\ Interesting
Entertaining ,' J
Entered i «V Tg - U-duss mall matter on January 27. JUKI, at postoffice l ^ ' S a, Nebraska, UDdet tbo Act ot Mntcli 3 a s m "
Endow Chemistry Chair At Hebrew University
Is An Economic Crisis
Bernard Baron to Be Made Peer Is Report
VII.—No* 27
Jerusalem. — (J. T. A.) — Lord London.—(J. T. A.)—Bernard BarMelchett and his brother Robert Mond on, English Jewish philanthropist, will are planning; to. establish a Chair of be made a Peer for his services to his Chemistry, at the Hebrew,. University Labor party, it is stated in well-inin memoryof their father, Ludwig, it formed circles. Rabbinical Assembly Hears Mod- is learned here. Mr. Baron will be honored both for 19,000 In Ladies Garment Inern Orthodoxy Curbing The Imperial Chemical Industries, dustry Return to Work as bis services to the present governRadical Reforms Lord Melchett's company, has since Pact Is Signed ment party and-for bis large contriblast May maintained* an assistant in By JOSEPH SALMARK utions to charity and the earns he has SECULAR INVASION OF the Laboratory for Applied Chemistry distributed-among his employees in SWEAT SHOPS' DOOM Wherever Jewt 'have participated billion dollar food' combination, An economic problem of overSYNAGOGUE IS FLAYED in the Hebrew University, defraying IS AGREEMENT'S PLAN whelming proportions is facing* a in the economic! ttfe of a country formed by J. P. Morgan, in com- his tobacco factories. the expenses for materials and sermajority of the'Jews of the United Long Branch, N. J.—-(J. T^ A.)— vices. New -York.—(J. T. A.)—The itrike States. Though it is only-gradual- they have, in xonsiderable numbers, bination with Fleischmann's, means That traditional Judaism, otherwise in the ladies garment industry, affectly being appreciated, it. has caused become the middle-men of the pop- not only a monopoly on the sources known as Conservative Judaism, as a situation which has already' ulation, the small merchant of every of food, but ultimately the establishing 80,000 workers, wa* brought to an directly affected hundreds of thous- type of productasr^|rhere are a num- ment of a chain of stores which will expounded by the graduates of the official close Sunday with the formal ands of Jews. In this- resume of ber of reasons for ithis situation, due dot the country.- At the present time Jewish Theological Seminary- of signing of an agreement by reprethe situation Mr.' Salmark', a'keen America, is constantly gaining ground sentatives of the union and the emobserver, points out that the rise largely, howeverr*> the limited eco- such institutions as the - Atlantic and among American congregations and of the gigantic chain . stores and nomic opportunity which was allowed Pacific Tea Co., Butler's and similar ployers^ groups'involved. The cerethe huge food products and other the Jews. When, hey came to this chains are proving .such effective and that under the influence of Conservamonies took place in the Governor's corporations is forcing many Jew- country they nat rally drifted into ruthless competition - that many of Duplicates Feat of Sister in Win- room and were attended by Lieutenant tive rabbis and the acceptance of their ish merchants to the wall." This ning Scholarship in doctrines and practices by a growing Several New Graduate and UnGovernor Herbert H. Lehman, who as study is of importance for -an the type of busjtt ss which they had the Jewish grocers are finding themContest number of congregations, Reform conducted in ottos countries. As a selves pressed to the wall. Governor Roosevelt'B representative, understanding of the economic dergraduate' Courses Planned leaders are abandoning their radical changes which so vitally-, affect result, a substaivl al portion, if not has played a leading part in the For Next Y«ar The same-story can be told of the TO STUDY IN CHICAGO The. Editor. the majority, of American- Jewry is American Jewry. views, were the assertions made by peace negotiations, and Mayor James Jewish tobacco merchants who find Rabbi Elias Margolis of Emanu-El to be found in the small stores. In J. Walker. 18,000 workers returned PLAN $500,000 BUILDING their personal' interest in their .The trend of American business Dorothy Lustgarten, popular young ; Synagogue, Mount Vernon, New York, big city and small town, the Jew to work Tuesday. customers of no avail against the has, for the last three or fouij violinist of this city, was announced -in a-paper read-at the- Rabbinical AsAnnouncement of the amicable setJerusalem.-r-(J..T. A.)—-At.the clos- decades, been toward consolidation is to be seen the owner of price^tting of the United Cigar this week as the winner of the Jacques sembly in session at New "Rowland ing exercises of the summer [ sessions arid combination. So powerful'has grocery .stores/ • delicatessen shops, Stores chain, which is daily becomGordon scholarship at the American tlement of the strike, with agreement Hotel here. ' of the Hebrew University, Dn Judah this, tendency been that no -anti-trust shoe stores, dryS goods establish- ing more powerful. Even the shoe Conservatory of Music, Chicago. She on all points by all factors was made • In the paper rwhich described the in- L. Magnes, Chancellor of the Univer-> law has been able to halt the -prog- ments,' candy stores, tobacco shops field has been invaded by such invon the coveted prize in open com- last Friday evening by Lieutenant fluence of Conservative Judaism on sity, announced the establishment of ress of the mergers. "But within .the and bakeries. \s' stitutions as Regal's, which set up petition with entrants from all parts Governor Lehman, following a conferAmerican Judaism, Rabbi Margolis re- several scholarships. ,; &, scholarship last' few years these rhefg'efg have The Jews have been making a liv- retail' stores in every big and many of the "United States. She receives ence in the office of the Imperial viewed the developments in Jewish re- for public health Studies was provided been so numerous, so all-embracing ing in, their. res| ective shops, .very of the little communities throughout as her reward a free course of violin Chairman, Raymond V. Ingersoll, atligious life in the United States dur- by the children of Mr. arid Mrs. Felix and so far-reaching that the period rarely building u{ large fortunes on the country. instruction under Jacques Gordon, tended by representatives of the Ining the first quarter of the present M. Warburg, for philosophy by the might well be called, that; of ;the the profits front' their small estabThe situation's effect is multiplied famous concert master of the Chicago dustrial 'Council, the Jobbers and the century when Conservative Judaism, Palestine Scholarship Association of Economic Revolution. And> the Eco- lishments.. They| have contractors. • • integrated a thousandfold in Greater New York Symphony orchestra. under "the: guidance of, the "Jewish Boston, for classics by the Sigma Al- nomic Revolution threatens to leave themselves into ti s life of their comAccording to the terms of the agreeand its vicinity, where thousands In winning the scholarship, Miss ment, a.Commission will be formed to Theological Seminary, became a prom- pha Mu fraternity of the United in its wake far more 1 deyastatijig munity or their' neighborhood, and upon thousands of Jews are to be Lustgarten duplicated the feat of her inent factor and created what is some- States, for public speaking.by Abram consequences than resulted! from the! have become an : mportant factor in found 'in the small retail establish- sister, Miss Ida Lustgarten, who a few supervise standards in the industry times referred to as the third party I. Elkus. former United States Am- Industrial Revolution in the nine- the economic life if the country, ments.- Since there is an economic weeks ago won the Rudolph Ganz and to eliminate sub-standard and in Jewish religious life in America. bassador to Turkey, The newly es- teenth century. .-.. ~ . - ; •Today, the sit ation is rapidly depression at the present time scholarship in competition with pian- sweat.shop conditions. Emphasis on Both extreme wings, the Orthodox and tablished Hebrew University press asthis point in the agreement was laid changing; it is becoming so different generally, it is difficult to point out ists from all parts of the country. Thousands of Jews Affected the Reform, are reluctant to admit sociation willnssue a quarterly devotby Lieutenant Governor Lehman who a s to affect_ th%jeconomic life, ultiany particular signs of crisis among Dorothy, who is only sixteen years declared that the Commission would There is* one group / which : the mately, of millions of Jews. - that they have changed their positions' ed to research works. The first exthe Jewish population, but that there of age, has received all of her prevdue to the emergence of the new ele- aminations for degrees will be held Economic. Revolution" affectsZyitaUy is can be seen from the reports of ious musical training in Omaha. have no hestitancy, in making public Chains Threaten Small Owners two years hence, Dr. Magnes stated. and perhaps, to a far greater extent ment. •', its findings on wages, working hours The chain, store and the giant many of the philanthropic enter- When only thirteen years old and a and the integrity of the industry. A marked return to the traditional Sessions ofMthe .Academic Council than any other single section of the prises conducted- by the Jews. freshman at South High school she ritual and to religious observances on and of the Board of Governors of the population. That group is composed corporation threaten their economic While the question of the wage in5 attracted the attention of Eddie crease is to be held in abeyance for existence. This drastic change in the . . Philanthropies Suffer the part of Reform congregations is Hebrew University will be held in of hundreds of thousands - of <- Amerinoticeable in such. American cities and Zurich, Switzerland, beginning Au- can... Jews, whose entire economic, -life manner of conducting American big Such philanthropies as the United Brown,-a noted violinist appearing on one year, and no action was taken on towns where Gon§ervative congrega- gust 18 and continuing to August 23. is being transformed and its- very business naturally. affects all of Jewish^ Campaign and the United the Orpheum circuit. At 14 she won unemployment insurance, despite 9 jThfe establishment ,Nof undergraduate existence threatened by a phenom- America but none so immediately as Palestine Appeal- find their annual first place as violin soloist in the state last minute plea by Benjamin Schlegtions flourish. '-. .-••,,•. :; ;r ."" :•"': ""*\7"'"/ ''\ '.' .., income for their respective purposes high; school musical contests at Lin- singer, President of the International, invasionqf secularismjin the courses in-biology "andla graduate enon ' which : they'.' can hardly ' ap^ the'Jews. <olni and also was awarded a gold the agreement offers recognition of T i e recentarms?ilwe|Beat<jf a.half-; iSIn the United States has school"for- subtropical medicine' will predate, much -lessl i .medal given by the bmcoln Women's important union principles. Th« new created a menace which threatens "to ,be considered afe these meetings. The club, for scoring the. highest individual pact formally recognizes the ri£ht of drive out the Jewish God idea and realization of these plans will require MATRON'S GYM C L A S S J A T total in all events. Her score was 297 the unions to visit the shops of mfcnubring into Jewish religious life a con- an increase in the Hebrew^ University J. C. C/BECOMING POPULAR out of a possible three hundred. I facturers once every six months to budget of 18,000 pounds Sterling. At(Continued on Page 2) While a South High pupil she was j check up union membership and to .present,.the budget of rthe institution The announcement of the revival of c'alls_ for the expenditure of" 51,000 concert, master of the school orchestra. i assure itself that the workers are in the morning gym and swimming class poun4s_ Sterling" annually. ' The •UniShe graduated from high school this good standing. The discharge clause for matrons- has met with- an enthuversity authorities plan to apply the year, appearing twice last winter as a is to be modified to protect the union siastic' response at the Jewish Com5,000 Mark scholarship established by Landau-Interviews Foreign Min- munist Center. Inside of little more Morning to Be Devoted to Show- violin soloist with the Omaha Sym- both from reduction in size or waffcfe ing Schwfs Work to Parister of Balkan - •: '•'•>• than a week the attendance a t this the Jewish community in "memory of phony orchestra. , At these appear- of the; shops. The discharge of shop ents and Friends, State>' Adolph Weissman, J a/e, German Jewances she drew the attention of Sand- chairmen is to be subject to revi** class jumped from two to fourteen. ish music critic-who <jied while on-a or Harmati, symphony director, who where: the union alleges discrimina~ The class is under the-personal suPRESENT MUSICAL COMEDY "WE RESPECT JEWS*' presented herewith a letter of intro- tion due to union activity. Antwerp.—(J. T. A.)—Mordecai visit to Palestine,' has been inaugurpervision of Morris Sogolow, physical At the duction to Jacques Gordon. Shapiro, Jewish student from Pales- ated and will be used for the develdepartment head for the summer, and same time the period of reorganisaBelgrade.—(J. T. A.) — Jugoslavia The ambitious, efforts of the more Miss Lustgarten's musical instruc- tion is to be curtailed from the exist* tine' at the Gombloux Agricultural opment of Palestine music through meets every Tuesday and Thursday than two hundred children in regular tion has been under the direction of College, who stabbed the Russian stu- the university. The seventieth birth- is entirely free from the poison of morning at 10 o'clock. . attendance at the Jewish Community Mrs. Emily Cleve Gregerson. She is ing one month to one week. dent, Michaelsohi ion May 22, in a day of Prof. Otto Warburg will be anti-Semitism, declared Doja" MarinOn the other hand, the Industrial Center Summer Play School will be a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lustquarrel over a Jewish question, was marked by planting a wood in his kovic. Foreign Minister, in an interCouncil has withdrawn its demands view, he granted to Jacob Landau, honor in the'university-garden. ARABS USE HEBREW rewarded at a public exhibit of their garten, 102 South Thirty-eighth for the forty two hour week, with opgiven • a suspended sentence of five Managing Director of the Jewish TeleJerusalem.—(J. T. -A.)—The He- work to be held Sunday morning, July street. weeks' imprisonment by the district A final decision on the architect- graphic Agency who is now. visiting brew language is being, adopted by 28, at 10 o'clock. tional piece v;o'--k, and only sinftl* court of the province of Namur. * ural" plan of the Sol. Rosenblpom" Me- Jugoslovia in his tour o f European Arab merchants for their display .time for work on Saturday. As fftr On this morning, the children will The' court ordered Shapiro to pay, morial - Building to be erected ;at a' countries. as wage increase is concerned, th# v ,.. - . "signs. This. practice has penetrated meet a.% their regular classes in order Michaelson the amount of 1,200 francs cost' of $506,03o and which is to house' question will be permitted to be re"On the contrary," the Miriigtier con- to Nablus, known as an anti-Zionist to give their parents and friends an damages and stated the sentence is to the Institute of Jewish Studies and opened within a year by the impartial tinued . "we respect and love the strorighold, where a number of Arab opportunity to "watch them at work. be imposed if Shapiro is found, guilty the Assembly Hall' of .the\Hebrew Uni- Jews because the historic development chairman. The right is also vested in .merchantshave supplemented, their The feature of the morning's plans is of any offense within the next three versity, is expected to be reached at of the Serbs in many respects ran At the last meeting of the Omaha the impartial chairman to renew the years. Attorney Grafet, who acted as the Zurich session of the Hebrew Uni- parallel to that of the Jews. We suf- signs in Arabic with signs in Hebrew the assembly to be held at 11 o'clock Hebrew club it was decided to hold question of unemployment inBuranee, characters. when the program will be headlined Shapiro's counsel, described the perse- versity Board* of Governors. fered greatly until we" reached freeby a musical comedy, "Swat the Fly," a summer picnic during the latter at such time as he thinks the industry cutions suffered by the Jewish studom. Our power, resistance and flexpresented by a cast picked from the part of August at Lakeview park. able to cope with the problem, and the dents at Gombloux at the hands of the WORKMEN'S LOAN ibility joins us with the Jews'and we school : members. Songs, selections, Sam Klaver, vice president, was chos- right is reserved for the union to «sk Russian and Polish students, banded the manufacturers to contribute to the appreciate their loyalty and adherence SOCIETY.MEETS MONDAY recitations, and various other numbers en general chairman of the affair. •together in an anti-Semitic organizar eoats of the insurance. to their religion., .C According to J. Riklin, president, are being planned for the assembly. tion of which Michaelson was the The Omaha' Workmen's Loan asso-; s "We highly appreciate the patriot^ A resolution: was adopted thftnking some prominent speaker will feature The boys of the school will exhibit leader. Zionism, the party affiliation ciation will: hold their semi-annual A communication ; received Governor Roosevelt and Lieutenant the program at the meeting this Sunism of the Jews who during the war their athletic prowess in a swimming of Shapiro, figured Targely in the ar- meeting Monday evening, July 22, at shared our sorrows and troubles.; The from A. Frankel, 128 Scott St., Governor Lehman for their services. day. competition to be held in the pool . guments. Michaelson was taken to'a the Jewish Corn'munity Center. Ac- Jugoslavian Government treats the San Francisco, Cal., requests The committees appointed to make during the morning. hospital following the stabbing and is cording to- Philip Ginsbrug, president, Jewish community similar to other reOmahans knowing of the wherethe necessary arrangements for the A display of the various items made recovering from the wounds. ' the chief oitjer'of business will be the' ligions. The Chief Rabbi is accorded abouts of the relatives of a "by the boys and girls in the handi- picnic are: starving family in Russia, to The case aroused wide attention in election' of four members of the board the same treatment as the heads of craft classes is also being arranged. TICKET COMMITTEE— ' • forward the information to him the Belgian press and several news- of directors^' the Catholic and Protestant churches. Joe TretiaK. chairman; Albeit Knplnn. at once. papers attempted to describe Shapiro During the past year the organiza-; •He is invited to official functions on Vice-Chalrman : M. Blank, Vice-Chairman The Jewish Children's Home Sodety as a Bolshevik who resented Michael- tfon has made loans s totalling $70,000* the same status as the others. Chief DRIVK AND ICE CREAM COM'•' T According the iacts supplied KAIMAN INSURANCE MOVES SOFT will hold a free picnic at Kxu'fr l»ftrk MITTEE— soon's monarchists views. The Jew- no individual loan exceeding $.400. The Rabbi Alkalay is highly respected by Frankel, "a Jewish family Bereoviei. Chnirmnn: A. Richard, Sunday, July 21, at Z o'clock. TO NEW BARKER BUILDING M. AH Viee-Chnirmnn; S. Knhnnowltch, S. ish student organizations' in Belgium association has been in existence thir- and has received the highest distincwhich is starving in Odessa, Omaha Jewry sre invited'to attendBablor, B. Miroff. denied these charges as Shapiro, who. teen years. It lias about 280 members tions from the King and the country. Russia, is trying to locate one The • Kaiman Insurance company PRIZE COSIMITTKE Ne. 1 A committee will be stationed at the is now a Palestinian, is known to be and is incorporated for $25,000. The Julius Rubinstein or his relahave marked the expansion of their • Harrr T,apidns, fhnirmnn: Sam Pwnrtu, gate to give out free tickets, entitling' "The new laws> establishing the a devout Zionist, a Jewish nationalist purpose'of the" organisation is to proVicp-Chnirman; Snm Beber, Viee-Chair- holders to admission to the Park and tives. Rubinstein and his wife, business by removing their offices to man. and opponent of the Communist doc- vide small loans'at reasonable rates various religious rights of the comDunia, settled in Omahain 1906. larger and better quarters, being now To obtain and award priaes for games. several of the rides in the park. trine. It was related that shortly be- for small merchants or workers who munities, granted the Jews equal facThey had two daughters; Lucy located at 313 New Barker building. FRIZE COMMITTEE "So. S— Many pameis have been planned, fore the occurrence the anti-Semitic would haye',v difficulty in obtaining ilities with the Catholics an<J ProtestBABY CONTEST. and Sarah, the former of .which They were formerly in the Woodmen "The particularly for the children. The student organization, including Rus- loans elsewhere where heavy securi- ants," the Minister declared. Irvin Ktnlmaster, Chairman : Sam Klavpr, is known to have died. Julius of the World building. Vlcf-Chairmnn; Mm Fromkin, Vice- Tslmud Torah students will be EsJewish community numbers 60,000 sian moonarchists, Polish nationalists ties are "demanded. Chairmnn. Rubinstein also had a brother in Founded in 1919 by Abner Kaiman, souls. They are engaged mainly in' pecially entertained. Among the and Roumanian Cuzists, students at Omaha who died in 1907 and is ACTOMOBrLE COMMITTEE— the Kaiman Insurance company has trade and the professions and because priies will be one for the best po^m Gombloux, developed a strong antiIrrin Levin, Chairman: J. Kiklin, Vicesurvived by his widow.. grown rapidly to become one of the BRODKEY CONSTRUCTION of their extraordinary industry they about the Talmud Torah and one fo.v Chairman. • Semitic propaganda, its members on "Julius Rubinstein is about 60 leading general insurance agencies in SANDWICH. COMMITTEE— REBUILDS SOMMER STORE form a valuable element of the popV; the test singer. the campus wearing hatbands -with the or 65 years old; Dunia 53, tall the city. It is connected with some Max Zwpibnc-k, Chairman. Sam Altshiiler, lation. • . . The purpose of the picnic is to Acinscription, "Beat the dirty Jews." Vice-Chairman; M. Teplitsky, W MonThe Louis Soitfmer' grocery store and good looking." This family of the strongest insurance institutions ow1t7., 13. A. Steinhprp, A. S h k i "Many of the Jews here emigrated quaint. Qmaha Jewry with the purWhen Shajfro and Michaelson- met, at 49th and Dodge streets, recently lived in Chicago about six or in the country, and issues policies on DAJfCE HAI.I, AXD MrpiC COMMITTEE poses of the society, which has h%tm several days before the stabbing, Sha- razed in a fire, will* be rebuilt in from Spain and niany families have seven years ago, but Omaha was every known kind of insurance. Fred "White, Chairman; Murk I.orig, organized for several years for the lived in Jugoslavia since the sixteenth piro' asked the antirSemitic leader to more lavish style* than befo're by the Viee-Chatrmati. always their home. It has been century." i':.:.:-: purpose of establishing- a Jewish day discontinue his activities, to which A. H. Brodkey Construction company. GATE COMMITTEE— rumored that the couple are TO LIVE IN PALESTINE? John Feldmnn, Trens.-Chairman; Hnrr.v nursery for the benefit of inotherc Michaelson replied, "Sale Juif" (dirty Announcement of the awarding, of separated." Dworcky, Viee-Chairmnn; A. Monsky, who are forced to work and are in YOUTH PILGRIMAGE Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.) — Well-inJew). Several days -later"the stab- the contract to the Brodkey concern Vice-Chnirman. : Anyone able io supply FrankWarsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Froin Warneed of a suitable place to leave their formed Zionist circles here confirmed I bing occurred." *..'as made thk week by Sam Gilins- saw t o Zurich on foot, in order to wit' el with the information desired the report published in the labor or- I Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The entire children during the day. The organ The Jewish student organizations in ky, owner of the property. is requested to do so at once, as ness the proceedings of the Sixteenth gan, "Davar," that it is quite possible quota of 2400 certificates allotted the isation has already acquired a .build* Belgium morally and financially supThe- new, building., "will be • com-, Zionist Congress there, is'.the .'plan of they will be aiding very needy Dr. Weizmann will settle in Palestine I Zionist Executive for the immigration ing for the purpose, and announces -ported the,defense or.Mordecaf-Sha- pleted about- September" 1 at an a group of 50 Jewish high school boys people. when he is chosen President of thej of Chaluzim has been placed at the that It-will fie opened for certainty piro. estimated cost of $80,000. and sometimethii year Jewish Agency, disposal of the Zionist Executive.
A. Study of a Grave Problem
;.' m ANTi-SEMrnSni is
Seek ReUrtivesof Starving FamUy
Jewish Children's Home Society Picnic Sunday
£AGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1929 bedside when he Tpasaed; * w » V He Aaian David,, « t fc»V3«wWth, Ka»8«> potent According to this new dialectic, the traditional concept is attenalso leaves twelve grandchildren. Mr. is' spending the week here vteitinf uated, God is identified with Israel, Sigal has, made his home in Council Mrs. Bear's parents, vMr. and Mrs. God is indentined with humanity, God Bluffs and lOnjaha ftttv the r past JuKus Katelman.'' ';• : • Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by becomes a sort of social complex, one twenty-seven ' years, coming here By F. R. K. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY The Independent Ortter of the is left wondering who in Creation God from Roumanfa, where he had been ; B'nai Brith, Lodge No. 688, will hold Office: Brandeis Theater Building—-Telephone: ATiantic 1450 is. There is nothing left to pray to Agodss Acaim Picnic on Sunday, born. (Continued from Page 1) a meeting next Wednesday evening, except an idea, nothing left to worDAVID BLACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR Funeral services were held in July 28. July 4, at the Danish Hall. ship except a phrase. It is the menIRVING PERLMETER -. - - - - - - - - - - EDITOR Omaha, with burial at the Golden fusion unparalleled in the history of The Fifteenth Annual Picnic of ace of worshipping an intermediate • -FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent the ancient Jewish institution." This the' Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Hill cemetery on Monday morning. Miss Estelle Levinson of Chicago, Logos—words, phrases, in the place of statement was made by Rabbi Israel Association will be held on Sunday, •. . SIOUX CITY OFFICE an immediate reality. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Frost of St. HL, arrived Monday to visit her Goldstein of New York at the close of July 28, at darks Farm, Games, ~ Jewish Community Center—-308 Pierce Street "I predict that belief in God will die and contests will be held and prizes Paul, Minn., arrived here Sunday by ancle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Maua paper reviewing present day condiJACKSLOTSKY • - .-• - - - SIOUX CITY CORRESPONDENT motor to visit Mrs. Frost's mother, rice Brandeis, for two weeks. tions in the synagogue, entitled: "The out when the conviction of his im-will be given to the winners. EveryMrs. I. Chemise. They will return Menace of Secularization." Rabbi mediate, personal, transcendant real- body is welcome. Bring the entire CONTRIBUTORS home next Wednesday, accompanied tors. Carl Wold of Minneapolis, ity dies out," he declared. Goldstein addressed himself particulfamily and friends, as a good time • RABBI FREDERICK COHN IRVIN A. STALMASTER back by Mrs. Cherniss, her daughter, Minn., will return te her home arly to the reeent developments in is assured for all, young and old. , RABBI J. J. OGEL, Lincoln, Neb. MRS, SAMUEL GERSON Miss Pearl Cherniss, and grandson, Sunday after spending the past few synagogue life and called forth, wide JEW DISCOVERER OF NEW Contests will start promptly at 1:30 Subscription Price, one year . — . . • « • » * 92J% weeks here visiting her daughter, TUBERCULOSIS CURE P. M., so make arrangements now to Morton Adler. : applause on the part of the majority Advertising rates furnished on application _ . Mrs. Joseph Gilinsky, and Mr. of the rabbis in attendance. come early, and stay late. A beauMrs. Morris Grossman and daughBerlin.—(J. T. A.)—A new discovGilinsky. tiful $225 All-electric Radio Set will ters, Saxah and Libby, left Sunday Eight factors were enumerated by CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; .; be sure to give .your name. • Rabbi Goldstein as the causes for this ery by a German Jewish physician be given to the lucky one at the for Schuyler and Lincoln, Nebr., for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bruin and threatening condition. • They are: a, which has produced exceptionally suc- farm. In order to reach the picnic a two week's visit with relatives. •n .- ' • ' —-——— cessful results in the cure of tuberchildren of Webster City, la., spent grounds, motorists are asked to presumptious lay leadership, overculosis, has been granted recognition Sunday here at the home of Mr. and drive East on Broadway on the LinMrs. Sam Gross and daughter, reaching building ambition, the instil coln Highway to where signs will be Mrs. Max Shostak, left Sunday for Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, returning heme tution of the synagogue center, the by the Berlin Medical Society. Dr. Max Gerson of Bielefeld is the posted to direct the road on the Excelsior Springs, Mo., where they Monday, accompanied back by their apotheosis of charity,, secular Ziongrandmother, Mrs. Brinn, who will We wish to add our protest to the many angry cries of theism, secular sermons - and cantatas, discoverer of the new diagnosis and right side. Then follow signs to will spend a few weeks. spend a couple of weeks in Webster American Jewish press and various prominent Jewish organiza- social distinction in the pew and Bab- treatment. His method was examined Clarks Farm. Admission is free, and tions against the treatment accorded Russia's three million Jews bittry in the pulpit. Rabbi Goldstein and approved by the famous Sauer- everyone is invited to attend this Mrs. Abe Bear and young son, City. picnic. by their government. Officially or unofficially, the Soviet axe car- stated that the role played by the baruch clinic Jewish laity and its interference with rying on a campaign which aims a death blow at the very heart of the rabbinate exceeds the claims and H. U. C. ENDOWMENT FUND Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katelman Judaism in Russia. •".'•'.."'•'. entertained about two hundred guests the liberties taken by the Christian PASSES $4,000,000 MARK at a reception We are well aware of the fact that the Russian government laity in the Christian churches. at their home SunCincinnati, O. (J. T. A.) — The has openly fought anti-Semitism and has sought to ameliorate "The rabbinate has never been an campaign for a $5,000,000 Endow- day, July 14, in honor of their son • The man we want is perhaps a college graduate not over the Jews by raising them to an economic standard entitling them ecclesiastical hierarchy, but even with- ment Fund for the Hebrew Union and his bride, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Katelman, who were recently 45 yean of age. He is a conscientious worker with a backto civil rights under the Soviet system. But we are also aware out institutional prerogatives the rab- College has passed the $4,000,000 H. bi enjoyed authority at the hands of mark by the increase of the contri- married. A pink and white color ground which will enable him to contact with representative of the fact that they are mercilessly fighting the perpetuation of the .laity which respected his scholarscheme was carried out. The bride business men In the community. Above all he mast be a the Jewish religion and Jewish; culture. Zionism is a crime in ship and his piety. It n a y be that bution of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph S. was formerly Miss- Rose Gross of man of ambition, sound judgment and vision, whom we can Ochs from $200,000 to $500,000, it S t Louis, Mo. Russia punishable by exile to Siberia. Synagogues are being con- some modern rabbis have forfeited was announced here by Dr. Julian train for future responsibilities. Hard work and long hours verted into workingmen's clubs, and we read of a Jewish cemetery that respect. The whole truth, how- Morgenstern, president of the Col- The couple are now at home at the are essential. Hotel Chieftain where they have that was turned into a park. It is quite obvious that Russia ex- ever, is that with the dissipation of lege. The passing of the $4,000,000 taken IF YOU CAN FURNISH SATISFACTORY QUALIFICATIONS WE an apartment. Numerous afghetto-iced Jewish com- mark by July 1, asures the gift of tends the hand of friendship to the Jew only as long as he is will- homogeneous WILL ASSURE YOU A PERSONAL INTERVIEW. fairs are being given for Mrs. Katelmunal life, the disciplinary force of NEGOTIATIONS WILL BE CONFIDENTIAL. ing to dissolve into the Russian "melting-pot." But if he chooses Jewish law has become diisipated aad $500,000 made by Julius Rosenwald, man. condition that $3,600,000 besides to exercise the prerogative of a free man, to think and to act free- consequently the position of the rabbi, on BOX 20 — JEWISH PRESS his subscription be raised. Four ly, in this case to choose to continue in the time-honored culture master of Jewish law, has become individual half million dollar contri- Mrs. L. Meyerson left Sunday for weakened; and, moreover, the author- butions have been received, from Mr. Excelsior Springs, Mo., for a month's of his fathers, he will find the way hard. and position of the rabbi is being Rosenwald, the Guggenheim family, stay. diunmiiimiiiiiiiiiiNuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiinniititinnnHittt A certain ironic turn in the affair would be humorous if it ity menaced by the type of Jewish lay- the Schiff and Warburg family and Mr. Wolf Sigal, 60 years old, died weren't so tragic. It should be remembered that the Soviet sys- man, product of this golden age, who Mr. and Mrs. Ochs, all of New York Sunday evening at a local hospital tem is presumed by Russia's officialdom to be the highest expres- believes that the hand which holds the City. The total * to date is now following a long illness. He is sursion of social justice in contemporary civilization. But it should pursestrings rules the world. $4,119,382.76. vived by his widow, Clara, and four also be noted that these social ideals were first presented by the Speaking of the effect of these indaughters, Mrs. Ben Telpner and Jewish sages and prophets in the Torahand the Tadmud. As a fluences on the main role of the syna- . I love children They do not prattle Mrs. Abe Leibovitz of Council Bluffs, matter of fact, these teachings of a persecuted religion in Russia gogue and on its historic task, Rabbi of yesterday; their interests are all Mrs. Joe Rosen of Papillion, Nebr., s Goldstein stated that .these influences of today and the -tomorrow—I love and. Mrs. Max Steiman of Winnipeg, § express a purer and a surer set of social ideas than will b« found tend to belittle the central power of children. # * —Mansfield. Canada, all of whom were at his : in any of that land's socialistic literature... the institution, the Jewish God-idea. {There is but one avenue of redress that we find to advocate. "The distinguishing characteristic of American Jewry are pouring millions of dollars into benighted the synagogue has been the God»idea and effection, implying the concept of Russia to aid their co-religionists. And the Soviet government an 2 imminent an<J y e t . transcendant i*evefs at the sight of that golden stream. Therefore, it seems to being, and secondly/:" the individual's us that the united voice of this great body of American Jews with relationship to God as direct, personal their wealth should have some effect on Russian officialdom. We and immediate. DIRECTORS do not doubt that a bold declaration from the brilliant and author- "There i s a tendencj"in some syn-; itative pen of such^a one as Louis Marshall woukf open the eyes agogue circles to dethrone Israel's classic; God TirhHr, offering:; an heir-apof Stalin and his followers. Something must Wdone! i parent'who is sickly, anemic and inv
Council Bluffs News
A Nationally Known Financial Institution has an Opening for a Representative in Hampden County
! ANNOUNCING! ' The New Offices of the
inlse &Riepen
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Sport Splinters By: FRANK; R.; ACKERMAN
ligsoni thinking that i t would be im- Seligeon was not oh hand. Technipossible to play, joined a party of cally the official was within his friends on a little ride up to New rights, but it is believed by not a few York. In the meantime the rain that he was unnecessarily, severe. Justopped. Some self-iniportant official lius has a chance to win the title back promptly granted a .forfeit because again next year anyways.
The junior swimming eextette of the J; C. C. entered in the Midwestern Junior A. A. U. swimming mee^ at Peony Park this Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock is in prime condition for the competition, according to Morris "Soggie" Sogolow, their trainer. He has reason to - make the Statement. Didn't he train 'fern? And he knows his vegetables'. ' The J. A. C. baseball aggregation seem to be having a tough time of it in the muny league, in spite of th< caliber of the material on the squad. Maybe they haven't played together long enough. At any rate, they are in about fifth place. Last Sunday they dropped a close tussle to the Paxton-Mitchell gang, 4 to 8. The Jewish lads had earned-a-cleaiwnit victory, but-s; bonehead play- at the end spelled their doom. Play in the tennis and golf tourneys is seemingly at a standstill. So far, in the racket-game, Joe Cohen took the measure of the defending champion, Sam Epstein, 7-5,6-4, while Nathan Cutler had no difficulty in disposing of Leo Brown 6-3 and 6-0. Nate Fine has. won.the only match played in the- golf ;tourney, eliminating H. Chudacoff,; and making Harold Farber, .who drew a bye, his next foe. The great/disappointment suffered when Julius Seligson lost the opportunity to defend his national intercollegiate tennis crown through a de. fault in this year's semi-finals, has been explained quite satisfactorily. It seems that on the day of the semi-official matches a heavy rain fell. Se-
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JEWISH. PRESS,. FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1929 Mr. and Mrs. J. Tatleman enterfor Kansas City -to be the- guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. tained at a dinner Sunday, evening in honor of their house guest, Mr. Lou and Mrs. B. M. Achtenbftrg. Greek of Des Moines. Mr. J. Rosen and Mrs. Sam GeifMrs. Nathan Steinberg and her man motored for a brief visit to Exdaughter, Betty, are at Excelsior celsior Springs, Mo. Springs, Mo. Mr. David E. Beber, who has been Mr. Art Lerner has as his house studying and practicing law in Chicago, is in Omaha for a visit with his guest this week-end Mr. Jack Mushkin of Sioux City. parents, Mr. and Mrs. L Beber.
r.^and Mrs. Harry Greenstein of l Ohio,, announce the engagement of their daughter, Tillie, to |fr.-Morris S. Hunritz of Omaha, son »f Mr. and Mrs. I. Hurwitx. No wedding date has been announced. Mr. Hurwitx was graduated from Central high school, and will graduate from-Ohio University at the end of the summer semester. The wedding; of Miss Mildred Conn; daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn, and Dr. Ben Lewis Herzberg of •Chicago will take place Wednesday afternoon, July Ul, at 4 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Madeline Cohn, sister of the bade, will be maid of honor. Only the immediate members of the families will be present. Rabbi Cohn will perform the ceremony. ' [A reception will be held that evento*
' • ' - / • • . • ;
' • ' • • • " • •
Upon Dr. Herzberg's arrival here oB_July 26 a number of dinner _partief will be given for the bridal couple. V; •;'• ' •:. ,' Mr. and Mrs. "Max. Y. Faier anneunee -that the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ann' Faier, to Mr. Bernard FieHer, son of Mrs. Dorothy FishTer.lof." JJostony Mass., .will take place Sunday afternoon, July 21, at the home of the bride, with Rabbi H. Grodinsky officiating. Only the immediate family will be in attendance. 'After a honeymoon, the young eoupl» will make their home at the Forrest Apartments. ~ .The out-of-town guests at the"'.'ceres mony will include Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Fisher, Mr. Moe Fisher, and Mrs. Max BeHis of Kansas City, Mo., and Mrs. Dorothy Fisher of Boston. The bride has been honored at several pre-nuptial affairs. Among those •who have entertained' in her. honor, ait* Mrs. A. Levjne and Mrs. Max Bolli» ef Kansas City who entertained at s i o'clock luncheon Wednesday at the Elks elub, and Mrs. John Faier and Miss Reee G. Shapiro who were hosat a bridge party Thursday. Mr. and Mrg. Ike Lazarus of Des Moines announce the marriage of tKai*daughter, Tyba, to Mr. Harry Kaeeter, SOB of Mrs^ Mamie Vn*ot of Omaha. The-couple- were married in*-Chicago en Sunday, July 14, by Eabbi Morris Taxon of that city. ^Following a honeymoon trip in the east, the couple will make their home in: Des Moines with the bride's pareats.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Corenman of Cleveland, Ohio, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Tenehbaum. Mr. bridge. Tomorrow Mrs. D. Davidson' Corenman is a brother of Mrs. Tenenof Falls City, Nebr., will entertain for' baum. her at a luncheon. Dr. Rose Rena Minlun of San FranMiss Sarah Yaffe, -who recently an- cisco, formerly of Omaha, is visiting nounced her engagement to Mr. Mor- with her brother-in-law and sister, ris Giller, has set her wedding date Mr. and Mrs. S. Weinberg, Fremont. for Thursday, November 28. Dr. Minkin leaves July 23 for PhilaNumerous affaire are being gives delphia, where her marriage to Dr. H. in her honor. B. Mikelberg of that city will take place in the near future. Miss Bemiee Witschner of Kansas Dr. Minkin will be honored at numCity, Mo., and Mrs. Henry Rosenstein erous pre-nuptial affairs. Last Tuesof Chicago are visiting here as the ( day, Mrs. Weinberg entertained at a guests of Miss Grace Rosenstein._ ' bridge and luncheon at the Fremont Country club. Misses Ida Platt and Ula Albert Miss Lillian Lipsey entertained at left last .Wednesday for a brief visit bridge Saturday, July 13, in honor of at Elkhart Lake, Wise Miss Mary Yabroff of Lincoln and Miss Josephine Kalis of Kansas Mrs. Sam Stern, Miss Betty Hirsch, City is the house guest of Mr. and and Sylvia Isaacson of Chicago. Mrs. J. Appleman. Mrs. Charles Levinson and Mr*. Joe Lipsey are making a brief stay in ExMiss Rose Kirshnit of New Bright- celsior Springs, Mo. on, Conn., is visiting here with her Mr. and Mrs. Sam Siporin will enaunt, Mrs. Rose Himelstein, enroute tertain this evening at a dinner party to California. in honor of their guests Mr. and Mrs. Miss Esther Raduziner, daughter of Archie Cohen of Los Angeles, Cal. During the past two weeks, the Mr. and Mrs. J. Raduziner, leaves Saturday for an indefinite stay in the Siporins have also had as their guests, east. While there she will visit with •their daughters, Misses Bertha and relatives in New York City, Paterson, "Bessie Siporin of Detroit, formerly N. J., Paterson and Waterbury, Conn., of this city-, and Mrs. Bess Katz and Miss Ruth Arbesfield of Minneapolis, and Springfield, Mass. Minn. Misses Siporin returned to DeMrs. H. M. Stern is giving a party troit Friday, and Mrs, Katx and Miss Saturday afternoon in honor of her Arbesfield have gone on- to Los sister, Mrs. Ida Herehmant of Phila- Angeles. delphia, who is visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Richards motored Sunday, July 14, to Excelsior Springs, Mo.
The Fa-Hon club will give a moonlight hike Saturday evening in honor of Miss Sophia Ban of Chicago, formerly of Omaha, who is visiting here. Miss Ban was formerly sponsor of Messrs. Aaron Krantz, Sam Krantx, the elub. Miss Rose Brookstein is the and Eli Lewis left last Wednesday on present head. a motor trip to Chicago, Detroit, New York, and other important eastern The next dance of the Young Poale points. They will be gone about four Zion club will be held Suaday evening, weeks. August 4, at the Keep's dancing academy. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blpch, 3220 Myrtle Ave., entertained Sunday evening at a dinner party in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son Hymie. Over thirty couples attended. by Cantor S. Kahanowitch entertained Mrs. David M. Newman" the guests with several songs. Bridge followed. Peach Suggestions for CoW Desserts. Mix sliced peaches with marshmalMrs. Earl Goodbinder, recent bride, was the guest of honor at a luncheon lows. Cut in quarters, add a few and bridge given Tuesday by Mrs. grains salt, and serve with whipped to Jacob Goodbinder at her home. About cream. fifty attended, including Mrs. M. Arrange sliced peaches around a Jacks of Hastings, Nebr., sister of mold of cold cooked rice. Serve with the bride, and Mrs. Irvin Mitchell peach syrup and sweetened whipped of Hollywood, Cal. cream. Mr. M. Mayper, of Mayper's ClothPlace peach halves on pieces of ing company, has left for an extensive sponge «ake, and serve with raspbuying trip in Chicago, Philadelphia, berry jam, thinned with peach syrup and New York. The latter part of the month he will to the consistency of the sauce. join Mn. Mayper and chldren in the Porcupine Salad. Catskill Mountains. They will return Stuff six peach halves with seato Omaha early in August. soned Philadelphia cream cheese and The Bikur Cholim society will hold pimentos. Arrange a stuffed peach a picnic Sunday, July 21, from 3 to 7. on a plate with crisp lettuce with the All members and their friends are center down, and stick with shredded almonds. Serve with French dresscordially invited. , ing. A special meeting of the Phi Beta Their discourses are as the stars, Sigma sorority was, held last Thurswhich give little light because they day at the home of Miss Ella Altare so high. —Bacon. suler.
Kitchen Chats
Miss Nena fforwitz, who has been in Philadelphia for the past five months, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. J. Rosen and Mrs. Sam Geifmaa entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon last Thursday at the New Paxton Hotel in honor of Miss Ruth Wintroubi a bride-to-be, and Mrs. Berroan of Boston, Mass. Mrs. Charles Rosewater, who sailed for Europe early in June, is now in London. About August 1 Mrs. Rosewater will go to Berlin. She will be gone about four months. Misses Rose and Ida Fine returned this -week from a two-week trip to Detroit and Chicago. Wile in Detroit they attended the seventh annual convention of Junior Hadassan1 held at the Hotel Statler, July 2, 3, and 4. Mrs. Dave Greenberg and children are visiting Mrs. Greenberg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller, in Seattle, Wash. They will be gone about two months. ': Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson have left
Say It With Flowers * * JOHN H. BATH
"The Careful Florist'
"Omaha's Style Center"
Disposing of Our Entire Stock of Early Summer
DRESSES $10—$15 $20—$25
Values to $15.00
Values to $18.00
This group.will,be shown tomorrow for the first tim»—and will include some of the prettiest little sports frocks you've seen-this season—and you'll see some mew-sleeveless pasteli and suntan backs which will amaze you for $7.00. Fourth Floor
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Now . . . t h e record low coat pflefc ot the season \ for GoldsteinChapman quality; coats! A -selection that covers ^practically'every dress, sport and ensemble coat requirement . . ~ in splendidly tailored silk crepe-lined coats Third Floor
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High Quality
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300 Exquisite
Our Entire Stock of Spring
These coats are Just what you need for travel wear . . . for cool evenings . . . for vacation wear as you g© north . . . and for early fall. There are not all sizes in each style, but you'll find your size in one of the styles. Fourth Floor
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Suites of "from Rve to nine rooms
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4% Avenue and Douglas Sheets
ffcirtf fl^ that will make it tfcr last word in apparel presentation. Right now workmen are preparing 2,5(TO square feet additional floor space. And to facilitate these important changes immense quantities of merchandise most be cleared from all the departments.
Delightful ensembles and afternoon frocks of the more dressy type, in sheer ^chiffons, in both plain and prints.
•t Haraey
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Values to $35.00
Very few of these dresses have been in the store longer than two weeks. Among them are ensembles . . . one and two-piece dre&sea . . printed crepes . „ . washable pastels and chiffons tn • all the favorite shades and prints of the season. Third Floor
^applications are now being received, as this exquisitely modern i home building ' negrs completion
iKmitgiir-if. T. A,)— FiMd rfjt«rn^ oa thf ftmgteBB delegate-elections in Rabbi Gershon Horowitz, dean of England show that 6 General Zionist* the rafcb1'""^! college in Jerusalem, m N alectwd, 2 Miwachi, and 1 was in Omaha over the past week- ionist. . end in the interests of the institution •f which ne is head. He was accom- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS panied by Rabbi Mayer Solomon who also served as his interpreter. Speaking at the various synagogues Rabbi Horowitz succeeded in gaining considerable support for the college. Several committees were appointed to continue the work. Beth Hamedresh Hagodel representatives OH the committee are Max Venger, C. B. MendclsoB and A. Monsky. Member* of the B'nai Jacob synagogue include H. Tureck and A. Phone JAckson 1906 Hirsch, while the two members of the; 1804 Farnam St., Omaha Adath Jeshurum synagogue committee are M. Mittleman and M. Herzberg. -
Misses Frieda and Esther Weiner spent the week-end in Sioux City.
Mrs. H. Abramson entertained about thirty-five guests last Thursday in honor of Mrs. Irvin Mitchell of Hollywood, Cal.,. and Mrli Earl 'Goodbinder. .J- "
it Eva Cohii, whose marriage to Mr. David. B. Bernstein will take place at the Hotel Fontenelle Sunday evening, has-been extensively entertained during the past week. Among those who have entertained are: Mrs. B. Garrop, 1 o'clock luncheon Monday; Mrs; H. Krasne of Council Bluffs, bridge Wednesday; Mrs. M. Giventer, luncheon; Mrs. B. Fleishman, 1 o'clock ' luncheon Thursday; and today Mrs. B. Korney was hostess at luncheon and
„ ' . * - . ->» • -
Mrs. L. Himelstein and daughter, Martha, spent the past week-end in :> Sioux City; la. ' '
When savings so great are offered, every -woman should own three coaU—a silk for dress, an imported tweed for sports and travel and a fine weave fabric for daily wear. Many are suitable for fall. Third Floor
77 Handsome
BETTER COATS Values to $79.75 From the standpoint of value this is one of the season's best coat offerings! A glance will reveal to you the superior quality and extreme savings represented. Weaves and trimmings are smartly correct . . . tailorings are excellent, the majority of. the coats being handfinished. Third Floor
Just Across the Street— \ By Telephone Still more than a full day apart by airplane, man's fast' est means of travel, Europe and the United States are just across the street by tele' phone.
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The telephone has bridged t i e Atlantic and now more than 6,500,000 telephones in other countries can be inter* connected with the more than 18,500,000 in the United States. About four-fifths of the world's telephones are ioined together. NORTHWESTERN BEU
Making Europe and America one telephone community and speeding up service in this country indicate the constant progress being made in telephone communication. ':'' An ever-improving service both in quality and in number of telephones interconnected is in line with the aim of thi; Company, which is to provide the most satisfactory service at the lowest cost to the public consistent -with the continued stability of the business. (TELEPHONE COMPANY
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1923 State monopoly of the Soviets drove! ANTI-SEMITES USE ff out of business the small merchants, JEWISH PARTY GIFTS of which -the Jews constituted so large a r part. The entire economic j : ;Vienha.--(J.: T. A.P-Considerate Mrs. A. H. Baron is visiting in Min- ; life of the Jews in Russia was thus sums subscribed by Jewish industrialneapolis in the home of her parents. thrown out of harmony, with the ists and bankers in Austria toward result that thousands of them, were the Heimwehr were expended by the • A stag smoker honoring Mr. Hy forced to starvation. Unless the nationalist organization to subvention (Continued from Page 1) Lazere, who will be married the latform of government of Soviet Russia anti-Semitic newspapers, according to ter part of this "month, was held at seriously affected by the' economic should change, the economic life of revelations in the Vienna Arbeiter the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. La-change. Those who were formerly that country offers little hope to its Zeitung. The wedding of Miss Sara Sherman Postponement of the annual Talmud j zere, 1812 West Sixth street. Fra- able to contribute fifty or a hundred Jews. The labor organ published a pho\ Rain did not dampen the plans for of Des Moines and Mr. Hy Lazere of )an excellent time for the forty visit- Sioux City will take place in Des Torah pjcnjc which wap; to take place j ternity brothers were entertained a t ' dollars every year find it impossible It is because of this fact that tostat of a secret Heimwehr docunow. to give-anything. The retrench- American Jews have been raising ment which showed that even the H»ors from Omaha and Lincoln* who Moines oh Sunday, July 21. Mr. La-last Sunday, at; the Riverview; Park the. stag. ments^ they make are to be noticed in millions of dollars in order to trans- kenkreuz daily was given support. :"were entertained by Sioux City mem- zere wilH leave for Des Moines this was made necessary due .to the heavy Sioux City members of Phi Epsilon every detail of their life. bers of the Sigma Alpha Mu Frater- week-end together with several rela- rain which fell all Saturday night and port thousands of Jews from the The Jewish contributors lodged a pronity Tiere last Sunday. The one-day tives. Those who will accompany Mr. Sunday morning. -The picnic which Pi Fraternity were : entertained re- .TheJfindiug recently announced by cities to the agricultural conolies. test against this action. -- affair included events of every nature. Lazere are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. promises to be one of ;!the most suc- cently in the home of Isadore Rock- the Commission on Economic Change, It has been hoped that in this way The reunion was opened with' a~stag H. Lazriowich, Mr. and Mrs. Morris cessful ever. held. will take place on Ira, 3227 Jennings street The gather- of which President Hoover was head, economic disaster would .be, avoided.? PATROSTIZE T H E smoker at the Martin Hotel, "for mem- Lazriowich and son,. Mr. and Mrs.Sunday, July 21*,. at the place origi- ing was held in "the form of a stag may -indicate economic progress but What will happen to the Jews ofi CANDYLAND ' , "', •.'"•"., . bers and Sioux Gity invited guests. Wm. Lazere, and Mr. and Mrs. Moenally «decided upon,. Riverview Park. s m o k e r . ' they failed*to take-into account the America whose economic life has} 16th and Farnam . . Young ladies who were guests of. the Lazere" and daughter. The extra week which .tha commiteffect • which * certain business • con- been turned topsy-turvy—not by a SUNSET TEA ROOM fraternity members were entertained Mrs. Barnard Baron, accompanied ditions- would tees have had due to .the. postponehave on" I certain government—but by a series of mon49th Hnd l>od»e .- . in the afternoon by Miss Sara Mosow opolies whose power is no less ex.7 Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenberg and fam- ment has given them ample time to by. her daughter, Dena Martha, and groups.- -- « ' CRYSTAL CANPY •with an open house party at the Mo- ily are spending several weeks- at arrange everything/necessary to per- son, E. William, have .departed by motensive? The entire tendency of The. Jews of this country, howloth and Capital A«*. sow residence, 3405 Nebraska street. Lake OkobojL fect satisfaction.- Mrs. R. H. Emlein, tor for. Chicago where they will visit ever, are threatened with a situation American thought has been in a f A banquet at the Shaare Zion Sopresident of the Hebrew Mothers club, with friends 'Aid' relatives for two such as confronts the Jews in^Russia direction opposite from that of agricial Hall and a dance at Stone vPark cultural colonization. With thousands weeks. ~ * ~ " " '" * today. ;ITJ the latter country, the Sol Lansberg and Bud Kline have and chairman of-the picnic, is being Pavilion followed by a midnight'party of native Americans abandoning their aided by twenty-five active members at the Lakeport were included in the returned home after a three week of the Talmud Torah in.*arranging for farms, will Jews take their place 'in Miss Ruth Bliii is a'visitor 'in the hitch hike trip which took them Certified Public Accountants day's program. A. H. Bain, 613 j order to escape from the devastation through Chicago,. Detroit, Canada and the picnic. Chairmen of subcommittees home of her I>r6^er, 1KCenter street 038 ttecurltie* Bldg:. j of economic changes? include, M^x Friedman, * grocery baspoints east and north. •kets; George Emlein, sports; M. LazKQOLISH REPORTS ON .' ".' AT. 4451 Grocer Bewails Doom A. Z. A. CONVENTION Mrs. D. Friedman underwent a mi- lowltch, retail groceries^. Max. Brod- Mrs. Irving Goldstein of Chicago is In discussing the matter with a key, publicity; -N. "W. Kaplan, "trans- a visitor in the home of her parents, | neighborhood grocer, we were told: Mr. Burnell Koolish, recently "elect- nor operation at the St. Joseph hos- portation; Mrs. A. SSlQtsky,' Mrs. B.Mr. and Mrs. L. Baron, 606 Virginia 1114 So. 28 Street AT. 4544 "The. chain stores are throttling pital on Tuesday. Mrs. Friedman is' ed aleph godol of Sioux City chapter Sherman, and Mrs." M*. Shulkin, re- street. us. The economic philosophy of of Aleph Zadik Aleph, returned- last at home; - = freehinents. SINCE 1876 r Alt famllr American life has come to consider 'Wednesday from the national convenMr. and Mrs. Yale S. Robinow, Oak•ervicm, fram ,No effort is.being spared by the these giant corporations as legitimate'. tioir of the-order- in Pittsburgh, ta Wet W*«frTfv Mr. and Mrs. S.Slotsky'entertained land, Calif., forimerly of Sioux City, various committees.tb make.this picFamily % and helpful to business generally. which he was delegate from the local fifty friends ' and relatives at their announce the birth* o'f a son. Finish It is possible that if properly adchapter. At a meeting of the chapter home, 810 Sixteenth street, on Sun-nic the- most elaborate, 'ever held by 11th and Dauglas Sts. ' ministered these trusts could make .1722 No.. 24 St.," WE. 0289 held at the Community Center on day afternoon, July 14. Mr. and Mrs. the Talmud -To^ah. Many special Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bolstein have events, including games," athletic and the cost of living much cheaper for Try a loaf of your Russian Wednesday evening Mr. Koolish gave Slotsky entertained in honor of their Beturned to the ricity.after spending all Americans, although I doubt Pumpernicle Bread a full report of the proceedings of'the daughter, Anne, who was married last stunt events and novelty, entertain- three weeks in1 Atkinson, S. D., as the "Eats" in —-'You'll Appreciate the Taste — whether the financiers behind the month to Mr. H. Delman of New York ment, are being.arranged.. 'convention.. .. , • ! guests of Mr. and.Mrs. H. Bailin. Mrs. abundance will be there, 'for the encombinations will permit any such City. Miss Mae Bolphilanthropic motives to enter their joyment of the crowd. - Prizes for the H. Bailin was formerly After Theatre i i PROTECT TROTZKY^BAN. stein. ' " " "' business plans. ' j various events,have been donated by Dancing Mrs. A. Greenberg returned >home : London.—(j. TV A.)—Col. Josiah merchants and .jobbers of the city. "As far as we Jewish small merthis week from a visit^with her daughWedgwood -protested against, the^ de24th and Farnam Proceeds will be used .to pay for ' Mr.- and Mrs.* Lawrence. Davidson chants are. concerned, however, there : ' cision of: the; labor cabinet) not to ad- ter, Mrs. M. Adelstein, of Rapid City, departed* "recently^ for Alaska where "Manufactured in Omaha" the school bus which will make it posis nothing we can do to stop the jmit Tr&tskyion a visit to-England S. D. sible for children from any part of they will spend the summer. advance of the monopolies. They : BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO %hen J. E . Clynes announced the enter the neighborhood, attract a Mr.,Henry Rise and Mr. Arnold the city to attend the" school. government's decision. It was-stated HArney | t * | Miss Marcia. Robinow returned this wide clientele with slashed prices »th «ml Martha »t». .that "some vof the Liberals,', who are Bramsdn will leave this week-end for OMAHA. VEBKA8KA to the Twin Cities. On returnitfg week from ' Minneapolis where she which I can never meet, and make son erny. iron, nnis». oronx* anO ;for admitting the exiled Soviet lead- a week's visit with their parents in s Befresh Yourself it impossible for me to conduct busi- aluminum castings. Sinndnrrt (ISM, ;er, will press for a debate in Com-Des Moines, Iowa. From Des Moines home he will .stop at_Lake OkoDoji! P«nt two weeks as the guest of Miss nun Iron bushiueB, w<m manness with a living margin of profit. oronze • . • Doles, cisiero rincs nml cover* |n«I 'mons oh^the question, which t h e l a - Mr. Rise, will go' to Omaha where tie for t a few days.-where he will meet'^ssieBernstcin^, •lean-out in stork, All klnit* fi~ "I have been conducting this wood nnrt floors ". \i i-_, .,..- .* horites are'anxious to avoid. metnl pntternn will spend a few days and continue Mr. Bramson who will have spent two' R grocery store for the last seventeen weeks in Chicago-and the Twin Cities. *&*• « R»>in^wich departed &~ yean. I thought that I had estabThey.expect to ; b6 back in Sioux City cently for Chicago where she will |jjtiIllIlIlIIlIIIIIIIIlIIIIHIIlllIlIlIIIIIlIIIlllIIIIIIIIfIItlIIIlIIIIIlIIIIIlIII|III11lliIlliflIIIfllllS|f, spend .several weeks visiting with lished a reputation for fair dealing: in three -weeks.J Ill BOTTLES friends.' and. service. I had -come to know; many of my customers personally.; ' "Mr. Stanley Jacobs • left' last .week J; L. KB AGE, PropHetor Mrs. M. . London returned last But all this was of no avail. Actualfof, Milfpra,v,Cbnn., where he will rely I "can't blame' the women who go ... : "NEW FOR OLD" sume his studies at the Milford school.. week from ^ Moines,., Iowa, after A '&ro''l 9$* $ as .tthe... h hhouse I to the neighborhood chain stores. I 1619 Farnam St.—Phone AT. 8411 Mrs. H. Schaiefer. MJSS Helen Friedman - entertained; infest o f Mr. (would do the same in their position. Awnings, Canvas Covers. T « t » , seyera( guests m her home at an |rft- "' But how does that help me make a Camp SappUrs, All Kinds COFFEE' Miss Doroth'y^^iller ot Minneapoernpon b>jldge . i>n. Thuraday.- Misses I living? I don't know what to do, 15 and Howard , AT. 14M V Helen and Berriice Sherman jand Miss lis is a guest in Sioux City where she unless I should offer to become the' manager of a chain store and sell; Niorof Cohn of Omaha and Mrs. H"«- is visiting with Ymany friends and relI > STOCK ^ ^ I iTr Belldn and "Miss, Eva' Bellrin,' .of atives. '"';• ; • • • . ' . ' my business to the trust But they CHARLES SIMON " I won't' even buy my store, either beGrand Rapi(|s, Mich;, were^her butjp|r -ATIafltic 6291 ltecoujjiiends ^iiiiiiiijHijilujijjjjIi.Hjmnnijjm Miss PauKrie _Hurwitz' and Miss cause the location isn't good, or be-) town guests. "Miss' Helen an^ Miss J. M. JKNSKX THE SANITARY LAUNDRY cause they .feel it would be cheaper Bernice Sherman_ are visitors,, in> the Helen Adler spent the weekend in BVi Sh •'The Beat ef All LWO4IT Senrteee" to drive me out of business. Bankhome of Mr. and.Mrs*" M. A. Weiner,! * l t a / s . ^ :. • g^esta,in;.the-'h6n»e,:«f ruptcy stares me in- the face." 714 Seventeenth"; street. Mrs. ^ y urday for a short visit in Omaha. She will spend * week as the guest of Miss Toby , ^
Society News
. »
. I K -
Painting and Paper Hanging Call SAM TARHOFF
Baker Ice Machines •
Paxton-Mitchell Co.
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
visit their harbor
Beikin is visiting her parents, Mr. i anil Hrs.* Jules Gerelick are and Mrs. Max Holland, 3129i Jennings j in the h*ome of Mr. and Mrs.) street. 'Mfss' "Eva Bellnn"^^is^^ visiting i S. Mosow. with Mr. and MrSi N.Dbbrofsky, 1304 Riyer^de."avenue. Miss Niotni-Cohn Mrs. Frank Slptsky is spending the is a guest in the Friedman.home. ... summer in JJos 'Angeles, Calif., as a ) Elsie Brodkey will leave Sat- goest in the home'".of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Slotsky. V . . .
. . . V
. . . . . .
Why "Neglect Your EYES?
LARRY'S _J\ •-••.*•
When "The" Biggest Show on Earth" _^- comes to towit they don't leave theSteam Calliope on the cars. :
Appearance makes for .success, and success makes for appearance. We Tead in the papers once in-a while abont the ragged beggar who dies and leaves a fortune. That's contrary to all human nature. In spite, of his hidden.wealth, people never; considered him as. anything but a penniless outcast. Those with less capital tut more pride in their personal appearance are instinctively cultivated by other worthwhile people. Theji success becomes contagious. The answer is plain. ' • "IT PAYSTO LOOK WELL"
When- it is so easy to obtain relief. We are exclusively specialists in" tife Of the eyes and the fitting of
GLASSES •—-No drags or 'drops' u'sed—MAKE A^APEOINTKENT Phone 82327 ;
BLANK OPTICAL CO. Capitol Theatre Building ftk- 412 Nebraska Street . FREDEBlRt PLUMBING and
Mrs. G. Friedn5»n and son, Herbert, are spending the week in Omaha. They will return home next week. . Moe Slotsky, a recent graduate of Iowa, left Sioux'City on the 15th for Chicago where he will be employed by the Remington Rand company of < that city. '
'900 W. 7th-
Security A utomatic OilBurner • C0PEL4ND J
. 14th & Jackson Sts.
Qeneral Contractor 492-96 Bnndeii Theatre Bldg. JAckson 1614
Estimates Gladly Furnished
Omaha Jobbing Co.
Omaha Towel Supply Co.
ing in East and Central European countries to the Hicem, the combination, of the Hebrew Sholtering and Immigrant Aid Society of America, the Jewish Colonization Association and the United 'Emigration Committee of Berlin.
IDEAL Near Beer Soda Water
"•• AND
In the matter of the estate of ERVIN BKBWER. deceased. Notice is hereby given: That: the creditors of said deceased will meet the administratrix of wild estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Boom, in snid County, on the 21st dny of September. 19U9. and on the 2l8t day of November, 102!), nt 9 o'clock A. M., each day, fonthe imrnose of present1 ; ing their clnlmg for einminatlon, ndJiiKtment and nllownnce. Three months, are nllowed for the creditors-to present their claims, from the 17th dny of August, 1920. BRYCB CKAWKOR1J, July 10—i T County Judge. MILTON-R. ABRAHAMS. Atterner 400 Brandel* Thrnter Hllr PUOBATE SOTIOIV In. the matter of the'estate of JUl^lA ASHElt, deceased. . NOTICE is hereby given: Thnt the creditors of 8uiii deccast-d will meet the executors of snid estate, before me. County Judge of. - Houfrlas Conntv.: Nebmska, at . the County- Court Room, in said County, on the -30th day of August. 1929. and on the •TOth day of October. 19a>. «t 0 o'clock A: M-. each day, for the purpose of presentInk their claims for examination, adjustment and allo-ivanco. .Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from thp 27th &.\y ot .Tuly. 1923.
for the Autow 2501 Farnam—AJ.
CURTAILS Of Every Dcsaiptipn
Jiinchmp City Wide Oetlvwy-
Omaha Fixture and Supply Co. COMPLETE STOKE & OFFICE OUTFITTERS Over
Abramson Audit Co.
WE. 3043
Visit the New
MALASHOCK'S Jewelry Store 16th and Howard Streets •
Peerless Cleaners 4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500
P>rf •
Southwest Cornet Eleventh and Dnujrlas Streets o .Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
The Honxe With A Reputation
Uncle Sam Breakfast Fpod Company Omaha
Rush-En Rye
HiJl Hotel Building
For Health
Jewelry on Credit / at Cash Prices
It WiU Pay. You to Inquire.
We Occupy JO.OOn Hqunrr
832 Brandeli Theatre Bld»—.IA. *S1
IDEAL Bottling Co.
"Beautifully finished Qu«ranteed to hang truipj. 50c p « pair, some a trifle more. ' Special rates on JO oir " more pair. WST PHONE— AT. 4750—MA. 4750.
JATCK MAKER, Attorney 4th Floor, Csnrt Honte '•••••••
National Accessories, Inc.
JA. 5604 317 15 The shortest and the surest way Paris. — (J. T. A.) — Fifty-three CI^OSING OUT 2,400.gaL of j to prove a work possible, i s strenousthousand East European Jews emi- DE-VOE & REYNOLDS paint i ljr to set about it. grated to various countries overseas during the year 1928, as compared at\$1.95" per gal. All colors. with 40,000-wh» emigrated in 1927, Also 2^)00 gaL of Kentucky according to reports submitted by the paints at $1.75. And various JA. O53« H- BERGER various emigrant aid "agencies work- railroad wrecked merchandise. IOCB
HEATING Phone 84963
Do We Face A Crisis? - Repeat this conversation thousands of times and one has an approximate picture of what is happening to the economic life of hundreds of thousjands of Jews. Although it has not I yet been realized what the consei quences of the chain stores are, their 1 effect is nonetheless visible «veryj where. The extension of the chain stores cannot be halted. Will America be. saddled with a serious economic crisis which affects a large j Jsegment of its population? Whatjever the answer to that question, it lis evident that thousands if not mil[lions of lives will be affected — by jtbe chain store and corporation. I Copyright 1929, by I Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.
Ej5£ne^lLANT i c O 639 313 S0.I4TH.ST OM* HA,