August 30, 1929

Page 1

All the News of Interest

Interesting and i Entertaining

Entered as second-class mall matter on Jannary 27, l i d , nt" poHofflee at Omalia^Nebraska, tinder the Act vt March 3.1OTJ.'

VOL. VII.—No. S3


Bdieve Crisii CPassed In Pales ARRIVE IN OMAHA TO MAKE HOME Conservative Synagogue to Hold First Service on Friday, September 13 SEEKS TO ENROLL ALL UNAFFUJATED JEWS Rabbi Abrahm Bengis, first ppiritual leader of _the newly organized local "Conservative Synagogue, arrived here Thursday with his wife, and were •welcomed to the city at a meeting of the congregation (held Thursday evening at the Jewish Com-, munity Center. ' ' ". • ', ' • Rabbi Bengis, addressing™ the a>ngTegatin, explained that "The idea of a conservative synagogue is not to jcompete with any other Trihd of a synagogue, but rather to intensify the general Jewish spirit of the community. We expect to be an important factor in the " promotion of Judaism here." A discussion was held regarding the holding of memorial services in honor of the Jews killed in • the present Palestinian riots. In an- address of welcome,' Sam Beber, president of the synagouge, . (Continued on Page 2)




after aniabsenca of five years, Nathan" H. Miller of Oakland, Cal., expressed his surprise at the beautjr and utility of the Jewish Community Center which was completed in 1926. Mr. Miller, who is a director of the Center in Oakland, stated that the Omaha institution is one of the most systematic he has ever seen. "Its program is very scientific and comprehensive," he said. "The Play School held this 'summer here compares favorably even with those conducted by the • prominent state universities in the west." The strength of the B'nai B'rith in the west was emphasized by Mr. Miller who stated that membership in the B'nai B'rith is considered as the badge of the Jew in that part of the country. He is organizer and advisor of Oakland Chapter No. 42 of the A. Z. A. Mr. Miller is deputy district attorney of Atlantic County. During his year in this position, only two Jews have been prosecuted by his office..

The Events Leading to the Tragedy A resume of the circumstances occurring during the past year in Palestine that have culminated in the present Palestinian uprisings. "

Where First Jewish Martyrs Fell OVER HUNDRED JEWS 1H0USANDS WOUNDED AS MURDEROUS ARABS SWEEP PALESTINE WITH REVOLT Martial Law Prevails; Arab Casualties Reported Equal to Jewish; ; Americans Among Slain; MacDonald Confers With Lord Reading and Sir Herbert Samuel; Expect Lord Reading to Settle Civil War: Rumor Sir Herbert Will Again Become Pal estine High Commissioner.

EMANUEL NEUMANN,.'. President of the Jewish National Fund. The genesis « ! the present disturbance goes back to a year ago on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, tlie most sacred day in the Jewish calendar, when the Jerusalem police came to the Wailing Wall and forcibly removed the partition that divided the men and women worshippers, ^whichwaserected according to ancient Jewish custom. This wasy done in the midst of thp sacred services. We deny that the action of the Jews in erecting the partition was a disturbance of the status quo, -but granted that it was, it was a wanton and unjustifiable act for the British police to permit the desecration of the holy services, when the objectionable partition could easily have been removed later.


Although the local administration apologized at the time, the particular official responsible for the profanation of this Jewish holy place was retained in the service of the Palestine Government in an important post. This served as a signal to the Arabs, who felt that outrages against the Jews were being unpunished by-the British authorities. Immediately the Arabs' began ah agitation on the trumped up and ridiculous chargethat the Jew^ meant to invade the Moslem holy places. ••' There followed a series of incidents during the year by which the Arab"s~were permitted if not actually encouraged by the local authorities to disturb the status quo. This "situationreached its climax when the Arabs received permission from the Government to disturb the status quo at the Wailing Wall by erecting a new building and opening a door which would make the spot in front of the Wailing Wall a thorough-fare for the Arabs and. thus further prejudice the Jewish prescriptive right to worship at the Wailing Wall. .C lEvet;sfecsL the 'Temple, was destroyed Jews have prayed at the sole remaining reUc, the_ Western Wafl. On Sabbaths and Holy Days^nTeast and Fast, they have trudged through the the old city to the shrine, remnant of past glory and promise of its renewal. In the days of the Turks divine service was regularly .held at the Wall; the worshippers brought their stools arid forms;"a screen divided the sexes in orthodox manner; no one objected to their prayers. But the difficulties at the Wailing ;-WalT have recurred ever since the British administration entered. Under the firm hand of Lord Plumer the disturbances were checked, but ever since his retirement the Arab agitation-has been growing unchecked until it has reached its present stage, resulting in arson, bloodshed and massacre. ^ -

Palestinian Jews Ready for Any Emergency According to Goldstein

"The Jews in Palestine*are ready Palestine and England were the for any emergency,"-asserted-I. Gold- only places in all of Europe where stein in connection with the present Mr. Goldstein saw Judaism flourishdisorders in - the ^ Holy. Land. Re- ing,. Assimilation and inter-=marraige turning last week from a fifteen are growing at a fearful 'rate in all week toar of Europe including Pa- the other parts of Europe, he said. lestine, Mr." Goldstein told of a grim "America and Palestine" are the ondetermination with which the fiery ly hopes that keep the -povertyJewish youth- of-Palestine have been stricken people of eastern Europe MILLER AND BISNO arming and organizing themselves alive," Mr. Goldstein reported. He ADDRESS A. Z. A. NO. 1 for the riots which have seemed in- went on to say that in these districts there . was no question or. debate A meeting of Omaha Chapter No. evitable to them for & long time. 1 of the A. Z. A. was held Wednes- In ^further-discussing-the situation, about the: necessity of Zionism. To day evening at the J. C. C~ he stated, "The crisis was necessary them there was a haven in Palestine Nathan H. Miller, advisor of the in order <to ,settie-the question of or else • oblivion. "America is looked Oakland A. Z. A. chapter and Julius Jewish and Arabic, relations." He upon as another hope because of ecoBisno of Memphis, Tenn., who came deprecated the loss of life and limb nomic conditions here and because of to Omaha to become assistant execu- but pointed out -that only through the growing interest in Judaism tive secretary of the Supreme Advis- firmness could' all these quarrels be among the Jews that is believed to exist here." ory Council and to attend Creighton •permanently settled. ? . : . University,- were guests at the meetMr. Goldstein m spent • three weeks .'.' Even in France and Italy where ing and delivered short addresses. in Palestine and was thrilled-by the assimilation-stares the JewB in the Refreshments were served follow- indomitable will that , inspires the face, thinking Jews see Palestine as ing the meeting. hardy pioneers to lay the foundation their only hope. When Mr. Goldstein for the national Home. "A new feel- •was in Italy, he made the acquaintTHREE HURUT WHEN AUTO ing of pride and joy that it is im- ance of a steamboat captain who he STRIKES STREET CAR possible to describe comes over you found to be a Jew and an enthusiastic Zionist. Upon being -asked what when you visit. the. various Jewish Cantor and Mrs. A. Schwaczkm colonies, cities and shrines," he said. caused him to become a Zionist, the captain replied, "I saw my children and Mrs. M. Ackerman suffered cuts "The Arabs were really for, the and bruises Wednesday afternoon most part friendly to the Jews. But growing up to be goyim and 1 turned when the car in which they were their leaders, chiefly because of jeal- ito Zionism as the only hope of the riding struck a street car at Twenty- ously over the higher economic con- Jew to escape complete assimilation." Mr. Goldstein also discovered that fifth and Cass streets. . They were .taken to the Wise ditions and standards of living of the the captain was a subscriber of the , Memorial Hospital by a passing mo- Jews, have poisoned ' them with B'nai B'rith magazine published in vicious propoganda and stirred them Cincinnati, - Ohio. torist for treatment. to massacre." * .. Mr. Goldstein also, attended the Turning to the situation of Euro- World Zionist Congress in Zurich, GIRL SUICIDE BECAUSE ; COULDN'T JOIN ZIONISTS pean Jewry, Mr." Goldstein shook his Switzerland, where he was fortunate head and said, "I see no hope for in being able to secure a seat on the Lember. (J. T. A.) Hodel Lan- the Jews of' Europe:" According to' main platform where all the leaders , dau, eighteen-year old daughter of statistics- which he claims he verified were seated. He deprecated the long i&efieeie't&Sy'-ofthe Chassidic Rebbe's himself, eighty per'cent of the Jews wrangling there but stated that it court at Belz, committed suicide by in eastern Europe'live on funds re- was a wonderful sight. jumping from a window- It was ceived from America. . * He expressed satisfaction upon re'stated that.the cause for her act was "It's a pitiful sight," he said, "to turning, stating, "America assumes her parents' objection to her joining watch the poor Jews crowd into "the a new" significance after seeing the •the Zionist Organization and the per- Post'Office whenever the mail comes suffering and harship af Europe. It ;' secations she suffered because of in, "which is about once '-or "twice a surely -felt wonderful to see the their intolerance of her view. week." * . Statue of liberty again."

Above is shown the famous Wailing Wall, lone reinar.t standing of the ancient Temple. It was here at the most sacred shrine of Judaism that the Arabic fury first broke out last Saturday.

Palestinian Troubles Were Bound to Come Says Omahan

The latest copyright dispatches received by the United Press here Thursday stalled: Jerusalem-—Nineteen persons were killed in a new outbreak at the port of Haifa, it was reported here today. Eleven of the victims were Arab Moslems, six were Jews and two were Christians. Large reinforcements'of British troops from Malta were landed from a cruiser and immediately were pressed into service. They restored order after a brief struggle with the rioters. Tel-Aviv—New and "dangerous" Arabic movements were reported today from Sainai and the peninsular sections of the TransJordan. Meanwhile survivors of the Hebron massacre returned here today and reported that 15 car loads of dead and wounded were taken to Jerusalem on Saturdayy night, They described how the infuriated mob systematically pillaged the city, attacked women, broke locked doors behind which were unprotected Jews. Many of the Jews were killed and wounded by ghastly knife thrusts. The United States Council here today advised all Americans in this region to move nearer the sea in event of any necessity of embarking on a warship.

Jews in Palestine and in all other parts ©f the world waited with bated breadth today for new developments in the conflagra.By HAERY MENDELSON tion, of Arabian lust that has swept Palestine jsmce last Saturday Editor's Note—Harry Mendelson, the mandate, they" have exploited morning. Late Thursday, reports indicated that the crisis had a graduate of the University of every opportunity to regain their been passed, but no surety could be offered that the fanatical atNebraska, returned recently after former positions by attacking in word tacks of the Arabs had been completely suppressed. Censorship living in Palestine for five years. and action the Zionists and govern- of news dispatches prevents actual determination of the seriousIn this article, he gives his reac; tions to the present conflict raging ment. Their vicious "influence has ness of the situation, and in some quarters the fear is held that spread far beyond the boundries of new outbreaks may be expected at any time. in the Holy Land. The pouring of Palestine into other Arabic countries. British troops in Palestine has secured the safety of Jerusalem and .The reports of the first clashes did The clashes of the last two weeks other principal cities, but the fate of some of the outlying colonies not come to me as a great surprise as have gone beyond the limits of Pal- is still in doubt. I had expected attacks by Arabs to estine into Syria and Transjordania. Reports of casualties give con- of the American government that occur, for how could it be otherwise ? It is as yet really difficult to eval- flicihsg statistics, varying from less immediate and comprehensive steps For years the Supreme Arabic Council uate the significance of the conflict as than a hundred to over 600 while | would be taken to restore order and and especially the Arabic press had it is as yet too close to us. It may thousands arc knoirn to have been j to protect lives and property in been spreading vicious propaganda forecast outbursts of deeper and more •wounded. The most reliable estimates ; Palestine. and feeding the Arabic masses -with underlying forces born years ago. At venomous hatred against the mandate present as far as I can size up the place the number of Je'wish dead at. 3, A monster mass meeting was in New York. government as well as against the conflict, it is more directed against slightly more than one hundred end > he]$ Thitrsdajr night T the number of Arabian dead at an i Samuel TJntcrmj er presided and Zionists. During my stay in Pales- the Zionists than against the governtine, a month seldom passed but either ment And yet it threatens the posi- equal figure according to the Jewish | Senator William Borah was one ci one of them was playing upon and tion of England in the Near East as Telegraphic Agency. The heaviest j th-v principal speakers. arousing religious feelings and ap- well as India. This spark may be loss was gustained at Hebron where) 4 ; T h e S i o n i s t Organization of pealing to the lowest instincts intsead just a' crystal thrown into the long- the defenseless Jewish Population | A m e r i c a h a g o r g a l l i z e d a n Emergency of doing any creative thinking where- hrewing Arabic liquid and may cryst- were mercilessly cut down and', Relief Fund of which David A. by to improve the low standard of allize far-reaching: forces. England beaten, 45 Jews being killed and 47 Brown is chairman. Nathan Straus living and in general to improve the has practically been driven out of •wounded. Twelve Americans, students and Julius Eosenwald contributed economic conditions of the land. As Egypt. India, by her non-cooperation at the Slobodka Yeshiva, were among I $25,000 each to the fund and smaller (contributions of thousands ewellet! far as I am acquainted with the movement reaching a religious pitch those murdered. Arabic press, they have seldom con- under the leadership of Ghandi, has All of Palestine is under martial | the total immediately. Jews and all cerned themselves with vital economic not recognized England's position lav- and presents a warlike appear- jo ther sympathizers with the stricken upbuilding of the land and, being in there. So, what appears to t<s an at- ance with troops, aided by armored J population of Palestine are being the hands of the few landed families tack on Jews may turn into a whole- cars and tanks, attempting to protect jnr ged to immediately send contribuwho have lost their power of exploit- sale attack on British rule in the Near the populace against the fury of the to David A. Brown at 111 ing the masses since the entrance of East and India. Arabs. British airplanes maintain Fifth Ave., New York City. a constant patrol in order to detect 5. Wednesday, over 10,000 Amernew outbreaks. ican Jews, members of the American Principal developments outside of Palestine Legion, composed of soldiers Palestine rising out of the xiotingj w ] j 0 fought under the British in are: " ; Palestine during the World War. and 1. Premier MacDonald has ordered ^e j e w jsh Veterans of the World By JACOB SIMON large numbers of British troops as War offered their sendees to Sir - In a copyrighted dispatch to the and talked with the wounded, who well as airplanes and warships to jr s r n e Howard, British Ambassador, United Press, Jacob Simon, special J emphasized the horror of the attack. proceed to Palestine. He has been! for immediate action in Palestine, correspondent, tells the following | They said the Arabs used clubs, axes in conference with Dr. Chaim Weiz- Thousands of men, including man?,1 story: and knives exclusively, carrying no nsann who addressed a strong protest Gentiles, have crowded the offices <vf ag-ainst the British administration in jt n e Sionist Organization in New "I have just returned from Hebron, rifles or revolvers. where many Jews, including Amer- Among those interviewed was Palestine. MacDonald also conferred j York to volunteer for war serviec. icans, were killed and wounded in Kabbi Epstein, head of the Slovdka •vrith Sir Herbert Samuel, noted j g. The Council of the League of the attack by Arabs on the Talmudic Talmudic School, whose nephew, Jewish nobleman who was England's Nations which is to meet next week first High Commissioner of Palestine, is to undertake a complete investigaSchool. Aaron David. Epstein, was killed. "It was a sad sight. I interviewed "The refugees burst into tears in and vrith the Marquis of Beading, tion of the Palestinian situation. The the wounded and the survivors, who describing their experiences. They famous Jewish diplomat who was I British cabinet is also planning a are huddled for refuge in the police said the Arabs were inflamed with formerly viceroy of India and sweeping inquiry. station under guard. fanaticism and lusted for blood, seek- ambassador to the United States. 7. Fear that the Palestinian riots "We went to Hebron in a convoy ing to cut the throats of all they Reports say that Lord Beading was would have an incendiary effect on asked to accept a special mission to the whole of the Near East and India of 17 buses guarded by two armored encountered. cars. Halting at the suburb of Yal"One hundred soldiers arrived from adjust the Palestine difficulties. It was expressed in some quarters, pioth, south of Jerusalem, we saw Jaffa this morning and were station- is also reported that in official Anti-Semitic demonstrations in Syria, numerous looted houses. The armored ed at Hebron, 20 of them guarding circles it is believed that Sir Herbert Transjordania and other neighboring cars opened fire on the looters, scat- the 400 Jews gathered in the police Samuel will again be made High c o u n t r i e g w e r e h e l d b u t cMefly tering them. Commissioner of Palestine. through the protection of French station. 2. Jews in every corner of the troops no serious attacks have been "Yalpioth was almost deserted, 400 "Rabbi Slonim, the Chief Eabbi of of the more wealthy inhabitants, in- Hebron, was heartbroken and in tears globe are holding protest meetings staged. Various newspapers have cluding six American families, hav- when interviewed. His son, who was and are engaged in raising funds for|p 0 } n ted out that it is imperative that ing fled within the walls of Je- manager of th? Anglo-Palestine Com- the relief of the stricken in Pal- England crush the Arabs in Palestine rusalem for greater protection. pany, iras killed, with his wife and estine. The Zionist Organization of lest the whole of the Mohammedah "I visited the health department of children and 16 others who took re- America addressed an official protest part of the British Empire, especialHebron, where the -wounded and the fage in his house. The grief of the to the State Department of the ly India, break out in open revolt United States, and Secretary Stimson upon being encouraged by the success bodies-of the dead were gathered by rabbi was pitiful. the government. I counted 58 dead "Among the refugees -were 15 in turn has requested Atabassadar of Palestinian Arabs. and 66 wounded. Americans, who said tirerr lives had Bawes to orally express to the S. Criticisw of the vacillating wetklc English government the earnest hope /Continued on Page S) * < "I interviewed about 50 refugees (Continued on Page 2)

Horrible Sights at Hebron Described by Journalist; Counts 58 Dead Bodies




THf JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

HUNGER STRIKER DIES frontier force, which nui -3 RABBI AND MRS. BENGIS Summer Colony Bars [JOURNALIST DESCRIBES Jordan Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Haja Lip 98 Arabs. Jewish Vacationists BLOOD-CHILLING SCENES "On behalf of the American c nsul schitz, a Communist prisoner in tr.e ARRIVE HERE THURSDAY general of Jerusalem and with his Incluj jail, started a hunger strike

Washington, D. C—(J. T. A.)— authority, I urged the American forty days ago. Yesterday she was (Continued from Page 1.) . Capitalization of social anti-Semitism refugees in the Hebron police station pardoned, but the pardon came too as a sales point was evident iri the to join our convoy and return to late, and she died last night J n a said, "The entire community of literature distributed among the Jleen spared by a seeming miracle* JDAVID BLACKER - - B U S I N E S S and MANAGING EDITOR Jerusalem. hospital, to which she had been transOmaha, I am sure, will welcome the .,,.IRVING.PERLMETER . . . . - EDITOR Washington elite by the promoters of as they had had no hope of eseap"They -iecisively refused, saying ferred from the prison. advent of Rabbi and Mrs. Bengis in Maryland's newest summer colony, ing from the Arabs. They managed • • " P I N N I E KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent that they would leave only with the tneif niidst. Beverley Beach. Its development is tt flee to safety. rabbi and all their colleagues. The SIOUX CITY OFFICE "The advent of a conservative con- intended to serve vacationists from "In the Jewish ghetto were about For Sale or Rent "• Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street gregation and the engagement of a Baltimore, Washington and Annapolis. l<> families of Spanish Jews, des- entire group probably will join the next convoy. The American students CHARLES OSIJEROFF". - - SIOUX CITY CORRESPONDENT Modern 6 room House with lovely conservative rabbi have been talked In their circular the promoters feat- cendents of those exiled from Spain ' : 1616 W. 16th Street about for so many years that their ure, the Beverley Club at the beach in 1493, who had lived peacefully in expressed a desire to sail for home yard. Nice Location—Close in. on the first boat. PRICE REASONABLE realization will be accepted by all Subscription Price, one year - •-.:-. •-..' - - - - -. •• - " • " $2.50 who are interested with warmth and which is described in the following Hebron and has been completely "I returned to Jerusalem with 200 Call WE. 5829 terms: "Beverly Club is for the pleas- assimilated by their Moslem neigh- refugees." Advertising rates furnished on application enthusiasm. ure and convenience of the guests of bors. Nevertheless 14 of them were "The organization has laid plans Beverley Beach, restricted to a select killed, including Rabbi Meyer Rastel CHANGE OF ADDRESS^-Please give both the old and new address; for a membership campaign to bring gentile list." . / b e sure to give your nattie. I and Rabbi Rabenou Hasson, heads of into the congregation every Jew who The circular has been mailed to 'prominent Talostine families. is not now affiliated with the other many residents in this city and vicinexisting congregations. Of 2,006 ity. Included on the mailing list were "JL visited . 3 synagogue and saw burned phylacteries, and prayer jews who are heads of families, ap- Jews. shawls on the ground. I found eight proximately 76 percent are not now houses completely looted and visited With the ancient glory of Palestine submerged ifi the chaos hiembets of any congregation and it the Hadassi.h hospital, where all the and terror df civil war} with the birthplace of all doctrines of peaceIs these 75 percent that our memwindows were smashed and the jbership campaign is seeking to enand good will belehing the poisonous fumes of religious antagonsurgical instruments broken. jsm, we raise our voices ta denounce England for her guilt, to "The head physician at the Hadasis this condition that led up (demand immediate action to quell the riots, and to insist on to "It" sah hospital told me he was an eyethe organization of the conservawitness of the indifference oi the •assurance that no opportunity will be given for repetition of thetive synagogue and bur movement [tragedy. expects to fill a real need in theKlavef Announces That Picnic local Arab police to looting. His statement appeared to be supported I The Moslem Arabs in Palestine, spurred on by unscrupulous community by enrolling this mass of to Be Held, Rain or by the fact that the British militar> unaffiliated Jewry." leaders, have been growing bolder in their opposition to the Jews The first services of the new conadim'nistra on has disarmed the Shine Arab police and refrained from call' fever since the British officials committed the unpardonable sin ofgregation will be held on Friday not promptly punishing those responsible for the first troubles at evening, Sept. 13j at the Jewish ELABORATE ON PROGRAM in:; for the assistance of the Transthe Wailing Wall on last Yom Kippur; Since then the weak and Community Center. Rabbi Bengis will vacillating policy of these officers has provided only food for thepreside and Cantor S. Kahanowitch Postponed because of a drenching evening. A crowd of 5,000 is exchant the services. This service downpour last Sunday, the thirty- pected to attend. i ybracidus fires of hatred boiling within the Mohanimedan souls. wiL will be followed by a public recep- eighth anniversary picnic of the The list of business men. who have 1 Cotae in and see this new Frigid*]**. There was no surprise in the Palestine riots.; The trouble has tion in which Rabbi and Mrs. Bengis Omaha Hebrew club will be held donated gifts to be given away at A small deposit puts it or any other been brewing for a long time. Only the stupid and pettifogging will be officially Welcomed to Omaha. Sunday, Sept. 1, at Lakeview park. the picnic include L Dolgoff, J. GolFrigidalre in your home. Then you English politicians were blind to the existing menace. Now it is The other local 'rabbis and rabbis The committee has made arrange- denberg, Harry Crotuise, Eagle Jewcan take care of the balance—a Iittla from neighboring communities are elry Co., M. Colton, Appleman and up to England to- throw all her highly-vaunted military resources being invited to attend this function. ments to present the outdoor pro- Robinson, Eastern Textile, Omaha each month—-under gram indoors in case of inclement into Palestfife to rectify her fatal mistake; -•••.• Tobacco Co., John Feldman, M* Maliberal terms. Stop in According to Mr. Beber, the con-weather Sunday. at our display room— . When Ejigland accepted the mandate over Palestine from the gregation will hold services every The rain last Sunday, although lashock, Dave Crounse, Wardrobe* Glazer Bros., M. White, Ben Morris, today. League of Nations, she accepted a solemn responsibility to main- Friday evening and Saturday morn- light in the main part of the city, J. ing and on all holidays. For thewas so heavy at the park that it was Rosen, Dave R. Cohn,, M. Bercotain peace and order, to protect the civil and religious rights of present the auditorium of the Jewish deemed impossible by those in charge vice, Leon Bros., Dr. Dansky, Royal all peoples, and. to promote the establishment of the Jewish Community Center will be rented for continue with the picnic. Accord- Jewelry Co., Marcus Bros., Omaha national homeland. In no one of these things has she acted withservices. The. congregation expects to Cap Factory, Manhattan Cap Facting to the cotnmittee, at 2 o'clock in the firm and vigorous hand necessary under the circumstances. to have engaged a cantor of its ownthe afternoon, it was still raining ory, Meyer Friedel, Mark Polonsky, A Silvermann, Brodkey Jewelry Co., Today she stands before the bar" of the nations of the world before Rosh Hashoriah. heaviiy there with seemingly small Joe Tretiak, Harry Lapidus, Harry MOttB THAN A ittLLiOX tX USB prospect of the rain stopping. morally responsible for the murderous Uprisings. B. Zimman and Omaha Fixture and "The additional week has enabled preciation to the donors tot these Now that the tragedy is upon us, it is not sufficient* however, the committee to arrange some added Supply Co. to merely ask that the strife be stopped. Steps must be taken to 205$ Farnam — OMAHA BRANCH — Phone JAckson 4722 attractions," Sam Klaver, vice-presiThe committee expresses its ap^settle each of the Palestinian problems for now and forever more. dent of the organization and chair2383 . (Each corpse and eacli mutilation cries out with its silent eldqilende i man of the picnic, declared. "The; presents. (Continued from Page 1.) thembers of the Omaha Hebrew club 'demanding- that never again shall such an outrage upon the Mine policy that English officials have and their friends are assured that •: cf civilization be again permitted to occur. in Palestine resulting in the picnic will be held this Sunday,' •;•'• The time for mincing words is past. England's honor and mairitairied the uprisirigs is general in the Eng-rain or shine, and. that it will be the "Zionism's progress are in the balance. We await the English lish metropolitan as well as the biggest and most elaborate affair that has ever been held in Omaha." i government's answer to. the .challenge of the hpui\ ; Jewish press. : ; ! } & Rabbi Eleazer Silver df SpringIn addition to the program anff ( ^ " ' ' ' "' ~ """ field, Mass., president- of the Union nounced last week, the committee in of Orthodox Rabbis issued an appeal charge has planned a beauty contest WELCOME Wednesday for allJews in the United to select the prettiest girl in the j )j\ Wife the arrival of Rabbi Abraham Bengls in 6iSiaha this States and Canada to observe a park. No entry fee is being col" , ' . j | Week, a powerful ally has been added to the able religious forces general fast day next Wednesday. lected. Recital of memorial prayers for 12 A full day of activity will begin] J already established here. Rabbi Bengis is a man any Jewish eomwere ordered in honor of theat noon and end at midnight. Sevenf niiinity would-be p^oud of. He has beeh outstanding in ability days Jewish martyrs of the Palestine ty-five prizes will be given away in ; and his achievements, both theologically and communally, have rioting. games and novelty contests for all* \ been remarkable. In recognition of his merit Omaha Jewry unites young and old, to begin at 3.30. j • in extending a most cordial welcome to the spiritual leader of the Selfishness is not living as one Headlihers besides the program wishes to live} it is asking others to will Be a concert by Father Flaninewly-organized modern orthodox synagogue. gari's Boys' band and a dance in the —=Wilde. i Rabbi Bengis has a mission of importance. His coming com- as one wishes td live.

,.s.(... THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Officer Brandeis1 Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450


(Continued from Page 1.)


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j pletes Omaha's religious chain* providing a House of Worship for ; every shade of Jewish opinion. Not only does this solve the prob•! lem of those who could find no outlet for their spiritual cravings ; but it also issues a direct challenge to Omaha Jewry, as now there is no substantial excuse for a single Jew in the city staying away j entirely from religious worship; » We therefore look forward to progress in JewishiieSs. We •;. would like tti see each element strive so enthusiastically and sini cefely that there will be" a general renaissance of Jewish culture* j. We hope to see Jewish history and education flourish, Jewish ac. tivities stimulated; and Jewish consciousness assurile a new significance; Nor do we wish to see one group wax strong at the ; expanse of another.- We wjiit every branch df Judaism to cor•! fes£6hdin£iy. grow in-streng'th, for a chain is no stronger than its • weakest link and each division of Judaism makes a distinct and \ important contribution to our faiths With such a brilliant body of religious leaders, augmented by the addition of Rabbi Bengia, a'new $inMdle. of religious hafmbhy and atieotaplishment should b§ attained by Omaha Jewry.




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Courtesy * Service • Low Rates

This collection of sports and dress coat*, with self and fur trimrtiinjfs is tremendous in valuegiving . . . varied in fine furs and fabrics . . . the novel, interesting dressmaker details and the excellent workmanship , . . make this presentation important to all women and misses anticipating a new fail coat. Fourth Flooi

PAGE S=THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY* AUGUST SO, 1929 to make her home here with her son,} Mr. A. B, 1828 No. 19th street.

SENDING Jewish Artist Who Has Received j RADINOWSKI MONEY TO EUROPE Wide Recognition Pays Visit Here Joseph Radinowski, 1434 No. 18th City,



Miss Anne Green of Kansas Mo., is the guest of Miss Rose Minkin; Miss Minion -entertained in honor of her gruest Tuesday evening at her home.

Word -was received here this week df the engagement of Dr. Joseph Groldstone of Gary, Ind., formerly of Omaha, to Miss Claira Oherenstein, $lso of Gary. Dr. Goldstone is a graduate of the University of Nebraska medical school and interned at the Wise Memorial Hospital here. He- is a Brother of tors. H. Mike Chassdn, &rjnely of Omaha, now residing in Gary, Irid. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Katlexnan entertained at a dahcing party Sunday evening, August 25, for the members of the Nebraska chapter of the" Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity and their quests. The • following served as chaperones: Dr. and Mrs. A. Boniro, Mrs. L. Neveleff, Mr. and Mrs; M&urice Micklin, Mr. and Mrs. Kbbert Glazer, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Neveleff of Chicago. The ont-of-tdTO guests -were: Philip Miller, Dresmond Barish, Abe Sadoff, Carl Saltzman, Morris Gorfion, Fred Sherman, William Siiverberg, Lionel London, Meyer Levitt, and Sol Ginsberg of Sioux City; Jacob Finkelstein, Morris Foaster, William Rosenberg* and Dave Kosenberg 6f Lincolii; Dave Wohiner of Schenectadyj N. if.; and Henry Eosenstein, Louip Diamond and Jerry Diamond i>f Chicago. Sunday afternoon, the entire group Vere entertaihed at & stag by -Mr* an3' Mrs. Henry PollacTc at theif hotos.


Miss Ann Singer will leave for New York Saturday where she will visit with relatives and friends and where she expects to make her home. afternoon in hdndr of Irving Paul Gfouhse and . Betty Abramson at Miss Marion E. Zusman has as her which 35 children were prestent. j guest Misses Rose and Edith Sunday afternoon, a picnic was Schwartz of Chicago. held at Elmwood park at which the Saturday evening she entertained Ghicagoans shared honors with Mrs. at four tables of bridge in honor of E. Hill and her daughters, Misses her guests. Gertrude and Charlotte Faye Hill of Lincoln. Mrs. D. Schwartz is in the Lord A large number of affairs are Lister hospital where she is conbeing planned Jn. honor of the guests. valescing from* a double operation which she underweit last week. Miss Dorothy Lustgarten will leave Miss Charlotte Hirschberg is leavSaturday for Chicago where she will resume her violin studies-and where ing Sunday for Los Angeles, Cal., she will join her sister, MiSS -Ida for an indefinite stay. She will be Lustgarten j who now has a studio accompanied by Miss Annette Siiverman of Chicago. • in Chicago. • ' . ' - ' ' • Mrs. M. H. Pessen entertained 15 boys and girls last week" in honor of the birthdajr of her two year old daughter, Beverly Jean. The afternoon was spent with7 games for the children and bridge for the mothers who accompanied their children. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Neveleff and Mrs. D. Udell of Chicago are the guests of Mrs. L. Neveieff here.

Nathaniel Chasin, Jewish artist whose charcoal portraits of familiar figures in history have received royal and presidential recognition, is making a two-week stopover in Omaha while on a tour of the country. During his stay his works will be on display at the home of N. Finkelstfein, 2618 Blondo. Mr. Chasin has evolved a distinctly novel and unique technique in portraying his characters. As an exIrvin Stalmaster of Omaha was the principal speaker and spoke on that subject. Musical numbers and reading were also included in. the program. Dr. Isaac Sternhill, chairman of the intellectual advancement committee, wa; in charge of this affair. Following the program, a bridge party was held and refreshments were served.

Among those who attended the annual State Legion Convention at Marshalltown, Iowa, this week were Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman, and Messrs. Ben I. Seldin and Saul Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rice and son, Suvalsky, Mr. Katelman is comDonald, have returned from a two- mander of the Rainbow Post No. 2 weeks visit with Mrs. Rice's parents of the American Legion. in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steinberg anThe Ladies Labor .Lyceum Club nounce the birth of a son, born last held a . meeting Tuesday afternoon Wednesday night, August 21, at the August 27. About 22 attended and Methodist hospital in Omaha. it was decided to hold meetings on Mrs. Etta Cherniss, her daughter, Tuesday afternoon and a lecture on Tuesday evening September 10, at Miss Pearl Cherniss, and grandson, 8 o'clock Pi M; The meeting was fol- Morton Adler, returned home Monday lowed by entertainment furnished by after spending several weeks visiting a piano solo by Miss Himehloom and relatives in St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota* a recitation by little Miss Kline.

'Tis my opinion every man cheats ample, a perfect portrait of Abraham Street, a local correspondent of the Amalgamated Bank cf Ne-w York, is Lincoln, -vrhen examined closely, re- now handling remittances that Oma- in his own way, and he is only hone«t who is not discovered.—reals that the hair is in reality the ; ., * , , , ,. in Gettysburg <-._*. , - address j , . written ... in . a fine nans vish to send to relatives English script. The coat is disclosed Eassia, Poland, Palestine, or any other part of the world. If it is deSalesmen Wanted as a biography of the great emancisired that the money reach the relapator. For Fast Selling Office Necessity This drawing together with a like tives before Rosh Hashonah, it should BIG COMMISSIONS masterpiece of Washington won the! be sent immediately he said. Call AT. 2614 of at personal commendation of ex-presi- f The Ahi&lgamated Bank of New 617 Unitfh State Bank York is famous for its success in dent Coolidge and Alfred E. Smith. Among the other portraits Mr. safely transmitting millions of dolChasin carries along with him are lars to eastern European Jews from incladed similar drawings of Tolstoi,! their American relatives. Gorky and Chekov, vrith their writ-! Mr. Radinawsfci includes in his serigs inrluded in the shading. The vice the filling- out of all application Newly Furnished Room tot late Czar of Russia was so pleased blanks, addressing the letters, and alll Lady. In Nice Neighborhood. with the portrait of Chekov that he other similar work connected with Call at 707 No. 30. sending the money. awarded the artist a gold medal. Of the pictures of Jewish interest, the one of Theodore Herzl with the "Judenstaat" and biography in Yiddish is the most notworth^. This unfortunately, is Chasin's last effort, as eye specialists have warned him that a continuance of his drawing would mean blindness. Mr. Chasin started drawing while in the Yeshiva. His rise to fame was rudely interrupted by the Red revolution. He went to Palestine where.he did landscaping. He caine* to this <56uhtry six years ago and has already become a ciiisen. He is traveling ever the1 country exhibiting his works in an effort to raise enough money to bring over his family who are in Jerusalem.



School Clothes For Qirls of Every Age***


Paris. (J. T. A.) Rabbi Ernest Weil Cohnan was honored by the Mrs. Henry Prazin, formerly Miss French Government, by being Molly Poily of this city with her a Knight of the Legion of Honor. baby daughter arrived here to visit for the first time in eight years. She Miss Marian Katelman returned is a gnest at the home of Miss Lilhome today after spending* the past lian Nachschoen arid will remain week in Des Moines, Iowa, visiting here for ten days. her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Among the many entertainments Flowers • • • iieMckenberg'. given in her honor was a lawn party By F. R. K. given by Miss Lillian Nachsehoeni Mr. Louis S. Brannstein returned Ten couples including; former schoolThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 home Sunday after spending a few The Kappa Tau club of Central mates arid friends attended. fcigfi school -will entertain at a lanehMrs. Fras&n and her daughter will of the independent Ordei of the weeks visiting in Pittsburgh, Pa. "The Careful Florist' eon and bridge party on Wednesday leave for her home in Chicago, HLj B'nai Brith held an open meeting 1 Mrs. George Steinberg and daughWednesday evening, August 28, at Phone jAckson 1906 at tBe Blackstone Hotel. Saturday. the Danish Hail to commemorate the ter, Mrs. David Kubby, returned . Among the guests yniH be the fol1804 Farnara StM Omaha lowing young ladies from out of the Mrs. Bessie Firsht of Detroit} first alillfVersary of the signing of home Sunday from a month's stay j city: Miss Annette Karsch of Los Mich., arrived here Monday morning the Kellogg Peace FacFY Judge h. Excelsior Springs, Mo. Angeles, Cal., and Miss Lorraine Ne- in order to attend the marriage of veleff of Chicago, HI. her nephew, Mr. Frank R. Ackermari to Miss Nena M. Horwite wlifck will Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bolker an- take place this -Sunday. nounce ' the birth of & daughter", Omaha's Style Center Louise, at the St. Catharine's Hospit- Miss Nellie Ferer returned al on August 11. day from a two weeks stay in Chi* cago. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cnranse have as their guests their nephew, Mr. Mrs. Ben J. Sigel and son J. Allen Meyer Brownstein of Chicago, and of Ottumwa, la., are visiting here as Miss Annabel Friedman and Mr. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. SegelOpposite Orpheum Samuel Davidson of Chicago. man. They ' will remain here fot ' Last Saturday afternoon the guests several weeks. were honored at a bridge party given Saturday Is the Last Day by Mrs. <jfounse at her home. A Mrs. Sarah Gendler' of Belagrodka, birthday party was also held that Russia, arrived In Omaha last weekof the

Say It With

Council Bluffs News


Jewish New Year Cards We Have a Beautiful Assortment of Cards

The response has been so unexpectedly tremendous . . . we are compelled to add ,300 Coats (botignt for next montfi'fe selling) and we promise you

L. SHRIER PRINTING CO. 1714 No. 24th

WE. 4211

The Adding of the



137^ to *162 ..


Atwater-Kent Victor Radios Free Home Demonstrations EASY TERMS

SOL LEWIS 1804 No. 24th



Size 8 to 14


Elsie Dinsmore" Dresses Scholarly Jerseys, feather - weight tweeds, and flannels with modernistic appliques stripes and tailored collars and Caffs. In red, nary, Independence Blue, brown and tan.

She 11 to 17

High School Frocks Qass-room jerseys, tweeds and crepw-^ with the new flares and pleats. Dress** with the "dash" th&t every C3o-cd <femands. New fall shades of preen, brown, blue and of course—black. «

A Safe Deposit

"The Monarch of the Air" To our select line of Radio Sets Let us demonstrate this marvelous Electric Radio Set at your own home priced from

$1*95 And $2*95

Girlie Nook and Junior Shop Fifth Flow



Sixes to 6 Pretty little Wash Ginghams and Broad* cloths with long sleeves for fall. Matching bloomers coinplete them—and m*k« the little tots ready for school.




Kindergarten Iteesse*

$5-95 TO $8*95 ,

August Sale of


I defy the wisetrt man ia the w»U to turn _ a truly godti actiofi into ridicule. fi


"-If you are not one of the hundreds «f women who have shared in ihe super savings of this widely eele"bfftted event . . . do not let Saturday pass without coming in to try tm some of the lovely Coats you . witt find here in goodly variety. Plan to do so tomorrow . . . It will be well worth your while. Lovely aew sports and dressy fabrics -fexhiifit the most authentic fall «ol6fings . . . disport elaborate fur trimmings of high quality furs . . . offer types and sizes for very6he, from those wearing juniors' 11 to extra size 52&

with a high rate of interest accruing daily. That's what Neat, Tasty *

Newest Fall Frocks Dull crepes, frost, flat and canton—transparent velvet and s h i m m erlhg satins fashion these new arrirals—tBey rely opon line and styling to reveal sparkling individuality.

$15 and $25

PRINTING means to you. It costs no more — it's wdrth money in actual dollars and cents—and can be obtained quickly bv asking for our representative.

Telephone ATlantic 8028

INTERSTATE PRINTING CO 1307-1309 Howard Street, Omaha


x'AGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1929 nection vnth these occurrences w for a healthy and • normal life, which viewed here as a gesture of the govCommunity Center, a public meeting is childhood's right in this world." ernment to whitewash its reputation. was called for next Wednesday eveMr. Lapidus now Vice President of ning at the Center to which all the Hospital, was Chairman of the A man can know nothing of Jewish organizations and synagogues drive in 1928 which ended successKovno.—(J. T. A.)—From denial of kind without knowing something• ot. in the city are asked to send delegaThe rapid growth of the A. Z. A., fully in the erection of an Infirmary ,, —Disraeli. the occurrence of anti-Jewish excesses , . tions, particularly every club , afBuilding, built • at the cost of close international junior organization of himself. to demanding severe punishment for filiated with some phase of the Zion- Harry H. Lapidus, 1st Vice-Prethe B'nai B'nai which was born in H a d d s s a h W i r e s $ 2 2 5 t o E m e r g - ist movement. Plans will be made sident of Farnqus Institution, to one-half million dollars. An ap- Omaha six years through the tireless those guilty of perpetrating the expropriate name plate in his honor : e A c y ' K f e U e f F i i n d J f o r ; • • for the holding of a protest meeting, Makes Announcement greets visitors as - they enter this efforts of Sam Beber, *was concretely cesses at Slobodka was the swift / I n t e s t i n e " ~ ~ - ' •• •;":'•• memorial services and the collection illustrated with the arrival this week swing of the Lithuanian official govnew Infirmary Building. of funds for the relief of stricken of Julius Bisno, of Memphis, to as- ernment organ, "Lietuvas." 3 OMAHANS TRUSTEES TO COLLECT REtiEF FUNDS Jews in Palestine. . In an editorial published yesterday "Manufactured in Omaha" sume his duties in the newly-created BOYS TO CROSS SAHARA position of assistant executive secre- the "Lietuvas" devotes much space to A committee composed of John Announcement was made this week BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. Omaha Jewry jvere seething with Feldman, Judah Wolf son and Mi\. by Harry H. Lapidus, Vice President Paris. (J. T. A.) Robert Gamzon tary. Bisno will aid Phillip Klutz- the Slobodka occurrences and demands excitement and indignation this week. S. Robinson was. appointed to confer of the National Jewish Hospital for and Michael Aghion, Jewish boy nick, executive secretary, at the same the severe punishment of those guilty. as tlie revolting reports * of ;> Arabic with William L. Holzman, local chair- Consumptives, located at Denver, Co- scouts, left here to-day for Northern time attending the school of journaThe newspaper states that the dirioting in Palestine -were made public. man of the United Jewish Campaign lorado, that on September 1, the Africa where they plan to cross the lism at Creighton. rector of police, Staschkewitch, was Refresh Yourself The Hadassah Tiponan urgent with regard to collecting of funds. Louis Heineman Building for Tubuer- Sahara Desert by automobile. Their At the last convention Bisno was i dismissed from his post because her •wire- from the national headquarters .A permanent council for the JA.v-culous Chilldren will be opened and itinerary includes Tunis, Algeria and awarded the $50 Sam Beber prize did not. take, sufficient measures to sent §225 to the Emergency Belief ish National Fund in Omaha was dedicated. Morocco, and they expect to cover fo_.t h e A l e p h w h o h a d d o n e t h e m o s t safeguard the population. Fund which is being collected. organized with an executive comfor the A. Z. A. Previous to that This latest addition to the work of 8,000 kilometers. In Jewish circles this announcement At\ a meeting of the Council of posed . of I. Morgenstern, Judah the National Hospital was made poshe had been elected a-junior member has caused some surprise as Staschthe Jewish Nationals Fund held Wolfson^ J. Rosenberg, John Feld- sible through a legacy of $150,000.00 JEWESS IN SWIM CONTEST IK BOTTLES of the Supreme Advisory committee, j kewitch has been known as a friend Wednesday evening-at the Jewish man", Bloch, Mrs. Sam Cahn Platt, of the late Louis Heineman of JamesToronto. (J. T. A.) Lillian Gar- As an officer of the Memphis chap- of the Jews and it is believed that his and Mrs. M. Weinberg. To this group town, N. Y. •' rick was the only Jewish girl en- ter he was instrumental in the group dismissal has no connection with the will be added one official delegate Henry Monsky, Leo Rosenthal and tered in the Wrighley swimming winning the best chapter award, and Slobodka occurrences, since he refrom each organization wishing to Judge Irvin Stalmaster are Trustees marathon staged here Aug. 23. also was active in organizing sur- turned on August 1st from his vaca: aid the cause. \r " ' tion, while the attacks were prepared of the Hospital. Of the. total numrounding chapters. - ' '• To your relatives in Russia, STALMASTER & BEBBK, Attorneys during his absence. The representaber of" officers of the institution, "Last year there was a 33 percent Poland, ^Lithuania, RoumaATlantic G291 650 Omaha National Dank Bids:. BRAININ FINISHES HIS ; Omaha has the greatest proportion- NOTICE OF ABTICI-ES OF INCORPORA- increase in the membership of the tion of his dismissal as having connia, Palestine, and all other J. M. JENSEN COLONIZATION CAMPAIGN ate share of any state having official A. Z. A.," Bisno declared in discussTION OF THE DKESS, CXITB. ISC. '.. parts-of the world. representation at the Hospital. Notice Is hereby given that the under- ing his plans. "This year we hope to P. M. Klntznick and H. 3. Holus- further incrase the number of chap- j p Johannesburg, S. Africa. "(J. T. A.) The dedication of this new building signed berff have formed a corporation pursunnt Genuine TO THE HOUSE A national conference of the Jewish will make possible specialization in to the laws of the Sfnte of Nebraska, under ters and at the same time strengthen the name of The Dross Club. Inc., with its Colonization Fund will be held on the treatment of bone, joint and glan- principal place of business nt Omaha, Ne- the present chapters through conJ. L. KRAGE, Proprietor August 24. and 25. to wind up the dular tuberculosis in children. Child- braska. The genera! - nature of the busi- tinual activity and a comprehensive " N E W FOR OLD" to be transacted and the object and Reuben Brainin Campaign to assist ren suffering- from pulmonary tuber- ness purpose for which this corporation is or- educational program. With the re- j ganized nnd established shall be to operate publication of the Shofer we intend For Health 1619 Farnam St.—Phone AT. 8481 a Jewish Land Settlement in Russia. culosis will also be treated. stores and plants for the cleaning, pressing Mr. Brainin, who was the center • "The success ..vrhicK we" have, had nml dyeinjr of wenrinjr nppnrel, cloth and to intensify the national spirit of the SANITARY of all kinds;: to engage in the of a controversy in South African heretofore," said Mr. Lapidus, "in material tailoring business: to buy and sell wearing order." •BAKERY • Jewry, will deliver his ;farewell; ad- treating tuberculosis of the bones apparel; to enpajre in any of said businessCAPITOL BOOK as a wholesaler and retailer; to buy. BAKJ5RV GOODS AT THEIR" BE»T dress at this conference before his and joints in children, the increas- es sell and lease real estate and personal BINDERY CO. 1608 Cnming—AT. "J836 property in connection with snid business IKE NEW OF COUNCIL return to New York." ... ; ing recognition of the. value of sun and to do any nml nil things incident or in 1434 I?i>. 18. WEbster 1642 220 So. 13th St. JA. 1136 BLUFFS PASSES AWAY pertaining to the aforesaid treatment in such cases, and the un- any mannerThe authorized capital stock M. B. DOLGOFF Tel Aviv. (J. T. A.)/,Mordecai excelled • opportunity Colorado offers business. -.•;. Correspondent in Omaha for Ike New, 71 years old, died last shall be Ten Thousand <?1O,(KKUX)) Dollars aI1<1 a I 1 ot s n l < l s t o t - k ! Benami, Russian Jewish :• author ; and •friT <=nn trpatmpnt Law—Library Loose Leaf W maiip n*»r<»<?-' shnll be common nml Friday, August 23, at his home at 722 j I publicist who recently settled in. Tel tor sun treatment;, n a s m a a e neces oDollars Specialist in Hand Binding , , n , i> shnll lie Willow Avenue, Council Bluffs, Iowa, j f thll )per n r v nshare, l l I p n f ami O m saidl mstork 1m : Aviv, was honored yesterday on ; the sary an extension of our facilities for non-assessable when Issued. The corpora: tion shall commence business upon th<- fil- after an illness of nine months. Funoccasion of his seventyfifth birthday. children. ing of Its articles with the County Clerk eral services were held Sunday afterAwnings. Canvas Covers, Tents, of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shnll j : A • reception in his honor- was; atCamp SnppHcs . All Kind* "This building will embody the continue The Bank that Flooded Russia for a period of fifty years from noon at the family residence. Burial j tended by many writers who praised latest equipment and facilities known sal<l date. The highest amount of indeblAT. 1493 •with- American -Dollars • t-v 15 and Howard Chicken Slaughtering ~ 5c •dness shall not exceed 2-3 of i*s capital took place at the Oak Hill Cemetery. «Mr. Benami in speeches delivered. to medical science for the treatment restriction shall vat :ipi>Iy He is survived by his widow, and two Picking ~ 5c secured by mortgaees upon of this case. Itofwill in years —Also to cometype healofhundreds little help- nay of the corporate property. The affairs daughters, Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld of Chickens and Eggs at reasonable CHARLES SIMON the corporation shnll *>•' managed by n Council Bluffs, and Mrs. Milton Livless cripples and send them forth of prices l'-nnrd of Directors consisting of not loss •;'•'3ustAroxind the Corner from Everything" Kecotnmends into the world sturdy and straight, than iwo hiembers. Th« mot tins ingston of Omaha, and one son, Lester H. MOSKOVITZ of the corporation shall be held on the 2nd J. New of New York City. THE SANITARY LAUNDRY having rescued them from the doom Monday of January of each year at which 1613 No. 24th St, "The Best of AH Laundry Servjtres" of "being deformed and crippled for meeting the stockholders shnll elect n 1 Mr. New has been a resident of WE- 1900 Board of Directors anil thereupon the life, a prospect which overshadows Hoard shall elect n president, vice-presi- Council Bluffs for the past twelve Farnam A I " 2 8 1 5 secretary and treasurer. Any two of years. He was well-known,-and had them before they enter the National dent, said offices may be "held1 by one and the same, person. These articles may be amend-1 been a member of numerous organizaJewish Hospital. " at any regular or special meeting of ,.




Baker Ice Machines


Standard Shoe Repair Co.

Fast—Resonable— Prompt—Personal r Service


The :^algamated Bank ' j of New York


Omaha Towel Supply Co.

• - - -- affirmative — • ' "There IS already a waiting list of the stockholders upon the vote tjons.

applicants for admission to this build-,, ^ V f ine file at the i Onfil h Hospital. H i r t l All All friends f i d ' nave hereunto

RESTAURANT 1413'Douglas ~ v V :

^ h^c V ^ e o f t^h e ^^t i e

subscribed their na . . . ! 22nd day of August. 1020. with ' p. jr. KLT7TZNICK. KIVUTZN It. J. HOI.PSBERG, : the - knowledge that ' Ineorporators. In the presence of: SAM BEBEU. innocent and suffer- Aug.'30—-4 T.

.,', ..:•'•' ,, of • humanity can really

., ... thrill

joyful pride in isoon these little i. jirig children will be receiving,' free of charge, the finest care and service possible, and that through the Hospital they will be given the chance ,

X- C. I.ETIN, Attorney SOI .Electric Bulldlnr NOTICE TO SO\-RE8IDENT DEFENDANT In Uic Munieipnl Court In nnd for the City County, y of-Omnhn«« Ponglns y, iNebraska. T Tom T P b ig d t d To Panebianco, non-resident defendant: Ton are hereby notified that on the 8f-

teenth day o f ^ u ^ n d S

STAMIASTEn & 6EBER, Attorneys 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. XOTICE OF ADkllXISTRATlOX In the County Court of Douglas County, Xebraskn. i In the matter of the estate of HARKI I L. 1'ETEUS. deceased. I

Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) During the month of July the income of the Keren Hayesod, Palestine Foundation Fund, amounted to 139,212, figures made public here show.

hereby notified thnf .a petition has been .: filed In said Court alleging that said de- I ceased died leaving no last will nnd pray- ; ing for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will !>p had on said petition before said court on the 13th day of Sept., 3929. and thnt if they fail to appear at !

said Court on the said 13th dav of Sept.. ! wVrTn K. 192f>. at !) o'clock A. M. to contest said j

• Rule, as plaintiff, tiled his petition in tUc pelitlon. Jhe Court may grant the s.ime and ! Municipal Court in the City of Omaha. : administration of said estate to Douglas County, Nebraska, recorded »» grant I>. Peters, Sr., .or some other suit- I I Page. 49 of Docket X J, the object and jHarryperson and proceed to a, settlement ' prayer are to in.*.**-*: of ui which wuivu .ire tu recover recover the tne sum sum of OL , *»,„,.,,,:# t u e r e o f S5024 with ith iinterest t d the costs of this ! J50.24 and B R I C E CRAWFORD, j action; thnt goods, chattel! and credits in Aug. 23—3T . County Judge. the hands of Fidelity Storage and Van

Our specialty is

Attorney» ,



A S FINE a, Jot of shirts, men. as you've ever put your eyes on—two thousand of them— • all beauties,.and all capital VALUES . . . Fine ,, white broadcloths, blue broadcloths, end-to-ond '; broadcloths, woven broadcloths, rayon striped • broadcloths, woven madrases, printed and dotted •; broadcloths. •1 The patterns are exceptionally attractive—styles ' up-to-fhe-rmiuit^ . . . the fabrics are all guarant e e d tubfast. All cut full and roomy.



SIZES 14-18 NECKBANDS nrsinileis—Flrxt Floor

737 Omaha Nat. Bl?. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have pursuant to the ' laws of the Ktate of Nebraska, formed' n corporation. The name of the corporation is LEVEY REALTY COMPANY, with its principal plnce of business Jn the City of Oninhn, Nebraska. The objects for which the corporation is formed are: to' maintain and operate a generalTenl estate holding company, and to liny, sell, mortgage, lease, encumlwr nnd deal in "real estate ai)d personal property of all kinds. Totnl authorized capital stock Is $40,000.60, divided into 125 shares of $100.00 per share of Preferred Stock, and 275 shares of $100.00 per share, of Common Stock, all of which when issued shall be fully paid and non-assessable. The corporation shnll commence business when these Articles are fljert In the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County and shall continue until January 1st, 2020. The highest amount of indebtedness shn I not exceed two-thirds of Its capital The affairs of the corporation orporation shall be Rdmin HdminIstered by a board of directors, the number of which board shnll be. fixed |>y the the by-laws. l)Ut'Hiitll otherwise provided, shall be three in number, From the directors the officers shall be vlectei). consisting of President, Vice-President, Secrefijry and- Treusurer.- The Secretary need not. be a member' of the. board. The present Incorporatora shall be the directors

is in Omaha, Douglas County. Nebraska.

The general natnre of the business to Ire transacted is to build, buy. own. lease or

control buildings, arenas, colisenms, or any

other type and kind of structure or real estate which may be used or employed in the enrrying on and showing of amusements, balls, exhibitions, spectacles, events or displays of every kind and description: and to lease, rent, sublet or hire oat space for concessions and • Incidental businesses which are usually and customarily attendant upon the doing of the nforemenHoned things and to do any nnd all things which may be necessary and proper to the successful realization of the objects hereinnbove set out. The authorized capital stock is $10,000.00 divided into 100 shares j of the par value of $100.00 each, nil of which is common stock Hnd when issued shall l>e fully paid up and non-assessable. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of its articles of incorporatI0<

l " ' " for a period off «) contlnue f>0 years. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability J to which the corporation shall at nny time I subject Itself shall not exceed two-thirds I of its capital stock. The affairs of the ' corporation sbnll be conducted by a Board of Directors of not less than 3 members , who shall be chosen from among the stock- < holders nt their annual meeting. Until the nn nun I meeting in January. 19.T0, the Hoard of Directors shall !»' J. •>• Isaacson, Uoy C. Feltman and Irvin.Stnknaster. and

and January, y, 1030. m i t e l yy" thereafter the. C. Feltman. Secretary and Treasurer, i h l l meet. iimV electt tthe officers. Roy directors shall The articles of incorporation may l>e The ofliccrs nnd directors' shall conduct the amended by. the nfflrmative vote of twoaftairs of the corporation. The corporation tt h I ^ I regular shall have, a seal .Tho Articles 'may be . o r ^ c ?u( J, amended Wpon notice as provided for. ' noY C^FKIVTMAN M O R R I A r,EVKY, I IRVIN STALMASTER. BBSS KATLIGM In the presence of: SAM UEBEIt. -O_4T

Since 1876

Peerless Cleaners




1722 No.-24 St., \VE. 0289 Try a loaf of your Russian Pumpernicle Bread You'll Appreciate the Taste —

The Hens* With A Reputation




National Accessories, Inc.


54th and Center Streets

"Everything for the Auto"

534 Peters Trust Bldg.AT. 7611

2501 Farnam—AT. 5524

Entertainment Chicken Dinners Chicken Sandwiches


Company. 1107 Howard Street. Omaha. Nebraska, hare been ''attached In the snid

STALMASTER & BEBER, Attorney* 650 Omaha National Bank Ride action on the ground that you are n nonVollce by Publication on Petition for resident of the State of Nebraska: and that said cause has been n continued ntinued nutil the the Settlement of Final Administration Account. 14th day of Octolier, 1020, at 0.-00 A. M.. In the County Court of Douglas County. at which time you are required to appear Nebraska.. nnd nnswer In said cause or Judcment will In the matter of the,estate of A. SPILKA be taken against yon in accordance with deceased: nil persons interested in said I he prayer of the petition. mntter are hereby notified that on the 30th j w-AititKK K. IUJT.T:, rinintiir. By 1KVIN C. LEVIX, His Attorney. day of August. 1D29. Hen Ulazer filed a I petition In said County Court, praying that Ang. 30—3T. his final administration account tiled herein be settled and allowed, and that he be . JACK W. MAKER, Attorney discharged from his trust as administrator Fourth Floor, Court Itouae . nnd that a hearing .will be had on said In .the County Court, of Douglas County. petition before snid Court on the (ifh day Nebraska. of September. 1925), nnd that If you fail to In the matter of the adoption of TJI appear liefore said Court on the said 01 h Verne Bueford. ' dny of September. 1029. at 9 o'clock A. M.. To all persons interested in snid matter: nnd contest said petition, the Court may You ara hereby notified that on the 2(Ith grant the prayer of snid petition, enter a day of COI August, l»2«, a petition yrnt filed decree of heirship. anil make such o»hrr i?t.- . lTf b y Thomas. Kichardson nnd.nmt further orders, allowances and decrees, Elizabeth Itichnrdgon. huslmnd iiud wife. I as to thisConrt mar seem proper, to the residents of Douglas County, Nelirnska.tend that, all matters pertaining to said praying of and estate, may be flnallv settled and deterp y g for the adoption p f said niinpr and th consent nt thereto of of the th mother. th L l - -• the Lola mined. M.-ie Bueford wag filed on the samp date: BRTCE CRAWFOUn, that a hearing will be had on said petition August 10—3T County Jndpe.for adoption before snid conrt nt t> A. jr., September 23st.l020,-at the County, Conrt STAI.MASTEU Jfc BEBER. Attorneys Itoom. of Douglas Coiinty, Nebraska, and 650 Omaha National Bank unless you appenr nt Bnid time and plnee and contest, said petition, the court, may XOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF THE Krnnt the prayer of said petition wehereby ARENA. IXCOItPOKATED wild minor shall be adopted by Thomas Notice is hereby given that the underUlchardson and Kllinbeth Richardson. signed have associated themselves together BHYCE. CUAWFOIID. I S . 30—3T. - Coutity Judge. to form a corporation- under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is "The Arena, Inc.," nnd the MOJT8KV, KATIEHAS * OHOD1SSKY principal place of transacting its business


4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500

DELROGH CAFE 2920 Farnam




All persons interested in said estate are j


JA. 05M8

Paxton-Mitchell Co.

24th and Hsroey

J7th «nrt Dltirtna e»». HAmry toe-OMAHA. NEKKASKA Soft gray. iron, nrnss, nro'nze Rn<l aluminum castings. Standard oronw nnd Iron biishingrs. sewer man-

noles. cistern


rtnps nnd covers nn<l

;Ie.!in-oilt floors in stock. «roort and metnl patterns

All kind* ot


Harry H. Lnplrius. HrrstriTnt-TrMisnrer

Omaha Fixture and Supply Co. COMPLETE STORE & OFFICE OUTFITTERS Wr Occupy Over lO.tmn s«uinr» F»*t

Southwest CorneT Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. Nebr.



Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company



WM. BRYDER & CO. Certified Public Accountants 638

AT. 4431 LARGEST STOCK IN WEST Quick Shipments Our Hobby for 45 Years OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 1206-8 Douglas Street I'ATUONIZK T H E

CANDYLAND lfith and Farnam


Qeneral Contractor 492-96 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.

JAckson 1614 Estimates Gladly Fnrnisfced

317 No. 15

JA. 5604

CLOSING OUT 2,400 gal. of DE-VOE & REYNOLDS paint at $1.95 per g a l All colors, Also 2,000 gal. of Kentucky paints at $1.75. And various railroad wrecked merchandise.

4Stti and Dodge

CRYSTAL CANDY lfith and Capito! Ave.

Visit the New

EL-PATIG CAFE MALASHOCK'S After Theatre Jewelry Store Dancing 24th ind Farnam

I6th and Howarcf Streets Hill Hotel Building

CURTAINS Of Every Description Beautifully finished. Guaranteed to hang true. 50c per pair, some a trifle more. Special rates on 10 or more pair. JUST PHONE— AT. 4750—MA. 4750.

IDEAL Near Beer Soda Water

It Will Pay You to Inquire.



IDEAL Bottling Co.

i—»—CIW Wide

Jcjoelry on Credit at Cash Prices

WE. 3043

313 SO,!4 TH7S S:* O M AH

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