asked, tipping pitaL . er. According to Mrs. B. A. Simon, numbers will be included in the pro- Talmud Torah that would be a won- the porter who set down their lugIf you travel in foreign "und-raising chairman of the local Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kohan an- organization, about two hundred gram. Abe L. Katelman will be derful credit to any community. gage. - . • • • ' countries, carry on an nounce, the birth of a son,.Richard J . women are expected to attend. chairman of this affair. The public "No. Wait a minute. Porter, porexporting business or Kotann, a t the Methodist Hospital s eordially invited to attend. This Helen Whitebook arrived home ter. Take these two bags with you. have occasion to send Mesdames Abe Greenspan, Max on December 12. '. is the observance of the third annual Wednesday evening from Iowa City, they're mine." Jean's voice was oldberg. Charles "Levinson and or receive foreign National A. Z. A. Day to be given where she attends the University of pitched high, nervous. She bent to Henry Newman will act as hostesses money, we offer the Air. and Mrs. C. B. Stein of Bean-* >y the Council Bluffs Chapter, of the Iowa, to spend her vacation with kiss Rose. "We're not going with for the affair. Reservations for the facilities that will meet mont, Texas, announce the birth of Aleph Zadik Aleph. Everyone is her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. White- you!" she announced. "Herbert's party may be made by calling any all your requirements a baby boy on Monday, Dec 17. Mrs. urged to make arrangements now to book. decided to stay in New York. And one of the hostesses. Prizes will be Stein was formerly Miss Lena Noattend this celebration Sunday evefor prompt and effiso will I r awarded at each table. vitsky of Omaha. . ning. Maurice and Arthur Friedman. cient service. (Copyright 1928, by the Jewish The card party will take the place Students a t the University of Iowa Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) of the regular December meeting of The Independent Order of t h e arrived home from Iowa City to Mr. and Mrs., Joe A. Krestul, the Hadassah. Members are urged •whose marriage took place in Sioux however,, to come prepared to pay B'nai Brith, Lodge No. 688, will hold spend fheir vacation visiting their Our foreign departCity on December 9, returned to any 1928 dues t h a t may remain un an important meeting nextWednes- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fried- and in motor touring through Alabama and Georgia. Miss Jonas is ment will be glad to day evening, December 26. a t the man. < )maha Friday, December 14, to paid. •• an instructress a t the Iowa School Danish Hall. An election of officers make their home here. -. ' • give you advice about will take place. All members are The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 for the Deaf in Council Bluffs. Mrs. Krestul was guest at a party its service. Please feel Miss Rose Shapiro left Saturday-, urged to attend this meeting. of the A. Z.A. will hold an election jiiveh in her honor by her sister-infree to call on them. of officers next Wednesday evening, Miss Eunice Ricnman, student at hivr, Mrs. S. Rosenblatt, a t her home. Dec. 15, for a two months' visit with friends and relatives in Los Angeles The Agudes Achim Society will Dec 26. at the Danish Hall. Try- the University of Nebraska, arrived Mr. and Mrs. J. Lintzman enter- Cal. She will be the guest of her hold their next meeting on Sunday outs for representatives for the de-home today to spend her vacation tained fourteen young couples Sun- brother, Mr. Abe Shapiro,. who is afternoon, December 23, at three bating and oratorical contests will with her parents, Mr. and Sirs. M. I). Richman. . . . day evening. Dec. 16. in honor of the the business manager of the F. B. O. o'clock a t the Legion Hall, instead take place. studios. On her return trip she will of the usual .meeting date which birthday of their daughter, Ann. The evening was spent with bridge visit in Spokane, Wash.; Salt Lake would be on Monday evening. ElecMrs. Steiman of Winnipeg, Can., Miss Reva Jonas left today for a City and Denver, Colo. tion of officers will take place and two weeks* vacation to be spent vis- arrived here last Friday to visit her and dancing. all members are requested to attend iting her parents in Columbus, Ohio, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Seigel. Miss Si'lma Levin will return Sat this meeting Sunday afternoon. Miss Martha Himelstein will have a s her guest during the holidays urday from the University of'Illi Harold Saks arrived home from "Miss Mildred Miller of Kansas City, nois to spend the holidays with he: Iowa City, where he is a student at mother, Mrs. Ida Levin. Mo. the University of Iowa, to spend his Mrs. Irving Schneiderman of Xew Mr. Lester E. Slosbnrg, who is at vacation here visiting his parents, York City; her son, Leslie, and tending the University of Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Philip Saks. mother, Mrs. S. Kesselman of Oma is spending the holidays in Omaha ha. arrived in Omaha Friday. Mrs. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jaeo Mr. ~ and Mrs. A. Diamond anfchneiderman will remain in Omaha Plosburg, J r . nounce the birth of a son, born Sunfor an indefinite visit with her pard a r -niRht a t their home. 62ft W. ents. Washington avenne. Mr. Adolph Gladstone is recuper-

Council Bluffs News


LOST : At the Chanukah celebration in Council Bluffs on Thursday evening. December 13. a three corner scarf. Finder please call Fannie Katelman, 417 Oakland Avenue. Phone 4401.


DORSEY'S CHICKEN SHACK 54th and Center Sts. Entertainment Chicken Dinners Chicken. Sandwiches



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WE. 3260 Refresh Yourself DRINK


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ating from his illness a t the Wise Mrs. A. Wolf is recuperating from Memorial Hospital. The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah her illness at- the Wise Memorial and the Ladles" Auxiliary of the Tal : Hospital. __.

Malashock's Jewelry Store


A tea and open house was held At a meeting held Wednesday afTuesday, Dee. 18, by the Daughter* of Israel Ladies Aid Society of the ternoon. Dec. 19. at the Jewish ComJewish Old People's Home. Mrs, munity Center, the Daughters of Dave Ravitz presided at the tea Zion elected Mrs. A. I. Kulakofsky as treasurer of the ball to be given table. Many donations for the Home, by the organization at the City Audiwhich was recently renovated and torium on January 13. Mrs. I. Kattleinan was . elected repainted. Were received. Mrs. B A. Simon is chairman of the boar chairman of the refreshments com(if trustees of the institution and mittee, and several other committees were selected to make the necessary Mrs. S. Ravitz is presidents airangements for the event. The Home is open to visitors a any time. Mr. Abe Shapiro is visiting his daughter, Mrs. John Fair, at her ranch at Chugwater, Wyo. He is expected to return in. a few days. Mr. Fred Goodman is at the Wise

Are your plans made to attend The Best. Livest and'Longest

THORPEIAN NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE Castle Hotel. Dec. 31, 1928 You'll be enjoyably entertained

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Good transportation system is vital to the success of Omaha, just as it is to the success of any other city.

Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.

In winter or summer, in snowcovered streets, the street cars must keep to their schedules as closely as possible. Men and women who perform the duties and labors of the city must be transported to their work on time . . . and returned to their homes quickly and safely.


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You can by, giving your wife or Mother this modern Hotpoint automatic electric stove.

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It cooks better, is cleaner, faster and requires less time in the kitchen because it is automatic. Also, electric cooking is very economical. '.

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313 S0-I4 TM.Sr. OMAHA

FOUR—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1928 Business Men's Bowling League

Sport Splinters FRANK R. ACKERMAN The J. C. C. basketeers are still keeping up tlieir neek-breaking pace with seven scalps already tucked under their belt. Krasne's hoopsters will try to make it eight straight this Saturday when .they clash with the fast Plattsmouth aggregation. Following the game a dance will be held on the gym floor, with the Whirlwinds of Jazz furnishing the strains. In a preliminary to the feature cage card, the Junior boys' team will strut their wares. The youngsters are undefeated in the past two seasons, their latest victim being Central Grade school by a score of 40 to 3. Admission to the game will be 25 cents; to the dance, 35 cents; to both, 50 cents. '. The Thorpeian A. C. and Peerless Cleaner quintets are tied for first place in the.Commercial league as a result of Wednesday night's games. The Thorpeians rallied in the second half to defeat the A. Z. A. five, 20 to 17, and the Cleaners defeated the Brodky Construction outfit, 28 to 12. The winners will tangle for undisr puted. leadership of the league in next week's feature game. After going without a field goal in the first half and lagging on the end Of'a ll-to-3 score at the close of the period, the Thorps came back to take the lead and hold it. Kauffman, Gerelick and Rosenblatt starred.

Av. L. W. & .750 Kaiman Insurance . 2 7 .011, 14 Omaha Tobacco Co.. .22 .5~8 18 21 Gesundheit Malts .513 19 .20 Empire Cleaners .444 20 16 Glazer Clothing . .306 25 Wardrobe There was some thunderous Crashing of the pins in Tuesday evening's play, which marked the closing of the first half of the season. The Kaiman Insurance five particularly were in good form and captured the honors for the first half in their sweeping victory over the Gesundheits. They garnered the highest game total of the season by their 942 count. The Empire Cleaners placed the Omaha Tobacco out of the running by tlieir two-game victory. Mendelson's boys, were off their stride. Leo Schlaifer was high for Goodman's Cleaners with a 513 total. Despite the consistent bowling on the part of Ben Yousem and Leonard Segal, the Wardrobe quintet dropped a pair to the Glazer Clothing Company, Jzzie Schlaifer's total of 55S loomed up strong in this series. The high single game for the evening was registered by Ed Meyer, who rolled a 241. Others were Dr. Platt, 232; Leo Weitz, 229; Nate Schlaifer, 213, and Ab. Kaiman, 209. The second half of the league schedule will begin anew on Tuesday, January 8. Games for December 25 and January 1 have been postponed.


Warsaw (J. T. A.)—Having spent four months in military prison for refusal to-obey his superior's order (Continued from Page 1) to shave off his beard, in accordance of poverty, pointing to the fact that with army regulations, Hirsch Frengood will is not a realization in the kel. Rabbinic student of Tarnopol. kingdom of men." emerged from prison today with a While genuine good will is still a new beard. distant ideal, efforts to promote it Frenkel faced his beard problem may generate that virtue in future all over again when he rejoined his generations, he maintained. regiment and declared with the He criticized those members of the same determination which brought Jewish faith who seek good will by him before the military court which 'smuggling in through the back sentenced him to jail that he cannot, door, sending in their cards with in conscience, violate the Biblical intransfigured names.'" He urged them junction against shaving his beard. to follow in the path of Jacob Schiff. The sergeant ordered him to apwho "proved his; Judaism, not by pear in line clean shaven, but the shouting it, but by living it." In Its campaign for good will, he Rabbinic student addressed a new urged the Christian church to begin petition to the military authorities a policy of conversion, not among and to Prime Minister Bartel to the heathens or the Jews, but among strant him permission to keep his beard. the Christians. Turning to Ralph Walto Emerson for a text. Rabbi Schulman said: "The soul answers never in words, always in the things inquired after. If we wish good will, we must practice it." The wish that "some of our Gentiles" would offer us good will in r less irritating manner," was voice! by Dr. b e Sola Pool. Dr. Pool re ferred in particular to the missionary spirit which he stated animates some of the good will emissaries. Jew and Gentile alike <xmld find no better example to follow than that great personality, Jacob Schiff, declared Hon. John G. Agar.

has outstanding commitments at the moment, of approximately $235,000. These credits are granted for periods varying from three to five years and are used." briefly stated, for the development of orange groves, improvement of almond groves, and vineyards, purchases of live stock, construction of farm buildings and for general farm improvrements.

MOVES SHOP According: to the officers of the j D. Resnick, cleaner and dyer, for- Highland Country Club, reserva-1 merly at 1917 Clark street, has mov- tions are pouring in for the pala j ed his establishment to SI 4 North Twenty-fourth street. The world is a comeily to those | that think, a tragedy to those who feel.—Walpole.


Jackson S7S2

20th mi Nichofos-'-Ja. 6655


W E , 6284

1516 Farnam—JA. 9721 Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events

Serve Himelbloom's new Russian pumperniekle bread with your next meal.



Gennine Franklin

For Service Call

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Under Management of H. Marcus

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1941 Vinton St.

4420 Florence Blvd. K E . 1500 The House With a Reputation

TIT North 16th

AT. 2835



National Accessories, Inc



GENERAL CONTRACTOR 415 Hospe Bldg. JAckson 1614

AT. 5454

Service Our Motto General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing

DAVENPORT GARAGE 18th and Davenport

"IF IT'S • ..If


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Mug Cleaners



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SINCE 1876


Fresh Corned Beef cooked daily. We also serve lunches and all kinds of meals. Home-made pickles. All kinds of Bakery Goods, WE. 1428

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If your laundress does not satisfy, try us. SANITAB1" LACNDBY W. H. OSTENEERG, Pres. 8815 Farnam ATlantic 2S15

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Mattresses and Pillows Made Over in New Ticks 1S17 Cuming AT. 5983

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Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha



BEN PRIESMAN, Mgr. Commercial Dept.

OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1907 Cnming St.

Jackson 8467


Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted Snlte 5, Wead Bids., 18th * rarnara Telephone ATlantic B162

THE 'MILLER TfiSE SERVICE COMTANT: "That Little Extra Service" Miller Geared-to-the-KetMi f i r e s


And Live Dyers If it's Good We Did It Gire Us A Trial



Play the Violin Correctly Prof. Sevcik and other "world renowned teachers recommend my method very


FBANK MACH Concert Violinist »nd Instructor Studio lim, N. l«th St. JA. 1S32

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Ice, Vulcanising-, General Repairing

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609 North 16th

PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR Qnallty Je Remembered Long After the Price Is Forgotten 1810 St. Marys ATlantle 1B64

Phone JA. 1188




2009 Farnam St.



Clean Cleaners



Music Teachers


814 No. 24th St.


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Made from your own feathers. Warm in winter: cool in summer. Cost less and last longer than cotton. Phone us for samples of ticking and estimates.



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North 18th

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I. SWARTZ Installation and repairing of Tin Work—Furnaces—Skylights— Ventilating—Gutters—Spouting

Auto Tops—Accessories

Batteries and Garages

Omar Bakery puts into its bread, calces and pastries has brought us thousands of customers. Women all over Omaha are talking- about i t You can get Omar goods from most groceries or the Omar wagon that comes to your neighborhood.

JA. 1440


Barber Shops

The Extra Value



Awnings and Tents

Many a Jewish athlete is perform ing for the various college basketball teams throughout the country. Nor is the professional loop minus an abundance of Jewish material. Nat Holman, star of basketball stars, is. cavorting for the Hakoah team and is playing as good as ever. Andy • Cohen,, second baser for the Jiew York Giants, has a professional team and is-playing forward in th .same whirlwind fashion in which he starred at Alabama.

4GS Hospe BWg


Mr. Ben Codor, general secretary The Cleaners also trailed at the of tbe Young Poale Zion clubs, will half, 9 to 7, but Altshuler and be in Omaha, January 8 and 9. On Schriebman put them in the lead the evening of January 8. Mr. Codor when the last period got under way. will lecture at a mass meeting at the To facilitate the work of the JewIn the third game, the Kaplan Jewish Community Center. The Bargain quint defeated the Psi Mu ish Religious Schools in the mid- meeting, for which an elaborate prowestern part of the country and to club, 13 to 8. ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. raise the standard of the Jewish gram has been arranged, is open to teaching profession, the Midwest the public. 475 Brandels Theater B i d e JA. 4811 The second annual City Handball Branch of the United Synagogue of A banquet in honor of Mr. Codor AUDITS SYSTEMS tournament will get under way at America last week announced the will be given by the local Young INCOME TAX the J. C. C. courts on January 6. establishment of a Teachers' RegisPoale Zion club on Jan. 9. Herman Segelman, J.-C. C. and city try for that section of the country, The organization is giving a dance title-holder, will defend his laurels similar to the one in operation at at the Light House ball room on WM. BRYDEN & CO. against the fast competition. the national office in New York City. Jan. 13. Certified Public Accountants This year the tourney will be diThis Registry, Dr. Charles Oliff, vided into two divisions, Class A president of the Midwest Branch, 638 'Securities Bldg. NATELSON'S TO PAY S100 AT. 4451 and Class B. Medals will be award- explained, was created to meet a ed to the winners by the World- definite want in educational circles. FOR BEST STORE SLOGAN Herald, which is sponsoring the Experience has shown that satisfacNatelson's, new women's apparel tory as is the work done by the tournament. shop, is offering a prize of one hunj Teachers' Registry conducted from dred dollars to the woman writing Monday night the Onter c a g e r s , ^ National Office, it is difficult to the best Slogan for their store. The demonstrated their potency by wal- :arry on this work at a great dis2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 contest is open to all women and :ance.. Those who have made a study loping the Bjornson Steel and Metal )f the problem came to the conclu- girls, and runs until January 31, "Everything for the Auto" Iron Works, 65 to 15. Although the All slogans for the contest ion that the purpose for which,the 1929. Bjornsons'are'a member of the In•egistry iis established could be should. be mailed to the Slogan dustrial league of the Y. M. C. A., served much better if a special reg- Editor at Xatelson's, 1517 Douglas Auto Top and Glass Service they never had a show-in. Johnny BODY REBUILDING istry were organized to meet the street. Rosenblatt was high man for the needs of the religious schools, as MIDDLE STATES TOP AND evening, while Sammy Kaufmann well as of the Jewish teachers withBODY CO. CAMPFIRE GIRLS 2026 Farnam JA. 4102 played that same stellar,; brilliant in a radius of several hundred miles The of the Campfloor game. from Chicago—the headquarters of fire groups, under the sponsorship Saturday night the J. C. C. flip- he Midwest Branch, j)f Miss Ethel Riekes, held a meetpers trimmed the University of OmaThere are scores of congregations ng Tuesday, Dec. IS, at tbe Jewish ha cagers to the tune of 38 to 21. In in the smaller communities scat- Community Center at which plai_s Walter C. Roessig & Co. both games the Center represent- tered throughout the Midwestern were laid for a theater party to be AWNINGS and CANVAS atives gave an able demonstration part of the country, Mr. Oliff added, held Dec. 2G at the Riviera theater. SPECIALTIES that are experiencing considerable Miss Sylvia Silverman and Miss of the caliber of the team. SMS Farnam JA. 3683 The Junior league got off to an difficulty in the management of their Sarah Roitstein were admitted to religious schools. These people auspicious start last Sunday. All the organization as new members. loop games' will be played Sunday must be helped if their effort in the SCOTT OMAHA afternoons, and according to pres- field of Jewish education is to prove and to obtain for them teachers that TENT AND AWNING CO. effective. Hereafter the leaders of will be able to adjust themselves to ent prognostications the league is Awnlnrs, 'Canvas Covers, Tents, these communities will be able to these requirements, with a view to going to produce some mighty inCamp Supplies, All Kinds communicate with- the Teachers' rendering the maximum service. teresting tussles. Two additional AT. 1493 15th and Howard Registry, established at 53 West This Registry is entirely non-combackers have been added, Morris Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, and mercial and is one of the many ways 'Milder backing the B'nai Abrahams their needs.will be met. in which the United Synagogue enwith the name of the U. S. Oil ComThe formation of the Extension deavors to serve the Jewish Company, while the Seiner Furnitures Committee of the Midwest Branch munity of America. In the course BEARD'S BARBER SHOP have taken over the Red Lions. of the United Synagogue, under the of the last three years the Teachers' 227 South 20th Street Results'.last week were: Mala- chairmanship of Babbi A. L. Lassen Registry has satisfactorily met the Satisfied Customers Our Greatest Desire shock Jewelry 14, Bobcats 10; Sei- of Congregation Bnai Zion of Chi- requirements of hundreds of schools 1% Blocks Sontfa of J. C. C. ner Furniture 16, Superiors 6; U. S. cago, adds to the importance of the throughout the country. IncidentalO i l s 1 2 ,X L 7 . ' • • ' • ' ' . ' Registry. The Extension Commit- ly, it has placed hundreds of Jewish tee plans to go out among those com- teachers in proper positions. Mr. Max Soloff and Mr. E. A. For space The wires bring the news that Al- munities that have no Jewish educational facilities and urge them to Nudelman will represent the Chibert Cornsweet, captain of the in this directory-call the Brown University eleven was establish educational centers for ..the cago Board of Jewish Education and awarded the Rhodes scholarship, the growing Jewish youth of the com- Rabbi Max Kadushin of Congrega- JEWISH PRESS—AT. 1450 tion Bnai David Ohav Zedek and highest scholastic award obtainable. munity. The fundamental principles of the Rabbi Morris Teller of Bnai BezalA Phi Beta Kappa man, Cornsweet Teachers' Registry is to familiarize lel Congregation will represent the was a star athlete, playing three itself with the nature of the re- j Midwest Branch of the United Synyears on the grid team, and being HIPPLE SERVICE quirements of the individual, schools 'agogue of America on this Registry. a' member of the wrestling, baske 2602 St. Mary's ball and track teams. There will be two Jewish lads in the East-West tiff on December 29. Bob'Barabee, rip-roaring wing man for New York University, will appear on "the East eleven, while Yatz Levinson of Northwestern will hold down a halfback berth for the West

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'Continued from Page 1)



New Year affair being given, by the club at the Blactestone Hotel. Sniiirday, December 29, will be the The Chicago Daily News in a re- deadline for reservations. cent editorial, discussing the KelThe affair, for which the eighth logg pact, made the suggestion that floor of the Bluckstoue has been obSalmon O. I-ievinson be awarded the tained, will feature music by Dean Xobel Peace Prize for his untiring Xordiii's Highland Club oreheatni. work in behalf of the outlawry of Other entertsunment features and war idea. It was Mr. Levinson's elaborate decoration* sire being suggestions of the pact that found planned. rejection in the French draft of the treaty submitted by Briand and later extended by Secretary it was stated on that occasion.




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