February 22, 1929

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the News of Interest • to Jews

Entered aa uecond-dasB nail matter * 5P-S- XT 27. 1021. a t postofflca at Omaha, HabraBba, nnflar U g * ' March 3,1STO. r "t


Cohn of Chicago to Address Hadassah

•VOL.V1I.—Na 7


Speakers for Wnai B'rith Good Witt-Banquet Announced

Jewish' Music Feature of Women s Council Meet

Miss Ida Cohn of Chicago, HI., A program of Jewish, music _ will assistant to Dr, Leo P . Frachtenbe featured at the meeting of the berg, midwest regional Zionist diOmaha - Council of Jewish'women t.t rector, will be the. principal speaker 2:30 p . m., Monday by the Jewish! at the next Tegular meeting of the Community Center. • . | s»a Gentile—Wk' They Dr r Rabelsky and L Mereminsky Hadassah to be held Wednesday Margaret Margolin Bellman -will Ever Meet?" Is Subject ' Speak Here for Palestine afternoon at 2:30 at the Jewish Com& group of songs, accompanied of Talk, Workers' Federation. munity Center. by Dorothy- l<ustg»rten, vjolisdst, E M speaker will discuss plans for Karfaret Hurwite, pianist, The ABBEESS IS FEATURE OP DISCUSS HAIFA PORT AND theTheforthcoming United Palestine sacred 'music .-of the• ijynap»gTJe will L&CTUBE COURSE SESffiS ELECTRIFICATION SYSTEM Appeal drive which "will be held in be presented by Cantor Abrshsir. Omaha the" week of March 18^26, in cEkin, assisted by the choir •Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, Deprecating the materialism of which the 'Hadassah will be an active of "iJ'nar'Israel-synagogue. orator, of ;The- Temple, American Jewry, Dr. David Eabelfiky participant. The life of. the Jew'' «s deEcrib«d will speak at the Jewish Community of New Yorkj in Omaha this week, in traditional folksongs will be given Center Monday -evening, FetaiEry 25. Another feature of the meeting prescribed as & core for the apathy by Samuel Gerson. Mr. Gersoa -will This "will be the fourth event in the will be a discussion of current Jewish of Jews of fhig country concentrated preface his eongs by brief csplana" and intensive -work for the rebuilding events by Mrs. M. F . Levenson. Also tions of their meaning said ptece in the names of those -who; contributed i of. Palestine as a Jewish national Jewish life. to the recent linen shower -will be " homeland. "American Jews lack The. busJaegi meeting will include read.' A sweater, - donated by Mrs. .idealism," he declared. a number -of reports of cooneE ae> Kev. ' Dr. Habelsky and Dr. Israel Mere- O. C. Goldner, will be raffled. off> tivities. - - Members are invited to jninsky of Palestine are touring the following will "be gs|sts of honor and bring guests- to this meeting, Tlie country as t h e official representawill deliver three^aiinute talks: "W. beard - -of the. council "wall-., -meat-, at tives of the- National Labor commitW. Garmichaei, president of the lo1:30 p . JBJ^ preceding? tlse penersl tee of- Palestine, Thursday evening cal Elks' lodger James J; Jltzgerald, they addressed a Tnass meeting at president of the Seal Knights of the Jewish Community Center, ^ deColumbus; Karl KeHm, Grand ConducRabbi Frederick Cohn. scribing conditions and telling of t i e tor of the Oddfelows; Frank H. Father P . A. Flsnsgsn. possibilities of Palestine. . Dr. Frederick Cohn, rabbi of Tem- Woodland, grand .;=master of the In a private interview, Dr. Kabel- Rabbi Cohn Compares Twa in ple Israel; Father P. A. Flanagan, Grand Lodge of the> Masonic lodges of "This affair will be one of the eky spoke with great "enthusiasm" rewho recently celebrated, bis twenty- Nebraska; Harry, EL - Lapidus, presi- most outstandrag events ever staged Current Topic'Lecture gaiding the National Labor commitfifth year as priest of the Holy dent of the Jewish^ Community Cen- by the local lodge," was Mr. Marer'e Tuesday* tee, which he represents and of •which Angels church, and Rev. Dr. Frank ter, and Jack W. pKaiex, president comment on the plans for the banMr. Mereminsky is the secretary. DISCUSSES PAPAL STATE G. Smith, pastor of the' First Cen- of the Omaha B'nai B'ritfa lodge. quet. According5, to him &rangeraests Approximately Tferee Htomdred This organization comprising 21,000 tral Congregational church, will be -The banquet i s Jyeing planned by are being made to accoinodate about C p t Attend organized Jewish men and 14,000 or- Strongly contrasted in every other the principal speakers a t the Good the local, organization in accordance two hundred persons. Ail B'nai at Fowtmelie ganized Jewish women workers, is respect, the Pope and Leon Trotzky Will Banquet to be given by Omaha with the policy of.; the national or- B'rith members, their wives, and comparable to the American Federa- have in common an idealism which Lodge No. 354 of the B*nai B'rith ganization of promotion of friendPATRON LIST ANNOUNCED Abbs iKIIcl Silver-. tion of Labor. Jt differs from the leads them to tremendous -exertions at the Ad-Sell Eestaurant: Thursday, ship between Jews and non-^Jews. friends are urged t o attend. Reservations may be ina<te with Henry Mousey will act as toast-'; American organization, howeveti J3r. in working: for:the success of .what Feb. 58, a t 6:30 p . ta. Having an .attendance o£ about lecture snd, concert series sponsored either Mr. "Marer or David E. Beber. three hundred couples, the Vise •by t h e Council- of -Jewish Women, and ' Ttabelsty pointed - out, in 1 that i t they believe to be rights Rabbi Cohn Besides the principal speakers, the master. • 'wages no war upon capital but isdeclared, speaking oh the- topie, 4 The Memorial Hospital Benefit Dance the Jewish. 'CouKnunity Center. : fighting against nature in Palestine* Pope -and Trotzky" at his current Silver's name &s.« speaker given by the local ch&pter of the •l mtrodndng modern ioethods of in-event hour under the Buspices; of far and wide over theHai .Eesh. fraternity last Thursdar' dustry and agriculture. ctJTOtry, . He n faiown both for t h r the Council of Jewish Women a t the evening, Feb. 14, &t 'the. Hotel FOBDr. Habelsky; describes the "whole Jewish: Community; Center Tuesday. teneUe, -was. -considered to be en© <sfpflwsr of' M» ora-toxj- and toe -bTeadth Jewish upbuilding; work i n Palestine ' . Eabbi Cohn contrasted the two the raosv Euceessfsi dsssces ^ves1 given of. his' view&, He is so greatly "in as the fruit of ihe labors: of thefigures who are foremost in the news John Snape, Baptist Writer, Tells How Proud He Woiild Be of Hisin-..local Jewislt circles. demand for speaking «i|ragEi!«Bnte •workers. v" He^p.ointed. oufe-that there i n . . - . t h i s w a y ; . - > . • ' [ • ' > • ' • • • • ,'•'- >. • .'.- :.' According t o Mr. 'Marvin Treller, that it .is only by «pedaj: .«TPMigePeople and History if He Were Jewish. is ^practically no capital in s Palestine The Pope: is the: greatest figure an it is possible ts- olfe5* tressOTer . cf t h e . frstesxdtjFv - sfeoat " workirigmen • co-operatives Christenddnu TrotzSgr is. a Jewjp0 ;ihe./Je*r_.hss-;. bees ^Chicago,,, IJ^T,.A.}—-An., :interes^; . a 'family, .-msn;.., l^rge'; issds,... lirgpr ihg presentation of the contributions - p r e s e n t . . ;.••• •' - . - . - y ' - \ " . . ' . v . •-••' : • ; • -••;. No AbMing Plate. ; out «f a self-iinposed * «dle 6i 5!J He spoke with particular pride of years and assumes once more his of the Jewish race to'the. progress "If I -were a Jew I should be flocks, large families, were • t© Msa, fiii corase of -t3»' fence,- m \ " 4 ^ « Hebrew Union *&lie«C » * •|he city of -TelAviv, the wholly temporal power,5 Trotzkyj trie organ- and "welfare of mankind is given- in proud of the tenacity of my na-in. patrisrehal days marks of the telegramTOS-readfrsm Mr.- SamjiK • member of the cxecuiawe bosffc Jewish, city of the Holy:-Lanl The izer- of Soviet -.Russia,•' i s [banished the current issue of " T h e Baptist," tionality. I should remind myself Divine favor.- When the American Wertheimer, president - o f the: Wis* of the Central Conference of Avmti building of Tel Aviv by. Jewish worS? froml the. ,;.country .thatl.he helped Chicago religious journal; Tjy John as a Jew that I had. been driven home goes, the" American nation will S b b k md &, member ef the ial Hospital, who is a t present ' be tossed upon the serapheap of the men shows, he said, how they have create and, .sent into still deeper exile Snape. from pastoral and agricultural purin Miami,' Florida, congTEtclsting board ©f t adapted themselves and how skflifril in Turkey. ' ' . IJnder the heading, "If I ' Were a suits into .commercial pursuits for forgotten .nations 'of antiquity.. Msy •'- _ ; thanMug- the Hai Eesfc frater- Unicm college. In Ohics He is espelaborers they have become. the younger Jews not imitate the nity. cially known s* tli« president c^1 this Jew" the writer enumerates" 'some the reason that no race has per" Rabbi (John described Mussolini as The two chief things of interest to the "errandi t o y 'of the*Pope." reasons a Jew has for being proud." mitted me. ever to settle on its soil Gentile example in the reckless loose- The.success of the dance was Isrg«-. Bus-eau of Jewish. Education off Cleve-nes with which ou? marriage ties ly due to t h e generous contribtitiens land, xn& a s a member of the execwthe workers of Palestine a t present, '(Mussolini, who started his career He says: with certain permanency. But de: Dr. Eabelsky said,.'were, the .comple- as a rabid - socialist and a hater of "If I were a Jew I should be spite universal prosecution, I have seem to hold in these modern times. of the followinjg patrons, and patron- < board of t h e Ohio tion of tha^ Buttenberg electrificafion religion, has5 changed1 since he *ame proud of it. A people that can boast •persisted a Jew. My people were "If I were, a Jew I should be esses: leagiae. •' ' • I system and the building of the port into power into a dictator, sup- among - scholars a Spinoza, "among the people of the restbss feet—but proud of the liberality of my phil- Mr. and Mrs. W. P. A6kJnn, Mr. anfi Jin, lUtbbi Silver • has been s«tiv«lj* SnA. B. Alpira, Mr. and MXB. Herbert Jkxnat Haifa. The provision of all of pressed'socialism, and returned to the statesmen a Disraeli, among socialists it was the restlessness of driven anthropy. The Jews have been co- stein, Alt. and Sirs. Otto Bannettier, Mi. 1/, tereBt®<! in t h e Zionist movement -for Palestine and possibly surrounding church," he said. Barr, Hi. and Mrs. "W.. F. Baxter, M.r. xoany years and has held a uosiitfc«? a Marx, among bankers a Roths- necessity. Exelled from England in operators in neighborliness. Nesgh.- O. anS Mrs. C Charles Bensoxi,, Mi. B*«JJ Mm. territory with electric light and child, among jurists a Marshall, 1290, from Francs in 1391, from borliness is not a matter of latitude ZsridBlacker, Blacker, Mr. Mrs. r Bud u Blotaky, of important'offices in t h e ZwnM d Mrs. M J h B £ . John Brandels, Mr. S organization, of America. During tfofe power for industrial purposes which Eabti Cohn brought up the deli- among leaders a Moses, among musi- Spain in 1492—in the very year in but a matter of attitude. Neighbor- Mr. and <J«org« Brandeie,- Sir. and MXB. Eari is expected to be completed in a cate question of America's diplo- cians a Mendelssohn, among poets which Columbus sailed, for a newliness" is co-extensive with humanity. .Mrs. WBT 'he vms -decorated by the French H. Burkett, Mr. .T. C. Byrne. Mr. Ea4 Mrs. W. Oale, Kabbi and Mm. gevemment little' over a year means untold pos- matic relations with the new Vatican a David, among prophets an Isiah, continent where liberty and religion It is bounded on the north by hu-Frederick Cohn, Mrs. Li. M. Cohn, Mr, and sibilities of developing industry in state. Samuel Coiin, Mr. and Mrs. C. 1>. Col- "Jew and Gentile—Will They Bv»r. among apostles a Paul, among were to become foundation stones of man necessity, on the so-oth by hu-Sirs. lins, Mr. nnd Mrs. 3. E, DavidBon, Vs. «n«l Palestine, he showed. The ,port at "Shali America have an . ambas- saviours my Saviour, need not be man sympathy, on the east by hu-Mrs. B. B; DariB, Mr. and. Mrs. Ben Diuj- Meet"• will''be the subject of KftbM Haifa, now in the course of con-sador to the Pope's courts" he asked. reticent about its history or ashamed a nation's life—and a t different times man opportunity, on the -west by hu- baum, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Itegett, Mr. and Silver's talk a t the Jewish, from Russia and Germany, and SwitMrs. Sol S. l»egen, Mr. finfl Sirs. WJHSam struction, the land around which is "Secretary KellbggnT very glad that of i t s influence. jssn practice. God is no respecter of Dieslng^, Mr, Bud" Mrs. WilUem Dormnce, sty Center. The lecture will fee#ii2. zerland and Italy, I am still here il d Mrs. M Al \V. Drssliet, D s h t Mr. Mr entt e d Mrs mostly held by the Jewish National he" is stepping out. of the state de-and. Mrs. . < . ! . „ * »,-«« ^ _ , tTu««4p $$ IS persons. We Ere not a mob: we areMr. M$ "There are .about as many Jews Fund, with the oil pipe lines which partment before that issue comes up. in the world as there are Baptists and still a Jew. My people have a family. Five of the ten command- V. F. Itresel, Mrs. I>oliie I'. Eigtttter, Mr. promptly a t »:30 p. m. H&Ttf H, lire. Harry Fern, Mi. u r t Mm. John 1^5,^05. president cf the Cetttte. will be laid to it from Mesopotamia It will be for Hoover to. decide and in the world—-in round numbers, 12,- found in Babylon their desert, in ments are prohibitions against, un- .and Mr. and His. T. .55. Gill. MT. a M Mrs, ;wi3I introduce. Rabbi Silver. Germany their Gethsemane, in Engwill give . Palestine commercial con- it is a' very delicate <niestion, espe- 000,000. Only there are 8,000,000 Sain Gilinsky, Dr. Robext Oilmure, Mr. Arthur Brisbane ami land their judgment hall, in Eussia neighborliness. Mrs. Dare Goldman. Mr. and .Mrs.-Abe nection with all of Europe, he cially because Hoover owes his elecGoldstein, I>r. an<5 Mrs. At. Gordon, Dr. onfi says: "Every other successful. name Baptists in America and 4,000,000 in their Via Dolorosa, in Spain their v jars. Abe Qreenberg, Mr, and Sirs. lio?»rt prophesied. tion largely to anti-Catholic votes." other parts of the world, while there Ms. and Mrs-, M. IJ". Hamano, !».' Golgotha. Foxes have had holes; in a great city" is _ a Jewish name,* Gross, nn Levin 1 end Mrs. F. W. HeBgejr," Mr. - «nd Mm. Habbi. Cohn also raised the quesand Clark Howell of the 'Atlantic Of the 175,000 Jews in Palestine, are 4,000,000 Jews in, America and birds of the air nests; but the Jew, Louis KUJer, Mr. Bn«i Mrs. E. K. Hoal. about 100,000 have come within the tion whether Mussolini lias the right 8,000,000 elsewhere in the World. like the Son of Man, has not hadConstitution/ says: T h s Jewish peo- Mr."-ami Mrs. Fort! • Howy. Ms. end Mrs.Thorpeian Athletic Abe Hersi>er&, Jt« -Sir; ftB<f«r*. %L Hsarslast eight years and are mostly to set up a new- state arbitrarily and "If I were a Jew I should be where to lay his head and call it ple as a whole are among the most terg, Mr. ana Mrs. Sam-Berjsberg. .- • ' Ivxin. C. .Levin was te-eleet«d what attitude-the League of "Nations young, earned workers, Dr. Sabelsky patriotic^ most charitable and most Mrs. Margfcret -E. Hyaea, Mz. anfi Mrs. liroud of five things. First of all,his own abiding place. E. A. JacobUerger, Mr.-snl Mrs. Monde E. dent of t l « Thorps-isia' pointed out. Premier MacDonald' of .is likely t o take <nr the-matter. He I should be proud of my distinguishconstructive of any group in the Jnecbs, Mr. ami Mrs. Snmes i». JeasEB, Mr. "If I were a Jew I should be and Mrs. J. F. Jerpe, Mr. and MM, Alrin at their srafci-srinnBl election of offiEngland is said t o have remarked in traced' the evolution of the Soviet ing peculiarity.- This is not a-biolog"business and national life of the na-Johnson, Mr. Ban n ..Fofcnwns, F o , Mr. img- Mr*.cers . held' at t h e Jewish CeTRWtttMftsf this connection that in Palestine, the regime and Trotzky's part in the ical pecularity for, as Lewis.. Browne proud of the .sancity of my domesti- tion.'" In -mtiBidpal-'snd- coimntrnity Frank Frank JoinsoB, Mr. Mr. tntl Mrs, M r , Sam m Johnson, Sir. Arthur Keeper, Si nn& & MMrs. Center last Wednesday evening, F<*, city. Three things have contributed oldest land, the youngest population rehabilitation of war-time Russia, has shown in January's American, life they have been active in civic Herman Kessler, Mr. enfiSir. Jin,- Prank to the perservation of the Jewish Dr. W. A. KHlins, Mm. ^UHHB Kipterming Lenin and Trotzky the Wash- in his illuminating article on *Why was to be found. affairs, in education, in culture arid Keogh, pur, Mr. ana Mrs. CharSeB Klrachbr&un, . The otfe&r oficere are * s . f«rfl«**.i family; monogamous marriage, reington and Lincoln.of Kussia. Are the Jews like That?' the blood spect for authority and reverence for in the economic betterment cf the Mr. EDd Mrs. Ed Klraclibzsun. and. Sirs. Harry A. Kocfc, Mr. end Sam KatsEirran, vice presi<ient; "Smrtf people. I n • humanitarian projects, in S r•Mr.' of the Jews is, not pure blood. In s . Ben Koenisruijerg, Mr. nnA Mrt. Harry Niesxnftn,' •Fecretaryi Da-re Katsrofta, Omaha Hebrew Club to ufBkr, ME. ME. Bnd Mrs. Iteuben Kula Kulathe building -of. 'hospitals, in the supAbyssinia there are Negro Jews as , -Dr. and Mrs. B. M. K Kuily, M.t. and il M d treestarer, and Morris- FmnklJn t *«~ Have Program Sunday DR. CHAIM WEIZMANN port of eleemosynary institutions, in Mrs. Harry l i «d. , Mr. nnd Mrs. .James "black as the real Negroes among . . -tiw Mr. and Mr*. Harry .Malaahock, Mr. porter, SUFFERING BREAKDOWN whom they live; in Spain, Spanish PaulU. Kellogg Meets the-filling .-cf, community chests, the I', End Mrs. Harold Marsh, Mr. ssifi UXB. The organisation, wMeh has f « i t s The Intellectual Advancement comFrsnk T. B. Martin, Mr. snd Mrs. Irvio A. Jews; in Russia, Slavic Jews; in Old Friends in Omaha Jews of our cities have responded Medlar, Dr. Chaim 'Weizmann, president of parpose the prpmotion at atMetie ift* Br. end Mrs. W. H. Melcbiot, Mr. mittee of the Omaha Hebrew Club, with Hberality. China, yellow-skinned and -almondMorris Micfclin, Mr. and Mrs. Monris terestg s t the Jewish Coimsotdtl r aiilder, Mr. end Mrs. Harrey Milliken headed" by Mr. Nathan' S. Yaffee, the World Zionistr organization, is eyed Jews;, in India, brown-skinned " I f ' I were-a, Jew I should be The coming of Mr. Paul V. Kelwill present an elaborate" program suffering -from ."the effects of pro-Jews. Two things set forth the logg, editor of the Survey and proud of my /contribution to Cfaris- Mr.' Net Meister, Mr. and ' Mrs. Mnrce* Center, is well represent^ it* »<*&"Sft Wtic «ttvity-in th at the meeting of the organization longed and incessant strain, accord- Jewish pecularity—sensitiveness and Survey Graphic, to Omaha for a tisnity. . The Bible • is. my. gift to ; Mr. B "W, Natlescm, Mr. find Mrs. ing to an announcement made bythe g* .preg0j5^ ©mi of t h e dot* this Sunday, February 24. A. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Beu Newman, Mr. World Zionist' executive. In a cable aggressiveness. If I were a Jew talk last evening for the Social the world,- aad that was a great MTB. Sam KfraiEB, Mr. anfl Mrs, JehR tlic benefit dance to b« h«M One of the features of the program explaining.-the"state of the Zionist and a fellow -Jew were criticised, I Service Lecture Course at the J. gift indeed. %• should remind myself «Efi Klxon, Mr. and Mrs. 3. B . Owen Mr. and Mrs. -Otto Pehle, Ms. anfl B&§. F- XL Pearee, ts raise funds to huj athletic will be a one-act play presented by leader's health, the Palestine Zionist should not spring to his defense C. C. gave him an opportunity to feat in a recent _ eight years S,000,- Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Pepper. Mr, Rnfl Mrs. Milton Petcrsen, Mr. and Mrs. P. JP. Petes- m«nt for the Center Mr. and Mrs. J. Beznick.- Several executive says: merely because he is a Jew, hut "be- renew the acquaintanceship of «en. Mr. RD«S Krs. W\ A. 1'lel. handball .. (Cdnfissncd -on page 2> musical selections will be on the some old friends, Mrs. J. H. M"t. Hnfl Mm. Harry Kachmsa., Mrs.- A. "The Zionist executive" announces I<. BeetL Mr. end Mrs. W. K. Beefi, Dr. ana program including violin solos ,by Mrs. C. A. T.ae&et, Mr. enfi Mw. Harry %. HIGHLAND CLUB TO ELECT Kulakofsky in particular. Kosenfeld, Mr. aTid-Mrs. Henry KoseaUisl, Max Yaffee, accompanied on the that Dr. Weizmann is suffering from FOUR TRUSTEES TUESDAY Mrs. Kulakofsky was for three 3 OMAHA 1NSHTOTIONS Mi. and Mrs. John .Rosencweig, Dr. enftf JEWISH MUSIC years secretary to Mr. Kellogg in piano by Miss Margaret Hurwitz, the effects o f prolonged and incesRECIPIENTS Of BEQUESTS Mrs. A«O3CE Sachs, in. tmA H n . B. C.j -strain. Sage, Dr. anfi Mrs. • rhfllp Sher. Mr. snd 1919-22. In 1922-23, she conducted and piano solos by- Richard Orach, sant Tuesday evening, Feb. 26,the Mrs. E. A. Simon. Mr. and Mrs- fconls "He has -been medically ordered Mr. end Mrs. O. T. Skfifir, MX. *«« Csntox Nathan BlmckotRa anfl twelve year old jjrodigy.- Mr. Judah complete rest and. abstention from Highland Country club will hold its a membership campaign for Mm The Jewish Free Loan society, the Simon. Mrs. lAafi Sfeinner, Mr, .&n<i Ja.rB. .1. Elos•fa Speefcwr «f New Yotk City Jewish Coraisanity .Center sad theb JL. Wblfson will discuss current Jew- public work. His condition already annual election of officers at 2 'din- in Colorado and California. ndact s e n i « e Friday mrm)Angt Mx*' wa llL^rfpi'M^l^iJTBR, Mr. wa Mr. Kellogg was previously in Jewish Welfare. FederatioH :have ish events. shows-some improvement'and there ner and sjag to be held at "the Black:, a% $'.$£ p . i s . »s< The "meeting will begin a t three is every prospect "-of gradual recov- stone hotel. Four trustees "will be Omaha albout four years agvwhen each received checks for fifty dollars Mrs.' Carl Smuwm, Mr. and Mw. V . Otto " it % :W a. m-. al th« he addressed a social service as beqnests from the estate of. the o'clock. ery of strength, leading-to complete chosen. Shotan tnagogw at Htk restoration- of health well before the The business meeting will be held workers dub. He spoke last eve- late Peter Goodbinder. M.TB. Joseph -Weinberf. .Mr. -Harry W-e-rih-j Mr. .Harry/A.-'Wolf, president, of elmer, Mr. and -Mrs. Saw 'WertlieimeE. Mr.j meeting of the Zionist- congress in. jjnmediately following a dinner which ning on "Shuttles tsf UnderstandMAKER IN DES MOINES, evening Rt - Mns.-H*rry • WiUiwty. Mr. and Mrs , Free iJoan, -sockty, statesa that ing." ';--.; L . • ^rill begin at 6:30 p . m. The meetJuly, and probably "sooner." Mr. Jack W.' Marer will be the many -of thepronsineBt Jews leave *« While in Omaha, Mr. Kellogg is ing -will, in. turn, be followed i y a guest speaker at the Friday evening The cable ,frozri the executive is in &% & joint D bequests for the Free loan society, services of the modern orthodox con- reply to a report" as to" the serious- stag. Bridge and other forms of en- the house guest of Mrs. Kulakof- since it is a pemstfeut fund, and Every rise'-makes itself more can-Owihs. Stsmw is Tbtf sky. He will be here for a few gregation of Des Mqines, la,, this jiess of. Dr. Weisnnann's condition. tertainment will prevail, latest 5 the names of ^ontribatorE are thus spicioas in proportion to the k ,• evening. -The subject of his address Dr. Weizmann is BOW resting at a • The entire membership is urged to days. and of the ©iffender J W perpetoated. " — be present health sanatorium- in .England. will be, "Be. Yourself!"








• t.


THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

* THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater ^Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 . -


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CONGRATULATIONS RABBI COHN! Rabbi Frederick Cohn> revered leader of Temple Israel, has passed the Jast week under a constant seige of congratulations. The whole community is rejoicing with him in his election to a life tenure of his present post. When a man has so proven his worth as Dr. Cohn Has in the twenty-five years that he has served as the spiritual guide of the local reform congregation, it is indeed gratifying to see. him so Rewarded by the finest tribute of confidence bestowable a t the. hands of that body. Even those who may-disagree with Rabbi Cohn on certain dogmatic principles must admit that the dignified scholarly manner in which he has inspired Omaha Jewry is something to his everlasting credit. The Gentile world, too, has cultivated great respect for him. His relations with it have always been more than satisfactory. Far instance, in his recent "debate with Clarence Darrdw, in which he.so nobly defended man's soul, the whofe city was enthusiastic over; his masterful arguments and his scholarly presentation. ~ • Multitudinous reasons have from time to time been advanced for the continued survival of the Jewish people. Surely, one of the most valid of them is the quality of the rabbis that Israel has been blessed with. While these sages kept our minds and hearts fixed on the great truths of the Torah, the fire of our. souls" could not be quenched regardless of what happened to our bodies. Today, in, our materialistic world, i t will again be our rabbis who, by their inspired words and exemplary lives, will insure us against - any permanent inroads upon our ranks. , On the eve of Dr.- Cohn's silver aniversary as rabbi of Temple Israel, we wish to extend our heartiest felicitations and loofe forward to "the time when we may celebrate, the golden aniversary jof this occasion.


(Continued from Page; 1)

000 copies of' a book by a .'popular author were sold, but that in that .game eight-year period 240,000,000 copies of the Bible were fold. It 'is still the. best- seller among books. But while I was reminding myself that the Bible, which for the most part is.a Jewish book, is jay gift to Christianity,- I should also, remind myself that *if JewfJ- created the Bible; the Bible created the Jews.' "Says Joseph Jacobs in his suggestive, book on/Jewish Contribution to Civilization,' ^Without the Bible and Bible-religion, Europeans would, so far as we- know, be.worshipping the gods, "probably by animal sacrifice.' , "Woodrow Wilson; admired and loved by Gentiles and Jews, has also said, The laws of Moses as well as the laws of Rome contributed suggestion, and impulse to the new institutions, which were to prepare the modern world; and,-if we could but have the/ eyes to see: the' 'subtle element* of thought which-constitute the . gross substance of our. present habit, both as regards the sphere of private life and as, regards the actions of the _N state -we" should easily- discover how .very much besides religion we owe to -the', Jawa/ ' 1h& Doctrine pi' Monotheism. . "If I' were; a Jew I should remind - myself that I contributed the doctrine of -roonotfeeifim to! the thedjogical.

thinking of the world, that in my Jewish Bible the -thought of the kingdom of heaven is outlined, and that doctrines likg sin and repentance and . sanctification and faith - and atonement are therein' set forth'. "If I were a Jew I should be proudest'of-my greatest contribution —Christianity/s founder, Jesus Christ. He,;too, was,the Jewwiththe restless feet. -Qonatantiy t ^ felt, constrained to,jgo-,ta the people ad the* other sidej/-ijwotild 3nake.'j.tVm^ business to study his life* .his death; bis character; Ms influence; ''"'•• - "Having said all this, permit me to sayr- in' all bumility and in all fraternity, that if X we're a Jew, I should -be a <Jhristian."

'. TEMPLE ISRAEL Sabbi Frederick, Cohn will speak on "Giant Killer," the late work of Elmer Davis describing- the life - of David, in his sermop this evening at Temple Israel. Saturday- morning he wilt speak on "Paraphernalia of fceligion." , ; , Dr. Cohn will review- "Peter' Victorious,1^ "by O. E. Rolvaag* before the Temple, Sisterhood Book Review club next- Tuesday afternoon.

GIVE BENEFIT DANCE The/Young Poale Zion-clubs will hold a benefit dance Sunday evening, Feb. 24, at the Light House. The J. C- C. orchestra will play. The committee in charge of- the dance -consists of- Rose Soffer, Mildred Harris, and Joe Sakss. '

Only Five More Days to Our

Febriiary Sale and

Associated Things i:





the religion of infinite progress/' Dr. LUDWIG VOGELSTEIN Schulman stated. The speaker stated that he would CHOSEN CHAIRMAN found a new order of modern priestof Israel,* with the youth deOF REFORM UNION hood voted to piety and sincerity. Science,

Dr. Schulman Defines Judaism as Religion of Infinite Progress/ PICK SISTERHOOD


San Francisco, (J. T. A.)—The thirty-first biennial convention of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations concluded its sessions here with the election of the following officers last Friday: Ludwig Vogelstein of New York, chairman; Julius Bosenwald of Chicago, first vice president; Jacob W. Mack of Cincinnati, second vice president; Maurice D. Rosenberg of Washington, third vice president; Marcus Rauh, fourth vice president; M. Henry Buckman of Cincinnati, treasurer, and Charles Shohl of Chicago, honorary president. The next meeting of the executive board will be held in Cincinnati on June 1 and 2, 1929. The executive board of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhood held a session at the St. Francis hotel, electing the following officers: President, Mrs. Maurice Steinfeld of St.' Louis; vice, presidents, Mrs. Henry Nathan of Buffalo, Airs. Adolph Rosenberg of Cincinnati, Mrs. Albert" J. May of New York, Mrs. David. Leftkowitz of-Dallas; executive secretary, Miss Helen L. Strauss of Cincinnati; recording secretary, Mrs. Joseph £ftolz of Chicago; treasurer, Mrs. Joseph M. Hirman of Boston. ."Judaism as understood by the exponents of Reform cannot be described by any other concrete definition than the religion of infinite progress," . was the view stressed by Dr.- Samuel Schulman, Rabbi of Temple Emanu'EI, New York, one of the leading exponents of Reform Judaism, at the close of the symposium. . Summarizing the views expressed -on - "Judaism -and the Modern World," as the symposium was termed, Dr. Schulman-told the delegates that the. symposium had failed to positively define^ Judaism. "Judaism should be'considered from the standpoint of. eternality rather than from the standpoint of modernity. To Judaism, Messiah has never arrived. This means that Judaism is

new models at the Auto Show, was so delighted with the new Windsor White Prince model of the Moon "Aerotype" car, that he purchased one right on the floor from Mr. Sam By F. R. & Bloom, head of the Bloom Auto Co., The Council Bluffs Agudes Achim which is the local distributor for Rose Brandeis to Present Recital Society -will"' hold a meeting next Moon cars; Tuesday Evening. Monday evening, February 25, at the j Miss Rose Brandeis, daughter of Legion Hail. WANTED Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brandeis, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, will present her BEN GLAZER BUYS Young lady wants board • and Fourth Annual Piano ifecital on next room with refined Jewish family, NEW MOON MODEL Tuesday evening, February 26, at call JAckson 3S12. eight o'clock at the Schmoller and Mr. Ben Glazer of the Glazer Mueller Piano Company, 1516 Dodge Clothing Co., after inspecting all the Street, Omaha, Nebraska. She is a talented pianist and pupil of Prof. Cecil Berryman of Omaha. Her' program will include selections -from Chopin, Liszt, Hayden, Paderewski.j Mac Dowell, and St. Saens. She -will j be assisted for several selections at a second piano by Mr. Berryman. The public is cordially invited to attend this recital.

Council Bluffs News

he stated, has failed to supply more than an outline of. the world. Modern man is starved ' for God. Science can explain neither the meaning nor the purpose of the world, nor the complete •.. processes thereof, he stated. "In the first place God is not nature and in the second place God is not man," said Dr. Schulman. "If nature is not God, than genuine science holds no danger for religion. The business of religion is to lead man to God, to whom nature is an instrument. "The genius of Judaism is not to describe God exhaustively. Judaism continues the consistent invitation to man to discover more and more about God. It does not see the realization of the ideal in the past; it looks always to the future," he The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 concluded. of the Independent Order of .the B'nai Brith, -will hold a regular meeting JACOBSEN TRIO PLAY next Wednesday evening, February FOR LOCAL SOCIETIES 27, at the Danish Hall. The Jacobsen Trio, consisting of Several couples honored Miss FanIna Jacobsen, violin; Molly Jacobsen, nie Katelman at a surprise party at piano, and Sara Jacobsen, cornet, her home Tuesday evening, February were the featured artists on a musi19, in celebration of her birthday cal program given for the St. -John's anniversary. The evening's diverlodge at the Masonic Temple Thurssion was playing bridge and dancing. day, Feb. 21. Monday evening, Feb. 18, the JaThe Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 cobsen Trio entertained the Women's of the Aleph Zadik Aleph will hold auxiliary of the American Legion. a meeting next Wednesday evening, Miss Ina Jacobsen is concert mas- February 27, at the Danish Hall. ter and student director of the Jewish Community Center Symphony orA Surprise party was given in chestra. * honor of Mr. and Mrs. George RoffAH three artists are ; students from man at their home by friends on the Frank Mach studio. Sunday evening, February 17. The evening was spent playing bridge at SOME TRAVELER! Arthur Mooney Walker, young which prizes were won by Mr. Jake grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bernstein, Mrs. J. Bernstein, and Greene of Omaha, claim to have the Philip Handler of Omaha. Mr. and proud distinction of having traveled Mrs. RofTman were presented with a beautiful lamp and silverware. 45,000 miles at the age of three. Master Walker with his parents, Louis H. Katelman leaves today Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Walker, are for Des Moines, Iowa, to attend the on the Mutual Vaudeville circuit. Annual Iowa Legionnaire State ConMrs. Walker was formerly Sally Greene of this city.

ORGANIZE GLEE CLUB The Poale Zion clubs have organized a glee club under the direction of Mr.' S. Yaffee. Miss Freda Soffer is secretary of the musical organization. ' <-

clave of Commanders and Adjutants, which "i will be held there over the •week-end. Mr. K&telman is commander of the Rainbow Post No. 2 of the American Legion.

Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where e c o n o m y i* watched. A luxury within the reach of fill. Its high reputation recommends that you

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Tea Dance Chairman

Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ferer announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Bernice Ferer, to Mr. Philip Krasne, son of Mr. and Mrs. "Herman Krasne of Council Bluffs, la. Miss Ferer is a graduate of Omaha Central high school and lias attended Ferry Hall at Lake Forest, HI., and the University of Omaha.. Mr. Krasne is a graduate of the Arts college of the University of Michigan' and wiU-soon graduate from the Law college of the University of-Southern California, which he is now attending. He is a memfcer o f the Phi Sigma Delta, Sigma Rho, and Hai Resh fraternities^ ' ' "•- Plans for the wedding are indefinite. » '''Mr. and'Mrs. Leon Criheii anonuncc .the engagement of their daughter, Margaret, to Mr. Irvin Hobennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hoberman of this city.* "Miss Coin win come to Omaha near the end of this month from San Francisco •where she has been •residing vrith her sister, Mrs. Hugo Eren. •The -wedding -will be solemnized* in Omaha in the near future.

Mrs. Clara LansTcy announces the Mr. Edward Kosenthal of Lincoln, engagement of her daughter, Betty, formerly of Omaha, and Mr. Charles to Mr. Sol Gendelman, son of Mr. Schloff, also of Lincoln, were the and Mrs. S. Gendelman of this city. weekend guests of Mr. Eosenthal's -No date "has. been set for the wed-"parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosenthal last week.. •ding..


"Shannons of

•IN OMAEA Miss; Mollye Grossman has been appointed chairman of the Tea Dance to be given by "the Junior Hadassah Sunday afternoon, Feb. 24, at the Blackstone hotel/ from 3 o'clock to 6. The affair is in the nature, of; a benefit for the Meier Shfeyah orphan home-in. Palestine. "AH ihe Jewish young men and women in the city should attend and both aid a worthy cause and have a good time," said Miss Grossman. •The College- Club orchestra. will play.

250 Bosms—200 Good Booms for by Eppky .Eetels Go.

h« life t>f th«


Mrs. Effie Copeland of Chicago is Chapman's has returned from a two Mr. and- Mrs."! Morris. Colin announce the engagement of their here visiting her parents, Mr. andweeks buying trip in New York. daughter, Miss. Eva Cohn, to Mr- Mrs. H. Wolospnsky, and iriends. D a v i d B . ; Bernstein, son, of Mr. Mr. 5am Wertheimery Jr-» has reand Mrs. -Abe Bernstein. No wed- Miss Ida DayteH returned home turned home from Memorial-hospital ding date- has T>een set. Sunday from. New York, where she following convalescence from a ton! Announcement of- the betrothal has been visiting friends and rela- silectomy operation. '. • :was made at a; Valentine. dinner, tives* .-which Mr. and Mrs. XJdhn gave for . Mrs. Dave * A; Hexter of ••Chicago, r their daughter and her fiance last Mr. David E. Cohen of Goldstein- arrived here Tuesday to be the guest Thursday .night; at, their .home. I Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Simons of i Sioux City; Ial, announce the marriage of their daughter, Lillian, to .Mr. Isidore P r Oberman of this '-city.' The Redding was held at- the iShaare ^^oAJ=synagogue JoJE:' Sioxix - City, Sunday evening, Feb. "17. . The -couple will mate their home in Sioux ~ City. . Mr. and Mrs. Meyer D. Giventer announce the-, marriage of their daughter, Miss Lottie Giventer, to Mr. Philip Harris of Chicago. The marriage : ceremony: was performed by Rabbi M. Taxon of Chicago, formerly of Omaha, at h\s home last Thursday evening. The young couple will make their home in Chicago. . Mrl and Mrs. David R. Cohen announce, the birth of a son at the Methodist hospital on Wednesday, Feb. .2k Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun will entertain at a luncheon in honor of her sister, Mrs. Minnie Jacobs, Saturday^




March. 2, at the Blackstone' hotel in celebration of the latter's. eightieth birthday. Macy guests from out of town are expected to attend to join in felicitating Mrs. Jacobs.1 Mrs. Mose Buck, formerly of Houston, Texas, -who has been visiting here the past two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A* Weiss, left Wednesday evening for Luskin, Tex., where she will make her home.

of her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Philip The Omaha Children's Home so- delivered a speech before the gaests, Nathan. Mrs. Hexter was formerly ciety -will give a benefit card party and Rev. S. Kahanowitch of the Betih Miss Henrietta Nathan of this city. Monday afternoon, March*4, a t the Hamedrosh Hagodel Eynagogne m&g Jewish Community Center. The hos-several Yiddish folk songs -which NEW TU&KISB BATH Mrs. Esther Levey is convalescing tesses will be: Mesdames M. Soffer, were enthusiastically received. Expert RSfteseMr Service at the Wise Memorial hospital. M. Goldstein, A. Holzsaan and W. Bernstein. tUh and Bownrd JA. 5*423 It is easy—terribly easy— to Mr. Edward Solig of Kansas City, shake a man's faith in himself. *"© formerly of Omaha, son of Mrs. Han- A regular meeting of the Ladies' take advantage of that to break & nah Solig of this city, is expected Golden Hill society will be held next man's spirit is devil's work.—Shaw. . Refresh Yourself to visit here with his mother over Wednesday, Feb. 27 at 2:30 p. us. at the weekend enroute to Kansas City the home of Mrs. J. Corby, 2893 from Chicago. Capitol avenue. All members are Mr. Solig has been appointed man- urged to attend. ager of the Vitaphone Corporation 1?? BOTTX.E8 branch office in Kansas City. The Poale Zion dabs held a banquet Sunday evening, Feb. 17, at Week of Feb. 27th— Those who will serve as hostesses the home of Mrs. S. Bhankin in Stalling Monday Night for the Daughters of Zion benefit honor of those who aided in the recard party'for the Jewish National cent presentation of the Yiddish play, Fund to be held Tuesday afternoon, "The Schechita." Mrs. Joe Soffer "Manufactured in Feb. 26, at 2:30, at the J. C C, be- was chairman of the evening. sides - those previously announced -inBAEEE ICE MACHINE OX are: Mesdaraee L. Katzman, M. The Bar Mitzvah of Dave Colton, Shames, L. Epstein, H. Bush, G. son of Mi. and Mrs. Joe Colton was Steinberg, B. Kohn, A. Greenberg, held . last Saturday in the Beth Paxton-Mitchell Co. A. I. Kulakofsky, M; Horn, S. Hamedrosh Hagodel synagogue. The Fregger, I. Perlman, S. Bernstein services were followed by an inforOMAM.&, tnSSRASXA ayi Iron, brass, nro«>» •»« and I*. Conner. •Bolt mal reception for the congregation u l u ca stein RB. Standard Mirat in the auditorium of the synagogue. COMING— (Specie ant, iron busJiings, sewer tmtsfeoles, cirtwiT! rings anej cdver* «B43 Mr. Morris Forbes is in the Wise Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Colsle6i!-«nt doors ic stock, AB feiafls «? •Marjorie Rambeau i anfi metal witterus. Memorial hospital recuperating from ton received about sixty couples in a tonsilectomy operation. honor of their son. Master Colton



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This beautiful Instrument built by Aeolian is of the finest workmansbip. Its graceful lines and wonderful tone will add beauty to your home. Compare it -with other makes at $1,000.

The only possible way by which a piano can be built an6 sold at its exceedingly moderate price, is to give it the benefit of the expensive equipmentand high salaried men employed in the making of fine pianos by Aeolian. Trade in Your Old PianorPhonograph or Radio Sold on Easy Terms—5 Years to Pay

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•36JJOO »*«j»»«r<-

Southwest ConMa Eleventh And Ooupks Streets Phone JAckson 2?24 Nebr. OUR

FOUR—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1929 „ County, Nebraska, and shall coatinn^tintu January l e t r 2028. - - -. HIGHEST AXOVVX O F INDEBTBBJTESS • The' .highest • antaunt, o£ indebtedness or liability t o which: the corporation shall, at AKTICUES OF INCOBI any one time subject UseU, shall n o t e x ceed two-thirds -ol ita capital stock. . B£ft3> 8 K W » « -" O F F I 0 E B 8 AKD.D1BKCXOB8 ' ' jCOBSOMAXIOS T h e affairs of the' corporation shall be Kpow all inen by these presents:' That administered by a .Board o f Directors, the ve.JE.JL. Wolf and H. H..Anerbscb, tare number, not i n - e x c e s s o t nine Directors, associated' onrjelTw together tor the pot* to be fixed b y the By-Laws. The. Direct«C forming and becoming 'a corpora- ors shall be elected from and by the Stock'aoOee tha lsw» o« ttie State of Ne* holders a t the Stockholders annual meeting i and lot that purpose w do hereby for terms ot one year and ahall hold office exeente and adopt.. the following nntll the election of their successors. I m rUetti ol Incorporation: , . . mediately after the annual Stockholders The paste of the Corporatioc shall, be meeting the Directors shall meet' for the transaction of all business properly com"Overland Securities Corporation." • ' The principal office ana ploce.x>f business ing before the meeting including the elecof the Corporation abaft be la tho City at tion of a Breaident, Vlce-PresTdent, .Secretary and Treasurer, to serve for one Omaha, Douglas County,- Nebraska. The nature o£ the busineM and the ob- year and until the election, of their s u c ject* asd,purposes proposed to be.trans- cessors. Thereafter, and from time to time acted, promoted and carried oa are to do Directors shall elect such additional officers any and all ol the things herein mentioned as may be determined upon, provided the ac fully and to the same extent as natural (Secretary may or m a y not- be a Stockholder or member of the Board of Directpersona might or conld do, namely : • To acquire by purchase, subscription or ors. A n y t w o offices m a y be held by one otherwise and to hold as investments, any person. Vacancies on the Board of Directbond* or other securities fit evidences «i ors Shall be filled by the remaining memindebtedness, .or any shares «* capital bers of the Board ot Directors. etock c« any corporation public or Private, In furtherance, and not in limitation o f or of anyx association, or of an inomanal the powers conferred by the State of NeOf the State or Kebrasks, or o* any other braska, the Board of Directors i s expressly •tate, territory or country, To purchase, authorized— - £oarantee,.hold, assign, transfer, mortgage, a. From time t o time t o direct and d e pledge «r otherwise dispose of any bonds, termine the u s e and disposition of the or other securities,--or evidences. Of <indebt- capital and any surpluB or net profits; edneas created or issued by any corpora- and in Its discretion, the Board of. Directtion, -association or indlvidual.of the.Srate ors .may u s e and apply any snch capital, of Nebraska, or of any other state, terri- surplus or accumulated profits l n purchtory or country, and wnile owner thereof, a s i n g - i t s ' o w n bonds- or other obligations to exercise all the rights, powers and o r shares of i t s own-capital stock, t o such privileges of ownership. • , extent and'in' such manner and npon such To- purchase, guarantee, - sell) assign, terms -as the Board of- Directors shall deem transfer,- mortgage, pledge _<>r otherwise expedient,.ail sych shares of. capital stock dispose of shares of the capital stock Ot so Durebneed or acquired "being subject any other corporation or association of the to resaler unless t h e y shall have -been reState ol pfebraska, or of any other utate, tired for t h e ' express purpose of -decreasterritory or country, and while owner Ot i n g the company's capital stock b u t then snch stock to exercise nil the rights, pow- only as provided by law. ers and privileges of ownership,. Including b. The Directors may make a n d alter the right to vote thereon, to the same ex- By-Laws for the conduct ot the corporate tent as a natural person might or could 'do-. business but the. B y - L a w s made by the To aid in any manner atfy corporation, Dlrectora-and tho powers s o conferred may firm. Individual or association of which be altered or repealed b y the Stockholders. any bonds, or other securities, or evidences C The Board of Directors shall hare the of Indebtedness, or stock are held by this power to -authorize conveyances o f a n y of . company; and to do any acts or things the corporate property and t o authorize designed to protect, preserve, improve or o r cause to" bo executed mortgages and enhance the value of any bonds, or other liens npon t h e real and personal property securities, or evidences.'of indebtedness".-or of the corporation, and shall have- all such stock, including the guaranteeing of any other powers and duties a s are ordinarily dividends or bands, or contracts or other incident t o their offices and a s shall be obligations ot any snch corporation,, firm, necessary and proper t o effectively carry association or individual. " " 'ont t h e purposes of the. corporation. To purchase, hold. sell, and-transxer the MEETING


BUSINESS MEN'S BOWLING A. Venger, 52S; Simon, 515; Krazne,stitute become the hero of his a t o * LEAGUE STANDINGS. 509. mater with a scintillating scamper «f W. L. A 90 striped lines. The uncertainty «f -16 5 .762 By Kaiman Insurance ~.~-~ There ought to be a rule against the game of football has been con9 .571 the rules committee. That is the Glaxer Clothing ~_12 FRANK R. ACKERMAN siderably diminished, with thi* rale »11 10 .524 common verdict after the grid moguls The Wardrobe The J. C. C. basket flippers suc- Omaha Tobacco Co. —-10 11 .476 came out of their annual huddle with that a fumbled ball is dead. _ 9 12 .429 the news that no longer can a MAXME B. KICK, cessfully returned f romtheir invasion Empire Cleaners Feb. 22—1-T Majority of Directors into Kansas City by bringing home Gesundheits - .. 7 14 .333 fumbled ball be advanced by. the reMON8K1T, itATT.KMAN * CBODINBKT the scalp of the Kansas City quintet, The Empire Cleaners and • thecoverer of the error. In other words, Attameys; 25 to 18. The girl sextet, however, Omaha Tobacco Company upset the the greatest thrill of football, that 787 Omaha NaUonml MtaV B i d s gave the hosts some consolation by dope by trimming their respective of someone scooping up the pigskin SOTICB O F UiCOBPOIlATION O F Expert Service op all makes A. WO5LF & BON8 SEAI/TV CO. dropping a close tussle to the Kan-opponents, The Wardrobe and the out of a general melee and running of Eadips NOTICE i s hereby given that the under- sas City feminine basketeeresses.' 70 yards for a touchdown, will be Gesundheits in the entire series. signed have formed a corporation under E. M* SHLAES CO. t h e - i a w s o l the State, of Nebraska. The Johnny Rosenblatt was high point 218 No. 16 JA. 2147 "Ankles" Goodman's boys rolled in seen no more. name of said corporation i s A. WOLF & SONS KEALTX CO., and t h e principal man for the evening. Captain Gere- a mediocre fashion but the WardNo longer will a team facing deplace of transacting ' U s 'busineii* i s in lick, Kaufman, Weiner, Altshuler and Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The robe "aces" were in poor form. feat turn impending disaster Into general nature of t h e business to be, trans- Schreibman also strutted a top-notch Trailer's. Terrors were tamed by the glorious victory by. taking advantage acted by said' corporation, and the objects thereof are: To maintain and operate a brand of floor work. Marcus Krasne Omaha Tobacco company due to the of a mispl&y at the last minute. No general real estate business, to purchase, substituted freely with the eleven 1119 No. 19—-WE. S221 lease, hire and otherwise- acquire real consistent crashing of the pins by longer will the unrecognized subestate bnsiness, to purchase, lease,-hire and men he took down. Max Altschuler and Abe Venger. otherwise- acquire real and personal propOld Keffitwky Barbecue erty and any interest andAe(tate iu either The Kaiman Insurance won three Improved and unimproved, ot any and Al Besnick, that up-and-coming HIMELBLOOM BAKERY Maryland Fried Chicken every kind and 'description,* and to sen, games from the Glazer Clothing 1511 K. S4th— WE. 6284 dispose of, lease, convey, mortgage or ;water bug, captured third in the otherwise encumber, to manage, . operate, midwestem A. A. U. meet for boys. Company. Although the absence of Serve Hiraelbloom's new develop, control, maintain, construct and Russian pumpernickle bread generally to deal in said property or any Considering his oposition, Al made Iz Schlaifer was keenly felt, "Spats" part thereof and any improvements there- an excellent showing. The youngster Gerelick's boys seemed to lack steam with your next meaL on, either directly or through: ownership in this crucial series. of stock in any other corporation or as- is a real comer for the future. sociation; to loan moneys generally on High single games were as folpersonal property and real estate or any SPECIAL:— Pair of rubber Paxton Billiard Parlors interest or estate in. either, to acquire by lows: A. Venger, 217; Simon, 209; The A. Z. A. dub cinched the purchase, exchange, subscription or otherheels free with even- sole and 1516 Farnam—JA. B721 wlEe,'and t o hold, sell, dispose of and pennant in the Commercial basketball Treller, 205; Dave Greenberg, 201 heel repair job, generally to deal in stock chares, bonds, 1510 Hamey AT. 4297 Direct Wire Service on All debentures, obligations and eecorities oi league by defeating the Psi Mu team, and Leo Weitz, 201. oay government or state and ot- any corp- 22 to 18, on the J. C. C. conrt WOKE. UOAKAtfTBGJL* High three game totals: Treller, Latest Sport Events orution; to maintain and operate an agency for the writing and selling of policies ot Wednesday night. 563; Altschuler, 555; L. Weitz, ES5;| MOKSKT, X A T U 5 M A N * GRODXN6KT Attorney* TST Omah|k N a t . B a s k B i d e - NOTICE F O B I K D S B T S B K 2 8 & ' \ NOTICE i s hereby -given'that o n the 1st day of January, 1920, the tgtal outstanding Indebtedness of t h e STAK INVKSIMKNT COMPANY, a-Nebraska corporation; with i t s principal place of business i n Omaha, w a s $24,607.00. DEUBERT C. RICH,


Speck's Place

20th. Century Rapid . Shoe Repair

insurance; to buy. sell' and' deal in, al wholesale and retail, clothing, furnishings, wearing apparel ,ot every .Kind, and ail kinds. oX merchandise-of lik«j character and description: to borrow or raise money and Issue bonds, mortgages, debentures- or other obligations for tnat purpose, and- in carrying oa its business, ot for the purpose of attaining or furthering any of its objects, to- do-any and. all acts and-things and to exercise any and all powers which a co-partnership "or natural person could ilo- and exercise and "which now or hereafter may be authorised by law.. The shares-of its own capital stodtj provided authorised capital stock ot the corporation The annual meeting of the Stockholders Is it shall not use its funds-or-property for $300,000.00, divided into-3^00 shares of the purchase of its own sharet.of capital snail be held-, on the second Monday ln the par value of 9100.UO each and all of stock when such use would detrimentally February of each year at t w o o'clock P . M . which is common stock; The corporation -affect the rights' of any creditors; and in' the offices of- the Company at • Omaha, shall commence- business upon the tiling provided further that shares of its Own Nebraska, and in the event that said day of these Articles in the office of the County capital stock belonging to it shall not be should fall on a legal holiday then on the Clerk of Douglas -County, .Nebraska and - voted upon directly, or indirectly. ., • - next succeeding business day. shall continue until January 1st, 2U50. The To manufacture, purchase,-or Otherwise AMENDMENTS highest amount'of indebtedness or-liability acquire, own/ lease, mortgage, pledge, sell, to which the' corporation shall- at. any one These Articles may be amended at any assign, and transfer or otherwise-dispose regular meeting of the Stockholders, or a t time subject itself, shall not exceed twoof, to invest, trade, deal in and deal with 4iny special thirds of its capital stock, provided howmeeting oi the Stockholders goods, wares and merchandise and real and y a majority vote of the issued stock, ever, that this limitation shall not apply-to personal property of every class and de- bprovided, written . notice of the notes, bonds, or debentures where the payscription and wheresoever situated, within proposed however,; amendments must have been ment of such notes, bonds,, or debentures or without the State of Nebraska. at least ten d a y s prior to the date shall be secured by the actual - transfer To acquire, hold, use. sell, assign, lease, mailed, the -proposed- meeting, to each Stock- of real estate by trust, deed or mortgage, srnnt licenses in respect of, mortgage, or Of to h i s last known residence address. for the-payment of'such notes, bonds, or otherwise dispose-of letters patent ot the holder debentures, which said real estate so transwitness whereof, we have hereunto ferred United States or any foreign Country, setIn our shall be of twice the value or the bands this- U day of-February, par valua Patent rights, licenses and privileges, UJi ot such notes, bonds, or debenventious, improvements and processes, 1029. tures, nor shall such limitation apply to H. A. WOLF, copyrights, trade-marks and' trade-names any guarantee made .by the corporation H. B . AUEBBACH. relating to or useful in connection With any for ,the 'payment after transfer of any business of this corporation. STATE O P N E B R A S K A / i notes, bonds or debentures" where the same To borrow money' for any ot the pur- COUNTS OF DOUULAS J, • • • is secured by trust', deed or mortgage, as poses of this corporation, and t o . issue ' On this U day- o f February, 102U, before above stated. The affairs of the, corporalionds. debentures, debenture stock,' notes me, a Notary Public i n anil l o r the County tion'shall be administered-by a board of nnd other obligations therefor, and to and Stats aforesaid, personally ' appeared directors, the. number of which, shall. be pledge or mortgage all or any part of the H. A. Wolf and -H. H. Auerbach wno are fixed by .the by-laws, but which shall not property fhen owned or. thereafter ackiiawn to m e to Ue the identical be less than three nor more thnn five. The quired, together with the income, rents, and personally persons whose n a m e s , a r e ••affixed- t o the directors shall be stockholders .and shall profits of property of the company, and to xoreguing 'Article* of incorporation, and be elected at the annual meeting of the Issue bonds, debentures, debenture-stock, - acknowledged tho. execution thereof stockholders to be held on the Becoud notes or other obligations without any such they to be their^voluntary act,and deed fur the Monday; in- January in every year, beginsecurity. ' .- ning in 1030. Until' the election of their purposes-therein, expressed. . - - , To have one or more offices to carry on - Witness my hnnd -and. notarial seal successors et 'the annual meeting- in 1930, all or any of Its operations nnd business day and year l a s t above written. the undersigned shall constitute the. first board of directors. The bonnl ot directnnd without restriction or limit", es. to ltEUBKH-H. BHOWN, ors shall elect a President, Vice-President, amount. Notary Public. To purchase or otherwise acquire, hold, Feb. 13—42 a Secretary and Treasurer from their.numown.-mortgage, sell, convey or otherwise ly>r. except that the Secretary may be elect- MAX FBOMKIN, Attorney dispose of real and personal property of ed from the stockholders and need not be -028 Peter» Trust Btdgt, every ;clnss nnd' description in a n y o t the a "director. ,Any two of these offices, exStates, districts, territories or colonies of cepting those or President and Vlco-PresiKoxick f oi' rJaoHATK OF. wn.r. the' United- States, - nnd i n :nny o r all be- held-by^ the same person. In th'e County Court- of Douglas dent,-may, foreign countries, subject to the laws of County, '.Nebraska. • Until their successors are elected at .the '' such state district, territory,- colonies or I n the-matter ot the estate of HABJiX annual. meeting of director* ln 1030. the co'imtry. > . ' » • ~ Hollander, deceased. officers ot this corporation shall be Joe; L. . . . . To acquire -the good will, rights ana AIL persons interested in.'said.estate are •Wolf, President; Aaron "Wolf,-Vice-Presiproperty, and t o undertake the .whole or hereby • notified- thut a petition h a s been dents Samuel "N. Wolf, Secretary and any part of the OBsets and liabilities - of iiled in-said Court, praying f o r the probate Treasurer. .The'Articles t»f Incorporation any person, firm, association or corpora- of a certain instrumenu now on iile Ju said may be amended at any meeting of .the tion, to pay for the -same in.emsh. tta.q Court, purporting • %o be the last will and stockholders by the; affirmative vote of twostocfc of this company, bonds"or jbthetmge*. testament of said deceased, and that- a thirds of all issued and' outstanding- stock. to hold .or In any manner to dispose 1 .of hearing will be had on said petition before AARON WOLF, the -whole or any part of the property so said' -Court on the 2nd day of March, 10,29, JOB IJ. "WOIIP. purchased: to conduct in a n y ' l a w f u l man- a n d that if-they- fall t o . appear at said SAMUEL N. WOLF, ner the whole or any part of nny business Court on" the said 2nd day <tit March, 1VJO, Feb. 23r-tT ; , ". ' Incorporator». s o acquired, and t o exercise all thp powera necpsgary.or convenient in and nhout th<» coniluct'and management.of such" business. T o enter into, mnke nnd perform contracts of every ldnd for any lawful purposes, with a n y person, firm, association or corporation, town, city, county, state, territory or government. ' To draw, make, accept, endorse, dlBeo.T>nt, <»j>pcufe and Issue prominsorv notes., drnffs. bills o.f exrfannce, bonds, flebrntures nnd other 'negotiable, or transferable Instrn-' rnts. t' '"' ,* .

at S> o'clock A.-'M. t o contest the probate of said, will, the Court may allow- and pro8TAX.MA8TEK ft BEBBB, Attorneysbate said will and grant'administration of said estate t o Bertha Hollander or some , 650 Omaha National Bank Bldg •other, suitable .person nnd proceed to' a - NOTICE TO NOIf-BBSIDBNX settlement thereof, -DEFENDANT " BUXCB CBAWFOHD. In the District Court of Donglas County, * • • County Judge Nebraska.'- *>' To VIRGINIA P1CCI0NE. non-resident STALMASTER. A N D BEBEU, Attorneys -defendant: . 690- Omaha National- Bank BldgM You are hereby notified that on the i»th NOTICE OBr.ADMlNHTKATION ' day of November, VB2&, Balvatora Picelonw In the County Court pf Douglas County, filed his petition in the District Court of To- Join, merge or consolidate'with and Douglas - County, Nebraska appearing at to' enter Into agreement and ooonorntive Nebraska. - ' relations with nny person, firm, associa- ' In the matter of the estate of BEN Docket 252, Number CS, wherein he prays tion, or corporation, governmental, tnnnl- KATZ,, deceased. • . . . . for a decree of-'divorce from you on the ••ipnl or otherwise in nnfl nbnnt th<» carryr All i*ersons Interested in said estate are ground -ot wilful desertion; that pursuant ing on nnd out of nil or any of the pur- hereby notified that a petition has been .lo un order -of said court authorising serposes of This Company. - ~" filed i u said Court alleging thut said d e - vice upon you- by publication, you-are reto answer said petition on or beFrom time to'time, hnrnnnnt to tho. laws ceased- died leaving uu lust will and pruy- quired fore the 18th day'of-March. 1020, or the of Nebraska, by Bpecinl, rcunlntlon or othM*- lng for admisistration upou h i s "estate, and petition of plaintiff will be taken as true wtge. to rodnce or deoreaiio 1t« .cnpltnl .by .that a bearing will be had on said petition and judgment entered as prayed for therepaying off -capital or oaneelllnc' oanital before^ said court ,oti the-1st day of March, in. whi«*h has been lost or in unrepresented hv 1921, and that if they fall to appear at Salvatore PIcclone, rvnilnble nugetn. or t>y wflurlnf the liMI said Court o n the said 1st day of March, y Stalmaster & Beber, ity on the- shares or ofhrrwiw n* 1VJU, at I) o'clock A-. M. Co contest said His Attorneys. lit ! ff l Feb. 16-4T sepin pxpedlent. nTitJ trv nny off *afijtpl at petition.' the Court niuy grunt the same Its ontion tipon the fnotinir thn* i% tnnv bo and grant administration of said estate to palled upon npnin or otherwise, and <tn •Irvln- Stalinaster or some other suitable 8TA1.MASTEB A N D &EBBB, 'Attorney* ttnh-ilJvlflft or c»onsoltflnte \tn share*, or person and proceed to a settlement'thereof. 650 Omaha National Bank B i d s . n.ny,of thorn, or t o rptirp RhnrpR-owne«l. by , B R Y C £ CKAWFOBD, thp rorporation, or to rPfltiw the nar Tn1u<» Feb. Ji-SX'' PltOBATK SfpTICE County Judge. of the shares, or t o nccont n pnrrfp^er of I n -the n u t t e r of lbe~ estate of A. Jhe nhflrcR of i t s cnpitnj i«tork. nnd.to IBBH» SPIIiKA, deceased'. IJIASTKB ASV BEBEK, Attorneys i n . IIPH tUprpof fl rtofonBea ntimbpr o f Notice i s hereby Riven: That the creditCM Omaha- National Bank Bide. shares without AlRHnMSon. n* t o - clnRtf of ors of JBaid deceased will meet ttte admintho slock, or to draw, phnrp* for rpf*rcNOTICE OF ADM1NISTBATIOK istrator, of «qid* «stut«, before me, County ment b y tot or according t«> nny oth«>r of JDonglas County, Nebraska, at t h e In tbe:County Court>of Douglas County, Judge' method, or in nny othnr man"<»r nnrlcr t b e Nebraska. County Court Ituom, I s said County, on ', statutes. • o l ihp Stntp of Tfcowjltn. In the I2tli of Aprfi, iy.*U, and o n the l a the Muter of the Estate of .Peter 12th day oday cpnpral to carrv on any otTrp* busTnosR iti l June, 1U2>, nt i) o'clock A. M., Deceased. , . connp<"tion .with th'p. forpc'oincf. whether Xioodbluder, each d a y , for purpose of preaenting All persons interested lit said matter are their claims forthe njnnnJnetnrinE or nthorwisp. ti> hn KOTO hereby examination, adjustment therwise, nntl nnd ti notified, that ou the 13th day of and allowance. Three inonthi are allowed jnd Pxeroise nil tho poivers. 'COnferrrd February, 102U, Jacob UoudbUlder filed a. the creditors to present their claims, N b r.isfcn k ''npon »>y the ,Iaw!» of Npbf . petition titi "\n~~ i said'^Ouuifiy-. d C o i l j 1 Curt Court, praying praying for from the Oth day of March, 1029. orations. '«nii «nii . fn do,. Any .or „ nil n M ttUat n a t his fjual final mliulnibtruilon aUruliiibtniiiou p accouut e c o u t tliluu h the thi thin cs-hereinbpfore Bpt forth, to the h e r e i n be settled and allowed, aud that BHYCE CBAWFOKD, same extent ns natural, persons might "«r he b e discharged from "bis trust us execu- Eeb. K—4T . County Judge. rould. ,do. .tnd. in any 'pnrt of the world. tor and that a hearing will be had on said ns principals, nfronts, rontraot<iT8> tnwtni«» petition before said Court on the 2nd day IKVIN C. LKV1N, Attorney or otherwise., nione or in company with of March. 1UJ0, und that if you full to e SOt Electric Building appear before snlij Court on. the said 2nd th others.. shall be nert day of March, 1U2U, at if o'clock a. m., The-foreconirr J.EGAL NOTICE nnd nnwern inrtH It is tie objeets nnd inrtH It i s nnd -'icontestv said petition^ the Court may both tieNotice la "hereby given to Mary Iteeves, d d tbnt t b t th hereby the ffore- grant the pruj'er of said petition, enter a b - expressly l provided jrotnK ennmpra.tion of speclfle •pnwern Bljitll decree of heirship, and make such othef the unknown heir*, devisees ana legatees not bn held t o limit, or restrict i n ' nny nnd further. orders, allowances and de- of Mary Keetes, John Krikson,• Peter M. Lottie ErtksoU' wife of JPeter AL manner 6 i e powers ot this corporation^.;. crees, a s to. this Conrt muy seem proper, Erlltson, t o the end that all matters pertaining to Krikson, John Krickvon, Victoria JSrickson •~. C A r i t A I , STOCK ' : said estate may be finally settled and <le- wife of John Bricksoh. Peter M. JSrickson, Lottie Krlcksou wife of I'eter Al. Kricksou, . The "total authorized enpitnl rtock of .the terniined. and "all. persons having or claiming any inCorporation shall .be *20O.O00.0O div^8e^linBBTCB CBAWFOBD, terest" ln North ^ ut U>t a in liluck 17, in td 2,000 shares of the par value' of. $100.00 ' • County Judge, E. V. Smith's Addition, an «ddition to the l each. ''' Feb. 15-2T. City of Omahu, as surveyed, plutteil and reStock-ehnll be transferable'only by actcorded in Uouglu* County, Nebraska, "real ual: delivery Pf the Stock cartinente* nnfl 8TAX.UABTER * BBBBK, Attorney* names unknown," that Watncy. AVlssblood th? recording thereof on the Stock books did ou the l l t h day ot February, 1021). file 650 Omnbn National Bank of the- Company. v , - • NOTICE i s hereby given by OMAHA in the Ulstrict Court o t Uouglns County, Stock shall be issued a s the needs Of the TACKING COMl'ANX that the total Nebraska, a petitloa naming aud designatCompany require: shall he paid-for a s i s - amount of its n g y o u and each of yon tit defendants, indebtedness-on December iand sued.:- anoSmoy be. pa{(] for in cash, notes did ask and obtaiu leave of Court to o r In such property, renl nnd personal, s t 31, 1028, w a s $42,055.32. obtain Bervice updn you and each of you by - • X R A Z N l c g , PresldenU the'rensonabl^ va|ne thereof . a ? tl"^ Com. publication, the object and prayer of said I. Rainlck, O. C. Fechner being a nia- petition being to quit title in an<T to the p a n y m n y "need or he nbl* t o ure. in the Jort'.y of the Board of Directors; said Barney Wigsblood in and t o : . conduct of i t s ' business.<•. The. Company may. commence huslnnsB North % of Lot 8 i n Block 1? in E. •when.- 20ft shares Of stock have been paid - 8TAI.MA8TER & B E B B B , Attorneys V. Smith's Addition, an Addition t o the 680 Omaua Motional Bank Bide. f of Omaha,. .o». unrvaycd. platted "*rpckhoiaers who have ppiir.the tait « « - N«Uee of Amendment to Article* of Incorp- *- City and recorded^ ^deration agreed upou for.the nnrrmw or oration of The Hunnphone Corporation and t o that you and each.of you have -Jheir stock shall not be pprsonaHy llnble. • JsOTICB i s hereby given that ut a special no right,find title or interest in Or t o any part ^ln any manner or form, for any debts or meeting of the btocklioldurs o f ' t h e Hana- of said premises, a n d . that «aid plaintiff's obMcatlonB whotsoevef of th«» Cnmpnny, hone Corporation held i n the office of Sam ownership and' possession'of said property Snl^n no event, rtiriH PlQckt.jWerji.lH- per- R

Uotwr, 8fi0 Omaha National Bnnk Buildlus, m ay be found t» be ol»K<>l«t« and free and Nebraska, Nebraska, ou ou February February 18, 18, 19J», at at ddear e a r of any any ciititn ciititn or or demand demand from 7Od or or omlsiiona of nfflpPHr or'directors . or Omahn, which hih meeting ting holders of all of fts issued n n y off you in i and d to t «ai<\ i\ yroperty, y t „,.«*?. Of the.Company, cnpltnl stock, stock, were were present, present, AKICIC Article X 1O of its,, y o u njJ ii e„o c i, o„_ t you n*,» hereby 'itaSvtioTdir nV evprv n w t l n p . «f i capital . _ nnoUfled t i c l s of incorporation by the unanimous i d t ap ndd plead l d ? l « M o r i nnA -on n« . m n t t m for «n»cle» of incorporation, by the unanimous << h nt t y o u a T e required to appesr and the


: -M«i n


J h n i l h e pniUjJd i?o"n™rotp vote of all of i t s issued capital stock was V , , M i d petUion.of t b e p l q l n t l B On o r behv o r o l r for'Vnrh »hnr* of amended to rend as follows: , , ( i « r e f h e ^ s t d a y of April, 1929, or n "1. T h e name of this corporation shall, j a u i r w U ] b e entered hersin. and the apBHCH Stock-1





H .^^.rfi^&^ToT^BATION.i ^ in d^uaA nS*de%^ B y / . ^ S T B H N . President.

Sport Splinters

, ti» a. p r a g e ^ r ^ « , d ^tiMon^^ | By Irvln C lAtTia, hi* Attorney. 15-4T


Cleaners For Service Call

853 B n n d e l i Theater. Bid*.—J A. C811



BL MARCUS 1941 Vinton St. JA. 1440



Certified Public Accountants

4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500

638 8ecortt!e* Bid*.

Under Management of


The U O H H With • Reputation



Rational Accessories, Inc. A.H-BRODKEY "Everything for the Auto" 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524

• For space in this directory call the



GENERAL CONTRACTOR 415 Hospe Bldg. JAckson 1614 Estimates Gladly Furnished


Service Oar Motto DAVENPORT GARAGE JiSOx and D&resport

JA. S57S

KRAMER & BAUER Acta Repair—Battery Service Tires—Tubes—Accessories and Parts 5127 So. 24th 43t

.THALLAS THE HATTER Hats Cleaned and Blocked 50 and 75c

«908 Farnam


JA. S66Z

SCOTT OMAHA TENT AND AWNINGCO. Awnlnss. Canra* -Cover*. Tents. Camp Supplies, AU Kind* 15th and Howard AT. 1482


"RICKS" BATTERY SERVICE 4615 So. 24th St. Hours 7 A. &L to 6 P. M.

24th and Farnam

D.RESNICK DYE WORKS 132 Tears Experience)

We Make Old Garments Look Like New

CLEANING — DYEING — REPAIRING Sample Dyeing a Specialty 814 No. 24th St. AT. 1169


AT. 1617

Shampoo and .Finger Wave $1.00 Marcel 75c

I l t h UB& Douglas g i g .

If yotir Ianndress does not • satisfy, try as

Sanitary Laundry 2SI5

W. H. OSTBNEEEG, Pres. AT. 8816

Hamlltosi-Steinite Eadio Co.

.HARRY. BRAYIKOFF Pianist -Instructor

Beginners ana Advanced Students Accepted &itlte £, Wead B l d e ^ IStb, and f a r n a m ATlantic 81C2

Play the Violin Correctly Prof. Sevcik and other world rcnownefl teachers recommend my method very highly


4704 So. 24th St. — MArket 0701 Member F. T. D..


Only 2 firms accepted under each business heading

Paining and Paper Banging f

Tin, Sheet Metal and Furnace Works First Class Work and Prompt Service


MArket 460Q

Castle Shoe Repair Shop North o i Casitle |(«t«t *-WOEK BOSK WHIX.E XOU WAIT

Men's. Half Soles ,. ..„ ._ Ladies Hslf Soles „ .. Ladiee Comp. Rubber



First Class Work u Shoes Rebnflt

Tailors HOLMES TEE:;TAILORi Suits Made to Order—Cleaning— Pressing—Eats and capa Renovated 8218

«. S*

UG, 203 NeviUe Block AT, 6451




2408 Farnam—JA. 1941

Music Teachers




All Family •errices, from Wet Wash t«

Concert Violinist and Instructor Studio IK',* ST. 16th Bt. J A . 1952

IRENE JOHNSTON Shampoo and Marcel Finger Wave or Haircut $1.25

Expert l a i d Service - We Repair Any Make Radio .

Shoe Repairing






Beauty Parlors • BEACTI « AqaUU CoBrt

SINCE 1878

EL-PATIO CAPE After Theatre Dancing


MArket 4307

6031 So. 24th St.—MArket 538*

101 No, 16th



Plcmbing end Heating

Hats Cleaned aad Blocked 75c

PATRONIZE! T H E CAKDYI.AKD 16th and Fsrnaito StTKSET T E A ROOM 4»th and. Dpdge CBTSTAX. CAKDT . 16th and Capitol Are.

Walter C. Roessig & Co.


16 snd Donglas


Awnings and Tents

Kadi© •B. STERBA

Empress Hat Cleaning Shop


Starter, Generator; U f h t s and Ignition Service and Repairs 24th Avenue at St. Mary's Avenue "

2123 Cuming Street AT, 8010

Hat Cleaning



Multigrapliing Addressing Mailing LisU

MArket 1608

Auto Electric Service Fzanchlsed - Distributors DELCO-BESnt ATTTO-tlTE NOBTHEAST 24th and Q. St. • . • MA. 4007

LETTER SHOP Commercial Printing

General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing

AT. 4544

1114 So. 28 St.


' •' Towel Supply -.-FRONTIER TOWEL & LINEN ATiantic J.


'Wall FRED' PARKS:'"$ *4th mntS. X. St.—-AT. 7*0*—MA,

Wallp&pes Below Wholesale Shown at XDOT Heme


OUR WORK GUARANTEED MArket 0977 Res. MA. 3166

4824 So. 23th 4411 So. 26th

'FOR 75c A W3SEK Your ad in this diwctoiy, reaches practically every Jewish Home in O t i l

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