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ncy Meal Hasfciin-
Jewish Agency on By JOSEPH 5AL3&£E£
tnts in HIE Mouse of Israel when -fee Joint Use Jewish. tbufeeto as "tfae mujst -siital tfagiic an 3«wish llife Distribution Committee started iter vision >nf Jewish
Xrieiuk. -xsf
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J. C. C SUNDAY SCHOOL the Temple,' the agricultural backPICNIC THIS SUNDAY ground lost its meaning for the Jew-
Shabuptk-^The Feast of Pentecost
Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska,; by
T£HE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING, COMPANY' V ' Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER - - BUSINESS- and MANAGING EDITOR IRVING PERLMETER - - - - - - - - - - - EDITOR JEANETTE LEVINSON - - - - - - SOCIETY EDITOR •••'* FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent SIOUX CITY OFFICE Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street JACKSLOTSKY - . . > - SIOUX CITY CORRESPONDENT - . ' . . ' • • ' CONTRIBUTORS , RABBI, FREDERICK COHN IRVIN A. STALMASTER : BABBl' J. J T O G E L ; IJncolnY-Neb. - MRS. SAMUEL GERSON Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - * ' " " * T $ 2 * 5 0 '•'" " Advertising rates furnished on application
. 'The celebration of the Feagt of Pentecost, known in Hebrew as "Shabuoth" — the Feast of Weeks — began on Thursday evening,; June 13, 1929. According to the Bible, this festival is to be observed one day. Throughout Jewish history, the Feast of Weeks .has assumed a.dominant place in Jewish life.* It commemorates the event on Mount Sinai,->rhen the children of Israel received the Ten Commandments — an: event which caused the Jewish people to become a spiritualizing force ^throughout the generations. For th?s reason, it has 'always been celebrated with great joy and gladness.
ish people. A new concept began to be emphasized and developed around the Festival of Weeks—a concept which gave it spiritual strength "to survive to the present day and carry a signal message even to our present era. According to the Bible,. Exodus XIX, the children of Israel received the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai on the very day on which the Feast of Weeks is observed. Thus, when the agricultural background for the observance of this festival was no more of vital significance, the Jewish people continued to celebrate it as a day which marks th« anniversary of their birthday as a spiritual people endowed with a noble message to the world. Moses had freed the children of Israel from physical oppression and slavery; but this is not sufficient to make a people truly" free. The spiritual bondage must be removed before^ a people can become a spiritual people. This Moses "achieved when he gave the children "of Israel the Ten Commandments. It is this message of spiritual freedom that the Feast of Weeks strive to convey to us today.
In ancient times, when the Jewish people lived in Palestine and were - CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; tillers of the soil; the Feast of Pentebe sure to give your name. cost was celebrated as a nature festival. 'In Palestine, the harvest season begins with the'first month of spring" when the barley crop'is reaped, and concludes seven, weeks thereafter the reaping of the wheat har' .Whittier in one of his inspired moments said: .. • ' - . . . . » - with vest. Thus, the last day of the har"Oh brother man, fold to thy heart thy brother; vest season became a day of great t festivity. Oh tifat"day the Jewish Where pity dwells,.the peace of God is there; . people made -a pilgrimage to JeruTo worship rightly i8 to love each other, . . ,t salem and offered the first fruits of Each smile a hymn, each kindly deed a prayer." \ •'- " "•the wheat harvest with thanks and . In promulgating this religion of love, the famous bard gave praise to God. The Confirmation Service, which is expression to the ideals of those who are at present sponsoring With the change of environment and one of the main' features in the the Good Will movement in the United States and elsewhere., circumstances after the Destruction of servarice of- this holiday, re-emphasizes and enhances the idea of spiritTheir's is a labor of love, but, as they are learning, a thorny .path: to tread. On every hand these valiant souls find misunderstand- ever facts will arise. If the Jewish ual freedom. At this Service, the youth makes a public proclaing and suspicion that more than anything else shows the real Agency is to go limping along, hop- Jewish mation to continue in the paths of the l ing that no. one- will, trouble to ask principles which Moses gave to the need for the movement. -•: v " One of the foremost Good Will movements on foot at present questions, it will never be the effec- children of Israel on Mount Sinai. force in Jewish life which it can is the co-operative work of the Federal Council of the Churches tive become. This writer is convinced; that of Christ and the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Just if the Jewish Agency wished it Could WIENZWEG TO HEAD an example of what they have to combat isshown in:arecent settle all the problems raised in this IDA TONKU CODA GIRLS CLUB report made by the secretary of the Christian organization.;: He article, andsettle them without equivcited several instances in which various denominational organiza- ocation. He is also convinced that by Ida Wienzweg was elected president • tions affiliated with the Federal Council had threatened to secede taking vigorous, concerted action the of the Tonku Coda club at its recent the Jewish Agency could win over election of officers. Dorothy Pitlor because the Council was being so friendly to the Jews and because -those who still call themselves anti- was chosen secretary-treasurer. the Council had censored editorials in religious papers ;adyocating Zionists. He is also convinced that The club is at present holding, a prpselytism of the Jews. Another cause of dissatisfaction Was the Jewish Apency can determine the membership drive. All girls between that Dr. S. Parkes Cadman in his radio sermons "makes mention respective places of Palestine and the ages of 15 and 20 are eligible to more favorable about the Jews than about orthodox Christians." Russia in the scheme of Jewish val- join. Meetings are held twice a month ., . at the Jewish Community Center. The To say the least, these criticisms show that the Good Will ues. next meeting will be June 18. The Only the strangling of bad tempers committee of the Christian organization is doing its work honest- and the assumption of easy tolerance drive will end June'22 > with a party ly and conscientiously. y Resolved as they are to continue their will be able to avert seme of the to be given at the home of Frieda #ork regardless of all opposition,;they'give real cause for clashes which might otherwise arise Weiner, sponsor of the dub. from the establishment.of the Jewish optimism. ms. Agency, after all,- it .is not now Traitors are hated even by those In this regard; it should Tie mentioned that some of our Jewish friends who are to * be joined, but old they have benefited. —Tacitus. folk should be a bit more tolerant in their judgments of this move- enemies. ment. The Jew has suffered enough persecution to make him (Copyright, 1929,by Seven Arts Fea- The natural alonerT is permanent. ture Syndicate.) \' '-—Longfellow.-' ready td welcome any truce or peace, especially so -honorable a
one. Thisjs nQt ^methihglto be accomplished by suspicious sniffs and impudent sarcasm. • .-.-«v . - -,- • -....,
Will the Jewish Agency Heal Old Wounds? (Continued from Page 1) cause the funds are not well administered, tut because there is not Sufficient. At the present rate, if Palestine would .depend purely on American Jewish support, the Jewish population of the country would be no more than 260,000 in ten or fifteen years. Of course, the Jewish Agency is expected to help supply that money but will it.be able to? There are numerous complications that will' face a joint collecting agency. No serious students of the situation -will deny that many American Jews still are opposed to the establishment of the Jewish National Homeland in Palestine. Hitherto they have given funds in a substantial way to the United Jewish Campaign for Russian colonization purposes. Will
The Agency Can Do It! The writer places these questions— not with any preconceived notion as to their answer, but'merely for the purpose of examining the entire panorama of American-Jewish life as it will be affected by the Jewish Agency. It will be fruitless to ignore what-
The Happy Family It's yacation Time . . . the Happy Family is on its way fpr a good tune. Many wonder how the-Happy Family ^cait vacation each year. Here's the "secret: The Happy. Family SAVED regularly for tins vacation. And you can do likewise. :
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The proposed re-routing undoubtedly will be disappointing to some people, and that is unfortunate, but it will unquestionably benefit a great majority of street car and bus riders. A street car system, if it performs its functions properly, must render the best service to the greatest number at the lowest possible cost. The Street Railway Company will be able to establish tie bus lines which Mr. Harris recommends if the present street railway lines are re-routed substantially as he recommends, so thai the waste service will be eliminated. The report does not recommend fewer cars or less frequent service tm lines where service is used, but it will enable us to eliminate such waste service as that now provided on Tenth Street where we carry all the way from 5 to 20 seats per passenger. There is now excessive or waste service on some ether lines, most of which, will l>e eliminated by the proposed re-routing." *• ._>.-•.-.. The Harris recommendations, in addition to enabling us %o provide better service on existing lines and to establish much needed bus routes, probably will result in a net saving to the Company even after the bus b'nes are established. Savings in operation are necessary if this Company is to continue in its present high state of efficiency. . . . .
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From our observation.of the riding habits of the people now, using the street cars, we are convinced that the proposed re-routing will satisfy a greater number of people than the present system. The proposed elimination of present waste service, which is costly, will enable us to establish the much needed see* tional and crosstown bus lines which the report recommends.
"He" appreciate your gift selected at the Neckwear Store of Omaha. " .
' Miss Borothy Friedel, twelve .-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Friedel, i« the author of this touching interpretation of what a girl thinks her father would say. The celebration of Father's Day this Sunday was the occasion for which it was written. A Father's Pleading Have you honestly ever "thought What a 'father--is i o » home? , • How hard he: works, and he toils To earn bread for those he calls his own ? "The Vitality of the Have you ever thought of the hardCossack" ships A father has to go through? Of the worries and sorrows, Oh, if you only knew! Have you earnestly tried to realise The finest of BUNS, That a father wants you to be A steadfast, earnest man or woman, PULLMAN and ROLLS for Able to earn your own fee? the Family Picnic Dear Children, please take it to At Grocery Stores or call heart, MRS. MARY FORMAN Take a. thought that you cannot SUCCUMBS WEDNESDAY mend, AT. 7826 Mrs. Mary Forman, 69, passed Wish that from your father you'll 1609 Cuming not soon part, OPEN DAY AND N I G H T — . away Wednesday morning at her And be of. service to him till the end. home. The funeral was held Thursday, interment taking place at the Golden Hill cemetery. "Just Around the Corner from Everything" She is survived by one son, Abe Forman of Omaha, and four daughters, Mrs. P. Crandall of Omaha, Mrs. Sam Cohen and Mrs. Louis Ravitz of Tulsa, Okla., and Mrs. M. Zilberblatt of Minsk, Russia. Among the bequests made by Mrs. Forman prior to her death were: $10 to the Jewish Old Peoples' Home, $10 to the Jewish funeral home, $10 to the Ladies Free Loan Society, 45 for Palestine, and $5 to the synagogue at 1418 Douglas 24th and Nicholas.
The Jewish Community Center will close its 1928-1929 semester with a picnic at Elmwood Park, Sunday, June 16. The students and their'supervisors' will meet at 9 o'clock Sunday morning at the Jewish Community Center from where they will be taken to the park in a chartered street car. The regular teachers and several volunteers will act as supervisors and chaperones for the children. Games and sports are being planned for the occasion by Louis M. Shanok, assistant executive secretary of the Center. Additional information can be obtained regarding the picnic by calling Mr. Shanok. Each child is to bring his own lunch. The picnic will last until the latter part of the afternoon.
A £tudy of the recommendations lor street railway re-routing and for bus line extensions made by the traffic engineer. Boss W. Harris, convinces me that adoption of the recommendation* will enable the S"treet Railway Company t&tpve much better transportation service to the people of Omaha than it is able to .give at th? present time.
they also give to a drive which includes Palestine as a beneficiary? It is frequently asserted that as soon as the Jewish Agency begins working thos&* -oppose'd ,tb,".*-,- Jewish Palestine -will be won over,. The example of Louis" .Marshall- ^nd ".Felix Warburg, acknowledged leaders in Reform Judaism, will be -followed by all the others, it is said. But it is interesting to note that despite the approval given to the last United Palestine Appeal campaign by, Mr. Felix Warburg, there were very few, and those in scattered cities, <who -gave their co-operation who' had not been interested in the work before.
Jewish Verse
Berlin.—{J. T. A.)—The x Berlin Kehillah Council at its session adopted a budget calling;for the expenditure during the coming year of 11,000,000 marks at the recommendation of Herr Kareski, a Zionist recently chosen president of the Kehillah.
First National
Mr. Fred-Sherman of Sioux City is the guest of Mr. Al Fiedler. Miss Alice Supornick of St. Paul, was the house guest of Mr. and John Faier last .week.
STERN-LIPSEY r The marriage of Miss Janet Lipsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe lipsey, t«l Mr. Sam Stem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Li H. Stern, will be solemnized Sunday, at a 4 o'clock wedding at the bride's home in the presence of the immediate family. Rabbi Frederick C^hfr will officiate. iA., dinner will follow the ceremony. Jj? reception for friends of .the couple ill be held at the brideps home from
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Newman have as their house, guests Mr. and Mrs. Sadie Tatelman, Helen Wiener, and S. Springklebah and children of Gertrude and Sarah Friedel. Shreveport, La., and Miss Ida Spring The young couple -mil spend their of St. Joseph, Mo. honeymoon in Chicago, following which they will make their home at Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sogolow of 1534 Grant street. Champaign, HI., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg. Mrs. Sogolow was formerly Miss Ethel Greenberg ENGAGED Word has been received of the en- of this city, gagement of Miss Mary Somit of Los Angeles, daughter of Mr. M. Somit Miss Mozell Xleeman. of Lincoln, of this city, to Mr. Sam Deriel of Nebr.* is visiting Miss Grace Dansky. Los Angeles.
ENTERTAINMENTS Miss Mary Claire Shames, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Shames will become the bride of Mr. Morris M. F^ankKn, son of Mrs, K. Franklin, Sunday, at the Beth Hamedrosh,HagaSel Synagogue. Cantor S. KahWnowhch will officiate. .,.-_The ceremony will be followed-by » dinner for the guests which held at Sommer'B Hall. , 1EVEY-AGRANOPP ,f Miss Sonia Agranoff, daughter of Mr. S. Ayranoff of Sioux City will be Hjarried to Mr. Joe Levey of Sioux CSty; son~T)f Mr. and Mrs. H. Levey at this eity, Sunday, at a 1 o'clock wedding at the Jewish Community Center. Habbi"'Frederick Cohii -officiate; Immediately-after the ceremony dinner •will be servedSiEGAL-SOMTT - Mi. M. Eoirut announces the marriage of his daughter, Sarah, to Mr. Jacob '. Siegel Which will take place Sunday, June 16, in the presence of the immediate family. It will be followed by a reception at the Tiome of the bride's ^sister, Mrs. B. Balaban. The brid?'3ias been extensively entertained "during the past few weeks. Among her hostesses have beein Mes'.4ames B. Balaban, J. Lorkis, Ben. Roitstein, J._ Forbes, S. Lagman, and E. Singer, and Misses Bertha Siegel, Rhioda Peltz, Bessie Kirshenbaum,
Mrs. Morris Cohn entertained at a luncheon Tuesday, at her home in honor of her daughter, Eva, who will be married July 21. Mrs. Harry Rimmerman entertained for this popular yptrng bride-to-be; at a bridge Wednesday, ait Jher home. ., The Se Telh Ta sorority entertained in honor of MisR Janet tapseyj who will he married Sunday, Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Nioma Cohn. The evening was spent in playing bridge. Miss' Lipsey was the honored guest at a party given by Miss Sadie Beber Sunday evening, at her home. Mr. and Mrs. David Gross received Sunday, in honor of their daughter," Una, who was confirmed from Temple Israel. Assisting the hostess were Miss Dorothy Kavich of Fremont, Miss Edith Gross and Miss Mary Korn. The U. T. Club of Central High school held their annual informal dance Thursday evening, at the Blackstone HoteL Miss Sybil Adler honored Miss Mary d a i r e Shames, a bride-to-be, at a kitchen shower, Wednesday, at her .home. Miss Mary Claire Shames is entertaining this evening in honor of Miss Ann Small of New York City.
Mrs. John Faier and son, Robert, plan to leave for Denver, Colorado Springs and Cheyenne Sunday. They will be gone about a month. In Denver, Mrs, Faier will attend the double wedding of her cousin, Miss Lillian Cohn to Mr. Joe Gratz of Denver and of Miss Anna Blatt and Mr. Edward A. Freeman of Los Angeles. On June 30, Mrs. Faier will attend the wedding of Miss Dorothy Veta of Cheyenne to Mr. Dave Zolot of Lincoln, which will be held. in Cheyenne.
COLLEGE COMMENT 'Hie Pi Lamba Phi fraternity is entertaining a t an informal, dance at the Highland Country Club this evening. The Omaha students who have returned home from the University ti! Nebraska are Toby Goldstein, Grace Dansky, Betty "Steinberg, Evelyn Adler, Lucille Goldenberg, Miriam Martin, Lillian Lipsey, Carl Sokoloff, Elmer Greenberg, Harry Rich, Louis Azorin, Milton Berkowitz, Sam Bender, Sydney Epstein, Sam Fregger, Morton Richards, Eddy Brodkey, Joe Stein, Hubert Sommers, Leon Frankel, Alvin Friedman, Paul Grossman, Bennie Block, Harry Safferstein, and Art Lerner. Miss Grace Eosenthal returned from the Iowa State College at Ames. From the University of"" Illinois
Omaha's Style Center"
— Harney
At the Price You Want to I Pay—Hundreds of N e w *
By F. R. K. Sunday
School Picnic Tuesday Afternoon. The Council Bluffs Talmud Terah Sunday School will hold their Annual Picnic, sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud Torah, next Tuesday afternoon, June 18, at the Fairmount Park, commencing at 2:30 o'clock. Games and races have been arranged for all the children and many prizes will be given away. Everyone is urged to make plans now to attend this picnic, and bring the family baskets. Ice cream will be served to -all. This picnic culminates the year's activities of the Sunday School children. Sunday The Ladies Aid Society held a School classes for the term closed meeting Tuesday afternoon at the last week. The public is cordially home of Mrs. Morris Grossman. invited to attend the picnic next Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of Tuesday. At the Abraham Lincoln high school Commencement Exercises last Friday evening at the City Auditorium, a number of honors were awarded to Jewish students. The Class of 1929 Citizenship Award was given to Hymie Kramer. The Abraham Lincoln Parent-Teachers Assocame Miss Selma Levin and Miss Elaine Berkowitz. Miss Ruth Barish returned from Rockford College and Mr. Milton Mandelson returned from Harvard.
the B'nai B^nfch held an ©pan meeting Wednesday evening at the Danish hall. The program was featured by a talk on "Jewish Education" by L Morgeastexn mad musical numbers by Leo Meyerson and a trio composed of Helen, Florence and Esther Steinberg. Dr. Isaac Sternhill was chairman of the evening. The meeting was followed by bridge and refreshments. -The Council Bluffa Chapter No. 7 of the Aleph Zadik Aleph will hold an important mectinr next Tuesday evening, June 18, at 807 Wickhamj Building. Plans will be completed for the A. Z. A. dance which will be held on Sunday evening, June 80, at the New Strand Theatre Ballroom. Election of officers for the ensuing term will also take place. All members are urged to be present. Thirty-five members «f the Ladies Aid Society honored Mrs. Anna Freiden at a surprise party at
-HERZBERGSNow! Omaha's Greatest Sale of
The newly elected officers of the U. T. Club of Central High school are Evelyn Chaiken, president; Elsie Bomm, secretary; and Mildred lip* sey, treasurer. The retiring officers are Helen Sherman, president; Evelyn Chaiken, secretary; and Elsie Romm, treasurer. The Daughters of Israel Aid Society will hold a meeting Thursday, June 18 at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Old People's Home at 2504 Charles.
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Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershun and family of Schuyler, Nebraska, will return home Sunday after spending a week here visiting at the home of Mr*. Gershun's sister, Mrs. W. Solomonow, and Mr. Solomonow.
"Manufactured in Omaha"
Among the patients at the Wise Memorial Hospital are Mr. Ralph Turkel and Miss Fanny Sonuner.
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leave next week f w Chicafo, Illinois, to make her future none. 8be was presented with a beautiful
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i 16th at
ciation Scholarship was awarded to Joseph Solomonow. William Wolff was given a Scholarship to the University of Iowa for Debating. The Gregg Shorthand Award was won by Ruth Shyken. Ruth Bernstein won the Girls' Literary Society Graduation Dress Prize. Joseph Solomonow received a Scholarship award for receiving 32 A% a perfect record. Among the others who received an average of over 90% for the entire course were Ruth Bernstein, Mildred Meyerson, Ruth Shyken and Hymie Kramer. Among those who received the W. C. T. U. prize for non-smoking were Julius Bernstein, David Freeman, and Joseph Solomonow. At the Thomas Jefferson high school graduation last Thursday evening, Milton Krasne also received the W. C. T. U. prize.
Council Bluffs News
I. Mr^. l i s t e r Heeger and;-daughter i Miriam Malta, of Sioux City, spent the week .with Hz. and Mrs. B. Grossman.
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CURTAINS Of Every Description Beautifully finished. Guaranteed to hang: true. 50c per pair, some a trifle more. Special rates on 10 or more pair. JUST PHONE— AT. 4750—MA. 475©.
PAGE 4—-THE JEWISH. PRESS, J3UDAY..JIJNE 14, 1»2» The racing racket with its roaring numeral. Azorin is a high jumper, motors 15 athrilling allurement, but and shows great pix>mise for the varsthose who tempt fate must take the ity before he is through with school. consequences. \ -. .,...._ Elmer Greenberg, who won his "N" at Nebraska Uni as a member of its Ho Hum! Although soccer season powerful football team, is back again is over, the Hakoah won another next year with two more years to game, this time from- Hungaria, 4 to 1. play. Greenberg plays guard, weighs That's not news. What would be over 200 pounds and is expected to be an item of real news, would" be that oneyof'fhe outstanding men on Nethe Hakoahs had lost. braska's powerful line this fall.
Sport Splinters By FRANK R. ACKERMAN
LOST a tan checked top-coat in the billiard room of the J. C. C. oa May 3. REWARD OFFERED FOR RETURN Box 36 JEWISH PRESS
j Do you have any, inclinations or propensities toward-becoming a pool shark?, . .. Wrong again; ' This is not a bilService Our Motto liard invitation; but- merely a nata. 'The, kosberg home was the -scene Sunday, June 9, marked a ^mileGeneral Repair Shop—Radiators, torial tip. What "with , the broiling '.Avrohom Reizm, one of the best of a';|Fretty weddjng Sijnd,ay afjer- stone in the life of Sioux City ZionFenders and Body Repairing Sol grinning out loud and the therThe J. A. C. diamondeers are still — When shopping mention the noW;-when Dannie Koabprg and Mike ists with the Herzl Memorial Program known Jewish poets and writers, will mometer suffering with a headache DAVENPORT GARAGE in the race for the gonfalon of the speak in Sioux City at the Jewish "Jewish Press." Qrueskin' were united in. marriage. which took place at the Community whith has run up its temperature, a IHth and Davenport JA. UST4 Community Center, on Tuesday, June National loop. The sandlotters stayed The i bride was beautiful in an en-Center on that evening. ;••"'" cool, refreshing swim- is not a half In a tie for third ;with" the Orchard S T A L M A S T E B a n d B E B E B , A t t o r n e y s , semble hat and dress of pastel An intellectual program . deverted 18. The" program" will begin at 656 Omaha National B a n k B i d * . bad suggestion. : ' and Wilhelm nine by bludgeoning out N O T I C E BY P U B L I C A T I O N O N P E T I lavender. She was unattended, The entirely to the.life and-*:work; of 8:00 o'clock. TION F O R S E T T L E M E N T O F FINAL, couple are-honeymooning jn the Twin Theodore Herzl, founder of Zionism, "ReiznY recently returned from a : Right this -time; The J. C. C. tank a 17 to 5 victory over their opponents. A I H t t l N l S T K A T l b N ACCOUNT. SWANSON THE FLORIST In the County Court ot Douglas County, Cities and will be at home in thewas presented. Three addresses were European trip where he visited and is an.open bid to one and all, big and The J, A. C. aggregation is one and 1704 So. 24th St. — MArket 0701 little, fat anil the antithesis to obesity, a half games from -the loft. studied the present conditions of the delivered by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, Castle Apartments after July 1. In the Mnfter of the Estate of Elizabeth Sunday Altshuler pitched a neat P. Wagmnii, Deceased. Member F. T. D. • --Those guests from out of town A. Stillman and J. Eisenberg. Cantor Jews'. He made a lengthy stay in and- all others, too! The water has All persons interested in said matter a r e r just been tested, and it is clearer than Soviet."Russia, where he studied the game, while the • Siegals, Giventer, hereby notified t h a t on the 27th d a y of A. Pliskin offered the prayer. include Mr. and Mrs. Win. Cohen, May, 102a, L o u i s G. W a g m o n filed a petipresent status of the Jews iri the eco- the water you drink.' And the filter- Altshulery and A Weitz led the bat- tion M,r. and Mrs. S. Kosberg, of St. in gnid County Court, p r a y i n g that ing machine is working to perfection. his final mlministration account filed herenomic, political, and cultural fields. ting carnage. • Paul; Harold Shapiro, Sis Kaplan in foe settled a n d allowed, a n d t h a t h e be discharjred from- his trust a s administrator Whether you are;a beginner or an The arrangements committee ^ HIMELBLOOM BAKERY and Tutty Kaplan of Omaha. ' and that a hearing will lie had on said 1811 N . ?4th—WE. 62«4 prepared a special Reiini program for upperclassman ia the art. of patWliag ' Jonah Goldman, property of thepetition before said Court on t h e 15th d a y J u n e . 1929., and that if y o u fail t o a p Serve Himelbloom's new the occasion. A short play writteji through the water,.Krasne guarantees Cleveland Indians, who was shipped of Mr.: and Mrs. R. Rocklin will pear Iwfore snid~ Court" on t h e snid l o t h ; Russian pumpernickle bread . •—TT: fe . •••'••'•- - • : by Reizm will be presented. instrugHon, to all._, For . personal in- to Albany for seasoning, is display- day of June. 1929. a t H o'clock A. M.. a n d celebrate their silver wedding anni- •• > contest said petition, t h e Court may g r a n t with your next meal. formation call at the office of theing a top-notch brand of baseball. The the prayer of said petition, enter a decree versary'Friday, June 21. Guests will : Edyth Ginsbergr,46 ^far old .daughtof heirship. and make such other a n d er :of Mr. and Mfrs. -A* J. _ Ginsfcerg, physicial department. ..-.•... "Senators" are leading the league by bf limited- toHhe immediate family. f u r t h e r . o r d e r s , allowances and decrees, a s t h i s Court m a y seem proper t o t h e end ; And.,before,palsing on (it should a wide margin, and GoldmanViteidy to Among those who will attend are 217* S. Court Street, fields .the honor that all matters pertainine t o said estate be 'passing out') I, haye to asseverate hitting and fielding is no small cause m a y be finally settled nnd determined. Mrt. H. Rothschild' and daughter of Tieing the youhge4t~of a class of 215 graduating from .Central High for the thousandth" and third time that of their success. BKTCE CKATV'FORI). i Vera, of Chicago. June T-2T County Judge i 'Gantnxlan \ School this June. - Not ljijh^fi if. there is one- sport that puts into youngest graduate .but.Miss Ginsberg b K play every muscle of the body and •Two young graduates of the TalAnnouncement has been made of The tennis, handball, and horseshoe the engagement of Miss Sonia Bloom alsp graduates with-honors, an ac-1 m u d T ( j r a l l - w e r e r e c e n t l y chosen, to makes for well-balanced, rounded phy- tourneys at the J. C. C. are scheduled to Mr. A b e iPred of Kingsly, Iowa. complishment which few students^ are t a c t as , a s s i s t a n t instructors of the sical development, that sport is swim- to get under way this Sunday. This . ; 403 Hospe Bldg. The-wedding has been set for July 4. able to attain. To graduate with lion-' school." The young' teachers are Ben ming. JA. 6752 makes the fifth Sunday they were so ors one must receive a grade of-90 or Saitliri and Mikka Maron, popular scheduled. Instead of getting under Mr. and Mrs. J . Kauffman a n - above in three-fourths of his 'subjects young ^student? of the Talmud Torah Bernard Eatz, one of the very few way, they seem to be getting way nounce the engagement of their through the entire high school course; who|fta,v(;;&en successful in establish- Jewish professional auto racers; was undw. daughler Leah' t o Mr. Dave GinsMiss Ginsberg • took a General .hig* finir" grades during their school seriously injured last week, when tryBut some enticing medals are being MID WEST berg.; : The wedding- will take place Course at high, school, but. has-not years.ing to avoid hitting a man. In swerv- offered, and the entries ought to get Spezializes in Accident and ENGRAVING CO. INC. stated what college or university she . in July. Vacation classes will start very ing, Katz lost control of the machine going this weekend, the weather perHealth Insurance /T*\ ARTISTS /T1-. will enter in the fall. soon according to J. Eisqnberg, school which was eating up distance at a mitting. Mr. and Mrs. A . M. Davis a n y. ENGRAVERS \ Two Jewish students took part in instructor. If a sufficient number of mere pace of 85 miles per hour. Only Agents wanted nounce t h e birth of a son a t t h ethe class play, "Nothing But the n e w s t u dents register,, new classes PnoneATLANTIC O639 his • skillful maneuvering saved the Louis Azorin, by virtue of the Big Omaha Loan & BIdg. Assn. Methodist hospital. Truth" which was presented, in the- w i j | be.organized. -- * lives of many - spectators. Only last Six victory of the Nebraska Uni AT-3180. school auditorium on June llj$nd 12.j.'t Abotft orie hundred,and thirty stu- year Katz -was -similarly injured. Freshman Track team, earned his Mr. and Mrs. J. Keitche announce Thiy are Rebecca Kriv and,George demVare now enrolled in the school. th.e birth of a baby boy a t t h eKoyal. ' •'*"
Zionists Honor Herzl In Memorial Program
Society News
i aJOPL -.HC
Bleicher -Micek Co. IDC
• < )
General Insurance World Insurance Co.
Methodist .hospital.
rt of praising is the begin-
ning of,the art of pleasing. Mr., and Mrs. S. Goldberg a n - ZIONISTS APPROVE NEW ENGLISH COLONIAL AGENT^ -v- - -. ? —Voltaire. nounce- the birth of a son a t t h e Methodist hospital. London.—(J. T. £A:)—The,aDfldint-, J. J.' FKIEUMAN', Attorney - '534 Peter* Truit Bid*. Miss Tee. Sacks of Norfolk, Nebr., ment of the Rt. Hon^SidneV'Wew'as FRODATK NOTICE Colonial Minister in the new Labor spent the past week a s ' a guest of In the Matter of the Estate of Timothy cabinet was received with satisfaction ,\V Jones, Deceased. Misses Elizabeth and Francis Passis hereby given that the creditors in I Zionist circles here. * ; ' of Notice : :J said deceased will meet the adminisman. ;,. ..••»•. • - •-.•••'• - • .' \:; Although there is no record of any trator of said estate, lief ore me, County Judge of Dousing County. Nebraska, nt : Mr.-•• lieonard Barricks underwent public, pronouncement^: by • Cojoni Jth* C'rionty.^'dttrf llpom; in said County, • oft' the' :5th aay-^of 'Jfulr, 1020. and on the Minister Webb^pn i|ie Xalcsfcine i|Uc a inihor operatipn at-St. Vincents lO$i tftiy «t- Sc-itreralicr,-1020. at 0 o'clock tioh, it is understood tnat h'e is 1 ve: A. M., "ench day, for tne purpose of prehospital, claims for examination, ajlsympathetic to the Jewish coloniza- — ' = --- their id allowance. Three months , for the creditors to present tion work in the country, / t si' "itfr. "Louis Maison i s ' at the Meims. from the 22nd day of Jurie.
thodist hospital recuperating an ^appenditiciaus operation.
May 2
BKYCE CUAWFOKD, | County Jndge.
, Mrs. P. Baron is home after spending several weeks at Excelsior Springs. --'-—
KN & CO. Certified Piifec Accountants
Terms as Low us $7.70 Per Month
Those who will visit in -Chicago this week are Rose Finsod, Rose Lipman, ' Bernard Rocklin, and Ann Shjloff. ' . - - . .»
Termf as
"Everything for the Auto"
Low^s 57.70 Per IVJonth
2051 tTattJani—AT. 5524
Mr. and Mrs. S. Lipman announce the engagement of - their •daughter Lena to Mr. Henry Harlow. 'The wedding will be an event of late fall.
For space in this directory call the
•' AH activities at the Center have been-discontinued-for the summer^ • "Li
Now . . ..ahel^c trie, stoye witriin'« .y o.u r..m e a n s ! Take advantage of - this special^ small down pay' ment arid buy that elec.tric, stove you have always wanted. The balance can be paid in monthly payments with your electric service bil!.
Mrs. Sam Baron returned' recently .from, a short visit with her daughter, •Miss. Rose Baron, who is Jiving in Chicago-. . -.•"'. = Mr. and Mrs. S. Slotsky. and son, 'William^-are returning by motor "from New York City where they attended the weeding of Miss 'Anne Slotsky to Mr. Hermair Delman of that city.' Mrs. Delman is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sfotsky., Mrs. - Charles7 Raskin and daughter, L.orraine, accompanied them on their trip. ' . • Mr. Abe Halpern,- son 't»f Mr. and JUrs. Sam • Halpern, 1312 V-jlfa Ave., lias returned from New York where Dte^ttfaie^violin- -with Prof.-Firikek ,<tein.'
' Srrvice anil
.. 24lb Avcuue.nt St- Mary's Avenue .
. • .. ,
3314 "M" St.
THALLAS THE HATTER Hats Cleaned and Blocked 50 and 75c
492-95 Brandcis Theatre Bids. JAcksOD 1614 .
Estimates Gladly Furnished
101 No. 16th
4824 So. 2»tk 4411 So. SCtb
OMAHA LETTER SHOP Commercial Printing Multigraphing Addressing Mailing List* 2123 Cuming Street AT. 8010
Shoe Repairing
Omaha Jobbing Co. 317 No. 15 JA. 5604 CLOSING OUT 2,400 gal. of REYNOLDS paints at $1.95 per gaL All colors. Also 2,000 gal. of Kentucky paints at $1.75. And various railroad wrecked merchandise.
Standard Shoe Repair Co. J. I,. KKAGE, Prop.
"NEW FOR OLD" 1619 Farnam St.—Phone AT. 8481
FOR 75c A WEEK Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha
Towel Supply
A JHifi CANOYL.ANP ttitli and K.-irnani 6 C N S E T TBA KOOM 4!»lb. and Uodse CltVSTAL CAJCUlf
Coveri, Tents.
- Cnmp Supplirs. All Klml> AT. IVJ'i and Howard
ATlantic 6291 J. M. J E K S E N 1Kb and Oouglus b t s .
101 h und Cqpitol Ave.
CAFE After Theatre Dancing
All Famll? services, from
CHARLES SIMON llecom m e n d s
JA- 0538
Your ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha
34th and Farnam
Paintings Paperhanging
Wall Paper-Paints
Painting and Paper Hanging Call SAM TARNOFF
24th a n d L St.—AT. ~4(ki—MA. OtOJ
MArket 4307 Courtesy -- Service --Low Rates
MArket 4977 lies. MA. 3166
"Klectric Shops"
Hats Cleaned and Blocked 75c
Hat Cleaning 16 and Douglas "
4420 Florence Blvd. K.E. t600
Awnings and Tents A w n i n g s . Canvas
With every electric stove bought at this sale, we will give absolutely FREE a complete set of PYREX or ALUM&UM! P y r l x i s made of fireproof glass and the aluminum: is of the'highest grade. ; > --
KEnwood 0835 MArket 4600
i l l 6 No. 24th 5032 So. 24th
H. MARCUS 1941 Vinton St. J A. 1440
A T . 8DS0
17th and Harney Sts.
Starter. Uenerator, L i g h t s and •'•••."•
(Jnrier Management ot
itth antl « . St.
Empress Hat Cleaning Shop
Auto Electric Service F n t m h l a e d Distributors I»ELC(WHE.MV AUTO-LITE NOKTHEAST
. Miss Freda Albert will spend,.the 'summer months visiting in the east.
r - * For Service Call
9 b * Uonvr With it ItepDtatlna
M?- and Mrs. J. Greenberg, Mrs. Friedman and Mrs. B. Rutstein spend the week-end * in Omaha.
0 ^
-; Mr.. Fred Sherman is visiting with .'friends in Omaha..
Tin, Sheet Metal and Furnace Works First Class Work and Prompt
National Accessories, Inc.
Mr. Dan Cohen of Deis Moines visited Arnie Bramson last week. •
IDEAL WE. 3043
•-,. Sara Mosow i s ; well on the road to recovery after suffering unexpected effects from a minor, operatipn.
- • Mr; Herman Pickus is visiting in the "home- of Mr. and Mrs. M. Skafovsky. •••
•.Mrs. Rushall and daughter, Lee, left for Los Angeles where they will visit indefinitely. • •
Jessie Sniioff has returned from "a visit with friends in Omaha.
Mrs.!. Bershevsky and daughters, Charlotte ami Sylvia, are home after spending several months in Denver.
AUDIT CO. ,«St BrandeU Tbraler UltU—JA. «8ll
Mrs. Jules .Gerelick of Omaha is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. M
_Miss .Helen.. Friedman .will spend the coming week iri Omaha.
. . 4615 So.24th St. - Hours 7
DYE WORKS (3;! l e a r b Kxperiencc) .
Special. prices for spring season
Suits cleaned and pressed 60c Dresses cleaned and pressed _^ $1.00 jind up. __ 2 75 Dressed dyed—:———? * 814>To. 24th St.—AT. 1169 &T"
of all l a u n d r y
1114 So. 28 St.
2 8 IS
AT. 4544
Only 2 firms accepted under each busines heading
SSince 1S76
FKE1> PARKS & SONS Wallpaper Below Wholesale Prlc«» Samples
Shown nt Ton*
FOR 75c A WEEK Vour ad in this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha