Interesting and Entertaining
©/ Interest to Jetvs
3lt.\ Entered aa second-class mall matfci "^ » pars 27, 1821, nt postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, unde^ % «j of March 3,
\iator Walsh Attacks \ J i t i Restrictions New York.—(J. T. )—Total cessation of immigration to the United States within the next-few years was, predicted by Senator I. Walsh, speaking at the twentieth annual meeting of the Hebrew ' Immigrant Aid and Sheltering:;-Society, .Sunday at the Hotel Astor; " Senator'Walsh joined with Benjamin M* Day, Commissioner of Immigration at' Ellis.Island, in condemning the: snobbery with which America looks' down upon- its alien population; " ; •. V Senator Walsh" warned- disdain; toward' its foreigners is; a sign, of' decadence fronf: which\"the country; can be saved only, by- the infiltration of a simple,; sturdy immigrant* people, willing to begin, at the lowest rung of the ladder; ' The Unite8; states"' is in -immiriant danger; of becoming- ^tandarizeii and robotized' unless it; l o i n s ' to .conceive of the contribution thei aliens make-to American1 life ihste&ti of diwelling upon; what "America 3oes for the alien, was the belief espisessed' by Commis^ ; saonerDay.!. ' : • ;.
Endowment Reward for 'Skill of Jewish Doctor Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—A cancer research institute is to be established here, as an expression of appreciation for the cure given by a Jewish doctor. Canning Childe, an American millionaire of New Jersey, donated $100,000 to start the research institute. A .wing in the Vienna Sanitarium has been set aside for this purpose. Dr. Adolph Edelmannf'who recently treated Mr. Childe, rwillj be in charge of the institute. It waf declared that Mr. Childe's contribution is in appreciation; of the; satisfactory cure given him by tbe: Vienna; specialist.
VOL. VII.—No. 10
Elaborate plans are being made for the eighteenth annual banquet and dance of the Omaha Retail Grocers' Association to be held April 4, the Ad-Sell Restaurants. It Path of Practical Development Reports to Be Given to Show Sunday School Program March wasatannounced Wednesday by H. J. Noted New York Rabbi ExamPointed Out In 1928 Banner Year of Ac24; Senior Rally Monday ines Decalogue in Talk Knudsen, general chairman, who is Report complishment Evening At J. C. C. assisted by James Pros and Robert i OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES JEWISH AGENCY WILL ONE-ACT PLAYS FEATURE Paxton; LIBERAL INTERPRETATION "We are planning one of the TO BE ELECTED AT MEET BOTH' PURIM PROGRAMS START WORK SEPT. 1 greatest assemblies of retail grocery OF COMMANDS DEMANDED dealers in the history of the assoDr. Maurice." B. Hexter, addressing '1 Reports/which will be ..made at the "The Ten Commandments arc as . Purim will be observed at the ciation," said Mr. Knudsen. * the banquet opening the; local United joint annual meeting" of the Jewish valid today ps when theF were first Jewish Community Center by v two ? Tickets -will be sold to the retail Palestine Appeal Drive a t the Omaha Community- Center, and--'the Jewish elaborate programs, one before the grocerymen by repres*ntatives of given to rne.n,' declared Eabbi Nathan Athletic Club Monday evening, gave Welfare Federation at^the Jewish Sunday school on Sunday afternoon, jobbers, wholesalers, manufacturers Krass of New York in a lecture Wedto Omaha Jews a comprehensive idea, Conimunity Center - Thursday- eve* March 24, at 2:30, and the other a and the Omaha Association of spe- nesday evening at the Jewish Comof how the recent survey, of Palning,1 April'4, will reveal that;. 1928 munity Center, The subject of his Senior Rally to be held Monday eve- cialty manufacturers. estine had shown the practicability was a banner year; in relation to address was, "What is Wrong with ning, March 25. The officers of the Omaha Retail the Ten-Commandments." of developing;, the Holy. Land.. services given and activities 6ti a : The Sunday School program in- Grocers' Association are as follows: large-scale^' . ,-Having- been secretary to ..the cludes recitations by Florence Mr. Louis Sommers, president; Mr. Speaking in a distinguished sc Survey Commission composed; of The wort- of the Federationj made Mosher aad Pauline Rosenbaum, a H. J. Knudsen, vice president; Mr. ly manner marked by excellent diction Felix M. Warburg and Dr. ;Lee K. possible by the Community Chest, dance- by Constance Meyer, a piano Samuel Sommers, treasurer; MR C and cheice of words, the eminent rabbi Fran:el of the United Statesv tord undertook to examine each cofmnandxeveals; that- material' relief-. was solo by, Ann Tretiak, community Melchett of England, and.( Diy ment separately and to find out whethgiven to 311 individuals; through; the Comic Debate and Pageant Are singingj and a . play entitled, "A E Stubbs, general .secretary. Oscar "Wasserman of - Germany, Dr. Features of Joint Seniorer or not modern conditions h«d rend.relief committee of the' Jewish Jewish Maid, in Shushan-" The ^olay : Hester spoke with authority: regardr ered it obsolete, or untenable. Junior " Affair. Women's Welfare organizations Servis portrayed by a cast composed. of . ing the findings of this group, based Dr. Krass particularly directed his ices given by the Federation include Lottie Kips, Bessie Miller, Dorothy "Upon the,' statistics submitted: by attack aguinst those •wlio like Profes6 large number of cases of medical Camel, Bertha Slutzky, Lena ZolloOPEN TO; PUBLIC world' famous experts delegated by sor Barhee of Smith college care, correctional; work, care of the tuchen, Betty Rosen, Bernice Silverthem to investigate- the; actual conthat modem science has made ft reaged,- fresh air, work,' recreation • and-; The local chapter of the Hadassah 'man, Jerome Milder, Evelyn Abrams, dition of Palestine. According to vision o£ the Ten Commandmdnts imeducation,. transient aid and iri a will Celebrate the ^Seventeenth! anni- Betty Geifman, Rhea Schneider, hittli .the clear cut, undeniable. facts number of other departments-^ versary of tSe ^national' organization Helen Bloom, Rose Miller, Mabel I. Morgenstern and Fred White perative. "It is not a question of as presented by the Commission;were Praise Moses as Law-Giver •where, or how, or when the Ten Cotn» Attendance' at thfe- Jewish Com- at a joint Junior-Senior affair to be Slutzkin, Bernice Gerelick, and the things that were removing-the mandra«nts were given to us, bet are called . "Hadassah Night;' which will and World Teacher Pearl Friedman. It was coached by munity Renter' in 1928; mounted' Ur last barriers obstructing^ the cothey practical in our present eve**' 1 113^456, aXnurriber which proves tW be held Wednesday evening, March Gertrude' Perlis and • Jesinette Leninoperation-of the Zionists and nonday h£eV 27, at 8:30 at the Jewish Community son, and the- costumes were designed H. A. WOLF ALSO SPEAKS Zionists. The body through which Recognized Nationally as Expert popularity of" activities ^planned for Center. In defending the Commandments, lay Rose Meyer. the Center during the; yeari These On Adjustment of Labor this co-operation will take place will Dr. KrasB pointed out that the difincluded^ lectures, rallies;' athletic The feature of the evening's-pro- Philip Klutznick, president of • the The influence of Moses as a world ficulty of those who reject these Problems; be the Jewish Agency which will teacher and law giver was effecevents, and a number of city; wide, gram will be a debate" on the sub- Senior Council, will be chairman of probably begin to function .''. about is that they try to intofprel events. . ject, "Resolved, that King Solomon the Senior Rally, Monday evening. tively depicted by I. Morgenstern them too literally, .which is someLOCAL MAGNATES INVITED September 1, using the: Impartial and Fred White delivering the prinBrief but complete reports/will be had an easier time with his thousand One of the features of the program cipal addresses at the S500 anni- thing that cwen the Jewish biblical Survey Commission's report: to guide Whiting Williams, a elose-up' stugiven at the - meeting by.. William. wives than the modern man has with will be the reading of part of the versary celebration of the birth of and t&lmradic literature does not do. it in planning its activity, V The affirmative will be up- "Megillah," which is the story of dent of his fellow man; an author- I.. Holzman, president, of the Jewish one." Denying.that it was unsci«ntific to Dr. Hexter discussed at. great ity on the relations between emheld by Mrs. M. F. Levenson and Purim. Milton Abrahams will de- Moses held Sunday, evening at thef believe in God, the speaker pointed Welfare Federation; Harry-A, Wolf," Jewish Community Center, and length the findings under the- general ployer, and employee, -will speak in Sybil, Adler. Rose Lazarus and Mrs. classification of agriculture.-Principal the Jewish ''Community Center. Tues-1, president of the Jewish Free Loan A'.. Eomm will argue the negative. liver an address. Two. oiie-act plays which was attended by a crowd that out that the greatest scientists in the world were all believeri? in God, among, the findings were the facts day, March 28, undeir»tlie.auspices, of Society, and- Sarry' Lapidus,' presi- Miss' Adler will deliver her speech will be given on this program. One overflowed the auditorium. .of these, "Casting of Lots," is dent of the • Jewish. Community, CenHe refuted those v.-T>o pot"* in deristhat large areas of ground were the'Council':;of Social-Agencies; Speaking in Yiddish, MorgensteTO in Yiddish. coached by' Faye Klein and the other ter.* HarryA. Silvermanj. secretary available that were extraordinarily eulogized the great leader for his ion at the phrase,"! &m Because this lecture is" expected of,•the; Federation • and- Joe; .L* Wolfi The Junior, Hadassah. will present play is coached by Jeanette Levinson. giving to the world its first ideas God," by pointing out thfrt, jealous •well, adapted t t o the growing of citrus fruits. The possibilities aris- to be; an outstanding:= number-.of the secretary . of the Center, will re- a. pageant portraying the work done Other features of the Senior Rally of equality. He pointed out to the Tiere has a. noble meaning that jte itt(5^-"«rot- -of—reclamation- of- -. swamp? Fprum and Social' Studies, and^ be- port on the' last annual meeting- •--• ; by its organization^ Several jausical .will be: a tap dance by Sara Miriam. aadience_^that- it was, Moses whtf common i". ow language, being «acause Williams is^an outstandingpauV > A dramatic allegory of tiie- work selections includiny~"S^gs: "by "at'^ .' :Blank7~jFliyIlIs ^efk'OTO&z', and Sata' first said, "Tkoo shalt love thyf la "r^fereisse -1#"ffw* a t lands "were, also-. reviewed. thority. in- hisi field:,.the'Omaha-Com- of^ thei Federation will' be presented male quartet will also be rendered. Mae Graetz; a piano solo by Sara neighbor as thyself." He also called titude of jnoral tarn towai-d their In regards to the controversy over munity; Chest i§ inviting a large under the direction of Mrs. Herman 1 the relative mdrits of the' individual number of Omaha's; captains of in- Jahr, Miss Dorothy. Lustgarten, ac- * "The program is being arranged by Rae Fish, and other musical num- the attention of bis audience to the reputations.: God,' representing peradmonition' of Moses that the parents fection, he showed, must necessarily and communal type3 of colonies, it dustry, including, the meji who! were, companied by Miss Ida. Lustgarten, Mis. Max Fromkin representing the bers. senior group and Mrs. Henry WeisInvitations worded in the archaic should teach tha Torah to their resent anything less than perfection, was reported by the experts, that the active in the industrial division of will play a violin solo., berg, representing the young oj-gani- style presumed to - be that of the children. Dr. Krass characterised the Ssbfonder .was.the best,. The commission; the Conimunity. Chest: drive. zation. bath &s the great gift of the Jews days of Queen Esther have been Fred White, speaking in English, Officers of the Federation; and recommended that both be given a Williams; has seen industry from to civilisation. Its principle carried sent out to Omaha Jews for the pointed out that all law had its officers and trustees' of the Jewish The program will be open to the chance, however. every.pbint of view* Beginning his out proporly in industry would Senior Rally. Conimunity Center will be elected common base in the golden rule empublic, both men and women. Mrs. Dwelling upon sanitation- measures , bodied in the teachings of Moses. eliminate many social and industrial Fromkin will preside. taken in the Holy Land, Dr. Hexter career as vice president of a large at tbls meeting. He went on to praise Moses as a problems, he declared. paid a great tribute to the work of corporation in Cleveland,, he realized the. inability^ of the. industrialist to law-giver particularly for the way He interpretated the law against the Hadassah in this respect. He in which he prepared his people for j taking1 th© name of the Lord in I vre Frat Honors particularly, commended it for the ", things from :-the. point of "view the laws. "If present day legis-* vsin as an injmctitm against a life nori-sectarian character- of its work of the shop worker. Accordingly Oratorical Winners he gave up his Job as' an executive, lators would study Moses' methods of hypocrisy rather than a petty which is doing more than anything changed his" nanie and' spentseveral r before enacting laws they would see prohibition against profantty. The The importance of the German else'to create, good will between the Irvin Soiref, Rose. Soffer," and IrvJews and the Arabs in Palestine. As years, as a dajr laborer in the fac- There are some states in1 the ing Perimeter were the winners in the author Lessing both as a literary the futility of legislating people into law comnaanding' filial respect was defended as a check on the tendency far .as'the general' climate was cpn- tories and mines of the United United States which spend more Hebrew, Yiddish, and English classes figure and as the man who first morality," Mr. White declared. States' and several countries of put a noble Jewish character on the eerned, he stated that "Palestine can money for the safety and^ health of respectively in the first annual TriIn a short Yiddish address, Harry of youth to go to extremes ITS free•be ' made as- healthy- as California, Europe. cattle than for the welfare of chil- Lingual Oratorical contest held. Tuesr stage, was stressed by Rabbi Fred- A. Wolf also praised Moses, and ing itself of the shackles of tradition whose climate it greatly; resembles." As a result, Williams has become: dren. This was the statement of day evening-at the Jewish Community erick Cohn in his current topics talk climaxed his talk with a plea that and law. at the Jewish Community Center Jewry build Palestine as a Jewish Turning to the prohibition on The discouraging of large scale an expert in the difficult business Ralph E. Drdwne, field sepretary Center. . Tuesday morning. The occasion was homeland and thereby create a fit- murder, Dr. Krass demanded an exindustry was one of the most im- of adjusting the problems; of, labor of the National Probation associaThe winners were awarded gold v portant recommendations of the and capital, and. at. present he is tion, who spoke in. the Jewish Com-1 medals by the Compeer chapter of the the bi-centenary. of the birth of ting monument" to the great Jewish tension of the idea to mass mi3T<te»" or war as well as individual. Bssaustowcommission. "There is room in Pal- retained' as industrial consultant by munity Center Monday ..evening,' un- Ivre fraternity. Jack Marer, repre- Lessing. leader. a number of the largestcorporations Rabbi Cohn told of the beautiful estine for a large number of small der the auspices of. the Council of senting this organization, and presidSeveral traditional Jewish songs tions. "The peopla," he said, "h«ve industries, however," Dr. Hexter de- in the. country.' >-,.',;• Social Agencies. \ . ' ing over the meeting, made the pre- friendship between Lessing and rendered by Cantor A. SchwacsMn the power to eliminate war, They Mr.' Williams' findings on labor Moses Mendelsohn, and the way in and his choir of the B'nai Israel need r«fuse to murder." clared. Rumors of crime waves are not so sentations. , problems have been ; published in which the Jewish.. philosopher be- synagogue were enthusiastically re- The speaker turned to irony and The delicacy necessitated in: treatThe one-act play, "Overtorfes," was serious, as they are said to be on Colliers, Scribners, and practically ; came the prototype for Lessing's ceived. Violin solos by Harry Rob- humor to show that laws against ing with the labor problems in Pal account of the extent of the crime', •well received, as were the.numbers-by Jewish character in "Nathan the inson, accompanied, by Anne Rubach. stealing and bearing false witness estine was attributed by Dr. Hexter all the metropolitan "daily papers. according to Drowne, but the serious, the J. C. C. orchestra. Wise." to "Mine unusually high intellectual He is the, author of •'Whatfs on the aspect is that there are so many on the piano, and a recitation by were 1 still necessary. "You may be Worker's; Mind?" and "Mainsprings "We shall know more and more Irving Perimeter were also well re- living in a Nebraska paradise standards of the Jewish workers. more' violent crimes being - com> of Lessing as future generations be- ceived. Mrs. Max Fromkin led the these things do not exist," he The banquet, was closed with an of Men," two volumes of Jabor prob- mitted; ._••;-. lems. Since 1930"he has been staff gin to appreciate him," Rabbi Cohn community singing that opened and appeal for generous subscriptions to (Continued on Page S) lecturer at the Harvard iSraduate * Drowne blamed the present inadedeclared. "He was one of the closed the meeting. • the drive by H. A. Wolf. quacy, of juvenile work on small apSchool of Business" Administration. pioneers of the German spirit. He William "L. Holzman was chairman During the course of the banquet, propriatioris of funds, and the inter-?, BASEBALL AT "CHEDERS" wrote the first great Jewish comedy of the evening. a telegram from Harry H. Lapidus He was educated at the University ference of politics in the conduct *of Mrs. Charles A. Dietrich, presiof Chicago, Oberlin College, and the Frank R. Ackerman, freshman law who is convalescing at the Wise juvenile court. ; dent of the Nebraska League- of and the first great German tragedy. University of Berlin. student at Creighton university, and To. him we owe a. restatement of Memorial Hospital, was read'stating ,:"The' way to combat crime is to; Women Voters, will address the Aristotle's rules of the drama." TEMPLE ISRAEL Morris Blacker, arts freshman, have his -regret over being unable to 'atmembers of the Omaha Council of study the individual criminal and td Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon been selected to coach the baseball Rabbi Cohn characterized "Nathan tend and pledging a generous amount MAX RESNICK, AGED map out a plan of treatment for Jewish Women on "The Child Labor the Wise" as Lessing's magna subject for this evening will be "The teams of the City Talmud Torah and to, the fund. OMAHAN, PASSES AWAY his cure," Drowne said. • VThia Amendment" at the monthly meet- chaxta of good will, the play which Modern Significance' of Purim." the Dundee Branch respectively. J. J. Friedman was chairman ; of ing - of the Council at the "Jewish Max Eesnick, •72,.' passed away niethod, saves, many- a. clu'14 from Community Center Monday after- radically, changed the type of stage the' evening, and Rabbi Frederick Monday evening. He was for the a potential; life of crime, raises the noon, March 25. Mrs. Dietrich is Jewv known in Europe. Cohri pronounced the benediction.. past ' sixteen "- years - a resident of tone of the community, and makes giving a large part of her time to Omaha, and an active participant an ultimate saving in- expense." working for the passage of the MRS. CHARLES ROSS DIES 1 in Jewish circles and a contributor Drowne emphasized the need of amendment, and has made a care- PLAY IS FEATURE OF AFTER LONG ILLNESS toward Jewish causes. impressing the public with- the im* ful and seriou^ study of the: problem. . TEMPLE PURIM SERVICE The arduous work of preparing winter on the west coast havfe reMrs. Charles S. Ross,-42, died at He is survived by. his wife, five portance. of work with juveniles. Her home is in Hastings, Nebraska. of the special features of "The Dybbuk" for production', the turned to tell their friends of ft reher- home Sunday after three months sons, Nathan, Hymie*,' Dave, Sam, This talk has been arranged as a theOnePurim service to be held puzzling job of collecting the cor- cent production of "The Dybbuk" illness. Funeral services~"were held and Joe,' and two " daughters, Mrs. DAVE KEISER AWARDED part of the activities of the depart- at 10:30 Sunday morning at Temple rect properties to present the play in California, where it was considMonday, burial taking place at the Rose Miroff, and Miss Anne Resnicfc. HONOR MEDAL AT TECH ment of civics, and philanthropy of Israel, will be a play entitled "The in all its traditional detail, is keep- ered one of th« outstanding producFisher Farm cemetery. ' Interment took place Tuesday in the Council, of which Mrs. Phil Paper Hat". It is coached by Bess ing the members of the Center Play- tions of the season. Surviving her are her husband, the Golden Hill cemetery. Dave Keiser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz is chairman. Weinstein' and the music is played ers Guild working day and night. Mrsi Herman Jahr, director of the three children, Earl,. Gene, and JusAnother interesting feature of the by Niomi Cohn. A. Keiser, was the only member of pl&y, has not only designed the Less than two weeks remain' until tine, and six sisters, Mrs. J. H. YOUNG POALE ZION CLUB the March graduating class of meeting will be the showing of a The Prologue is read by Jacqueline scgnery for the play but has tonthe production, of "The Dybbuk" on Ross, Mrs. B. A^ Simon, Mrs. A. HEARS GOLDIE MEYERSON Omaha Technical high school to re- fjlm depicting the farm and rural Iipp. Solo dances are performed by Tuesday and Wednesday, April 2 ducted a careful research in color Weiss, arid Mrs. W., McKenna; of ceive an honor medal for scholar- work of the National Council <f Selma Gasper, Bernice Robinson, and and 3. Replies to 'invitations ex- and lighting in order to make this Omaha, Mrs. N. Light of Chicago Goldie Meyerson, secretary of the ship. The commencement exercises, Jewish Women. This • film has been Milton Robinson. The other members tended for the guest performance on production an' outstanding artistic and Mrs. H. Marks of Muscatine, "Hehalutz," women's organization' in at which the award was made, were ..obtained from the national office in of the cast' are: Lawrence Bordy, Tuesday night indicate an enthusila. Palestine, addressed the,local Young held: Wednesday morning in the New York, and will show the. work Anne Tretiak, Zelda Cherniss, Her- astic response. Tickets for the sec- "The Dybbuk" will be the Subject of the Council for the Jewish fam- bert Kaplan, Sammy Weinstein, ond performance on Wednesday eve- of a sermon, by Rabbi Frederick Poale Zion Friday evening, March school auditorium. TO ADDRESS VOLUNTEERS 15. She. compared the youth ' of Keiser has made the Honor JRoll ilies scattered over the country in Ethelyn Kulakofsky, Harold Finkel, ning, April 3, went on sale Wednes- Cohn at Temple Israel on Friday Sunday evening,- March 24, Uabbi Palestine, arid the' United States.nine times, was-in the cast of the small towns and on, farms, where Sylvia Turkel, Esther Weinstein, day. The Jewish Women's Welfare evening, March 2§. Th*.. epirito*! Frederick Cohn will address the A fund for the ^Anchar* Ohoved" senior play, was treasurer of his they are isolated from Jewish con- Myron Cohn, Arthur Bialac, Norman organization is assisting in the sale beauty and deep religious fervor of Volunteers of America on the sub- of, Palestine was started upon the senior class, and was active in other tacts and activities. This is one of Bordy, Fanny Sommers, Dean Liebo- of tickets for this affair. th© play make a fitting subject f<H* ject, "Whither Mankind." appeal made by the speaker. witz, and Armand Gilinsky. school' affair" Omahans who spent a part of the such a* (Continued on Page 4)
Elaborate Preparation of Settings and Costumes Marks "Dybbuk" Production
was barred to them. The protective work clone for them by the Council of-Jewish Women is a part of the Council's large program of Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nk Nebraska, by immigrant 'aid. It is carried out in THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY 1929 . connection with 224 branches of the Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone:. ATiantic 1450 Purim -—i _ -..Tuesday, March 26 organization functioning throughout side the United States and marry DAVID B L A C K E R , B U S I N E S S and M A N A G I N G EDITOR 1 Girls Enabled to Wed American her, so that she might enter as his the country. Bosh Chodesh Nissan . _ Thursday, April 11 IRVING- P E R L M E T E R - - - - - - - . EDITOR 1st Day Passover....„ Thursday, April 25 Beaus in Havana to Escape wife. 7th Day Passover Wednesday. May 1 U. S. Quota Restrictions S u b s c r i p t i o n Price* o n ey e a r - - » - - • - - - . $2.50 *Rosh Chodesh lyar ..-...„„_..„ -Saturday, May 10 Mrs. Maurice Goldman, chairman Advertising rates furnished o n application Lag b'Omar -Tuesday, May 28 of the department of immigrant aid, EMIGRATION INCREASING Rosh Chodesh Sivah _ „„. Sunday, June 9 One or two nice sleeping has pointed out that the unemploy1st «ay Succoth .-. Friday, June 14 rooms, good neighborhood. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both tha old an'd new addrefes;. *Rosh Chodesh Tammuz .. Tuesday, July 9 Havana, Cuba, has become a half ment situation in Europe has led Home privileges. Call HA. be sure to give your name. Fast Of Tantmuz Thursday. Jnly 23 many girls to emigrate to Cnba, 0281 or WE. 6485. way house for American citizens ttosh Chodesh Ab* <• Wednesday, August 7 n who are engaged to marry European since entrance into the United States Fast of Ab Thursday, August 15 *Rosh Chodesh Ellul Friday, September 6 girls. Many such young men meet their fiancees in Cuba.. In order to portect these young Jewish girls, the *Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh. Next week, on Purim, the women of our folk will have their National Council of Jewish Women has established a temporary home day. The multitudinous celebrations that will gladden and to house the girls during the two brighten 1toe thousands of: Jewish homes and institutions through^ weeks -wait which is required by the YEAR EXCAVATION out the world will all combine to form one gigantic tribute to the GERMAN JEWS FORM Cuban law for the publication of PLAN FOR PALESTINE WORLD PEACE SOCIETY Jewish woman, especially as exemplified by that courageous the marriage banns. Then the weddamsel Esther, whose historic rescue of the Jews is one of the Berlin— ^J. T. A.)—Professor Al- . Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Professor dings take place and the men are Every boy and Ms mother should know this brightest spots in our tradition. able to take their wives back into marvelous store within a store. The Nebert Jiihstein, Oscar Wassermahn James H. Breasted, who is accomthe United States, regardless of and-Dr. Leo feaeck and a number of panying John D. Rockefeller Jr., on But it can not be said that the celebration will be limited to braska deliberately sells standard quality immortalizing the Jewesses of only another kge. Our modern, other prominent German Jews have his visit -here, announced that a ten quota restrictions. boys' clothes NOW at the start of the seaThe first wedding to. take place membership in a - commit- year program for archeologieal exsisters will share iipnors with their forebears. It is scarcely a hew accepted son at the year's lowest prices. tee"'to organize", e Jewish association cavations in Palestine has already in the Girls Home was celebrated idea to say that the females of our race have at all times thr-ough for world pea£e. early in February, when Miss been prepared. their devotion and inspiration set themselves as .bulwarks against Plans to organize this association Professor Breasted received rep- Ma'thilde Kessier of Vienna and Mr. a seemingly impending obliteration. But! today she also adds to were formulated today at a meet- resentatives of the press here yes- Harry Melman of Chicago were her unifying power a_ constructive attitude that makes her all theing held under the chairmanship of terday telling them that America married. The couple had been childThe new patterns and colors that help Oscar "Wassermann. One hundred is much interested in execavation in hood sweethearts but had been septhe boys reflect their springtime gladmore worthy t>f the highest commendation;^^'; . ', and fifty leading German Jews a t : the east from the Black Sea to arated for years because- of the ness. Tattersal) vests, pleated waist It is particularly •appropriate at this tirn^ to niefttion one of tended the .mteeting. Profi Albfert Soudan. The Chicago Oriental intronser*. Grays, Browns, Blties, fancy the organizations through which these;their >wonderful Einsteiri addressed the meeting, de- stitute, of which Professor Breasted mixtures. Wonderfal values at „ work. This one is the Hadassah which celebrated its seventeenth fclarihg that, the Jewish religion is is a member, is particularly interAges 9 to 18 years anniversary on this Purim. This is • t i ^ y ^ v ; ^ ^ ^ ; . tJf • ttibdern'1the oldest institution advocating the ested in Palestine excavations, he Other 2 Long Pants Suits, $10 to $30 ...' . Esthers. Not so much because its name is t^eHebrevf translation Spirit; of peace /^hd brotherly love. said.. To your relatives in Russia, girl's family responsibilities. They HOME FOR IMMIGRANT •were reunited through the cooperaof "the • Council of Jewish GIRLS ESTABLISHED tion Women. Because of immigration restrictions, it was necessary for the IN CUBA BY COUNCIL young man to meet 'his fiancee out-
Boys' 2 Long Pants Suits
of her name, but because its humanitaiian achievements in Palestine are resplendant with the same type of spirit that moved the one-time rescuer of our people. , " ..,
ions of Persia, and promised King "Ahasuerus a huge sum of money for "permission to exterminate the Jewish jpopulation of Persia. When the edict of massacre went forth from the court of the king, of Persia were in deep There is either something very strange or very beautiful in the 'Jews and mourning. Mordecai bade the recent establishing of the Wall Street Synagogue in the heart Esther plead, before her royal spouse of the business district of New- York. We are inclined to believe for the life of her people. Esther that it is the latter. Although economic necessity has been one appeared before the king, and inof the strongest and most destructive forces <>peraMngiagaiast re- vited him to dine with her and Haman ;on two., seccessive evenings.. ligion, we have not yet nor probably ever M i r reach thestajgre At the banquet Esther declared, to , where a business man will necessarily have, to be completely di- Ahasuerus that Raman sought to vorced from religious ties. massacre and pillage, her. own people, king became furious, and ordered It may seem difficult to reconcile the clattering of stock g tickers and typewriters to tile sweet melodies and beauteous Hainan'' to T>e hanged. The rfcyall chants of the synagogue. But the fact remains that there is no edict of extermination,. however, spot on the earth that.has DO place or need "for religion. On thecould not by law be revoked. Ahasucontrary, in places usually considered as Godless as a; business dis- erus, thereupon, issued a counter trict thereis asore reason for the promotion of Religion than in the proclamation giving the^ Jews the "to stand for' their lives and calm residential districts, where fewer of the derogative forces of right to destroy all that would ~ assault ; : huihanity are' . them," Funushingifacilitiesifdr readnig^inecllta^iQn, and prayer, f 6 •cbmmerntfrate this'victory over
new institution mustprove agreat-.boon;.to some^frtb fessioiial and business men of the.neighborhood. I t should be a .great sedative for their ragged ^serves. . . According to '^plan's for this unique "Schttl/Ht will %e remoyed in, the; near future from its present quarters in the second story of an office building to the top floor of some high building up above and out of hearing of the roar of traffic. New fork's: sky-line has always demonstrated a superiority in architecture, but if the towering structures that make that horifcon are capped with many more synagogues and churches, perhaps that slcylihe will also show a great moral superiority. '
Pimm—-Tlie Feast oj iMs
EGYPT PLANNING BO AD TO PALESTINE VIA SINAI . Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The route taken by the Israelites on their forty years' journey to the Promised Land will now be a payed highway, along which motor cars will speed toward Palestine, if the plans form-, ui&ted by the. Egyptian government trill be brought to successful conclusion. , The Egyptian government has started experimental preliminary work in opening up a road across the Sinai, peninsula,, to connect Egypt and Palestine. The road is planned, to extend from Suez to Beorsheba. Winged time glides, on insensibly and deceives us, and there is nothing more fleeting, than years. —Ovid.
It is not ; weJL^to see everything, to.hear everything; let mariy causes the Feast of Piirjih. The of offense pass'by unnoticed. story of ttie. Book: of;.Esther-rep—Seneca. resents the. struggle; ,o£ Jewry fwith anti-Semitism'that •takes place in almost; e'very. land and generation. On: ,this festival, therefore, the Jew& gather strength %o figkt for .Survival.
Bleicher-MicekCo. Inc
Poland, Lithuania, Roumania, Palestine, and all other parts of the world. MONEY DELIVERED TO THE HOUSE
Fast>«Reasonable— Prompt>«Personal Service
Boys' 2 Golf Knicker Suits
Springtime smartness in every pattern and -color. Full cut golf knickers. Tattersal] vests. Every Style feature to make the boys happy—and quality that gives long service. Ages 8 to 15 years
Other 2 Golf Knicker Suits, $7.50 to $25
Joseph Radinowski
Slipover Sport Sweaters 3 2 . 9 5 to $ 5 Soys* Kaynee Shirts at *..~95£ to $ 2 . 9 5 Soys' Spring Caps at 95«* to 8 2 . 5 0 Boys' Spring Hats at 9 5 £ to $ 3 Boys1 Own Store—Fourth Floor
1434 No. IS
WEbster 1642
Correspondent in Omaha for
The Amalgamated Bank of New York The Bank that Flooded Russia with American Dollars
Fewer posseiss. virtiCfiS, .$han those who wish us to believe that '"'--possess it. •;"• ""*"**"'*
• i
• •
World Insurance Co. Spezializes in Accident and • ••••-• H e a l t h
TJe'is sa fool; who JtfStks a t t h e "frni't of l6fty- trees, but-cfoSs not m their Sfeightl ^ f
Agents wanted
Omaha Loan & Bldg. Assn.
—• When shopping t&ention the At-3180. With the reading of the Book of arid favorite of the palace; 'Mordecai, "Jewish Press." Esther, the Jewish people will usher- however, was hated bitterly by in the celebration of the Feast of flaman, this newly appointed Prirfte Lots, known in Hebrew as Purim, Minister of Persia. .In order to on Monday evening, March 25, 1929, wreak vengeance upon. IJotdeCaS/ according to an announcement of the Haman .plotted" to, bring ;aboui Ja'j Tract Commission of the Union of general massacre of all the Jewish WEbsler 3527 M. SOMIT I 2429 Decatur American Hebrew Congregations. inhabitants »f Persia. ' VIif'. fcWl to the attHrttton 61 tttr .TM»M» pnblic that We handle »H kinds of This one clay festival is marked by To carry out his evil plans Hainan reliffioufi artiries and that -we sell lh«n at ***$• rra»»*inWs ferlees. ' joy and feasting. Though it ranks spoke to Sang Ahasuerus about =a Be^Weft tlM" r*rttlar stock or Taleisjm. silk and wool, and Tei.hlllm. M«uib« r but as one of the minor holidays of people that is "scattered and dispvayer traoka Anil »IWe« \rltb 4ettl*h nnd EncIlBb translation, wp are also handling SIITPF *abbnth rajiOHmtlck*. • the Jewish calendar, its message persed throughout the land, distinct \V« «blMt or<ler* for all UlnilK of ^sal-li iirodoiis. tVe *n soint to hanaie assumes, great importance in every in their laws from all other peoples, all kindx of mntxas*. baked In AUirtTca and Kretr Isrorl. land and generation. The story ofi and refusing to obey the laws, of 8OAF KOSIIEK JTOK FBSATH the Book of Esther, is the basis of the king." He did not mention the< this festival, and whether historical-' name of that people. H« accused the ly true or not, it typifies the peren-i Jews of being a menace to the" nial experiences of the, Jewish people security of the widely-spread dominjHiiiuuiiinitiiiumiiuiuniiiimmtimiimiiiiiiimiiumiinimiiminiHniiiiiiiiiiiij; with : hatred and prejudice. In the numerous provinces of Persia there lived a great number of MUST SELL AT ONCE Jews. Mordecai, a wealthy Jew who Modem 6-room home located in lived in Susa, the capital, won power Dundee. district. Leaving city. and influence in the court of King Don't . overlook this -opportunAhasuerus. "When the' king deposed ity. Price reasonable. his queen Vashti, Motdecai's beautig Call WAlnut 1923 ful cousin Esther became the queen 5
S 5
Hour Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where e c o n o m y is watched.1' 'A •' luxury "within^ch.of.~an. Its high reputation re^- '. commends that you try it.
| Apparel Fashions 1 and Accessories | in Ample Selections The Vogue for Spring is the Complete Cpstume c •:;"!v-"-*.":'ih' Harmonizing Tones Yr ;;rbr Smart C o n t r a s t s |
I | | | I
Our Preparations
Here's a Delicious Bread to Try Note What It Offers You and Your Family 6y ALICE ADAMS PROCTOR
SEVEN QUICK FACTS about Woader Bread
short patent flour. Only t h e OW, Madam, comes a new heart of the wheat berry is used. 1. Slo»foaked t*» seal in delicate bread. A bread that's utterly We use double the usual flavor, prolotog freshness. different in many ways from any amount of milk. 2. Toasts quickly to an even other brand you can buy. MilWe employ a special method garden twovn, lions, seeing this, today will buy of baking. Slo-baking, it is 3. Rich in food elements for no other. called. A ^method that seals i a growth and energy. For toast it knows no equal. the dietetic %'aiue of out ingredi4. Made of specially milled ents and improves their flavor. And eaten plain it amazes with ehort patent floor. The heart its delicate Savor. Hence when you get Wonder ©f the wheat berry. Bread you get the best. It knows It's splendid, too, from the 5. Doable, the usual quantity no rival. Millions have found housekeeper's point of view* It of milk. Pasteurized. this to be so. slices without crumbling. And 6. All ingredients tested for So please try it at once. Get keeps its freshness for days. purity and ntitrillve value. it from your grocer today. . If eaten daily,it promotes fami7. At grocer's. Oven Fresh, Simply to prove what it offers ly health t o a marked degree. It morning end afternoon. you and yours. Note its dainty restores burned-up energy and Savor. See how evenly it toasts. fosters growth. This because of its high calorific value. Also its remarkable protein How easily it slices. content. Insist on Wonder Bread always. To maintain its remarkable quality, day after day, t WONDER BAKERY we go to great lengths. We specify a spedaDy milled*
(Standard Bakeries Corporation)
; ixa, Co»Ufi»nUi Bafat Q*.
2S574 10 in. x 3 coh.—Nru-s
'7_ - T •£
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,. --•(',_
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JEWISH PRESS, tHlDAY> MARCflT 22i LOCAL iffitfiNt ANNOUNCES thorough knowledge of FOREIGN MONEY SERVICE Polish, Yiddish and other
CouncilBluffs News :;
AS mm TODAY AS Joseph Radinowski, a local repreof the Amalgamated Bank EVER BEFORE-KRASS sentative of New York* the financial institu-
By K tt. 4L
The marriage of Miss Rose .burg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ginsburg, to Mr. Louis Fellman, son of Mr. and Mrs.. F. Felltaan,' 3552 Cass Street, will take place Sunday afternoon, March 24, at 4 o'clock at the Adass Yeshuren synagogue at 25th and Seward. Following the ceremony, a reception will be held at the home of the blfide's parents at 2015 "No. 20. Mr. Fellman and his bride will leftve Monday morning to motor to St. Louis, Mo., where they will spend two weeks.
tion that flooded GuEsia with Amer(Continued from Page 1) The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 ican dollars, announces that there of Independent Order of the B'nai But out in New York, where! coine is still tin* to send money to relaBrith will; hold a- meeting next from, \ve still have them and we tives in all parts vf Europe so that Wednesday evening, March 27, at need these laws." He convulsed the funds will be received before the Danish Hall. the audience with laughter when he Pesach, Radinowskj as an agent for such Leo Nogg, a Junior at the Thomas described gossip tit a bridge party as Jefferson High School of Council exemplifying the bearing of false transmission o f funds, in Aided by a witness against neighbors. Mr. and MTS. Arthur Marowitz of. Bluffs," won first placfe in an -orator- "The law against adultery Los Angeles, Cal., announce the ical 'contest recently and will rep- serves the sanctity and unity of the birth .of a daughter on Saturday, resent his school in the district home," Dr. Krass showed. March 9. -Mrs. Marowitz was for- division of the National Oratorical After he had completed his survey. merly Miss Esther Epstein of Contest which will be held in a short Dr. Krass challenged the audience, time. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.. Omaha. "Do you "see anything wrong1 with M.; N She is prominent in many Jewish the Ten Commandments?'* activities being president of the The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 The speaker concluded his talk; by Douglas Street adies auxiliary: of the B'riai B'rith of the A. Z. A. will hold a meeting comparing the Ten Commandments and has been a delegate to the na- next Wednesday evening, March 27, with the notes in a symphony. World, tional convention of the Council of at the Danish Hall. perfection would come, oijt -of the. Jewish Women. Mrs. ..Julius katelman left Tuesday harmony produced by those ten notes , . ' • Mr. Ralph F. Cohn,. son of Dr. morning for Leavenworth, Kansas, he prophesised. Rabbi Frederick Cohn was and Mrs. Frederick Cohn; left Tues- jfOr. a two week's visit with her. sonday for his home in Dixon, Illinois. in-law. and daughter, Mr.- and Mrs. man of the evening.
Mr. Cohn had come here to at- Abe Bear, and her new grandson. Mr., and Mrs. F. Sharin of Chattanooga, Tenn., announce the en- tend the celebration of the thirtyMrs. Abe Leibovitz' entertained gagement of their daughter> Anne, fifth anniversary of his, father's servtwenty-five: children at her home to Mr. Jacobson of the same city, ice as rabbi - of Temple Israel. last Saturday sfterftbott iri hOtifot t>i formerly of Omaha."
Miss Jane Appleman is convalescMr. Jacobson is the brother of ing at the, Wise Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Samuel D. Nerenberg of this city. The Daughters of Israel Aid SoThe wedding will take place Sutt- ciety will hold a benefit xrard party day, June 16, in Chattanooga. at the Elk's club on next Wednesday afternoon, March 27, at 2 Miss Esther Shapiro Brandt has o'clock. returned from & two weeks buytrip in New York for Brandt's Master ' Stanley Turkel is recup-r erating from his illness at the Wise Memorial Hospital. * Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoffman of Dallas, Texas, formerly of Omaha, an- On account of .Purim the regnounce the engagement of 'their ularly, scheduled meeting of the daughter, Jda, to Mr. Henry: Egger Jewish Orphan Home Society on d£ Bakersfield, California. No date March 26, will be postponed to has been set for the wedding . Thursday, March 28. It will be held, at the home of Mrs. S. H. ,Uabbi Frederick Cohn will leave Katz, 2414 Charles, at 2:30., Tuesday, April 2, for Chicago to attend the spring; meeting of the Cen- Master Solle Epstein tral Conference of American Rabbis. valescing at the Wise is conMemorial Hospital.
the eleventh birthday of her daughter,. Maxine. ' .
Leo Nogg,, Junior .•'at', the Thomas Jefterson High.School, and William oBv senior at the Abraham Lincoln High-School, left Wednesday for Des Moines, Iowa, 'to, participate, in the Drake! Debating, Tournament which; will- be held over the week-end. Both: students are active debaters, having^ represented their schools fit numerouis other debates. Mrs. A. BrOmberg entertained eighteen children at her home last Saturday afternoon in faonpr of her granddaughter,; Betty Jane Lewis, who celebrated her , ninth birthday.
Stanley Passer, student at the Abraham Lincoln High School in Council Bluffs,' will, be one of the members of the school's basket ball Miss Tillie Bice left Tuesday eve-, team when. they, compete for . state ning for Minneapolis, Minri., to visit The Bar Mitzvah of. Isadore Rich- honors at the State Tournament at with Mrs. Cy Diksoiu formerly Miss lin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Iowa City this week-end. Edith Kenyon of this city. Eichlin, will be held at the synaMiss Rice will spend about two gogue at-twenty-fifth and Howard The Council Bluffs Agudes Achim weeks in Minneapolis and then will streets, Saturday morning, March 23. Society will hold a meeting Monday return to Omaha to visit several A dinner in his honor will be held evening, March 25, at the Legion dayq before "leaving for California, at the Labor Lyceum Sunday eve- HalL where she will spend the summer.
The members of Kappa Chapter of'Theta Phi Sigma gave ~a farewell dinner Thursday evening at the Ad-Sell Restaurant honoring Mm Paul Jacobson, formerly Mi6s Fanny Fish, Secretary of the Omaha chapter. Mrs. Jacobson left Friday evening for Dallas, Texas, where she will inake her home.
Misses Euth and Reva Ziev will ariive Sunday morning for a week's visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Louis "ZieV. ' • Miss Ruth Ziev is at present i student at the University; of Chicago, Mrs. ; A. Bolker will : entertain . at It-tea Sunday afternoon in'honpy of her sister, Miss Margaret Cohn, who 'will be married to Mr. Irving Hoberman on April 14. Miss Cohn was honored during the past week at a dinner (giyen last Sunday evening, by Mr. and' Joe Bernstein and ; at a bridgfe luncheon given Wednesday— Jacob Bernstein.
ning. Among the out-of-town guests who will attend will be Mr. and Mrs. M. Schulman, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosenthal, and Mr. and Mrs. A. RazmowsM of Sioux City, la*, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker of Walnut, la., Mr. and Mrs. A. Iipsnian of Schneider, Nebr., Mr. and -Mrs. Richard Ruback, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Laff of Dunlap, la. .
The Jecomter Camp Fire girls will hike to the organization'6 camp, j Iwaqua, Tuesday afternoon, March! 26. Each member is requested to bring a friend with her.
5% 6%.
SONS Atlantic 04T0
fey Mrs. David M. Newman
Attend the
Sunday Evening, March 24 "The nominal cost of your having a good timfe here will aid many poorand needy people."
Wonderful Selection and Value in
General Motors Cold Control Offered only in Frigidaire. Gives automatic regulation *>f temperature in freezing compartment- Speeds freezing of icecubes. Makes dozens o£ new desserts possible. Special demonstration of the Cold Control all thif weeki See it yourself. Test its results. Stop in at our display rooaau
All colors and ' ail sizes
NEW TURKISH BATH Expert Masseur Service JA. 9422
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Individuality . . Garments that set the Spring Fmshion. . * . Every woman knmtrs that Spring urrives via, Piari's ~atoA tvery day we are'presenting th* Nev> modes with their American adaptations
Paxton-Mitchell Co, ] nd MsrthB 8t#. HAtntjr 10^ • . OMAHA. NEBRASKA Soft gray, iron, brass, broiuw BIKI aluminum castings. Stanrtfm! *S?.es bronw anrt Iron bnstittifcs, sewer nisinboles, ciBtern tings nnd covers nmt ;lean-out doors In stock. AH kinds of
wood snfl metn! patterns.
U/ does it best
We Have the Largest* ^t Complete Department Banking Service in Omaha If you are planning: to iscnd f^oiiey abroad t o make sonieone happy this Passbver, we will be glad to help you. Our foreign department .will be^g-lad to give you advice a b o u t its service, Please feel free to call on this department if you plan to travel abroad, carry on an exporting business or have occasion to send orreceive foreign money. We handle Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks for safe handling of money while traveling.
Visit the New
MALASHGCK'S ; Jewelry Store' 16th and Howard Streets Hill Hotel Building
Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices _rtJjVi]l_PHv_You to Inquire,
PUBLIC COAL YARD 20th and Nicholas—JA. 6655 HARRY SWENGIL and WM. HAHN, Prop.
Genuine Franklin County Lump, $9.00
Uncte Sam Breakfast Food Company
Harry CL. Lobldns.
Omaha Fmkm, and Sapply-Co. •: COMPLE1T3 STOKE & OFFICE OUTF?TTBKS Soothwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Street* Phone JAc&son 272* Omaha, Nebrk
Fourth Floor
Antique Furniture Remodeled find TTn- | boWtered. Store Ftxiwree ang Oenornl j K*palr6. Furniture Pnckcrt for SlUpping \ 1586 PECAITK gTR-KT--T }
comes the announcement of the
HiD Hold Bath Parlor
PUFFY OMELET ••"'' 5- egg yolks, 1- teaspoon salt, sprinkle: of cayenne pepper^ 5 tablespoons hot water, 6 egg whites,. 1 tablespoon butter,, few grains black pepper. • "Beat egg yolks until thick. Add salt/ pepper, cayenne, and hot water* Mix well. Fold in lightly the stiffly whites until thoroughly beaten blended. Melt butter in a, frying pan or omelet pan.. Pour in the
The new ensemble coats —the new three-tone lining and ; scarf- coats ;— coats plain and coats furred! Whatever yoa have in mind—you'll find it in this Herzberg value group.
T'vpnlnp* WAlnnt r.077
Coats $ 25
203 So. 19th St. f Aek«OH 1908 m - "
Phone: WEbster E842
EGGS ' •. ' When eggs are used as a break-j fast dish,. scrambled, f ried^ baked,] poached or in an. omelet \vith a|j cream sauce and a few hard boiledf eggs, one lias the foundation of an] endless range of luncheon dishes*
from his illness a t ' t h e Wise Memorial Hospital.
Kiteheh Chats
- Mr. John Zorinsky is recuperating-
The Daughters of Zion vrill hold a rummage sale during the first part of -May.; • ' '"Those ; having bundles that they wishriroHrontribute^are asked to call Mrs. A. Shafton at'HArney 6202.' .
in Public Utility Properties Electricity—Gas—Petroleum ' 6 Vr~l CENT OK SAVINGS
\«th and Howard
egg mixture and spread evenly. Cook over a slow fire, moving, the pan occasionally so as to distribtfte the heat evenly.. When a delicate brown imderneathY put in a moderate oven at about 360 degrees and bake 10 to 15 minutes or until top is firm. Fold and serve on a hot platter. Garnish with.a border of Amer? ican cheese, and squares, of battered, The amount- of $103.30 has been toast. collected by a committee romposed of 6> Whitebook, S. Shyken, and J. A spirit of contradiction is so per Roden .. for the Matzo. Fund for Russian Jews being sponsored by dantic and hateful that a man should "The Day", Yiddish daily of New watch against every instance of it. -^Watts. York.
Mr. M. H. Lipp is convalescing at the Wise Memorial Hospital.
for the Pioneer TSussian, performance European Woiaen'B organization of Palestine, the .Jewish women worker's club of languages. Information concerning tours to the Holy Land. Russia may a)so be obtained from The xiress does not niake the him. The expense, of some of these monk, trips is as tow as $410, hfc elates. —. When shopping mention the PLAN YIDDISH -PLAY 'Jewish Press." The Omaha Yiddish Dramatic club will present, a four act drama, "Hearchelah Meuches" Monday evening, April 21, at the Jewish Community Center. It will be a- benefit
Sport Splinters By - FRANK R: • *" ' * TKOBATE NOTICE In-the matter of the estate of HAEHI ; The Judge, Irvin Stalmaster trophy, HOLLANDER, deceased, -Notice iB bereliy given : •• That tbo .credit- awaits, the team who wins-the open ors of said deceased -will meet the executrix of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at tbe County Cottrt Boom," in, said" County, on the Oth day of "May, 3029, ana ou tbe Oth day of July. 1020. at 9 o'clock A. M., each duy, for
the purpose of presenting tneir claims foe examination, adjustment and aUownnce,
• Three'Jnonth* a r e ' a l l o w e d f o r t h e creditors to present their -claims, from the- 6th' d a y of iAprJL. 1D20. ' "_" "•-;••• BBXCB CBAWFpBD. . March 8-r4T . ' . iv County,.Judge. :• STA1J1ASTEB & BE5JEB, Attorney8 -', 630 Omaha Jfoilonal BanJc Bide;':-'. ' Y'~-. JPKOBATE SfOTICE" ' " 1 ••. V In tbe name of the estate of BEN KATZ, deceased-' •
-' •
• •
-Notice is .hereby.'given: That the creditors of saiU deceased -will meet the. sdjnlnjEtrator of said estate, before me,' County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, lit the County Court Koom," in 8aId "County, ou the 9tti day of May, 1929, and' on the 8th day; of-Jiily, 1020, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, :for the -purpose of ^presenting: th.ejr claims for examination, adjustment and. allowance. Three months- are'allowed-forthe" creditors to present their clpims, from the 6th day of April, 1929. . •-> . BBXCB CBAWFOB1>. •:-.•: March »—4T County Judge. STAI-MASTEB.AND BBBEB. Attorney* 650 Omaha National .Bank Bl^
A. A / U . tournament, which starts next week. The zero hour* for-entries was last night. Thirty-two teams entered, four more than last year. ' : The:" Fruits already have-^a le^. on the prize, and are in.-the' swim for another wjn. They ^will; have plenty of competition' with- such_• teams; as the- Davenport Confcctioheries of Fremont, Waterloo, Palmer Motors, and a few other top-notchers, as- the Mangaro Grocers. The; junior rboysf' b»sketbalL season Gold and silver, medals, will also ended with the y . S; Oils on top. be awarded. . ' , TheL other teams ended, iii^ the following order: Adlers, Seiners, X L's, The matrons -seekjngi the_ use_- of Superiors, and Bobcats. the gym are "increasing;- in, numbers under the atie ^tutelage "\of Miss This climaxed the most' successful Ursula Faganj ^women's physical season in junior history. Manx fudirectbr^ She^^plans to> introduce ture cage satellites being discovered roller" skating, iri the yery; near fuby Physical Director Krasne. ture into these classes."
; NOMCE OP ABSflJaSTBATIOK _In the: County Court of .Douglas County,
The Jewish, Community Center feminine basketeers •,' are following- irt In the matter of" the -estate of PETER CHUDACOFF. Deceased. . . . . the"; footsteps.-of the male., cageri. All -persons interested *in said estate ara hereby , notified, that a petition = has beei* By nosjng,out the K'. C. girls last filed in! said Court alleging' that '-^ald-.;de»- ;weefc, .15-14J .iie. J. Ci.-.Ck Sfextet ceased died leaving no will and; prayina for administration upon 'his estate, anq, .vaulted, intb^ a,-- threeHcofner tier for lliat -a' hearing, -will be had •on sqUj-pet}- first plac^ - m; the;:. KnjghtS-; of:; Cotoln before before said* court on on' tlwj -6Ot pt. toln said court 6Ot day d A i l 1929, 1929 and d that.if t h t i f they t h y fail fail to to Appear lumbus league/, standings; > \ April; at said Court on the said Oth'day.of April, 1929, at 9 o'clock A. M. -toT-.contest'-eaM; ,? ;For/.the-second; round which!^ s t a t t i petition,, the Court may .gr^nt the .-aaM« tombrrowV games-'wilk. be^doubled op and' grant administration of saldlestate to Harry Chudaeoff or some other-suitable being• sdieduleH. foil Saturday and person and proceed to a settlement thereof. . BRYCE CRAWFORD,-; - Wednesday evenings. March 15-31.
The last time that the Jewish structions in the art of tennis. There may also be an fndoor baseball Community Center had a baseball league for girls,, according to Miss team" in one of the municipal leagues it copped the pennant of the Gate Fagan. ity league. Marcus Krasne anThe- junior boys indoor^ baseball nounces that he will organize a team league Twill get under w»y in April this year and invade the muny diaKrasne also plans, a similar loop for monds again this year and even beat seniors on Wednesday nights.- . that record. We don't know how he'll do any more than win a penKrasne's handball artists have nant but you leave it-to him. That's finally climbed into undisputed, pos- for him to worry about. session of first place in the city fedThe roller skating classes have eration handball league by capturing all four, matchea from- the K. C. become so popular that the Center Should they break even jn the next was forced to buy some more skates. batch of matches withv 'the "Y," they will have cinched 'the cham- TALK ON CHILD LABOR pionship.
. The spring, gym schedule goes,: into eifect March 23 at the J.^C. C:
The sum of almost $1,000,000 was spent last year on the agricultural development of Jewish possessions in Palestine by the Agricult- x-al Department of the Palestine Zionist Executive, according to a report made publi by Dr. L M. Rubinow, e:cccu"ve"director of the United Palestine Appeal, at the headquarters of the c"-anizatipn, 111 F'fth Avenue, New York. This amount included the support of all phases of colonization activities, and also building and irrigation works incidental to the development AT COUNCIL MEETING of agriculture. •. The report, which covers the period between September (Continued from Page_ 1) 1, 1927, and September 1, 1928, points out that the entire aspect of the most important activities of the agricultural work has undergone a National Council. change during this period, with emThe general meeting at 2:30 p. m. phasis being placed on the stabilizawill be preceded by ^a boar4 meettion of all enterprises, rather than ing at 1:30 p. m. th( enlargement of them. Members of the "Council will attend the Saturday morning service Take it to be a principle rule of at Temple Israel this Saturday in life, not to be too much addicted to observance of Council Sabbath. A —Terence. special program' has been arranged. one tiling.
— When shopping mention the "Jewish Press."
When the mind is in a state of^ uncertainty, the smallest impulse directs it to either side -—Terenc?.
.. Cincinnati, Ohio.—Free and unassijjned seats for the coming Holy PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Days will be offered by Temple B'nai Israel, Sacramento, California, according to a communication received from Rabbi" Harold F. Reinhart by Rabbi Louis I. Egelson, Secretary of, the Department of Synagogue and School Extension of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations at Cincinnati. 403 Hospe B3dg. JA, 5752
.Pointing out that seats long have been free and unassigned for all other days, Rabbi Reinhart reports the congregations took the action toward a like arrangement for the Holy Days at its annual meeting.
Speck's Place No.
19— WE. S221
Old Kentucky Barbecue HIMELBLOOM BAKERY
Maryland Fried Chicken
1511 N. ?4tb— WE. 6284
Serve Himelbloom's new . Russian p.umpernickle bread with your next meal.
20th Century Rapid Shoe Repair
Paxton BiU&rd Parlors
SPECIAL:— Pair of rubber heels free with every sole and heel repair job. 1510 Harney AT. 4297
1516 Farnam—JA. 9721 Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Event*
The gymnastic .team started limbup: .theuv bfcki at the inmnguration of tJte^ Veekly. meetings, of the class. last Tuesday. In about at inonth rttiey will, get an opportunity to strut their: waiea, ait a public ex.hibition, according to tSeir coach and boss, Marcus Krasne.
, County Judge.-,
Tired legs are ejepec^f d tor be very much in display at ^e.Center Vdurr ; The girls are soo,n. to teceiye in- STAXMASTEB & BE^EK, Attorney* . ing ... the" next month, Director. • 650 Omaha National Bank Bid*. E *.BEBEB, Attorney* NOTICE OF ARTICLES OP .XNCQBFOBAKrasne has announced th« big -: i 630 Omaha- National Bank ,Dldc< TION OF THE GEJTEKAL EQCtPjioor track meet, for forne time 1ae?ct! : WENT COKPOBATION OK AHTICTLES OF INCORPORA Know all men "by these iiresejitr. that the NOTICE 'inonth and warns ,th* ;bpys, to start TION OF THB£EO KLANK •undersigned -.have formed a -corporation eOBPKATION under the laws of the state of ,Mepr«skn, training, tio-w if they expec^ to The name' of this". corporation Bhall t)e' Know all men by these presents that the "The- General Sound" Equipment Corpora^ jinderslgued" have-'"formed a- corporation bjcast the tape or liave, thejr: jumps tion,"•with its- principal .place Of business under the laws of,"the' state of Nebraska, :or shot pills' taped at. th,e imeet,. at Omaha. Nebraska. The general, nature "the. name vOf this' corporation- shall, be The
of the business to be transacted and the •Iieo Blank Corporation -with its principal object and purpose for which this corpora- place of- business at Onjihaj Nebraska. The tion is organized and established 'shrill-be general nature of .the business, to be Itrons-,
The-J". G- C. handball committee, to buy, sell nnd distribute talking picture .tcted and the object and purpose for which machines; and devices including all nccesf •thlB corporntloiv" is'•" orgnuiied and -estiib- tihainnaned by • Irvin Levini has ansoriesfor the same-and ail films and req- llshtrd snail be to encage In the wholesale' nounced that the Midwestern A, A : - ords pertaining.thereto: and shall have thfl and retail business of buyjnff, BelUnff; marright to manufacture, sell,, distribute or keting and. distributing, talking..nictnres, U> handball .^onrney; which-has been grant franchises for the sale, manufacture machines and devices incliiding aU acces- again given to the^ Center .to sponsor or distribution of the some; 'to-buy,.sell sories for the same, and all firiiB and reor distribute or to -i grant frapchlse cords pertaining thereto:, to manufacture, will take; place April 14 to 23. If to buy,, sell and . distribute theatrical -fell, "market, distribute or grant franchises supplies,', fixtures, and equipment :-of all for- the saleV- manufacture, -marketing or competition, makes a tournament, this kinds: to sell and•• distribute,' motion? plo distribution of the same: to buy, sell, mar* one. shouldvsurely'be a wow. ture "films-, and to "do, any nnd nil things Tcet or- distribute- or. grant "franchises to
buy. selL market or dlBtrJbute. theatrical supplies,•-'.fixtures'' and equipment of. all kinds: to sell -nnd-.distribnte'-niotlan picJuniors A. A. U. . swimming tare- films a"nd t6 "buy." sell, manufacture .or distribute anyr.type and iind ;pf- goods, meet; with 50 and 100 yard events .wares and merchandise'• of eTery kind and .description;-and -to do, any..and all things for boys.'"and girls, will be held! at necessary, convenient or proper or pertain? the J. 1 C, G. soon, x ing to the carrying on~ ot. any of ihe af<ire,-: paid 'business including,the Lriuhti to xiwn ohd hold xcnl estate; the-foregoing: enum- "BUSINESS MEN'S POWLING erated clause of specific- powers are not intended- to limit or restrict Am nfiyr-vray the-' powers -which- tWs corporationo shall bare. The authorized capital--^tock shall 10 .(S97 be $10,000.00 -to bfe divided Into 100 shares Kaiinan" Insurance X>f '• the- par, valne. of '$100.00 each; -all-of 11 .576 which stock shall "be common and shall be Omaha . Tobacca: fully..paid - up nnd non-assessable -when 15 .545 issued. Said capital, stock ' issued Glazer Nothing for-rcash,. real estate," franchises,: contract Wardrobe' 16, .518. ^ rigtitr.-. leases, •personal, property-of person16 .461 al services- •'The corporation shall. com Empire ^Cleaners mence doing business trpon the filingof It Gesundheite al servicesThe corporatn 53 .303 . ^ ^ mence doings business trpon the filingfof Its articles -with- the •County <3erk of .Dduclas TheviKaiman^ inBurance took adCounty,.nnd shall contiiiue for a period of fifty years from. said . date. .unless, sooner yantage"'pf; the iErtp^re Cl^aner'& suddissolved by act of the Stockholders.' .The- den reversal; of. form and strengthhighest amount" of indebtedness shall not exceed 2/3 of its- capitnl .stock but this ened , their- position by' ^winning three restriction'shall not apply to indebtedness; ' secured by mortgages; or; liens upon any fiuccessive;* games.of the.corporate property. The niTalra of : The, Glazer;. Clothiers crept up a this corporation' -shall, be managed by-"i Board of Directors .ronsisting of not less notch as"• a' result- ofr their. decisive thantwo members. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the. first victory" over the Ge^unUheit; Malts, Monday of January of each year at which -meeting* the stockholders- shall .elect it- and the Omaha Tolfacco: Company in Board of Directors- nnd ' -thereupon .the" ;a. "rbiising finish won their seriesBoard shall elect a President, a' Secretary nnd n Vice-rresldent-and -Trensu'rer.' Any feohi -the. Wardrobe. s two-of said oiBcesmay be held by one and STAXMASTEB AST* BEBEII, Attorneys: the same person.' "JJntil, their successors nt Leo \Weitzi' the .League's "»ce," "•60 Omaha ^National. Bank Ul<lp. '•-',' the annunl meeting in 1030. -the Onderslgoied T*aB in.^gr/Eatform and pounded out JTOTrtJE. OF A0M,INISTHATiqk i shall constitute tie-first -Board of DirectThe Board of Directors shall elect n 4 $20 total =witb; a jjjaiy of 200 . lri-~the County. Court, of. Dpuglns County,- ,ors. 'Prrsldent. a Vice-President.,' ff. Secret ary Nebraska... ' -: ..-. . - :«nd a from'innong their number scores'' included in; tKe coijnt." Qther . .lu.-.the matter b£ the estate, of^DAVID except Trensurer that the Kedretnry - mny. be" elertfd iigh) "totals' as foljowsv A; J«nger, . G A l t R I J l l i - . D c c c a B e d . •• • • * " . • ' / • . . • '/ '•: from the stockholders' and heed, not i • AH persons'interested In s:iltj vstiMc -fire Until ^tliplr snecessors are. elect- ^68, Ed Meyer. 638, Hendelson 529, hereby notified that'n petitionjlins been Pircclor. at the annunl meeting-'of Dfrpctors ; in filed in said .Cjflrt alleging thiir said'•..«!<?- ed thp officers of.this corporation" slfnll Kaiman - J508, Zweibick 503, N'. cc.-ised aied leaving no last will ami 'pray? I 1030, be Leo.Blank-. President ,and Secretary nn.d SchlMfer 505i- Harry Smith 509. ing- lpr: adriunlstrntioh' unon bi^:cst»tef.itnil Janet (J. Blank,Vi<-e-rrpsident and Treasthat a hearing: will be hail "P Sato 'petition urer. These articles be.'amended nt Next week's schedule: , before trnjd court on tlicdtu Jay. of April. nny regular or special 'tuny of the stork1029. and that if lu§y fail to appear at said* holdcrs • b y a -/.3 votemooting of the outstanding Empire Cleaners vs.- Wardrobe, Court- on the -said Orb. Ohy or April, 1l>2in stock. ' ", , ' nt 9-o'cloct A. M., ti> contest ssilcl jH'tition; 43-44. the Court niny praT.t the ssinic and (Crnnt Iji witness. whi-riHjf tho parties hereto Gesundheits vs. Omaha, Tobacco, ndministration. of said csrate to Albert liavc hereunto - RulistTibod t-bclr names I his Garber or some other suitable Person am} •Jtb day ot March. 10211. 45-46. •proased'to a fcettlement therpof. • ' TK B . BRTCE CHAWt'f>Rl), Glaze? - Clothing vs. Eaiman Ins., JANKT C-BLANK. March lo-3T ' County.-Jwlce. - In the prpsence, of Irvln St.nlmnster. 47-48. ' March 8—IT ' " • 8TALll.\STER £ BEBER. .Attorneys Omaha -National Pnnk Bldp. . NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALE In tho IH«trlct Court of Boacla* Couitly, Nebraakn Cy rirtue of an order of sale ifgned out of the District" Court of Douglas County. Nebraska, tinil in pursuancG of n' decree of jsald Court in tin action therein indexed nt Appearance Docket Number -2^0;c-af l'Hjfe Number 33a. ExdcUtion Docket Number 24. at Pagp 'Nnmbor 702, wherein MARIE IRQN"S. is l'lnintiff, and Nels .Tan Shopman, ct at.. Defendant, 1 will nt ten o'clock A. M_ on '-Eucsdcy. the lOlli dny of April, 3029, at the East front door ot the UouglnB "Court Hotist in the City vt Omaha, panslne - County, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder forcash. thc'following described property. to-wJt:' 't South Sixty-five feet (fcS. «0') ot rvot Sixteen (16) and North Fifteen feet (6 J.T) o l . JjOt Fifteen (13) Mercer Park, an addition to the City of Omaha, as surveyed. pTutfyd and recorded, in tbe County .of Douglas and State, of Nebraska, pubject'lo the lieu of Asbestos Shingle Slate nnd Sheathing Company in the sum of' $253.63, with Interest at 7 per cent from October Jgt.lOSS; Subject to the Hen of Marie IronB In -the "sum of $&,167.H0, with Interest at 10 per cent from Oetdber"3rd. 1028: Subject to thff lieu of Jnck Ferrnra in the sum of $Mn.Q3, •with interest at T per cent from Ocljuber 3Bt, 1928: td sntisfy the lien of J. Bernstein 'Jin ati-1 Furnnce Con>pnny, in the sum of
necessary'or. pertainin's to the carrying on of its business including"the right to,own ; and' hold r.eal estate. The-unthomed capital stock shall be $100,000.00 divided into 1000 shares of the par $100.00 e'(ich; OH; of which stock shall be. common and- shjll be fully paid up and non-assessable; when issued. Said.stock may-be issued for cash; real estate, .franchises, "contract 'rights, leases, personal property- or personal serr vires. . i^Jhe; cornorntlon shall . commence doing business upon-tpe: filing Qf'itS at* tides •with-the County^ Clerk of- Ponging County, Nebraska* and shall -continue for n period'of fifty years, from-said date.-The highest, nraoOnt of indebtedness shall, not exceed 2/«; o t . its-.capitql stock but • this restrictioh-'shall not apply to Indebtedness" seenred by mortgages or liens uppn any of the corporate property. The, affair? of .this corporation shall- be managed by-u Board of Directors 'consisting ,of-not-Jess -than two members. The annual meeting; of the corporation, shall be held.on the first weejr tiny of January of each year nfwhirh meeting the stockholders shirt} elect a-:Bonrd of Pirectorn, and thereupon -the Board - shallelect a President, a Secretary and'a TrenSr. -nrer. .Any: two of-said oflices'iriny.bie held, by bne -and .the same person. „ JThe60 articles may be .amended nt iihy Tegular or special .meeting, of the stockholders by" a ,2/3 vote of the' outstanding stock. : : -In'-witness whereof ..the !parties- hereto, have hereunto'subscribed their names this 2oth -day of Februiiry,.J9S). , . . T,. •'STERN, M. T,. STERN, i JT 8TKHN J.T.. 8TKHN. SiM-BEBEK.' ' In-,the presence, of March 1—4T:, ALICE.ABIiEli
with a high' rate of interest accruing, daily. That's what. Neat. Tasty
S^r^Vnn,»nfromOctoberfBKl028. 'X'o satisfy tie sum of 085,00 costs nnd the Increased and accruing costs, ifll as provided by said order, nnd i«ecTee. Dated jit'Omaha. Nebrnskn. this VJlh Ony of M»«h. l W t t M p D O S A i l , > Douglas .County. Ne
Million Dollars Spent on Agriculture in Palestine
means to you. I t costs tin more — it's worth money in actual- dollars and cents—and can he' obtained quickly by asking for our representative.
1307*1309 Howard Street, Omaha
ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. 853 BrandeU Theater BIdr.—JA 481J
H. MARCUS 1941 Vinton St. J A . 144©
Certified Public Accountants
4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 : I
Pncfer Mantcesient ot
. .638 Securities Bids.
AT. 4451
Thr HOUM Wllb a Repatatlon
National Accessories. Inc. "Everythirijrfor the Aufo" 295t; Farnaoii-AT. .5524 For space in. this directory call the
A.H.BRODKEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR , 415 Hospe Bldg. JAckson 1614'" Estimates Gladly Furnished
Service Our Motto
OMAHA LETTER SHOP Commercial Printing
General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing
DAVENPORT GARAGE 18th and Davenport
JA. 857a
KRAMER & BAUER Auto Repair—Battery Service Tires—Tubes—Accessories and Parts 5127 So. 'Mtb St.
MArfcet I00i>
Multigraphing Addressing Mailing 2123 Cuming Street AT. 8010
Hat Cleaning Empress Hat Cleaning Shop 16 and Douglas
Hats Cleaned and Blocked 75c
Plumbing and Heating 6021 So. 3tt!i St.—MiArket 5JS4
Expert Radio Service
THALLAS THE HATTER Hats Cleaned and Blocked 50 and 75c
We Repair Any Make Radio
Radio Cow
101 No. 16th
2408 Farnam—J A. 1941
Shoe Repairing
" -
Auto Electric Service
PATRONI»K THUS CANUYLANT1 I6tb a«^l Fitrnam SCNSK* TKA ROOM : 4Utb and Dodge OHVSTA1, CAKUX lttb nod Capitot AT«.
II th sad Deiielns St».
Men's Half Soles . f l W Ladies Half Soles Ladies Comp. Rubber Heel.^.^.t6c
EL-PATIOCAFE After Theatre Dancinig.
If your laundress does not satisfy, try us
Franchtsed Distributors DEIiCO-KEMX AtFTO-UITE . NOBTHEAST Mth and Q. St. »IA. 4007
MAGNUSON AUTO ELECTRIC - SERVICE '•Starter, Generator, right< and lenttlon Service and Repairs Avenue nt St.'Mary's Avenue •' . AT. 5530 . •
24th and Famam
Awnings #nd Tents
.AwafnEB.:Canvaik Corefs. Tents, damp Supptlea. AU Kinds. JSth juid Howard
.. AT. 140%.
FOR 75c A WEEK Your ad in this directory, reaches "practically every Jewish Home in Omaha.
•"••• D Y E W O K K S ' -
<32 Tears ISxpcpteirce)
We Make Old Garments Look Like New CLEANING .*, DYEING — REPAIRING Sample Dyeing a Specialty SU No. 24tl^ St. AT. 1169
SWAN§OJN THE FLORIST 1704 So. 24th St. — MArket €701 Member. P. T.. D.
All I'an.llT •ervicen, from B8h
Sanitary Laundry W. H. OSTENBEBG. Pres. AT. 2815 «813 Farnam
Castle Shoe Repair Shop
North of Ciintle Hotel —WORK l)OXE WHILE YOU WAIT—
119 So IG
First Class Work Guarantied Shoes Rebuilt
Pianist Instructor
Suits Made to Order—Cle«iing— Pressing—Bats and caps Renovated
Oesin^iers ftnd Adranced Students Accepted S u i t . S, Wead Bide- I8tli and Farnam Telephone ATIantlc 81C2
Play the Viohn Correctly
i t . Sevcik and other world renowned teachers recommend my method very highly
Concert Violinist and Instructor Stnfllo 11 J%-K. 164h St. JA. 1933
3218 No. 84
WE. 832*
U G , The Tailor 203 Neville Block AT. 6451
Towel Supply
ATlantic 62S1 J. &L JENSEN
Only 2 _ firms accepted under each business heading
Painting and Paper Hanging
JA. 0528
Beauty Parlors
MArket 4307 4615 So. 24th St. Hours 7 A. M. to 6 P. M.
AT. 1131
Shampoo and Marcel Finger Wave or Haircut $1.2» *
,, . For Service Call
i38 Aquilla Court
Telephone A Tlaniic. 8028. INTERSTATE PRINTING CO,
AT. 1611
Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.00 Marcel 75c
Tin, Sheet Metal and F Works First Class Work and Prompt Service RUDY & TORRID ZONE FURNACES 4116 Ho. tith' 503J SO. SS4th
KEnwood 08S5 MArket 4600
y o c B
«• B«5»«*l«
AT. 4544
1114 So. 2S St.
Wall Paper-Paints FRED PARKS & S4tli alu! I. St.—AT. 7101—MA. 0101
Wallpaper Below Wholesale Snniples shown nt lout Home JOE LEVINSKY, Prop.
Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha
MArket 6»77 Res. MA. 3166
4824 So. 25th 4411 So. 26th