January 4, 1929

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Interesting and Entertaining

All the of Interest to Jews 1

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^JewishViolinProdigy IsHailedinNew York

Recently Appointed Director of Midwest Zionist *v District; HAS NOTABLE RECORD Dr. Leo P. FrachteribtirgY who "was recently appointed Director of the .Midwest Zionist, Kegipn,. embracing; the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,; and Nebraska, will be in Omaha; Monday and Tuesday of next week.. Tuesday evening, January 8, he will address an open mass meeting at the. Jewish Community Center. The public is: invited to'*-*attend. V :;J*~ 'During; "his stay : in rOmaha, Dr.. yracntenfetirg will aid local Zionist and "United Palestine Appeal workers to organize'and to plan- activities for

the next year.' Y

New York (J. T, A.)—Before a capacity audience in* Carnegie Hall, Yehudi' Menuhhy twelve year old violinist, played 'with the New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra on Thursday night. This was his. second appearance in New* York, the first having been with the Philharmonic a year ago. Performing the Tschaikovsky concerto, the young violinist was hailed by his' audience. Metropolitan critics were of the opinion thai in his previous appearance Yehudi gave a greater performance, although his great talent is not minimized. This year he used a full size violin, while previously he had played on a specially constructed smaller instrument.


Dr.- Frachtenberg brings to his p6st tin outstanding record.of achievement in service to the cause of Pal- Max Kramer Heads Chapter No. 7 of Aleph Zadik estine. Eo> : four years, 1922-26, .he .'• ; Al?phv . • ... was director of Palestinian activities • in Philadelphia and surrounding territory, which under his administra- BOTH ELECTIONS DEC. 26 tion fbecame the banner, region in The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688, America,'raising the sum of $1,of the; Independent Order of the 300,000 during that period;. In 1926 Dr. Frachtenberg undertook; the or- B'nai Brith,-held-an election of ofganization of seven southern states, ficers-at a .meeting -which was held where within two years the, income at the Danish .Hall on Wednesday for Palestine was more than trebled. evening, December 26. The following One of Dr. Frachtenberg's greatest officers jvere chosen for the coming contributions to the cause of Pal- year: Ben E. Kubby, president; Dr. estine in America was his successful Isaac Sternhill, vice-president; Harry effort in arousing the interest and Kubby, recording secretary; 0 . Hochactive participation of powerful man, financial secretary; Max Steingroups of non-Zionist leaders. Par- berg, monitor; Ben Seldin, assistant ticularly was this true in Philadel- monitor; Sam Steinberg, treasurer; phia, where his negotiations with Ben Ross, guardian, and Messrs. such "meiTas Dr. Cyrus Adler, Judge Max Cohn, Harry 1 Krasne, and,Sam Horace Stern,.and others'are recogn- Bubb -were elected trustees. Messrs. ized as having had - a decisive in- Louis H. Katelman, Leo Krasne, and were'chosen as delfluence on the: favorable outcome .pf Max Steinberg v i "- the'~Jfewish" 'Agency plan' in.' -A&reiieaV *Egate5 ioTi tli2"A5T5Jw^' Convcntioi Dr. Frachtenberg-is a graduate of District Grand ^Lodge No. 6 which Cornell and Columbia Universities will be held next summer. Messrs; and the possessor of M. A. and Ph.' Hawjr Kubby,- Ben^Seldin^-and Sam D. -degrees'. After two years as' in- Steinberg -were, chosen as alternates '..... structor in Anthropology at. Columbia fo*-the-convention,. he became a member of .the SmithThese- officers will be installed- at sonian Institute at Washington, D. an open meeting.1 which will be held C , specializing in the study - of the next Wednesday evenungy Jan. 9. North American Indians.. He is a After, -.the installation of the B'nai member of numerous scientific bodies Brith officers, abridge party will be in America and Europe, and the held. The." public; is invited to attend. author of - several, books considered Council Bluffs; Chapter.. No. 7- of highly authoritative by anthropolog- the A. Z; A. held an election of ofists throughout the world. ficers on December 26 and the following officers were' chosen for the en-' Dr. Frachtenberg has served as Assistant: Superintendent of the suing, term: Max Kramer, Aleph Educational Alliance in' New York Godol; Sam Michnick, Aleph Sgan; City, a: member of the U. S.. Immi- Abe L. Kateinian, Aleph Mazkir; gration Commission and advisor to Seymore Cohn,; Aleph' Gisbor; Milton the Commission -of Crime and Krasne, Aleph Shotare, Godol; Joseph Dependency of New Jersey. During Solomonow, Oleph Shotare Kotone; Sopher; Hymie the World War Dr. Frachtenberg Leo, Nogg,\ Aleph : Kramer, Aleph KoKen Godol. The served the Government, first in the Department of Justice and then on following B'nai Brith members were the Committee of Public Information. chosen for the "A. Z. A. advisory, He late* joined the Jewish Welfare board: Messrs. Louis H. Katelman, Board as'. Head Worker at. Camp Ben E. 'Kubby,' Max Cohen, Harry Funston, Kansas. At the expiration Kubby, and Dr. Isaac Sternhill. Tryouts for the Debate Tourna.of his term, he was commandeered into the War Department as Director ment • and Oratorical -Contest- were of Service Clubs, with the rank of held' at "tWs~roeetihgV'Ai5e* Katelman, Captain, and shortly thereafter was captain,: \-aii<l-^;Sal -Michnick. •' were promoted to the position of Super- chosen as the local • representatives visor, with the rank of Lieutenant- for the • Debate* Tournament -which Colonel. After his honorable discharge will be held m; Des. Mpines the latter late' in 1921 he joined the forces part of January.- Abe Saljzman was working in Palestine and has re- chosen as"-'. representative for the mained in the service of the cause Oratorical Cpnteski 'Jos. - Solomonow; was chosen as alternate. ever since. '

"THE DYBBUK" IS NEXT . FORMER OMAHAN NOW CENTER GUILD OFFERING PROMINENTIN CHICAGO The Center Players'Guild of "the Jewish Community Center began preparation; of its most ambitious undertaking Wednesday evening with the first rehearsal of Ansky' famous drama of Jewish life, "The Dybbuk." This play has been produced in almost every corner of the earth',, in various languages,, chiefly - Yiddish and. Hebrew. The local cast will present a recent English trans lation of the drama. Mrs. Herman Jahr will direct the production. "The Dybbuk" will be the third presentation of the Guil during the current season.

CAMP FIRE GIRLS The Jecomter groups' of the Campfire girls, under the sponsorship of Miss Ethel Riekes, held a theater party at the-Riviera Theater last Wednesday j Dec. 26. Following the theater party/ the group met at the home of Miss Ethel , Stoller. Games were played and Chanukah gifts distributed



Mrs. Moskowitz Not to RulisShotchen- JACK W. MARER IS MRS. MAX FROMKIN CourtCanndt Collect Fees Be Roosevelt's Advisor MAIN SPEAKER AT HICTED HEAD OF HADASSAH AFFAIR LOCAL B'NAI B'RITH Annette Riklin to Dance At Annual Linen Shower Wednesday SOLICIT SUPPLIES Mrs. Max . Framkin, prominent Omaha Jewish matronj wi}l be the, principal speaker at the Annual linen Shower of. the Ha'dasgah which is to be1 held Wednesday, January 9, at the Jewish^ Community Center. Her 'subject will be "Chaluteim of Palestine." • Mrs. Fromkin is a member' of the Board of the Senior Hadassah and has been- sponsor of k the Junior Hadassah since its inception- eight years ago. Another feature of the program --will' be a, .solo- -dance...by. Miss Annette Riklin, local- terp^ichprean instructor. ' • The program in full is as'follows: Welcome Address by Mrs. Jv Rosenberg,..president. • .".. . Introduction, of the. chairman of- the Shower, Mrs. A. Romm, . Piano Solo by Miss Ida. Lustgarten. Vocal Solo by Mrs. Margaret Hurwitji Bellman. Violin Solo by Miss, Dorothy Lustgarten. •'•'•_..• , _.» "Valse Elegante", solo dancet by Miss Annette Riklin;____ „'__' .1 "The Chalutzim of Palestine", address by Mrs. Max Fromkin.•-•' r The Annual Linen Shower is x>ne of the methods of the local chapter of the Hadassah of. doing its bit to supply necessary objects for the four hospitals, .twenty infant welfare stations, and fourteen other institutions maintained by the Hadassah in Palestine. Among the' supplies most needed are blankets, bed-spreads, hospital size sheets, towels, pillowcasesi ^^md-japparel for ^children. ,"" The. chairman, Mrs." A. Romm> will be assisted by the twenty-four members of the executive-board; of the local chapter. , .::

FRAT TO; • GIVE BENEFIT DANCE ' The Ves Chapter of the.Hai Resh fraternity will give its second,benefit dance on February 14, the proceeds of which will go to the Wise Memorial Hospital..; The dance, .will be held in the ballroom of "the Hotel *'ontenelle . with Randall's - Royal Fontenelle orchestra as an attraction. • The first, dance to be given by the fraternity was for the library of the Jewish Community Center. The dance, which was held on December 12, 1926, was one x>f the outstanding social affairs of the season. -.*••-• Marvin Treller has been appointed general chairman of the committee. On the general committee "are Sam" Wertheimer, jr., and Nathan E. Jacobs. On the various sub-committees are the following: Loyal Cohn, Edwin Kirschbraun, Morton Degen, - Sam Wertheimer, sr., Ed treller, 'Mortis E. Jacobs, Herbert Arnstein, Louis Somberg, Harry Goetz* Dr. Joseph Weinberg, Howard Wertheimfer, Wm. Degen, B. L. Wolf, .Lester- Simon, Earl Kulakofsky, Manuel Iseman, David Sher, Justin Wolf, Robert Rosenthal and James. Salzenstein. ,-• The board of directors of the Wise Memorial, Hospital have giv^n the Hai Resh fraternity - permission to sponsor the benefit dance. : . "I think the idea of the HaV Resh fraternity to sponsor , the large charity ball is a wonderful one", said Sam Wertheimer, sr., president of the hospitaL . ' I t promises to be one of the largest affairs of,the year and should be well attended."

George Sugarmanr~a fo~rmer Omahan,' is. prominently, identified .with various activities in Chicago. jHe is riow Chief Assistant to the Prosecuting Attorney. He is also Judge],Advocate of one Of the'Legion Posts and but recently was elected Secretary -of the ; North Shore Lodge of the I. O. B.-B.. He is. also- a m;mber of the Executive Committee of the Cook County." Democratic Club. Mr. Sugarman is; a brother of the With "Let's Be Jews" as his subLate Martin Sugerman and a son of Mv. S. Sugarmah now residing in. lbs ject, Mr. Jack .Marer will deliver the Angeles end formerly;one'of the pion- sermon at the Friday Evening. ice at the Jewish Community eer residents of this City. tonight. , Describing the, superiority complex NEW CLUB FORMED of the Jew as the -result Of the The Alpha Zetta Girls is one of the Jew's struggle to overcome ,the innew organizations for young girls or- feriority - complex, that h« previously ganized at the Jewish Community had, Mr. Fred White occupfe<J the Center. Under the sponsorship of pulpit of the Senior Council CongreMiss Dorothy Cohen, they plan to gation last Friday night'.- By 'means carry on various activities. It is ex- of- illustrative anecdotes and exampected " that a discussion of current -pies, the speaker succeeded' in develevents will- be one of the features of oping his subject in a most interestthe meetings of the club. ing fashion.

"Let's Be Jews" MarerV Sermon Subject Tonight

Munkacz, Czechoslovakia. — (Jw T, A.)—A Shatchen, the Jewish professional marriage broker, got the worst of it when he summoned to the local court fifteen happily married couples, whose marriages he had brought about but who-had-notlpaid him his feeV



; : •,-,; • ;.

The court haaided down a verdict that the marriage brokerage is contra bonos nwTEa _ (egainst, good morals) and legal action cannot be-brought for failure to-" pay ihe shatenea* The judge added that the couples tnay. go on living happily, even though* they had not paid the man who led; them on the road to their marital bliss.

New President Prophesizes Renewed Activity In Omaha Lodge KOOPER VICE-PRESIDENT Jack W. Marer, assistant county attorney for Douglas county and prominent participant in local Jewish activities, was elected president of the Omaha Lodge No. 354 of the


New York.—(J. T. A.)—Contrary to the expectation in some circles, Mrs. Henry Moskowitz who was considered Governor Smith's closest advisor, will not continue as a confidential advisor to his successor in offiice, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Governor Smith has been quoted as having said, to Mr. Roosevelt that he never had made an important move in his four administrations without first consulting Mrs, Mosforsitz, Neither Mrs. Moskowitz nor .her husband. Dr. Henry Moskowitz has held any salaried office during the administration of Governor Smith, although it is understood Mrs. Moskowitz -was urged to accept appointment in the State service.


Report on Midwest Conference Read at Monday Meeting

District Elimination Contests i Des Moiites Late in January



Famous Tenor &fii Former Omaha Pianist t« Af»p«fW •at City A«dit#rf«wt CONCERT JANUARY tl Margaret Shotwell, OtnSha pianist whose playing was proiwonced. phenomenal by the Eawp ] after concerts in London, P«ri»other cities on the continent, *n<i Beniamino GIgll, famous tenor of the Metropolitan Opera company, *?$l appear in concert recltsi st the Omaha Auditorium Sunday evening* January 27, under auspices of the Jewish Community Center and the Council of Jewish Women, The Bimounreimefit was made by Dr. Samuel Gerson, director- of Center activities, who stated th»i proceeds " pf the concert -would tensed to defray a deficit in th* Center's Eodel servtee swi philanthropic fund. GSgll joined the Metropolitan Opem company on the death of Caruso atul hss Bxme in op*sra houses in E the United States and South Miss ShotweUV premiere .in was received wjth grreat acclaim by the Parisian critics. The Paris Herald termed her "the new pianta*i* wonder" and the Paris edition of i t e London Daily Express (stated,. "HitfS Margaret Shot-well played the piano part of the Grieg concerto in A admirably." ' The I*ondon Times said on he? appearance there: "Miss Shot well'*: Piano-forte playing shows ffreal musical ability," Early this fall she was *eleet»rs from among a number, of the • mMt prominent American pianists m «e-> cempsrslst for Gipti on his $>Sf«tnf concert tour and the Americas' )pwi«t! h»»-'#v«» -the .$air..m0si''<£ay0it»Me'<comnumt. This coneert is one of the feftttttat: of the J. C. C. Lecture Court*. W** ently announced. Holder* of tickets will be entitled to ticket* the concert. The advance ticket *al« SB g handled by- the Jewish Community Center office. On January 14« 4h« tickets will be put out. fot sale at the City Auditorium.

The Council pf Jewish Women held a meeting-Monday afternoon at the Stanley F. Levin, the only charter Jewish" Cbmmunity,-Centerf Mrs. J. H. member of the first chapter of the Kulakofsky, president of cthe Council, A. Z. A. still a member of the orpresiding.- R^poits^ere; given by the ganization, was elected president of chairmen of *ffae-, different* departthe group at the semi-annual elecments. 'Mrs»;i|y ;&osentiiai^ read the tions held Sunday, Dec. SO, at the report of the Midwest: Interstate Jewish Community Center. Other ofConference- J^ld at Leavenworth, ficers elected by Chapter No. 1 were Kans., in November. Following this ; '. " JacI W. Merer as follows: Dave Brodkey, vice-presa paper •written' by .-.Mrs.- Max ident; Louis Kiklin, secretary; Simon Michaelson, president of; the Denver B'nai B'rith at the semi-annual elec- Green, treasurer; Isadore Mann, sentions held last Thursday evening at Council of J Jewish, Women, "Saving ior sergeant-at-arms;, James Bur; the Jewisit Yoi^h J for "Judaism" was 1ie Jewish Community Center. He roughs, junior sergeant-at - arms; read by Mrsfc-^arl' Furth, president succeeds' Max Fromkin. Maurice Givot, reporter; Joseph The"- supporting administration is Cohen, chaplain, and Stanley F. Leof the MidTrest| Interstate Coiiference. , A vote w s s | taken to> recommend as follows: Robert H. Kooper, vice- vin, Dave Franks, and Saul Graetz. to tfte National Council that the presidcriif: Isadore Abramson, secre- members of the athletic bosrd. Triennial Convtntionsbe held in Jan. tary; ; Harry Friedman, treasurer; • The Advisory-Board of the chapter 1930,:instead \if JSTevember 1929. Philip rKlutznick, guardian; Irvin it ;eoinpq&eg.. ©f ,,®r.^ -Meyer, Beber., •-• Mrs.- Ji.H.'-^ESsSiSS^sptH'ftB*'^ .'LsTOBv:;.^9F«rdejj^..,*B4~,^filto7a ...Abra- Philip ' kiutsnickr-Sain" GieeV -SiMSt new members as-a-result'••of a mem- hams, <Drv Nathan Muskiii and Ro- Kooper, and Irvin Stslmaster. bership campaign staged under the bert Glazer, trustees.*' The delegates leadership of Mrs. Philip Sher and to the 1929 district grand lodge- con- jrhe\;new head of Chapter No. 1 Mrs";' Sam- Beber, co-chairmen of the vention are: Henry Monsky and lias a long record of achievement bemembership committee; - The new Sam J. Leon, delegates-at-large; hind him already, having been three times secretary of the organization, members are: Mesdames-.Sam HerzHarry. Lapidus,; Drv A. Greenberg, having been designated st one time : berg, Max Hoizman,- Louis. Somberg, Sam Beber, Irvin Stalmastcr, Harry by the Supreme Advisory Council as Sidney Fisher, - Paul Blpteky, A. Romm; B. • Blotcky, Ben, Danbaum, Silverman,-;, Msuricl Micklin, and the hardest working secretary in the Sain ' Gilinsky, Jos. Weinberg, Max Harry- Malashock; and I. F Good- order, having been president of the Levin, John Farber, A. Rubinstein, man, Fred White, and Max From- Y. M. H. A., having been athletic kin, alternates. director of Chapter No. 1 for four A. Saxe, M. Tatle, Philip Romonek, years, and being at present a memMr. Marer^ who is also chairman B. Kully, M. Langfeld, rH. Grodinsky, of the advisory, board of Sam Beber ber of the board of directors of the .MRS. a H. KATZ TO MEAD Herman Jahr, Sam Gerson, J. Rosen- chapter No. 100 of the A.Z.A., made Jewish Welfare Federation. I JEWISH ORPHAN BOCIfiTY berg, H. Milder, M. Katleman, S. the following, announcement subPlans are now being completed The regular voted annual Neveloff, A. Wolf, A. White, Sam sequent to. his. election to the leader- arranging for the participation in the of the Jewish Orphan Society Beber, Julius Newman, Sam Wolf, basketball, debate and oratory con- held January 1, 1629, fet 2*11 Ch*f!e* Robert Kooper, Sam Newman, Meyer ship of the local B'nai B'rith: test in Des Moines during the last street, The purpose «f the meeting "The next six months of Omaha Beber, Harry Perlick, Lester Meyer, week in January. These contests will wa« to elect trustees und oftlcetis f«r I. D. Weiss, L Chapman, Sam Cohn, Lodge No. 354, I.O.B.B., will bring be in the nature of district elimina- the ensuing term. much activity in the lodgeroom. Jos.'•Rice, David Cohen, L Staltions prior to the national contests The following is the list of thna* master, Ed Gilbert, Sam Theodore, Every officer and committeeman has which will be held next summer in elected: President, Mrs. S, H. t Morris Jacobs, Morris Levy, Wm. pledged himself to endeavor to keep Memphis, Tenn. yice-Preside.pt, Mrs, P. Boasberg, Paul. Bernstein, Moe Lins- up that old-time, famous B'nai B'rith Secretary, Mre, H. Sokolof; spirit that Omaha has been so proud man, David Cohn, Jules Gerelick, Ben er, Mrs, A. Wolf; Trustees, Mfi» «J. DEBORAH SOCIETY Glazer, R. M. Shlaes, Wm. Racusin, of in the past. Our membership The next regular meeting of the Abraham, Mrc. M. Brawde, Mrs. B. Wm Albert, Meyer Cohn, David committee plans for scores of new Goldman, H. A. Newman, Max members; pur finance committee will Deborah Society vnll be held Tuesday Burstein, Mrs. E. Blewits,. Mrs. .51. Shostack, J. J. Friedman, I. Levin- bend every "effort to collect in the •aftemoon, January 8, at the Jewish Epstein, Mrs, A. D. Frank, Mrs. 4«* The election of Frank, Mrs. M. Goldstein, Mf*. • A«.: son, E. Weinberg, F . J. Alberts, outstanding dues and "the intellectual Community. Center. David Blacker, J. Blank, M. Bern- advancement committee is arranging -officers for the next year •will be the Hirsch, MM. M. Sof¥#r, Mi*. A, Weinstein, and Mrs, g. Weln«te!n, stein, David Greenberg, Henry Hiller, a series of open meetings that should main order of business. Jos. Jacobs, Eugene Levy of Lincoln, bring out the. masses. Nebr.y Saul Levy,.E. A. Meyer, E. "At the present time the B'nai Meyer, Ben Polsky of Lincoln, Nebr., B'rith is carrying on. much imporS. A. . Saltzman, and L. Zier, and tant work in the-world. It is spend Miss Fanny Grodinsky. ing its time and money in endeavors that affect every Jew. Its efforts New York (J.'T. A,)—Within four and Stsrgeous and the United are deserving of the support both years after the death from pneu- Public Health Service, according U* morally and financially of every Jew monia of Mrs. Flora Littauer, the a bulletin of the Medical Iniemwin Omaha Every eligible .Tew should tion; 9«rea\j. vife of the former Congressman L. be an active member of the B'nsi'. "The production of the new »t>t1 "The Jewish Heart", played Sun- B'rith in order that its splendid N. Littauer, glove manufacturer of body serero", declared t>x. Jes#k h. day evening before a capacity audi- work can be assured to all who rely Gloversvilie, N. Y., and philanthrop- Bullowa, member of the' facUU} **'• ence at the Jewish Community upon it." ist, victory over the dealy germ of the New York U niveteity M& Billc""" Center, scored a great success. The v«e Medical College, tb whom K- r pneumonia is in sight. Yiddish melodrama as.portrayed by Hospitals in five leading American Littauer turned for advise whAn >>f the; cast of Omahans .was acclaimed cities, including New York, Chicago, decided to act, '"came through ii«*by many to have surpassed many of Washington, Baltimore and Boston, study of the pneumonia victim himthe high grade professional perhave started the application of e self. Every peraon wcovcrinft formances witnessed in Omaha in Al Harris of" New York, famous new pneumonia serum developed by lobar pneumonia ha# iti Ills recent years. impersonator of characters of Jewish scientists as the result of encourage- protective substances Afaiftfil Much of the credit of the success literature, and Madame Stramberg, ment given by Mr. Littauer follow- type of organisms which. hi*, are due to the efforts of J. Raznick, singer and interpreter of Jewish ing the death of his wife. He estab- disestRe. : Th« devetepment of director and chief character, and Sam folks songs, will give a performance lished a fund with the New York protective ©rganismB5 or ft Krantz, the prompter. The perform- in Omaha Sunday evening, Jan. 6, University for the purpose of seek- 3s one of th* mechanlstnfe ance was presented under the aus- at 8 o'clock at the Labor Lyceum at ing the new anti-body serum for in the patient's recovcfj'. Thei* pices of the Jewish Women's Pioneer 22nd and Clark streets. combatting the disease. The serum bodies may develop ih Organization for the . benefit of Mr. Harris is especially known for will be available to all physicians die, but patients who fall to Chalutzim in Palestine. his interpretation of the best types before the end of the present winter, them do not Tecover, <r The cast of "The Jewish Heart" described in the works of Sholom declared Dr. William H. Psrk, direcV^Tiat hos been don*> in thfe are planning the presentation of Aleichem, Peretx, Nadir, and many tor of laboratories in the city depart- dtiction of the ^ew eetuttt is to other famous Yiddish plays in the other famous authors of Yiddish ment of health and chairman of the these antibodies and rrprodue* near future. masterpieces. He has been playing body of scientists who developed in horses and when they have the serum. It has the endorsement €?* the proper growth they are in New York to record crowds. The most authentic witnesses of For their Omaha performance the of the Academy of Medicine, Johns to be transferred to the any man's character are those who pair will present several nnmbers Hopkins University, Harvard Med- These antibodies fortify the { know him in his own family, and from Sholom Aleichera and Peretz, ical School, the University of Chica- at a time ;when he i« battling with see him without restraint or rule of and will sing Jewish, folk songs rep- go, New York'University,'and Belle- th® Invading pneattioniss ^ conduct, but such as he voluntarilly resentative ..of; various epochs in vue Medical College,. Corneli Mwiical The antibodies fight and kill thisCollege, the College of Physicians vgders." prescribes to himself. —Johnson. Jewish history.

Endowment of Jewish Manufacturer Aids in Finding Pneumonia Serum

"The Jewish Heart" Scores Big Success

Famous Yiddish Actors to Perform In Omaha



A Monument

consoling. "Lester's a ' nice boy, door and tell him I don't feel well. Tell him I'm terribly sorry- 1 ^ a n t Shirley." Her daughter went on bitterly. "I go with him, that I've gttf a terrible asked hiro:df he tijmjgh.t I*d wait till headache, and I'm not going:" New Year's ^feve ,to. be'invited to the "But Shirley,-' what wtfl you do? ball." • • ' ^. _ . : .: What about Dr. Wile?" "Shirley! Yoji|re messing Up your Shirley tossed her head, unmindhair. What are'iyou doing? So youful of her coiffure; "I'm going with told him you. ^ere,. going .. with him. I told him to come late. We Lester." ' ' ^ '" don't have to get there until after "No I didn't'.- No-I didn't, Mamma. everybody else." She thought of » I want to go.;With..L6u. I laughed at spectacular entry. 3um, but I..&*wfe. in. Mamma, I'm "But Lester!! go on to the Center, going to the ballrwith Lou.". .. Shirley. What are you doing?" Mrs. "But Lester-?'£/'.... . Banner attempted to stay her Shirley jumped from her chair to daughter's wild plan. give her mother a rare embrace. Again Shirley tossed her head. In"Now listen,' Mamma. I thought it to her eyes came the look of a all out while I was talking to Lou.child who gets what she wants at When Lester comes, you go to the (Continued on Page 4)

To EiiiMeih *

Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlahtic 1450 - DAVID BLACKER, BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR IEVING PERIMETER - - - - - . - - EDITOR Subscription Price, oneyear - - - - - - - - - Advertising rates furnished on application


CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; he sure to give your name.

MR. HENRY MONSKY—HUMANITARIAN AND LEADER . Addressing- the" national convention of the Jewish Welfare Board two .weeks ago. Charges G. Dawes, vice-president of the United.States, spoke of the philanthropic spirit of the Jew as fol-: lows: 'The sympatiiy of your people is^a. part of your natute; of your traditions^ of your history a$d it is sp broad and; great that it knows no sectanan, bounds, but has enriched the live's of all the people and helped to niake this the blessed land, of promise for all." Our honored vice-president is to be congratulated-for his' .unprejudiced attitude toward Jewry and to be ;c6mpliftiehted for his' generous expression of it. This pleasing recognition of one of the greatest of all Jewish virtues is indeed gratifying.. But what is even mofe^ satisfying is the. concrete evidence to the varacity of his statements given last week in Omaha by the election of Mr. Henry Monsky to the presidency of the OraaharCoramunity Chest. , m»«. new MathemaUcSj Institute Building of the Hebrew University In Jerusalem, the gift of Philin Surely no higher tribute to the non-sectarian humanitarianism of .Wattenberg of .New York.. This building:, as well a 3 the Physics Building, now under construcUon a Jew could be paid than his election to this of. all offices. To -what are dedicated to tne woria's foremost scientist, Albert TEtasteia, who u blmaelf e. w p p o r t e r r i th« jJPejbrew University. .•: . ' . -« ' •>.--..- -••'.....-»ui»*ww wi ut« higher pinnacle could a loverof mankind climb than thls-postia which he is enabled to direct ihe driving of need and despair frorii the thresholds of a- whole city's1 population, regardless of race, or driving her home' on a windy stroked a shoulder strap, r'^you; should startled. "Shirley! What's, the matter creed or color? ". V , • afternoon when she had hailed him always wear such a color. -Your hair with -you.' What happened ? Who was it? You're' so pale. Sit down." ••••"' Mr. Monsky "has always been a leader ampng: the .Jews of from the sidewalk, had nothing to it^.looks so black." v ~ The girt sank weakly into a chair. say to her .about the ball. 'Shirley stamped. a* satin slipper. Omaha, especially when their activity was of a-philanthropiccharShirley refused mild Lester Mann's "Mamma. Don't "fcoflSKJroe..Your Her pallor was replaced by a deep acter. In a truly characteristic Jewish spmtT^Ke "broadened th,e invitation. There were a full four hand is cold. I'm cold all over. I flush and a wild- look came into her scope of his activitif s uptil it flowered into so admirable a life that weeks before the ball. She, could af- wish it was tomorrow,, already." eyes. "It- wasn't Lester, Mamma", i'fYbu always get -exdttcT when you she spoke; quickly, feverishly. "It, all Omaha paid homage to it by honoiing it's^wner with the great- ford to wait. '•-• ! est title in its possession. \ . Before she realized -At, it was thehave to go out. But not like this*', was Lotr Wile. Dr. Wile. He said mother expostulated. "There's he hadn't planned to go and he wants Omaha Jewry, in particular, is proud of' i,ts son and his noble fifteenth—she had hinted, she hadher the telephone. Go answer. It's always to take m&" maneuvered accidental encounters, exampliflcation of the, best traditions of.our race^ Our "chests she "So you told him you already bad for you." . . . . ., . all but asked him whom he swell with pride atttieI knowledge that we have men Uke'Henry was had a date",-Mrs.' Brenner: tried >4o - be •The girl turned impatiently to the taking. But Lou Wile went Monsky in our midst We not only wish t a congratulateMm and blandly on, talking about his. plans mirror. ./'It's probably Lester. Tell wish him the greatest success at his pbst^ but wish: to thank him and his prospects, unmindful of herh|m I'm- all' r e a d y ' a w f ' a i him to : come right over. Oh^ all right, I'll for the most creditable manner in which he represents pur people. inattention. answer it my.self.",.j

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Lester Mann called her again. She Made to Order in Our Own Shop stood, balancing , the telephone on •when she came back her mother was •a-oJACK BRAMSON the edge of tfee table, while hia thin binding to pick Up her daughter^ WATCH B E P A 3 R I K 6 • >'•->.•£, .voice: trickled'.oVer .„ the ' .wire. Go cast off i.:s$acfcings afid^umps,. tWheg AT. 8877 524 Paxtop Block, with him,' he begged,;.he had- made she rarest! %herself, .she s+~--"-J' reservations jan,yway, he hadn't -asked SHORT STORY anyone, else, he wanted to take her, she was such a good dancer. j Bv Aa he talked;-Shirley pictured him, •o-oslight of build, narrow shouldered. ,himv And as far as He had a meagre, toothbrush Tne New Year's Eve ball at the _ Community Center is the crowning she knew, no other girl had-sufficient- mustache which moved up and down social event .of the season in ourly (interested him to claim him ason his short upper lip when he Omar Bakery pots into its bread, cakes town. Everybody starts talking about her' own. talked. All the girls laughed at and pastries has brought" us thousands of it long before the house committee TJ did Shirley- mention the Lester, yet when they didn't have cnstonters. rWoraen all over Onwha are^ has ' decided on the decorations, and New' Year's Eve ball to Pr. Lou a date, they didn't mind calling him talking abojit it.: J YoCc* reservations, are made weeks in ad-Wile, though talk of it went on allup to take them,- tq the movies. goods,from.mostjfrdctt-ies or.^ vance. And woe to the girl (and her aroupd., B,ut her little campaign of "AH right",* Ees", Shirley ' found wagon that comes to your neignt mother) -who .has -not received her friendliness was aimed a t that goal. herself saying, "al right," I'll go "with invitation by the beginning of What did she care that he, a new-you. But come early. Let's get there December. comer, did. not know the significance early." Swiftly she thought of arrivFor upon what you wear and of escorting'her a second time She ing ahead of the other girls—an whom you come with depends your let heir soft lids cover calculating entrance with Lester, two inches social success of the year, what dates eyes. He would learn soon enough. shorter than she, was no spectacular you will have for the rest of the* But it was December. Placards all event. season, where and with whom you over the "Y" and Center announced Shirley dressed for the ball with will spend your summer vacation. the approaching ball, urged, pleaded, little interest, not even warmed by ; Somewhere along about the middle implored ,yau to "make your reser- the flow of admiration her -mother' of September girls start asking each vations early". And. Dr. Lou., Wile,poured out as she helped- her. i other, "What are you getting for sitting calmly beside her at a party "Shirley",- her"-^mother difflcently; ', d i the Center ball?" Once invited, the girls guard their secret jealously, imparting i t only to most intimate miiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipg friends. And the girl who conies to the ball with the same, man as the year before—a valad test—is as Owl Semi-Anthracite Lump good as engaged. Black Gold 1 Semi-Lamp Shirley Brenner came last year Franklin County with Dr. Lou Wile. She had met him Illinois Lump Screened Nut just after he moved to town and 3ldi •?•* was looking around for an office—he t; was a dentist—and she had let her 3 * |-.-.? sauey black eyes droop coyly when she said: "Of course, you dont know Call:ATianfic 2877 Al Bingaman anyone yet, but 111 take you along J. C. Gordon \, to the Center, ball on New Year's Eve and then you'll know everyone." What a: triumph she had scored! • •Tall and ''handsome in his tuxedo, his face gleaning with .a warm friedliness, Shirley .had swirled in on his awn. -Nor'did her hand, resting lightly yet possessively on his, arm, felax through the evening. As she had marshalled him in, so-ush.e conducted him aboufc-the floor, lending him for a dance, seeing wi^h hep, bright eyes thafc he returned ever tp her side. Respecting her conquest, the other j= .giflp stopd off in uncpncealed envy. •>- u * » , . In the year that passed so swiftly, though Shirley seemed, ever to be dawdling1 from bridge to 'tea with a _ fait-sprinkling of dates to make life. mildly interesting, she had gone out geldom with Drl Lou Wile,, He,turned oat "to be the kind.who preferred billiards to dancing and he was always s$i #i*!ii"Y''-- Sometimes she met him a t parties and. occasionally he took her,-for a ride in;his new ,• <• roadster- (Ha..seemed to be doing Apparel, linens, bedding ; well, .-she, »oted,) .

A Date £&r ISTew Year's


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EWS ARE scattered in communities in every part of the world. Your knowledge of - wt\at -takes place in remote regions is eimpliJed by the Jewish Daily Bulletin. Whether Orthodox or reformed, Zionist or anti-Zionist, we all are agreed that a knowledge of the Jew* ish present is essential for people who are in touch with Jewish affairs. Knowledge of Jewish history teaches that centers of Jewish life ui the past 2,000 years have shifted from empire to empire, front state to state with trends of mankind's history. In the pageg of the Jewish Daily Bulletin cable dispatches from Bucharest, Warsaw, Moscow, Vienne, Buenos Aires, . Johannesburg, Winnipeg, LOB Angeles, Boston, - Mexico City, Shanghai, Melbourne, give the history of each preceeding 24 hours of Jewish activities. The only daily Jewish newspaper published in the English language without *di« torials or expressions of opinion, dedicated solely to the bringing of facts of Jewish activities and leaving to the reader formation of opinion, is the function of the Jewish Daily Bulletin.

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THREE—THE JEWISH PltESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4.1929 Mrs. Tohj Jacobs, of Kansas City, formerly pf Omaha, is recuperating from her illness at the Wise Memorial Hospital.

JEWISH CALENDAR—5689-1929 1929

Rosh Chodesh Shebat_. . *Rosh Chodesh Adar...._..»_, Pnrira .... Bosh Chodesh Nissan. ist Day Pafwwrw '. 7th Day Passover. •Rosh Chodesh Iyar.». Lag b*Omar...™. Roeh Chodesh Sivaiu... 1st »ay Suceoth•Roah Chodeah TammuiFast of TammttK. L Bosh Chodeeh Ab Fapt of Ab_.__. ; •Ro»h Chodesh M]ul~__

Cottiml Bluffs N B y F . R. K,

™™«.S»tarday, January 12 .....-.-•Sunday, Februnryll _._T«e»d»y, March 26 Thursday, April 11 __..Thurgday, April 25 ~_^. Wednesday, May 1 ......Saturday, May 10 ........Tuesday, May 28 -Sunday, Joite 9 .Friday, Jene 14 ...Tuesday, July 9 ,...._..Tharsday, Jniy 25 .Wednwday, August ? ..-Thursday, August IS -—Friday, September 6

into rings. Brush the top with egg white. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, and blanched almonds. Cut in half. Bake at 350 degrees until done. Chocolate Potato Drop Cake 1/3 cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, separate, ^ teaspoon salt, 2 squares of bitter chocolate, 1 cup mashed potatoes, 1/3 cup raisins, /• cup chopped pecans, 1 cup flour, and 3 teasoons haking powder. Sift flour and baking powder. Cream butter and sugar. Then add yolks and jaelted chocolate. Add mashed potatoes, -then nuts and raisins rolled in the flour and baking powder. Last whites of eggs beaten stiff. Drop in small portions on a cook sheets and bake in a moderate oven at 350 degrees.

B*nu Brith Opea Meeting The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the Independent Order of the • Mr. and Mrs. M. Herzberg announce" the engagement of h B*nai Brith wiH hold an open meetclwighter, Pauline, to Mr. Melvin Prints, son «f l£r. and Mrs. ing next Wednesday evening, Jan. 9, Charles Prints of Kansas City, Mo. The wedding will probably at the Danish Hall. •Also observed the day previous as R_psh Chodesh. take place early in the spring. The installation of the new of* Mis&.-Herzberg is a graduate of the Mougt; De Thantel ficers will take;.place at this tinie. An interesting; and. entertaining AcaHemy at Wheeling, West Virginia. TEMPLE ISRAEL program is being planned by the Cream buttel and add sugar. : Rabbi Frederick Conn's subject for Mj. .arid Mrs. Alter Banto of Chicago, Illinois, announce the committeein>^charge.: 'Following the Cream together, add egg yolks, flour Friday evening, January 4, will be engagement of their daughter, MIBS Bifiie Danto, to Mr. Robert program, there -rail be tables arranged for, everyone tp; play bridge. All and extract Roll out thin and cut "Beligion in 1929". Saturday mSrn{{laser of Omaha/ son of Mr. and. Mrs. W. S. Glajer of Fort members areL especially . urged. to Mrs, David' M. Newman 3)odke, Iowa. make- arrangements > now to attend Sfi Danto is a graduate of Wisamsin yniviersity and is a this affair, bringing their families in a Detroit High. SchooL No date Jiaa be?n set for the and friends. Almond Rings A good time is assured -.'%. cup butter, 1 cup -ugar, 3 for alL The public is cordiajly i yolks of .eggs well beaten, 4& cups vited to attend. ': Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Kooper announce the engagement of their flour, egg white, 1 teaspoon almond daughter, Lillie, to Mr. Murray Lipton, son of Mrs. R. lachowifct Mrs. J. Levy has returned to flavoring, chopped almonds, cinnamon 1517 Douglas AT. 0470 qf If ew ork City. - No date has been, set for the wedding. her home in Chicago, HL, after and sugar. spending several months- here^ at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Philip Mr. and Mrs. Max Shames announce thfr engagement of their daughter, Mary Claire, t<> Mr. Morns Franklin, son of Mrs. v Friedman, and. Mr. Friedman. LOST

ing, hjE will speak on "A. New Departujpe,"" ' " January' 8, at 2:80 P, %,., Rabbi Cohn will review Emil Ludwig's "Goethe" for the Sisterhood Book Review Club.


Paxton-Mitchell Co. 27th and Mm-tlm »•!•.. HArnrv OMAHA. MiBRA8KA Soft trrny, Iron, hrnss, bronze nuri iilnniimim tmstinirB. stnmlnrtl BIH»B hroiiKe nn<l Iron biiRhlnc^, sewer timnlioles, cistern rinps nnrt covprs nnil ilfrni-OHt IIOOTF in stock. All kinds of wood nnrt luptnl pnttoruK.

Kitchen Chats


yranklin. The wedding date h^s not been set. * The engagement of Miss Frances !fishj daughter of Mr. Sam Fish, to Mr,.Paul Jacobsen of Dallasj Texas, i ra&j announced this week. Miss Fish i i a- talented^ violinist, having played qn prominent vaudeville circuits. The f is expected to take place the next two months.

Mrs._ Samuel Gerson left Saturday evening for Willard, Qhio, where she will visit with- her parents, .Mr. and Mrs- William Glick for about month.

About thirty, relatives', of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grotssman surprised them at a hpueewarming party at their inewf home at 216 West: Washington Avenue on. Sunday evening. The evening . diversion was playing. bridge* Mr. and . Mrs. Grossman were presented with a beautiful floor lamp.

Mr. Morris Horn, jr., of San Francisco, Cal, is visiting MB parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.V Horn, here. He Mr. Louis S. Braunstein is spending the week in Minneapplis, Minn.", Mr. N . Somit announces the en- will remain In Omaha for/ about a where he was called due toithe illgagement of his daughter, Miss week. ness and death of his brother-in-law, Sarah Somit, to Mr. Jake Seigel, son Mr. Leibowitef Mrs. Joseph Miller of .Los Angeles, •of Mr. and Mrs. A. Seigel of this CaL, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Pau <3*y» No date has been, set for the Bernstein here for a few weeks.' TICKET SALE FOR BALL Mr. and Mrs. Bernstein will be at REPORTED TO BE HEAVY * Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Harris an- home in honor of their guest from 4 Advance; ticket sale for the Daughtnounce the engagement of Mr. Har-; to 7, Sunday. No cards have been ers of Zion Ball to be held at the City j-js'1 sister, Miss Mildred Harris,, to issued. Asditfiisuia on January.. 1$, is reportMr* Paul Nerenberg. Thfe- wedding Qn. January 7, t i e Temple Israel ed to be unusually heavy by the com$ate has not.been set. ' Sisterhood rwill hold a social after- mittee i s charge of the affair, Mrs. L noon in the Temple vestry room, Kulakof sky and Mrs. J. Lintzman. wedding of Dr. Philips Levey and'Miss Anne Ackerman, daughter mah-jong and cards will be played Mrs. J. Katelman fe chairman of the ef Mr.-'-and Mrs. Harry, Ackerman, Members are urged to come and refreshments committee, Mrs. J. HahiL was ,;:solenmized' Friday^ December bring their friends, making up their of the program committee,.and Mrs. ' . $8, at the home of Dr. Levey, Rabbi own tables. . A. 1. Kulakof sky is treasurer. j l Grodinsky officiated. A congregation dinner will be held Randall's Royal Orchestra has been Dr. Levey is a graduate of the on January 18 preceding the services. engaged to furnish the music for the Creightan Medical School a n l has Eeaervations for this affair, may be .^aken supplementary courses at made by calling Mrs. Harry RosenVale, Pittsburgh, and Vienna Uni- leld at Glendale0400." "versities. At the present time he is Mr. M. E. Chapman is convalescing physician for the state boxing comfrom his illness at the Wise Memomission, and is a member of the rial Hospital. Pouglas County Hospital staff. The Bar, Mitzvah of Moses Shrier, Mr. Herman Chester of Omaha and son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Soskin, took -Miss Dora Wolf of Lincoln, Nebr., place last Saturday: at the Beth. were Tnarried in Lincoln, Tuesday, Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue. CanJanuary 1, at the home of the bride. tor S. Kahanowitch. conducted the $sbbi Harry Jolt officiated..- About services, and Mr. L. Harris delivered fng hundred guests attended. The an address. couple are honeymooning in Chicago. Moses and his sister Helen were Mr. and Mrs. .William L. Holzman adopted and brought to this country are touring Central America. They from Eussia sue years, ago by Mr. and Mrs. Soskinu be gone for about -a month.

A white platinum girl's wristwatch , With white platinum link hand at the Tborpeian New Year's Eve dance. Reward offered for return of watch. Call at 4340 Seward St. or phone Glendale 1062:

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FOUR—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1929 his arts uand, his sports and his tradi- in i central position. On the oneQi learning is Hebrew and Cognate which might be associated with fy tions f-^f^ollected the human; record hand, he was "conservative." There was Learning, and all students, irrespec- synagogue is, as it were, seculariMKj as Henry Ford ^assetnbles" an auto- nothing in the deposit of Jewish tive of affiliation, are welcome. In —that is, carried on outside £h« mobile.,"Of .him as of John Wesley, Faith and Culture , that he was New York, Dr. Adler is also Presi- sacred sanctions of faith. That thfe. you could say that the world became prepared to surrender, either to dent of the Jewish Theological Sem- Synagogue should be a community «f his parish. He has received many momentary clamor or to momentary inary of America. It is a college families, worshipping together, servy, ByP.W. honors and undertaken much public criticism. In Dr. Adler, the Jew from which, with its unsurpassed Hebrew ing one another and making thej* T h e ^ J . C .C . b a a | f e t e « t e ' i n It is, of course, a commonplace tage. To Dr. Adler, the Hebrew work. In. Philadelphia, he is Presi- Eastern Europe, tenacious of the library including' 6,000 manuscripts, contribution to the community o n t h e i r u n d e f e a t e d s p r e e wfyH n i n e nowadays that, to quote the Declara- dietary-and the Hebrew doctrine are dent of the Trustees of the , Free beliefs which have \ sustained him will be moved in due course to a around them and the world as a /safely tucked away. Any tion: of Independence/ the pursuit of alike? profitable for body and .soul. Library^ In 1923, he became Presi- through .centuries of persecution and splendid site on Broadway, almost whole—this is his ideal; and to tion as to the-merit Q* their p g happiness is among the inalienable He* looks forward to the time when : was dissfcelled by a $0 to 27 victory rights of man. But we are-J apt .at there ' will .be a five day - week in dent of the American Oriental So- obloquy,, found an • understanding opposite to Union Theological Sem- strengthen the Synagogue, he seeksinary. The main object of the Jewish to build up institutions of learning over the. Eajmer Mo^qra last Satur- times to forget that this immortal industry. It will, mean, so he argues, ciety. He believes intensely in the comrade. College is to train recruits for thewhich in these days play the samjs-. Woodrow Wilson as exday. The- Palmer quintet is on* of charter of wellbeing is directly > trace- that then Jewish, sabbath will be as ideals of.. a But on the -other hand, the liberal Eabbinate, and for the Jewish teach- role as did those "schools of "the pressed ^ in a :League of Nations. the- strongest in Iowa and was oneable to the' inspired writings, of Jew- secure as the Christian. Sunday. Jew of a younger and happier genr prophets" in which Elisha himself of the Very few to defeat th,e Center ish prophets and psalmists.' It Was ' TKis'was the boy, "then, who, with- But, amid the infinite variety of eration, educated in public school ing profession considered it to be a privilege to fivfe'last season. The Center hoopan atmosphere of tradition surround- phenomena on this pianet, so' be-,and college,' immersed in the arts, For to Dr. Adler, the Synagogue play his part. Isaiah, it was David who taught that stera were trailing most of the game, wildering most of us, Cyrus Adler the sciences and even the frivolities offers a noble opportunity, for reverbdt-rallied to be ahead when it unless a person be blessed with joy, ing him, was plunged into the mael- has never lost his bearings. Clearly of a prosperous > era, is met by Dr. ence and sen-ice. "It should be," he with peace, with love, he-has .failed strom of modernity. At John Hopcotuits most—at-the finish..' RADIO • :.,..-• kins University he was one of the he discerned the Jewish tradition as Adler on his own ground. -He does suys, "a congregation rather than in life. This Saturday, the Lincoln A. Z. The Kingdom of happiness has earliest of students, and, as a grad- an unbroken stream across the land- not deny that these are values added an audience," and it is a matter of SERVICE and SUPPLIES A. will-try" to break'the unblemished frontiers that extend beyond- the uate,' he- joined, the faculty as an scape'of history, and it was by this to life. But he 'insists that • theregret to him that philanthropy, Expert Service on all makes ' record - of-*'• Krasne's b«jtft$. The boundaries of race: and -creed; and instructor of- Semitic language. His stream that he, pitched his tent. supreme value is still the ancient of Radios ' CapftoV city^ns' have; "an TJaustfally this is the; kingdom of. which Cyrils classes were small and1 his emolu- Among the ^founders of the Jewish revelation of God. R. M. SHLAES CO. _ ''• OMAHA Minrnm & ART GLASS CO. ti h this year dand Adler ;s a citizen* The moment you ments were modest. < But, for nine Historical Society, he was active, As' a leader, his responsibilities strong aggregation Manufacturers of 218 No. 16 JA. 21*1 won tfae-Nefbraska O. Z.- A. title Mirrors. Art GIUHK, Window Glass naieej him,, you are conscious that he years,this was his accepted ca'reer.- •and of this Society he has been rapidly increased; In- 1908, > he • beKrsllvering—Picture and Mirror past four years, A dance will: follow radiates goodwill..: Genial and gentle, ' In his- home,, there had, .been in- President". " Also, he' has" been an came the President of Drobsie Coleditor of the Jewish Year Book. "gainer lege in Philadelphia. Here,-the field shrewd, and sympathetic," he walks stilled. into him* one simple lesson: 1614 Coming; St. AT. 6325 through New York as if the whole utterly to despise money/ What Also, he is chairman of the boards < An "under-basket, shot,.rjn the world, were full of: his friends. A matters and aU-that matters— so he' «sponsible^or the new Jewish Transseconds < of V the ganjp by I Paxton Billiard Parlors HIMELBLOOM BAKERY tecaTme'tp belie^e~Ws mind, the spirit lation . of; the Bible,, the Jewish Clasenabled the A. Z. A. to. beat the JSll Jf. ?«h—TO. «284 sics Series and the Jewish Publica1516 Farnam—JA. 9721 Peerless Cleaners, 14 to 12,, in the, i genuine 'yit respectful affection. in man,'-;thafe which is' breathed" into tion Society' of America. Serve Himelblopm's new ; him by God. Sufcces8; in the usual Direct Wire Service on All Commercial basket b&H league Wed<- To the- secret, of content, there : Eussian pumpernickle bread 403 Hospe Bldg. JA. 5752 Latest Sport Events nesday night.. The victory gave the have- been many clues. Buddha with- sense"~was eliminated' from ~ his:. ob- As- years passed, so did his. inwith your next meal. fluence grow. He stood, as it seemed, :'; drew himself - fronv-thfe normal hiiman jectives. A; Z* A*'s, second places ,' "-• v . But he was ^iot the. kind of man contacts and; so achieved Nirvana. The -Kaplan. Bargain;' Center who could., be confined within, a So _ with theascetics. So. ' with> thV front -the Brddkey Construction, ^ limited,"' sphere/of influence, -. There monastic; orders. to: 7, and .th'e/Itorpeians-.detf a^ed the 1 But' i t is. to. • no such school • of is a story of .'him. trivelling in; a Psi. Musf 28 to 12. in other, ganiep. The. Thbrpeians lead the league by reclusive, piety' th^t Cyrusc Adler be- pullman and- ovierhearing ,a conversalongs.. He is eagerly, .interested: in tion about 1&e•' projected. World's one life, "He. revels in -the-day/s wcark. Pa^r-.in Chicago. To- those': 'The Junior boys, still: undefeated Appointments, rletters;, 'writing, read- on% the-.train;, he suggested; that for'the- lafef'two. seasons, kept pace' ing .proofs, "attending functions,, dis- Chicago should follow the example" of with their older friends by knock- cussing plans, raising: niopey, build- Paris and exhibit, not objects only, ing ofT the Mohawk gang, 22 tt>r 6, ing colleges, organizing studies—all but people, their way of life, their The city handball .^oqniaipent 8ters; these are the. very breath; that he costumes, their homes.. Who. would on the Ceifer courts .next J^ogday, breathes. But/ amid i t all, ftis spirit pay'for bringing such people from with the' prizes^ Dein|r donated by theseems to be serene, arid; his;temper; distant countries ?~so he was asked". World-Herald. ' Herman;; Segeiwanj under .contrbL. The citadel within He had his' answer. Any foreign J. C. p. aixA d t y champ, wj]l again h i m i s - s a f e . ' "w- • . country wood be, only-top glad to \. '• defend his laurels. He and Max Alt- Yet life.- has • been; to him, not;, a meet these expenses it" it were: acshuler "kre expected,to- bear the brunt path alone but a .problem. "In 1863, corcled; the opportunity of' selling its of the Center's -attack. .-In class B he. was-bornV at Van ;B,uren' in Ar-' products." In."d.uer, course,' we;' see Accountants -Cleaners Garages Jake Schreibman, Manny Qoldberg, kansas, and he was reared, strictly in Cyrus Adler, ^travelling, oyer the ^>ld Printing and BenJBosen are. given a .good an .orthodox- Jewish home .ui. Phila- world of 5 the, Near East, .and" bring- * -:" For Service Call S h o W ; V- ""• .'" ' • • • - ' - - • . ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. Service Our Motto delphia'•wither his, mother jremofed ing his * plan to fruitioni General Repair Shop—Radiators, THE BEE HIVE CLEANERS «52. Brand«ls Theater Bidr-—JA'. 48U "'Drawings will be made' Monday after his;.father?s.".death. Never fias J t was~..iridw obvieufi that John Fenders and Body Repairing . Unfler ManuKemcnt of AUDITS SYSTEMS he ceased to cbnfornj to the.customs Hopkins Univergity" woilid. have to noon. H. MARCUS JDAVENPORT GARAGE of, his . ancestors. Mosaic: and • Rab- lose him. He was called'to WaahingINCOME TAX .1941 Vmton St. J A. 1440 18th and Kavenport JA. :»T>73 AJ new rule "for tfyj T. C<VC band- binic, > nor^ j s his faith- 'jshak)en.,in toh and, at'.'the SmithBonJan "Iristitus Multigraphing "ball courts has been laid down. Here- that' tremendous,., spiritual .„ ^destiny t?on, he directed the Hbrary. In due. A d d r e s s i n g 1 ••• : after" therei -will bVrip'hiiit|ejrsi'' AH vvhjqh'wa» wx^ugh^ii^the Jewish became course^ he KRAMER & BAUER lHe ras ,wa» WM. BRYDEN & CO. PEERLESS CLEANERS so^Ued .hinders are disoarded, they peoplej Himself^ y y ; f i e^ wfie a was. s . t hth> > •curator Mailing lasts Auto Repair—Battery Service curator' 4420' Florence,BlvS. Certified Publfe^Accbuntanisbeing [hereafter palled; good;;'' . ' R : • drew- Jsrael,, out^ of, ' Tires—Tubes—:Accessories ,;, led of ^s^n«;.arcHaeology and" religions; 2123 Cuming Street .' .• KE, 1500. .' .•.^__..«38 swuritkH max.. '.'.. . and Parts #i l ^ h p ji jh,the.-^fe estab- in the United State's .'National ' St. J Louis i s ' 'angling ' 'a game lished Israel, in a, land -.which, ,to this M u s e u n v • ' *''••••'• The. H«ukc WKh a Imputation AT. 8010 ' " ' ^ . v- ; AT-4451 5127 So. 24th St. MArkef with, J£r£srie's five.''•''.'"•;~ day, remains ai symbol., ofr-hjs heri- Here; a^ain, -what interested him g the; human-<.thg habits, of maji. •Bowling • League Resumes Ffcy Contractors Hat Cleaning Accessories'^Tires Rentals of' $ roadsteir_and Lester, went forward .to - the secondv'i shake hand^ with him»and.voice his Men's" Bowlings ^ g ^ will' We Specialize in the Empress Hat Cleaning Shop Tuesday*'' evening* J a n u a r y .8,ilat Management of Property 16 and Douglas and.; pan-'t go to; the Center ha>l. ^Mindscq's "Alleys w i t h , t h e . "Everything for the Auto" e Repair Giving: Special Attention to ?9,nav use.-going: in . . see ing schedule: \;, .. : , . , V Hats Cleaned and Blocked 75c GENERAL S- iFtlnnerly in ^Ulj Drphpum Theater Apartment and Business 2051 Farnara-h'AT. 5524 i f h ' h Empire Cleaners "vs. Glazer Clothing l Street ••-••.Properties CONTRACTOR woja't The" Wardrobe vs* Gesundheits .mother i^ays ,(she AT. 4297. seeu.a AM. WOIIK ^ Omaha Tobacco Co. vs. Kaiman Ins. soul. .And, ^you're, u a , 415 Hospe Bldff. NATIONAL TIRE SHOP AND THALLAS THE HATTER * - The "Knhnnn Insurance ^iv«' were X'kn_ow.".v|iester.;attempted .a -^fepble - BATTERY ?STATION . JAckson 1«14r j DrLop,*, Wilei. said nothing,. B> the winners of "-this- first "half which D L l Cor. 17th nnU Cnpito! Ave.—AT. 6427 Hats Cleaned and Blocked REALTORS GOODVKAH "SERVICE STATION ended-on Decembers 18. , v merely looked over Lester's .,head and Estimates Gladly Furnished 50 and 75c 415 Medical Arts Bldg. : 'fires.' Tiilws; Acwssorios, ltond Servlw. . then climbed back into his roadster. 101 No. 16th JA. 2100 ' Vulcanizing, Oeneral Kepnlring . "Oh, say", Lester hastened af$er : 1U9 No. 19 him. "How- about running, me over Old Kentucky Barbecue Shoe Repairing Confectioners Awnings and Tents Laundries to the Center? That's a good fellow." Lester took his seat beside-Dr. Maryland Fried Chicken PATKONIZR TUB Castle Shoe Ecpair Sh&p — EVANS MODEL LAUNDRY W.ile and the two drove away. A Walter C. Roessig & Co. MR H o . KB . , 16th and Kurnnm , SINCE 1876 AH Family .(Continued froqi Page 2.) from SCN8ET TEA ROOM AWNINGS and CANVAS Work Done While You Wait; Wet Waul) to ^v4Utb and Pwlge Family SPECIALTIES All Kinds of Shoe Repairing and any price. "I can take care of Lester.


Scholar and Leader



National Accessories; Inc.



Speek's Place

A Date for


New Yearns Eve

PIT tell him I got-tetter and that

-3S08 Farnam

With the

Lou happehed'to call by. I -don't care if he doesn't believe me." "What if Lester wants to come in, to see how you are?" . *'T*ell him I'm in bed. That' I can't "see" anybody.' Tell' hinV' anything, &amma7 budget tid." of" Mm." "Mr& Brenner demurred iqrthex, but, as ever, Shirley's wjjl roiled. -Lester, came at half past eight and Shirley stood tremulously at her; bedroom,' door, not daring to, breatfier, though she could not, hear hgr .mother 'speaking to him" at. ^|je_front of the. house. NorJ could" slje hear .Lester's expostulations, and 3}gh of disappointment. When the door closed, -Shirley sank with relief into ;a~. chair, her ears keyed for" Lou's

Enchanting Aroma of tlie Orient Combined with the


JA. 3682

SGOTT OMAHA TENT AND AWNING CO. Cairras Corcrn, Tents, Camp Soppllrn, All Kinds 15th «nd Howard , ' AT. 1498

y "


-MArket43O7 4615 So. 24th St. .Hours 7 A.M. to 6 P. M.


6aln Bcbci'aiia-I>»ild E, Bfftc'r, Attorney* ^ ^ > .30© l'eters qjrusr Uldg, > • J?ROBATB NOTICE. In tbe matter of the #|stnt« of Ida -Ma«j% - deceased. .. ^ . Notice is hereby given: Thnt*tJ»e cfea'ltora of Bfiid'dectnBed will meet the adjninlsirator- r pf fltld .estate, liefor* me. County Judpe of Bougljis County, Ne-liraska. lit ..the Coimty Court Hoom, hi said- (,'onnty, on the 4th dny of Mnrr*,

• is.

ExMerating for Breakfast , Refreshing for Lunch

, purpose of prpstntlnjt their claims, fdr . exnialdaMoir. ndjtiBtnifnr ami nllowiynfe. ..Three- months ni* nnowed for the; cfmtitors^to Vrewnt the|r .clnlm'p. frpjp ,tHe ? day "of Fclimnr: io$). • if"

In the matfor xjf |he eitqtv of Vorali

Sold by all Firsfc -Class Grocers i „ • Everywhere

itors —

mlnfstmijrf*: «f . . . .„,„.,, SJP' en of Itaiigln*--Taunt y. Xefhf f'oijilfy f'olirf- Knqm, > 111 Omiity, on tbf-irub ility of Frfinr""" 1K5>; jind mr.'fliH ir.»j ,i n y nf.<\\}irlV, r»t_o oclook A M.,"«>UPII> iliiy. for jhi*


(hoiifli*'nre nijowwj for t\iv rrp<TItorn tn p r w n f " fheir '•Ififthn. from Hie-* "- , Jay. of-3ttitJiiiiiT 1W2J. • „. i\, ~--' flcyee Crawford;. *"«"•"»«• ^n.i™ A :

US So. 16


First Class Work Guaranteed Shoes Rebuilt

•W. H. OSTEXBEUG, Tres. AT. 2818


Pianist Instructor Beginners and Ailrnnced Stntlentg

(32 l'enrs Experience)

Suite S. W«ad Bide-. 18th and Farnam Telephone ATlantir 8103


• : ,






Play this Violin Correctly


814 No. 24th St.

AT. 1169


Prof. Sevclk nntl other world renownpd tenchers recommenil my method very . hiphlj'



Concert ViolinlHt nnd Instructor Studio HV/<c S . 16Sh S*. JA. 1953

BEN PRIESMAN ' Mgr. Commercial Dept. ,






Suits Made to Order—-Cleaninr— Pressing—Hats and caps R6novat«4

103 So M

AT. 1617



Heal Bottling Company


Sanitary Laundry


' Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00 Marcel 75c—Manicure Free




' •



Blended, Hosted, Ground and iPacked by

If your laundress does not isatisfy, try us


We carry* everything in quality , furs at lowest , prices in the city.


A«fc for it ~ Insist on Advo "Famous for Flavor"

Shoe Rebuilding

Music Teachers


2nd Floor Securities Bldg. JAckson 1132

Soda Water, Near Beer and Gingerale ' WE. 3043 1808 No. 20th St.




TJn, Sheet Metal and ^ ,. Furnace Works . / First Class Wort RUDY & TORRID ZONE .; . ~ ";i;FyRNACES. 5032 So. 24th

. " • ;

MArket 4600


616 Keeline Bldg.

JA. 4180

2318 No. 84



Bottlers • *' '•_ KM P«.-h>rs • Ji - PJtOBATKOTItE.

Ilth and DOUKIHS Sts.


Shampoo and Marcel Finger Wave or Haircut $1.25

There is no other Coffee to be compared with it

j A-0243

Beauty Parlors BEAVTY l'AKLOIl S3S Aequllla Court AT. .7731

. , Stimulating for Dinner

'11)20 and on the 4th. Hay'It MnyrJOW :at s^^'clork.A. -M..-each flq*i for tiff

24th and Farnam



and Scientifically Blended in Omaha


EL-PATIO CAFE After Theatre Dancing


Irresistable Flavor of Brazil

vr Outside/ Lester paused, disconsolately on t h e steps to light a, cigarette. As ^ he stood, hesitating, * Pr.. Lou ••"'-"-' drew up a t ' the curb in ' h i s

CltYSTAt CAJTDT lGth nnd CnpHol Are.


For Printing and Paper Hanging

U G , The Tailor

Call Sam Tarnoff

203 Neville Block > AT. 6451

1114 So. 28 St;

AT. 4544

Towel Supply



4824 So. 25th 44U So. 26tk






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