January 25, 1929

Page 1

Interesting and. .'-. Entertaining













of-Interest to Jews .


Entered as second-class mall matter on tffi at Omaha, O h N b k d the A' pogtofflce Kebraskn. under

27. 1081, it

' larch 3, 187ft,


CONTINUING OFAD) Adolph S. Ochs FOR COLONISTS IN Perseverance, Common Sense, and RUSSIA IS ASSURED Idealism^ Called Foundations of Rise of, Printer's DevU Agreement Completed Providing American Spending of * $10,000,000 GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA . PROMISES EQUAL AMOUNT New, York (J.~ T.. A.)—The agreement for the continuance of the Jewish agricultural and land settlement work in Russia," providing destitute Russian. Jews with, a means of livelihood, was executed last week, according to a statement' issued by James" N. Rosenberg, president of the American Society, for Jewish Farm Settlements in Russia,. Inc. "The agreement with the Soviet authorities- has been under negotiation f 6r> some 'months for .the continuance of this work," said Mn Rosenberg. "This agreement has just been signed and is now- being, forwarded to the Soviet authorities for final ratification. This activity^ conducted during the past* five years under the management of Dr. Joseph A. Rosen, president of the Agro-Joint, has-resuited in'the settlement of over 125,000 Jews on upwards of one and a quarter millioi. acres of land in Russia. This work grew out of the famine relief work in Russia conducted by the American Relief Administration under the direction of Mr. Hoover, during1 which work Dr. Rosen was a member of the American Relief Administration staff. "Russian conditions then: were; and still are that the city, dwelling Jews who in the paatf had been herded in the ghettos, for the first time, given an equal opportunity with other Russians to settle and become producers on the soil.-The Y7ork~bas been attended by such, success, that some months ago ' Mr., Julius Rosenwald subscribed ?5J000l0Q0_ior its -continnr ance, and' Mi-?' John V. Rockefeller, ST., $600,000: _Other' subscriptions have .brought ihe total up to $8,000,000. ' "The new contract contemplates the expenditure by ihe' American society of over $lO,000,000J~<?ver-the next 10 years," Mr. Rosenberg explained. "The Soviet authorities- have agreed to expend at least an equal amount on, Jewish land settlement work, and the ecoriom|c soundness of the undertaking having been demonstrated, the 3ovfet authorities will assure repays ment of the amounts advanced to the settlers on the soil."It was tKid work which Mr. HooVer describefl in a-recent letter to Mn Rosenberg1 as "an outstanding T»iece of huriiah. engineering."

UTTAUER P A T E S J. C C.Presents Beniamino Gigli And Margaret Shotwell in Concert M1LU0N DOLLARS FOR CHApY FUND

nacle of Success as Publisher of New York Tim^s


B y P . W . WILSON


VOL. VII.—Na'4'

America Behind in' .Intellectual Development, S&yg Noted Speaker

Directors Have Free Rein in Deciding Use of Fund


; '

TO SPEND MONEY FOR Meeting' Adolph S: he drifted back to Knoxville, again WELFARE OF MANKIND Oche/ so ' mild in to a drug store. But- when he' was

manner, so quiet in fifteen, -the die was cast,'With wistconversation and so ful. nonchalance, Adolph -Ochs was gentle even in his. proudly-enrolled as a; printers devilf .most courageous de- His vicissitudes' were, also! educacisions, it is bard, tional. Of various colleges,. ihclud? I indeed, ~ to realize ing'the. Jhiversity of Tennessee* he the astonishing se- had: & glimpse; but a t ; the age of verity sot those nineteen Hf«; was : . &s~ :-only battle, stirugglesi half a anJ.. forth he went .with; : others to century ago/-of which- 80 serene a" Chattanooga, conquerine and to consuccess is now- the sequel. Mr. Ochs quer/ "._.'.; . •. ..'•. .,'. - . . '.'•.' stands today as' the 1 embodiment of -They ; tbolt over thejdisused ; plant the'New York'Tiin.es, with its vast q£ a moribund newspaper1, .called: 'he ramifications^ spreading as a net- despatch, and thus there, was bom work over the .whole* wide world and the ^Chattanooga Times. It Appeared a- staff of 3jB0p ,men and women; to be a dead failure.- The; advertiseunited as i, «o-operative^republi'i in ments were' negligible; there were ot loyalty to tht: one 'master mind. Who 200 subscribers;-.would suppose that' such a career, By this time, Mr. Ochs >,had begun culminating in." a central skyscraper, to feet his; feet. With, the help of a situated at the' veiy netve center of civi grant of f$300, he had'revived the metropolis, .had 'its, commence- the Chattanooga with ;H> ment in a'anere cutiby-hole, no. more 480 names, "and Directory^ after p r i ting" tran 40 feet in. length 'and 20 feet book' on a foot-driven press, nbe made in. breadth, long since ^swept away by money on. i t Not yet; of age, he the rising tide of real estate? pToppsed calmly, to buy^up the Chat? Born at "Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1858j tanooga Times. • young Adolph Ochs was but" seven ; His associates asked ?8O0.\ . The years old when,his family moved to final bargain; was; $250 for a half Knoxville, Tennessee. "With his eager, share, Mr. - Ochs assuming, resporisi-, : open countenance, the lad- was, from bility for' a debt of $1,200, to* be rethe-first, a favorite" and, at the age paid at the rate of, $50 ajmonih. On of eleven, we find him dividing* hie a note for $300, the bank lent $287 energies between attending school in'.cashj of which $250'was-.paid as and seling the local "Chronicle." pblchase,-and/,$25 as a-debt; to the Already, the fat?6 were busy with his Associated Press. T h e working capital was thus ,^12! • f ^ - It wEs well; that Adolph Ochs was But in his passion for the press an1, all-round man.' For, working. 18 he had to -pe patient. At Providence^ h d . y ^ he Jbad:-,'to - be, #fr once,

R._L Jje is_tpube.8eenjn_his jmcte's drag store, caring for the cashj go

'•(Continued.. on JP^ge- 4) ;



National "Head if American Says Life Is So Short That We Zionists on Tour of Are Only Strangers On Country Earth WILL DISCUSS AGENCY

Mr. Louis Katelmah, president of the' Omaha Zionist; Diptr^cti. is in receipt of a v letter ffrdin the .national headquarters- '••'.-of'-; the ojgaiiizatidn stating that; Mr~ Eouis \ Iipskyv national, president- of:, the- Zionist Organization of:'.;America,, will- be in on February 13 to address Junior fladasah Supper Omaha the local District; ' - " and Pageaiit Jan. 30 Mr. Lipsky, recently returned from Berlin where-he attended the sessions The feature, of the; Chummy. Sup- of the General Couricil^of the World - p e r , to be given by the Junior Ha- Zionist Organization wHere the plan dassah on January 30, at the Trip. for organizing,- the -extended- Jewish Inn; is a pageant depicting the activ- Agency was apprpved. The Ameriities of Hadasahand scenes of Pal- can executive is one- of the leading estine. This .pageant has a cast of exponents of the plan for uniting •twenty-four girls, all membera- of the Zionists and non-Zionisms in the dub, and, is staged tinder the direc- moveinentj 'to~' rehabnitate" Palestine iion of Mary Claire Shames. and ,to establish it as a Jewish naThe cast is as follows:' tional homeland in accordance with Raconteur— Hadassah,. Sylvia Bern- the League of Nations mandate and stein; Jerusalem, Rose- Rosenstein; the- Balfour declaration. Tel Aviv, Adelaide Greenberg; Haifa, The Zion^t Organisation of AmerEuth-Greenbeig; Petach" Tikvahy ica is now conducting . arv intensive 'Paye Collick;' Rishon-le-rZion, Sophia national campaign, and Laff; Zichron-Jacob, Alice' Minkin; it is in membership, the interests of this drive Nahalal, Mollye Grossman; Ain Char- that Mr. Lipsky is making his tour. od,. Lillian Greenblatt; Atlit, Bess Although the speaker's1 subject has Horwieh; Benjaroina, Ida Bishoff; not been announced; local Zionist Jewish National Fund, Pearl Weisberg; officials anticipate that he will speak Chalutzah, Ida .Cahn Platt; • Herzl on the Jewish Agency and the plans Wood,' Bess Spar; Meier Shfeyah, for future Palestinian wprk as emRose Sachs and Mamie- Temin; Chil- bodied the report-of the Impartial dred in the- School, Youths- in the Survey in Commission made public'this Technicum, Students at the Hebrew summer, ana since ratified few University, Ida Fine, Minnette Zeig- reservations by the Generalwith Council man; Palestine Electric Co., Sadie, of the, world orga'njjation, Tatleman; Bezalil Art School, Bess Bernstein; Hebrew Opera, Tobie MRS. PLATT ELECTED HEAD Steinberg;,Nurses, Sally Morgan; InOP DAUGHTERS OF ZION fant Welfare, Station,. Rose •: Kurs; At the last meeting of the DaughtMilk Station, Lilyan Rosenblatt. ers of Zion held Jan, 16, the following The remainder of the program will officers were elected .• for the ensuing consist of speeches by Mrs. Fromkin, term: Mrs. Sam Cabn PJatt, presisponsor* \ Hose, Fine, president, and dent; Mrs. j . Tatleman^vice-president; Anne Gr&nberg, chairman of the Mrs. J. TretJak, vice-president; Mrs. committee;, recitations, music and J. Goldware'; financial (secretary, Mrs. dancing. L Dansky, recording secretary; Mrs. L Xulakofsky,('treasurer, and Mrs. J. Humility ' is to make a right Hahn; chairman of card party- commitestimate of one's self. It is no tee. The organization" which raises humility^ for a man to think less of himself than he ought, though it money for the Jewish Rational Fund might rather puzzle him'to. do so. is planning a rummage sale this —Spurgeon.

IS ON NATIONAL TOUR Taking as his text the. biblical quotation, "We are strangers and sojourners on. the earth," Rabbi Michael Aaronsohn told the congregation -of Temple Israel- Friday- evening-that life is • so brief and transitory that we are' veritably strangers, or "aliens" on this earth. His subject was "fhe,Alien." . - -Rahbi Aaronsohn, although blind as. the' result of a wound sustained in the battle of the Argonne during the ^Worid War when he was serving as a chaplain, is touring the coun'try and-'speaking from the various pulpits of the reform congregations affiliated with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, of which he is the field representative^ Although admitting that the Jew becomes' internationally minded 'more easily because of the fact >that his religion so impresses' upon him this concept of being an "alien/" Rabbi Aaronsohn defended the patriotism of Jews in their various countries. He pointed to* the war record of Jewish soldiers as proof of hjs statement, Rabbi Aaronsohn's own life is a livifg substantiation of his contention. The speakei praised efforts, to rehabilitate Palestine,' but decried political Zionism as an ideal. He pointed the path of the Jew toward a more international viewpoint ~in the service "of God.

TEMPLE BROTHERHOOD TO CONDUCT SERVICES The Brotherhood of Temple Israel wilt be in charge of the Friday evening services at Temple Israel this week! I t will be "Brotherhood Night" and Brotherhoods throughout the country are holding special services, according,to Nathan E. Jacobs, secretary. Ma* Holzman will read the services. Marvin Treller, president of the Brotherhood, will preside, and Milton Abrahams will preach the sermon, speaking on "The Creed of a Layman." Flowers are to' be given, by the Brotherhood to all ladies attending.

New York (J. T^A.^—A gift of $1,000,000 for research in.cancer and pneumonia, promotion of-Jewish communal activities and* studies in Hebrew, for the welfare* of". mankind and;;better.understanding- was made by Luciaus N. Littauer of Gloversville,: N. Y., American Jewish philanthropist, former member of congress. The gift, which is made in the form of securities sent to the directors of the Lucius N. Litt&uer Foundation- which, he. established, is absolute, and^ although Mi*. Littauer indicates to what ufes^Jiis benefaction. might be; put, imposes no restrictions and leaves ititpthe. discretion of the foundation;"directors to expend the principal-; ai^d income of his gift in a mannerlthey* deem best. Mr. Littauer dates the Creation fund as of Sunday, Jan. 20,vvvhich marks his seventieth birthday*,.... • "In so far as it is consistent with changing needs and circumstances," Mr. Littauer writes to the directors, "you will continue to support such agencies as have heretofore received benefits from me, particularly research in cancer, scholarly endeavors in the field of Jewish', studies, Jewish communal activities and research in the field of pneumonia, which latter I have subsidized" in • memory of my beloved, wife, Flora." In his letters to the directors of the foundation, Mr. Littauer signifies that further gifts to the' organization

The domination of business -interests of American thought, was the keynote of -the address' d«Uver«J by Norman Hspgood, famous editor &nd lectpr«r9 at the Jewish Community Center Wednesday; evening, in the opening feature of tSie Lecture X2ottrfce being pponsoreS' by the : C«hfer * awi the Council of Jewish Women, ' Speaking on • "The- American "Kind Today", Mr,* Hapgtxwl traced the development. .t>f thought; in thin country and showed, how. nt- the time «*f Washington, Hamilton, snd JefFcrs«n.f we reached' -great heights in the developing1' of ..thinking: on political science, how that marvelous -con* stnsctive • thought, era gave way to mere analytical and interpretive thinking politically in the next half century, pnd hew the American-' gradually became absorbed'with nese development following the Civil War. ' . ' .. Slightly hunching the shoulders of ME '-tell rugged frame, the fariuwo editor peered out- over the with his dRrk, deep-set piemng ^ and then' cslmly proceeded t » t«H thcip: th,&t we have today." admiralty succeeded \n developing' business, with its great mess production apd specialisation, b\st:."we hKve no longer & great- thinking clsss politicalljv w»<i never did make w»^i contsrilmtion to the- 'world -of litfratuare 'smd «vt, -Inf , hf!':show«tl howAmtnc« comp«pp<t with' pean nations. ' • •~ x

Beniamino Gigli Beniamino, Gigli; famous tenor of Paris where she completed her the Metropolitan Opera Company of musical studies, were all of an in" • New York,, and. Margaret Shotwell, formal nature. Gigli is the leading tenor of the former Omaha, girl, who has won international recognition as concert Metropolitan Opera Company/ havpianist,' will' appear in dual concert ing succeeded Caruso to that post under' the auspices of the Jewish upon' the latter's death. This "concert recital is one'of the Community Center at the City Audi- special! features of the lecture ; torium on Sunday evening, Jan. 27. concert' i course being sponsored by This will:be- the iirst formal ap- they Center and . the Council of pearance • of either artist, in Omaha. Jewish , Women.', Holders of season^ MissiBJiotwell's.:previous Omaha ap- tickets) .to: 'the^ Cota^^ wilf te i c t s ) .to te encondemn our. dewtjon to- . cad be expected frQm_h^/^ying^peaf^ces prior to her leaving for titled to -tlctets to the concert. 'Bi&iuRe '• of'i '.pur"""interis assign to it from time to time such Uon in this .field, "he Mid; 'th«t' .yfo' further' sums of money or securities have made two great contribu^toHnti> as I shall deem- advisable." ' the utilization to the fullest extftht of all scientific improvements, and the raising of the standfiwis of living'.of'.the masses^ ''The eewniott Chosen Dance Chairman people today'*j he ,^aid, "live as edmNational Authority Stresses Mrs. Joseph E. Friend To- Ad- fortably. RB did princes and duk^e & . Spirit of Love In dress Omaha Chapter of'. -few. centuries .age." .Work "The - grefttest American iniellectuet! Organization worfd jtccompliflhjnent since the Civil 1 MARY P. WHEELER COMING PLAN PEACE PROGRAM "War wfef, th> tiriumph of one mfctj, WoodroW- -W«1»on," • Hap'good fetated. Joseph E. Friend of New The. • lecturer, presenting a striking The spirit- of pioneering is as im- Mrs. iportant to social work "now as it Orleans, national president of the likeness of the great president him^ver has been^Kev. John O'Grady, Council of Jewish Women, "vrill be self ,' lauded him and the League of I Washington, head of the Catholic in Omaha Monday to attend the Nations. Be described the, latter as y the embodiment of the ' Charities of America, declared in a January meeting, of the Omaha i h tesching that much can-'be 'lecture, to professional and lay. so- Council of Jewish Women. ,«ial workers at the Jewish Commu- Mrs. Friend has been the holder accomplished by kind and eoncilf&ktty mengii instead of. by force, nity Center .Monday' evening. This of many important city, state a HJg mild voice became a little was" the secbn<d of the series, "Forum national offices. She is a member , for Social Studies," sponsored by the of the executive committee of the deeper and more ferment as Hapgwld1 Omaha Council of Social Agencies. General Federation of Women's ventured to prophecy for the. future /' "Systematization and specialization clubs, and has been president of the telling his large audience which s!» •have done much to improve social Louisiana Federation of Women's most filled the auditorium, that perI work," Dr. ' O'Grady said, "but the clubs, and in-New Orleans, president haps in two or three spirit of love is necessary, too. In of the Travelers' Aid society, the l»eople will have to work only social work .there is something that Federation of Women's chilis, and or five Jiowrs a d«y in "opSet to a living., JJe also looked fbrws*ft to cannot be standardised by ordinary the Consumers' league. Min Flax ? methods. It is,the spirit of love and Mrs. Friend was appointed by the a . still - greater rBisjng ©f few iu^ Miss Min Flax has been chosen initiative that arises out of man's governor of Louisiana to be treasurer tellectus^ standards of the chairman-of the "Midwinter Madcap- nature." of the Women's State Council for He. opined .t'hst--the- s4sdio dance being sponsored by the Kappa Dr. O'Grady urged the t:o-ordina- National Defense for the period »f play.-a-great, past- i» this. hapter of Theta Phi Sigma, nation- tion of social.efforts and the carry- the war. She is chairman of the Following the lecture, al Jewish sorority. The affair is ing on of surveys, to establish a city committee for the Woodrow Wil- was: invited : to ask questiows of -,th€ planned for Sunday, February 3, at factual basis for the work. . speaker.-- ;•».• Sarg* nnittber,. son Foundation Fund. the Trip Inn at Fortieth and Farnam Mrs. Mary P. Whjseler of St. Paul, The board of the Omaha Council thtin««Ives of the >'opportunity. streets.. an expert in the fiel4_of..family- wel- will meet at the Blackstone hotel at ^udge Irvin Stsbnaster : a Herb Feierman's orchestra has been fare, will be the next .speaker in this 11 a. -m. Monday. At 12:30 p. m., man of the evening «nd engaged- to furnish music for the course.' She will come Wednesday, Mrs. Friend -will be honored with a novel affair. February 13. luncheon at the Blackstone hotel, at The committee assisting Miss Flax which the new members of the Coun- Julius Spigl^ Passes ncludes Miss Lylyan Steinberg, Ethel ALL CHILDREN INVITED cil, •will be introduced. Reservations ;Awa;yin South- Bend Cohen, Lylyan Chudacoff and Anne TO TALMUD TORAH PARTY for the luncheon must be telephoned Jonisch. Julius Spigle, PS. died to Mrs. Harry Raehman by Sunday v 16/ft' h'if home-an Boath The: fifteenth" jday of the month noon. In^itna/followiBg a few weeks Shvat (this year Saturday the. 26th The regular meeting of the CounKRASNE ANNOUNCES .withpneumonia.' A former day of January) is known in the Jewcil will be held at 2:30 p. m. at the WEEKLY DANCES AT J. C. C. ish Calendar as the Arbor Day in Pal- Jewish Community Center. Mrs. resident, b«ra snd reared her®) he , The physical department of the estine. There,'all the school children Friend will deliver the message of transferred' severel years ago .by ..tl Jewish Community Center will stage march on this day with their teachers, the National Council. Milton R. Abra- EemiBgt«n Typewriter Co. to $©uth a dance every Saturday night fol- iaccompanied by- a band of music to hams will give a talk on "Interna- Bend to become district manager W lowing the basket ball games, until the fields, where they plant trees. tional Peace" which will be the topic tht E^minftoB-fiand Co; in thtt W enough money is raised to send the Throughout the exile it is customary of the January meeting. Mrs, Philip Mr. Spigle -wfll' be reffismbed boys' and girls' teams to Kansas on this day to^eat Palestinian fruits Romonek, chairman of peace for the by hosts of friends for his i City. For the past two years these as figs, dates, and so on; thus, keep- Council of Jewish Women, will give club-fend lodge activities. . combined cage and dance affairs have ing the memory-of Eretz. Israel in the prologue to a pageant of peace He is survived, by his been a success, and Physical Director our minds. The children of the City written and directed by Mrs. Isidor the-former'Miis Sadie Marcus Krasne states that they are Talmud Torah are going to celebrate Ziegler, assisted by Mrs. Romoisek< of Omaha,.bf three children, this year Chamisho Osor Veshv&t in Mrs. Harry Z. Rosenfeld arranged his.'mother, Mrs. Nanej? p t , becoming extremely popular. th3fe#.8ister« sncl one brother, all i&tm» * Goldenberg's orchestra, led by the Jewish Community eCnter, Sun- the musical score. erly of Omaha, b«t n©w residing {ft day, Jan. 27th at 10:00 A. M. All Maurice Goldenberg, played at last Saturday's dance. Meeting with the Jewish children from 6 to 12 years will bs staged by the graduation class Caiilornia, The sisters snid bt*th#f crowd's approval, they have been en- are invited by the officers and the of the Talmud Torah. Everybody is arc-Mrs, P, S, P?jjfcen8tein» Mrs, JftiJius- Jac^g and Frank Spifjk of 1M gaged to furnish the music for the Board of Directors ©f the Talmud welcome. Angeles, ^nd Mrs. Harry Donskef ot Torah as their guests to participate bllowing Saturdays. Chic©, Gflit Fremont's team will come to Oma- in the celebration, A» elaborate proservices were held In Cbi* gram has been arranged for them. Human nature is fond of novelha to meet the J. C. C. for next Sat^ Jan, 18. Refreshments will be. served. A play ty. —Pliny the Elder. urday's cage card




TWO—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25,1929 board with youthful alacrity. The tc build a water power .generating women held their breaths as he turned plant and build transmission lines to assist the new Mrs. Blum from the capable o:P serving Omaha with the '" ivEjibUsheti rfivefy. Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by backseat. 25,000 kilowatt -hours of electricity THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY She was slight, where they had all that we can provide by adding a SHORT STORY By NINA KAYU expected a woman of some proportwo and one-half million dollar exOffice: Brandeis'Theater Building—-Telephone: ATlantfc 1450 tions, good cooks usually come large. DAVID BLACKER; BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR tension to our present power plant "The Nebraska Power Company generating- -equipment}" said»-M«c« : ~,- ~ IRVING-PERLMETER :- - - - - . . . EDITOR And she wore a blue coat andclose The feminine part b£ the Blum "Oh," Sophie expostulated. "You over a five-year period has spent family discussed her at bridge. can make a pancake yourself. But fitting hat to match. That was all one million dollars yearly for naw Kinnorii "When you consider the dif$2.50 Subscription Price, one year - — - — «• * - » .« they were able to gather as the five ference ni the interest you would "Well, I must say," Myra, Mrs how about potato pudding? And construction and this year will spend pay on nine million and two and r r .-^.r.'i. ~ ; i Adyertising. ratesfurnished on application came up the walk to the front door. scanned her cards pirogen, and blirizes ? Who ever bothnearly four million dollars," fc. R. leaned back with a satisfied smile and ers nowaday?? And yet they make In a general handshaking, children MacKinnon, general superintendent, one-half million dollars you have the CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; ; shouting and jumping for their grandanswer as to which of the two is spoke about something remote from my mouth water, just to think of t e sure to give your name. father's kiss, a hasty retreat to th told memtferB of the Tribe of-Yessir cheaper." the three heart bid in her hand but them." kitchen to tend to the duck, no furthe at the Chamber of Commerce Tues,77 He said that the Nebraska Powelf dose to the.four of them,,balanced The women leaned forward, each impression could be gained. day noon. precariously on the folding chairs in voidng a special preference for some "These improvements have been Company annually distributed & payIt was not until they were seated necessitated by the continued increase roll of $1,350,000 in Omaha and in her dainty living room. "I must say," rare half-forgotten delicacy. about the dining room table that they in demand for electricity and our ef- the communities it serves. she repeated for the benefit of the "And the children, won't they get ^-r,ThereeeTit'£mnoTincement that Professor Albert Einstein had others, as daughters-in-law and pros- their fill of taiglach?" Hannah asked. could adequately estimate this new ad forts to constantly improve our servagj&iii shookuthe foundation of the scientific world with a new pective stepchild our attitude is— "I haven't the faintest idea how to dition to the family. ice. Over a '.en year period residen- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS She was young! Not forty yet, the tial increase in use of electricity has revolutionary-theory achieved what we had been prone to believe well, revolutionary to say the least." make them. Besides, Lizzie would women admitted, watching her active increased 600 per cent, while inpartner, Helen Blum, youngest never let me bother around the kitch impossible, v It : elevated" the Jewish genius to an even higher pin- of Her black eyes dart about at the many dustrial use has grown thrt hundred the Blums and, hence, most modern, en all morning." For an n^le in our esteem; "Already immortalized by his fatherhood of tapped a nervous hand on the table. "Girls, recalling what they had been faces. In a low hoarse voice, she per cent. Lower power rates ha a Honest Deal and Quality relativity, he has added another great accomplishment to his credit "Come on, Myra, what's your bid ? 1 about, followed suit. "Let's show spoke about the tiresome trip down aided in bringing new industries to which lends still more justification to the claim so commonly made don't see anything startling about what we are. Let's have the place from Chicago, wholly at her ease, con- Omaha. the whole affair." fixed up and let's make dinner over at fident. With a gentle but imperative "It takes six months to plan a • that he js the greatest scientist in the world. spoke to her sister-in-law as Grandpa's. He wired Adolph he'd be gesture she waved away a heaping construction program and fourteen like all truly great men, Einstein takes his honors modestly. if Myra she were a child. "My dear, I back Sunday. We'll all go over and plate of roast duck, deeply browned months to complete it, ~o you set we —CALL— in answer "to press repi-e^eiit^tiyes who bombarded him with quer- simly can't get over it. Every time 1 the boys can meet them at the station potatoes and gravy. "Thank you BOhave to keep two years ahead oi the much," she said, "but III just have ries regarding the ieyrdiscovery, he merely stated that it was too think of it, it's so delicious I actually When they come in, we can surprise electrical needs of the community." -complicated to make possible an explanation understandable to the forget what's trumpi Sophie, dont them. We'll pitch" in and make a real some salad, thank you. I've dieted MacKinnon said that a new boiler ;u long, I don't even want those things at central power station to be in8«p**m«" •layman^ He went on-to say, "There is no occasion for anybody to you think it's wonderful, the way meal. Roast duck and everything. any , Prop. more. I told your father he'd stalled by June 1st, will cost We may as well, well all be eating we're all taking i t ? " $600,be excited over it, and why the newspapers should take an interest Sophie, Mrs. Ben Blum, could be over there often enough now." 45th and Farnam—WA. 4480 have to learn how to eat all over agin, 000. Then the company will spend i don't believa *• heavy food and it's iri itX can't' understand." : ? counted on to agree to anything, even They fell to the plan, the three $2,500,000 in adding a new turbine But fierr Einstein misunderstands us. Our interest is not so before hearing it. "Yes, my dear daughters-in-law and Helen; who saw certainly not good for him at his age." of 25,000 kilowatt hours capacity, much in his discovery^-it, we admit, is far beyond our compre- Myra/' she replied. to it that she promised no spedfic Samuel Blum laug-hed fondly, inter- larger than any turbine now operated, rupted his talk with his sons to .say: hension-T^t>u,t is in-the genius who conceived the idea. There is Bridge was destined to be neglected contribution to the general compaign. "Etta's going to make me' young and in buildii.g a new turbine room Myra Blum .wanted to talk, and since Helen preferred her pleasures with no and enlarging the present boiler • ju$t enough curiosity and hero-worship in us to make us gape in t was her bridge party, in her hands exertion on her part. She looked for- again. She says no matter how much room at central power station. Anwonderment at a man who can spend ten years in writing a five- lay its destiny. ward to the time when the laundry I've got it'll be enough for us. She other large EUI.. will be expended on page document that not more than a handful of men will be able "I was telling Adolph last night, the would be sent out on time, when the doesn't want me to work any more." sub-station improvements and in enIt will pay you to consult us before to "apl)reelate, but which some day may be of infinite value to Blums are smart ones, they know hiring and firing of a maid would not "But the business, Papa," one of his larging the distribution system, insons expostulated. Samuel Blum Buying a Radio. 1 be left in her Incompetent hands. She when to kick, and when they're ih cluding transmission lines, while aphumanity. ••; leaned back with an air of importance. No matter' what luck. Why, you'd.hunt far and wide almost believed her father had gone $500,000 will be spent The picture almost defies our imagination; We get only a before you'd, find another family to up to Chicago to get married to suit "Ill turn it over to you boys and you proximately make set you have ' can pay me out. Etta and I are going on a new "switching rack" used to hazy'vision of a magnificent toiler defying the ravages of advanc- take it all as calmly as we are. By all her convenience. in mind we can send the power out over feeder linrs. help you—All sets ., ing- age and a troublesome hearjk ailment. We try to peer closer tradition we ought to be up in arms. In fact, they all felt that he was on a trip, a Mediterranean cruise, we The company spent $150,000 on guaranteed a n d but the splendor of such great unselfishness dazzles our eyes that Instead, we're ready to throw out our conferring a favor on them. They decided. I always wanted to travel, rural electrification of farms within serviced. arms to welcome her." but I never thought I could get away a forty mile radius last year, and have been so~16ng-accustonied to the uncertain light of a world especially appreciated his thoughtfulbefore. And while we're away, this year will spend a much larger Helen, for whom romance had not ness in going.to Chicago to be marwhose general yirtue is beclouded with petty strife and greed. It yet bloomed, replied, "It's because we ried — his business often took him Adolph, you can sell the house. It's amount. is this subiime'aitr^sm that marks the true scientist. It is the all know it's the best thing for Grand- there and he had many acquaintances. too much for Etta to bother with. MacKinnon predicted that water trafiscendantal qualitythat justly merits such guerdon as thenni- pa." ' Even , his sons and daughter He had spared his family any embar- Maybe when we come back, Helen'll r.'wer would never serve Omaha, JEWELRY AND MUSIC called Samuel Blum; Grandpa. "After rassment they might feel in his being get married," he looked at his young- "unless coal prices became prohibimortality that will surely'be Eiiistein's. > ; — WE. 2042 1804 N. 24 est and.laughed at her blush, "tf not, tive." all, he's not so jpoung any more, and married in towif.she'll stay with us. We'll take a little **lt would cost niii^ million dollars 'm sure I can't look after him. They prepared to show their appre"As if you ever did.. Helen Blum, ciation as they had planned and on apartment, three rooms or four." The daughters-in-law looked at each ou can't boil water and as for that Sunday assembled at the house which Thes lastinaiibagr broughtsomething that should interest pur house-i-if I didn't send my lizzie over would again ring with festivity and other and then at this stranger who drug-store owner friends..; At least they can expect some of those once a week to clean;it — "Hannah, had upset all their plans. Mediterlong waited-for J3hip9.to. come sailing in on a wave .of tremendous Mrs. Irwin Blam, xould not finish her overflow with bounty. ranean cruise! Three room apartHannah directed her Lizzie with the ment! sales of Kair-bieaching agents.. And maybe a little hair-dye too. sentence.* "And you're not home, to deaning while Myra and Sophie saw The Jewish Telegraphici Agency tolls us that at an anti-Semi- meals two nights a week. Papa's. al- to the duck, the roast potatoes, the With a sigh they_ turned tojtheir plates, eating the last sumptuous meal running here and there looking' tic mBerlm,aU brunettes were forcibly ejected as potential JeWs. ways salad and pie. The children, with the in that house, the meal they had fof.you—^and for a decent meal." Now wouldn't 4hat faze the dark-haired Kit Kluxer iti your neigh- : Belen backed down. "Well, I'm hot familiarity they felt in their grand- cooked themselves. borhood?- And wouldn't it; matce any hair-bleaching company's going to gjve up my >whole life--.jto; father's house, raced up and down the AND halls, hid in unused^ bedrooms, popped •stock a woiderful.investment?;T : ;.„_ keeping/house: ~I don't have to, yet," —t When shoppings mention into the kitche*[ for" tastes. Helen dewith disdain at her three \ But just as the author stared rejoicing over what this news she looked 1 voted the morning to washing her hair. 'Jewish Press." shackled sisters-in-law. might do "for bis /friend at the ;drug-store; a horrible realization At noon, Ben, Adolph and Irwin "That's why' I said," Myra again came ove? him and he^made a mid dash for the mirror. And sure captured the £oor, "it's the very thing drove to the station to welcome Grandenough;he discovered-his own branium crowned with a mess of forjGrandpa. He'll have someone: to pa—and his bride. blonde hair. What to do? WMt to do? Only two solutions pre- look after him in* his declining years, The four "worhen, the children clustand listen ;to his stories, ered about their feet, stood at the sented ^&4m$el^^^ else a large sigH saying "I am In. . - • • - -•'• front door when the car drove up a Jew, nMr *t6 t h i tontta^ilQtwithstanding." m W. O. W. Bldg.—AT. 8034 "And -ttie-house'li be taken care of from the station. Each of the three .-•- -•-,? WouW it be repeating\a.platitude'to say that the maliciousness again," Hannali said. •: daughters-in-law watched her hus"Pays the claim of those w h o stir u p racial h a t r e d is only surpassed b y t h e i r s t u "Oh,.it's much-better this way. The band climb out of the car, followed by with a smile" pidity? •••• ; •.:;:::.,••-.••-• - .; dld;3pUs>^l.;Be lilce it? was before Grandpa. Full insurance coverage on Mamma died. It'll be dean and fresh. Why, they gasped, he seemed to Tuts and fur coats at miniThe Nebraska's tremendous outlet and the recipient of a gold; medal in .Therail be some place to go to again. have grown ten years younger in the mum premium of $6.00 per Sophie yearned plaintively. for good clothes enables this store to two weeks he had been away. He had the laBt contest; . . . :.-;--: •:.";•;:; year. Yes/' Myra agreed. ."There'll be on a new grey suit* he carried a cane have its buyers constantly in the markets sesome place tp go to fox Sunday dinner and he stepped from the running curing the cream of values for its patrons. J. C* £ A ^ N O U N C E S L i l f again. It's wonderful to.go out to Every man who sees the marvelous values ofFOR LARGER ORCHESTRA dinner on Sundays, Cooking home fered today realizes the importance of this And you can't As ^Vindication of his interest in The Jewish; Community ^Center has kills the whole day. offering, the unusual quality fabrics, the seif the childjen to a restaurant." the.^ education of Jewish; youth, and- announced a.campaign: to enlarge its take ."There'll be a place to leave the evident supremacy of the styles and tailorfor the purp.ose ;of Btimulating in-! orchestra. The present orchestra, johjldren when we want tp run up to ing. Nothing like it elsewhere. ^»resit- among 5boyB and girls in the which Has dorieinotable work/'ttnder the city for -a ^few^days, too, Or go FRANKLIN COUNTY, ILL. ; PRESTO SEMIrebuilding --of;; Palestine, r,Congress- the direction: of, Mn -Rudolph ; Seidl away lor a •week-end. • You can't The Genuine .....89.00 AH Lump 4§9 man William-W. Cohen of New York,1 meets, every .Tuesday night. leave them-at hpme: with the "maid COLORADO CHUNKS S8.75 Mine Run 50% Lump 458 has established a fund to provide! ILL. LARGE LUMP ......S7.50 -All those interested in. joining the and you can't trust them to Grandpa— •for\\ tjjLe. ithirdT nationwide [oratorical: jj. t T n [ PYROLITE;SEMIILLINOIS NUT .....§6.75/ orchestra are asked to see Mr> hfe spoils, themj ; and ; their stp jKroieek-ilfldgr the* ;a,usj>ices of Young- Shanok ,the assistant executive KENTUCKY LUMP ......S7.50 . -High grade, All Lump....$10 flijh^ good-to eat-Bome of OMAHA. NEK ...S8.00 Judea, national Jewish youth organ- tary of the. Center. The augmented those Mine Run, 50% Lump S 9 CHEROKEE NUT good things : again. Myra, I'd i M Ed CREROKEE MILL .......455.50 .CORRECT AJPPAUEL FOH MEM AND WOMEN. fo according, to an- announce-! orchestra -will.;present an elaborate father have a good, brown potato panNut Run - S 7 YARD MILL $5.00 j f kyi BMcjgraej Goldstein,; concert- this spring, according to ten- cake right-now than^the salad I know t i and Mr. :Samuel ;J.yBor- tative; plans. 'c:~:±.'., ...,,/ , you're going to serve." i owsky, Eie<iutrve Chairman of .Young; : Judaea.-. - •-._.:—'; «-;: •-.-: -.-—-y:. 'Tfee <5ohtest,-which, trill be open to Ytnmg Judaeahs Isetween- the. ages of; . 14 /and"'18, will be devoted: tor.ora-! -fion's" vti the subject of ".Palestine drtd" Jewish • Survival," emphasizing the .influence of the rebuilding of Palestine on-JewishJife-in-the United; States as welT as in other countries. The-«fation&.will de"al-with the past, teaches this modern system sup* Graduates present and future) considering what ; planting old - style hi- e t h b'd s - Employed by—. American. Jewry, has: done towards Bnrlljijrton jiocte throughout the U . - S . The local the- rerestablishment of the' Jewish Chicago. Great Western with a high rate of interest It. K. Nstmnal- Home in Palestine;, what it franchise for • , I f you. travail in fordga countries, carry accruing dally. That's what Wobdnfarf Circle is.-Bdw doing for the economic up-International on an exporting business tfr have 6cTasty " building of the country; and what ' Harvester Co. - casiontqr Send or receive/foreign money/ Peters Trurt e«. -influence Palestine is,having and will fntrersitr ot Kebmska an AsStericanJewiSh .life. ' .'we 'OffferthVfacH'ities that will "meet an, College of Medicine innefclof• the contest, .will be you* ie^tflrefiiente for prompt and effiU. 8. OK Workl .given- a free. Crip .to Palestine. EeAmerican Ity. Ex. cient service. and for complete Dickinson trainjipflal contests will be held in; four'•>•'' * means to you. I t eosi^ no Incur'anee. Co. teen. . centers, including New York, Omaha'Public I-IUrary more — it's worth money in ing, day o r night school, is held ex* Our foreign department will be glad to and manr fltherg Brooklyn, Newark;: Boston,. New . Haactual dollars and cents—and clusively by give you fldvice about its service. Please ven*'iBotfhester, Philadelphia,- Baltican be obtained quickly by more. Atlanta, Cleveland, • Cincinnati, tee) free to call on them. asking for our representative* Chicago, OfiiSbe and, San, Francisco. The winners in .the.-regional contest) •will - participate in the s emifinals' Telephone ATlaniic 8028 which will < take place during the nionth of May in a large eastern ..-••:• v : ; E s t . 1 9 2 4 ••'- . • -.city. The national eliminations will 1307*3309 Howard Street, Omaha Typewriting—Bookkeeping (Burroughs Electric Machine)—Business be^hsld- during, the month, of June, r at the^. twentieth anniversary of BttgliSh-rCoiaptet* Secretarial Court* i. Young Jfudaea. . . 3$th and Harrie* ' MRS. H. G. CREEL, Director .fl Artier «»03 •rp i i - . ii , Misa Martha Lippett of Omaha was - one of the - national finalists ••in n liiw n • • • n •••% n • • • il ma inn *•





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Council Bluffs News By F, R, K. are 'nearly cuuipleted ior the 'fifteenth anniversary -party of the Agndes A.chim which •will toe ield on Bnnday Evening:, Feh. IBth, a t Ihe Eagles Hall. An interesting and entertaining nrograin has been arranged dot sh of their members and -their families -and friends. sanfl 3£rs. Pxeaeriek Cohn announce "the Engagement of and dancing *^ill be ^featured jfaier, j2ttdrea, t o 3s3x. Benjamin X,. Berzbsrg D! Chicago.Bridge in the entertammetit. lETneryflne is - JteOSflm, :wbj) i s xi graanate uf Central Bigh School ana the!invited to attend, so Tn»Vp jilans DurvBEBifcy iff ChieagD, i s fining social service -work in Chicago,; n o w i o attend. • --

floes inot Expect t o -return to Omaha until summer. 3Ir. Berzberg lhas attended ihe University of Chicago :anfi ifhe ~ TO-icago College of Dsntal Surgery. He i s a .member of '"'" -iratennrfcy. i -v ^ 3Sb flefmite flate lias -been ;set 3xir the -wedding.

Silmsky left Jlonday d£or Minneapolis, Minn., where she will visit with fiends 3or about tan days.

31x5. Simon Steinberg and her an-Menibers and iriends of the brother, 3ir. 3ttaurice BrsnSeis, spent son on Snri- Jacob .Sholem ne irt past ^»ieek*end 3n Bioux Tails, .ihe Iffefeodist •twentyrfourtii and Nicholas j>LreeUi South Ihakota., -where ihey 'visited "will be fintertained rat -arpurty ^nn their aister and mother. They were o£ IDenvBr, Colo., day evening, Jan. 2K, a t B .P. M. at accompanied on this trip; ^which -was for'3a sevsral -weeks -cisit •the.synagogue. "The affair isin'honor made ^overland, by Miss IFannie ncS. all "those -whose donations ielped Pabennan of Philadelphia, Pa. "Miss i e r daughter, "Mrs. 3 I a n y Uie jirocuring Jor "the synagogue of iaberman arrived in Council IBluffs anany mew jfurnishingB- such as COVBTE iast Thuisday i o visit oeelativeB i a r iH.- Arthur Garfielfl af Hew the :tarahs, etc. /!Hie nttee about two; weeks, en Tonte to Cali•Kill arrive Friday -morning an jcharge includes Mrs. 2. Abxaham- fornia. anmrfhs visit svith .her son, J l r s . M. Grossman, ;Mis. S. JacGouncil fluffs -Ompter Nx>. ^7 IMrs. T-oriip . AHlor. obs, IMrs. Turner and JUrs. TogeL TOffi public is invited to attend. ^ of the A, 2 . A. held an installation of ofiiceTE Wednesday eveiung, Jan. ey Adler of iKia etfcy. jnents will be served. 23rd, at the DanMi Sail. twill join Iher. later.

daughter, and landnsmi, of J?art % i n Omaha ;£he g Tcedding, iiunetl to *£hi5iriunneJast -week.


Sirs. David M. JJewman



An open "meeting aiid ra -e -will held Sunday afternoon, Jan. 27, a t 3 o'clock at -the J. C. C. by -the BenTietta Bzold girls chrb. Hiss THartha Xippett win deiivfir the main address on "Henrietta Uzold." Other program features are planned. A framed doll will be raffled JQ!T. Holders of raffle tickets are-requested to be present. The girls club, which is sponsored hy iMiss Grace Hosenstein is affiliated with -the national "Young Judea organization.

ISifr. Cahn is SL pioneer 3* elaimins *» *e ~tZte widest Jewi& Tesident in ihe Slate.


ing of "the Chosen I 3BK. IS. other hv Legion!

Indianapolis. 2nd.—Rabbi l*ee Tf«*te lievinger of Coixnnbxis. Ohio, iinancial swspetarjelected -natrona' chEpiam of the { The Congregation of Israel syna- Ameiican Ijegiori at a meeting of the j ssmbere of the Hwcwty gogue nf South Omaha is holding E liegion's national executive commit-j' •.plaiJF for the presenttrtiwr Ball Sunday, J e b . 3, a t the City Audi- tee here. Babbi Levingrer succeeds | f m i r ' a c t d r a m a i J Beck Bk off PottFvflte, Ptrill Pa. P | Herman J. torium. The affair is being planned H y ID. MeetingF HTP heW A graduate of Hebrew Union v.o>-) j" T y E V by the officers of the synagogue in at the Labor nrdsr to raise funds to enabte the lege, class of 1F14, Rabbi I^vmreTi completion of the .new synagogue served as chaplain first with the "U. j shopping-, mention the "^ huHding a t twenty-fifth and J streets. S. army in 1918-19 when he was s \ Ilandall'fi Royal orchestra has been first lieutenant. He also served as s J ''Jewish Press." engaged to play at the gala event and member of the national committee on, j 2^HHH. other entertainment ieattrres are ceremonials for the American legion.! ARCH PBESEKTER The new chaplain received his Ph.! plsrmed. KUSSEL BLUMENTHAX B. from the University of Chicago INC, HEADS DEBATE CLUB in 3.909, his M. A. from the TJniverUSED Bity 3lnssel BiamenLhal, regular of the of Cmcnmati in 1913 and his AT HOSPITAL IN DENVHR Pn. D. from tive Univexsity of Pern*-! 117 Nwrffc, .South Bigh Echool Debatfaig team, *«««!•* THE Fern vmur- 18th'"Stf«et was elected president of the Tribune The Dickinson Secretarial School sylvania in 1925. He served .from; Debating Society ;at its ^recent eleetioai System, one nf whose -ihrety-severr 181B to 1918 .as Eabbi of Temples and from 191 J> j of officers. schools Js located in Omaha., is in IHEOBI, Paducah, The other officers are: Harry Colick, Teceipt of a letter from Mr. Emmet initil 1S20 sm Eabbi of Temple B'nai KAtrmr viee--pTesident; Arthur Kazlowsky, sec"director of vocational tram- Israel, Evansville, Intl. ProTn 1522 •rsth a n d UlnrthH »f*. OMAHA, KBUIiABRA letary and Arthur Schlaifer, treas- ing at the .National Jewish Hospital until 1925 he was Babbi of Temple Sofs proT. imii, tirnsn. (>n>n«i *w*. in l>envex, informing -them ibat the Beth ISmeth, Wilmington, Del., end -aluminum castlusrs. Wtantlnni «iw* UTex. tiTOn^e nnd iror bushtuc*., -purer ManThe Tribune debating Society is an Dickinson system of teaching short- has directed the Ohio State E'nai holes, cislnrii rinjrf. fl!i(i m » i » niftf Jtent-ont tlooTj; ir prock. All kinrts of organization or young' Jewish men in hand has been adopted by -the insti- B'rith Hillel Foundation since 1S25. ntnl m<?t«> nnfr«srns. South Omaha between ihe ages of tution in preference "to all urther sysHARRIS ELECTED! fifteen and "nineteen who are interested tems given "trial. in forensic actrcities. Meetings are The letter states that the system YOUNG POALE ZIOK HEAD IK -held every Wednesday at the Syna- was considered to "be tliv simplest Mildred Harrie was elected one, and possessed of ^11 the gogue a t -25th and J streets. p of the executive committee of all the uthtin but 25T) Room?—30T) Rsth* <if iheTToung Paste Zion at the meetGomi Rooms for Sl,&0 31ABBI COHN AGAIN ASKEB none of their Operatw! fev Epntey Tinted Co, TO OCCUPY CHURCH PULPIT

Paxton-Mitcbell Ca



T>r. Fxederick Cohn, Habbi of Tem- j Israel, has been invited to again the pulpit of the Tirst TJni.tarisn. church -at Thirty-first SHH& Samey streets on Sunday morning, I S Jan. 2Tu His subject will be, "The Passion Play." Haijbi Cohn occupied the same pul•pit last Sunday, and on "iwo other;.previous occasions.


"Manuiactureci in Omaha"





Phone WEbsier "»2fi(t


Has Won Internatianal Notice

Mcfrcfih. Tourscli

Evening JANIJART 27 |

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Jewelry Store 16th 'and Howard -Streets Hill Hotel RnlSdinsr


ziry on Credit at Cash Prices



-Mrs. Jules Hart, president of the, INew Tofk State conference of Conn__ secaverz irom an apjien- cils of Jewish ^omen, will speak on "The Council's State Conferences, aiicitiB jopuxation. : Their Accomplishments for Judaism' 3ishoS tft. "Bt. XiDuis iis and JHumanityv" over radio station l u s jparents here, ~Mx. on "Wednesday, Jan. 23, at 6:10 rp. itu, Central standard time. ' "William 3ishoff.





THetct P M •SigmtPs

.Sisteriood •give -t'h^r 'next unmLltly luncheon tin ^Bbraary 4, a t jane o'clock in the [Tensile "vestry ioom TThe luncheon iU^'bfi Idllowea bybrirtgR, .mab^wagi "Jotfaj. JEeservafions shouH ie,;

20th mm! Nicholas—1A. «KH5 EAKKY FWENG1L W.M. RAHX. Pron.

it "will flo ~fih&

The ELECTRIC *» • Electric rooking is faster and better. I t means a cleaner kitchen and cleaner utensils, too, End will net keep Mother in the kitchen so much of the time. Many models and prices.

RftLOTS ORCHESTRA ^o per couple



Celia ^Nitz entertained ttapTes iff ".bridge l i i d a y , January rfar »hsr"-5gBBBt, IHiss "Esther uf "RfiTiawa City, 3io. - Miss 3srsky JOonday.



Boyd I n d n Presents

-tod AOisat 5 S h Better lEhan "& 3JDSD OF BA3L4BISE



3*0 :your lunne, complete Tfifh Tubes and Speaker, Tit ihe lew :piice nf S1G9. Tay "tte . "fenhtnee 'in small Treefcly jmyBrents, Ihin*t ;lall "to idkeadToiitege of tiisTTonflernil offer.

& Hitler


fimu Bt.




Sunday, February 3,1929 -T5KBP-INN—40th and Eamamli

2&x. and ISxs. Jgrnris IRi enteziteined Sunday -dinner- jiarty in honor tS ihe ISitzvah t)J "their Eon, "Eifrripr. HLxxre "ihan 'ihirty couples attended. The TSar IMitzvah ceremonies 3ield~ SAturHay, January 19, a t -the

Pay You to



d-Winter Madcap





Sunday Eve., Wdnuary-3


5His._WbMiinsky and son, been i i s quests nf "Mrs. S. Jeft i o r thEir liome im

Hev.- S.


officers aw as l


The Tonng Poate Zion .club will OEAKGE hold -their first open forum Sunday -4 "tablespoons butter, 1 cup .Jan. 27, at the ILabor Xy.2-3 cup Ttiilfc, a. sgg, 3. cups rflaur,-:3 -when Mr. X Uoreff will jppen tuxned iunne Sunday. U f . Gerstm teaspoons 'baking powder, 4B "tea-' l i e discussion with a irief address 3ieen called "to Boston on ac- spoon salt, and grated xmd and -juice on "The ^Problem of ihe Jewish" illness .of Mis "mother. uf a Siiiall nrange. Xouth." ' ALBERT W. CAHN MAKES Cream buttei and aiid sugar slow3n iifir condition perBesides ihe forum, a .one-act play, GUT OF BOOES TO J. C : ^ - a r a t n n i 2 n d enrcmte • to ly, ieating well. -&dsL .beaten, jesg*"The 3)6Har," arid ^several Jffusical 1 sift flour and baking "powder and ©mafia lie "ftas JoineS l?y JMrs. Gei ammbers will round nut the-jmxgram. Mr. Albert W. Oahn, who is Chicaigo. She i a d been ^Mfc- salt. .Add alternately -with fee milk Those jiarticipating iin the imigram spending a month in Havana, made, ^parents, JMx. and !Mxs. "the irnd and juice of .orange. .Bake are Messrs. 1. Bareff and Jae Sachs, & gift of a large number of vwolumesj 15 is> 20 nnnutes in gem pans in 3 ,r'rat "Willard, Ohio. not oven, lee with.: 1 tablespooit and JniHses Sieda -Soffer, Hose JSaf- of Jewish books to ihe Jewish ; Gloria munity Center library jrior to h f e ^ : ier, Bessie Hubenstein and Zaassoay, January. butter -sTeameS -with- Z -enps -=powd«ie3 3*D]afcow.; 2or .His iome in Sefieley, Gal. sugar. Thin out to~*the -right con- The nublic is invited to attend. departure. The hooks, many of which bave, siHtency with orange^juice. Jmd ieen Tdsifingr chere been family possession* fffi* saevExal S . and M-rn. TW: — When shopping, --mention the generations, include many old S e - S SONET UEOP CAKiS. "farew prayer books.;. 3Edeli a£ Ifew Tork IL-3 dtp htrtter, % cup -sugar, ^2. TEEina 3£neeter -iff cup lioney, 1 egg, % tablespoon lem•is-"yiHitrng' iiere with- Iher va. 3nine, 1^» cups Hour, 1 % tea2: spoons faflnng ipowder. another, Hxs. M. .3£neeter. hxrttET and sngar. Add' snd beaten «Eg yolk, and lemon^fl left 3IonflEy morning for £&. 3uice. IVlis well. Add Hour and "bak"wait "with T0ir. anfl Jfirs. Alex iing ijowfler which -have been siftea find EOH( Byron, at Snyder,: together; J^ld iin egg while beaten Z&ebr; Soih -ymmg Jadies Btiff. T u t in gem pans and bake 10 ID 35 :minutes in a hdt oven." lie atefl from -South. High "with. 1 ±ablespaon butter creameH i. Beid and daughter with 2 cups .powdered sugar. Add 2 :5K -.3! y r . "TWPV 'Sivnt who left "for I n s -Uxops of "fniif- Jiolarhig and Enough 'CaU.'were ihonorefl "by'n xream ±0 malrp the aright consistency. flinnsr jjiven "before their bgmrture fcy ~Hrs. Sam ISitz. :MRS.3SART DN:RADIO TffTr Tlrailk 3rxsdtksteiB "has letumed

tvm held


D»ek? Sam SnalifMt FmA


Tin/a, can save money with an -electric lefrigerstor by "eTrmnmting spoilife. Elec^fr^trigeratian furnishes sven tempsrature and constant cold, safeguariisg the food against unhealthfu! " u w m s . Eliminates sl\ waste. Many models, at prices yon can afford.

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;lTO;UvRr-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANTJAR"JL25;:192 day - following the games "at .least mitted to have the la6t.:wprtt,Jan<l in- couducive to the dignity of a great son that a vigorous community, Cath- SAM BLOOM ATTENDS for • a" while, ^ Maurice - Goldenberg's cidentally, both contributed.-- adver- democracy. He' is always ready to olic and Protestant as well as JewCHICAGO AUTO SHOW tisements! The newspaper^, wairjield let the public enjoy a little jest. is}, has.honored him year by year orchestra -will' furnish, the music Mr. Sam Bloom, head of the Bloom ,with an ever increasing measure of to be, not the perquisite-of the par- 'Jazz? Yes» but not to the exclusion r Auto company, left today to attend an - Herman Segelman was dethroned tisan but a fair ficldfor-all who had of music. A newspaper shoul! l a respect and onfiderce. compliment to the intelligence^—even Copyright, 1929, by Jewish advance showing of the new models as''city handball king'in'the finals ;a fair point to make,. the perseverance—of its readers. Telegraphic Agency, Inc. of the> Moon auto, especially the new Fully equipped- for larger responby losing' a hard-fought battle .to r r ,.. aif& sixteen straight! That , Keen and cool of head, Mr. Ochs White Prince,, at the Chicago Auto sibilities, Mr. Adolph Ochs now McGuire-of the'Y.'Segie fought <hard s rnark that ^he Community Cenis warm—even emotional—of'heart. Show. Mr. Bloom's company are the "ABIE'S IRISH ROSE" awaited the opening .of the; door of and mighty but was hot quite up. .to -ter'fUp^w.'£te,.shooting at' over'the ; distributors fOT the Moon car in this three opportunity, In' 1893, the New Ifork On a newspaper, life, is ever exact•week-eijd^fjidrasihtets .quint leavBs; to- old-time form; Th'e match wentAT RIALTO NEXT WEEK 1 territory. .''to • :be Times was sold t o a company.;, of ing. The. reward must be in the njght t9l* Plattemoi^th --#here vthey games,' and • evelry4 - point-. had :: work itself. But employment may The management of the Riviera and Mr. Bloom recently returned from a which the capital,was' $1,000,000. earned. However, a gabfest m6re or wi8-^JW& a* return •engagement /with ' , •'-• • - Three years. later a period o i fjn'anr be comradeship and _ the New York Rialtp theaters announce that due to tHat fjye on^heir--flq6rrand they T?" less spoiled the bout torn:Saturday ,'iught' for .their melee • A t present-the doubles are in full cial "panic plunged the i company, into Times is today a hotbed of genuine popular requests: for the return of Paxton Billiard Parlors perplexities; over- which; experienced enthusiasm for the best in journal- "Abie's Irish Rose," the great motion —kit-^-w-ia^-Li. v "Bjqth 'ga'xnes'.v should swing. and' progressing -smoothly. ism; picture-will be shown again in Omaha 1516 Farnam—JA. 9721 publishers,.shook their; heads.. Where pfcp*fclvndghty: iinteresting n r e s t i n g , . wwes. next week at the Rial to Theater. InIn his interpretation of his He: othei£: declined tq, ;t«ik.e; risks, .Mr. BusinessTMen's. Bowling -League. • : eaik'beinj:-out to 'puj Hthe flrat blem-. Direct Wire Service on All ' _-"' W. L.. Av. Gchs took' his''. courage in both hands brew heritage, Mr. Ochs is a liberal. clement weather, \hey say, prevented ; is1&i»}t'the> Center '. e^cutcbeoiul. 1 A 1 Latest Sport Events he hiihself puts it< rushed ..in jH« sees his faith, not. as a challenge many from seeing the screen version Glazerj Clothing r.:..:....5 4 .555 r of Aijne Nichols'success when it was to his citizenship but as a contribuangfils^feM5edito tread! to citizenshin hut tread. ' 4 .555 where angels-fearcdito' n* may- be- unlucky for theThe W6rd>bV ._....:...-..o" 4 .55& V-fhat he reorganized the- corpora- tior to it. The true answer to prej- at theRiviera. Theater recently. OMAHA tfiKROR & ART GLASS CO. rstftious, But it was! o^te the' Kaiman Insurance L.US 5 .444 Uonrgoes without saying.;. But jt was udice is so to. live as to make prejuManufacturers of opposite.; for " Marcus' agjjregatjon; /Gesundheits U~....±....A When the first baby laughed for Mirrors. Art Glass. Window Glass •when thejr.,jfttn'^theii^ thir^entV in a Omaha-Tobacco Co. ....4 • 5 - *444 no";, mere adjustment, of capital- that dice impossible; His.idea of religion Be»tlvcrlntr>—Picture and Mirror I*HP: Saturday; at- the-expenje^pf ,JJie" Empire Cleaners .:~.....4 * "5 :444, developed ' th3 huge: enterprise,:;, now is less, militant than constructive, and the first time, the laugh, broke into Farming The ; results of , Tuesday's .-play known as, the New York1!- Times. If |ie draws a clear distinction between a million pieces, and they are all 1614 Cnmingr St. h)gHlyrtouted Grand Island quintet. AT. 6525 The. final, count- wa* ;'j}j> *"$>•#*»•th£ again placed all teams i n a closely a: revenue of $500,000 has ; grown to his faith as a spiritual tradition and skipping about. That was the beginTHrcl' Ci^f la^fe'jieveV having a' sHow^ contested position. But one game a revenue of ?26,000i0p0;, if a. circu- applications of that faith to politics. ning of fairies. —Barrie. Of those Jewish objects—education in^.-Ttae^and again the Copter play- separated - the first and last teami -in lation that used to >be'-. 20,000 t day is iiow' 425,000 a day, wi^li: 72M0O and mercy-—of which he approves, he : ers?-«swepfe down-the? floor 4© score the standings. HIMELBLOOM BAKERY of ad- is a generous supporter. But he re1119 No. 19—WE. 3221 a|:; \j#i; ;'Jiosenblatjt', arid ^ l ^ n l e r • The pin sharks were in fine ifetile,. on Sunday;, if ISH N. 9«h—WE. 6S84 t n • -lejft:,;$* •"' .carnajgf; ^ • aixV ringers and Harry Smith, who recently re- vertising which, in 1896, were %J27,-' tains' his fright to ..discriminate. To Serve Hiraelbloom's new Old Kentucky Barbecue apiece. '-The^barricadjng^<&' Xa\jfr", turned to.the.fold, came out. of the 196 in, numbery^are:mw TOore than spread-light, not heat, that, i s his aim Russian pumpernickle bread : 30,000,000; -Jhecreasbn Js thafcAdislph heap witha high /single, game of in life;:he is a disciple less of Elijah Maryland Fried Chicken maro. ,'a'ndVGereiicK*' waE -flawless"* -$is' with your next meal. ustial,7 while." Sehreininair played' the 223. Max = Altschuler was next with Ochs is a great journalist who.'hon- than of Isaiah; and it is for- this reaa-222 count. \ ors his calling by this i same old classy-flooV game. The Empire Cleaners, Kaiman In- - The - compliment? that" have, been : • jkfter seeing ari^ght-pojnt'lead r surance and the Omaha Tobacee> Co. showered upon. him 1 are, pi courser : /which-; they ;maintained at? half-time; were, "victorious, but,-by.-"'a:'narrow .wiped' 6ufcj;.,thelAiZ; A. .'quintet sent margin. Sam Zweibaek of the; Ward- a ^bthmander;of this Legion; : .thfe;- ^sphere' sailing.. through -the- robe broke in..;with- a 21Q mark; in or. He_fe-a Gold :Meda|li5t of T , PuUtzer Foundation ind'he holds meshes for-,tlireebaeketsand.a-.gift his initial appearance.: toz&y iniithli/^fiiuxlv tbree1- xninutes.-.ojf, The pins flew fast, and furious arid? play, to hano1 'the Thorpeian Athletic Herman Segelman, Abe Venger, Max yersititreV Yale^ Qoluitnbia, Ifew York club five its'first defeat.of the season, Altschuler, Nate Schiaifer, Lester. Si- and, Chattanooga, 7 22 -..tori 17, arid put. t^,two'-team's in.mon, : Marvin Treiler) Bob •; Kooper, The newspaper jas an: ipBt>^tion-ra .deadlock for fir^t place In theHarry Smith and Eddie Meyer shot that is stin.his ideal'. But: the comCommercial league baskst "'ball peri-' totals in upwards of 500.' munity served by . the °JJew . X ? ^ V- The- schedule for the following Times, is not a. city alone, not even the greatest:of.cities, but, the. nation; ; Completely: outplayed during; ^*he week is as follows: opening, session, ^ which ended; vrith Empire Cleaners vs. Kaiman Insur- indeed,'Mr. Ochs is- on§j who. believes . that no nation cait -be truly served tftfeii}'I on the .short end of a 15-6ance Co. seore, thfr- Thorps staged a great up- \ The Wardrobe vs. Omaha Tobacco- unless all nations benefit, His faith ii. man demands a League of Nah^(l;..j,TR^hj;,. jthat; gave them, ay 17-16 ; Gesundheits vs. Glazer Clothing tions. To him, the altmism of Woodadvantage; but Brjaiiks and Gerelick row Wilson' has been axioinatic. Hainhiered-.' the'.". basket thrice from; Go. Service Our Motto ABEAMSON AUDIT CO. If there, ever" was a man of proriu'dcpurfc to;'T»U11the; game but of ,the "IF IT'S General Repair Shop^Radiators, no-need principles, it is. he, But his SJ. BrandeU TKeater Bide.—JA. 4811 firej" The latter" pair tallied 20: poinja IDEAL Fenders and Body Repairing very principles compel him t o respe1 \ AUDITS SYSTEMS IT'S GOOD" DAVENPORT GARAGE the' princiles of others.., Just' as at by^Harry-Stoler/gqve the; INCOME TAX U)th and Davenport JA. 3573 Chattanooga; he allowed both candiIdeal Bottling Cotistrnction five, its only- points, ami ."-. " (Continued-frorri: Page 1) dates 'to state'"their "case, so in the Company it^ooic a 32-3 laefng from the "iPeer> le'ss^yGleahers,: #.who.- will-, meet ' the proof readerj- publisher, - businiss, ad- NeW ' York" Times 'you are able - to KRAMER & BAUER Soda Water, Near WM. BRY1)EN & CO. : circulation, manager* read -"all that* is 'fit'"to-, print." ExBeer and Gingerale Auto Repair—Battery Service : Thbrjis in,'newr We£fc.'s feature game; yertisirig.';and Certified Public Accountants Tires—Tubes—Accessories The Psi B|U ffofc^en took an over- foreman; ifipprter and bookkeeper. In ttemer there meet" and their conWE. 304<Jr' B38 SeciirltltB Bids. • • flic'tmg" 'fa'fsities;'" cattcel' one' another.' .and Parts lame^tilt, 17^to 15--f>oin the'Kaplan tiiat little den of .a .place,., o.wfir was 1808 No. 20th St. During the reconstruction^'follow^ 5127 So. 24th,St. MArket 1608 Bargain CehterT .,-•'--'--.'••— i ~ ~ - r supplied.-.by,;a, Negro . and »Le • "'•3 the^wai,-nations mutuall} at'ehtorials .absorbed. a. salary *>( .*6;00 .a •week.- :In .two years, the pa>er. .was mity found in tfi^ New Yofk Times, ji prelim^.to^hc"iwsl?tcaP ; Junior >boys remained undefested for valned-•';•/i arbitration; and half a regarded as "a,, continuous whoJe, "a, ; the past two seasons by absolutely shar** was found to be worth, $5,760. fair /field and ^no favor. The: papef For-Service Call Empress Hat Cleaning Shop overwhelming and: squelching the St. It seemed "to -be." victory. «• r .••-•• has thus-been at once: a salety. ValvV THE BEE HIVE CLEANERS ' -But, by an act of.•" - the venture and "a clearing 'house,; from- which Barnabas fLve,\ 85 to' 2. ' • . Dnder Management, of 16 and Douglas 'Everything%r the Auto" was 1 brought again ,to ^the verge of there has "emerged-what is meant by H. MARCUS Hats Cleaned and Blocked 75c be ruin. -At-/Memphis,.. Tennessee, the "common' 'sense'." That i t has coii1941 Vinton St. JA. 1440 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 year 1878 will; even be. rememberei] tributeci"to*ihdusitriai'eettiements find , KATTLEMAJf, * : forran- epidemic-of -.yellowi fever. The international ecpriciliation; is hiptoiry. v .. ;T8O OroaTia Kationql Bank Bia?. " THALLAS THE HATTER ^•'NDnce bj irtibUtfttlun oh Prtltibn: for disease spread to, Chattanooga •;-••-$' fat. Odi^ has been described ias *a PEERLESS CLEANERS For space ,SetTlement>-s«t-Final- Adinlplotrntion Ac- prosperity, was. desolated.. -The iGiat-. hound' for news/ It is true.--He is; 4420 Florence Blvd. Hats Cleaned and Blocked ; jstrant. : . ,--."• -•,'•-" In- this" directory call the ~ In the County Cotirt'of- Douglns County, tanooga Times was. reduced to a in- fiut" by news he . does not mean mere ; -'] ' KE. 15D0 50 and 75c X«b«i8ka • - * gle sheet and it looked';like : bank- sensation./ lilurders—yes.' - As news, JEWISH PRESS—AT. 1450 The BOOM With a Reputation .In the Matter of the Estate ot IBIlA 101 No. 16th B u t 8. revised ^DAVXO UKKpElt; decv-ngfil: and >I1 other ruptcy.' iJnour'* that by courageous the are reported; I>eraons Interested In said matter 'nre'Kt'h!- ontiniism, Mr. „ O.chs nr' only saved Prayer Book will be *abled from Lonby notified that on the l i h duy o( Jinmnrr. {1920, Hyman tierber fielo a petition innijiil' his property- but won a gr ' -'edon, verbatim; to say nothing^ of Jpounty,.Court, praylugr that his fiinil adttiJhMtratiun account tilqd herein be Bet! le<l from the community which V-s 'speecfies.' In' its ~Solid.iJy of 'type and :»oj. nllowod,, anil that he |ic illscbtirgeil grown with the. years. On his sev-matter, the - New Yorjc ;Times isi inEVANS MODEL LAUNDRY MIDWEST AUTO ELECTRIC from bis trust na administrator pnnezmt ; All Family SINCE 1S76 SERVICE 'vfith win-and that a- hen ring will Im hadentieth birthday, Chattanooga- went deed, something of a miracle. .NQ one B*rvlce». from on. said petition beforui B.nld . Court. QU the en fete for three days and with rea- has ever read the whole, paper* .<Jaily. Franchise^ Distributors Wet With t s bib. ddy of Kebruarjv 11)30, nnd thnt If you T A fS^ A ' I DEl.CO-KEJrtrAl-TO-l.ITi: Family ttn.to appear before salt] Court on th« SfliU son. The, city of 10,000 inhabitants No one evier will. Yet it: comnfands SOUTHEAST finish GENERAL 8th1 day of February, iyrV ot » o'clock A. l t t h and Douglas Sts. *«h and Q." St. MA. 4007 M.i and contest said petition,' the Court had multiplied itself fifteen times, not, merely an authorative b»t a CONTRACTOR 3ft4T, grant the prayer of Bald Petition, and throughout that growth, Adolph popular circulation. ... . cuter.'5 a" decree of helrBhJp, nnd :mnUe such Doubtless there i r : » / c l u e %6 the oth^r and further order*. flUownnces ond Ochs had been, by general admis. 415 Hospe Bldg. If your laundress does not ELECTRIC decrreB, JIB to this ("ourt may neem proper, well- MAGNUSON-AUTO •i«- fhe end-that nil mntterfi pprfainlnfj to sion, the foxemost servant .of themystery: It" i& hot onlyrf a •satisfy, try u s ^SERVICE . ! JAck^bn 1614 BJiId' e'atatc may he^finuliy settled and du-e -nmunity. j founded belief th,at a 'subscriber for Starter, Generator^. Xlithtii and Icnltlon .tennlncd. ; ', '; s# Service a n d Repairs BYnCK CBA5VFOBD,;, „; •'. At, Chattanooga, Mr. Ochs served the New York Times i V unlikely to Estimates Gladly Furnished ffxi; , 2 ^ 2 1 . . , •.-.-:. r . , . . County W. H. QSTEKBERG, Pres. -4th Avenue lot, S t t Mary's Avenue his apptenticeship> ethical as well,as miss anyttiing for'which he looks. If AT. 2815 3815 Farnam .;•• --'AT. 5530 • • Mr. pchs^idlV>noV..8finit''-''th^ fun• • I . E 6 A X . K O T I C E " ,'• technical.: " He developed a well1 ! : •Certificate Kt>. J531' of 1P23.: nies," if- he prefers tij> iprinf finance, To Tony Triljulnto",' owner of Kecord, thought out idea of what a great "Yon nrc hereby notified thnt 'on the ?rli newspaper should be. In'a word, a it is because his js the'tnptinct "which day ot November, 1024, Koliasllun Trllinliito. Potebaser. pnrchhst><J;: of t)»f> .Couhfjr newspaper, is not only a ^commercial appreciates ^whaf is and what is not PATUUN1ZE THE HARRY BRAVIROFP ^rreaiurVr of 1>OUKI3S 1. County, Hfiitu of and an- editorial' enterprise; but -a: CASDVJ.AND Walter fj; Roessig & Co. " Nebraska, at h i t Office, a t the piHille BIIIR 16th .8n4 Farnam Pianist Instructor "of Heal 'Estate- for. the .delinquent County public, institution. It is the' immediSCKSET TEA BOOM AWNIr?GS"and CANVAS Beginners and. Advanced'Student* and Stute- Taxes nn«l Asiesements thereon 40th and Dodge Accepted for tbe year ItC3 the. followluc (lrscrlhed ate mind Of the, community,;; .mobi-SPECIALTIES Beal -Estate fchiinteiT in «HJW Go\mty,-toSuite S, Wead Blder- 18th and Farnam CRVSTAX t90S> Farnam ,1 A. £682 •wlt: Eota 40* and 43.V Mornlnnelde, nn lized, niorning by morning t .;n' print. Telephone ATlantic 8162 . nd Opitol Ave. Addition In Donglns Cqo^ty ond receivtMl If Mr. Qch§ wasTabler to pull through, from e^W Tren«nrer n|- salct purchase a.; .Coonty Treaanrer's Certificate of. To* 8nlet those early years, it was because, anoy«tiuit sAilct 'Henl^-Ejatflto 'Wnll.tiiss^ss^l from the first, he had public' opinion Play the Violin Correctly v scOTT OMAHA for4 ,the yenrs 1023|inrf.'1!)28-tncJuaJver.Jri El^PATlOCAFE Prof. Seyclk and other worM renewned name of Tony Tribulii|OVan{L..wjls ~tnxn<V at- his back. ». . . teachers recommend my method very . TENT AND AWNING CO. »ftr. (all of said .year/j jihcT niter the oi^ ': After Theatre • . highly ..His handling of controversy was pi rat Ion orthree. month* frbnv the dnte'-'of . .,. A*|i»nK«,' Canya* Covers, Tents, FRANK MACH ; Dancing the ierriice of tbh»;notlmr npij mi/orhfjfr along-these-Unes. For the: .chancelConcert Violinist and Instructor rfhe }Oth day of Mny 10^;.anpIJcnU<in-wJU ...Camp 8applles, AU Kinds • 24th and. Farnam Stndis VLV/i S. 16th St. J A . 1952 he mafle to--fhe 'Treasnrer-of snl<V>l)onn)n» lorship of ;£he\university there^were 13th. and .HowardAT. 1*92 ^Coni>t]r.i tor tht> £xecutiqn hni| dolivcry'of two candidates, both democrats. n Deed.^for .said Seal K^tnte to tUe'undorVlgned. " ". — - T - . •.'.'- ^ . > . - . ' '..'•••'.•; Many i newspapers would have backed' .,:^_ MAllJETTA TRIBUtATO,. ' •: one against the other. • Not soothe r "and Holder of snid Cprti(}cate. ofj Chattanooga Times: Each candidate J. M. ANDERSON ' . . . .>t ° f ; : •*'.'•:': ••:*;:'"Jrinfii^ was allowed his say j neither PAPER HANGING M m B t b i r a n d David, B. B«ber, Attorney* . ,630 Omaha Knllonijl Hnnk'-HldK.,' DYE WORKS DECORATING—PAINTING ""•'•" ' ' 'PHOBATX NOIICE'(52 learf Experience) JA. 4180 616 Keeline Bldg. -'•^h'' ihe matter- of the; estatfj ot Ida

visit to the factory in St. Louis wh^re he examined the latest models of $he car.


•. .

The new eight cylinder White Prince will be shown for the first time in Omaha (luring the Omaha Auto Show, which takes place the week of Feb* 18-25.

20th Century Rapid. Shoe Repair ,,Formerly In Ok! Orpheum Thenter Now Across the Street

1510 Harney

.AT. 4297


• R A D I O ; .


SERVICE and SUPPLIES Expert Service on all makes' of Radios ^

R. M. SHLAES CO. 218 No. 16

JA; 2147

Speck's Place

403 Hospe BSdg.

JA. 5752












Mtiltigraphing Addressing ' Mailing. Lists 2123 Cumlxig Street AT. 8010

Hat Cleaning




Sanitary Laundry


Awhiiigs and Tents


o f o t f i e " tt hereby. Riven: 'That' flip 'creditors'OfttMld-'decedst-a will meet the Administrator of said eptnte. before me, County Judge o t DounlaB County, Nehrasha. nr- the , County^ Court vlloom. »n "•aid County, on the 4th dny of-Miiy, 1020, J029, lond • on the- 4Ui dny of. JUay. 1021J.at 0 o'clock A. M.. - eifcb day,, fop the pbrpate e 'otot 'ijrpwntinir i j r w i r their claims for « * aanrintttlon. n r i n t t t l o n rf f JnstnienT'JnstninT n nd l l i nnd - nllowiinw,


MArket 4307 4615 So. 24th St. Hours 7 A. M. to 6 P. M.

Tlfree^TmonthB f re allowed for tho crod> rfttfrs To.pA»«enf -their rln(mB."from -the the fttfrs T o .pA«enf their rln(mB.from J Jet. t d drp y - "' ' .February. February 4020 4020. > ^ ^ . • 1 -*



5 3 * 1'ctMB T r u s t »l(]tf. W i O B A T « WQTIC

<>, . Tff'fhe matter of thy e»inip of Vernld'Alexnade^d^nsed^;;^.^^. ^ . •" --'•• dectimMl will jmeet t h e "ad- • Of





•Choice of-the finest - homes. \ TJie'favorite. where e c o n o m y is watched. A.' luxuty within the reacH <jf all. - its-high-feputafibnxe' "commends that you try it:

niLlliTX PAJILOK, 238 Aqnil/a Court ' • . '.''.AT.-7U1

" Shampoo and Marcel Finger Wave or Haircut $1.25


Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00 5 Marcel 75c

AT. 1169


FRANK J. •fin, Sheet Metal antf Funrace Works ^ first <31ass Work and Prompt / t _- ,-./-^ Service /.RCPY & TORRID, l — - FURNACES 5032 So. 24th

ii'ty * Judge.

Jan. 4r-4l.

•r*, „


FOR 75c A'WEEK' Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha'

Shoe Repairing • Castle Shoe Repair Shop North «f Cffl»tle"JRnitl . ;• ' ' —WORK P O S E WHILE XOU WAIT—

Men's Half Soles $1>0O Ladies Half Soles _J..95c Ladies Contp. Rubber Heels ...25c

STANDARD SHOE REPAIR •• SHOP. N o . . 2 '• . • ' '• IB So. 16


First Class Work Guaranteed Shoes Rebuilt

, Signs



MArket 4600

HOLMES THE TAILOR'- , Suiis Made to Order—Cleaning-;-. Pressing—Hats and caps B«nov«t«J, No.


Painting and Paper .Hanging C a l l Sam.TaroofF 1114 So. 28 St.y ''

- AT. 4544

UG, 203 Neville Block AT. 6451

Towel Supply


Beauty Parlors

Bryce Crawford. County 'Judge.


8031 Bo. 244h 6t.~MArket 623*

Music Teachers


814 No. 24th St;

RADIO SERVICE Plumbing and Eesting






Accessories; Inc.

Auto Efectric Service





OUR WORK GUARANTEED "• JOE LEylNSEY, Prop. MArket 0977 Res. MA. 31«6

4824 So. 25th - 4411 So. 26th



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