March 1, 1929

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Omaha Jewry suffered, disappointment • Monday when the scheduled opportunity, to hear Rabbi Abba'Hillel Silver, famous Jewish orator, failed to materialize due to' illness of the speaker. The Jewish Community Center has " announced that- it will endeavor to secure Rabbi Silver -for a -speaking 'engagement' later in the season- .Failing'in this, they will substitute some other equally famous orator, in order to complete, the lecture- course being* sponsored' jointly by the Center, and the Council of Jewish Women.' The next speaker" on the course will be Scott-Nearing who will come here- Monday, March 11. Nearing, who is renowned in thefield of- sociology, will discuss, "Where Is Civilisation Going?"

National Chairman David A. Brown of the United Jewish Campaign anT nounced this week that cables- from Dr. Kahn, European Director of the Joint Distribution Committee, which were presented to' the Executive Committee of that body ^at a recent meeting* confirm" reports of dire suf- fexing of large'sections of East European- Jewry, due- to: tiie .extraordinarily rigorous winter conditions pre^ valent all over the continent, to cropA failure and famine.. These conditions have most seriously affected, Dr. E^ahn cabled, the Jews of Bessarabia, Moldavia, Lithuania, Poland and other sections. - Instancing the seriousness of the situation, Dr. Kahn stated that threequarters of the Jewish population of South Bessarabia are in dire straits,, Organization Intimates Possibility of Cq-operatidn Under and the-same is true of the Jews of Special Terms Middle Bessarabia and Kishinoff. At: the same time, the Executive OBJECTIONS STATED Committee of the Joint, Distribution Committee received an "urgent, cable- Berlin (J. T. A.)—The Association gram from Dr. Joseph Rosen, ask- of Liberal Jews in Germany, the ing for immediate additional funds to organization representing the Reform meet pressing "needs of large num- congregations, will not join the nonbers o l Jews in Eussiah cities, many Zionists of other countries in parof whom require palliative relief and ticipating in the -extended Jewish aid in securing employment. Agency for Palestine under the To meet these emergencies, the agreement concluded between Louis , Executive Committee of the Joint Marshall and .Dr. Chaim Weizraann, Distribution Committee decided, that, according t o ' action taken by the notwithstanding the straitened con- Board of the association this week. dition of its treasury and the pos- In making public its decision the sibility that unless collections of Board gave the following • three pledges":to the United Jewish Cam- reasons" for its refusal to participate .- "paign^'wgrtf" accelerated' 'it^ould^-be ^firer Jewish" Ageacyr necesaary to borrow money from the 1. The Palestine Mandate refers banks, prompt action was necessary to the- creation of a national home and i t accordingly appropriated the for the Jewish people and to the sum of $310,000 for additional re- "historic -connection between the lief work and to provide for other Jewish people, and' Palestine, while contingencies throughout Eastern the liberal" Jews'of j Germany conEurope and Eussia during the year. sider Jewry- a religious community, For the relief of the situation in being a part of -the various nations Bessarabia, the Joint Distribution among whom Jews livej Committee and the American , Joint 2. According -to their views PalReconstruction Foundation have, prior estine does-not occupy a speciaL place to this' action, set aside sums for h the contemplation of the future credit and emergency relief, and are of Judaism. Palestine may be concooperating with other, relief bodies, sidered for colonization purposes i n including the, Alliance Israelite. Uni- a general plan of settling Jews on versalle:. and the Hilfsverein. the land in order' to bring relief to In response' to a number of re- those who are in need. quests from' individuals and Iands- 3. The •settlement • of Palestine xnanschaften desirous of making con- may be justified only if the people tributions toward,the' relief of suf- who are now on the land are in fering Jews in Bessarabia, the Exe- agreement with the plan. cutive Committee of ..the Joint Dis- The Board further, stated' that this tribution Committee has authorized does not* preclude the possibility of cooperation, but the ways- and the following statement: < "The Joint Distribution •Committee znethods of „ such, cooperation are is not in a position' to accept and dependant upon the removal of these transmit remittances earmarked, for obstacles by the Zionist Organization. specific towns or individuals, or for specific activities;'it--will be. glad to accept contributions ior general' re- J. C. C. Library lief purposes in Bessarabia or other Announces New Books countries, subject to its general discretion and program. Persons de- The Jewish, Conrmnnity- Center siring to -make contributions for ge library has announced'the receipt of eral relief in Bessarabia may for- the following new -books for circulaward checks directly to the office of tion:,„ . , _ - • the Joint Distribution Committee, 40 The Case of Seargent Grischa- by Exchange Place, New York City: In Arnold' Zweig, Harness by A. Hamilaccepting such fund?, the Jeifit Dis- ton Gibbs; Boston'4>y cUpion Sinclair, tribution Committee will assume, only Eily •Chrisfiae by Michael- Alien, The the responsibility of remitting: them Unknown" Sanctuary £y Aime Palto its European office,to .be applied liere/ Coming of- the Lord by Sarah by Dr. Bernhard TEaT™ to the gen- Mtllin, Ago of Season- by Philip eral Joint Distribution Committee Gibbs, Case-with Nine Solutions by program of relief in Bessarabia." J. J . Connington, My Life Is in Your Hands by Eddie Cantor, Silver Slippers by Temple Bailey, Elizabeth and HIGHLAND CLUB CLEARS Essex- by Lytton- Strachey, Easputin $2,000 PROFIT-IN 1928 the Holy Devil by Rene Fulop Muller, At a ' meeting of the' Highland Bishop Murder Case ,by Vap Dine, Country Club held at the Blackstone1 Mamba's Daughter by Du Base SkyHotel Tuesday evening, Feb. 26, H. ward, Magic Island by Seabrooke, A. -Wolf, Ed Trelier, Mose Yousem, Reubini the Prince of Jews by Max and Morris Ferer were, elected trus- Brod, Meet General Grant by W. E. Woodward, An Anthology of World tees of the dub. ' The board of directors will meet Poetry . by' Mark Van Doren, and _in the near future and elect officers Mendel Maranty by David Freeman. for the coming term. The ^club, acocrding to a financial HONOR TRCMPELDOR report read at the meeting, made a A public memorial meeting for profit of approximately- two thou Yoseph Trumpeldof; famous Jewish sand dollars during the past year. leader, will' &e held at the Labor It has'- one' hundred and seventy Lyceum at 22nd "and- Clark Friday members. evening, March-1, «t v 8 o'clock. , A "benefit card party will be held "New opinions are always suspect- at. the Lyceum 'March;, 4* ed, and usually opposed, without jmy other reason, but because they are . Seldom conies glory, "till a man be net already common. —Locke. dead. ' ' • '—Herricis;

VOL. VII.—No, 7


Illness Prevents Rabbi Hillel Silver's Coming



" of''.Interest to-

Entered as second-class mall matter on January 27, 'lOia, at' postofflce at Omaha; Nebraska, under the Act of ffarcli 3,1870.

,U. J. C. Appropriates $310,000 for Emergency. Relief in East Europe.


-4ti]:the News

Interesting and Entertaining



. Fremo?it Man Borro'ms From I. C. C. Library . The Jewish Communits*- Center. Library announces that its circulation has burst Iocs! boundaries, having received a request : Plans Talks and Refrom Mr. Sam Weinberg of Frecitations in Yiddish and mont, Nebr., to send him the book English/ and/Music. "The Unknown Sanctuary" from FORMERLY AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED STATES t.its stacks. Mr. Weinberg, sfte* reading of DBL'SHER. IS CHAIRMAN the unusual nature, of this book, OF ARRANGEMENTS By P. W.WILSON which is the autobiography of Definite Arrangements for the bit Fifty years ago or thereabouts, a drink, sir?" asked Isaacs, and the in the courts, and at a special ban- Aime Palliere, the/ French- -student ship aproached the mouth' of the man in the •witness bo* replied quett liberals-\ and conservatives, for the Catholic priesthood,, who Moses eelebrstios of the Jewish Corrtriver" Hogly in India. It was early angrily, "That jis my business." judges and barristers, united in & became a Jew by conviction, wrote raunity Center were made at a Tneetdawn and at the masthead,' there Quick as a flash came the question, tribute, to the new Lord Chief Jus- to the publishers for a copy." They, [ing of the' representatives of themight be seen a small boy, strain- "Any other business?"—afterwhich tice, - As a vindication it was with- in turn, referred hies to the J. C. I various religions, .fraternal, and we!*out precedent. ing his eyes as he searched the the witness became reasonable. C. library which they knew to isre organisations of the. city Jh«>k' horizon for the first glimpse of land. Under Asquith as prime minister, • On the bench, Lord Beading, as we have one available for circulation. Tuesday evening at the J. C. C. rajyor • actions taken-'were-the Who would have thought that the Isaacs became a law officer of the mast now call him,, displayed a cot-This story of M. Paliiere is one lad, a runaway from school and home crown, that is solicitor-general, and j able dignity. But the position did o£- the most talked of books in of 'the date1 for the • affair tm. Swin London, would return to India, afterwards attorney-general. Accord- not suit him. Essentially, lie is £ Jewish circles todsy. It was trans- •dmj evening ,' 'M»rch 3.7, swd. the nr~ tment' of 'a proprsrr committ**forty years later to be saluted by ing to custom he received a knight- man of initiative and when the war lated into-English-by Lotuse W&terguns and bands and flags as the hood, and with Lloyd George, he de- broke out, the Lord Chief Justice man Wise, the wife of Dr. Stephen to plan'the' details of the cclebT^tion. The stew date vrm- mb*titnU*d first Viceroy and governor-general veloped the program of social lib- was far too able an executive to be S. Wise. for the previously announced mt «'•' of that vast eastern empire? eralism. What he desired was a left in his crimson and ermine. He March 2B -in order to make t-ht celeIn the whole range of the Arabian parliamentary career but like many •was told to lay aside his robes and bration more closely coincide wife tb* great advocates at ~ the bar, he was assist the government in solving the Nights, there has been no career reactxmi date of Moses' birthday, *V corded even as legend, more dra- not a great success in the house of financial and commercial problems Seventh of Ada*. matic in its uncertainty than this. commons, where politics require which arose during the crisis. He Dr. Philip Sher. ^eneml elmirnw. The son of a prosperous Jewish mer- something more drastic than "sweet- had to visit the United States and of the c«]ebr&tion, appointed »« W>: ness and light." Isaacs, therefore, arrange for credits. In due course, chant, Rufus Isaacs was recaptured program committee the following by his parents and sent to Univer- looked forward to high judicial of- the Lord Chief Justice of England 'Nathen "S. 'YRffce, chairman; iw. sity College School in London and fice. The late Sir George Jassel, a was thus found at Washington as distinguished Jew in Gladstone's day, ambassador, a combination of apMrs. Bellmsn, Choir, £Bd S&m* Blank,. MRS Fromlrin, Mrs, M*v later to Brussels.and Hanover. Thoruel Gersen Present Folk, FroraMn, Irving Fertaetsr,, snrt /• oughly venturesome, he plunged into had been master of the rolls. But pointments, never before heard of 1. KulakofBky. • Sisge and Religious Songs, the stock exchange, and, strange to no adherent of his faith had ever and never likely to be seen in the Adhering 'to the raqaest ef tlir held the position of Lord Chancellor, future. say, there failed. Loaded ..with debt, delegates that the program be euf #-•• who, it must be remembered, is not A little incident will explain his he read for the bar and at the age HENRY MONSKY PRESIDES ciently' dignified to be in keeping of twenty-seven he began his career only a Judge bat also a trustee for attitude. One day a British official, as an advocate. He .paid his debts large ecclesiastical: patronage in the somewhat overzealous in his pat- An afternoon of Jewish music, folk with the nature of the event, ft proin full, and in eleven years, took silk Established Church of England. riotism, brought the ambassador an song:, synagogue and stage music,, gram of speeches, and recitations )'which means that he became a Rufus Isaacs thus looked forward to agreement in which advantage had was featured st the meeting of the both English*" and •-Yiddish, and apthe purely judicial position of Lord been taken of the United States. Council of Jewish-'WOJBCB Monday is propriate music' was .arranged by th? queen's • counsel. committee, • .. ' Lord Reading quietly laid the docu- /the Je-srish Community Center. His success was astonishing. Tall Chief Justice. ..Thecelebration mil • cQ3!\»iero.©r&t*: Mrs. Henry' Jtosisky was;.chairman and graceful in bearing and very But, in public life, there is many ment on his table and said he would tte SS00. birthday, of Moses. It i* of the program, .sad, gavels brief look it over. In due course, he paid' handsome in features, he was blessed a slip between the cup and the lip. p that, the Omaha Center, to sketch: ofthe .history.-ofeach. a private visit to an American statesA brilliant prospect was suddenly with a voice, soft and musical, an the' first, in the country to plan-8U-"K' of music. • .. exquisite vehicle of persuasion, no overclouded by a truly amazing error man, to -whom he pointed out the an affair,'and'the local plans have Margaret Margolin Bellman witness was ever bullied, no point of judgment. Sufus Isaacs had a full meaning of the paper. He then arousednation-mcle iatewsi, a groups of Jewish* stage songs,; i brother Godfrey, and at the time asked permission to tear, it up and was unfairly pressed. What Rufus New York YMSisli • ctailien Isaacs achieved, was the reasonable Godfrey was risaaging'.r-Qie! Marconi a different bargain -was negotiated, fasting* ithd-iaasic of the. Jewish." ©pern. in argument; and with hlm'in court, companies. Shares were-"beings placed "m"'.'•wiiicli'"' the,*..Americas as; It, articles it was always the other side which and they were offered to- Bufos the British interest was equitably beatttsfsi.. soprano. .gave "these-. di£fl« ' cent$re written, .cult songs a great emotional .appeal. seemed to have left reason behind. Isaacs, and through him to Lloyd defined. copies of But on this account he was all the George. The shares were in the At the armistice, India was She was accompanied by. Dorothy more deadly,' especially in commer- American company.- But it happened seething with unrest. For the first Lnstgrarten, violinist, and Margaret planned.. cial cases where he knew every move that the British company! had a con- time in her long history, the Asiatic Hurwitz, pianist. Cantor SchTOrtzMft find the choir of the game. In one famous case, tract with the British government, sub-continent had realized her unity. he. wove the web of guilt. around and amid the heat of politics, all Hindus and Moslems, hitherto- at of -B'nai. Israel Ey-BB'gQgue sang a* Whittaker-Wright, the financier,/ who kinds of rumors were spread abroad. variance with one another, were a group of; impressive, synagogue irumon conviction slipped poison into his There was the usual Parliamentary sociated in a movement of nation- bers, closing •&dr part of the promouth and fell dead within the very Enquiry and the culprits were ac- alists which. was uncompromising in gram with. '&.very old folk'song in J, M. Malashook, chairman ©f tHfc precincts of the tribunal. The only quitted of all impropriety. But they its hostility to. British rule. There which Joseph pleads-with-his broth"Whoopee Dance" to be. given Buncase at law in which I have been learned the lesson that, in public life, was more than a suggestion that the ers" not to sell him into captivity. Samuel Gerson sang Jewish folkevening, March 10,- at the' myself involved was an action for there is no offense so serious as a trouble had been inflamed by "Russian propaganda. There were boy- songs in a sequence which took the ConSmunity'.-Genter as a benefit tot libel. David Lloyd George was our harmless indiscretion. solicitor, Rufus Isaacs was our coun- Against Rufus Isaacs there arose cotts. There were-fasts. There were Jewish child from the cradle to old! the "Center physical department, h»t-sel, and the damages were one a storm of prejudice, What saved riots. There were arrests. The tur- age, introducing each song briefly. asneanced; the completion of At Mr.' Gerson's request Mrs. Monsky farthing. him was one single circumstancei moil , was the more deplorable be- accompanied him in one of the songs. tnents for the affair snd cause a government hail endeavored entertainment features of Perhaps the best remembered re- His own profession believed in him. The • program was preceded by & to launch a-constitution, based upon quality. The dance is being' tort by Rufus Isaacs was inflicted Bench and bar knew that no more business meeting. A Council board (Continued on page 2) sos-ed. jointly by the various clubi *t on a recalcitrant /witness.. "Do you honorable lawyer had ever- pleaded meeting was held at i:SC p. m. •the J.-C'C. Rabbi Frederick <Cohn will give his Tke. proceeds of the dance wfll hRComing to Omaha next current" topics talk at 10:30 devoted, to remcxiellirig the bandb&U a. m.- Tuesday in the Jewish Com, purchasing of equipment. f*l' munity Center. j'TRj STSQ the sending- of tltfr varsity "basketball team -to St, for a. match with the St. Yiddish Drama 'at J.C.C. .Y.-.M.'E; A,

Rufus Isaacs, Lord Reading, Boasts of Career Rivalling Most Phantastic s, , of Arabian Nights* Tales; Has Held Highest Judicial and Legal Posts of England • • .,



Music, Recitations, and" Adiress T b i s-' Sunday' Evening;]'•ported A brisk' • ticket sale by Louis Shaattk Fe&tsres by. lryin 'Levin, chairniaft' of • ' j t d b lryin 'Levi -clT Program.' . As a benefit -performsnc* >for. the''the. ticket co*mjaitte& : Ch&lutziiri' iB Palestine, * the. Omshs.: .An -owl^estra of unusuel DR..- PLA$T" CHAIRMAN Yiddish. *Drstnstic"a*efe wfil present *««» * « ^ « ^ ioj'-the event,

The first local forensic activity of •the season will be held at the Jewish Community Center Tuesday evening, March 19, in the form - of a Trilingual Oratorical Contest. Contestants'will have their choice, of > speaking in either English, Yiddish, or Hebrew. The contest is open' to all young men and women in the city between the'ages of 17 and'24. Each competitor will be required to preMeyerson. sent an original oration of. from GoWie Meyerson of Palestine, eight to ten minutes length. Regismember of the Executive committee tration for the competition must bff made with Louis M. Shanok at the of the Palestine -women's organizaCenter not later than March 12. On tion "Hahalutz" -will be in Omaha registering, contestants will be re- March 13, 14, and 15. She is coming here upon the inquired to specify the language in vitation of the Pioneer Women's Orwhich they will speak. Subjects for the orations have not ganization of Omaha. been limited other than that they will have to be on some Jewish sub- ICOR TO BUY TRACTOR ject. The contestants "will be divided FOR RUSSIAN COLONIES into three- classes according to language, and,the winner of each group The Icor of Omaha will hold a will receive a .gold medal. There, will bazaar Sunday, March 31, at the be no preliminaries unless the num- Labor Lyceum in order to raise funds ber of entrants is prohibitively large. to buy a tractor for Jewish colonists On the evening of the'contest, the in Soviet Russia. one-act play, \ "Overtones,11 being Committees will begin soon to colcoached by Miss Bess Wejnstdn, will lect merchandise and contribuiioQS for also , be - presented. The'JL. C. C the affair, and Omaha Jewry are orchestra- •will also play atvtlie-. don- prged to co-operate to make the event test. . _ - a success. —

The first public event of -the Intermediate.-'Club' Council was staged at the Jewish Corsimmity Center Tuesday' evening, February 26, in the form of a rally attended by over two hundred' boys and girls. Dr. David Cahn Plstt, chsirman of the advisory board of the Council, was. chairman of ."the rally. Those •who assisted him in arranging the program besides, the members were Miss'-Grace Kosenstem, Mr. Louis Shanok, and Miss Irene Eirsch. Miss Evelyn ChaiMn was. general' chairman of the event. Features of the program were: Dance, by Sadie Kohiberg and Zerline Somberg, Betty Iipp, vocal duets and solos by Sadie Kohlberg and Mildred 'Iip.eey, sikelele solos by Jack Frieden, dance fey Grace Levin, selections by the J. C. C. dance orchestra, and a play given by Blache Bothenberg and Elsie Lazarus of the Henrietta Szold dub and coached by Miss Eose Lazarus. A speech by Mr. Shanok was well received. The Intermediate Council was organized by the Senior Council last fall sad is sponsored :by a .committee from that /organization,! consisting of Dr. Plstt, f&atrinas, and Miss Grace Eosenstein. Refreshments were served following the projsrsnv ~—^

Orators to Compete in English, Yiddish, and Hebrew _ March 19.

'Jacob Gordin's'famous Tiddish drama, to those in. .-charge. s fDer Fremder,"- .Sunday evening*,-1. ~—*—*——— March S, at the Jewish Commuiiity j CALVIN BEKLINT DIES COUNCIL Center. The play has been produced under the direetorship of Mr. Lotus.'Wolk. Calvin Berlint, 15% jmm old, Mr. Saia Cxwnse-is prompter. The of. Mrs. Morris Wontaet of .a"way",eaviy Tuesday tn#rrriti#. cast is as foUows.: Naftoli Hertz passed p Levin, (The Stranger) Louis Wolk; at the Mercy Hospital in' Elniaa (his former •wife), Mrs. J. Biaffs, Iowa. Keznick; Prince * Starodub (Blsma's • 'The boy was taken to tfe« 'present husband), Joseph Morgen- last Friday and was opemted m if«? stera; Kalroan-Moishe, J. ReEnick; appendidfis " and' Met rt Ssrah-Henie, (his wife) Sarah Taufe; ^neuajonlg. whicli proved fatal* Bensie and-Fannie (Blunra's children ' Besidee his, parents, h€ U by former rasrriage), -Harry Blacker mved -by'-WE gradparent*, Mr and Betty Lansky; The R&bbi, Oscar Mrs. D. Friedman of -Cd'ancJl $ Tsub, and A- "Woman, Shirley Feld- IHmeml" wrvices were held man. .-• • * the Gatltr burial took place -to Jewish music* •will be. played be-' .tween acts by Mr. Baird and his or- Oak Kill cemetery in Council chestra. 8 The stage managers •will be* Moms "COLUMBUS SUBJECT Of NEW WASSEBMAN UOV Casper, Harry Crounsc and-Eli Lewis. liesaa,—CJ,' T. J TO;SEW FOR. HOSPITAL- !>&B Quixote of the Oceimw • The'.Jewish Women's "Welfare Or- name of z 'ntfyel. jfflsfc gsnizatiaa 'vriTl hoM their months by JaeoV Waescrtnun, noted meeting- Tsesday, Msrcfe 5, at ,2:3C man i?fwish ncwlist, whd 'in the- lodge" toom -of -the Ie«i5b here todsy or. his ypturn from * Commasity Center. Layettes for the to Egypk Wise Memorial Hospital will It "ros stated that the novel sewesL Kefreshments .-will be served. sents a new interp-retation of the a.n& eharac*? of tbA -cm ike basis of Ncbrssfea is eighth state In total «£ the aourccSk value of fsrm





Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by


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The article that appeared in the last issue of this paper under the heading, "If I Were A Jew," written voluntarily by a Baptist writer, John Snape, for a Baptist paper has created a profound impression upon its Jewish readers. In this age of rapid obliteration of distinguishing characteristics and cataclysmic assimilation, it is indeed illuminating to find that an outsider can so appreciate the reasons for our survival, the strength of our tradition, and the beauty of our history. N o t ^ few Jews with even less backbone than intellectual depth try to hide their Jewishness just as they would coyer a,hideous defect And yet a man UUe Mr. Snape, of .his own volition, tells us that if he were a Jew he would be proud of it. However, we do not believe that the learned writer said this because he suspected that the Jews as a whole were tmappreciative of their heritage.! At least we hope not, for, for the most part, we who are Jews, are proud of it. However, pride of race alone is insufficient for the Jew. Judaism as a living pulsing system of life cannot depend alone upon memories for sustenance, This negative phase of our civilization mus^ yield to a positive attitude, progress, its position of primacy. The mere fact that we take pride in race, because it shows that we believe that there is reason for our survivals makes it obligatory that we strive to the uttermost to perpetuate our traditions and to promote our culture. But since the first step toward fulfilling any obligation is to know what it is, it would be decidedly appropriate to, pause here for a moment of prpbing into what these resultant obligations of pride of race are. Occasional introspection is not only beneficial but'necessary. Let us also start out "If I Were A Jew—": ""If I were a. Jew, besides knowing the past history" of my people, I would endeavor to know all that is going on in the present Jewish world. "If I were a Jew, besides, knowing that my tradition teaches me to be charitable, I would give of my substance my full share toward the many worthy causes that pre- sent themselves, "If I were a Jew, I would not only be proud of Juda- ~ ism, but by my active participation in available Jewish activities, I would become a positive factor in that civilization. "If I were a Jew, I would not only be proud of my/ religion, I wpuld practipe it in an appropriate manner. "If I were a Jew, I would not only be proud of my people and live a Jewish life, but I would be sure that my ... : children would'do the same by giving them a thorough and intelligent Jewish education and filling them with the proper love of rage and traditions." After repeating- the above "Ifs," we feel that every one trf us should drop the bothersome little word and say, "I AM A JEW!1'

Wednesday, March 13 Tuesday, Match 26 .Thursday, ApriJ 11 .Thursday, April 25 _....Wednesday, May 1 Saturday, May 10 .Tuesday, May 28 Sunday. June 9 _ . iFriday, y , /pnc /p JJ4 . Tuesday, Jnly 9 Td Jl .Thursday, July 25 ..Wednesday, August 7 .Thursday, August 15 Friday, September 6

enemies, and his shrewd, sympathetic, kindly judgment, hia knowledge o^ commerce and his instinctive appreciation of human character are assets of which England may still stand in need. (Copyright, 1929, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

known in American educational fields. a graduate of Cornell and Columbia universities, and was «n instructor i n anthropology in the latter institution. He was also connected with the Smithsonian Institution. ; '•



This evening, Rabbi Frederick Cdhn will speak on "Hoover's"Inaugural and the Mission of America" at Temple Israel. Saturday morning, his subject will be "Wlrile Moses Tarried." Friday, evening, March 8, Dr. Leo •Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh. P. Frachtenburg, regional Zionist Director with headquarters in Chicago, will occupy Dr. Cdhn's pulpit and will speak on "Palestine and the to chaps. In a sentence, Lord Bead- Jewish Agency." Besides the dising saved that situation. tinctive work that Dr. Frachtenburg On his return to London, it was nas done in Zionist and United Palnot easy adequately to reward him. esteine Appeal circles, he is well Already he had been created an earl. (Continued from Page 1) • He was made "a marquis. Within the franchise, in which for the first one life he bad been a ship's boy, time Indians would play an effective a bankrupt on the* stock exchange, attorney-general. part in the management of their a king's counsel, Lord chief justice, ambasador at country. It was at this decisive moment Washington, an earl, viceroy of India that Lloyd George, as *prime. minister, and a marquis. By general consent, JA. 5752 entrusted the destinies of India to every one of his numerous honors*, 403 Hospe Bldg. ( Lord Reading. The little stowaway had been fairly earned. at the masthead thus arrived as the He has now turned his attention representative of King George V and to business. He runs newspapers ascended the vice-regal throne at and is a rich man. His future de-. Delhi. If ever a man was subjected pends on the liberal party whjch to a supreme test, it was Lord Read- means Lloyd George. If there;is to; ing. be a further reconstruction of. BritFor five years he faced the storm. ain, political, and economic, it is not Once more, he revealed his resources easy to see how a labor government of patience, and reason. One day, itself can leave Lord Reading among Gandhi would be in prison. Another the unemployed. No man is indisday, Gandhi* and the Viceroy would pensable. But this man has no be talking things over. Gradually, the hurricane gpent itself. The hostility which marked the visit of the Prince of Wales to India, abated. Furnished room Grievances were removed and with with refined Jewish family the resurgent rivalry between Moslem and Hindu, it began to be seen Call JHArney 7316 or once more that, as Gandhi admitted, WEbster 0414 British rule was the only alternative

A Safe Deposit with a higH rate o? intere$t accruing daily. That's what Neat, Tasty

From Cabinboy To.Viceroy

The other officers are: Sam Zacharia, Archonj. Ephraim, Marks Keeper of the Archives; Frank R The newly initiated Chi chapter of Ackerman, Keener of \he Exchequer, the Pi Lambda Phi fraternity s.% and Pen Ka?l6wsky, Master of Work. Creighton University held its first election of officers since affiliating -This i s true philanthropy that with, the national organization last buries not ,ia ostentatious week, choosing Loujs 13. Lipp as its charity, bat builds its hospital Irt the head with the title of Eey, human heart. - ..-

ABRAHAMS MOVES Milton R. Abrahams, formerly gaged in legal pjswtie* mith J. B» Kelkenny in the Peters Trust build* ing, is now associ&toi with Weave? and Giller, attorneys, at 400 Branded Theater building.

PRINTING means to you. I t costs no more — it's worth money in actual dollars and cents—find can be obtained quickly by asking for our representative.

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The New Hats of Youthful Smartness The "first release" hat gtyles. that ih© hest dressed men are wearing —- the right shape, right shade {or you-^from the rightsnap brim tj> tbe qpn-ect roll brim-r-the worl4'8 style leaders far you at hatheadguaxters; - - - "

STETSON HATS $8.50 { Others at $zo to $20

An INCREASING^Li/elong Monthly Income iiTpf tally and Permanently Di§»abled by Accident or. Q Before Age; 60 • The Ityitual Life Insurance Company of New York

KNOX HATS — $8,50 . AiuL Others at $io

MALLOEY HATS $6 And Others $8, to $xo

THElsTEBRASKA SPECIAL 'The-Style-Value Leader of Hat Creation — at - Ha«»—Main Floor—Ea»t JM»1*




"No further premium deposits.. " _ - $50 a ihontlTdurihg first 5 years of ~ such disability, $75 a inontE£uiang next 5 years of iiich"disability",$1QO. , a month thereafter for life during such.disability. -And then $5,000 Vat your death to your bejpefiijiaTyj — ,:_^ or $IQ,OQQ if death ,atfl»^agents"". * ' 't - accidentaLtmder-ihe. policy provjsions, payable in a-single sum or as 'income for a; term of ^ear-s-opfor -J. life. 11'Total' disability-lasting «0 yg di fh ^ys;regarded, during further con-: timiattce,%4£peiTnananf''[" ;"

Ttji's policy-can1 be ob


$kni<S&tm t&ywr Street CarQm-


y alflhe Jnoney Oinaha people spepfl fd* street a stays in Omaha, is spent with local merchants, k local buildings and loan associations and local l d In 1928 the total receipts of the Nebraska division street railway lines only) were ^2854^80^7 And here is the way it was -spent:

x^«.o J t

Labor (wages and salaries) - - -» «_-.•: Material ' - : - - - - « - » * — Injuries and damages - - - - - « : €9,036 Mise«Jlane©us XAdvertising', Ijjsarance and Sfiscellaneous) » - * - * - - • # «• * 242,529 Depreciation - • • . » - • J» - * §36^42 Taxes... - - , - - - . - * - • 586,685 .Interest on Bonds • .» * » # ,• •« Total



• Deceit <made -up from bridge revenues) $


1 — ~\"'

Tke Extra Qn&t Bake/j_EUJs jntqjts bread, cakes -anil pastries has brought u» thousands of eustoiner«._.WQnifin aJJ over Onwhs «re talking about \U_^ .Tow can get Omer goods frafn'most groceries pr (he O.msi* • <rag$n that comes tor yjjur neighborhood.

It is fibvioas that all this money except that used t© »»y interest on bonds stays right here in Omaha. Abeiit half ei WS bofid interest ^ s o stays in Omaha, approximately half of the .bonds being owned ioeally* —-~ : ^ _ _ p In.1928 to fee«p th# In other words^of the nearly $2,700jQ00-fitayed i& Street R ^ l ^ Omaha.

^ -•—

if i*^*r ,** i.

'''OfKfce 410 Electric Bldg.

Tel. AT. 4166



Council Bluffs Street Econonde&l



2K8BS—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH I, 1929 Place the curved edges opposite each other, with & date between them, to represent the body of the butterfly. Use thin strips of pimiento for the i News antennae or feelers. Place sliced I By R i l l stuffed olives 'on the - pineapple "wings" with bits of chopped nuts, The Ladies Auxiliary of the Tal- Drops of yellow salad dressing are mud Torah will hold a regular meet- placed between the olives on the ing next Wednesday afternoon, wings. March 6, at the home of Mrs. Louis Cberniack, 152 West Washington IDA LUSTGAETEN TO Avenue.

| Council Bluffs

| JUNIOR HADASSAH DANCE zations throughout the coustry. PROVES GREAT SUCCESS Miss Mollye Grossman, chairman 1

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bromberg ant,.and Mrs. J. Wolf of Fremont/ Mr. and Mrs. Max Sternberg hon- nounce the birth of a son, born Nebr., announce, the engagement of ored their daughter Sunday- evening February 29, at the Edmundson their dgQgbter, Jeanne, to Mr. Maxwith a dinner at their home. Covers Hospital. The baby has been named Chasen, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. were laid f pr thirty-five guests. Billy Lee. Mrs. SteHars of Denver, Cfcasen of Pierce, Nebr. No date Colorado, mother of Mrs. Bromberg, .has bees set for the Dr. and Mrs. A. Graenberg enter- arrived Tuesday for a visit at the tained at a dinner Saturday, Feb. 23.Bromberg home. Mr- and Mrs. David Garber an- Covers were laid for sixteen. noence the marriage of tfceir daughThe Council Bluffs Talmud Torah ter,. Miss Lillian Greeriblatt, to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gitlin held a Society' will bold a meeting next David H. Brown Saturday evening, reception at their home Sunday, Feb. Tuesday evening, March 5, at the February 23. The wedding ceremony 24, in honor of their parents, Mr. synagogue at €13 Mynster street. •was performed by. Rabbi Frederick end Mrs. Isaac Goldberg, who have just arrived from England for a Gehn. at Jug visit. Kitchen Chats Mr. Morris Kinston of Chicago an- by » nounces the marriage of his daugh- Mrs. A. Stine and Mrs. Max.LashMrs. David M. Newman ter* Bpse, to Mr. Alex G. Sebring, insky of Lincoln, Nebr., entertained son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Silverman of Monday afternoon at a benefit bridge Novelty Salads. this city. The wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Stine in LinFive large halves of canned pears — When shopping, mention the coln. February 23 in Chicago. or peaches, 10 whole cloves» 10 'Jewish Press." , The couple are now honeymooning .almonds, 5 thin slices of in the east and will make their home The Temple Sisterhood will hold blanched pimiento, 5 tabjespons salad dressing, their monthly luncheon Monday afterupon their return, in Chicago. noon, March 4, at 1 o'clock in the 5 leaves curly lettuce. Arrange halves of the fruit round Mr. and Mrs. Harry Step of Sioux Temple vestry room. side op on the lettuce leaves, the City announce the birth of a son at leaves curling up around the fruit Hxe-Methodist' Hospital on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mandel and family and forming sunbonnet. Place the Feb. 19.' Mrs. Step was formejijz. have left for New York City'where cloves up around the fruit for the WEEK OF MAECH 4— Miss Anne Keiser of Omaha. they will make hteir home. Opening Monday Nite eyesi the. blanched almonds for the ears, and slip thin slices of canned The Jewish Woman'6 Welfare Or- pimiento into cuts made for nose The Pi Tau K fraternity will hold s- formal dance Saturday evening at ganization will, hold its annual bridge and mouth. Put salad dressing the Blackstone HoteL Mr.: Lee Marks tea and card -party Tuesday, March around the outside of the fruit to ig chairman of the committee in 19, at the Jewish Community Cen- represent golden locks and arrange ter. Reservations should he made a bow of red pimiento under the charge, with Mrs. A, Greenberg at Glendale chin of the sunbonnet. Mrs. Win. L. Holzman snci Mrs. 1215, or with Mrs. Nate Mantel at * * * Ma» fiolzman entertained at a lunch- HArney 57J1. Butterfly Salad. eon Saturday, Feb. 23, at the Black- The Hadassah sewing circle will, Cut a slice of pineapple in half. stone for forty-five guests. The table meet Monday afternoon, March 4, was decorated with three large banks at the home of Mrs. Simon Pizer, the hostesses are: Mesdatnes . M. NIGHTS 5Oc-75c-?l.O0r51.50 of flowers in which sweet peas and 331 North 35th avenue. All in- Soffer, J. Abramson, W. Holzman, MATS. 25c-50c-75 jonquils predominated. terested persons will be welcomed. and B. Bernstein.


Q Hbtd Bttib Parl&r

Ealer Ice laeMiies

Spring Coats


Paxton-MitcheU Co. t'tt; mn OMAEA, Soft ETaT. iron, brass, ftrnnst Blnmlimin enrtinp*. ftnnflara Droniw anS iron bnshini«, sewer manholes, ciBfeJc rings PTIC! COTPP* ant! 33ean-ont doors in irtocls. All fetaa f wood ma& metal patterns.

Brandeis Theatre


E50 Eoomif—-200 Baths Good Eoonas for $1.50 fey Eppley Hfitele O»


The Sign on the Door



Mr." Looj? JHrpcbbratin of Los An- Dr. and Mrs. H.'Hirschmann have geles, formerly of Omaha, is here been advised that their daughter, Hermine, has arrived safely in Warm visiting itriends Bad JiJatives. Springs, Georgia, and is enjoying the Mr- and'-Mrs. Morris CQ^P wjU be famous health resort thoroughly. at home Sunday, March 3, from 2 Mrs. Mo'ntz Meyer has returned to 5 and from 7 to 10 o'clock at S06 So. 58th street, in honor of their from a two month trip to Miami, New York, and Chicago.^ daughter^JEva, and her fiance, Mr. Pavid Bernstein. The Daughters of Israel Aid So* Mr. David E- Beber left Monday ciety is planning & Purim card party. for iChjcagp where he will matriculate at the University of Chicago in order Baby Jane Levinson.. daughter of to pursue a post-graduate legal Mr. and Mrs. Edward Levinson, is convalescing at the Wise Memorial course. Hospital. Mr. and-^Mrs. Frederick Sosenstock Miss Louise Wessel of Nebraska entertain at a dinner next City is convalescing ^at the Wise Thursday evening.Memorial Hospital. The Tau Delta Gamins Sorority A benefit card party for the of Creighton University will give a Omaha Children's Home Society will spring tea? March 3, from S to 5, at be held Monday, March 4, at the the home of Miss Josephine Monheit, Jewish Community Center, at 2 Miss Nioma Cohn has been ap- o'clock. pointed chairman vitb an • assisting Mrs. M. Goldstein is chairman and committee of *Ercs-Freda Bolker and Miss Sylvia Wphler. The tea marks the formal announcement of the existence of the sorority on the campus. In the reSend money to your relatives in ; all parts of Europe through ceiving line will be the president, JOXSB Ida. Tsnenbavm, ssd the. sponsors, Mrs. Sam Beber, Miss Anita Gluckman, and Miss Bess Haykin. . OP NEW YORK ' Sorority members" "assisting at the Reliable Personal Service by tea are: -Misses Ida Babior, Eose - F«dler, Gertrude Greenberg, Ida Joseph Radinowski Hoffman, . Lilyan Haykjn, Jeanette Local Representative Leyjnscn and Marian Scharf. One 1434 No. 18 [ WE. 1642 hssd&ed guests SXB expected*

Dollars to Europe

The Amalgamated Bankf



The Omaha Yiddish Dramatic Club DER FREMDER' t

Visit the New

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Famous Yiddish drama by Jacob Gordin

16th and Ebwaiti Streets

SUNDAY, MARCH 3 at 8:15 P. M. at the


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The Path to Smart Coats leads to Carman's. Elegant models in the subtle new Spring colors-*-with clever fur trims.

$25 to $125^

Admission 50 and 75 Cents =25=



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A siftlden emergency calls for •& light In ths dead of night. You press a .button, you have your light. Hie jnen on duty are "wititingT f or the clicMng of . your switch and other'switches all over your town. Eegardless of. the weather or the hour, they "ready" to serve you." :

"" Be "Ready" With These! Are you receiving 100 .per cent lighting • efficiency ?": Fill your empty sockets NOW. Buy the handy home carton..

-Stiinulating for Dinner Silk ensembles and woolen ensembles— ensembles that matcH coaf with frock ~" _ - rrr2111^ coat with skirt and blouse. Ensembles with coats~tliat "~" " _" go to every fashionable length; all are. here.

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Ready With all the Smartest Version of the ' ^

For Delicious Fine-cut

of the affair, wishes to thank all Home-made Attended by about two hundred those whose assistance made the sue-} and fifty young men and women, and cess possible. netting a profit of approximately one Call ATlaatic 2106 hundred and twenty^five dollars for OPEN FORUM SUNDAY the Meier Shfeyah orphan colon'y in The Posle Zion Ledies Auxiliary Palestine, the Junior Hadassah tea club will hold an open foram Suaday, dance held Sunday afternoon at the March 3, at the Labor Lyceum, at S Blackstene HoteL proved a hege suc- o'clock. Eose Soffer will speak <m NEW TURKISH BATli cess. "Socialism and Eeligion." A pro-j Expert RlRSsecr Serricf. GIVE PIANO RECITAL The Meier Shfeyah orphan colony gram has been arranged for thefor the benefit of which the dance meeting. ! and Howard JA. Miss Ida Lustgarten will give a was given is supported entirely by piano recital Monday evening, March the various Junior Hadassah organi- PATEONISE OUK ADVERTISERS} 11, at 8 p. m. at the Art Institute Mefresh Yourself] in the Aquilla Court. '\ DBZXS Omaha's Stvle Center The feature of her program will be a concerto in A minor by Grieb for which she will be accompanied by Mr. Cecil Berryman on a second piano and by a string quartette tornposed x>f Mrs. Ralph Bryant, first violin; Dorothy Lustgarten, second violin; Eloise West Nichols, viola, at Harncy Sixteenth and Betty Zabriskie, cello. She will play selections from Bach, and Chopin, and will several numbers in Omaha* numbers in a modern group. She BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. will also play an original composition of her own which is based on two Jewish folk songs.

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• DORSEYS CHICKEN SHACK 54th and; Genter Streets - Entertainment Chicken Dinner* "Clacken Harry EU Lnpidos, I*rt'*iW*h»-Wre«»ittw

Omsk Future and Supply Co. COMPLETE STOKE & OFFICE,

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"Electric Shops"

Uncle Sam Breakfast Food' Company


2314 UM*> S t


Corntf Eleventh arjfl Oowpls Phone JAcksnn 2724 Omaha, Nebr.




HiOHESX AMOVJfT OF XNBEBTEBXES81 The highest amount ot iudebtedntsa or] liability to which the corporation shall at any oner time -subject itselfr: 'Shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital'stock. .

BUSINESS MEN'S BOWLING ' The junior open A. A. U. basketLEAGUE. ball tournament opens at the Community Center March 23 and will L. Ave. . -;•-.• ..,. .." • w . ARTICLES OP TtNCOB^KATlON By continue for a wetk. Last year Kaiman Insurance _ . 18 6 .750 i'{•':•;OFFICEB8 AHV D1BECTOBS ' . " •''•);, : . ; ;"•" •::-Thevaffalra at:the w>rporation: shall Ui •FRANK. R. ACKERMAN thirty teams entered, with more ex- Omaha Tobacco ', ,_~13 11 .542 administered by a Botird of Directors, thi pected this year. Glazer Clothing , .^12 12 .500 *.-•••••• : .. Know all inen by. these presents: ...That number, hot in excess of^^ nine Directors, \ _ . . . : • -, ba fixed by the ByOiaws. ^The Ulrect-1 The ; most successful 4basket ball •we,:;U*>.A-viWoIf ?a»d; i t ; H. Auerbieb, have to The Wardrobe .—.. 12 12 .500 As a prelim to the Chevrolet game, associated ourselves together • for the pur- ors shall be elected~froin and by the;8tockT!4_oonr, in- +Wi %,it,^^,' '#- i*i.» -T - t. Boiler skating for-girls every MonEmpire Cleaners _ ™ . . H IS .458 - Van. Qt forming and becoming n corpora•• holders at the Stockholders annual meeting -Season i n . the; history of ^the Jewish the seconds trimmed the J. J. Woods day and Wednesday at 4 o'clock in of one year andsuccessors. shall hold 5 office! climaxed JOOK last Tic>n..^aflde?;.the lawsI.of, the Htiite. of JS$- forterms Gesundheits .. —............. 8 16 .333 until the election of their Im- teams - ., •• •.o, f Omaha _ r - >wias ,y«»««-»*wof the K. C. league, 38 to i 9 . N braskiw and'for. that purpose we do "hereby mediately, the gym. -Senior women have- their after < the .annual stockholders! weeK when Marcus Krasne'a quintet ....... - ;ute and:«doj' "—* The Omaha Tobacco boys trimmed jneetlng . t h e directors shall m e e t f o r - t h e ' -•"•-" - • . • • . - • - , Incorporation; roller skating 6:30 Tuesdays and Central Cheiwiesi 35 of all business properly: comthe Glazers three successive games Th(i:na-ne ol the Corporation 1 shall" be transaction l*he Community Center handball Thursdays. the meeting including-the elec- to 24. That made;twenty ..victories, "OTOtlandBecuritieB;Corporation. ;., " :. ing'before *nd moved np a notch as a result of tion of a President,' Vice-President,Sec-:- The principal office and place ,ot business retary and Treasurer, to serve for one on ,theartists play in the City Handball of the Corporation shall, the City of year and until the "election of 'their suc- without a single blemish, The fellows will get tl-.exr chance their victory. : Federation every Tuesday and Thurs••'.Omaha, Douglas"County,- Nebraska.•-. .'•'<•• cessors." - Thereafter, and from time to'time escutdbeon.; , .- - ^ ^ .: • J The Kaiman Insurance held to '•';• /.The nature of The business and the ob- Directors shall elect such: additional officers day. Their first series of • games to "faw down and go boom" later. JectB.arid' purposes proposedr to be trans- as may be determined upon, provided- the ;The^Center f i y e j s the strongest their top position by nosing out a acted, promoted .and carried on- are t)> tjo Secretary, may- or may not be -a Stock* claimant for state as, y<tl\ . a s . city having been staged last Tuesday. The A. Z. A* quintet cinched the victory over The Wardrobe five, and any and.all. of the things herein mentioned holder The following teams represented the or member of the. Board of Direct- honors, -V having defeated ithe ^ -best as fully'.and. to the same extent as natural ors."Any championship" o f the Commercial the Empire Cleaners bested the two "offices"may' be held by one persons might or. could do, namely :^»-.-.- person. Vacancies on the Board of Direct- teams in the surrounding, territory. Center: ' To acgirire. by .purchase,, subscription or ors Bhall be filled by the remaining mem- They scored a total ofi870 points; As Altshuler-Franks, Katzman-Bloom, Basketball league last night by de-Gesundheits in two out of the three . otherwise: and to Tiold as investments,-any .: feating the Thorpcisn Athletic club games. bonds .or other1 securities or evidences of bers of the :Board of Directors. In furtherance/and not in, limitation of compared to the 460 tallies gleaned S. Segelman-H. Segelman, BannIndebtedness, or any Shares of capital five, 26 t o ' 11. Btfgdonoff cag£d six A\>. ' Kaiman shot - the high single stock of any- corporation* public or-: private, the powers conferred by the State ot Ne-by: the opposition. Mendelson, Wintroub-Wintroub, Sch. or of any association, or of 'an* individual braska, the Board of Directors is expressly field goals. game' for a count of 224 and high authorlxed— •.. : ' • : ' • • of the- State of Nebraska, or of any; other Meyers-Spkolow, The highest'total ,of points garn- reibman-Sadofsky, hi Prom time to time to;direct and deIn the second game the Peerless total for three games was regisstate, territory or country. To purchase, 'guarantee, hold, assign, transfer, mortgage, termine the use and disposition of thee r e d i n one game by tiie J. C. C.and Levin-Binstein. Cleaners cinched second place by tered by Tkax Altschuler with a capital and any" surplus or netprofits; pledga: or otherwise dispose of any bonds, These eight combinations are at downing the Brodkeys, 29 to 19. mark of 562. or other securities, or evidences of indebt- and in its discretion the Board of Direct- was 65; a;gainst the B|omsen; outfit, edness-created or Issued by ans corpora- ors may use and apply any such capital, the least to be obtained by any aggre- present leading the pyramid tournaKaplans took a 21 to 13 victory Other high single games were regtion, association: or individual of the State surplus or accumulated profits'in purchment being held on the Center courts. over the Psi - Mil,. • with Beein and istered by Jules Gerelick with a 212, of Nebraska, or of any other state, terri- asing its own bonds or other obligations os Bhaxes of .its own capital fjtock, to1 such 8TAIiaiASTE& AND B£BEE, Attorneys t o r y p s conatry., and -while owner^ thereof: As soon as one of these i s displaced, Grossman leading the basket attack. and Joe Stem with a 201. to7,exercise -rall>: the- rights* .--powers- a i d extent and in such.manner and. upon such 630 Omaha National Bank Bide. privileges: of ownership.'.•;r_- '. .-•- - v- 7 terms da the Board of Directors shall deem the winning combination will get- to PROBATE NOTICE all «»•«••• such •shares of v->i-»"»« capital »""* stock '. -T<> purchase, guarantee,' sell, "assign^ w»y«w«-««»t •*-" « « » •*•-•• In the matter o f the estate of A.participate in the Federation matches. transfer*: mortgage, pledge* or^., otherwiseJ. so* purchased . or.^cquire<k being^sutoject SFIIiKA, deceased. dispose 'of chores of "the capital stock of to resale, unless they shall have been reHIMELBLOOM BAKERY Paxton Billiard Parlors any other corporation or association of the tired for the express' purpose: of decreas- Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said - deceased will meet the admin15U N. S4th*-WE- 6284 State 6f Nebraska, or of any .other, state, ing the-company's capital stock but then ^ Farnam—JA. 9721 The second annual gym exhibition istrator of. said estate,':, before me. County territory or- country, anid while .owner of " o n l y a s " p r o v i d e d . b y l a w , • • • - • • • • Serve Bimeibloom'3 new b". The Directors' njny" make and alter! Judge, of Douglas such stoct to exercise all the.rights, powwill be staged. late in April,• accordDirect Wire Service on All y I a w s for the conduct of the corporate County Court Ilo Room, in said County,' on the.conduct ers and-privileges of ownership, Including By-Iiaws fiussian pu&pernickle bread the right to vote thereon, to the same ex- business bnt. the By-Laws made .by:,ihe the 12th day of April. 11)20, and ou theing to an announcement by PhysiLatest Sport Events ' with your next meal. tent as a. natural person might or• could do. Directors and- the powers so conferred may 12th day of June, 1U20, at 0 o'clock A. Director Marcus Krasne. day, for the purpose o£: presenting To aid in any manner any-: corporation, -be altered or repealed by the Stockholders, each c. The Board of Directors shall hate the thglr claims for 'examination, < adjustment firm, ' individual ot association of' which allowance. Three months are allowed any bonds; or other securities, or, evidences 'power"to authorize conveyances .of any of and for the creditors to present their' claims, of indebtedness, or stock are held by" this .the corporate property and to authorize from the 8th day of March, X020. •or cause to be executeil mortgages .and company; ,and to do any acts or things -designed-to protect, preserve, improve or liens upon the reaj and personal^ptoper' . BBXCB CKAWFOEtp, enhance" toe* value ot any bonds, or'other of th6":corporation.-and shall ltaveall sti< . County Judge. securities,' or evidences of indebtedness, or btlier powers-nhfl 1 duties as ore orttlnnrlly Feb.s—4T stock;' including- tho guaranteeing of any tn<Sdent to their offices-, and -as -shall be JUONSKY, HATUB3IAN £ GKODINSKY dividends or- bonds, or contracts or other Decessar-f and proper"4:o* effectively carry Attorneya obU(jattons;,of any finch corporation,- firm; out. the.flujrpo^eH .ot ,tae corporation. 737 Omaha National lianU Btdg. association or individual. ' 'i;. :.: -"•'^::;"ANStlAli MKJBIlNG. ••;' --To-purchase. iold, selj and transfer,the NOTICE OF JNCOBBO11ATXON OF Shares of-Its own capital -stock; provided " The annual toettiig of tM' Stockholders A. WOLF & 8ON8 REAI/r* CO. it-shall not use its' funds < or property for •Shall-"be': held on' the.~ Sec6nd Monday in NOTICE is hereby given that the ioadei-the. purchase of its'own shares of capital .February-of each year at two o'clock P.M. stock: 'when such use would detrimentally In'the offices -oi: the Company at Omaha, Signed have 'formed a corporation under •affect the rights of any creditors: .-And Nebraska, and/in^ the', event: that- said day the. laws .-at the State ot jJebraska. - The provided further that shares of its r>wn shonld fall'on nlegnL holiday then on the name of said corporation i» A. WtHbi- & SONS BBAliTI CO., and • the principal capital stock belonging. to it -shall not he next succeeding business day. jplace of ..transacting its business i s in voted upon directly or indirectly. " ., .' / AsiEirbarBNTS : To manufacture, purchase, or otherwise These Articles may be amended at any Omaha, Douglas County* Kebraska. Tke acquire, own, lease, mortgage, pledge,-sell, regular meeting of the" Stockholders, - or at general nature of the business to be transassign,- and transfer or otherwise dispose any special meeting1 of the Stockholdera acted by said corporation and the objects Of, to invest, trade,-deal in and deal /with by a majority vote of : the-issued, fitock, thereof are:' To maintain and operate a goods, .-ware's and merchandise and real and •provided, however, written notice ot-the -general; real estute business," to purchase, -tjerironal property of every class and de-proposes: nmendmente • must ' have been lease, . hire .-and otherwise acquire 'real scription and: wheresoever situated, within mailed; at least ten days prior to'the date estate business, to purchase, lease, hire and or without .the'State -of •Nebraska. • of the proposed meetlnj-, to each Stock- otherwise acquire real ana personal propTo acquire,1 hold, use, sell, assign, lease, holder to his last known residence address. erty and any interest-and estate In cither' grant license's in. respect ofi mortgage-, or ' • In ^witness we have hereunto I m p r o v e d a n d u n i m p r o v e d * * o l - a n y a n d otherwise-dispose'of letters patent of the eet our handswhereof, this: 11 day- of February, every kind and description," and: iu sell, United States or any• foreign Country, 1 9 2 » . dispose of,' -lease, convey, mortgage -or • • • • " . . ."-•;".. ••• • • • - . • • Patent Tights,-licenses and privileges,'In^otherwise; encumber, to manage,- operate, H. Ai WOIiF, ventions, improvements' and 'processes, develop, "control, maintain, construct and For Service Call H. H. ATJEBBACH. Service. Our Motto ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. copyrights, trade-marks and trade-names •STATE OP-NEBBASKAi generally to deal in said property -or any t / part-thereof and any improvements thereTHE BEE HIVE CLEANERS relating to or-useful In connection with any General Repair Shop—Radiators, M ,853 Brandei* Theater Bid*.—JA. ttii on,/either directly «r through ownership business of this corporation. COtJKTY OF DOUGLAS I - Dn-Jer Uanageiaent Fenders and Body Repairing To borrow - money for-any orany of-the f ep - u . On this 11 day of February, 1929, before of stock-in any other--corporation or asAUDITS SYSTEMS -poses, ot t this thi corporation, ti andd to t iissue me, a Rotary- Public.inrand.lor the .County sociation; to loan .moneys- generally- on BL MARCUS DAVENPORT GARAGE personal property, and rear estate or any e, p y pp bonds, debentures, debenture BtQck, • notes and -S State aforesaid, personally appeared INCOME TAX 1941 Fintpit St. JA. 1440 H. Wol nd H. H. rba wh e interest or-estate in either, to-acquire by Wolf and H. Auerbach who are entJ Davenport JA. 3573 and other-, obligations' therefor, and' to H. pnrchase, exchange, subscriptiou" or otherto' ll known k t ' me to t be b the th Identical I d t i l or mortgage oil or any part of the personally wise, and to hold, sell, dispose of and property then owned or thereafter .ac- persons whose names are aliixed to the generally deal in stock 'slutrvs, bonds, quired/together with the Income, rents hnd foregoing Articles of Incorporation, and debentures,toobligations * securities of profits of property of the .company.- and t<f.they acknowledged the execution thereof any government or state and KRAMER & BAUER and Otany corpWM. BRYDEN & CO. PEERLESS CLEANERS to be their voluntary act and deed for. the issue bonds. < debentures, • debenture- stock, orutiun; to maintaiu and operate an agency Auto Repair—Battery Service notes- or other obligations without any such purposes therein expressed. the writing ami selling of policies ot 4420 Florence Blvd. Certified Public Accountant* Witness my hand and notarial seal the for ity Tires—Tubes—Accessories , insurance; to buy,' sell and deal - in, at JaBt above written. " KE. 1500" To have- one or more offices to carry on day and year J wholesale and retail, clothing; furnishings, and Parts REUBEN H. H BKOWN BKOWN, all or any of its operations nnd business wearing apparel, of every Kind, and all Th*.HooB« With a Reputation " N t JPnblic. ilnds. Notary S127 So. 2 « k SS. MArket 1698 and ; without • restriction or'iimit as to Feb. 15-4T ol merchandise of like 'Character and AT* 4451 amount • • description; to borrow or raise money and To purchase or otherwise -acquire, hold, issue ,:b"ondu,-. mortgages, •debentures- or STAt5IASTEB 4s BEBEB, Attorneys own, mortgage.' sell,1* convey or otKerwlse other obligations for that .purpose; and in '650 Omaha ISatlonal -Bank ^Id dispose of 'real nnd personal property of carryin*? on i t s business or tot the purpose ^ ; or Amendment to 'Articles of Incorpof .attalnlnc or furthering auy of its ob-i pvery clnsa and description - in any "of the oratlob of The Hnnaphone Corporation jectijj to" d5 any and- all acts and things States, districts., territories 'or'colonies- of -the United States, 'and tn nny or all NOTICES is hereby given lhat at it special and,to exercise aoy and all "powers which Empress Hat Cleaning Shop 'ar'co-pattnership i>r- natural person could, fforeign o r g n ccountries, u n r e , subject s u j e c to the e Jaws of meeting of the btocknolders of the.Unnawhich now ;.or -here-L such district, tterritory, s h state; tat distrit i t o y colonies l o i e or 'phone'Corporation' held itf the office of Ham ^ip: and; exerciserand: 1 16 and Douglas country. ' Beber, B50 Omaha NaUonal Bank Building, 'alter may be authorized by. law- -'Ttoei • T Tft acquire ttie- good: will; rights ana Omaha, Nebraska, on February 18^ 1929,' at authorized capital stock of the corporatioB >Everythirii for the Auto", property, an4 to undertake the whole or which meeting holders - of - all of its issued to $300,000.00, divided into 3,000 shares -at


Sport Splinters

gation was nine coounters by Atlantic, la. •-Johnny Rosenblatt led the scorers, being followed by Altshuler, and Captain Gerelick.

High three games totals: K*faa*n, 529, Ed Meyer 52S, Dave Cabi 627, Harry Smith 5514, Jules GewH<9e 509, Bob Kooper 490, and Sam 2w«iback 498. PATRONIZE OUK ADVERTISERS

RADIO SERVICE AND SUPPLIES Expert Service on all makes of Radios


21S No. 16

JA. 2147

Speck's Place 1119 No. 19—WE. 3221

Old Kentucky Barbecue Maryland Fried Chicken

20th Century Rapid Shoe Repair , SPECIAL:— Pair of robber heels free -with every sole and heel repair job. 1510 Hsrney AT. 4297 AUL, WORK GUARANTEED








OMAHA LETTER SHOP Print Multigraphing Addressing Mailing Lists 212BCuming Street. AT. 8010

Hat Cleaning


Hats Cleaned and Blocked 75c

Plumbing and Heating

Rafiosal Acbessories,Inc. A.H.BRODKEY

': i-

any part of-, tjhe asseta and liabilities ot capital-stock were present* Article 1.of itn the par value of $100.00 each and oil oJ 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524 . nny .person, ffim, association" or corpora- •articles of incorporation,- by the unanimous which Is* connnpn stock. The corporation •<-• .tioiTj to pay- f q r t h e ;same in:'carti.--the vote of all of i t s issued capital stock was shall- commence business upon the filing of these Articles -in the Office of'the County i. stadc of this company, bondsorotherwise! amended to read as follows: • of Douglas' County, Nebraska -and " fa hold • ori In-.-'any. manner' to- dispose of ."1. The name of this corporation shall Clerk shall 'continue until 'January 1st, -2030. The the-whole or any:;nart of the property,:po 'be 'Sound Equipment Corporation'." highest amount of" indebtedness or liability Pot space pnTehasea: to conduct in any lawful trjnnTHE HANAPHONE CORPORATION, to which the, corporation shall at <ny- one :. --•• ner.the-whole or any part of nny bnsiness By J. L.. 5TBKN,.President, time subject itself, shall not'exceed t*-f-jr in this directory call the sa'acquired, and to exercise all the ;poj-rers M. l>. STBKJi, Sec'y-Treas. ' . of UB. capital 'stock, brovlded howr . • - necessary-or. convenient in and ^atiout.thej In the presence of 1UVIN STALMASTER. thirds ever, that this limitation shall not#-?piy to i conduct, nnd-management of.' such business. Feb. 22—4T notes, bonds, or debentures where: the pay-: •/•• To enter Into, .maker and.'perform conment of such notes.' bonds, or debentures ' tracts; of every- kind for - any Jaivfnl 'pur-jBhall -b^ secured 'by the nctual. transfer 8TAI.BIA8TEK * BEBES, Attorneys poses, "wlth^nny person, firm, association or o f i e a l estate by trust, deed or mort-jage, 650 Omaha • National Bank Bids •^corporation; town, city, county, state, teri-for'ithe payment tit such notej, bonds, or NOTICE TO NOX-KEBIPENT : ?iftreywr-government. • - , : • ;.-•-*•.-.-•' '."-, • debentures, which «aid real estate, so trans,'-''-To draw. make, accept, endorse, discount; ferred shall be o t twico.the value, -of "the .Iu tfae'Distrlct Court of Douglas County, -par. value of-such notes; bonds, or del>enr :«xecute and fssne promissory notes, draft-*. MIDWEST AUTO ELECTRIC JHHsr.of. excfimiKei. honds, dehejittirps and Nebraska. juresi nor shall puch-limitation apply to olhtst -.liegbtlable- or'1 transferable- instru- -To VIROINU P1CC1ONB. nou-resldent m>y* guarantee made :By :the corpora ti->n SERVICE -" • - • • • i r i e B t e . ' i - • - • - • • - . • • . ' • . . ' • " . V •..:.- ' . ' • , , . ••• • •-• - - 7 7 " defendant: < ior the .payment • after transfer of anry Dtatziboitoni . ' ':• To loin,'merge-of consolidate -with and - you are hereby DO titled that on tne vtb "inotes.-iohds br-debentures"where the same fo. enter"- Into agreement anil-cooperative" day of November, 1028, Salvatore Piccione I s secured by-trust, (deed or-mortgage as E ADTO-X.ITE NOBTHEA8T above stated. The affairs of the corpora'relations "*rilh any; person,, firm,: aBsoda* filed his petition in the District Court, of "tIpa-jor".-V!<»rpOjratlon', governmentn}, inunl- Douglas '-County, Nebraska appearing at tion shall be'-adntfuijitered; by -a bosw-ii of {4tb and « . St.;MA. 40W) =• .rlpal^bt"otherwise In *iid about th«>-carry- Docket 252, Number 68, wherein, he prays directors." the >number ,of which shall be injT'onifen* 6»r of nil "or, any;. of*oie pur- for*a decree of divorce from you.on the flxed-jby 'the' by-laws, but which shall not p o s c s - o t t u s - C o m p i i n y ; . - • ' ' ; • -"• . - • • , • : : • • : .ground o f wilful desertion; that pursuant b e i e s s than-three nor morsi than five. The •i 7 .Fromftine'tei"time, mirsunnt -to the laws to on order of' said 'court authorizing ser- directors <shall be stockholders and ' shall MAGNUSON AUTO ELECTRIC be ielected"; at the'annual meeting of the tiraiAa.v-lify special resolution or other- vice upon you by publication, you .are re- stockholders to be: held on the second SERVICE , to induce.or-deetease.its'.capital by quired to answer said petition on or .-be- Monday 1 «very year, beginsaying <6ff 'capital or .canceTHnB crinitnl fore the 18tb day of.March, 1820, or thening in ln'January.^to' Starter. Generator, Mrhts and 1930. TlBtil; the election of their •"•"nrhich has been lost' or .Is unrepresented hv petition of plaintiff will be taken as true -successors at the annual meeting in 1030, Berrtee4ui3 Repairs javnihiblc assets, or by 'rednclnc the linhll- and judgment entered as prayed for there- .the undersigned. shall' constitute the ."'first : Stitti Avenue .at St. Mary's : ity Vpn' the Bjiares- or otherwise nn .mayin. hoard of directors. The'•• board of .dftectAT. 5530 Salvatore Piccione, Tseem .expedient; aiid to pay; off cnpital at -shall elect a-President, tfice-Pwsldent, By; Btalmapter & Beber, ors itspjitibn, tn*cm Hie fooOne fhnt' it.^nav'be Secretary and Treasurer from tiielr num'His Attorneys. aber, : .called; •upon 'again or "otherTvls?.' -nnd•• fo. TeB. 15—iT except that the Secretarvinny be plect.8n.b-dlTide'"«r;Vconsolidate Us.-'• shares^ or "eii from the .stockholders o-ad' need not be •; aiiy-pf them; or to retire sharps owned hy. a tUrecior. A n y twd oi these, OfflCes, e x 8TALMA8TEB & BSBEB,' Attorneys . :the,corp<>«atiijn.,or to!rednce.Hie nnr vftltie cepting those of Fresidenit-nna Vice-PresiC50 Omaha National Bank. Sideo f t h e ssJfinr^^-OT'to i u m s , o r t o '««x^pt:n'iniirTCttff«-r-"oi1 ^ p t a 8tirrenT«»oi 'ot'tlie d e n t , m a y be held b y - t h e . same person^ the? shares'of i t s capital stock, and .to issn* NOTICE OF ARTICLES OT 1NCOBFOBA- Until"-their successors are. elected at the Walter C. Roessig & Co. TION OTTKE GEIOSB.AI. -E in-Ueu--*tnereof a aecreniied nnmner. of annual meeting of ;aire-itor».in. 1930, the


Autd Electric Service

GENERAL CONTRACTOR 415 fiospe Bldg. JAckson 1614 Estimates Gladly Furnished

ConfcctionersL PATUONIZK THE C A * C

16tb im SEN-SET TEA ftOOM. tytb «nd Oodge CBY8TAI. CAJf-OT lBtb and Capitol Ave.

EL-PATIO CAFE After Theatre Dancing 24th and Parnam


Awnings and Tents

'shares without .distinctions ns to ciasn qt ^ ' SIENT CORPOKAT1ON officers of this corporation shall be Joe u. the stock', or to flrnw" shnrpR\tor reMreKnow all men by these presents that the Wolf,: Presiaent^riaron Wblf, Vice-presi•jnent jnent tiy iy lot lot o or r a according c c r d i n g tir tir any any fl o f l r tindersigned have formed a. corporation dent; Samuel N. .:}Vpl|, Secretary and method, t h d ''or InI nny ntlier tl •manner, tinrter rt the under the- laws of the state of Nebraska. Treasurer. The Articles Of i Incorporation c-statutes ,'of^tlie Stnt* -of rNebrnskffc In The name of 'this corporation shall be may be" amended: at any 'meeting of: the .general"t.o carrv on'any tither-huslnpSR in "The General Sound Equipment Corpora- Stockholders by the afflrmatise vote of twoconnection,' .with -thp forecoincr. whetheff tion," with- its principal place-* of business thirds of'all Issued and outstanding -stock. •Hinnufocturitig nnd ,to hnve at Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature focuriig or r otherwise, therwise, nnd nnd exercise all tthe h e powers powers Tonferrrd T o n f d of the business to be transacted and the exercise all the^ law laws of by the of Nebraska ebrask upon corpcorp object and purpose for which this corpora•byAARON WOLF, orations, and d to So So ' any 'or ~air ~nf tion is organized nnd established shall be JOB X . WQT.F.the thlnes hetelnbefnre get forth, to the to buy; sell and distribute-talking picture SAMUEL 'N1. WOLF. machines,and devices including all accessame-extent as natural' persons m i h : •'• 7..:',;;- •:. ^Iittorijttrators. sories; for the same and." all filtnB and rec- Feb'22—JT could -do.-"and- in any -part of the •&B- prfndpnlB. njrcnfB. confraetors.--trufttrps ords pertaining thereto; and shall have the -or otherwise; alone or In- company with right to manufacture, *. 'sell, distribute or If C XtEVIN', Attorney grant franchises for the. sale,.manufacture 'others. •" .".'•' SOI Electric Building 'distribution of the same; to buy, Sell --Theforeponic clauses; shall be construed or distribute or to grant franchise * XJB6AX. NOTICE both .as-objects and.-powers ;anft~ It Isor .buy, soil' and. distribute theatrical •hereby:' expressly provided that the forc- to is hereby .given, to Mary Reeves, supplies, fixtures and equipment of alltheNotice xoinjf ennmerntion of specific, powers shall kinds; unknown heirs, devisees and legatees to sell and. distribute* motion pic- of Mary Reeves, not be, held' to limit or restrict In any ture films John Erikson, Peter M. and to do any and all things . manner the powers of tbh* corporation. Lottie ErikBon wife of Peter &L necessary or pertaining to the entry ing on Erikson, Krlksbn, John Erickson,'Victoria Brickson ., ' . '- 'CAPITAL STOCK - •' of its bUBlness including the right to own of John Erlckson, Peter M. Erlckson, The total authorized capital sfocfc of the and hold real, estate. The organized capital wife Lottie Eriekson wife of l'eter M. Erickson, Corporation shall be ?20O.000.0O-flivi(!e(l in- stock shall be $100,000.00 divided into 1000 -and "all persons having ot claiming any in. to-2,000; w Stares of the par value of $100,00 shares of the par valuer of $100.00 each; all terest" In North % ot Lottttn Block 17, in ^ach ch. ~' ' ' of which stock shall be common and shall E. V. Smith's Addition,>an'addition to the Stock atjallte transferable'only by act" be fully paid up and non-assessable when Omaha, as surveyed, platted and retrail delivery, of the. Stock certlflcntes nn(t issued. Said stock may be issued for cash, City of in Douglas County, Nebraska, "real the recording .'thereof on the Stock books real estate, franchises, contract rights, corded names unknown," Barney Wlssblood "*Jtr - tiieor personal ser- did on the 11th daythat U i ^ - : Company y u u i ^ i t t J i j ' . . - . . . . .-•- • . - . . • - - ;j . " " — . . . - - . leases,, personal, property 1020, file .... Stock: shall be, issued as the-needs of .the vices. -- The • corporation shall commehce In the District CourtofoFebruary. f DougiaB County, vCpmpiBiy -eequlre;-shall'Jbe pa'ld-for:as lijil1 doing business npon the filing of Its ar-Nebraska, a petition naming and designat1 :.:: 8aed;;iiuid' .may4 be paid -for in, , cash; notes ticles with the ' County Clerk of Douglas ing you and each of you as defendants, . -or^1n",suclt" property, real and 'personal.-at County, Nebraska, and shall continue for and did,ask and obtain lea\e of Court to obtain lea\e of fCou b .-£h«; :.fcen80Banle value'thew-of.-nii' theComi a period of fifty years from said date. The and b t i did,ask i and uand d each h r service upon -you of you by ;faWy'-may. .need^or ' be.?able to'^usf • fir *Se highest amount of indebtedness shall not obtain : publication, the object nnd prayer of said exceed 2/3 of i t s capital stock bnt this :"<jpi>-lti«i'-of it.StTbnsinesj.: •';, ,", -Y ; _ / : > e x etictis / oh i : l l t sot 11ly 01 tM i n d b t d nIaia petition being to quit' title 'in and to the s s s ? i^i-'^ i,-.--aP , . -f-"i,'"P?^ ' petition being to quit uue-an• ana .:-• :-.*'^he"'• Company •:may. commence business| restriction.' shall not apply to. indebtedness- Saw id B r e y WiBsblood « • ana t o : -Barney i WissWood w-anfl' to when' 200 shnres of- stock - have been paid secured by mortgages or liens upon nnj-of -•- —of - -Lot 8 Jn - •plock: - - " - • 17 - - tn E. North*% corporate property. The affairs; of this V. Smith's Addition, an addition to the ^;^.St'ffckllbideri^^wh•o ha-fe paltf=tlie^ialr?coh-' the shall be managed by a Board City of Omaha, as surveyed, platted ' •laeratltfU'aCTeed npou: for thtr:pnrchasp qf i corporation: of Directors consisting of not less than a n d recorded.v - • ' • ''•<••'•;. -he personally ;:llnble; r'ithelrfltppk'.shall/not ..members. • -The -annual meeting of the1 and to find that you and each of you have 'L-ih;:tfny.vTtnnn'ner^or foriRU ror-jiinjtaebts. <>* two corporation sholl be held on the first week' right, title or., interest hi of to any part >:o1>tteflttoisa:,^^^whnrsoevepi^'^ the>, 'Cpthpnny, of January of each year at which.jneetsaid, premises,' and that! said plaintiff's : -:•tfnrfitn;-ncfeevent shall ijitofkhoidera h-> per-day • • • gaid ' — --jojciaH-r'JJaBl'?v Inymnnn^r or f6ir-ra^f0i^act8 ing the stockholders JBhall elect a Board of \ '* '•" :omIssldn*i W" offiajr^ or -directors or : : President,^a Sefre^iT n n d ^ ^ ^ [ { c j e a r o« iny/cinim or demand firom yon or m | ^ 0 f ^ t h « " /CoBjpans^;,;.:- -.••,-<''. ;„- - ••-: \!.... -;-- /.v-v^V Any two of said offices max be held; any of roolin and-to said property, urouerty. 0 81 .i'&jEBach^-.iStoftlthoiae*! nf:; every; meftiriff «f * hereby mnotified, "tlui^JStddthoiderB,-^ffn-ijoit Bll"tiinttt!rit tor ^ » £ i « d ^ « %?«5£ iWfe^i^u^^^'* ^ special meeting of the stockholders by a t o petiUon'of-the plaijififfon or, bench than Of 2/3 vote of the outstanding Btock r by p r x y If stock. " st My & April,'; l820i 0« 6 fle* sncli Stock- ."; iff witness: •whereof the parties hereto stock -belrt Be entered' herein,•"- and -r the op- ] have hereunto subscribed their names this of, plalntWr-i'/p^Htioirt--rtkin a» 25Ut day «t February,; 1921). ' :; :; trne and Judgment rendered to the plain-i ;• '•;-.-'+•.:-:-V;.Vv-' " : : ? > • ? M. h. - S T E K N , -.'••. • •:-:;•'••>• tiff as prayeeT for la" said petition. S" T«fie eort>*«tldi*ahalj;t!oninj?nci-! hnstL r j •'" "'" ' " •""'• "" '" "" " J . - L ^ C S T B R N i 1 . : : ; 7 ; ' • ; - " • ' SAM'-BEBEKv7,-:7r.;;-^. 7"-;';"^7K:BiMfne^-W^-mi^^Piai^iti;;::7:,.{ ; ••••" •"•^••'i-'~38y:IrviJa-C.--;teTiitjbir Attorne-f.Hatch : 1 5 — 4 T - : : ; s V 7 7 : ^ V J 7 i : 7 i - . : . . - : v : ••••i.>-:.'i


(908 Farnam SCOTT- OMAHA TENT AND AWNING CO. Awnlncs. Canvas Covers,-Teats. Gsatp BappUcb All -Kinds , U»h and Howard ' ~ AT. MM


WeMake Old Garments Look Like New

THALLAS THE HATTER Hats Cleaned and Blocked 50 and 75c

RADIO SERVICE S03t S«. «4tb St<—


Expert Radio Service We Repair Any Make Radio

Hamllton-Steinite Radio C«.

1C1 No. 16th

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Shoe Repairing



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If jyonr Jauridreiss does-not ' "satisfy, try us - :

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Men's Half Soles ^ ^ f Ladies Half Soles . . . . . . ....... Ladies Comp, Rubber







Music Teachers •; ; Pianiat Inetrnctor BcginnerE and JLcrVitnced Student* Accepted •S«K« S, Weed B i d s , Itttb rnrnH ' X d ^ b ATtanHe 816&


First Cja»« « m k Shorn Rebuilt

EOLMES THE TAILiO|L. S a l t s Msde t o Otd«r—CleAnfai-p Tf*resslng—Hats iH»ft«»iM» E««K»ir-rt-»*"i

UG, The Wist

Play the Violin Correctly

CLEANING — DYEING — REPAIRING Sample Dyeing a Specialty 814 No. ,24th S t . . AT. 1169 -•CAX.X, CS FIRST"

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Towel Supply





1704 So. 24th St. — MArket 0701 Member F. T. D.

NcvfOeB AT. 6451

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ATlalitic 6201 J. M. JENSKN



MArket 4307 4615 So. 24th St. Hours 7 A. M. to 6 P. M-

Beauty Parlors

Only 2 .firms accepted under each business heading



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AT. 1617

Shampoo and finger Wave $1.00 Marcd 75e


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Wallpaper Bel©w Wholcsiae -. Samples Shown at Ions JOE LEVINSKY, Prop.


4824 So. 25th 4411 So, 26th

FOR 75c A WEEK Your ad in this directory, practically every Home in Omaha

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