May 24, 1929

Page 1



. and Entertaining

Entered a s -secoud-chiss -mail matter, •postuflUs a t Omaha, INebrsstai, u n d e r .


nuary ^

1USL, n t >3, 3KJU,


Hans Herzl BreaksSilence Son

J e w i s h Congress Seeks Union "With American Jewish Committee

J* \jm \jm

of Zionism a t Last Explains €JDTLto Catholic Qroi^eh; Still Believes i n Zioooism and Calls Self a Jew Dntcfa

1 Sapper to Be Served;

Announcement jfla



JEWISH f*RESS ing iff



V43JL. TH—No.

JEWISH PRESS wfll public alternatcb f m r amS eigfcl-



One nf the.^greatest mysteries of certain calm, -peaceful beauty; Atlantic City.—Bernard S . Deutsch, crmteniponiTy Jewish nfetory i s "the the large, dreamy eyes -of his President of ±he Bronx County B a r conversion "to -'Christianity of Bans and a deep, -T^^TFU^I mn*^, ^Soxofixnmg son nf Tneonnre Herzl, founder Association, xecDgnized a s one of t h e Hersl, of the Zionist movement. The Jewish in his tEace xeminds '-one sff Bomain Iforaniost lawyers of 3?ew York, was -world, never laving Tecerved a n ex- Holland; -philosophic resignation, and -unanimously Elected iPresident of t h e planation, lias always been profoundly a pure, almost priest-like expression. American Jewish Congress, succeed- shocked by ifois act. S e r e , for t h e 1± is only natural t h a t lie should -time, is a n -exduBivB interview i n g D r . Stephen S. TTise, -who de-jSrst -with Hans .Herzl, :wnich . gives l u s . bring sadness into any room. He clined Te-eleddon. ~MT. Deutsch nas -point of -raew. The author of "this tin-: represents *he most iragic -chapter of •JOT long "been a significant, if an run— IUJTVJBW, Jfix. Joseph 33*ainin,is*one of; -Herzl legend. ~For he i s ihe only DstentatiDUs figure in -the erne, phil- the editors of fee Seven A r t s ^Feature • J e w -who n a s dared t o soil Theodor Syndicate, who is now -visiting anthropic and charitable life -of 3few rmost important Jewish centers H e r d ' s m e m o r y ; lie,3he s o n , i h e l a s t York (Sty. Besides neing president -world* His <scoi>p.o.n1:the H e n living- male Herzl. These a r e the of fee B a r Association of the Barrnigh iery i s an indication ,of nis inilfiant melancholy thoughts t h a i Tun ijirnuffh T h e Editor. of "the Bronx, Mr. Deutseh is Dne ofjournalistic ability. one's liead as DHE addresses this pale A innck a t ±henoor,sndincamea and now only ioo -weB-inown young -the committee sA i h e City of 3J.ew York "who -pass on admissions to the ^rather small, laldhEadeil young man; man, "Mr. Hfmil. Bar. "He i s also a "Vice^President of of iimid .appearance. " I ' m Hans 3 Bpo"ke "with 3flx. "Berzl about 3UB i h e Pederatian for t h e -Support of Herzl," n e murmured apologetically^ strange, incomprehenBible ;aet; and 3ny A t first glance -there i s no greater PiilanthrDpic -Societies of I^ew York question -expressed and a member of the IDxecutive Com- contrast thinkable than t h a t Ijetween" •perhaps -even a.'definite this ^English-type iace -with i t s KirmTT 3uittee of t h e Menoran Association. intentionally, -nf course, b u t because Dr. Stephen 5. Wise accepted "the mustache and the regal appearance of. of niE futile act with its -the -founder of Zionism. There is nuuorary presidency of "the Congress. •consetjuenceB saddened As -riee-j)rEBiflent the following "were something ranonyiruras about this jne. ^"ramg1 Heril -UstHi»n young man of SB, -whoHe father at' elected^ TVTmr SilvErstein,, "Louis Xipp ihat a g e -was standing i n t h e center: his large, Bomewiat. ximornuB TO«'B y, Carl Sherman, H i s . ATrhibalS of Jewish iistory., attracting- by Ms •eyes fixed ran m e . Occasionally i h e Silverman, Benjamin Winter and Pro- magnetic personality-£he attention -of corners of =hB mouth -would "twitch. fessor Chaim jFineman. Bernard G. millions. But this impression i s only He Twaife "no j^•»*"i -effort t o answer ^Richards -was rre-elected for .superficial. "Hans H e r s l s face l a s M. (CtmfinneD -on Pace iiniE. "Wig "title changed "to . Director. 3iorxiE Iffeiriberg -was elected Treasurer.'

We Newly-elected president "Wm. X. , T. A. Hcut Out permaneoit-d^ttHnlzman of the Jewish Oommuni^!^ in Center and an assisting committse page JEWISH PRESS •City Iwwt'iiwfl Issi wstilt with "have issued a call to members of ^SK wf M. iBBBtms held May 16 « t Center to come *o a *Grand Bally" 4o Astor hotel, "wtere p l m s SDT be held there Monday evening, Jttay in U«w Turk r£ m Jew27, at fi:SD p . m. <chardMHTIUBBd B5ld " t h * "Ml U'fclf An elaborate program -of entertainthat * Brwoklynite nnnt ment will be supplemented by a to jtBiuum '3>utch" supper "toTbe served '3»y the wnymont. -of Jewish "Women's "Welfare Association. ?200jfl0l> t n r a r S the prrjact, providAccording to H i . Hdhanan, fe ed a n w M t e n w l t u n i -of memhers -will be given an opportunity «ob«CTgitiim. T h e to learn of the many activities of in* nsBded in wiflei is> 'con^>ly with J. C. C. and to Iheax of plans "that Xiocal Officers l o Be Cfaoeen at Nest Seasin% Plane to Be the Uesr I P I B * *tote lew which |>TPlave been "laid for extending tHiese ac-videE i h a t a <nbarteT "for a uniwraitj iivitieE. *1i JB Sxt outy tS every Toeadsy may lie "iBBuefl only if i n k amount k member ±o a* imid. -man. IOWA TAKES Df BISTEICT INVITED The addrn—BC by -fwrIn order i o TTHWS' T* i t mer IDn^ad Statas Attorney William Thmsday the Jewish TSnmenTs "Welfare Asso- Mrs. J. UnwunfitE, pwaideitt of "tn*. At * local HadaHsai, m a s -faBCted <Betam& ^inEv May 16, « t -the X C. C , t t eA. De /Gnmt of 9Br«)klyn. Mr. Be ciation to plan ib* >npperT : 'Groat «neoux«^ad - tfa* project and 'Guild-wi -at "the southwratern •are irrged i o phnne in -their




BtateS "fcat Urn qponseeEBhip t y Jews "Of % TroifrfCJ'tM)mu unrversitj* slight "hfibp "^to ,5gtt * w i y from UUB i o « of •8m ab^mftBt »Itegc, the Catholic collejpe and titters." madetoj-t h e Jewish TeleAgency ms t o the identity of anonjTnouB donor brought forth ihat h* "v-as & Catholic, a -nf Brwfelyn. Murrj" Boarer, OSJCTTtl forme* Assistant Uniteti States AtHEBE -passed away m Poland, Dr. Joshua Gottlieb, famous Polish jouxns t * w i p ^ 3KBEBS ^Will i e ^QlSCSBSBu ixOl terney, "W»B the convener of th* nwetof the "most important events thenoldingcofda^KK thiB ifall in stage ing. Mi. Boxer, ir. ar. nrtwrvww with Tweie ;jjiven i h e frrst degree -aj miliaShe .situation of ^£hs Polish J e w inrdnf "the convention the mclusion stage icrection, anc eoBtumAgency declared that it era tm despair. "The difficulty i s , i e iinn into iibe Sioux 'City "Chapter «f ing. A ptey—wjlUiiu "Cuuieut i s in Due-Act PJaj Als» is Be Prehe who -nersuadat; the ;out, rtfhat "the _uew Poland i n A . 3L A . <tm ^fflanesd^y, IJBCH proposed that Iowa and sftd 3t 3s zplannBd t o -fyn-m ± W piri OyKrinl. *UHmr tB pted^E the -aTnoHnt of dire iCknmramity Center, - :" ' ••'. . ' ' ; Speaks : . / . . , •"" '~j HTJS. M. J . fihmhn an* Efc Ijoufe, -was "wi&-c muititnde of anti-Jewish l a w s *u)£ •young H***P -wuc de xnvoT ^members of "the OOP ••towawl 'the pir-ject. Staid, xnB -with "fee dLadiun and coe- Mr. Boxer admitted that he has noi practices, -which i t nas n o t iihe elected president "to succeed Jtrfc. EIG39CT ENTRIES T© Cannt. A-n mnpronnitii .Strength t o renounce. The plight of CANTOR ANB CHOm SD?G LevenBon, 3t -was decided -to hold the tuming- of the plays under the super- consulted any of ihe prominent Jewish leaderE wr a n r of thfteadmjtJewthe J e w i s further aggravated by grain "was presented.. The "first ^rrmma deebmmtion con- next cunveuthm in £ansas City- I n vituon of members. Sinnx City ,1a.—^iJh what was probish tnTganizatJoiiF as he felt, he stated, i a c t that -the "tasition Isurden The meeting •to be Iteld Txresdajis formulating plans for the next yeat, Tne new mem] ably -one of ±he r largest asBeniblages tD "they- will oppose thr nTTi.wrt just a? ieariest on Sim, and yet despite 'Open to 'fits ptiVSii-i t -was jmintetl out that ihe policy X£L jruXtikv, -^ITTTTI iXicvjich, "will lie vfrelti in the Center zndxtnruzm b«wt rv nTrpnpitiop tv other -'fnr'f rfcnat i e pays in texss rmore t o ' EVHT attend a n open meeting a t "the ^seflnarn ^^n * * ^p<n ^hiifawj^nyi iMtd. b e e n "CnanjpftQr ^BO3&e—- acre cordially -invited. Turchm, "Wednesday evening, Kay 28, aft Gommunity Center,-the 3J-nai B*rith i -prnj«ctp -and the guv&mmuLiX ^h^^ any other com-: what, TBflucing funa-raifiirtg work in : ILast. "weeki migutiug dosed wi£h m. p. m. mchidrni: th« .Ztonipt ponsnt »f the population, the govern- lodge of Sioux City •dosed Jts season -and Dave Singer. favor of cuTtuntl activitieE. " ~ jjigujwl of E TUjn-wetExian university ment will not employ a Jew in any trf •with an impreBHivB program of The convention j«pi>rl -will im Htdmccat A j>t>w.Hal committee -which lias not amd fnur SJOVB, l a v e i e s n secured. The imder Jewish EuspiceF is not nwtfvstits own services, n o r in any of the -speaking, music,-and drmaatics.. "The a t the next "USBetimj nf "fee local Situ 3RUCS a n d i i i e i r -rb»r"ht^mrtiT<TTB ^ liy opposition %t> other universitieE, rmnnopols, -which nave now Jjecome s o program -was given i>y "the Shaare yet Ijeen appointed -will start" work TWn-rpng "rinliTmVini^' Jjy J congregation. •" . • . . . - : s o o n 5uix *^* -1 ^i ^itf*t*^.^^if| jsons -*•I*^*T^n\iff* Mr. Boxer was eaper to make clear. "Poland and -which give' "T.^v^imnfl. 2i3eCilon "Of f i n Jn^ffc lT T)miriiig guin Mfller; Helen Castleman i o ite Bield i n -June on Tathci £ day. Speaker of "the evening was i t as hrtendeci tp help the Jewish trtu; t o scores of thousands. tthe next year -wQl al*t> lake place Jbnne ZweQiack, and Martha Xappett. •dent and the prcrfeBsorp whr ar« meet32r. Irving- Pineman -who Tsesntly H. 3t. ^aninowitz "win spoke un The young men -entered a r e : Sussel ing- >with discrimination si other in-made a study of i i e situation nf "the ish EesponBibflifiEB." "Dne d BUT ©flier report* will ibe yiven xt tflie Bhimenthal. Xincohi's Gettysburg adgreatest tasks,"" saifl "fhe ^Babbl, "^^B BtitutionE of learning. -Jewish .students of ^oumama :and eBtJey misutin^ ^i~ Tttrs. 3£. A. dress; Arthur Xazlowsky, "Gunga Asked whether the SoOD.OOP wouM Hungary told the delegates -that -the lo Temove HhE stigma left l?y acts -of Simon, ir^hBii'mmi ^Junfl^EWHingr soroDin"; Haskell D. Cohen, "Sparticus ±o irnanurtec ihe sucnesef ul launchinir of Jewish students -01 tvn^TT^pT^^p .ars d&— private indradualB, yet ior-which the! mlttee; 38bs. Juijus Siem, -chsirmsn "the Gladiators"; and Jack Gotsdiner, 13re project or its efficient continuejfeated, ieaten, -unhappy heytmd any "world condemns "the Jews a t large. Thurston's Plea 3or Independence i o r milk "fpnri cojnmittiK^ JSxs. JK. WJ. lineal 3wys s r e a^oefl "bo icummmii- thm, THr. Boxer Explainet] that in hw Our neighbttrs Jjudge u s a s a people J Jewish youth l e had -BVET seen. Cuba. Jfiisses Zweiback and lappett acate "with lads iff CHewekmfi, CBno, in 'the onhr department of the uniAnd this, lie added, despite the fact, irrespectrTO nf-whether a fault i s comaepresent the Henrietta Szold r\nh "tee; 3EXE. 3&BX T^omkin, chairman a letter jweii VB& JUUS -WBBlt. The 1stmitted by an individual or not. 3EsShaaxE Zion Xadies AuxaKaiy which will -need communal ~Qtst upon ^ic arrival in Haumania, amd Bhrmenthal and Eazlowsky jrepre- program committee; and BLgB. A . i e r i s from ihe Itoimg Affair I s Attendrf support IF the school of artt and ^govfirnment omcers, ~mrmTrfa»rg? and takes of a single J e w are mafkea up aent A . 2 . A . Chapter Ho. 1D0. Oid> of "that citythe entire ^wofld of Jews. sciences, white the other riepartmentK, -men of jKrominence ^generally, l a d TSTWD medals -will ne awarded "Thsrefore "WE Tnust be exceedingly Ths Itetter ^ BE f OHOWK; such as lfiv and medicine, -would be cerved Mm -with a -warmth ihat i a d careful because of i h e nual Tesponihrough the courtesy of the SlaTa»lf-Hupportin|;, ne arc these depart-taken "him off i i s feet. They denied sibilitieB "we each nold." Habbi 3iabSPEAKER Bhodk Jewelry Company, one l o tfhe COUNCIL HOSTESSES •Omaha, ments in rrthcr collejres. It will be any stories of brutality or ill -will inowitz «ited 'the ^deplorable case of male and one to the hest lemafe a slow but .gradual development, ha AT COOKING SCHOOL Gentlemen: Sioux City, 3a.—The ^econo annual against Jewish :Btndsnts. I t -was only iMoxris Gest and David BelascD in "are a group *of Jewish said. THoQierE aaid Daugiters ianguBt given after i e investigated for •himself itmg 4ne ""Passion Pley" *o t h e Gnuncll Another feature of Ihe -program for t o make TriendE i n other omen At thf laFt "VTedneFOHy nipfrt niwrt"among ihe studentSj Ifaat i e :fmmn out l o t h Jews land -Christians, by •fhs ZLadies Auxilmry 'oi iShanie Ihat evening, -will lie the presentation the openmg 4lu^ of odtaes. I t -would help us m ^reat fiee! inj: a t thf Astor Hwtel * liow truly onissrable T>THE iheir Int. Se-individuals rwho pre—• 3ion rwas iield a t -&e Synagogue .So- of a one-ad pbxy, '^iliss CiviIizKtian.n SBctric Cooking school if you "would i e kind -enough ~tv pubwas, formeel ronsiFtinr of -was 3iot inclrned, he said, to jiin sny: ^udicfi 3&E& "Bntize J^cwry for ~Hs£ .sake-gdal HaU tm Wednesday, May 2L Two Iby ihe 5ai-Hon -club under the last "Wednesday a t ibe City Airfitor- lish the SoUtJwnijg letter: tSJfcy mothers and -naugh•Goldberr;. 'Harvey l*c, JuUm too -mnt»h iatth on the -glib jirtimiEES nf 3XZTO. To Jewish Boys: attended "the affair :makmg i t a lion of Bess ^Weinstein. The cast lieb and William T. SciTrerm?, even -£he jireBent OTUET nf lEnnmanian ixf a. Sew -paltry dollars. IBETB. ' W fTim-m AlbertB -was chairman of Hose Stein, ]Rose We «re B club of Jewish boy&, bechsTjrefi "with -pbt«rniT!p « ThE nnly i p p e TTOB t o 3JE '^f^Yfrfci f j ~ snnouE ^success. "vitz, -Sarah Pollay, Bernice Talk, ~o£ "the Council cormnittBe in charge of "tween the arres P? sixteen ^to d^liiedi. the wnBrymmre rtimnr f Dund in pitiless jribDcitjr nf any m ^he six course uinner MinniE Zweiback, and Betty Jacbfosen. intereKted in Jewish irtenrfcuT'e and "to TTfipRTT "E FtfrteTTWnt. «1T1 f!W cidentB of excesBes Bgamst Jewish -"Hartha"" ±rom the opera I2y Uss sanffi -which "was enlivEned by i3iE ,*pmmunThe opening dB,yTe msBembly -was &£sports. "We Vv'oulti like to correspond -name. '• ' . students. Uoumariia 3B TEry 3^y singing and applauae Df igood TWJB, "tenfied i?y xrver 'Eightr hxmiired persons. -with other boys, TUIT own apes, in t!2- prmsF of 'thf t!"nrv*?TBto-. HP -well Tlie Shaare Zion Choir of -thirtyto American Bnd "world opinions. .a program "of music, Bpeaking -ann 3PORD TO BROWN DINNER OthET -womsr's -orgsnisEtio-nB of the Jerent cities, -wiro -would be interested obtain -the -chRrter. Th*» n r p rvpices, xmfler arrBctian of ^Sam PrufeEBDf Jacol) S. Joffse of dramaticE -was presented. Jfew Torfc.—(J. T . A.)—Henry city -were imBtesses the other days of in our -wnrk. We ave especial];" anx- •tmnTnittee if irr -meet Boon, •no riate -waf jri-wen. Artifinjr th^up who 25ew Jersey State CollEge Df AgricuT- IFassman, sang three ^beautiful immious to |*et in xouch -with clubE our "Tie principle aSdresB of Ihe «VB-Ji'ord a n d -former Mayor Mnrpiry of ih& school. v-tjff "present •at. "the firm TTwetinjE' "ture, -who "was born rand Taisea in "djExs ^composed and .arranged by TVTr. own "type. ainig was delivered 3?r H r a . Grace Detroit -will ii.Ll.tLnd the dinner t o be -Passman, -"Ahvas 'Dkim,"*'?Mizmor ••WBTB ls«dor A. PFCBB. v.-hr cteeiRnsi! Xiithuania, ,and rsince coming g t o Shir," and '^Shoanonss Yaskov?' "The Sloan Dvertnn, prominEnt -wnrksr "in jgivtsa "to David A. Srown, national J. C C LAG B'QMER Any club ox bay who -would be in- •that "there ^WBS discri-miTmtJrm a p a i r o t Chairman nf t h e United Jewish camAmerica, has Irecome Tecognized a s "VMiant," a one-act play -was present- Sioux City "Women's Circles. DANC3E MONBAY NIGHT terested in corresponding' vdth us, if ;fitudRntF ir- AnrericaT! xmivcrone of fee onost promising agricultur- ed a s -the concluding mumber nn tthe Talks "were also given by 3ttrs. A , paign, a t t h e Hotel Commodore on asked ±o -wrise to -either P, JoKepli, Eabbi ~B. 1«OTI Hurwifc*. K. al -gcitiiiLtsts nf "the country, told ^ihe program. The cast ^was composed of Slutsky, and Mis. I'-buip Sherroan a» 3SEay 23, by a Citizens' committee -who A Lag B'Omer dance will he ield 11.SS E a s t 111th Street or to L. Mor- Fensthal. Simchfi -Isaacman. S. TriBtaelegate5 -of i i s rm:eul Btufly of Iiith- TiifigE Ttpl>^i JPriedman, IHnrt^R Merlin, ionoring 32tr. Brown for MB 20 under "the auspices of the Jewish Com- -ris, 1622 "Enrle Ave-, Clsveland, Ohio. msn -BTiti Dr. Zvi. Cohen. of niutherE and T^y. iiHTfiim conditionB. Tnnnity Genter in the Center auditor- A-waiting *yxfux istfcerE, WE are of philanthropic service. Sol Tvxonick, Bert Slazor.'and Dave HDBB Knsod and Tieaa AlbErt a s TepThirty per cent of the 150^000 Jews Albert. Miss 5axa Goldberg directed 32sentstaves of daughters. -Sirs, J . H . ium Monday evEning, May 27. TOUTS truly, M. UEUB&WnZ, SIOUX According to Mrs. P.. Shex, chairMosow, president nf "the aujciliExy She play. UNEARTH SYNAGOGUE P. JOSEPH. (Continnetl on Page 2) man of ±he chaperone committee of and iDastmistress nf "the iangwei 3B•CUT LAB, 'BAR Jerusalem.—(J .T. A.)—-The disPollowing the program light :rethe Jewish "WBIME'S "Welfare AssolivEred "the -welcoming addxeHS. A -voSKEEB SH(JW5f IN covery nf an ancient synagogue "was ireshments -were .served. Sintnt City, la,—Th« Bar Mitrvah cal BOID was ^rendered iby -Wfi BeHn*- -reported here from Geraza. Trans- ciation, Dr. and Mrs. 5L L Gordon, ICE iPLAJfT INSTALLATION ' 1 am well pleaHed -with tthe of OTTC -of Sitrny. City's papular jreungr low. A leading by Jiiss JPeafl <Dlan- jafdania. The synagogue "was un-and Ms. and M I B . Dave Peder "will £ME of the "lodge tthus far; this year," was Twelve iours after 3Bceiving a n 1"KESENTED SUNBAY mer. took pbsnw on Saturday, May Ifc, earthed ieneatn the excavations of a be "the patrons and patronesses of ithe statement made ijy Dr» H . M. when Morris Leubowitz, son of Mr. "this aancE. order for a Teffigerator plant, rto he church. Levin, preBident nf She lodge; "Dur American Jewish life Eg Been m end Mrs. I. Leabowits, 203.6 Jerniin|TE The Jewish Community Center TTTstriTlffri i n i n e lemjiDrary store' of ^ram. Concluding fall "term -wall probably Jhsve i o r i t s the eyeE of & "Polish writer JB theSt., was coTrfrnmeci. MorriB, "Who has iLonls Sommers a t 5015 Underwood dance orchestra will J. C € . CONFIRMATION iirst social ^rffniy jtg .annual dance program -was a short rnie arct play, object of criticism in the four-act. beer JJ student m the T»Smud !I'wrBli Avenue, :fhe Baker Ice Machine •Comon Ihe night following Yom ILippurT1 "Silence Tlease," presEntea by TOEm- The Jewish Community Center SunYiddish play, ""Where Are My Chil- for nrany yesm 'took MK oath - ^ -manpany ;of "this City liad -rompleted I h e bers of the Community Center D r s - nay school will hold confirmation ex- AZOKIN. KICH EXACTED dren," to te presented at th«. Jewish hnot!. at the Shmsw Zttm Syoa^agot. Tnatic 'Club. Those -wh» t o o t part a r e ercises a t t h e Center .Sunday mornTO BQNORABT FSATi Communitj' Center Sunciey -ei-tnung. the services » thewter M&UL&Si3EW HONORED Jda jLiipton, 3lose 2ife, Sara Baird 3ng June 2 , a t 10::30. This 3iaB, no aDubt, established a T Me friends was grwan %ry d Jernrfl .ainang iuilaers of xom- 3ieghorn, Utah.—(J. T . A..)—Dx, and Jack Shrtsky. Azorrn and B s r r j 2ich, Oma- jISIET 2B, under the auspices of the loyoung ILeubowits, while the ^eifiewi <*fl fnat^TStyyjgPiTTtTrng p l n n t s > A freshmen nre-tnedic students a t , cal 'Young- POBIE Zion, Husbands of ^£he -wives who partook TUUID Itevi-CnStai prnfesBor nf maththe family «nfi yelatives. E-atherefl « t DOSTT FORGET The author of the ptey, ~R. MandelIFnllDwing A s fire, ^which destroyed Bmatics ;at "five "Enn^i^ty of JRome, uf Ihe langnei served a s -waiteTB iiurihe University tif Nebraska, iarws •to attend the Grand Sally ^of mem- Ijeen nonosed i y elBctinn t o Theta he istnre act -48fh and Dodge StrBEts, TVTII ne the J u s t Jewjtoibe elected a ing 4he evening. ! baum, seeks t o show the lack of tr«e .the Jwwne of the- ysrent* for a 3i|3lt "JewishnesE" in Ihe AmericBi! Jew luncharai. the ioroer ^was 35eceived l?y i h e iactnrj'; 'member xnr-ihfi; Academy rf Ponfifical The -committee i n charge aof :BH BT- Ibers of "tire Jewish Community nonorary inedical fraternity. On the following day an through MB jiltst. Centser, .at -4 o'clock USImiflay afternoon, .ana SciEnceB. Tope 3SUB 3 3 -and many Soth jnsn SHE jjffimierB -of i The gjrwjBEdE xff "flie play g o i s r the. iinnwr "tons :«wwwfl f cer «BEty -the -wnrk was feiished a t -4 xardinals a r e Tn*Tpfafi7; nf this 3ca3- Xiipman, 32rs. !B. Shinflte', JBis. 1SL ; Monday,-May-27—€^3& p . asa.- J Alpha J i n , national -SsvMh social fra-Xebuilfiin£ iif Palestine. '• .and TBhrti^^c »t -fchf Tuesday -nmrning. "'-tenjy. Dasknvsky and Mrs. B»"H. Bhdlkni..


Sioux Otar A. %. A-

''"" Et tbs rt- and arew district of the fff Sox "OK next year con vHniinn ieeM MHT 15 sai 14 mans «tected. Sirs. P.. "WijitrDnb "war Community Centex. 'While "the Dutch supper i s only Jnr in "St. launs, S B . *to Xxtt^ The other •officers SarUhe 192B-1930 memberK, those msmfaerE who desire SL •vention, season a r e : Haafcell Gdhen, t© bring a friend s e e cordially invited r7 A . jnoznxn, JStrumu, to do BO, according Sto Mr. JTolzman. ; J. TVHimm, 2- "Tatleman. and 2. Xiintzman, played an «ctiwe xtile in the proreednjps. JDxs. Jjevemam is sponsor -of *ibx; igroup. president nf i i « legion ppetacfaid, H •of "the QmanaitE .had xvpoiii, t o j <tum -will I s is3£ TiaaBiiay, Jftsy


1fn»>*j'lyy*^y • "io "the ;






Tyler, to work out plans for raising ideals, and is contrary to the prin- and confident expectation being that the necessary funds. . ^^ ciples upon which, our country is ultimately a World Jewish Congress founded. It creates class distinction. will be established to embrace the The ^convention approved the exJ The proponents of the National Orig- functions and to guide the destiny of tenpion of the Jewish Agency, and ins Plan would have it appear that the Jewish Agency. To cause of the sent a cable of greetings M Loui* New York.—(J. T. A.)—Premier Lipsky in Jerusalem, wishing him a there is a Nordic superiority, and that Jewish Agency thus conceived and Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlaotic 14§0 America belongs to the Nordics. Theformulated the Congress pledges its Benito Mussolini's replies to a section speedy recovery. •.. (Continued from Page 1) PAVJD BtACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOS establishment of the National Origins loyal, enthusiastic and unremitting of the Catholic press which recently '., .IEV1NG PEELMETER - • . - . - - - - - - - - - EDITOR expressed dissatisfaction with the living in Lithuania are facing starva- Plan would lead to establishing in support." ':'...;JEANETTE LEVINSON - - - - - - - SOCIETY EDITOR Halo-Vatican's treatment of nonAmerica of a so-called Nordic superAnother resolution adopted providtion. He pointed out that Jews are largely residents there of the small iority class, and an inferior class, ed for the appointment of a commis- Catholic creeds aroused considerable "...;";;"_.-,'..../.,. ""I . SIOUX CITY OFFICE towns. In the Lithuanian scheme of those who -were not born in Northern sion to make a survey of the question comment in Catholic circle stoday. r Mussolini remarked that mere CathJewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street government, the small towns are at- Europe or cannot trace their ancestry of discrimination against Jewish stuolic papers-'were confiscated! during back to a Nordic. Jt is necessary to JACKSLOTSKY - - - - - SIOUX CITY CORRESPONDENT dents in American universities. Still tached and subordinate to the rural the past three months «than in -the enlighten the American people to the : another resolution provided for the governments, in %hich the peasants f-" '' . • • • • • ' . - • ' " / • • - — CONTRIBUTORS are supreme.- Under that scheme, end that the propagandist for Nordic appointment of a similar commission preceding-seven years, states a United . RABBI FREDERICK COHN IRVIN A. STALMASTER ? Jews have no power whatever in the superiority may not further by legis- to investigate discrimination in thePress dispatch from Rome. « A B B I J . J.OGEL, Lincoln, Neb. , MRS. SAMUEL GERSON One Catholic newspaper had suggovernment, and are generally hit lative enactment or otherwise deliver economic field. Subscription Prices one year " ,t " , " " * " *^ i5 ° hardest by taxation and other govern- this country to one group. America Still another resolution which was gested the banishment of Jews from belongs to all of its people, and ir- adopted charged the Congress with Italy and the closing of synagogues, mental burdens. • "••• - ' Advertising rates furnished on application but the Premier defended the Jewish OVERDECORATIONDAV respective of race, creed -or color 4~-^ i : . •• • • The solution of the, sad economic America was made great as it is to- the designation of a committee race and asserted that its members CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; plight of the Jews of Lithuania is today by all of tne immigrants that "whose business it will be to study would be protected. be sure to give your name. be found in a greater return of the entered our shores since the birth of the various organizations which deal "The Jews have been in Rome since directly and indirectly with Jewish Jews of that country to soil. Special- America." . the time of the Caesars, and it would education and through this affiliation ised farming offers Lithuanian Jewry be ridiculous to consider any measure an opportunity of economic escape, he Significant resolutions touching var- and study, jointly devise methods such as banishing them," Mussolini declared. A net inconsiderable num- ious Jewish problems were adopted at which will promote, foster and stimu- said. "There were 50,000 Jews in the ber of such Jews have taken up farm- the Congress. One of these, which late in the youth and adult, a desire time of Augusta, and they asked perIt is-with-a great deal of satisfaction that we reproduce in Returning—Tbttr»d*T» for "the knowledge of his own people other columns of this issue an interview with Hans Herzl, the only- ing there and have achieved ho little aroused warm discussion, summons and through this achievement, incul- mission to weep on Caesar's grave. -Friday, the President of the Congress to apThe Jews will remain undisturbed." son-of Theodor Herzl, ihe father of Zionism, It will be remem- IUCC9SS. cate through the proeess of underRabbi Solomon Goldman of Clever point a Joint Committee "which shall standing a will to remain a part of Referring to those papers which atbered that not long ago the younger Herzl shocked the Jewish land, arrange for an early conference of who recently spent some time in tacked the ideals of the Italo-Vatiworld by accepting conversion to the Catholic Church. Because study of Jewish conditions in Soviet representatives of the American Jew- the Jewish people by choice." can agreement as being anti-Papal, The Congress also went on record we are convinced of the sincerity of this act, we have no word of Russia declared that the Yevseka or ish Committee and the American JewMussolini declared that he disliked i rains* e^^ f j , ^ WM Congress to the end that sorely as endorsing the movement for the in- men who feared non-existing dangers. protest to.make to Hans Merzl. But we relish this opportunity to Jewish Communists of Russia are ish and caachet leave* Oq»h» 7*0 p. fe. a war against the God ofneeded unity of action with respect to troduction of the study of the Hebrew Wedn«d»y,May 29-^SBw«lWolil explode rthe^ false hypothesis upon which he has formed his per- "paging language as one of the classical 7:20 p. m.—-arriving Chscaf* «mjr Israel^, and ^yerything Jewish with a Jewish problems may be effected and sonal theories. :.'•'••. • y-"^ ';:•-.,:.•;: .. i :>sC:zeal and ru&lessness that Torquem- present and potential causes of dis- languages in the curricula of the high TEXAS ZIONISTS VOTE ThundaymxBiag. Tkfcetf |Md far return trip in coaches «tfa»ytn«i!flwDespite his rejection, of theJudaic faith, H^tfsHerzl' main- ada'eoutd ?well have envied. : These cord in Jewish life be thus averted."" schools and other institutions of 1100,000 FOR COLONY teg ChicagoThuraday, Friday, Stfur* Still another Indorsed the day or Sunday, May 50,31, June 1 or 2. tains that he is still a Jew, a nationalistic Jew. He'believes honest- jr(eji^^waiat to do*a thorough job. They Another significant resolution was learning. Haym Solomon Monument, sponsored ly and fervently in Zionism. Butj he queries, "What has Jthat seek to consume the whole house of one approving the "efforts of theby the Federation of Polish Jews. A Dallas. — (J. T. A.) — The climax F«r fall i^fomMtm. • * Israel in the fire of assimilation. And World Zionist Organization to enlarge of the three-day session of the Texas to doTvith Judaism?" In other words, he views Jewry as a na- they are not the purblind Russian anti- the Jewish Agency to the end that it resolution was also adopted calling anniversary convention of the Texas ...... 3U5<». tional group just like the English or the French. Going on this Semites of yesteryear who thought may include all Jewish forces in theupon the affiliated organizations to Zionist Association was reached with D. JN.tT C t«tb »B4 :itrB.«kBia«. C k n* jk assumption, he logically concludes that his personal religion is a they could rid Russia of its Jews by upbuilding of Palestine. The resolu- respond to the calls for relief from the decision that Texas Zionists will Bessarabia, Lithuania, Poland and purchase land in Palestine for the thin^a^art from and not ito be considered in its relation with his wholesale slaughter. The Jewish com- tion recalls the fact that at its very Russia. In that connection, it was re- sum of $100,000 on which there will s know better. They understand first session in 1918, the Congress being a Jew. quested that all funds for famine re- be established a colony in the name that massacres have only tended to proclaimed the principle that the To us, this denotes a lack pf the breadth of vision that BO make the stiffnecked Israelite more building lief in Bessarabia be sent care of the of Texas Zionists. A commission of of the Jewish National Homemarked ;his illustrious; father. Theodor Herzl and ^ m y r i a d ^6f stubborn. They have forged a more land was the privilege and task of American Jewish Congress. three is to be appointed by the new- TNS * • * » 99 his followers realized that Zionism was. not a separate and in- effective weapon, namely, propaganda all Jews. "Now, as then," continues ly-elected president, David "Wuntch of dividual Aspiration, but was merely one of the many pulses;;of the against everything vital in Judaism. the resolution, "The Congress stresses RUSSIAN MINERS Jew they will treat with kindli- the essential requirements that the . ATTACK ANTI-SEMITISM greater culture Judaism. Viewed in'this light,; ZioniBm loses the The ness. They will entice his children Agency bfe constituted on a thoroughMoscow.—(J. T. A.)—"Fire on antiemptiness of an affection for a bit of historical *:soil.: It instead with blandiloquence. But Jewishness going democratic basis, and that in all Semitism" is the adopted by becomes an effort to provide a suitable hpme^and Ibreeding-place they will attach ridicule, besmirch, respects the fundamental principles of 20,000 Russian coalslogan miners in the Don for the ancient culture of the race. The Zionist road leads not annihilate." Zionism be preserved inviolate." The basin who issued a manifesto against away from or independent of Judaism, but heads in the direction Congressman Nathan D. Perlman in resolution concludes as follows: "And anti-Semitism, following the return an address on the present status of it looks to those entrusted with the of 150 Russian workers who were gent of a stronger and more vital Judaism. ;: . imini|ratioh severely arraigned the shaping of the policies of the enlarged to the Jewish colonies. In the mani. Herzlsees in Zionism merely a governmentm Palestine made up present" iminigration policy of theAgency to incluHe therein the repre- festo they issued, they declared: "It of persons of Jewish descent prpvidin^,;e|lefl^-:;feco5P^ic oppor- country as inhumane and un-Ameri- sentatives of centrally-organized Jew- is false that the Jews do not want to tunities f^r persons of the same li'n<?aget ^ur^onceptito of Jewish can. ry the world overhand in particular of work the land." The Russian worknationalism may or may not include this.! Ifit. does, it. does so in "The National Origins Plan of this;;Congress, a s representative of ers praised the Jewish colonization ayviEry minor manner.1 "The principle tKifcjgS that we see in the Immigration Act of 1924, sai4 leading . central organizations in activities and promised their support j3cture.are the revival of the Hebrew lahguagje, the stinaulation of the Congressman, violates American American Jewry: i t s sanguine hope to the Ozet.








Illinois Gntml

Jewish'culture, the creative work of Jthe He6i:ew^^iversity, and $^flar feate of ?j^n£anent merft a n ^ > It is our conviction that only if iiomsmLjne3n^ thi?;broader 4pdjnqr$-constructive work that we have outlined is it worthy of $he solid support of world-wide Jewry; that it Is ; rapidly winning. Embracing such a program, it cannot help . ^ t captivate; ^he^imagjmation and enthusiasm of every :Jew who understands its aim.


ge oi toy experts

how we Van "show-it^ better than by dedicating -a^hwne-touts' study adevelopment at t]>e ^place whereJChe life of the- spirit -has had an origin for millions, dead and living, among the unnumbered ^sons of man. Law, human and divine, has been the cravNew York.—(J. T. A.)—The need ing of the Hebrew spirit* There must for creating and developing a depart- be a home for its study in its hur-?,:'. ment, of jurisprudence at the Hebrew as well as in its divine aspects in,the university for the .study of Jewish Hebrew University. • • Remarkable new slo-baked bread con. Jaw as it came to expression in the Messages commenjding the project tains to a marked degree qualities^long Bible and the Talmud, the Codes and in the practice of Jewish life to date, were read at the-luncheon from Presisought by housewives. Won'tyou try a loaf? was discussed at a luncheon held at dent Coolidge, Chief Justice: William' Howard Taft, Dean Eoscoe Pound of. the Astor Hotel last week. i Several hundred members of thethe Harvard Law School,' Professor New York bar were present. The Felix Frankfurter of Harvard and Dr. luncheon was given by the Lawyers' Chaim Weizmann,- arid Dr. Judah L. Committee for the establishment of a.Magnes, chancellor of the university. department of jurisprudence at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, a SEVEN QUICK FACTS branch of the American Advisory Committee of the Hebrew University. 'about Wonder Bread Max Levy, organizer-and chairman L Slo-baked to seal in the deliof tne Committee^ was toastmaster. cate flavor and prolong the freshness. of Vermont Benjamin N. Cardozo, Chief Judge of - 2 . Toasts quickly to an even, the Court of Appeals, New York, and has a desirable agency golden brown. Professor Nathan Isaacs of the Har3. Rich in vital food element* opening in Omaha vard Law School, spoke on "Jewish tor growth and energy. Law in Modern Civilization." Prof. 4. Made of specially milled IsraeliWechsler, chairman of the comabort patentflour—heartof the wheat berry. mittee of'physicians for the Hebrew GENERAL AGENT 5. Doqble the usual quantity University, told of the work being of milk. (Pasteurized.) 312 Keeline Bldg. done by the physicians committee for 6. Ingredients tested for qualthe medical department of the Hebrew ity, nutritive value. University.7. At your grocer'e, oven-fresh* ' morning and afternoon. The speakers, as well as those present, concurred on the need and the By AUCE ADAMS PROCTOR desirability of work for developing the Jurisprudence Department. Pro*T*HB seven quick facts printed, above cast new light fessor .Isaacs expressed the hope .that x on. Wonder Bread's amazing success. the proposed-department will redound ; To-read them is to realize *at once how utterly to the advantage of legal science as different this bread is from ordinary kinds. a whole and to a "genuine reception j??? 1 1 / a l o a f tqday. But first please note these of Jewish law in Palestine" in particadditional advantages. ular. ' Wot'toast it Jcnows no equal, And eaten plain it And double the usual amount of milk. Pasteurusea. We employ, too, a special method of baking. amazes with its delicate flavor. "^phe more I reflect upon a school were, convinced that pt jurisprudence in connection with It's splendid, too, from the housekeeper's point Slo-baking, it is called. A method designed to seal the fish, meats, ^salads, th<? Hebrew University. • the more" rny of view. It slices without crumbling. And keeps its in the dietetic value of our ingredients and to imcoffee arid other delifreshness for days. If eaten daily, it promotes family prove their flavor. imagination i s touched and fired.- at cacies prepared by Mr. health to a marked degree. It restores buraed-up So please get it from your grocer today. the though"; said Judge. Cardozo. Maurice were better energy and fosters growth. This because of its high *The need is surely great today that Note fts dainty flavor. See how evenly i t toasts. calorific value. Also its remarkable protein content. How'easily it slices. than anything they we plioujd r conceive of jurisprudence . 'had ever served or To maintain its remarkable quality day after day, worthily.' The need is great that we Your grocer has it fresh twice daily. tasted, and they are we go to great lengths. We specify a specially milled should view the profession of the law WONDER BAKERY short patent flour. The heart of the -wheat berry. coming back for more. as something, more than a gainful oc(Standard Bakeries Corporation) cupajjipn.„ She need is great to view it as a manifestation, a flowering of strivings and phases ot i h e human spirit that are essential and endur ing." "We must "feel in our hearts and show, in-our lives that law is in touch 2016 Farnam *AK«O ay THE BAKERS OF HOSTESS CAKJ 'wi$'' t h £ £ternitiesv ,1 do not know


Tiiese Seven Quick Facts an Aidto



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TKey Came They Saw They Tasted and they—

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. ..






TheMxtra Value Omar Bakery puts Into Us bread, e»ln» and pastries has brought as thou»anda of customers. Women all over Omaha are talking about it. You can *et Omar goods from most groceries or the Om*r wagon that comes to your neighborhood.




Council Bluffs Views By *V K. K.

week visiting in St. Louis, and Kansas City, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krasne and family will leave Sunday on a. motor trip te Los Angeles, Calif;, where they will spend the summer.

Kitchen Chats

sister of Mr. Julius Saseowald, ChiLasker arid Adler Give acago philanthropist, who is tip "donor $50,000 Each to H. U. C. of $5QQ,p(M).tp the Hebrew Union College Endowment -fund. Cincinnati, Q.—(J. T. A.)-^-Albert Mr. Adler recently gave « 97«§*M D, l*sker, former chairman of the plaaetariuin*te Chicago. United States Shipping Board and Max Adler, both of Chicago, have Burke said there were three given &0jm each toward ihe $£,estates in parliament, but in the 000,000 Endowment Fund of the Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, it reporters' gallery yonder there sat was announced by Dr. Julian Morgen- a fourth estate more important for than they all. —Carlyle. stern, president of the institution. Mr. Adler, formerly vice president of. Sears, Boebuck * Co., is • brother of Dr. Cyrus Adler. Mrs. Adler is

\tov\A VL

BANANA FRITTERS Six Jewish students irom the One cap fieur, two teaspooDs kakCouncil Bluffs high schools were iag power, 1 taMespeen suear, enereoeatly chosen as members of the fourth teasseda salt, ene^fourth cap local chapters of the National Honor milk, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, three Society. At the Thomas Jefferson banana*. Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—The high school two Jewish boys recentMix and sift dry ingredients. Add ly were chosea as members of the the name of the prayer for the dead, others la order given. Beat welL T. J. H. S. Chapter of the National is no longer a synonym for "son" in Drop by spoonfuls in fast fat. Drain the vocabulary of Sussian Jews, as it Honor Society, which was formed and svriakle with powedexed sugar, GUESTS JN THE CITY KQOPER-UPTON had bees for hundreds of yaars until last year. They are Leo Nogg, Mr. and Mrs, Seaman Kay of gan the outbreak of the communist revo'marriage of Miss Lillian KeepJunior, and Milton Krasne, Senior. PINEAPPLE FEITTEIS er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jaeob Francisco will arrive in Omaha, Mon- At the Abraham Lincoln high school, lution. Mix saipe %s f er banana fritters, The generation ef Russian Jews r, te Mr. Murray Lipton of New day, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Seuhen a chapter was organize! during the five or Buam slices pineapple, Sunday School, dramatics for who were middleaged when the revo?¥<&&, •will take place at the bride's past week and feu* Jewish students eut in halves. Fry in deep f a t Serve adults and children, forum, debatlution broke out can no longer enterheme, Tuesday, May 28. Rabbi Harry ing, conceits, social dancing, book Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Eobinson and were elected as charter members. tain the hope that when their hour with powdered sugar. Jelt of Lincoln,-Nebr., will officiate. They are: Marian Katelman, Buth reviews, festival celebrations, soThe out-of-town guests will be Mrs. children of WalthOL ;• JJebr,, Trere Shyken, Hymie Kramer, and Joseph comes a SOB will stand over the grave SUBSIDY FQR JEWS cial service lecture course, symR. liehawitz of New York, mother of guests of Mr. and JIrs, S. Robinson. Bolsmonew. Marian Katelman was and recite the ancient Aramie text Berlin.—(J, T. jLi-~The annual phony and popular orchestra, gym for the "sanctifieatinn of tile name." tK»' groom, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rose the «aly Jewish student chosen from subsidy graated by the Prussian g&v~ and swimming classes, and classes There have been many visitors from Th« sons, reared under thefegwre- ernraent to the Jewish comntunities in English, Hebrew, Yiddish, citi, and dauEtyer ot Chicago, Mr& Sbapthe Junier class at the Abraham . iro ef Kansas City and Mr. and Mrs. Kansas City, Mo., in the city during Lincoln high school, while the other gime and trained in the Communist was included in this year's budget by senship, cooking, home manageschools, are not only ignorant of the Lijsehut? and daughter Bess of Sioux the past weekend aWOJlg whom were •three students are Seniors. ment, ballet and folk dancing, and a vote of the Diet yesterday. Mrs. J. P. Louis, who is visiting her text but are enjoined by their politifirst aid. The amount veted this year, as in Only Juniors and Seniors who are son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and cal affiliation against religious cereprevious years, was 600,009 marks. Mrs. Lester Meyer, Mr*. J. B. Gilin- in the upper .third of their classes monies. -IVHECQNCLAVE Bky, who is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. are eligible to membership -in the In despair at this condition a group National Honor Society. Scholarship, of orthodox Jews in Borisov formed Jee Ffeeman and Bsn, and Mrs. J. The annual Ivre fraternity conclave service, leadership, sad character are an Association of Religious Jews i s Lincoln Wednesday and Thursday Weiner, whe was the guest of her Omaha's Style Center the basis on whieh students are whose purpose i t is to provide its parents, Mr. and Mrs .Dave Belker. ; will "he,, the ossasinn for one of the chosen. members with a "Kaddish," someone ? mosij brilliant .af the spring affairs. to take the place of a son to rente Misses Bess Gnza, Martha Bofeiaeif ; Those Irpna Om^ha and Council Several Jewish students were in% Bluffs who will attend are: Mr. andand Toots Agranoff and the Messrs. cluded among the members «f the the prayer. The association has, te Mrs. L Levinson, Jack MareJV Ben Henry Rice, Benny Herzoff and JoeAbraham Lincoln High School Band this end, engaged a. staff ef prefesShapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kooper, Levey of Siou$ Cityi spent the week- which left Tuesday evening for Eional E&ddish sayers, who receive a weekly salary and whose duty it will If*. a»d Mrs. •William Levey, Mr. end in Omaha. Sixteenth at Hamey Denver, Colo., to participate m the be to take the place of the son when and Hra. Moe Venger, Mr. and Mrs. National Baad Contest. Amoag a member of the i»yg*v*iy*»"fl dies. Miss Doris Shophone end Mr?, SHIH Newagn, Dave Freeman, Mr. those who made the trip are: Helen 4Sd M M . Clyde Krasne, Mr. end Mrs. gonia Baeher of Kansas City arrived Steinberg, FlereBce. Whitebosk, BernRobert Giaser, Mr. and Mrs. Nate in Omaha, WednejdftF, tQ a*ten4 the ard Bilaban, Paul Hoffman, and LeoYEHUDI MENUHIN Harwich, Harold Farber, Phil Feld- Highland Country Club formal HAILED BY EINSTEIN Meyerson. Bernard Balaban, who man, Raul Goldstein, Abe Markowitz, ing and the Ivrs Conclave. recently won ihe State Contest i n a London.—(J. T. A.)—"My boy, it is M*.- a»d -MHB. Dave Eavitz, Jack bassoon solo, will compete for' Na-many years since I received a lessoa Mrs. Sam Peltz and two sons Orlicoffj Mr. and Mrs. Lester Meyer, such as you now taught me," said tional honors. Abe Venger, Norman Harris, Lillian returned, home Sunday following a Prof. Albert Einstein with tears in Chudacoff, Anita Gluokman, f a y e four week visit with Mrs. Felti's Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne will his eyes to Yehudi Menuhin, twelve Kleia, Anne Buback, Margaret EUery, brother, Mr. J . Ayshaek, in Sock leave Sunday for Los Angeles, Calif., year old bey violinist of San Fran;••••; Marion Blamenthal, Ruth Kendis, and Island, 111; where they will attend the graduation cisco, when he played a fortnight ago Leona Pollack. Of oar E n t i r e of their Bon, Philip Krasne, from the in Berlin. This is related in a feaWJLL VISIT CANADA ture article in the London Sunday The other two chapters of t University of Southern California, Stoek of SpriafMr. and [Vii. Philipi Greenberg are Ivie> Sioux City and Bes Moines, leaving May 30 for JSurope where which will take place on June 8. "Obesrver." time • •. wilKalso, send delegations and guests they will visit France, Germany, They expect to remain in California The "Observer" l*uds Yehudi as » to ti»? affair. s-*.].-:•. Czecho-Slavakia, and Rumania. Tliey all summer. new genius. will be gone about three months * The Bar Mitpvah of David Perl'•>: ENTERTAINMENTS;;-"0 mutter, son of Mr. and Mrs, WATTENDS PHI BETA KAPPA Perimurter, took place last Saturday Miss Ber^ce Terer is •-aively entertained prior t o her mar- Miss Ida Lustgarten spent the week afternoon, May 18, at the Chevta jjage which will take place during the end ja-IineelH where she attended the B'nai Yisroel synagogue. early part of June. Among those who Phi Beta Kappa initiation banquet. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chemiss encomplimented Miss Ferer this week; In four Sensatertained their evening bridge club -was;- Mrs. M. Herzbexj?. Mrs. in Public Utility Properties tional Price AT THE HOSPITALS : At their home Tuesday evening. Electricity—Gas—Petroleum Joseph H. Bonoff and ^lss^Hildred. Groups . •• 1 . Morris Givot is ill at the Nich» Le* entertained jointly at a lunch6 PER CENT ON SAVINGS Mrs. Harry Schpenwald of Los olas Senn hospital• eon, Wednesday, and Mrs. George Angeles, California, is expected to Krasse entertained at a luncheon at As the result of an autoniobfle arrive here today to visit her. the Chief tan hotel, Friday , 263 Sol 19th St. accident, Mr. Harry Kolhherg is con- mother, Mrs. Anna Saltzman. JAcksoB ISM Bvenlag* fined to the Nicholas -Sean Hospital JAekson S67S WAlmrt set* Miss Janet Lipsey, who -recently Miss Evelyn Marks is spending the aimounced her engagement, was the Among the patients at the guest of honor a t a bridge-dinner Memorial Hospital are Mrs. Gertrude given ~*by Mies Jeanette Levinson Jacobs, Mrs. B. Landman, Mr. Al Thursday, a t her home. . Mayer, and Mr. Isaac Osterman.

Professional Kaddish Sayers Hired in Russia

Acnvrross AT J, C C.


Mrs, Eobert Kooper i s entertaining Saturday at a bridge-lunch?on « t the Fojitentlie in honor of Miss Lillian

Miss* J>ori» jBhpshone : of Kan sap affiqpced bjride of Mr.- Morris and her sister, Mrs. Spnin Beeher, will be honored a t many affairs- during their stay in Omaha. ICOR Miss Grace Rosenstein will honor A handmade tapestry will be fiven these popular guests at a bridge party by the Icor of Omaha on Sunday, at the* Athletic Club, Sunday. Mrs. Herman Dansky -will entertain at the July 14, at their picnic at Elmwood Blackstore, Monday at a bridge- park. Proceeds will go for Jewish luncheon and Mrs. Robert Glazer is colonization in Russia. alaa Entertaining. MJES Eva Cohen, who will be


ried; this, summer, was the honored guest at a bride-dinner given by Mr, Ida Lustgarten, local pianist and music, teacher, will present one of her and Mrs. P. Hofner, Sunday. pupils, Evelyn Faulle, 11, in a piano recital at the Hospe Auditorium, 15th Hiss Lucille Isaacson entertained and Farnam, Monday, May 27. six couples at a bridge party at her Miss Faulle will be assisted by her home Saturday. instructor's brother, Avrum Lustgarten, 12-year-old violinist of note. Her IS.T&. Philip Rompnek entertainedprogram .will' include; selections by the members oi the Hosiptality Com- Beethoven, Bach, Massenet, and Koelmit£ee~ of the College Club at a tea ling. at her" home: last week. The recital is open to the public. Misses-Sara Cohen and Anna Sake ejttf rtajned four tables of bridge Sunday, in honor of Miss Betty Lansky, •who will be married in June.


An opportunity to visit friends and relatives and to see the sights in Chi'Mrs. Fred Horn entertained Thurs- cagQ St unusually low rates is_ affordday, at the Blackstone hotel in honor ed by excursions being sponsored by of Misses Bernice Ferer, and Doris the Burlington and Illinois Central Shoshone, of Kansas City, Mo., andrailroads. Mesdames Soma Baeher of Kansas The trains leave Wednesday, May City, Mrs. M. BJaugrund of El Paso, 29, and return at various times, bring.Tjga& _ancj.Mr8,.H .Ferer.of Chico, ing the passengers back to Omaha not Calif. later than Monday morning.




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CLUB CORNER GIRL SCOUTS The Girl Scout Troop No. 4 . entertained at a mother and daughter party at the home of their sponsor, Mis; Rose Fiedler, Thursday, May 16. A short play was presented and the "mothers played bridge.

Baker Ice MieUpes




. Mitchell Co.

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Comsweet Given New H U . C . Team Has Perfect Season Honor at Brown Uni

gram of the League of British Jew* Sam Slutzky;, tennis, Sam- Epstein far, afti^^'b^mahr.basis is: concerned, to assist those who; are desirous of freJigion does not conflict (.who, incidentally has .captured the the -Jewish i going to Palestine, it is not incumwith the CHristiart."-,•-. v title for the past two years)} horsebent on the League of British Jew* "This is just ; the essence of his A perfect record of 12 victories wid shoes, Jack Adler. ; . . . . . - . Providence, H. l.—(J. T. A.)—Al1 l to participate in the movement of monologue; He; did not speak so no defeats marked the past season's - FRANKS R. ACKERJf AN Adler and" Zorinsky, the. Center enraising funds which the Zionists can- bert C. Corosweet of Cleveland, O., efforts of the basketball team of the tries in the-"city horseshoe tourna- tersely arid disconnectedly. There was Rhode* (schwlai-elect and all-around not provide.. Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, ment, have both qualified for the no attempt to convince, or impose his " Jade "Kid"i Berg, th point of view, or even a desire to exClaude G. Montefiore made the Brown university athlet*, ha* been Ohio. third round. Jewish boxer; from-England, broke plain his case, to defend himself. Hans Rothschild, and Montefiore State point that although he remains an awarded the class of 1907 scholarship, The men on the team are: Wm. H. into•> the iiraelight; of the-.New-rYork anti-Zionist," he" is not .anti-Palestine. given «nnoally at Brown university Rosenblatt, manager, Philadelphia, The Campfire girls' swimming meet Hersl seemed to^ speak to himself as Reasons for Attipugilistic :arena last week, i Kid Kapt < > the *m\QT class member "who commuch as to me. Perhaps even more In explaining this distinction, Dr. tude PJL; Philip Black, Cleveland, Ohio; lan wa4 headlined in the, main; bout, •will be held at the J. C. C. Saturday, to himself. : . Montefiore stated that as long as the bine* in a high degree scholastic Samuel Black, Cleveland, Ohio;. Clarbut before the finale rolled, around, May 25. Mrs. Minough will be in existence of the Jews will not have ability, aihtetk: ability and character." And he went on: "Perhaps I am ence Abranu, coach, Cincinnati, Ohio; ADVISE CONCENTRATION the English lad had stolen the honors j charge of. the competitions, Gormw$*t JIM th« highest schola#reached the stage of evolution when merely drawing my father's views and Elmer Berger, Cleveland, Ohio; Samtk reterd ol any Brown graduate, in the spectators! - h e a r t s " conceptions to. their very first conON LOCAL PROBLEMS they: will become solely a religious uel Soskin, Chicago, Illinois; Joseph 1 who h*# won ih« scholarship in the Giving a perfect; imitation-of a per-1 community, he will continue to be »n clusions. Perhaps- my logic is too London.—(J. T. A.)—The League of anti-Zionist, because he refuaen to last fmt ?««?§/ ff« is one of the Freedman, Steubenville, O., Sidney M. petual motion machine, Berg showed pitiless and not sufficiently sentimenfc* «)«##, * Jatnes l<efkowitz, Brooklyn, New oYrk; himself to be the best-equipped Engtal to please our dreamers. It is your British Jews, one of the most out- share in a movement which fdltttfs .(Continued from Page 1) spoken anti-Zionist Jewish bodies, f t member of Phi Beta Abraham H. Feinbcrg, Beaver Falls, lish fighter to touch these shores and stimulates ideals which he fe« privilege to consider me wrong in trywhich opposed the: issuance of the K*pp* and &igm* XL Wh#i» he en- Pennsylvania; Korbert Rosenthal, £ftju;e;,tn.e time of Ted Kid Lewis.' my .questions. When I interrupted ing to find my own way regardless of Balfour declaration when the negotia- gards as dangerous and a» a diet* tet* Chtfm4 Mai faih he will \momt Cbkago, Illinois; Jerome Bosenbloom, backwards from the point of view of prejudice and legends. I'm traveling him, rather tactlessly, a bit impatient captain, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Andy "Cohen, once permanent fixa difficult road, but I try to dig for- tions for it were under way, will re- Jewish religious universal!wn. He be- it ftud^flt *t §L Korman Feldheym, Ooakland, Califorture- at second base for the -Giants, with his even-voiced, slow-spoken ward. I realize the Jewish problem main aloof from the extended Jewish lieves, he stated, that th« Zionist lead' 1 nia; Morton Conn, Detroit, Michigan. has 'been playing hide-and-go-seek words, he stopped without irritation, acutely. I take an all-embracing in- Agency, it became clear from the re- ers and, especially, the chief lender eleven for ihf«« $mf§ M#4 mm with the- lineup. - When he has rbeeri and listened attentively to my objec- terest in Jewish affairs throughout marks made by the League's leaders who is probably the ablest living Jew,' tain lewi ?#Mf, He in * . , . . ,,. Good breeding u the blossom of in there, he-has done quite: well. ;Mc- tions. the world. I have my own ideas on! at its annual meeting here yesterday. will remain nationalists of a deeper i t V Iltown \mettmm tweiv "Do you.consider.yourself a^Jew?" go«d mtmm. —Yoong. Lionel de Rothschild, president of Grawj according to rumprr now comyean, GorrMtwtset w«« fim Mew brand. With them, religion seems t o : how to bring Jewish national aspiraplains .th?t AndyV is, too {slow.; *m his I asked him point-blank. tions to a concrete realization. Some the League, and Claude G. Monte- take a back place, while they continue j land inttrtoitegUtUi wrcgfAfog '-'L. need not' consider myself •any- ; day-—and it may-be very soon—I shall fiore, foremostleader of Liberal Jud- to regard the Jews as a nation piOTj. feet,-.: -,."aism in England, gave their reasons like t h e . Danes. He is not antithing," he replied, in some astonish- • p u b l i s h t h e n i . " ••.-.. SWANSON THE FLORIST ment. "I. am a Jew. One cannot : It.seemed tcrme that this conclus- for their decision not to join other Palestine, he declared, because he I7f4 S«v 24tk St. — MArket Ji Cr-e-under-the The gitteg ^ WOMEN'S ZIONIST MK8T change one's race."- • > ion had a hidden meaning. "That per- British Jewish outstanding personal- favors the tending of numbers of un: Member F. T. D. tutelage qf^Miss; Ursula Faganj-are London.—(J. T. K)—Th« Vfmoen!* haps it cloaked the true explanation ities who declared-their willingness to happy Jews to live happily on the soil leading the ; indoor baseball league. cepted the Catholic creedj and" one of the Hans Herzl mystery. It oc- participate in the work of the extend- of Palestine ; and to produce there' International Zionist Organization Iii their last game the girls trimmed cannot dissociate; the Jewish religion curred to me that perhaps this open ed Jewish Agency at the recent Lon- science, art, literature, ethics and re- will hold its congress at the same the Van Averys by the,, top heavy HIMELBLOOM BAKERY don conference. time as the World Zionist Organizascpre of 23 to 7. ''Steamboat'1 Shaf- from the Jewish race," I said rather acceptance of the Christian church '• Lionel de Rothschild, referring- to ligion which the future centuries may, tion. Mil K, t*th—WE. «SS« admire. He objects, however, to the! ton, star hurler, has been playing the wearily. "You may be able to ex- might have been merely an experi- the Jewish- Agency, declared that it Serve Hitnelblooic's new The women's branch will meet in idea of the Jewish national home in. plain your religious attitude. I do ment, a daring gesture necessary for stellar role in the Center victories. Banian pornperrriekle bread was a topic of considerable interest, Palestine and must, therefore, remain Zurich, July 23 to 26. not doubt its sincerity. But the Jews the working out of his1 theories. with your next tneai. but'said that he-wishes. success to an anti-Zionist. -The old .track ^records«at the.J. C. will never forgive you. Your faith In any case, I felt that Hans Herzl's those who-desire to do good work in C.'- withstood • all- attacks ryjhe.n the' may be your own private concern; act was not the end of his biography, He expressed the opinion that what !?«> personally, felt that Tu.^ciub defeated ;the>Xys 37 to 13 but there was no need for an open but rather the beginning. One thing- Palestine 1 exists now is the so-called "Churchill Precisely •because it is certain: His conversion brought him he-was occupied "with the; charitable White Paper Zionism.' The other in ^the'first indoor meet of ,the.season.- conversion. requirements of the Jewish cominun' Sam*- Zorinsky. turned in'the' fastest could be only a gesture. Why did you no.material gain whatsoever. He saci t y i n London and'with the problems brand' of Zionism has disappeared.' times--in the sprints. Will Bloom do it?" It was along these lines that rificed connections, and closed every of the country in general and cannot, Nevertheless, he is of the belief that copped, first in both the • hi^h; jump I pleaded, rather childishly; I ; sup- source of income that had been open therefore, participate in the work of the Zionists themselves will never sacand shot;put. Jack Ayier^was.firstjn pose. • J wanted an answer. It seemed to him. He lives a very retired, ex403 Hospe BIdff. JA. 5752 the Zionist Organization. Although rifice their national aspirations. .£&&_ running... _bjcpad.. -HaroldJBarish to me that the entire Jewish people tremely simple life^ He manages to he felt that i t is a part of. the proPATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS won - -th&- only first for the-XL's by wanted an answer. The Herzl con- scrape together a livelihood by transplacing ahead of the -group <'• in" the version had "been a mystery 'to"all. lating from French into English. standing;--fciroad jump. •'--' _..:* ' . It carte suddenly, and-the blow rob- Some American and English publishbed everyone of his analytical capa- ers entrust their most delicate trans1-1 .. All the examiners of tfiis * Red cities. Much ink was spilled in the lations to Turn; his work is done newspapers; it was a good topic for anonymously. The son of the grace.Cross district had their UnemBerships p an article. Most- of the writers had ful stylist of the Neue Freie Presse renewed last week under the ^.gle eye never met Hans Herzl, and'several has inherited fr"om Sis'father a very of Commodore Longfellow,_natipnal knew Theodor Herzl only from his pronbunced literary sense and a flexRed-Cross representative. The athletic "Zionistische Schriften;"-but all drew ible- pen. But he does not have the directors and coaches including Marconclusions: Herzl's son was-mentally dramatic,- colorful, magnetic personalcus Krasne, physical dire~ctor_ipf the unbalanced: There- was a streak of ity of Herzl the political leader. Hans Community' -Center, participated in lunacy rinthcfamily: Some even "went Herzl is ot the self-effacing English the "exams. Those examinedJformed so far as to deduce that-Theodor Herzl school. As a matter of fact, he cona club which had-its first; meetjng a<; Wnise'lf -"manifested .this streaky cl^e fided to me that' he considers the !the ^J.' C. C. Thursday night. • j he- would never-have attempted his achievements of Weizmann in the "TEef mammbth~g^m" exhibition' will Zionist -work.. -Na, normal mart; dedi- practical-political work of Zionism ' bfes 'ifeld -Tuesday evening,- June"4. cates his^ life and fortune to a. Utopia. much greater than, his. father's. l£r4sne's" stunt, class i s meeting every . -But as- one sits opposite Hans Herzl . So he sits; there in' London, soliTuesday and Thursday ^evenings in one realizes that all these speculations tary, docile and yet stubborn. World are- -meaningless and unfounded; preparation for the big event." Whatever he may be, this young man Jewry will never forgiv? him for what ->.,For Service Call Service Our Motto ABRAMSUN AUDIT CO. and- sober-minded; .there is he -has done. But Hans Herel:has ' "The'; tennis, golf/ arid horseshoe is.-rational M E BEE HIVE CLEANERS General Repair Shop—Radiators, not spoken his last word. For- good ; 5 65* Brandrli Theater Bldx-—JA. 481) Fenders and Body Repairing tourneys will get under way June- 16. no kink in -his mental make*up: And or evil, he stands at the very beginOndtr Management of -AUDITSSYSTEMS he;told -me^his stbry, this only son Entries are being taken now. • H. MARCUS DA VENPORTV GARAGE ning- of his road, and he insists that 1941 Vinton St. JA, 1440 18th and Davenport INCOME TAX '' The' defending champiqns_are_:tiolf, of .the lamented; leader of the Jews. it leads to Zion. JA. 3S73 •v It was. told.haltingly, like a confession, and -was interrupted by * occasional (Copyright, 1929, by Seven. Arts Fea!long-causes^ The following'isonlyan .-.-• - - -ture Syndicate.)


Sf>ort Splinters

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OMAHA LEHER SHOP Commercial Printing

t$fYDEN & CO.

abstract of what-he-told'me^ny his PALESTINE JMMJGRATION STAI.MASTEB ANB BEBER, Attorney* cultivated; delicately nuanced -speech. ••'-. -65O Omaha National Bank Bldg. "After my father's" death r was I PHOBATE NOTICE ~ brought up by ultra-orthodox Jews. ing of 2,400 labor certificates: for ad: In the matter of the estate oSf DAVID They were sincere in their religious mission to Palestine was announced GAKBER. deceased. . n r> . hereby" given: 'That the credit- belief, but Jewish nationalism did not hy? the government. The number conors of said deceased will meet the administrator of wild' esfiiter"bef«re me,'County exist for them. I, on the other hand, stitutes the quota over the period had, since my earliest childhood, come 'April to October^ • day of September.'193). at 0 o'clock A. M., to look upon the'.Jews as a race,- a Thei * ls."-nothing; e.ich- day.. for the' 'purpose'; ol ^priejQftinj: nation. If you will read my father's. x,i ; . . . .so disagreeable -. A their claims fur wsaiuiiiiitioif. iuijustment thh t at i dean not tod some f« * *m nnd allowance. . Three jnontns'nre allowed diaries carefully you will see that! f \*J for the ••credHorg to pri'sent their claims, there was. a time when he believed I 8 0 1 3 '? f o r lU \i;:,[ . V.i - S e n e c a from, the Sth day of JnmMintfl.:! • " UKXCK CK*UYKOHD. that the most expedient way of realiz' May 10—4T •• County Judge ing Jewish nationalism was by converting all the, Jews,- if possible to 8TA1MASTEK. AND BKBEJi; , i Christianity. I 'know that it sounds - - <• 630 Omaha National Bank BldR.

National Accessories,Inc.

-NOTICE BY-FCHi.ICATIOi*. ON PETI-I].-.-)..-.-) rinrl that n w fnthpr rhanp-p.d TION FOB SETTLEMENT OF FIJ.AI, n e r e n c a l > a n a l n a l *"* l a m e r cnangeu ADMINISTRATION " | his views later; yet this was my conIn thcConnty Court ACCOUNT." of 0o"uBlns'County, eliraska ception of Judaism- as far as my mem- '


ter of the Estate of; itin.-Mazj-. j ory croes.


andi *tnton" it.. Al»Yahn»nir o £ joiner fltbef teat we are as much a religion as a ,<: JBiiltable>ri»rso» and^^t»*owetj tp; a settley ^ ^ I S g y tbaf .Sre af A(Uch J f a j

i i - ^ y




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All Family

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C3ARLES SIMON Kecommends

THE SANITARY LAUNDRY "The Bent' of all Ijiundry


Phone AT. 84S1

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Confectioners '£HH> CAN1YIA 16th and farnam 8 0 N S E T - T E A ROOM •Uth ^n^ Dodge CUVSTAL C A 5 D I B and Capitol A T « .

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Hat Cleaning


492-96 Brindcis Theatre Bldg:.





U G , The Tailor 203 Neville Block AT. 6451

FOR 75c A WEEK \Tour ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha

Awnings and Tents



Towel Supply

Children 5 to 12 Half Fare



Painting and Paper Hanging


Unusual Opportunity to Spend 4 Full Days in Chicago

Awnings. Canvas Covers. Tents, Camp Supplies. AU Kinds AT. 1482 I5tn and Howard ..



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ATlantic 6291 J. &1. JENSEN

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My father" never circum-

bf id Cotirt C t on the irth d tiori telore saiii lnth.clny °* ism? . Religious belief i s a private June 1P20. and ttifit if they fail to:ap-| _° _. . .: T' .... . penr'at-Baid Conrtr ort the snld 15th day matter. - 1 am a Christian Jew, just

638 gaeultie* Bide



v wl; amii all T>iTsoiraintM«ste(l all other T>iTsoira intM«ste(l I . , . , ., , T. in said matter are hcrriiy. jiittiffed on h i]02i),'I>avl(l tiffdH..l!el>er cised me. It was done by the people, the 11th <layof th l f M _. JO25)a»lrt Hjli HIM a petition tI i in sii»l Comity "Court, pray-, w n o i a i s e u me » wnen i was . aireaay . ^

ing. that his'fmar adtnJhJsttatlon acctmntra grewn-up boy. I consider lira. iuSSt- ^ d ^ e h a ^ 1 ftSnf^^t""^ tile gesture-perhaps-'as futile as conPure-Christianity and Juda-, the ifet/.dayVof'juhel'inaF, an7ll"ti).-t"t'if'youj ism meet. ' I shall always contend thatr " f t f - A ^ ^ l ^ ^ J ^ ^ i ^ f r W - ^ ^ j ^ j t l d s is so, regardless of whair echor t-;.«»!«i, wt1."0"; these-words--of * mine will bring. Durpetttlon, enter a decree of ,lieIrghJp, and f mg" the war—away from all family "'"'• " ' ^ ^ ' 8 o r J : 0 ^ I attachments, disgusted by life in the may neern proper, totUeond.that. nlV-mnttfri pertaining to" Knlil''en'tnte imiiy be .British labor batallion in which I was finally Bettlcd anrt' determined. serving, revolted and disillusioned by I. May 17—2T the -entire -wholesale butchery — I Oourity "Judge. Bought a support, something to which . t. .?. FKIF.DJLW, Aetorn 534-Peter* Trout. Bl4ir.; 1 could hold on. A , drowning man " TRoa*"CK NOTIIJE/ will grasp at a straw. At that time, . In. the Matter of the Estate of Timothy which influenced my inner develop-'! X. Jones.. IJecensed.V 'T~ c e d . T ..' "*•• N i i h i Notiee'is hereby given' that the creditors of. said ,deceased —Will meet "the""adminJg- ment more than any other period .of trator of said- estate, before mp; Couuty my existence, I believed that I needed Jujlgei of • JJoHBlnB''C'ounty.' Nebraska, at the County Court, Koom, in -said-"County, to pin my faith on dogmas' and the on the l!5tli day of July, 1020,. and .on the 25th dny of September, 1929,. at:0 tt!clock church. Perhaps I would not do it A. 31., ench day, for the, purpose of pre- today. I don't know." , FOJitlnK .their claims for examination, adThere was a pause, and young Herzl nnfl allowance, •'^hree months d for the c r d i t o r s t "present " t continued: "But I am a Zionist; I beare allowed, their '.claims, .fronv.fbe 22nd "day -oU June, lieve in Palestine as a Jewish home-, County Jndge. • land—Perhaps the term 'Zionist' is exaggerated. A true Zionist is a V ABRAHAMS, 'Attorney Jew who lives in Palestine. But I am ' 400 Brande}»_Th«nter BldR._as good as Zionist as any:Jew living] - 5 O T I C E O F PIIOBATE ~OF '" ; l r t . t h e County Ctfnrfof outside of Palestine. I suppose Jew-1 Nebraska.i :-• , - . , . , ..:. 1 < I n the ~Mhtter of the B»tat0 of, Julia ish circles regard me as a renegade.. .A&her.-JJeceaseil. ' . : .: j - -,, T I am worse than a goy—I am a me- ; pfernnerp$ej • *A"l t' • pfersonJT'interp^tetl-in'salrtestnte nre :heteby.-riioiified • thjjt n • pftitjou u-hirf • l)cpn shumed. Yet, do they- realize that In' said filed In s i d Conrtf ntf praying prayng llnt tt tfife; tfife;proj pro-; b t f t i n instrumenti t t now on file, rejecting me,_(I do not mean myself b«te-«f a certain in said-. Court, purporting' to lie the last individually^ but other cases- like;. ill and testament >of of• B.iid d deceased, will e d , and a h i ill be b h^ QII, said id petii mine), they "reject Jewish national-'! that--* hearingwill

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