Interesting and
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All the Nesvs of Interest "" to Jews
matter on January 27, 11)13, nt under the Act of March S, 187U.
Bar Converts Without ] Conviction m Hungary
coNSTrnmoN FOR
Sisterhood Sabbath Observance May 17
VOL. VII.—No. 10
Cleveland, O.-^-(J. T. A.)—SixtyThe Temple I&nel Sisterhood nine tombstones were thrown over, will observe Sisterhood Sabbath some of them badly smashed, and and Mothers and Daughters .week twenty marble boxes containing in a joint celebration at the Temflowers were broken between World Zionist President to Head ple Saturday morning, May 11, at Rabbi Burnstein of New York planted Anglo-Jews Follow Lead of midnight Saturday and dawn on Sun- Drive Begun to Aid Declassed 10:30 o'clock.Extended Jewish To Conduct Model Jews in Soviet American Groups in Joinday by vandels who forced their way The services on this occasion Agency Service Russia '-•' ing Agency into the Beth Hamadrosh Hagodel will be read by Mrs. William L. Israel Cemetery on Lansing Avenue Holzmai- Talks will be delivered PLAN TO INAUGUARTE TELLS TALES OF JEWISH BRITAIN TO HAVE SIX here. The damage is estimated to WORLD LEADERS PRAISE ALTRUISM IN PALESTINE by Mrs. I- Rosenthal, president of MEN ON AGENCY COUNCIL CONSTRUCTIVE WORK SERVICES IN THE FALL ber $2,000. the Sisterhood, -and Rabbi FredSome of t i e monuments overTho local Modern Orthodox SynaNew York.—(J. T. A.)—A Jerusalem (J. T. A.)r—The Zionists erick Cohn. A children's choir London.—(J. T. A.)—Following the and^the non-Zionists; who; are to; under the supervision, of Miss gogue movement is making arrange- turned were so large that eight men sentative gathering; of one thousand ,: lead of American Jewry, the Jewish ments for the holding «f a model would have been required to push men and. women in New York City, form jointly the extended Agency for Laura Goetz will sing. communities of England, Wales, ScotPalestine have reached a . complete The services will be followed by modern orthodox service Friday eve- them over.' Eleven' Jewish "congrega- as well as official represpntativep o/ land and Ireland whose government agreement on the constitution of the a luncheon and program in which ning, May 10,- at the -Jewish Com^ tions are owners t>f the Lansing the government of Russia. Poland holds the mandate over Palestine innew body, it was revealed by Felix Mrs. Isidor Ziegler will speak for munity Center. Rabbi Alexander Avenue, cemetery, but only the one and Roumania, attended the trusted to it by the League of NaM. Warburg in an interview'with-the the mothers and Beatrice Som- Burnstein of New York City will belonging to the Beth Hamodrosh Sunday night, at the Biltmore tions, 'decided to join s the extended, representative of the Jewish Teler. mers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. arrive in Omaha on May 8 to make Hagodel, known as the. Lithuanian launching the. ?1,000,000 Ort. cam•'•; Jewish Agency for expanded And paign for industrial reconstruction o* graphic Agency; here. Louis Sommers, will speak for the the necessary preparations and to Synagogue, Iwas entered. more effective work in the upbuildA wrist watch found a t the ceme- the declassed Jews in Russia, Lithuconduct the service.. The purpose of '.; The question _ as to who is to be daughters.* ing of the country as the Jewish the service is to give Omaha Jewry tery is the only clue that the police ania, Latvia, Roumania and Polami, the president, of the extended Jewish national tome. an opportunity1 to see exactly •what No funds were solicited. The proAgency was settled witb-.the decision A decision to this effect, obliteratconstitutes a' modern orthodox form gram concerned itself with an exthat this; office-, is to be".occupied by ing the /differences between1 Zionists of prayer. ' planation of the aims of the Or? the, president; of the Zionist Organand non-Zionists in regard to the to its audience, as well as to th*1 ization; as "was the demand of the Rabbi Burnstein, who is being ccm^ Pafestine "work, was unanimously arinvisible audience listening in on tlirZionist Congress,but. other candi•sidered fox the "post of spiritual rived at last week at a special conbroadcast of its proceedings throurV> dates for the sane office may be leader of the modern orthodox synaference called under the auspices of station WOR. A motion pictur? elected if they gain a three-firths gogue expected to begin functioning ther Board of Jewish Deputies, the series showing' Ort activities, exmajority, in the council. of the exthis fall, is a graduate of the Jewish official representative organization plained by Dr. Henry Moskowitv,. tended Jewish Agency, Mr. Warburg Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein Asks Theological Seminary and holds a of English Jewry. The conference District 1. O. B. B. and InterScientist Truth of Atheism prefaced the program opened with * stated. The; division" of iifty-fifty, bachelor's degree from the University was called by the Board at the inCharge national A. Z. A. Heads review of the aims and purpose of ths-thatis fifty percent Zionists and fifty of Chicago and a master's degree itiative of the Zionist World OrganComing Here organization by Howard Cullninn. percent non-rZionists; both in the from Columbia University. ization which is now carrying out its commissioner of the Port Authority, Council and'. the administrative bodies PROFESSES SPINOZA'S GOD According to Maurice Micklin, • policy, in accordance with an agreeLIMIT RESERVATIONS who is national chairman of tbsr of the Jewish, Agency has been\rechairman of the membership com* ment Tvith the leaders of American Local Organizations tained, Mr. Warburg stated but add- New York.—<J. T. A.)—Albert mittee, one hundred and sixty memdrive. non-Zionists, to enlist the* principal Fifteen Sponsoring Mass Meeted that he visualizes the application *Einstiiri, the famous scientist and bers have been secured, showing Gottfried Bernstein of Chicago, Greetings of the Comzet. commit*Jewish communities of the world in ing o f f h i s method only during the author of the relatively, theory, that Omaha Jewry-is. really anxious president of ' District Grand Lodge tee of the Soviet Central Executi** extension of the Palestine work. initial; period of the Agency's work whose theories were recently at- to have the proposed synagogue. To. 6 of the* B'nai B'rith will be Committee for the settlement of J«?v>* •Three, resolutions adopted at the ON SPEAKING TOUR as the ability of the candidates tacked by Cardinal O'Connell as leadSam Beber, secretary of the or- the principal speaker at the banquet on the land and for industrial vovl, nationwide conference and approved ing toward atheism, declared, his ganization, states that it is their to be given, by the local lodge Sun- were conveyed by Saul S. Bi'on, should be the only criterion for at a huge mass meeting held at the Dr. Z. Lorber of Chicago, noted faith in God in reply to a cabled in- intention to begin . holding regular day, evening, May 12, at the Black- president of the Amtoijr. Mr. Broi. Scala Theater last Sunday evening orator: and author-on Jewish' ques- their selection^ to; the office. quiry from- a "New. York' rabbi. stone Hotel,- in-honor of" the class placed British Jewry on record as tions, will deliver the main,address Before proceeding, to Palestine Mr. "' The rabbi, Herbert S. Goldstein of. services with the high holidays this of new members that will berinitiated presented the assurance that th'r fall. AB. Alpirn is chairman of soviet government will in the futn>'* agreeing to name its representatives at a mass meeting" of Omaha- Jewry Warburg said: he met Baron Edmund the Institutional Sj'nagogue, cabled into the order on the afternoon of; continue to show to the Ort the symthe movement. deRothschild and Lord Melchett at on the Council of the Jewish Agency to be held Sunday evening, May 12, to the famons "scientist, "Do you bethat' day. Among the others who j pathy with its efforts already mad< • . created % special committee on Pales- at the Jewish Community Center. Cannes. Baxon Edmund displayed lieve in God?" He was anxious, the will speak will be Abe Shaw of j apparent in its decision te perm}tine as: a part of the Board of Jew- The meeting is being-sponsored by great interest, in every detail of the Rabbi declared, to-i-efute the CardKansas City, Mo., internationa) pres-1 •duty free, into "Russia all machinery Palestinian 'situation and expressed . ish' Deputies, to which the Anglo- a group of fifteen •.'..of the most prominal's charge. In ^reply he received ident of the A.'%. A. and winner of • as well as to • affovd special transjewish'representatives on, the Agency inent organizations! and synagogues his hope that the. Jewish Agency the following cablegram -from Prothe, A. *Z-7 A. oratorical contest in portation rates. — .--are- to.^be responsible; and pledged in th^ -city and is in the interests of will strengthen.^ the Palestine work. fessor Einstein ;*p--German i, \$Sg!&.JfasB^&Li>\ I-aiYichis,,-iit^ whose Synipath* with-..the-.jssawck of .tht. Mr. Warburg in reply, to.tjie-ques- "'"•"'the- Jewish communities to; a wider the Ort campaignhonor the clasr is: being named will Ort and co-operation 'with its eifnn.f • tion as to his impressions of the ''Ich glaube an *Spinozas Gott der participation, in the work. sich in gasetzlicher --. Harmonie des also -speak. Sam Beber will act as was pledget! in behalf of hie govfr?; Dr. Lorber's subject will be 'The The "Marquis of Reading, Sir Her- Declassed JJBWS in _ Soviet -Russia.' country, stated that he was very Seienden offenbart, rJcht an • Gott teastmaster. •" Too often a ~parent is thought of ment by Jacob Eoseuthal, technics.' bert Samuel, former High Commis- He will speak in Yiddish. Harry A. much impressed by the progress der Sich mit Schicksalen und Hand' Entertainment for the banquet will sioner, of Palestine, Lord Rothschild Wolf will deliver an address on. the noticeable in all parts of Palestine. lungen der Menschen abgibt." (I as a scene shifter, occupied solely be featured by vaudeville acts from counselor of the "Roumanian J,iCfy.tion in Warhingion. The Polish jrovLord Melchett, the Chief Rabbi,. Dr. same subject, in English, In addition The greatest asset of Palestine, he believe in Spinoza's God "who re- with getting the child in and out of the World and Orpheum theaters. bed, off to school, and out on its emment -signified its interest in (hrstated, are what might be termed . J._ H. Hertz and other prominent to these speeches, arrangements are veals Himself in the orderly harmony According to Phil Klutznick, in leaders of British Jewry enthusi- being made to have - other prominent "invisible resources". These "resources of what exists, not in a God who daily round," Mrs: Eva Morse, di- charge of reservations for the af- Ort efforts through the presence orector of adult -education in the Mr. Eugene Jordan Korwadovpt"!. consist of the help which very many astically supported the move. The local men- on the program. concerns himself with fates, and ac- Omaha public schools, told the Coun- fair," attendance will be limited to consul penera] of Poland in Nt'v here obtain • from relatives abroad. role; played by Louis Marshall, presjtions of human beings.) Dr. Lorber is- on; a tour- to-the cil of Jewish Women, in her talk at four "hundred. B'nai B'rith members Yorjc and Mr. WoytklewiowicK, " dent of the American Jewish Com- west coast during which he is speak- Comparing these "invisible resources" a meeting in the Jewish Community are being urged to bring their cial counsellor of the Polish to a web, he said that there are inmittee, through his negotiations with i: g to all the prominent Jewish com; mothers to the banquet inasmuch as in Washington. Center "Monday afternoon. numerable fine threads going to Pair Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of immiteis on his itinerary about the it will occur on Mother's Day. "Parents dp not always" recognize Messap-es of endorsement the World • Zionist Organization,. in proposed relief measures for Russian estine irora every part of the world. The principal address at the initia- read from President Herbert: S O a problem of cbild-Teariiigr when they In their accumulativepower tlfcey AT bringing about the accord between Jews by the Ort. see it. That is why it is not safe tion to be held in the.afternoon at Prof. Albert Einstein and fo constitute the strongest backing .for Zionists and non-Zionists, was freAI to learn parenthood only by experi- the J. C. C. will be given by Henry Governor Alfred E. Smith, The p the country. He was deeply moved, quently referred to in the proceedence, the knowledge comes too late. MonsTcy. Jack Marer will preside. dent, in hi? jnessage declfsred: he stated, by the idealism and the ..-'•;.•• ings- as one of great jnerit and It is no longer a <iisgrace for the "Some member of the class will wish to fe'ieitate the Jews of boundless sacrifices not only of the "achievement. The program of the Annual Fed- parent to study. He used to be respond to the : "speaker's remarks. ca upon theii nationwide and wholesettlers but of all other elements. " About 200 representatives from ! The initiation, which is to be pres- hearted co-operation in the Ort Mr. Warburg cited as an example eration and Mother and Daughter ashamed to have his child think that England, Wales,' Scotland and \reDay -celebration of the Jewish Womented in more elaborate detail than paiern for the imkistvial and there was anything he didnt know. the brothers Pollac, owners, of' the land were present at the conference en's Welfare Organization to be held But this is no longer true. Recent has ever been witnessed before in economic recon?ti*nction of the tiir "Niomi Cohn, local Jewish pianist cement factory "Nesher, who'live like which was presided over; by D'AvigTuesday afternoon, May 7, at 2:30 at * dor Goldsmid, president of the Board and organist, will' give her first pub- hermits and devote large sums for the Jewish Community Center will developments in education have em- Omaha, will have as one of the tressed Jews of EasTem Enrop* sn^ lic organ recital Monday evening phasized, the importance of two age features of its program, traditional to extend my be?t wishes to tlvisr constructive purposes. Another case of Jewisli Deputies. May 6, at 8:15 -at the Elks Club is that of an architect, Mr. Green, be featured by talks by the presi- extremes, the .nursery school and s *»gs by Cantors A. Schwaczkin and gathered at the Ort T\econsti'UCti'»= Six delegates will be the repre- lodge room. She will be assisted by S.- Kabanowitch, both of whom are Banquet in New York to further tUi> who undertook gratuitously to do dents of leading ladies' organizations parent education." sentatives of British Jewry on the Mrs. Sam Beber, soprano.of thecity. naembers • of the' new class. , humane program." Mrs. Morse stressed also the imthe repair work; following the earthCouncil of the Jewish Agency. Thi The organizations whose chairmen portance of Jiaving the father share Miss Cohn, a pupil of Ruth Hulse "Fraitful constructive work of il>~ quake when many, buildings were decision was unanimous insofar . ai will address the meeting are: Temple in the rearing of children beyond Nelson, plays the: organ at Temple Ort merit? universal support.*1 dedamaged and the doubt was prevalent no vote to the contrary .was cast, WILLIAM WOLFE WINS Israel Sisterhood, Council of Jewish clared Professor Eir.stein. "I pj*j't " . The only exception constituted; tb Israel Sunday mornings.; She is a as to "whether repair work would do. Women, Senior Hadassah, Junior simply providing for their physical SCHOLARSHIP AT IOWA with joy American Jewry's- effort r^ action representatives of theAgudath student in the Commerce College of He has achieved a. remarkable piece Hadassah, Deborah Society, Daugh- needs. Israel,. Orthodox Jewish world organ- Creighton University and is a mem- of work in rapidly renovating most ters of Zion, Golden Hill Society, Mrs. Millard Langfeld told of her William Wolfe, senior at the Ab- develop the creative foix-es for shrwork for undernourished children in raham Lincoln High School of Coun- wholesome restoration of Jewish ?•"<' • ization, who abstained from; voting, ber and reporter of the Tau Delta of the buildings. Ladies Free Loan Society, Daughters the public schools. Gamma sorority. She plays regularcil Bluffs, Iowa, has been awarded nomic life in Eastei-n Europe." Rabbi Schoenfeld, who concurred in of Israel Aid Society, and the South ly over the radio as a feature of the "During very cold weather this four year scholarship to the Uni- Regret that Governor the resolution, demanded that the exPASSOVER PLAY GIVEN AT Side. Synagogue Auxiliary. William year, we reached 700 children daily aversity; Creighton hour every Friday evening. Iowa. He was a member vas unable to attend was tended" Jewish Agency pledge itsel SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM L. Holzman, president of the Center, with our milk and luncheon pro- of the of . The program is as follows: Nocdebate team which won the by Mrs.' Roosevelt, herself H social not to grant support to school will also speak. •where anti-religious subjects ' are turne by Chopin, Cavotte by Gossec, . A one-act play, "The Silver Cup," In observance of Mothers and gram," she said. "Although children Iowa State Debating- Tournament worker of distinction. With th* taught. This demand was ignored. Serenade by Schubert, Moment Musi- produced under the direction of Jean- Daughters week, Mrs. David Green- who cannot pay receive food with- which was held at Iowa City during imagination, sympathy, vision of thi cal by Shubert, A Hasty Vow by out charge, the work is two-thirds the past week-end. He is an active Ort leaders whose enfleavoi' is (/ What the League of Nations is'fo: Brahms, Slumber Song by Gretchan-i ette Levinson was the feature of the berg "will speak for the mothers and self-supporting." all nations in the realm of politics inoff, The Mermaid by Haydn, War Passover program held by the Jewish Rosalie Jean Alberts will, talk for It was announced that the final debater, taking part in numerous prevent starvation, "nothing- can •?*>»"•' debates, including the Drake Tourna- and anything may be acconiplifhftfi.'" the rebuilding of Palestine as Marcfr of the Priests by-Mendels- Community Center Sunday school, the daughters. meeting of the season will be the ment which was held last month at declared Mrs. Koosevelt, ; home of Judaism means for the Jews sohn, Aragonaise by Massenet, Swari April 28. A one-act play under the direction annual luncheon on Monday, May 20. Des Molnes, Iowa. He will graduate Government representatives v<hr in the realm of religion, was the Song by Saint-Saens, Song of the Those. who portrayed roles in the of Mrs. Herman Jahr will also be from high school in June. William sent messages were Ambassador T. • opinion expressed by Sir Wale Robin by Anna Case, The Crying of play were Norman Bolker, Lottie presented. Cohen, one of the principal speaker! Water by Campbell-Tipton,; The Rips, Norman Rips, Jerome Milder, The program will be followed by Junior Hadassah Bridge is also the senior class treasurer at F. x'on Prittv.-jtz of Germany, E, V. r the Abraham Lincoln High School. Bshrtis, envoy extraordinary- »T«J; at the conference. tea. Resen ation Pouring In Winds in the South by Scott, and and Isadore White. minister plenipotentjarj* of Lithu«i>tH. "It is foolish to ask, after citie a medley from the opera Naughty A piano solo by Gertrude Oruch Dr. Ferdinand Veve.rka, minister «• have been established, colonies re- Marietta by • Victor Herbert. and recitations by-Helen Smith, Be- It is often more necessary to con- According to Ida Cahn Platt, gen- RIKLIN AND ACKERMAN Czechoslovakia, George Grete«ftn'"> placed malarious swamps, the Jordan atrice Eiseman, and Esther Silverv ceal contempt than resentment; the eral chairman of the Junior Hadas- CHOSEN A. Z. A. DELEGATES minister of Roumania, Tytus TVU; " " harnassed and cheap power produced man were also well received. : former being never forgiven, but the sah Mother and Daughter benefit powicz, minister of Poland ft"^ whether this thing is going to be a LOCAL FIRM INSTALLS Louis Shanok was chairman of the latter sometimes forgot. bridge to be given at the J. *C. C. Louis Riklin and Frank R. Acker- Arthur Lule, consul pp.nei'B? >.: NEW FUR STORAGE PLANT ^ success," Lord Melchrt explained. —Chesterfield. Sunday afternoon, May 5, over four man have been elected delegates from Latvia. program. "It is a success! Are you going to hundred reservations have already local Chapters 1 and 100 of the A, "The high commission of Sltr participate in the success?" he asked, The Alaska Fur, Inc., located at Z. A. respectively to the national i League of Nations sent R been reported for the affair. 2413 Farnam street, has announced YOUNG POALE ZION "Or are you going to allow other Mrs. M. F. Levenson will speak «£>nvention to be held in Pittsburgh.! stating: "Please accept best Seek Girls For installation of a new fur storage people to take up he benefit after the PRESENT YIDDISH PLAY i for success of your rmpetinf; si»i for the mothers and Bess Spar will Pa., early in July. system which is claimed" to be -. one you yourself made the success?" Exhibition Drill Dave Brodkey is alternate for the; speakfor the daughters. Other feaj of* the best in the west.. It is equip- - A one-act . Yiddish play, "The further development of our mutual The physical department of the tores of the program will be vocal "Mother" chapter while Ephraim i co-operation." ped with the latest approved devices Eartherter Peseh" by Sholeim AleiSEMESTER REGISTRATION for accurate temperature regulation chem will be presented Friday; eve- Jewish Community Center is plan- solos by Mrs. Margaret Bellman and Marks is alternate for the "century"! AT CITYTCALMUD TOKAH and safeguards against fire or burg- ning). May 3, by the Junior Young ning a public exhibition to be a solo dance by Mary Zane Mercer. chapter. ! A. Z. A. 100 TO HIKE given. May 30. The program is Members of the organization will lary. ., Poale Zion' club at the Labor Lyceum Registration for the next semester Sam Beber Chapter 100 of th« NUNCIO.FOR JERUSALEM of the City Talmud Torah is being S. A. Kneester and C. S. Lovejoy, at 8:30 o'clock. Proceeds from the being planned by Marcus Krasne serve as waitresses clad in dainty A. Z. A., known as the "century*" and Miss Ursula Fagan. blue and white costumes. Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The return of conducted at -present. Parents are the "proprietors, in malring their an performance -will go to the Chalutchapter, will go on » hike Miss Fagan has issued a request Prizes will be given at each table. temporal power to the Vatican will urged to enroll their children at once nruncement established as their mot- zim in Palestine. morning. May 5. for sixteen girls of high school Door prizes will also be awarded. be marked by the creating of the to, "Your furs are safe with MS." Classes in Teading and writing in order that they can begin immeThe members will meet *t age to volunteer for the marchAll proceeds from the affair will be post of Papal Nuncio in Jerusalem,) diately with the' opening- of the new .Other services for furs, including Yiddish for children will . be held J. C. C. at 7 o'clock. Sam Ing drill. turned over to the Meier Shfeyah orit is reported today in the press here ] term. Registration may be made at repairing and Remodeling facilities Sunday mornings at 10 o'clock at the *>erg is in charge of aix*angera«nt». jphan colony in Palestine. iii dispatches from Borne. either the central or Dundee branches are Drovided by the Alaska Fur, Inc Budapest.—(J. T. A.)—Hungarian ews who are willing to.forfeit their leritage and to enter the Protestant church in order-to' better their economic or social status, will not find t so easy from now on. This resulted from a discussion of the growing number of Jewish con•erts in Hungary at the convention of Protestant churches now in - session here. The charge" was made ;hat many : of those converts knock at the door of the Protestant church not because of their conviction; but because of their, economic or social ambitions. The convention went on record as desirious' of making it impossible for such converts to gain their ends and therefore decided that in the future converts to' the Protestant denominations may V not be accepted by individual pastors in private, but that; the candidates for conversion have to appear in the churches in the presence - *>£ the entire congregation and avow their JhrLstianity wijth all attending; ceremonies. . "
Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis, Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450
I JFYova Contemporary Pens
THE DOMINANT NOTE A reader selects a few chapters back of his miaflk In 'this the.f By B-V, J. Advance publicity material concerning a performance of Handel's, from the book of the famous Jesuit Cardinal i s merely running true to D A V I D ^BLACKER - - B U S I N E S S and MANAGING EDITOR "Juda* Maccabaeu*", in New York recently contained this passage regardpriest, Father Vaughan, in which he for—both his own anu that of his . . I R V I N G PERLMETER EDITOR PEOPLE ARE STRANGE ing the first presentation of the great oratorio in London nearly 200 comments on the play, "Merchant of church. Tomebody might remind J E A N E T T E LEVINSON - - - - - - SOCIETY EDITOR "Give me e. loan of fifty dolU«i," yea.ru ago: Venice." But he adventures beyond him, however, that a similar attitude L A W R E N C E BARON - - - - - - SIOUX CITY EDITOR "Handel him*elf considered it one of his outstanding compositions. H« the boundaries of the play itself and toward the great philosopher Gior- one Jew asked of another. "I am surprised that you come to conducted i t thirty-eight times and i s a single year he directed six perdiscusses the Jew. His observations dano Bruno resulted in his church's CONTRIBUTORS the other one answered. "Why, formances of it in London. The work aroused the support and enthusiasm are interesting though we do not burning that martyr on February 17, me," RABBI FREDERICK COHN IRVIN A. STALMASTER I don't know you at all," Of tb« Jews in London because Handel offered something of a novelty by subscribe to. alt he says. 1600, a victim to the Inquisition. ToRABBI J. J. OGEL, Lincoln, Neb, MRS. S A M U E L GERSON . "How strange the people are," the presenting • Jew on the stag-e as A hero rather than as a reviled .character. Says Father Vaughan: day a statue of him stands on. the "The Jew i s essentially * com- place of his execution in recognition first replied. "Here, no one would The work was flwt produced in Covent Garden, April 1, 1747." Subscription Price, one year • . . - - , » » - . • $2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application mercial man. Barter i s to him a of his greatness and' the correctness loan me a cent because no one Although English literature up to that time, and even a century afterpleasure, not a burden. He wiD buy of his views. Then there was a cer- knows me, and in my home tovrti, e ward*, specialized In the presentation of the Jew as a "reviled character," CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please, give both the old and new address; and he' will . sell. If there be one tain Galileo, still one of the im- one would loan me a cent bccanne Handel did not follow the British mode even prior to the appearance of : be sure to give your name. chance in a hundred in a business perishable lights in the astronomical everybody knows me." hfs "JtKis* MaccabaetM." deal the Jew will take that chance, world.. Cardinal OVJonnell's church In 1720 appeared his "Esther"; in 17SS, "Deborah"; in 1788, "Saul"; and strangest of ail, he will come also condemned this man a s "vehein the same year his mighty "Israel in Egypt"; iu 1741, "Samson"; A SLIGHT MISTAKE put benefitted. He will buy any- mently suspected of heresy-,1 yet its J h " iin 1747, 7 "Joshua." His "Solomon" and "Jephtha" appeared "What i* your vocation?" one Jew 1748 ""Joseph"; thing you have to'sell, and he will teachers today admit that the science asked of another, after "Judas Maccabaem" sell it back4 to you at a profit. They of motion began with <5alilee.'! From >thl$ it is quite evident that so far as the »rt of Handel was "I live on the sweat of my brow, ; have dominated the commerce of the according to the Bible. And what concerned, the representation of a Jew on the stage in any form save world. Most of the so-called relithat of a "Shylock" or "Barabas" was not a novelty or departure in the do for a-.living?" With the arrival of the season of registration of children for gious persecutions of the Jew were, Freemasonary has always oeen'«n do"I?"y«n the other one answered." I year of the appearance of "Judas Maccabaeas." interesting subject to the Jews, and "the Talmud Torah, we are once more painfully reminded of the and are, really the Christian plod- I am sure that the following letter am not so particular about living up The Encyclopedia Britannica attributes the greatness of Handel's magnitude of that major problem of present day Judaism, Jewish^ ders' frantic effort to wreck the sent to me by Charles-Kahn, an a t to the Bible and sweat. I make a national epic* to British influence, declaring that only in England with its education. Today we have come to realize that Jewish education chariot of Jewish commercial craft torney in Chicago, will be very in- living by making others sweat." free people could such works have been produced at that time. to save himself .from being crushed teresting: " T h a t ' s what all capitalists say. .. r" The genius x»f Handel was stirred by the voice that had inspired John is more than a privilege; i t is actually a vital necessity. Contem- under its rushing wheels. Let others sweat *and work for us, Milton and moved England to a fuller comprehension of the doctrine of "Dear Mr. Joseph: poxary Jewry, whether they be orthodox or reform,: are ready to "We see none of these in Shylock. 1 "On the subject of Jewish P*st and w e shall celebrate mil our life!" human equality and freedom. admit today that the future ; of ou.r> people depends on the Jewish He will not buy, he will not sell. Masters "Dont g e t excited," the first one The message of Israel was the dominant note. referred to••< in Random 'training that childi-en receive pjjdr.'to.maturity. He laughs at the chances of trade; Thoughts.' interrupted. "I am not a capitalist. . >••, —The Jewish Independent, Cleveland, Ohio. he is a miser. He .holds the dollars "On page 341 of 'The Evolution I merely work in a Turkish bath." • In ages past, our ranks have been decimated by persecution in his hands, and he will make one of Freemasonary,' by- Delrnar- H. | THE TRUTH ABOUT NORDICS 'and violence. It is not the first time that there was some cause; dollar breed another. Darrah, Past Grand Master of HliA JEWISH <JAZLAN K was I '.. bound t o come. Nordic ballyhooers in Congress who have for pessimism over the future. -But the, twentieth century wit- "The hospitality of the Hebrew nois (1920), is a picture o f Israel . nesses for the first time in Jewish history, a fearful crisis brought is proverbial. A Jew will share his Grand Master of JKasons in Permsylare not merely issued the dis-about by actual indifference of the Jews'themselves. I t is diffi- last dollar with a brother Jew. His vania in .1805, home life Is, perhaps, the most perDM* with a defense of non-Nordic peoples, but with counter-criticism of the pensation for the formation ef the to stop at the only Jewish house in c u l t to assign the guilt. The economic ajod political revblutipn with fect of any nation. A Jew will first. Masonic Lodge to Illinois. This the Village of Baranov. This partic- race which they love to picture as the exclusive possesor of all the virtue. 'its new, free and luxurious;life w a s ^ u n d to dause such a reaction never turn away a fellow Jew in indicates that Je.ws, played a" great In the course of a House debate on immigration, Congressman John J. ular household was not very hos,But now that sufficient time has-passed-to enable us to get*3t need. If he has but one meal he part in the, establishment of Masonry pitable to Jewish • passers-by and O'Connor of New York, said recently: .proper perspective of;the situation, w e m u s t beginibp remedy it. . will take his .fellow Jew in. If you in America during, and following the when the 'housewife who was alone "Let me state here, gentlemen, not in order to say anything sensational doubt this take experience a s the Revolutionary .War, as - they .did in in the house admitted him and found but to bring the truth forcibly before the body; Take a railroad train and Time was when modern elements in American -.Jewry weije proof. Have you ever seen a Jew the business and financial manage- that he wanted food and shelter for through the South, through the West, through g the North,, and in the e i censured for the indifference to such things as Jewish education, beggar, unless in the day of actual ment of Washington's campaigns, t£e Tifght, she told him, "You may ] $*fi iB **« **a t w bba t w e c a l ) <*"• our people, who have not had the opportunibut even that charge can* no longer be levied. Refqrin leaders like persecution? I can safely say, no, though the uninformed . would . have rest up here for a while, but 1 Kavej i t i f e s o f the people of the big dties. You will see American people of the never. You may open your door us believe thai- Masonry i s an or- no food for you." Nordic races, you will see people whose forefathers were here 300 years • Louis Marshall and Julius Eoseijwald have putlicly-'d'eclared their any morning and find a Christian ganization founded solely by gentiles. •opinions that Jewish children must be given Jewish education for Catholic, Methodist, Baptist beggar "It is* unfortunate that in this Hershele folded his hands behind ago, but you will see them in the lowest state of civilization. Is that the back and strode up and'down the type t o which you refer when you speak of the 'American blood' in 'the sake of the people. Only this summer in an interview, Rosen- for a meal, but never a Jew. And world me^i, are,regarded, by the. )*•, his room, murmuring to himself, "If this America? Yes, you will see them in rags and tatters; you will see them why Because' the Jew is hospitable; ligious label rajher than by thwr Is the case, ; I shall have to do .wald emphatically stated "Send your children to 'Cheder'." unkempt, uncultured, uneducated and uncouth, the Jew home is an open home to vorks. This accpunte for their sep/'..••.••• • . . . .••.•;-.:;;V*:- l.••:•.:•,••.:> * * > - . l . - ' . ' , ? • . my father diA I shall have to do! "Then I suggest you take an automobile and ride through the so-called kind. Hospitality is the tradi- aration into groups', commonly rewhat my father did.1 : Addressing 'the convention of ^Gfand JJadge No. 5 of the B'na| his foreign sections of the big cities and see these foreign people whom you tion of the race. Abraham enter'to^ as 'Je>vish Lodges' and The woman was frightened a t Late 8o vehemently. Look a t their children going to school in droves, .BVith this January, Louis Marshall told the delegates of the neces- tained angels unawares; they were ferred "Gentile Lodges' among men who these* words and offered him food. seeking every opportunity for education, eager to acquire and to assimiliate .sity of Jewish education. He said, "Our ancestor's came here po^r strangers to the city and he took should know Tjette.r.".. After he was through eating, the all the customs and habits of our country. See them going through the ',in this world's goods; They vvorke<| haf-d, TJiey prospered, btii them in and found them the meswoman, still excited, and with a 'they Jewish heritageand heritage;; and Jewish Jewish ttraditions 'they never never forgot forgot the theJewish r a d i t i nan*} | d sengers of- God. This tradition' is It's strange that some, Jews don't trembling voice* asked him to tell grammar schools, the high schools, to the colleges, from Harvard tq ^Jewish learning. Compared to them with their poverty, how in- handed down from father to son, and care to go to, Palestine^ though they her what was - that thing that his Stanford, eager to become a part of America and of its institutions. "Let me make this assertion here, after due consideration, that Ij believe | finitely poorer are we who have acquired material goods but have so/no Jew needs seek help from the a.e willing to go.s eyerrwhete else in father, did. that the foreigners in this country today, on the whole furnish better 'unclean* gentile. the world. This short m e s s a g e t o "When ray father didn't have any^namely? our Jewish material for citizenship than many so-called American types living in out'.The crowning glory of. the J ihe. "Survey Graphic!! from Rev. Dr, thing to eat for supper, he would go ?ture, our Jewish history and our||^6rah^ipaf Wonderful niaj? qf lying sections of the country." 4life that is unkntnvn to the'iirowirife^eneration?* ' i -is his pride of - Wood? - W e * are the John Haynes Holme* might change to bed hungry," Hershele answered. - Americans who deplore any and all such racial allusions and comV.parisons will, in fairness, admit that the persistent attacks directed by a land Indeed, how poor are^wte whcj haVe^ittle else to pass on tf>| THE 100 per cent Nordics in Congress, upon the stock.of Americans or non. of ^Dayfcl," of • Inscribed In; iverjijC'nqSk and corner "WEEK 'posterity but an all-consuming matmalisrft,; But it is scarcely ^ r |*>f Christ." -A 'Jew'i with Bible history;^'Get acquainted : A Jewish merchant was asked to Nordic origin, was bound to result in the very statement which CongreBSVlafe. We yet time tbamass tb-amass &Ugsie$&iif wealth,spiritual spiritualan9 without the'pride of bldoci, y t have ha tim &Ugsie$iif wealth, with an international .situation of name the chapter of the Bible which man O'Connor has made. Efforts of Nordic supremacy shriekers to bar the nation's doors to all tcultural, if we will but put ourselves to the task. We have our chil-i the,arrogance- of his .nation; would thrilling;'" and ; "mpifnentotti" interest was to be read "that week ifl the but Nordic peoples, have been accompanied by a campaign whose course -dren and it is in them that we can redeem ourselves. The question be t u t the caricature of & man, lack- And study at first'hand the develop- synagogue. ment of the bravest social venture "I don't know," he said. "1 know has been marked by so persistent a lily-whitening of Nordic peoples and «is, "Will We?" Those parents whose children have or are regisi ing the very love, of living. ; "Do you see any of these charin the. world todayiGo to Palessb many chapters that I dont know so constant a blackening of all others, that many Americans are bound to hering for the Talmud Torah are making a conscientious effort,to acteristics iii Shylock?. ^With all- his whieh one i s the one for this week. call to mind the Nordic Ku Klur terror-stricken regions of Oklahoma, [provide for the future. But the others, what;of them? I t is to hatred o f the. Christians^ with;' all Life i s teaching me, the chapter, Texas and Alabama, the Nordic Ru Klux scandals in the official life of .them that we address this plea that they consider their course hisfrenzy at the flight of MB daughcan't get. over those thick- "When" ihous goest forth to war*1 Indiana, the illiteracy, moonshine and feud lawlessness of Nordic Kentucky •.before i t is too late; before they and theirs are sucked into the ter, his ducats iand his" jewels" are heads dovm uTlGeo^pa who refused (Deuterononny). r My wtfe teaehes and other Nordic vagaries. the subject ot his lamentations. He to permit, four Jfws living in.one mp the chapter '•Generations*' (GeneNordics in Congress are responsible for these painful but iinavoidable eddying whirlpool of oblivion. values'his gold < and his gems more of the illiterate counties of that state sis). The dowery which I fe«d saved remembrances. than the desecrated blood of a Jew- to serve on a jury. The case was for my daughter—the chapter "And They were bound to be.—The Jewish Independent, Cleveland, Ohio. ish virgin.- 1 would my daughter finally uecided against the fanatics ij'w^ht"' (beuteronomy). My busiwere dead at my foot, and the. jewels by the Supreme- Court. It was ness-^the chapter "Standing** (Deuwas the answer of Judaism. I -wish in "her. ear; would she were hearsed charged that religions prejudice was teronomy). Notes I issued— the it your duty to speak disparagingly to remind you that there i s nothing of Jewish Science from your pulpit. at my foot, and the ducats*:in her at the bottpm of "the incident. One chapter "And he (they) came near" in the Jewish law to support your It ~is indeed your privilege to deIt was several years ago that Jewry began to discuss the coffin! . . . I know not what's spent would, imagine, that the day of'such ((Genesis). The judge ) jg comes" and nounce things which you consider antagonism to Jewish Science; while, -possibilities of uniting in a joint effort to rebuild Palestine to a in the search: why, thou loss upon bigotry had passed in this country, teaches trie the chapter *And Ad Jacob J b to be wrong. But it. is not within on the other hand, there is ample ? newer and greater glory. It is beautiful to dream, but i t is even loss! The thief gone with so much but it seems -that some of these dwelt (the Hebrew word for *he your-right to make things appear ground, a whole tradition, in fact, . mind si have not yet dwelt" is vaieshev which ileo means' wrong in order t o be able to de- to sustain its teachings and pracmore pleasant to watch those phantasies, take form and become and. so much t o find the. thief.' He ^erk-water wruld have the jewels even in the emerged from the. -Dark Ages. "and he eat^-imeaning of ^coarse in nounce them. This i s exactly what tices. I, tM, u n a rabbf in Isrgjl. realities. Following the lead of their American cousins, English dead girl's ears. He would graBp this case in jail.) yea have done in your criticism of I, too, am qualified to represent »ttd Jewry have fprmally committed themselves to participation in the the ducats even from ' her .coffin. We hear a lot of tosh about the Jewish Science. You have not, it Interpret our faith. Am ttir views .extended Jewish Agency. Other European Jewish communities Why, this would 'be blasphemy .to Jews demoralizing the theater, so it's A group of.Jewish men were disis clear, studied i t s principle*, not differ so widely on a subject s o 1 have either taken favorable steps or have also officially signified the mind of a Jew. TJnclean.is the interesting on the occasion of the cussing mind reading. One o f th« even casually acquainted yourself rital to American Jewry, your acratification of the plan. In other words, the Agency is a guar- gold, and cursed is the jewels _, in tenth annivarsary of the famous grotip, Shmerel, said hB «rald read with its teachings for you have con- ceptance of my challenge will mftord a dead woman's hands.' Why, this Theater'Guild of New York to recall the mind of anyone present, and of•anteed fact now •* man is -no Jew; he lacks every na- that Jews frere instrumental in mak- fered to wager one hundred xiollars ffunded its philosophy vitbh that o"f many of our people an opportunity another religious movement, and to familiarise themselves with both This fall, the delegates to the Jewish Agency, fifty per cent tional characteristic of the Hebrew ing this' extraordinary drama group against fifty that he could -do it. have unjustly accused it of denying the positive and the negative views people, and any frue Jew .would in America. My memory Another one of the group, * -rich the reality .of sickness, sin, worry of whom will be Zionists and fifty per cent non-Zionists, will meet shrink from Kim with' horror. He possible on Jewish Science, and they will be may be at fault but i think that one merchant whose business' was on the a « e to determine for themselves and begin the actual work. Their task will not. be an easy one. is not the product of the .tainted of tlje Lewisohn girls and' Maurice decline and- -whose name was Berl, But because of the essential merit in the plan under which they atmosphere he breathes of the false Wertheim, who were most respon- agked to have his mind read. Shmerel •-""I feel that you have done our ! what their attitude towards this important issue should be. will operate, with its co-operation among those who disagree on Christian world that lacks the spirit sible for the Theater Guild. Others, looked into Bert's eyes for a minute movement a great injustice; "Awaiting yovr reply, I am, have first misrepresented it, and of Christ." of course, are to be given credit bedaring yourself a bankrupt." issues, we are confident that success will attend their efforts, "Sincerely yours, on the ground : trf. • that v misreprecause it required a band of faithful and said, "You were thinking of desentation you have triced and con"Morris Lichtenstein." "You win!" said Berl. "Although It is interesting to get the follow- devotees to the highest interests of demned it before, our people. I the drama to bring such a moveing reaction from a non-Jewish that wasn't at all what I was thinksource to Cardinal CTConnell's attack ment to a.successful fruition. Elsie ing of,, the ;advice is worth fifty therefore challenge you to a public discussion on JewiBh: Science, and it VIENNA HAKOAH PROTESTS on Einstein. It- appears. in the cur- Ferguson, who has the habit of say- dollars to "me.", The generous extent of American Jewish philanthropy has rent i* my aim to prove to you that AMERICANS' USE OP NAME issue of the "Nation;" ing nasty things about Jews and the often been the subject of lavish praise. But the aspect of this "William Cardinal CConnall", dean drama, might take notice. asked me to publisl the following Jewish Science is not only comparVienna.—(J. T. A.)—The managegiving that most impresses us is the constructive nature of it. of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in letter written by him to Rabbi Ste- able with the Jewish faith, but that ment of the Vienna Hakoah, the faft is the very essence, t h e very soul, This tendency is well illustrated by the present Ort campaign to the United States, believe that be- I,hear that Morris Gest is going phen S. Wise. Rabbi .Lichtenstein I mous Jewish sport club, has decided ©four religion. aid the declassed Jews in Russia. . . hind the Einstein speculation on to' produce the Passion Play in this thinks it will be of much interest "Jewish Science is indeed not sat- to take action against the use of the to my readers. In view of the fact space* and * time there lurks the country, next fall. Maybe I am isfied with merely rhetorical preach- name Hakoah b.v the American Russian Jewry is chiefly suffering from disabilities incurred 'ghastly apparition of atheism'"— mistaken ,but 1 think his father-in- that from time to time readers have team which won thc> United States because most of them belong to the class of "non-producers" while thus reads an Associated Press dis- law. .David Belasco, is also interested asked for information on , the sub^ ing, or with vague generalities, or Soccer championship, it was anvagae generalities about reliving in a Socialist country. This economic "faux pas" is more patch. Aftar condemning "petty, be-; in. the. same, enterprise. If. this be ject of Jewish Science, I am willing with nounced here. fogged professors" who have set up true soi/ie kind Jewish friends who to give up a part of the column ligion, but insists on applying the tragic than one is apt-to'realize on first thought. Not only are Jnew standards in order "to attract are more acquainted with the char- to this communication: tenets of Judaism to daily experiSome of the members of the they thrown largely upon charity for sustenance, but they are attention' to themselves," the Car- acter of the Passion Play than these "Dear Dr. Wise: ence. It shows bow the ills of life American Hakoali were formerly of faced with little possibility of becoming self-supporting in the dinal, it appears, declared: ''l mean eminent showmen ., ;hou!d point out "Last Sunday morning from your can be conquered through an attitude the Vienna club. They joined United future unless they change their ways of life and leam some trade. that while I do not wish to accuse to them the mistake-they ave mak- pulpit, you criticized Jewish Science, of faith in Divine Help. And it isStates teams following then* spectadeep conviction that if we were cular tour several years ago and it is in this matter that the Ort steps in with a benevolent hand. Einstein at' present of deliberately ing, We have-more than sufficient in rather violent fashion. You not my wishing to destroy the Christian non-Jew? to create prejudice without only assailed its philosophy of life, to eliminate this aspect of our re- this season created a unit of their It is establishing schools to teach these "declassed" Jews methods The Vienna club stated that it and the Christian" basis of life, Jews doing it. Sometimes I wonder but also endeavored to impress upon ligion, our religion would become but own. of earning a livelihood, i t is also establishing Jewish families on I half suspect' that i f we -wait a what these Jews 'are thinking of. your hearers the idea that Jewish a shadow of the past, without effi- will take steps with sport bodies and farms. Besides rendering these torms of aid, the Ort aids them little longer he unquestionably \vill pelasco produced the. "Merchant of Science is neither a Jewish nor a cacy in the present. In fact, I Jewish organizations in the United eveal himself in this attitude." Venice" another niedium for" keeping religious movement. I, as you know, contend that religion has no other States to prevent the use of the hv extending loans that enables the Jews to get a new start in *reveal p M a M p e people confessed their alive anti-Semitism. If ~<Jest does am the founder of this movement function than that of helping man name Hakoah by the American team -. fit* flidprt ny' rfo-* LastL v e a'-iU* r t h e Ort 3tie.d hhmif about IMinnft 103,000 in inRussia Russia, Pnlnnr? Poland,'l ™* ° p l e hhave ,av* «">«««* the.r produce the Passio >' Play he will and the spiritual1 head of the Society in his daily .life. which, it charges, is a professional life, ^ a s t yew- v „ ' * „, „ . „ . - . -. ,, '.inability to understand what it is have a headache by the..time the of Jewish Science; I therefore conteam operated for profit and not as"The organization which I repre(that Einstein is driving- at. Cardinal and other eastern __J ^ h D r ofltetem EtfropTean. countries, • . • - . Ui,Conne n t F , W O ; « ;„ j Mi ,,.^« n o t nt o n.| ^.,. J f _-i Jewish press gets through with him. sider it my duty not to let your un- sent, as well as I, resent your at- sociated with the athletic movement y of philanthropy that builds'for the future, that warranted attack pass unchallenged. I tacks, particularly because you pre- among the Jewish youth which origItisthiatyw*" v""r; V' "TV** - « — . * - . . » " " * - * - ; - • -.""" exactly what Einstein has put on "ThiR is the third-, time,., tp. .my tend-to speak in the name of Jud- inally gave rise to the Hakoah club Rabbi Morris Litchenfetein; leader remedies the-causes of distress besides relieving it, that inspires ^ ^ b u t dUOf b y m e r e 1 what it is that Einstein has in the and founder of Jewish Science, has knowledge, that you have'thought aism. You claim that what you said in Vienna. ?
\Ve wish the greatest of success to the drive.
PAGE a—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY S, 1929 a ChristiWto do just that, and inci- pared to perpetrate that species «f Jews,, any' Jews other than your- and fearful and cowardly Jews dedentally it is to be noted, that he has snobbishness against any and all Jews, selves and that you-like only people sire is to'-have any Jewish question not resigned from a social club but born in (or whose parents were born exactly like, you and people of your brought out in the open. Keep it from a Masonic club, I wish to yield j in) a country other than in which the own social stratum and of your own dark—is become almost the Jewish : him the tribute of my"honor and re- founders and chief members of the cnJtural standing. Well, why must parole or password. lief me read to you a few cHoice Jew who manufactured some jewels should 'not be babtized in -the Episco- verence for his brave act. Alas, that club, were bom, let us hereafter be both the faith and the people of Zionism simply means that we are bits of Jewish cowardice that have xe- •for'him" in'Berlin. Dassatisfied with pal Church. Ordinarily, it would seem 1 may have to wait in vain for another j silent about such things a s anti-Semi- Israel be foresworn and deserted, be- bound to discuss the Jewish question -centlycome tinder my personal observ- the job and angry at the jewelry- perfectly .reasonable that these. Jewish fifty-four years for some college pro- j tism and social -ostracism. ~ It may be cause some of you may wish to re-; openly and solve it publicly. We ation which are in part, though not maker, he proceeded to write lampoons children should accept .the. faith of fessor, whether of Columbia or Yale | most undiplomatic to make, this public create the Jewish faith or make are not afraid; we are not ashamed. -altogether, responsible for my choice ans pasquinades in perfect Voltair- their fathers7 improvised Epicopalian- or of Harvard, to resign from a Uni- recital, but the Rabbi is hot to be a changes in the interpretation of it? There it is; we must solve it in the of theme today. Dr. Emil Ludwig esque against all Jewa because of one ism. But after all, it does happen versity Club or the Century Club be- diplomat but a truth-speaker. The Fear, snobbishness, turncoatism, sigbtr*nd with the help of the world. And that is exactly what the snobs Cohen, mars widely known as Dr. unsatisfactory Jewish Tiffany of Ber- and not infrequently that the Episco- cause virtually none of his Jewish Rabbi is not to defend Jews but to try cowardice! Emil Ludwigj said not long ago in a lin,—just as rational a ^performance in palian children of once Jewish parents I comrades can secure admission to the to save some Jews from themselves. Jewish cowardice is a corrupting and the turncoats and the cowat-ds discussion of the Jewish problem: truth as are most of: the exhibitions may for example marry Catholics. University of the Century Club. His business is not that of ceaseless and polluting influence in Jewish life. do not want. They will endure Fed"The Jews are withdrawing from pub- of anti-Semitic'feeling. ' My perfectly simple proposal is this, And even this resignation I am less exoneration of Jewish wrong-doing, I do not like to say what I am about erations of Jewish Charities for the lic life in Germany, and, in proportion There were not very many Jews in —that in the birth certificate of the interested in than yet another, the re- bnt. rather that of constant truth- to say, but say it I must because I poor, but they are fearful of union* as. they make themselves less con- France at that time, and the only children of Episcopalian-Jewish par- signation of a Jew from a Jewish speaking, even when for a time it believe it,—the largest measure of; or federations for the enrichment of spicuous politically and otherwise, Jews who counted, in* their own sight ents, there be a blank left for religion, club. Yes, a Jewish club, because there hurts. 'Verily," this anti-East European anti-Zionism in America, in England, Jewish life in its totality. They will anti-Semitism will be eliminated." in any" event, were the Jews of South- and, if anything is to be .inserted after are almost as many contemptible Jewish prejudice is but a colorless im- in Germany, in France, in Belgium, endure giving to poor Jews. They do I have two letters in my hand, one ern France, the Portuguese and Span- the term, "religion,* it should read snobs in some Jewish clubs as in any itation of anti-Semitism, plus a cer- in.Holland, in Italy, bnt particularly not want the world to see how poor from a Professor in the Department of ish Jews who had come to Bordeaux something like this: "depends upon non-Jewish club on earth. 1 have :in tain measure of implicit exoneration in America, Germany, England and and wretched and woobegone we are France, is rooted in cowardice, dis- as a people, and we are all that beBiblical literature and Comparative and Bayonne between 1540 and, 1550 the church affiliations of the person to my possession a document of which I thereof. •Religion in one of the important col- up to 1750. There were.no more than be married." • It does riot quite seem ought to be ashamed to speak,, and I would fain discuss for a time guised cowardice, cowardice overlaid: cause we .have .not the will and the leges in Massachusetts. A sentence six or seven hundred of them,—fine lair to young Jewish sons and daught- there- are Jews in New York and some of the sources of Jewish fear- with every manner of veneer and courage to help and save ourselves. of it reads: "Many of your Jewish human beings or so they seemed, cul- ers of Episcopalian.Jews, after they throughout America who will bitterly fillness and Jewish, cowardness. I win tempered "by all sorts of rationaliza- Ere I close I must deal with one students.-lose their religious contacts, tivated and gifted with, such charm of have come to be devout Episcopalians, rail against: me for exposing the nak- not maintain that all desertion of tion, but cowardice just the same.; classic example of what I call Jew^and their-religious'inspirations in their manner and beauty of person as many to compel them to forswear thejrcon-. edness and shame; of my people. These or self-exclusion from the synagogue j Zionism is a facing of the necessity ish cowardice, pointing out the difcollege -days. I have talked this out Portuguese or Spanish Jews and Jew- victions, and to accept,' let us say, forget that I am not a. tailor"to hide is based, on cowardice. I know bet- that the Jewish- question must be ference Jbetwreen self-respecting Cath with some of the students, the Jewish esses possess. These Jews of South- Roman Catholicism. Such change my people's nakedness. I am a surg- ter.. I really believe and-I wish to dragged out into the open, faced in olics and self-despising Jews. You few months; ago that there students, and I find discouraging re- ern France,- who. had . long lived as jmay do injury to their ardent Protest- eon to cut deep and true into wounds make it clear*, however, painful, that the open and solved- in the -open, read motion picture produced in sults. One of the finest members of Marranos or ci*yptO;-Jews, became al- ant Christian spirits 1. < ' that fester and rot. I repeat that I I believe that some Jews shut them-: dealt with openly and • publicly as was the group told me that she doubted armed, whereupon .Iheir leaders, Isaac But if youturn tome, saying: "Yotr \vouid wish to have some decently selves out of the American syna- Theodore Herzl said, and the last California by one of the dime mas"whether we could get ten out of two Pinto and Jacob Pereira, wrote some have spoken to us lately about a book. self-respecting Jew resign from a club, gogue as it is, not. because of too tiling in the world that most timid (Continued on page 4) hundred Jewish students here to take sort of defense, in.which they really T h e Unknown Sanctuary?. i y Anne Which issues an application blank for little faith but because of too much any interest in Jewish religious life. did not reply to Voltaire's vulgar as Palliere, a French, Christian and Cath- admission such as I hold in my hand. faith; not because the synagogue is! I doubt her estimate. I believe that well as untruthful' fulminations olic, who, according to. his own mov- I-: find: "Where were you born?" a religious institution, but because we would find a much larger number ing story published in. translation "Where was your wife born?" "Where it is not. I believe it to be the Tjusitaking an interest, provided that we against Jews generally. They de- under the title 'From Rome to Israel; was your father born?" "Where "was ness of Jews; who are dissatisfied could make the right approach. You fended only themselves,—the Portu- a Catholic's Pilgrimage, l o Judaism,' your mother born ?" "Where wais with the synagogue or the temple, to j can count on my hearty cooperation in guese Jews of Bayonne and Bordeaux. found his way without any outward- your wife's father born?" "Where make themselves felt in the synaany effort to get these Jewish students And they did it by virtually saying: prompting, or suggestion - out of the was your wife's mother born?" Some gogue, to -recreate these,, to reform to -take into consideration the fact "We are not, the kind of Jew that you Church into the Synagogue;- And you of these'questionnaires are said to go them, that is to make them over. Yes, the that man does not live by bread know. We. are different. seemed to have rejoiced in* that con- back; to grandparents and to wife's And. still, I • cannot but wondef alone." Thus writes a Christian Pro- Jews of Alsace-Tiorraine and; of version and the story of it!" Yes, be- grandparents. • whether so. many Jews,, who do not fessor of- a Massachusetts college to a course, the Jews of Germany, as.a:re- cause it is the autobiography, i of a touch the synagogues, these undesult of persecution, are.the kind of My' people, in all earnestness, though Jewish friend about Jewish students. Jew that you describe. We are dif- soul, of a soul's adventure^. What has every. Jew in' America disagree with mocratic- and- materialized,, and, for.' I have another document in my ferent." And' thus they actually that,, the genuine conversion of. .one me and disapprove of my words, this the most part, uninspired institutions hands, a personal letter written "by a purchased their-shameful, peace, went who was a Catholic to the faith of trust be said. As Jong as Jewish dubs would ^tay- o u t and. away from the Christian saint,—that is what he is— to~the Kingi buying .their freedom and Israel, the unvarnished tale of a great "prepare and • use * application- .blanks synagogue as they do, if" snbcondousin Hungary, himself not a Hungar- surcease from persecution which and miraculous pilgrimage »to do with such as these, it behooves us to be ly they were not ready to •welcome ian. He is giving his life, the little threatened the Jews' of Alsace and this, vulgarity of Jews in so-rcaUed Silent about social ostracism* For are any excuse for the rationalization - of means he has and all his strength' and Lorraine upon whom these selfish and high society, the vulgarest Jews that We riot as wretchedly and contemptibly their timidities; ' I cannot help askdevotion, to an attempt-to ameliorate cowardly Sephardic Tories were per- live—-the Vulgarity of thq£e . 'snobbish as any of those who'exclude ing,—4s: not the, very acquieseence of the tragically cruel lot of the Jews in fectly willing- to have every burden to a babtismal font becausei^bes^Have us? It is for us to speak plainly. many Jews in the synagogue as an Hungary,—of all its minority peoples rest, if only they, might-shift it from not the decency nor yet the tourage to .What, does this application mean? unvita] and inconsequent institution^ but particularly of the Jews. Hear their own shoulders/ I name this bear thi; burden of the Jew: with- dig- That in a club on the North or South the very token of their indifference^ one or two sentences of his. letter: locus classicus, the perfect illustration nity ;.andj fineness. Shore, of. Long Island, they do not to all that is Jewish? "Judaism is in a bad way" here. The of Jewish snobishness. and Jewish If you - can tell me the story.. of a •wish to admit anyone to membership I do -not allege that; all Jews are Jewish leaders do not want to suffer cowardice. Jew who is become a Catholic or a whose wife's father or mother, . . _; v .snobs and cowards and turncoats. It for the larger cause of the Jews. Protestant Christian, or a Buddhist or Before deciding on t i e factors comThey say:that foreign lands have, no Mohammedan, because of the counsel- born in Wyoming t>r New Jersey? Oh,. may. be that you cannot, see eye to right to interfere in their internal af- mon to Jewish snobs, turncoats, cow- ling or compulsion of hie inmost soul, ho.; But they 'will not, if they can eye with us with Tespect to the Jewfairs, but where there is injustice an* ards, let us define'some of our terms; 1 will be respectfully silent. But com- fcvoid it, admit to membership, one ish faith, with respect to- memberoppression, any noble-minded human A Jewish,turncoat is one who substi- pare: not the sttfry of Aime Palliere's %hose wife's father or mother was ship in the Jewish, race and people. being has, I think, a right to feel.in- tutes "Cardinal" red for "taleth" blue, hushed and awesome pilgrimage to the" born in Eastern Europe. That is ex- JLet us assume that some of you do dignation. The Jewish students to-. ifce "taleth" being the traditaon Jew- shrine of Israeli with those.Jews in actly what it means: nor can it bs de- not like- the Jewish faith as it is" or day are having a dreadful time, and ish: prayer shawl, the origin of the vulgar and cowardly escape from what hied! Now, if *re Jews can bring our- as it is interpreted, that some of you surely, if the two chief Rabbis and the latter - churchly cope. Instead, of be- they conceive to be their misfortune. selves: to. do that, if we Jews are pre- my fellow Jews, do not. like some leading1-- members 'of- the community ing ruled as self-respecting beings are I' care notrwhat social circle such Jews •who have wealth and position and by their own convictions, they suffer may invade—to ;*what fashionable power 'were tb strike"out,r they eoulcl themselves to be overruled by- the clubs- -theji; befong^that -is^ *re for ameliorate'things. X feel myself more opinions of others^ -To lie a man is to one\reaspn or another, endured^ into a friend of Judaism and humanity govern self by the -courage of one's what school they- in one form or anWe distributed $920,814.43 than some of those weak-kneed Jews convictions., To be less! than .a man, other force or beg or buy their childin dividends in 1928 •who want always to be with the gov- that is, to be'a, Jewish snob, turncoat, ren's way. Dream hot, I sayr of comernment,. right or wrong, with the cowardjis to be<)verruled by the fear- paring;' these Jewish • cowards and All Are Standard Tailored powers that be at the time. They fulness of overmuch awe before an- snobs and. deserters insultingly dancwant to save their own skins and seek other's or others' opinions. ing about from Catholic to EpiscoEvery Suit Direct from "America** Largest the soft places, and in doing so they I have used" the" term "chameleon," palian or from Episcopalian to.Presare utterly regardless of the injustice interchangeably with those already byterian. Church, with the pilgrimage Makers of Fabri&Value CVolhes to the young would-be Jewish students named. Have you ever seen a cham- of a God-intoxicated soul, who painand they close their eyes to the blows eleon? A chameleon is a little, crawl- fully, patiently, humbly, reverently Ail Are Standard ;Fkbr|cs struck at young Jews." ing- animal, which changes colors by found his way, as he believes, to largway of what the scientists call pro- er truth. Every Suit Tailored of Fabrics Direct from How you, my people, rejoice when tective coloration. At different momI explode anti-Jewish myths! Today, ents it seems red or green or yellow When I recently read of what might A merica'g Standard Fabric Mill* ,. Back of practically every fiinstead of striking at the Henry Ford or brown. I know no better name for fairly be described as. a Jewish-Prothat was, I am prepared to give him some Jews than chameleons. 1 do no1 testant Catholic wedding, 1 could, -only • nancial success there is a some satisfaction. When I spoke on like to talk about them, for 1 am not think of the- word of James Kussell Oioose from Unlimited, story like this: Saving: and the Ford.case and the so-called retrac- proud of them; I am ashamed of them. Lowell, as applied by him to a poor, tion, I stated that the time had come But they are, and just as a festering broken, distorted beggar r "AncLthis AH New Selections wise investing. tu utter the truth to Jews about Jews, sore on the hand must be dealt with, ye have made of me." This ghastly You'll fmd .tremendous selections " and to cease talking about lies against So must festering spiritual sores be picture of the soul of'self-contempt, Jews by non-Jews. 1 shall today ex- dealt with, and, as far as necessary, ye of the Christian worid with your of newest colors mid paifertii— Maybe the start was with only plode some Je'wish myths, the myth cut out of the body of Jewish lift persecutor's rod have made at _ Fast pure xoorstcdg, service iccntfics, all a few hundred dollars or a of Jewish unity, the myth of Jewish lest the infection spread and- con- of some of the weakest, poorest specially selected—plus vast size though most cultivated and artistic, courage universal, the myth of Jewish taminate and destroy. few thousand dollars. But this among, us Jews. ranges for all menmid young men. Jieroism, the myth of Jewish loyalty, Without discussing turncoats by You and J have been quite exercised the myth of Jewish cooperation. No' money ha£ to be saved. And that I mean to undertake to show that name, I venture, in all friendliess, to of late over a Christian Judge whom I it had to be invested wisely. The Nebraska's system of there are no Jews who have courage offer a proposal suggested by a" re- know and respect. He has resigned or heroism or a sense of loyalty; but cent performance in New York. When from a club, a Masonic club, because g he newest of new clothing I would shatter this self-delusive and children are born to them, Episopalian it refused admission to a Jew. I have Save your money and put it in at emphatically lowest possible prices therefore baleful myth that we are all Jews' ought to. remember this: they been waiting for fifty-four year& for the Occidental Building & united, and that we are all heroic, and produces such truly marvelous values that We are all loyal and that we all Loan Association. It will earn in standard tailored clothes today! — have the spirit of the martyr. Do these need to be exploded, seeing that good dividends while it is in Buy Note in the Heart of the Scathey are so obviously mythical ? One the association, and you will can lightly wave them away and, alas, son . . .The Nebraska Of en the how easy to show that we falsely be assured of a fund when flatter ourselves as Jews that we posSeason's Greatest Values Xou- •'. you need it for home building, sess in the main the qualities that uiake for unity and heroism and cosickness, education of your The Nebraska is constantly buying in the operation and. loyalty!
Jewish Snobs, Turncoats, Cowards,Mtc. By STEPHEH S- WISE
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It is just as necessary to shatter .a' pro-Jewish myth ' as am anti-Jewish myth. A pro-Jewish myth, can do more harm than an anti-Jewish myth, because, after all, the anti-Jewish myth may ultimately cancel Itself, as witnessed by the circumstance that we have suffered for two thousand years and more from the myths of hatred, and still we. are not. whoDy. overwhelmed. But a pro-Jewish myth is deadly, to Jews, because it moves them to substitute unreality for realities. Living in a world of stern and even terrible realities, let us face them decently and truthfully as becomes Jews. Alas, it is not a.new thing-to come upon exhibitions of the lack of courage and cooperativeness and of the instinct of martyrdom in Jewish life. I •revert for a moment to a classic example of Jewish fearfulness and disloyalty. In 1750. Voltaire, always brilliantly gifted and at times a firstrate scoundrel, had some-trouble with
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PAGE-4—THE JEWISH. PRESS, FRIDAY, MAT S, 1929 - .2*":.-'---'Tfr*-w-"
coats, who even betrayed som« of their fellow-jews by asking the goV» eminent—this the uttermost of (Continued from page 3.) shame—to intervene against those Jews in Hungary who are Zionists eum experts who are suddenly beand nationalists, willing to save their come motion picture producers, Thj own necks at the cost of the security; Catholics objected to the picture, and the honor of the Jewish people! Jew is losing contact with those-rich Martin Buber, from whom, undoubt> Believing that Mr. Lewisohn's do not remember the name of the Christian is the responsibility for view? transcend the boundaries of edly, Lewisohn has imbibed that sources of life wiuch caused his prepicture, aad, if I did, I would not the libraries which house his var- Olympian Jewishness which has servation. The Jew is allowing his the most part in the lands of oppresmention it. The Catholics, suffice to ious volumes, Mr. Montor here sion. But we may n ' truly say it say, found it insulting. What did estimates the influence • of the transformed him from moaner. to mind and his thought i to be warped by material circumstances. Instead is Christian responsibility chiefly in mentor. Nothing that has appeared author of : "Mid-Channel" on the they do? The Cardinal of Philadel course of American-Jewish thought. in the English language may have of using his . past ;.as-, a bulwark the lands of freedom. Then it it phia protested, insisting that the picDeclaring Lewisohn tp be the most so profound an influence on the against his environment, he is using Jewish responsibility. We cannot ture must go. And it went. Resignificant Jewish thinker on the quite foist upon Christians the rehorizon, the author of this sketch course of American-Jewish thinking. it as a lever to enter a world strange cently, a picture was produced in analyzes the source of his power. sponsibility for that Jewish-ProtesWhy should Lewisohn be more im- to him. Germany. "Martin Luther" it was —THE EDITOR. What of the responsibility for all tant-Episcopalian-Catholic spectacle portant than Zangwill, one might Lewisohn has even concerned himcalled. The Roman Catholics did not • • • this sad and lamentable and tragic of some months ago. That IB sheer well ask. Why should his views be self with a question of the utmost like it, and they said so, and the There is no Jew writing today more respected than those of Claude intricacy and danger.' What is a frMn circulation. I am not at all thing? It is a joint responsibility, Jewish snobbery and cowardice, nothwhose voice is as resonant and Montefiore ? Why should his phil- Jew ? Lewisobn has no interest in picture has already been withdrawn both a Jewish responsibility end a ing else, nothing less, "Whilst I can whose views are as stirring as those osophy be more significant than that the controversy between racialists "This ye vent clamor from this throat," I will sure that there was a word or a Christian responsibility. of Ludwig Lewisohn. For a time of Achad Ha'am? The answer to all and nationalists, between religionists have made of us." In lands of op- turn to the Jewish snob and th« caption or a moment's scene in the his influence was threatened by his 6uch questions is that Ludwjg Lew- and atheists. He is concerned with picture, "Martin Luther," that was pression, it is solely a Christian re- Jewish turncoat and the Jewish cowuse of conventional literary forms, isohn is a modern speaking to mod- the fact that he who is born into no": absolutely true, but the Catholics sponsibility. I know that some Jew- ard, and I will say to them that Today he stands out, however, as a erns, Ludwig Lewisohn writes with the world as a . J e w is confronted did not like it, and they said so ish leaders in America are become)which is not my own at all, a word modern prophet in Israel, a worthy a resplendently lucid prose that no with a situation different from that and the picture was withdrawn. angry at the Turkish Jews because that was written centuries before fbt descendant of Jeremiah. His perother Jewish writer, except Waldo of any other human being. What A motion picture prodncer, notabl of their wish that we do not inter- rise of Christianity: sonal ineptitudes, his philosophic Frank, has ever equalled. Lewisohn identifies that person as a Jew— "And Mordecai charged E«tit«r, in California, whose name I shall not vene in their domestic, political afnjuvetes are all swept into the backcan wield more influence because he •what gives his life as a Jew; confairs, and their apparent desire to Think not with thyself that thou mention, produced "The King of ground by his new book, "Mid-Chanenmeshes his reader firs*, in the wel- tent and meaning? return to the pre-Versailles regime. shalt escape in the king's house more Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—-lie personal " It is a wwstched picture— nel,* which, notwithstanding its occome web of his closely-knit senThe Jew must be on the standard- influence of Peter Smidovitch, vice* little more than the capitalization of But why should we expect the Tur- than all the Jews, for if thou altocasional picayunish emphasis on the tences. Under the ppell' of that bearer of progressive thought. Scion president of the Union of Socialist anti-Jewish prejudice, and bound to kish Jews to stand upon their own gether holdest thy peace at this tints, individual problem, is the most sigmagic one succumbs to the power of a faith that is in flux, the Jew Soviet Republics, was thrown into foment anew ill-will against and feet and to risk destruction? Shame, then shell relief and deliverance sri«« nificant study of the Jewish mind of Lewisohn's monitions. ' must be the enemy of positivism and the effect to check anti-Semitism. hatred of the Jew. A few of us, rather, upon those leaders of Hun- to the Jews from another place, and that has ever been written in the Lewisohn represents the American dog. Possessed of a wealth of phil- H« was the principal speaker at a notably a younger colleague, most garian Jewry, who care nothing who knoweth whether thou art n : English language. Jew and his dilemna. Conventional osophic tradition, the Jew must im- demonstration against anti-Semitism gifted among the younger men in about the honor of the Jewish name, come to the kingdom for suck a In his new book Lewisohn casts religion offers no solution to spirit- part the humanism of the Talmud staged today at the headquarters of the American Rabbinate, Dr. Louis I. the ill-fortune of the Jewish people, time as this.'" The Jew with couraside all pretentions to academic art ual hunger. The philosophy of the to his daily life. Descendant of a the Red Army here. J. Larin, prom* Newman, Temple Emanuel, San if only they can be safe, if only age is come to the kingdom. Th« form and admits that his aim is that dignity of- self, ,• promulgated by people which flouted the auto-da-fe, inent Communist leader and active Francisco, California, took up the they can keep their purses unre- Jew of cowardice and self-contempt of prophet and not of priest. For Achad Ha'am,' has Jisyer penetrated the Jew must not succumb to the in the Jewish colonization work, also cudgels against the picture. Did he duced, if only they can keep their lost. We have not lost him. He many years Lewisohn has been insocial status unimpaired, if only they has so lost the kingdom of self-reto a wide audience because of the ab- blandishments of an outer world.' spoke. receive any support in his brave sisting, in Tolstoyan fashion, that struseness of Achad Ha'am and the Gifted with the insight of a race The soldiers unanimously adopted fight? Virtually none! A great may have security and securities for verence and self-knowledge that, hi the great artist is the.one who enmediocity' of his interpreters. of prophets, the Jew dare not re- a resolution to fight race hatred in Jewish fraternal order by indirection themselves. the language of another, he does n«t riches mankind with his personal exWhat shall "constitute- the founda- linquish his right to rssail evil and the Red army. A delegation of Red even attacked him instead of attackI would not exchange one young even know how to be proud. perience. This attitude seemed coninjustice in the modern world, de- army soldiers will be sent to visit ing that creature who produced the Russian, Polish, Roumanian Jew, ceited, for Lewisohn accomplished tion which wjll provide the Amerispite the price that must be paid. the Jewish colonies, it was an- picture. A few minor changes were building, digging, toiling with his but little in that direction. "Mid- can Jew with ' Staunch •' support That is the contribution of'Ludwig nounced. against the buffetings of environmade in the picture, including a hands in the fields and trenches of Channel" elevates its author to a Refresh Yourself, Lewisohn to Jewish life. There are ment and still not disintegrate under caption of six or eight lines, stating Palestine for all these Hungarian In a factory in Borovitchi two plane unoccupied by any Jewish DBZKX the doubts within one's self? Lud- others who have pointed in that di- brothers, Lavrentiev, were sentenced that those were the Jews in the first Jewish noblemen and patricians and author for a century. rection before; but it has remained Lewisohn is the first flawless sym- wig Lewisohn answers' that question for Lewisohn, combining a persua- to two years imprisonment each on century under Roman dominion and millionaires! Snobs, cowards, turnmore satisfactorily than any theoth* charge of spreading anti-Semitic of course, they were not self-governbol of the Jewish Emancipation, sive prose with conciseness ' of propaganda. logian, or layman* has eyer done being and responsible and therefore not V which for almost one hundred and thought,' to cement those views into IX BOWXKS fore him. :>:-' t""-', * •* ~ like the Jews today. This pseudoAn interesting incident occurred inj thirty years has been shackling the a positive philosophy both available the town Soviet of Borovitch. The exoneration is even more insulting A phrase used so:- often that it is Jewish mind and corroding it. In and intelligible. Soviet was discussing the question than the picture. Knowing, as I do, Lewisohn the- Emancipation begins repulsively trite is<; the simple-gist of anti-Semitism. One of the mem all the dangers bound up with cenWedged in a Christian world, the of: Lewisohn's suggestion to^iftel'Jew. to mean the liberation of the Jew n t b and Martha Hi*. fUra«y t«tt Jew has so. many points of contact bers, Malishev, rose to declare, that sorship of the press and censorship! from every inhibition, the release Be yourself! OKABA. KEBB4SKA of the theater, I do not ask for a in bis opinion there was no need of with it that much of his thought Soft gray, iron, Drssa, Dronst and from every stultifying fear. For been in wide circulation ]%•&$:. aluminum easting*. stafeAatd * I « « must be devoted to the formulation fighting anti-Semitism, but rather to prohibitive censorship of the picture, in Public Utility Properties Its flippancy .does,;; mpre than a century the Emancipa- age. oroDEs sad iron bniblng*. sewer laan* which together with its producer fight the Jews. The Soviet thereof an attitude toward tha world., boles, clatern rlngi and corert and Electricity—Gas—Petroleum conceal the basis jfor unaffectatjion. tion was a phrase so enslaving that ;Iean-eut doer* In atock. All kinds «C no Jew dared transgress its boun- To thine own self i b e t r u e f An older This problem, too, Lewisohn has; upon adopted a resolution denounc- must be fought. wood and metal patterns. G PER CENT ON SAVINGS daries for fear of being either -lost day used more staid language to exrj Placed under his microscope. It is ing Malishev for his utterances. "The King of Kings" was p oduced -f>i:ostracised. press that thought, --but it did. mot-this phase of "Mid-Channel" which bj one who is racially a half-Jew; 203 So. 19th St. Lewisohn gives new stature to the have the" pungency,, and "even "^urgency may frighten hundreds of Jews who I mean a man whose mother was a r JAcluon 13M Evening* are attracted by the self-sufficient modern Jew/ Not "because he echoes of the presentrda^.exclamation. f Jewess; it is produced with the help •TAefcsea M7C WAla at SB77 the platitudes of decades and inflates -• There-have been literaHy hundreds majesty of the rest of Lewisohn. For of Jewish money and it is distributed the genius of the Jew. But because beofre Lewisohn who ? have -contain- i Lewisohn has not been defensive as AND he thrusts his .'scalpel unflinchingly' ned ZangwilTs unfortunate picture ofj was Maurice Samuel in "You GenWinter Park, Florida;—(J. T. A.) tilesJi . q pot." This OVrthree hundrSiTitudents and through the festering sores, and the America as "the melting, g with the armor of self-understandfetid fissures. Lewisohn is a warn- cauldron cauldron cpiildl^ cpiildl^ Worthing Worthing more more th*an th*an ing, subjects modern Christianity to faculty members of Southern colleges participated in the intercollegiate ing to the American Jew, and ' also weld the metals* within it, indiscrimAT ALL GROCERS a promise. He is a warning be- inately intertwining- baser with the a scrutiny as ruthless and daring as conference held at Rollins college Made by here April 19-21 for better undercause tie^-pronounces the- doom of purer ore. This philosophy of -the has already gazed at Jewish life. Uncle Sam Breakfast Food that sycophantic J civilization which melting pot" has led to an underfliurThe excrescences'of Pauline Chris- standing and relationship of CathoCompany has sought, like rats on a drowning rent of' asshnilationism which. - those tianity have.eaten'into the purity of lics,*,Protestants, and J^ews. The sugOman* Netauta ship, to evade -,. the agencies of most affected by it have never modern civilization, with the result, gestion" that similar .nbrleys be held ^ ; thet country straight forward thinking through r e a l i z e d . that Paul's fanatically' ascetic con- at colle]jre8'7thrQUj|rh^ut ••:.• such pitiful fawning as the good- " What has the Jew in America most ception of tnls .vrorlcF:has robbed life was voiced.V by, R.inumber of the will movement. Lewisohn is a prom- to fear today? Apparently it is the of its balance. Emphasizing the speakers. ise because he reveals the possibility hostility of his neighbors; otherwise world to come and stressing the sin- •Rabbi Solomon Goldman addressed Of Every o a generation which will not barter one cannot explain the frenzy with fulness of the. senses, Christianity the session, contrasting Judaism and Description pride for profession, and tradition which Jews have concerned them- hasi made it possible for hypocrisy to Christianity, calling Judaism a culBeautifully finished. Guarflourish on the altar of righteousture while Christianity is a religion. for trade. selves with anti-defamation camanteed to hang true. 50e per "Mid-ChannelV .derricks' Ludwig paigns, good-will, movemehts/ and ness./ This astigmatic view of life The religion of the Jews is eclectic, pair, some a trifle more. Lewisohn so high -as to-make him large / philanthropic : bequests to has tainted men's view of the world Rabbi Goldman said.! *:"Father Ross Special rotes on 20 or and other men. Bigotry and intolerof New York represented the Cathothe Colossus of Jewry. Writing in Christian purposes. It is Lewisohn's more pair. the English language,: he has! the to insist that the spirit of ance have been the flowers burgeon- lies and William Adams Brown,-the JUST PHONE— possibilities of wider influence than the Jew is being: dessicated, that the ing in this garden of weeds. Thus Protestants. AT. 4750—MA. 4750.
the Jewish problem is intimately interwoven with the Christian problem, The salvation of mankind will come through a combination of Hellenism and Hebraism, is Lewisohn's view, 3ut primarily he is concerned with a renaissance of Hebraism, which will offset the gelatinous quality of Jewish life and counteract the evils <f£ a moribund Christianity. Because he is a' product of that milieu which he now discusses, because he has been perplexed with those problems which assail American Jews, and because he has been able to transmute the prosy substance of analysis into the poetic fervor of prophecy, Ludwig Lewisohn offers in "Mid-Channel" a healing ointment for the sickness of American Jewry. (Copyright, 1929, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
in theaters owned and controlled by Jews. I wrote to one of the Jewish theater-owners of the west, and asked him not to give permission to produce the "King of Kings" in his theaters on the ground of its polluting character, Oh, this poor contemptible thing mig-ht politely have answered my letter. Instead of that, the picture is/being, produced in his theaters, and here and abroad it will be produced in Jewish theaters. Money will be made through this picture for and by jews. I call them cowards, who sell their Jewish heritage for a mess of pottage.
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Intercollegiate Good Will Conference Held
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tuxal coHHiization promotion of parABSENCE OF VIOLENT tisanship and by providing funds for institutions, whereas in ANTI-SEMITIC RIOTS charitable the religious sphere the problems helpless, the report states. IN 1928 IS REPORTED seem With regard to the deplorable situation of the Yemenite Jews, the Anglo-Jewish Body Warns That report states that it is hoped the Improved Condition Is Not position of the Jews in Yemen Will Necessarily Permanent improve after negotiations,/now being carried on, by the British government SEE HOPE IN YEMEN will be successfully concluded. The British agent who will-.be accredited London.—(J. T. A.)—For the first to the Inman will p.ossibly be in a time, in many years, a year passed position to help the ancient Jewish without violent explosions of anticommunity of Yemen. Semitism in any country .of. eastern Europe, even Hungary andRoumania states the annual report of "the HEBREW UNIVERSITY Anglo-Jewish Association made pub- PLANS MUSIC FOUNDATION lic here this week. To assume that this gratifying sitJerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—-The memuation will prove permanent is per- ory of the late Adolph Weissmann, haps premature, the report warns, German music critic who died here but the goodwill of the governments last week while on., a .visit, will be concerned, the pleasant relationship honored by the. Hebrew University. established between- the governments A foundation for the study of and the Joint Foreign Committee, Palestine and oriental music will be and the vigilance of the League of established at the university in honor Nations, substantiates the hope that of the late Mr. Weissmaiuv accorda turning point has been reached. ing to a * decision of the university However, the outlook is not en- authorities. tirely unclouded, the report declares. The condition of Russian Jewry Tias again ;stirred the,- sympathies and anxieties of their .western brethren who, after a searching examination, hf.ve found ample ground for misgiv"Manufactured in Omaha" ings. The widely expressed inability of Russian Jews to adapt themselves BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. to Soviet economics has resulted in complete impoverishment. Also, the eeligiotis position, which is nominally uniforni for all denominations, ag"THE' CPE A M OF T gravates Russian Jewry more because of the atheistic fanaticism of the Y^vsektzia, Jewish section of the Communist party. Much, however, may be done to SATIN ICE CREAM CO. help Russian JUws toward agr
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PAGE. 5—THE JEWISH -PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1929 BENEFIT BRIDGE Mesdames kj Rothkop and H. Gross gave a benefit bridge at the Jewish Community Center, Monday, April 29, for a European woman who is in need of funds to buy medicine, as her leg has been amputated.
Council Bluffs News By V. K.
be has achieved nothing for Einstein Tells How ^ that C O M . WOMEN PLAN the cause of Palestine, but will adHe Came to Zionism here to it as long as -he lives. He INTERNATIONAL GOOD T. A.)—How Al- authorises the leaders of the "Zionist WILL DAY ON MAY 18 bertJerosalem.—{J. Einstein became a devotee of movement to otilijw whatever influence is his for the cause, he writes. the.
Zionist movement is described
In 1903, while in Switzerland, AlNew York City.—In issuing a call by the eminent scientist in a letter The Bar Mitzvah of Melvin Brown, bert Einstein married a Southto council sections for the celebrahe addressed to M. M. Ussishkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob' Brown, Slavic student girl of the Catholic CORRECTION will take place on Saturday morning, tion of International Good Will Day bead of the Jewish National Fund, faith. He was then twenty-four Due to a typographical error Mr.May 4, at the Chevra B'nai Yieroel on : May 18, Mrs. Arthur Brin -of. here. ' and Mrs* M. Venger's address was Synagogue at 618 Mynster street. Minneapolis, national-: chairman of Replying to Ussishidn's message of years old. After a number of years incorrectly given last week. The cor- Melvin will entertain about twenty the department of peace, of -the Na- congratulation on the occasion of this marriage was dissolved. The present Mrs. Einstein is s cousin rect address is 102 No. 34th St. of his young friends at a theatre tional Council of Jewish Women, Prof.. Einstein's fiftieth birthday, the of the scientist. She was Elsa Einparty at the Broadway Theatre on has proposed that permission be ob- author of the relativity theory re- stein, the daughter of Engineer Eintained from the local Jttperinten- lates that until the age of thirtySaturday afternoon. merly of Omaha. Mr. Blumenthal ENGAGEMENTS dents of schools for reading and ex- five he did not feel himself a Jew. stein, who was a teacher of ProJ Mr. J. Lewis announces the en-was director of the Jewish Communplaining the Kellogg pact in the Having been married to a Christian fessor Albert Einstein in his early 'gagement of his daughter Helen to ity Center at one time and Mrs. The Independent Order of the schools on that day. r o n i n he lived in a Christian at- years. B'nai Brith, Lodge No. 688, will hold • In explaining this plan, Mrs. Brin mosphere. He began to feel a son Mr. Sam Siporin, Jr., son of Mr.Blumenthal was formerly Miss So1 Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—After com- a meeting next Wednesday evening, and. Mrs. S. Siporin.. The "wedding phie Joffe. stated: of the Jewish people, he declares, ZIONIST REVISIONISTS pleting a successful trip the Straus May 8, at the Danish Hall. will be the first of the year. "The pact may mark the turning after settling in Berlin. Dr. Chaim The Central Committee of the COLLEGE COMMENT expedition to South Africa is reThe' announcement of the engage-, Gay, scintillating springtime colors turning home, leaving- Fort Said for The Ladies -Auxiliary of the Tal- point in human history.' Oar chfl* Widimann, president of the World Zionist-Revisionists of America at went -was followed by a dinner given dren should know its terms and un- Zionist organisation, and Kurt predominated in the attractive for- Europe and then New York. mud Torah Society will hold a meet- derstand its significance. Every child Blomenfeld, leader of the German a meeting held on the 21st day of at the groom's home. March, decided to put before the mals worn by the members of thev Mrs. Oscar S. Straus headed the ing next ... ..-.,' •„., sh«uldy in fact, be urged to jnemZiatnsts, greatly aided in his change electors to the Zionist Congress expedition and organized and equipyounger set who attended; the ENTERTAINMENTS orize the terms of the pact,** o* mind. which will convene in July at Zurich, ped i t The party included her Creighton Junior-Senior Prom held Ves chapter of the Hai Resh fraAbe Bear of Lesvenwortih, Kans., In some cities, the superintendent ternity will entertain at a "Sup- at the Fontenelle ball room last Fri- grandson, Edward Schafer, Jn, ofspent Sunday .here visiting, Mrs. 01 schools is being supplied with a Einstein further declares modestly Switzerland, an independent BeviBionist list of candidates. —» All New, York and Mr. and Mrs. Rod- Bear and small son, Aaron David, pressed Desire" costume party at the day night. list of capable «nd dependable speak* Mediate bad ratified the Kellogg Revisionists and sympathisers in this yard Bolton of the Carnegie institute Shades tinting from light flesh to Highland Country Club Saturday who are spending three weeks visitdeep rose seemed to be favorites with of Pittsburgh. Mr. Bolton is a ing a t the home of Mrs. Bear's ers to address the children* in each treaty while the fourth conference on country are invited to communicate BehdoL on the Kellogg pact. LibrarThirty-five couples have been in- the dancers. Miss Ruth Hofner was noted ornithologist and his wife a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius KateK ians have been asked t o post * copy fbe cause and cure of war was inwith the Central office of the organization, 32 Union Square, Boom student of native music. Mr. man. Mrs, Bear and son will re- of the pact on that day, en the local fcession in January, 1929. The Navited by the chapter. The invitations lovely!in a shell pink lace and tulle 1114, New York City, in -view; ef tional Council of Jewish Women Schafer served the expedition as which featured the cape effect and turn to their home in Leavenworth library bulletin board, and to arask that guests dress in the costume organizing the Revisionist represenplayed an important role in the eduhad blue streamers reaching to themoving picture operator, carrying next Sunday. of their "suppressed desires.** range special shelves of books and tation in all election distracts in the cational campaign for the treaty dur5,000 feet cf film. Miss Eunice Rosenstein will enter- hipline, while Miss Eva Cohn in a pt-mphktr in preparation for inter- ing the year that intervened." U. S. of America. rose and turquoise blue taffeta with Mr. Schafer, who spent two days tain six guests at a luncheon at the national Good Will DayAd-Sell Grill Room, Saturday, The a bustle effect was most attractive. in Jerusalem, said that Mm Straus The further participation of the Miss Ruth Kay interpreted ;the was donating all the trophies, inluncheon will be followed by a children i s proposed through the prenew mode by wearing a. floor length cluding animal specimens, to the theater party. sent****!! • of special programs in the Museum of Natural History and the gown ofsatin and tulle, shading A surprise birthday party was Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The Jew- religious schools. ~ In seifie schools, given in nonor of Mrs. A. D. Givpt from medium to dark blue... ..Misses film would be given the educational is? Electric Corporation, engaged in a. short dramatic conversation, at her home Monday. Mrs. Givot Lilyan Chudacoff and Ethel Simon, department of the New York electrification of Jerusalem, i s not,"Tioies Have Changed," issued by were lovely in taffeta formats of museum. The expedition had many was presented with a necklace. employing Jews, in the work. A pro-, the national council foe the prevenMrs. Wm. Boasberg is entertaining flesh and, peach, fashioned in the thrilling experiences, particularly « test against the corporation was tion of war, o f Washington, D. C , t«day in honor of Mrs. Celia Katz- bouffant style, as was Mass Dorothy big hunt during which Mrs. Straus, lodged by the Vaad Ha'u-j the Jewish •will be presented. who is 68, narrowly escaped when man and Miss Rose Leyine ofChi- Muskin's frock of pink .taffeta. charged several times by elephants committee jpsf the city, because Jews The council sections, in their reMiss Veanette Katleman was eago^ and Mrs. S. E. Ravitx, who is ire not employed. spective communities, will also Invite leaving soon to make ber home in cleverely gowned in a peach and and once by a rhinoceros. On§ of A reply declared Jiat the matter t local Jewish women'* organizaThe roooBfn v? orchid taffeta fashioned with a full the principal achievements of the exNew York. is in the bands of a contractor who tions to unite in a p«8ce program in pedition was the discovery of two Mrs. Meyer Coren will entertain beaded skirt. In a quaint green formal, Miss Freda Adler was charm-pew species of birds. Among the declared Ihat jthe workers have al- cekbration of International Good her weekly bridge club tomorrow. 300 varieties brought back were birds ready been engaged for the period Will Day on Ma5 18. A special; fibai, Mrs. M. Langfeld held a benefit ing. of prptoatory work. The, Will to Peace," is being made A deep apricot satin gown studded with strange voices and weird bridge party at her home WednesA boycott by.-th Jewish residents available for presentation at public shapes. day for the Nutrition Fund of which with, sequins composed, the frock of Jerusalem: agains* the electricity meetings. worn by Miss Charlotte Heyn, while she is chairman. "When the third conference on to be furnished by the Jerusalem A prominent visitor in the city Miss. Louise Zeigler wore a burnt PALESTINE GOVERNMENT Electric- Corporation, t»ow engaged the cause and cure of ^rar ; » e t in this week is Mrs. I. Warshaw: of orange chiffon ^formal trimmed in HAS LARGE 1928 DEFICIT in the electrification of the city, may Washington in January, !928,~ said but she does mad to be xnfonnad New York City.: Mrs. Warshaw is rhinestones. • be employed if. the corporation does Mrs. Brin, "the most inspiring rao0 of the easiest way to achieve*. staying at the Fontenelle Hotel: durNaive simplicity marked the. elfin Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—A consid- not change its attitude toward the ment came for m$ when the ten 1 erable deficit was sustained by the ing the week she "will be here;. Dur- green satin, and orchid tulle formal employment of Jews. This feeling national organizations of women, *B xne m i j oi me p n m QI^ ing her stay here Mrs. Warshaw has worn T>y Miss Marian Scharf, and in government of Palestine during the ws» expressed in. Jewish circles here whieh constituted t h * conference, ~ been entertained by, Messrs^ and Mes- sharp contrast was the exotic flame year 1928 it became evident with following upon the' action of the agreed to join m a campaign to sup_ toe need for smart foqnrition wear dames Ike Chernes, H. A, Wolf, red chiffon having an uneven hem- the publication of the official report Yaad Ha'ir protesting against the port Secretary Kellogg' tn bis, effor the year. I which will qokkly and ald£lfallf Henry Monsky, - and Herman Auer- line worn by Miss Lucille Weiss. corporation-fo*-not engaging Jewish forts f w a treaty t o renounce war. According to the report the gov. bach. •r • In a tulle frock of shell pink and I moid the Modern Waaua'a figaa* It wa» with grateful and prayerful labor in ithe project. of having the cape effect, Miss Dorothy ernment had during the year a total into smooth, yoathfol < hearts that ..we received ^i« newe RETURN HOME Cohn was, delightful. Miss Ida Zoerevenue^ of 2,584,317 while its e x -PATRONIZE OI55, ADVERTISERS that, by « dramatie coincidence^ the ,l£lutznick returned Tenenbaum was gowned in a flesh penditures "amounted "tS"*'"*3,S8i;&93 from1 formal whieMiad a ruffled pounds. _,_-jijgjBliortage, it was stated, ed his parents. skirt and uneven hemline. An im-was duer'tovtiftft payment on the OttoMr. and Mrs. Abe Herzberg re- mense bow, shaded from pink to man debt and the' government loan % Omaha's Style Center C turned. . Friday from Excelsior rose, marked the hipline. contracted far #ie.construction of the \ Springs, Mo. Miss Julia Kinslei's evening frock" Haifa - hatbo¥- *&nd>' the purchase of Mrs. Lester Meyer spent the week- was of light blue and peach taffeta. ctrtain --sections' of the Palestine railend in Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Sam Wolf was most attractive way, from- the mlBtary authorities, in a yellow satin *nd tulle froclc -The cost "or- the '-maintenance of t b s VISITORS which had one strap c f van-colored Transjordahian fr-ontier- force amount?* • Mr. Dan Hirsh of Chicago spent flowers. ed to 193,24a"pounds. .• f
Mrs. Oscar Straus Back From African Venture
Jerusalem Electric Corp. Refuses Jewish Workers
does not have to be told the
Importance of Perfect Grooming
the -week-end here as guest of Mr. Jack Marer. Mrs. Ben Taxman of Kansas City is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Milder. - Mrs. Taxman was formerly Miss Ann-Milder. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lazere and sens of Sioux City, la., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Monsky. during the Passover Services. Mrs. M. Kogan of Minneapolis, Minn., is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg.- Mr. Kogan will join his wife latter part of this week.
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Summery Fashions
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- Afr REVOIR Mrs. Dollie Elgutter left for Havana, Cuba, where she will attend the wedding of her niece Miss Elena Pollack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.-Pollack. Charles Schlaifer left Sunday evening1 for Bangor, Mich., a summer resort. Mr. Schlaifer "will be gone about three months. Mrs. Wm. Milder is leaving for Kansas City, Mo., to spend a week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kirschbraun sailed Saturday from New York for a trip to Europe. Mr. and Mrs. KijgK&braun are sailing directly to GltSgOW, following -which they will spend several months on the continent. Miss Ann Greenberg left Thursday to spend two weeks in Champaign, HI* as the guest of her brother-inlaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sogolow. Mrs. Ida Let-in and daughter Grace a*e leaving shortly for Champaign, 111., to visit Miss Selma Levin, who is a student at the University of Illinois.
IN NEW HOME Mr; and Mrs. Louis Somberg:' have moved into their new home in the Giendale Apartments..; . Mrs. Abe Leibowitz, "who is leaving soon to make: Tier home in St, Joseph, Mo., is living temporarily at the Logan Apartments.
BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS -Word has been received of the birth of" a baby daughter on Tuesday, April 30, to Mr. -and Mrs. Wm. R. Blumenthal of Detroit, Mich., for-
at Harney
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lock, both first year men, are showing rapid progress under expert [ tutelage.
Jewish Composer of 'America' I s America^ by Adoption
! Speaking of Marcus reminds me jthat the J. C. C. physical director; y The Jewish Athleti Club started in bringing renown to the Center as the diamond, season with their right j well as to himself by becoming the By "EUGENE B, BLOCK foot foremost by capturing a torrid [recipient of quite a few honors, tussle from the William Street Mer- [which for some bashful reason he "America's . Greatest Adopted' Son" chants Sunday, 4 to 2, in ten innings. has not exposed to light. Marcus has bees appointed to the •That's.".the tribute that San. FranThe J. Ai C , under the manager• National Four-Wall Handball comciico, his heuped upon Ernest Bloch, ship of Sara Zweiback, have a ro«y the idol 'of western music-lovers chance of finishing in the money in mittee, the only Jewish member on the group, the members of which are slhee the rendition of his symphonic the National Loop. all heads of highiy-re*. gnized insti- . spic,"America" by the ' San JFranA -Young F.oltc's Page Conducted by Judith Ish-Kishor p tutions in thickly populated I>oiats of ^1 cueo Symphony orchestra. . Marcus Krasne is expecting to give A JEWISH HOME RIDDLE BOX OUR MAIL tho country. To add further to his :*• ;;'lt'= has been paid /sincerely, too, HOW THE WHALE ESCAPED the on-lookers a real treat' when the Here is a Jumbled Name Puzzle, Here's a very interesting, very (For a Girl, to Reqite) ] prominence, he received appointment for the' music, loving community of (Adapted from Ginsburg's "Legends for which we have to thank Naomi positive lettei from Muriel Shobam, Mid-west A. A. U. Junior swimming 1 - another national athletic commitof the Jew") I think that it is very fine \ San. Francisco has taken" due pride championships will be staged at the Now, you know all about the * story To have a Jewish home like mine, Biron, who lives at 2548 14th St., of 3 Franklin Ave., Chelsea, Mass. Center natatorium Saturday evening, tee, the National Gymnastic. in. .the fact-.that the composer of the prize-winning symphony.- is. a of Jonah, don't you? What you've Where every- Friday evening shine N. W., Washington, D. C. • Look She writes: "Der- *'.iss Ish-Kisho - May 4. , Extra special exhibitions On top of all this Krasne has been these over: A little while ago, Dad announced will be on the, program in addition admitted to the National Swimming forgotten it? Why, then, I'll have The lovely Sabbath, lights.-. San Franciscan by adoption. 1. Soparsev. that he had subscribed for a Jewish to the 50 and 100-yard championships Instructors' association and also to -Bloch has been honored repeatedly to "tell it to you again, and I'm To bless them, mother hides her paper and I disapproved—quite! Now for boys and girls, all free style. the American Physical Education as2. Amad. face; - .since his symphony first was heard going to tell you more about Jonah : 1 I'm wondering why we hadn't called The exhibitions will be given by sociation. A little more fame like 3. Anabl. -' . ;At- 'the' civic auditorium. He has and. his whale than you ever knew. And loaves and iwine'• at; father's it our paper for years. The Sabbath A. A. U. stars. 4. Threse. place . < . " . God told Jonah to go and preach this-and the Omaha J. C. C. will be •been the guest -of honor 'at- various Angel is the best department to every 5. Masleu, known nationally. gatherings of men and women, rep- against the wicked city of Nineveh, For Kiddush stand,"and books for one, 1 believe, . . . I was never a Entries closed yesterday. This 6. Roaht. -, grace i -" ;. ' resenting community leaders in but Jonah was afraid to, so he took good hand at puzzles, but contests will be the last indoor swimming 7. Ascai. " •, ©very, walk of life. There have been passage on board a ship that was That each of us recites. - . - , The J. C. C. gym is proving pop(I mean essay and story and poem meet of the season for Omaha "dock" ular with the feminine sex lately. 8. Niano. luncheons and dinners, breakfasts going to Tarshish, hoping that he fans. "Pete" Wendell, famed swimcontests) I'm always ready to join. 9. Jalehi. and suppers, given for him. At all could hide away from God. But God When I am grown and (married, too, At present over 200 girls are partiIt's partly because I'r- goin- to be ming master, will do the announcing. cipating actively^ in physical departNow take each of these and turn of these he has been lauded for his sent a great" storm on the sea, and I know exactly whatd'lUdo, the- letters around until you find the a writer and always grab (rather contribution to. the. music of America j the. sailors were frightened. No Because,' you see I. am, a Jew ment activities. Bible name, or the object of Jewish inappropriate, but it's true) oppor- Krasne is. arranging for a track and for . the .honor that he has j matter how much of the cargo they And mother teaches me. : meet for high school boys to be staged tunities to write. And it's partly beheaped upon the city.: that he chose threw overboard, the ship still rock- I, .too, shall bless the Sabbath light, interest that they should be. For cause of the way you word the an- in a couple of weeks. He also Krasne wants more members to instance, No. 1, "Soparsev" is the And keep my dishesclean and ed .about as if ready to sink. So to call his new home. . . use the Center pool. Waiving all name of a Jewish holiday. Just nouncements. (They're usually so e yearns all tennis, golf and horse- discussion as to the manifold benebright,', . , J • It was at. a recent gathering of they knew that there must be some shoe experts to start rounding into ticing!) - Miss Ish-Kishor, couH- you the San Francisco Center, one of one. on board whose presence must And teach my children what is right, change the order of the letters until find me a correspondent in or around shape, for the J . C. C. will sponsor fits derived from the sport of swimyou discover which one. Or if you the leading organizations of .local be bringing them ill luck. They cast And what a Jew should be. tournaments agair in all of these ming, he states in regard to the -^-Jessie, Sampter. have a set of Anagram blocks, they'll Boston, who wants to be an author sports. Medals and prizes will be natatorium. "The pool has clear, women, that he was referred to af- lots and the lot fell upon Jonah. be a great help in solving this puz- or an authoress? And if that corfectionately/ as "America's greatest sparkling, super-sterilized water are you? Whence, do you zle, for all you have to do is to respondent wants t~ know what I'm awarded to the winners. : adopted,. son." The . phrase •' came come? Why does your presence ""No, you can't helpi%e.' One can't which is purer than the water you like, here goes! I'm nearly thirteen. Spring and summer programs will from Maud Fay Symington, prom- bring us ill luck?" they asked him. fight against fate. -'This is -tide • day move the letters about until you find My eyes and hair are medium brown; start in two weeks. drink. The water is tested weekly inent among the local music lovers, So Jonah confessed that he was flee- I have to die. This »is the day on the right order. (Alphabet crackers my skin is a few shades- lighter. I'm by state officials and is continuously and the speakers who followed spoke ing away from- God, and he told which God decreed, I must 'throw you will also do, but don't eat too many tall, five feet two inches. Most of being sterilized by the ultra-violet Helena Mayer of Berlin won the i& simalar vein. . them that they must throw him over- up on shore. And after: that, the between meals!) Then when you that is arms and legs. I'm in the European Women's Fencing cham- rays and is • heated to a correct "Americans cannot be great musi- board if; they.wanted the storm to work for which :He ; created-,me: will have the right words, read down eighth grade in public school and pionship recently held in Naples. * temperature—n.ever too cold, always just right. And no chemicals are cians until they are joyous," .Mrs. go down. .The. sailors were sorry to be. accomplished. • So I ' will" have to the first" letters,; and you will have have been going to Hebrew school Symington said, " and here in San have to do it, but they had to save present' myself befdre Leviathan, and the "name of a place that most Jews for the last -six years. That ought Jackie ^Fields, recognized as world used. Let's get into the swim." are anxious to yiait.". And when Francisco we have that joy." ; . jthe ship, so they thraw Jonah over- let him eat me up!" ; -. you've found it, write and let me to insure quite a knowledge of. He- welterweight titlist, has receivsd offiboard. The anthem of Ernest .Bloch's brew, but it doesn't in my case. Is cial cognizance of this fact in 28 POULTRY DEMAND HEAVY "And don't you" want to die?" know. "America" already has been sung by But Jonah did not drown, did he? that enough about me?—Did you states now with the others almost IN NEW YORK PESACH ' 1 hate tKe yeryideaj" sighed the Jewish boys and girls of. religious You remember this part, I know! ever try to analyze names? I do, sure to follow. poor whale," and hlsjsides pulled in, schools, presaging the popularity it No sooner did he hit the water! than and it's irteresting! My name is New York.—(J.' T. A.)—A >8»Bidis distined.to enjoy and Eabbi Louis a great whalt poked its head out of i» that it wasn't very pleasant for Hebrew. It means (Milly) "Queen, -Down at the state capital,, one of erable increase ifi business Was-regJonah. ; . . . . .', " I I. Newman of Temple" Emanu-El has the stormy waves and opened its Precious." Your name is Hebrew too, the outstanding high lights of the istered in the &ew York' pojultry "Tell me something, about this written "new words to", the ~ theme, mouth wide, and swallowed Jonah isn't it? I've spoken of these names spring grid practice at the university market" on account of the Puss'bver ! Leviathan, Vsaid_ Jonah, '^perhaps"" we Blochrthas: been ~iikehed; by' some up! because I think finding their mean- has been the stellar performance of holiday. * ;•>?». writers,-to. Zangwill's. David; Quixano .Now it wasn't just by accident might find a way for you to escape ings is fun. So far I've found near- Elmer Greenberg. Elmer, former For the 'first two days of Passover who'expressed in the strains of a that this particular whale was, swim- h i m ? " : •• '•;:;,' v - . / . ; ' ; : ; ; " . . ly two dozen "Hills of Gold" (Gold- Central High captain and all-state over 200 carloads of live poultasjf argreat ^symphony his ~ concept - of ming around in. .the particular place "Oh no!" said the whale, and he Outside Religious Instruction berg)' and even more "Hills of Iron" lineman, starred last year even rived in the wholesale market.' .There During School Hours America as^ the melting pot'.of the where Jonah was; thrown in. ; No, described him -for Jonah. Levjuathan, (Eisenbufg). Some names are towns, though handicapped by injuries. And was an unusual demand To^.-.fat,: i t said,was": the yery biggest fish God had .prepared this whale for Permitteed : some show trades, and others come from his pre-season cavorting, he heavy fowl and good prices rtvere • races. And just as Quickano, in ; Zang- Jonah. He had made him right at of'all. :He was itinety-nine-thousand from the" Hebrew like yours -and seems primed for the best season of realized. Tho- wholesale price r.w.s will's immortal play,1 •wrqte.. into, a the beginning of "the universe, when times as big as all i- the whales put EXEMPTION ON REQUEST mine. It is an interesting' study, his varsity career. up-to 36 Cents per- .pound while the symphony his inspiration .of '-Ameri- He made all the other fishes; and together. = He • was - hot • as fire, and isnt it?—Won't you please, find my retail prices ranged from 30-35JC up : can ideals" and'his coriceptio*nV of' the He had givei. him a very big inside, the water near- him.-was always .boil- Lansing, Mich.—(J. T. A.)—Attor- correspondent soon? And please, a Two youngsters are out for track, to-70-75c per pound. . , ;B fusing of all nationals into one great so that when the time came when ing hot. "Do you wonder -I;hate to ney General V/ilber M. Brucker held future writer—even if he or she *vho though not varsity men yet have mass •••"•pf- American ••people—Jus own he- h a d ; to swallow Jonah,. Jonah go near him?" the- whale finished;' the revisal draf$ of the Harnly Bible doesrit- live around Boston! Truly prospects for becoming valuable cin- Se;that>fs ashamed to be seen in inspiration gained from--life in the; wouldn't be.' cramped Hg or uncom- •. "Never,.^ind, whale!- Leave It. toj "bill constitutional in an oponion subder material at Nebraska in the near a "a^i^lBotidition would b^ipSBItl in fortable. ' •"•" "•' •'•" l ; . " ' : " ' me. land of His-- adoption, r ^ " r ^ Muriel' Shohanru" future. Lou Azorin and Harold Pol- a.splendid One. Instead of' throwinglme 'kp -pit mitted to" George C; Watson, chair- yours. —Seneca. Well at that rate, Muriel," 111 have He was acknowledged that inspira- Jonah's whale was a good whale. shore,'this iminute' take me with' you. man of the hotise judiciary committion m the .explanation ffi^t'ls trans- He liked people and he liked to talk. to Leviathan. I'll firs't-.get you* out"tee, which has the measure under to ask the; future writer to answer you direct, for. I haven't been classfixed to his;toxe, in which he' writes: He was obeying- God's "command T»y of this trouble. God didn!t, say ex- consideration. ifying -OUT: correspondents that way. In its original form the bill au•>;"fhe. ideals "of America | are:, im- swallowing Jonah, but he didn't want actly what tine today Y<& were to However* I'm pretty sure some one thorized not only Bible reading, but perishable. -They embody.';, the fu- to hurt him. So he called out:spit ^ne up, did he??*^ ' ture: creeds of all ;taankb}d;'a~ union, "Tell" me,; are you feeling com- ^o^ai^itijTie laday^iwilV d 9j ) ? u t alsoc Bible classes.; in the public as ambitious as you are will reply in-; caitimtm • purpose and \u~nder' .will- fortable, insideK me,^ Jonah?" suppose—suppose something*were to Schools. ^It now 'provides • bnly for.) to your very' lively letter. If- you s reading of the - Bible and for haven't a correspondent within a ingly ^accepted, guidance,/"ofc widely "Well/' answered Jonah^,"I do find happen to you?" We have just completed the largest exclusive fur v" \ the-excusing of pupils ,to receive re- week, let me know. Yes, names are d i i f ified^ i d ^ races, . ultimately, l t i t l .to t : bbe- it rather hard • to keep i-my-. footing, 4r Nothihgwm. Go;al»eid!" storage vault in the west. With the Exclusive Phonecome "pne- race,; strongs and great."" -. because you' splash and' iswishVafound '. ..And •-' the . whale set. off-,vtowards ligious ' .instruction elsewhere. Mr. fully as interesting as you say. I'll talarm burglar protection system, and direct cooling. Recognized as onerof $he-\ greatest so much -in the water." The* whale Leviathan's home. The \vater began Brucker cites a ^Michigan supreme tell ^you a story about .some Jewish Your furs are safe from moths, vermin, moisture, living" composers: -if.-. Jewish;, music^ instantly, -stopped splashing _ and to ••.; get warmer and farmer, and a court decision to the effect that names next week; fire, theft, and tornado when stored here. Btoch says that he- finds inspiration swishing around: in the water, ', and faint, :,red light appeared far down Bible reading without comment is permisaable in the public schools. •f r many of his compositions- -from began swimming calmly and slowly, in the depths'.'of it.'. .Then the-! glow comment on the matter, therein conEkcpert facilities for repairing He holds that in the absence of any tained, and is required to excuse the. "Jewish spirit withinv me." Per-" instea'd. " •- •'-v;:;: became^ brighter- and brighter, and constitutional prohibition, a statute and remodelling Ivips that is directly responsible for , "Is that better, Jonah?""he asked. the- water hotter, arid.rdy; last almost fromi that part of tbe session any requiring the excusing of pupils for pupil upon application of his parent the lasting virtues of his- three Her . "Yes, that's much . better thank The whale Stopped, tremb- religious instructioft may be adopted. brew • poems—Trois Poemes Juife-rr you," -said Jonah gratefully;,. .Then boilings or guardian, is not a violation ofj : i i n g . ^ . • :J-".-..-;_ ; v '_~\.\<i' .s V;,: ••*'.".•' , At -public hearings on the bill, the state constitution. his Schelomo, his Israel; a sym- the whale said: \ ' -V.' -^f' Leviathan heaved his head up. He RabbisJ A,.. M. Hershman and Leon Snfe as a National Bank phony in F and othei compositions "Can. •yim see wellAniidejtae?" "This decision is supported by that the\ •vorld recognizes as dis"No," ; said Jonah, 'rrhere* is only seemed to ;be. made•> 6t ^redinot .iron. Fram . were' among those who \ ap- those of a number of other" states.. WE CALL FOR YOUR FURS :; tinctly Jewish. ' ' l a ' , little greenish light • coming-' in He>'.. had long, twisting'Jiprns vl and peared in opposition!:\o it. "The second question involves the ; long, fiery fee)ers, an<l huge teeth ; Attorney General Brucker's <jpin"I 'find inspiration in -the- OM|through- your4«Ke^"j: j ~ extent of power which may be exTestament," he says, "but:•< as 1 havei .'"Well,' then,1';'saif^i;he w hale, "I'm through which; t his ^ breath came ioa r'r£ad r in. parti ercised by the legislature and board sa£! many times before it is.-not-rny going--to -swallow..aL_dianipnd." And stearnirig'and: panting, and "fiis^'eyes! "Provided, however, that the pro- of education; in excusing students for " purpose to attempt a. 'rsconstitutjon;.. the,, veryy ..next moment, a blazing Oh, his eyes! They were just like visions of this, section; (of the school any purpose in the absence of a con. law) t shall not be construed as proof Jewish music 1 am n t b i h t d i d ?' tumijlfng^d t i j l f ^ d w n the places in the/fire where the coal 2413 Farnam Street Phone AT. 7288 of Jewish music. 1 am- not an j bright diamond cam?' ha? .burned away -and ;Jeft just - a hipvtuig-or interfering with the read- stitutional prohibition, the legislature has powsr to deal with the subject. archcologist. 1 regard it as of'-first! into the whale's inside. i^iMg' terribly-hot, glowing: % space! v . ing, qf-the Bible in~the public schools The school authorities have been importance to write, i i gcod . nicsic. It!! everything u^). ^ and d Jor.ah. coulU^^see,, H the of: tin's ?tate. However, no child given full powers over the manageis the Jewish soul tiiat interests me j not only ' all ^.around- him, in the) , " t ° , ™> shouted, e re<juived to attend or,-parti- ment of the schools by various leg—the complex, glowing, agitr.ted soul ;smooth, egg-like inside'of- the whale/"' *"'' while the whale trembled cipate in such' reading of the Pible islative enactments.' The test as to that 1 feel' vibrating through- the jbu,t he ' also r saw -outside -of it, all more than ever. "Who calls me?" Leviathan j-oared. Contrary to the wishes of his parent action by the board of education • in Bible^—the freshness and naivete ofjthc way down to the bottom c'..the And he opened ,his terrible mouth or-guardian. Upon the -written re- regulating certain hours for students the Patriarchs; the violence thatisisea. Ho saw fish of all kinds—oh, quest of parents or guardians, pupils to be excused for purposes of outevident in the Prophetic books;- the the most wonderful fish, some with wide. of the grades may be excused side religious study for a period of Jew's gteat sense of . justice; the llor.g snouts, like swords, and some "I, Jonah—the Prophet of God, am i ~ any ; from school for. religious instruction not to exceed one hour twice each despair of the- preacher'-. in -Jeru- with tiny 'wings, some flat and ' some calling .you. .. I have come to see in the principles of'right living, pro- week, is 'abuse of discretion.' salem; the sorrow and immensity -of like balls,' and some, long'and wrig- where you live?" ' . the Book of Job; the sensuality of gly—some with • scales and some ,-. "And why must you; see where I vicjed, however, that such pupils shall "In my opinion, the provision rethe Song of Songs. without, some ved; and some "green ljve?" asked Leviathan, and he notibe.excused more than twice «ach quiring the excusing of students for "All thia is in me; it is all in me and some gray and some gold, and opened his mouth twice as wide, and veek for periods of one hour each.'' a period of two hours each week for arid I regard it as being the better some no color at all' -And he-: saw panted, "so that his - frightful teeth The constitutionality of this pro- such purposes is within the legis- j part of me. It is all -this' that I trees growing right down on the were, blazing like red-hot pokers. , vision involves the consideration of lative power to enact, and I believe j endeavor to hear in myself • and to bottom of the sea, only they" had with a high rate of interest "Because in the next world, I am two questions. that this provision is constitutional." transcribe in my music—the vener- long, floating branches like the wil- supposed to 'find you. and capture "First: May the Bible be read in accruing daily. That's what able emotion of the race that slum- low tree^—and there were great you, and cut you up in pieces for schools ^f pupils are not compelled Neat, Tasty bers way down in our soul. TRAM AUTO DEPARTMENT sponges, •. and colored flowers, and the great feast that will be served to attend or participate? TO BE IN NEW LOCATION "Yet, while the Jewish spirit heaps of beautiful, shells—oh, it was to the souls of the righteous. You "Second: May the student be exwithin me provides'me with the in- a wonderful .sight, you may well be- are to be the finest dish!" A ter- cused from school, twice each week Consolidation of all bus and autospiration for- many of my composi- lieve. rible howl came from Leviathan. The for one hour each period, to attend tions, why call it Jewish music? But after. Jonah had been in tho waters shook so that tl" . .whale rock- outside voluntary religious instruc- mative equipment of the Omaha and means to you. I t costs tto Council Bluffs Street Railway com-! Some speak of Jewish music .and of'whale's inside for a day and a night, et1 about like a tiny boat on their tions? more — it's worth money in German music. Essentially, is itlht did not feel the whale swimmingJsuWace. And Leviathan dived deep "As to the first question, the su- pany, in quarters leased at 2509 actual dollars unc) cents—and not all music? Why—you will findjarounrl at nil. j down and far away. Gradually the preme court of our state has passed Leaven worth street, and appointment] perhaps- the best of what you call ^What's the matter, whale ?" he red glow became fainter and the squarely upon it in the case of of E. , E. Harrington, 3928 North] can be obtained quickly by Jewish music in the Gregorian chants asked. water became cooler and cooler, and Pfeiffer vs. Board of Education, 118 Twenty-thinl street, veteran tram asking for our representative. of the Catholic church. And; the? "Oh/' said the whale, "I tlon't feel soon they knew that Leviathan was Michigan 560, decided in 1898. It company bu.s driver, as supervisor at the opposite ends of the sea, and was there held that: The use in the of automative equipment, was anreason is that the first Christians j st lively any more!" Telephone ATlantic 8028 "Why, what's the trouble? Tell that he would never,', never . come public schools, for fifteen minutes nounced Saturday by C. D. Porter, were Jews.'' vice president and general manager at' the close of each days session, Perhaps I can help?" brck for that whale! AmMhe whale Bloch. expresses himself as strong- me. positively danced in the water for as> 'a supplemental textbook on read- of the street railway company. ly in favor of the movement for the All busses, repair trucks and other Of synagogue music as So as a Jew T can only say that joy, for he did enjoy life very much. ing, of a book entitled, 'Readings 1307-1309 Howard Street, Omaha autos used by the street railway from the Bible,' which is largely means of intensifying interest in it we develop music it wUJ serve to "Thank you! Thank you! Ill never ap of extracts from the Bible company, will be housed and serviced {stimulate a deeper devotion to the forget you!" he said to Jonah. "And Judaism. now 111 take you to the shore!" And emphasizing the moral precepts of at- the new garage, which eliminates •The most powerful language thatjeause of I (Copyright, 192», by the Jewish he watched Jonah out of sight and the ten commandments, where the : repairing of autos at the Lake street he says. we have is teacher is forbidden to make any' shops of the company. V t " appeals" to the soul of man. Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) waved to him with his tail.
Fur Co., Inc.
A Safe Deposit
YmAt The Carnival On May fth
\wmmn NAKON,
Everybody's Going To Make W/wopee At The Carnival
VOL I - N o . 8
Z. A. to Conduct Subscription Drive
More than 400 people filled the Team* eeattrtlag ef taajaben from tho local A, Z. A. chapter will *Urt main auditorium of the Jewish Comthis week upon an inttnttv* drive munity Center last Sunday evening to obtain subscribers for the new ento listen to Dr. L. Lorber, Chicago speaker and literary representative New Term Registration Begins larged Jewish Presc. of the National Organization, the The city ha* been divided Into reSunday Morning at 10 Workman's Circle plead for the rats-] stricted ton** and *ii team* ceav O'clock ing of funds to aid the distressed prised of two each will caarate their Jews in Russia. ; respective zones. DISCUSS ADDING Dr. Lorber visualized to his audi"We hope to get every Jewish famINSTRUCTOR TO STAFF ence the grave situation which exists ily in Sioux City and surrounding among the Jews of Russia today and A spirited meeting of the Talmud territory a *ub*eriber to the Frew which requires immediate relief. He' Torth which brought out much con- and are confident it can be accomsaid in part, "The colonization of structive argument, was held at theplished," according to Jack Slotiky, Russia does not solve the Jewish What i i unquestionably the ouUtandinir JettUh social event x City Jewry hns expressed itself as being quite elated problem as it exists there. Many Community Center on Monday eve-president of the local chapter here. and rnMt pleasantly surprised In the new and enlarged editions of seek employment, but are unable toning, April 29. A board of directors Ae an inducement to the (earn* for of the Reason will I* the Jewish Community Center Can ival \vhich The Jewish Press which liove heed sent to every Jewish family in obtain any due to the anti-Semitic consisting of siiteen member* was obtaining subscriptions, two prise* will he held At the City Auditorium throughout the miit day and elected at the meeting to serve for art being offered beside* the regular evening of Tuesday, May 7lh, Ihe city, feeling which predominates all of commission* being paid. To the turn The cunlvtti thi* yrnr will lie unique «m! quitediff rent from It It the eensetisui of opinion that the new and enlarged Jew* Russia. The class of Jews today ' i j the coming term. t teturing the highest number a priie that of any provlmm your «» * m rul f|KtUI featurca ha-1 heennrtall PMM With IU BloUk City aftd Otnaha pages In addition to the Russia is vastly different from the' B. Baron, M. Brodkey, J. Dimsdale, of will be given | and Vm ranged which will prove A iitwti&nt «uiiiri»e to nil. KtiMfll MWt of World Jewry will fill a long needed requirement in type that once existed there. They J. London, R. H. Emleln, George team176.00 obtaining the next highest numTh* city Auditorium will I* U-*« K. iht.U, Mr*. Jl. L Emldn, M. Lazrlowich, A, Goodelte, and th* Jewish homes of both communities. are known as the declassed which ber will receive $26.09. This, howMr, Dave D»vld*M», pttsldetit of two issues of the Tress with interest means outside of the legitimate A. Greenberg, Sam Lipman, Wm.ever, I* upon condition that th* total Ufully deronttil *itd bwntliit «ill I* Mtt* '!•'•« lj|.iiitin. l i e t*f!«iii tomiriltltf t, g Brothers Company, one and pleasure. Rich possibilities con- classes and posses no rights whatso- Kantor, A. W. Kaplan, J. Robin, number of subscription* obtained by erected on rltlier aide wiih » ii*me C p y , and anl one ti«»»», » < H I » I . , *ed their- respective nf Met* CHy'i (wtMtndliiK eommun<> front your paper. I sincerely hope ever. Of this kind there, are more LI. Hendleym, N. Sadoff and A. Still- all the team* exceed* over 400 sub- floor In the center. Every Jewhth ergmlMtloti lit l)t« »l.*lrti.*t», ll U *re ai*i.ting i in the Mr *-&** in * |«tl«r to (he editor they will be utilized in a manner than 1,200,000 Jews who need our man are the neyy members of thescribers. city I* pliying torn* pirt In the board. Officer*' will be elected at t>f«rw>tifrfi ef nrnlva ate es fol*Htetl. w l §m very happy to Me thethat *ill promote the welfare of help. The team* are made from the folmotion of the affair and ate <•«« MM* and •iilugtii Jewtih I'rcwt andIsrael and advance the cause of The declassed formerly were en- the next meeting of that body. operating to make it Ihe mott tut I *<ii,vi, to-or Problems discussed at the meeting lowing member* of the A* Z. A. Judaism." gaged In trading and other forms of revolved mainly about the point, Chapter; Team No. 1, Morrit Gor- cessful rarnival that has >rt LMttlUN business and today they are without Mr. Abe Still man, president of the H«ik#rs «!»>. »f T(IM»4 furtb. Bl.tcr"Why are there, not ; more children don, and Moorl* Roientbal; team No. t).uniortd. **** M»«a Kttl T 4 7A A i local Zionist Organisation, in a state- implement* or tools which they must enrolled in ! the" Hebrew Dancing, plenty of "f»U," tsffling. Bchobl 2, Leonard Welner and Milton Emhave.in order to produce. It is our ment to the Press says: "I believe line; team No. 8, Philip Dobrofiky, free prises, novel stunt* and many classes7" Changf-of location, change that the Jewish Press will mean a duty, we the Jews of America, to of teaching methods, pay iyitem, bui And Moorl* Robin; team Ho. 4, Sovel surprises await the crowd* whkh are great deal to Sioux City Jewry as aid them to obtain the toola which system, and ch)rtifee. ,to Federation Hershelow, and Charle* Oiheroffi expected to attend on tlte evening «f a regular publication of public opin they require so fiat they can live supervision, were a few of the prob- team No. B, William SloUky, and May 7th. ion. this Sioux City has never had, on the product! whlcl, they produce. lems discussed.. T.|te problem of add* Lionel London; team No. 6, Jack Th* outstanding raffle of the | Fostering of rivalry In educational That le .what the Ort is endeavoring ing one teacher to_ the staff which 8lot«ky, and Burnell Koolleh. carnival will be a beautiful and #» ntid cultural Views between this city to accomplish and only through the Is now composed of . . ^Isehberg and According to the present plans, the quisiti radio valued at fartf.W •hlrh and Omaha, vhlch such a paper will raising of fund* can it be done." teams will require fully two wt«k* Previous to Dr. Lorber's addreis If. Bondarin was'also' taken up atin which to canvass the city thor- ha* been doialcd by f)arij*<w Uretb naturally do, will tend towards proger'» Company. the meeting. ,..'.'". ress in these lines. , As for Zionism, short talks were made by Rabbi oughly. It i* alio planned to secure "All th* tommittees have been J. London, president of the Ward Theodore N. Lewis and Rabbi H. the Jewish Press will serve well as eubicrlptlon* from the many small an Agency for the stimulating of ac- Rabinowltt. Both made appeals to for the past few years, who presided commanltlea wliteh are within etoie working aealoudy end have so far manifested *> wonderful spirit, whifb over the meeting announced that regaid.this worthy cause. tivitles for that organization." range of Sioux City. has besn mo»t gratifying," actordlng . Following the main address a istration of pupils for. the new ee Mi*. Max flrodkey,'secretary of thij solicitation for funds look place and mester will be held, at. the Talmud to E. N. Orueskin, who is th* general Jewish' Federation, and for1 maliy over $600.00 was subscribed. . . . Torah, Sixteenth and Douglas street** Know then thyself; pretuni* not chairman of thi carnival th}* year. veiirs btie of flloux City's rnost actlvd , Mr. M. Sbiloff was chairman of on Sunday and Monday starting at God to, Man) the proper atudjr ef"W* hav* left nothing undone t« Uflder* itatesi '"fhe smaller Jewish the meeting, 10:00 a. m. . •[ mankind Is man. —Pope. make this year'* affair Mirpat* any communities are" net -bf»ssetfA'B;*/ja prtvlou* tamival and I ant tonfident metropolis is, where a patronage for that the public will be dtUghted with l)a»* a paper can be self-supporting.: "It ta* elaborate program which « • went le «*ltml my sincere *i*hes to Is, Indeed very beneficial when t' hare arranged. Tbe narveloua rt> the editors for much success upon etilghborlng cities can co-operate to ihelr new ttnlure. The bringing of Issue u worthwhile publication in flt My ROSE LIPMAN, Superintendent Metis City and Umaha together IhfMfh lh« Column* nf t U 1'ren is a movement fcotthy of Ihe support Seven years ago a group of our The Federation beside* taking care Pack, Boy Scout Troop and New*. Kf m r y Ji»l«h family In tho city. E. V, Oraeakia Jewish leaders realized the necessity of the relief maintain* a Community boys club. The newsboy* are served T*l«h mtt thaft »vrr, there u a of combining all our social service Center. Here are held meetings and hot cocoa and roll* every evening rrylni n«»d for natne medium which Him, Hittlw tUK b i t K«|ii Mu, Inactivities- into one organization called gathering* of adults, grown'people during the winter month*. An an* Will bring th* news of Jewry into the Federation, They realized ' the and children. It is a place where our nual Thanksgiving dinner i s given 1 MM Ulrt* nub, lUdUMl, 8«>kcn. Ihe limn* , fiutli u |>uf|<ose (ho Jewneed of a central organization to Jewith people can plan parties, for them. Dances are given twice a AnvBanaiim COWIRTBE ish Press U thdratorihg to acconiMwfM m% rkalMMtii W n Damn. »lw month to bring our Jewish crowd bring our Jewish people together. rtalnMr*)! mi rrtnlmiii. y«rrl* Mlllrr, (illill ainl liitrrfore warrants our cotogether. Eight social and literary They realized that the Jewish intorn HfMltor, JT. O » M * , S ) » UnrnitmiF, clubs are sponsored by this departdividuals were contributing to too H. II. KwMi, Sit*. 4* trMntsn. "I Ut «M," stalrd Mr. Atlolph fljfn* MjSa*.,,*!*. M.r I. Rknlon ment Each of thete clubs and many organizations and by bringing lllw OttiXtu. Jm UrttM V.rtH IUVII, plftldtht hf the Jewish t'edclasses are under th* leadership of them together and subscribing to the •kMl. Harry Hjrwlii. 1, uli aironi •titled, "*m dtllgMed to sea such voiunteer workers. Federation, the Federation would IHL**!*•* W H . . W * * lutr*. Riie t fttfftiftl tHore «s th* l'fess hfla WwWf, !««• |i««4«fitr. **•» Knioir, take care of the various organizaThe federation realizes the merit talUfi, tly IttCugUtatlhg the Slou* tions that had up to this time apof the Talmud Torah, Correct JewT i r v n COMMMrax• Illy H o t . I sincerely hops that IIUMI »l»lmkr. tUYmm t Mr.. b p proached the individuals. Today 1. . education is vital to the preservaltM«kr « i » W « « M » , Mr«. J. orIM# Vim Kill bttume u (lermanent t these men can ba proud of their extion of Judaism. The Talmud Torah a imrlaii. feller Iff (he ll»#« of BIOUJ City ma, ' M«fk periment. Although the Federation remains one of the most important JeH>>, «h<l f««l cohfltlefil thai 1 am 1 has been in existence only seven functions of the Federation and its 8* M|»r«**fiiff th» tipltiloii of all when years It has made great strides toannual allotment t' the school it ,^t. *n. J.'killn. I t l y t U t we (nub fomuid with n ward bettering our community. ample to pay for those children [«M, Mr* ijtjet V • • Klftt il*ai t>f (il'll.iute tn receiving The Federation cares for alt Jevfwhose parents cannot afford to pay Adolpfc lla«i* 'Mm «Wl«h I'rfM In ouf homes, the iah needy ease* in our city. In this sufficient tuition. In this 'manner gponi* which has gretttd thi aal* ef Si "Si *>•^*•^ H!*-*.'.*» tijnuD, ur>. •»ni«h» (nil SioUK City edltnto ate der to publish more than mere Locals Capacity 125 cases were cared for In the Federation makes Jewish educa- tickets has so far been tout ewour- MM M«»». Urn M. B. t i n ftf. air*,.j«irk I'* l<# fniigfalulnlfd U|t«n the splcn- and society hews. It is doubly bene- 1928. this relief included money, tion accessible to all who desire I t aging and from alt indications we art SM4MMI, M«. MM ttmmn, llts. ll.'KUlificial to the communities co-operat- coal, groceries, medical cere, clothili>l ualb (htt tli»y liavc so far rin. The contributions which are given assured of a tremendous crowd," f* ing whereby making it possible to ing and transportation. Forty-three t « C B by our Jewish • Individuals not only thi statement made to tit* Preu by Ih, II, }|, tevin*, |)fe?ldtnt of the have a publication of worth) one transients were taken care of during ift]lm»: tin. Daw »r*ftll help carry.on the work ef our local Mr. Grueakin, Htm. X. Orueikln, Un*\ ti'nal U'lllli l.f;Jgc in n r.fnte- that will carry views of a general tho year 1028. I might also bring l l t | OIUMD, Mi*. Muilc for the affair will U fora* institutions but also out of town In* Kt*f.t lit the I'ffss lujst "Siou* City Jewish nature as well an of purely in here our Free Loan Fund, which rmionir MM. 1 stltutions. We help support orphan ished by Krlbourg . 8ertnaaVr« and HiwMMtm, Mis. lt:>l|# N c Mis like^ this uccanloh local character. One "that can afis to us one of the most important neveral other band* will partlcipati homes, tubercular homes, Palestinian ford to carry in its columns tio( only In Ot*n>l lie tif«t *vi»h*i and hearts functions of the relief department. Institutions, in all we contribute to in the evening'* entertainment. t?'« Ri««ltng4 to It* Omaha btutf-ere. Views but articles that will stimulate This fund takes care o f those who Rose Ltpmin twenty-two institution! in our eoun; Mr. V» N, Orttttkln a* itntral Interest In Jewish affairs generally thtii. Mosw We »t* ^I«H.««I| l(i tin. < tliut bit active are In dire need of money end who J. O«lln«vS. try and abroad.' ' chairman I* being ably aulttrd by mtliftm U now tibtalfidbls through and will help develop its patronage do not ft-lsh to accept charity. Many dances and entertainments Of all c kIUkl J " iw4cka*.IU|klm By the work that his just been Mr. A. J. aallnsky and Mr. A.W|* • « » « • > > « * U r » . Morrli I N J**l<fi I'N«< whSfety ouf lodges [° 8 hlghc? Jewish consciousness is families have been put on their feet sorts. Of course our work is limited **»*<* H Sil Slnuy Davis as vice^ chairman at<l th* folaccomplishing much good, t-'roiti this enumerated it is evident that r* i fc*l (tmtUt with each other ih flW <••>. lAJDM, : . , ' t • ' it again with the aid of our free loan. to tho capacity and equipment of our l i i l th«? may trno* <h« «otk that point of view, 1 highly Indorse the In no ttthet- way can we help a fam-present quarters. We are looking Federation 1* not a strictly relief or- lowing general committee) Mr. & MtfllKtt »MU tTEE Kroner, Mr, K. K. Baron. Mr. ptesent effort that the editors: have it twtMf don* Iti tacit lodge, My ily mofe than'the chance to borrow forward to a new building which w ganisation. It serve* In various ui!l J ; & &SS21L If" *&' '!,"• £*"m NlltllH twiraUilatlnfi* Bit nithtl- Undertaken in the hope that the money with no Interest to pay. The hope will be constructed In the near capacities to all classes, The Center Moorl* III), Mr. Morris Upthuts, Mr, P * * O*f*****,Un. I illller. Mrt-i. Max Friedman, Mr*, t. Brotflwr, Mr*. • 4 <« tta !'«#* on thli» InKplrina t'res* will become of great Value to Federation .ian won the reputation in future to satisfy our needs; a larger Is a clearing house for Jewish sentimtmrn, thlinimim - d o • ra-orvntln( **lb< ll l« my »Uli that (heir nue- the Jewish people of both Sioux: City our community "for taking care of assembly room, more and better ment and Jewish Idealism, The Jew- E. K. Baron, Mr*. II. li. Kmlir*. Mrs, and Omaha." ' Mr«. Jlorrii !l) l " their own." meeting rooms, a gymnasium and ish youth finds a warm welcome, llabb! 11, K. liabinowits of Sbaare Hr< IMwttd I!. Huron, past many other things that we deem here. The Center aids them in \\ Baron, honorary prttMRit. asd Mlsa Row IJpman, iup«rin»«<d«M. JM* ^r«B /Ion Synagogue in a letter to the fcfpeal to many who otherwise would necessary to carry on our work. To many ways; It helps them to become rkstmin: Mrs. J. _ _*. V.n. lloimoiikjr, o n e l |h« Uadlftff att«tniy» in Bloat editor, writes the following: "lavish not be interested in obtaining gen- ward this goal we have our build' better men and wom«n| to cherish These officer* wrro *\nU4 f«r • Ul« )t>> IMrkus. Mlia r | i l r k#« (*<(H«I th« following tttate' to take this opportunity to extend eral Jewish news through other chan- ng fund which i* for the purpose of the traditions of their people mid firm of ow year by the Hoard »f V#<i I.U bn DcbrofiVjr. "i'«l>)fi of Ytie Jfwlflli t'reis t. ycu my congratulations upon the nel*. It Is the familiar and know accumulating money for a new build- congregate In respectful ways so DirMiora a l their flnl iM*tfa>« « | the y«ar. The Board «f (Hrtcten that their jartnts can fwl *afa when with »M wllhimt tl.c Slou« City Klou* City page 'n the enlarged able that attracts our attention first ng. Thin past year fifty thousand ()*«# profit (cry Interesting Omaha Jewish Press which vas ed-of all. I, therefore, look upon thin four hundred and fifty people have their, children are with ui. When headed by Mr, A. M. Ikvl* I* fMcM .. IK "«'" plojrtr. •t an annual meeting of ail MMktwtt happy combination of the Sioux City come in and out. of our Center and they are In the Center they are asf« rt#, 1Nf# It to iltmbl but thai ited by you. tieallglng that you ere «>•« U <*» *f »f A. Z. A. to* fwWMMItn nutiiln* • |r«ai det) beset with numerous difficulties and , Omaha Press . as a valuable eight hundred and ninety-one meet* sured ef th* right association and of the red«r»tl«n. ltt«tf} i The annwl m»*tir,ft of the VP&> nf «tl«ttl« M W * cnil InfufmatlfHi for which are always attending every In- medium to dlisemlnMe Important nga were held. In the course of aenvironment. MM*. lWl!i»I»t« 9t Zlfttv mnt J*w tn w t (emmunliy. C«i- no-fltion, 1 feel Justified In telling Jewish information to many W'IO may month fifteen outside organization* The officer* of the Pedtntien a w entlen Is btld In Janoary at I N Mr, A. M. Davis, president i Mr*. A.Jewish CornmunUy Ctattr IA f « m *4 » W». I N C n nfryfat «urpa*-«.iyou that you did a fine piece ofnot have tin chance to obtain it from hold their mooting* here, e«jf f ^ M t t t k w «' Jewlth inteteal, (foih. I Indeed apprtclite the'fact other source*. The paper Is Very In- Our social service department In- I. Gallnsky, Mr, D«v» Davidson, Mr*. • banqwt. At IW« Mm natl e# $* I i* kitfsidM! to the mind member* «r th* Beanl of Marten « vftttlfef •* te » « scythf. to thai you »trf»s the nodal and spirit'* telligently edited and filled with In- cludes classes In dramatics, dancing, Ben Davidson, Mr*. K, K. • M M , I N I ( M l C»* k « a^if iw.V Id • Ifttft l« «f>J «t«ar, (tabbl ur.l chases ot our community father teresting articles depicting Jewith Americanization, expression, xhort- Mrs. It. H, Kmlelii, vlee.presldetrtil •r* «l«tt«d | e servefar• pfrJ*4 ef v (ke «**» ef.lt, which, etherK !.«*!» ef Mount KlMt than the trivial one*. It I* my hum* li'e in America. I wish It long life hrnd, and mu*lc We al«o have an Mr, Max Brodkey, mentiryl Mr. two jf#ar«, All amwil r*ftftt «t* «l«e «**jM r««'$4aa sad blunt. made at Ikia sMsJ * l knit t*ad I N la«l bt» oplnl" i thnt a local in«c would and an uninterrupted one." orchestra, Otrl Seoul Troop, Brownie Mike Rkaloviky, tr»**wtf| Mr. K. i '- —Hull.
Opportunity for Co-Operation Between Cornmun itiw Pointed Out! Moth Local and General Newi Articles Lauded for High Quality
Dancing, Refreshment*, Kaffltttg, Prizes, ,UK1 Entertainment Stunts Feature Program Pfanhe-d ' For Annual (ialn Kvcnt
Sioux City Federation Shows Growth
' •
•*t^r*^sj w
if»«a* ^ b
PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 192D political gesture; they are stirring evidence of the university's dedication, not only to Jewish culture but to the truth, which is for all men. In its scientific work the university evidences this universal purpose once again; science is so clearly an inrtrument of humanity. Investigating problems related to the health of the people and the natural resources of- their land, the university's department of science reveal their conception of the Jews as fellows, of the oriental peoples and Palestine as the doorway of the greater Near East. Indeed outside of the Hebrew university, little worV is being done.in the Near East in the basic fields of medical research. Two departments have been formed in the medical division of -the university— the department of hygiene, including bacteriology and the institute of microbiology, limited at. present to the department ' of parisitology. Members of these departments have made contributions of hiajor'importance to the science of public health, notably in the control, of malaria and sand* fly fever. The institute of chemistry . has been investigating, among other things, mediterranean red soils and tobacco fermentation.
A Storehouse of Learning
The Hebrew University in Palestine • ,-.-. ..y.r- A Symbol oftheJewish Renascence. '; ' " " ByVDR. BEN M. SELEKMAN Director, American Office, Hebrew University in Palestine.
Editors note: The following arti- the first time taking the place) cle is onfe of a series on the work among the halls of learning: of the
of the Hebrew University of Pales- world, Jewish scholars wiir at last tine. Asid« from the general in- give their contributions to humanity terest that.the article has to Jews through the media, of Jewish probthe world over, the subject has added lems, Jewish thought and.a Jewish interest\;due to the.fact -that .the heritage. . Thus it is that the Hebrew unir • university is celebrating the fourth • anniversary of i t s . , opening ;this versity becomes both a symbol and jrionth. At the present writing Dr. an instrument of the spiritual and Ben Mi Selefiman, director of the cultural renascence of Israel. What - American office of v the Hebrew. Uni- better" agency could we devise for versity, i s . making, a visit to, .the rediscovering and revitalizing the more : important- Jewish communities stirring heritage - of Jewry ? What in-^the middle1 west, with a view to means, more in. keeping with the \ disseminating, information about" the modern temper for reintegrating our unrverreity and enlisting the co-opera- scattered Jewish . accomplishments | Above is represented the. Wolffsohh the literary treasures to be a continuing continuing p part of a anu old tion -and- support of the Jewish- citir into xnto a^. « v v, ^ ^ Memorial Building which is the new found in the Hebrew University li.-•;••• zens of- each" community in establish- splendid culture: What instrument< i h l "brary building of the Hebrew UniUni brary are. a large number of priceless more skillful for aiding ing; Societies of friends of the He- more s f g in the soluJewish books and manuscripts. Al..brew. • I'. University throughout the tion of- the present problems of a versity on Mount. Scopus in Palestine. bert Einstein's original relativity manliving. folk in Palestine ? This building was but recently- com- uscript is alse part: of its collection. country. And?sa the Hebrew university rises pleted-andrwae officially opened MonThere are already over 200,000 vol;Wheri;'have'pioneers, still break-; on Mount.Scopus, ;outside "the;gates.' day, April I k ; . •-• i-\ •:•:'. ' umes in- the library. -..'.'.'. ' ing the stubborn soil of .a new home- of Jerusalem. From the windows; "land, s^r?beset.with7'the "conquest students and scholars look out upon 1 It is significant that the university -bfUdwrnght1 and- disease, barren hill the new life that Jews are building Thus far it has emphasized research The institute of Palestine natural : teaching, although propexpressing the spirit of the Jewish history possesses the largest her* in the old homeland. But their eyesl 'a^d desert sandy-been " known to raise, a" university, in-the midst-of see, too, the sites of' a thousand ;erly,qualified students have been ad- people, should devote its institute of barium of. Palestine .plant., life in ln itt€dto seminars and lectures. Or. oriental studies to the illumination existence—over 250,000 "sheets with their, first endeavors ?. And yet ; no deeds and a thousand .events .in t h e - " on the continental p pattern, of Moslem culture. Problems of more thari;;' 50,000 basic specimens. Je^v: can be completely-surprised at ancient epic of Israel, For For new •thViiessage that .a. Hebrew univerr meets old in the Kfc of J«WB beneath ] t h e university has already function- Moslem hostility will undoubtedly The botanical phiioiogF' aIJ d termsiVy-is rising in Palestine. For long Mount Scopus'' where scholars study toR a national library {loldin{f 200,- confront Palestine * Jews for many inology of/ancient. Hebrew literature Jewish heritage and icientfsts ° ° a volumes and six institutes (what years. Obviously the institute can is being studied by t a special re>rV:eht'uries- learning has -"been the sus- tV faculties "or "or depart depart- do -much to further respect and un- search * worker^ n Her* 4k&^wHiversity tenance and center of Jewish, life, grapple with problems of. d diBease-' | w efwe ww o o »I dd c*11 faculties of - rrteetrng^ a. craving in;.; Jewish hearts and soil and, agriculture encountered jwenta)—the mstitutderstanding between the'leaders; of is seekmgv always to^ ^integrate livr - studies, chemistry, Jewry and Islam. Similarly telling ing with ancient; ..Israel.... ia± .glimpsed abMost>s Unrelenting as the primal in -modern Palestine. Eye-witnesses / s t a d i e s « ooriental " need for food', and shelter. Today never fail to carry away the pro- {microbiology and departments of in. this important connection is the again in its plans-in hand for "a tnie -Hebrew university rises in Zibn, found emotion of that locale: "To %«*«>«» mathematics and physics fact that five Arab students worked botanical garden. For _ they vismierely tHe. latest link in a long and .the east falls the deep valley of , a n d ^ l e e t i n e natural history, in the institute- of chemistry last ualize in connection with the provenerable tradition, thV most "recent the Jordon, a wiite crust along, the] To'avoid the .dangers of over-rapid year. Such activities are no mere. jected garden, another "Garden of expression'_'; of that ' eternal hunger river's course. The blue, waters of growth; the university refused underfor -scholarship, and learning thai has, the Dead sea make the south be- • graduates until certain t h a t i t could inarmed the Jewish people:, tlirbugh yond a glistening metal ' disc. In! offer a rounded and adequate course. the-ages.'-. the distance, as far, as fhe eye can! This year. for the first .time It was latest link - in a • long tradition follow, the' mountains "of _i>oat felt such' a point ,had been reached l i s l promise of a new life, stretch; Mount Nebo ' rises aaidfig-jand the doors have, been opened to ,have the Jewish people tbfera" recalling that first greatfleader undergraduates as § well as graduate a; Hebrew -university; to of th« Jews who,drank his visiori'of students. During the "past "year, about the. cultural. streams of the -world. the" promised land from its height. j.25a students were . registered. The &relat- Jewish;" scholars, great -Jewish Further to the'east lies the tend of. academic staff ^ comprises 'about fifty ;gclentKte, great Jewish thinkers,.yes the Ammonites. Bariey sown' hill- members, a number of whom' are" sides veined with dry wadi—bedsjdevoted solely to' research. Most of ^ ^tujt .always l studying, t d i working, ki -iihinfcing in. the. laboratories, libraries spread vto the valley where' i s | the students are from Palestine; but ranxl- lore- of -nonJewish civilization. Jericho. The. cisternfr of Bahurim[ other parts of the world haVe sent : With .a. Hebrew" university now .for where David's young men hid during their young people, the flight from Absalom reveal J " The Institute. of Jewish, Studies ia tfiemselves. Northward Gilgal lies, how the largest l department, of the where Joshua encamped/ and td the university. It is .not hard .to- underwest Mispah, where Samuel dwelt. stand why a Hebrew university MON8KT, KATLKJMN * CTROplNSKT, Southward and eastward the Kedron should concentrate its first* strength -- •' • 'Attorneys '• • winds, arid across the valley gleam on 'Judaica.' A staff of twelve > :-'S': For Serrfce Gall-.-- • >?'' r WJ Om»ba ^atlonsl llank AUKAMSpyN A UDIT CO. the white domed roofs of Jerusalem, teachers and four - research asso3JOTM?J* OF AKTrtXES OF JfNCaJBFOK THE BEE HIVE CLEANERS 453 Brandt!* Theater Ulds J A. 4811 Mount Zion and the broad, bright ciates present the' eight major fields TiaiTOV DAVENTOrfT BEAITY CO. -. - _ -Onfler •*Mana'gEmcnt at ~ Thns the Hebrew into which the whole subject has AUDITS >• SYSTEMS * XftTld^ig hereto g.iven.tljnt the ni'der- Temple Place. H. MARCU& signed have formeu. a corpdr3tioiiI.-"pursa- university, ~ simple and dignified, been divided—Bible,' Talmud,', history, INCOME TAX . smt to th§ JJ9TVS of tlie State, ot Nebraskn. 1941 Vlnton St. . _J-A»:14«. The «arne aftht- corporation. fs t>A:VEX- crowns Mount Scopns and spreads literature, philosophy,* Palestine re1»ORT REALTY COMPANY, with its prin<dpdl place of business • in the City of before its students and scholars the search, the Hebrew. and Aramaic OnuAn. The" objects Xor •n-liich tlie corp- mdst beautiful and inspiring campus languages, and • the' study of the oration is formed are.to maintain and opWM. BRJTDEN & TJO. vrnte-a. general real estate Holding' com- in' the world." Jewish people as a living social orpany. and to bur, sell, .mortgage,, lease, Certihed/Public AccountaTtits a -4420 Florence Blvd. encumber nhd tleul in 1 seal.aimil personal The university is young. Dedi- ganization. Surely we are not overl>ron«rfcy of .ill kinds . Total .authorized KE^loW. <v '. Bide. optimistic in expecting significant cnpjtnt stock ig $oO,000.00. par "value $100.00 cated in 1925, but four' years ago, Th« B»QM With a RepoUtloo per Share: all stocfc Ccmmoa.UnU shall be contributions from Biblical studies in -fully paid .and non-n.8sess.ibie when, is- the plans it .would—and must—still hued,' The corporation shall ."-commence fullfill offer promise—and challenge the land of the- Bible, from Palesbudioefeq' upon, the' filinjt of its 'Articles research and Hebrew and with-"the Coui.ty Clerk' of Douglas Countyt to Jewry- everywhere. Yet it has al- tinian nnd shall.continue until.Jtinuarv :1st. 2029. ready accomplished enough in its Aramic studies in tlie very seat of !The,,hJgJi«>Et amount' of^SiideliteiLness shall npt-exttoed two-lhyrdS'of the capital stock. short life, ta. give at ..least some those cultures .where Hebrew-r-and Toil restriction shall not apply to indebtpdne'sE-seeared by real estate. The-num- earnest of what, its, future may be. Aramic—are living tongues?
FOURTEENTH CENTURY the Prophets," where attempts be made to grow the flora of BiMi-' MACHZOR TO BE EXHIBITED ca and post-Biblical as well as early Berlin.—U. T. A.)—A Maetaw. Christian snd Mohammedan times. Outstanding amoag the treasures prayer book for the High Holidays, of the university library reposes the dating from 1331 will be exhibited original manuscript of Einstein's at the forthcoming celebration of the theory o? relativity. In such sym- five hundredth anniversary of the bols is the modernity of the Hebrew establishment of the town library of university indelibly — and romanti- Kuerenberg, it..... was announced in cally written. Modern needs are connection with plans for the celefurther answered through the rapid- bration. ly growing: med&cl library—the only The Machzor contains 517 large medical collection ot consequence in parchment pages. All the prayers that part of the world. aie in verse form. The type is After four short years, then, the colored and gilded. Hebrew university already offers facilities tot the free pursuit of PATKONI2E OUK ADVERTISERS knowledge, of which all mankind is BO much in need. For we live today in a troubled age. Upon, univerSWANSON THIS FLORIST sities everywhere^ lies a grave re1704 So. 24th St. — MArket 0701 sponsibility, and a great hope. The Member P. T. D. Hebrew university, releasing free Jewish minds for creative work, may presage- a new and vital entry'of HIMELBLOOM BAKERY Israel into the cultural stream of 1511 N. *4th—WE. C284 the world. . Serve Himelblopm's new Russian pumpernickle bread The depositary of power is always with you* next meal. unpopular. —Disraeli. Phone: WEbster 5842
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ber.of,'nteaibers of the Board- shall bo provide;) for by the. - by-lairs-, • which. Board jjhali administer the: affairs of the cornoratI6n. . The stockholders shall hold -their juwual meetiiiK the 6ecohd Wednesday in .Tnnunrr of each year and elect directors. "The Directors shall elect President. ViafrI*re*idenf, Secretary "nnd Treasurer. The Articles may be amended upon TIOUCP as provided* for. - The corporation shall h a
• -•
"Everythwgjfor the Auto" ':i 2051 Farnain—AT. 6524
Withthe 1
Ton are nereby notified tliat Bertha •Xtirner filed bcr - petition in . the District Caur^- of -. Douglas-,-County. .Nebratkn. Docket S 3 . Xunjbex 10T,,on fhe 9th "day of January. 1029; . prnyjnj; for a decree o f absolute- dlYorce'. .from, you • and' for custody'.of• the- minor daochter.' Maxine; oa^l the -ground" of • desertion.
tSt*S ASD BEBEB, Attorneys 650 Omaha National Bank Bide. EROBATE NOTICE ' In.tbo matter of the ostate of PEXERH. CHUUACOFB", deceased. Ivortce'ls hereby given r That the eredltors ot-said deceased will meet the'admlnistratojr ol said-pstnte. before me. 'Coupfy JUdge ot DoriBlnS County, Nebraska; at the County Court Itoom, in said. County, oir tile 14th day of June, 1029; nnd on the 14th dny of August, 1020. at !) -o'clock A: ML, encheday, for-the purpose or presentins: their claims for examination, adjustment and. allowance. Three tnonths are allowed' for "the creditors to-present-their claiaosr ttvtn the Utb day of-May. 1020. •' EMfCB CBAWFOUD, JL'—}T »• ' " County Judge:
^ h ^ m u t i e r ot the estate ot TIMOTHY V JONES, demised." Alt persons interested hi said vslale are hereby notified- that "a."•petition lilis be«u lilcd in-said CoVirt< aileging thill said de< I'flaed "tf't"<J. leavfji'p no l a s ' w |'l "''d prayIne for administration -opon his estate, and that a hearing WiH.be hud on gnid petition before sold conrt on the-:18th day of May. Tti» and that if tbey-tail to nptx-at at aaid Court o V t t e said J8th day ofMny, 102D. St 9 ^'clOclcA. jr. to, contest said petlflan. ?h« Court a w grant the samo rnd jrrnnt adinliXstratlon of aald i-stnle to tiodfroy V JonCJ or' S«m« other «uitalil? prrson >«<i nvrnWil toJi setHeinenl thereof. and procpeu ro£Kycjjf cilAWFOlin Collntv
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Painting and Paper Banging
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Awnings. Canvas Covers, Tent*. Camp Supplies. All Kinds an*Howard AT. .IMS
Stimulating for Dinner ; There is no other Coffee to be compared wiifi.it.'
Your ad in .thiff directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home:ln Omaha
Batteries ,,
CANnrNT LOth sad Fnrnam SUNSET TEA JtOOM iyth and Dodge CKYSTAI. CASDX
Franchisee! 'Distributors DELCO-REMX ACTO-IJTE NOUTHEAST « t h ami U. St. MA. «IH)7
Trust Bide.
In the Co-uniy t'ourtuot Douglas .Coqnlr.
OMAHA LETTER SHOP Commercial Printing
101 No. 16th
Advo Coffee
On or fiefore the-3rd .flay- of June," 19£». ani it- you' fail' to do BoJ default will lie ejitered acainst yon nnd the decree signed as:prayed for In the1.piairititre petition." BEEIffA •••T.UKXEK. Plaintiff. AprilftT
v :
Service Our Mottd
General Repair Shop—Radiators, - 4Pender8 and- Bod* Repairing -
THALLAS THE HATTER Hats Cleaned and Blocked 50 and 75c
JAckson, 1614 Estimates Gladly Furnished
Auto Electric Service
v» VV J
and Scientifically Blended in Omaha .
xou are- required to answer tier petition
Irresistable Elavor of Brazil
BE3WT TCJINEK. whose plaee of residence i« unknown and upon whom ^ereanal getriee. csuuot b« bird.
For space in this directory call the
-Combined with the
J, 3. STERN, -ATTOB>T61\ 584 Peters Trnet Bdlldlnr.
•;.: -Ti ).: GENERAL CONTRACTOR 492-96 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient
Vated AprU 17tb. 1029. . fcOUIS April 2ft—4T
SoM b y all
First' CJass' Grocer* Everywhere
Ask For i t Insist on Advo "Famous for Flavor"
Blended, Rested, Ground and Packed l?y
Special prices for spring season
Suits cleaned and pressed 75c Dresses cleaned and pressed $1.00 and up. Dressed dyed _.$2.75 814 No. 24th St.—AT. 1169
4615 Soi 24th St. Hours 7 A. M. to 6 P. M.
1114 So. 28 St.
Only 2 firms accepted under each busines heading
1116 No. 24th 5032 So. 24th
KEnwood 0835 MArket 4600
FRANK I.MERWALD Tin, Sheet Metal and Furnace Works First Class Work and Prompt Service
ATlantic 6281
AT. 4544
, •
(32 j;ears Experience)
Wall Paper-Paints FKKD PARKS & SONS t-Uh «n«! I. Si—AT. 1UH—MA. VIUI
Below Wholesale Prices Kbown HI l o u t
OUR WOKK GUARANTKKD MArket 0977 Kes. MA. 3166
4824 So. 25th 4411 So. 26th
FOR 75c A WEEK Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha