/ Interesting Entertaining
^ » •!82 m ,? (S fe M ' " " i ? matter on January 27, 1821, a t
at Omaha, KepraBfcn, nnaej the Act ol Marclij Wife
iritatB CAPP Marks Affair's SuccessCHARITY DOMnONS
No. S
Colonel Josiah. Wedgewood, rsem- carry great weight. Probably the A spirit of friendship and Mnship from the ISble and from the classic ber of the" English parliament and most important of these is the atexpressed in the words of'the speak- literature, dwelt at length • on the friend of the Zionist movement, has titude of Jews of other nationalities ers and radiated, by the faces of the common ori^n and destiny of all thrown a new issue into the Zionist besides the British. Should Paleslarge crow;d, marked, the; success of peoples. He expressed this in Theo- Vrisih Z. Engelman Compiles arena that w|U demand serious at- tine become a part of the British Ida Cohn Tells Local Chapter of the Good WiHi Banquet sponsored by dore Roosevelt's famous words. "We to Dincww tention. He proposer, that at the ex- Empire, there might possibly arise Statistics on Jewish Plans Outlined for Cam Is Cfviliaatiw! Omaha Lodge No,: 354 of the B*nai all go up or down together; we are piration of the period of the British a question of whether or not % ZionPhilanthropy . • '.;.;•• p a i g n . •. . . Going? B'rith at the Ad-^Sell Grfll, Thursday all in the same boat." : mandate over Palestine that the Pal- ist in other countries outside of the] evening, February 28. estine population should ask annexa- Empire was violating his patriotism JEWS GIVE THREE TIMES "We are all passengers on a ship MRS. J. ROSENBERG HEADS to~"the'.British- Empire- as its to the country of ins residence by HAS RECENTLY RETURNED gathering reached its pinnacle plying between two great eternities, AS KETCH AS GENTILES tion DRIVE'S WOMEN WORKERS of The FE03S EUROPE AND''ASIA' seventh dominion, a position amaleg- working 5a the interests of Palestine. enthusiasm when Eev, Dr. Frank the eteifitty whence we came, and the Americaix -Tews spent $235,785,800 ou* to that occupied by Canada. I t Another cossidcrstitxa that should G. Smith.the last speaker on the j one fo# which -we are destined," he Ida Cohn of Chicago, assistant to in 1928 for both sectarian and non- is a bit premature to venture a defScott. 'Kearing, «ociol«fi»t, 1«MBDr. Leo ITranhteiberg, regional program, added to his expressions said.. As fellow passengers, he plead- sectarian philanthropies, according to inite stand an the matter, bat its not "he avoided is the ertAst to which turer sisd enS'ior, ^ilUwtsrw *t fl» the cteminiim plan' would conflict with of good "will the. suggestion that a ed that we all, regardless of conUnited Palestine Appeal and Zionist a survey by Uriah Z. Engleman, con- vital importance to the Zionist ideal Jewish CommisTBtgr Oesstsr diiectoTj in an -address- before the common religious service of the three sdentoos differences of - xeligums ducted' on the basis of reports in thesnakes it iraperativa that the proposal political Zionism. I t is ferae that s, evening, March I t , at S:8P p. ra. British dominion, is practically sutopredominant faiths be heldi not less opinion, assume the friendly relations rTajfassaV, February 28, outlined "Jewish Daily Bulletin" and the be investigated no|nous. But the' fact remains that the Lectori-! Course plans, for the forthcoming United than three times, a. year in a big civic that: onr common rircunistances Anglo-Jewish weeklies. The results it is not absolutely free' and. indegathering. He suggested the arrangshould cause. ~ . Palestine ; Appeal drive in Oinahai of the survey are contained in an ar- Among the-- advBsjteges that the pendent. Also, TO must not forget ing of a service : acceptable to all WiQia^Vmerry twinkle in vhis' eye, the *eeek iof Marchi^tSito 26. J [ ticle by Mr. Engleman in. the current famous Eugiish statesman--points ost that ona of the cMcf fsurperaE of three faiths and- -the; bringing .of a and with an impressive majestic manissue o£ ^The Jewish Tribune.11 In- rising out of feis id?a «re that the Zionism is to promote Jewish cul^OTiallj^famous^^niirfstex.ibf one -of ner. of .delivery, Dr. Smith drew a Holy retaining an ./Kifl, that ;tweaty-nin& per «ent of the "faiths fop each ^service. The beautifal "picture of t i e Idnahip of formation was also furnished Mr. almost : character, receive ture .in Palestine. One ©f the first :gal«^e : 'lAjp.^-eoliegtims : TOre- for -two iunared; aitd-:£ifty, Up more guests Ungelman. by the Bureau of Jewish things that weald hsppea to Palestine all mankind. He xecited ^ewjral Ap: the itise tjf "the national "Hadassah. rose :to- 'Qieir feet* inj ;a tremendous {Social 'Research and the American the benefits of British protection, the if-it joined the British Empire wculd propriate pieces of poetry in a fashguarantee of the .rights ofBritish Jewish Committee. She- appealed to the ovation to Dr, Smith and the merit be an increased influence of Anglomembers for co-operation: aad_ moral of the plan v he proposed. Henry ion thit";^rew for" aim a oaighly The Jewish per capita contribution subjects to the Palestine citizens, the Saxon culture upon iht Holy Land. ovation when he i a d finished. to charity, religion, arts and sciences intensive development of the country as •well asj financial support and. for Monsky, "toastniaster, and Jack W. "For peace of mind, for complete was three times as large as that of by the British government, and theEnglish would automatically become more voltmteer -workers,for the drive. Marer, president of the local B*nai a. : dangerous rival of the beautiful - Mil's'.Joseph Bosenberg, president B'rith, both responded" to Dr. Smith's happiness,,, there must be good will," the rest of the population, the survey acceleration of the making the land ••Hebrew language that is already said Father P. A. Flanagan sounddiscloses. On the basis of a 4,000,000 a Jewish' hoEaelsnd with a Jewish gaining so powerful a grip en the of the local group, heads the. local proposal favorably, the bitter pledging, as first speaker, the keynote of population majority. Jewish population in the country, the wonim'B fiivisiou ^for the U . ' P . A. ing his organization to work toward Palestine population. the banquet. He laid particular figures show an average contribution campaign. Her assisting committee the suggested1 goal. The Colonel shows thst under the It is understood that the WorM stress upon the" fact tliat if tb> of $60. : consists of Mesdames -A. Sflverman, The three principal speakers were teachings; of any of the- Teligious "The comparative newness of a large present condition, the British gov- Zionist Congress in Zurich, SwitzerA. Sommi 0 . C. Goldner, J. J. Friedernment has", been." unable to lend land, this summer will consider EU man, "M. J?. JLevenspn, Julius Stem, Dr. 'Smith, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, meant anything and were put into part of the Jewish institutional life anything further than moral support official attitude toward this new ' Dr. Max/li'rotrikin, Henry A. Newman, and . Father , R A.-^Flanagan. All practice, good yriE among alJ^ in . America," ~ Mr- EngeLman writes, to Zionistie aspiratiens. Deprecating idea. Until that time, it would be- ly by ihs. Jcwisli ComrnttRitj*., Csnter must be the inevitable result. three expressed thebelief -"that in Max Goldberg, J. B. Kobinson, E. "has resultedin an impetus to building tais, he believes that the solution Is hoove the rank and file of pro- and tiie •Council of "JcwiSb""Wotd8n. "Weinberg, Mas Lerner, S. Robinson, eonsideratioii of t i e common creator, Eglon," he said, "is after all, theactivities, as related to community the incorporation of Palestine into Palestinians to adopt a policy of Dr. Naswnp vill ask the"'ite&rehi&£ -.-•--A. Theodore, Harry Trustin, Abe the; common orighij arid the:common greatest reality." centers and synagogues, necessitating the British Empire as a dominion. watchful waiting and to do some Where Is Civilisation Gocountry o£ the Jew and the Gentile, Beside "the principal speakers, the a great outlay of funds. The aggravGreenspan, A. S. Eubnitz, K. A. thinking besides. The adoption or aiid'w31 give hie OWE Despite, however, the undeniable good will between the groups should ing following special guests gave" brief ated economic situation of the Jews Bleicher and Herman Silverman. rejection of such an important proHe blessings thst Wedgewood's plan exist/-'; .'• ,: " -:. •;.;;- , : - to Mrs. Morris Iimsky, recently re- Eabbi Cohn,-speaking with great addresses: James C. Dahlman, mayor abroad since the war and .the Palestine would bring, his idea, incurrs certain posal is not s matter to be dealt with "known »$' & speaker of tUsiil and of Omaha; Frank H. "Woodland, project have added to the pressure taroea teacher from Palestine, gave dramatic fervor, quoting frequently independent thinker, and will difficulties which must necessarily lightly. ^Continued on Page 4V for money". a talk that was -well isceivedV tellan BQusual.picture'of pTecent ing of the edncaiiohal system of Paliaatlo*. to'present to hig .*Bdience. estine snd of the meciica3 service Dr. Keating was -ed«cate.c at the perfbrmed by the "Hadassah, She deUniversity «£ Penn8j'lvani&, 1 scriDed tlie efforts of the latter or"University, of Grenoble, ganiitatiijn as ;"a monumental •work.?' m the* P«nnBj Ida-Lastgarten, local Jewish, pianShft eniQmsiasQcally told of .the effi^^_^^ Child L*al»or coTnrmtt"?jnBS.rK»wjy ^.f ist, will present a concert rental of cient^ ambulance service maintained n W&H» for fiCKVSkI «""» wicr ir thr TVitaTton k^Uctii »f classical music Monday evening, by Hadassah, Availableid all "people Tk-Troriuhait tft IiOcal Bn»ness S. A. C, Votes Against Sliofer **PsJe5tkse and the Ssjs S W2I "March 11, at &15 p. -m. at the Art Finance r* tne * nivrrsrty «? Pmx— •«®g~1^3it Jewisk -Cm.' , regar316ss*T5f "ciEEd or n&tioiiality~S3 Institute sir 26iT Aqailla Court. It of; the luncifeons served to school Activities Book w21 be open to the public children. ; SHr said that these larichCOiiPJT. !Tl!rt.rM.".O1' .eons^erft often the only food reZIONISM NEWAS EDUCATOR CEUB DIRECTOR TOURNEY IN MEMPHIS Tn#ml!*r ceived by .some of ihe children." •" th The statesmanship of Charm Weiss0* ® faculty of Toledo U. Dr. Leo.P. F^chteubergj regional Des Momes, Milwaukee and MinneThe local Hadassah is at present: ~Dave ^Feder,-?: prominent .Omaha Zionist and United Psiestine Appeal msnn has accomplished s tremendous «»d the Band School of Soda! conducting a membership campaign Jewish'- business- man, has heen ^ apbUs Chapters of the Aleph Zadik Science, director, will deliver two addresses feat in bringing together under the chairmanship of Mrs. taihedby the Omaha'Bee--N.ew:s,-Ibeal Aleph carried off the coveted honor? Dr, Ke»ring' has spent tiik in Omaha this weekend. The first in the finals of che interriatioaal Henry A. Jtfevrman. - •"•i and non-Zionists to work for PalesHearst' publication, in- -the ^ capacity tine under the Je-wish Agency, H&bbi I six monthe in China, JajsisJA will be Friday evening, March 8, tournament held Feb. 21-23 in Memjklonday ' afternoon, March 11',- j of anercliaiidising counselori Frederick Cohn declared in his curj Europe, where he made a ciose «tuiy when he will occupy Rabbi Frederick phis, Tenn. meeting of the Hadassah board will rent topics talk on "Zionism" under of eecmomic »nd social conditions. Me Cohn's pulpit at Temple Israel and be ield at the home ^of Mrs.' J . ' J. The. Des Moines basketball team boo« the auspices of the Council of Jfewrecently published will talk on "Palestine and the JewFriedman. Dr. "Leo Erachtenberg won the athletic title, "Por^^d, Oreish WOIBCT? at the Jewish Communish Agency." The second will be China?" "Will discuss the TJ. ~&. A. drive. gon, being runner-up. Joe ICaresh Sunday afternoon when Dr. Frach- ity Center Tuesday"" morning. t)r. his of MinneapoUs, speaking on "The Dr. Cohn traced the ' of the j Hearing h«« bw-n gTeatly in tenberg will epeak before the Omaha Prophets" was the winner of the ii | Hebrew Club »t a special seating, Zionist movement from its beginning speaker before church STHJ «lvtc Bleicher-Micek Company oratorical contest. Sidney Levine of in the Messianic expectation. at the Jewish Coramisnity Center. 8t-u4ent bodies »nd labt* *rBirmingham, Alabama, was second. Formed Here Last Week is the modern form of His subject will be the same. gsnizations. The debate division was won by Dr. Fractenberg is of Ehiladelphia, the Messianic spirit," he ssid. "Herzl George Laiken and Aaron Levine, The X. A. Bleicher Company and Pa., but his official capacity makes is the founder of modem Zionism varsity debaters of the University of the Gsylord-Micek Corp., both dealing Chicago his headquarters. Prior to •which has b o r a such & .great de- Tri-Linguai Oratorical Wisconsin, representing the Milwauin general insurance, have merged, achis noteworthy work in Zionist work, velopment since Allenby's capture of Tree .A. Z. A. chapter. cording to an. announcement made Contest Entries Asked including successful efforts to en- Jerusalem and the Balfour DeclaraAt a meeting of the Supreme Adlast week; According to the anlist the support of some of the most tion. Hera] did not live to see Ms visory "Council of the Order held in acracement, the company will be According'" to Louis M. ? realized, tat it has been prominent non-Zionists in the exten-Memphis during the touniEpent, it known as the Bieicber-Micek Comearly entriee iv, the J, C C. Trision of theJe-sfmh Agency, he was a wonderful way since realized •was decided to discontinue pabh'capany, Inc., •with a capital of $50,000, Ida Lustgarten. prcaninently _ connected with vario'os Great Britain was given the mandate Lingual Oratorical coafestfi to be tion of "The Shofer" monthly r and will be a Nebraska corporation. She will play selections from Barn, educational agencies » the east.' For for Fslesfeie. In the fscre of tbe .held Mardti IS, indicate an exwltett 1 zine of I^fraterniiy. The of In this transaction, it is also anSt. Saens, Chopin, Bavel r Stravinsky, -fcvno -years -3ie:--conducted research -on bitterest opposition, WEisjosuR, < re-I srespoaae also decided: sgamst. Jhe entries &&s nounced, the -Bleicher-Micek Company petition,More the snbject ot the North. American asartebls msn, has achieve?! it." Msaz, and" Grieg, besides a composiof an. annual -tboefc fiiis year S&eing .the •will act as general -agents for the March 12 Indians for Ohe Snsithssni&B Institu- D r . Coim.--divided meeiern Sonist Sam Beber, president of the ; Coua- %hm of her own,. Arabesque Orien- tion in Washington? D. C. He is a history into three periods, the period for "World Insurance Company, a com»ny one of the Ifcbtww tale. The latter is based on two Dave Feder cfl, said. Philip Klutznick, executive pany vrhich. has been B Tfebraska graduate.: ©f- Cornell end Columbia cf Hers!,,.-the «^a of the Bfilfour Yiddish, or English groups, . Jewish folk songs. _ " For the .past twelve jfears, he -has secretary, were the only Qmgha. company for the. past 26 years and e period of the The 'foilewinf subjects trave One of the features, of her pro-universities' wss 'jnstractcr iir Deckcrstson, aad th writing exclusively -accident and been -vice-president of the Western hers, of ±he Supreme AflvjEory gram will be the playing of a. Con- Anthropology in tfes latter school for Jewish. Agency •which is only now euggegted fey Shanok. FalcstinB «« the spiritual center of world health insurance. Their headquarters Smelting and Refining Company of cil in attendance. .Alfred M. certo in A Minor by Grieg- in which several years. 'He holds the degrees the Sew'a' burnitt£ s;ea! for Trill be in the Omaha Loan & Build- Omaha. Prior "to that he was forinternational president;- of "the "It must be SEifl of Zionism," he of M. A. sai.iPh.. D. .. ghe will be accompanied by- Cecil B'rith was also there. . Israel's Bilr^calouK sutviva,!,, the ten years connected. TUith the St. Paul ing Association building. "that it has always Berryxnann on the piano and a string Daring the war, h* did noteworthy noble conception ©£ charity, *n ' Mr. Bleicher has been -in-the- insur- Home Furnishing, .Co. of. St. Paul, quartette composed of Mrs. Ralph work.for the jgovcsrisiaeiit as a Jew- a force to reawaken latent Jewish Jewish |»©.rsojiBHty, &t -the ance business for the past .16 years Minn. consciousness." L. Bryant, Dorothy Lustgarten, ish Welfare.3oard---'worker and., was European fy U in. Omaha. Mr. Micek • has been in Feder -will devote his time in his Eloise West McNichols, and Bettie given the rank of -lieutenant-colonel. Dr. Cohn drew sttentios to -theJew «nfi. "World Peace, Is Won by Jewish Girl JZabriskie. Speeches, which must be origin*! the insurance business for the past new capacity to discussing merchanHe has served' the government in probable complication of Jewish work . 13 years. in Palestine by the creatioE e£ th«will be .from eight to ten dising problems and giving sales Miss Lustgarten is a pupil of Cecil other capacities . Paris.—(J. T. A.)—M11« _EUzabeth papal state. The board of directors of' the advice, and assistance'.as i a part of Simon, "Miss" Hungary," yfhq was Berryman and is a graduate of the "It is SEid that Mussolini .wanted the Bee-News service t o Omaha University of Nebraska Fine Arts Bleicher-Micek Company, Inc., and SSOtS^ chosen as "Miss Europe" from *mopg College, having graduated from the Brodkey Construction the Pope represented in the League business men. ~ . ' the World Insurance Company are seventeen girls selected by. various latter school in June, 1927, with the MONSY Co. In New Quarters of Nations so that at the expiration lU»Ot*E all professional and business men of He is a-director .of the Highland countries as their most beautiful of the English mandate for "Paleshighest honors in her class. She Omaha. Country Club and is a member of representatives is, like "$Bss 'iJSadinowsld Is * Mr. A. H. Broffkey of the A. H. the" Omaha'Athletic Club.' He is also tria," a Jewess., Mile. Simon is the also holds an A. B. degree. She *iBrodkey Ccnstractien Company an- tine, the Vatican may use its; influof the ence to have the zn&ntl&te transa member of the Alpha Rho Tau prominent in'local Jewish "circles, beYork threugh whltih he of daughter of a Jewish doctor in Huni COURT ASKS "CAN JEW honorary sorority and the Sigma nounces that title t» the expansion of ferred to Italy. aboot ing active in* many of the principal g a r y . . '••'.• _" - ' ---"•;," •: - - - ' • business uaskinsr larger quarters necTAKE OATH WITHOUT HAT? organizations. He" has also been a Delta Tau, Jewish social sorority w doltstt thirty The President of the EepubliCj the The talented local artist plans to essary, he.hsts leased a four-room suite IDA COHN ABDEESSES director of the Jewish Community te relatives fa Ettiw|)i 4a**Premier M. Poincare, and many other go to Chicago this summer to study of offices sfc 4$$-&B Brandeis Theatre LOCAL JUNIOIT HADASSAH Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Must a Jew-. ' the past tv$ prominent persons were present a t with Rudolph Ganz. Building. He 'was formerly located in ish religious oath, rendered in court Center. , the selection which took place /at the the Hos|se for "^al purposes, be made by the Ida Cohn of Chicago, EBsistsnt to PALESTINIAN WOMEN TO opera recently. Mile.." Sirfjoa will Among the present projects under Dr. 'Leo P. Frachtenburg, Te-friona.1 t r o e t of ff »H.n>j»er of dndivi i il isith his hat on ? construction by the Brodkey firm are Eiosist director, addressed the Junior To slower this question a full. ses- SPEAK HERE WEDNESDAY no-w'go to the United StStej to com- FedeTation-J.C.C. for' « uotnin&l !•« . lf» a ?100,CMH) TeraodeSiuir job on theHadsssali at a meeting held Thurssion of the Warsaw Rabbinate was .Goldie Meyerson of Palestine "wSl pete against "Miss America" at the Meeting Postponed *f $h* Brandeig house in Falracres, and theday evening, March 7. She described with th« called. The matter, it was explained, address a .mass meeting at the Jew- International Beauty Contest in' Galhas- legal importance in view of a ish Community Center Wednesday veston. in The annual Joint meeting of the remodelling ef the former Central with great enthusiasm the wonderful case "which recently occurred in theevening, March 13. Miss Rleyerson, Following her selection as "Miss Jewish Community Center and the Markets at 16th and Douglas for the progress being made in Palestine, f Europe- Ability to speak^teAfl i. __t _i j? it.. f'tiiiWeji hilsi. hfl tfe workL writ* v m e ViiirtinVt Yiddish hut: has etmb3«<i Warsaw, courts. • A Jew who ap-who is a member, of the. Executive Europe," Miss Simon was interviewed Jewish Welfare Federation sched- W- T. Grant 25 cents to one -dollar psiticalarly commending the handle i'undf for many nrfth t*«***? . ' •• . ' peared" as a witness in taking oath Committee of the Palestine Women's by reporters here. Miss Siinon, who uled for Tuesday, March 12, hns s t o r e . - '' that the Senior and Jsnior refused to wear his hat. The - -suit organization, . "Hahalutz," is in is possessed of a delicate blonde been indefinitely postponed accordare doing there. She also discussed; by biro to shw salt ..IritfiMI was in doubt whether a Jewish re- Omaha upon the invitation of the beauty, said she had no ambitions to ing to an announcement made pabBOOK JEtSVIEW CLUB plans for the forthcoming Unite€ «f money te its inten«fe£ ligious oath, made by the person Pioneer .Women's Qrganiration of go into the movies or on the stage. 6c late Thursday afternoon by SaraKaibbi rVedericfc Ccshn wS Palestine Appeal, Drive. ...,•' with his hat off, is valid. ..Thepresi- Omaha. tssteirested te Her ambition is to marry a good uel Gerson, executive secretary of Bojer's new book, "The. New Temple" A black face comedy sketch was dent t)f the Peace Court, directed an for the Tesiple Sisterhood Book Ee- presented by Blanche Eothenberg and ©r P«l«^ine &r« « M ^ H» 0t Miss. Meyerson will - discuss pres- looking American boy who, she spe- the two institutions. cifies, must be intelligent - and rich. inquiry to the Warsaw Rabbinate. ent day conditions Li Palestine. vicw Club, Tuesday, March 12." Elsie Laxzaxus -and was in teach Mx.
TWO—TOB JEWISH PRESiSi FRIDAY, MARCH 8, of 842 led the shooters for the eveAs the bishop enters tee Synagogue the president, for congress, for "sherning. He ralso -captured high three he kisses the tips of his fingers and iffs and judges of our.land." F^iallf game total with a mark of 620. touches --them • io' the "Mezuza" on the entire 'congregation rises? and ~ ' Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska,, by , . - . The Kajman Insurance dropped a the 5»mb of the door and says, reads the Ten Comamndments. •THE, JEWISH PBESS PUBLISHING COMPANY pair of games to the floundering "Shalom." Heads are covered in the New York. — (J. T. A.) — The Beth Abraham has a community Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantie 1450- Geaundheits." "Bambino" Treller with growth of Judaizing sects among house for teaching Hebrew to chil- eynagogue' and every member wears PATRONIZE OUB ADVERTISES! a total of 591 and counts of 209 and .DAVID BLACKER, BUSINESS aad MANAGING EDITOR a "Talloth-k At one end of the IRVING"PEBOEETER "- .EDITOR 201 was the lad that was chiefly re- the Negro population in Harlem is dren and*adults and the Talmud synagogue is a pulpit covered with reported in "The Sephardic Bulletin," Torah Beth Zion also belongs to sponsible for the victory. a rich deep purple velvet cloth. Em$2.50 S u b s c r i p t i o n P r i c e , o n ey e a r - - . - - - - - - The Glazers- won their match with a monthly publication of the Sephar- these Negro Jews. broidered on it is the "Mogen •— Advertising; rates furnished o n application the Wardrobe through the consistent dic Jewish community in New York. They believe that they are the David" in gilt. \ On «ne wall is the Several congregations of the "Negro pure, original Israelites of the tribe rolling of Nate Schlaifer.- CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both' the old and new address; Jews" are in existence with a mem- of Judah and that the white Jews Hebrew alphabet and- on; the other High single games: Abe' Gross be sure to give your name. the Ten'Commandments. 'They sing 221,- Lester Simon 221, I. Goodman bership of 2,000 among whom there are of the ten lost tribes. The -ma-their hymns over and over' again; jority of these claim to be of Abys216, L. Mendelson 242 and 211, N are 200 converts. in Public Utility Properties Bishop Msthews their feet beating time on the floor. Schlaifer 205 and 200, Sam Zweiback The elements of the Jewish ritual sinian origin. Electricity—Gas—Petroleum They jazz it in the African fashion. speaks Hebrew such as is spoken i s are freely mixed with some Chris212, Eeo Schlaifer 211, Harry Smith Prayers' are said in Hebrew and ex6 PER CENT ON SAVINGS WHO'D HAVE THOUGHT IT? 203, Clyde Krasne 221, Dr. Dave tian beliefs. Claiming to be the de- Palestine. plained in English and concluded with scendants of the tribe of Judah they The congregation is at once unPlatt 200 and Bob Kooper 198. ; Times have change'd indeed. There have been many things ABE GREENSPAN prayers for God's blessing on his believe that the "white Jews" deand orthodox. The mem-"true children of Israel" and for all that the Jewish woman has been praised for, but it has seldom A match of keen rivalry is sched- rive from the lost ten tribes. . The orthodox 203 So. 19th St. bers keep the Sabbath on Saturday, uled for Tuesday, March 12th, when «TAekson 130ft "fiventng*. others that they ' might "see the been for the kind of pulchritude that the movie-going public gapes the Kaiman Insurance will meet the Negro Jewish congregations accept They fast on Yom Kippur, eat MatJAckson 5676 •WAlnnt Al « light." Prayers are also said for at in adoration. But you can expect almost anything these days. runner-up, the Omaha Tobacco com- the divinity of Jesus. zoth on Posach and some of them '"The Sephardic Bulletin" describes send their children to Jewish schools. We are advised by European cables that the young Miss Elizabeth pany in a crucial series. these congregations as follows: At But they accept Jesus. In all they Simon of Hungary who won the title "Miss Europe" a iew weeks 29 West 131st street there is a have a membership of 2,000 of-^hom ago is a Jewess, and, what is more, is proud of i t As if this After more than fifteen jears, a No. synagogue belonging to a congrega- more than 200 are converts. ConJewish tennis player, has crashed into weren't shock enough, they tell us that one of her strongest com- the tion of Negroes who say they are verts are those who admit being not first ten in the rankings of the petitors, "Miss Austria,3' was also of Jewish faith. United States Lawn Tennis associa- Jews, real Jews. A sign in front Abyssinians, but who accept Judaism Buy Your Next Pair in the Well, allow us to say that although we axe surprised, our sur- tion. Julius Seligson, after three of the door reads "The Command- and pass the requirements of such Busiest Shoe Store in Omaht. ment Keepers. Services Friday, Satacceptance. . years of strenuous effort, was placed prise isn't due to any depreciation of the beauty of our female courday and Sunday, Bishop A. W. religionists. We have always admired their beauty, both physical ninth in the list of United. States Mathews." and mental. But who wouldn't mumble something about miracjes netsters. The members of this "Negro JewThe next highest Jewish ranking MUST SELL if they heard that countries as notoriously anti-Semitic as Hun- player was Ben P. Gorchakoff of ish Synagogue" worship God as we gary and Austria had tumbled so completely overiavishingly beau- Los Angeles, who drew -numbev 22 worship Him, eat only Kosher meat at once 6%room modern and play instruments during their tiful Jewish girls that they chose them to represent their coun- in the rankings. home; good -"location; very tries in an international contest? It speaks mighty highly of In- the- women's-division Helen Ja- services. Bishop Mathews holds reasonable. Call WA. 1923. cobs'ranked second, Clara Greenspan- classes during the week to teach these girls, arid we're proud of them. New York state champ,-a- newcomer Hebrew.. The congregation B'nai As for our Jewish, young men, listen to this; Miss Simpn is in national circles, pulled a surprise on her way to the United States to compete with "Miss America" by coming in eleventh.
Judctizing Sects Amon Negroes In New York On Increase Is Report
5% 6%
for the-world title, and says that her ambition is to-marry a good looking American boy who must be both intelligent and rich. If it In the junior" division the highest weren't for our laws against bigamy, she might get all of her Jewish player to receive recognition was Dave Jones, eleventh. Among desires fulfilled at the same time. the boys. Leo Liehtenstein drew
Only The Nebraska Features Such Values
number 10. Krasne's eight handball teams broke even in their games at vthe Y Sol Furth of N. Y. U., hurdler exlast week. This week they play at traordinary, won the 50-yard middle By the K. of C. Atlantic states hurdle title for the FRANK R. ACKERMAN secondtime in succession. Sol is one The gymastic team is rapidly, ap- timber topper who willl bear watchNot content with their claim to proaching top-notch form for their ing. local and state honors, the Jewish exhibition the later part of March. Community Center cagers are seek- They meet every Tuesday, The Vaad Hatarbuth, the cultural ing new fields to conquer. Marcus department of the Labor. Federation, Krasne is angling with games with The Center will be host for the the, St. Louis Y and the Chicago open,basket ball tourney again this of Palestine, is now arranging in TelJewish People's institution for the week. Plans are being formulated Aviv evening classes in electrotechJewish basket baU championship of for the meet which starts March 23. nics,-. machine, construction,- metal the middle west. Twenty-nine teams entered last year, castings 'cabinet making and. drawing. the.Prints capturing the first leg on Both the theoretical and practical asSid Silberberg-, one of .the few Jew- the Judge Irving Stalmaster trophy. pects of each of the above trades j | ish' collegiate hockey players, has A team must win in three years to ft" be taught. been appointed captain*of the Boston Iceep it permanently. University hockey team. MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE. : Tlie~ J. C'C."second"team emulated the example of the varsity by conW. L. Ave. tinuing'ike**1 •winning' streak, squashInsurance .. 19 8 .704 ing the Tech reserves, 88 to 19. Omaha Tobacco 12 .656 Glazer Clothing; ,438 14 .481 Krasne announces that swimming The Wardrobe 12 15 .444 for women has started, in earnest. Empire Cleaners .10 17 .370 The feminine members of the Center Gesundbeits can disport in the water every Sun- " This week's play was fraught with considerable enthusiasm, the result day afternoon from 3 to' 5. of some new records being estabThe Peerless Cleaners cinched sec- lished': by the maple tumblers of this ond place in the Commercial league league. standings Wednesday * night * by de- The Empire Cleaners pounded the feating the Thorpeians, 20 to 19, in pins for a total of 1017 the highest game, total since the organization's a nip-and-tuck court game. The Kaplan Bargain Center five existence. The Omaha Tobacco comturned in an upset by whaling the pany, however, were victors. in the league-leading-A. Z.-A. team, 29 to two games that followed when the 10, and Brodkey Construction eked Cleaners suffered a relapse. out a 15 to 14 win over the Psi Mu Leon Mendelson with a high single quintet.
Sport Splinters
The schedule for the last group of games in the Center Commercial league are: Psi Mu vs. Thorpeian Athletic club. Kaplan Bargain Store vs. Brodkey Construction. A. Z. A. vs. Peerless Cleaners. The last game - should be a ripsnorter. The Ai Z/A,'s have clinched the gonfalon, but the Peerless boys are out'for blood. Hdrry Jacobs, t h e Tex Rickard of England, died at the age of 61 in London the other day. His passing marks the loss of England's greatest fight promoter.TheUcity handball federation met at the Y and drew up the plans for the, coming year. The Center was rjepr^sejfjted-by.'Irvin Levin and - Jake Isaacson/" The latter is president of the federation.
Oxfords And when we say "Only The Nebraska off«n such valnes," the values are here to verify it. You owe it to yourself to eee The Nebraska Super Six. All the new styles asd colorsall leather for any weather. $ 6 Also Headqu&rters for NETTLETQN, DR. REED, BOSTONIANS, / . P. SMITH and SELZ SHOES"- ' Prices Range $s to $15 Greater Sitoe Section—Mabt Fle*r, Kortt
woman tells another/
All about a,New and Better Bread ;HJ COOPER co 403 Hospe Bldg.
JA. 5752
Note What it Does for You and Your Family ; • =^'•'••" I t is called Wonder Bread, and according to many dietetic experts it marks a notable advancement in family health. By AlICE ADAMS PROCTOR
ADAM: N o matter what you M think of your present bread, plea$eg« a loaf of Wonder Bread
with Dynamic Speaker At the Price of An Ordinary Radio "The Best Place to Buy Your Radio"
1408 Nirth.24tti Street
Super Six
Choice of the finest homes. -The favorite where e c o n o m y is watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high reputation recommends that you 4ry i i
General Merchandise store in town, of 500. A wonderful opportunity, for young Jewish man. Write' or apply in care of The Harlan' Fruit and Grocery Store, Harlan, Iowa.
Let Us Demonstrate the New Victor Combination
LEWIS Phone WEbster 2Q42,
today, Do this, if you-wish, in the nature of a, trial. It costs you SEVJEN QUICK FACTS About Wonder Bread 1. Slo-baked to seal in flavor and prolong freshness. 2. Toasts quickly to an even, golden Drown. 3. Rich in food efements for growth and energy. 4. Double the usual quantity of milk. Pasteurized. 5. Ingredients tested for quality, nutritive value. 6. Made of specially milled short patent flour. Heart of wheat berry. 7. At yonr grocer's, oven,F frejh, twice dgily.
no more. It promises you much. For toast it knows no equal. And eaten plain it amazes with its delicate flavor. It slices without crumbling. And keeps its freshness for days. Also this about health. This bread supplies an abundance of calories. Enough, say several authorities, to restore as much as 30 per cent of all energy used up by the human body. It provides many necessary pro*
tcins, too. The elements,,as you • know, that bufld sturdy, muscles. To maintain its quality day alter day, we go to great lengths. W e specify a specially milled shore patent flour. Only the heart, of the wheat berry is used. We use double thensualamount of milk. Evety drop pasteurized. We employ, too, a special method of baking. Slo»baking, it is called. A method that seals in the dietetic value of our ingredients and improves their flavor. Hence when you get Wonder Bread you get the best. Millions have found this to be so. So please try it at once. Simply to prove what it offers you. Note its dainty flavor. See, how; evenly it toasts. How easily it slices. ~; But remember! Ordinary breads, are not like this. Avoid them. Insist on Wonder Bread always. Wonder Bakery Standard Bakeries Corp.
A Ten Minute Baking Oven — Thick, uniform oven insulation assures if aster and more economical baking. Only ten minutes of preheating, and the electric stove is ready for baking. Electric cooking also makes possible a saving iftthe shrinkage of meats, .15-%. over other methods of cooking. CAPACITY The oven of this electric stove is large enough to bake six large loaves of bread at one time. It will also premit the QM of a roasting1 pan large enough to take » 25-pound turkey. • • S O L D ON EASY TERMS ._„ • •
"Electric Shops" 17th and Haraey Sts.
2314 *W St,
Nebraska Power Courtesy - Service • Low tUtet
THREE—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH S, tee—Dr. Isaac SterahUl, Ciiairman, and Leo Krafine, Hstry Kubby, Herman Meyerson, Max Cohn, and Louis by Weinberg. Mrs. David M. Newman Social Service Coaxmittee — Sam By F. 8. K.. Steinberg, Chairman, and Sam Gross, Harry Kubby, Simon Shyken, Sam Luncheon Dishes. The Independent Order of the Meyerson, and Simon Steinberg. Cheese and Greca Pepper Bcraffle. B'nai Brith, Lodge No. 6S8, of CounThree tablespoons btrtter, S table* eil Bluffs, will hold a meeting next The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 spoons floor, 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoon Wednesday evening, March 18, at of the A. Z. A. will hold ,a regular the Danish Hall. Mr. Ben Kubby, meeting nest Wednesday evening, baking powder, 1-2 cup soft bread. President of the local lodge, recently March 13, at eight o'clock at the crumbs, 1 cup chopped Americas cheese, 3 or 4 tablespoons finely announced the following committees Danish Hall. chopped green pepper, 1-4 teasBswas to serve for this year: salt, 3 eggs. Finance—Harry Krasne, Chairman, Miss Toby Katelman, student at and Messrs. Nathan- Nogg, Dr. Isaac Melt the butter. Add the green the University of Nebraska at LinSternhfl], Lotus H, Katelman, Leo coln, spent the past week-end here pepper. Cook 1 minute. Add the Fitch, and Simon Steinberg. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. flour, salt and gradually the salk, Entertainment ~ Committee — Chas. Julius Katelman. stir in tbe cheese, crumbs, and bakSaltzman, Chairman, and Messrs. Ben ing powder. Add the beaten yelks Xooler, Sam Bubb, Max Steinberg, of the eggs and then t i e -whites of Mrs. Ben E. Kubby and son, Ro- the egge beaten stiff. Bake in a M. Yudelson, and M. Brandeis. Membership Committee—Louis H. bert, who have been visiting Mrs. casserole for 20 minutes in a hot Eatelroaq, Chairman, and Ben Ross, Kubby's parents in Chicago, I1L, for oven. Joe Katelman, M. Meyerson, Harry the past two weeks, are expected to return home Sunday. Cohen and S. Shyken.' Tnn* Fish Savory on T«wt, Cleveland Orphanage Home—Max The Council Bluffs Agudes Achim -One small can tuna fish, 1 pint Cohn, Chairman, and Louis Bernstein, M. * Hoffman, Ben I. Seldin, Morris Association will hold a meeting next cream, 1 small can pimecVoes, 1 Monday evening, March 11, at the green pepper, 2 tablespoon* butter, 2 Brandeis and Harry Krasne. tablespoons fiour, salt and pepper to National Hospital at Denver—Sam Legion Hall. taete. Meyerson, Coairnjan, and Ben Ross, Louis H. Katelman, Sam.' Steinberg, KEREN HAYESOD Melt butter, add flour, then add Richard Goxdan, and Joe Zatelman. Jerusalem.- (J. T. A.)—The amount cream. , Cook until cre^mr. Add Resolutidn; Comnuttee—O. Hoch- of 80,990 pounds was received by the pepper aad salt, &iu plmeptoes chop» man, Chairman,, and Ha$ Steinberg1 Keren Hayesod duzing the month of ped fine Cook three minutes longer. r and Sam Bobb. January, headquarters of the fund Stir and put in tana fish asd Intellectual, Advancement Commit- sera announced. hot on toast or toasted crackers.
Council Bluffs News
PROMINENTOUTOFTOWN VISITORS ARE BEING EXTENSIVELY FETED Many affairs are being given this week complimenting several IffOflHUeat out«of-town visitors, Mrs. Herbert Heavenrich, of Milwaukee, Wis., former Omahan, who is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. ^harles Kirschbratm, Mrs. I. A. Rosenthal of Columbus, Ohio, trtiaiaifce guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg, and Mr. and Mrs. Jonas We3 and daughter, Esther, of Lexington, Ky., who are the fuegfs of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Hojgman at the Blackstone Hotel. The Weil's are enroute from Among the entertainments" was a luncheon given Tuesday at ifoe^gpila Court by Mrk. Herbert Arnstein. Wednesday iioon, S^,~L Boseiithal entertainedat a luncheon at her home. A dinner twM-given by Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rosenatock Wednesday evening ^T"iKeM\- home. Thursday afternoon" Mrs. M.\L. 'tJohn' and Mrs. Hfrry Rosenfeld entertained jointly -at the lame of Mrs. Rosen.ffiML' That evening Mr. anjTJ&a. i^red;Rdsenstock gave a dinner afetheitf home, for the visitors. A luncheon twil( be'given Sa,tur- d>y at one o'cdock by Mrs. Sig Meyers at the Blackstone HpteL Ifojiday-ereaiag, Mr. and- Mrs. A. Herzberg will entertain at a buffet dinner at their home. The Deborah Society will hold its - |frs. Joseph Marcus announces the isarriage of her daughter Lucille, to next regular meeting. Tuesday after' Ifr. W3Uam D. Bosh of Sioux City, noon, March. 12, at 2:30 at the JewIowa, on Sunday, March 1. The <wed- ish Community Center. -took place at the home of Mrs. JSabbi Frederick Coin of- Esther Shapiro' Brandt is east on
Kitchen Chats
17 GRADUATED FROM HAIFA TECHN1CUM Jernsalem.—(J. T. A.)—Seventeen engineers and architects, including cne woman, were sradoated from the Haifa Technicum at exercises which were heW last week. M. M. Ussishkin presided at the gradustion
B. 3pi»beta Sternber* recently U. S. Jewish Congress f f e d nojnfr from a two months Budget Set at $250,000 ?is|t: with her sister, Mrs. Marcus Wplff of Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Wolff, . who/returned with her sister in order New York.—(J. T. A ] ) ~ A t a dinio~^irit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ner tendered to tlifi budget fund cao,M. fSt«m1>erg'» left Friday fat. her paign committee of -the' American
Bartha Kewman returned from-*-two months'"trip to
.is. iruuting
of Kansas City <ou«in Mrs. Morris
t 'Jfemk.'Azkjnis convalescing "at the WiserMemorial Hospital.
Jewish Congress at the Aiding /dub, on Wednesday, evening, Dr. Louis $. Harris, former -eoiniuiBsioHer • t& health of'New York City, presiumsf, the budget fund campaign for the American Jewish Congress . was launched. To meet-the budget fund requirements for a period of. two years, Dr. Harris announced that the committee had decided upon the amount of $250,000, and felt that the' Jewish people of this country would oversubscribe the quota « * . Dr. Stephen S. Wi^e, during h|p address, called upon the workers * do their share in the raising of the budget %ind. Dr. Wise stated that the Congress was a .representative - organization constituted on democratic principles and that, in addition to the piotecion of minority rights, the Congress aimed . at developing democratic Jewish' leaders.
Y. P. Z. PAY TRIBUTF TO YOSEPH TKUMPELDOR Mjiss <Jerteu<Je Green of New York
tfB. a 4gneat of her sister Mrs. The young Zionist .martyr, Yosepb o for the past two weeks. Trnmpeldor, was tie. subject of disn ^ a v e been "given in- her cussion ata meeting of the Young opjjjr her hostesses being; ' H a s Froittkm, Ernie Paole Zion clob held Friday eveHe&ejmi Sam Cohn, S. L Brandt, ning, March 1/ at the -Labor Lyceum. The occasion for the discussion HrW.' Brandt, Y. Shapiro and R. was a. memorial observance of the Sbiipii?"" .seventh anniversary .of his death. * Irvin Soiref, secretary of the dub, -"Mrs. Bj»"rid. Soref,,ig recuperating h gave a biography of Trumpeldor* frpia hier illness • at. the "Wise Metelling of the life pf the,leader as an moiial ^Hospital. > - organizer of the Chalutsam, the PalMrs. Irvin BL, Stein, formerly Miss estinian pioneers, in Russia. He was faye'^hapird o f Iincoln, has left fatally wounded in a fight protecting a -week' visit with tier parents, the Jewish colonists at JTel-Chur on the l l t b day of Adar, 1922. Mr. and Mr*. Joe Shapiro. Mr. .Pavjd Brjodkey is convalescing Put only restriction on your pleasures—be cautious that they- hurt no at ;the W^*.^f«nqrial Hospital. creatuga that bea life.—rZimmerroan.
- Krsi Reuben* Shapiro "is convelesc^ ' g a i f the'Wise Manorial Hospital. je Jewish Women's Welfare Orjatioij will bold its annual bridge card party Tuesday,- March Jewish^Comniumty Center.-' may be made with ftH y
Mni:A, Grfienberg at Glandule 1215, iSr^thMrs Ifcte Mantel at HArney Mrs...Bf!J <Jorelick is xecuperatdng frj>m Tier "illness at the W s e Me;ftonar BilspSaL ., Mr. Oskar Shrtzky is Convalescing
A. LOUIS EXPERT CABINET MAKER •Alrtigne ^nrsttnr* Re?no<Selea mn$ UpholwteTwJ. Store Fijrtui'ee and
Engagement of
RAMBEAU Guest Star 'with
m EM &i NEW TURKISH BATH Expert Masseur Service iBtb »m$ Howard JA. 9422
Refresh Tcmrself DKDTS
&H week—
"Manufactured fa Omaha*
Paxton-Mitchell Co.
when you have
Sof prsy. «!urohjun» ca«tinp», OTOBM sn# iron buBhlnsfs. «ewe (aw holos, Bis*em rtnjns ond r ^ w * •«"' ;lean-eot t w « tn rtock. *.!'; kiefle at fi mnS meta! rRttevri«
W&L DSTHISFC HAPM4NS • -:—~r'.:;
m pern To your relatives in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Rouma- f nia, Palestine, and all other parts of the world. MONEY DELIVERED TO THE SOUSE
Fast—Reasonable— Prompt
Joseph Radinowski Correspondent in' Omaha for," THE AMALGAMATED BANtC Of New York. ,
260 Rooms—200 Bathe Good Room* for $1.60 by TEppSey Hotels €3»-
Now—The Omaha Home of
WOodbu The Fashion Exhibit of Maddon Modes for Spring—with its appropriate accessories, which starts Monday, presents in » sparkling manner all the romance, the beauty and the color that have been the inspiration for the present fashions. Paris sends her loveliest ideas and Madelon presents them to you in the American manner.
Madelon leads in creating ike "all* occasion" frock In every smart wardrobe this Sprinr tber* will be at least one "ali-occasloBr frsek. Fashionable women know the value of fb* frock that promenades, or goes t o tea and luncheon or to the Club meeting with equal poise and smartness. And they invariably choose their "all-occasion" frocks from the new Madelon models—thereby combining their good taste with good style and excellent values.
^^/regular meeting of the Phi ^ $igmf was held Sunday after«a at #JB home oft Miss Cele WoBc.
Omaha Loss & Bldg, Assn,
The next regula? meeting of the
streete. ^
.. «g$ Mr*, Sylvan fiersh" of San Frais^swi..CaU announce the birth <•£ * fcafcy gitL; Monday, March 4. <f^ ...Herah ,~T»S formerly Miss Aon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. «f this <&
Agents wanted
Baker Ice
Herman M. Cohen, arrived Bikur Chblim society will be held in 6zhaha Wednesday evening for a Monday afternoon, March 11, at the brief\ visit jwxfch Mr. and Mrs, M. Synagogue at 25th and Seward,
MM. £adie Mayer' is spending; the winter in' Boloxi, Miss. •
in Accident and Health Insurance
Mrs. Richard. Rubach of Dunlap, a.' Backer of Mitchell, l a , is convalescing at the Wise Me9;, ii visiting > here with her morial Hospital.
Frances Mdcfter spent the '-with friends in Lincoln.
Phone: WEbster 5842
a buying trip for Brandts Inc. She
rletta SzoJd, member ei the Zionist Exeeutive, was one of the speakers. The Mayor of Haifa^ representatives of the central government, the departaaents of education and public works ant? the district commissioner were present.
go to
!tTK©r'««iple "will make thnr home will be gone for about ten days. r Mardt 15 in Sioux City.
W , Mrs. Flora Bosenstock.
Geaerai Insurance
These lovely MadeUm coats fall in line for smart Spring wear At first glance, the new Spring coats do not differ greatly from those of last Spring. But the difference is there, subtly, bat surely. The advance made on models have caught this illusive chic and translated it with the utmost charm and good taste. Women's and misses' sizes in sport and dress fabrics and all the favored colors of Spring.
AT. 47S0
Visit the
MALASHOCK'S | Jewelry Store I 16tli Jin^ Howard Streets Kill Hotel
Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices It Will Pay Yoo to Inquire.
PUBLIC COAL YARD 2tt% and Nkholus—JA, EARR\' BWENGIL and WM, EAEK. Prop,
Cosnty hm%$9*00
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Oauka
Omaha Ftttnre and , Sappiy Co. WOMB Si OFFfCSB
Soothwest Ckftner Elcrcatfe m& Dwaglai S Hionc jTAckfton 2714 Omaha, Kebr.
JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH~S>-ia?9. , | HIGHEST AMOUNT OF INDEBTEDNESS HONSKY, KATUEMAN £ 0BODIN8KI I The highest' amount.\>f-indebtedness OE Atterneys ~ - 737 Omotan ;>'a|tlonal Uank sBtrtf. ' liability to which the-corporation shall at <any one time subject • itself, shall not ex-, NOTICE QV iNCOBrOJtATION OF ceed two-tfilrds of its capital stock. A. WO1F « SONB B&AltfY CO, . OFJTlCliKS JUSli UUUSCTOBS L NOTICE hereby jfiyen that the underThe uffuis uffuirs of theBhall be igned hav i s formd The e corporation cp have towned • au corporation ~under under dministered by by a Bourd. Bourd of . Directors the the signed .administered the laws of the State of £ie.braska. Xbe
tures of 80,000 pounds, -whUo it* <f*" timated revenue w expected to \»f In (Continued the neighborhood of 54,000 ^ ^ The money to cover a large J»»Tt £ Grand Master of the Nebraska <5rand Lodge of Masons; Jas. J. Fitzgerald, ±h. deficit the city expeqt* to f i t Grand Knight of the Rssights of Co- from the Central Government.
IBVIN C. UBT1K, Attorney * 301 Electric Building IJSGAi NOTICE Notice is hereby given to Mary Keeve.3, the unknown heirs,, devisees aud legatees Passaic, N. J — ( J . T. A.)—A tenof Mary Ueeves, John Erikson, Peter M. EriKson, Lottie Enkson wife of Peter M. year task of benevolent deceit was Krikeon, John Krlckson, Victoria JCMckson ended -with the death of Mrs. Nina number, not in excess of nine wife ^of John Erlckson, Peter M. Erlckson, 1 ... . - i n a n e of-said corporation Is A. WOLF to be nxed'by ike By-laws. The . Know all men .by these presents: That ore sball be elected from and by theDirectnuiALTX CO., and < thw principal Lottie Erickson wife of Peter M. Krlckson, Preiskal, for whom funeral services ONS Stock- Splace we. H. A. Wolf and-HI H. Auerbach, nave h of transacting transcting its Its business is Is in i h Stockholders Stkhld ig Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The were held here yesterday. annuall meeting associated • ourselves together tor-the pur- holders at the pose of forming and.-becoming « corpora - for -terms of one year and shall boid office general nature of the business- to btf transOne of Mrs. Preiskai's seven chilunder the laws of'the State of' Me* until the election of their successors. Im- acted by said corporation, ami the objects City ot Om^aa, as surveyed, platted and re___. ca^and -for that purpose we do hereby mediately after the annual Stockholders thereof are: To mnintaiu and operute - a corded in Douglas County, Nebraska, "real dren, Robert, "died in France in make; execute and adopt the following meeting-the Directors shall meet for the general real estate busiuess t ,to purchase, names unknown." that Barney Wissblood March, 1919, while a member of the Articles, of Incorporation; ' - 1 transaction of all business properly com- lease, hire und otherwise acquire real did on the Iltn- day of February. tiKW. file The .name, of thfc Corporation shall be ing before the meeting including the elec- estate business, to purchase, least), hlrq uud in the District Court of Douglas County. A. E. F. She never knew, because tion- of a rresldent, Vice-President, Sec- otherwise acquire real and persuual prop- Nebraska, n petition naming and designat"Overtend Securities Corporation." v The principal office and place of business retary aud Treasurer, to serve for one erty and d any a y interest eres and and estate estate in. n. either either ing you nnd'each, of yon as defendants, since that time her children have d unimproved,^ i d t of .the Corporation shall be Iq tbe City of year and until the' election of their suc- Improved ed and ot'Siuy amii nnd-did ask and obtain leave of Court1 to been writing her letters, imitating cessors. Thereafter, aud from time to time Omaha, Douglas County, -Nebraska. every kind k i d and description, descipton, and d {a veil, e , obtain service upon you and each of you by The nature of the business and the ob- Directors shall elect such additional officers dispose of a s e convey of, llease, convey,- mortgag mortgage or publication, the object and prayer of said jects and purposes proposed to*1>e trans- as-may be determined upon, provided the otherwise encumber, to manage, operat o r a t e petition being to quit title in and to the VAX FBO3IKIX, Attorney acted, promoted and carried on ate, tQ.-do Secretary may or may not be a Stock- develop, dvelo cntrol maintain control, maintain, construct' constru an said Barney wissblood in and to: 618 Peter* Trust Bid*. any-and all of the things "herein mentioned holder or member of the Board of Direct- generally to deal in said property or uny North Vi of Lot 8 in Block 17 in E. as fully and to the same extent as .natural ors. Any two offices may be held by one part thereof and any improvements there• PROBATE NOTICE . V. Smith's Addition, an addition to the person. Vacancies on the Board of Directpersons might ox could do, namely j ' on, either directly or. through, ownership City of Oinaha. as surveyed, platted In the matter of the estate of HARKX To acquire by purchase, subscription or ors shall be filled'by the remaining mem- of stock in any uthef corpomtiqn or asbers of the Board of Directors. HOLLANDER, deceased. _ • •. . sociation; to loan moneys generpUy, on arid recorded. otherwise and to bold as investments, and to find that you and each of you have Notice it hereby given: That the creditbonds-ot other other securities securities or evidences-of' In furtherance, and not in'limitation-of personal property uuu real Vfta(« or any no right, title or interest In or to any part bondsot evidecesf interest or estate in either, to acquire by ors of said deceased will meet the executrix the powers conferred by tbe State of Nepi indebtedness, .or any shares ares or. r. .capital said premises, and that said plaintiffs of snid estate, before me, County Judge of t k off any 'corporation oti blic of ofprivate rivate, braska, the Board of Directors is expressly purchase, exchange, subscription Or other- of stock public wise, und to hold, sell, dispose of and ownership nnd possession of. said property Dougl*s County, Nebraska, at the County. or of any association, oc of an ta l d U authorized— a. From time to time to direct und de- generally to denl iu stock shares, bonds, may be found to be absolute and free nnd Court Boom, in said Connty, on the Sth of tha State.of Nebraska, or of a y termine the use nnd disposition of the debentures, obligations end securities of clear of,nny claim or demnnd from you or day of May, 1039, and on the 6th day of state, -territory- or- country. To pu: July, 1020, at 0 o'clock A. M., each day, for capital and any surplus or net profits; any government or state-and of any corp- any of you in nnd to said property. guarantee, hold, assign, transfer, mo; You nnd eacb ot you are hereby notified the pnrpose of presenting their claims for l d o r o t h i e d i p o s of and in its discretion the Board of Direct- oration , to maintain and operate an agency pledge or otherwise dispose of any bonds, the writing aud Belling of 'policies of thnt you are required to- appenr nnd plenn examination, adjustment and allowance. or other securities, or evidences of indebt- ors may use and apply any such capital, for policie tobuy, W14 sell U44U d deal d l in, i«4i, at t to said petition of the plaintiff on or be- Three months are allowed for the creditors edness created or issued by any corpora- surplus or accumulated profits in purch- insurance; :, IVUUJ, UVU1 «k\ fore tbe 1st day of April, 1023, or a de- to present their clnlms, from tbe 6th'day tion, association or individual or the Htpte asing its own bonds* or other obligations w h o l e s ai land e d retail, clothing, furnishings, fault "will Wentered herein, and the ap- of April, 1028. of Nebraska, or of any other state, terri- or shares of its own capital stock, to. such wearing apparel of every* Hindi iflud all 1 BKTCB CBAWFOKD, tory or country, and while owner thereof, extent and in such manner and upon such kinds, k l d ot merchandise of like character/ and plications of plaintiff's- petition taken as true nnd Judgment rendered to the plain- March 8—*T • • County Judge. terms as the Board of Directors shall deem exerclde all the' to exercise be rights, .powers'and description; to borrow pr'raise "money and expedient, all such shnrcsof capital'stock Issue bouds, 'mortgages, debentures or tiff ns prayed for In said petition. privileges of ownership. purchase, guarantee, sel44(( ussign, To p urhe, -g t , g , so purchnsed or- acquired being subject other obligations for tliut purpose,.and in •Barney Wissblood. P-laintlft, to'resale, unless they shall hiVe been re- carrying, on its -business or for the purpose fe mortgage pldge or otherwise t h i transfer,, mortgage, pledge dispose of .shares of the capltpl stock of tired for the express purpose of decreas- of-vattainlng or furthering any of Its ob- Feb. 15—4TBy Irvin C. Latin. hU Attorney. HIMELBLOOM BAKERY any other-corporation or'association of tba ing the company's capital stock but then! jects,-to do any-und nil acts and things tSIl N. S4th—WE. 6284 only as provided by law. State of Nebraska,- or of uny other state, aand d to t exercise e e r c e any y and a n dall a l powers whic which territory or country," and while* owner of b. The Directors may make and alter a co-partnership, or unturnl could Serve Hixnelbloom's new No evil propensity of the human such-Btock. tu exercise nil the rights, pow- By-Laws for the conduct of the corporate do d and d exercise i and d which h i h uow or hereh Russian pampernickle bread ers and privileges of ownership. Including business but the By-Lnws made by the after may be authorised by law. • The heart is so powerful-that it may not Directors and the powers so conferred may - the right to vote, thereou, to tbe same exauthorized capital 8to<;l{ of the corporation your next meaL tent as, a natural person m)ght or could dp. be altered or repealed by the Stockholders. is $300,000.00, divided • into ,8,000 shares ot be subdued' by' discipline.—Seneca. " To old in any manner any corporation, c The Board of Directors shall have the the par value of $100.00 each «nd all of .firm* Individual or association of which power to authorize conveyances.ot any of which Is commoa stock.* Tbe corporation - any bonds; ot otherjSecurilies,' or-evidenceB the corporate property and to authorize shall commence bu-inegs upon tbe-filing of indebtedness, or-stoc^ are held by-this or cause to be executed mortgages .-and of these Articles; in the office, of the Count? company: and -to do. any nets 'or things, liens upon the real and personal property Clerk of- Douglas County; Nebraska and designed: to protect, preserve, riinprove or 'of. the-corporation, .and shalt have, all such shall continue until .January 1st, SJOSQ. Tho enhance the .value of-aqy bonds, Or other •other powers and duties .as are ordinarily highest amount of indebtedness or liability - securities; or evidences of indebtedness, or 'incident to their-offices und as shall be to which-the corporation shall-at any.onu - stock; including the guaranteeing of liny 'necessary and proper to effectively carry time subject itself, shall npf exceed twodividends or bonds, or contracts or other .out the purposes of the corporation. thtrds of Its'capital-stqcfc, provided how- obligations ct any- such corporation.--firm. ever, that this limitation shall not apply to " association or, individual. „ - ; _' notes, bonds, or debentures where the payThe annual meeting of the'Stockholders ment of Topqrchasehold. sell and and trtftiBfer the 'To-pqrchase^-hold. the shall Buch notes, bonds, or debentures be held on. the second Monday in Bt»nres;0f its own capital stock; provided February of each year at two o'clock 1\ M. shall be secured by the actual transfer it shall not use rt$ funds or property-for In the offices of the .Company at Omaha. of real estate by trust, deed or mortgage, the purchase of its own shares' of capital Ncbraskn, nnd in the event that said day for the payment of sqch notes, bond* orstock when .such use wpuld dpfrime,ptnlly debemures, which snld real estate so transfall on n legal holidny then on the ferred affect the rights of any creditors: and should shall be of'twice the value of tbe provided .further that shares of its own next succeeding business day. par value of snch notes, bonds, pr debencapital.stock tfclnnging to ir>bnil not He tures, nor shall such limitation apply to AMENDMENTS voted npon directly or indirectly. nny guarantee made by the corporation These Articles' may be amended at any for To .manufacture, purchase, .or ptherwlse payment after transfer of any meeting of the Stockholders, or at notes,the acquire, own. lease, mortgage, pledge, sell, regular bonds or debentures where the same auy special meeting of the Stockholders i _.._, and d transfer tf or otherwise t h r w i e dispose secured by trust, deed or mortgage na u majority vote of the issued stock, is of. to invest, trade, deaj in, pud deal with by stated. The affair* ot the corporawritten notice of the above goods, wares nnd merchandise and renLnnd provided,-however, tion shall be administered by a board of , , d d t ' ut hav b e e n have been personal property of evrry class nnd dethe number of, which shall be posed amendments' must the date directors, scription nnd whercsoevpr sit «n ted, within of the proposed- meeting, to bv the by-laws, but which shall not Stock- fixed or without the State of Nebraska, , be less than three nor more than flv«. The to his last known residence address. directors shall To acquire, hold, use, sell, nssigii. lens*\ bolderwitness be stockholders aud' shall -whereof,' we' have hereunto be elected at- the grout licenses in respect of. mortgage, or - In our meeting of the "hands this 11 day of February, stockholders to beannual otherwise dispose of letters patent of the held on .the second 1029. United States or nny foreign Country, Monday In January In every -year, beginB. A. "WOLF, "Patent rights,1 licenses nnd privileges, inning In 103a Until the election of th"Ir For Service Call H. H. ACEUBACH. ventions, improvements and processes, successors nt the annual meeting In 1U3U, ABKAMSON AUDIT CO. STATE OF NEBKASKA, copyrights, trado-marks-nnd trnde-names the undersigned shall constitute the first 8S THE BEE HIVE CLEANERS 852 BrasdeU Theatsr Bids.—JA. «811 relating to or tisefnl fn connection with any COUNTY OF DOUGLAS »- board of directors. The bofiril of directUnder Management ot luiAiness of this corporation. ' 11 day day of of February, .jOtt,, this 11 T e y , , before ors shnll elect a 1'resident, Viee-l'resident, AUDITS SYSTEMS . To borrow inouey money for any o ot.ftje t . the pnp me, a Notary Public in and for the County n Secretary nnd Treasurer from their numH. MARCUS pnees. cf this 'corporation.* nnd to issue and State aforesaid, .personally -appeared ber, except that the Secretary m«y be electINCOME TAX hands, debentnres. debenture stock. ~n6tes HV A. Wolf and H. H. Auerbach; who are ed from rhe stockholders and ueed not be 1941 Vinton St/ JA. 1440 and . other . obligations thorefor, and to personally known to me to be the identical a director. Any two of tbeso offices, expledge or mortgage all or any part of the .persons • whose names ure - affixed to* the cepting those of President and Vice-Presiproperty then owned or ' thereafter ac- foregoing Articles of .'Incorporation, and denr, may be held by the-same- person. quired, together with the income, rents nnd they acknowledged' tho execution thereof Until their successors ore elected nt the profits of nropprTy of the company, nnd to to be their voluntary act and deed for the annual meeting of directors in 1030, the WM, BHYD2N & CO. PEERLESS CLEANERS issue;'bonds, debentures, debenture.stock, purposes therein expressed. officers' of-this corporation shall be Jofe I*. . 4420 Florence Blvd. notes or other "obligations without nny itnrb •Witness my hand ,and_uotarial seal the Wolf. President; Aaron Wolf, Vice-PresiCertified Public Accountants security., i dent: Samuel N. Wolf. Secretary and day and year last above written. KB. 1500 638 Securities'Bids. To hnve OKP mo ffics a y Treasurer. The Articles of Incorporation ItEUBKN U. BROWN, - . officesnnfl to carry on 'Feb. may be amended at nny meeting of the nil t s . more operations hnsincus Notary -Public il or any of ior -The boot* With • Reputation AT. 445*" stockholders by the affirmative VPterOf twonnd wifhoqt restrictionti or limit hi ns to thirds of all issued and outstanding ptock. amonnt. ' • " • ' STAUIASTEB £ BEBEU, Attorney* > To pnrchnse- v or otberwisp ncqnlrc bold, AABON WOtF. - . G50 Omaha Notional.Bank Bide. ortgage, sell, convey or othfwsp own, mortgage, or> oth^fwlsp ' - JOB L. WOLF. of real nnd personal property r\t Notice OT Amendment to Articles -of Incorprtl f l d l o f - SAMUEtr N. WOJ-SY = SlHrt\ P1''^ flpscrlptlon in ftny'pf the oration of'The Haimphono Corporation Feb 22—*'_> • • - In«.-orpotntQES\ ..«1 istritTB. ferritoi'ri'P or colonles-of NOTICEMs hereby .given that at u special thft United States, nnd in nny o r , nil meeting-, of -the stockholders ot'the" UnnaSTAI^tASTKR t BEBER, Attorneys i b j t to t thPrlnws thl foreign countries, subject off phone Corporation.held, lu the'office of Sam 650 Omaha National DwU Bld "such slate district, Jerrifory. - colonies or beberv Qto Omaha National Bank Building, co'intry. NOTICE OF AUTICtES OF BTCOBPOBAOmaha, Nebraska, on February 18,-102t>; nt -"Everything fotthe Auto" To acquire the cood- will. «ricnts*-'j|nri which meeting holders of all of-it-e-Issued TION OF THE tEQ B U V ^ property, and to'nnrtprtnfcp. the whole 'or t-apital GENERAL COKP0RATI0N slock, were present..Article:! of its 2051 Farnam—AT. 5524. nny part of the assets 'and liabilities of nny person.,firm, association ~Qr corpora' articles of Incorporation, by the unanimous all men by tlrese preftntg that.the CONTRACTOR tlon.. to pay for, the same In rash, the vote of all ot its issued- capital stock was underaKned have formed a* corporation ,, ; Rtoclc pf. this'company, bonds or otherwise: amended <to read as follows; under tbe -laws of the stat* of, Nebraska-, '1-. -The name of; tbis\corporatiou shall the ftnmfrof this^ coTpor«tioi» sbnll be-Tho ta-bold or in any mnnner .to dispose of 415 Hospe Bldg. the whole OP any rmrt of the^ pionerts so be. "Sound' Equipment Corporation'." I>eo .Blank Corporation vltb Us principal For space THE 11ANAPHONE COIU'OItATION, place purchased: to conduct- Ih anv- lnrofnl rnnti JAckson 1614 ot business ntOmahn, Keliraqka. The - : By J. L.. STKUN. President. nrr the whole or any general nature'of the linilnes* to lie transy part par off nnv y inp -ii>.-this directorj^call the M. L. STEIIN, Sec'y-Treaa. so acquired* unfl to exercise .nil." acted and the object and purpose for which to pxt>rrise.nll.tn<» T>owora In the pre -: Estimates Gladly Furnished presence of IKV1N STAL3IASTER. thi necessary, ot convenient t i I o i d d tb i t iinof find d business. ^ f h .Feb. F b 22-4T 224T conduct nnd management snch -/ lishetl snail be to ertgane In the wholesale JEWISH PRESS^-AT. 1450 To enter, into, mnVp anil perform connnd retail business of buying, Sellinz, martracts of *very Kind for any- lawful pur.keting and distributing* talking Pictures, STAtSlASTEK & BEBEB, Attorneys poses, with nny person, firm, nsxncintlon or machines nnd devices, Including nil acces.650 Omaha National. Bank Bids corporation." town. city, cotintyr Btnjtj, tersories for the same, nnd all firms nnd reri'«r.y or government. cords pertaining.thereto;• to manufacture, NOTICE TO NON-RKSIDKNT •Bell,-jnariet, distribute of grunt franchisesTo draw, mnfce. accept, pnflorsp discount, DBFENIJANT for tbe sale, manufnctjir*. marketing or PATKONIZK TUB oxpcnte nnd Issne promffmorv notrs. <lrnfts. MIDWEST AUTO ELECTRIC In thq Uistrlct Court of DbuglaB County, distribution of the >dlpae; to buy, sell', niarhills Qf exchnnce. bonds. debenture* nnfl CAKPIXAND ket or dlstribnte tpr graijt franchises to other negotiable or transferable "Injtru- Nebraska. ' SERVICE 16tb and- t'urnam To VIKUlNIA PICCIONE. non-resident buy, sell, market or •flfstTlbute- theatrical SUNSET TEA ROOM Franchlatd DlstrUintor* 'Supplies,' fixtures and equipment of all d ta n You are hereby To join, merge or consolidate with-.'jvnd defendant: _ 4Dth and Dodge M ACTO-UTB You hereby notified tfie Uth kinds; to sell nnd, distribute-motion QicdayJfovember, day of are Jfovember,. luas, Salyntore'-Wccione Sthat l y on e W to enter Into' agreement nnrt co CBV9TAL CAKDT NORTHEAST f J petition f titi b Si il t Court fild bis bi CW i off ture films and to buy,'sell, manufacture or relations with nny pprnnn. 'linn, filed inluas the D District tinn or .corporation, novprnmentfll,. tnunl- Douglas County,' Nebraska appearing at distribute any type apt} kln<| of goods, lUth «nd Capitol Are. MA. t<M1 titb and Q. St. •rlpi»l."or othervrisp In nnd nbmit tlio- enrry- Docket 'JM, Number <5S. wherein be prn>s -wares and- merchandise of every Jdna-and nnd to do nny apo nlj things injr jr .on n nnd out ott nil oor nny of the pur- for n decree' of divotee from 'you on. the description; necessary, convenient or proper «r iferfnin^ pnsps of this Company, ground of wilful desertion; that pursuant inc - • to the carrying on of nny of the flforeFmrn^imc-to timp.'nj sii.int^to'thp I>1W8 to' nn order of said court autliorlzinfi spr- snld business inclmUri& the right \o O\MI MAGNUSON ADTO ELECTRIC fiL-PATIO CAFE off Nehrnnkn. N h r n n . by sproinl sprol(f(iri)ntion othpr vict> upon you by publication, you are re- and hold (iri)ntion or othprreal 'estate; the foregoing enum' SERVICE i to rednee, rdne or. or dV wise,to. d(VTf»nrj»'Jtj"rnp}tnlth.y quired to. answer said'petition on or be- erated clause J t } h of specific powers are not After Theatre g p rnrMlfnj! rnT paying off capita] 'or rnnrMlfnj! rnT>ltnl fore the, IStb day of Alarch; .1920., or the intended to limit pr (restrict in. nny,, way jitarter,; Oenerator. JMrbU and Icnltion hlrt hns h b^epn b l t or \% \ onrpprpepntorl t l b petition of plaintiff will be taken as true the powers which this corporation , shall whlrti lo«»t Bervlee and Btpalrs : Dancing nvnijnnie tissefs. or by jpclttclnij thp Tlr nnd judgment entered 'ns prayed for there- have. The authorized capita) stock shall nn 2-Jth -Avcnn& at St. 'Mary's Avenue Ity on, the, sharps, or ntliprwW n r # lla. : be $10,000.00 to be divided Into 100 shares 24th and Farnam ' • - AT;-553a fseem pxpedlent. nnrt to'niv -nft conitnl 't Salvntore l'lccione. .of the par value of J100.QQ ench; nil of itR pntion upon fieifootln™ thpt [t nwv l>" By Stalmnster & Beber. -which stock shall be common an<l~Bhnll be rallpd utKjn apnin' m- ntjiprw'up.'- end fft Feb; 15—4T; • His Attorneys. fully paid up and non-asiesiable vhen b ^^f i p d or - rnnsolirtafp f Its shn><p.-. hn<p. or iBsueC. Said-capital Sfoclt-may-be .issuea cash, rent estate, •frnnebiie?. contract 'nny-of them, or to rptIrA"'?»hn;r<>!KnY.np<T ~ STAM1ASTEK ti- BEBEU, Attorneys - for rights, leases, personal property or persont>e oprporation. or to'rerture tltpp pnr'fn 6SO Omaha National Bank Bids. nl services. Tbe corporation sbtvll--comof th& sbnreR.' or to ncrprit "<i -in' rpn<li>r.of +hp shnrps of It* rnpltnl xloflc. nnd to \*ttn*. NOTICE OF AJBTICtESOFlNCOHPOKA- mence dolupf bii8ines*'npon-;the ffllne of ita Walter C. Koessig ,& Co. articles with the -County Glerk of lioUglns. 'In lieu i thereof n deprp-isert ' mitpber o'v' TION OF THE OBXEKAL EQUIPCotinty, nnd* Btiall contiuue.'Ior a period of sharps witbnnt diptinrtfon nc to rl.nR« of AWUlNGS and CANVAS *Know , • - •alLmeu MISNT liythese «OttPOI^\TION lift}- years from sold dnte-Ttnl»(is-soorver the stock, or-'to 'draw, sharps/for ti p DYE WORKS SPECIALTIES . Know- alLmeu liy-these presents tbilt the dissolved by act of.tbo itoc^bolljers. The ^ hy lot or arcordjn"! to ntiY QPOT; undersgned undersigned formect hnvu or n corporation p (33 TeoTS Experience) ih d laws h i>f. f tstatt o r pbr akt i n highest nmount of ^Indebtedness ihall not a. orijj nny oflipr tmn""n-"nr1pr-thft lindefc. i ddf cr rhe f th t K the, of-c Kebrnsku. t90S Faxnun3 A. 3082 stattitps' of the Stntp" of Tiohr{mkn. In Tbe rtnnie of this corporation shall be exceed 2/3 of its capital 'stock tout this We Make Old Garments , .'--jjeneral to carrv nn" anv oihpr bnpinpRs It* "The Uem-rnl. Xonnd Eiiuljiuienl Corpora- restriction shnll not apply lo Indebtedness oonnprfion with tlii» foiv>KolnT. r ^ - h h tion," witli its principal pi.ice of business secured by mortgages or liens upon any Look Like New • • jnanofnctiirlnE of ofRprwiSo, nn(\ In nt Uinoha, Nebraska. The general nature of the corporate property. The nifqirs h T of n nnd exercise all tiip - powers cnn nqihT n CLEANING - DYEING — SCOTT OMAHA of thp business to be transacted ami th« this corporation shnll fab miinnsfd not, by-, the ;lnWK..of tKnjjrnBkn, iinnn rp object nnd'.purpoirc'lor.which this corpora- Board of Directors consletlng of nsfdnot, TENT AND AWNING CO. REPAIRING meetlnKl ess of orations, and U» do nny or nil of tion is iirgunized and- established shall be than two members. The annual of
Good Will Banquet
iambTis ;• "W;'' W, Catniichaei, Exalted Ruler of the Elks Club; Harry H. LapiduB, presidaist of the Jewish Community Center, and Sam E. Greenleaf, past Grand Master of the Odd Fellows. Robert's handwriting and signing his name to them. The letters were mailed to France and Jemailed to Mrs. Freiskal who lived in Brooklyn, N. Y. - They said that Robert was sick and postponed his return to the United States from time to time. • - , - ' • , . Mrs. Preiskal was seventy-two years old. , The recently published budget for the coming: year of the city government of'Jerusalem calls for expendi-
Paxton Billiard Parlors ' 1516 Farnam—JA. 9721 Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events
National Accessories, Inc.
Auto Electric Service
ttie thfiiCT herelnh»fnn« -srt tOTth. 'to t h e to buy, sell and distribute tnlklng picture the corporation shnll be held on the tl first samp extent ns n,nturnl pprsoni) might o« mnchiiies and'aeviccs Including all acces- Mondn'y of January of each year nt 'which could do. nnd in riny part of fftp world, nd n y f sories for the same ,uml all films and recfjHrtcipnls/ ntrents meeting:«•the •hall. elect a - 08 08 -fjHrtcipnls/. ntrents. «"on$rnPtnjfi «"on$rnPtnjfi trnntoPii orus ds p t i f tthvr«»to; rpt U A shnu hll h v e the 4iV?Jiit pertaining unfl have o r -othcxwjse. nlone or In cnmjinny wlin right to miniufnotun-. sell, distribute or i^" I( J _?^ o t h e r s . . : •• - ' . • i ^ grant friinchlses for the sale, manufacture „,,,?„ "™ _ . . . . . Any T h e forejomnic clnnsps shn|t he « - o n ( n 4 or distrllmtioD of Ihe same;"to buy. sell'2ii u Jrr offices may be held' by one and j h o t h aa .obieeta ,iini\ nowrrs ;«nd I t , Is o t distribute or to grant "franchise t w o o t the same persou. 1'ntll their successors at hereby ex.ptessly provlflpd thnt tlip forp to buy, scll.nnil* distribute theatrical annual meeting )n 1930, the underflgned eoioir. enn>nprntlon'of appoifir power* n n i sup supplies, x u r e s and nd equipment q p t of nil the pli , fixtures constitute tho first -Bon^a of -X-lrwctnot. he --heM to limit "pr reRtrlrMn,. ^ k i dds: lo l sell ll mid d distribute d i t i b u t motion motio pi pickinds: pic shnll kin ors< The Board of Directors shall elect n manner t i e po-wprd'of this corporation. h hi ture- fi filmff nnd lo do any. hud alll - things President, a Vlce-Vresldent, n Secretary necessary or pertaining to the carrying on nnd a Trcnsurer .L'-. •' ..CAriTAI. HTOCK from among their number . The -total nuthcirlzert enpitnl stock o f f h o of Its business including tbe right to own except thnt the Secretary may be elected Corporation snail be.SW.ooo.np'divirtfii Jn- and" hold real estate.'(The authorized capital from the stockholder^ and need not t>e n to ZJ00A shares of,the ppr valiip ,of *1OOO0 stock shnll be "flOO.OOO.OO divided into 1000 Director. Until their sucee«sdrs pro electshares of the par vnltiu of $100.00 each; Jill ed at the nnnunl meeting ot-Directors in each* ' . . - , ' of which stock shall be caramon and shnll 1030, - Stpck shnll .he trnpsftrnhte-pnlof tup officers of this corporation shnll be fully paid up' and non-assessable n-hen he Leo iiol-ulellvery- of the Stork ce;tlflrnt Blank, President nn(| Secretary and Issued. Said stuck may be issued for cash, Jnnet thft'^econlinp thereof on the Stork G. Blank, Vice-Pres(<lent nn.rt Treasreal estate, franchises, contract rights, t3>$-Company. urer. These mny be amended nt of t3>$-Company. leases, personal property or personal .ser- any regular orarticles speclnl meeting of the stock" Sto<* shnll h l l be b Issued ni» the ne€(ff of'fhe vices. The corporation shall commence Company require; shall he nnifl for nn U- doing business upon the filing of. its nr- holders by a 2/3 vote o{ the ontstnndlng slied; : nnif-m"y b«> p.nld^for In cash, tiofe; tides with the County Clerk of Douglas stock. . In witness whereof the parties hereto or Ji» sti«-h nronerty. TPH) nn<l personal, nt County. Nebraska, nnd' shall- continue for herennto snbseribed their name* this a period of fifty years from said date. The bate 4th day of March. 102J). highest amount, of Indebtedness sball hot LEO BI,AyK, exceed 2/3 of its onpitnl stock but. this l .JAKET O. BLAKK. restriction shall not npply to indebtedness In the presence of Irrtn Stalmaster. secured by mortgages or Hens upon any of to • . corporate property. The affairs of this March 8—IT W«fc>"oIfl«s w b o ^ v ^ p a W ^ -»si» eon- (he Bhall be managed by n Board df corporation of Directors consisting of not 'less than 8TAXMASTEU & BEBEB,.r, members. The annual meeting of the 030 Omnhsi Nat|«nal Dfnlf DIdg. ! two corporation shall be held on tht* first week riiOBATB NOTICE day of Jitnmiry of eacb year :it whli'ft meeting the stockholders shall elect a Board of In tbe name of the e^ate Of'SEM KATZ, Directors nnd thereupon the Board shall decraseil. elect a President, a Secretary ««d n, TrenB- - Notice Is hereby given: That the crediturer. Any two of said offices may- be hplrt ors of said deceased will meet the ndminby .one an3 the. same person. These nr-Listrntor of sal<l estate, before me, County I tides may bt» amended nt an; regular or* Judge of Don gins County, Jvfcbrnska, at the special meeting Of the stockholders by n t County Court Room, In entd County, ort * 2/3 vote of the ^outstanding stock.. s [the ,0th clay of May. lP2{ft and on tqe Uth iJ5i.riSp«iiLj,»tor«f-rbd«t I In'witness whereof - tbe parties hereto day-of-July, 1029, at 0 o'clock A. M., each have herennto subscribed their names this day, for the purpose of presenting their Iholrfe'r.. • "'" ' SSfir. day of February, V,12O, I claims for <>xnmlniiHon. pdinsjrment and nl , i * M. Si~ S'i'KUN, I lownnce. Three moiiths J for lM t J. ... _, _^ -, *Se"**~" ^_J.eIlt ci«TmsV*tom the n8tU dny ofv April. SAM BEBEK. con- In th«> preFencp o f . .March .—41:-March H^At C'ouatj- Judge. ALICE ADLtEK
Service Qur Motto
DAVENPORT GARAGE 18th and Darenport
JA. B573
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101 No. 16th
2408 Farnam—J A. <1941
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11B So, IB •
'W. H. OSTBNBERG, Pres. AT. 2815 S815 Farnam
- . "Beginners nnd Advanced StnOerrt- : '- - " -Accepted ' - - i ' T CtUte t, W«ad dAe^ t_-h and Farnam Telephone ATlantic 8163 1
Plajr the Violin Correctly
i r o t Sevcik and other world renowned teachers recommend my method very ' highly
FRANK MACH Concert Violinist artd Instructor JAl Studio JXiVk "»• »6*h s *-
So. 24th St. — MArket 0701
THALLAS THE HATTER Hats Cleaned and Blocked 50 and 75c
SPECIAL:— Pair of rubb«r heels free Mith every eole and heel repair job. 1510 Harney AT,
HARRY BRAYIROFF Pianist Instructbr
20th Century Rapid Shoe Repair
Plumbing snd Heating
Music Teachers
Maryland Fried Chielf«n
16 and Douglas .
Sample Dyeing a Specialty 814 No. 24th St. AT. L169
Oid Kentucky Barbe^QC
Hats Cleaned and Blocked 75c
Awnings, Canvas Corer^ Tents, ' Camp Supplies, AU Kinds I5tb and Howard ., AT. MBS
1119 No. 1 9 ^ W E . J32S1-
General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing
Awnings and Tents
Speck's Place
POSITION OPEN For Collector for City Talmud Torah. Knowledge of the city ability to read and write and Yiddish required. Apply to S. Ravitz, 720 So, 88.
Painting-Paperhanging J. M. ANDERSON PAPER HANGING DECORATING—PAINTING 615 Keeline Bldg. JA. 4180
N o . 2
First Class Work Shoes Rebuilt
- -HOLMES. Saite Made to i and cap« tew No. t*
203 Neville AT..
FR ONTiEg.. TOWEL & LINEN SUPPLf ATiantic 6291 "
Beauty Parlors
BISAUTY PAKI.OK B Aqullta Conn AT. 77S1
Shampoo and Marcel Finger Wave or Haircut $1.25
Shampoo and Finger 'Wave $1.00 Marcel 7Se
Since 1870
Wall Paper-Paints FRED PARKS & Samples Shown nt Io«j
MArket 4600
. .
24th and C Ht—AT.
Tin, Sheet Metal and furnace Works First CJftss Work and Prompt
So. Sttb
Towel Supply-
ill4 So. 28 St.
Painting and Paper Hanging
4615 So. 24th St. Hours 7 A. M. lo 6 P. M.
Only 2, firms accepted under each business he&ding
MArket 4307
MArket 0977 Res. MA, 3166
4824 So. 25th •4411 So. 26th
FOR 75c A WEJ£K' * V Vour ad in this directory, ffae^Uf practically every J^vrlgfa Home in Omaha \ • -*