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^interesting and Entertaining^
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vJanuary 27, lO •j Act of March 5,
Lord Ro^eberry Is p REPRESENTS New Rothschild JDescendant The Promised hand's Promise Harry Mendelson, Former; Omahan, Returns From Palestine With AMERICAN JEWRY ON Glowing Tale, of^hf-Philosophical Potentialities NATIONAL BODY of fthe Holy Land
Mrs. Auerbach to Write " For Cyclopedia Judaica
VII.—No. 21
1 Mrs. Ella Fleishman Auerbach. Omaha author, has been asked by the editorial board of the forthcoming Cyclopedia Judaic* to write a special ECONOMIC SITUATION IMPROVING article on the history of Nebraska To Ittftiate Over Seventy-five Jewry for the five volume work. Late Leader and Philanthropist : New Members on Eulogized hy Rabbi HerTanned by a hot Palestinian sun jn Palestine as they are here, he exMrs. Auerbach is known as an au• . June 30 man M. Cohen and enriched -with the experience of plained, adding that was the only reathority on the subject of her article, witnessing and feeling the' new' soul son for his rebu-n. ". The future of having completed a book on the same that is evoloving in the Holy'Land, Palestine, hea hastened to . add, held OFFICE^'kNSfALLATION LONG ILLNESS FATAL subject a few years ago. Harry Mendelson, son of C. D.' Mend-, promise- of ,tmt<4d.economic developI TO BE HELD IN JULY The Cyclopedia Judaic* is ^to be a SATURDAY MORNING elson of Omaha, returned lasV week ment. The slow progress, was expopular encyclopedia of the Jews and In thf semi-annual ejections o f the. Thousands of Omaha Jewry turned from Palestine accompanied by -hisplained as being partially due t o the its compilation and publication is wife and twenty-two month' old child, fact that the, people were just begin- Omaha-Hebrew Club ;hfld Sunday af- being undertaken by the American out Tuesday to do honor to the late Leah. • - j ning to find out in which directions to ternoon, at ;th«r Jewish Community Hebrew, the famous Jewish weekly Michael Kulakofsky at his funeral In relating his experience, the form- bend their energies. "For instance," Center, Jake Rfklin was elected to of New York City of which Dr. Isaac services at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagpresidency^ ' succeeding Sam Landman i s editor. About two hun- odel Syaagogue. er Chalutz's face brightened up per- Mendelson stated,•"the Jews bought the Kulakofsky, "who died Saturday ceptibly and a thrilling note crept into up the Emek for mostly sentimental S w a r t z . ' •,".;. ;.-.•-,.. _,. • - * i- -. l![re3 of the leading European mud The other office** a » : Sam Xlaver, 'American Jewish and Chrsitian scbol- morning following;a long illneBs and his voice as he told of-how> a feeling reasons and tried straight "farming.. who was seventy-two years old at the had come into his consciousness that However, they ~find that they cannot viee-presideat;VrSoL JftDsenberg,. re- KTB- V31 contribute articles. time of his death, was one of the out of all the gigantic struggles and compete with foreign imports and, electedi Secretary; John Feldman, remost prominent members of the local efforts of the Jewish people" to re-. therefore, have difficulty in getting elected treisuief; _an^ Irvin Levin, establish themselves in their ancestral ahead. Jewish community.L He had been a But now they have found Joseph i Trttiak, and; R. Zweibach, home there -would come out a new how profitable the cultivation of or-t r u s t e e s . •••••••-. • ' , • • » '•" - - v -resident "of the city for forty-two - • ' • • . message that would -create : a new' -3csa«, . He waivfor-a long time presiThe laeetinf was on« of the largest anges and certain ether products is." . epoch in the history of man's developdent of the Beth, Hamedrosh Hagodel Mendelson said 'that, coming as he in recent months, rvpr two hundred ment. With animation he described did in 1924 at the peak .of immigra- members being in attendance. synagogue, was a leader in the preshow the Jew, originally a son of the tion and enthusiasm in Palestine, he ent modern orthodox synagogue moveThe new officers wjll be installed east himself, was bringing to the had had an-excellent opportunity to on Sunday, July 17. a trustee of the Jewish ComJ. J. Friedman Chosen Omaha's ment, slumbering Oriental land of his fath- feel the racing pulse of-the builders munity Center, and a member of all The last act of the old administraDelegate to American ers the scientific exactness and theof a nation. "It was one of those tion will be the initiation of over the leading -Jewish organizations in Convention energy of western civilization. the city. > rare psychological moments when hid- seventy.five new. members into the orRabbi Herman M. Cohen of St. Paul, "Anew type of thought, a different den and unsuspected energies and cap- ganization which, will take place on TO BUY HERZL VOLUME a son-in-law of Mr. Kulakofsky, dephilosophy interpreting the relations acities reveal themselveSj" he said. Sunday, June %H£ The standing., committees for the Local elections of delegates to thelivered "a touching tribute to the late of materialism, and idealism,-a new 'Tor myself, it seemed that the land social structure can arise out of this of the Bible had suddenly sprung to ensuing v term."•.WjM , ;be announced World Zionist Congress to be held in philanthropist and communal leader. • r , fusion of these varied forcei of the life. It seemed to complete my shortly. Zurich, Switzerland, in July, will be Comparing his life to the exemplary World," he exclaimed with a prophetic soul, supplying the historical backheld at the Jewish Community Cen- Jacob, Rabbi . Cohen pointed particfervor. .' ground to complement my modern ter between 2 and 7 o'clock Sunday ularly to the .charity and the breadth of vision of the man. His ability to Mendelson gave as his idea of the consciousness." afternoon, June 9. chief problem of the Zionist moveOn being questioned concerning re$300 RAISED FOR FUND A mass meeting will be held at the understand and sympathize with all ment the adaptation of the higher oc- ligious tendencies and attitudes toCenter Sunday evening at 8 P. M.viewpoints was described as his chief . Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg was re-cidental standards of living to theward various other major problems in under the sponsorship of the Zionist characteristic. Mr. Kulakofsky was also prominent elected .president of the'local Hadas- natural conditions in Palestine. "The Palestine, Mendelson said that -the district- at which Harry Mendelson, in local business circles as the presisah at, the annual elections of the or- -Jew must, utilizing his knowledge of Palestinians do not talk these things, who recently returned from. Palestine, ganization heW last- Wednesday,-May modern technology and science, con- they live thenr. :Notthat they dont Expect 350 New* Members by will lecture on Ids impressions of the dent of the Central Market. / E d ofNext Surviving him are: His widow, 29r at the Jewish Community Center. quer the land, or it will conquer him." discuss them, but-they are so busy Holy Land. Week Goldie; four sons, A. I. of New York .The olive-skinned youth of twentycoping and solving their problems The other officers are as follows: "Tinal preparations for the election Rabbi Cohn to Deliver Address City, Joseph of Berkeley, Cal., and Mrs.B. A. Simon and Mrs. J. J. Fried- nine displayed in his recounting of that they -are seldom- super-conscious w~ere made at a meeting held at the — And td'Present Certifi-c , \ .:, .• COOPER^YOUSEM LEAD man, vice-presidents; Mrs. Abe Green- these impressions a remarkable un- of them." Center Tuesday evening. Louis Katel- Harry and Louis of Omaha; two cates span, financial secretary; Mrs. Max derstanding of psychology and sociolHe described Palestinian life- as raan,v president of the local' Zionist daughters, Mrs. Philip Sake of CounAt a meeting of workers in thedistrict, Appointed the following elec- cil Bluffs and Mrs. Herman M. Cohen Goldberg, ;rec6rding""secretary, and ogy. Prior to his five year sojourn in more sober and serious thaa-American ELABORATE PROGRAM Mrs. Max Lerner^ treasurer,^„- -. : the. Promised Land, ~ he graduated life. "America istooiiappy-go-iiBcky Jewah- Connnmity Cfntw mewbci • tian_^boarrf- ernrnVoEed of representa- of St. Paul,- Minn.; two- brothwrs* ship campaign held TH«»d»y evefllilg, tives SFZioTtist, Miirachi and, Hadas- Israel and Keuben of Omaha; and two Of _ the plans -for tfie next season from the University of-Nebraska aifd and frivilous," he said. Annual confirmation exercises will announced by the president, -the chief had been steeped in Jewish tradition . Mendelson went to Palestine nearly substantial progress for the first sah organizations: C. D. Mendelson, sisters,' Mrs. M. Edelson of LoS Anbe- held * at Temple ; Israel Sunday one for the early part, of-the year's and lore of his father. • five years ago. He spent the first week's efforts were- reported. M. Venger, Mrs. M. F. Levenson, J. geles and Mrs. M. Mushkin of Omaha* ; morning at 10 o'clock at -which twen- activities, "The workers have done splendidly J. Friedman, Mrs. J. Lintzman, E» "The.-pioneers in Palestine hav? Burial took place at. Fisher's Farm. two years farming and the remainder will be a. bazaar .to-be- held ty-six members of the Temple Sunday immediately,after .the Mgh- holidays learned that it takes sweat «nd mater- of/the time teaching English in1 t i e so far,"- stated-WiHiam L.-'Hdlzman, Weinberg, and Paul FriedelJ -• •"? School will receive certificates in in 4^6.- fall*';The- exact- -.daterrwillr be ial rpBOHrees capital, etc, as'weir "as private Haifa Technical High School. Center president, -in. commenting oft All 'members of the above' organitoken' of tJieirtiompletioii; of.'the re- decided .upon*, and^. .'announced.. soam idealism to create the Utopia orthelr --'Z • He has made no plans for the fu- the results. zations- are entitled to vote- as well as quired course. Rabbi .Frederick Cohn Mrs.- B. A. Simon-iWas apppinted^gen^ dreams/' ^ he said. Economic :op^>rRevised prospect cards were issued any-: non-members who pay the shekel ture but wilt remain in Omaha fdr'the will preside and will make the pre- eral chairman of the.aJ0Eauv~-•••••. .-=..- . „ tunities/srare not in general as" good present. •—- - to the workers .at the TtteSday "meet- fee of fifty cents: - •• • • ••, sentations, as well as make the prining. It is expected that i t wfll take The various chairmen of the.standVoters will vote for one of five cipal address. Seventeen Jewish students were approximately until the end of next ing committees gave, de'^ailed reports An elaborate service has been ar- on the past year's activities. The reweek to-complete the city-wide can- lists of candidates representing vari- among those who received sheepskins ous organizations interested in the in token - of completion of courses ranged, each of the-confirmants tak- ports showed that, $300 was raised for vass. ing some part in the program. - • the Hadassah medical fund. Reports turned in thaw that Harry Zionist cause, including the Zionist leading to various: degree? at CreighBesides the confirmants, Helen J. Cooper and Mose Yousem rank Organization of America (which in- ton University' Thursday morning. The next meeting, at some later Sommer will play a. violin solo and date during June, will be open to the Those receiving the degrees were: first among: the teams, having secured cludes the Hadassah), the Mizrachi, National Flower Day of the Jewjih The Omaha Yiddish Dramatic club the Zionist Revisionists, and theBachelor of arts, Ben Kaidowsky; Laura Goetz and V. C. Bennett will public and will feature a musical pro- National Fund will be observed here will give a benefit performance of the to date thirty new members. render vocal solos. Sunday by an intensive compaign to four-act r Yiddish melodrama, ~ "His "By the end of next week, three Brandeis-Mach group known as theBachelor of philosophy, Hymen S, gram followed by refreshiments. The confirmants are: raise funds for the organization by Wife's Husband," at the Brandeis hundred ] and fifty new; members or Association for Z. O. A. Re-organiza- Shrier; Bachelor of science in medition. cine, M.'H. Erodkey and Irvin Weiss; Florence Appleman, Naomi Berkothe sale of flowers. Theater Sunday evening, June 16. more should be on record," said Mr. J. J. Friedman was elected to rep- Baachelor of'law, Joseph F. Stern and witz, Selma Berkowitz, Lawrence FOUR COUNCIL BLUFFS Those organizations who will par- Proceeds of the performance will be Holzman. Bordy, Naomi Bordy, Bernard Chap- STUDENTS COLLEGE GRADS ticipate in the city-wide canvass are given to the City Talmud Torah and The meeting was marked by en-resent the Omaha district at the na- Samuel Zacharia; Doctor of medicine, man* Joel Cherniss, Marva CoKn, the Senior Hadassah, Junior Hadaa- the Bikur Cholim society. thusiasni and determination to make tional convention of the Zionist Or- Herman E. -Kully, Samue! Z. Fater, ganization of America which will be David'Gross,'Melvin H. Radirwn, and Lloyd Friedman, Una Grogs, Herbert Four Council Bluffs Jewish students sah, Poale Zion clubs, Daughters of The play, which is under the di-the drivf a success. Ben Slutzky; Pharmaceutical chemist, held in Detroit on June 30. Kaplan, Reva Malashock, Julian graduated this week from College. Zion, and Young Judea. Mrs. I. Milder, Pearl Lorraine Monsky, Hes- Among those who graduated from the Dloogoff of the Junior Hadassah will rection of Louis Wolk, is the dramaThe local district also passed a Sam Ban, John Ferenstein, Dfivid sel Moskovitz, Milton Robinson, Ed- University of Iowa-at Iowa City-at be general chairman of th,e Omaha tisation of a story of a man who was resolution of respect to the late Mich- Eobinson, Stanley Shapiro, and Jack ward Rosen, Stanley Schanbergex, the Commencement Exercises which solicitations and Fannie E. Kat«!man, big enough to forgive his enemy, the ael Kulakofsky, who was an ardent Kaimafi; Bachelor of science in pharmHarold Sommer, Melvin Sommer, Har- was held Monday, June 3, -were-Maurr recently appointed secretary of the man who had robbed him of his wife supporter of the movement. It was acy, Louis Kiklin; Bachelor of science old Stein, Harold Stem, Dorothy ice and Arthur Friedman, sons of Mr. Jewish National Fund in Council and had caused him .great physical also decided to purchase a copy of in commerce Hymie F. Milder and AlThe hero unwittingly beTolle, Dorothy Tuchman, Esther and Mrs. Philip. Friedman of Council Bluffs by the national office, will su- injury. the forthcoming memorial Theodor bert Garber. New 0rleans.-7J. T. A.)—^Monte M. comes the employee of the other man, stein, Samuel Weinstein. Bluffs. They completed a Bachelor pervise the collections there. , Herzl issue of the New Palestine a rich manufacturer who had runLemann, one of the ten lawyers of Science in Commerce course. Mr. All Omahans willing to aid theaway with the former's wife from named by President Hoover to themagazine to be presented to the Jew- ABE. SALTZMAN. PEARL and -Mrs. Friedman and SOTV Lester, drive are urged to meet Sunday mornish Community Center library. The MARCUS-CONTEST VICTOR** National Law Enforcement CommisMAURICE NATHANSON IN motored to Iowa City ^Sunday-to at- ing, at 9 o'clock at the Jewish Com- Europe to America, During a strike book will cost ten dollars. IOWA HISTORY CONTEST tend the graduation, returning home munity Center. The Council Bluffs in the factory, the true identities are sion to study the failures of law enAbe Saltzman of Council Blutfdi forcement in the United States and Tuesday accompanied back »by Maur- workers are asked to .meet & 9:30 established. However, the hero mereand Pesri l&arcus of Omaha were the the shortcomings of judicial procedure LATE MAX MORRIS WAS ly insists on legalizing the separation Maurice -Nathanson of Estheryille) ice 'and -Arthur. Friedman. ;i winners of the first annual declamaA. M. at the home of Fannief of his wife according to the Jewish is one of the outstanding leaders of BEN B'RITH 62 YEARS tion contest of the Jewish Community 1%., accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Joyce Freiden,. formerly of Council man, 417 Oakland Ave. traditional customs after his wife ex- the Jewish comnumity here. H. E . Nithahsoh,, was in Iowa City Bluffs,.also graduated from,;the,-UniThe late Max Morris who died May Center held last Wednesday evening. Mr. Lemann takes an active interest pressed her desire to still remain the this week to represent Emmet County versity ..of Iowa on jfclonday He is Prizes were awakled by the Malar in the work of "the' United Palestine 6, was a member of the local B'nai in state American History contest spending. a few ,days-visiting -here ABE «ESNICK DIES wife of the manufacturer. • • " ' shock Jewelry company. ; B'rith for sixty-two years records of Appeal campaign" in* New Orleans and sponsored by the University of Iowa. prior to his departure torLps Angeles, ?-., FOLLOWING OPERATION the organisation, its records reveal. is affiliated with a Reform Jewish Mrs. Nathanson and her son also California, to join Jhisniother, Mrs. R. Abe Resnick, fourteen year old son ALL FAITHS UNITE IN He joined the lodge on March 4, DAUGHTERS OF ZION congregation. "'•_ attended the commencement exercises Freiden, where they will make their of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan" Resnick, WORLD PEACE MOVEMENT Monte M. Lemann was born April 1867. On March 4, 1917, he presented MAKE S212 ON SALE of tile University at which Maurice future home. . T passed away last Friday morning in Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Catholics, Pro- 3, 1884, in DonEldsonvflle, La. He re- the lodge with a gavel in honor of his and ..' Arthur Friedman of Council Philip Krasne, son of Mr. and Mrs.. a local hospital following an opera- testants and Jews in Germany joined ceived his bachelor's degree from fiftieth year in the organization. According to Mrs. J. Hahn, chairBluffs, nephews of Mrs. Nathanson, Herman Krasne of Council Bluffs, will tion for appendicitis. man of the committee which recently hands to work for world peace with Tulane University in 1902 and from were graduated. graduate from the r University of sponsored the Daughters of Zion rumYoung Resnick was a graduate.of Harvard Law School his LL. B. (cum HEBREW UNION COLLEGE the establishment here of a German Young Nathanson was recently hon- Southern California Law School on mage gale," over two hundred and ten Kellom school. Besides his-parents, laude) in 1906. He was admitted to HONORS CHAIM WEIZMANN branch of the Federation for World ored by being chosen one of the four Saturday, June_8th, with high honors. dollars was realized on the sale. the bar of Louisiana in 1907. He members of the Estherville high Mr. and Mrs. Krasne left about, two j he is survived by a brother, Sam, and Peace through the churches. . Those who have bundles not picked « a sister, Helen. • Cincinnati, Ohio.—(J. T. A.)—That is a member of the law firm Monroe The appeal issued by the German school, chosen for the National Honor weeks ago for Los Angeles, in order Burial took place in the Golden Hill branch bears the signatures of Pro- and Lemann since January, 1922, and the formation of the Jewish Agency up for this sale are requested to holfl society. to be present at Memorial "Services at cemetery. them until the fall when another eal* fessor Albert Einstein, Oscar Wasser- has been Professor of Law at Tulane has changed the attitude of official which young Kxasne was the principal will be held. Reform Judaism toward Zionism was University Law School since 190<>. He mann, and Rabbi Leo Baock, head of speaker.. Mr. and ; Mrs. JCrasne plan A. Z. A. FAIRWAY DANCE the B'nai B'rith in Germany, repre- was assistant cHief counsel of the evidenced by the fact that Dr. Chaim PALESTINE IMMIGRATION AT HIGHLAND ON JUNE 10 to return home in September.. Philip Jerusalem—(J. T. A.)^-The figures senting German Jewry and the sig-United State Shipping. Board at Weizmann, president of the World B'NAI BTIITH SMOKER Krasne will remain, in Los Angeles, on immigration and emigration in natures of Protestant and Catholic Washington July-December, 1918. He ^Zionist Organization, was awarded an ON THURSDAY. JUNE 1$ Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the A. Z.where he is already practicing Law. Palestine have just been published leaders. is a director of the Chilaaette Patrol- honorary degree at the commencement A. will give a "Fairway Golf Special" His marriage to Mis8*Bernice Ferer here. The figures show that immiThe Omaha B'nai B'rith will hold eum Corporation, the Louisiana Oxy- exercises held June 1 at the Hebrew dance at the Highland Country club of Omaha -will take-place in Losgrants to the country -during April gen Company, the Phoenix Develop- College here. An honorary degree its last smofer of the season in the JEW CHOSEN BY POETS Angeles on June 12th. on Monday evening, June 10. Madrid.—(J. T. A.)—Ludwig Fulga, ment Company, the Louisiana State was also awarded to the Honorable lodge room of the Jewish Community were 417, including 322 Jews,-whereas The "Fairway" dance replaces the there were 172 emigrants, including the well-known German-Jewish poet Rice Milling Company and the Hunter Miss Lily H. Montague, of London, Center^ Thursday evening, June IS. annual spring dance of the chapter. England, the secretary of the World TheLfesture of the meeting will be TEMPLE ISRAEL 70 Jews. •.--.•: was chosen President of the Interna- Canal Company. The program committee in "charge •Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak e t Mr. Lemann is president of the Union for Progressive Judaism. The the installation of the remaining memThe birth and death statistic? tional Authors'and Composers Society of the dance consists of Dave Brod- Temple IsraeL.thjs evening -on "Pil- showed that the birth rates per thous- which concluded its • -congress here Louisiana Bar Association and a mem- degree awarded to each "Doctor of bers of the recent Harry H. Lapiduts key, chairman, Al Fiedler, Saul grim's Progress"- in -honor 'of the ter- and-were 49 Christians, 75 Moflcms, yesterday. ber of the Council "of the Americas Hebrew Law." A degree of "Docto* class of new -members. —: • •• Graetz, "and- Stanley F. Levin. centenary of-Jofcn-Bunyan. — • ' • 42 Jews/ whereas the death rate pep -Henr Fulga -holds the ipost: of vice- Bar Association"'*B4-ike American of Divinity" was conferred upon RabHarry Mendelnon, who recently «*•. The' chapter's, advisors -will act", as - Saturday -nwH»jft^£e-will speak on thousand- was 22 Christians, 87 Mos- president of' the. German, poets/ac- Law Institute. ~Wis-a,trustee of the^ bi Bernard J. Bamberger, of LfiFay- turned frornrMeEtiiie, will describt ette, Indiana. •<- •-- -. " his experience^ ihaperonefe..• • "True Greatness." ~f '•.'-•-y lems and 12 Jews, ; ' :•" ' eaderov. - > Child Welfare Socitty- . - .-••••-•
London.—(J.* T. AV)—The successor to the title of I>rd Eoseberry, who died May 17,, his son, Lord Dalmey, is a half-Jew, his mother having been the former Hannah Rothschild, only Only Jew on Youth Commission daughter of Baron Meyer Bothschild. Of Law Observance OrConsiderable discussion was provokganization ed by this mixed marriage, it being the fourth instance "of a "Rothschild MARSHALL AND WISE ONLY marrying out of the faith. The forOTHER JEWS IN MOVEMENT mer Hannah Rothschild, however, did not renounce her.fait hwith her marSam BeDer, local attorney and com- not renounce her faith with her marmunal leader, has been invited to be tained an active interest in Jewish a member of the Youth Commission Welfare work in East "London. She of the Citizen's Committee of Onewas buried in a Jewieb cemetery. Thousand, a national movement for The young son of the former Hannah law observance. Rothschild and the Earl of Roseberry, The Youth Commission is composed Neil Promrose,'was said/ to have taken of twenty-four prominent men a great fancy to his Mother's religion, throughout the United States,-repre-- prior to his death in 1917 during acsenting different -viewpoints. Mr. tive war service in Palestine with the Better, being the only; J e w on theson of Edmond Rothschild. Prior to commissipn,.Tepresenta unofficially all his death he displayed an interest in of American Jewry. the Zionist rrioyement'and expressed Among the . other' approximately the intention of-devoting himself to fifty persons who hold positions on the Zionist cause upon his return to important commissions. of the move- England. I ment are some- of the nation's most prominent political, educational, and religious leaders. - Besides, Mr. Beber, the onlxqther Jews in this group are Dr. Stephen Si Wise and Louis" MarBhalL Mr. Beber's selection on the Youth Commission is" attributed to his position as founder and head of the Aleph Announce Plans for Bazaar in Zadflc Aleph, the junior order of the Fall; Mrs. B, A. Simon B'nai B'rith. Chairman
y i -
•• :
THE JEWISH PRESS Publisheu every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
j - THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Brandeis' Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 'DAVIP'BLAC3KJBR - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR •-IRYINGPERLMETER - - - - - - - - - - - EDITOR 5AKF.TTE LEVINSON .*. - * - - - - SOCIETY EDITOR KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent; ~ - -- • SIOUX CITY OFFICE f - - Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street j JACK-SLOTSKY ^ . - - - SIOUX CITY CORRESPONDENT I
-! •* $2.50 I Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - . - • *. L -™^" fAdvertising rates furnished on application t CHANGE OE ADDRESSr-Please «ive both the old and new address; ! _ be sure to give your name. : •; >
The Council Bluffs chapter No. 7 of the Aleph Zadik Ateph held a meeting Tuesday evening at 307 Wickham building. Plans were made to hold a dance,an Sunday- evening, June 30. The following committee was appointed to be in charge: Edward Rosen, chairman; Sal Michnick, Abe Katelman, and Max Kramer.
daughter, Mrs. Saul Sitvalsky, for Joking decides great things, We possess our souls «8.: .we us« about two weeks. • Stronger and better, oft than earnest them, and lose them wheft we fail tc ^.t, -;' '• —Milton. use Mr. and Mrs. Joseph.Rosen of Papillion, Nebr., will spend .the weekend here. They are coming to attend the graduation of their, son, Edward, B'NAI B'RITH OPEN from the Abraham Lincoln high MEETING school which takes place Friday The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 evening, June 7, at the city auditoof the Independent Order of the Mrs. Ralph Castle of Brooklyn, rium. B'nai B'rith will hold an open meet- New York, arrived here Tuesday to ing :' next "Wednesday evening, June visit, her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. F. The Misses Rina and Cecil Snyder 12LI" An interesting and entertaining Gilinsky. are expected home today from Det' • program is being arranged by the roit, Michigan, where they spent the Mr. and Mrs. William Bernstein will past few months. Intellectual Advancement Committee. Mr. I. Morgenstern will be the prin- entertain at a reception at their •••FOR NEW OR OLD Harold Saks, son of Mr. and Mrs. cipal speaker. This will be followed home at 809 Avenue A, on Friday evening following, the graduation of Philip Saks, returned this week from MOTORS by a bridge party and refreshments will b* served. There will be no ad- their son, Julius, front the Abraham Iowa City where he is a student at the University of Iowa. mission charge. Everyone is cordial- Lincoln high school, ly invited to attend. Mrs. Max Cohn returned home Mon-
Council Bluffs
day after spending a few days in DANISH JEW APPOINTED Mr., and Mrs. Albert E. Gilinsky Chicago, Illinois, visiting, relatives. TO HAGUE TRIBUNAL announce the birQi of a daughter, Miss Sara Noddle of Trenton, New. Copenhagen.—(J. T. A.)—George born, Saturday, June 1, at the Omaha Jersey, arrived here Sunday to visit Cohn, advisor to the Danish-Foreign Maternity Hospital, her sister, Mrs.' J. Mendelson of Office and Chief of its International A5 we mourn with all of Omaha for Michael Kulakpfskyvholias Mr. and Mrs. W. Solomonow will Council Bluffs, and her brothers, Law Department has been appointed T taken from our midst, we find it difficult'^ picture the man entertain at a reception at their Robert and Hyman Noddle of Omaha. a member of the permanent Internahome at 213 Stutsman street for all Miss Noddle was a former resident tional Court of Arbitration at the •in ordinary terms of mortal men. He was so genuinely human their relatives and •friends on'TTriday [ and will visit here for several Hague. that he belongs to the ages, one of those who stand out from the evening, June 7,-following the grad- here, Cohn, who is a member of the Jewweeks. Numerous affairs are being fmuftitude as possessing the essence of greatness, the capacity to uation of their daughter, Sarah, and planned in her honor. ish faith, is the author of a number of books and treaties on philosophy and \knoyr-permanentvalues. "-.. . their son, Joseph, which takes place ! A vision arises in our consciousness and we see two plains, at the city, auditorium at eight Mr. and Mrs. C. Freeman will en- international law. He has held many a t a reception for all their important positions. He was a memthe onerfilled with over-eager /iconoclastic youth and the; other o'clock. They are graduating from tertain relatives and friends, on Friday even- ber .of the Treaty Commission of 1919 ^filled With" the venerable though overly conservative aged. And the Abraham Lincoln high school. ing, June 7,- at their home at 608 and. a delegate to the League of Na'bestriding 1jhe. pawning, abyss that separates them, ^majestically^ The Council Bluffs Agudes Achim North Eight street, in honor of their tions from 1920 to 1925. He has reconfidently, but .gently and serenely, is this man. While the society will hold an important meet- son, David, who graduates that even- ceived, decorations from many foreign 'struggling masses on either side strive to exclude each( other's ing next Monday evening,'-June 10, ing from the Abraham Lincoln high governments. philosophy, this man whose breadth and depth of vision 'knew at the Legion Hall. Nominations of school. SPANISH GOVERNMENT will take place. AH members ;neither age nor shortsighted barriers tolerantly accepts the two officers Miss Toby Katelman, student at the DENIES BARRING OF JEWS are urged to be present. : University of Nebraska at Lincoln, and finds no conflict. ''v Michael Kulakofsky was loved.and honored by Omaha Jewry Miss Helen Whitebook, student at is expected home Friday to spend her Sofia.—(J. T. A.)—Persons of the race and faith are free to ifor what:he was. True his record of communal service was laud- the University of Iowa, has reurned summer vacation visiting her parents, Jewish enter. Spain, notwithstanding the fact Mr.and Mrs.-Julius Katelman. able. True his charity and kindness were magnificent. But home to spend her vacation visiting that the fifteenth century Ferdinand her parents; Mr. and Mrs. S. Whitewhat distinguished him more than any of these ^eeds was book. Mrs. Ben Kubby and small son, and Isabelle decree exiling the Jews Robert, returned home Monday from from Spain has never been legally jhis; 'character. Mercy, gentility, uprightness, and understanding blended in his heart to make that rich mixture with Miss Tillie-'Markpvits^ returned Chicago, Illinois, where they visited withdrawn. which Omaha was blessed for almost half a century. Now that he home Monday after spending ten Mrs. Kubby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A statement to this,effect was refrom the Spanish government 4s-gone we f eel a void that we know not how to fill. We need him days visiting relatives "oh Chicago, Louis Fichtenberg, for a few days. ceived by Dr. Saul Mezan, president of the *' Twelve friends of Mrs. Anna Frei- Jewish League of Nations Society in In our councils. We need him to teach us how to oUscern the es-Illinois. sential/ We need him to give us the example of righteous living. Two Council Bluffs Jewish students den honored her at a surprise party Bulgaria. Dr. Mezan recently dejBecause we miss him so, we appreciate more fully the Godly life were among those who spent the first at the Chieftain Hotel Tuesday at a clared that the delegation of his soluncheon followed by bridge. They ciety will not be able to attend the | i e l e d , . .-' .. - ' . . . • .•••-.•-•• -/.'.'' " - '"" " . ?'•• of the week in Iowa ~City for the were members J_bf the afternoon international meeting.of League of %i :?iA« wejfiverently pause in %onoT of this man, we are intrigued {State, Academic contests; Miss Ruth bridge" cluS td'wTucTTTIw. Freiden Nations societies which is scheduled .^ver and over again by the story of his life. Bom and bred in Jhe Shyken represented this district in belonged. She will leave about the to be held in Madrid this summer, ^strictest orthodox Judaism; himself devoutly observing every'tra- the "shorthand, contest.- She is a 15th of this month for Chicago, 111.; since, officially, Jews are still banat the Abraham Lincoln high ned. It was in response to this statewhich will be her^future home. dition of his childhood, he nevertheless was able to appreciate the Senior school. Pearl Bernstein, of the Junior ment that the Spanish government problem of a new age arid a different generation so profoundly that High at Bloomer school, represented Mrs. 1. Goldbfrg of <adcago; III., made the declaration. 3ie was in the van of the movement for a modernized synagogue this district in the Algebra tests. arrived here Sunday to visit her
ODERN MOTORS and COSDEN LIQUID GAS are made for eacK oilier. ,The car of today goes faster—abuses gasoline more than the car a few years ago. Without letter gasoline, it will fail to give the service the owner expects. COSDEN L I Q U I D GAS meets this demand with a new "MADE-FOR-POWER" gasoline. COSDEN LIQUID GAS is an anti-faodc gasoline with no foreign compounds . , . yet SUPER POWER, P E P and VITALITY.
Sor the youth of today and tomorrow. .Realizing the social and ^educational needs of the community, he lent his wholehearted efforts to the. Jewish Community Center. Visualizing the future of i the race, he was also an ardent Zionist. All in all, whenever Jewf ish '&Use" of real merit, presented themselves, Michael Kulakofsj ky's name and munificence answered the call. * . ; : [ Omafea and-Israel are indeed this day deprived of a great j S O U k ?
• " - ; • . ' , - : • • • • -
with her husband/on this point. "At the time when;?v6Ianteers were called for this experiment and a number of Dr. Goldberger's brother officers at OT.ce offered to receive various substances taken from pellagrous patients into their own bodies as a test - W a s h i n g t o n , D. C—(J. T. A.)— for the transmissibility of the disease, (The heroiem of Mrs. Joseph Goldber- Mrs. Goldberger begged the privilege (gerj widow of the martyred Jewish of representing her sex as one of the [scientist who succumbed last year to volunteers," Dr. Cummings wrote. I disease resulting with his experiments ton.the cause and cure of pellagra, "Her request was yielded to reluct| which lie discovered, is described in antly and the experiment was author' a report t>f a Congressional commit- ized and carried out by injecting into tee. Congress, at its .last session, the abdominal wall hypodermically : voted $125 monthly pension to the some blood taken from a fatal case of j widow, who, with her three children, pellagra in a woman. Of course she i were left penniless after her hus- did not become ill of the disease, •' band's death. since pellagra is now known not to be : A^-letter to the House Pension Com- caused in that way. But the spirit <;miltee by...Surgeon General H. S. which she showed was commendable, *Gujnmlng; of the Public Health Serv- since at the. time, the transmissibility jv'Jce,urging the pension, told how Mrs. of pellagra was thoroughly believed ; Goidberger had, tested the transmis- in by a number of eminent authorities. j sibilit of pellagra at a time when Needless to, say Dr. Goldberger was & ; medical authorities disagreed. also a subject of this experiment."
.,--. a
FASTER FREEZING . . . MORE DESSERTS BO recipcsfor delicious desserts and aalads are coottiaedltt a 0«w redpe*book we want to give you,/reK. Stop at our du> play room today.
Order a loaf today. Simply as a teat. You'll be delighted and amazed.
other kinds. It'scrisptr, bnvmtd.
SEVEN QUICK FACTS ' about Wonder Bread l ; Slo-bakcdtosealin delicate flavor, prolong freshness. 2. ToasU quickly to an even, golden brown; 3.Bica in food elements for growth and energy4. Made of specially milled short patent flour. The heart of the wheat berry. 5. Doable the usual quantity efmilk. Pasteurized. 6. AH ingredient* tested for parity and nutritive value. 7. At ^grocer's, oven-fresh, morning and afternoon.
ADAM: Please don't make another slice o f toast until you obtain this remarkable bread! With it you get toast an even, golden brown. You largely avoid burned edges. The difference it jaakcs will really amaze you. If eaten daily, it promotes family/health to a marked degree. It restores burned-up energy and festers- growth. This because o f its high calorific value. Also its remarkable protein content. This new bread is called Wonder Bread. And to maintain its cjualiry day after day, we g o to great lengths. W e specify specially milled short, patent flour. Only the heart o f the wheat berry is used. W e use
• The outstanding combination of all that is gobd in men's oxfords—developed by-The Nebraska's system of super. value-givin£-^-designed by America's leading footwear specialists:" "For sports, street, dress, formal and informal wear—a wonderful, showing at ""* Other Exceptional Values $6 to $15 ONLY THE NEBRASKA. SELLS "NETTLESQN SHOES^ DR. REED CUSHION-SOLE SHOES, J. P. SMITH, BOSTOftlAN, SELZ AND MANY OTHERS COMPARE OUR VALUES ALWAYS
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JFRIGIDAIifE alone offers^
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double the usual amount of milk. W e employ, too, a special method of baking. Slo-baking, it is Catted. A method designed to seal in the dietetic value o f our ingredients and to improve their flavor. Hence when you get Wonder Bread you get the best. Millions have found this to be so. So please try it at once. Simply to prove what it offers you. Note its dainty flavor. Its freshness. See ho*r evenly it toasts. How easily it slices. But remember! Ordinary breads arc not like thla. Avoid them. Insist on Wonder Bread always. Yout grocer gets it oven-fresh, twice daily. WONDER BAKERY (Continental B a k i n g Company)
PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1829 .Mr. and Mrs. J.>Gobdbmder entertained 20 guests at a dinner, Sunday, in honor of their daughter, Anas, yvho Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman of •was confirmed recently at the Jewish 720 North 57th street announce the Community Center. confirmation of their son, Bernard, at Temple Israel. They will be at Mr. c and Mrs. Abe Weinstein will home to friends and relatives from 3 entertain at a Bar Mitrvah dinner, At to 6 p. m., Sunday, June 9. their home, Saturday, in honor of their son, Samuel. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Appleman of S42
Confirmation Receptions
So. 31st street will be at home, Sunday. June 9, from 2 to 5 p. m., in Word has been received of the honor of their daughter, Florence, birth of a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. who is being confirmed. Albert Filer of De Witte, la., on June AUREVOIR 2. Mrs. Filer was formerly Miss Ella Mr. and Mrs. Sam Berkowitz of 130 Miss Doris Shoshone and Mm. Cohn of this dty. No. 34th street announce the confirmation of their daughter, Selzna, at ; Under an - improvised canopy of Sonia Bear returned to their home in Mr. and Mrs. G. Smref announce Temple Israel. They will receive palms and ferns, Miss Betty Furth, Kansas City after spending a week the birth of a daughter, born May their friends and relatives in their daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Furth in the city. 30. home Sunday afternoon. b«came the^bride of Mr. Leon Marx, Mrs.. Louis Stalmaster is spending tea of Mr. aid-Mrs. M. Marx of Sioux A daughter was born to Mr. and City, Saturday, June 1, in the direc- a few weeks in Excelsior Springs. Kr. and Mrs. Fred Cherniss of 1314 Mrs. Lewis Newberg on May 3L tor's room ~at the Athletic club. Rabbi So. 25th street announce the confirMr. and Mrs. Harry Ferer, accomFrederick Cohn read the marriage mation of their son, Joel, at Temple Israel. They will receive their friends lines ana - Miss Helen Sommers, ac- panied by their children, left for Los . AT THE WISE HOSPITAL tempanied by Mrs. Henry Rosenfeld, Angeles, where their daughter, Miss • Among the patients at the Wise and relatives, ia their home Sunday Bernice Ferer of this dty, will be Memorial Hospital are Miss Shirley afternoon and evening. played the •wedding march. '' The "bride, wore a white satin gown married next Wednesday to Mr. Phil Flotldn,. Miss Julia Hermanson, Mrs. fashioned with the tight bodice and Krasne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Carl Sessel and Mr. Dave Greenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cohn of 801 No. ' i son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Greenhad a full-flounced skirt which reach- Krasne of Council Bluffs. 36th street announce the coafinnaberg. ed the floor in the back. The neck tion of their daughter Marva, at TemMiss Lillian Jonisch will spend the and waist line were outlined in rhineple Israel. They will receive in her atones. The veil of white tulle was weekend with friends in Sioux City, CLUB CORNER honor from 3 to 6 p. m., Sunday, in made into a Normandy cap and was Iowa. DEBORAH SOCIETY their home. fastened with three strands of orange The Deborah sodety will hold the Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman will blossoms. Mrs. Marx carried a bride's leave Sunday for New York. They last meeting of the season, Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Friedman of bouquet of roses and lillies of the will be gone about ten days. June 11, at 2:30 p. m., at the Jewish 149 No. 31st avenue will be at home, valley. Community Center. Sunday, June 9, in honor of their son, '. Miss. Ruth Marx, sister of the Lloyd, who is being confirmed. Mrs. S. Handler left Sunday, to groom, was the bride's only attend- spend two weeks in Excelsior Springs. CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY ant.- She wore a poudre blue chiffon Mr. and Mrs. David B. Groat of 214 The Jewish Children's Home Sodety frock having a flounced skirt and carPark Avenue announce the confirmawill hold a raffle and bazaar, July 28 Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Giventer left ried a bouquet of delphinium and pink for Chicago to attend the wedding of to August 6 a t 1805 No. 24th street. tion of their daughter, Una, at Tem7O8as* • . •. •On Tuesday, July 30, a 42 piece ple Israel. They will receive their their son, William. Mr. Herbert Marx, brother of the dinner set will be raffled off for the friends and relatives in their home, groom ,wasjbest man and Mr. Marvin benefit of this sodety, Over six hun- Sunday, from 2 to 7 p. m. WILL TOUR KUSOPE Trefler and Mr. Bemhardt Wolf were dred dollars worth of goods will be Mr. and Mrs. Abe Somberg left sold at bargain prices. u«h«rs. • ; Mr. and Mrs. Max Kaplan of 6919 '' Tin". Furth wore a light green chif- Thursday for Chicago, where they Minna Lusa boulevard, announce the fon dinner gown and Mrs. Marx a will spend a few days. From there, confirmation of their son, Herbert Z., BIKURCHOLIM they will go to New York and after black satin evening dress. at Temple Israel. They will receive A regular meeting of the Bikur A color scheme of white and yellow spending a week in that city will leave Cholim will be held Monday, June 10 in his honor, Sunday, in their home. 'was carried out in the decorations of for Europe. They will tour the con- at 2 p . m . , at the Adass Yeshuren the dinner which followed the cere- tinent and Europe and will be gone Synagogue, at 25th and Seward street. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Milder of Fairabout three months. x s o n y . . _;";'. . "^''• ' "'•: ••• • - ..' acres will receive, their relatives and ' The out-of-town guests included friends, Sunday, in honor of their SOB, were Mr. and Mrs. M. Marx, Miss ".ENTERTAINMENTS EXILED FROM TURKEY FOR Julian, who is being confirmed. Huth Marx, and Mr. and Mrs. HerMr. and Mrs. H. B; Milder will enANTI-SEMITISM PROTEST bert Marx of Sioux City, Mr. and tertain fifty guests at their home Mrs. Sophia Monsky of 2205 So. Constantinople—(J.T. A.)—Samuel Mrs. Julius Furth, Mrs. Max Solomon, Sunday,June 9, i n honor of their son, and Mrs. E. Elikan of. Chicago and Hymiej who recentlygraduated from Halevi, journalist and social worker, well Itnown among the Jewish popuMrs. Anna Stepp of Kansas City. . Creighton University.'-.'. • ~ lation in the' Balkans, was expelled Mr. Marx and his bride will visit St- Louis, Kansas City, and Excelsior Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ferer enter- from Turkey under military escort. CpBhTgs rbefore..-. returning to Sioux tained in honor of Mr. Ferer'-s sister, The cause for Mr. Halevi's expulsion Miss Sara Ferer, who recently re- was his protests against the persecuCfcfc .... turned from the Ward Belmont school tions suffered by the Jews in the in Nashville, Tenn.i at a dance at "the country. He was especially vehement Word has been received by Mr. and Omaha Athletic dub Thursday eve- in denouncing the government's policy of compulsory Turkization. Mrs. Meyer D. Giventer of the ap- ning. at a great sacrifice, leaving Mr. Halevi declared that he inproaching marriage of their son, "Wilcity and must sell. liam, to Miss Lena Cutler, daughter Mrs. William Tenenbaum enter- tends to submit a memorandum to the League of Nations on the oppression of Mr. and Mrs.' Sam Cutler of Chi- tained her bridge dub Tuesday, at her HARNEY 3 5 8 6 — of the Jewish minority in Turkey. cago; HI., on June 9. Rabbie Taxon, home.. formerly of Omaha, will perform the ceremony.
her~ x * and Mr. and Mrs. S. B*rdy wiH enter- Fame iwytient of extreWM, d»friends, Sunday, in honor of her tain in honor of their 'son, Lawrence, -cays daughter, Pearl Lorraine, who is being and Mr. and Mrs. A. Bonly will en- Not n»re by envy than excess *f praise. —Pop*. confirmed. ' tertain in honor of their daughter, Naomi, who are being Confined, at Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Schenber- a joint reception at the home of Mr. ger of 127 No. ,33rd. street will be at and Mrs. S. Bordy of 302 So. 51st 17th u l Martha *•». ' home Sunday afternoon and evening street, Sunday afternoon. OSAKA. VB0KABKA MM gray iron, orac». brsnw and in honor of. the confirmation of their •lantnvm MsnrtdM «ise» Mr. and Mrs. Abe Weinstein will en- »«>p— «nd cnBtinp*. son, Stanley. troB bHBlilniE*, «e#er mantertain in honor of their son, Samuel, hole*, cistern rings find cover* and doon In etoefc. All Mod* vt and Mr. and Mrs. S. Weinstein will ;tean-out Q nm) tnetni Mrs. T. G. Sommer of 614 So. 57th street will be at home Sunday, from entertain in honor of their daughter, S to 6 pi m. i n honor of her son, Esther ,who are being confirmed, at a joint reception to be held at the Mdvin, who is being confirmed. home of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Weinstein of 629 So. 31st ave., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Stein of 217 "Manufactured in Omaha" No. 49th street wQl be at home, SunMAIMONIDES PAPER SOLD day, from 2 to 5 p. m. and from 7 BAKER ICE MACHINE GO. London.—(J. T. A.)—A thirteenth to 10 p. m., in honor of the confircentury parchment manuscript, conmation of their son, Harold. taining a commentary by Mai Refresh Yourself on the Talmudic tractate "Hofllm" Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuchman of DRIMi was sold last week at auction for 3432 Wester street announce the con270 pounds. firmation of their daughter, Dorothy* The manuscript was long believed a t Temple Israel. They will receive to have been lost. their relatives and friends from 2 to
Baker Ice Machines
5 p. m., Sunday, in their home, in her honor.
•-" ENGAGED * Mr. and Mrs. J. Neckenoff anaounee the "engagement of their daughter; Shea, to Mr. Abe Meyer, Mta. -of ftp- and Mrs. M. Meyer. Although: no definite date for t i e veidlBg^ has been set, it will ,take plaeejthie falL
5% .
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rosen of 4166 California announce the confirmation of their eon, Edward, at Temple! Israel. They will be at home from 2 to S p. m., Sunday, in his honor. [
ia PuMie Utility Properties Electricity—Ga«—Pe troles n 6 PER CENT ON SAVINGS
ABE GREENSPAN 203 So. 19th S t
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CURTAINS Of Every Description Beautifully finished. Guaranteed to hang- true. Me p*r pair, some a trifle more. Special rates on 10 « more pair. JUST PHONE— AT. 4TS0—MA. 47M.
"Inches-Off,*^ the Bew elastic Ijy" Mwjaxt, removes inches off figure measurements and molds the silhouette into lovely unbroken lines which are so infinitely smart. Mod* ern women will be surprised at the comfort they will experience in wearing. Inches-Off, for while its tension is much greater than other elastics, it is so flexible as to allow much freedom..
The finest materials and furrings that are possible to be obtained tnd the prices are a* low that by buyis* 7our coat now the savings 'will be stupendous. SECOND FLOOR
Visit the New
MALASHOCK'S Jewelry Store mni Bowartl Street* Hill Hotel
Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices It Will Pay You to Inquire.
No. 5033 $10.00
daughter, Charlotte Zelda, and .Mrs. J^ renberg:, spent Decoration day Mr.' Lazarus' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lazarus.
Expert J&tMeur Serriet
Harylawl Fried CfckkCB
Mr. and .Mrs. Leo Fox and baby daughter, and Mrs. Fox's sister, Miss Mirjam Friedman of Chicago, are the -fueete of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Saltz-
Mif8 Harriet -Diamond of Providmace, R. I., spent the past week-end with" her uncle and aunt; Rabbi and -Mrs. Frederick Cohn. Miss! Diamond has just returned from a trip to the Panama Canals California, and Colorado, and will visit in Chicago and ^ e w York before returning home
Old Kentucky Barbeeuf
Miss JBIolred-Cohn. arrived Thursday to spend the summer with her ' parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick. Cehn.
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph R. Lazarus and
fi Hotel Bath P|rlor
1119 No. 19—WE. S221
- J i m . ijebnarS/ Ho'ckenberg and son, Harian-David of Des Moinesy are the guests of/MrsV'-MivZalk.
Mr, Harry Kneeter of Des Moines, formerly of. Omaha, spent decoration «J»y.withlus mother, Mrs. M. Kneetfer.
Antlqu* Fornitnrp Remodeled •nd OvhoMered. Store Fixtures and Usoenil Repiiir*. Fnrnit nre Pncked for Shipping UM BECATCR STREET. OIURK
Speck's Place
p "Inches-Oflf"
Omaha s Style Center"
6OLDSTHNCBAPM4NS Art Easier Way ioSlenderness
Mr. and-Mrsr S. Gross of St. Louis, Missouri, announce the engagement of their-daughter, Miss Rose Gross, to Leuis H.T Xatelraan, son of Mr. and l i t s . " Julius Katelman of Council Bluffs,;Iowa. The wedding will take place on- June 25th at the home of the vjalde's parents. . Miss Gross will be remembered here as a popular visitor during the '3»ast winter." - -r Mr.'Xatelman is well known and is an ^active member in B'nai * B'ritfc cirdes. He is also president of-the 'ZionJBt District -of Omaha; ^and Commander of the7 American Legion, ;Sainbpwpo£tNo^2if Council Bluffs.
Otk ami Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stern of 4201 Marcy announce the confirmation of their son, Harold, at Temple Israel. They wiHi receive in his honor, Sunday, from 2 to 5 p. m., and from 7 to 10 p. nu, in their home.
Butternut Japan Tea All types of foundation garr ments may now be obtained in this unique elastic so that every woman'may choose that .style whichparticularly meets her needs.',
No. 3844 $8.50
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha
Good Products <AU areVelicious
FncnfATl AMT!C C'63-
PAGE -.4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE i ; 1929: ping the Western Conference shot put Men KING VISITS SYNAGOGUE event. . And while he was about it, Monday,: and Wednesday, 5:30 to Rome.—(J. T .AO—King Victor Sammy broke the conference record. 6:30, 8 to 9 p. m.; Tuesday and Thurs- Emmanuel accompanied members of By He heayed the shot 47 feet, 7 1-4 day, 8 to 9; Sunday, 10 to 12 a. m. the Royal Family on a visit to Rodie FRANK R. ACKERMAN inches. Open swim every noon and Saturday, where he inspected the Jewish quarter 8 to .9. and the Synagogue Shalom. • The King Herman Cohn, the man who came Girls The summer schedule of the Jewish received a Jewish deputation and exinto prominence in Jewish, columns Community Center, under the superJunior girls,, Tuesday and Thursday, pressed his admiration for the Rabduring the Olympics, again had the vision of Marcus Krasne and Ursula 4 to 5 p. m.; Sunday, 3 to 5 p. m. binical College as an important center spotlight turned on him full force. Fagan, starts this week,'with a full Business girls, Tuesday and Thurs- of Jewish culture. Cohn, foremost Jewish swordsman in program promised to all. The sched- day^SfOLto 8 prm.;«Saturday, 7 to 8. Rabbi arid Mrs. T. N. Lewis will'be The Hebrew . Mothers association the world, won the national outdoor ule is as follow: ' Open swim Sunday, 3 to 5. ''qosing its active season of 1928-29, honored tonight at a reception'to "be will hold a card party at the Com-sabre championship. Besides this new Service Our Motto >, ^ Women the Community Center Dramatic, club held in the Temple annex. The reSummer Swimming Schedule munity ; Center on Monday, June 10. honor, Cohn is a former captain of General Repair Shop—Radiators, Tuesday and Thursday, 10 to 11 heldas its final affair, a "Sard"time" ception will take place at" 9:00 o'clock, ,;Cy. _'\- Boys. Fenders and Body Repairing Tables-will' be set in the-auditorium the Columbia ^fencing team, member a. ra." = party akthe Center, on Thursday >ve- directly after the services foV; the~eye- : Monday; and Wednesday, 4 to 5 for bridge arid refreshments will be of the American- Olympic team, and DAVENPORT GARAGE Red Cross life saving -test by apningi-Jtine 6. The affair was ^attend- ning, the final service of the season. intercollegiate champ. p. m.; Sunday, 1 to 2 p. m. USib and Uavecport * JA. 9573 served. -. • pointment with physical director. ed-by. thirty-members of the d u b , A musical program will be offered. To win, the new titlist had tough Emp. High-School boys, Monday The committee in charge of the members only being invited. •• Dancing Monday Rabbi and Mrs. Lewis will sledding, as the competition was keen. anji Wednesday, 6:30 to 7:30 p. m.; The noblest character is stained by and refreshments were -included in the leave Sioux City for a two months' party is composed of-Mrs. E. E. Over thirty fencers entered the lists. Sunday,. 1 to 2 p. m. Baron, chairman; Mrs. S. Shulkin, and the addition of pride.—Claudianusprogram for the evening. SWANSON THE FLORIST European trip. Emp. Junior A boys, Monday and Mrs. E. N. Grueskin. Misa Florence Coaies, advisor of the 1704 So. 24th St. — MArket 0701 Proceeds of the card party will be The horseshoe, tennis and golf tour- Wednesday, 8-to 9 p. m.; Sunday, 5 Wise men learn more from fools clubland director of the "plays"was t6 Member F. T. D. used in part towards helping the Tal- neys at the Center, will get under than fools from the wise. —Cato. presented-with a gift by the members. mud Torah, since the organization has way Sunday. Marcus Krasne bemoans • Misses Kuth Wigods and Eva Goramong its purposes $he aiding of the the fact that a paucity of entries has don-were in charge of arrangements. school. The party is open to the pub- been turned in* .but hopes for a few . The 1929.-30 season of the Dramatic HIMELBLOOM BAKERY ;lic and •arrangements for tables may more medal-aspirants by the time the One hundred and fifty, .women at1511 N. 24th—WE. 0|M club., will open early in September Tie made with any member of the com- first match starts.-. . Serve Himelbloom's new with .the production of•tHe mystery. tended the annual Hadassah linen mittee. ";' ! ::;-_'• Russian pumpernickle bread pl*y,.- "Oh Kay." The first-meeting shower at the Community Center on Wednesday afternoon, June 5. Gifts - with your next meal. ."; Julius Seligman,; the leading exwill ,be held some .time in--August.-. • of all kinds j^erjebfouglit to/be used jBusi$ ponent of the art of tennis in Jewish in Palestinian hospitals: \ ;< J male circles, was elected captain of Featured'on the iprogram was the the netsters at Lehigh. In his three report of the president, Mrs. M. A. years of college tennis, Julius has A dinner and bridge party closed fContractors Herzoff on the annual convention hung up an unparalleled record. He the season of the Business Girls club. which was held recently in Chicago has not lost a single match out of the A'pienic at South Ravine will be and to which Mrs. Herzoff was dele- The affair was held, at the Republic twenty-four played, dropping only "the concluding activity of "the Junior gate. Mrs. Herzoff outlined the work cafe on -Wednesday evening, June 5. four sets, three of them to Van Ryn. Choice of the finest "Hadassah "this season. - The - picnic of the organization and the policies " T h e dinner marks the close of a Van Ryn i s , a member of the Davis 403 Hospe JBIdg. JA. 5752 hcanes. most successful season," said Miss will take place on Wednesday, June adopted for the coming year» cup .team, yet Seligman defeated him where e c o n o m y - i s Blooma Merlin, chairman of the af1 2 : ' ;. . • /•" . . • • " . •." thrice in their trio of encounters. fair. "Meetings, of the past year have -Sara'Saitlin is chairman ".(jf the watched. A luxury " Seligsori. has: won the outdoor inbeen both' educational and entertain- event, and is assisted by Sybil Merwithin tiie reach of all. tercollegiates • once and the indoor ing." ;: ' lin'and'Charlotte Salkin. ' title twice. Lehigh has awarded him Its high reputation reThe business girls club is made up his third "L." - 'OiTSundayj June 9 the Jr. Hadascommends that you sah girls -Will conduct a-flower-camNew York. — (Special) — The an- of girls over eighteen years of age try i t paign" in -an effort to...increase-the nouncement at-the .historic dinner in .who work during the (Jay. Meetings Sam Behr of Wisconsin also made amount to be sent »to the .National honor of David A. Brown," at the of the club have b«en held at ihe his bid for the hall of fame by cop-, Fund' to take c^.re of CSioux City's Hotel Commodore on May 23rd, that center in' the form of dinners every Wednesday evening. . he would be the chairman of the quota. ' • ; -.,•••,'• Board of Directors of the newly organized Broadway National Bank and BARON ROTHSCHILD NOW Trust Co., in.this city, has brought to FAVORS JEWISH AGENCY his desk, at the bank headquarters, Fifth Avenue and 29th Street, hunVatican City,^-(J. T. A.)—Profes-Paris. — (J. • "• "T. A.)—Dr. Chaim dreds of letters from his admirers v Wewmann, -president of the World and friends all over the United States, sor A16ert Einstein, the famous Jewish scientist and author of the Theory Zionist Organization, who is on a visit asking to be included among its deof Relativity is regarded by the Cathhete,- conferred with Baron- Edward positors. " - f . olic church as an atheist, if the comRothschild, known as the.vfather of The bank -will begin? business on the oldest Jewish .colonies. ^Palestine. Tuesday* June 18th with-a capitaliza- ment of the Osservatore Romano, It is understood that Baron Edmond tion of--12,000,000^ a-'surplus og $1,- usually the^mouthpiece of the Vatican congratulated the-. -Zionist leader 000,000 ^and a contingent fund-* of for' official' announcements, is^to be •fcarmtyvOn .the success' of'his •negotia- $300,000. -Authorization to transact taken as the official view of tfte Pope - 1 ; a v ! '*; tions for the extension of the "Jewish business; was granted 'to- it by -the Pius x i . ; ' " ; • ; ; . ' ' The Papal organ, in an editorial, Agency. This expression of opinion Treasury-Department OR< May 20th. represents a change, of attitude on the A feature of the-Broadway Nation- yesterdap, commends Cardinal G'Conpart of Baron Edniorid who", it is stat- al Bank- and Trust Company is an nell of Boston, "who is now on a visit ed, was not i n favor of the project Advisory Board selected • from leading to Rome, for his recent attack on the last year when '^h'e was "approached men in various industries for their famous' scientist concerning .whose ABKAMSON AUDIT CO. concerning the matter. ( His present understanding of the special financial theories he stated that they were "the U3 BramleU Theater Bids.—JA. 4811 ? befogged speculation producing uniconcurrence j it was further "stated, and -commercial problems of the NEAR BEER ; versal doubt about God and His creadoes not imply his intention to be- groups they represent. - - *. • AUDITS^ SYSTEMS Tin, Sheet Metal and tion" and "cloaking the-ghastly apSODA WATER copie himself, a member of the • counFurnace Works INCOME TAX Mr. Brown is President of the-Genparition o f Atheism." c^.'of'the Je\?ish^ Agency. AND :" eral> Necessities- -Gorporation- of--DeThe Gsservatore Romano declares First Class Work and Prompt troit-and the: Vogt Refrigerator ComGlNGERALE. that tHe American Cardinal was right pany, of Louisville;-''-• > FOURTEEN JEWS WIN "' • Although the stock bf-the- Broad- in his "views about Professor EinOUR WOKK Gt ARANTEKU : RUDY: & IXiKKU) ZONE CertiftBd Vublic Acconntants -•'- — • PARLIAMENT SEATS way National. Bank^ and Trust"Cdm- stein's theories. His theories, the paBOTTLING CO;? MArket 09772 ' £&4 So. 25th per says', "haVe a f'tendenpy'to cut" off wbdl -^London. —--(J.-T. A.) — Fourteen pany-had not-been-offered-to-'the^pub- faitK and God from hqrnan life, tfhjs Res. MA. 3166 , 4411 So..20*ll M Arket 460U 5032 So. 24th ' WE. 3043 A Jews-were elected to the House of lic, it had-been substantially- overis authentic atheism even if camouCommons .in-the elections which' have subscribed, Mr. Brown said. flaged as" cosmic pantheism. just--taken} place in England. The A man's first care should be to Liberal'Party gained three-prominent avoid the reproaches of his own "There is nothing new except what is For Service Call JewB^m Parliment in the persons of heart. _ .—Addison. Empress ; Hat Cleaning Shop forgotten. ' . —B«rlinTHE BEE HIVE CLEANEKS Sir/Herbert Samuel, James Rothschild " Cndw Management • of , ' T 16 and Douglas . and .-Major ;H. L; Nathan. ^ All-prev"Everything for the Auto" : B.MARCUS . ioiftt: Jewish members of Parliament Hats Cleaned and Blocked 75c i 5524 1941 Vinton SU JA. 1440 were re-elected with the exception of E. A. Strauss,. Liberal,. and, Samuel Finbburgh, _ Conservative, who did hot THALLAS THE HATTER Seek" re-election. : PEEKLESS CLEANERS for space 4420 Florence Blvd. ^The Labor Party gained-a Jewish Hats Cleaned and Blocked in this directory call the 2123 Cuming Stxeet • KE. 1500. member, Dr. G. Spero. Three Jews 50 and 75c JEWISH PRESS—AT. 1450 AT. 8010 "••'.• ' The House With • Reputation how "reflreSent the Labor'Party in KH No. 16th Parliament. There were-' twenty-five candidates' for election on the .Labor ticket who failed to gain seats, among them-Iieonard Stein and Philip GuedMIDWEST AUTO ELECTRIC r ' afla. . . . . i.. SERVICE J. L. KRAGE, Prop. Franchlf«d Distributors
Sport Splinters
Rabbi and Mrs.t'. Lexvis To Be Honored Tonight
Picnic Wednesday
Brown^s Friends Seek • Shares in His Bank
Papal Paper Endorses •'i'v^ Attack on Einstein
Hat Cleaning
National Accessories, Inc.
Multigraphing Addressing Mailing Liists
With the
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient
Combined with the
Irresistable Flavor of Brazil
IDA LTJSTGARTEN PUPILS •'"'• GIVE PUBLIC RECTTAL Ida Lustgarten, local pianist and instructor, held a recital .of a large number of her pupils in the'SchmollerMueller auditorium Thursday evening, June 6." " .... ( ; j.,Doj»thy Lustgarten, her, sister, pl&yed several violin solos in conjunction with the program. _, •_ ^ . Thasq pupils of Miss Lustgarten wha.participated were: Ruth-'Neuhas, Gisa -Neuhas, Carl.MiIder,-Beth Kula-. kofskyv- Bertha XJreenberg, - JSthelyn Kuiakofsky, Hubert Monsky, Harriet Foraian, Isabel Katleman, Manrice Ta^elroan, Pearl Monsky, JPauline Margolin, Dorothy Tuchman, Virginia "Jerome,.- Adeline - Tatelman,1 .Ruth Eomm,.- Susie Margolin, Catherine Dugan,-Monica Yaffe, Evelyn'Faulk, Catherine- Dziulacki, Evelyn--Stohlman, and. Norman Wohlnen The latter i s from Tabor, Iowa. JA.3. FRIEDMAN, Attorney ' '• '334 Peters Trust Bid*. FRODATJE iNOTICE;In the Matter of the Estate of Timothy V. Jones./Deoensod.' * ' "" ' ' '} Notice JBrhercby given thai thu creditors ot,aald-.ileceasutl \yill meet,the ndmlnistisfefr of i^nid: entire, before me, County Judge ot DotrRlas County. .Nebraska, at the County Court |loom. in'sold Qouuty, ou tbs 25th dny of July, 10'J0,."aud an the 29th dflj' ot September. iojj)r ot 0 o'clock A. M., ««ch day, for the purpose of presentine their claims _for examination, adjustment "iind pliovrnni-e. Three months are aJlo^d for the creditors to present their claim*, from H»« ~«><1 <J»y of June.1 -BKl'CE CKAWPOHD, Coanty Judge. 17—^T
Auto Electric Service
and Srientificatty Blended in Omaha
' ;
^Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch
There is no other Coffee K to be compared with it
' Everywhere
Awnings and Tents
Towel Supply
PATKONUCiS 'i.'HB CANDVI-AND 16tb and 6'arnam SUNSET TEA ROOM -,45)fb and Dodge CUISTAJL CASDI Gfb and Capitol Ave.
Awnlnct, Canvaf Covers, Tents, Camp Supplies, AH Kinds tSth and Howard AT. U92
Stimulating for Dinner
First Class Grocers
JAckson 1614 Estimates GladlyiFJirnished
317 No. 15 JA. 5604 CLOSING OUT 2,400 gal. of REYNOLDS paints at ,-$1.95f per gal. All colors. Also 2,000 gal. of Kentucky paints at §1.75. And vari e s failroad wrecked mer-
2Kb Avenue at i=t. Mary's Avenue .. AT. 6530
Sold by all
Starter, Generator, lAghts and Service and Repairs
P.OR75cAWEEK Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha
for it twist on "Famous for Flavor''
SIXCE 1876
All Family services, from Wet Wash to Family Finish Hth and Douglas Sts.
EL-PATIO CAFE After Theatre Dancing
THE SANITARY LAUNDRY "The Best of all 1-aundrj- Services"
2-lth and Farnam
FOR 75c A W E E K Your ad in this directory, reachej practically every Jewish Home in Omaha
ATiantic 6291 J. &L JENSEN
y o c it
Painting" Paper hanging
Wall Paper-Paints
Pamtingand Paper Haoging
«4tb and L> St.—AT. 1404—SJA. 0101
MArket 4307 I
492-96 Brandeis Theatre B\dg.
1619 Farnam St.—rhone AT- 8481
Call Blended, Rosted. Ground and Packed by
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
Omaha Jobbing Co.
Advo Coffee
Shoe Repairing \
: Contractors
4615 Sa 2fth ^t. Hours 7 A, *M. to 6 P. M.
DYE WORKS (32 Years Experience)
Special prices for spring; season
Suits cleaned and pressed 60c Dresses cleaned artd pressed $1.00 and up. Dressed dyed _$2.75 814 No. 24th St.—AT. 1169 Cg FIRST"
1114 So. 28 St.
AT. 4544
Only 2 firms accepted under each busines heading .,
FRED PARKS, tk SONS Wallpaper Below Wholesale Pricflg Samples Shown nr lour Horni
FOR 75c A WEEK •Your ad in this directory, reachef practically every Jewish Home in Omaha