April 12, 1929

Page 1



Ijite^esiing: arid :; Entertaining

Entered'as second-class mail matter on January ZJ, 10Z1, at poBtotBce at Omaba, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 18TU


Welfare Federation Meeting April 17



German AntirSemites CallFbrd^JewNow - Berlin.—(J, T. A.)—The dissatisfaction of the German antiSemites "with. Hjeijry Ford-since his wittidrawal of h$s,; anti-Jewish campaign lasf year found J^s climax in ah article published in this week's issue, of the "Wpchenachau," the organ- of.. fprrner war-lord Eric von Ludendorfv ' Ford" has: joined^'th& Palestine lodge" in Detroit and has become "an artificial' Jew", the newspaper r tells its credujbus readers.


Herrick Was Patron of Yiddish Theater

Clever New York Reporter Gets Closeup View of Jewish Matrimonial Agency In^^Operation,*Old"Schadchen" Sharned:by^Modernity Of Present Day Marriage Broker ' _.

New York.—(J. T. A!)—The late United States Ambassador to France, Myron T. Herrick, was rer vealetl as a patron of the' Yiddish stage in an article published in the "Jewish Morning Journal." The author relates that in 1915 following his return from Paris, the late Mr. Herrick consented to the proQposal of Iris'Jewish friend, .the--late 'Harry Bernstein, to construct a theatre. for a Yiddish group in "Cleveland.




Lapidus of A€


The telephone, rings' again and that the chances of meeting one's trend)- is not * business enterprise. \ April 17, has been eet again. A-card index on a-m»hogany fated one • are ' obstructed by our Circulars in Yiddieh and EngHsh are i*te «f the animal meet"Religion -will'become liberal -when desk'is coBsnlted; Figures running complex modern life, are recognized addressetl t^Wortiry, Parents and ing of the' Jewish ComTmrrjtty people begin to • realize that the difinto the thousands- are <• spoken' into t r this marriage broker, who pre- Friends.. Here he. 'is guilty* of retrothe Jewigfo Welfare ference in religions is one: of tern-. the transmitter.' Name« and ad; fers the title, of "Matrimonial Bu-r gression. ,He speaks to: the. older pTht mwtfnf will; be. heM at 8:15 jJerament and not of right and dresses are taken down- and re- reau" to /the/ age-old appelation of generationi.. And thi« i s what p. m>, in the Center,. -wrong," stated. Rabbi.. Solomon B. "scbadchen" and' denies tfeat'-he.is v s a y s : •-. peated. Qfnctrs of th« Federation tmtf offi yreehof of Chicago at the Jewish; It is long past the stock exchange iri the old sense," a marriage broker^ ••:' "It i s your; duty tp prevent your eers and. trustees of the Center will Community, Center. Monday..evening; oea£ed at ' a - mahogany:; desk,. a children anrf friends from passing closing hour. Yet excitement I pre-j k* elected aiwi reports of the ysar's The talk -Was the concluding feature vails in this broker's office, though card: index, before him,'the modern through^ life without I tasting of'tW: Work of bwih organization wfll be ef the lecture course sponsored it has nothing to do with the Fed-? marriage broker contrasted - his joys of^wedd#i;life.'. given briefly. Statistics compiled jointly, by. the.. Jewish Community. methods, with those of tb.e:, old"We now- offer you an ^opportueral Reserve. for.-these senortr indic«t€ titat th« C«nter andl t h e . Council,' of- JewishThe" broker himself, occupied, wifiv iashioned; schadchen who acted on »: nity t o . introduce thfrm t o a fine Candidate'Group to Be Known as paSt^.yaar hgi' WeB one ofntirrked Women. The subject was, "Can Ee- David Fellman, Ida Lustgarten "Harty H. Lapidus success . and greatly increased insistent clients, is called to the whispered request,-.who went about class of business and professional ligion Ever Be liberal?" and David vL.;Y»lH:off consummating the happy event with people of! jgood' financial standing; Oass" service. telephone. His attendant, discreetly . Although admitting that indiffer^ Receive Honors. Just step~ into our- office on any anmial meeting -was postponed covering the' mouthpiece with her circumspection. T ' •' <. •nee to religion': usually makes" peov day,«buii t*e S#bl^^»iMi we will MARK 45th YEAR 'btff u<£, of the' itlfcesE 'of' Mr. hand, informal him; "JFerwiya he pie more, tolerant, he, denied, that Not so with this" modern schatch- be ther|t_ to give you.«»y infbrmar Harry Lfnidtjs, president of the Censuch an attitude was. necessary; in LISTS PUBLISHES*; TUESDAY wants ta know. what's what." tion you seek. . A drivfe' to add. one hundred new ter. Mr. Lepiriufi h«s novr recovered en. A private./b«ose. in the Bronx "I assure you," the broker order for people to be liberal. 'The Three Jewish students^: iwo of snatches the instrument' and shouts, is painted green to attract the eye. "We'.therefore suggest that you members to Omaha Lodge No. 354 of his htalth ami wiU be j\ble to attend reason people are not tolerant, of A swinging sign, illuminated by an them " Omahans,: iWere; airing ' those •( ?1: assure' you everything^ you sejfk get in touch.with us as soon as pos- the B'nar B'rith was launched Wed- the .meeting and give, the report, for other, religions today is. because they national'; is there.. You who spurned $25,000 arc. light, designates-the Matrimonial sible so as to hasten' the Golden nesday evening, April! 10,"when forty^ Jtite Center. believe that the difference between elected to Phi Beta Kappa, r two of the lo<lge members met at the Attendance at the Jewish'' .Commuthem/is that' one is right and the^ honorary • scholarship " fraternity^ at are particular. I. assure' you this Bureau in letters bold and unasham- Moment for your ehild' or friend." 1 home of Harry £L Lapidus and laid ed . to all wiro pass xm .foot c*; by 192$ reach«<S ft the:.' University,;! of * Nebraska .tbi$ one will be satisfactory.'' The- promise $8 m*de. The inter- plans for the campaign. The class iiit^t..'CentfKr'-'during others are wrong!" 1 tctal of 11S,|&6, as comjKim! with year, according;- to: - an announcement No matter what jthe modernists car. viewer^ steps inside.- She, is kept He coinpared religions to various made public; Tuesday. Tjiey are Da- have to say about marriage. f s' an If a future Prince Charming (or, waiting in a room bordered' by camp will be known as the "Harry H» Lapi- 81,859. of the previrus year. The schools of, philosophy. The realism vid Fellman, Ida - Lustgarten and institution, whether or. Rot it can perchance, Cinderella) comes closer, chairs for' about, twenty minutes. dus Class." Lapidus is membership Federation hes given material reliaf of Aristotle, and the. idealism of David L. Yabroff; The latter is succeed in our present civilization, he (or she) can read further details, During ' that time the telephone director of District No* 6 of the B'nai to S l l individuals through the rePlato, differ_. in temperament he from Oxford, Kans. •:• cornmJtteft of the Jewish Wo*. :there's .no denying that it goes pn culminating , with the advice (in rings again and again. The schadch- B'rith. The drive will" commemorate showed. "They cai o t b e one right. Fellman; a member of Sigma Al- just" the same. People marry and Yiddish), "Young people, if you en's comely daughter (he'll have no the forty-fifth anniversary of the'locals WeJfate prgsniaatioB. • . and one -wrong or else -we would pha Mu, has distinguished himself the -experts debate as to whether would have a happy future, come difficulty with her, one can see) an- lodge. nine p^rgow received .ledical have in the"past 2,000: 'years found as a member of the' varsity debate 1" not marriage is a success. What's in.and talk with me." According to the plans,. the; drive through tht Wise' MemorkU , swers in a;not. inaudible tone. Two the true belief,'* he said/ • .- team- of tbe.univerrity/;He is also the more, men want wives and women The marriage broker does not stop are doctors. She-promises they will will be carried on intensely for one and inxi ag«nd pfreon« received care week, coming to a close on Thursday, at signs in advertising his bureau, Babbi FreehoJ-declared that the author of a colunw of comments, on want husbands. ihf nerne for -tfi« aped. April 19. The class of candidates will (Continued on Page 2) 9H w«if t«ml.ligion that suited one the best current public affairs in the Daily That, conditions have changed, which - he insists . (another modern •n... May 6^ at. an. •*t Nebraska!), "ofneial school "OTgan, ~ He Jewish. Teligiotb,fits my soul arid will will do graduatf-work ifr 'the- field Prominent speakers from eastersi bring out tBeTVest in me. Therefore of political science at Nebraska-next points will address the occasion. I am a'Jewi"1- • ; - year* under * &~~ fellowship* recently The humane work of th« F#a#r*The first group meeting of the camtion wiU be^Erapbically put btfw* awarded' him. • ' .JL* characterized the common ?"faepaign workers will be held a t « noon- the audience in a short drs*r>We .lief that one's own religion -was the Ifa^roffj a member" of ' the ' Zeta day luncheon on Monday, April 15, at sVetch, "The Spirit of the F«der«only true one- and thr". one should Be$a/!£au fraternity, is one of the the Loyal Hotel. tion," w^uch will be staged by Mf6. see'i to convert- everyone, else to t l i t leading students in the scientific Sam Beber has been selected, as F rman J^&hr. 1 religion as a colossal -piece of "hu-. school".'of the university. He is a general chairman of the present drive. . S)?eakers et the meeting \vill be : impudence." member of Phi,Lambda Upsilon,' naRobert H. Kooper, chairman of the W. L. Hqlsman, KaiTj'- Wolf, .Harry '.Following* the lecture, Eabbi Free- tional honorary chemical society. membership committee will co-operate. H. Lapidus and Samu-1 Gcrson. t\\t STATES Ot:PO3tTO«V.' paid'tribute to the memory, of ; Miss, LustgaTten. graduated from Eighteen teams of two or more workbe divided inte Leseinjr, the famous German author the fine arts callage In June, 1927, ersv apiece have been selected to can-., Oration rne«tifig, who wa« so friendly to the Jews. vass the city. Abner Kaiman and j T/Hcli-W, h, HoVsuan will returning later to take necessary ! William L. Holzman was chairman credits for a bachelor of arti degree J'ack Marer will head squadrons of and ihe Center meeting, at of the evening. nine teams apiece, the former cap- i the presiding oBRcer ^-ill be vhich she. received-this winter, maktaining the odd numbered teams and j ing heir, eligible kfor this year's Phi K. LnpiduB. Harrj- Siivertnan will the latter the even numbered teams, Beta . Kappa elections. She is a read the. minutee of e previous member' of "the •* Sigma , Delta Tau . The trams nre an follows:—Team No. 1—» FederfttioTi meeting nnd Jo« L. Wolf, T»ave G««iili*"rpr. Jor <5rw>ntH»rp; Tt;:ira .Vo, sorority.,; 2—Ike Lexy, 1'r. Nathan MiiRkhi: Tram No. "Becretj|.ry,1 p* the Center, will -.fe'iMJi 3—Al»iier Kninian, l>r. A. Grpenhvrj;; Among the other Jewish students Team No. 4—MiKon Abrahams. Jot* Stern r th« mirtwtee of the prcvlou* Cenffct Team- N<i.- .T — I#» Atiruttison. Isnilorp a f t)-,-• University of Nebraska who Fund officials aleo ^owed hethe Abratnsnn. llorts Korney; T*>»m No. "— A check for $1,000, a copy of building of a dormitory for the Heare active are Joel SJjnon of. WellUlnzvf. l'r. Meyer Rotter. Ilisrry Mists Dorothy Lustgarten, accorti* plans f^r the buildings-.to Ibe erected IU>n Wpiner; Team No. 7—.Ii>e IVjjppr, Ham, hcton, Kans., and Nathan Levy of which is shown above« -was sent to brew Teachers.' College at Beth bf Misi! Ida . ^nstgartan, 1-eon. H a v e Pwlvr; Tenm >!». H— Hnrry on the site. Hakerem, Palestine. . . the national headquarters of tha For- the purpose of ~ considering Hastings, Neb.,* both of whom are Mnlnshtwli, Iisrr.v I-npitlus, JOP Wolf, •; ; f. a. According to St»s. Sam Cahn A letter, has been received, from Henry Monsky: Xonm No. !>—Sitm G^rson. , plans for the collection of $13,000 members^ of the' varsitydebate team Jewish • National Fund by ^he Omaha Williiim riolzniHn. Hurry TTnlf: T«im No. ;•-•-still unpaid, on the Omaha pledges and-the Zeta,: Beta. T^u .^fraternity. Daughters of Zion Society last wee'; Mrs. F. Hartz, a member of the Plattj president 'of the local societ-, 30— Jack A11H'«S. Msrks I.orts:; Tf>:im N 11—Kr«I AVMto. Sam BHsmOVnm: No. l i to' 'the Uniied Jewish Campaign, Levy is also a sophomore cheer a- the final payment^ oh ;-(he' $3,000 Daughters of Zion, who is visiting in another ..projeet, • the •' • • tallstion of a Sani Swnrtz, Jules (fcrelick; Team No. 18 I", (inedman.'' Sam l!el>«r. Sain <ivf"n : whith totaled $32,500.00, Wm. L. leader and- a member of the chorus pledged by the local organisation for Pr.jestine, telling of her visit to the water supply'for some colony, will —ITeam No. 14—IKnre l?lacke>r. Irtts Stulrlolxman, state chairman, has called in. the Kospiet Xllub dramatic pro- the- purchasing of a lot tqi and the plot purchased." Jewish NaMonal be undertaken next'year. m a s ^ r : Teiim X«. l."i—NnthaR E. (Jrven, Hprl>ert «Jol<lstcin; Team >«. 1«— WtHlam ah extraordinary meeting of the ex- duction which goes < a tour of.the A. Albert g. Tlnrry KoltlnRon r Tenm ; N». IT —Koliert «Jlaier, JSaurk-p Mirkifn; Team ONLY JEWISH STUDENT ecutive committee for Monday eve- state, next week..1 MIXED COUPLE SUICIDES HADASSAH TO SELECT No. is—JlolKTt. H. Kot>per, Jack W. Sntcr. WINS SPEAKING CONTEST ning, April 15, 7:30 o'clock at the M. Kliitzniok. OBLIGATES WEDNESDAY Bratislava, Cxechowlovakia.—(J. T. York,.—The cutabliafciiMMt- •£ Jewish Community Center. j )—«yfe die, together. because difthe twentf-nrst Had»»»sh »»f*wt Maurice Nathansoj?, only Jewish POLISH BUND HEAD TO This meeting is called following MRS. LOUIS BOTHSGHILD, A special meeting of the Hadas- f.rences in religion' preventvi our vr«lfare Station »n<l the opening: .'-»f stodent'in the EstheiTille, la., high the receipt by Mr. Holzman of an PIONEER O^fAHAN, DEAD SRL will be held Wednesday after- living together," was the note, found BE IN OMAHA THURSDAY noon, April 17,,at 2:80 at. the Jew- "with th^ dead bodies of Miss Heller, school,! was the. winner - of his ,, r urgent appeal from. Mr. David. A. Victor Alter, president of th* •wert -Browjoi •. national chairman of the - Mrs.-Louis- Rothgchiid, 80, a resi- ish. Community Center, f 0^ '.the puiv the daughter of a Jewish merchant school's extemporaneous 1 speaking of contest held last week* He will repPolish Bund and member of the dent of Omaha. | o r the past 38 years, United Jewish Campaign,. calling pose of electing delegates, to the of Bratislava, and n or.jer -in the ; -Zionist resent his school ift the northwestPolish' Sejm, national congress of -upon -all -states to send, in money "as passed away ";Moridayi-April 8. i fcurth annual southwest: regional Czechoslovakian army, a. 'entile. ern Iowa district contest to be held that country, -will be the guest of Mrs. EothscWld- \vaS7the widow of c nventiori. of the. organjjation to be soon: asi possible to meet... an emergThe JIC>F infant welfare dlhitJ !^ ii< Sioujc Ci'|y on April 12. honor and principal speaker at a ercyU-which .has. just arisen in" • and a veteran of-;the Civil:W-arl. She is held. in. St. Lpuis, Moi, May'lS to 14. i Pebton, JtB eftabttshment <<(';**STUDY AMERICAN LAND Young Natysnson is the -son of banquet to be given by the Workaround- Bessarabia due to the .recent survived- by~tftr«e ;d8«ghtersj Mrs., _.i lielegates from-the Senior and pected to gjv« 8drt#d Btlmulus «« ihe TITLE GUARANTEE PLAN Mr. and Mrs; H. E; • Nathanson, men's Circle Thursday evening, April crop failure there and the unusually Meyer -Klein, of Omaha, with wham Junior Hadassahs of six- states will cf th^ H»d»»sah Infant W<lformerly of Omaha. He is a junior 18, at the Labor Lyceum. severe winter through which,they she --had- been * residing; Mrs.' L. attend the meeting. . un4s.Fhij;t5 h trying to '*H»e ? Paris.—(J. T. A.)—The American in the high school, and is a winner Reservations may be made with O-ansky-qf[" Des Moines, Ia^ and have just, passed. No notices'have been \issved to . fur'., the y#»r's work _ in m~ system of land title guarantees will of various forensic honors since the Max Crounse at WEbster 2693. la stressing the importance of this Mrs. D. A. Sampson of San Fran- members for' the Wpdnes^ay meetLjke the other tl be the subject of studyby. Moses seventh grade. m-*.ting and in urging every mem- cisco, ' Cal." . \.l •/•'_ ; - ' ing. thrpugiipBt Paleatin*, Dunkahn, assistant director of the LUXENBURG DUCHY FREE ber, of the, executive committee, to » w clin|c wiU glvo medical ft land department of- the... Palestine lay aside ill other engagement's in PALESTINE IMMIGRATION OP JEWISH PREJUDICE tion to m<sth#rf eufi infants,, government, who is here on his way ANCIENT SYNJVGOGUE IS MIZRACHIMEBT MAY 12 frvor of this occasion, Mr. Holzman Jerusalem.—(J.'T. A.)—Four hunLuxenburg. — (J. T. A.) — Anti- the mothew in the care and London and America. g UNEARTHED IN CRETE • N e w York^-(J. T. A.)—The four- to. called attention' to : the fact that the 1 dred and eighty-one immigrants, of Semitism is unknown in the Grand of the children »nd follow up the Unable to speak in his capacity teenth annual convention -of the stricken areas around Bessarabia.are whom 352 are Jews, entered the Duchy of Luxenburg, it is revealed csfles "fey visit* to the homes= the Athens^—(J, T, A,)-r-The remains Mizrachi Organization of America as civil servant, Mr. Dunkahn dein such deplorable conditions that the country during, the^ month, of Jan- in a survey of the Jewish populaclined an interview. However, he Hi*t»<lrut Nnshim Ibriot (Hcbrtw Joint Distribution Committee recent- of an ancient synagogue dating will take place in Pittsburgh, accorduary, according to figures made pub- tion. said-that the Palestine government Wenwm'8 Association) of Pftle'ltllle back to. the'tinie of Philo, has been ingto an announcement made at .the ly appropriated $310,000 to meet the is earnestly endeavoring to complete lic here. . Dighty-nine Jews were Of the total population of 268,865, w^H uwbt in the .maintenance oi the emergency, part .of--which money .will unearthed "on -the Isle of Crete, New * York ' headquarters of the or* the land survey and has appointed among the 17S vho-left the coun- 3,600 are Jews. Two hundred reside Hebron clinic by fe irtohthly Cdnfcfi* Greek archaeologist, gamzation. - .--.; ; have to be borrowed from, the banks; Prof.. And.rewsj try during the pame period. f able officers to this end. in the capital city of Luxenburg, the bution. On personally endorsed notes .unless stated-here. - . '."'• .--, • .' The convention session w|ll, oepn rest in the provinces. Asked whether the absence of a The mvr playground has b*en The" synagogue "is .believed to be Sunday, .May 12, and .continue the collections from the various comZIONIST MEETING The Jewish population is prosland register is what hinders.the acon. tb* grounds of the tAlirr.unities -which are • still in arrears 1900' years1 old, - Its 'alpbaster walls through Tuesday, May 14i . The local Z\ n." D* tret will hold perous and Jewish, immigrants who. quisition of crown lands by the Jews, ye School in J«rwS<»lfem, iH« contain inscriptions Tri ' Hebrew and -arc ^forthcoming immediately. / • a meeting on Tuesday evening, April ; Mr. Dunkahn declared that while 16, at the Jewish Community Ge - came here from East European coun- second plif«rroun<l estttbiieihfeti thtre Greek. ' The committee, consists of the folTEMPLE ISRAEL the-court decisions never destroy the ter, according'" to,"an announcement tries are well established, the report by the G«gfwheimer fund, admlnlelowing: Wm. Hofzman, chairman, shows. . Kabbi ' Frederick <Johi»'»- sermon bona fide of -titles, still, "the survey tei^<| by |f,.dW8ah.Thc Jaygrdten^ ttabbt Frederick Col n, Harry Labi- DENOpNCE SCHE^JHITA BAR subjact for this eveni^ig will, be "Thi completion will remove all difficul- mac:e by Lo»is Ifatelnjan, president s-fc pptiv to -'.children of all crfcdls, • tiller Harty Malashock; Henry MonGeneva.^(J, T. A.)~Abolition of Unknown, Sanctuary," the book by, ties; He added that the dispute be- of the organisation- ••• JEWS HONOR EINSTEIN and are i p excelle t meahs of f*»sky,' Harry- Rosenfeld, Harry A*. the prohibition, of scjiechita, the Ahne Palliere, the French Catholic tween the Arabs and the Jewish SKIN SPECIALIST Tel-Aviv. — <J. T. A.)—Professor tcring- friendship *n«Mi|/iM -iflrtttet Wolf, Joe L. Wolf, Harry B.. Zim- Jewish metiiqd of "slaughtering1 ani- who- turned Jewish. colonists of Hedera over the right Dr. 5. U. :Ravit« is now specializ- Albert Einstein, was elected honorary pr.f.plw of PalMtiUe: - • m M ^ n p i l ! r n-.er, Abe Goldstein, Dr. Phillip Sher. mals for. food, is. being urged, by a Saturday morning he will speak of a strip of land is based on purely, ing in "diseases of the skin" in New member of the Kenesseth Israel, the ing taken to op«n a simile pli$rand Samuel Gerson. number of Swiss papers. a legal matter. • on "Two Turtle Dcvea.M . York City. '" . • i unified Palestine Jewish community. ground in. X l i l : /,



t)c^£jtf eri ^f Jtibft Complete Palestine

" *•






" .






TWO—THE JEWISH PRESS? FRIDAY, APRIL-12, 1929 or the happy parents of the bride, More Women Then Men Cfirtomere ing to allay his loneliness, the broMore men than women have need ker did not turn him away. Though 'wish to give me a few dollars, I of the services of the Matrimonial it contradicted his former denial will aot throw the money away. I Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Bureau, so the broker said, statistics that money was no issue, he dr<"v have my family to support." Though ^ d the circular announces "all informa- to the contrary. The men are chief- an analogy between his enterprise j. THE JEWISH PRESS:PUBLISHING COMPANY 1929 tion given without cost," there is a 1> over 2F, established in business an a certain bargain dress store in Office: Brandds Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 1st Day Passover... . Thursday, April 25 1 registration fee of ?10—which enti- or the professions. Nor is it true, New York City. "There you will 7th Day Passover. DAVID BLACKER, BUSnifESS and MANAGING EDITOR —Wednesday, May 1 tles one to be placed in that pre- he declare- vehemently, that the find dresses for eight dollars, for •Rosh Chodesh Ijar. IRVING PERLMETER - - - - - - > EDITOR Saturday, May 10 cious card inde::—next to whose professional men who come to him fifteen, and for thirty-two." (There Lag b'Omar „_..... Tuesday. "May 28 $2.50 card only fate can. tell—and to be i« alwayi. in search of heiresses. are women-folk in his family, you Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - •- Rosh Chodesh Sivan....~_ „„. Sunday, June 9 entered in the leather-bound address Citing the case of a doctor who can tell.) "If one has only eigl.t "•- --: ;: Advertising1 rates furnished on application 1st »ay Succoth Friday, June 14 book. had declared, "I -lon't want money dol'ars, one gets an eight dollar *Rosh Chodesh Taffimuz.. —-...Tuesday, July 9 CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; The marriage broker described his and I don^t seek money," he said dress," he continued. "For thirtyFast of Tammuz be sure .to give your name. Thursday. July 25 method and, since, before tiie interwas his duty to^firn* for this cliRosh Chodesh Ab ..Wednesday, August 7 (Continued on Page 4) view was over, he volunteered his ea "good goods." A pretty girl, Fast.of Ab -Thursday, August 15 services iri behalf of the interviewer, who will suit. "If I can't find him •Rosh Chodesh Ellu! ...Friday, September 6 she had an opportunity, to -witness a beautiful girl, I shall get him one the systein in operation. that i l 80 per cent pretty. And •Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh. The chief instrument- of this mod- 1 have an eye for beauty. My "in ' Dr. & M. Melamed, of the eloquent pen, pleads in the current ern matrimonial bureau- is, as is be- clients fcaii *«!$;.ftfi Me;"**," thfey do."' issue of his magazine, "The Reflex," for a Jewish university in the fittinng this mechanical age, the telr When a poor young man, a clerk United Sates. He bases his recommendations on the fact that this ephone. Over those magic wires go in the postoffice came- to him, seekwould be a sure way of demonstrating the Jewish contribution to the Jewish university idea. May it blossom into many fruitful names, descriptions and addresses. American science, and letters, and would provide a place where institutions; producing thousands of cultured Jewish ladies and , The method of this modern ,• SCbadchen . is simplicity itself. A Jewish genius wbuldnot be handicapped in either the student or gentlemen! prospective bridegroom (or bride) ^^^^^^^£^^^^^^A«^^m teaching fields by anti-Semitic discriminations alleged, to exist in having registered with him, keeps other academic institutions. He anticipates his opponents and c ristantly in touch with him by teldenies that the materialization of his-idea would mean the creation According to a recent report of the Jewish Agricultural So- ephone. When, according to the of another preservative of the Ghetto, and the further sharp divi- ciety, over one million acres of land in the United States are tilled schadchen's judgment, or that of his it appears a suitable mate sion of American groups according to racial distinctions. by Jewish farmers. . Their property holdings are valued at $175,* daughter, is found for the seeker, he is given The veteran journalist showedthat hekriew the Jewish mind 000,000 and they number about 109,600 in population. the telephone number, with the aswhen he prophesied the objections:that would be raised. Charles , It is.not often that we think of the Jew in any other role be- surance that his or her claims have Joseph, "Jewish Arthur Brisbane," writing in his weekly column, sides a commercial one, and occasionally an educational one. But been fully investigated, especially the "Ratiddm Thoughts," took:; Dr. Melamed severely to task for ex- it is a sign of health that not all of our race turn to such limited fr.mily looked into. actly the "Ghetto" idea that he had attacked. After displaying fields of exploration. It shows that, given the freedom and op- The, suitor, who, one would think, the tricks of his pen in ridiculing the* idek, Mr. Joseph flatly says, portunity that this country affords, they can branch out into all night suffer from over-shyness; must then take the matter in hand boldly. "I don't like it." • " ,% . ' , walks of life. In the past they have been restricted to certain He must telephone the prospective Although we are not foolish enough to desire to referee a bat- occupations and then abused for not being in other ones. The guilt bride and then call on her. "Just Hat Headquarters grew to greatness by REAL .Service to all men—and every season sees Hat Headtie of wits between two such men as those mentioned above, we of the Jews in this respect is thoroughly refuted by these figures mention my name. . That's the only quarters offering better service m wider selections would like to say a good word for the Jewish university idea. The now available. Not only in the United States, but in Russia and introduction you need." of smart hats. A dozen hat stores in one here chief objection to the plan seems to be to. the; establishing by Jews in Palestine, Jews are returning to the soil, and are thereforei com- . If. it is the case of a young today. woman, it is to be presumed that of a sectarian institution. Those who level this charge intimate i>i6tihg their contribution to modern lifeV she acts in a like manner. What, that such an act would be without ptecedeht in\Americah history STETSONS KNOX The above figures assume even more significant proportions ii.deed, could be more modern T MALLO&YS and would be, therefore, unjustifiable. In answer to this false im- when itis considered ihai these Jewish farmers are mostly in the According to him, he spurns* pression, we would like to refer Mr. Joseph and his colleagues to the eastern part bf the country, where Jews have been establishd money and all talk of money. It ia ; speech made on Dec. 7, 1928/by Dr. H. McCracken, president of loiffrerand in larger^nuriibers. Our own agricultural territory here in. just this regard that he is differVassar College, at the dedication of the Yeshiva College in New in tfiei Middle West should also in time be a place where thousands ent from the former schatrhen, and $10 to $20 York. He lauded the Jewish institution as a welcome addition to, of Jews will take to the land and ^regenerate the vitality of their \.hese mission it was to secure for heiress a learned husband, to the American academic world, pointing out the appropriateness of seed. Perhaps the day will soon come when the word "Jew" will the find for the wealthy business man the school by telling his audience that out of.the six hundred.and no longer be so commonly associated with the- neurotic type bred a comely wife. He prefers to call fifty colleges in thei United States* six hundred were established of the iity's mad speed. himself an instrument o f fate. "Be• . _: The Style-Value Achievement fore the child is born, forty days and maintained by religious denominations. Mind you, 92.S% of in FIVE DOLLAR HATS before," he related, .'^his mate in life the colleges in this country are sectarian, Christian if we. may say, shrewd, but .they- twinkle when he iias b" - selected^ It, is I who tell Bats—Main Floor—S«ath and yet there are those who object to a Jewish university. talks of the fancies and* foibles of him who this, mate is. I am the In the past Jews have always prided themselves on the fact his clieiits.. No/ no, they are/ not finger of fate^ pointing out his des(Continued from Page i ) clients, he hastens to ' npress upon tiny." Yet it was his daughter who .that their aristocracy was an intellectual one. This, was wider conditions not distant from slaverji Will it be said that under a hear from Jher: father during\the eve- them. But he givea them no other ftumbed the S's, the Ts and the K's His hair and goatee are ii t h e . card index for the proper legimeof freedom such ah ideal-perished? • We hope not. But if ning- Another, is a Miss X. An- name.hardly gray. He welcomes me un- man to whom the interviewer might, WUMJfiiv it is to live^ it must have a home. Jewish scholkcship needs to be,other i s a mother, whom the tdaugh-; graciously. He is wary. He fears with, profit, be introduced. nourished in places where possible adverse conditions may.not tef answers with wisdom far beyond: the wrong kind of publicity, yet temptone to parade under a borrowed name and fake polors, as so, her tysrenty. yeirs: "We: ran^ tell more than once in ^he interview he you anything xihtil you bring the Cstoppea*:: by ,his,,even . shrewder many of the Jewish students and teachers dorat present, young .laidy•over." The The fifffi^wdn<Ieii daughter, cautioning" him•--- when he necessary and.is preporterous to. desire that; allrJewish i ox" wonders, an,-.arehitect. : ' jrnistoj # a recital 6f his achieveattend Jewish universities. Butthere should be placed Oh The inner offlcfe again is bordered ments, stopping him on the brink of ; academic map where the lyord "Jew" will stand -out asproudty ; as with, folding chairs.-. .These are foe. vealing~".Tamesr ufter openly conthe words "Catholic" or "Protestant"1 do in almost all theotherf thei Saturday, Sunday and Wednes- tradicting Iiis statements. day .evening meetings o f thej. Young spots. • ' • " " • . - . . ' •... . •• ••' • ',• ."' ••.-:'• - • - ' • • - • • • - > A Mitivah; Not fluiines* Folks' -friendly; League, anNirganiThose who are so prone.to-mimic their Gentile hei^Hbors^ih' zation affiliated with-the bureau, -the. Both seemed eager to ,convey,the every other respect should logically ta^^ffiis^1e^pii,ito^•.•li^a^.'••-'IIf; p>-ijose' of which is ^obvious. There impression .that in JIO way was Jt card in- a business enterprisr-. Reminded of other sects find it wise and necessary to train; their laity-in :theit is/4 steel;fiiing..cabibetj the1 dex, and Jan -impressive , leather- the sig-n and circular, they reiterated ; own institutions of higher "learning* thV.-ax&ument for^a Jewish) bound address book, f ' university should loom especially large.in the eyes-oftheseparrots^ The 5"schadchen" is short, with a' their statements. "It is mainly- for Mitivah," he said again and > For the various abovementioned reasons^ we/KSartily endorse; •~<-u1-'-' tdmBafetness. His eyes are: the again, 'flf the happy bridegroom





Only The Nebraska Offers Leading Makers'

Men's Smart Spring





Nebraska Special Hats $



Baked For Your Children

. That Fosters Family Health Amazingly _

MAGNATE HONORED v-Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—-Alexander: Reich was awarded a gold medal at an exhibition; held here. The honor was given to Mr. Reich in recogni-C tion of his contribution to the art. of .motion picture, direction. Men's hearts ought not to be set. against one another,- but set with one another, and all against the evil thing only. —Carlyle.'

he arrival of

COSDEN L I Q U I D CAS •• A radically new, different and better gasoline ishere • • . . sensational, modern and powerful! it



Fairmont's Better Butter, sweet, is' made under the direction of Rabbi M. I. Braner. Jt is packed in half-pound prints" for your convenience. Your grocer or marketman has- Better Butter churned especially for Passover or can get it for you.

The Fairmont Creamery Co.

\iiminates With this, neyi gasoline the jU,-S/ Oil knocks m. Works has a motor fueL-6ullt'to riiore both 16* t> than meet the requirements,bl' every motor. Cosdeh. I4qui3." Gas can be bought in two grades^— COSDEN LIQUID" &AS will surprise you with" its easystarting, speedy pick up and POWER. You will also notice, a difference in increased miles per gallon compared Quick to any gas you are now using., Sfatfinq Powetfttrthe COSDEN ,LIQUID GAS SPECIAL Hills is & scientifically correct motor fuel erafton for high compression motors, More Miles ELIMINATES THE KNOCK — pet Dollar gives maximum power, and snappy Chan Bumiriq afcceleration. Free from compounds of any foreign nature.

U.S.OlL ,_mmtHxtmwor




17th at Jackson 20th at Harney 19th at Dodge 40th at Cuming-

24thatQSt. 17th at Gass 25th at Farnam 24th at ChaYles

25thatCtiming32nd at Arbor 24th atfFowler Ave. , 28lh-af Broadway, Council Bluffs

It offers proteins, calories, ritamins, to build .them up and build n6w TigOr. Won't yoii start with it todav? *



• •

By Alice Adiins Proctor ADAM: N 6 matter how firmly you may swear by your p r e s e n t brand, please b e g o o d enough to give this Bread a trial. It has won, in two short years, the approval of the highest dietetic authorities. Its flavor Knows no equal. Millions, sceptical at first, today will buy no other kind. To get it you ask Tor. Wonder Bread. D p this today. But note first, if you will, all it has to offer. For toast it knows no equal. And eateh plain it amazes with its delicate flavor. It's splendid, too, from the housekeeper's point of view. It slices without crun&bling. And


10 in. x 3 cob. ffea-s 4r

i .

SEVEN QUICK FACTS About Wonder Bread 1. Slo-baked to seal in deli. cite fltrdr and keep fresh. 2. Toasts quickly to an even, golden brown. 3. Rich ia vital food elements for growth and energy. 4. Atade of specially milled short patent flour. Heart of wheat berry. 5. DouBIe the usual quantity of milk. Pasteurized. 6\ Ingredients are tested for quality, nutritive value. 7, At your grocer's, ovenfresh, morning and after* noon. - • . ;

keeps its freshness for days. . If eaten daily, it promotes family health to a marked degree. It restores burned-up energy and

fosters growth. This because of Its high calorific Value. Also itit Uf mafk&ble protein content. To maintain its quality day after day, we g o to great lengths. W e specify specially milled short pitent flour. Only the heart of tlie wheat berry is used. •" ' We use- double the usual amdunfr of milk. W e employ, too, * SJHh cial method of baking. Slo-bakint, it is called. A method that Mftls in the dietetic value of our ingredients and improves their flavor. So please try it at once. Simply to prove what it offers you. Note its dainty flavor. See how evenly it toasts. How easily it slices. But remember! Ordinary breads are not like this. Avoid them. Insist on Wonder Bread always,

WONDER BAKERY (Standard Bakeries Corporation)





Heap with a meringue made as fol- Season by a British archaeological lows: Beat three g g white, stiff. expedition under Professor John Gradually add one-half cup pow- Garstang. • . by Plans have been completed for the tlered sugar and one-third cop powK n . David M. Newman rummage sale which will be held dered walnuts, and flavor with a April 16 aiid 17 by the Omaha few drops of lemon o, vanilla exLemon Souffle Council of Jewish Women, at 2039 tract. Place in i moderately hot ^: Three representatives of. six lead- North Twenty-fourth street. M«lt tw«> Ublespc3ns butter. Stir oven. Bake until brown; ; Serve ing societies of Council Bluffs have Clothing for adults and children, in two tablespoons flour, pinch of immediately. been invited to attend a joint com- furniture, books, canned goods and salt, and gradually three-quarter cup mitee meeting, which will ; be held all kinds of merchandise are solicits milk. Cook in double boiler; add next Monday evening, April 15, at ed for this sale. Mrs. A. Somberg, one-third cup sugar, : juice and rind E X P E D I T I O N F I N A N C E D TO S E E K E X O D U S D A T E 8:30 o'clock at the hotne of M. L Harney 5495, is in charge of the p one lemon, two tablespoons orange Marks, 200 Fletcher Avenue, to dis- collection of the articles. She has juice. Fold in three egg yolks,.beatLondon.—(J. T. A.)—An attempt axss:- Jewish activities for. the corn^ asked those who have contributions en light.,,; Fold this into the three to establish the dafe of the exodus Phone JAckson 1906 MK and Tflrs^. David Snoshotoe of Kansas City, Mo., announce ing year." Each of the ^following or- to make to call her and she will egg whites whipped stiff. Pour in of the: Israelites from Egypt and of the engagement of their daughter, Mcfe g , Doris,,to Mi. MauriceiU aurice D / M c f e ganisations have chosen their comfor them to be called for. bettered custard cups or muffin pans their entry into Canaan, will be 1804 Farnani St., Omaha linriSOfftrf-Mrrand"Mrs. T h pwedding w ^ m c r mittees arid \ will: be represented: In- arrange: / Mrs. Louis Micklin of this citv: city; The 1" furniture is to be collected, she and bake until brown and puffy in a made by an archaeological expedition will] takej>lace in June in Kansas City. dependent" Order of the B'nai Brith, will send a truck for it. at Jericho, according to an announcehot oven for 15 minntes. : Hiss jShoshone is an accomplishedpianist. Mr. MckUn-is Lodge No. 688, Agudes Achim Soment in the "Daily Telegraph" toRefresh Yourself proftiiaentin local business afid fraternal and social circles. H4 is ciety, Ladies, Auxiliary •.- of the Talday. Quii^ Fruit: Meringue UNIVERSITY TO PRINT? a past president of the B'nai B*rith, and is a member of the High- mud Torab, Ladies Aid Society, HEBREW The expedition is being financed a. thin layer of sliced and Put GET SCHOLARSHIP FUND Council Bluffs-, Talmud Torah Society land Country Club and other local Jewish organizations. sw etened .strawberries or sliced by Lord Melchett and Sir Charles and Chevra B'nai Yisroel Society. ; New York—(J. T. A.)—A gift of oranges ot rhubarb in a well but- Marstbn. "Excavations at the ancient The riwrriage of Miss Esther Cut$100,000 or more will eventually tered* glass or pottery "ie plate. city of Jericho will be begun next Mrs: Joseph'J* Saltzinah and ion, ler, (lighter of Mrs. J. Cutler, to, Stanleyy will arrive Monday, April Miss Toby Katelman arrives home accrue to the Hebrew university in IN BOTTLES Mr. Nathan Goldberg of South Ha- 15, irbm Chicago to join Mr. Salts- today from Lincoln, Nebraska, where the form of scholarships for Jewish ven, Midi., \raH take place Sunday, inah and to make their home; here. she. is a, stwdeit at the^Uiiiversity students, according to "the will of April 14, at 4 o'clock at the bride's Mr. Saltzman came here recently df ..Nebraska^, to spend her spring tee late Dr. Benedict Weisman, filed home, 5§B South Thirty-first street. t& become one of the proprietors of Vacation visiting' heir -parents, Mr, irf Surrogates court, Brooklyn. Dr. !7tb and Mitrthn «tn. RArney ISfti and- Mrs,.,;'Julius^Katelman. She^wijl Wiismarij who was a retired physic A reception -willfieheld in honor the Peklftjek Shoe: "Store. OMAHA. VEBKASKA WEbster 3527 M. SOMIT Soft eray. iron, trrnsB, bronu Htia iietujcn.to4 the universiiy next JTh'urs4 <&&n residing in firoofclyii, died ofi 2429 Deeatur of the couple at 7 o'clock. AH aluminum castings. Stnndnrd sizes We call to the attention of the Jewish public that we bancDe all kinds of oronsa end iron bushings, sewer manfriends and relatives are 7 cordially -Mr. Alexander Frank is, conya!.es1$aiclr i. '- ••'••- - ' " • • Smm~ r *eliiri*»» artirle* and that we sell then at very teaMtaaK* prleea.' Holes, ctstera rings nnd corers BI>'1 invited. No cards have fteen issued. cing at. the Wise Memorial B k *The will disposes of ; Teal estate, 5 Besides the rtfnimr stack *f TalrUJm". silk and wool, «»d Tephlllai, Heloao*, ?lean-otit doors fn stock. AH klnfl* of 1 snd metal nnftern* _ Er Gilinsfcy returned valued; at upward of ?100,000 and • prayer books and Bibles with Jewtsfc and Snvtish tiansiatlon, we are also ^A handling silver sabbath candlestick*. ~* • GROUPS HOLti home Frid^ay from * .short, ±ripr. to Amidst a' profusion of Bpring that the residuary estate We solicit orders for all kinds of Fcudi products. We are *•{»* >o ;to»a*le H flowers, Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin JOINT PROGRAM AT j * C/C.Los Arigel*^ California.; Mfs, Gilinsf ^ d « f f i n t 6 IS parts, the ^- -all kinds of m t u a , bakedtoAmerica and £rets Isroel. J | J ; ky and* small son, Robert, who have* received about one hundred guests in lrieorne of each part 6f whfth is td 9 MAP KOBHEB FOB FHS.4CH : . | | The two Campfire groups meeting been -spending'"'the_''past 'month in ^go to relatives of the late'Dr.'Weis-> honor of-Mrs.~ J. B» Kelkenney Wed: ? :: at the Jewish Cqrnmunity Center lxffi>i'illiisel^^ £rl **eiipedeii'': fo ref inah, nieces, nesday evening; at the home of .Mrs. ews and cousins. "ManufacturedtoOmaha" I Oil vtfie 'dcatfr of the beneficiaries^ Froxnkin's parents, Mr. and Mrs,' H* held a joint program Tuesday, turn home iiext week; ' ' April 9. B. Weinstein. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. ihk principah will -revart to a corMrs. Kelkenney, who is a prom-' - T h e meeting: was opened by the The - Ladies Aid Society have post; poration' to be formed for th* ad- o f fiie rund fdJ? tfce inent local artist, recently completed recitation, of the seven laws" of the poneff their" next meetinj; until .May: i | 6 ^ university seholarshi{»s. portraits of Mrs. Fromkin and of organization by the whole group. FartKei? anhdoncement: will be rnude Phone: WEbster 5842 her. son, Bobby. The, pictures ..were Other features of the^ program;- were in the" Press* * t ai later; date. A. LOUIS enthusiastically admiied by'" the a> boot report by Esther; Silverman, J. C.C. DANC& pianosolos by Gertrude Oruch, jokes EXPERT CABINET MAKER ga«s£s. ' .: A: Z: A: Chapter Nov 7 held a Surprise entertainment is promised Omar Bakery puts into its bread, «ak«» 1 Antique Furniture Remodeled tnd Upby£ Anna Burrnan andlRuth ;Silver, meeting Wednesday evening at the for .this Saturday evening's dance,, i TEose assiseng tft& hostess were and pastries has brought us thousands of holaterei). Store Fixtures- and Gelf&rnl and popular songs by Frances BlumDanish HalL Sam* Beber of Omaha April 13, at the J. C. C. by Lours ^ H. B. Weinstein, Mrs; .Phil Repairs. Pnrnitnre Pncked for Shipping customers. Women «fl over Omaha arc The meeting, ended with the was' tiie principal speaker. DECATUK STREET. OMAHA -•. M. Sbanok, assistant executive "di-' Mrs. E. O. Weinstein, and kin. talking about it. Yon can get Omar singing: of America.. " r goods from most groceries or the Omar Miss Lottie Selicow* A *ominittee composed: of Abe rector of the' Center. wagon that comes to your neighborhood; Katelman, Max Kramer, and •• Paul i- Mr. -andvMr& A. Davidson.; enter- DAUGHTERS OF ZlbN: £": Hoffman was appointed to plan a tained Thursday evening at a recep. '; PLAN RUMMAGE SALE junior congregation. tion, at their home in honor of>their 1119 No. 19—WE. 3221 jons and datighters-in-la*ii'-lfi"•'; $hd ; Mrs; J. ; Hahn has Men appointed The: next meeting^ of the organization will be held Tuesday, April 16, OW Kentucky Barbecue Mrs. M s Jake Davidson i t h i g , j chairman <sl the rummage.sale which^ a i . 3 0 7 . Wickham Sialding,' which will be given during _ the week of Maryland Fried Chicken Mr»- and Mrs.- Aaron ^Davidson• 6f will now be the permanent meeting frew York,". who arrived Thursday May 12 by the Daughters ctf 23on .' • '":"" ; • •• for the benefit of the Jewish Na- p l a c e * ' . |n6ming. in Public Utility Properties tional Fund. Information regarding Electricity—Gas—Petroleum Both eouple»_ were, only recently married. They* will remain in Omaha the sale may be obtained from either 6 PER CENT ON SAVIXGS YII)IttStt PLAY ^PRIL 21 Mrs. Hahn of from, the president/ ontil Sunday evening. Tber Yiddkii drama, "Hearchelah Mrs. Sam Cahn Platt. Meuches'^ will " be presented; by the ^ Mrs. Ciarl'Tfurth" has UfC ?of a Omahans are urged to have bun- Omaha Yiddish. Dramatic Club at 203So.i9tnSt dles of any-kind.of. articles for the JAcksen 13M month's tri^to* California. . Erenlocs the Jewish? CommtMty Center on T A l t BOTi JAckson WTS organization. Bundles may. be left 403 Hospe Bidg. JA. 5752 StmSay e^eningl ^ with Mrs. Platt, 3511 {^Webster f anfl Mrs. Harry M. Stein wilt Hrf anfl Mrs. y celebrate th%ir twenty-fifth' wedding" street; Mifc J. Goldware, 5601 anniversary" at a-dinner ior 1)e held Twenty-seventh street; Jirsiiat their home, 2006 California kofsky, 2105 South Tenth street; o i Omdkois Style Center Mrs. J. Tretiak, 3004 Lincoln BlvA street, Sunday, revening. Of the fifty guests whd will atSPECIAL:— Pair of rubber Oft* thrust han tend, the following out-of-town vis- TRAM CO. DONATES heels free with every sole and **he* dust from •jitors' will • be- present: Mr. and Mrs. BENCHES TO CITY heel repair job. the most ineov Joe Shapiro, Mrs; Becky Bernstein), 1510 Harney AT. 429? places. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lasbinsky and Mr; ' More than a hundred solid oak ALL. TVOKK GUAKANTEED Ben Shapirof all of -Lincoln,. Neb/-r street car seats; easily convertibil! at Hartley to park benches, were given to :th(BSixteenth citjr park department recently by J. Mrs. Cora Wolf is ill at the^ Wise N. Shanhah&n, president of the Memorial hospitals Omaha street car system. - Tent ;• Mrs. David Klirie is eoinvalescinif Wood, master- mechanic of the Oma- r ha and Council Bluffs Street Rail*t the Wise Memorial Hospital. thorough way company, has had his share of LET Mrs. B. Fleishmafi entertained at spring bonfires recently. overstuffed furni* tweM tapestry. l'o'clbck luncheon at her • home Wood was given -orders to scrap "Wednesday ~5r~n"diTof ".* of _ Mr forty cars of an antiquated' type, faieee, Miss Helea Fleishman of, Syra- so two cars, at a time were burned cuse, N. Y., who is visiting her. and the metal scraped. William PROVE IT Tbe-_~ luncheon, "was- followed by Vaughan, tram veteran of 28 years,-, AT. 4750 MA. 4750 is the official fire starter. ..W..J. Harris, consulting engineer, V "Mrfr--*- Greenberg, i s cbnvalescinig iSr in charge of-a group of improvea t the Wise Memorial hospital. ments at the shops, which have- better street car service as their aim. Mrs. M. ".TreHer have Ba(ielifEe apartmenti

Council Bluffs

Kitchen Chats'

Say It With Flowers

• •o


| "The Careful Florist'



Paxton-Mitchell Co.

Baker Ice Machines


fhe Extra Value

Speck's Place


5% 6% 1%










20th Century Rapid Shoe Repair


dees U Imt



High Colored •


Visit the New


j jlie^Borsky and Mr. WiHiam Pinkes bf firandeis Stores have ;leit ^for_»_tcn days' buying trip in t|ie • 6 W ) t , -i-



Mr. Harry Haykin is convalescing at the St., Joseph's Hospital. ~'B£r. aad Mrs. H. Adelstein have ai tfe'eir guests' their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. .and* Mrs, Louis Adelstein,' and children Melvin and Shrifa, and. Mrs. A. S. Conn. The visitors are all of Seattle, Washing^ .ton._ . .. _ . „




Spring isHere!

- and of course

: •;

Th^ 'Temple Israel Sisterhood will ebberoi National Sisterhood Sabbath aad Mother and - Daughters' Week in a joint celebration to be held", at the Tjftniple on May- I t Reservations for the luncheon which will be held on. this, date must be iriade;..iri advance with Mis. Max L. .Holzman at th« Blackstone hotel.

iBhtsB075c-$1.00 M»ts.—25-50-75c-

Long Sleeve—No Sleeve Ensembles



Gets the deeply embedded dirt larking in rugs and carpets.

Council Bluffs TOPAY and SATURDAY APRIL 12th and 13th

AIJOUON, 7l>c JAIZ SINOfR MWM'AYOY WARNERJOIAND ROJENBlAn See dnd Hear this remarkable picture —one of the greatest of all times! JMatinee 25c—Evenings; ,35c

What's your color preference It's here . . . in a n adorable new FROCK. And the modes tell the whole story of Paris fashions.

No stepladder or stretching needed to clean drapes, •walls and mouldings.

A few years ago the arrival Qf Spring meant htiusecleaning! — With all its drudgeries — particularly beating rugs and carpets. Today it is no effort to clean carpets a n d rugs. The modern electric sweeper keeps them always clean. A sweeper operates f o r LESS THAN i/2 CENT P E R HOUR. Let us demonstrate one in your home—FREE of cost to you. )LD ON EASY TERMS

MALASHOCK'S Jewelry Store 16th and Howard Streets Hill Hotel Building;

Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices tt Will Pay You to Inquire. Harry H. Lapiflus, t'


Southwest CorneT Eleventh and Douplas Streets Phone JAckson "724 Omaha. Nebr.


Vivid hues . . . rich golden colors . . . the colors of summer . . . They're all h e r e . . . plain tones or in vivacious prints. Second Floor

"Electric Shops" 17th and Harney Sts.

2314 "M" St.

Nebraska Power <§ Courtesy • Service • Loir fetes


Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha


TOUR—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1929 in the course of their, daily lives ? -JewiBfcr en wurc in every way modern, most •he .did not say, yet it must "nave "JAZZ SINGER" r S * T ' Some ". do, he admitted, though of them coming to him alene aad b:en considerable to bring such a COUNCIL BLUFFS THEATER! soccer-champs. . The Jiaecabee Jew: these,' of course, he does not know unashamed, any suggestion' that glow to his face. i: . Sport club • of" Tel Aviv, Pales"The Ja'zz Singer", the talking at first hand. But there are so these youpg women would work tine, are also among the sport title(Continued from Page 2) There were times when he was and singing movie that marked A.I Uy ••:•-many people, so many people who after marriage was resented. Of not.- so successful, he admitted. A Jolson's spectacular entry > into the ists. This Jewish-team, which made FRANK K. '•a tour of the United States two. two, one gets the best." He indi- want to get married and who do not course not. He sot them husbands young heiress came to him (or per- field of cinema entertainment, is beyears ago, the first Palestine. team cated 'that 'the poor .young man hadthemselves find the "right" one. wha could provide for «them. haps it was-^her mother) and named ing shown at the Strand Theatre In ' -jNiahnm. Schlaifer, brother to the to ever play in America, was awardf. been satisfactorily matched with a Many of the men are.taken,up with "False tfedesty Afi.kes Old Maids" a certain doctor ^who had taken her Council Bluffs, la., today and tofanttoas Morrie and boxing instructor ed the Palestine Sport Cup for gen- ycung woman of no great worldly their business, the professional men "Let the modern girl not be fancy. I t . was up"to the schadchen morrow. -> •. a t t h e j , Ci C , "will mak^. his first goods^ but suitable to the young are-busy making^ a success. "They ashamed," he cautioaed. "It it this to interest the doctor in his woreral excellence hr athletics and Besides Jolson, the cast includes bia "for tkh pugilistic limelight toare not the type who go to cab- false modesty which makes for the shipper-from-afar. man's taste'and pocketbook. ticularly in soccer. A call on the May McAvoy and Warner OUnd. night when/he battles in one of the Over and'- over the' marriage bro- arets (he does not know of the number of- old maids. Today, Sen doctor revealed the fact that there Cantor Josef Rosenblatt zing* several prelims at the city auditorium pn ker - .emphasized the stability, the night clubs, it seems). When they the., is such a dearth of men, when already wa a "girl." He withdrew traditional Jewish songs in this Jonah Goldman, the Cleveland Int h e t a r d sponsored by the Thorpejan dian who showed great promise, .is •security].arid the splendid situation arc ready to settle down,- they come you see passing by groups of girls with dignity. "It cost no one any- picture. Athletic dub! '•* - ; to be sent back to the minors' for a bf the-irieri who call on.him. Why to, me. . Here they are , assured of in twos and threes more often than thingt and it never hurts to try," The climax of the movie is reached 'Nahum hopes to reach the: pinnao they come to him ? he was asked. the best. I always . demand refer- the true partnership, a man and a he said. when Jolson sings "Kol Nidre" wfth cle.:'once held by hie" brother, And little more seasoning. He is to go Why. do they not meet young women ences. woman, iu no time for girls to be overpowering emotion. (Copyright 1929 by J. T. A.) from all appearances he should re- to Jersey City in the International When a young man meets a young reticent. For every one who comes ; alize, 'on' his ambitions, especially league. call for all embryo, expert and woman, what does he know about I can find a husband. It is a Mitzwith Morrie at the ringside to tewh would-be swimmers to see*- him.. He The Jewish Community Center her? When he comes to me, I in- Vch to do this, and I work for the him all the ring lore at hia complans the most- progressive swim• diamondeers are rapidly rounding stigate. I find out their parents Mitxvah alone." mand. A t least- the Jewish • commuming campaign' in* Center's ' history into shape for the coming season. their grandparents. A man This modem marriage broker is nity is behind him strong for a rosy Th- bat toters are entered in the for the coming season. Classes for drove up in a handsome car, and happiest when he can relate his future. •'.:-.•• . : . National league, which starts in two all from the man, woman or child presented his . card. I did nothing successes. There was one case weeks. Practices twice a week give who doesn't have a stroke at his until I had investigated his busi- where a marriage was consummated Benny Bloch, former Omaha Techcommand, to. those: who are after a in ten dayp. Whether he should be ness." ~ ' , 7_.,.." football hero,. is making a bid-for indications of a successful season. Red Cross 'life saving • award. : Harry Smith is manager of the nine. r proud of this is not yet proven, but -Asfor. the. womeiu who come .to real fame as a back on the UniverKrasne, uimself a natatqr of note, in the Center's last entry into the it is hie greatest pride. And to him, they range in age from twenty sity; of -Nebraska grid m,chine, acwill personally have c h a « e of the nim, : l ne y range in age irom twenty think, he pointed'out, pride lighting cording to latest reports [ from, the many baseball association, two years instruction. ' • ' . He indicated the ceiling to J up? Capitol ,city. Block .i- a pledge of ago, the • Center. aggregation rfinished .i-"- '•£* \ r "• ' /• point out the extent of "up." In up his wary eyes, " t h e " man "had with the bunting in their pdssessira. the Zete Beta Tau fraternity down the main, he emphasized, they are $100,000 and the woman was a BUSINESS MEN'S BOWLING They were in the Gate City loop. there. American born girls of excellent edu- widow with a child." Difficulties LEAGUE insurmountable! Yet he had sur- •:?•*• W. I L. Ave. ction. The • profession most fre- mounted them. Just what was the 'The Hakoah; Soccer team, of New The Mid-west A. A. U. handball quently represented, he said, was the York won the national challenge cup tournament will start on the J. C. C. Kaiman Insurance.— 28 U .667 teaching profession. ..'He was inr extent of. the husband's gratitude,: when ' the,' Jewish lads administered courts next Sunday. Marcus Krasne Glazer Clothing.......... %h 17 .595 .524" dined to minimize -the heiresses. ar-second-straight lacing to "the Jfad- expects a record, entry- list for the Omaha Tobacco Co.^ 22 30 Empire Cleaners..-.™ 21 21 \500 Any mention- of money and the part HIMELBLOOM BAKERY ison Kennels. The two were' supr tourney. ' Wardrobe ...--^—.^..^ 21 21 .500 it plays in such matches brought posed to mix in a two-out-of-three Joe Levey, now of Des: Moines,. deonly a ; frown. . .. Serve Himelbloom's new ~.,.^. 1 4 28 series, but the Hakoahans made that fending* champ, fs coming down from Gesundheits Another general; assumption was Russian pumpernickle bread The Business Men's League- race unnecessary by upaettl sg the dope the Iowa city to attempt to keep his contradicted: Just as the profeswith your next meaL and the St. Louis aggregation. . crown, this time under the colors of is as yet undecided* due to the desit.-.1 men seek girls to their t-nste cisive victory of the Glaser ClothThe Hakoah soccerists made quite the Des Moines . Y.. M.. C A. -Along instead of money, so the young a splurge in the Eastern league this with him is coming a mighty strong ing over the Omaha Tobacco Com- women- do not stress professional pany. The winners registered 825, SWA&SON THE FLORIST season, Wortmanirbeing the" big gun outstate contingent. men as, the more desirable husand 890 for a 2,66^ total. i. their -victorious campaign-for the 1794 Sp. 24th St. — MArfcet «7«1 Herman Segelman, Center champ; 948 : Th'e Kaiman Insurance* won two bands. They want good, steady men title. is considered one of the leading who should- "please them." Though ' Member P. T. D . > * challengers. Among the strong" as-[ games in*- their series with the Ge- he emphasized that -the young womsundheits', but by a narrow margin. pirants are Burke, K . C ' c h a m p ; The Empire Cleaners were given Wurgler, Y. and city titlist, and vaa surprise by the Wardrol»€s, who rious other stellar pinners. captured the entire series. STALMABTSft AND JJEBEB, Attorneys. '..:. -480 Omaha National Bank Bid*. The Junior J..C. .C." water poloists, ''Marvin • Treller again -crashed out • PBOBATE NOTICE twice victors thus. far, will invade JI 627 total.* In.,h,!s second game he In the matter of the estate of FETBR H. the natatorium of the Y. M. C. A- began with seven successive strikes CHtTDACOFF, deceased. \ 'Notice i s "hereby given: That the credit- next week in an attempt to make but ran into a pair of splits in the ors; of Bald'deceased -will meet the administrator, of said estate,- before me, ComtfJ' it three., straight victories. . . mU final frames for a 233 count. Other JWpe 'of Douglas County, Nebraska, nt high totals follow: L. Wejts 583,! tKeT Cotjntjr C^iixt Booni, in said County, J. Gerelick 560, I. Schlfl&«f 541, • .IJ11/-'^*^. d a y &' Ju " e » WXi, ana on the J4rti day o£ August, 19% at 8 o'clock A. Mi, Miss . Ursula Fagan, woman di- Katleman 536, Krasne B$4/ Pach day,' for the purpose of presenting rector at the Center, announces, the their; claims for examination, adjustrovnt 625,'"Franklin 513^ M. F<M*? -511. and alloirdnce.- Three-months are allowed foJlQwing> schedule for -;the. .Business , . v • for the creditors to present their claims: Girls • -. class. on Tuesday, and, Thurs- "Platt 501."" from the 11th day of May. 1020. The season will close" Tuesday «"_!»•'»• BKTCE CBAWFOlrt), . day eyenings;;, v -. . . .. . , ^ : . the. following schedule: Afrrjl 3g~tT•• County Judge, ..Roller skating,. 5:30 ..to ..^..caUsr ,. STAI.MASTER & XEEBEB. Attorney! henics, fi;15 .to ^45f^yolley r ball jpr ., Kaiman Insurance ya. Omaha. To- Omaha Jfa|lonaJ Bfink pitfr, .^ baseball, 6;45 V)>)7:10}jtennis, 7^:15 bacco^iCo,,.; 43r44. f SHERIFFS flAtK , to,7:4ai roller,skating, Z'Ab to 8;^J5. : Wardrobe,.Jvs.pesundheits, 45-46, Jri fi District Court <jf Irtmjrlas County, Empire Cleaners vs. Glajer Cloth-; Nebraka : High. school -girls have t^e. privir '.rBjr-drtue ot'.-aa- order 'of- sale issued out lege. of iusijig,. thett gym on Monday ing, 47-48. of the District Court s>l Dauglaa Co\m&. =*•--- For Service C«ll f^ Nebraska, and in pursuance of a dccrecpf and. Wednesday afternoons from 4 •- •*" Service Our Motto ABRAMSON AUDIT CO. THE BEE HIVE CLEANERS General Repair Shop—Radiators, Annearance Docket 'Number 2*0, nt i'nse tor-5 for,7ro.Herr.skating.. ,-.' ^.,,, ^ 85» Brandtl* Theater UUK—4A. 4811 Fenders and Body Repairing Number 333, Execution..Docket Number 24, Under Matiagement ~ot Regulation, gym suits ;m.ust,_be : ; " FOR SALE :N m be 702 AUDITS -'r; -SYSTEMS rn'o-St8*-isFlnintiff, 5i * ^' and ' herein WMlk worn...at . all • classes.- Anyone- who H, MARCUS IHO>S, Nels JaiTskogDAVENPORT GARAGE ^ ; J - _ven-rccm;,xno»' jr .. INCOME TAX 1941 Vinton St. _ _ JA, l«fl ccune&;-to a. 'class .^jot, uniformly 18th and Davenport JA. 8373 v AvM- on..ffuesday,fctnV 40th.day- of°April. . West Tarj\ar^ district. Income jpa)r.flt'the.?a8t4.front,door.ib£ iheTJoOelni dressed will^ not be- ,-jermitted ,tq reCourt House la the City of Omaha, Doufflfls main./pn the^floor. -.The. swimming MdfHi e^ 'year,, Price |tll,000. Couhtj\~ Nebraska,'' sell at public auction to1 the highest bidder for "cash, the foJlow- nool will.be r closed at 8:15 sharp on Box--15, Jewish Press. T & CO. PEERLESS CLEANERS 1 Only ^2 firms -Ing deacnBed property, to-wit: •If-, •»JJ6uth Sixty-five feet (S, 05') of Lot Six-Tuesday.* .and.. Thursday „. evenings. '' / 4420 Florence Blvdi^; * •;--; '" Certified-Voblic Accountinta Tinder eacfi business teen (VSytfndVNorth Fifteen feet (0 15') of Those^who wjsh.,io cwim .must-swim *: •:••' 2123 Cuming Street ' *-" . - - • tot Fifteen (15) Mercer ParJ:, an nadltlon KE. 1 5 0 0 8ecnritf»» Dldc heading to the City of Omaha, as surveyed, n)nrfwJ before that time and must wear a AT. 8010 . .. . h a CcpaUUoB nua rccordea, in the County of Douclas :Atv^4li'-;> ?? d ^*ate Nebraska, subject, and State of Nebraskn. subject to the tien lien regulation cotton swimming suit. 61 Asbc3tos Shingle Slate and 8b.eath.Ins Company ^in the Bnm"ot ?25p|, W t o NE5V TITHK1SH BATH : at .7 per cent from October W . 19&; The . swimming season will. be fn Expert Masseur Service ot 5SJ.67.r>o, wit ti Interest nt 10 per full swing in the very uear futu ,% cent from October 3rd, iMS; Subject to the Marcus Krasne, bead mogul, of athEmpress Hat Cleaning Shop and Howard ^ r JA, 9422 lieu of Jack-Perraraln. the sum of $101 .t!3, with interest at 7 per cent from Oc.tofo.er letics at the Center, issues an ,carly 1st, 1028; to-satisfy-the lien of J. Bernstein .: 16 and Douglas RADIO SERVICE


Sport Splinters

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OMAHA LETTER SHOP Commercial Printing

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National Accessories, inc.

Xin an:} Furnace Coninany, in the sum nt 5335.00.-iwith.lntewst ft the rate of T per cent per annum from October 1st, 1028. . T», satisfy the sum of O8a00 eosU nnd the Incron&ed and nceniinK^cnptt, -nij ag provided by said order iind Urcroe Dated at Oauiha. KeUraska, tb\s 12th rt,-iy . • ." 'C. B,'McDONAI>D. Dough] March 18—KT ^


205] Farnatn—=ifcT. 5524

With the

Enchanting Aroma of the Orient


,_ s ^ , i a y i V C. LEVIX, Attorney


3fotic« of Ineorporatjnif of fpBRSTATE ACTOSPOBIIOl TIOX _N«tice is hereby giyen that 4he undorsignedlmve ossocliitetl themselves nrt4 hnTe organized a. corporation under vthe Ijiwa ft the State? of Kebrnska. Tho nam,. of tuts CQEporation is Inter-Stato Antomolille Association. The prinrina! .place of ; ttuDgactlng. its business sfiaU :bo Umahn ^cDraika; th ? general luirurfr.of the iHjfciJICSS to he rraosactp,! eh.nll lie t o i-nRasc j?V,n general automoitlle servica biivluuBs inclnuiog the purclinse nna sale'or nuiomobiles.--and .accessories theruto; to ninlntala garages, repair ^hops. tires and tire repair shops, and antorooiiiicpurtB and accessory service stores,. And to procure for .the-.memoers of this, association a coin pie to automobile tow-iii and wrecker service! To renijer .assistance in -mnklnff adjuatments for nutomolilleuBiTR or owners, in «ase"of ncci.lent.";To furnish Jnformntlon in.regards-to attorneys or procure the services of nttorneys Ip case oCnecW?nt or •other liabilities--a-risln'B out ot the owner? ship, -financing, use or mis-use of nutomo* •filleR.^ T» organise aafl ™Mnfn]n~.an nntofor the Purpose of^dlipensinjr tond fnforniirthjn,- and-renderirtg m>ncrn1 uprrlco to the membership. -«vhiph jnqV include any ot the services which this company mny render .to th«j general.. puWf~ ' ---• -«--• ••—«~»copies of traffic rules _, _.„,_ ^.... sell road maps, promote Bofety campnlgns and,.schools o/ instrnctlons in tlje use of automobiles aiid the" |awa; in relation thereto. It Is further-provided, ihnt snIG company Khali- haye authority*'to own, h<t\a, encumlier «'Ad sell sueh real pslnl«.(is mny he necessary-or incidgnt to the inislncBS of • llie compa'uy, incluaing UIQ erecting Of el«1» r o o m s . • • • • - • > . • ••'-'-.. ' Tbe en pit ol stock of the corporation Shall bo ?'J5,0(K).00 illv(«1e«l into S,<iQO Rharos of J:he pa revalue.-of -$10.00 each.- - 'Xlie-lilRlicst- amount: of indebtedness to whloh this f^rporntlon nlmll nt nny time sujiject itself .^hall ,Jiot exceed two-thirds of Its •ptiid-up chiiltol "st^jck; the - time > of commencement of this:corporation shall lie on the first dny of April, 10J0 nnit tbe termination of "this--corporation.sljpli bh on iho first dny of AnrU,l!)T0; the nfTnirs of this corporation are to bo coniliietpil by ii\e /following olHcers:" f resident, ViecL'rosldont.Sec and Treasurer I"nny two of wWcU-officers-mily- lie'held by: one nnd the snrne person and by n Bonril of Oltwiors; Ihftt" 'these - ArHcIes"may" tie (intended. In•clndiTMj thV-increase-or rrtlilHIon of the capitol stock nt any sppcjal.jnwlliiB of the sn>ckholilcr8l>all«-<l for that' |»l|tpo»i> nr at nny annnnl mp*1""!? o f "IC" st«cM|ol<l<-rs.' -.. by n 4-S vote;.of - ifiSIted :nnil pulsfiiudiiig j 8t

BiaVcfl "a* Omaha, Kebrasltn, March 28. j G. A.

April & - 4 T '


Combined'with the

For space in this directory call the










ExKilerating for Breakfast. . : Refreshing for Lunth and

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DYE WOKKS l!TJ Teur* Experience) Special prices for the sprinp season. Snlt# rlean*d and pressed..... .7.1 I>rf*«fk rUuneii and prestied 1.2.1 and up U r r i » " i > y p J 5 " Huf» SxIJ CJrnnnl and Sited 3.00

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OUR WORK GUARANTKED HArket 0977 Re* MA. 3166

4824 Ho. 25th

4411 So. 26th

FOR 75c A WpEK Your ad in this directory, . „ practically every Jewish Home in Omaha -,



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