June 28, 1929

Page 1

Entered a s eecond-c ?•<•

pdstofflc« at Omaha,' y

matter on January 27, 19-1 at , under the Act of March 3, J U


Vol. VII.—No. 24

Public Russian Anti-Semitism ROBERT KOOPER IS Parliament |ITALIAN JEWS FIND f-IighlandClub OMAHA HEBREW CLUB Norweghn J. C.C. SUMMER Affair Wednesday Fought by Fake Trials Votes Sghechita Bar CHOSEN NEW LOCAL PEAY SCHOOL TO PROGRAM SUNDAY PAPAL CONCORDAT OPEN ON MONDAY DISCRIMINATORY TO MARK 37th YEAR B'NAI B'RITH HEAD Harry B. Zimman to Speak; 75 New Members to Be Initiated MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC NUMBERS ALSO PLANNED The thirty-seventh anniversary of the Omaha Hebrew Club will be celebrated this Sunday at a large public meeting to be held at the Jewish Corn-

Oslo.;— (J. T. A-V—The adoption by ;he Lagthing, Norwegian upper house if parliament, of a bill prohibiting the chechita, the traditional Jewish methd of slaughtering animals for food Almost Impossible irescribed 'by Biblical arid Talmudic, Divorces aw, made Norway the second counUnder Agreement's ;ry in Europe which placed on its Provisions • statutes a measure depriving observant Jews of their privilege to comply NON-CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS with their dietary laws in the conCOURTS ARE POWERLESS sumption of meat. Switzerland preceded Norway by Rome.—(J. T. A.)—:Not all is^well enatcing- an amendment to its consti- with religious equality in Italy untution by popular referendum held in der the conditions created by , the August, 1893, according to which the Concordat between the Vatican and tunning of animals before slaughter the Italian state, notwithstanding -was declared compulsory. Jewish re- the assurances of Premier Mussolini.. ligious laws governing the schechjta The Catholics and non-Catholics. in require a swift- incision in the : ani- Italy are in agreement on this point. mal's throat. Stunning; of. the animal, Catholic -newspapers and ' Gatholie prior to the incision; is proscribed "by spokesmen i-epeatedly "point out that Jewish law. _;•< '•, • • ~ the change in the status oi the nonThe bill will-now become law.unless; Catholic denominations, resulting the "royal veto" vested in the cabinet from the Concordat, that is, from upon its recommendation to the king, the status of tolerated religions to r is applied. . recognized religions, actually makes The Jewish population in the king- little difference. Jewish religious, dom numbers approximately 2,000. leaders hold a similar point of view

The Highland Country club will hold an open house "Monte Carlo" night Wednesday, July 3, inaugurating the current season in earnest The gala affair, including dancing to the tune of a ten-piece orchestra, dinner, and an' elaborate program of entertainment will be open to everyone, members, wives, and friends. Members are privileged to invite as many .non-member guests as they wish. \ The first of the weekly Ladies' Days was held last Tuesday, a large turnout making, the event a great success. The ladies are - urged to avail themselves of the privilege, of coming out to the club for golfing, bridge, lotto, or other diversions every Tuesday.

9A LUSTGARTEN WINS SCHOLARSHIP IN PIANO CONTEST IN CHICAGO To Receive Free Instruction at Chicago Musical College Under Rudolph Ganz.


Teachers Named and Organized " as Registrations Pour In. REGISTRATION LIMITED TO ONLY 200 CHILDREN

«•%-«• M l


y ,

Moscow.—(J.--T. A.)—An original method in combating anti-Semitism among Soviet employes was used by the Moscow authorities. A government employe, Vasily Shumov, was tried by the Soviet court on Eight Omahans to Attend vention of District Grand charges of anti-Semitic behavior and ' Lodge No. 6. persecution of his Jewish neighbor, Rabinovitch. Over one thousand persons were in the courtroom, all of FOUR TO DELIVER OFFICIAL REPORTS them employes of the Gorstwg, governmental department. Omaha Lodge No. 354 of the IndeThe proceedings lasted several pendent Order of B'nai B'rith will be hours and the defendant was senheaded for the ensuing1 six -months by tenced to three years' imprisonment. Robert Kooper, chosen to the presiWhen the judge pronounced sentence and the public applauded the decision, the court immediately declared that Shumov was wholly innocent and that the trial had been staged as a means of propaganda agiiMst antiSemitism, which has lately begun to spread among the Gorstorg workers. Anti-Semitic slogans were posted in rooms where the workers meet and the authorities were unable to detect those responsible for this propaganda. In order to make an object lesson, they selected Vasily Shumov.

With the selection "and organizing of the teaching staff o f the Summer Play School and with the enthusiastic registration response, i t w a s apparent- ?arly this week, that the latest experiment of the Jewish, Community Center ;:would • begin under most au-. spicious circumstances^; Early* in the week registration passed the hundred mark, and made i t necessary for the Center t o announce that tht total number of children aecepted for the'school would have t o be limited to two hundred. The classes will begin a t nine 'o'clock Monday morning, July 1. They will be held daily throughout the month o f July, except ; on Saturdays and Sundays. Registration i s free. Louis M. Shanok will be the director of the school, assisted b y Madeline Cohn, upho will be supervisor o f all the d a i s e s . The. teachers were given their final instructions a t a meeting held Wednesday evening.

and some uneasiness is felt as it.is realized that the conditions created LAUDED BY GANZ by the Concordat are a step, backward in the equality , of treatment Miss Ida Lustgarten, 22-year-old policy. - ' •,; ' : • Omaha pianist and instructor, scored The advantages conferred on theanother triumph in her musical caCatholic church under the Concordat reer, in winning in. Chicago last Harry B. Zimman Jewish Theological Seminary are most evident in the privileges Thursday first honors in a contest The other teachers; are: Bernice Graduate Chosen accorded to it in the field of edumuaity Center auditorium at 3 o'clock. Creighton Graduates Ten Rabbis and Kully, Lois Reich enberg, Faye Klein, The initiation of a class of about sevHead Succeeding Stanley Four Teachers cation and matrimony. Rose Fiedler, Sylvia :Wohlner, Ida enty-five . new "• members will feature F.'Levin. ' . A point which illustrates the ineHoffman, Irene Hirsch, E v a Katzthe program. quality is in the jurisdiction, of the man, Nioma Cohn, Mrs. Irvin Stal- COLUMBIA TO CO-OPERATE INSTALLATION JULY 24 respective denominations* in matters The principal address will be delivmaster, Sara Rae Fish, Mrs. Edward ered by, Harry B. Zimman, whose reNew York.—(J. T. A.)—Ten Rabpertaining to marriagt, divorce and Levinson, Etta Frisch, Mrs. Robert Louis Riklin was elected president marks will be responded-to by some bis received degrees and thirty-four marriage annullment. At a time when Glazer, Grace Dansky, Selma Levin, member -of the class. Sam Swartz, of Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the A. Z the Italian state, under the ConcorRobert Kooper, students of the Teachers Training Ursula Fagan, Mrs. Morris Sogolow, president of the organization, will also A. at their semi-annual elections held dat, recognizes. as valid a marriage Department and the Israel FriedMrs. Wjlliam Alberts, Freda Bolker, dency of the lodge at its semi-annual last Wednesday evening at the Jewspeak. '• ceremony performed by a Catholic Frances' Green, Elsie Poska, Mrs. Her- lander Extension Department, in-1 elections held last Thursday evening- The musical part of the program ish Community Center. He succeeds priest, officiating in ' behalf of the man Jahr, Mrs.' Moe Venger, Morris eluding 24 girls, received diplomas, at the Jewish Community Center. He '•-,'• will feature several solos by S. Ka- Stanley F . Levin. Catholic church and deriving his auSogolow, Marian Scharf, and Jeanette at the annual Commencement • exer- succeeds Jack W. Marer, under whom Eiklin is the oldest member of the hanowitch", cantor of the Beth Hamecises of the Jewish Theological Semthority from the Canon law, a nonLevinson. he served as vice president. drosh Hagodel synagogue, and A chapter,.having been one.of its meminary held at Town Hall, on June S. 1 Catholic minister or a rabbi perThe other <etfficeri? are as follows: Schwaczkin,..-cantor of -the B*nai bers for almost five years, ..practically R&bbi Neuman in his address forms, the marriage ceremony only Milton Abrahams, vice president; Isasince its inception, "ije 'was graduatj Israel synagogue, and his choir. They pointed out that the "S'micha" (oras' a deputy representing the statej dore Abramson, re-elected secretawill be accompanied on the piano - by ed this month from Creighton Unidination) requires under Jewish Law carrying out this function in accordry; Harry Friedman, re-elected treasSara Rae Pish. Ann Ruback wil' versity, receiving the degrees of pharthat it be administered on Palestine ance with the civil code. '.The tfifferj urer; Leo Abramson, -warden; and maceutical chemist and bachelor of play the march to the tune of which soil. He expressed the hope that Irvin Levin, guardian. The trustees ence .of status makes'*itself evident the new members- will be ushered in. science. v J5e . will "also "represent his with the upbuilding of Palestine and for the new term will be: Sam Swarti, ^ of divorce o&mar-. Violin and piano solos will be played chapter at the national ' convention development of religious life there Robert Glazer, and Dave Freeman. riage annullment arises. As 'he leby Myron Cohn and Rose Brandeis-, next week.. Maurice' Schwartz the authorized mode of S'micha gaji.. situation stands tt Jay neither j The lodge will be represented at the respectively. The Omaha Yiddish The other officers are as follows: and h i s interwould be restored, leading to the estherfe^non^nor the civil law allow} annual meeting of Grand Lodge No. 6 Dramatic- club will also present Saul Graetz, vice president; Elmer nationally - known tablishment of a Sanhedrin for an of the B'nai B'rith at Elkhart Lake, short sketch from a Yiddish play. Shamberg, secretary; Hyman Good- divorce. .The only way open for disYiddish Art orderly and constitutional revision of Wis., on June SO, July 1, 2 and 3 by solution -bf-marriages which proves binder, treasurer; Isadore Bogdonoff, Ida Lustgarten. ; The' meeting will be open to all Theater-will pressome laws which require adjustment a group of the following members: The presenior sergeaut-at-arms; Herman Le- failures .is annullment. members, their wives, and friends. ent one of thair to" present conditions. Harry H. Lapidus, Henry Monsky, Irvinson, junior sergeant-at-arms; Os- logattve 6i annullment, however, is with 50 musicians for the opportunmost famous sucThe degree of Doctor of Hebrew vin St&lmaster, I. F. Goodman, Sam ity of receiving six weeks of free inheld, by the Catholic ecclegjactical car Mayerowitz, reporter; and David cess, "The Bloody Literature was conferred upon Dr. Beber, Harry Silverman, Dr. A Brodkey, chaplain. The newly elect- court. A rabbinical court, or, forstruction this summer at the Chicago Laughter*', a Yid-. Mordecia M. Kaplan of the Society Greenberg, and Maurice Micklin. ed athletic board is constituted as that matter, any non-Catholic eccle- Musical college under Rudolph Ganz, dish drama by for the Advancement of Judaism, famous as a piano artist and former siastical authority, has no -authority follows: Louis Eiklin, chairman, HerOf the Omaha delegates, four wilt Ernst Tholler, at Maurice Schwartz anvl the degree of Doctors of Divinconductor of the St. Louis Symphony to grant annullment decrees on simman Levinson and Harold Barrish. deliver reports as holders of offices Six national officials and two chap the Brandeis Theater here Monday ity upon RaLbi Charles I. Hoffman ilar grounds. A non-Catholic may orchestra. Mr. Ganz is vice president in the Grand Lodge. Henry Monsky, The next meeting of the chapter ter delegates will represent Omaha a evening, July 1. of Newark, N. J., and Rabbi Elias obtain annullment only through, ap- of the school. who is a member of the national exthe national convention of the Order will take'" place Wednesday evening, plication to the Civil Tribunal which The Yiddish Art Theater was L. Solomon of New York. Competitors of the Omaha girl inecutive committee of the organizaof Aleph Zadik Aleph which will b July 24, at the Jewish Community is a. difficult and complicated pro- cluded pianists from all sections of formed eleven years ago by Maurice The principal speakers of the oction, will deliver the report of that Center. The new officers will be ofheld in Pittsburgh, Pa., July 5, 6, 7, cedure. - This creates not only a .difA the United States.and entries from Schwartz and uas one of the first casivm was Dr. Cyrus Adler, Presi- body. Harry Lapidus, district memficially ins'talled on this occasion. and 8. ference of jurisdiction, but a differ- Honolulu and the Philippines. News organizations to present the more dent of the Jewish Theological Sem- bership supervisor, Irvin Stalmasier, The local members of the. Supreme ence in treatment, since the Catholic of her victory was received here in a serious and truly artistic modern inary, and Rabbi Abraham A. Neu- trustee of the National Jewish HosAdvisory Council, all of whom will a t canon law sanctions annullment in congratulatory message from the col- dramas. They were the first to pres- man, of Congregation Mikve Israel pital at Denver, and Sam Beber. distend, are: Sam Beber, Harry Lapi Rabbi Charles I. trict director of junior auxiliary activcases which the civil law does not lege to Cecil Berryman, under whom ent in this country such plays as of Philadelphia. dus, Henry Monsky, Phil Klutznick, "Mrs. Warren's Hoffman of Newark delivered the iiins (A. Z. A.), wil] also speak in admit. • Miss Lustgarten has studied for tenBernard Shaw's and I. Goodman. Nathan E. Green Leonid Andreyev's invocation and Rabbi Israel Gold- their various official capacities. Omaha will be represented at the It was because of this % condition years. "Mr. Ganz is very enthusias- Profession", national publicity director, will als , "A n a t h e m a", Gorki's "Lower farb the closing prayer. tic about your pupil," the message convention of the Zionist Organiza- that the Jewish community, of Italy attend. Those who received Rabbinical deDepths", and "The Dybbuk" by S tion of America and of the Junior Ha- a. proached the government with the stated. Louis Riklinof Omaha Chapter No She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ansky. The quality of their reper- grees were: Isadore Barnett, Philadassah to be held next week in De-request that rabbinical: courts be likel a n d Frank R. Ackerman of Sam Be troit, Mich., by J. J. Friedman of the wist: permitted, to grant annullment B. Lustgarten, 102 South Thirty- toire was so high, that they attract- delphia, Pa.; Abraham H. Fedder, her Chapter No. 100 will complete th' former group,- and Grace Rosenstein decrees, but the government has re- eighth street. Since graduating from ed a large number of non-Jewish Baltimore, Md.; Albert I. Gordon, list of Omaha visitors. and Rose Fine of the girls' organiza- fused t o comply, with this request. the University of Nebraska two years patrons as well as the Jewish, this Cleveland, Ohio; Harry Halpem, NewA religious theme has been th tion. At a meeting held Wednesday aftIt w a s pointed out that such a grant ago, she has been teaching here and being before the days ,of the Theater York, N. Y.; Harry W. K&tchen, dominating feature of the plans" fo ernoon at the Jewish Community CenNewark, N. J.; Nathan Kollin, CleveGuild and the Civic Repertory appearing in occasional recitals. She Miss Rosenstein, who is the newly of privilege would create the impresthis year's convention. On Frida; land, Ohio; Isidore S. Meyer, New ter a junior auxiliary of the Daughelected president of the local Junior sion that the Jewish religion in Italy will be joined by her mother- and a Theater. evening, July 5, a model orthodo.x The Yiddish Art Theater recently London, Conn.; Jacob Radin, New ters of Zion was organized under the Hadassah chapter,- will leave Friday has a status of equality with t h e sister, Miss Dorothy, who left for service will be held in one of the syn returned from a European tour on York; Henry M. Rosenthal, Louis- sponsorship of Mrs. Elsie Eisenberg. Chicago Thursday night. Miss Doroagogues. Henry Monsky will delive: for Kansas City where she will confer { Catholic Teligion, which i s exactly which they scored memorable succes- ville, Ky.; Edward Schoenfeld, New Sarah Rifkin was elected the first thy, i s to study violin under Jacques with Mrs: Fanny Pesmen, southwestthe point the Catholics art eager the address at this service. A mode president of the club. • ." •• • - ' Gordon, concert master of the Chicago ses in the largest theaters on theYork, N. Y.; Charles M. Rubel of reform service will be held in one o: ern regional president, and from there prevent. The other officers were as follows: New York received the degree of continent. they will both g o to,the national conIt is further recalled in Italian Symphony orchestra. the Temples Saturday morning. Libby Dolgoff, vice president; Dom Master of Hebrew Literature. ference: -••""•• "'-"' ' ' Jewish circles that the sufferings of Announcement was made by Dr.Dolgoff, secretary; Ruth Silver, treas• The"- Zionist Organization' confer- Italian Jewry during the .Middle ANNOUNCE H. U. C. GIFTS COUNCIL BLUFFS A. Z. A. JEWISH BEAUTY QUEEN Cincinnati.—(J. T. A.)—A gift of Adler that arrangements have been urer; snd Rose. Kirschenbaum, rewill be held June 30, July 1» 2 Ages was due to the power exercised HAS CHRISTIAN MOTHER ence DANCE THIS SUNDAY $10,000 each from Louis Marshall, ciicluded with the Teachers College porter. and 3,. while the Junior Hadassah ses- by the church within the state and of Columbia University whereby it The junior club, like the senior drVienna.—(J. T. A.)—The geneo sions will take place July 2, 3 and 4. the supremacy of the charch over president of the A-ierican Jewish Plans are completed for the CounCommittee, and Aaror. Waldheim of will be possible for students of the g-anization, will have as its chief purlogical tree of the Goldarbeiter fam cil Bluffs chapter No. 7 of the Order and-against the secular law.and-the St. Louis, to the Hebre Union ColTeachers Institute to obtain a Bach- pose the raising of money for the ily, whose daughter Lisl was chose: DR. PHILIP L. ROMONEK of the Aleph Zadik Aleph June Dance civil government. It is recalled ;that * Endowment Fund was announced elor of Science degree from Colum- Jewish National Fund, the land-pur"Miss Universe" recently at the Gal WINS FELLOWSHIP HONOR the political emancipation of Italian which will be given at the New Strand here. bia University and a Bachelor of chasing agency of the Jewish people veston, Tex., beauty. contest after Theater ballroom Sunday evening, Jewry was effected only after the in Palestine, The aims of the club she had won the title "Miss AusWord has just been received that separation of state and church. June 30, in Council Bluffs. The com- Jewish Pedagogy degree from the were elaborated on at the meeting in Teachers Institute in five years by tria," shows that she is the off- Dr. Philip L. Rononek has been electmittee promises that this affair will a talk by Judfih L. Wolf son. spring of- Christiar-Jewish inter- ed to a Fellowship in the American be one of the outstanding events of pursuing a combined course of marriages for two generations. The next meeting of the club will College of Surgeons, an honor .con- DR. SAUL B. ARENSON. the year, and many novelty features at both institutions. be held Monday, July 1, at the Center, Her paternal grandmother was the ferred only dn surgeons of the highest are being arranged. "Everyone should TO SAIL FOR EUROPE All girls between the ages of thirteen daughter of -a prominent Christian ethical-and surgical standing. This secure their tickets promptly from THREE JEWISH LAWYERS All who wish to have family Who embraced Judaism and Fellowship" will be bestowed on Dr. Dr. Saul B. Arenson, formerly of ADMITTED TO STATE BAR and seventeen are cordially invited to any member of the A. Z. A. and make attend. news items or social news . married the senior Goldarbeiter. Romonek at the annual convention to the staff of the chemistry department their plans to attend this dance Sui> Among those Nebraska candidates printed in next week's be held in Chicago in October of this of the University of the University List's mother is a Christian. day nifht and bring their friends,' JEWISH PRESS are reThe Austrian press devotes much year. A few months ago.Dr. Rom- of Nebraska and now assistant prof easay the committee. Don Fontaine's who participated in the examinations 6 0 11 FAMINE IN VILNA quested to send in their spate to the success of the Austrian onek was admitted to the A™ " * sor of chemical engineering at the orchestra will play for the dancing, for admission to the bar of the state .—(J, T. A,)—A plea for were Leo Abramson, Ben Minkin and material not later than girl. It hails the event as a tri- Academy of Otolaryngology in recog- University of Cincinnati, will sail for speedy aid for the victims d£ th* nition of a national examination which Perry Silverman. AU three were sucumph for the Republic, expressing Tuesday evening, July 2. Europe the latter part of next month. the hope that the Galveston pageant he took in St. Louis. •• Dr, Romonek He plans to visit Vienna, Prague, On account of the occurThe force of education is- so great, cessful and were admitted to legal famine in the region of Vilnn wi6 voiced by Rabbi M. Fcher in the result will make Austria more pop- has just moved his offices front 436 Budapest and Switzerland. ance of the Fouth of July that we may mold the minds and practice. Warjuiw Synagogue. Brandeis Theatre 'Bldjf.j to 920 Medular in; the United States. Some Abramson and Silverman are gradon Thursday, we." are manners of the ysung into what Dr. Arenson has been broadcasting The Babli suggested that an apnewspapers express the opinion that ical Arts Bldg.whefeht it associated weekly 15 minute talks on -popular forced to go to press a shape we please, and ffive them the uates of the University of Omaha, /the-,- event may increase Austria's wittf-Dr. -Lemere of-Lemere und Ban* ehemistry ever. station W-LW- =srhich day early nest "week* impressions of such habits as .shall while Minkin studied in a private of- peal bf dirwrted to the President of the Republic. -: cnan6els^f'dr-a loan. " ;^ ever after remain, —-Atterbury. - fice. he will continue upon his-return. -





Omahans Leave For Detroit Conventions

Junior Daughters of Zion Club Organized

Send News Early Next Week Please!




PybUehed every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

Council Bluffs \ News

Cleveland Synagogue Suit Verdict Soon

Kitchen Chats

Clevelaridi '(J. T. A.)—A decision Mrs. David M. Newtnan in the" celebrated Jewish Center case, STRAWBERRY JAM involving the question as to whether A June Dance, sponsored by thean Orthodox Jewish Congregation* - ^ DAVID BLACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR 2 qts. strawberries, % cup lemon red by -= IRVING PERLMETER - - - - . - • - - - - • - EDITOR Council Bluffs Chapter No. of theformed as such, may subsequently, by juice, 4 cups sugar. o. 77lf ' F A N N I E KATELMAN - - C o u n c i l Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent A. Z. A., will, be held Sunday eve- a later board of directors, be transWash and hull the berries.-Cover ning, June 30, in the ballroom of formed into a Conservative house of with sugar, and let set,2 hours. Put >•.-.•'• , SIOUX CITY OFFICE the Strand Theatre. Don Fontaine's worship, is expected soon in " the into a preserving kettle and let eome • ^ Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street Orchestra will play for the dancing. Court of Appeals, here. slowly to the boiling point. Let boil . ; '-JACK SLOTSKY - - - - - SIOUX CITY CORRESPONDENT Edward Rosen, chairman of the comslowly for 1 0 minutes. Add lemon A hearing on the case was held mittee in charge of this affair, has juice and simmer until thick about CONTRIBUTORS here this week and both sides subannounced that many surprises are ' RABBI FREDERICK COHN IRVIN A . STALMASTER mitted their arguments. The contro- one hour. in store for those who attend the 1 RABBI J. J. OGEL, Lincoln, Neb. MRS. SAMUEL GERSON versy arose several years ago due dance next Sunday evening. A PINEAPPLE, RHUBARB AND grand time will be had by all. Bring to the dissension in the membership Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - . - - - - - - $2.50 STRAWBERRY JAM all your friends. Tickets are now be- of the Jewish Center, some Orthodox . : Advertising rates furnished on application 1 large pineapple equal parts rhumembers objecting to the inauguraing sold by the local A Z. A. memtion of the Consersative ritual intro- barb, 8 qts. berries and: 4 lbs. sugar. .: CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Pleaset give both the old and new address; bers. be sure to give your name. Cut pineapple into 3 / 8 inch pieces. duced by Rabbi Solomon Goldman. Word has been received here of The question revolves around the Add hulled strawberries and sugar. the birth of a son born to Mr. andfollowing point: Whether a charter Combine s l i fruits and cook slowly, Mrs. Benjamin Ptevin of Natrona, and constitution and funds secured stirring occasionally until jam is conPenn. Mrs. Plevin was, prior to herfor the purpose rfof furthering Or- sistent. Turn into, .sterilized jars. v marriage, Miss Rose Silverman, and thodox Iudaism creates a trust- of When cold cover, with melted paraf: When the history of American philanthropy is written, it is had made her home here for a fewthe property involved and may befin and seal. it certainty that-there is one name that will stand out prominently years with her uncle- and aunt, Mr. used only for such purposes. in those annals of honor. That name is Guggenheim, a family and .Mrs. N . Sobunan.

": THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: Atlantic 1450

„-- .By F. R. K.

; /



possible to prepare frozen. foods or trol for the food compartments of th« delicacies in a short time. It is ac- box. -.. - , claimed as one.of the most important) In order to give'everyone an opsingle improvements ever developed portunity to see the latest Frigidain for an electric refrigerator. Besides J models, dur&ig the "Cold Control' this device, the Frigidaire is equipped week, the Frigidaire Sales Corporawith an automatic temperature con-tion will be open until 10 V. M.


10 St. Louis



4 Full Days In St. Lou!* GOING

Wednesday, July 3 hv. Omaha ^r. St. Lonia



BEET RELISH appellation that the well-known four Guggenheim brothers have and Mrs. John Baird Quigley "1 q t finely chopped cabbage, 1 by their uniformly magnanimous generosity engraved their names and -small daughter, Joan, spent the qt. chopped cooked beets, 2 cups sugOn the shrines of any number of outstanding cauaes. past ^eek-end - here visiting Mrs. ar (or*more), 1 cup grated horseOne of the most important of their contributions has been to Quigley'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. radish, 1 ' teaspoon each of salt and the endowment fund of the Hebrew Union College. Toward this L. Marks. The new low electric rate, which is pepper, % teaspoon red pepper. fund the four brothers made individual subscriptions totalling a Mrs..Harry Schoenwald oi Los.An- now in effect in Omaha, has received Mix ingredients with cold vinegar. Fridavj for hermuch favorable commendation from Boil until tender and seal while hot half of a million dollars. However, the Hebrew College is but one geles, Ca^., spending several -weeks k .residents of this city. The annual in jars. f of the many institutions to inspire their munifiQenceJ As. far as. home -after visiting her mother, Mrs. Anna saving of $200,000 in household elecour records show, three of the brothers, Daniel, Murry, and Simon, here Saltzman. She was extensively en- tric rates alone is of importance to have established foundations of their own to carry on some par- tertained during her stay here. everyone and especially of importance ticular phase of philanthropy. i o the housewife. Max Kramer wilt leave next Tues" With the new low electric rate, Daniel Guggenheim has long been recognized as ft godfather day for Pittsburgh, Penn., where he greater use of electricity can be used ' .' • ' " I to aeronautical research. Simon has interested himself Hn the will be a delegate from, the local in moderating the home. Modern in- In celebration of the production of promotion of international good will and tries to accomplish this chapter of the A. Z. A. to the Na-dustry uses electricity for labor and the millionth Frigidaire, Frigidaire end through a foundation which makes it possible for American tional Convention. After the con-the modern housewife of Omaha can distributors all over the country are and foreign universities to exchange scholarships for foreign stu- vention he will go to St. Louis, Mo., now do likewise. joining in a national "Cold Control" Electric cooking, refrigeration, wa- demonstration. The special demondents. And only this week, Murry Guggenlieim announced a gift for a several ^weeks'stay. of several millions to establish free dental clinics for children in '•'• Mrs. ,Sam Steinberg and small ter heating, cleaning, lighting—every- stration of this unique feature of the thing that electricity can do for theFrigidaire began Tuesday and will New'York. ^ ^ daughter, Beverly, ; accompanied by housewife can now be done at a much end next Tuesday, according to offiWe consider it an honor to pay homage to these very Jewish her sister, Mrs. Sadofsky, and daugh- lower cost. The new low electric rate cials of the Frigidaire Sales CorporJews who so ably fulfill the natural obligations of fhe.wealthy and ter, Rodine", of Omaha, will leave is especially advantageous for elec- ation, 2059 Farnam street. next Tuesday for a month's stay at tric cooking. In many instances the In conjunction with the national thus prove their worth to bear the traditions of their ancestry.

LT. 8 t Louta, »D train, to and Includinc 9:01 V. M. Train, July 1








Nathan Nogg was elected president of the Agudes Achfan at i t s meeting Monday night at the Legion HalL The other officers chosen were as follows: Joe Scharf, vice-president; I, Klein, recording secretary; Maujfee Brandeis, financial secretary; Sant Rosen thai, Jbreasurerj. Abe Bromberg;, guardian;> • krid Max Cohn, Sam Gross, Harry. Krasne-

Vienna, '(J, I . A.) —-Miss ElizaThe Fa-Hon sorority at its meeting Wednesday, June 26, at the Jewish beth Simon, holder .ofthe title."-Miss Community Center decided to hold a Europe", who did ndfc go to the-Unit-' swimming party on Sunday, June 30, ed States to participate in the! Galat Peony park. All members are ex- veston beauty co8test,vpr6tested here pected to attend. at the choice of MissrLisl rGoldbeiAt the Wednesday meeting, a pro- ter, holder of the- title ^Miss .Aust? gram" was given including song and ria", aB "MisB "Universe" at the C5al- t r u s t e e s . •-;v-4v ; , > • -;. ;V dance numfcfers' by Bernice Crounse -veston pagaent.-^X.;.• "V,'-ir-j^ll "i'•' Plarisft f orltiKK. annualj.picnic are and a reading, "A Little Outcast's III a statement .to,neWspapermen "already?*, being ?n£ade., rJ.-.~V-f: Plea," by Charles Stein. ; V" Miss Simon, who\is .hereI'on."a,"-visit from Budapest, declared "the7Galvestoii choice was notvalid." n 'The elecRiga.—(J.T. A.)—A petition subHEBREW UNION COLLEGE tion "Miss Universe" cah be h i % mitted by the Yiddishiets, those adGRADUATES SIXTEEN only of at Deauvill'e.T' I an? ~ ready ?tb vocating Yiddish as the national* r • New York.—(J. T. A.)—Sixteen take up the challenge'of "fte New. language of East European Jews, that graduates were awarded diplomas at York girl, Irene" AWberg, who "was the Latvian senate enact a law prothe fifth commencement exercises of chosen "Miss Airiefica". ,• 1 remained hibiting the use of Hebrew as a langthe Hebrew Union College School for away fronv Galye'stbn because tfoe uage of instruction in public schools Teachers held last recently at Tem- main purpose of the contest'there for Jewish children was rejected by was to select movie stars", she' said.. the senate. ple Emanu-El, New York. Dr. Frederick B. Robinson, president of City College, was the principal speaker. Ludwig Vogelstein, chairman of the executive board of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, and Abraham N . Franzblau, principal of the' school, and Dr. Samuel Schulman, chairman of the joint committee for the schooT, addressed the graduates. The subject of Dr. Robinson's address was "The Importance in America of Religious Education."

installation of an electric range alone demonstration week, the local firm will bring the 3 cent rate to the home has announced a special offer to for all the electricity used. those who purchase Frigidaires beThe old rate was 5% cents which fore 10 P. M., July 3. Further dewas paid for every kilowatt hour tails of the offer can be obtained diused (cooking excepted). Under, the rect from the distributors. new low rate, 5% cents is paid for the The "Cold Control" which is being first block only. After using the first featured in the demonstration is a block, the rate then decreases from device to control the temperature in 6% cents per killowatt hour to 3 the freezing compartment, making it cents for the next 160 kilowatt hours or any portion thereof. This new S the most use of electricity i n their cent rate saves the people $200,000 homes. . peTryear;- After~160 kilowatt hours" "Every housewife in Omaha should are used at a rate of 3 cents per kilo- take advantage of this new low rate watt hour, the rate then drops to 1% in making the work in her home more cents per kilowatt hour. The families pleasant and in safeguarding the that use the 1% icent rate are getting health of her family.




Over July 4th

Nebraska's system of selling real quality at lowest possible prices brings to you real quality luggage at a saving:* ^'

EXCURSION OVER JULY 4TH Abo AH Burlington Trains

July s (Hot Good on Train No. 1)

RETURN Lv. Denver, all trains to and tndndinff U:SO P. M. Train, Mly I • (Not Ckwd on Train No. lft) ••*• -

4 FuU Days in the Mountains National Amateur Athletic Meet in Denver, July 3 to 5. j

BOY ropB TICKETS EABI.T City Ticket Otthse 18th and Farnaat or Burlington Station Phone. . AT «SSl-ABt8

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is celebrating the completion of its eleventh season by making a tour of leading American cities which will carry its company out to the Pacific Coast and back.

The Omaha Engagement at

$ 1 0 5 0 4** Ml* X s a l R<"»>d Trip

BRANDEIS THEATRE 17th & Douglas — Tel. JAckson 0600

Monday Evening, July 1 Will afford the playgoers who are interested in the international art of the theatre wt opportunity to see this world-celebrated company, the oldest and inott respected Jewish Theatre now in existence, in what has been adaimed at the peak of its eleven years' history.

"The Bloody Laughter" T ATAR FREED




Wednesday, July 3

& «g& mm •:: :::::::::::::::::::£$ p. S; it 1





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CUT TICKET OFFICE 16th and Faramm BorUn^ton Station Phones AT C8S1—8S7S


Excelsior Springs, Mo.

.5:*K P. M. or 11.45 P.M. 1M A. ML or S:*> P. M,




7:80 A. WU July*

RETURN Leave Chicago all trains to and including , 6:15 p. m. Train, July 7. Not Good on Train No. 1.

s in Chicago

Tickets! 75c, Sl.GO, $1.50, $2.00 at the Brandeis Theatre. Sale begins Sunday, June 23. :

Base Ball

r«ffi «Tuly 6 and 7

Leaves Omaha ; i ; -. ; 7:00 p. a* Leaves Council Bluffs . 7 ^ 0 p.m.

Wednesday, July 3rd ,


Arrives Chicago earl? • Thursday morning

Stay Four Days M You Wish , Excursion tickets good for return trip in chair cars" and coaches of any Illinois Central train leaving Chicago Toursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday— . July 4f&J7 For full information, aslc

A ] Lightfoot, D. P. A. Union TM«' Offiet JIlSo. i6thSt. D. W. Caedy. P. A. 3ISCit7Nit'lBanlc.Bldg. . Phone-Atbntii 9833 •• , Union Station l«jh.»ud Hartley Stj. IDth and Mircy Strut* JJ OiWWfii •Phonw: Jackson 5J7O .'..- -> Atlantic611J

Extra Special Value 1'hey'r© made of genuine cowhlue A stapr grain i<C pr and hand boarded g brass* colors,, Black, Brown; cast brass hardware; top straps; collapsible' frame. The Ideal, comnactjlsggage for man or-woman.


The Extra Value Omar Bakery put* intd lt« bre&d, nfcM and pastrim ha« brought us thoiutnd* of customers. Women all over GBMBS «M talking about it. Yon c u get Omtf Coods from most groceries or the Omar that comei to your neighborhood.





Buy Tickets

Other Gladstone Cases $18.50 to $42.50

City Ticket Office 16th and Farnam




Burlington Station Phones AT 6831, 5l?8







• «


Local Zionist and Legion Head Weds

Y 'N

- Mr. Mid Mrs. 8 . Grossman announce S&e engagement of- their daughter, M6Uye, to Mr. Joe Borshevsky of pjpux City, la. No date has. been set for the wed-

•The wedding of Miss Doris ShoS^one, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Davjd Shoshone of Kansas City, and Mr. ' Micklin of Omaha -was solern'in Kansas City last Tuesday afternoon. '• • /The bridal pair left immediately afterwards on a motor honeymoon ;trip to Minneapolis.

leman entertained, last Wednesday Mrs. I. Raznick entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon, and last Tuesday Mrs. Harry Milder honored Miss Cohn at a similar affair. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Ziegler and daughter, Louise, entertained at a dinner dance in honor of about one hundred friends on the roof of the Omaha Athletic club.

ed until Wednesday. From there Am traveled to Detroit where she met her nephew, Rabbi Frederick Rypins of Roanoke, Va,, who was attending the annual meeting of the Central Conference, ef American Rabbis. Miss Bernstein will also visit with her nephew, Dr. Edwin L. Rypins at Chester, Pa., before returning.

Miss Gertrude. Simon of Geneva. HL, who is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Phil Gerelick, was the honor gueBt at a swimming party given Wednesday by Miss Fan Ostrovich. Saturday night Misses Eve Katzman and Eve Iipsman will give a moonlight hike in her honor. Sunday Mrs. Sam- Gerelick will entertain at bridge for her, and Sunday evening Mr. Maurice Givot left Wednesday a motor party to Valley, Nebr., will be for Los Angeles, Cal., where he will held honoring her. Miss Simon will leave for Chicago, make his home. 111., July 4. . Mrs. J. Schlesinger and Mrs. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Joe Levine and family Waxman of SL Louis are visiting Mr. and Al Siegel of Chicago, who have and Mrs. G. Gerber. They will remain been motoring through the west, are here for about a week. in Omaha this week visiting with Mr. Jacob Singer and family. Miss Gertrude Gerber returned from Miss Minette Singer will motor back Sioux City this week after visiting with them to Chicago the early part Miss Esther Levitan. of next week.

"Omaha's Style Center'

Dr. and Mrs. M. Steinfeld and son of Paduch, Kentucky, are the guests of Mrs. Merriam Cohen.

Misses Frances Simon and Addle • The marriage of Miss Rhea Naek- Wilinsky returned last week from the Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman fnjoff to Mr. Abe Meyer, both of Oma- University of Chicago. Miss Rose Gross, only daughter of Chieftain in Council Bluffs. h», took place Sunday afternoon in Miss Ethel Hershorn entertained Mr, and Mrs. Sol Gross, of St. Louis, - Mr. Katelman is well known as Iirfcoln in the presence of the ..immean active member in numerous* organ4iate family of the couple at the home sixteen gueBts at bridge Monday night Mo.,' became the bride of Louis; H. izations. He is at present commander Katelman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius at her home in honor of her sister, e£;;the bride's sister, Mrs. E. Hill. of the American Legion Rainbow Post ^ i Harry Jolt of Lincoln offici- Mrs. H. A. Garfield' of Elizabeth, N. Katelman of Council Bluffs, la., Tueso'clock at the JNo. 2 of Council Bluffs; and presiJ. Mrs. Garfield was formerly. Miss day, June 25, at six home of the fcsride7s parents. Rabbi dent of the Zionist District of Omaha. ^% 'charming arrangement of the Ida Shirley Adler. Halpern of thie B'nai Ainoona Syna- He is also high in the ranks of the and. Mendelssohn wedding Miss Lilyan Haykin is visiting in gogue of St. Louis-performed the cer- B'nai B'rith, occupying the post of played by Miss Rose Majudge of the court of appeals for DisSioux City at the home of Miss Viv- emony. rie Meyer fof Omaha. The couple left immediately on a trict Grand Lodge No. 6, comprising The bride wore a chic but simple ian Mosow. She will return next-Sunhoneymoon tour of midwestern cities, eight states and four Canadian provyellow ensemble. She wore a large day. including Chicago, HI., Milwaukee, inces. He is also chairman of the Adj. -hat to match with tan slipvisory Board of the Council Bluffs Mrs. Fanny B. Kuh of St. Paul, S. Madison and Elkhart Lake, Wis., and chapter No. 7 of the Al«ph Zadik alp & y : ; St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minn. While -"The ceremony was followed by a D., sailed for an extensive European at Elkhart Lake 'next week Mr. Katel- eph ' dinner, immediately following which tour Wednesday, June 26. Among the out-of-town guests who Mrs. Kuh is a daughter of Mr. and man will attend the Annual Conventh$ young couple left on- a three tion of the District Grand Lodge No. attended the wedding were the Mrs. A. Block of this city. weeks' honeymoon in Colorado. Upon 6 of the Independent Order of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius their return, they will make their B'nai B'rith as a delegate from the Katelman of Council Bluffs, and the Misses. Ida Tenenbaum and Jean- Council Bluffs todge No. 688., home in Omaha. groom's sister, Mrs. Abe Bear, and "Those who came from Omaha to ette Levinsbn spend the week-end visMr. Bear and small son, Aaron DaUpon their return Mr. Katelman and attend the wedding were: Mr. and iting friends in St. Joseph, Mo. j his bride will reside at the Hotel vid, of Leayenworth, Kans. Mrs. O. Meyer, Rose Marie Meyer Philip Meyer, Pearl Meyer, Louis Mrs. Harry Lewis and children of Sigma Rho Delta will hold a wiener of Omaha, has been extensively feted. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Nackenoff Seattle, Wash., who were in Omaha Among those who .have entertained Mrs. P. Crounse, Mr. J. Crounse, and for the past few weeks, have left for roast' Saturday night. for her are Mrs. A.'Sadoff, Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Franklin. New York. Greenberg, Mrs. H. Beany Mrs. S. . Misses Lee Shapiro and Marjorie Mrs. Lewis, who is a prominent Fink of Lincoln, Nebr., Will be the Steinberg of Council Bluffs, Miss Hadassah worker, was entertained by The marriage of Miss Ida Hoffman week-end guests of Miss Nell Marks. Clara Kirshman, Miss Sally Greendaughter- of Mr. rand Mrs.' L." Hoff- many of the local members of the orberg and Mrs. A. Shafton.• jpan, to Mr. Henry Egger of Bakers- ganization during her stay here. Miss Billie Shafton, who recently field^ Cal^- took place Tuesday, May Miss Rdse Bernstein left Friday Miss Dorothy Zuker of Chicago, arrived-from'New York city to visit 28. j. , •^.^••.i-.:.:..: : . her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Shafton evening for Chicago, where she visito ? _TW ebu£te are now making their formerly of Omaha, is "spending a week here visiting wjth_her parents, %ome at the Green. .0§bles_ apartments following a honeymoon at Yosemjte Mr!" and. Mrs. M7 Zuker, National Park and San Francisco; Mrs. Samuel Gerson returned today from Willard, • Ohio, where she Miss Helen" Rina Shamberg, former- has been visiting her parents, Mr. ly of Fremont, Nebr., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Glick. and Mrs. Barney Shamberg of Hutchi "Style With Extravagance" ineon, Kahsasi was married last week Miss Bemice Yousem, daughter of to :Mr.. Edwin Brabets of Hutchinsori. Mr/ and Mrs. Hose Yousem, left J v - -••'-.. Rabbi jfrzer "Jacobs "of Wichita per- Wednesday for Chicago for a brief formed the'ceremony. "• visit. On July 3 she will go to Camp Burr Oaks at Mukwango, Wis., where * Mrs. Sarah -Kaplan of Seattle she; will remain until August 28. Wash., is irisiting here for the sumfliwr.jwitb iheJt.daughter, and son-in Annette Riklin, local dancing teachlay, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Newman. er, will leave next week for Chicago where she will study with a wellMiss -Eva Cohn, whose marriage known instructor.. She will be accomrift take place on July 21, has been panied .by her sister, Sarah. 'extensively entertained the past-week - Miss Riklin will return in time to by local hostesses. Wednesday Mrs. re-open her dancing school in the fall. fa Corby entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon, Saturday Mrs. H. Maduff Mrs. M. Roodloph of Cleveland, and-Mrs. A. Marcus of Council Bluffs Ohio, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. . antertained at five tables of bridge, M. Jacobow. She will remain here Sunday afternoon Miss jeanette Kat- until July 14. •

16th at


"POLKA DOTS" S m a r t e r now than ever and Carmans is right on the " D o t " with these fashions at only

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Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of-the Order of the Aleph Zadik Aleph


Sunday Evening June 30 at the New Strand Theatre Ballroom Von Fontaine Orchestra

'Admission $J..OO per Couple

Beautiful silk pajamas, slips, chemise, gowns, step-irjs and dance sets.

Pax ton-Mitchell Co. « t h UMl Uartha Ml*.


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Omaha Loan & Bldg. Assn. T3

Visit the New

MALASHOC^^S Jewelry Store 16th and Howard Streets Hill Hotel Building

Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices It WiD Pay You to Inquire.

Dots in Chiffon, Georgette, a n d tubable crepe in blues and blacks that have that appealing feminine touch.



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Old Kentucky Barbecue

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Speck's Place

Phone: WEbster 5842

Semi'Anniud Corset Clearaway




Now on! Our *••

1413 iDouglas

Miss Ella Altschuler is g friends and relatives in Lincoln tbia week.

Baker Ice Machines


'Around the Corner from Everything" *

Mis* Either Silveman entartainad sixteen of her girl friends at a graduation party at her home laat Tue»day. The evening w«s spent playing bridge. ' • . •


79c $ 2.79

means to you. It costs no more — it's worth money in actual dollars and cents—and can be obtained quickly by asking for our representative.

COMPLETE STORE & OFFICE OUTFITTERS Southwest Corner fileventh and Douglas Stw»ti Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.

CURTAINS Of Every Description Beautifully finished. Guaranteed to hang true. 50c p«r pair, some a trifle more. Special rates on 10 or more pair. JUST PHONE— AT. 4750—MA. 4756.

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Exquisite copies o f gorgeous French uh derthings — at this unusual price.

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PnoneATi.ANTiC O6.i 3«3 "SO I-4 T H .5T- O M /•< n






seems destine'd for unstinted success, figure in histrionic and theatrical Cohen of the Giants is batting .326, Morris* Sogrolow/ all-around athlete circles, gives- an- extra^large hunk of wlile Moe Berg of the White Sox and assistant-coach - at Illinois, will credit of his success to handball. He is hitting .286. Berg has played in ! By have charge of the physical end of works an average of 16 hours a only 11 games, and Cohen in 12. FRANK R. ACKERMAN the school. And if there is someone day, a batting average for anyone capable of "building better bodies," to shoot at, and practically his only THANK PATRONS Y recreation is a couple of hours of The Daughters of Zion wi»h to Too often, all 'too" often, those left the Center has that man. Marcus Krasne, majordomo of the swatting the hard ball daily. thank all the ladies who co-op«r*tfd on bases are the ones who have drivJ.. C. C. gymnasium, will be gone for Says Roxy, "Handball has taught in making the luncheon held May 28 en in the runs. six weeks, attending classes at Illi- me, the biggest lesson in life." a success. And why? "To try for every And the man on top gets credit for nois. And when the six weeks are A stag at the Martin hotel was theTwenfcyr. prospective members of the last social affair given by the Ivre.' :. At.a meeting;of the Workmen's Cir- the tackle made by. the suffering fel- over, Krasne will have garnered ball!-. At first you can reach many. CA MPFIRE GIRLS enough of these elusive credits to ob- But if "you try for them all, first Shaar-e Zion High Holiday Choir will The party was given for Dave Gins-? cle heldiat the Community. Center on low on the bottom. In the announcement of the effitain a sheepskin in physical "educar thing you know you are reaching a be entertained at a smoker in the Syn- berg who will be married inir 'early'' Tuesday,'June 25,-new officers were cers of the Campfire girls last week, installed. The financial secretary for agogue Social Hall on Sunday even- July. Clara Greenspan, the New York tion, besides returning- with a new lot of balls that you never thought the name of Miss Evelyn. Grma »s the coming six rnonths will be I. Sinfund of knowledge" concerning his you. could reach. And if you keep ing, June 30. Plans and arrangeMrs. WOT. Furshe and daughter, ger j recording secretary,' B. Rifkin.t raquet hope, annexed her first title of life's work. \ on trying, pretty soon you find that treasurer was inadvertently omitted; ments for an all male choir will be the 1929 tennis season by capturing you seldom miss one." | nude and discussed at the meet- Shirley, are visiting for a month with and treasurer, M. Dervin. The;office the Metropolitan singles aurora. JACK W. BARER. Attorney • ing. A statement by Prof. H. H. Bunt- Mrs. Furshe's parents, Mr. and Mrs.of president is not filled by regular Th« Center tennis tournament is fi- Thus from • Spaulding's library i Miss Greenspan ranked eleventh in 4th Moor Court Honsv. A. Shulkin. Mrs. Furshe was formerly : elections of the lodge, a new presidcomes this small item ' which would ley, .under whose direction the cfibir nally in full blast, after all dilatory NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION the country last season, and with prosMiss Mary Shulkin of this city. ing officer being chosen at each meetwork weH into our philosophy of In the County Court of Douglas Countj-, has been working for the past six pects bright she should shoot toward nebulae have been cleared away. A Nebraska. ing. life. And he adds another point of months, together with Mr. Sam PassIn the Matter ot the Estate of Erviu round-robin is being played off to deMr. and Mrs. Sam Greenspan and the pinnacle like a Fourth of July Deceased. • • Plans are being made for the next no; small moment. "And it was hand- Brewer. man, leader of the choir, compliment- son,'Lawrence, recently departed from termine the titlist. Sam Epstein, with AH persona interested In SHid estate are skyrocket. (Which is appropriate with district conference of the organizaball that taught me the importance hereby notified that a petition bas been ed-thcchoir on its work during the Sioux City on a trip during- which the firecrackers booming around the the moniker of "Hawkshaw" usually, filed in said Court alleging that silid detion to be held in Sioux City soon. toti. second wind, too. Did you ever •winter and spring services., ceased died leaving no last will and prayattached, is defending champion. they will stop at St. Joseph, Denver corner.) for administration upon his estate, stop to. think that the winning, is ing . ^Wehave some very fine material and Los Angeles'. They will make. Visitors from'Omaha and Lincoln will and that n hearing will be had on said And the New ^Yorkers can also be make up the conference. All meetings petition before said court on the iSth dny in Jhe Share .Zion Choir, and should their home in Denver. The Jewish Athletic Club is swing- always done after the first wind of proud of the achievements of another July, 1029. and that it they fail to of both the conference and regulai crowd is throogh?" be able to produce one of the best appear at naid Court on the said I2th day ing merrily along the road -which Jewish comer. A sixteen-year-old lad of July, Ifl2», at a o'clock A. M. to contest Mr. Paul Newman will leave, for lodge -are open to the public. I guess there is something in these' said petition, / male,-eht>irs- in the ; city," said Mr. the Court may grant the still in the grammar school copped leads to Pennantvilie in the National New York., and'points^ east onf July 5 same and grant administration of said comparisons. Buntfey. <•' .- •> - loop. The. only fly in the salve i* the New York,Municipal Golf chamestate to Eva Johnson or some other suitA program consisting of talks by He will visit with ^his parents' in lieen visiting on Sunday. Miss pionship. This : young star, Mortimer that two other nines are a step ahead able- person and proceed to a settlement thereof. New York, i * Barney Baron, Rabbi H. R. RabinoWeiner was recently awarded a B. A. Jaffe, by name; is captain of the in the dash. At present the J. A. C , With Judge Fuchs, owner and BBTCE CRATTPORD. County Judge. witi'.and John Lansburg will be pre- Mrs. J. Zelinsky and daughter, degree at the University of Michigan. barnyard golfers at Eavander High. managered by Sam Zwisback, are manager of the Boston Nationals June 21—3t sented to • the group -. following. the Betty, will leave on Saturday for Chi- J perched in third place. They captured and the only Jewish manager of the Mrs. M. M. London and daughter, serving/of a light lunch." • cago where they will visit with' Dorothy, will spend a week in Des Someone's in for some loving ca- a twilight game from their deadly ri- big top in the game, having ex• Rehearsals for the High~-Holiday friends and relatives. They, will also' resses by a sledgehammer. Yale Okun, vals, the Orchard and Wilhelm aggre- pressed bis intention'to abandon the Moines as the .guests of Mr. and singing .will be begun soon, according visit in Cincinnati. gation, and then on Sunday walked managerial reins, the major loop is Mrs. Albert Schaeffer who formerly Jewish Hghtheavy, has signed to in- away from the West Farnam Grocery left without,'a Jewish. pilot in the NEW TURKISH BATH to Mory. Lipshutz, and will be. held on dulge in a few* fisticuffs this summer Mr. Jack Lipman of this city will, resided in Sioux, City. bunch. Sundays.,•_<. •. : v '•. Expert Masseur Service with none other than Ace Hudkins, leave Jhis week-end with Mr. Max I Three A: Z. A-'s are planning to Nebraska's .popular wildcat., Four Boston toed the mark with oodles 16tb and Howard JA. 9422 Copal of Sioux Falls for Los Angeles, hitch hike to the annual convention guesses ought to give any prognostiOne of the favorite "pesttiineB" of of pep, but the old vim has evi; x where he will spend a few weeks. J v city, Pittsburgh. Temporary plans cator the winner. sports innoeulators is to compare dently oozed out. are in the making. Milton Emlein, athletics with life. And there are Mr. and Mrs. Ned Davis and son are ' HIMELBLOOM BAKERY With almost a third of the major Irving Passman and Ben Simons are A sound body is.the paramount replentyof similes in the chirogra1511 N. S4th—WE. 6184 Dr. J. N. Lande, Sioux- City physi- spending the summer in Denver. league races relegated to the past, the three. . quisite in this ^survival of the fit-phert b a j . Serve Himelbloom't new cian,' will leave for Europe on July 2 the two' Jewish players still hang. An4 now we have a real comtest" sport? world.' Numerous luncheons and' dinners 1 for a five months? post graduate study were numbered among the entertain-1 SOVIET RELEASE Russian pumpernickle bread And when the play school opens at parison the way of all flesh to hand- ing on have failed,-to place their in Vienna. Besides his study in .Eu- ment parties for Miss Leah Kauffman with your next meaL ZIONIST PRISONERS the Center, a noble experiment that ball. S. F. Bothafel, a distinguished names in the regular lineup. Andy rope, Dr. Lande plans to visit a num- who will be married to Mr. Dave Ginsber of cities, possibly including Pal- berg soon. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Moscow.—(J. 1\ A.)—A change of estine. Clinics in Prague, Paris, BerL. London was hostess to twenty-five attitude on the part of the Soviet govlin,''and other noted cities are includernment towards Zionists in the union ed in his itinerary. Children's dis- guests-at- the Davidson Tea Room. of socialist soviet republics was beease's and pathology are the subjects Miss Kauffman was entertained on lieved to have occurred when it was which the doctor will study in par- Sunday with a dinner party at the announced here today J * 4 t by an orhome of Mr. and Mrs. S.-.I. Skalovsky, ticular!a luncheon at the home of Mrs. der of the authorities 150 .members ' Before • coming to Sioux City to Barney Baron on Thursday afternoon, of the dissolved He 'Chalutz, Palestine practice in 1924, Dr. Lande was a and Dinner Thursday evening at the pioneers organization, were freed member of the teaching staff at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Levin. from exile. University of Iowa. He" is a graduate of Creighton, in Omaha, and has 'Mrs., Phil Friedman and daughter, also studied at the John Hopkins Minette Lou, are visiting in the FOR RENT Home of Mr. and Mrs. "M. E. Friedschool and in' Wichita, Kansas. man, SIS Myrtle St., for" the summer. Beautiful five-room unfurnished Dr. Lande will return to Sioux City to- Tesinne his practice some time in Mp. Friedman's home is Wessingapartment. - Heft and. Water. tpri, S. D. -r December. '' ••••'-.' % }• CallAT. 7019r 2834 Cass Street Miss Lillian Haykin of Omaha, Accountants Furnaces. Bottlers Pltittit Burnett Koolish Chosen Nebr., is visiting with Miss 'Vivian Local A.Z-A. President Mosow. She will be in Sioux .City AUDIT CO. over the Fourth. • ' «33 Brandcia Tbealer liJd«.—JA. «S11 ''"Officers for the coming six months FOR RENT NEAR BEER Miss Vera Rothschild of Chicago AUDITS-, SYSTEMS Sheet Metal and for the Sioux City Chapter of Aleph Close-in furnished room with SODA WATER Zadik Aleph were elected at the last s visiting in the home of".. Mr. and Furnace Works INCOME TAX Jewish family. • meeting of the Chapter on Wednesday, Mrs. M.. Rocklin, 3227 Jennings' St. AND -First Oass. Work and. Prompt CallAT. 0882 June 25. Burnell Koolish, prominent GINGERALE Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sekt, Bellevue '.# 1: JOE tOSVlNSIK^,-Prop. member of the chapter, and member Apts., entertained several guests a£ DEN % CO. of the district debate championship t)tTR WORK^XJ Aft'AMT!SED Certified F U R N A C E S • . ' • • team was elected president for the a bridge party on Wednesday,,June blic Accountants ' ' '/ 4824 So. 25tk MArket 0977 : term.' . ' " " ' " rttiM B i d s . • • „ . . r^o. 24th KEnwood 0835 Re*. MA. 3166 4411 So. 2«tb ~t)ther officers elected are Charles 5032 So. 24th MArket 4«0a Mr. Harry Shetlov of Minneapolis FOR RENT WE. 3043 Osheroff, vice-president; Milton Em- spent a few days in Sioux City this ' Large furnished Toom with lein,' secretary; Lionel London, • treas- week. Printing Cleaners AccessSnes—Tifes ; Jewish family; -f. Hat Cleaning urer; Dave Singer, corresponding secMrs. S. Weiner and daughter, 3027 Myrtle Ave., HA. 0281.' retary; Isadore Liberman, Sr. SergeFor Service Call *; ant-at-Arms; Abe Beechen, Jr., Serge- Sarah, will return to Sioux City Empress- Hat Cleaning: Shop rHB BEE HIVE CLEANERS ant-at-Arms and Irving Passman, from Minneapolis where they have •• Dndti MsnagemeDt ot • : ' " 16 and Douglas "Everytlting for the Aiito"" chaplain. -; . a. MARCUS Hats Cleaned and Blocked 75c 2051 Farnam—AT. 6524 1941 VJnton SU JA. 1440 Multigraphing

Sport Splinters




Society News

H I Hotel Bath Parlor

DR. J.N. U W ) E TO





• - . ; .



OMAHA LETTER SHOP Commercial Printing

National Accessories, Inc.'

Or. Courslion Suffers > . Paralytic Stroke

, Reports of the condition of Dr. B. Courshon, who was unexpectedly .stricken at his home last week -with paralysis, show no improvement in his condition. * .' 'JJ)T. Courshpn has been a very active worker in Jewish circles in" the city, especially in B'nai B'rith and Zion ^work. He was recently elected to act as delegate to the National Zionist Convention which will take place this week-end in Detroit, Michigan, and he was making arrangements to leave for Detroit at the time he-became, ill. - . .:•.'•.

With the iPor space in this'directory call the

Enchanting Arotna of the Orient Combined

with the


'"• ' '

Auto Electric Service

Irresistable Flavor of Brazil and Scientifically Blended mOmaha




MAGNUSON AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE Starter; Generator, Lights antl Suri.ee and Ucpalri '•Mb' Avenue at St. Mary's Avenue AT.

BOY'S CONDITION SERIOUS AFTER SKULL FRACTURE . A_ . fractured /skull was' nuffered Tuesday -night by Elias' Epstein. 6year.- old son of: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Epstein, ,712% Qtoe St., when he fell into an excavation near his hoine. _-The.-in jured boy was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital - by a passerby where he .was given medical attention by Dr. .1. C. Vangness. ; Late'this week attendants said that the bey's condition was serious. . iElias was playing with several other, boys.on the top of the walls of ±he. excavation when he slipped and, fell- a- distance "of about 10 feet, his head striking the cement floor. MILTON R. AIUIAHAMS, Attorney -• ,$)» Brand«|a[.Theater Blj • Iji.the'matter:'irf the estate <i( JVhlA. ASHER. deceased.: ' -* NOTICE Is herejjy given: That the creditors pi Mid deceh'ied will meet the eseeut on of saii estate* T>efore me, County Jutlzr of DOUJCIUB County, XettrnaKn. at thi Counts Court Boom, iu Biilrt County, oi

is ^

Awnings and Tents

Exhilerating for Breakfast' . Refreshing for Lunch



Camp 8npplie». AU Klndi Uth and Howard

Stimulating for Dinner ;

There is no other Coffee to be co?npared with it

by all First Class, Grocers ^vetywher*


Apk tor tt Insist on Advo •

• •- v

"Famous fat "Uyor"




4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 Tfcf H»o»» With a Repntatlok



101 No. 16th


Omaha Jobbing Co.


317 No. 15 JA. 5604 CLOSING OUT 2,400 gal. of DE-VOE & REYNOLDS paint at $1.95 per gal. All colors. Also 2,000 gal. of Kentucky paints at 1.1.75. And various railroad wrecked merchandise

492-96 Brandeis Theatre Bids.

JAckson 1614 Estimates Gladly Furnished

Confectioners Tttifl

C A V itStb HJWi fiirnam BO'SJST TKA ROOM

4mb and Dodge CKVSTAL CA5DT V»h ana Copiiol Ave.


l , from Wet Wash to Family Finlub tltb and l>ouela> Sts.

JA-0243 *=s



Painting" Paper hanging



Painting and Paper Hanging



, MArket 4307 ' 4615 So. 24th St. Hours 7 A. AL t o i f . M.-

(Si Yenrs .Experience)

Special prices for spring season

Syits cleaned and pressed 60c Dresses cleaned and pressed 51.00 and up. Dressed dyed—— _~$2i75 814 No. 24th St. AT. 11«9




1114 So. 28 St.

J. I,. KRAGE, Prop.

"NEW FOR OLD* 1619 Farnam St.—Phone AT. 8481

FOR 75c A WEEK Your ad in this directory, reachw practically every Jewish Home in Omaha



JA. 033*1

THE SANITARY LAUNDRY •«"The Bent of all Lnundry

Standard Shoe Repair Co.



EL-PATIO CAFE After Theatre Dancing 24th and Farnam

2123 Cumins Street AT. 8010

Towel Supply

Laundries SINCE 18)6

Addressing Mailing List*

Shoe Repairing


FOK 75c A WEEK Your ad to this directory, reaches practically every Jewish Home in Omaha

CaU blended, Rosted, Ground and Packed by

June 58—IT-

Awnings. Caorai Cover*, Tent*,

• .,

THALLAS THE HATTER Hats Cleaned and Blocked 50 and 73c



Ser\ it'e»"


AT. 4544

Only 2 firms accepted under each busines heading *




Wall Paper-Paints FRED PARKS & SONS 24th and L 8t

AT. fJ04—MA. 010!

Wallpaper Below Wholesale SumpleB Shown nt t o u t Horn*

FOR 75c A WEEK Your ad in this directory, reachtf px-actically every Jewish Home in Omaha

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