January 11, 1929

Page 1






Interesting and Entertaining

All the News of Interest to Jews

Entered a.6 'second-class mall natter on Jane S 5" \ 1921, at postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act f tg*~ ih 3, 1870. t

VOL, VII.—;No, 2




Sol Leon, 71, retired insurance broker, who was active for many years in Iowa republican party activities, died Wednesday at his home, 5521 North Twenty-fourth street, Marer Announces Committees where he had resided since 1919.Report Over One Hundred and J. T. A. Correspondent Finds For Present Term of Sixty Members Already Anti-Semitism Not Death was caused by pneumonia. r Office Enlisted Born in Rumania, Mr. Leon came "Widespread to this country as a boy and accomSOVIET FIGHT PREJUDICE 16 VOTED INTO I. O. B. B. panied his parents to Des Moines, WORKERS MEET SUNDAY Iowsu He "resided, there 50 years, The newly elected officers of the coming, to Omaha Rafter his retireMrs. Max Fromkin l a s been apMoscow,. Jan.' 4 (J. T. A.)—The Omaha Lodge No. 354 of the B'nai ment from business, to- join his pointed campaign chairman of the situation in White Russia -with reB'rith and of;the two'Omaha Ai Z.children. Women's Committee of the Modern • ?. gard to the anti-Semitic" incidents j A. Chapters were officially installed He was the father of Mark Leon, Orthodox Congregation campaign. there is not of an alarming nature, New York.—(J. T. A.)—A duel of words, re-echoing; the batat a meeting of the B'nai B'rith held head of the Leon Bros.- company, and Other members of the Women's Com- tles at the Berlin session of the Zionist General Council whefe the an .-investigation concluded by the last night at the Jewish Community Sam' J. Leon, Omaha, attorney.- His mittee will , be appointed by Mrs.Marshall-Weizmann agreement was ratified by a majority <»£ SS to corresp6ndent of the Jewish TeleCenter. The officers of: the senior three , daughters are Mrs. D. A. Fromkin, who will plan an auxiliary 5, took place between Dr. Stephen S. Wipe, vice-president of the graphic Agency shows. • The number organization were installed by: a past Frankel, Mrs. J. L. - Trauchtenbarg campaign to help put this movement of anti-Jewish incidents is admittedZionist General Council, and Louis Lipsky, president of the -Eiottisi president* of the lodge, while Dr. and Mrs. M. Gradinsky. over. ly increasing, due to .the present Organization of America, when they returned to New York last k Meyer Beber, a. member of'the adThe^ody was taken to Des Moines • I n accepting the position, Mrs. week on board the steamer Berengaria. difficult economic situation. Hoolivisory .boards'- of both • A.-' Z. ' Av for burial. Fromkin, stated: "During my recent gan elements,', formerly cowed by Together with Dr. Wise, came Mr. Samuel.•••Rosensohti, New Maurice D., Rosenberg.' groups, conducted the induction- ceretrip through, the south; I have had iron repression, when many pogromYork attorney, and a leader of the Zionist opposition group, longoccasion to visit many Modern Orthists were summarily executed, are Washington, D. C—Maurice D. monies for: the officers of these? two affiliated with the Mack-Brandeis party. organizations. odox congregations and find all of now regainings their courage,-because Rosenberg, - lawyer, - banker and .'• re. . Jacob Fishman, managing editor-of.thte "Jewish-Morning them progressing rapidly. The womThe membership committee of the there has " been some letup in- theligious lay leader^ "of this" city, has Journal" returned on the same steamer from Berlin where they en of this city, I hope, will respond been named general, counsel of thelocal B'nai B'rith reported; that drastic' measures. attended the session as members of the General Council. to this campaign." Sixteen new members were taken Anti-Semitism is rising in-, the fac- inaugural committee for PresidentDr. Wise, supplementing a. pre- sion together with Mr, S. J. Roseninto the lodge as> the' result of the At the meeting of workers held . tories where the_ non Jews view the elect Herbert Hooyer. sohn of the New Yoi-k bar, long ftftpared statement handed to newspaper last Sunday morning at- the Jewish entrance of Jews in industry as an . Mr. Rosenberg is a vice-president efforts of a -membership: campaign: sociated with the BrandeSs*Mack men, declared that he was not opintrusion. In schools .where there of the executive board.-of the Union of which Robert H. Kooper;is.chair- Korman Hapgood to Lecture at Community Center, the announce^ posed to the extension of the Jew- group in American Ziotiism," 'T>r, inent was made that already more are - teachers who taught under the of American- Hebrew Congregations man. Those voted in are-Abej Brod- \ Jewish- Community Center Wise said, key," Roy Feltman, Marcus Krasfle, than 160 members have been secured ish Agency in principle, but his former czarist regime, the minds 'of and general counsel for. the Merch"We sought to learn whet wms I On January 23 fo:- this movement and it is planned fight was directed against the the mind of European Zionists in rethe pupils are poisoned by these ants and Manufacturers association. Bert Moskovitz, Jack. NewbergY Sam the Marshall-Weizmann terms of Lieu.tenant-Colonel- -U. S. Grant Rochman, Perry. SilveriHaii, .'Louis RABBI COHN TALKS JAN. 15 to continue the campaign until more agreement. In his prepared state- lation to the proposed extension of teachers against their Jewish fellow Feltman, Abe Greenspan, Lester] Lapthan two hundred people have subIII, inaugural committee, chairman, students. ment, he charged that he learned in the Jewish Agency. We learned idus, Herman Nachshoen, H. A, HesMrs.- Joseph Friend, national pres- scribed for membership... things saildcning and disillusioning. The;: Soviet government is'•' taking made the appointment. - «'• v nick, Harry Swengil, Samuel :.Tar- ident'of the Council of Jewish Wom"We want still more workers to Berlin "things saddening and disil- The Zionist Organization has ceased a firrii stand against:anti-Semitism. lusioning." He charged that the Zinoff, Karl Louis and Henry Pollack. en, will be the guest speaker at theassist in this campaign," states Maut© function in the interest of anyThe. Cbmmunist pressyand the Soviet Jacw" W. Marer, on assuming his next Council meeting, January- 28th. rice Mjcklin, campaign chairman. onist leadership has relinquished thing that may be called Zionism, courts! view anti-Semitism as equiv"what was cherished for more than duties as president of the Lodge, an- She will t e honored by a luncheon •"The workers will meet again Sun"That the Zionist leadership has alent to counter-revolutionary activa generation as the Zionist ideal nounced the following standing com- at the Blackstone hotel on that day. day morning to plan thefinalcamrelinquished generally cpeaking, ities. • \ • .. ^ v and that the Zionist Organization mittees for the present term: Eighty new .members of the Omaha paign week.- For this meeting we has "ceased to function in the. in- what, for more than a generation. Buftiors that pogroms "occurred in" MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE—Hobert H. section; will, -be introduced at that ask- all who are interested in this White (Eussia, emanating, ;ftorn Riga terest of anything that may be we had cherished »s the Zionist id*»l, Kooper, chairman. Dr.- A. Greenberg, Reservations for the lunch- movement to be at the Jewish Com- called Zionism."' His principle ob- came to light in the wnconsidered Harry Lapiclus, Abner Kaimnn, Dave time; and other points, should be taken Greenberg, Ben Shapiro, Irvin C, Levin, eon may be made with Mrs. Harry munity Center Sunday morning." Teachers . Ben-G •witir/ af grain of salt, the corres- Dr.r Magnes^Addresses Inzer, Sam Beber, Harry ^ Bobinjection V.-&S to that point in tae. Mar- and unquestioning acceptance by the v son. John Peldman, Dave, Blacker. Rochman, WEB. 0J24. and Students of faculty • pondent: state?. •which .Executive' Council of any' sort - of shall-Weizmann J agreement FINANCE COMMITTEE—Milton Abram" •> of Humanities ^ Agency. Obviously that acceptance Preceding the luncheon at the An T investigation commission son, chairman. Leo Abroinson, vicedeals vdth the contingency of 1 chairninn. I. F. Goodman, J. J, Green- Blackstoner a. board meeting will be studying • the''5 question - of' anti-Semibreach between t h e Zionists and t h ewas nothing ' more than -a desperate berp, Irvin C. Levin, Marks Lotijr, Dr. tism in' the coal jaines; at .Lugansk LIBRARY, QIFft ANNOUNCED • : Nathan - Muskin, Loois gogolow, Dr. held at 11 o'clock. non-Zionists in t h e extended Agency. last hour resort to anything that - • David Cahn Platt, Joe- Stern. At the regular meeting in the aftwas; tb}d by the i secretary. of the This provision, h e stated, is already may 'help Palestine,' and sav# thft Jerusalem;-."(J.i T^:: iA^Wrjwo. hun-; INTELLECTUAL AND ADVANCEMENT wreckage- of the present Zionist local Comsomot. -Ckininiunist^outii; or> dred v&nd. fifty. ; st»dents> were , §n-. . COMMITTEE — THUp' M,-•"' Klutinick, ,«mpoh"at S^aO.HE,r Milton Abrahams of d i s p u t e . ^ A - chairman:• -Masc- i'rbinianV^I*© Sown* wilhgive a talk on" ^Peaee,^ toUbwed 1 leadership, "'" '" '-•'•' --—••• ^ani3~atioit,wtitiatr-^he~ Jews;- must ?!)© thai. Perry Silverman^ . Louis lipsfey in Ms statement, deHed in **fhe" firsts official- •' matricu"We found that the driven^ put- becatise they-; spread dis-| lation; pf• studient's-'within- a' faculty BUDGET COMMITTEE — Kobert • Glazer, by a peace pageant, written and diclared t h a t t h e opposition h a s new Harry Friedman, Msadore New York.—Peter J* Walter, New ease." : The •*• commission -visited theof the Hebrew' University; last week." • .chairman. Abramson. Kobert H. Kooper. Dr. rected by Mrs. Isidor Ziegler. ,..-' little left t o do in the way of ob-Council was belatedly and York painter, a Roman Catholic, emNathan Muskin. . " •••••••• 1 The Social Service, committee of * homes of- the Jewish .miners-^ • where struction after i t h a s been over- ly. hospitable to our insistence that Teachers and students of the FacSERVICE COMMITTEE — Dr. the' Council, together with the sub? braced Judaism last week. Mr. Walthey learned'that the charges of un-ulty^'of Humanities;- afld of- other SOCIAL whelmingly defeated a t the- Berlin no provision which looked to th«" Philip Sher, chairman. Irvin Stalter, who is 88 years old, was born master, Dr. Frederick Cohn, Samuel committee- on the hospital, are an^ sanitary conditions brought against members of-the academic;-staff and session. Noises and threats a r e tosafeguarding of Zionist interests <3erson, Harry Malashock, Henry nouncing a bridge tea, to be held at in Cologne, Germany, in a German be expected, b u t t h e . s t r e n g t h of thecould be left in the form of them were false; . ; students .were ; present when the of- Monsky, Harry Silverman. . BY-LAWS COMMITTEET—Dave Bebfer, the Omaha Athletic club grill room Catholic family. He was admitted opposition is indicated by t h e Berverbal arrangements, howevef well An investigation made by the cor- ficial-matriculation was opened. Fred White. . . . to the Jewish faith with the consent meaning all parties to the agreement. on Wednesdayafternoon a t 2 o'clock. respondent of the Barshay case in lin vote. Most Zionists realize that Dr. Judah L. Magnes, Chancellor INITIATION COMMITTEE^-I. F. Gooathe glass factory, Octiabr, substan- of the" Uriiyefsi^.Tdeliye'red; an ad-. man, chairman. Dr. A. Greenberg, Jake The ticket sales are under the direc- of Rabbi M. S. Margolios, dean of the Zionist movement must inevit- - "It wes left for us solemnly to Malashock, M. Monhelt, Sam 3. Leon, tion of';". Mrs. Sam; Wertheimer, Mrs. the Orthodox. Rabbinate in the tiated the facts previously reported. dress and presented each student ably go in t h e direction voted upon warn the Executive Council thfet no Harry Silverman, Abner Kaiman. Miss Barshay, who is unable to present with- ay''Student^ Book," au- VIGILANCE COMMITTEE — William L. R. Kulakbfsky and Mr. B. O. Simon. United States. Dr. Julius Bloom of in Berlin which will lead t o t h e cre- Agency agreement should or could Holzman, - chairman. Harry A. Wolf, and her com- 955 Walton avenue, the Bronx, of- ation of a world onion for the build- be accepted which omitted to speak Russian,' made no complaints tographed by,him.- :'A; representaHarry B. Ziman, Abe Goldstein, Henry Mrs. Harry Rochman Monsky. -. mittee will A :, in charge of the teaficiated. The convert was named ing of a Jewish national home in Pal- in the unamendable and against those who, maltreated her. tive of the student body also spoke. HESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE — Irrln C table.; The Council extends a cor- Abraham ben Abraham,, in accordThe matter was disclosed by a nonLevin, chairman. M. Monheit, Joe estine, he said. The attempt to hold terms of „ the Mandate the objects The Faculty", of the Humanities Stern, Isndore Abramson. dial welcome to all, and it is hoped ance with Jewish practice. Jewish girl, a roommate of Miss was inaugurated in accordance with t h e building of Palestine within t h e of the Jewish Agency; end such ORPHAN HOME COM- that many will reserve that day. - Although married to a Jewish Barshay. When the investigation the "decision* of : the- Board • of Gov-CLEVELAND limitations of t h e Zionist Organiza- omission pointed not to extension MITTEE— Dave Greenberg, chairman. was started, Miss Barshay'a room- ernorsin London, June, "1928, an an-. Al Frank, N. S. Yaffe, Harry Welner. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will give bis woman for the past 17 years, Abra- tion is contrary to t h e will of thebut to attenuation—not to fulfillN. LEVI HOSPITAL COMMITTEE— ham ben Abraham Walter will have mate sought to withdraw her. charg- nouncement -issued by the American LEO Jewish people. The future should ment but to surrender. Morris Milder, chairman. Herman Auer- fourth^ talk in the series of current bach, Jacob Slosburg, Dave Cohen, Dr. topic classes under the auspices of to re-marry her three' months after be left to t h e free play of the comes. The Communist workers of theAdvisory committee of - the Hebrew "In all wewere doing no more, Nathan. Dansky, A. B. Alplrn, Ike factory offered the explanation that University, of. which, Felix M. WarLevy. the Council of Jewish Women next his entry into the Jewish faith. Mr. petitive forces in Jewish life, Mr. than calling upon the Executive they took no action in; the matter burg is chairman,r declares on the oc- NATIONAL JEWISH HOSPITAL COM- Tuesday morning at 10:30, January and Mrg. Walter have two children, Lipsky stated, Council not to violate the g MITTEE— Joe L- Wolf, chairman. because they viewed the case as mere casion, of the! cereinbnies Held yester- ' Irvin Stalmaster, Harry Lnplrtua, Dr. 15th, at the Jewish Community Cen- a girl 14 and a boy of 10. They resolutions adopted and re-fedopted "As Vice-President of t h e ExecuA. Greenberg, J. J. Greenberjr, Sam have been reared in the Jewish hooliganism, not as anti-Semitic. ter. J. Leon. tive Council of t h e Zionist Organiza- by successive Zionist congresses. day at the-university., - ."•' faith. None of their friends in "We forced upon the tnort or less The editor of the paper, CommuBlacker, chairman, On Wednesday evening, January The Advisory . committee also an- •PUBLICITY—Dave New York knew that Mr. Walter tion, I went to its recent Berlin ses- surprised attention of the. Ex«cutive Dave Beber. nist, in Bobruisk explained that his nounced 'that"a gift" of'§57000 toward 23rd, Norman Hapgood will give, the was nbt a Jew. It was related that Council the truth that it would be paper did not ^publish the facts be- the completion of the new Library first lecture on the Jewish Communwhen Mr. Walter was a young man faithless to fail to provide in unmiscause the documents, were not -re- building has-been nia3e by-David W. ity _ Center lecture course, which is he was on a visit to Warsaw with takable • terms for the contingency, eeived in time, thus giving the Minsk Simon- of Detroit/ Recent contribubeing sponsored by the Council of his father, a prominent Cologne phyhowever remote, of Agency dissolupaper, "Robotchi," the opportunity of tions to the- library, .which now Jewish Women. sician. I t was then that he met and publishing the news first. Non-Com- houses over 200,000 .books, include a It is to be hoped all members, fell in love with the daughter of a The Third Annual Ball of the tion, munists interviewed by the corres- collection of books ; on the contem- ' The annual meeting of the Omaha both old and new,-. will pay their "We made clear that the. failure Daughters of Zion will be held' at pondent expressed the opinion that porary theater . and " history of the Council of the Boy Scouts of'Amer- dues before January 28th so that Warsaw Jewish merchant. Soon aft- the City Auditorium Sunday evening, to make such a provision might well er they married and left for the the Communists were -reluctant • to.theater, from "Miss Alice Lewisohn ica • was held Thursday' evening, Jan- thfr entire membership may be; 100 result in the Zionist January IS. United States. make a fuss over-the case Until the of New York City. being brought face to face' wRh one per cent in good standing a t that uary 10, in the J. C. C. auditorium. An elaborate program featuring district committee - of the Communist The meeting was attended by large date. Dues may be, sent to Mrs. "In spirit I have been a Jew for Randall's Royal Orchestra, has been of several equally intolerable party compelled-them to do so. numbers of Boy Scouts, Scout offi- Leo Rosenthal, 4922; Dodge street. the past 17 years," Mr. Walter stat- arranged. The proceeds of the ball .natives: ed. "I embraced" Judaism out of The Communist . Press in- White STALMASTER, BEBERS, AND cials and representatives of various "(1) Zionists might b«, forced to are to be given to the Jewish NaA. Z. A. JN NEW OFFICES organizations interested in boy welconviction." .Russia continues to denounce the endure the gravest infrin£&mtttt' tional Fund, the agency which purPEACOCK SHOE STORE I& two Jewish workers, ; Bodanin and Judge Irvin Stalmaster, Sam Beber, fare wark. chases Palestinian land as the in-upon the Zionist objective, rather UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Tofenko, who sought to avenge Miss and David- E. Beber,; attorneys, and The, program of the meeting was alienable property of the: Jewish than relinquish their participation in Barshay by pouring boiling glass the. Order ; of Aleph Zadik Aleph opened b y , the presentation of a the Agency. : people. Messrs. B. Fink and J.Saltzman, over some of her attackers. The moved into ^.new offices las,t Saturday, short play portrayed by members-of Mrs. I. Kulakofsky and Mrs. J. "(2) If Zioniste came undef thfc formerly of Chicago, nW; assumed newspapers demand that they, be They will in/ the future occupy theTroop 29. The sketch •showed, vaLintzman have been in charge of necessity of withdrawal, the B&n» proprietorship of the' Peacock Shoe Stockholders of the Labor Lyceum arrangement for the affair. They Zionists might indeed claim the ^ tried together, with the anti-Semites. suite of offices at 650 Omaha National rious • Scout activities. The play was Store at ?Q7 So. 15th street last Association will be treated Sunday The date of their trial is to be an-Bank Building; The tfiree attorneys followed by a short business meetweek. The men, both veterans in the evening, January 13, to a special have been assisted by committees to function as the sole Ag^nfiy und«C nounced in a few days. were previously located at 300 Peters ing. " ' ;". . . ' • '•• ' ; ••' -.shoe business, have announced as headed by Mrs. S. Cohen, president; the Mandate. Trust Building, wlule the A. Z. A; Following the flag raising cere- their policy, the handling of theconcert and program of some of theMrs. A. I.. Kulakofsky, treasurer; "(8) There might conceivably 6c office- was -located in' 301 of that mony by Troop 30, Mr. i t . B. Dick- latest styles of exclusive lines of best amateur and professional talent Mrs. J. Katelman, and Mrs. J. Hahn, a third net less abhorrent alternaNATHAN E. GREEN HEADS building. in the city. .v ' ,. ,inson, general superintendent of thewomen's shoes. tive—that of submission to ihe GoWk* NEWSPAPER'S EMPLOYEES Jay Mills, master of ceremonies at cil of the League of Nations ot thfe Chicago North Western railroad, deMr. Fink A»as formerly associated the Riviera theater, is scheduled to JUDGE STALLMASTER TO controversy between the one tiine livered the main address of the eveHARRY MARES with the L Miller Shoe Co. of play a violin solo. Martin J. BreNathan A. Green was elected the ADDRESS A. Z. A, NO 1 : parties to the Agency R£jr«ement, . /.••:: .-i- •.••' Chicago for three years and with first president of the World-Herald PASSES AWAY TUESDAY ning.- •'• . ' . ' ; ' • " . . mer, Chicago operatic star, will sing Judge Irvin Stalmaster will be the "In a sense, we Biieeeeded Itt There are ninety Boy Scout; troops the Peacock Shoe Co. of the same on the program/ Other features,are Employees Organization . at - its first Harry Marks, ; 39, died. Tuesday principal -peaker at a meeting of bringing home to the Exe&itive in the City of Omaha, one of whicR city for \ five years. Mr. Saltzman a piano solo by Miss Margaret Hurmeeting held > last Thursday. Mr. afternoon. ";;He is- surviyed by a Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the A. Z. A. Council that i\\e supremely Green, who has been with the World- brother, Louis Marks| and two sis- meets regularly at the Jewish Coiri' was connected with the I. Miller Shoe witz, a ballet dance by Miss Annette to be held Sunday afternoon. tant matter of the resumption of **« munity Center. . •' i Co. of Chicago for five years. Herald but a little over a year, has t TS, Mrs. Sarah Ybusem and Mrs. Riklin, a reading1 by Mr. L. Witkin Stanley Levin, newly elected pres- sponsibility by the Zionist Org*«i» Both Mr. Fink and Mr. Saltzman and a one-act play by the Easnicks. taken an active part in the forming Lillian Vorzimer. He had lived in ident of the chapter, has announced zstion WSB th« Jewish Agtfiey cSuld MINNIE ZWIEBACH have been interested in Jewish activof the organization which is repre- Omaha all his life.; : \ the following as the chairmen of not be left to & disputable Verbal sentative of every department of the Funeral services were held a t the HEADS FA HQN CLUBS ities. The latter was a member of his committees for his administra- understanding between th* authors institution* residence Thursday afternoon, burial The FaHon girls' club at an elec- the Menorah Society when a student CHOIR TO BE ORGANIZED tion: Dave Brodkey, program com- of the agreement. The meaning ©I He is a member of the display taking place in Pleasant-Hill ceme- tion of officers held last week at at Northwestern University* AT J. C. C ; MEET JAN. 14mittee; Stanley Shapiro, member- such agreement is already In advertising department and is in tery. ^.-;..:/;' v-.,'., ,.:•:"- '•...:•/, ._; •• the- Jewish Community Center chose On • Monday evening, January 14, ship committee; Stanford Green, fi- p u the t sone p party y te the £ charge • of one of the "merchandisCAMP WORKERS MEET Miss Minnie Zwiebach- as pTiesident at. 8:15 all persons interested in thenance committee Louis Riklin, initia- ment maintaining that tlte dissoluing runs" of, the paper. SURPRISE v FOR CHILDREN for : the ensuing term. "••.•• ;.'•• Saturday, January 12, a luncheon organization - of- a choir at the Jew- tion committee; Stanley Levin, budg- tion could only be effected through Mr. Green was but recently electThe officers and Board of DirecThe other officers are as follows: meeting of all those interested in ish Community Center will meet at et committee; Al Shrier, publicity mutual consent, and the other jlferij? ed national director .of public rela- tors of the City Tilmus Torah are Rose Moscovitz, secretary; Kose camp work will be held at the Oma- the building. committee; Louis Riklin, property maintaining that either pSrty to the tion of the Order Aleph Zadik Aleph planning- a pleasant;Surprise for allLindenbaum, treasurer; Rose -Fine, ha Athletic club. The Jewish ComThe. choir, which will be under the committee. Agency agreement possessed the th and has installed a regular publicity Jewish children in Omaha. Partic- reporter; Marian Brookstein and munity Center will be represented personal direction of Mr. Samufel Another feature of the Sunday right to dissolve it. Above ail else program that is being carried on ulars in the next issue of the Jew- Bernice Falk, representatives to theby Mr. Louis Shanok, assistant ex- Gerson, will learn synagogue music meeting will be presentation of piano we demanded that no agreementthroughout the~ country. ish Press. Senior Council. ecutive secretary of the Center. selections by Julius Goldner. and other Jewish songs. (Continued on page £)


Wise Charges Zionist Organisation With Surrendei of AH Zionist Ideals; Lipsky Says Action Was Expression of People's Will





Daughters of Zion Ball This Sunday Evening


Labor Lyceum Concert

and Program on Jan. 13


J^*1****Vv " '^''J^i-j-- %ii'»si v&Bsfa&Mp


THE JEWISH PRESS Published .every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 : DSVTO BLACKER,/BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR IRVING PERLMETER - - - - - - - EDITOR " Subscription Price, one year - - » - - - . - - - - -. •:.- — $2.50 %'' ••'•"."•- 'Advertising rates furnished on application c .


CHANGE OP ADpRESS—Please give both the old and new address; 1 ' be sufe to give your name. 77


JEWISH CALENDAR—5689-1929 Rosh Chodesh Shebat.I .. _..."„ ...Saturday, January 12 *Rosh Chodesh Adar.... ......; ._...„...... Sunday, Februaryll Purim .V:..%-.........Tuesday, March 26 Rosh Chodesh Nissan... ....................... ...........Thursday, April 11 1st Day Passover Thursday, April 25 7th Day Passover....™...™..;^.w..u.^v.™.i,»^,,......,.Wednesday, May 1 °Rosh Chodesh Iyar_....,—,_^«..,_^_^. t .^....^.._,.....Saturday, May 10 Lag b'Omar .....;^_i. ..^_.;......:.«;...^..i......... -Tuesday, May 28 Rosh Chodesh Sivaiu....^.. ._». r»^..;_..« „_.. „ Sunday, June 9 1st Pay Succoth —..«^.M..»;_, „ Friday, June 14 ?Rosb Chodesb Tamniuz-~-~.., , w .;....~;~^,.,.,,.,.....^T«esday, July 9 Fast of Tammuz.. ....._~~™;.., r .,.,.... Thursday, July 25 Rpsh Chodesh Ab ..... ^^._.._....«._.,...^.^,. Wednesday, August 7 Fast of Ab ...^..™^..~.—.. Thursday, August 15

*Rosh Chodesh Ellul



Friday, September 6

•Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh.

Not that the attitude of the world toward the Jew has ever been marked with a great degree of rationalization, but whenever the Gentile has stopped long enough to reason, the question that has always puzzled them Has been, 'Why are Jews like that?". And even Jews who Had none too superfluous a knowledge of their own race, have propounded this same interrogation. Hence the world in general has viewed with interest the appearance of an (Continued from Page 1) article under the title of this querry written by Lewis Browne, eminent Jewish author, in the January issue of-the American filially ratified 'unless the provision magazine. In most lucid fashion, Mr. Browne describes how the with respect to re-iiistatement should have been submitted to Jew:has, acquired all.his outward characteristics as the result of previously and formally sanctioned by the Manthe rejection he has met at the hands of a hostile world. He gpes datory Power and the Council of the on to state that the only real difference between the Jew and the League of Nations. To take any Gentile is the psychological barrier that has grown up out of the risk herein would constitute a gross breach of our Zionist trusteeship. unfrfendiy•^relations between the two. • . "These things ..will seem pf little There is a deep significance in these words that is not believed importance only to those who are by their simplicity. If our Jewishriess is .not something primarily unconcerned about Zionist aims and religious; or national, or racial, or even biological—if weacquireAt principles, and whose concern is limmerely as the inescapable product of the world's* prejudice.;^ild ited to the minutial of organization." aversion, then the future hold more of a problem than" we have Asked whether they meant to chalbeen wont to allot it in the past. Supposing we grant Mr. Browne lenge or to seek to end the rule of Dr. f Weizmann, Di% Wise and Mr. his premise and. reason from it. It. means that if ever the Jew Roser.sohn answered: . overcomes prejudice and discrimination, he is doomed. For when "We are concerned not with mien that time comesj he will no longer have anything to distinguish but with measures. The urgent duty him from the Gentile. In other words, popularity means doom. at this hour is not to change leadership but to prevent, i£ it be not What a tragic prospect! late, the surrender of Zionist' We fail, however,, to. feel gloomy over this evil foreboding. too principles, and at the same time to We feel that the history and the teachings, pf Judaism are suffix insist that the Zionist Organization, cient to weld together forever its followers. We feel that there having entered into an agreement is something rich and fine in our heritage that is sufficient to in- With the nonrZionists,^ shall'live up spire a, race without the artificial stimulus of prejudice. When we to its terms in the utniost good ' C ' " ; survey the field of Jewish leaders and find them, regardless of f In ; his statement Mr. lipsky said: economic position, or independent of reform, conseryatiye,'or oi> "With me from America were Jacob thodox affiliation advocating Jewish education, we feel that W£ Fishman, managing editor - of the are justified in saying that there is something vital and unifying Jewish;,Morning Journal,.and Dr. A. : in Judaism itself., ."•:.-••. •'. ,'•"'"• ;.'•'.• "vr-f. Coralnik, contributing, editor pf the "Day," both of whom are •In explanation of'Mi". Browne's statement, wej^igHt'pTeriiaps Jewish members of the Council gnd with me, aeciise-him of confusing the difference between,describiggihow-ith? •were interested in facilitating the Jew is "djffefent" form other people, and how he actually and organization of the extended Jewish fundamentally, differs from them. It is true that the Jew stafids Agency upon which depends united the chance of losing alj outward trace of being Jewishf such 'as action. j a m glad to state that the Bergestures or manner of speech and similar eccentricities that have lin^;" ^meeting gave Dr. Chaim Weizon occasion been attributed to him, but we believe-that he" will mann authority to sign the Weiznever lose his Jewish heart and soul. In this case, there is noth- rnann-Marshall agreement on behalf ing to fear. After all, the only thing that we are interested in is of the Zionist Organization and also in living according to the ideals of our forefathers. Our physical to-proceed with the organization of the Jewish Agency, and to prepare charasteristics matter nothing. We may have been mocked for for ^holding the first session of the crooked noses, but we have never received anything but praise fCl- Council of the. Agency as soon as our ideals. They constitute the emblem o£ our banner-, the founda- possible after the forthcoming Tlojition of our life, and the goal -toward which we will strive r4'the ist congress in July. -The agreement reached with the Marshall gr«ef» future. f

eral Council are still displeased and Wise, Lipsky Clash Over disappointed and they will do everything possible in a parliamentary Jewish Agency Ratihcation •way tp obstruct and delay the action. Turbulent noises and threats are to be expected, but the relative strength of "the opposition is indicated by the vote taken • at Berlin. When the Council met in Berlin in July the vote on the Jewish Agency was 41 to 4. The vote in December was 39 to 5, the additional vote being Dr. Stephen S. Wise's. "Dr. Wise came late to the Berlin meeting and delivered an impassioned address that lasted over an hour, but it had no effect upon the voting nor upon the views of the" Council members present. There is little left for the opposition to do in the, way of obstruction or public debate. They have lost the fight. They have been overwhelmingly defeated. The •work of actually organizing the Jewish Agency now takes the place of contentious argument. "Steps will be taken at once, by the Zionist Executive to assemble the so-called non-Zionist representation for England, Poland, Palestine, Germany, France, Holland and Belgium. Much progress has already been made. Dr. Weizmann will devote himself during January and February to this task. In the meant time the proposed constitution for the Jewish Agency is being prepared. In a tentative form the constitution

Brandeis Theatre WEEK OF JAN. 13th— BOYD IRWW Presents


was ratified after full discussion and there is every reason to be pleased headquarters' attended- the ; meeting \yith the result. Of course, the few CAMPFIRE GIRLS The Jecomter group of Campfire and gave membership tests to six of irreconcilable members of the Gengirls afc their last meeting held Jan- the members. '••"... -.:. uary 8 at the Jewish Community Center took in as new members Assuredly fortune rules all1 things; Minnie Novey, Pearl Lerman and she raises to eminence or burjes in Esther Silverman. This'brings the oblivion everything from caprice total membership to 17. rather than from well-regulated Mrs. Ruller of the Campfire girls principle. — Sallust.

Now Showing the 1929

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was submitted to the General Council at Berlin, It will now be referred to a special commission which will seek the views of Zionists and nonZionists and present their conclusions to the next Zionist congress. Final action on the constitution is to be left to the Council of the Jewish Agency, in which the Zionist Organization will be represented by 50 per cent of its membership. "In short, the Berlin conference of the Zionist General Council effectively cleared the way for setting up the administration of the Jewish Agency this Fall. In my judgment, the policy pf extending the Jewish Agency, which has been in discussion for over five years, is now fixed and cannot seriously be deflected by any combination of opprsitional Zionists. Most Zionists recognize that the Zionist movement must inevitably go in that direction. It is the first step in the effective organization of a World Jewish Union for the building of the Jewish National Home in Palestine in accordance with the terms of the Mandate and in consonance with Zionist ideals. The attempt to hold the building of a Jewish Palestine within the confine? of limitations of the Zionist Organization, making interest in the redemption of ~ion conditioned upon acceptance of Zionist formulas, runs counter to the will of the Jewish people and is not in accord with the fundamental Zionist principles. Those of us who are

not formalists feel that the essentials of Zionism will be safeguarded b.' the creative life we shall establish, in Palestine and by the inherent strength of the Zionist Organization. The future is to be left to the free play - of the competitive forces not only within the Zionist Organization, but also within the framework of the House of Israel— all co-operating in the making of a national-future for the Jewish people in Palestine," Mr. Lipsky concluded. , . . ' . . . ', With the exception of Poland and Palestine, where some difficulties are to be expected, the prospect for enlisting non-Zionist co-operation in the extended Jewish Agency are good, Jacob Fishman stated. The project of the constitution for the Jewish Agency, prepared by the Zionist General Council, will not encounter any difficulties at the forthcoming Zionist congress. If there

will be any differences of opinion, they most likely will, be smoothed out hy the Committee of Seven which was appointed for this purpose. The proceedings of the Zionist General Council in Berlin were smooth and impressive. The only discord was the address by Dr. Wise, •whom the members of the Zionist body could not understand since he has not uttered a word of opposition in the course of the two months which elapsed between the non-Zionist conference in New York and his arrival in Berlin, Mr. Fishman stated.


Wit, like money, bears an extra value when rung down immediately it is wanted. Men pay severely who require credit. —Jerrold. — When shopping, mention the "Jewish Press."


Central Coal & Coke Co. 414 So. 15

JA. 8012


Rerouting of Cars await traffic survey now being made # Applications have been made to us for twenty-nine new bos routes from as many different sections or neighborhoods of the dty, These applications are signed by people who want busses,, not alone for their own convenience, but for the convenience of their friends and neighbors. Also, they believe the busses they apply for will at least support themselves. We have numerous applications for rerouting and extending: present car lines, some of which would require new track construction. COST WOULD BE $500,000 x

To grant an these requests would cost more than $500,000 for new equipment, material and labor. In addition to the initial expense, there would be continuing maintenance and operation It is obvious that all this expense should not be undertaken without assurance that the improvements asked for would produce sufficient additional revenue. Present car riders probably would not care to pay the necessary additional charges. Under our new franchise, the city council has authority over new lines and extensions. The franchise also directs the council to consider "the initial cost and the resulting increased expense of operation." As a fair-minded body, the council would of course consider these matters even though they were not in the franchise. To enable the city council to act intelligently on questions of bus extension and rerouting of car lines, and also to get accurate information on all other traffic problems in Omaha, the council several months ago arranged for a cify-wide traffic survey by Ross Harris, the best known -traffic engineer in America. This survey beg an in October, and iB now well under way. It probably will be completed within three or four ' months. Mr. Harris' headquarters are in the city hall. The work of his organization, which requires from thirty to fifty people at all times, is under city supervision.


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Mr. Harris' office is open to the public at all times for suggestions and other information. The city council has provided that before his final report is made, he must hold public hearings, giving an opportunity for ' '" "• ' Any individuals or organizations to present all ideas or facts they may •have regarding traffic conditions and traffic needs. . . . With the completion of this survey, which will include traffic conditions ' and traffic requirements in everv section of Omaha, outlying as well a* downtown, *he city council will then have all the facts bearing upon the transportation needs of the city and will then be able to rule wisely on what "extensions and rerouting should be made.


It is onr desire and intention to give adequate transportation serviee to the entire city. To do this probably will require some changes and extensions. Such changes and additions as are made, however, should be sound. And we, therefore, earnestly request those Who are asking for new or additional transportation service to bear with US until the facts are in haria, which facts we will have when the traffic survey ie complete.

Marvelous Values Quality Suits and Overcoats at $

25 *35


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f if-.:•-,:



Council Bluffs -News

Pauline Herzberg Heads! Girl Workers for Dance!

Miss Pauline Herzberg has been chosen chairman of the girls' committee ' of the Wise Memorial Benefit Mr. Edward Baron, prominent B'nai dance to be given by the Hai Resh B'rith official of Sioux City, was the fraternity at the Hotel Fonterielle, principal speaker and honored guest February 14. at the public installation of the ofOn Miss Herzberg's committee are ficers of the Council Bluffs Lodge the following: Mesdames Herbert No. 688 of the B'nai B'rith held Arnstein, Morris Jacobs, Louis SomWednesday evening at the Danish berg, Max Holzman, Loyal Cohn, Hall. :A large crowd attended and Morton Degen, Joseph Bonon% Edwin affair was termed a great success Kirschbraun, Joseph Weinberg and I The "wedding of Miss Fanny Levinson, dsiughter of $£r. and the Misses Jane Appleman, Kathryn Mjrs. N. Levfnson, and Mr. Hymie H. Greenberg of Los Angeles, by all. Elgutter, Ann Gerelick, Louise ZiegThe other principal speakers were C|lifM^onnerJy of Omaha, was solemnized at the BJacKstppe Hotel Louis M. Shanok, assistant executive ler, Florence Wolf, Flora Marks, l t S dny secretary of the Omaha Jewish Com- Evelyn Marks, Bernice Ferer, Rita «, Rabbi H. Grodinsky and Mr. L. Harris officiated. After the munity Ben E. Kubby, newly Mantel, Dorothy Cohen, Betty Forth. wpdding. the couple left for California, They will make their elected Center; president of the lodge, and The girls received their tickets at borne-in Los Angeles. Dr. I. Sternhill, new vice-president. a luncheon given at the Ad-Sell Restaurant Saturday. t Announcement has been made of the engagement of- Miss Mr. O. Hochman was chairman oi the meeting. "The patron tickets are very popPauline Ephrain of Plaquemine, Louisiana, to Isaac Solzman, son l Mr. and Mrs. N. Solzman of Council Bluffs, Iowa.; No date has The meeting was followed by ular this year, and we expect to have at least a list of 100 patrons to bridge and refreshments. get foyihe wedding. publish in our program this year", Miss Lillian Chenriss has returned said Marvin Treller, general chairMiss Rose Adndt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Arndt of to her home in Erie, Pa., after spendman. "We have never seen such a 4it and Dr. Jack C. Copelanii, son of Mrs. Effie Copeland of ing two weeks here visiting Mr. and large advance sale during the first icago, Illinois, formerly of this city, surprised relatives an'd Mrs. O. Hochman. Miss Chemiss is few days, and we have every indivad when they were married in Chicago Thursday, January 3, the primary supervisor at the Edin- tioh to believe that the dance will he home of Babbi Tax<m, also formerly of Omaha. boro State Teachers College at Erie. be the most successful Jewish chanty \ The newlyweds are now on an extended honeymoon trip thru benefit to have ever been given in Mrs. F. Walton returned home Omaha. ftjje East, including Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Boston, Washington, D. C , Toronto, Canada, Philadelphia and New York City. Tuesday after a ten day visit with ' 3 § y will make their home in Chicago on their return. relatives in Vercnillion, South Dakota, Dr. CopeiajBd and his bride will be in Omaha the latter part and Sioux City, Iowa. By F . R. K.

Sayings of the Wise January to attend the State Optometric Convention, and £lso The Agudes. Achim Society will }sit with tiie bride's parents and Dr. Copeland's grandparents, the hold The blessings of fortune are the a meeting ne3?t Monday evening, Rjev. -and -Mrsi- M. B. Wblosinsky, and friends, ' lowest; the next are the bodily adJaJnuary 14, at the Legion Hall. In-

in the center of each. Sprinkle j Ag a man should alwa\> be upon his guard against the virps to which granulated sugar, and bake 10 to 15 Kitchen Chats he h most exposed, so should we minutes at 400 degrees. by take a more ordinary care not to lie SPRINGERLE. Mrs. David M. Newman at the mercy of the weather in our Beat two eggs until light, add moral conduct. —Adriison, owly 1 crap sifted flourGer-IOubs 6 CHINESE COOKIES. ?i cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 3^» slowly 1 cup sifted sugar, and beat cups flour, 3 teaspoons baking pow- mixture 15 minutes. Add grated ARCH PRESERVER SHOE der, 3 egg whites, 2 tablespoons rind of lemon and then slowly add 2 STOKE milk, 1 teaspoon almond extract, and cups of flour which has been sifted INC, and measured and % teaspoon bakalmond meats. 517 North Sift flour and measure. Add bak-ing powder and one-third teaspoon THE F©eT WELL* 1 fith Street ing powder. Sift three itmes. Cream salt, added and sifted three times. and butter, beat in the sugar grad- Add 1 or 2 teaspoons anise seeds ually, nad alternately add the flour and beat mixture for another 15 min3 mixture and milk. Then fold in the utes. Roll on floured board to ,i Paxton-Mitchell Co. Press a wooden S t t h Rnft Mnrthn !»«-.. beaten whites of the eggs. Pour inch thickness. HArm-j- 1B«J out % of the batter on a well springerle mold very hard on dough. OMAHA, KEBKASKA gray. iron, lirnsf-, hroiae nnti floured board. Knead in just enough Cut out the little squares and let Soft Blumiimm cnFtines. siHiulnnl Bixps flour so one can roll the batter in stand 10 hours on a greased and bronse n»<i iron buBliinps. sewer JHHHholes, oisleni rings nm! rovprs nnil small balls. Place balls on cook floury cooky sheet, ami bake in mod- slean-out floors in Riock. All kinds <>K wood nnd niettil pntterns. sheet. Press a blanched almond down erate oven 15 to 20 minutes.

stallation of the new officers will vantages of strength and health; but Miss Ruth Brodkey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Brpdkey take the superlative blessings, in fine, are place. _ $et as the date for her wedding to Mr. Melvin Jacobs, son of those of the mind. —LTSstrange. rs.-Julia Jacobs of Chicago, 111., the afternoon of Sunday, Jan, 20. Mrs. Etta Cherniss and daughter, : "The ceremony will take place at the Ad-Sell Restaurant at Pearl, returned home Monday after Benevolence is a duty. He who ^o'clock. , Ra>bi Frederick Cohn will officiate. a four months visit in .St. Paul, frequently practices it, and sees his benevolent intentions realized, at Minnesota, ; length comes really to love Vn'm to Miss Ethel Stoler -was hostess a - Mr.t and Mrs. Tteaben Kulakof sky whom he has done good. —Kant. Mrs, Herman,Meyerson is spending a bridge party given Sunday evening *riiriJfe lit home from 4 to 6, Sunday the -week in Oskaloosa, Iowa, visitat her home. Prizes were won by afternoon, in. honor of their guest?, To be trusted i s a greater comMr. and Mrs. Louis Bichards of San Misses Helen Garber, Dorothy Mar- ing her sister, Mrs. Handler. pliment than to be loved. —Mac Jpse, :Cal. Mr. and, Mrs. Richards golin, and Bona Friedman. Ponalh. THETA PJH SIGMA PLAN •will -leave the latter part of the Mrs. J. Brookstein entertained MED WINTER MADCAP Surplus wealth is a sacred trust •week ;for their home. three, tables of bridge Tuesday afterKappa Chapter of Theta Phi Sig-which its possessor is bound to adMisfc Kate Goldstein returned Mon- noon at her home in honor of Mrs. ina, national sorority, has announced minister in his lifetime for the good dpy .from a two-week trip to New Lou Millman who is leaving to. its-plans for "The Mid-Winter Mad- of the community. —Carnegie, -. ,-• cap," a subscription dance to be givYork, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Cincin- Ghicago. nati; ,'Ccdumbus, and various other The Daughters of Israel Ladies en at the Trip Inn, 40th and FarATTEND THE eastern points. Aid Society will hold a meeting and nam streets, on Sunday, February 3. On" December 23, 24 and 2r», Miss election of officers Tuesday afternoon; Miss Minnie Flax is chairman of Qoldstein attended the national con- Jan. 15, at the Jewish Old Peoples the committee in charge and js assisted by Misses Lylyan Chudacoff, vfenttai" of - the Sigma Delta Tau Home at 2504 Charles. Anne Jonisch, Ethel Cohn and Lylyan sorority in Columbus, Ohio. She is The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club Steinberg. an.alumnQs pf the Theta chapter of HertTFierman's orchestra has been t^e sorority j?f the University of will hold an election of officers at a special meeting Tuesday evening, engaged for the dance, which, the ijebraska.. January 15, at 8 o'clock, at the members promise, wiU be one of the best of the season. Dr^ and- Mr?. M. I. Gordon j and !Labor Lyceum. The Omaha Chapter of the naMrs. -Gordon's mother,- Mrs.. Mena AT THE The Bikur Cholim Society wUl hold tional Jewish sorority was, organized Mandelson, will leave Saturday for a meeting and election xif officers on January 4, 1928. Chicago, 111., where. Dr. Gordon will SfttentJ the convention of the Chicago Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at The use of traveling, isVto regulate Dental society. Dr. tJordon will re- the Synagogue at 25th arid Seward. Randall's Royal 15-Piece imagination by reality, and, instead tairn next.Friday. Orchestra FORMER OMAHA WOMAN of thinking how things inay^be, to HONORED IN SIOUX CITY see them as they are. —-Johnson. • — TICKETS 50 ., Mrs. H. B. Weinstein and Mrs. BENEFIT Max Fromkin entertained at lunch Mrs. Ben Achtenberg of Kansas — When shopping, mention the JEWISH NATIONAL FUND at the I'ontenelle Hotel, Wednesday, City, formerly of Omaha, was the "Jewish Press." lfbnbfuiB Mrs. S. Weinstein and Miss principal speaker at a banquet; given Sari ^"Weinstein, of Midland, Texas, in her honor by the Ladies' Auxiliary •who '3XB here for the Greenberg- of the Shaare Zion synagogue in Levinson wedding. Sioux City, la., on Wednesday, Dec 26th. Friday night of the same week , .Mrs. Clara Tretiak had as her she occupied the pulpit of the synaThrill to the magnificent voice of Jean £uest' this week Mr. and Mrs. N. gogue addressing the congregation Where else in Hersholt as he gives the great Prayer Efchenberg, of Sherbooke, Quebec, on the subject, "The Synagogue and of Lamentation. Omaha can ^rho are enrpute to California. Youth". you find a big' Mrs. Achtenberg, who is an "active ger and Miss Irene Hirsch has had as her worker in Hadassah, Council of Jewbetter show house guest the past' week Miss ish Women and other Jewish women's Esther Levitan of Sioux City, Iowa. activities, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson of Omaha. Fromkin, Mr. Jay Wright Pictures ~> and Mr. Ernest Meyer who are visitThe Greatest of All Stage Plays KOW! \ Ing Chicago and Milwaukee are exNow even greater as a Singing ITSONTHE^ and Talking Picture pected home the first part of the Made to Order in Our Own Shop week.


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MrrDave Crounse who has been in the east on a buying trip is expected to return Saturday.


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PUBLIC COAL YARD 20th and Nichols—JA. 6655 HARRY SWENGIL and WM. HAHN, Prop.

Genuine Franklin , $9.00 Mt-EKWEST £NGi?AVtNG'CO.!NC PnoneATLANTIC0639 TM 5 f • O M -•







are featuring their interpretation of overture, and other exclusive Riviera It is never right to consider that SCREEN VERSION OF Broadway's latest song hit, "Won- features complete the elaborate pro- a man has been made happy by fate, derful Girl." gram for this week. until his life is absolutely finished, "ABIE'S IRISH ROSE" The cast of the stage offering inand he "has ended his existence. — a list of well known stars, AT RIVIERA THEATER cludes Speak not at all, in any wise, till Sophocles. names that have flashed in a thou-

A dance will follow thV Grand Is land game. After that a dance will be held every Saturday evening until, enough money is raised to send a j team of boys and girls to Kansas City on March 2.

"• Business' Men's Bowling League. W. " Li. Av. Kaiman Insurance ...-.2 1 .666 The Wardrobe-' !...2 1 .666 Gla?er Clothing ._.,....L2 1 .666 KE Empire Cleaners' 1 " 2" .333 Gesundheit Malts 1 2 .333 The J . l ' C / C . basljeteers are still The stage play that' shattered ev2 .333 The Junior boys also continued Omaha Tobacco-Cov.:>.l >n a rampage with their twelfth, vicery record in theatrical history and The second half of the- season betory annexed - Saturday at the. ex- their winning streak, copping two brought to its author, Anne Nichols, pense :'of;the:Lincoln A. Z. A, The more tilts. They trounced Cass in gan very auspiciously with consid- untold wealth, has now been profinal ialjy was 28 to 13, with the a- more or less track meet, the score erable enthusiasm among the "pin duced for the screen with all the quintet of Kauffm.an, Rosenblatt, being 70 to 3. Franklin succumbed, smashers." singing, talking and sound effects. The Kaiman Insurance, Glazer Schreibman, Katzman and Altshuler 28 to 6. In the first game Spiegal "Abie's Irish Rose," starring Jean ai:d Siegal starred, while in the sec- Clothiers and- The Wardrobe, defeatleading the, ^w$y. Hersholt, Buddy Rogers and Nancy The biggest crowd of the season ond Adler and Zorinsky were the ed their respective opponents, viz., Carroll, is the screen attraction at Omaha- -Tobacco,* Empire .Cleaners witnessed ^-the* triumph of Krasne's brightest, luminaries. the Riviera theater starting today and Gesundheits.. proteges. ^fAAd' the dance * fplowing and running all of next week. Leo Weitz, the league "ace," the ganvj^jvas equally successful. The city handball tourney at the In the screen version of the faJ.' C. C. -courts is running along cracked the wood for a 615 mark, mous play> Paramount has retained LowZ*stoting featured the opening smoothly. In Class •, A - defending the highest t;otal for the evening. all its laughs, thrills and tears, inof thirTjIiecond ground in .the, Coro- titlist Herman Segelman and Max Leon Mendelson iwas next with; con- tensified a hundredfold. You actualmerciajf *fr&5]rcfc 'ball .league Wednes- Altshuler' are; leading- the Center en- sistent ' games' of 191, 198 and 199 ly hear Nancy sing "Rosemary" and day rught^fci the feature game, the tries, while in Class B M. Ferer, Sok- for a total of. 589. "Little Irish Rose." You hear the Thorpciaii "Athletic 'club "beat - the olof and Epstein • have a' good •Izzie Schlaifep's > 563 • score aided tap of her dainty feet as she goes Brodke^lpgoltructidn company.. 22 "to chance. the Glaiers considerably in their victhrough all the old Irish jigs, neg7> 12. 16^r l Se)rless * feleahers. took' a tory. Ab. Kaiman broke in" the lected in the stage play. You hear 24 toW&z&vtory oven tKe-'TC&plah. Nate Schlaifer is the new boxing league's select total by registering Jean Hersholt, he of the command— e - , ^ ^ . ™ ^ ^ ahd the Av Z: A. instructor at^ftfie J. C. 'C. The a-516.,-count.,,; - ; ing voice, give the great Prayer of nosed out tKe^Psi Mu, 10 to '5, class still meets on Tuesday evenings, A healthy handicap alloted to The Lamentation. You hear the wonderbe enabled Jack Alberts' boys n'Athletic club .staged at 8:15.- Wrestling under Marcus to";, §ec\Jre'a, victory over Marvin ful musics] accompaniment and you hear Buddy Rogers play the piano. anotKer-"-«f'--fiieir top-notch boxing Krasne is held at the same tinier •' ' *T-reller's ^sturdy bowlers. In this week's Public stage show, cards last Friday at* the auditoriumT The r'mid-season stag for eligible The girls' team, not • to" be -outdone Jay Mills -.nd the Riviera stage band The entire. card was well balanced by the male cohorts, are also among members, of the league ,will" be held an*1, highly interesting.^ - "" ' on Wednesday evening,, January 16, One incident occurred -during the the undefeated. The feminine sextet in the grill room.of the Hotel Loyal defeatedthe" Calvary Baptists S a t ' evening which proved that the , folat 8:3d pVnu" lowers of fisticuffs have irf' their' urday for "their third straight. The rough way a higher degree of sports- girls may enter a team in the city Let a man be-, but in earnest in manship than that found in" the" more league to be played on- the K. C. praying against a temptation as^th^ floorl ' -• . • -uplifting sports. A", heavy "favorite tempter is \ in,-pressing it, and he of the ' crowd's was* in one" of • the needs"' not proceed by a surer Charley Phil Rosenberg, former windup bouts: Prolonged" cheering, measure. —South. bahtamweiglitc hamp, after fightinggreeted his entrance into the squared ring. During-the sefto' he hit hip op- at a hegyier weight for some time, is — When shopping, mention the ponent while /the. letter's _back was again back at his old poundage tryturned. , Cheers changed to jeers. ing to regain his title. And so far, "Jewish Press.." And--almost unanimously -the crowd so good. booed its erstwhile favorite. ^.- .~. HIMELBLOOM BAKERY It begins to look like someone . " 1511 X. liih—WE'. 6184 „ slipped one., over on Bennie Leonard The Center eager? \yjll clash with . \ Serve HimelbloonVs new j the' American Business College quintp by selling him;thir-Pittsburg- Hockey Russian' pumpernickle bread nert, Saturday. The" following Sat- club. The Pitt pucksters -are-,close with your next meal. urday the highly touted Grand Jglant) to the -cellar in the l e a g u e ^ ££gRgation wj!l entrain for Omaha, ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. This outfit- will be the toughest yet

you have something to speak. —< sand lights, with a triple threat for Carlyle. PATRONISE OUR ADVERTISERS headline honors. George Riley, Broadway comedian, and Helene Want is a, growing giant whom the Heller, musical comedy star pf coat of Have was never large enough "Sally," occupy prominent spots on to cover. '—Emerson. the bill. .Formerly in Old Orpheom Theater Herbie Koch, sensational organist, Now Across the Street presents an organ feature, starting Paxton Billiard Parlors 1510 Harney AT. 4297 with the Broadway hit, "Teeing Off?' ALL, WORK UUAKANTERU 1516 Farnam—JA. 9721 and «nding in a regular songfest Direct Wire Service on All with the audience. Latest Sport Events Movietone news, an orchestral

20th Century Rapid Shoe Repair


OMAHA MIRROR & ART GLASS CO. Manufacturers of Mirrors, Art Glass, Window Glass BesilTerlng—-Picture and Mirror Farming 1614 Coming St. AT. 6625

Louis Palmer The Hatter Cleans and Reblocks Hats, 50c; Caps, 35c Why Pay More? 1612 HARNEY STREET Satisfactory Work Guaranteed or Money Back

Speck's Place 1119 No. 19—WE. 3221

SERVICE and SUPPLIES Expert Service on ail makes of Radios ".

R. M. SHLAES CO. 218 No. 16

JA. 2147


Old Kentucky Barbecue Maryland Fried Chicken

403 Hospe BIdg,

J A. 5752



NOTICE . ,1'ertllicatc No.; 1531 o« ltt?3." t To- Tony Tril>ul.-Uo, owner QZ VReconL Xou nn* hereby notified Hint on Hie 7th itay "of -Xmemlier. 1024, Selumtlnn'.Trilinl.it»a J'lireJinfcrr, -purcbnHeiJ of fhp <3>unty TrvAfciirer of Douclns Oot-vty, - Ntnte ->of N'ohriiskii. nf-Ws Office, at • tlie<-pnlillc pale of Ueal Kstntc for.tho df (|i>i|iient> C'otmty .-il<l State Taxes nnd .Asuegtments Ihcreon for the'year 1023 lh& following dqnvrlbtfl Heal- Kstnte situated in snlil .C'PUntr. to* <i-if- Lot* 404 nnil-40r> Moruingslile,' Jin AittKtfnn-in Douglns CouMr q(i<i'receive^ rrtim' said Treasurer nt said purchase n County Treasurer's Certificate of TsiJf Snip, mid that Mid Itrirl Kstnte yrnm nsnesBpiJ for the ronrs W23 aiifl, 1028 Inclusive In i'-ilnp. o f ' T o n r TrihiilQta mill was t.ixp|l for nJT of said "Jronrs an<l- after iti^exn'mtlwi 'of three* montliB from the dute of flip <=wldt> of tbln not fro anil -mi or after rtic 10th drty of May- 1021),-applfttriJon will h» rrmili' ttv thp Trensnrpr of BqliJ PoilRlns I'ounty for thp CXPQHIIOII am] iirllTpry of I ' l for an!* Heal Efltiitq-to the ninlt't-



Choicfe of the finest homes. The favorite where e c o n o m y is watched. A luxury within the^reach of all. ^Its'TngB. reputation recommends:, .that", you ft. « .. t - . -3

MAIMKTTA. und Holrter of unJiU-Certlficirte of Tax «ple. V ; , .Thll.



Certified Public Accountants 638 Securittt» Bids.

4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500

AT. 4451

The House With a Reputation



t90S Farnam

JA. 3683


"EUcxric 5f c£s" 17th and Harney

2314 M St.

Nebraska Power * Courtesy • Service -low fUtet


814 No. 24 th St.

AT. 1169


16 and Douglas

Hats Cleaned and Blocked 75c

Giving' Special Attention to Apartment and Business Properties

THALLAS THE HATTER Hats Cleaned and Blocked 50 and 75c


SIXCE 1876

AH Family services, from Wet Wash to Family Finish 11th and Douglas Sts.


I t your laundress does not satisfy, try us

Sanitary Laundry TV. H. OSTENEEKG, Pres. 2815 T»n>«m . AT. 2815


North of Cantle Hvtet —WORK I>OVB W H 1 I E I O C WAIT—.'

Men's Half Soles _.». $1.0* Ladies Half Soles ". ~i..95« Ladies Comp. Rubber Heel6.....,..15c


First Class Work Guaranteed Shoes Rebuilt

Music Teachers




Pianist Ingtructor

Beginners and Advanced--'Studc&ts Accepted , "Suite B, Weod Bide.. 18th and Farnam Telephone ATlantlc 8163

Pliy the Violin Correctly

Prof. Sercik BIKI ofher world renowned teachers recommend my method very highly

-.. • . FRANK MACH

Concert Vlotinlsf rind Iristrift-trtr Stadia ll'Vi S . 18th St. JA. 1952


Painting- Paperhanging





We carry everything in quality furs at lowest prices ia the city.

2nd Floor Securities BIdg. JAckson 1132


Bottlers "IF IT'S


616 Keeline BIdg.



For Printing and Paper Hanging

Call Sam Taraoff AT. 4544

1114 So. 28 St.






Tin, Sheet Metal and Furnace Works First Class Work and Prompt Service


MArket 4600




I Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00 Marcel 75c

Soda Water, Near Beer and Gingerale . WE. 3043 1808 No. 20th St.

We Specialize in the M a n a g e m e n t of Property;

Castle Shoe Repair Shop


AT. 1617

Ideal Bottling Company

Empress Hat Cleaning Shop








Hat Cleaning

PATRONIZE THE CANDYX.AX1)16th and Fiirnntn SCN8ET TKA ROOM 4Mb and DCHlpe CRYSTAL CASDT llitb. and Capitol Ave.

O'.' Xenrs Experience)

Shampoo and Marcel Finger Wave or Haircut $1.25

105 Bo. 1H

2123 Cumlng Street AT. 8010

Shoe Repairing


Beauty Parlors BKAUTY l'AKLOK S3» Aquilln Court . AT. TJZ1

Multigraphing Addressing" Mailing Lists



MArket 4307


HArket 1600

5127 So. 24th St.

2-ith and Farnam



KRAMER & BAUER Auto Repair—Battery Service . Tires—-Tubes—Accessories and Parts


4615 So. 24th St. Hours 7 A. M. to 6 P. M.

JA. 3573



N ELECTRIC range cooks perfectly, even though'you are not at home! ¥ou just set it, put the food on, and then do, whatever you want to do. Having. 9 Hotpoint Electric Range means you'll have t>et|er, quicker meals with no blackened pans to scour, tt means you'll spend less time in the kitchen. Many models and prices. Special low rate for electric cooking I YOU CAN BUY ON VERY EASY TERMS

DAVENPORT GARAGE 18th and Davenport

EL-PATIO CAFE After Theatre Dancing

Awnlnjr*, Canvas: Co.Ters. Tents, Camp Supplies,- All Kind* L3th and Howard AT.. 1403



101 No. 16th


saves f o o d saves effort I

Service Our Motto

GENERAL CONTRACTOR 415 Hospe BIdg. JAckson 1614 Estimates Gladly Furnished

Walter C. Roessig & Co.

a' v e s 11 m er—

'-}* - ' \

H. MARCUS 1941 Vinton St. JA. 1440

Awnings and Tents

s Peoples Coat Co.



General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing;

Under Management of


I !

with ou^ coal. Vou.get a full tor* of all coal when you order here,., ' And -such coat, too.- Evenly sized, dean and of the finest!burning' quality, c . Goes further yet costs 1 ,no more, thougjj it certainly i s ' worth i t " " j

833 BrandelN Theater Bid*-—JA. 4811

2051 Farnam^-AT. 5524

, ,p J. .?. Vrlrtlmqn. - Attorn J —L 7i3£ IVIrrs. Trust ,l\\i\i;. ''• PROBATE -NOTICE. In the mntti-r of t}jv eslritc of W -alii


For Service Call


Cor.- 17th and Capitol Are.—AT. 6427 OOOnVEAIl SERVICE STATION 'iHres. Tul>es. Accessories. Rond Service, Vulcanizing, General Repairing.

Xolltc IK Jietvhy civi-it: "I'lini the" "Tlml,ilorx nf MI Id <lu<-<<:in-<| u-lIF nwi't tin' : ijinlillMJ-uirljc of saiil ' iTtnii-, lu-fore in)'. Ci)itm>' vJiitlfre (if Honslnf* .('oniily, NPlirnKLn*.- :il ' thi- Comity Tavirt > Itnom. f^ li! Conntj-j on tin- l."|tl» ij;iy <tf Krlirti.irjr, ai., nml tin the 15th. <!.iy Df Aped.' 1!>11>. ni '!•- o'clock c l o k A. M.. .«>uc!i. .«uc <lny,*ior tin* in ritI H f ^I I T - i»nrnws<* -of -of .pr?si'iitInB Hipfp Tor ••~:imliuiH(in. ndjiiBtmi'tit nml- (tliowinuc Three months'lire alfnwcd- fur <hi> ornl : iiom j « presniit tb<>rr flnlms. from U * 12»h- <Ui£ at Jummry-joa) , _ •i. •. » Kryce Crawfonl. County \ Jrn. 4 4 T


National Accessories. Inc. A-HLBRODKEY "Everything for the Auto"

Sam' TVbcr and, DitrJil K. ivtipr^ At<orn»y» 0."0 Omaha. Nntioiint Bnnk'fSldg. PROBATE -NOTICE: - - Ii< the matter of the' «;Bt«|e_ of Itln Mizj; " ~1 ij;. il^i-casiMl l^l. ] 1 » Nut!n> is licivliy given: T h n f t h e crpil II iirs of said docvam*d. \\\\U mtt't the n(ft t l t t o r . . of paid 4'»liltp,; bpfiitv tntiilRtrator.. bpfiitv mf, (ininlj- JJudge d off l)qni;li|ji l ) l <'oimty, < ' t Nclirjiska-. :il' tBe C'onnly Coi'irCi Honin, Iri Milil Cimitty. on 1he 4th ilny of; March, 1!iai''niid oif the 4th ijny.- of -Myy'. 11120, til- !> o'clock A. M.. , oiirU. day. J1 for I tit* piirpuxi* of pruM-utiiii: their rlnimt) fqr fxaniiiiation. ailjiihtim<nt iimV "alloivnnrp. /.Tlircp- moiitliji jirj- allpjvpil for ihf prfrtitor8 to present' ihelr clulmn, 'from the Jat dny'oMfrbriiar^'ip'JU. ' . ; ,, liTyce Crawfofil. County' Jitclgo. Jim. -4—!t. •


. Cleaners


4824 So. 25th 4411 So* 26th

Suits Made to Order—Cteanihr— Pressing—Hats and caps Renovated WR No. M m

U G , The Tailor


203 Neville Block AT. 6451

Towel Supply FRONTIER TOWEL & LINEN SUPPLY ATlantic 6291 j . M. JENSEN




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