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VOL. VII.—No. 6
Congress Will Labor Groups Plan Aid GROWTH MOSES ANNIVER RY Zionist ECONOMIC PREJUDICE An Open Letter of Importance Meet in Zurich July 28 For Jews in Russia That Requires art Answer TO BE CELEBRATED UNITY LAUK AGAINST JEWS IS LIPSKYI BY I C C . MARCH 25 SHOWN AT SEMINAR Omaha Institution First in U. S. To Plan Program of This Kind. ALL ORGANIZATIONS TO PARTICIPATE IN AFFAIR The thirtyrfive hundfeth anniversary of the birth' of Moses will be the occasion: of one of the largest affairs ever given in the., Jewish Community Center. . The Omaha Jewish Community Center will be the first in the country to celebrate this important anniversary which falls on the Seventh Day of Adar. The program, which will be open to the whole Jewish Community and sponsored: by the^ Center will be given on Monday, March 25. All Jewish * organizations are asked to cooperate in planning the program for this' celebration. * Committees of the following organizations will be named to assist in making the plans: B'nai B'rith, Omaha Hebrew club, Council of Jewish Women, Jewish Women's Welfare Organization, Hadassah, Junior Hadassah, Senior Council, A. Z. A., Temple Israel, B'nai Israel, Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel, B'nai Jacob, Adas Jesh'run, South Omaha synagogue, Arbeiter Ring, Zionist organization, City Talmud Torah, Daughters of Israel, Daughters of Zion, Workmen's Loan association, Compeers, Deborah Society, Independent Workmen's Circle,- Ladies Free Loan : d Modern Woodmen of America. I.ny other organizations not named in this list who wish to participate in the plans are asked to call the Center* office. The Omaha Hebrew club has been the first to respond with a committee of three. Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of the educational committee of the Jewish Cpjiimunity Center is general chairman of the affair.
London.—(J.; T. A.)—-The sixteenth Zionist congress, meeting bi-annually to decide on the major, policies of the'Zionist movement, will be held in Zurich; Switzerland, it was; announced here by the ZiZonist Executive. The jdateset for the congress is July 28, 1929. ' The sessions last about two creeks. Dr. Hugo Herman was . appointed by the Executive to make the necessary preparations for the congress session in Zurich. Returns on the Shekel, the Zionist membership dues which entitles the payer to participation in the election of delegates to the congress, must reach the Zionist executive by May 27, it was announced.-
DAVID RABELSKY AND ISRAEL MEREM1NSKY TO TALK HERE FEB. 20 Famous Orators Speaking for Labor Organization of Palestine. MEETING TO BE AT J. C. C. Dr. .David Rabelsky and Mr. Israel Mereminsky, famous orators and journalists, representing, 't the National Labor committee of Palestine, will speak at a mass meeting to be held Wednesday evening, February
- The formal installation of Chi chapter of the Pi Lambda Phi, national JewishT: social fraternity, at Creighton university, will take place Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 16 and 17, at the Hotel Fontenelle. The local group were formerly the * Pi Delta Sigma. At the formal banquet concluding the ceremonies, Mr. Herbers, dean of men at the university, and Mr. Van Veen will . be the principal speakers. Arthur Frankenstein of Chicago will be in charge of the initiation team of the national order which will be composed of Joseph Harris, Jack Wislow, Saul Weislow, and Saul Kahn. Mr. Frankenstein is the divisional consultant of Pi Lambda Phi. The following men, with Dr. David Cahn Platt as faculty moderator, will comprise the local chapter: Frank Ackerman, Maurice Alperin, Sam -Faier, Daniel Greenhouse, Sam <5reenberg, Ben Kazlowsky, Harold Kendis, " Justin Levey, Louis Lipp, Frank Lipp, Sam Morgan, Ben Morgan, Dave Robinson, Albert Shrier, Hymen Shrier,* Edward Shafton, Ben Slutzky, Maurice Steinberg, Henry Sterling, Bernard White, Harold Wohlner and Sam Zacharia.
MARKS HONORED Ephraim - Marks, prominent debater and scholar at Creighton university has been chosen as one of the six members of the new editorial board of the "Shadows," quarterly publication of the university. Marks is a junior in the Arts college.
J.C. C. and Federation Meeting March 1& The Jewish Community Center and- the Jewish Welfare Federation will have their joint annual meeting at the Center, Tuesday evening, March 12. An elaborate program Including a number of novel -features is being planned and Will be announced later. The three trustees of the Center, whose terms expire this year, have; been" renominated by the nominating committee. They are II. Kulakofsky, Judge Irwin Stalmaster and Harry B. Zimman.
Dr. David Rabelsky. 20, at the Jewish Community ter, under the auspices of the local organization of the National Labor committee.. .They will describe present day conditions in Palestine and will, discuss possibilities for the future. Mr. Mereminsky is the organizer of the Zeire Zion in . Poland, the general secretary of the - Histadruth, the Palestine Lab.qr Federation, and a member of the 'Actions 'committee of the World Zionist organization. He has been called one of the greatest orators in Zionist circles, and is renowned as an editor. Dr. Rabelsky, also a well-known Hebrew journalist, has been a delegate to five Zionist congresses. He is the author of several books on Jewish life, some of which are being published in New York alt the present time. Dr. Rabelsky is a graduate of two faculties in the Russian universities, being famous in both the fields of philology and history. From 1918-21 he was professor of history in ;the University of Odessa.
H. H. KANTER-IS NEW HARTMAN'S AD MANAGER Mr. H. H., Kanter of Chicago has come to Omaha to assume the position of advertising, manager, and as-f sistant to - Mr. Myers, the. general manager of the local branch of Hart-r man's. The position was formerly filled by Mr.. Joe Lipkin, who has moved out of Omaha. ' Mr. Kan ter has been with the national chain for about five years. He has made his home here, bringing his wife and child • here from Chicago.
J. C. C. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ORGANIZES CLUB The confirmation;.• class of • the Jewish Community; '• Center Sunday School haVe organized a-: club under the sponsorship -of; Mr. Jack W. Marer. At the first .meeting held Sunday, Feb. 10J Miss Gertrude Oruch was elected president. ' ' • ;; The other officers are: Benny Blatt, vice-president; Esther Silverman, secretary; Albert Oruch, treasurer, and Kalah Franklin, reporter.
Representatives of Three; Dominant Faiths Discuss Causes of Prejudice PREJUDICE ASCRIBED TO SELF-IMPOSED BARRIER
Dear Friend: through the tragedy of the world During the past five or six war, were suddenly thrown into a months one question has been asked chaotic state from which up to the hundreds of times by the leaders in present day they have been unable the United Jewish campaign effort. to extricate themselves entirely. That is: Several times the J. D. C. has Are we to have further campaigns been on the verge of liquidation, only to be called back into action by and if so, when? The purpose of this communica- another series of catastrophies that tion is to find put in some measure befell our people. Time and time what is running "through the minds again, those of us who have been of American Jewry who for nearly close to the conditions in these connfifteen years have carried a con- tries have seen the dawn of a better tinuous responsibility : toward the day and the end of our relief work, the end of our money-raising acJews in other parts of the world. At a full meeting of the executive tivities. committee of the Joint Distribution Only due to the superhuman efCommittee, the following with my-. forts of thousands upon thousands self as chairman, were appointed a of our fine men and women throughcommittee of seven fo the purpose out America have we been able to of presenting to the J. D. C. a pro- gather" our forces together and raise gram for its future activities: Louis large sums of money quickly, again Marshall, Cyrus Adler, Solomon beginning our mercy work among Lowenstein, David M. Bressler, Alex- our stricken people. ander Kahn and Peter Wiernik. A survey of those countries in The J. D. Cw, purely a money-dis- which we have worked during these tributing organization, is anxious to many years presents a most interestknow considerably in advance ing situation. Compared with the whether it is to liquidate or whether pre-war times, the economic condition of the Jew has materially it is to continue. By the end of 1929 it is my hope changed, which necessarily resulted that the balance outstanding on the in an entirely new and lower standpledges made to - the United Jewish ard of living. This condition has campaign will have been collected. obtained for such a long period of The J. D. C. can only continue its time that there is now a general acwork provided it has the funds with ceptance of it on the part of the people. which to do it. The status of the Jew will never When the present campaign is completed the J. D. C. will have ex- again be that of pre-war times. pended over eighty .millions of dolIt has not been that they have lars. •;'-' accepted the inevitable without a In the expenditure r of this large struggle. It has been an almost hopesum we will have touched every less fight, for in many countries the phase of social; activity from the political conditions have been such crudest form of palliati". relief to as to work against the interest of the highest type of social effort— the Jew, with the result that he has that of reconstruction and rehabilita- been made to realize that unless some, miracle occurs, his condition tion. ' will never be the same. We have fed millions of starving men, women* and children. We have . The marvel of it all is that despite cared for thousands upon thousands his economic plight, the lowered of orphans. We have rebuilt hos- standard of living, the suffering, the pitals. We ha*5. supplied .medica-^ misery ;and_,the'.. tragedy_iof his. .life,. ments, - surgical instruments, X-ray there has been "built up in all these apparatus. We have rebuilt count- countries a social structure covering less hundreds1 of homes, synagogues, every type and kind of Jewish social need, which has been carried on in schools, bath-houses. We have maintained schools, re- part through funds secured locally, ligious institutions. We have found- only the deficit being supplied by ed- trade schools and maintained the J. D. C. them. • We have re-established hun- All of the numerous activities of dreds of thousands of artisans and the J. D. C. and all of the social small traders -through our coopera- changes brought about by the J. D. C. have been taken over almost entive banking institutions. We have saved lives, restored lives, tirely by the local groups who have created hope and maintained the assumed a full measure of respon(Continued on page 2) morale of millions of humans who
New York. (J. T. A.) That the Jews and Catholics are • the ^ most discriminated against groups and that many ; difficulties are ;so grave and so deeply rooted psychologically, as to prevent unity on the;part of the Catholic, Jewish and Protestant faiths, but not respect for and to a degree cooperation with each other was the finding of the ? Seminar on the relations between Jews and Chrisitans which closed its two-day session last Thursday night-with s dinner at the Hotel Roosevelt. 1 While no specific program of action was adopted, it was the concensus of opinion on the part of spokesmen of- the three beliefs, that the occasion was unique and beneficial in that for perhaps the first time representatives of the three faiths had faced the prejudices current against each other. It is planned to hold similar Seminars at college centers throughout the country In the course of the session Thursday afternoon, summarizing tho. Round Table discussions,,it was admitted that there is vocational discrimination against Jews and Catholics. In particular Jewish lawyers and girl stenographers are discriminated against. In the Middle West it is impossible for the Jew to secure a university post, or a Catholic to obtain a position as a teacher, it was stated. New York, it was charged, bars Jews from most of its utility corporations arid Jews: from interneships unless in a *. hospital, under Jewish auspices. This discussion was led1 byptaEbi^ Edward. Israel "of Baltimore." • -...- „ As an experiment in remedying this situation, it was suggested that Bureaus.of Vocational Guidance dissuade members of their own groups from going into certain professions which are already overcrowded. - The overtaxed field of Jewish -lawyers was mentioned. Another suggestion to overcome the prejudice against Jewish employes was that a group representing the three faiths go to certain concerns and ask them, as an experiment, to employ Jews for a certain period to prove to themselves that their prejudice is ill-founded. ; : The prejudice against the Jew, it was.stated, is due in a considerable measure to a self-imposed barrier. The Jew, it was said, lives in a self- Speaks at Jewish Community imposed ghetto, a sort of "Island Center Thursday, Within." The necessity for a Jew Feb. 21 remaining Jewish, his abhorrence of inter-marriage, was ununderstandIS FAMOUS EDITOR able to many Christians. Paul U. Kellogg, editor of the Survey and the Survey Graphic, Rabbi Silver to Be Next; will be in Omaha Thursday, FebLecture Course Speaker ruary 21, for his lecture .for the Social Service Course of the Council Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleve- of Social Agencies which is conland will be the next "speaker on the ducted at the Jewish Community ; lecture course sponsored "jointly" by Center. Kellogg is known as an authority the Council of Jewish Women arid the Jewish Community Center. He on- social problems and a journalist will speak at the Center on Monr and speaker of note. His. subject here will be "Shuttles of. Underday, February 25. - . Rabbi Silver is known throughout standing." Kellogg was educated at Columthe United States as one of the most eloquent speakers on the lecture bia university, the New School of platform. Both in his pulpit in Social Work, and Amberst college. Cleveland" and on the lecture plat- He has been a newspaper reporter form, where he is in such great de- and editor, and has been on the mand, his apearance is always greet- staff of the Survey since 1902. He has been chairman of the comed by record crowds. Rabbi Silver's lecture will be third mittee on occuptional standards of in this series which included Norman the National Conference of CharHapgood and Anna Louise Strong. ities and Corrections, secretary of The Gigli Shotwell concert was also the committee to secure the United a feature of this course. Scott Near- States commission on Industrial Reing and Rabbi Nathan Krass will fol- lations, member of the executive committee of the Foreign Policy low Rabbi Silver in the course. association, and member of the board of managers of the Cabot fund. He DR. COHN IS HONORED AS has also, been director of the ediELKS' BANQUET SPEAKER torial and historical bureau departments of Civil Affairs, and AmeriRabbi Frederick" Cohn was the can Red Cross, in Paris, and a memprincipal speaker at the Elks' Father ber of the committee of inquiry on and Son banquet held Tuesday eve- needs of refugees, Emergency Red ning, Feb. 12, and which was at- Gross commission, in Italy. tended by over six hundred. . Kellogg will be the fourth speaker • Dr. Cohn will preach on "The in the social service series. While Messiah" at Temple Israel this eve- he is in Omaha he will be the house ning. Saturday morning . he will guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakspeak on "Serving the Ideal." ofsky.
PAUL KELLOGG COMING GOOD WILL BANQUET IS PLANNED BY B'NAI HERE FOR LECTURE ON SOCIAL SERVICECOURSE B'RITH FOR FEB. 2 8 Members of Jewish, Protestant and Catholic Faiths to Get Together. IS OUTSTANDING EVENT The local lodge of the B'nai B'rith will hold what is considered to be one of the most important features of its winter's activities in the form of a Good Will banquet to be given at the Ad-Sell Grill at 6:3G p. m., Monday, February 28. The occasion will bring together representatives of the three dominant faiths and give them an opportunity to gain a better understanding, of each other. The principal speakers will be: Dr. Frederick Cohn o£ Temple Israel, Jas. J. Fitzgerald, president of the Knights of Columbus; Rev. Frank G. Smith, C. C. Carmichael, president of the Elks clnb; Bishop Rummel; and Frank H. Woodland, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Nebraska Masonic organizations. Mr. Henry Monsky will act as toastniaster. Mayor Dahlman and the rest of the city commission, and the representatives of various .local organizations have been invited to attend. The banquet will be open to all B'nai B'rith members, their families and their frfends. Reservations may be made, with Phil JOutznick, chairman of the arrangements committee. Besides music by the Ad-Sell orchestra, many other forms of entertainment have been arranged to make the banquet a memorable occasion. Mr. Samuel Gerson will lead the community singing.
New York.—(J. T. A.)—A million dollar national campaign to extend over a period of five years will be undertaken by the labor groups in the United States, to buy tools and raw materials to aid the 1,000,000 declassed Jews in Soviet Russia. A call to all labor groups and Landsmanschaften in the United States to participate in the work will be issued under the signatures of the Arbeitering, the United States Hebrew Trades, the "Forward," the Jewish Socialist Verband, the National Jewish Workers Alliance and the Poale Zion. The money, which will be raised in annual quotas of $200,000 will be administered by the and the Agro-Joint.
Accomplishments in Palestine Shown as Factors in Overcoming Opposition PALESTINE ECONOMIC SITUATION IMPROVED
Victory was the keynote of the address delivered by Louie lapsky, national president of the Zionist Organization of America at the Jewish Community Center Wednesday evening;. The triumph of the reconciliation of all trends of Jewish thought, unburdened by hard and fast formulas; or unbending dogma, -was the thought, the idea that the famous orator brought with telling force to his audience which filled the auditorium oi the Center. «> There was not only happy success borne in his eloquence, but in his face, as he recited the story of how in the To Teach Anesthesia in Dental past thirty years or more, the Zionist School; Also Exodontia movement and its opponents havr Instructor. come closer and closer together,, both yielding untenable theories for more ACTIVE IN MANY FIELDS satisfying facts. Throughout his entire speech, it was the smiling Lipsky Announcement was made this week that talked. The lines in hie face of the appointment of Dr. David were soft, and his greying hair gave Cahn Platt to the professorship of only the impression of venerable age anesthesia in the Creighton Dental made happy by success after an arcollege. Dr. Platt, being only 23 duous struggle. Mr. Lipsky gave as the chief reason for the unification of Jewish endeavor, the inspiration drawn from the actual work that has been accomplished in Palestine. It was his idea that the spectacle of the Palestinian laborers, the colonists, the school systems, the spread of the Hebrew language, the industrial development, and the oth«n concrete fulfillments of the yearning for a homeland have overcome the barriers of conflicting- abstract definitions of Jewish Rims arid missions. Lipsky spoke with particular •warmth of the recent avowements of non-Zionist leaders a t their eonfpwvnep held last fall in which they proclaimed greatest enthusiasm for principle* which they had been in the habit of attacking for thirty, years. Although he did not speak directly of the extension of the Jewish Agency to include the non-Zionists, it can be said that his talk was a paean of joy over the events leading up to and including Dr. David Cahn Platt. this important move. years old, becomes the youngest proThe present condition of Palestine fessor in the Creighton university was described as very satisfactory1 in and probably the youngest professor comparison with previous years by in any dental college in the country. Lipsky. A two and a half year period He graduated from the Creighton of economic difficulty, especially unschool about two years ago with employment, has been remedied, he high honors. pointed out. He said that this would Dr. Platt has been instructor in make possible the admission of a few exodontia at the Creighton school thousand more Jewish immigrant*? since the beginning of the last fall within the next few years, semester. He will continue in that Louis Katelman, chairman of the capacity in addition to his work at local Zionist District, wss chairman of his new post. He is also dental the evening, and introduced Mr. Lip* surgeon of the St. Joseph's hospital. sky to the audience. The national The youthful professor has been executive was accorded great ovations very active in other fields outside both before and after IUE oration. of his profession. He was one of the A luncheon wag held in Mr. Lipsky's charter members of the Pi Delta honor at the Ad-Sell in the afternoon Sigma, Jewish social fraternity at at -which over fifty of the city's most the university, which has since been j prominent and representative Jews accepted into the Pi Lambda Phi, •were present. national Jewish social fraternity. Dr. Mr. Lipsky is touring the country Platt has been elected faculty modin the interests of the nation-wide erator of the chapter. membership campaign of the Zionist He has also been a participant in Organisation. Jewish organisation activity, being one of the advisors of A. Z. A. Chapter No. 100 and sponsor of the Intermediate Council of the Jewish Community Center. He is also active in the B'nai B'rith and in the Senior Club Council of the Center.
J. C. C. Benefit Dance Is Planned by Clubs
A benefit dance for the purpose of raising funds for athletic equipment for the Jewish Community Center and improvements on the handball courts and equipment for the proposed boys' room has been planned by a joint committee consisting of representatives of various organizations. Mr. J. M. Malashock has been designated as chairman of the affair, the others on the committee being: Abner Kaiman, Irvin C. Levin, Frank Ackerman, Herman Segelman, Phil Klutznick and Jack W. Marer. The dance will be held Sunday evening, March 10, at the J. C. C. ballroom. Among the organizations behind The countenance is the portrait of the affair are the Thorpeian Athletic the soul, and the eyes mark its in- club, the B'nai B'rith, both A. Z. A. tentions, .---v —Cicero. chapters, and the Psi Mu. -
Miss Mary P. Wheeler of St. Paul speaking at the Jewish Community Center Wednesday evening on the Social Service Lecture Course on the subject, "Family Welfare," told net listeners that the methods of render* ing social service are changing' so wip« idly that what was new three yeftre ago is no longer new. "Social work is now less of giving relief and more of solving fundamental problems," she said. In this connection she warned her audiencfe against the old-fashioned method of aid, the haphazard giving of donations which destroyed the self-respect and independence of the recipient*. Miss Wheekr also told her amiienefc to disregard talk of the high overhead in present day public social servjee work. She pointed out that Sn order to attack the causes of proMfefti*, rather than giving superficial ftld, necessitated trained workers, and In order to get the benefit of their time and skill, it was necessary to pay them well.
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450
JEWISH CALENDAR—5689-i 929 1929 *Rosh Chodesh A d a r I I _ Wednesday, March 13 Purim _ .—..-..—......Tuesday, March 26 Bosh Chodesh Nissan........—....™ ..„.„..... ..—.....Thursday, April 1 1 1st D a y Passover................_~..™.......___.™._.™....ThUrsday, April 25 7th D a y Passover....—_._..~__-^__«u.—..••..... .„Wednesday, May 1 ' R o s h Chodesh I y a r ........; ^ ^ ^ . _ ^ . _ ^ _ _ _ ^ . . . . _ S a t u r d a y , May 10 L a g b'Omar,_..™ vv .™.^..^.^^....^~«K....».....».....»...«..Tuesday, M a y 28 R o s h Chodesh Sivaii....».>.........M.>......._......o...~i.^M..» Sunday, J u n e 9 1st P a y Succothi......... ii ....«.,........«...M.«.«..".»...«...«.......Friday, J a n e 14 •Rosh Chodesh Tammuz....™»^.-™.™..™.~.—....«........Tuesday, J u l y 9 F a s t of Tammuz. H ._. .u^«~.—.. „ _ . .. .......Thursday, J u l y 25 Rosh Chodesh Ab.._-~^.__.»-;..~. _...™_....~... Wednesday, A u g u s t 7 P a s t of Ab....._-._..„. ••..^.••••.;.._.: _ _ _ . _ . . . . T l i u r s d a y , A u g u s t 15 •Rosh Chodesh EIlul.-.._...^.^...^... ...............Friday, September f
AT B'NAI LEISURE TIME PROGRAM TWO HUNDRED B'RITH STAG PARTY FOR ADULTS IS URGED Over two hundred men attended the stag party of the local B'nai BY COUNCIL OFFICIAL B'rith last Thursday evening to make
BESSARABIAN JEWRY ARE FACED WITH STARVATION Kishineff.—(J. T. A.)—An urgent plea for immediate aid to rescue a large section of Bessarabian Jewry was represented by Chief Rabbi Zirelsohn at a press conference held here last week. "Aid is needed to save US from starvation. G-K! alone knows what the end of this catastrophe will be. The general economic situation of Bessarabian Jewry is catastrophic," he declared.
the affair one of the most successAn active leisure time program ful ever held. It was held in the was urged upon the individual sec- J. C. C. gymnasium, under the tions of the National Council of sponsorship of the Intellectual and $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - " "„ " Jewish Women in a recent state- Advancement committee of the Lodge, Advertising rates furnished' oh application ment by Mrs. H. W. Davis of Duluth, of which committee Phil Klutznick is oi the department of social service. chairman. . CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the-old and new address; "Modern industry has presented a -Ji .-.'-, .,...., be sure to give your name. Five three-round boxing . bouts challenge to the twentieth century,*' were staged, and received enthusiast,77 she said. 'legislation has been ically. Refreshments and smokes Were passed for compulsory education) for served to the gathering following the H£CREAM••» - T O W N ; prohibition of child labor and pro-program. OUR ROMANCE : vision has been made for children's * Also observed t h e d a y previous a s Rosh Chodesh. / W [ H "Last Wednesday evening Louis Iipsky, his face wreathed in play hours. The kindergarten move- The deed is everything, the glory smiles of satisfaction, told Omaha Jewry of two very .wonderful naught. —Goethe, ment helped to establish the prinI RICH tm sc things. The first was the story of the actual accomplishments in ciple that the business of childhood — When shopping, mention the SATIN ICE CREAM CO. years have carried the financial i3 play; that no all-round develop- 'Jewish Press." the rehabilitation of Palestine and in the settling, of the Jewish burden and moral responsibility, have ment can be expected without it. people onVits land. And the second, and probably even better in their hearts and in their minds Under conditions of modern industry news, was that all the various shades of Jewish opinion were hdw toward those for whom we have with its specialization and shorter j focusing on Palestinian rebuilding. , ' given of ourselves and of our money. working hours, the play movement \ (Continued from Page 1) I must have your answer and I has shifted its emphasis from childOur enthusiasm, however, is not entirely due to the news conhood to leisure time movement for veyed, because most of it had already been intimated in-the news sibility; for the management and formust have it quickly. the Raising of such funds as could adults." We owe it to our brethren to let dispatches .which stream in day after day. B u t the sight of the be secured from their own communthem know long in advance whether Mrs. Davis pointed out that a well Omar Bakery puts Into fti bread, eakes venerable leader of the American Zionists fairly bubbling over i t i e s ^ • '. ..."•.•.•-'. • ..:;r.. .- ••they can look to ua^for further help organised leisure time program i s ; and pastries has brought us thenuanda of with exhuberance over t h e state of affairs, and the spectacle of the One of the greatest contributions or whether we are to abandon them. desirable for all ages and classes. caatomers. Women all ever Oaudui arc We must also advise our own vast large attentive audience that filled the Jewish Community Center of the J. D. CV has been its help talking about ft. Ton can get Oaar "As Jews we have a special probir. socializing along American lines organization in this country which in auditorium, were things that set the heart a 'singing. good* from most groceries or tin Oatar lem and thi3 the council sections all those with whom we have worked all modesty I have - from time to wagon that comes to yonr n«lghborlk»oA. Some day there will rise among the Jewish people a romantic daring the past fifteen years. The time designated as the greatest piece have long recognized," she said. "In ; poet that will weave in eternal rhyme this love story of J e w s - ;wioiii. 1ofr-..the.;.J.j.p,.-.XJf at present is of human, machiner;' that has ever many 'cities they have organized or rosy dreams and their rosier fulfillment; schism and^e-union? convalescent period and need a mini- functioned in this country, whether cooperated in creating setlements or community centers and camps to Perhaps we will not be here to thrill to its lyrical chant, but Vfe, the mum of assistance from us,to tide they are to be scrapped or to be fill the leisure time of the Jewish them - over until such time as they kept intact for the purpose of further soldiers in the ranks today, will be immortalized in. its: verse. ; are- able to carry the entire' burden readjusting human life and saving people of their community. Organalone? thousands of men, women and chil- ized philanthropy has taken away from the volunteer family welfare The spirit of American Jewry. dren of our own faith. work but in the leisure time moveIf I know, the spirit of American I plead with you to let me have ment she is an absolute necessity This week brings to" us the glad tidings of the appointment Jewry—and I believe I do—the an- your views, even at eome length, if of Dr. David Cahn Platt to a professorship in the Creighton Dental swer will come back as a mighty you feel it necessary. In those coun- Council sections should not neglect College. Remarkable though the achievement is, its glory is doub- roar which will spell itself out in tries across the seas our people a r e the opprounity of engaging in this work." ly enhanced by the comparative youth of the gentleman in ques- terms of further service, in term's anxiously awaiting our answer. We tion: Dr. Platt, or rather Professor Platt, is only twenty-three of further helpfulness, in terms of are in duty bound to give it to unselfishness, in terms of continued them. years old, having graduated from the school in which he now plays giving. What shallit be?-" a pedagogical role, a bare two years ago. In this short space Strange as it may seem, the Jews Sincerely yours, of time, our youthful celebrity has so proven his professional and of America are richer today, having , DAVID A. BROWN, National Chairman. intellectual worth that his Alma Mater has taken him back to her given over eighty millions of dollars arms, and asks him to give the benefit of his ability to her newer for European and other relief, in ad"Pays the claim dition to other hundreds of. millions GRAF ZEPPELIN TO sons.'. • • • • with a smile" for our own social needs and reAmong students, many are inclined to judge scholarship by quirements, than they were' fifteen FLY TO PALESTINE lU W. O. W. Bldjr<—AT. 8034 grades achieved while in school. A truer test, though, is t h e abil- years ago. Richer not alone in ma- Berlin.-^(J. T. A,)—Captain Hugo Writing Life, Fire, Tornado, the Automobile, Burglary and ity of the student after graduation to translate his knowledge into terial possessions bat richer in that Eckener will take the Graf Zeppelin to Palestine on March 26, it was anwhich counts for more than stocks all other kinds of Insurance accomplishments and to transmit his learning to others. I n both or bonds, lands or buildings, gold or nounced here. and Surety Bonds. . of these things, Dr. Platt has already proved his mettle. We sa- silver. - Richer in self-respect. Richer . Jerusalem will *be the airship's lute him and wish him continued success and joy. ! = . in love. Richer in the consciousness destination. of having accomplished a great lifeHERZBERG'S STYLE REVUE saving and soul-saving work. Richer arid Scientifically Blended IS AUTO SHOW FEATURE as American citizens. Richer as Jews. in Omaha One of the*most interesting feaRegardless of my own views in The Nebraska's System of Service and Values Miss Gertrude Perlis, whose "The tures of the 1929 Auto Show to be matter (for it is well known that Demonstrated in UeHs" appeared here recently, con- staged at the City . Auditorium the the I am an incurable optimist, that I T tributes these brief thoughts fresh week of Feb.. 18-23, will "be" the believe in^thje-" goodness of men and from her pen. style show presented by Herzberg's. women) what I, as chairman of this Manequins from the local woman's committee,' reporting as to the future I'PLANT A SEED IS I plant a seed upon the fertile soi]( apparel shop will display all the of the J» D, ~C. must know,'is the general' "attitude which those hunDrop in a thought I do not care to latest modes in women's wear. 1 FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN dreds of housands of men and women ' keepi i see a weed sprout from the soggy PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS who over this long^ period pf fifteen The newest styles, fabric patterns and . earth, smart models. Hundreds upon hundreds of new arrivals shown only a t The NeJust as "we 6ow our seeds, so do we and braska. . • * reap. COME] HEAR * *- * Nebraska Nebraska DR* DAVID RABELSKY Special Knit-Tex TO DEATH The moon is forever silent, and ' There is no other Coffee The stars are forever silent, ISRAEL MEREMINSkV to be compared with it Will you be forever silent. '. • SPEAKING ON \ \[ "' VENGEANCE ; 1; ' ' Wheti I was a rose, The Nebraska Super-Value You crushed me and laughed. 9 Trampled my petals, Ask for it Sold by all '^' IJistrubed' my repose. Insist on A4ve WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Fiffct CtaM Grocers YQU are of mankind, "Famous for Flavor" at the ,'" <•' Now-I am a thorn, My'thistles prick you, - ; Llamo Fleece Mt. Rock Fleece And I laugh With scorn. UNDER AUSPICES OF .' . ; GOLDlE FISH ELECTED ' "" Blended, Rosted, Ground and Packed by National Labor Committee of Palestine CAMPFIRE GIRLS HEAD McCORD-BRADY CO., OMAHA Admission Free At a meeting of the Jecomfer Your every advantage in choosing the style you want today group of the Campfire girls held The Nebraska's system of year 'round lowest prices gives y Tuesday, Feb. 12, the following ofgreatest; possible values NOW. .. . ., . ticets were elected: Goldie Fish, presINCOMPARABLE VALUES NEED NO ident; Alma Feblowitz, vice-president; COMPARATIVE PRICES Ann-Burman, secretary; Ruth Silverman, treasurer; and Kalah Franklin, reporter. On the.previous Sunday, a Vafenis pleased to announce that it has made arrange- V. 1 tine "party was held by the group OMAHA NEfcl. ments to continue to serve the pafcioris of t h e • at the home of Miss Alma Feblowitz. DAVID BLACKER, BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR IRVING P E R L M E T E R - - - - - - - EDITOR
The Extra Value
Kaiman Insurance Agency
Enchanting Aroma i the Orient Irresistable Flavor of Brazil
Jewish Verse
Wotlc^r/ui Valuer All Weather
Advo Coffee Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch Stimulating for Dinner
"Present Conditions and Possibilities in Palestine '
Topcoats $
The Yellow Cab
A Safe sit
JEWS ON "TOOTER" STAFF Five Jewish students at South High -school have been selected for positions on the school paper, "The Tooter."" Sidney Cohn was chosen business manager. Arthur Kazlowsky 13V., on ^the. advertising staff and among the reporters are: Russel "Bjumenthal, Estelle Nathan and Jessie Nathan.
SAFE INVESTMENTS 5% 6% iy*% in Public Utility Properties , Electricity—Gas j.. . ., Petroleum
....203 So. liUh-St.
Black and White Cab Co. which ceased ^."announced dent,- in order to his garage
to operate in Omaha on Feb. 15, by Mr. Hymie Borsky, its presit h a t he might devote his attention , business.
YELLOW CAB has purchased the equipment of the Black and White Cab Co., including the , v, name, and will operate Black and White cabs :\ from the principal stations. Rates will be the same as for Yellow Cabs — the lowest in the country, with the exception of New York City." We solicit the patronage of former Black and White Cab patrons, who may call JAckson 2468 —the old telephone number—or ATlantic 9000.
Yellow Cab & Baggage Co* "- - '• -.,--
Good Products
with a high rate of interest accruing daily. That's what Neat, Tasty
PRINTING means to you. I t costs no more — it's worth money in actual dollars and cents—and can be obtained quickly by asking for our representative.
Telephone ATlantic 8028 INTERSTATE PRINTING CO. 1307-] 309 Howard Street, Omaha
Council Bluffs . News
Miss Sarah Kurtzman is subchairman, with: the assistance of Mrs. William Alberts and the Misses Adelaide Greenberg, Ida Bishoff, Min Flax, Bess Bernstein, Carolyn Diamond, Claire Katzman, Alice Minkin and Lillian Greenblatt
At a board meeting of the local Miss Mollye Grossman has been apchapter of the Hadassah held at the pointed chairman of the Junior Ha. By F. R. K. home of Mrs. O. C. Goldner Monday dassah benefit tea-dance, which is to afternoon, plans were made for sev- be held from 3 until 6 o'clock Sunday The Ladies Aid Society will hold eral spring afairs. The first of the afternoon, Feb. 24, in the Blackstone a regular meeting next Tuesday activities will be participation in the Hotel. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS afternoon, Feb. 19, at the hotne of United Palestine Appeal campaign Mrs. S. Shyken, 1009 Second Ave. which will start March 18. Mrs. Max Fromkin was appointed Mrs. L. S. Braunstein entertained chairman of the committee in charge at a series of bridge parties at her of the Junior-Senior Purim" Rally home at 18 South Eighth Street on which is planned. Later, a debate ^ ^ 2 f i i S Te % f T + £ ^ engagement of their Wednesday and Thursday evenings will be held on the subject, "Befc££*?*Jr^-§ i^ £ Wintroub, to Mr. Sam Roffman of Council solved, that Solomon with His ThouBluffs, Iowa. No date has been set for the wedding. ^ " " ^ of last -week. sand Wives Had an Easier Time Mrs. Max Steiman of Winnipeg, Than the Modern Man with Onlyj ^ P ^ ^ Mr.-'Robert Glaze* of Omaha, son of Mr. and Canada, who has been spending the One Wife." A pageant is also t o ! S. Glazer of Fort Des Moines, Iowa, to Miss Billie Danto past two months here visiting* her be staged. ?n M S A Dant0 of *£5K^TiE£ ? *. - Ky. Chicago, was solemnized parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Seigel, left Sunday, Feb.^ 17, m ? Louisville, Wednesday evening - for her home. The young couple are now honeymooning in Miama, Florida. She was extensively entertained dur- PLAY FOR J. C. C RALLY IS UNDER PREPARATION From, there they will go to Cuba, and will return to Omaha early ing her visit.
fiB Hold Bath Parlor NEW TURKISH BATH Expert Masseur Service 16th and Howard JA. USS
Refresh Yourself DRINK
Baker Ice Machines "Manufactured in Omaha'1
in March to make their home here. Mrs. Morris Jacobs left Thursday for Tampa, Florida, where she will meet her parents, Mr- and Mrs. I. D. Iseman of Nebraska City, for a tour of Florida and Cuba. Eeturning, they will visit Mr. Iseman's former home, Darlington, N. C Mr. Jacobs "will meet his wife in Florida toward the latter part of her visit, to return with her. > Mrs. L Pearlman entertained her afternoon bridge club at her ^home -Wednesday. Prizes -were won by .Mrs. David Potash, Mrs. J. Rosen, "jand Mrs. J. Fregger. . A number of Omahans are leaving rtHis week-end for Kansas City, Mo., "-to see the play "Strange Interlude". Among those who are leaving are —fee Mesdames Max Fromkin, S. G. ^altzman, Henry Newman, Sam Gohen, Abner Kaimen, J. M. Malashock, E. A. Meyer, and Misses Bess Haykin, and Elsie Poska.
"Overtones", a one act play by Mr. Ben I. Seldin has returned Alice Gerstenberg, will be presented Master Robert H. Giiinsky of home after a short trip to Chicago, a t a rally early in March at the Council Bluffs is convalescing at the Illinois. J. C C. under the direction of Miss Wise Memorial hospital. Bess Weinstein. The Daughters of Israel Ladies Miss Rose Gross of St. Louis, Mo., The play strives to show the difAdid Society will hold their next is leaving Friday for her home after meeting Tuesday, Feb. 19, at -thespending several weeks here visiting ference between the superficial and the actual selves of people. Jewish Old People's Home at 2504 relatives. L T h e cast includes Ida Cahn Platt, Charles. Tobie Steinberg, Sally Morgan, and Pearl Wiseberg. The Daughters of Zion will hold a PLAN JEWISH STUDIES AT MUNICH UNIVERSITY card party for the benefit of \ the YOUNG POALE ZION Jewish National Fund, Tuesday, Feb. Munich.—(J- T. A.)—A chair for The Young Poale Zion club will 26, at 2:30 P. M. at the JJ. C. Ci " Jewish .studies was established at the give a dance, Sunday evening, Feb. The hostesses will be Mesdames J. University of Munich. 24, at the Lighthouse. Katleman, E. Fleishmanf^fl. Sbkblow, Instruction in the Wissenschaft des The organization wishes to thank F. Melcher, J. Sherman, A. Weiss, Judentums will be given by the well those whose co-operation made the E. Selz, L. Elowitz,>J. Lincolnj J. known Jewish scholar. Dr. Prys, who success of its play, "The Schechita," Baker, H. Milder, A. Wolf H. Del-was appointed to fill the chair with a success, especially Miss Frances rough, P. Platt, J. Lipsey, E. Dbl-the title of docent. ; . Fish and her orchestra. gaft, M. Fromkin, J . Ornricb, and J. J. Friedman. Other hostesses will be announced later. _'
j "The Largest Chain
Mrs. David M. Newman of secretarial schools in Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herzberg Tiave the world features DickGraduates EmGraduates Erareturned home from a West Indies ployed Locally by ployed locally by Surprise Cakes inson 30-day shorthand. cruiser They visited in Havana on V. 8. National University at There is only one rea% cup'jbutter, 1% cups sugar, 3 Nebraska Bank the trip, and also spent a little time Medical Behoof son—superiority. The eggs, 2% teaspoons baking powder, Eppley Hotels Co. in New York City. C. B. OU Work* employment service of Guarantee Fund 1 teaspoon vanilla, cup milk, 2 ^ American Ry. Xtfe In*. 'Co. > 37 associated schools is Express Mr. and Mrs. Joe LipMn have left cups pastry fiour, % teaspoon salt. ; Burllnpton Buntc free to students. The Northwestern Cream butter with half the sugar, for,'Minneapolis t a visit Mrs. Iipkin's C G. W. « . B . Life Ins. Co. local franchise for Woodman Circle parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Fried- beat egg yolks with rest. Combine Omataa Public Library International man. After a visit there, .they will mixtures. Add alternately the sifted Harvester Co. Tfatth western go to Milwaukee to make their home. dry ingredients and milk. Add flavPeters Trnst Co. Bell Tel. Co. oring, fold in beaten whites, bake in ' Byrne • ts - Hammer General Motors and many others Dry -Goods. Co, Mrs. Vera Kohan is convalescing muffin tins and cool. Remove top, and many otbcrs from an operation at the St. Joseph's scoop out center, and fill with whiphospital. Mrs. Kohan's daughter, ped cream or ice cream. Ice with fc and for complete Dickinson training, day or night school, is held Mrs. Jack Goldberg of Des Moines, thin chocolate frosting and decorate exclusively by . >• is here-with her children, Stanley with chopped walnuts. 1 and Kchard, visiting her brother, Mr.- Allan ^ofian, in order ttfJ be BENEFIT PLAY P31ANNED near her mother during her illness. The Omaha Yiddish Dramatic club will present its next production, "Der MissHermine Hirschmann, daughFremder," or "The Stranger," by ter of. Dr. and Mrs. H. Hirschznann, EsL 1924 Jacob Gordin, as a benefit perform- I will, leave next Monday for Warm Typewriting—Bookkeeping (Burroughs Electric Machine)—Business Spring,- Georgia, for an indefinite ance for the National Labor committee of Palestine. The play will English—Complete Secretarial Course stay. . • ' • . ' . • be given Sunday evening, March 3, 36th and Harney MRS. H. G. CREEL, Director HArney 690S Mr. and Mrs. L Dloogoff will leave at the Jewish Community Center Saturday for Kansas City, where they auditorium. will'visit Mr. Dloogoffs mother, Mrs. i.u Jim M I JIM IIIII m i » » mil Jjm u u m i l i u iliu »m HIM II I&lk Dloogoff. Mrs. L Dlqogoff was formerly. Miss Tillie Zusman of this
Paxton* Mitchell Co.
Zitb »od Martha M«,
Oar B< TkU We**
In 3800 B. C.
Babylonians Made Wills on Clay Tablets In Babylonia, about 3800 B. C, clay tablets were used for the recording of wills. This method crudely answered the purpose of our typewritten records of today.
,- -Mrs. Edward J. Kraus - is con-valeschig at the Wise Memorial hospital* and daughter, An,nette, mil leave Sunday morning for Lds""ABgeles to visit Mrs. Fanger'a daughter, Mrs. J. J. Pink, and Mr. JKnk.
Announcementl We wish to announce to our patrons :an<l friends that we have added to our equipment the newest and most uprto-date Automatic ^Printing Machine.
Radio-Hectric Washers \
Today we also liare experienced trust departments. You are invited to consult Mr. Win T. Graham, trust officer, in charge of our Trust Department. In Babylonia huge vaults were necessary for the preservation of the^ clay tablets. Today we liave fireproof, convenient safety deposit boxes to safeguard your valuables and securities. Serving Omaha Since 1857
> Hisses Ella Altsbuler, Euth Hofiner, Nell Marks, Celia Moskoyitz, ; and Celia Wolk have formed a sorority under the name of Phi Beta -/Sigma.i Miss Celia Nitz will leave Satur- day for Kansas City to join her / father, Mr. S. Nitz. She will be - followed shortly by her mother. They will make their home in Kansas City.
Brandeis Theatre SUNDAY^
"THE DESERT SONG" Monday and Balance of Week The Farce Comedy Delight
"Stop Thief"
Our latest acquisition supplementing our already "well-equipped shop enables us to serve you more efficiently now than ever before.
You are most cordially invited to come and see this wonderful machine in operation, r • - -•
N/S;-YAFFE • • 118 So. 17th S t • " * • * - •
Phone JA-O77O '
j ! 4 ^ ^
HODGE ELECTRIC CO. « » !N«. i«th et. (Opj>. r. o.) A T . «$w
LAUNDRY/ does it hqsi LET
AT. 4750
Visit the New
MALASHOCK'S • Jewelry Store Hill Hotel Building
Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices It Will Pay You to inquire.,
20th and Nicholas—J A. 6656 HARRY SWENG1L and WM. HAHN, 1'rop,
keeps ALL thegoodness
Make delicious crisp brown waffles right at the table with an ELECTKIC waffle iron I
Geooine Fraaklk County Lump, $9.00
Make your work easier with these! This "Kelly High Speed" is ..the latest machine of its Mnd on the market, and has a speed capacity of 4000 impressions per hour.
16th and Howard Str««te
Ordinary methods of cooking always cook out part of the goodness, no matter how good a cook you are. But ELECTRIC COOKING doesn't It saves all the savory flavors and appetizing juices that usually cook away. ELECTRIC COOKING saves your time, too— gives you more time for your family and friends. And ELECTRIC COOKING is not expensive. It's the modern, faster, better vfay to cook.
i- -Sam- Gorelick- is recuperating -frbm her illness at the Wise Memoriftl hospital.
mnrthinK rliftrivn)
•ave the life of the wif«
cook it out!
Hiss Martha Zoot of Chicago will arrive Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. F. H. Roddy, and Mr. Roddy.
250 Rooms—200 Baths Good Rooms for $1.50 Operated by Epplev Hotels ( »
C7te«R«rs. Irtmm,
KArtier 1(W- I
OMAHA. NEBRASKA Sort gray. Iron, brngs. bronze nrsti Blnminiim castings. KtandBrd «ixp» oronM and Iron bushincs, nevrer oinuboles. ci»lem rinpB nml enrprn «ti«^ :lean-Out aoors in etook. &\) kind* of Bed nytnl pntteiyg,
AT ALL GKOCEK5 Made by Uncle Sam Breakfast FCMMI
j |
Nebr«u»b», |
f f
DORSETS | CHICKEN SHACK j 54th and Center Street* I Entertainment 1 Chicken Dinners | Chicken Sandwiches f
An ELECTRIC iron vrill save yonr time and make ironing' much easier.
Wonderful cof- An E L E CTRIC toaster fee is easy to makes tasty make vrith an b r o w n toast E LECTRIC for you st the t a b l e . All p e r c o I ator. these electrical And you can appliances save your time make it at the anr3 m a k e your vrofk i table. i
"Electric Shops' 17th and Harney
2314 M St.
Nebraska Power Courtesy • Service * Low JUte*
Hurry H. LnpiUos, I'
Omaha Future and Supply Co.
Southwest Comer Eleventh and Douglas Street* Phone JAckson 2T24 Omaha, Nebr. PATRONIZE OUR
FOUR—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1929.. [ Douglas Couuty, Nvbrusku, nnd shall cou-T Jewish heavyweight, faded out of Simon, 219; Ab. Kaiman, 209, andmeters and other equipment, and Atlantic 9000 will bring a Black and tiuue until Juiiuury 1st, Mffl. | will continue the service under the White cab, if one is desired by HWHKST AMOUNT Otf INUE11TKUNKSS j the picture recently when Phil Scott "Ankles"-Goodman, 207. ' The highest amount of indebtedness or of England wrote finis on his streak Leo Weitz was high in the three Black and White name, the right to patrons. The rates will be identical -liability to which thu curporatlou filiull at! AKTICI.ES OF INCORPORATION uny. one time subject itself, ahull not ex-' of sensational wins in a London game total with a 569 count and M.use which it also acquired. This for either cab, patrons now enjoying ceed two-thlrda-of-its capitaljbtocli. PRANK R. ACKEBMAN ring. Scott was awarded the bout Treller was next with a 567 score. company recently reduced its rates, the new. low Yellow Cab rate when j OFFICKM8 ANU U1UKG1OU8 OVEHLANW SECI'KITIES a Black and White cab is ordered. , The affuirg of the t-orporatloii sUali lie COKPOifaw m the fifth on a foul, after Ted Other 500 totals as follows: I. which are now the lowest in the aifmluistered" by a. Hoard of Directors, tue Know all men by,'iliesu.presents;. Thai number,' not in excess of nlue i»irectors, Schlaifer, 566; Yousem, 546; N. country, outside of New York City. ^ his cage war- had rough sledding all the wayl W«rtf jiitf H.;a. Auerbtf<;ii,-li»Ye to be fixed by the lly-Laws. The pirectwevCi'ti.'A. Schlaifer, 545; Krasne, 539; Platt, associated, sociated uursetrejB uursetreB -.together togerir ior tthe i pur* ora shall be elected from nnd by the Stock- riors will pack up their togs and The Yellow Cab & Baggage comuo6e of formiug and' becoming VTforpura- holders 520; Simon, 514; Kaiman, 510; pany states that patrons of the Black hop a rattler for Kansas City toat the Stockholders annual meeting tiou under the laivg ,ot the j>r., Ne- for terms of one year and shall bold office Business Men's Bowling League braska,, und that purpose purpose wei weido do hereby hereby until the election of their successors. 1m- morrow evening, out after ' their Zweibak, 510; Goodman, 509, andand White company may continue tb i d for r that Standings, niake,, execute^ uud adopt, theL following niedinttly d adop after the annual " Stot-kholderti Malashock, 502. nineteenth straight" Victory. The J. Artlctei! or Inrforuoratlon: " call cabs from the same old telephone Expert Service on all makes meeting the VinetiiTd shall meet for theC.C.< quintet will meet the Y, M.Kaiman Insurance 13 5 .722 Artlctei! or Inrforuoratlon: Schedule for Tuesday, February number—Jackson 2468—or calls to transaction•• of all bnainess properly comof Radios 12 6 .667 19th: ing before the meetiug including tue elec- H. A. five of Kansas City Sunday. Glazer Clothing tion -of a "President, Viee-1'resideiit, ij'ecR. M. SHLAES CO. The Wardrobe 10 8 .556 "' "" , 'ttouglus -County, • Nebraska. '• j retiiry and'.Treasurer, lo serve lor one As a pre.liriiinairy to the nightcap, Omaha Tobacco Co. ...„.„ 7 11 .389 Kaiman Insurance vs. Glazer Cloth-* 218 No. 16 JA- 2147 suc- or rather as an -. appetizer, the Cen__ _ election of-their suc ing, 43-44. '" ' '• HIMELBLOOM BAKERY The and' mituru of theproposed' business to'•lip uud ten ob mcessors. year ahuMiiitll the' i jeutb purposes truna Thereafter, and from time to time Gesundheits . 7 11 .389 Empire . Cleaners vs. Wardrobe, 1511 N. 24th—WE. 6284 acted, promoted and carried ou pre. to iii IKrectors shall elect such additional officers 1er girls' sextet. \vill clash, with the Empire Cleaners 6 12 .333 45-46. any and all'of thethlugs herein menlluuet as may-be determined upon, provided the T Serve Himelbloom's new i s fully and to the same extent us uutura Secretary may or may not. be a. Stock- Kansas City feminine basfceteers. Clyde Krasne and the Schlaifer persons might or ctfuld do; niunelyr~ " " holder or member of the Board of Direct- "The K., Ci Y.'s have had qvjite a Russian pumpernickle bread Gesundheits vs. Omaha Tobacco, To acquire by purchase, subscription o ors. Any two offices may be held by one Brothers were instrumental in placwith your next meal. otherwise and to Hold as Investments,: any person.- Vacancies on the Board of Direct- successful season so far, having cut 47-48. . . ~" r ; bonUs or-'other- securities or evidences o ors shall be ailed by the remaining mem- a swath among tht- city league teams. ing the Glazer Clothiers within one 1119 No. 19—-WE. 3221 • Indebtedness, dr -'any. sbnres of = capita! bers of the Board of Directors.: Stock df aiiy corporation public or .private, The , men \ making the trip from game- from "the leadership. Jules In:furtherance, and Jiot Jnlimitntlon of • or of any association, or of an individual the powers conferred by the State, of NePaxton Billiard Parlors Old Kentucky Barbecue Omaha I are Captain Pixil O'erelick. Gerelick's boys took the entire series of the State of" N«\>riisku, or of any othel the Board of Directors is expressly from the Empire Cleaners. State, territory or country. 'i!o purchase braska, 1516 Farnam—JA. 9721 Maryland Fried Chicken : •• • , ' Johnny Jiosenbintt, Sammy Kaufgiiaruiitoee, hold; hold; assign, iisefgn transfer, transfer mortgage, luorfgage authorized—:-. n. From time, to time to direct and de-mann, Max' 'Altshulerj Jzz SchteibThe Kaiman Insurance held to Direct Wire Service on All - pledge or otherwise dispose of any' boiidB, termine the use nnd disposition of the ot other1 securities, or evidences of liidebt- capital and any surplus or net prolits; mann, .Sam Katzman, Izzy their lead but only by a scant marBlack and White cabs will hereafter ..--.. Latest-Sport Events ednebi created or issued~by" any 'corpora- nnd in its discretion the Board of DirectDave Pranks, gin. The Omaha Tobacco boys were be operated in Omaha by the Yellow tion, Association or individual of the tftate. ors may use and apply any such capital," Jimmy ;vj3urrou?^i01 •Nebraska, or of any other -state; terrl-. surplus or accumulated profits in purchtory or couutry. and while owner ^thereof, asing its own bonds.«r other obligations Benny Sosett an J Manny GoHb'erg. their victims in the first two games. Cab and Baggage Co. This announcetb Vexerclse nil the rights, powers and or'shares of its own capital stock, to such T«ri girls are making the trip, The rejuvenated Wardrobe Five ment was made recently by Mr. privileges of ownership.' ' " • ' ••••- —.-. i extent-nnd-in such .manner and upon such ;»ys will be vveU taken care defeated the Gesundheits. Trailer's Hymie Borsky, president of the Black To- purchase, • guarantee,; Bell, . assign, terhis nsthe-Board of -Directors shiill deem "transfer, mortgage,.• pledge-, ot otherwise expedient, nit such shares of cupitat stock of due to the courtesy of/Mr. Jacob- and Simon's" final shots eked out a & White Cab Co., which has operated dispose of shares of the capital stock of so purchased-• or- acquired ;-being: subject; any other"corporation or nsBuciatiou of thts fo-resale, noless they shall; have been. re- >6n, owner.of the Hill hotel, who has narrow victory in but* one of the in Omaha for several years. formerly »n OKI Orpheum Theatei State of Nebraska, Or of any other, state, tired .for the express pnrpo*e .of decreasNow Across the Street territory or country, and and- while" >ot ing the- compauy's- capital stock luit .tiett given; them five rooms at the West- games.-' • V ; . . The Yellow Cab & Baggage Co., h i e owner w 1510 Harney AT. 4297 such stock to exercise-all the r i g h t s , p 1: only as provided .by law. . . . • - . ; gate hotel of Kansas City. 403 Hospe BIdg. JA. 5752 ...High single games were registered the oldest taxicab company in Omaha, erg nnd privileges of ownership,-including 2.b\--The, Directors.-may make and alter ALL, WOHK GUAKANTEEU the right to vote thereon," to the suine ex- By'rlrfiw* for'the conduct of the..corporate as follows: Leo Weitz, 229; Lester purchased the Black and White cabs, lent as a natural person inight or "coiild'rto. business -but the By-Iiaws made .by the The eighte^ath victory in a row To aid. In any manner! any corporation, and the conferred may to come to the 'Center basket flipfirm, individual or association.' ,of which Directors be;altered or repealed by the .Stockholders. ajiy.bonds, or other securities,' or evidences , ,C. The Board ot Directors shall have the pers was" an overwhelming setback of indebtedness, or stock are held, by this to. authorize .conveyances ot any. of ^company; and to'do' any acts or; things power tiecorporatf property and to authorize ' designed to protect,'-"preserve, improve or or-cause" to, be executed mortgages..- and: of the Atlantic, Iowa, representatives enhance the value of'any bonds,'-or otljer liens upon the real nnd personal property who had to play third fiddle to the securities, 'or evidences of indebtedness, or atoct", including the" -guaranteeing of%any of the corporation, nn<l shall such tune of 6<V:to,/9v "dlvrdends or bou'dsj' or- contracts or-other other powers and duties as are ordinarily. j Jncldent. to-their offices and ns shall he obligations of ,any any siich obligations of siich j»rporat|^iflrp rjlpcessary and proper to eflfectiveiy- carry • The A. Z. A. club team increased association or indlvi'dtTar •-" To purchase, hold, "EelUand,transfer,the *tit the purposes of.;the corporation. • '• iXVA MKET1NO ;. . , '.' ; : its hold' on the "leadership in the •shares of Irs own capita) stock; provided it shall riot use its. "funds or property for The nanunl meeting of the Stockholders Commercial" league to two -. games, the purchase of Its own shares of cnpitiil shall be' held on -the second Monday in foJlowing Wednesday's round,of play, Stock when such use would detrimentally, February of each year nt two o'clock IV M. affect the rights 'of -any -credHora: '.and. ih the offices of the Company at Omahn. when both,the, Thorpeian A. C. and provided futtlier that shares of its avrti Nebraska, nnd in the pvent that.said flay capital stock belonging t<> Itsnnll 1 . not be shoiiUl fall on a legal holiday then on the the Peerless Cleaners, JioJ<Jers of secvoted1 nvon directly-or indirectly.. ;••' : ond and third-places were the victims To 'manufacture,'purchnse, or otherwise next succeeding business day. ' nctjnire, own, lease, mortsmre, -pledge,, aeJJf AMENDMENTS of upsets, whil£ the leaders took an assign, and transfer or otherwise dispose These Articles, may be amended at any 18 to 14 win from the Pgi Mu club. of,'to invest", trade,-deal--in-and-deal-•With regular meeting of the Stockholders, or at I" goods, wares and merchandise aud. real nnd nny special' meeting' of the Stockholders -The Peerless lost to the Kaplan personal property of every class and'de- by a majority vote of the fssued stock, scription and wheresoever situated, within provided, however, written notice of the Bargain Center, 1§ to 13, while the or'-wlthont the State of Nebraska. proposed amendments must have .been handed the To acquire, hold, use. sell, assign, lease mailed, at least ten days prior to the date Brodkey Construction : grant licenses in respect" of, mortgage, or of. the proposed'meeting, to ench. Stock- Thorpeiansva 30 to 19 trouncing. otherwise dispose of letters patent of the holder to his last known residence address. In witness whereof,' we -hare -hereunto I- United States or any foreign Country, For Service Call J'atent rights, licenses and privileges,; in- set our'hands- this 11 day of February, -In a prelim last Saturday the J. Service Our Motto ABRAMSON AUDIT (XX ventions, Improvements - and processes, THE BEE HIVE CLEANERS • -'' H . A. \ror,p, General Repair Shop—Radiators, C. C, reserves trounced the Western copyrights, trade-marks and trsrde-nanieg 9SS Brandei* Theater Bid*.—JA. 4811 mating to or useful in connection -withany Under Mspagement of Fenders and Body Repairing H. H. ADERBACH. Electrics, -38 to 8. And on Monday business of tbiB corporation. AUDITS SYSTEMS H. MARCUS To borrow niouey for nny of the "pur- STATE OF NEBRASKA, » 8 S DAVENPORT GARAGE they. trimmed the West End Jlerposes of this corporation, and to issue COUNTS.OB\DOUOLAS j INCOME TAX ... , 1941 Vinton St. JA. 1440 lSUi ana Davenport JA. 3073 chants by; the same score. bonds, debentures, debenture .stock, notes Oa this 11 day of-February,'102D, before and other oT>lign«:ions therefor, nnd • to me,-a Notary l'ublic iu audtor-the. County pledge of mortgage all or any part of the and iState aforesaid, personally, appeared property' then owned ' or thereafter ac- H. A. Wolf and M. U. Auerbach wlio are 'Al Resnick will sw}m at the KRAMER & BAUER quired, together wlfb the Income, rents nnd petsonally WM. BRYDEN & CO. known.lo me to be the identical PEERLESS CLEANERS Nicholas Senn hospital for the 20profits of property of ihe company; and to persons- whose names are afflxed to, the Auto Repair—Battery Service issue bonds, deiient tires, debenture^ stock. loregoing-.>.Articles 4420 Florence Blvd. pt Incorporation,..and yard championship for. boys H and Certified Public Accountants Tires—Tubes^—Accessories Holes or other ob-llgntions without any such they -acknowledged-the. exegution -thereof 2123 Cuming Street if v • - : • KB. 1500 . - - 638 Securities Bideand Parts to ufc thoixivoluutary.act .uiitl-Aleed for,.the. under, v. Among jiis competitors will To •have ono or inore offices -to carry,< purposes-therein expressed.,. . ;, ;, Kaymond 2 Wendell, who as yet AT. 8010 Tbe House With a Reputation 5127 So. 24th St. AT. 4451 n\l or tiny of its • operations ;nnd business • -WitneBa. jny-i handi auA- uoUirJaJ, seaV the MArket 1609 nnd without restriction 'or Jipiit •/ day and. year, last nbove..-written. hatf^eW vhlfedtein by any youngster. amount. • • '. .... To purchase or otherwise-n«iu\re,.,hoi.<!> nm, 1 mortpajte, 6ell(..convey- or .otherwise Feb. .15—4T: ?'Sandwine, 'the young hopeful disposa of real nnd-personalsproperty of N,.Attorney.: rvpry class and dpscription i n a n y of-the States, districts, territories or colonies of tlill Empress Hat Cleaning- Shop lh<* Vnitod States^ nnd. in any:tor all FOR SALE foTi'l^n rountrios. subject' to tho-Jnwg of 'r'J, la' the1- Couuty . Court • of RADIO SERVICE,' liquglas 16 and Douglas RiicklLgtJife' district, territory,.'-cglanjw^r' Stbirc building and 5 living roomsi "Everything for ;the Auto" t-t)mnitt ^ Y^vz ~^*°**-*~~*~~. -•*', ••••* - • •• Aiuty,, Nebru'slta. Nebruslta. Plumbing and Heating partly modern, and garage. Also ttr "To acquire the jrood will, riprbts and Hats Cleaned and Blocked 75c In the matter of the estate of UAUltX GENERAL 80-foot lot. in connection. Good 5031 So. 24th St.—MArket 6384 property, ami to undprtnk<* the-whole or Hollander, -ileceUEed. ,2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 • - . ' • ' any parr of.tbp russet's-and liabilities - ot hereby Eo'catiori.'-'Leaving city, so will AH p persons in. said '(uslate.ure CONTRACTOR ..uo\ttie4interested th«t.. y,. petiuou hu$ . bee o n j person, firm, association or; oorporn- liled hereby r bin.said uo\ttie4 th«t ypetiuou 'hu$ beeu sacrifice for £2500 for quick gale. ayiu's lor the th Court, i>rayiu's yrobate rio-nl to pay for the same In fash.•-. the lof i l da icertain iustruiueut now-on nle iu suidsfo~fc ot this'compnny, bonds or otherwise; Court, parportiug .to.'l>t. th«4liwjt--wni aud 4500 will handle deal. 415 Hospe Bldg. THALLAS THE HATTER »o Ifold or In any jnrinner -Jo- dispose Of testauKMit—«f -uuitl—deceased, ami. ruat .a -Call- WAhmt-3118 or 4t 36th and — F o r space" i : : JAckson 1614 the whole or any -pnrt .ot-ihe pTOtietty-su iie=iriug will be hud ou said ,p*jtition - b t Charlesr ^ . " •"--•• ! Hats Cleaned and Blocked p\irchase(l:'to condncMn ptjyla"wfi)1 man- suid Courtt ail the, We Repair Any Make Radio " in this directory call the inarch, the•Jnd.duy.roi:. sud Cou ner the whole or any part of nnv business and at said "nd tth«t hh««t-it-they it titthteyy ft<Jltoauiwar Estimates Gladly Furnished < J ,yu i w at " »dT-nn<l topsprpfRd-nll thpjiqwerS a"nd 50 and 75c H&milton-Sleiniie Radio Co. to,- o.i >l«rci), 5V Cuurt'onthe. h myd;.»' TEWISH PRESS-=-AT. 1450 T :d . or convenient1 in--T>nd-<)' * BEBER. Attorney* lit-U o «tock--A. 41.; to. .tbutest the probsiie d 2408 Farnam—JA. 1941 101 No. 16th co»wlnct nnd manauempnt .- of -jmoh ,«50 Omaha National Bank BId» of 8nid>'Wllir-. the Court niay allow and proTo enter prform concon bate t into,, make and pprform 6aid-will.-and grant ndmii^istruttoji'.'of d • 3iOTiCK TO purtTricts of' ofpt^ry kind k d for• f nhy^-lawfuly p i i d testaie ti l l f H l m u dEt; r' Holmudtjr v or rson firm nsaocition or o isaid p<Vs?8, "srttU-nny rt person, firm, nsaocintion d VF°^r d i suitableperaou and *1 l u cofporntion. town,' city, county, state, ter- OtiJer In .the District Court of JJoqclas County, ; u neltlemeiit thereof. rR«*r'y or j r o v e r n m e n t . • • •• - ""-• ' .-•• W , Nebraska. ' : . Tot-rtraw. i r a t p . m-rppf. endorK^.-rHson*!*; PATRONIZE THE Couuty Judge f EVANS MODEL LAUNDRY Castle Shoe Repair Shop MIDWEST AUTO ELECTRIC To V1KGINIA WCCIOJJE. non-resident CAN DYLAN]} ex«K:Htp *in<T iKEue'proniiBKOry n o t P s , d r a f t s ; Feb. »—3X SLNCE 1876 AH Family tiefttudaut: North of Cnaile Hate! hUls of ' exrhnnee.. honds,'debonturps nnrt 187 SERVICE ' I6tb and FHrnnm vSTALMASTEK AND UKBKU, Attorneys Tou are hereby notified that on the Oth services, from -WOKE POKE WHILE XOV WAIT— «tht»r negotiable or- transferable' i t SUNSET TEA ROOM Franchised Distributors da,y. of Npvember,. 11)28, Salvatore i'lccloue Wet Wash to ' 630. Omaha National Unnk Uia Men's Half Soles „ $1.00 jn«>nrB. • : tiled his Twtitroa In tbe District Court of 4Mb find Dodge Family DELCO-BEMX AUTO-LITE NOTICK OR. T6 iflin. mprge or consolidate With nnd Ladies Half Soles _ '._; 95c Uyugtns•_,County, Nebraska, appearing at Finish CAYSTAX. CAKDI to "outer into njrreernent anil cooperative et 252, Number 08, wherelu he praia In tlie Couuty Court ot Uouglns County, Docket NORTHEAST 252, Number08, wherelu heouprIhe Ladies Comp. RKbber Uth and Douglas Sts. Tpfcirions with any person, firmi associa- Sebeaska. for a decree'of; divorce from you ltitb and Capitol Are. for a decree'of; fromthat you ou t J4tb and Q. St. MA. 4007 tion '-or 'porporation. -'KovBrtimentnl, muni- -iu tUe mutter " of the estate ol BEN ground ofwytul desrtion; Qf..wytul divorce desertion; pursuant cipal nr othrrwisp in-nnd nbont t\u> earry- KATZ. to uu order of said court authorising »wdeceused. : inft'on and out of nit or-nliy-of *he pur-j All iiersous inttmstcU hi said estate tire vicc upou'you by pulillcntlou, you are reSTANDARD SHOE REPAIR of thin Co»»»n!tn'T. - • _ ' • If your laundress does not n'otiUed tJj.-ii :i putitluu him becu quired to answer said petition ou or be- MAGNUSON AUTO ELECTRIC EL-PATIO CAFE r timp to time. nnrsur>p« To thp laws iiereby satisfy, try us Jld' in said Court ullegiujj tuul said tie- fore the 18th day of. iiarqh, JOTO, or tha SHOP No, 2 . SERVICE k' b lV soliTtfoii M petition;of -pla-intiff wijl be -taken ag true Alter Theatre 119 So, 16 HANDS SHOE SHOP attd Judgiueut entered, as prayed for -thereStarter, Generator, Light* and Icnition nff -capitrtl • or ' pjinpplHn/; Service and Itepalrs Dancing u'hearing will be Jiatl oil «:iiU petltiou h i . First Class Work Guaranteed -'R hM>n lost nr-(R nnrepre^pnt"'! bviilul - JKnlvatops piccione, W. H. OSTENEEBG, Pres. before Biiiil court on tue 1st duyof Mnrch, -•4th Avenue nt St. Mary's Avenue l nsspfu: or b r rpjliicin" th(>-liflbJl- WJU uud that it ".they fall to appear at Shoes Rebuilt 24th and Farnam Br Stnlraagfer & Ketier, S813 Fartiam AT. 2815 AT. 5530 on ttK- RhnrpR or" othpfvr^sp i)d itin-? ' -ills Attoruies. C t on'the 'th saidl 1st 1 t day da of March, Mrch Feb. 15—W p m oxpipitipnf. nnct t o pay- off• onpHnl i\t said Court Its Wntinn upon the footing. Jbof it mnyhj* jyi-U, ill U o'clock A. M. to coutest said CUTIPII- jinon ap.ifn ,nr Qtlji>nvisp',_j|infl to iwtitiou, the' Court niuy grant tiie same STAI-MA8TEB AND BEUEB, Attorneys sijH-iVivirt" o r '•onsolW.nfp • its sl)<ires. Or uUd gruut udminlalrivliun ui' salj uatute to tlSO* Omahn National l^tnk Bldg. «<ny of thprn.-or to rpfiro »hnr«>RownP<T hy trrili StnlniasUT or some other suitable ' PKdBATK NOTICB iW ''ornoration. or fn reiluw tf)p pnr'Tnlr" person aiid proireU to a'settlement thereof. . HOLMES THE TAILOR. HARRY BRAVIROFF fb h or t o nrcept n snrrpnrlpr' of -.•'•'•• lutvcja citA\VKoui>, ' -In the' "matter ol the tstate ol A. Walter C. Koessig & Co. Sl'ILIvA,-'deceasedi*V~ -: -.. • e KbnreSs of TtR onpUal (jtorfc. nnil ffi Ijtpno If'eb. 8—3T Pianist Instructor Suits Made to Order—Cleaning• ' . touuty Judge. '. Notice'' Ik hereby «iven: - 'Xhat the creditlt<>n t oroftf i 'dppi-pnfieri ntlltiiiPT'* of AWNINGS and CANVAS Beginners ana Advanced Students \rffh"onr- diR*inrtfon OR fn i-In«s of Pressing—Hats and caps Renovated STAI.3IASXEK ASD BEDEIt, Attorneys ors : 6f-8ald deteawd vrtll-meBt tbe udmiirDYE WORKS : istrutor ot. said estate, before me, County SPECIALTIES 'the. sfOrk, nr to draw Khnros for rpHrpi Accepted 050 Omaha National Bunk Bills. JTuUgeotUouglaB'Couuty,-. Nebraska, at the WK. SS30 1>T' lnt or aopn^iHnT tn rn ssis &*«. s i (32 tears Suite 6. Wead Bids., 18th and Farnam ' KOTlCli OF AJUM1NI8TKAT1ON. JA. 3683 Couuty .Court Huom, Iu said County, oa £908 Farnam d. or in nay "tl>pr inann"'" lihiJer. rT>«r Telephone ATlanfie 8162 We Make Old Garments In'tbe Couuty Court'of Douglas County, the .Kth day of Aptil.UJSn, nnU tni the pR of tb<> Ktnfp of • NpbriVikn. Tn U'th day of Junev 1U3),.lit 0 o'clock>A. &L, jt to pnrrv on any other bnRlnnRK in Nebraska. b r k : ' Look Like New In t i e Mater of the. Estate of 1'eter t'ucli day, for the purpose ol presenting -;ponnt""tioii -with the forlorn™, -wh^thpr their clitlms for tjjtainintuion, adjustment Play the Violin Correctly Deceased. odblude, D eased. . CLEANING — DYEING — •mn'ntf.ipiiirinK or nUipnvlsp, nn<} >o-1in^« Goodbluder, SCOTT OMAHA antl ullownncv. Thtve inontha uns »I lowed Prof. ScvciJ: ond other worid renowned i t t d In-said matter-ore All jiersons interested unit psor*-l«<> all am powers rniifprrrfl ! REPAIRING for. the creditors to presuni their cltiims. TENT AND AWNING CO. teachers recommend my method very Itereby notified thai on the 13th day of Xry ' fhp ] a \ v « - o f ?««>hmf fcn—Htion-«Kirp203 Neville Block higWy nnd to . do any or nil of February, 102U, Jacob Uooubtutter filed u from the Oth a a y o f March, i«20. Sample Dyeing a Specialty o mt t i . Awnlns*. Cant-as Covers, Tents, petition in said County Court, praying FRANK MACH thi» "thin"1? l o n h e f t f t hT tth tr t Jt J i o tlint his final admliiistration account' filed Feb. S—43c ^ BI|ICK 814 No. 24th St. AT. 1169 Camp Supplies, an kinds AT. 6451 Concert Violinist nnd Instructor County Judge. tttimp" extent fin pprsons nfpht of herein. be settled and allowed,, unti that "CAIX US FIRST" Studio HTVi S. 16th St. JA. 1952 15th and Howard AT. <v>nlfT 'i1»- ."'"t Jn 'nny nart nf the -worliV be be discharged front his trust as eacecuas principilR. tirentx, ronfrncforc, t r t tor and "Mint" a heurlng will be had ou BHid IBVIN C.XEVIN. Attorney ,or -othferwlsp. nlone or- in-company jmtltion lief ore »ald .court on the 2nd day 301mtl BilU l r h of March, HTJP. • nnd • -that Jf you. fail._to torp * nn! l cJnw<vp shall bp pn»ist-»np<1 I-EGAX, NOTICE on-the 8aid 2iid. hoth ' as 'oliipota " anrl nn"Tr« -. :nnfl .ft i* «ilipearJtH?for*»-said-Court of Mnrch;-1U1H),' at-8 o'clock a. m., 'Xotice"-iB> hereby: gtven to Mnry IleeTes, lv pr^vldpd-tlint ,!the foroi Uay • contest>"Said-petition, the- Court: may the unknown, heirs, devisees and legatees *1 n i r i n T > of stv>Pift>-Tiiv!Vpr« shnlj arid -F'RON T I E l : : '*' J. M. ANDERSON gniut ptiiyer.'of-safd--petition"; enter-u of 3ohu KrJk"6ou7 X'eter il. TIP hpftT "t'o 'limit-' or rpstrW -in ^aany decree •-the: jnof TIP h f o W of heirshiif, and- make -vucb. -other J & Mary'icetiveB; SWANSON THE FLORIST J k , . liottie: .Briisou wife of 1'eter S J U i , i : fe f e r'fhe nowrR of thii?\PYJrp(mu\JWi i and further'-Norders?& LINEN SUPPLYPAPER HANGING nHovvanc«s.''raud" Urlkson, John Krlckson, jnanlnor''fhe nowrR. of thii?\PYJrp(mu\J<Wi. Krlckson Victoria Erltkson an ' thU ?C t 1704 So. 24th St. — MArket 0701 ATiantic '6291' DECORATING—PAINTING \'",' ..CAPITAI. SX0*311 ".-._• 1 cree's. as to^thU Court anuy seem -iironer,,- Wife ot-.John -Erleksou, I'eter M. ErlcJssi/n, end that'all mnttera-pertaining^ to! Th* tolfll'antborfzpd-cnpifnl stock""of the <0 l lthe Member F . T. D. j i M. "JENSEN"- : "'; ' ;> estnto may be finally-settled ami deCorporation flball be. ?200,000.00 divided in616 Keeline BIdg. JA. 4180 to 2,000•• the pnt vnlue of J100.00 termined. BUXCB CnAVVFOUD. K. V. Smith's.Addition, uu jiddltfoii to the "eaofc " ' '•' ' •" • ' "• • '• • '":.--* County Juilge. C'itj-«f Omaha, JIB siinx-yea, platted• HIIU re- CalJ ' Stork shuH bo transferable, only, by net. corded ia UonglnSiCouuty, ^^Uriisku, "real lo-'JX. nal delivery"-of the Stock-certificates nnil nutnes unknown," that Itiirjiey Wlssblood the ret>6r(UnS .thereof on the. Stock nooks did ou the 11th diiy of Kvbruuty. I1K.H), tile Only 2 firms accepted Certificate No. S)57 or 1l)-.'4. of l*p'Company. ' •; . "i ' the Ulstrict Cgurt ot DouifliiS Cojinty, K. BKKftKK - Stock ubnil *w* issued ns the neertu of the To AUOUl'li; &IUNSOX owiii-r or Itecord. Iu NeliniBka ii naniipg iiud designatunder each business . . it petition «ud desianat •'Company rwjuire: Shall be pnlrt.taxmJso Xn\i are hereby iiolilied thai ou ilic -JIM iug you and each o! you us defendants, 4615 So. 24th St. I0WEL SUPPLY GOMPANV "=ftne«1 n\U\ may be-pnt<! for tn cash, notes heading Angiist. ltiai, M. II. lloku purchaser.•nnd did ask und olitaiu leave of Court to _«»P in-BiX-lr propertj!. real nncr nPfRftnnL at <l)!>"of AT. 4544 Since 1S7R 1114 So. 28 St. ,. ... _ . obtain service upoii you and each of you by Hours? A. M. to 6 P. M. •the -misonnhU* ™iue thpreof. as flip ComwireliiisedCotimy. of thu t'oimtyNebraska, - Trunsilrer of publication, the object and prayer of »aid npi>(t 'or 'be nblp to usp iin the LXiUgtas Mnte-of at bis{ ^ e bl t Oliife, ut the private tutie of Ueul Ustutei petition being to unit title ju and to the , „, UK lumlneRK. . . . -,- llr . Company may commence hnslnpRg for the delinquent County and Stale Tuxi'aJ'guJd Barney Wissbluod in at|d to; Assessments thi-reoir for the years I . North % of Loi H in I)lock 17 lit E. I' nhcn^ iiorr niwtres of-stDrJf have bpen paid nudM iiud 11K» and. nnd. l'.KM.lhe l!24,lhe followiHK follwiHK lie- V. Shillh's Addition, OH ntjdition to the > t o r , - - ' who • 'have paid the fnir eoti acrtliocJ Uvul Ksttttu situated in sai<l City of- Uuiabn, a« eurveyvd, plafted 11 FRED PARKS & SONS and recorded, en* ' not »l>on fpr <«<' P»rrhnse of County, to-wil: l^ol 0.'. Kellej-H Addition. IRENE JOHNSTON Mi n . Addlliou In Douglas County, .Nebrnska. and to tind that you and each of you tune lfceh>tf<<*' «»'""" '•«* personally ,»n»>l<>. 24th nnd X* St.—AT. ?4M—MA. • ! • ] ... from Biiid.Trensuri-r nt ... said_ no right, title or .interest In or to any part BEAUTY PAItLOIt ln any imnwr, «r form, for nnyrtebtRor :md recehvd a County Treasurer's CVrtlnVafrM of said premisee. and that «aid plniutifTa i £38 Aquillu Court »bH»nHonR'w-hn<«W-ver of-»b<< «]omp«tij' mp«j AT. "SI Wallpaper Below Wh oiessle Prie«« S noH'venf«hail Slo k l d b be- per- of'Tax K:ile« anil that said ICcal Ksinle wat> ownersblji nnd pussessloir of »!i|u pro{>erty Tin, Sheet Metal and Shampoo and Marcel n«sessi-d for the yenrs WJ5 to 1023 Uimay be found to b ^ e absolute au4 free nnd llnbft- -In' miniiHT or'forrn. for-npt. rlusive In nnnn-uf Adolpli Monsou und was clear of any tfalm or demijnd frpm yon or Samples Shown «t tout Uonw Furnace Works -OP-directors or of i Finger Wave or Haircut S1.25 for ajl of snid years mid -after the any of yon in nml to said property, n* thp <'o«npnny.. t '"un of three months from the date Xou nud each of you are hereby notitted 'StopklioMpr nt evorv mrennn «f First Class Work and Prompt _. servlre of thin notice anil on or that you are required lo appear and plead ink'-o'ilcrs. »«'!• op nil mnttprR for of tbv . , Seryice shall 1»P enililrrt to t>t\e vofp after.the astli day of May. IO'JO. applicn-- to said petition «f. the plnlniiiT on or beFOR 75c A.WEEK * tiv prnxr for ench'fihnrp of tlnn. will tie- mml»< lo the Trcaaiirer of salrt fore the 1st day pt' April, 1020, or n deMOKKIS BEAUTY PAKLOK «toVk 'heiil l>v «trh Stork- l>ougln» Counly for «hp pxectltlon add de- fault will b f t n l e M l nerpiu. and tlje apRUDY & TORRID ZONE 1'our ad in this directory, reaches I livery ot a lUtnl for snid Kenl Estate to plications of plnlntllt'n petition taken as 1 0 8 H o . 1 8 JOE LEVINSKY, Prop. • • ' •• A T . IC1J f¥oltlef -' "Up iinderslsued. . • true and Judsrmpnt repdfred'la the plnlnFURNACES; practically every Jewish MArket 0977 4824 So. 25th Clwnor and holder nt snid Certificate or tiff ns prayed for in said petition. Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00 5033 So, 34th MArket 4600 Home in Omaha Tax sale. | Barnpy Wisshlood. Plaintiff. Marcel 75c Res. MA. 3166 4411 So. 26th l*y Irvin C Levin, his ' ' ' Feb. 33—*T - . . .
Sport Splinters
Speck's Place
Yellow Cab Co. Acquires Black and White Cabs
20th Century Rapid Shoe Repair
MultigraphingAddressing Mailing Lists
: 3
National Accessories, Inc.
Hat Cleaning
Radio - & STERBA-- -
Expert Radio Senicc -
Auto Electric Service
Shoe Repairing
Sanitary Laundry
Awnings and Tents
Music Teachers
Tailors • •
Towel Supply.
igg and Paper p If anging g
MArket 4307
Beauty Parlors
Call Sam TarnofFF
0MAM TOWEL SUPPiYmWall Paper-Paints