Interesting and Entertaini—^3.
All the News of Interest • to Jews
Eiifirea.'aa, second-class ... postoffica at Omaha, Kebra:
on January 27, 1921, at sr the Act o£ March "
-VOL. VII.—No. 34
Mover Over Pales Riots Endanger. His Job GIGANTIC MEMORIAL MEETING HELD SAFED DELIVERED TO FIRE AND England Will Redeem Her AT THE JEWISH COMMUNITY ATTACKS CONTMI DESPITE ASSURANCES Pledge***Balfour TO COMMEMORATE PALESTINE DEAD THAT SITUATION IS "FIRMLY IN HAND" Lord Balfour, author of the famous "Baffour Declaration'' embodying England's solemn pledge to aid in the rebuilding of Palestine as the Jewish national homeland, on hearing the expression.of fears in various quarters that England might renounce this policy as a result of iJie present Palestinian uprising, wrote to'Dr. .Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, as follows:
Ge- erosity of Mourners Brings Total Relief Fund Collections to Nearly f 5,000 RESTRAINT MARKS RESOLUTION A mammoth crowd of •grieving, sorrowing; Jewsfilled the Community Center to overflowing Wednesday night to commemorate their brethren: butchered in Palestine.' A Keayiness of heart .pervaded the atmosphere throughout the Memorial meeting, and a quiet, sad pall overhung the people, many of whom had to stand up because of the size of the crowd.' ,.~•--«;.: The Omaha demonstration differed from most; of those throughout the world in that no protest of indignation was voiced and no condemnation expressed. Even the resolution adopted, instead of being a bitter, vehement denunciation, was one of reassurance, hope. Judge Irvin Stalmaster, its drafter, urged the audience to exercise restraint in this time of stress and they heeded his words with a unanimous vote. Everyone present symbolized his-1 • sorrow by •wearing a strip of black Martyrdom has been the age-old link crepe. All shades of Jewish opinion, in his existence. This is but another o'rthodox, modern, and reform, all instance of the struggle between the ages, young and. old, were present to sword and the book. And I have pay tribute to the dead. Many "were no doubt as to the outcome." older people who had fasted during In pleading for financial aid, Rabbi the day. The air of depression and Bengis stated, "By their death they sorrow -was so weighing that no have taught us how to live. We applause -was heard during the .entire must guard our honor and the future of Israel by helping those evening. -who survived and are facing additional dangers." The local campaign is in charge of the following committee: William L. Holzman,chairman; Harry A. Resolution drafted by Judge Wolf, vice-chairman; Dr. Philip Irvin Stalmaster and adopted at Wednesday's Memorial meeting: treasurer; J. J. . Friedman, ._ Members:of the-executive __BESQLYEP; ;..„ : committee"; are Mrs. J*; • Rosenberg,, It 16 H * sense of this Memorial * meeting that A. GoldBteinj,, H» while deploring the tragic eventB in Palestine we reaffirm onr faith and confidence in the justice and humanity of both the gov- • ernment of Great Britain and the United States, and their wilt and ability to restore order and afford According to Dr. A. Greenberg, protection of life and propchairman of the first services of the erty in Palestine. Conservative Synagogue to be held Friday evening, September 13, all Fourteen hundred additional dol- arrangements- have-been completed. lars, were poured into the Palestinian Over 500 are expected to attend. fund. ^Many... present. had already Rabbi Abraham Bengis has chosen donated, but before the meeting was for his inaugural' sermon the subject, over- everyone in the room had con- "The Future of American Judaism." tributed. The sum collected WednesInvitations were sent to all rabbis day night brought the total raised in residing here ..and -in - neighboring Omaha to almost five thousand with communities to be' the special-guests over half of the Jews in the town of the synagogue on this ; occasion. yet to be canvassed.': The services will be open to the William Holzman, president of the public and'.will be followed by a Jewish Community Center and chair- reception in honor of Rabbi and Mrs. man of the present campaign in Bengis. Omaha, presided over the Memorial • Arrangements-: have - been made to meeting. The speakers were Rabbi provide an office for Rabbi Bengis Frederic Cohn, prominent leader of in the Jewish Community Center the reform Temple,' and Rabbi Abr which he will "begin occupying next raham Bengis, head of the newly- week.' His office hours will be from organized modern orthodox syna- 9 to 12 in the morning and 2 to & gogue. , . , in the afternoon.,, , Rabbi Cohn, his voice broken with Rabbi and Mrs. Bengis' will make tears, stirred his audience with his- fheir home at' 12?;;No.-; 33rd, apartbeautiful words. He called the ment number three. ~ Jewish people "a martyr people shedding blood everywhere in order I. O. B.B, OPENS SEASON that the world may progress" and AT SEPTEMBER 12 MEETING labeled the Palestinian atrocities "a second Tish a B'av following right The Omaha *B'har B'rith will inafter the first." '• • ' augurate its fall activities with an "But," comforted JDr. Cohn, "they open, meeting at the Jewish Comhave not given their liyes in vain. munity Center.Thursday evening, They were furthering :jthe Jewish S e p t . 1 2 . ..-••;: -.- , cause and helping to bring about .the Rabbi Abraham Bengis and Harry day, though at suci a terrible cost, Mendelspn will be the principal when the words of the prophets will speakers. A lyvejv discussion of the again be realized. Palestine situation^ is expected. "Our consolation is this: From the Refreshments will be served folblood-soaked soil of Palestine, saturlowing the meeting. ated by the blood of our fellow Jews, shall spring the red roses of the higher righteousness and the white1 OVER 3,500'ATTEND lilies of compassion. HEBREW CLUB PICNIC "A real Redeemer shall rise from Over 3,500 attended the annual Zion. Israel shall be the savior of Omaha Hebrew club picnic held last the human race." Rabbi 'Bengis was eloquent in his Sunday at Lakev^ew .park. -. A total of 75 prizes were awarded appeiiir^D.. his listeners. Justice was in the various contests. Miss "Ethel the * keynote of his. address. "We found we had put too much Bloom was the winner .of the beauty trust in others. We must strengthen contest. our own efforts and intensify our A regular meeting of the organizaown work. Through these agonizing tion will be • held Sunday. ages we have lived on the charity of others. Now we must ask for more' The entire crop of the Jewish col—Justice, the justice which the civil- onies Melehahia. and "Paria was deized world has promised us. stroyed "by fire* set" by the Arabs. The "The Jew has lived in his own coloiftes on the road between Haifa blood. He gained strength and hope and Kinereth were under threat of atant purpose because of bis suffering. tack.
Sir John Chancellor Sir John Chancellor, High Commissioner of Palestine, subject of "severe i verbal criticism for not employing vigorous measures in order to prevent the Palestinian'jribts, has returned to j Palestine. He was approached by a' delegation of leading Palestinian Jews ' who -were assured by him that the j British military authorities had the; situation "firmly in hand." Rumors from London suggest that j Sir John will soon be displaced by Sir Herbert Samuel, famous Jewjsh nobleman -who was the'first High Commissioner of Palestine following the awarding of the;Palestine mandate, to England by the .League of Natrons.
My Dear Weixmann: Aupust 30, 1929. Events in Palestine hare moved me to Indignation and disgust, but they: do nothing to shake my confidence in the general-wisdom of the policy which ypn and your colleagues have been pereuiBg BO successfully in Palestine under the Mandated system with all its inherent difficulties. The British Empire and all powers with whom it has • been closely associated have solemnly declared their intention of again Tendering Palestine the National Home of the Jewish people. That policy is in harmony with the best opinion of . . . western civilization in all parts of the world. To its fulfillment ia. pledged the support of the 'British Empire. That Pledge has been given. Depend upon it. It is not going to be dishonored. Befiere me, Yours most sincerely, BALFOUR.
; On November 2, 1917, Lord Balfour, who was Foreign Secretary of the British Government in the famous war-time coalition cabinet, issued England's promise to the Zionists in the following historic "words: "His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment irr Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and wSl use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it Jbeing clearly understood that Tiothing_shall be done which rnay prejudice the civil and religions ri^Titslc^ existing non-Jewish cbmrn unities in Palestine, or Ihe rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
World-Wide Protest Meetings 9 Express Jews Grief Over Riots
Philip RL Klutznick., . Philip M. Klutznick, Executive; Secretary of the Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph, lea-res Monday for Chicago, HI., where withTtfie members and Advisors of the Chicago A. Z. A. Council consisting of ten ^chapters on the evening of September 10 at the B'nai B'xith Headquarte^ of District Grand Lodge No. 6, where he will outline plans for activity'to, be carried on throughout the Test 'of the season in that city. ; .; ;. En route, Mr. Klutznick is stopping at Des Moines, Iowa, where he will be principal speaker of the evening at a banquet given by the Des Moines A. Z. A. Chapter No. 4. Mr. Klutznick, will receive bids for the publication of "The Shofer," the official monthly magazine of the Junior B'nai B'rith while in Chicago.* He is also going in conference with the C. E. Ward Co., for the: designing of a permanent set of ritual rule.s for the Judas Maccabeus Degree of the Order. Before returning to Omaha,'Mr. Klutznick, intends -visiting the Indianapolis Chapter No. 61 at Indianapolis, Ind. Here . he will meet : Mr. Leo Kaminsky, newly appointed representative on the Supreme Advisory' Council from District No. 6, of B'nai B'rith. Mr. Kaminsky is filling, .the vacancy, occasioned by the recent-resignation of Milton Schayer, Denver, Colo. A third group of Jews who died from wounds received was taken from the Hadassah hospital and buried in a common -^grave on the Monht of Olives Cemetery near the grave of Eliezar Ben Tehudah.
•New York.—(J. T. A.)—New York •Jewry's attitude toward the Palestine events was given expression to last Thursday at the monster mass meeting held at Madison Square Garden under -the auspices of a special committee composed of many Jewish organizations in the City of New York. The Garden, which has a seating capacity of 25,000, was overcrowded and many moving scenes were enacted at the second demonstration of New York Jews since the massacres started "in Palestine a week ago today. Samael Untermyer presided and Senator William E. Borah, Lt. Gov. Herbert H. Lehman, David A. Brown, chairman of .the Palestine Emergency Fund; former Congressman Nathan D. Perlman, president of the I. O. B. A., Rabbi M. S. Margolies and others were the speakers. The demands of American Jewry to the British government as the result of the Palestine events were formulated in a detailed resolution which was unanimously adopted. A- long telegram from President Hoover said in part: " I am confident out -of these tragic events will-come greater security and greater safeguards for the future, under which the steady rehabilitation of Palestine as a true Homeland will be even more assured. An immediate and pressing question is the .relief to those who are suffering. The fine sympathy of the American people is well evidencing itself in this purpose and it should receive the most generous support." 35,000 NEW YORKERS PARADE A gigantic crowd of over ,35,000 New York Jews of all classes and shades of opinion, bowed in grief, demonstrated their protestations of the Palestinian outrages last Monday afternoon along the streets of lower Manhattan to the door of the British Cpnsulate.' Mayor James Walker added an official tinge to the demonstration by welcoming them in front of the city hall and expressing sympathy for the cause they championed. . Every phase of New York Jewry took part in the procession: youths, war scarred Jewish veterans, two of whom tapped their way over the pavement with the aid of crutches, be-
British Government Still Silent on Situation; Jews Protest Disarming: of Jewish Self-Defense; Americans Send $5G,QG0 Daily for Relief CHANCELLOR P L E D G E S JUSTICE As Palestine entered its third week of muderous attacks by fanatical Arabs upon the Jews, a heavy pall of uncertainty «tshrouded the entire situation. Heavy reinforcements of British troops and airplanes rendered the major part of Palestine safe from the Moslem fury but outlying colonies, especially in Galilee, were still in great danger. Sir John Chancellor. High Commissioner, returned to Jerusalem and issued a statement that the British troops had the situation "firmly in hand" and pledged his best efforts to restoring order and punishing those guilty for the atrocities. The chief objectives of the Arabic attacks during the past week were Haifa, Safed, and the Galilee colonies, At Safed, seat of Jewish learning for centuries, occurred one of the bloodiest encounters of the entire uprising. 22 Jews were killed and scores wounded, while the remaining of the S,000 Jewish inhabitants suffered from lack of food and shelter. All of the Jewish homes were looted and half of them burned. British troops arrived too late to prevent the onslaught. One of the chief causes of irritation to the already outraged Jewish population of Palestine was the official order to disarm all citizenry. In effect, the order means little hindrance to the Arabs but takes from the valiant Jewish self-defense organizations their means of protecting their people. In most cases to date, it has been the courageous action of these heroic youths that has staved off wholesale massacre from the terror-stricken bands of Jews in the various little colonies and villages. Where British troops have come to the aid of the Jews, they were often so tardy that the Arabs had already performed their bloody work, Protest meetings throughout the world continued to register in most bitter terms censure of the ineffective British policy that made I k e present situation possible. Particular resentment was expressed over the failure of the British government to take a definite stand on the civil war since its outbreak. Zionist officials -have repeatedly asked assurance that steps will be take« to provide proper protection for the future, that the Jews will be completely indemnified for their losses, and that a general firm policy of positive Zionist sympathies be stated. However, no statement of any kind has been forthcoming. Ramsay MacDonald, premier, is now at the League of Nations Council meeting in Geneva where he is expected to break his official silence on the subject. The deep-felt anguish of world Jewry over the Palestinian horrors has been instantaneously translated into material assistance through lightning-like raising of relief funds. In the United States, David A, Brown stepped into his favorite role of moneyraiser, and organized all of American and Canadian Jewry for quick action. At the end of last week about $300,000 had already been raised. Remittances are being made to Palestine at the rate of $50,000 daily.
cause they, had lost a leg fighting under General Allenby in Palestine, middle aged shop-keepers who closed their little shops so that they too, could protest, talmodic scholars in their quaint costumes, rabbis, women of all ages, many of them in tears, the Yomenites with their dark features and lively eyes, all marched under a broiling sun through the heated streets of New York to voice their j j Reports by Jewish Telegraphic Agency horror at what had happened. . iI Peaceful us the marches were, the I: banners they, carried expressed what j London.—The World Zionist Ex- were being disarmed, the Palestine they thought—"We send our people ecutive here received an -urgent authorities enrolled fifty Felaheen to Palestine but your henchmen send cablegram from the Zionist Ex- who were formerly members of the them to their" graves," said one. "We ecutive in Jerusalem, requesting Transjordani&n Frontier Force, many demand the dismissal of guilty offi- the Zionist leaders to exert every pos- of whom are residents of the village cials" was another of the anti-British sible influence with the British Imper- Lifts near Jerusalem, the hotbed of posters that were sprinkled through ial government to move the Palestine the Moslem anti-Jewish agitation. the procession. It was a singularly officials towards according effective silent procession. As the line went Jerusalem—A bloody massacre- oti and greater protection for the Jewish down Broadway the only audible j the Jewish population of Safed, one population. sounds were the Ehufifling of weary The Jerusalem Executive pointed of the sacred cities of Palestine, the feet and the broken sobs of the women seat of the Caballa, was perpetrated some of whom carried babies in their out that since the beginning of the last Thursday by Moslem Arab bands, riots they were assurred by the Jeruarms. The marchers were escorted notwithstanding the presence in the salem authorities that "Safed is adeby the police whose" bright uniforms city of British police and troops. quately protected" but the troops arwere in contrast with the drab garb rived many hours after the slaughter The Jewish population of Safed» of most of the marchers. started. Hordes of Arabs descended numbering S,000 is without bread or upon the Jewish population of Safed. water. Aid is being rushed from TiCHRISTIANS EXTEND SYMPATHY pillaging and murdering in the open. berias and Haifa. The Jewish colonNew York.—(J. T. A.)—Protestant Even today the marauders are carry- ies, Pvosh Pinah and Machnaim are in America, through its official repre- ing in open daylight the spoil they danger. sentative body, the Federal Council looted with no one to interfere or to of Churches of Christ Sn America, ex- arrest them. Jerusalem. — Although Friday, the pressed its deep concern and sincere Moslem Sabbath, passed quietly in the sympathy with the Jews over the PalJerusalem.—An order to disarm the Holy City, Friday night saw *. reestine Moslem Jlrabs* massacre in a statement issued by that body to the Jewish self-defense body in Palestine newal of Arab attacks on the euburb, Jewish Telegraphic Agency. The re- centers was issued by the British offi- Talpioth, where many Americans have ligious demonstrations affiliated with cials and is being carried out over the their homes. British troops opened the Federal Council were urged to protests of Jewish leaders here. The fire on the Arab attackers. The number of Jewish dead In the contribute generously and immediately special Jewish constables enrolled to the Palestine Jewish emergency when the riots were well-advanced Arab massacre at Safed, Galilee, were now ordered to disband and dis- Thursday night is mounting hourly as fund. arm. the wounded die. Reports received here this morning The carrying out of this instruction WARSAW JEWS DEMONSTRATE from Galilee stated that the colonies by the British troops is leading to Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—"If I forget in Upper and Lower Galilee continue thee, O, Jerusalem, may my right many deplorable incidents. A young to be in danger. The troop* ftvifj Jew was shot dead early Wednesday hand be forgotten," was the message when repelling the attacks ate ctifcitt.. morning in front of the headquarters carried by 50,000 Jews marching in unconcerned with the preservBtion <Jf the streets .'of; the Polish capital of the Jewish communal board of Jer- the Jewish positions, it is charged. usalem when the British police orin a deroonEtrstios of protest The colonies Mishmar Ha'yarden ami and grjef to the British Embassy here. dered him to give up his arms. Be- Yessed Ha'maslah are surrounded 3&y At first the Polish authorities refused cause the instruction was given in Moslem bands. to permit the folding of the protest English, which he did not understand, Th« situation of the 3,000 Jewish redemonstration, but at the last moment he did not comply immediately and fugees in the police courtyard «t permission was granted it is under- was Ehot. (Continued on Page 2) _., It is charged that while the Jews (Continued on Pace 2)
Flashes On Palestine Riots
JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
;fHfe JEWISH PRESS' PUBLISHING COMPANY .Office': Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 • , DA^ID BLACKER * - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR ' IRVING PERLMETER - EDITOR FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent SIOUX CITY OFFICE i ' ' • • Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street "CHARLES OSHEROFF - - SIOUX CITY CORRESPONDENT 1616 W. 16th Street $2.50 Subscription Price, one year .*.",* •. , Advertising rates furnished on application CHANGE OF'ADDR£SS--Plea$e give both the old and new address* i be sure to give your name.
The colony ffittin, maintained by f ted a Russian bott to land emigrants the Orthodox Zionist Organization, at Jaffa ea Tuesday. Mizrachi, was attacked. The assailJaffa. Arab merchants approached ants were repelled. of Jewisah leaders with proposals Reports by Jewish Telegraphic Agency "peace." The bodies of the Jews killed at HeVarious Jewish localities continued bron were brought to Jerusalem. They (Continued from Page 1.) An impressive ecene was the trans- to be evacuated at the order of the ference of forty scrolls of the Law government in order to secure better were so multilated, noses and ears being cut off and abdomens opened, Safed is utterly appalling. Roofless, under military escort. These Scrolls breadless and without water and ex- were taken from the Talmudical protection. An exception was the case that the authorities ordered that no posed to bullying at the hands of the Academy at Etz Chaim, where they of the Meyer Schfeya settlement and one be permitted to view them. Arab police they are facing starvation were presented by Rabbi Joseph orphanage. Among the multilated bodies were The residents of the colony Sichron those of the eight Atmricati Jewish and epidemics. Schneursohn, famous Chassidic Rebbe Jacob told the government emphaticof Lubawitech, who recently visited ally that if Meyer Schfeya is destroy- students at the Hebron Slobodka Grave apprehensions are held for here, to the house of the Palestine Yeshiva. ed they will abandon Sichron, wherethe safety of the Jewish population at Chief Rabbi A. J. Kook. upon the government revoked the ordTiberias, two hours from Safed. The following places were attacked er and the Zichron settlers undertook In Tel Aviv and Jaffa quiet pre- to guard Meyer Schfeya until the ar- and defended by the s«s!f-deftnse London. — Ferocious fighting is vails. Mr. A. R. Oofien, manager of corps: Kfar Ui-iah, Emek Arazim, going on in the regions of Beisan and the Anglo-Palestine Bank, after tour^ rival of the British military forces. Meshek Poaloth, Beth Alpha ChuJdah The Jewish population objected to the Haifa, according to a report from ing .the city recommended the comand Mekor Ch&yim, Cairo to the London "Evening Stand- mencement of normal business Wed- evacuations for reasons of policy. ard." According to the report the nesday, The government also permitBritish cruiser Durham opened fire on the Arabs near Haifa, killing thirty 1 and wounding forty.
,;" The spirit of the Jews of Omaha was kindled to fever heat, by the clarion call for aid in behalf of our unfortunate brethren in 'Palestine. As never before our community changed from comEye witnesses who survived the par'aiiye'laixityto animated zeal in shouldering their burden as Hebron massacre report that Rabbi Jews^ Never.; before has a quota been filled so quickly nor-such Kastili, 60 years old, who was a vicunited, patriotic feeling arouse dwith such fervor. tim during the massacre at Hebron was burned alive by the savage Arabs. This same intensity has swept into its stream Jews .through-. Ben Glazer ou%th'e country, throughout the entire universe. The 150,000 Jews in the homeland are not alone. Sixteen million Jews every- The Roberts shop, a new women's Jerusalem.—Two more synagogues in the Georgian Jewish quarter of where are making this battle their own. Relief money is pouring ready-to-wear store, is the latest ad- Jerusalem were burned down by the dition to the field of retail stores in, especially in the United States; volunteers are valiantly offer- in Omaha, having opened Wednesday. Moslem Arabs Monday night. Aning their services for actual warfare; a united voice of Israel is Ben Glazer, prominent in Omaha re- cient Scrolls of the Law, some over etyjng forth in protest Israelis again one. tail circles and among Omaha Jewry, a thousand years old were destroyed in the fire. But intensification on the nationalistic spirit of the Jew is not is manager of the new store. the only silver lining in the present clouds. Balfour has assured The Roberts shop is located on the statement issued last Thursday us that England will redeem her pledge, and such great pressure mezzanine floor of 'the- Paxton build- byAthe Vaad Leumi, National Council ing, Sixteenth and Farnam streets. has been brought to bear on the Britishh officials by the press and It carries a general line of women's of Palestine Jews, gave the total numthe world in general that undoubtedly she will keep good faith ready - to - wear, including cloaks, ber of Jewish dead in Palestine as 120. with the Jewish people and lend constructive help toward the re-dresses, hosiery. ..... In connection with the store there habilitation of the Jewish national homeland. Gruesome treatment has accompanwill be a beauty parlor. ied the assaults and massacres in the With the stopping of th'j row of blood which has desecrated various Palestinian centers. The the Holy land, with the inevitable assurance of whole-hearted co- HADDOCK ENDORSED Arabs know no distinction of age or operation from England, and with the aid of a united Jewry, a AS KOSHER BY RABBI sex Women were violated. . new epoch in Israel's history awaits us. And this tragedy will in time evoke admiration for the superhuman endurance of this suf- Frozen fillets of Haddock, a flsh Jewish leaders presented an urgfering people and will testify that Israel, like ancestors of old, product marketed here by the Mid-ent request to Palestine authorities to Central Fish company, is guaranteed disarm the Arab members of the Palhas again striven with false gods and men, and has prevailed. to be kosher food in a letter received estine police force who, it is stated, here from Rabbi D. I. Traub of New used their arms against the Jewish FUND IN ARGENTINA. London, Conn.... „ refugees they are charged with proBuenos Aires, Argentina, —i- (J. T. The communication states that the tecting. A.)—, of one million pesos rabbi visited the plant-of the Atlan($400,000) for Palestine emergency tic Coast- Fisheries corporation at A bus carrying a party of Jewish relief will be raised among the Jews New London >nd. after witnessing refugees from Hebron bringing with in the Argentina. A. decision to raise the process of preparation gave his them the Scrolls of the Law from the the fund was taken at a-protest meet- official approval of the products as destroyed synagogues was turned over (Continued from Page 1.) ing held here last night. Twenty-five complying with all Jewiui food laws. near Jerusalem, resulting in injuries to thirteen refugees, Two were sers'.aod, upon the decision of the Prime thousand Jews attended the meeting [linister. to voice protest against the outrages migration were submitted, to the Eng- iously injured. " in Palestine. . ".]•',' lish Consul here. v ': ; V ;•-..., BRITISH BETRAYAL CHARGED GREEK JEWS PROTEST Cape Town, S. Africa.^(J.T. A.)—* Paris,—(J. T. A-)—Memorial meetSalenica.---(J. T. A.)—AH Jewish Protest meetings throughout South J ings for. the'Jewish victims, of the Palestine outrages were held in Paris shops in Salenica were closed last Africa were . held . simultaneously ; synagogues last Wednesday. A crowd Thursday when an open air.meeting, today. of 5;OO0/perjsons «!anie to the memorial with the participation of 5000 persons, services j&trone synagogue where Hillel was held to protest against the Pal- Melbourne.—(J.T. A.)—The Jewish Zlatapjofeky; Well I?nirt7n Russian Zion- estine atrocities. The resolutions cal- communities in Australia were'greatly! ist leader, delivered the main addresB, ling for the punishment of the guilty shocked at the Palestine outrages and •' There; was: much crying and hysterics officials and their dismissal, reparation at a number-of meetings held-the 1 in the. gathering. "We. are. betrayed for damages and indemnity to the suf- pledge was given to assist the further { by the^ English whom we considered ferers, solution of the Wailing Wall Palestine work in whatever direction' our friends,'* the speaker said. question, and freedom of Jewish im- will be advised.
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Local Zionist District to Meet Next Tuesday
Council Bluffs News
The Omaha Zionist District will hold a . special meeting Tuesday evening. Sept. 10, at the J. C. C. at 8:30 P. M. The chief order of business will be the discussion of the Palestinian riots and the passing of appropriate resolutions. Rabbi Abraham Bengis will be the principal speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tafer visited Club last Saturday honoring her in "Lincoln over the week-end. While sister, Mrs. Joseph Rubin of San y attended the Zolat-Gold- Antonio, Texas. . .-• . wedding at the Cornhusker Miss Irene Hirsqh returned from Hotel Sunday. a six weeks trip in Denver and ColoSadie Tatelman will leave Sat- rado Springs. She will enter Creighurday fo* a two-Week visit - with ton University this fall. friend? In Sfc. Louis, Mo. Miss Sylvia E. Marks of Chicago, Miss Bertha Shafton spent Labor HI., arrived here last Monday for a D^y In KansaB City visiting Miss two weeks visit with relatives. Miss Marks,.who motored here with her Flo^tfttell. / cousins, Mr. and Mrsv Mose Yousem, a S been received by Mr. is a guest at the home-of Miss-Nell Mrs. S. Bobinson here that-their Marks. granflgori, "Irving Achtenberg, /will return this week-end to his home at Mr. A. Steinberg of Los Kansas City after attending the and Mrs. Toby :A.. Silverman and international Boy Scout Jamboree in daughter Elaine are motoring to St, Paul, Minn., where1 they will attend England. the marriage of Mr. Arthur Sieve? -Mrs. L.-Adler, -5015- North -30th, of Minneapolis, formerly of Omaha, returned' Sunday from Elizabeth, to Miss Mary Nolan of St. Paul, cm N} J., after spending & month visit' Sunday, Sept. 8. i. ing with friendB and relatives in The young couple will return with Connecticut, Pennsylvania and New Mrs-. Silvennan to Omaha as her York. guests for two days following the wedding.. Mr. Frank Madison of Denver is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Misses Bess Haykin and Gertrude John Faier. •! Tatle returned Tuesday following a two weeks vacation spent a t Elkhart Mr. and Mrs.". P. H. Kosenblatt Lake, Wis. Enroutfe to Omaha they announce the birth of a son Satur- made a brief visit in Chicago. day, August Si, at the Methodist Mr. E. Oscar Weinstein of Chicago hospital' has visited here for several week* Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Sherman an* with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. noonce the'birth of a. daughter at Weinstein. tfte, Jlethodist hospital 'on Sunday, Mrs. Joseph Rubin of San Antonio, September 1. . -' Texas, who has been visiting here, Mrs. Dade Stene of Hollywood, was called home on account of the Florida, has arrived here to visit with sudden illness of her husband. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Singer, Miss Dorothy Rose of St. Joseph, 3668 Davenport. She will remain here during the month of September. Mo., arrived Sunday evening to visit her,,/ ^grandmother, Mrs. Mamie Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Bobinson, Kneeter. South 61st, announce the "bix-th Mr. Jack Kaiman spent the week* bf a baby girl Mondayj Sept. 2. end in Sioux City with friends and ; Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Bushman of relatives. ' * ,Oak Park, 111., announce the birth of Florence Coly?. of v Detroit i(» V, son Saturday,-?. August,^!. :< Mrs. Bushman, was formerly Miss Bess the guest of her'brother and family, Greenberg of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Conn.
J Association will hold a meeting on Tuesday for their home in • Monday evening, September 9, at the City, making the trip by Legion Hall, 138 West Broadway. Miss Helen Chemiack j Mrs. Harry Krasne -and children home Wednesday evening ] have returned home following a two' Angeles, Calif., where she weeks visit with relatives-in Lincoln,' summer months. j,
By F. K, K.
Due to the tragic conditions in Palestine at the present time, the Jewry everywhere have been asked to do their part and assist in a financial way, which is necessary to bring immediate relief to those suffering there following the horrible attack by the Arabs. Committees j have been canvassing Council Bluffs Jewry this week, and have reported giving a party for members and that the people have responded friends at the J. C. C. Sunday after- generously but much more money is noon. A musical program has been needed. Anyone who has not yet planned and refreshments will be donated their share for the Palestine Emergency Fund • should do so served. promptly and send their checks either The Bikur Cholim will hold a :to Ben I. Seldin, chairman, or Julius meeting Monday, Sept. 9, at 2 o'clock Rosehfeld, treasurer. Others on the at the synagogue at 25th and Seward committees helping this drive include streets. • The organisation' has donated Messrs. Louis Bernstein, Sam Meyerson, Dr. I. Sternhill, Jake Krasne, $100 for Palestine relief. • Ben Kubby, and Harry Cherniss. A program was the feature of a meeting of the Fa-Hon sorority held •• The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud Torah Society -will hold their Wednesday," Aug. 28, at the J. C. C. Miss Sylvia Silverman entertained first meeting of the fall season next "Wednesday afternoon; September 11, the dub wth two readings. at the home of Mrs, Harry Cohen, What the reason of the ant labor- 37 North Seventh Street. All memiously'drags into a heap, the wind of bers are urged to attend. accident will'collect in one breadth. ^Schiller. The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim
Oklahoma motor.
. Kev. Beebe, president of the Amerreturned ican Medical Liberty League, ifiU from LOB deliver an address before the spent the Labor Lyceum club at the Lyceum at 22nd and Clark . Nebr, ' .. • . ! on Tuesday, Sept. 10. Mrs. Nathan Venhoff of Chicago, The meeting is open to the public Mr. Ben Ross left last week for 111., arrived here Tuesday to visit and admission is free. a visit in Los Angeles, California, with relatives in Omaha and Council Bluffs. She was formerly Miss Yrda to be gone for Beveral weeks. Jacobsen of Omaha. Miss Lucille Krasne returned home To your relatives in Russia, Mrs. A. Bromberg returned home last Friday after spending the Poland, Lithuania, RoumaTuesday following a short visit in summer months in Los Angeles, Cal. nia, Palestine, and all other Chicago, 111. parts of the world, The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 MONEY DELIVERED of the Independent Order of the JENNIE FELDMAN WINS TO THE HOUSE B'nai Brith will hold a regular meet- NATIONAL HOSPITAL POST ing next Wednesday evening, Sept. Fast—Resonable— 11, at the Danish Hall. Miss Jennie Feldman, for the past Prompt—Personal two years secretary to Harry B. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Solzman of Zimman of the Brandeis store, left Service Oklahoma City, Okla., Bpent the past Wednesday to take position as field By week-end here visiting at the home secretary for the National Jewish of Mr. Solzman's parents, Mr. and hospital, located at Denver. Mrs. Nathan Solzman. This was Miss Feldman, who is the daughter their first visit here since their of Mr. and Mrs. John Feldman, will 1434 No. 18 WEteter l§4i marriage which was an event of the be stationed in the Pennsylvania and Correspondent in Omaha for early summer at Plaquemine, La. New Jersey district. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Solzman entertained twenty guests et a dinner party at their home Sunday evening, Do not waste your time on social of New York and on Monday evening they enter- questions. What Is the matter with tained about one hundred guests at the poor is poverty. What is the The Bank that Flooded Buni« with American Dollars a reception complimentary to their matter with the rich is uselessness. son and his bride. The couple left -"•"-Shaw. i
i i
Joseph Radinowski
The Amalgamated Bank
Mr. Stanley Shapiro will leave - Mr. Louis Shanock left Saturday for the east for a short vacation. : Sunday, Sept. 8, for New York. . M|B8 Jean Levin of Chicago, 111., Miss Irma Gross of Lansing, Mich., 1B visiting at the home of Mr. and is spending her vacation here with her aunts, Misses Rose and Eva 'ilLr$. J. Abramson. Gladstone. ' Miss Rose Lincoln entertained at a furpriee party in honor of the nineMr. Arthur • Bergman of Chicago ieenth birthday, of her brother; Ed- is the guest of his cousin, Mrs. ward, last Friday. Theresa Sommers and Mrs. David Newman ind Mr. Edward Glick. Mr, ahd Mrs. Samuel Gerson returned Sunday from a two-week Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kneeter of vacation iii Minnesota.. Des Moines, la., spent the week-en«l in Omaha, the guest of Mr. Kneeter's One of the largest of the late mother, Mrs* Mamie Kneeter. summer parties was given by Mr3* Majp Fromkin at the OmaKa Athletic The Junior Daughters of Zipn arc
IN SPREADING on the filling, use a fiat knife. Spread evenly to extreme edges. Except in special mixture recipes, apply the ingredients separately. This way you tare the flavor of each ingredient.
FIRST OP ALL use only Wonder Bread for your sandwiches. It slices easily and toasts better, - Its delicate flavor, adds taste to the sandwich.
Coupon below brings her new recipe booklet free At Left . . . WONDER
BOYS' BOYS'. TWO LONG TWO GOLF PANTS KNICKERS SUITS SUITS Sizes 9 to 18 Ages 6 to 14 Years -Years The amassing, value-giving boys' clothes service offered by Th« Eoys' Own Store must be known to be fully appreciated— not only selections unlimited . . . not only styles and models the latest . . , but standard quality Boys' Suits, deliberately priced at lowest levels to produce greatest Values on record . . . saves you money! Other Wonder Value Boys' School Suits Feature Values, $ 10 to §30 Boys'Kaynee . .—•, •, - / — . Boys'Kaynee Boyfe' New New Shirts Boy*' Blouses School Caps
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This is an exposition of the do's and don'ts of sandwich mak. ing by the famous food authority. Mrs* Proctor telfe her tested secrets of successful sandwiches. How to mix unusual fillers, correct cutting, spreading, hints on how to serve. If you are responsible for the food in your home, it will pay you to read it.
SANDWICH. Cut very thm slices of Wonder Bread hue fan-Shaped slices. Remoye crusts. Spread with creamed butter and cover with a thin piece ef smoked sturgeon cut same shape as bread but a trifle smaller. Roll like a cornucopia and seal with butter along the lapping edge. SrtuiUlpfigs of parsley stuck in the. top -of each cornucopia add to the appearance. Pack and cover with damp cloth until needed.
At Right. . . WONDER PINEAPPLE CREAM CHEESE SANDWICH. Butter two tlkts of Wonder Bread. .Spread one generously ivith cream cheese. On top of the cheese place, but do not mix, a layer of drained crushed pineapple. Cover vith second slice of bread. Trim off cntsts cut diagonally.
To spread on the filling I tue • i*t knife. I am careful to spread to ev«A thickness and to the extreme «dges. In making exceptionally thin «UMIwiches I advise a rather unusual |Jr»cedureeven with Wonder Bread. SgntMi the filling oft the open surface of th* loaf before slicing. This diminates all possibility of breaking the bread whu« applying the filling. Now for cutting. There h but «*» really correct way to cut * *attd*rklt. This is from corner to comer, dividing the sandwich into four parts. Thus in eating you taste filling at every bite.
TyTTTHOUT question, much of die Wf success of the sandwiches I make is due to the bread I use. Under no circumstances will I consider any bread but Wonder Bread. There are several excellent reasons for this. First of all, I find it so easy to slice, even when extremely fresh. No matter how thin I may cut it, it never crumbles. This is due, I suppose, to its remarkably fine texture. Second, the delightful way it toasts. There are never any burned edges to cut off. Nor any scorched, uneven spots. Every slice is the same even, golden brown. With toasted sandwiches so popular today, these superior toasting qualities cannot be overlooked. Third, and in many ways the most important, is the flavorfl have tasted practically every loaf of bread you can buy and many others that you can't, but never have I found the same HEAR THE HAPPY WONEtER BAKERS the newest sensation of the air, every Wednesday evening at 6:30 over WOW.
CUT YOUR sandwich from point to f*mt, dividing it into four portions. Then us you t*t toward the crust, you taste filling at *vtry bite.
WONDER FISH CLUB SPECIAL.Directions: • Toast bread golden brawn. Spread one slice on two sides for center, two slices on one side for top and bottom. Between the first and second slices arrange lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise. Drain and fry kippered herring in butter. Place it piping hot between Second and third tlicts. Serve at once with a bit of celery and an olive.
delicacy of flavor that I find in Wonder Bread. I believe you will be quick to agree to this. Next in importance to the use of Wonder Bread are the fillings I use and the ways I prepare them. Before slicing the bread I see that all necessary tools and ingredients are dose at hand. It is highly important, you see, to combine the filling and the bread quickly.
' My lettuce is washed and dried, Salad dressings mixed, my fillings completely prepared, ingredients in cans, ready opened. LJnder no circumstances do 2 mix tny Ingredients. Except in special mixture recipes, always keep them completely separate. TKis allows each, individual ingredient to ff>i**nt3fa its own characteristic flavor.
Through tnanvexptf ijnenta I have developed several de> iightfuf new sandwich creations. Th«se, together with several old Standby* prepared in unusual ways, I have included in my new "Wonder Sandwich Booklet." Byall meansgiveWoftdw? Bread ft trial. You will find it delightful in every w*f. Your grocer has It fresh twice «»&'•— In the morning and afternoon. A*k kin* for8 loaf today.
g R E E B O _O K . t B T CONTINENTAL . BAKING COMPANY OMAHA, NEBR. Please send me FREE your booklet describing unusual new sandwich Name. ; Address ; City....... .,.;....
SIOUX CITY NEWS— i WORKMEN'S CIRCLE HOLDS Sioux Gity Jewry Unite In DISTRICT MEETING HERE Protesting Palestine Riots In a spirited mass meeting held-last-Wednesday evening, and all Jewish organizations of the cpmmuhityy Sioux City Jewry, raised its voice in protest against the recent atrocities in Palestine: More : than ieveh hundred people gathered, in the Shaar;e ZioriSyiiagcgue, listened to/stirring, appeals of local Jewish leaders; arid responded with cash •contributions for .Palestine relief totaling more-than twenty-five hundred dollars. -This sum was immediately, wired-torreliefhead^uarters-in New York. An additional five hundred dollars had been" raised previously by the local Hadassah group and had already been sent to Hadassah offices in Palestine. .:' :•;-••':/.; ..;.-- . y ' .' -"
The Community Center last Sunday, Sept. 1, was the scene of the District convention of the Workmen's Circle. Delegates from Omaha, So. Omaha, Council Bluffs, Lincoln, and Sioux City, were present and participated in the two day confab. The convention opened with a session from 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. Sunday during which various problems and business of the organization were "discussed and voted on. 'Chairman of this session was Mr. H. Lerner. The next meeting of the Convention delegates took place' from 1 P. M. to 3 P. M. and discussion was resumed. Mr. I. Singer presided. A banquet was held in the Jackson Hotel Sunday evening. The delegates present at the Convention were representatives of over 600 members of the Ring'in the cities before mentioned. They were selected by their organizations to voice the opinions of the-different bodies when discussions and. actions arose • a t the
A feature of the meeting was-the*——'• :—:—: : ; ~* rendering of memorial rites for "those loss of Jewish life and" property. Sixth, Renewal and increased imwho lost their lives -in the recent disturbances, Cantor Pliskin chanting migration of Jews into Palestine. Seventh, Just settlement of Wailing. appropriate ceremonial, hymns.. The Wall problem through government meeting was' presided over by Mr. expropriation of property after adeEdward E. Baron. The speakers who quate compensation. Eighth, And most important of all, outlined the" significance, of ' r e c e n t events, in the holy .land, and^made a full restatement of the policy of the British Government, as • to its appeals for immediate financial aid intention of carrying into effect the were Mr. J. Aizenberg, Mr. -Barney purposes of the Balfour Declaration • Baron, Mr. Dave Dayidson, Mr. A. and Mandate, and L. Galinsky, Mr. John Lahsburg, Mr. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that of this RESOLUTION be Sam Iipman and Mr. "Abejstillman. copies forwarded to the following: Mr. . Gialinsky i s ' cHairman 'of • the 1. The press of Sioux City, Iowa. c o n v e n t i o n w h i c h c l o s e d ^ M o n d a y m o r n -; . ; .•• 2. To the State Department of i n g . ; • • - • • . . • • • • ; . • • • • . • > . • • committee charged ; with ' raising The . committee- of .:• Sioux ' City in. Sioux City's quota in t h e national the United States at Washington. 3. To the Ambassador of Great- charge of arrangements was composed drive fpr funds to' relieve " t h e " i n - Britain at. Washington. jured and impoverished Jews -of Pal4. To Zionist headquarters at of Mi Mason, M. Shiloff, M. Derven, and I. Singer. estine. Wednesday's meeting did not New York. close; the drive in Sioux City, plans being made to visit those who were riot present at the gathering, in an effort to increase the amount-to- be sent t o the "stricken area." | Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Cohen, formerly The following, resolution,. sounding . of Sioux City, and now residing *n Los a protest against the circumstances Angeles, visited at t h e home of Mr. that made possible. the recent disSioux City Jewry are corand Mrs. L. Koolish, 715 30th St., sevorders, and directed at the mandatory dially invited to attend the first eral days, last week. They were on government, was unanimously passed! services of the new Conservatheir way to Los Angeles after a 5 by the. assembly. tive . Synagogue of Omaha to months tour of Europe. Tioth Mr. and be held Friday evening, Sept. • RESOLUTION adopted at a geneMrs. Cohen had a great deal to relate ral mass meeting of all Jewish 13, at the Omaha Jewish Comconcerning their trip and experiences. Citizens of Sioux City, Iowa, on munity Center according to an September 4th, 1929. . ., official invitation extended by Miss Ruth Prtfce of Des Moines is WHEREAS, the British Governthe officers . of the new convisiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. ment has heretofore promulgated the gregation. The inaugural servBalfour Declaration assuring the A. L. Schwartz, 2309 Virginia St. An establishment of Palestine as a Jew-? ices will be followed by a event was held in honor of Miss Pruce ish national home and pledging the public reception in honor of in the home of Mrs. Schwartz. Bridge prestige and authority of the British Rabbi Abraham Bengis, spiriwas the evening's diversion and there Government to the faciliting of such tual leader of the synagogue,' accomplishment, and • were 10 guests. A very pleasant eveand Mrs.Bengis. _"'„ I WHEREAS, the said Balfour Decning, was enjoyed by those present. laration has been fully endorsed by the League of-Nations-and ;by the . Miss Ttuth Kronick, 1100 Jennings Congress of the United States, and WHEREAS, the British Govern- SARAH WEINER, OTTO GRAF St.,,is entertaining Miss Freda Weiner ment was entrusted by the League of CONCERT ON SEPTEMBER 10 of Omaha this week. Several events Nations with. the mandatory power are "being planned in honor of M'ss io rule in Palestine in full conWeiner.-' • »-•'. ' ••• : sistency with the Balfour Declaration ; A two^piano ,-reckaL'. presented by incoroorated in the Mandate, and Miss; Sarah Weiner: of Sioux City;, a WHEREAS, the recent savage, in- Juillard Scholar, and Mr. Otto Graf, . . Miss Ethel Edelstein of Hibbing, human, . unwarranted and outrageous of Ann Arbor, a guest artist, is being Minnesota; is visiting in t h e home of attacks by the-Arabs, upon the peaceher brother-inrlaw and sister, Mr. and ful Jews in Palestine proves con- sponsored by the Daughterhood and Mrs. Abe Agranoff, 170? Mornihgside clusiyely that the Palestinian ad- Ladies' Auxiliary of the Shaare ;Zion Avenue. Miss Edelstein shared honministration of the British Govern- Synagogue • on Tuesday evening, Sept. ors with Miss Frances Beechen -at a ment i s , either inefficient or un- 10, "at"8:15-o'clock] ., reliable and is,' therefoBre, directly dinner Monday in the Sara Davis teaThe concert which willtake place in shop. Mrs. Agranoff was hostess to responsible for..] criminal•'. negligence or such administration,-is-.of • an at- the Davidson Tea Boom is- being pretitude unfriendly to the".' Jews,. NOW sented by two very accomplished ar- 12 guests who devoted the evening to bridge." THEREFORE, • BE IT RESOLVED, that we, The tists and it is expected that an exAffairs last week for Miss Alice Jewish; Citizens of Sioux City, Iowa, traordinarily large attendance will be in . mass meeting, assembled do present. The.Daughterhood and Aux- Schulein,- a bride-elect, included a 1 vehemently condemn the Palestinian iliary" are inviting .all Sioux City. Jews administration of the British GovernST-ALMASTEB ft BEBER, Attorney* ment, for th2 failure to guard against to attend as they expect" one • 650 Omaha National Bank Bids. the recent attacks, and request of of the finest concerts presented reNOTICE. OF ARTICLES OF I>'COR|>OKAth" British Government in /London cently in-Sioux City.' TION OF THE DRESS, CLtJB. ISC.
Sioux City Jewry Invited to Omaha . Synagogue Opening
t h e
f o l l o w i n g : '
First, Effective. restoration of law and order in Palestine.'. . .; .' . . Second, Punishment of direct and indirect offenders ,arid instigators^ Third, Removal of all incompetent officials in Palestine and those not in sympathy with t h e purposes- of* the Mandate. •. - ", Fourth, Reorganization of the police force in Palestine, with the elusion of a reasonable percentage of Jews and the organization- of -adequate military forces.. -', . : Fifth,; Adequate compensation for
Before sending the children to school, be sure that, their.. eyesvare ready* to resiime the strain. Make an appointment for an examination. V , r: ..
OPTICAL 412 Nebraska
Society News
Notice Is hereby given that the -undersigned'.-P. M. Klutznick nml R. J. Holdshers bare formed n corporation pnrsunnt to the laws of the Stnte of Nebraska.'under thfi naraeof The Dress Club. Inc.. with its principal "place'of business at Omahn. Nebraska. The general nature of the business transacted and the object nnd purpose for which this corporation Is ortranized nnd established shall be to operate stores and plants for-the cleaning:, pressinc nnd dyeing of wenrinfr appnrel. cloth nnd material of all kinds; to engnce In the tailoring business; to buy nnd Rell wparinc appnrel: to enpnge In any of said biislnesges as a wholesaler and retailer; to buy. sell find Mease renl cstntp and personal property in. connection with said business nnd t& do any nnd nil things incident or in any manner pertnininp to the aforesaid bnsiness. • Th«^ authorized capital "stock shall he Ten Thonsnnd ($10,000.00) Dollars and n» of said stoclc sbnll be common and of ihe Piir vali«» of One Htir-drml-$tOOX«) Hollars per. shiire. and. said stock'shfill be non-nssessable -jyhen- Issued, The ;-orporaMon shnll commence business npon tlit- filing of its articles with the County -Herk of nonjjlas County, Nebr/iska. and r.iall contlnnc for a period ot -fifty: yei'rs from said date. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed 2-3 ot Us capital stock hut this restriction shall not :ipply to indebtedness.secured by mortjrnceg upon
Mr. and Mrs. N. Yaffee and sons He was accompanied .on his return MBS. BESSIE RIPE, 16 YEARS SIOUX CITY AN,, Saul and Irving and daughter, Min- trip by his brother, Ben Simons. A resident'of"-Sioux City for J t | ette, spent last week-end in the home Mr. Ben Golder left Tuesday of last years, Mrs. Bessie Kife, 1709 E»st 6th of Mr. and Mrs. M. Heligman. week for a weeks visit at Davenport »'street, 46 years old, died'in * Sioux According to the schedule of Mrs. Frank Tuchman and daughter and Chicago. He returned early this City hospital early Friday, August their trip announced before their Roselind, of Omaha, left last Monday week. 30th Mrs. Rife came to Sioux City departure Rabbi T. N. Lewis, past- for Omaha after spending a week as ! direct from, Austria. Sirs. Kife- was or of the Mt. Sinai Temple, and guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs. A. Kroloff and sou, Yale, re- prominent in Sioux City as a member Mrs. Lewis arrived in Palestine Greenterg and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. turned from Omaha last Sunday. of the Independent Ferein. She is about August 19, at the time when Friedman. Mrs. Kroloff visited friends and rela- survived by her husbend, Samufll; a the Moslem uprisings were reachtives residing in Omaha. son, Simon, and a daughter, Bose. Mr. and Mrs. Dansky of Omaha i ing their height." ' were guests in the home of Mr.' and Mr. and Mrs. L. Bernstein of Westcott Undertaking: company was As no notice of a change has Mrs. John Brodkey, Sunday. Minneapolis announce the engage- in charge of arrangements. been received by friends of the Lewises, fear for the safety of the Mr. Sovel Heshelow who has spent ment of their daughter Ussie Ann ;ouple is felt by their friends and the summer in Wessington Springs, to Mr. Joe Hoffman of that city. CHARLES SIMON members of the congregation who So. Dak., has returned to Sioux City | Miss Bernstein is a sister of Mrs. Recommend? are anxiously awaiting word con- where he will now remain. j E, S. Robinow and is known among THE SANITARY LAUNDRY the younger set of Sioux City. cerning the welfare of Rabbi and Miss Dorothy Chisen departed last | Mrs. Lewis. •The Rest of AH Laundry 8ervl<M»" Friday for Denver, Colo., where she j Miss Ida Kaplan departed SaturThe Lewises left Sioux City Furnam A T - 2 8 1 5 will spend a week visiting her brother | day, August 31, for New York City about two months ago for a tour and sjster-in-law._ ..She will return where she will spend a month visitof Europe after which they were next Sunday. . ing friends and "relatives. Prior to Ask Your Dealer For A to go to Palestine for a six week's her return she will stop in Washing-; tour. They expected to return Miss Ida Kaplan has departed for ton, D. C , for a few days. Several about October 1st. New York City where she will spend fareweir courtesies have- been given MUNROE FURNACE a month visitjng friends'and relatives. in her home. SUPPLY CO. Prior to her return she will - stop in o'clock luncheon given in the Sioux 171S Cass J A-4065-6 Washington, D. C. Several courtesies City Country Club by Mrs. Ed Baron. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS have been given in" her honor.' Qn the same afternoon Miss Schulein motored to Omaha, where she was Complimenting Miss Lena Lipman, joined by her fiance, Ellis F . Bottig- a bride-to-be, and Mrs. Esther Kaplow, heimer, of Peoria, 111. Both were hon- of Chicago, Mrs. Sam Passman was | ored guests at a dinner given by A. hostesp a.t an afternoon bridge party j "Manufactured in Omaha" ' 1722 No. 24 St., WE. 0289 Schimmel of Omaha. Mr. Bottig- last Friday in the Davidson tea-room, j : Try "a loaf of your Russian BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. heimer accompanied Miss Schulein to ten tables were arranged for cards, Pumpernicle Bread Sioux City last Saturday where they after which the guests enjoyed a — You'll Appreciate the Taste — remained for several days. During daintily appointed luncheon. this time several affairs were held in Refresh Yourself their honor by some; of Sioux City's Mr, Irving Passman returned last most prominent Hosts and hostesses. Friday from ' a two-weeks visit at I'ttt %n<3 Marthn St» UArne; IOC Iowa City, Chicago, and Des Moines., OMAHA VE15KASKA Sort gray iron, tirnss, oronze nnd Honoring Miss Rose Tilevitz, a Irving satisfied what amounts to all •ilumlnum castings. smndnrd sizes bride-to-be, her mother, Mrs. L. Tele- life-long ambition in that he hitch-, aronz* nno tron bushings, sewer manooles. cistern rings nml covers ami BOTTLER vitz, 1504 Myrtle Street, entertained hiked on the trip. He had a very .•lean-out doors in Block. All kind* of <voo<1 anrt metnl pnltercs 32 guests at. a bridge tea Wednesday enjoyable time. of last week. Mr. Isadore Simons, of Chicago, son Sioux City seems to have been a I of Mr, and Mrs. A. Simons of Sioux mecca for the young Jewish fellows' City visited his parents here last week. After Theatre of Omaha last week. Among those He returned to his home last Sunday. Dancing who visited Sioux City friends were: Awnings, Canvas Covers, Tents, 24th and Farnani Dave Brodkey, Arthur Meyerowich, WALDKDK, SILVER5IAS £ VRVfKrKK Camp Snpplips. AH Kinds 045 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Sam Zack, Dave Platt, and Bill Gere15 and Howard AT. 1492 JPBOBATE NOTICE lick, All were guests at various afIn the matterof the estate of LEAIT fairs here in Sioux City during the VKAXK, YOU ARE ALWAYS deceased. Notice i« hereby given: That the creditpast week. . WELCOME AT. ors of said deceaml will meet the executors of said estate, before me. County Judge Our specialty is
Fear for Safety of Rabbi arid Mrs. Lewis
ADLER BAKERY Pax ton-Mitchell Co.
of Douglas County. Nebraska, at ihe Coun• JACK H". 3I.VRKR, Atlonify ) ty Court. Room, in said County, on the 31st Fourth Floor.- Conrt House ' j day of October. 1929. and on the ,31st rtny In the County Coort of Douglas County. of DecvtnlKT. 1020. at 9 o'clock A. SI., each day. for the purpose of presenting their Nebraska. - • • -- • In the mutter of, the ndoption of I.a claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for! Verne Ruefofd. To Jill persons interested ni said inatlnr: ! the creditors to present fbeir claims, from You am hereby notltied that on the 20th the 2Sth day of September. 1929. day of August, 102!). a itotltion was filed . BRYCE CRAWFORD. in this cotirt by Thomas Richardson and Sept. 6—3T County Judge. Elizabeth Hichardsori. husband ami wife. | residents of Douglas County. Nebmskn. | praying for the adoption of said minor and i the consent thereto of the mother. Lola Mne. Btipford was filed on the same date; that a hearing will .lie h:ul on said petition for adoption before* said court nt 9 A. M., 24th and Harney September 21st. 1921, at the County Court Room of Douglas. County. Nebraska, nnd unless you appear at. sn!d time and place OPEN DAY AND NIGHT nud contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer of said petition 'wehereliy "WE SATISFY ALL" — said minor shall , be adopted hy' Thomas Ulchnrdson and Kli7.:'l>i'th Richardson. BUYCE. CltAVVFORDAug."30-rST. . County Judge:
IRVIN C. tEVIN. Attorney S01 Electric Building . NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT , DEFENDANT In the Municipal .Court, in and for the City of Omaha. Douglas County, Nebraska. To Tom Panebianco, non-resident defendant: • You are hereby notified that on the fifteenth day of August. 1029. Warren E. Rule, as plaintiff, filed his petition in the Municipal Court iii the City of Omaha. Douglas County. Nebraska, recorded on Pnge-49 of Docket X 4. the object and prayer of which are to recover the sum of $o0.24 with interest and the costs of this action: that goods, chattels nnd credits in the hands of Fidelity Storage, and Van Company. H07 Howard Street. Omabav Nebraska, have been attached in the said .action on the ground that you are a nonresident of the State of Nebraska: and that said cause has been continued until the 14th day..of October, 1929, at fl:O0 A. M.. at which time you are required to appear nnd answer in said cause or judgment will be taken against you in accordance with the prayer o f the petition. WARREN K. RUT^E. Plaintiff. By IRVIN C."LEVIN. His Attorney. Aug. 30—3T. " . , . -
Let us ba of good cheer, however, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear arethose which never cornel —Lowell.
• ••:••
11. J. H O L D S B E R G ,
,-•.-• .' Iiirorpor'ators. In the presence of: SAJf BKBBH. Aug. 30—iT. ...:•.-.•.." STAtSIASTER & BEBEK, Attorneys C50 Omaha National Bank Bide. NOTICE OF AI>MINI8TnATlON ••in the County'Conrt.-of Uouclns Countv, Nebraska. -• .
T • I ?J££JJ i l U c '"•'°? i
#•£& • C ^ f ^ l * H I * i i ^ ^ Vmrmmmlsa
estate of HARHY
L I'ETEItS. decensed. - All persons interested in ore hereby notified that a petition hUM been filed iji'siiid Court .nlleBiriK that said deceased died leaving no last will nnd praying for administration upon Uig estate, ami that rae shearing will lie had on said'petition ln^° ! V d C 0 I I r t o» the 13th day of Sept.. 1020, and that if they fall to nppenr nt ?8iS C °. U n °" I t h ? rt 13tb day of Sept.. 102f>. at 0 o'clock A. U. to contest snl.l .petition,.the ( ourt inny.grant the same and grant admiiiisti-jition of said estnle to Harry L. Peters, Sr., or «ome other suitable person and proceed to n. settlement thej-eof.
2920 Farnam
National Accessories, Inc. "Everything for the Auto"
January. 11)30. Immediately thereafter the ,
directors.shall meet and elect the officers. . The officers and directors shall conduct the affairs of the corporation. The corporation HIIIIH havp a seal. The Articles may be amended upon aotlrv as provided for. i
BUXCE OlAWFOttD. Aug. 2S—3X County Judge. Aug. 80—IT.
CHICKEN SHACK Entertainment Chicken Dinners Chicken Sandwiches
2501 Farnam—AT. 5524
EAL Near Beer Soda Water AND Gingcrale
ATlantic 6291 j . M. J K N S E N
638 SccurttieH Bids-
AT. 4451
Peerless Cleaners NATTHA'N S. REISS
WE. 3013
For Bealth
4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 The Hounr With A Imputation
ling Ce.
Rush-En HAKJSICY GOODS AT THE1K IB09 Coming—AT. "826
.."NEW.FOR OLD" 1619 Farnam St.—Phone AT. 8481
Law-"-Library Loose Leaf Specialist in Hand Binding Harry fl iJioMua. Presirtpnr-Tivnsnrer
Omaha Fixture and Supply Co. 'We Occupy Over J0,00fl Squarr
Southwest Cornei Eleventh and n«ngias Streets Phone JAcfcsttn- 2724 - Omaha. Nebr.
JAckson 1614 Estimates Gladly Furnished
Ifith and Capitol Ave.
LARGEST STOCK IN WEST Quick Shipments Our Hobby for 45 Years OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 1206-8 Douglas Street
Standard Shoe Repair Co. J. h. KRAGE, Proprietor
* Qeneral Contractor 492-96 Brandeis Theatre Bl«ig.
I6th and Fnrnam
Omaha Towel Supply Co.
JIONSKT. K.4TLB5t.\Jf « Attorneys 137 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bids. Notice is hereby given that, the underSIKIIC<1 hare pursuant to the laws of the Stnte of Nebraska, formed a corporation. The name of the corporation Is LEVB1 REALTY COMPANY, ivitli Its principal place of bnsiness in the City of Omflhn. Nebraskn. The objects for which the corporation is formed are: to maintain and operate a general real estate holding company, and to buy, sell, mortgage, lease, encumber and deal in renl estate and personal -property of all kinds. Total authorized capital stock is $40,000.00, divided into 1£> shares of ?100.00 per share of Preferred Stock, and 275 sharps "of $100.00 per share of. Common Stock, all of which when issued shall lie fully paid and non-assessable. The corporation shall commence business when these Articles are filed in the office of th« County Clerk of Donclas County nnd shall continue until January 1st, 2029. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed'two-thirds of Its capitnl stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be nuministerert by a board of directors, the number>"Of which board shall be fixed by the the by-laws, but until otherwise provided, shall be three in number. From the directors ,the officers shnll be elected, consisting Of President. Vice-President, SecretaryJind Treasurer. The Secretary need not'be a. member, of the board. The present: Jneorporators shall. be the directors, until the annual meeting of stockholders to be held, on the second Wednesday in
JA. 9728
54th and Center Streets
Certified Public Accountants
H. Arey Stillman, a former Sioux Cityan, who has been studying art in ACCOUNTANT Paris, the past eight.years, will be an instructor in art at • the Sioux City AUDITS — —' SYSTEMS Fine Arts Society school, which opens 534 Peters Trust Bldg.AT. 7611 STAtaiASTEK. & BEBKK. Attorner September 16. (SoO Omaha National Bank BUI?. Classes will be held in the gallery PltOBATE. NOTICE rooms of .the- public library from 10 In the matter ot the estate of M. MOXHKIT, rteceasetl. • : to 12 o'clock in the mornings and. from -XotJcc Is hereby piven: That tbe.creilit- ! I j 5 o'clock in the evenings. There will ors of sa5d deceased, will meot .the' admin- ! Istrntrix of saia estate, liefore me. Connty j be. classes for children Saturday marnr r •B JndgE-oM>oufrlas-Conntr. Neliraska,. at-the I JA.0528 ings. The date of registration will be Connty Court Room, in snld County, on the i .. socu 31st Cay of October. 1029. ana on the 31st I announced!'later. : • ... dajr of December, 1O2J>. at 9 o'clock A. M.. , each day. for the purpose of presenting j TOWEL SUPPLY COMPANY Mr.' Stillman has become famous, in their claims for exnnitnntloh, adjustment , Since 1876 the, past few years for his excellent and allovrance. Three montns .ire nllowe<l for the civditors to present their olaims , work, a great deal of which has been from the 2Sth day of Weptember, 15)29. | displayed- in the most famous art centBRTCE CKAWFOK1), any of the corporate property. Tho affairs Sept. C—3T County Jtidffe. ers of the world. of the corporation shnll lie mfiunswl (,y a I'nnrd of Directors consiKtinR of not. iess than iu-o members, Tlio nir.iunl mettinc of the corporntlon shall lie held on the 2nd Monday of January of e.nch year at which meeting, the stockholders shall elect a Board of Directors, nnd thereupon the Hoard shall elect a-president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Any two of snld offices mny be held by one nt)d the same person. These articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders upon the affirmative vote of 2-3 of all outstanding stpek. . I n Witness wherepf. the parties hereto have hereunto subscribed their names this 22nd day of August. 1020. •:.-..•"• P. « . KLDTZNICK.
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha
317 No. 15
JA. 5604
CLOSING OUT 2,400 gal. of DE-VOE & REYNOLDS paint at $1.95 per gal. All colors. Also 2,000 gal. of Kentucky paints at $1.75. And various railroad wrecked merchandise.
Visit the New
MALASHGCICS Jewelry Store 16th and Howai'd Streets Hill Hotel Building
CURTAINS Of Every Description Beautifully finished. Guaranteed to hang true. 50c per pair, some a trifle more. Special rates on 10 or more pair. JUST PHONE— AT. 4750—MA. 4750.
CMS Wide
Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices It Will Pay You to Inquire.
P l l l t U I * I-EVEY.
" 2. Stt *- .