April 26, 1929

Page 1

Interesting ..* and : Entertaining

~~AU~ the News )" ojl Interest * to Jews

.Entered as-second-class mail matter, on January 27, m i j postotflco at Omaha, Kebraskn, under the Act of March 3, -







No Jewisnueportations During Pasover



Lipsky Sails For Palestine Meeting

VII.—No. 15


The instruction given to over 2,000 As a result of representations New York.—(J. T. A.)—Louis children in dental hygiene in the made by the Hebrew Sheltering and Lipsky, president of the Zionist rural schools -of New York and ConImmigrant Aid Society of America Organization of America, sailed necticut, is one of the pioneering ac(HIAS) to tiie Commissioner, if ImApril 5 on the steamer Leviathan, tivities of the National Council of migrants, information has come to 3,500 Attend Jubilee Celebration Abraham Herman, president of the To Seek Class of One Hundred on' his way to Palestine. "The Exclusion Resolution of County Jewish. Women, conducted by its de-State Executive Committee Vote Jury Commissioners Twenty-five to Break Prev "Cleanup Campaign" at Zionist Organization announced In New York partment of farm and rural work. organization," that there will be no Voided ious Records that ; urgent cablegrams were re. City Meeting April 15 According to a report made by the deportations of Jewish immigrants ceived from tine-; .London Zionist Council's-oral hygienist, Mae. Kupduring the Passover holidays. In con» AND BANQUET executive, reqaestmg' Mr. Iipsky's ELIGIBDHTY OF FOUR JEWS AND NON-JEWS perraan, the dental hygienist is total- EUROPEAN EMERGENCY sequence of this rule, the tragedy of INITIATION TO TAKE PLACE MAY 12 presence in Palestine a t the meetJEWS WAS IN QUESTION ly unknown to many of the children CAUSES NEED FOR FUNDS BOTH HONOR SCIENTIST those.'" "who face 'deportation' will be ing of the . Actions Committee lightened at least- to. the extent; Atlanta, Ga.—(J. T. A.}—The su- in district schools. A completely At . a . meeting of the executive York.—J. T. A.)—Three thou- whereby they "will- be permitted t o The enrollment of ninety-eight new there. '"-^'f.. :• "" . ' \ equipped portable dental clinic is ; sand fivej hundred persons attended spend: the holidays on land rather members-in the' Omaha Lodge No. 354 Mr. Lipsky will meet Dr. Weiz- preme court of the state of Georgia taken from, school to school and to -committee of the Nebraska United tool: a vigorous stand in checking the Einstein Jubilee celebration held than on board ship and they willijbe of the! B'nai B'rith during:, the past mann, president of the World the rural cross roads. Educational Jewish 'Campaign held Monday eveTuesday evening, April 16, at the able to partake-of the S'dorim (Pass- •week lias been" announced by Sam. Zionist organization, and other an attempt' to infringe upon the talks are given and prophylactic ning, April 15, i t was decided that Metropolitan Opera House, arranged over) services which Hias conducts Beber, general chairman of the pres- Zionist leaders in Jerusalem, to citizenship rights of citizens of the work is done. Each child receives all pledges still outstanding -must be ent drive to secure a record-breaking discuss various problems in con- Jewish faith in that state, in hand-: under-the auspices of the Einstein at Ellis island. paid by May 15. According to n class to honor the forty-fifth annivers- nection with ' the extended Jewish jr.g down a decision reversing the a tooth brush and instructions on report made by Mrs. Wm, Alberts, Jubilee Committee in conjunction how to use it through a tooth brush Approximately 150 persons will at- ary of B'nai B'rith in Omaha. An with the Jewish National - Fund . and Agency. The president -oi the position taken by the superior court : drill. State, school and health au- secretary of the committee, the imh tend the Seder services which HIAS effort will be made to raise the num- American Zionist Organization is of Bryan- county. In Tianding down Zionist Organization • of America. thorities have expressed their ap- ance of pledges due total $11,000. Kin the great hall decorated with provides each year at Ellis Island. ber to one hundred and twenty-five in expected to return to the United its ruling, the supreme court took proval and appreciation of - these Wm. L. Holzman, state chairman, occasion to denounce the Bryan order to break the previous high rec- States at the end of May. ^American and Zionist flags, the audiread to the committee a communicacounty jury commissioners for ex- Council activities -among the children' tion received from David A. Brown, ord of one hundred and ten for an ^ence, Jews and non-Jews, listened in their rural districts. cluding Jews from the jury panels. Omaha B'nai B'rith class of new memrto the expressions of tribute and national chairman, which told of the bers.' • • • • , ' ; • . " _ ..,-' The ; supreme - court upheld the Jhomage by Jews and non-Jews to Urgent need of funds with which t* action of C; J . Bashlor and others The initiation of "the class, to be fthe great scientist, Albert Einsteincope with emergency famine situa•who sought a mandamus against a known as tie" "Harry H., Lapidns Sponsored by a nation-wide repretions now confronting the Jews ill resolution adopted by. the Bryan class," will take place on May 12 insentative committee, the celebration East Europe. county jury: commissioners, excluding stead of on May 5 as previously anon the occasion of Albert.Einstein's Holzman announced that tht Jews from both petit and grand jury fiftieth anniversary was intended to Joint Celebration Is Planned a t nounced. On the afternoon of that urgency for funds was so great that, Center on service. The ixanplainants charged day the new members will go through stimulate interest in the work of the if necessary, drastic measures would •' ' • May!. that the commissioners acted with the complete ritual prescribed by the Jewish National Fund in Palestine, be taken in the collection of overdue Senior Student Has Remarkable 'hatred, malice, and religious pre- Morris Gest and David Belasco pledges, in accordance with instrucOrder. I t will be conducted by the the Zionist lund purchasing agency.' Record For School Scored for Participation CLUB HEADS TO SPEAK initiation Committee, headed by L F. judice." Although Prof. Einstein has declined tions received from the national Career in Production The commissioners* resolution afGoodman. It will be open to the pubevery invitation and every request headquarters. "No pledges will be fected only four Jews constituting for permission to hold celebrations in The Annual Mother and Daughter lic cancelled or reduced except in cases EDITOR OF ANNUAL the Jewish community in the coun- KAHN DENIES CONNECTION of absolute financial inability to his honor when his birthday was ob-Day and the Annual Federation Day A banquet in honor of the new memserved a month ago in Berlin, he will be celebrated jointly under the bers will be held the evening of May Herman Rosenblatt, senior at Cen- ty. The Jour Jews, headed by Mr. New York.—(J. T. A.)—The filing pay," he said. auspices of the Jewish Women's Weil* 12 at 6:30 P. M. at the Blackstone gave his permission to the Jewish tral High school, will play the leading Bashlor, instituted a suit to gain the of an objection by Louis Marshall, Abe Goldstein expressed the hope Organization on Tuesday, May Hotel. Several prominent B'nai role in the three-act comedy, "The rights of usual citizenship, when the president of the American Jewish National Fund because of his eager- fare no force will be necessary in 7, at 2:30 p. m. at the Jewish Com- B'rith leaders from the east will speak resolution became known. They lost committee, to the staging of The order to collect pledges. He said. "I ness to help attract the interest of munity Center. ; . the suit in the county superior court, P.Msion Play, the traditional Chris- sincerely trust that this course will at the banquet. Joe Karesb-of MinAmerican Jews in the Palestine work. which refused to force the commis- tian dramatized presentation of the not be necessary. It has always been Einstein's unparalleled contribution The chairman of the afternoon will neapolis, winner of the recent intersioners, to revise .their jury lists. t> science, .the character of the man,be Mrs. Nate Mantel and the pro-national A. Z. A. oratorical contest crusifjxum of Jesus, by two Jewish a matter of personal pride th«t -we The supreme court reversed the theatrical producers, scheduled for Jews of Omaha have always met rmr and (his devotion to the Palestine gram will consist of three minute will also speak. Delegations from the lower court's stand and criticised the the end of this month at the Newjust obligations to philanthropy and movement were the keynotes of the talks by the presidents of the Sister- Sioux City, Des Moines, and Lincoln jury commissioners. In the supreme York hippodrome, came to light last charity, and it would be a blot on addresses delivered. An ambassador hood of Temple Israel, Council of B'nai B'rith lodges will also attend Women, Senior Hadassali, the affair. It will be open to the pubcourt decision, it was pointed out week. of goodwill spanning the universe, Jewish our good name to have to report t*" Deborah Society, Daughters of Zion, lic Plates may be reserved at $1.50 that although the ruling affected ZJU a letter to the "Jewish Tribune," these drastic eteps in this instance. was the term,applied to the scientist Golden Hill Society, Ladies Free only four persons in l i e county, one New York weekly, Mr. Marshall gave At this time of the year, on the by Count F. W. von Prittwitz, Ger- Loan Society, Junior- Hadassah, with Jack Marer. wa& the third largest taxpayer in out the information that as a result eve of Pesovcr, I can think of no man" : ambassador' .to the United Daughters of Israel Aid Society: and To date, the campaign records show the county.rand the others were also of a report published in that weekly more fitting" demonstration of real States? • who---represented" the Auxiliary' of the South "Side -that Jack: MarerV squad of teams is "upright, honest and. eligible." leading Abner Kaiman's groups by a native country at the celebration. Synagogue. There will also be a that Otto Kahn had gone abroad for Jewish sincerity and true spirit <&f substantial margin. The team of Secretary of;. the Interior, Ray Ly-brief talk by William L. Holzman, the purpose of making arrangements the season than by our giving actual man Wilbur, former president of Le- recently, elected president of the Jew^ Jack Marer, Phil Klutznick, and,I$abfor bringing to America the Oberam- life and meaning: to the op«ningertHKboper is leading the individual land Stanford University, who repre- ish. Community Center. mergau Passion Play, he cabled to words of the Sedar service, wb<?T? 7 we say, "Let all Who are hungry teams. .;' .-... , .' . ..~ sented President Hoover, called Ein/ Mr. Kahn to inquire whether there come and eat." The hew members enlisted so f a r stein a pioneer "who goes alone" A one-act play will be produced "..as any foundation in such a stateunder the' direction' of Mrs. Herman comparable in this respect to Charles 1 ment. Under date of April 8, Mr. The finance committee appointed H: jj. - Abrahams, Jnlins "' a.brahamson. A. Lindbergh. "The deliverer of jfche: Jala , in charge of dramatics for. the Morton Kahn replied in a cablegram from to carry on this 'dean-up campaign" Alplrn. Harold W. Brandt. - Sam Jewish mind and a symbol of the C e n t e r . "" •• ' ' " ' ' ' v ' " : ' . . ' • "• Bliss, Julius Brenner. Phil Batt, Dr. O. S. are: Wm. Holzman, chairman; Rabbi A benefit concert for the City London to Mr. Marshall that he has Frederick Cohn. Harry Lapidus. J.oe Ban, Sam' Bialic. S. Bordy. Jewish mindls potentialities when Mrs. David Greenberg will speak Belzer, "nothing to do with anybody's plan K. tSordy. l>e Blank. John A. Bebcr. Talmud Torah will be given by the freed;from oppression," was the Rev. for the- Mothers and Rosalie Jean S. I. Brandt.. Harry Cohen." Harry CopelHarry Malashock, Henry JMon^ky, Herman Rosenblatt man. Herman Coremnan. r>r. I. Dansky, Alberts for -thedaughters. • Daughters- of Zion Sunday evening, to bring Oberammargau or any other Harry Kosenfeld, Harry A, Wolf, John Haynes Holmes' .description of H. Dolsoif, Joe Epstein. J. J. Friedman. Passion Play to America. You are the great Jewish, scientist.' •:•':.", There- will also be musical selec- H. Ferer. A. Frank. Sam- Frohm. Joseph Queen's Husband," to be presented at April 28, at the Congregation B'nai at liberty to publish this denial." Harry B. Ziman, Abe Goldstein, c»tjT Freeman. Meyer Freeman. Morris Falk, Israel at 18th and Chicago streets at tions; the high school auditorium Friday and Dr. B. T. Friedman. Harry Ferer. "A true and faithful child of' God' Mr. Marshall added that he had chairman, Dr. Philip Sher, city 8 o'clock. . David Goldman. Maunlnc. Handler. J. Saturday evenings. who ennobles religion," was Louis Directly after the program, tea Herman. written to Mr. Morris Gest, protest- treasurer, and Samuel Gerson. Harry Haykin. Jerome F. Heyii. On graduation this spring, Rosen- Joe Tretiak is general chairman ing, against such action, but has as Marshall's retort to the charges re- •will' be served;: with "Mrs- Harry Wm. Kalman, . Sam K l n v e r . J o e Krestul. Kahn. David Katzmnn. Ben KoniRS- blatt will close a remarkable Tecord- of the affair and Mrs. Max Fromkin cently made by Cardinal'_'O'Connell Rachman and Mrs. Harry Lapidus JuliUB yet received no reply from the proberg, Allen Kohan, A. H. Kramer. Earl pouring and Mrs:\ Jack Alberts and Kulaiofsky. Cantor Knhanowitcb, -Harry He is at present president of the Stu- is -program chairman. of Boston that Einstein's, theories ducer. . •. Kantor. Carl LaEman, N. Levinson. Ben The program Mill be as follows: tend to corrupt the : youth with Mrs. 3. M. Malashock as hostesses, Minkin. Jack Meleher, Dr. M. Margolin, dent Control, student governing body; Associated with Mr. Gest in the assisted by. Mrs, Abner Kaimen, D. Menowitz. Harold Marcolin. Ben' M. managing editor of the O-Book, school "America,"r sung by the. audience; atheism. , . . . proposed staging of the Passion Play Minfcin. I,ouis Moskovritz, J. Michelson, Emanuel Neumann then read the Mrs. Henry Newman, Miss Blanche Nat Meister. Abe Meyer, A. S. Meyer. annual; editor-in-chief of the Purple songs by Cantor Schwaczkin and i~ Mr. David Belasco. - They contemZimman, Mrs. S. Saltzman, Mrs. S. L. Mendelsohn. Jesse Merritt. choir; musical selections by Jay and White Handbook; vice-president following message from Prof. "Einplate the presentation of the Frei- The 1928-29 season of the Center Sam Kexv-man. Sam N. NeTvnuiTi. LOUIE stein ' which expressed his apprecia- Cohen, Mrs. H. Silverman, Mrs. Wm.Xlman. Jact Orlicoff. Harry Ostermau, of the Boys Senior Glee club; first Mills, master of ceremonies at the burg Passion Play. Players Guild •nap brought to a close Potash. Israel Kasinsky. F. K. lieutenant and regimental aide in theKiviera Theater; selections by the tion of the National Fund and urged Levey, Mrs. L Stalmaster; Mrs. Leo Morris April 16th, at a banquet honorResnlct. " W " . A. Kacusin, Arthur Rubin, school battalion; and member, of the J. C. C. orchestra; vocal selections American Jews to contribute to this Krasne, Mrs, Max Holzman and Mrs.Dr. Philip Komonek. ing the -cast of "The Dybbuk" •which by Bertha Greenhouse, accompanied -D.. Segelman. Harry Stolier. Juiivs national honorary scholastic society. means of rebuilding1 the Jewish H. Malashock. Cadman Avers American was presented April 2 and 8. It Schneider, Harry Smith, Cantor SchwacxtMrs. A. Greenberg 'is president of Mn', I.ouis Slianok, X. Sammel. Izadorf. Among the positions formerly held by Harry Braviroff; violin selections homeland. was held in the Ad-Sell Grill Boom, Masons Are Tolerant Sokolof, B. L. Stark, Louis Shafton. David "The greatest national possession the Jewish Women's Welfare- Organi- E.' Schultz, Ben SJirer. Ed. Schimmel. Abe by Rosenblatt are: managing editor b> Max Yaffee accompanied by Marabout twenty-five couples attending,, garet Hurwitz; Tocal selections by • , Sc'aimmel, Walter Schimmel." Charks of the Register, school weekly paper; of a people is its land," Einstein zation. Schimmel. Max Shames. Sam Turner. Frank Mrs. Margaret Bellman accompanied New York.—(J. T. A.>_The Rev. Chief among- the entertainments cabled. "If every Jew will do his Tuchman. Mike Tnchman. K. Vakg. Sam president of the Boys Glee club; leadwere violin solos and solo dances by Vonimer, Jiidah WoJfsoii, Weinberg, Sain ing role in the school operas in 2928 by Margaret Hurwitz; piano selec- S. Parkes Cadman, chairman of the share toward the redemption, of Pal- JUNIOR HADASSAH nine year old Thelma Gasper, daughZlotky. I. B. Ziegman. tions by Margaret Hurwitz, and Committee, on Goodwill between ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gaspei. and 1929; member of the quartette estine, the soil of. our land will beELECTS DELEGATES COUNCIL'S RUMAGE SALE that won second place in the national "Hatikvoh" sang by the audience. Jews and Christians and of the Fed-A parody r>n "The Dybbuk" percome the national possession of the eral Council of the Churches o formed by Fawc Klein and Georjre Jewish people. I have received many Grace Kosenstein, Rose Fine, SylIS FINANCIAL SUCCESS high school contest; member of the Christ in America and one of the M. Cohen and a dramatic sketch by gifts on my fiftieth birthday, but I. via Bernstein, Rose Lazarus, and Quill and Scroll society, national honoutstanding1 Masons in the United Toby Flax and Martha HimeSstem am particularly gratified by contribu- Mollye Grossman will represent the Fashions of 1870 to 1929- were orary journalistic fraternity; and parfeatured at the rummage, sale given States, commented in a statement were also well received. tions made to Palestine reconstruc- Omaha chapter, of the Junior Hadas-; ticipant in the state high school made to the Jewish Telegraphic Members of the recent cast wet* tion work which will result in a t e - sab at; the southwestern regional; on -April 16th and 17th by the scholarship contest. Omaha Council of Jewish Women. Agency on the anti-Semitic bias vitalized land and regenerated convention of the organization which The. sale was a decided' financial New York:—(J. T. A.)—Rabbi M.. manifested in several of the old each presented with humorous mewill be held in St. Louis, Mo., onsuccess and was interesting to lovers Jewish people." S. Margulies, dean of the Orthodox Prussian Masonic lodges, which an- mentos by Earl Siegel, toastmaster. May 11 and 12. Mrs. Herman Jshr, director of the of picturesque wearing apparel as HADASSAH CONVENTION FIELDER TO ADDRESS ^ 'Miss Roseristein is head of the well as to those who wished to buy PREPARATIONS REPORTED Rabbinate in the United States, was nounced that they are in sympathy group, repressed her thanks for the chosen president of the board of di- with General Ludendorf's views and JOURNALISM CONVENTION regional organization and will pre- the latest models, according- to Mrs. rectors of the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan keep their organizations "free of co-operatioT! she had receiver! and Word has been received by Mrs. side over the convention. complimented them upon their work, B. A. Simon. A number of Yictorial Alfred Fiedler, senior at Central About forty, members of the gowns were presented to the Council hj.. F. Levenson, president of the Theological Seminary and the Yes-Jews." high school who recently won third Omaha grpup are planning to atsouthwest region of the Hadassah, hiva college at a meeting of the "I have no patience or sympathy for this "-sale, and recalled to those board last week. Louis Gold was with this position taken by Masonic place in a national advertising con- +entj who attended it the styles of yester- that the St. Louis chapter of the or-chosen first vice-president; Harry lodges in Germany or anywhere else JUNIOR HADASSAH TO session3 . test for high school journalists, will ganization which is host to the disGIVE BENEFIT BRIDGE address the Nebraska Journalism con- ROUMANIAN GOVERNMENT year. trict convention to be held May 12,Eoggen, second vice-president; Men- so long as it savors of race diserrmMrs. B. A. Simon -was in charge The Omaha Junior Hadassah will Gottesman, treasurer; Joseph iration and prejudice," Rr. Cadman vention at its meeting Saturday, AIDS BESSARABIAN JEWS of the sale, and Mrs. A. .Somberg in 13 14, are making elaborate prep- del give a benefit Mothers and DaughPolstein, comptroller; Isaac Polstein, declared. "I am very happy to feel May 4, at North high school. His arations for the sessions. charge of the motor corps which t terE bridge party Sunder afternoons. subject will be, "Writing and Selling Bucharest.—(J. T. A.)—An allotThe Omaha, women who will attend honorary secretary, and Samuel L. that in our. own Masonic fraternities May 5. at the Jewish Community gathered the merchandise. The Sar, secretary. especially in the United States and Advertising." . the convention are: Mesdames J. J. ment for Passover-relief to the'JewFiedler is advertising manager of ish population in the famine stricken Council also had the hearty co- Friedman, M. F. Levenson, J". Lintz- The nomination of Rabbi Margolies Great Britain such things do not Center. This event, the last major affair planned for this season by the Register, weekly school paper. Tegion of Bessarabia ' was made by operation of the Brandexs store man, H. Newman, O. C- Goldner, M. was made by Harry Fischel, who prevail. Herzbergs, the Nebraska Clothing "Of course as you know Masonry the local organization, will be for He was a member of. the' football, the Roumanian government. Fronikin, A. Romm, J. Rosenberg, was acting president for eighteen company, antl the Spiesberger Milmonths, from which position he anL not anywhere on an equal scale the benefit of the Meier Shfeyah orswimming and track teams of the The amount of 1,000,000 Lei was and Julius Stein. linery Co. nounced his retirement. Declaring bu. it is to be fervently hoped that phan colony in Palestine. This inschool. assigned to provide matzoth. Th BUNDLES ASKED J O R that after he had' given his entire we shall lead the way to a larger stitution is supported entirely by funds win be transmitted through JEWISH GIRL EUROPE'S ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE time for three years to the work of and more humane position," he de-the various Junior Hadassah club* SUNDAY TALMUD TORAH the local. prefects, although the disthroughout the United States. FENCING CH-'JVIPION the institution while the buildings clared. Omaha Jewry are requested by the REGISTRATION DAY tribution will be intrusted to th Miss MB Cahn Flatt lias been seDaughters of Zion to save bundles Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Helena Mayer, were in process of construction, he Registration *for the next semester local Jewish communities. lected as chairman of iiie affair. Th* feels that the president of the Yesat the Talmud Torah, both at the An: order' issued',today by the min- by the Daughters of ZiDn for their daughter of an Offenbach Jewish assisting committee is composed of WINS POSTER CONTEST hiva College should be a man who physician, "won the European fencing central arid Dundee branches, will istry of war; granted an eight daj annual rummage sale which will be Toby Steinberg, sub-chairman; Ida Estelle Nathan, daughter of Mr. be held Sunday morning, April 28, furlough for Jewish soldiers in thi held during- the week of" May 12. championship at the tournament just is an educator, . is well known and Mrs. Charles Nathan, won first Daytch, Anne Bishoff, EHa Marcus, throughout the country and can comPersons having goods to contribute concluded at Naples. Roumanian army, during" the Pass^ starting at 9 o'clock. prize in a poster contest held at the Pansy Brown, Anne Kabaek, M i Officers of the Talmud Torah are over holiday. The men will be al- are asked to call Mrs. S. CahnPlatt, Miss Mayer held the championship mand the espect of all. Mr. Fischel South high school which was spon- Temin, Esther KadusliiCr, urging Omaha Jewish parents whose lotted funds equivalent to the cost HArney 1207; Mrs. J. Hahn, HArney for Germany. This is the first time was chairman of the building com- sored by the members of Grace K'rschenbaum, Lillian H children do not go to the school to of their food in the: army during 3007; or Mrs. I. Kulakofsky, ATlantic since, the war that Germany has mittee. Rabbi Margolies' election Methodist church. Libby Blacker. was unanimous. held the European championship. 1843. this period. enroll them now.









Random Thoughts




Passover was an old traditional custom. • A wealthy Jew was asked for hat contribution to the fund. "1 have, * poor brother " he answered. ,. 0 The next day, the rich man> brother called on the treasurer of the fund for some matzo. The treasurtr reminded him of his rich brother. "Yes," said the poor man, "but I never get any help from him." The rich man was again approached and asked for an explanation. "Well," he answered, "I didnt say that I was helping my brother. J only told you I had a poor brother. And if I do not help him, how d|> you expect me to help strangers?" A woman was reciting the chapter of the week on a Saturday afternoon, and when she came to the story of Joseph, she wept and said, "God shah have pity on you, unfortunate orphan." Next year on reading the same chapter, when she came to the thrilling episode of the selling of Joseph, she cried out angrily, "That fool (meaning Joseph) doesn't deserve any pity. Knowing what his brothers did to him last year, he should have stayed away from them."

FROM THE FOUNTAIN By RABBI FREDERICK COHN By CHARLES H. JOSEPH OF Israel is again celebrating its ancient Festival of Liberty. " THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ?,.; JEWISH HUMOR Well, the Daughters of the A m e r i , r ^ ^ v e woHs~6XitS imrnortal leader Moses again echo in its^ Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 By B-V. J. ii Revolution is probably the most! soul; Let,»iy. people go that they may serve me." These woros / T J A V I D BLACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR can have become the inspiration for freedom throughout the "earth. IRVING PERLMETER - - - . . . . - - EDITOR reactionary organization in AmeriJ E A N E T T E LEVTNSON SOCIETY E D I T O R can life. Last year it wrote itself Under their spell tyrants have been defied and people emancipated. A learned and observing Jew was down as being as stupid and as re- Heine was right; "Liberty has always spoken :with a Hebrew asked why we was so careless in his LAWRENCE BARON - - - - > - - S I O U X C ITY E D I T O R actionary as the Ku Klux Klan when accent." It is not accidental that the great protagonists of free- observance of the injunction of the CONTRIBUTORS ' it broadcasted a black list that was dom and justice have been Jews. Love of right has been in their sages against drunkenness. a disgrace to itself. This year it RA3SI FREDERICKCOHN:-IRVIN A. STALMASTER "Do you thank that I am drinking could not again face the wave of rid- blood, in their traditions. It all goes back to that first Pesach f the sake of drunkenness," he anJx J. OGBL, Lincoln, Neb. MRS. SAMUEL GERSON icule so the Daughters contented them- when a brave people struggled for its freedom and set the example swered. "I only want to drown my $2.50 Subscription Price, !<>ne y e a r . - - - - - - - « - » selves by asserting, that; some, school for human liberty for all mankind. Even our noble American troubles." Advertising r a t e s furnished on application teachers are planting the seeds of liberties .derive from Israel. The words engraved on our Liberty "And they haven't drowned yet?" communism in the . country, that Bell in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, that rang forth so thrill- he was asked. CHANGE OF ADDRESS^—Please give both the old and new address; every teacher should be forced to ingly at the beginning of our American history and have been our be sure to give your name. "Not at all," the learned man take the oath of allegiance, that 77 more criminals should be deported— inspiration ever since; "Proclaim liberty throughout the land and sighed. "The more I drink the more of course, aliens. But I haven't yet to all the inhabitants thereof!" are taken directly from Israel's they learn to swim." seen anything condemnatory of the Old Testament. OUR DEBT TO THE FUTURE A poor Jew was asked if he would oil scandals and otfier' such inci. Someone once facetiously said that, "Civilization is the con- dental Israel honors freedom. Israel knows that it is freedom that like to own a palace like that of the trifles. The D. A. R. may dition where the present generation pays the debts of the last gen- take itself seriously but thank God gives value to life. Israel is aware that freedom is the heritage of king. ; eration by issuing bonds for the next generation to. pay." As is the rest of the country does not. all humanity. Israel also grasped the idea that freedom reaches "God forbid!" answered the Jew. - true with most Humor, there is a grain of ironic truth underlying These estimable ladies who undoubt- its culmination in morality. We exercise our highest freedom 'How would I be able to "supply all Jedly mean well should really resume when we choose between right and wrong. Moral action is the its roomB with mezuzoth?" this remark. . household duties.. I am afraid Regardless, however, how inviting the temptation may be to their that the weight of dignity they carry highest expression of freedom. Judaism says, "I set before you In every Jewish community in the 1 continue passing : responsibilities on to posterity, a halt must be with them because ..they are. the the good and the evil; choose the good!" The fact that we can old world, a special matzo fund to called some place- Especially is this true in the case.of Jewish daughters of some plain, old fashion- 'choose" is proof that we are free. Israel became the Chosen piovide matzo for the need ones for communal institutions. Most of them are, at present, groaningly ed Americans, is turning their heads. People because it was the "choosing people" and believed that . laboring under heavy mortgages and Other forms of indebtedness. I see where the worthy Cardinal choice was possible. "Read not 'chorus' (engraven) but 'charus' ^This dangerous, condition was pointed out t'6 the representatives O'Connell has attacked EitiBtein. It (freedom)" say the Rabbis. Only then is man truly free when of these organizations at-this winter's convention of; the Jewish s e e m s t h a t the Cardinal doesn't he is moral. Moses demanded that he "let the people go" that ], Welfare Board in Washington, D. C , when the delegates were think, much of Einstein" or his theory they might "serve God." The Festival of Liberty became the and'he's^^s so f n a v e r y 'nastp'wayl ^brought to realize how these financial burdens were preventing Which, to say the very,.very least, Festival of Morality. The Red Sea led direct to Sinai—Sinai of .their respective institutions from carrying on thes broad program is unbecoming in a Cardinal. \ never the Ten Commandments. of activities of which they were really capable. The convention's knew that Caxdirial - fl'CSfinelJ: ;was So when all humanity is truly free it will respect not only ' an"en^n'enVscientist"W he; gives the principles of liberty, but will observe all the dictates of the chief mandate to these institutions was:that, without delay', they i i f one" to believe, and thiisf?*r\f Have Morat Law that enjoin righteousness and justice upon individuals ; materially decrease or entirely wipe out all indebtedness. not; discbv§red any; new* evidence - to and nations, and are the only guarantee for free, united, happy It is indeed gratifying to note that at least a few communities make, me ;change; my, 6pmfon,v;;But have taken their cues from this timely advice and have.V taken wliat iJuizies ijie is'"why jtfie' attack ? and blessed world. i steps in the indicated direction. Only a week ago, seventeen of Surely,' a Prince^ of t h e " Catholic ^Boston's richest Jews got together and pledged $300,000, condl- Churdi • wouia -not attack the dis- posal are the savers of Judaism Jewish swimming and all other Juda.tional upon the raising qf another $200,000 by the rest of the covery that lias created a sensation in America. Hurrah for the savers! ized sport activities; which form part . community^ toward the removal of the indebtedness of the Beth in the world of science,- just because "You are opposed to a ghetto— and parcel of such Reform Congreganew theory was presented by a so am I. So is every Jew, but let tions as Sinai in Chicago? The Sinai ; IsraeFHo'spital and the Federated Jewish Charities^ A short time the Jew ? Yet it seems so strange that me give you one of ray secrets. The people surely do not want any] • prior to that, about twenty Jewish citizens of Pittsburgh gathered he talks in a rambling sort of way ghetto is the creation of the Goy, ghetto, but why are there Sinai and pledged $1,300,000 toward payings off the two million dollars about this new theory as being ath- and not the Jew—the Jew never shimmers, and Sinai tennis players, I ; worth of debts that hung like millstones around the necks of the eistic, and that in some queer way wanted a ghetto, and has always etc ? If I am not mistaken, Sinai' Jewish institutions of that city. This offer, was also made con- it threatens.Christianity? I scarce- been opposed to it. The Goy in- was established for the purpose of! believe that the Prince of the sisted that there be a ghetto, and is getting away from the ghetto, but ditional upon the raising by the- r e s t o f t h e community of the ly Church need wo'rry about the Ein- still insisting, and what are you, Mr. today the Sinai in Chicago is more , balance, of $700,000. : ' . / ; , ^ • stein Theory threatening anyone or Joseph, going to do about it? of a ghetto than the old-fashioned \ As is meet, it was the wealthiest men who took the initiative anything -because thus far no' one "You say that a Jewish univer- schule. I quote this to you, showUn- the matter. Their mere financial circumstances placed tipon seems to understand it, least of all, sity in America would contribute to ing you that your attempt to run Cardinal himself. Strange,'isn't the ghettoization of the Jew. Can away from the ghetto brings you \ them the obligation to bear the chief burden; and their knowledge the it, how some, churchmen will insist you please explain to me why a right in- contact with it. NLY The Nebraska's vast combined •'; of finance placed, upon them the duty-to appreciate more fully pn discussing things they . know so Jewish university in America, reshowing of the best standard quality \ than any; bthers'the need of the step, and hence the obligation to little of? But I am sure the dear gardless of its name,-would be more "We all attempted to escape from Clothes Makers' productions enables all make the first, move. To merely say that these gentlemen stodd old Cardinal can sleep comfortably. of a ghetta^ti^^Jewish baseball. (Continued on. Page 8.).-. men to find their exact model and their ? the test wotild be to do an injustice to them. They not only bor.e He need have no fear that the amis exact size in clothes at The Nebraska. able and kindly disposed" Einstein is up adrafaWy well, but they did it in a manner, that .should pro^e hatching another international men1 : ''an inspiration to the leaders of other communities; ' ace against the Catholic Church. ; Now, we shill sit back, not with bated breath, but with an . expectant air r watching the developments in other parts of the In the same mail that T received a I country. We must remember that we owe it to the future genera- letter from Dr. Epstein of Pittsj tions to give them:unhampered starts*; including freedom from burgh, correcting his statement that the Phi Lambda Kappa fraternity ' crushing indebtedness. was *the * only Jewish fraternity in For instance: There are hundreds of the United States by qualifying it distinctly different models in coat size 40 as "medical." I received one . from at The Nebraska (as well as in all other ... YEMENAND , PALESTINE the Vice President of the" Lambda sizes). All man who require, a size 40 Palestine present a. contrast that is at once painful Ociicron Gamma, from Philadelphia. coat cannot be fitted in the same model and pifeftslhg'.*' Painful because we witness the suffering*and perse* Wff. Ffbish'"writes ,be warifs to correct Dr. Epstein.' Hesaysi, coat. Your distinct type of garment is cution.^ numbers of our people, and pleasing because of the proof "Even piling Orsa on Polion I here—a store must show not only all sizes of ourjljiperior civilization that is afforded. must add that the Phi Lanjbda Kapbut all models in clothing to serve all men - jfernen is a little state an southern Arabia. -It is populated by pa is not the only "jnedical" Jewish efficiently. a pecfpl^of}^om Moslems constitute an overwhelming majority. fraternityj thotjgh I frWly^'grant that it "is the larger. And* it 'is^flie only _ There ^ e side %here. Buta-number .they willofnot remain Jews for generations Jews who-have the many misfortune to re- Allopathic* Jewish't frat, but the L. G. !s the only osteopathic one if the bigoted Moslems have their way. It has now become known O. . . . I t may interest yojl 'to learn that last December an order was issued that all Jewish children, of t the cosmopolitan membership of who jiact lost their fathers, were to be forcibly, converted to the the Philadelphia Chapter,'1 tonsisting RouMoslemsfaithK.lt further seems that .despite the most desperate of Jews from Palestine, Spain, 1 efforts-'of the* impoverished Jews,-£Ke edict is being executed. To mania, Russia, Canada,/ and, of If you are a Stout man, Tall man, Short the cyejdit of these Jews, it may be added that only twenty-seven course, the United States, ^attending man, a Regular size or an irregular size the Philadelphia College' of Osteol '^conversions of children'have been recorded. your size and your model is here in the pathy." turn from this revolting picture to the' one in, Palestine, west*s greatest, most widely diversified A world of speed and power purrwhei;€>'$ie Jews have, authority, what tltf we -find ? We? find,- not - I always enjoy readingrvfhe "Reshowing of special size clothes from the magazine. It shocks us somegeonversionist tactics, but nonrsect'arian' hospitals; vphere flex" ing beneath the hood... that is the world's largest clothes makers. Every times but- then few of -^us. die of ^<&%flrand mothers are accorded exactly the, same gentle shocks. Recently Dr. Melamed, the man should see for himself The Nebraska's way you want your car to percai'e^Mt is given to .Jews. Tire a.id that is generously given these very . much, alert edLtor'v\JSUggested unequaled clothes service. form. And it will perform this MosKms is. a heavy drain upon the Jewish purse. But a people the need for a Jewish "University. way with Cosden Liquid Gas. That didn't shock me but- it ruffled so stp|jed:in humanitarianism as ours cannot count the cost. JT my feathers a^ bit.' . So: I. replied, ' ' " " "lture, there is no denying that the policy of the Now the Doctor writes vme a most one that can stand the test of time." The day interesting letter, the~£i*st' part of When you put Cosden Liquid Gas will 'coifte'When even••'the"remotest corners of Arabia will realize which is to be read with, your tongue in your, car, immediately you feel that?drindness ,can: conquer where -coercion can only., temporarily in your cheek for that :was where —

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*i Melamed held his when'he wrote it. But the remainder you are to take seriously. It is a; most interesting communication and."is very «. HIGHER EPUCATION 'e^-would r a t h e r i g n o r e t h e . indignities and p e t t y injustices inflicted provocative.. It may even*- provoke eri Jfwfeh s t u d e n t s on t h e c a m p u s e s of m a n y of our " l e a d i n g colleges." thinking which so many, of us are But when a non,-Jewish. s t u d e n t u n d e r t a k e s to s u m m a r i z e tnte situation a s so sadly in need of.

it exists; a t Columbia U n i v e r s i t y a s o m e w h a t fresh point of view i s "Dear Mr. Joseph: preseptc^ and deserves more than passing notice. In ari' article in the "Your approach to the idea of a stude)sKjJ)ublicationi "Columbia Varsity," a non-Jewish writer, frankly and Jewish university in America, and blunti^gtates the handicaps against the Jewish student. The brilliant Jew your position are natural and wellcan pe-v&r attain -the - highest positions on the campus publications. An founded. There is no Jewish probincidenjt^is related of a bright Jewish lad whose pen was the life and lem in this country. In American spirifcvofha certain student publication for three years. In his fourth year social and economic life, we are not he fettf^ie merited recognition in the form of > Editorship. He was flatlydiscriminated against. ' Every able told jhafe this was impossible, because he was a Jew. Upon which he re- and promising young Jewish scholar sign^f&fm the staff. ; . v / ; / -: ;. . . . . ' • or scientist is encouraged by the SVhSn twitted -aboutvtlie.^fine, scholarship of the; Jewish' "bdys^ one of American University, and is offered tlie cangjus aristocrats stucjc'.but-his^t chest and exclaimed: "Just shows the opportunity to teach, and to do these^.d&mn Jews, have notpijig/else-to^do but grind."" Colgate University research, work. Our undergraduates is diisld to Jewish boys.'i:And".wheii three -of them 'blundered onto this may join any .fraternity they like, verbfi^campus they were, ducked in.the lake.""Gee, but the water was and are welcomed in ever-increasing coldf^&inmented.one of..the exclusive'lads. And^ so on. ... . .' numbers in all .universities, including i i b # e s vi' discrimination' from^Europeaji.'. uiuv.er.sitie,s.: are ..frequent. Harvard and Yale. .Therefore, only But Sipt5n»c'^iTts "Iri American uraver^ities .'str)k<i'otif as qu.eerly .out' ofi1 a pervert could, propose''the estabBut e ^ ^ further-testifies "that education is "not " t I'he'.same- as culture. It'liEhment of a Jewish university i rthert generations of education to leave a deposit of genuine culture.' America. oppose this pro^ . ^ «,Those fc ^ portland( Ore

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Is America Ready for the Jewish Agency? Both Sides of the Question. By KOBERT STONE.

LABOR xJERHFICATES | The 300 certificates were the tal1 Anti-Schechita Bill iin NATIONAL UNITED REFUSED ZIONISTS ancerenudninr of the total of the Random Thoughts Connecticut Recalled half year quota. JEWISH CAMPAIGN By CHARLES H. JOSEPH Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The appliHartford, Conn. — (J. T. A.) —cation of the Zionist Executive for Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—I>T. Joseph CONFERENCE CALLED (Continued from Page 2.) 'Adoption in both houses of the leg-

the issuance of an additional 300 A. Rosen, agricultural expert and . Are American Jews unanimously-j present constituted, are as eager to islature of a bill which would introthe ghetto, and all of us came here labor certificates for the admission' head of the Agrojoint in Russia is Leaders of American Jewry, behind the proposal to unite Zionists -—- _—•-_• oin ^ the union .__• as .n.--the Zionists'-. are because we did not want a ghetto duce schechita prohibition in Con-of three hundred Chahmro to the. expected to visit Palestine. Accordand nonZionists for the rebuilding o establish it would:, ibe patently Asked to Come to Chicago but since Jews are not just -exactly necticut has led to such opposition country -was refused by the govern-1 ing to information received, he will of Palestine? Although Mr. Stone, alse. .• ••,••• '- ' ; .-•' . May H a n d 12 social atoms, but represent: a re- that the bill has been recalled be- ment. • arrive here shortly. as the result of a number of interWho are the nonZionists, after fore receiving the governor's signaligious, or ethnic or racial group, views, does not answer the question all? 3n October, 1928, a conference PLANS TO BE DISCUSSED the ghetto is right there, where ture. The bill, sponsored by the categorically, he. quotes enough opin- vas held in- New York City, which there are Jews in considerable num- Connecticut Humane Society, proions to show a divergence of -views. .•as attended by a heterogeneous New York.—(J. JT. A.)—Another bers, and an attempt to; run away vides that persons engaging in the This article is of great interest be- group of people. There were prob- conference of the United Jewish from the ghetto is just as wise as slaughtering of cattle or sheep to be cause of the important influence ably 350 people. I will not exag- campaign was convoked for May 21an attempt to escape from your own used for food "without stunning such animal before, or immediately the Jewish Agency is expected to gerate, I believe, when I say that ant.12 a t the Standard Club, Chi-skin. Try and do it; after the slaughtering stroke shall have- on Jewish community life in of "these 350 at least 225 were Zion- cago, according to an announcement "I believe that a first rate Jew- be administered, shall be fined not general.—The Editor. ists or strongly attached to the from the headquarters of the United ish university would not only solve more than $2?00 or imprisoned not The press has been so full of af- Zionist program. The rest of the Jewish campaign. the problems of our scientists and more than six months or both." firmations of support for the organi- number were composed in. large A call to attend the conference was scholars, who are degraded and huzation which is to be known as themeasure of prominent rabbis. There issued by Louis Marshall, David A. miliated but i t would also establish Orthodox Rabbis throughout the Jewish Agency that it may appear were extremely few outstanding non-. Brown, national chairman of theus as a creative group—for my part state are being led by Rabbi Isaac to some as either sensational or ill-Zionist laymen who were willing to United Jewish campaign. Col. Her-call -it religion. Every religion of C. Hurwite of Hartford, in a caminformed to ask whether America is oin the Jewish Agency. bert H. Lehman, James N. Rosen- the major religious groups in Ameri- paign for repeal of the bill. A reso"It is is true that men men like Louis berg, vice-chairman of the Joint Dis- ca may own a universityj may make lution to recall the bill from the ofready for the Jewish Agency. Those, however, who are not content with Marshall, Felix Warburg, Dr. Lee K.tribution Committee, and. "Paul Baer- contributions to art and science, and fice of the engrossing clerk, introsurface indications but -who insist Frankel and Lieutenant Governor wald, treasurer. we may not, because we—and yon duced by Senator Vincent W. Dennis : on- knowing whether there is. anyHerbert H. Lehman of New York Havelfour Leaders of American Jewry - are are not an exception—to: the rule— of Hartford in the senate, resulted real hope for the millions of dollars are sincerely and genuinely interestin the recall of the billSenator suffer from xa inferority complex, Figure •v&th which the Jewish Agency is toed in advancing the Jewish Agency. called upon to meet to consider the ami that is the only reason why you, ennis and Jewish members of ti present situation of the Jews in function,' will probe deeper^ It is But they do-'not seem to represent eastern Europe and to "review the together with thousands of other assembly are being consulted by the Analyzed! possible that American Jewry is the reform Jewish element, which is, progress in the work of. the United well-meaning Jews in America, are judiciary committee, which recomA Stylist f r o m mended passage of the bill, in an really united, and that Zionists-and actually, the nonZionist element. Not Jewish campaign and-the Joint Dis- opposed to a university. a word has beenheard, from Julius The Modart Comattempt to amend the measure to nonZionists are prepared to join tribution committee^ / fit i s your good right to fight the exempt the Schechita. hands' in one organization that will Rosehwald with regard to Palestine, It is expected that as a result of pany will be in speed the rebuilding of Palestine; On though his admiration, for: Louis Mar- thir conference there will be, speedily proposal, but .please io not treat us o u r department the other hand, there are many, both shall has been expressed on hum-'attained the' -collection of t h e ; re^ to arguments like ghettoization—be- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Saturday, to give cause ghetto in America is such a erous occasions. Where ar,e men like among Zionists and nonZionists, •who maining $4,000,000 which' is out-reality, that it seems to be" impose x p e r t figure ..udwig Vogelstein, Roger W. Straus* feel that the future of Palestine is standing throughout - the "United sible to deny it. Adolph Ochs, and' hundreds of other analysis and fittnot as-rosy as publicity material and States and Canada and which is "Cordially yours, optimistis would have the Jews of men who represent the nonZionist needed by the Joint Distribution comings. "S. M. Melamed." Jews in America, and without whom America believe. mittee to complete the obligation* Our patrons are A startling comment on the status the Jewish Agency will surely be it has already assumed.- Of the doomed ? cordially invited of the sentiment' among nonZionists FIVE MHiLH>N SPENT ON The attitude of the nonZionist 700,000 pledged, over $14^50,q00> a s EDUCATION IN PALESTINE to take advantage toward the Jewish Agency was made of April 1st, has reached the Joint at the biennial conclave of the Union element was best demonstrated in Distribution committee, the announceof this service. of American1 Hebrew congregations. San Francisco a t the -convention of ment states. Jersalem — (J. T. A.) — The ' Second Floor Or ratheri the comment -was striking the Union of American ^Hebrew conamount of i.000,000 pounds (apbecause' it was absent. Not a single gregations. The reform rabbis who Mr. • Brown announced' that" the proximately $5,000,000) was expendofficial word with regard to theare Zionistically inclined' seem not to conference, which win open" on Sat-ed : by- the. Zionist executive on eduJewish Agency was said by tbehave been - present. at alL Surely urday evening, May 11*' and;continue cation during the past ten. years. group which is presumed to be theLouis Marshall, .who i$ regarded as thx-ougb Sunday, May 12, will, at its Figures made public today show other partner in the Jewish Agency. the heart and m i n i of reform Ameri- opening sessions, receive' reports of that this amount was spent for the -efFeeling that this occurrence was can Jewry, at least, should have pre- the results of various? •campaign 1 maintenance of the Hebrew educaforts -that have been conducted vailed upon' the Union to pass a oi Taore than passing interest in tional system in Palestine. The sum throughout the country. Chairmen a matter a s vital to the future of resolution welcoming the Jewish includes a quarter of a million American Jewry "and of Palestine as Agency—with' reservations, if neces- of local drives will report. on thie pounds expended on the Orthodox thp Jewish Agency, this writer in- sary, if the .Union of American progress of the collection';;of "money For the Sports Woman terviewed a number of prominent Hebrew congregations, representing pledged in their respective districts. Modart has created garments whith combine the desired Men and women, who -since the last reform Jewry, is indifferent to the Zionist leaders, and then took their figure support with the flexibility necessary for flportconference have , visited : eastern nomic rehabilitation that American Jewish Agency, who are the noncomments t*» -several nonZioSist laywear . . . Step-ins, Hook-AreftrnaB, idasp- "*!?•• t© *©W men. It is obviously impossible to Zionists' who are to join with the Europe and other lands in which the Jewry has sponsored. Others will Arounds. Priced from __——^...-w.*. •.-••**' ° Joint Distribution Committee has car* present more, recent aspects of conarrive at a general conclusion from Zionists in the Jewish Agency? JVO 9•'•tin Jure. For the Business Woman "The Zionists; are likely to find ried. on its work, will give eyewitness ditions abroad, detailing the economic the statements made by these various accounts of the progress-^which-has situation that has arisen during* the There are smooth, .firm garments to groom jthe figure and that a few nonZionists will constitute interested parties, but a report of been made in the huge task of ecogive easy "but effective support . . . CtfmbmationB. Men» winter that has just ended. 50 per cent x > f the Jewish Agency, their conversations will undoubtedly Fairmont's Better Batter, Step-ins. "TtfSt to * | OM Modarts, Step-ins. with absolutely no constituency beprove illuminating. sweet, is made under the diPriced from „.-...... One Zionist, who is a member of hind them. There is no wonder that rection of Babbi M. L Braner, the administrative committee of the some, Zionists experience trepidation For General Day Wear It' i s packed In , half-pound Numerous styles 5or "various figure types . . . Unboned 'Zionist organization, and who, hasat this prospect/ People paying no prints for yonr convenience. garments to deftly mold figure lines , .*. Lightly, or wenbeen known for the past five years taxes -will have representation of. an "SSrar. grocer, or marketm&n boned styles for deeciplining larger *CW to$f|*©6 enormously, influential character. It •us a staunch advocate of Dr. Weizhis Better Butter churned figures. Priced from. _— •* * " mann's proposal for the extension of is being, freely said that Louis Mar("A to especially for Passover or can Bandeaus and brassiere* for every occasion. the Jewish Agency, characterized it shall is not pressing the matter ung«t it for you. Priced from L _»...,.....-._ as absurd, to expect the Union of til, the Jewish Agency is actually working, and that then he will go American Hebrew congregations to t personally to the nonZionists and pass- a resolution favoring the Jewish Agency. He pointed out that in make an eloquent plea for their supyears past this--body has never been port of the Agency. I t is my hope Ibth at Farnam content • unless i t . has issued pro- that these predictions may prove clamations denouncing Zionism. He true. Otherwise, Zionists' relying npdeclared that the silence of the con-on the aid of nonZionists may relax vention on the subject of Palestine their efforts somewhat, and danger was actually a matter for congratu will face Palestine." The Jewish-Irish comedians at 1 it again in a talking picture. lation, but expressed the hope that There was no bitterness in the L voiee of the man who said the foreas the years' go on the Union may some day actually see the viewpoint going. He was calmly analytical. AND It is his high position in the Zionist of the Zionist. \ movement which led him to request "It is absurd to ask the non* Zionists "to endorse the Zionist pro- me to -withhold his name from publigram fully. If they agreed with "us cation, since his views would unentirely, there would be no need to doubtedly influence hundreds of ZionStarring call these people nonZionists, and ists. He said that he was trying to there would be no purpose in vest- make his hopes outweigh his fears. ing control of Jewish Palestine in A nonZionist who was present at VEUA GORDON the Jewish Agency rather than in the New York Jewish Agency conHATE the World Zionist organization. Th ference expressed himself enthus^7 aim of the Zionist administration iastically on the subject, declaring MUCE& future has been to get as many nonZionist! that as soon as the Agency would MACK as possible into contact with Pales begin operating, and the _ personnel SWUN of the organization would change its tine. A closer inspection of what Take an Electric Cooker with you on your being done for world Jewry and fo present purely Zionist character, many nonZionists who are at present outing! P lestine Jewry will give them sympathetic attitude to . the Zionis abstaining would join i t quickly* But You can cook a good nourisMng lunch at program. Only in that gradual way this view was. rejected by another home in the Everhot and then take the food - Zionist, who refused to have anycan we hope to win the nonZionists thing to do with the Jewish Agency. over. The Jewish Agency, in my j along—right in the cooker and keep it fresh opinion, is the starting point 1 or the His viewpoint i s : and hot. On the Stage greatest period of propaganda the "Throughout the years I have been Zionist movement- has ever known. opposed to the- nationalistic policy of A Huge Show! We now,have the opportunity for a the Zionists in Palestine. If it were hearing which we never had before." a matter of furnishing funds for Fanchon and Marco 4 *i£Pm MELANGE OF ONE MBOE That not all Zionists share this relief work or' even for giving a BMWN6 SUITS ANB BEAMTIfW. Presents - point of view was evident when I chance to Jews settling in Palestine, WOMEN. interviewed' another Zionist," who is I would be' the first' to help. But The Everhot not only not in the administration at the there can be no question but that THE WORLD THEATRE roasts, browns, hakes what the Zionists ultimately aim at . present time, though he is not with in presenting the Fanchonand stews but it may that group known t>> be dissatisfied is a Jewish state in Palestine. With With be also used as a therMarco Revues is giving with the American leadership. This that view I can never agree, and I mal jug to keep food man is known for his realistic out- shall therefore abstain from the JewGene Morgan Omaha the same entertainh o t or cold. Cooks look upon Zionist affairs. Although ish Agency, believing; it to be exthree dishes at once. 16 California Beauties 16 ment as now being presenthe is in favor of the principle of thetremely harmful to the. position of Jewish Agency, and hopes to seethe Jews in America. I feel that I 40-^Cast of—40 ed in the Fox-Roxy-West united effort for the rebuilding of reflect the views of thousands of NOW SELLING A whirling swirling Coast Circuit. Palestine, it is his belief that Amer- other American Jews in this quesperpetual Motion Musi: ic is not by any means ready for tion." • .. THE LARGEST THEATRES sal Show with entire ••$!• Down—$1 p e r Month the Jewish Agency. He explained It is obvious that there is no ;asi on ivhecls* IN T H E WORLD why in the following fashion: unanimity on the Jewish Agency. "I think that the Zionists of But whether the "majority, which is "ELECTRIC SHOPS'" America are allowing themselves to always silent, is in iavor of rebuild17th and Harney Streets 2314 "M" Street be dazzled with a mirage. It is soing Palestine, or whether the Zion(ilant Show* at obvious that there are not two part- ists, together" with a few nonZionExcept Sunday ners to the Jewry Agencyj.but rather ists, will... have to continue to bear 11-.SO A. M. to 1 P . M. one partner and a fraction of an-thd burden, cannot be ascertained un, other. The vast majority of Zionists til after the Jewish Agency starts 25c Courtesy - Service • Low fUtes welcome everybody in the task of re-working next. November. building the Jewish homeland. -But (Copyright, " 1929^ by Seven Arts OMAHA IS 'POWIIBD* TO GO AHEAD to say that the nonZionists, as at Feature Syndicate.)





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Winning 11 of the 18 games they played this year, the girls' basket ball team of the Jewish Community Center made a season's record which proves an unusual growth in the strength of the team under the direction of Miss Ursula Fagan girls' physical director of the Center, The team completed its season Saturday evening, in a game at the Knights of Columbus gymnasium. It was one of 10 teams entered in the league, most of whose members had had a great deal of athletic ability and training. The Center team, comprised of girls who had had practically no training in previous years, succeeded in this brief lime because of good cooperation between members of the team and the good direction of their coach. At one time during the course of the League, the Center team was tied for city championship with two of the strongest teams in the city." The following girls were members of the team: Min Flax, captain; Bertha Shafton, Pauline Cohen, Reva Goldenberg, Edith Gross, Adelaide Grenberg, Dorothy Martin, Alice Dyhrberg, Ethel Hurwitz, and Min Sherman.

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A. LOUIS EXPERT CABINET MAKER Antique Furniture Remodeled and Upholstered. Store Fixtures and General Kcpnirs. Furniture Packed for Shipping 3326 DECATCR 8TKBET. OMAHA

Refresh Yourself DRINK

The largest of the refineries of the Big Spring, Tex., group, which has just started operations. This is the plant of Cosden and Co. Morris Milder, president of the U. S. Oil Works, Inc., of Omaha, is a director of the Cosden company. IN BOTTLES Two new and distinctly different best type of gasoline on the market," wells to the Cosden refinery, where Liquid Gas Special measure up to types of gasoline, Cosden Liquid Gas Milder stated. special equipment of the latest con- their demands. I am glad to renew and Cosden Liquid Gas Special, have Cosden Liquid Gas Special is a struction produces Cosden gasolines. business connections with Mr. Cosbeen added to the line of products high compression anti-knock gasoline Associated with Mr. Cosden is W. den, with whom I was associated Zitb and Martha »t». HAraey IMS of the U. S* Oil/Works, Inc., at while Cosden Liquid Gas is intended OMAHA. NEBRASKA D. Richardson, president of the Rich- many years ago." Sort gray, iron, brass, broAn and Omaha, one of the largest inde- for- those whose needs require a • less ardson Refining company, who has •lomlnum castings. Standard «i*ea : pendent oil companies operating in powerful product. and iron bns&lnfs, tewer manHerman Segelman, the old reliable, been in the refinery business for baseball federation, has instead en- OTOIIM boles, cistern rings and coyer* and fought his way to the championship the state of Nebraska, Morris Milder, J. S. Cosden, president of Cosden thirty years. olean-oot doors in stock. All kind* of tered under the name of the J. A. wood and metal patterns. of the Mid-west A. A. U. by down- president, announced Saturday. and company, whose refineries at Cosden products will be offered to C, the Jewish Atlethic Club, being ing- Homer Hawthorne of the Y. M. "After exhaustive testa in our own Big Spring, Tex., have a capacity of motorists of the nation through a backed by twelve firms. The manC.:A. in the finals Tuesday night. laboratories and after" studying re* 20,000 barrels per day, is an experilarge sales program, with Cosden agership reins have been taken over Segie, Center champ and city win- ports of experts in gasoline produc- enced oil and refinery, man. His Liquid Gas and Cosden Liquid Gas by Sam Zweiback. ner just a year ago, has .been in tion, we have reached the conclusion first refinery was , located at Big Special serviced at stations conveniThe first game of the season will the finals of the Mid-west tourney that Cosden gasolines are superior Heart, Okla., and later he built the ently placed on leading highways. be played next Sunday. three times, but won the title for to similar products now on the mar- largest interior refinery in the comSPECIAL:— Pair of rubber "Coincident with the sixth anniheels free with every sole and the first time this year. He-won ket," said Mr. Milder. "By a special pany^'irt; West Tulsa, Okla. Mr. versary of; the U. S. Oil Works, it heel repair job. his match from Hawthorne, 21-20, patented process the Cosden company spent his early years in the 1510 Harney AT. 4297 gives me great pleasure to announce PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS 21-9. has succeeded in producing a gaso- refinery business under Mr. Cosden ALL WORK GDAKANIBBD our affiliation with the Cosden comJ. J. FRIEDMAN. Attorney ;'.".- In the first set Hawthorne had the line which gives greater mileage and and is now a director in his com534 Peters Trust Bide. pany," said Mr. Milder. "I feel cerpany. Center champ, 20 to 15. But that, additional power. tain that Cosden Liquid Gas and NOTICE OF ADMIXISTRATIOK quality that only champs possess-^ In the County Court of Douglas County. "The U. S. Oil Works has se- Big Spring, Tex., the site of the Cosden Liquid Gas Special will fill Nebrnsta the ability to come back—decided the lected Cosden gasoline "for sale at Cosden refineries, is "in the center of Morris Milder. MAKE YOUR a need for better and more powerful In the matter of the estate of TIMOTHY issue in Segelman's favor. The sec- its many stations and by dealers, a. section of Texas, which has long T. JONES, deceased. gasoline with a very high anti- gasoline. Motorists in Omaha and All persons interested in said estate are RESERVATIONS NOW , ond set was comparatively easy. because we desire to serve the auto been recognized for the production knock quality. Cosden—owned pipe other Nebraska towns will find that hereby notified that n petition lias been FOR PASSOVER MEALS in said Court alleging thnt said UeMax Altshuler gave the champ a owning and driving public with, the of crude oil from which is refined. lines bring this oil directly from -the Cosden Liquid Gas and Cosden filed censed died leaving no last will and praygood fight in a semi-final bout, losing for administration npon his estate, ami Call HArney 2358 that a hearing will be had on said petition j ing out after a close match.- The or at 3617 Farnam.Street before said court on the lSili dav of May. and that if they fail to appear at said fate of the draw possibly. kept two tourney entered this year and the there has to be an upset. But none ball tourney, besides leading the in- tonum and should finish high in 193), Court on the snid 18th day of May, l'J3), J.. C. C. representatives from.clash- largest crowd of spectators to ever ever expected quite as big topsy- door baseball league. Art Gross- their races, according to Physical at 0 o'clock A. M. to content sairf petition. the Court mny grant the same : n.1 rrrnnt ing in the finals. Krasne was more witness the matches were on hand,' turvying of the dope bucket as oc- man clashes with Sam Finkel for Director Krasne. administration of said estate tr> tiotlfrvy A. Jone^. or some other suitahls parson than pleased witH the tourney. The undoubtedly caused by the enlarge- J curr'ed in the doubles of the Mid-west the club title in singles. In doubles, and proceed to a fetilement thereof. ! largest number of handball playeTS ment of the gallery. | tourney when Dave Frank and Sam Cohn-Goodbinder meet Turner-Fell- The baseball team which was to BRTCE CRAWFOUH. Katznianwalke< County Judge. to erer.participate in the Mid-west To put «pice into- a t o u r n a m e n t , l i off with the doubles man in one semifinal match, while enter the National loop of the muny April 26—3T championship. Given only an out- Grossman-Finkel battle the Cackinside chalice of even surviving the Barish duo in the other. second, round,-'these two representatives of thf J. C. C. fought an iip- The Jewish Community Center is •hilT -'battle': to enierge victorious. entering two strong representatives Frank was co-holder of the title in the senior individual Midwest A. last year. A. U. meet April 26 at the Nicholas Phone JAckson 1906 Senn. Alice Dyeberg and Mrs. P. 1804 Farnam St., Omaha BUSINESS MEN'S. .BOWLING Wintroub will compete in the 100LEAGUE yard backstroke and: the 50-yard free FINAL STANDINGS style, respectively. Both are of the W. L. Pet. best who swim in the Center nataEaiman Insurance .29 15 .658 Glazer Clothing 27 18 .600 Omaha Tobacco Co. 23 21 .511 Empire' Cleaners 22 23 .489 Wardrobe ! ., 22 23 .489 AND Gezxuiaheit Malts ~........J6; 20 ,350 The Kaiman Insurance Agency won the second half of the split seaAT ALL GROCERS son of the Business Men's Bowling in Public Utility Properties league, v,hich wound up their 1928-29 Made by Electricity—Gas—Petroleum season. Tuesday, evening, April 16. Uncle Sam Breakfast Food 6 PER CENT ON SAVINGS But one victory was heeded to Company gain the honors." The Insurance Men Omaha Nebraska were also winners of the first half 203 So. 19th St. of the season, therefore, no play-off nns JAckson 1200 Evenlnss 307ft WAlnut 607* was required. Lester Simon of the Gesundheits shot a 254 single, the highest mark Of Every of the second half of the playing Description LOST. schedule and also wound up with the Beautifully finished. GuarLadies brown pocket book conlargest total of- the - season with a anteed to hang true. 80c per taining valuables, lost at Jewmark of 632. '" ' pair, some a trifle more. ish Community Center Sunday Special rates on 10 or The Glazer Clothiers won a pair evening. Call WEbster 6074. more pair. of games from the Empire Cleaners JUST PHONE— and thereby captured second place in AT. 4750—MA. 4»50. the standings. The Gesundheits won two games from the Wardrobes. -Out of the multiplying perplexities of the traffic ,,Two hundred scores as follows: Ed problem, one fact emerges clearly, the teleetric Meyer 228, Katleman 204, I. Schstreet car is our most efficient means t>f; moving1 Nice large room with laifer 203, Franklin 203 and Gross A babe was bora . . . and it grew masses of people. j •' Jewish family. Home priv200. High totals: Treller 552, I. and grew . * . until parents were ilege. Reasonable rent. In Omaha's downtown streets the average autoSthlaifer 261, L. Schlaifer 515, Gerethinking about whicn college tlie 4428 Farnam Street mobile passenger uses 80.07 square feet of street lick 512, Krasne 514, Gross 511 and boy would enter. ~ •'• space (auto standing still.) Th6 average ; street Katleman 505.

Paxton-Mitchell Co.

20th Century Rapid Shoe Repair

Say It With Flowers


JOHN H. BATH "The Cureful Florist"






One Reason


Why You Should

street cars carry



Visit the New

And they sent him to that college •_ because when the boy was bom the parents had opened a savings account . . . and they deposited a certain amount regularly until by the time college days arrived the total of the account was enough to insure.their boy a higher education. And there are many other reasons why you should save . . . and many . different savings plans. Come in , and .have one of our officers help you save. : Serving Omaha Since 1857

Nate Schlaifer, younger brother of- the one-time invincible Morris j Schlaifer, made, his debut last Friday in'.the.* local ring, registering a victory on his first effort. In the second round, Schlaifer's erstwhile opponent was disqualified for foul tactics and the match awarded' to Schlaifer. But ' Schlaifer, 'dissatisfied with ring life, has given up the racket in which his brother covered himself with glory.

Popular Piano Beginners' Lessons Very Reasonable Studio: 100 Webster-Sunderland Bldg. WAlnut 8444.

MALASHOCK'S Jewelry Store 16th and Howard Streets Hill Hotel Building

Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices It Will Pay You to-Inquire. Barry H, Lnpifliis, President-Treasurer

The XL's won the Frank trophy by finishing first "in the Indoor Baseball league. The XL's were und'feated. Incidentally these younger fellows are demonstrating -that in a few years they'll be right in the swim| with .their older competitors in the! Center's athletics. The XL club has 403 Hospe Bldg. completed a highly successful hand-'

car passenger occupies oily 10.03 squarfe feet (standing still.) The space required ,fbr, a passenger in a moving automobile is 329.33 square feet; and the space required per passenger in a moving street car is 27.91 square feet. / Street cars are handling the crowds. We carried over 40,000,000 people last year. It would be impossible for automobiles to carry 40,000,000 people per year in Omaha's streets.



Omaha Fixture and Supply Co. COMPLETE STORE & OFFICE OUTFITTERS We Occnpy Over T0.WKI Square i?e«t

Southwest Comet Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.

PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1929 The Tau Delta Gamma Sorority will entertain at a Mother -and Daughter luncheon which will be held at the Fontenelle Hotel, May 14. Among the guests at' the Zeta Beta Tau party held Saturday, April 20, at tiie chapter house at Lincoln, were Miss Buth Kay, and Messrs. Shefield Kastkee, Lazar Kaplan and Manny Iseman of Omaha.



Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky has as her house guest Mr. Joe Kay of Berkley, Calif. Mrs. J. Lesser of Oakland, Calif., who accompanied Mrs. Kay on her journey to Omaha is now in Kansas City, Mo., and from that .point, she will travel to New York. On her way back to California, Mrs. Lesser will spend a few days io Omaha. Mrs. Abe Solomon of Minneapolis, Minn., formerly Miss Gertrude White spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. M. White. Mrs. Freddy Walker, formerly Miss Sadye Green) is spending the holidays with her parents,.Mr. and Mrs. B. Green. She is leaving Saturday to spend a week in Milwaukee with her sisters Ann and Bell Green and brother Emanuel Green. Mr. and Mrs. Walker and son Arthur are playing on the Pantages Circuit.

Friday, April at the World Theatre will be inaugurated an entirely hew policy, in commemoration of their seventh anniversary. Mr. Goldberg, manager of the theatre, is proud to announce to the public of Omaha that on that date he is bringing the Fanchon & Marco "Idea" shows to - Omaha. The first show is called "Boiling On"; and Gene Morgan, Maxine Evelyn, John Dove, 16 California Sunkist Beauties, Irma, Dot and Hazel, and the Whirling Due are featured with a cast of 4Q people. A new show and cast will be shown every Friday. The feature picture on the same bill is that well known and much loved comedy pair Cohens and Kellys. George Sidney, famous both for his stage and screen successes, will portray the part of Mr. Cohen and Mack Swain will play Mr. Kelly.

JEANETTE LEVINSON, Society Editor Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bushman and Mrs. Meyer Kirschenbaum, April 19, son, vand Mr. Phil Ktutznick will at the Wise Memorial Hospital. spend the Passover holidays in KansasCityi Mo. • RETURN FROM HONEYMOON Mr. and Mrs. Moe Venger have reMrs. David M. Newman is leaving turned . from their wedding trip Saturday for Des Monies, la., to atr which included New Orleans, La. tend the wedding of Miss Marie Memphis, Tenn., Galveston and El Ferer and Mr. Eaymon Bierdof of Paso, Tex., Los Angeles and San Kansas City, Mo. The wedding will Francisco, Calif., Salt Lake City, take place Monday at the Port Des Utah and Denver, Colo. Moines HoteL Mr. and Mrs. Venger have taken an apartment at 102 No. 24th St. Mr. Saul Fellman returned to Since returning from a° honeymoon Omaha Sunday, April 21, «fter fin- trip to Miami Beach, Florida, and ishing a course in the Carrie Schol Havana, Cuba, Mr.: and Mrs. Robert of Mechanical Dentistry at Chicago, Glazer have been extensively enterIllinois. tained. Among those who entertained for this young couple are Messrs. Mr. Phil Feldman and Mr. Paul and Mesdames S. Beber; S. Wolf, Goldstein spent the weekend in Kan- L Stalmaster, L. Simon and B. sas City, Mo. Glazer. iJiwHiimuiiiiimimiiiiiiimiiiinimii^ Miss Grace Rosenstein has recovMr. and Mrs. Glazer are residing CARD PARTIES ered from a hand infection that has at the Logan apartments. A novel evening was spent by the kept her at home for the past week. Junior Hadassah members and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bordy, who Word has "been received by DrI and friends at a 15c bridge party held were married April 7 in Omaha, Mrs. H. Hirschmann that Miss HerThursday evening, April. 18. have arrived in Columbus, Nebr., The surprise of the evening was following a two week honeymoon in mine Hirschmann,' who is in Warm Spring, Ga n undergoing /treatments, niKiiiiuiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiimitan upside down gym drill and a Chicago. They will make their fashion show which illustrated the home in Columbus. Mrs. Bordy was is showing slight improvement. CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY evolution of women's dress from 1900 formerly Miss Jeanette Batt of this The Children's Home Society will tofthe present day. meet Monday afternoon, April 29, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman enat the Synagogue at 24th and tertained ten couples at their home {Nicholas streets. Several very imeve COLLEGECOMMENT Saturday night April 20. jThe " portant matters will be discussed. Interest in the annual Greighton. was "passed playing bridge. Ail members are urged to be present. p junior-senior .prom which will be held By F. R. &. A Hadassah benefit bridge for sixat the Fontenelle Hotel tonight, is teen guests was held at the home ALEPH ZADIK ALEPH unusually high this.year, because of Joseph' Solomonow,* senior at the of Mr. and Mrs. M. F- Levenson, The Century chapter will hold a the fact that three Jewish boys play Abraham Lincoln high- school, was Wednesday. outstanding . parts in this affair. recently elected president of the meeting Sunday afternoon at the chapter of the National Quill J- C- C. at 3 o'clock. Hymie Milder, son of Mr. and Mrs. local chapter Miss Nell Marks is the newly H. Milder j has the distinction of and Scroll Society. Mitt Marian elected president of the Phi Beta YOUNG POALE ZION Sigma, a social sorority. Miss Ella being one of the princes of the court. Katelman, junior at the Abraham The meeting this evening of the Altshuler i s secretary and Miss Ruth Sam Greenberg and Ralph Gross will Lincoln high school, was recently adbe pages of the court. mitted to the National Quill and Young Poale Zion will be featured Hofner is ^treasurer. Among the patrons and patronesses Scroll Society. Both students are by a debate on the question, "Re•A tea for prospective pledges was held at the home of Miss Ella Alt- for the prom will be Dr. and Mrs.- high in scholarship and active in solved, that Pesach is a Religious B. M. KuHy, Messrs. and Mesdames journalism. Joe is the • Editor-in-chief Holiday". The affirmative will be suler, Sunday, April 21. Henry Monsky, William Holzman and of the high school weekly publication, upheld by Abe Shenaan and Irvin the Echoes, and Marian is Associate Soiref. The negative will be argued ;'A daughter was born to Mr. and Morris Milder. by Sam Bailen and Boris Fonarro. Editor on his staff. The first speakers on each team will and MBS. H u f a Marienthal speak in English while the second iff.- Herman Friedman7 of Chi- speakers will speak in Yiddish. '• Chnahd's Style Center cago,, TIL, "arrived here Sunday to A dance will be held Sunday evevisit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam ning, April 28, at the Light House Friedman, for. about two weeks. ballroom.

I TheClub f nter


Council News



at Hartley

SPEAKING of Well Rounded Wardrobes'" The


O T H E N S E M B L E Now reduced to such a low price in these two groups—



and *

Full and Thre Quarter length coats —silk blouse—collar throw effects —and of the best models—Readjust what you need to complete your wardrobe.

- Seymoffc Cohn, son "of Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohn, has the title role in. "Th« White Beaded Boy", the junior class play, which is being presented at the Thomas Jefferson high school on Friday and Saturday evenings, April 26 and 27.

yolks of the eggs with the aufar, add rajeins, almonds, rind and juice of the lemon, grated apples, and by lastly "whites beaten stiff. Bake in Mrs. David M. Newman a well greased spring form and serve"wKh"wine sauce:—1 cup sugar, PASSOVER RECIPES 1 egg, butter. size of a walnut, 2 PANCAKES tablespoons cold water. Beat all toThree eggs, 1-2 cup cold water, gether. Add 1 cup water. Cook pinch salt, matzo meal. Beat yolks until thick. Remove from fire. Add of eggs well. Add the water, salt, wine to taste. enough meal to make a soft dough. Add whites of the eggs beaten stiff GRATED APPLE MATZO CAKE and fry in small cakes. Serve with Grate 6 apples. Beat the yolks powdered sugar. of 6 eggs with 1 cup powdered sugar, grated rind of a small orange, 1-2 cup or more matzo floor, stiffly MATZO CHAHLOTTE Three matzo, 6 eggs, 3-4 cup beaten whites of the «gg». Strew sugar, pinch salt, rind and: juice of blanched almonds on top of cake' Just ,• one lemon, 1-2 cup raisins, 1-2 cup before baking. blanched and chopped almonds, 2 That man who has never been in or 3 grated apples. answer for his Soak matzo in water. Press well danger cannot —La Rochefoucauld. to get out the water. Cream the courage.

"Cohen's and Kelly's" at World Theater


At a meeting of the Fa-Hon girls dub held Tuesday evening at the J. C C , the organization was entertained by a program consisting of Vocal solos by Minne Zwieback, tap dancing: by Betty Jacobson and Rose Stein, and piano EOIOB by Sarah Several Jewish students at the Pollay. Abraham Lincoln high school recently won high grades in an aearemic test and will go t o Red Oak, Iowa, on Friday to compete in the district contest. They, are: Miss Ruth iShyken, who won first place in the Lemberg. — (J. T. A.) — Troops senior shorthand and typewriting were dispatched to the township divisions; Hymie Kramer,-who won •first place in the • senior, history Deliatyn, Galicia, because of a con'.division, and % Meyer Maltz and tinued anti-Jewish agitation in the Gwendolyn Meyerson, who ranked vianity. .first and second -place, respectively, The agitation arose over the removal df two crosses which were in t&e freshman English division. affixed by unknown persons to bar."Miss Toby Katelman, student at racks where fourteen Jewish families the University of Nebraska fit Lin- are housed. coln, arrived home Wednesday to Peasants from neighboring villages ; spend ,the holidays with her parents, aroused by agitators came to parti1 Mr. and Mrs. Julius" Katelman. cipate in an anti-Jewish demonstration in the town. The mayor de* Mr. Morris D. Richman left fended the Jewish population in an Saturday evening for Denver, Colo, address he made to the demon'for an indefinite stay. strants. His resignation is now being demanded. The "Ukrainian peasants, who were MAY 1 LABOR DAY urged to join the Polish peasants on PROGRAM AT LYCEUM the ground that the Jews had vioThe May 1 celebration of the in- l a t e d . t t e c r u c i f i x common to all ternational labor day will be ob- Christians, declined to ,move against served at the Labor Lyceum by a their Jewish neighbors. They were program Wednesday evening. neutral in the matter, they declared. E. Kipness and Sam Lerner will be Because of the fear that the barprincipal speakers. racks might be set afire, a guard Selections by the following or- of Zionist youths was placed around cheetra will • be played: Max Yaffe, the buildings. Sarah Yaffe, Nathan Brown, Solomon Zusman, Joseph Sacks, Julius Morgenstern, Henry Gendelman, Joe "Lageman, Leon Sacks, Sidney Cohen, Ida Jacobsoft, and Harry Robinson. Sam' Yaffe is the conductor of the oi chest ra. -. Mrs. David M. N e m a n , editor Several musical solos and recita- of "Kitchen Chats" .in the JEWISH PRESS, was the winner of tions will also be rendered. a national recipe contest held recently by Ida Bailey Allen of New TEMPLE ISRAEL York City, diet editor of the MediPassover services at Temple Israel cal Review of Reviews. Mrs. Newwill be concluded Tuesday evening. man's prize for winning the con-The series will begin; at 8 o'clock. test which .was broadcast over a Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on national radio chain, was a book "The Significance of Passover." by Miss Allen entitled,. "CombinThe annual Seder for children of ing Foods for Balanced Meals and the Sunday school will be held Sun- ( Building up Diets." day morning at 10 o'clock.

Troops Guard Lemberg Jews Against Pogroms

Mrs. D. M. Newman Wi?is Recipe Contest

"The Cohens and Kellys in Atlantic City" is the name of the laugh creating vehicle in which George Sidney is starring, supported by an all-star cast including Vera Gordon as Mrs. Cohen; Nora Lane as Eosie Cohen; Mack Swain as Mr. Kelly; Kate Price as Mrs. Kelly; and Cornelius Keefe as Pat Kelly; a beautiful array ef Bathing Beauties and others. Many have seen George Sidney on the screen and in this picture you will have an opportunity to also hear him talk as this is a talkie feature. Only lje seeing and hearing this great Universal Special is anyone able to appreciate this picture, especially the scenes filmed at Atlantic City. "The Cohens and Kellys in Atlantic City" will keey you roaring from the first scenes to the final fadeout.

Mrs. Eva Morse Will Address Council Women Mrs. Eva Morse, director of adult education for the Omaha public schools, will speak on "Parent Education" at a meeting of the Council of Jewish Women at 2:30 p. m. Monday in the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Morse's pioneering work in the organization of classes in which home problems are discussed has attracted nation-wide attention among educators. Mrs. MiUard Langfeld will tell of her nutrition work for school children. A report of the rummage sale held by the Council last week will be presented by Mrs. B. A. Simon, chairman of the ways and means committee. A board meeting wQl be held at the Center at 1:30 p. m.

Kitchen Chats

Month End Sales of Real Importance FLOOR BELOW Desirable Merchandise at the Season's Very LOWEST PRICES A SALE WITH A PURPOSE

"Style Without Extravagance


MAHA DAY "The Biggest Day of the Year"

• \


WILL BE REPEATED FRIDAY! |TJE to the rainy weather Thursday, —inany were not able to take advantage of the extraordinary "Omaha Day" offerings. Therefore Herfcbergs extend "Omalia Day" for one day only —Friday, April 26. The greatest preparations were made tor our second "OMAHA DAY"—offering quantities of new, fresh merchandise—at lowest prices of the year.

COME, AND SHAKE THE SAVINGS! Special attention is directed to the Oman a D a y offerings in Women's D r e s s e s , Women's Coats, Juniors', Girls' and Infants' Apparel, Hosiery, Grloves, Sweaters, Jewelry* Handbags and Other Accessories—Footwear and Millinerr!



(The only thing I don't want you • do, is keep quiet!—You're not bashIt's funny how, ;ust as sure as the flowers come up and the leaves ful, are you? open, some people—boys and girls, RIDDLE BOX as well as grownups—want to write poetry. And I want-to read it!—if Now we'll play a game of WordNew York.~(j; T. A.)—-Lieutenthe'poetry's yours. Golf. Theodore Kohn, 1315 Baynton ant "Governor^ Herbert ,H. Lehman Ave., New York City, N. Y., has Do you ever write poems? If so, and Aaron Rabinowitz, member of don't be shy, but send it to me. I'msent me this very good puzzle. We the NeV York State Board of Housgoing to give a prize for 'every very must change HATE into LOVE in ing, are. makino possible the erecgood poem that I get, between now five steps. We may change only tion of model apartment • building's and Shabuoth. (That's what I like one letter at each step. We mustn't on the,East: Side through the purto do. I don't want to promise just add to .'ie number of letters. And chase of ja- site comprising, two • and one prize, because if more than one we mustn't take.a way from the numa half city blocks for $550,000. The A Young Folk's Page .Conducted by Judith Ish-Kishor excellent poem comes in, III feel like ber of letters. They must be just estimated cert of. erection .will- be giving more than one prize. See four> all the way through. ^ proud," said another. "No, I think THE COMING OF EVE $2,300,000. ' Acquisition'. of ,ithe! propTHE BLUEBIRD active, by which I mean that he wasthat?) Be sure to write your name, To dislike intensely.-.H A t , E the- Lord ".will J make her* from his erty was announced by the- Housing (From the:- Talmud) a "Nasher." One Friday, he made age and address at the head (or . 1. To possess, to own....X X !X X By Jeanette Goodman, Board.' ''_ > ' ' ' /' : . ..." "'.; " ''' .•: • There was • a- great commotion'in eyes, for-they-are-lovely, and full o: friends with the Sabbath chicken in foot) of the poem and send it in to . The houses, to have: modern im- ihe'Garden . of Eden. Angels with laughter—I carl see -them through 600 Washington St., Portsmouth, Va.his Bsother^s pantry, ' and tleft it me—"Miss Judith Ish-Kishor, care 2. To rescu'- from danger ...... . ..„ J XJ X • proveinents as; well as V. swimming' gleaming-wings were flying every- the lids." minus ~a/leg; •; The; Jewish. Press, 49|0 Brandds 3. To talk with great eyes, • Little bluebird in the tree, piol,' roof garden's an'd roof. where} birds with brilliant; tails and ' " I f . she be made from his When dinner time came,/his mother Theater Building, Omaha, Nebr." 1 excitement .....i.'. ~...X X X X ^grounds, are to be erected under the colored throats; darted from tree, to then she will see' everything , and Sing a song to me! guessed" that Heschele had been pay4. To wander about...... -X X X X want everything that she sees; it If you don't want to write poetry, "limited dividend"" plan of the hous-. tree,; all the-, animals were going 'Tell me of the. coming Spring, ing visits to the kitchen. She told 5. To have an ardent however, you might get the prize for ing law as soon as the old .buildings about smiling (for animals, knew would be good to make her from'his his -.; father, but they both, agreed And the beauty it will bring. affection .^.., _~X O V E the best letter—you remember what of the plant of R, Hoe- & Company, how "to smile in those days), and ear, rather, that she may- listen to that-Heschele must be told about it Do you think you can fill in those all that is wise," said a;"fourth angel, I told you last week?—Jost tell me printing press manufacturers, are de-the. river cast' up pearls and diaI love" to- hear your prety song carefully. Besides, knowing that he words on the "steps"?—if so~ write flashing his wings'.— ' ' about anything that interests. you. molished. Maximum; rentals. -mil not monds", on the shore. • ; As I daily go along, was a smart- child, they wanted to them out and send them to me. If You may enter for both these conexceed v$12 a room. The buildings ., For God had'..commanded that a "No,-no, to? then .ehe -will listen And my heart is ^filled with joy see what' he would say. So when they're correct, you'll be on • the tests, I don't care!—But do let • me will house 400 families. . Neither glorious palace be built in the middle to everything,even to "the^things theybegan t o • serve the fowl, his At the blessings you enjoy. Honor Boll next month. hear from you, one way or another. Lieutenant Governor, Lehman . nor of. the garden, and everyone was not meant for her iof. hear.f;- She father remarked: • • II Rabinowitz will seek to make a searching for the. most' beautiful and should rather be; itaaie:..fTOm bis Every morning X awake, "Why, this is queer. How many profit, from the transaction.' ~~ brightest things they could: find to mouth, which is \ :«ne; ;pf: the; finest With your singing at daybreak! legs has a chicken, Heschele?" ,i% hafe more life Aiid your words are sweet and Immediate' construction of • the offer as decorations. The' deep blue parts, of his body, "Some chickens can have one," r apartment houses has : been decided sky gave great curtains, of itself for even than" the ; eye,'r:;fpif? by", means said the culprit, stoutly. . .long, _^ ;'"::;.';'..". '. upon. The buildings-are, to be, erect- walls; .the rainbow offered itself for of speech, one can oe truly "under"Have .you ever seen a chicken Oh, they make a lovely song! •• . ;^.-~ • 7 ^ ••;.:: '; ; - ; ed under the "limited dividend" plan the -roof, and; its. gleaming colors, stood." with one?" his father asked him. "I of the state housing law r nd the netspread out and glo"wed over the ten "Then she wou^d be~a; chatter-box,1 (A pretty, natural poem, Jeanette. haven't." —income from the. rental ofthe'bvijd-. chambers. Dew drops hung in glim- said another angel; laughing. . "Is You've done nicely.) " I have," said Heschele. "Someings at no time can exceed 6 per-mering clusters „ about the pillars not the heart theTbest'' part,:;,for it times, when I ; see one, 111 show -cent a year. If such a condition; and' upon the walls;' the sun- made is there that all good and tender you;" humble, like* the back, but modest'. ' should arise that thi rate, is exceed- itsel the lamp in the principal cham- feelings ariBe?"1 . • •' • • , 7 "All right. Remember then." They ed it must go" back to'the tenants ber, the moon in the next, and chains "And all bad .ones; ;too\!"" said a And wh^n,.Adam ,awoker and sawdropped the: subject,, of stars were looped" about" the deep: great angelv shaking his' fiery spear. what God £ad. done, he' blessed -the , l t happened one Sabbath, a few in rebates. . . . beautiful Eve, _and thanked God. "While there has been much talk living walls of bluev in the others. "She should rather be' formed from * And then the troops of angeJs ap-greeks later, that Heschele was out But the central room was the lovethe-hand, for then.'she'would be about development of .modern ,houspeared and led them. to the wonder- walking with his father. They came inp on the East •. Side,". - said Mr. liest of all, for. in its- midst was helpful.^ ful palace that - had been built for upon' a ^rooster, perched upon a Rabinowitz, "obviously- there- -has created a Chuppah (wedding canopy) The angel who hatf Jauglied, now them* while millions of birds and fence, with one leg tucked under him, been- little; action. This ->roject'is; of>.living trees, glittering with! the disagreed ,more' seritfuslyVy "She angels together, sang their wedding of sight. i'.y. -irst actual'step, in this .'line: in wings-of colored birds—blue, green, would alsov, be a.; medtlieri" he said. "Look, there's a chicken with only Sulamith Ish-Kishor. one leg, father," Heschele exclaimed, . Manhattan. As soon as the,present scarlet and golden—and with crystal "Even the; foot ! would ^ ddo, for song. occupants, remove,' the 'buildings will insects, that flew like tiny rays,'of though she would', 'then:- follow" him said his father, "but the RED SEA be torn down and shortly afterwards light among; the murmuring leaves. everywhere, she. :would-alsa; then folother. leg is tucked under him. Just Only onei living creature in the low ; anything else that- she!, saw." A . Game for Passover construction will be started by a frighten him a little, and he'll put garden did not know about- the build- ' ; There was silence;, for 'a ' while. Since it is still Passover, you down the other leg." limited dividend company.. -_. _ "Credit for the suggestion which ing :of the palace, for it was to beThe , angels • bent, •their ; heads and might like to play this game. V i i said Heschele, "if you had has: led to the purchase; -of -Che land a surprise for him; and' this was kept their brightvguiverihggAze up- You need eight people, but as frightened the other chicken, it might goes to Miss .Lilian D. - W-ald,. head Adamy < For Adam had been very on- Adam'si? face. ~ Stilt he slept on. many as forty can join in. The also have put down, the other leg!" worker in the Henry Street Settle-? lonely, and. had', often prayed to GodThen suddenly,_one angel'Ufted/his more, the merrier! ment, and a valued friend;'.of for a '•. companion ' with whom - heeyes! ^"Hush!" "he\ exclaimed. They One-half of you are Israelites, and! From the Talmud—Your friend has - tenant Governor - Lehman and ^my- could share/all the loveliness of thestarted back, the: light "of^ their wings the: other half "Egyptians. If therie &. friend; and your friend's friend has ' '. went out. I t ; grew^ gradually very is one. left over, let him or her be self. I t also is my hope ithat. thesu glorious, garden. . a friend. K e e p y o u r s e c r e t t o "yourbuildings will'stand '• a tribute, to. OnI'-the day when; the palace, was dark; -there was : a' sound[like the the.' leader and give' the'signal. Draw s e l f . • , : - ! ; • • ' '•••••": finished, Adam was wandering" tremendous rushing of wind. ' Then two. chalk lines on the ground, about •former^ Governor Smith, who con1 ceived and put into operation the among , the shady, frjut trees*: which there came a perfect silence, not afour feet part.; The' space between were- loaded-down with every sort leaf moved on a tree, - not a bird ;hem is the Red Sea. The Egypstate housingJlaw." /"•"'"'•,:— of luscious and refreshinjg fruit. But Kfted. its tiny head^ The great rush- ians line, up on one bank, and the RUSSIAN J E W S FORCED - " Adam was not hungry, .and did noting noise was heard again; the dark- Israelites on the other. At a word TO BECOME^ARTISANS I care very much }about anything,, he ness, slowly lifted. One'by ine theor signal from your leader, the fun HOW YOU MAKE I T felt so lonely. . At last> he lay down angels lifted their radiant < heads, begins. Each Israelite wilL try to Slices of bread (as many as needed). Toast one s nuniLeningrad—(J.; TJ .thick- -grass, and; listened to and iberi stood. Mp,J But-' as-, they pull an Egyptian across the Red side only. Spread untoasted side with butter. Cover ber of/former" Jewish: traders in: this? ISie-jsong of the .nightingale' in thedid soj.tt cry of amazement escaped Seal The Egyptians, of course, wit with sliced uncooked, skinned tomatoes. Arrange put up a fight and try to pull the city diminished by one-half 'during branches above him. three strips uncooked bacon across sandwich. them. Place thin layer of cheese on top. Sprinkle with the. past, five months.";'duevto ttiie. VSleep! Sleepl-Sleep! Sleep!" she The most beautiful creature in theIsraelites t o ; their side. Each one paprika. Set in hot baking oven till bacon curls ' government's -policy against ' them; seemed to be: singing. -And. before world lay her bright" hair who is dragged across the Red Sea and edges are browned. Serve at once. The former traders find. then£ only he knew; it,' .Adam's head had sunk spread about her- in. a'thousand, curls; is counted- "drowned," and has to These sandwiches may be cut in circles for more dainty service, or the crusts may be left on and the escape from their plight. l>y .becom- down on his arm and he had fallen her lips were smiling, and iher eyes drop out of the game. The game sandwich provide a hearty course. ' " ing* artisans;- Tfiis" tre"rid: was" seen asleep. just 'fluttering"xjrjjen. ."The; -angels a t finishes when one side has no men left, and of course, that side loses in the. number- of applications for The moment he. .was/-really fast bnc&. spraing upward to the Heavens, loans, made, by the artisans; to' the asleep, there-- sprang up."a radiance for; fear that she might see", them. and the other side wins. credit co-operatives Lekopo and around him, so, bright,;-you wouldBut; as they sprang, they saw Adam Trud. have, thought the ^sun 'himself had put;; his hand to- his side, and they THE "BAD BOY" WHO BEThe ^majority of the. workers are come, down out, of- the- heavens.. A knew that God had created Eye CAME A GREAT MAN engaged in textile, knitting in their group -of s i x . mighty.' angels" were from that part of his body. For the The famous : Rabbi Heschele was - homes. Recently the' Trud _, estab- standing beside'. .Adam, and' their side is always protected by the arm, s-ery mischievous when he was a lished a textile co-operative employ- spears and, wings -shone gloriously. and .God wanted Adam always to ittle boy, and gave his parents a ing 6ft. workers. Four thousand And one'-angel, the Jargest of all,protect Eve. Besides, the side is hard time keeping pace with his artisans have received aid . through said; ' not proud like, the front, more Ticks. His appetite was especially the Lekopo and Trud. The-chief dif- ;' ^Here is the man whom; the Lord • ficulty to be overcome .is the; lack God created, and for ;whpm He is of raw material. The. situation is- now .about to .-create a companion." ~.especially severe now;, due to the • :Adini was very-beautiful indeed, growing number of unemployed ^for- and,even the angels' could not help mer traders. ^ ' ' -• ..' • admiring him,; though he was only 2429 Decatur M. SOMIT WEbster3527 human... . . ; One angel said: call'to the attention of thr Jewish public that we handle all kinds of Children are. travelers newly .ar- "How glorious is the head of. | ,We rellKloutt articles and that tv« sell them at very reasonable prices. d. in. a strange coutry; we should: Adam! .His brow is, white and full Besides the feffalar stock bt Taleisim. silk and wool, and Tephllim, Mezozoa, therefore" -make conscience* not','to. of. thought.' . His hair is Waek and prayer booUg and Bibles with Jewish and English translation, we are also handling silver sabbath candlesticks. mislead them. -—Locke, full of curls; ;his features are. npble. We solicit orders lor all kinds of Pesach products. \V« <re trolnt to handle Perhaps' the Lord God will create all kind* of matzas, baked In America and Eretz Israel. — When shopping, mention the her from his head." SOAP KOSttEK FOB PESACB "Jewish Press." ", ' . ,..„ "But then she would be very'



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I0in..x3eols. News

Common Jewish Interests f

Omaha and Siouxdty




VOL, I—No. 2


Dr. L. Lorber of Chicago, speaker Bucharest.—(J. T. A.)—Paving the A meeting of all parents " of and literary representative of the way for the entry of the non-Zionists Talmud Torah children and all who National Organization of the Workin Roumania into the Jewish Agency, are interested in the Talmud Torah man's Circle, will be the principal a resolution was introduced into "the will be held at the Community Center speaker at a mass meeting-to: be Bucharest Kehfllah by Dr. William on Monday evening, April 29. At Succeeds Mrs. L. Agronoff Upon held Sunday evening, April 28, at Ascribes Attitude to Lack of Filderman and former Senator Ber- Talk Feature of B'nai B'rith this meeting officers of the Hebrew Jewish Children Excused Front Resignation of School Attendance For Meeting; Forum Understanding Rather Than eovici, that the Kehillah officially the Jewish Cominunty, Center. School will be elected and a new Latter. Follows Holiday To Intent welcome the creation' of the extended teacher will probably be instituted, Rabbi' Theodore N. Lewis of M t % Jewish Agency. according to Mr. J. London, present Sinai Temple' will introduce REPORT $500 PROFIT ACCUSES PARENTS OF president of the Tahnud Torah, The TIMELY SERMONS HEARD Speaker 'with a brief address, -s^ MINISTER LECTURING The resolution also called for the ON RECENT CARNIVAL Rabbi H. R. vRabinowitz of Shaare ON PALESTINIAN TRIP annual allotment of a subsidy in the NEGLECT OF PROBLEM school which holds its classes in the FROM SYNAGOGUE PULPITS At a recent special meeting of the Ziori • Synagogue wiU "aTsd^spealc" that . New York.—(J. T. A.)—That the amount of 250,000 Lei from the Ke- An interesting and instructive talk class rooms of the Shaare Zion The Passover Holidays are being local Hadassah Organization here, a evening on a timely subject Hrfbich English government in Palestine is hillah budget for the Palestine on "Jewish Education" by Rabbi T. Synagogue how has two teachers. duly observed by the Syriagegues in The third who has not yet been radical* change was made in tiie will prove .of much interest. . pro-Arab-and not pro-Jewish is the Foundation Fund. The amount con- N. Lewis was the feature of the named will take charge of a class the City. Special service* ani ap'> Mr.^-"H; i/SMlon:. .will ~'Ai?. chairman officer^'" flufe !~to?the*'-resignation--of conclusion reached by the Rev. John stitutes one-tenth of the Bucharest program at the last B'nai B'rith at the beginning of the next Pessach propriate music has been arranged. : r . the president, Mrs. L. Agronoff. '•'' for thiB - evening'^ A special Passover Service was held Haynes Holmes, pastor of the New Kehillah budget. An appeal to the meeting held at the Center recently. holidays. Announcements have been sent to. Jewish population to contribute to- Rabbi Lewis' talk expounded the The following—members were electThursday morning at 10:30 at Mt. York Community church, on the The Talmud Torah has recently Sinai Temple and Rabbi Theodore ed aV JL: BpeSaFrmeeting JtfMch ]was every Jewish family "in the city and basis of his obseravtion in the ward the Keren Hayesod was alro to very theories of Dr. J. Gordon of purchased a new bus in which Lewis discussed, the subject, "The a huge crowd is expected to attend. be issued. held 'recently at - the Community Minneapolis who spoke here recently country. children from all parts of the city Miracle of Judaism." Center.''-'."'''...•:.••'.;;•'•••"••".•••'' ' ' "'".-.•"' on the subject of Jewish Education In the first of a series of three 1 axe taken to and from the school. . Mrs: Mv B. Heraon was elected to in his city. The concluding service at Mt. Sinai lectures given at the Community the office of presidency. Mrs. Z. "One of the most important of Temple will be on Tuesday evening, church Rev. Holmes laid particular Gruesldn, .secretary," Mrs. C. Raskin, Jewish problems," said Rabbi Lewis April SI. Rabbi Lewis will speak upemphasis on the attitude of the govfcreasureTi and" "Mrs; J. N-- ELrueger, "is the education of our children on the timely subject, "Making Use ernment. vice-president^','•? ;'.'. and this is the problem that is of Freedom." "First, I am convinced that tbe A complete report was "rendered of neglected most by our Jewish v The Shaare Zion Synagogue has English government is pro-Arab and the Carnival* • which' was a recent A paralytic stroke resulted in the no* pro-Jew. Thai was denied every parents. Millions of dollars are arranged special services for the holievent at , the Jewish Community recent death of Mrs*r. :M?se Wein- time I put the question straight and Junior Congregation Organized spent annually on institutions such day. Services were hel4 Wpdnewlay In 1925; Is Highly Center., Over ?500.00 was made bjj berg,.—wife-, oJL.*.Mr~..Jj£. JKeinbergy direct. It was, denied, I believe, as hospitals, old age homes., orevening at 7:30, and the subject, for Banquets and Parties Scheduled Successful the local cfiapjer to "be distfiWitedtb phanages, while practically nothing Bros. honestly and sincerely. The Engthe evenings sermon waa, T h e Jewto Take Place Between the vanous funds~!Sf~the society.'7"" department' stored in ""her^Tiome at lishmen 'are good sportsmen. The is given for the education of our ish Home." Thursday morninf serv1 May 9 and 21 ALL UNDER THIRTEEN children. Plans^were ijiiscifesed~for ^a' Linen 3409-Jeniiings street. .. ices were held a t which time Rabbi Englishman wants to be" fair, withShower'.rwhichris -'to"rbe-an"event.of >M*B^ Weinberg; suffered, ; a slight out prejudice to himself of course— "Problems facing the Jewish edRabinowitz, spoke on the topic, TO PLAN PROGRAMS Friday evening...services at the ucators are five-fold", said the .the near future"" and also for the stroke some time, ago and had been the 'Englishman wants to be fain I "Grounds for Redemption.'1 On Ft\Shaare Zion Congregation were con- Rabbi. "First, it is in the hands of National Fund Drive to be conducted confined^ *toV'her • hQme .ever since. day morning, services Will be held at believe, in Palestine, that he is tryFive girls organizations of the Comthe first part of M a y . " .: . ~i' She had ubee^aj resident of,. Sioux ing . to play - fair but interprets the ducted entirely by i;he Juniors of the an ecclesiastical body; second, the munity Center are planning mothers 8:30, the topic to be discussed will be, Synagogue. The, group of children •>19 fyears^ebming here from game of fairness inevitably in favor conducted the services with marked indifference of parents; third, the and daughters banquets or parties to entitled, "Four Toasts" and «n Friday ROSENWALD GIVES $25#00~ problem of time; fourth, tbe physIpwa^.vMis. Weinberg was ot the Arab. He regards the Arab ability. be held during the month of May in evening Rabbi Rabin owitt will preach TO BEIRUT UNIVERSpcy •~:; In. >. Germahyj December 13, as the nativt population. He be- Leonard Berkowitz, age^ 10, took ical problem of classrooms; fifth, observance of Mothers Day which is on .."Sandwich Judaism." New York.—(J. T. X)—A^ gift bf 1854 and* lived there, until, 1891 when lieves that the Arab is the man who the part of the cantor and rendered the teachers." Until these problems May 9. Memorial services at Shaare Zion $250,000 • toward; the endowment she,,came,to the ^United States and is actually living on the land. He the singing of the songs without fault. are solved, concluded Rabbi Lewis, The Business Girls Banquet, accord- will be held on Thursday morning fund of the .Americah University of settled in Carroll' with an aunt and believes, therefore, that the Arab The congregation was lead in singing Jewish education in America will ing to Miss Ruth Marks, president of May 2nd, the last day of the PassBeirut,. Syria, on condition that the uncle. • must be saved from exploitation by by TiDie Shindler- "Vshomru" was never be what it should. : the organization, will take place at over Holiday. At that time Babbi : Following the Rabbi's talk, an total, endownment of $4,500,000 be Mrs. Weinberg was a member of the Jew. Therefore, however fine sung by Jack Merlin. A beautiful open discussion was held daring the. Center on Wednesday, May 15, Rabinowitz will discuss, the subject, raised i y July 1, 1929, was an- the MtSiiiai Temple Sisterhood, and and sure and sincere his motives, original story portraying her version which members were given an ;t>p- and will be an elaborate, affair. -No "In Memoriam." Bouriced, received from Julius Rosen- devoted jnuchr- time to the organizais standing there£1 am convinced, of the spirit pf .Pessach was told by portunity Services will also b« held at the to express their viewpoints program has as yet been announced tion ~m- -witrcir she was active. today with: a .Ehetterimr-hand around Rebecca, Stfllman. .,Philip SUverber on the subject. by Miss Clara Goldberg, chairman of Adas Yeehurun Synagogue begin ing . ..... : A condition of Mr.. Rpsenwald's Surviving her ; .are: the widower, the populationVwiiich lie regards as Henry Ginsberg- and Milton Barent the program committe; Reservations Wednesday evening «nd concluding gift is t h a t the endowment shall be Mr! Weinberg of Sioux City, four helpless a^Jtiiat population iaces the delivered short talks on the signific- Two. musical .selections, coteTriittee is headed by Miss Rose temporary rather thanperpetuali daughters, Mrs. i&us Gutterman of invasion o& the b^H^tcained wes- ance of Pessach- ^p^iatiiy Mazor re- Etegie" and "Kashmiri -^Love Song" F&sot;' Food-Committee ; by llfes Thursday morning. <" •were rendered by* Herman* -Slotskjt. jEidwin R» SJinzree,: presidon ^djeau,?;^ Soiaih Dakota, and cited a poem "Egyptian. Bondage," by Superintendent of Behoeks to exJulius RosenwaW fund, in a letter arothy, Gladys, and. Johanna Wein^ take oyer the land and-.establish their the American Jewish 'Poet Arthur accompanied fey Ernest Ekibourg to Committee b conclude the program. cuse all Jewish childtBn from school to Albert V . Staub, director of the berg, all of- Sioux . City; a wste^ The Seekers, an organization p ^country. ' .; Guiterrnan. The-congregation sang attendance during the Holiday. Near East College Association, saicl Mrs. Sig Sigmon of Ida GroveYvIa; bering fifteen," vrill hold itsfcantmet on some Bongs of ".the Seder Services and that the pledge was made on the and two'sisters and two brotfieaB "Secondly, I am convinced that closed with "Hatikvoh; Monday, May IS. , lliss Sara Saird, ; England in Palestine 'doesn't like the basis of the statement that the who live in ^Holland. president 'has announced no program B'NAI B'RITH VOTES FUND The officers of the congregation this trustees of Beirut will create a tem- Mrs. Weinberg was 74 years old Jew. and doesn't know./ how to deal year are Milton Barent, president; as yet. "this will be arranged at the FOR HEBREW UNIVERSITY 1 him. The EngT&sfainah in Palesporary fund into which at least $3,- and her loss will be keenly felt by next meeting of the girls. . Tillie Shindler, viee-president; Eddie 000,000 t>f university funds will be many in the community who were tine is an imperialiBty'drained in im- Miller, secretary; Sam Sadofly treasA t»a party for the tteughtere of Chicago.—(J. T. A.)—A sum of perial adminiBtration with the farplaced. privileged-to know her. and their mothers will take place urer. The Juniors are often enter$6,000 as a maintenance fund for flung colonies of -tiie world. He is The CJommunty O n t e r Sr. Dram- on Thursday^ May 9. Miss T3v» t*r« two years for the Jerusalem branch wi-to-dealinBrwith the-members of tained with refreshments whenever Ukotf is in charge of the'program for bf the Hebrew University library was a native population. . Butr-ie doesn't member becomes Bar Mitzvah, and atic Club will close its season with this affair. before the Holidays by the Ladies voted by the administration committhe production on May 19. of three oTC^,wl»t.j]p^earih to;,do. with a The Epsilon Phi Girls Club of which Auxiliary and Mothers Association. tee of the Independent Order B'nai one-act plays to be followed by two man living:: in a colony who enters Miss Sara Goldberg is "president has ij'rith which was in session here on The Junior Congregation was first hours of dancing -for the public. his office and looks him straight in announced no program for their banthe eye. and, instead of asking him organized in 1925, with the aim of The plays will be giyen in .the quet which will be held at the Center April 14. fostering a sense of loyalty to Jewish Center auditorium under the direca favor, tells him what he has got The sum will be forwarded to the causes and institutions among the tion of several-members of -the club. on Monday evening, May 20. ' Hiss Palestine lodge of the I. O. B. B. do. Goldberg stated, however, that a pleas'children of our conmninity*' "With the Please", is? a~*&pnex--a»lay "That is what the Jews are per- success. of the Senior Congregation, ing program of music ana talks was to be applied toward the maintenance of the Jerusalem library which sisting in doing in Palestine.., Week the Juniors too strode forward. Mem- concerning the family life of & man being arranged. after week they send tljeir commit- bership was opened to every Jewish and wife who cannot agree -upon-the The final banquet for mothers and is boused in the B'nai Brith building. tees to the office pf :-|3»e high com- child from the age of six to thirteen. proper way to limit"- their con-sensa- daughters will be given by the girls The grant was made at the request m£s6itmer.: "They enter that office as The membership totalled at times a tion in their home. They agree, of tibe Judith- Circle on Thursday, of Dr. Judah L. Mag-nes, Chancellor Mr. and" Mrs7 A*be 3£rueger have nounce the engagement of their men who walk straight and tall, however, ;upon a wager of a - far 01 the "University when it appeared departed for Chicago where they daughter Charlotte to Mr. Morris without any favors to grant,, speak- hundred and twenty-five. Dues was coat against a months dish-waslung May 21. Miss Freda Rotofsky, presi- that Jerusalem residents objected to dent of the organization said that a Weiner, son of Mrs. Goldie Weiner. ing on the name of justice; <md they fixed at fifty cents a year. •will-make their home. to decide whether or not each, the removal of the library to tbe The wedding will be • an event of present careful reports, many of The Junior congregation is run able to keep quiet for half an hour. clever program was being arranged. "Wolfsonn Memorial building on Miss Lillian Dobrofsky T>f Los early - summer. - - - - - Mount Scopus. Arrangements are which ~I read, specifying with the along the same lines as the Senior. Of course the proper party winslthe They consider their synagogue sefAngeles, California, is spending, sevw a g e r . . . . • • . . . • •••-. under way to continue the Jerusalem : .Tis sometimes natural to be glad, utmost particularity that the English eral •weeks in the home of Mr. and Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz government has got to do that and [vices as training for the future when The cast is composed of MissSEda And no man can be always sad library as a branch of the Hebrew Mrs.- Sam Kroloff. Several social have as their house guest Mr. I. that and it has got to do the other. !they will take over the obligations of Lipton as "Julia", Miss Rose " University library, vath books made Unless he wills to have it BO. the- Seniors. - During- the. period ;of events are - being planned- in- -her Rabinowitz, who recently graduated available at both libraries. —Jean Jngelow. ^•THe English government, inperial- their existence they trained- themlaw from the Brooklyn Law School honor. and Ben as of New York. Mr. Rabinowitz is a ly speaking, won't stand for that sort selves in the propier conduct of the "Darren". " of thing. So the English govern- services. Micha Maron was the first A delightful luncheon -was held last brother of Rabbi Rabinowitz. The secondplay "The ; Flash" as ment doesn't know how to handle the cantor of the congregation. Since bis Thursday in the home of Mrs. S. D. a dramatic mystery play with a sureSchwimmer who complimented sev- Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Feinberg Jew, doesn't understand the Jew and, attainment of the Bar Mitzvah status fire ending. A well chosen cast comeral . out of town guests of . impor- announce the ' engagement of their God knows, he doesn't like him. So he has been replaced by five others: posed of Is Liberman «s "Keneh", tance who are visiting in Sioux City daughter, Rebecca, to' Abraham L.. you find a government pro-Arab on Milton Barent, Leonard Berkowitz, Dave Albert as >"^oe"». and Morris .The monthly examinations for the Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz Homes,. Mrs. Schwimmer is . enter- Lefkovich. No date for the wedding1 •the one side and with a certain de- Isadore Shindler, and Jack Merlin. Merlin, "The Doctor", will produce Hebrew Schools were held recently have had their names inscribed in gree of prejudice springing from The reader in the Sacred Scroll is Isataining Mrs. R. E. Butrick of .New. has been set. the Golden Book of the Jewish Nathe report cards issued. misunderstanding, confusion and be- adore Maron, age nine. The entire this play. York City, who with her sister, Mrs. tional Fund by members and friends "Not Quite Such a Goose," a oaeBertha' Beekman of Chicago, arrived The Sigma Iota Sigma Sorority wilderment against the Jew on the congregation reads certain prayers act comedy, will be the third play. ilabbi Theodore K. Lewis addressed of the Shaare Zion Congregation. aloud •with the aid of the teachers. A last -week for an extended visit. held a party last Wednesday Eve- other:" portion of the service is sung by all "Albert Bell", a nineteen year .old the Rotary Club at Yarikton, South ning at the Community Center. "he man" has no • time for girls;. or Dakota, last month. Mr. E. N. Grueskin was recently the children. Miss Mae London departed last Dancing and cards featured the evedates until Hazel Henderson appears elected to the Board of Directors of At the conclusion of the services a on the scene as his sister's guest. A new society known as the the Sioux City Livestock Exchange. week for a' short visit with friends ning's entertainment. Jewish story is told the congregants, The change that comes o\Ter Albert Shaare Zion Sentinels has been re- He has the distinction of being the in Chicago. Miss Dorothy Mosow was general or some phase of Jewish life depicted. is astonishing, but he makes a good cently organized for young hoys be- youngest member ever to be elected chairman of the committee in charge Before Holidays Jewish programs ap- tennis player as well as a good base- tween the ages- of- fifteen and to the Board. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fribourg of arrangements. Music for the have returned after a visit of sev- dance was provided by Eva Upton, "The Metureff," a four act play, propriate to the occasion are present- ball player, the play reveals. eighteen. . eral days in O mab a. and Helen Friedman. Henry Saitland will be given at the Community ed by the children. "Hazel Henderson' is played by Milton Barnett, grandson of Mr. sang a group of selections. Vivian Center on May 5 by the Sioux City Miss Rose Berman; Alfred Albert The Junior Brotherhood of Mt. and Mrs. M. Seff, .was Bar Mitzvah Mrs. H. Ascher,-formerly of this Mosow and Lillian Dubrou acted as Pioneer Women,. a chapter of the wrongs and vices of bis parents and plays "Albert Bell" Miss Mildred Sinai Temple will have complete last Saturday at the Shaare Zion city, but now of - Chicago-, is - the hostesses. About €0 members at- national organization which works the beauty of right living. Siridn, "Sylvia Bell"; Jack Slotsky, charge of the Friday evening serv- Synagogue. for the interest of Palestinian house guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. tended. Ben Zion is played by Mr. Morris "Philip Flick", and Miss Ruth Wi- ice on April 26. Several members pioneers. Levey. Rothstein. Liza, the leading fern- godsky, "Mrs. BelT will participate in reading the ritual The sum of one hundred dollars Mrs. S. Warsaw of New York- City The play is a very interesting inine roll is played by Mrs. Ruth Sqvel Heshelow, Miss Heshelow and one member "will deliver a brief •was raised recently for the' Matzo Mrs:E. Mbog had the Sisterhood is in the city visiting with friends and impressive sketch portraying the Leas. Other members of the cast and Miss Eva Gordon will direct message. Fund for the Jews of Russia. of Mt "Sinai Teraple as her guests and relatives. . revolt of young Jewish minds in are Mrs. Goldie Levine, Mrs. Julia the plays under the general direction last -Triday "afternoon - fbr.-na:' social Russia against the dishonesty of Sperling, Sam Ratner, David Sperl- of Miss Florence Coates. Mr. Sovel Krueger of Kanssas City Mr. Adolph. Dans has purchased hour and tea in-her home, -"Paradise ;-Mr. Abe Davidson departed*for his their generation. Ben Zion, the son ing, Herman Mierovitz, Mrs. Ida Postponement of the mystery piay the insurance business of the S. M. has moved here and will ,}mn the Lodge". Mrs. Charlotte Hubbard home in Chicago after spending sev- of a wealthy leather merchant, in- Sperling, Isaac Levine, Hermna "Oh Kay" was :made necessary due Jaffe and Will' Baron agencies. Mr. firm of the Krueger"s Potatoc Prescott reviewed a box>lr of - current eral days visiting with relatives and vents a machine, which is symbolic of Bondarin and Max Kaplan. \ to the fact that too many other Davis for many years "was associated Growers Exchange. fiction. , . friends. the good and honest living. His The play is under the direction of events are being planned by organ- with Galinsky Bros. Fruit Company. fanatically religious parents and Mr. David Sperling. izations at the time the play was Another new member of the Jewish Mrs. A. H. Baron, formerly Miss Mr. and Mrs. A. Mazie will have as elder friends, who have gained wealth to.be given. However, according to The ^ConfirrnatiaiwClass ..of- Mt. Community is Mr. EL.-...B. Baunstein Evelyn Weisberg, is visiting with their guests over the holidays, Mrs; through dishonest dealings, destroy Some men are so covetous as if Miss Iipman, the play will be given inai Temple is beginning prepara- of Boston, who has moved to the her parents in Minneapolis. Mazie's daughters, Mrs. David the machine of truth. Ben Zion they were to live forever; and others in most probability at the Central tions for the annual Confirmation city with his family. He is assoBlacker and Mrs. Ed Gilbert of revolts against these actions and so profuse, as if they were to die High School auditorium during the Services which will be held the ciated with the Kaybee Stores of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Artovich an- Omaha brings out in the' last act the the next moment. Sunday morning of June 9 this city. —Aristole. iarly part of September.











'fessor of natural philosophy of CamGrandma padded about the kitchen table. She jumped in high excite- Mother stumbled out, perspiration on •with short, shuffling steps. She ment while she was dressing, her her forehead, her hairt hanging limp i bridge University, England, and looked into the pantry and the oven. hands trembling so she couldn't pull in wisps. At sight of her Shirley j Nobel pi-ize winner, will also receive Then, it seemed to Shirley who could on her socks, though she was a big the Franklin Institute medal on the turned to run downstairs to her not understand Grandma's language, girl now and should dress herself. guests. same occasion. she was scolding Mother. And Finally, dress buttoned, shoes laced, Mother was after her, caught her ; .Mother, was angry, two spots of hair curled, she stood at the top ofby the shoulder and drew her again Washington.—-(J. T. A.)—Emile BAR ANTI-SEMITES , By NINA-KAYE--:' : [->• '-'.-*>• § color coming, out on her pale, proud the staircase. Everything was ininto the room. Berlinger, noted' Jewish inventor of Danzig.—(J. T. A.)—The governcheeks. The quarrel grew, Grand- readiness. " nlHIIIIlJIIIIIIIMHIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllillllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIllllllllllllllllllllllllllr ma raising her voice and Mother an- But there was one thing still "What do you mean? What do this city, wha invented the micro- ment of -he Free City of Danzig you mean? You bad child." phone, which made possible the com-refused the application of German Swinging .on her tiptoes, riding Shirley, a'fc five,, had never seen her swering short and trying, to be dig-troubling Shirley. Shirley's large hazel eyes opened mercial use of the telephone and anti-Semitic leaders for permission nified. on-her heels, > Shirley gazed out of grandmother^ ^"-»-;-" Softly, she tiptoed into her Mother's to innocent wonder. She turned to radio broadcasting, and who also inthe window, her chin barely reachShirley found herself, to her ownbedroom and looked furtively in. Grandma and again to her mother. vented the phonograph disc record t>. hold a congress here. The little .girls "with whom she v ing the. sill. To the irregular played were always displaying ex- surprise, wanting to protect Grand- Mother wasn't there, 'but the door "But how could I keep you in?" now i»i current use, has been awardrhythm of her body, she sang a song travagant " trinkets, balls arid. lolls ma and not her darling Mother. to the clothes- closet stood open. "Keep me in, keep me in?" Ined the franklin medal by the Frank- OCCIDENTAL TO MARK ANNIVERSARY ON RADIO of her own composition. • given them by ' indulgent grand- Grandma .was a visitor from such a Mother must be inside, hanging up vexation Mother shook Shirley. lin Institute of Philadelphia, the "My. grandma's coming. My grand- mothers. Or telling of. wonderful long way off. And she was so her dress. With a leap Shirley was Gravely Shirley explained it as shehighest honor presented by that body. Kirk Griggs, President of the Ocma's coming. My . grandma's com- visits they made to their grandma's little, almost as little as Shirley across the floor, the closet door understood it. "You didn't let your The presentation was made in Philcidental Building and Loan Associaherself. Mother shouldn't treat a hxnise,... of the nuts and fruits and slammed and the key turned in themama come to your parties.* So adelphia on Monday, April 15. Bering," -were the words of her tunetion, announced Saturday that a guest so. "'•.."/-•'• delicious cakes, far better than their lock. • • you're not supposed, to come to less. song..' Yet they expressed: the linger's ushering' in of the telephone series of anniversary radio proown mothers could make. " Soon,' with - an impatient gesture, Singing her tuneless songs, her mine!" gladness in her throat; in the round, and radio age through his discovery gram will be sponsored by the assohazel eyes which stared so know- ; Often, standing at her mother's Mother went into the dining' room face innocent - of any care, Shirley of the tonal characteristics of the ciation over WOW to commemorate ingly, into the gathering darkness. knee while her silken brown hair and she.and Daddy sat down to din- hopped down the - stairs and came FR. FLANAGAN URGES AID loose contacts and his application of the fortieth anniversary of its foundFOR HOMELESS BOYS them to telephony is but one of For soon one " of the automobiles, was being brushed, Shirley asked ner alone. Grandma drew up herinto the living. room. The doorbell ing. would "detach itself from the stream; why'.sheT" too", hadn't a grandmother. chair to * the table with Shirley and rang and all the invited guests, hav- "Five million under-privileged boys three of his achievements for which .. VJDaddy' s mother died before you was served a glass of tea and a of; ears that poured' by the door,; ing timed- their arrival exactly fif- are living in America today, waiting the Franklin', Institute is to honor The Occidental Home " Symphony were : born," Mother, explained. "And piece of, bread without butter. Shirhim- fifty-nine .years .after his - ar-featured the opening program last would draw, up at their house and' mother'- mother lives, a long." way ley "thought it was a. concession to teen minutes- -late, trouped in. for someone to take an interest in rivsrl: fro» Germany as a j Thursday with music popular in "the in it would- be- Daddy—and_ Grand- off." Grandma and liiza helped them with them and help them attain economic ; gay Nineties". These programs will her. Her fear died and;"from that grant }ad. ma; ' _ " .."'•"• ' r ' ••-••' hats . and wraps ..and packages. In independence", Father E. J. Flanbegiven Thursday from 6:30 to "But couldn't. we go . t o . see -her,, inoment her love" for Grandma knew .- •.., No ordinary visit. this for , which: the bustle, nor one missed Mother. agan, director of Father Flanagan's I ,|n. addition to the telephone trans? P. M. June 12 is the anniversary 1 sometime, ,. just. . once? -Gertrude^ no bounds. Shirley!s eagerness grew as she sang' Soon a grand tumult arose in theBoys' Home, said in a radio address biitter and the disc record, Berlinger elate. Meyer .and. fielien Shapiro«go on the That night, Grandma lovingly asliving room as the unleashed boys over WOW Sunday. •her--song .to .the- empty room. F ; has also made important contributrain -to their grandmother's for thesisted Shirley to bed. When Grand- romped about and the girls danced "No boy wants to be a failure or tions to improving acoustics in halls holidays. jlind -Mrs. ..Ackermann's ma, went «ut i>f the room, Mother a twittering attendance upon them. The dew waits for no voice to call 1 be bad. And the robber, the thief anc buildings through his invention it to the sun. grandchild came" to; see her once— came to tuck Shirley in. —Parker. It, was, some time before above and the murderer are not careers of acoustic tiles. LEGAL NOTICES from New York." ' . She bent to kiss her. ciNow listen, this tumult a steady thumping could sought, by any boy. Yet through The. -medal of • the Franklin In'''We would ,haye to take a train Shirley," Mother's voice; was stern, be heard upstairs. It grew louder neglect and false teaching some of stitute is considered a great distincHIMELBLOOM BAKERY MONSKY r XATUSMAfT * GRODINBKT,' and then? a boat. Your "grandmother the voice' Shirley, knew was to be and more. insistent until Liza and the five million attain, this end. 1511 N. « t h — W E . 8184 Attorneys :•.'._ tion in the scientific world. Dr. . • 737 Omaha National Bank B i d e . '" lives across'-an / ocean':'and a con-obeyed. "You're hot to tell anyone Grandma hurried up the stairs. Serve Himelbloom'e new "The homeless, . neglected boy Charles Thomson Rees Wilson, prothat Grandma's come to stay with HOTJCB O F 'ARTlCIiES OF iNCORPOnA- tinent. In Russia." Russian pumpernickle bread Shirley followed at a safe dis- craves encouragement and a little . T I p \ . , O F - DAVENPORT REAXTY CO. Shirley's wide eyes ' opened wider. us Not yet, not until" she's: a 1 with your next meal. personal interest. A more general ,'-.•• NOTICE is hereby given that the under^ Whatever could, that-be?; She'asked littlemore Americanized.-' You're not tance.Rigiipd have formed a corporation,' pursueffort on the part fvf society is The., noise came from the closet. - suit to thu.-XnWs. of the .State, of ^Nebraska. her mother, but mother, impatient of to say anything, about it, to your The name <)f. the corporation is VA.VESLiza wrung her hands and declared needed to sa've these boys and help so!.many questions^ and haying fin-J friends or to the.-'• neighbors^ do' you TOIIT IIEXLTYCOMPAXY. with its prinshe was afraid- to open it; until them become good citizens. Some cipal plate of 'business" in the City, of isbed curling SHirley's hair sent her hear?" NEW TURKISH BATH SWANSON THE FLORIST Omaha. -The" objects for which, the corpMother's voice came through the boys of this type may even live in oration is formed are to -maintain and .op- a w a y . . . _•'. ; _ ; V * : . . ._•) •_;•.•'-. , ; Shirley heard and heeded.Expert Masseur Service 1704 So. 24th St. — MArket 0701 your neighborhood. The boy that is orate a seneral real estate holding comdoor in command. "Open the door, pany, and to buy,, sell, mortgage, lease. ... And now, Grandma was coming.| Shirley's friendship "with Grandma I tell you. Open, the door!" painted to you as bad is really not encumber and .(leal in real aand personal From- across..a!continent:,and across L6th and Howard JA. 9422 Member F. T. D. grew. She came often to. the room property of all kinds. Total authorised Grandma unlocked the door and bad at all, but misdirected. <3ipitnl stock is $50,000.00, .par Yhlue $100.00 an ocean, her grandmother .was com-,which had been allotted t o Grandma 1>er share: all stock Common, ami shall be fully " paid " and . non-asses'salile' when tis- ing—to see Her. Of course, Mother ant sat beside her, or played house, sued..- The corporation' shall, .commence didn't put it that way. ^Mother had; her every movement followed by the busiiress upon' the filing- • of its Articles with:; the County Clerk of Douglas Coiinty, said to father at. breakfast one morn- beaming smile of the old" woman. mid. shall continue nntil Jnnunry 1st. 2020. Tlie fliphrst amount of indebtedness-shall ing, looking:. up from a letter she She taught Grandma some English not exceed two-thirde of the capital stock. This restriction sTiall not apply to Indebt- got. ^They're sending^ Mama to us,"words, like "bread" and "water" and edness" secured by real estate. The hum-now that Eachel's dead and there's "kiss." ••••'... ber of members of the Board-shall be prpv'dpd-for by thn by-laws, which Boaid no one, to ijake care, of her... I supIt was hard, not'.talking about this shall administer-the affairs of the corpora- pose you know.-..what- that, means, tion. The.stockholders shall hold ,thnir wonderful - .grandmother to her nnmini meeting the second Wednesday! In "don't you? It means new dishes and friends, who were forever bragging January of. each year and elect directors. The Hirtctors shall elect President, Vice- new kinds of food and all sorts of about their own grandparents.1 Too, President, Secretary and Treasurer.' The things we won't be; able to do. I Articles may be-amended upon' notice as she wanted t o tell about the wonderprovided'for. The corporation shall, hare don't know how.Ill face my friends. ful .cakes her grandmother -baked a ncal. . . . -' I've .always: ll^t Flhenr_. think I wa? and'the good things she' made spe•Dated April 17th.- 192!). , ' . . • born in .America." ' *. . ' . . . --.-•>.. JACOB niXULE. cially for Shirley, About the new ••"-.-••.'.LODIS J , JUNGLE. icjpthes. .they, bought for Grandma. ..^Daddy.liai.ariswered, as her3\yj April-26—IT . - . , . . . . -Mother had warned her. answered;. JMather. _. ."Suit yourself, •J. J . S T E B N . 'ATTOBSfET. /Mother did hot speak: of the mat/.' 481 Peters Trust Building:. -_-;Swjnging, on^ hej tiptoes; riding on ter .to Shirley again until one- rainy 'NOTICE; day, .when .Mrs. Ackermann teleAccountants Cleaners Garages Printing |^.' whose pl.-\ce of. residence i s unknown and upon whom what; her ; , grandmother., w.ould ^look phoned-, that-, she waa., coming over personal' service cniinot b e hnfl.. like. 5 '•¥"•• ? for Service Call ? / Mrs. Ackermann, "with; her for bridge. AJotljer hung up the re- ABRAMSCJN AUDIT CO • * Service Our Motto defendant: ;•*... J-,, . " . . , . . •• j - - ' yijy vrJiitep-hair .bobbed ,an# e7rea£ ceiver .and iturned tji; Shirley,-:.THE BEE HIVE CLEANERS General Repair Shop—Radiator*. .? . Con,'.,' ar? h e r e b y . notified* t h a t - Bp.rfhn J J » Brandeh. Theiiler Bid*.—JA. Turner'filed her petition in t h e District pgarl. earrings,, ijvas ~ the. only .grandTender* and Body Repairing • Dnrter Management <ft ~ * "Shirley, darling, T .think yon had Court of • Douglas'--'- County. .Kebrnskp, AUDITS:;}' SYSTEMS H. MARCUS DAVENPORT GARAGE Docket 203. Number 197. on the Otli d a y : mother v} .Shitiey__.,knew,; ."Often,V"on better go. up and stay with Grandma . . . INCOME TAX of Januifry.' lD2ff. jirnylrift* fbr' a decreo "teiny jdays;,J/Lrs." Ackermann came in 1941 -Vinton St. JA. 144tt ttitb apd Davenport J A . 3573 this, afternoon.. Yes,,J11 save you of' nlisolute . divorce. from" yon nn<l f o r Multigraphing tp. play .bridge...vdth Mother..._, They custody^.of. the- minor dnuehter.~BIaxine. some cakes. But you • go up and = f on . t h t . i g r o u n d of desertion. . •'. _ '.'•'.,'. Addressing Mother: spoke*: to Tou are required t o answer'ber- DetHion would teleplipne around the neighbor- stay with : her.V o n - o r before the 3rd ••day-'of June.". 103), hood forv two ..more: players. Now herself. "It would be just like her &• c a PEEKLESS CLEANERS Only 2 firms accepted . Mailing Lists a n d ' i f you. fail t o do .-.so. default Tyill lie, her very .-own., grandmother.. would be 'to come down while we!re playing-..!' Certified public Acconntants entered a s n i n s t y o n . and the decree .; 4420; Florence Blvd. . N under eadt ^ 2123 Cuming Street as prayed for in the'plaintiffs petltlorir here and'.they would only, need one "Why, Mother, I thought. Grand'JB38 ii«a«tie» Bids. heading " : BERTHA TTJltNEn. rialntiff,- extra..- . • .. . '•'.'• ma .could be a' hand.; You always AT. 8010 Th» Hoaae With ^Reputation April JO—4T; . . •' • . ; j-At last Daddy's cai drew up at have such" a time getting^ four &TALMASTER: ANTJ B E B E l t , Attorneys the door.- With. a cry of joy. "Shir- hands." : 050 Omaha National Itank Bids'. Radio Contractors Acces56i^ies--*Tires Hat Cleaning ley ran ; to/-the front door,. straining ' /Mother, ignored, her suggestion. •- • i "' P R O B A T E NOTICE'-- \ . In the marterof the i-sta(e of t'ETEU H. to open' it as. Mother and~the maid, -"Now, don't forget, Shirley, GrandCHUltACOFIT, deceased. •' B. STERBA . ./. . ' ma's not. to come down. while comEmpress Hat : Cleaning Shop . ;Notice, i s . h e r e b y Riven: That .the credit- Liza, arrived. ors* o^saiil deceased \yill_Tneet the .admin- .. "Shirley,, Shirley," .'Mother eallea. panyfs here. If she wants ' sorrier; RADIO SERVICE istrate!''ot sald'i'stato'. .lietore nie.~\(.'oifniy 16 and DoDglas '.fudpfi;.of Uouglns• County, Xebraska,- (it "Be a lUtle'ilady. Don't shout, youljl thing', you- can' get it for-' her, or the Auto'' Plumbing and Heating theo-Gounlyv Coiirt lio'oni. in snlil-<oimty. frighteri' Grandma;" Hats Cleaned and Blocked 75c callLiza." • ^/ , . GENERAL 8e. «4tb St.—MArkrt B2S4 nil."tli* H t h ' d a y of .Tun<\ lfl:>9, and.on ili<? . i 5524 " -2051 l i t h day of August, ISO), at !) o'clock A." M.'f c tin .the" door, in frQnt of Daddy, •Shirley tried to! explain- to Gran'dr CONTRACTOR VnV-li-Ttlay.. f o r the imrpose. of . presentinK 1 tlieir-Jclaiins for cxiimhiatiOR, mljiiRlnupt familiar^ smiling Daddy,';was a fig-ma. that Mother was having a-"party .•ind .-.nllownrice.' Three'.monthsare allowed ure such'as .Shirley.^ had never ..'cen 492-96 Brandeis Theatre BIdg. ; and that" she must remain out- of THALLAS THE HATTER . for'-tho creditors to" nrcfifiit their' claims, Por space frpm.the. 11th day of May. IDS). '•/••••• •'• "before. : . Bent, shrouded in {a heavy sight. On. 'other occasions,- when JAckson 1614 .:•--•• • . , U U V C E cuAwi-'oun;-•:,--.• gfey-/shawl -which, came ^ver her Hats Cleaned and Blocked We Repair Any Make Radio Mother gave a tea, when the Welin this directory call the iliril 15{—iT .. •-. County Judge. Estimates Gladly Furnished forehead and fell over. shoulders; and fare Club met / a t : their houses and Hamilton-Stelmte ftadio Cow 50 and 75c ' I U V I V C.-LEVIN. Attornfy • arms. A wrinkled face,, eyes red once when callers dropped in, Grand- fEWISH PRESS^-AT. 1450 2408 Farnam—JA. 1941 101 No. 16th . 501 Electric U i a j . ; ' rimmed .and teary, bent to Shirley's, ma/was whisked out of the way. Notice of Inionioralimi of lips t h a t felt like crumpled paper] Usually, Shirley went to stay with INTTSB-STATE : 'AtlTO.MOHILE Tailors Laundries Confectioners Auto Electric Service .touched' Shirley's. her until the guests; were gone. Notice i s hercliy-'giveii- lhai the 'iiiiiUT . With a shriek of terror Shirley PATKON1XK T H B And then, for her, sixth birthday^ sisriiud bnye'.nssopfaled' themselves ipirt 1-ave EVANS MODEL LAUNDRY MIDWEST AUTO ELECTRIC CASnYXANB «rs':iuize« 'a' corporation' under the.''l;aws buried her head .in her • mother's Shirley wa§ to have a party! Mother 1876 All Family : SERVICE at t h e Stale of Nebraska.'.. Th'/ mime of I6tb and ICornam services, from Franchlsrd DlstribHtora •. this t-orporation -is.Inter-ytiii'3 Aulouioliik- skirts and would^ not be torn- away. said she' didn't approve of parties 203 Neville Block Wet Wfmh to SUNSET TKA ROOM Association'. Tin?.- prliinipul'. '1'liice "*:"of EMI ACTO-IJTB Family <Ufb and Uoflge l u i u s a t l l o g j i 8 business sJi:ilKlie..Oni:Uin, '•".She had been promised to sit upwhere litt'e girl% ate themselves' sick AT. 6451 NORTHEAST Finish .\i-biaska ;t Ihe general n:ttur>- o f tbv .Initii- an-d have - dinner /with the /family, and were cranky al^ next -day, but CRYSTAL CASXtM . l l t h and Douglas tits. :«4tb a n d Q. S t . MA. 4OOT Bfcss •to lie' iraii^acted'shall, tu.--.to-- onffiiKe 'IBOi and Capitol Ave. in » Kon(.ral. aiifomoliile; srrviro tiiibiiivna. but for piinshment at- her ^strange Grandma, her eyes flashing, had including-Hie-.purcb:i«e :iiul sale of ;;riiio- behavior ;£ he- was fed in, the break- urged with-Shirley for a party. mobiles and accessories- thereto; 'to- niaiu-, ACTO ELECTRIC If your laundress does not tuiir itnrnpres. .repair shops, tiros and tire fast room. As she sat, gulping^ down FOR 75c A WEEK Gertrude Meyer and'Helen Shapiro MAGNUSONSERVICE 6L-PATIO CAFE repair shops, and nuiomoliile purls'and acsatisfy, try us cessory service stores,; And to, procure f o r her vegetables/between sobs, Mother and Mae Geller were invited. And four ad in this directory, reaches After Theatre Llglils and Icnltlon the lOemlierB.of this assocUition a complete, and Grandma "came into the/room. the boys/who never let "Shirley play Starter, tienrnitor, practically every Jewish .-lutomobile tow-in nnd ; wrevkep 'eervice. Service and Repairs Sanitary Laundry Dancing : T o nindor "3issistaiice in 'puiking'ndjust- Grandma' had taken off her- shawl, with them,, they,' too .were invited. • 'iltti Avenue nt at, Mary's Avenue Home in Omaha iiu-iits for automobile, users op owners,-in 24th and Farnam AT. 2815 i Farnam case of -accident. To '.furnish. Information" but her hair wasn't a beautiful, Shirley got a new dress arid Grand• J in .regards to atiorijeys or procure the snowy swirl-like Mrs. Ackermann's. ma baked a. cake" with her own, services.of attorneys in ease of accideiU or otlLur. liabilities ajising' out of the "owner- It was a funny.jsand colqr and, little flour-dusted hands. Painting-Paperhanging Towel Supply Awnings and Tents Dyers xhip»:Bnancing, u s e o r mis-ase o f auturaobiles. T o organize -and mainlain JIII. auto- wisps of grey crept out on lier foreShirley superinteridented the maknioWIe, tlub.. t o sell memberships'therein, head. SCOTT OMAHA ."'.'•• i FRONTIER ing, of the cake, the setting of the for t h e purpose of "dispensing road inforTENT AND AWNING CO. mation, and rendering'general-service t o the TOWEL & LINEN SUPPLY




Hifl Hotel Bath Parlor


OMAHA LETTER SHOP ConMnercial Printing

' .f-•f" ' ^

National Accessories, Inc.

Expert Radio Service



nienibershlp.which may; include;ariy o i rihe serTice»- which this company; .may: render l o a t h e cencrnl public.-' and also' furnish copies of trafiic rules o f Cities and States, self road maps, promote safety campaigns and schools of instructions in tho nse of • automobiles nnd the laws in relation thereto,- It i s /iixlher. provided, that'saiiT-eompauy shall bare autjiority t o own, hold encumlwr and 6ell such real estate a s jnay be necessary o r incldpnt t o the business of the company. Including the erevtlng':. of. club rooms. . . ' • The'- capitol stock of i h e rorporntlon shaLI be $25,000.00 divided iuto S.riOO slian^ of the pii>.\nlue o f 510.00 oacJi. Tho hich esr umounl of iiidebtvdnt'SS l o which thl>corpbrnlion sbnll nl m i y lime siibjpi-t it self sbaJl not' e j e e e d two-tblrds or i\snald-un caoitol. fctock: Ihe • time of .•nitimeiiceinent or this corporation sluill bf

FOR 75c A WEEK Omar Bakery' puts into its bread, cakes and pastries has bronght us thousands of customers. -Women all over*Otn*ha are talking about it. You can get Omar goods from most groceries or the Omar wagon that comes to your neighborhood. '

tcrniin:itl«» of-lhlB'i-orP<>raiioi« bhair hp o n ihe first day o t - A p r i l . 1WJ: tin- affair.*, of this corpuralJon aj¥. •*»-''« coiuliu-leO In .. the' followlnji' ofticers: -Prisfdvut, • ViceIVesidenf,- Sec Trvasnn-r; «ny two oJ IVesidenf, e im«l JJvhloh y Iw Iw hrlil hrlil by by one one and and tli^ uffii-ciB mny tli^ B d f IIMmion M i s^ime i^rsoD «rid by a Board of X t r W Arircles ma? be ii«iiena«l, in ^ u c l l f of tin lA.itnrr tlii.'im-rease OT n^ucllof? of tin mectiiiR th.f $ i ott h

a, March



iTFte^ il"sf"d:.y of. April. JOai-nnil..the



Awnings; Canvnt Covers, Tent». Camp Supplies, All Kindt 15th anil Howard AT. UD'J

The Extra Value

Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha • •


Call SAM TARNOFF 1114 So. 28 St.

FRANK I. MERWALD fin, Sheet Metal and Furnace Works First Class Work and Prompt Service



1116 No. 24th 5032 So. 24th .

KEnwood 0835 MArket 4B0U




Since 1876

Wall Paper* Paints FRED PARKS & SONS Sllli a n d L S t . — A T . lim—SI

A, 0101

Wallpaper Below Wholesale Prices



ATlantic 6291 J. M. JENSEN

AT. 4544

Only 2 firms accepted under each busines heading


"RICKS" BATTERY SERVICE 4615 So. 24th St. Hours 7 A,. JV1. to 6 P. M.

April 5—IT

Sample Dyeing a Specialty S14 No. 24th St. AT. 1169




IS'J Tears Experience) Special prices for the spring season Suit* cleaned and p r e s s e d — ."5 Dresses cleaned and pressed 1—•"> and up Dresses Dyed _ 2.15 R n s s 9x12 Cleaned and Sized 3.00



U G , The Tailor

Samples ^ho^vD nt l o u r Horn*

JOE LEVINSKY, Prop. • OUR WORK GUARANTEED •HArket 0977 4824 So. 25th Res. MA. S166, 4411 So. 2ftth

FOR 75c A WEEK Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha

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