- Interesting-, a
Interest to Jews
and Entertaining
~ Knitted ursacoad-chiss mall nutt£fs^-iannwy !W. lW Btffl at Omota, Nebraska. untfff'-f 1/ct ol Mnrqh 8,
Breasted teenies Jews First Monoiheists
VOL. VII.—No. 11
Charity Dividends
Charity^ dividends i n t h e form o£ good news about = t h e accomplishj n e n t s of t h e Jewish Welfare Federation a n d t h e . J e w i s h CommTihity Center in 1928 will b e Various Sections of East Europissued a t t h e annual meeting of ean Jewry Face Famine -the t w o organizations i n t h e Ceni » r , Thursday evening, April 4. Ali w h o have invested jgaod will in local Jewish achievement a r e FROM 30 TO 75 PER CENT By JOSEPH LEFTWICH JEWS APPLYING FOR AID summoned to attend. Zangwill .did not ejer this. Zangwill it implies, for-, thesake of. quaintAs soon/-as- you t r y to. arrive' at - T h e audience will not only -reStejs •alresdy taken by the Joint he grew ceive cumulative interest i n pride*, an estimate of Zangwill's place in ness, a . f ew ; specifically. Yiddish -was boTxi: Distribution Committee to relieve the literature; you? -mill.at once, find some idioms, or ^writing, with an assump- iip inVWWteehapeir; obtained his on i t s investment, b u t •will be acste -distress of lajrgc BUfflbers t>f people, especially Yiddish writers, tion of easy sop4Eciority and detach- education:- atrthe Jewp' Free. School entertained. with a novel dramatic J«ws in LBesaar«bia, Lithuania *tid in the^Lane", where he later became ; screwing, up their faces into a sneer, ment about purdy Jewish customs feature in which the Spirit of part spf Poland due to exttftordinery and obje^ng'that Zangwill'made his and traditions; so that the non-Jews a school ;t«j»cher. He was quite a .the: Federation, extends a helping vjgo'rs. of last winter, said to.liave ? youngster when he started -writing name among non-Jews, by trading jn marvel at. these "strange, Jews. ' •been the severest from wWch and l i e all young writers he began hand to the pony the crippled, the Europe has . suffered in »%•«• » cenJewishness* by writing >piqtta,nt Jewimmigrant, and all who are iiv by drawing on" the. life around him. ish storie^—a sort': of Jewish, corner tu*y, were, detailed yesterday by . .. . s He started'with'an" aiiaiysis of the troubled dian oh the English stage. There is National Chairnmn .David A, Brc-w Officers, of bo&i' organizations position of Jews an3 Jewishness in some truth' in the. complaint,' but \\ of the rUnited Jewisli eannwsign. be elected. '" England. He published a long essay ";is: in' no way"just. Yiddish^writers, Quoting cabled reports from Dn in,- the "Jewish Quarterjy Eeyiew", on too/ write of Jewish, lifei: that is,' of Benfliard Kahn, Ewropesm lirt this ; subject, tracing Wnitecnapel:<! the life they know and.'.,belong'to, of the Joint' Distribution lirocesK" of - "adaptation to BngKsh but; because" they -write in Yiddish, Mi» Brown said that' 455,008 life. This article was the germ of their types^are not so obviously Jewar« in dir^ need jn Sduth Zangwill's famous •'Children of the iish. It sounds^ as. if they1 were w i t Of th« 650,000 Jews dwelling in Ghetto." It must be remembered; tha^. ing abou^ ordinary, every-day life, Middle BessaraWa, excluding Kish-Zangwill was only 27 when tiie without- label or adjective, because inoff, about one-tliird are in serioo;-"Children of the Ghetto" appeared; the language fits in and "comes pstr ' In 'Kishinoff itself, the gen-
Paris (J. T. A.)—Credit for Great Jewish'Authors Devotion To His People Caused Him To -Fail having originate^ monotheism beTo Attain The Pinnacle of Literary Success longs to the Egyptians and- not His Talents Destined For Him .the Jews, was the contention of Christian Minister Predicts Suc- Dr. James Breasted* archaeologist, cess t>f Zionism After Visit •who is , accompanying John D. ANGLQ.JEWISH GENIUS DIED BROKEN-Hl^RTED to Palestine Rockefeller, Jr., on: his tour which included- Palestine. . URGES BOTH GENTILES • In a statement' he made before AND JEWS TO AD3 WORK his departure. wiW: Mr. Rockefeller for AmerfcJL rabpfnrd''the. Be • de : New York (J. T. A.)—Enthusiastic. France,'.. Proif,; P'reasteff said^that over the Zionist work in Palestine, according W latest- discoveriesDr. John Haynes Holmes, minister made, in -Egypt, the1. Egyptians -o£ the New York Community Church, were monotheists-800 . years bereturned last week on the steamer fore the Hebrews. The Jews, he Aquitania, after spending three said, only began worshipping one weeks' in Palestine, -where he -went God at ,a later date, monotheismas' the representative of Nathan -having been imposed! upon them -StrauBS. "I think ,it is one of the by the; Prophets.: - / ' greatest" things: I : ever saw," Dr. Btolmes said of the rebuilding .work. Difficulties are. being encountered^ because ,of the faet:-that-the,land, has been devastated forr thousands of years, but these difficulties, can be - :overcome if the Jews of 'the world, especially American Jews, continue to contribute ,toward the upbuilding work.- Contributions should not come Mrs; Charles Dietrich Tells Local froth Jews alone, Dr. Holmes deBut if they wrote; in .Yiddish about Chapter About To my mind it was the amazing View Expressed by Whiting e»l: poverty of abourt &0(000 clared. Support for this cause should, English life, it would sound exotic, JBU1 ,fead'been' greatly' agjpnaVBted by tiie siiccesi of :the "Chikireh of the Williams in Lecture also come" from liberal non-Jews, too. Zangwill wrote' of a particulw Severe . winter condttioiis. Ghetto" which was, Zangwill's unAt J. C C. persons interested in social experir' COUNCIL MOVIE SHOWN type of Jewish life, not in Yiddish, t .Mr.'.'Brcwn said that tl\e governdoing and- his tragedy/ for he was ment. ' ; . but in English, and therefore it apinsmt and: the Koumanian Bed Ooss IS INDUSTRIAL AUTHORITY neVer' afterwards ailowed to escape The most serious problem, in ; Pal-, It is difficult to gain the" ratifica- pears'exotic He'was; brought up In hud undertake certain relief mmhfrom Jewish subjects, although he estine is the relation . between: the tion' of theV ChiW. labor, amendment a home where his parents spoke was struggling hard'to get out into: "The problem of industry is to yres, *nd thst in Jamifuy the J l H Jews and the Arabs, Dr. Holmes by the Nebraska legislature' because Yiddish, outside in the streets, in tiie the; greaf' sea of general literatiire. prende regular employment fop the,Di«tributiQTJ Committee had pointed out,: declaring that he : metchild labor conditions here are very "Lane,? people, spoke Yiddish or He followed it up with three books workers and to teach the owjiiers to 4120,000 for food, clothing ant! sanall the Zionist leaders, talked • with good and Nebraskans.- do 'not: realize' •Yiddishised English* and^ he Jhad t which had, nothing to do with Jewish share the glory of their exploits with itary aid for the distressed populathe chief of- the Arabs; was in con-what conditions ex|st in many states", render all this in a different lancharacters ' Or Jewish atmosphere; those' who have, actually performed tion. ference twice with the High Com- Mrs. Charles Dietrich, of- Hastings; guage/ in English; andL,the Tesult theny* declared Whiting Williams, In addition, he added, the Ameri"Merely Mary Ann,""The Master," industrial missioner and • interviewed the Com-president of the Nebraska League; of was quaint and it tickled' the palate M the' Jewish can Joint Reconstruction Foundation, and "The Mantle of Elijah"; but.the Communityaathority, ies. "It is my impression that the Women Voters, said in a' talk to theof the English reader. Cente?,. Tuesday eve- which derives it* fund* from the r critics demanded more' Jewish books ning, March 26. The lecture was thewhich d missionerV secretary and two deput- Omaha Council of Jewish Women at d fc Distribution Committee and tfce and he listened to them. He wrote sevenths of t h e See&il Service Course j Joint But Heine> too, did something of Monr j_ gQvernment considers the interests the JewisH-KJommunity Center (Jewish Colonization j ; his "Dreamers of the Ghetto." Tbit, There is too much of this harping on • "'."... th> kind. Heine brought into the of the Arabs first and keeps aloof day afternoon. • , of the. Council of Sil Social Agencies. Ai , jj nation) bed made $27,000' from the i Jewish movement, because "Work for the' amendment has. German language-words1 like'''Shah- the Jews as a "peculiar people." done, Zangwill returned to Englislv Williams described in an entertain special ccredits to in- -inm ^„.„ form form ooff special literature, and wrote "The Grey; ing manner some of his personal it is not yet convinced,in the future been hampered-by- a. great deal;, of bos" and' 'fkiddish," and lie; wrote,- a Such writers are truly the parasites J«-vdsh co-opcmtiv^s in Bess: Wig," a collection of short storiesj experiences . the ':. _. : y ' ; j t ^ / " S T h Rabbi Rbbi of literature. misrepresentation" T of the law by wonderfuljjeyish: of this work." sto^y/ p ^ . he worked as a at&bis. and-r "Italian .Fantasies;" perhaps the "-• A man-.-may wJrite whatsow^Tr Notwithstanding the., complaints of southern- nianufacturers," M ' D i of Bacharach,*'': and Jewish; ' poems, lbb Th,e emergency in , JBess»tabi«i, cottmion labbrfer ''in' various parts of the. ..Arabs*'ihe: general Sloslem-popr %^i4^::oi: the brrt^tfce p , is? p put, paralleled % He -partdexflariy- -^enoonsjed poin 1 must- be its artistic ; value, and^ not has given us. That was . in ulation feels" that Ither are "benefiting; n o t ; prevent " cluldreji from • doing" Jewish, soul* siderable measure of stiffening; in the-usual view that a wOTkmgrnan by tlje Jewish work iri_ Palestine.1 The'wholesome^: home-and farm work.; I t i I have no liking myselfr'f or ;writers the-writer's funny stories about the when Zangwill was "87. Qiljtei thinks «f nothing besides, the money Moldavia, due alsc to tiie i Jews are! also: trying to cooperate is meant-to. give; the federal govern^ whxi in English, French;; Russian or peculiarities of his people. I t is not from hjs Jewish storjesi Zangwill had he gets out of the job. "He likes to consequent to-the cold weather with the' Arabs by opening public ment power to. protect children em- any other'~lfterature; devote them- Jews alone who offend in) this respect already, achieved a great place in feel that he is important," the speak- the failure ef crops, d similar iil institutions- to. Arabs as well as ployed in gainful' occupations under selves to; Jewish themes and.,whose There are'Welshmen, and Scotchmen, English literature. He had early er said. The laborer was compared fering. is prevalent" iir many comJews, andseeking cooperation. ' ; unwholesome, conditions,''' ... .'..•' ','-,.entire^valufe in these literatures; con- and Irishmen^ too, who - commit the attracted the attention of some of to one of the: musicians hi an or- munities of Lithuania and Poland. •One of1 the things; that gave; Dr. -.: Mrs. Dietrich itpld,how work, from sists of- diihinig up; a little shallow same breach of good manners, asy for the best young writers of the time, chestra, who JalthoSgn he is not the ' Over aiwl above these older ftpHolmes the* greatest ••confidence wasNew York and Pennsylvania^garment refeired to, Mr. Bi Jewish life,, .made spicy to; suit the instance, M*. Caradoc Evans — and they were, proud to enroll him orchestra, is a vital part of it. the manner, in. which the newer; arr factories •' is... i tsentr tto:! New ti;Je ;, Jersey taste^of^the non-Jewish reader, pep people-whose name;', in literature' is as one of theic number. In the nineRefuting the argument usually ad- «tRtfld,' the Join! Distribution Oinrivals in . Palestine deal with t b i where child laboij is -at presentv per- pered with some Jewish; j6kes, gen- obtained almost entirely by writing ties 'Zangwill was a dazzling figutti vanced that the - modern worker who mittee, recognising the ssvious sitArabs. He said that, the lately mitted. She also; told;'; ofi- the high erally in" poor taste, and translating books in which they laugh and scoff in English literature. Together with merely" handles ' a machine becomes uation, bad determined to eel "aflUlp only an automaton, Williams told »n additional emergency .llotr.ieiu established communities, insist on fair injury - and- death rate^ where chil- verbally with, all the faulty, syntax at their own folk. '(Continued on Page 2> . of how even* in'the. handlings of a of $310,000 to meet the present dealing and- equal opportunity and dren are employed :in. hazardous oc7 .--. --. machine, there was a great deal of needs and to provide for other iw;that even. the nurses who go into cupations. - •-> - • '-: -. At the conclusion of Mr. Diethe personal element. - "This is tjrjgencies during the yea*., of vrfciVi the hinterland are instructed to give Icor Sends Toots ; ;/.;. shown in, the way some men can Sum $U0>000 has alveady been KC t as careful attention to the "Arabs as trich's talk, the Council passed a Shipment fo Russia get so much more production oat ofabroad, $60,000 ^oing for emevpeiiry to rhe Jews. Gradually > he thinks, resolution favoring' the • ratification a machine than any. others,"' he aid in Bessarabia, Lithuania, \UiWthe' fear of the Arabs is being broken of the amendment ":'m \ : •, New York (J. T. A.)—A transpointed out. , trvia and Poland, and S50.OOO for' ai« down. <• • •'' 1 ' A second feature of the meeting port of tractors, machines, motors Referring to the effect of monotony to distressed city <lv-cllerss in Ens*-;*. If the investments already made in was. the showing^of- a film* of. camp and tools worth $55,000 was-sent Palestine .are to bring full returns, •work done' by the National Council First Night to Be Gflest Per-! via the steamer "Eastern BeHe" Women's' Organization Holds on laborers»v William& told his aud- In Poland, he added. thCiT hfn> ienee that the fear of the worker already been allotted toward tlw Special Observance at formance; Second Open \ for the Jewish colonists in Bira the gift already; made must be con-of Jewish Women*; W;~L. Holzmai for too steady work, was nothing at Credit co-operatives for the ye«v -.. : toPnblic tinued and 'even increased, he said. exhibited the.Tfilpr. •> • , Temple Bidjan. The shipment was made all compared to their fear of inter- X82P the sum of $350,000 and further At the request of the Jewish^ WelAt present, Dr. Holmes, ..said, adeby the Icor, American organizamittent work, bringing its periods of Bums are to be allotted to the workfare Federation,* tw_d members of the GIRLS' CHOIR SINGS VETERANS FEATURE CAST tion for aiding Jewish colonists quate funds are not" available, and unelnployment.: The fear of un- ers' co-opevatives. to the strengthenr much of ' the work already " begun Council were appointed, to serve, on in Russia. . the social service committee of the -A large cast of the Center Players Loyalty to Judaism was the key-employment* though, he insisted, ing ' of the position of tch Centra! has been curtailed!. . Another shipment will be made note Federation • and the *B'nai B'rith, the Guild, containing several youpg men of the appeal made- at. the Comir was not so, much in the financial Co-operative. Bank and other institu"I have the feeling that.this Zionwithin a month, the Icor an>_ cil Sabbath, committee' which .has charge .of and. women who have made note-i service which was held loss .it "entailed* but was in the tions. ist cause must succeed,"' Dr. Holmes nounced. The "Eastern Bene",is; declared. "Nothing impressed me sovisitation of Jewish inmates, of state worthy succiessea in previous plays,; bound for Vladivostok, where the under the auspices of the Council -o£ moral'effect it. caused by leaving a ' The report indicates that in most much as the devotion, sacrifice 'and- institutions^ They .-are Mrs; Reuben will present; "The Dybbuk" in Eng-; tractors and V machines will be- Jewish women at Temple Israel Sat- man who had grown used to working of the communities about SO per idle. cent of the'Jewish population hav«< labor for *he cause which I have Kulakofsky, chairman of the social lish translation at the; Jewish. Com-; forvvarded to Bira Bidjan ii* urday morning. applied for help svnd m vsome oi tbr "The preserving and handing'down seen all the way from the high of- ser\ice committee of thS Council and munity Center "Tuesday and Wednes- Siberia. ;, Manuel Grodinskyy day evenings, April 2 aijd 3. In-, small communities as many as .« HEART ATTACK FATAL of Judaism is the first duty of the ficials in the movement down to theMrs.A committee to nominate: two newterfest; in this production' is being T er cent. The conditioh of the chilTO MORRIS KULAKOFSKY Council of Jewish W omen," Mrs. humble workers on the land. In directors of tbi ^Council-to be elected ^_ is_ worst o f ' a l l , Mr. Brown J. H. Kulakofsky, president of the Jerusalem there are thousands of this year was "appointed. The com-expressed by leaders in cultural activity in Omaha. The Drama League emphasized, particularly the school jyiorris Kulakofsky, 75, died WedCouncil, said in her address. "The -Jews who are literally laying down mittee consists' of, MJ;S. M.,-LY. Cohen, has recommended the play; to its -children, and relatively little aid cat? nesday following a sadden heart responsibility of handing down our ''their lives on the altar; of this great chairman J V Mrs;- „ Harry,, Rachiran, members. -The first performance faith to our children rests with the attack. The funeral was held Thurs- be expected from the local populacause. '••• . . MTS. ' Samuel/^Gersoril" Mrsl Nathan will be a guest" night, to which ad- • . ? - . • . • mothers. Let us not think that we day, burial taking place in the Beth tions. Hunger committees have te«en ' "No one can understand. Zionism ManM^fld* Mrs." Louis \9pler .-•'.,; mission; will be by invitation only. formed in KJKhinoff where a jthtmare. depriving our children of some- Hamcdrosh Hagodel cemetery. if he" sees it only in Jewish- terms. Tickets for the Wednesday perform- • Before a crowd that overflowed the thing when; we do not permit them • He is survived by his wife; a son, sand dinners are being distributed v,-Tl?e^ hospital^committee: He must see it as a great human has;rsentf.out an'.^ppeal Councb has;rsefou ^pp for ance are on sale at the Jewish Com- Jewish Community Center auditorium, to celebrate Christian holidays. Jerome Kulakofsky; a daughter, Mrs. daily »nd many people have to be •adventure and heroic endeavor to •books; b k ; for. f r tthW: WisfiSemoriai hqsj- •munity Center and with members Rose Lazarus and Mrs. A. Romm won Rather, we are doing this when we Dave Eiseman; three brothers, M. turned *way. hW^: Wisf^iSemoriai prove that the social ideals of the pital. .Those who_have to-con- of the Jewish Women's Welfare'or- a two to one decision over Sybil Adler do not keep the beautiful Jewish Kulakofsky, Reuben Kulakofsky, and race can be 'made real 'on the earth. tribute may take them books, and Mrs. M. F. Levenson Wednesday- festivals." . to the IIOB- ganization. I. Kulakofsky; and two sisters, Mrs. WOMEN'S WELFARE GROUP ,The failure of Zionism would mean pital or call Mrs. Sam Wertheimer. • Faye Klein, night in the comic debate that featA. Muskin of this city, and Mrs. M. TO MEET TUESDAY AT I.C.G a failure for us. all, just as victory Mrs. Kulakofsky told the story of Adelson of Los Angeles, Cal. George M., Cohen, for Zionism is a victory for all," he * The-Jewish Women's Welfare OrEarl Sieged Max Weinstein and Sant on the subject, "Resolvedi that King Moses'' infancy and the part which stated. EsniERtion will hold a meeting on STAG GHLAND qCUB ST HIGHLAND Epstein will- have leading, parts in Solomon with his thousand wives had his mother and sister had in the "The present situation is critical," , APRIfc 4 AT BEAGKSTONE the production. Other members of an easier time than the man of today saving of:Israel. EARL LAPIDUS GOING Tuesday, April 2, at the Jewish Cdmthe minister pointed out. "Thing's Rabbi Cohn made an appeal for the cast.are: Hyman Riklin,~ Alfred has with his one." The victors upheld ON EUROPEAN CRUISE murnty Center. Mrs. Herman J*hr, The Highland r Country Oub will Fiedler, Hpskell Cohn, Harry Levih- the negative side. done, or not done now may deterprogram chairman, has arranged for loyalty to the institution of Jewish Earl Lapidus, son of Mr. and Mrs.varied entertainment for the meetmine all the. future. I have' come hold a stag party Thursday evening, son, Benny. Blatt, Alfred Oruch, Sot The program, which wa&in celebra- faith, warning his congregation that Harry Lapidus, is one of two Omaha to feel intensely the pressing need April 4, at the Blackstpne Hotel, at Miroff, Robert Doririsori, Sybil Adler, tion of fee seventeenth anniversary of again the burden of responsibility ing. of certain things —• thus, the sup-.6:30 P, M." ' ' • ' ) - Ruth Friedman, Minda ''.Friedmanj the women's Zionist organization, was lies with the Jewish womanhood to men who will take the summer cruise meeting will be preceed*a b> port of Zionism in America and else- ' A membership drive with a goal of Mair Claire Shames, Mamie Teminj a joiHt. affair of both the Junior and keep alive the fires on the altars to Europe which is a part of the train- a The of the board short : ing at Annapolis, Mel,, where they are where niust be greatly increased in fifty mew .members as the objective Ann Lintzman. and Toby Flax. ltiembers are usrg%d to of faith. all bofird Senior chapters of Omaha. Mrs. Max Students. They will sail June 7 and everything that goes to making up will be inaugurated. The drive will This' service which was • held in obFromkin represented the older group •will visit Spain, Italy, and England, attend. a great [constructive enterprise, such continue no -longer than is necessary Mrs. Herman. Jalir, director bf.tht 1 1 de and Mrs. Henry Weisberg, the young- servance of- national Council Sabbath, Guild, has directed the play a* * * as knowledge, skill, labor, devotion. to fill the quota. • ATCACBTWORLD BANK signed, in collaboration with Harry 'ei"one. The former was chairman of was pljmned under the direction of I Bhali-plead with all men, Jews and Berlin.—(J. T. A.V—An MELCHETT'S SON Rl. P. the department of religion of which Cornell of. the Br^rideie Playersj the evening. Mrs. J. Rosenberg and Gentile^ to give to this cause as London.—(J. T. A.)—Henry Mond, against the proposed Mrs. Fredericfe Cohn' is chairman. ORose Fine, presidents of the Senior i h i ? PROM in the modernistic manner. never before." , bv the efc and Junior organizations gave snore "Members of the Council wcte u&hers. Hymie P/Milderj Boi]L of Mr. and Germsrj "Edelsbl&tt,", which »s«#rts GIVE BENEFIT CONCERT in the Parliamentary by elections Boys from the Sunday school read addresses on the work of their reAs at times a shoe, 'larger than Mrs. Harry R,. Milder, senior in the that the bank will M the inirtrutteTit A concert, will be given by the the service for the Sabbath before held recently at East Toxtetb. foot will cause Itsrqwner to spective bodies. Daughters of Zion for the benefit Commerce college.'"of, Creighton, unir the The new Parliament member was of "an mteraation*! Zionist: eon.versity, has been* elected one of the fall,, if too small, will gall hjm, so Another feature of the program was Purim. A choir of girls under the elected on the Conservative ticket, spisrey." The "EdelsbUtt" Ji tb« of the City Talmud Torah on Sundirection of Migs Laura Goetz sang. is with him whose business-is nat a tableau presented by members of day evening, April 28, at the Con-princes of the annual Junior-Senior if Miss Bertha Greenhouse also sang having entered the Conservative official organ of an association of in accordance with his inclinations* Prom to be held April 27 at the members of th* upp^r elass. gregation ,of- Israel synagogue at party when his father did. a sdlo. • —Horace. (Continued on Page 3) Eighteenth and Chicago streets. IFontenelle hotel.
TWO—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1929 Women's suffrage; for which too he felt; that it was not good enough; him. His shares, are at a discount. have been among the he. had fought, had come and had certainly not for Zangwill. Without Today, less than four years after had he not gives to the Jewish peowrought little change. The Russian his disparagement Zangwill might his death, Zangwill is largely for- ple what, should .have been given^ to Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by But his day will come literature^ And with, even all this revolution on which he had placed have gone on with his book, and gotton. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY much hope, had become a despotism. eventually produced a masterpiece again, not, perhaps, in literature, said, Zangwill is still one of the Everywhere life oppressed and or something less successful. But it where he was served from his pur- {greatest writers we'Jews'.have proOffice: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATiantic 1450 crushed him. He wanted to shout would have been a different thing to pose, and where tibe works that he duced. And as a man, still greater. DAVID BLACKER, B U S I N E S S and MANAGING EDITOR - I R V I N G PERLMETER - - - - - - - EDITOR and' protest, to lead: a new crusade the manuscript, which now lies in has left us, indicate not the ripe against the wrong and iniquity that the British museum. As it was, achievements of a man who gave If slander be a snake,' it is a Subscription Price, one year - - - - • - - - 52.50 was settling down upon the world, Zangwill, crushed and disappointed his life to literature, but the winged one—it flies as well' u Advertising rates furnished on application and which people were beginning: towith his causes, physically, frail and thwarted promise of one who might creeps. > —Jerrold. accept as the aftermath of the great ill, financially broken from his enCHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; war that was to have brought jus- counter with the stage,, now dis: be sure to give your name. tice and liberty. But he was too appointed in his. last refuge in literweak, too frail and broken, and heature, laid himself down and died. He had never been a robust man. wanted to return to his old love, Then came the Balfour Declaration to literature. He started writing a When I first knew him, he seemed and the new Zionism, and Zangwill big novel, • but it would not go. A twenty years older than -his age. again had a fight onv And so Zang- brother-in-law of Zangwill's, George He was bowed down, worn out with -As we have observed the nurturing of a love for and a skill will went on fighting to the day of Gould, the well known English liter- the cares of the world, weighing in dramatic art among the youth of our local community, there has his death. He wrote a large number ary critic, helped to kill it for him, down upon his shoulders. He left WONDERFUL VALUES always lingered in the backgrounds of our consciousness a faint of plays. He {Worked for many years and Zangwill lost all faith in him- . . . this world a disillusioned and but persistent hope that some day some of these worthy efforts at a big novel of English country self. Louis Zangwill once explained disappointed man, and when he died would be diverted to the portraying for us the spirit of the Jew. life, "Jinny the-Carrier." But the to me how it happened. Louis was ihe world was disappointed, too, in How we have longed to see his struggle with life and with himself plays were;/ largely ^humanitarian a schoolboy living in the same home Four-Piece which his brother wrote his early Four-Piece depicted before our eyes! We have virtually ached to have vis- propaganda, and "Jinny t i e Carrier," in although highly praised as a master- works, and he knew his methods of ualized for us at least a bit of the life that makes his. history at piece of> Essex life, did not take on. writing. He would saturate himself once the supreme tragedy and the most sublime achievement. From 1900, Zionism and Territorial- first in his period, gather sufficient Ages 9 to 18 Years Ages 8 to 16 Tear* It is for this reason that we have anticipated with great ex- ism robbed us. of Zangwill the writer, material to write half a dozen learned works on his subject. Then pectation the presentation by the local Center Players Guild of and gave- us instead a fighter, a he would sit down and write it all Ansky's immortal drama, "The Dybbuk." Ostensibly it appears to shouter* ; But; Zangwill could shout out within the framework of his magnificently. __' He was a born be but a mere exeinpt from the dreary tale of Jewish life in the journalist, a splendid representative story, and the result was that it period'of the seventeenth century in Eastern Europe. More ex r of the people which thousands of would read dull and heavyr neither, actly, it symbolizes the dominant note in our racial symphony, the years ago brought.,the world .the learned work nor story, and the would be overshadowed and struggle of lofty aspirations with the cold realism of actual life. I t news 6f God,' and the*. gre.at-events action BOYS' TOPCOATS—Just like big brother's. Fancy Tweeds the characters seem overis not so much in this play that there are typical bent Ghetto Jews at Mount Sinai," Some people,"say loaded. Then hewould and Cheviots. Double breasted styles. Raglan or would go through of set-in sleeves. Ages 1 to 8 years. Wonderful values steeped in talmudism and chassidism moving about so solemnly ;• that the/ Jews", in spreading; neA^s the work and strike-out all that was God were "not journalists ^ut 5 'busiAnd Other TopeoatB 80 to «U> it is that we have love, both of God and of woman, and forces of ness •• nten. commercial . travelers. not essential, and finally he would get his work complete and dear-cut <I r frustration locked in endless sombat. The plot almost assumes the ZangfwilF is'' content.- But* the "'comwe knew i t in print. Gerald form of a prophecy wherein the final union of poor little Leah and mercial' traveler, he added, carries as 545 Broadway Gould did not know of this process her loyer, although in death, foretells the victory of principle over Ajways amid his samples a Bible. COUNCIL BLUFFS of work as Louis 7angwill did. •expediency, which is, after all, the hope of Judaism. "One is mis- Zangwill as a creative writer be- The book was one on which ZangPhone 41 taken if he interprets Leah's death as a tragedy. .Its real signi- longs in point of fact only to the will had been working for a long COURECX APPA1UEL, ficance is the flight of the soul beyond the mortal weakness of the early period of-his life, to the nine- time. He came to London in 1923 teenth century., With the beginning to do his research work on it at body. , •. of the twentieth century, Zangwill the British museum. Then in the "The Bybbuk,, has found its way to stages in all corners of the was the humanitarian, the fighter midst of it the American Jewish world and into almost every language in the mouth of man. As a against oppression and injustice. Congress called hftn away to deliver Zangwill was a true humanitarian. to it his masterful,' fddress, "Watchgreat play and a good one, we recommend it to our readers. He loved not only the Jews, but all man, What of the Night?" The people, and he fought also a good story had to wait while Zangwill Zionist Congress. He visited Pales- fight for the political emancipation engaged in his einglehanded fight tine, which incidentally, did not rouse of women. But also, he. was emin- against , all the forces arrayed his enthusiasm. Before he formed the ently sane and full of common sense. against him. When he came back • ; ; (Continued from Page.1) Ito, he had already given much of He realized withal that "it takes he threw himself into several unsuccessful theatrical ventures; When his time, which should have belonged two to make one brother." Jerome K. Jerome," Robert Barr and to literature, to the task of saving In the last years of his-life, Zang- these failed, he ^returned to the others, he formed a group .which was the Jewish people. But when be will made another effort IQ return story, which grew/yery slowly. Gould the- opposition, so to "speak,, to the founded the Ito, literature lost him to literature. He , was/broken by saw only the first development of decadence of the "Yellow Book" of completely. •Zangwill became entirehis battling and disillusioned in his it, chock-full .of historical costume the Oscar Wilde coteries. The fact ly a publicist, a Jewish propagandist. causes. Zionism had disappointed writing, and he said honestly- what provides us with a certain amount of It was the dividing line in Zang- him sorely; Territorialisnvwas" dead. background, and it knocks on\ the : will's life. He ceased his endeavor head completely the legend that to become an English writer, and Zangwill obtained his • fame in Eng- gave himself up altogether to being lish'Jiteratura by trading in.Jewish- .a Jewish, political leader. For some £ 4nessl He obtained his-place there-'Wy years he stopped creating literature legitimate means, because his work entirely. He wrote political letfets" t*24?9 Dccatur: M. SOMIT WEbster 3527 dekerved it. and articles, conducted an immense We call.-'to thr attention of the Jewish DuMlc that we handle all kinds «f ;I was once with Zangwill at e correspondence, investigated Jewish religious articles and that we »eU them at very reasonable, prices. meeting of English authors and I immigration and colonization plans. Besides/the Jtrtilar Vtoik «f' Tajelsim, .silk and wool, and Tepbilira, Mezuiog, prayer books and Bible* with Jewish; and English translation, we are also reinember with what reverence and For eight years, he tells us, he .used, handline sliver sabbath nyndlestlfdo. ' ' • ejection they regarded him; Jerome to go regularly down to thei^jty >Ve solicit i orders o d s for o all kind* of ofVesach esah products. W We are soinr to handle all kind* of mattas, t bakd I Amerira Ari dJ L t IIsroel. l baked In and JLrets •K,' Jerome, St. John Ervine, Eden every day like any businessman i t Phillpotts, Thomas Moult, and others^ was not until nearly eight yjwars 6OAr KOSHKB FOK PES.4CH nqt Jews, and not thinking of his after, at the end of 1907, that ZangJewish writings held him. in high will again gave us a book, and again regard. I recall also speaking one a Jewish book, his "Ghetto Comeday to Zangwill at his home of" a dies." It was but a flash in the pan. short story of his I had just come Zangwill was soon once more imacross which had amazed me by the mersed in his Jewish publicist and masterly manner in which it was political work. He wrote hundreds written, a story worthy to rank in of articles on the Jewish question, any collection of, the best short engaged in controversy with assimilstories; not a single word of Jews or ationists with Zionists, with antiJudaism in it. Zangwill smiled wry- Semites. He fought, he battled, he ly, and said, "That is the sort of shouted, he made a tremendous noise. thing I did when I was young." He was. out to save the Jewish Stories no-longer meant much to p e o p l e . -;.... • . ' •••••.-•'•'• '•' ' •'-.'• Zangwill at that time He was busy Meanwhile the war came on. Zangworrying about the fate of the Jew- will felt that there, was something ish people, and of the world. else that he had to shout about, to Here lies the whole trouble. When protest against, to battle against. Zangwill was a man about 37, and He wrote his "War for the World." had just found his feet in literature, He did not say, as was .the .custom he formed the Jewish Territorialat the time, that the Germans were Organization, the Ito, and he was alone responsible for the war. He yjfinged up to the neck in political condemned the leaders on both sides. activity. Even before that( he had Immediately a storm burst about his already been an active worker in the head. He was accused of not being Zionist movement. Five years previously Herzl had come to hiro and diverted the whole course of his life. As Zangwill himself relates it,. Herz! came to him one day at his homo NEW TURKISH BATH in London, knocked at his ' door and Expert Masseur Service said: I am Theodor Herzl. Help me SERVICE: Electric Refrigeration gives you to build the Jewish State. Zangwill 16th and Howard JA, 942? service unequalled by any other methods of responded. He attended the First Ties, " \ '^V-'.r :~
a patriotic Englishman. Zangwill's answer to this attack in the midst of the war fever -wasi I believe that the greatest patriotic service a man can render the land in which he was born, is that he should speak the truth, that he should seek to make it a better country, so that it should be worthy of his love. When everyone was singing songs of praise to the. League of Nations, Zangwill dared to say, what so-many have been saying since: The League is hot a League of Nations, but of Damnations.
Boys' Easter Clothes
Easter Flowers
Boys' 2 Golf Knicker
Boys' 2 Long Pants
and PLANTS By Wire All Over The World
Boys' Easter Top Coats
Fred R. Shaw FLORIST
Keeps Postman
A current events magazine every morning and a daily newspaper every evening is the trolley readj i g schedule of W. B. Prosser, letter carrier and street car rider for the past fifteen yean.
Hill Hotel Bath Parlor
The Extra Value Omar Bakery, puts into its bread, cak«» and pastries has brought ua thousand* of customers. Women all over Qmnhs «rt talking about it. Yon can get Omar goods from most groceries or the Omar wagon that comes to your neighborhood.
- i
service — Economy Health/
Ac a result Mr. Prosser Is unusually well informed on a wide variety of topics, for his street car reading keeps him posted and in addition gives him time for other recreation. Mr. Prosser has t>een a street car patron since he first came to Omaha twenty years ago from Reading, Pennsylvania. He lives at 2709 North Rfty-flfth street.
In addition to the fact that thousand* of street car riders read while dbjfcgi r^te tiier? are the ever present advantages of rf#pendabllity and no parking wor* -
keeping foods—Handy, strong and sturdy. ECONOMY: Electric Refrigeration preserves the freshness and wholesomeness of foods. There is no waste.
HEALTH: Electric Refrigeration maintains an even temperature. This keeps your foods healthful. Let your family enjoy these advantages for many years to> come. Kelvinator will last more than a life time.
Economical Transportation
' -.'5
•• -
''Electric Shops" •. r
17th and Harney Sts.
.' 2314 M St.,
Nebraska Power Ceuruty - Service • Low fWt»*
Hadassah Celebration Gwendolyn Wolf Plays Role in "Torehbearers" (Continued from Page 1)
Council Bluffs News
the Junior Hadassah depicting the work that they do in Palestine. Grace Rosenstein recited the descriptive monologue. A piano solo by Sara Rae Fish, vocal solos by Sarah Yaffee, and songs by the Junior Hadassah trio, composed of Ida Fine, Bess Spar, and Sarah Kurtzman, were all well received.
By, P. R. K.
The Bar Mitzvah of Robert Cohn, ^i of Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohn, will take place Saturday morning, March at the, synagogue. Saturday afternoon, he will entertain about twenty-five of his young friends at .a theater party at the Broadway Theater. . ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Cohn will entertain FUND SOUGHT TO BUY :• ^The Temple Sisterhood will celebrate its annual "Reciprocity TRACTOR FOR COLONISTS Dj*y" at'aluncheon and program to be given in the Temple Israel at a reception for all friends and relatives at their home, 3006 Avenue VMjfcry rdbm Mondy afternoon, April 1, at one o'clock. RepresenThe Bazaar of the local Icor for tatives of the Lincoln and Sioux City Sisterhoods will be honor B, Sunday from 2 to 5 in the after- the raising of funds with which to noon/and from 7 to 10 in the eve- purchase a tractor for Jewish eol guests. Mrs. Charles Schimmel and Mrs. Morton Degen are in charge ning. No cards have been issued. onists in Russia, will be held Sunday of the arrangements for the affair. Reservations niaybe made The Ladies Auxuliary of the evening, March 31, at the Labor with Mrs. Schimmel at the Blackstone Hotel, HArney 0945. Talmud Torah Society?? next meet- Lyceum. Abe Ginsburg is chairman and ing which was scheduled to be held : The Fontenelle Hotel will be the scene of two" of the outstand- Wednesday has been postponed until treasurer of the affair. ing social events during "the next week. Saturday evening, Mr. the first week in May. Among the organizations co-opand Mrs. Harry A. Wolf will entertain there at a dinner dance, and erating with the Icor in the matter Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. S. Degen, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Mrs! jjohn, • .B:' Quigley and young are: Independent Ladies Club, WorkDJBgen, and Miss Hazel Degen will be hosts at a dinner at the Hotel. JdaughterV'Joah, "of Kansas City, Mo., men's Circle No. 626, Workmen's ^ The past week's social activities included a tea £iven by Mrs. are spending two weekst here visiting Circle No. 358 (South Omaha Aforton Marcus at the Blackstone Hotel on Tuesday, honoring her -with Mrs. Quigley's parents, Mr. and Branch), and the Independent Worknjother,, Mrs. George men's Circle No. 91. g Wright g of Los Angeles, g , Cal;,, who is visiting g Mrs. M. L. Marks.
fy present. A dinner was given Wednesday evening by Mr and Mrs. Herbert Arnstein at their home. Thursday, Mrs. Ferd- Miss Ruth Bernstein, a pupil of inand Adler entertained at a luncheon at the Blackstone Hotel in Cecil Berryman of Omaha, was hpnor of Mrs. Max L. Holzman. presented in a Recital Tuesday eve-
fladdssahto Give Tea on Wednesday
Mrs. I. H. Rosenblatt is convalescing at the Wise Memorial Hospital,
Instead of the -regular business meetings of March and April, the Hadassah will combine both into f Membership "Get-Acquainted" Tea to.be held Wednesday night, April^S», a t 2:30 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. This will also mark the "windup" of the membership drive just conaumnated-and will be $,means of welcoming new members into" the Hadassah and .giver "both the hew and the old members an opportunity to become better acquainted. Mrs. Henry A. Newman, membership chairman, has been in charge-of the drive assisted by Mesdames Max Fromkin, J. J. Friedman>. M. F. Levenaon, O. C. Goldner, and Julius Stein. The ceiijierpiece for the .teatable wilf be;ia cake adorned "with/ seventeen; lighted candles to mkrk the seventeenth anniversary, of Hadassaii;:r;; - M r s . MiBx; Fro mldn will preside. An. interesting program is promised by the- committee.
Mr. Albert Newman H is convalescing at the. Nicholas Senn Hospital
This weeK^jTeguIar Saturday eveMr. Harry?'-Lapidus returned to : ning dance at the Jewish Community his hom^, :3?WB4ay after U s con-Center will, be held in conjunction valescence^Wi, the Wise Memorial with the finals of the Midwest A. Hospital. ••' -~ A. U. basketball tournament being a played in the Center gym Ahis %weelc Rabbi Frederick Cohn returned A single admission -will admit to. i il this morning from Chicago where' he both affairs. " ' bag be$n attending the spring meet-. }ng" of, the Chicago Eabbjniepl convention.
.•" •
General Insurance World Insurance Co.
for Spring at
Spezializes in Accident and Health Insurance Agents wanted
Omaha's Style
Omaha Loan & Bldg. Assn. AT-3180.
Phone: WEbster 5842 [*;_
16th at Harnej
EXPERT CABINET MAKER Antique Furniture Remodeled «n<J Dpholstered. Store Fixtur« and Oansrul Uopaire. Furniture Pncked (or Shipping. VSt» DECATCB 8XKEKT. OMAHA
Baker Ice Machines
TJARIS has done all JL sorts of interesting things with the mode for spring. There is a new cultured grace in the silhouette . . . a classic freedom in line . . . a softened, b u t modern contour that suggests femininity in all its most attractive a n d subtle phases.
"Manufactured in Omaha"
Refresh Yourself, DRINK
Paxton-Mitchell Co.
tilb and Hnrthn 8l». HAraay O3IAHA. NEBRASKA Port gray, iron, brass, bronM and aluminum castings. Standard i l i e i bronze and iron bushlnes, sewer manholes, cistern rings mid covert and ;lean-«ut doorg in stock. A.11 kind* of wood and metal patterns.
A complete . Une of ^Accessories^ throughout the store, *• >* ? >*•
Paramount Singing Act.
LAUNDRYdoes it bijst
Horns of Paramount Pictures
AT. 4750—-MA. 4750
Visit the New
MALASHOCK'S Jewelry Store
_- Mr. J. Katz of Chicago is visiting his mother, Mrs. Samuel Katz here for « few days.
That Tuneful Comedy
"THE GINGHAM GIRL" With Cast of 45 ; N!*ht» 25-Sol7Sc—Few r o w . at 11.00 M«t«. 2S-50O—Few rows at ?5o
Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices It Will Pay You to Inquire*
Combined xvith the
Irresisfable Havor1 l'; of Brakil
Mrs. A. "Iappman, Jr., and infant son, Byron, ; n*ve been the guests of Mr. and -Mrs. A. Lipsman, Sr. for the past w e k . They will return to their*hottl^'in Snyder,-Nebr., n wpek, accompanied by Mrs. I4psman's sister-in-law,^ Miss Eve Lipsman.
BOYD IRWIN and his newly formed Musical Organization '< ' ' Presents
Hill Hotel Building
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient
Mnr. Estiher Levey is convalescing at tho Wife .Memorial Hospital.
Starting March 31—
16th and Howard Streets
With the
' Mjrs. J., M.'JCrmsn is visiting re tives in Chicago. She will be gone r three weeks.
Phone JAckson 1L906 1804 Farnam St.,: Omaha
Mr. and HTE. A. Davidson celebrated their golden wedding anniversary ' Sunday* Congratulatory telegrams we.re received from a large number- of; friends and relatives in var}pu& parts «E the country.
Brandeis Theatre
Evenlnr* WAlaut Mil
Bleicher-Micek Co. Inc
"The Careful Florist
Mr. and Mis. M. E. Chapman re-' turned Sunday from Hot Springs, Arkansas..*-'
in Public Utility Properties Electricity—Gas—Petroleum 6 PER CENT ON SAVINGS 203 So. 19th St.
Three Day* Starting Easter Sunday
5% 6%
JAckson ISM
Hie World's Most Amazing Attraction!
Say It Wth
Mrs. Mary Summerfield left WedHarold Saks, son of Mr. and Mrs. nesday evening for her home Philip Saks, has added aStther honor Duluth, Minn.j after —visiting here with her. daughter, Mrs. Mi E to his accomplishments at the University of Iowa where he i s a freshChapman. man. He won the extemporaneous speaking contest which was recentMINNE FLAX ELECTED ,ly_hfiliJBjere. and received a cash SORORITY PRESIDENT prize of ten dollars.. He is als< At the last meeting of the Kapp? president of'the freshman class a chapter of Theta Phi Sigma, national Iowa City. Jewish sorority, held Wednesday; Mr. and Mrs. H.; FoX of St. Louis, March 20, at the home of Mrs. Ber Mo., arrived Wednesday to visit then Kubby the following officers were cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fox fo elected: Minne Flax, president; about ten days. Lylyan Chudacoff, vice president Miss Evelyn Marks returned homi Anne Jonisch, recording secretary; Mrs. Ben Kubby, corresponding sec- today after a week's visit -in Chica J Illinois. retary; Ethel; Cohen, treasurer;- And Hess' lipp, ^publicity"nianager.'; ••••' The chapter is planning a dinner dance to be held in May.
Flowers JOHNH.
Gwendolyn Wolf, who has appeared in numerous dramatic and musical plays at Central High School and who is specializing in dramatic ait has the important role of Jenny, the maid, in the next ComWho ever saw old age which «B4 munity Playhouse -production, "The Torchbearer." This is the hilarious not praise the past time, and blame —Montaigne. comedy in which George Kelly the present?
it's Coming BACH
ning at the Schmoller and Mueller auditorium in GmajiaJ Miss Helen Mosheiy soprano, ; assisted Miss Bernstein. Her program consisted of "selections from Beethoven, Chopin Liszt, Schutt, Godard, . MacDowell Moszkowski, and Mana Zucca.
— When shopping , mention the satirise* amateur acting and people who have the urge, to express them- "Jewish * fcress.^ selves before the footlights. "The Torchbearers" opens at the Community Playhouse, 4004 Davenport street, next Monday evening, April 1st and continues through Tuesday evening, April 9, with the exception of Sunday night.
Now Playing' (f ^**&t Jjast'»A Great Successor to
20th and Nicholas—JA. 6655 HARRY SWENGIL and WM. HAHN, Prop,
and Scientifically Blended inOmaha
Genuine Franklin County Lump, $9.00
Advo Coffee
"The Jazz Singer" and" Singing Fool" See the Rise to Fame From New York's Ghetto to the Bright Lights of Broadway 3H[ear oeorgte Jesse! Stng^t^e Seng^ Hits u i iricluding My Mother's Eyes"
Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch
There is no other Coffee to be compared with it
Stimulatmg TOT Dinner
31 Pebpie^-GIANT STAGE SHOW-31 People
Made by
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha
Harry H. JLapidus, Presldeni-TrMB«M»
•Four Kemmys—Sloan & Cb^-Shannon & Cerio Bros.—Gaffpey & Walton
y all first XSaw Grocers Everywhere
Ask for it ' lasut <w Adve "Famous for Flavor"
. --- • .
Blended, Rosted. Ground and Packed by
•.-•; • >
* *
We •o<mpy 70,000 Square feat
Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Street* Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
Sport Splinters :
By r
_ ::;;
FRANK R.. ACKERMAN The Midwest Junior A. A. U. cage tourney staged at thq J. C. C. this week was by far the most successful ever-heM^m the'Genter - gym.-Despite the fact, however,: that,, they were acting as hosts to the other basketsinkers, the Jewish, lads in the tour; ney fared an indifferent, if not sad fate' in "the playing. At the; t(me of going to press, with play already in the semi-finals, the only. Jewish team out of about a half a-dozen or more .starting, still in the'running' was the. Mandersqh Grocery outfit. The 'other semi-finalists were the Union Pacific A. C, the Omaha Prints, and the Vikings. The Prints and the ; Grocery • gang are favored to match skill Saturday, night. for the Judge Irvin Stalmaster trophy. Play so far has, on the .whole, been marked with high scoring on the parts of the favored: teams, steam-rollering, the littler', fellows out' of competition. -'.,.-. ~ *- . • • .. Once more a Jewish pugilist has raised his head above-, the mire, t*> •wave the scepter of a championship. Jackie Fields, Chicagoan, won the •welterweight. "crown, this* 'week . by outpointing; Ypuhg Thompson : in a ten^-rouhd mill.. ' • : . • ; Jackie has been knocking^ his.; opponent's [left and rightjr "arid when'his big opportunity, came, he was ready with both mitts on. Fields almost scored a kayo in the third;,Thompson barely averting the fatal count. • * • -
GEORGE JE/TEL&in •LUCKY BOY* George Jessel, feature singing and talking star of "Lucky Boy,'? World theater ^attraction for the Week of March 29, was born m New York. He grew up there,- -being- etlucated,he says, in the college of hard knocks. His theatrical career began when he was only eight years oldr
Creighton University handball tournament. Hawk went to the singles finals, only to lose out after a hardfought match, to Grant, well-known star in local circles. In the double?, paired with Pellegrin, Epstein also Sam Epstein, otherwise known as worked his way to the finals. "Hawk," made quite a.splurge in the * * * All aspirants to the Community Center tennis squad are requested to appear at the athletic office Sunday afternoon. _A1 Handler, racquetecr MAX TFRO31KIN. Attorney of repute, wjll have charge. l 628 Peters Trust Uldg. Srasne warns all net and golf folPROBATE NOTICE In the nintter of the estate ot lowers to get into shape, as tournaHOLIiAKDfc'H, acccnsed. Notice is hereby, gi-ven:" iThat the credit- ments in bath will be held as soon ors- of said deceased will meet tlie executrix as' the season gets under way. of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebrnska, at the County • * * Court Room, in said County,, on' the' Oth dax' of May. 1029; and on the »ttr tiny -of Baseball, monarch of sports, will July,-1920,'at 0 o^clock A.-.31., ench <ins, for 1 he purpose of presenting their claims tar again reign at the Jewish Community j examination, adjustment and ~ nllownhce. this' year. After a lapse of a few TUree-months are allowed for'the creditors In present their claims, from the 6th day seasons, the J. C.-C.-will'again enter of Ajiril; 1920. ' . r BKTCE CRAWFORD. a nine • in the muny leagues. March S—IT': ' /County Judge. First practice, of thev season will ' STAX/HA8TER * EEgER. Attorney* . be held Sunday morning at the . '. 650 Omaha National Bank BIdg. Central high grounds. Johnny Rosen'.- ;' .PROBATE NOTICE In the aama o£ the-estate of BEN KAXZ, blatt will be in charge.
of the people of New York. It was this way that he received offers to sing them in movie houses. From there it was an easy step to the vaudeville stage. • The story is somewhat like his life showing the hardships in his efforts : - A new high voltage power line, to become an - actor. His father which will increase electric service wanted to make a jeweler out f to South Omaha and t h e south cenhim but George Jessel couldn't get tral portions' of t h e eity, i s onder his heart into anything but singing construction a t a cost ..of $150,000, and entertaining others. Finally a s a p a r t of t h e four million dollars success deemed 'to be' his, but he construction and replacement budget bailed to raise enough money for a of the Nebraska- Power company, theater and lost all that he had so and will be completed b y . May 1, that he had to leave-home* Then his F . E . Smith,, chief • engineer of t h e hardships began all over again. Power company announced last week. The picture brings nut the perA crew of " s i x t y m e n : h a s been serverance : of the. ambitious Jewish lad who, no matter what happens, working on-:the new line since J a n always x > shows his • love for his u a r y 1. I t r i s c of * steel tower conmother, even when it would cost him struction, a type: new i n this., vicinity, his . ambition. Songs and dialogue and extends for. seven and - one-half are heard during the picture. ' miles from a substation a t Second and Bancroft- streets t o Thirty-sixth In conjunction > with "Lucky Boy," street and 'Gilmore road, n e a r t h e the World offers a gigantic stage Sarpy county l i n e / ' '"••• A bill headed- by Erhrst y rdine, Jr., Six cars of steel will. be. used in ani his Cqmanderig who offer cha.acteristic music very seldom heard constructing the 55 towers, ranging on the legitimate stage. There are thirty-one' members in the musical the Four Kehnys. , These- selected RO/B RO/flNOVfl organization.. Other acts are Bert vaudeville acts include Bome very /77m»yj#?J/Pw/ucfibtj Sloan company, Caff, Nee and Wal- good comedy, dancing, singing numin his father's little theater. At ton, Shaner and Cerio Bros., and bers, and some special. novelties. . that time there was a pause in.the program and young George was vsed to fill in. It ~ is remarkable - to know £hat George , Jessel had written, enough compositions when still in his teens that, they were known among most
"Lucky Boy" At World Theater
The Jewish lads again walked off with the gonfalon of the city Federation Handball league.. The boys had a mighty tight squeeze for a while, but came through with'their colors flying. • '.* » Emil Fuchs, owner of the Boston Nationals, is trying something new in the field of baseball. This Jewish magnate, and formerly a magistrate, who never played an inning of professional baseball in his life,. has appointed, elected, and made himself manager. Judge Fuchs may produce a winner, but so may the Democrats win an election. * •• . : •*
Accountants ABRAMSON AUDIT 852 Brandela Tbeatet ttldr.—<IA. 48U AUDITS SYSTEMS INCOME TAX
MEN'S BOWLING WM. BRYDEN & CO. LEAGUE Certified Public' Accountants • W. L. Xve. C3S SMnrttiea. Bids. Kaimen Insurance .24 12 .667 AT. 4451 Omaha Tobacco 21 15 .583 Glazer' Clothing 21 15 .583 Wardrobe .A7 19 .472 Empire Cleaners ^- 16 " 1 7 ' .485 Gesundheits Jll 2&- .306 'The tjlazer Clothing company deceased. - .. ., ' , , ' " ~ •?•'. Notice i s hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet ths adminWeekly indoor baseball for seniors found a weak opponent in the Ward"Everything *or the Auto" istrator of said estate,. before me. County robe winning the entire series and Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the and junior A's will swing into action - 2051 Farnam—AT* 5524 County Court Boom, in said County,- on next- Wednesday Juniors will also thus making a bid for -the honors. the 8th day of May, 3029, ond on the-Ofch The Omaha Tobacco company capday of July, 1920, at 8 o'clock A.''M.V eacfi get a chance to show their1 diamond any, for the pnrpose of- presenting -tbair tured a pair of - games'^ from the eluiins for examination, adjustment and al- wares on Sundays. Gesundheits despite the bombardment lowance. Three months^ are , allowed for For'ipace ' ..- * . » , • the creditors to present their claims,; xroni of the pins by Marvin Trailer who i he 6th day of April. 1029. -in; this direqlpry call the The biggest swimming • season in ? crashed a' B13 total. BllYCE CKAWFOUD; March S—4T . • . • County Judge. the history of Omaha Jewry is IMJThe Empire Cleaners trirarned the IEW1SH PRESS—AT. 1450 . . • i . .. ^ [ STAT-.MA8TER AXB BBBER, Attorneys . itig planned by Marcus Krasne. IIo Kaiman Insurance decisively }n the ' 650 Omaha National Bank Bide., i s preparing a real program for first two games. Leo Weitz, shoot' XOT1CE OP AJMIItf ISTKATjfON expert and embryo water ducks. ing a 617 total, made ?r ?a*janfc efIn the County Court of Douglas' County1, Nebraska . . fort and his 230 count wo n£he lone In- the matter of the estate'of-PETER, , STALMASTER & BEIJEK, Attorneys MIDWEST AIJTO ELECTRIC game-for his five. CHUDACOFF, Deceased.' V : r •' -' 050 Omaha National Bank Bldg. AH persons interested In said .vsta.tc^rYi SERVICE Other high totals were as follows: hereby notified that a petition has been NOTICE OF AKTICUSS O ^ INCOKFOKAFranchlged Olstribotors TIOX OF THE M O B U N K filed- in said Court alleging that-sold, deSmith, 533; ' A. Venger,-520.^ N . COKPOKAT1QN DKtCO-REAnr ADTO-UTB ceased died leaving no will mid,-.-.praying NOHTHEAST for administration upop . his .estate,- nnd e all" men by these presents that the Schlaifer, 505 Mendelson,—500JL. A. that a hearing will be bad-on snlil petl- undersigned and l{. 8t. '. &IA have formed a corporation Gross, 509. -" "'•_'• ("oin before said court oh the 6th day of under, the laws of the state of Nebraska "April.-182», ami ./lint if they fall .to, appear the imnie of tin's.'corporation Schedule for following week: be The :tt'suid Court on the 'said. (Stli ilay of April. Leo JBI.-inlc Corporation with shall its, principal 3!)'J!). at 9 o'clock A. M. 10 con'tesl Milt place ot business at Omaha, Xebraskii. Empire Cleanefsv v s ^CTnjaha ToThe MAGNUSON AUTO ELECTRIC petition. tllP Court may 'pranr.'On-- s.uiic general-nature of the business to J>c tr.inbbacco, company 45-4<6.:'-* ^ SERVICE acleU ;nitl iljc ubjccl .-mcj j>uri>oKu for wliic Harry Chwdacoff or some OlhiiT Suitable Wardrobe vs. Gesundheits 43-44. Starter. Generator, Llfbl> ami Ignition Service arid .Repairs Kaiman Insurance vs, Glazer Clothperson anil proceed to_a_ get Moment thereof. 1 24tb Avenue:at St..Mnry's Avenue • ing-47-48. s" 'Mnrcb- 1D-3T , • :AT. B530.. machines and devices including all accesfor the same, ami all firms and n STAL3U8TEU ANI> UEIiKU. Attorney*. sories cords: pertaining thtTi-to: to manufacture, GOO Omaha National Rank Bltlc. sell, market, tlistribnti- or grant, franchise" NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ,_...„ or for the-sale,'.manufacture, -marketing f In Uie County.Court of Pouglua County, 1-UistriiiuUon of tiie same: to' biiy."seii!'uiar£et r N/ebrnskai '• ' • " "•LJ " " distribute or:,grant franchises to scirpr OMAHA In the matter of the estnte of DAVIDfl)Uy: sell, uuirket o f distribute theatrical TENT AND AWNING Ccx ER^:Deceased. ' . . .••."• • ' •'-:,. •! supplfi'S. fixtures unit -enHipmeni- -at all A public music recital will be i t t d in i salil"estate i l " t t are kin.Is: kin! lo l sellll andd distribute diib i All persons interested motion pitAwolntn. Canvas Covers. 'rent •, • hereby notified -Urat-a petition bus been, tnre films and to buy. sell. Iliaunfnctnre or given at the Schmoller & Mueller filed i»-said Court alleging th;it suiil .do- distribute any type anil hind o£ prooils Camp -Suppl le*. All Kind* < censed.'died lesivinu no lust, will a'ml pray- -wnres and merchandise, of every ktnil ar!<l auditorium," 1516. Dodge street, on t3th and Howard AT. «»2 iiiK for administration upon his estate, nnd description: nnd to ilo ajiy and all things tlrnt a henriufr will be had' on siiid petition tiecesstirv. cunvunieiil or proper ot periaju- Wednesday evening, tApril 3, at 8:15 before said court, .on. .thi'.lith day.ot April, iiiK to the carrying- on ot any of the'afore- o'clock, by Henry" A-nde'r'sdn, Louis 1020, and that it 1 hey fail to appear at snid said business .including the ri^lit.to own Court on the said Gfu day of April. ]!)20, and hold real estate: Hie foregoing enum- Connor. Stanley KvLnzlf -Theodore at 9 o'clock A. M., lo contest saiorpetltlnn, erated clause of specific powers are not FOR 75c A WEEK the Court may grant the same and jrraiit intended to limit or restrict in any way Kowalski, Lumir Ptak, Arnold Mach, administration of said :estate to Albert the powers which (his corporation shall Albert Rimmermann, Frank Serpan, -Your ad in this directory, reaches Uarber or some • ot lu»r suitable pcrBOit. nnil ,liuve. The authorized capital stock shall practically, every Jewish proceed to, a. settlement thereof. be ^lOWOIK) tto ll>e d tliviilcl i i l d iinto l(K) 100 shares h Esther Stein, and Louis Swiatek.. of the pur value of v $100.00 i-ach: all of BKXCECUA.WFor.1), . -Home in Omaha - County Judge.' which stock shall bo common and shall b>' pupils of Frank Mach, violinist; and March 15-3T fully! paiji up and iion-asseSBalile-•>\vhen -ElinoV Cohen', Abraham Dansky,' Morissued. Said -capital stook.Vma^b'e' issued STAXMASTX:B & B E B E R . Attorneys for cash. ,.real .estate; franchises, contract ris Darisky, Dbra'Doigoff, l?etty* FeltOmaha National Hank Bldp. ~ rigntB.Mcases, pi'rsonal-property or personNOTICE OF SHEKIFF^S 8AI.E iil serrices. ,- I h e juorporation shall, com- man, Max Frank, Hannah Gossick, In the District Court- ot Douglas County, ineiice.'dolue .bii8ines8.-iinpii.the fillric of Us Minnie. Kutler.-Nina McCoiirtie, Milurticles, with "the. OoiVnty Clerk, ot Hondas - . Nebraska. ' . '' ' County, and shall ,coritVniie for ir peciodj of .Straus, By virtue i>t an order of- sale Issnej out fifty. years^from said date mi less sooner ion .' Robinson,,; Gieraldine of the District Court of Douglas County, dlssolved'b.v act of. tha stopkholtlers. .The Marion' Weinberg, ; pupils of Harry1 Nebrnstn, and in pursuqiice of a decree of highest amount of" in<uebte'rtness\shnli; not salu/'Conrt.iu an action therein indexed at exceed. 2/3 of its'capital stock but this Braviroff,- pianist; -and the Jacobson Appearance Docket Number 24C.: at Pace restriction shall; not; apply to indebtedness Sisters trio. '. • • • Number 333. Execution "Docket Number 34,' secured by" mortgages or liens upon any at Page Number . 702,' -wherein MARIE ,of the corporate property. The affairs o( The acepmpanists will be Mrs. Geo. IKONS, is -Plaintiff, and- Nels'-Jan Skog- this corporntioh* shnll- be-mariaced liy a Call man. et.itl:. Uefendrint, I>'will ttVttfn o'clock Board'pf Diipctors consisting of .not less Mach, Katherine Meyer, Libby SerA. II., on Tuesday. tlie'JGth dny of April, than" two members. The annual meeting of 1929, at the Bast .front door of the pougtys the corporation ish.ill be heldv on the first pan, Anne Raback, John Kowalski. Court House in,'the City of Omnhn.'.DoUBtns Monday of-January of each yeac at which and Harry Braviroff County, Nebraska; sell at pnlillc jiuctlon meeting • the'stockholders shall "elect'. n 4615 So. 24th St. to the hlphest bidder for. cash, the follow- •Board-' of Directors" and thereupon the intr described", property, to-wlt: rV'-.?y Board shall elect a President, a Secretarv flours 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. South Slxtj-llve feet (S. 05') of, Hot. "SJs- and a Vice-Prpsident and Treasurer: AnJTEMPLiE ISRAEL tceir (16) and North FlXfeeo feet-(U l.T)...of two of said offices may be held by one anil Lot Fifteen (IB) Meicer Park, an addition the same person.. Until their sucressors at to the City-of Omaha, as surveyed, platted the annual meeting in 1030. the nndorsicned : Rabbi Frederick Gohn will disCpunty. pf jUauc "-.„,.,„ and recorded, ift the, Cpunty.,.pf na shnll constitute the first Board of "bircctond State of Nebraskn, subject. «o the llMiibrs. Tbe Board of Directors shnll elect 11 cuss Ansky's famous Jewish drama, of Asbestos Shingle Sn SIntp nndjj bhenthjiig prosident. a Vice-1'residpnt. a .Secretary "The Dybbuk," this . evening from Sf'in the off ?2o3.63, ?2o363-wtthin--•- a-Treasurer from -•-- among thoir - • number - '• S f i n tthe h e ssum um o ? 2 o 3 . 6 3 , t t h ^ . ana IRENE JOHNSTON f OU>lr t-7 P e c c e n tt from OcU>l)er-l8t,lS2N; except tlint:llH»-Secretary limy be elected the pulpit of. Temple Israel. Saturfa Vhe Hen of Mnrie. Irons in the from- the stockholders nnd iii-ed not be - n day morning his sefmon^subject will BKAUTV FAItl.OK tnteresnat • ia. per lUIrecior. RiTm of ttimso; JS.167.rK); with' jnteresrsat iu; ptr Director. Uljtil Until thyir their successors are pU-cteU-ctS38 AnulIlH Court ' AT. 7T31 rlmt from October 3rd. 1028:'Subject to the «ed at tlie'annual tile annual meeting meet Ing of. of Directors in be "The Flam^, on. the Altar.". . >d nt Shampoo and Marcel itan of Jack Ferrarn.Jji.tbe sum" of •SJ81.C3,'' 1930 1930, tl thp bffl officers off this corporation shall thi ti hll »Wtb Interest nt 7 per cent fronr October b e Leo. Blnnl?- Resident apd Secretary and finger Wave or Haircut SI.25 l_v, •fn28'>to*Batlsfy'the'lleji ;of JiXtqnttsttwl Janet {..Blank,. VUv-I'resident nnd TrensA-'Fnrnnce. Company, in the sujn <«-..urer:-'. These articles .'may be amended ni f -11A with Intercut n **&*• *'''•* ° ' < per any regular or special meeting of the siocki,v". «'_^.— f r o m o c t,,ber 1st, 15)28. holders by a 2/3 vote of the ontsfandins cent .,,.'• sum-offlS-LOO008(8 nnd stock. MORRIS BEAUTY PARLOK nnd .accruing costs, nil ns . In witness whereof the parties hereto the ' order nnd decree. ha%e hereunto stibscribcd their names thiB I0.V 8o. IB AT. ICl? • ••' 12th.iiny 4tb day of March. 192!). JRHWfel&SHOC •1 JJKO BI^ANK, Shampoo and Finger Wave S1.00 March.1 ' JANET G. BLANK.' ;. 1 C D O N A L D . Sheriir. Marcel 75c SATIN ICE CREAM CO. In the presence of Irvin Sta[master. « l j ) o u _ j a a Couury, Nebraska:. Mnrch S-1T ' < Marcli
National Accessories, Inc.
Electric Service
Braviroff ? Pupils Give Recital
Awnings and Tents
• " •
~ Under Uaaugement of — B. MARCUS 1941 Vintbn St. J A. 1440 :
PEERLESS CLEANERS 442Q Florence Blvd. KB. 150a;. Th# Uau*« With a Bcpuutioa
A.H.BRQDKEY GENERAL 493-96 Brandeia Theatre
^A^Jtson 1614 Estimates Gladly Furnished
HIMELBLOOM BAKERY " IS1J » . S4th—WE. 63«* Serve Himelbloom's new Russian prrmpernickle bTead pextrtneal.
Paxton Billiard Parlors 9721 Direct Wire Service on All Latest Sport Events
CLEANING •— DYEING — REPAIRING Sample Dyeing a Specialty 814 No. 24th St. AT. 1169 CS flUST"-•• '.
4704 So. 24tb St. — MArket, 0701 Member F . T. D.
KRAMER & BAUER Auto Bepair-^Battery Service Tiresr-Tubes—Accessories . .. and Parts 7 a 8*£h ]St ^ HArtet
Multigraphing Addressing Mailing Lists 2123 Cumins Street AT. 8010
Hats Gleaned and Blocked 75c THALLAS THE HATTER Hats Cleaned and Blocked 50 and 75c
Plumbing and Heating 538*
Expert Radio Service We Repair Any Make Radio
101 No. 16th
2408 Farnam—-JA. 1941
Shoe Repairing
«ervic«». from
Wet Wash to Family Flnlsb . Utb and Douglas 8ts.
>. If your laundress does not v satisfy, try us
Sanitary Laundry W. H. OSTENBERG. Pres. AT. 2815
Cflstle Shoe Kepair Shop
North of Cn«tle Hotel " • —WORK DONE WHILE SOU WAIT— Men's Half Soles ..SIM Ladies Half Soles —»5c Ladies Comp. Rubber Heels 23e
STANDARD SHOE REPAIR SHOP No. 2 119 So. tG HANDY SBO£ SHOJP First Class Work Gusranteed Shoes Rebuilt
Music Teachers
Pianist Instructor Beginners nnd Advanced Students .. '. Accepted Suite 5, Wead Bldc^ t8th and Fnrnam Teleptraoe ATtnntlc 8162
Play the Violin Correctly Pror. Sevcit siid otlier «or)d renowned teachers recommend my method very hiplily
. FRANK MACH 'Concert V?nlinis( nnd Instructor Studio. Il.lf: S v I6«h St. JA. wm v:
Suits Made to Pressing—Hats and No!
U G , The Wter 203 Neville Block AT. 6451
Towel Supply
Call SAM TARNOFF 1114 So. 28 St.
AT. 4544
ATlantic 6291 J. 41. JEXSEN
Walt Paper-Paints FRED PARRS &
KEnjrood 0835 MArket 4600
16 a n d Douglas
SPECIAL:— Pair of rubber Jieels free with every sole and heel repair job. 1510 Harney AT. 4297
Empress Hat Cleaning Shop
4U6 No. 24th 5032 SO. 24th
20th Century Rapid Shoe Repair
--• :<-•,--.
Painting and Paper Hanging
Maryland Fried Chicken
Only 2 firms accepted under each business heading
Tin, Isheet Metal and Furnace Works First Class Work and Prompt Service
1119 No. 19—WE. 3221
OMAHA LETTER SHOP Commercial Printing
Utth sod Davenport
We Make Oltf Garments Look U k e New
Speck's Place
Service Our Motto General Repair Shop—Radiators, Fenders and Body Repairing
24th and Farnara,
JA. 5752
EL-PATIO CAFE • A f t e r Theata-e Dancing ;
403 Hospc Bldg.
'- CANDVI-AND ttitb ond t B0N8ET EA O tUlb • n d U o d g e . CUVSTAL CASBV . ltltl d C i ! ^ Are.
the organization, gave an addr»W on ... "What the Megillah Teaches U s / ' , The club will hold an April Fool's I dance Sunday evening, March 31, at the Lighthouse. i
Old Kentucky Barbecue
Beauty Parlors
The local Yotmg Poale Zion club held a Purim entertainment at the Labor Lyceum, Friday evening, March 29, Irvin Soiref, secretary of
For Service Call
MArket 4307
from 89 to 114-feet in heighth. As the ; line pa«ies through swampy ground, this •. part of the work had to ] ,be ; completed • during . the cold weather. .More than a thousand pounds of dynamite was used- in blasting holes for the foundation! of these towers. Eight tons of cement and five hundred tons of-.sand gravel will be required for use at the base of these towers, which are approximately 800 feet apart.
2«h and L 8t^-AT Wallpaper Below Wholewil* Knniples Sliown nt Tout
VTour ad in this directory,-reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha
•MArket 0977 Res. MA. 3166
4824 So. 25th 4411 So. 26th