August 23, 1929

Page 1

Interesting and Entertaining

All the News of interest to Jews

Entered as Becond-dnss mail matter on Jnuuary ~J3. 1021, nt poHtoffice at Omaha, Xebraskii. under the Act of March 3, 187U, - iS




group of. Palestinian writers to assail Reuben Brainin, Dean of Hebrew literature,--as a- "traitor?" Why was this distinguished Jewish, figure boycotted when he visited South Africa? The writer of this article has given the facts and interpreted them. Although this publication takes no responsibility for the views expressedin Mr. Montor's article it believes that there is much food for thought in what he says. • THE EDITOR.

ca. Many years ago he was the guiding spirit of the establishment of the Zionist movement in Russia. -He was one of the close friends of Theodor Herzl. For years innumerable he edited Hebrew publication which constituted the essence of the new Jewish culture that was being evolved under the auspices of the Zionist movement. Visits Russia . But two years ago a train of incidents started which are having their full and disastrous consequence today. At that time Brainin, eager explorer that he is, decided to visit Soviet Russia and to examine for himself the status of Jewish life in that mysterious country. He stayed there for a considerable period, and incidentally surveyed the Jewish colonization work that was being carried on with American Jewish money and with the approval of the Soviet Government Trouble Brews in South Africa But Brainin was more than casually interested in Russian colonization. He held the deep conviction that it was imperative to further the work in order that countless Russian Jews might escape the disaster that" was "inevitable in the cities. Thus when six months ago a group of South African Jews sent a cable to Brainin asking him to come to that country in ordor to help raise a substantial sum for Russian colonization work Brainin did (Continued on Page 2)

^ to Teach 'M J "C:"C.Swimming



Steinberg of Omaha; Misses Ruth Riseman, Bernice Liberman, Ruth Diamond and Dorothy Diamond, of Lincoln; Misses Elsie Brodkey, Sarah Moso^y.and- Sally Ginsberg of Sioux City, la-;" Miss Laura Berek of Fremont; and Miss Esther Swislowsky of Columbus. The Nebraska chapter was founded in May, 1925, and has established a TemaTkable -record on the campus during its short history. Three times, (Continued on Pace 3)

Jews Protest Wandering Sabbath But Not Opposed to Simplification

What are the facts behind the ago he held a high honorary position remarkable situation which led a in the Zionist Organization of Ameri- TWO GROUPS OPPOSE

:-Both before the"League!s committee rr-A"ffairs corrqnittee' trf~the •TTnrted States House of Representatives, representatives of the various In order to fill the vacancy Jewish,, Seventh Day Adventist, and Lisbon.—(J. "T. A.)—A new hotel created by the resignation of Seventh Day Baptist Teligipus bodies has been opened at Evora, in the PrivMarcus Krasne, former physical presented '.a substitute proposal that ince of Alentejo, in Portugal, which director, and pending the ap•was satisfactory to them. This was been built on the site of the old pointment of his successor by to shorteen the year to 354 days and Inquisition Palace, the board of trustees of the Jew.allow the surplus day in ordinary It was at Evora, then the capital ish Community Center, C. C. years and the two surplus days in of Portugal, that the Inquisition of Hubbard, swimming coach of leap years to accumulate until they Portugal was first established in 1536, Technical high school, has been amounted to a week, which would he in the reign of John III, the Fanatic. engaged to assume charge of added every fifth or sixth year as a One of the first to be brought to the the swimming department. He leap week The remaining 364 days stake there was David Reubeni. will assume his new duties Aug. could then be divided either into equal There were three offices of the In29, and will continue until the quarters.or into 13 equal months. To quisition in Portugal—and there was a new director arrives. the Foreign Affairs Committee the fourth at Goa, in South America, j Hubbard is well, known in proposal was. also made by the rabbis Only the Palace -of Evora remained . local athletic circles; being presithat 364 days, be divided into 13 intact to the present day. I dent of the Omaha American months of 28 days each and the surWhen the Inquisition was abolished] Red Cross Swimming Examinaplus days allowed to accumulate until in Portugal by the. Constituent As- j tions Course. He is also a memthey amounted to a 28-day month, sembly in 1821, the mob invaded these • ber of the advisory committee which would he added every twenty- palaces and destroyed the instruments sf the National Swimming Inthird year. , • . : _ • . . of torture. A large part, of the arstructor's Association. , "All such proposals were considered chives and records of the proceedings faulty by the League's committee, be- were saved, however, and 40,000 of cause; they introduce years whose these records of Inquisitorial trials lengths differ so greatly as. to give are preserved in the" ^National Library rise to very serious difficulties in com- (Torre do Toinbo) at Lisbon. paring annual statistics, fixing anniThe InJuisition Palace at Lisbon versary festivals, etc. ':••: fell into ruin in 1755 in the earth"The League's committee, taking quake which destroyed practically the The organization of a strong central Sabbatarian objections into considera- entire city. ; On its site" now stands council for the Jewish National Fund .' , : tion, •• recommended that 'there should ihe National-Theatre. : in particular he. a fresh, examination In Coimbra not even the site has in Omaha is the object of a meeting by the opposing religious bodies of the been -preserved, buf in Evora the] called for Wednesday evening, Aug. principle of a blank day' and 'Dis- Palace came into the possession of a! 28, at the Jewish Community Center. Every organization, regardless of cussion on this subject in each country Portuguese family which kept it inbetween religious bodies and others tact and closed to all curious eyes. Re- sex or age of members, which is incently, on the death of the last mem- j terested in any phase of the Zionistic interested in the matter." her of this family, Madame Marie-j efforts to rebuild Palestine has been Christia deLemos Yieira, the Inqui- invited to send two delegates to this sition Palace of .Evora was acquired j meeting. by a -group of financiers,: who' built a | l t i s expected that besides those or-^ tourist hotel on the site called the! ganizations which are officially affiilHotel Alemtejo. The correspondent iated with one of the Zionist organizaMrs. Irvin Stalmaster will be has paid a visit to the building, which tions, the local synagogue will also be hostess Sunday morning at a bridge has not suffered rnuch change by its; represented on the proposed council, The dung-} T h e J e w i s h N a t i o n a l F u n d i s t h e breakfast at the Highland Country conversion into a'hotel. club for members , and prospective eons and torture .room of the Inquisi- fund - raising organization which members of Theta chapter of Sigma tion are still to be seen, and it is even purchases land in Palestine in the Delta Tau, national Jewish sorority at possible to distinguish the-inscriptiohs name'of the Jewish people. Land made on the; walls by the -prisoners j t h a s p u r c h a s e d becomes the permanthe University of Nebraska. perty of the Jewish people as The members who will attend will with their bipod/ There is also the e n t emblem j i t c a n n o t w s o l d ^ m o r t g a g e d . be: Misses Evelyn Adler, Grace Great Judgment Hall with the ; Dansky, Miriam Martin, Lillian Lip- of the Inquisition on the ceiling, a | placed between a sword and an j sey, Elsiif Poska, Frances Simon, Ida ocross live

Tenenbaum, Tobie Goldstein and Betty'

No. 32


•Washington.—(J. T. A.)—The United States was officially committed to the principle of simplifying the calendar last week through the" accept. ance by the State department of the report of the National Committee on Calendar Simplification and forwarding ;the report to the Secretary General of the League of Nations, which is!conducting- an international referen- I For four decades he was a giant duni on the subject. The report* stat- figure - in Hebrew -literature. During ittg the attitude of various groups, two score years he became an inespecially ireligibus, states that the creasingly important factor in the Jews object strenuously to "tie propos- modern. Jewish/Renaissance. His soft, al to insert a blank day in the calen- sympathetic eyes, his Shavian beard, dar hecause of its intereferance with his leonine forehead had become the regular occurrence of the Sabbath known wherever Jewish culture flour' on a .fixed day, but says that the Jews ished. His trenchant; pen, his fear.are in favor of the general principle less literary scalpel had come to make of calendar simplification. Proposals j the incompetent tremble arid the imof Jewish and certain other religious postors desist from their impositions. groups to reform the calendar in such Famous Author. In Disgrace a -manner that the fixity of the SabBut now Reuben Brainm is discardbath would be insured were unaccepted. Name, fariie, gifts, "achievements able -to the Leagne of Nations comare dismissed as an inconsistent band Tnjttee, according to the report. : T h e Seventh Day Adventists and of self-constituted critics hurl themthe Seventh Day Baptists were the selves upon him who only- a short time only religious groups that objected ago was universally acknowledged as to; the entire plan of calendar reform. the Dean of Hebrew literature. The The present. plan for calendar re- treatment accorded to Reuben Brainin form-provides for thirteen months of offers one of the strangest cases in 28 days each with a blank day each modern Jewish times, in whose story year which would not be.a part of are involved a number of anomalies any month. Every lour years, two which go to the very heart of presents '..':. such.Vblank days would occur. Under day Jewish life.this; plan the Jewish Sabbath would Reuben Brainin has always been a occur on." a different day of the_ week distinguished Zionist. Not so long succeeding year. ' -



branch, and the inquisition CHALIAPIN TO SING

Chapel dating to 1721.


Jerusalem. — (J. T. A.) — Feodor GIRLS' CLUB TO HOLD OPEN PROGRAM MEETING Chaliapin -will sing with the Pales-

tine Opera company this fall, accord*

The Junior Daughters of 2ion will ing "to a statement made by Golinkin, hold a "membership , social" at 4 j head of the company. Chaliapin will o'clock Tuesday afternoon, August 27, sing the role of Boris Gudonov, which will be given at the first performance at the Jewish Community Center. A program of music and other of the reorganized company. Chaliapin has accepted engagements forms of entertainment has been arranged. All, girls between the ages in Egypt, from where he will come to of 13 and 16 are cordially invited.

ENTIRE PROPOSAL Zurich.—(J..T. A.)—The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee will continue its program of rehabilitation among the Jews of Eastern Europe and Russia with unabated energy, declared a statement issued today by Joseph C. Hyman, Secretary of the Joint Distribution Committee, at the request of Felix M. Warburg, Chairman. The meetings of the special committee of the Joint Distribution Committee's Executive Committee held here x>n August loth and 16th gave consideration to reports presented on all phases of the program of reconstruc"tive help rendered by the J. D. C. throughout Eastern Europe and Russia, the statement declares. Dr. Joseph A. Rosen and Dr. E. A. Grower, who came to Zurich especially for that purpose, presented complete reports on the position of Jews in the towns and cities of Russia and made recommendations for an industrialization program which would render selfsupporting large masses of the Jewish urban population in Russia, Following the reports, which were fully discussed, future plans for continuance of the Joint Distribution Committee's program in Europe were considered and a resolution unanimously adopted that the program of rehabilitation inaugurated by the J. D. C. in all these countries must be continued with unabated energy.

ARMED ARAffi ATTACK JEWS AT WAIHNG WALL Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—An armed attack on the Wailing Wall area was perpetrated Friday afternoon by an Arab mob consisting of hundreds of men armed with daggers. Two Jewish worshippers were wounded and the prayerbooks were torn and religious objects destroyed. The attack, coming a day after Tisha B'ab and following the protests of Jews throughout the world against the infringement of the Jewish right of worship at the Wall, raised the indignation of the Jewish population of Palestine to a pitch, particularly since the Arab mob made use of the newly opened door to gain entrance to the Wailing Wall area. It was for the opening of this door that the Palestine government granted permission to the Moslems, ignoring the protests of the Jews that the opening of the door is an infringement of the status quo and would lead to continuous attacks on the Jewish worshippers. While the police, warned in advance of the demonstration, blocked all streets leading to the Wailing Wall and prevented a large number of Jews from going there for the Friday evening Wall area through the new door from the Mosque of Omar. The Moslems had gathered in the Mosque. Only three Arab policemen and one Jewish officer were on guard at the Wailing Wall area during the invasion of the Moslems. They were powerless against the mob.


Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Three million Armenians, a people whose fate during the World War was similar to that of the Jews contemplate embracing Judaism as their faith, according to a sensational report which appeared in the Warsaw Jewish daily, "Der Hajnt." . : The newspaper reports that a group of Armenian leaders arrived in Warsaw incognito for the purpose of visiting the Jewish institutions in the largest Jewish community in Europe in order to acquaint themselves with the ways of Jewish life. The leaders, whose names were not given by the newspaper, related that several years ago, Armenians who live in various parts of the world formed an association called "Ararat-Zion" which has the embracing of Judaism for its purpose, the combination of the name indicating the'sought-for harmony between Ararat, the Armenian mount, and the Mount of Zion. Ninety per cent of the Armenians are said to be willing to embrace Judaism.

Felix M. Warburg and Lord Melchett Give $500,000 Each to Jewish Agency for Palestine Rehabilitation $3,500,000 BUDGET

Zurich, Switzerland.—(J. T. A.)—On the eve of Tisha B'*v, commemorating the fall of Jerusalem and the burning Of the Temple 1,859 years ago, the Council of the Jewish Agency cottcluded its sessions here last Wednesday, marking the most important accomplishment in the restoring of the ancient homeland to its historic spiritual and material splendor previous to that tedious golus of nineteen centuries. Following on the heels of the World Zionist 'Congress' rsfcHtantion of the famous agreement between the Zionists and nori-Zktntists, the Council of the Jewish Agency, the administrative body created by that pact, met and the representatives of both groups from the various nations of the world affixed their signatures to the constitution under which the bodv is to function. The signing1 of the constitution, j the final step in the completion of a decade's efforts to unite world Jewry in the Palestinian cause, was aeconv amid dramatic scenes that will 1 always remain as a vivid chapter in Jewish history. Colonization Good But Too Slow; Stoic leaders in the long diplomatic struggle wept for joy and embnsctd Opinion of Chairman of and kissed each other as shoute of American Ort "Mazeltov" filled the hall. Dr. Chaim POLISH CONDITIONS WORSE Weizmann and Louis Marshall, valiant heads of the Sio-nirt and nonThat conditions among Jews in Rus- Zionist respectively, embraced eseh sia have not improved, and that the other and wept BS the ceremony WRB only hope is industrialization, are the performed. Other?, called up to the observations of Juclg-e Jacob Far.ken, platform to gipi the pact, were overChairman of the American Ort. who come with emotion and stood returned this vreek from a three tears of joy streaming down tfteir month's trip abroad, In addition to faces, unable to speak & word. his extended travels, Judge Panken As the lapt signature WRS checked his oven conclusions with those Louis Marshall, who wes of other experienced observers. He chairman of the Council, in ft also attended the International Ort roicp quivering- with Conference in Berlin. hsve the honor to the "The feeling among the Russian enlarged Jewish Agency Jews and those who work in Russia.'* Later he introduced Dr. WeitJMith, said Judge Panken, "is that industrial- saying, "I have the honor to annoutlftt ization is the real hope of the solution Dr. Chaim Weizrnann as the first presof the problem confronting the Jewish ident of the enlarged Jewish Ageftey." people. Colonization is undoubtedly The assembly, which represented •working1 out splendidly for those who the most distinguished Jewish antherwere fortunate enough to have the ing1 in a millenium, included deleg&tofe necessart funds for undertaking, or to from Jewish communities on fouf conbe selected by the Agro-Joint. It is tinents. Leading1 statesmen, b«rtk*tffc, impossible to place all the Russian philanthropists, veteran Zionist leadJews upon the land. That is conceded ers, writers and poets, mingled with on all sides. The urban population humble farm workers from the iHNr therefore must have an other avenue Jewish settlements in the Vallfey t>t of sustenance. Jezreel, Palestine. Twenty "The first necessity is the extension languages were spoken by the of the school svstem to teach the tens pates, Hebrew, English, Gefmin, of thousands of applicants some trade. French, and Yiddish being the chief Secondly, they need assistance in the langruages used.. organization of artels where producThe opening1 session of the confertion may be put on a large scale, givence was immediately stirred to i. ing- employment not only to the skilled pitch of enthusiasm by the announcebut making provisions also for the emment that Lord Melchett of Lo«d«»n ployment of the semi-skilled, and and Felix M. Warburg1, New York those entirely •untrained. banker, had each pledged $500,000 to"The latter aid is particularly im- wards a Palestine finance corporation portant because it will reflect the gen- through which the Jewish Agency it eral trend in Russia along the path to carry on its upbuilding work. of industrialisation. It will also reThe sessions were marked by the duce the pressure upon schools, for atmosphere of haninony tind unity trade training will be possible in these that prevailed throughout. • One of large industrial enterprises. 1 "Conditions for Russian Jewry are the chief actions taken was the voting not better. The only trieht spot in of a $3,500,000 budget for the cwmifcff the hearts of the Russian Jewry today year. This is identical with the -«B* . is the hope that the work of the voted at the Zionist Ccm£re«i. • .ResoOrt will be extended and that the lutions were also passed .«.ppe*i!i*%- *tm> the Jews of the World to lend ftnanctil Agro-Joint will continue its efforts. as well BE moral support to the «ft3t«tf "It is fair to say that a chancre in effort to rebuild Palestine, and #x» the condition of Russian Jewry cannot pressing1 the hope that Great BliiftiA be effected in a day or a year. It is as the Mandatory Power will co-opfeN a tremendous task. But as family ate effectively with the. enlarged Jewafter family is put upon a selfish Agency. sustaining basis, it becomes easier The officers of the Council wer# Ail for the rest of the population to find follows: Dr. Chaim Weramafln, a way out of their dilemma. "What I have said of Russia, ap- dent; Louis Marshall, chairman; on Edmund de Rotschild, h©nM?i# plies of greater force to Poland." president; Felix M. Warburg, man of the administrative MENDELSOHN'S POSTERITY and Nathan Straus, honorary ARE ALL CHRISTIAN NOW man of the administrative eommittafe, The executive of the Jewish . Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The direct desis to consist of twelve members. cendents, now all Christians, of Moses Mendelsohn, German Jejvish philos- ing the first year, eight of opher and leader of the school of en- be Zionists and four will he lightenment in Central and East ists. According' to M. M. Ussiehkin, •European Jewry, decided to honor his memory on the occasion of the two- of the Jewish National Frtad, Us* hundreth anniversary of his birth on Council settled three fund questions, namely: the September 6, 1929. will mark the relation of th*' coBelgrade.—(J. T. A.)—The Qgpu, and non-Zionists in their 1 the Russian Soviet political police, had work, the safeguarding of the princondemned to death Leon Trotsky, ciple that the land-redemption will net exiled Communist leader who is now be endangered by permitting «pe«ijji» in Constantinople, according to an in- tion, and the assurance of the spirit* terview with him published in the u&l revival through the original -ll*brew culture and language. , Jugoslav newspaper <fVreinie.'*

INDUSTRIALIZATION ONLY HEBREW CLUB PICNIC SUNDAY OUTSTANDING flOPE OF RUSSIAN JEWRY EVENT OF SUMMER SAYS JUDGE X B F Gala Event at Lakeview Park Begins at Noon and Ends at Midnight DANCING FEATURE The outstanding summer event in local Jewish circles will take place at Lakeview Park this Sunday where the Cinaha Hebrew Club's SSth anniversary picnic will be held. Program plans completed and armonced this week include a full day's activities beginning at noon and ending at midnight. Preparations are being made to entertain a. crowd of 5,000 persons. Sam Elaver, vice-president of the organization and general chairman of the day, in commenting upon his plans said: "Games for the old and the young, the fat and the thin, the men and the women, the boys and girls will be staged in the afternoon, staring promptly at 3:30 p. m.," said Klaver. "We will award seventy-five fine prizes to the winners of these events, so many that nearly every one who competes will receive a prize. The games will be directed by Irvrn Levin, president of the Thorpeian Athletic club and assistant chairman of the Jewish Community Center's athletic committee. A band concert will be presented by Father Flanagan's Boys' Band, starting at 3 o'clock. An usual" event, and one which should interest every Jewish family in Omaha, is the award of a special prize at 9 p. TO. to the prettiest girl on the grounds. The splendid dance hall at Lakeview park will sparkle in the evening, with Carl Lamp's orchestra providing the music for those who like to trip the light fantastic. In addition to the games, the band concert, dancing, etc., a program has been arranged by Mr. Klaver and Albert Kaplan, to start at 6:30 p. m., as follows: Gertrude Oruch, Piano Eeeital; Dolgoff Sisters, Jewish Melodies, Violin and Piano; Rose Brandeis, Piano Solo; Philip Sokoloff, Songs and Dancing; Bettie Feldman, Piano Solo; Annette Riklin with her pupils in the following numbers: Tap number by Constance Meyer, Bernice Weinstein, Frances Rosenblatt, Louise Nathan, Pearl Lipsey, and Sara Mae Graetz; Solo number by Tennette Wright, Sara Mae Graetz, and couple number by Halley Jean Bialac and Jerome Marcus. The list of donors of prizes for the picnic will be announced next week.

Marcus Krasne, former physical director of the J. C. C, has accepted a position as head of the physical department of the Jewish Community Center at Akron, Ohio, an institution with even larger athletic facilities than the local one. He will begin his new work on September 15. While at the local J. C. C, Krasne was a member of the National Swim- CLEVELAND CEMETERY ming Instructor's Association, a mem- DESECRATORS SENTENCED ber of the National Handball commitCleveland.—(J. T. A.)—Joe Koenig tee, and an active worker in local athand Stanley Siraek, the two vandals letic organization work. who were found guilty of haxing1 destroyed, on the night of April 28th, 1929, 69 tombstones on the cemetery CHICAGO PHYSICIAN of the Beth. Hamedresh Eogodel ConMAKES HOME HERE gregation, were sentenced here last Dr. O. Gilbert Peskin of Chicago Friday by Judge Jacob Stacel to serve has made his home here in order to SO days in the workhouse. Under the law they may be rearbecome manager of the hospital 'division of the Seiier Surgical company rested 69 times and be charged separately for each tombstone they damof this city. He and his family have made their aged. It is not known whether any further steps will be taken. home at 4445 Woolworth avenue.


PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1929 sian Jewry must be helped on the to build up Palestine. The aim of verne, Long Island. Samuel Israel, York Kosher Law all meet shops havspot. He knows that the Palestine Zionism is to rebuild Jewish life, with president of the association, presided ing on their windows the sign: "BoshGovernment ie not issuing more than Palestine as the source of vitality. and Thomas F. Dwyer, Commissioner er Kosher" (kosher meat) must sell Published every Thurpday at Omaha., Nebraska, t>y twelve hundred certificates for Jewish There are other parts of the world of Public Markets, and Homer Welch, only kosher meat. Those who display where Jews are located, where Jews immigrants to Palestine during Supervisor of Public Markets, were the sign "kosher" and sell non-kosher THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY year. He .fcnows that Palestine, even have difficulties, where Jews must be New York.—(J. T. A.)—The ap- among the speakers. Other recom- meat are guilty of fraud. The differi,Office.-Srandeis tfheater Bi?iJding—Telephone: ATlantio 1450 •with Transjortjania, could not possibly saved from an unhappy fate. It pointment of special assistant district mendations aimed toward evolving a ence between the Hebrew letters DAVID BLACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR hold the millions of Russian Jews should be the Zionists, it would seem> attorneys in the counties of the state uniform method of marking kasher equivalent to the English B and K are EDITOR -IRVING PERLMETER -- - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent even if the mythical sums needed for who would be the first to approve any of New York where considerable Jew- foodstuffs and Kosher meat. The indistinguishable from a distance. FANNIE KATELMAN their transportation and colonization effort to save Jews wherever they are. ish groups live for the enforcement establishment of a chemical labora- Mr. Glassberg, who sold non-kosher ^ ' SIOUX CITY OFFICE were available. To be silent would be For dead Jews will not make helpful of the New York State Kosher Law tory was also urged. meat, it was charged, displayed on the to etifle. his convictions. He has citizens even for Palestine. was asked in a resolution adopted at •: . Jewish Community Center-^308 Pierce Street The ingenuity employed by some •window of his shop the sign "Bosher therefore been an open advocate, of a conference of Kashruth boards in New York butchers catering to the Bosher," (meat, meat), instead of the CIHARLES OSHEROFF - - SIOUX CITY CORRESPONDENT Braimn's advocacy of Russian colv Jewish colonization work in Russia, onisation in the face of the hostility greater New York. , ' • " ' : 1616 W. 16th Street needs of the Jewish population is cir- prescribed "Bosher Kosher," (kosher He is still the believer in 2!ipnism it has eypked is a reflection of that Two hundred delegates representing cumventing the New York State law meat.) • CONTRIBUTQRS that he was thirty years ago. If any* ruthless independence which has made 25 Orthodox synagogues and 21 Kash- was brought to the attention of the Glassberg1 was released on bail thing, he is a more thorough-going his literary criticism the keenest and ruth boards, voluntary organizations authorities recently with the arrest pending trial for fraud. RABBI FREDERICK COHN IRVIN A. STALMASTER nationalist than the men who have sincerest in contemporary Hebrew lit- functioning in the various boroughs of of Oscar Glassberg, New York butchRABBI J, J. OQEL, Lincoln, Neb. MRS. SAMUEL GERSON Kabbis testifying- at the preliminaryassailed him. " erature. Disregarding the effect that New York City were present at a con- er, who had a sign on the window of proceedings stated that the BoBher $2.50 Subscription Price, one year • • - • - - - • • the Zionists' treatment may have upon ference convoked by the Kashruth As- his butcher shop reading in Hebrew: Bosher sign might mislead some into ..-.-.Advertising ratea furnished on application Who Is the Traitor? believing that the meats sold in the What is the position of the Zion- the non-Zionist supporters of Russian sociation of New York State, held at "Bosher Bosher." CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; colonization, it is a curious fact of the Congregation Derech Emunah, Ar- ~ Under the provisions of the New shop are kosher. ists? If Reuben Brainin is a traitor be-sure-to give your'name. for championing Russian colonization Jewish life that a man who has helped then the new partners in the Jewish to mold and build it can be dismissed Agency are cunning, treacherous be- so readily- because he has dared to trayers of Jewish life. If Reuben strike out in a new direction, having CALENDAR REFORM Brainin has tarnished the Zionist ideal for his aim the further building up of Jewish life. The; commitment Of the United States government to the by his actions then Dr. Chaim Weiz(Copyright 1929 by Seven Arts mann • has misused his high post by principle of calendar reform entailing, the insertion of blank days not offering public condemnation of Feature Syndicate). i i i a the calendar is something that-should be given serious Russian Jewish colonization work. It l MANUFACTURERS FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS IMPORTERS thought by all Jews. If the plan most popularly advocated is is a rather late date to introduce the adapted by the nations of the world, it is almost certain that the double standard of morality into Jew- PROBE LITHUANIAN RIOTS Danzing.—(J .T. A.)—An investigaancient Jewish calendar will pass from use into the realm of poig- ish public life, so that a non-Zionist tion into the truth of the reports con» is praiseworthy and a Zionist a "traitnant memories of the glorkius past. ceming the anti-Jewish excesses for doing exactly the same thing. The plan of reform which is being advocated by the League or"Either which occurred in Slobodka, suburb of Palestine can hold the Jews of Nations experts provides for a year composed of thirteen of the world or it cannot. If the Kovno, on August 10, was undertaken months of twenty-eight days each. Besides these calendar days, Zionists believe - that - the Jewish by a representative of the league fox Right3, international organizthere will be one blank day in each year which will be celebrated Homeland is big enough to harbor the Human ation with headquarters in Paris. -as'some kind of a holiday but will not be counted. Every four international Jewish population then it is their high moral duty to protest ryears there will be two such days. against any and every tendency which HONOR ROSENWALD ; The idea behind this change, simplification of the calendar in would divert attention from Palestine. Chicago.-r(J. T. A.) —The Grand •order to aid business aiid rscieHtific calculations, is one against If, however; the Zionists do not be- Insignia of honor of the Austrian "which no Jew has any objection. But what has aroused the con- lieve that Palestine can hold sixteen government was conferred upon Jul;cern of the entire Jewish world is the fact that under the proposed million Jews then it is also their high ius Rosenwald in recognition of his duty to. face the facts instead "valued, services rendered" in. the pro.plan, on account of the blank days, the Sabbath of the Jewish moral of digging their heads into the sand. motion of industrial museums' in • calendar would no longer coincide with Saturday or any other cer- The aim of Zionism is not merely Europe; • -.•••"



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7 tain day of the week. Instead, it would occur on a different day • pi the week each succeeding year. f Even with our old calendar and its fixed Sabbath, the observ- ance of the proscribed rest day is dwindling. But with a "wand-, 1 ering Shabbas," the prospect of religious scruples competing with l < "the forces of economic necessity successfully is not bright. v It is possible to simplify the calendar without destroying the ^Jewish and secular coincidence of days, and it behooves all of , Jewry to fight desperately for this principle. -as "a traitor to the Jewish THE STRANGE CASEOF described cause." . These incidents serve to U-' of the_ mogt curjous situaREUBEN BRAININ tions that has ever occurred. . [

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The Extra Value Omar Bakery puts, into its bread, cakt* •ad pastries has brought us thousand* of customers. Women all orer 0aMha are talking »fc«ut it. You can get Omar good* from most groceries or the Omar w«jon that comes to your neighborhood.

Thatfs Why Thousands of Thoughtful People Patronize This Stile of Sales


(Continued from Page 1.) J not hestitate, despite his advanced S;age. It was, in South Africa that jiBrainin realized the fickleness of the ij,! Jewish public I; South Africa is predominantly Zioni s t . But when/ Brainin, the veteran c:;Zionist, the distinguished Hebrew litliterateur, the leader of Jewish thought, ^arrived in that; country; the official ^Zionists preferred to see only the ^menacing bogey of an advocate of | Russian colonization. His venture was .ignored. That could easily be ex. cused. But Brainin himself was. boycotted. This attitude reached its • climax when at the annual convention oi the Souths African Zionists Brainin, - who had iinterrupted his other duties > for five days in order to attend the : convention, was ignored. Rumors - were circulated that Brainin had ••? disavowed his ZioniBm and that he was - prepared to cRampion Russian . V colonization shove all else. Thereup4 on Brainin asked for the courtesy.of " the cpnvention floor in order to ' ex. plaw his attitude on both Palestine • and .Russia. But the reply -was a .; T^gorpua refusal! ' Denounced ' in Palestine • ,•• Then came an attack froih another "-_ direction. A group of Palestinian. ; writers, headed by Chaim Nachman > Bialik, launched a tirade is the form of an open letter in which Brainin was r


. • .

STAtSlASTER & B E B E B ; Attorneys

650 Omaha National Bank Bide. •'• • • NOTICE OB1 ADSHN18TBATIQN Neb t h £ , e ° n n t y Court of Douglas Countyv In the-'matter of the estate of if. MONHEIT, deceased. All personR. interested in sold estate are herehy, notified that a petition has teen filed -In said Court alleging- that snid deceased-died leaving no last will and "pray T ing for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 31sf day of Aneust. 1920. and thut if they fail to appear af said Court on the said 31st day of Angust,1029, at 8 o'clock A. Mr to contest said petition, the Court may want the same nnd grant administration of said estate to Eva Monholt or some,other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. . .••-".-• BKYCB CBAWFOKD. Aug. 9—3T . Counte Judge. STAXMASTER Ss KEBBK. Atiornerm ?50 Oinnha Xotlqn^l Bank Bids:. Notice by yoblicstlon on petition for Settlement of Final AanUnlttration Ac*


i ' • ' 1 . " •: • " '




'••. •.'.:-..•



In the County :Courtot jpouglas- County,Iu th.e njatter of the estate oj" A. SPILKA deceased: all persons interested in said matter -jjre hereby notified that on the 30th day "6i Atigustv. 1029,' Ben Gla«er tiled a petition in sjild County Court, prayJng gH his :final »(jniUilstr»ti<>ii account, tiled herein be settled ahtX :illom;d, and that be be disehurged from bis trnst ns nduAiuistjator and flint a hearing-will be-had ou said petition before enl<l Court ou the «th day of Hept<?nil>er. 1020. apd that If you full to appenr before said 1029 Court on-the sa!<} 0th day qf tfepteinher, < a t ° »'<:'"<* A. M.. nud contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of saJ4 petition^ enter a decree of heirHHip, nml moke sue!; other mid further orders, allowance* mid decree*. 08 to this Court may seem proper, to the end th«t jrll matters nertainlnff fo said estttfe tony be anally settled- ana defer-

- BKY.CE CRAWFORD. "August 1(J—i"1-' ' " 'Comity Judge.

Why -was Brainin bludgeoned With the word •'traitor?" Why have Zionists ignored him, boycotted him, even insulted him? Because he does not believe in the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine? Because jie does not think that.Palestine is a suitable homeland? Not at all! Brainin is maligned because his knowledge of Russia has convinced him that Rus-



Everybody is Coming to the

OMAHA HEBREW CLUB PICNIC Lakeview Park, August 25 Chairman and •Vice president of the Club Sags— Nothing has been left undone to make this the out? standing Jubilee in the history of the Omaha HeT .- . .- . r -.-...-, Iwew Club.

..".;' . '.'_;.

RARK OPENS AT 12 NOON COM E . E A R L Y—Games for old and young, fat and skinny, women and children all afternoon. Seventy-five prizes for the winners.


- *


JOTSfETTEHIKLIN WITH HER PUPILS IN THE FOLLOWING , NUMBERS: • . - ,. - Tap number by Constance Meyer, Bernice Weinstein, Frances Ro§en..' . Blatt, Louise Nathan, Pearl Lipsey, Sara Mae Graetz. .Solo numher by TennetttrWright, SareMae Graetz. •-%•-• -- . -Couple number by Halley Jean"Bia1ac and Je^pme Marcus.

Free Dancing 8:30 to 12:00 CARL LAMPS ORCHESTRA

Beauty Contest » Prizes for Best Dancers

Not The Street Car You Delay; The People In The Street Car. Every day the street cars carry more than 165,000 passengers in Omaha and Council Bluffs. This is the only means of transportation for the great majority of these thousands of men, women and children. When an automobile, truck or anything else blocks the track, it isn't the street car that is delayed, it's some of these 165,000 street car riders. It doesn't matter about the street car or the motorman—they are already on the job. Frequently from 30 to 60 persons are late to work because of the thoughtlessness of one auto driver. .. TO TOT AUTO DRIVERS— Please be fair to the 165;000 street car riders. You can do so, by keeping the tracks clear.

Economical Transportation



Council Bluffs News


. ,_a

Kitchen Chats


Liverpool.—(J. T. A.)—A journey - A Jewish mother had three children the sorroritj- has lead all similar or- across two continents is the adventurous travelogue undertaken all alctfie and ^or 11 years she thought them ganizations in scholarship. PLUM BUTTER by a. three year old Jewish youngThe Council Bluffs Agudas Achim dead. Finally through the intervenAmong- the prominent altunnae of ster of Bucharest, Yitte Bassboysi, Wash fruit and cut into pieces. tion of theHias offices at Kishineff, Association will hold a_ meeting MonCover with cold water und cook until the chapter are: Mrs. Lillian Margolday evening, August 26th, at the Roumania and Harbin, China, news soft. Do not remove skins or stones. in Mirviss, cum "laude graduate from 1 who sailed here on the s+eamer R«gina, traveled all the way from Buchwas brought to the mother that her Legion Hall. the law school; Kate Arlene Goldstein, children were alive -and were seeking When plums are soft, rub through a now of Pittsburgh, Pa., campus leader arest aione in order to join her father Mm M. Bernstein has returned her. The children were living in Bir- colander, measure pulp and to each whose efforts aided success of Junior- in Western Canada. Her only road home after spending the, past two zula, Russia and the oldest daughter, quart allow 3 cups sug-ar. Return to Senior star; Ida Lustgarten, highest map was s label attached to her months visiting in Los Angeles, Calif. now 17 years old, Ronya Shochet, heat. Simmer until thick and pour in rated student in the 1927 election, and frock, stating- "My name is Yitte to the Hiss office in Harbin sterilized jars. Seal with paraffin. Miss Dorothy Pitlor, daughter of / Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wolf announce member of Alpha Rho Tau, national Bassboym, Rjre S. Please see I g«t Mr. and Mrs. Abe Friedman enter- wrote BEET RELISH. fine arts organization; and Laura safely aboard the steamer Regma sailMr. Nathan Pitlor, was married to the birth of a son on Sunday, Aug. tained about sixty guests at their asking it to find her mother, Masha Shochet, who, in the year 1917, was Mr. Morris B. Cackin, son of Mr. 18, at the Methodist hospital. Mrs. home in Harlan, Iowa,-Sunday in hon• 1 quart finely chopped cabbage, Berek, prominent participant in dra- ing froom Liverpoool July 12." divorced from her father in Kishineff fond -Mrs. Max GacMn, Saturday eve- Wolf was formerly Miss Frances or of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman 1 quart chopped beets (cooked), 2 matics activities. virtuous is th#ir When men and could not return to Russia. The; cups sugar, 1 cup gTated horseradish, ipng, August 17, at the home of Rev. Zeligson. of Council Bluffs, who were recently Harbin office immediately got in Of the present undergraduate mem- j old age they only make a sacrifice "% Fleishman. . 1 teaspoon each salt and pepper, & Mrs. Goodman Meyerson and married. A number of relatives and touch with the Kishineff office. The teaspoon red pepper. Boil until ten- bers of the chapter, many are out- to God of tht! devil's lesrinps. A reception, will be held in honor friends from Council Bluffs and standing in various ways. Elsie Brod—Pope, daughter being only 6 years old at *E the young couple Sunday at the daughter, Mary, left Saturday for Omaha motored to Harlan for tire af- the time of ±he separation of the fath- der, mix ingredients with cold vine- key has had the distinction of having New York City where they will visit fyome of the groom's parents. fair Sunday. her work published in the Prairie er and mother, was enabled to give gar and seaL , The young couple are planning a for a month with Mrs. Meyerson's Schooner. Ruth Diamond ie president CAPITOL BOOK very sparse information regarding the TOMATO CATSUP Miss Esther. Saks left Sunday to jymooji irip .some time during mother, Mrs. Jennie Meyerson. of the Women's Athletic Association latter. But the Kishineff office suc1 BIXDEHY CO. 4 quarts or 12 cups sliced tomatoes, le late fall. > _ Mrs. Adolph Meyers and daughters, visit with relatives in St. Paul and ceeded in finding Masha Shochet in 1 quart vinegar, 4 tablespoons salt, and a member of Tassels, women's 220 So. 13th St. JA. 1136 j. Among those who have, recently Marilyn, returned home last Thurs* "Minneapolis^ Minn. She expects to be Jassy. pep organization. Betty Steinberg, 1 tablespoon allspice, 2 tablespoons M. B. DOLGOFF itertained honor of the bride are day after a two month's visit in gone about two weeks. president of the organisation, is also Law—Library Loose Leaf, dames. .Sam Kaplan, Morris Oskaloosa, Iowa, with Mrs. Meyers' Miss LBliaif Cherniss, of Edinboro, In order not to lose time, the moth- white pepper, 3 tablespoons mustard- a member of Tassels and was this Johen, and Dean Davidson of Falls parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Bernstein. Pennsylvania, who recently had an ac- er immediately sent a letter to her Cook tomatoes with vinegar and salt spring- elected to the Associated Specialist, in. Hand Binding children through the Hias-Inca-Emig- until tender. Rub through a sieve, Women's Student Board, female stuMrs. N. Slive of Syracuse, N. Y., cident at Lakewood, Ohio while en direct office in Paris. The Harbin af- passing through all the pulp possible. dent governing body. Mozelle KleeMiss Ruth Wintroub, daughter of is visiting here with her brother and route here, is now convalescing here fice was also notified and that in turn Add spices and seasoning. Boil all man is secretary of Theta Sigma Phi, FOR SALE r. and Mrs. M. Mintroub, became sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0 . Hoch- communicated with the daughter and slowly for three hours. Add sugar national women's journalistic r-orority, man. She will remain here for about to taste if desired. Bottle and seal the bride of Mr. Sam Hoffman, son Gimple, and family. Home Made Cheese and leads the chapter in scholarship the other two children who were in several weeks. when cold. of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hoffman, Sunday. with an average of over 93. Lillian Birzula. The whole town turned out Sour Cream Mr. Harry Braviroff returned SunThe -wedding ceremony was perLipsey is prominent in dramatics. Midas Butter ani Cheese The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of to see and read the letter which had day from a vacation at the Shawler £prmed at the Jewish Community •1115 No. 20 WE. «4#4 Ranch near l^ong Pine,' Nebr. Mrs. Independent Order of the B'nai B'rith come from the mother who thought ROCHESTER HONORS LOUIS j Center with Eabbi Feldman officiat- Braviroff and son, "Harvey Benjamin, will hold a meeting next Wednesday her children no longer in the land of WILEY ON 60TH BIRTHDAY PATKONIZE OUE ADVERTISERS will remain at the ranch for the evening, August 28th, at the Danish the living. Rochester.—(J. T. A.)—The sixfJi'Mr. A. Cohen was best man andbalance of the summer. Hall. tieth birthday of Louis Wiley, Busiliss Edith Minlrin was maid 'of ness Manager of the New York Times Miss Esther ISteiman of Winnipeg, DISTURBERS AT WAILING lonor. Mrs. J. Harwich was matron Mrs. J. Tretiak: and daughter, was celebrated here by a distinguishWALL ARE ARRESTED honor. Misses Sadie Tavlinsky Sarah, returned Monday from a two Canada arrived here Sunday to visit ed gathering which attended the dinMr. and Mrs. Ben Telpner for an inUnd Clara ELershman were brides- weeks trip to Excelsior Springs, Mo. Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—Three Arabs ner in his honor at the Oak Hill Coundefinite stsy. •.;. iids. and one Jew were held by the' police try Club, given by the Rochester K little Harvey Hoffman acted as Mrs. Max Rudolph of Cleveland, as a result of new disturbances Press Club. Ohio, who has been visiting Mrs. tfng-bearer. Pauline Stelky and Mr. Wiley left Rochester thirtyylvia Hurwich were flower-girls, Morris Jacobow, has returned to her FEAR FOR JEWS IN HARBIN which occurred during the hours of Jewish worship at the Wailing Wall four years ago and his recent return Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Disquieting home. p Falvin Eoffman and Esther on Saturday, Aug. 3. I was the occasion for one of the most reports concerningdanger threatening While here, Mrs. Rudolph was exjoffman carried the bride's train. outstanding greetings which this comthe safety of the Jewish population tensively entertained. Among her During the morning players, the owing the ceremony, the munity has ever accorded a private joung couple left on a four weeks hostesses have been: Mesdames L. of the city of Harbin, Manchuria, the worshippers were interrupted. The citizen. Three hundred guests, repreregion where the Chino-Russian conTaub, S. Jacobow, A. Rochman, R. police intervened arresting one Arab honeymoon in the Black Hills. They senting leaders in the civic educarill make their home in Council Brown, Morris Jacobow, D. Finkel, flict is raging, reached the Soviet who was immediately tried and sen-tional business and journalistic circles Press. L. Mendelson, H. Haykin, Gerelick, tenced to seven days imprisonment. Bluffs upon their return. During a second disturbance, two attended. Greetings were received f.- The out-of-town guests were Mr. S. Lincoln, I. Rochman, and M. FeldArabs and one Jew were arrested. from President Hoover, former PresiMrs. 0. Stelky of St. Louis and man and Miss Ethel Hershorn. dent Coolidge, Chief Justice Taft, GIVES EMPLOYEES MILLION They will be tried immediately. Sadie Tavlinsky of Lincoln, Miss Fanny Newman of Chicago Newark.—(J. T. A.)—More than Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, is the guest here of her brother, Bert $1,000,000 will be distributed by Louis Mayor James J. Walker, former GovNewman, and family. Bamberger among employees of I* The eye of the understanding is ernor Alfred E. Smith, Owen D. Mr. and Mrs. M. Grossman will Young, Mayor Wilson of Rochester, celebrate their golden wedding anni- Misses Evelyn Kaiman and Helen Bamberger and Company department like the eye of the sense; for as; Governor Sampson ^of Kentucky. yoc may see great objects through store, it was announced last week, Iversary at a dinner at their home Janger spent the weekend in Sioux when Mr. Bamberger declared he will small crannic3 or holes, so you may f Sunday evening. The following City. ' .. TWO FULL DAYS It takes two to speak the truth— retire on September loth from active see great axiom* of nature through rchUdren and ten grandchildren : one'to speak, and another to hear. Tidwts G«ed In Coaches or Chair Carp Only on Following Train* small and contemptible instances. directorship of the firm he founded Miss Ida Schwartz of St. Louis, ' -wall attend the celebration: Mr. 1 —Thor-eaiu Mo., is here on a two weeks visit thirty-six years ago. —Bacon. Leave Omaha , 6:0S P. M., Aug. Slst and Mrs. George Krasne of Counicl with her cousin, Miss Anna Hahn. Arrive Eng-lewood 7:15 A. M., Sept. 1st Blu5s, Mr. and Mrs. i. I. Goldstein, Arrive Chicago (La Salle St.) 7:30 A. M., Sept, 1st Mr.^and" Mrs. I. Grossman, and.Mr.: Sunday morning. Miss Hahn enters tained 25 guests at a breakfast in and Mrs. P. Grossman. "Omaha's Style Center" • • • • " / - • • RETURNING honor of her cousin and Miss Pearl Other guests who will attend are lindenbaum Leave Chicago 10:30 A, M., 6:05 P. M. or 11:80 P. M. Mr. - A. Steinberg of Los Angeles, ly of Omaha.of Xansas City, formerDaily Up to and Including- 6:05 P. M.. Sept, 2nd Mr., and Mrs. Lester Heeger and —Leave Englewood 10 Minutes Later— Tuesday, Miss Bess Lindenbaum daughter Maita of Sioux City, and DIKING CAE FOR AXX entertained 12 guests at .bridge at Mesdames E. Grossman and M. Half Fare tax Children ^-r Bnjrimprv her home in honor of Miss Schwartz. B A B E B A X J J — C u b s v s . S t . I,on!s, Srpt. 1 f t »n«1 2 n d Grossman, of. St. Louis, Mo. '••' — W h i t e S o x v « . Cleveland. Sept. iM Many other affairs are being plan-r Opposite . ... . F i e l d Khiaeumr—Art Institute—Theater?—Fwrlks Orpheum P u r c h a s e Ticfce*6 at Mrs.: E. Meyer:and son, Edward, ned in her honor. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky left this GITY.TJ[€EET OFFICE; Sll S. 16th St.-~Phon« AT, 9881 Mrs. Fanny Simon is confined to morning on "a motor trip" to Lake or UNION STATION, Photie JA. 557C Okobojii where they will: visit with her home on' account of illness. A. U. Martin, Gen. Ajrt, Passenger Uept., Rock Island £4n«# Mrs. Meyer'-B children, . Mrs. .—B; ' Miss Ann lintzman will enter- the 701 W. O. W. BWg. Omeha, Neh. Thane JA. 0428 Muskin and Mrs.-J£-Blank; -and Mrs. niversiiy of Nebraska this fall. She H. Perlic, who have been at the Lake has previously attended Omaha Unifor the past three weeks. versity for three years, and holds a teacher's-certificate... . Mrs. Herman H. White will entertain Sunday at a bridge and luncheon in honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Ackerman. By F. R.

Mrs. David M. Newman


10 Chicago



Roc! Isiaisi




For Saturday's Selling We Present a WonderftrtlSIew Purchase of 200 More Coats in This Great

- Miss. Rosaline. Kohn returned home Friday from the University of Nebraska where she took several summer course. Mrs. JNathan Weinstein is at the "Wise Memorial hospital recuperating from an; appendicitis operation. _ Miss..Blanche Grossman of Nashvjlle, Tenn., is the guest of oer sister, Mrs. Ed Brown, and family.


Last; Biggest and Best

CHICAGO Excursion Over Labor Day Two Full Days in Chicago

Mrs. Louis Goetz and children are Only $ I {\ Round visiting friends and relatives in Cin1U Trip . cinnati. Going Saturday, August 31st Lv. Omaha » • •» ' » 7:00 P. M. Mrs. Joseph Eubin of San Antonio, - Lv. Council BluS« » • • 7:20 P. M . Ar. Chicago • ' • * 8:00'A. M. Texas, and son, J. Lewis, are visitspecial train of.: ali-itecl chair c a n ing here at the home of Mr. and andFast, cozches. "Safety first'* our watchword. Mrs. EL B. Weinstein. Mrs. Eubin Dance Gar—5-Piece Orchestra waa formerly Miss Martye Weinsfein Lou of fun I Separate amusement car. dancins en route. .Also lunch car, serving sand' of this -city. rciches. ccfTcc. soft drinVs.-ctc, Pillows avail' Mr. and Mrs. A. Davidson have had as" their guest this week their daughter, Miss Eose Davidson of New York City. Mr. Max Fromkin returned Thursday from Milwaukee where he attended -a family reunion. Mr. David Wohlner of Schenectady, N. Y., formerly of Omaha, is here on a two week visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wohlner. Mr. Wohlner, a graduate of the University of Nebraska and winner of a Delta Sigma Pi key, is now associated with Mr. A. Ferber in the" insurance business in Schenectady.



INTER GOATS The successful Paris modes, coats with gorgeous fur treatmentst all priced to afford values witftout an equal at this splendid price.

Buy Your Tickets Early For full infprnuiMon eik A.J.lJsritfoot,D.P.A. tTnioB Tickn OScu D.W.CisadT.P.A. 311 So. 16th St. 313 City Nat'l Bink Phone Atlantic 9383 16lh sad Horsey 5ts. — Jackaon 026-1-0561 Union Station Omaha, Nebr. Phone Jackion 5570

Holse & Riepen

2 3rd


JAcksonl226 FUNERAL burning Street DIRECTORS

Lv. Omaha...... I/e. Council Bluffs Ar. Chicago



_ _

6:S0 P. Mw Aug. 31 6:55 P. M., Aug. 31 7 :5C A. M., Sept, 1

RETURN Leave Chicago all trains to and including 6:15 p. IB. Train. Sept. 2

Sox vs. Cleveland Sept. 1st Oub* v*. St. low* Sept. 1-2


Children half fare—no baggage checked ,

uuiDC w mcpwi

Saturday? August 81 .

Base Ball

Returning Tickets Honored in chair cars 2nd' coaches 3f anv train, to and including Special si'on ' Train T i leaving l i Chicago Ch Monday, Md J:00 P. M., (6:00 P. M . Daylight Saving Tiac)—arriving Cnuncil Blutis 6:00 A. M-, Pmaha 6:15 A. M..'Tuesday. Sept. 3rd.



Two Full Days in Chicago

Scats for all.




The styles, which embrace the coming season's newest versions, are exact copies of -outstanding1 successes presented in late Paris "showing" , . i the values are such that even Carman's will be unable to duplicate them in season at the special price asked. We urge every woioan and -miss to attend and profit greatly.

BUY TICKETS City Ticket Office 16th and Faraam or

Burlington Station Phones" AT. 6831, §87*






In what manner could one bet- "Judaism has a much brighter futer indicate the sincerity of ture in .America than, it ..does in their belief in the spirit of the New Year than to extend their Europe,": is the way Emil Rosenstock best wishes to every one of summarized his, observations of a ten Sioux City's seven hundred Jew-weeks tour through Germany, France, ish families. To fullfill this de^Switzerland, and Austria upon His re- sire the Jewish Press is enabling its readers to broadcast cent return here. .: -.•':-,.• their good cheer in a most effecContinuing, Mr. Rosenstock- said, tive manner. In the New Year's "The movement of the Jewish youth edition we are planning to carry a full page of the personal avray from the" synagogue and temple greetings of one Jew to another. in-tMs country is negligible compared The cost of such an insertion is s to vrhat is happening-in Europe." small, the good will thereby 7J He was particularly pessimistic with created more than warrants the expenditure. The leaders of our regard to the status and future of the Jewish affairs have proven that Jews of German. "Most deplorable" this manner of extending greetis the way in which he characterized ings is appropriate by placing conditions there. The inferior social their order for an insertion. For further information call Lewis standing-forced upon the Jews and the Dimsdale. . ..-• continual anti-Semitic agitation was blamed-for this.: Just a few days-before- Mn Rosenstock's arrival-in Munich, the Jews of that city were terrorized by hooligans following, a public anti-SJemitic meeting. Jews were preJvented from registering complaints to Mrs. Ed Baron of Chicago visited the government officials by "barringhere over the week-end with friends them from entrance to . the court and relatives. .house. . - . . - . : . .^._-L! ,-.....,,. ._ -' According to Mr. Rosenstock, the Miss Anne Greenberg is home again observance of th& dietary laws is al- after a several weeks stay in the • most impossible in Germany because Black Hills. of the fact that kosher foods are sometimes four and five times as ex- Mr. Ben Herzoff visited in Omaha last Saturday. pensive as other foods. -. ». "As for the synagogues," said Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bush visited with Rosenstock, "I found them nearly all friends in Omaha over the week-end. deserted." They motored back Monday morning. LEONARD WEINER WINS Miss Sara Mosow returned from JUNIOR TENNIS CROWN Omaha where she visited with her sister, Mrs. Jules Gerelick. Mrs. GereAbility as a scholar and as an ath- lick was recently operated upon for lete is the unusual claim of Leonard appendicitis. According to word reWeiner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samceived here she is recuperating rapidWeiner. More laurels were added to ly. his already large accumulation when he won the Junior City Tennis ChampMr. Jules Tennenbaum of Minneapionship last Sunday. He defeated Tom olis visited here last week with Schuyler in one of the hardest friends. fought matches of the entire tournaMrs. Max Hellingman entertained ment, the deciding set being played to for twenty-eight guests on Wednesday a seven-five finish. at the Davidson Tea Room honoring Leonard also contradicated the Miss Frances Beechem, Mrs. Mike usual statement that Jewish youths are not athletically inclined by making Grueskin, and Mrs. L. Fogel. the Freshman Basketball squad at Mr. Raymond Barish of Chicago is Morningside College. His scholastic visiting in the home of his father, Mr. ability is attested by the fact that he E. Barish. graduated from high 'school'with'honors at the age of fifteen. Sioux City Mr. Jules Mosow returned from a is looking forward to a bright college short visit at Lake Okoboji. career for Leonard at Minnesota UniMiss Ida Seigel of Omaha visited versity where he has enrolled. •here last week. She left for Minneapolis where she will complete a two CHARLES OSHEROFP N E W week's absence from home.

Society News

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Grueskin, prominent leaders of Sioux City's younger set are completing arrangements for their departure from this city. At the end of this month this popular couple will leave for Kansas City where they will make their permanent home. Mr. Grueskin has been affiliated with his brother, Mr. Zeke Grueskin in the Live Stock busines here. His presence in Kansas City will mark the opening of a braneh office in that city' of the firm of Grueskin and Grueskin. Mike is very well known here having been active in many organization. He was a charter member of the Sioux; City Chapter of Aleph Zadik Aleph, an active member of the Ivre club for which he:acted as president one term. He was also affiliated with the B'nai B'rith and Masonic lodges. Mrs. Grueskin, formerly Miss Fanny Kbsberg, is one of Sioux City's most, charming social leaders and. has for, some time been in the limelight of this city's social events. She is being honored with numerous luncheons and parties by her many friends.

How to Cure Anti-Semitism Editors note: It shall be our policy hereafter to question five Sioux City people on a subject of interest to our readers. Questions may be submitted for discussion by mailing them to the Jewish press e/o Community Center.

Question: What do you think is the most effective weapon against anti-semitism? . . Mr. A. L. Galinsky: Every Jew should strive to win the respect of at least one Gentile during the year. Mrs. J. H. Mosow: We should make ourselves, as Jews, indispensible to the country in which we live. Mr» Max Brodkeyt

'. -

One of the most effective means of combating Anti-Semitism is to adopt a correct mental at, titude towards ourselves. The world respects those that respect themselves. We should not assume an attitude of bravado. Let us be natural and. walk with head erect regarding ourselves as equals and appreciating our real spirit"ual value.

Rev. Sn~c!:r. .

Mrs. Sam Shulfdn:

Anti-Semitism' is a compound of two profound factors of the human mind, racial prejudice and religious prejudice, each of which carries with it a sense of superiority by inheritence or divine appointment. The best weapon against it is that liberal democratic ideal which estimates Tmen by their individual characters and by no badge of race or sect. Educating the Jew as well as the Gentile to try and live the Golden rule.


SIOUX CITYANS INJURED, IN AUTOMOBILE CRASH Mr. and Mrs. Barney Rosenthal and son Nathan, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Holland met with an accident when the car in which they were driving was run into by a large truck. The Sioux CitjT3ns were returning from i Des Moines where they were visitingin the -home of Mrs. Abe Meyers, formerly Miss Lucille Rosenthal of this city. Nathan Rosenthal and Mrs. : Holland suffered painful cuts and bruises. The force of the impact was . such that the Rosenthal car was en- j tirely demolished.

SARA WEINER, OTTO GRAF TO PRESENT RECITAL Sioux City music lovers are promised a real treat on September tenth I when a Two-Piano Recital will be {riven by Miss Sara Weiner of this city and Mr. Otto G. Graf of Ann Arbor, j The recital, a benefit affair, is spon- • sored under the auspices of the i Daughterhood-and Ladies' Auxiliary j of Shaare Zion and will be given in i the Davidson Tea Room. Miss Weiner is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam i Weiner and is well known here as a ' very accomplished pianist. Tickets will be placed on sale in the near future by a committee headed by Miss Helen Friedman,


Rash-En Rye




LUBRODKEY Qeneral Contractor


tained with a family picnic on Thursday in honor, of the birthday of their son Hubert, ; -. : Approximately three hundred Sioux City Jews spent a most enjoyable day . Mr.- Max Rosenthal is visiting with at the picnic given by. the Brotherhood friends in Omaha. last Sunday at the Shore Acre Boat Club. The affair was featured by Miss Ethel Edelstein of Hibingy games for guests of-all ages. .Re- Minn., is visiting in the home of her freshments were furnished by the five sister, Mrs. Abe Agronoff. , Birthday Groups of Mt. Sinai Temple. Miss Helen Freidman is leaving toThose in charge were.. Mr. Herman Slotsky, Mr. Adolph Davis, Mr. Ernest morrow for Omaha where she will Fribourg, Mr. Morris Skalovsky, Mr. visit in the home of Miss Neomi • Mike Skalovsky, Mr. James Green- Cohen. mtone, and Mr: Abe Pill. Miss Lillian Dobrofsky of Los



By a> new specialized device exclusive with us, we are HOWt able to correct defects of vision heretofore incurable. The method is simple. We merely build up the muscles of eye by exercise. Come in and let us demonstrate it to you.


qapitol Theater Bldg. 412 Nebr. Street .: 1 IOWA •, * SIOUX CITY,

to form a corporation under the laws of Miss Rose Cohen is visiting in the the State of Nebraska.' The name of the corporation is "The Arena, Inc.," ana the home of Mrs. M. Lazere,. principal plnce of transacting its business is In Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. general nature of the business to lie Mrs. Louis Fried and children of The transacted is to build, buy, own. lease or Youngstown, Ohio are visiting with control buildings, arenas, coliseums, or any other type anil kind of structure or renl their uncle ana-aunt Mr. and Mrs. H. estate which may be used or employed in the carrying on nnd showing of amuseLazriowich. ments, balls, exhibitions, spectacles, events or displays of every kind and description; Miss Lena Lipman, whose marriage and to lease, rent, sublet or hire out space for concessions and incidental businesses will be an event of early fall, was en- which are usually nnd customarily attendupon the doing of the aforementioned tertained Sunday, at- a luncheon and ant things ana to do any and all thinps which bridge at the Martin Hotel by her may lie necessary and proper to the sucrealization of the objects hereinsister, Miss Rose Lipman. She wascessful above set out. The authorized capital stock fs $10,000.00 divided into 100 sluires also entertained by Miss Rose Finsod of the par value of $100.00 each, all of at the Sara Davis Tea Room with a which is common stock nnd when issued shall be fully "up und non-ns«essablo. dinner and bridge of Tuesday evening. The corporationpaidshall commence business Mrs. A. W. Kaplan and Mrs. I. Kap- upon the filing of Its articles of incorponttioon in the Office of the County Clerk nnd lan were her hostesses at a luncheon continue for a period of 50 years. The amount of indebtedness or liability on Thursday afternoon in the home df highest to which the corporation shall nt ODJ- time A. W. Kaplan. Miss Mae-Sherman subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds entertained for Miss Lipman oh of Us capital stock. The affairs of the shall lie conducted by a Board Thursday evening, Mrs. M. Passman corporation of Directors of not less than • 3 members will entertain tomorrow with a lunch- who shall be chosen-from among the stockat their annual meeting. Until the eon and bridge at the Davidson Tea holders! annual meeting in January. lOao, the Uonrd of Directors shall be J. J. Isaacson, Room. Roy C. Feltman and Iryin staimaster, and until the nihiual meeting in 1930. the offiMiss Jcanette Pearlman of Chicago cers shall be J. J. Isnaoson, President, and Roy C. Feltman. Secretary and Treasurer. and Miss Lucille Isaacson of Omaha The articles of •: incorporation may. be by the affirmative vote of twoare visiting this week in the home of amended thirds of the capital stock at any regular or. Special meetinc of the stockholders. Dr. and Mrs. Sam Shulkin. J. 3. ISAACSON." ROY C. VELTMAN Mr. and Mrs. L. Bernhart and Mr. IKVIN STAI.MASTEU. " In tlie-presence-oti .SAM BEBEK. and-Mrs. Paul Kirsh, all of Chicago A U K , Viv

"Everything for the Auto" 2501 Farnam—AT, 5524

4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 The House With A Reputation



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A very successful drive for new ADMIT KOVNO E X C E S S E S i The executive committee of the B'nai B'rith held a meeting- at the members to the Federation was con- Kovno.—(J. T. A.)—Partial admis-1 Davidson Tea Room on Tuesday noon. ducted Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri- sion of the occurrence of serious anti- j The purpose of the gathering was to day of this week. The exact results Jewish attacks in Slobodka, Kovno j Angeles is a popular guest of Sioux j discuss the reopening of activities on are as yet. not computed .but indica- suburb, hitherto denied by the LithuCity's younger set. She has been1 September third. Plans were also tions are that the goal striven for was anian government and its ambassadors honored with many luncheons andmade for the annual dance which will attained. Seven teams convassed ter- abroad, was made this week by the parties. take -place as usual on Yom Kippur ritories in Iowa, South Dakota, and "Lietuvas", official government organ. Miss Leah and Mollye Herman have night.* Dr. Levin, president of the Nebraska within a radius of one hunleft for Minneapolis where they will' local lodge, said that if the present dred miles. The teams were as folRefresh Yourself spend a weeks vacation visiting with i schedule is carried out Sioux City will lows: Team one, Joe Levin, Sam Liptheir sister, Mrs. H. Newdell. Mrs. have as active an organization as even man, B. H. Shiloff. Team two, W. C. Newdell was formerly Miss Sally Her- i its most ardent supporters could wish Slotsky, M. Seff. Team three, Morris for. For the opening meeting, Dr. Lipshutz, A. Mazie, H. Levin. Team man of this city. Jepsen prominent Sioux City surgeon, four, Sam Baron, N. Sadoff. Team Mr. Archie Herzoff is visiting here { will be asked to speak. five, Solomon Baron, A. W. Kaplan. IN BOTTLES for several weeks, with his parents, Team six, Morris London, J. Robin,.A. j Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Herzoff. are visiting in the home of Mr. and Goodsite. Team seven, Herman Slotsky, M. LipshutZj. M. Hendyln. The •••Mr. Abe Dashovsky and his sister, Mrs. J. Runtz. drive should be complete by next week Mary, arrived here from Chicago SunMr. and Mrs. Asarfch of Des Moines and the results ready for the Press in ', day morning and are visiting with are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. our following edition, according to the ; relatives and friends. Lasensky. committee in charge. i ATlantic 6291 Mr. Joe Borshevsky, formerly of 3. M. JBXSEX Mr. Al Bat of Omaha is visiting this city, and now a resident in Sioux here with friends. STATOIASTEK * BERER. Attorneys 030 Omaha National Bank 1*1(1*. Falls, visited here in the home of his NOTICE OF ADJIINISTBATION* Miss Frances Waiff of Minneapolis mother over the week-end. Genuine In the County Court of Douglas County, ws a recent visitor in this city. Nebraska. ;Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailin have reIii the matter of the estate of HARRY Mr. Frank Slotsky has returned L. I'BTEHS, deceased. turned after a weeks stay in Chicago. All persons Interested in snid estate are from Duluth where he visited his hereby notified that a petition has been Mrs. William Mazie is entertaining daughter, Mrs. B, W. Pass formerly filed in said Court alleging thnt s.-iiri deFor Health ceased died lenrinK no last will mid praythis afternoon at the Davidson1 Tea Edith Slotsky of tHs city. ing for administration upon his estate, and SANITARY that a henring will be had on said petition Room in honor of Mrs. Victor Mazie. snkl court on the VSth day of .Sept., BAKERY Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hurwitz of Sioux before 1029. and thnt if they fail to appear at Mrs. H. Miller entertained on Tues- Falls were visitors'• last week in the said Court on the said 13th day of Sept.. BAKKK\ GOODS AT THEIR BEST 1020. at 0 o'clock A. M. to contest said day afternoon at the Davidson Tea home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hurwitz. 1G09 Cumins—AT. 1826 petition, the Court may grant the s.inip nnd srrant administration of said estate to Room in honor of Miss Prances Beech- { Harry Tj. Peters, Sr.. or some other suitMr. and Mrs. Dave Ginsburg are able em. person nml proceed to a settlement home after a honeymoon trip to Cali- thereof. BRYCE CKAWI'OIID. LOCAL A. Z. A. HEAD • Miss Mollye Grossman of Omaha' fornia. Aug. 23—3T County Judge. Miss Helen Adler, Mr. Bob was in Sioux City last week-end. She At a special meeting held last Wed- Schwartz, and Mr. Chester Rosenberg stayed in the homeof her sister, Mrs. Mr. Charles Osheroflf is vacationing nesday, the Sioux City chapter No. 12 were week-end guests here from Lester Heeger. in Chicago for several weeks. AwninRS, Canvas Covers. Tents, YOU ARE ALWAYS of' the Order of A. Z. A. elected the Omaha. Camp Supplies, All Kinds WELCOME AT Miss Ida and Bertha Sacks and Miss following officers: Charles • Osheroff, «3 and Howard AT. H92 Mr. and Mrs. A. Freidman enters Eea Finsod of Chicago visited here HEBREW SCHOOL OPENS Aleph Godol, Stanley Robinow, Aleph Segan, Isadore Lieberman, Aleph Sen- tained Mrs. I. Hurwitz and Mr. and with a troup of girl scouts who are One hundred and twenty-five Jewish boys and girls resumed their studies ior Shotare, Leonard Barricks, Aleph Mrs. L. Fogel all of Omaha, with a enroute to Winnipeg. at the Hebrew school Monday mornJunior Shotare. These men are to re- dinner at their home. Miss Mary Golden of Tulsa is visit- ing. This followed a sixteen day midChicken Slaughtering 5c place officers of the organization who Mr. Bud Kline is in Minneapolis ing in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. summer vacation. The same staff of Picking 5c are leaving to attend school. 54th and Center Streets where he attended Phi Ep day at Min- Sherman. —Also— two instructors and two assistants will nesota's University. Chickens and Eggs at reasonable continue to teach. Entertainment WORKMEN'S CIRCLE MEET Mr. Victor Mazie recently returned prices HERE SEPTEMBER 1,2 Daughterhood of Shaare Zion will with his bride, formerly Miss MarcelChicken Dinners H. MOSKOVITZ hold a meeting next Monday evening la Baronov of Los Angeles. The marIVRE PARTY WEDNESDAY' WE. 1900 1613 No. 24th St. Chicken Sandwiches Sioux City branch No. 664 and 186 to make arrangements for ticket sales riage was performed in Kansas City Sioux City's Social season of 19201 of the Workmen's Circle are to be for the Benefit concert. on August 11th. • 1930 will be ushered in next WednesCHARLES SIMON hosts for a district conference of that Mrs. I. Hurwitz and daughters Mr. Ben Borshevsky is home again day evening- when the Ivre club is Recommends organization to be held here September first and second. The arrange- Pauline and Margaret and son Louis, after a lengthy absence during which sponsoring a party. The affair will! THE SANITARY LAUNDRY be in the nature of an outing with a ment committee is composed of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. L. Fogel, all of time, he made his home in Denver. weiner roast at Stone Park, to be folOmaha were the guests of Mr. and •The Best of All Laundry Services" M. Mason, chairman, Mr. M. Shiloff, Miss Ruth Orlikoff has returned lowed by a dance at the dancing pawlMr. Max Derwin, Mr. L Singer, and Mrs. M. Halligman last week. after a two week's visit with friends ion. Mr. Reuben Miller, chairman of j Farnam A X *2rO 1 5 Mr. E. Zellickson. About thirty memMr. Jerry Pill is making his home and relatives in Omaha. -.. .. the affair prophesied that about bers from the chapters in Omaha and in Duluth during the summer months. thirty couples would attend. Lincoln are expected to attend. Final Mr. Hi Lazere and his'bride returnarrangements are not as yet complete; Mr. and Mrs. L. Snovsky enter- ed after spending a month honeymoon STAtMASTEK . & UEBER, Attorneys 492-96 Brandeis Theatre BIdg. but the program "will" be filled "with tained eighteen people at a picnic in on the western coast. They plan to G50 Omaha National Bank Bide. JA. 0538 H. BEKCEB business of great import tb'the'Work- honor of Mr. and Mrs. L. Fogel of visit here several weeks before return- NOTICE OF IKCOHPOKATION OF THE JAckson 1614 TOCR mans Circle, according to Mr. Mason. Omaha. ARENA, INCORPORATED ing to Chicago where they will make TOWEL SUPPLY COMPANY Estimates Gladly Furnished Notice is hereby given that the undertheir home. • ' • • signed have associated themselves together Mr. and Mrs. Gail Freidman enterSince 1876


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