Interesting and Entertaining \
Snlered as Becoml-clnss mail matter ' 8 *? poqtoffice at Omaha, Nebraska, under tUT -
DR. NATHAN KRASS SPEAKS AT J. C. C. WEDNESDAY NIGHT "What Is Wrong with the Ten Commandments?" Is Subject
FAMOUS RABBI IS FOURTH CENTER COURSE SPEAKER Dr..-'Nathan'. Krass of New York •will* be the fourth lecturer " on "the lecture and concert course sponsored jointly. by the Jewish Community Center, and the Council of Jewish
Dr. Nathan Krass Women. Dr. Krass will speak on "What Is Wrong: with the Ten Commandments 2" Wednesday evening, March 20i at; the Center. Asjleader of one of the greatest and most influential.. religious communities in New York City and the entirfr -world,-Dr. ."Krass is avidely regarded as', a central figure in some of the pressing' religious questions of the day. _ ,His appeal as a preacher and scholar is to all International • fame came to Dr. Krass after ihe -war, when, as special commissioner-for the Joint Distribution committee, : ne : toured Europe to study at first hand conditions there. He was actively eon-nected with' Hoover's and Liberty ."Loan campaigns.. '•'• As a scholar and -philosopher, Dx. Krass has appeared -before, many learned societies discussing topics pertaining to Biblical and- post* Biblical k literature. He has founded, a forum for young men and women of all creeds and faiths in one of the most congested ^stricts of the ' city of New York. ........ Uabbi Frederick Cohn of Temple Israel will be chairman of the
nary 27, 1821,'-at at March a, ISTft
I.fflORGENSTERNANDOmaha U. P- A. Drive FRED WHITE TO GIVE 'Merchant Prince of Israel" Greatest Jewish Phil- MOSES ADDRESSES anthropist In the World; Is Chairman of Board Moses Celebration at Center Sunday; W. L. Holzman Chairoran
Quota of $15,000 Sttught in Drive Dxsriag Week o£ M&rclt 18-24
Julius Rosenwald watchful, modest man with, his clever Two addresses, on the greatness began life in 1862 eyes and friendly smile began to rise of Moses as -a world figure will be in- the city of to the top of the business world, features of the big public program Springfield, HI., the In 1894 conditions having ' changed, at the Jewish Community. Center city already famand the demand for the.products he Sunday evening which will, celebrate ous as the home and' his cousin were then manufac- the 3500th anniversary, of the birth of Abraham Linturing- declined, Mr. Jtosejrwald ar- of Moses. Fred White will speak in coln.; •. Like the ranged with a New York firm, which" English on "Moses the Lawgiver." b o y s , at •was "manfaeturing low priced .cloth- and It Morger.stera will give, an ad; other Springleld he at- j u ing to start a ' branch i n Chicago. dress in Yiddish on "Mcses the [tended the public schools and on It was in connection with this busi- World Teacher." Wii'iam L. HolzSaturdays and during vacations ness, that Mr. Rosenwald became ac- man will be chairman. H. A. Wolf Barned his spending money by, work- quainted with Mr.. Sears of Sears, will also speak 3n Yiddish. ing', at • odd jobs—helping"'in' Ms Roebuck'' and Company-.. -Mr. Sears Traditional Jcttish music will be father's store, - pumping the church placed orders for clothing in such given by Cantor A. Schwaczkin of organ and sometimes by selling; var- fabulous quantities that, Mr, .Rpsen,- B'nai Israel sysagogue and Cantor ious, articles and later as a clerk wald became . interested as to his S. Kahanovitea pf Beth Hamedresh in a store. method of disposing - of' them. He HogodeL Harr^' Sobinson, accomHis ' college.- was commerce. At found that Mr. Sears, realizing' that panied by ' Miss \ Ann Ruback, will seventeen we find him embarking many people, especially farmers, play a violin sold. Irving Perimeter in the wholesale • dotting - business lived far from the shopping- areas* will give a recitation. The ringing with his unde "in New. York; at had- worked, out by means of- an will be led'by Mrs. Max Fromkin. twenty-two in a3 small clothing and illustrated catalogue a very successtailoring business-of'his own on ful retail by mail ~ merchandising Fourth avenue, New York, and at concern.' The mail order business twenty-three "in"?.Chicago with his was sound but it required capital'and : cousin employed in the. manufactur- in 1895 Mr. Rosenwald and - his ing of .summer. clothing. In these brother-in-law purchased a half inearlier V years he met with no re- terest in the enterprise, for $70,000. markable success.. There were at Since that time Mr. Rosenwald has that tune : few outward signs of the been engaged i n building up. this mail Special Service Tonight and Banpromise which later was". to; be so order house. He served first, es quet ToKiorrew Night vice president and treasurer, then as amply fulfilled." " ; ' Arranged {Continued on page 2) But in the course of time, this quiet, •
The 1929 United Palestine Appeal I Drive in Omaha will be officially ned Monday evening, March 18, with a dinner at the Omaha A.thletie. Club' in honor of Dr.' Mtsvmee
of Directors of SeaTs-Roebuck and Co.
mstANNUAL ic c.
•' -:
DH SCOTT NEARING When-the. members of Temple Israel the tweny-fiftfa anniversary POINTS TO SOCIALISM TRMINGUAl ORATORICAL ecelebrate l Rabbi Cofcri's s|nJitual leader of the Friday sjsfl Sateiday, they will AS NEST WORM STH» CONTEST TUESDAY NIGHT 'lTemple ie- "jofned"- "By -fhc-«ep«ewi«aiavesi -of
1 Civilization. .Boomed for Junk One-Act Play "Overtones* ' and: Various faiths in the city in recognition of Ral&i Cohn's outstanding work J. C. C. Orchestra Also - Pile of History, Speaker On Program Dd|
Thei ^historic' junk pile ?was the -.. In. -whafr-as Tegardedras aii original in American . Jewish destination 'tersely pointed out. by. inovation Dr. Scott Nearing 'in answering the forensic, activities, six young inen question, ''Where *- I s ' Civilization and women of. Omaha will cbnapete Going?1' which was the subject of in the first: annual. Trj-Lingual his lecture at the Jewish Commun- Oratorical contest of #ie : Jewish Community Center-Tuesday evening, ity, Center" Monday evening. Defining the turning points, in March 19. The speakers' are divided history as; the times when great into three classes, two speak&g in and -.Engchanges in. the methods of economic each, of Hebrew, Yiddish, ' -:\:- :"'•;•" •:---\ production take : place, I>r. Nearing lish,' -. •- ' The contest is being sponsored,by the developnients of the past "half century.; along; the lines the Compeer, Chapter of the Ivre of mass production, communication fraternity. Jack' W.' Marer, repfraternity, will be and transportation, and; prophesized resenting the chairman of1 the evening arid • will Council Women Sabbath the coming of a "New Social Era." present the medals .donated by his gave as. the three periods in hisService Next Saturday He tory' so far savagery, _ barbarism, organization to the winners. and civilization. ' During the first The competitors and their- subjects A Sabbath service sponsored by one of these, means of subsistence are:—Yiddish class: Rose ' Softer, the Omaha Council of Jewish were limited to what could be found "The Future of the Diaspora Jew"; Women will be given in Temple in nature. When wan began making Morris Lensky, "The Folk Schulfr ,vs.. Israel, at-10 o'clock, Saturday morn- tools and making other things that the Talmud Torah'.'. Hebrew class: ing, March, 23. This .Sabbath morn- he. desired, the, period of barbarism Irvin Soiref, "Palestinian, and Amering will be observed throughout the began, he showed. "Civilization be- ican Youth"; Joseph Saks; "What has United States as .Council Sabbath. gan," Dr. Nearing -stated, "with the the Book -of . Prophets ' to Offer?" It is an tannual observance. establishment Jof the permanent English class: Abe Sherman, '<JonMrs. Pxederick Cohn, chairman of market."'- As for. the.-future, he tributions of" the - Jew to" 'Civilisareligion of the Omaha Council is in said that within the • next thirty tion"; Irving .Perimeter, '.'Palestine1', charge of arrangements. A part of, years, the world will be living "Overtones", a one-act play will r the serivce'Will be read by the cMl- largely in a ' socialistic .era, not un- be a second .feature-, of the program. , dren, and a ; children's choir,: under like' the' present Soviet system. The play has been coached1 by Bess the direction of Miss Laura Goetz, 1 With an' admirably restrained' but Weinstein and has for its cast Ida •will sing. Rabbi Frederick Cqhn effective, irony," the speaker dis- Cahn Platt, Toby Steinberg, Sally will deliver the sermon. Mrs. J. H. : coursed at length on the faults of Morgan, and Mrs. Henry. Weisberg. Kulakofsky, president of the Counthe present capitalistic age. "Class The. J. C. C. orchestra will also cil, will, speak. A solo by Miss division,' poverty and conquest," he appear on fhe program,, playing Bertha Greenhouse will be a musidemonstrate, "are the outstanding several numbers; cal feature of the service. characteristacs of civilization." The principle of private ownership was SHUMSK RELIEF SOCIETY ICOR CAMPAIGN FOR blamed" as the" underlying cause of TO GIVE BALL MARCH 24 TRACTOR IN FULL SWING these things. 'With a grim smile ' The Shumsk Relief' Society will The drive by the Icor. of Omaha on his face, he told his audience give their third annual benefit dance that in the greatest centers of to raise funds to purchase a tractor for Jewish colonists in Russia, is' in, civilization, the; greatest poverty ex- in the form of a Purim Ball at the full swing according to the commits isted. He stated that- in the United City Auditorium on Sunday -«vet e c in charge. Committees are now. States there are over sixteen million ning, March 24. According to J. White, chairman "canvassing the city, they stated, s ^ persons working'for"a*wage of'_less of the affair, the various committees than twenty-five-dollars,a week. He curing "funds and merchandise. The later is. for the bazaar to be given described poverty as an enforced of the organization are working . March 31 at the Labor Lyceum* condition imposed by the wealthy in hard to insure the success of the; , which will climax the' campaign.. order to - become more wealthy. affair. Proceeds of the ball will go -fot "Wars," he saiS, "axe the' result of Omahans are urged by them to cotwo nations seeking "more fields of the benefit, of Jews m Shuxnskjoperate-with the solicitors. , profit for: their "'wealthy classes Russia. bumping* hfads in going after the HEADS TECH ORCHESTRA same" "plunder." SATURDAY Pearl Marcus has been elected pres- Dr. Nearing commended '-very Louis Shanock; assistant • ident of..the senior orchestra at Tech- highly the ..BusBJjsjjs- for- the way secretary of the Jewish Community nical High School. Miss Marcus plays their Soviet. experiment has demon- Center announced that dances will the mellophone in the orchestra.- She strated the~pract$cabilify of the. so- be'given-weekly en Saturday night? also plays the piano and trumpet. daiistic ideal., He described so- at the Center. For this She is a sister of Mrs. N. Simon.' Center Dance orchestra •will' play,' (Continued'on JPa«rV2> n i n g V
Rabbi Frederick Cohn in the social_service, cultural: and spiritual life of the" city. The two-day celebration will start ~with. special services at 8 o'clock this evening at Temple Israel. Following is the program: Sabbath service; vocal solo by Harry S.c Disbrow; address of welcome by Henry Rosenthal, president of Temple Israel; talk, by Milton R. Abrahams, representative of the Brotherhood of Temple Israel; violin solo by Miss Dorothy Lust(Continued on Page 4) ;
Former Omahan Gives Building to J. C. R. A. Philip . Goldstone, prominent film producer, of "Los Angeles, former Omahan,.has presented to the Sanatorium of the J. C R. A. «f his city a building to be constructed at a cost of over $25,000 in the name of his mother, Mrs. Bay Goldstone, a devoted worker and leader of the Ladies Auxiliary" of the institution, Goldstone was born and reared in Omaha, leaving here in 1520 to enter a large film company in Hollywood. Prior to that time he was manager of the Sterling Film Company of Omaha. At present, he is one of the large independent producers in the-movie world. While in Omaha, Goldstone was prominent in, many Jewish activities, especially the Y- M. H. A. and dramatic' circles.
me&ts.on-Golf. Cknirse A®noancei at ABE-HERZBERG PRESIDENT
Omaha Drams League Head Gives Official Endorsement t© Production MRS.
At a meeting: held last Friday, the HigMaad ' Country Club re-elected the officers of the past year to serve again-for .the ensuing term. They are. as follows: Abe Merzberg, president; J. F. Heyn, vice-president; Harry Malashock, treasurer, and Sam, Leon, secretary. The directors of the club are M. E. Handler, Ed Treller, H. A. Wolf, I. B. Zimman, M. Yoasem, Morris Milder, Dave Fedcr and Morris Ferer. ; . A membership campaign to begrln Wednesday, March 20, was announced. A" stag party at the Blackstone Hotel will be held on this date to inaugurate the drive. Among the other plans Announced were plans for improving the Club's golf course and; clubhouse. • , The' chairmen of the various committees -of the organization are as follows: Dave Feder, entertainment; M.' Yousera/house;.J. F. Heyn, green and publicity; Sam Leon,; budget; Al Mayer, tfluraainent; M. E. Handler* membership, and B. F. Danbaum, building. . Mrs. Cora Wolf., is chairman of the women's entertainment committee, and'- Mrs. M". E./Handler and Mrs. Harry Rosenthal are. in charge of women's -golf.
The Omaha Drama League has offered its official endorsement of the production of "The ByWrak" which •will be given at the Jewish Community Center April 2 and S by the Center Players Guild, "We are more than pleased to recommend this play to those who look to the Drama League for guidance in choosing plays," Mrs, J. J. McMullen told Mrs. Herman Jahr, who is directing the play for the Guild. "The Dybbuk" will open on April 2 with & guest performance to which admission will be by invitation only. The performance on Wednesday, April S will be open to the public. Tickets will be ots sale at the Jewisn Community Center. "The Dybbuk" which was presented in Yiddish here' by -the Vitas. troupe several years ago, will be given for the first time in' English in'..Omaha by the Center Players Guild. It has been translated into masy languages and performed in all the capitals of Europe. Four complete sets in the futuristic motif will be used in the production of the play. TJ*ey hare been designed by Mrs. Jahi and Harry Cornell of the Brandeis -Players, and executed ~by Harry Cornell. The colors iised in the «=ets will be symbolic of the struggle in the play ftALPH E. BROWNE WILL between righteousness and the powGIVE LECTURE MONDAY ers of darkness, black representing Ralph .IS. Browses field secretary evil, and shades of gold, silver and of the National Probation associa- blue representing faith and holiness. tion, will, spesk at the Jewish' Community Center Monday, March 18, OMAHANS ORGANIZING under the auspices of the CotHicfl of Y. P.- Z. CLUB IN LINCOLN •Social Agfades. Browne has beeii ' assistant com- A Young Posle Eion club is being missioner ef pnblic welfare in Ver- organized in- Lincoln, Nebr., by 8mont. He 'has."conducted surveys in coinmittee of the local group comadult •. prob>icties departments in posed of Irvin Soiref, Charles Shejv IndianapoHi'and Baltimore, and has num, Mildred Harris, Rose Soffer, made local staSes -of jtivenile courts and E. Kipnis "who is sponsor of the in CoiineeticQfc' -and Utah. He has Omaha society. A ban-qtset and mass meeting will also xoade-. a state wide survey cf be held in "Lincoln on Sunday, March juvenile courts; in Nebraska. 17, for the purpose of organisingthe club.
Kampala, British East Africa. — (J. ' T. &.}—Mrs, -Oscar- Strans, widow of-the former American ambassador tO'TBrfeefs arrived h ^ e on an expeditiso to c^Bect data- on native and EBinml life and to secore pictures for the American ..Masems of Nafioail JGst&ry*-ia, New, Tort*
WEIZMANN BETTER Londor,.—(J. T. A.>—Dr, "WeiziBSia is Impro-ving, in' healtk, following- ME • ilbiess. It 'is expected that her -will proceed to the south of France this weekend, ^o folly recapsrste before proceeding on •* trip to Palestine, • -~
Dr. Maurice B, 'Hester* B. Eexter, distinguished Zionist worker-and professor of social "Ethics at Harvard university. Daring the whole of next week an extensive canvas of the city will be made -te: raise » quota of $15,600, The corps; of volunteer workers • sre unfler the supervision «f the fellowimg offiegxs of the local U. F,.' A-chairman, ..J, J. Fritdm^r clxai3?w.srs,. Mrs.'"Toby- A. vlee-ehsdrraen, Mrs, J, Ssm Bwartz, Louis Katelman Koae Fine; treasurer, PI. A, Wolf, and secretary, J. J. Stern. Th« executive committee of. the Oirob* XL P. A. is composed of the following: Henry Monsky, Ifvin Stalmaster, W. L» "Rolnnmn, Mmrry H.' LapidBS, EabbI Frederick Cohn, E. K. Biaser, N.-Levinson, Dr. V. E, Levine, Phi] Klutsnicfc, Harry 3Si.mman, Harry Malashock, Fred 3Ro»enetock, John FeMroan, Abe Gold«t«in, Grac« RoseiiBtem, Mis, S. Cahn PIfitt, Km, J. idntztnan, A. U- Ah* plrin, M. G, Cohen, Dr. O. C, < nert Jac"k W, Kftrer, Mrs. ' Fromkin, Mrs.' M, F, I/evengon Mrs.
A. Eomm.' (Coetinussd on Page £)
New Theological . Seminary Units Begun New • York.—<J. T. A.)—j tion of the new building* oi tb« Jewish Theologies! S«Tntoury. mi America, to be constrncted »t ft east of $8,000,000, will begin -in a few daj's, it was learned upom the - departure Friday night of Or, *€ytw Adler, president of the Jewish TJ»«logical Se:minsn*y, who sailetl f<»~ Pglestine on the steamer "Boma." Before Dr. Adler sailed, conti-aete for the buildings t^'be ereto«d tttt the Bite from 123nd to igSSrd »trml, adjacent to.- the present Seminary; boilding, were signed. The first rail will be the Jacob E. Sehiff Memorial Library to hous* the large collection of books oi the Seminary, exhibits of the Aroeri«»n Jewish Historical Society and- an exhibition hall. The Lows S.,-Brush Memorial Dormitory building, for which the late Mr, Brasfc left'fV SQO,000 will be the second! baiidin£ erectesJ. The third building erected Will bfc' for the Teachers Institute, eofttalnfaculty rooms,'-classtwtaas ftad «BJ, the pift of Israel V ert ES -S, rnfmoJial to Ms parent*. The boildjatge will foe raWem* jr. , six stories high and in
FAHE -"O" FEAT MEET Samuel Z- Faier left Friday fw tmin, Me« for the district c«ttof the FM D#lte WptiU fmtemllj' b^inf id weekend. its covmsel of tte ieo41 ~<M fraternity at
other makers of noney, Julius Rosen- land purchased for the project, as* CONGRESS VOTES 3TOR wald realizes that the use of wealth raring every apartment exterior STRAUS MBMORIAI4 requires as much skill and thought lighting and also providing a gen(Continued from Page 1) '- " '- * '&&&&&'*&«&.Thursday at Oinaha, Nebraska, by' as its accumulation. He has de- erous playground for the children. Washington.—(J. T. A.)—The »m-TEE JEWISH PRES$ PUBLISHING COMPANY Mr. Bosenwald has also assisted ate "has unanimously passed the president and he is now chairman -of veloped, therefore, certain definite resolution of Congressman Celler of Office: Br'arideisTheater Building—Telephone ;ATlantic. 1450' the board of directors* - Today the ideas of his own. To begin with in the establishment of eighteen Y. DAVID BLACKER, BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR firm employs more than 30,000 per- he insists that the need to be met M. C. A.'s and two Y. W. C. A.'s New York for the erection on the (Continued from Page 1} . , IRVING -PEELMETEE » EDITOR sons and did a $347,000,000 business is the immediate need, and he is for colored people, by contributing public grounds in the District of Coutterly opposed to the establishment in each case, a sum of $255,000 out cialism as a socialized and planned lumbia of a monument or memorial last year, approximately one hundred Subscription Price, one year - . » - . . - - . - - - - $2.50 and eixty times the business that it of great endowments, held in per- of a -minimum of $100,000 to be economy under worfcingmen control. to the late Oscar S. Straus. -__ Advertising-rates furnished on application . u did in 1896. Such success meant petuity under the dead hand of the raised by white and colored people He closed-bis address with the stateOscar S. Strauss .we* Ambassador great wealth and Mr. Rosenwaid' be- law, expressed in .rust deeds. He far the building fund. Interracial ment, "The fight is between cap- to Turkey under President: T«ft and CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; came one of the - millionaires in the: has started, therefore, a fund of .goodwill has been one of the features' italistic chaos and scientific social Secretary of Commerce and Labor be sure to-" give your name. thirty-five million dollars, of which in the development of the Negro organization, and I believe that United States. under President Roosevelt. He was the whole (the principal as well as Y. M. C. A.'s. Thfl drive for a science will win." It is said of Mr/Jlosenwald that the interest) may be used at any the brother of Nathan Strauss. was chairman he thinks much and talks little. Over time but must be distributed within Negro branch is usually a part of a Dr. Harold Gifford 1 the simplicities of routine' he is ada- twenty-five years after his death. metropolitan (white) campaign. Con- of the meeting find introduced the tributions collected over the entire speaker to the large audience which mant. , On one occasion his colr' A Gentile has given to the world, and especially to the Jews, leagues thought they would, compli- This stipulation goes further even community are thus partially toward filled the 3. C. C. auditorium. the policy pursued by the Rocke- a Negro branch. Out of a total cost albook which deserves praise, far above our poor powers of com- ment him by selecting for his room than feller Foundation. Under the Rocke- of $3,500,000 for the Negro branches mendation. Aime Palliere, the young Frenchman who traveled an especially beautiful oriental rug, feller plan the trustees are allowed aided by Mr. Rosenwald and th authorities and of-private white and To your relatives in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Roumathe road from Borne'to Israel, from Catholicism to Judaism, in de- He was duly grateful, but it was to draw on the capital if they wish Julius Rosenwald fund, 77 per cen Negro citizens. noticed that the rug was rolled up AH these services, rendered to his nia, Palestine, and all other scribing his extraordinary spiritual career, fills one with a feeling in a corner of the office and one to do so. But Mr. Rosenwald gives has come from white sources, 13 pe generation by Julius Kosenwald, are parts of the world. the trustees of the Julius Rosenwald cent from Mr. Rosenwald and 10 pe of serenity and j o y that is almost divine in its uplifting power. day it disappeared. What he said fund no choice. They are compelled based upon one simple principle, cent from Negroes. MONEY DELIVERED namely that men and women, whatThe titje of Paffiere's book, "The Unknown Sanctuary," bears was that he did not wish to stand to disburse his fund. TO TEE HOUSE But perhaps his greatest achieve ever be their race and creed, shonH a deep significance forming, the nucleus of its theme. The author except on the same floor covering It was said of the prophet Jere- ment has been the encouragement o: make the most of the circumstances his colleagues. How ,he anticidescribes in it the beauties that stirred his soul as the true spirit as pated prohibition has become a fam- miah that he advised his people to rural education among the colore in which they are placed, and should and .essence of Judaism revealed itself to him. These," he says, are ous anecedote. In order to drive make the best of thecountries into people of the south. On June 80, be helped to do this by the more an unknown sanctuary foreign to the appreciation of the Gentiles, saloons out of the neighborhood of .which they were received as exiles. 1928, there were 4,138 Rosenwald fortunate and successful of their and. even many Jews. In his* attempt to find some plan in the the company's 'plants, the company This is Mr. Rosenwald's attitude to- schools, a number of them with sep- neighbors. "Freely ye have received, the problems <if Jewry. In arate buildings for shops and teach freely give," this is Mr. Rosenwald'e world's destiny, he is shown, chiefly by an Italian rabbi, that the issued an order that no employee wards Chicago, he is a generous benefactor ers' homes, standing in the fourteen motto in life, and when he gives he 1434 No. 18 WEbster 1648 universal religion, which will some day unite the.pepples of the must enter a saloon within «ight in all Jewish and non-Jewish char- states of the south. Correspondent in Omaha for blocks of the establishment. Eighteen spends not only his money but himearth, is none other than the ethical monotheism of Judaism of months later the nearest saloon was ities. To enumerate his gifts and his There are over eleven thousand self. THE AMALGAMATED BANK) \ . which thd Jews are the priests and the prophets. With this reali: eight blocks away. It had a sign services would be merely to offer a teachers in modern schools, giving (Copyright, 1929, by the Jewish Teleof New York. elementary instruction in three R*s, zation, the tempest of his soul is calmed and his future as a spirit- on one side of which were the words catalogue. ,,•.. graphic Agency, Inc.) ual leader is assured. • 'first Chance," while on the other But he recognizes also the claims in home-making, and in simple farmade >the -words were "Last Chance." of his people far beyond these ing and mechanical industries to -Beautiful as the thought of, this volume is, it is enhanced, a From the ^irst, Mr.. Rosenwald shores. In Russia there is a town more than half a million colored thousand!qldby its simplicity, fairness, and sincerity. No tinge, of made it clear that he regarded his that bears his name.arid with good children. The significance of this the corrosive rancor that mars most religions comparisons denies opportunity as -a trust, to be dis- reason.. Not only has he given six program in a large degree is in the dollars to the Russian Jews fact that these schools are a part its pages* As Palliere grows away from Christianity,, his feeling charged in the public interest. He million but he has laid down a policy for of the great American system of is only one of sympathy for his former brethren ^who have not yet believes that permanent'and success- their betterment, He seeks to lib- public education for all the people basis for business operations is come to understand the soul of the Jews. Throughout his story ful to be found in making each tran- erate them from the grip of the and have been a specific incentive he urges again and again that Jew and Gentile both seek to under- saction of mutual advantage to all ghetto and' plant them on the- soil to the progress and development of Every boy and his mother should know this stand each other better. Not in the cold superficial manner so concerned.. In, other words; the cus- as farmers. In fact, he aims at -schools in the south. The Rosenwald marvelous store within & store. The Neschoolsrepresent investments of $he ancient,scripture calls "the common, but with an enlightened sympathetic attitude, he asks tomers and' employees must benefit what twenty million dollars. Of this total vine and the fig tree" for every braska deliberately sells standard quality as well as the company and stockthat they plumb the depths of each other's souls. the Negroes have contributed apfamily. boys* clothes NOW st the start of the seaholders. Soon after Mr. Rosenwald's To the Jews, Palliere brings a message whose clarion .call .entry Into the company, he initiated In-the United States Mr. Rosen- proximately four millions, white citison at the year's lowest prices. zens have raised by direct gift one should waken the souls of the most apathetic of us. He gives to the'policy of "your-money-back,-if-not- wald has labored for racial justice. million, public tax fund has entered With a splendid altruism, he has us a new understanding of our beautiful mission on. earth that satisfied." to the extent of approximately twelve sought out the Neg.x> and has poured should swell the breast of every son of; Israel. He: shows to us the "In- 181&, under Mr. RosenwaltTs forth his money without stint in the millions, and approximately three and beauty and the necessity of our language, Hebrew, and of our guidance, Sears, Roebuck and Com- endeavor to develop a fuller oppor« one-third million dollars have been The new patterns and colors that help various customs and ceremonials. He warns that hot by divorcing pany, established the employee's sav- tunity for the colored race. In Chi- provided either by Mr. Rosenwald the boys reflect their springtime gladand profit-sharing pension fund cago the migration jof Negroes from or by the fund. The Rosenwald conness. Tattersall vests, pleated waist the past can we hope to attain our goal. As the prieBts of (he ings for the benefit of the employees. All it will be noted, are less trousers. Grays, Browns, Bines, fancy future^ universaEsm,^ it is our privilege and our obligation to .of the fund's assets- are .invested in the Eonth created a serious housing tributions, than the total raised by the Negroes mixtures. Wonderful values at . problem. At a cost of approximately carry on. • __ the Company's capital stock which $8,000,000 Mr. Roeenwald is now themselves in small amounts, country • Ages 8 to 18 y JL Palliere, the offspring of Catholicism, says t a us; "Y.QVL onHarch 1,~1929 had a market value financing on a business basis a model by country and village by village. Other 2 Long Pants Suits, $10 to $30 of over-$60,000,000. Many employees apartment building to bouse over 400 The importance of these figures is . possess-treasures you know not of, or that you. know not howjto on small salaries have acquired very The building covers less that they show a willingness to couse. You close your eyes, to thq perception of the hand of God in Substantial"estates through this prof- •families. than 40 per cent of the six acres of operate on the part of the public the history of Israel. When will you become the-conscious instru- it-sharing "plan. For example one. •Springtime smartness in every pattern ment of the work that the God of your fathers willed you should girl; JVITJD;. started as a clerk at $15 and Color. Full cut golf knickers. $1 1 :- achieve in ? ; ^ ' -!-. a -week' eleven years ago has -accumu: • ' TattersaH vests. Every Style feature Jated < fifteen" thousand dollars under to make the boys happy—ami quality If Jewry wishes to gain a new and' deeper, understandingr-of this plan. . e distributed $920,000 in that gives long service. its own soul; it need only read Aime Palliere's autobiography, "The ' During the critical .period of busidividends in 1928. •" • Ages 8 to 15 years Unknown Sanctuary." ness readjustment after ,the world '•.. Other 2 Golf Knicker Suits, $7.50 to war, Mr.'Rosenwald risked-a heavy loss to protect "the stock,Y. P. 2. DANCE MABCH31 personal • - ' BOYS' EASTER FIXERS holders. He returned to the treasury The. Young Poale Son will give of ihe company $21,000,000 of his Slipover Sport Sweaters . _ . 4 1 2 . 3 5 *e BS an April''FboTs dance at the^ Light personal .holdings of Sears, Roebuck • Boys' Kaynee Shirts at ._ ~*~.05«^ to $ 2 . 9 5 House .Sunday -evening,, March.31. <• and Company stock. Thus, through Boys' Spring Caps at ^..—. . 9 5 4 to 8 2 . 5 © . % The committee in .charge, consists Mr. Rosenwald's generosity, the Boys' Spring fiats at ..~.......—~.» f>5<£ to $ 3 of Mildred Harris, .Rose Soffei and company; was able to , readjust its Boys' Own Stored—Fourth Floor joe Saks. i. ' (Continued from Page. 1). t finances without injury to its stockholders. The Junior Hadassah is also co-. Like ''Carnegie, Rockefeller and PATRONIZE O U R ADVERTISERS operating in the drive, furnishing On next June 12 this Association bath, volunteer solicitors -and secretarial workers. , • will celebrate its fortieth anniverAPFAEE1. FOB MEN AND WO&WN Dft Hexter is a, prominent author, lecturer, and social -worker .and has sary. " added to, his fame as a. result of his work-in connection with the Joint - Palestine Survey Commission, to •Omar .Bakery puts Into Us bread, cakes • Our record of service to Nebraska which body of ^distinguished Jews he and pastries has brought us thousands of .-served .as secretary. Much credit is during that time is one of which we customers. Women all over Omxha are given to him for his, aid to- the Sur^ talking .about it Too can get Omar are justly ^>roud. vey Commission • which consisted of ' £oods froqi most groceries or the Omar Louis: Marshall; Fen's M. Warburg, wagon that comes to your neighborhood. Dr. Lee K. Frankel, and Dr. Oscar Wssssrman, whose investigation of With our real estate loans we have EWS ARE scattered In communities M *verjr economic, industrial and social conj part of the world. Yoar knowledge of made it possible for thousands to ditions* -in •_ Palestine is. the most what takes place In remote regions is simplithorough examination of the'Jewish; fied fay the Jewish Daily Bulletin. Whether own their homes. Tens of thousands homeland, that has. ever been "made. Orthodox or reformed, Zionist of anti-Zi&ltirt, Upon the basis of this survey,' the we aU are agreed that a knowledge of the Jew* have saved and invested their money agreement between'Zionists and nonish present is essential for people Who ire in Zionists on the rebuilding: of Paleswith us —and have received divitouch with Jewish affair*. Knowledge «f Jewtine was made possible/ Dr.4 Hester ish history teaches that centers of Jewish lift dends regularly. We have paid over himself .spent jnany months in Palesin the past 2,000 years have shifted from emtine,- actively _ assisting , the various pire to empire, from state to eiate witk trttid* $10,665,000 in dividends to savers American and European experts who of mankind's history. In the page" of tfce tor"* made, 4iXf «giauj9$Vf study of every ish Daily BaHeiin cable dispatches from Buchand investors since we started in aspectJb%J^jeopnt*y.'s; growth, and arest, Warsaw; Moscow, Vienna Bnenoe Aire* business in 1889. Johannesburg, Winnipeg, Lo» Angeles, Bovttm • devejopjfiiinii * Thus, Dr. Hexter has Mexico City, Shanghai, Melbourne, fit* the •ac4ui*eii a ^comprehensive r knowledge, history of each proceeding 24 hoorn of Jtewfelr of th^i'history'ioftPalefetine" and its activities. The only daily Jewish newspaper IT ' future^pqgsjibijities. ' • Let us have you as our patron- -mpublished in the English language without edi- Dr."iTe3t£er was'iiam'.ln Cincinnati torials or expressions of opinion, dedicated vestor, saver or borrower. in 183^ ''and received!: his. education solely to the bringing of fact* of Jewish acat th^tJniversity..f of Cincinnati and tivities and leaving «o the reader formation «f" att Harvard, university.. At the lat-. We buy from our farmers many hundreds of opinion. i» the function «f the Jewish Daily tet'-insfitution-he acquired, his:. Ph. thousands of gallons of; milk more than is - .- Bulletin. 0 , * He ^sefcved;' for: several years a^' ,necessary to supply the demand. We. do this,, ' Dii«ct(ne^r> Jewish Charities, in Mil: to assure ample supply in 'dry' seasons, and watfl&&?3tifen in Cincinnati, arid at to assure holding- the quality, of ROBERTS presfflrt*j«iist-.-associated' with. the jFed*, You ni&y enter tny subscription for the JEWISH MIIJ£ the same throughout the year. .' ' eratedirJewish Charities of Boston. AJ1 surplus milks are"manufactured into other > ...year. .months (x) for which I BULLETIN for. • For *!fife^ears he-- served/ as lecturer dairy produetsvto be sold in all parts of the ~- , in Jewish Philanthropy1 at the- He*' am enclosing check' for $.. •country. Thus Roberts Milk is always Rich, ' brew-'Unron-CoHege,—«ntf is now in-Safe and Good. You will enjoy Tt in" your stroctor* to social ethics" at Harvard Signed home. Our wagons pass your door. Phone - " university. He-, is the-" author of gr { 1 2 months $10.00 HA. 2226.. ."number, of-books;, amorig/them, "So--, { 6 months 6.00 A(jdress _ , , '. , .- * . dal . Consequences/ o^ Business" "Cycles," r ana coVaqthor , o£ "Children •J ' Astray/i \ -.State.. City.. '" ' Dh'-Hexter is regarded a^-one of :• :-!tfie, fDrjemoat. .Bociai .servjcer-autlittrr; '- pities, .in the country; 1 _ _1_ . ,.
Joseph Rainowslti
THE BOYS' OWN STORE Boys' 2 Long Pants Suits
Boys' 2 Golf Knicker Suits
Our Fortieth Year
The Extra Value
The Problem Keeping Informed J
Roberts Milk 1$ Dependable Milk
Roberts Milk
THREE—THE JEWISH P&2SS, F&IDAiT, 3£ASti8 IS, 1929 Mra. Lena Mandelfion is convalescing at the "Wise Memorial Hospital.
Council Bluffs News
Harold Saks, son of Mr, and Mrs. Philip S*ks of Council EL&ffs, won £rst place in the finals of the Freshman Class Speaking Contest which was held Tuesday evening at 4he University of Iowa in leva tSty. He was awarded a ten dollar -cash piise. Yottag Saks is president of the freshman class and is also a .member of the Phi Epsiloa K fraternity.
Mr. Herbert Eobiison of New Bedfordi Mass., formerly of Omaha, By F - E . i L now at the Cape Verde Islands on business,' will leave this week for Parish France. He expects to visit The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talin various parts of France, England mud Torah will hold a public card and Germany before returning to the party next Thursday evening, March TJnited States. 21, at the Danish HalL Six members Mr. Robinson is a son of Mr. and of the Society will be hostesses for Mrs. Sam Robinson of this city. this affair. They are the Mesdames L Morgenstern, Ethel Meyerson, • Mias Martha Himelstein had- asLouis Bernstein, Louis Kroloff, S. ^Fhe wedding of Miss RuthWiyiari Wintroub, daughter of 1ifrf her guest .over the past weekend Shyken, and M. Tudelson. Everyone there. Mrs. Jamas of Cohssbas, O., and Mrs. Joseph F. Wintroub, to Mr. and Mf&. A. Venger, son oi Misses Ann f-itm**} and Tallinn is urged to make arrangements now "W&s called here due to her daughter's illness. to attend. &r. and Mrs. Max Venger, -was solemnized Sunday afternoon at Miller of Kansas City, Mo.
$he home of the bride. Rabbi H. Grodinsfcy and S. Xahanawiteh I. Berkffwitz is convalescing jbfficiated at the ceremony which was performed in the presence of at Mr.' the.Wise Memorial Hospital. only-the immediate family of the couple. TJie^ouple left immediately after the wedding for a honey- • The Daughters of Zion will hold moon in the south around New Orleans, and from, there to go to their next regular meeting 'WednesCalifornia; They will return in about a month to make their home day, March 20, a t 2:30 a t the Jewish Community Center. Arrangehere: ments have' been made for a proml\ Many-entertainments,honoring thebride*.were h«3d previous inent speaker. Other program., feati> the wedding. tures and refreshments are planned.
The Bar Mitzvah of Marvin Miss Esther Ssks ISSVSE today for Fitch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Iowa City to visit ever the weekFitch, -will take place on Saturday end. White there she will attend morning, Match 1€, at the Chevra the Phi Epsiloii Pi fraternity formal B'nai Yisroel synagogue a t 618 dance. Mynster Street. He will. entertain twenty boys a t a theatre party at Jerusalem.—JJ. T. A.)—Constructhe Broadway Theatre on Saturday" tion on the Haifa habor« aspsited afternoon. with much interest, wHl begin i s Mr. and Mrs. Fitch will be atJune. Information to this effect home t o all their relatives and was given £h£ Jewish Telegraphic friends on Sunday, March 17, from Agency correspondent Mr. and Mrs. M. ~E.\ Chapman three to five o'clock, and from dety Trill hold their next regular leave Saturday "for a two -weeka seven to t e n o'clock, in honor «f meetingTuesday, March 19, at the stay in Hot Springs, -Ark. their son's Bar Mitzvah. N o cards synagogue at 25th and Seward. have been issued. Miss-Julia Kinstler of Chicago is
-'-1SXB. N . Siever of Minneapolis, Mins.> formerly cf Omaha announces the engagement of- her daughter, Jtisfl Kaye Siever, to- Mr. Sam OstJieh^of E l Dorado, ...Arfc. , The wedding has been set forthe guest of her aunt, Mrs. Dolly < Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear of LeavenJune 4 and- will probably take place Elgutter." worth, Kansas, announce the birth of Kitchen Chats in Minneapolis^ . '" ' a son on Thursday, March 14.' Mrs. by Hiss Siever is a niece of Mrs. Mrs. Sig Meyers entertained last Bear is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Toby A. Silvennan of this city. Mrs. David M. Newman Saturday afternoon, a t bridge lunchJulius Katelman of Council Bluffs, eon a t l i e Blackstone* hotel. ; Mr. S. Agranoff of Sioux City, la., DATE NTPT BREAD The Ladies Aid Society will hold jranoonces 'the engagement of , his Mrs. Flora' Rosenstock accom- 3 cups flour, 1 cup milk, 1 cup a meeting nest Tuesday afternoon, 1 daughter, Toots, to Mr. Joe J. lteveyr panied "by-Mrs.'Albert Gilinsky and sugar, 5 teaspoons baking* powder, March' 19, at the home of Mrs. E. pan of Mr. and Mrs. H^ I^vejE of little,- son o i Council. Bluffs, l a , 1 egg, 1 dip chopped walnuts, 1 Gilinsky, 118 Vine street. Omaha. The -wedding is being have left for an extended, visit.In teaspopn-salt, 2 tablespoons batter, planned for early, summer. Word has "been received here that 3.-2. cup dates. Los Angeles, 'Cream sugar and. butter. Add i Mr. and Mrs. -A. J . Jecobsen of Mr. and. Mrs. Robert- Glazer, re- beaten «gg and part milk. Add dry Omaha announce the - marriage of tamed last Wednesday, from- their ingredients alternately with milk. Ifteir daughter, Yerda, to', Mr. Nathan -honeymoon.- trip to Miami, Florida, floured nuts and dates llast. G. rvanhoff. of Chicago, HL They and Havana, Cubs. Bake'one hour in slow oven in a 1 will make , their future home . in loaf,' let raise "20 minutes tefore Chicago. A surprise party 'was given' last baking. FAREWELL WEEK ': Jfr, JHknipH. Lapidus i s resting Sunday'in' honor of-Mr. and Mrs. DANISH COFFEE CAKE ?oa|Uy afld, convalescing' rapidly a t I. Hurwits! celebrating their "twenty- 2 cups flour, -6 tablespoons butter, Week of March < fifth' "•wedding,"" anniversary. • About the "Wise.;|jemorial-Ho§pitaj"follo w2 tablespoons sugar, 2 eggs beaten ing * major, operation performed seventy-five, friends'and relatives at- light, 1-4 cup milk, 3 1-2 teaspoons jiended.' Among the out-of-town ' T h d goests were Mr. and Mrs. .Max baking powder, 1-2 cup" sultana raisins, 1-4 cup blanched almonds, Me. and Mrs. Sam Nepomnick an- Holigmsn of Sioux City, la. and 1-2 teaspoon salt. nounce t h e birth of a son at the Sift flour, salt,, sugar, bakingIWise ' Memorial Hospital on Mon- Miss Nena Horwits left Tuesday powder. Rub butter in and slir in evening fox Philadelphia, Pa., where ~day ,March.' jll. raisins, beaten eggs and milk. Roll she will make'.her h6me. round and .fit into-layer cake- pan. "IJTRT "arid" Mr& L D. Weiss anBrush with" whites of eggs, slightly nounce the .birth of- a, baby boy. at Mrs. F. -3: Alberts, and Mrs. J . M.beaten, then sprinkle with sugar Memorial Hospital -on Malashock- have been placed in and chopped, blanched almonds. Bake charge of the anmial bridge tea to ftV. Match 12. be given "by the Jewish Women's 15 minuses,In h o t o v e n ^ ' T i ' " * Mr. dad:Mrs. Louis Robinson an- Welfare Organisation.- on Tuesday, nounce* the birtn of-a son on Mon-March. 19,, at the Jewish Community -"day,1 March IT, a t the. Wise Me- Center. jrnorial "Hospital, Those assisting the hostesses will be Meadames W, L. Holzman, Dave : Mr..and .Mrs.. B. F. Danbaum •will Feder,. Harry. Wolf, A. Greenbergr, entertain at a. buffet, dinner at their S. <J. Saltaman, Harry Silverman, F. .hofese ,Sunday evening' in honor of Sher,- Henry JJewman» Harry Lapi. Mrs.' JL A. ,-EosenthaL of Columbus, duei and Iryjn Stalmaster, 'and Miss t-Ohio, who i s the guest of Mr. and Blanche Mrs. A. 1 The ;.T«mple; Sisterhooa^willv give^ a I'ments.• honoring-Mrs.' Bosenthal were *5!eciprocitx•'•• Lmieheon" on April-1 -~.'9\V^J\ -Ijy•• JPMT*«'' {£QCf ' »fll33St)~ J£%* uMflQvftl at Tempi© IsraeL . Sisterhood jnemi; oniTaesday' and .By Mr.:: and Mrs. berB^-from all nearby communities • jjtey^ Goldman,*$n Thursday. will be invited.. : v "? ,'.. / ;
Phone; WEbster 8842
A, LOUIS •EXPERT CABINET MAKEE FurnitureftemoaeJefi-ast Upv MBSR.
"TheCareftdFlonsfPhone -JAckssn .1806 IS04 Fssnsm St.,.O.iasliR.
Paxtoii*MitcJvjt Co.' I . Iron, bsssJ*. -^{Mttsk a?s6 iToo tovans*. cjatvm Sings «ng C6»i* B tat 4mm Mtixk.' Ml • MatJi snS metsl pattema. "
Dresses A collection complete in its Entirety.
"The Scarlet Woman"
Attend the
of the
Mrs. A. SchwaczMn entertained^ at if and; Mrs.. Jbseoh: Weily and -Miss Esther".* Wefl;: taWes• of: bridge1 Sunday have -been .' the;gaests 'of~>-M R andning" .in honor- of-. the fortj TVffjfc tXaTr-'X\i ^f^i^Tyicr^ left l a s t ~ Birthday of. i a r ' husband. Canto? Schwaczkin of the -.' B'nai IsrasI •'for-r their-home in'
H e last -word in yeraSne Attire. For thousands of years everybody—except istvelers sad adventnrers—4ived within their own litfio worlds, bounded by horizons only a few miles distant. But ia ihe past century men hare beea itusiag tft l *g these lflflt woflds . . . «i'£!l goofi roifiB g r , aotemoWles, radios, telephones . . . cMnging everyMig g evey s and makingg people p p far aapart one's mode of livias p r t seem e closer l ttogether. t h Science and luge business oiguiizstioss^ working together, have pftmjed the services which have sude life altogether diffepnt. _ ' this Company is one of 24 Associ&teaCoiapaires*t>rBi& Ben Syst&n . . , a nationwide orgsnisatlen which. mekeS it possible for neighbor to call uelgnbof , . -. town to be linked with town . . . state "With state . . . coast with coast.. . . «ai%g almost everyone by one great network of communication.
wilh a liigh rate $£ accruing d&ily. 31iat's tvhat Neat, Tasty
17th and Pioneer Ave., Cheyenne^ Wyo.
WEbsJer 3327 §
rWe caQ tt the atteptton at the jrewlsh pnbUc that we handle an kinds of _ xellrlona ortieles and that ire seU them at very rauenabto iirices., . ^ S &*"'i<l.e*ik? resrolar" stock of TaJdsim, sOk and wool, and TephillU, Me*oxos, "fiBBjkiNE^T** DtMiKS^ too Bibles vrlth JeiSpisll and XlncUsh translation, xcc are alsii > J g itandUns tOtet sabbath candlesticks. . ' *™w* o , e BXC •» o ' M WV solicit oraers for all kinds of P*«ach products. We are Kthtg to handle S " « I | kinds at matstts, bailed tn America and *Br«t* Israel. -.
•B am *
• .
Uncle S&ns Breakfast
One thousand dollars will handle the deal. Balance on easy ;jterms. • Stfirs large enough to live in: FOT further ' ~ -mation, write to
— 2429 Pecatnr
It Wi& ;F&f You -to
Business and Gent?s Furnishings v in Scottsbluffsj Nebraska
on. f at Cash -Prims.
•EAEEt f
Bill Hotel
Good E«jotns for ^1JS&
and better
• '•.' • '- .
"Ora&hs's Sljle Center"
Mefresh Yourself,
Brandeis Theatre
$1,0WM>®@ TO N, ¥ . C.
New Yswk.—(J..T. A.?—A, gift of) $1$&G,0OO >to be knows a s the Edith] A. -and Percy S. Straus fond 'B made to New Yerk 'nziiversfty fcf Mr. and Mrs. Percy S. Ste&os, cellor Elmer "Elsworth BrowE neraaced. The VRZOTSK from the 6 PER CEKT ON .EATINGS is to be vised at 'Ae. discretioc cf the university i Kews «f t^ | so. let* st. Miss Beva Jonas underwent fen tiie Centennial Fon4 -of which Mr.j appendicitis -operation at the Mercy Strans is chairman of the «xeeotav%j Hospital *nd is now •eonvslesdug committee, cssse as a surprise to the|
means io you. I t costs no more — it's-, "worth money in actual dollars and cents—sn<3 can be obtained guiddy hv asking for our representative."
Telephone ATlantic 8028 INTERSTATE PEINTINGCO. 1SSTM3Q9 Howard Street, Omaha '
Omak fktare and OtTTFTTTSIRS Over lO^On H«aar» Fret
Southwest Comer Eleventh and DOUKISS fitrtset* l*hone JAckson Omaha, Kebr.
JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 15,. 1929 Testimonial dinner: Abe Goldstein, Public Welfare, having been president BTAXJCA8TEB' 6 BBBKB, Attorneys chairman, Morton Degen, Harry Raeftfor six years. Rabbi Cohn has lect650 OmUa National Bank Bid*. ured before a large number'of organi- matn,- Fred Rosenstock. • ' NOTICE 0V ARTICUSSTOF DSrCOKEOBA-1 TIOSOFXHB GKSBBAIrEQUf- , Banquet Arrangements: Harry Rozations in Omaha on spiritual, liter' " 1HCBNXCOBPOBATION serifeld, chairman, Louis Hiller, Sol JIOVSKX, KATKBSIAgi ft Know all 'men by these presents that the ary, cultural and civic subjects." He . FRA^TK R, 'ACWJSMXlil \ . undersigned have formed, a corporation Atternjy* is leader of the Book Review club of Degen, Abe Schimmel. under the laws of the - state of Nebraska. tol|J The name of this corporation .shall be the Temple Sisterhood and the Cur- ' Invitations: Milton R. Abrahams, NOWOfc OJP "The General Sound Equipment CorporaThe.' Commercia} * lja'sketlia.U\ league (Continued from Page 1) A, WOXS•' BOK0 tion," with its principal, place of business rent Topics' clas3 of the Council of Mrs. Sam L. Robinson, Florence Wolf. Omaha,-Nebraska. The general nature at the' i. C.* C.i ,'the^firs't 'to start, ' UOTICB is hereby'kKeu . _ , . tba"under. _ .-, at Finance: Harry Wilinsky, chairof the business to be transacted and the Jewish "Women. garten; anniversary sermon by Rabbi signed- -have formed «• corporation under and purpose for which this corpora- •was the last in' Omaha to finish. man, Abe Herzberg, Ed Treller, Louis t i e laws .of the state'of ^Nebraska." Hhe. object Rabbi Cohn is a member of the folConn, "En Kelohenu" by the choir. is organized and established shall be League- play ended' Wednesday night name of said corporation tf-At-lVQUg * tion Simon, Isy Rosenthal, J. Simon. buy, sell and distribute' talking picture SONS'BBAliIX -CO., and the principal to The testimonial dinner "will be held lowing organizations: Jewish Comand* devices Including all acces- with the A . Z. 'A. "five, the title alplace of • transacting - Its business- iff inmachines Hospitality and Reception: Dave sories for the same and all'films and recOmaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. . Tn« ords pertaining thereto; and shall have the ready cinched, . beating ' Peerless at the Blackstone hotel Saturday munity Center, Jfwish Welfare assoRosenstock, chairman, Mrs. Ferdinand general nature of the business to be tra&s-. right to manufacture, , sell,, distribute or ciation, Wise Memorial hospital, B'nai Babbi acted by said corporation and the objects grant franchises for the sale, manufacture Cleaners, in second p>ce, 21 to 19.night, starting at 7 o'clock. thereof are: -To maintain, and opvrout a or distribution, of the same;-to buy, sell Jacob J. Ogel of B'nai Jeshurun con- B'rith,'Central'Conference of Ameri- Adler, A. Block, Mrs. L. M. Cohn, Mrs. Psi Ma scored an upset, in defeatgeneral-real estate business, tq "purchase, distribute or to grant franchise can ,Rabbis, Community Playhouse, Dollie Elgutter, Mrs. Carl Furth, Mrs. lease, hire and otherwise acauire'real buy, sell -and distribute theatrical ing the Thorpeian's,:^ to 10, and gregation of Lincoln will give the inestate business, lo .purchase, lease,'Jure mm wsupplies, and equipment of all vocation. Henry Rosenthal will be Co-Operative club, Professional Men's William Holzman, Mrs. Sam Katz, otherwise acquire real and personal,prop.* kinds: tofixtures and distribute motion pic- Kaplan's Bargain, Center .by . defeat- toastmaster. William L. Holzman will club, University'club, Omaha Camp Meyer Klein, Mrs. Morris Levy, Mrs. erty and any interest and estate lu either ture films sell and to do any and all things ing Brodkey Constructions,; 20 ,to 6, improved- and -unimprpTwU 'pf) any nnd necessary or pertaining to the carrying on Fire Girls, Boy Scouts of America, Nate Mantel, Mrs. Moritz Meyer, Mrs. every kind and description, and rp sell, of its business including the right to ownscored a tie for third place with the deliver an address to be followed by dispose of, lease, - convey,- mortgage p? and hold real estate. The authorised capital Thorpeians. talks by Alan McDonald of the First Chamber <of Commerce, American Red Harry Roeenfeld, Leo Rosenthal, Mrs. otherwise encumber, to manage, ^operate, stock shall be $100,000.00 .^. -„ -• : divided Into. 1000 Cora Wolf, Mrs. Isidor Ziegler. develop, control, .maintain. coajtrucC-and develop, control, .maintain. caaitrucc share? of-the par value Of 1100.00 each; all Psi Mu -finished'sixth-land Brod- Unitarian church, Mayor James C. Cross.. generally to defcl in said property pr fcpy of which stock Shall be-common and shall Publicity: Nathan E. Jacobs, chairRabbi Cohn was born in Attleboro, Dahiman, Dr. Frederick W. Clayton of part thereof and any improvements there- be fully, paid up and non-assessable when key's in the cellar! > < »* > on, either directly or through • Qwnerabip issued. Said stock-maybe issued for caBh. AD Saints Episcopal church, Rev. E.Mass;, on Aoguat 24, 1873, He was The'• final standings' of stock in any other corporation or as*real estate, franchises, contract rights, J. Flanagan of Father Flanagan's educated in the public schools at ProvBociation; to loan moseys generally? on leases, personal property or personal, serr HIMELBLOOM BAKERY Pet. personal property and. real, .estate or any vices. The corporation shall commence Boys' Rome, Rev. John F. Poucher, idence, Rl X , and was graduated from interest or eBtate in «jther. to acquire by doing business upon'the filing of its ar-A. Z. A. 1511 K. 34th—WE. 6384 purchase, exchange, subscription or other- ticles with the County Clerk of Douglas Peerless . Judge Irvin Stalmaster and Dr. Frank the University of Cincinnati and the .—....... Serve Himelbloom's new wise, smi to hold, sell, dlsppae. of .ani) County, Nebraska, and shall, continue Jor He was rabbi at G. Smith of. the: First Congregational Hebrew College. generally to deal in •' stock-' shares, bonds, a period of. fifty years'fronv said date. The Thorpeian A. C. Russian pumpernickle bread debentures, obUgatlons and securities of highest amount of-indebtedness shall not Kaplan's ... .533 churjch. Miss Helen Sommers and the Fort Wayne," Ind., from 1896 to 1904. any government or state and of any corp* exceed 2/3 of its capital stock but j this Psi Mu with your next meai. .267 oration; to maintain and operate-an Bgency restriction shall-not apply to indebtedness d Samuei S lH e . preached his first sermon at 13* .133 West Sisters will play'' and for the the writingand writing-and selling*ofpolicies of secured by mortgages or liens Jipoh any_of Brodkey's of for selling Temple Israel on March 11,1904. iinsurance; c to buy. buy sell and and deal deal in, i at t_,the corporate property. The affairs of this <xerson will sing; to Duy. sell sen and Paxton Billiard Parlors shall; be managed by, a Board l and dretail,t i lclothing, lothing furnishings, corporation wholesale Henry Rogenthal, general chairRabbi Cohn was one of the founders of Directors consisting of not less than The handballers* •wearing apparel of eyery Tttad, and alltwo 1516 Farnam—JA. 9721 members. The annual meeting of the kinds--of merchandise ol like-?haracterand corporation shall be'held qn-the'first week for the glory of! ih?; Jewish'.Com of the Omaha Community Chest. He man ,of'_tHe celebration* has had the description; to borrow or raise money ana day of January of each year at which meet; assistance of the following commitIssue boads.- mortgages, - debentures-< ox ing the stockholders shall elect a Board ol munity Center inlib^ijtyl league are was also president of. the State ConDirect Wire Service on All other obligations for teat purpose, and in Directors and thereupon the Board _shall coining along fine, leading bo^h the ference on Social Work., He was also tees: -Friday evening service: Alfred Latest Sport Events carrying-on itB business or for this-pnrpon elect a President, ft Secretary and a Treasof attaining or furthering any' of its ob-nrer. Any two of said offices may be held Knights of Columbus jw»4 "" one of the founders of the Board of S. J^ayer. ., ; - r jects, tott?any and all nets and things by one and the same person. These arind to exercise any and all powers which ticles-may be amended at any regular or C. A. by safe a co-partnership or natural person could, meeting of the stockholders by a do nnd exercise and which-npw or here* special: 2/3 vote of the outstanding- stock. after may be authorised . by. Jaw. The In the Sunday junior authorised capital stpcir of ^ f « > » o n t l o n 2 / 3 v o t e o f t h e o u t s t a n o i n g - s t o c j e . ..-• - - —,— . - --• ^* - - ' i • *^ • is $300,000.00, divided into/ 3,000 shares of Oil ftfB maintain In witnesr whereof the -parties thereto eague, the U. S, Oil's t i e par value ot $100,00 each nnd all of have hereunto rnibscrlbed.their namer tM» ^ ^ ; r - ^ l 00 rf -arf*l% *ho S#>lnpr< ing a safe Jead, w|th the Seiners rrbich is-'common stock- -Xhe corporation 26th day o f T P e b r u ^ . W ^ ^ ^ shall commence business' upon the fiUUff and Adders' arguing over the next of these Articles in the~offlce ortne'CQunty j . it. STEjmv derfc-of.Douglas County, NebxaB*a_aud SAM BKBEB.:.;.* position without either getting: much shflU continue until January 1st, 8050, Tho of an adTshtage. This weeky the highest amount of Indebtedness oq Hfbpity In the^presence- o f ••:'•' : M a r c h to which, tha-eorporatien ShslJ-at *JJ? ono ALICE ADLKB. gasoline men will meet the Superior time subject itself, shall, not -oiiio*4»a**~»V6/BBBBBi Attorneys ttae»uWect itself, shlll not W,"!? 650 Omaha Kntlanal Bank BldK. • thirds ofits capital stock, provide Bow- Notice of Amendment to Article* of Incorp- quintet, and if-tfiey win, they will ever, that this llmltaOop shall not apply to have cinched the title. notes, bonds, or debentures where,**•£*£ oration of The Hanaphone Corporation NOTICE is hereby given that at a special men£ of such notes, bonds, or deoenWras shall'be secured by the.actual tknjfiH? meeting' of the stockholders of the HanaPhysical Director Krasne of the of peal estate b by or £ £<>**««? phone Corporation heJd in the office of Sain of peal estate y trust-deed trust-deed o Omaha National Bank BuUdlng. J. C. C. announces,that indoof baseffor the payment of «qcb not«S. not«S DOnaS, OX Beber,«SU dobentuwsTwhich said real estate | 0 U » B I - Omaha. Nebraska, on February^lS. 1029. at dbtuwsTwhich said realth« estate |0U»BIwhich meeting holders of allvof its.s issued ball teams, will bf organised as soon ferrcd shall be of twice Ta|ue ot t the f t i e th Ta|ue the capital l note* .bonds.'Or.flepen-5 bonds o r Jteben-j par value offeh f such note*. stock were present. Article 1 of ft* • tures. nor shall spch fimltatijra. apply to articles of incorporation, by the unanimous as the basketball season i s over . nny guarantee made by' theNjorporatlon vote of all of Its issued capital stock was for .the payment after tran«f«..o$. any amended to read as follows: _^ notes, bonds or debenttires wherethe same "i. The name of this corporation Bhall The morning gym class for matrons is secured by trust, deed or mqrfgage as above stated. The affairs of th« W D O J S - *• S T ^ giW^^To^O^TION. is rapidly growing. The woipen in tion~ shall be administered by a tend of this group meet every Monday and By J. L. STERN. President, directors, the number of .which shall be M. IJ. STERN. Scc'y-Treas. For-Senrice Call tod by the by-Jaws, hut which'shall notIn the presence of IBVIN STALMASTEB. Wednesday morning from 9:30 to Service Our Motto ABKAMSON AUDIT CO. be less than three nor more than fije, Wn< 11:00. The last half hour i s spent THE BEE HIVE CLEANERS Genera! Repair Shop—Radiators, directors shall be stocjehojders and shall Feb. 23—4T 853~ Brandels Theater Bldr—JA. 4811 in the swimming pool. be elected at the annual, meeting ot the Fenders sad Body Repairing C^der M»pagement of stockholders to be nejd on., the w o o d . _ . FHOMKIKT, Attorney . AUDITS "SYSTEMS H. MARCUS Monday in January In every year, begin. DAVENPORT GARAGE CSS Peter* Xm«t BIdr. n £ g in 1D30. Until Use-dectfon ol their INCOME TAX 1941 Vinton St. J A . 1440 The Judge Irvin Stalmaster trophy 18th sod Davenport JA. 3573 successors at the annual meating ip ,1830. PBOBATE NOTICE the undersigned shall constitute the flrst In the matter of the estate of HARRY is anxiously awaiting the week of board' of directors. The bouril of <Urect> HOM*ANI>EU. deceased; March 23-30 in order to find a new orsshall elect a Eresl&nt, .VJce.Presldent, Notice i s nereUy given: - That the creditKRAMER & BAUER a Secretary and Treasure* from their num- ors of'said deceased -will meet the executrix set of papas to take it home.' These PEERLESS CLEANERS W E BRYDEN & CO. ber, eicept that the Secretnrx mny be elect- of saia eBtate, before me. County Judge .of Auto Repair—Mattery Serrice e elect dates will witness t h e annual Mided from tho stockholders a^a need Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County : 4420 Florence Blvd. Certified Public AccountanU -Tires—Tubes—;Accessories a director. Any two of tjiesa o ex<. Court "Room, .in' Bald Coonry, on Ihe Oth west Junior A . A. U. basketball ' •• ?. • ; K E . 1500 cepting those of President nnu * . . - , and Parts 638 8eenrlOM Bide. day of May. 1029. and on the Oth day of dent, -Tnay~ be held-by -the- same - person. July, 1020, at O o'clock A. MI, ench day, fortournament,. to be played at the Th« HOUM With -» BepotatloB 5127 So. 24th BL MASket 1«K» UntU-"their. successors are elected., at thethe purpose of presenting their claims for annual meeting of directors in -jaw, the examination, adjustment and allowance. Jewish Community Center, officers of this corporation shall be Joe L. Three months are allowed for the creditor* •Wolf. President: Aaron Wolf, VftcPresi; to present their claims, from the 6th day dent: Samuel U. W o l f Secretary nnd of April, 1020. i BUSINESS MEN'S BOWLING Treasurer. - The Articles of Incorporation LEAGUE may be amended I«t any meeting of toeMarch" 8-7-rrr \ - \ , » County Judge. stockholders by the affirmative vote of twp. W. l>. Av. Empress Hat Cleauins Shop thirds of aU issued and;'outstanding stock* STAXSIASXEK '& BEBEB, Attorneys Kaiman Insurance « . 20 10 .667 16 and Douglas 650 Omaha National Bank Bids:*" JOB TU. WOI.F/. ". Omaha Tobacco 17 13 .567 "Everything if»r the Auto" SAiTOBL N. WQtF, » PROBATE NOTICE ' Hats Qeaned amd Blocked 75c , » InqprjKjratora. 16 14 .533 GENERAL Feb 22—43? In. tie name of the estate of BEN KATZ. The Wardrobe _ f . 2051 Farnam-T-AT. 6524 Glazer Clothing IB 155 .500 CONTRACTOR STAXMASTER AOT>. »BOE». Notice*Js'nereby given: That the creditEmpire Cleaners 14 16 .467 ors of ?ald deceased Tvill meet the Admin' c ,66a Omaha >~atlonfd Bank f; istrator of said estate, before me. County Gesundhefts 415 Hosps Bldg. - - HOIICE'OF AD3I|NI8TKATION IP 20 .333 THALLAS THE HATTER Judge of Douglns County, Nebraska, at the I n the County Court of DouglflB County, County Conrt Room, Jn said County, on For space '•• The Empire Cleaners and the JAQIWOD 1614 Hats Cleaned and Blocked the Bth day' of May, 1029, and oh the Oth 1 in this directory call the J... .^ matter of thff estate. ot .DAVID day "of July, 1029, at 0 o'clock A. M-. each Omaha Tobacco Company continued GABBER, Deceased. Estimates Gl»dly Furnished day, for the purpose of presenting their their upward climb by defeating SO and 75c All persons interested in said estate are claims for exnmlnntlon, adjustment and alJEWISH PRESS—AT. 1450 hereby notified, that xt petition has been lowance. Three -months are allowed for their" respective opponents the Glazer l«th filed "in said Court alleging that" said de- the creditors to present their claims, from ceased died leaving no last will end pray- the 6th day of April, 1020. Gothiers and' the Kaiman Insuring for administration npon hi* estate, and ance. that n hearing will be had on said petition March 8 4T BRTCE CRAWFORD. County Judge. before said court on the Oth <Uyf of. April. The Cleaners crashed the pjns for 1020, and'that if they fait to appear at said Court on' the said 6th day of April, 3020, PATUUNIZB THE _ 995 total in tfieir! second victory, STALHA8TER £ BEBER. Attorneys ET4NS MODEL LAUNDRY MIDWEST AUTO ELECTRIC 600 Omaha National Bank BIdg°. nt 9 o'clockA. »r., to contest Bali petition, V CAJf»VXA>TJ while the Omaha Tobacco and the SERVICE SINCE 187S All Family the Court jnay grant the same and grant NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCO1UPORA •«TlC«l, 16th *n(J Karnnm . Franchiscd DMtibntott administration of said estate tg Albert Kaiman Insurance staged a couple l f TION OF THE XJEO BI^ANK. SCITSET TEA ROOM Garber or .some other suitable person DELCO-BEJn AUTO-IJTB r and . CORPORATION «Utb «ml Dodge of close contests, .one*"' of which proceed to "a settlement thereof, Finish NOBIREA8I CRXSTAl. CASDt P Know all men by these presents that the wound up in a tie gamer t « h Bad Dunclas Sts. BRTCE CRAWFOBD, -* titb and Q. St. MA. 400) 16th «o4. CapitaJ Are. undersigned have formed a corporation March 15-3T ' . j CouiSty Judge. under the laws of the state of Nebraska, With Jack Alberts and Jay Malathe name of this corporation shall, be The 8TALMASTER & BEBEB, Attorneys Jjeo Blank Corporation, with its principal shock, in rejuveniatecl form, the Omaha'National Bank Bids' If your laundress does not place Of business at Omaha. Nebraska. The Wardrobe vanquished"1 the Gesund- MAGNUSON ACTO ELECTRIC EL-PATHTCAFE NOTICE OF SUJJBICF'Bl PAl^E general nature of the business to be trans. . satisfy, try us t SERVICE l a the District Court of Donffliip Oannty, acted and the object and purpose for which heits and thereby«'-gaine<l a notch After ^Theatre Starter, Generatar, Light* and Ignition this corporation is organised and estab• . . TfebraiJJO • c y H lished snail be to engage in the wholesale towards, the top. » ' .Service und Repair* Dancing By virtue of an order of sale issued out nnd retail business of buying, selling, mar53th _Avenne at gt. Mary's Avenue Moe Katleman -was"high with a XV. H. OSTENBERG, Pres. 24th and Farnam of the District Court" pf Douglas County. keting and distributing talking pictures, ^AT: 6530 Nebraska, and in pursuance of a decree Q: machines and devices inclndlng all ncces- 220 single game. Other' high counts -J81S Faxnaia ' &T- 2813 said Court in an action:, therein indexed At Borles 'for the same, nnd all firms and rewere Altgchuler, 214j N, Scblaifer, Appearance Docket' Nqmber- 248, at Page cords pertaining thereto: to manufacture,I Number 333,-Executlon -Docket Number 24. market, distribute ot grant franchises 215; Smith, 209; Kooper, 207; Walaat FagP Xumber 702, wherein >-lMAKI|! sell, for the sale, manufacture, marketing or shock, 211; Stern; 204; Platt, 200; ~1HOXS. IRONS, is i s Plaintiff, and and Neltf NelS Jan JanSlios Shojj- distribution of the snme; to buy, sell, mar-man."et nl_Deien*ant: I AVill at ten-o'clock ket or distribute HARRY BRAVIROFF SCOTT O M A H A . . , or grant franchises to "Ed Meyer, 200. v A. A. H.. H.. on Tuesday, the lGth day-of April, on -East front- door of-th* Doi)glo> buy, sell, market or distribute theatrical TENT AND AWNING CO. " 1020; at the Pianist bittractor supplies, fixtures and equipment of all. Ed Meyer registered .-high three " 1020;tat -East of-th* Doi)glo> Hthe i the thfrontCitydoor f Omaha, Omaha Douglnt kinds; to sell and distribute motion picBegiimers and Advanced Student* Court HOD so .in City of Douglnt Awning*. Canra» Cover*, Tents, Comity, Nebraska, - sell' at - public auction ture- films and to buy. sell, manufacture or games with a mark of 562. A . . ' DYE WORKS Accepted Camp- Supplies, &tl Kind* to the-highest bidder,for cash, the follow- distribute nny type nnd kind of Roods, Venger was next with- 553. Other Sntte B. Wead Bide., 18th and Farnam (32 Tears Experience) ing described property," to-vrlfr: wares and merchandise of every kind -nnd high- totals: Goodman,~$62j-"Gross, 15th and Hoivard v : ' AT. 1492 Telephone ATlantic SUSS South S!xty-11ve feet (S. 05') of. hot Sixto do-any and-all things • We Make Old Garments necessary, convenient or proper or pertainteen (Id) "and North fifteen feet (0 J5'),of description;-nnd 542; Ko'oper, 550 and Mendelson, . Lot Fifteen (1?) JWtereer Turk, an addition •— '« the carryine^on of.any of the afore• Look I4ke New " lo the! City of Omahn, »s surveyed, plqtted business-incliiding the right to own Play t h e Violin Correctly and rec^rdetf, to the County or-Douglas and hold real estate; the foregoing enum- 525. CLEANING — DYEING — Prof. Seveik and other world renowned FOR 75c A WEEK and State of Webraska, subject ta'tbe Ue.0 erated clause of specific powers are not D. Greenberg, a new acquisition teachers recommend my method very REPAIRING of Asbestos Shingle Slate nnd Sheathing intended to limit or restrict in any way highly Company in the sum Of $233.0%. witlt In- the powers - which this corporntlon shall to the Omaha Tobacco Five, cracked Your ad in this directory, reaches Sample Dyeing a Specialty -FRANK MACH terest at'T percent from October J s t j p a j : hare. The authorized capital stock shall the pins for a 601 total in his practically every Jewish. Concert Violinist and In*troctor Subject to the lien of Mnrie Irons In thehe $10,000.00 to be divided into 100. shares S14 No. 24th St.* AT. 1169 Stndlo 117% R. 1Kb St. ' **• 1952 sum of ^.lSJJEO. with' interest at 10 perof the • par vnltie of $100.00 each; all ofinitial appearance. Home in Omaha PS FIRSX* : cent from October 3rd, 1028; Sflbject to the which stock shall be common and shall be Ben Yousem has -resigned from li of Jack Ferrara in the sum of $101.63, fully, paid up and non-assessable when with, h interest i t t at t 7 per cent from October issued. Said capital stock may be issued 1st, 1028-, to satisfy the lien of j ; Bernstein for cash, real estate, franchises, contract the Wardrobe and .Sam. Yousem has Tin and Furnace Company, in the sum Of rightB. leases, personal property or person$235.00, with; Interest at the rate Ml I M *al services. The corporation shall com- replaced him in the lineup for the cent,per annum from October Jst, I02S.* mence doing business upon the filing of its balance of the season. Jf M. ANDERSON To satisfy .the. bum- of 085.00 costs and articles with-the County Clerk of Douglas SWANS0N THE FLORIST Mte""increased-and accrumg tcostsicaH ns County, and shall continue for a period of PAPER HANGING fifty yenrs from said date unless sooner PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS 4704 So. 24th St. — MArket 0701 dissolved by act of tho stockholders. The DECORATING—PAINTING highest amount of Indebtedness shall 'not of Mentor F. T. D.;' exceed 2/3 of its capital stock but this 8TALMASTER AND BEBKlt. Attorneys ^ McDONAIiD 616 Keeline Bldg. JA. 4180 shall not apply to indebtedness 650 Omaha National Bank Bldf. Douglas County, Nebraska. restriction secured by mortgages or liens upon any NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION of the corporate property. The affairs of STA1MABTEB & BEBEB, Attoinay* this corporation shall be managed by a In the County Court of Douglas County, Call Board of Directors consisting of not less Nebraska. «80 Omaha NaUonpl Bank Bldit In the matter of the estate of PETER than two members; The annual meeting of NOTICE OCO NOH-BBSIPBItX , , . Only 2 firms accepted the corporation shall be held on the first CHUDACOPF, Deceased. VEJSVSVASX f Monday of January of each year at which All persons Interested in said estate are under each business Ia~t£e meeting the stockholders shall elect - a hereby notified that .a petition has been 4615 So. 24th St. Board of Directors and thereupon the filed in said Court alleging that said deheading J«JCQM)UBf. Board shall elect a President, a Secretary censed died lenving no will and praying AT. 4544 1114 So. 28 St. nnd a Vice-President and Treasurer. Any for administration npon. his estate, and flours 7 A. AL to 6 P. M. ootifled thati pn .the,»th two of said offices may be.held by one and that a hearing will be had ou sa|a petithe- same person. Until their successors at totn before said conrt on the 6th day of the annual meeting ijt 1030. the undersigned April. 1020. and that If they fall to appear 'in tl»'e shall constitute the first Board of Direct- at said Court on the said Oth day of April; e ors. The Board of -Directors shall elect a 1020, at 0 o'clock A. M. to contest said ., _ ^ t«! „„ . , President, n Vice-President, n Secretnrr petition, the Court may grant' (he snme d e c r e e of .divorce txoxnyoM on \W t and a Treasurer from among their number and grant administration of said-testate to 0oandof wilfai:de6erponMhqt port IRENE JOHNSTON except-that the Secretary may be elected Harry Chndacoff or some other suitable to na order of sala" jeoort^authorising stockholders and need not be* a person'and proceed to A settlement thereof. you are BEACTI PAHLOR are tfr from-the vice Director.' Until their successors are electBBYCK CRAWFORD, nrtiwer-aaW? tSU Aqullta Conrt .. AT. 7781 Tin, Sheet Metal and ed at the annual meeting of -Directors in March 15-3T < ' County Judge. day of t» day of Warcl»,Mt?& « »*• the officers of this corporation shall Shampoo and Marcel plalntlff lntlff tlff wfll be taken «• tnje 1030, furnace Works he Leo Blank. President and Secretary and t ente«fl-fn t f l f n prayfd for lliwe- Janet G. Blank, Viee-President and irreasFinger Ware or Haircut $1.25 First Class Work and Prompt urer. These artidps may be, amended at i in* Salwtore THE'CREAM nny regular 6r special meeting of the stockTOWN'; Service JOE LEVINSKY, Prop. holders by a 2 / 5 vote of the outstanding
National Accessories, Inc.
man, Miss HazelDegen, Mrs. Gerson. Program: Harry Greene, Max Halzman, Sam Leon. PATRONIZE
4CS Hospe Bidg.
Awnitigs and Tents
1119 No. IS—WE. 8221
Old Kentucky Barbecut Maryland Fried Chicken
20th Century Rapid Shoe Repair SPECIAL:—- Pair of rubber heels free with every sole fadheel repair job, • • •' 1510 Harney AT. 4897 WOKK GDAJKANTSSU.
" tUVfUUJiifl
m > u « 2
JVlultigraphing .• ; -.'i Addressing ... ..:„ Mailing Lists
Beauty Parlors
B. STERBA RADIO SERVICE Plumbing and Heating 6031 8*. 24th St.—K&rfcet «3M
Expert Radio Service We Repair Any Make R*Ai«
**In witness whereof the parties hereto have hereunto- subscribed their names this 4th day of March. 1029^Bh
iFriWdahip i s t h f gwat^ cbaip
IOS So, 18 AT. U H Sbantrao and Finger WsVe $1.00 ' ( Marcel J5c
2408 Farnam—J A. 1941 •
KEttwood 0835 MArket 4*00
Nfl. 24«h
Shoe Repairing ^ Castle Shoe Rep&U Shop T North of Caitle BoUI"
— W O R K POJTB TTHII<E rav w * «
Men's Half Soles Ladie* Half Solee Ladies Comp. Rubber Mecl
fl ^
STANDARD SHOE KEPAJ8 SHOP No..2. • .- •US S<H U HASVfX 6EOP fJIOf First Oass Work Guiirantewi Shoes Rebuilt
Music Teachers
Tailors HOLMES THE TAO-QR Suits Made to Order—Cleaning— Pressing—Eate and caps BtnoTttfi 2218 No.
U G , l e Tailv 203 Neville Block AT. 6451
Towel Supply r
ATlantie 6291 i. M. JENSEN . . . .
Painting and Paper flanging
MArket 6977 Ri*MA.*l«S
4824 So. 25th 4411 So. 26th
Wall Paper-Painti FRED PARKS & «4th and t St.—AT, 7«0t~MA, Wallpaper Belaw Wholesale Samples Shown at lout
FOR 75c A WEEK Your ad is this directory, N practically every Jfwiah. Home in Omah»
r. B&vf
Sanitary Laundry
Hamiiton-Steiiitte Radio Co,
Hat Cleaning
212S Cumlug Street AT. 8010
w IT >*
JA. 5752
Speck's Place-
Auto Electric Service
vr^ja •'"'"• ' • r,--^' '•:•' * k^^&