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JEWISH AGENCY AGRELiM RATIFIED BY 16thlORLD ZIONIST CONGRSS AT ZURICH; FORM GQAIinftN EXiPlVE Stirring Scenes Mark Closing of Historic jSessions; Palestinian Songs Sung As ' • , Tension Breaks - ^
15,886 Jews Enter:
RESOLUTION CRITICIZES BRITISH RULE^ Zurich, Switzerland.—(J. T. A.)—Insuring itsniche in Jewish history by its ratification of the extended Jewish Agency plan, the Sixteenth Zionist Biennial Congress adjourned heffr-Sunday morning at 9 o'clock after an all night session whidi lasted 12 hours. In the early hours of the morning, the composition of the new Executive which, had deadlocked the conference for several days was accomplished with the formation of a coalition executive containing'.'two Mizrachi and two.laborite leaders asvwell ts thead. ministration party representatives. The announcement, breaking at last the tension which had obtained for several days was greeted by an outburst of Palestinian songs. The singing began in the
New York. (J,T. A.)! During the fiscal year,. Jnly 1, 1928; to JunelSO, 1929, there, arrived ia - tha- United States-15,836 Jews, from practically all parts of the- world; 12,479 -of Interviews Soviet Leaders and these were immigrants ? and 3,407 Visits Various Jewish non-immigrants. These figures;..-were Districts published by the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society,- based on SAY BID JAN PLAN ONLY official information from Washing" HOPE FOR UNEMPLOYED ton.
' '.:..
' i'-:'
A large portion of the new arrivals were given, aid by the Hias: at its headquarters in New York or through its branches in-lother..port - cities. Prior to their setting sail for America, they were guided by" the - Hias offices in Europe* '. '"
Picnic Plans Are Announced; Palestinian labor group and spread' • Spend $500 to Make rapidly-through the hall, inspiring, a Event Success feeling of friendship and amity among all the delegates regardless of party differences as the historic Congress TO GIVE AWAY 75 PRIZES came to a dramatic close. Hon. Herbert Rhoades, judge of After a long siege of impassioned the district court, will be the prinoratory on the part of advocates and All Factions Unite in. Appeal cipal, speaker at the meeting ot the opponents of the Jewish Agency, the. Omaha. Hebrew- dub Sunday afterFor Parliamentary pact creating this new instrument of noon, August 18, at 3:30, P. M. Hits Palestinian supervision was finally Investigation subject will be. "Ancient Land; passed its third reading by a vote of •..-.,- : % KISCH, YELMNRETURN marks»" 230 to 30. • Musical entertainment will also be Morris Ebthenberg, vice-president Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The House provided by the Wagoun sisters, of the Zionist Organization of Ameri- of Commons will be.asked to send a Millie and Bessie, popular song arca, lead the administration's defense p^ parliamentary p y commission of tists, and by Saia BaekFish, pianist. of the Agency, while: Dr. Stephen S. inquiry ,to Jerusalem to survey andd According to Sam &laver, general ; : Vladmir'-JabotinEkyf' and vari- reportcton*theitniesiioTias <:involved ;in iiairman-rof:;4be-aimual picnic to;-be ous Mizfachi, labpri and revisionist the controversy between the Jews arid held ,it r iikeview park Sunday, spokesmen expressed violent objec- Moslems in Palestine over"the West- August 25, this year's^icnic will fW tions or misgivings over-the proposed ern Wall- of the .Temple, commonly surpass any o f the previous, ones. plan. .--•": known as the Wailjng Wall. A re- He stressed particularly theVmerit of The new World Zionist Executive, commendation tp-tliJB ^effect was the location, stating that "the site the first-coalition body for some years, adopted, at an all-Palestine Jewish was the most beautiful and conr was composed of the following: conference held here under the chair- venient ever used for this occasion? Dr. Chaim Weizmann, London, pres- manship of Dr.* Joseph Klausner, For those taking a street car to the ident; Louis Lipsky, New York; Dr. author of- "Jesus of Nazareth" pro- picnid, an ample number! of autoSelig Brodetsky,. Professor at the fessor, at the Hebrew .University in mobiles will be on hand at 16th University of Leeds; Harry Sacher, Jerusalem. and Locust streets to transport them Jerusalem; Col. Frederick H. J£isch, Group and .party ^differences of the from the street car to the park Jerusalem; Miss Henrietta Szold, various sections of the Jewish popula- grounds. The road from, this point to formerly of New York now of Jeru- tion in Palestine were forgotten and the nearly all paved, accordsalem; Dr. Arthur Ruppin, Jerusalem? various committees, formed by Jews ing to Mr. Klaver. . =. Felix Rosenblueth, London, all Gener- for the protection- of their right of Considerable interest Is being al Zionists; Laborites: Joseph Sprinz- access to the Wailing Wall were rep- evinced in the ticket selling contest. ak, Jerusalem and S. Kaplansky, Jeru- resented at th,e conference. Even the. So far, Jake Riklin, president, John salem; Mizrachi, Orthodox- Zionists, ultra-Orthodox group of JeruBalem Feldman and Albert Kaplan are Lazarus Barth, Germany, and Rabbi which is at loggerheads with the se- competing desperately for the honors, Meyer Berlin, president of the Miz- cular Zionists, joined in this action. being far in advance of the other rachi Zionist Organization, formerly salesmen. An Executive committee.was chosen of New York and now of Jerusalem. and charged with the task of issuing The picnic, marking the 8§th year The ultimatum:of the American del- appeals to. the nations of the world of the organization, wjll be held from egation demanding 44 seats on the and to Jewry throughout the world, I P . M. to jnidnight. The day will Jewish Agency Council to be formed setting forth the danger threatening be, spent in - various kinds .of games, instead of the 10 which they were the rightof - the Jejwg to /worship be- contests, and other amusements. One 4 allotted, threatened to disrupt the fore the remant of the Temple, a priv- of the feature will be free dancing, Congress for some time, but -the Am- ilege undisputed elncd the tune of the for .which; CarlLambV orchestra has ericans finally consented to be satis- Roman emperors. A fund - to finance been engaged; -A total of 75 prises fied with a compromise giving them a this action will be raised. The com- win be given away including prizes total of 18 seats. The additional 8 mittee is also to take under advise- to the prettiest -girl*the "best? exseats were "those left vacant by the ment a proposal to send a special dele- ponents of various types of Iraflroom Revisionist Wing which refused to gation of Palestine Jews to. London^ dancing, etc. participate in the Agency. , -According to Mr. Slayer,approxr : : • " V . . '. * ' • V > - , ' - • < • ' - < . ' • ' The British administration of Palimately $500 is; being spent in order London.—(j, T. A'.)—-Col. jprederick estine, under the terms of the Manto insure the success of the picnic, date of the League of Nations, impos- H. Kisch. and Dr.-.payid Y^llin who ' Another feature of the' event will ofing upon it the obligation to create conferred with British gpyerament r be' a concert by Father Flanagan's such political and economic conditions ficials pn-Qie qqe5tSqri pfthe^,Wa3in^ Boys' Band. ' Wall in behalf of t h | 2iqafet; i&ongress in the country as wilLfnrther the esZ i 2h; i 2 ? ' tablishment of- the ^Jewish National t d t Home there, was charged with continBefore^s departure JQ$L 33sch toldC. H. SQBOTKER STORE READY FOSL FALL TRADE uing its "passive attitude" toward the the Jewish, tTelegrap&|p. Agetfcy corneeds and the development of the Jew- respondent thai Dr. Yellin and he had Adorned with a neat hew 65-foot ish National Home in a resolution: completed their- mission as far as was: front and filled with a new and full unanimously adopted at the Congress. possible on the London end. They line of the latest styles in men's apExamining the report of the Zionist were also received by the High Com- parel, the C. H. Sobotker and Sons Executive, it becomes obvious, the re- missioner of Palestine, Sir John store is now ready for its fall trade, solution states, that the Palestine gov- Chancellor, who is now on a visit to according to its managers, Messrs. ernment has fulfilled but a few of the L o n d o n . . -••_,'—:;.:., . ;", : Abe Milder and Fred'Meyer* demands expressed by the Fifteenth The Jewish Telegraphic Agency unThe remodelling which Was recentZionist Congress which met two years derstands that the delegation endeav- ly finished was done by the A, H. ago in Basle. The resolution expres- ored to secure p I^ppeninp of-the en- Brbdkey.Construction company. ses the view that the London authori- tire;Wailing tyall^rolrfeni go that 3t HADASSAH TO \ ties have a favorable attitute" toward may be .settled in accordance with the HOLD THEATER PARTY the development of the Jewish- Na- terms of the Mandate, By permitting tional Home in Palestine but much of the Moslems, to renew their work at The local Junior Hadassah will this goodwill and willingness to co- the Wall, which includes the opening hold the next of their summer operate; is 'lost on the way from Lon- of a door to the other end of the Wall, monthly gatherings in the form of a don to Jerusalem, The Palestine the Jewish rights of undisturbed wor- theater T?arty at the Paramount authorities,' -_sh&ve,' the resolution ship are .being infringed upon as the theater, -Thursday evening, August Charges, . . _ _ „ . _Committed acts which' ex- opening of the blind passage will tarn 22, at 7 p. m. Following the theater, pressly are contrary to the most vit- the place into a public road. the group will- all go to the Peacock al interests of the Jewish population Inn. It carries, too. great an imputain Palestine and Tiave permitted ocMiss Esther Weinberg is chairman " currences which offended the dignity tion of ignorance,"lightness or folly of the, arrangements committee and for men to. quit and renounce their of the Jews of Palestine, causing is assisted by Misses Ella. Marcus, former tenets • presently • upon the • ^rief and sorrow to the sixteen, million Jews throughout the world. The offer of an argument which they Edna Cohn, Ann Bishon* and' Rose cannot immediately ahswei>-Lbcke. Levine. (Continued on Page 2)
Berlin. (J. T. A.) An American philanthropist who desires to remain anonymous placed at the disposal of Dr. Max Gerson of Bielefeld, discoverer of a new cure for tuberculosis through rigid diet, a considerable sum for t i e erection of a Rigid Censorship of News Dispatches Enforced by sanatorium at Wilhelmshoehe. Government Officials Who Deny Excesses; A corporation with a capital of 900,000 marks has been formed and Jewish Editor Imprisoned the city of Cassel has promised its financial aid in the project. Dr. Gerson, who was derided and mocked HOOLIGANS TEAR UP TORAHS at during the experimental period of his cure, has now gained world-wide Berlin—(J. T. A.)—A reign of terror marked by murderous recognition, when observations made attacks and aided and abetted by government and local officiate, is in the clinic of Prof. Sauerbruch plunging the Jews in Lithuania into the depths of despair accordproved the value of Dr. Gerson's ing to reports received here from secret but reliable sources. A findings.
Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—The Soviet Government's view•- of Jewish conditions in Russia was presented today to James Marshall, son of Louis Marshall, who is making a tour of Russia. - In a conversation which lasted an hour M. Kalinin, President of the rigid government censorship maintained in Lithuania precludes the Soviet Republic, described Jewish conpossibility of exposing the outrage to public opinion, especially editions to Mr. MaTshali;~laying parwith the guilty ones sending out denials of any such conditions. ticular emphasis on the Bira-Bidjan The editor of the "Yiddish Stimme" in Kovno, after the censors project, soon to become a Jewish rehad repeatedly deleted all articles referring to the incidents, printpublic and a member, of the Soviet ed an article hinting at the time state of affairs, and was promptly Union. The Jews, he said, satisfy imprisoned for his act. themselves with very little, requiring ' • The outbreak of rabid anti-Semitism only a means for a livelihood, while Charge British Using Jewish has been instigated by the Lithuanian he thinks they ought to increase their peasants to Enslave Fascists and the villianous followers national cultural demands. To meet Arabs of the group stop at nothing in their the all-round Jewish demands the depreciations. Murders have been comBira-Bidjan idea-was originated, Mr, COMPARE COLONIZATION mitted, hundreds have been beaten inKalinin, stated, adding tfiat Bira- Bidjan is the only place where the Jewi Moscow.—(J. T. A.) — Coincident Hope Expressed That All Jewish { to critical conditions and property becan develop not only economically bux with the holding of the Zionist Conlonging to Jews has been ravaged inWomen Will Now Aid as a nation with an independent cnl« gress in Switzerland, the attacks discriminately by the marauders. In Cause ture. In other places in Russia whei* against Zionism in Soviet Russia have each case the police have either aided Jewish colonization is. conduted, this i» become intensified. the hooligan* openly, or else have reW. I. Z. O. MEETS IN ZURICH impossible, he said, because other na« A group of Communist Jewish] fused to take action against them, retionalitdes reside there. The Bidjan peasants in White Russia issued a proZurich—(J. T. A.)—A world conporting the incidents as the work of project is a guaranteed success if clamation addressed to the •"Jewish foreign funds and technical aid will be peasants of Palestine," declaring they gress of Jewish women for the pur- unknown robbers, and frequently igpose of aiding the work of rehabilitainvested there, he continued. are being utilized by the Zionist tion in Palestine will be called by the noring them altogether, According t« :; Mr. Marshall also spoke with A. agents of British imperialism in order Women's International Zionist Organ- statements made by a number «f th* Meiezhirn leader: of'1'tke Ozet^and. -te-"; suppress the " Arab" peasants. ization, the Conference of the organi- victims, when police were approached Peter Smidovitch, vice-president of "Standing on the shoulders of the Pal- zation meeting- - here decided. The for "protection, they refused stating the Soviet Union. estinian Jewish peasants, the blood- Congress 'will be held in all proba- that they .had orders not to prevent * Following the interview, Mr. Marsh- thirsty British lion pursues his colon- bility next year and in all likelihood pogrom. all stated to the correspondent of the ial policy to enslave the Arabs," the in Palestine, according to Mrs. A. J. In the town of Jacobova, hooligans Jewish Telegraphic Agency that .he proclamation declares." Freiman of Ottawa, Canada, who is fell upon the synagogue, seized the was much . impressed following his The "Ernes," Communist Yiddish the originator of the idea. Mrs. Freitalks with Mr. Kalinin, Mr. Smido^ daily, also attacks the Zionist move- man, who is now in Zurich, where she Holy Scrolls, tore them into scrap* vitch and Mr. Merezhin and with his ment and draws a comparison between took a prominent part in the delibera- and threw the remnants away. In Kovno, the capital of Lithuania, first visit to the Jewish colonies in Jewish colonization in Russia and in tions of the Zionist Congress, in an Crimea. He also surveyed the Jewish Palestine. Whereas Jewish coloniza- interview with the correspondent of where the excesses have reached their small towns, visiting a number in the tion in Palestine is created to counter- the Jewish Telegraphic Agency stated peak, an English citizen, unable to enthe Eights of misery and sufferBelotzerkov, Kiev and Odessa dis- act the Arabs, states the "Emes," the that she is happy that the Women's dure 1 ing where numbers of Jews were lyInternational Zionist Organization has tricts. Jewish colonization in Russia serves • * * as a bridge for internationalism and decided to convoke such a. Congress ing bleeding- and battered in the •which she is confident will be of con- streets, tried to prevent further uotMoscow.—(J. T. A.)—One half mil- cooperation among the nations. ting but was forestalled when the siderable benefit to Palestine. lion Jews will remain unemployed five Every Jewish colony in Palestine is police intervened to protect the bandyears from now even after the most only another trench in the war beThe visit, Mrs. Freiman believes, its. He immediately made s comsuccessful utilization of the five year tween the Jews and the Arabs. Every will stimulate interest in the country plan, according to which 400,000 Jews new Jewish position in Russia serves among the delegates who will return plaint before the British consul at are supposed to find employment in the international brotherhood, it says. to their own lands imbued with an Kovno. One of the many incidents that have industry and agriculture in Russia. enthusiasm that can be transformed stricken e cold fear into the hearts of This statement was made by A. -Merinto practical benefits. She stated the. Jewg wae the release by the police ezhin in reply to a statement by J. that she hopes Canada alone will send of a truck-driver who had killed m Larin, against whom a resolution was between 500 and 600 women delegates Jewish woman while driving his truck adopted by the Comzet, Government to such a conference. She expressed intoxicated. His defense which was department for Jewish land settlethe belief that it will be possible to accepted by the police was that it wag ment, because of his criticism of the Paris.—(J. T. A.)—The present decharter s special steamer for the not a crime to kill a Jew. Bira-Bidjan colonization project. velopments in Jewish life, centering Canadian and American delegates. Thirty-six Jewish boys and girle "Mr. Larin is not justified in oppos- around the formation of the Jewish Mrs. Freiman stated further that were sentenced to two months in ing the Bidjan project on the basis of Agency with its promise of an allan. opinion that within ten years 600,- Jewish unity for Palestine, kindled the Women's Congress may be able to prison by the military commandant 000 _ Jews will jfind work in industry the. imagination of an anonymous point the way to the World Zionist on the trumped-up charjre that they and agriculture. Even with the most pamphleteer who hides behind the nom Congress of the advisability and prac- had assembled on the premises of ticability of holding a Congress in Pal- their society without a permit. optimistic opinion that one-half mil- de plume of Ish Yahudi. estine which will be of a non-political The excesses reached a culmisatMn lion Jews will be employed within five character. The World Women's Con- when, last Friday nigrfet, armed FasThousands of eppies of a leaflet years, I ask what will become of the remaining half-million who even Larin which bears the inscription; "Com- gress, as she visualizes it, vrill be non- cists, members of the posed, printed and issued by Ish political and will concern itself vrith Union," started to Inspect th*; .admits are a problem." •Yahudi," were circulated in Paris and the task of organizing Jewish women Mr. Merezhin declared the he sees sent to the editorial offices of Jewish the world ever for participation in the ports of the Jewish pas&ersby in the Korno suburb, Slohotka. The followBira-Bidjan as the only solution r to newspapers, calling for "historic ac- Palestine upbuilding work. ing tactics were applied. this problem. He estimates that the tion." The anonymous i pamphleteer When the Women's World Zionist After inspecting the document*, million unemployed. are comprised- of describes Zionism as "a. false Mes65,000 (families of tailors and shoe- siah,"_ asserting that "Zionism has Congress is held two years hence, fol- they told the Jews to run. Knowing makers, 90,000 former tradersi 24,000 died because it could not live up to the lowing the constitution of the extend- beforehand thet if they ran they would declassed and 135,000 families in var- magnificence of the Balfour Declara- ed Jewish Agency to include non- be shot, the Jews did not move. The Zionists, Mrs. Freiman declared she is Fascists then started beating them ,ious categories. tion." confident that it will be able to count with heavy sticks and rifle butts. > Mr. Merezhin further declares that The author, apparently a religious on a similar agency constituted by Only & few steps away the policemen he firmly believes Larin's idea of a fanatic, quotes the Pentateuch comwomen representative of all groups, were watching the hooligans and Jewish republic in Crimea is stubborn mandment: "Set a king over you" parties and orientations. "The Jewisli when the battered Jews were finally blindness, in the meantime harming and urges the Zionist Congress, then Agency removes Palestine from the released, the policemen gave them ail Bira-Bidjan. in session in Zurich, to declare Baron field of party activities and makes it additional beating. Within one and Edmund de Rothschild, benefactor of a cause in which all Jews must share. one-half hours, 65 Jews, including the early Palestine colonists, "King of No women who is alive to the respon- tnany prominent Slobotka Jewish citiY. P, Z. TO ELECT sibility she owes toward her people zens, among wfcom was the son of the NATIONAL DELEGATE theHeJews." farther suggested 'the appoint- can abstain from participation in this local Kosh Yenhiva, were murderously beaten and tortured. The Young Poale Zion will hold ment of a Sanhedrin to "negotiate understanding," she said. ' a special meeting Friday evening,1 with His Brittanic Majesty regarding Because of the state of Bi'ege prc* August 16, at the Labor Lyceum in all Palestineian matters." The San- 14 FA.RON GIRLS AT vailing in Lithuania, which does not order to elect a delegate to represent hedrin is to consist of 72 members, permit eny activities in the street* CAMP BREWSTER after the local group at the national con- •who are all to reside in Palestine, he one o'clock, the seriously wound. vention of the organization to be suggests. Fourteen members of the Fa-Hon ed could not be taken to a hOBp5t»1j held in Washington, D. C-, from sorority will spend the week-end" at and throughout the night <8*ite U The world is a looking glass, and Camp Brewster. Hiking, tennis, arch- moans were heard from almost August SO to September 2. Irvin Soiref, secretary of the club, gives back to every man the refiec^ery and swimming are among the Jewish house. The next morning th* majority of the wounded wet? taken will deliver an address on Tisha ticn of his own face. Frown at it many sports they will enjoy. and it will in tntn look,.sourly^ upon Saturday evening, August 17, the to the hospital. Others, with broken B'ov. The next dance of the organization you; laugh at it and with it, and it group will go on a midnight hike and hands, lacerated faces and blood[swimming party, and will return home stained clothing arrivpH in Korno will be held September 8 at Keep's is a jolly kind companion. »eeking medical aid. •" —Thackeray. J Sunday evening. Dancing academy.
V H B JEWISH PRESS '" '" "Published every Thursday at Omaha; Nebraska, by -f.
' ; ''. :' THE JEWISH. PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY, : .Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER * - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR IRVING PERLMETEfc - - - - - - - - - - - EDITOR FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent , \
SIOUX CITY OFFICE Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street ~ -CHARLES OSHEROFF - -. SIOUX CITY CORRESPONDENT 1616 W. 16th Street CONTRIBUTORS RABBI FREDERICK COHN " IRVIN A. STALMASTER MRS. SAMUEL GERSON RABBI J. U. OGEL, Lincoln, Neb. Subscription Price; one year - - - -
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The ratification of the extended Jewish Agency^ by the ^World Zionist Congress meeting lastweelt in Zurich, Switzerland,! was asignal victory not only for the.administration that*sppnsored the ^proposal, but for all Jewry. Important though this action may be for the development of the Palestinian homeland, it Is fraught with *a deeper significance for Israel in that it reveals that Jews possess sufficient breadth of vision to enable them to unite in a common cause regardless of petty differences in definitions or methods. In the midst of our rejoicing, however, there are several things that we must bear in mind. The first is that the extension of the-Jewish Agency is not so much a step ahead as it is making , up for a previous deficiency. A large percentage of our people have been content to sit back and let a courageous handful bear the heavy burden that was meant for the backs of all Jews; The Zionist organization has made wonderfu\ progress in Palestine, building and unifying colonies, establishing schools, aiding immigration and promoting the revival of Jewish culture, particularly the Hebrew language. But even this splendid work is small compared to what could have been done if all of world Jewry had contributed their support to the cause. ...... V It is well to remember these things in order that we may gauge our obligation for i)ie future. Today there are approximately 165,000 Jews in Palestine as compared with over 800,000 Arabs. If Palestine is to become a Jewish homeland, the Jewish percentage of the population must grow and grow rapidly. But this means that economic opportunities must be created; for immigrants, cannot be admitted if they have no means of earning a livelihood. Mpr^ land, must be purchased for the pioneers to develop. Capital must be poured in to originate aind promote industries capable of employing large numbers. All of this and more must be done, ofc else the complete fulfillment of the two thousand year dream for "a real homeland will never be realized. Outside of the idealistic aspect of the Zionist and non-Zionist partnership created by the Jewish Agency, this materialistic problem looms large _and important. . The non-Zionists4hitoughout the world incW^e"in-their rank's a-large -quota oiXbk'yeiry wealthy Jews who have not so far aided the Palestinian rehabilitation. These men and their resources are now at the service of the new Jewish Agency along with the thousands of faithful supporters that comprise the Zionist organization. This means that the intensive development described above is made possible, and we cannot help but feel that the next decade alone should witness a - marvelous transfoi*matiori in Palestine. We see in the near future the ancient land of Zion blooming " oncemdre with a happy and prosperous people, a land teeming with industry and activity, yet enriched with a spiritual consciousness / and social righteousness that will forever be the glory of the Jewi s h race and an inspiration for the diaspora Jews. This is what the future holds in store. But it must be remembered that a price is demanded for the key to those riches. Only with the wholehearted .support of all o,f world Jewry, each helping according to Ws'meatp and talents, can the goal be gained. PALgS&NE GOVERNMENT {ORTHODOX WOMEN GROUP~
•rr:i PROMISES JEWS JOBS TO FIGHT MODERN DRESS Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Greater op- Warsaw.—(J. T; A.)—Under the p.orturijtifis of employment for Pal- auspices of the Orthodox Jewish ore^in£3/Jj£ws will be available 'soon, ganization, Agudath Israel, a Women's according? to plans formulated by the auxiliary to spread the Orthodox inPalestine: government, states'a report fluence among: Jewish women was in the jJfebrew'daily, "Ha 'Arete".". formed and is now holding its-first :Th'e^;i)lans^ .concern -the public annual.session in Lodz. wirkSi \cSfiteiftplated by the govern- •' The organization is to be known as ^men^in, various parts of the country the B'noth. Agudah. The convention • ' and -"hive*particular reference to the will be in .session for. three days. In construction of the Haifa harbor, the papers, and. * addresses delivered, Of the number of workers who will' the point of view of. Orthodox Jewish • be employed; 35</o is to be reserved women was £oxmHlat^d, and measures for Jews/ Tw.o' quarrying groups were .considered for" combatting the will be ^ organized in the Haifa harbor jnfluepce olcmodernist European" litconstruction - work, a Jewish and a erature on Jewish womanhood and the Won-Jewish grpup. This will be in fad 'for modern dress. Other social '•fte nature (of an" experiment. -It and economic" problems ,of Jewish, was stated that the Zionist Exe- women were also discussed. cutive proposed the allocation of 60% for Jewish labor. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS
^--wonder Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where e c o n o m y is watched. A luxury within the reach of all. Its high reputation recommends that you try it. -
tory employees are also to receive ( ONLY 6 PER CENT SOVIET there exists a possibility for the successful conclusion of the negotiations sums ranging between one hundred j OFFICIALS ARE JEWISH for a large loan under the guarantee and five hundred shares in.Carraras, j of the League of Nations or the Manj Ltd., amounting approximately to £13 j Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Only six per datory Power, which will enable the each. It is estimated that during his ] cent of those hoV g higher govLondon.—(J. T. A.)^ — Charitable lifetime the late Mr. Baron distributed j Executive to launch colonization proInstitutions, Christian, non-sectarian a sum in the neighborhood of £2,000,- ernment offices in Soviec Russia are jects on a large scale. (Continued from Page 1.) Jews, according to a survey made and Jewish, will benefit in the amount 000. by the repi-esentative here of tht of £1,000,000 ($5,000,000) from the His body will be buried in the ceme- Jewish Telegraphic Agency. The surresolution made reference to the in- DONATES $200,000 FOR estate left by Bernhard Baron, former of the London Liberal Jewish fringement of Jewish right of undisDETROIT YOUTH CENTER New York Cigar maker, a native of tery was undertaken following Synagogue. The will directs that the i vey turbed worship at the Western Wall Poland, who died August 2 in Brigh- American flag be placed beside the j charges made in some circles that Detroit, Mich.—(J. T. A.)—The es- ton at the age of 78, Great Britain's of the Temple, commonly known as tablishment by Samuel X. Gaylord of tobacco king and millionaire philan- British flag on the obelisk which is to J "the Jews have captured the entire the Wailing Wall. . power and are controlling Russia'* contain his ashes. ' The resolution of protest against Detroit of the Gaylord Foundation of thropist. fate." the persecution of Zionists and the $200,000, the purpose of which shall Under the terms of the will disJewish religion in Soviet Russia and be the creation of an adequate educa- closed today the million pounds will WEIZMANN'S BROTHER in Yemen was couched in strong terms j tional and recreational center for the be administered by a charitable trust COMING TO AMERICA and declared that the dark Middle ! Jewish youth of this city v?as an- fund which will be presided over by Moscow.—(J. T, A.)—Samuel Weiz- j Ages still exist in the Central Arabian nounced on Wednesday by Dr. Leo M. the Marquis of Reading. The trustees mann, a brother of Dr. Chaim Weiz-' country where the Jewish population Franklin of Temple Beth El. are directed to expend the capital Mr. Gaylord's gift, which is by far and income " during a period of mann, has left Moscow on his way ! is the victim of a fierce Moslem reMr. Nathan Belwr, son of Mr. ligious fanaticism, -which does not tol- the largest ever made by Jews or to a twenty years, the distribution be- to the United States on a mission on Morris Belier, the bread man who behalf of the Economic Commissariat. erate Jews, subjects them to brutal Jewish cause in Detroit or Michigan, ing made in the following proportion: Mr. Weizmann, who takes an active j died in an accident, request* CUBmistreatment and does not permit is to be payable in installments over one-fifth to Jewish charities and fourinterest Jewish colonization! tomers who owed money to Mr. a period of years. them to leave the country. fifths to Christian or, undenomination- movementinin the Soviet Russia, is a mem- Belzer to pay at Himelbloom's Concerning Soviet Russia, the resoal charitable institutions. In explain- ber of the Ozet, society for settling lution declared that in that country BOMB VILLA OWNED BY ing this division, the late Mr. Baron Jews on the land, and during his stay Bakery at 1511 No. 24th St., or '•we are witnessing a refined cruelty PROMINENT GERMAN JEW i n U n i t e d s t a t i in <*<* the United States^ he will will strive strive to, to sail WEbster 6284. ^ he modelled after the Spanish Inquisitime he spent very large sums for enlist interest in* the society's work. \ tion" against Zionists and the Jewish Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The family of charities without distinction to creed religion. . , . .. . the prominent Jewish attorney or religion as he "loves his Christian The transferring of Herzl's remains Strauss, Chairman of the local branch brethren as much as his Jewish breth- "Just Around, the Corner from Everything" to Palestine was termed a debt of of the Central Verein, and brother-in- ren." honor on the part of the Jewish people law of the Ministerial Councillor It is estimated that the estate left in a resolution adopted concerning the Hirschfeld, escaped death when an in- by Mr. Baron is valued at approximatter. The Executive.was urged to fernal machine destroyed their villa j mately £5,000,000, from which £2,000,-conclude the arrangement for trans- at Luneberg. 000 are to be deducted as death duties ferring and reburial of the remains The explosion was so great that the to the government. The Marquis of in Palestine during the coming year, windows were thrown a distance of Reading, who is one of 13ie executors when the seventieth birth date of Dr. 100 meters. The Strauss family hap- of the -will, was bequeathed £5,000; Herzl will be commemorated. pened to be away on a vacation. It £10,000 are bequeathed to the Liberal The political committee also dealt is stated that the attempt was per- Jp.wish Synagogue of London and with the question of an international petrated as the result of the propa- £5,000 to the Jewish Orphanage of loan for the Zionist Organization. The ganda of the anti-Semitic National London. The residue is to remain in i > the trust fund. A number of his fac- |j committee expressed its view that Socialist Party.
CONT details ill
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1929 of her father, Mr. W. Seigel, left Sunday for her home with her mother, Mrs. Seigel, who will remain in Winnipeg for an indefinite stay. They made the trip overland, accomBy F. R. K. panied by Mr. Ben'Telpner and son, The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7- Eugene, Mrs. J. Rosen, and Maxine of the Aleph Zadik Aleph will hold! Leibovitz, who will spend two weeks a meeting next Tuesday evening, j visiting in Winnipeg. August 20, at the Wickham building. Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Gilinsky left Mr. and Mrs. Max Steinberg an- Sunday for the Minnesota lakes nounce the birth of a son, born where they will visit for about two August 6, at the Methodist hospital weeks. in Omaha. The baby has been named Fremont, Edward Bernard. David A. Brown Asks for
Council Bluffs News
r: 'and Mrs. Leo Eosenthal anthe engagement of their r, Miss Louise Marian Rosento Mr. Max M. Kaufman of Baltimore, son of Mrs. Joseph Kaufnuwv of the same city. No date has ^ein set for the wedding. f~Miss~ Rosenthal has attended the ijTniversity of Nebraska. Mr. Kaufis a prominent business man of ; Mi; and Mrs. Morris Minkin of .announce the marriage of daughter, Dr. Rose Rena Mino DK Henry Brinton Mikelberg jBf Philadelphia on Tuesday, August 6, i * Philadelphia. Dr* Minkin is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and has a ^Bachelor of Science and" Doctor of Medicine degree from the University pt Nebraska." , ;. Dr. Mikelberg is the son of Mrs. Emma Mikelberg of Philadelphia, and is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Mikelberg is on the staff of;.the-Mount Sinai Hospital, the ''University Hospital, and the :Wpjnen's, Southern- Homeopathic Hospital of Philadelphia. ;was received here this week that Mr. Max Tytler of San Francigco, senior medical student at Creighton University, will be married to Miss Elsie Kaplan, also of San Francisco, Sunday, August 18. The young couple will come to Omaha this fall, in order that Mr. Tytler may complete his studies at the university here. Mr. and. Mrs. Samuel Gerson left Thursday evening for a two weeks vacation, at- Burntside Lodge at Ely* Wis.
Mrs. Sam Weinberg Nebr.
Mrs. L. Jacobs of Los Angeles has returned home after spending the past week with her cousins, Mrs. Leo Fox and Mrs. Sam Canar, and their families. Before her visit in this city, Mrs. Jacobs spent 2 months visiting relatives and friends in Toronto and Montreal, Canada. -; •While here she was entertained by Mrs. Leo Fox at.a bridge and Saturday at the Elks club and by Mrs. Sam "Canar at a bridge "and luncheon at her home last Thursday. Mrs. Max Jacobs and daughter, Evelyn, of Sioux City, la., are in Omaha for a two or three week visit with relatives, " Mrs. A. H. Diamond returned last week from a month's trip in the east. Miss Pearl Brown returned home Wednesday from St. Louis where she visited with relatives and friends for 6 weeks. Word has been received here. of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Saul Golden of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, on August 9. Mrs. Golden was formerly Miss Ida Stern of this city. Miss Ruth Wintroub, a bride-to-bej has been extensively entertained during the past few months. Among those who have entertained for her are: Mesdames J. Falk, A. Roffman, R. Roffman, J. Hurwich, L. Cohen of Council Bluffs, G. Roffman of Council Bluffs, F< Sachs of Council Bluffs, F. Gaifman* J. Rosen, A. Rochman, Robert Cronemeyer, Sam Newman, Max Wintroub, and Misses Clara Kershman, Sarah Nensen, Edith Minkin, and Fannie Katelman.
Max Kramer has returned home Rapid U.JX. Collections from St. Louis, Mo., where he spent Declaring that Jewish economic several weeks following the A. Z. A. conditions are in many parts of convention at Pittsburgh, Pa., which j Europe worse today than they were he attended as a delegate from five years ago, David A. Brown, Chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. national chairman of the United Jewish Campaign addressed an apMrs. Max Steiman of Winnipeg, peal last Friday to thousands of Canada, who was called here last local officers of that huge relief efmonth due to the illness and death fort, to speed up collections in their ding anniversary of her brother, Mr. respective communities, and make it Morris Fromkin. She was ac- possible for the Joint* Distribution companied by "her daughters, Yuna Committee to send abroad immediately funds that have been allocated for and Naomi. Mr. David Fromkin and Mr. Max various constructive and palliative Fromkin of this city will also attend relief projects, which are languishing the reunion which will be held on for lack of money. Mr. Brown reveals in this letter August 17. that due to the prosperity prevailing Among the patients at the Wise in the United States and Canada at Memorial Hospital' are: Mrs. N. this time, many contributors have Weinstem, Dale Epstein, Sam assumed that Jewish conditions in Shrago, Hyman Cohen, Joe Lom- Europe also have improved, and conbardo, Mrs. Pearl Cohen, Mrs. A. sequently have slowed-up their payHaykin, Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. ments with the result that less money Dorothy Kahn, Mrs. Edward Wirth- has come in this summer in proporsafter, Miss Rose Levine, and Mr. tion to outstanding pledges than at Y. Freggor. any time since the campaign began. The Jews of Europe still look to Mr..and Morris Minkin have returned from a year's trip to the America to Eave them from utter East and have taken up their res- destruction, he says, and he expressidence in Omaha again. Mr. arid Mrs. es confidence that the appeal he has Minkin visited with " friends and just issued, though made in. the relatives in Chicago, Canton, Ohio; midst of the summer season, will Philadelphia, Pa.; Worcester, Mass.; receive the response •which the situation demands. ' j New York City.
Kitchen Ghats
Women. They have been serving *s New York City.—A number of cap- | an gclyjgqrj' staff to the officers of the Mrs. David M. Newman able womeii throughout the United' Council's Department and the ExeStates are devoting special consideraREMOVAL OF STAINS tion to the needs of the Jewish farm- cutive Committee, transmitting their Coffee —- Stretch stained portion er's family in various states, according observations and recommendations over a bowl and pour boiling water to a statement issued by Mrs. Elmer based on visits to the rural communion it from a height. Eckhouse, National Chairman of the ties in their respective states. * Chocolate or cocoa—Wash in cold •water. Treat remaining traces by covering with borax- and wetting thoroughly. Iron Rust-—Oxalic acid or lemon: juice and salt. Rinse in clear water. Mildew—Rub thoroughly in warm soap solution. Rinse and soak in a gallon of cold water to which a pint. of javelle water has been added. Soak only long enough to remove the etain. Then rinse in clear water to which one tablespoon ammonia has been added. Scorch—Moisten with soap solution and place in sunlight an hour or two. If stain is so deep that body of fiber is burned, the stain'cannot be removed. To make Javelle Water—% lh. washing soda, 1 pt. boiling water^ \i lb.. chloride of lime, 1 pt. water, Stir boiling water into soda. Mix lime with cold water. Combine solutions. Let mixture settle and then pour off the clear solution. Bottle, A group, that will further the Herzberst cork tightly and keep in a dark , reputation, for fur values and fur quality* place.
"Style Without Extravagance"
Special August Values in
Buy now at August's annual lower price*.
Say It With Flowers JOHN H.BATH
"the Careful Florist" Phone JAekson 1906 1804 Farnam S t , Omaha
Beautiful Northern Seal Trimmed with natural and fisher fitch, and moon-glow squirrel.
tight and Dark Muskrat Trimmed with Russian Fitch, ted-rose wolf, beaver and raccoon.
Mr. :§nd Mrs. A. Davidson have as their' guests -their granddaughters, •Mrs. M. Greenberg of Tulsa and Mrs. Ted Greenberg and .son of Mrs. Meyer Coren entertained Wichita, and Hiss Jearrette Zeligson Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. of Wichita. ; ., Benjamin"* 'Stern, " of Honolulu, Mrs. Gitel Sofer of St. Louis, Mo., Hawaiian Islands, who is visiting is visiting at the home of Mr. and here with friends, and for Mrs. RoMrs. M. Seiner. Mrs. Softer is being bert Nalibow of Oakland, Calif., who extensively entertained, by her many is now living here with her mother. fripnds.. Mrs. Stem was formerly Miss Bess Ida Tenenbaum is in St Stock of this city. On Wednesday, Mrs. Coren enterLouis, Mo., where she will visit with tained jointly for the same guests riends for four weeks. and for her bridge club. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Swengil Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Milder and and family are leaving this week on son, Edwin, are visiting in Denver •a, 8 week visit to St. Louis, Mo., and Colorado Springs ioz a tevf where they mfi attend the wedding of -Mr. Swengil's cousin, Mr. Sam weeks. Swengil, formerly .of this city. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Stelky of ,-St Miss Eva Schwartz entertained 12 Louis, Mo., have come to Omaha guests at a bridge, and luncheon at to attend the wedding of Miss Ruth the. Fontenelle Hotel Sunday after- Wintroub to Mr. Sam Hoffman. noon in honor of her house guest, Miss Bess Borsky left : last week Hiss Anna Rimmerman of Rock for Kansas City on a two weeks Wand, I1L . vacation. r
COUNCIL WOMEN AID j Department of Farm and Rural Work, JEWISH FARMERS of the National Council of Jewish
Mendoza Beaver Trimmed with beautiful Russian Fitch, shawl collar and cuffs.
Other Fur Groups at $89.75 to $495
Miss Marion Weinberg of Omaha Mrs. D. B. Gross left Wednesday -is visiting at the. home of her for Milwaukee, Wis., to attend a brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and family reunion and the tenth wed-!
Eulse & Riepen 23rd and Phone liUIiC «mepcu JAekson 1226 F U N E R A L Cuming Street DIRECTORS
Forced To Vacate | By order of Rialto Theatre BIdg. owners
Our Entire Stock of
Rich Transparent Velvets
Lamps, Mirrors, Fine Etchings - and all Importations at ; -•;.:• Remarkable Savings
v , , i'"^ I \ : ~"~Z >•'"-v . , . ^, . h - --' ' """* -- ".
Special Values in Oar Radio and Phonograph Depts.
*n New
^j;. Dresses and Ensembles
- Subtle printed and plain colors in regal trans. parent velvets! Lucious grape reds, blues, dull greens and ebony blacks! Sophisticated styles, flares, drapes, jabots, pleats, shirings, lingerie touches, and many ether interesting details on dresses.
39 Others $25 to $110 75
SAYS ONE WOMAN TO ANOTHER "My new Hotpoint Electric Range is wonderful; , it cooks foods better than any of the old ways; and all the flavor is retained. For baking it can't be beat. I wouldn't be without it."
2314 "M" St.
Nebraska Power € Courtesy - Service « horn lUtes
; JR. H. EmleinOpens New Establishment
Ritual Murder Libel
New York.—(J. T. A,) Order , Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Kabbi Jacob Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Deputy Ley, a of Gedeminas, Grand Duke of LithuWell known in Sioux City as one of j silbersteiii, who was held and later rethe City's expert furriers and ladies leased in connection with the charges notorious -anti-Semitic agitator, and ania, a third class decoration, y/a*f conJ tailors for the past lfr years, Mr. R. against Maurice B. Baskin, said to be: member of the National Socialist ferred on Supreme Court Justice AarH. Emlein who conducts the firm of a United States citizen, of arranging j Party, is on trial before a Cologne on J. Levy by the Republic of LithuR. H. Emlein Co., formerly located in fictitious marriages in order to cir- j court foi" spreading the libelous anti- ania. the Iowa building, has expanded his cumvent the United States quota law, Jewish ritual murder accusation. The decoration, an elaborate gwW business to the extent that it has be- was rehabilitated when his secretary, 1 Ley, who is the responsible editor cross and ribbon, which was sent to The marriage of Miss Marcella BarThe Shore Acre Boat Club will be ' c o m e necessary to locate his organiza- Rosenberg, was arrested by the police. i f or several anti-Semitic publications, Justice Levy by the Lithuanian Consul In order to add new life and the andv, daughter of Mrs. L. Underieidenthusiasm of new members to its er, of Los Angeles, Cal., to Victor the 'scene" bjE extraordinary activities tion in larger quarters. He is now Rosenberg confessed that he abused enjoying the immunity of a Parlia- General in behalf of his g-overnment, program, the Federation of Jewigh Mazie, son .of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mazie, next Sunday afternoon when the located at 414 6th St., opposite the Rabbi Silberstein's trust, using the ment member, published in the "West- was accompanied by a proclamation rabbi's stamp on the fictitious mar- deutscher Beobachter" an article ac- signed by President Smetona and Social Service, next week, is beginning 3434 Nebraska St., was an event of Mount Sinai Brotherhood presents a Post Office. Mr. Emlein is a well known Sioux cusing- Jews of ritual murder in the Premier Waldemaras, which recited Sunday, August 4, in the home of the riage certificates. . an intensive out-of-town drive for new picnic to the members of the brotherDaube case. The article was "illustmembers. A number of the present bride's aunt, Mrs. I. Singer, of Kansas Despatches from Cherbourg pub- rated" with pictures purporting: to that-the decoration had been votpd-by City, Mo. Mr. Mazie and his bride members of the Federation have doall members of he entered business for himself and lished in the press here state that show how Jews perpetrate a ritual the Lithuanian Parliament for meritto m nated their time, cars, and service to arrived last Monday in Sioux City, the brotherhood whose birthdays fall started a small store at 405 Douglas Baskin was arrested there before his murder. It is the first time that Ley orious services in connection with the recognition of Lithuania by the Unitthe cause, and during the next week Where they -will reside. The marriage on dates in the months of April; May, attempt to embark for the United or two, the Jewish people of nearly sceremony was performed by Rabbi J. June, July, and August. It will be- St. It soon became necessary for him States. He was said to be accom- has been brought to court. When he edo States Government. every town within a radius of 100 Mayer of Kansas City, in the presence gin at' 2 o'clock,in the afternoon and to move to the Iowa Building in order panied by two women, said to be •was on the witness stand he asserted that he believes that certain orthodox to obtain a larger space. In his newmiles, will be apprqached anci their of immediate relatives. The bride's •will be concluded at 8 p m Jewish sects practice ritual murder PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS est place of business, Mr. Emlein has i among.those involved in the fictitious costume was a frock and hat of midmembership to the Federation solicit"The program of the event consists j o n e *of t h e - m o s t up-to-date fuVest'ab- marriages. and that his article had 2"eference only night blue, trimmed-in a lighter tone ed. • I: • ..; .,;,•: ; -, of refreshments, games, contests a ™ lishments in Sioux City. to those sects and not to the Jewish •of the same color. Accessories corThe teams, which are. under the all manner of r i v a l r y and fun a n d i t j _people as a whole. direction of Mr. A.: Davisr and Mr. responded/^The ina*ria*ge climaxed a will' be presented in tjie spirit of j p a s t w e e k . i n S k m x c lVisiting T6mance. begun ditnng a visit, in the : The State. Attorney demanded a Max Brodkey and- which.'; number ien, fa 24th and Hsrney * Mrs. Singer, in Kansas City. p u r e ' eiypyxnenit . and a real good friends and relatives^ sentence of two months imprisonment will be composed?ej£;two people each. time," s a i d M r . -Adolph Davis, who OPEN DAY AND NIGHT AGCOUNTANT for the anti-Semitic agitator. S*?.*i -v • • .. . "These teams iifili call < on : qut-ofMrs. Lawrence Davidson, who re'Eijis F. Bottigheimer, of Chicago, is one of'.the committee in charge. town Jews, explain fully the purpose "WE SATISFY ALL" turned recently from an Alaskan trip 1 AUDITS — — SYSTEMS I S BKPEK, Attorney* and work of the Federation, show arriy£^,.last Friday for a week-end The other members of t h e committee and a stay at Green Lake, Minnesota, j 630 Omnha National Bank Bid?. them what the Federation has done yfeit^invthe home ot Mr. and M r s . ' - ' Mr. E. Fribourg and Mr. MYand the Iowa Lakes, is a guest in the | 534 Peters Trust Bldg.AT. 7611 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION' during the years of its existence, and ;Ben Schulein, 2604 Jackson St. The Skalbysky.!* In the County Court of Douglas County, home of Mr. and Mrs. Bolton during It will he one of the finest picnics h e Nebraska, ask them to join in; the ."great, work marriage of Miss Alice Schulein to • In the matter of the estate of II. MOXpresented," Dr. * Davis! * absence of Mr. Davidson, who i s ! which the Federation has already done Mr. Bottigheimer will be a fall event. we have ever HE1T, deceased. • - ' • • • - -i -, t iin n New V P U ? York "Vm-lr City. P.ifw • I All persons interested in said estate nre so much to accomplish, We expect to Certified Public Accountants hereby notified that a petition- hns been Mr. H. M, SJotsky and Mr, U. C. added, "and we urge every member filed in said Court allufring that said d e - , enlist a great many hew membjers-in Slotsky were registered last week at to come on time and bring' his Lillian Dobrofsky of Los Angeles, 638 Securities ceased died leaving no last will and pray- i our organization to'Tceep, alive" the the-Orleans Hotel at Lake Okoboji. ing for administrntion npon his estate, and j Awnings, Canvas Covers, Tents, friends, The Brotherhood; assures California, is visiting in the home of j that a hearing will be had on s«iil petition AT. 445*' spirit of the Federation- and'make it Camp Supplies, All ICinds before said court on the 31st day of Aug" ". . Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kroloff, 1926 West ust, 102i), ajid. th;rt if the.y fail to appear at more powerful through-greater mem- •Mrs. Ben.-Sudow, . of Aberdeen, everyone a good time."."' Third Street. IS and Howard AT. 149'j said Court on the said 31st day of August, bership." -Thus Mr.; Davis character- S. D.,- was complimented by a-party have" just 'returried from a vacation l'.!2J), at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may errant the snjiie and LARGEST STOCK ized the purpose and plans of the Wednesday evening of last week. It spent at Springfield Park, Minn. They ' Mr. Ben HerzofF of Sioux City is grant administration of said estate to Eva ;.,:,;.:.., . IN WEST Monhcit or some other suitable person and plans of the drive. " : was given by her hostess and sister- were registered at the Del Otero visiting his brothers in Omaha. He j proceed to a settlement -thereof. £;•£••••*-•' Quick Shipmentf I Those members of the Federation in-law, Mrs. H. Goldstein, 2301 Sum- Hotel, will remain for several days after; . . "-•'• KRl'CE CRAlVFOUn. &°AS«:v; Our Hobby for. •who are aiding in the drive by giving, mit Street. Bridge and -luncheon Aug. 9—3T County Judge. which he will return to Sioux City. j :?| -rV" 45 Years •|heir time and autos to the cause are": were the diversions. '•-'.; 4420 Florence Blvd. Five couples attended a party given " ^ "" OMAHA STOVE 1 STAX3IASTEJ4 & B£BEB, Attorney* Miss Esther Baron recently spent j E. Barish, M:* 'Barish, J. Kalen, H. Saturday, August 10, in honor of Mr. KE. 1500 REPAIR- WORKS 6.50 Omaha National Bank Bid p. a week in Omaha visiting friends. She I Miss Frances Rutstein has returned Archie Kroloff. The affair consisted Slotsky, M. Seff, A. Goodsite, Solomon Notice by Publication on Petition for ' The House With A Reputation 1206-8 Douglas Street Settlement ot Final Administration Ac- j j Baron,. J. Bolstein, Sam Cohen, JE. R. from a visit at Omaha /where she of dancing1 at-Stone Park Pavillion is now back in Sioux City. count. J In, the County Court of Douglas County, ! Davis, M. Grueskih, H.' Horowitz, M. was entertained by friends and after the party dined at- Elmwood. Another Chicagoan, Mr. Morris Nebraska. PATRONIZE THE ![Jpshutz,,R. Sacks, itf. E. Skalpvsky, relatives. .In the matter of the estate of A. SP1LKA Behr, is a Sioux City guest. Mr. Genuine deceased: all persons interested in said p. Baron, Mike Skaldvsky, J« Levine, j Mr. and Mrs. Abe Friedman, 1722 Behr is visiting relatives during-his CANDYLAND matter-Ore hereby notified that on the lOtb 16th nnd Fsrnnm yf. C. Slotsky, W: Mazfe, "M.~Levich, • A bridge tea Tuesday afternoon in Jackson St., are • visiting friends and stay in Sioux City. day of August. 1H20, Ben Glazer tiled a petition in siud County Court, praying that M. London, A.. Simons, S. Lipman, M.. Da\idson's tearoom, given by Mrs. relatives in Omaha. They-will return SUNSET TEA ROOM hiS final administration account filed herein be settled nnd allowed, and that lie be 49tl> nnd Ootlge HendlynAR: H.; Emlein,: J, London, N. ]M. Mushkin, 121013th street, honored in the near future.. Among the Central High School discharged from his trust ns administrator For Health . Sadoff, and M. Skalovskyv - — , Miss Hannah Mushkin, who is visitCRYSTAL CANDY and that a hearing will be had ou said Summer School graduates this year petition before snid Court on the (ifl) day i.A meeting was held Thursday five- ing here. Guests enjoyed an attrac- " The Daughterhood of Shaare Zion are Lee Harzoff and EmU Levieh who loth nnd Cnpitnl Ave. SANITARY of September, 19^9. am] that if you fnil to ning-for the • final division of teams tively appointed luncheon at the con- held the first meeting of the season completed their high school courses appear l>efore said Court on the Oth BAKERY day of Keptemlx;r. 101K), at U o'clock A. M.. Monday evening, * August 12, a t the during this past session. During the and'apportionment of .districts and clusion of several hours of "cards. and contest snid petition, the Court may BAKEHT OOOPS AT THEIR BEST Zion Synagogue at 8 o'clock. grant, the prayer of said petition, enter a the . campaign ' is now in full swing.; "Also complimenting Miss-Mushkin Shaare onaare aion ayimgogue.H o » « » « . , g r a d u a t i o n ceremonies, MrJ Herzoff i decree of heirsliip. arid make such other 1008 Caminr—AT. 78156 Business of; a very importnt nature, | ^ ^ ^ 1 , . | and further orders, allowances nnd decrees, n V f t H thp was a bridge party .Wednesday evenplayed the march. as to this Court may seem pmper. to the relatiye .to future activities was disAfter Theatre JEWISH VIOLINIST ing, which Mrs. ;Morey .Lipschutz, end thnt all matters pertHining to snid cussed.. „•,._ ..... ... ..•:.'... Mrs. T. C. Bolton and children, 2705 estate may be finally settled and deterDancing 3829 .Jackson street, was hostess. BROADCASTS OVER KSCJ mined. Valley Drive, have returned from a 1 BKVCE CRAWFORD. A- program of violin music- was 24th and farnam Mr. Robert Gorkih, of Minneapolis, j month's outing at CrandalVs- Lodge, August 3(5—3T County Judge: Mrs. J. Golder has returned' from Minn., broadcast • over -the Journal's - broadhas been in the city for the j Spirit "—••• Lake,.Iowa. »-•»*• casting station K.SCJ Thursday, Aug. an extended visit in Kansas City past two weeks on business. with- rela.tiyes. and 8,-:by Mr. Samuel Sherr, popular Sioux where she 'visited ATlantic 6291 ; Pax ton -Mifchell Co. f r i e n d s . -•' "' • ; ' • - " v " ; ' Vi • ' • • • Miss Eva Lipton is in Omaha visit- , , No man can lay claim to a liberal City-violinist and- teacher. :The proJ. M. JKNSEN education unless he knows something iTtb ami Ahirlhn M H.^rne.T lOflJ Chicken Slaughtering _ 5c gram, which was broadcast afr 11 Mrs. L. Fried of Youngstown, Ohio, ing friends. She plans to return to of the reach and ysweep of these OM.AHA NEHKASKA Picking _ 5c Sioux Cit/soon. Sort gray iron, t r u s s , uronxp ario o'clock-consisted of the following sealuitmmni cusitngs Sinnilurij peaks of poesy and learning raised and Miss Rose Cohn'of Des Moines, —Also— lections^ "Solitude," Soderor "Comoronze nno iron hnsrnnsrs. gewOi Chickens and Eggs at reasonable Mrs.'Max Schweidelson and family Refresh Yourself no4es. cisterti n n j s ;imt rovers nn't munion," lLebach; arid "Air/' Verdi. are visiting in the" home of'Ma-, and are" returning from' the West coast by the spirit of man in the civilizaprices ;lmu-out doors in slock Alt MnrfK of , .-' tions, of .Greece and Rome. wood mm metnl luiitrrns The program was presented in con- Mrs. H. Lizriowich. H. MOSKOVITZ inhere ihey have -resided for some : —Markhara; nection: with an organ program by Mrs. Harry Bailin left for Chicago time, due to the fact that the climate WE. 1900 1613 No. 24th St. Miss Bertha Kleckner. last Sunday with. Mr. ,Bailin after a did,,npt agree with the health of Mrs. STAiMASTKB i BEBEK. Attorney* CAPITOL BOOK Standard 9joe Repair Co. >5Read-n6t to contradict and confute, visit at ..the home of .her parents, Mr. Schweidelson.. They will again reside 650 Omaha National Bank Bidsand Mrs, J^ H. Bolstein. . . . . in.Sioux City. BINDERY CO. nor to believe and take for granted, - J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor XOTICE OF INCORPOKATIOV OV THE ARENA. nfCOItrOBATED 220 So. 13th St. JA. 1136 Miss Sadie Shulkin, Miss Elizabeth ' After visiting friends and relatives nor ^ to- find talk and discourse, but " N E W FOR O L D " : 'N'otR-e Is iiereby given that the nniierH. B. DOLGOFF Raskin, and Miss Elizabeth Berkowitz at Omaha, Miss Elsie Brodkey has re- signed to-rwdgh'and'consider. —Bacon. YOU ARE ALWAYS have assocint«l Hiemselves together 1619 Farnam St.—Phone AT. 8481 form a eorpotatloii under the laws of Law—Library Loose Leaf WELCOME AT turned to Sioux City, She arrived to the State of Nebraska. The name of the Specialist in Hand Binding corporation is "The Arena, Inc.," and tbe last week.
Society News
• '
* ' T
Peerless Cleaners
Rush-En Rye
principal place of transacting its business is in Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska.
. ...,. ;By a neyt specialized device exclusive with us, we are r ,jopwv able to cowect defects of vision heretofore incurable. . The^ method is simple. ; We merely build up the muscles of .';. the eye by exercise. Come in and let us demonstrate it to . . " y o u .
. . - • " • • • , . . .
Capitol Theater Bldg. IOWA
Miss Ruth Rubin of Omaha recently Tbe general nature of the business to be transacted is to build, buy, owu, lease or spent a Week vi8iting in the home Of j ccoon nt r to ll bu»dlnes.Vrenn^I colisVumsTo'rany ! buildi li Mr. and Mrs. Weiner, of Sioux City. o^er type and kind ot structure or real j _
- jj~~.
, •
, . •.»
I estate which may be used or employed in • I the carrying on and showing of ntnuse- j
T Business affairs brought Mr. Joe j ments. balls,, exhibitions, ns, spectacles, spctacles, events •
displays of every kind and description; Stein. of Omaha to Sioux City for or nnd to lease, rent, sublet or hire out spnee concessions and incidental businesses several days.. last • week. He has nowfor which are usually and customarily nttemlaut upon the doing of the aforementioned returned to Om^ha. thingg and to rto any and nil things which be necessary and proper to the sucMiss Naomi Horwitz has returned may cessful realization of the objects hereinabove set out. The authorised capital to her home in Sioux City after visitt
... ——After a delightful honeymoon spent on the West coast, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ginsburg-have returned to Sioux City. They-will reside in the Castle Apartments and are now holding open house to their many friends. Morris Ruben and Max Rpsenthal left August 10, for Omaha where they will spend a week or ten days' visiting friends and relatives. -
-3l3OE_Main . 19O Spu
The Address Helps "Information" [ to Save Your Time Sotft"'-Jfles you cannot find a telephone number in the directory and it becomes neces-'/gaiy to call "Information." • ' ^ .'",- jfn any. city; there may be t w o o r more • people "with tjie same initials and name. By giving ''Information" the address in addition^* to;ith.e: im'tiais- and name, it enables her'.to determine without delay which person you ;.-••-•
w a n f c
]_/. '•
' .-
'• ; / .;/.•:.; y ' ; / ' - > :
(•*• '••.;' • ijBcfori! tfiljipg f'Infprmation''. i t i s a l w a y s : . . •/rJ.ilb!a»t t o ' m a k e sure that the t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r , ; • ; : llSSou ysrant.does n o t a p p e a r i n ; t h e d i r e c t o r y ; • ; •
U l a C B CnA
paid up and non-assessable.
c S y U ^ d C o - ? X o n ^ r ' - H « Attorney*.
Baker Ice Machines
National Accessories, Inc.
54th and Center Streets ~Entcria.inm.ent Chicken Dinners Chicken Sandwiches
"Everything for the Auto"
"Manufactured in Omaha"
2501 Farnam—AT. 5524
00 divided Into 100 shares
j tioon in the office of the" County Clerk and i contlnne for a period of TO years. The highest amount of indebtedness or HnbilftT to which the corpoRition shall at any time j subject Itself shall not exceed two-thirds t of its capital stock. The affairs of. the | corpomtiotv Rhall he conducted by a Board ! ot Directors of not less than 3 members j •who shall bo chosen from among the stock- i holders at their annual meeting. Until the annual meeting in. January, lf)30, the Board of irfreetors shall be J. J. Isaacson, Boy C. Feltman and Irvln Stnlmasfer, and tintll the iiimnaf im-etinjr 1n 1030. th« officers shall be J. J. Isaacson. President, and ltoy C. Feltmnn. Secretory--nnfl Trensurer. The articles of incorporation may Ix> by tho jifnnnative vote of twoMi-, and Mrs. M. Schubb and daught- amended thirds of tlie capital stocH nt. any rosnlar or special meeting of d-Iie stockholders. er, Jeanne, of Minneapolis, spent ..the J. J. ISAACSON, ROY C. FKLTMAN SAME. JKI.AVEU. Attorney . IRVIK 8TALMASTEIU 12 Omnha Nntlonnl llnnl* Bids'. •Itu the presence of:''S.VM DEIJER. Aug. »—•IT. • In the County Court of JJaofflas County, Nebraska. •'.."• : . •Iii tlie ftntter. bf the estate of MAltX C. AVEBV, ''.deceased. ' j! MILTON B. ABRAHAMS & RICHAKD A. ; To the heirs-ut-lnw, crotHtors, nnd alii O'OONNOB, Attorneys •iithat.iKisoiiS:inferesteil In said estate: I 400 Brandcis Theater Rids:. You ore hereby uotliiail that a petition NOTICE US PUBLICATION TO hns been filed in this Court on tjie 2tith KOX-RESIDENT DEFENDANT day ot July, , lfi?i), by Charles .H. Aver.v, To KLVA «. COAKI,KT, non-resident of nlfesliit' tliat Xf.'try C Avery died on the state of Nebraska: 2Tth» dayo f June. 1020. Intestate; thai, nt toeXou hereby notified that NELLIK the time of her dentb she was a rusldent HDBSTarc re tiled a petition pt has heretofore ot DbnglaB eoiiiity, Nuhrnska. and thnt she ng-ainst you Court off In tlie District ii C was possessed of nn pstfifC vt Jnhnrltnuce County Nebraska, in an action in the. following describee! real estntc. to- en'tVueT^nie"^^'^^"^^"^^^'^^.'^"^^"^'. Nlli H /The north ....v««?--»»v nventr-two «(•« and one-naif uuu-uair Conkley, defendant, which action appears <22%) 'feet dt-thc south Bixtj'-seven ond of record In Doc. 2"i7 No. 232 of saffl court; one-half (67%) feet, of I-o)» ten nn<J eleven that the object and prayer of said petition (10 nnd U) in Block nineteen (10), In Wil- are to recover from, you the sum of Five coSc' .Second .lihlitioii to tlie City ot Oronhn, Thousand Dollars ($5000.00) and costs as tts surveyed, pln'tfetf and recorded; and lot damages for personal Injuries to plaintiff t\fo hundred and th)»ty-elBht (23S) in resnlthif- from your negligpnee: that iii Homeslte Addition to the City x>f Omaha. said action attachment has been made on :as surveyed, pljitted and wcorded. i that certain real estate owned by yon and i ^within the eorpqrnte IJmltg of (lie 0t.v particularly described ns Lot Eijrht ot i more Omnha. (S) Hints' Addition to the City of Omjiua. That said pctitfoncr has nn interest In ' UonRlas County. Nebrnshn, ns snrveyed, i paid real estate being the widower of said Platted and recorded : thnt said petition i s , '•••' '—i, s.-ild p e t i t i o n ^ prflJ'B ih'rtt o h enr n r - now pending In said cause, and that you nt 0 tbrit- notice are requested to answer snid petition on t e d ; y biw. and or before the 2nd day of September 1929:) that upon saiiT h p a r K 11 11 decree of heir- that in the event vou fail to appear or l answer on said diite ' t u e alleffJitions of i ship bceaU'red mjd;fv(rthpr jidm d l U plalntifTs petition will -be tnJten as true. • oteaUl estate be tHspeus.-d with. 0 e hpr f0 nnd judgment will he rendered aeainstnotjflmr VJ' ' on «nl< ' ^^ .petition ntjflr that fl honrlnB you for-Five Thousand l>oll:irs ($T>000.<>0) fl att the;County h t ourt Room of costs, and anld renl pstnte now under m of H i i i d C o f th *>7h 7fh nnd gold to .satisfy the y t A»g,,st A»g,,stlss..tniWWnSOSclScpA M ..... JH> ..- BU M ntfflcliment Will Aayot Wto l i nraonnt of plaintiff's claim and judgment 2nd rlfnV! «'°i K MVWot1 1 eald tlmi the Court m t ^s rff t nFt *f I"t e s n' m petition.. In accordance with thp StntnteS in such Ji^nri^?JJfV? n cases made and provided. 1 b J r S l lI i > f r,t U c c r e i ? f le .l t enter rtSmfft * ^ 'i ' T . " "IrfI'er' Nellie fl irst Plnlnfiff. ' nc ministration of " M w t p h . l i e d l w p n . e d By Milton R. Abrahnm^ & KH'hard A.
••The Res; of
Qeneral Contractor
Omaha Towel Supply-Co. II. BEKGER
<IA. 0528
492-96 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.
JAckson 1614 Estimates Gladly Furnished
Since 18'•o
Omaha Jobbing Co.
Of Every Description
JA. 5604 317 No. 15 CLOSING OUT 2.400 gal. of DE-VOE & REYNOLDS paint at $1.95 per gal. All colors. Also 2,000 gval. of Kentucky paints at $1.75. And various railroad wrecked merchandise.
Beautifully finished. Guaranteed to hang" true. 50c per pair, some a trifle more. Special rates on 10 or more pair. JUST PHONE— AT. 4750—MA. 4750.
Jfiftcliey Jf
-City Wide WeliTery
MALASHOCK'S Jewelry Store 16th and Howard Streets Hill Hotel Building
Hnrry H.
Omaha Fixture mi
Visit the New
1722 No. 24 St., WE. 0289 Try a loaf of your Russian Pumpernicle Bread You'll Appreciate the Taste
IDEAL Near Beer . Soda Water
H> Occupy TU.(H)» 8<)imrp
Southwest Cornet Eleventh and Douglas Street* Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. Nebr.
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company
- AND Gingerale
Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices
It Wilj''Pay You to Inquire.
WE. 3043
Bottling Co.