4U the Nexus of "interest to Jews
Interesting . and Entertaining %% ISutered as seiionU-dass mail matter 0 1 1 % %fi.'y 27, WJ1. at postofflce nt Omaha, Nebraskn, under the< >* rf Mnrcb 3, 187V.
VOL. VII.—No. 30
'tual Leader of New Local Synagogue
Rabbi Abraham Bengis Elected Spiritual Head; Sam Beber Is President
Delegate 3 to London to Protest Infringement of Jewish Rights at Wailing Wall
OPPOSITION LEADERS A quarter of a century ago, an amLASH BRITISH RULE bitious youth of 21 heeded the words
in Omaha
Growth of Company and Record of Communal Service Tribute to Character of Harry A* Wolf
well to recall a, fevr of hip communal services. Almost from the day he set foot upon this ground, he was in the of the poet to "go west" and came unComplete organization of the newZurich, Switzerland.—(J. T. A.)— vgrs of those were striving to araeliheralded and unknown to the thriving Omaha modern orthodox synagogue The 16th World Zionist .Congress in | orate the . unfortunate, to feed the baby community of the middle west, was effected during the past week' session here became "a seething cauldstarving, and to give opportunities to Omaha, to seek his fortune. , That with the election of a'rabbi and offiron of conflicting emotions and ideas, the distressed. About twenty years youth, known to us now as one of the cers of the organization. Rafcbi Abraas leaders of world Jewry fro mevery ago, he wag one of the original group commercial and communal leaders of 1 ham Bengis of Congregation Ahavoth corner of the globe took the opporof ten -men that started the Free Loan this section of the country, was quicktunity! to unburden themselves of Sholom, Fort Worth, Texas, will be society, of -whicK Mr, Wolf is now ly enamoured with his surroundings grievances against the Zionist Executhe spiritual leader, and Sam Beber, chsirmaTi, Re was also' oTie of the and, inspired with boundless ambition tive, against England, the Palestine prominent local attorney and comorganizers of the Jewish Welfare Fedand faith in the home of his choice, sel*ool.system, -and the Jewish Agency. munal worker, will be the first presiergtien and the Y. M. II. A. Local set about energetically to make rthe With adjournment but a few days off, dent of Omaha's first conservative B'j»ai E'rith activities found in him a most of his opportunities. all of the major problems of the consynagogue. loyal worker and a valuable advisor^ It was thus that Harry A. Wolf ference remained to be ironed out. The other officers elected at the "When the United, .lewish Campaign meeting of the congregation held Dr. Stephen S. Wise, stormy petrel made his debut into this city. And was organized here in about 3P15, he this week, the realty and insurance Tuesday;;evening were: Harry Kulaof the American delegation, in an imwas made a member of the executive passioned address denounced the Eng- organization that bears his name as kofsky, first vice-president; Mose committee, a post which he holds to its president and founder, looking lish government for their "non-coopYousem, second vice-president; Jack this day. At that time the need for Rabbi Abraham Bengis erating" policy in Palestine. He re- back upon that auspicious occasion W.' Marer, secretary; and A'. B. Alpf\?nds for European relief was so iirierferred particularly to the Palestinian twenty-five years ago, are celebrating irn, treasurer. The board of trustees cnt, that Mr. Wolf personally paid the the event as one of vital importance government's' disregarding of rights will be composed of the following: entire expense of the Nebraska camto worship at the Wailing Wall in to the community. Harry A. Wolf; Joe L. Wolf, J. paign so that the collection of pledges Upon his arrival in Omaha, Mr. Jerusalem by granting permission to Slosburg, Jr., Julius Altman, Harry might be accomplished rapidly in Arabs to build on and near the rem- Wolf joined his brother-in-law, Mr. J . order that the needy might be aided Lapidus,.. Maurice Micklin, Morris nant of the ancient Temple. He also B. Robinson, in the Iatter's real estate as soon as possible, Not so many Milder, Herny Monsky, Dr. A. Green" A movement tp'improve and beautify the Beth Hamedrosh Spurned on by the ambiyears ago, at a banquet tendered by bet's,-Harry. Malashock, B : A- s i m ? n Hagodol cemetery, located in Sarpy County, a long-felt community launched into an attack upon the Zion- business. Mr. Wolf to the late Morris Levy who Julius Stein,. Jrvin Stalmaster, M. F . needy-tias b'ee'n^instiiuted in the past few weeks, through the ef- ist Executive for not protesting in tion and foresight so characteristic suitable manner against the of him, he undertook tn study law was vice-president of the H. A. Wolf Levenson, Louis Somer, Ignatz Mos- forts ~of--Mrs/Japo^ enough women in the some anti-Jewish persecutions in Russia. evenings at the same time. The partcompany, the Jewish community was kovitz, E. Meyer, Ben Giazer, and c o r 4 gr e o ^tipn to insure definite action in the very near future. Dr. Wise did not speak as a xepresent- nership continued until 1912, when Mr. thrilled with a proposal to erect a Harry'Trustin. John was T "plac*d ™ " "~ " ~ " ~"° They wiirroalce^ & quiet campaign for funds among relatives of ative of the Zionist Organization of Wolf plunged into the field alone, Harry A. Wolf Jewish Community Centei\ toward in charge of membership President, H. A. Wolf Compnny and founding thereby the organization America. In fact, he is representing those laid to rest in this plot, and have formed an organization, which Mr. Levy pledg-ed the initial collections. Union Pacific - XAfe Assurance Company m a h a witK^nbminai annual dues' of $3 per year, the income of which will the Revisionists on the Political Com- bearing his name which has grown to §50,000. In the consummation of this Rabbi Eengis will arriycin O ^ be msed for perpetual care of the cemetery, after the initial im- mittee. s. realty, insurance, and building man- sonality that naturally shows him to •project, Mr. Wolf was again one of l . about Ssptsmbex 1, and the firsts ernents are made. . ,., prcV on agement institution with a personnel be the. leader he is. Whether it has the cnic leaders who gfvp FO splendr v i c e w i l l b e h e l d o n F r i d a y e v e n i n g , j — " Z l " . ' . "—•— •'.' ' :'.'..-."..• . • .- ' "•". \ T h e p r o g r a m o f — i m p r o v e m e n t s i n - " Last' Friday,' sessions of the Conservice been in business or philanthropy, the idly of their time and money in order of 130. eludes graveling! the three-quarters gress were halted as an expression September 13 at the Jewish Communsame energy and sincerity have char- th»t that magnificent dream might To understand this unusual record of a mile of dirt road approaching of the Zionists' concern and anxiety ity Center. The initial service will be acterized his prosecution of a cause be realized. He is today a trustee of of success, it is necessary to have a over the Wailing—Wall situation. A the cemetery, -off•'-the Thirty-sixth followed hy a large ^public reception i he considered worthy. ; the Center as well as first vice-presistreet road; beautifying the plot with committee composed of Col. Frederick knowledge of the man Harry Wolf and in honor of Rabbi Bengis- Habfcas and j the sterling executive qualities that Lest he. be pictured as a cold execu- dent of the Jewish Welfare Federaperennial shrubs,, installing walks -H. Kisch, Louis Lipsky and Vladimir officials of other local; synagogues and . ¥: o%Vewish; Services conduct- -and, a n adequate system of markers 'Jabotmsfcy was delegated ±o proceed} so strongly mark him. Short and sol-tive msfiehinie, 'incapable of unselfish from, neighboring communities will be J t6 • participate' in tMs -welcom-jedon four steamers thJs^sumnier hhave for-: sections, "rows and individual a t once to London to* intervene with; idly boilt,-h« presents a-dynamic -per- -devotion to t h e sitting of others, it,is on Page £) : i; i ri r : invited to{:D^' " "* "•^>'">"*-' f iS , :i already been received by the "Depart- ;raves; obtaining a cemetery archi- the British government. 0 .-__iction. ing; function.dues for the congregation j e n t of Synagogue and School Ex-, tect's- 'firawing and. plat an: installing * The constitution of the new Zionist; Minimum m have been fi::eil at. §25.00 for either [ tension, of the"Union of American Hecompetent system of records. .Executive has deadlocked the Con-! V" family memberships or for. adults'overthrew Congregations, a t Cincinnati. Erection of-a .chapel and installation gress, although indications point, to-1 BE EXTENDED- INTO 21. Dues for those under 21 and j The respective rabljis and boats fol- of a water.system are .further con- -ward the inclusion of- laborite and \ Mizrachi-leaders in a coalition cabinet, j templated; improvements. whose parents are not members of the I low: • :* Opposition of the right and left wings i Marcus Krasne, physical director congregation will be $12.00 per year. | Rabbi S: Felix Mendelsohn, of ChiGet Taxpayers' Consent to. the re-election of Harry Sacher to j of the Jewish Community Center, The present msmbership list of the_| cago. 111., ori the S.^^ S/Aquitania. Sarpy' county officials have i>eeiv the Executive has prevented comple- World Council at Berlin Decides has announced his resignation. He Warburg Says Prospects for congregation includes about 170: Dr. Max Kaisinj of Paterson, N . J . , Jewish Agency Success interviewed and the preliminary legal tion of the arrangement.. The propoMeasure Necessary for Aid resumed his duties Monday folnames. j on the S. S. F r a n c e / . . . Bright work looking to graveling the road sition was put before the Committee lowing his summer vacation and Of Declassed Jews It is planned to hold services at the j Rabin Leon Fj-am, of Detroitj Mich., has been done. A meeting of Sarpy on Committees by Dr. Weizmann who will continue until September 1. Jev/ish Community Center for the j on. the S. S. Homeric. J. D. C. TO MEET ALSO county, property owners, adjacent t o stated that if the suggested body, did present, consti-uction of a synagogue Although a large number of Rabbi Harry J. Stern, of Montreal, the cemetery road, was held in the $981,000 BUDGET ADOPTED not meet his favor, he would refuse building belns a project to be con-Quebec, on Ausonia. applications have been received, New York. — (J. T. A.) — Louis school house there the evening of to be a candidate for re-election to sidered some time in the future. It is the board of trustees of the Marshall and Felix M, Warburg, to"Mr. A. Greenberg from "Montreal July 24, with county officials, officers Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—A conference planned to engage a cantor and choir read the Scriptural lesson, while I the presidency of the organization. Center has not yet determined g-ether with a group of the American of the International Council of the Although various opposition leadto chant at the services. preached and r e a d m e service," Rabbi ox t h e synagogue and representatives Krasne's successor. non-Zionist deleg-ation to the Jewish Ort, society for the promotion of Rabbi Bengis, who is 32 years old, ' Stern wrote. "Th? attendance was of the women's organization there, ers have denounced the proposed exAgency constitution meeting, sailed trades and agriculture took place with is one of the youngest rabbis of prom- good and many non-Jews participat-. at which time the plan to gravel the tended- Jewish Agency, indications Friday, August 2, on the steamer the participation of the thirty deleToad was explained to the taxpayers point toward the passing of the proinence in the country. He is a grad- ed." . . . . ;.. ; ' >: •.. •;-• - ' ' ' ; Majestic. The meeting will oppn in gates from various countries including uate of the-Rabbi Isaac Elchanan The"The officers of the boat did all they and a number of signatures to the ject with little difficulty, The Agency the United States. Zurich., Switzerland, on August 11. oligical Seminary of New York and of could to help me," Dr. Raisin reported. necessary petition were signed. The question was further complicated Besides Mr. Warburg' and Mr. The conference decided that the exthe College of the City of New York. "The purser' was most co-operative, petition is now being circulated Monday when Louis Lipsky, president Marshall those sailing on the Majestic among the balance of. the taxpayers In 1921, at the age of 23, he occupied the service was held in the beautiful of the American Zionists, demanded tension of the work of the Ort in the to attend the Agency meeting, as well the pulpit of the Touro Syynagogue library; 90 people attended, both Jew- and as soon as the necessary major- that his organization be granted equal future will be along industrialization I An important addition to the Jewish as the meeting of the Executive Comat Newport, R. L, the oldest syna- ish and non-JewiBh, and a great deal ity of signers i s obtained, other legal representation with the American non- lines, particularly in Poland, Lithu- : Community Center library was made mittee of the Joint Distribution Comgogue in America. He is the young- of appreciation was expressed," Hab- formalities -will be immediately com-, Zionists on the proposed Agency ania, Bessarabia. It was repeatedly i this week in the form of a volume of mittee, and a meeting of the Board of plied with, in the hope; .that, the Council. Under the present arrange- emphasized that economic possibili- i the Theodor Herzl memorial member est man to ever fill this important bi Fra'm said. .: . Governors of the Hebrew University, post. In 1922, he was called to the Rabbi ^lendelsohn plans to conduct road may be graveled before the ment, the American non-Zionists were ties for the Jews are constantly being | of the New Palestine magazine, Thi« were: Dr, and Mrs. Cyrus Adter, coming winter sets in. • ..-. : v leadership of the Fort Worth congre- services on his return trip, on the S. given 44 seats while the Z. O. A. will reduced, and the number of declassed I expensive volume which, was published Jacob Billikopf, Jacob Solie-Cohen, Dr. In order to win the consent of the be represented by only 16 delegates is increasing at an enormous pace. gation. He left there in 1924 to be S. Majestici which will leave Cher} this summer in commemoration of the Lee K. Franke!, Jacob Harzfeld, Dr. As a result of this situation, Ort i 25th anniversary of the death of the Maurice B. Hexter, Dr. Emanne! Librabbi of the San Antonio, Texas., con- bourg on September 4th. The satisfying of ' taxpayer-signers, Beth Hamedrosh on the Council. Hagodol'synagogue authorized a con- this demand is impossible inasmuch a s activities which hitherto have concen- famous Zionist leader, was presented mgri, J5"r. Solomon "Lowenstem, and gregation for two years,, -finally :ietribution of $1,000 toward the pro* the entire council will be composed on trated principally on colonization and to the Center library by the Iocs! Mr. J&mee N. Rosenberg, turning to his former post at Fort A. Z. A. CHAPTER NO. 1 ject, which, it is estimated, .will cost" only 210 members of which will be technical training will now include in- Zionist, district. Worth. .: In a statement given to the Jewish OFFIC TO INSTAJt OFFICERS about $7,200. The South Side syna- chosen by the Zionists. This number dustrialization. The spiritual leader of the new conThe book, which is available for in- Telegraphic Agency on the eve of his gogue authorized a gift of $250 and is apportioned among the various nagregation has also been an outstandA budget of $981,000 was adopted spection or reading by applying at the j departure Mr. Warburg- declared: "As A. Z. A: Chapter; No. 1 will hold ing figure in prominent Jewish mover a formal installation of officers on Fred Sparling, owner of the Eock tions whose delegations are in turn for the period of July; 1929 to July, office of the-J. C. C , contains many f$x as my information goes, the spirit ments. He is a member of the na- Wednesday evening, August 14, a t Garden" adjacent to the cemetery, a divided among the various parties ac- 1930, as contrasted with the budget of of the personal works of Theodor displayed at the Zionist CongTess in tional executive committee of the 8 o'clock a t the Jewish Community donation of ^200 for himself and his cording to'the recently held elections. 545O.Q00 for the last year. Herzl and a large number of articles Zurich augurs well for a successful Zionist Organization of America, and Ceiter; 'Announcement will-also be son-in-law, Mr. Murdoch. These conThe question of the character of Megelnitzld, Ort manager in Rus-about him and the Zionist movement going into action of the joint forces tributions will bring down the cost is chairman of the Texas Zionist Or- made of ' t h e winner•*of the award the Palestine school system was also sia, reported that the Moscow Ort has written by some of the most famous which we all hope and trust will deganization; of. which he was formerly to be presented ^ by the advisory •oi the assessment against the proper- discussed at length. The Mizrachi received hundreds of application for figures in worldwide public and liter- vote themselves to the study and sucpresident. Rabbi Bengis has also been board to the pest" all-round man in ty of several of the farmers who leaders, represented by Eabbi Berlin, machinery. The" Central Committee, ary circles, both Jewish and non-Jew- cessful development of Palestine. This cannot afford to assume the ad- demanded conduct of the schools under editor of the' Jewish Monitor of Fort t h e c h a p t e r s he said, has decided to use the $30,000 ish. Georges Clemenceau and Paul development will not only benefit the •••'';-' \ , • : ditional tax burden. Worth, Texas, for several years. orthodox religious supervision. The recently received from New York, Painleve, former premiers of France, Jewish population but, at the same The' installation will be conducted Engage Expert to Jttak*e Plans: : majority seemed to favor continuing from the People's Tool Compaign of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Dr. Chaim Weiz- time, also the other inhabitants of by Meyer Beber,: sponsor,- and the NEW YEAR GREETINGS award will be ^presented by. Philip The services of George Wi Hood, the present system in which the Zion- which B. C. Vladeck is chairman to mann, NaTium Sokolow, Stefan Zweig, that country under the cooperating DISPLAYED BY YAFFE Klutznick,- member of the advisory for five years superintendent of ist organization controls the whole erect eight factories in the towns. iEdmond Fleg, Ludwig Lewisohn, government of the British Mandate board. ~ - - -r ;' ^ *;' Forest Lawn cemetary, have been system, although the Mizrachi are al- Colonization, he stated, is developing Waldo Frank, RabK Barnett Brickner power." First evidences of the coming high The officers to be installed a r e : engaged for estimates for cleaning lowed to conduct separate schools ac- satisfactorily. The economic ruin of and King Ferdinand of Bulgaria are holidays were displayed this week "Louis' Riklin, president; Saul Graetz, up, beautifying, installing walks and cording to their own ideas. large masses of the Jewish population but a few of the famous people whose when Nathan S. Yaffe, printer, a t yice-presMent; Elmer Shamberg, sec- markers and a system' of records, and The principal oponents of the ex- in White Russia and the Ukraine is contributions fill the Herzl Memorial OMAHA HEBREW CLUB PICNIC PLANS READY 118 South 18th street, put on display retary; Hyman Goodbinder, treasurer; making a plat. tended Jewish Agency were Vladimir far larger than the rejief possibilities, book. a full line of ; New Year greeting Herman Levinson, senior sergeantJabotinsky, Revisionist leader of Palhe pointed out. Credit should be givMrs. Jacob Adler, 2435 Kansas With the Omaha Hebrew club's cards and! novelties. at-arms; Isadore Bogdonoff, junior Avenue, Phone Kenwood 5468, is estine, and Isaac Gruenbaum, of Pol- en the Ort, he said, for its far-sighted 38th anniversary picnic but three The stock is all of German import sergeant-at-arm8}~Q?car Mayerowich general chairman of the women's and. They also criticized the British policy in arranging with the Soviet GRUENBAUM FINED BY weeks off, plans are rounding- into and includes novelties bearing Rosh reporter, and David Brodkey, chap- organization which will promote this rule in Palestine. government for the importation of ZIONIST CONGRESS COURT fine shape according to Sam fi. Hashonnh messages that have never Reports of the Jewish National raw materials. ' ., work and will gladly furnish further lain. Klaver, in charge of the event. It been shown -in Omaha before. MiniaFund and Keran Hayesod were rendinformation to any ope interested in Committees -for the ensuing term will be held Sunday, August 25, at In the last seven months, the Crt Zurich (J. T. A.)—Isaac Gruenture torahs,^ kiddish covers, ornawill be.announced by the new pres- the project Women desjring to join .ered early this week. Lakeview park. , office in Moscow has received 4,500 ,'Polish Zionist die-hard opposimented sea shells, silk handkerchiefs aie asked-to give their names to the ident. Dancing-, games and contests will applications for machinery. tion leader, was fined 100 Zlotys in and covers, crumb sets, and a. large membershi- chairman, Mrs.. B. A. PALESTINE IMMIGRATION be the chief diversions of the day. the dispute which arose between him He emphasized the tragedy ,of the variety of cardboard and celluloid Simon, 611-North 50th street, Phone ' Jerusalem,—(J. T. A.)—Two hun- masses of the Jewish youth, who anc! his political opponent, Dr. Leon cards and patterns, are among the KOVNO JE\VS MOBBED Glendale 1028, and to mail their dues Berlin.—'(J. T. A.)—-Clara Israel many interesting articles in the dis- Kovno.—(J. T. A.)—-Fifiy Kovno to the secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Harry dred and eighty-two immigrants en- trained in no profession, are without Reich of Lemberg, during the recent political campaign in Poland. The was named a, member of the Berlin means of livelihood. He urged the play. J.ews were attacked arid mercilessly Trustin, 2882 Ida street, Phone Ken- tered Palestine during the month of -fine was imposed by the Zionist City Council. She is the first woman immediate necessity" of rendering the June, of whom 205 were Jews. In beaten by armed persons on Thursday 'vood 6098. Mrs. Abe .Katskee, 2217 the same period 254, including 179 Jewish youth productive members of Congress Court to whom both sub- to be appointed to a post on the City Merely to breathe freely does not at midnight. The police did. not "inmitted their complaint. adtninistnrt'"the commonitj. Jew-, left the country. —Goethe. tervene to secure their safety.. tcean to live. 'Continued on Page 2)
Womeii Unfo&In Move to Beautify Beth JrLarmdrosk Hagodel Cemetery
Marcus Krasne Quits Post atJ. C.-C.
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9,1929 managed by the H. A. Wolf company 1 Officers and Directors of H. A. Wolf are the Paxton Block, Brandeis Theat- Managers and Salesmen of H. A* Wolf Baird, Hospe Co. and Union Pacific Assurance Co. Co. and Union Pacific Assurance Co. er,and Saunders-Kennedy, Nash buildings, Venetian Court,
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Offices Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 •
DAVID BLACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR IRVING PERLMETER - - - - - - - - - - - EDITOR A KATELMAN > - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent '
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JUSTICE IN PALESTINE . '. England, we fear, is making: a grave mistake in carrying her partiality toward Palestinian,Arabs to tlie extremes that seem to have been decided upon. Despite her commitment to the principle of the Jewish homeland in Palestine, she has in the past few years favored the Arabs in settling land disputes, has given crown lands to. Arabs Instead of Jews, has been reluctant to listen to the pleas of Jewish bodies for certain reasonable favors or policies, and climaxes its dereliction of duty to the Jews by permitting the Arabs to interfere with r the rights ofJews to pray at the famous WaiUng Wall, the remnant of the ancient Temple still standing in
We hestitate to level accusations or to" rashly condemn a great aael respected nation like England. We realize that it is also part ©f her duty to see that Arab citizens of Palestine receive justice ks weJl as the Jews. In addition, we would never permit ourselves to forget that it was an action of England's, the Balfour Declaration, that set in motion the wheels of worldwide recognition of the right of the Jews to build a national homeland in the Holy Land. But we fail to find excuses for such actions as the Wailing Wall incident. Last Yora Kippur, Jerusalem Jewry was inflamed to white heat over the forcible removal by Arabs with governmental aid of the screen separating the men and women praying at the wall in accordance with the orthodox custom. This was a flagrant violation of the agreement that nothing should be done by any of the religious groups to change the status quo obtaining at religious shrines. After numerous protests, this affair was i hushed up. Now the wound, covered but scarcely healed, is cruelly torn open again by the announcement that the government has granted permission to Arabs to build, on top and near the Wailing Wall. Consternation reigns in Palestine over this auda;cious insult to Jewry. Even the World Zionist Congress, meeting in Zurich, interrupted its sessions for a day in protest to the acr tjpn. Three representatives were immediately dispatched to Lon^ ; don to prevail upon the English government to rescind the decision j 0f its Palestinian officials;" "•: '• ';••}• It has been quite obvious for some time that the governors Sof Palestine were placing politics.with the Arabs, but it has been "vdifiicult to flatly denounce them. . There is this much to hope for : Jiowever. The present Palestinian government was created under the reign of the conservative party, since displaced from power by -the labor wing. We are confident, and pray that we are right in : 6ur judgement, that the McDonald government will save England's honor and appease Palestinian Jewry by taking steps to create a -new just policy in Palestine.
WOMEN'SORGANIZATION PUNS BEAUTIFYING OF {SYNAGOGUE CM '•/'". (Continued from Page 1.) p street, Phone Webster 0538 ijnd Mrs. & V. Lorig are in charge "of membership on the South Side. " Mrs. Ernest Meyer, 2929 Florence ^Boulevard, Phone WEbster 1716, is T Chairman of the finance committee, <which will seek substantial contribu'tiqns to the cemetery : improvement 'fund. She will be assisted by her •daughter, Mrs. Jacob Blank, and ; Tklrs. Reuben Kulakofsky; Among others who ' will take ' memberships are Mrs. N. J. Levinsoni '3014 Webster street, Phone Harney ; 2409, Mrs. F. S. Cohn; 925 Lincoln 'Boulevard, Phone Harney 2696, and "Mrs. J. A. Gross, 2612 Fowler Ave., |J£enwood 2482. In addition to the women mentioned above, members of the new organization already include Mrs. Will S. TUps of Houston, Texas, who gave "the first donation of ?25 in memory of her late mother-in-law, Mrs. 'Eessie Rips; Mrs. S. Arkin, whose eon, Morris Arkin, has contributed $25; Mesdames A. Mushkin, A. ''Weiss, M. Freiden, Louis Ziev, Esther Richards, Arthur Katskee, L. B. Woolfson, A. Perimeter, B. Levensky, J. N. Cherniss, A Levine, Harry Lapidus, Sam Frohm, J. Ross, Wm, Boa.sberg Dota" Stein," Harry Reuben,1 r A. G. Weinstein, D. Gross, Kaplan, G. Meyerson, Harry • Kulakofsky, 'JJathan Simon, Brown, B. Weissman, J. Abramovitz, A. Shafton, F, "Tuchmaji, A. Theodore, Morris ~Ghaiken, Ed Gilbert, J. Lincoln, S. J. Simon, D. Finklej rGleivitz; J. 'Hfrry Belmont, H. IS,. Anerbach, and *,Miss Jennie Zlotky' of Omaha; Mrs. ,Henjy Belmont of.Lyons," Nebr., and; 'l|rs, R. Jacobson and I, E. Krolofi? 'of Sioux City, la. '
Woman knows that the better she obeys the .surer she. is to rule.
LONG ILLNESS FATAL TO MRS. FANNIE GOODMAN Mrs. Fannie Goodman, 54 years old, died at her home at 2622 Capital avenue last Friday night following an illness of several years. Mrs. Goodman, a resident of Omaha for more than 35 years, is survived by her husband, Fred; two sons and seven daughters, David,. I. F., Mrs. Sam Liebowitz, Mrs. Harry Weiner, Gertrude, Charlotte, Frances, all of Omaha; Mrs. Harry Rosenthal und Mrs. Harry Rosenstein, both of Chicago. A brother; Frank Cohen, and a sister, Mrs. David Flanchek, Omaha, and a ; granddaughter, Greta Liebowrtz, also survive. . Burial took place at the Golden Hill cemetery.
TRANSJORDANIA BARS SALE OF LAND TO JEWS Jerusalem (J..T. A.)-^A move on the part of the Trans Jordanian Government {o prohibit a purchaser of land from reselling the property, especially to Jews, was revealed in a contract. > The land in Transjordania was purchased by a Palestinian. The government introduced a special clause in the contract prohibiting him from selling the land to anyone, particularly to Jews: " •
SHOCHET Chicken Slaughtering .. . 5c Picking .„..„..„.„.. _.—...........5c —Also— Chickens and Eggs at reasonable prices
Louis Mayer Declines Turkish Ambassadorship 'rn^w. UA. Vifmtf «V
Paul Blumer, engineer, a graduate of Armour Institute, is in charge of the mechanical department, and Ed Fletcher, who has been with the Wolf company for many years heads the janitor staff in the many office and apartment buildings controlled by this institution. Messrs. J. J. and David Greenberg, who also "grew up" with the company, are in charge of the fire, life and casualty insurance department assisted by a competent force of solicitors and stenographers. Their pride is the fact the names of clients of the company who were insured 25 years ago still remain on the books of the company and the list is constantly growing. Reuben H. Brown, accountant, supervises the accounting department, which is augmented by & force of book-keepers, cashier, and collector. Manned by Omaha men, financed with local capital, and devoted to the interests of the city and state, the H. A. Wolf company has played an- important role in the development of the downtown retail district, as well as the platting of two residential districts, Twinridge and Standard Place, west of the Field Club. A third project, development of a 32 acre tract on West Dodge street, opposite the George Brandeis and Rufus Lee man* sions and adjacent to the Morris Milder residence, will be started this fall. Among the downtown properties
Washington. — (J. T. A.) — The White House today confirmed that Lotus B. Mayer, motion picture magnate, declined to accept a diplomatic post or any other appointment to public office because his present business interests would not permit it. It is understood Mr. Mayer, who is pow a guest at the White House, was offered the post of United States Ambassador to Turkey. His business affairs would prevent his prolonged ab- DESECRATE SYNAGOGUE sence from the country, he said. Kovno.—(J .T. A.)—The main synaIt was indicated that Mr. Mayer hac been one of the most devoted friends gogue of Wilkowischki was desecrated and supporters of President Hoover last week by unknown vandals. The and that the President greatly appre dates Mr. Mayer's friendship.
tion. Besides these purely local activities, he haa also represented the State of Nebraska on the,American Jewish Committee for a number of years. As is to be expected of one with such breadth of vision, Mr. Wolf also SEVEN JEWISH BOYS AT fpund time to devote to general acFORT CROOK C. M. T. C tivities in addition to those of the sectarian kind. He was one of the Seven Jewish youths are among original organizers of the Greater those encamped at the Citizen's Omaha Committee, orginaUy started Military Training camp at Fort the movement for the Industrial FiCrook, on the outskirts of Omaha. nance Corporation, of which he is now The boys are: Leonard Posley, vice-president, and is active in the Herman Faier, Arthur Schlaifer, and Chamber of Commerce, the Real Edwin Kaplan of Omaha, SaiA Estate Board, the Community Chest, Roshin of Sioux City, la., Arthur and kindred organizations. Helphand of Fremont, Nebr., and B. Following the example set by their Hirshfeld of North Platte, Nebr. leader; the entire personnel of the H. The Jewish Community Center is A. Wolf company, a large number of arranging for the attendance of servwhom are Jewish, have also identified ices by the boys and is otherwise themselves in prominent and worthy attempting to make their stay at the manners with all worthwhile organicamp more agreeable. zations rendering service to the community. The H. A. Wolf company is like a Criticism, as it was first introspecialized department store with an duced by Aristotle, was meant as a expert at the head of each departstandard of judging well.—Johnson ment The real estate, sales and store rentals are under the supervision of •JiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimmiimiimminiuHumuimmr H. H. Auerbach, secretary-treasurer and general manager of the company. His staff includes P. A. Doughty, Alexander Frank and Fred Kirkland. Charles W, Martin, for 20 years asengaged in sociated with local home-building projects, including Minne Lusa and Florence Field, and Robert H. Kooper are in charge of the building management, with ::•_; maintenance and rental departments. J. J. FRIEDMAN and HARRY B. FLKHARTY Kooper started as an. errand boy in early offices of the company in which he how holds an important position.
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient Combined with the
Irresistable Flavor of Brazil mid Scientifically Blended in Omaha
Advo Coffee IS
Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch
Stimulating for Dinner
General Accounting and Federal Tax Service Attorneys-at-Law
534 Peters Trust Bldg.
There is no other Coffee to be compared xvith it
• AT. 7611
NOTICE! Mr. Nathan, Belzer, son of Mr. ^Morris Belzer, the bread man who died in an accident, requests customers who owed money to Mr. Belzer to pay at Himelbloom's Bakery at" 1511 No.. 24th St., or call WEbst^r 6284.
A Safe Deposit
with a high rate 6t interest accruing daily. That's what Neat, Ta&ty
1805 NQ. 24th Street
E HAVE the honor of :announcing to the public that we have opened a cleaning and tailoring, pressing and dyeing shop at
N & L Cleaners and Tailors We will appreciate your patronage. We call for and deliver.
Call WEbster 6161
1613 No. 24th St.
Hlllse &Riep«II
means to yqy. I t costs no more «-- it's worth money in actual dollars and cents--and can be obtained quickly by asking for our representative.
Telephone ATlantic 8028 2 3rdand
JAqkson 1226 F U N E R A L Cuming Street
INTERSTATE PRINTING CO1307-i 309 Howard Street. Omaha
Ark of the Holy Scroll was opened and the parchments were torn and multilated. A young girl, Rachel Stropolski, was found unconscious not far from the synagogue.
With the
Announcing the association of
Carlton and Conant Hotels, and the Shukart building. The company has been instrumental in bringing into Omaha a score of out-of-town concerns, both wholesale and retail. The newest project of the Wolf company is the erection of a modern store and office building to cost more than & half million dollars at the northeast corner of 16th and Douglas streets. The latest field into which the Wolf company has developed is the organization two years ago of the Union Pacific Assurance company of America, which has already written over $5,000,000 worth of insurance. A branch office of this organization was recently opened in Chicago. In celebration of this occasion, prominent Chicago business men tendered Mr. Wolf a banquet, at which Walter Head, former Omahan and now one of the leading bankers in Chicago, was the principal speaker. The officers of the H. A. Wolf company are; Mr. Wolf, president; H, H. Auerbach, secretary-treasurer and general manager; and W. L. Holzman, N. P. Fell, and Louis Hiller, director. The Union Pacific Life Assurance company is headed by: H. A. Wolf, president; Henry Monsky, vice-president; John A. Farber, secretary and general managerj and H. H. Auerbach, treasurer.
S*M *y all First CUw Grocers
As* for ft Insist on Advo
'Famous *<w TUvwr"
Blended, Rested, Ground and Packed by
The Extra Value Omar Bakery pats into its bread, eatrva and pastries has brought ua thousand* of customers. Women all over Omnha are talking about it. You can get Omar goods? from most groceries or the Omar wagon that comes to your neighborhood.
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH, PRESS, FRIDAY^ AUGUST 9, 1929 • .Mrs. ^. Rajsn^ck entertained-four Nathanson and famiiy of Estherville, The Agudas , "Achim Association ] ning for Pittsburgh, V&-? where they Sunday following a three weeks' visit tables of fridge in honor of Mrs.' Iowa, on a motor trip to New York will hold a meeting next Monday} will visit relatives/for a few weeks. in Excelsior Spring-s, Mo. Mandelbaum of Chicago who is visit-'City, for 'a month's'visit. ' ' " ~ evening, August 12, at the Legion ,mg Mrs. Jlasnick.f_i>r three weeks. j -•• Hall. Mr, and Mrs. Morris Grossman are What 'twas to do M i s s M a r i a n M a r c u s i s s OTdi spending the week in St. Louis, Mo. "Cnarles Schlaifer returned ' last j P ^? Tis weak to lament, once twiug Thursday after a three month's stay j three weeks visiting at the Ozark " Mrs. J. Scharf and her brother, done. —She] ley. at a resort at Bangor, Mich. I Mountains. ... Loois S. Braunstein.left Sunday eve- Mrs. P. Markovitz returned home Miss Elsie Poska left last Friday for a. two weeks stay in Denver, Col. Miss Dorothy Paik of Detroit, Mich,, and Leonard Rosen of Sioux Falls, 5. D., are visiting Miss Bernice Falk and Mr. Martin Falk.
Lyric romance worthy of a famous novelist's pen came to right, this week with the announcement of the marriage of Miss Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cooper enterNena M. Horwitz, daughter of Mrs. Clair Horwitz, to Mr. Frank R. tained Tuesday evening ~ at their at a dinner party in honor of Ackerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ackerman. The marriage, Mhome r aand d M Mr. Mrs. Harry Kononovitch of performed according to the civil law, will be solemnized according j New - ^York to the religious custom on Sunday, September 1, in the presence Df \ .» who are visiting friends and relatives here while on their the immediate family of the young couple. Fast friends for for some time, the young couple were separat- honeymoon. The honor guests will ed about six.nionths ago when Miss Horwitz went to visit relatives leave Saturday for New York where in Philadelphia. Early in July, Mr..Ackerman traveled east to they -will make their home. Mrs. attend the international A. Z. A. convention at Philadelphia. That Kononovitch was formerly Miss the two friends should meet was to be expected, but it has proved Gertrude Dinowitch of New York a tremendous but pleasant surprise to friends to learn of their and is well known in local circles. dashing, down to Elkton, Md., famous elopement town, to get married.' "Returning to Omaha in the middle of July following a honey- The Bikur Cholim society will hold moon spent in New York, Philadelphia, Atlantic City, and Wilm- their regular meeting on Monday, ington, they confided in their parents, meanwhile keeping their August 12, at 2 o'clock at the synamarriage a secret pending arrangement of details for the religious gogue at 25th and Seward streets. ceremony. .: . . ..-...,.' Miss.Horwitz was an honor student at Central high school and graduated from a Philadelphia high school this spring. Mr. Ackerman is a junior law student at Creighton University and a member of Pi Lambda Phi, national Jewish social fraternity. He was a member of the varsity debating squad, an assistant editor By F. E. K. of the school annual and formerly sports editor of the "Creightonian." He" has consistently made a high record in scholarship, leading his class each, of his three university years, and standing The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 at the head of the entire university while in the Arts college. Re- of the Independent Order of the cently he was awarded the freshman corpus juris prize for legal B'nai Brith will hold a regular meetresearch. He has also been prominent in local Jewish activities. ing next Wednesday evening, Aug. He is president of Sam Beber Chapter No. 100 of the A. Z. A., snd 14, at the Danish Hall. while at the recent convention, was elected to the international Mr. and Mrs. Ealph Castle of office of senior seargent-at-arms in the Order.
The Qrpwih of the ^ A. Wolf Company is due to Service it renders and Results itsecures for its Clients Because of this fact, the personnel of the H* A* Wolf Company, iri celebrating the Twenty-Fifth Anniver* sary of the arrival of its President, Mr* Harry A, Wolf, to Omaha, dedicate themselves to continue to give service and the best results to their clients*
Council Bluffs News
Brooklyn, New York, left Sunday The engagement of Miss Betty Mr. and Mrs. L. Sokolof announce evening for their home following a Steinberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the birth of a daughter at the NichNathan Steinberg,'to Mr. Abe Milder, olas Senn hospital on Sunday, Aug. 4. several weeks' visit here at the home of Mrs. Castle's parents, Mr. and son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Milder, was Mrs. • E. Gilinsky. They were acannounced at a luncheon last SaturMrs. Sam Newman entertained at a companied back by Mrs. Castle's day given at the Paxton Hotel for bridge luncheon for 24 at the New sister/ Miss Gertrude Gilinsky, who members of the Sigma Delta Tau sor- Paxton. will* remain there for an indefinite ority chapter of the University of visit. Nebraska, of which Miss Steinberg is Miss Pearl Cooper of Kansas City president, and for the sisters of the is in Omaha this week-end as' the young couple. guest' of Misses Rose and Ida Fine. Mrs. L. Meyersori returned home Sunday after spending the past three The out-of-town guests included Miss Cooper is enroute to.Denver. weeks in Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mrs. Madeline Baer, house-mother of the chapter house at Lincoln; Mrs. Mrs. Mose Yousem and" Miss "Lena Ben Taxman of Kansas City; The Kohen returned from a month's stay Mrs, -Abe< G3iHSkj» departed .this Misses Euth Riseman, Dorothy Dia- in California. week ' with,-Mr. and Mrs. Henry mond, Bernice Lieberman, Mozelle Kleeman, Euth Zolat, Mary Yabroff, and Mrs. Jack Chesen, all of Lincoln; "Omaha's Style Center" Miss Sally Ginsberg of Sioux City; Miss Frances Eobinson of Norfolk, Miss Sally Steinberg of Fort Dodge; Miss Laura Berek, of Fremont; Miss I Esther Swislowsky of Columbus; and Miss Sylvia Zeven of Kansas City. Miss Steinberg has just completed: •two years at the University of NeHarnev 16th at braaka. She was in the court of Miss Opposite Ofpheum Geraldine Fleming of Lincoln \as one of the freshman attendants to the May Queen in the spring of 1928. Mr. and Mrs; Joseph. Brown announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Toby Brown, to Mr. Arthur L. Pregler, son of Mrs. Henrietta Pregler. No date has been set for the wedding. • . .
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herzberg, who, spent the last two weeksat the Edgewater Beach hotel in Chicago, returned this week by motor.
-• The Real Estate, Sales and Store Rental Department is under the direct supervision of*Mr. H . H . Auerbach, Secretary-TreasREAL ESTATE urer and General Manager of the Company. He is supported * AND -STORES R E N T A L by a well-trained and competent force of men and secretaries. The department has the listings of every available good property DEPARTMENT in Omaha; knows values and is well able to advise intelligently; and is in constant touch with every prospective store tenant in America. If this department does .not sell your property or does not rent your store, then either your price is out of line with their values, or you have neglected to tell us about it. TrG
" "' " .''"'••; ''' The fire, life and casualty departments are in charge of Messrs. J. J". ; INSURANCE and David Greenberg, assisted by competent solicitors and stenopEPARTMENT graphers. The Greenbergs have grown up with the company, they -__ have been schooled and have absorbed the spirit of the company in fair play, honesty, service, loyalty to the firm and to its clients. That they have lived up to this standard is evidenced by the growth of the department and that on our books are the .names of customers who started with the firm twenty-five years ago, and the list of satisfied clients is constantly growing. The department represents only the most conservative and the strongest fire, life and casualty companies in America.
' Mr. Kooper was trained in the H . A. Wolf Company's school of experience, starting with the company as errand boy and developing to his present position with the company.
Mr. and Mrs..A. Radman will entertain at their home this Sunday afternoon from 2 to 8 P. M. in honor of "their son and daughter-in-law, Mr.\ and Mrs. Edward Radman, formerly of Detroit, Mich., who were recently married. All friends and relatives are cordially invited. The young couple will make their home in. Omaha.
They are assisted by a force of honest, competent and trained help—SERVICE IS T H E KEYNOTE OF T H E DEPARTMENT—The department employes 100 people , .with Mr. Paul Blumer, Engineer, graduate of Armour Tech University, Engineering Department, in charge of the mechanical plants of the many buildings we manage; a master -carpenter is in charge of the physical condition of the properties for our clients, and Mr. Ed Fletcher who has been associated with the H. A, Wolf Company for a great many years, is in charge of all janitors in the many office and apartment buildings we have charge of.
You are invited to inspect a "beautiful selection of .
Made in Germany
Jewish New Year Cards and Novelties Displayed by
N. S. Yaffe
Choose Your Winter Coat Now in Our Annual
August Sale of
Send Your New Year Greetings to Europe Notv in Order to Insure Delivery Before the Holidays
T The H . A. W O k F ^ O M P A N Y is like a specialized department store, iratii experts ^at the headof eachdeparfanent, trained and organized to give the highest typeof service at the lowest possible cost.
__«__«»__«____»»»»--_____»«_»__,._ The Building Management, Maintenance and Rental B U I L D I N G MANAGEMENT Departments are in charge of Mr. Charles W. Martin and Robert H . Kooper. Mr. Martin has had twenty MAINTENANCE AND years experience in Omaha's real estate development RENTAL DEPARTMENTS and is well known for the thousand homes that he has built in the city and the many beautiful additions he planned and marketed.
Mr. arid Mrs. Max L. Holzman are leaving Sunday on a three-weeks trip to California and Colorado.
118 South 17th Street Phone JA. 0770
WINTER COATS LAVISH FUR TRIMMINGS — NEWEST MATERIALS New Fall Colors and Style-Treatments •• Sizes for Juniors—Misses and Women
The Accounting Department is under the supervision of Mr. R. H . Brown, Accountant, assisted by a force of bookkeepers, cashier and collector. 1
Your real estate, insurance and property management is well taken careof if placed in the hands of the
H. A. Wolf Co. -•A*.
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH, PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1929 and evolved the idea of the loose con-1 SCHIFF GIVES $50,000 Cduiidil Women Seek to OMAHA YWmM M tact transmitter or microphone, which TO BRITISH BOY SCOUTS, CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS placed the telephone on an advanced Aid Religious Schools At the yemi-annual election of ofcommercial basis, some three years j London.—(J. T. A.)—Mortimer L. after Bell and Watson had invented Schiff, who is vice-president of t h e ' Sixty five sections of the National ficers of the Omaha Yiddish the telephone in Boston. Later the( American Boy Scouts' Association, j Council of Jewish Women have con- Dramatic club, the following officers } microphone was to become also the,' presented his check for $50,000 to theducted 125 religious schools enroll- were ejected: Joseph Mofgenstern, charge -of plans. The affair was a soul of radio broadcasting. Prince of Wales for further develop- ing 7729' pupils during the last year, director Harry Blacker, secretary; dinner • followed- by bridge, after assistant-secretary; In 1887, he achieved the second ment of the British Boy Scout move- according to the report of the de-Sam Krantz, which the guest of honor was partment of religion and religious Sarah Taub, treasurer, and Carl Lagscientific discovery that placed his ment. Mrs. J. name in the forefront of inventors by Mr. Schiff made his gift at the Boy education, made public recently by man, publicity director. Mrs. A. R. Sac^s, who is leaving presented with a gift. Washington.—(J. T. A.) — Emile giving the world ' the gramophone. Scouts' jamboree which is being held j its chairman, Mrs. A, S. Kohler of Raznick ami Mrs. Sol Gendelman are soon to -join- Mr. Sacks at Newark, After a visit to" the" home of Mr", Berliner; famous inventor and philan- This talking machine utilized the disc at Arrowe Park, Birkenhead. Mr. Savannah, Ga. also on the executive committee. N. J., -Avhc're they will reside, was and Mrs. Ben Schulein, Mr. Ellis F. record, also his invention, and horizPlans are br-injr mane for the Schiff recently gave $50,000 to the These schools are to be found in thropist, died, here at his home last entertained at.a luncheon ; and bridge the smallest rural communities as presentation during the forthcoming last -Friday at the Davidson Tea Bottigheimer has returned to' Chica- Saturday. Stricken a week ago byontal wave grove. He invented and American Boy Scouts. well as in the large cities. A special season of several of the most modern Room. About sixty friends of the go, Mr. Bottigheimer, whose engage- apoplexy, Mr! Berliner, who was inperfected, as well, the present method ment to Miss Alice Schulein was anof duplicating disc records. his seventy-ninth year, rallied slightly family were present. Mr. Berliner exhibited his adaptabil- curriculum is published by the de-Yiddish plays, expecting to surpass For his gramophone invention he ity in yet another sphere by interest- j partment for the guidance of these the enviable record established las'*-Mrs. Sacks, who with her husband nounced last week, plans to return until Monday when he lapsed into were prominent in Sioux City activ- to Sioux City next week. Several unconsciousness that lasted until was awarded the John Scott Medal ing himself in 1900, in the cause of Council schools. In some commun- year. and the Eliott Cresson gold medal by the high death rate among baHes, ities the schools have been formed ities, was presented with' a beautiful entertainments are being planned. d e a t h . ,:, ' ! . - . . . . • - • • • . : '... HONOR RATHENAU silver basket by friends in token of • Distinguished as the inventor of the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia. which he traced to the dangers of raw for the express purpose of counterComplimentary to her guest, Miss telephone, .transmitter, the radio niiIt was later that his inventive milk. He was instrumental in estab- acting the influence of rnissionizing the friendship of the guests. Berlin.—(J. T. A.")—The memory of Martha Himelstein of Omaha, Miss crophone, which made possible broad- genius turned to aeronautics, but beschools. Walter Rathenau, the late German Ruth Kronick, 110 Jennings street, casting, and the flat disk phonograph fore Wright Brothers conducted their lishing milk standards, which were acThe activities of individual Council Jewish statesman who died at the Jack Slotsky, president of Sioux cepted in modified form by all the City • A. Z. A, and formerly Sioux was hostess at. a bunco party last record," lised' in millions of homes flying experiments on the sands of large cities of the country. He wascommittees are not limited to the hands of anti-Semites, will be honCity correspondent for the Jewish week. Guests at the affair included throughout the world, Mr. Berliner of North Carolina, he was at work on the president of the Washington Tubercu- conduct and direction of schools. ored by his own city according to a Press; left Sunday, August 4, for the Misses Sylvia and Janet Kline late years was a ressless crusador in Helicopter. He contended that this losis Association for five years and They have also undertaken surveys decision of the Berlin City GovernChicago where he will join his of Chicago. the field.of child hygiene and pasteu- type of aircraft possessed superiority wrote a number of pamphlets on in several communities to determine ment. brother in business. ~• to what extent the educational agenrized'milk. - - .• . ._. , ; over that requiring a running start health topics. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Klass, 916 Jack was tendered a farewell party "Coming to this country from an or- to get into the air, because it would Our prayers should be for a sound Mr, Berliner was. born in Hanover, cies are" enrolling the local Jewish Saturday evening by a number of Jennings street, are hosts this week thodox Jewsh home in Germany in conserve space and permit of ascent Germany, May 20th, 1851 and grad- children. In Omaha, the Council's mind in a healthy body. to their children, Mr. Morris Klass, 18.70,' young Berliner once taught in from a city square. This research he hie friends. uated from the Samson School of religious department has offered —Juvenal. . He is the son" of Mr. and Mrs.Mrs. Louis Bailin and Mr. Bailin. prizes for regular. attendance in the the religious school of Temple Eman- turned over to his son, Henry, about Wolfenbuttel in 1865. S. Slotsky, SlOp-16th street. Center Sunday school and has couel of New York, of which Gustav 1919, after the latter had designed and Of interest to Sioux Cityans is the Gottheil ivas then rabbi. Later, how- successfully flown a Helicopter in operated in other respects. Next Miss Blanche Epstein, wo is visit- announcement of the engagement of ever, Berliner came under the influ- November of that year. year it expects to work out a plan ing here at the I. Merlin home, ac- Miss Anna Rodin, formerly Tof this ence of the writings of Ingersoll and for increasing attendance at all the Angeles, to Tom Paine and became and remained Certified Public Account-?nts companied by Miss Dorothy Merlin, city, now living in Los Jewish religious schools. Mrs. Fre•SAM K. KLAVEK. Attorney 1 . C12 Omahu National Rank BUI?. 638 Securities ISldr-. was a guest at the home of Miss Mr. Samuel Jacobs- of the same city. until death, an avowed agnostic. AJCT derick Cohn is chairman of this deCanvas Covers, Tents, In the County Court of Douglas County, Rose Forman in Omaha over the past The wedding will take place August cording to announced arrangements, Nebrnsk.i Camp Supplier, All Kinds partment. AT. 4451 18 at the home of her parents. • of the estate ot MARY C. 13 and Howard AT. 1402 weekend. •. . hp. left instruction's to be buried in In the mutter dt-wnsi-il. Miss Rodin is the daughter of Rock* Greek: Cemetery, a non-Jewish AVERY, To the heirs-at-lnv. creditors, and nil 41 % INCREASE IN SALES persons interest**! in unit! estate: Miss Ida Feldman spent last week Mr. and Mrs. David Rodin. She isburial ground and no religious services oth^r 1'ou are herptij- notified that a petition REPORTED BY BAKER CO. LARGEST STOCK been filed in this Court on tho -litli with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rivia of a graduate of Central - high school, will be held'in connection with His has (lav of July; lft_>0. liy Charles n. A Terr, IN WEST and attended Morningside college and interment. Despite his agnosticism, alleginp that Mary C. Avery died on the Tydall, S. .S.An increase of 41% in the number 27th 'day of June. 1020. intestate: that at. the University of Michigan. Quick Shipments however,, he always definitely identi- the time of her death she was a resident of plants sold was reported by Baker of Ponjrlas County, Netirnsk.-t, ami th.it she Our Hobby for 4420 Florence Blvd. fied himself with the Jewish commun- was p°s[iesse<[ of an estate nt inheritance Mr. Dave Merlin has arrived from Ice Machine Company, Omaha, during Miss Lillian Dobrofsky, daughter 45 Years ity, especially the Zionist movement, in the following described real estate, toKE. 1500 Chicago, and is visiting at the home their fiscal year which has recently •vvit: OMAHA STOVE The Honse With A Reputation of- his sister, Mrs. J. Shindler. He of Mr. and Mrs. N. Dobrofsky, 1304 having a number of years ago served The north twenty-two and one-half ended. More plants were sold than in REPAIR. WORKS (22VJ) feet of tlie south sixty-seven and will spend a week here after which Riverside avenue; is taking an ex- as president of the Washington Zion- one-half any other year sincethe company was (67Vi) f«et. of Lots ten ami eleven 120R-8 Douglas Street he will return to his home in tended vacation trip this summer. ist district an'd also made various (10 and 11) in Block nineteen (19). in Wilorganized in 1905. At present she is visiting relatives fox' Second Addition to the City of Omaha, large contributions to Palestine funds Chicago. Foreign orders likewise showed a PATKOXIZK THV; as surveyed, j>l:it!p<f and recorded: nnd lot Genuine at Grand Rapids, Mich. From there and to the Hebrew University. two hundred and thlrty-eicht (238) in large increase. An increase of 64 yf CANDYLAAD Homesite Addition to the City of Omaha, Guests at the Cfandall Lodge at she will go to Fort Wayne,-Ind.j and In explaining his agnosticism, Berl- as siirreyed. platted and recorded, now loth nnd Farniiw in the number of machines exported within the corporate limits of the City of Lake Okobojii last week included from there to New York City. She iner was careful to point out that he Omaha. was reported by this department. At SUNSET TEA ROOM ,. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davidson," Mr. will also visit several other cities was not an atheist. "I simply do not That said, petitioner has an interest in the present time these Omaha made For Health , said real,estate l>t»inp the widower of said and Mrs. Thomas Bolton, • and child- before returning. machines are operating in 37 different know," it was his custom to say, de- deceased, said petitioner prays that a hear-1 be had on s:iid petition, that nolle* CRYSTAL CANDY SANITARY ren, and Mr. Herman Davidson. They countries of the world, reaching out claring that with this intellectual ing thereof be civen as required by law, and After returning to Sioux City for humility he was convinced that one that upon said hearing a decree of heirHUh nml ('itpttnl. Avi". BAKERY have since returned to Sioux City. to such obscure places as Blantyre, ship be. entered nnd further administration several -days, Mrs. .Harry . Katner could learn far better. Nyasaland; Taroena, Celebes; Valleti of said estate be dispensed with. BAKJSHV GOODS AT THEIR BEST You are therefore notified that a hearing Although he chartered a . plane has once more taken up residence at ta; Malta, and Trincomalee, Ceyalon, 1G09 Cumins—AT. 1826 With the telephone transmitter and will be had on said petition at the County from the Tri-State Airlines and flew Brdwn's Lake where she will vacar the disc-record talking machine al- Cdnrt in addition to many of the more Itoom of said County, on the 27th of Aiisust. 1!>2S>. at 51 oVInek A. M., to' Minneapolis, Mr. A. H. Baron tioh for several weeks^ ..She ,is. ac- ready to^ the credit of his inventive day prominent countries of Latin America, After Theatre anil that if ymi fail to appear at said time failed to arrive in time to be present companied' by her daughter, Harriet genius, Emile Berliner, in his later and plaee and contest the said petition, Africa, Europe and the Orient. Dancing the Court may grant the same, enter a ..::„... at the birth of his'.daughter. Mrs. Moe. of heirship. .and decree that further J. L. Baker, president of the comyears, was associated with his son,decree administration'of said estate be dispensed 24th and Farnam Baron has .been visiting, her parents pany, is an ardent supporter of thhe Henry, in an advisory capacity for the 1IHYCK CUAWKOItn. . Mrs. J. W. Osheroff and son, Gene, development of the Helicopter—an air-: with: in Minneapolis. August 2—3T County Jiidce. work now in progress to make' the of OmaTia, are visiting at the home craft capable of rising straight up Missouri River navigable as he is conATIantic 6291 JATK MAKiaR, Attorney Mrs. R. Rabinowitz ,has returned of Mr. Osheroff's parents. They will from the ground. vinced that this will greatly stimulate Paxton-Mitchell Co. 4th Floor. Court House J., M. JKNSEN from Chicago where she visited with remain for several weeks. HAritry Ififi.' export trade with the Latin American 11th i n r t M m HIM *!•• PUOBATK NOTICK The versatility of this German Jew- In friends and relatives for several the matter o£ the estate of EUV1N republics to the south. ish immigrant, who, traveled the rough UnVER. deceased.. Soft },T!i.Y i n > n , "rr'H v.eaks. .-..;• ; Xotice hereby stven: That the creditroad of experience in the earlier years bra of s.iW}gdpceasptl i ^vill meet the adminisRefresh Yotirself i r on Dr. Adler to Direct of his life in the United States, was tratrix of said estate, before nu>. County "NO JEWISH LAND SALES" notes, • Mrs. Bernard Baron has returned Judge of Douglas Comity. XebrnsUa. at > A" fcii'fi* of National Crime Survey exhibited in the various vocations he .the County Court Hoom, in said County, Jerusalem.—{J. T. A.)—The Al Ikrill'! !!!(•[;!! from Chicago after being the guest ori fhe 21st'day of September. lfCJ!*, and on followed ere fortune rewarded him. the 21stdi;y of November. 1KO. nt !> o'clock dam, Arafj paper, publishes letters to cf• relatives for three weeks. She Washington.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. Her? He sold glue, painted backgrounds on A. M.^ each day. for the purpose of present- | the editor which urge that all land was accompanied by her children. . man M. Adler of Chicago has been enlarged photographs and traveled as inp their claims for examination, adjust- j meut and allowance. Three months ar»' nl- | brokers who assist in the transfer of for the creditors to present thr>ir< IN DOTTLES appointed consultant and director- of a salesman for a. Milwaukee whole- lowed land to the Jews should be uprooted claims, from the 17th day of Aitsrunt, 102!). I Mrs. A. Kxueger of Chicago, form- survey in the field of psychiatric sale house, at various" times between and set 'fire to. J. L. Kl ;Al ;K. Prop vietov County Judtre. erly of Sioux City, is here- visiting phases of criminology by the National 1870, when he reached the United July 19—4T relatives. YOU ARE ALWAYS "NEW I VI -r (>j D" Commission on Law Observance and States, until he went to Washington WALDKO.V, SII.VEIVMAX &• XEWK1RK He who undervalues himself is Attorneys WELCOME AT Enforcement, it was announced here. in 1877 to begin experimenting.. 1619 Farnam Sf i Mi one AT. 8481 justly undervalued by others. 945 Omaha National Bank Uiilsr. /Mrs. Sam Sudow and children, of Dr. Adler is state criminologist of During his leisure time he had stud—Hazlift. | OF PKOBATE OF AilLT, Aberdeen, S. D., are the guests of Illinois, having served in that capacity ied electricity and acoustics and while InKOTICK the County Court of Douglas County. ; Mr. and Mrs. Sam' Baron. Several for twelve years. During the World a clerk in a Washington store he ex-N'eliraska. l u the matter of the estate of LEAH affairs havfe been planned in honor War he made a special study for the perimented after hours in his room FIIANK. deceased. All persons Interested in said estate are of Mrs. Sudow during her visit here. War Department of men confined-in hereby notified that a petition has l>een tiled in said Court, praying for the probate military hospitals. He is professor 8TATLMASTER & BEBEK, Attorneys of n certain instrument now on filo in said 54th and Center Streets "Everything for the Auto" The Lakes was the vacationing of criminology and head of the De"Manufactured in Oniaha" 630 Omaha National Bank Bide;. j Court, purporting to lie the last will and testament of said deceased, and that a place of Mr. and Mrs. J. $ . Green- partment of Social Hygiene, Medical NOTICE OF j hearinsr will be had on said )>etition before Entertainment 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 BAKEK ICK MACWLNK CO. barg who have returned to Sioux Jurisprudence and Criminology at the In the County Court of Douglas County, Raid Court on the 20th day of August, l!)2!t. and that if they fail to appear at said Chicken Dinners Nebraska. . . . City after a two weeks outing. on the paid '20th day of Aupnst, Medical College at the University of In the mutter of the estate of M. MOX. Court 1020. at a o'clock A. M. to contest the proHE1T, deceased. . Chicken Satttficichcs Illinois. Dr. Adler is engaged in mak- AH persons Interested in said estatq are bate of said will, the Court may allow and probate said will nnd grant administration Several weeks were spent at Co- ing a phychiatric study for the Boston hereby CHARLES SIMON" notified that a petition hus been of estate to AI.RXANDKU V. FRASK lorado Springs by Mr. M," Saff who crime survey and made a similar tiled in said Court alleging- that said fie- andsaid UKUBKN or some other suitKiT'ommi'nOs ireased died leaving no IiiHt will and i>ray- nbU*-MIXNIK Person and proceed- to a sottlemetit recently returned to Sioux City. , study in 1920 in connection with the ing for'admiiiistriiHou upon his estate, and thereof. THE SANITARY LAUNDRY that a hearing,wlu be hnil on.said petition 1722 No. 24 St.. WE. O2S0. Cleveland crime survey. His work before said court on the. 31st day of Aug- July "<!—"T DUTCK GKAWTOIIT), 'The Best ot All tj»«indrj- Services" County liKS), and that if (hey fail to appear nt Mr. Will Baron has returned from for the Commission will include Psy- list, Try a loaf of your Russian 2815 said Court.on the said 31st day of August. a several weeks visit in New. York chiatric'Phases of: the causes of crime 1»2», at!) -'.o'clock A. M. to -oomest saiij peSTAI.MASTKR & BEBKK, Attorneys Farnam AT-2815 Pumpernicle Bread tition, the Cmrrt'jnny grant the same and . 050 Omalia National Bank Bldg;. -City. • . You'll Appreciate thr T(>??r grant administration at said estate tq Eva and the treatment of criminals. XOTICK OF ADMINISTKAT1ON
Society News
Peerless Cleaners
Rush-En Rye
Standard Slice
Jlonheit or some other suitable person and proceed to a'-settlement thereof. '
National Accessories, Inc.
Qeneral Contractor
Omak Towel Sspply Co.
Tn the County Court of Douglns County, j
: Sioux City's Girl^ Scout. Troop No. Nebraska. j ' ' KItlCE CBAWFOrrD, In tfre mattv-'ot- the estate of GEOIIGK l Aug. 0—3T • •'•...;•'" County 9, composed of Jewish girls, under A. LAXG. flet-wised. . the direction of Miss Ann Pill, will Judge Lewis Refuses to AH persons interested in Raid estate art- j BTAXJIASTBR * BEDElt, AttorneyB herebynotitml that. :t petitlwi has beeu ' 492-9S Brandeis Theatre entertain at a farewell party' at the Run for N. Y. Mayoralty ,"•' ' 050 Omaha ^aflonol Bank iite<l in- sard Coirrt nlleping thai said deceased died lenvhis no last will ai:d prayT home of Miss Rose Brid, 816 W. 5th >OTICB O* INCOHr»BATK>5r OF THE lujr for adniiniKtratloii upon his estate, JAckson 1614 New York.—(J. T. A.) — Judga :- -....*-A'I«I£NA«.lXCqiU.'OBAT-l£D . street, in honor of Miss Odell Emand. that n heariliK will Ire had on said petition before said coiirt on the 17th day Estimates Gladly Furnished lein, who is leaving soon' with her Henry E. Lewis, Justice of the Su- •Notice Is. herelty, given that the under- o€ August. 102). jnid that if they fail to signed have assptinted themselves tqKethi-r preme Court of New York, second to family for Los Angeles. form a t-orlnirjjtiou under the laws of appear at said Court, on the said 17th day the State -of »I»rtiska. .'ijie. JianH? of the of August, 1'yJSi, nil) o'clock A. M. to conDistrict, will not consent to serve as corporntion is "The Arena, Inc.," anil the test said petition, the Court may grant the Mr. and Mrs. Max Brodkey have the Republican candidate for Mayor, principal place of' transacting u s lm*dnes.s same and Krant administration of said is in Omaha, Doiiglut! County, Xelirn«Ua. estate to BEUT11A U N O or some other as their guest Miss Mildred Baron according to word received by Repub- The ecucrnl niiturtj of rhe business to be suitable, person and proceed to a settletransacted is to buy, own, lease or ment thereof. lican leaders from Oscar Lewis, a cont.rol buildings, build, of Chicago. tireuas, i-oliseuins, or any •• •• . 1-.K1CE CIIAWFOKD. brother, and spokesman for the jurist other type, and kind of struetun* or real July UC—3T County Jnctjre. estate which jiiaybu used or emj'lo.vud in Miss Lena Lipman spent last who is now in Europe. the carryiiij; on imd showing of amuse- MIT.TOX K. ABKAHAMS & KItHAKI) A. JA. 5604 317 No. 15 O'CO.VXOU. Attorney" ments, balls, exhibitions, apectnclcs, events Mr. Lewis declared that the Re-or displays of every Ulnd u:iddescription; weekend at Storm Lake visiting 400 Brandcis Theater Bids. nmt-to -lease, rent, sublet or hire out gp:ue relatives. She has returned to publican chances for defeating Mayor for NOTICE BY I'UB^^ATIOK TO CLOSING OUT 2,400 gal. of ami liti-ldontnl busiin."sK<"s, MO-N-KESIDEKT IlKH.NDA>T Walker were still too weak to justify whichconcessions Sioux City. nru usuallj: nnd custoiuiirity" attend" DE-VOE & REYNOLDS paint To KLVA (.'. COAKI.EY. non-resident of upon the diilnjs ot' the ili'oremcntloiu'd his brother in sacrificing the remain- ant .....TTtf things and to do ajiy and all things which llie. state, of Nebraska: at §1.95 per gal. All colors. You are hereby notified that . M-i'LUu As a farewell courtesy to Miss ing beven years of his term on themay be necessary and proper to tin; gui:-HUKST has heretofore tiled a petition cessful - realization of. tiio objects heiTiiiRosena Sacks, prior to her depar- bench, and altering his original de- above set out. The atithoriEed cnuitsl :ij.-;iinst you in tho District Court or Also 2,000 gal. of Kentucky stock Is $10,000.00 divided Into a(Hl8lian-s Doiisins Comity. Nebraska, in an action paints at §1.75. And various ture -for Newark, N. J., 16 friends cision which was not to run unless Of: the i>ar. value . of $100.00 each, all, of entitled Nellie Hurst, plaintiff, vs..*.Ira o . is common stock' nnd when issued Coakley.. defendant, which action appears 'arranged a. "no hostess" party last there were indications that he had a which railroad wrecked merchandise. shftll" be fully; paid .up nnd non-aiSHussiible. of record in Vov. SiX So. -52 of said court: . week. Miss Marcella Koolish was- in chance of winning. The corporation shall uommeiice btisjness that the objuct :ni() prayer of said potinon
Building •Up Visionl
By a new specialized device-exclusive with us, we'are now able to correct defects of-vision heretofore incurable. The method is simple. - We merely build up the muscles of the eye'by exercise. Come in and let us demonstrate it to you..
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Capitol Theater Bldg. IOWA
t-Aug.'0—1T. - --
Jewelry Store 16th and Howard Streets
S i n r e !>'••
CURTAINS Of Every Description Beautifully finished. Guaranteed to hang true. 50c per pair, some a trifle more. Special rates on 10 or more pair. JUST PHONE— AT. 4750—MA. 4750.
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Southwest Corner Eleventh and O^u.elns Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Mebr.
City H'ide Delivery.
IDEAL ® . 11 '-••js^L
It Will Pay You to Inquire.
Hilt Hotel Building
Jewelry Credit at Caskon Prices
Hnrry H. l,ipiftus.
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Baker les isdsies ^
JA. 0338
Oroalia Jobbing Co.
I lUHiti'fhe lillnp of i(s articles of Incorponi- are to recover from you the sum otst tire s tioon.-lu.the..ulitlee of the County Clerk and Thousand- Dollars (J.IOOO.OO) ;i»d ^<> . « i i d:unne«'K for personal InJHrh-s to i»lniutiIT | continue for :i period of. CO yeiirs. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability rtsnltinj; from your uegligoiice; that i n . to which, the corporotloti shnll at any tlitic said action Jittachnu-tit has ltcc.n made on S real estate owned by you ami i .subject Itself shall nor exceed two-thirds that cert.-iin 1 of its capital stock. The affairs of' the more- particularly described ns Lot biRM J (S) mills' Addition to the City of Omaha,! corporation shall be coiului'ti'd liy <l liourd : of Wrectiirs <>f not less than 3 members Douslas County. Xebr:isl;a. as surveyed. | 1 who.slio'tl bi* i*nosriii |roln-i}tr,oiig the stock- platted nnd recorded; that said petition is I1 holdeis'at 'itieir uuuunl •uieetiils. Until (ho now i>endinjr in said cause, nml Hiat jo« attitnal/ atiiK-otiusi )t Juieetiils. a I'KiO itieir uuuunl Until (ho are rpqueBtPU to aiiswi-r •' siild i>«titw» on , attitnal./ iiK-otiusi' s )ti . -!January,. I'.KiO, the or before the 2nd <lny of .Scpteml«T J'JJS: ! U'orfriJ of lHrvW«*r «!> !ll be J. J, Isiifipson. that, in Hie event, you fail to iu.pcar o r . Iioy C. Peltniriii aud Irvtii Staliuaster, hud answer on said date the allesiitio«s of c until the auuual niiefiujr. U> l'.WO, tl»« offi- plaintiffs petition will A>e tnken. as trne. . cers Khali be ,T. J. Isnticson, President, and nnd ..Jiidpment win be rendered ucsinist. Jt«y; C. Feltman. Secrt'tiiry smd Treasurer. you tor Five Thongitnd Dollars ($.-.000.00) The Jirticles.' of inqorporntlon n<aj" lm and costs, and said real estate now tinder ajiiended. by thjL» nllinujitlve vote o t two- .-attachment will lie EOlil to snfisfy the thlnli of the cnpitnl stock nt any rej;ul!ir amount of "plaintiff's claim and judgment : or siipcliW mect-jtif; tif the stockholdurs. iri .'accordance wifli Hie Statutes In such .T. X. ISAACSON, cases nmde and provided. • • : ••".-• Nellie Hurst, rinjntiff. uor c. fc-rr/JMAX By MUton U.: Abrsttiams & Richard A.IIIV1N STAliMA.STr.lt. O'Connor* Hot Attorneys. , In the presence of: SA^r I
pair Co.
Near Beer Soda Water •'
f|f IB
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^ ^
IDEAL SB BettiiiiCe. ^ WE. 3043 i H l
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha